feb newslett 4 - Yankee Chapter of NAVHDA


feb newslett 4 - Yankee Chapter of NAVHDA
february 2014
from our prez...
It was great to see so many faces at our chapter’s annual meeting at Kittery Trading
Post. Thank you to Scott Cataldi who made all the arrangements. Thanks also to KTP
for supporting us with a donation and offering a discount for our day of shopping. Please
continue your support of this great Maine company!
Minutes on the 2014 Annual Meeting can be found on the chapter website. Be sure to
check them out. Highlights of our meeting ( other than the food of course ) were:
-- Calendar of events for the upcoming season was set. Be sure to put them on your
calendar ASAP! Yankee, New England Seacoast, Sebasticook and Merrimack have done
their best to stagger tests and clinic dates. I think we all are very unique in this respect as
chapters, and we hope it will help you best prepare your versatile hunting dog(s)!
-- Handlers Clinic to be held June 28 and 29. Absolutely a MUST attend! Details to
follow! Sign up at Indoor Clinic to reserve your spot!
-- Test Prep Workshop (June 1st) is back by popular demand and still free of charge to
all Yankee Chapter members.
-- Chapter thanked Dick Dilley and Bob Brey, who, together, mowed over 400 acres of
Inland Fisheries and Wildlife land.
-- Website keeps getting better, thanks to Nancy, Mark and Judie!
-- Duck Box Project continues in 2014 under the guidance of Jason Carter.
-- Yankee Chapter’s Facebook Page continues it’s great success. Thank you Betty
Blackman for your support.
The Yankee Chapter membership has approved an amazing season of training events.
Even after nearly 40 years as a member, I still look forward to training my hunting dogs
with my friends. I just returned from an incredible quail hunting trip to Georgia. Raven, at
8 years old, was my choice hunting buddy. She was so fun to watch work those birds. It
just NEVER gets old.
That being said, it is nearly that time of year again......the arrival of our beloved Woodcock. Don’t forget to let us know as soon as you have spotted one. It is a chapter ritual.
Till next time, stay warm and enjoy winter.
-- Patti
Annual Meeting
February 7-9
Manchester, NH
For schedule, hotel and
banquet info, go to:
See page 4 for details.
Yankee Chapter Test
Postmark date:
February 15th
Indoor Training Clinic
February 22nd
Vocational Region 10
Church Road, Brunswick
See page 3 for details.
from the director of training:
The chapter is building a new bird trailer this year. We welcome anyone with the expertise
or design ideas. We will continue to work very hard to keep our Training Events efficient and
first class! Again, we welcome ideas and your support to keep them that way. See you at Voc
10 in Brunswick for the Indoor Clinic. -- Blaine Carter
from the director of testing
Reminder! Test entries for the Spring and Fall tests open February 15th. They cannot be
postmarked prior! Please refer to test rules on the chapter website to help you accurately
complete your Test Entry Form. -- Tom Barks
www.yankeenavhda.org -- page 1 -- visit us on facebook, too!
welcome new members!
member news
Dan Atkinson& Lauren Zoll, Gray, ME
Jon Hall, Saco, ME
Jim & Shanon Perkins, Cornish ME
$ treasurer’s report
At our annual meeting the members voted
to donate $300 to the Phippsburg Sportsman’s club for the Dick Lemont Take a Kid
Fishing Derby. The money will come from
the Kenny King / Bob Bisson account.
thank you
The Yankee Chapter sends heartfelt
condolences to Rem Norsworthy whose
mother, Mildred (Harris) Good, passed
away January 11th. Rem told us, “She
passed peacefully on her terms--still in
Presque Isle hospital and never had any
pain...” Our thoughts and prayers are with
Rem and her family.
From Jared Gordon on 12/ 30: “Last few
days have been fun. Passed on more than
we shot on Saturday because I didn’t have
Hogan and we had to kayak out to retrieve
the birds, so we TRIED to shoot only green
and only over the land...made it fun:)”
to the following contributors to the
Kenny King /Bob Bisson Fund:
Nancy Anisfield
Tom Barks
Shelia Bennett
Johan Boelig
Craig Buzzell
Scott Cataldi
Andrew & Elsie Christie
James & Charlene Daniels
Ann & Dick Dilley
Ray Dyer
Bob & Alison England
Jim Gardiner
Jon Hall
David & Jacquie Kuritzky
Casey Matthews
Suzi Moore
Sandy Runyon
Dave & Carol Trahan
Joe Wadleigh
Terry Wilson
Paul & Joan von Hardenberg
And (ironically) once the season ends...
Jared also sent in this cool photo of his
boys feeding the ducks.
Dave Kuritzky got this great partridge over
Riley on Dec. 31st, last grouse of the year!
Dick Dilley presented Wood Duck prints
from the Dept.of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife to Bob Brey and Jason Carter for the
work they do for the department.
The Carters, Breys and Anisfield/Wilsons,
plus assorted Yankee Chapter dogs, put
a lot of Georgia quail through their paces
at Southwind Plantation. Wildlife sightings
included giant bass, several trophy bucks
and one dead armadillo.
Paul’s report early in January from the
travelling Brouha’s: “Carol, the girls, and
I are down @ Pawley’s Island, SC with
Cullertons. We had 18 woodcock flushes
yesterday (some of then repeats on the
same bird). Lots of good training for the
girls and their sisters. T-shirt weather!”
chapter business
Test Entries: If you’re planning on testing
this year, be sure to mail your application no earlier than February 15th. Entries
into the Yankee Spring and Fall Tests
are accepted on a first-come, first-serve
basis, but postmarks before February 15th
will not be accepted. Test entry rules are
posted on our website’s Documents Page,
and the official entry form is available at
www.navhda.org in the Forms Express:
We said goodbye to another Super Senior
this month -- Terry Wilson’s Scrub. A terrific
hunter and constant comedian, Scrub was
also the CEO of Ugly Dog Hunting Company, which was named for him. Fifteen
years of wonderful memories will keep
Scrub alive in our hearts.
Judie Bayles sent in ANOTHER photo of
a big fish Don caught. Hearing about our
blizzards and ice storms she wrote, “Feel
so bad that I’m sending you a picture of
the 27” redfish Don caught yesterday...
snicker...should I enlarge it a bit more?”
Royal Turdsnatcher Kennels announced
that they’re expecting their first Mastiff
/ Mexican Hairless crossbreeding next
month and are accepting applications from
prospective buyers.
www.yankeenavhda.org -- page 2 -- visit us on facebook, too!
crystal lake ice fishing derby
photos by Patti Carter and Betty Blackman
Yankee Chapter sled dogs were a hit once again at the Crystal Lake Ice Fishing Derby on January 25th. With the
help of their handlers, Patti & Blaine Carter, Jason Carter, Misi Knutson, Nick Racioppi, Don and Betty Blackman,
Bill & Cindy Tracy, Chip Amergian and Tom Barks, the dogs delighted the kids with some speedy rides on the lake.
indoor training clinic february 22nd !
Vocational Region 10
Church Road, Brunswick, Maine
Coffee at 8:30 Clinic starts at 9:00
Cost $10
Training season is just around the corner, or when the ice melts, that is. No need to wait -- It’s time to get
started! Join the Yankee Chapter for a day of indoor training and socialization. We will be working with
dogs of all ages and abilities. Skills covered will be retrieving, recalls, heeling, come, whoa and obedience.
Bring your own lunch or stop by one of the fast food restaurants nearby. For info or questions, contact
Blaine Carter: mmkennels@myfairpoint.net or 207-725-8229.
it is winter in new england...
...and man has it been cold. Last year Blaine and I made daily runs to the ocean and back with our dog sled teams. Way way too cold
this year to play. That, and the crappy snow conditions, has required us to be more innovative with our winter training.
Enter the Internet. Most of you know how I like animal behavior and teaching my dogs new tricks. Keeping our four legged friends
stimulated and happy can be a challenge during this long cold winter. There are many sports, hobbies or classes you can enroll in to
pass the winter days. How about searching for a specific dog trick on your computer; there are endless choices.
Get some obedience under your belt and have some fun with your dog. There is no better time than Winter to sharpen your dog’s obedience skills. Did you know a trained skill that is not maintained will diminish? Remember, the dog you take to the woods this Fall is being
trained today. Hope to see you at our first training event of 2014, Voc 10 Clinic, Brunswick, Maine on Feb 22.
-- Patti
www.yankeenavhda.org -- page 3 -- visit us on facebook, too!
cranky yankees
This column offers advice by Nick Racioppi and Jason Carter about Maine’s hunting laws and regulations. The
Cranky Yankee’s are not lawyers. They give their best interpretation of often complex laws. Is there a hunting regulation you don’t understand? A situation in the field you weren’t sure how to handle? Send the Cranky Yankees and
email and let them look into it for you: Jason: jcarter@rsu1.org Nick: feathersfins@comcast.net
point, click... learn!
Training Video #2
In the second Point, Click, Learn video, Blaine Carter discusses going to the training
table as the next step in the finished retrieve before taking it to the ground. Here is the
link to the video:
Point, Click, Learn! videos can also be accessed via the Yankee Chapter Facebook page
or our website at www.yankeenavhda.org. Go to the “Documents” page and select Point,
Click, Learn! Video Links.
remember when you’re shooting: get a clue before you see blue!
Motions and Discussion Topics
for the NAVHDA International Annual Meeting
Friday Feb. 7:
Motion from the Merrimack Valley Chapter
“...that the Executive Council implement a
Policy Change pertaining to the requirements for submittal of Chapter Motions...
such that in order for a Chapter motion to
be eligible for consideration by the Exective Council and other Chapter delegates
at the annual meeting, the sponsoring
Chapter must have an authorized delegate
attend the annual meeting, present and describe the purpose of the motion, address
questions and comments and be empowered to accept or reject amendments
to same in the name of the sponsoring
Chapter. Anything to the contrary requires
that the Chapter motion be denied.
Open forum with Executive Council
Delegates and members general
meeting to discuss any motions and
other questions.
Welcome Reception
Dinner on your own. (There is a restaurant in the hotel, and a wide variety
of restaurants within walking distance
of hotel)
Hospitality party hosted Merrimack
Valley Navhda
Sat. Feb 8:
Hall of Delegates Meeting
EduCational Seminars
-- Pro trainer Question and Answer
Session with David Trahan, Clyde Vetter, Blaine Carter, Tim Clark
-- Scott Linden Outdoor writer and
host of TV Show WingShooting USA
Banquet and awards
Hospitality party hosted by Merrimack
Valley Navhda
Sun. Feb 9
Seminar on Canine First Aid
Seminar by Trapper Association on
Trap removal
Motion from the Potomac Chapter
“Would require that any chapter that submits a motion to be considered during the
annual meeting must also send a representative to present that motion and any
rational or reasons to support that motion.
This representative will also be required to
answer questions from the delegates attending the meeting. Motions not supported by a chapter representative will NOT be
considered for discussion by the delegates
and will be automatically withdrawn.”
Discussion Issue from Charles Rabolli,
Mid-South Chapter
“I would like the members to discuss the issue of gallery venue for NAVHDA Chapter
Tests. ...I would like members to discuss
having ‘HQ” place a greater emphasis on
this in policy, and when advising and guiding Chapters in hosting tests. I would like
NAVHDA to establish policy that promotes
the ability of folks to observe the various
components of these tests. I would like
NAVHDA to have a policy that gallery
viewing opportunity be a requirement when
conducting tests. I would like our organization to be much more encouraging and
facilitating of gallery viewing opportunities
than we currently are. Thank you.”
Discussion Issue from Dan Rosenbaum,
St. Croix Chapter
“...We respectfully suggest the Testing
& Judging Committee and the Executive Council consider passing a motion to
require all Invitational Judges to run in the
Invitational Test at least once every twelve
years. Passing would not be required, only
Shotgun Raffle to win a CZ Ringneck 20ga. side by side shotgun.
$ 10 / ticket. Winner will be drawn at the Annual Meeting.
For Tickets, please send a self-addressed and stamped return envelope with your check made
payable to: “Merrimack Valley NAVHDA” Send check and envelope to:
4 Rasmussen Circle, Andover, MA 01810
www.yankeenavhda.org -- page 4 -- visit us on facebook, too!
Lick ‘n Yawn
-- from Dog Language, by Roger Abrantes
Dogs certainly yawn when they are tired, but more usually they display this behaviour to
pacify an opponent. Yawning is a friendly and contagious behaviour trait. For example, a
male dog may yawn if the female snarls at him during the mating ceremony. The dominant dog yawns to show friendliness to the submissive, and vice versa. Dogs yawn to
show us that they are friendly and to appease us. They use the yawn as a displacement
activity. A typical situation where we can observe a dog yawn is the owner scolds it. Another is when training the so-called “stay,” where the behaviour of the owner causes the
dog to feel insecure. A yawn is likely to follow, together with licking and muzzle-nudging.
When the owner changes behaviour, for instance, by using a more friendly voice or body
posture, the dog’s pacifying behaviour disappears.
Become an IFW Outdoor Partner!
When you become a member, you are helping to ensure access to private property for outdoor recreation. You are preserving, protecting and enhancing Maine’s outdoors.
Outdoor Partners Receive Valuable Offers and Benefits
In return, you receive valuable offers from Maine’s outdoor experts and discounts at many of Maine’s premier outdoor retailers. Program participation pays for itself and the $15 fee for joining goes directly to protecting Maine’s longstanding tradition of public access.
Membership is easy!
You can join when you purchase your license or visit the IFW online store by clicking on this link:
GUN RAFFLE - $10 per ticket, only 400 to be sold!
Fausti 12 gauge over/under --- DU Gun of the Year 2013
donated by Terry Wilson * never fired * choke tubes included
28” barrel, auto ejectors
serial no. 794
For tickets, contact Patti Carter: mmkennels@myfairpoint.net 207-725-8229
Scratch insisted on driving the girls out quail hunting while down
in Alabama. Deja rode shotgun with Tabor, Tiza and Jilly keeping
an eye out from the back seat. Owners Carol Trahan, Nancy
Anisfield, Cindy Wilson, Patti Carter and Suzi Moore had to walk.
www.yankeenavhda.org -- page 5 -- visit us on facebook, too!
tell that dog to get a job
According to the American Pet Products
Association, for 2013, it estimated that
$55.53 billion will be spent on our pets in
the U.S.
Estimated Breakdown:
$21.26 billion
Supplies/OTC Medicine
$13.21 billion
Vet Care
$14.21 billion
Live animal purchases
$2.31 billion
Pet Services: grooming & boarding
$4.54 billion
Perry Masotti took this photo of the
contents of one of the late season ruffed
grouse he shot and asked, “Do any of you
know the buds in the bird’s crop? Are they
Black Birch?” Can anyone identify these
Interesting Info about FortiFlora
Many of us use the nutritional supplement FortiFlora to maintain intestinal health in our dogs while travelling, during stressful situations
or a diet change. It is also recommended to help with diarrhea associated with microflora imbalance and acute enteritis. Here are a few
FAQs providing details about the product and its use.
What are probiotics?
Probiotics are live microorganisms that, when ingested, have a beneficial effect on the intestinal function by promoting improved intestinal microbial balance.
What’s the advantage of using FortiFlora over simply adding yogurt to a pet’s food?
A different probiotic is used to produce yogurt. Those microorganisms have not been proven to survive passage through the GI tract.
Why did Purina add vitamins and minerals?
The added antioxidants and vitamin/mineral supplements in FortifFlora help support a strong immune system.
Why do small dogs and large dogs both only get one packet a day...shouldn’t large dogs get more?
There is a minimum of 1 x 108 CFU in every 1-gram packet of FortiFlora. This is a sufficient level of Enterococcus faecium to exert
a positive effect in any size dog or cat.
How long should FortiFlora be given?
To help ensure optimal effectiveness, FortiFlora should be given for 30 days. Some conditions may
require longer management.
How should I give FortiFlora to a dog on metronidazole or other antibiotics?
To maximize efficacy, FortiFlora should be given at a different time than the antibiotics, separated by
several hours if possible. It is also best to begin feeding FortiFlora before antibiotic treatment then
continue it after the antibiotics have been stopped.
www.yankeenavhda.org -- page 6 -- visit us on facebook, too!
Got a boat, gun, trailer or something you’d like to sell? Send me the info in an email -- 50 words max,
including price and phone. Make sure you get it to me by the Monday of the last full week in the month.
Dog sled (Maine Made) complete with two harnesses and ready to go. Very good condition.
Asking $600.00. Call Dick Dilley (207) 685-9573.
www.yankeenavhda.org -- page 7 -- visit us on facebook, too!
calendar of events
February 7-9
NAVHDA International Annual Meeting
Radisson Hotel, Manchester, NH
February 22
Indoor Clinic
Brunswick VOC 10
tbaFun ShootVarney’s Clay Sports
March 28-30
Maine Sportsman Show
Augusta, ME
April 26
Training Clinic
Green Point Wildlife Management Area, Dresden, ME
May 3
Vermont Training Clinic
Anisfield/Wilson’s,Hinesburg, VT
May 17
Training Clinic
Green Point Wildlife Management Area, Dresden, ME
May 31
Pre-Test Clinic
Green Point Wildlife Management Area, Dresden, ME
June 1
Test Prep Workshop
Carter’s, Brunswick, ME
June 6-8
Green Point Wildlife Management Area, Dresden, ME
June 28-29
NAVHDA Handlers Clinic
Greem Point WIldlife Management Area, Dresden, ME
July 26
Water Clinic & Fun Day
Bowdoinham WIldlife Management Area
Dean Croxford Memorial Shoot
Varney’s Clay Sports
August 23
Pre-Test Clinic
Bowdoinham Wildlife Management Area
September 5-7
TestingBowdoinham Wildlife Management Area
board of directors contact info
President: Patti Carter
33 Simpson’s Point Road, Brunswick, ME 04011
207-725-8229 mmkennels@myfairpoint.net
Vice Pres: Nancy Anisfield
1067 Silver Street, Hinesburg, VT 05461
802-482-2561 anisfield@gmavt.net
Secretary: Nick Racioppi
55 Hedge Bridge Road, Woolwich, ME 04579
207-442-7252 feathersfins@comcast.net
Treasurer: Cindy Tracy
37 Eider Lane, Topsham, ME 04086 207-725-4562 trac4fam@comcast.net
Dir. of Testing: Jason Carter
Dir. of Publications: Judie Bayles
Dir. of Judge Development: Dave Trahan
Dir. of Training: Blaine Carter
Dir. of Gunning: Matt Lorello
Test Secretary: Tom Barks
Dir. of Grounds: Dick Dilley
Delegate at Large: Bill Tracy
barking dog guidelines
Litter Ads - 1/4 page max size
free for members
$15 / month non-members
Business Card Ads $25 /year members
$35 / year non-members
Display Ads - 1/4 page max size
$35 / year members
$50 / non-members
Story submissions -350-500 words max!
www.yankeenavhda.org -- page 8 -- visit us on facebook, too!
happy valentines day to
yankee chapter members and all
their wonderful dogs!
www.yankeenavhda.org -- page 9 -- visit us on facebook, too!

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