may newsletter final - Yankee Chapter of NAVHDA


may newsletter final - Yankee Chapter of NAVHDA
may 2014
from our prez...
Well it certainly is not balmy outside, but at least it is not white and frozen.
April showers bring May flowers. Let me tell you about my May flowers. They
froze solid last week. The wind still harbors that winter chill. We New Englanders cope with every season Mother Nature presents us with. Enjoy the
mud! Throw on a warm jacket, rubber boots and get to work training that dog!
Training season is here and by the numbers in attendance at last Saturday’s
clinic, we are anxious to get going. We had a great day of training with a
variety of drills keeping us all busy. Thanks to so many for helping make it
a great day. Thanks to all the youth in attendance and all their help. Please
don’t hesitate to ask them for assistance of any kind. They are there to help
out. Our new bird trailer made its debut at the clinic. “Nice work!” to those
News since we last spoke: The board decided to cancel the Handler Clinic
due to lack of interest. Really really really good news is the Test Prep
Workshop is back by popular demand!!! This is an original Yankee Chapter
creation and was the most talked about event last year is free! See
details on page 4 in this newsletter.
Ugly Dog Hunting is generously hosting a Vermont training day, May 3, and
our chapter is supplying the trainers, gunners, cooks and fun. Watch for pictures in the June newsletter and on the Yankee Chapter Facebook page.
As every year, we encourage you to send in your turkey tales and photos.
Woodcock grouse, and ducks are now on their nests. Hopefully all goes well!
Tom Barks reports there are still spots available in the Spring and Fall test.
Contact Tom with questions. Check Test Rules on our website for details.
Finally, a special thank you to Kittery Trading Post for their generosity with
their donation of gift cards to the chapter. We use these as thank you’s to our
members for their gift of time. Make sure if you shop at Kittery you make a
point to thank them for supporting the Yankee Chapter.
Vermont Training
May 3rd
Hinesburg, VT
Training Clinic
May 17th
Dresden, ME
Pre-Test Training
May 31st
Dresden, ME
Test Prep Workshop
June 1st
Brunswick, ME
For times and info about
these events, go to
pages 3-4.
Never hesitate to call us with concerns or new ideas!
Till next month,
-- Patti -- page 1 -- visit us on facebook, too!
welcome new members!
member news
Mike Tuminaro
South China, ME
James & Rhonda Titus
Auburn, NH
Condolences to our chapter friend, Dick
Dilley, who has dealt with way too much
this past year, on the recent death of his
brother. Our thoughts are with Dick and his
Dick and Ann also said goodbye to griffons
Jessie and Mary this month. It’s hard to
imagine the emptiness left behind but hope
that space is filled with the wonderful memories you have of both sweet friends.
Carole Jordan
Boothbay Harbor, ME
Peter Davis
Readfield, ME
Bill Mc Cormack
Lyndonville, VT
Dag Holmsen
Oakland, ME
thank you...
to the following contributors to the
Kenny King /ob Bisson Fund:
New member Mike Tuminaro sent in this
great family photo taken after a very successful day in the grouse woods last fall.
Ron Volk
Carole Jordan
Chris & Lori Poulin
Thomas and Isabelle Edling spent the third
week of April in Hawaii, sending back this
gorgeous photo to make the rest of us -weeping over yet another spring snowfall
-- very jealous.
chapter business
Treasurer Cindy Tracy reports that the
chapter made $149 on the raffle at the
first clinic of the year. Thanks to the many
youth members that pitched in and helped
at our recent clinic. They get the credit for
the raffle sales!
Remillie Norsworthy won the blue ribbon
for oil painting at the Maine Sportsman’s
Show in Augusta show. The beautiful
“Goldfinches and Lilacs II” is for sale, in
case anyone’s interested. Congratulations
on the prize, Rem!
Congrats to chapter youth member Matt
Hodgkins, who earned the Scarborough
High School Coaches Award for 2014 Nordic and Downhill Skiing. He was the Silver
Medalist for Class A Down Hill and named
Ski Meister.
Jared Gordon’s Hogan has been practicing
his snazzy point as the woodcock return.
The camera caught them, eye to eye!
Congrats to Greg and Lisa Hodgkins
whose daughter Kyleigh will be graduating
from Scarborough High School in June and
planning on attending Wheelock College in
the Fall.
Congrats to Peter and Marie Wade whose
daughter Sarah will be graduating from
Mt Blue High School in June and plans on
attending Michigan Tech University in the
Happy Birthday to Judie Bayles! Melody
Sweet sent us this shot of their celebration
at Bahama Breeze.
Huge “thank you’s” to chapter member
Fentzner Berffbaum for donating all of
Squiffy’s chew toys to our April raffle. We
miss the ole Squiffster (and the way he’d
upchuck all that fuzz and squeakers), but
we’re sure he’d be happy knowing other
Yankee pups are enjoying his stuff.
Judie Bayles reports that Blaine Carter
once again managed to hook his friends
on fishing (ouch) while visiting the Bayles
in Florida. At least he has this huge snook
to show for his efforts! Nice fish!
Fourteen Yankee Chapter members attended the banquet at the Phippsburg
Sportsman’s Club fundraiser to fight the
Maine bear referendum. Yankee members
along with many other donated items and
money to support the cause. The evening
-- complete with a game dinner and raffles
-- made over $15,000 to help in the fight. -- page 2 -- visit us on facebook, too!
yankee chapter may training clinic - may 17th
Our next training clinic will be held on Saturday, May 17th at the Green Point Wildlife Management Area, Dresden, ME.
The clinic will start at 9 a.m. We’ll be doing field and water work for dogs and puppies of all levels. The May clinic in
Dresden has always been one of our most popular clinics. While we do our best to estimate the number of birds needed,
sometimes the crowd exceeds our expectations. Be sure to get to the training grounds before 9:00 and sign up for your
birds as soon as you arrive.
LUNCH AND RAFFLE! At noon, a BBQ lunch will be served. We’d really appreciate it if you could bring a side dish, salad
or dessert to donate. We’ll also be holding one of our “not your normal” raffles, which means anything goes! Bring in donations for the raffle table -- the funds we raise help offset clinic costs such as shotgun shells, the port-a-potty, and training
equipment. Don’t forget to bring water, stakes or crates, something to provide shade, and...most important...bug spray!
If your dog is in heat or may be coming into heat, please tell the sign-up staff. We must ask
you to run last to minimize distraction to the other dogs. Your understanding is hugely
2014 bird prices
please keep your dog on a leash!
Even if your dog is mellow and under control, someone else’s might not be. We do not
want a confrontation or problem. Unless your dog is working in the field, exercise area, or
water, please make sure he or she is either on a leash, chained to a stake or in a crate.
That includes walking from your vehicle to the starting point for a field run. Please adhere
to our leash policy not just at the fields but on your way to and from the water, as well.
Ducks $15
Chukar $11
Quail $ 8
Pheasants $15
directions to dresden training grounds
Take I-295 to Exit 43. Go east on Route 197 through Richmond. Turn right onto Route 128. Go 1 mile. Grounds are on the
right side. Watch for signs. More information about our training sites is available on our website:
pre-test training clinic - may 31st
The Green Point Wildlife Managment Area will also be the site for the Pre-Test Training Clinic Saturday, May 31st. The
clinic starts at 9:00 a.m. Testing dogs will get priority on the sign-up lists for water and field, but there will be plenty of time
for other dogs to train as well. Everyone is welcome! Even if you’re not testing a dog this year, the clinic is a great way to
give your favorite hunting partner a tune-up on his or her skills in the field or water.
At noon a BBQ lunch will be served, and, again, PLEASE bring a side dish, salad or dessert to donate -- handlers and
helpers get mighty hungry on these long training days. (We won’t have a raffle at the pre-test clinic, but will have one
again on test weekend.) Make sure to also bring plenty of water for your dog(s) and some form of shade or rain protection
(tarp or tent) as well as crates and stakes. Don’t forget the bug, spray! The ticks, mosquitos, and black flies love Yankee
Chapter members and their guests. -- page 3 -- visit us on facebook, too!
test prep workshop - sunday, june 1st -- brunswick, maine
This new workshop was a great success when it debuted last spring. It’s all about helping your dog succeed on test day. It is a workshop for handlers, not their dogs. As many of us learned after testing dogs several times, there are lots of ways we handle our dogs
and ourselves during a test that affect its outcome. Practical tips can be picked up during training clinics, but often testing questions or
situations just don’t come up. Besides, we all know that test day is very different from a training day.
How does this workshop differ from a NAVHDA Handlers Clinic?
NAVHDA Handlers Clinics focus on the NAVHDA testing and judging system - on the scoring system, what judges look for, and what the
elements of the test are designed to accomplish. The hands-on part of a Handlers Clinic usually has the participants assuming the role
of judges, giving them an opportunity to evaluate dogs themselves.
The Yankee Test Prep Workshop will focus on handlers’ actions and options in the field and at the water. We won’t be teaching any
“tricks” or ways to “beat” the testing system. We will present practical and effective handling advice for both the Natural Ability and Utility
Tests -- things like field time management, giving commands, interacting with the judges, gun handling, giving praise, tips on receiving
the retrieve, etc. The workshop is lead by Yankee Chapter members who are NAVHDA judges and pro trainers. Yankee’s VP will moderate the session, and there will be two handlers with dogs to demonstrate handling.
What’s the format?
The workshop will cover Natural Ability in the morning and Utility in the afternoon, approximately three hours per session with a
break in the middle of each. Participants can attend both sessions or just one. This is a people clinic, not a dog clinic -- you won’t be
working your dog. We will have two handlers and their dogs to demonstrate, as needed.
The workshop is free of charge to all Yankee members. Non-members will be asked to pay $10 and can apply that to a Yankee Chapter membership ($20) if they’d like. Participants should bring something to sit on. Full-day participants should bring their own
lunches, beverages, etc.
The workshop leaders will cover the various parts of the test where the handler’s actions are critical, using demo handler and dog
teams to show what they’re talking about.
9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Merrymeeting Kennels, 33 Simpson’s Point Rd., Brunswick, ME.
vermont clinic -- may 3rd -- 1067 silver street, hinesburg, vt
There are still a few spaces left on the sign-up sheet, so toss that puppy or dog in the truck and come to Vermont! The clinic
begins at 9:00, with a maximum of 25 participants so we can be sure all the dogs get the work they came for. Chukars only, but
we’ll be doing obedience, retrieving (land and pond), tracking, steadiness and all phases of field work. Sponsored by Ugly Dog
Hunting and presented by Yankee Chapter volunteers, the clinic is free and lunch is included. Your only cost will be for the birds
you use.
For more information, directions or to sign up, contact Nancy Anisfield at or 802-482-2561. -- page 4 -- visit us on facebook, too!
from our director of training... Blaine Carter
Last Saturday, we had our first outdoor training clinic of the season. Darkening skies and predictions of rain made me wonder about a
small attendance. Not Your Normal Yankees held true, as there were a lot of dogs and a lot of great training happening all day. I could
not have been more proud of the chapter’s dogs and how far people have come with their training.
One thing I did notice is that in training some people make their drills too complicated for the dog at his or her particular point in training. It is smart, then, to take a step back to where he or she has confidence in the job versus adding too much training pressure which
destroys confidence.
Another suggestion is to keep praise and excitement conservative during these early lessons. Hype them only if it is needed for building
their desire.
Think of “kiss” ( keep it simple stupid ) while training new skills. Learn to break down your goal into smaller units that will eventually
be assembled into the complete task. Retrieving is a good example of this. It consists of many parts: sit at my side, remain at my side,
fetch on command, pick it up, return, present the object, and release. Train in small simple units for the best end results.
One last suggestion I’d like to make here is for the more advanced dog working on steadiness. It is better to flush birds quartering away
than straight away or over the dog’s head.
We will go over these at our next training. See you at then.
-- Blaine
point, click... learn!
Brought to you by Jason Carter, Blaine Carter and the Cranky Yankees, Point, Click, Learn! videos can now
be accessed via the Yankee Chapter website under the Training menu:
php?page=videos. You can also view the videos via the Yankee Chapter Facebook page. The first two videos teach the
basic steps in the trained retrieve process. Watch for the next segment, coming soon!
GUN RAFFLE - $10 per ticket, only 400 to be sold!
Fausti 12 gauge over/under --- DU Gun of the Year 2013
donated by Terry Wilson * never fired * choke tubes included
28” barrel, auto ejectors, serial no. 794
For tickets, contact Patti Carter: 207-725-8229
Winner to be drawn at the Merrimack Valley Chapter’s Spring Test Saturday.
VC Wild Sky’s Shining Star (“Corey”)
owned by Casey Matthews
NA Prize 1, Utility Test Prize 1, Invitational Pass
Chasers Gonna Get It Von Yard
owned by Alan Burkhart
NA Prize 1, Utility Test Prize 1
Pups will whelp at the end of May.
For more information, contact Casey Matthews:
603-664-9608 (Please call after 6 p.m.)
TIPS for conditioning a dog to the sound of a bell or
Pack cotton or keenex inside the beeper horn then tape over
it. This will mute the sound. As the pup gets used to the noise
gradually reduce the amount of packing. Similarly, tape gauze
around the inside of the bell to mute the sound.
Start puppies with very small bells then increase the size as
they get accustomed to the sound.
Put the bell or beeper on the dog when it’s playing outside or
taking a run. Don’t introduce it only during training. -- page 5 -- visit us on facebook, too!
cranky yankees
This column offers advice by Nick Racioppi and Jason Carter about Maine’s hunting laws and regulations. The
Cranky Yankee’s are not lawyers. They give their best interpretation of often complex laws. Is there a hunting regulation you don’t understand? A situation in the field you weren’t sure how to handle? Send the Cranky Yankees and
email and let them look into it for you: Jason: Nick:
Turkey season has arrived!
The legal hunting hours for spring turkey are now 1/2 hour before sunrise until 1/2 hour after sunset.
Two bearded turkeys are allowed and must be Immediately tagged with your name, address and license
Have a great time out there, be safe,
and don’t forget to send us photos of
you and your gobbler.
remember when you’re shooting:
get a clue before you see blue!
NADKC Derby and Conformation Test -- May 10-11
For those of you interested in seeing a Deutsch Kurzhaar event, the NADKC will be holding its Derby and Conformation test at Green Point Wildlife Management Area in Dresden on May 10 and 11. The Derby (natural ability) Test will be run each day and on Saturday there will be a conformation show. Jason Carter, Tom Barks and
David Trahan each have pups testing. Come cheer on your friends! Test starts at 8 a.m. each day. Call Blaine
with questions. 207.725.8228
more from “sled dog wisdom” collected by Tricia Brown...
A lot of people make the mistake of thinking dogs are human because they relate to their emotional characteristics. Dogs
can be happy, sad, excited, or bored, but they live in the moment. -- Lynda Plettner
If you get to a point where you don’t feel you can make any improvements, then you’re going to be going downhill, because there’s somebody out there who’s making improvements. -- Rick Swenson
Dogs are always right. The dogs never make mistakes. When we try to make them do something they’ve never been
taught, we makes mistakes. -- Howard Farley
kittery trading post
continues their
We’d like to send a rousing round of applause and appreciation
to Kittery Trading Post for their ongoing sponsorship of the Yankee Chapter. KTP has donated 20 gift cards in the amount of $25
each for a total donation of $500. We are grateful for their terrific
support and hope all Yankee members will, in turn, support KTP
by giving them their business, be it for clothing, gear or guns.
We’d also like to say an extra “thank you” to Scott Cataldi and
Legend for their help as liasons between Yankee and KTP. The
Chapter truly appreciates it! -- page 6 -- visit us on facebook, too!
april training clinic -
a GREAT start to the Yankee outdoor training season!
The rain held off, the fields were dry, and our fabulous new bird trailer proudly brought a load of chukars to get over 40 dogs started on
their spring field training. We enjoyed welcoming new members to the Not Your Normal chapter and were pleased to see several Yankee youths helping out with the birds and raffle ticket sales. Thank you to all our hard-working volunteers!
Photos by Betty
Blackman, Patti
Carter & Nancy
Anisfield. -- page 7 -- visit us on facebook, too!
april fun shoot at varney’s sporting clays
We would like to let everyone know how much we enjoyed the almost normal Yankee Chapter Sunday.
-- Brad, Alyss and Mooney
Photos by Patti Carter
Matt Lorello, Jason Carter, Andy
Baker, Chip Amergian
No competition on this one, just a get together. But I will give you a briefing on the day. We
had 19 Yankee members show up to shoot. Some members came from Massachusetts to
share in the fun. We were rained out the day before, but it turned out to be a fine day to shoot
on Sunday. We broke up into three groups and started having some friendly banter right off.
As usual, Brad did a great job setting up some challenging shots for us bird hunters. There
were a number of people that did quite well, and I’m impressed with how well we shot as a
group. I personally have seen a number of people in this chapter improve on their shooting
skills and I think that says a lot for staying with this sport. I do have to say that it has taken
some of us 20 years to improve! A number of us also tried our fate at Brad’s wacky “Super
Skeet.” Ask anyone who was there how challenging that was. A very humbling experience
is one way to describe it. Thank you to Brad and Alyss for having us and showing us a good
time. Thank you Cindy Tracy for taking over for Alyss’s work load for the day. Alyss was a little
under the weather, so naturally Cindy filled in for her collecting the money. Make sure you
join us in August for the Dean Croxford Memorial Fun Shoot. That one is a lot of fun as well.
Thank you everyone for showing up that day.
-- Matt Lorello
Mike Healy
From Patti: “As president of this crew, I find it important
to add some “not your normal” fun. Ray Craemer was
always there to add his expertise to our group. We
much appreciate his talents. I thought it time I helped
him too... Yes, and Ray did check his gun for safety
Brian Silva
Randy Bertrand
Suzi Moore, Jo Craemer, Blaine Carter, Jason Carter
Director of Gunning Matt Lorello
For more Fun Shoot photos, visit the photo
gallery on our website at:
Andy Baker and Nick Racioppi
Brian’s daughter Emma and friend Christine -- page 8 -- visit us on facebook, too!
Got a boat, gun, trailer or something you’d like to sell? Send me the info in an email -- 50 words max,
including price and phone. Make sure you get it to me by the Monday of the last full week in the month.
NEW: 8x10” oil painting, framed 12.75x14.75”, entitled “Musk and Lace”;
$80.00. Contact artist Remillie Norsworthy. Home phone 207-764-0162 or
The 2014 NAVHDA Annual Meeting
Minutes are now available online:
file/1110759861990-20/2014+Annual+Meeting+Minutes.pdf -- page 9 -- visit us on facebook, too!
calendar of events
May 3
Vermont Training Clinic
Anisfield/Wilson’s,Hinesburg, VT
May 17
Training Clinic
Green Point Wildlife Management Area, Dresden, ME
May 31
Pre-Test Clinic
Green Point Wildlife Management Area, Dresden, ME
June 1
Test Prep Workshop
Carter’s, Brunswick, ME
June 6-8
Green Point Wildlife Management Area, Dresden, ME
July 26
Water Clinic & Fun Day
Bowdoinham WIldlife Management Area
August 9
Dean Croxford Memorial Shoot
Varney’s Clay Sports (rain date August 10)
August 23
Pre-Test Clinic
Bowdoinham Wildlife Management Area
September 5-7
Bowdoinham Wildlife Management Area
September 11-14Invitational
Searsboro, Iowa
board of directors contact info
please support
navhda’s sponsors:
President: Patti Carter
33 Simpson’s Point Road, Brunswick, ME 04011
Vice Pres: Nancy Anisfield
1067 Silver Street, Hinesburg, VT 05461
Secretary: Nick Racioppi
55 Hedge Bridge Road, Woolwich, ME 04579
Treasurer: Cindy Tracy
37 Eider Lane, Topsham, ME 04086 207-725-4562
Dir. of Testing: Jason Carter
Dir. of Publications: Judie Bayles
Dir. of Judge Development: Dave Trahan
Dir. of Training: Blaine Carter
Dir. of Gunning: Matt Lorello
Test Secretary: Tom Barks
Dir. of Grounds: Dick Dilley
Delegate at Large: Bill Tracy
barking dog guidelines
Litter Ads - 1/4 page max size
free for members
$15 / month non-members
Business Card Ads $25 /year members
$35 / year non-members
Display Ads - 1/4 page max size
$35 / year members
$50 / non-members
Story submissions -350-500 words max!
Change of postal address or email
address? Don’t forget to let us know!
Send any changes to Judie at judiebay@ -- page 10 -- visit us on facebook, too!
It’s puppy season! -- page 11 -- visit us on facebook, too!