

Series Stars...
Blood a
Not sure what Kirk Douglas makes of it, but one of
the surprise hits of the television season has been
the Starz drama competition entry: “Spartacus:
Blood and Sand.” And sex.. Oh, and lots more sex.
Certain websites have been going crazy running clips
of the Welsh bodywork of the Thracian Sparty, Andy
Whitfield, and the ex-“Xena,” Kiwi Lucy Lawless as
Lucretia. No, not Borgia. That’s for next year. Maybe.
The show picks up from where HBO’s “Rome” left off
- and left out. It is produced by Lucy’s husband, Rob
Tappert, also responsible for “Xena” and its “Hercules”
predecessor. “Spartacus” is on holiday at the moment
as Andy undergoes treatment in New Zealand for NonHodgkin lymphoma
His show has grabbed the public (as much as
webmasters) with some marvellous work from Scots
actor John Hannah as Lucretia’s husband, Batiatus social climbers, both, they own the ludus, or gladiator
school. “They’re a team like the Macbeths, “ says Lucy.
“He’s the brains and she shores up his confidence.”
She’ll continue to stand by her man in next year’s
prequel - a kind of “Pre-tacus”.
And just stand-out extraordinary is Peter Mensah as
Doctore. At 1.92 m. tall, he usually gets to play figures
of authority. For example, he met James Cameron in
a parking lot and The King of the World cast him, then
and there, as the Horse Clan Leader in “Avatar.”
Much the same happened with “Spartacus.” He was
hired without an audition. And he is clearly stealing the
show as the kick-ass retired gladiator, the high ranking
slave of the ludus owner. He trains “the beasts,” the
gladiators, the old (Spartacus and Crixus) and the new.
He’s not to be argued with. He knows the arena. He
actually survived his battle with the fearsome giant,
Theokoles, and has the scars to prove it.
“The Roman Empire was built on slavery,” says the
Ghana-born Mensah. “A privileged class versus on an
underclass. Nothing new... He understands the perilous
life of the slave warrior, tries to protect and prepare
his charges to the best of his ability. Doctore knows
the intimate and complex workings of the Ludus and
Batiatus and to some extent, The Roman Way, so he
walks the fine line of caring for people on both sides of
the class divide.”
Peter has been in to martial arts since six, when he was
growing up in England, before emigrating to Canada.
He kicked off in Hollywood and his roles rapidly
improved from Hunky Receptionist and Tall Gay Basher
to General Perry in the tele- “Terminator.”
Although “Xena: Warrior Princess” finished nine years
ago, Lucy Lawless remains a New Zealand icon of the
first order... despite her American work in “Battlestar
Galactica” and “The L Word.” “I’ve the most incredibly
loyal fans, incredibly supportive even though I go off
on wild tangents. They understand the difference
between Xena and Lucy and they love me.”
Lucy laughs off questions about the often full-frontal
nudity in “Spartacus.” “Everyone’s got a merkin - just
for fun. I haven’t had to break mine out yet. Next
season, maybe! They gave the men prosthetics. I’m not
sure if they’ve used them yet. Nobody’s telling!” TC
Francis Huster
L’esprit d’équipe
a poignée de main franche, le regard clair, la voix qui
vibre, Francis Huster s’installe dans son fauteuil, prêt à
répondre aux questions des journalistes. Avant même
d’évoquer son actualité à la télévision, au théâtre ou au cinéma,
l’acteur évoque la Coupe du Monde de Football. «Ca sera
magnifique, un spectacle fantastique. Ce sport qui déchaîne
toutes les passions n’est pas sans rappeler notre métier. Nous
avons une troupe, eux,une équipe ; il y a des acteurs sur les
planches, et des joueurs sur la pelouse. Il y a un sélectionneur,
et un directeur de théâtre… vous voyez, il y a des tas de
Huster nous fait une passe lumineuse, « un caviar », comme
dirait Jean-Michel Larqué. Une transition parfaite, dans le
jargon journalistique. Lui qui vient d’être nommé par Frédéric
Mitterrand, ministre de la culture, directeur des «Tréteaux de
France», seul centre dramatique national à vocation itinérante.
«Je ne peux encore en parler car je dois très prochainement
organiser une conférence de presse à Paris et, de plus, je ne
prendrai mes fonctions qu’au 1er janvier 2011. Mais je dois
avouer que je suis extrêmement fier et heureux de succéder à
Jean Danet, le fondateur de cette troupe en 1959, et à Marcel
Maréchal qui en est le directeur depuis 2001. Ces « Tréteaux »,
c’est une magnifique idée : faire partager les grandes œuvres
théâtrales avec tous les publics et principalement les moins
favorisés. Ils ont pour mission essentielle de faciliter l’accès à
des personnes à la création dramatique dans des régions, des
zones dépourvues de salles de théâtre. Je veux perpétuer le
travail accompli par Jean Vilar, Roger Planchon et bien d’autres.
Ce sera, j’en suis sûr, une merveilleuse aventure. Le bonheur de
créer une troupe, d’amener des acteurs confirmés et d’autres
moins connus, de jouer des grands textes…».
C’est un peu ce que Francis Huster a toujours fait tout au long
de sa carrière. Jouer des grands classiques, servir des auteurs
aux côtés de grandes actrices et acteurs et «donner le ballon»
à de jeunes acteurs.
«Oui, c’est vrai comme je le fais en ce moment pour Lisa Masker
qui joue Fanny dans la trilogie de Pagnol et que je prendrai
pour ma prochaine pièce «Sacha, le magnifique» le 22 juin à
la Gaîté Montparnasse. C’est une comédie-causerie où je suis
Sacha qui se raconte, qui parle de lui, du théâtre, des femmes…
jusqu’à ce qu’une jeune fille dans la salle l’interrompe pour lui
signifier qu’elle se moque de tout ce qu’il raconte. Et là une
autre pièce démarre».
Pour l’heure, le comédien a mis la télévision sur la touche «pause».
Quant au cinéma, il a un grand projet en tête. «J’aimerais
adapter «La bête humaine» de Zola et donner toute sa place
à cette locomotive. L’action se situerait en 1870 comme dans
le roman et non en 1930 comme l’avait fait Renoir dans son
film. Un film épique avec de nombreux figurants». Et l’acteur
s’adressant aux journalistes : « Je vous conseille, si vous avez le
temps, de relire cette œuvre de Zola. Elle est magnifique. Par
son style, elle est pratiquement prête à être filmée. La force des
dialogues est prodigieuse. Vous savez, les dialogues dans un
roman, c’est comme « une belle passe au football »… Puis, une
jeune fille vient le chercher pour une séance photo. Coup de
sifflet final. Fin de cette belle rencontre. Fin de partie, comme
dirait Beckett.
En vedette
Birth of a Legend
“Man, I haven’t had this much fun on
the show to date. It’s going to be hard
to beat this one. The most bizarre
part was acting with myself, with the
green screen and a tennis ball on a
stick being the other me.. and then
seeing it all put together. I felt like I
was in “The Parent Trap”!”
Bridget Regan on playing Kahlan
Amnell - both of her! -in “Legend of
the Seeker,” the second Sam RaimiRob Tappert series shooting in New
Zealand. (Their other show, “Spartacus,”
is for adults). Based on Terry Goodkind’s
“Sword of Truth” novels, the series is
a logical development for the team
behind “Hercules” and “Xena.” It’s part
“Lord of the Rings,” part “Harry Potter,”
part “Robin Hood” - not to mention
“Superman” and “Star Wars” - and all
Terry Goodkind.
Since the first tome, “Wizard’s First
Rule” was published in 1994, the bestselling author refused all offers to film
his books. Sam Raimi (the “Spider-Man”
director) approached him about an epic
film -or a five- part mini-series -and finally
won Goodkind over by suggesting the
best way to guard the integrity of his
tales and characters would be a series,
following the epic journey of a young
woodsman, Richard Cypher (Craig
Horner), a wizard named Zeddicus Zu’l
Zorander (Bruce Spence).
Their mission? To stop Darken Rahl
(Craig Parker) from unleashing an
ancient and terrifying power. Their
partner? Enter: Bridget Regan as the
mysterious Kahlan Amnell.
“It’s just a ton of fun.... One day I’d just
be the Confessor-Kahlan [no emotion
and able to blacken eyes with a stare
and rule anyone’s will with a touch].
Next day, I’d be the emotional, lovingKahlan. It was an opportunity to go so
far to the left and so far to the right.
And it was full-on! At the end of the first
day, I was about to collapse
“And the best part about it is that
they’re both really true to who Kahlan is
inside. It’s about the balance. The ying
and yang. Or, whatever you want to call
Tony Crawley
«Legend of the Seeker»
arrive sur TMC et en
projection publique ce soir
dans la Salle Prince Pierre
La vérité par l’épée
Ce soir à 20h, le Festival projettera les deux
premiers épisodes de la série « Legend of the
Seeker : l’épée de vérité » dont la diffusion de
la saison 2 vient de s’achever aux USA… et il n’y
aura pas de troisième saison.
Cette histoire d’heroic fantasy est née de
l’imagination de l’écrivain Terry Goodkind dont
le premier opus, succès oblige, fut suivi d’une
saga qui compte désormais douze tomes, vendus
à plus de 20 millions d’exemplaires et traduits
dans une dizaine de langues. Produite par Sam
Raimi (Spiderman, Evil Dead), Rob Tapert (Xena,
la guerrière) ou encore John Schulian (Hercule),
cette série a été filmée en Nouvelle-Zélande
et fait la part belle à des scènes de combat
impressionnantes. Elle réunit au générique Bruce
Spence (Star Wars épisode III, Australia, Mad
Max), Craig Parker (Le Seigneur des Anneaux) et
des guest stars prestigieuses comme Ted Raimi
(Xena, Spiderman 3) et Charisma Carpenter
(Buffy contre les Vampires, Angel).
Prix du Public
version glamour
Qui pour succéder à Hugh
Laurie et Lisa Edelstein, les
deux héros de Dr House ?
Pour la deuxième année
consécutive, TMC et Télé 7
Jours s’associent pour décerner,
ce soir, le Prix du public lors du
Festival de Télévision de MonteCarlo, et qui fait écho aux
50 ans de l’hebdomadaire télé.
Télé 7 Jours et TMC remettront
ce prix à «l’actrice et l’acteur
les plus glamour de l’année».
Un enquêteur sexy, une
chirurgienne irrésistible, un
mentaliste au charme ravageur
ou une ménagère séductrice.
Le prix du Public permettra
une nouvelle fois aux
téléspectateurs de TMC et aux
lecteurs de Télé 7 Jours d’élire
celui et celle qui les ont fait
craquer cette année.
En vedette
Hugh Dillon
connaît la musique
Comment un chanteur de Punk Rock est-il devenu le leader de
l’Unité de Réponses Stratégiques de Toronto (SRU), sorte de
commando d’élite canadien, dans une série au succès international.
C’est toute la magie de la carrière de Hugh Dillon, bercé entre cinéma,
télévision et musique, qui vient d’achever de tourner la 3è saison de
«Flashpoint» -diffusé chez nous sur Canal+ - et prêt à enchaîner sur
une saison 4. «C’est une vraie série d’action avec un côté émotionnel
fort qui la rend différente des autres séries» déclare-t-il.
Pour incarner son personnage, il a longtemps suivi les officiers de
police, les vrais. Il leur a parlé pour mieux comprendre leur style de
vie, leur ressenti et traduire toutes ces émotions dans son jeu.
En plus d’être un bon acteur, Hugh Dillon est donc aussi musicien. Il
a commencé lorsqu’il était jeune avec un groupe de Punk Rock qui
s’appelait « The Head Stones ». Cet été, il va même s’offrir avec son
groupe une tournée en Amérique du Nord. Et son grand plaisir est
de contribuer directement à la bande-son de « Flashpoint ».
Prochain rendez-vous (original) de Hugh Dillon en Europe : il sera le
20 juin au cimetière parisien du Père Lachaise pour rendre hommage
à ses stars préférées qui ont là leur dernière demeure, à commencer
par Jim Morrison.
Un jour,
une photo
L’exposition « L’humanité en guerre », organisée par
le CICR, montre en 40 clichés les atrocités de la guerre
sur 150 ans de conflits.
Hier, c’est le comédien Jean-Claude Drouot, qui a visité
cette exposition et a retenu une image : «Exécution de
civils français par les nazis au Fort de Romainville en
1942». Après un long silence, le comédien commente :
« Que voit-on ? Des corps jetés comme une poubelle.
Et puis, il y a ces deux êtres, unis dans une dernière
étreinte. Se connaissaient-ils, étaient-il amants, frères et
sœurs, voisins d’immeuble… ? Autant de questions qui
restent sans réponse. Mais, devant une telle barbarie, il
reste l’amour ».
En vedette
Joe Mantegna
Esprit criminel… et sportif
«Après 40 ans de carrière je suis incapable d’imaginer ce que je ferai dans 10 ans »
déclare Joe Mantegna. Cet acteur, réalisateur, producteur et scénariste est désormais
David Rossi, le nouveau chef de l’équipe des profilers d’Esprits Criminels, un rôle qui
a inévitablement renforcé « mon respect pour les différentes forces de sécurité qui
veillent chaque jour».
Pour mieux se préparer à son personnage dans cette série qui s’est imposée en France
sur TF1 -la 6è saison va démarrer aux USA-, Joe Mantegna avoue avoir passé beaucoup
de temps avec de vrais profilers dont le métier est de chasser les sociopathes. « Ce
sont les chevaliers blancs des temps modernes qui, au contraire de moi après une
journée de tournage, dort tranquillement, eux n’ont peut-être pas cette chance dans
la réalité ».
Quels conseils donnerait-il à un jeune acteur : « Il faut se focaliser sur la journée et non
la destination… »., explique-t-il forçant la comparaison avec « l’objectif du sportif qui
doit gravir tous les échelons pour espérer pouvoir atteindre son meilleur niveau ». Tout
naturellement, Joe Mantegna évoque le soccer, « le football qui doit devenir encore plus
populaire aux Etats-Unis car je trouve que c’est le parfait sport international » … et en profite
pour nous livrer son pronostic à quelques jours de l’ouverture de la Coupe du Monde de football:
« Une finale Italie-Brésil serait géniale ! ». Laisserait-il parler ses racines italo-américaines ?
Larry Hagman
Le très aimable JR
Le chapeau texan rivé sur sa tête, distribuant, à la fin
de chaque interview, des billets de 10 000 dollars à son
effigie avec, en exergue, « In Hagman we trust », tel est
apparu au Festival Larry Hagman alias l’abominable JR
dans la série culte « Dallas ».
Le temps a passé mais le regard bleu et le sourire « white
teeth » sont toujours présents sur ce jeune homme de 79 ans.
Loin de la promo, Larry n’a aucune pression sur ses épaules
et il se prête volontiers aux séances photos et d’interviews.
« On m’a parlé d’une suite de «Dallas» pour la télévision
où je jouerai le grand-père. Voilà un rôle qui ne sera pas
de composition puisque j’ai cinq petites filles. Il y a aussi un
projet de la série «Dallas» au cinéma et c’est John Travolta
qui est pressenti pour le rôle de JR. C’est un bon choix.
J’aime cet acteur ». Pour avoir été présent tout au long
des quatorze saisons de la série, des liens d’amitié se sont
tissés au fil des ans. «Je vois régulièrement Linda Gray (ndlr
Sue Ellen, sa femme dans la série) et je pêche et je chasse
en compagnie de Patrick Duffy (ndlr Bobby Ewing, son
frère)». Originaire du Texas, Larry y réside dans un ranch
utilisant à fond les énergies renouvelables. «Je suis sensible
à l’écologie. Après la coupure d‘électricité qui s’est abattue
sur la côte Ouest des Etats-Unis, j’ai compris l’importance de
pouvoir disposer de sa propre énergie. Voilà pourquoi, j’ai
installé des panneaux solaires dans mon ranch. Et je revends
10 000 dollars d’électricité en plus. Je fais du bon business».
Par contre, au moment où il était un Ewing, il s’est fait gruger
par un escroc. « J’ai voulu investir 5 000 dollars dans un puits
de pétrole. Mais le type à qui j’ai confié l’argent est parti avec
pour faire un safari en Afrique », raconte l’acteur. Mais en
tout cas, au vu de la popularité qu’il a rencontrée à Monaco,
Larry Hagman reste le roi du pétrole.
Series Stars...
Do You Tivo Tiva?
“Right now, we are challenging cheese for
popularity, and cheese is pretty popular.
So I don’t know... if we are going to beat
cheese or not.”
Every line’s a laugh with “NCIS” hunk Michael
Weatherly. He gave us some of our liveliest pix here
in 2006 - kissing the feet of actress Tichina Arnold on
discovering it was her birthday... “I’ve almost a phobia
about interviews. I get all paranoid and freaked out,
going: Why did I say that?”
The reason Weatherly is alarming cheese so much is
the inevitable idea to zest up any long running show the will-they-won’t they question about Maddie/David,
Mulder/Scully, and now Weatherly’s Tony DiNozo and
Ziva David, the new Special Agent and ex-Mossad
liaison officer played by the Chilean-American actress
and singer Cote de Pablo.
Like the infamous Bennifer of old, they are now known
as Tiva... leading to fans sending numerous text
instructions home: “Willya Tivo Tiva?”
“Ziva’s completely different from anyone else on
the show because she’s been around men all her
life,” says Cote, a common nickname for María José
in Chile. “She’s used to men in authority. She’s not
afraid of men.”
The Tiva speculation stems from a chapter that should
have been entitled: “We’ll Always Have Paris.” Because
there they were - who remembers why anymore. “The
truth of what happened,” suggests Weatherly, “can
be discovered inside the episode itself. If you really
listen to what they say, I think that it’s pretty clear what
happened: Nothing.”
Oh yeah? We need to be like those things the squad
often issues: BOLOs. Be On Look Out.
Why, for example, in that Paris cafe, did she ask him
why he was in such a pleasant mood. “What’s wrong
with you?” And he replied: “I slept well last night.
Didn’t you? You looked comfy enough.”
Knowing smiles are exchanged. Aha!
“I’m very happy with where things are right now,” is
Weatherly’s take on the speculation. “But you never
know what will develop. The writers may one day think
they’ve cracked the chemistry riddle... making us a fullon couple without killing the chemistry and tension that
make people watch.”
As for Cote, she says let it be... (Told you she was a
singer). “If you solve something completely, especially
on a TV show like this, it’s no longer fun. It is a complex
relationship, and there is so much more to explore.”
So, that is Tiva. Er, not anymore, because, naturally,
Michael says: “It’s Zony not Tiva from here on out,
people!” Every line a laugh...
Tony Crawley
Series Stars...
Josh Hopkins introduces
his “Cougar Town” partner
Busy Phillips to Monaco
Busy By Name...
Yes, the name is on her driver’s license. Busy Phillips. Her
parents called her Elizabeth Jean, then Busy because she
always was. The name stuck. So did the reason. During
the last decade, she has busied her way through such TV
series as “Dawson’s Creek,” “Entourage,” “E.R.,” “Freaks
and Geeks,” “Love Inc,” “Malcolm in the Middle” and
“Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles.”
Mr. Everyman
And did I forget voicing Korlianne in... wait for it... “Super
Robot Monkey Team Hyperforce Go!”
Her movies include “He’s Just Not That Into You” with
Jennifer Aniston, Now Busy is partnering another “Friends”
star, Courteney Cox, in the new hit sit-com, “Cougar Town.”
The show was born because Cox ached for comedy again
and called up an old “Friends” scripter, Bill Lawrence, creator
of “Spin City” and “Scrubs.” The result is a deft look at sexist
and misogynistic America where, as Lawrence says, it’s fine
when Michael Douglas and Gwyneth Paltrow share a movie
“but when Sandra Bullock and Ryan Reynolds do a movie, I
read the word ‘cougar’ in about a 100 reviews.”
Using more women than male writers, Lawrence told Courteney
that this could be a high-risk, high-reward show.
And she went for it, co-producing it with her husband David
Arquette and their company, Coquette.
So, Courteney Cox is now Jules Kiki Cobb, a recently divorced
single mom exploring the truths about dating again and
ageing. Like a Take Two of Julia Louis-Dreyfuss’ hit, ”The New
Adventures of Old Christine.” Jennifer Aniston, who may guest
(Lisa Kudrow has) on the Florida-set show, is planning her own
movie version, “Pumas.” And blonde Busy (“I am not Bijou”)
Phillips is terrific as Laurie Keller, Cox’s fiesty young assistant
in a real estate office, forever encouraging her to get out there
and have some fun by diving back into the dating pool.
“The dynamic is pretty great,” Busy reports. “It’s one of those
things that happens on a TV show where you have all these
people that can pretty much work well together. But it’s not
until you actually get them in scenes together that you go: Oh
wait - that kinda works. Let’s explore that”... such as the sparkle
between her and Josh Hopkins’ characters. Will Courteney find
out about them? Stay tuned. Carefully. As the show is going to
be re-titled because ABC find too many people saying they’d
never watch a show called “Cougar Town” - and yet on seeing
it, they say, “Oh, I’d watch this!”
y Paul Allen, Microsoft’s co-founder in “Pirates of Silicon
He makes an impact wherever he lands. As the might
District Attorn
Valley,” Raymond Milbury on “Ally McBeal,” Assistant
was Warren Salter when re-joining Calista
Babcock in “Pepper Dennis.” There’s more... He
in the sadly axed “Swingtown” with Molly Parker and
with all her “Brothers & Sisters,” Roger
and Dr. Noah Barne
Davenport (well, it was like “Coupling Continued”)
and last
is his longest TV role - 44 episodes to date over this
through the young(er) demoiselles
year. Ellis is a divorced bar-owner cutting a swathe
Courtney Cox who,
County, Florida - to the annoyance of his neighbour,
bitten by love
rving accuracy of a William H. Macy. In his most recent
As per usual, Hopkins nails the part with the unswe
to rural Pennsylvania, to bury
“Lebanon, PA,” he is a Philadelphia ad man travelling
is a former former
Tony Crawley
Series Stars...
Bold And Beautiful Love
Some of the cast of The Bold And the Beautiful, the world’s most popular soap,
are in Monaco this week to meet up with the winners of a competition that was
run in the lead-up to the MCTVF. The four winners, who were also allowed to
invite a friend or partner, spent time with the cast, as well as attending Sunday
night’s Gala Opening and the screening of You Don’t Know Jack.
ETs have invaded every major
city on earth. And they’re
not as friendly as Spielberg’s
cuddly little guy. The Visitors,
as they’re known, look great
- like supermodels! - and
promise us advanced medicine
and technology and... peace.
They lie. Slowly, surely, the
reptilian Vs prove malevolent.
They start taking over... by
simply winning our devotion.
They have to be stopped.
Enter: The Resistance. Who
will win?
We’ve been here before. Not just in H.G. Wells, but the “V”
mini-series of 1984 (aha!). Only the sex has been changed.
The 1984 hero Marc Singer and his TV news girlfriend are
now tough FBI Counter Terrorist Agent Erica Evans and
smarmy TV news man Chad Decker. The new Vs are led by
Brazilian Morena Baccari (“Firefly”) as Anna, assisted by Laura
Vandervoort who takes a shine to Erica’s son Logan Huffman as errant as his 80s’ counterpart.
The “re-imagining” proved an immediate winner (14.3m
viewers), although some critics suggested the politics had
also changed sex, from left-wing to right. If the original was
anti-Reagan, the new was anti-Obama. The Vs, for example,
promise hope, change and universal health care. Er, isn’t that
what they offered in ‘84?
The Bold And
The Beautiful’s,
Wood, Brandon
Beemer and John
McCook with
the competition
winners at the
Monaco Bay Hotel
Elizabeth Mitchell and Scott Wolf
should be having a welcome
respite here from dealing with
the Vs - except Anna the alien is
also in town. Elizabeth was one
of The Others in “Lost.” On-stage
she appeared in all genres from
Shakespeare to “Chicago.” Her
TV breakthrough (and Angelina
Jolie’s) was the HBO film, “Gia,”
in 1998. She later played Mrs.
Macca in “The Linda McCartney
“I liked that Juliet was sneaky
in ‘Lost.” And I like that Erica’s
tough. You don’t wanna mess
with her!”
Last seen in “Firefly,” Marena Baccarin says her goal is to make
the audience feel drawn to creepy, scary Anna. ”She shouldn’t
be robotic or alien... She had to be very calm, controlled and
nurturing - human! - so people trust her. She’s being the best
leader she can be. And if it’s at the expense of a couple of
humans, so be it. It’s like having your neighbour turn out not
to be who you thought they were.”
Scott Wolf can never forget the “V” pilot. He was hung-over in
Vancouver, when his pregnant wife, Kelley, called on Saturday:
“It’s happening. You gotta get on a plane.” “Thankfully, I had
the good sense not to tell a woman who was about to push
out something the equivalent of a bowling ball out of her own
Tony Crawley
body that I had a headache...”
Sur le vif
Simon Baker
Paula Trickey
Elizabeth Mitchell
Ice T
Luke MacFarlane et Emily Vancamp
r une décennie
ival et la Télévisio
John Forsythe et son épouse
Judith Magre,
Jacques Ertaud et
Nicole Courcel
1993 Mike Connors, Marcy Walker et
S.A.S. le Prince Héréditaire Albert de Monaco
Bernard et
Sophie Fresson
1992 Soirée de Clôture
Horst Tappert et
Stéphanie Powers
Mel Ferrer
Robert Vaughn, Marie-Christine Barrault et
S.A.S. le Prince Héréditaire Albert de Monaco
de la décennie
roche la Nymphe
1990. Holly Hunter déc
tation féminine pour «Roe
de la meilleure interpré
lement primé pour
vs Wade» (NBC – USA), éga
illes» (Antenne
son scénario. «Le
i-série. Jeanmin
2) est consacrée meilleure
iennent une
Pierre Marielle et
dan «Bouvard et
mention spéciale pour leur rôle
Pécuchet» (FR3)
Nymphe d’Argent de la
ciale à
pour «Marie Curie» (FR3)
s «The
l’acteur Ian Rich
Gravy Train» (Channel 4 – Gra
Paul Wendkos
1992. Le meilleur réaltylisa»teu(WIr est
USA), tandis
pour « Presumed Gui
que Michel Piccoli reçoit une
dit de
pour son interprétation
phe d’Argent de la
John Hurt décroche la Nym
« Red Fox » (LWT –
meilleure inte
re fois Canal+ son entrée
1993. Pour la premiè
tival avec «la Femme de
dans le palmarès
ouge Monégasque,
l’Ombre» : Prix de la Croix-R
ADE et Nymphe
mention spéciale du
Thierry Chabert. Et
d’Argent pour le réalisateur
io Morricone pour
autre mention spéciale
ana» (RAI 1 – Italie)
la musique de «Una Storia Itali
1992 Gina Lollobrigida
Faits marquants
de la décennie
Annie Girardot
12 avril 1992
Arrêt des images pour la 5. La
succèdera à l’écran noir sur le cinq
réseau hertzien français chaq
ue jour
entre 19h et 1h.
1er janvier 1993
Naissance de la chaîne euro
d’information en continu Euronew
scène du Suisse Claude
1994. La mise en ée
pour «Goupi Mains
Goretta est distingu
mini-séries, Nymphe
Rouges» (TSR).
O’Neal et l’acteur
d’Argent pour l’actrice Tatum
Robert Coltrane.
linaro, meilleur réalisa
1995. Edouard Mo
ait Maisie» (TF1). Meilleur
pour «Ce que sav
pour «L’Affaire
scénario d’une mini-série
), signé Jorge
Dreyfus» (An
Semprun et Yves Boisset
la Nymphe d’Or du téléfilm
1996. TF1 décrochetem
ps », également primé
miavec « Parents à
oli est récompensé
pour son scénario. Michel Picc
mande « Todliches
pour son rôle dans
Geld (SAT1)
I – Italie) est la meilleu
1998. « La Piovra » (RA
Rouge et le Noir » est
mini-série, tandis que
n-Daniel Verhaeghe
récompensé au travers de Jea
t (actrice)
(réalisateur) et Carole Bouque
20 mai 1995
TF1 diffuse pour la première fois
la série
américaine « Melrose Place »
Naissance de CanalSatellite, le
bouquet français.
« Le Comte de Monte-Cristo »,
de Josée
Dayan diffusé sur TF1. Avec
Depardieu, Ornella Muti, Pierre
Jean Rochefort, Inès Sastre,
Darel, Roland Blanche
2 juillet 2000
Meilleure audience de l’année
avec la
finale de l’Euro de football
(France / Italie) sur TF1 avec 21
440 860
millions de téléspectateurs et 77.5
% de
part de marché.
Series Star...
“This is the last season. Time to start killing people! You
think the dog is safe? The dog’s not safe. You kidding me.
[Laugh]. You mean you’re not watching the finale now
because they killed the dog!”
Jorge Garcia having fun as usual even when discussing - or
trying not to - “Lost” entering the ether of televisual history.
Along with “Brideshead Revisited,” “Dallas,” “Dragnet,”
“I Love Lucy,” “Rawhide,” “Seinfeld” and “Star Trek” in
the great celestial filing cabinet (or DVD cabinet) marked:
Remembrance Of Things Past.
After 114 episodes since 2004, Jorge’s Hugo “Hurley” Reyes
and what was left of the survivors of Oceanic Flight 815 (Sydney
to Los Angeles) on that desert (ha! ha!) isle have finished their
story. And, maybe, their glory.
Jorge, a Cuban-Chilean-American actor and occasional standup comic - born in Nebrasks in 1973 - was the first signed for
the show - after testing as Sawyer. (Matthew Fox also tested as
Sawyer, so did Dominic Monaghan, if you remember Dominic
How did Jorge feel after the final day’s shooting? “Exhausted!
I started 9.30am Friday, finished about 5.30am on Saturday. It
was tiring, it was wet and... kinda perilous.“ He deserves his
rest. We all have our favourites on the island. Sassy Sawyer,
Dr. Jack, luscious Kate, commanding Locke, mysterious Sayid,
enigmatic Jin Kwon... However, we all - well, most of us - always
come back to Jorge’s Hurley. The others, they had their own
agendas (always changing as some seasons went completely
haywire) but Hurley remained Hurley.
He was an important character. As important as Pam in
“Dallas.” Because like Pam, Hurley was the most essential part
of any series. Because, like Pam, Hurley was... us!
So what happens in the last “Lost”? Jorge’s not saying. I’m not
saying. I could but Jorge would kill me. Or sit on me. (Same
“People don’t really want to know what happens. They ask you for
just a second, but then they don’t want to know... When I read the
last script, I was very satisfied. I was like - good!”
Series Stars...
Once described as “the most beautiful human ever,” Taye
Diggs was working as one of the Disney characters in
Tokyo’s Disneyland in 1966 when he heard he’d won his
greatest break - the evil landlord Benny in the Tony Award
and Pulitzer Prize-winning Broadway show, “Rent.”
His triumph in the Jonathan Larson musical (based on Puccini’s “La
bohème”) opened doors to more Broadway shows, movies (“How
Stella Got Her Groove Back,” “Equilibrium”) and TV, from “Ally
McBeal” to “Kevin Hill” - a swinging bachelor lawyer suddenly in
charge of his cousin’s ten month old daughter.
During an interview in 2006, Diggs mentioned his favourite show of the
moment included a certain “Grey’s Anatomy.” Cut to 2007 and he’s
playing Dr. Sam Bennett at Seattle Grace Hospital for two chapters
as a lead-in to Shonda Rhime’s spin-off, “Private Practice,” still going
strong after 50 hours of high maintenance medical thrills and spills.
Diggs got his BA degree in musical theater from Syracuse University
and made his debut in the ensemble cast of the five-time Tony Award
winning musical, “Carousel.” He met his wife, Idina Menzel, on
Broadway; they appeared together in three shows and had therir
own productioin last September: Walker Nathaniel Diggs.
Well, that’s what it says on the birth certificate But his folks call him
anything but. For a few examples, Skywalker, Walkman, Walkathon
and Little Papa, “I’m worried that he doesn’t know his name because
we have so many nicknames for him,” says Pop, whose own nickname,
Taye, stems from the playful pronunciation of Scotty as Scottay.
“These days,” he went on, “my own name has turned into: Honeycould-you-just.? As in... Honey-could-you-just get me some tea?
Honey-could-you-just get the baby seat? Honey-could-you-just…?
Honey-could-you-just…? ‘Yes, baby, I’m right there!’”
A Hero For More
Than One Day...
Without question it has been
one helluva year for Jimmy
Jean-Louis - the Haitian-born, er,
Haitian in “Heroes.”
January 12 His homeland suffers
a devastating earthquake killing
thousands and making many more
homeless. Jimmy fears his elderly
parents had died in their crushed
January 16-17 He flies home for
an emotional reunion with his folks.
“It was just this amazing relief to
be able to see them and hug them.
That was great... It’s so terrible what
has happened to Haiti. People still
have no idea of how bad it is, even
with all the videos you see. It is
extremely, extremely bad. Bodies
being burned...something I wouldn’t
wish anyone would ever see.”
February 1 Jimmy is there when
Paul Haggis directs the video of
“We Are the World 25 for Haiti”
in the same studio as the original
25 years ago. Also taking part:
Jeff Bridges, Hary Connick Jr.,
Miley Cyrus, Celine Dion, Jennifer
Hudson, Gladys Knight, Barbra
Streisand, etc.
February 10 The video is first
broadcast during the start of the
Vancouver Olympics.
March 21 He joins Danny Glover
in a Washington special event
to benefit two charities working
in Haiti including Jimmy’s fund,
Hollywood Unites For Haiti.
Jimmy started studying dance
in Paris, modelled for Ferré and
Valentino, in Italy, spent three years
in the musical, “La Belle Epoque,”
in Spain and made the French
“Emmanuelle” TV series and movies
with Monica Bellucci, Jane Fonda,
Harrison Ford, Bruce Willis
“From a young boy growing up
in Haiti, living with no electricity
or running water, my journey to
Hollywood has been rich with
experience. I take little for granted
and appreciate the beauty of life,
knowing that there is so much
more to learn.”
Tony Crawley
Series Star...
After twelve months of rumouring and denying,
then admitting and announcing, planning and
prepping, the renovated “Melrose Place”
was born on The CW - a year after it also
resuscitated “90210.”
According to official identikits, the seven new
characters - in the same apartment complex as the
1990s original - are... wannabe film-maker Jonah Miller
(Michael Rady); hunky hippy and “recovering alcoholic”
Auggie Kirkpatrick (Colin Egglesfield); “straight-arrow”
med student Lauren Yung (Hong-Kong-born Australian
Stephanie Jacobsen) on such hard times she “trades sexual
favors for financial ones;” PR wiz Ella Simms (Katie Cassidy),
with a tongue as sharp as her stilettos; small-town teen Violet
Foster (Ashlee Simpson-Wentz, Jessica’s singer-actress sister),
“fresh off the turnip truck”... but no innocent.
And our “Melrose” visitor... Shaun Sipos is the essential goodlooking bad boy, David Breck, son of the previous version’s Jake
Hanson, “with the taut abs and thick black book to prove it.” (The
PR girl is his omnisexual lover). Shaun is of Hungarian descent. Like
co-star Jessica Lucas, he’s also from British Columbia. He’s been seen in
various numerics - “Final Destination 2,” “The Grudge 2.” “Skulls 3.” Mel
Gibson hand-picked him for his TV comedy, “Complete Savages.” Shaun has
also worked on “CSI: Miami,” “E.R,” “Shark,” “Smallville” and “Southland.”
The Sipos frise is just beginning. Watch this space.
Tony Crawley
Enter: TV Xchanges
Justin Bodle,
CEO and
of Power
Aviva Silver,
Head of
Unit - MEDIA
and Media
In 2009, the Monte Carlo TV Festival introduced the TV
Xchanges Programme in order to offer visiting film and TV
executives a platform where ideas about the most important
and relevant topics of the day can be shared and exchanged.
Silver Lining For Fiction
Wednesday afternoon’s TV Xchanges round table discussion
about Fiction Funding features Aviva Silver, Head of Unit - MEDIA
Programme and Media Literacy, European Commission: “Currently
around €12 million or 10% of our yearly budget goes to fiction, but
that may well change as we are currently examining the impact on
the sector of the multimedia revolution, and we may well end-up
shifting the focus of funding towards drama,” she says.
The MEDIA Programme currently partly funds 1500-2000 audiovisual
projects per year through some 25 calls for proposals: “There is
more interesting news for fiction producers in that the MEDIA
International programme, which was only for cinema productions,
is being replaced by MEDIA Mundus starting next year. The €15
million is also available to TV broadcasters as well as producers,”
Silver says. “The aim of the programme is to encourage international
cultural diversity through greater co-operation on audiovisual
The rapidly changing nature of the TV industry is triggering new
research at MEDIA: “We are certainly going to be looking at TV and
its place in the audiovisual scene,” Silver says. “There have been a
lot of changes and it’s not easy to see where it’s going, but it’s clear
that the audience wants to be more involved. The epoch of the
passive spectator is over.”
While it might seem that documentaries are growing in popularity,
there is a fundamental commercial difference between that genre
and fiction: “Yes documentaries are popular but not as much as one
might imagine,” she says. “And then there is the problem that they
lack a secondary market, which is not the case with fiction.”
Charles Floyd
Producer, NCIS
New Business Models
For A Brave New Digital
In the opening debate of the TV Xchanges
programme today ay 9.30 in the Salle Van
Dongen, Justin Bodle, CEO and Chairman of
UK production house Power, Christian Charret,
President, Geteve, Martin Moszcowicz,
Member of the Board at Constantin Film,
Takis Candilis, SVP Audiovisual Production,
Lagadere and Carlo Bixio, President,
Publispei, will be discussing New Business
Models For TV Drama Production.
“We need to look beyond the business
models of today. We are looking at returning
full circle to the syndication business of old in
the US. I am fed up with Television being the
poor sister to a film industry that production
keeps in work, every day, in its absence,
Bodle says.”
Following that, in his keynote speech today at
11.30 in the Salle Van Dongen, Charles Floyd
Johnson, Executive Producer, NCIS, will be
discussing the nature of the ever-changing
television landscape. “I’ll be talking about
the high definition and digital revolutions, the
importance of social media, the relevance of
new technologies and also introducing some
ideas about new business models,” he says. GS
Focus on Germany
g Fiction
The Facts Behind Fundin
As part of this year’s focus on Germany, The Monte Carlo TV Festival News
talks to Norbert Sauer, managing director and executive producer at UFA
Norbert Sauer, managing director
and executive producer at UFA
Fernsehproduktion, will be taking
part in Wednesday’s Round Table
discussion on Fiction Funding
An MCTVF regular who has twice been nominated as Best Producer in the Golden
Nymphs, and who last year was a jury member, Norbert Sauer will be appearing on
Wednesday’s TV Xchanges Programme in the second Round Table discussion about
Fiction Funding: “Funding fiction is very challenging these days partly because it is almost
impossible to produce a series without being involved in a co-production, and partly
because broadcasters have less money. But having less money does not mean that they
have stopped needing high-end dramas. In fact they heed them more than ever,” he says.
“Therefore I feel that it is absolutely the right moment to present some ideas about new
funding models at the MCTVF. Our motto at UFA is ‘Inspiring People’ and it is an attitude
that goes into everything we produce, from formats right through to our flagship crime
dramas such as The Fifth Commandment and Soko Leipzig.”
In order to be able to produce fiction to its own very exacting standards, UFA has
formed a subsidiary department called The Berlin Office to handle all its international coproductions. The unit works regularly with Talkback Thames.
“Ten years ago it was mainly individual companies producing drama series, but now coproductions are the norm. When you add to that the fact that European producers are
competing with US drama powerhouses like HBO, clearly it is essential to have enough
funding to do the job properly,” he says. “I am totally inspired by the quality of classic
US fiction but clearly UFA is aiming to produce shows that are not only of the same high
standards, but also ones that have real longevity.”
Co-Productions RULE
As part of this year’s focus on Germany, The Monte Carlo TV Festival
News talks to Christian Dorsch, General Manager, German Films Service
& Marketing and German Films Project Co-ordinator Konstanze Welz.
Since underwater submarine drama Das Boot shocked and thrilled
international audiences in the early 1980s, German directors have been in
demand all over the world. Now a new generation of directors and films,
in some cases nourished and inspired by the re-unification of the country,
have re-established German cinema as a powerful global brand.
“Films like black & white drama The White Ribbon, directed by Michael
Haneke which won the Palme D’Or and was nominated in 10 out of 13
categories in the German Film Awards, are part of a new wave of films,”
Dorsch, says. “Then there are The Lives Of Others, Run Lola Run and
Goodbye Lenin, are extremely successful abroad and we are again seeing
a new talent exodus to Hollywood, but that’s the way the business works
and it’s a kind of compliment.”
Despite the preponderance of co-productions these days, Konstanze Welz
does not see individual and national characteristics being diluted: “We have
18 films at the Cannes Film Festival this year and all are co-productions,
because you simply have to do that these days, even someone like Lars von
Trier is obliged to co-produce his films but they are still very much his films,
and very much Danish films,” she says. “Making films is very much a people
business and we make a huge effort to put our directors and producers in
touch with potential partners. I’ve just come back from a trip India where
I was looking for ways to make certain projects work. But it is quite tough
at the moment with films being postponed, and more and more directors
working in TV due to a lack of funding.”
German Film
s Project Coordinator
Konstanze W
Christian Dorsch, General Manager,
German Films Service & Marketing
and German Films
Focus on Germany
Bavaria Film: Innovation On Every Level
Germany is the MCTVF’s country of honour in 2010.
To mark the occasion, the MCTVF News talked to
Matthias Esche, CEO Bavaria Film Group and Achim
Rohnke, Managing Director Bavaria Film Group.
Bavaria Film Group, which comprises more than 30
subsidiaries, celebrated a double anniversary last
year – 90 years of Bavaria Studios and 50 years of
Bavaria Film in its current incarnation. “It’s a perfect
compliment to our double anniversary last year to
receive several nominations at this year´s 50th edition
of the Monte Carlo Television Festival,” Esche
says. “This is further proof of our high standards,
especially in the field of television films and series.
Till Endemann’s On Collision Course, produced by
our subsidiary Maran Film, has been nominated in
the Best Direction category, while Murderers On
Amrum, produced by Bremedia, which is also a part
of the Bavaria Film Group, will compete in the Best
Television Film category.”
Alongside that, four other programs from Bavaria
Media Television´s portfolio have been nominated
in the competition. “This shows that our distribution
affiliate is on the right track with its acquisition strategy,
Esche says. “Johan Falk, a Swedish-German coproduction with participation from Bremedia, has been
nominated in the Outstanding International Producer
and Outstanding European Producer categories
(Joakim Hansson), while Joel Kinnaman, Jens Hultén
und Melit Karlge will compete in the Outstanding
Actor and Outstanding Actress categories.”
which centers around the world-famous Lippizana
horse breed in the village of Piber, Styria.”
In a rapidly changing media lanscape, Bavaria Film’s
Achim Rohnke is leading the charge towards total
digital integration: “The ongoing change in film
and television production, which has been rapidly
accelerated by digitization, demands innovation on
all levels, especially from Bavaria as a major European
production and service group. This means not just
the adaptation of content to the changing media
consumption but also the constant improvement of
production and pre-production processes,” Rohnke
says. “In recent years, Bavaria Film has driven forward
the digitalization of all its work processes. As early as
five years ago we established a completely tapeless
workflow for our daily telenovela Storm Of Love –
from shooting to post-production. In 2008/2009, we
implemented this kind of workflow in High Definition
for another daily series. Only recently, we have
successfully tested a live 3D production in our studios
in Geiselgasteig near Munich. Within the Bavaria
Film Group, we offer a complete digital workbench
line for high-end movie productions with the Digital
Lab, the Color Grading and the Sound Studios from
CinePostproduction. This includes the production of
stereoscopic films. Our next big step in the process
of digitalization will deal with the fields of content
delivery and archiving.”
Bavaria’s main fiction series have all recently been
renewed: “We are very proud that all our fictional
series have been renewed by the commissioning
broadcasters,” Esche says. “This even goes for our
most recent efforts, the crime series Stuttgart Homicide
and the interactive teenage series BlogHouse. Besides
that, 13 new scripts are currently being prepared
for our youth series 13 Hours - Race Against Time,
which has been nominated as an especially innovative
format at the festival in Banff and at Prix Jeunesse.
Our Austrian subsidiary Satel Film has recently started
shooting the new family series Das Glück dieser Erde,
To Matthias Esche, CEO Bavaria Film Group
Co-Productions Are
Here To Stay
The third roundtable of the TV Xchanges sessions takes place at 10.30 on
Thursday in the Salle Van Dongen, directly after the keynote interview
with ZDF’s Managing Director of Series, Klaus Bassiner. Co-Production: A
Concept Of The Old World? features Ole Soendberg, Executive Producer at
Swedish production house Yellow Bird.
Ole Soendberg,
Executive Producer, Yellow Bird
“Our Wallander series is an interesting case because we make two versions, and they
are each different examples of co-productions,” he says. “We make a Swedish/German
version with ZDF De Getso, a wholly owned subsidiary of the German broadcaster, and
in that case it is mix between a co-production and a license in that the partner company
has no input in the production. But the BAFTA-winning English-language version, which
has a totally different cast featuring Kenneth Brannah as Wallander, is more of a classic
co-production in that our UK partner Left Bank Pictures has a lot of creative input.”
Despite the fact that co-productions can and do go wrong occasionally, Soendberg does
not believe that it is an outmoded way to produce series: “I totally believe that we will see
just as many co-productions in the future,” he says. “Even though it can be complicated
and occasionally go seriously wrong, it remains a good way to get a series made. There
has been some speculation about the fact that advertising money is coming back to TV,
and that it might encourage producers - especially broadcasters - to go it alone on shows,
but I really don’t believe that it will happen.”
Manuelle Toussaint
Portraits en série
Pour célébrer le 50e anniversaire du Festival, ses
organisateurs ont fait appel à Manuelle Toussaint.
En effet, près de soixante portraits d’acteurs et
d’actrices, effectués par la photographe, longent,
telle une frise colorée, les murs du Grimaldi Forum
et figurent aussi dans le livre anniversaire. «En
fait, l’idée est partie d’une exposition que j’avais
réalisée pour le Festival en 2006. A partir de là,
David Tomatis, vice-président de la manifestation,
m’a sollicité pour préparer une exposition « spéciale
50 ans». Ainsi, durant quatre ans, j’ai shooté bon
nombre de comédiens et de comédiennes afin de
préparer cette exposition. Aujourd’hui, le résultat
est là. Et je dois avouer, humblement, que c’est
assez émouvant. Car, en les regardant une à une,
des souvenirs me reviennent. De belles rencontres
comme avec Robert Duvall ou Dennis Haysbert,
le héros de « 24h ». La grande difficulté a été de
réaliser des photos de bonne qualité dans un laps
de temps très court car les acteurs sont toujours
pressés et très sollicités par les médias. Donc, il
a fallu que je fasse preuve de diplomatie pour les
mettre à l’aise, les rassurer et les convaincre que
tout se passerait bien».
Cette année, Manuelle poursuit son travail avec
un léger changement. «J’ai décidé de faire des
portraits à la manière du studio Harcourt avec un
éclairage spécifique qui demande à l’acteur de ne
pas bouger. Je suis comme le peintre face à son
modèle. C’est astreignant mais passionnant, par
exemple, hier j’ai fait 21 portraits dans la journée».
Un nouvel opus qui servira à illustrer une autre date
anniversaire du Festival. La 100e édition ?...
The Full Monte
Terra Avatar?
Moving. This time last year, Kal Penn
quit “House, MD” to be Barack Obama’s
associate director of public engagement.
Now Kal’s returning to his day job in a
third “Harold & Kumar” movie (John
Cho is Harold) for Christmas.
Superman no more, Brandon Routh
is juggling two shows with the speed
of... He’s part of “Chuck” on NBC and
is a tough (ex-Navy Seal) bodyguard in
TBS’ “In Security.” There’s no room for
Brandon in the next Supie re-boot where
(like Spider-Man), our hero will be younger
than Krypton. Five? Or, 3-D, then.
Apocalyptic. Handsome Andrew Lincoln
- the quizzical Robert in “Afterlife,” the
BBC’s “Medium” - has a mini-series
at AMC: “The Walking Dead.” He’s a
small-town cop heading post-apocalypse
survivors in their struggle against a world
of... zombies. Creator Robert Kirkman is
overjoyed. “Wow - what an amazing find
this guy is. Writing Rick Grimes month
after month in the comic series, I’d no
idea he was an actual living, breathing
human being, and yet here he is.” Frank
Darabont (adapter-director of the best
Stephen King movies) is the show’s boss.
List “Cougar Town:” star Busy Phillips
once listed 25 things she was sure that
none of us knew about her. Such as an
insatiable need for Mexican food, darkchocolate chips and water, dislocating
both knees. going to college with Linda
(“E.R”) Cardellini and Colin Hanks and
having dark brown for a year - “I swear,
people were nicer to me.”
Notta Lotta People Dat. Dana Delany’s
grandfather invented the Delany valve, a
flushing device still use in today’s toilets.
He praised it highly but not in a way that
we can print...!
Busy As well as being behind five - you
heard - DreamWorks movies for Disney
this year, Steven Spielberg has two new
TV series for us. “Terra Nova” timetravels back to the Jurassic (or judging
by first images, “Avatar”) period on Fox
in mid-season; it’s scripted, on Spielberg
orders, by “24” writers Brannon Braga and
David Fury. And “Fallen Skies” is a way of
thanking Noah Wyle for 254 “ER” chapters
and has him fighting alien invaders in what
TNT calls “the TV event of the year.”
Double Act Hugh Dillon - nominated for
Best Actor in a two drama series - was
first famous - nay, notorious - in Canada
as the lead singer with The Headstones
rock band. Now he runs the Hugh Dillon
Redemption Choir and writes music for
films and TV shows including his own,
also nominated: “Durham County” and
End He may be Mad but he ain’t crazy.
“Mad Men” creator Matt Weiner says
he will not go further than six seasons.
Same as “The Sopranos.” Although their
creator, David Chase, once told me he’d
stop at four. At least, he never dragged
on. Lke “Lost” (yawn!) and “24.”
The Shock was not the last “Lost”
but Evangeline Lilly saying, OK, that’ll
do, she’s quitting acting. “I’m not
passionate about it.” Well, you should
be says Steven Spielberg because
you’re good. And he’s signed her for
his sf. production of “Real Steel.” And
that’s the real truth.
Oddballs ABC’s “Cutthroat” stars Mia
Maestro (“Alias”) as a Beverly Hills
soccer mom running an international
drug cartel. While, “Delta Blues” has
a bizarre Memphis cop still living with
Mom and moonlighting... as an Elvis
Dommagio! She as due here, but
AnnaLynne McCord had to bow out
leaving co-star Tristan Wilds to fly the
“90210” flag alone. A pity, ’cos she’s a
great beauty and humanitarian… working
for Haitian orphans and helping rebuild
homes in post-Katrina New Orleans.
“For me success is not all about the paycheque or magazine covers. It’s about
figuring out why I’m here and discovering
my greater purpose in life.” Good girl.
Can Hollywood only find Aussies to play
Marilyn Monroe? She is “The Blonde”
of Joyce Carol Oates’ novel and is being
played by Naomi Watts in a $20m.
movie. Nine years ago, a TV production
was in competition here starring Poppy
Montgomery - a year before “Without A
Trace.” Neither Aussie can hold candle
(in the wind) ) to Marilyn....
At least, New York has Montana’s
Michelle Williams as MM in “My Week
With Marilyn,” about her making “The
Prince and the Showgirl” with Laurence
Olivier in 1956.
Will Randall
The Hat arrived. And under it,
bien sur, was Larry Hagman.
“Yeah, I have a thousand
hats.” That’s a room full two rooms? “Wal, my wife
puts ’em in store somewhere.
I don’t know where! So I keep
having to buy new ones. And,
as people know I’m a collector,
they send me some.”
est réalisé et édité par
en collaboration avec le
Festival de Télévision
de Monte-Carlo
Grimaldi Forum / Niveau -1
T: +377 99 99 30 92
Directeur de publication
Rédacteur en chef
Hervé Zorgniotti
1er Festival pour S.E M. Michel Roger...
Le nouveau Ministre d’ Etat de la Principauté a offert hier sa première
réception officielle aux vedettes du Festival de Télévision
Marco Piovanotto
Caroline PONS
Wednesday 9th June 2010
9:30 - 11:00
Round table 1 - New business models
for TV drama production?
Martin Moszkowicz, Member of the Board,
Constantin Film, Germany
Takis Candilis, Senior Vice President Audiovisual
Production, Lagardère Entertainment, France
Christian Charret, President, Geteve, France
Carlo Bixio, President, Publispei, Italy
Justin Bodle, CEO & Chairman, Power,
United Kingdom
Moderator: Alain Modot, Vice-President, Media
Consulting Group, France
Keynote : Chas Floyd Johnson, Executive Producer
NCIS, USA, with Alain Modot, Vice-President, Media
Consulting Group, France
Lunch sponsored by German Films
(Festival Club - Rose des Vents)
Round table 2 - Fiction Funding:
New schemes, new funds and others.
Where can the money come from?
Norbert Sauer, Managing Director & Executive
Producer, UFA Fernsehproduktion GmbH, Germany
Aviva Silver, Head of Unit-MEDIA Programme
& Media Literacy, European Commission
Dominique Lambert, Director, HSBC, France
Michela Ritondo, International Tax Expert, Federal
Public Service Finance, Belgium
Nicolas Traube, CEO, Pampa, France
Ross Biggam, Director General, Association of
Commercial Television in Europe
Moderator: Gerald Bigle, Lawyer, Bigle Law Firm, France
© Design : www.isopress.fr
Jean-Charles VINAJ

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