Richard Neutra`s Kaufmann House
Richard Neutra`s Kaufmann House
2010 Richard Neutra’s Kaufmann House: An Annotated & Illustrated Bibliography Compiled and Annotated by John Crosse Richard Neutra’s Kaufmann House: An Annotated & Illustrated Bibliography (Uncorrected Proof – Not for Sale) Announcement card for the Nov. 4, 1960 exhibition member’s preview opening at the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts. From Julius Shulman Studio Archive. Compiled and Annotated by John Crosse ©2010 modern-ISM Press 6333 Esplanade Playa del Rey, CA 90293 310-301-6339 2 3 Introduction I would like to acknowledge Julius Shulman for the inspiration to create this bibliography. As I gradually became an avid fan and collector of material pertaining to Southern California modernist architecture over the last few years, I grew to appreciate the great importance of Shulman’s legacy in chronicling its evolution and growth. I also started to realize the ubiquitousness of his images in the architectural literature and on the covers of same. I approached him a few years back and asked if he had ever thought of doing a book which would collect all of the covers from books, shelter magazines, and architectural journals that his photos have graced. He liked the idea and invited me up to his idyllic Raphael Sorianodesigned studio in the Hollywood Hills. After an introductory chat he told me to open the doors to his closet and pull down some of the dusty old 8X10 Kodak film storage boxes from the top shelf. They were stuffed to the gills with clippings and tear sheets he had saved over the years from various articles containing his photos. As we rummaged we found numerous covers he had long forgotten about and which I had never seen. Thus began a journey on which there seems to be no end. Julius gave me much encouragement and allowed me free reign to browse, and catalogue his studio archives. He also graciously shared with me his assignment log book which contains over 7,000 records and counting as he continued to work beyond his recently-celebrated 98th birthday. He introduced me to important historians, film makers and archivists and regaled me with anecdotes on his assignments and clients. To date we have uncovered over 800 covers on which his photos have appeared. Julius has chosen the title “Julius Shulman Covers Up” for this effort and uses it with an impish twinkle in his eyes. While conducting my exhaustive search for Shulman covers I began compiling an annotated bibliography of all the publications his work has appeared in. It has become a labor of love which now approaches 8,000 items. It has also provided focus to, and facilitated, my collecting efforts. The history of Shulman’s relationship with his first and most important client, Richard Neutra, is wellknown. Neutra was eminent in international architectural circles prior to his introduction to Shulman but it was Shulman’s artistic style that exhibited Neutra’s work in a way that truly focused a viewer’s attention on the evolution of modern residential architecture in Los Angeles and Southern California. Their collaborative body of globally-published work greatly enhanced both their reputations and established Southern California as a modernist Mecca for American and foreign architects alike, as well as critics, journalists, historians and enthusiasts of the genre. Neutra and Shulman’s careers are so intertwined that one really cannot be researched without the other. Therefore, while I was assembling Shulman’s bibliography it made sense to me to concurrently create another for Neutra. This has led to a Neutra annotated bibliography comprised of over 5,000 entries to date, about 40% of which contain Shulman photos. Likewise, roughly 30% of Shulman’s bibliography items contain photos of work by Neutra. Neutra’s proficiency at self-promotion and marketing his unique brand of nature-based architecture he coined “Biorealism” is evidenced by the over 2,000 articles containing Shulman photos resulting from only about 225 assignments. Neutra always ordered 10 sets of prints, split them up and distributed them to editors all over the world and ordered many reprints of selected projects. Neutra’s Kaufmann House is one of the most important icons of Southern California Modernism. It is arguably exceeded in significance by only Neutra’s Lovell Health House and/or R. M. Schindler’s Kings 4 Road House. Julius Shulman’s photographs have played a momentous role in establishing the house’s iconic status and it is both men’s most published work. The reader is referred to an excellent essay by Simon Niedenthal which appeared in the November 1993 issue of the Journal of Architectural Education “Glamourized Houses: Neutra, Photography, and the Kaufmann House” to obtain a sense of Neutra’s early eagerness to broadly publicize his masterpiece balanced by Kaufmann’s desire for a slow roll-out in the national press and journals as evidenced in the letter below from Kaufmann. The Niedenthal article goes into depth regarding the creation of Shulman’s “glamorous” image and the importance photography plays in an architectural monument achieving iconic status. Also noteworthy is Christie’s “Richard Neutra: The Kaufmann House” May 13, 2008 auction catalogue for its photos and illustrations and contextual historic background information. The following letter scanned from that catalog ironically authorizes Neutra only one publication in Architectural Forum. Kaufmann did not know with whom he was dealing in terms of publicizing his work as this bibliography contains 500 publications to date. Courtesy Neutra Archive, Dept. of Special Collections, Charles E. Young Research Library, UCLA. From Christie’s 2008 Auction Catalog in my collection. 5 My bibliographic software is easily searchable and sortable. Recent searches of my Shulman and Neutra bibliographies for the Kaufmann House turned close to 500 hits which segued into this publication. Neutra’s relentless and strategic efforts to universally publish all of his work resulted in over 150 articles referencing the Kaufmann House (most with Shulman photos) from its completion in 1947 until his death in 1970 despite Kaufmann’s aforementioned aversion to publicity. Only 70 articles are documented from then until the purchase of the house for restoration by Beth and Richard Harris 25 years later. From 1995 to date there have been close to 275 articles resulting from the publicity surrounding the restoration efforts by the Harrises and their architects Marmol & Radziner, and the rekindled interest in Neutra’s work by architectural historians, Palm Springs Modernism, architectural preservation and modernism in general, and publicity surrounding the recent Christie’s Realty International auction. No bibliography is ever truly complete, especially one involving the work of publishing dynamos of the likes of Richard Neutra and Julius Shulman. This bibliography collects Kaufmann House-related items from all existing Neutra bibliographies and books by or about Neutra and countless modern architecture histories and anthologies. Despite my exhaustive on-line database searches, cover-to-cover journal and magazine searches at local research institutions and libraries, Neutra and Shulman archival searches at the UCLA Charles Young Research Library and Getty Research Institute, respectively, there is yet much material to be mined on these two idols of modernism in the research libraries of the world. Consequently this document should best be viewed as an attempt to stimulate further in-depth research on the Kaufmann House and possibly provide a starting point for a book on the subject. It is my intention to periodically update this compilation as new material continues to be uncovered. Internet searches for the Kaufmann House uncover thousands of additional references. Suggestions for improvements and submissions of new items are always welcomed. My contact information is on the title page. 6 Neutra drawing of the courier losing a set of Kaufmann House drawings on the way down Silver Lake Blvd. to the blueprint reproduction shop. Note the mosernist dwellings sketched in on the west hillside of the lake. For this poignant story go to the following link. CharredDrawings.pdf 7 Richard Neutra’s Kaufmann House: An Annotated & Illustrated Bibliography (Uncorrected Proof – Not for Sale) 8 9 1947 Howard, L. (1947). "Glittering Among the Primitive Boulders." Los Angeles Times Home Magazine(Jun 15): Cover, D4-5. Includes a Julius Shulman cover photo and 9 article photos and a floor plan of Richard Neutra's Kaufmann House in Palm Springs. (1947). "Homes Inside Out." Time Magazine 49(Feb 3): 59. Article references and compares Richard Neutra and Frank Lloyd Wright. Includes photo of Neutra and a Julius Shulman photo of the Neutra's Channel Heights Housing Project in San Pedro and Shulman photos of Neutra's Kaufmann House in Palm Springs. Neutra, R. (1947). "House in the Colorado Desert Designed by Richard Neutra." Architects' Journal 106(Aug 7): 119-123. Includes Julius Shulman photos of Richard Neutra's Kaufmann House in Palm Springs, Calif. (1947). "House in the Colorado Desert: Richard J. Neutra, architect." Architectural Review 102(Nov): 151-154. Includes Julius Shulman photos of Richard Neutra's Kaufmann House in Palm Springs, Calif. 10 Howard, L. (1947). "Los Angeles Now the Architectural Capital of the World." Los Angeles Times Home Magazine(Dec 7): H8-9. Includes 3 Julius Shulman photos of Richard Neutra's Tremaine House in Montecito, Kaufmann House in Palm Springs and Nesbitt House in Los Angeles. (1947). "Modern Homes Dot Village Landscape: Designed for Desert Living." Palm Springs Desert Sun(Mar 25): B-1. Includes Julius Shulman photos of Neutra's Miller House and 2 of the Kaufmann House, both in Palm Springs. Kaufmann, E. (1947). "Modern Rooms of the Last Fifty Years." Interiors CVI(7, Feb): 68-82. Includes a Julius Shulman photo of an all-purpose room in Richard Neutra's Kelton Apts. in Westwood. Masters, M. (1947). "Patterns of Brilliance." Los Angeles Times Home Magazine(Jun 15): Cover, D3, D15. Includes a Julius Shulman cover photo 2 article photos of Richard Neutra's Kaufmann House in Palm Springs. (1947). "We proudly present the outstanding building developments and architectural triumps of Palm Springs over the past year [ad]." Palm Springs Desert Sun(Mar 25): B8. Full-page Walle Camplan Co. & Smith Inc. ad includes Shulman photos of Richard Neutra's Kaufmann House, Albert Frey's Raymond Loewy House (soon to be featured in Life and House & Garden) and Clark & Frey's Villa Hermosa. 1948 (1948). "Desert Residence for Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Kaufmann." Marg 1(4, July): 22-30. Includes 10 Photos by Julius Shulman of the Kaufmann (Edgar J.) House in Palm Springs (Calif.) Richard J. Neutra, archt. (1948). "Deux Oeuvres Nouvelles de Richard J. Neutra, Architecte, 1. Une Residence dans le Desert Californien, 2. Habitation a Los Angeles." L'Architecture d'Aujourd'hui 19(18-19, JunJul): 38-47, back cover. Includes 18 Julius Shulman photos of the Kaufmann House in Palm Springs (plus the back cover) and 5 of the Sinay House at 1861 Heather Court in Beverly Hills. 11 (1948). "Interiors From Abroad: Architectural Review: London, November." Interiors CVII(6, Jan): 22. Includes a Julius Shulman photo of Richard Neutra's Kaufmann House in Palm Springs. (1948). "La Casa nel Deserto di Richard Neutra, Arch." Domus(227, Feb): 2-7. Includes numerous Julius Shulman photos of the Kaufmann House in Palm Springs. (1948). "Neue Wohnhauser in Kalifornien." Baumeister 45(10). Kaufmann House? Shulman photos? verify. (1948). "Obytnesidlo v Kalifornske Pousti." Architekt XLVI(3, Mar): 44-46. Includes 6 Julius Shulman photos of Richard Neutra's Kaufmann House in Palm Springs. Zevi, B. (1948). "Poetica di Neutra." Metron(29): Cover, 10-22. Includes 3 Julius Shulman photos of the Nesbitt House, 3 of the VDL Research House, 3 of the Sinay Residence, 8 of the Tremaine Residence, and a cover photo and 13 article photos of the Kaufmann House in Palm Springs. 12 Courtesy of the Neutra Archive, Dept. of Special Collections, Charles E. Young Research Library, UCLA. (1948). "Spettacolo del mondo: La casa nel deserto di Richard J. Neutra, arch." Domus(227, Feb): 1-7. Kaufmann House in Palm Springs by Richard Neutra with many Shulman photos. (1948). "TVA Villor av Richard J. Neutra." Arkitekten. Denmark(7-8): Cover, 97-100. Includes a Julius Shulman cover photo and 5 article photos of Richard Neutra's Kaufmann House in Palm Springs and 3 of the Tremaine house in Montecito. (1948). "Une Residence dans le Desert Californien." L'Architecture d'Aujourd'Hui(June): 38-45. Includes numerous Julius Shulman photos of Richard Neutra's Kaufmann House in Palm Springs. 1949 Drew, J. B. and T. Dannatt, Eds. (1949). Architects' Year Book 3. London, Paul Elek. Includes Julius Shulman photos of the Kaufmann House in Palm Springs designed by Richard Neutra. (1949). "Awards Made to Architects." Los Angeles Times(Jun 12): E1. Neutra given a Distinguished Honor Award for the Kaufmann House in Palm Springs and an Honor Award for his Aloe Medical Supply Building in Los Angeles at a recent dinner meeting at the Southern California Chapter of the A.I.A. to honor buildings completed during 1946-48. 13 (1949). "Courrier d'outre-Atlantique: a propos de Neutra." L'Architecture Francaise(87-88): 3. Includes Julius Shulman photos of the Kaufmann House in Palm Springs by Richard Neutra. (1949). "Desert House, Richard Neutra [Palm Springs, Calif.]." Arts & Architecture 66(July): 30-33. Kaufmann House in Palm Springs with 10 Julius Shulman photos. (1949). "Discorso su Neutra." Casabella(May): 9-27. Includes Julius Shulman photos of Richard Neutra's Kaufmann House in Palm Springs. Peter, J. (1949). "Glamourized Houses: Photographer Julius Shulman is a Master at Making Them Look Dramatic." Life(April 11): 146-148. Julius Shulman photos of the Kaufmann House in Palm Springs. (1949). "Glass Oasis With Cold Walls...Architect Neutra's Improved Desert." Interiors CIX(2, Sep): 80-87. Includes 14 Julius Shulman photos and floor plans of Neutra's Kaufmann House in Palm Springs. Neutra, R. (1949). "House in the Colorado Desert, Architect, Richard Neutra." Architects' Yearbook 3: 98-103. Includes Julius Shulman photos of the Kaufmann House in Palm Springs by Richard J. Neutra, archt. (1949). "House in the desert." Architectural Forum 90(Jun): 90-96. Includes a cover image of the floor plan and 12 Julius Shulman photos of the Kaufmann House in Palm Springs, Calif. by Richard Neutra. (1949). "A modern house uses its setting to help provide luxurious living." Architectural Forum 91(Sep): 52-54. Includes Julius Shulman photos of Richard Neutra's Kaufmann House in Palm Springs. (1949). "Neutra Home Design Wins Architect Award." Los Angeles Examiner Pictorial Living(Jun 26): 25. Discusses Richard Neutra's Kaufmann House in Palm Springs with Shulman photos, renderings and floor plans. (1949). "Neutra, Wurdeman & Becket Win Awards." Building News(Jun 9): 1. Includes a photo of Neutra who won a Distinguished Award from the Southern California Chapter of the AIA for his Kaufmann House in Palm Springs. (1949). "New Shells." Time Magazine(Aug 15): Cover, 58-65. 14 Reference to Neutra's Kaufmann House in Palm Springs. Cover includes a preliminary floor plan of the Kaufmann House in Palm Springs and a Neutra portrait. (Julius Shulman article photos?). (1949). "Residence in the Colorado Desert, Richard J. Neutra, Architect." AIA Journal(Jan): 29. Includes a Julius Shulman photo of the Kaufmann House in Palm Springs. Neutra, R. (1949). "The significance of the setting." Architectural Forum(Sep): 58. Includes reference to Richard Neutra's Kaufmann House in Palm Springs. (1949). "Southern California Chapter AIA Awards." Fortnight(Jun 24). Includes a Julius Shulman photo of Richard Neutra's Kaufmann House in Palm Springs. (1949). "Una residencia en el desierto del Colorado, EE. UU., Richard J. Neutra." Revista de arquitectura XXXIV(337/38, Feb): Cover, 3-10. Includes a Julius Shulman cover photo and 10 article photos of the Kaufmann House in Palm Springs. 15 Courtesy of the Neutra Archive, Dept. of Special Collections, Charles E. Young Research Library, UCLA. 1950 Mayorga, M. G. (1950). “Casa en el desierto.” Arquitectura. Mexico 30: 276-280. Includes Julius Shulman photos of the Kaufmann House in Palm Springs by Richard J. Neutra, archt. (1950). “House in the Colorado Desert, Richard J. Neutra, Arch.” Kokusai-Kentiku(1, Jul): 2325. Includes 5 Julius Shulman photos of the Kaufmann House in Palm Springs. Includes a photo of Neutra and a Japanese text bio on p. 11. (1950). “Kaufmann House, Palm Springs, Richard Neutra, Architect.” Architectural Review(May). Julius Shulman photos. Printz, E. (1950). “Living Architecture.” Colorado Engineer XLVI(2, Jan 15): Cover, 11-13, 32, 34. Includes a Julius Shulman cover photo of Richard Neutra’s Kaufmann House in Palm Springs. 16 From Shulman Studio Archive. (1950). “Local architect’s home design wins international prize.” Los Angeles Times(Jul 2): E5. Article with portrait on Neutra receiving a special award for home design for his Kaufmann House in Palm Springs at the seventh Pan-American Congress of Architects in Havana, Cuba. Article mentions the same home being published in the Times Home Magazine on the occasion of Neutra receiving a Distinguished Honor Award from the A.I.A. (1950). “Mystery and Realities of the Site by Richard Neutra [book review].” Architecture d’Aujourd’hui 20(37): XXIX. Includes a Julius Shulman cover photo of the Kaufmann House in Palm Springs. Fisker, K. (1950). “Richard J. Neutra.” Arkitekten. Manedshaefte. Kobenhavn 52(7, Jul): Cover, 101-120, + 4p. English text summary. Special issue dedicated to Neutra’s work includes Julius Shulman photos of the Davis House in Bakersfield, Beckstrand Residence in Palos Verdes (4 and floor plan), Holiday House Motel in Malibu (4 and floor plan), Sokol House in Silverlake (2 and floor plan), Aloe Medical Supply Building (3 and floor plan), Treweek Residence in Silverlake (4 and floor plan), Kaufmann House in Palm Springs (4 and floor plan), Tremaine Residence in Montecito (4 and floor plan), Case Study house No. 20 (bailey House) in Pacific Palisades (4 and floor plan and a cover rendering and floor plan and 2 article renderings) and Willard Morgan photos of the Jardinette Apts. (with floor plan) and Lovell Health House (2), and Luckhaus photos of the Ruben House in Uplifters Canyon and 3 uncredited photos and a floor plan of the Davey House in Monterey. 17 Boesiger, W., Ed. (1950). Richard Neutra: Buildings and Projects, Realisations et Projets, Bauten und Projekte. Zurich, Editions Girsberger. The first of a three volume set of Neutra’s work compiled by Willy Boesiger. Includes many b&w photographs by Julius Shulman including cover photo and 19 article photos and a floor plan of the Kaufmann House in Palm Springs. From my collection. Neutra, R. (1950). “Significance of the Natural Setting.” Magazine of Art(Jan): 18-22. Reference to Richard Neutra’s Kaufmann House in Palm Springs. (Julius Shulman photos?). 1951 Harris, F. & Bonenberg, W., Eds. (1951), A Guide to Contemporary Architecture in Southern California. Los Angeles, Watling Important early Southern California guidebook designed by Alvin Lustig with foreword by Arthur B. Gallion and photographs by Julius Shulman includes an entry for Richard Neutra’s Kaufmann House at 470 Vista de Chino in Palm Springs on p. 76. Waale-Camplan Co. & Smith, Inc. listed as the contractor. Harbers, G. (1951). Das Eigene Heim. Ravensburg, Otto Maier Verlag. Includes Julius Shulman photos of Richard Neutra’s Kaufmann House in Palm Springs, Case Study House No. 20 (Bailey House) in Pacific Palisades, and the Maxwell Residence. Giedion, S. (1951). A Decade of New Architecture. Zurich, Editions Girsberger 18 Includes Julius Shulman photos of Richard Neutra’s Kaufmann House in Palm Springs (4 and a floor plan) and Channel Heights Housing in San Pedro (3, model and a floor plan) and 2 renderings and an uncredited photo of a primary school in Puerto Rico. (1951). “Drei Landhauser von Richard Neutra.” Bauen und Wohnen (4): 204-207. Includes 4 Julius Shulman photos of the Kaufmann House in Palm Springs. Neutra, R. (1951). A House in the Desert. Mystery and Realities of the Site. Scarsdale, Morgan & Morgan 32-39. Illustrated with numerous Julius Shulman photos of the Nesbitt, Tremaine and Kaufmann Houses. Cover photo and 6 article photos and a floor plan of the Kaufmann House in Palm Springs. From my collection. (1951). "La Contstruction de Batiments Scolaires, Richard J. Neutra." L'Ossature Metallique 16(7-8, Jul-Aug): 364-369. Includes 2 Julius Shulman photos of the Kaufmann House in Palm Springs, 1 of the Beard House, 2 of the Lovell Health house, 1 of the Beckstrand Residence in Palos Verdes, an unidentified photo of the model of the Ring Plan School and 1 Shulman photo of a Military Academy. Neutra, R. (1951). Mystery and Realities of the Site. Scarsdale, Morgan & Morgan Illustrated with numerous Julius Shulman photos of the Nesbitt, Tremaine and Kaufmann Houses. Cover photo and 6 additional photos and a floor plan of the Kaufmann House in Palm Springs. (1951). "Nature Is My Goal [Book Review for Mystery and Realities of the Site]." Newsweek(May 28): 54-55. 19 Includes 4 Julius Shulman photos of Richard Neutra's Kaufmann House in Palm Springs, Tremaine House in Montecito (2), and Nesbitt House in Los Angeles. (1951). "Neutra: Contemporary Classicist." Fortnight 9(8, Sep 17): Cover, 7-9. Includes a photo of Neutra on the cover and 2 Julius Shulman photos of the Kaufmann House in Palm Springs and 1 each of the Channel Heights Housing Project in San Pedro, the Northwestern Mutual Fire Association Building, Tremaine Residence in Montecito, Corona Ave. School in Bell, Aloe Medical Equipment Building, and the Nesbitt Residence. Boesiger, W., Ed. (1951). Richard Neutra: Buildings and Projects, Realisations et Projets, Bauten und Projekte. Zurich, Editions Girsberger. Principal photography by Julius Shulman including the front cover photo of the Kaufmann House in Palm Springs and back cover photo of the Lovell Health House. The first of a three volume set of Neutra's work compiled by Willy Boesiger. Also includes 19 article photos and a floor plan of the Kaufmann House in Palm Springs. Gille-Delafon, S. (1951). "Une maison de Richard J. Neutra dans le desert de Californie." Arts et Decoration(20): 25-8. Includes Julius Shulman photos of the Kaufmann House in Palm Springs by Richard Neutra. 1952 Savage, J. (1952). "Lecture by Richard Neutra." Nebraska Blueprint(May): 256-257, 272. Includes Julius Shulman photos of Neutra's Kaufmann House and Tremaine House. (1952). "Lighting in Design." Interiors CXII(3, Oct): 104-113. Includes 2 Julius Shulman photos of Richard Neutra's Kaufmann House in Palm Springs and 1 of an unidentified Neutra office. 1953 (1953). "From a Baby Carriage to a Metropolis." One Quarter Scale(Mar): 12-14, 17. Includes Julius Shulman photos of the Kaufmann House in Palm Springs and the Moore House in Ojai. Shearer, M. (1953). "Homes That Fit." Pageant 8(9, Mar): 108-113. Includes Julius Shulman photos of the Tremaine House in Montecito (3), Kaufmann House in Palm Springs (4) and Nesbitt House in Brentwood (3). (1953). "Let's include everybody in." House & Home(Jun): 108-115. Includes Julius Shulman photos of Richard Neutra's Nesbitt House in Los Angeles, the Von Sternberg House in the San Fernando Valley, and the Kaufmann house in Palm Springs. 20 Shepheard, P. (1953). Modern Gardens. London, Architectural Press. Includes Julius Shulman photos of Richard Neutra's Nesbitt House in Brentwood, Kaufmann House in Palm Springs and possibly others. Kokusai-Kentiku-Kyokai (1953). Richard Neutra. Tokyo, Bizyutu-Syuppan-Sya. Text in Japanese. Includes Julius Shulman photos of the Lovell Health House, Von Sternberg Residence (4), Scioberetti House (3), Kahn Residence (7, Nesbitt House (10), Kaufmann House in Palm Springs (12), Tremaine Residence in Montecito (19), Rourke House in Beverly Hills (9), Atwell House in Berkeley (9), Wilkins House in Pasadena (7), Residence in Westwood (5), Brod House in Arcadia (5), Van Cleef Residence in Westwood (4), Sokol Residence in Silverlake (6), Treweek Residence in Silverlake (7), Case Study House No. 20 (Bailey House) in Pacific Palisades, Strathmore Apts. (30, Kelton Apts. (3), Holiday House Motel in Malibu (7), Elkay Apts, Northwestern Mutual Fire Association Bldg. (19), Aloe Health Equipment and Supply Bldg. (7), and Channel Heights Housing Project (22). Holme, R. and K. M. Frost, Eds. (1953). The Studio Yearbook of Furnishing & Decoration, 1950-51. London, The Studio Publications. Features Julius Shulman photos of Richard Neutra's Kaufmann House in Palm Springs and Tremaine Residence in Montecito. Kaufmann, E. (1953). What Is Modern Interior Design? New York, Museum of Modern Art. Julius Shulman photos of Neutra work? Verify. 1954 (1954). "Freude am Wohnen." Elegante Welt(4, Apr). Includes Julius Shulman photos of Richard Neutra's Kaufmann House in Palm Springs and Tremaine House in Montecito. Neutra, R. J. (1954). "Het Wonen in de Coloradowoestijn." Ruimte 2(Jan): 18-20. Includes a Julius Shulman cover photo and 2 article photos of the Kaufmann House in Palm Springs. 21 Courtesy of the Neutra Archive, Dept. of Special Collections, Charles E. Young Research Library, UCLA. (1954). "A Home in the Landscape." Everyday Art(Fall). Includes a Julius Shulman photo of the Kaufmann House in Palm Springs by Richard Neutra. Hoste, H. (1954). "Le Corbusier - F. L. Wright - Neutra." Ruimte 2(Jan): Cover, 9-13. Includes a Julius Shulman cover photo of the Kaufmann House in Palm Springs and article photos of the Moore House in Ojai, Haskell, D. (1954). "Planning our plans." Saturday Review(Feb 20): 15-16. References Richard Neutra's Kaufmann House in Palm Springs. (Julius Shulman photos?). Zevi, B. (1954). Richard Neutra. Milano, Il Balcone. Includes Shulman photos of the Kaufmann House in Palm Springs. Neutra, R. (1954). Survival Through Design. New York, Oxford University Press. Hendrick, K. (1954). "Survival Through Design: The Architect, the City, and Nature [book review]." Christian Science Monitor(Mar 1): Second Section. Includes Julius Shulman photos of the Kaufmann House in Palm Springs, The Northwestern Mutual Fire Association Building, and the Moore House in Ojai. 1955 22 Lenox, B. (1955). "4 Sun Control Devices." Los Angeles Times Home Magazine(Mar 27): L2829. Includes a Julius Shulman photo of his personal patio designed by Raphael Soriano and another of the louver wall at Richard Neutra's Kaufmann House in Palm Springs. (1955). "Haus Kaufmann in Palm Springs, Californien, Architekt Richard J. Neutra." Baukunst und Werkform VIII(6, Jun): 345-349. Includes 8 Julius Shulman photos. (1955). "Richard Neutra [exhibition catalog]." Kaiser Wilhelm Museum, Krefeld(Feb 11 - Mar 11): 6 pp. Includes Julius Shulman cover photo of the Northwestern Mutual Fire Association Building and photos of the Tremaine House, Channel Heights Housing, Moore House, Kester Avenue Elementary School, and Kaufmann House in Palm Springs. (1955). "Richard Neutra [exhibition poster]." Kaiser Wilhelm Museum, Krefeld(Feb 11 - Mar 11). Includes Julius Shulman photos of the Kaufmann House in Palm Springs and the Northwestern Mutual Fire Association Building. Lenox, B. (1955). "Texture, Color and Line." Los Angeles Times Home Magazine(Mar 27): L16-19. Includes Julius Shulman photos of the Eames House in Pacific Palisades (Case Study House No. 8), Neutra's Kaufmann House in Palm Springs, and houses by William S. Beckett, Raphael Soriano (Shulman Residence entryway), and Edward Killingsworth and Kenneth Wing. 1956 (1956). "Abstrakte Raumkunst - Gefahr fur den Menschen." Behagliches Wohnen(Aug 1). Includes Julius Shulman photos of the Kaufmann House in Palm Springs, the Moore House in Ojai, and 2 other unidentified houses. Hamlin, T. (1956). "Designed for Actual People to Enjoy [book review]." New York Times Book Review(Jun 10): 7. Review of "Life and Human Habitat" includes a photo of Neutra and a Julius Shulman photo of the Kaufmann House in Palm Springs. Hoffmann, K. (1956). Garten und Haus. Stuttgart, Julius Hoffmann. Includes Julius Shulman photos of the Kaufmann House in Palm Springs (4), Nesbitt House, Kramer House in Norco, and Moore House in Ojai (3). (1956). A Guide to the Architecture of Southern California 1769-1956. New York, Reinhold. Includes Julius Shulman photos of Neutra's Lovell, Moore , Bailey (Case Study House No. 20), Kaufmann, and Tremaine Houses, and Orange Coast College Art Center, 23 Holiday House Motel, Eagle Rock Playground Clubhouse, and Northwestern Mutual Fire Association Building, plus Shulman photos of work by many other architects. (1956). "Le ville piu belle del mondo." Epoca VII(324, Dec 16): 60-61. Includes Julius Shulman photos of Richard Neutra's Kaufmann House in Palm Springs and Tremaine House in Montecito. Neutra, R. (1956). Life and Human Habitat. Stuttgart, Alexander Koch. Monograph on Neutra's career up to 1956 with many projects not previously published. Cover photo of the Moore House in Ojai and principal photography throughout the book by Julius Shulman with captions in English and German. Includes a Julius Shulma color photo of the Kaufmann House in Palm Springs. Kepes, G. (1956). The New Landscape in Art and Science. Chicago, Paul Theobald Co. Includes Julius Shulman photos of Richard Neutra's Moore House in Ojai and Kaufmann House in Palm Springs. Introduction by Neutra. (1956). "Residence in the Colorado desert." Architect and Builder (South Africa) 6(11): 36-43. Includes Julius Shulman photos of the Kaufmann House in Palm Springs. Honnold, D. (1956). Southern California Architecture 1769-1956. New York, Reinhold. Guide prepared in conjunction with the annual AIA convention held in Southern California in 1956. Includes Julius Shulman photos of Richard Neutra's Moore House in Ojai, Lovell Health House, Case Study House No. 20 (Bailey House) in Pacific Palisades, Tremaine House in Montecito, Kaufmann House in Palm Springs, Holiday House Motel in Malibu, Northwestern Mutual Fire Association Building in Los Angeles, Eagle Rock Playground Clubhouse, and Orange Coast College Business Education Building. Wiener, P. L. (1956). "SR's Book of the Week: "Life and Human Habitat" by Richard Neutra [Book Review]." Saturday Review(June 30): Cover, 9-10. Includes Julius Shulman cover photo of the Goodson House in Hollywood Hills and the Kaufmann House in Palm Springs and the Moore House in Ojai in the review. 1957 Nelson, George (1957). "Holiday Handbook of the Second House." Holiday 22(2, August): 95102. Includes a Julius Shulman photo of Albert Frey's Cree Residence on p. 99 and Richard Neutra's Kaufmann House in Palm Springs on p. 102. (1957). "Mens en architektur: huizen van Neutra." Zondagsvriend(50, Dec 12): 48-51. Includes Julius Shulman photos of Richard Neutra's G.O.N. House in San Bernardino, M.I.R. House in Los Angeles, W.I.S. House in South Pasadena, and 3 of the Kaufmann House in Palm Springs. 24 Kaufmann, E. (1957). "One hundred years of significant building: in summary." Architectural Record 121(May): 203-8. Includes a Julius Shulman photo of Richard Neutra's Channel Heights Housing Project in San Pedro. Neutra, R. (1957). Planificar para Sobrevivir. Mexico, Fondo de Culrura Economica. Includes Shulman cover photos of the Moore House in Ojai and Treweek Residence in Silver Lake, the Kaufmann House in Palm Springs (2), the Corona Ave. School in Bell, Moore House, and Tremaine Residence in Montecito (3). Neutra, R. (1957). "Shaping the Environment of Mankind." Design 1(2, Feb): 3-4. Includes Julius Shulman photos of the Moore House in Ojai, the Northwestern Mutual Fire Association Building, the Kaufmann House and Tremaine House. (1957). "Uninhibited Luxury in an 'Uninhabitable' Desert." Holiday(Aug). Includes a Julius Shulman photo of Richard Neutra's Kaufmann house in Palm Springs. 1958 Neutra, R. J. (1958). "Client interrogation, an art and a science." AIA Journal 29(June): 285-286. References the Kaufmann House in Palm Springs. Quoted in Sylvia Lavin, "The Avant-Garde is Not at Home: Richard Neutra and the American Psychologizing of Modernity" in R. E. Somol, ed., "Autonomy and Ideology: Positioning an Avant-Garde in America" (New York, 1997), 194. Beyer, G. H. (1958). Housing: A Factual Analysis, Macmillan. Includes Neutra's Kaufmann House in Palm Springs with Shulman photo(s). (1958). "La Maison de Notre Epoque." Connaisance des Arts(82, Dec): 148-155. Includes 2 Julius Shulman photos of Richard Neutra's Kaufmann House in Palm Springs, and 5 others of his Sidney Brown House in Bel Air and Hammerman Residence in Brentwood. (1958). "Living Today: An Exhibition of Contemporary Architecture, Furniture, Interior Decoration." Corcoran Gallery of Art, Washington, DC(Apr 19 - Jun 22). Exhibition to include Richard Neutra's Kaufmann House in Palm Springs and Edward D. Stone's Stuart Company Offices in Pasadena including Julius Shulman photos. Peter, J. (1958). Masters of Modern Architecture. New York, George Braziller Includes Julius Shulman photos of Irving Gill's Dodge House in West Hollywood, Frank Lloyd Wright's Taliesen (5), Richard Neutra's Lovell Health House in L.A., Corona Avenue School in Bell (3), Channel Heights Housing in San Pedro (4) and Kaufmann House in Palm Springs (2), Case Study House No. 8 (Eames House) in Pacific Palisades by Charles Eames (4), Pietro Belluschi's First Presbyterian Church in Cottage Grove, Oregon (3), and I. M. Pei's Mile High Center in Denver. 25 (1958). "Villa per una persona sola." Domus(348, Nov): 6-10. Covers the most important projects in the first 500 issues of Domus and includes Julius Shulman photos of Richard Neutra's Kaufmann House in Palm Springs. 1959 Joedicke, J. (1959). Architecture Since 1945: Sources and Directions. New York, Praeger. Includes Julius Shulman photos of Neutra's Lovell Health House, Kahn House, Nesbitt House, Kaufmann House and Tremaine House. Also contains Neutra's Lincoln Memorial at Gettysburg. McCallum, I. (1959). Architecture USA. New York, Reinhold. Includes 6 Julius Shulman photos of work by Raphael Soriano including the Curtis House, Halawell Seed Co., and Shulman's House, and others of work by Richard Neutra (4 Shulman photos and a floor plan of the Tremaine House in Montecito, photos of the Lovell Health House, 2 of the Staller House in Bel Air, Kaufmann House in Palm Springs and others?), Charles Eames and Eero Saarinen (3 Shulman photos and a floor plan of Case Study House No. 9, Entenza House in Pacific Palisades), Whitney Smith, A. Quincy Jones and Thornton Ladd. (1959). "Architektur und Stadtebau: Von Ameisen und anderen Architekten." Die Furche(Jul 18): 9. Includes a Julius Shulman photo of the Kaufmann House in Palm Springs by Richard Neutra. (1959). "Der Architekt Richard Josef Neutra und sein Einfluss auf die Entwicklung der Architektur in den USA." Die Volkeimstatte(Jan). Includes Julius Shulman photos of the Kaufmann House in Palm Springs and the Seeblick House. (1959). "Einige innenraume, Richard J. Neutra, arch." Baukunst und Werkform 12(7, Jul): 370-5. Includes 5 Julius Shulman photos of the Nesbitt House in Brentwood and Kaufmann House in Palm Springs sliding doors and Richard Neutra architectural details of same. Luce, H. R. (1959). Form Givers at Mid-Century [exhibition catalogue]. New York, Time, Inc. for The American Federation of Arts. Catalogue includes Julius Shulman photos of Neutra's Moore House in Ojai (2), Kaufmann House in Palm Springs (2), Lovell Health House, and Rados Residence in San Pedro (2). Adlow, D. (1959). "Form Givers at Mid-Century [exhibition review]." Christian Science Monitor, Boston(Jul 18): 4. Review of the exhibition at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York with references to Neutra. Exhibition catalogue includes Julius Shulman photos of Neutra's Moore House in Ojai (2), Kaufmann House in Palm Springs (2), Lovell Health House, and Rados Residence in San Pedro (2). 26 (1959). An Introduction to the Humanities: Supplement: Painting and architecture. Chicago, University of Chicago. Includes 8 Julius Shulman photos of the Richard Neutra's Kaufmann House in Palm Springs. Neutra, R. J. (1959). "A la muerte de un gran hombre, Frank Lloyd Wright." Informes de la Construccion(116, Dec): 8 pp. Includes 4 Julius Shulman photos of the Kaufmann House in Palm Springs. (1959). "Neutra: Notes Toward a Philosophy of Architecture." Gentleman's Quarterly(Mar): 967, 125, 128, 130. Includes Julius Shulman photos of the Kaufmann House in Palm Springs, the Moore House in Ojai and the DeSchulthess Residence in Havana. Neutra, R. J. (1959). "Nuestro Peligro y nuestra Salvacion." Informes de la Construccion XII(114, Oct): 8 pp. Includes Julius Shulman photos of the Kaufmann House, Kramer House, Tremaine House, 2 of the Hacienda Hotel in San Pedro and Channel heights Housing Project also in San Pedro. Neutra, R. (1959). "Photographs of Architecture by Richard Neutra [exhibition announcement]." Department of Art, Occidental College, Thorne Hall(Oct 19 - Nov 13). Julius Shulman photos prominent throughout the exhibition including the Eagle Rock Playground Clubhouse, Goodman Residence in San Bernardino, Holiday House Motel in Malibu, Kaufmann House in Palm Springs, Moore Residence in Ojai, Nesbitt Residence in Brentwood, Northwestern Mutual Fire Association Building in los Angeles, Treweek Residence in Silverlake, Tremaine Residence in Santa Barbara, and Rush City Reformed. (1959). "Richard Neutra: Architect [exhibition announcement]." Toledo Museum of Art, Toledo, Ohio(Oct 11-Nov 1). Announcement includes a Julius Shulman photo of the Kaufmann House in Palm Springs. Exhibit features numerous photos by Julius Shulman. 1960 Neutra, R. (1960). "Acceptance of One's Idea and "Going-Steady' with One's Wife, Instead of fashionable Flirtation." Kokusai-Kentiku 27(11, Nov): 44-49. Includes 4 Julius Shulman photos of the Northwestern Mutual Fire Association Building in Los Angeles, 8 of the Kaufmann House in Palm Springs and 1 each of the Amalgamated Clothing Workers of America Building in Los Angeles, St. John's College in Annapolis Maryland and the Dayton, Ohio Natural History Museum. Peter, J., Ed. (1960). Aluminum in Modern Architecture. Louisville, KY, Reynolds Metals Co. Includes Julius Shulman photos on pp. 26-27 (Clark Residence, Palm Springs by Clark & Frey), 32, 33, 34, 35, 46, 47, 74-75 Prudential Building in L.A. by Welton Becket), 84 27 (Consolidated Vultee House by Henry Dreyfuss and Edward L. Barnes), 106-107 (Edgewater Apartments in Hollywood Riviera by J. Merrill Gray), 114-115 (Standard Federal Savings Building in L.A. by Welton Becket), 124-125 (Mile High Center, Denver by I. M. Pei), 146-147 (Northwestern Mutual Fire Association Office in L. A. by Richard Neutra), 152-153 Frey Residence in Palm Springs by Clark & Frey), 160, 161, 171-172 (Kaufmann House in Palm Springs by Richard Neutra), 180-181 (Shulman Residence in L. A. by Raphael Soriano), 192, 193, 204-205 (Orange Coast College in Costa Mesa by Robert Alexander). Halse, A. O. (1960). Architectural Rendering: The Techniques of Contemporary Presentation. New York, F.W. Dodge. Includes a rendering of the Kaufmann House in Palm Springs by Richard Neutra (and possibly others?). (1960). "Architectural Show to Have 485 Exhibits; Emphasizes American Contributions to World With Works of a Dozen Leaders." Los Angeles Times(Aug 11): B30. Article on the exhibition "Form Givers at Mid-Century" includes quotes from Neutra reminiscing about a similar 1931 show and that he, Gropius and van der Rohe were the only ones left. Exhibition catalogue includes Julius Shulman photos of Neutra's Moore House in Ojai (2), Kaufmann House in Palm Springs (2), Lovell Health House, and Rados Residence in San Pedro (2). Mulcahy, F. (1960). "Architecture: a Blueprint of Life." Los Angeles Times(Jan 24): F1-2. Article on the Richard Neutra and Robert E. Alexander partnership includes a rendering of the Kaufmann House in Palm Springs, Julius Shulman photos of the Moore House in Ojai and the entrance to the San Pedro Hacienda Hotel and portraits of Neutra and Alexander. (1960). "Art; Show to spotlight role of architect [exhibition announcement]." Los Angeles Times(Aug 14): F6. Exhibition announcement for group show "Form Givers at Mid-Century" at the Los Angeles Municipal Art Gallery from August 17 through September 11 presented by the Los Angeles Municipal Art Department and sponsored by the American Federation of Arts. Featured architects include Richard Neutra, Ludwig Mies van der Rohe, Le Corbusier, Alvar Aalto, Frank Lloyd Wright, Walter Gropius, Eero Saarinen, Edward D. Stone, Philip Johnson, Buckminster Fuller, Marcel Breuer and Wallace K. Harrison. Exhibition includes Julius Shulman photos of Neutra's Moore House in Ojai (2), Kaufmann House in Palm Springs (2), Lovell Health House, and Rados Residence in San Pedro (2). Senning, J. A. (1960). "The California Home and Richard Neutra." Los Angeles Examiner Pictorial Living(Oct 23): Cover, 2, 6-10, 14. Includes a Julius Shulman cover photo of Richard Neutra in front of the Singleton House in Bel Air and 25 article photos of Neutra's work including the Kaufmann House in Palm Springs, the Rados House in San Pedro, the Lovell Health House, the Moore House in Ojai, the Miller House in Palm Springs, the Perkins House in Pasadena and others. Neutra, R. (1960). "Clovek Jako Meritko." Vytvarne Umeni(1): 24-31. 28 Includes Julius Shulman photos of Neutra's Kaufmann House in Palm Springs (2), McIntosh House, Ayn Rand (von Sternberg) House (2), Kahn Residence in San Francisco, Tremaine Residence in Montecito, Channel Heights housing Project in San Pedro and the Jardinette Apts. Valentien, O. (1960). "Drei Wunsche Drei Garten." Westermanns Monatshefte(5): Cover, 8-11. Includes a Julius Shulman cover photo of Richard Neutra's garden at the VDL Research House in Silverlake, the Kaufmann House in Palm Springs and the Chuey Residence. Scully, V. (1960). Frank Lloyd Wright, George Braziller. Includes references to Neutra's Lovell Health House and Kaufmann House in Palm Springs (Shulman photo(s)?). Neutra, R. J. (1960). "Interrogacion del cliente: una arte, una cienca." Informes de la Construccion(119, Mar): 6 pp. Includes 4 Julius Shulman photos of the Kaufmann House in Palm Springs. (1960). "L'architetto Neutra e lo specchio." Quaderni Vitrum 8: 93-98. Includes Julius Shulman photos of the Beckstarnd Building in Long Beach (3), the Kronish Residence in Beverly Hills, Kaufmann House in Palm Springs (3), Wilkins Residence in South Pasadena, Beckstrand House in Palos Verdes, Tremaine Residence, Hearl St. House, Slavin Residence, Atwell Residence, Hughes Residence and 2 of Adelphi University Library. (1960). "Neutra: Architect." Virginia Museum of Fine Arts Member's Bulletin(Nov ): Cover. Includes a Julius Shulman cover photo of the Kaufmann House in Palm Springs. Exhibition includes numerous Shulman photos. From Julius Shulman’s Studio Archive. 29 (1960). "Neutra: Architect [exhibition announcement]." Virginia Museum of Fine Arts(Nov 4). Includes a Julius Shulman cover photo of the Kaufmann House in Palm Springs. Exhibition includes numerous Shulman photos. (1960). "PA & B Profile: Richard J. Neutra." Pacific Architect & Builder(May): 10 pp. Includes 16 Julius Shulman photos of Neutra's work including the Singleton Residence on the cover, VDL Research House, Lovell Health House, Channel Heights, Corona Ave. School in Bell, Kaufmann House, Northwestern Mutual Insurance Building, Kronish, Heller, Tremaine, Rados, Goodman, Troxell, and Perkins Residences, Gemological Institute (Stairway), and Miramar Naval Air Station Chapel. McCoy, E. (1960). Richard Neutra. London, Mayflower. First English edition. McCoy, E. (1960). Richard Neutra. New York, Brazillier. Includes a Julius Shulman photo of Neutra's Moore House in Ojai on the front cover and virtually all of the roughly 150 photographic illustrations in the book are also by Shulman. Mulcahy, F. (1960). "Work of Noted American Architects to Be Shown." Los Angeles Times(Aug 14): I1. Exhibition announcement for group show "Form Givers at Mid-Century" at the Los Angeles Municipal Art Gallery in Barnsdall Park from August 17 through September 11. The exhibit was organized by Cranston Jones, associate editor of Time Magazine, sponsor of the event and prepared by the American Federation of Arts. Featured architects include Richard Neutra, Ludwig Mies van der Rohe, Le Corbusier, Alvar Aalto, Frank Lloyd Wright, Walter Gropius, Eero Saarinen, Edward D. Stone, Philip Johnson, Buckminster Fuller, Marcel Breuer and Wallace K. Harrison. Includes a Julius Shulman photo of Richard Neutra's Kaufmann House in Palm Springs. (1960). "Works of 13 Architects to Be Exhibitied [exhibition announcement]." Los Angeles Times(Aug 8): 30. Exhibition announcement for group show "Form Givers at Mid-Century" at the Los Angeles Municipal Art Gallery in Barnsdall Park from August 17 through September 11. The exhibit was organized by Cranston Jones, associate editor of Time Magazine, sponsor of the event and prepared by the American Federation of Arts. Featured architects include Richard Neutra, Ludwig Mies van der Rohe, Le Corbusier, Alvar Aalto, Frank Lloyd Wright, Walter Gropius, Eero Saarinen, Edward D. Stone, Philip Johnson, Buckminster Fuller, Marcel Breuer and Wallace K. Harrison. Includes Julius Shulman photos of Neutra's Moore House in Ojai (2), Kaufmann House in Palm Springs (2), Lovell Health House, and Rados Residence in San Pedro (2). 1961 (1961). "A Influencia de Richard Neutra." Binario(37, Oct): 603-606. 30 Includes a portrait of Neutra and a Julius Shulman photo of the Kaufmann House in Palm Springs. Simonds, J. O. (1961). Landscape Architecture: The Shaping of Man's Natural Environment. New York, F. W. Dodge. Includes a Julius Shulman cover photo of Richard Neutra's Kaufmann House in Palm Springs, the Moore House in Ojai (2), another of the Kaufmann House, and theTremaine Residence in Montecito. From my collection. McCoy, E. (1961). Richard Neutra. Milano, Il Saggiatore. I Maestri del’architettura contemporanea, no. 7. Includes numerous Julius Shulman photos. 1962 Kaufmann, E. (1962). “Interior Design: Architecture or Decoration?” Progressive Architecture(Oct): 141-144. References Richard Neutra’s Kaufmann House in Palm Springs. (Julius Shulman photos?). Neutra, R. (1962). Life and Shape. New York, Appleton-Century Crofts. Includes 16 illustrations of travel sketches by Neutra. Dust jacket designed by Serge Chermayeff. References to the Kaufmann House in Palm Springs. (1962). “Neutra.” Vitrum(131, May/June 1962): 1-76. 31 Special issue on Neutra includes numerous Julius Shulman photos of Neutra projects including the Kaufmann House in Palm Springs.. Shulman (1962). Photographing Architecture and Interiors. New York, Whitney Library of Design. All interior photos by Julius Shulman. Introduction by Richard J. Neutra. Includes a Shulman photo of the Kaufmann House in Palm Springs on p. 70. McCoy, E. (1962). Richard Neutra. Ravensburg, Germany, Otto Mayer Verlag. German translation. Includes numerous Julius Shulman photos. Albini, A. (1962). “Richard Neutra.” Architektura(5-6): 21-44. Includes Julius Shulman photos of the Kaufmann House in Palm Springs (2), the Tremaine House in Santa Barbara (3), the Holiday House Motel in Malibu, Corona Ave. School in Bell, Orange Coast College in Costa Mesa (2), Channel Heights Housing in San Pedro (2), Serulnic House in Tujunga (2), Moore House in Ojai, San Bernardino Medical Center, Beckstrand Medical Building in Long Beach, Miramar Chapel in La Jolla, and Los Angeles County Hall of Records. Other photos of the Lovell Health house, U.S. Embassy in Pakistan, VDL Research House and the Jardinette Apts. 1963 Neutra, R. (1963). “Richard Neutra [Exhibition Catalogue].” Dusseldorf(2/3 63): [20]. Includes a Julius Shulman cover photo and internal photos of the Kaufmann House in Palm Springs, Moore House in Ojai and 12 other unidentified Neutra Houses. 1964 Weisskamp, H. (1964). Beautiful Homes and Gardens in California. New York, Abrams. Includes a Julius Shulman photo of Richard Neutra’s Rados House on the cover and other Shulman photos of Neutra work on pp. 172-209 including the Kaufmann House in Palm Springs (3), Lovell Health House, McIntosh House, Von Sternberg House (2), Nesbitt House, Tremaine House (5), Slavin House, Goldman House (3), Argent Place House, Troxell House, Ohara House, Hansch House, Moore House, Kramer House, Matlock House, Staller House (4), Van Cleef House, Moore-Haefli Houses (2), Sorrells House (2), Heller House, Connell House, Maslon House, Kronish House (6), Ninneman House, Bown House, Cole House (2), Goodman House, Roberts House (2), Perkins House, Nelson House, Freedman House, Auerbacher House, Schaarman House (2), Lew House and Rados House (4). Pehnt, W., Ed. (1964). Encyclopedia of Modern Architecture. New York, Abrams. Includes many references to Richard Neutra and a Luckhaus photo of the Lovell Health House and Julius Shulman photos of the Kaufmann House in Palm Springs and the Kahn House in San Francisco. Weisskamp, H. (1964). Hauser und Garten in Kalifornien. Stuttgart, Verlag Gerd Hatje. 32 Includes a Julius Shulman photo of Richard Neutra’s Rados House on the cover and other Shulman photos of Neutra work on pp. 172-209 including the Kaufmann House in Palm Springs (3), Lovell Health House, McIntosh House, Von Sternberg House (2), Nesbitt House, Tremaine House (5), Slavin House, Goldman House (3), Argent Place House, Troxell House, Ohara House, Hansch House, Moore House, Kramer House, Matlock House, Staller House (4), Van Cleef House, Moore-Haefli Houses (2), Sorrells House (2), Heller House, Connell House, Maslon House, Kronish House (6), Ninneman House, Bown House, Cole House (2), Goodman House, Roberts House (2), Perkins House, Nelson House, Freedman House, Auerbacher House, Schaarman House (2), Lew House and Rados House (4). Cantacuzino, S. (1964). Modern Houses of the World, Studio Vista, Ltd. E. P. Dutton. Includes Julius Shulman photos of Richard Neutra’s Kaufmann House in Palm springs. Neutra, R. (1964). “Ombres et limieres.” Architecture: Formes et Fonctions 10: 44-51. Includes Julius Shulman photos of sun-shading elements of the Amalgamated Clothing Workers of America Building, a house in Pasadena, 2 of the Kaufmann House in Palm Springs, 2 of the Los Angeles County Hall of Records, San Bernardino Group Medical Clinic, house in Bel Air, Methodist Church in Palos Verdes, Eagle Rock Playground Clubhouse, 2 of the Santa Ana Police Facility, and Church in Garden Grove. (1964). “On Tour Itinerary.” Los Angeles Times(Feb 28): D1. Article announcing the annual home tour sponsored by the Palm Springs chapter of the American Association of University Women on March 8 from 1 to 5 p.m. Includes a photo of Richard Neutra’s Kaufmann House now owned by Joseph Link. Hardy, A. (1964). “Radiation and Shading.” Design India(Sep): 88-93. Includes 2 Julius Shulman photos of Richard Neutra’s Kaufmann House in Palm Springs and 2 of the Los Angeles County Hall of Records by Neutra & Alexander. (1964). “Richard J. Neutra.” L’Architecture d’Aujourd’hui 34(113-114, Apr-May): 96-97. Includes Julius Shulman photos of the Brown House in Bel Air, Corona Avenue School in Bell, Lovell Health House, Kaufmann House in Palm Springs (2), Rados House in San Pedro (2), and the Strathmore Apartments in Westwood. (1964). “West Coast Architects I: Richard J. Neutra.” Arts & Architecture 81(Mar): 17-21, 34. Includes a Rondal Partridge photo of the U.S. Embassy in Karachi Pakistan, a Lawrence Williams photo of the Lincoln Memorial and Gettysburg Visitors Center, Amir Farr photos of the Los Angeles County Hall of Records, Garden Grove Community Church, and Kambara(3), Indomi (3), Okai, and Ohara Residences in Silverlake, and Julius Shulman photos of the Swirbul Library at Adelphi University, the Tremaine, Moore, Kaufmann House in Palm Springs, and Maslon Residence in Palm Springs. 1965 33 (1965). Modern Architecture U.S.A. New York, Museum of Modern Art. Includes Julius Shulman photos of Frank Lloyd Wright’s Freeman House, Richard Neutra’s Kaufmann House in Palm Springs, Case Study House No. 8 (Eames House), and Herb Greene’s Prairie Chicken House in Norman, Oklahoma. 1966 Hoffmann, K. and H. Griese (1966). Bauen mit Holz. Stuttgart, Julius Hoffmann. Includes Julius Shulman photos of Richard Neutra’s Rados House in San Pedro (2), Kaufmann House in Palm Springs and the Auerbacher Lodge at Luring Pines. Heyer, Paul (1966). Architects on Architecture: New Directions in America. Walker & Company, New York Includes Julius Shulman photos of Neutra’s Kaufmann House in Palm Springs, Lovell Health House (2), Von Sternberg Residence in Northridge, Nesbitt House in Brentwood, Tremaine House in Montecito (2), Mariner’s Medical Arts Building in Newport Beach, Corona Avenue School in Bell, Los Angeles County Hall of Records (2) and Goodman House in San Bernardino and a rendering of the skyscraper for “Rush City Reformed”, a photo of the model of the Ring Plan School for Lemoore, California and renderings for the Amity Village project in Compton. 1968 McCoy, E. (1968). “In Palm Springs, a desert pavilion surrounded by transparent walls.” Los Angeles Times Home Magazine(Feb 11): A18-19. Includes 2 Julius Shulman photos of Neutra’s Kaufmann House in Palm Springs. 1969 Shulman, J. (1969). “One Third of a Century: A Retrospective Exhibition of the Photography of Julius Shulman [exhibition announcement].” Los Angeles Times Calendar(Mar 30): 57. Exhibition announcement for a Julius Shulman exhibition at the Barnsdall Park Gallery which includes a Shulman photo of Richard Neutra’s Kaufmann House in Palm Springs. (1969) “Ken Herman Real Estate [ad]”, Palm Springs Life, (Feb): 124 Ad listing “One of Palm Springs most outstanding estates (Kaufmann House) designed by Richard Neutra and furnished by Arthur Elrod” priced at $350,000 furnished. (see ad below). 34 1970 Huyghe, R. and J. Rudel (1970). L’Art et Le Monde Moderne – Vol 2 – de 1920 a Nos Jours. Paris, Libraire Larousse. Includes 2 Julius Shulman photos of Neutra’s Kaufmann House in Palm Springs (figs. 604 & 605, p. 172) and 1 each of Neutra’s Moore House in Ojai and Tremaine House in Santa Barbara (figs. 953-954, p. 287). Pal, M. (1970). Richard Neutra. Akademai Kiado, Budapest. Includes Julius Shulman photos of the VDL Research House, Nesbitt House (2), Channel Heights (2) Kaufmann House in Palm Springs (2), Tremaine Residence in Montecito, a detail in the County Hall of Records, the Aloe Building, Eagle Rock Playground Clubhouse (2), Northwestern Mutual Building (3), Kester Ave. School, Brown House, Orange Coast College Auditorium, Miramar Chapel (2), County Hall of Records Building (5), Mariner Medical Arts Building, Garden Grove Church and possibly others. Spade, R. and P. Yukio Futugawa (1970). Richard Neutra. Japanese edition. 1971 (1971). “Domus, 501.” Domus(501, Aug): entire issue. Issue on important projects in the first 500 issues of Domus includes Julius Shulman photos of Richard Neutra’s Kaufmann House in Palm Springs. Futagawa, Y., Ed. (1971). GA [Global Architecture] 8: Richard Neutra: Kaufmann Desert House, Palm Springs, California, 1946 : Tremaine House in Montecito, Santa Barbara, California, 1948. Global Architecture. Tokyo, A.D.A. Edita. Japanese and English text by Dion Neutra. Chiefly photographs by Yukio Futugawa (some color). 35 Image from the internet. Spade, R. (1971). Richard Neutra. New York, Simon and Schuster. Introduction and notes by Rupert Spade with 86 photographs by Yukio Futugawa. 1972 Halse, A. O. (1972). Architectural Rendering: The Techniques of Contemporary Presentation. New York, McGraw-Hill. Includes a rendering of the Kaufmann House in Palm Springs by Richard Neutra (and possibly others?). 1974 Neutra, R. and D. Neutra (1974). Pflanzen, Wasser, Steine, Licht Berlin, Hamburg, Parey. Horner, C. (1974). Richard Neutra: The Kaufmann House [17] leaves, [7] leaves of plates. UCLA Library. Term paper, Winter 1974. Aarons, S. (1974). A wonderful time: an intimate portrait of the good life. New York. Includes a Slim Aarons photo of a 1970 party by the pool of the Kaufmann House in Palm Springs by Richard Neutra. The house was then owned by Nelda Linsk. 36 Guests by the pool at Nelda Linsk's desert (Kaufmann) house in Palm Springs, January 1970. 37 Above images downloaded from the internet. 1976 (1976). “Maison Mirage [ad].” Architectural Digest. Full-page Bob Crane real estate ad appeared in A.D. sometime between 1975 and 1976. Features the iconic Julius Shulman twighlight photo of the Kaufmann House in Palm Springs. Hines, T. S. (1976). “Julius Shulman in 40th Year.” L.A. Architect(Dec): 1. Article on Shulman’s career includes photos of Richard Neutra’s Kaufmann House in Palm Springs and Le Greco House in San Bernardino by Charles Le Greco. 1977 Neutra, R. and D. Neutra (1977). Bauen und die Sinneswelt. Dresden, Verlag der Kunst. Includes 140 illustrations, mostly b&w photos by Julius Shulman with the majority of the VDL Research House in Silverlake. Text in German. Gebhard, D. and R. Winter (1977). A Guide to Architecture in Los Angeles & Southern California. Santa Barbara, CA, Peregrine Smith. Julius Shulman was photographic consultant for this guide book which also includes many of his photos. Includes photos of Richard Neutra’s Kaufmann House and Miller House in Palm Springs, Lovell Health House, Tremaine House in Montecito, Von Sternberg Residence in Northridge, Channel Heights Public Housing in San Pedro, Nesbitt House, Garden Grove Community Church, L.A. County Hall of Records, Eagle Rock Playground Clubhouse, and references to his Holiday House Motel in Malibu, Ruben House, Case Study House No. 20 (Bailey House), Riviera Methodist Church, Beckstrand Residence, California Military Academy, Singleton House, Brown House, Plywood Demonstration House, Kelton, Elkay, Landfair, and 38 Strathmore Apts., Kaufman House, Van Cleef house, Greenberg House, Emerson Jr. High School, University Elementary School, Rourke House, Heller House, Kun Houses, Crescent Professional Building, Mosk House, Jardinette Apts. Branch House, McIntosh House, VDL Research House, Koblick House, Sholts Advertising Building, Corona Ave. School, Hinds House, Ketser Ave. Elementary School, Beard House, Perkins House, San Bernardino Group Clinic, Goodman House, Mariner’s Art Medical Center, Hopkins House, Orange County Courthouse, Santa Ana Police Station, United Aoto workers Building, Moore House, Chase House, Slavin House, St. Andrew’s Methodist Church, Leddy House, Davis House, and Lemoore Naval Air Station Public Housing and School. Shulman, J. (1977). “Photographer’s Perspective on Neutra.” AIA Journal 66(3, Mar): 54-61. Includes references to and a photo of the Kaufmann House in Palm Springs. Shulman, J. (1977). The Photography of Architecture and Design: Photographing Buildings, Interiors, and the Visual Arts. New York, Whitney Library of Design. Includes 2 Julius Shulman photos of Richard Neutra’s Kaufmann House in Palm Springs and 10 of the Singleton House in Bel Air and references to Neutra. 1978 Caudill, W. W., W. M. Pena, et al. (1978). Architecture and You. New York, Whitney Library of Design. Includes Julius Shulman photos of Frank Lloyd Wright’s Guggenheim Museum (3), Richard Neutra’s Tremaine Residence in Montecito (3), Kahala Hilton in Honolulu by Killingsworth, Brady & Associates (3), U.S. Navy Submarine Training Base in San Diego by Ward Deems, Hagadone Newspapers Corporate Headquarters in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho by Richard Nelson, a Thornton Ladd house in Pasadena, a Portland, Oregon fountain by landscape architect Larry Halprin, Irving Gill’s Dodge House in West Hollywood, Bernard Maybeck’s Christian Science Church in Berkeley (3), the Lawrence Residence in Houston by Charles Lawrence (2), 3 dogs looking through Paul Laszlo’s fence, a Blackwell, Oklahoma elementary school by Caudill, Rowlett, Scott (2), Salk Institute in La Jolla by Loius Kahn, Neutra’s Kaufmann House in Palm Springs, George Wyman’s Bradbury Building in Los Angeles (2), a Greene & Greene Residence in Pasadena, a Los Angeles Victorian mansion, Case Study House No. 8 (Eames House) in Pacific Palisades (2), the Runion Residence in Seattle by Ralph Anderson, Tulsa International Airport by Murray Jones Murray, Taliesen West by Frank Lloyd Wright, the Wolff Residence in Los Angeles by John Lautner, Pima County Junior College in Tucson, AZ by Caudill, Rowlett, Scott, Cypress College in Fullerton, CA by Caudill, Rowlett, Scott, Church in Cedar Rapids, Iowa by Crites & McConnell, Claremont College Science Building by Caudill, Rowlett, Scott, Gamble House in Pasadena by Greene & Greene, and the University of Santa Clara Activities Center by Caudill, Rowlett, Scott. Hoffmann, D. (1978). Frank Lloyd Wright’s Falling Water: The House and Its History. New York, Dover. Refers to the Richard Neutra commission for the Kaufmann winter house in Palm Springs and Edgar Kaufmann, Jr. commissioning Wright to design a house on the adjacent site. 39 Includes an interesting footnote on the relationship of Wright, R. M. Schindler and Richard Neutra. Pal, M. (1978). Richard Neutra. Arkady, Warsaw. Includes Julius Shulman photos of the VDL Research House, Nesbitt House (2), Channel Heights (2) Kaufmann House in Palm Springs (2), Tremaine Residence in Montecito, a detail in the County Hall of Records, the Aloe Building, Eagle Rock Playground Clubhouse (2), Northwestern Mutual Building (3), Kester Ave. School, Brown House, Orange Coast College Auditorium, Miramar Chapel (2), County Hall of Records Building (5), Mariner Medical Arts Building, Garden Grove Church and possibly others. 1980 Neutra, R. and D. Neutra (1980). Bauen und die Sinneswelt. Berlin, Verlag Paul Parey. Includes 140 illustrations, mostly b&w photos by Julius Shulman with the majority of the VDL Research House in Silverlake. Text in German. Gill, B. (1980). The Dream Come True: Great Houses of Los Angeles. New York. Includes the Kaufmann House in Palm Springs. Shulman, J. (1980). “Julius Shulman Photographer.” L.A. Architect 6(10, Oct): 2. Includes 19 examples of Shulman’s work including Richard Neutra’s Kaufmann House in Palm Springs, Duffield Lincoln-Mercury Showroom in Long Beach by Killingsworth, Brady and Associates, and numerous non-architectural subjects. 1981 Szarkowski, J. (1981). “Interviews: Archetype Asks the Pros.” Archetype 2(2, Spring): 70-80. Includes a series of interviews with leading architectural photographers: Morley Baer, Grant Mudford, Julius Shulman, Tim Street-Porter, Bernice Abbott, Jaime Ardiles-Arce, Ezra Stoller, and Roger Sturtevant. Includes a Julius Shulman photo of Richard Neutra’s Kaufmann House in Palm Springs. 1982 Drexler, A. and T. S. Hines (1982). The Architecture of Richard Neutra: From International Style to California Modern New York, Museum of Modern Art. Includes Julius Shulman photos on the cover (Singleton House) and pp., 10r, 12t&c, 52, 53t&br, 54t, 67tl&r, 69b, 71-75, 77-79, 86b, 94-99, 101-103 (5 photos and a floor plan of the Kaufmann House in Palm Springs), and 105-113. Filler, M. (1982). “The Creation of American Modernism [exhibition review].” House & Garden(Sep): 8, 10. Exhibition review of ‘The Architecture of Richard Neutra: From International Style to California Modern’ at the Museum of Modern Art in New York includes Julius Shulman 40 photos of Richard Neutra’s Lovell Health House, von Sternberg Residence, Singleton Residence, Kaufmann House in Palm Springs and Tremaine House in Montecito. Hines, T. S. (1982). Richard Neutra and the Search for Modern Architecture: A Biography and History. New York, Oxford University Press. Includes principal photography by Julius Shulman. 1983 Drexler, A. and T. S. Hines (1983). Die Architektur Richard Neutra. Vom Internationalen Stil zum “California Modern”. Wien, Locker. German translation of the Museum of Modern Art exhibition catalogue (with Shulman photos of the Kaufmann House in Palm Springs and others). Drexler, A., R. J. Neutra, et al. (1983). L’arquitectura de Richard Neutra : de l’estil international al modern California. Barcelona, Spain, Obra Social de la Caixa de Pensions. Catalan translation of the exhibition catalogue (with Shulman photos of the Kaufmann House in Palm Springs and others ). 1984 Gleye, P. (1984). “Los Angeles Between the Olympiads [course brochure].” UCLA Extension(May 4-5). Course brochure includes Julius Shulman photos of the Wiltern Theater by Morgan, Walls and Clements, the Academy Theater in Inglewood by S. Charles Lee, Richard Neutra’s Kaufmann House in Palm Springs, John Lautner’s Chemosphere, the Bonaventure Hotel by John Portman, and the Rodes House by Charles Moore and Robert Yudell. Neutra, R. J. (1984). Survival through Design, 30th Anniversary Collector’s Edition. Los Angeles. 1985 Maddex, D., Ed. (1985). Master Builders: A Guide to Famous American Architects, John Wiley & Sons National Trust for Historic Preservation. Includes Julius Shulman photos of Richard Neutra’s Channel Heights Housing Project in San Pedro and Kaufmann House in Palm Springs (2) on p. 135 and the Moore House in Ojai and Garden Grove Community Church on p. 136. Hitchcock, H.-R. (1985). Modern Architecture: 19th & 20th Centuries. Baltimore. References to Neutra’s Kaufmann House in Palm Springs. (Julius Shulman photos?). 1986 41 Lampugnani, V. M., B. Bergdoll, et al., Eds. (1986). Encyclopedia of 20th-Century Architecture. New York, Abrams. Includes Julius Shulman photos on pp. 85r (Case Study House No. 8 Eames House), 219r, 246 (Neutra’s Kaufmann House in Palm Springs and von Sternberg House in Northridge) and 309 (Soleri’s Dome House). Watkin, D. (1986). A History of Western Architecture. New York. Includes reference to Richard Neutra’s Kaufmann House in Palm Springs. (Julius Shulman photos?). Kaufmann, J., Edgar (1986). “How Right was Wright: Edgar Kaufmann, Jr. Recalls His Family’s country House, Falling Water. And How Frank Lloyd Wright Made It One With Nature.” House & Garden(Aug): 140-145, 168-170. References to the Kaufmann House in Palm Springs by Richard Neutra. 1987 Curtis, W. (1987). Modern Architecture Since 1900, Oxford University Press. Includes Julius Shulman photos of Neutra’s Lovell Health House and Kaufmann House and references to his “Wie Baut Amerika?” Busch, A. (1987). The photography of architecture: twelve views. New York, Van Nostrand Reinhold. Features the work of photographers Ezra Stoller, Wolfgang Hoyt, Peter Aaron, Norman McGrath, Steven Rosenthal, Julius Shulman, Bill Hedrich, Nick Merrick, Robert Perron, Tim Street-Porter, Paul Warchol and Judith Turner. Includes Julius Shulman photos of Pierre Koenig’s Case Study House No. 22 (Stahl House), Richard Neutra’s Kaufmann House in Palm Springs, Ricardo Legorreta’s El Rosario Housing Project in Mexico City, Crites & McConnell’s United Covenant Presbyterian Church in Danville, Iowa, Johnson-Burgee’s Crystal Cathedral in Garden Grove (2), Skidmore, Owings & Merrill’s Lever house, Anshen & Allen’s Bank of California, William L. Oereira’s hunt Foods Building, the J. Paul Getty Estate in England (2), Langdon/Wilson’s CNA Building in Los Angeles, the Kahala Hilton in Honolulu by Killingsworth, Brady & Associates (4), and Skidmore, Owings & Merrill’s Madison Plaza in Chicago. 1988 Hollingsworth, M. (1988). Architecture of the 20th Century. New York, Exeter Books. Richard Neutra references on pp. 82-84 (Picture of the Lovell Health House on p. 83), 106, and 108 (Shulman picture of the Kaufmann House). Deloffre, C. (1988). “California Dreaming: Photographie par Julius Shulman.” City(October): 82-85. 42 Includes Julius Shulman photos of Richard Neutra’s Kaufmann House and Albert Frey House I in Palm Springs, Pierre Koenig’s Case Study House No. 22 (Stahl House) and John Lautner’s Chemosphere and another unidentified house. Haraguchi, H. (1988). A Comparative Analysis of 20th-Century Houses. New York. References the Kaufmann House in Palm Springs by Richard Neutra. Nuttgens, P. (1988). Understanding Modern Architecture. London, Unwin Hyman. Includes Julius Shulman photos of Richard Neutra’s Kaufmann House in Palm Springs. 1989 Neutra, R. (1989). Nature Near: Late Essays of Richard Neutra. Santa Barbara, CA, Capra Press. Includes Julius Shulman photos of Richard Neutra’s Kaufmann House in Palm Springs, Chuey House, Tremaine Residence, Moore House and Von Sternberg House. 1990 (1990). “Linking Preservation to Architectural Design.” Clem Labine’s Traditional Building(Mar/Apr): 5, 24-25. Reference to Richard Neutra’s Kaufmann House in Palm Springs. Sack, M. (1990). Richard Neutra. Grosse Architekten : Menschen, die Baugeschichte machten. M. Sack. Hamburg, Hauser: 364. Frampton, K. (1990). “The Usonian Legacy.” Architectural Review(1090, Dec): 26-31. Includes Julius Shulman photos of Raphael Soriano’s Colby Avenue Apts. in Los Angeles, Gregory Ain’s Dunsmuir Flats in Los Angeles and Richard Neutra’s Kaufmann House in Palm Springs. 1991 Lang, W. (1991). “Domus itinerario no. 72: Neutra e Los Angeles.” Domus(731, Oct): XI-XVI. Guide to 21 buildings designed by Richard Neutra between 1927 and 1966. Text in Italian and English. Includes Julius Shulman photos of the Lovell Health House, Vdl Research House, Von Sternberg House, Miller House, Strathmore Apts., Kahn House, Channel Heights Housing Project, Nesbitt House, UCLA Elementary School, Kaufmann House, Tremaine House, Singleton, House, Los Angeles County Hall of Records and Garden Grove Community Church. 1992 Leib, R. (1992). “Biorealism and Design in the Realm of Ideas.” L.A. Architect(Apr): 10. 43 Article on Neutra’s philosophy of design by former associate Roger Leib includes Julius Shulman photos of Neutra’s Oxley House in San Diego and 3 of the Kaufmann House in Palm Springs. Shulman, J. and R. Winter (1992). Designs for Living 1993 Calendar [announcement card]. Los Angeles, Photoventures. Card cover is a Julius Shulman photo of Richard Neutra’s Oxley House in La Jolla. Back of card has a photo of Neutra’s Kaufmann House in Palm Springs. Shulman, J. and R. Winter (1992). Designs for Living 1993 Calendar: The Work of 12 Visionary Architects in Southern California. Los Angeles, Photoventures. Calendar for the year 1993 featuring architectural photographer Julius Shulman’s images of work by architects in Southern California. Introduction by Dr. Robert Winter includes a photo of the Ned Brown Beach House by Buff & Hensman. Included are works by Ray Kappe (Sultan House), Richard J. Neutra (cover photo of the Kaufmann House in Palm Springs, Oxley Residence in La Jolla, Singleton Residence in Bel Air and Von Sternberg Residence in Northridge), Irving Gill (Dodge House), Bernard Judge (Dome House in Beachwood Canyon), Milton J. Black (Apartment Houses in Mid-Wilshire), R.M. Schindler (Buck House in MidWilshire and the Van Patten House and Falk Apts. in Silverlake), Carl Maston (Chiat House in South Pasadena and Maston Residence in the Hollywood Hills), Frank Lloyd Wright (Freeman, Ennis-Brown and Storer Houses), Gordon Drake (Drake’s personal residence in Benedict Canyon), Pierre Koenig (Case Study House No. 22 and Koenig’s personal residence in Brentwood), Charles & Ray Eames (Case Study House No. 8 and Case Study House No. 9), and John Lautner (Segel Residence in Malibu and Chemosphere). Ghaffari, E. (1992). “Nineties Neutra.” L.A. Architect(Apr): Cover, 12. Essay on what Richard Neutra might be doing today if he were still alive. Includes a Julius Shulman cover photo of Neutra on the terrace of the VDL Research House and article photos of the Von Sternberg (Ayn Rand) House (2), the Lovell Health House, Jardinette Apts., Landfair Apts., Strathmore Apts., Oxley House, and 3 of the Kaufmann House. Sack, M. (1992). Richard Neutra. Zurich, Verlag fur Architektur. Includes a Julius Shulman cover photo of the Lovell Health House and most of the photos in the book including the Kaufmann House in Palm Springs. Jackson, N. (1992). “Richard Neutra.” Architectural Review(Sep): 10. Reference to the Kaufmann House in Palm Springs. (Julius Shulman photos?). Webb, M. (1992). “Richard Neutra: Casa Kaufmann, Palm Springs (1946), Como una estacion lunar.” Diseno Interior(19, Oct): 26-27. Includes 5 Julius Shulman photos. Betsky, A. (1992). “Selling Modernism: Los Angeles Celebrates Neutra’s Centennial.” Architectural Record(Jul): 22. Reference to the Kaufmann House in Palm Springs. (Julius Shulman photo?). 44 1993 Hines, T. S. (1993). “Architecture: the drawings of Richard Neutra, masterful renderings reflect a lifetime of visual ideas.” Architectural Digest 50(3, Mar): 74. Features drawings in the Neutra archives in the Charles Young Research Library at UCLA including the Kaufmann House in Palm Springs. Bonsky, C. (1993). A “connoisseur of architects”: Edgar Kaufmann as client and patron of Benno Janssen, Frank Lloyd Wright, and Richard Neutra. Niedenthal, S. (1993). “”Glamourized houses”: Neutra, photography, and the Kaufmann house.” Journal of Architectural Education 47(2, Nov): 101-112. On photographs of buildings sharing in the cultural power of the photographic medium and the power of the print media in the establishment of an architectural canon based on Julius Shulman’s iconic photos of Richard Neutra’s Kaufmann House in Palm Springs. Onorato, R. J. (1993). “Richard Neutra.” Choice(Nov): 148. Reference to Neutra’s Kaufmann House in Palm Springs. Sutro, D., Ed. (1993). West Coast Wave: New California Houses. New York, Van Nostrand Reinhold. Includes 2 Julius Shulman photos of R. M. Schindler’s Kings Road House in West Hollywood, 1 of Lloyd Wright’s Samuels-Navarro House, 1 of Schindler’s Lovell Beach House, 1 each of Neutra’s Lovell Health House, Kaufmann House and Nesbitt House, 1 of J. R. Davidson’s personal residence, Raphael Soriano’s Curtis House, 22 of Gregory Ain’s Daniel House, 2 of Case Study house No. 8 (Eames House), 1 of Pierre Koenig’s Case Study House No. 22 (Stahl House), 1 of Craig Ellwood’s Rosen House, 2 of John Lautner’s Chemosphere (Malin House), 1 of Lautner’s “Rainbow Top” House, 1 of Lautner’s Segel Residence in Malibu, 1 of Ray Kappe’s personal residence, 1 of Frank Gehry’s Steeves Residence, 1 of Case Study House No. 23 (Triad) in La Jolla by Killingsworth, Brady & Associates, and 1 of Richard Neutra’s Oxley Residence in La Jolla. 1994 Antonelli, P. (1994). “Intervista a Julius Shulman (Interview With Julius Shulman).” Abitare(329, May ): 198-201. Special Issue on Los Angeles includes an interview with Julius Shulman and his photos of Frank Lloyd Wright’s Freeman House with Sam Freeman and Esther McCoy on the balcony, Shulman and Neutra by the camera, and Richard Neutra’s Kaufmann House in Palm Springs. Harris, E. E. (1994). The Kaufmann House Restoration Project: An Historic Approach. International Congress on Architectural Heritage and Building. Argentina. Includes 14 Julius Shulman photos of Richard Neutra’s Kaufmann House in Palm Springs. 45 Hines, T. S. (1994). Richard Neutra and the Search for Modern Architecture. Berkeley, University of California Press. Includes principal photography by Julius Shulman. Iannaccone, C. (1994). “Julius Shulman at Craig Krull. 17 September – 22 October [exhibition review].” Art Issues (Number 35, November/December ): 37. Exhibition review which includes photos of Boulder Dam, the Academy Theatre in Inglewood by S. Charles Lee and Richard Neutra’s Kaufmann House in Palm Springs. Jackson, L. (1994). Contemporary: Architecture and Interiors of the 1950s. New York, Phaidon. Includes 4 Julius Shulman photos of the Kaufmann House in Palm Springs, 4 of Case Study House No. 20 (Bailey House) in Pacific Palisades, 2 of the Tremaine House in Montecito, 2 of the Moore House in Ojai, 2 of the Channel Heights Housing in San Pedro, 1 of the Treweek Residence and 2 of the Eagle Rock Playground Club House. Magnusson, A. (1994). “It’s Back, It’s Hot, It’s…Palm Springs.” Conde Nast Traveler(Sep): 137-143. Reference to Richard Neutra’s Kaufmann house in Palm Springs. Rosa, J. (1994). A Constructed View: The Architectural Photography of Julius Shulman. New York, Rizzoli. Shulman biography with the cover photo of Case Study House No. 22 by Pierre Koenig and all photographs by Julius Shulman including the Kaufmann House in Palm Springs. Riley, T. (1994). Frank Lloyd Wright, Architect. New York, Museum of Modern Art. Briefly mentions Neutra’s brief employment at Taliesin and his presence during his former employer Mendelsohn’s visitation in 1924 and includes a Julius Shulman photo of Richard Neutra’s Kaufmann House in Palm Springs and a rendering of Wright’s unbuilt Boulder House also designed for the Kaufmann’s intended for Palm Springs. A sketchy outline of Neutra’s Kaufmann House can be seen in the drawing below. 46 From my collection. Sack, M. (1994). Richard Neutra. Zurich, Artemis Verlag. (1994). “Shaper of Perceptions (Book Review).” Progressive Architecture 75(4 April): 78-81. Features the works of California photographer Julius Shulman. Publication of book entitled `A Constructed View: The Architectural Photography of Julius Shulman; Architects whose works Shulman photographed; Description of darkroom techniques Shulman used. Includes Julius Shulman photos of Frey House I in Palm Springs, Gordon Drake’s own home in Los Angeles, Richard Neutra’s Kaufmann House in Palm Springs, Robert Skinner’s personal home in Los Angeles and John Lautner’s Wolff Residence. Table of contents pages include a double page photo of Lloyd Wright’s Wayfarer’s Chapel in Palos Verdes. 1995 Freiman, Z. (1995). “Back to Neutra.” Progressive Architecture 76(11): 72-79. Article on the restoration of the 1947 Kaufmann house in Palm Springs designed by Richard Neutra. Restoration architects: Marmol & Radziner. Includes 6 Julius Shulman photos. (1995). “Casa Kaufmann + Edgar J. Kaufmann House.” A + U: Architecture and Urbanism(Jul/Aug). Article on the restoration of Richard Neutra’s Kaufmann House in Palm Springs includes Julius Shulman photos. 47 Moch, C., Ed. (1995). Feels Like Home: Fond Remembrances in Words and Pictures. Chapel Hill, NC, Algonquin Books. Includes Julius Shulman photos of Crestwood Hills Mutual Housing Association, the Skinner Residence, Richard Neutra’s Kaufmann House in Palm Springs and Moore House in Ojai, Clifford May’s children dancing in their recreation room, children preparing to eat lunch, Pierre Koenig’s Case Study House No. 22 (Stahl House), and old stone French-style cottage in Quebec. (1995). “Helene Binet.” Magasin for Modern Architektur 3(12): 4-12. Includes Julius Shulman’s classic photos of Richard Neutra’s Kaufmann House in Palm Springs and Pierre Koenig’s Case Study House No. 22 (Stahl House). Freiman, Z. (1995). “Improving on the Master.” Progressive Architecture 76(11): 114. On the roof improvements made to Neutra’s 1947 Kaufmann house in Palm Springs, in order to prevent leaks. Restoration architects: Marmol & Radziner Colomina, B. (1995). “The Media House.” Assemblage(27): 55-66. Includes Julius Shulman photos of Neutra’s Kaufmann House in Palm Springs, Pierre Koenig’s Case Study House No. 22 and others. (1995). “New Owners Restore ‘Dream House’ of the ‘40s.” New York Times(Dec 28). Discusses Marmol and Radziner’s restoration designs for Richard Neutra’s Kaufmann House and Albert Frey’s Loewy House, both in Palm Springs. Ouroussoff, N. (1995). “Retrieving the Future Under a Desert Sky.” New York Times (Dec 28): C1. Palm Springs, CA. Theirs were twin visions of perfect order. When the architects Richard Neutra and Albert Frey built adjacent homes overlooking West Vista Chino Road 50 years ago, they created a paragon of modernist beauty in a scorched desert landscape. Neutra, working for his maverick patron, Edgar Kaufmann, and Frey, for Raymond Loewy, were designing the glamorous dream houses of tomorrow. Article discusses the restoration of these two desert icons. Includes 6 Julius Shulman photos. 1996 Ford, E. R. (1996). The Details of Modern Architecture, Volume 2: 1928 to 1988. Cambridge, MIT Press. Includes Julius Shulman photos of Eames House (Case Study House No. 8) figs. 7.19 & 7.20, Pierre Koenig’s Case Study House No. 21 figs. 7.38 & 7.40, Neutra’s von Sternberg House figs. 4.14 & 4.15, Neutra’s Kaufmann House figs. 4.22 & 4.25, and Neutra’s Moore House figs. 4.26 & 4.29, (1996). “Fifty Years Later: Two Desert Houses of Tomorrow Restored.” San Diego UnionTribune(Jun 14): H9-10. Discusses the restoration of Richard Neutra’s Kaufmann House and the Loewy House by Albert Frey, both in Palm Springs. 48 (1996). “Julius Shulman: 60 Years of Architectural Photography and Interior Design [lecture announcement].” Palm Springs Desert Museum(October 18, 7:30 p.m., Annenberg Theater, Palm Springs Desert Museum). Lecture announcement includes Shulman’s iconic photo of Richard Neutra’s Kaufmann House. (1996). “New Owners Restore ‘Dream House’ of the ‘40s.” San Francisco Chronicle(Feb 7). Discusses Marmol and Radziner’s restoration designs for Richard Neutra’s Kaufmann House and Albert Frey’s Loewy House, both in Palm springs. (1996). “Restoring the Kaufmann House [lecture announcement].” Palm Springs Desert Museum(October 25, 7:30 p.m., Annenberg Theater, Palm Springs Desert Museum). Lecture announcement includes Shulman’s iconic photo of Richard Neutra’s Kaufmann House. Los Angeles architects Leo Marmol and Ron Radziner, along with homeowners Beth and Brent Harris, will discuss their current meticulous restoration of the Richard Neutra-designed Kaufmann House built in 1946. Kleinschmidt, J. (1996). “Returning Home.” Palm Springs Desert Sun(Jul 7): D4, D8. Article discusses the restoration of Richard Neutra’s Kaufmann House by current owners Beth and Brent Harris aided by architects Marmol and Radziner. Includes Julius Shulman’s iconic twilight photo and 2 others. LeBlanc, S. (1996). Whitney Guide, 20th Century American Architecture: A Traveler’s Guide to 220 Key Buildings. New York, Watson-Guptill Publications. Includes Richard Neutra’s Kaufmann House in Palm Springs (and others?). 1997 Kalwa, J. (1997). “Der Schattenmann von Hollywood.” Architectural Digest (German Edition)(Dec-Jan): 182-189. Includes 2 photos of Shulman in his yard and studio and Shulman photos of Pierre Koenig’s Case Study House No. 22, Frey House I in Palm Springs, Greta Magnusson Grossman’s personal residence, Frank Lloyd Wright’s Freeman House, Richard Neutra’s Kaufmann House in Palm Springs and Chuey House in Los Angeles and the Raymond Loewy House in Palm Springs by Albert Frey. Dunning, B. (1997). “Desert Design.” Palm Springs Star(May): 11. References Richard Neutra’s Kaufmann House. Turner, J. (1997). “The House That Neutra Built.” Detour(Oct): 74-78. Discusses the restoration of Richard Neutra’s Kaufmann House in Palm Springs. (Julius Shulman photos?). Serraino, P. (1997). “Questions of Images: Interview with Julius Shulman, Photographer of Architecture.” Spazioe Societa (Space & Society) XIV(80, Oct-Dec): 12-21. 49 Includes Julius Shulman photos of Richard Neutra’s Kaufmann House in Palm Springs, Moore House in Ojai, Schindler House in West Hollywood, Frank Lloyd Wright’s Sturges House in Los Angeles, Frey House II in Palm Springs, FLW’s V. C. Morris Gift Shop in San Francisco, Bradbury Building in Los Angeles by George Wyman, Glen Lukens Studio by Raphael Soriano, Greenfield House by Arthur Swab, James B. Toland Residence by Raul Garduno (3), and Wayfarer’s Chapel by Lloyd Wright. Reina, C. (1997). Richard Neutra: guida bio-bibliografica. Firenze, Alinea. Neutra bibliography includes Julius Shulman photos of the Kaufmann House in Palm Springs (4), Nesbitt House in Brentwood, Tremaine House, Los Angeles County Hall of Records and illustrations by Neutra and others. Browne, A. (1997). “This Old House.” GQ(Oct): 211. Article on Richard Neutra’s Kaufmann House in Palm Springs. 1998 Hines, T. S. (1998). “Adding to Neutra’s famous Lewin House, Steven Ehrlich designed a beautiful pavilion. But is it a happy marriage?” Architectural Record 186(8, Aug): 74-79. Critique of the Ehrlich addition to the Lewin House on Santa Monica Beach originally built in 1938. Reference to the Kaufmann House restoration in Palm Springs by Marmol & Radziner. Rosa, J. (1998). “Architectural Photography and the Construction of Modern Architecture.” History of Photography 22(2, Summer): 99-104. Includes a Julius Shulman photo of Richard Neutra’s Kaufmann House in Palm Springs. Shulman, J., P. Frank O. Gehry, et al. (1998). Architecture and Its Photography. Koln, Taschen. Covers and all photos by Julius Shulman. Singleton House in Bel Air by Richard Neutra on the front cover and Kaufmann House in Palm Springs on pp. 18-19. (1998). “Around Town – The Desert in a Flash...” Palm Springs Life(Nov): 29. References Richard Neutra’s Kaufmann House. (1998). “Art [Photography Exhibition].” Los Angeles Times [Home Edition](Dec 17): 40. Includes Julius Shulman’s 1947 photo of the Richard Neutra-designed Kaufmann House in Palm Springs currently showing at the Craig Krull Gallery in Santa Monica.. Ferguson, R., Ed. (1998). At the End of the Century: One Hundred Years of Architecture. New York, Abrams. Includes Julius Shulman photos of Case Study House No. 8 (Eames House) in Pacific Palisades (2), the Steve Baer House in Corrales, NM, Richard Neutra’s Kaufmann House in Palm Springs and Lovell Health House in Los Angeles, Oscar Niemeyer’s buildings in Brasilia (3), Bank of London South American Headquarters in Buenos Aires by Testa, Sanchez Elia, Peralta Ramos, and Agostini (2), Ricardo Legorreta’s IBM Factory in Gudalajara, Mexico 50 and Camino Real Cancun Hotel, the National Museum of Anthropology in Mexico City by Pedro Ramirez Vasquez, Pierre Koenig’s Case Study House No. 22 and John Lautner’s Chemosphere (Malin House). Anderson, K. (1998). “Desert Cool.” The New Yorker(Mar 2): 128-137. Article on Albert Frey’s career briefly references Marmol & Radziner’s restoration of Richard Neutra’s Kaufmann House in Palm Springs. Anderton, F. (1998). “A Desert Prophet Wins New Disciples.” New York Times(Sep 17): F1. Article on Albert Frey’s career in Palm Springs briefly mentions Neutra and the Marmol & Radziner restoration of the Kaufmann House. Cronstrom, K. (1998). “Elle I Goes to Palm Springs.” Elle I(Apr): 148-152. References Richard Neutra’s Kaufmann House. Colomina, B. (1998). The Exhibitionist House. At the End of the Century: 100 Years of Architecture. R. Ferguson. Los Angeles, Museum of Contemporary Art: 126-165. Includes Julius Shulman photos or Richard Neutra’s Kaufmann House in Palm Springs and Lovell Health House in Los Angeles and Pierre Koenig’s Case Study House No. 22 in the Hollywood Hills. Russell, J. S. (1998). “Fading Photographs.” Harvard Design Magazine(Fall): 44-49. Includes the iconic Julius Shulman photo of Richard Neutra’s Kaufmann House in Palm Springs. Goodwin, G. M. (1998). “Frank Lloyd Wright, Jews, and the West.” Western States Jewish History 30(2): 98-125. Traces the often turbulent relationships Frank Lloyd Wright had during the 1910’s-50’s with various Jews, including Rudolph Schindler, Richard Neutra, Erich Mendelsohn, Edgar Kaufmann, Sr., Stanley Marcus, and John Rosenfield, and the architectural projects in Western states that brought these men together. Boecker, S. (1998). “Gefuhl furs Licht [interview].” Kolner Stadt-Anzinger(256, Nov 3 ): 20. Book review / interview for Julius Shulman: Architecture and Its Photography by Julius Shulman. Includes a Shulman photo of Richard Neutra’s Kaufmann House in Palm Springs. Newman, M. (1998). “Julius Shulman.” L.A. Architect(Dec): Covers, 8-11. Includes Julius Shulman cover photos of the Loewy House in Palm Springs by Albert Frey (front), his personal Residence by Raphael Soriano (back) and article photos of Richard Neutra’s Kun, Von Sternberg and Kaufmann Houses, Edward Giddings’ Ochos Cascadas, the R. M. Schindler Residence, Frank Lloyd Wright’s V. C. Morris Shop and the Gordon Drake Residence. Rhodes, M. B. (1998). “Julius’ View [book review / interview].” Harper’s Bazaar(Oct). 51 Includes Julius Shulman photos of Pierre Koenig’s Case Study House No. 22, Richard Neutra’s Kaufmann House in Palm Springs, Case Study House No. 8 by Charles Eames, Albert Frey House I in Palm Springs and Neutra and Shulman posing next to Shulman’s view camera. Moore, B. (1998). “L.A. Landmarks [exhibition announcement].” Los Angeles Times [Home Edition](Mar 5): 7. “L.A. Obscura: The Architectural Photography of Julius Shulman” includes more than 80 works documenting Pierre Koenig’s Case Study House No. 22, Richard Neutra’s Kaufmann House, the Department of Water and Power, the May Company Department Store and other iconic images of Southern California. Fisher Gallery, USC, 823 Exposition Blvd. Article includes Shulman photos of the May Co. Department Store. May, D. and J. Shulman (1998). “L.A. Residential.” Preservation 50(6, Nov-Dec): 52-59. On the life and work of photographer Julius Shulman. Includes his photos of Pierre Koenig’s Case Study House Nos. 21 & 22 (3), Richard Neutra’s Kun, Bonnet and Kaufmann Houses, Soriano’s Shulman House, and Eames House (Case Study House No. 8). Goff, R. (1998). “Modernism is Modern Again.” Forbes(Sep 7). Includes Julius Shulman photos of Richard Neutra’s Kun House in L.A., Kaufmann House in Palm Springs, Lovell Health house in L.A., and Frank Lloyd Wright’s Storer House in L.A. Also includes a Morgan Azimi photo of Neutra’s Serulnic House in L.A. Shulman, J. (1998). “My Beginnings As a Photographer.” Echoes 7(3, Winter): 58-63. Includes Julius Shulman photos of Richard Neutra’s Kaufmann House in Palm Springs, Boulder Dam, Raymond Loewy Residence in Palm Springs by Albert Frey, Golden Gate Bridge, Steeves Residence in Brentwood by Frank Gehry, Gordon Drake House in L.A., Buck House in L.A. by R. M. Schindler, and hikers on Mt. Hollywood. Neutra, D. (1998). “The Neutra genius: innovations & vision.” Modernism Magazine 1(3): 2633. References the Kaufmann House in Palm Springs. (Julius Shulman photos?). Dunning, B. (1998). “Preserving the Optimism of Mid-Century Modern Design [Palm Springs].” Los Angeles Times [Home Edition](Jun 28): 1. Includes Julius Shulman photos of Richard Neutra’s 1947 Kaufmann house in Palm Springs and Albert Frey’s 1946 residence for industrial designer Raymond Loewy. Buckley, R. (1998). “Rediscoveries: Building Sights.” House & Garden (UK)(Oct): 90-91. Includes Julius Shulman photos of Pierre Koenig’s Case Study House No. 22, Neutra and Shulman standing next to Shulman’s view camera, Neutra’s Kaufmann House in Palm Springs, and John Lautner’s Chemosphere. Marmol, L. and R. Radziner (1998). Restoration of the Kaufmann House [marketing brochure]. Marmol & Radziner brochure includes 9 before and after Julius Shulman photos and floor plans of the restoration of Neutra’s Palm Springs masterpiece. 52 Lucero, O. L. (1998). Selling Los Angeles: The Use of Models in Julius Shulman’s Architectural Photography. L.A. Obscura: The Architectural Photography of Julius Shulman. Los Angeles, Fisher Gallery, University of Southern California: 34-41. Includes Julius Shulman photos of Panorama City Market, Richard Neutra’s Kaufmann House in Palm Springs, General Dynamics Astronautics in San Diego by Luckman & Pereira, Pierre Koenig’s Case Study House No. 21 (Bailey House) in Laurel Canyon (2), the Cliff May House, San Diego prefabrication plant, and Pasadena Freeway. Arntzenius, L. (1998). “The Shulman Eye.” USC Trojan Family Magazine 30(1, Spring): 42-49. Includes Julius Shulman photos of Pierre Koenig’s Case Study house No. 22 (Stahl House), Hills in Ranch Country, Lafayette, CA (1934), Self-Portrait (1935), Richard Neutra’s Lovell Health House, Eames House (Case Study House No. 8) in Pacific Palisades, Steeves Residence in Malibu by Frank Gehry, Richard Neutra’s Chuey, Kaufmann, and Kramer Houses. 1999 Mays, V. (1999). “20th Century Giants: Richard Neutra.” Residential Architect(Jan-Feb): 55. Includes Julius Shulman photos of Neutra’s Lovell Health House and Kaufmann House in Palm Springs. (1999). “Builder’s Choice Awards.” Builder Architect (Arizona – New Mexico Builder & Contractor)(Oct): 122. References Richard Neutra’s Kaufmann House in Palm Springs. Housely, L. (1999). “Cal Couture.” Wallpaper(Oct): 101-104. References Richard Neutra’s Kaufmann House in Palm springs. (1999). “California Preservation Foundation’s 24th Annual Conference in Palm Springs President’s Circle Reception [announcement brochure].” The Kaufmann House, 470 W. Vista Chino Avenue, Palm Springs(Friday, May 21, 1999 at 6:00 to 7:30 pm). Brochure includes a Julius Shulman cover photo of Neutra’s Kaufmann House. Drohojowska-Philip, H. (1999). “A Corvette Tour of Palm Springs.” Architectural Digest(Oct): 123-125. References Richard Neutra’s Kaufmann House. Filler, M. (1999). “Desert Star [Kaufmann House, Palm Springs, Calif.].” House Beautiful 141(10, Oct): 14-15, 156. “In Palm Springs, Calif., Richard Neutra’s Kaufmann house, a landmark of midcentury modernism, is rescued from demolition and painstakingly restored...” Restoration architects: Marmol & Radziner. Includes 8 Julius Shulman – David Glomb photos. (1999). “Epingle pour vous: L’oeil du maitre [book review].” Weekend(Jul). 53 Review of Julius Shulman: Architecture and its Photography includes photos of Richard Neutra’s Kaufmann House and Albert Frey House 1, both in Palm Springs. Louth, S. (1999). “Exposure [book review].” British Journal of Photography(Jan). Review of Julius Shulman: Architecture and its Photography with a photo of Richard Neutra’s Kaufmann House in Palm Springs. Turner, J. (1999). “A House of Style.” Flaunt(Sep): 99-102. References the Kaufmann House in Palm Springs designed by Richard Neutra. (Julius Shulman photos?). Shulman, J. (1999). Julius Shulman 2000 Taschen Diary. Koln Taschen. Includes a Julius Shulman front cover photo of Pierre Koenig’s Case Study House No. 22 (Stahl House), back cover photo of Koenig’s Case Study House No. 21 (Bailey House), frontispiece photo of Case Study House No. 20 (Saul Bass House) by Buff, Straub & Hensman and a photo for each week of the year. Includes John Lautner’s Desert Hot Springs Motel, Chemosphere (Malin House), Stevens Residence in Malibu, and Arango House in Acapulco. Includes Julius Shulman photos Richard Neutra’s Kaufmann, Chuey, Moore, Lovell, Von Sternberg, Maslon, Tremaine, and Singleton Houses. Boecker, S. (1999). “Julius Shulman: Das ist es, was Architektur fur dich tun kan [interview].” Kunst Forum International 149: 308-315. Lengthy interview in German includes Julius Shulman photos of Richard Neutra’s Kaufmann House in Palm Springs, Frank Lloyd Wright’s Ennis House in Hollywood, Union Oil Gas Station in Pasadena by Raymond Loewy, Case Study House No. 8 by Charles Eames, the Bradbury Building in downtown L.A. by George Wyman and a photo of Neutra and Shulman next to Shulman’s view camera. Simmons, S. (1999). “Julius Shulman: Defining Architecture Through Photography.” View Camera(Mar/Apr): 44-49. Includes Julius Shulman photos of Edward Giddings Ocho Cascadas in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, the Bradbury Building in downtown Los Angeles by George Wyman, Case Study House No. 23 in La Jolla, CA by Killingsworth, Brady & Smith, Richard Neutra’s Kaufmann House in Palm Springs, Case Study Houses 21 and 22 by Pierre Koenig and Albert Frey House I in Palm Springs. Blazquez, M. L. (1999). “La Imagen al Servicio de la Arquitectura [book review].” Diseno Interior(Jan): 36. Review includes photos of the book cover, Albert Frey House 1 and Richard Neutra’s Kaufmann House in Palm Springs and Case Study House No. 8 by Charles Eames. (1999). “Las Palmas.” Palm Springs Life(Sep): 158. References Richard Neutra’s Kaufmann House. Ouroussoff, N. (1999). “Mid-Century Luxe Redux; After Meticulous Restoration, a Palm Springs Modernist Gem Gleams Again.” Los Angeles Times Magazine(May 23): 24-31. 54 Includes 11 Julius Shulman photos of the Kaufmann House in Palm Springs by Richard Neutra restored by Marmol & Radziner for owners Beth and Brent Harris. Hay, D. (1999). “A modernist masterpiece in the desert is reborn.” Architectural Record 187(9): 92-98. Restoration of Richard Neutra’s 1946 Kaufmann house in Palm Springs, Calif. Architects: Marmol and Radziner. Includes Julius Shulman’s iconic b&w photo and 2 color Shulman – David Glomb photos. Webb, M. (1999). “Palm Springs Eternal.” Interiors(Oct): 70-75. Includes 10 Julius Shulman – David Glomb photos of Richard Neutra’s Kaufmann House in Palm Springs restored by Beth and Brent Harris with the architectural design aid of Marmol & Radziner. Book, J. (1999). “Palm Springs Eternal.” Los Angeles Magazine 44(4, Apr): 68-79. References Richard Neutra’s Kaufmann House. Cygelman, A. and f. Joseph Rosa (1999). Palm Springs Modern: Houses in the California Desert. New York, Rizzoli. Includes the iconic Julius Shulman photo of Neutra’s Kaufmann House on the back cover and p. 63 and Grace Lewis Miller House on p. 13. Julius Shulman – David Glomb photos of the Kaufmann House on p. 10, 13, and 50-63 and Maslon House on pp. 150-157. Joseph Rosa introduction includes references to Neutra’s Miller House. From my collection. 55 Colacello, B. (1999). “Palm Springs Weekends.” Vanity Fair(Jun): 192-211. References Richard Neutra’s Kaufmann House. Eggener, K. (1999). “Postwar Modernism in Mexico: Luis Barragan’s Jardines del Pedregal and the International Discourse on Architecture and Place.” The Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians 58(2): 122-145. Many references and end notes pertaining to Neutra including many signed Neutra books in Barragan’s personal library. Mentions Barragan’s margin notes on the Kaufmann House pages in his copy of Neutra’s “Mystery and Realities of the Site” and compares it with his demonstration house at 140 Fuentes in the Jardines del Pedregal. Includes Julius Shulman photos of Richard Neutra’s Kaufmann House in Palm Springs and Goldman House in Encino with landscape by Eckbo. Brouns, J. (1999). “Prefab Californie [book review].” Weekend Knack(Feb): 150-156. Reviews of “Julius Shulman: Architecture and its Photography” and “Case Study Houses” with photos of Richard Neutra’s Kaufmann House in Palm Springs, Case Study House No. 21 by Pierre Koenig and Case Study House No. 22 by Pierre Koenig (2). (1999). “Reforma de la Casa Kaufmann, Marmol & Radziner Architects.” Diseno Interior(Sep): 130-137. Includes 8 Julius Shulman – David Glomb photos of Richard Neutra’s Kaufmann House in Palm Springs with restoration design by Marmol & Radziner. Hines, T. S. (1999). Richard Neutra (1892-1970). Milano, Electa. Includes a Luckhaus cover photo of the Von Sternberg House under construction and principal photography by Julius Shulman including the Kaufmann House in Palm Springs. Baboulet, L. (1999). “Richard Neutra le Californien.” AMC(95, Feb): 57-65. Article includes Shulman photos of Richard Neutra’s Kaufmann House in Palm Springs (3), Neutra and Shulman next to Shulman’s view camera, the Moore House in Ojai, the Kramer House in Norco, the Treweek House in Silverlake (2), the VDL Research House in Silverlake, the Chuey House in L.A., the Nesbitt House, Singleton House, Perkins House, Lovell Health House, Kelton, Landfair and Strathmore Apts. in Westwood, Beard House, and the Corona Ave. School in Bell. Shulman, J. (1999). Julius Shulman: 30 Postcards. Koln, Taschen. Includes a postcard of Richard Neutra’s Kaufmann House in Palm Springs. Shulman, J. (1999). Shulman Portfolio #12 – Kaufmann House. Koln, Taschen. Portfolio of 20 Shulman prints of Richard Neutra’s Kaufmann House in Palm Springs. Limited edition of 60 copies worldwide (Ilford MGD 44 M’’ “Pearl”), individually signed and numbered, and mounted under plexiglass in black frames, 60 x 75, 5 cm in an exclusive case, released in 1999. Signed by Shulman. Brenner, D. (1999). “Taking a Dip in Paradise.” Garden Design(Jun/Jul): 14. 56 Includes a Julius Shulman photo of Richard Neutra’s Kaufmann House pool in Palm Springs. Botwin, M. (1999). “Working Out a Fresh Perspective.” Los Angeles Times Magazine(May 23): 24-35. References Richard Neutra’s Kaufmann House in Palm Springs. 2000 Pricer, J. L. (2000). “Architecture to strut its stuff.” Palm Springs Desert Sun(Apr 4): D1. Article announces an architectural Symposium at the Palm Springs Desert Museum’s Annenberg Theater on Sep 8 from 10 am – 3 pm. Speakers include Thomas S. Hines, Tony Merchell, Barbara Lamprecht, Frank Escher, Don Wexler, Leo Marmol and Ron Radziner. Includes Julius Shulman photos of Albert Frey’s Ramond Loewy House and Richard Neutra’s Kaufmann House. Dietsch, D. K. (2000). Classic Modern: Midcentury Modern At Home New York, Simon & Schuster. Includes Julius Shulman photos on pp. 6 (Pierre Koenig’s Case Study House No. 22), 8 (Kaufmann House in Palm Springs by Richard Neutra), 10 (the Entenza Residence, Case Study House No. 9, designed by Charles Eames and Eero Saarinen, 16t, 34, 42 (the Raymond Loewy Residence in Palm Springs by Albert Frey) 53, 54, 98, and 166-171 and references to other Shulman work. Ingersoll, R. (2000). “De la cueva a la tienda: la casa Kaufmann de Neutra en Palm Springs = The tent and the cave: Neutra in Palm Springs.” Arquitectura viva(73): 18-21. Restoration of Richard Neutra’s 1946 Kaufmann house in Palm Springs, Calif. Architects: Marmol and Radziner Stein, J. (2000). “Destination: Modernism.” Los Angeles Times(Mar 1): E1. References Richard Neutra’s Kaufmann House in Palm Springs. Keeps, D. A. (2000). “House of Style.” New York Times Home Magazine(Apr 16): 62-63. Richard Neutra’s Kaufmann House in Palm Springs. Farquharson, A. (2000). “Julius Shulman, The Photographer’s Gallery, London [exhibition review].” UK Contemporary Art and Culture(Nov/Dec): 124. Includes Shulman photos of Duffield’s Lincoln-Mercury Showroom in Long Beach by Killingsworth, Brady & Smith, and Richard Neutra’s Kaufmann House in Palm Springs. (2000). “Julius Shulman: Richard Neutra and Modernism in California [exhibition poster].” Exhibition to be held at Audimax der Humboldt-Universitat in Berlin. Poster photo is Richard Neutra’s Kaufmann House in Palm Springs. 57 Oshima, K. T. (2000). “Kaufmann Desert House.” A + U: Architecture and Urbanism: Visions of the Real Modern Houses in the 20th Century, Special Issue(Mar): 240-253. Article on Richard Neutra’s Kaufmann House in Palm Springs. Webb, M. (2000). “Living Sculpture.” Belle(156, Dec-Jan): 40-49. Includes 8 Julius Shulman – David Glomb photos of Richard Neutra’s Kaufmann House in Palm Springs restored by Marmol & Radziner for Beth and Brent Harris. Also includes a Julius Shulman photo of the house from the late 1940s. Sharp, D. and C. Cooke, Eds. (2000). The Modern Movement in Architecture. Rotterdam, 010 Publishers. Includes Julius Shulman photos of Richard Neutra’s Lovell Health House (2) and Kaufmann House in Palm Springs. (2000). “Modernist Residential Architecture in Palm Springs [symposium brochure].” Palm Springs Desert Museum(April 8-9): Cover, 4. Speakers include Tony Merchell-overview, Barbara Lamprecht on Richard Neutra, Frank Escher on John Lautner, and Donald Wexler on E. Stewart Williams, Marmol & Radziner on the restoration of the Kaufmann House and tour of the Elrod House by Lautner, Clark House by John Clark and E. Stewart Williams Residence. Julius Shulman brochure cover photo of the Kaufmann House and photos of Neutra’s Miller House, E. Stewart Williams House and Loewy Residence by Albert Frey. Courtesy of Palm Springs Historical Society. 58 (2000). “Natur und Architektur in grosartigem Dialog [book review].” Kolner StadtAnzeiger(Oct 21): 40. Review of Richard Neutra: Complete Works by Barbara Mac Lamprecht with principal photography by Julius Shulman includes a Shulman photo of Richard Neutra’s Kaufmann House in Palm Springs. (2000). Neutraface: House Industries Catalog No. 31, House Industries Catalog includes Julius Shulman photos of Neutra’s Kaufmann House in Palm Springs, Lovell Health House and Chuey House (and others?). (2000). “Neutra’s Kaufmann House restauriert.” Bauwelt 91(3, Jan): 2. 1946 house designed as a winter retreat for Edgar Kaufmann by Richard Neutra has been restored for the current owners, Brent and Beth Harris Webb, M. (2000). “Neutra’s Masterpiece Reborn.” Domus(Feb): VIII. Kaufmann House in Palm Springs. (Shulman photos?). (2000). “Original Intent.” Echoes(Nov): 15, 39-41. Richard Neutra’s Kaufmann House in Palm springs. (Julius Shulman photos?). (2000). “Palm Springs Modernism of the ‘40s and ‘50s: An On-Site Study Tour [tour].” UCLA Extension(Fall 1999). Class description includes a Julius Shulman photo of Richard Neutra’s Kaufmann House in Palm Springs. Book, J. (2000). “Palm Springs Revisited.” Departures(Oct): 209-214. References Richard Neutra’s Kaufmann House. (2000). Palm Springs: Brief History and Architectural Guide. Palm Springs, City of Palm Springs Historic Site Preservation Board. Includes a Julius Shulman photo of Richard Neutra’s Kaufmann House. Shulman (2000). Photographing Architecture and Interiors. Los Angeles, Balcony Press. All interior photos by Julius Shulman. Introduction by Richard J. Neutra. Cover photo of Neutra’s Miramar Naval Air Station Chapel. Includes a Shulman photo of the Kaufmann House in Palm Springs. (2000). “The Plight of the Richard and Dion Neutra VDL Research House II – The Kaufmann House restoration, Neutra (Palm Springs, 1946) – “ DoCoMoMo(22, May). (Julius Shulman photos?) (2000). “Reforma de la casa Kaufmann.” DisenoInterior(130-137, 176). Article on the restoration of Richard Neutra’s Kaufmann House in Palm Springs. (Julius Shulman photos?). Lamprecht, B. M. (2000). Richard Neutra – Complete Works. Koln, Taschen. 59 Lamprecht, B. M. (2000). “Richard Neutra – Complete Works.” Echoes(34, Nov): 60-65, 84-86. Excerpts from the Taschen book of the same name with Julius Shulman photos of the Kaufmann House in Palm Springs, the Lovell Health house, the Scioberetti House, the Miller House (2), the VDL Research House II (2), and Perkins House. Lavin, S. (2000). “Richard Neutra and the psychology of the American spectator.” Grey Room(1, Fall): 42-63. Includes Julius Shulman photos of the Singleton House in Bel Air, the Kaufmann House in Palm Springs, the Goodman House in San Bernardino, and 4 of the Garden Grove Community Church and other illustrations. (2000). “Richard Neutra: Kaufmann Desert House, Palm Springs, California, USA 1946.” A + U: architecture and urbanism(3): 240-253. Marmol, Radziner, et al. (2000). “A ship on the desert: the Kaufmann House restoration.” Journal / International Working-Party for Documentation and Conservation of Buildings, Sites and Neighbourhoods of the Modern Movement, 2000 May, n.22, p.54-55. Restoration of Richard Neutra’s 1946 Kaufmann house in Palm Springs, Calif. Architects: Marmol and Radziner Leatherbarrow, D. (2000). Uncommon ground : architecture, technology, and topography. Cambridge, Mass. , MIT Press. Features examples of work by Richard Neutra including Julius Shulman photos of the Tremaine Residence in Santa Barbara (5 including back cover), VDL Research House in Silverlake, Pitcairn House in Bryn Athyn, PA (2), UCLA Elementary School (4), and Kaufmann House in Palm Springs (2). 2001 Ryzin, J. C. v. (2001). “90 and Still in Focus [exhibition].” Austin American-Statesman(Feb 1). Article announcing a Julius Shulman exhibition at Lake Austin Fine Arts. Includes Julius Shulman photos of Pierre Koenig’s Case Study House No. 22, Richard Neutra’s Kaufmann House in Palm Springs, a photo of his Modernism Rediscovered book, and a photo of Julius Shulman. Abramian-Mott, A. (2001). “Building a Balance.” Rivier(Spring): 288. References Richard Neutra’s Kaufmann House in Palm Springs. Finch, C. (2001). “Desert Blooms.” Architectural Digest(Jun): 56. References Richard Neutra’s Kaufmann House in Palm Springs. Busch, A. (2001). “Going forward without baggage [Julius Shulman].” Metropolis 20(5): 70-73. 60 Architectural photographer Julius Shulman is profiled as one of “9 over 90” living designers. Includes Julius Shulman photos of Richard Neutra’s Kaufmann House in Palm Springs, John Lautner’s Arango Residence in Acapulco, Mexico, Union Oil gas station in Pasadena by Raymond Loewy, Shulman and Neutra next to Shulman’s view camera, Richard neutra’s Singleton House in Bel Air, Frank Lloyd Wright’s Ennis House in Los Angeles, McCulloch Motors Office & Showroom by Paul Laszlo, and the Bernard Judge Residence in Hollywood. Goldberger, P. (2001). “How the Legendary Designers of the Past Inspire the Best Designs of Today.” Architectural Digest(Jan): 121-208, 214. Includes a Julius Shulman photo of Richard Neutra’s Kaufmann House in Palm Springs on p. 154. Khan, H.-U. (2001). International Style: Modernist Architecture from 1925 to 1965. Koln, Taschen. Taschen catalogue includes Julius Shulman photos of Richard Neutra’s Lovell Health House, Josef von Sternberg House (3), Kaufmann House (2), and Singleton Residence (ad for Shulman’s “Architecture and Its Photography”), and an ad for “Neutra: Complete Works” by Barbara Lamprecht. Bamberg, M. (2001). “It’s in the Concrete.” Palm Springs Life(Oct): 35-37. References Richard Neutra’s Kaufmann House in Palm Springs. Futagawa, Y. (2001). “Kaufmann house ‘Desert House’, Palm Springs, California, USA, 1946 (Richard Neutra).” GA Houses(01, June): 18-27. Special issue. Masterpieces 1945-1970. Fullam, P. (2001). “Keeping Faith with the Birth of Cool.” Next(Mar): 66-70. References Richard Neutra’s Kaufmann House in Palm Springs. Eggener, K. L. (2001). Luis Barragan’s Gardens of el Pedregal, Princeton Architectural Press. Many references and end notes pertaining to Neutra and his influence on Francisco Artigas, Maximiliano Cetto (a former employee), and Barragan including many signed Neutra books in Barragan’s personal library. Mentions Barragan’s margin notes on the Kaufmann House pages in his copy of Neutra’s “Mystery and Realities of the Site” and compares it with his demonstration house at 140 Fuentes in the Jardines del Pedregal. References Julius Shulman’s emergence in a new generation of architectural photographers and includes his photos of Richard Neutra’s Kahn House in San Francisco, Kaufmann House in Palm Springs, and Goldman House in Encino with garden by Garrett Eckbo. Book, J. (2001). “Midday at the Oasis.” Metropolitan Home(Jul/Aug): 98-102. References to Richard Neutra’s Kaufmann House in Palm Springs. (2001). “Modern Exposure.” Preservation(May/Jun): 51. Reference to Richard Neutra’s Kaufmann House in Palm Springs. 61 Gray, K. (2001). “Modern Gothic.” New York Times Magazine(Part 2, Fall): 80, 82, 84. Includes 4 Julius Shulman photos of Neutra’s Kaufmann House in Palm Springs. Webb, M. (2001). “A Modern Renaissance: Streamlined Classics Appeal to a New Generation of Owners.” Architectural Digest 58(4, Apr): 140, 142, 144, 146, 150. Includes the Lewin House, Kaufmann House, and Levinsohn House all originally designed by Richard Neutra. Webb, M. (2001). Modernism reborn: mid-century American houses. New York, Universe. Includes coverage of the restoration of the Lewin House (Steven Ehrlich addition), Kaufmann House, and Levinsohn House originally designed by Richard Neutra. Donnelly, F. (2001). “Neutra Observers.” The World of Interiors(Mar): 182-191. References to Richard Neutra’s Kaufmann House in Palm Springs. Gomez, E., Ed. (2001). New Design Los Angeles: The Edge of Graphic Design, Rockport Publishers. Includes Julius Shulman photos of the Kaufmann House in Palm Springs by Richard Neutra on p. 140. Hess, A. and A. Danish (2001). Palm Springs Weekend. San Francisco, Chronicle. Includes Julius Shulman photos of the Frank Sinatra House by E. Stewart Williams, Ocotillo Lodge by Palmer & Krisel, Albert Frey Houses I & II, Villa Hermosa by Frey, the John Porter Clark House by Clark & Frey, a Palmer & Krisel designed home, Richard Neutra’s Kaufmann House, William Cody’s Del Marcos Hotel, Paul Williams’ Lucille Ball and Desi Arnaz House, William Cody’s El Dorado Country Club, E. Stewart Williams’ Coachella Valley Savings & Loan, Wurdeman & Becket’s Bullock’s Palm Springs, Palm Springs Tennis Club and Town & Country Center by Paul Williams and A. Quincy Jones, Robinson’s Department Store by Pereira & Luckman, John Lautner’s Desert Hot Springs Motel, and Frederick Monhoff’s Biltmore Hotel. Hess, A. and A. Danish (2001). “Palm Springs Weekend.” Palm Springs Life(Apr): 70-77. Includes a Julius Shulman photo of Richard Neutra’s Kaufmann House. Frank, M. (2001). “Thad Hayes: Lessons Learned from the Examples Set by Neutra and Mies Van Der Rohe “ Architectural Digest(Jan). The contemporary New York interior designer looks back to early- and midcentury modernists for his inspiration. Photography by Peter Freed, Scott Frances, Timothy Hursley, Documentation du Busee National d’Art Moderne, Julius Shulman (Neutra’s Kaufmann House in Palm Springs), Vitra Design Museum, Roger-Viollet, Langdon Clay. Fromm, L. (2001). “The Timeless Architecture of Richard Neutra.” Premium(2): 6, 84-92. Includes 2 Julius Shulman photos and 6 Julius Shulman – David Glomb photos of Neutra’s Kaufmann House in Palm Springs. Arthur, A. (2001). “The Way We Are.” Palm Springs Life(Jan): 75-79, 108. 62 References Richard Neutra’s Kaufmann House in Palm Springs. (2001). When Mod Went Mass: A Celebration of Alexander Homes. Palm Springs, CA, Palm Springs Historic Site Foundation. Includes 4 Julius Shulman cover photos of Palmer & Krisel homes in the Twin Palms and Racquet Club Road Estates subdivisions and internal photos of the “Home of Tomorrow”, 4 of the Ocotillo Lodge, 4 of Racquet Club Road Estates homes, 8 of Twin Palms homes, the Knoll Alexander Showcase Home at 982 Tuxedo Circle, 9 of the featured homes on the self-driving tour, and 1 each of Richard Neutra’s Miller and Kaufmann Houses and Albert Frey House II. 2002 (2002). “All Day Architecture [symposium and home tour].” Los Angeles Times Calendar Section(Mar 11): F5. “Modernist Residential Architecture in Palm Springs,” symposium, 9:30 a.m. to noon (talks by Brooke Hodge, curator of architecture at the Museum of Contemporary Art, and Michael Webb, author of “Modernism Revisited”). Lunch, noon to 1 p.m. Motor-coach tour of homes (Kaufmann House, designed by Neutra; the Kaplan House, designed by Conrad Buff and Donald Hensman; the Kirk Douglas House, designed by Donald Wexler; and the Sanders House, designed by E. Stewart Williams), 1 to 4:30 p.m.; wine and cheese reception at the Ship of the Desert House, 4:30 to 6 p.m. Symposium and lunch, $35 to $50. Symposium, lunch, tour and reception, $150 to $175. Palm Springs Desert Museum, 101 Museum Drive, Palm Springs. (760) 325-7186. Includes a David Glomb photo of the Kaufmann House by Richard Neutra. Heynen, H. and H.-J. Henket (2002). Back from Utopia: The Challenge of the Modern Movement. Rotterdam, Netherlands, 010 Publishers. Includes Julius Shulman photos of Case Study House No. 22 by Pierre Koenig and work by Richard Neutra including the Kaufmann House in Palm Springs. Webb, M. (2002). “Back to the Basics.” Architectural Digest(May): 232-237, 257. Article on the restoration of the Kaufmann House in Palm Springs. (Julius Shulman – David Glomb photos?) Newman, M. (2002). “Modern Redux; A firm that restores homes by mid- century architects also strives for striking original projects.” Los Angeles Times Home Section(Aug 1): E1. References the restoration of Richard Neutra’s Kaufmann House in Palm Springs by Marmol & Radziner. Barol, B. (2002). “Mojave Modern.” Time Magazine(Apr): G1-3. References the Kaufmann House in Palm Springs by Richard Neutra. Wagener, W. (2002). Raphael Soriano. New York, Phaidon. 63 Includes many Neutra references and a photo of the Lovell Health House on p. 26 and Kaufmann House in Palm Springs on p. 29. References Soriano working for Neutra as a student at USC between 1932 and 1934 and Neutra’s introduction of Shulman to Soriano. Dodds, G. (2002). “Richard Neutra’s Venetian lecture.” ARQ: Architectural Research Quarterly 6(3): 257-267. Dodds says “Neutra’s now forgotten Venetian lecture of 1949 reveals him as a polemicist with a sense of humor anxious to distance himself from Bruno Zevi’s ‘Organic school of architecture of the United States’.” Includes 9 Julius Shulman photos of Neutra’s Kaufmann House in Palm Springs. Discusses Neutra’s editorial relationships with Bruno Zevi, Gio Ponti, and Ernesto Rogers. References Neutra’s 1948 European tour and lectures which resulted in the Progressive Architecture article “Europe Rebuilds”. (2002). “Travelling Arriere.” Architect(Mar 13): 20-23. References the Kaufmann House in Palm Springs designed by Richard Neutra. 2003 (2003). “36 Hours: Palm Springs, California.” New York Times(Dec 19): D4. References Richard Neutra’s Kaufmann House. Macy, C. and S. Bonnemaison (2003). Architecture and Nature: Creating the American Landscape. London, Routledge. Includes a Julius Shulman photo of Richard Neutra’s Case Study House No. 20 (Bailey House) and Nesbitt House and references to the Lovell Health House, Beard House, Strathmore Apartments, and Kaufmann House in Palm Springs. (2003). “Archive Design and Architecture: Living by Design.” Vanity Fair(Aug): 115. Reference to Richard Neutra’s Kaufmann house in Palm Springs. McQuaid, P. (2003). “Building on the Past.” Oakland Tribune(Apr 13): 29. References Richard Neutra’s Kaufmann House in Palm Springs. Abercrombie, S. (2003). A Century of Interior Design 1900-2000. New York, Rizzoli. Includes entries on Neutra’s World and Dwelling book, Lovell Health House, Nesbitt House, Kaufmann House, Tremaine House, and boomerang chair and camel table designs. LeGros, A. (2003). “For the Pure of Art.” HWY 111(Summer): 60-67. References the Kaufmann House in Palm Springs designed by Richard Neutra. (2003). “For the Pure of Art.” Season in the Sun(Jun). Includes Julius Shulman photos of Richard Neutra’s Kaufmann House in Palm Springs. 64 Cohen, E. (2003). “Hall of Fame: Julius Shulman.” Interior Design 74(15, Dec.): S25, S24, S26, S28. Includes 7 Julius Shulman photos of Duffield’s Lincoln-Mercury Showroom, 1963, by Killingsworth Brady & Associates in Long Beach, California; Harbor Savings and Loan Association, 1963, by Young & Remington in San Pedro, California; Richard Neutra’s Kaufmann house, 1947, in Palm Springs, California; The Chemosphere house, 1961, by John Lautner in Los Angeles; The 1967 United Covenant Church by Crites & McConnell in Danville, Illinois; The State Capitol Bank in Oklahoma City, 1963, by Bailey, Bozalis, Dickinson and Roloff, and Buff Straub & Hensman’s Saul Bass Residence, 1958, in Altadena, California. Ogundehin, M. (2003). “Life Interiors: California Dreams.” Observer Magazine(Jan 12): 36. Discusses Richard Neutra’s Kaufmann House in Palm Springs. Noland, E. (2003). “A Mid-Century Time Warp.” Oakland Tribune(Dec 7): 1-2. Article discusses Richard Neutra’s Kaufmann House in Palm Springs. Bresciani, E. (2003). Modern: Architecture Books from the Marzona Collection. Wien, Schlebrugge.Editor. Includes photos of the covers of Richard Neutra: Buildings and Projects (Shulman cover photo of the Kaufmann House in Palm Springs and Luckhaus photos of Landfair Apartments in Westwood) and Mensch und Wohnen (Shulman cover photo of the Moore House in Ojai and 2 of the Tremaine House in Montecito). Aarons, S. (2003). Once Upon a Time. New York, Abrams. Includes a photo of a poolside party at Richard Neutra’s Kaufmann House in Palm Springs. Eklund, P. (2003). “Tidernas Typhus.” Residence(5): 22-29. Includes Julius Shulman photos of John Lautner’s Chemosphere (Malin House), Case Study House No. 9 (Entenza House) by Eero Saarinen and Charles Eames, Richard Neutra’s Kaufmann House, Raymond Loewy House in Palm Springs by Albert Frey, and 2 of Frey House I in Palm Springs. 2004 (2004). “Annees 1950: L’Esprit Contemporain.” Architectures Avivre(20, Sep/Oct): 62-69. Includes 2 Julius Shulman photos of Pierre Koenig’s Case Study House No. 22 (Stahl House), 2 of Case Study House No. 20 (Saul Bass House) by Buff, Straub & Hensman, and 1 of Richard Neutra’s Kaufmann House in Palm Springs. Moruzzi, p. (2004). “Architectural Panel States Its Vision for Palm Springs.” Palm Springs Desert Sun(Jul 23): 8. References to Richard Neutra’s Kaufmann House. (2004). “Authors on Architecture: Lamprecht on Neutra, SAH/SCC Lecture and Book Signing.” Hennessey + Ingalls, 214 Wilshire Blvd., Santa Monica(Sunday, August 15th, 2:30 p.m.). 65 Lamprecht speaking on and signing “Richard Neutra: Complete Works” published by Taschen with a Julius Shulman photo of Richard Neutra’s Kaufmann House in Palm Springs on the cover. Nussbaum, A. (2004). “California Modernism Revisited.” Architektur.aktuell(Jan 2): 82-97. References Richard Neutra’s Kaufmann House in Palm Springs. Lavin, S. (2004). Form Follows Libido: Architecture and Richard Neutra in a Psychoanalytic Culture. Cambridge, MIT Press. Includes Julius Shulman photos on the front cover (Singleton House) and figs. 2, 4, 8, 12, 15, 17, 21, 24, 26-7, and 31-36. (Includes photos of the Kaufmann House in Palm Springs Shulman, J. (2004). Julius Shulman [Calendar]. Los Angeles, Art Museum Council of the Los Angeles County Museum of Art. Portfolio includes a loose plate of Richard Neutra’s Kaufmann House in Palm Springs. Shulman, J. (2004). Julius Shulman: A Poster Calendar for 2005. Los Angeles, Art Museum Council of the Los Angeles County Museum of Art. Cover photo of 1st National Bank Building in Reno by Langdon and Wilson and 12 loose plates with Julius Shulman photos of the Rosewood Apts. by Charles Gault, Case Study House No. 20 (Saul Bass House) by Buff, Straub & Hensman, the Ray Kappe Residence, Magnetic Drive on Mt. Hollywood, Frank Lloyd Wright’s Freeman Residence, Dog House at the Rosenson Residence by Paul Laszlo, Garbage Day in 1935, Richard Neutra’s Kaufmann House in Palm Springs, the Whittier Library by William Harrison, Albert Frey Residence I in Palm Springs, Chemosphere by John Lautner and the Robert Skinner Residence. Weston, R. (2004). Key Buildings of the Twentieth Century: Plans, Sections and Elevations. London, Laurence King Publishing. Contains Julius Shulman photo, floor plan and sections of the Lovell Health House in Los Angeles and the Kaufmann House in Palm Springs by Richard Neutra, Case Study House No. 8 (Eames House) in Pacific Palisades by Charles and Ray Eames, and Lever House in New York by Skidmore, Owings & Merrill. Weston, R. (2004). Key Buildings of the Twentieth Century: Plans, Sections, Elevations. New York, W. W. Norton & Company Includes Julius Shulman photos of Richard Neutra’s Kaufmann House in Palm Springs on pp. 94 and Lever House in New York by Skidmore Owings & Merrill on p. 102. Shulman, J. (2004). Modernism: 2005 Taschen Calendar. Koln, Taschen. Includes a Julius Shulman cover photo of Richard Neutra’s Kaufmann House in Palm Springs and 2 photos each of Richard Neutra’s Chuey House in L.A. and Kaufmann House. Shulman, J. (2004). Modernism: 2005 Taschen Diary. Koln, Taschen. 66 Includes a Julius Shulman cover photo of Richard Neutra’s Kaufmann House in Palm Springs and full-page photos of the Singleton House, the Josef von Sternberg House (All Steel Residence) in Northridge, the Tremaine House in Montecito, the Hammerman House in West L.A., Case Study House No. 20 (Bailey House) in Pacific Palisades, and the Chuey House in L.A.. Trynauer, M. (2004). “Modern’s Masters.” Vanity Fair(521, Jan): 106-123. Includes feature sections on Julius Shulman (with a 93 year old Shulman posing next to his view camera and a blow-up of his iconic photo of Richard Neutra’s Kaufmann House in Palm Springs in front of the Kaufmann House) and Pierre Koenig posing at Case Study House No. 22 (Stahl House). Newman, M. (2004). “A new generation of Desert Modern; Several housing developments in Palm Springs capitalize on the resurgence of an architectural style popularized in the 1950s and ‘60s.” Los Angeles Times(May 2): K1. Midcentury architecture garnered national attention in 1998 with the restoration of the Kaufmann House here, a largely forgotten masterpiece of 20th century design by Richard Neutra. The house, built in 1946, was restored by the Los Angeles-based firm of Marmol Radziner Associates. Mason, B. (2004). “Nice Building; I’ll Take It.” London Financial Times(Jul 17/18): W12. References Richard Neutra’s Kaufmann House in Palm Springs. Johns, H. (2004). Palm Springs Confidential: Playground of the Stars! Fort Lee, NJ. References Richard Neutra’s Kaufmann House. Nasland, E. (2004). “Reflections on the 25-Year Award.” Architecture California(3): 10-13. Includes a Julius Shulman photo of Richard Neutra’s Kaufmann House in Palm Springs. Lamprecht, B. (2004). Richard Neutra 1892-1970: Survival through Design. Koln, Taschen. Includes a Julius Shulman cover photo of Neutra’s Kaufmann House in Palm Springs and most of the interior photos of other work by Neutra including the Mariner’s Medical Arts Building. 67 From my collection. Hines, T. S. (2004). Richard Neutra, 1892-1970. Milano, Electa. Includes a Julius Shulman cover photo of the Moore House in Ojai and principal photography by Julius Shulman including the Kaufmann House in Palm Springs. Text in Italian. Lamprecht, B. M. (2004). Richard Neutra, 1892-1970: Gestaltung für ein besseres Leben. Köln, Taschen. English edition. Includes a Julius Shulman cover photo of Neutra’s Kaufmann House in Palm Springs and most of the interior photos of other Neutra projects. Lamprecht, B. M. (2004). Richard Neutra, 1892-1970: la conformacioÌn del entorno. Köln, Taschen. Spanish translation. Includes a Julius Shulman cover photo of Neutra’s Kaufmann House in Palm Springs and most of the interior photos of other Neutra projects. Leatherbarrow, D. (2004). Topographical Stories: Studies in Landscape and Architecture, University of Pennsylvania Press. Includes many references to Neutra and Julius Shulman photos Richard Neutra’s Plywood Model House in Westwood on p. 76 and 83, VDL Research House in Silverlake on pp. 78 and 79, Moore House in Ojai on p. 64, Tremaine House in Montecito on pp. 100 and 102, Kaufmann House in Palm Springs on pp. 73-4 & 105, Yew House on p. 108, and Neutra and Alexander’s UCLA Elementary School on p. 101. Schwarzer, M. (2004). Zoomscape: Architecture in Motion and Media, Princeton Architectural Press. The chapter on photography includes a Julius Shulman photo of Case Study House No. 22 (Stahl House) by Pierre Koenig in the Hollywood Hills on p. 184 and makes 68 reference to Shulman’s work and his photo of Richard Neutra’s Kaufmann House in Plam Springs. Sweet, M., Pool Life [book review]. The Independent (London), 2004(Aug 14). Reviews `A Wonderful Time’ by Slim Aarons. Includes a 1970 Slim Aarons cover photo of the pool at Richard Neutra’s Kaufmann House in Palm Springs. The property was then owned by Nelda Linsk – the lady on the right with the swoopy hair and the canary-coloured two-piece. “When we were living there the I was all yellow and white,” she recalls. “Slim Aarons wanted me to wear something yellow, so he made us take all the sunflowers out of the house and put them by the side of the pool.” And how was the pool? “Wonderful. And the area all around had radiant heating, so your feet would always stay warm. We sold the house in the 1980s. Looking back now, I’m sorry. 2005 (2005). “Calendar: The Getty Center, Los Angeles: Julius Shulman, Modernity and the Metropolis: Documenting Half a Century of American Architecture [exhibition announcement].” California Homes 9(5, Sep/Oct): 18. Includes Julius Shulman photos of Pierre Koenig’s Case Study House No. 22 (Stahl House) and Richard Neutra’s Chuey and Kaufmann Houses. (2005). Environment. Crib Sheets. S. Lavin and H. Furjan. New York, Monacelli Press UCLA Department of Architecture and Urban Design: 190. Includes a Julius Shulman background photo of Richard Neutra’s Kaufmann House in Palm Springs on pp. 52-53. Muchnic, S. (2005). “Getty Acquires Julius Shulman’s Photo Archive.” Los Angeles Times(Jan 25): E1. Interview with Julius Shulman and his iconic photo of Richard Neutra’s Kaufmann House in Palm Springs. Dorian, D. (2005). “Green Machine.” Garden Design (133, September/October ): 52-63. The newly restored garden surrounding the legendary Kaufmann House in Palm Springs, California, is discussed. Taylor, H. (2005). “His Photos of Houses Invite Us In.” Wall Street Journal(Nov 9, 2005): D16. Includes a Julius Shulman photo of the Kaufmann House in Palm Springs by Richard Neutra. (2005). “Julius Shulman: Mimari Fotografi Sanata Donusturmek.” Mimarlik(Nov): 74-75. Includes Julius Shulman photos of Richard Neutra’s Kaufmann House in Palm Springs and a vest pocket camera photo of the Bay Bridge under construction. McFadden, N. (2005). “Julius Shulman: The Master Photographer of Architecture is At Work At Home – and in the Getty – At Ninety-five.” California Homes 9(6, Nov/Dec): 146-153. 69 Includes an interview with Julius Shulman and his photos of Edward Giddings’ Ocho Cascadas in Puerto Vallarta, Pierre Koenig’s Case Study House No. 22 (Stahl House), Frank Lloyd Wright’s Ennis House, John Lautner’s Chemosphere, S. Charles Lee’s Academy Theater, Richard Neutra’s Chuey and Kaufmann Houses, Albert Frey House I, Mobil Gas Station in Anaheim by Smith & Williams, and a redwood tree outside Shulman’s bedroom window. (2005). Landscape. Crib Sheets. S. Lavin and H. Furjan. New York, Monacelli Press UCLA Department of Architecture and Urban Design: 190. Includes a Julius Shulman background photo of Richard Neutra’s Kaufmann House in Palm Springs on p. 50. Delacoma, W. (2005). “Modern times: Architecture is the latest attraction to lure tourists to Palm Springs.” Chicago Sun – Times(Dec 25, 2005): C.01.Fr. Includes Julius Shulman photos of the Kaufmann House, designed by Richard Joseph Neutra and a Clark and Frey home in Palm Springs. Anderton, F. (2005). “Modernist design that doesn’t broil in summer.” New York Times(Jan 13): F3. References Richard Neutra’s Kaufmann House in Palm Springs. Coquelle, A. (2005). Palm Springs Style. New York, Assouline. Includes photos of Richard Neutra’s Kaufmann House. Baudin, A., Ed. (2005). Photography, Modern Architecture and Design: The Alberto Sartoris Collection: Objects from the Vitra Design Museum. Lausanne, EPFL Press. Includes a Martin Gerlach photo of Richard Neutra’s 1932 minimalist house in the Vienna Werkbundsiedlung, an Arthur Luckhaus photo of Von Sternberg House and a Julius Shulman photo of the Kaufmann House in Palm Springs. Hines, T. S. (2005). Richard Neutra and the Search for Modern Architecture. New York, Rizzoli. Includes a Julius Shulman cover photo of the Kaufmann House in Palm Springs and principal photography by Julius Shulman. 70 From my collection. Parr, J. (2005). "Spotlight on Shulman; Esteemed Photographer, 95, Gets L.A. Exhibit." Palm Springs Desert Sun(Sep 27): D1-5. Article on Shulman's Getty Exhibit. Includes a Julius Shulman photo of Richard Neutra's Kaufmann House in Palm Springs and 2 of the Grace Lewis Miller Residence also in Palm Springs. Timberg, S. (2005). "The tricks of the trade; Photographer Julius Shulman shares some secrets of the craft. But please, no shooting." Los Angeles Times(Dec 4, 2005): E.44. Includes Julius Shulman photos of Pierre Koenig's Case Study House No. 22, Case Study House No. 20 by Buff, Straub & Hensman, V. C. Morris Gift Shop in San Francisco by Frank Lloyd Wright, Chemosphere by John Lautner, and Richard Neutra's Kaufmann House in Palm Springs. Rosen, S. and D. M. Charkalis (2005). "The World of Shulman." Daily News, Los Angeles(Oct 15): Cover, 12, 13. Includes a front page photo of Shulman, an Entertainment Section cover photo of Case Study House No. 22 by Pierre Koenig and Shulman photos of Richard Neutra's Kaufmann House in Palm Springs and Chuey House in Los Angeles and Albert Frey House I in Palm Springs in the article. 2006 De Botton, A. (2006). The Architecture of Happiness. New York, Pantheon. 71 First U.S. hard cover edition. Includes a Julius Shulman photo of Richard Neutra's Kaufmann House in Palm Springs and references to Neutra. De Botton, A. (2006). The Architecture of Happiness. London, McClelland & Stewart. First English hard cover edition. Includes a Julius Shulman photo of Richard Neutra's Kaufmann House in Palm Springs and references to Neutra. Frith, S. (2006). "Architectural Photography of Julius Shulman." Palm Springs Desert Sun(Mar 5). Includes Julius Shulman photos of the Academy Theater in Inglewood by S. Charles Lee, Frank Lloyd Wright's Ennis House, Richard Neutra's Kaufmann House in Palm Springs, John Lautner's Chemosphere, Albert Frey House I, and Pierre Koenig's Case Study house No. 22. (2006). "A Case for Glass Rooms; Shulman's Photographs." Washington Times(Apr 1). Includes a Shulman photo of Neutra's Kaufmann House in Palm Springs, Chuey House and possibly others. Marcus, F. (2006). "The House that Frank Built." The Independent on Sunday(Jun 18): 4. When Hollywood stars played house in the Forties and Fifties, they did it in style, says Marcus Field. The modernist gems that line the streets of Palm Springs are their legacy. The Kaufmann House on Chino Canyon was designed by Richard Neutra in 1946 as a holiday home for the same department store mogul who commissioned Falling Water from Frank Lloyd Wright. From the street, you get some idea of the partially hidden essay in stone, steel and glass which Neutra described as "a machine in the garden". Postrel, V. (2006). "The Iconographer." Atlantic Monthly 298(4, Nov). Feature article on Julius Shulman including photos of Case Study House No. 22 in the Hollywood Hills by Pierre Koenig, the Kaufmann House in Palm Springs by Richard Neutra, a Mobil Gas Station in Anaheim by Smith & Williams, and the Academy Theater in Inglewood by S. Charles Lee. Shulman, J. (2006). "Julius Shulman [lecture announcement]." Art Institute of Chicago(Oct 6, 6 p.m.). Announcement card includes a Julius Shulman cover photo of Pierre Koenig's Case Study House No. 22 (Stahl House) and a verso photo of Richard Neutra's Kaufmann House in Palm Springs. Lecture in conjunction with the exhibition "Julius Shulman: Modernity and the Metropolis" which originated at the Getty Museum, purchaser of Shulman's archives. Nachtingal, L. (2006). "Los Angeles de l'Art Deco aux annees 50." Connaissance Arts(Apr): 8086. References to the VDL Research House and Neutra Place in Silverlake and the Lovell Health House near Griffith Park and a Julius Shulman photo of the Kaufmann House in Palm Springs.. 2007 72 (2007). Basic Architecture - New Titles. Taschen Catalog, Spring-Summer 2007. Koln, Taschen: 96-98. Includes Julius Shulman photos of Pierre Koenig's Case Study House No. 21 on the cover of 'Koenig', Chemosphere on the cover of 'Lautner', Koenig's Case Study House No. 22 on the cover of 'Case Study Houses', Charles and Ray Eames' Case Study House No. 8 on the cover of 'Eames', Richard Neutra's Kaufmann House on the cover of 'Neutra', Frey House I and 2 other unidentified houses on the covers of the 3-volume set 'Modernism Rediscovered II', and a photo of Shulman and Taschen sharing a bottle of J(ulius)&B(enedikt). Weinstein, D. (2007). "Doing it right: By saving Neutra's Kaufmann house, its owners helped to spur Palm Springs' modern revival.” CA Modern(Winter): 19-21. Includes 6 David Glomb and Barry Sturgill photos. (2007). "Doing it right: Saving Neutra's Kaufmann house spurred Palm Springs' modern revival." CA Modern(Winter): 19, 21. Discusses the restoration done by owners Beth and Brent Harris with architectural design help from Marmol & Radziner. David Glomb photos. Marmol Radziner (2007). Marmol Radziner & Associates, AIA. Los Angeles. Marketing book with Julius Shulman-Juergen cover photo and 7 interior photos of Richard Neutra's Kaufmann House and the new owners Harris Pool House in Palm Springs for which the firm was the restoration architects and pool house designer. Also includes thumbnail photos of their restoration of Neutra's Sten-Frenke Residence in Santa Monica Canyon, Brown House in Bel Air, Case Study House No. 20 (Bailey House) in Pacific Palisades, and Clark Residence in Pasadena. 73 Oehmke, P. (2007). "Ein Schuss durchs Glas [book review]." Speigel (Germany)(Sep 17). Three-page German review for Modernism Rediscovered includes a photo of Shulman posing on the balcony of John Lautner's Chemosphere now owned by publisher Benedikt Taschen and JS photos of Pierre Koenig's Case Study House No. 22 and Richard Neutra's Kaufmann House in Palm Springs. Petty, M. M. (2007). "Illuminating the Glass Box: The Lighting Designs of Richard Kelly." Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians 66(2, Jun): 194-219. Article discusses Kelly's design for luminous ceilings and walls and perimeter lighting in Richard Neutra's Kaufmann House in Palm Springs designed by Richard Neutra. The lighting was also discussed in the June 1949 issue of Architectural Forum. Includes the iconic Shulman photo (erroneously credited to Ezra Stoller in the end notes of this article) of the exterior at dusk. Dillon, B. (2007). "Julius Shulman." Art Review (London, England)(Apr): 94-99. Shulman's architectural photography is discussed. Shulman became an architectural photographer by pure chance, taking some snapshots of a new house designed by Richard Neutra and selling them to the architect in 1936. This led to a long association with Neutra, which might be said to have defined his way of looking at Modernist architecture-simultaneously explaining and monumentalizing it. Neutra's designs were included in those selected for the series of Case Study Houses, intended to showcase the possibilities for low-cost modern housing, which Arts & Architecture magazine sponsored and published between 1945 and 1966. As Shulman photographed many of those houses, he invented a mode of architectural photography inseparable from 1950s and 1960s Californian Modernism. The writer highlights the most famous of these images--one in a series of pictures of Case Study House #22 designed by Pierre Koenig for Buck and Carlotta Stahl in 1960. Also includes a photo of Neutra's Kaufmann House in Palm Springs. Shulman, J. and H. Drohojowska-Philip (2007). Julius Shulman: Modernism Rediscovered. Koln, Taschen. This three volume set chronicles much of Shulman's better work over his illustrious 70-year career. Includes numerous references to Neutra and 5 photos of Richard Neutra's Kaufmann House in Palm Springs and a reproduction of the April 11,1949 Life Magazine article "Glamourized Houses" featuring the Kaufmann House. Engel, A. (2007). "Modern Love." Palm Springs Life(Feb): Cover, 86-97. Includes a Julius Shulman cover photo of Mrs. William Krisel in front of the Alexander Residence and Shulman article photos of Albert Frey House I addition, the Raymond Loewy House by Albert Frey, the Kaufmann House by Richard Neutra, and possibly others. Wyatt, E. (2007). "Modernist Landmark Raises Concerns as It Goes to Auction." New York Times(Oct 31): B1, B5. Article on Richard Neutra's Kaufmann House and impending auction (May 13, 2008) by Christie's New York with a presale estimate of $15 to $25 million. Includes a Julius Shulman - Juergen Nogai photo and 2 by Tim Street-Porter. 74 Makovsky, P. (2007). "The Photographic Memory of Julius Shulman." Metropolis(Sep): Cover, 4, 113-121. Includes the cover line "Inside the Julius Shulman Archive" with 1950 and current photos of Shulman on the Features page, and article photos of Richard Neutra's Kaufmann House in Palm Springs (2). All photo captions include Shulman anecdotes. Weinstein, D. (2007). "Resurrecting the desert: Staying true to mid-century ethos, remodelers return to 'home bones' for a fresh, new look." CA Modern(Winter): 18-21. Includes reference to the restoration of Richard Neutra's Kaufmann House in Palm Springs with design by Marmol & Radziner. Lamprecht, B. M. (2007). Richard Neutra, 1892-1970: vormgeving voor een beter leven. Köln, Taschen. Dutch translation. Includes a Julius Shulman cover photo of Neutra's Kaufmann House in Palm Springs and most of the interior photos of other Neutra projects. Kristal, M. (2007). "True Hollywood Story." Dwell 7(10/Oct): Cover, 23, 42, 199-214. Article on Shulman's career includes Julius Shulman photos of Richard Neutra's Kaufmann and Kun Houses and Neutra and Shulman together at the Tremaine House posing next to his view camera. 2008 (2008). Arts & Architecture: The Complete Reprint 1945-1967, Taschen. The July 1949 issue contains an article "Desert House, Richard Neutra [Palm Springs, Calif.]" on Richard Neutra's Kaufmann House with 10 Julius Shulman photos and a floor plan. The March 1964 issue also contains an article on Richard Neutra which includes a Shulman photo of the Kaufmann House. Hawthorne, C. (2008). "Block party? Not happening so far." Los Angeles Times(Jun 2): E1, E5. Article discusses the failed auction sale by Christie's of Richard Neutra's Kaufmann House in Palm Springs. Includes a Julius Shulman - Juergen Nogai photo. Hay, D. (2008). "Do icons hold less sway: Modernist homes by Lautner, Neutra aren't fetching the prices they once brought." Los Angeles Times Real Estate Section(Oct 16): F6. Discusses Neutra's 1946 Kaufmann House in Palm Springs which sold at auction in May for $19.1 million in a deal that fell through and is now listed at $12,975,000. Quotes from real estate brokers Crosby Doe, Mike Deasy and others. O'Brien, P. (2008). "Focus on Palm Springs: Exhibit will feature Julius Shulman's photographs of architecture " The Press - Enterprise. Riverside(Feb 15): AA3. Includes Julius Shulman photos of Richard Neutra's Kaufmann House and Albert Frey's Frey House I in Palm Springs. Wedner, D. (2008). "Home of the Week: Neutra Masterpiece on Sale." Los Angeles Times Real Estate(Oct 26): C14. 75 Half-page article on the listing of Richard Neutra's Kaufmann House in Palm Springs by Crosby Doe for $12.975 million after the recent $19.1 million auction sale fell through. Includes 3 Scott Mayoral photos. (2008). "Hot Property." California Home + Design(May): 68. Brief article with Julius Shulman photo of the Kaufmann House in Palm Springs to be auctioned off on May 13th by Christie's. Wills, E. (2008) Inside the Auction of the Kaufmann House: The Owner of Neutra's Icon Says Goodbye to the House She Helped Save. Preservation Magazine [online only] Volume, DOI: Includes a Julius Shulman - Juergen Nogai photo of Richard Neutra's Kaufmann House in Palm Springs. Albritton, K. (2008). "Is modern architecture the new art?" Art Newspaper 17(Jun): 62. Article on the Christie's auction of Richard Neutra's Kaufmann House in Palm Springs. Stern, M. (2008). Julius Shulman: Desert Modern [DVD]. Palm Springs, Palm Springs Art Museum. DVD includes a Julius Shulman cover photo and footage of Richard Neutra's Kaufmann House and a Shulman - Juergen Nogai photo of John Lautner's Elrod House and DVD photos of work by Neutra, Lautner, E. Stewart Williams, Palmer & Krisel, Albert Frey, William F. Cody, Donald Wexler and others. From my collection. 76 Stern, M. and A. Hess (2008). Julius Shulman: Palm Springs. New York, Rizzoli. Includes Julius Shulman front cover photo (with Juergen Nogai) of John Lautner’s Arthur Elrod House and back cover photo of Albert Frey House I and his photos throughout of his Palm Springs assignments. Published in conjunction with his exhibition of the same name at the Palm Springs Desert Museum from Feb 15 – May 4, 2008. Includes many references to and 12 Julius Shulman photos of Richard Neutra’s Kaufmann House. Stern, M. and A. Hess (2008). Julius Shulman: Palm Springs Deluxe Edition. New York, Rizzoli. Includes Julius Shulman front cover photo (with Juergen Nogai) of John Lautner’s Arthur Elrod House and back cover photo of Albert Frey House I and his photos throughout of his Palm Springs assignments. Published in conjunction with his exhibition of the same name at the Palm Springs Desert Museum from Feb 15 – May 4, 2008. Includes many references to and 12 Julius Shulman photos of Richard Neutra’s Kaufmann House. Stern, M. and J. Crosse, Eds. (2008). Julius Shulman: Palm Springs: The Magazine Work. Palm Springs, Palm Springs Art Museum. Limited edition compilation of magazine articles featuring the Palm Springs photographs of Julius Shulman published in conjunction with the exhibition “Julius Shulman: Palm Springs” at the Palm Springs Desert Museum from Feb 15 – May 4, 2008. The spiral bound book was on display at the reading table at the exhibition and was not for sale. Includes a cover photo of Richard Neutra’s Kaufmann House gracing the cover of the January 15, 1950 issue of Colorado Engineer, an October 23, 1960 Los Angeles Examiner Pictorial Living cover story on Richard Neutra which includes 3 Shulman photos of the Kaufmann House, and a February 11, 1968 Los Angeles Times Home Magazine cover story on Richard Neutra which includes 2 Shulman photos of the Kaufmann House. Ruark, K. (2008). “Kaufmann house in Palm Springs for sale: Palm Springs Modern Committee chairman calls it one of the most important buildings in the country.” The Desert Sun(Jan 24). Famed Austrian architect Richard Neutra’s Kaufmann House will be auctioned on May 13 during Christie’s New York Post-War and Contemporary Art Evening sale. Wills, E. (2008) Kaufmann House Sale Falls Through. Preservation Magazine [online only] Volume, DOI: Includes a Julius Shulman – Juergen Nogai photo of Richard Neutra’s Kaufmann House in Palm Springs. Loewy, L. (2008). “Letter to the Editor Re: “Designing Raymond Loewy: Elizabeth Reese Remembered” appearing in Vol. 10, No. 4.” Modernism 11(1, Spring): 13. Letter includes a photo of Raymond and Viola Loewy and their custom 1941 Lincoln Continental Coupe in front of Neutra’s Kaufmann House in Palm Springs. Stern, M. (2008). “The Man Behind the Camera.” Palm Springs Life(Feb): Cover, 80-91. Article associated with the exhibition “Julius Shulman: Palm Springs” at the Palm Springs Desert Museum includes a Julius Shulman cover photo of Albert Frey House I, a portrait of Shulman by Jay Jorgensen, and Shulman photos of Richard Neutra’s Kaufmann House, the 77 Allen Cabin, William Cody’s Shamel House and Spa Hotel, Albert Frey’s Loewy House, Williams, Williams & Williams’ Coachella Valley Savings & Loan, Arthur Elrod House (with Juergen Nogai), Val Powelson’s Indian Wells Country Club, a Twin Palms House by Palmer & Krisel, and the Burgess House by Hugh Kaptur and William Burgess. Marmol, L., R. Radziner, et al. (2008). Marmol Radziner + Associates: Between Architecture and Construction, Princeton Architectural Press. Much discussion on and many photos of the restoration of Richard Neutra’s Kaufmann House and a photo of Julius Shulman holding his iconic photograph of the house. (2008). Photo L.A.: The 17th Annual International Los Angeles Photographic Art Exposition [exhibition]. Los Angeles, Artfairs Inc. On display at the show was a wall of Shulman photos from the Craig Krull Gallery including 5 of Pierre Koenig’s Case Study House No. 21, 2 of Koenig’s Case Study House No. 22 and 1 of Richard Neutra’s Kaufmann House in Palm Springs. De Botton, A. (2008). The Architecture of Happiness. New York, Vintage. First U.S. paperback edition. Includes a Julius Shulman photo of Richard Neutra’s Kaufmann House in Palm Springs and references to Neutra. Gura, J. (2008). “Richard Neutra: Kaufmann House, 1946.” Art & Auction 31(9, May): 215. Article on the Christie’s auction of Richard Neutra’s Kaufmann House in Palm Springs. (2008). “Richard Neutra: The Kaufmann House [ad].” 2008 Palm Springs Modernism Week: 107. Christie’s ad for the auction of this Neutra masterpiece includes a Julius Shulman – Juergen Nogai photo. (2008). Richard Neutra: The Kaufmann House [ad]. L.A. Modernism 2008. Los Angeles: 3. Christie’s ad for the May 13th auction of the Kaufmann House in Palm Springs features a recent color photo by Julius Shulman and Juergen Nogai. (2008). “Richard Neutra: The Kaufmann House [ad].” Los Angeles Times(Apr 5): JT 70. Christie’s ad for the May 13 auction of the Kaufmann House in Palm Springs includes a Julius Shulman – Juergen Nogai photo. They were commissioned by Christie’s to do the photos for the auction catalogue. (2008). Richard Neutra: The Kaufmann House, New York, May 13, 2008 [auction catalogue]. New York, Christie’s. Includes Numerous Julius Shulman and Julius Shulman – Juergen Nogai photos of Richard Neutra’s Kaufmann House in Palm Springs auctioned off in Sale 2114 on May 13, 2008, 7:00 p.m. at the time of The Post-War and Contemporary Art Sale in New York. Includes bibliography. 78 From my collection. (2008). Richard Neutra: The Kaufmann House, New York, Christie’s. Supplement (32 pp.) to the May 13, 2008, Sale 2114 auction catalogue of the same title with the Julius Shulman twilight photo on the cover. (see below). From my collection. 79 Frampton, K. and D. Larkin, eds. American Masterworks: The Twentieth-Century House Revised ed. 2008, Rizzoli: New York. Includes a David Glomb cover photo and 7 Glomb article photos and afloor plan of Neutra’s Kaufmann House in Palm Springs and a Julius Shulman photo and 5 Paul Richeleau and Michael Freeman photos and a floor plan of Neutra’s Lovell Health House. Downloaded from the internet. Kremer, L. (2008). "Transcendent Lens." Dune Magazine: Desert Life, Desert Style(February/March 2008): 25-30. Article on Shulman's Palm Springs work in conjunction with his exhibition 'Julius Shulman: Palm Springs' includes his photos of Richard Neutra's Kaufmann and Miller Houses, 2 of the Edris House by E. Stewart Williams, John Lautner's Elrod House, Donald Wexler's Alexander Steel House and Albert Frey House II and a Michael Childers photo of Shulman. Wright, G. (2008). USA: Modern Architectures in History Reaktion Books. Includes Julius Shulman photos on pp. 26, 96t, 131, 158, 164, 169, 170, 192, and 220 including Richard Neutra's Channel Heights Housing in San Pedro, Community Church in Garden Grove, Kaufmann House in Palm Springs and McNulty Residence in Lincoln, MA, Lever House in New York by Skidmore, Owings & Merrill, Case Study House No. 8 (Eames House) in Pacific Palisades, Lloyd Wright's Wayfarer's Chapel in Palos Verdes, Pietro Belluschi's Church in Cottage Grove, OR, and work by Gregory Ain, R. M. Schindler and Raphael Soriano. 2009 Newman, M., Revisiting the Kaufmann House: The delicate art of marketing Palm Springs’ most-famous house. Palm Springs Life, 2009(May): p. Cover, 18, 54-57. 80 Article on the marketing of the Kaufmann House by Richard Neutra. Interviews Crosby Doe. Inludes a Julius Shulman cover photo and 7 Scott Mayoral article photos and 3 historical photos of the Kaufmanns and a Ken Herman Real Estate ad from the Feb. 1969 issue of Palm Springs Life listing the house for $350,000 furnished. From my collection. Desert Modern Promo Card. Julius Shulman: Desert Modern, 2009. Promotional card for Julius Shulman: Desert Modern by Michael Stern features Julius Shulman's iconic image of Richard Neutra's Kaufmann House. 81 From my collection. 494. Appleford, S., Julius Shulman, 1910-2009 [obituary]. L.A. Weekly, 2009. 31(37, Jul 31 – Aug 6): p. 9. Includes a half-page photo of Neutra’s Kaufmann House in Palm Springs and smaller photos of a Mobil Gas Station in Anaheim by Smith & Williams and Victorian Houses on Bunker Hill with the Union Bank Building looming in the background. 495. Melton, M., Julius Shulman in 36 Exposures. Los Angeles, 2009(Jan): p. Cover, 6, 80-87, 149-155. Lengthy article chronicling Shulman’s career includes a cover line”The Mythic Life of Julius Shulman”, Dan Winters photos of Shulman and his vest pocket camera, and Shulman photos of Frey House I in Palm Springs in the table of contents, Case Study Houses No. 21 and 22 by Pierre Koenig, Richard Neutra’s Kaufmann House, high school track meet at the L.A. Coliseum, 1934 self-portrait, his mother Yetta Shulman, Neutra’s Kun House, wife Emma and daughter Judy, the Gordon Drake residence, May Company Dept. Store by A. C. Martin, Neutra and Shulman, a tract house by Cliff May, Eames House (Case Study House No. 8), Robert Skinner’s personal residence, Paul Williams posing in front of the Theme Building, Lautner’s Stevens House, Shulman and Ben Stiller, Shulman and Benedikt Taschen and Disney Concert Hall with Juergen Nogai. 2010 Friedman, A.T., American Glamour and the Evolution of Modern Architecture. 2010: Yale University Press. Includes a Slim Aarons cover photo of Richard Neutra’s Kaufmann House in Palm Springs. 82 Downloaded from the internet. Lyle, J. and S. Williams, Restore, Refresh, Renew: New Desert Projects: Janice Lyle and Sidney Williams [lecture]. Edward Cella Gallery, 2010(May 8, 2020, 1 - 3 p.m.). In conjunction with the concurrent exhibition "Frederick Fisher: Thinking by Hand" Janice Lyle, Director of the Annenberg Foundation Trust at Sunnylands and Sidney Williams, Associate Curator of the Palm Springs Art Museum discuss the legacy of modernism in the greater Palm Springs region and current efforts to preserve, restore, and interpret this legacy within the dynamic community context. Lyle is overseeing the rehabilitation of the historic Annenberg Estate in Rancho Mirage orginally designed by A. Quincy Jones as an education center reconcieved by Frederick Fisher. Williams is currently working on an architecture and design center annex of the museum in E. Stewart Williams' Santa Fe Federal Savings Building on Palm Canyon Dr. Slides included Julius Shulman photos of Richard Neutra's Kaufmann House. 83