Paso del Norte Children`s Development Center
Paso del Norte Children`s Development Center
August 2015 Volume Paso del Norte Children’s Development Center Paso del Norte Children’s Development Center Newsletter Inside this Issue Community Resources & Events 2 INSIDE THIS ISSUE Support Groups, and 3 meetings More Community Events 4 Navigate Life Texas is here! For the first time, Texas families will have a new online resource developed by parents for parents. This bilingual website is For many years, many parents of children with disabilities and special health care needs have needed one place to find support, inspiration, and resource links to available services for their kids. Research reveals that these parents say they often feel isolated. They also report encountering “dead ends” while looking for information about their children’s needs. This site is a welcome resource for them. The information has been vetted and is frequently updated to remain relevant and useful. Information on spe- cific diagnosis and health care, insurance and financial help, family support, education and school, transition to adulthood and, localized services and events, is easily searchable at the site. Paso del Norte CDC is proud to have been a part of this wonderful project. We need your help! So please spread the word to other families! Paso del Norte Children’s Development Center and Early Childhood Intervention Sponsor: “It’s Not Just About the Mouth: Using an Integrative Approach to Tackle Early Speech and Feeding Challenges” Our presenter Morgan L. Hickey, MBA, MA CCC-SLP, CIMI is a certified Speech-Language Pathologist specializing in infant and toddler feeding and working with nonverbal children to facilitate speech and language. Ms. Hickey believes in looking at the whole child to determine and achieve developmental goals through a relationship-based therapeutic approach. This requires addressing sensory processing and family relationships in addition to any physical, medical or developmental challenges. This workshop will provide practicing speech-language pathologists with the tools they need to tackle early speech and feeding challenges. Participants will learn specific techniques to address infant and pediatric feeding challenges and explore the relationship between early feeding opportunities and later speech development and more. This workshop is designed for speech-language pathologists, assistants and teachers working with children birth to three and their families. Graduate students may participate. This training will be intermediate level. Friday, August 28, 2015 8:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m. Location: Paso del Norte CDC 1101 E. Schuster Ave. El Paso, TX 79902 Early registration ends: August 24th Professionals: $80.00 Students: $30.00 Parents: $20.00 Add $5.00 late fee after 8/24/15 Registration information (915) 544-8484 ext. 192 Norma Perez Page 2 RESOURCES Paso del Norte Children’s Development Center Community Resource Center Page now on Facebook! CASE MANAGEMENT FOR CHILDREN Paso del Norte Children’s Development Center is now offering Case Management Services for children ages 0-21 yrs. What do Case Managers do? Find out what families need. Make plans to meet needs. Help find services near where family lives. Referrals to community and other services. Follow up with families ASQ/ASQ-SE screenings for children 0-66 mos. For more information call (915) 544-8484 ext. 201 or ext. 140 Parent’s Night Out August 14th & August 21st!!! We will be providing free childcare for children with special needs Friday, August 14th and August 21st! from 6:00 p.m.-9:00 p.m. at El Papalote Inclusive Child Development Center (1101 E. Schuster Ave.) Would you like to go out and have fun or run errands, while your children play and meet other children in a safe environment? Call us and RSVP by Friday before noon (915) 544-8484 ext. 192 or 163 *Scholarships available for siblings. “Like” and follow us Community Resource Center Transition and Behavior Planner Services at Paso del Norte CDC El Paso Hopes Applied Behavior Analysis What does this program offer? Individualized assistance for families to plan and identify resources to prepare for their child’s transition to adulthood. What is Transition and Behavior Planning? It consists of ser vices and SUPPORT for children with IDD and a co-occurring Mental Health to help them move successfully from SCHOOL to ADULT life. Who participates? Individuals ages 13 to 21 with an Intellectual and Developmental Disability (IDD) and a co-occurring Mental Health condition. What is ABA? ABA is a widely r ecognized evidence-based treatment approach for autism. ABA therapy systematically applies interventions that use the principles of learning and motivation to bring about positive behavior change. Eligibility Criteria-to be eligible for enrollment in our ABA program, your child must be between the ages of 3 and 15, have a diagnosis of autism by a qualified professional, and be a Texas resident. Additionally, each family will be assessed individually to identify the appropriate cost share for services. For more information contact: Rosie Duran or Elsa Napoles at (915) 544-8484 or e-mail, Target areas that are commonly dressed through our services include communication, social skills, challenging behavior, academics, and adaptive living skills. Contact us at (915) 544-8484 El Paso Hopes can help families with young children create the best possible environment for them to grow and thrive. The services provided by El Paso HOPES have been proven to be high quality and effective: * Parents As Teachers-Instruction in your home * Parent Child Education Programinstruction in neighborhood schools. * Incredible Years group parenting classes at many community locations. * Additional supportive services available for families as needed. Who may participate? Parents of children 0-5 years old. For more information please contact: us at (915) 544-8484 Joann Arredondo at ext. 273, Leticia Wilson at ext. 365 or Tania Alvarez ext. 379 Page 3 R E S O U RC E S CONT’ D Our Leadership Academy programs will start in September!!! Classes available on weekdays and on Saturdays from 9am-12pm. 1101 E. Schuster Ave. Learn about Autism, ADHD and other disabilities, how to advocate for your child effectively, and how to navigate the special education and social services world and much more. Call us today! Isabel Rubiera 915-544-8484 ext,195 Have you considered the gluten and casein free diet for your child with Autism or ADHD? Do you find it hard to find gluten free products? Do you know which supplements are recommended for children who are very selective in their food choices? Perhaps you started the diet with your child, but had no support? If this is your situation you can contact parents who are knowledgeable about the diet and who have and are using it with their own children. Call them and find out more! Norma Garcia (Spanish) 915-539-2923, Liliana Alvillar (Spanish) 915-471-2974 or Gilda Lopez (English) 5448484 ext. 163 S U P P O R T G RO U P I N F O RM A TI O N Paso del Norte Children’s Development Center Newsletter NON PROFIT ORG US POSTAGE PAID EL PASO TX PERMIT NO 1095 1101 E. Schuster El Paso, Texas 79902 Phone: 915-544-8484 Fax: 915-496-0751 To receive the PdN newsletter e-mail to: Website: Autism Community Network of El Paso Films for Friends “Fantastic Four” Saturday, August 15 9:30 a.m. Cielo Vista Cinemark 8401 Gateway West $6.15 Per person Lights up, volume down. Everyone is welcome! Martin Armendariz (915) 588-0331 Swimming Lessons For Children with Special Needs A fun and educational swim class designed for children ages 4-12 with special needs including: Autism, Asperger Syndrome, Down Syndrome, physical limitations, other developmental disorders Children (ages 4-12) will have the opportunity to explore the water as a therapeutic medium for strengthening weak muscles, normalizing muscle tone, providing sensory input, stretching tight muscles, motor planning, body in space awareness, and more. *Parents/caretakers are required to be in the water during class.* Cost: Member s: $20 Non-Members: $35 Time: Satur days 11:40 am-12:10 pm Next session begins August 8th Location: Westside Family YMCA 7145 N. Mesa El Paso, TX (915) 584-9622 Mentes Brillantes Parent Support Group Annual Walk Supporting children with disabilities and their families.
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