RR Oct. 11 - Rosedale Community Association


RR Oct. 11 - Rosedale Community Association
Volume 17, Issue 2 Mailing Address: 901 - 11 Avenue NW, Calgary, AB T2M0C2
Tuesday, Oct. 4
Rosedale Comm. Assn. Mtg..-7 pm
Monday, Oct. 10
Thanksgiving Day
Saturday, Oct.15
Rosedale Rink Work Party
Gr. 9 West Coast Trip - bottle drive
Wednesday, Oct. 19
Vote on Subdivisions in Rosedale
Monday, Oct. 31
Pathway Progress, But Stairs Uncertain
- Wayne
October , 2011
The City crews have been
making headway with the
promenade pathway along
Crescent Road, and we can
see the elements taking
shape. There is a race, of
course, with the inevitable
arrival of our first snowfall,
which would eventually delay
completion until next
spring/summer. Despite the
City Communications
Department attempting to
keep residents up to date
with the most accurate
information, there still
seems to be some confusion
around the placement and format of the accesses to the Bluff from 7th and 9A St.
Announced in August, one stairway was supposed to start from 7 St. in Sunnyside, just
West of the existing 7A St pathway, and go directly north, but now there are
uncertainties regarding that final route.
The Rosedale Reporter is
published ten times per year
by volunteers of the Rosedale
Community Assn. Deadline for
submissions is the 15th of the
month. Please keep
submissions to 300 words or
less, as space is limited.
Submissions and photos from
community residents are
welcomed and appreciated!
Editors Olwen and Wayne Thomas
Our McHugh Bluff coordinator for the RCA, Sue Beugin, tells us that a new group out
of Sunnyside, The Bow to Buff Initiative, (See www.bowtobluff.org ) has some goals in
common with our Rosedale interests on McHugh. They want to revitalize the Bow to
Bluff public corridor which runs along the Sunnyside LRT line between Memorial Drive
and McHugh Bluff. A primary concern of their’s is access to the Bluff for everyone:
cyclists, transit riders, commuters, residents, shoppers, visitors, students, seniors, and
youth. This supports the expressed feeling in Rosedale that there should be a bike
grade access on the western end of the Bluff. The old 9A stairway was removed
prematurely, in error, by the contractors working on the promenade above. The
details of this access point were to be worked out in conjunction with the Bow to Bluff
Initiative. This group will have a launch September 25 at the old Ant HIll building in
Sunnyside. Sue will represent Rosedale there and at any future meetings with them.
Drive 40
Rosedale Residents Invited to Vote On Subdivision
Question – Are you for or against any subdivision application in Rosedale?
Come vote on the preceding question on October 19th at the community hall from
6:00-8:00 p.m. This will give the Community Board an indication of how Rosedale
homeowners would like us to react to any possible subdivision application.
See page 3 for pros and cons of subdivision
President’s Report -
Count Our Blessings - Wayne Thomas
Dave Morris
Hope you are having a great start to the fall season. As you can see in
this newsletter, we are having a special vote open to all Rosedale
homeowners in regards to subdivisions in our community. Whether
you are for or against any possible subdivision applications in
Rosedale, we strongly encourage you to come out and vote so that the
board has strong representative numbers as to how the community
would like the board to react to any possible future subdivision
application. You will see inside the rationale For or Against any
subdivisions which was constructed to help you make an informed
The Vote is on
Wednesday, October 19th from 6:00-8:00 p.m.
at the community hall.
One vote per residence
Also in this month's newsletter is part 1 of 3 of educational pieces on
Planning and Development from our Development Committee. This
month addresses the topic du jour - subdivisions.
Hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving! See you on the 19th.
Having just returned from a trip to
Ireland, where many of the young
people are poised to move to Canada
to get work, one is thankful for the
benefits we enjoy.
• Food, in abundance ... water ...
shelter. These are not basics in many
other places.
• Freedom to choose, to move around, to speak our minds.
• Libraries, museums, theatre, sports, recreation.
• The Rocky Mountains ... Walking along Crescent Road
• Health care, education safety, peace, support, assistance.
• Facilities like the Talisman Centre
• A chance to answer a grandchild’s questions.
• Great schools like Rosedale, Crescent Heights, St.
Joseph’s, U of C, SAIT, Mount Royal.
• The right to choose who will govern us.
• A province and a country with a great future.
• And, best of all, family and friends to share our lives with.
The Rosedale Community Association, a volunteer organization that works hard to meets the needs and interests of
the residents within the community, encourages all residents to buy a membership this fall.
Rosedale is fortunate to have neighbourhood canvassers going door-to-door selling community memberships, which is one
of the reasons we have one of the highest community membership participations in the City. Your membership fee supports
the community hall, newsletter, programs, social events.... so many valuable community initiatives that help make Rosedale a
special place to live. As a member, you’ll have say in your community association’s priorities in programming, spending &
development and be kept informed through the newsletter & email communication and soon to be new website. It provides
many programs such as McHugh Bluff ‘Adopt-a-Park’, community soccer, tennis, yoga, as well as organizing social events
and activities.
Watch for your local block representative neighbor in October and support your community association.
Memberships: Family $25.00
Single $15.00
Senior (65+) $5.00/household
*cheques are payable to the Rosedale Community Association (RCA)
Call Marnie Worbets (282-6921).
Curtis Atkinson – Your Neighbourhood Realtor
When it’s time to buy or sell your home, expect more !
Real Estate
Thanks to this month’s sponsors
Rosedale reporter
Rationale For Subdivision in Rosedale
Older homes in Rosedale are steadily being demolished and replaced by new
structures that push the development guidelines to the maximum. The trend is
toward million dollar+ homes that are beyond the financial capacity of the
average Calgarian to own. Elevated assessments lead to higher taxes, potentially
driving seniors out. Rosedale is rapidly becoming an exclusive community.
When young families cannot afford to buy into Rosedale because of high costs,
the viability of our small school is threatened.
Subdivision of large lots would allow the building of less expensive, more
affordable in-fills achievable without loss of RC-1 zoning.
Subdivision would provide opportunities for seniors who want to down-size to
remain in the community.
Subdivision would lead to a more diverse community including a broader socioeconomic and age range of Calgarians from singles and young families to
empty-nesters, resulting in an enriched environment and quality of life for both
adults and children.
The City of Calgary needs to increase its density; the current trend is not
sustainable. Why should Rosedale not be part of the solution?
Subdivision would provide additional population to help sustain viable
commercial enterprises such as restaurants and small shops in the surrounding
Potential increase in house values if the demand for property in Rosedale
remains high and subdivision of lots proceeds.
Rationale Against Subdivision in Rosedale
Most Rosedale residents who moved into Rosedale from other inner city
neighbourhoods did so because of the nature of the properties, i.e. large lots
with single-family homes. No In-fills.
Parking – most streets in Rosedale already have limited parking with existing cars
parked in front of houses. Look at any neighbouring community with in-fills and
their lack of available parking.
Traffic - this will be increased from existing levels proportionately to the
number of additional residences.
Nanny Wanted - I am looking for a
part-time nanny for a 1 year old in
Rosedale starting mid-late October. If
you are interested, or if you are a
family with a nanny interested in parttime work, please call Kim at
Girls’ Cupcake Club - For ages
7-10 yrs., meeting every 2nd
Saturday. We would be baking and
frosting yummy cupcakes. The
contact information is 403-398-4568
or jhammerlin@shaw.ca
Drum Lessons - Former Rosedale
resident will teach you the drums at
his home in Mt. Pleasant. contact
Chris ... ! chrisdadge@gmail.com
HIPKids - is a program of Humanity
in Practice (HIP) which offers flexible
volunteer opportunities for people of
all ages from October through May.
check the website: www.behip.ca or
call Marnie @ 403-282-6921.
Noise levels - We are a smaller quieter community, which will be impacted by
higher density. Increasing the number of homeowners in the community will
inevitably increase overall noise levels to our much sought after quieter
Rosedale is a unique community north of the river. It is the only RC-1 dominant
community within a half hour walk to the downtown business centre; for this
reason it is attractive to those who work in the core.
Many have bought houses/lots in Rosedale knowing and expecting that
restrictive covenants – most of which have been in place since the early 1900’s would be honoured.
Sets a precedent. With subdivision for in-fills allowed, could this lead to further
re-zoning (duplexes, four-plexes, etc.)
Potential reduction in house values if subdivision causes a reduction in the
demand for property in the neighbourhood
We strongly encourage you to come vote at the community hall on October 19th.
One vote per residence (homeowner) and you may be asked for proof of address.
Wanted - Volunteers to help
put up the rink boards on
Saturday, October 15 at 10
AM. Any help is appreciated.
Please bring cordless drills,
sledgehammers, socket sets,
hammers and work gloves.
Rosedale reporter
The Crescent Cowboys Football team tunes up for their next game ...
The RCA Hall renovations take shape on the south side.
Development Permits Report - Greg Tompkins and Dave Dobson
This is the first of a series of articles on Planning and Development as they affect Rosedale. The process evolves from subdivision of land
through the development and construction of a house so our articles will follow that general flow.
This first article deals with the concept of subdividing existing lots and the implications related thereto.
The community of Rosedale is predominantly an RC-1 (residential contextual single family home)
neighbourhood. The lots are typically large in nature, most being fifty foot frontage, some larger and a few
smaller. There is some commercially zoned and multi-residential property on the NW and NE perimeters, these
locations contain small apartment blocks and some small businesses as well as undeveloped properties.
A review of the original subdivision for Rosedale indicates lots with a 25 foot frontage. These lots were
combined to form the properties as we know them today i.e. more than one lot being held under a single title.
For example, 1 ½ lots making a 37.5 foot property, two lots making a 50 foot property, 2 ½ lots making a 62.5
foot property. When the city sold these properties it registered a Restrictive Covenant (RC) against the title of
most, if not all of the properties sold.
For purposes of this discussion, the most notable condition of one such Restrictive Covenant was that there shall
not be more than one dwelling placed on each 50 feet of frontage. This wording exists within the Covenant
registered against the property at 1301 4th Street.
The process associated requires submission of an Application to City along with drawings which show the
intended end result. E.g. split a 50 foot into 2 25s. The city as a matter of practice sends a copy of the
application to subdivide to adjacent neighbours and the affected Community Association. The primary guidelines
governing subdivision of a property include the 1P2007 LUB and the Municipal Government Act.
Should the resultant subdivision require a re-zoning of the properties this matter would require approval by City
council, if no re-zoning is required it is simply approved by the file manager. It should be noted that the only
party who may appeal the decision of the file manger is the applicant. The only situation creating an appeal
would be the denial of the application.
It appears that Restrictive Covenants put in place by the City are not being enforced. Case in point, 1301-4th St
NW; this property was recently subdivided into a 39 and 62 foot lot despite the Restrictive Covenant addressing a
50 foot frontage requirement.
We understand that it will be up to the residents of the Community to mount a challenge against the disregard of
a legal encumbrance on title. The process to remove an RC and the rights of property owners with similar
covenants are being investigated.
Winners of the Rosedale Reporter Summer Photo Contest
From Kate Reeves a great shot
of life in our City close to
Rosedale ...
“Kyle Metcalf working on a City
of Calgary Public Art project
that covers utility boxes on the
sidewalks. Kyle is a graduate of
ACAD and a talented illustrator.
One of his pieces can be seen
outside of Peter’s Drive In. This
one, between 7th Street and &
7A Street on 16th Ave is
reminiscent of 1950s children’s
book illustrations.” - Kate
Some fine nature photography ... Ron Beugin’s Cedar Waxwings
and Greg Tompkin’s squirrel ( Greg, the squirrel is undoubtedly ready to pounce
on some freshly planted bulbs !)
- 5-
Rosedale School Pancakes !
The annual Rosedale School Pancake Breakfast
was held on September 16 ... many parent
volunteers were on hand to flip pancakes and
organize the event. Pictured left are Eldon
Kearl, Paul Collens, and Sandra Kam in a
smokey tent.
The City sends out a reminder about school
zones, and we should all take care around the
neighbourhood as kids and their parents and
care-givers make their way to and fro during
school times. The safety patrol is out in the
morning and afternoon, and we can help them
by obeying their signals. September and
October are particularly busy times ... we just
need to take a deep breath as we go.
Snow Routes Coming to Calgary
Calgarians have asked for better safety and improved snow
clearing on City streets. Council approved the release of funds to
improve Snow and Ice Control levels of service during the
second half of the 2011 program
and have expanded the snow
fence program from a total of two
to four kilometres of snow fence.
Council also asked Administration
to develop parking restrictions on
Priority 1 and Priority 2 routes to
be put into effect during
2011/2012 winter storms. Snow
Route parking restrictions are
currently in effect in other cities
like Edmonton and Lethbridge.
By restricting vehicle parking on the major roads and bus
routes, the City can quickly and effectively remove snow from
curb to curb. This would eliminate several problems, such as
snow building up beside parked cars and being moved back onto
the road, and reduced road widths due to parked cars and
“wind-rows”. Snow Route parking restrictions will not only help
The City remove snow from major traffic corridors more
effectively, but will also enable crews to start snow clearing on
Priority 3 and 4 routes faster.
This will benefit all Calgarians and will help make travel a little
safer this winter. Administration presented a report on
September 20 at the regular Land Use, Planning and
Transportation Committee meeting. (City of Calgary notice)
We are so excited at Rosedale
Playschool to be back at school!
Please join us in welcoming
back new and returning
students and parents! Also,
we’d like to welcome a student
teacher from Mount Royal University who will be with us
three days a week!
We still have a few spots open in our special Friday
afternoon class for 4 and 5 year olds! Please contact us
at rosedaleplayschool@gmail.com for more information.
Mark your calendars for our annual Tiny Treasures Sale
on October 22 from 9:00 to 2:00 at Wild Rose United
Church! We welcome community members to come and
shop for gently used children’s items. If you are
interested in being a vendor, contact us at
rosedaleplayschool@gmail.com. -
Sandra Jagt
Soccer Correction ... In September’s ‘Reporter’
we gave an incorrect phone number for Kim
Watson, who is looking for a new coordinator for
Rosedale Soccer, and volunteers to coordinate the
different age groups. Kim’s phone is 547-1331
Louise Riley Library
1904 14 Ave NW
Monday to Thursday 10:00 a.m. – 9 p.m.
Friday and Saturday 10:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m
Sunday - Noon - 5:00 pm
October 2011
At the Library you can get your paws on a great book!
Story Pals: Trained Pet Access League Society volunteers and their
highly socialized dogs provide a calm, accepting presence for struggling
readers to practice reading aloud. Ages 6 to 12. Thursdays, Oct 20 to
Nov 24, 7:00 - 8:00 p.m.
Using the Internet for Career Planning: In partnership with Alberta
Employment and Immigration. Thursday, Oct 20, 5:30 - 8:30 p.m.
Kyle Metcalf’s art work in progress on 16th, west of 7th.
Coffee & Conversation: Ages 50 and up. Mondays, Sep 26, Oct 17,
Oct 31, and Nov 14, 2:00 - 3:00 p.m. No registration required
Artist Within: History Under Construction: Join 'Living Book' Judith
Umbach for an exploration of Calgary's buildings through the Library's
Local History photographic collections and digital photographs of
Calgary construction sites. Monday, Oct 03, 2:00 - 3:30 p.m.
Flipbook Animation for Teens: Learn to make your own cartoon
animation by creating a take-away flipbook. Presented by Quickdraw
Animation Society. Ages 13 to 17
Saturday, Nov 05, 2:00 - 3:30 p.m.
Not a good sign on the roadway near your driveway entrance !
Teen Movie Night!: Enjoy a feature length film at the Library. Call
branch for movie title. Ages 13 to 17. Tuesday, Oct 18 7:00 - 8:30 p.m.
Yoga classes:
Right in Rosedale ! Walk to
class! In each class, you can
work at your own pace. No
experience is needed.
Mondays: Hatha Yoga - Sophie
9:30 – 11:00 a.m. Sept 12 –
Dec 19 (14 classes) Cost: $170
session. Drop-in - $15
‘Yoga 4 Backs - Amber
7:30 – 8:30 p.m. Sept 12 – Dec 19 (14 classes) Cost: $135/
session. Drop-in $12
Wednesdays: Hatha Yoga - Sophie
9:30 – 11:00 a.m. Sept 7 – Dec 21 – (16 classes) Cost: $195/
session Drop-in $15
** Please note –anyone now registering for the RCA classes must
have a valid Rosedale Community Membership. We need a minimum
number to sign up or the class will not run.
Programs are FREE with your library card.
Register in person, by calling 260-2620
online at www.calgarypubliclibrary.com
The Library will be closed on October 10 - Happy Thanksgiving!
Rosedale Book Club -
Jan Hamm er lin dl
The book we are discussing in October is Deadly
Fall, by Susan Calder; she will be in attendance and
if you are interested in attending please rsvp to me at
403-398-4568 or jhammerlin@shaw.ca The book club meets the
first Wednesday of the month. Please contact Jan for more information, 403-398-4568.
Rosedale reporter
Participation is a Key for Communities -
Bottle Drive - Oct. 15
Wayne Thomas
The next Bottle Drive in
support of the 2011-2012
Rosedale School West Coast
Good citizenship requires participation; in our small community, in the
City, our province, country, and the world. Narrowing out focus to
Rosedale, we have many wonderful examples of citizens who ‘get it’.
Dave Morris, our RCA President, like many
young parents, is busy, but not too busy to act
as a thoughtful, active leader for our Board.
Cindy Fyvie, too, is a busy parent who takes
the time to step in when there is a need in our
community, or at the local school. Dave
Dobson and Greg Tompkins took time in their
valuable summer holidays to provide so much
necessary information and guidance on the
subdivision issue. Sue Beugin is working for
Rosedale as she tries to give residents an
effective voice with the City when it comes to
the changes happening around McHugh Bluff.
We have parents, like my favourite daughter, Karen, stepping up to
support school activities, and Dave Guebert taking the lead in getting our
rink ready to go for another winter season. These people and others are
supported by so many of you who flip pancakes, work at the casino,
build the playground, coach and supervise soccer, deliver the newsletter,
clean up the Bluff, raise money for school projects, take care of the RCA
Hall, plan, sponsor, and run Pub Nights, attend meetings, tend the traffic
circle gardens, run clubs and activities, and do so much to make this
Rosedale Community work.
Another part of good citizenship is to lend your voice and your vote to
issues of the day. On October 19th we all get a chance at expressing
our view of development policies in our community. There has been a
marathon leadership race for a new Premier, and the deciding vote takes
place on Oct. 1.
We have RCA membership canvassers coming to our doors in October ...
sign up ! We can all make a difference, if we work together and
participate in a community and a society that can be frustrating at times,
but which gives us a chance to express ourselves freely, and enjoy a very
privileged life here in Calgary, Canada.
Sailing Trip will be held on
Saturday, October 15, 2011.
As in the past, you can drop off your bottles in
the Rosedale School parking lot between 9 a.m.
- 12 Noon. If you require a bottle pick up
before that time, please contact Cindy Fyvie
cindyfyvie@gmail.com or Kim Kearl at (403)
453-5494. See you on October 15!!
President - Dave Morris, 277-3630
Vice-President - Steve Wheeler,
Treasurer - Dave and Deb Guebert, 289-2667
Past President - Mark Hlady, 650-9643
Secretary - Cindy Fyvie, 282-8496
Communications Workgroup - Jeff Lailly, Perry Frayn 282-4398
Development Permits - Greg Tompkins, 283-6818, Dave Dobson,
Hall Rental - Mary Wood, 282-4476
Hall Renovation - Ron Beugin, 282-2172
Hall Maintenance - Bill Wood, 289-6221
Hall Events Coordinator - Don Bruton, 282-3327
Membership - Marnie Worbets, 282-6921
Newsletter - Wayne and Olwen Thomas, 282-3573
Soccer - Kim Watson - 984-4454
Tennis - Ron Beugin, 282-2172
Directors at Large - Jared Layton, 244-6894, Barb Persaud,
276-1060, Barb Sibbald, 220-0529, jan Hammerlindl, 398-4568
Community Liaison, Special Care Facilities, Rink, Planning/
Development, Seniors ... volunteers needed.
Volunteers needed to help
with the 2012 membership drive.
The membership drive occurs in
October so you have a whole
month to do this (no great rush).
It is a great way to meet your
neighbours. If you are willing to
canvas your block, please let me know as soon as possible
and your help would be greatly appreciated. Please contact
Living and working in Rosedale
Homelife Cityscape Real Estate
cell 403.703.9111 email info@leslieschroeder.com
Marnie at 403-282-6921.
Thanks to this month’s sponsors
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