SEPA Country-Specific Information Poland
SEPA Country-Specific Information Poland
SEPA Country-Specific Information Poland Cash Management & eBanking January 2014 Contents INTRODUCTION 3 END-DATE INFORMATION 3 IBAN SERVICE 3 SEPA PRODUCTS 4 SEPA FORMATS 5 CHANNELS AND CUT-OFF TIMES 6 VALUE-ADDED SERVICES 6 3 INTRODUCTION This document provides an overview of all country-specific information you need in order to successfully overcome the challenges of SEPA and achieve a seamless migration. Being properly informed and equipped with the necessary tools, you will be able to fully realise all the potential the new SEPA instruments will bring. END-DATE INFORMATION SEPA has become a regulatory project. The mandatory end-date was agreed upon for 31 January 2014. Regulation (EU) no. 260/2012 set the end-dates for national payment schemes and SEPA migration schemes, as follows: END-DATE INFORMATION The end date was set for 31 January 2014 based on the EU regulation 260/2012. The amendment for an additional transition period until 31 July 2014 was approved by the EU authorities. The related impact on national products is linked to the end-date information. For more information please refer to the link below.* National formats (PLI, PLA) 31 January 2014 “Niche Products” (Products with less than 10% market share according to ECB’s statistics) There are no “niche products“ in Poland with regard to SPEA 31 October 2016 National products with a different migration date N/A Waiving the obligation for a BIC code for domestic payments 31 January 2014 Waiving the obligation for a BIC code for cross-border payments 31 October 2016 BBAN/IBAN conversion services for domestic payments 31 October 2016 Payment services suppliers based in an EU country where the EUR is not a domestic currency have to demonstrate technical readiness for these requirements by 31 October 2016. If the EUR is introduced as a domestic currency during that period, the respective has to adapt within one year’s time. IBAN SERVICE The IBAN standard was introduced in Poland by the Regulation of the President of the National Bank of Poland on Bank Account Numbers no. 5/2002 dd. 6 May 2002. Since 1 July 2004 IBAN has been mandatory for both domestic and international transfer orders. Therefore an IBAN conversion is N/A. While domestic transactions require the NRB standard (“Numer Rachunku Bankowego” – Bank Account Number) which is an account-number system based on IBAN and specifically designed for the domestic payment system, for the cross-border transfers the account numbers have to be indicated in the IBAN standard. In Poland the IBAN is composed of 28 characters structured as follows: Positions 1 – 2: ISO country code (PL for Germany) Positions 3 – 4: Check digits Positions 5 – 12: Bank’s branch identifier Positions 13 – 28: Account number * 4 SEPA PRODUCTS Bank Pekao SA started accepting and executing SEPA credit Transfers (SCT) from May 2010 onwards. Currently, the bank offers a comprehensive service for SEPA payments, both incoming SEPA payments (SCT-IPO-Incoming SEPA Credit Transfer) and outgoing SEPA payments (SCT-OPO-Outgoing SEPA Credit Transfer). Bank Pekao SA is a direct member of the EuroElixir Clearing System at the KIR (Polish National Clearing House) which settles SCT transactions. The EuroElixir system sends and accepts SEPA payments within 3 clearing sessions. Each session clears both domestic and foreign transactions. The net balance achieved by a multilateral netting is then settled via the TARGET 2 system. SEPA Payment Processing Model from/to Polish banks 1 Remittent, 2 Bank Pekao SA, 3 KIR/EuroELIXIR, 4 Another Polish Bank, 5 Beneficiary SEPA Payment Processing Model from/to foreign banks 1 Remittent, 2 Bank Pekao SA, 3 KIR/EuroELIXIR, 4 EACHA, 5 A foreign bank, 6 Beneficiary Criteria Domestic Payment Orders SEPA Transfers Coverage area Domestic Payment Orders in Poland are PLN transfers via KIR (Polish National Clearing House). SEPA Transfers in Poland are EUR transfers to Polish and foreign banks via KIR (Polish National Clearing House). IBAN/BIC N/A Beneficiary’s IBAN/BIC is mandatory Transactions N/A SHARED fees only EUR currency No special instructions Processing time* D D+1 at the latest Execution date D D+1 at the latest Central Bank reporting N/A N/A *Working days Most banks in Poland are not yet ready to support SEPA Direct Debit (SDD), which is also applicable to Bank Pekao SA. The focus is on the local direct debit in local currency PLN: Domestic direct debit in PLN (“DD”) The PLN domestic direct debit is a payment instrument enabling the account of the debtor to be automatically debited with the amounts of debtor’s liabilities towards the creditor for delivered products and/or rendered services. The creditor is the one initiating the DD transaction by sending via the eBanking system an instruction to debit the account of the debtor (at Bank Pekao SA or at another bank in Poland). The Debtor’s role is limited to providing a one-time consent for the related authorisation of his account. The service is settled via the ELIXIR clearing system. The Creditor’s account is credited on the same day as the account of the debtor is debited. 5 As an option for the authorisation of the distribution service: After the creditor collects the consents from his debtors, its bank will distribute them to the banks of the Debtors, collect the bank responses and prepare a report for the creditor on the results of the distribution of authorisations. Criteria Domestic Direct Debits Allowance of SDD collection No Region Domestic clearing Format PLD, other domestic formats Sequence type Recurrent/One-off Eligible debtor Consumer and non-consumer Submission** and due date D Mandate management Direct Debit Authorisation in 2 copies: For the creditor For the debtor bank Refunds 5 days for legal entities 8 weeks for consumers Mandate checking The mandate is checked by the debtor bank Pre-notification N/A Payment order formats DIRECT DEBIT: Type Description End-date PLD Domestic direct debit format polecenia zapłaty Elixir 210 31 October 2016 SEPA FORMATS Bank Pekao SA effects SEPA Credit Transfer payments in compliance with the Rulebook Version 5.0. Payment order formats are compliant with SEPA formats and the XML ISO20022 standards. Customers do not have the option to choose the XML format yet. However, it is planned for Bank Pekao SA to introduce this option in the future. XML-based formats – Availability at Bank Pekao SA in the PekaoConnect service (web-service) PAYMENT ORDERS IN XML FORMAT: Available at Bank Pekao SA in the Pekao Connect service XML urgent pain.001 pain.001 pain.002 pain.008 camt.052 camt.053 camt.054 camt.086 No Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Yes 6 CHANNELS AND CUT-OFF TIMES Internet Banking Others PekaoBIZNES 24 PekaoConnect, Paper-based payments orders Paper-based order Single order SCT SCT Yes SDD Mass payment (file-based orders) SDD Yes SCT SDD No SEPA in PekaoBIZNES24 Bank Pekao SA enables its customers to make SEPA payments via its eBanking system. A dedicated “SEPA Payment” form and a special import template for this type of payment have to be filled in within PekaoBIZNES24. SEPA payment orders are then processed automatically. SEPA Payment Order SDD COT 5.00 p.m. N/A Value date D+1 at the latest N/A Please find below the necessary parameters for SEPA payment orders in PekaoBIZNES24: BIC code of the beneficiary bank Beneficiary’s account number in the IBAN format No special instruction codes The payment is sent to the beneficiary bank member of the SEPA payment system PekaoBIZNES24 validates and verifies the following data for the SEPA payments: IBAN account number of the beneficiary BIC code of the beneficiary bank Compliance of the country code encoded in the IBAN account number of the beneficiary and in the BIC code of the beneficiary’s bank. VALUE-ADDED SERVICES “PLA” files converter Bank Pekao SA offers an application that facilitates cross-border payment data import into PekaoBIZNES24. The aim is to transform the PLA file format into the SEPA text file format and to create a second PLA file containing only the data not fulfilling the conversion criteria. The application converts the text file data before its import to PekaoBIZNES24 in the following way: It changes the format of EUR payment orders sent to a SEPA member-country (in the regular execution mode and with “SHA” fees) into a format that can be imported into PekaoBIZNES24 via a dedicated SEPA import template; It saves the remaining payment orders (that do not have the SEPA payment features listed above) into a separate file consistent with the structure of the original “PLA” format file. 7 Advantages of making foreign payments with Bank Pekao SA The most competitive cut-off-times The broadest currency range in which payment orders can be effected (23 currencies are available: PLN, RUB, HUF, CZK, LTL, LVL, TRY, ZAR, AUD, JPY, USD, CAD, GBP, DKK, NOK, CHF, SEK, EUR, HRK, AED, BGN, RON,CNY); Payments within EEA (European Economic Area) effected in the currencies of the EEA member states are usually processed in the urgent mode (D+1), while the charges are handled in the normal mode (D+2). High ratio of the automatic processing of payment orders (95% of the so-called Straight-Through-Processing, without any manual intervention); a processing mode as such guarantees a quick and error-free payment process. More information on different SEPA topics, including the “Country-Specific Information” Guides, can be found on UniCredit’s website Additional local-specific information can be also found at Bank Pekao SA’s own website Disclaimer The products and services featured above are offered by a network of banks and representative offices of UniCredit S.p.A. or its affiliates (the “UniCredit Group”) in accordance with appropriate local legislation and regulation. UniCredit Corporate & Investment Banking is a trademark of UniCredit S.p.A. Nothing in this publication is intended to create contractual obligations on any of the entities composing Corporate & Investment Banking Area of UniCredit Group which is composed of (the respective Units of) UniCredit Bank AG, Munich, UniCredit Bank Austria AG, Vienna, and UniCredit S.p.A., Rome. UniCredit Bank AG is regulated by the German Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin), UniCredit Bank Austria AG is regulated by the Austrian Financial Market Authority (FMA) and UniCredit S.p.A. is regulated by both the Banca d’Italia and the Commissione Nazionale per le Societa e la Borsa (Consob). 8 UniCredit Bank AG Corporate & Investment Banking Cash Management & eBanking Am Tucherpark 1 D-80538 Munich
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