Magma Recharge and Crystal Mush Rejuvenation
Magma Recharge and Crystal Mush Rejuvenation
JOURNAL OF PETROLOGY VOLUME 50 NUMBER 11 PAGES 2095^2125 2009 doi:10.1093/petrology/egp070 Magma Recharge and Crystal Mush Rejuvenation Associated with Early Post-collapse Upper Basin Member Rhyolites, Yellowstone Caldera, Wyoming GUILLAUME GIRARD* AND JOHN STIX EARTH AND PLANETARY SCIENCES, MCGILL UNIVERSITY, 3450 UNIVERSITY STREET, MONTREAL, QC, H3A 2A7, CANADA RECEIVED MARCH 10, 2009; ACCEPTED SEPTEMBER 23, 2009 ADVANCE ACCESS PUBLICATION NOVEMBER 3, 2009 The Upper Basin Member rhyolites are the oldest known postcollapse rhyolites of the third Yellowstone caldera. They were erupted near the caldera’s resurgent domes between 516 7 and 473 9 ka and at 257 13 ka. An unusual characteristic is their low d18O signature. Few data are available on their mineralogy and glass geochemistry, and this study fills an important gap in understanding their petrogenesis.We report new mineralogical observations and plagioclase, whole-rock and glass compositional data. Based on our observations, we describe a new lava flow for which we propose the name East Biscuit Basin flow. This unit is a quartz- and sanidine-free low-silica rhyolite (71^72% SiO2 in the whole-rock) in which the dominant mineral, plagioclase, comprises two populations: (1) small fresh euhedral crystals of An20^48 (average of An31) composition, commonly part of aggregates with pyroxenes and Fe^Ti oxides; (2) large sieve-textured isolated crystals, which are slightly more sodic in composition (An19^34, average of An27). Plagioclase compositions in most other Upper Basin Member rhyolites are similar. The range of compositions for trace elements such as Rb, Th, Y and the rare earth elements is small (e.g. 158^189 ppm Rb, 20^ 25 ppm Th, 52^63 ppm Y, 60^82 ppm La in the whole-rock), and there is no systematic variation of these elements as a function of SiO2 content or mineralogy. Certain trace element signatures and ratios are specific to each of these rhyolites, allowing us to propose that the Upper Basin Member rhyolites originate from six independent magma batches. The coexistence of the two types of plagioclase and their progressive disappearance in the more evolved rhyolites suggest the following petrogenetic model for each magma batch. *Corresponding author. Telephone: þ1-514-398-5391. Fax: þ1-514-398-4680. E-mail: A low-d18O rhyolitic protolith is heated by replenishing magmas, which initiate melting, forming a crystal mush. Replenishment by buoyant silicic magma may enhance melting and cause mixing with the mush material. As a consequence, crystal-poor eruptible magma batches are formed, which contain small, more calcic plagioclase crystals (aggregates) formed during cooling and mixing of the replenishing silicic melt, and larger, lower temperature crystals exhibiting dissolution features inherited from the protolith. KEY WORDS: caldera volcanism; crystal transfer; melting; sieve textures; silicic magma I N T RO D U C T I O N The period following cataclysmic eruptions and caldera collapse in large rhyolitic systems is fundamental to our understanding of magma chamber dynamics at these volcanic centres. Caldera collapse is commonly followed by resurgence and post-caldera rhyolitic volcanism, which is typically effusive (Smith & Bailey, 1968). Recent studies at the Valles caldera, New Mexico, have revealed the very short timescale (27 ka) in which caldera collapse, resurgence and post-caldera volcanism occur (Phillips et al., 2007). Post-caldera eruptions are commonly perceived as small volume, but at Long Valley caldera, California, the Early Rhyolite that was emplaced in the 100 kyr period The Author 2009. Published by Oxford University Press. All rights reserved. For Permissions, please e-mail: journals.permissions@ JOURNAL OF PETROLOGY VOLUME 50 following caldera collapse and eruption of the Bishop Tuff totals 4100 km3 in volume (Hildreth, 2004). This period, together with the late stages of large, caldera-forming eruptions, is typically when the most compositionally primitive and diverse silicic magma found in large silicic systems is erupted, and compositions are commonly rhyodacitic. For example, at the Long Valley caldera a smallvolume rhyodacitic dome was erupted in the northeastern part of the caldera soon after its collapse (Hildreth, 2004). At the Valles caldera, a low-silica rhyolite lacking quartz (the Redondo Creek lavas) was erupted immediately after caldera collapse (Phillips et al., 2007). In New Zealand, at the Taupo (Sutton et al., 2000) and Okataina volcanic centres (Smith et al., 2004; Shane et al., 2005), post-collapse rhyodacitic eruptions are common, whereas the calderaforming eruptions emit mainly high-silica rhyolite. It has long been debated whether these more primitive magma types are the non-erupted remnants of a large zoned magma chamber that was partially emptied during the caldera-forming eruption, or new replenishing melts that erupted without prolonged storage and differentiation. Recent work on the oxygen isotope systematics of the post-collapse rhyolites of the Yellowstone^Snake River Plain volcanic province and the Oasis Mountain^Timber Valley volcanic complex of Nevada led Bindeman & Valley (2000, 2001) and Bindeman et al. (2006, 2007) to introduce the concept of bulk melting of sub-solidus rhyolitic material inherited from previous eruptions as an alternative mechanism to explain the origin of such rhyolites. This work focuses on the early post-collapse rhyolites of the 640 ka Yellowstone caldera, Wyoming, also referred to as the Upper Basin Member (UBM) (Christiansen, 2001). These rhyolites were initially interpreted as remnants of non-erupted magma from the chamber that produced the Lava Creek Tuff (Hildreth et al., 1984). More recently, Bindeman & Valley (2000, 2001) and Bindeman et al. (2008) provided evidence to support bulk melting of precollapse rhyolites and subsided blocks of ignimbrite. This work examines these UBM magmas, the relationships between the various UBM units, and the role and mechanics of crystal entrainment. We propose that bulk melting does not necessarily exclude other petrogenetic processes such as fractional crystallization or magma mixing, and that these processes may operate simultaneously with or subsequent to bulk melting. In this study, we report new whole-rock, glass, and plagioclase compositions for most of the known UBM rhyolites, to decipher whether the UBM rhyolites are cogenetic or not. Spatio-temporal trace element distributions allow us to propose the existence of at least six independent magma batches. Our results generally confirm that melting played a fundamental role in the generation of these rhyolites, but they also provide evidence for additional petrogenetic processes. In some rhyolites, a NUMBER 11 NOVEMBER 2009 combination of unusual mineral assemblages, coupled with trace element heterogeneities in the glass, suggests mixing with a small proportion of a more primitive silicic magma. Furthermore, unusual trace element signatures in certain rhyolites reflect heterogeneity of their source. Based on the mineralogical and geochemical data presented, we provide evidence for a previously unrecognized quartz- and sanidine-free low-silica rhyolite lava unit in the Biscuit Basin area, which we name the East Biscuit Basin flow. This flow contains plagioclase^pyroxene^Fe^ Ti-oxide microcrystalline aggregates with a bulk silica content of 60% SiO2, as well as sieve-textured plagioclase. These features are also found in other UBM rhyolites, although they are less abundant. E A R LY P O S T- C A L D E R A VO L C A N I S M AT Y E L L O W S T O N E After collapse of the third Yellowstone caldera and eruption of the 1000 km3 Lava Creek Tuff at 639 2 ka (Lanphere et al., 2002), the Mallard Lake Resurgent Dome formed in the southwestern part of the caldera, and the Sour Creek Resurgent Dome formed in the northeastern part of the caldera (Christiansen, 2001) (Fig. 1). The timing of these resurgence events is poorly constrained; nevertheless, the earliest post-collapse rhyolites are found near these two domes, and field relations suggest that they were emplaced after resurgence (Christiansen, 2001). The oldest known flow, the Biscuit Basin flow, has been dated at 516 7 ka and lies astride the Mallard Lake Resurgent Dome (Christiansen, 2001) (Fig. 1). A detailed d18O survey by Bindeman & Valley (2000, 2001) redefined this unit as a group of three flows: the South, Middle and North Biscuit Basin flows (SBB, MBB and NBB, respectively), with the SBB flow dated by the 39Ar/40Ar method at 255 11 ka (Bindeman et al., 2008). Here, we refer to these rhyolites as the Biscuit Basin rhyolites. In the vicinity of the Sour Creek Resurgent Dome, a sequence of two rhyolitic pyroclastic fallout units and two rhyolitic lava flows was erupted between 486 42 and 473 9 ka (Gansecki et al., 1996; Christiansen, 2001) (Fig. 1); we refer to these as the Canyon rhyolites. Activity resumed near the Mallard Lake Resurgent Dome with emplacement of the Scaup Lake lava flow (SL) at 257 13 ka (Christiansen et al., 2007) and the SBB flow at 255 11 ka (Bindeman et al., 2008) (Fig. 1). Therefore, early postcaldera volcanism at Yellowstone appears to have occurred relatively late after collapse compared with some other silicic systems (e.g. Hildreth, 2004; Smith et al., 2005; Phillips et al., 2007). The UBM rhyolites are followed by the 600^900 km3 Central Plateau Member (CPM) rhyolites that were emplaced in the Yellowstone caldera from 174 to 70 ka (Christiansen, 2001; Christiansen et al., 2007) (Fig. 1). 2096 GIRARD & STIX YELLOWSTONE UPPER BASIN MEMBER RHYOLITES Fig. 1. (a) Location of Yellowstone caldera within the Yellowstone^Snake River Plain volcanic province (modified from Perkins & Nash, 2002). Shaded areas represent the Yellowstone^Snake River Plain eruptive centres and their ages of activity. OH, Owyhee^Humboldt; BJ, BruneauJarbidge; TF, Twin Falls; P, Picabo; H, Heise; Y, Yellowstone. (b) Map of the Yellowstone caldera complex, showing the first and third calderas, the resurgent domes and post-caldera volcanism (modified from Bindeman & Valley, 2001). (c) Map of the Lower Geyser Basin and Upper Geyser Basin areas of the Yellowstone caldera, where the Biscuit Basin Rhyolites crop out, modified from US Geological Survey 1: 24 000 scale topographic maps of Old Faithful, WY, and Madison Junction, WY, quadrants. 2097 JOURNAL OF PETROLOGY VOLUME 50 These represent some of the largest rhyolitic effusive eruptions on Earth. Hence unlike other caldera systems (Hildreth, 2004), the early UBM volcanism appears to represent a small proportion of the magma erupted after caldera collapse. However, the subsequent CPM rhyolites have filled the caldera, so that volumes and numbers of eruptive units for the UBM rhyolites may be underestimated. The UBM rhyolites have been recognized as the most primitive rhyolites of the entire third caldera cycle at Yellowstone (Hildreth et al., 1984; Christiansen, 2001). In contrast to the pre-caldera lavas, the Lava Creek Tuff, and the CPM rhyolites, plagioclase is the dominant mineral phase in the UBM rhyolites, whereas sanidine and quartz are less abundant. Plagioclase ranges mainly from An22 to An32 although values ranging from An18 to An43 have been reported (Hildreth et al., 1984). Clinopyroxene is the dominant mafic phase and is relatively Mg-rich (Wo38^40En27^35Fs25^35) (Hildreth et al., 1984). Orthopyroxene (En35^45) is also observed in the UBM rhyolites whereas hydrous mafic minerals are not observed, similar to most Yellowstone rhyolites (Hildreth et al., 1984). Although less evolved, the UBM rhyolites are dominantly high-silica rhyolites, although a few low-silica rhyolite analyses also have been reported for the Biscuit Basin rhyolites (Sturchio et al., 1986; Christiansen, 2001). Eruption temperatures of 900^9108C have been determined by ilmenite^titanomagnetite geothermometry for the 516 ka Biscuit Basin flow, 9238C for the 484 ka Canyon flow and 850^8808C for the 257 ka Scaup Lake flow (Hildreth et al., 1984). Zircon saturation temperatures range from 819 to 8828C throughout the UBM rhyolites (Bindeman & Valley, 2001). The most unusual aspect of these rhyolites is their exceptionally low d18O values. Many of the UBM rhyolites have values attaining 0^2ø d18O SMOW in quartz (Hildreth et al., 1984). Similar depletions are found in glass, plagioclase, sanidine and zircon (Sturchio et al., 1986; Bindeman & Valley, 2001). Although all post-caldera rhyolites from the third Yellowstone caldera cycle have relatively low d18O values (56·5ø in quartz), only the UBM rhyolites have such low values. Zircon cores show higher values similar to the Lava Creek Tuff or older rhyolites, with U^Pb ages on these zircons ranging between 42 Ma and 500 ka (Bindeman & Valley, 2001; Bindeman et al., 2001). Hildreth et al. (1984) first interpreted these strong d18O depletions as the result of contamination of the magma chamber by meteoric water, whereas Bindeman & Valley (2001) favoured bulk melting of hydrothermally altered intra-caldera rhyolites. Elevated U, Th and Y concentrations in some zircons may indicate crystallization in a plutonic environment (as pegmatites or residual melts) rather than a liquid magma chamber (Bindeman et al., 2008). NUMBER 11 NOVEMBER 2009 S A M P L I N G A N D A N A LY T I C A L M ET HODS We collected samples at several localities from the Biscuit Basin rhyolites near the Mallard Lake Resurgent Dome, and the tuff of Sulphur Creek (TSC), Canyon flow (CF) and Dunraven Road flow (DR) near the Sour Creek Resurgent Dome as mapped by Christiansen (2001). For the Biscuit Basin rhyolites, we sampled each of the North, Middle and South flows as defined by Bindeman & Valley (2001), as well as four localities east of the South Biscuit Basin sample site (Table 1, Fig. 1). For these localities, based on a mineralogy and geochemistry distinct from the other Biscuit Basin flows, we define a new unit, the East Biscuit Basin flow (or group of flows), hereafter referred to as EBB. Samples of all units are typically glassy and perlitic with little or no spherulite development. Crystal abundances were obtained by area measurements on thin-section scans. Whole-rock major and trace element analyses were obtained by X-ray fluorescence (XRF) on a Philips PW2440 4 kW spectrometer at McGill University. Rare earth elements (REE) were obtained by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) using a PerkinElmer/SCIEX Elan 6100 DRCplus instrument at McGill University. An internal standard, UTR-2, was used for both XRF and ICP-MS analyses (analytical results are given in Electronic Appendix 1, which is available for downloading at http:// Major elements for glass and plagioclase were obtained on a JEOL 8900 electron microprobe at McGill University using 15 kV accelerating voltage and 10 nA beam current. For glass analyses we used a 10 mm defocused beam to minimize sodium loss. Trace element analyses for glass were obtained by laser-ablation (LA)-ICP-MS at McGill University using a New-Wave UP-213 laser coupled to the ICP-MS system. For LA-ICP-MS analyses, the standard used for calibration was NIST-610, whereas NIST-612 was analyzed to monitor accuracy and precision. Both standards were analyzed several times during the day, approximately once every hour. The beam size was 60 mm for all analyses to ensure relatively constant count rates, and drilling was performed to a depth of 60 mm. Raw isotope counts were converted to elemental concentrations using Glitter software; our reference isotope of known concentration was 29Si rather than the more commonly used 43Ca because of the low calcium concentrations in the glasses. However, 29Si interferes with the atmospheric polyatomic ion 14N15N, and a method that minimizes atmospheric contamination was required. The laser-ablation chamber can contain a maximum of one thin section; hence changing thin sections caused atmospheric contamination that altered the instrumental accuracy and precision. Instead of thin sections, therefore, we used polished mounts containing millimeter-sized obsidian chips from 10^15 different samples including 2098 Map abbreviation sample name Qpub BS88-05 2099 Qpub Qpul BN154A BS132 SL32-05 Qpus Qpud Qpud TSC217-2 DR71-6 DR237B Dunraven Road flow Dunraven Road flow Tuff of Sulphur Creek Canyon flow Scaup Lake flow South Biscuit Basin flow North Biscuit Basin flow Middle Biscuit Basin flow East Biscuit Basin flow East Biscuit Basin flow East Biscuit Basin flow East Biscuit Basin flow Name DR DR TSC CF SL SBB NBB MBB EBB EBB EBB EBB Abbreviation Ar–Ar 486 42 486 42 473 9 484 15 257 13 255 11 n.d. 516 7 n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d. age (ka) 542103 542348 546753 539295 515025 510173 514125 513762 512216 512002 512526 511080 x 4956557 4954868 4956350 4952953 4921761 4925475 4932331 4929922 4924296 4924186 4924108 4925636 y US UTM reference NAD1927 Continental Sampling location Geographical Fresh roadcut vent area Top of butte near mapped 50 cm above exposed base North side of creek North rim of canyon Along trail at Mystic Falls Top of butte Top of butte North side of butte Top of butte description Crystal-poor obsidian Crystal-poor obsidian Vitrophyre pyroclastic fallout Perlitic spherulite-rich obsidian Perlitic obsidian, frothy flow carapace Perlitic obsidian Perlitic obsidian Perlitic spherulite-rich obsidian Perlitic obsidian Perlitic obsidian Perlitic spherulite-rich obsidian Perlitic spherulite-rich obsidian Lithology Previous sampling 8YC-477B1,3 YL96-92 YL96-22 BBF-12 6YC-1061 at same locality Sources for ages: Gansecki et al. (1996), except for SBB (Bindeman et al., 2008) and SL (Christiansen et al., 2007, from A.T. Calvert, unpublished data). Names for the Biscuit Basin flows as proposed by Bindeman & Valley (2001), except for East Biscuit Basin flow, this study. Map abbreviations from Christiansen (2001). Data from previous sampling published as follows: 1Christiansen (2001); 2Bindeman & Valley (2001); 3Hildreth et al. (1984). n.d., not determined. Qpuc CF133B Canyon rhyolites Qpub Qpub BM7-3 Qpub Qpub BS87 BS89 Qpub BS47 Biscuit Basin rhyolites Unit Group, Table 1: Stratigraphy and published 39Ar/ 40Ar ages of the Upper Basin Member rhyolites, description of samples and sampling localities GIRARD & STIX YELLOWSTONE UPPER BASIN MEMBER RHYOLITES JOURNAL OF PETROLOGY VOLUME 50 standards. Obtaining 10 analyses for each sample on the mount required about 1 day; thus the sample chamber was kept closed during an entire analytical session. We used the average SiO2 content in glass obtained by electron microprobe as the SiO2 content of reference. For electron microprobe analyses, variations in SiO2 content within a single thin section were consistently within instrumental uncertainty, demonstrating that the glass was homogeneous in its SiO2 content at the thin-section scale. A few samples were not analyzed by electron microprobe. For these, we used the average SiO2 content of our analyses for other units in the same stratigraphic group for which SiO2 could be considered homogeneous and representative. Analyzed isotopes comprised 85Rb, 88Sr, 89Y, 90 Zr, 137Ba, 139La, 147Sm, 153Eu, 157Gd, 172Yb, 175Lu, 232Th, and 238U. R E S U LT S Mineralogy Our mineralogical observations and calculated crystal abundances are reported in Table 2. In terms of mineralogy, the most primitive material comes from the East Biscuit Basin flow (EBB, samples BS88-05 and BS89, Table 1). This lava has 15% crystals and is dominated by plagioclase whereas sanidine and quartz are absent. Clinopyroxene is the second most abundant mineral. Such a crystal assemblage is uncommon for a rhyolite with 71^72% SiO2 in the whole-rock and 76% SiO2 in the glass (compositions normalized to 100% oxides). Plagioclase exhibits two types: (1) 1mm long euhedral crystals, commonly optically zoned, occurring either singly (Fig. 2a) or intergrown with pyroxenes and Fe^Ti oxides, forming microcrystalline aggregates (Fig. 2b); (2) 3^5 mm long euhedral sieved crystals typically occurring as single grains. In these, the sieve pattern is variable, with a majority of coarse sieve textures (Fig. 2c) and fewer fine sieve textures (Fig. 2d). Rims on sieved crystals are not systematically present; when observed, they are only partly developed around the sieved core. The aggregates represent 30% of the crystallinity of the EBB flow and are composed of 75% plagioclase, 20% pyroxenes and 5% Fe^Ti oxides. They are typically 1mm in size with the largest attaining 5 mm. The presence of glass in the aggregates is not evident. Middle Biscuit Basin flow (MBB) sample BM7-3 (Table 1) is somewhat less crystalline (12% crystals), with 40% sanidine and 10% quartz, although plagioclase is still dominant at 50% (Fig. 3). Sieved plagioclase is also abundant, but sieve textures are generally less developed than for the EBB flow. Plagioclase^pyroxene^oxide aggregates are scarcer (20% of the crystallinity); in these aggregates, mafic minerals are less abundant than for the EBB samples. Texturally, quartz is typically rounded with long glass re-entrants, appearing to be in NUMBER 11 NOVEMBER 2009 dissolution (Fig. 2e). North Biscuit Basin flow (NBB) sample BN154A (Table 1) generally resembles MBB, but here sanidine is the dominant mineral (450%), with the largest crystals being sieved. Plagioclase sieve textures are less pronounced. Aggregates are also scarcer and represent only 10% of the crystallinity (Table 2). Quartz is texturally similar to that of the MBB flow. South Biscuit Basin flow (SBB) sample BS132 (Table 1) resembles NBB in terms of quartz, sanidine and plagioclase abundances and textures. However, the presence of aggregates in BS132 is unclear although it is pyroxene-rich (5%). Indeed, both orthopyroxene and clinopyroxene occur here as larger, isolated, euhedral crystals. sometimes approaching 1mm in size. This mineralogy is similar to that of the 257 ka Scaup Lake flow (SL) sample SL32-05 (Fig. 3). Electron microprobe analyses reveal that these clinopyroxenes are compositionally similar to those of the aggregates in the MBB flow, with Wo42^43En32Fs25^26 in SL, Wo38^42En28^35 Fs25^32 in SBB and Wo39^41En31^35Fs25^29 in MBB. These values are consistent with those obtained by Hildreth et al. (1984). Among the Canyon rhyolites (Table 1), Canyon flow (CF) sample CF133B is the most primitive in mineralogy, consisting mainly of a plagioclase^quartz assemblage with scarce sanidine. Sieve textures in plagioclase are conspicuously developed similar to the EBB flow, and smaller, fresh euhedral plagioclase is also found, either isolated or as part of plagioclase^pyroxene^oxide aggregates, although these aggregates are rare (510% of the crystallinity). Quartz dissolution textures are also well developed. The underlying tuff of Sulphur Creek (TSC) sample TSC217-2 has a mineralogy similar to CF, except for a lower crystallinity. Dunraven Road flow (DR) samples DR71-6 and DR237B are distinct from the rest of the UBM samples in terms of their nearly aphyric nature (1^3% crystals), although plagioclase is still dominant (Fig. 3). In general, too few crystals are present in the DR samples for accurate crystal counting. Whole-rock geochemistry Whole-rock major and trace element compositions are presented in Table 2. The data generally agree with those of Hildreth et al. (1984, 1991) and Christiansen (2001). When normalized to 100% oxides, all samples are high-silica rhyolites, except for the East Biscuit Basin (EBB) samples BS47, BS88-05 and BS89 (71·5^72% SiO2). The Middle Biscuit Basin (MBB) and North Biscuit Basin (NBB) samples have 76·1% SiO2, whereas the mineralogically more evolved South Biscuit Basin and Scaup Lake samples have 74·8^75·2% SiO2. No low-silica rhyolite is found in the Canyon rhyolites. There, the most primitive material is from the Canyon flow (CF) with 75·8% SiO2. The tuff of Sulphur Creek (TSC) is more silicic at 76·8% SiO2, and the Dunraven Road flow (DR) is the most silicic UBM rhyolite at 76·8^77·0% SiO2. 2100 GIRARD & STIX YELLOWSTONE UPPER BASIN MEMBER RHYOLITES Table 2: Whole-rock XRF and ICP-MS analyses and mineralogy Sample: BS47 BS88-05 BS89 BM7-3 BN154A BS132 SL32-05 CF133B TSC217-2 DR71-6 DR237B Unit: EBB EBB EBB MBB NBB SBB SL CF TSC DR DR XRF results SiO2 TiO2 70·12 0·480 69·63 0·475 70·13 0·488 73·57 0·263 73·81 0·245 72·46 0·269 73·26 0·259 74·18 0·288 74·39 0·342 76·74 0·127 76·53 0·125 Al2O3 13·21 13·33 13·08 12·07 11·96 12·72 12·51 12·56 12·58 12·20 12·26 FeO 3·44 3·48 3·47 1·59 1·62 1·75 1·69 1·21 1·47 1·27 1·24 MnO 0·078 0·076 0·074 0·041 0·040 0·043 0·043 0·033 0·042 0·036 0·034 MgO 0·47 0·47 0·47 0·17 0·20 0·31 0·23 0·10 0·12 0·10 0·11 CaO 1·65 1·58 1·60 0·72 0·68 0·91 0·84 0·50 0·92 0·50 0·51 Na2O 3·58 3·67 3·47 3·07 3·08 3·28 3·30 2·74 3·44 3·52 3·55 5·20 K2O 4·51 4·46 4·60 5·18 5·24 4·98 5·18 4·99 4·84 5·21 P2O5 0·110 0·108 0·110 0·032 0·032 0·035 0·036 0·037 0·036 0·018 BaO (ppm) LOI Total Ga 1110 1075 1105 925 831 1252 1255 910 1165 709 2·31 2·11 2·45 3·32 3·24 3·01 2·51 1·70 3·35 0·19 0·23 100·07 99·50 100·06 100·12 100·23 99·89 99·98 100·08 99·99 99·98 99·88 21·6 21·1 21·4 18·2 115·8 111·5 111·4 49·2 46·3 59·8 57·9 82·5 45·4 17·8 62·5 60·2 60·0 60·1 60·3 56·1 57·7 61·7 60·1 52·0 Nb Ce 41·3 162 41·2 146 41·6 153 45·4 146 280 44·6 151 42·3 161 262 41·6 146 389 46·9 147 175 18·4 Sr 280 164 19·0 Y 292 171 19·5 160 426 171 19·1 158 415 189 19·6 157 413 187 18·6 Rb Zr 0·017 738 340 48·8 156 168 205 33·4 127 18·3 169 17·1 52·3 205 33·4 112 Pb 26·3 26·3 25·7 30·6 30·8 25·5 26·4 28·9 27·7 30·5 30·9 Th 21·8 21·6 21·4 24·7 24·5 23·4 23·1 22·3 24·8 19·8 19·6 U 5·1 5·6 5·1 5·9 5·8 5·2 5·3 5·5 5·4 4·0 4·2 ICP-MS results Ba n.a. n.a. La n.a. n.a. 936 73·7 73·4 75·7 80·7 81·8 75·8 72·5 n.a. 60·0 Ce n.a. n.a. 139·8 139·9 144·3 151·0 152·6 144·6 141·0 n.a. 114·0 Pr n.a. n.a. 16·0 15·7 16·1 16·9 16·9 16·5 16·3 n.a. 12·9 Nd n.a. n.a. 59·9 56·6 58·1 60·5 61·1 60·7 60·3 n.a. 47·1 Sm n.a. n.a. 11·9 11·1 11·3 11·2 11·3 11·9 12·0 n.a. 9·37 Eu n.a. n.a. n.a. 0·62 Gd n.a. n.a. n.a. 8·40 Tb n.a. n.a. n.a. 1·43 Dy n.a. n.a. n.a. 8·88 Ho n.a. n.a. 2·14 2·07 2·11 1·98 2·01 2·16 2·15 n.a. 1·75 Er n.a. n.a. 6·16 5·97 6·19 5·68 5·83 6·21 6·36 n.a. 4·97 Tm n.a. n.a. 0·89 0·90 0·91 0·82 0·85 0·92 0·91 n.a. 0·73 Yb n.a. n.a. 5·88 5·81 6·03 5·53 5·62 5·96 6·09 n.a. 4·73 Lu n.a. n.a. 0·84 0·83 0·84 0·79 0·79 0·85 0·87 n.a. 0·67 n.d. n.d. n.d. 2·01 10·7 1·77 11·0 800 1·16 9·88 1·72 10·4 758 1047 1·12 10·1 1·70 10·7 1038 1·50 1·49 9·70 9·75 1·61 1·64 9·89 10·1 1002 1·85 10·6 1·75 10·9 789 1·32 10·3 1·78 10·9 n.a. 616 Mineralogy Crystallinity (vol. %) 15 12 14 12 14 18 5 11% 2% 2% 4% 5% 3% — — 3% 2% 2% 2% 2% 3% 1% 1% (unsieved) 60% 24% 18% 10% 33% 31% 24% (sieved) 27% 20% 14% 14% 4% 41% 31% n.d. — 39% 54% 52% 37% 5% 12% 25% — 12% 11% 10% 18% 17% 32% — 35% 20% 9% ? ? 13% — — Pyroxenes Fe–Ti oxides Plagioclase Sanidine Quartz Aggregates 1 75% n.d. Crystals present in aggregates are counted in the total abundance values for each mineral. Aggregates comprise 80% unsieved plagioclase, 18% pyroxene and 3% oxides in EBB; 50% of each of these phases are part of aggregates. Plagioclase abundance increases slightly at the expense of pyroxene in aggregates of MBB and NBB. For pyroxenes, no detailed count of clinopyroxene vs orthopyroxene was obtained, although both are observed in all pyroxene-bearing rhyolites, with clinopyroxene dominant. For SBB and SL, presence of aggregates is uncertain, as polycrystalline assemblages essentially consist of few small pyroxene and oxide inclusions in larger unsieved plagioclase. n.a., not analyzed; n.d., not determined. 2101 JOURNAL OF PETROLOGY VOLUME 50 NUMBER 11 NOVEMBER 2009 Fig. 2. Photomicrographs of typical Upper Basin Member crystals. (a) Zoned, unsieved, euhedral plagioclase, occurring as single grains (view under crossed polars); (b) unsieved plagioclase (PL), occurring in aggregates with pyroxenes (PX) and Fe^Ti oxides (OX); (c) coarsely sieved plagioclase; (d) less commonly occurring finely sieved plagioclase; (e) quartz exhibiting rounding and long glass re-entrants. All images taken from sample BS89, East Biscuit Basin flow except (e) taken from sample CF133B, Canyon flow. 2102 GIRARD & STIX YELLOWSTONE UPPER BASIN MEMBER RHYOLITES 20 18 16 modal % 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 EBB MBB NBB SBB SL CF TSC Sieved plagioclase Sanidine Pyroxene Unsieved plagioclase Quartz Fe-Ti oxides DR Fig. 3. Mineralogy of samples of the Upper Basin Member rhyolites. (For this and following figures, see Table 1 for abbreviations.) All samples show a negative correlation between SiO2 and TiO2, Al2O3, FeO, MgO, CaO and Sr (Figs 4 and 5). In contrast, the alkalis, including Na2O, K2O and Rb, are generally invariant (Figs 4 and 5). Most trace elements do not show a simple univariant evolutionary trend. For example, Ba in the primitive EBB samples is 1000 ppm, comparable with CF (960^1080 ppm) but slightly lower than in the SBB (1100^1120 ppm) and SL (1120 ppm) samples (Fig. 5). All the UBM rhyolites have a well-defined negative Eu anomaly, although it is relatively small (Fig. 6); its presence suggests that all UBM magmas, including the primitive EBB, have undergone some feldspar fractionation. Most analyzed trace elements lack any clear variation with mineralogy and SiO2 content, showing small ranges in composition. OnlyTh increases slightly with SiO2, from 21^22 ppm in EBB to 25^26 ppm in MBB, NBB and TSC, although it is significantly lower in DR (19·5^20 ppm) (Fig. 5). No significant changes in REE abundances are observed as a function of the degree of differentiation. For example, the Ce/Yb ratio shows a limited range between 23 and 24·5 (Fig. 5). Only SBB and SL have a higher Ce/Yb ratio of 27^28, resulting from a combination of slightly lower concentrations in middle REE (MREE) and heavy REE (HREE) and slightly higher concentrations in light REE (LREE) (Fig. 6b, Table 2). Although DR is rich in SiO2, it is depleted in all the REE and other trace elements (except Rb) compared with other UBM rhyolites, in addition to major oxides such as TiO2, Al2O3, FeO, MgO and CaO (Figs 4^6). This observed depletion is generally more pronounced for the elements compatible in feldspar (Sr, Ba and Eu). This relationship is probably fundamentally important for the origin of this chemically unusual lava flow, which has the highest SiO2, a relatively primitive plagioclase-dominated mineralogy, and a depleted trace element signature. Glass geochemistry Results for glass geochemistry are presented in Table 3. For each element and sample, we provide the number of analyses, the average concentration, per cent relative standard deviation, and minimum and maximum concentrations measured. This approach allows us to document compositionally heterogeneous glass. Heterogeneity can be revealed by the presence of bimodal compositions within a sample (Cathey & Nash, 2004; Smith et al., 2004, 2005), or by compositional variability for certain elements that greatly exceeds instrumental precision. An average of 10 analyses was performed on each sample whenever possible. Our criteria for determination of heterogeneity are detailed in Electronic Appendix 2 (available at http:// Glass in all samples is high-silica rhyolite. On an anhydrous basis, SiO2 is 76^76·5% in the East Biscuit Basin (EBB) low-silica rhyolites, 77·1% in the Middle Biscuit Basin (MBB) and North Biscuit Basin (NBB), and 2103 JOURNAL OF PETROLOGY 0.7 NUMBER 11 2.5 (a) 0.6 NOVEMBER 2009 (b) 2 0.5 CaO (wt%) T i O 2 (wt %) VOLUME 50 0.4 0.3 0.2 1.5 1 0.5 0.1 0 0 71 73 74 75 76 SiO 2 (wt%) 77 78 71 (c) Na2O (wt%) 4 3 2 1 73 74 75 76 SiO 2 (wt%) 77 78 72 73 74 75 76 SiO 2 (wt%) 77 78 72 73 74 75 76 SiO 2 (wt%) 77 78 (d) 4 3.5 3 2.5 0 2 71 0.8 72 73 74 75 76 SiO 2 (wt%) 77 78 71 6 (e) 5.5 0.6 K 2O (wt%) MgO (wt%) 72 4.5 5 FeO (wt %) 72 0.4 (f) 5 4.5 4 0.2 3.5 0 3 71 72 73 74 75 76 SiO 2 (wt%) 77 Biscuit Basin Rhyolites Canyon Rhyolites 78 71 EBB MBB NBB CF TSC DR SBB SL Fig. 4. Major element whole-rock compositions of the Upper Basin Member rhyolites, normalized to 100% oxides, compiled from our data (Table 2), Hildreth et al. (1984, 1991), Bindeman & Valley (2001) and Christiansen (2001). 77·5^77·7% in South Biscuit Basin (SBB) and Scaup Lake (SL) flows. Glass in the Canyon rhyolites (Table 1) has 76·7^76·9% SiO2 for the Canyon flow (CF) and tuff of Sulphur Creek (TSC), and 77·3^77·5% SiO2 for the Dunraven Road flow (DR). SBB and SL glasses are also characterized by very low FeO (0·38%), whereas FeO ranges between 1·0 and 1·7% in all other UBM rhyolites glass. Concentrations of trace elements are generally lower in the glass than the whole-rock, with the notable exception of Rb and, to a lesser extent, U and Th. Th is similar in glass and whole-rock for the Biscuit Basin rhyolites (somewhat higher in the glass in the EBB flow) and lower in the glass in the Canyon rhyolites, especially for TSC and DR. Trace element depletions in the glass of the MBB flow are generally less pronounced for Th and REE (except Eu), being about equal in glass and whole-rock. Such a trace element distribution pattern requires the presence of accessory mineral phases in which the analyzed elements are compatible. 2104 GIRARD & STIX 150 250 (a) 90 60 150 100 30 50 0 71 72 1500 74 75 SiO2 (wt%) 76 77 0 71 78 600 500 Zr (ppm) Ba (ppm) 73 (c) 1200 900 600 300 73 74 75 SiO2 (wt%) 76 77 78 73 74 75 SiO2 (wt%) 76 77 78 73 74 75 SiO2 (wt%) 76 77 78 73 74 75 SiO2 (wt%) 76 77 78 (d) 300 200 100 71 160 72 73 74 75 SiO2 (wt%) 76 77 0 71 78 72 28 (e) 150 140 Ce / Yb Ce (ppm) 72 400 0 130 120 (f) 26 24 22 110 100 71 72 73 74 75 SiO2 (wt%) 76 77 78 20 71 72 7 27 U (ppm) (g) 25 Th (ppm) (b) 200 Rb (ppm) 120 Sr (ppm) YELLOWSTONE UPPER BASIN MEMBER RHYOLITES 23 21 19 6 (h) 5 4 17 3 15 71 72 73 74 75 SiO2 (wt%) 76 Biscuit Basin Rhyolites Canyon Rhyolites 77 78 71 72 EBB MBB NBB CF TSC DR SBB SL Fig. 5. Trace element whole-rock compositions of the Upper Basin Member rhyolites, normalized to 100% oxides, plotted as a function of SiO2, which reflects the degree of evolution, compiled from our data (Table 2), Hildreth et al. (1984, 1991), Bindeman & Valley (2001) and Christiansen (2001). 2105 JOURNAL OF PETROLOGY VOLUME 50 NUMBER 11 NOVEMBER 2009 1000 EBB MBB NBB Rock / Chondrite (a) 100 10 1000 Rock / Chondrite (b) EBB SBB SL 100 10 1000 EBB TSC CF DR Rock / Chondrite (c) 100 10 Rock / "primitive" EBB 1.4 1.2 (d) 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 EBB CF SL 0.2 TSC DR NBB 0 La Ce Pr Nd Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Ho Er Tm Yb Lu Fig. 6. Whole-rock REE plots for the Upper Basin Member rhyolites, normalized to chondrites (Sun & McDonough, 1989) (a^c), and to EBB sample BS89, the most primitive Upper Basin Member rhyolite (d). 2106 GIRARD & STIX YELLOWSTONE UPPER BASIN MEMBER RHYOLITES Table 3: Glass electron microprobe and LA-ICP-MS analyses Sample: BS47 BS88-05 BS89 BS87 Unit: EBB EBB EBB EBB BM7-3 BN154A BS132 SL32-05 MBB NBB SBB SL 12 15 6 23 Electron microprobe analyses 11 n: SiO2 TiO2 Al2O3 n.a. 73·97 n.a. 72·40 n.a. 0·24 n.a. n.a. 1·22% 75·07 10% 72·55 71·23 0·24 1·14% 10% 0·31 0·21 0·28 11·81 1·3% 11·47 1·8% 12·01 11·13 9·6% 1·63 5·7% 1·20 1·56 1·46 1·73 MnO n.a. MgO n.a. 0·05 CaO n.a. 0·52 0·44 0·63 0·41 0·52 Na2O n.a. 3·44 8·4% 3·19 2·5% 2·69 3·90 3·05 3·36 5·3% 5·58 1·3% 0 0·017 K2O n.a. 5·19 P2O5 n.a. 0·02 Cl n.a. 0·06 Total n.a. 96·69 4·60 0·005 0·046 94·78 63% 0·036 43% 0·070 11% 5·44 55% 0·031 11% 0·064 1·35% 98·39 0·04 0·016 0·07 0·055 0·47 5·51 0·02 0·003 0·05 0·043 95·30 93·60 73·60 72·21 n.a. 0·20 n.a. 11·93 1·39 0·02 n.a. 74·47 0·22 11·52 FeO 10 39% n.a. 0·14 1·82% 75·42 23% 73·97 73·33 0·15 0·23 0·09 0·18 0·10 11·35 1·1% 11·16 0·9% 11·63 1·7% 11·53 11·60 11·02 11·33 11·43 11·87 1·26 3·2% 0·36 16·0% 0·36 1·20 1·36 0·27 0·43 0·23 0·066 0·007 0·073 0 0·048 0 0·67 69% 0·054 0·39 0·47 0·43 0·48 0·35 0·50 0·32 0·51 3·26 5·3% 3·13 7·2% 3·27 4·4% 3·22 4·6% 2·89 3·45 2·55 3·33 3·13 3·49 2·92 3·53 n.a. 5·31 2·7% 5·20 3·8% 5·44 1·6% 5·50 2·9% 5·07 5·54 4·97 5·58 5·34 n.a. 0·01 107% 0·01 107% 0·01 0 n.a. 0·05 n.a. 95·47 0·044 97·98 93·96 0·022 8% 0·057 0·99% 97·48 0·049 0·45 0 0·06 0·055 94·12 93·25 0·083 5% 0·027 7% 0·069 0·61% 95·22 0·02 0 0·44 0 0·07 0·055 95·04 93·36 82% 0·02 n.a. 0·088 5% 0·06 15% 86% 0·44 0·066 9% 0·02 1·0% 29·8% 3·2% 1·21 58% 0·21 11·82 1·14 0·04 19% 11·26 1·10 47% 0·40% 74·45 n.a. 0·057 1·16% 72·44 0·08 0·047 11% 16% 73·72 0·11 0·009 5·69 62% 0·18 0·53% 73·38 n.a. 0·085 7% 72·06 0·32 0·04 0·061 16% 19% 72·58 0·16 11·20 n.a. 1·03% 75·13 0·037 14% 5·60 81% 0·018 19% 0·090 1·93% 97·40 0·01 0 0·37 115% 0·035 10% 5·17 5·81 0·00 171% 0 0·07 0·050 95·17 94·62 0·029 9% 0·073 0·36% 95·77 LA-ICP-MS analyses n: Rb 6 202 200·2 Sr 28·2 25·4 Y 47·2 43·8 Zr 272 255·5 Ba 765 736·7 La 68·6 65·4 Sm Eu Gd Yb Lu Th 0·75% 202 204·7 5·7% 29·4 4·6% 49·7 199·8 27·3 25·2 49·1 46·5 3·61% 283 281·8 2·5% 780·6 2·9% 70·7 270·3 763 738·5 70·9 67·9 9·34 5·2% 9·76 8·38 9·75 9·07 0·93 7·5% 0·87 0·84 1·02 8·02 4·2% 7·66 5·04 12 1·06% 222 205·2 6·6% 30·1 4·3% 51·7 210·2 13·6 9·28 45·6 44·6 4·03% 260 296·7 3·0% 791·5 3·7% 74·0 588 436·1 66·8 65·6 3·07% 250 229·9 238·4 10 2·25% 219 257·6 215·5 27·0% 16·0 23·1% 12·3 5·43 12·2 14·7 16·7 11·7 1·3% 46·3 47·3 45·4 0·90% 272 263·7 12·2% 693·1 1·2% 67·8 264·7 417 299·9 69·3 64·5 3·9% 51·9 53·4 46·0 1·96% 213 280·8 23·0% 608·5 3·0% 72·6 359 326·2 74·8 65·5 8·79 11·07 8·94 5·7% 0·73 12·3% 0·57 14·0% 0·66 0·81 0·94 0·52 0·83 0·45 0·71 8·34 5·9% 7·82 4·9% 8·05 7·0% 8·64 7·54 8·85 7·27 8·76 6·84 6·9% 5·20 3·8% 4·74 5·7% 4·90 4·52 5·39 4·96 5·49 4·26 5·09 0·70 2·9% 0·72 4·2% 0·66 0·68 0·74 0·67 0·75 0·59 23·3 22·2 3·8% 24·3 21·3 20·6 6·9% 56·6 46·4 44·7 6·56% 173 225·3 4·6% 375·1 6·4% 79·2 230 220·8 67·0 65·4 0·86% 203 220·6 2·6% 12·8 2·1% 47·5 199·8 17·2 17·0 47·4 47·0 2·10% 147 178·3 2·0% 238·0 2·3% 69·9 146·0 368 364·3 68·1 67·4 10 1·24% 204 205·5 0·9% 17·4 0·8% 47·9 199·7 16·8 15·7 46·4 45·7 0·60% 144 148·0 1·1% 373·6 1·0% 68·8 140·3 369 354·5 66·4 65·2 2·12% 212·6 6·5% 19·7 0·9% 47·1 1·22% 146·2 1·9% 382·3 1·0% 67·2 5·5% 9·29 6·4% 9·06 8·46 9·74 8·43 9·70 8·42 9·63 7·6% 0·47 10·6% 0·79 13·9% 0·72 9·7% 0·57 0·72 0·39 0·52 0·65 0·91 0·62 0·80 8·77 6·6% 7·82 5·4% 7·75 2·6% 7·64 5·1% 8·86 7·96 9·73 7·30 8·57 7·51 7·94 6·95 8·19 8·4% 5·68 7·9% 4·99 5·0% 5·04 2·8% 4·94 2·8% 4·38 5·51 5·01 6·24 4·56 5·36 4·85 5·16 4·79 5·27 6·1% 0·69 4·3% 0·78 9·0% 0·66 3·0% 0·70 4·3% 0·67 4·5% 0·70 0·63 0·71 0·68 0·86 0·62 0·69 0·68 0·74 0·62 21·7 22·3 21·2 1·9% 22·7 10·41 25·8 22·8 6·3% 166·6 4 9·23 1·5% 6·6% 184·9 9·64 23·3 214·8 7·7 9·77 4·4% 1·19% 217 223·3 20·4 3·2% 10·47 10 23·5% 8·78 22·4 5·9% 256·5 10 9·20 20·8 U 6 11·21 6·4% 27·6 22·9 21·6 3·3% 24·3 22·9 22·8 0·9% 23·2 22·1 21·5 4·4% 0·72 1·9% 22·7 5·81 1·9% 5·98 1·8% 5·46 1·6% 5·79 1·9% 6·87 1·5% 6·71 1·5% 6·04 1·5% 5·99 2·8% 5·70 5·96 5·83 6·13 5·33 5·65 5·61 5·91 6·68 7·00 6·55 6·90 5·91 6·11 5·72 6·21 (continued) 2107 JOURNAL OF PETROLOGY VOLUME 50 NUMBER 11 NOVEMBER 2009 Table 3: Continued Sample: Unit: CF133B CF Electron microprobe analyses n: 16 TSC217-2 TSC DR71-6 DR DR237B DR 21 8 8 SiO2 76·10 72·83 TiO2 0·22 0·15 Al2O3 11·80 11·44 1·3% 11·95 11·41 11·33 0·5% 11·53 11·72 11·60 0·7% 11·83 11·80 11·67 0·7% 11·97 FeO 1·46 1·34 3·5% 1·54 1·36 1·14 5·5% 1·44 0·99 0·93 5·8% 1·11 1·08 1·01 5·3% 1·18 MnO 0·05 0·011 49% 0·074 0·04 0·001 47% 0·080 0·03 0 66% 0·049 0·02 0 81% 0·042 MgO 0·08 0·060 18% 0·109 0·07 0·043 21% 0·096 0·04 0·016 29% 0·052 0·06 0·040 17% 0·069 CaO 0·49 0·46 5% 0·54 0·42 0·34 12% 0·51 0·38 0·34 7% 0·42 0·42 0·37 7% 0·47 Na2O 3·49 3·31 2·3% 3·60 3·11 2·99 2·1% 3·21 3·68 3·62 0·9% 3·72 3·68 3·62 1·1% 3·75 K2O 5·25 5·14 1·4% 5·40 5·81 5·62 1·2% 5·91 5·17 5·12 0·7% 5·20 5·20 5·14 0·5% 5·24 P2O5 0·01 0 133% 0·043 0·01 0 99% 0·038 0·01 0 86% 0·022 0·01 0 140% 0·030 Cl 0·05 0·026 21% 0·065 0·04 0·008 38% 0·077 0·07 0·057 12% 0·081 0·07 0·064 Total 98·98 95·15 1·31% 76·83 74·15 73·78 16% 0·27 1·24% 99·81 0·21 0·07 96·62 95·97 0·32% 74·62 19% 0·25 0·36% 97·51 76·42 76·14 0·13 0·12 98·62 98·11 0·31% 76·86 7% 0·15 0·33% 99·19 76·64 76·32 0·10 0·06 99·05 98·52 0·28% 76·94 24% 0·14 7% 0·078 0·32% 99·43 LA-ICP-MS analyses n: 10 11 Rb 198 Sr 194·8 22·4 200·7 1·5% Y 21·9 51·1 22·9 1·9% Zr 48·9 225 52·7 2·25% Ba 214·5 612 234·1 1·5% 195·1 498 222·1 18·4% 146·2 521 160·8 2·2% 143·5 507 153·6 1·6% La 598·2 70·6 624·7 1·8% 358·1 69·3 583·3 5·1% 505·5 50·9 535·1 2·1% 496·7 49·0 520·3 2·9% 1·01% 10 211 199·4 15·4 4·24 48·8 45·9 213 3·26% 175 10 0·70% 177 0·85% 218·9 56·8% 172·0 11·5 175·8 2·8% 174·1 11·0 178·6 3·7% 27·1 3·5% 10·9 37·3 11·9 2·6% 10·2 35·7 11·5 2·8% 50·6 3·74% 35·3 154 38·4 2·50% 34·2 148 37·1 2·52% Sm 69·0 10·44 73·0 3·5% 65·3 10·00 78·6 5·1% 48·8 7·54 52·4 7·4% 47·2 7·28 51·0 5·8% Eu 9·84 0·94 10·89 5·3% 9·31 0·77 10·84 15·6% 6·48 0·48 8·26 6·3% 6·52 0·48 7·83 8·3% Gd 0·85 8·72 1·06 7·1% 0·59 8·48 0·95 3·4% 0·44 6·54 0·53 6·1% 0·40 6·34 0·52 5·7% Yb 7·67 5·30 9·99 3·8% 8·09 5·14 9·08 5·6% 5·91 3·76 7·08 5·6% 5·72 3·62 6·89 7·5% Lu 4·91 0·75 5·61 4·0% 4·63 0·70 5·67 5·7% 3·51 0·51 4·21 3·9% 3·05 0·51 3·94 5·9% Th 0·71 21·0 0·80 2·2% 0·62 19·3 0·77 3·4% 0·48 16·1 0·54 7·6% 0·47 15·2 0·57 2·6% U 19·8 6·10 21·6 2·8% 18·2 5·47 20·3 1·3% 15·1 4·26 19·4 2·3% 14·6 4·28 15·8 2·1% 5·86 6·34 5·37 5·61 4·08 4·39 4·12 4·36 Values in bold indicate average concentrations. For each analysis, the per cent relative standard deviation is presented to the right of average value (bold), and numbers below these indicate minimum and maximum concentrations measured. n.a., not analyzed; n, number of analyses. 2108 GIRARD & STIX 35 YELLOWSTONE UPPER BASIN MEMBER RHYOLITES 1.2 (a) 30 Eu (ppm) Sr (ppm) 25 20 15 10 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 5 0 0 0 35 200 400 600 Ba (ppm) 800 1000 150 1.2 (c) 30 170 190 210 230 Rb (ppm) 250 270 (d) 1 Eu (ppm) 25 Sr (ppm) (b) 1 20 15 10 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 5 0 0 150 170 190 210 230 Rb (ppm) 250 270 0 5 10 15 20 Sr (ppm) 25 30 35 1000 (e) Ba (ppm) 800 Biscuit Basin Rhyolites EBB (BS47) EBB (BS89) EBB (BS88-05) EBB (BS87) 600 400 MBB NBB SBB SL Canyon Rhyolites CF TSC DR (DR71-6) DR (DR237B) 200 0 150 170 190 210 230 Rb (ppm) 250 270 Fig. 7. Glass compositions of Rb, Ba, Sr and Eu, which exhibit large variations in EBB samples BS89 and BS87, and TSC. Other glasses appear homogeneous. We observed strong variability in Rb (210^255 ppm), Sr (5^20 ppm), Ba (300^700 ppm) and Eu (0·4^0·8 ppm) in two EBB samples (BS89 and BS87), which define a trend in which Rb correlates negatively with Sr, Ba and Eu (Fig. 7), in continuity with more primitive and homogeneous Ba, Sr and Rb concentrations for EBB samples BS47 and BS88-05. Rb is known to be sensitive to alteration; several Central Plateau Member rhyolite samples substantially affected by devitrification show strong Rb variability in the glass. In these samples, variability in 2109 JOURNAL OF PETROLOGY VOLUME 50 other elements such as Sr, Ba and Eu is low and comparable with that for similar unaltered rhyolites with homogeneous Rb in the glass (Electronic Appendix 2). For altered rocks, therefore, Rb is the sole heterogeneous element observed. For the glassy EBB samples, we interpret the observed variability of Rb, Sr, Ba and Eu as primary and not related to alteration. TSC also shows similar variability in Rb (200^220 ppm), Sr (4^27 ppm), Ba (360^580 ppm) and Eu (0·6^1·0 ppm). TSC is overlain stratigraphically by CF, and the ages of these units are indistinguishable within error (Gansecki et al., 1996). CF exhibits compositional continuity with TSC for Rb, Sr and Ba, but its glass is homogeneous and more primitive (Fig. 7). Other lavas of the Biscuit Basin rhyolites (Table 1) have homogeneous glass compositions that are typically more evolved than those of EBB samples (e.g. 220^230 ppm Ba and 13^14 ppm Sr in NBB). In the Canyon rhyolites (Table 1), DR stratigraphically overlies CF, and its age is similar to that of CF and TSC (Gansecki et al., 1996). Nevertheless, similar to our observations on mineralogy and whole-rock geochemistry, no clear compositional link can be found between DR and CF for the glass (Fig. 7), as concentrations in Ba, Sr and Eu on the one hand, and Rb on the other hand, are both lower in DR than in CF. Data obtained for two DR samples at two localities (Table 1; Fig. 1) have similar compositions in all elements, ruling out the possibility of post-eruptive alteration. Furthermore, concentrations of nearly all major and trace elements in glass are lower in DR than in CF or TSC, as well as all other UBM rhyolites (Figs 5^8). Although none of the samples are clearly heterogeneous in Zr, this element shows a significant range of compositions for certain UBM glasses. Zr is highest in EBB at 255^295 ppm, whereas it is lower in MBB at 185^220 ppm, in NBB at 165^175 ppm, and in SBB and SL at 140^150 ppm (Table 3; Fig. 8). In the Canyon rhyolites, Zr varies from 215^235 ppm in CF and 195^220 ppm in TSC to 145^160 ppm in DR. This range of variation for glasses is comparable with that observed for the whole-rock analyses (Table 2, Fig. 4). In contrast to the observed variability in Rb, Sr, Ba, Eu and Zr, variation in other trace elements in the UBM rhyolite glasses is small and similar to that observed in the whole-rocks (Fig. 8). For example, Y shows a variation of 45^55 ppm (except for DR, which has 35^40 ppm), La 65^80 ppm (47^52 ppm in DR), and Th 20^28 ppm (14^17 ppm in DR). Variation within samples is limited, and variation between samples is generally constant and probably of analytical origin (Table 3; Electronic Appendix 2). A noticeable difference is observed between the Biscuit Basin and the Canyon rhyolites for Th. At similar concentrations of Y, Th is systematically higher in the Biscuit Basin glasses (Fig. 8). This results in distinct Y/Th ratios NUMBER 11 NOVEMBER 2009 for the Canyon rhyolites (2·3^2·6) compared with the Biscuit Basin rhyolites (2·0^2·2) (Fig. 8), suggesting that the two groups of rhyolites are not cogenetic. Plagioclase geochemistry Representative analyses and anorthite contents for plagioclase are summarized in Table 4 and Fig. 9. For each sample, the average, per cent relative standard deviation, minimum and maximum anorthite and Ba contents are presented (Table 4). Minimum contents of Ba are not shown as they are near or below the instrumental detection limit. We observe no compositional difference within the unsieved crystals between crystals (Fig. 2a) and the aggregates (Fig. 2b); the single crystals may thus simply be either disaggregated or part of aggregates that are not fully exposed in two-dimensional sections. Few analyses of finely sieved crystals (Fig. 2d) were successful, although these crystals appear compositionally similar to the coarsely sieved crystals. Compositions of unsieved and sieved plagioclases are not identical, although they largely overlap. In East Biscuit Basin (EBB) sample BS89, unsieved plagioclase shows a large range of compositions from An23 to An48 with an average of An32. Sieved plagioclase also shows variability in composition, ranging from An24 to An34 and averaging An28. EBB sample BS88-05 has slightly more sodic plagioclase. In this sample, unsieved crystals have An20^42 (average of An31), and sieved crystals have An19^29 (average of An26), with no systematic compositional zoning in single crystals. In the Middle Biscuit Basin flow (MBB), plagioclase is slightly more sodic on average, although the calcic endmember values are higher than for EBB; unsieved crystals exhibit a large range of An18^52 (average of An27), and sieved crystals have An21^42 (average of An26) (Fig. 9). The value of An52 is the most calcic plagioclase analysis documented for a Yellowstone rhyolite. In North Biscuit Basin (NBB), unsieved plagioclase differs from EBB and MBB by a lack of An contents 4An33, resulting in a lower average of An25. Sieved crystals have An contents similar to those of MBB, with a range of An23^40 and an average of An26. In SBB, An contents never exceed An28 and have an average of An23, with unsieved crystals slightly more sodic (An19^24) than sieved crystals (An22^28). In SL, An contents never exceed An32 and have an average of An24, with no clear compositional difference between the two plagioclase groups (Fig. 9). For the Canyon rhyolites, the most calcic plagioclase is found in the Canyon flow (CF), where unsieved plagioclase shows An21^46 (average of An28) and sieved plagioclase An20^36 (average of An26). In the tuff of Sulphur Creek (TSC), compositions are more sodic, with An20^32 (average of An26) for unsieved plagioclase and An20^29 (average of An24) for sieved plagioclase. The Dunraven 2110 GIRARD & STIX YELLOWSTONE UPPER BASIN MEMBER RHYOLITES 1.6 350 (a) 300 1.2 Zr / Rb Zr (ppm) 250 200 150 1 0.8 0.6 100 0.4 50 0.2 0 0 150 350 170 190 210 230 Rb (ppm) 250 270 150 7 (c) 300 250 5 200 4 150 190 2 50 1 40 50 60 30 40 Y (ppm) 270 50 60 Y (ppm) 4.5 350 (e) 300 (f) 4 250 3.5 Zr / La Zr (ppm) 250 0 30 200 150 3 2.5 100 2 50 0 1.5 40 50 60 70 La (ppm) 80 90 40 50 60 70 La (ppm) 80 90 2.7 60 (g) 55 (h) 2.6 2.5 2.4 50 Y / Th Y (ppm) 210 230 Rb (ppm) 3 100 0 170 (d) 6 Zr / Y Zr (ppm) (b) 1.4 45 40 2.3 2.2 2.1 2 35 1.9 30 1.8 10 15 20 Th (ppm) 25 30 10 15 20 Th (ppm) 25 Fig. 8. Glass compositions of selected trace elements and trace element ratios. Symbols are the same as for Fig. 7. 2111 30 JOURNAL OF PETROLOGY VOLUME 50 NUMBER 11 NOVEMBER 2009 Table 4: Electron microprobe analyses of plagioclase Unit: Sample: EBB BS88-05 Mean SiO2 TiO2 Al2O3 FeO MgO CaO SrO BaO Na2O K2O Total Cations 60·51 0·03 24·00 0·34 0·01 6·49 0·06 0·14 7·13 1·21 99·93 5·00 Plagioclase group An % RSD Unsieved Sieved, rims Sieved, cores n Unsieved Sieved, rims Sieved, cores Unsieved Sieved, rims Sieved, cores Unit: Sample: 31·1 (7·3) 25·9 (2·4) 26·3 (2·0) 1530 1870 1890 21 35 29 Max. 63·15 0·03 21·83 0·48 0·00 3·92 0·08 0·43 7·63 2·60 100·15 5·00 SiO2 TiO2 Al2O3 FeO MgO CaO SrO BaO Na2O K2O Total Cations 62·51 0·02 22·81 0·26 0·01 4·84 0·04 0·10 7·90 1·47 99·96 5·00 Plagioclase group Unsieved Sieved, rims % RSD Sieved, cores % RSD Ba (ppm) Unsieved Sieved, rims Sieved, cores n Unsieved Sieved, rims Sieved, cores 1 22·7 (1·4) 22·6 (0·7) 24·1 (1·6) 1140 1190 1080 23 18 22 Mean 57·95 0·05 25·96 0·31 0·01 8·69 0·07 0·05 6·20 0·67 99·95 5·00 41·9 20·2 28·9 18·8 29·0 b.d.l. b.d.l. b.d.l. 61·04 0·03 23·73 0·35 0·02 6·06 0·06 0·14 7·26 1·24 99·94 4·99 unsvd 20·4 3250 2640 2560 SBB BS132 Mean An % RSD Min. svd (core) % RSD % RSD Ba (ppm) EBB BS89 MBB BM7-3 Min. Max. 62·86 0·00 22·55 0·30 0·00 4·84 0·10 0·20 7·62 1·80 100·27 4·99 unsvd 31·5 (6·7) 27·9 (2·9) 27·6 (1·5) 1480 1570 1690 26 19 17 56·46 0·13 26·87 0·63 0·03 9·92 0·04 0·03 5·56 0·50 100·17 5·00 48·2 24·1 34·4 24·9 30·7 2370 2030 2360 SL SL32-05 Min. 63·51 0·00 21·88 0·22 0·01 3·89 0·03 0·04 8·33 1·75 99·66 5·00 Max. 61·38 62·53 0·04 0·03 23·75 22·85 0·25 0·27 0·01 0·01 5·86 5·03 0·09 0·04 0·11 0·11 7·78 7·83 0·96 1·41 100·22 100·09 5·00 4·99 Svd (core) 18·5 21·6 21·7 b.d.l. b.d.l. b.d.l. Mean 23·9 (1·2) 24·2 24·1 (2·5) 27·8 24·6 (0·4) 2460 1270 1940 1000 1720 1440 33 24 4 Min. 63·63 0·01 21·85 0·21 0·01 3·92 0·01 0·09 7·97 2·26 99·98 5·00 unsvd 27·4 (8·3) 27·7 (5·5) 25·3 (3·2) 1110 1120 1330 28 16 21 Min. 63·62 0·02 22·39 0·23 0·00 4·31 0·08 0·11 8·34 1·21 100·33 4·99 Max. 60·75 0·03 24·27 0·23 0·01 6·61 0·03 0·08 7·39 0·85 100·23 5·00 21·4 20·7 24·1 b.d.l. b.d.l. b.d.l. 25·9 Mean 54·80 0·04 28·18 0·28 0·01 11·11 0·01 0·00 5·22 0·40 100·06 5·01 Min. 62·06 0·03 23·10 0·29 0·01 5·28 0·03 0·10 7·48 1·46 99·85 4·99 unsvd 52·8 21·4 42·4 21·7 32·3 b.d.l. b.d.l. b.d.l. Mean 2350 2320 1810 25·3 (3·1) 26·8 (4·5) 25·8 (2·3) 1090 1400 710 35 11 12 Min. 63·06 0·03 22·31 0·30 0·01 4·27 0·01 0·23 7·88 2·08 100·20 5·00 Svd (rim) 1 20·7 20·3 21·2 b.d.l. b.d.l. b.d.l. Max. 56·65 0·07 26·51 0·33 0·02 9·52 0·04 0·13 5·73 0·55 99·55 4·99 Mean 61·99 0·03 22·92 0·31 0·01 5·02 0·06 0·19 7·61 1·61 99·75 5·00 Svd (rim) 46·3 25·9 (4·2) 32·2 23·3 (2·7) 35·5 24·0 (1·6) 3080 2070 2930 2310 3070 1990 19 28 15 Max. 62·98 0·02 22·09 0·30 0·02 4·20 0·01 0·18 7·47 1·98 99·27 4·97 58·75 0·02 25·89 0·25 0·01 8·16 0·03 0·06 6·36 0·71 100·23 4·99 unsvd svd (rim) 20·9 33·1 24·0 39·8 22·9 29·1 b.d.l. b.d.l. b.d.l. TSC TSC217-2 61·94 0·03 23·07 0·31 0·01 5·50 0·06 0·17 7·46 1·43 99·97 4·99 27·5 (5·9) 31·5 25·3 (3·4) 25·0 26·0 (4·1) 1900 1880 1450 1960 1680 1870 37 21 18 Max. 18·6 CF CF133B Svd (rim) Svd (rim) 24·3 61·71 0·03 23·39 0·30 0·01 5·58 0·04 0·11 7·59 1·46 100·21 5·00 unsvd 23·3 b.d.l. b.d.l. b.d.l. Mean NBB BN154A 2460 2330 1490 DR DR237B Min. Max. Mean Min. 63·43 60·53 62·95 64·00 0·01 0·01 0·02 0·01 22·08 24·26 22·50 21·90 0·28 0·30 0·33 0·29 0·01 0·01 0·01 0·00 4·10 6·60 4·59 3·78 0·08 0·07 0·03 0·04 0·27 0·14 0·14 0·21 7·82 7·08 8·00 8·32 2·15 1·06 1·54 1·82 100·23 100·06 100·09 100·35 4·99 4·99 5·00 5·00 1 unsvd 19·7 31·9 19·7 29·3 22·0 (1·5) — 22·1 27·5 — b.d.l. 3460 b.d.l. 3540 b.d.l. 2580 1600 Max. 62·20 0·00 23·07 0·30 0·01 5·11 0·00 0·13 7·79 1·31 99·93 4·99 unsvd 18·0 24·6 — — — — b.d.l. 2580 32 Minimum and maximum analyses selected are the analyses with the minimum and maximum An content for the whole sample, regardless of their plagioclase group. ‘Plagioclase group’ field indicates which plagioclase group these analyses belong to (unsvd, unsieved, svd, sieved). For An contents, per cent relative standard deviations are indicated in parentheses. These are an indication of the range of composition. b.d.l., below detection limit; n, number of analyses. 2112 GIRARD & STIX YELLOWSTONE UPPER BASIN MEMBER RHYOLITES Biscuit Basin Rhyolites 70 (a) 60 Canyon Rhyolites 70 EBB 60 50 40 40 CF n n 50 (b) 30 30 20 20 10 10 0 16 70 60 20 24 28 32 (c) 36 An 40 44 48 52 0 56 16 70 MBB 60 50 40 40 24 28 32 (d) 36 An 40 44 48 52 56 40 44 48 52 56 40 44 48 52 56 TSC n n 50 20 30 30 20 20 10 10 0 16 70 60 20 24 28 32 (e) 36 An 40 44 48 52 0 56 16 70 NBB 60 50 40 40 24 28 32 (f) 36 An DR n n 50 20 30 30 20 20 10 10 0 16 70 60 20 24 28 (g) 32 36 An 40 44 48 52 56 0 16 20 24 28 32 36 An SBB + SL 50 Sieved 30 Unsieved n 40 20 10 0 16 20 24 28 32 36 An 40 44 48 52 56 Fig. 9. Plagioclase compositions in various rhyolite units, shown for unsieved vs sieved crystals. 2113 JOURNAL OF PETROLOGY VOLUME 50 NUMBER 11 NOVEMBER 2009 Fig. 10. Photomicrograph of a zoned unsieved plagioclase from unit EBB (sample BS88-05) with high-Ba and low-An rims. View under crossed polars, through a 100 mm thick section. Road flow (DR) again stands out from the other UBM rhyolites by having the most sodic plagioclase with An18^25 (average of An22) (Fig. 9). Despite the large range of An contents found in crystals of many UBM rhyolites, there is no clear systematic coreto-rim zoning for unsieved crystals, nor between cores and fresh rims of sieved crystals. This lack of systematic zoning may reflect complex small-scale oscillatory zoning that was not revealed at the resolution of our core-to-rim profiles. For unsieved crystals of EBB sample BS88-05, however, all low-An (5An24) values are found on rims, whereas all high-An values (4An24) are found in cores (Fig. 10). This could not be verified for other samples because of the limited number of high-An and low-An analyses obtained, and the limited number of analyses obtained on each grain. As predicted thermodynamically (Seck, 1971; Ribbe, 1975), the K2O content in plagioclase decreases with increasing An content. At a given An content, however, the K2O content increases with temperature (Seck, 1971; Ribbe, 1975). No appreciable differences in K2O were found between unsieved and sieved plagioclase for any of the UBM rhyolites. However, changes in K2O for a given An content (An23) are observed between the units. K2O is highest in EBB with 1·7^1·8 wt% at An23. K2O is slightly lower in MBB and NBB at 1·6^1·8 wt%, and lowest in SBB and SL at 1·4^1·6 wt% (Fig. 9). For the Canyon rhyolites, K2O at An23 is 1·6^1·7 wt% in CF and TSC and lower at 1· 4^1·5 wt% in DR (Fig. 11). The distribution of Ba in plagioclase also decreases with increasing An content (Blundy & Wood, 1991); only at low An content was Ba sufficiently high to be measured with reliability. As a result, minimum Ba values measured are not listed in Table 4. High-Ba analyses (41800 ppm) were typically found on unsieved plagioclase rims, with highBa rims particularly well developed for unsieved crystals of EBB sample BS88-05 (Fig. 10). In other UBM rhyolites such as MBB, NBB, CF and TSC, a few high-Ba analyses were obtained. In these samples, however, the low-An analyses were not systematically Ba-rich, possibly reflecting crystallization from a melt with lower Ba. In SBB and SL, Ba is significantly lower (average of 1000^1400 ppm, maximum values typically 52000 ppm); plagioclase in these samples is more sodic, and increased contents of Ba in plagioclase are thus to be expected. It is thus possible that the parental melt was again lower in Ba. DISCUSSION A single magmatic series or independent magma batches? Observed trends in whole-rock and plagioclase geochemistry appear to reveal a cogenetic origin for the Upper Basin Member (UBM) rhyolites. For example, CaO, 2114 GIRARD & STIX K2O (wt %) 3 YELLOWSTONE UPPER BASIN MEMBER RHYOLITES An23 EBB MBB SBB & SL DR 2 1 0 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 An content Fig. 11. Variation of An content vs K2O for representative Upper Basin Member rhyolites. MgO, FeO, Sr and Eu generally decrease with SiO2 (Fig. 4), although MgO and TiO2 suggest more complex or several fractionation trends. In parallel, plagioclase becomes progressively more sodic, indicating progressively cooler crystallization environments (Figs 9 and 11). These observations are consistent with the observed changes in mineralogy, which show a progressive increase in sanidine and quartz abundances at the expense of plagioclase (Fig. 3). Many high-silica rhyolite sequences such as largevolume ignimbrites have been interpreted as originating from a single zoned magma chamber. In these systems, progressive decreases in crystallinity, temperature, Sr, Ba, LREE, etc., are typically observed towards the base of the ignimbrite, together with increases in many incompatible trace elements such as Rb, Th, U, Y, Nb, etc., by a factor of two or more (e.g. Hildreth, 1981; Mahood, 1981; Hildreth et al., 1984; Streck & Grunder, 1997; Anderson et al., 2000; Hildreth & Wilson, 2007). In contrast, no clear trends are observed in the UBM rhyolites as a function of Ba and Sr for any of the trace elements mentioned above. The ranges of composition in the whole-rock and the glass are small (Tables 2 and 3), typically not greater than 30% of the lowest measured concentrations. Therefore, we propose that the UBM rhyolites may instead originate from several independent magma batches that initially originated from a common source and later evolved by fractional crystallization and magma mixing, possibly with a silicic replenishing magma. We propose that at least six magma batches were involved in the formation of the Upper Basin Member rhyolites. We now examine evidence for this hypothesis, based on trace element distributions that rule out an origin from a single petrogenetic suite in a single magma chamber. Southwestern Biscuit Basin rhyolites vs Northeastern Canyon rhyolites These two eruptive foci are essentially coeval, with the Middle Biscuit Basin flow (MBB) in the SW dated at 516 7 ka and the Canyon flow (CF), tuff of Sulphur Creek (TSC) and Dunraven Road flow (DR) in the NE dated at 484 15, 473 9 and 486 42 ka, respectively (Gansecki et al., 1996) (Table 1; Fig. 1). Nevertheless, the two eruptive foci are 50 km apart, and it is therefore questionable whether they originate from the same magma chamber. Rhyolites in each geographical group encompass a wide range of mineralogy and major element compositions but have generally similar trace element geochemistry. Some exceptions in this trace element distribution are clear, however, indicating that the two groups cannot be cogenetic. Regardless of composition and degree of evolution, the Y/Th ratio in glass clearly discriminates the Canyon rhyolites from the Biscuit Basin rhyolites (Fig. 8), with Y/Th ratios of 2·3^2·6 observed for the Canyon rhyolites compared with 2·0^2·2 for the Biscuit Basin rhyolites. Values for Th in whole-rocks are similar for both groups (Table 2). Therefore, our glass data suggest that different types and/or abundances of accessory mineral phases control the distribution of Th, rather than a different source. Concentrations of Th in the Biscuit Basin rhyolite glasses approach or slightly exceed those of the whole-rocks, whereas the Canyon rhyolite glasses are clearly depleted in Th compared with the whole-rocks (Tables 2 and 3). Trace element analyses of zircon from Bindeman & Valley (2001) and Bindeman et al. (2008) do not clearly show higher Th in the Canyon rhyolite zircons. Also, the glass/ whole-rock ratios of Zr are similar in the two rhyolite 2115 JOURNAL OF PETROLOGY VOLUME 50 groups, ruling out differences in the amount of zircon crystallizing. The Canyon rhyolites may thus contain another Th-bearing accessory mineral phase. Regardless of the mineral responsible for the observed Th depletion in the Canyon rhyolites glasses, our data show different behaviour of Th at each focus of the early post-caldera magmatism, requiring that the magmas that generated the Canyon rhyolites evolved separately from those that generated the Biscuit Basin rhyolites. We now examine details of magma evolution within the Canyon rhyolites and the Biscuit Basin rhyolites. The unusual composition of the Dunraven Road lava flow This lava flow exhibits five characteristics that make it highly unusual among the Canyon rhyolites (and other UBM rhyolites). (1) It has low crystallinity (52%), contrasting with the 10^20% crystals generally observed in other UBM rhyolites (Table 2, Fig. 3). (2) Plagioclase is slightly more sodic than in other UBM rhyolites and has lower K2O at similar An contents, suggesting that the DR magma evolved under lower temperatures (Table 4, Fig. 9). (3) It has the highest SiO2 among all UBM rhyolites, contrasting with its relatively primitive mineralogy in which plagioclase is by far the dominant species, whereas quartz and sanidine are not found in appreciable amounts. (4) Geochemically, it is depleted in nearly all trace elements in both whole-rock and glass relative to other UBM rhyolites (Figs 4^8). Whole-rock concentrations for most analyzed trace elements are 20% lower than in other UBM rhyolites; for example, its REE pattern is distinct from those of other UBM rhyolites, which are generally indistinguishable from each other (Fig. 6). (5) Compared with other elements, DR has a more pronounced negative Eu anomaly (Fig. 6) and more pronounced depletion in Sr and Ba relative to other UBM rhyolites (Figs 4, 7 and 8). These differences demonstrate that DR is compositionally distinct from the other northeastern Canyon rhyolites, namely the Canyon flow (CF) and tuff of Sulphur Creek (TSC). These geochemical differences are clearly visible in Figures 7 and 8, and we propose that DR represents a magma batch distinct from CF and TSC. A higher degree of partial melting for DR may explain the depletion in trace elements such as Rb, Y, Th, U, REE, etc., and it is likely that feldspar fractionation subsequently occurred, as DR is also depleted in Sr, Ba and Eu. Another possibility is that DR may result from bulk melting of a source depleted in large ion lithophile elements (LILE), high field strength elements (HFSE) and REE compared with the source(s) of the other UBM rhyolites. NUMBER 11 NOVEMBER 2009 EBB to 15^20 ppm in South Biscuit Basin (SBB) and Scaup Lake (SL), and Ba decreasing from 740^780 ppm in EBB to 360^380 ppm in SBB and SL. Europium in glass also is lower in SBB and SL (Fig. 7). In the wholerock, Sr and Eu also are lower in SBB and SL (Figs 5 and 6). These depletions could be explained by feldspar fractionation in a closed system. However, in such a scenario, Rb should increase, similar to what is observed in many zoned ignimbrites (e.g. Hildreth, 1981; Streck & Grunder, 1997; Anderson et al., 2000). No clear increase of Rb is observed from EBB to SBB and SL, neither in the wholerock nor in the glass. Furthermore, many zoned rhyolitic units exhibit a pronounced decrease in LREE together with Sr and Ba (e.g. Hildreth, 1981; Streck & Grunder, 1997). Here, by contrast, there is a small increase in LREE in the whole-rock (Fig. 6), resulting in a Ce/Yb ratio that is higher in SBB and SL than in any other UBM rhyolite (Fig. 5). Therefore, we propose that SBB and SL are not cogenetic with the primitive EBB rhyolites. The South Biscuit Basin and Scaup Lake lava flows also are much younger than the other dated Upper Basin Member rhyolites (Table 1). SBB has been dated at 255 11 ka (Bindeman et al., 2008) whereas SBB has been dated at 257 13 ka (Christiansen et al., 2007). The older UBM rhyolites are low-d18O rhyolites, with quartz d18O values of 0^1ø SMOW, contrasting with the values of 4^5ø observed in SBB and SL (Hildreth et al., 1984; Bindeman & Valley, 2001). EBB also appears to be a lowd18O rhyolite (Sturchio et al., 1986), although its age has not been determined. These changes in the isotopic signature imply that SBB and SL cannot have been derived from the low-d18O UBM rhyolites solely by closed-system magma chamber processes. Based on d18O zoning of zircons, Bindeman & Valley (2001) proposed that the SBB and SL zircon cores were partially inherited from these early post-caldera, low-d18O magmas. We propose that SBB and SL may result from the reactivation of the magmatic system after a prolonged repose period, rather than from magmas that evolved from EBB. Mixing of such low-d18O magmas with magma significantly less depleted in 18O may have led to the formation of a new eruptible magma body at 250 ka. Replenishing silicic magmas constitute a possible mixing component. SBB and SL may in fact represent precursors for the younger voluminous Central Plateau Member rhyolites emplaced between 174 and 70 ka (Christiansen, 2001; Christiansen et al., 2007). In this scenario, replenishing magmas may have played an important role in the generation of of SBB and SL. The relationship between SBB and SL and the Central Plateau Rhyolites is dealt with in a separate publication (Girard & Stix, in preparation). The South Biscuit Basin and Scaup Lake lava flows These two lava flows have lower Sr and Ba in glass than the primitive East Biscuit Basin (EBB) samples BS88-05 and BS47 (Fig. 7), with Sr decreasing from 25^30 ppm in The North Biscuit Basin lava flow A third Biscuit Basin rhyolite, the North Biscuit Basin lava flow (NBB, Table 1) has intermediate d18O values of 3^5ø 2116 GIRARD & STIX YELLOWSTONE UPPER BASIN MEMBER RHYOLITES (Bindeman & Valley, 2001), and therefore cannot be derived from the East Biscuit Basin (EBB) or Middle Biscuit Basin (MBB) magmas by closed-system magma chamber processes. Its d18O signature is similar to that of South Biscuit Basin (SBB) and Scaup Lake (SL) flows (Bindeman & Valley, 2001), but the following characteristics suggest that NBB is not cogenetic with SBB and SL. When compared with these two lava flows, NBB has a lower Ce/Yb ratio similar to those of EBB and MBB, higher Zr/Y and Zr/La ratios (Fig. 8d^f), and lacks the large pyroxene phenocrysts and the low FeO glass that are characteristic of both SBB and SL. NBB also contains mineral aggregates similar to EBB and MBB. No age has been determined for NBB, and its relationship to other Upper Basin Member rhyolites is unclear. The Middle Biscuit Basin lava flow The Middle Biscuit Basin lava flow (MBB, Table 1) is a low-d18O rhyolite with plagioclase as the dominant mineral, which occurs either as sieved crystals or in aggregates similar to those in the East Biscuit Basin (EBB) flow. Among the Biscuit Basin rhyolites, this unit appears to be the most primitive lava apart from EBB. It has lower Sr and Ba than EBB, which could suggest that it is derived from EBB by feldspar fractional crystallization. However, the Rb content is not significantly higher than that of the EBB, which is opposite to that expected from fractional crystallization or melting of feldspar (see below). It also has a different signature in terms of Zr (Fig. 8), hence may represent a magma batch separate from the EBB. Eu, lower Rb), although also maintaining compositional continuity with samples BS89 and BS87 (Fig. 7). Similarly, the homogeneous Canyon flow (CF) sample CF133B continues the trend observed for TSC and is more primitive (Fig. 7). Based on modeling results, we compare the likelihood of fractional crystallization vs magma mixing and melting to generate these trends. Assuming that fractional crystallization occurs in a closed-system magma chamber, the change in trace element concentration is described by CL ¼ F ðD1Þ C0 ð1Þ where CL and C0 are the trace element concentrations in the final and the initial liquids, respectively (here, our best estimates of these parameters are the evolved and primitive end-member concentrations, respectively), F is the volume fraction of residual melt, and D is the bulk crystal/melt distribution coefficient of each trace element. Equation (1) can be reformulated as 1=ðD1Þ CL : ð2Þ F¼ C0 For each trace element, the bulk distribution coefficient D corresponds to pl qz ð3Þ pl qz ð4Þ þ Xqz KDBa DBa ¼ Xpl KDBa þ Xsan KDsan Ba þ Xqz KDSr DSr ¼ Xpl KDSr þ Xsan KDsan Sr pl qz DRb ¼ Xpl KDRb þ Xsan KDsan þ Xqz KDRb Rb Summary In summary, we propose the existence of six independent magma batches that formed the UBM rhyolites. Four magma batches, associated with five lava flows, were present in the SW near the Mallard Lake Resurgent Dome: (1) East Biscuit Basin (EBB), (2) Middle Biscuit Basin (MBB), (3) North Biscuit Basin (NBB) and (4) South Biscuit Basin (SBB) and Scaup Lake (SL), which cannot be related to one another based on our geochemical data. Two batches, associated with three rhyolite units, were present in the NE near the Sour Creek Resurgent Dome: (5) Dunraven Road (DR) and (6) tuff of Sulphur Creek (TSC) and Canyon flow (CF). We now discuss the petrogenesis of the EBB samples and the TSC^CF succession. Compositional variability in East Biscuit Basin and tuff of Sulphur Creek glass Large variations are observed for Ba, Sr, Eu and Rb in glass in two East Biscuit Basin (EBB) samples, BS89 and BS87, as well as a tuff of Sulphur Creek (TSC) sample TSC217-2 (Table 3; Fig. 7). Essentially, Ba, Sr and Eu decrease whereas Rb increases. The other EBB samples BS88-05 and BS47 are homogeneous for these elements with slightly more primitive compositions (higher Sr, Ba, ð5Þ where X is the fraction of each mineral that crystallizes such that Xpl þ Xsan þ Xqz ¼1. The distribution coefficient KD represents the partitioning of an element between liquid and a mineral phase, with the subscripts pl, san and qz referring to plagioclase, sanidine and quartz, respectively. Methods and reasoning for determining the different KD values are detailed in Electronic Appendix 3, with values used for modeling in Table 5. The trend from the primitive EBB samples to evolved EBB samples is satisfactorily explained for Sr, Ba and Rb by 25% fractional crystallization, of which 20% is plagioclase, 30% sanidine and 50% quartz, whereas the CF^TSC trend is satisfactorily explained for Sr and Ba by 15% fractional crystallization, of which 40% is plagioclase, 30% sanidine and 30% quartz (Table 5). For EBB, the lack of quartz and sanidine in the mineral assemblage is not consistent with the model predictions, although the removal of newly formed crystals by settling remains possible. However, if quartz and sanidine were removed, the presence of large sieved plagioclase crystals and denser pyroxene^plagioclase aggregates in the EBB mineral assemblage is problematic. Similarly, plagioclase is dominant over quartz and sanidine in both TSC and CF. 2117 JOURNAL OF PETROLOGY VOLUME 50 NUMBER 11 NOVEMBER 2009 Table 5: Results of modeling of fractional crystallization and melting in EBB and TSC samples East Biscuit Basin Tuff of Sulphur Creek–Canyon flow Cevolved (ppm) (CL) Ba 300 Sr 5 300 Rb 255 220 Ba 780 620 Sr 30 23 Rb 200 195 4·5 Cprimitive (ppm) Partition coefficients (KD) Ba Sr Rb 2 2 san 13 13 pl 18 18 san 12 12 pl pl 0·25 0·25 san 0·5 0·5 FC M FC M Ba 780 880 620 736 Sr 30 81 23 71 Rb 200 185 195 172 C0 (ppm) F 0·75 (1 – F) 0·25 Xpl 0·19 0·9 0·4 0·98 Xsan 0·31 0·1 0·3 0·02 Xqz 0·5 0 0·3 0 DBa 4·4 3·1 4·7 DSr 7·1 DRb Comment 0·2 0·075 0·85 — 0·15 17 10·8 0·28 0·25 0·13 — 2·2 18 0·25 No quartz or Modeling problematic Less quartz or sanidine observed for Rb (bulk D sanidine observed for Rb (bulk D of in final of 0·7 required) in final assemblage 0·75 required) assemblage Modeling problematic plagioclase dominant Cevolved and Cprimitive correspond to the lowest and highest concentrations, respectively, of Ba and Sr in glass measured in samples from each series. C0 represents the composition of the initial liquid, in the case of fractional crystallization (FC), and that of the initial solid, in the case of melting (M). For fractional crystallization, C0 is assumed to be the composition of the primitive glass, Cprimitive. For melting, we obtain C0 assuming that Cprimitive ¼ CL (the composition of the liquid) at a degree of melting that corresponds to the amount of glass present in the whole-rock (see text for discussion). F is the fraction of melt, (1–F) the amount of crystals formed, X the relative abundance of each mineral that is crystallizing or melting (pl, plagioclase; san, sanidine; qz, quartz) and D is the bulk distribution coefficient of each element based on this mineral assemblage [see equations (3)–(5)]. More detailed comments on the results of each model and our preferred model are given in the text. Details on the selection of the partition coefficients are given in Electronic Appendix 3 (KD for all studied elements in quartz is assumed to be zero). We now examine mixing of two magmas as an alternative explanation for the observed compositional heterogeneity. In such a scenario, one magma has a composition in Sr, Ba and Rb that corresponds to that observed in the evolved glass, whereas the second magma, perhaps a replenishing magma, has a composition in Sr, Ba and Rb that corresponds to that observed in the primitive glass. This replenishing magma may have had a signature in elements such as REE and HFSE similar to that of the fractionating magma, as no bimodal compositions or large 2118 GIRARD & STIX YELLOWSTONE UPPER BASIN MEMBER RHYOLITES compositional scatters are observed within the EBB glasses. Because TSC is a pyroclastic deposit, its explosive eruption may have initiated mixing of two magmas of distinct compositions that were stored in one stratified reservoir, as recently reproduced experimentally by Kennedy et al. (2008). However, to explain the origin of such a gradient in the magma chamber, fractional crystallization would be required. A third possibility to explain these compositional variations is melting. Equilibrium melting is described by CL 1 ¼ C0 F þ D FD ð6Þ where CL and C0 are the trace element concentrations in the liquid and the protolith, respectively, F is the volume fraction of melt formed, and D is the bulk crystal/melt distribution coefficient of each trace element. Therefore, F is described by C0 D CL : ð7Þ F¼ 1D An obstacle to such modeling is estimating C0, the composition of the protolith. Assuming that the primitive EBB samples and CF represent the samples formed by the highest degree of melting of each of the EBB and TSC^CF suites, it is possible to estimate C0 given that F, the volume fraction of melt (now the volume fraction of glass observed in the rock) and CL (now the glass composition) are known. The mineralogy of the samples is a good indicator of the nature of the mineral assemblage that was melting when the lavas were erupted. EBB samples BS88-05 and BS47 essentially comprise plagioclase as minerals and have 90% glass (hence F ¼ 0·9). Thus, we can calculate C0 to be 880 ppm for Ba, 80 ppm for Sr and 185 ppm for Rb (Table 5). Similarly, for CF, which comprises 85% glass and small amounts of sanidine and quartz in addition to plagioclase, we estimate C0 to be 735 ppm for Ba, 72 ppm for Sr and 172 ppm for Rb (Table 5). The evolved end-member composition of EBB is modeled satisfactorily for Ba and Sr by 7·5% melting of an assemblage of C0 composition comprising 90% plagioclase and 10% sanidine, whereas the evolved end-member composition of TSC is modeled by 13% melting of plagioclase in a source of C0 in composition (Table 5). For both trends, however, a problem persists with Rb, for which the concentration in the evolved end-member glass (255 ppm for EBB and 220 ppm for TSC) is much lower than predicted using KDRbpl ¼ 0·25 (560 ppm for EBB and 490 ppm for TSC). For the concentrations in Rb observed, bulk distribution coefficients of 0·70 and 0·75 are required in the EBB and TSC magmas. These values are much higher than those commonly accepted for plagioclase in silicic magmas (e.g. Ren et al., 2003). On the other hand, the mineral assemblage and textures on crystals in EBB and TSC are in better agreement with a melting model. The models predict that plagioclase is the sole or dominant mineral phase that is melting. This agrees well with the lack of sanidine and quartz in EBB, and the abundance of plagioclase in both EBB and TSC^CF. Furthermore, plagioclase in both EBB and TSC^CF is sieved; therefore, these heterogeneous glass compositions may reflect the continuing disssolution of these crystals. Because heterogeneity is developed at a sub-millimetre scale, it is possible that these elements had not yet diffused into the glass when the magma was erupted. This probably implies that the melting event occurred soon before eruption. We now discuss in more detail the significance of the sieve textures and the coexistence of sieved crystals and aggregates for the petrogenesis of the UBM rhyolites. Disequilibrium textures Sieve textures in plagioclase Perhaps the most spectacular feature of the UBM rhyolites is the abundance of sieved plagioclase crystals. In the third Yellowstone caldera cycle, these features are essentially restricted to the UBM rhyolites. Sieve textures in plagioclase have been obtained by experimental melting (Johannes, 1989), and melting is the most commonly accepted hypothesis to explain their origin (e.g. Keller, 1969; Genc alioglu Kuscu & Floyd, 2001; Bachmann et al., 2002; Barbey et al., 2005). Here, melting is the process that best explains the compositional variability of the glass in the East Biscuit Basin and tuff of Sulphur Creek samples. Therefore, a fundamental question concerns the cause of the melting process. The last pulse of volcanism at Yellowstone occurred at 70 ka; the current state of the magma chamber is interpreted to be a semi-solid non-eruptible crystal mush (Miller & Smith, 1999; Husen et al., 2004). It is therefore reasonable to infer that the Yellowstone magma reservoir was also a crystal mush during the 100^150 kyr interval after caldera collapse at 640 ka, during which most UBM rhyolites were emplaced. Experiments on magma replenishment in a crystal mush have shown that a buoyant replenishing silicic magma is capable of entraining up to 12% of silicic mush crystals (Girard & Stix, 2009); rhyolites may therefore comprise a mix of remobilized crystals and new replenishing melt. In this scenario, the mush crystals are likely to undergo a sudden temperature increase, leading to melting following their transfer into the replenishing magma. During ascent, adiabatic decompression also will occur. Such decompression is also known to favour the development of sieve textures in plagioclase (Nelson & Montana, 1992), as well as to enhance the melting process. A majority of the UBM rhyolites have a strongly d18O-depleted signature. It is well established that 2119 JOURNAL OF PETROLOGY VOLUME 50 magmas unaffected by hydrothermal interaction at Yellowstone (e.g. the Huckleberry Ridge Tuff, the ignimbrite associated with the first caldera, as well as the extracaldera rhyolites) have normal magmatic d18O values of 7^8ø (Hildreth et al., 1984; Bindeman & Valley, 2001). Therefore, the protolith of the UBM rhyolites probably consists mainly of previously hydrothermally altered material. Bindeman & Valley (2001) and Bindeman et al. (2008) have suggested bulk melting of such material. In such a scenario, the sieved plagioclase may represent remnants of the major mineral phases of the hydrothermally altered crystal mush or pluton. Mineral aggregates Another unusual aspect of the UBM rhyolites is the ubiquitous presence of small aggregates consisting of plagioclase, clinopyroxene, orthopyroxene and Fe^Ti oxides. An important question is whether these relatively mafic aggregates (60% SiO2, calculated from mass balance of crystal compositions and abundances) were in equilibrium with, and crystallized from, a high-SiO2 rhyolitic melt. Because of their bulk composition, the aggregates could represent either microdiorite xenoliths or crystals from an andesitic to dacitic replenishing melt. Compositions of both plagioclase and clinopyroxene, however, are typical of those observed in rhyodacites and rhyolites (e.g. Chesner, 1998; Barbey et al., 2005; Smith et al., 2005) rather than those observed in andesites or dacites (e.g. Murphy et al., 2000; Izbekov et al., 2002; Cooper & Reid, 2003; Zellmer et al., 2003). Additionally, the compositions of plagioclase in the aggregates generally overlap those of the sieved plagioclase, differing from these only by the occasional presence of zones with An40. An origin as cumulates from a silicic magma chamber is another possibility. However, this hypothesis is not consistent with the general freshness of the crystals (which lack dissolution textures), their fine-grained nature, and the lack of sanidine and quartz. Similar aggregates are found in the Were Ilu ignimbrite of Ethiopia (Barbey et al., 2005), a high-silica rhyolite that also has abundant sieved plagioclase and lacks sanidine and quartz, similar to the East Biscuit Basin (EBB) lavas. These aggregates have been interpreted as the result of assimilation^fractional crystallization of a rhyodacitic magma. For the Were Ilu system, single plagioclase crystals in the aggregates are normally zoned, with some cores attaining or exceeding An50. Clinopyroxene in the Were Ilu aggregates has a composition of Wo36En32Fs32, similar to that of clinopyroxene in the UBM rhyolites (Hildreth et al., 1984; this study). Interstitial glass in these aggregates and melt inclusions in plagioclase indicate crystallization from a melt with 70^74% SiO2 (Barbey et al., 2005). It is thus possible that the UBM aggregates also NUMBER 11 NOVEMBER 2009 crystallized from a rhyodacitic or a low-SiO2 rhyolitic magma, potentially a primitive replenishing magma. However, zoning in plagioclase is less common and less pronounced than for the Were Ilu ignimbrite, and despite the low-silica bulk composition of the EBB, there is no direct evidence in EBB and other UBM rhyolites of a replenishing 70^74% SiO2 magma. Yet glass in EBB has a lower silica content (576·5% SiO2), which may be evidence of a minor contribution of such a replenishing magma to a normal Yellowstone high-silica rhyolitic magma. If 15% by volume of a replenishing magma with 74% SiO2 is mixed with 85% of a crystal mush with 77% SiO2, the product of mixing in these proportions is 76·5% SiO2, similar to the composition of the EBB glass. As it interacts with this resident rhyolitic crystal mush or pluton, the replenishing magma probably exchanges heat and cools, so that fractional crystallization may begin. The first minerals formed are Fe^Ti oxides, pyroxenes and plagioclase (Scaillet et al., 1995; Dall’Agnol et al., 1999). We propose that the aggregates are formed at this stage. As the replenishing magma cools, the mush temperature increases and melting is enhanced, leading to the formation of sieve textures in the resident plagioclase and heterogeneous compositions in the glass. In such a scenario, the plagioclase in the aggregates would have higher d18O values than the sieved plagioclase (which would have a true low-d18O signature). However, the expected higher d18O signature of the aggregate crystals, which would be clear evidence for replenishment, may be erased by fast diffusion of oxygen in feldspar (Bindeman & Valley, 2001), making the validation of this hypothesis by the use of oxygen isotopes difficult. In other UBM rhyolites of more evolved composition, where the glass ranges from 76·7 to 77·7% SiO2, the contribution of the replenishing magma may be lower, resulting in a more subtle compositional change. The observed decrease of the aggregate abundances with the increase in quartz and sanidine throughout the UBM rhyolites is of fundamental importance. In these rhyolites, the quartz crystals generally appear to be in dissolution, suggesting that they share a common origin with the sieved plagioclase, rather than with the aggregates. We hypothesize that smaller-volume replenishments of this hot, more primitive magma occurred in the magma reservoirs at the origin of the Middle Biscuit Basin, North Biscuit Basin, Canyon flow and tuff of Sulphur Creek units, allowing for some quartz and sanidine from the mush to be preserved and fewer aggregates to crystallize. In the magma reservoirs forming the South Biscuit Basin, Scaup Lake and Dunraven Road lava flows, still less replenishment occurred, and no aggregates were formed at this stage. 2120 GIRARD & STIX YELLOWSTONE UPPER BASIN MEMBER RHYOLITES A MODEL FOR T H E OR IGI N OF THE U PPER BASI N MEMBER R H YO L I T E S Based on our observations and data, as well as available age and isotope geochemistry information, we propose that the Upper Basin Member magmatism evolved as follows. The third Yellowstone caldera collapse occurred at 639 2 ka (Lanphere et al., 2002), evacuating 1000 km3 of high-silica rhyolite magma (the Lava Creek Tuff). Much of this volume was deposited within the caldera as ignimbrites with thicknesses of several hundred metres (Christiansen, 2001). This material was probably emplaced on top of intracaldera ignimbrite from the 2·0 Ma Huckleberry Ridge Tuff (Christiansen, 2001), increasing the thickness and volume of the intracaldera rhyolites (Fig. 12a). Deep magma injections, probably of mafic composition and related to the Yellowstone hotspot, stalled beneath the caldera, resulting in uplift of two resurgent domes within the caldera, the Mallard Lake and Sour Creek Resurgent Domes (Fig. 12b). This uplift caused fracturing throughout the caldera, leading to the development of a large hydrothermal system. This hydrothermal system was most developed beneath the resurgent domes, owing to maximum uplift, fracturing, and the presence of magmatic heat sources at depth. As a result, the intracaldera ignimbrite acquired a low-d18O signature, which was particularly pronounced beneath the domes. Hydrothermal alteration and d18O depletion may also have affected partly liquid and Fig. 12. Petrogenetic model for the Upper Basin Member rhyolites, from caldera collapse to eruption. M, I and S refer to mafic, intermediate and silicic replenishing magmas, respectively. Rhyolite unit abbreviations as in Table 1; LCT, Lava Creek Tuff; HRT, Huckleberry Ridge Tuff. Illustrations are not to scale. 2121 JOURNAL OF PETROLOGY VOLUME 50 NUMBER 11 NOVEMBER 2009 Fig. 12. Continued. solidifying unerupted remnants of the Lava Creek Tuff magma chamber(s) (Fig. 12c). Continued magma injections beneath the domes initiated melting of the now low-d18O intracaldera ignimbrite and/or unerupted Lava Creek Tuff magma (Fig. 12d). Small volumes of silicic replenishing magmas mixed with these rhyolitic partial melts, increasing the fraction of melt and leading to the accumulation of several mainly liquid magma batches (Fig. 12e). The volume of silicic replenishing magmas was sufficient to modify the composition of the newly formed resident partial melt and increase its temperature, resulting in melting of resident crystals and crystallization of higher-temperature mineral aggregates, but insufficient to appreciably modify its isotopic signature, so that these hybrid magmas maintained a lowd18O signature. Once formed, these newly generated batches of magma erupted rapidly to form the Upper Basin Member rhyolites at 500 ka (Fig. 12f). Shortly before 255 ka, new magma injections beneath the Mallard Lake Resurgent Dome caused renewed melting of the rhyolitic protolith. These lavas lack clear evidence for incorporation of a silicic replenishing 2122 GIRARD & STIX YELLOWSTONE UPPER BASIN MEMBER RHYOLITES magma component shortly before eruption. The higher d18O signatures of these younger rhyolites suggest that (1) they originate from a region distinct from the resurgent domes that was less affected by hydrothermal alteration, or (2) the d18O depletion of the protolith beneath the Mallard Lake resurgent dome was variable. This magmatic episode led to rejuventation of the rhyolitic reservoir beneath the Mallard Lake Resurgent Dome and may have been a precursor for the younger Central Plateau Member magmatism, which began to erupt 80 kyr later. with pyroxene analyses and Glenna Keating for her help with whole-rock analyses. We thank Yan Lavalle¤e, Abby Peterson and Tyler Barton for their assistance in the field. Fieldwork was conducted under Research and Collecting Permit YELL-05478; we thank Jake Lowenstern and John Eichelberger for their permit proposal reviews and the Yellowstone National Park Research Permit Office for their advice. Phil Shane and an anonymous reviewer provided useful suggestions that greatly improved the clarity of the manuscript. FU N DI NG S U M M A RY A N D C O N C L U S I O N S (1) This study has revealed the existence of a new rhyolite lava flow, previously mapped as part of the Biscuit Basin lavas, for which we propose the name East Biscuit Basin lava flow (EBB). This low-SiO2 rhyolite contains no quartz and no sanidine and is dominated by an assemblage of sieved plagioclase and plagioclase^pyroxene^Fe^Tioxide aggregates. Based on analyses of samples of similar geochemistry in this area (Sturchio et al., 1986), it appears to be a low-d18O rhyolite. (2) All other Upper Basin Member rhyolites are highSiO2 rhyolites, containing plagioclase, sanidine and quartz. Sieved plagioclase crystals and aggregates are present in most UBM rhyolites, together with rounded and embayed quartz crystals. (3) Despite various degrees of evolution in terms of mineralogy and major element geochemistry observed throughout the Upper Basin Member rhyolites, variations in many trace elements such as Rb, Y, Th, U and REE are limited and appear buffered, suggesting independent magma batches rather than a single differentiating reservoir. (4) Based on the spatial and temporal distribution of trace element concentrations and ratios in the caldera, as well as available d18O information, we suggest the presence of at least six magma batches in early postcaldera time. (5) These observations lead us to develop a petrogenetic model in which (a) mafic magma replenishment occurred beneath two regions of the caldera, triggering uplift of two resurgent domes; (b) hydrothermal alteration caused a strong depletion in the d18O signature of the pre-existing rhyolitic crystal mush and its roof; (c) heat inputs and/or magma replenishment initiated melting of the low-d18O mush and/or roof; (d) silicic magma replenishment enhanced melting and triggered eruptions. AC K N O W L E D G E M E N T S We are grafeful to Bill Minarik and Lang Shi for their invaluable assistance with the ICP-MS and electron microprobe work, respectively, Crystal Mann for her help This research was funded through grants to J.S. from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada and le Fonds Que¤be¤cois pour la Recherche sur la Nature et les Technologies. G.G. acknowledges a scholarship from GEOTOP-Universite¤ du Que¤bec a' Montre¤alMcGill . 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