Unit 10B Lisburn Leisure Park
LEISURE Osborne King 028 9027 0000 www.osborneking.com TO LET LAST REMAINING UNIT IN LISBURN’S PREMIER LEISURE COMPLEX COMMERCIAL PROPERTY CONSULTANTS The Metro Building 6-9 Donegall Square South Belfast BT1 5JA Tel: 028 9027 0000 Fax: 028 9027 0011 E-mail: property@osborneking.com UNIT 10B LISBURN LEISURE PARK www.osborneking.com • Lisburn with a district population of c. 100,000 persons is the largest centre of population in Northern Ireland outside Belfast with the M1 Motorway and A1 Dual Carriageway as well as excellent rail linkages providing easy access to most of the province. • This represents an excellent opportunity to locate in this successful scheme which includes a 14 screen Omniplex Cinema and join names such as KFC, Pizza Hut, Subway, Harry Ramsdens, Wolfes, Springsteens and Ed’s Diner. • Situated adjacent to £10 million Lisburn Borough Council Fun Pool. • The units benefit from ample customer car parking. • Suitable for a range of uses, such as Indian, Thai cuisine or children’s soft play area. ACCOMMODATION Unit 10B : 1,675 sq.ft. (156 sq.m.) AVAILABLE Measured in accordance with RICS Code of Measuring Practice, Sixth Edition. All areas are approximate. DESCRIPTION The unit comprises prime leisure park accommodation finished to shell specification to include block walls, concrete floors, exposed steel frame ceiling and has been fully plumbed for WC facilities. LEASE DETAILS Term : Negotiable. Rent : On application. Rent Reviews : Upward only, every 5th year. Service Charges : This will cover a fair proportion of the costs of landscaping, repairs and maintenance, lighting, public liability and buildings insurance, management fees and all common estate expenses. RATES Unit 10B has not yet been assessed for rating purposes, however it is estimated by the Land and Property Services that a standard unit of 2,000 sq.ft. would have an estimated NAV of £18,090. VAT The units are registered for Value Added Tax. www.osborneking.com FURTHER INFORMATION For further information or to arrange an inspection of the premises contact: Mark Carron Osborne King The Metro Building 6-9 Donegall Square South Belfast BT1 5JA Tel: 028 9027 0000 Fax: 028 9027 0011 Mobile: 07980 999149 E-mail: mark.carron@osborneking.com LOCATION MAP www.osborneking.com SITE PLAN FOR INDICATIVE PURPOSES ONLY COMMERCIAL PROPERTY CONSULTANTS The Metro Building 6-9 Donegall Square South Belfast BT1 5JA Tel: 028 9027 0000 Fax: 028 9027 0011 E-mail: property@osborneking.com Misrepresentation Act 1967. The premises are offered subject to contract, availability and confirmation of details. The particulars do not form part of any contract and whilst believed to be correct, no responsibility can be accepted for any errors. None of the statements contained in the particulars are to be relied upon as statements of fact any attending purchasers or lessees must satisfy themselves by inspection or otherwise as to the correctness of those statements. The vendors or lessors do not make or give Osborne King and Megran Limited or any person in its employment, any authority to make or give any representation or warranty whatsoever in relation to this property. Unless otherwise stated, all prices and rentals quoted are exclusive of any Value Added Tax to which they may be subject. These particulars are issued on the understanding that all negotiations are conducted through this company. Osborne King & Megran Limited. Registered in Northern Ireland No. 27969. Registered Office: The Metro Building, 6-9 Donegall Square South, Belfast BT1 5JA. Any maps / Plans based on the Ordnance Survey Map with the sanction of the controller of H.M. Stationery Office Crown Copyright Reserved Licence No. CS 369. This plan is for convenience only. Its accuracy is not guaranteed and shall not be deemed to form part of any contract.. Reproduced with the consent of Goad Cartographers Ltd, Old Hatfield.
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