Costa Cálida Chronicle - Costa Calida Chronicle
Costa Cálida Chronicle - Costa Calida Chronicle
Costa Cálida Chronicle The Longest Established hed FREE Magazine in Murcia Date: September 2013 Issue: 10 Volume: XIII In association with Costa Cálida International Radio and Costa Cálida Chronicle: Please tell our customers where you saw their advertisementt Page 2 Sales Contact Teresa 619 199 407 or for the Editor Contact Patti 646 005 017 email: In association with Costa Cálida International Radio and Costa Cálida Chronicle: Please tell our customers where you saw their advertisement Sales Contact Teresa 619 199 407 or for the Editor Contact Patti 646 005 017 email: Page 3 SPECIAL PAGES Mar Menor Mazarrón Northwest Murcia Sport What’s On 48-54 26-31 38-41 84-89 77-82 ADVERTORIAL Corral Alcaraz Creative Juice Writers DFS Gastropub Ken Sherwood Liberty Seguros Linea Directa Miles Better UK Tax Refund 42 83 51 54 69 46 14 20 56 7 62 8 49 44 48 22 30 70 74 30 61 CHILDREN Chatterbox 64 EDUCATION Jane Cronin 16 ENTERTAINMENT Classic Artistes Cloud Nine 24 22 26 FOOD & DRINK Food for Thought Herb of the Month Ma Millbank Menu del Dia 58 66 34 76 GROUPS Ex-Servicemen Ladies’ Chatterbox Los Palacios Magenta Harmony Sector C Greenfingers Welcome 22 29 26 29 27 8 HEALTH FAST Health Tips 31 55 INFORMATION Advertiser’s Directory Animal Matters Ask Jennifer Bicarbonate of Soda British Consulate British Embassy Business News Cazorla Charities etc Classified Ads CRA Dear Editor Dragon Tours Empadron IFEPA John Queree Life in Spain Los Narejos Mazarrón News Murcia News 92/93 36 67 10 42 44 94 10 73 90 27 91 83 6 50 31 64 52 28 32 Northwest Murcia Spanish News Teresa’s Travels 38 72 76 LEISURE ACAM 20 Author Review 68 Camposol Fiesta 26 Gardening News 12 NEST 36 Puzzle Page 60 Puzzle Solutions 90 Rafting Down River Segura 40 TV News 56 WARM 39 RELIGION Beacon of Light Mass in English Olive Branch Open Door Puerto Lumbreras Church St Nicholas Church Welcome House Wellspring Victory Church 58 66 59 65 22 63 39 70 SPORT Camposol Golf Football Fuente Old Guard Golf Tips Local Sports Los Amigos Mazarrón Mar Menor Golf SAMM Straight Down the Middle Vuelta de España 85 85 87 88 84 86 87 84 88 89 In association with Costa Cálida International Radio and CHARITIES ACTIN Andrea’s Charity Cavalli Foundation Easy Horse Care GO maD HELP Mar Menor John Kemp MABS Mazarrón MAMAS Noah’s ARC PALS Pets In Spain Country Music Costa Cálida Chronicle: Please tell our customers where you saw their advertisementt Page 4 Sales Contact Teresa 619 199 407 or for the Editor Contact Patti 646 005 017 email: Once again we have to say goodbye to our summer visitors and probably the very hot weather. It is sad to see many go, but at the same time it is good to get back to normal when we can find a parking space easily again to do our shopping and a decent space on the beach! It is good to hear that house prices in the UK appear to be on the rise and that hopefully this will help the property market to pick up over here. Many local estate agents have reported an increase in sales during the last month and there are new people constantly arriving. This can only be a good thing for the many businesses already trading and of course for those just starting out. We have noticed that a few businesses appear to be taking an extended holiday this year, but they promise to be back with renewed vigour in our next issue. We are pleased to welcome the following new advertisers: Mar Menor Car Hire Infiniti Unisex Salon La Taberna de Juan Chara Liberty Seguros, Los Alcazàres Live In Care Rosalind’s Roof Top Restaurant The FIRST Mediterranean Gastropub Miles Better Water Filters Holland Store Welcome Back: Dance Zone A Time 4 A Change Chez Zoe Calida Gas & Oil La Manchica Restaurant and B & B Avenida Restaurante Elliot’s Bar & Restaurant, Bolnuevo Yogamayga Yoga & Pilates Home from Home Chimney Sweep Restaurante Casa Del Nono Rentalia Invest There is good news for the residents of the urbanisation Camposol, who have just been officially told that their water supply is now under the direct control of the Town Hall. We hope that you enjoy the first of our Mar Menor features. This month is “A Focus on Los Narejos” when our roving reporters have been out and about gathering information on this wonderful area of the Costa Cálida. Many school children will have had their GCSE result and the Robertson children (Children’s Chatterbox) are no exception. Nathan (12 years old) and Connor (14 years old) both achieved A’s in Spanish. (Nathan was one mark short of an A star!). Also Shannon and Nathan both got a C for History. Congratulations to them all for their excellent results. Problems receiving emails We have had problems receiving emails from our old Yahoo account. We did actually stop using this account several years ago but Yahoo was still forwarding any emails sent to the old address. Unfortunately Yahoo has recently stopped providing this service and so we may not have received emails from the old Yahoo account. If this has happened to you then we apologise but please note the current email address for future communications is Costa Cálida Chronicle Calendar 2014 We are looking for at least one photo to go on the 2014 calendar. Please send your photos to . We will put all entries on the website and the favourite photo/photos will be used on the new calendar. The calendars are distributed free to all businesses in the area and have proved extremely popular over the years. Enjoy the rest of the summer apparently it will not cool down before 15th September! From all at the Costa Cálida Chronicle. Costa Cálida Chronicle. In association with Costa Cálida International Radio and DISCLAIMER Whilst the CCC are happy to accept monthly reports from the various organizations in the area, the articles printed are not necessarily the opinions of the editor or publisher and the contents should be viewed as a guideline only. Professional advice should be sought to cover any information printed therein. Advertisements and reports are not formally endorsed by the CCC. We cannot accept responsibility for advertisers’ works, service or goods. The publishers endeavour to ensure the contents are correct, but cannot accept responsibility for the effects of errors or omissions. Costa Cálida Chronicle: Please tell our customers where you saw their advertisement Sales Contact Teresa 619 199 407 or for the Editor Contact Patti 646 005 017 email: Page 5 Empadronamiento; what it is and how to register at the Ayuntamiento (Town Hall) in Spain. The Empadronamiento, also known as the Padrón Municipal de Habitantes, is a municipal register or census record, similar to an electoral roll. To register on the Padrón is to “empadronarse”. Registering on the empadronamiento places a resident of a town on the list of local inhabitants. Registration with the Padrón Municipal de Habitantes is obligatory for anyone planning to reside in Spain for more than six months per year. Residents may register individually or as a family. To be registered is to be “empadronado”. The Benefits of Registering For each person registered in a municipality, the Ayuntamiento (Town Hall) receives funding for services such as policing, health centres, cleaning and maintenance. The register is used to serve as an official tally of how many people (legal or not) live in a community. Registering on the Padrón Municipal ensures that the registrant is considered an official member of the community, and verifies their presence in Spain, which is useful in a number of situations. In association with Costa Cálida International Radio and Foreigners without up-to-date documents (expired visa, or no passport) are also required to register; no penalties are issued, neither are legal residency documents made available. The Certificado de Empadronamiento is entirely separate administrative process from residency applications. When a Certificado de Empadronamiento is Needed The use of the Certificado de Empadronamiento varies greatly from one administrative region to another. In Madrid, Andalucia, Valencia (among others) it is needed in order to complete numerous actions. However, this is not consistent across all regions of Spain. The Certificado de Empadronamiento may be required to achieve the following: Buy or sell a car. Register a child in school. Apply for the NIE (Numero de Identification de Extranjeros). Apply for residency (Residencia). Get married. Vote. Apply for a local health insurance card. How to Register for your Certificado de Empadronamiento In most towns, registration for the Empadronmiento must be made in person at the Town Hall or neighbourhood administrative office (Junta Municipal). In some areas registration can be made online. The documents required to register include: A completed application form (available at the office where registration is being made). Identification such as a passport, and a photocopy; if registering as a family, ID is needed for each individual. Proof of address, such as a utility bill, rental contract agreement or copies of the property title deeds (escritura). If the tenant of rented accommodation is not named on the rental contract, they must also provide: A completed Autorización de Empadronamiento (available from the Town Hall) which requires that the person who holds the rental agreement also be registered on the Padrón Municipal. A photocopy of the leaseholder’s identification. Note: In most cases, the Certificado de Empadronamiento needs to have been issued within the previous 3 months to be considered a valid proof of address (and is generally only required for national or foreign bureaucracy). A current dated Certificado de Empadronamiento can be requested from the Ayuntamiento at any time it might be needed (for example to buy a car or apply for the NIE). Renewal of the Empadronamiento Non-EU nationals who do not hold a permanent residence visa must renew their registration on the Empadronamiento every two years. EU citizens living as permanent residents of Spain should renew registration every five years (as must Spanish nationals who are resident in Spain). Some regions issue a renewal reminder, although this is not common. It is the responsibility of the individual to renew their registration on time. Births, Deaths and Change of Address A change in status (birth, marriage, moving to a new location) must be reported to the Padrón Municipal. When moving house within the same community, details must be updated by notifying the Padrón Municipal. When moving to a different municipality, repeat the registration process in the new community. Once registered, the current community should notify the previous community of the change. When moving away from Spain, the Town Hall or Junta Municipal should be notified so the Padrón can be updated. Information supplied by Angloinfo. In some areas, the local police will visit the home to confirm the address. Normally a Volante de Empadronamiento is issued on the day of application. This is a temporary version of the Certificado de Empadronamiento, and is suitable for official purposes. Some regions charge a small fee for issuing the Volante de Empadronamiento. Costa Cálida Chronicle: Please tell our customers where you saw their advertisementt Page 6 Sales Contact Teresa 619 199 407 or for the Editor Contact Patti 646 005 017 email: Animal Care Treatment International Network (ACTIN) wants to see an end to the problems in Spain for animals. Our mission is to bring awareness and education to the region of Murcia and the whole of Spain. Many people say there is no hope and that the problems in Spain are ingrained into society, or the government just does not care and animals fall to the bottom of the list of priorities, but things are changing. When enough people pull together and start to rebel against something that is not right, eventually there will be transformation. We are not saying that there is suddenly going to be utopia for animals in Spain; that is still a long way down the line, but little by little things are going in the right direction. mals. Please visit our website www.actin-spain. com and our members’ area where your support is very much needed to help us to carry on with this most important work. There is information on the website about how to report animal cruelty and we offer our help for you with this. There are many Spanish Associations who have set up to make this change and they need support. ACTIN wants to develop an International Association, so that we can bring pressure to bear from outside Spain and we need more of you to help us. We ask you to join us and become part of this massive change and to be a part of the international movement towards change for Spanish ani- At the moment we are involved in a number of cases of animal cruelty. On a local note, many people have expressed concerns about the kennels opposite Mazarrón Country Club. ACTIN is involved in an investigation about this. We cannot report anything until we have a full picture, but hope to have further news in the near future. Thanks in advance! The ACTIN Team In association with Costa Cálida International Radio and We are looking at educating people, particularly in the country areas where there is much need for change. Modification of the laws and bringing justice to those that deliberately harm animals is the aim. Costa Cálida Chronicle: Please tell our customers where you saw their advertisement Sales Contact Teresa 619 199 407 or for the Editor Contact Patti 646 005 017 email: Page 7 Hello again from Bob with the latest news from Welcome, but firstly, hasn’t it been hot, back in the “Old Country” too! Hotter than normal, but cooler in Puerto De Mazarrón, if you can find somewhere to park. You could go up to the Espuñas amongst the trees for a bit of shade. Whatever you do to keep cool, enjoy the rest of the summer and try not to get burnt! ing under the stars and an excellent night out. The September Dance is on 25th with entertainment by Matt Christian and Paul Christie, two fantastic male singers who will keep us on our feet all night singing some fantastic songs. Tickets are just 8€ and 5€ for food. this year we are going with the same company and the same ship MSC Poesia. Prices from 1,217€ including transfer from Camposol to Madrid, hotel in Madrid, all transfers, full board and drinks whilst on the ship, taxes and insurance, plus cancellation insurance. Our October Dance is on 23rd when we will be treated to a tribute to both Status Quo and The Eagles, so if that is your favourite music then come along and have a good time. These are 5 very talented musicians who will keep us rocking. Tickets are only 10€ and 5€ for food. Our September Meeting on 7th when you can buy tickets for our 13th November Dance, with the return of comedian Alan Wallace. Alan always packs ‘em in, so get your ticket early. Just 10€ and 5€ for pork and chips. Due to a cancellation there are 2 rooms available for the October 14th Benidorm Trip - 3 nights’ half board at the Helios Hotel, coach and a day trip for 140€. Our July Dance on 23rd was outside at Mariano’s. We were entertained by three very talented musicians, PDQ. They sang all our favourites and several others that most bands don’t do, so it was a bit different from normal and very welcome; plenty of space for danc- At the time of writing, there is one room left for our Christmas Trip to Hotel Helios in Benidorm, for 4 nights’ full board, gala Christmas lunch and transport at just 230€, but check with Rosemary for the latest situation. It is always worth putting your name on the waiting list as cancellations do sometimes occur. In association with Costa Cálida International Radio and Welcome Cruise At the Welcome meeting Rosemary was pleased to announce the Cruise organized for May 2014. Welcome are going to St Petersburg and the Baltic Capitals - Tallin, Stockholm, Warnemunde (Berlin) and Copenhagen. At the time of going to press all types of cabins are available. Depart for Madrid on May 30th for a chance to visit this great city, fly to Copenhagen on May 31st to pick up the cruise ship. After a fantastic cruise with MSC ‘Helping horses help people’ Charity Nº G73786279 ica Campillo Knowles, Co Director of META Riding Centre in La Costera de Alhama, which involves the concession of a piece of protected park land in Los Barrancos de Gebas and gives Veronica permission to develop a ranch dedicated to the rescue and rehabilitation of abused and abandoned horses, ponies and donkeys. Murcia soon to have its own Horse Rescue Centre. At the end of August Alhama Council passed for final approval at their monthly Plenary meeting, the project presented by Veron- After years of hard work and effort to better the welfare of horses through her fine example, conferences and the education of her riders, young and old alike, Veronica is about to see her dream come true; a sanctuary where rescued animals can be healed and retrained in order to be rehomed or to take up work in the centre either as therapy animals or in the field of Although rather early, tickets will also be available for New Year’s Eve with Rob Sweeney, Christine and Dan Davey, plus a cold buffet for 20€. These tickets are going fast so book yours now. Tickets are also now available for our Ladies’ Day on November 29th. First call Torrevieja market, then La Zenia shopping mall and finish with Iceland. 10€. The Book/Jigsaw Swap Club resumes on September 10th and again on 24th. Call Jo on 669 457 985 for more details. Petanca will be on October 2nd at 1€ for members and 2€ for visitors. Ring Les on 968 131 880 for more information. Welcome is open to everybody – there is no membership – just come along and meet friends old and new. For more details, ticket sales, and the latest situation on our trips, call Rosemary on 620 105 179, or email, or visit sports, educative and leisure activities which respect and help sustain the environment whilst opening up the area, thus bringing in prosperity to the small businesses and hostelry around Gebas. Rancho Cavalli offers a unique concept of equestrian and leisure activities designed to respect the habitat where sport, education and animal-assisted therapy can be enjoyed with the horse as its mainstay within a context of rescue and rehabilitation in a natural and protected environment. Both Alhama Council and the Pedania de Gebas have given the project their full support right from the start in August of 2012. For more information please contact Costa Cálida Chronicle: Please tell our customers where you saw their advertisementt Page 8 Sales Contact Teresa 619 199 407 or for the Editor Contact Patti 646 005 017 email: In association with Costa Cálida International Radio and Costa Cálida Chronicle: Please tell our customers where you saw their advertisement Sales Contact Teresa 619 199 407 or for the Editor Contact Patti 646 005 017 email: Page 9 In association with Costa Cálida International Radio and I used to love show jumping when it was televised years ago, so when a friend who’d invited us for a weekend away casually dropped into the conversation that ‘Diana used to be a well-known horsewoman in her youth’ my ears pricked up. When I found myself at a farmhouse set in the foothills and olive groves of Andalucía, at a large wooden kitchen table, sharing a cup of tea and pouring over photo albums discussing the ‘good old days’ of one of those very riders in her heyday, I was pretty close to my teenage idea of heaven. At the home of (then) Diana Lindsay, (different surname since marrying Roger Birch), who now runs a tourist cortijo near the town of Cazorla in the national park of the same name, we spent a weekend staring at the nearby mountains, almost close enough to touch and watching shooting stars from a darkened terrace in what Some of you may have seen some of this article on the Internet, but for those of you who have not, here are some uses for Bicarbonate of Soda. Cleaning Soak tea or coffee stained mugs with Bicarb dissolved in water overnight and they’ll come out squeaky clean. A Bicarb solution will remove scuff marks on laminate floors or skirting boards with a bit of gentle wiping. Add a little water to Bicarb to make a paste and use this to polish your silver for a brilliant shine. Dip half a potato in a Bicarb solution and use it to rub away rust on cutlery, or anything else metal. Removing Bad Smells An open tub of Bicarb in your fridge will rid it of that gone-off food smell that seems to linger even though you’ve thrown out everything that’s past its sell-by date. Get rid of garlic (or generally bad) breath by could almost be described as a Dark Sky area. Two and a half hours of driving from Mazarrón on motorway and partial winding roads found us exploring this vast green area, once from a Parador terrace at 4000 feet and also at ground level walking with Diana’s rescue dogs through the endless olive groves which produce the Cazorla olive oil so popular in Spain and Europe. On the drive down, we stopped briefly at the stunning turquoise reservoir of Negratin where camping and a small restaurant provided home comforts for travellers and the ethereal glow of a large body of water which seemed so out of place amidst the arid conditions of the journey down. munal use; all with that old, rustic, glorious, antique feel so far removed from modern hotels, and cool even in the heat of summer. Diana also offers body treatments such as Indian head massage and yoga retreats. Cazorla is a stone’s throw up the road, nestling in white-washed harmony on the edge of the mountains. There are plenty of countryside pursuits around including Segway hire for those brave enough to want to tackle the endless steep streets without any form of brakes except body weight. Exploring the many tapas bars in the shady town squares, listening to tales of blues festivals, the sound of running water from the duck-strewn rivulet overhung with draping trees whilst deciding which restaurant to visit and narrowly missing the underground tour offered by guides due to lack of time, our tour of the streets of Cazorla led us through narrow alleys where traffic lights and leaping into shop doorways was the only option to walking safely. All this was great fun. Even a ‘Wally Trolley’ (tourist train) managed to negotiate the byways. Well worth a visit, if only to sample Rin Ran or deer and chips. There are no longer any horses in Diana’s world, as she and hubby run the cortijo with its three self-catering apartments on the lower floor, each with their own private terraced areas, plus of course swimming pool for com- gargling with a teaspoon of Bicarb dissolved in a glass of water. Use a powder puff to dab some Bicarb under your arms for an effective deodorant. It won’t make you smell of roses, but you won’t smell bad either. A small bag filled with Bicarb and put in your wardrobe will also stop your clothes smelling musty. Soothing Skin A solution of Bicarb dabbed on a minor burn until it has cooled will soothe it and help it heal. If you’ve been bitten by a mosquito or any other insect, a paste of Bicarb will help sooth the bite and dry it out so it heals quicker. Freshen Up Freshen up your whites with a scoop of Bicarb in your white wash. It will have them dazzling in no time. A bit of Bicarb in the water for cut flowers will help keep them perky for longer and boost Dawn Llewellyn-Price me in the South Wales Evening Post on Thursdays, & on-spanish-soil/ alkaline loving potted plants. Make Your Own Honeycomb Gently heat two tablespoons of golden syrup in a saucepan with five tablespoons of granulated sugar. When the sugar has dissolved, bring the mixture to the boil and leave until it turns golden brown. Whisk in the Bicarb (this will make the mixture foam) and quickly pour onto an oiled baking sheet. Leave to cool and then break up for lovely honeycomb. Tenderising Meat Pour Bicarb over the meat and leave to work its magic in the fridge for 3-5 hours. Rinse off the Bicarb thoroughly and your meat will be beautifully tender. Fire Safety If you are short of a fire-safety blanket, poured Bicarb over a grease or oil fire to extinguish flames. Although it wouldn’t be safe to rely on this in an emergency it may save a serious fire in the kitchen. Costa Cálida Chronicle: Please tell our customers where you saw their advertisementt Page 10 Sales Contact Teresa 619 199 407 or for the Editor Contact Patti 646 005 017 email: In association with Costa Cálida International Radio and Costa Cálida Chronicle: Please tell our customers where you saw their advertisement Sales Contact Teresa 619 199 407 or for the Editor Contact Patti 646 005 017 email: Page 11 Living Well From Our Garden by Dick Handscombe, with inputs from Clodagh; practical holistic gardeners and authors. Ever since we started gardening in our parents’ and school gardens in the 1940’s and 1950’s respectively, the inclusion of things to eat has been an important element of our plant mixes. This led us to most enjoy holistic gardens, with a combination of cottage garden style and a series of patio gardens around the house. Today these focus in turn on fruit, vegetables, herbs, edible flowers and tree leaves, plus eggs and poultry meat, as well as being full of colourful scenic flowers. Moving to Spain to retire early allowed me to seek to repeat the edible garden my parents had in West London in order to eat well during the Second World War. My efforts were driven by the recommendation by my cancer surgeon back in 1993 that I retire early to the Iberian Peninsula to an active life eating a traditional village Mediterranean diet rather than undergo radio and chemical treatments for a persistent slow-growing cancer that they would probably not have touched and he would have lost his mop of hair. Reports on the latest medical thinking in recent editions of the magazine ‘What Doctors Don’t Tell You’, demonstrate how forward thinking the surgeon was. I am still here gardening writing and mountain walking at 76 years old. A few years ago Clodagh and I gave a talk at a U3A conference on Health for the Third Age, illustrating how we gradually expanded the edible content of our garden ecologically in parallel with local agriculturalists using heavier and heavier doses of chemical fertilisers, insecticides and fungicides and then eventually abandoning most of the local ag- ricultural terraces and fields. Eventually we took on borrowed land to expand our eco vegetable and fruit production for ourselves, friends and a local Michelin starred restaurant and make our own eco olive oil. Now the external production has been cut back to give me more time for writing and painting. After the conference I expanded this into a booklet for people attending our talks. Recently this has been updated and published as a book titled ‘Living well from our garden – Mediterranean Style’ available from Amazon Books, to meet an increasing interest in our ideas on wellness gardens, what constitutes good and poor eating and what to grow most of based on the vitamin mineral and fibre content etc. One fascinating table included in the book is one that compares the essential fertilizer and food needs of plants and humans. The following is an extract. *Extract from pages 14 and 15 of ‘Living well from our garden – Mediterranean Style’ –ISBN 9781484873632. In association with Costa Cálida International Radio and As the book explains, designing a wellness garden is not just about the mix of flowering and edible plants, what one grows and doing it ecologically. It is also about designing a peaceful and restful haven for spiritual and mental wellness away from the maddening crowds, even if in the middle of an urbanisation. Originally our garden reached across fences and walls into woodlands and open fields grazed by sheep and goats where wheat and grapes were once grown. Now 25 years on, there are no woods or fields, but an urbanisation. However we can’t see it and rarely hear it as we enclosed our garden by wide trees and tall thick hedges to create a peaceful and productive oasis with wonderful views above and beyond the streets of the urbanisation, to overgrown green mountainsides beyond, where olive and almond trees were once cultivated before a great fire destroyed the trees. Also a wellness garden improves one’s economic wellness which has become important as today’s increases in the cost of living and constrained pensions could well be the norm of the next decade or longer. Not only do we eat and drink mainly from the garden, but also most of our garden plants and trees were grown from cuttings and seeds or dropped unexpectedly by passing birds. They are now established with deep roots to survive hot summer suns and our largely waterless garden needs little water except for a collection of salvias being developed for their vivid autumn colours. If any gardening or social group would like a talk or workshop focussed on issues raised in this article, do get in contact via our website (C) Dick and Clodagh Handscombe Costa Cálida Chronicle: Please tell our customers where you saw their advertisementt Page 12 Sales Contact Teresa 619 199 407 or for the Editor Contact Patti 646 005 017 email: In association with Costa Cálida International Radio and Costa Cálida Chronicle: Please tell our customers where you saw their advertisement Sales Contact Teresa 619 199 407 or for the Editor Contact Patti 646 005 017 email: Page 13 In association with Costa Cálida International Radio and Costa Cálida Chronicle: Please tell our customers where you saw their advertisementt Page 14 Sales Contact Teresa 619 199 407 or for the Editor Contact Patti 646 005 017 email: In association with Costa Cálida International Radio and Costa Cálida Chronicle: Please tell our customers where you saw their advertisement Sales Contact Teresa 619 199 407 or for the Editor Contact Patti 646 005 017 email: Page 15 Lesson 1 - Basic forms for sentence building. Many people who study Spanish get upset by those terrible things called verbs. They quickly discover that they are rather complicated and they often find themselves sinking into a mire of grammatical terms that they don’t really understand. It is certainly true that verbs are more complicated in Spanish than in English, but they are understandable if we take them step by step. The first step is to be absolutely certain that we know what a verb is. Many of us have learnt quite correctly that they are “doing” words, such as “to run”, “to jump”, “to play” and so on. They can also include words that do not exactly express an action, but rather a kind of state, such as “to own”, “to have”, “to believe”, “to intend”. This form of the verb which in English usually starts with the word “to” is called the “infinitive”. It is the basic form of the verb before any changes are made to it. The reason why it is so important to learn verbs is because they are what make sense of a sentence. If I say something like “The boy the ball” I don’t make any sense. If I say “the boy hits, (or throws, or steals, or loses, or likes) the ball”, then I have made a meaningful sentence. “To hit”, “to throw”, “to steal”, “to lose” and “to like” are all verbs. Now we are going to learn six verbs in Spanish to get us started. You will notice that all of them end in either “–ar”, “-er”, or “–ir.” All Spanish verbs have one of these three endings when they are in their “infinitive” form; that is the equivalent of the “to ...” form in English. In order to do this we are now going to learn three more words (they are also verbs), which can combine with our infinitive verbs to make simple sentences. I call them “first person” words because they are words about “I”, and “I” in grammar is called the “first person”: quiero (I want); necesito (I need); puedo (I can) There is a separate word for “I” in Spanish which is “yo”, but when we are forming sentences we usually miss the word “yo” out, so that the one word “quiero” means “I want”. We now already know enough to link these two words, that is, the “first person” word and the ‘infinitive’ of the verb to make instant “mini-sentences”. For example: Quiero volver (I want to return); Necesito dormir (I need to sleep); Puedo hablar (I can speak); Quiero vivir (I want to live); Necesito beber (I need to drink); Puedo cambiar (I can change). Even at this stage you may well be able to add other words you already know to make the sentences more meaningful. For example: Necesito beber agua (I need to drink water); Quiero dormir mucho (I want to sleep a lot); Puedo cambiar dinero (I can change money). If you try out some different combinations just with these words, you will already be well on the way to being able to form some very useful basic sentences. If you learn some more ‘infinitive’ verbs, you can expand your range of possibilities even further. Here are six more to learn: trabajar (to work); cocinar (to cook); bailar (to dance); aprender (to learn); comer (to eat); abrir (to open). Something else we should know about these ‘infinitive’ verbs is that when they are pronounced, the ‘emphasis’ or ‘beat”’ of the word falls onto the ending “ar”, “er”, “ir” which are shorter sounds than most English people assume. Remember as well that the “j” of trabajar has a throaty “h” sound, the second “c” in “cocinar” has a “th” sound and the “ai” of “bailar” is pronounced like the English word “I” or “eye”. These sounds are all dictated by specific rules of pronunciation which we covered in the ‘A-Z’ articles. Now let’s see if you can create some more “mini-sentences” in Spanish. Here are some in English for you to think about: I want to work; I need to cook; I can dance; I need to learn Spanish; I want to eat more; I can open the door. I think it would be rather good for you to work these out for yourselves and also make up some more small sentences using the principles we have learnt. Remember that we are only talking in the first person “I” form at the moment. Another thing you might have noticed is that in most cases the Spanish use fewer words to express the same idea, which is amazing when you think how much they like to speak! Jane Cronin’s “Step by Step Spanish” articles are now available as e-books at www. where you can also obtain Jane’s brand new “Step by Step Internet Spanish” course. In association with Costa Cálida International Radio and cambiar (to change); hablar (to speak); beber (to drink); volver (to return); vivir (to live); dormir (to sleep). You may have learnt in your Spanish classes, or noticed for yourself, that the endings of Spanish verbs often alter. When this happens it is to produce a change in meaning, generally connected to “when” an action occurs and “who” is producing the action of the verb. However, not everyone learns early on that there is a great deal that can be done with verbs in their “infinitive” form. We can make simple sentences with them without any changes being made at all. Costa Cálida Chronicle: Please tell our customers where you saw their advertisementt Page 16 Sales Contact Teresa 619 199 407 or for the Editor Contact Patti 646 005 017 email: In association with Costa Cálida International Radio and Costa Cálida Chronicle: Please tell our customers where you saw their advertisement Sales Contact Teresa 619 199 407 or for the Editor Contact Patti 646 005 017 email: Page 17 In association with Costa Cálida International Radio and Costa Cálida Chronicle: Please tell our customers where you saw their advertisementt Page 18 Sales Contact Teresa 619 199 407 or for the Editor Contact Patti 646 005 017 email: In association with Costa Cálida International Radio and Costa Cálida Chronicle: Please tell our customers where you saw their advertisement Sales Contact Teresa 619 199 407 or for the Editor Contact Patti 646 005 017 email: Page 19 It’s Official…We’re Miles Better……!!! Derek Miles is very well known in the Mazarrón area as the happy-go- lucky window cleaner, providing professional window cleaning services for commercial and residential properties. He is also a popular figure on the Camposol Thursday Market and Condado de Alhama Saturday Market where he sells and promotes the World Class Pureflo Water Filtration Systems. With effect from 1st September Derek’s businesses will be renamed “Miles Better….” Formerly known as AYS (At Your Service) Window Cleaning Services and The H2ozone Under Sink Water Filters Direct, the new name is simple and reflects the high quality of products and personal service that his hundreds of customers have come to expect. In association with Costa Cálida International Radio and Murcia Dance’s New Term 2013~2014 Enrolment Days The dancers at Murcia Dance will be starting the new Autumn term on a high after a fantastic end to their Summer Performance Programme. Murcia Dance’s 4th Annual Performance at the Camposol Fiesta on June15th gave an amazing and energetic performance in front of a supportive and encouraging audience of friends, families and neighbours. Dancers from the programme aged 3~14 years presented all styles of dance. This was supported by and highlighted some of the dads of children participating in the event. Murcia Dance Annual Awards took place on Sunday 16th June. Parents and children So what has else has changed? In short – Nothing! Everything is the same, except the name! Derek explained “I decided to change the names of the businesses as there are other companies in the area with similar names and logos and this sometimes causes confusion. We also wanted to reflect the fact that the Miles Better Group is now a family run business with basic family values of honesty and integrity. My businesses are fully legal and registered which gives the customer peace of mind that not only are we fully insured in the unlikely event of any breakages, but also that they are not risking heavy fines for employing illegal workers.” Derek supplies and fits two types of water filtration system. The Drinking Water System,which reduces limescale and gives from the p r o g ra m m e attended the event which included a BBQ and swimming fun at ACAM’s s p o n s o r, Keith Donovan’s home. The event was sponsored by parent Paula Walker who supported the funding of additional trophies for the awards. All children were awarded certificates for their commitment to the programme and bronze, silver and gold medals for participation in MD Annual Performances. Trophies were awarded to dancers for competition wins at outside events; Holly Ryan (age 12) for dancing in her 4th Annual Performance and the following dancers were awarded trophies for fantastic progress in discipline, dedication, communication and development of dance skills in classes: Maya Green ~ age 6 Libby Bullock ~ age 10 Jack Dawson ~ age 11 Melissa Croarkin ~ age 14 bottled water quality straight from the tap and the Full House System which prevents the build-up of limescale and sediment in boilers, taps, showers and washing machines. He is also quick to add that he is the ONLY manufacturer-approved distributor of Pureflo products on the Costa Cálida and such is his confidence in their system, that for a limited period he will upgrade your existing water filter system to Pureflo FREE OF CHARGE!! If you want more information about our Miles Better…Water Filter Systems or Miles Better...Window Cleaning Services call Derek Miles on 619 877 303 or email Facebook Miles Better Water Filters Find out for yourself why we really are MILES BETTER… so much over the past 12 months. She presented a solo at this year’s Mazarrón Muso y Musa Competition and will be entering advanced level group in the U13 category at the MFDB 2014. Enrolment for classes will take place on Wednesday 25th September 6-8pm and Friday 27th 4-6pm. Parents and children are welcome to drop in and find out more about the Arts & Cultural Association of Murcia’s Cultural Project Murcia Dance and what’s in store for all the dancers on the programme for 2013~2014. The new term will start on Wednesday October 2nd and classes will run throughout the week for all ages and abilities at the Camposol Social Cultural Centre, Campsol B, Mazarrón. For more information please visit our Facebook page dance The Arts & Cultural Association of Murcia (ACAM) Ass no ~ 10.612 1a. Office Address 19, Business Centre, Camposol A, Calle Madrid, 30875, Mazarrón, Murcia. Fiscal No G30863955 Cultural Industry projects of ACAM are currently Murcia Dance, Fiesta Faces and Mazarrón Festival de Baile. ACAM holds full civil liability insurance for its Cultural Industry Project Managers delivering community activities. For more information on becoming a project of ACAM please visit our Facebook link murcia?ref=hl Images courtesy of Ted Oddy It was a great honour to present young dancer Libby Bullock (age 10) the Murcia Dance Dancer of the Year Award 2013. Libby is a popular and dedicated young dancer whose confidence has grown Costa Cálida Chronicle: Please tell our customers where you saw their advertisementt Page 20 Sales Contact Teresa 619 199 407 or for the Editor Contact Patti 646 005 017 email: In association with Costa Cálida International Radio and Costa Cálida Chronicle: Please tell our customers where you saw their advertisement Sales Contact Teresa 619 199 407 or for the Editor Contact Patti 646 005 017 email: Page 21 Cloud Nine Drama have not been sitting in the sun enjoying a few vinos or two! lol! We’ve been getting ready and rehearsing for next year’s Panto “Oh yes we have!” Sorry folks had to be done . Yes, the plans have been laid, the scripts have been distributed, the cast chosen and the songs ready for singing. Cloud Nine Pantomine next year will be the marvellous “Camelot”. Tickets and dates will be announced very soon. Please check out our website for all Cloud Nine news. We are always on the lookout for new members back and front of stage. (Founded 1 May 2006) Members Social Event Wednesday 18th September 2013 Time: 1330 for 1400 Venue: Viggos Restaurant, Avenida Costa Cálida, Puerto de Mazarrón Members wishing to attend this event should contact Ian on 629 818 611 or email As this is a lunchtime meal it has been agreed to relax the dress-code for men to wear smart shorts [no sports shorts or swimwear] and collared & sleeved top [polo shirt, short/long sleeved but no singlets or t-shirts]. Members’ adherence to this rule is appreciated. In association with Costa Cálida International Radio and Puerto Lumbreras Christian Fellowship now meets every 1st and 3rd Sunday each month at 11.00am in the premises of the Spanish Evangelical Church Puerto Lumbreras Tel 619453283 Paul and Sandra Costa Cálida Chronicle: Please tell our customers where you saw their advertisementt Page 22 Sales Contact Teresa 619 199 407 or for the Editor Contact Patti 646 005 017 email: In association with Costa Cálida International Radio and Costa Cálida Chronicle: Please tell our customers where you saw their advertisement Sales Contact Teresa 619 199 407 or for the Editor Contact Patti 646 005 017 email: Page 23 “Physical Graffiti” is the sixth studio album by the English rock band Led Zeppelin, released on 24 February 1975 as a double album. Recording sessions for the album were initially disrupted when bassist/ keyboardist John Paul Jones considered leaving the band. The band wrote and recorded eight songs, the combined length of which stretched the album beyond the typical length of an LP. This prompted the band to make a double album by including previously unreleased tracks from earlier recording sessions. The recording sessions initially took place in November 1973 at Headley Grange in East Hampshire. However, these sessions came to a halt quickly and the studio time was turned over to the band Bad Company, who used it to record songs for their legendary debut album. In an interview he gave in 1975, guitarist and album producer Jimmy Page explained the reason for this abrupt cessation of recording. “It took a long time for this album, mainly because when we originally went in to record it, John Paul Jones wasn’t well and we had to cancel the time... everything got messed up. It took three months to sort the situation out.” In association with Costa Cálida International Radio and However, according to Led Zeppelin archivist Dave Lewis, “It later emerged that Jones had wanted to quit the band and take up a position as choirmaster at Winchester Cathedral.” Manager of the band Peter Grant urged caution, suggesting that Jones was overwrought from the incessant touring and should take a rest from Zeppelin for a few weeks. Jones changed his mind and sessions resumed at Headley Grange after the Christmas holidays. Once they had reconvened, the band recorded eight tracks in January and February 1974, which were engineered by Ron Nevison. Lead singer Robert Plant later referred to these eight tracks as ‘The Belter’. “We got eight tracks off and a lot of them were really raunchy. We did some real belters with live vocals, off-the-wall stuff that turned out really nice.” Similar to the sessions for the previous two albums, the decision to record at the informal surroundings of Headley Grange provided a welcome opportunity for the band to improvise and develop material along the way. As Plant commented, “Some of the tracks we assembled in our own way of running through a track and realising before we knew it that we had stumbled on something completely different.” Because the eight tracks extended beyond the length of a conventional album, it was decided to include several unreleased songs which had been recorded during the sessions for previous Led Zeppelin albums. The title “Physical Graffiti” was coined by Page to illustrate the whole physical and written energy that had gone into producing the album. It is a massive outpouring of Zeppelin music that has proved to be the definitive summary of their studio work. Given the luxury of a double format, the album mirrors every facet of the Zeppelin repertoire. The end result is a finely balanced embarrassment of riches. Spanning several years of recording, the album featured forays into a range of musical styles, including hard rock “Custard Pie”, “The Rover”, “The Wanton Song”, “Night Flight”, “Sick Again”, “Houses of the Holy”, eastern-influenced orchestral rock “Kashmir”, progressive rock “In the Light”, driving funk “Trampled Under Foot”, acoustic rock and roll “Boogie with Stu” and “Black Country Woman”, love ballad “Ten Years Gone, blues rock “In My Time of Dying”, soft rock “Down by the Seaside”, and acoustic guitar instrumental “Bron-Yr-Aur”. The wide range of the album is also underlined by the fact that it contains both the longest and shortest studio recordings by Led Zeppelin. “In My Time of Dying” clocks in at eleven minutes and five seconds, and “Bron-Yr-Aur” is two minutes and six seconds. According to Robert Plant, of all the albums Led Zeppelin released, “Physical Graffiti” represented the band at its most creative and most expressive. He has commented that it is his favourite Led Zeppelin album. Similarly, guitarist Jimmy Page considers this album to be a ‘high watermark’ for Led Zeppelin. The album was released on 24 February 1975. “Physical Graffiti” was the band’s first release on their own Swan Song Records label, which had been launched in May 1974. Until this point, all of Led Zeppelin’s albums had been released on Atlantic Records. When released it reached No. 1 on Billboard’s Pop Albums chart. It has since proven to be one of the most popular releases by the group, shipping 8 million copies in the United States (which has made it 16 times platinum as it is a double album). “Physical Graffiti” was the first album to go platinum on advance orders alone. Shortly after its release, all previous Led Zeppelin albums simultaneously re-entered the top-200 album chart. In 1998 ‘Q’ readers voted “Physical Graffiti” the 28th-greatest album of all time. In 2000 ‘Q’ placed it at number 32 in its list of the 100 Greatest British Albums Ever and in 2001 the same magazine named it as one of the 50 Heaviest Albums of All Time. In 2003, the TV network VH1 named it the 71st-greatest album ever. In the same year, the album was ranked number 70 on Rolling Stone magazine’s list of “The 500 Greatest Albums of All Time”. The album is also listed in Robert Dimery and Stevie Chick’s 1001 Albums You Must Hear Before You Die (2005). I love the album and regularly play tracks on my Rock show. “Kashmir” is a popular request from listeners. You can listen to Mark Davies on Costa Cálida Radio on Nite Express on Mon and Wed 7-9pm and on Friday evenings on Cálida Rocks 7-9pm. Costa Cálida Chronicle: Please tell our customers where you saw their advertisementt Page 24 Sales Contact Teresa 619 199 407 or for the Editor Contact Patti 646 005 017 email: In association with Costa Cálida International Radio and Costa Cálida Chronicle: Please tell our customers where you saw their advertisement Sales Contact Teresa 619 199 407 or for the Editor Contact Patti 646 005 017 email: Page 25 Another interesting and busy month for the Group, which has been a bit like the “curate’s egg” - good in parts. The Friday Bookstall remains a constant and valued aid to the community that we can always rely on. Now that we, the Group, have gained momentum in the community, our August meeting has focused on how to steer the Group in the best direction for the future and we hope to establish a Steering Committee to set our collective focus to this end. Working with the Town Hall and other local groups was also on the agenda. The good parts relate to the extensive entertainments programme that we now have underway. (Please check out the website for details and some very healthy fund raising, for which we thank the community of Los Palacios. The ‘bucket people’ are out every Thursday morning collecting at the top of the stairs of the commercial centre, come rain or shine (usually shine). In association with Costa Cálida International Radio and has stepped into the breach as Chairman and Harry Pearson as Vice Chairman. As always, we welcome new members, so if you think our aims and objectives would be something you would like to support, please feel free to contact us for a chat. Email Sweeping, cleaning and gardening activities have also continued despite the heat. Palm trees have been cosseted and fronds and cuttings have been cleared away. Thank you to all the residents who carry an extra plastic bag with them when dog walking in order to pick up dog poo and other litter; also those who do their bit sweeping their street. To coin a phrase, ‘every little helps’. Bad parts - we received the resignation of our Chairman, Edward Roberts. We wish to thank Edward for his great contribution to the Group; a fantastic motivator and ideas man who will be missed. Fortunately, John Grant Country Music comes to Camposol Our night on Friday 2nd August was quieter than normal. It would appear that a lot of people leave to escape the summer heat. Martin Ross gave us an extremely wide selection of Country Music. A special thanks is extended to Martin, who only occasionally plays Country Music, so he has to spend his own time “brushing up” these songs. an added bonus for those who learned the dance to do it immediately to live music. Our next night is Friday 6th September when the live music will come from Dave G. We also have a special guest in Gary Lafferty. Line dancers will know him, as a top choreographer/teacher/DJ; a regular at the UK Line Dance Awards and many big line dance events. Don’t miss him! Tom and Helen taught the partner dance Double Duchess primarily because Martin sings the song associated with this dance, so it was Our first general meeting will take place soon. Full details will be announced within the next few weeks. And our aims and objectives are? Well: to continue improving our environment and having some fun along the way. Joce Grant - Group Secretary Country Music Camposol meet on the 1st Friday of each month in the Club House, Camposol C starting at 7.45pm. A line dance and then a partner dance are taught and requests are played before the live music commences at 9pm. The entry fee is only €3 per person. Food is available. If you would like further information please phone 610 632 152. If there is to be Camposol Fiesta 2014 a new committee needs to be formed as a matter of urgency. The committee for the Camposol Fiesta 2013 are all due to step down imminently and if a new membership cannot be established immediately the Association will have to wound up. If you don’t want to see this happen and are willing to form a committee please contact Michelle Miles, Chairman Fiesta Committee 2013 so that a formal handover can be arranged. There a few people who are unable to commit to joining the committee, but are willing to help out and there is a surplus of funds left over from this year to get the new team off the ground. Michelle can be contacted either by email at or telephone 634 382 968. Costa Cálida Chronicle: Please tell our customers where you saw their advertisementt Page 26 Sales Contact Teresa 619 199 407 or for the Editor Contact Patti 646 005 017 email: The regular Monday and Wednesday maintenance workers have continued with street cleaning, planting, weeding, watering and laying slate, some of which is sadly already The Camposol Residents Association confirm that another major step forward been achieved following many months of gotiation at their regular meetings with Mayor. can has nethe The Mayor of Mazarron has published on the Town Hall website the following statement. This at last brings stability to the water and sewage supply for Camposol. The CRA Committee would like to thank the Mayor for his perseverance in his difficult negotiations with Aqualia. The Town Hall of Mazarrón Adopts the Water System of Camposol. The decision of the Local Government Team is committed to provide a water supply service efficient and without outages. The Local Government Team of the Town Hall of Mazarrón has approved this morning to formally adopt the water system of the urbanization of the Plan Parcial 1st Phase A 05 07, consisting in Sectors “A” and “BCDF” of urbanization Camposol. This means the Town Hall is now responsible for the water supply system, the sewer system, pumping stations and the water treatment plant of the mentioned settlement. being stolen. Please let us know any details of vehicles being used, thanks. September sees the re-commencing of our volunteer working parties on Wednesday mornings. If you can spare some time and energy to help, we would really be grateful and your efforts would be rewarded with a free breakfast! We continually receive positive comments about the transformation our teams have made to Sector C. It’s hard to recall what it used to look like before the tidy verges, trimmed trees and swept streets, so if you’d like to make new friends and make a difference at the same time, please get in touch! A huge thank you must go to the kind Camposolers who donate to our bucket collection and those members of our maintenance scheme and those who have worked on individual areas near their own homes. Without your support and that of our volunteers, none of this would happen and it’s re- Government Teams were unable to assume. The situation of the water supply, which is deficient, is due to the neglect Camposol has suffered for years by the former Government Teams. They, instead of facing the problems Camposol is suffering since its beginning, have turned their back to this settlement. Oversight of the infrastructures has been one of the issues that haven’t been taken care of; something the current Government Team is doing. ally appreciated. Our next Social Evening is at The Club House, 8pm on 28th September with Woody. 6€ entry. Tickets will soon be available for our Christmas Meal and Dance on Friday 13th December at The Club House with Andy Jones. 18€ entry. Please support us at these functions as they promise to be great evenings. If you have any unwanted items which you’d like to donate for our raffles, they are always appreciated. Further details of both these events can be found on our Chalkboards or contact John, our Chairman, on 634 325 427. More information about our group can be found on Facebook and our website in advancing towards the improvements that are needed before being able to keep moving forward along the process of full adoption of Camposol in the Plan General (PGMO). “Aqualia” and “ESAMUR” are now the companies in charge of the management of this service; the latter one regarding water treatment. Therefore, the Government Team has made a firm step forward in order to continue offering and improving this service, as they did when they had to face the breakage of the bridge of Camposol by the flooding in September 2012. This infrastructure was finally repaired with funds from the Council treasury. For all this and supporting and defending Camposol citizens once more, this agreement was needed for guaranteeing the water supply in the urbanization. This agreement also aims In association with Costa Cálida International Radio and High Summer temperatures continue, so please think of both the plants in your own gardens and those planted near your casa by our volunteers. All are suffering in these hot winds, so an idea of adopting a tree has been suggested. If you would like to choose a tree planted either along the roads or near the different features we have, just tie a ribbon or tape on it (a song comes to mind…!) to designate it as ‘yours’, then total responsibility for its watering and care will pass to you and you can watch it grow and flourish knowing it’s because of you! Trees may be adopted as a way of remembering a loved one, or just to become more involved in looking after your area. This decision implies the Council will from now on take charge of the maintenance and repair of the infrastructures related with water system. Those infrastructures are having deficiencies that cannot be repaired by the urbanizer “Justo y Manoli SL”, because the former Government Team formed by Partido Popular dismissed that company as urbanizer by an agreement of Local Government Team dated 15th April 2011. This way starts the process of normalization of this public service needed for the population. It also avoids the municipal water company “Aqualia Gestión Integral del Agua” having to cut the water supply due to not having reached an agreement with “Justo y Manoli SL”. “Justo y Manoli SL” were charging the waters service by compensation system since the beginning. Thanks to this decision, the Council guarantees the water supply for all the citizens of Camposol, assuming the responsibility other Costa Cálida Chronicle: Please tell our customers where you saw their advertisement Sales Contact Teresa 619 199 407 or for the Editor Contact Patti 646 005 017 email: Page 27 Music Band The School Band Music Association Maestro Eugenio Calderón participated on Saturday July 13 in the Ist Encuentro de Bandas Juveniles de Música de El Esparragal, invited by the newly formed Musical Society La Harmonica and their new music band, which debuted at the event. The school and this new group has the ambition to build a school and a quality band to the north of Murcia with the possibility of new cultural activity in the villages of El Esparragal, La Orilla del Azarbe, El Campillo, Cobatillas and Monteagudo. In association with Costa Cálida International Radio and Also collaborating in the event was Cuadradilla de la Cruz del Campillo, composed of seniors. Together, children and adults, musicians in the band and the crew, performed. This is the second exchange-school band. The first one took place with Lorca Conservatory Band. The event, which began with a parade, was held on a stage outdoors next to the cultural centre of El Esparragal. Employment Search The Department of Employment, Training and Local Development of Mazarrón has created a blog with a guide in finding employment for users of their services. This blog contains useful information for job seekers interested in training or employment-related issues. What differentiates this blog from other blogs used in career counselling is that it is designed from a local perspective, to seek work in and/or from Mazarrón, reporting resources of the area and issues of interest to the municipality. In the blog www.empleomazarron., there are different sections on how to find a job, where it is, how to develop the curriculum, how to interview, prepare the agenda for job search and other data necessary for finding a job in the best possible way. In addition, the blog has a module for on-line training. Training and Local Development Counsellor, Matilde Blazquez stressed, “The great importance of the courses is to improve employability. Therefore, a training platform is included on-line through which anyone who wants to can take courses that interest them.” Also mentioned was form@carm. On this platform one can find courses on-line. However, given the lack of basic skills in the areas of languages and computers for a large part of the unemployed of Mazarrón, the Department considers it necessary to provide classroom courses in Mazarrón and Puerto de Mazarrón, in order to develop these basic transversal skills and improve their chances of finding a job. The sessions are aimed at users with no previous knowledge on the subject and personal tutoring will be high at enrollment of the course and during development. It will ensure that they become increasingly autonomous and competent in their job search and training on-line. The courses will last between 35 and 50 hours, and are completely free. You can request information at the local employment Centre of Mazarrón Town Hall or visit the blog at keep a date to view this important and quality exhibition. Last year we saw Pedro Cano and this year we are proud that we have a local artist who has had the courtesy of showing for first time this original exhibition. The Mayor invited the people of Mazarrón and the many tourists that are visiting the area, to enjoy the work of Blas Miras who presents an extraordinary maturity in his work. The Mayor of Mazarrón, Ginés Campillo, stressed “With this tool we further hope to promote Employment and Training policies from the Council, which is a clear example of our commitment to them.” Tourism Conference Promoters Association of Murcia (APIRM) met recently in Mazarrón to discuss the future of tourism in the Region of Murcia and Mazarrón, from the perspective of support that should occur between traditional tourism and residential tourism. The meeting was opened by the Mayor of Mazarrón, Ginés Campillo, and was attended by APIRM President, Jose Hernandez, President of Hostemur, Soledad Diaz, and the Town Planning and Infrastructure of the Consistory of Mazarrón, Francisco Garcia. Jose Hernandez explained “Developers work under the premise that in order to sell their homes, tourists or foreign investors have to come two years before to get to know the area, staying in local hotels”. During the meeting they discussed the future of hotel tourism in the City and benefitted from the presence of the President of Hostemur to deepen the combination that must combine tourism and property development. Soledad Diaz confirmed “Hoteliers and developers must work hand in hand especially in this difficult time.” Ginés Campillo said “This conference has been held in our town, so it seems a great idea to sit down and reflect on the present and the future of tourism in Mazarrón in different aspects. It is essential that we go hand in hand with all economic and social agents in the Region, because the more voices and opinions we hear, the more it will help us achieve quality and sustainable tourism.” Exhibition Casas Consistoriales of Mazarrón announce an exhibition called “Like fish out of water” by the artist from Mazarrón, Blas Miras in which he shows his artistic quality. The exhibition was inaugurated by the Mayor of Mazarrón, Ginés Campillo, Councillor for Culture, María Celeste Soria and the artist who was accompanied by his family, friends and other authorities including the Councillor for Town Planning and Infrastructure, Francisco García. The exhibition has 12 sculptures, 11 paintings and 3 pictures, the last one belonging to his previous exhibition “El Ombligo de la Luna”. The Mayor of Mazarrón, Ginés Campillo, congratulated Blas for his great exhibition and said that during the summer we must The exhibition can be seen in the building of Casas Consistoriales located in Mazarrón Town Hall’s Square until 20th September from Monday to Saturday between 10am and 2pm and Thursday and Friday from 6pm to 9pm. The entry to the exhibition is free. Camposol Water Supply The municipal water company “Aqualia Gestión Integral del Agua S.A.” has opened, until 20th September, a department solely for dealing with those users of the Urbanization of Camposol that have no water contract and/or meter equipment so that they can register their situation in the offices of this company, after the Town Hall of Mazarrón assumed responsibility for the water supply to Camposol. The contracts previously issued by “Justo y Manoli S.L.” now belong to the padron of this municipal service and therefore “Aqualia” has already registered their data. For those without a current contract or meter, you must go to go to the offices of “Aqualía” in the street La Vía nº 131. “Aqualia” says that, due to the delay bills, recovery of payments will be taken monthly until December 2014, so the period of March -April 2012 will be invoiced in August 2013; May-June 2012 in September 2013; July-August 2012 in October 2013, and so on until December 2014; the date in which bi-monthly invoicing will re-commence. The bills of consumptions will be made with the same rates as the rest of the town passed by the Town Hall and advertised in BORM (Boletín Oficial de la Región de Murcia) on 14th September 2010. For these and other arrangements, users can be attended to by calling 968 592 266 or by visiting the offices in Calle La Vía nº 131 where you can be attended to in Spanish, English, German, Dutch, Italian and Belgian. The work of regularization continues and improves the service of water supply to Camposol, to guarantee the supply of this public service for all the citizens of the urbanization, the Government Team assuming responsibility that other local Governments were unable to assume. Costa Cálida Chronicle: Please tell our customers where you saw their advertisementt Page 28 Sales Contact Teresa 619 199 407 or for the Editor Contact Patti 646 005 017 email: To All Ladies Who Love To Sing. Magenta is a new harmony group, whose members not only love to sing, but also want to enjoy themselves whilst doing it. We meet every Wednesday at 11:30am at either Mariano’s on Camposol or at Mazarrón Country Club. harmony group consists of four parts, so we need a wide range of voice types in order to accommodate all sections. So there you are ladies! If you have a couple of hours to spare each week and would like to experience singing with a happy group of ladies instead of by yourself in the bath or whilst doing your ironing, come and join us. You will be made to feel very welcome and I’m sure that you will enjoy yourselves. We formed in January of this year and are now under the musical direction of June Mulligan who was a member of the famous Spangles Harmony Group for many years. Our aim is to both learn to sing and to make a beautiful sound with our combined voices, whilst socializing and enjoying ourselves. The After the summer break Ladies’ Chatterbox Group will have its first meeting on Thursday September 12th with “Who do you think you are?” This month we will be looking at creating a family tree. Our speaker, Jean, has helped a number of people research their family history and produce a book that they can share with the rest of their family. We have a trip to Lorca on Wednesday 23rd October to visit the embroidery museums with lunch and a trip in early January to visit the “Belens” and other celebrations before Three Kings in Murcia. We have decided to organise trips outside of the monthly meeting to make sure that we all have a chance to get together each month even if we don’t join a trip. A full membership card giving details of our current programme will be available at the September meeting. We look forward to seeing everyone back after the summer break and meeting any new members. Ladies’ Chatterbox Group meets on Camposol B in the Cultural Centre on the 2nd Thursday of each month at 2pm. If you would like further information, please contact Rosemary Scott on 619 575 463 or Chris Leiper on 968 199 418. Chatterbox “SEW and SEW” is a group for anyone who would like to meet with other sewing or craft work enthusiasts (not necessarily very experienced!) to work together, chat and enjoy a cuppa! We meet every Monday 2.30-4.30pm in the cultural centre. For more information ring Pat on 608 548 136. In association with Costa Cálida International Radio and In October our speaker is a local Spanish gentleman who will introduce us to the local history and customs of the area in which we have chosen to live. November will be an afternoon of craft demonstrations and our Christmas meeting will be a festive meal. If you want more information, then ring 636 417 454 and have a chat. Costa Cálida Chronicle: Please tell our customers where you saw their advertisement Sales Contact Teresa 619 199 407 or for the Editor Contact Patti 646 005 017 email: Page 29 Did you see the shooting star display in midAugust? That was something special and we at PALS have something special for you. September 11th a Day Trip to the old town and/or market of Benidorm with an optional trip to Guadalest 15€. ON Saturday September 28th CAFÉ Concert Se7en @ Playa Grande (access through the Playa Grande Hotel). If it’s raining the concert will be indoors, but otherwise on the beach. Tickets 5€ give you music from midafternoon until midnight. This is the area’s largest one-day expat music festival and is a fantastic afternoon and evening. Come early to get a chair and table, or come late and bring your own chair. 8th December it’s the Annual Christmas Dinner Dance @ The Costa Hotel, Mazarrón. Masses of food and drink and live music 29.50€. It’s so good we go there each year and each year love it a little more. 1st January New Year’s Day Swim, @ Bahia Beach. Sponsorship forms available now; have fun join in or support a friend. th 25 January Burns’ Night. Piper booked. Playa Grande Hotel booked. Haggis ordered. A traditional evening; all welcome at 25€ per head. Meal, music and laughter. 17th March Trip to Benidorm. A few places left for 3 nights (including St Patrick’s). Full board at the Hotel Helios in Benidorm near market. Easy walk to beach and entertainment centre.130€. October 6th a few places left on the second coach at time of writing a 5 nights’ full board; all excursions included on Trip to the Basque Country. A fascinating and very different part of Spain 285€ pp sharing a double room. 27th April Andalucía Adventure half board Cordoba, Seville, Ronda, Granada. 320€. We are already taking deposits on this, so be quick as we only have one coach. Swinging Summertime Success!!!!! More than 100 people went along to the Mazarrón Country Club to be entertained by the fabulous Woody and the lovely Christine in an event to raise funds for MABS Mazarrón. PALS do it for you. Tickets available at The Trevi Bar on Satur- In association with Costa Cálida International Radio and The electric atmosphere was matched only by the August heat, but it was not enough to deter the audience enjoying a good old ‘knees up’. As always, Woody performed a brilliant selection of songs which soon had days 11am-1.30pm or Bistro Ratatouille (formerly Don Ricardo’s) 1-3pm. I will take this opportunity of thanking Sara for allowing us to use Saralaras until they recently closed and to all at both the Trevi and Bistro Ratatouille for their patience with us. If you have any questions or need to arrange for tickets call 626 460 455. CAFÉ Concert Se7en FORGET-Me-NOT is a new incentive by the various humanity charities and organisations to investigate and stimulate RESPITE care in the area. We are still at a very early stage of investigation, but this initiative will we hope, bring some relief to those caring for their loved ones in a long-term illness situation. We are trying to investigate those whose lives have become more difficult due to illness of their spouses such as Alzheimer’s or dementia or many of the other illnesses that confine people to their homes. We have a public meeting in the cultural centre on Camposol on September 9th at 11am. All are welcome as this is a problem that will not go away and your input is vital. Call 626 460 465 if you hope to attend. Thank you everyone in the room tapping their feet and singing along and Christine made sure the mood continued late into the night. The evening raised a fantastic 611€ and MABS Mazarrón would like to sincerely thanks everyone who attended. We look forward to seeing you all next time. Thank You! MABS Mazarrón are currently supporting over 90 patients in the Mazarrón area and desperately need more volunteers, so if you can drive, escort a patient to and from a hospital appointment, or can help our Fundraising team please call us on 620 582 418. Costa Cálida Chronicle: Please tell our customers where you saw their advertisementt Page 30 Sales Contact Teresa 619 199 407 or for the Editor Contact Patti 646 005 017 email: of history including the sinking of the Bismark, the surrender of the Italian Fleet and the bombardment of the French Fleet in North Africa. He was also involved in the on-board security of Prime Minister Winston Churchill when he went to meet with the President of the United States in Iceland and has long held memories of his ship being visited by King George V and the Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Templeton. These visits were captured in a wonderful album of photographs which have been beautifully preserved and provoked a great deal of interest and discussion amongst the guests at the award ceremony. John, who has lived in Bolnuevo with his wife Anne since 1985, was born on the Island of Jersey on 8th June 1917. As there was no conscription on the Island, John volunteered to join up for National Service and served with the Royal Marines from 11th October 1939 until 12th May 1946. He is the last surviving member of a family of six brothers, all of whom went to war in 1939 and all of whom returned safely. The brothers are all listed on the Jersey Roll of Honour and there is a citation and photograph of each of them in the Jersey Museum. Now aged 96, John is believed to be one of only around 200 sailors who survive from the 4 year Arctic campaign. During his service, John spent 2 years with the Russian Convoys and travelled to the Arctic Circle on what Winston Churchill called “The worst journey in the world”. Every convoy was subject to attack by German U-boats and every day each convoy faced unimaginable dangers in the most treacherous of waters. Beyond the threat of the enemy, the men endured terrible weather conditions, the darkness of the polar winter and 24-hour daylight at the height of summer. If ships were sunk, sailors perished in minutes in waters barely above freezing. John was present at some key moments Mags Downes, Chairman of ESAMD said “Anne Queree telephoned me to say that John’s medal had been delivered by the local postman. Following the high profile presentations in the United Kingdom we believed that John deserved similar recognition here in Spain. We are grateful to the British Consulate in Alicante for supporting us in our endeavours to highlight this amazing achievement. The ESAMD are extremely proud to count John amongst their number.” Speaking modestly after the presentation, John said that he was extremely proud and honoured to receive the Arctic Star and it would be added to the collection of 39 medals that he and his brothers had received between them for their service. The presentation was made to John at the Amapola Hotel by Antonio Berdonces Vivancos, Honorary Consul of Murcia in the presence of Ian Wilson, President and founder member of the Ex-Servicemen’s Association of Mazarrón District (ESAMD) and Margaret Downes, Chairman of ESAMD. There was also a large group of invited dignitaries and guests including, Ginés Campillo Méndez, Mayor of Mazarrón and the sisters of John’s wife Anne who had travelled from the UK especially for the ceremony. Forthcoming Events for 2013 18th Sept Starting from TJ’s Sector B Camposol Sponsor forms available in TJ’s Also from FAST on Fridays Comedy Cabaret Night with ‘Justin Sane’ 11th Oct The Club House Sector C, Camposol 8€ incl. raffle FAST Christmas Fayre 23rd Nov Mariano’s Sector A, Camposol 1€ entry FAST Christmas Party Night Cold Buffet Entertainment Bernie Mac 11th Dec Steak Out Commercial Sector B, Camposol 10€ Day trip to Benidorm Market 27th Nov Departing from Sector B. 9am 12€ pp 160km sponsored cycle ride by Colin Thackwell & Sharon Chambers Further Information: Cathie 654 084 284 Brenda 680 174 499 Jean 646 737 479 Costa Cálida Chronicle: Please tell our customers where you saw their advertisement Sales Contact Teresa 619 199 407 or for the Editor Contact Patti 646 005 017 email: Page 31 In association with Costa Cálida International Radio and On 2nd August, a celebratory reception was held to honour and acknowledge the award of the Arctic Star Medal to Mr John Queree. The Arctic Star is awarded to those who served in areas north of the Arctic Circle during World World II and commemorates the convoys to North Russia in which over 3000 sailors and merchant seamen lost their lives. Mortgage Defaults The Governing Council authorized the signing of an agreement with the Association of Economists of the Region of Murcia to facilitate mediation between people who are in default of mortgage loans in character and credit institutions. To carry out the activities of intermediation under the agreement, the Ministry Public Works and Planning will contact individuals and provided they meet the requirements they can proceed with the intermediary banks. Health and Social Care The Cabinet has approved a proposal of the Ministry of Health and Social Policy, for various investments for residential services and day centres for the disabled in Fortuna. These will offer 17 places in the home and 12 places in the day centre for people with intellectual disabilities. The aim is to implement the right of citizens to enjoy basic levels of social welfare and to have services that meet their social needs. To this end, it encourages the development of programmes that allow them to expand existing services care for dependents. It has also authorized a grant of 57,810€ for the maintenance of early intervention services, in order to continue to provide prevention, detection and diagnosis and therapeutic intervention. It also includes sensory stimulation, cognitive, speech therapy and hearing, as well as family counselling and social environment. In association with Costa Cálida International Radio and The Governing Council has approved a budget of 1,500,000€ to meet the expenses arising from the granting of subsidies to charities to fund action against poverty. The policy is to promote comprehensive social care and family support, child protection, social integration of immigrants and coordination of primary care social services. It also includes the development of plans, programmes and projects and in social services in the Region of Murcia. and prefilled syringes with a drug used to prevent episodes of multiple sclerosis symptoms and slow down the development of disability in patients with this disease and 961 vials of a drug that is also used in the treatment of multiple sclerosis. This will culminate in an estimated savings of 28,760€ for the Murcia Health Service. They will also acquire drugs that reduce the chance of infection in people with certain types of cancer and treated with chemotherapy drugs that could decrease the number of neutrophils. This will save about 42,000€. The Ministry of Health and Social Policy, through SMS, has pioneered the centralization of medications in order to improve efficiency in the procurement of drugs and hospital use only dispensed from the pharmacy services in different public hospitals in the Region of Murcia. Raising Awareness About The Risks Of Drug Use The Community has given the nod to the receipt of a grant of 280,800€ from the Ministry of Health, Social Services and Equality to promote, coordinate and develop activities aimed at raising awareness about the risks of drug use in the region. This is a continuation of the proceedings of the Regional Plan drugs. Of the total, 49,800€ were allocated to the training programme of learning platform ‘E-drugs’, 152,000€ for the programme ‘Argos-Murcia’, aimed at prevention and 79,000€ for primary care and intensive treatment of addictions with the ‘Model Matrix’. University Education The Governing Council has authorized the deployment of new official university for the academic year 2013-2014 at the University of Murcia (UMU), Polytechnic University Cartagena (UPCT) and Catholic University San Antonio de Murcia (UCAM). It has been given approval to four master’s degrees and 12 doctorates. 6.3 million Euros has been granted for centralized purchasing of hospital drugs. Money will be used to purchase 4,588 cartridges Entrepreneurial Initiatives The regional government has given approval to the granting of subsidies to business organizations of the Region of Murcia (CROEM) and the region of Cartagena (COEC), for a total amount of 134,000€, with the aim of developing the Programme 2013 Entrepreneurial Initiatives Promoting managing both entities. This activity includes actions aimed at promoting collective projects between business potential, while facilitating entrepreneurial vocations and provides information and training future entrepreneurs with activities connected with innovation. Road Repairs 1.3 million has been granted to repair the RM-C9 regional road that connects the town of Lorca and Zarzadilla Totana. This is part of the plan of the Ministry of Public Works and Planning for road repairs of the Lorca environment affected by the earthquake of 2011. The works will include repairing the road surface and the construction of a new surface layer of hot asphalt, the lining of ditches and the replacement of signage and the construction of a roundabout at the intersection of this road from Aguilas. Missing Children The Governing Council has agreed with the Community for collaborative dissemination through the early warning system for missing children. The agreement will channel cooperation between the Ministry and the Emergency Coordination Centre 112 Murcia to help spread warnings which are deemed appropriate and necessary, always ensuring the protection and rights of the minor. The system will be activated when a child disappears if it is confirmed as high risk with evidence that there is a presumption that the child is in a situation of imminent danger of death or risk to their safety. The message will contain the date, time and place of disappearance and the name, age, sex, physical description and recent photograph and other information. The spread of the alert can last from three to 24 hours, a period that can be extended with a new alert including additional information. The media alerts will be at the Emergency Coordination Centre, television, radio stations, print media and digital agencies responsible for providing information on freeways, highways, ports, airports and railway stations, subways and buses and organizations, foundations and stations victim protection, especially protection of children. The Emergency Coordination Centre Murcia 112 will serve the distribution of warning messages. Heritage Protection The Governing Council has approved a proposal from the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, to categorise the Paleontological Area of Puerto de la Cadena, In Murcia. The purpose is to protect and preserve the paleontological heritage that exists where there is a large accumulation of fossil vertebrates and paleobotanical remains. It is located eight miles southwest of the city of Murcia and 2.5 miles south of the hamlet of El Palmar. Its rich paleontological dating back 23 million years, placing it among the richest in terms of vertebrate deposits the Iberian Peninsula. Costa Cálida Chronicle: Please tell our customers where you saw their advertisementt Page 32 Sales Contact Teresa 619 199 407 or for the Editor Contact Patti 646 005 017 email: In association with Costa Cálida International Radio and Costa Cálida Chronicle: Please tell our customers where you saw their advertisement Sales Contact Teresa 619 199 407 or for the Editor Contact Patti 646 005 017 email: Page 33 From 21st September to 6th October it is British Food Fortnight so what better reason than to celebrate all that is good about British food? I have been coming to Spain for over 20 years and have lived here for 10 of those. I love Spanish food; what a great idea tapas are and I have often featured recipes to make some like tortilla and potato croquettes. However, there is something very comforting in meals that you have grown up with and nothing in the world beats a good old Sunday Roast. Below are a few recipes which remind me of when I grew up in England. Ok, so Spaghetti Bolognese is originally from Italy, but as children we thought it was very English. Sausages are also very English, or so I thought until I lived in Spain! The Spanish actually love sausage and the layer recipe works well with English sausage or chorizo. Buen Apetito Chicken and Mushroom Pie 250g puff pastry 1 egg 2 cloves garlic 1 onion 60g butter 2tbsp plain flour 284 ml milk 350g cooked chicken Mushrooms Seasoning In association with Costa Cálida International Radio and Preheat the oven to 200º. Melt the butter in a saucepan and gently fry the chopped onion and crushed garlic. Add the chicken pieces and cook for a further 5 minutes. Add the peeled mushrooms and cook for a further 5 minutes. Add seasoning and flour and stir until all flour absorbed. Add the milk and stir until smooth. Remove from heat. Roll out the pastry and place in dish. Add chicken mixture and cover with pastry lid and coat with egg. Cook in oven for 35 minutes or until golden brown. Beef Cobbler 2 tbsp olive oil 1 onion 1 clove garlic 2 carrots 450g minced beef 1 tbsp tomato puree 1 tbsp flour 300ml beef stock 1 bay leaf 1 tsp Worcester sauce Scones 225g self raising flour 1 tsp dried herbs 50g butter 150ml milk 1 egg 1 stick of celery 1 large carrot 225g minced beef 150ml dry red wine 150ml beef stock 450g spaghetti 1 tbsp tomato puree Chop and fry onions, carrots and garlic in olive oil. Add mince and fry until brown. Stir in flour, stock, bay leaf and tomato puree. Add seasoning and Worcester sauce. Simmer for 20 minutes and then remove bay leaf. For the scones, mix flour with the herbs and seasoning. Rub in butter and add milk to make soft dough. Roll out on a flour surface and cut into rounds 1cm thick. Put mince into a shallow oven-proof dish. Arrange scones around the top and glaze scones with egg to help brown. Bake for 15 -20 minutes. Spaghetti Bolognese 450g ripe tomatoes (or tinned) 25g olive oil 1 small onion 1 clove garlic Plunge tomatoes in a bowl of boiling water for 1 minute, then straight into a bowl of cold water. Remove skins and chop roughly. Chop and fry the onions until golden brown then add mince and fry until brown. Crush garlic and chop celery and carrot and add to frying pan. Add wine, stock, seasoning, tomato puree and tomatoes and simmer for one hour. Cook spaghetti in salted boiling water for 8 – 10 minutes then drain and serve. Sausage Potato Layer 40g butter 1 clove garlic 700g potatoes 2 large red onions Salt and black pepper 100g any sausage 1 onion 75g cheddar cheese 140ml single cream Butter suitable dish and peel and thinly slice the potatoes, sausage and onion. Take pips out of peppers and slice. Layer half the potatoes in dish and season. Sprinkle peppers, onions and sausage and then top with the remaining potato slices. Pour over the cream and sprinkle with cheese. Bake in oven 180º for 1 hour or until potatoes are tender. Apple and Raisin Parcels 450g Granny Smith apples 2 tbsp lemon juice 1 tbsp rum 50g sugar ¼ tsp vanilla essence ¼ tsp ground cinnamon 50g raisins 1 pkt of puff pastry Peel, core and chop the apples and toss in the lemon juice to prevent discolouring. Place 2 tbsp of cold water, the rum, sugar and spices into a pan. Stir in apples and cook gently for 5 minutes. Stir in raisins and allow to cool. Roll out pastry and cut into squares. Place a spoonful of the apple mixture in the centre of the square and bring the corners up to the middle and pinch together. Cook in oven 200º for 18 to 20 minutes or until golden brown. Costa Cálida Chronicle: Please tell our customers where you saw their advertisementt Page 34 Sales Contact Teresa 619 199 407 or for the Editor Contact Patti 646 005 017 email: In association with Costa Cálida International Radio and Costa Cálida Chronicle: Please tell our customers where you saw their advertisement Sales Contact Teresa 619 199 407 or for the Editor Contact Patti 646 005 017 email: Page 35 NEST does short, non-sporty, easy social walks, although they do involve some rubbly tracks and slopes. Bring sensible footwear, sun protection, water to sip and a smile! Ideal for chatting and making new friends along the way without stress – the slower people take priority, although of course you need to be fit. Thursday 12th September El Berro & Almond Groves Meet 10.30am at El Berro car park. A lovely pretty walk around El Berro’s lovely almond groves. Approx 2-2.5 hours on rubbly tracks, taking in some fantastic views from the mountains and the village itself. Then we’ll go for a delicious authentic Spanish meal where we might see wild boar - always a delight! The optional meal is 9€ for four courses and a drink and coffee afterwards. The walk is just 5€. In association with Costa Cálida International Radio and Friday 27th September Walk to the Blue Lake in the Gebas Moonscapes Meet 10.30am at El Berro car park. We’ll go right to the edge of this exquisite lake using an easy, mostly tarmac route with a few slopes and then rubbly track to the lake edge. Then we’ll eat in our favourite authentic Spanish mountain restaurant and may see wild boar. It’s just 5€ for the short, easy 3hr walk and 9€ for the optional 4 course meal with a drink and coffee afterwards included. Feeding and the Development of Diseases diet correction is enough to restore the integrity of the skeleton. Orthopaedic diseases and the development of osteoarthritis are common diseases in dogs and represent 25% of the consultations at veterinary clinics. Regarding the consultations for osteo-joints diseases, 70% are about the apendicular skeleton, 20% is due to a probable feeding origin and more than 22% are caused in dogs under one year of age. Most of these dogs are big-sized, however dogs of any size might be affected. Let’s see some examples: It is very common to find big-sized or giant dogs being overfed by their owners, so there is an excessive energetic contribution that leads to an increase of both the weight and the animal size in the first months of the dog’s life and that sometimes means a discrepancy between the weight of the animal and the functionality of their joints. For example, it is so common to see Rottweiler’s being overfed so that disorders develop in their carpo joints, osteochondritis in their shoulders, elbows and even tarsus and hip dysplasia. Furthermore, and opposite to what their owners think, overfeeding large-sized puppies just causes an increase of weight and size for the very first months. The size when they are 6 months old should be just the same as dogs with a normal restricted diet. The development of these skeletal diseases may be due to diet. Nutritional excess and lack contribute to dogs’ joints diseases. In many cases, good rationing of a balance food can prevent, or at least reduce, the seriousness of the disease. In some diseases, the On the other extreme, we have the underfed dogs that cause a decrease in their rate of growth. Another obsession of owners of large-sized dogs is to offer an additional supplement of calcium despite the fact that all the food for puppies contains the necessary amount of phosphorus and calcium. The ideal contribution of calcium for a big-sized puppy would be between 210 and 540 mg/kg/day, bear- You need to book as walks are popular and places limited. Phone/text 679 002 147 or email and wait for confirmation back. Subscribe at for priority invitations to new events and find detailed driving directions. Get in touch if you’re a keen photographer too, to find out about the fun NEST Photography Group. ing in mind that the puppy is unable to protect itself from the excess of calcium since it absorbs it in a passive way. At least 50% of the ingested calcium is absorbed, so you have to be very careful of any excess since it may lead to osteochondrosis, panosteitis and radius curvus syndrome. It is very common to find big-sized and muscled puppies with lots of energy and calcium contributions above the animal needs can be dangerous. On the other hand, if we do not give even the minimum amount of calcium, the body responds through a hyper functioning of the parathyroid gland which helps to take the calcium off of the bones towards the blood which causes a big weakness of the skeleton and can result in spontaneous bone fractures. Something similar happens with Vitamin D. Dogs need to take this vitamin in food since they are not able to synthesise it properly in the skin under sunlight. The content of Vitamin D in balanced food is enough to treat and prevent hypovitaminosis D. A deficiency of this vitamin in puppies, in spite of right levels of calcium and phosphorus, causes rickets which leads to the arching of the legs, thicker growing tissues and thinner bones cortical. Excess of Vitamin D in puppies does not increase the absorption of calcium and phosphorus in the intestine, but causes osteochondrosis and makes hip dysplasia and shoulder osteochondrosis worse. It is therefore essential to feed your dog sensibly. You do it no favours by over-feeding it and may cause serious damage to the bone structure. What you feed your puppy in its early life will determine much of its health later on. Do not give too many treats or your left over food. It might seem as if you are being kind to your pet, but you might well be condemning it to a life of misery later on. If you are unsure of the correct amount and whether the food contains the right ingredients for your dog, consult your vet. Article written in conjunction with Paco, Clinica Veterinaria, Puerto de Mazarrón Costa Cálida Chronicle: Please tell our customers where you saw their advertisementt Page 36 Sales Contact Teresa 619 199 407 or for the Editor Contact Patti 646 005 017 email: In association with Costa Cálida International Radio and Costa Cálida Chronicle: Please tell our customers where you saw their advertisement Sales Contact Teresa 619 199 407 or for the Editor Contact Patti 646 005 017 email: Page 37 This summer has produced some very strange weather, not the usual hot nights that we are used to, although the days have been well up into the 40’s, especially during the late afternoons. Maybe this is why we had a number of localised thunderstorms, which although welcome, did create high humidity. The high temperatures will no doubt disappear during September, but the ground is still very dry so there is a high risk of forest fires and the ban on lighting fires will still be in place until October. Despite the ban, there are often bonfires around lit by a few irresponsible people. With the property market picking up in the UK, hopefully this will encourage buyers to come to Spain, particularly to our beautiful area. If you are thinking of doing a few home improvements to encourage buyers to look at your property, Northwest Murcia Construction may be able to help you. Working with experienced Spanish tradesmen, this company can give you a quote for any work, however big or small. Gill Edwards said “We recently used the services of Northwest Murcia Construction and were delighted with the service we received. In association with Costa Cálida International Radio and Jose and David, the two Spanish tradesmen were excellent workers. They arrived on time, worked hard, and produced great results. We had blockwork, plastering, tiling and carpentry brilliantly done, so tested their all round skills. They also provided tradesmen to supply and fit a balustrade to our terrace and an electrician to check and complete the wiring of new electrical fittings. All in all a good job and we are very satisfied and would recommend them to anyone.” Cehegín Scene Fiesta From 8th to 14th of September Cehegín celebrates its Fiesta in honour of the Virgen de las Maravillas with a vast programme of entertainment including concerts, children’s activities, exhibitions, dancing, bullfight, electro music festivals, bands festival, religious acts and more than 150 clubs in the stalls of the Fairground. There will be many events throughout the week culminating in a grand performance by the group Fito y los Fitipaldis on 13th. The singer Francisco will perform on Wednesday September 11th accompanied by the Musical Society of Cehegín in a concert from 10pm in the Plaza de Toros. With his personal style and his unmistakable voice, Francisco offers a unique concert to accompany the Cehegín Musical Society. Advance tickets priced at 12€ and 15€ from the box office and the usual points of Cehegín and the Northwest Region. The full programme for the Fiesta will be on our tourist website. Car Boot Sale In Cehegín This will be on Sunday 22nd September in the square beside the old railway station in the Vía Verde, just two minutes from Mercadona. There is plenty of room for parking. Stalls will be provided by the Town Hall for 2€. Anyone interested in booking a stall contact the Cehegín Tourist Office. All are welcome. The Archaeological Site of Begastri is opened for visitors on Saturdays and Sundays from 10am to 2pm. You will be able to see a video presentation followed by a guided tour to see the remains of the Iberian culture before the IV century BC. Free Nature Walks The tourist walks are free and start at 9am. On Saturday 28th we will follow the Parque Ecológico de Cehegín. This is classed as be- ing a very interesting botanical route where there is habitat for deer and hunting is prohibited. We will enjoy the scenery and we may be lucky and experience one of the most beautiful events of the region, the rutting of the deer. The distance is 5km, the time will be approximately 2.5 hours with an average incline of 4,2%-4,9% The Ecological Park is Closed Until Further Notice If there are any further enquiries please contact the Cehegin Tourist Office on 968 723 550 or visit our tourist website Santiago Leo Cehegín Tourist Office Calasparra Fiesta 1st-8th September During the main annual fiesta in Calasparra the whole town comes out to party. Most companies, except for the bars, will be closed for the week. There are many colourful parades and daily bull runs through the town with beer tents and food venues open most afternoons/evenings along with lively music, street stalls selling jewellery, leather goods, etc. There will also be live bands at various venues and a fair ground with rides for both adults and children. The classic rock and roll group from Calasparra, ‘Antonio Cassinello Rock and Roll Trío’, will be the stars of the Fiesta on September 4th. Instrumental group, ‘La Maravillosa Orquesta del Alcohol’ will complete the programme. The supporting group from Madrid, ‘Help Me Devil’, will be making their debut in Calasparra. The concert will be in Cine Rosales at 11pm. Tickets are on sale through (902 444 300), (902 15 00 25) and sales points in the town. Unfortunately we could not get the Fiesta programme before the magazine went to print, but hopefully the full Fiesta programme will now be on the Calasparra Tourist website. Organised Walks in NW Murcia Caravaca – 7th – Historical Tour around the old quarter of town 7pm – about 1½hrs Tel 968 702 424 Cieza –7th – Ruta Islamica includes visiting the old settlement of Siyusa and the museum. 10am from Plaza de Toros. 3½ hrs (own transport required) 8€ for adults and children 2€. Tel 968 453 500 Moratalla – every Saturday until 16th Sept from the Tourist Office 12pm – about 1hr Tel 968 730 208 Mula – 8th is an historical walk showing parts of the old quarter of this very Spanish town. 9pm from the Town Hall – about 1½hrs. Tel 968 661 501 Pliego – 7th & 14th walks will take in the fabulous viewing points. 7pm from Plaza de la Ermita – about 2½hrs 3€ Tel 968 666 321 Costa Cálida Chronicle: Please tell our customers where you saw their advertisementt Page 38 Sales Contact Teresa 619 199 407 or for the Editor Contact Patti 646 005 017 email: The walking season was closed during July and August, but more than 20 members of During the evening a programme for next season was prepared, with the first walk being on 21st September. If you are interested in joining us on one or more of our interesting and varied walks please contact warm2005@ for a copy of the programme. WARM (Walkers Around the Region of Murcia) got together at Steve and Sandra’s house for a very enjoyable evening of a “Spit Roast on the Coast!” Many thanks to Steve and Sandra for kindly supplying the wide choice of meats and fish. God has some mysterious ways of talking to us sometimes because there in front of me was the very answer. A slogan on my granddaughter’s T-shirt it said ‘the joy only bling can bring’ and of course it was in bright pink glittery letters. Have you ever tried ironing that? What joy! It needs to be inside out and if you’re not careful, the back sticks to the front as I quickly discovered. This sort of joy is very short lived. Already it is starting to fade perhaps due to my laundering and soon she will grow out of it and be looking for another source of ‘bling’, but no matter how much she acquires, none of it will be lasting. So where can we find lasting joy? As a young person I learnt a song which says; ‘If you want joy real joy wonderful joy let Jesus come into your heart, Your sins He’ll take away and your night He’ll turn to day. Your heart He’ll make over anew and then come in to stay.’ At Welcome House we have found some of this real joy and we join together to share in it on the first Sunday each month at 4pm. We are also introducing on the third Sunday at 11am an extra get together; a different way of doing church. Check out the poster for details and don’t forget the return concert of Rhythm & Joy (how appropriate) with Dave Scott-Morgan. We all had a great time last year. So please let us know if you are able to come so we know how many we will be feeding. Email Tel 633 447 937 In association with Costa Cálida International Radio and Whilst ironing very early this morning when everyone else was still in their beds, I was racking my brain wondering what I could possibly write about this month. or Costa Cálida Chronicle: Please tell our customers where you saw their advertisement Sales Contact Teresa 619 199 407 or for the Editor Contact Patti 646 005 017 email: Page 39 In association with Costa Cálida International Radio and Rafting Down The Segura River Near Calasparra We have visited many different places and done many different things in Murcia; rafting down a river, however, had not been one of these. When we came across the possibility of such an excursion on the Segura River near Calasparra, we decided that the opportunity was just too good to miss. The trip was even advertised as suitable for children and those of the “third age”! The trip was organized through Qalat, an organisation in Calasparra, established to develop activities in the natural environment. Arrangements had to be made with Qalat themselves and a group of six is normally required as a minimum and cost 16€ per person. The descent of the Cañon de los Almadenes on the Segura River by raft (in fact an inflatable with a capacity of around 14 people) goes through a magnificent landscape and one which was designated as a protected natural environment in 1992. Before setting off on our “expedition”, we tried to read up on what animals, birds and plants we might see during the trip. The range seemed truly enormous. How much of this richness you will see during a trip down the Segura River is debatable, as often the scenery seems sufficient to occupy all your attention. However, we can attest to the richness of the vegetation around the river and saw many birds, even if they were particularly hard to identify (apart from the ducks!). At the point of embarkation, we were given lifejackets, at the same time being assured that we should not get wet! The water depth was, in fact, often quite limited and on one occasion we did scrape the bottom of the boat on the river bed, although this was very minor and of no consequence at all. We were assured that the inflatable had four separate air-filled compartments, so that if one part were to puncture, we should still be alright. We had also previously been advised not to take any bags with us and such items would, indeed, have been unwelcome encumbrances. Cameras, however, were fine; even essential. Six of us were handed paddles to use to help steer the boat when specifically told by the guide who accompanied us. Getting into the boat required a little care, especially as it was more like the surface of a “bouncy castle” than a rigid craft. You sat around the rim of the boat and across the transverse ridges, with three of the “paddlers” being on either side. Our guide with his large blue paddle was at the back of the boat. The first part of the journey was in a part of the Segura Valley with relatively low a group of dots, which, it was suggested to us, may have been an early census of the cave’s inhabitants. Another group of the paintings is less schematic in its nature with an animal, maybe a goat, clearly represented. In addition, there is a very unusual painting which is thought to represent a sun god. It has been badly damaged but a face is identifiable. sides. Much of the bank had bamboo-like thickets growing along it. Almost immediately, we were able to see turtles sunning themselves at the side of the river. When we set out down river we were briefly told of the animals which inhabited the environs and many of us were particularly hoping to spy an otter. Suddenly, in the middle of this first half of the trip, we spotted heads in the water about 100 yards in front of us. Incredibly, these were not otters but a family of perhaps 10 jabali (wild boar) swimming from one side of the river to the other. A few minutes further on, a single animal, swam across the river, again about 100 yards in front of us. These were stirring sights, even if the jabali is not an animal to be trifled with. Soon we came to a point where there was a long constructed wooden terrace walk on one side of the gorge cliff face. This heralded the proximity of the site of the prehistoric cave paintings which were another highlight of the excursion. For us, there was a small landing point at the side of the river with some slightly sloping steps going up the bank. Getting out of an inflatable in such a location does have its minor challenges, especially if this is not something you are at all used to. We managed the process without anyone falling in the water, although there were a couple of slips/trips! The cave paintings of the Cueva del Monigote date from the Neolithic Age (from 4000 BC) into the Copper, Bronze and Iron Ages. They were only identified in 1978 by shepherds, who, it appears, did some damage by lighting fires in the cave, darkening the walls and roofs. There has been further damage since with some paintings destroyed during cleaning and others chipped off the walls by souvenir hunters. Four groups of paintings have been identified. Many are of what is known as a “schematic” form. They represent human and animal figures, but in a symbolic way and without any anatomical details. Other of the paintings are more enigmatic. Thus, there was After re-embarking, the remaining part of the journey is perhaps slightly longer that the first, with the whole trip lasting about an hour and a half and covering upwards of four kilometers. On this second part, the passage was much more impressively gorge-like. All too soon, however, we reached the end of our journey and disembarked just before a dam across the Segura River (the Presa de la Mulata). There are steps up the side of the valley to the car park, but it is worthwhile diverting en-route to see the dam itself. It was constructed in 1925 to assist in the supply of water to a nearby hydro-electric station. All of us agreed afterwards that, not having fully known what we were in for beforehand, this had been a superb way of spending a morning (or afternoon). Yes, you do need to be able to clamber into and out of the inflatable, with help if required and therefore, have a degree of flexibility, but all of us managed it quite easily. At times (not many) when all in the boat were quiet, the tranquility of the place was truly astonishing. It was “the sound of silence”! The scenery was remarkable and you will be hard pressed to see it in any other way than by such a rafting trip. Article by Clive and Rosie Palmer who have written several guide books on towns and regions in Murcia. These can be seen at, and obtained from,, or contact Clive and Rosie’s book, “Exploring Murcia, Days Out” is available to buy from the CHM/Costa Cálida Chronicle office on Camposol B, Best Wishes (who also stock other of their books including the follow-up “Exploring Murcia, More Days Out”), or phone Patti on 968 433 978. Costa Cálida Chronicle: Please tell our customers where you saw their advertisementt Page 40 Sales Contact Teresa 619 199 407 or for the Editor Contact Patti 646 005 017 email: (172512*5«),&2 In association with Costa Cálida International Radio and 6LJORXXI6/ agendas escolares • diseño gráfico • catálogo de productos • displays folletos publicitarios • carteles • calendarios • libros • papelería corporativa Pol Ind. Marimingo - C/. Campo de Cartagena, 27 - 30180 BULLAS (Murcia) Telf./Fax: 968 654 007 • Costa Cálida Chronicle: Please tell our customers where you saw their advertisement Sales Contact Teresa 619 199 407 or for the Editor Contact Patti 646 005 017 email: Page 41 Top Tips For What To Do - FOREST FIRES fire prevention manual in English for more details on the above. In light of the high risk of forest fires this season, British Consul Paul Rodwell discussed with Irene Rodríguez, Director of Emergencies for the Valencian Community, about what should be done in the event of a fire. Here are her five top tips: Nigel Winter, President of SAI Pedralba, who was recently evacuated from his home during the Pedralba fire, said of his experience: “The recent fire in Pedralba highlighted the importance of British residents looking out for each other in case of an emergency. I was very impressed by the rapid response from the Valencian fire fighters once the alarm had been raised and was very grateful to be in close contact with the team at the British Consulate.” 1. 2. 3. Do not light any fires outside when it is prohibited during the dry season. Check with your Town Hall for rules and regulations. Call 112 immediately to report a forest fire; they speak English. Do not attempt to fight a fire under any circumstances; forest fires travel at incredible speed and you could put yourself at great risk. In association with Costa Cálida International Radio and Lastest Changes In Property Taxation In The Murcia Region. Law 6/2013 of 8th July, Taxation Measures. These latest changes in property taxation that came into effect on 11th July 2013 will affect you if you are considering buying a resale/new property in Murcia, set up or amend your mortgage, or you have been involved in an inheritance process. We highly advise you to start working out your figures as you may find there is an increase on taxes to pay. Please find below the new update: Transfer and Stamp Duty Tax Transfer Tax affecting resale purchases will be 8% (before 11th July 2013 it was 7%) Example: If you buy a property valued at €100K, you will now be paying 8,000€ in taxes, where previously you would have had to pay 7,000€. 4. 5. Evacuate your home when told to do so by the Spanish authorities and do not return home until you have been advised by the relevant authorities that it is safe Read the Valencian government’s Stamp Duty Tax will now be 1.5% (before 11th July it was 1.2%) This tax mainly affects mortgages. If you are taking out a mortgage on your property or are considering amending your existing mortgage, you will be affected by this tax rise. Bear in mind that Stamp Duty Tax is paid on the mortgage liability, so called “responsabilidad hipotecaria”, which can be estimated as 1.5 times of the mortgage value. New Stamp Duty Tax of 2% for off plan purchases. If you are planning to buy an off plan property you will now have to pay a total of 12% in tax (10% IVA plus 2% Stamp Duty). Example: If you buy a property off plan valued at 100,000€, you will now be paying 12,000€ in taxes where previously you would have had to pay 10,000€. For more information in Spanish go to photo courtesy of John Crisp to 2.5% (as of 11th July). This is the case for resale purchases between companies or self-employments, when buying the property for a business activity and IVA on purchase can be deducted when submitting tax forms. Inheritance Tax Before 11th July 2013 for residents only, some local Governments such as Murcia Region, were applying a reduction of 99% on Inheritance Tax for a spouse and children older than 21. This has now been abolished and the only exception would be for inheritors *younger than 21 years old. Both fiscal and non-fiscal residents will now be taxed equally (with the exception of the above *). From now on, fiscal residents will only have a €15,956.87 allowance and inheritors younger than 21 years will have a €47,858.59 allowance, the same as nonresidents. Stamp Duty Tax has increased from 2% Income Tax This came into effect from 1st January 2013. Income Tax is a Government Tax transferred to the Autonomous Communities, where they have ruled their own tax rates, and as a result we have two different tax rates applying over this National Tax, some established by the Government and others by the Autonomous Communities. Income Tax rates will increase by 1% for earnings above €120,000. Wealth Tax This is the first time that the Autonomous Community of Murcia has introduced changes to this Law. This came into force on 1st January 2013. We advise you to obtain professional advice from a qualified professional Law Firm who can ascertain your tax liability. Costa Cálida Chronicle: Please tell our customers where you saw their advertisementt Page 42 Sales Contact Teresa 619 199 407 or for the Editor Contact Patti 646 005 017 email: In association with Costa Cálida International Radio and Costa Cálida Chronicle: Please tell our customers where you saw their advertisement Sales Contact Teresa 619 199 407 or for the Editor Contact Patti 646 005 017 email: Page 43 Letting Your Passport Expire Can Cost More Than You Think More than 6000 emergency passports were issued in Spain last year! passports issued for other reasons, 14% were because full passports had expired. Expatriates should check when their passports are due to expire and make a diary note to renew them up to nine months earlier, says Will Middleton, new Consular Regional Director for Spain. “Living overseas, it can be easy to think that you don’t need your passport or to forget to renew it. If you need to travel at short notice, getting an emergency passport is both costly - currently 116€ - and time-consuming, which can add further to what may already be a stressful situation and you will still need to renew your full passport when you get back.” In association with Costa Cálida International Radio and Christian Humanitarian Aid Charity in the Mazarron & Surrounding area Helping Anyone in Need, Irrespective of Race, Creed or Status. This is the prompting that Started our MAD Journey…. Matthew 25 v 35-36 “When I was Hungry .…, When I was Thirsty….., When I needed Clothes ……, When I was a Stranger ..…, When I ……….………….…” God fills in the missing gaps. Items needed for back to school: pens - blue, black & red; pencils - normal & colouring; felt-tip pens; scissors; rulers; One customer, who had already suffered five lost or stolen passports over the years and received a warning from the Passport Service, decided to keep the latest one safe by storing it in the freezer. Unfortunately it got wet, so he had to get yet another emergency one! Applying for a new passport is simple: download the application form and guidance notes from, complete them at home and send them off with your photographs. A new passport generally takes a minimum of four weeks from when the application is received. The number of emergency passports issued by British Consulates in Spain rose 11% last year to a total of 6005, more than a fifth (22%) of the Foreign Office world total. The increase has triggered the British Embassy to warn British expats to take care of their passports, check the expiry date and renew them in good time. In May alone this year, 493 emergency passports were issued to British nationals in Spain, including 280 as a result of theft (mainly bag theft), car break-ins, burglary and pick-pocketing. Of the 213 emergency Circumstances in which British expatriates can find themselves needing emergency passports vary from the death or serious illness of a loved one through to job opportunities put at risk - like the resident who was offered an interview in Germany only to discover his passport had expired. Others have been forced to cancel holidays of a lifetime for lack of a valid passport. Many people fear that by renewing a passport before it expires they will ‘lose out’ on validity they have paid for. In fact any remaining validity on your existing passport (up to a total of nine months) will be added to the new one. sellotape; rubbers; glue sticks; A4 notepads – squared; A4 loose paper - photocopier paper. If you have any of the above items you would like to donate, please call GO maD. Cash donations are also gratefully received, marking envelope ‘school material’ & drop it off at the GOmaD shop. Forthcoming Sewing/Craft Workshops for those unemployed. Please can GOmaD have any material, cottons, buttons, bows plus craft materials you no longer need, marking donations ‘Outreach Workshops’. Drop-off Points GOmaD Shop 634 321 161. GOmaD Van Camposol A Car Park, Tues 11am-1pm Camposol B; TJ Electricals & Cultural Centre, Fri 12.30-2pm Puerto de Mazarrón; IBEX Insurance & Costa Calida Radio Station Mazarrón Country Club & Condado de Alhama Collection of Large Items/Furniture/House Clearances please call Tony 634 007 594 Food Collection Bins Camposol B; Quick Save. Camposol A; English Butchers. Pto de Mazarron; Tea Pot. Email: Face Book: mad mazarron Costa Cálida Chronicle: Please tell our customers where you saw their advertisementt Page 44 Sales Contact Teresa 619 199 407 or for the Editor Contact Patti 646 005 017 email: In association with Costa Cálida International Radio and Costa Cálida Chronicle: Please tell our customers where you saw their advertisement Sales Contact Teresa 619 199 407 or for the Editor Contact Patti 646 005 017 email: Page 45 All Your Insurance Needs Under One Roof Whatever type of cover you are looking for, you can deal with just one reputable company for all your insurance needs. Liberty Seguros only works with experienced brokers who will be able to give you expert advice on which cover best meets your needs and budget, making sure you have the right cover, without paying too much. Liberty Seguros Car Insurance provides you with an extensive cover with breakdown assistance, because no matter how careful you have learnt to drive over the years, you cannot ensure everyone on the road is driving as safely as you are. Liberty Seguros Home Insurance. For many of us, our homes are our most valuable possessions and we need to protect them against possible damage and destruction. Liberty’s Home Insurance will also cover personal liability for accidents that occur on the property. Liberty Seguros Life Insurance gives you piece of mind knowing that for a small cost your family is well taken care of and they don’t have to alter their way of life, after you’ve gone. Liberty Seguros Pet Insurance provides veterinary assistance for accident or illness anywhere in Europe. Vets can offer treatments that were unheard of just a few years ago and prices have soared, so it is good to know your pet is covered. and personal accidents whilst playing. Liberty Seguros Accident Insurance provides cover for unexpected events and foresights, ensuring that you will be able to access medical treatment after an accident, or for those people whose family members could suffer financially if the policy holder passes away. Liberty Seguros Community Insurance is flexible to adapt to each community’s needs and covers the risks which jeopardize the habitability and comfort, which all communities must provide to their owners. Liberty Seguros Commercial Premises Insurance is a very extensive cover designed for business owners who want to have peace of mind knowing that their livelihood is protected from minor hiccups to major financial losses. Go to for the name of your nearest Liberty Seguros broker. Liberty Seguros Boat Insurance can protect your pride and joy from bow to stern when in the water, as well as during loading and unloading and during transportation by land. In association with Costa Cálida International Radio and Liberty Seguros Golf Insurance covers your equipment against breakage and damage and more importantly perhaps, is that it covers you for Third Party Liability Costa Cálida Chronicle: Please tell our customers where you saw their advertisementt Page 46 Sales Contact Teresa 619 199 407 or for the Editor Contact Patti 646 005 017 email: In association with Costa Cálida International Radio and Costa Cálida Chronicle: Please tell our customers where you saw their advertisement Sales Contact Teresa 619 199 407 or for the Editor Contact Patti 646 005 017 email: Page 47 “Alpelo” Cut It for Charity On 17th July Alpelo hairdressers in Los Belones hosted an event when haircuts, blow-dries, manicures and pedicures were done free of charge, for which a donation to HELP MMM was gratefully received. €405 was raised from the day to enable HELP MMM to continue with its good work. Many thanks to Mags and Sergio for the hairdressing and Mariposa for the manicures and pedicures. They all worked hard from 9am-8pm. It was a long and busy day. Our President, Bernard, even had his nails done, plus he got a haircut. Nobody noticed his new hairstyle because it didn’t look any different to the old one! In association with Costa Cálida International Radio and Fun On The Beach On 18th July HELP MMM, in conjunction with Caritas, held a Fun Day on the beach at Los Urrutias. Kiko and Antonio provided a giant paella. The boys preferred the supervised “fighting” in the Sumo wrestlers’ suits and penalty shooting at the rotating “Goalkeeper. The younger ones enjoyed the Bouncy Castle, while all of them queued up to throw wet sponges at the boy in the stocks. Candy floss was given as prizes for winning a game. Caritas brought along volunteers to help with the event and also provided the music. It was a fun afternoon which all the children and parents enjoyed. The “Needy” in the area will benefit from the event. HELP MMM Present Cheque To The Butterfly Children At HELP MMM’s General Meeting in Las Claras Centre held on 16th July, the President, Bernard Ash, made a presentation of €1250 to the Butterfly Children Charity. The charity helps children who have epidermolysis bullosa or butterfly skin, which is an incurable, rare and serious genetic condition affecting the skin. The skin becomes as delicate as a butterfly wing, hence the name, Butterfly Children. Severe blistering and wounds that never heal can be caused by simple touching and special bandages are required, which are very expensive. They are made of material that does not stick or pull the flesh off. They hope to open a charity shop in the Mar Menor area. They raised over €40,000 for a respite centre run by DEBRA (a Spanish Epidermolysis Bullosa Charity) in Malaga for sufferers of the condition and their families. HELP MMM’s members expressed their pleasure that they were able to make a donation to Butterfly Children. It begs a question, “How would these children cope without the charitable work?” Costa Cálida Chronicle: Please tell our customers where you saw their advertisementt Page 48 Sales Contact Teresa 619 199 407 or for the Editor Contact Patti 646 005 017 email: Faith’s book “Diary of a Heroic Horse” now available in paperback! Much has been written over the last two years about Faith, EHCRC’s now world famous three legged pony. Her story up until recently has only been available as an e-book, but now has gone to print in high colour paperback after many requests from people by telephone, email and also from the large number of visitors to the centre’s popular Sunday Open Days. A supply of books have been sent over the Atlantic to Kaye and Glen Harris, Molly’s rescuers and carers who we now regard as “I am really happy that Faith’s story is now in hard copy” says Sue. “We quite simply would not have come this far without the help and publicity from the English speaking press here on the Costa Blanca and beyond. The great group of people that work at these publications have helped us save many many equines. Their dedication to address the difficult issues and help local communities is some times taken for granted, but without them and their local knowledge I believe us expats would be far less informed.” Faith’s “Diary of a Heroic Horse” is available at just €5 at any EHCRC Charity Shop and at the EHCRC’s Sunday Open Days 1 till 5 pm. A Spanish printed edition will also be available by the end of August. “This is only possible because of the translation skills and the tremendous co-operation and help from Tatiana, Councillor for Education at Rojales Town Council who we have worked very closely with on this and other issues. Faith could not be in better hands and the Rescue Centre is very fortunate to be working with such experienced people. Gaspar and his team suggested that Faith should stay with them longer during the summer months when Faith needs more attention to make sure she is comfortable on her prosthetic leg. Sue and Rod have happily agreed with this as it will give them time to finish off Faith’s new stable and garden area. EHCRC has recently rescued two more horses and also taken in another donkey, so this makes a grand total of 57 horses, ponies and donkeys to care for, plus finding the time to complete the disabled facilities for visitors as well as the building work for Faith. very close friends. The proceeds from all books sold will be split 50/50 between the EHCRC and Molly’s foundation.” The book is also available to download on Amazon Kindle fire and will soon be available on iTunes and all other Apple devices. For more information of the Easy Horse Care Rescue Centre please go to “The inspiration for this book came from Molly the amputee pony in the United States. Molly has gone on to become a household name in the US and a symbol of hope to many children and adults who have suffered amputations. She visits patients in hospitals and care homes giving these people inspiration. We feel that Faith and Molly’s stories can do the same here in Spain and in other countries. I wrote the book mainly for the children. It explains with the aid of many photographs that just because you have a prosthetic limb or other serious dis- In association with Costa Cálida International Radio and Sue and Rod Weeding, co-founders of the EHCRC have just returned from visiting Faith at top equine surgeon Gaspar Castelijn’s new state of the art Equihealth facility in Granollers just outside Barcelona. Faith is very content and happy and is looking fabulous. She even has a new boyfriend called Empereo a magnificent Spanish stallion who has also had state of the art surgery. He was suffering from crippling arthritis caused by bone disease in the fetlock of his right front leg. This would be like your wrist, but he has to stand on his. He has had metal supports fitted into the bones on either side of the joint to enable him to walk again. At the moment he is in a plaster cast while it all heals. abilities, it really is ok to be different and anything in life is possible.” Costa Cálida Chronicle: Please tell our customers where you saw their advertisement Sales Contact Teresa 619 199 407 or for the Editor Contact Patti 646 005 017 email: Page 49 The XI Annual Antiques and Collectables Fair The IFEPA Fairs and Exhibitions Centre in Torre Pacheco, Murcia has become one of the most important commercial meeting points for business professionals in Southeastern Spain and is fast becoming one of the most popular places of interest for local residents and the many tourists who visit the Mar Menor area every year. The IFEPA Exhibitions Centre hosts a number of annual events in collaboration with various bodies, associations and organisations across a variety of sectors, as well as hosting many cultural, sporting and community activities. past, as it offers a wide selection of unique art, antiques and other collectors’ items ranging from the grand and elaborate, costing several thousand euros to more simple pieces like postcards, to meet even the smallest of budgets. In this exhibition there are charming artefacts from all eras, spanning history and filled with memories of the past. You will find decorative and practical furniture dating back many years, but also some as recent as the 60’s and 70’s. There are also soft furnishings, jewellery, ceramics, glass, bags, lamps or watches in an “Aladdin’s Cave” of delights. From 27th to 29th September the IFEPA hosts the XI Annual Antiques and Collectables Fair. This is an unmissable event for anyone with an interest in the This diversity of items attracts interior designers, collectors, professionals, enthusiasts and lovers of antiques from Southern Spain and beyond, making it one of the most visited fairs of its kind. Whether to seek a specific item, or in the hope of uncovering an unexpected treasure in amongst the thousands of square metres of exhibition space, there is something for everyone. Why not come and see for yourself? The IFEPA Exhibition Centre is located at Avenida Gerardo Molina 45. 30700 Torre Pacheco (Murcia). In association with Costa Cálida International Radio and Tel 968 336 383 or visit the website at Costa Cálida Chronicle: Please tell our customers where you saw their advertisementt Page 50 Sales Contact Teresa 619 199 407 or for the Editor Contact Patti 646 005 017 email: DFS Spain first arrived in Spain in 2003 located in San Javier 5 minutes from Murcia airport. Two years ago they moved into their current store, only 1000m away from the old store and still only 300m from Iceland. The new DFS store boasts ample car parking, not to mention baby changing facilities and a kids’ area to keep the little ones occupied whilst you browse the extensive furniture range. ally found in Spain. They is an assortment of fabric and leather designs which are available in choices of various finishes and colours. Sofas are made to measure and minor adjustments are usually at no extra charge. Many are available within just 3-4 weeks and there is free local delivery!! DFS owner Paul said “The extra windows and selling space allows for better room setting displays and has enabled us to introduce new products to our already vast range of furniture and beds. We have recently launched our High Gloss Laminate Lounge ranges as well as our stunning Designer Sofa Collection” Paul added “The sofa is usually the largest piece of furniture in the lounge and it can either be an eyesore or an attractive feature of the room. The “Designer Collection” is guaranteed to add the WOW factor to any property and at prices that won’t break the bank.” Why not visit DFS Spain today and see their broad range of quality furniture and amazing offers! You will receive good, honest advice with no pressure sales. Alternatively, for more information and testimonials from some of our very satisfied clients, visit the DFS Spain website www. DFS Spain also specialises in a wide range of beds which are designed with both the British person and Spanish climate in mind. Whilst still providing the comfort DFS Spain is open from 9.30am to 5pm Monday to Friday and 10am to 12.30 on Saturdays. Paul and the team look forward to welcoming customers old and new. In association with Costa Cálida International Radio and The “Designer Collection” is the latest addition to the DFS range. The collection has sofas with a little more style than is usu- and quality of the UK bed, DFS beds are built to survive the excessive temperatures and high humidity we experience in Spain. The most recent development in beds is the Viscolastic mattress, more commonly known as Memory Foam. Prices for these types of products have now become more reasonable, offering the buyer the ultimate comfort at a sensible price. Costa Cálida Chronicle: Please tell our customers where you saw their advertisement Sales Contact Teresa 619 199 407 or for the Editor Contact Patti 646 005 017 email: Page 51 Focus on Mar Menor The Mar Menor is a salt-water lagoon of 128km sq with a sea temperature of 5 degrees above that of the Mediterranean. This area is quite unknown to a lot of people and one of Spain’s best-kept secrets. The mineral-rich water of the Mar Menor is revered for its health-giving properties and is listed by the World Health Organisation as one of the healthiest places on earth. Over the next few months we will be featuring each of the resorts in the Mar Menor Region. If you want to advertise on this page contact Michelle for more information. Email This month’s feature is a “Focus on Los Narejos”. In association with Costa Cálida International Radio and If you have ever sat at Murcia San Javier Airport waiting to pick up friends and family and wishing that there was somewhere nearby to get a decent meal, or a drink at reasonable price, or even just have a mooch around the shops, then you haven’t discovered the hidden gem of Los Narejos. Situated off Junction 786 of the AP7, Los Narejos is a small town which sits virtually on the beach and is just a 10 minutes’ drive from the airport. I wonder how many times that like me, you have driven past it without a clue that it is there. Yes there really is somewhere to go other than Iceland!! The sandy beaches are beautifully maintained with beach bars where you can relax whilst overlooking the lagoon or the more adventurous can take advantage of the variety of watersports available. There are shower and toilet facilities and there is plenty of parking close by. The pretty promenades which link to the beaches make access very easy, particularly for those with mobility problems, but if you don’t fancy the beach, there is so much more to do in this delightful little town. Avenida Río Nalón is a modern pedestrianised boulevard less than five minutes’ walk from the beach. With a distinct cosmopolitan style, it boasts restaurants and bars with cuisine from all over the world. The First Mediterranean Gastropub is an absolute must with an exquisite menu to suit all tastes and pockets, but if shopping is your thing there are gift shops and stylish boutiques such as Legs & Co, selling a wide range of lingerie and swimwear and other retailers of ladies’ and gents’ clothing. The Los Narejos market takes place on Saturday mornings. Like many areas in the region, the population of Los Narejos is a diverse mix of residents and tourists from all over Europe, so it is not surprising that there are also many other types of businesses operating in Río Nalón. There are agents such as Miguel from Liberty Seguros who can deal with all your insurance needs, hairdressers such as INFINITI Unisex Salon, property services, computer services, car hire companies such as Mar Menor Car Hire, opticians and you can even buy garden furniture at D & G Garden Furniture. At night time the area is alive with the hustle and bustle of the bars and restaurants with live entertainment. “Above the street and below the stars” you can take dining to another level at Rosalind’s Roof Garden Restaurant. You could even make a short break of it and stay at the one of the local hotels. Throughout the summer months there are multitudes of festivals and concerts and in December there are the celebrations in honour of the Virgen de la Purisma, the Patron Saint of Los Narejos. Whatever your reason, whether it is to break up that trip to the airport or to kill some time whilst waiting for an arrival or even for a short vacation, make sure you drop by and discover all that Los Narejos has to offer. You won’t be disappointed! Costa Cálida Chronicle: Please tell our customers where you saw their advertisementt Page 52 Sales Contact Teresa 619 199 407 or for the Editor Contact Patti 646 005 017 email: In association with Costa Cálida International Radio and Costa Cálida Chronicle: Please tell our customers where you saw their advertisement Sales Contact Teresa 619 199 407 or for the Editor Contact Patti 646 005 017 email: Page 53 A “Gastro-Pub” is a popular British term coined in 1991 to describe licensed premises serving more than just the traditional “pub grub”, but if you ask Peter Baranyai, Head Chef and Owner of The FIRST Mediterranean Gastropub, he will tell you that his new restaurant is so much more than that. As the name suggests Peter’s Restaurant is the first of its kind and he describes it as “Quality fine dining at affordable prices, in a relaxed bistro style atmosphere”. bles and my Chefs even have their speciality dishes named after them; ‘Surf and Turf’ by Rudi and ‘Gabi’s Scallops’ being prime examples!” Theme nights and an international style Sunday carvery are planned for the autumn and winter months and as you might expect, some very special Hungarian delights! Just talking to Peter, it is clear that the opening of The FIRST Mediterranean Gastropub, is his dream come true and after many years in the planning, he will accept nothing less than perfection. Originally from Hungary, Peter has vast experience as a Chef in top restaurants around the world including Silversea and Princess Cruise Liners as well as a 5 Star Hotel in Dubai. He talks passionately about his love of food and his number one priority is making sure that his customers are completely happy; not only to experience the exquisite gourmet cuisine. but also to feel at home, in a casual, family- friendly environment. The FIRST Mediterranean Gastropub is located on the beautiful Avenida Río Nalón and is open from 10am daily. They have a varied breakfast, brunch and lunch menu which includes a typical English Full Breakfast, but the more adventurous might like to sample the Greek Full Breakfast or a Fritatta which is a special open faced baked omelette, not to mention the Eggs Benedict and Egg Royale! You can also try the selection of Special Breakfast Drinks from traditional tea and coffee to Lambrusco-Peach Bellini or Hangover Sparkling Lemon Gin! The evening menu includes exotic dishes such as the Gourmet Fettuccine with Lamb, In addition to the extensive food menu, The FIRST Mediterranean Gastropub, also has a large selection of over 30 different bottled and draught beers and wines, as well as a wide selection of spirits and liqueurs. Peter added “Food is prepared daily as we only use fresh ingredients. We can adapt the dishes to meet the customers’ individual tastes and requirements”. You really get the feeling that nothing is too much trouble at The FIRST Mediterranean Gastropub. The only problem you might have is being spoiled for choice! Tel 644 122 076 In association with Costa Cálida International Radio and Peter explained “I brought my family and closest friends over from Hungary to work in the restaurant and we really are one big happy family. My wife Yvette and my daughter are regularly seen waiting at ta- Peas and creamy Wild Mushrooms as well as more traditional dishes such as Grilled Chicken Breast. They also offer a set menu at 13.95€ which includes starters, main course and a choice of either dessert or coffee. A free glass of wine is also included. There is even a Special children’s menu from just 4.20€ which includes Grilled Meat and Fish as well as Hamburgers and Pasta Dishes. Costa Cálida Chronicle: Please tell our customers where you saw their advertisementt Page 54 Sales Contact Teresa 619 199 407 or for the Editor Contact Patti 646 005 017 email: There are some things we can’t change, but there are a number of straightforward changes we can make to our daily routine to boost our immunity and keep the sniffles at bay. Sleep More Sleeping seems like far too easy a solution to staving off the winter ills, but giving your body the chance to reboot is one of the most effective ways of building your energy and giving your infectionfighting cells the chance to replenish. People spend so much money on eating well and exercising regularly. but without a good night’s sleep all that effort can be in vain. Lack of sleep suppresses your immune system, making you more vulnerable to infections and metabolic and hormone changes. Keeping to a routine can sometimes help you to sleep better. Your body gets used to winding down at a certain time and waking up at roughly the same time each morning. We always say that children are better with a good routine, but it is also good for adults. Drink Less The good news is that one or two alcoholic drinks won’t cause your body too much distress, but drinking more than three on a regular basis does you no favours when you’re trying to stay cold-free. Ignore those old wives’ tales about booze beating bacteria; too much alcohol actually suppresses the body’s ability to fight bacteria and viruses. Some studies suggest that drinking wine (rather than beer or spirits) on a moderate basis can protect against the common cold, but research into whether this is beneficial is limited, so if you can’t give it up, it’s best to stick to just a couple. Wash Your Hands There’s a reason for all those signs in public toilets telling you to wash your hands. Toilets in particular carry millions of bacteria that can stay alive for up to three hours. Reducing our contact with bacteria picked up in day to day life, is hugely beneficial. The best way to do this is to simply wash your hands regularly and if you’re out and about, carry an anti-bacterial gel that will sanitise your hands without the need for water. Get Outdoors When it gets colder outside, it’s more important to stay warm; something that exercise will help with. Don’t overdo it, but if your circulation is good, you will not feel the cold as much. Exercise will not guarantee to help your immune system, but it will certainly not harm it. There are various ways that you can make the most of the outdoors. Not everyone likes to go to the gym or go to exercise classes. Maybe you are just happy walking your dog – if you don’t own a dog, maybe you could help out at a local dog charity by walking a rescue dog a couple of times a week. There are walking groups in the area that you could join to not only make the most of exercising and discovering parts of this area of Spain, but also meet different people. Many of the Town Halls organise walks to show you parts of the town that you may not have discovered. Spending time outside in the natural sunlight raises your level of Vitamin D. Studies have found that an increase in Vitamin D can help to protect you from future bone problems, heart disease, diabetes, depression and other health issues. It also helps to build your immune system so you’ll get ill less often and recover more quickly. Eat Well When the days get shorter and there’s a chill in the air, the desire for a salad seems to disappear with the rays of the sun, but eating hearty, comforting food will do no harm to the immune system, as long as it’s also rich in the nutrients we need. A healthy balanced diet should be your basic starting point to getting the right spread of vitamins and minerals, including fibre rich cereals such as wholemeal breads and breakfast cereals, fewer animal fats, and plenty of fruit and vegetables. Although you can buy multi-vitamins and supplements aimed at keeping us well, a healthy balanced diet will do the job for most people. Some supplements can actually be harmful to you and of course they can be expensive. We are always hearing about eating your ‘5 a Day’ and with all the fresh fruit and vegetables available, this should be easily achieved. the season of the lemon, the ultimate detoxifier and the vitamin C-packed kiwi fruit. Streamline Your Larder Helping your body can start in the kitchen. Empty your fridge and cupboards of processed foods and unhealthy snacks and replace them with nutritious options. Keep your fruit bowl well stocked with seasonal produce, swap sugar for honey and bin the chocolate biscuits. Try cutting down on your caffeine intake. Studies have shown that caffeine reduces mental performance and increases the risk of developing anxiety and depression, so try herbal tea for a change. Don’t cut out all your favourites as you will never stick to the new regime. Meditation Meditating even for 10 minutes a day can improve your stress levels and wellbeing. It can help to de-clutter your mind. Find a quiet place and sit cross-legged on the floor, resting your hands on your knees or thighs and close your eyes. Start paying attention to your breathing, taking long, deep breaths. Your mind will start to wander, but gently bring it back to your breath when thoughts try to take over. Just ten minutes of mindfulness and relaxation exercises a day can lower stress levels, provide mental clarity and reduce anxiety and depression, leading to a calmer, happier, healthier you. Eat Seasonably Food tastes so much better and tends to be more nutritious when it’s in season and hasn’t been flown in from thousands of miles away. In spring and summer there’s a greater variety of seasonal food available to perk up your diet, but even in the autumn and winter months, there is always a good selection of fruit and vegetables, especially here in Spain. Get your fix of greens with superfoods such as broccoli and spinach. Broccoli is packed with vitamin C, iron, folic acid, calcium and vitamin A and thought to provide resistance against heart disease, osteoporosis and diabetes. This is also In association with Costa Cálida International Radio and As we kiss goodbye to the summer it’s not just the chill in the air that we’re preparing for, but the annual onslaught of the common cold and flu. It’s still unknown why we’re more susceptible to falling ill in autumn and winter. Some studies suggest it’s because we spend more time indoors where germs have a better chance of spreading between bodies, especially when windows are shut and the heating is put on. Costa Cálida Chronicle: Please tell our customers where you saw their advertisement Sales Contact Teresa 619 199 407 or for the Editor Contact Patti 646 005 017 email: Page 55 ARE YOUR TAX AFFAIRS IN ORDER? After six years and having helped over 800 clients to put their tax affairs in order, UK Tax Refund have been surprised by the amount of errors and mistakes found in many of the Spanish Tax Returns brought to us by clients coming to see us for the first time. To begin with, it is important to differentiate between Public income and Private income. The documents produced by UK Authorities are not always understood by Non-British Advisors. This can be a reason why Spanish Income Tax Returns are submitted with errors resulting in the payment of more or less tax and as in the UK, in Spain this can result to fines when the Tax Office finally discover the errors. UK Tax Refund has rectified many Spanish Tax Returns, brought to us by new clients on their initial visit to our office and have obtained Tax Refunds for incorrectly paid tax to the Spanish Tax Office. This is In association with Costa Cálida International Radio and Writing this in mid-August it is VERY hot and it seems the 47 million Spanish population has come to Puerto de Mazarrón ! Well at least half of them! The heat does affect our day to day living and we really should learn from those who have lived here for centuries. Siesta in the afternoon and “live” from midnight, but it’s just not in our Brit culture. How I love to listen to the Brits saying “tut tut that four year old should be tucked up in bed at this time 1am!” This nation is of a different culture from us. By the time you read this in September the heat will have reduced a little and the coastal towns will have returned to their 10 month ways. TV NEWS The big issue and the enormous rumour devices of the internet and “bars” fuelled by the rogue advertisements in every publication and email is that we will all lose our UK TV by satellite soon. There is NO factual basis for these rumours, just lots of speculation. There will be a new satellite transmitting our BBC, ITV and some 4’s. The other 4’s and 5’s and SKY have moved and it MAY affect our view- not easy to achieve, as you can imagine with the amount of documents that are normally required by the Spanish Tax Office and more so when requesting a Tax Refund. On the other hand, when completing the Spanish Tax Return, it is also important to declare correctly other forms of income like Interest or Dividends deriving from the UK. Here we have also seen a variety of errors. The Spanish Tax Office controls are intensifying and giving your tax affairs impeccable treatment, both in Spain and in the UK will give you reassurance and peace of mind. The Declaration of World Wide Assets (Modelo720), which you may have completed earlier this year, is another measure taken by the Spanish Tax Office to gain an insight into financial movements and to ensure Income Tax Returns are presented ing, but there is no certainty in any of the rumours you have heard. Don’t spend vast sums increasing your dish size or swapping systems (neither of which may work after change over) as that salesman will try to talk you into. Just wait until the facts are known. Yes, you may miss a week or two of some TV, but you will not have wasted your money. We have had lots of callouts from clients losing picture and generally asking if it is the satellite change over, but it turns out to be no more than an insect nesting in the LNB on the dish! Easy to resolve, but care MUST be taken not to damage the LNB – easy if you don’t know what you are doing. It really can be cheaper to call us out than buy a new LNB! On the subject of charges, we at Rainbow Satellites have had to review our policy. In the “good days” of 6+ installations a week, we often used to make “quick” service calls to clients at no charge, but we cannot do that in these “crisis” days when the bigger money-paying jobs are few and far between. In future we MUST make a minimum charge of 25€ to existing clients and 35€ to new clients. This charge will cover many quick service calls such as insect removal (!) and we will always tell you if the charge is to be more. We have to make this policy if we are going to survive and be here in the future to service/install your TV systems. correctly. Experience shows us that many clients consulting with us for the first time are paying too much tax in the UK. UK Tax Refund is able to complete the necessary process, allowing you finally to be in order with HMRC and will make sure that any tax overpaid during the last 4 years is refunded to you. Tax is a complex subject, but having the advice of a professional who is an AGENT for HMRC can give you valuable peace of mind, knowing that in both Spain and the UK, you are paying your taxes correctly, which is always the best way. For more information and to see how you can benefit from the services offered by UK Tax Refund please give us a call on 965 636 938 or email plugging them into your internet router and then wondering why most UK-based net services do not work. It’s because the service provider “sees” that you are in Spain and for various reasons – do we live in the EEC common “free” market or not? – will block the download to the “SMART” TV. As ever there are ways around this and we now have a supply of routers that will give you a UK IP address. These have to be purchased and also have a reasonable yearly fee, but it will allow you to use you new “SMART” TV. The success of these downloads will depend on the “quality and speed” of your internet. The new router in itself will take 10% of your bandwidth! They will not work with “shared” IP address systems. There are so many possible problems so we have a one week return policy so that you can try it before final commitment. Ask for more details. This article is sponsored by Rainbow Satellites the company for ALL your TV needs in the region of MURCIA. Contact Alan or Matt for free friendly advise at or call (0034) 686 358 475. Our website has plenty of basic information on TV in Spain. Lots of you are buying “SMART” TV’s and digiboxes and Costa Cálida Chronicle: Please tell our customers where you saw their advertisementt Page 56 Sales Contact Teresa 619 199 407 or for the Editor Contact Patti 646 005 017 email: In association with Costa Cálida International Radio and Costa Cálida Chronicle: Please tell our customers where you saw their advertisement Sales Contact Teresa 619 199 407 or for the Editor Contact Patti 646 005 017 email: Page 57 On a recent trip to the sales at the Thader Center in Murcia with the kids, we were hoping to return to the Mexican buffet for lunch and were a little disappointed to see that it had closed since our last visit, although it was over a year ago! Faced with the dilemma of where to quickly feed two starving children, the menu outside Pasta City caught my eye. Menu del Día was just 8.50€ per head and looked appetising enough, so in we went. The restau- rant is bright and modern and the waiter was straight over with the menus. I opted for the Express Menu at 5.50€, which gives a main course and drink only, but the kids went the whole way with the set menu of the day. Boy did I choose wrong! Although my pork and potatoes was delicious, the Menu del Día proved to be such great value that I was more than a little envious of my offspring. Cameron had Foccacia with Mozzarella with tomato to start, followed by Pasta Carbonara and Tiramisu. Alex had Bolognese to start, followed by an enormous pizza and cheesecake. Mum had a taste of everything, purely in the interests of research of course! Everything was tasty, but the thin and crispy pizza was one of the best we have had and was so big we had to ask for half to take home. The bill for the three of us was 22.50€, but even three full menus would only come in at a little over 25€ and was excellent value. Definitely one for a repeat visit; ideal for those with a good appetite and hungry kids! Rating: (out of 5) Quality Service Value for Money Location : : : : The Beacon of Light Centre re-opens on September 4th after a break during August. Our early healing sessions start at 5.30pm and we are looking forward to starting the course on training new healers commencing in October. For information please phone 620 877 326. In association with Costa Cálida International Radio and Our meetings are every Wednesday from 7pm with weekly guest mediums. The meetings usually finish at approximately 8.30pm. As always the evenings end with a friendly chat and a cup of tea and biscuits. All our meetings are funded by donations given during the evening. September Meetings Wednesday 4th with Robert McLernon Wednesday 11th with Jimmy McArthur. Bring a flower Wednesday 18th with Debbie Blevins Wednesday 25th with Oscar Villegas Thursday 26th Oscar Villegas Evening of Clairvoyance at Condado de Alhama (doors close at 7.45pm) Tickets 5€ Friday 27th Oscar Villegas for private readings For further information please phone 620 877 326 Email or join us on Facebook Beacon of Light Murcia Costa Cálida Chronicle: Please tell our customers where you saw their advertisementt Page 58 Sales Contact Teresa 619 199 407 or for the Editor Contact Patti 646 005 017 email: It Happens To All Of Us Mahatma Gandhi said, “You don’t know who is important to you until you lose them.” In the few hours or days following a death, most people feel stunned, followed by a sense of emotional numbness. There are often feelings of anger that not enough was done, guilt about what they would like to have said or done. for their dedication and pastoring of the church. This was followed by a cold buffet enjoyed by all. Join us at the Culture Centre, Camposol B at 10.30am each Sunday. Contact Tel 618 720 181 “Don’t panic. I’m with you. There’s no need to fear for I’m your God. I’ll give you strength. I’ll help you. I’ll hold you steady, keep a firm grip on you.” Isaiah 41:10 [The Message Bible] On Sunday 11th August we celebrated the tenth anniversary of the founding of Olive Branch Christian Fellowship, serving the people of Camposol and surrounding areas. A presentation was made, honouring Pastors Ralph and Margaret Locke In association with Costa Cálida International Radio and Bereavement is a special kind of agony impossible to convey. When personal loss means loss of a person, nothing can hurt more. It can happen to a family. It can happen in fact to a nation. No matter what you are going through we believe that the solution to any problem is found in and through Jesus Christ. Jesus said “I am the Resurrection and the Life”. Everything to do with resurrection is wrapped up in Jesus. If you have Jesus Christ you are in the Resurrection. If you die when you are already dead in sins, you stay dead in sins. If you die when you are alive in Christ, you stay alive in Christ. These are the alternatives. Costa Cálida Chronicle: Please tell our customers where you saw their advertisement Sales Contact Teresa 619 199 407 or for the Editor Contact Patti 646 005 017 email: Page 59 Quiz questions on the August 2013 Costa Cálida Chronicle 1. 2. 3. Where would you have found the WILDCATS Tribute Band? 4. Who showed you how to make a dirty banana shake? 5. Who is Author of the month? 6. Who becomes the new British Ambassador to Spain in October? Who installing the world’s leading Doulton water filter system? In association with Costa Cálida International Radio and 7. Who claims to have A beautiful peaceful location, A place in paradise? 8. Who is offering to let you ‘park and lay’ for the day? 9. What is the herb of the month? 10. Who claims we (they) must be mad? Who held Belgium nights ACROSS 1 5 9 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 21 Answers on page 94 during August? 23 24 25 29 30 32 33 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 Russian ruler Barrow False bible god Rolled chocolate candy brand Margarine Lover’s meeting Except Cuts off “in the bud” Exert Watch Move through the water Candy bar brand kat Billion years Guarantee Whichever Quick drink Sister for short Mock attack Present Popular Scold Snitch Allot Possessive pronoun “when it __ it pours” Norwegian Ball holder One Lavatory 47 Timely (2 wds.) 49 __ Rummy (card game) 50 Fire remains 53 Treaty organization 55 Hard rubber 57 Old show 60 Action word 62 Afloat 63 Nail filing board 64 Navy’s rival 65 Sledge 66 Be mad 67 Fewer 68 Visionary DOWN 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 15 Thief The living dead List of highly desired guests Memorization Escort Unnaturalized Representative Fling Cup edges Sailor’s yes Sign language Type of partnership Sharp pain 20 Engage 22 Determines how heavy 26 Seat finder 27 What a mob does 28 Sugar-free brand 29 Picnic visitor 30 Merciless 31 Western Athletic Conferences 33 ___-Lay, chip brand 34 Dine 35 Set in 36 Mold 39 Impressionist painter 40 Cow sound 42 Gypsy 43 Taboo 46 Canned meat brand 48 Accustom 49 Cooties 50 Passageway 51 Direct oneself 52 Exciting 54 Egg-shaped 56 Rocket builders 57 Umpire 58 Flightless bird 59 Rock group 61 Bard’s before Costa Cálida Chronicle: Please tell our customers where you saw their advertisementt Page 60 Sales Contact Teresa 619 199 407 or for the Editor Contact Patti 646 005 017 email: Nina was thrown from a white Porsche and the people drove off leaving her behind. She is around 8 months old and had kittens recently as she still has milk. Nina is very friendly and will make a lovely lap cat. Call 645 469 253 Maisie is approx 9 weeks old and was found in the Campo. She is now in a foster home and is she is good with other cats and dogs. Call 645 469 253 In association with Costa Cálida International Radio and Cookie was found with 2 other dogs in the campo and had grass seeds that had worked their way under her skin. After a course of antibiotics she is now fully recovered. She is around 15 months old and has a lovely sweet nature. Call 645 469 253 Lestat is a 6 year old Boxer who loves chasing balls and gets on with all other dogs and cats. He desperately needs a family that will take him on walks and will play with him and his ball. Call 645 469 253 To view more animals for adoption go to To advertise an animal for adoption email Costa Cálida Chronicle: Please tell our customers where you saw their advertisement Sales Contact Teresa 619 199 407 or for the Editor Contact Patti 646 005 017 email: Page 61 I thought summer was supposed to be relaxing - hardly so this month with another 3 equines arriving plus the usual ‘dumped dogs’, but at least we had a couple of adoptions! Little Lucy, who came from the killing station at Murcia, has now gone to her forever home with Norma on Camposol D, and two GSD pups that were left outside the gate have also been homed, thanks to Tony & Michelle from Fuente Alamo! Poppet was also homed thanks to Judy and Simon from Camposol D. Unfortunately there are still more coming in to us than are going out and we are at full capacity now so can’t take anymore dogs until we have homed some. The horses that came from the killing station are doing well and Carlos (a 25 year old castrated male) is now ready for his forever home. He is looking for a relaxing life now after having been worked almost to death, so no riding or pulling carts for this one!! Please contact Andrea on 690 906 565 for adoptions or voluntary work, or if you have any large items that you would like to donate to us. We also had a hedgehog brought in this month, but he/she (LOL) is now in a forever home with some companions! We still have many dogs for adoption: Casper, Yin & Yang, Domino, Baza, Lou, Pedro, Mr Freckles, to name but a few!! For more info, check out our facebook site. Thank you to everyone who has supported us, whether that be by donating, sharing, adopting or otherwise helping out!! We couldn’t do it without you. We are still looking for volunteers for both of the shops. It’s only 4 hours a week (more if you want) and is very easy! Plus coffee/ tea and maybe even a cake will be supplied…tempting huh! In association with Costa Cálida International Radio and We have a couple of beautiful donkeys up for adoption this month, Antonio from Murcia killing station and Mateo who has been with us a while. They will need somewhere to run, a proper shelter with roof and sides and preferably a friend! If you are interested in adopting one of our gorgeous donkeys, please contact Andrea - details below. Donations as always gratefully accepted, both in the shop in Fuente Alamo and via PayPal to Also please join us on Facebook at pages/Andreas-Animal-Rescue-TheHenrietta-Foundation/ Thanks for reading! Andrea Costa Cálida Chronicle: Please tell our customers where you saw their advertisementt Page 62 Sales Contact Teresa 619 199 407 or for the Editor Contact Patti 646 005 017 email: St Nicholas Ecumenical Church Calle Sobrija 2248 Sector D20 Camposol By Rev Len Eaton MBE It has been a very quiet month at St Nicholas Ecumenical Church, but it has been lovely to welcome new visitors as well as old friends, who are here on holiday. Many people from our congregation are themselves away on holiday, recharging their batteries for the busy Autumn period. Since my last report we have had a couple renew their wedding vows and an adult baptism, which were both joyful occasions. All services take place at Calle Sobrija 2248, D20 Camposol, where a warm welcome awaits you. Services offered by the Church are Wedding Blessings, Holy Baptism, Confirmation and Funerals. We have a Pastoral Service throughout the year; people who listen, talk and are there to help anyone who is sick or in need. The Pastoral care is absolutely confidential. For any of the Church Services offered, or other information, please call; Rev Len Eaton 968 138 952 Rev Deacon Maureen Kent 636 099 679 Rev Deacon Bill Coyle 634 143 260 Rev Bro Konrad 679 927 268 In association with Costa Cálida International Radio and Services for September Sunday 1st Holy Communion 10.30am Sunday 8th Songs of Praise10.30am Sunday 15th Morning Prayer 10.30am Sunday 22nd Holy Communion 10.30am Sunday 29th Harvest Festival 10.30am Costa Cálida Chronicle: Please tell our customers where you saw their advertisement Sales Contact Teresa 619 199 407 or for the Editor Contact Patti 646 005 017 email: Page 63 Hello everyone, Nathan here again and this month I am here to tell you about our cousin and his son’s holiday and what we did for 2 weeks. We entertained Harry aged 5 which wasn’t too bad. He mainly wanted to swim, but they arrived at about half past 10 at night so he couldn’t swim that first night, but we played on the Wii and he had pizza then he went to bed because it was about midnight. The following day, Dan and Harry woke up early and Harry went in the pool and we all just relaxed and I think Dan and Harry went with Shannon, Connor and I down to the pub in our village. On day 3 we went bowling, which Harry was really excited about. After bowling we had a meal at home and Harry went to bed. We went to the beach once during the first week, but mostly stayed at home swimming in the pool, which was just what Dan wanted to do anyway. In association with Costa Cálida International Radio and The second week Dan’s sister Clare joined us and we went out for meals and we even went We also had a lot of ice cream, but we had to spell i.c.e.c.r.e.a.m instead of actually saying the words, otherwise Harry would start pestering for one. We went down to the pub a lot with Clare and Dan, but Mum and Dad only came once. We also went up for a curry at our friend’s house which Harry loved and he ate 3 ice creams that day. On the last day we took them to Cartagena beach where Dan bought Harry a football strip, which he had been looking for every day, so he just made it! We had a meal on the beach at the Spanish restaurant there; it was excellent. There is a lot to see at Cartagena beach. on a boat trip in Mazarrón, which we hadn’t done before, but it was really good. After the boat trip we had another meal out. We went to that place in Puerto de Mazarrón, just by the steps as you go towards the boats - you must know which one I mean. It was so good that we went a couple of times. Brilliant Pizzas! If you haven’t been, you should try it! Making A Hash Of Mash Following a power surge in our street, we were without the hob for a while and had to resort to alternative cooking methods for a few weeks. The bonus of an outdoor kitchen soon became obvious, as we used the paella pan for steaks, sausages and even a full English breakfast one morning, but some things proved impossible and for the first time in many years I resorted to instant mash, much to the kids’ dismay. I seem to remember it being really simple to make, but even better, the instructions on this pack are helpfully translated into English. potatoes in rain form, waving energetically until they remain totally incorporated in the liquid. (Don’t have a fire in my kitchen and not sure if my potatoes are in “rain form”, but feel a bit silly waving the packet energetically round the room.) Preparation for 1 bag for 4 persons to the fire. Step 1. Put in a ladle of milk and water, pinch of salt and warm it. OK, not great, but I think I follow that. Luckily the Spanish instructions make sense and I blame the manufacturer’s eagerness to “autotranslate” online, which 9 times out of 10 gives you gibberish. Step 2. Take out from fire and spill the mashed At least after all that waving and integrating, The last few nights after Clare left, Harry stayed up late and watched TV and played the Wii which he loved. I think Dan and Harry had a good holiday. We certainly enjoyed them being with us. Dan did say he was looking forward to English weather though. I am sure they will come back next year and by then Harry will be 6. the potatoes did taste pretty good! Step 3. Let it rest for a few minutes. Good, I need a rest after all that energetic waving. Step 4. Add a spoonful of butter and remove it until it remains integrated. (Not sure how my butter will integrate if I remove it, but will give it a try!) Liz Edmiston OwnersAway Property Rentals & Management Tel 691 977 107 Costa Cálida Chronicle: Please tell our customers where you saw their advertisementt Page 64 Sales Contact Teresa 619 199 407 or for the Editor Contact Patti 646 005 017 email: Chaos, complete Chaos! Defined as disorder and confusion. Looking around, this is very often exactly what we see; Egypt, Iraq and Syria to name a few. The world economy, politicians and financial leaders re-elected even with their arrest or court dates pending! Sportsmen paid obscene fortunes while normal families are struggling to make ends meet. Plenty more examples of disorder but no space. In science Entropy is a measure of chaos in calculations. At university I spent hours doing Tds equations to try and make some sense out of the need to account for energy and work in the world. They were tedious equations I can tell you! One of the laws of science is that the Entropy or Chaos in the universe increases with every event or reaction. The fact that the natural world is so ordered seems to me to be a clear sign that it has been arranged that way. Left to itself, more chaos would have followed chaos and the disorder would have been compounded. The Bible backs this up in many places and it is about time we started looking for the Truth instead of believing an impossible series of coincidences which are against the laws of anyone’s science and have no foundation in facts. All of science consistently shows design as an essential factor and this, I believe, is obvious to anyone with an open mind. Believe what you like; for me it just makes sense to believe in God who says “For the LORD is God, and he created the heavens and the earth and put everything in place.” He made the world to be lived in, not to be a place of empty chaos. “I am the LORD,” he says “and there is no other…” Isaiah 45v 18.By Order – God. In association with Costa Cálida International Radio and You are invited to come and join us for any of our events in September: Saturday 7th Dave Scott-Morgan (formerly a member of ELO) in Concert @ Los Almagros 7pm Sunday 8th Meeting @ Cultural Centre, Camposol B with Dave Scott-Morgan 5.30pm Monday 9th – Thursday 12th Camp Out Seminar @ Los Almagros with Dave ScottMorgan Wednesday 18th Barrington in Concert @ Los Almagros 7pm Sunday 22nd Meeting @ Cultural Centre, Camposol B 5.30pm Sunday 29th Meeting @ Cultural Centre Camposol B with Communion 5.30pm Further details and other planned events go to If you would like to be informed of our events and be added to our mailing list please email opendoorgettogether@ Los Almagros, Fuente Alamo, 30320, Murcia. GPS: 37”45’ 57.77’ North. 1” 15’ 56.95’ West Phone Ken 646 705 403 or Carol 655 141 721 Costa Cálida Chronicle: Please tell our customers where you saw their advertisement Sales Contact Teresa 619 199 407 or for the Editor Contact Patti 646 005 017 email: Page 65 Mass in English is celebrated every Saturday at the Catholic chapel at Pastrana, approximately 10km from Mazarrón Schedule of Masses: Saturday at 4:30pm Schedule of Confession: Saturday from 3:30-4:25pm also on request Fr. Carlos Prats 628 824 555 Fr. Octavio Carpena 676 219 445 Trust In God Trust is the expectation of a promise kept. It is one of the highest qualities in man, in as much as it is an essential condition of hope. “Mercy shall encompass him that hopeth in the Lord” (Ps 31,10). “I will be glad and rejoice in thy mercy. For….thou has saved my soul out of distress” (Ps 30, 8)” Christ, even more insistently, calls on men to trust. “Have good heart; it is I, do not fear” (Mark 6, 50), He cried out to His terrified Apostles. When Peter was drown- In association with Costa Cálida International Radio and Cinnamon - canela - is a spice obtained from the inner bark of several trees from the genus Cinnamomum that is used in both sweet and savoury foods. Cinnamon is the name for perhaps a dozen species of trees and the commercial spice products that some of them produce. Only a few of them are grown commercially for spice. This ancient spice was imported from Egypt from as early as 2000 BC and was highly prized in ancient times being regarded as a gift fit for monarchs and gods. Sri Lanka produces up to 90% of the world’s supply of Cinnamon Verum, although it is also cultivated on a commercial ing, He held out His hand to him, with the words, “O thou of little faith, why didst thou doubt” (Matt 14, 31). We should note especially the last sentence of Our Lord’s farewell discourse at the Last Supper “In the world you shall have distress; but have confidence, I have overcome the world” (John 16, 33). We do not need to be told that the world is full of suffering, for our own feet are often torn by the thorns along the path. If we are to be able to bear these sufferings, we must trust in God’s help. Here we must have great trust in the help of the redeemer, who said:”Without me you can do nothing” (John 15, 5). that do not trust in His help. The Bible says: “Blessed is the man that trusteth in the Lord and the Lord shall be his confidence. The fruit of trust are many. Above all we give great honour to God by trusting Him and hoping for that mercy which, if we will only ask Him for it, He is always ready to give us. In much the same way, the graces of God’s mercy cannot penetrate the souls Trust in God gives us courage and strength to overcome even the greatest difficulties. Trust is a shield which protects us from the dangers of the world. Trust in God ensures inner peace which the world cannot give us. scale in the Seychelles and Madagascar. The Sri Lankan Cinnamon has a very thin, smooth bark with a light-yellowish brown colour and a highly fragrant aroma. Much of the more common variety of Cinnamon, up to 25,000 tons, is produced in Indonesia, China, India and Vietnam. the characteristic odour of Cinnamon and a very hot aromatic taste. The Cinnamon tree is harvested after about two years and then the tree is coppiced resulting in shoots appearing from the roots. The branches harvested this way are processed by scraping off the outer bark, then beating the branch evenly with a hammer to loosen the inner bark. The inner bark is then pried out in long rolls. Only 0.5 mm of the inner bark is used. The outer, woody portion is discarded, leaving metre-long Cinnamon strips that curl into rolls or quills on drying. Once dry, the Cinnamon bark is cut into 5-10cm lengths and must be processed immediately after harvesting while it is still wet. Once processed, the bark will dry completely in 4-6 hours, provided it is in a well-ventilated and relatively warm environment. A less than ideal drying environment encourages the proliferation of pests in the bark, which may then require treatment by fumigation. Bark treated this way is not considered to be of the same premium quality as untreated bark. The flavour of Cinnamon is due to an aromatic essential oil that makes up 0.5% to 1% of its composition. This essential oil is prepared by roughly pounding the bark, macerating it in sea water and then quickly distilling it. The Cinnamon essential oil is a goldenyellow colour, with Cinnamon bark is widely used as a spice in cookery as a condiment and as flavouring. It is used in the preparation of chocolate, especially in Mexico, which is the main importer of Cinnamon. It is also used in many dessert recipes, such as apple pies, doughnuts, and Cinnamon buns as well as spicy sweets, tea, hot cocoa, and liqueurs. In the Middle East, it is often used in savoury dishes of chicken and lamb. Cinnamon can also be used in pickling and Cinnamon powder has long been an important spice used in a variety of thick soups and drinks. It is often mixed with rosewater or other spices to make a Cinnamon-based curry powder for stews or just sprinkled on sweet treats. Cinnamon leaf oil has been found to be very effective in killing mosquito larvae and as a warm and dry substance, was believed by doctors in ancient times to cure snakebites, freckles, the common cold and kidney troubles, among other ailments. Cinnamon is used in traditional medicine and several studies have tested chemicals extracted from Cinnamon for various possible medicinal effects such as Type 2 Diabetes and Alzheimer’s. Costa Cálida Chronicle: Please tell our customers where you saw their advertisementt Page 66 Sales Contact Teresa 619 199 407 or for the Editor Contact Patti 646 005 017 email: A Parent’s Tough Love No-one ever said that being a parent is easy. There may be many parenting books, e-books and internet websites offering a plethora of advice, but nothing can prepare you for “real life” family situations. When there is love involved, it can be an emotional minefield and it is often not easy to know whether you are making the right decision. At times like this, you have to trust your instincts and intuition as a parent and just know that whatever you decide, it will be in the best interest of your family and yourself. Sometimes, not everyone will appreciate your decision, especially if it is not in their favour, but time is a great healer and in time they will have to accept your point of view. Dear Jayney, There comes a time in our lives as parents when we have to let our children fend for themselves and learn to be independent. It does not mean that you have to abandon them, but you can still provide a supportive family life from afar. However, living in fear that they will fail, is not helping the situation and is in fact, enabling them to be more entrenched in this emotional situation. You and your husband have earned the right to enjoy your retirement. Have an honest discussion with your children and give them a choice – either look for somewhere else to live (they could rent a flat together), or insist that they start paying you rent and meet the costs of their living expenses if they want to remain in the family home. Either way, everyone can move forward with their respective lives without upsetting the apple cart. I believe that a family that decides together stays together. Jennifer Dear Jennifer, Should I moan about this loan? My son was made redundant in the UK recently and he approached me for a substan- tive loan recently to cover his mortgage arrears. I agreed and we signed a written contract to ensure that he will make regular repayments. Please don’t judge me for being strict about the repayments, but I am a pensioner and need to meet mortgage payments for my home in Spain as well. Immediately after the funds cleared in their bank account, I heard from friends in the UK that they have been on a family holiday to Paris Disneyland and bought new furniture. It makes me wonder exactly what else they’re wasting my money on when the loan was supposed to be used to get them out of financial ruin in the first place! Should I say something to them? Barbara. Dear Barbara, I know how this situation can be infuriating, but it is a sensitive matter and it is best to leave them to it. Your friends may mean well, but frankly what your son does with the money is none of their business. What is more important, if I can be blunt, is that your son keeps to the contract and ensures that repayments are met on time as agreed. As long as he keeps to his side of the bargain, then there is not much that you can say. However, if he starts to default then you have every right to take whatever action you see fit. Jennifer Send your problems to Jennifer is a qualified Life coach and Emotional Wellness Coach. In association with Costa Cálida International Radio and Dear Jennifer, Our kids won’t leave the nest! We have two adult children, who we love very much and have made numerous sacrifices to raise and educate them over the years. We are proud of their achievements and both have good jobs in London. The problem is that neither wants to leave home and keep making excuses about being unable to afford a home of their own. My husband and I have decided that it is time for us to enjoy our wellearned retirement and want to make Spain our permanent home. However, we cannot bring ourselves to turf out our kids, despite the fact that they still expect us to pay for their mobile phone bills, their car insurance and food bills without contributing any monies towards household expenses. It is draining us financially. We are afraid they won’t be able to handle the “real world”, but aren’t we entitled to live a little ourselves? Jayney Costa Cálida Chronicle: Please tell our customers where you saw their advertisement Sales Contact Teresa 619 199 407 or for the Editor Contact Patti 646 005 017 email: Page 67 Katherine John Having been given a Kindle for my birthday I thought I would try out some new authors from the free selection on Amazon. This is a good way to get to know different writers before buying books. The one that looked my sort of book was written by Katherine John, a crime writer. Katherine John is a pen name of the author Catrin Collier. She was born and brought up in Pontypridd and worked for a while in Europe and America before returning to her native Wales. She now lives on the Gower Peninsula near Swansea, with her family. Without Trace - 1990 This is Katherine John’s first novel and it involves a detective named Trevor Joseph. In the chilly half-light of dawn, a bizarre Pierrot figure waits in the shadows of a deserted stretch of motorway. The costumed hitchhiker’s victim was a passing motorist. The murder was cold-blooded and brutal and seemingly without motive. The story progresses, involving various doctors at the local hospital, including Tim and Daisy Sherringham who appear to be the perfect couple. Tim disappears early one morning and Daisy is plunged into a nightmare of terror and doubt. For a first novel, this book was gripping from the start and I am looking forward to more intrigue from further novels by this talented author. Murder of a Dead Man – 1994 The third novel by Katherine John involving Trevor Joseph. Sergeant Trevor Joseph has started a promising new life with Lyn Sullivan. But their developing relationship begins to disintegrate when a vagrant’s gruesome murder pulls Joseph away from home and onto Jubilee Street - the skid row of a small English seaside town. When Joseph and his colleagues report to the crime scene, they find only an unrecognizable body, an empty bottle of whiskey, and the lingering scent of gasoline. With little evidence to guide it, the investigation becomes even more complicated when the victim is identified as a young lawyer who actually died two years earlier. Sergeant Joseph, enlisting the help of an old love, deciphers the connection between the body found on Jubilee Street and the dead attorney, but not before several more homeless are killed and a member of Joseph’s investigation team confronts a ghost from the past. In association with Costa Cálida International Radio and A Well Deserved Murder – 2008 Another Trevor Joseph novel including Sergeant Peter Collins. There have always been neighbours from hell and some deserved to die! Most people stop short of this heinous crime, but when Peter Collins looks at Kacy Howell’s axe-battered corpse, he has to ask himself if his cousin Alan had committed the crime. Alan had experienced various mysteries including his plants and building materials disappearing overnight. It is suggested that he put up CCTV, but Alan has other ideas. Trevor Joseph and Peter Collins find themselves wanting to look beyond the obvious suspect for the murder, which Kacy’s neighbours have already christened ‘justifiable homicide’. So far, there are 7 novels involving Trevor Joseph, the last one coming out in 2010. Costa Cálida Chronicle: Please tell our customers where you saw their advertisementt Page 68 Sales Contact Teresa 619 199 407 or for the Editor Contact Patti 646 005 017 email: Ken Sherwood is a familiar name in the Mazarrón and surrounding area. With over 40 years’ experience in the motor trade, he has seen his business go from strength to strength since moving from the UK. Originally operating from a small workshop in Los Paganes, Ken Sherwood’s then moved to larger premises in La Pinilla where he has remained for the last 6 years. On 1st August he relocated once again and it was almost exactly 10 years to the day since he first launched his motor vehicle repair and service business here in Spain. The new premises are located on the same road as the old garage, just 5km further along the road between La Pinilla and Cuevas de Reyllo on the right hand side. It is a large modern construction with new signage which you really can’t miss. The premises are twice as big as the previous property, with space in the workshop for up to 15 cars and a separate office and spacious waiting area where you will find Ken’s wife Lindsey running all the administration and customer services. The extra space also allows Ken to accommodate larger vehicles such as boats and camper vans and the new equipment means that he can increase the range of services offered. Ably assisted by mechanic, Dave Belcher, Ken Sherwood carries out all types of vehicle maintenance, repairs and servicing including diagnostics and small body work. He also carries out pre-ITV inspections for just 12.50€ and will even take your vehicle for the test for 40€. Lindsey said “Ken Sherwood’s is a family run business based on honesty and integrity. We have almost 2000 customers, most of whom return to us year after year. We will even collect vehicles for customers who live between the UK and Spain and have their vehicle ready, legal and roadworthy for when they arrive. We will always try to repair parts if we can as they can be very expensive in Spain and we specialise in alternator and starter motor repairs”. Lindsey also explained about the new “Advance Booking Scheme” which can significantly reduce the customer’s bill for non-urgent repairs and services. With a minimum of 3 weeks’ notice, Lindsey scours the internet for vehicle parts and spares to ensure the best value for money and arranges the delivery. In association with Costa Cálida International Radio and At the official opening of the Ken Sherwood garage on Friday 9th August, Ken & Lindsey handed out Discount Cards which are valid until August 2014 and entitle the holder to 10% off the normal price of a Full Service. There are still a few left so why not go down and pick one up and see what other new services Ken Sherwood British Mechanic has to offer! Tel 679 646 859 Costa Cálida Chronicle: Please tell our customers where you saw their advertisement Sales Contact Teresa 619 199 407 or for the Editor Contact Patti 646 005 017 email: Page 69 We all live in Hope. Hope for a better year than last year; that our health would be better in the future; that our loved ones will be safe and secure; that we will manage to survive through this world financial crisis…. the list goes on and on. It’s only natural to want a better life; a life free from worries and concerns, but very few of us manage to sail through life without a care in the world. Somehow, life has a habit of tripping us up just when we think that it cannot get any worse… BANG, here we go again. I’m sure that all of you who are reading this article can right now, bring to mind a family, friends, or a situation, that causes you concern. Maybe it is too close to home, and it is you or your family that are struggling through difficult situations and there seems to be no way out. The Province of Murcia has gone through many years of struggle and at the moment things do not seem to be getting any better. In fact for some, the situation is desperate and as a church, functioning in the area, we are aware of and involved in, there are some Can we help you and your pet? Have you provided a home for an animal from a rescue centre or shelter for a stray dog or cat? Don’t struggle to pay those vet’s bills on your own. We are here to help you. We can provide financial assistance towards the cost of spaying or castrating your new pet and also with those unexpected vet bills, if funds are available. In association with Costa Cálida International Radio and Please contact us on 666 186 037 or call at the shop Email To do this we need your donations and would be grateful for any items such as clothes, bric-a-brac, cds/dvds and electri- very difficult situations. A lot of people are at the moment pinning all their hopes on the proposed building and opening of the Paramount Studios Theme Park, near Alhama de Murcia. I hear talk about the jobs that will be created there and the wealth that will be created for the Province. I listen to people speaking about how much extra our homes will be worth when work on the park starts. For those who rent property, the Euro sign might be starting to glow brightly and even start flashing madly and already Spanish property and land owners are busy fencing off their boundaries with a vengeance. Something is happening; there is optimism in the air and maybe our ship is coming in, [at last], some of you may be saying… I trust there will be no disappointment. I wrote the above article two and a half years ago when hopes were high of the possibility of a venture that would secure many people financially and certainly bring a huge ‘feel good’ factor to our area of Spain. Two and a half years on and driving past the proposed site, I could not help but feel saddened by the state of the flags that once announced that good things were about to happen in Murcia Province. Coupled with that, we have a new airport at Corvera standing idle and nothing happening except speculation, whispers and rumours about its future. One day it all may happen - airport open, theme park built. We can but hope for a good solution. Are you pinning all your financial hopes on the proposed theme park? What about your other hopes like health, family situations, relationships etc? Money matters always grab our attention, but there are other issues in life that are as, if not, more important. The Bible speaks about Jesus being our ‘Living Hope’ and we have ‘An inheritance that does not fade away’. We find these promises in1 Peter 1:3-4. Many things in our lives fade away, but a relationship with Jesus is the security our lives need. I read once, ‘An anchor is only as secure as to that to which it is fastened’. Who are you fastened to? Make Jesus your anchor today. You WILL find your hope and security in Him. cal goods. You can donate at the shop, Mon to Sat 10am-2pm. We have a large selection of items for sale, especially sofas and chairs. We are always willing to be flexible on the prices of larger items or check out our website where there is a link to show furnishings for sale. Go to Furniture Pickup Service & House Clearance If you are downsizing, moving house or just want to get rid of some clutter, we can help. Try our 50/50 scheme. We collect larger items free of charge, display them in our shop and then forward your 50% share of the proceeds when the items sell. Camposol Drop-Off Point Tuesdays we are on Camposol Sector B car park 10am-1pm, opposite the petrol station. We will take any saleable items, large or small to sell and raise money. Fuente Alamo You can leave items at M& S stores, The Dog Bowl, Fuente Alamo every Friday until 12pm. Kittens These three kittens were heard meowing in distress from inside a cardboard box abandoned in the campo in the midday sun with mum nearby but unable to help. They were rescued and taken home by a kindly animal lover and now with help from MAMAS mum will be spayed to prevent any further births and the kittens will receive medication to hopefully prepare them for new homes. Anyone interested in re homing one please contact us. Helping You Helping Animals Email Registered Charity No 9537/1a Costa Cálida Chronicle: Please tell our customers where you saw their advertisementt Page 70 Sales Contact Teresa 619 199 407 or for the Editor Contact Patti 646 005 017 email: In association with Costa Cálida International Radio and Costa Cálida Chronicle: Please tell our customers where you saw their advertisement Sales Contact Teresa 619 199 407 or for the Editor Contact Patti 646 005 017 email: Page 71 Gibraltar Tug-Of-War David Cameron has called for the European Commission to send inspectors to Gibraltar to study what he calls ‘excessive’ border checks by Spanish authorities, leading to queues of between three and seven hours for commuters and tourists. He is said to have spoken to EC president José Manuel Durão Barroso to give his opinions on the tense situation between the UK and Spain over the Rock and is also gathering evidence that the border inspections are ‘illegal’ and merely a retaliation to Gibraltar’s having dropped concrete blocks in the sea to make an artificial reef. Spanish authorities say the blocks will destroy fishing nets and also a major source for fishermen from Spain, whilst the UK says Spanish patrol boats have staged incursions in Gibraltarian waters and opened fire on a jet-skier. Barroso is said to have confirmed that he will have ‘no hesitation’ in applying EU laws in relation to the border inspections. He says he has been monitoring the situation closely and hopes the two countries can resolve the issues themselves ‘as two EU member States should’ and without having to involve the Commission to arbitrate. In association with Costa Cálida International Radio and Spain’s foreign minister José Manuel GarcíaMargallo has also threatened to actually increase the random stop-checks, to close Spanish airspace to Gibraltar flights and to charge 50€ to cross the border. Minister for the interior Jorge Fernández Díez says the Gibraltar border ‘cannot be a frontier for contraband cigarette smuggling’, which he claims the checks are in place to prevent. MEP for Gibraltar Julie Girling has called for Brits to boycott Spain for their holidays to put pressure on the authorities of the country to ‘stop their outlandish bullying’. Spain has always maintained that even if the Rock has to be British, the waters around it remain Spanish and that the Utrecht treaty covering its sovereignty no longer applies. Gibraltar’s citizens have overwhelmingly expressed their desire to remain British, as there is only 3% unemployment and some of the highest income per capita on the mainland, compared to Andalucía region’s 29% jobless and much lower income per head. Fresco ‘Ruined’ By 82-Year-Old Lady Becomes International Tourism Sensation and Raises 50,000 For Charity An iconic painting ‘restored’ by an elderly churchgoer has turned out to be a lucky and lucrative mistake, says the tourist board in Borja, Zaragoza. What could have been the pensioner’s worst nightmare for ‘destroying heritage property’ the most famous octogenarian in the country has netted over 50,000€ for charity. She has put her sleepy and hitherto unknown home town on the world map, and international tourism is booming in the area. Over 40,000 ‘pilgrims’ from several countries have been to see the Fresco at the Santuario de la Merced Church, paying an entry fee and also leaving donations towards repairing the building and the unintentional celebrity has signed a contract with the council to launch her own exhibition of 28 of her works in the town, which look set to bring in thousands more visitors from around the globe. The Fresco had been painted more than a century ago, but was very worn-out. Merely trying to help, the lady began repainting it ‘with all the love in the world’ and she claimed she had not finished when the news broke. While Cecilia was hiding out at home, devastated and in bed suffering headaches and anxiety, hundreds of thousands of people in Spain and beyond were signing online petitions for the heritage department to leave the painting as it was after the elderly parishioner had ‘restored’ it, lauding her for having created a new genre of art. Scottish Ospreys Sent to Basque Country to Breed Ospreys could be breeding once again in the Basque Country after having been extinct there for many years, thanks to a joint project between Spain and the Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH) authorities. Experts took 12 young birds from their nests in Scotland and released them in suitable conditions in the Basque Country. The birds, which were taken from the Highlands and Moray region, were set free on the edge of the Urdaibai estuary near Mundaka, Vizcaya, a pit-stop on the way to West Africa during the migrating season, where food and nest platforms were provided. The young birds are said to be doing very well in Spain and one of them quickly learnt how and where to find its own fish from the estuary. Ospreys were considered a pest in Spain in Mediaeval times and were shot at when seen raiding ponds, lakes and rivers for fish, since these were essential sources of food for inhabitants in farmsteads, villages, monasteries and castles and as a result they became practically extinct in their normal breeding grounds in Spain. Scotland’s once-waning Osprey population, frequently threatened by nest-egg thieves, has recovered spectacularly in the last two or three decades and enough are breeding now that they can be released abroad in areas where the population has died out. Over five years ago, Ospreys from Germany, Scotland and Finland were released in the southern Spanish region of Andalucía to repopulate the breed’s old habitats, and the firstever eggs which laid and hatched were recorded by ornithology experts. The mother was found to be Scottish and the father German and another 12 breeding pairs have appeared since then. Marseilles-To-Murcia Coach Tragedy A Eurolines’ coach crash in France which killed an Alicante woman was caused by a paranoid schizophrenic grabbing the wheel from the driver. The 29-year-old Ukrainian may not be considered criminally responsible, since the paranoid deliriums he suffers means he would not have known the nature and quality of his actions. The accused admitted he had needed to go to the toilet and tried to get the driver to stop, but grabbed the wheel when he refused to do so. As a result, the driver lost control and the coach veered off the A-9 motorway near Fitou, in Aude, at around 1.30am. It fell down a 70-metre embankment and became completely crushed. French police had the driver, a Spanish national, on garde à vue regime, meaning he was under 24-hour watch, but he has since been freed when it transpired he was a victim of the accident rather than the cause of it. Police confirm the driver also tested negative for alcohol and drugs. The mentally-ill passenger is currently in a psychiatric hospital receiving treatment, and may still face questioning for negligent homicide. If he was unaware of what he had done, he will not be able to be charged. The prosecutor has called for ‘patience’ from the victims and their family members as inquiries continue. The coach, which was covering the route from Marseilles to Murcia, has been inspected and there were no technical problems with it. Police say the versions of events given by both the driver and the passenger coincided, but investigations continue. 44 people were on board, 10 of whom were Spanish nationals. 30 were injured and two were killed. One of the deceased was a Frenchman and the other a 55-year-old woman from Alicante but who lived in southern France and was on her way to visiting her son in Alicante. Eurolines explained that it had subcontracted the Marseilles-to-Murcia route to the company Autocares Águilas, on the Murcia coast, two years ago. The firm in Águilas supplies coaches and drivers to cover the route in summer. Three drivers, the one behind the wheel and two relief drivers are Spanish nationals from the Murcia region towns of Fuente Álamo, Lorca and Puerto Lumbreras. Four-Metre Fish Discovered A four-metre-long fish of an unidentified breed has been found on the shores of the Almanzora caves near the Luis Siret beach in Villaricos, Almería. Bathers in the area took photographs of the remains of the sea-creature and contacted the Civil Protection, who in turn notified the marine fauna protection society, PROMAR, in nearby Pulpí. Experts at the centre say they have never come across any species like it and are attempting to find out from its remains what it could be. The woman who found it firstly discovered the head and then the body farther down the beach, which is said to be over four metres in length. Various laboratories belonging to PROMAR and similar centres have taken parts of the remains and photographs to analyse, but the ‘perishable’ parts of the fish have been buried ‘for hygiene reasons’. Costa Cálida Chronicle: Please tell our customers where you saw their advertisementt Page 72 Sales Contact Teresa 619 199 407 or for the Editor Contact Patti 646 005 017 email: CHARITIES: Age Concern Mazarrón 634 310 216 Alcoholics Anonymous Mazarrón 646 290 420 Cabo De Palos 968 545 181 Costa Cálida Samaritans GO maD Mazarrón 678 598 677 HAH Help at Home San Javier 968 134 978/633 673 034 Help Murcia Mar Menor Los Alcázares 968 570 059 Helping Hands Lions Club Mazarrón Bahía Mazarrón 636 746 959 MABS Mar Menor 693 275 779 MABS Mazarrón 620 422 410 MABS NW Murcia PALS (Protection & Life Saving) Mazarrón 968 437 837 CHURCHES: Beacon of Light Cañadas del Romero 620 877 326 Mass in English Pastrana, Mazarrón 628 824 555 Olive Branch Christian Fellowship Camposol 618 720 181/968 199 622 Open Door Los Almagros 646 705 403/655 141 721 Pilar Christian Community Church Pilar de la Horidada 966 769 300/650 509 606 Puerto Lumbreras Church 619 945 283 St Nicholas Church Camposol 968 138 952 Welcome House Cehegin 633 447 937 Wellspring Victory Church Mazarrón 620 599 270 Ladies’ Chatterbox Camposol 968 199 418/619 575 463 Lions Country Music La Molata 968 163 082 Los Palacios Camposol A Post Box A512 Spangles Harmony Chorus Los Alcazares 968 334 527/968 423 525 Teatro Canovero Las Canovas 968 151 149 Welcome Group Camposol, Mazarrón 620 105 179 If you would like details of your club or organization included on this page, please send an email to GROUPS: ADAPT San Pedro 966 189 402 Arts & Cultural Association of Murcia 655 421 120 Camposol Bridge Club 968 130 583 Camposol C Greenfingers 634 325 427 Caring for Carers San Javier 968 185 008/667 587 187 Cloud Nine Drama 644 400 123 Country Music Camposol 610 623 152 Darwinian Gardeners Ex-Servicemen’s Association Mazarrón 629 818 611 Friends & Buddies Camposol 968 163 758 Humanists In association with Costa Cálida International Radio and ANIMAL ORGANISATIONS: ACTIN 968 163 529 Andrea’s Animal Rescue Fuente Alamo 690 906 565 Easy Horse Care Rojales 652 021 980 Galgos del Sol Murcia JJ’s Puppy Rescue Mazarrón 618 034 921 John Kemp’s Puppies La Pinilla, Fuente Alamo 646 737 230 Pets in Spain San Fulgencio/La Marina MAMAS’s Mazarrón 666 186 037 MARA Mula 685 311 599 Noah’s ARC Mazarrón 699 352 818 Mazarrón shop 634 364 553 Camposol shop 634 332 335 PAPS 966 769 137 Protector de Animales RAD Animal Association 655 027 676 Costa Cálida Chronicle: Please tell our customers where you saw their advertisement Sales Contact Teresa 619 199 407 or for the Editor Contact Patti 646 005 017 email: Page 73 In association with Costa Cálida International Radio and Costa Cálida Chronicle: Please tell our customers where you saw their advertisementt Page 74 Sales Contact Teresa 619 199 407 or for the Editor Contact Patti 646 005 017 email: In association with Costa Cálida International Radio and Costa Cálida Chronicle: Please tell our customers where you saw their advertisement Sales Contact Teresa 619 199 407 or for the Editor Contact Patti 646 005 017 email: Page 75 This month I would like to mention our excellent car mechanics as they all do such a good job and we are lucky to have them and we all wish Ken Sherwood all the best in their superb new location. Thank you to Decklid who fixed the air conditioning in my Suzuki so that I could continue with my calls. Typical; why did it have to happen in August? Decklid also with some quick thinking managed to get one of the CHM vans through the ITV by removing the logos from the windows. This is now apparently not legal here in Spain! They had to carefully scrape it all off and got it through the test without having to return for a 2nd check. What a result! After 9½ years our washing machine finally gave up on us, so where to look for a new one? I could probably have saved a few euros by tramping around various large electro domesticos stores in either Cartagena or Murcia, but that really is a false economy and I also consider my time valuable. I popped into T J Electricals on Camposol and within 10 minutes had agreed to purchase a new Beko machine. If you have every purchased electrical goods in Spain and had a problem with an item, you will know why I am so much happier to deal with T J Electricals. There is a full back-up service which is second to none, so if you are thinking of buying white goods, please give them a try first. I am delighted to report that the Restaurant Chez Zoe is open again! After less than a month, due to ill health of the new proprietors, Zoe has reopened as if nothing had ever happened. Lisa and Paco are still there too, so it is business as usual. By the time you read this I will have been to the UK and back again to catch up with family and friends and hopefully escape at least a week of this big heat. More next month Teresa In association with Costa Cálida International Radio and I had only just had the August magazines loaded into my car when Patti broke the bad news to me. “You appear to have a puncture!” I made a hasty call to CHM and the lads arrived within minutes to rescue me and put on the spare wheel. This, however, was not a long term solu- tion as it was a smaller wheel and no good for load bearing, so I quickly called Tim at Kwik Fix who said bring it down straight away. He realised the urgency of the situation and was there waiting for me. Within less than half an hour the puncture was repaired, the wheel re-balanced and I was off on my travels again. Costa Cálida Chronicle: Please tell our customers where you saw their advertisementt Page 76 Sales Contact Teresa 619 199 407 or for the Editor Contact Patti 646 005 017 email: RED – Entertainment GREEN – Charity & non-profit making events ORANGE – Special menus BLACK – Fiestas & important events PURPLE –Market, exhibitions, leisure & meetings Please refer to the relevant advert or editorial for more details of events Every Mon Male Monday @ Jane’s Salon, Condado de Alhama, Gents’ haircut only 5€ Chiropody with Phillip Dawe @ Sensol Golf Villa Sales Building, Camposol C Yoga & Pilates with Wendy @ Mariano’s, Camposol A 9.30am Mazarrón Bay Bridge Club @ La Cumbre Hotel, Pto de Mazarrón 9.30am Yoga with Mari Carmen @ Bolnuevo 10am Spanish Conversation @ Jane’s Salon, Bolnuevo 3pm 6€ Ladies’ Chatterbox Sew & Sew @ Cultural Centre, Camposol B 2.30-4.30pm Fit4Life Weight Group @ Jane’s Salon, Bolnuevo 4pm 5€ Gym Ball Pilates with Wendy @ Mariano’s, Camposol A 4.45pm Bowling League @ Alley Palais, Camposol B Menu del Noche @ Tropic Ana’s, Camposol A 8€ inc btl wine for 2 3 Course Menu del Noche @ Bistro Ratatouille, Pto de Mazarrón 10€ 1€ Coin Night/Live Music @ La Vida, El Pareton (drinks 1€ with 1€ coin) 12-4pm Live Music @ The Square, outside The Steak Out, Camposol B HAH 2nd Hand Goods to Buy/Sell @ Brenda’s Boutique, Los Urrutias10-1pm Andrea’s Animal Rescue Collection @ Car Park, Camposol B 11.30-1.30pm HELP MMM Bingo @ La Zona Bar, Los Alcázares 2pm 1€/game MABS MMM Fun Quiz @ La Rosa Bar, San Cayetano 9pm Every Tue B Clean Working Party @ Commercial Centre, Camposol B 9am Dance Fitness with Annette. Tel for more information. Re-commences 10th Computer Clinic @ Tropic Ana’s, Camposol A 1-3pm Chiropodist @ Jane’s Salon, Condado de Alháma Fit4Life Weight Group @ Jane’s Salon, Bolnuevo 4pm 5€ Petanca @ Condado Club, Condado de Alháma from 4pm Football Training Session (ages 4-17) @ El Pareton 6-7pm Indoor Market/Music on patio @ Condado Club, Condado de Alháma from 6pm Harlequin Rock Choir Meeting @ Cultural Centre, Camposol B 7.30-9pm Quiz Night @ La Manchica Restaurant, La Manchica In association with Costa Cálida International Radio and Menu del Noche @ Tropic Ana’s, Camposol A 8€ inc btl wine for 2 3 Course Menu del Noche @ Bistro Ratatouille, Pto de Mazarrón 10€ 3 Course Menu del Noche @ Old Market Tavern, Pto de Mazarrón, 10€ inc btl wine for 2 4 Course Menu del Noche @ La Vida, El Pareton 12€ Karaoke @ The Arches, Los Alcázares Live Music @ The Square, outside The Steak Out, Camposol B MABS Mazarrón Coffee Morning @ MABS Centre, Camposol B 10-1pm MAMAS Collection/Book Stall @ Camposol B Car Park 10-1pm Every Wed C Gardening Group Clean Up @ Camposol C 9am Camposol Bridge Club, Duplicate Bridge @ Trevi Bar, Camposol B 9.30am Gentle Yoga with Mari Carmen @ Bolnuevo 10am Magenta Harmony Group. 11.30am Tel for venue Fit 4 Life (from mid-September) & Chiropodist @ Jane’s Salon, Condado de Alháma Computer Clinic @ La Vida, El Pareton 1-3pm Annette’s Writing Group @ Camposol C 2pm (re-commences 11th) Costa Cálida Chronicle: Please tell our customers where you saw their advertisement Sales Contact Teresa 619 199 407 or for the Editor Contact Patti 646 005 017 email: Page 77 Mar Menor Golf Society Competition Pool League @ Alley Palais, Camposol B Beacon of Light @ School House, Cañadas del Romero 7-8.30pm Menu del Noche @ Tropic Ana’s, Camposol A 8€ inc btl wine for 2 2 Course Pie Night @ Old Market Tavern, Pto de Mazarrón, 10€ inc a drink 3 Course Steak/Spare Rib Night @ Bistro Ratatouille, Pto de Mazarrón 15€ 3 Course Steak Night @ La Vida, El Pareton 25€ for 2 Happy Evening @ Amapola Restaurante, Bolnuevo 35€ for 2 inc btl wine Karaoke & Disco with Lisa B @ Alley Palais, Camposol B 9pm-late HAH 2nd Hand Goods to Buy/Sell @ Brenda’s Boutique, Los Urrutias 10-1pm Age Concern booking events etc @ Cultural Centre, Camposol B 10-1pm MABS MMM Art Workshop @ Café Golf, San Javier, 10-12pm 2€ HAH Book & DVD Club @ La Zona Bar, Los Narejos 2.30-4.30pm Every Thu Camposol Market @ Camposol A Yoga & Pilates with Wendy @ Mariano’s, Camposol A 9.30am Dance Fitness with Annette. Tel for more info. Re-commences 12th Gents’ Special @ Jane’s Salon, Condado de Alháma. Gents’ haircut only 5€ Chiropodist @ Jane’s Salon, Bolnuevo Menu del Noche @ Tropic Ana’s, Camposol A 8€ inc btl wine for 2 Mexican Night @ Condado Club, Condado de Alháma from 6pm 2 Course Curry Night @ Old Market Tavern, Pto de Mazarrón, 10€ inc a drink 4 Course Surprise Menu @ Bistro Ratatouille, Pto de Mazarrón 25€ for 2 Barbeque Night @ La Vida, El Pareton Kid’s Disco & Karaoke @ Condado Club, Condado de Alháma 6-9pm Live Music @ The Square, outside The Steak Out, Camposol B PALS booking events etc @ Tel’s Bar, Camposol B 11am-1.30pm Andrea’s Animal Rescue Collection @ Mazarrón Country Club 11.30-1pm In association with Costa Cálida International Radio and Every Fri Camposol Bridge Club/Duplicate Bridge @ Trevi Bar, Camposol B 9.30am Friday Art Group @ Cultural Centre, Camposol B 9.45-12.30pm Indoor Market @ The Steak Out, Camposol B 10-2pm Sit 2B Fit with Annette @ Mariano’s, Camposol A 10.30am (re-commences 13th) Book Stall/Camposol A Gardening @ Car Park Camposol A 10.30-12.30pm 10 Pin Bowling/Camposol C Greenfingers @ Totana 4pm Fish & Chips/Fun Quiz @ La Vida, El Pareton from 5.50€ Fish & Chip Night @ New Royal, Pto de Mazarrón 6.50€ Fish & Chip Night @ Condado Club, Condado de Alháma from 6pm, 7.50€ Mixed Grill Night @ Tropic Ana’s, Camposol A 10€ Cod Special for 2 @ Restaurant Marina, Pto de Mazarrón 19€ inc btl wine 3 Course Fish & Chip Night @ Old Market Tavern, Pto de Mazarron 10€ Fish & Chip Night @ La Manchica Restaurant, La Manchica Special Friday Evening @ Amapola Restaurante, Bolnuevo 36€ for 2 inc btl wine 3 Course Surprise Menu @ Bistro Ratatouille, Pto de Mazarrón 19.50€ Disco & Karaoke with Lisa B @ Alley Palais, Camposol B 9pm-late Karaoke with Eddie B @ The Steak Out, Camposol B from 9pm Noah’s ARC Book Sale/bric-a-brac @ Camposol B 9.30-2pm HAH 2nd Hand Goods to Buy/Sell @ Brenda’s Boutique, Los Urrutias 10-1pm Age Concern booking events etc @ Commercial Centre, Camposol B 11-1pm Lions Mazarrón booking events etc outside Compusurf, Camposol B 11am GOmaD Donations @ Cultural Centre, Camposol B/Costa Cálida Radio 12.30-2pm Every Sat Harlequin Rock Choir Meeting @ Cultural Centre, Camposol B 2-4pm 3 Course Steak Night @ Old Market Tavern, Pto de Mazarrón 15€ Costa Cálida Chronicle: Please tell our customers where you saw their advertisementt Page 78 Sales Contact Teresa 619 199 407 or for the Editor Contact Patti 646 005 017 email: 3 Course Surprise Menu @ Bistro Ratatouille, Pto de Mazarrón 19.50€ Special Romantic Evening @ Amapola Restaurante, Bolnuevo 22€ inc btl wine for 2 Cod Special for 2 @ Restaurant Marina, Pto de Mazarrón 19€ inc btl wine 3 Course Steak Night @ La Vida, El Pareton 25€ for 2 Karaoke & Disco with Lisa B @ Alley Palais, Camposol B 9pm-late MABS MMM Book Sale @ The Arches Bar, Los Alcázares 10-1pm HAH 2nd Hand Goods to Buy/Sell @ Brenda’s Boutique, Los Urrutias 10-1pm PALS for booking events @ Trevi Bar, Camposol B 11am-1.30pm PALS for booking events @ Bistro Ratatouille, Pto de Mazarrón 1-3pm Car Boot Sale @ Cañadas del Romero Social Centre 8.30am Car Boot Sale @ Venta Romero, Cuevas de Reyllo. 9-2pm Fun Family Quiz @ The Condado Club, Condado de Alhama 8.30pm Every Sun Sunday Lunch @ Elliot’s, Bolnuevo from 6.50€ Sunday Roast @ AP Grill, Camposol B, 6.95€ Sunday Lunch @ La Vida, El Pareton from 7.50€ Sunday Roast @ New Royal, Pto de Mazarrón 8.50€ Sunday Roast @ Liz’s Cafe, Camposol B 10€ inc a drink (re-commences 15th) 2 Course Sunday Roast @ Restaurant Marina, Pto de Mazarrón 8€ inc glass wine 3 Course Sunday Lunch @ Bistro Ratatouille, Pto de Mazarrón 10€ inc a drink 3 Course Sunday Lunch @ Old Market Tavern, Pto de Mazarrón 10€ inc btl wine for 2 Meat Carvery/Vegetable Buffet @ La Mariposa, Gebas from 10.50€ inc glass wine/beer Sunday Lunch @ La Manchica Restaurant, La Manchica 3 Course Sunday Roast (night) @ Bistro Ratatouille, Pto de Mazarrón10€ inc a drink HELP MMM Car Boot @ Autocine, Los Narejos Open Day @ Easy Horse Care Rescue Centre, Rojales 1-4pm SEPTEMBER Various organised walk in NW Murcia – see page 38 Sunday 1 Fiesta del Polvorín, Archena Calasparra Fiesta until 8th Artisan Market @ Bullas Fun Quiz @ Condado Club, Condado de Alhama 8pm Monday 2 River Rafting Tour on Segura River @ La Mariposa, Gebas Motown/Soul Night/Barrington @ Condado Club, Condado de Alhama 10€ inc BBQ Sam Curtis @ The Arches, Los Alcázares Tuesday 3 HAH Volunteers’ Meeting @ Bacchus Restaurant, The Oasis, Los Narejos 11.30am MABS NE Auction @ Bob’s Bar, Fortuna 2pm Wednesday 4 Day Trip to Benidorm – Viajes Dragontours 19€ Magenta Ladies’ Harmony Group @ Mariano’s, Camposol A 11.30am In association with Costa Cálida International Radio and PALS Monthly Meeting @ Cultural Centre, Camposol B 11.15am Andy Jones @ The Arches, Los Alcázares Age Concern Talking Shop Social @ Cultural Centre, Camposol B 1.30-3.30pm Thursday 5 Market Morning @ Jane’s Salon, Bolnuevo Welcome House feat Dave Scott Morgan @ Cehegín 7pm Shirelle @ The Arches, Los Alcázares Friday 6 Romería del Nino de las Uvas, Jumilla Costa Cálida Chronicle: Please tell our customers where you saw their advertisement Sales Contact Teresa 619 199 407 or for the Editor Contact Patti 646 005 017 email: Page 79 Country Music Night @ The Club House, Camposol C from 7.45pm, 3€ Rock ‘n Roll Night & 2 course meal @ Bistro Ratatouille, Pto de Mazarrón 15€ Lynden B @ The Arches, Los Alcázares MABS NW Market Stall @ Calle Segura, Calasparra 9-1pm MABS Mazarrón Jigsaw Bereavement Group @ Cat’s Bar, Camposol A 12pm Saturday 7 ADAPT Meeting @ Pensionista de Hogar, San Pedro 10.30am Welcome Meeting @ Mariano’s, Camposol A 2pm Open Door feat Dave Scott Morgan @ Los Almagros 7pm Theatre Visit/Cartagena 9pm 12€ Dee @ New Royal, Pto de Mazarrón The Classic Rock Band @ La Mariposa, Gebas Suzy G @ The Arches, Los Alcázares Karen Noble @ Clover Bar, Condado de Alhama Sunday 8 Fiesta in Honour of Virgen de las Maravillas, Cegehín (until 14th) Virgen de la Consolación, Molina de Segura Fiestas Patronales, Calasparra and Pliego Virgen del Buen Suceso, Cieza Virgen de Las Huertas, Lorca Artisan Market @ Mula Oyster Tasting & Music/Entertainment @ Le Carrousel, Pto de Mazarrón Monday 9 Guided Walk & 4 course lunch @ La Mariposa, Gebas 12€ Cosmetic Doctor @ Jane’s Salon, Bolnuevo PALS Forget-me-Not Meeting @ Cultural Centre, Camposol B 11am Tuesday 10 Welcome Book Swap @ ICA Medical Centre, Camposol B 10-12pm Greek Night (3 Courses) @ La Vida, El Pareton 15€ HAH Table Top Sale @ La Zona Bar, Los Alcácares 10-2pm MABS MMM Charity Market @ La Zona Bar, Los Alcácares 10-12pm HELP MMM Charity Market @ La Zona Bar, Los Alcazáres 11.30am Wednesday 11 Day Trip to Benidorm – Viajes Dragontours 19€ SAMM General Meeting @ CAR Infanta Cristina, Los Narejos 11am Laser Hair Removal @ Jane’s Salon, Bolnuevo Los Amigos Go Karting in Puerto de Mazarrón 20€ 6pm PALS Day Trip to Benidorm 15€ In association with Costa Cálida International Radio and Thursday 12 Feria de Murcia NEST Walk & optional meal, Meet El Berro Car Park, Sierra Espuña 10.30am, 5€ Ladies’ Chatterbox Group @ The Cultural Centre, Camposol B 2pm Hearing Specialist/Tests/Hearing Aids @ Jane’s Salon, Bolnuevo, Appt Only MABS NE Fortuna Ladies’ Lunch Club @ Las Palmeras, Baños de Fortuna 1pm MABS NW Volunteers’ Meeting @ 5pm Friday 13 Indoor Market with fashion/bling/DVD’s etc @ Alley Palais, Camposol B Sandy Fitzpatrick @ Clover Bar, Condado de Alhama Elvis Presley Tribute @ La Mariposa, Gebas Fito y los Fitipaldis @ Cegehín Fiesta MABS Mazarrón Book Sale @ Commercial Centre, Camposol B 9-1pm Costa Cálida Chronicle: Please tell our customers where you saw their advertisementt Page 80 Sales Contact Teresa 619 199 407 or for the Editor Contact Patti 646 005 017 email: Saturday 14 Feria, Yecla Theatre Under Moonlight Walk/Cartagena. Museum of Roman Theatre. 9 & 9.30 9€ Karaoke & Disco Night @ La Manchica Restaurant, La Manchica Angie McKay @ The Arches, Los Alcázares Suzy G @ New Royal, Pto de Mazarrón Fun Night with Byron @ Clover Bar, Condado de Alhama MABS Mazarrón Golf Competition 25€ members/50€ non, inc prizes/buggy /BBQ Fusiliers Aid Society Fund Raiser @ Aguilas Hotel Resort 8pm, 15€ inc buffet/live music Sunday 15 Artisan Market @ Caravaca Ruta del Ferrocarril (Railway Route) with Aguilas Tourist Information Centre Monday 16 Welcome Trip to Seville. 4 nights, 4 star hotel. 350€ River Rafting Tour on Segura River @ La Mariposa, Gebas Tuesday 17 HELP MMM General Meeting @ Las Claras, Los Narejos 11.30am MABS MMM Ladies Lunch Club @ Diamante’s, El Mojon 1.30pm, 10.50€ Wednesday 18 ESAMD Members Social Event @ Viggo’s, Pto de Mazarrón 1.30pm Open Door feat Barrington @ Los Almagros 7pm FAST Charity Cycle Ride (160km) starting from TJ’s, Camposol B HAH Chatters @ Bacchus Restaurant, Oasis, Los Narejos 11.30am Thursday 19 HELP MMM Lunch @ Diamantes, El Mojon 1.30pm, 10.50€ Friday 20 Fiestas de Carthagineses y Romanos, Cartagena Feria y Fiestas, Lorca Feria y Fiestas, Mula Day Trip to Jumilla Wine Stomping – Viajes Dragontours Portuguese Night @ Tropic Ana’s, Camposol A 8€ inc btl wine for 2 Disco/Karaoke with Byron @ Clover Bar, Condado de Alhama Wellspring Musical Garden Party/Victory Orphanage @ La Aljorra 3pm, 5€ inc buffet MABS Mazarrón Book Sale. Commercial Centre, Camposol B 9-1pm MABS NW Market Stall @ Calle Segura, Calasparra 9-1pm MABS MMM Care & Share Group @ MABS Cancer Centre, San Javier 11am Saturday 21 International Day of Peace World Alzheimer’s Day British Food Fortnight (until 6 October) In association with Costa Cálida International Radio and WARM Walk A Time 4 A Change Opening of New Bedroom Department 11am SAMM Charity Race/Treasure Hunt (for HAH) @ CAR Centre, Los Narejos 12pm Cher Tribute @ New Royal, Pto de Mazarrón The Beagles @ La Mariposa, Gebas Robbie James @ Clover Bar, Condado de Alhama Sunday 22 Car Boot Sale @ Cehegín Monday 23 Guided Walk & 4 course lunch @ La Mariposa, Gebas 12€ Tuesday 24 Welcome Book Swap @ ICA Medical Centre, Camposol B 10-12pm Monthly ‘B’ Clean Meeting @ Trevi Bar, Camposol B 4pm Wednesday 25 Enrolment for Murcia Dance (ACAM) @ The Cultural Centre, Camposol B 6-8pm Costa Cálida Chronicle: Please tell our customers where you saw their advertisement Sales Contact Teresa 619 199 407 or for the Editor Contact Patti 646 005 017 email: Page 81 Welcome Monthly Dance @ Mariano’s, Camposol A 7.45pm, 8€ (food 5€) MABS NE Volunteers’ Meeting @ La Carcelera, Urb Las Kalendas, Fortuna 11.30am Thursday 26 River Rafting Tour on Segura River @ La Mariposa, Gebas Clairvoyant “Oscar” @ Condado Club, Condado de Alhama 7.45pm, 5€ Friday 27 San Cosme y San Damián, Abarán Antique Fair @ IFEP, Torre Pacheco (until 29th) Day Trip to Cartagena/Roman/Carthagenian Battle/Fiesta – Viajes Dragontours Indoor Market/fashion/bling/DVD’s etc @ Alley Palais, Camposol B NEST Walk & optional meal, Meet El Berro Car Park, Sierra Espuña 10.30am, 5€ Enrolment for Murcia Dance (ACAM) @ Cultural Centre, Camposol B 4-6pm Portuguese Night @ Tropic Ana’s, Camposol A 8€ inc btl wine for 2 HELP MMM Friendship Group Cartagena & Boat Trip. Meet 10.45am @ Los Nietos GOmAD Table Top Sale @ Commercial Centre, Camposol B 10–2pm MABS NW Book Sale. Outside Trevol Bar, Calasparra 11-2pm MABS Mazarrón Coffee Morning @ La Vida, El Pareton 11.30am Saturday 28 5km Nature Walk, Cehegín Welcome Meeting @ Mariano’s, Camposol A 2pm Greenfingers Social Evening feat Woody @ The Club House, Camposol C 8pm, 6€ Rod Stewart Tribute @ La Mariposa, Gebas Steve the Spit @ New Royal, Pto de Mazarrón Karaoke & Disco Night @ La Manchica Restaurant, La Manchica 1st Anniversary Beach Party @ La Vida, El Pareton PALS CAFÉ Concert @ Hotel Playa Grande, Pto de Mazarron 5€ Sunday 29 World Heart Day Sevillanas Social Meeting @ Asturias Restaurant OCTOBER Tuesday 1 HAH Volunteers’ Meeting @ Bacchus Restaurant, The Oasis, Los Narejos 11.30am MABS NE Auction @ Bob’s Bar, Fortuna 2pm Wednesday 2 Welcome Petanca @ Mariano’s, Camposol A 1pm New Term starts for Murcia Dance (ACAM) In association with Costa Cálida International Radio and Age Concern Talking Shop Social @ Cultural Centre, Camposol B 1.30-3.30pm Thursday 3 Market Morning @ Jane’s Salon, Bolnuevo Friday 4 Country Music Night @ The Club House, Camposol C MABS NW Outdoor Market Stall @ Calle Segura, Calasparra 9-1pm MABS Mazarrón Jigsaw Bereavement Group @ Cat’s Bar, Camposol A 12pm Saturday 5 ADAPT Meeting @ Pensionista de Hogar, San Pedro 10.30am Rock ‘n Roll Night @ New Royal, Pto de Mazarrón The CAS Band @ La Mariposa, Gebas Sunday 6 PALS Trip to Basque Country. 5 nights, full board inc excursions. 285€ Monday 7 River Rafting Tour on Segura River @ La Mariposa, Gebas PALS Monthly Meeting @ Cultural Centre, Camposol B 11.15am Costa Cálida Chronicle: Please tell our customers where you saw their advertisementt Page 82 Sales Contact Teresa 619 199 407 or for the Editor Contact Patti 646 005 017 email: Inspiration for writing is everywhere. I first started writing poetry when I moved to the South Devon coast in the UK and spent many hours gazing at the sea in all its varying moods. Then of course our move to Spain ten years ago gave me fresh inspiration with the hilly terrain and spring fields full of almond blossom. I had always been interested in words right from childhood and at school wove intricate stories around a family washed up on a desert island or living their lives in some other exotic location. it with other people in a writing group locally. We are looking for new members, so if you feel you would like to share your thoughts and/or writing with us, we would love you to join the group. You don’t have to have experience, just an interest and a willingness to have a go. There is plenty of help on hand and it isn’t just about poetry. We’ve turned our hand to all kinds of creative writing. We meet weekly on Wednesday afternoons from 2-3.30pm and the 1st session for the Autumn is on 11th September. As an adult I did a Writer´s News home study course which taught me a lot I didn´t know and it made my writing sharper. As a school teacher I passed on my love of writing to many children over the years and now I share Contact me if you would like to find out more on 649 647 467 or email me at can join the Creative Juice group on Facebook if you are interested in writing and all things creative. Jumilla - Sun-Drenched Wine From A Sun-Drenched Town A trip to Jumilla provides an amazing variety of experiences. The town itself is lovely, nestled at the bottom of a valley and protected by its castle dating from the 8th century. The entire town reflects the mixed heritage of many Spanish cities. The Arab domination here lasted from the 8th to the 13th century. Before that and in outlying areas of the town, there are pre-historic paintings in caves proving that Jumilla has been a favoured place to live for thousands of years. Dragontours offers a trip on September 20th, to visit a modern winery and have the opportunity of seeing the elaboration process live. This winery will set up a wine-stomping experience for all who wish to participate in this crazy fun activity and maybe win a prize for getting the most juice from the grapes! The short poem I am sharing today is about the White Mountain in the cañar from Tallante to Isla Plana. Sierra Blanca The White Mountain’s sheer sides Sweep above a frill of green skirt, Their chalky whiteness scarred By dark fissures like deep wounds. A breath of mist laps the lower slopes Where haloes of early blossom tremble In fields wild with rosemary. At my back the dog tumbles down the hillside Her sweet smelling head brushing my arm, As I wonder at perching on the summit And dreaming of the faraway vision That is Africa. we be shown the installations, have the process explained in detail and of course, have a chance to taste the wines produced at each of the wineries, but also we will be immersed in the heady smell of newly crushed grapes, try a bit of “mosto”, the grape juice on the verge of becoming wine and see the grapes loaded onto carts and being brought into the wineries. If we are lucky enough, it will be possible to have a grape or two directly from the vine. This is the time of year when the grapes are fat on the vines and ready to be picked and transported to the wineries and the process of wine-making is at its peak. Not only will Dragontours invites you to come along and learn not only history, but about wine and olive oil production, as well as the very pleasant activity of wine-tasting. Just 32€ for a perfect day out. Photos: Mark Stocks The old city retains much of the splendour in its buildings and monuments and one can see how prosperous the city grew. The iron grilles on windows and doors are particularly fascinating, from the Arab fortress, to the churches and the Town Hall, which was at one time in history a hospital. In the municipal Archaeological Museum, there is a wonderful collection of pottery, statues and even a fullsize mosaic floor taken from one of the many Roman villas which were built in the area during Roman times. The Romans actually began the tradition of wine-making, for which modern-day Jumilla is famous. Once known as very strong table wine, in the last decade or so, wineries in and around the town of Jumilla have been importing different varieties of vines and experimenting with blends and the quality of the wines produced here has become very interesting indeed. The most emblematic grape variety is “Monastrell” and this is the one most often used, either alone or in a blend, but several others are used, such as “Cabernet Sauvignon”, “Petit Verdot”, and “Syrah”. Each winery is very proud of its own special touch. Costa Cálida Chronicle: Please tell our customers where you saw their advertisement Sales Contact Teresa 619 199 407 or for the Editor Contact Patti 646 005 017 email: Page 83 In association with Costa Cálida International Radio and The land around Jumilla is not only for vines. There are many types of fruit trees – apricots, peaches and especially olive trees. We will also be visiting an ecological farm, which for the last 5 generations of the same family, has been famous especially for their olive oil, cold-pressed, therefore worthy of the designation “Extra-Virgin”. The farm wastes nothing; every by-product of the olive is used and the tour of this farm is fascinating. Charity Race and Treasure Hunt 21st September 2013 30€ each. SAMM (Sailing Association Mar Menor) is organising a Charity Race sponsoring HAH (Help at Home). During the race there will be a Treasure Hunt for landlubbers. All SAMM groups from dinghies to cruisers and day boats will be represented and other boat owners and sailors are invited to join the race and help raise funds. It is expected that participating crews will raise sponsorship monies of a minimum of The boats will start from the CAR Centre, Los Narejos, Los Alcazares and sail a course in the Mar Menor. The race dura- Petanque The Petanque Club of Puerto de Mazarrón recently garnered two major successes. Firstly the women’s team won the league in the Region of Murcia on Sunday July 7th in the final which was played in Yecla. With this title, all the females have earned the right to go to the Spanish Championship to be held in Santa Susanna (Barcelona) from 25-27th October. The players who have earned this success are Fina Perez, Salvadora Paredes, Celia Mateo, Teresa Belchí, Maria Martinez, Ginesa Valera, Silvia Martinez, Juana Cava and Paqui, with their team leader Pedro Garcia Hernandez. tion will be approximately 3 hours. Prizes will be awarded for the winning cruiser and the winning dinghy. Registration from 10am and the race starts at approximately 12.00 mid day. Entry forms and sponsorship forms can be found on the website Nocturna “Por la Vida” organized by the National Association “Todos Contra la Droga” and sponsored by the City of Mazarrón. Once again, young and old enjoyed a day of sport. This was not the only success as the team of triplets in Category II were runners-up in the Triplets Championship of Spain which was played in Isla Cristina (Huelva) from 24-26th May. The Department of Sports City of Mazarrón club congratulated both teams for their success. In association with Costa Cálida International Radio and Night Race On Saturday 27 July, more than 500 athletes gathered at Bolnuevo Erosions to participate in the XX Edition of the Carrera The awards were presented by the Councillor for Sports, Andres Valera, the Councillor for Social Policy, Maria Martinez, the President of the Association “Todos Contra la Droga” in Murcia, Casiano Navarro, and Member of the Association, Domingo Artes. The top three finishers in each category received a trophy, while the 4th and 5th ranked were presented with medals. Male Senior Winner was Juan Miguel Gracia and Female Winner was Cristina Cañas. Youngest Male Winner was Jose Navarro and Carmen Monedero Youngest Female Winner. Male Juvenile Winner was Charles Iliff, whilst Yoana Collantes took first place for the Female Juvenile. Daniel Soro and Belen Navarro were the champions in Male and Female Infantil Category respectively. In the Cadets the only male participant was Mario Carrillo being the winner of the race. The Junior Men’s Champion was Germán Cervinos, while the Female Junior Champion was Marta Meroño. On Veterans A, the first to cross the finish line was Miguel Angel Ballesta, with Maria Moreno being the winner in the Female Veterans. Veterans B Male Champion was Jorge Mulero with Maria Jesus Gaona at the top of the podium for women. In Veterans C and D, there were only male presences of Joaquín Carralero and Jean Marc Abiven being respective winners. Costa Cálida Chronicle: Please tell our customers where you saw their advertisementt Page 84 Sales Contact Teresa 619 199 407 or for the Editor Contact Patti 646 005 017 email: Sporting Camposol v FC Alley Palais 5 -2 In the first small match of the season, Sporting Camposol showed in the first 20 minutes what potential there was. Within 20 minutes the score was soon 3-0. 16-year-old Daniel Scott in the centre for the first half scored a hat trick. This young talent was man of the match. In the second half the heat clearly began to play a role. The game was slower in the second half and with some changes in the game, the level of play was not as good as in the first half. FC Alley Palais scored one goal, bringing the final score to 5-2. All in all it was a fun game to watch and promised much for the future. Coach Jelco Oosterhof said “I’ve seen enough things so hopefully we can continue; this was very good for us. It was a very good start.” After the first hurricane of attacks, FC Alley Palais came more into the game and created some possibilities, but a small mistake by the goalkeeper of Sporting Camposol gave FC Alley Palais a goal to make it 3 -1. After that Sporting Camposol showed some skills and made it 5-1. Charity Quiz A Charity Quiz was held in The Club House on 27th June which was really well attended and over 400 € raised for the Joint Captains’ charities, FAST, MABS and Spanish Red Cross. It is hoped we are going to have a Charity Beach Fun Day and the Lady Captain, Marilyn Jones is organising a Pink Charity Day in October. Summer Ball The Summer Ball held at the Pinito de Oro on 12th July was a tremendous success, the meal excellent, the service superb and the wine and beer flowed. Martin Ross kept everyone on their feet dancing the night away. is also a lot of work being done on the bunkers and they are sculpturing many of them and gardening areas with bushes, flowers and trees are being set up. With Richard (previously from Don Ricardo’s) in the kitchen The Club House meals are getting very complimentary comments. On 14th September is the grand opening Golf Competition when the course is officially opened under the auspices of the new owners, Colin, his wife Kate, their daughter Alix and Stuart their son-in-law from Alley Palais. All proceeds from the event are to go to MABS. Wednesday Men’s Group On Wednesday 14th August the Men’s Group held a Stableford and Steve Dixon went to tee off on the 18th hole thinking he had turned off his battery driven trolley, only to see it disappearing off the path into the lake, but he managed to retrieve it with the help of the people he was playing with. He thought he would have to push his trolley up the 18th. Luckily the battery still worked, but his cigarettes in his golf bag did not fare so well. The Costa Cálida Ladies’ League We all enjoy our Ladies League encounters in a competitive but friendly spirit. This season which starts in September, we were hoping to get 2 more teams to join in with us as this would make the League even more challenging, but this has not happened yet. We are still working on it, so if you are group of Lady Golfers who would like to be part of our group, you are very welcome to join us. We play at reciprocal golf courses on a home and away basis at reduced green fees. To participate in the League you only need a group of 6 ladies. If you are interested or would like more information please contact Betty Roberts on Christmas Dinner Dance This will be a joint event with the Tuesday Sprightly Group on 15th November at Hotel Costa with Lenny Mitchell as our entertainment. Camposol Club de Golf The new owners of Camposol Golf Course and The Club House are making terrific improvements on the course. It has never looked so green and there is plenty of grass on the fairways, which is more than can said for a lot of golf courses in the immediate vicinity. There Costa Cálida Chronicle: Please tell our customers where you saw their advertisement Sales Contact Teresa 619 199 407 or for the Editor Contact Patti 646 005 017 email: Page 85 In association with Costa Cálida International Radio and Golfing Away Day In June, 28 Members of the Association thoroughly enjoyed an away day to Lorca Golf Course. We played a mixed 2 Ball Better Ball Competition and the winning married couple combination was Bob and Julie White on count back from Lloyd and Betty Roberts with a massive 42 points. It was an excellent day and the staff at Lorca Golf Course could not do enough for us. After the game we had an excellent Menu del Dia at the Miras in Lebor, Totana. Scorers for Sporting Camposol were Daniel Scott 3, Dani 1, Budia 1, and FC Alley Palais Tom 1 and James1. Gerard In association with Costa Cálida International Radio and Training for Mazarrón FC began on 23rd July when the juvenile squad, 14 Mazarrón based senior players and a new English player, Zak de Souza, “enjoyed” a strenuous two hour session with coach Antonio Lorente, assisted by last year’s retired captain, Diego who has taken the new role of Sports Director. A welcome newcomer was former captain Juan Andres who has missed the last 18 months through work and other commitments. Three sessions were held the following week when the Mazarrón based players were joined by some of last season’s players from the Cartagena area and another old favourite Alcaraz. Notable absentees were Jose Iker, Barrachina, Santi and Pollo who will not be re-joining the club for the 2013/14 season. Iker, in particular, will be sadly missed as he proved an excellent and reliable goalkeeper last season. In addition, Mazarrón youngsters Jose Da and Diego junior will continue to further their footballing education at a higher level next season. posters at various points throughout Camposol and Mazarrón. tails please ring Barbara on 627 012 646 or Dave on 634 369 639. Los Amigos de Mazarrón FC will once again be running a supporters’ coach to most away games and full details of prices and departure times will be found on our website as soon as the fixture details are confirmed. Tues 15th October - Motown Evening at The Club House, Camposol C with the highly acclaimed Soul Power, a five piece band from the Alicante area. Commences at 7.30pm and Soul Power will perform two sets during the evening. Tickets 12€, including supper from Barbara on 627 012 646, Dave on 634 369 639 or Gerard on 634 320 567. Tickets on sale at Los Amigos Meetings @ Trevi Bar, Camposol, Thursdays 3-4pm. Los Amigos Social Committee has been busy organising a series of events: Wed 11th Sept - A second visit to the Go Karting Centre in Puerto de Mazarrón. Racing commences at 6pm with a series of heats with the winners progressing through to the grand final. A special price of 20€ each for 20 minutes racing which is a lot of racing at those speeds!!! For de- Fixtures for the 2013/14 season in the Primera Autonomica will be available on our website www.losamigosdemazarron. es. The season is expected to start in mid September and Mazarron’s home games are normally played on Sundays with varying kick off times. Full details of all games, both home and away, are announced on the Tuesday before the weekend on which the game is to be played and advertised in the local media, on our website and on Wed 27th November - Christmas Social Evening at The Club House, Camposol C. Entertainment by Michelle and Pitu. Tickets 10€ including a buffet supper. (This date may have to be changed to avoid clashing with FAST’s trip to Benidorm). Any changes see our website Wed 12th March 2014 - Los Amigos de Mazarrón FC Gala Evening and Dinner in support of Mazarrón FC in the splendid surroundings of Hotel la Cumbre, Puerto de Mazarrón. An additional event is being planned for the evening before the dinner the Celebrity Golf Day which will take place on Tuesday 11th March. Los Amigos de Mazarrón FC hold weekly meetings at Trevi Bar, Camposol 4pm. Social meetings, which are open to anyone, are held every Thursday with the exception of the last Thursday of each month which is reserved for the Members’ Business Meeting and open to members only. Membership runs from 1st August to 31st July for 10€. Email the Los Amigos Secretary, Barbara Marchant, at If you are interested in football, or just want to take part in the various social events we will be organising, or just want a chat and a drink among friends in pleasant surroundings, why not join us for an hour on a Thursday afternoon? You will be most welcome. Costa Cálida Chronicle: Please tell our customers where you saw their advertisementt Page 86 Sales Contact Teresa 619 199 407 or for the Editor Contact Patti 646 005 017 email: Thursday July 4th saw the Old Guard travelling over to Corvera, which for some, was their first visit to this course. Nearest The Pin on the 8th green was taken by Peter Court, while Dave May came closest to the hole on the 17th. With wide and straight fairways this course was always going to give our players some high point totals on their scorecards and so it was to be, with some of our high handicappers coming in with their best scores of the year. Our Vice Captain, Jim Kinniburgh, showed the way, coming in with a point’s total of 35 on his card to become Overall Winner and Winner of Division Three. Hot on his heels came Captain, Derek Hayward and Dave May with 34 points for joint Second Place Overall in Division Three. In Division One, Danny Lewis was almost as close with 33 points which was good enough to be the Winner of that group, with Peter Court coming Second with 27 points. With the same score of 27 came Barry Martin to take First Place in Division Two and Roger Olorenshaw a close Second with 26 During July, Mar Menor Golf Society completed their Annual Charity fund raising events with a Captain’s Charity Golf Day. points. Paul Western was awarded the Plonker Trophy even with a reasonable of 21 which is the highest points total for this award for a very long time. Should anyone wish to join Fuente Old Guard or just play as a guest, please contact Dave on 868 082 013. More than 5,900€ was raised and a cheque was presented to the Aidemar President, Francisco Garcia by Mar Menor Golf Society Captain, David Saville. Aidemar is a local Charity with a base in San Javier. They support mentally and physically disadvantaged children and adults. The 5,900€ donation will greatly assist the excellent work that this charity is providing. The Overall Winners of the golf tournament consisted of Alan Rainbird, Dave Clarke, Gerry Hegarty and Alan Field, with an overall score of 102 points. A summary of photographs taken during the final event can be viewed on Mar Menor Golf Resort website Costa Cálida Chronicle: Please tell our customers where you saw their advertisement Sales Contact Teresa 619 199 407 or for the Editor Contact Patti 646 005 017 email: Page 87 In association with Costa Cálida International Radio and The golf competition consisted of an Alternate Texas Scramble with the maximum number of available places 88 taken by Mar Menor Golf Society members and guests. Mad Dogs and Englishmen!!!!!!! When I wrote the last report, I really didn’t think that you would hear any more from the society until the cooler weather set in. How wrong can you be!!! However, the man to beat it all was Geoff Perry who returned a Stapleford score of 36. Hot! On his heals were Pete Smithson with 32, & Bernard Dallent with 31. On 26th July, sixteen members decided to take up on the offer at Lorca Resort Golf Club and set off from the clubhouse in a very pleasant temperature. With the course in tip-top condition, the players’ temperatures rising, with balls going in all directions, fishing from the water hazards had no effect on cooling things down. On top of this, the air temperature rose steadily throughout the day and by the time we came off at 18, the mercury was showing 36 degrees in the shade. Over 40 out on the course. Mad dogs or what! Nearest the Pin were Gerry Taylor and Jim Booth. That I think is it until September, but who knows, we might find more mad dogs! Fastest Way To Get Better At Golf by David Gay PGA Professional While some golfers are content to play occasionally, many become instantly hooked on the game and try to slice strokes off their scores as quickly as possible. While patience is a virtue, there are proven ways to maximize your golf potential in a relatively short time, if you’re willing to work. Take Lessons If you have money to spend on golf, invest in lessons before purchasing that new set of clubs. Golf writer Harry Hurt recommends a three-step plan when seeking instruction: Make a commitment to improve your game, find a professional teacher, then follow through on your commitment. If you’re a new golfer, a teaching pro can start you off with the correct fundamentals. If you’ve been playing for awhile, your instructor can smooth out your rough spots. If you don’t know any golf pros, the safest bet is to find a PGA pro at a local course. In association with Costa Cálida International Radio and Practice and Play Armed with correct knowledge - whether from a pro, a golf book or a video - practice and play golf as much as possible. Hurt says the amount of time you practice and play is “arguably the most important variable in the equation of your golf improvement formula.” Obtain some drills - either from your pro or another source - that focus on your weak spots, then head to the driving range and practice green to put in your work. Improve Your Short Game If your spare time is limited, the fastest way to shave strokes off your score is to improve your short game, particularly your putting. One-time child golf prodigy Tiger Woods said, “It wasn’t by accident that I learned to play golf from the green back to the tee.” Again, have your pro give you some drills to take to the practice green. Alternatively, golf instructor Dave Pelz suggests placing 10 balls in a circle, 3 feet from the hole. Move around the circle sinking all the putts, but start over if you miss one. Continue until you sink 10 in a row. I Play 18 and I Like It In his book “Alice Cooper, Golf Monster,” rock and roll legend Alice Cooper describes how he took up golf as a way to fill his time after leaving a rehabilitation centre for alcoholics. Cooper worked with two golf pros, played 36 holes per day, then practiced afterwards, using drills from the two pros. Within a year he was an 8-handicap player. While you may not have as much spare time as Cooper did, adapting his formula for success as closely as possible should help you lower your score quickly. For more info on lessons and club repairs you can find David at Peraleja Golf Resort on 670 083 939 Email Costa Cálida Chronicle: Please tell our customers where you saw their advertisementt Page 88 Sales Contact Teresa 619 199 407 or for the Editor Contact Patti 646 005 017 email: Vuelta De España (Tour Of Spain) – 2013 With the recent British wins in the last 2 editions of the Tour de France, professional cycle racing, especially 3 week stage races, is now widely understood by the British public. As in my past reports over the years, Spain has its own 3 week Grand Tour. The race will be run in the same format as the Tour de France, with the main difference being the colour of the various jerseys for the leader of the race, points, mountains and young rider (under 25). Each stage for some riders is treated as an individual race, as their chances of winning overall are not very good. You have to be an “all rounder” to win any stage, especially a Grand Tour of 3 weeks. From Jaén, the race will then be transferred to the very North of Spain and runs along the top of the Pyrenees, with one stage finishing in France and the very final stage finishing in Madrid after 3 weeks and 21 stages. I personally consider the Tour of Spain to be consistently the hardest Grand Tour of the year and 2013 is no exception with 11 mountain top finishes. There are no British riders in the race that have a chance of winning, but the Irish rider Dan Martin has a good chance of a top ten finish, as well as the Italian, Vincenzo Nibali, who should also be up there at the end. We do have a local rider listed, the Spaniard Alejandro Valverde, who lives in Murcia and was 8th in the Tour de France this year and who also won the Tour of Spain (Vuelta) in 2009. That is the most exciting thing about the Vuelta – no-one knows who will win until the last couple of stages, with no rider being a “hot favourite” as is found in the Tour de France and Giro de Italia (Tour of Italy). It will all be down to who can climb the mountains day after day and stay in contention on the flat windy sections and rolling stages. As mentioned earlier, they have to be an “all rounder”. More information on the location, distances, stages etc can all be found at or you can contact me on 696 809 527. Martin Rutherford. In association with Costa Cálida International Radio and On 24 August, the race started in the very Northwest of Spain and was there 4 days before travelling South close to the Portuguese border. It then headed to the far South, travelling East to Sierra Nevada. The nearest it comes to us here in Murcia is the Jaén Region, which will accommodate the riders approximately half way through their 3 week “battle”. Costa Cálida Chronicle: Please tell our customers where you saw their advertisement Sales Contact Teresa 619 199 407 or for the Editor Contact Patti 646 005 017 email: Page 89 FOR SALE 2 year old state of the art Hotpoint Ariston stainless frost-free fridge/freezer 300€ 2 HP heavy duty gym quality treadmill 250€ Heavy duty Karcher home cleaning system/never used 300€ Phillips 27” TV & table 40€ Assorted small appliances 15-40€ Tel 671 129 171 Zanussi Condenser Dryer Dual Temp. Max Drying 6kg as new. 350€ ono Tel 629 541 939 Older desktop computer/HP printer/scanner/copier/rollerball mouse/speakers/ keyboard/XP programmes & driver disks. €20€ ono Halogen oven glass bowl/stand without electric top lid & recipe book. Ideal as spare. €10€ Tel 968 594 159 Vax carpet shampoo/hoover. Only used twice.75€ Mobile gas heater. No bottle. 35€ Celebrity Pride mobility scooter 495€ Tel 968 131 725 WANTED Wanted – Female Westie puppy. Must have good temperament. Please telephone if you hear of any in the area. Need company for my 2 year old white Westie. Tel 629 729 062 Mens road bike 56cm frame. Must be in working order. Puerto de Mazarrón area Tel 653 468 472 Sea fishing items, rods, reels, tackle, etc. Can Collect, Puerto de Mazarrón area Tel 653 468 472 BUSINESS CLASSIFIED ADS ARE AVAILABLE FREE FOR ITEMS UNDER 500€ OR FOR WANTED/LOST ITEMS. (FOR NON-COMMERCIAL ENTERPRISES ONLY AND EXCLUDING PROPERTIES, VEHICLES AND BOATS) Maximum 20 words and 3 classified ads per customer. GROUPS Large ex-commercial sun now not needed. Offers over 40€ Tel 602 422 489 To Place a Classified Advert: Please go to our Contact Us page at www. and put Classified advert in the Subject line, email or call 968 970 680 10-2pm Mon-Fri PETS Pair geese (1 male/1 female) 7 months old. 25€ for last pair Tel 646 005 017 In association with Costa Cálida International Radio and Female goat 8 months old. Lovely black & white markings. Tel 646 005 017 August 2013 Quiz Answers 1. Who has a show room in excess of 1000sq metres with ever changing ranges and much choice claiming it well worth a visit? Furniture Plus p104 2. Who is offering summer sale sizzlers? Yorkshire Linen p9 3. Who is giving you gardening thoughts on a hot sunny day? Gardening News p8 4. Who is speaking Spanish in the kitchen? Jane Cronin p10 5. Who is offering the discrete protection for your valuable items? W- BOX p27 6. Who is offering traditional Italian cooking with a Italian chef and Italian pizza maker? Mamma Mia p55 7. Who is the author under review in July George Raymond Richard Martin p60 8. Who is offering “A Perfect Sunday” meal? La Mariposa p61 9. What is the herb of the month? Vanilla p74 10. Who is offering cheese and wine nights? Tropic Ana’s p97 Costa Cálida Chronicle: Please tell our customers where you saw their advertisementt Page 90 Sales Contact Teresa 619 199 407 or for the Editor Contact Patti 646 005 017 email: Dear Editor Just wanted to say a massive thank you to FAST for their fabulous response and care they showed me after I was in the unfortunate situation of passing out recently. They were on the scene very quickly and both the ladies that attended were very professional and obviously “knew their stuff”. How lucky we are to live amongst selfless people giving their own time to help others; although I hope not to have the need to call them again of course! What a wonderful job they do, although I guess a lot of time it goes un-noticed which was why I wanted to send my thanks. Name and address supplied Dear Editor I thought your readers might like to see this letter sent to HAH from Willie Thorne PRAISE FOR HAH, MURCIA FROM WILLIE THORNE 31st July 2013 Dear Lesley In association with Costa Cálida International Radio and Having seen recent reports in the media, I write to congratulate the HAH volunteers on the tremendous success over the past 2.5 years. To start a charity from scratch and in a foreign country is not mean feat and the fact that you have raised sufficient funds during this time to give free help and support to over 700 people is a testimonial to all the HAH volunteers. As patron of HAH, it gives me great pleasure to hear of your continued success and I am sure that all the people that you have helped are extremely grateful. You must all be extremely proud of your hard work and achievements. Keep up the good work Willie Thorne Costa Cálida Chronicle: Please tell our customers where you saw their advertisement Sales Contact Teresa 619 199 407 or for the Editor Contact Patti 646 005 017 email: Page 91 Accomodation La Manchicha La Mariposa Accountants: Corral & Alcaraz Silvente Airport Parking: Seguro Parking 634 373 943 968 631 008 968 078 754 968 332 058 622 062 115 Banking & Finance: Lloyds Bank International 902 024 365 UK Tax Refunds 965 636 938 In association with Costa Cálida International Radio and Bars, Cafés & Restaurants: Amapola 660 328 092 Avenida Restaurante 968 594 055 Bistro Ratatouille 968 155 887 Cafeteria Plaza 968 705 406 Cafeteria El Faro 968 594 352 Casa Del Nono 968 152 056 Chez Zoe 676 691 324 Elliots Bolnuevo 968 158 499 La Chara 968 152 016 La Manchicha 634 373 943 La Mariposa 968 631 008 La Taberna Juan Chara 968 152 530 La Vida 625 917 425 Le Carrousel 968 155 910 Leonardo’s 628 682 303 Liz’s Cafe 696 724 123 Mamma Mia 628 682 303 Oasis De Las Palmeras 968 150 720 Quality Indian 968 199 198 Restaurant Marina 619 500 555 Rosalind’s Roof Garden 663 836 991 Spice Villa 968 199 226 The Arches 653 081 341 The Clover 868 082 057 The Condado Club 868 082 058 The First Mediterranean Gastro Pub 644 122 076 The New Royal 968 595 864 The Old Market Tavern 968 154 330 The Steak Out 968 970 619 Tropic Ana’s 699 060 472 Electricians: Louis Harris 619 712 821 Funeral Plans: ASSSA The Funeral Director 968 153 396 650 631 719 Building Services: A1 Garden & Ground Serv 628 505 733 B & H Soluciones (Energy)692 902 302 JD Roofing & Building 630 269 994 Kano Architectural Design 963 141 082 VIP Services 650 893 607 Woodworks Direct 649 540 016 Furniture: A Time 4 A Change DFS Furniture Plus 968 136 501 968 334 194 968 482 456 Carpentry: Philip Carpenter/Joiner 680 443 219 Car Hire: Bolnuevo Cars F & C Rent a Car Mar Menor Car Hire 968 150 979 968 199 156 634 334 923 Hairdressers & Barbers Jane’s Salon 968 Jane’s Salon CDA 666 The Beauty Palace 968 The Salon 691 The Salon 2 686 158 144 971 916 354 433 287 828 717 232 Health & Beauty: Freedom Mobility Infiniti Unisex Salon Jane’s Salon Janes Salon CDA Live In Care The Beauty Palace The Fuschia Beauty Clinic The Salon The Salon 2 893 582 158 144 406 971 439 916 354 357 958 433 287 881 828 480 717 232 Builders: C M Constructions Fuente Building Services JML Building Services North West Murcia Const Tony’s Building Services 659 696 669 649 647 159 744 054 742 119 948 982 652 555 952 Cars & Transport: Specialist Vehicles SL 968 146 158 Catering: Country Kitchen The Roving Diner 603 135 387 676 217 059 Chimney Sweeps: Home from Home Tony Chimney Sweep 660 478 881 646 438 694 Chiropodists: Phillip Dawe 968 150 244 Cleaning Services: Limpieza Rosa 619 199 407 Computer Repairs & Sales: Camposol Computers 968 199 191 Loco Murcia 968 971 893 Dentists Dental Care Esperanza Batista Matos English Speaking Dentist Olivier Houdusse 968 968 968 968 199 597 707 153 111 580 428 645 Garden Centres & Services A1 Garden & Ground Serv 628 505 733 638 968 968 666 685 968 630 691 686 Heating and Aircon: Calida Gas & Oil 659 761 771 Camposol Heating & Maintenance (CHM) 968 199 184 Louis Harris 619 712 821 T J Electricals 868 181 121 Home Furnishings: Curtain Call 616 240 171 Yorkshire Linen, Pto Maz 968 595 946 Yorkshire Linen, San Javier 968 193 912 Insurance: ASSSA Ibex 968 153 396 968 595 945 Costa Cálida Chronicle: Please tell our customers where you saw their advertisementt Page 92 Sales Contact Teresa 619 199 407 or for the Editor Contact Patti 646 005 017 email: Internet Cafés: Alley Palais Camposol Computers 685 975 583 968 978 869 968 199 191 Kennels, Cateries and Pet Care 4 Legs Dog Grooming 608 712 Colina Kennels 639 012 El Carro Cattery & Kennels 620 582 Pampered Paws 634 302 Pets 2 Go 2 EU 868 189 Laundrettes: Rainbow Laundrette The Laundry Shop 258 599 342 654 388 325 634 309 603 968 131 997 Legal Services: Corral & Alcaraz 968 078 754 Costa Calida Property Serv 968 199 251 Silvente Accountant/Lawyer 968 332 058 Locksmiths: ADS Locksmith 600 255 250 Mechanics: Colair 626 Decklid Auto Services 626 Ken Sherwood Mechanic 679 Kwik Fix English Mechanic 968 Lopez Milan 968 Mobile Car Mechanic 666 Neumáticos El Ceña 968 796 678 646 972 429 161 422 149 840 859 006 216 129 015 Mobility Products Freedom Mobility 638 893 357 Home Discount Supplies 968 193 267 Outdoor Living: D & G Garden Furniture Furniture Plus Woodworks Direct 968 334 773 968 482 456 649 540 016 Painting and Decorating: EPDS 636 558 002 RJB Décor Painting 699 044 742 Trevor Smith 968 163 298 Plumbers: Apache 24/7 Plumbing 674 788 693 Camposol Heating & Maintenance 968 199 184 Printing & Design: Entorno Grafico Mister Print 968 654 007 638 893 357 Property Maintenance: Trevor Smith 968 163 298 Property Rentals: La Manga 4 U 0044 7921 351298 Owners Away 691 977 107 Paramount Resort Villa Rentals 968 970 614 Property Sales: Fuente Alamo Real Estate 968 Holmes & Pegg 968 Old Farmhouses 968 Owners 691 Prime Property Murcia 646 Rentalia Invest 660 Removals & Storage Advance Moves 598 199 159 993 692 328 173 290 264 219 471 092 Dainton’s Removals & Storage 696 180 634 Lord’s Removals & Storage 608 061 872 Mar Menor Removals 696 621 884 Retail Outlets: A Time 4 A Change Home Discount Supplies Legs & Co Kitchens Plus 1 The Holland Store 968 968 660 968 667 136 193 792 184 367 501 267 513 235 654 Security ADS Locksmith Eriks Metal Works Protech Surveillance The Forge 600 636 667 618 255 050 196 963 250 008 366 958 Services: 4 Legs Dog Grooming Compusurf Healthy H20 Miles Better Water Filters T J Electricals Pampered Paws Repair It Don’t Bin It! 608 968 968 619 868 634 646 712 970 437 877 181 302 705 599 666 270 303 121 388 403 Solar Power: Freesol Solar Directa 659 232 507 659 315 130 Solicitors: Corral & Alcaraz 968 Professional & Legal Solutions 968 Silvente Accountant/Lawyer 968 Spas & Hottubs: Eurospas 650 722 905 Sport & Leisure: Alfvin’s Rune & Tarot 634 Alley Palais 968 Costa Cálida Radio 968 Dance Zone 649 Espuña Adventure 968 Horse Riding META 636 Yoga & Pilates Just 4 you 630 Yogamayga 968 168 285 978 869 595 862 647 467 631 008 172 198 288 978 150 755 Swimming Pool Cleaning & Maintenance: Alpha Pools 968 Daisy Pool Covers 660 Jorge Pools 674 Köhn Pool Service 968 Watermaid 646 971 080 168 138 705 078 754 595 826 332 058 In association with Costa Cálida International Radio and Liberty Seguros 902 255 Liberty Seguros (Los Alcazares) 622 108 Linea Directa 902 123 Nash Warren 968 156 824 201 000 638 088 Translation: Costa Calida Property Serv 968 199 251 Travel Agents Dragon Tours 968 199 021 TV & Satellite: CTV Aerial & Satellite Systems 600 218 ISS 655 480 Loco Murcia 968 971 Rainbow Satellites 686 358 T J Electricals 868 181 YPM Satellites 628 234 Veterinary Clinics: Clinica Veterinaria Pto Maz 968 Emerg 608 Clinica Veterinaria SurEste 965 Veterinary Clinic Maskota 968 Emerg 619 046 543 893 475 121 045 153 931 466 553 352 438 597 929 378 473 968 654 667 Costa Cálida Chronicle: Please tell our customers where you saw their advertisement Sales Contact Teresa 619 199 407 or for the Editor Contact Patti 646 005 017 email: Page 93 If you are an existing customers and you have some Business News that you would like to share with our readers then why not email it to us to be included on our Business News page. Please keep your news to about 50 words and send us an email by 15th of the month, to with Business News in the subject box. La Manchica is under new management! Cath and Steve welcome customers old and new to the family run B&B, Bar and Restaurant situated in the tranquil village La Manchica close to Las Palas and Fuente Alamo. You can come and have a bite to eat or a chilled drink and sit in our beautiful gardens and relax. During September La Manchica will also have a selection of Caribbean meals available if you fancy something different. For more information call 634 373 943 In association with Costa Cálida International Radio and You do not have to be Dutch to appreciate the comprehensive range of products on offer at the new Holland Store in Mazarrón Town. Holland Store is well worth a visit as they have a surprising selection of tasty products to choose from. Why not pay them a visit or call Miranda for details? Tel 667 367 654. Chez Zoe is open again in Puerto de Mazarrón. Due to ill health, the Bulgarian Restaurant Taste Bulgaria has unfortunately had to close and Zoe is back! With two menus every day starting from just 10€ for 3 courses, you will again find the same delicious French offerings at Chez Zoe set in a stunning location overlooking the sea. Lisa and Paco are there again waiting to welcome you. Tel 676 691 324 Visit Le Carrousel, the restaurant with stunning views over the Bay of Mazarrón. There is always something new on offer at Le Carrousel (incorporating Le Gourmet). Come and try our oyster tasting on Sunday 8th September. For more information call 968 155 910. La Vida Bar & Bistro One Year Anniversary Beach Party Saturday 28th September The team at La Vida Bar in Los Cantareros invite all their customers, loyal and new, to celebrate with a complimentary buffet, music and games. La Vida Bar’s first year as part of a Spanish village community, has kept to their original concept of providing the area with high quality, homemade dishes, serving traditional British favourites as well as international cuisine. Tel 625 917 425 for more details. Kwik Fix are delighted to announce the opening of their new Body Shop, Crash Repair Centre and Spray Shop Centre in their premises at Cañadas del Romero. These new facilities will be in operation from 1st September enabling Kwik Fix to offer an even wider range of services for their customers. Tel 968 972 006 for more details. Is Steak one of your favourite meals? Bistro Ratatouille in Puerto de Mazarrón is pleased to announce that they can now offer both Argentinian and Aberdeen Angus steaks cooked to your taste. These Steaks are the highest quality cuts of meat available. Call in for details. Tel 968 155 887 Christmas isn’t really that far away now and The Roving Diner are already taking orders for Pre-Christmas Dinners. Why not get all your friends together and have The Roving Diner cater for you in the comfort of your own home? There are 3 menu options and prices available and you only need a minimum party of 10. Don’t forget The Roving Diner hog roast/outside catering is available all year round. Contact The Roving Diner for further information on 676 217 059. A Time 4 A Change in El Algar opens a first floor bedroom department on 21st September at 11am. Owner Kerry says “We stock quality used furniture. You can find beds, headboards and everything you need for your bedroom, including brand new bedding. For every bed sold, we will be giving away a new pair of cotton pillows!” For more information please call 968 136 501. Costa Cálida Chronicle: Please tell our customers where you saw their advertisementt Page 94 Sales Contact Teresa 619 199 407 or for the Editor Contact Patti 646 005 017 email: In association with Costa Cálida International Radio and Costa Cálida Chronicle: Please tell our customers where you saw their advertisement Sales Contact Teresa 619 199 407 or for the Editor Contact Patti 646 005 017 email: Page 95 In association with Costa Cálida International Radio and Costa Cálida Chronicle: Please tell our customers where you saw their advertisementt Page 96 Sales Contact Teresa 619 199 407 or for the Editor Contact Patti 646 005 017 email:
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