Principal Randy Koeppe Cottonwood Elementary School
Principal Randy Koeppe Cottonwood Elementary School
+ Cottonwood Elementary School Principal Randy Koeppe Continuous Advancement Plan for Student Achievement 2013-2014 + Cottonwood Elementary School Staff Principal Randy Koeppe Third Grade Rebecca Baker Nicole Barrier Marilyn Bliss Heidi Emmons Soledad Montoya Taryn Quenzer Fourth Grade Carol Fobair Linda Hauser Kelly Edwards Brenda Lewis Beth Rossiter Fifth Grade Erica Allred Sara Bowers Erin Cody LaToya Lewy Kimber Marquez Laura Mineer 2 Office Administrative Assistants Mickey Klimes Marissa (Missy) Rolfes Title I Jessica Vocca –Teacher Discovery Teachers Jamie Williams- Health Stephanie Earl- Library Rex Barton –P.E. Pam Costello- Music Pat Streck- Aide Custodians Carol Vaughn- Aide Dan Zuercher Lynn Winslow- Coach Arturo Valenzuela Special Education Kathy Hughes- Teacher Nurse Jami Hunter- Aide Patty Knister Rachel Morgan- Aide OT/PT Cafeteria Sharon Wenger Kathy Gant Lisa Larez Espy Anguiano Resource & Success Tina Banaszak Ruby Brown –Teacher Theresa Rodriguez John Croslin –Aide Michelle Williams Speech Vicky Pelphrey Melanie Lohmiller DATA DEMOGRAPHICS + Ethnic Demographics Asian 0% White 51% ELL Population English Learner 18% African American 1% Hispanic 46% Regular Ed 82% Gender Demographics Pacific Islander 0% Mixed Races 0% American Indian 2% Male 51% Female 49% Free and Reduced Lunch Full Paid 16% Reduced 10% Free 74% 3 DATA CES AIMS 3rd Grade % Meets and Exceeds CES AIMS 4th Grade % Meets and Exceeds 100 100 90 76 80 67 70 60 54 67 72 76 60 60 2009/2010 90 2010/2011 50 70 60 5554 5050 55 5254 2010/2011 50 2011/2012 40 30 2011/2012 40 30 20 2012/2013 10 20 11 10 0 0 MATH READING MATH READING CES AIMS 5th Grade % Meets and Exceeds 100 90 70 60 50 2009/2010 82 7676 70 80 64 5553 48 50 52 47 2010/2011 2011/2012 41 40 2012/2013 30 20 10 0 MATH 4 2009/2010 75 7070 64 80 READING WRITING SCIENCE 2012/2013 SCHOOL GOAL 1: CES will increase the amount of points in the B category (from 120 to 125) by increasing the Median Growth Percentile (Bottom 25%) in reading and math from 49 to 52 as measured by the ADE School Letter Grade Report from 2013-2014. Strategy 1 Initiate the 90-minute reading block as defined by Move on When Reading protocol. Action Steps 1. Provide a minimum of 90 uninterrupted minutes of reading instruction daily 2. Provide students with whole group reading instruction daily 3. Provide small group reading instruction to students daily 4. Utilize independent stations for reading foundational practice Strategy 2 Support frameworks that provide appropriate interventions and extended learning services for all students. Actions 1. Tier 2 & Tier 3 students will receive additional instruction in reading and/or math from Title I during the school day 2. Students consistently not making adequate progress with interventions may be referred for ITeams Strategy 3 Utilize assessments to determine instructional needs. Action Steps 1.Teachers will use DIBELS, Galileo and Common Assessments to drive instruction 2. Determine and utilize appropriate assessments 3. PLCs will be designated to analyze and review data 4. Teachers will remediate and enrich within their classroom as needed 6. The current literacy goal will be measured using Former DIBELS Benchmarks. Recommended goals will also be analyzed to promote awareness of the shift Strategy 4 Provide timely and accurate data to determine interventions at the school and individual level. Actions 1. Students in 3rd through 5th grade will be tested three times a year using DIBELS. This data will be used to drive instructional services for identified areas of need 2. Progress Monitoring will be determined and implemented based upon an individual student’s needs which may be twice a month for intensive students and once a month for strategic students 3. 3rd through 5th grade students will be assessed in math and reading using Galileo assessments 4. PLCs will meet quarterly to review student data and determine interventions on an individual level Strategy 5 Ensure that personnel providing interventions are qualified and effective. Actions 1. CES supports the placement of highly qualified teachers and paraprofessionals as intervention teachers 2. Third grade teachers will receive professional development on reading strategies 5 SCHOOL GOAL 2: CES will increase the amount of points in the B category (from 120 to 125) by increasing the percent passing AIMS, from 67% to 70%, of all students in grades 3-5 (math and reading) as measured by the ADE School Letter Grade Report from 2013-2014. Strategy 1 Continue to implement and revise ELA Common Core Frameworks and use data to drive instruction. Action Steps 1. 3-5 teachers develop and implement common assessments that are tied to Framework Performance Tasks 2. 3-5 teachers will embed common core foundational standards 3. 3-5 teachers will have increased focus on oral reading fluency within connected text. 4. Content teachers will be teachers of reading and writing – Implement writing across the curriculum in grades 3-8 utilizing ELA Frameworks 5. Utilize the draft PARCC Writing Rubric 6. Teachers will utilize assessment data to monitor student progress and drive instruction and provide remediation and enrichment – Teach, Reteach, Enrich 7. Provide time for teachers to review data for planning for teach, reteach and enrich Strategy 2 Implement and develop curriculum based on the MATH Arizona Common Core State Standards (ACCSS). Action Steps 1. 3-5 teachers will continue to utilize, and refine, lessons from the district approved ACCSS based inquiry math program following the COCSD quarterly pacing guide. Pacing guide may be adjusted, as needed, to meet power standards and in-depth instruction 2. 3-5 teachers will continue usage of a district-wide daily math fluency program and will report students' math fluency progress weekly to site coordinator 3. 3-5 teachers will utilize and document common, formative assessments aligned to the quarterly pacing/assessment guide to monitor student progress, design instruction, and for PLC collaboration. Pacing guide may be adjusted, as needed, to meet power standards and in-depth instruction 4. A common Math Journal Framework will be created by the Math Task Force o All 3-5 students will utilize math journals 6 Strategy 3 Professional development will be provided by COCSD personnel and outside sources to ensure support for teachers in their ability to plan and deliver effective instruction. Action Steps 1. Teachers will actively participate in Instructional Shifts Professional Development (ie. Key Comprehension Routines, Close and Careful Reading, Argument Literacy, Resource Alignment, Routine/Analytical/Narrative Writing, and research project, Jr. Great Books) 2. Teachers will actively participate in professional development directed towards common core implementation, instructional models and technology integration, common core standards, including mathematical practices, PARCC frameworks, and PARCC evidence tables 3. Teachers will actively participate in additional professional development opportunities as determined through campus plans. 4. Professional development implementation will be assessed through teacher evaluations, teacher self– assessment, coaching conferences/observations, signin sheets, and/or principal observation SCHOOL GOAL 3: Thirty percent of the CES students in the ELD program will reclassify as Proficient as measured by the 2014 AZELLA, thereby receiving the additional 3 points for ELL Reclassification. Strategy 1: Establish an extended day reading program that focuses on 3rd grade ELL students to increase the amount of points in the B category by 3 points as determined by the ADE school letter grade and reclassify 30% of the ELL population. 1. Students will receive an extra 45 minutes of instruction in reading afterschool on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday. 2. ELL teachers will instruct English language learners in the ELA Common Core Standards using the district approved ELA Frameworks. 3. ELL students will be monitored by the Galileo Benchmark assessments through out the 20132014 school year. 4. Indicator: Evaluation of program effectiveness will be measured by the increase of student achievement on the Galileo Benchmarks and AIMS results. Strategy 2 Group English learners by proficiency levels as much as possible Action Steps 1. When the district receives spring AZELLA results, students will be grouped, keeping proficiency levels in mind. These group lists will be provided to the principal in order to form SEI classes and ILLP clusters. 2. Any deviations from traditional SEI and ILLP scenarios as dictated by state models must be reported to ADE-OELAS by the district, so that permission may be granted for exceptional student placements. Strategy 3 Provide high-quality, English Language Learner Programspecific Professional Development Action Steps 1. Provide Engineering is Elementary Professional Development – APS/Science Center. 2. Provide coaching support to address math needs APS/Science Center. 3. Participation in professional development activities will be documented with sign-in sheets, agendas, and trainer evaluations. Strategy 4 Provide additional instructional time for mathematics for English learners. Action Steps 1. Evaluate the potential for an extended school day for English learners in order to provide mathematics instruction beyond the 30-minute block already available to teachers after the 4-hour model is in place. 2. Determine funding, staffing, and transportation needs for such a program. 3. Communicate the need for extended day to all stakeholders. 4. Acquire necessary supports to implement an extended day model. 5. Implement extended day mathematics instruction for English learners, and monitor its progress with assistance from mathematics experts within the district. 6. Identify students’ eligibility for participation based on their most recent Galileo scores. 7 PARENT INVOLVEMENT: Strategies to involve parents and community. CES will increase parent participation on campus by increasing parent involvement opportunities throughout the 2013-2014 academic year. Strategy 1: CES teachers, in grades 3 through 5, will host grade level curriculum student/parent involve-ment nights. Action Steps: CURRICULUM NIGHT 1. Third grade- Family and Traditions 2. Fourth grade- February: Happy Birthday, Arizona! 3. Fifth grade–Science 4. Title 1 staff will incorporate parent involvement activities with morning and night opportunities through: Read Across America Day and Title 1 Parent Night. 5. CES administrative staff will use school messenger to notify parents of various activities/news. 6. CES staff will evaluate the effectiveness of parent involvement through attendance and sign in sheets. 8 Strategy 2: As a grade level, in coordination with the music program, CES teachers in grades 3rd through 5th will each host an evening musical performance. Action Steps: MUSICAL PERFORMANCE 1. Third grade- Christmas Program 2. Fourth grade –Recorder Concert 3. Fifth grade-Veteran’s Day Program 4. CES administrative staff will use school messenger to notify parents of various activities/news. 5. CES staff will evaluate the effectiveness of parent involvement through attendance and sign in sheets. Steering Committee 2013 Rebecca Baker – Teacher 3rd Nicole Barrier – Teacher 3rd Ruby Brown – Teacher Resource/ Success Randy Koeppe – Principal Linda Harrison – Parent Brenda Lewis – Teacher 4th Kimber Marquez – Teacher 5th Laura Mineer – Teacher ELL 5th Beth Rossiter – Teacher 4th Lynn Winslow – Instructional Coach Jessica Vocca – Reading Specialist/ Title 1 + COTTONWOOD ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 1 N. Willard St. Cottonwood , AZ86326