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Above, left, a Super Panga heads out into the Pacific at sunrise. Photo Joseph A.
Tyson. Above, right, a striped marlin goes vertical. Photo John Conte. Far right, the
right tackle makes all the difference—your crew will set you up for the best results,
whether you’re out for marlin, dorado, wahoo or tuna. Photo Joseph A. Tyson
By Captain George Landrum
fin tuna, four over
150 pounds and the others around one hundred pounds, in one day, for two anglers
fishing within two miles of the shore.
Repeat that for three days and you have a
fishery unequaled anywhere.” Zane Grey
Since 1974, a highway has run down the Baja California
peninsula from Tijuana all the way to Cabo San Lucas—now
an easy three-day drive across some spectacular desert country. The International Airport in San José del Cabo, 27 miles
north of Cabo San Lucas, brings over a million visitors a year
while accommodations ranging from small hostels to world
class resorts provide for all tastes and pocketbooks. Some of
the best golf courses in the world, and of course, the fishing,
add up to a very attractive vacation package.
Sea, now known as the Gulf of California or Sea of Cortés.
The Sea of Cortés, 800 miles long and an average of 100 miles
wide, opens to the Pacific Ocean at Cabo San Lucas. The
slow moving, cool waters of the California current run down
the Pacific coast at about two knots, bringing nutrient-filled
waters to the area. Warm tropical waters coming up the
Mexican coast are delivered by the northern equatorial current. This warm water meets the cool California current at
Cabo San Lucas. The Sea of Cortés “breathes” twice a day,
pushing and pulling the warm and cool water, mixing the
nutrients and forming large eddies and gyres that form temperature breaks that hold the baitfish. In much the same way
that the Gulf Stream concentrates bait and forms a highway
for pelagic fish, these eddies and gyres concentrate and focus
the pelagic fish in the area. When you combine the underwater banks—some rising to within 100 feet of the surface—with
the currents and eddies, you have a recipe for great fishing!
Rich Fishing Grounds
Where the Fish Are
Like real estate, the key to fishing is always location, location,
location. Cabo San Lucas is at the southernmost tip of the Baja
California Peninsula, which separated from the Mexican mainland, forming what Spanish explorers called the Vermillion
Most of the fishing in Cabo is within 40 miles of the port. Six
miles to the west of the arch is the 45 spot. Two miles off the
old lighthouse, it is a rise at the end of a 600-foot-deep ledge,
coming up to 45 fathoms. Just to the west of the 45 spot at
Zane Grey was writing about the fishing at Cape San Lucas
over 80 years ago in the book, Fishing Virgin Seas. But like
everywhere else in the world, things change. Back in Zane
Grey’s day, there was only one way to get to Cabo San Lucas,
and that was by boat. You faced an 800-mile trip down the
Pacific coast and carried everything with you. At Cape San
Lucas, there were no hotels, no roads... nada.
the Cardonal Canyon, the bottom
drops to 3,000 feet in less than a mile.
The Tinaje Trough, a 3,500-foot-deep
underwater canyon, is also on the
Pacific side of the cape, 10 miles from
the arch. Less than two miles west
from the trough’s deepest spot is the
San Jaime Bank, with three seamounts
rising to within 150 feet of the surface
on top of a 600-foot-deep plateau.
And twelve miles to the north of San
Jaime is the Golden Gate Bank, rising
to within 300 feet of the surface.
Between the two banks, the edge of
the canyon forms a pathway for
underwater currents. During the summer, this area holds massive schools of
skipjack tuna, bonita, and yellow fin
tuna, and is one of the top areas for
blue marlin. Fifteen miles to the south
of the cape is the 1,000-fathom edge,
and it runs almost due east to west.
Amazing current lines form along this
drop and it almost guarantees fish.
The bottom contour on the Sea of
Cortés side of the cape is a continuation of the Pacific contours. Nine
miles to the east is the area known as
the 95 spot, where the bottom comes
to within 95 fathoms of the surface off
a 1,200-foot-deep plateau. Continue
to the east for a distance of 40 miles
and you reach the Cabrillo Seamount.
With the peak at 3,000 feet beneath
the surface, it is surrounded by 6,000
feet of water and holds marlin and
tuna year round. Twenty-two miles
northeast up the coast from Cabo are
the Inner and Outer Gordo Banks.
Fished for decades by commercial tuna
boats out of San Diego, they are now
the focus for sportfishing activity on
the Sea of Cortés side of the cape. The
Inner Gordo comes within diving distance of the surface while the Outer
Gordo Bank is 220-feet at its shallowest. Combine these deep canyons and
shallow rises with the mixing currents,
and you’ll see why Cabo has become
known as a prime fishing destination.
While tuna were the subject of Zane
Grey’s comments about the Cabo area
in his book, he also mentioned commercial boats catching 600-foot black
marlin, and his own crew enjoying the
striped marlin fishing. Perhaps due to commercial pressure, the tuna are no longer
as numerous nor as large as they were back in the 1920s. That is not to say there are
not still large fish out there, after all, the Los Cabo Tuna Tournament of 2002 saw
25 tuna over 100 pounds, with three over 200 pounds. And 20 tuna over 100 pounds
were not weighed because they were not contenders.
The Marlin Capital of the World
But tuna is not what has put Cabo San Lucas on the angling map. The consistent
year-round black, blue, and striped marlin action has earned Cabo San Lucas the
nickname of “The Marlin Capital of the World.”
Mexico’s Top Quality Tournament Rigged Charters
Over 25 Boats to Choose From and Growing All the Time!
expert two man crews
All speak the universal
language of FISH!
International Toll-free
In Cabo San Lucas dial:
Direct dial from USA/Canada:
011 52 (624) 105-0403
Visit us online for our Daily Catch Report
Tackle • Gear • Equipment Provided
A yearly migration of striped marlin,
starting when the water warms to 69
degrees F. in the late winter and lasting
until it is a consistent 79 degrees F. in
mid-summer, has made Cabo a “go to”
destination for marlin anglers. And
when the fishing is really good, it can
be awesome. In spring 2005, there
were days when we released doubledigit numbers of 80 to 200-pound
Bradley Fraser
Joseph A. Tyson
Blue marlin are usually found along the drop offs at the banks, out along
the 1,000-fathom line, and along the edge of ledges at the points.
Cruising out of the Cabo San Lucas marina at sunrise to the world’s
most prolific fishing grounds.
striped marlin. On occasion, the fish
were so thick that you could see a
dozen feeders, tailers and jumpers at
any one time. They showed up on the
depth sounder like schools of tuna.
During the first two days of the IGFA
Rolex Championship Tournament in
May 2005, the top team released seven
striped marlin the first day. On day
two, the top team released 11 fish; the
We can’t
make it
Isaac González
Board at the Cabo
Marina, Dock C & D
Tel (624) 119-1603
Fax (624) 173-0532
From USA add 011-52
Office: Calle 1, #12,
Fracc. Jacarandas,
Cabo San Lucas,
B.C.S. México
Sea Turtle Monitoring,
Nursery, and Release
Call (624) 105-0903 or visit
second top release was seven fish! On
an average day in season, you will see
at least a dozen fish and hopefully get
shots at several that are hungry.
Cabo is one of the few places in the
world where a first time angler might
actually catch several marlin on his
first trip out! Now, striped marlin are
nice, and they are pretty when they
jump, but for pure excitement and
power they don’t hold a candle to blue
marlin. Beginning in June during a
normal year, or when the water temperature has risen to a 78 degree F.
average, blue and black marlin begin
to make their presence known in a big
way. The normal tackle for striped
marlin is in the 30-pound class. When
a blue marlin in the 300-pound-plus
category suddenly shows up in the
pattern and takes a lure, hearts start to
pound loud enough to hear over the
noise of the engines and the adrenaline really cuts in. As soon as a few
boats have hooked up to a big bruiser,
everyone brings out the big guns, and
all you see is 50-pound and larger
tackle being set out.
Yet, even 50-pound gear can be on the
light side if you are fortunate to hook
into one of the 1,000-pound fish in the
area. The blue marlin are usually found
along the drop offs at the banks, out
along the 1,000-fathom line, and
along the edge of ledges at the points.
Trolling lures is the most common way
to cover the ground and search the
fish out, but drifting with a live bonito
set deep in the water garners more than
its share of the larger fish. Using the
same technique up on the 300-foot
flats on the banks and the ledges is the
way to get a black marlin hooked up.
Not as acrobatic as a blue—at least on
average—the black marlin tend to bulldog during a fight, more similar to a
big tuna. But when the fish is 600pounds, you definitely know the difference! When the blue and black marlin
show up there are fewer striped marlin
around, mainly due to a difference in
preferred water temperature, but there
are always a few. With striped marlin in
the winter and spring, and blue and
black marlin in the summer and fall,
there isn’t any time when you don’t
have a chance at a billfish!
Top Tournament Destination
The number of annual tournaments in
Cabo San Lucas confirms its status as a
major fishing destination. In 2005, the
roster included the Rolex/IGFA
Offshore Championship in May, with
the Lucas Billfish Challenge in June,
and then the Mercury Light Line Fly
Fishing World Championships in July.
October brings the Fifth Annual Los
Cabo Billfish Tournament, the Pete
Lopiccola Charity Tournament for
cancer research, the Bisbee Offshore
Challenge, and the world’s richest
purse, the Bisbee Black and Blue
Marlin Tournament. And Western
Outdoor News’ Mercury Tuna Jackpot
falls in early November.
We bring the best catch
of the day…
These big name, big gun tournaments
are scattered through the year, with
most in the months of October and
November. So why is that?
Well, we are 22 degrees above the
equator, and if you remember, we get
the effects of the northern equatorial
current bringing up warm water from
the south. When a hurricane develops,
it follows warmer water and continues
to develop. Our hurricane season runs
We are a group of
owner operators
represented by
Helio García.
All Size Boats
• 22’ Panga Baja • 31’ Bertram
• 23’ Super Panga • 35’ Owens
• 26’ Corsario
• 38’ Chris Craft
• 28’ Californian
• 50’ Happy Boy
Make of your Cabo San Lucas
Sportfishing vacations an unforgettable
moment, get the real sport fishing experience, doesn’t matter if you are a professional or an aficionado, our crew will
support you any time to get the most of
it. We have anything you will need for
your experience, you just have to contact
us, and once you
get in Cabo we
will have everything you need,
you name it!
Office: (624) 144-4203
Cell: 044(624) 355-3958
Fax: (624) 143-0874
Photo courtesy Bee Linzey and Cabo Magic
We’ll Help... Will You?
The Cruz Roja Mexicana is the rescue and ambulance service for all of México and is not funded by
the government. Since our services are free of
charge to anyone in need, we exist solely by donations. Please help!
Send your donations to:
Delegación Cabo San Lucas, Hwy. to Todos Santos,
Km 121, Cabo San Lucas, B. C. S. México
HSBC Bank Account: 4021013172
(If you so desire, a receipt will be issued)
EMERGENCY: (624) 143-3300
Office Phone: (624) 105-1500
Cabo’s BEST FISHING REPORT Updated weekly
Personalized Service, All-Inclusive or Bare Boat
Top of the line equipment
Friendly English speaking crews
Our Numbers:
New U.S. number in Cabo: 206-658-5152
Cell Phone: (624) 147-5614
Home and Fax: (624) 147-5614 or 143-8271
From U.S. dial 011-52 first •
Bee Linzey with a roosterfish—fast, hard fighting roosterfish lead the inshore
game fish list, attaining weights of more than fifty pounds.
from sometime in July to the end of September. It can get
nasty with strong winds, heavy rains, and big seas. That said,
it can also be the best fishing of the year! If you are willing to
take the chance of being blown out, you can get into some of
the most fantastic fishing in the world. Everything is around
then, from roosterfish inshore to blue marlin offshore. Shots
at roosterfish, cabrilla, pargo, grouper, yellow fin tuna,
striped, blue and black marlin, wahoo, dorado and sailfish are
numerous, and the chances of getting a multiple-species day
are excellent!
Planning your Charter
There are many fishing opportunities in Cabo, depending on
the amount of ‘ka-ching’ in your pocket and the type of fishing you want to do. With over 350 charter boats operating
out of the marina, you have a choice between a 21’ open center consol panga that will fish three anglers for five hours
inshore, to 100-plus-foot luxury yachts that will do multi-day
trips. Most anglers are happy with a twin-engine diesel
inboard in the 31 to 38’ range at $500-900 U.S. per day for
between four to eight people. As is the case everywhere,
before booking a boat, try to get a reference from someone
who has been here before. An on-line search will turn up
many businesses operating full time out of Los Cabos. Try to
stay with those who actually live here. Why? Questions,
problems, and resolutions are easier to take care of when the
proprietor is in port. There are multi-boat operations and single owner operations, whatever and whomever you feel comfortable with, make sure you get the deposit requirements, a
list of what is and what is not included, directions to the boat
for your day of fishing, and what the company’s refund policy is, in writing. Also, make sure that fishing licenses are
available from your charter operator the morning of your trip.
One thing that you don’t want is to end up searching the
dock the morning you want to go fishing, trying to get a
“deal” on a boat. If you absolutely have to, go to the marina
around two p.m. the day before you want to fish, and ask
anglers how their day went, the condition of the boat and
equipment, and how they were treated by the captain and
crew. Then, find out who they booked with and try to
arrange a charter for the next day. In high season, from
October to May, the better boats may be booked far in
advance, and in October it is almost impossible to get one at
less than a month’s notice due to the tournament schedules.
Top of the Line Equipment
Fish Finder, GPS, Radar,
Penn International Rods & Reels.
“Snorkeling Gear available on board”
Releasing your Catch
Most of the boats in Cabo now release billfish that may have
a chance at survival, and some use circle hooks to improve the
marlin’s chances—as well as the chance of hooking up! It is
nice to be on a boat and have the crew tell you that any marlin caught are going to be released, as opposed to what used
to be the usual, “Well, I need the fish to feed my family,” story.
There are several international release programs, one of the
better known is the AFTCO tag and release program. The
company recognizes and rewards captains and anglers with
the most releases every year. Cabo San Lucas is recognized
almost every year with the top captain and angler positions
for striped marlin releases. Both the Billfish Foundation
( and AFTCO ( issue
release certificates to anglers who release marlin. It makes a
nice trophy on the wall, double matted with a picture of the
marlin along the side of the boat. It is also a lot less expensive than a skin mount.
Blvd. Marina, across from Costa Real Cabo Hotel
Cabo San Lucas, BCS, México.
Ph/Fax: (624) 143-6964 / Cell: 044 (624) 147-7104
Speaking of trophy mounts, you can tag and release your fish
and still have a trophy mount made. You don’t have to kill the
fish anymore! These days, almost every mount is a fiberglass
replica, from the tip of the bill to the end of the tail. Many
companies make these trophies, most charge about $10 U.S.
an inch plus crating and shipping. A picture of the fish along
the side of the boat to document any unique markings or
deformities, along with a “best guess” on length will get you a
mount delivered to your home, normally within six months.
Premier Fishing Boats in Cabo
For charter information or to read Tight Lines, Captain George Landrum’s
weekly fishing report, log on to
Our Team:
Excellent Condition Boats + The
Best Equipment + Nice English
Speaking Crew = Happy Anglers!
Bruce Herman
Our Location:
Miguel Hidalgo and Francisco I.
Madero, Cabo San Lucas, B. C. S.
Correctly supporting your catch while your fish is tagged and your photo is taken
increases the chance of its survival, and helps keep stocks of billfish from depleting.
Our Numbers:
From U.S.A. Office:
011 52 (624) 144-4903,
(624) 147-0594 (24 hrs)
Fax: 011 52 (624) 143-4684
Our E-mail & Web Site: