Inside - Logos Retreat Centre
Inside - Logos Retreat Centre
15 (Private Circulation only) A Logos Retreat Centre Publication, Bengaluru Inside Vol. 5 IN THE SHADOW OF SACRED 5 HEART Issue 3 DIVINE MERCY LAMB Bi-monthly 6 LIVING IN THE WILL OF GOD 12 May-Jun 2015 UTTER WHAT IS PRECIOUS 14 LogosRetreatCentre 29,PrakruthiTownship,1stMain, P.B.#4326,Babusahibpalaya, Bengaluru560043 Tel:9742234234/08025603252, C ontents 05 ChiefEditor Fr.JoseVettiyankalVC Intheshadowof“SacredHeart” . . . . . 5 Fr.SajiVargheseChoorapuzhaVC Editor Fr.SamKoonamplackilVC EditoralBoard PawanPeterMinj NoelFernandes CherylHartley Ness Joyce CirculationTeam BabuThomas Carol 06 08 Design&LayoutConsultant A.S.TonyBosco E fficacious Novena to the Sacred Heart of Jesus I. O my Jesus, you have said: "Truly I say to you, ask and you will receive, seek and you will find, knock and it will be opened to you." Behold I knock, I seek and ask for the grace of...... (here name your request) Our Father....Hail Mary....Glory Be to the Father....Sacred Heart of Jesus, I place all my trust in you. II. O my Jesus, you have said: "Truly I say to you, if you ask anything of the Father in my name, he will give it to you." Behold, in your name, I ask the Father for the grace of.......(here name your request) Our Father...Hail Mary....Glory Be To the Father....Sacred Heart of Jesus, I place all my trust in you. III. O my Jesus, you have said: "Truly I say to you, heaven and earth will pass away but my words will not pass away." Encouraged by your infallible words I now ask for the grace of.....(here name your request) Our Father....Hail Mary....Glory Be to the Father...Sacred Heart of Jesus, I place all my trust in you. O Sacred Heart of Jesus, for whom it is impossible not to have compassion on the aficted, have pity on us miserable sinners and grant us the grace which we ask of you, through the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary, your tender Mother and ours. Say the Hail, Holy Queen and add: St. Joseph, foster father of Jesus, pray for us. – St. Margaret Mary Alacoque Source: 11 SubscriptionRate SingleCopy`15/ 1Year(`150/),2Years(`300/), 3Years(`450/) Theabovesubscriptionratesarefor6issuesina yearincludingpostage Payment ByCash/MoneyOrder/DemandDraft/Payable atparCheque/Onlinepaymentinfavourof ‘VincentianAshramTrust’ (Kindlyrefertodetailsonpaymentonpage26) AboutLogosRetreatCentre LogosRetreatCentreislocatedinBengaluru.This is one of the many Retreat Centres run by the Vincentian Fathers, who also run Divine Retreat Centre,Potta.VincentianCongregationhasspread itswings far and widein ourcountryas wellas abroad. The wonderful Lord Jesus continues to workmightyandmarvellousdeedsinthisRetreat Centre through the preaching and healing ministrydonebytheVincentianPriests. Many healings and deliverances have been receivedandhavebeentestifiedbythemanysick, woundedandheartbrokenpeople,whocomeand attend the Retreats/ Prayer Services which are conductedhere.Agoodnumberofthemcontinue toregularlyattendtheseBibleConventionsherein ordertogetspiritualnourishment. Do come and taste the Lord Jesus in our Logos RetreatCentre. DivineMercyLamb . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Fr.JoseVettiyankalVC TheDevotiontotheSacredHeart ofJesus. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 GitaJacob BaptismofJesus. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 FrancisLobo PrintedBy WilliamsStevens Disclaimer: “Allcharacterimagesappearinginthisworkare fictitious.Anyresemblancetorealpersons,living ordead,ispurelycoincidental” Editorial . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Fr.JoseVettiyankalVC LivinginthewillofGod. . . . . . . . . . . . 12 CherylHartley Utterwhatisprecious . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 NoelFernandes 12 God’spowerfulprotection. . . . . . . . . 16 Dr.D.Jayanand SaintsoftheMonth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 14 Testimonies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 BibleQuiz. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 16 BibleCrossWord . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 CatholicNews . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 RetreatCentreProgrammes . . . . . . . 27 Editorial Have you ever cruci ed Jesus? If we are in sin, we cannot enjoy anything that Jesus has strived for us, including physical healing and prosperity along with spiritual blessings H aveyouevercruci iedJesus? Bible says; “and then have fallen away, since on their ownthereforecrucifyingagaintheson ofGodandholdinghimuptocontempt” (Heb6:6).Howisthispossible?Jesus has no material body after his resurrection; he has assumed a resurrected body, and then how someone can crucify the resurrected body of Jesus by committing sin and remaining in it. But this is the truth that someone who lives in sin has alreadycruci iedJesus. All parents have a strong desire that their children should enjoy everythingthattheyhaveearnedfor them. A certain father had a very intelligent son, and he sent him for higher education at an esteemed University,thesonhadcompletedhis doctorate with Suma Cum Laude. Meanwhile the father had already constructedabungalowforhimand purchasedanestateforhisuse.This dad had great expectation from his son that he should possess all his assets and settle down in marriage 4|LogosVoice|MarchApril2015 andtoseehimhappyandjoyful. On the contrary, when the son returned,thedadcametoknowthat his beloved son has gone astray and addictedtodrugsandalsoinvolvedin drug traf icking. On returning home, Jesus has no material body after his resurrection; he has assumed a resurrected body, and then how someone can crucify the resurrected body of Jesus by committing sin and remaining in it. But this is the truth that someone who lives in sin has already crucified Jesus. the cops arrested the son and the court sentenced the son to life imprisonment. The heart broken father went to the prison to visit his belovedson,onlytosee'theappleof hiseyes'lyingonthe looroftheprison cell.Thedadexclaimed,“Mysonyou havecruci iedme!! In the same way Jesus has already Fr.JoseVettiyankalVC prepared an eternal kingdom for us, notamereestate,andparadiseforus, notabungalowandaboveall,Hehas healed and redeemed us by His wounds(1Pet2:24).But,theonewho is in sin is a slave to sin (Jn 8:34). A slave is not entitled to enjoy the bene its of his master, nor will he inherit a dime of his master's house. Similarly if we are in sin, we cannot enjoy anything that Jesus has strived forus,includingphysicalhealingand prosperity along with spiritual b l e s s i n g s . S e e i n g u s i n s u c h a deplorablecondition,Jesusisgrieved andwithapainfulheart.Hesays“my child I've suffered and died for you, onlytobringyoubacktome,toenjoy thebene itofmysuffering.” And what God has prepared for us? “Oureyeshavenotseen,earshavenot heard, nor the heart conceived.” (1Cor2:9).Hence,ifyoudonotenjoy spiritualandmaterialwellnessandon thecontraryremainintheslaveryof sin, it makes Jesus very painful. And Jesus says “my child, you have cruci ied me and denied my love”. In the month of June we commemorate the great love of Jesus towards humanity.Getawayfromoursinsright nowandreconcilewithJesusandHis Fathersothatwemayenjoypeaceand happiness of the kingdom of God in whichourheavenlyFatherandHisSon isglori ied(Jn15:11). IN THE SHADOW OF SACRED HEART God's loving heart finds it difficult see the pain and sorrows of his people. Moved by this, God performs healings in the lives of the people “Learn from me; for I am gentle and humbleinheart,andyouwill indrest foryoursouls.”(Mt11:29).WheneverI seethepictureoftheSacredHeartof Jesus, I am greatly touched. It's that heart of my God and saviour which bledforme2000yearsagoandisstill bleeding for me. It is that gentle, humble,loving,forgivingandmerciful heartofJesusthatdrawsmecloserto him, every time I re lect on his holy wounds,especiallyhiswoundedheart whichbleedsforpoorsinners.Hebore allouriniquitiesonhisbody,hisbody wasbrokenforourtransgressions,the burdenofoursinswasuponhimand he died a painful death on the cross (Isa 53:45). And all along he was completelyinnocent.HisSacredHeart sufferedinsilencetherejection,pain and betrayal of his people. He was oppressed, and he was af licted, et he didnotopenhismouth;likealambthat isledtotheslaughter,andlikeasheep thatbeforeitsshearersissilent,sohe didnotopenhismouth(Isa53:7) We read in the Holy Bible, that Jesus underwent a painful and agonising deathonthecross.Eventhoughhewas brutally tortured and beaten, his gentle heart was still beating for his people. His Sacred Heart opened up forusfromthecrossand,becauseof hisimmenseloveforus,heforgaveall hisperpetrators.'Father,forgivethem; fortheydonotknowwhattheyaredoing.' (Lk23:34).Oh!suchacompassionate, lovingandforgivingheartofJesus! Jesus's Sacred Heart is full of mercy and compassion. We read so many instancesofthisintheHolyScripture. Heisthegoodshepherdwhogoesin searchofevenonelostsheep,leaving the rest 99 behind (Lk 15:37). He came in search of sinners so that, he maywinthemoverfromtheclutches oftheevilone.Ihavecometocallnot therighteousbutsinnerstorepentance (Lk5:32).Soevenifthereisjustone sinner who repents and comes back, Jesusisveryhappy.Justso,Itellyou, there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-ninerighteouspeoplewhoneed norepentance.(Lk15:7) In the Old Testament, we often ind GodseenasapunishingGodandone whoisstrictandadamant.Thoughwe also indaGodwhoisgentleandloving atthesametime. “IsEphraimmydearson?Ishethechild Idelightin?AsoftenasIspeakagainst him, I still remember him. Therefore I amdeeplymovedforhim;Iwillsurely havemercyonhim,”(Jer31:20)“Cana woman forget her nursing child, or shownocompassionforthechildofher womb?Eventhesemayforget,yetIwill notforgetyou”(Isa49:15) “Asamothercomfortherchild,soIwill comfort you” ( Isa 66:13). How often haveIdesiredtogatheryourchildren together as a hen gathers her brood underherwings...(Mt23:37) ThisistheverynatureofGod'sheart. Weseetheful ilmentofGod'slovefor usinJesus.God'slovingheart indsit dif iculttoseethepainandsorrowsof hispeople.Movedbythis,Godbrings healingsinthelivesofthepeople.We It is that gentle, humble, loving, forgiving and merciful heart of Jesus that draws me closer to him, every time I reflect on his holy wounds especially his wounded heart which bleeds for poor sinners readinthescriptures,howJesuscured the sick (Mk 1:34), gave sight to the blind (Jn 9:17), fed the hungry (Mt 14:1321),healedthelame(Jn5:19), andforgavethesinners(Lk23:34).All becausehelovesusfromhisheart.He continues to perform signs and wonders, miracles and healing throughhispeopletillthisday. JuneisthemonthoftheSacredHeart. T h e S a c re d H e a r t o n t h e wa l l , whisperstoussilently“Howlonghave youbeenlookingatme?Haveyounot learnt from my wounded heart?” As we gaze at the picture of the Sacred Heart, where Jesus is pointing his ingerstohiswoundedheart,Jesusis tellingustofollowhisexample.Heis askingus,totransformourheartslike his heart. A heart which is gentle, humble,loving,forgivingandmerciful towardsothers. InthismonthofJune,the'Monthofthe SacredHeart'letthisbemysmallprayer.. IpraymyJesus,please changemyheartand makeitlikeyours. Amen. Fr.SajiVargheseChoorapuzhaVC MayJune2015|LogosVoice|5 Divine Mercy Lamb Therefore through the prayer of the Divine Mercy Chaplet all the sacrifices in the Old Testament and New Testament are substituted except the Eucharist T hewholehumanityoriginated f r o m A d a m a n d E v e ; c o n s e q u e n t ly t h e re i s a common ancestor for all human beings. The human race, which descended from the irst parents, alienatedfromGodthroughthesinof AdamandEve.Hence,whenaperson is born of this humanity, inevitably he/shecomesunderthedominionof the sin of Adam and Eve (CCC 404). Through the effect of the sin, Satan acquired a certain right over the wholehumanity(CCC407)andsince thedevilcomesonlytosteal,killand destroy (Jn 10:10) he is demanding human suffering, deprivation and death.Inordertoavoidtheseanguish and sufferings, God instituted some substituteforhumansufferings.And bloody sacri ices of sheep and other animalsareconsideredassubstitute of the human sufferings. In several places the Old Testament quotes descriptionsofanimalsacri icesasan alternative for human sufferings, whichistheconsequenceofthe irst sin of Adam and Eve (CCC2448). Finally Jesus Himself became a substituteofthefallenhumanity(CCC 517). God Himself did the irst animal sacri ice,byclothingtoAdamandEve with garments made of leather (Gen 3:21). That was the irst initiated sacri icebyGodfortheredemptionof AdamandEvefromthedominionof theevilone.Withoutbloodshedthere is no forgiveness of sins (Heb 9:22). Secondly, the sacri ice of Isaac was swappedbyalambinthethicket(Gen 22:13); in other words, Isaac was redeemedinexchangebythebloodof thelamb.Thirdlythe irstmalechild of the Hebrews was redeemed and savedinexchangeofthebloodofthe Pascallamb(Ex12:67,13).Again,the B i b l e d e s c r i b e s t h e l a m b o f atonement.OntheDayofAtonement, 6|LogosVoice|MayJune2015 two goats are to be selected for the forgiveness of sins of the Hebrews. OnegoatselectedforGodbylotsand another for Azazel (Lev 16: 810). Herethetwogoatsaresubstitutefor thecommunityasawhole.IntheNew Testament, Jesus is the Lamb of God whocarriesthesinsoftheworld(Jn 1:29)andthislambisaransomforall (Mt20:28,1Tim2:6).Hence,Jesusis the redemption of all mankind. At the end of his earthly life, Jesus substitutedthesacri icialLambbythe breakingofthebread(Mt26:2630). According to the old covenant , immolationofananimalisasubstitute for the redemption of the people, while in the new covenant breaking the bread is a substitute for all humanity.Symbolicallyalltheanimal sacri icesandthesacri iceofJesusare reenacted in the breaking of the bread.Hence,breakingtheEucharistic bread is redemption for all the humanity (CCC1846). The priest is also considered as a lamb, because priest is another Christ. People confess their sins to a priest, and he carriestheconsequencesoftheirsins in his body and transfers these consequences into the Eucharistic bodybysaying“Thisismybody,which isbrokenforyouandthisisthechalice ofthenewcovenantwhichispoured out for the forgiveness of sins”. Through the breaking of the bread, the priest does penance for the forgiveness of sins of people. Every priest must do penance for his penitents(CCC1468). Atlast,JesusrevealedtoSt.Faustinain 1931totellthepeople,takethebody and blood, soul and divinity of Jesus and offer it to the Father for the forgiveness of sins of the world. Therefore through the prayer of the DivineMercychapletallthesacri ices in the Old Testament and New Testamentaresubstitutedexceptthe Eucharist.Thesacri iceofJesusisre enacted by lay people through the Divine Mercy chaplet. Therefore a prudent mind can take a conclusion thatprayingtheDivineMercychaplet isanextraordinarysubstituteforthe sufferingofthehumanrace. The priest is also considered as a lamb, because priest is another Christ. People confess their sins to a priest, and he carries the consequences of their sins in his body and transfers these consequences into the Eucharistic body by saying “This is my body, which is broken for you and this is the chalice of the new covenant which is poured out for the forgiveness of sins” This lamb can be offered by all people, who have a royal priesthood (1Pet2:9).ThisDivineMercyChaplet can be considered as a Divine Mercy lamb. Through this prayer, people of Godreenact allthesacri ices,which we have seen in the Old and New Testament. This lamb is the last sacri ice, which we are privileged to offer before the second coming of Jesus. Therefore St. John Paul II insistedallpeopletopraytheDivine Mercy Chaplet without any failure (Dives missericordia 13). Irrespective of caste or creed or religion, the CatholicChurchencourageseveryone to pray the Divine Mercy chaplet withoutfailandberedeemedfromall sicknessandsufferingsinthisworld. Thebesttimetosaythisprayeris3pm. InChennai,India,acertain13yearold boy named George Henry, living in Adayar,cametomewithaproblemof white patches all over his body for several years. Medicine made his condition from bad to worse. I suggested him to recite the Divine Mercychapletfor9continuousdaysat 3 pm. Exactly on the 9th day all his whitepatchesdisappeared. Therefore I recommend all of you to recitetheDivineMercychapletatleast once a day. Then almost all your problems will be solved. This prayer alsocanberecitedasafamilyprayer. Atthesametimenoshouldnotforget theotheraspectsoftheDivineMercy prayer.BythatImeantheABCofthe DivineMercy.Ameansaskformercy (pray the chaplet), B means be m e r c i f u l t o a l l a n d C m e a n s Completelytrustinthe Lord.“Jesus,Itrustin yourmercy.” Amen. Fr.JoseVettiyankalVC MayJune2015|LogosVoice|7 The Devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus The heart not only feels, it knows and understands, God's law is received in the heart T hedevotiontotheSacredHeart,alsoknownasthemostSacredHeart ofJesusisoneofthemostwidelypracticedandwellknowndevotions. Theoriginofthisdevotiondatesbacktothe17thCenturyinFrance MargaretMaryAlaloqueamysticnunsaidshelearntthedevotionfromJesus duringaseriesofapparitionstoherbetween16731675. DevotiontotheSacredHeartispartofthemainlineofourfaith.Thereasonis thatitisbasicallyhonorpaidtotheloveofGodandseeninandsymbolizedin theheartofJesus.Withoutthatdivinelovewewouldnotexistatall,nor wouldwehavebeenredeemed. LetusrealizeallthericheshiddeninthewordsSacredHeartofJesusItrust inthee.Biblesays;"Whoeverdoesnotlove,doesnotknowGod,forGodis love(1Jn4:8)butwecanbeloving…wehavetheloveofGodpouredintoour heartsbytheHolySpirit(Rom5:5).Whenwespeakofapersonweoften usetermslike‘heishardhearted’or‘warmhearted’etc.Thereforethe heartiswhereallouremotionsandsentimentsarestored“AnewheartI willgiveyouandanewspiritIwillputwithinyouandIwilltakeoutyour heartofstoneandgiveyouaheartof lesh(Ezek36:26) To the heart belongs joy “let my heart rejoice in your saving help (Ps12:6).RepentanceasDavidcried“createinmeacleanheartandput anewspiritwithinme(Ps51:10).Soweneedtocleanseandpurifyour heartsandpray“Jesusmeekandhumbleofheart,makemyheartlike untothine” A typical Catholic home will be replete with religious imageries, statuescruci ixes,rosariesandaveryprominentlydisplayedpicture oftheSacredHeartofJesus.Somepeopleofotherfaithsbelievewe are worshipping or praying to these objects. The truth is that Catholics worship only God. The various religious objects are powerfulremindersofthepresenceofGod“theyliftupourhearts andmindstoGodeverytimewelookattheseimages,theyremindus ofGod'sloveforus,justasweputuppicturesofourlovedones” The heart not only feels, it knows and understands, God's law is receivedintheheart(Ps39:9)andremainswrittenthere(Prov7:3) Scripture also adds “out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks”(Mt12:34) andsummingupallthesinsmanmightcommit hesays“outtheheartofmancomeevilthoughts,murder,adultery, fornication,theftandfalsewitnessslanderandblasphemy(Mt7:21). So when we talk about the Sacred Heart of Jesus we stress the certaintyofGod'sloveandthetruthofhiscommitmenttous.What isthistruth?ThatJesusdidnotcometocondemnus,oraccuseusor blameus.Hecametosaveus,pardonus,tobringuspeaceandjoyto deliverandhealus.IfonlyweunderstandGodslove,wewillfeel compelledtobecomemorecompassionate,generousandforgiving likeHim. ButifwearetounderstandtheloveofJesusandtheloveofGodwe needboth faith andhumility.Weneedthefaith andhumilitythat promptedStAugustinetowrite“youhavemadeusforyouohLord andourheartsarerestlessuntiltheyrestinyou” DevotiontotheSacredHeartisjustnotlimitedtoonemonthofthe year, St Margret Mary Alaloque received a vision, in which Jesus promised that those who make the Friday devotion for nine consecutivemonthswillreceivethefollowingpromises 1. "Iwillgivethemallthegracesnecessaryintheirstateoflife. 2. Iwillestablishpeaceintheirhomes. 3. Iwillcomforttheminalltheiraf lictions. 4. Iwillbetheirsecurerefugeduringlife,andaboveall,indeath. 5. Iwillbestowabundantblessingsuponalltheirundertakings. 6. Sinnerswill indinmyHeartthesourceandin initeoceanofmercy. 7. Lukewarmsoulsshallbecomefervent. 8. Ferventsoulsshallquicklymounttohighperfection. 9. IwillblesseveryplaceinwhichanimageofmyHeartisexposedand honored. 10. Iwillgivetoprieststhegiftoftouchingthemosthardenedhearts. 11. Thosewhoshallpromotethisdevotionshallhavetheirnameswrittenin myHeart. 12. IpromiseyouintheexcessivemercyofmyHeartthatmyall-powerfullove willgranttoallthosewhoreceiveHolyCommunionontheFirstFridaysfor nineconsecutivemonths,willgetthegraceof inalperseverance;theyshall not die in disgrace, nor without receiving their sacraments. My Divine Heartshallbetheirsaferefugeinthislastmoment." TheChurchwasbornfromthepiercedheartofJesusonthecross.Inthe irst creation,EvewasbornfromthesideofAdam.Inthenewcreation,theChurch wasbornfromthesideofJesus.TheBridefromtheHeartoftheBridegroom! When the soldier thrust his lance into Jesus' side, immediately blood and water lowedout.SaintJohnChrysostomhadthistosayaboutthispassage: Beloved,donotpassoverthismysterywithoutthought;ithasyetanother hidden meaning, which I will explain to you. I said that water and blood symbolizedbaptismandtheholyEucharist.Fromthesetwosacramentsthe Churchisborn:frombaptism,thecleansingwaterthatgivesrebirthand renewalthroughtheHolySpirit,andfromtheholyEucharist.Sincethe symbolsofbaptismandtheEucharist lowedfromhisside,itwasfromhis The heart not only feels, it knows and understands, God's law is received in the heart (Ps 39:9) and remains written there (Prov 7:3) Scripture also adds “out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks” (Mt 9:4) and summing up all the sins man might commit he says “out the heart of man come evil thoughts, murder, adultery, fornication, theft and false witness slander and blasphemy (Mt 6:21) Inprayer,wecontemplatethepiercedHeartofourSavior.Wecontemplate hisincrediblelove.Were lectonthemercy,compassionandlovethatGodhas bestowed upon us. We become enthralled by Christ, like Saint Paul, who prayed that Christ might dwell in the hearts of the Ephesian Christians, throughfaithandthattheymightknowtheloveofChristwhichsurpasses knowledge.WhenChristdwellsinourhearts,whenweknowhislovedeeply, inourmindsandhearts,wearemovedtolivethegreatcommandmentsoflove ofGodandneighbor.WearemotivatedbytheSacredHeartofJesustoopenour heartstohimsothattheyare illedwithloveforourbrothersandsisters.In thisway,welearntoliveJesus'commandment:LoveoneanotherasIhave lovedyou(Jn13:34a).ThegoalofallwedointheChurchshouldbetolead peopletoencounterthislove.Onlythislove,theloveoftheHeartofChrist, cantransformthehumanheartandbringtruepeacetotheworld. InourlivesandinourworkintheChurch,wemustplaceallourhopeinthe Onewhosaid“Cometome,allyouwholaborandareburdened,andIwillgive you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am meek and humbleofheart.”(Mt11:28-29a) Devotion to the Sacred Heart is part of the main line of our faith. The reason is that it is basically honor paid to the love of God and seen in and symbolized in the heart of Jesus without that divine love we would not exist at all, nor would we have been redeemed Thisisoneofthemostbeautifulscripturalreferencestotheheartof Jesus.Hisheart,thesymbolofhisredeeminglove,isalsoasymbolofhis meeknessandhumility.Jesusinvitesustolearnfromhisheartandto imitatehislove,hismeekness,andhishumility.Thisaspectofdevotion to the Sacred Heart is evident in the common prayer or invocation: Jesus,meekandhumbleofheart,makemyheartlikeuntothine. IinviteyoutocultivateadevotiontotheSacredHeartofJesus.The month of June is a month when this devotion is practiced more intensely.SomewonderfulpracticesincludeprayingtheLitanyofthe SacredHeartofJesus,makingaconsecrationtotheSacredHeartor havingtheimageoftheSacredHeartenthronedinyourhome.These devotionsarenotjustsomerelicsofthepast.Theyhavecontinued relevancetoday.WhenwedrawclosetoChristinthemysteryofhis heart,thisenablesustodwellonthegreatmysteryofourfaith,that Godislove.Thisalsostrengthensusandinspiresustoimitatehis loveandtohelpbuildthecivilizationoflove.FromtheSacredHeart ofJesus,ourheartslearnmeekness,humility,mercy,andlove. TheSacredHeartofJesusifunderstoodrightly,canbe our shelter, safe abode from the powers of darkness andtheevilsthatthreatenourworldoftoday. GitaJacob Compilationsource: BAPTISM OF JESUS sidethatChristfashionedtheChurch,ashehadfashionedEvefromthe sideofAdam…AsGodtookaribfromAdam'ssidetofashionawoman,so ChristhasgivenusbloodandwaterfromhissidetofashiontheChurch.God tooktheribwhenAdamwasinadeepsleepSincetheChurchwasbornfrom thepiercedsideofChrist,fromhisSacredHeart,thisshouldhavegreat meaningforus. J oshuaisaforeshadowofJesusintheOldTestament. and the old covenant the Law that brings death HewasleadingthepeopleofGodtotheothersideof stoppedgivingwaytoNewandeternalcovenantofthe theriverJordan,tothePromisedLand.Assoonas Spirit which bring life everlasting. For the law of the thefeetofthepriestwhowerecarryingthearkofthe SpiritwhichbringsuslifeinunionwithJesusChristhas covenantdippedattheedgeofthewaterofJordan,the setmefreefromthelawofsinanddeath.Toprovethat waterswhichcamefromupstreamstoodstill,androse OldgivethplacetotheNewandhenceforthitistheLaw inaheap.......sothewatersthatwentdownintothesalt oftheSpirit,theHolySpiritdescendedinthewatersof Baptism upon Jesus. And the sea(ordeadsea)failed,andwere Father declared that He is well cut off; and the people crossed Jesus the High Priest on pleased with His beloved Son, overtoJericho. the altar of the Cross thereby showing His approval became the Lamb of that Son has authority to adopt IntheBaptismofJesusthesonof sacrifice and received the sonsforGodthroughtheirfaithin God steps into Jordan. Jesus Him. "But as many as received Baptism of blood in order comes to the river Jordan to be Him, to them He gave the right baptisedbyJohntheBaptist.The to send us His Spirit so that to become children of God, to watersofJordancanbecompared all who are led by His Spirit those who believe in His name" totheLawoftheOldTestament. may be children of God (Jn1:12). ThefreshwaterofJordanwhichis supposed to bring life when it lowstosaltseaorDeadSeaasitiscalled,bringsdeath. Soalso"thecommandmentwhichwastobringlife,I foundtobringdeath"(Rom7:10).ButwhenourHigh PriestJesussteppedintotheJordan,thatistosay"He cameasthesonofahumanmotherandlivedunderthe JewishLawtoredeemthosewhowereundertheLaw, sothatwemightbecomeGod'ssons."(Gal4:45)The watersofJordanstoppedfrom lowingintothesaltsea thatbringsdeathassoonasthepriestscarryingtheark of the covenant (i.e. Old Testament ) stepped into Jordan. High Priest of the New Covenant Jesus Who Himself is the Ark of the "blood of the everlasting covenant"(Heb13:20)immersedhimselfintoJordan To prove that Old giveth place to the New and henceforth it is the Law of the Spirit, the Holy Spirit descended in the waters of Baptism upon Jesus AtthewatersofBaptism,Johnannouncedtothepeople “Ibaptisewithwater,buthewillbaptiseyouwiththe HolySpirit.”“BeholdtheLambofGodwhotakesaway thesinsoftheworld.”JesustheHighPriestonthealtar oftheCrossbecametheLambofsacri iceandreceived theBaptismofbloodinordertosendusHisSpiritso thatallwhoareledbyHisSpiritmaybechildrenofGod. MayGodtheFathersendtheSpiritofHis Sonintoourheartstoenableustocryout "Abba Father" so that we may be heir of GodthroughChristJesus.Amen. FrancisLobo LIVING IN THE WILL OF GOD It is not about how much pleasure I am getting out of life; its about how much pleasure is God getting out of my life J esussays;“Noteveryonewhosays to me 'Lord, Lord,' will enter the kingdomofheaven;butonlyhewho does the will of my Father who is in heaven.” (Mt 7:21). Jesus is more concernedaboutourwalkratherthan our talk. Are we living in the Will of God?orarewejustgettingby,oneday intoanother…andlifegoeson… CatechismoftheCatholicChurch1730 says“Godcreatedusarationalbeing, conferring on us the dignity of a person who can initiate and control ourownactions.Godwilledthatman shouldbeleftinthehandofhisown counsel, so that he might of his own accord seek his Creator, and freely attain his full and blessed perfection bycleavingtoHim.” Dowechoosetofollowourownwill whichissel ishandselfcenteredorwe seek our Creator and ind out His perfectwillforourlives?Howdowe liveinthewillofGod?: 1. SURRENDER: Surrender our lives completely to God, so He can use us. “Thereforebrothersandsisters,bythe merciesofGod,presentyourbodiesasa livingsacri ice,holyandacceptableto God,whichisyourspiritualworship.Do notbeconformedtothisworld,butbe transformed by the renewing of your minds,sothatyoumaydiscernwhatis the will of God - what is good, acceptableandperfect.”(Rom12:1-2) 12|LogosVoice|MayJune2015 Inmylifeearlier,Isurrenderedmylife tomyself.Everythingwasaboutwhat mademehappyinthispassingworld. Money, power, ego, pride… all the attributesthattheworldteachesus.So we carry out our plans and will. Many of us are unable to come to the knowledge of God’s Will, because we simply do not believe God will guide us. Faith is a pre requisite when we seek His Will. What was said to St. Paul is true for all of us, “God has destined and appointed us to progressively know His Will. To perceive and recognize His plan, and become more intimately acquainted with His Will, so that we can be His witness to the world” However Romans 12:2 says that if I want to live the will of God, I can no l o n g e r c o n fo r m to t h e wo rl d ' s standards. Making Jesus the Lord of our lives daily, yielding ourselves to HisHolySpiritandcarryingourcross to follow His Word will enable us to slowly follow what He wants of us. St. Paul says surrendering our lives from our hearts is spiritual worship. ThisiswhenGodwillslowlyunfoldHis planforourlives. 2.THEWORLDWASCREATEDFOR THEGLORYOFGOD:CatechismBook 293 “Scripture and Tradition never ceasetoteachthisfundamentaltruth: Theworldwasmadeforthegloryof God.” It is not about how much pleasure I am getting out of life; its about how much pleasure is God gettingoutofmylife.Whenwerealise that we were created to glorify His Nameineverythingwedo,webeginto understand God's ways and His purposes. 3.FAITH:Biblesays;“TrustintheLord withallyourheart,anddonotrelyon your own insight. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straightyourpaths.”(Prov3:5-6).Many of us are unable to come to the knowledgeofGod'sWill,becausewe simply do not believe God will guide us. Faith is a prerequisite when we seekHisWill.WhatwassaidtoSt.Paul istrueforallofus,“Godhasdestined and appointed us to progressively knowHisWill.Toperceiveand recognizeHisplan,and b e c o m e m o r e intimately acquainted with His Will, so that we canbeHiswitnesstotheworld.”(Acts 22:1415).Biblesays;“Withoutfaithit is impossible to please God”. (Heb 11:6a) 4. WAIT UPON THE LORD: In Ps 37:5,7a,weread;“Commityourwayto theLord,trustinHimandHewillact.Be stillandwaitpatientlyforHim.”When wetrustGod,ourheartsarepeaceful andrestful.Waituntilweareperfectly clear about the Will of God in all matters.Davidspeaksagainandagain ofwaitingontheLordinPs25:3,5,21. Itisinthewaitingperiodthattheevil onetemptsustoberestless(hasteisa trapoftheevilone)asinthecaseofthe IsraelitestravellingfromEgypttothe Promised Land. They refused to see God's hand guiding them toward His Will;rathertheygrewimpatientwhen their physical needs were not met accordingtotheirwillandgrumbledat Godsprovision.Thesearemomentswe canstrayawayfromhearingHisvoice. theWordofGod. In CCC 684 we read; “ThroughHisgrace,theHolySpirit isthe irsttoawakenfaithinusandto communicatetousthenewlife,which is to know the Father and the one whom He has sent, Jesus Christ.” Jn 17:3 reiterates this in Jesus' High priestlyprayer“Thisiseternallife:that they may know you the only true God andJesusChristwhomyouhavesent.” We are here on a mission as St Paul saysinAct20:24“Imust inishtherace and complete the task the Lord Jesus hasgivenme.”Jesussays Jn17:18,“As youhavesentmeintotheworldwitha mission,soIhavesentthem(us)intothe worldwithamission.” Wecanbeworldlyfollowersorworld classfollowersofJesusChrist.Wecan continue to focus on our needs, our blessings, our will, and happiness or wecanbealivetotheneeds ofothers.Wecan l o o k for ways to u s e G o d fo r o u r purposes or we can give ourselves freely to be used for God's purposes. The choices are all ours. Jesus gives each of us His great commission; “Go therefore and make disciplesofallnations,”(Mt28:19a).We are all workers together with God to ful illthiscommission,no matter where He places us.LivingintheWillofGod isallowingourselvestobe led by His Spirit for His purpose. CherylHartley AswejourneytounderstandingGod's willforourlives,wemustbeledbythe Spirit of God. Often called our Comforter and Counselor, He can be found in MayJune2015|LogosVoice|13 Utter what is precious It is not enough that we stop uttering worthless, but we must learn to utter what is precious W e lose many graces by uttering worthless talks. James ch 3:112 tells us aboutthesancti icationofourtongue. As we grow spiritually, we need to avoid uttering worthless talks out of jealousy, anger, despair, fun, lust, joking, teasing, telling lies, lattering, scof ing,abusing,boasting,gossiping, loosetalk,insults,complainingetc.It is not enough that we stop uttering worthless,butwemustlearntoutter whatisprecious.Weneedtodothisby constant examination of what we speak. To be a prophet of God, God invitesustostopspeakingworthless, butspeaksomethingprecious.Whatis precious? InJeremiahch.1GodcallsJeremiahto beaprophet.Jeremiahovercomeshis irst hesitation and God anoints him (Jer 1:910) and puts His precious wordinJeremiah.Whateverproceeds fromourmouthwiththeinspirationof theHolySpiritalonecanbeprecious. “forIwillgiveyouwordsandawisdom thatnoneofyouropponentswillbeable towithstandorcontradict.”(Lk21:15) JeremiahwascalledbyGodtobeHis prophetinadif iculttimetoannounce the exile of Israelites to Babylon and prophesy the severe admonition of GodagainsttheidolatryofIsraelites. W h e n c o u n t e r e d w i t h v i o l e n t Israelites(Jerch2to11),Jeremiahin great distress, complains to God (Jer 12:1). God lifts him up (Jer 12:5). Again countered by false prophets (Jer 14:1314) and in disgust, shuns the identity of a prophet, but calls himselfamanofstrife(Jer15:1018) and again complains to God. This is whenGodtellsJeremiah“Ifyouutter 14|LogosVoice|MayJune2015 what is precious, and not what is worthless,youshallserveasmymouth.” And the promise of God is this; “It is theywhowillturntoyou,notyouwho willturntothem.”(Jer15:19b) Ta l k i n g a b o u t t h e g r e a t s i n s committed using tongue, Bible says; “noonecantamethetongue–arestless evil, full of deadly poison. With it we blesstheLordandFather,andwithit we curse those who are made in the likenessofGod.”(Jas3:8-9).“Deathand life are in the power of the tongue.” (Prov 18:21a). “Rash words are like swordthrusts;”(Prov12:18a).“Agossip reveals secrets; therefore do not associatewithababbler.”(Prov20:19) God warns, “Their tongue is a deadly arrow; it speaks deceit through the mouth.Theyallspeakfriendlywordsto their neighbors, but inwardly are planningtolayanambush.ShallInot punishthemforthesethings?saysthe LORD;”(Jer9:8-9a).Theconsequences ofmisuseoftonguearesoseriousthat Bible says; “Many have fallen by the edgeofthesword,butnotasmanyas have fallen because of tongue.” (Sir 28:18).“Asliponthepavementisbetter thanaslipofthetongue.”(Sir20:18a). We should learn to listen to others more intently because God has given us two ears but only one tongue. We should know before what we speak, so as not to hurt others, but edify them spiritually. Be moderate in speech and always weigh our words before utter them. “Itellyou,onthedayofjudgmentyou willhavetogiveanaccountforevery careless word you utter. For by your wordsyouwillbejusti ied,andbyyour words you will be condemned.” (Mt 12:36-37). Controloftongue:Keepingatabover ourtongueandrestrainingourspeech is very much necessary. We should learntolistentoothersmoreintently becauseGodhasgivenustwoearsbut only one tongue. We should know beforewhatwespeak,soastonothurt others, but edify them spiritually. Be moderateinspeechandalwaysweigh your words before you utter them. “Youmustunderstandthis,mybeloved: leteveryonebequicktolisten,slowto speak,…”(Jas 1:19) St. Faustina says “Greatarethefaultscommittedbythe tongue. The soul will not attain sanctityifitdoesnotkeepwatchover its tongue.” (D92). Bible says; “A soft answerturnsawaywrath,butaharsh wordstirsupanger.”(Pro15:1)“When words are many, transgression is not lacking,buttheprudentarerestrained inspeech.”(Pro10:19)“Letnoeviltalk comeoutofyourmouths,butonlywhat isusefulforbuildingup,asthereisneed, so that your words may give grace to thosewhohear.”(Eph4:29) Make good use of the tongue : We must use our tongue for prayer, to confessoursins,tocryformercyfrom God, to teach, reprove, console and b l e s s o t h e r s , a n d p r a i s e G o d unceasingly. Bible says; “Deliver me from bloodshed, O God, O God of my salvation, and my tongue will sing aloudofyourdeliverance.”(Ps51:14). “Allthedaylongmytonguewilltalkof your righteous help.”(Ps 71:24a). “My tongue will sing of your promise,” (Ps119:172a).“everytongueshallgive praisetoGod.”(Rom14:11b).“TheLord GOD has given me the tongue of a teacher,thatImayknowhowtosustain thewearywithaword.”(Is50:4a) S i l e n c e : T h e r e a r e t i m e s a n d occasionswhenweneedtokeepsilent for various reasons. This is called judicioussilence. 1. When we encounter wicked people:Thereisnosenseinarguing with wicked people or refuting false allegationsbeyondcertainlimit.“Then the high priest stood up before them andaskedJesus,“Haveyounoanswer? Whatisthattheytestifyagainstyou?” Buthewassilentanddidnotanswer” (Mk14:60-61a).Biblesays;“Iwillkeep a muzzle on my mouth as long as the wickedareinmypresence.”(Ps39:1b) St.Faustinasays;“Silenceisthesword in the spiritual struggle. A talkative soul will never attain sanctity. The swordofsilencewillcutoffeverything thatwouldliketoclingtothesoul.We are sensitive to words and quickly want to answer back, without taking anyregardastowhetheritisGod'swill thatweshouldspeak.Asilentsoulis strong;noadversitieswillharmitifit perseveresinsilence.Thesilentsoulis capableofattainingtheclosestunion withGod.Itlivesalmostalwaysunder the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. God works in a silent soul without hindrance.”(D477) 2 . Fo r r e c o l l e c t i o n : S i l e n c e strengthens our interior life. Only in silencewehearvoiceofGodspeaking to us, awakening our conscience. Talkativeness makes weary our soul, period of silence brings peace. St. Faustina said; “But for the Spirit of God to act in the soul, peace and recollectionareneeded.”(D145) 3. When faced with embarrassment: St. Francis de Sales said “A judicioussilenceisalwaysbetterthan atruthspokenwithoutcharity.”Many a times we are faced with such situations in life where we need to maintain silence in order not to put othersindif icultyaswellastoshow mercy.WereadinJohnch.8,whenan adulterous woman was brought to Jesus, He was silent for a long time. Biblesays;“Letyourwordbe'Yes,Yes' or 'No, No'; anything more than this comesfromtheevilone.”(Mt5:37). Be Gracious in speech: Bible says aboutJesus;“graceispoureduponyour lips.”(Ps45:2a).“therewasnodeceitin hismouth.”(Isa53:9b)“Allspokewellof himandwereamazedatthegracious wordsthatcamefromhismouth.”(Lk 4:22).St.Paultellsus;“Letyourspeech always be gracious.” (Col 4:6a). Because; “A gentle tongue is a tree of life.” (Prov 15:4a). “The tongue of the wise brings healing.” (Prov 12:18b). The bene its are; “Those who love a pureheartandaregraciousinspeech will have the king as a friend.” (Pro 22:11) “Pleasant speech multiplies f r i e n d s , a n d a g ra c i o u s to n g u e multiplies courtesies.” (Sir 6:5) Bible saysaboutholypeople;“theremnant of Israel; they shall do no wrong and utternolies,norshalldeceitfultongue befoundintheirmouths.”(Zep3:13a) Prayer:“Setaguardover my mouth, O LORD; keep watchoverthedoorofmy lips.” (Ps 141:3) Give me graceful words O Lord. Amen Noel Fernandes MayJune2015|LogosVoice|15 GOD'S POWERFUL PROTECTION WILL BE AROUND YOU AND YOUR FAMILY God gave Satan permission to go through one hedge at a time. God didn't open up all the hedges at the sametime.At irst,GodallowedSatan only to attack Job's possessions and hisfamily.Later,GodpermittedSatan toattackJob'sbody,buteventhenGod told Satan that he should not touch Job's life. So Satan could not kill Job. SatanwouldhavelikedtokillJobbut hecouldn't.Hecouldonlystrikehim withsicknessgivingboilsalloverhis body. When the irst hedge was opened, SatanwentinanddestroyedallofJob's property. Job's wealth came down frommillionstozeroinoneday! Then the second hedge was opened. InsidethishedgewereJob'swifeand children.SoSatankilledallofJob'sten children. He could have then killed Job's wife too. But he didn't, because shewasmoreusefultoSatanalivethan dead!HecouldusehertonagJob,and irritatehim(Job2:9) The plan of the devil is always to destroy us but God's plan is to give us life in abundance and eternal life M illionsofpeoplearoundthe world are suffering in one wayortheother.Someare disappointed,depressedandtheirlife is illed with sorrow, sickness and failures. Some even commit suicide due to various problems. This shows thatsuchpeopleperhapsdonothave thedivineprotection.Theplanofthe devilisalwaystodestroyusbutGod's planistogiveuslifeinabundanceand eternal life (Jn 10:10, Rom 6:23). WhenwereadthebookofJob,Satan tells God, “You have made a hedge aroundJobandhishouseandallthathe 16|LogosVoice|MayJune2015 has on every side” (Job 1:10). From whatSatansaid,welearnthreegreat truths.Godhasputathreefoldhedge of protection around a godly man: First,aroundhimpersonally,secondly aroundhisfamily,andthirdlyaround his inances and his property. Satan can see into the spiritual realm and knowsaboutthis.Wecannotseethose hedges,buttheyarethere. Satan is a spirit and realized that he couldn'tattackJoborhisfamilyorhis possessions.Thisisagreatcomfortto ustoknowthatifweliveagodlylife, therearethreehedgesaroundustoo, and none of those hedges can be opened without God's permission. Here we ind in the book of Job, that SatanhadtoaskGod’spermissionto getthroughthosehedges. TheLordJesustoldSt.Petersomething similar,“Satanhasaskedforpermission tosiftyou”(Lk22:31).Whenwelivea godlylife,itisverydif icultforSatanto troubleus,butifweliveaungodlylife itisveryeasyfortheSatantoruinus, ruinourfamilyandruinallthethings thatbelongstous. There are a few things we can learn aboutSatanfromthevery irstpages of the inspired Scripture. First of all, Satancanonlybeinoneplaceatatime. God is everywhere. If Satan is in one place,hecannotbeinanother,because heisacreatedbeingandafallenangel, theLucifer(Ezek28:1317,Isa14:12 14).Buthehasmanydemonsroaming aroundontheearthtodohiswork. gallows,(Esth7:910).Heknowswhat people are doing all over the world, andcanguess(likewecan)whatthe resultofthoseactionswillbe,buthe certainlycannotpredictthefuture. Thirdly, Satan cannot read our thoughts.Hecanonlyseewhatweare doing on the outside. All he could knowaboutJobwasontheoutside.He could not read Job's thoughts. Only God can read our thoughts and only Godknowsourfutureandthefutureof this world. Only God knows us even before we are conceived in our mother'swomb(Jer1:5). Fourthly,SatanneedsGod'spermission to attack God's children. It is a great comfort for us to know, that this enemy, that we are battling does not knowanythingaboutthefutureorour thoughtsandheistotallyunderGod's restrainingcontrol.Ontopofallthat, hehasalsobeendefeatedonthecross now. That takes away all our fear of Satan. Weknowthatwhenthesecondhedge wasopenedup,Joblostalltenofhis children. Don't ever criticize a godly man if you see him suffering or his childrensufferingorfacingproblems. Prayforthem.Godlypeopleandtheir childrenaretargetsofSatan. WefurtherreadintheBiblehowJob reacted to all this. He heard that everythinghadbeenlost.Oneafterthe other,hisservantscameandtoldhim that everything was gone. And Job a r o s e , f e l l t o t h e g r o u n d a n d worshiped God (Job 1:20). A godly man or woman is a worshiper. More thanknowingtheBibleandmorethan serving the Lord, a man of God is primarilyaworshiper.Youmustbea worshiperwhenyouhaveeverything, and you must be a worshiper even whenyouhavelosteverything.Jesus said, “God is Spirit and those who worshipHimmustworshipinspiritand truth, and the Father seeks for such worshipers”(Jn4:24).ToworshipGod istogiveHimeverything. Happy moments, PRAISE GOD. Difficult moments, SEEK GOD. Quiet moments, WORSHIP GOD. Painful moments, TRUST GOD. Every moment, THANK GOD. Secondly,Satancannotseethefuture. If he could have seen the future, he wouldhaveknownthatintheendJob wouldbefarmoreblessed,andwould have left Job alone. If he knew the result of Christ dying on the cross of Calvary,thatishisowndefeat,doyou thinkhewouldhaveurgedpeopleto crucify Christ? Certainly not. If Satan knew that Haman himself would be hangedonthosegallows,hewouldnot havehelpedHamantoconstructthose MayJune2015|LogosVoice|17 Job said, “”I came from my mother's womb naked, and I shall return there naked.TheLordgaveandtheLordhas takenaway.Blessedbethenameofthe Lord".ThroughallthisJobdidnotsin, nordidheblameGod.”(Job1:21).Job wasprobablyreferringheretoMother Earthfromwhichhecamenakedand towhichhewillreturnasdust,naked (Gen 3:19). He willingly accepted whatever the Lord permitted in his life. WhenIthinkofJob'sdedicationtothe Lord,Iamamazed.Hedidnothavethe exampleofJesusandtheapostlesthat w e h ave . H e h a d n o e x a m p l e s whatsoevertofollow.Hedidnothave the power of the Holy Spirit that we have. He did not have the Bible that w e h ave . H e d i d n o t h ave t h e encouragement or support of fellow believersorevenofhisownwife.Job onlyhadGod–andGodwasenough.If Jobcouldcometosuchagloriouslife, whycan'twe?One inedayweallwill betogetherinheaveninthepresence ofJesusandwewillcertainlymeetall theprophets,apostles,saintsoftheold andnewtestamentincludingMother Mary,StJoseph,Jobandeveryonewho livedagodlylife.(Rev20:1415,Rev 21:4,Rev22:1113). Ourlifeinthisworldisapreparation foreternallife.Wearecreatedtolast forever,andGodwantsustobewith Him in Heaven forever. One day our heartisgoingtostop,andthatwillbe theendofourbody,butnottheendof us. We may live 60 to 100 years on earth, but we are going to spend trillionsofyearsineternity.Thisisthe warmupact,thedressrehearsal.God wantsustopracticeonearthwhatwe willdoforeverineternity. WeweremadebyGodandforGod,and untilwe igurethatout,lifeisn'tgoing to make sense. Life is a series of problems, you are in one now or, you'rejustcomingoutofone,oryou're getting ready to go into another one. ThereasonforthisisthatGodismore interested in our character than our comfort. God is more interested in God is more interested in our character than our comfort. God is more interested in making our life holy than He is in making our life happy. making our life holy than He is in making our life happy. We can be reasonably happy here on earth, but that'snotthegoaloflife.Thegoalisto grow in character, in the likeness of Christ. Nomatterhowgoodthingsareinour life,thereisalwayssomethingbadthat needs to be worked upon. And no matterhowbadthingsareinourlife, thereisalwayssomethinggoodwecan thank God for. We can focus on our purposes, or we can focus on our problems.Ifwefocusonourproblems, we are going into selfcenteredness, "whichismyproblem,myissues,my pain."Butoneoftheeasiestwaystoget ridofpainistogetourfocusoffourself andontoGodandothers. Wehavetolearntodealwithboththe goodandthebadoflife.Weneedtoask ourselves: Am I going to live for possessions? popularity? Am I going to be driven by pressures? guilt? bitterness?materialism?oramIgoing tobedrivenbyGod'spurposesformy life? In the midst of all types of sufferings Job focused his mind and heartonGodandnotonhissufferings. The end result of his faith on God brought healing to his body and restoration of his wealth in double portion. God also blessed him with more beautiful children to enjoy a happymarriedandfamilylifewiththe Divineprotection.Thedevilcouldnot enterJob'slifeagain.(Job42:1217) So, Happy moments, PRAISE GOD. Dif icult moments, SEEK GOD. Quiet moments, WORSHIP GOD. Painful moments,TRUSTGOD.Everymoment, THANKGOD. God formed us, Sin deformed us, Jesus transformedus Dr.D.Jayanand 18|LogosVoice|MayJune2015 S aints of the Month St.JohntheBaptist St.Barnabas Feastday:June24 Feastday:June11 PatronofCyprus, Antioch,against hailstorms,invoked aspeacemaker John the Baptist was the son of Zachary, a priest of the TempleinJerusalem,andElizabeth,akinswomanofMary who visited her. He was probably born at AinKarim southwest of Jerusalem after the Angel Gabriel had told Zacharythathiswifewouldbearachildeventhoughshe was an old woman. He lived as a hermit in the desert of JudeauntilaboutA.D.27.Whenhewasthirty,hebeganto preachonthebanksoftheJordanagainsttheevilsofthe times and called men to penance and baptism "for the Kingdom of Heaven is close at hand". He attracted large crowds,andwhenChristcametohim,JohnrecognizedHim astheMessiahandbaptizedHim,saying,"ItisIwhoneed baptism from You". When Christleft to preach in Galilee, JohncontinuedpreachingintheJordanvalley.Fearfulofhis great power with the people, Herod Antipas, Tetrarch of Perea and Galilee, had him arrested and imprisoned at MachaerusFortressontheDeadSeawhenJohndenounced hisadultrousandincestuousmarriagewithHerodias,wife ofhishalfbrotherPhilip.Johnwasbeheadedattherequest ofSalome,daughterofHerodias,whoaskedforhisheadat the instigation of her mother. John inspired many of his followers to follow Christ when he designated Him "the LambofGod,"amongthemAndrewandJohn,whocameto knowChristthroughJohn'spreaching.Johnispresentedin the New Testament as the last of the Old Testament prophetsandtheprecursoroftheMessiah.Hisfeastdayis June24thandthefeastforhisbeheadingisAugust29th. AllweknowofBarnabas istobefoundintheNew Testament. A Jew, born in Cyprus and named J o s e p h , h e s o l d h i s property,gavetheproceedstotheApostles,whogavehim thenameBarnabas,andlivedincommonwiththeearliest converts to Christianity in Jerusalem. He persuaded the communitytheretoacceptPaulasadisciple,wassentto Antioch, Syria, to look into the community there, and brought Paul there from Tarsus. With Paul he brought Antioch's donation to the Jerusalem community during a famine,andreturnedtoAntiochwithJohnMark,hiscousin. ThethreewentonamissionaryjourneytoCyprus,Perga (when John Mark went to Jerusalem), and Antioch in Pisidia,wheretheyweresoviolentlyopposedbytheJews thattheydecidedtopreachtothepagans.Thentheywent ontoIconiumandLystrainLycaonia,wheretheywere irst acclaimed gods and then stoned out of the city, and then returned to Antioch in Syria. When a dispute arose regarding the observance of the Jewish rites, Paul and Barnabas went to Jerusalem, where, at a council, it was decidedthatpagansdidnothavetobecircumcisedtobe baptized.OntheirreturntoAntioch,Barnabaswantedto take John Mark on another visitation to the cities where they had preached, but Paul objected because of John Mark's desertion of them in Perga. Paul and Barnabas parted, and Barnabas returned to Cyprus with Mark; nothingfurtherisheardofhim,thoughitisbelievedhisrift with Paul was ultimately healed. Tradition has Barnabas preaching in Alexandria and Rome, the founder of the CyprioteChurch,theBishopofMilan(whichhewasnot), andhashimstonedtodeathatSalamisabouttheyear61. TheapochryphalEpistleofBarnabaswaslongattributedto him,butmodernscholarshipnowattributesittoaChristian inAlexandriabetweentheyears70and100;theGospelof BarnabasisprobablybyanItalianChristianwhobecamea Mohammedan;andtheActsofBarnabasonceattributedto JohnMarkarenowknowntohavebeenwritteninthe ifth century.HisfeastdayisJune11. Source: MayJune2015|LogosVoice|19 Lets Glorify Him Testimonies PamelaRao Sr.M.SnehalathaM.C JessimolRaju BACKPAINOF19YEARSHEALED MynameisPamelaRao.Iam58yrsold.Iwassufferingfromseverepainfromnecktotailbonefor19 years,butafterattendingtheInnerhealingretreatandconfession,Ihavereceivedcompletehealing.In additiontothis,IwastakinghomeopathymedicinesformyBloodPressure(BP)asIwasallergicto PenicillininAllopathymedicines.AfterattendingtheEucharisticAdoration,Idon'tneedmedicines anymore.IalsosufferedfromasevereUrinaryInfectioninthemonthofSeptemberandwasadvisedby mydoctortotakeascanbutinmymindIfeltastrongpromptingtogofortheretreatinstead.During theretreatIhadspokentoFr.Joseaboutthesame.DuringtheInnerhealingAdoration,Ifeltasensation inmystomachandnowIamcompletelyhealed.PraisetheLord!ThankyouFr.Joseforyourprayers. BLEEDINGINTHEHEARTHEALED MynameisSr.M.SnehalathaM.C,Iam62yrsold.Iwassufferingfromaheartproblem.Iwasbleeding fromthearteriesfromtimetotimeandalsofromseverecoldandcough.Icouldnotdrinkcoldwater andhaddif icultytosleepatnight.WhenIattendedthisretreatandIlistenedtoFr.Jose'stalks,I believedthatIwillreceivehealing.IfeltalotofpeaceinmymindwhenIcametoLogosRetreatcentre. Duringtheretreat,Iwasabletodrinkcoldwaterandalsoeatthefoodservedinthecentrewithoutany problem.Ialsodonothaveanycoldorcoughirritationnow.Iamnowabletosleepproperlywithout anyproblem.IpraisetheLordformyhealing! HEALEDOFASTHMACOMPLAINT&RECEIVEDGOODMARKSTHROUGHPRAYERS MynameisJessimolRaju.Iam15yearsold.Thisisthe irstretreatIattended.Iwassufferingwith Asthmasincemybirth(for ifteenyrs).Iwasfedup,asitwasverydif icultformetobreathe.Duringthe InnerhealingsessionFr.JosereceivedamessagethatpeoplesufferingfromAsthmaarehealed.Iwent foracheckupandthedoctorcon irmedthatIamhealed.IthankGodforthisgreathealingHehasgiven me.Ijustcompletedmy10thStandardexams(ICSE).IwasverytensethatIwouldfail,soIwasreciting theDivineMercychapleteverydayandtheICUprayersasadvisedbyFr.Jose.Ireceivedmyresultslast weekandIhavepassedwith irstclass.ThankyouJesus! HEALEDOFVARIOUSFEARS IamAngelineLobo.Iam13yearsoldandIwassufferingfromseveralproblemssuchasbreathing problem,stagefright,lackofselfcon idence,fearofheightsandinsectsforthelasttwoyears.Iwasalso addictedtousingmymobileandsufferedfromlackofmemoryandconcentration.AlsoIexperienced backpain,duringtheretreat.ButIamnowcompletelyhealedofmyfearsandsufferingafterthis retreat.ThankyouJesus! AngelineLobo KatheleneSumana BLESSEDWITHMARRIAGEPARTNERTHROUGHPRAYERANDOTHERHEALING MyNameisKatheleneSumana. Iam28yearsold.Iwasdiscerningandprayingto indmymarriage partner. Fr. Jose had counselled and prayed for me and guided me for the same in October 2014. Everythingwentonverysmoothlywithmymarriage.IthankJesusforthisandFr.Joseforhisprayers.I was suffering from dry eyes condition for about a year. In this retreat I am completely healed. In addition,Ihavebeengiventhegracetoforgivepeoplewhohavecausedmepaininthepast.Atthe beginningoftheretreat,Ihadseverepainonmyrighthand.Aftertheinnerhealingsession,Iam completelyhealedofthesame.PraiseyouJesus! 20|LogosVoice|MayJune2015 Lets Glorify Him Testimonies HEARTPROBLEMHEALED IamFr.AndrewJamesfromPatnaProvince,SocietyofJesus,Bihar.In2004,Iwasdiagnosedwithsix blocksintheleftsideofmyheartandhadundergoneopenheartsurgeryandfourbypasssurgeries.I wentforacheckupaftertenyearsanddiscoveredthatmyheartbeathadsloweddown.Thedoctors advisedmetodoanangiographyandalsoanangioplasty.Idecidedtoattendaretreatbeforecarrying onwithanymoretreatment.So,inthemonthofApril,2015,IattendedthePriestsRetreatatLogos RetreatCentre.DuringthistimeImademyconfessionandalsoaskedFr.Josetoprayoverme.Fr.Jose toldmethatmyhearthasbecomelikeachild'sheartandhasbeencompletelyhealed.AftermyretreatI wentforacheckuptoSt.Martha'shospital.Thedoctorshavecon irmedthatnowthereisnothing wrongwithmyheartanditisperfectlyhealthy.IthanktheLordforthismightyhealingandblessingand Fr.Joseforhisprayers. RECEIVEDHEALINGOFEYES MynameisGregoryThomas.IworkforanMNCinHyderabad.OnemorningwhenIwokeup,Icouldnot openmyeyes.BothmyeyeswereclosedandIdidnotknowwhattodo.Itookallthetestspossibleto indoutwhathadgonewrong,butallinvain.ItestednegativeforDiabetes,Thyroid,MRIscanforthe brain,nerveconductiontestsandsoon.ThenIcametoLogosRetreatCentreforthePENIELretreatin May’2015andGodhasopenedandhealedmyeyes.Thereisnopainnow.ThankyouJesusandGod blessFr.Joseforpraying. Fr.AndrewJames GregoryThomas HEALEDOFSEVEREBACKPAINOF5YEARS MyNameisLloydMaxSavioVaz.Iam27yrsold.IwassufferingfromLowerBackPainforthelast5 years.IreceivedcompletehealingduringtheCharismRetreatattendedfrom17thMayto21stMay’ 2015atLogosRetreatCentre,Bangalore.ThankyouJesus! LloydMaxSavioVaz SUCCESSINEXAMS MynameisTrevorRebello.IamfromBombay.In2014,Ihadappearedformy10thStdexams.Iwas knowntobeaweakstudentinMaths.Evenmyteacherwasconvinced.IthoughtthatIwillonlyget20 marksoutof100andthatIwouldfail.Ifeltverydemoralizedandalmosthadnocon idence.Icameto Fr.Joseforprayersandafterheprayedforme,Fr.JosesaidIwillclearallMathsexams.Ialsostarted prayingtheDivineMercychapletbeforeandaftermyexam.WhentheresultscameIhadsecured80 marks out of 100! I thank and praise Lord Jesus for this blessing and Fr. Jose for his prayers and encouragement. TrevorRebello RECEIVEDHEALINGINSPEECHANDSTUDIES MynameisNathanRebello.IwassaidtobeabnormalbythedoctorswhenIwasborn.AlsoIwastold thatIwillnotbeabletospeakproperly.WithprayersIamnowabletospeaknormallywithoutany problemandalsodowellinmystudiesandsports.IthankJesusfortheseblessings. NathanRebello MayJune2015|LogosVoice|21 Bible W S S O R C R D BibleQuizaccordingtoSt.Matthew 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. WhyJesusallowedJohntobaptizehim? Inthe'SermonontheMount'whodidJesussaywillseeGod? Inthe'SermonontheMount'whatdidJesussay'youare...'? WhatthingsdidJesussayshouldbedoneinsecret? WhatquestiondidJesusasktheblindmentostrengthentheirfaith? Whowillreceivetherewardoftherighteous? WhatdidJesusknowaboutthescribeswhentheyaccusedhim ofcastingoutdevilsbyBeelzebul? 8. WhatsigndidJesussaywouldbegiventotheeviland adulterousgeneration? 9. AfterJesussentthemultitudesawaywhatdidJesusdo? 10. WhatwasPeter'sprayerwhenhewassinkinginthewater? Across Congratulations Answersmaybesenttovoice.logos@gmail.comorbypost. Thenamesofthechildrenwithcorrectresponseswillbepublishedinthenextissue! 1.ClimacusWilson 2.SharonFaustinaJ 3.CizaCardozo on sending correct response for Bible Quiz (Mar-Apr‘15issue) 1. Becauseofherfaith.Mt15:28,ThenJesusansweredher,'Woman,greatisyourfaith!Letitbedoneforyouasyou wish.'Andherdaughterwashealedinstantly. 2. Mt16:17,AndJesusansweredhim,'Blessedareyou,SimonsonofJonah!For leshandbloodhasnotrevealedthis toyou,butmyFatherinheaven. 3. Mt16:24,ThenJesustoldhisdisciples,'Ifanywanttobecomemyfollowers,letthemdenythemselvesandtakeup theircrossandfollowme. 4. Mt17:1,Sixdayslater,JesustookwithhimPeterandJamesandhisbrotherJohnandledthemupahighmountain, bythemselves. 5. Mt17:3,SuddenlythereappearedtothemMosesandElijah,talkingwithhim. 6. Mt17:20,Hesaidtothem,'Becauseofyourlittlefaith.FortrulyItellyou,ifyouhavefaiththesizeofamustard seed,youwillsaytothismountain,“Movefromheretothere”,anditwillmove;andnothingwillbeimpossiblefor you.' 7. Mt18:4,Whoeverbecomeshumblelikethischildisthegreatestinthekingdomofheaven. 8. Mt18:12,Ifashepherdhasahundredsheep,andoneofthemhasgoneastray,doeshenotleavetheninetynineon themountainsandgoinsearchoftheonethatwentastray? 9. Mt18:20,Forwheretwoorthreearegatheredinmyname,Iamthereamongthem.' 10.Mt19:14,Jesussaid,'Letthelittlechildrencometome,anddonotstopthem;foritistosuchasthesethatthe kingdomofheavenbelongs.' 1. What was it about the centurion that caused Jesus to marvel? 3. Give to everyone who begs from you, and do not _________anyone who wants to borrow from you 6. He will _______ you with the Holy Spirit and fire 7. What example in nature did Jesus give us showing us God's provision? 11. Jesus could not perform many miracles in Nazareth because of people's____________ 12. And _______ us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors. 14. Be ________, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect 15. Jesus knew the scribes_______ when they accused Him of casting out devils by Beelzebul? Answersmaybesenttovoice.logos@gmail.comorbypost. Thenamesofthechildrenwithcorrectresponseswillbe publishedinthenextissue! Down 2. What did Jesus say are all counted? 3. For I tell you, unless your ________________exceeds that of the scribes and Pharisees, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven 4. _________ me, and I will make you fish for people 5. Blessed are the ____________, for they will be called children of God 7. Truly I tell you, among those born of women no one has arisen greater than John the _____________ 8. Jesus claimed to be greater than whom 9. But strive first for the ________ of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well 10. This is my Son, the _________, with whom I am well pleased 13. To those that labor and are heavy laden and come to Jesus, promised to give this SolutionforBibleCrossword (MarApr‘15issue) Congratulations 1.EmmanuelJees 2.ClimacusWilson 3.SharonFaustinaJ 4.CizaCardozo on sending correct response for Bible Crossword Thanks to all for your participation MayJune2015|LogosVoice|23 ic hol ws e N t Ca PopeleadsRome'sCorpusChristiprocession onbehalfofpersecutedChristians Rome,Italy,Jun4,2015 / 03:42 pm (EWTN N e w s / C N A ) , A n n Schneible P e r s e c u t e d C h r i s t i a n s w e r e remembered during Thursday's Corpus PopeFrancissaysMassforthefeastofCorpus ChristiatSt.JohnLateran,June19,2014.Credit: Christi procession in DanielIbanez/CNA. Rome, where Pope F r a n c i s t o l d t h e thousandstakingparttowalkandprayinunitywiththose whocannotexpresstheirfaithsoopenly. “Letusfeelunitedwiththem:singwiththem,givepraise withthem,worshipwiththem,”theRomanPontiffsaidin hishomilyforMasssaidintheArchbasilicaofSaintJohn Lateran June 4, celebrated just before the procession. “Aswewalkalongthestreet,wefeelincommunionwith themanybrothersandsisterswhoarenotfreetoexpress theirfaithintheLordJesus.” ThePopealsorememberedthosewhohavebeenmartyred fortheirfaith. PopeFrancis:“ChristianLifeRevolves AroundTheHolyTrinity” VaticanCityState,May31,2015( Esteves ThemysteryoftheHolyTrinityremindsChristiansthat “wearecalledtolivenotwithouteachother,overoragainst theother,butwithoneanother,andinoneanother.”These werethewordsofPopeFrancisduringhisAngelusaddress todayinSt.Peter'sSquare.TheHolyFatherreflectedontoday's SolemnityoftheMostHolyTrinity,whichhesaidremindsthe faithfulof“themysteryoftheloveoftheLivingGod.” The Gospel of St. Matthew recalls Jesus sending the apostlesto“makedisciplesofallnations,baptizingthemin the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.”“Christentruststhiscommandineverytimetothe Church, who inherited from the Apostles the missionary 24|LogosVoice|MayJune2015 mandate,” the Holy Father said on the Gospel. “He also addressesthistoeachoneofuswho,byvirtueofBaptism,are partofHisCommunity.” Regardingtoday'sliturgicalsolemnity,theJesuitPopesaid thatthemysteryoftheHolyTrinityrenewstheChristian missionoflivingincommunionwithGodandothers.“This meanstoreceiveandaccordinglygivewitnesstothebeauty oftheGospel,”thePopesaid.“Toliveinlovemutuallyand towardsall,sharinginjoyandsufferings,learningtoask and to grant forgiveness, valuing the various charisms undertheguidanceofthePastors.”ThePopewentontosay thattheChurchiscalledtobuildanecclesialcommunity “thatismoreandmoreafamily.” trinity PopeFrancis'PrayerIntentionsforJune VaticanCityState,May29,2015( Pope Francis is particularly remembering the plight of immigrants and refugees in his prayer this month. The ApostleshipofPrayerannouncedtheintentionschosenby thePopeforthismonth. Hisgeneralintentionis:"Thatimmigrantsandrefugees may find welcome and respect in the countries to which theycome.” The Pontiff's apostolic intention for June is: "That the personalencounterwithJesusmayarouseinmanyyoung peoplethedesiretooffertheirownlivesinpriesthoodor consecratedlife.” Asupernaturalsign?Raresolarhalo appearsatRomerobeatification Rome,Italy,Jun1,2015 / 11:32 am (EWTN News/CNA) A s t h e re l i c s o f Blessed Oscar Romero were brought out for veneration during his beatification Mass in SolarhaloatBeati icationMassforArchbishopOscar S a n S a l v a d o r, t h e RomeroinSanSalvador,ElSalvadoronMay23,2015. Credit:Fr.ManuelDorantes. cloudy skies parted and a ring of light – knownasa“solarhalo”–appearedaroundthesun. “Honestly,IthinkthisoneofthemostsupernaturalthingsI haveeverexperiencedinmylife,”FatherManuelDorantes toldEWTNNewsMay29. ApriestofthedioceseofChicagoandSpanishassistantto thedirectoroftheHolySeepressoffice,Fr.Doranteswas present in San Salvador for the May 23 beatification of ArchbishopOscarRomero. RomerooversawthedioceseofSanSalvadorfrom1977 untilMarch24,1980,whenhewasshotandkilledwhile sayingMass.InFebruaryPopeFrancisofficiallyrecognized him as a martyr, and his beatification took place in his formerdiocesejustoveraweekago. The ring around the sun appeared once Cardinal Angelo Amato,prefectoftheCongregationfortheCausesofSaints, hadfinishedreadingtheofficialdecreeproclaimingOscar Arnulfo Romero as a martyr and a blessed, Fr. Dorantes recalled. AfterthedecreewasvocallytranslatedintoSpanish,the choir began leading pilgrims in singing the traditional “Gloria” while a group of deacons brought out Romero's relics–includingthebloodstainedshirtheworethedayhe waskilled. Then “the weirdest thing occurred,” Fr. Dorantes noted, explainingthatsinceithadbeenrainingthedaybefore,the skywascompletelycloudy. “Astherelicscameout,asweweresingingtheGloria,allof a sudden, the heavens above us opened up, and the sun cameout.Aperfectcircularhaloformedabovethesun.” RelicsofSaintsJohnXXIII,JohnPaulII lightfiresoffaithinThailand Chanthaburi, Thailand, May24,2015/07:08am (EWTNNews/CNA) Scores of Catholic faithfularetakingpart intheThailandtourof thesacredrelicsofSt. JohnXXIIIandSt.John StudentsveneratetherelicsofStJohnXXIIIand PaulII. StJohnPaulIIinSriracha,Thailand,May2015. Credit:AntonioAnupGonsalves/CNA. “Thevisitoftherelic isablessingofGodfor usinourdiocesesasthesaintsarevisitingusandtheylight thefireoffaithandhope,”BishopSilvioSiripongCharatsri oftheChanthaburitoldEWTNNewsMay18. ThereliquariesofSt.JohnXXIIIandSt.JohnPaulIIhave beenbroughttovariousdioceses'parishesforoverayear, withstopsscheduledintenThaidioceses. The reliquaries' latest stop is the Sacred Heart Church Chapel in the Chanthaburi diocese. The reliquary tour makes the relics available for exposition and veneration. BishopSilviosaidThailand'sCatholicsare“veryhappyto welcomethesaints,forwearepartoftheuniversalChurch, and the popes, who lived with us, are now in heaven to intercede for us and empower our people with their exemplaryteachingsoffaithandlife.” FatherFrancisXavierManokprechawut,theparishpriest, presidedoverathanksgivingMasswithacongregationof over600faithful,includingover20priests,religious,and seminarians. The Mass concelebrants included Bishop SilvioandBishopemeritusLawrenceThienchaiSamanchit ofChanthaburi. TheMay18MassalsomarkedthebirthdayofSt.JohnPaulII. NewbishopnamedforVaranasi A new bishop has been appointed for Varanasi diocese in Uttar Pradesh, whichwaswithoutabishop fortwoyears. Pope Francis appointed Father Eugene Joseph the b i s h o p o f Va r a n a s i o n Saturday.ApriesofVaranasi, h e w a s t h e d i o c e s a n administratorofVaranasiat BishopelectJosephofVaranasi the time of appointment as thebishop. Thediocesewasvacantsince2013,whenitsthenbishop RaphyManjalywastransferredtoAllahabadasitsbishop. Bishopelect Joseph was born on October 18, 1958 in Madurai archdiocese and studied theology in St. Charles seminaryinNagpurasaseminarianofVaranasidiocese. HewasordainedapriestinApril10,1985,followingwhich hetookupseveralvitalministriesinthedioceseincluding servingasparishpriest,principalofcollegesandrectorof diocesanminorseminary. He holds a graduation in education from Gorakhpur University, Masters in English from Mahatma Gandhi K.V. University in Varanasi and Masters in Business Administration from Townsend School of Business, New York. Since December 2013, he was the administrator of the diocese. MayJune2015|LogosVoice|25 Wethankallourwellwishersandthose whohavemadegenerouscontributions towardsLogosVoiceMagazineforthe workofevangelisation.Weassureyou andyourfamilyofourprayers. ( `) 150/ 150/ 3000/ 1500/ 450/ 450/ 300/ 750/ 150/ 300/ LogosRetreatCentreconducts PriestRetreatevery 2ⁿ SundaytoFriday 550/ Fr.SEBASTIAN PADINJAREKUTTU VC Superior Logos Voice, is a Bi-Monthly Religious Magazine from Logos Retreat Centre, Bengaluru • A Catholic publication touching upon the teachings of the Church • Inspired articles, testimonies that witness the healing touch of the Lord Jesus and the life of Saints • Bible Quiz and Bible Crossword to enrich and enhance knowledge of The Word of God Please use this form for any of the following (Kindly tick as required) New Subscription Subscription Renewal Address Change Name: _______________________________________________________________________________ Address:______________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ City__________________________State_________________________Pin Code___________________ Ph.___________________Mobile______________________E-mail_______________________________ Money Order/Demand Draft /Payable at par Cheque No._______________Dated_________________ By Cash/ Money Order/Demand Draft/ Payable at par cheque/online payment in favour of ‘Vincentian Ashram Trust’ Subscription Amount (Inclusive of postage) - (Kindly tick as required) 1 Year, Rs.150/- 2 Year, Rs.300/- 3 Year, Rs.450/- Online Payment Details Bank: South Indian Bank A/c No.: 0231053000012349 IFSC: SIBL0000231 A/c Name: Vincentian Ashram Trust Branch: M.S. Nagar, Bangalore-33 SWIFT Code: SOININ55 After transferring the amount please send us an email at with complete transaction details such as Name of Account Holder, Transaction ID/Reference, Amount, Date. Also please mention the details of subscription in the email such as New Subscription/Renewal of Subscription with Subscription Number. Please fill the above form and mail it with your subscriptions to: Logos Retreat Centre, 29, Prakruthi Township, 1st Main, P.B. # 4326, Babusahibpalaya, Bengaluru- 560043 Tel: 9742234234 / 080-25603252, Email:, Website: September - October 2014 | Logos Voice | 23 HolyMass(Everyday) Director, Logos Retreat Centre Fr. SAM KOONAMPLACKIL VC Fr. SAJI CHOORAPUZHA VC Fr. CLEMENT KODAKALLIL VC Parish Priest, St. Joseph Church Assistant Director Logos Retreat Centre Assistant Parish Priest St. Joseph's Church 6.00amEnglish,6.45am–Malayalam MondaytoThursday(English) 3.00pm–DivineMercyChaplet&Adoration4.00pm–HolyMass FridayFastingPrayer(Kannada) (Rosary,JerichoPrayer,Preaching&HealingService, Counselling,HolyMass)inKannada10.00am–5.30pm SaturdayBibleConvention(English) (Rosary,JerichoPrayer,Preaching&HealingService,Confession &Counselling,HolyMass)inEnglish10.00am–5.30pm Sunday Services 2.00pmto5.30pm(PreachingtheWordofGod, EucharisticAdoration&HolyMassinMalayalam)) 1.30pm–5.00pm(PreachingtheWordofGod,DivineMercy Chaplet,HolyMass)inTamil,5.30pm–HolyMassinEnglish Saturday) Night Vigils (Every 1stSaturday–Malayalam,2ndSaturday–Tamil, 3rdSaturday–English,4thSaturday–Kannada ZionPrayerTower 24hoursintercessoryprayer RAILWAY CROSSING At Logos Retreat Centre, retreats are held in English, Malayalam, Kannada & Tamil. Different retreats are held throughout the year including Inner Healing retreats, Growth retreats, retreat for the Religious, Youth retreats, and Children retreats. Various outreach programmes are also organized for different parishes, schools and colleges. Bookings for the residential retreats can be done in advance or walk in directly on the day of the retreat itself. Please bring Holy Bible, 2 bed sheets, toiletries etc. All residential inner healing retreat starts at 5.00 pm on the first day and ends at 4.00 pm on the final day. HowtoreachLogosRetreatCentre-From:MajesticRailwayStation Busno:302A,302F(17Kms).CantonmentRailwayStationBus no:302G,303C(12Kms).CityMarketBusno:302C.Peenyavia R.T.NagarBusno:252B.VijaynagarviaR.T.NagarBusno:300G. K.R.PuramBusno:400,404.RingRoadbusno.500,501.Airportvia Hebbalflyover,takeleftandcometoBabusahibpalaya(35KMs) MARUTHI VIDYALAYA 4th Cross LOGOS V.V. CONVENTION HALL KARNATAKA BANK ATM HEBBAL CANOPY APARTMENTS K.R. PURAM Logos Voice Subscription Form Fr. JOSE VETTIYANKAL VC BABUSAPALYA MAIN RD Nirmalaconvent AminaFernandes DrNelly CarltonLewis Patrick FrMatthew AnneD'Souza RondiusRodrigues GodfreyNorton MerlyneVaz SavioJudas TadeuCaldeira 2nd CROSS WalterFernandes 150/ MartinJoseKP 150/ JFrancisXavier 150/ GEmiliaPaul 150/ JoySantosh 150/ SrSuperior 300/ FrManuelRodrigues 300/ JosephAndrews 150/ DrAshishRodricks 150/ MerlynSabatina 150/ Thomas 150/ AnnaFernandes 150/ nner Healing, Anointing & Deliverance Retreat for Priests BABUSAPALYA MARKET ( `) I RING ROAD ResidentialRetreats-2015 InnerHealing Priests’ Charism InnerHealing English English English Other Languages Jun 7 - 11 14 - 19 21 - 25 26 - 29 (Tam) Jul 5-9 12 - 17 19 - 23 Aug 2-6 9 - 14 16 - 20 23 - 26 (Kan) Sept 6 - 10 13 - 18 20 - 24 Sept 27 - Oct 1 (Mal) He made the storm be still, and the waves of the sea were hushed. Then they were glad because they had quiet, and he brought them to their desired haven. - Ps 107:29-30