PLAN FOR THE - Town of Victoria Park
PLAN FOR THE - Town of Victoria Park
PLAN FOR THE FUTURE Town of Victoria Park 2011 – 2026 YOUR COUNCIL 2009 -2011 Jarrah Ward Cr David Ashton Deputy Mayor Cr Vin Nairn Cr Adam Vilaca Cr Julie Armstrong Banksia Ward Cr Keith Hayes Cr Rowena Skinner Cr Claire Anderson Town of Victoria Plan for the Future 2011 - 2026 Cr John Bissett Mayor’s Foreword This is an exciting time for the Town of Victoria Park - setting our path for the next five years and beyond. This new Plan for the Future sets out the most important directions for the Town, particularly in adopting an innovative program structure that focuses our efforts on achieving outcomes for the community that will ultimately improve the Town’s quality of life. In contrast to other plans that the Town has adopted in the past, the new Plan has identified five key programs, each with a responsible Director and a structure aligned to ensure the objectives are achieved. We will continue to engage our community in the future planning of the Town, including overseeing the achievement of the plan’s outcomes, through community focus group meetings and regular surveys of our performance. The new Plan also retains our connection with the history of the Town whilst recognising the pressures for change, especially such drivers of change as government policy and developer interest. The Town is at a huge advantage in being strategically located in the metropolitan area. We are close to the Perth CBD, forming the eastern gateway to the city; we are close to the Perth Domestic and International Airports and have within our boundaries the Curtin University of Technology, Burswood Entertainment Complex, Belmont Racecourse, a significant length of the Swan River, the Albany Highway mainstreet and the Lathlain Park Football oval and precinct. It is no wonder with these great features that we will be - and already are - one of the most sought after locations in the metropolitan area. We aim to be one of the most prominent towns in the metropolitan area - our population now exceeds the mandatory number of 30,000 people required to seek a change in status from a Town to a City. When you consider the anticipated developments in the Town over the next five years it is expected that our population will exceed 40,000 people by 2020. The achievements of the Town in reaching this milestone and the development of the Plan for the Future would not have been possible without the support of the Councillors and the staff of the Town. Thanks also to our generous volunteers who support the efforts of the Town. His Worship the Mayor Trevor Vaughan Town of Victoria Plan for the Future 2011 - 2026 4 Town of Victoria Plan for the Future 2011 - 2026 CEO Foreword We are at an important stage in the future of the Town. In recognition of this we have made some decisions about how we meet the new challenges we face; decisions that relate to how practically we will deliver the outcomes contained in this Plan for the Future for our community. Since joining the Town as CEO in December 2009, I have undertaken a thorough review of the strategic level activities. I received the organisation in good order from my predecessor and building on the successes of the past I have restructured the Directorates into five program areas: Community Life, Business Life, Renew Life, Built Life and Future Life. We have retained the ‘life’ theme that has so successfully described the emphasis of this Council in the past. Directors and Executive Managers will be responsible for delivering the program and sub-program outcomes and projects. We have endeavoured to make this plan as practical as possible by specifying projects under each program area. These projects are measureable, as will be the high level performance indicators of the organisation. Critically, we have aligned all aspects of the organisation to achieve the Plan for the Future outcomes. The development of the Plan for the Future has been the culmination of many hours of analysis and discussion with Elected Members and staff. It has also involved many informal discussions I have had with community members. I thank everyone for their input into this process and their enthusiasm. Progress on this Plan will be published for the community to assess our performance - an important measure, as ultimately our community is the most significant stakeholder in the Town’s future. CEO Arthur Kyron 5 6 Town of Victoria Plan for the Future 2011 - 2026 CONTENT PAGE 3 Mayor’s Foreword PAGE 5 CEO Foreword PAGE 8 Executive Summary PAGE 9 Background PAGE 11 Vision, Mission and Values PAGE 12 Program Structure PAGE 13 Organisational Structure PAGE 14 Community Life PAGE 19 Business Life PAGE 23 Built Life PAGE 27 Renew Life PAGE 31 Future Life PAGE 35 Performance Measures PAGE 36 Plan Development and Community Consultation PAGE 37 Core Competencies PAGE 38 Advisory Committees of Council PAGE 39 Fifteen Year Financial Plan PAGE 43 Long Term Financial Plan Assumptions Town of Victoria Plan for the Future 2011 - 2026 7 Executive Summary The 2011 - 2026 Plan for the Future constitutes a new direction for the organisation and the Town. The plan focuses on the achievement of outcomes, in particular projects that will both positively position the Town for the future and positively impact the present population’s quality of life. The five program areas take the organisation away from the traditional functionally aligned structure, with all its limitations, and direct the focus of the staff and Elected Members towards outcomes and cross organisational cooperation and collaboration. The many projects under each program area have specific senior staff allocated to them so that the performance and achievements of the organisation are the direct responsibility of a senior officer or team. There are a number of important projects that the Town will focus on that will act as a catalyst in changing the profile of the Town in the Perth metropolitan area and enhance the quality of life experiences of its residents and visitors: the Town Centre Redevelopment, with the community benefit of not only an improved shopping and activity area but also a significant civic centre; a Multi-Purpose Sports Facility in Lathlain; the Lathlain Park Precinct Plan; and a comprehensive infrastructure renewal program. In addition there will be a focus on the economic vitality of the Town through a specifically focused Business Life program area. This program will seek to diversify revenue sources and optimise the assets currently owned by the Town. Given our pre-eminentzn in the metropolitan area, the significant developer demand and certain population growth, the demand for services and infrastructure will need to be funded from sources other than the ratepayers. This Plan proposes a restructure for results that needs to be resourced. There will be a schedule of reviews of certain aspects of The Town’s operations. These reviews may release funds or result in productivity improvements: there will be reviews of Council fleet, Committees, assets, key business processes and a range of other initiatives. In order to achieve the outcomes set in the organisation, a comprehensive corporate competencies development program has been developed. For all staff in the organisation the competencies are: customer service, project management, sustainability, decision making and systems thinking, business excellence and communication. Staff performance will be aligned to the Plan for the Future through a comprehensive performance management system. The Plan for the Future presents a great opportunity for the Town to excel in local government and quality of life enhancement in WA. This will not be easy but with the combined and focused efforts of the elected members, staff, volunteers, community stakeholders and our local government neighbours we are certain to make a positive difference. 8 Town of Victoria Plan for the Future 2011 - 2026 Background The Town of Victoria Park is situated on the banks of the Swan River to the South of the Perth CBD. The Town is boarded by the Cities of Canning, Belmont and South Perth. The population is over 32,000. Key population characteristics following the 2006 census include: • 81.6% of the population is aged 20 years and over • 24.1% of the population is aged 55 years and over • The average age of person living in the Town is 35 years • 44.6% of the population was born overseas • 9.2% of the population speak a language other than English at home. The most common languages other than English spoken at home were Mandarin (711), Italian (680), Cantonese (533), Indonesian (387) and Arabic (188). • The median individual weekly income is $510 and the average household size is 2.0 people • The Town has a transient population. When the 2006 Census was conducted only 35.2% were at the same address five years prior. Population Change and Growth The population of the Town is expected to grow to 45,756 by 2031 representing a 42% increase. A significant proportion of the population increase will come as a result of new developments at The Peninsula, Belmont Park Racecourse, Burswood Station, Causeway Precinct and the Curtin Technology Precinct. The change in population will have an impact on how activities and services across the Town are delivered. The Town’s community has historically been a working class and ethnically diverse area. In recent times there has been ongoing gentrification within its residential areas and is increasingly being sought after as a destination for residential, commercial and leisure, with a thriving café culture and increased investment in development within the Albany Highway main street, the Causeway precinct and the Burswood Peninsula. The Town is committed to long term sustainability. This will be achieved through the development of a framework that will guide the Town’s environmental, economic and social impact in terms of growth. This framework will ensure there are resources to meet the needs of our growing Town. Town of Victoria Plan for the Future 2011 - 2026 9 10 Town of Victoria Plan for the Future 2011 - 2026 Vision, Mission & Values OUR VISION IS Victoria Park - Vibrant Lifestyle MISSION summarised through four key components: Creative: We will embrace creativity Our Town will be unique, quirky and identifiable We will be creative in all things, in the decisions we make and the solutions we find. Attractive: We will attract people and businesses to our Town. Our Town will be the destination for lifestyle, work and recreation. Friendly: We will be welcoming We will listen We will sparkle We will make your day Environmentally sustainable: We will be aware of the changing environment in which we operate, live, work and recreate. We will make decisions on the basis of sustainability principles by considering the environmental, economic and social impacts of those decisions. OUR VALUES ARE We will be: • Positive • Inspirational • Caring We aim to live these values We are a place “big enough to count and small enough to care”. Town of Victoria Plan for the Future 2011 - 2026 11 Program Structure The Town has adopted a program based structure to guide it over the next five years and will be constantly reviewed. The five program areas focus on outcomes that will benefit the Town. The central theme to the five program areas is LIFE. The Town has been using the LIFE theme in various activities and facilities for a number of years; this theme will be central to everything we do as it provides a positive message to our community and organisation. 12 Program Areas Focus Community Life The Community Life program will focus on the development of a healthy community and strong neighbourhoods and build on the high level of diversity experienced within the Town Business Life The Business life program will provide support and infrastructure to ensure that the Town can accommodate growth to achieve its goals. There will be a focus on the economic sustainability of the Town. Built Life The Built Life Program will promote the development of high quality built environment in the Town, by facilitating innovation in design and neighbourhood planning and strive for excellence in the built environment. Renew Life Renew Life will enhance the infrastructure and appearance of the Town, remedy the backlog of infrastructure maintenance work, maximise the utilisation of the assets of Council and provide environmental management and leadership. Future Life Future Life will develop and implement policies and procedures to ensure the appropriate development of the Town to ensure future demands are met Town of Victoria Plan for the Future 2011 - 2026 Organisational Structure To ensure alignment between programs and the organisational structure the Town has restructured the organisation to link a director to all program areas. Future reviews of the Plan for the Future may highlight the need for increases in staff. CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER GOVERNANCE COMMUNICATIONS UNIT BUSINESS LIFE PROGRAM COMMUNITY LIFE PROGRAM DIRECTOR BUSINESS LIFE PROGRAM DIRECTOR COMMUNITY LIFE PROGRAM FUTURE LIFE PROGRAM BUILT LIFE PROGRAM RENEW LIFE PROGRAM DIRECTOR FUTURE LIFE & BUILT LIFE PROGRAM BUSINESS PREFORMANCE SUB PROGRAM BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT SUB PROGRAM HEALTHY LIFE SUB PROGRAM EXECUTIVE MANAGER BUSINESS PERFORMANCE SUB PROGRAM EXECUTIVE MANAGER BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT SUB PROGRAM EXECUTIVE MANAGER HEALTHY LIFE SUB PROGRAM EXECUTIVE MANAGER NEIGHBOURHOOD LIFE SUB PROGRAM BUSINESS SUPPORT UNIT BUSINESS PERFORMANCE AND DEVELOPMENT UNIT SPORTING LIFE BUSINESS UNIT LIFELONG LEARNING BUSINESS UNIT STRATEGIC TOWN PLANNING UNIT HEALTH & REGULATORY SUPPORT UNIT CUSTOMER SERVICE BUSINESS UNIT AQUA LIFE BUSINESS UNIT NEIGHBOURHOOD ENRICHMENT BUSINESS UNIT STRATEGIC ASSETS UNIT NEIGHBOURHOOD LIFE SUB PROGRAM HR & EXECUTIVE SUPPORT STRATEGIC PLANNING SUB PROGRAM STRATEGIC PROJECTS SUB PROGRAM EXECUTIVE MANAGER SRATEGIC PLANNING & PROJECTS SUB PROGRAM PROJECT DEVELOPMENT AND IMPLEMENTATION UNIT DIRECTOR RENEW LIFE PROGRAM DEVELOPMENT SUB PROGRAM BUILDINGS SUB PROGRAM EXECUTIVE MANAGER BUILT LIFE SUB PROGRAM URBAN PLANNING UNIT BUILDING UNIT PARK LIFE SUB PROGRAM ASSETS FOR LIFE SUB PROGRAM STREET LIFE SUB PROGRAM EXECUTIVE MANAGER PARKS SUB PROGRAM EXECUTIVE MANAGER ASSETS SUB PROGRAM EXECUTIVE MANAGER STREET LIFE SUB PROGRAM PARK IMPROVEMENT UNIT PROPERTY UNIT STREET IMPROVEMENT UNIT PARK OPERATIONS UNIT ASSET MANAGEMENT UNIT STREET OPERATIONS UNIT ACTIVE LIFE BUSINESS UNIT BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT BUSINESS PERFORMANCE HEALTHY LIFE FLEET MANAGEMENT UNIT NEIGHBOURHOOD LIFE STRATEGIC PLANNING STRATEGIC PROJECTS DEVELOPMENT BUILDING PARKS ASSETS Town of Victoria Plan for the Future 2011 - 2026 STREETS 13 COMMUNITY LIFE Sub program: Healthy Life Business Unit: Sporting Life Business Unit: Active Life Business Unit: AquaLife Sub program: Neighbourhood Life Business Unit: Neighbourhood Enrichment Business Unit: Lifelong Learning The Town welcomes its very diverse community. We strive to have a harmonious, enjoyable and active community where people have a strong sense of belonging. The creation of this program area recognises the need for our community to be a healthy place to live, where people of all ages are able to recreate and live safely and where the diversity of the population is celebrated. The previous community services function, whilst delivering many well recognised and conducted activities, warrants a specific focus of this Council. The Town has a diverse population and range of interests that there is a requirement to deliver services that aim to meet the needs of the population whilst building a strong sense of community. Victoria Park people are proud and strong and feel passionately about where they live and about the decisions that affect them. It is in the Council and the community’s best interest to have an empowered community, where voices can be heard and where achievements can be celebrated. We are also a Town with a conscience; there are people who struggle every day to find a place to live, to be clothed and to be fed. The Community Life Program recognises this need and will focus some of its efforts to address the needs of the strugglers. The Community Life Program aims to create a healthy community that is strong, inclusive, resilient and sustainable by connecting people, enhancing cultural activity and giving everyone the opportunity to reach their full potential. A healthy community is not a perfect place; rather it is in a dynamic state of renewal and improvement. It builds a culture that supports healthy lifestyle choices and a high quality of life. In creating a healthy community we will ensure that the needs of our diverse population are met by working collaboratively with the community to develop the capacities of individuals and organisations, while fostering the unique cultural qualities that are represented within and which are of great importance to the Town. The Community Life Program offers: Personal Development and Wellbeing Place Activation • Health and Fitness Promotion • Events and Programs • Community Safety • Community Grants • Access and Inclusion • Public Art and Enhancement of Public Space • Lifelong Learning • Preservation of Cultural Heritage • Cultural Choices Provision of Community Facilities • Aqualife Centre • Leisurelife Centre • Library Services 14 Town of Victoria Plan for the Future 2011 - 2026 Objectives 1. We will connect people to services, resources, information, facilities and experiences that enhance their physical and social well-being. 2. We will create a vibrant Town that is a place of social interaction, creativity and vitality. 3. We will celebrate cultural diversity and promote cultural harmony. 4. We will promote access and equity in service provision for all members of the community. 5. We will promote and celebrate the rich history and heritage of the Town. 6. We will provide opportunities for lifelong learning for all sectors of the community. Projects HEALTHY LIFE: Develop and Implement a Healthy Life Plan for the Town of Victoria Park. Elements include an overarching wellness program; community based sports development plan; active and passive recreation plan; public open space activities; review of existing Sport and Recreation Plan. The implementation of the Plan will encourage healthier lifestyle choices in our Town; and increase participation rates in sport and recreation through service provision and supporting local clubs and community groups. Develop a Leisure Facilities Master Plan focusing on future development and business improvement. This plan will take an integrated approach to planning and developing leisure facilities. It will assess the future impacts of demographic changes in Victoria Park and future developments, including facility development and respond to those anticipated changes (i.e. consideration will be given to the existing Sport and Recreation Plan, as well as other projects within the Town that may impact leisure facilities such as the development of the Town Centre, Edward Millen site, Lathlain Master Precinct Plan and the Multi-Purpose Sports Facility). Develop a Multi-Purpose Sports Facility. The relocation of the Victoria Park Carlisle Bowling Club and the creation of a Multi-purpose Sports Facility to accommodate various users to the benefit of the whole of the Town is essential to enable the development of the Town Centre. Council will prepare a plan for the construction of the facility so as to remove any impediments to the redevelopment of the Town Centre. Town of Victoria Plan for the Future 2011 - 2026 15 NEIGHBOURHOOD LIFE: Develop and implement a Community Life Plan. The Community Life Plan aims to develop objectives that help to guide all sections of the community in working together to achieve our aspirations. Consideration to be given to existing plans e.g. Community Safety Plan; Disability Access and Inclusion Plan; to include opportunities for the community to interact with each other - e.g. ‘Own Your Neighbourhood’ program will include ‘Street Meet and Greets’ and ‘Storytime at the Playground’. Target Audiences to be considered • Residents • Seniors • Youth • Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) and New Migrants • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People • Volunteering • Events Encourage and promote artistic expression throughout the Town of Victoria Park. Install art in the community in accordance with Town of Victoria Park Public Art Master Plan. Artistic expression in the Town by means of the installation of art in public places creates a pride of place and cultural identity in the area. The Town of Victoria Park to be a ‘living canvas’ through the creation of opportunities for a diverse range of creative endeavours and expressions of art e.g. fine arts, music, visual arts, literary arts, performing arts. Develop an Interactive History Centre and Civic Centre within the Town Centre. Elements of the Town Centre that include the development of an Interactive History Centre and Library redevelopment and other civic uses will be developed. Consideration to be given to the Leisure Facilities Master Plan, Community Needs Assessment and other developments within the Town. Continue to implement and review the Community Safety Plan Initiatives. The Town has developed a comprehensive Community Safety Plan. The 2010 Community Feedback Survey indicated that the sampled population saw the Town as a safe place on the whole. Overall, 70% of respondents feel safe living in the Town of Victoria Park (16% very safe, 54% fairly safe). We want to build on the positive movement in the safety of the Town by continuing to implement the Community Safety Plan initiatives. Enhanced Access and Inclusion. We will review existing services to enhance access and implement initiatives from the Disability and Access Inclusion Plan. 16 Town of Victoria Plan for the Future 2011 - 2026 Budget 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 Operating Revenue 6,572,333 6,141,145 3,566,477 3,691,333 3,820,561 Operating Expenditure 10,195,903 10,581,605 9,529,276 9,569,747 9,866,878 Capital & Non-recurrent Expenditure 5,062,438 5,005,323 524,185 537,282 550,837 Community Life Operating Revenue Operating Expenditure Capital & Non-recurrent Expenditure 12,000,000 10,000,000 8,000,000 6,000,000 4,000,000 2,000,000 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 Town of Victoria Plan for the Future 2011 - 2026 17 18 Town of Victoria Plan for the Future 2011 - 2026 BUSINESS LIFE Sub program: Business Effectiveness Business Unit: Business Support Sub program: Economic Vitality Business Unit: Business Performance and Development Business Unit: Regulatory Support This program area will ensure that the Town provides exemplary support, both externally and internally, to the people requiring our services. It will focus on ensuring that the organisational support activities enables the effective and efficient provision of ‘whole of organisation’ services to our community. The program area will focus on understanding how our business community operates and will gather the necessary data to assist in attracting new business and investment into the Town. The necessary systems and infrastructure will be in place to provide support to our stakeholders and together with the development of an understanding of the business profile, the Council will be able to ensure that our business community has the best chance to prosper and that the Town does what it can to increase vitality through the provision of support services and public infrastructure. We have already commenced, or have in place, various plans/projects that support our program and sub program areas both internally and externally. These plans/projects will assist in achieving the following outcomes: • Business vibrancy and overall Town-wide economic vitality • A vibrant Town Centre • Improved personal service • Sound financial management • Improved commercial/main street infrastructure • Compliance support • Revenue diversification • Council business performance excellence Objectives 1. To efficiently and effectively support the Council to achieve its optimum performance. 2. To achieve excellent business performance of Council. 3. To improve the economic vitality of the Town while maintaining the principles of sustainability. 4. To ensure the regulatory responsibilities of the Town enhances local business performance. Town of Victoria Plan for the Future 2011 - 2026 19 Projects BUSINESS EFFECTIVENESS: Review all business performance services and systems. Through the adoption and application of the Business Excellence Framework, we will undertake a program of review of the services and systems of the organisation. The program will aim to achieve a better return for the community spend. Business Continuity plan. Council is to prepare a business continuity plan that addresses the security of Council data and records, as well as the on-going operation of Council business in case of a severe disruption to the Council administration centre or other facilities. Develop a revenue diversification plan. The entire burden for maintaining the infrastructure of Council should not fall on the shoulders of present day community members. Council must diversify its revenue sources if it is to remain financially sustainable. We will develop ways of generating revenue from diverse sources so as to reduce the reliance on rates. Tamala Park Development Investment plan. The development of Tamala Park presents an excellent opportunity for maximising the return from sales for future generations in the Town. The development and sale of residential units will generate millions of dollars that will be re-invested in current infrastructure needs and also for the purposes of wealth creation for Council. ECONOMIC VITALITY: Prepare a Town-wide economic development strategy. The economic vitality of the Town has benefits for the whole community. We will focus on the economic development of the Town and encourage a diverse business mix in our main street. We will do this in ways that encourages creativity, attractiveness and a friendly and sustainable environment in our business districts. Develop and implement the Albany Highway main street plan. The main street of Victoria Park is Albany Highway. We will continue to improve on the main street initiatives already implemented in our part of Albany Highway. We will also seek to make our laneways adjacent to Albany Highway attractive so as to enhance the possibility of them being places that attract businesses and activity. Implement the Town of Victoria Park Business Access Project (You’re Welcome). The Town will implement the Disability Services Strategic Plan, “Count Me In”, initiatives. One of the initiatives is You’re Welcome, a strategy to assist people with disabilities obtain accurate access information to businesses and facilities in the Town. In addition to this the Town will implement other strategies contained in the “Count Me In” plan. 20 Town of Victoria Plan for the Future 2011 - 2026 Develop marketing initiatives to attract tourists. There are aspects of the Town that have yet to be fully promoted. The educational, recreational, sporting, event, culinary, shopping and various cultural features of the Town warrant promotion. We are going to take a more dynamic approach to the promotion of the Town as a destination of choice. Complete the Town Centre Redevelopment to construction stage. The Town owns a large area of land bordered by Albany Highway, Sussex, Kent and Gloucester Streets. The development of the Town Centre presents a great opportunity for the Town to maximise the community benefits of the development by seeking to complement the proposed shopping centre redevelopment through the development of a community focused hub and residences in the locality so as to make the area more people friendly and active. Budget 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 Operating Revenue 2,635,475 2,715,263 2,707,418 2,903,312 3,018,793 Operating Expenditure 2,655,659 2,610,739 2,864,545 3,332,723 3,114,513 Capital & Non-recurrent Expenditure 1,487,667 10,612,420 16,937,389 10,950,614 2,586,319 Business Life 18,000,000 Operating Revenue Operating Expenditure Capital & Non-recurrent Expenditure 16,000,000 14,000,000 12,000,000 10,000,000 8,000,000 6,000,000 4,000,000 2,000,000 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 Town of Victoria Plan for the Future 2011 - 2026 21 22 Town of Victoria Plan for the Future 2011 - 2026 BUILT LIFE Sub program: Development Business Unit: Urban Planning Sub program: Building Business Unit: Building Background The role of the Built Life program is to encourage a range of high quality developments based on urban design outcomes that are visually attractive, safe, provide for a high degree of amenity, are sustainable and promote the Town as a desirable place for residents, businesses and visitors. The Built Life Program area consists of the sub-program areas of Urban Planning and Building. The Urban Planning Unit provides the following services: • Assess and determine planning applications for the use and development of land. • Provide comment and recommendations on the subdivision of land. • Provide information and advice to Elected Members, stakeholders and the community in relation to planning matters • Review and amend the Town Planning Scheme so it reflects the latest views with respect to planning principles and the Town’s Objectives. • Ensure land is used and developed in compliance with the provisions of the Town Planning Scheme. To ensure that existing and new buildings in the Town are safe by meeting the prescribed standards, the Building Unit provides the following services: • Assess and issue licences for building applications to ensure compliance with prescribed standards. • Undertake assessments of buildings, fences, private pools, signs and other building structures for compliance with prescribed standards. • Issues clearances and certificates for buildings completed in accordance with the relevant approvals. • Provide advice and comment on building issues associated with planning applications. Built Life program has the important role of ensuring that new development within the Town is compatible with existing development, is integrated in such a way that it is sympathetic to the character of the Town and meets the desired outcomes for the future development of the Town. Built Life also ensures that buildings are safe, liveable, accessible, and sustainable and meet statutory requirements. Objectives 1. Ensure that development within the Town strives for excellence in the built environment, integrates sympathetically with the existing and desired character of the Town, is safe, and results in a high level of amenity for the Town community. 2. Facilitate appropriate development in the Town by working collaboratively with applicants. 3. Ensure land is used and developed in accordance with approvals and Council requirements. 4. Ensure local planning schemes provide incentives for development and investment to occur in the Town. Town of Victoria Plan for the Future 2011 - 2026 23 Projects URBAN PLANNING: Review the Development function of Council, its processes, policies and Local Laws. The efficient and effective operation of our processes is essential in order to ensure services meet or exceed expectations. The council will be reviewing its processes through the application of the Business Excellence framework. Prepare a development application self assessment checklist. The best way to ensure that developers and owners of property achieve their goals to build in the Town is to enable them to manage the application process. To enable this, we will as a part of our review of the development application system, consider a self assessment checklist for applicants. Establish a Town exhibition area project to showcase preferred housing designs for the Town. With the impending development of the Burswood Peninsula and in particular the Belmont Park Racecourse, there is a great opportunity to make this an exhibition site of state-of-the-art sustainable design. In addition the preparation of a virtual exhibition area will identify how new environmentally sustainable buildings can be integrated into project design within existing streetscapes in the established areas of the Town. BUILDING: Review building services function of Council, its processes, policies and Local Laws. Efficient and effective operation of our processes is essential in order to ensure services meet or exceed expectations. The council will be reviewing its processes through the application of the Business Excellence framework. Prepare a building application self-assessment checklist. The best way to ensure that developers and owners of property achieve their goals to build in the Town is to enable them to manage the application process. To enable this we will, as a part of our review of the development application system, consider a self-assessment checklist for applicants. Work with other program areas to enhance access in the Town. We want to make the Town one of the most accessible areas in WA. To this end we wish to coordinate our efforts across the organisation to enhance universal access to our homes, parks, streets, businesses and facilities. 24 Town of Victoria Plan for the Future 2011 - 2026 Budget 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 742,826 768,825 795,734 823,585 852,410 2,020,777 2,102,084 2,198,926 2,324,391 2,405,226 189,405 196,034 202,895 209,997 217,347 Built Life Operating Revenue Operating Expenditure Capital & Non-recurrent Expenditure Operating Revenue Operating Expenditure Capital & Non-recurrent Expenditure 3,000,000 2,500,000 2,000,000 1,500,000 1,000,000 500,000 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 Town of Victoria Plan for the Future 2011 - 2026 25 26 Town of Victoria Plan for the Future 2011 - 2026 RENEW LIFE Sub program: Park Life Business Unit: Park Improvement Business Unit: Park Operations Sub program: Street Life Business Unit: Street Improvement Business Unit: Street Operations Sub program: Assets for Life Business Unit: Property Business Unit: Fleet Management Business Unit: Asset Management To ensure that the Town progresses at the pace that will be required in the future as a result of significant urban growth, the Town must plan and provide for its future needs and maximise the assets it currently manages. The Town has had a focus on providing new and renewed infrastructure in certain areas like facilities and footpaths, since the Town’s inception. But now the Town has major infrastructure improvements required in other asset categories such as roads and drainage, as well as having to deliver and manage new infrastructure that will be provided as a result of additional urban development. The Town has been under-spending on infrastructure renewal for some time, a situation similar to most other Local Governments in Western Australia. Our challenge now is to increase expenditure on renewal, whilst minimising the impact on the community of the Town. New funding streams need to be developed and implemented as well as maximising the current assets owned and managed by the Town, which will require a change of focus to achieve a more commercial return on those assets. The Renew Life Program area manages the Town’s street, parkland and natural area assets within the public realm to ensure that they remain attractive and safe for community use. The program also provides waste management, design and facility management services. A sustainable Victoria Park needs to proactively manage assets so as to ensure dividends are delivered to the community, but this will require a change in the delivery of projects and services. Objectives 1. Improve and provide infrastructure, services and environmental leadership that focuses on the public domain and which is delivered to a standard that meets community expectations and contributes to a Vibrant Lifestyle in Victoria Park. 2. We will ensure parks and natural areas are provided to the best standard. 3. We will effectively manage, maintain and renew the Town’s assets. 4. We will ensure residents have safe, clean and attractive streetscapes. 5. We will provide leadership on environmental matters. Town of Victoria Plan for the Future 2011 - 2026 27 Projects PARK LIFE: Develop a Town Greening Plan. We need to develop a comprehensive greening plan and strategy to ‘green’ the town. The plan will need to explore sustainable street tree and parks management and improvement strategies to enable the development of the plan. Our street trees play a major role in making our streetscapes look green, cool and encourage people to enjoy the amenity of the neighbourhood. They also help in the process of encouraging more people on the streets to engage in interaction and build a strong sense of neighbourhood. Our street tree master plan will form part of the Greening Plan. Parks are a great place for people to gather and recreate. They are an asset that needs to be continually improved. We need to encourage people to use the parks to improve levels of activity thus having a positive effect on health generally. Complete the Lathlain Precinct Master Plan. Lathlain Park is a significant recreation area of the Town. Apart from housing the Perth Football Club it is also a landholding the Town has that can use to deliver a significant dividend to the Victoria Park community. There are a number of complementary uses in the area that would also benefit from the planned recreational development of the precinct. The area should become a major green area in the Town where people can undertake passive or active recreational pursuits. Review and complete the McCallum Park Master Plan projects. The McCallum Park Master plan is now complete. The implementation of the plan is the next stage. The McCallum Park project will be a major Swan River activation strategy in Victoria Park. Develop a GO Edwards Concept Plan. GO Edwards Park is a major gateway statement into the Town and the Perth CBD. We will enhance the Park through a comprehensive renewal plan and implementation strategy. Develop a Foreshore Access / Management Plan. The Town’s connection to the river by land places a special need on management of water quality, vegetation, fauna and physical access to the foreshore. The Town does not have access to all parts of the foreshore due to private or government ownership and jurisdiction but it is critical that access is not only maintained but enhanced. To ensure consistency in management and equitable access for the community the Town should take a leadership role in the development of this plan. Develop an Environmental Plan. A comprehensive Environmental Plan will be developed that will focus on few but high leverage initiatives to address our environmental obligations. This plan will implement strategies that focus on the river foreshore (in conjunction with the foreshore and access management plan), land uses adjoining sensitive areas, our bushland sites (inclusive of Kensington, Hillview and renewal of the Kent Street sand pit), areas for remediation as well as improving the community’s understanding of its role in protecting the environment. The Environmental Plan will have four key focus areas which are Natural Area Management and enhancement, Water, Biodiversity, energy efficiency and Waste Management. 28 Town of Victoria Plan for the Future 2011 - 2026 STREET LIFE: Develop a streetscape beautification and traffic management plan and undertake entry point projects to reinforce the Town’s identity The presentation of our streets and the effective management of traffic flow helps to make our neighbourhoods attractive, improve the value of people’s investment in the community and fostering a sense of pride in our Town. Complete the Integrated Transport Management Plan and Parking Strategy. The effective and efficient flow of traffic in and through the Town and the optimum availability of parking has a major role to play in how enjoyable life experiences will be in the community. By virtue of our location we have a large amount of traffic to contend with that travels through to other destinations and we also, by virtue of our retail, recreation and event choices attract a number of vehicles to the Town. We will be developing a comprehensive plan to address the traffic and parking needs both for the present and future. The transport plan will also deliver a multi-modal approach to shift from motor vehicle to other modes of transport use in the Town. Complete the Storm Water Management strategy. The management of storm water has the benefit of ensuring we do not spread pollutants into the Swan River as well as protecting the assets owned by the people who reside in the Town and the Council. The storm water management strategy will produce a comprehensive approach to managing - and where possible - harvesting water for future use. Prepare the Town of Victoria Park Light Rail plan. Light Rail is one of the modes of transport we want to create in the Town that will link us, in a sustainable way, to other places in Perth. The Light Rail Plan will link the Town to Curtin University in the south and to the University of WA in the west of Perth as well as push through the centre of the Town and tie in the businesses along the rail route. Develop Business Cases for Waste Management. As the Town grows and waste management becomes more costly, there is a need to explore a business to manage waste within the Town in a manner which would minimise the continued impact on the community. ASSETS FOR LIFE: Prepare asset management plans for key assets. The Town has many assets that can either maximise returns for the Town or be used to leverage other developments by the Town. We do not presently have a comprehensive asset management plan. The development of the plan will enable us to measure what we have and the possible returns from better utilising the assets. Review the Renew Life functions, systems, policies and Local Laws. Through the adoption and application of the Business Excellence Framework we will undertake a program of review of the services and systems of the organisation. The program will aim to achieve a better return for the community spend. Town of Victoria Plan for the Future 2011 - 2026 29 Prepare a building management system. The built assets of Council should be maintained to the best standards possible within resource constraints. The preparation of a built assets management system will ensure that there is a systematic way of managing these assets. The system will involve a review of the Town leases. Optimise fleet management. The fleet of the Town is extensive. We will ensure there is a fleet management plan that optimises the fleet. Develop 10 year works programs and financial reporting systems for all key assets. The Town will develop a works program for the assets of the Town that will set out our obligations for managing the assets. This will involve maintenance as well as an assets renewal plan. Commence the infrastructure implementation for the Causeway Precinct. The Causeway area is undergoing major development demand. The infrastructure in the area should be an exemplar of what we seek in the Town. To this end we will develop an infrastructure standards framework that sets out our expectations for the various developments anticipated in the area. Budget 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 1,826,148 2,275,656 2,705,902 2,746,584 2,845,704 15,165,584 15,801,387 16,693,894 18,313,575 19,091,943 7,716,170 12,224,428 9,634,641 11,841,006 11,558,219 Renew Life Operating Revenue Operating Expenditure Capital & Non-recurrent Expenditure Operating Revenue Operating Expenditure Capital & Non-recurrent Expenditure 25,000,000 20,000,000 15,000,000 10,000,000 5,000,000 2011/12 30 2012/13 Town of Victoria Plan for the Future 2011 - 2026 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 FUTURE LIFE Sub program: Strategic Planning Business Unit Strategic Town Planning Business Unit Strategic Assets Sub program: Strategic Projects Business Unit Project Development and Implementation The Town is in the maelstrom of developer interest and activity. This interest is going to continue for many years to come. The Town’s location close to the Perth CBD, Perth International and Domestic Airports, the Burswood Entertainment Complex, Belmont Race Course, Curtin University and the Albany Highway main street makes the Town a sought after place for developers and people seeking a place with a vibrant lifestyle. The Town is also prominently located to take advantage and be a leader in the development of light rail in Perth and to be the new east gateway city. We are potentially the new ‘down-town’ of Perth; we can take the opportunity to be the new “eat street”, a place that attracts people from all over the city and from other states and internationally to enjoy the diverse food and cultural experiences that Victoria Park offers. The challenges for the Town cannot be managed within the current paradigm of operations, so it has become necessary to develop a specifically focussed unit to assist the Town to manage and to position it for the future. The Services offered under the Future Life Program will be: • Strategic Town Planning • Transport Planning • Sustainability • Project Development • Project Management • Strategic Property Asset Planning Objectives 1. To provide an integrated comprehensive direction for the future development of the Town. 2. To optimise the use of the Town’s property assets 3. To implement projects to achieve the desired future character of the Town. Town of Victoria Plan for the Future 2011 - 2026 31 The following diagram highlights the areas of activity for the next 5 years. 32 Town of Victoria Plan for the Future 2011 - 2026 Projects STRATEGIC PLANNING: Complete the Local Planning Strategy and Town Planning Scheme projects. The LPS and TPS are essential documents that will guide our response and strategic approach to demographic and development pressures on the Town. We are a location in great demand. This is especially the case with the State Government’s release of the Directions 2031 Plan for WA. The Town needs to align the LPS to the Plan . Detailed Structure Planning including design guidelines as required, for Special Areas: Peninsula South Town Centre Albany Highway Railway Mixed Use The Town Centre and Albany Highway will be first priority and should be commenced and completed within the Plan for the Future period. Peninsula South will be commenced with both this and the Railway Mixed Use Plan dependent on the Department of Transport in regard to Railway Station upgrade/relocation and state government initiatives generally. Preparation of a virtual 3D model of the ultimate build out of the special areas of the Town, including indicative artist impressions. This vision will be a single coherent and visual representation of how we want the Town to look in the future. It will be a finished image we will be proud of and will act as a template for all our urban design decisions. Affordable Housing Position. Council not be directly involved in provision of Affordable Housing but seeks to have a position on encouraging the provision of affordable housing within the Town. Develop and implement a Sustainability Framework for the Town. Sustainability - defined as Meeting the needs of current generations without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs (Brundtland 1987) - is a significant and growing issue and opportunity for Local Government. The Town’s commitment to the development and implementation of a Sustainability Framework consolidates its position of securing greater sustainability into the future. The Framework is part of an adaptive process and is deliberately flexible to accommodate new opportunities for future sustainability initiatives. The Framework makes sustainability part of everything we do. It is not an ‘add on’ and should be viewed as an integral part of business that is managed in a similar way to occupational health and safety or risk. Sustainability involves the consideration of environmental, social, cultural and economic impacts of decision-making. Sustainability needs to be included in branding, networking and education and to merge with integrated strategic initiatives. The development and implementation of a Sustainability Framework is essential. STRATEGIC ASSETS: Review Town land assets and prepare a guide to optimise their use, taking into account strategic project delivery. Town of Victoria Plan for the Future 2011 - 2026 33 In conjunction with the Renew Life Program area, the Future Life Program area will be developing an asset optimisation plan to realise the best use of the Council’s many land assets. This will be achieved after a Strategic Asset Review has been undertaken by the Renew Life Program area. STRATEGIC PROJECTS: Develop stakeholder partnerships to win support for implementing the Town’s vision: • Project Management and participation in projects • Partnerships with state government and private sector The Town has been developing plans for the future that have yet to be fully implemented or started in some cases. We will be seeking to win support from various sectors for the implementation of the plans so that the progressive work of Town is realised. Implementation of Strategic Projects identified by the Town as its priorities including; • Burswood Station with Department of Planning & Department of Transport • Capital City Planning Framework • Affordable housing position for the Town • Edward Millen House project • Other strategic projects as approved by Council Budget 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 0 0 21,425 21,425 450,000 Operating Expenditure 250,103 263,267 291,398 377,098 402,806 Capital & Non-recurrent Expenditure 190,000 510,500 846,113 631,868 321,368 Future Life Operating Revenue Operating Revenue Operating Expenditure Capital & Non-recurrent Expenditure 900,000 800,000 700,000 600,000 500,000 400,000 300,000 200,000 100,000 2011/12 34 2012/13 Town of Victoria Plan for the Future 2011 - 2026 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 Performance Measures It is important to track our performance on an ongoing basis. We intend to do this in a number of ways: 1. We will establish community feedback forums to gather qualitative information directly from residents and business owners to gauge the Town’s performance. 2. Town-wide community feedback surveys will be conducted every 12 - 24 months. 3. On-going point of service surveys. This will operate by way of a request to people who experience services from our Town, to complete a short on-line survey about the service experience. 4. Reports against corporate performance indicators as below: BUILT LIFE The extent to which: 1. Planning applications regularly meet desired outcomes identified in the local planning scheme and policies of Council. COMMUNITY LIFE The extent to which: 1. Participation increases in facilities and the community. 2. The community feel satisfied with the community services of Council. 2. The community is satisfied with the standard of development achieved. FUTURE LIFE The extent to which: 1. Major strategic directions are anticipated. 3. Innovative developments take place in Victoria Park. 4. Building License applications are processed according to statutory time frames and meet regulatory requirements. 5. Buildings comply with approvals. 2. Strategic projects meet Council time frames. 3. Actions result in increased regional cooperation. 4. Land users and owners to implement sustainable practices. BUSINESS LIFE The extent to which: 1. Council’s performance meets/exceeds expectations. 2. The ratepayers are satisfied with Council’s services. 3. Businesses grow as measured by levels of satisfaction and optimism for the future. 4. Staff are satisfied with the support from the Program Area. RENEW LIFE The extent to which: 1. Assets are maximised. 2. The community are satisfied with the amenity character and appearance of the Town. 3. We implement programmed Infrastructure maintenance. 5.The systems provided assist the staff in doing their work Town of Victoria Plan for the Future 2011 - 2026 35 Plan Development & Community Consultation The Plan for the Future was developed through an interactive process that involved Elected Members and staff of the Town. The planning process was complemented by information obtained from the first community feedback survey conducted by the Town. As stated, there will be the on-going community consultation that will be used to adjust the Plan for the Future to ensure it stays current and relevant. The final aspect of the development of the Plan for the Future is for the community to be given an opportunity to comment on the direction of the Town this will be done through; • Advertisement in the local media. • Copies of the plan at customer service centres for public to access. • A copy on the Town’s website • Written comments from the public through the provision of a brief comment sheet at the customer service desk and on the website. • Information stall at a local shopping centre occupied by the CEO where the public can “ask the CEO” about the Plan • Comment via the Town’s May 2010 edition of Life in The Park e-newsletter and the BookMark Library newsletter. The comments from the public have been considered by Council prior to the plan’s adoption. 36 Town of Victoria Plan for the Future 2011 - 2026 Core Competencies The success of the new programs and structure is to an extent dependent on the staff achieving a high level of ability in six core organisational competencies. The six core competencies form the main elements of the Town’s development plan for staff and elected members. They are also the main organisational processes upon which we will base our day to day work and future planning. The first 12 month corporate training calendar is based on the core competencies: JULY AUGUST SEPTEMBER OCTOBER NOVEMBER DECEMBER JANUARY FEBRUARY MARCH APRIL MAY JUNE JULY PROJECT MANAGEMENT DECISION MAKING & SYSTEMS THINKING TRAINING & DEVELOPMENT BUSINESS EXCELLENCE TRAINING & DEVELOPMENT COMMUNICATION TRAINING & DEVELOPMENT CUSTOMER SERVICE TRAINING & DEVELOPMENT TRAINING & DEVELOPMENT SUSTAINABILITY TRAINING & DEVELOPMENT CORE COMPETENCIES EXECUTIVE MANAGEMENT GROUP EXECUTIVE MANAGERS OPERATIONAL MANAGERS SUPERVISORS OPERATIONAL STAFF Town of Victoria Plan for the Future 2011 - 2026 37 Advisory Committees of Council It is proposed to review the committee structure of Council. In the interim an additional committee will be established. For the purpose of co-ordination, a committee which is to be titled the Executive and Audit Committee is to be established. The purpose of this committee will comprise: • Audit • CEO Performance Review • Strategic Plan Progress Review • Policy and Local Law Review Executive support will be provided to the committee by officers designated by the CEO. The existing committee structure is diagrammatically presented below with the new Executive and Audit Committee added to the committee structure. Committees of Council EXECUTIVE & AUDIT COMMITTEE BUSINESS LIFE PROGRAM COMMUNITY LIFE PROGRAM FUTURE & BUILT LIFE PROGRAM RENEW LIFE PROGRAM COMMITTEES COMMITTEES COMMITTEES COMMITTEES Business Liason Committee 1. Art & Cultural Advisory Committee Edward Millen Committee 1. Community Environmental Advisory Committee 2. Local History Advisory Committee 3. Community Safety Committee 4. Disability Access Advisory Committee 2. Lathlain Precinct Committee 3. Integrated Transport Advisory Committee 5. Multi-Purpose Sports Advisory Committee 6. Sport & Recreation Advisory Committee Note: The Design Review Committee is an established Committee of Council but has planning and architectural professional members appointed to provide Council on structure plans and major development applications. 38 Town of Victoria Plan for the Future 2011 - 2026 Fifteen Year Financial Plan Summary Net Operating Requirements 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 Operating Revenue (Excluding Rates) 742,826 768,825 795,734 823,585 852,410 Less Operating Expenditure 2,020,777 2,102,084 2,198,926 2,324,391 2,405,226 Net Operating Expenditure - Built Life 1,277,951 1,333,259 1,403,192 1,500,806 1,552,816 Operating Revenue (Excluding Rates) 2,635,475 2,715,263 2,707,418 2,903,312 3,018,793 Less Operating Expenditure 2,655,659 2,610,739 2,864,545 3,332,723 3,114,513 Net Operating Expenditure - Business Life 20,184 (104,523) 157,126 429,411 95,720 Operating Revenue (Excluding Rates) 6,572,333 6,141,145 3,566,477 3,691,333 3,820,561 Less Operating Expenditure 10,195,903 10,581,605 9,529,276 9,569,747 9,866,878 4,440,460 5,962,799 5,878,413 6,046,317 Built Life Business Life Community Life Net Operating Expenditure - Community Life 3,623,570 Future Life Operating Revenue (Excluding Rates) 0 0 21,425 21,425 450,000 Less Operating Expenditure 250,103 263,267 291,398 377,098 402,806 Net Operating Expenditure - Future Life 250,103 263,267 269,973 355,674 (47,194) Operating Revenue (Excluding Rates) 1,826,148 2,275,656 2,705,902 2,746,584 2,845,704 Less Operating Expenditure 15,165,584 15,801,387 16,693,894 18,313,575 19,091,943 Net Operating Expenditure - Renew Life 13,339,436 13,525,731 13,987,993 15,566,992 16,246,239 Operating Revenue (Excluding Rates) 1,087 1,125 1,164 1,205 1,247 Less Operating Expenditure 2,175,513 2,256,233 2,340,243 2,427,691 2,519,038 Net Operating Expenditure - Governance 2,174,426 2,255,108 2,339,079 2,426,486 2,517,791 Rates Revenue 26,250,572 28,410,618 30,913,780 33,452,555 36,734,578 Operating (Surplus)/Deficit (5,564,902) (6,697,316) (6,793,618) (7,294,773) (10,322,889) Renew Life Governance Equates to Change in Net Assets Resulting from Operations Town of Victoria Plan for the Future 2011 - 2026 39 Summary Non-Operating Requirements 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 Built Life 189,405 196,034 202,895 209,997 217,347 Business Life 1,487,667 10,612,420 16,937,389 10,950,614 2,586,319 Community Life 5,062,438 5,005,323 524,185 537,282 550,837 Future Life 190,000 510,500 846,113 631,868 321,368 Governance 1,035 1,071 1,109 1,148 1,188 Renew Life 7,716,170 12,224,428 9,634,641 11,841,006 11,558,219 28,549,778 28,146,331 24,171,914 15,235,276 Total Capital & Non-recurrent Expenditure 14,646,715 Reconciliation of Net Cash Equivalent Position 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 Built Life (805,336) (833,523) (862,696) (892,891) (924,142) Business Life (28,979,532) (31,162,638) (33,426,229) (36,075,121) (38,839,683) Community Life (4,852,931) (5,022,784) (3,596,196) (3,722,063) (3,852,335) Future Life 0 (60,000) (295,113) (384,394) (1,020,965) Governance (1,087) (1,125) (1,164) (1,205) (1,247) Renew Life (1,873,325) (2,316,234) (2,630,000) (2,690,765) (2,753,656) TOTAL OPERATING REVENUE (36,512,211) (39,396,304) (40,811,400) (43,766,439) (47,392,028) Built Life 2,020,777 2,102,084 2,198,926 2,324,391 2,405,226 Business Life 2,655,659 2,610,739 2,864,545 3,332,723 3,114,513 Community Life 10,195,903 10,581,605 9,529,276 9,569,747 9,866,878 Future Life 250,103 263,267 291,398 377,098 402,806 Governance 2,175,513 2,256,233 2,340,243 2,427,691 2,519,038 Renew Life 15,165,584 15,801,387 16,693,894 18,313,575 19,091,943 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENDITURE 32,463,539 33,615,315 33,918,282 36,345,225 37,400,405 Sub-total (4,048,672) (5,780,988) (6,893,117) (7,421,214) (9,991,623) Built Life 62,510 64,698 66,962 69,306 71,732 Business Life 93,485 96,757 100,144 103,649 107,277 Community Life 30,598 31,638 29,719 30,730 31,775 Renew Life 97,177 100,578 104,099 107,742 111,513 TOTAL LOSS ON DISPOSAL OF ASSETS 283,771 293,672 300,924 311,427 322,296 Operating Revenue Operating Expenditure Loss on Disposal of Assets 40 Town of Victoria Plan for the Future 2011 - 2026 Reconciliation of Net Cash Equivalent Position (cont.) Grants/Contributions for the Development of Assets Community Life (1,750,000) (1,150,000) 0 0 0 Future Life 0 0 (21,425) (21,425) (450,000) Renew Life (50,000) (60,000) (180,000) (163,561) (203,561) TOTAL GRANTS/CONTRIBUTIONS FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF ASSETS (1,800,000) (1,210,000) (201,425) (184,986) (653,561) Change in Net Assets Resulting from Operations (5,564,902) (6,697,316) (6,793,618) (7,294,773) (10,322,889) Opening (Surplus)/Deficit (500,000) (7,259,236) (15,727,153) (2,662,105) (16,472,651) Proceeds on Disposal of Assets (13,331,170) (25,027,706) (512,228) (34,055,756) (1,564,711) Transfers from Reserves (385,000) (3,141,850) (620,403) (625,947) (2,199,066) Loan Proceeds 0 0 (5,360,613) 0 0 Depreciation Written Back (4,105,156) (4,248,201) (4,237,278) (4,385,063) (4,538,003) Loss on Disposal of Assets (283,771) (293,672) (300,924) (311,427) (322,296) Sub-total (18,605,096) (39,970,665) (26,758,598) (42,040,297) (25,096,726) Built Life 189,405 196,034 202,895 209,997 217,347 Business Life 1,487,667 10,612,420 16,937,389 10,950,614 2,586,319 Community Life 5,062,438 5,005,323 524,185 537,282 550,837 Future Life 190,000 510,500 846,113 631,868 321,368 Governance 1,035 1,071 1,109 1,148 1,188 Renew Life 7,716,170 12,224,428 9,634,641 11,841,006 11,558,219 TOTAL CAPITAL & NON-RECURRENT EXPENDITURE 14,646,715 28,549,778 28,146,331 24,171,914 15,235,276 Transfer to Reserves 1,458,431 1,535,992 1,836,226 2,366,605 2,596,473 Principal Loan Repayments 805,616 855,059 907,554 6,323,901 1,022,464 Sub-total 2,264,047 2,391,051 2,743,780 8,690,506 3,618,937 TOTAL (SURPLUS)/DEFICIT FOR THE YEAR (7,259,236) (15,727,153) (2,662,105) (16,472,651) (16,565,402) ADD: LESS: Capital & Non-recurrent Expenditure Town of Victoria Plan for the Future 2011 - 2026 41 Reserve Fund ected Reserve Balances 30/06/2011 30/06/2012 30/06/2013 30/06/2014 30/06/2015 30/06/2016 Edward Millen 927,553 1,253,587 1,620,814 1,963,085 2,387,122 2,880,199 Community Art 628,822 656,471 354,910 285,081 216,830 150,735 Lathlain Park 82,213 87,146 92,375 97,917 103,792 110,020 Peninsula Infrastructure Replacement & Maintenance 7,624 69,881 140,818 221,351 368,305 529,424 Mayors Emergency Relief Fund 1,500 1,590 1,685 1,787 1,894 2,007 Information Technology 50,731 156,775 269,181 388,332 514,632 648,510 Community Safety 0 0 0 0 0 0 Leisure Facilities 213,829 144,259 152,914 162,089 171,814 182,123 Lt Col Christian Garden Competition 25,290 26,807 28,416 30,121 31,928 33,844 Infrastructure Improvement 0 0 0 0 0 0 ROW Construction 6,263 6,639 7,037 7,459 7,907 8,381 Land Aquisition and Road Widening 111,143 117,812 124,880 132,373 140,315 148,734 Footpath Replacement 0 0 0 0 0 0 Drainage Improvement 8,424 8,929 9,465 10,033 10,635 11,273 Building Improvement 53,705 56,927 60,343 63,964 67,801 71,869 Harold Hawthorne Senior Citizens Centre & Memorial Hall 1,019 1,080 1,145 1,214 1,286 1,364 Hubert Street Car Park Improvement 128,537 136,249 144,424 153,090 162,275 172,012 Westminster Parking 178,325 189,025 200,366 210,138 220,418 191,320 Public Open Space Development 136,127 144,295 152,952 162,129 171,857 182,169 Underground Power 2,777,560 3,277,685 1,262,740 1,734,327 2,269,351 1,504,176 Plant & Equipment 37,630 39,888 42,281 44,818 47,507 50,357 Waste Management Reserve 0 0 0 0 0 0 Alternative Modes of Transport 0 74,681 102,440 113,959 137,972 143,364 0 0 0 99,303 290,625 524,322 5,376,295 6,449,726 4,769,187 5,882,570 7,324,269 7,546,204 Projected Balance of Reserves New Reserves Causeway Precinct 42 Town of Victoria Plan for the Future 2011 - 2026 Long Term Financial Plan Assumptions 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 CPI Forecast 3.50% 3.50% 3.50% 3.50% 3.50% 3.50% EBA Increase 3.40% 5.00% 4.00% 4.00% 4.00% 4.00% Superannuation 13.00% 13.00% 13.00% 13.25% 13.50% 14.00% Workers Compensation 3.50% 3.50% 3.50% 3.50% 3.50% 3.50% Employee On-costs 10.00% 10.00% 10.00% 10.00% 10.00% 10.00% Administration Costs 1.00% 1.00% 1.00% 1.00% 1.00% 1.00% Rates Growth - Yield 8.00% 8.00% 8.00% 8.00% 8.00% 8.00% Rate of Borrowing 6.25% 6.25% 6.25% 6.25% 6.25% 6.25% Return on Investment 6.00% 6.00% 6.00% 6.00% 6.00% 6.00% The figures used for the growth in expenditure due to inflation (as measured by the Perth Consumer Price Index) are as at June 2010. The September quarter annual Consumer Price Index was 3.1% for Perth. Employee Costs are based on the Town’s current Enterprise Bargaining Agreement. Rates Revenue has been estimated to increase by 8% pa based on a combination of CPI increases and past growth. The Rate of Borrowing has been set at 6.25% in line with the interest rate prediction provided by the financial consultant for inclusion in the Project Definition Plan for the Town Centre Redevelopment, November 2010. The Plan includes Tamala Park distributions resulting from land sales of subdivided lots for 2011/12 ($2,083,000) and 2012/13 ($5,750,000) to fund infrastructure assets for the period 2011/12 to 2013/14. Future Revenue from Tamala Park has not been identified in the plan beyond 2012/13. The Plan includes a 5% pa decrease in operating expenditure and a 5% pa increase in non-rate revenue after inflation of 3.5% pa has been applied. It is the Town’s intention to diversify its sources for revenue, including the introduction of parking fees to the Town’s parking hotspots and specified area rate levies. Some of the projects included in this Plan will require more detailed costing. As a result the Plan will be reviewed annually to ensure it reflects current funding and expenditure requirements. Town of Victoria Plan for the Future 2011 - 2026 43 Town of Victoria Park Administration Centre 99 Shepperton Road Victoria Park t: 9311 8111 e: This information is available in an alternative format to people with a disability on request to 9311 8132 100% recycled