Updates - St. Edith Catholic School


Updates - St. Edith Catholic School
AUGUST 2016 Edi on NotefromtheChair...
It was wonderful to see so many of our school families at the Summer Movie
Nights. With only a few weeks left before the start of the new school year, we
wanted to give you the rundown on some of the SEPA sponsored events and
activities that are coming up. Please read through the Newsletter and feel free to
contact myself or any of the SEPA Board Members with questions, concerns, or
We hope we’ll see many of you at Supply Drop Off Day where some of the SEPA
Board will be on hand with a tasty treat for the kids and to answer parent
May God bless you and your families during these last weeks of summer break.
‐Kellie Schone, SEPA Chair MeettheBoard
Kellie Schone—kgschone2@yahoo.com
Megan Szczypka—megan.szczypka@gmail.com
Nicole Paterni—npaterni@sbcglobal.net
Janet Godin—godin@mi.rr.com
Christina Mood—cmmood@yahoo.com
Lisa Aaron-Laco—lisaburr2@hotmail.com
Lynn Laity—lynnielaity@yahoo.com
Colleen Endress– cendress@stedith.org
Georgene Wojciechowski–gwojciechowski@stedith.org
Father. Jim McNulty– frjim@stedith.org
Communications Liaison
Member at Large
Member at Large
Teacher Representative
INSIDE THIS ISSUE Note from the Chair ......... 1 Happenings ....................... 2 Technology ...................... 2 Helping Hands ................. 3 Hot Lunch ......................... 4 Back to School………………...4 Treasurer Report……………..5 CYO .................................. 6 SEPA’s Mission Statement 1. To promote the ideals of Catholic educa on by fostering a be er understanding of parental responsibili es in the spiritual and educa onal development of our children. 2. Enhance the quality of educa on at St. Edith Catholic School by raising funds for school supplies, programs, or equip‐
ment that fall outside of the school projected budget. 3. Foster posi ve rela onships and school involvement among parents, students, and the community. 4. Maintain and enhance open communica on among parents, teachers, and school faculty and administra on. St. Edith Catholic School St. Edith Catholic School “teaches as Jesus did” with love, care, discipline, centering on the Eucharist, and focusing on students: our gi s and our future. Happenings
Supply Drop Off Day (SEPA Board there with treat for kids & to answer ques
ons) ‐ 8.23. 2016 Summer SEPA Mee ngs— 8.24. 2016 First Day of School (pics of kids & coffee social for parents)—8.29. 2016 St Edith Raffle kick off (at Parent Night Mee
ng) —9.7.2016 Dine to Donate (Subway) —TBD September 2016 Halloween Party—10.14.2016 Christmas Shoppe—12.2.2016 Technology
We are excited to announce the launching of a newly redesigned website for the school on Au‐
gust 5th. The goal of the website is to communicate information to the students and parents more effectively and have the information available when needed. New Features include ‐ 
Drop down menus that make navigation easy  Website will adapt to the device being used – mobile phone, tablets, and computers  Fully functional calendar that can be view either in a list or calendar  Link to Edline Please take a look at www.stedithschool.com and see what is happening around the school. The information on the website will be updated regularly and the site will be further developed as needs are identified, so we encourage you to check back frequently. Using proceeds from this year’s Auction, Wine & Beer Tasting, we’ve purchased a new Dell Server, two additional WhiteBoards and projection systems (to be installed in the computer lab and preschool classroom), and 30 new iPads (with cases and apps). More of the funds will go toward Technology Budget expenses for the school year, including: *Monthly technology fees *Apps for the iPads *Network Maintenance fees *Edline *Computer Software “To serve others, then, means to use and make available
the gifts that the Holy Spirit has given us
in order for the community to grow .”
- Pope Francis
See something you’re interested in? Contact us at Sepa@Stedith.org HOT LUNCH:  Are you interested in seeing the students’ smiling faces one hour a week each Thursday? Hot Lunch team members are simply responsible for distributing Hot Lunch food from 11 AM to 12 PM every Thursday. As always, this is a perfect op‐
portunity to easily complete your DOVE hour commitment and serve some hun‐
gry kids their Thursday treat! DINE TO DONATE:  We’re in need of a few parents to schedule Dine to Donate events with area busi‐
nesses. Last year was our inaugural year and we brought in almost $700 for our school just by dining out! Most of the scheduling can be done over the phone. FASHION SHOW:  This event is transitioning into a biennial event, taking place every other year, and we’re looking for parents to join the planning team for next year’s event. AUCTION, WINE & BEER TASTING:  Come join the team and help us gear up for this fun event. We need parents to contact vendors, plan the decorating, and track donations. HotLunch
Thank you to all of you who provided feedback in our SEPA
Survey regarding Hot Lunch. Based on your insight, we have
decided to kick off an online order/payment system for our
weekly Thursday hot lunches. Snacks can still be bought on hot
lunch days at 50 cents per item. More details on the online
system to follow.
It takes many parent volunteers to pull off the weekly hot lunch,
and an online ordering system will eliminate parent time spent
tracking and tallying orders, and collecting and counting money.
All in all, it will make the Hot Lunch program more sustainable.
The SEPA Board will again be hosting a parent
coffee social during drop off on the 1st day of
school, August 29th. Look for the tent outside of
the church doors.
We’ll also be on hand to take back to school photos of your
kiddos. These pictures will be sent home with your
student(s) the first few days of school.
CYO Update: St. Edith CYO Athle cs currently has open registra on for the following 2016 fall season sports:  Soccer (Boys & Girls) ‐ Grades K‐8  Volleyball (Girls) ‐ Grades 4‐8  Football ‐ Grades 3‐8  Cheerleading ‐ Grades 4‐8 Please visit St. Edith CYO website to register: www.stedithcyo.com If you have any ques ons, please contact John Szewc (313‐673‐4949)
(jaszewc@aol.com) St. Edith CYO Fall Soccer We are accep ng registra ons for the fall 2016 St. Edith CYO soccer program. If you are a member of St. Edith, St. Aidan, St. Colle e, or St. Kenneth parishes and are entering the 4th thru 8th grades in the fall, you are eligible to play in the soccer program. The program is open to both boys and girls. Please register on‐line at www.stedithcyo.com. We are also offering an intramural soccer program for boys and girls K thru 3rd grades. If interested or have ques ons about either program, please contact Ron Wol‐
lenweber, Soccer Coordinator, at 248‐444‐2256 or email stedithsoccer@gmail.com. ContactUs
Do you have pictures or ar cles you would like to share? Deadline to submit items in the newsle er will be the last Friday of the month. Do you have a ques on, comment, or sugges on about SEPA events or ac vi es. Please contact us at sepa@stedith.org. St. Edith Catholic School 15089 Newburgh Rd Livonia, MI 48154 Phone – (734) 464‐1250 Fax‐ (734) 464‐6765