Biologically Important Forests: ecological foundation of the
Biologically Important Forests: ecological foundation of the
Bulgarian-Romanian Forest Mapping BirdLife European Forest Task Force Investing to wilderness: the best response to the economic crisis Andrzej Bobiec Rzeszów University Where is European wild nature? Where are Europe’s wild forests? Artist: J. Fałat, 19th century Where are Europe’s wild forests? Building Europe’s green infrastructure Setting priorities: Sustaining the retained or restoring lost? Photo: Adam S. Building Europe’s green infrastructure Setting priorities: Sustaining the retained or restoring lost? Photo: Pandion Photo: Preserving and restoring green infrastructure: lessons from the history Bank panic of 1907 White house conservation conference May 1908 Preserving and restoring green infrastructure: lessons from the history Economic, social and demographic indicators Gateway to Glacier NP Gateways to other NPs Ordinary counties Preserving and restoring green infrastructure: lessons from the history Preserving and restoring green infrastructure: lessons from the history Adirondack NY state park Preserving and restoring green infrastructure: lessons from the history Where our problems are? GDP per capita Development GDP per capita andchange research Total population Density of motorways (Fourth (Fourth report report on on economic economic and and social social cohesion) cohesion) (Fourth (Fourthreport reporton oneconomic economicand andsocial socialcohesion) cohesion) Where the Europe’s potential is? EU eastern frontiers: working landscapes Vast culturally modified open Remnants of natural landscapes: functioning ecosytems Traditions & cultures potential wildlife habitats EU eastern frontiers: a potential to be used Source: EEA EU eastern frontiers: Density of motoways a potential to be used Hotels, pensions, youth hostels N ar ew “Be d & breakfa st” 662 Na w re Byelorus ka Campgrounds Narewka 1080 361 Hajnówka Białowieża Le 190 Dubicze C. śn a In total Gaining the momentum io t a r n le b e tC 8 a 0 h 0 ec the er 2 Y e p of b NIT S m s e e l’ U T e v a T t r o t R ne mmi 27 N PO MEN e P OP G Co O r m o N a l t EL a d c A r V e n : e ir tio mst ISIS D DE D a N R CN N N s A C A U is s I C i d L r N c n U l A O I a I cia n a n of herl ANC VATI i f t n e t r r N e R u c e N FI NSE h t o t E se n o TH CO p s e R ar s a e FO r natu in t n e m S ASSET Invest t ur e in e 00 8 a h 2 n k , u n 7 i o D r p mbe a Lo OOKE nvestment t e i L c k R i e E N D V O a nd ne ou r i u e r b g i v n r i è T f g Mana on-Le nal Herald t r a M io ia By Jul d: Internat he Publis Where do we fit? GDP per capita Can we communicate our conservation problem using Europe’s conservation language? re st F oc us C SA sta i n lsi Ha bi t at na b le He g streamin biodiversity Fo su 10 SEBI20 Di re c ti veSBSTTA ICP Forests 9 CO P 5 an rope Bir -Eu d D Pa n s s es ire e c t C ive p ro c O P 7 P E ki B S L PAS D Kiev Nat u 200 ra 0 B2B – Balkans to Boreal: a continental corridor of working landscapes ¾Including a strong component of wilderness, with large forest reference ecosystems; being the largest South-North migration track and Europe’s biodiversity refuge; ¾Providing space for harmonious development based on local tradition and rustical culture, including protection of our heritage of the popular wisdom, traditional crafts and skills; ¾Creating good perspectives and opportunities for organic farming, services based on tourism and other eco-friendly business; preventing mass-emigration to the West and cities; ¾Providing to Europeans the closest and largest contiguous destination for natural and cultural tourism; a zone of intellectual and spiritual restoration; ¾Fostering the processes of ethnic reconciliation, regional cooperation, and further peacefull integration of Europe. Forest ownership structure as an asset Public ownership Private ownership Timber, fiber supply Ecological services Biodiversity Amenity, protection aesthetic, Spiritual, etc. values Time for coalition? ¾States at the EU eastern frontier play the key role in the preservation of Europe’s biodiversity; ¾This role should be fully recognized by the European institutions and addressed by specific dedicated financial mechanisms necessary to protect that precious heritage against damanging effects of economic and social changes; none of the existing financial schemes (whether agricultural subsidies or forest environmental schemes) fits the specific situation of the post-communist countries; ¾The distribution and concentration of Biologically Important Forests should become one of the most important foundations for the new EU conservation approach. ¾Necessary reduction of wood extraction in BIF areas should be compensated by the entire Community regardless the ownership. ¾ EU should invest in the development of an adequate economic and social infrastructure securing perpetuate functionality of communities –stewards of our natural and cultural heritage. Thank you!