Annual Report 2008


Annual Report 2008
Annual Report 2008
Beyond Skin annual report 2008
Forward – General Project Manager
I am very pleased to present this annual report at the end of what has been another very successful and
rewarding year for Beyond Skin.
Beyond Skin was established in 2004 to use the arts to address sectarianism and also the rise in racism.
Four years later the organisation has set a strong foundation as a major player in community arts & relations
in with a reputation for producing initiatives that have had a massive positive impact on the Northern Ireland
social environment.
2008 was the year of the launches for Beyond Skin with our first Youth in Motion CD in January, the first
broadcast of Homely Planet radio in April, the release of the Journey of Equals DVD & Media program in
August and launch of the Belfast East program in September.
Also 2008 seen the start of the „exploring diversity through music‟ global education program in association
with the Department for International Development, screenings of the new 1 Giant Leap film, „what about
me?‟ and further growth of the Motion Project collective.
Also on top of the programs Beyond Skin moved office, had several board member changes and core staff
Regarding marketing Beyond Skin has continued to direct focus at participants and outcomes instead of selfpromotion, but we have still managed to attract media interest with features in many publications, press items
and radio & TV programs. Word of mouth still is our biggest marking tool with the quality of programs we
run and the good practice of our facilitators and artists.
Prior 2008 the arts where not taken that seriously regarding a medium for addressing cultural relations
problems, but many changes through research and policies in 2008 resulted in the arts seen as a very affective
tool regarding addressing social problems. The outcomes from Beyond Skin programs undoubtedly helped
prove the point of how powerful the arts are when it comes to dealing with difficult issues.
Through the radio greater evidence was also revealed how more simple communication issues need to be
addressed. The mystery surrounding cultures still remains due to political correctness barriers and the lack of
opportunities for people from different backgrounds to share beliefs, traditions and values. This is an area
where Homely Planet provided a forum to assist cultural education and also helped quench fears that surround
different communities due to lack of understanding or misleading information from other sources.
2008 Beyond Skin took part in many research projects and consultations local & international which gave us a
respected place within the global peace building sector. This gave another dimension to Beyond Skin aside
from just being recognised for delivering innovative local cultural education arts programs. Also a new
strategy was to focus on global issues such as fair-trade, migration & poverty; this helped people see
themselves as part of a world picture which in turn assisted a better understanding of cultural diversity.
To summarise 2008 was the year Beyond Skin strengthened its foundation and celebrated results developed in
2007. A year when we as a team we realised our potential and possibilities the people of Northern Ireland
could have if we focused on the positive of a shared society. One of our artists once said “it would be a sad
thing if we stopped hating one thing and started hating another”. Northern Ireland has come so far, that most
have forgotten what an amazing nation we are. Yes our history still is a part of who we are but our future will
be a part of what we become. Beyond Skin along with many other groups is part of the hidden mechanism
ensuring that where possible all citizens feel welcome and at home in Northern Ireland, a place that can set an
example to the rest of the world how inter-culturalism can really work.
Darren Ferguson
(project manager)
Beyond Skin annual report 2008
Project Development - Motion
In the 2007 report it was mentioned that Beyond Skin had the gift of finding the right people for the job and in
2008 that trend continued. Due to the strong family vibe of artists and partners already involved with Beyond
Skin, it became easier to attract likeminded people who aside from their gifts had passion and shared our
visions and aims.
A strong focus still remained on „taking care‟ of those who helped deliver our programs. These are the people
that made it work, achieved the positive results, impacted communities and strengthened Beyond Skin, so a
priority was to ensure people feel valued, because they are.
Beyond Skin have always faced core funding issues which in 2004 - 2007 affected the employment of staff
putting pressure on a small management team. Seeing beyond this barrier in 2008, the management took the
risk attitude usually given to initiating projects and applied it to developing a team. Assigning freelance
project managers who were passionate about a particular field gave more time & depth to projects and
enabled the organisation to function more effectively.
Beyond Skin was already seen to most as a community rather than a charity and with a large network of
partners across the province developing, managing and facilitating projects became more fluent in 2008.
The Motion Project - An amazing
collective of people that function so
well as musicians and more so as a
blueprint for multiculturalism. We
have tried so hard to pin down and
maybe slightly control the Motion
Project, but it‟s the freedom that
makes it work, a view that we all
struggle with as we all like some sense
of routine.
2008 seen some musicians move on
and others came aboard, and it‟s that
freshness that keeps it interesting for
all those involved. Musicians being
who they are seem to just get on with it sharing one thing in common with others from different backgrounds;
as long as they are making music or performing they are exercising their gifts. Beyond Skin through 2008
ensured where possible support was given to individuals and music partnerships within their own careers.
Learning from 2007 management staff also tried to make sure each musician was comfortable in certain
environments. Some liked working with young people, others preferred performances, others production.
The Motion Project spread its wings even further in 2008 and tapped
into some new diversity areas, including Global Education. Funded
through the Department of International Development and managed by
Alexandra De la Torre in partnership with „Children in Crossfire‟, the
Motion Project found a place in the market where music could be used
as a very effective tool for teaching global issues. The Motion Project
also recognised its position within the music & community sector.
Improvisation and interaction is what Motion represents and the
collective are the best there is facilitating this format.
At the end of 2008 musicians from Motion began recording new music
for specific programs and within these sessions the desire and need to
record a new long play CD became evident. A strategy for a new CD recording and tour were put into place
late 2008 with funding applications pending.
Beyond Skin annual report 2008
Project Development - Motion
Participating Groups 2008
St Patrick's High school, Lisburn
Fort Hill Integrated College, Lisburn
Lisnagarvey High School, Lisburn
LaurelHill Community College, Lisburn
Windmill Dungannon school
Glengormley high school
Edmund Rice College
St Josephs Primary School
St.Mary‟s Primary School, Derrymore
St.Patrick‟s Primary School, Aghagallon
St.Patrick‟s Primary School, Derrymacash
St.Mary‟s Primary School, Derrytrasna
Birches Primary School
St. Mary‟s Primary School, Maghery
Oatgrove Primary School
Gracehill primary school
Corrymela Centre, Ballycastle
Oh Yeah
Department for International Development
Lagan sports
Belfast City Council
Ards Arts Centre
Lisburn Inland Arts Centre
Co.Clare Festival
Stewart Memorial Home
Craigavon Borough Council
Beat Initiative
Jordanstown University Union
Shaftsbury Recreation Centre
Raddison Hotel
Latin Amercan Unida
Adult hawthorn centre
Dungannon council
Rasharkin community centre
Ormeau baths gallery
Armagh Borough council
Cooperation Ireland
Step NI
Arts & Business
Love Music Hate Racism
Ballymena Inter-ethnic Forum
Country Comes to Town
Small world Music
Concern Worldwide
South Belfast Partnership
Big River Productions
Chinese Welfare Association
Housing Executive
Equality Commission
Ballee Community Centre
Greenmount College, Antrim
Vision 4 Tomorrow
Newtownabbey Borough Council
Belfast City Council
Limavady Council
Sure Start
Connecting Cultures
Education By choice
Beyond Skin annual report 2008
Project Development – YIM / Journey of Equals / 1 Giant Leap
Youth in Motion – The youth in motion project was a format that couldn‟t really fail. Working with young
people to record a professional product (CD) was an idea that attracted interest. The only setback was the
costs due to the production and studio element.
2008 we launched the East Belfast CD (recorded in 2007) and also Horizon (with 3 schools), Newtownabbey
(2 schools) and Glengormley Youth Centre. Researching each group to find their tastes in music, youth in
motion could be tailored around timescales and music interests whether it would be rock or dance. Giving
young people to work alongside musicians from different cultures was what it was all about.
The success of all four projects to date and the great music that has been made has given youth in motion a
platform to build on for 2009. An official website was redesigned and also supported by a
myspace (/youthinmotionproject).
Journey of Equals – With all the funding issues with the
film production in 2007, the DVD was finally launched
in September 08 with tremendous positive feedback. A
website was quickly set up to
support the DVD which at the end of 2008 developed
into a format for a DVD/media workshop. Two pilot
workshops where held in a school and adult community
centre both of which were a success.
The DVD was released to buy online and future
discussions in 2009 will help shape the development of
the project maybe with additional footage.
1 Giant Leap – With the release of the 2nd 1GL DVD „what
about me?‟ it was a must that Beyond Skin played some role in
promoting the film in Northern Ireland. Screenings through
community groups and councils took place and a website was set up to develop the program for a Northern
Ireland audience.
A partnership with the Feile Festival in August began a push to
get the 1 Giant Leap group over to the west Belfast event but
after much hard work the dates did not match and the event had
to be abandoned.
More screening are scheduled for 2009 with more research into
larger 1 Giant Leap performance.
Beyond Skin annual report 2008
Project Development – Homely Planet
Homely Planet – Due to the rapid growth and this monster we created from a simple radio idea. The next
four pages of this report are dedicated to Homely Planet.
The Launch
Homely Planet was launched on the 11 th April 2008 at Equality House, Belfast and starting broadcasting
12noon that day.
The launch was part of many events as part of
Intercultural Week and radio programs capturing
other events were recorded during the week.
People representing government & council units,
community groups, ethnic organisations and private
business were invited along with musicians, artists
and individuals involved in the community sector.
The event was well attended and with a atmosphere
of excitement and united support for the radio the
launch event became a bigger start to the project than
was expected.
Speakers included representatives from the Equality
Commission, Culture NI, Ossia Music, Journalist
Stuart Bailie, and Beyond Skin project, manager
Darren Ferguson.
At 12noon whilst the public heard the radio to official start its broadcast, people attending the launch event
were treated to a live performance from the band „Talking Drum‟.
A freelance programmer for Homely Planet and freelance engineers where employed to handle the majority of
the recording and editing of programs.
A dedicated bank account was also set-up for Homely Planet and Rachel Sinammon would remain web
updater and designer.
The Youth Council in Northern Ireland gave a small equipment grant which assisted the purchase of handheld
recording devises which helped in the production of programs on location.
A Homely Planet myspace also assisted the marketing and networks within the local music sector.
To get shows up and running on a very limited budget, alot of focus was directed at partnership programs
with the use of volunteers.
The Equality Commission N.I. also financially assisted the production of specific programs.
Unexpected Findings
It became clear in the production of cultural education programs that the process was more effective and
important than the final broadcast.
A pilot school program at Wellington College resulted in the students preparing songs, poems, stories and
debates to be recorded at the end of the week. So by the time the Homely Planet production crew recorded the
items the real work had already been done.
This shifted the focus and importance off listening figures onto participation, which impacted on Homely
Planet‟s marketing plans. Evaluation was a element that appealed to many groups. The fact that a recording of
a project became part of the evaluation process and a audio record of the final product.
The large interest from the music sector was also surprising and a great encouragement to the Homely Planet
team. Interest outside of Northern Ireland was also encouraging resulting in plans to have a program featuring
links with musicians from other countries called „across the borders‟.
Development of cultural programs through music will be researched.
The need for a service like Homely Planet radio was also greater than we expected. The opportunity to
participate whatever your ability was a key selling point.
Beyond Skin annual report 2008
Project Development – Homely Planet
Standing firm in the ethos of Homely Planet was always going to be a challenge,
but outside influence did challenge very strongly the way we were doing things
(recording, producing, developing programs). As mentioned with the overall
focus directed at participation, interaction, opportunities & education processes
rather than listening figures the challenge to reach a large audience became less
of a worry.
Finance was also a challenge and with no core funding, but investment only from
Beyond Skin, the risk of the idea falling was an issue. Support to produce
programs from The Equality Commission, shared resources from Culture NI and
help from volunteers gave great strength to Homely Planet. Also belief & support
from individuals and other groups assisted the Beyond Skin / Homely Planet to pursue the vision.
Equipment to produce programs was also an issue and the Youth Council in Northern Ireland gave a small
grant to help purchase equipment for youth programs. Technical support also was provided from artists
connected with Beyond Skin, Sinful Design & Shabby Road Studios.
During the first 6 months of broadcast so much has happened...the good, the challenges, the learning
curves, the relationships have given the radio idea a great foundation to build upon. The ethos of Homely
Planet will remain but various initiatives may change with trends, demands and needs.
One major change was to give other organisations the chance to record & produce their own radio programs
with no attached cost if they had the
resources to do so themselves. As long as
the program fitted into the theme of
„cultural education‟ they could use their
own ideas.
It was and will continue to be important that
the radio is marketed as a service provider
and creative tool for cultural education.
Homely Planet is to support other groups /
individuals / organisations in their own
projects. Not only does the radio create a
new forum for dialogue & community arts,
it also provides an instant evaluation of the
As with the managing charity, Beyond Skin, Homely Planet radio is not out to promote itself but
interculturalism in Northern Ireland. So giving participating groups a recording of their program to include on
their own website as a download has been a key part of the strategy to support other groups.
Other impacts have been...
 Development of cultural education programs providing opportunities & skills.
 Various new cultural relations initiatives through radio programs
 Direct radio streaming through Link Polska and Chinese Welfare websites
 Formation of large network of supporting groups/individuals
 Stronger engagement in the voluntary sector
 Set-up of a online cultural forum
 Engagement within the grassroots music sector
 Easier media access for groups to broadcast radio items
Beyond Skin annual report 2008
Project Development – Homely Planet
Recorded Programs (to date)
1. Connecting Cultures - A forum where people from different communities ask questions about each others' culture, beliefs &
traditions. For this edition young people from the Princes' Trust talk with people from Nigeria, Columbia, India & Poland. Hosted
by Zora Molyneaux.
2. Tales from the North - Frasier Kennedy talks to Ian & Gita Brown about the connection between North Belfast & Nepal
3. Country To Belief - Frasier Kennedy talks to Zhenia Mahdi-Nau about her Persian background and Baha'I faith.
4. Visions 4 Tomorrow 2008 - Corrymela
5. Antrim Festival - Coverage from the cultural festival at Clotworthy House, Antrim in April 08
6. Orchestrate (15 mins) - Coverage from the Open Arts Orchestrate event exploring community music
7. Bandwidth - Interviews & music from a group or solo artist. Today, Christina Graham talks to different drums of Ireland.
8. Here's Us - Sarah McFarland & Darren Ferguson chat to Richard Croxford from Replay Theatre Company
9. ArtsEkta - Lara Sunday talks to Nisha Tandon & Mukesh Sharma about ArtsEkta. J
10. An Munia Tober - Chat with people from the Travelling community about their way of life, stereotypes, and interculteralism.
11. Barista Social Club - “East Belfast – the changes” broadcast from Barista Café in East Belfast. Open Q & A from
12. Bandwidth – talking drum
13. Homely Planet Launch
14. Here's Us - Love Poetry, Hate Racism - Sarah McFarland talks to Gordon & Shelley from Love Poetry, Hate
15. Community Relations - Coverage of the launch Community Relations week 2008, from Derry & Belfast
16. Bandwidth - Interview with musician Phil Franco
17. Wellington College - A program about multiculturalism featuring the pupils from Wellington College, Belfast.
18. Ballynefiegh Community
19. NorthDown Cultural Event - NorthDown cultural celebration held at Cultra Manor as part of community relations week.
20. Barista Social Club - “Poverty – with or without you?” - Graham chats to representatives from Oxfam
21. Version - Classic reggae sounds from the explosion sound system with Hydrophonic Music featuring MC Krow & MC Kat.
22. Bandwidth – Focusing on „Talking Drum‟ an African fusion band of musicians from Zimbabwe, Poland, Mexico and N. Ireland.
23. Sparks - Snapshot arts feature
24. Tales from the North - Sarah McFarland talks with singer/songwriter Tracy Dempsey
25. Here's Us – Cultura - Broadcasted in Polish – A discussion about future opportunities within Polish community.
26. Barista Social Club - “the religion of Poland” Open Q & A forum focusing on one cultural topic broadcast from Barista Café
27. Version - Classic reggae sounds from the explosion sound system with Hydrophonic Music featuring MC Krow & guests
28. Futureproof - A program & forum looking at the role of government and political parties in the development of Northern Ireland.
Quotes from Futureproof radio programs will be posted on the Homely Planet forum, allowing people to have their say. To launch
the program a Ashiah Cackowska interviews the Mayor of Belfast, Mr Tom Hartley.
29. Meet The Neighbours - Highlights of the community event in Newtownabbey 16th August 2008
30. Belfast Mela 08 - A 2 hour special on Northern Ireland's largest multicultural festival. Held in Botanic Gardens on 24th August
2008, Homely Planet gives you another chance to hear the days activities and also listen in on the backstage chat.
31. Big River Sessions - Sal Hanvey performance at the BlackBox 24th August 2008.
32. Ballee Summer Scheme 08 - Interviews & song from the children who took part on a 6 week cultural project in Ballee
33. Big River Sessions - Cara Robinson performance at the BlackBox 24th August 2008.
34. Big River Sessions - John D‟Arcy performance at the BlackBox 24th August 2008.
35. Acoustic Café - Recorded sessions from Ossia Music. This program features Cara Faye Cowan.
36. Acoustic Café - Recorded sessions from Ossia Music. This program features Donal Scullion.
37. The Crown & Motion Project - Music & interviews from a community relations event in East Belfast using world music.
38. Homely Planet World Music Festival - Documentary about the Homely Planet festival in 2006 that set the seeds for the Radio
39. The Making of 1 Giant Leap - Fifty world locations and collaborations from Michael Stipe, Eddie Reader, Denis Hopper and Asha
Bhosle. Producers Jamie Catto & Duncan Bridgeman tell their story about the making of the first 1 Giant Leap film.
40. Journey of Equals - Soundtrack version of the documentary film exploring the lives of individuals united through music..
41. Acoustic Café - Recorded sessions from Ossia Music. This program features Catherine McAteer
42. Acoustic Café - Recorded sessions from Ossia Music. This program features Kevin Breenan
43. Travellers Week debate
44. Connecting Cultures with Education by choice
45. Program with Coláiste Speirín – Irish Medium Secondary School
46. Peace Day Sessions 2008 - Live session recorded at the Oh Yeah Centre, Belfast as part of the peaceday campaign 2008 organised
by springboard.
47. Peace Day 2008 - Interviews, poetry and music from the peace day broadcast 21st September
48. Acoustic Café - Recorded sessions from Ossia Music. This program features Jonny Nixon
49. Acoustic Café - Recorded sessions from Ossia Music. This program features Ludwig
50. Polish Picnic – coverage of the polish event in Belfast 19th October 2008
Beyond Skin annual report 2008
Project Development – Homely Planet
Participating Groups (to date)
Connecting Cultures
Wellington College
Ballee Summer School
An Munia Tober
Princes Trust
Love Poetry, Hate Racism / Diverse
Replay Theatre
Cultura Polish Community
Polish Association N.I.
Springboard Opportunities
Barista Coffee House
Talking Drum
Different Drums of Ireland
Big River Blues & Jazz Festival
One – A – Chord productions
Hydroponic Music
Ballynefiegh Community
North Down council
Antrim Borough Council
SEELB (visions 4 tomorrow)
Community Relations Council
Mayor‟s Office (Tom Hartley)
East Belfast Partnership (Maggie Andrews)
Polish Church in Lisburn.
Education by Choice
Travellers Community Belfast
Coláiste Speirín – Irish Medium Secondary School
* Many individuals/artists also took part in programs (too many to mention).
Focus will be directed at regular shows for
community groups and various cultural themes.
Cross border work will also be researched.
Aside from the cultural relations development,
continued support of the grassroots music sector
will be an objective.
Beyond Skin annual report 2008
Project Development – Belfast East
Belfast East – Due to the previous office location of Beyond Skin plans in 2007 were put in place for a
specific Belfast East program. It is ironic that two months before Beyond Skin moved office to Belfast City
Centre we secured funding for the Belfast East program through Belfast City Council.
Even though we are no longer based in the area previous relationships and momentum from a desire to see
change in the area meant the Belfast East program could still progress.
Davy Bates (director of motion2music) was appointed paid part time role as project manager.
Even through the project was launched last quarter of 2008, many projects have already taken place.
A dedicated website was set up featuring a blog diary by Davy Bates.
Partnerships include Elmgrove Primary, Ossia Music and Open Door.
‘take it easy’ press release:
“Local singer/songwriter Jonny Nixon has donated his song 'take it easy' to represent the cultural & arts
program 'Belfast East'. In August 08 Jonny performed an acoustic set recorded by Homely Planet radio and
the song impressed Beyond Skin management so much; they asked Jonny if it could be used for projects
within the Belfast East planned activities.
Jonny also recently has joined the multicultural music collective 'Motion Project' and a studio recording of
'take it easy' with other Motion artists will be available online January 09.
The song will also be performed as various versions throughout the Belfast East program.”
Associated groups of Beyond Skin (East Belfast)
 Connecting Cultures
 Elmgrove Community Group
 Soul Ambition
 Shabby Road Studios
 ArtsEkta
 Sinful Design
 Beat Initiative
 Love Poetry, Hate Racism
 Confidence building sessions
 World music workshops/iME‟s
 Art workshops
 Showcase/partnership events
 Development sessions
 Broadcast programs (Homely Planet Radio)
Aims of the project
 Music & Art based projects with East Belfast communities working with artists representing many
different cultures, aiming to enhance cultural relationships and artistic value within the area.
 To provide opportunities to develop cross-cultural relationships
 To build confidence through direct project engagement & life coaching
 To use the arts highlight positive opportunities within a multicultural community.
 To develop skills within multi-cultural arts
 To initiate sustainable programs
 To use the arts to explore identity & citizenship in the East Belfast area
 Widening access to cultural activities.
 Supporting Good Relations and celebrating cultural diversity engaging with communities and marginalised
Beyond Skin annual report 2008
Social Enterprise
Motion2Music Ltd - Beyond Skin‟s social enterprise trading arm. Using musicians from
the Motion Project collective to run programs, Motion 2 Music generates the revenue that
helps with Beyond Skin‟s core costs. 2008 time restrictions meant we couldn‟t push M2M
as much as we liked however demand for Motion Project activities (performances/imes)
resulted in a successful year for M2M. Through M2M we also facilitated three youth in motion project
recordings and director Davy Bates took a more lead role in promoting and developing the company. The
website also went online providing a more business approach in contrast to the more
colourful networking image of other Beyond Skin websites. With products like the „journey of equals‟ dvd
and studio projects, 2009 Motion2Music can build on the strong base 2008 provided.
Beyond Skin Shop – Beyond Skin are a creative organisation
whilst aiming to address social issues, some outcomes include
the production of media items and attractive project branding.
In a move to generate income and to promote the projects a
store was set up in November 2008 and plans to maximise the potential of the store will be discussed in 2009.
Homely Planet – The design of Homely Planet was to be self-sufficient and from
the launch in 2008 the strategy was to make the radio ethos and potential very
attractive. With the radio now firmly established, in 2009 a drive to maximise the
enterprise will include seeking business sponsorship and discussions regarding
franchising programs.
Key Areas – program locations 2008
Londonderry, Belfast, Lisburn, Carrickfergus ,Dungannon ,Rasharkin ,Armagh, Carlingford,
Glengormley, Ballymena, Antrim, Portadown, New Mossley, Corrymela Centre - Ballycastle
Newtownards, Scariff - Co.Clare, Bangor, Craigavon - (Derrymore, Aghagallon,Birches ,Maghery),
Jordanstown, Coleraine, Omagh, Cookstown, Limavady.
Beyond Skin annual report 2008
Identity / Branding
A key element of Beyond Skin that forms part of the organisations identity, strategy and marketing
process is the branding and imagery related to our projects/programs.
In 2008 our continued successful relationship with designer
Rachel Sinnamon from the company „Sinful Design‟ assisted the
growth and attractiveness of Beyond Skin projects.
In 2008 Homely Planet and Belfast East websites went online
designed and managed by Sinful Design. Rachel has a clear
understanding of Beyond Skin‟s aims, resources and marketing
targets which dramatically helps the development of projects. and the Youth in Motion site (
were also refreshed and are regularly updated.
Beyond Skin more than ever see Sinful Design as a
team member rather than a third party service
Key Partners
Beyond Skin have worked with many other groups and individuals in 2008, which were supportive to our
work and provided much encouragement, (very far too many too mention).
Key partners that have helped shape, promote and support our work way beyond the call of duty have been....
 Sinful Design – (see above)
 Soul Ambition – managed by Tracy Dempsey, a confidence building with a
difference. A key player in the Northern Ireland music scene and always one
step ahead of everyone also. Tracy shared our vision, helped develop some Beyond Skin programs, and as a
musician played & recorded with the Motion Project.
 Community Arts Forum – From the setting up of Beyond Skin in 2004, CAF have always provided great
support and developed a good relationship with Beyond Skin and 2008 was no different.
 ArtsEkta – promoting ethnic arts, ArtsEkta work very close with Beyond Skin especially with music
Beyond Skin annual report 2008
Archiving / Evaluation
To assist with evaluations and archiving a visual record of activities for Beyond Skin, we recruited a
volunteer photographer, Skye Bompas, in September 08.
This opened up other areas aside from providing the organisation with great photos.
 Websites were updated more frequently with images generating more traffic
 Artists‟ communication with Beyond Skin and confidence was greater
 Relationships with clients due to the exchange of photos after an event was stronger
 The overall service we provided became much more than the activity time we have with participants
 A catalogue was developed which will assist on future publications and exhibitions
 The process became another artform and communication tool within other projects
Discussions in late 2008 took place about possible photo exhibitions and specific visual projects.
General evaluations of specific programs are done by managing staff as part of funding requirements. Some
reports are available from related websites. All evaluations & reports are available on request.
Beyond Skin annual report 2008
Project Websites (official organisation website)
Beyond Skin
PO Box 21, Ballyclare, BT39 1AB.
Belfast Carnival Centre, 11-47 Boyd Street, Belfast, BT13 2GU.
M: 07877 756987
Charity No. XT328
General Project Manager
Darren Ferguson –
Motion2Music Director
Davy Bates –
Assistant Project Manager / Administrator
Erin Martin –
Board / Committee (end of 08)
(chair) Tony Haynes, (secretary) Charlotte Dryden, (treasurer) Steve Green,
(directors) Nicola Rice, Sarah McFarland, Fiona Steele, Howard Salisbury
Beyond Skin annual report 2008
Financial Summary
Beyond Skin January 08 - December 08
DFID Grant - £10,000
NIHACT Grant - £4,794.25
Youth Council NI - £4,465
Newtownabbey - £600
Belfast City Council - £5,750
Bank Interest - £21.38
Homely Planet - £3,000
Artist Hire - £4,702.50
Donations - £100
Motion2Music transfer- £3,752.61
Total - £37,185.74
Artist Hire - £5,877.43
Insurance - £2,015.64
Homely Planet - £8,068.28
Office costs - £1,821.95
Travel costs - £297.15
Professional (wages) - £10,078.78
Bank Tax - £4.38
Bank Charges - £62.00
Membership -£165.26
Volunteers - £832.38
Promotion - £29.38
Total - £29,252.63
Motion 2 Music January 08 - December 08
Workshops - £35,716.97
Bank Interest - £00.09
Donations - £3,700
Beyond Skin transfer - £2,510
Total - £41,927.06
Artist‟s costs - £19,044.79
Office Hire - £1,255
Core wages - £10,005.30
Office costs £1,310.94
Travel - £7,793.78
Postage - £956.14
PAYE Tax - £2,574.53
Accountancy fee - £20.00
Professional Fees - £203.45
Bank Charges - £117.60
Bank Interest - £1.73
Beyond Skin transfer- £4,570
Phone - £924.28
Credit Card - £1,170.43
Insurance - £100
Sundry - £1,746.48
Total - £51,794.45
Total in £79,112.80
Total out £81,227.08
Beyond Skin annual report 2008