Nanaimo Quilters` Guild Meeting


Nanaimo Quilters` Guild Meeting
Nanaimo Quilters Guild
Volume 32 Issue 6 – February, 2016
Next Regular Meetings:
Feb. 10, 2016
March 16, 2016
April 20, 2016
May 18, 2016 (evening only)
doors open at 12:30pm & 6:30pm
meetings start at 1 pm & 7pm
Nanaimo Curling Club – upstairs
lounge 106 Wall St.
Next Executive Meetings:
March 10, 2016
April 14, 2016
May 12, 2016
June 23, 2016
1:30 at Chase River Country
Grocer, 82 Twelfth St.
Members whose last names start
with the letter M will be responsible
for providing the refreshments –
Go TeaM - make it Magnificent!
Remember to bring:
• handwork
• change for raffle prizes
• library books
• placemats for Block Challenge
• donation quilts from Quilt Bee
• food bank donations
& to take home
< your cup
< any winnings
< new library treats to ponder
< ideas
Web Liaison:
Sue Creba – Please send any
photos or articles for the website to
Next newsletter is March, 2016
Submit articles to
Submission deadline for Newsletter
– Feb. 22nd
From the President’s pen
question, please: when will it stop raining? We need some
sunshine and we are way overdue for it.
We have a new fabric store in town,official opening was January
29th. My Favorite Fabric Store, 6 Commercial St., M-F 9:30-4, Sat &
Quilting with Chocolate!
Sun 10-4, 250-740-0005.
Happy Valentine’s Day
Thank you to Ann Crawford for offering to hold our June picnic at your farm. And thank
you to the Pearls for offering to organize it. However, as discussed in our afternoon and
evening January Guild meetings we will not be enjoying our June picnic this year.
Most—hopefully all—of our members will be volunteering at our quilt show.
Satellite groups: Remember our Historians are waiting for your membership list. Include
when and where you meet and if you are accepting new members.
Remember our Program Committee’s Workshop on February 27th: ‘Paperless Paper
Piecing’ with Joy Hegglund
No Mini Demos at our February 10th meeting. It will be an opportunity for, handwork and
socializing. However, our Library will be open for business.
“Listening helps you understand how others perceive the world but more importantly it
helps you develop empathy and sympathy.”
Vicki Zoltay
Guild President 2015—2016
Quilt Bee Report
y the time you read this, our 17th annual Quilt Bee for Haven House will be
finished for another year. As always, we are sure that a great time was had by all
our busy quilters. Such a generous group you are!
Please remember to bring any quilts that you are finishing up to the February 10th
meeting. Christine Gross, the Resource Development Coordinator for Haven House will
be attending our meeting to receive the quilts and tell us a little about how they are used.
The initial count will be announced at the February meeting and the final count will be
available in the next newsletter.
Quilt Bee Committee
Library News
LL library materials are due at the February 10th Guild Meeting.
Date due cards were stamped in error for Feb. 17... oops!
Check out the new materials from Missouri Star Quilts. They are called
BLOCK. Great ideas, patterns & reading! Thank you to Ginetter for
finding them for us.
See you Feb. 10th....
The Library Team
Gung hey fat choy!
Year of the monkey
Volume 32, Issue 6 – February, 2016
2016 Nanaimo Quilt Guild Challenge
eing a busy quilt show year, the challenge is going to be
small, fun, and simple … something for everyone to take
part in, and use your stash!
Create a placemat, 12” x 18” finished, in any quilt style you enjoy:
pieced, appliquéd, paper pieced for example, and bounce out of
your box by adding a delightful border! Use a pattern, or create
an original. It must be sandwiched with backing and batting, and
quilted. Edges can be finished as you wish - bound, enveloped,
whatever. Limit embellishments, as dishes won’t sit well on dimensional placemats.
One entry per guild member, please. Entries are to be submitted at the April guild meetings and will be voted on at the
May meeting with prizes awarded at that time. Quilt Guild Members will vote on their favourite, and prizes (generously
donated by Cindy’s Threadworks) will be awarded for first, second, and third, simply based on the most votes! All entries
will be displayed at the Quilt Show in June and will then become a charitable donation to the Placemat Committee!
Please print your name and guild number onto a piece of masking tape and adhere to the back of your placemat. Place in
a paper bag (keep it a secret!) and submit to me at the April afternoon or evening guild meeting. Questions? E-mail me
please! (
Have Fun!!!
Kathy Bush
For Sale:
Pfaff Creative 1471, includes Instruction and Creative Embroidery books .. Asking $400.00
Q-snap - Floor Model Quilting Frame... standard table height 31.5 inches, approx. 28 inches square (a Baste it- Quilt it
- Tie it Frame) assembly instructions included... Asking $50.00
If Interested- photos available .. call .. Audrey Hale Phone 250-245 0533 or e-mail at:
Membership Report
s of January, 2016 our Guild has 200 Members in good standing. I have a number of members who need to stop
by the Membership table and pick up Membership cards and or receipt for their Membership: Joy Cline, Judy
Morrison, Briony Goddard, Lynn Peers, Fanny McBride, Laurie Webster, Joy Jenkins ,Barbara Dickie, Heather
Robertson, Elaine Evans, Barbara Kerfoot, Sasha Koerbler, Rohonda Fleming, Kathleen Kane, and Susan Robertson.
All Members who have no access to the internet should by now received a hard copy of the Membership list in the mail.
Due to the cost of a Web Master our Membership list will not be updated till March. It is important that everyone takes a
look at their information to see that it is correct. Please send or phone me your corrections.
Judy Peterson
CQA Report
e have so far submitted 13,378 inches for CQA’s inching across Canada challenge. As a reminder the inches
we are counting include all show and share items and donation items, including placemats. A container, pencil
and paper are available at the meetings for you to jot down your inches. There will also be a tape measure if
you need to measure your items.
A rosette has been requested from the CQA. This ribbon will be awarded to the Best in Show at our upcoming quilt
show. The winner can then, if she chooses, go on to enter the quilt at Quilt Canada in the rosette winner category.
Cantik Batiks is offering a fun mystery quilt to commemorate Canada’s 150th birthday in 2017. The first block kit was
available in September, with a new one coming out every six weeks until April 2017. The thirteen blocks will represent
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Volume 32, Issue 6 – February, 2016
the ten provinces and three territories of Canada. Serge and Sew has the blocks made up in their store and are selling
the kits, although there has been a wait list for the first three as demand exceeded supply. Information about this project
is available on the CQA blog and also at the Cantik Batiks website,
Our guild will again contribute $250 to the CQA Added Purse fund. This fund provides prize money to the winners at
Quilt Canada’s National Juried Show. Our name will be listed at the conference as a ‘Special Friend’, and we will be
acknowledged in the Autumn issue of Canadian Quilter. Our name will also be on the CQA website’s listing of prize
winners. Last year our contribution went to Carolyn Hudson of Nova Scotia for her ‘Hexie Garden’, the First Place
winner in Excellence For Original Interpreted Bed Quilt.
The Agnes Boal Bursary has been suspended due to a lack of sponsorship. When a new sponsor comes forward this
bursary will again be available.
Christine Hustins
Block of the Month
Scrappy Block Draw
ach month I announce a block that is due the following month except
for February I will be handing out pieces of Valentine’s Day fabric. You
will use at least half of the fabric to make a block, entirely your choice.
A guild I belong to in Texas did this type of program before and it was so
neat to see the variety of blocks—hand appliqued, machine appliqued,
pieced or even a combination of techniques. Yes, the idea is to cut the fabric
to fit the pieces needed for your chosen block. As always each block you
turn in gets you a chance to win all the blocks handed in.
The Thirties’ fabric Log Cabin had 8 blocks for the afternoon meeting and Anne Roncin won
them. In the evening there were 4 blocks won by Janet Knecht. Judy McLauglin did have her Christmas
Churn Dash quilt done from her November win and was given a small quilt journal as a reward.
Contact me at or 778-269-2380 if you need any help or if you’d like some of the
Valentine’s Day fabric.
Thanks to everyone who continues to support this project,
Sarah Beyer.
Nanaimo Quilters’ Guild Meeting
January 20, 2016
he afternoon meeting was called to order by Vicki Zoltay at 1:00 pm and the evening meeting was called to order
by Vicki at 7:03 pm. Vicki welcomed everyone, thanked all for coming and hoped everyone had a good Christmas.
The Christmas Potluck was a good time, but we would have liked to see more members attending. Thanks to Liz
Simonson for the Quilters song set to the tune of Jingle Bells. Many good memories were made.
Vicki received an email from Bonnie Eaton who had a few comments to share: “Quilting is most definitely an addiction.
Members who cannot pass a fabric shop without buying a fat square, who know the addresses of every quilt store on the
Island and have some of them on Speed Dial, and those who do more sewing on their dining room table than they do
eating are definitely addicted.” Thank you for this Bonnie.
Sherry Drebnicki has left-over blocks from her Block of the Month for Karen Shook and Nancy McDonald, and will call
them to arrange for pick-up.
The June picnic was discussed. During a Quilt Show year most of our Guild members are volunteering at our Show.
Unless we have a couple of volunteers to take over the June picnic it will not be held. There were no volunteers at either
the afternoon or evening meeting; there will not be a June picnic this year.
Elizabeth Murphy, our Evening Convener, had minor knee surgery yesterday and hopes to be at the evening meeting.
However she could not make the evening meeting.
Sadly, Rose Heimes was admitted to hospital with kidney failure and passed away on Thursday, November 26, 2015. It
was a shock to everyone as this was not expected.
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Volume 32, Issue 6 – February, 2016
Library: As there are no mini demos in February, there will be Library, so that books taken out today will be due back at
the February meeting.
Vicki thanked Germaine Batchelor for organizing our Show and Share.
Advice to a Quilter: If you were to give advice to a quilter what would that advice be?
Blanche Gates said “Happiness is the key. Look after your machines, keep them clean, change their needles and use
good fabric. Pay attention to colour. In the end you spend lots of time in your sewing room, and belong to a wonderful
group of people like the Nanaimo Quilters’ Guild and are happy.
Hospitality: Linda Totzke/Lori Skerget – Reminder to sign out when leaving early, both members and guests. This is a
fire department regulation. Afternoon: 86 members present, 1 guest who is Ginnie Thompson’s sister from Australia.
Evening: 42 members present, and no guests.
Motion to accept the minutes of the November 18, 2015 meeting as published in the December newsletter: Afternoon:
Philippa Zapf moved to accept. Seconded by Christine Hustins. Carried. Evening: Judy Peterson moved to accept.
Seconded by Judi McLaughlin. Carried.
Treasurer’s Report: Lija Bane
Lija gave us the Treasurers report and also presented the State of the Budget to December 31, 2015 and answered
Membership: Judy Peterson
We now have 200 members. Judy still has a number of cards and receipts waiting to be picked up and she read the list
of names. All members should now have a copy of the Membership List, either via the internet or mail. This will be
updated in March; if any errors noted please let Judy know.
Correspondence: Georgy Bowen/Greta Simmons Christmas card from Morine & Co. our accountants.
Thank you letters for our donation of placemats from the Salvation Army and the Ladysmith Meals on Wheels. Thank
you cards for our donation of quilts from the Aboriginal Infant Development Program, Dufferin Place Resident’s Council,
RCMP Victim Services and VIHA Connections/Prenatal Lunch Bunch. Thank you & Christmas card from the Haven
Information from La Conner Quilt & Textile Museum on Guild Partner Program and upcoming events.
Email from the Langley Quilters Guild who are presenting their Bi-Annual Quilt Show: ‘The Threads That Bind Us”.
Check their website for details:
Committee Reports:
Dog Beds: Ginnie Thompson
Thank yous were given for people sewing dog beds for the SPCA. Ginnie is still collecting fillings for beds but quilt
scraps and batting only please.
Ginnie’s son is in a special Long Term Care Facility in Edmonton which holds about 8 young men. It is a rather sterile
environment and Ginnie asked that anyone who has a small, manly wall hanging they don’t want to please talk to her.
CQA: Christine Hustins
Please record inches for Show and Share, Placemats and Donation Quilts at the Hospitality table.
Donation Quilts: Liz Simonson
92 quilts were donated in December and all were really appreciated. We will be showing donations quilts at the Quilt
Show. The total number of quilts donated since the last quilt show in 2013 is 578. Including Quilt Bee quilts to the
Haven Society the number would rise to nearly 1,000.
Nominations: Norma Steven
Norma wished everyone a Happy New Year. Reminded us it is time to start thinking of where we would like to volunteer
for the 2016-2017 year. Emails will be sent out asking people and those who don’t have access to email will receive a
phone call.
Placemats: Heather Henderson
Heather thanked everyone for all the placemats. Over 300 were donated in December. There are still 120 left for the
Quilt Show. Vicki Zoltay donated a stack of placemat-size batting; thank you Vicki.
Program: Bobbie Moss/Janet Knecht
Bobbie wished everyone a Happy New Year. A lot going on for the next few months. Places in Paper Piecing & UFO
workshops. Don’t forget PHD to PFD. The program in February will be Handwork & Social. We are always looking for
angels to help out at Workshops, either with the students, presenters or with tea and coffee.
Eleven years ago NQG was blessed when Lillian Charron joined us. Since that time she has led us through our quilt
Quilt Show: Lillian Charron presented an informative and detailed description of how the Quilt Show works. There
were winning quilts on display—some from first time entrants—showing you don’t have to be a professional or an avid
quilter to enter the Show. Income from the Quilt Show provides funds for the Guild over the next 3 years. This year will
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be a 2-day show instead of a 3-day Show. To enter the Show you must be a member by September of the previous year
(i.e.: 2015). Lillian described the Committees and what they do and how it all comes together at the Show. This Show
will be our first one at the Curling Rink, we have more room and much better parking than before. Admission will be $8
and visitors will receive a wristband rather than a stamp. At the next meeting quilt Categories will be clarified. All quilts
need a 3” sleeve for hanging. The Challenge for the Quilt Show is a placemat.
Thank you for this wonderful presentation Lillian.
Block of the Month: Barbara Hallum/Sarah Beyer – This month 8 blocks were turned in and were won by Anne
Roncin. Next month’s block is a 12½” block which is your own design using the supplied funky valentine fabric. There is
also a prize waiting for the previous winner.
Quilt Bee: Lise Skalos/Nancy Lutes – There are 18 teams. Date is January 30th at Oliver Woods. Doors open 8.45 am
until 3.30 p.m. Supply list is available at the Quilt Bee table. Remember your pot luck item for 6 to 7 people (not 50). If
you are in the area on the day feel free to drop in and see us. At the February meeting leave the Caretaker’s parking
spot (left-hand side as you go out the door) vacant, so the Haven Society can park there to pick up the quilts.
Modern Quilting: Lise Skalos/Lori Hargreaves – Anyone interested in modern quilting please speak to either Lise or
Ad Hoc Committee: Lillian Charron – Formed regarding spending surplus monies. First meeting is on January 28,
2016 but at the Executive it was moved that we rent another storage locker for Quilt Show materials, as the locker we
have is so full. The cost of the unit would be $99.45 per month, about $600 before taxes.
Afternoon: Bertha Abner moved we rent an additional storage locker size 5 x 10 from Budget. Seconded by Bonnie
Eaton. Carried.
Evening: Dianne Ross moved we rent an additional storage locker size 5 x 10 from Budget. Seconded by Bonnie
Dormuth. Carried.
Show and Share: Germaine Batchelor Germaine wished all a Happy New Year. Many beautiful quilts were shared and
Germaine thanked everyone for bringing them and their friendship.
Raffles: Elaine Cadell – Afternoon: Norma S, Dianne B, Lija Bane, Trish K, Kathy C, Linda C Evening: Audrey L, Janet
K, Greta S Show and Share: Afternoon: Sue C Evening: Christine Mystery Fabric: Afternoon: Vicki Z Evening:
Penelope W Hospitality Name Tag: Afternoon: Carole P. Evening: Nancy L
Thank you to Doreen and Judith M for the generous donations. Don’t forget your change for next month’s raffles.
Philippa Zapf mentioned Cathy Martino’s husband is holding a surprise 60th birthday party for her on February 20, at
Nanoose Place. Bring smiles, a pot luck dish and turn up around 5.30. He is bringing Cathy at 6.00 pm.
Vicki reminded everyone that the deadline for newsletter submissions is midnight tomorrow (21st). And we have a new
fabric store in town: My Favorite Fabric Store…official opening January 29 th, 6 Commercial St., M-F 9:30-4, Sat & Sun
There being no further business Vicki Zoltay adjourned the afternoon meeting at 3:20 pm and the evening meeting at
9:07 pm.
Respectfully submitted by Georgy Bowen Secretary
Did You Know?
Quilt Show Boutiques
ur up-coming Quilt Show in June will feature many attractions. The main floor will feature a colourful display of
quilts made by our members, a display of our Community projects such as our Donation Quilts, and a Merchants’
Mall featuring 15 vendors where one can buy the newest and “must have” fabrics, books, and gadgets. Upstairs
will feature the Lunch Room where one can fortify one’s body with a delicious lunch or simply relax with that much
needed cup of tea and rest one’s tired feet. The upstairs will also feature one of our other popular attractions – the
Guild’s Boutique.
The Boutique features items made by members that are available for sale. Most sewn and quilted items are accepted
(check with the Boutique Committee) and a small consignment fee (10%) is charged which goes to the Guild to help
support our many activities.
Both members and visitors to the Show love to shop our Boutique. Some love the fact the items are already made and
they don’t have to spend time on finding the patterns or fabrics, or even the time to make the article. Some people need
a gift in a hurry, and some are happy to buy an item they know they would never sew themselves.
The first Boutique the Guild held was at the second Annual Heritage Quilt Show in June 1986. The Guild was in its’
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Volume 32, Issue 6 – February, 2016
second year of operation and it had hoped the sale of some small quilted items at the quilt show would help bring in
some much needed extra funds. Some members donated items which when sold the Guild would receive the entire
amount and others placed their items on consignment with the Guild collecting 10% of the sale. Although the quilts on
display and the unveiling of the Nanaimo History Quilt received much attention, the Boutique table did not and sales
were very poor. Disappointed with the results the idea of doing another Boutique was shelved.
Seven years later in the fall of 1993, the Guild was invited to participate in a Christmas Craft Fair which was being
sponsored by the Mid-island Weavers & Spinners Guild and the Nanaimo Pottery Co-Op. The members that
participated were very pleased with the results and suggested that a sale table should be available at the up-coming
Quilt Show in June 1994. At this time, our Quilt Shows were still being held in the auditorium of St. Paul’s Anglican
Church, downtown Nanaimo. Members used a small side room (known as the Nursery room) and filled it with tables and
an artificial Christmas tree with an assortment of small items from tea cozies and potholders to wall hangings, pillows,
small ornaments and baby quilts. The sale was very successful, and Boutiques have been part of our Quilt Shows ever
History Committee
Marsha Whitmee and Greta Simmons
Program Report
ur January program: ABC’s of the Quilt Show was presented by Lillian
Charron. Topics discussed included an explanation of the various
categories (illustrated by a sampling of previous award winning quilts),
sleeve hanging requirements and how to complete the Call to Entry form. The
Quilt Show floorplan was presented. Lillian also reviewed the roles of the
committees and the need for volunteers.
There will be no formal program on February 10th. As mentioned in the
January newsletter this meeting is an opportunity for chatting with your
neighbours while getting some handwork done. This might include sewing on
some binding, hand stitching an applique project, embellishing a project or perhaps
tracing a new project onto fusible paper. Again we remind you that if you have a portable,
battery operated light it might be a good idea to bring it along.
Our upcoming workshop Paperless Paper Piecing with Joy Hegglund still has spots
available. There will be time to register at the February meeting. A reminder to all
participants will be sent out approximately a week before the class. April may seem to be
a long way off ……..but for those of us who have signed up for the Woven Tumbling
Blocks Reversible Table Runner just remember there is some preparation to be done before the class. It may take
longer to assemble and press the tubes than you think.
Quilt Show Raffles 2016 Raffles
t is time for Raffle tickets to be sold for the Material Magic Quilt Show this coming June.
Our BC Gaming Licence runs from February 11 to May 11, 2016. This gives us 4 months to sell 6,000 tickets. Each
ticket is $2.00 and there’s 20 tickets in each booklet. We will be asking every member to sell two booklets (40 tickets).
Our Licence only allows us to sell tickets in BC.
Pictures of the Raffle Quilts (all four) will be posted on the Guild Web Page. This is where you can Print off a copy of the
quilts to show while you are selling the tickets. More tickets can be picked up from me at both afternoon and evening
meetings from now till June. You can also phone me at home (250-323-2169 or cell 250741-6071) or e-mail me
( Tickets and monies can also be turned in at each meeting.
I’m in the process of making arrangements to show the Raffle Quilts at our local Quilt Shops and a few out of town
shops. Also trying to set up a few other locations where we can sell our Raffle Tickets, like North Town Centre, and Port
Place. I’ll be looking for Volunteers to help sell tickets at these venues in the near future.
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Now the good part:
When you receive your Raffle Tickets they will be in an envelope. Inside is 2 booklets of raffle tickets, a deposit slip, and
a baggie.
First I want everyone to check that there’s 20 tickets in each booklet. ( In the past some of the booklets had 19 tickets
and others had 21. There has been booklets with missing tickets not to be found in any other booklets)
The deposit slip is for you to fill out BEFORE you hand in your ticket Stubs. One deposit slip for every two booklets of
The baggie is for putting the cheques (payable to NANAIMO QUILTERS GUILD) bills and coins in.
At the Raffle Table you will find two bins where your envelopes are all filed alphabetically. At coffee break you can start
picking up your tickets. After this meeting there will be a basket or bin at the Raffle Table to drop off your sold tickets.
The ticket stubs, filled in deposit slip, and baggie with the money will be put in the envelope, sealed and placed in the
bin. Please do this all before the meetings. I’m hoping this will cut down on the congestion.
If anyone would be interested in giving me a hand at the meetings I could sure use some help.
Material Magic Raffles Judy Peterson
Quilt Show Boutique Information
The Quilt Show Boutique Committee would like to remind you that there will be a Boutique area at our up-coming Quilt
Show in June. Located upstairs in our usual meeting room (by the pool tables); the Boutique allows you to place items
you have made for sale. Most sewn and quilted items are welcome – but some restrictions do apply, for example, no
knitting, etc. There is a consignment fee of 10% that goes to the Guild.
At the February meeting, members of the Boutique Committee will be on hand to cover the information needed on how
to tag your items, filling in stock sheets, or what is or isn’t acceptable for sale.
For more information or to register in advance contact the Boutique Committee members or Kathy at
Boutique Committee
Norma Franks, Marsha Whitmee, Kathy Calder and Bev Cottrell
Group Quilt Category
t has come to our attention that there is still some confusion regarding Group Quilts. When you fill in your Call to Entry,
please remember that anything that has been sent out to another person for quilting IS a Group Quilt. There has not
been any change from previous shows.
Judith McLaughlin,
Chair, Ballot Committee
For Sale:
Black Singer Featherweight - 221k made in Scotland, 1947. Excellent condition, includes instruction book.
No scratches, works well, good tension. Also includes black case in good condition. Perfect machine for travelling
quilters! Asking price: $340 If interested, call: Barb Creek - 250-722-7245
I'm looking to purchase a Bernina 830 record. If anyone has one they would sell, please email me at I'm in Duncan.
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The Market Place
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