June 2010 - Scenic Acres Community Association


June 2010 - Scenic Acres Community Association
June 2010
The Official Voice of the Scenic Acres Community Association
Scenic Acres Parade of
Garage Sales sponsored
by Bill Hamilton, Saturday
June 26th see page 9 for
more information or visit
Beach Volleyball
Program Information
p 23
Please do not ride
bikes on the community
centre’s new berm, the
grass is too fragile!
JUNE 2010
8825 Scurfield Drive. N.W., Calgary, Alberta, T3L 2A8
Telephone: 403-547-9589 Fax: 403-547-9579
E-mail: scenacre@telusplanet.net
Mondays & Tuesdays: 9am to 3pm
Wednesdays: 9am to 5pm
Thursdays & Fridays: 9am to 1pm
Saturdays, Sundays & Holidays: Closed
Facility and Program Manager Annamarie Pluess
Community Events Coordinator Amy Barton saevents@shaw.ca
Scenic Review Editor
Ruth Sorrentino
Vice President
Ruth Sorrentino Ben Morgan Michelle Parkkari Jim Clampett
Community Development Troy Marsh
Ben Morgan Energy Conservation Janice Wong
Facilities - Buildings
David Goldie
Facilities - Grounds
Duncan Harris
Ken Chudleigh
Organizational Development
Terry Martin
Parks & Environment
Ashley Appleby
Public Transportation
Troy Marsh
Terry Martin
Social Events
Joel Falk
Director at Large
Partho Mukherjee
Director at Large
Rose Ranieri
Olivia & Bailey
Norwest Soccer President
Stephen Ward
Crowchild Twin Arena
John Palazeti
Crowchild Hockey Association Tamara Flegel
Crowchild Skating Club
Community Liaison Officer
Cst. Roy Moe
Scout Group (244)
Bruce Thornton Alderman
Dale Hodges
Alana Delong Girl Guides
Brenda-Lee Ell
Kelly Fowler
Community Recreation Co-ordinator
Terry Laporte
Monsignor Doyle School
Rose Ranieri
Scenic Acres/WO Mitchell Schools Michelle Parkkari
Arbour Lake School
To have your Community Group
listed in the Scenic Review e-mail
ruthsorrentino@shaw.ca or
call 403-547-9589.
Submission deadlines for this
monthly publication are the 10th
of the month prior to the
distribution month.
The Scenic Review is published 12 times a year by Suburban
Journals Publishing, and delivered to residents of Scenic Acres
by Canada Post. The Scenic Review is also available for
pickup from local retail outlets.
An electronic version of the Scenic Review can be viewed at
www.suburbanjournals.ca and www.scenicacresca.ca.
Questions regarding delivery and article/photo contributions
should be directed to editor@suburbanjournals.ca or
Questions regarding advertising should be directed to
Suburban Journals Publishing at phil@suburbanjournals.ca, or
by calling Phil at 403-660-7324.
Please note, the information and opinions in this newsletter
are subject to change, and do not necessarily represent the
opinions of the publisher or editor.
Disclaimer: Any advertisements, home businesses, babysitters
& nannies, or other parties listed in the Scenic Review should
not be interpreted as recommendations or endorsements by the
editor or the publisher.
No portion (in part or in its entirety) of this
publication may be reproduced without the
expressed written permission of Suburban
Journals Publishing.
JUNE 2010
Community News and Programs
President’s Message
Did you know
SACA is 25 years
old? SACA has
had a couple of
name changes over
the past 25 years,
but the essence
of the community
association we know today has been
in existence since 1985. I have only
lived in Scenic Acres for the past 5
years, so a lot of what I know about
SACA has been passed on to me from
friends, neighbours and fellow SACA
volunteers. My understanding is
SACA did not have a home for the first
10 years, but was (and still is) a part
owner of the Crowchild Twin Arenas.
Approximately 15 years ago the
Scenic Acres Community Centre was
built and since then the board room
has been added, the beach volleyball
courts have been added, the temporary
ice rinks have been added and now
we even have some landscaping and
trees. SACA has accomplished a
lot over the past 25 years, with very
limited resources, and we have plans
to accomplish even more over the next
quarter century.
Unlike many surrounding
communities, the developer did
not build anything to support a
community association or residents
association and they did not facilitate
the placement of a mandatory user fee
for all residences. For example both
Arbour Lake and Tuscany have to pay
their residents association between
$250 to $300 per year to maintain
their community facilities. SACA
operates solely on membership dues
and fundraising to develop facilities,
maintain the ones we have while also
providing a large number of programs
and events for SACA members. We
promote safety, pride in and caring for
our community. Our volunteer board
members spend a great deal of time
ensuring we meet our mission today
while planning for the future. We
advocate for all SACA members on
all issues impacting our community
such as redeveloping community parks
and playgrounds, and transportation
and infrastructure design. SACA
has become very busy and will only
continue to thrive here in Scenic
If you are a long time resident of
Scenic Acres, a current or past
volunteer for SACA we want to hear
from you? We would love to create
a visual history of the first 25 years
of SACA and invite anyone who has
anything to contribute from photos to
stories to share them with us. If you
can help, please contact me directly at
ruthsorrentino@shaw.ca or 403-2419073.
Respectfully submitted,
Ruth Sorrentino
President, SACA
Upcoming Events
To Mark On Your Calendar!
• Saturday, June 26th
Parade of Garage Sales
• Sunday, July 11th
Stampede Breakfast
• July 12th-16th: 10am - noon
Stay ’n Play
• July 12th-16th: 10am - 3:30pm
Park ’n Play
• Saturday, August 28th
Movie in the Park
Become a Fan
The Scenic Acres
Community Association is
now on FACEBOOK.
Keep up to date on all the
latest updates and activities occurring
in your neighbourhood.
Visit www.scenicacresca.ca
and click on the Facebook link.
Rent the
Centre/and or
Outdoor Facilities
Looking to rent space for a
family reunion, birthday party or
business meeting?
The Scenic Acres Community Centre
is a very popular location to hold
weddings, parties, family events,
seminars and business meetings.
If you are interested in renting either the
Main Hall, the Palmer Boardroom and/
or the Beach Volleyball Court, please
call the office at 403-547-9589.
Discounted rates for all SACA
JUNE 2010
Community News and Programs
Ravine Clean Up
and Adam, who helped with our
community clean up.
It was a beautiful sunny morning to
spend with a great group of volunteers
who did a fantastic job bagging up
a lot of garbage in and around the
ravine. The effort was clear when
volunteers were diving through the
bramble, collecting trash and a variety
of burrs. It was equally rewarding
just to meet many new faces around
our community and spend a little
time enhancing our space. This is the
kind of spirit that truly makes our
community a great place to live.
Ash Appleby,
Director Parks and Environment,
Thoughts on
Scenic Acres: Are We Beautiful
Have you ever driven past a
community with the colourful flowers
planted at their entrance points and
thought “How come we don’t have
anything like that in Scenic Acres?”
Have you noticed how clean the
Ravine is? The Beavers were out on
Saturday April 24th cleaning up the
lower portion of the Ravine and on
Saturday May 8th a great group of
residents came out to clean up the
upper section of the ravine. A BIG
Thank you to Hal Jamieson, Carolyn
Ferguson, Corey and Carol Zahn, Ruth
and William Sorrentino, Deanna and
Josiah Goosen, Carol and Marion and
the Northwest Youth Group; Bailey,
Cameron, Michele, Michael, Marisa,
We have lovely trees along many of
our boulevards but would it look better
if we also had flowers? There are
many ways to add beautification to a
community, but do we need to? Are
we beautiful enough?
At this time SACA is interested to
know what you think? Is Scenic
Acres in need of beatification? If
so, how could Scenic Acres be
enhanced? If you have any ideas,
thoughts or comments please e-mail:
Mondays 9:00am
In the Palmer Boardroom
(entrance on the East side)
June 7th, 14th & 21st
9 am to Noon
June 28th
9 am to 3 pm
July and August: Plans are to take
transit outings on Mondays. More
info will be printed in the July and
August issues. Rainy Mondays during
those months will be spent at the
Community Centre.
Call Jeri at 403-241-6773
for further information.
(Scenic Acres Friendly, Fun-Loving,
Enthusiastic Senior 55+)
Wednesdays at 1:00pm
In the Palmer Boardroom
Last meeting before the summer
break is June 23rd. Meeting will
reconvene in the fall on
Wednesday September 8th.
New members are warmly welcomed
Call Ron Crowther
at 403-241-2479
for more information
Thank You
Thank you to Jacky Tai for providing
complementary IT support to SACA
JUNE 2010
Community News and Programs
2010 Scenic
Acres Parade of
Garage Sales
Saturday June 26
This year The Scenic Acres Parade
of Garage sales is sponsored by Bill
Hamilton, Resident Realtor RE/MAX
Mountain View. Bill will handle the
advertising, and creating area maps
with your address on it. All you have
to do are three things:
Scenic Acres
Community Association
Stampede Breakfast
July 11, 2010
9:00am – 12:00pm
Live Country Music
Petting zoo
Western Dancing
Calgary Vipers
Hockey shoot out
Wagon rides
Sparks eggs and
Spolumbos Sausages
FREE to all Residents
Sponsored by the Scenic Acres
Community Association
and local businesses.
Go Green! Bring your own
reusable plate, cup, fork and you can enter to win.
Cash donations are appreciated.
1.Gather up all the stuff you want to
2.Email your address to SAEvents@
shaw.ca by June 21, in order to
guarantee a spot on the map.
3.Spend a day out in the sun on your
driveway making money, hanging
out with friends and neighbors, and
hopefully cleaning out enough room
in your garage to be able to park in
there again!
Maps will be available in a box
outside the front of the community
centre for pick up Friday June 25, and
Saturday June 26.
If your family or street is using the
money raised at your garage sale to
help a charity or someone in need, we
would like to know about it! Please
email SAEvents@shaw.ca and give
us the details.
Calling all teen and adult Babysitters!
Would you like to share information
about your availability and training
in babysitting for interested families
in our community? We provide a
list of local teens/adults who are
offering babysitting services during
the evenings / weekends. If you are
interested, we will be publishing only
first names, ages and phone numbers.
Phone #
Kathleen Adult
- available evenings, weekdays, and weekends
- will babysit children age 2 and up
All published names are required to have a
Red Cross / St. John’s Ambulance babysitter
training certificate. Note: The Scenic
Acres Community Association will not be
sanctioning / checking any credentials of
those using this service. It is the responsibility
all those involved to check and meet potential
clients before enlisting/being enlisted for their
services. Please send in your information by
calling our office at 403-547-9589.
JUNE 2010
Community News and Programs
The Cost of
Cleaning Up
May 8th was
Clean up day
in Scenic
Acres with
participation from nearby Sliver
Springs too. It was great to see so
many people participate in this event. I
love it when a plan comes together!
I was a volunteer on that day and
it was encouraging to see so many
items being disposed of properly.
All morning and into the early
afternoon, residents brought in paint
cans, electronics and large landfill
items. Business was steady with
approximately 280 vehicles coming
through. You might be wondering
where this article is going in terms of
its relevance to energy conservation,
my current responsibility on the SACA
Here are my thoughts: We collected
approximately 3.5 – 4 metric tonnes
of electronic waste alone. This
included old computers, microwaves,
printers, lamps, games, scanners and
the list goes on. All of the above
items consume energy when in use,
all of those items required energy
to manufacture and all those items
will use energy while undergoing
the disposal process (transportation,
disassembly, etc). It really caused me
to stop and ponder the gravity of our
power and consumer consumption.
(Perhaps the larger issue is planned
obsolescence within the electronics
industry, but that’s another article…)
This service was provided for free to
SACA members and we know some
non-members were caught by surprise
when we asked for a $5.00 fee for
dropping off stuff. (If there was any
confusion, we apologize, next year
we will improve the clarity of our
advertising). I just want to point out
that at $5.00 this was still an incredible
bargain. Considering the convenient
location, cheerful volunteers, no $12
landfill fee, plus the lack of seagulls
and muck, it was a very reasonable
cost. What really concerns me is
what happens to all the waste we just
removed from our homes? It’s now
out of our hands but surely in the
hands of others even into the next
generation - that is surely the biggest
cost of all. In the future, I am really
going to try and consider the entire
“lifecycle” of the products I purchase
and I hope you will too!
Janice Wong,
Director Energy Conservation
I have recently been fortunate to
have the opportunity to fill the roles
of Director, Public Transportation
and Community Development for
SACA. Anyone who has followed
the development of the Nose Hill/
Crowchild Interchange and Crowfoot
LRT Station projects knows Jim
Palmer left “big shoes” to fill; Jim
did a wonderful job in promoting
community feedback and involvement
in the design and building of both
major projects. I’ve been fortunate
enough to connect with Jim to glean
as much knowledge and information
about his numerous strong community
and city connections, which enabled
him to successfully advocate for
Scenic Acres.
Although it may appear the end
is in sight for the major projects
affecting our community, we’re not
quite done yet! I’m sure people are
anxiously awaiting the completion
of the Stoney Trail/Crowchild
Interchange (project completion
identified as Fall 2011), as well as a
final resolution to the Crowfoot LRT
Station fencing issues and pedestrian
access consultation. With respect
to the LRT station, the City recently
mailed a one page summary of the
results and their implementation
plan to the majority of residences
in Scenic Acres. This communiqué
can also be viewed in PDF on our
web site (www.scenicacresca.ca). In
summary, the City is proposing to
construct two additional pedestrian
accesses from within the community,
and committed to reinforcing the
existing fence to discourage further
damage. I personally attended the
public consultation and appreciated
the opportunity provided by the city
for community members to voice their
wants and concerns.
I will endeavour to keep in front
of, and communicate on, the issues
pertaining to our community in
both the public transportation and
community development areas. I
appreciate the opportunity to be a
voice for our community. If you have
any concerns or questions relating to
these portfolios feel free to drop me an
e-mail at troymarsh@shaw.ca.
Troy Marsh
Director, Public Transportation and
Community Development
JUNE 2010
Community News and Programs
Totem and
Benjamin Moore
help Scenic Acres
Keep Our Fences
Looking Great!
The Scenic Acres Community
Association and Totem have partnered
once again to help everyone in Scenic
Acres do their part to make our fences
look fabulous again!
It is impossible not to notice some
of our fences are in dire need of
repair and maintenance. Even if you
inherited a decorative fence from the
developer, if it is on your property
line, it is now your responsibility to
maintain the fence and ensure the
appearance and colour is per the
Benjamin Moore paints are also
helping SACA members in their
efforts to maintain their fences.
Depending on the product you choose
to purchase, when you show them
your valid SACA membership, they
will give you between a 15-20%
discount on paint. To claim your
discount visit Benjamin Moore in
Crowfoot also know as Overall Paints
and Décor located at 141-Crowfoot
Way NW. If you’re not sure what
paint colour you should be using call
or visit the SACA office.
Sorrentino, James Clampett and
members of the Northwest Youth
Group; Olivia, Cecilia, Katarina, and
For further information please contact
the community association at
403-547-9859 or
Thank you to the volunteers from the
May Bubble Gum Boogie.
Clean Up
Thank you to everyone who came out
to make our first Community Clean up
a HUGE success! We collected and
disposed of a wide variety of junk and
Our biggest thank you must go out to
the staff and volunteers who made this
day possible.
Thanks goes out to Annamarie
Pluess, Julie Zacharopolis, Michelle
Thompson, Shirley D’Eall, Keith
D’Eall, Jeri Orr, Terry Orr, Janice
Wong, Dino Sorrentino, Guerino
Special Fence Offer ...
6912 - 29th Avenue NW
The Fence Experts!
SACA Bubblegum
Maya Barton, Maddie Mendonca,
Jamie Pavan, Maya Alkaheib, Sean
Alexander and Gabriel Barton.
And a special thank you to Trudy
Pavan who has been invaluable this
year, volunteering for every BGB.
It’s wonderful to have a reliable,
knowledgeable, and fun volunteer
to spend the evening with. Trudy’s
daughter and friends always come
early to help set up and stay late to
clean. If your child enjoyed any of
the dances this year, be sure to thank
Trudy when you see her out in the
community volunteering for other
Have a great summer, see you at the
dance in September!
Amy Barton
Community Events Coordinator, SACA
•Choose from any of our many
Pre-Planned Material Packages
or customize to suit your needs
for fence repair or replacement.
•Great selection of fence boards,
posts, gates and accessories.
•Friendly, knowledgeable service.
•Free estimates on-the-spot,
no appointment necessary.
...You Get 10% Off!
•Scenic Acres Residents Only.
•Includes fencing and accessories.
•1-time purchase offer, 1 invoice.
•Not redeemable for cash.
•Expires August 31st, 2010
•Certain conditions may apply,
full details in-store.
•Take Coupon to Service Center
And, Collect AIR MILES too!
JUNE 2010
Community News and Programs
Roundin’ up all yer volunteer
Cowpokes for this year’s
Stampede Breakfast!
Sunday July 11 2010
Planning is well under way for this
years’ Stampede Breakfast, and we
need volunteers! If you can make
coffee, set up tables, flip pancakes, sell
raffle tickets, or have any other special
talents to contribute, please email Amy
our Community Events Coordinator
at saevents@shaw.ca with your full
name, email address, phone number
and hours available. With an event of
this size and popularity, we rely on the
contributions made from our dedicated
volunteers to ensure it is continuing
Volunteers needed are from 7:00am to
1:00pm, Sunday July 11 and various
hours for donation pick up the week
Sign up also available at
www.scenicacresca.ca - click on the
volunteer button at the bottom of the
main page.
Hope to hear from you!
Amy Barton
Breakfast: Your
Chance to Win!
The SACA Stampede Breakfast
Presents: Your Chance To WIN!
Challenge your friends at the SACA
Stampede Breakfast to sharpen their
shooting skills!
Also visit www.maxgoalscoring.com
to enter for your chance to win a week
at summer camp (Aug 2010) along
with a MGSS Jersey (value of $320.00
for player and $160.00 for goalie).
Winners to be announced at the
2010 SACA Stampede Breakfast,
Skatepark 2010
in Silver Springs
This Skatepark, for skateboarding
and in-line skating only, is brought
to you by the City of Calgary and
surrounding community associations,
including SACA. There is no entry fee
to skate at the park. Signed waivers
are required for all participants prior
to using the park and a helmet must be
worn by all participants.
June 29 - July 28
Everyday 1pm - 8pm
Grassroots skateboard competition
Sunday July 25, 6 - 7:30pm
For more information call 3-1-1 or
visit calgaryskateparks.com.
YMCA Healthy
Kids Day
At all YMCA branches on June 5 to
help encourage children to become
more knowledgeable and interested in
the health and wellness of their mind,
body and spirit. Main activities will
take place 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.,
with more special activities happening
throughout the day. Please contact any
YMCA branch for details
JUNE 2010
Community Programs
Child Safe
SACA runs a number of Child Safe
Canada courses at the Community
Centre. These include weekend sessions
as well as summer camps. For the full
spectrum of programs visit our website
at www.scenicacresca.ca or contact
the SACA office at 403-547-9589 or
scenacre@telusplanet.ca. To register
call 403-202-5900 or visit
Red Cross Babysitter Program
Monday, July 26, 2010 10am-5pm
Monday, August 30, 2010 10am-5pm
Saturday, Sept. 18, 2010 10am-5pm
Cost: $59.95 - Includes course fee,
babysitter’s workbook, first aid kit and
completion card
Self-Esteem: Ages 8-13
Saturday, June 26, 2010 1pm-5pm
Cost: $69.95 - Includes course fee and
self esteem workbook.
Teen Talk - Girl Stuff: Ages 9-15
Saturday, June 26, 2010 10am - 1pm
Cost: $85.95 - Includes course and
Home Alone Safety Plus First-aid
Saturday, July 10, 2010 9am -11pm
Saturday, Aug 21, 2010 9am -11pm
Cost: $29.95 - includes fee program
Girl Power! Summer Camp:
Ages 7-13
Monday to Friday, July 19 to 23rd,
8:30am - 4:30pm
Monday to Friday, Aug 23 to 27th,
8:30am - 4:30pm
Cost: $245 - Include course and
Teddy Bear First-aid: Ages 4-8
Saturday, August 21 3pm - 5pm
Cost: $29.95 - Includes Mini Medics
Summer FuN
workbook, sling, and kid friendly
Conflict Resolution for KIDS!
Ages 6-8
Saturday, August 21 1pm-3pm
Cost:$29.95 - Includes course fee and
Conflict Resolution for Youth
Ages 9-14
Saturday, August 21 11am-1pm
Cost: $29.95 - Includes workshop fee
and workbook.
Mad Science
Summer Day
Mad Science of Southern Alberta will
be running two all new camps at the
Scenic Acres Community Centre August
2 – 6 for children ages 5 – 7 or entering
Kindergarten to grade 2.
Little Secret Agent Lab is a half
day morning camp. Campers will go
undercover and explore what it takes to
be a secret agent.
Junior Mad Scientists is a half day
afternoon camp. Campers will explore
the science behind engineering, toys,
animals, our planet and robots.
Mad Science’s award winning camps
are always super fun and are filled with
hands-on activities and Mad Science
branded take-home projects.
Each camp costs $160 plus GST.
Children registered in both camps will
receive lunch supervision with Mad
Science. To register visit
www.madscience.org/calgary or call
Creative Summer
Fun! Fantasy! Frolic! Friends!
This camp is designed to give boys
and girls the opportunity to develop
their own creative skills in acting,
music, art and creative movement in
a relaxed, enjoyable environment.
During this four-day camp the students
can explore their talents and interests
in a non-competitive supportive
setting. Through various creative
projects participants will experience
self confidence, creative thinking,
group interaction and leadership
opportunities as they acquire a sense
of responsibility to themselves and the
The camp may explore the outdoors
as we join Robin Hood and His Merry
Group in archery, stage fighting and
orientation activities. We may paint
up wonderous scenes and learn a few
songs – perhaps even a Broadway
dance – it all depends upon the interest
and involvement of camp members.
The camp concludes with a showcase
of student generated presentations.
The students will share the week’s
activities and new found skills with
family and friends during the last
afternoon of the camp.
Boys and Girls who will be in Grades
3-6 in September are welcome:
Dates: Tues. July 27 – Fri. July 30
Time: 9:00am – 3:00pm
(participants bring own lunch &
$240 member
$270 non-member
Instructors: Joyce Wilson
Anastasia St. Amand
Register online at www.scenicacresca.ca
JUNE 2010
Our Schools
Summer FuN
Annabell’s Attic
Summer Camps
Recognized by Calgary parents and
local media, Annabell’s Attic offers
week long summer camp programs
for the kids to enjoy! All camps offer
dress-up for children throughout the
Princess Prep Camp is for girls age 4
to 8 and is run like a little preparatory
school especially for Princesses. Girls
work on self-esteem, have magic
mirror ceremonies, princess lessons
with their Princess leaders, and cover
everything from kissing frogs, arts and
crafts, dancing, stories, puppet play,
picnics, teas and more.
One week sessions: July 12 – 16 or
August 16 – 20
Pixie Prep Camp is for girls age 4
to 8 and is also run like a preparatory
school for Fairies. Activities still
focus on “feel good” exercises for the
girls’ self-esteem, offer fairy lessons
on learning to fly, fairy dance, fairy
magic and more. This camp offers an
enchanting collection of fairy crafts
and outdoor activities, as well as
picnics, teas and more.
One week session: August 23 – 27
Up Up and Away is for girls and boys
age 4 to 8. Upon arrival at camp each
camper is provided with a passport
that they’ll use as we fly around the
globe in our imaginary balloon and
touch down on a new country each
day. The fun changes daily as we
incorporate cultural crafts, games and
activities along with parachute play,
outdoor games, scavenger hunts and
more. A little education, a whole lot
of fun.
One week session: August 9 – 13
For more details and to register go to
www.annabellsattic.com or call
Fall Programs
Starting August 1st you’ll be able to
register online at www.scenicacresca.ca
for the following great programs:
Adult Programs
• Intermediate/Advanced Power Yoga
• Entry-Level Yoga
• Small Ball Pilates
• Pilates/Yoga combo
• Stretch and Tone
Youth Programs
• Art of Drawing: 5 & 6 year olds
• Art of Drawing: 7-10 year olds
• Art of Drawing for Young Women:
11-14 year olds
• Advanced Drama 201
• Beginner Drama 101
• Pre-school Dance
Look for more information in the July
Scenic Review!
Gently Used Items to Sell?
Want to advertise your Home Business?
Place a classified! $10 for 30 words. No
consecutive ads.
Contact Ruth Sorrentino at 403-241-9073
or ruthsorrentino@shaw.ca
*Exact wording, text size and layout will be at the
discretion of the Editor
for Summer and 2010-11 School Year. Email
or call now to secure your spot. Call Amber
at 403-703-4786 or ayoingco@gmail.com
adult will take care of your pet dog in home
environment while you’re away. 11 years
experience. Call 403-286-8807 for info/
LASER LET YOU DOWN? For permanent
hair removal, call Silver Springs Electrolysis
at 403-286-0330. Face Specialist, 20 years
experience. CPE/FCEA AES. Licensed
Clinic at 8439 Silver Springs Road (off
Scenic Acres
Bad weather at the start of May did
little to dampen our excitement for
the spring season here at Scenic
Acres School. We started the month
with Tennis for Life, moved on to a
robust Spring Concert under the able
leadership of Ms. Drew and built on
our African Art Walk by inviting the
One World Drum Co. to work with our
students for a week. Students gained
a greater understanding of music in
the world and the instruments that
are used to create that music. Each
student was able to experience playing
a traditional West African “Djembe”.
Our only challenge was getting them
to stop.
June won’t allow us a moment to slow
down with the Grade 2’s heading out
for the wetlands, the Arbour Lake
School Band performing a concert,
Ice Cream Sunday Day, an African
Sports Day and of course, the Grade
4 Farewell. Please check our website
for further details. http://schools.cbe.
Lastly, we wish to thank the many
members of our community who have
supported us throughout this year by
volunteering their time and supporting
our activities through their generous
fundraising and donations. Of special
note is all those who have participated
in Parent Council. Sadly our Principal,
Mrs. Ireland, and our Assistant
Principal, Mr. Reid, will both be
moving on to new challenges in the
fall. We wish them both and all of you
a healthy restful summer.
The Staff and Students of Scenic Acres
JUNE 2010
Our Schools
W.O. Mitchell School is pleased to
announce that Summit Kids Out-OfSchool Care program will be housed
in our building. Nancy Klensch,
President of Summit Kids gave a
well received presentation to our
School Council on the philosophy
and logistics of the program that
will be operating here beginning
in September 2010. The program
will provide before and after school
childcare as well as Kindergarten
half-day childcare. Our school also
has openings for community and
out of area students K to 6. If you
are interested in having your child
attend our school please contact us
at 403-777-6100. If you would like
more information about Summit Kids
contact them at 403-477-5437 or
As we enter our last month of this
school year students, teachers, parents
and the community should be proud
of all the fundraising work they have
done. W.O Mitchell stakeholders
have proved their commitment
to local charities and the wider
global community in the support
they have given. We continue to
need community support to get our
naturalization area and root garden
planned and built. This will help us
make a further commitment to local
charities and naturalize our school
grounds at the same time. If you
would be willing to help us with this
project please contact the school at
Upcoming Events:
May/June:Ongoing K-6 and Out-ofSchool Care Registration
June 21st: School Council Meeting
June 25th: Pancake Breakfast 8 to 10am
Last day of classes for students
Arbour Lake
June brings the season of transitions
at Arbour Lake School. Our grade
nine students will have their Farewell
Celebration on June 10th at Symon’s
Valley Ranch. We wish our grade nine
students all the best in High School!
June 1st saw many students take
part in our first ever Thirty Hour
Famine. This month will also see
students completing their Provincial
Achievement Tests in grade six
and nine, and our spring concert on
June the 3rd. June 21st will be an
activity day and we thank our parent
volunteers who will be cooking up
burgers for our students. The last day
for classes this year is Friday, June
The first day of school next year is
Thursday, September 2nd. Students
will gather in the main gym at 8:20
am. The school will be open on
Monday, August 30th for any new
registrations. Bus information will be
available for pick up on Wednesday,
September 1st. We thank all parents
and community members for their
support this school year. We hope all
students have a safe and enjoyable
summer break.
St. Sylvester
Hello from the staff and students of
École St. Sylvester School. Spring
has sprung and May proved to be a
busy month at the school. This month
saw the start of the Grade 3 and Grade
6 Achievement Tests. There were
many field trips this month including
a trip to the fire department, Marion
Celebration of the Living Rosary, Fish
Creek, Inglewood Bird Sanctuary and
the Children’s Festival. The school
Family Dance was held this month, a
family favorite, along with our Spring
Fling concert.
This month saw the St. Vincent
orientation for those Grade 6 students
who will be moving on to Junior High
School and there was also a Home
Alone Workshop offered at the school.
École St. Sylvester will continue to
accept kindergarten registrations for
both English and French kindergarten
for 2010/2011. A Baptismal certificate
is expected, however if you are not
Catholic, please call the school and
talk to the office staff (403-500-2063)
as space may be available for residents
of Silver Springs.
Feel free to visit our school web site
at www.cssd.ab.ca/schools/stsylvester
to learn more about our school. École
St. Sylvester School is a place where
caring, respect, responsibility, trust,
and family are taught and lived!
We are all looking forward to June,
the final month of school, and then
summer holidays!
JUNE 2010
Scenic Acres Beach Volleyball Program 2010
SACA Beach Volleyball
2010 Summer Program
SACA Beach Volleyball
June, July, August
$40.00 dollars per
athlete per monthly
1 hour Beach Volleyball
Instruction and Training,
1 hour game play
1 court per age group, 2
courts total
Group Size: 8-10 athletes per age
Registration Max: 20 athletes per
Session (ie: 20 females total on
Rain-out Policy: Coaches will
confirm if session is cancelled 1 hour
before via email/text
Coaches: Amanda Moppett and Tyler
Info: Please bring water bottle, warm
clothes if needed, sunscreen and
Tuesdays 5:00-7:00
Age group #1: 17 and 16 year old
Females (Tyler)
Age group #2: 15 and 14 year old
Females (Amanda)
June Beach Program: June 1, June
8, June 15, June 22
July Beach Program: July 6, July
13, July 20, July 27
August Beach Program: Aug 3,
Aug 10, Aug 17, Aug 24
Thursdays 5:00-7:00
Age group #1: 17 and 16 year old
Males (Tyler)
Age group #2: 15 and 14 year old
Males (Amanda)
June Beach Program: June 3, June
10, June 17, June 24
July Beach Program: July 8, July
15, July 22, July 29
August Beach Program: Aug 5,
Aug 12, Aug 19, Aug 26
Sundays 12:00-2:00
Youth (13 and Under) Boys and Girls
Age Group #1: 13 and Under
Boys (Tyler)
Age Group #2: 13 and Under
Girls (Amanda)
June Beach Program: June 6, June
13, June 20, June 27
July Beach Program: July 4, July
11, July 18, July 25
August Beach Program:Aug 1,
Aug 8, Aug 15, Aug 22
Sundays 2:00-4:00
Adult (18 and Over) Men and Women
Split into 2 courts: Recreational
and Competitive
June Beach Program: June 6, June
13, June 20, June 27
July Beach Program: July 4, July
11, July 18, July 25
August Beach Program:Aug 1,
Aug 8, Aug 15, Aug 22
Volleyball Clinicians
All programs will be lead by seasoned
beach volleyball professionals: Kathy
Tough, Tyler Fraser and Amanda
Moppett. For more detailed Bio’s
please visit www.scenicacresca.ca.
Calgary Minor
Silver Springs Basketball is the home
club for all players from Arbour Lake,
Bowness, Lynx Ridge, Bearspaw,
Rocky Ridge, Royal Oak, Scenic
Acres, Silver Springs, Tuscany and
Valley Ridge who want to play in the
Calgary Minor Basketball Association
program in 2010-11. The program
has been administered by Silver
Springs Community Association for
many years. All programs run from
September to March and are subject
to adequate enrolment and volunteer
To register online, go to
www.scenicacresca.ca. First
ensure you re-new your current
SACA membership or purchase a
new 2010/2011 membership and
then proceed to register for Silver
Springs Basketball. You can also
register in person at the Silver Springs
Community Center (5720 Silver Ridge
Drive) or by calling 403-288-2616, but
you must have first ensured you have
a valid SACA membership for the
entirety of the basketball program.
JUNE 2010
Crowchild Hockey Association
Registration for 2010-2011 season must be
completed ONLINE and will be available starting
June 1st.
Families must reside within the communities of Varsity, Silver Springs or Scenic
Acres to be eligible to play with the Crowchild Hockey Association. New
families to CHA will be asked to submit their child’s school and a recent utility
bill as verification of their place of residence.
Community memberships must be VALID from Sept 1/10 to Aug 31/11. To
purchase your community membership, please visit www.scenicacresca.ca
before proceeding with this online hockey registration. These membership
fees are paid separately from the hockey registration fees. Players will NOT
be allowed onto the ice in September until verification a valid community
membership has been purchased.
Division Year of Birth
Early Registration
(to June 20)
Late Registration
(June 21-Aug 15)
*ANY NEW participant in Hockey Calgary must submit a birth certificate
as verification of age (via email to the Crowchild Administrator at admin@
crowchildhockey.org). Registrations will NOT be accepted without a birth
Visit our website at www.
crowchildhockey.org for more
information. Questions can
be directed to the Crowchild
Administrator at admin@
crowchildhockey.org or call 403-2869735.
Calling All
If you have a road bike (light frame
and skinny tires), keep reading.
Scenic Acres, is a great starting point
for an invigorating cycle. We have
access to a network of backroads en
route to Bears Paw, Cochrane, Spring
Bank and Bragg Creek, to name a few.
You must be a member of the Scenic
Acres Community Association
(SACA). Cyclists must be a minimum
of 18 years of age.
If interested, contact me, Terry at
TDKrides@shaw.ca or 403-239-7939
if you have any further questions.
Hope to meet many of our SA cyclists
JUNE 2010
In Our City
2010 Mayor’s Environment Expo
Event highlights
Step Up to Green,
Step Into your Community
June 1 – 3
Municipal Building Atrium
Find out what the schools in your area
are doing and watch their progress
at calgaryherald.com/mayorenvironment-expo!
Tues., June 1
Opening Ceremony with
Mayor Dave Bronconnier
• Municipal Building
• 10 a.m.
40,000 kids and growing. 60 exhibits
on eco-action in Calgary.
The Mayor’s Environment Expo
is about educating Calgary’s youth
in environmental stewardship. The
City of Calgary, local businesses and
Calgary schools come together to
celebrate environmental action in our
community through interactive booths
and workshops.
Northwest schools:
• Edgemont Elementary – grade 4
• Hawkwood – grade 4
• Nellie McClung – grades
Kindergarten, 4 & 5
• St. Basil – grades 3-4 & 7-9
• Tom Baines Junior High – grades
• University Elementary – grades 1-2
Wed., June 2
Adults-only presentation:
Drake Landing Solar
• Conoco-Phillips Theatre,
Glenbow Museum
• Noon – 1 p.m.
Teachers must register in advance.
Registration is available at calgary.ca/
Celebrating showcase school
Fourteen Calgary schools are taking
their learning to the next level through
the showcase school program. They’ve
committed to actions that empower
their schools to protect our precious
land, air and water.
Adults-only presentation
This year’s adults-only presentation
topic is the Drake Landing Solar
Community in Okotoks. The first of its
kind in North America, Drake Landing
is heated by solar energy that’s stored
underground in the summer and
distributed to each home during the
Please join Dawn Heffernan and Rick
Quail from the Town of Okotoks at the
Glenbow Museum on June 2.
Register at expo@calgary.ca.
Bring your lunch – coffee and
cookies provided by Good
Earth Café.
Thurs., June 3
Presentation of Jack Leslie
Youth Environmental Grant
• Municipal Building Atrium
• 11 a.m.
All events are free.
JUNE 2010
For Older Adults
Alliance for Active Aging
Planning has already started for fall
programming and special events
for Triple A. Membership has
increased over the last year and
more programs were offered too.
Triple A held a number of Signature
Events including the very successful
Dalhousie Christmas Tea, the Silver
Springs Wine and Art Show, and the
Varsity Community’s Got Talent. Look
forward to a repeat of these and new
Signature Events next year!
Programming will be changed to
reflect the needs of our active boomer
community with more drop-in classes
along with the registered classes.
There will be a wider variety of
choices and a continuation of some of
our successful programs. We are very
excited about introducing new drop in
clubs including:
Book Club
Travel Club
Walking Club
Coffee Socials
Seniors Singles
Mah Jong
Games Day
An Afternoon at the Movie
And more more more
We’d also like to get our members
more involved by asking for your
help. We want to hear from you if
you are interested in heading up these
clubs or if you have talents you’d
like to share with our membership in
different programs. We are looking
for volunteers who have special talents
and would like to lead some classes,
get involved with committees, or help
behind the scenes. We need help of
every kind including administrative
work, newsletter distribution,
sponsorships solicitations, newsletter
contributions, and programming
ideas. If you have any interest in
these or other areas, contact us today.
Also check out our website at www.
allianceactiveaging.ca or contact the
Program Coordinator at coordinator@
allianceactiveaging.ca directly.
Do you know of anyone you think
might like to get involved with Triple
A? Pass on the good news! All you
need is a Triple A membership from
one of the 6 community associations
and anyone can join in the fun.
Membership makes a great Mother’s
Day gift, Father’s Day Gift, birthday
gift or any special occasion gift.
Contact your Community Association
* Scenic Acres Signature Event has
been cancelled due to booking
conflicts with our main entertainment
attraction. We were unable to
confirm a date with enough other
entertainment at this time.
Contact Info
The AAA (Alliance for Active Aging)
web site is www.AllianceActiveAging.
ca and all the programs for the six
community centres are being listed
at the web site. If you are interested
in any program or would like to see
a new program started contact Jean
Toews AAA Program Coordinator at
403-208-3443.You could also contact
the community centre that the program
is associated with.
Scenic Acres Community
Association: 8825 Scurfield Dr. NW
Phone: 403-547-9589
Email: scenacre@telusplanet.net
This and That
By the time sea salt is cleaned and
processed for the table it’s virtually the
same as ordinary table salt but much
more expensive.
Choose Canadian bacon rather than
ordinary bacon, Canadian bacon has
approximately 50 calories per ounce
and 2 grams of fat( a thick slice) while
ordinary bacon has 1 ounce (about
4 slices) about 160 calories and 14
grams of fat. Both have about 430
miligrams of sodium per ounce.
A 200 pound person who starts
walking a mile and a half a day and
keeps on eating the same number of
calories each day will lose on average
14 pounds in a year.
When exercising use the “Talk Test” to
make sure you aren’t working out too
strenuously. If you can just respond to
conversation, your exercise intensity is
just about right. If you can’t talk, slow
down. This test can be an accurate
heart rate monitor in gauging exercise
If you have any questions regarding
the above articles, Varsity Cares or the
AAA article phone Len at
JUNE 2010
Scenic Acres Community Association Membership
Here is what membership gives you:
1. Special events - Stampede Breakfast, Movie in the
Park, Bubble Gum Boogie, Community Christmas
Party to name a few...
2. Scenic Review monthly newsletter and electronic
distribution of time sensitive information.
3. Police And Community Telephone message
distribution via e-mail.
4. Upkeep and improvements to the community centre
and facilities.
5. Tree maintenance and Community clean ups.
6. Wide variety of programming with reduced rates for
7. Discount on community facility rentals.
8. Fence painting and other neighbourhood
beautification projects.
9. Stay & Play and Park & Play programs over the
10. Administration and field bookings for sports
11. Clubs: Seniors, Craft, Quilting etc.
Your community association needs your support even
if you don’t make use of the programs they offer,
because you benefit from the work of your community
• Your membership fee supports affordable, local
programs that help keep you community healthy and
attractive to old and new residents alike.
• Children learn social and leadership skills through
community programs, which help them to become
responsible, productive adults.
• If your neighbourhood is faced with a planning issue,
from transportation to zoning, your community
association can help protect the interests of the
• Finally, the cost of building and maintaining
community facilities is considerable. Your
membership fees are an important part of your
community association.
The annual membership fee has only increased by $5
since 1987. At $30 per year that’s $2.50 per month, not
much more than a cup of coffee! That’s a deal!
Support your community association today.
Memberships can be purchased in person at the
SACA office, by mail or on-line. Please go to www.
calgaryarea.com, select NW, then Scenic Acres, for
more information.