new beginnings - dunamis ministries


new beginnings - dunamis ministries
Christmas 2011
“You will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you…” Acts 1:8
hen the One who sits on In the last months the Lord rebirthed Lord has promised to make all things
the throne said, "And now the ministry in Hong Kong hosted new and it is happening. Living in
I make all things new!" He by St. Stephens Society and Jackie­ the presence of the Lord and saying
also said to me, "Write this down, ­Pullinger. It is significant. Hong Kong what I hear Him say and doing what
because these words are true and was the first mission we were sent to I see Him do is becoming my way of
can be trusted." And he said, "It is in the beginning of our internation� life more than ever before. My heart’s
done! I am the Alpha and KONFERENZ
theOme- al ministry in IN
and Europe was desire is for Jesus to live through me.
ga, the beginning and the end. “
next in Scotland, Switzerland and More and more I am experiencing
Rev. 21: 5-6a
Germany. In this new beginning the this reality.
In Hong Kong ca. 600 people gath�
ered for the Healing the Past…Re�
leasing Your Future Conference at
the New Hang Fook Camp. The tes�
timonies were amazing. One teen�
ager shared that he fell asleep during
the ministry time and Jesus came to
him in his dream and healed him !!!
At the end of the conference I asked
Pre School ... Art Project
all those who were touched by the Lord
and healed in some way to stand. Al�
most everyone stood to thank Jesus in
the end for His special touch and heal�
ing in their lives. I was overwhelmed
with thankfulness for the Lord’s faith�
Since we have been ministering with
Jackie and her team the past 6 years,
there has been a growing dream to pro�
vide an alternative to the preschool sys�
tem in Hong Kong. The traditional pre�
schools have a strong academic em�
phasis that can cause a lot of pressure
for the children. The dream has become
a reality with the new preschool started
by teachers and parents in the St. Ste�
phen’s Community. The vision is to pro�
vide a learning environment that coop�
erates with the way God made young
children to be and learn. This alterna�
tive preschool in Sing Mun Springs is
implementing what we have taught
them about human development to
create a child friendly environment
that provides age appropriate learn�
ing activities. The kids are loving it and
learning too!
It is a true transformation of the educa�
tion system at the preschool level. The
Kingdom of God expressed in reality in
society. It is such a privilege to be a part
of truly changing society through prac�
tical application of God’s truth.
Teen Study Group
Teaching session in Zofingen – Switzerland
Worship at Pfimi Zofingen Andreas-Chaple
Catherine: „His Kingdom is coming ...”
There is also a school for teens that is
having a tremendous impact on them
and their families. The wisdom the Lord
has given us has been exponentially in�
creasing. In this new season I am seeing
the transforming effect of the revelation
as people are set free and the principles
are being applied in various ways to
transform society. Seeing God’s dream
become reality and being able to be a
part of this process is overwhelming.
The Dunamis team in Switzerland part�
nered with Pastor Marco Hoffmann to
host the Mut zur Reife Seminar in Zofin�
gen. It also was a very powerful time.
The Lord was very real and the effect of
His healing presence actually changed
the countenance of several people.
Their faces softened and they glowed
with a new peace and joy.
Pastor Marco and Angie Hoffmann have
a vision to see the Kingdom of God
come in sign wonders and miracles in
their community. They are passionate
about Jesus and seeking His face and
His presence. Heaven is opening over
such hearts that hunger for Him. Heal�
ings are already happening …. And it is
a privilege to be a part of the Kingdom
of God coming to earth in the „Pfimi
fingen Andreas-Chaple“ that will break
out into the community and beyond.
drecht alone and over 600 worldwide
in various locations where the work has
expanded. Teun and Dinie Stortenbek�
er lead the work and were among the
The Healing the Past Conference started
with 120 participants and by the end @
250 were attending. Christian and Gesa
Kessel were with me to provide prayer
support and help in ministry times. The
Holy Spirit was moving mightily and as
the word got out more and more peo�
ple came from the community. There
were dramatic testimonies of healing
from abuse, deliverance from demonic
forces, and breakthroughs in many peo�
ple’s lives. The most moving for me was
the testimony of two men who “saw” Je�
sus come and sit between them and felt
His hand on their shoulders during the
time of ministry.
Another woman felt she was not to ex�
ist and a force was trying to pull her out
of existence. She cried to Jesus and He
was there to catch her in His arms …
at the moment of her conception… to
uphold her. The force of annihilation
was broken and Jesus filled her with His
life…the Breath of Life. She was free.
The first Developmental Ministry Train�
ing Module was launched also and ev�
ery intern involved was deeply touched
by the Lord and experienced a person�
al healing. Y.K. Lee and Arthur Au came
from Jackie Pullingers team in Hong
Kong to help with the training and
lead the small group ministry with me.
The testimonies flooded the communi�
ty with excitement of all the Lord was
doing. I look forward to our continuing
partnership with De Hoop as we team
together to “bind up the broken heart�
ed and set the captives free”. It is our
heart’s desire to extend the Kingdom
of God and make it real and visible in
the lives of those we serve.
Dordrecht, Netherlands
In November I had the privilege to min�
ister in De Hoop Christian Clinic for drug
rehab and psychiatric clients, known as
guests, in the De Hoop community. It
is an amazing work that has been serv�
ing the needs of the broken for over
35 years. There is over 300 staff in Dor�
The new „Ministry Training Group“ at De Hoop, Dordrecht – Netherlands
The people who walked in darkness
have seen a great light. They lived in a
land of shadows, but now light is shining on them.
You have given them great joy, Lord;
you have made them happy. They rejoice in what you have done, as people rejoice when they harvest grain or
when they divide captured wealth.
For you have broken the yoke that
burdened them and the rod that beat
their shoulders. …
A child is born to us! A son is given to us! And he will be our ruler. He
will be called, "Wonderful Counselor,"
"Mighty God," "Eternal Father," "Prince
of Peace."
His royal power will continue to grow;
his kingdom will always be at peace.
Isaiah 9:2-4, 6-7
Then I heard a loud voice in heaven saying, "Now God's salvation has
come! Now God has shown his power
as King! Now his Messiah has shown
his authority! For the one who stood
before our God and accused believers
day and night has been thrown out of
heaven. Rev. 12: 10
13 Feb -17 Feb
Developmental Ministry Training*
De Hoop, Dordrecht, Netherlands
24- 26 Feb.
Mut zur Reife: Entwicklung und Fehlentwicklung des Menschen verstehen. Wege zur Heilung.
Felsengrund Gemeinschaft
Männedorf – (CH)
Infos: +41 (0) 1920 2628
7 March – 11 March
Developmental Ministry Training*
St. Stephens Society
Hong Kong, SAR
13- 17 March
Healing the Past…Releasing Your
Future Conference
Surabaya, Indonesia
Dunamis Ministries Inc.
PO Box 17449
Fountain Hills, AZ 85269
and the
…His star appeared in the east to an�
nounce His first coming. …His star ap�
pearing again… the Morning Star ris�
es in the east after sunset … a sign of
His presence with us, shining bright�
ly through the night, reminding us our
King is coming soon.
May His presence fill your hearts and
homes ...may His Kingdom come through
12- 15 April
Developmental Ministry Training*
English/ German
Felsengrund Gemeinschaft
Maennedorf, CH
7- 11 May
Developmental Ministry Training*
De Hoop, Dordrecht, Netherlands
31 May – 3 June
Beziehungs Faehigkeit Seminar
Pfimi Zofingen Andreas-Kapelle
Zofingen, Schwitzerland
Dani Peyer,
21- 24 June
Developmental Ministry Training*
English/ German
Haus des Lebens, Austria
17- 21 Sept.
Developmental Ministry Training*
De Hoop, Dordrecht, Netherlands
11 Oct. – 14 Oct.
Developmental Ministry Training*
English/ German
Haus des Lebens, Austria
Newsletter for friends of
Dunamis Ministries Inc.
Editorial staff: Catherine Fabiano
Layout: Albrecht Fietz
Catherine Fabiano
Dunamis Ministries –
a Faith Ministry
30 Jan. – 3 Feb
Kolding Internationale Højskole
International Apostolic Bible College
Lykkegårdsvej 100, DK-6000 Kolding
Infos: Tlf. +45 76 34 29 58
+45 28 76 72 50, Email:
you on earth as it is in heaven every­­where
you go and with all those you meet.
A blessed and heavenly Christmas
… and New Year filled with Kingdom
­adventures !
Warm greetings… von ganzem Herzen,
(dates to be announced)
Healing the Past…Releasing
Your FutureConference
St. Stephens Society
Hong Kong, SAR
29 Oct. – 2 Nov.
Developmental Ministry Training*
St. Stephens Society
Hong Kong, SAR
As a faith ministry, Dunamis Ministries is fun�
ded solely by donations. We believe God's
promise, that those who have been blessed
through this ministry will also support it and
in turn bless others. If you have been blessed,
thank you for your willingness to participate
in becoming a blessing.
Dunamis Ministries Inc. is a non-profit corpo�
ration. All donations are tax deductable.
19- 30 Nov.
(specific dates to be announced)
Healing the Past…Releasing
Your Future
Healing Conference
De Hoop
Dordrecht, Netherlands
Developmental Ministry Training*
De Hoop, Dordrecht,
* by Invitation only
in PDF-Format at
... click flag for
English version
( ta x d e d u c ta b l e )
Dunamis Ministries, Inc.
P.O. Box 17449
Fountain Hills, AZ 85269, USA
Chase Bank
16744 E. Ave. of the Fountains
Fountain Hills, AZ 85268
Dunamis Ministries, Inc.
Account No. 2278-1397
Rtg. No. 1221 000 24