Record of Site Condition # 216529 Record of Site
Record of Site Condition # 216529 Record of Site
Ontario Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change - Record of Site Condition # 216529 Record of Site Condition Under Part XV.1 of the Environment Protection Act Summary Record of Site Condition Number Date Filed to Environmental Site Registry Certification Date Current Property Use Intended Property Use Certificate of Property Use Number Applicable Site Condition Standards** Property Municipal Address 216529 2015/01/19 2014/09/03 Industrial Residential No CPU Full Depth Generic Site Conditions Standard, with Non-potable Ground Water, Coarse Textured Soil, for Residential property use 130 YORKLAND BOULEVARD, TORONTO, ON, M2J 1R5 Notice to Readers Concerning Due Diligence This record of site condition has been filed in the Environmental Site Registry to which the public has access and which contains a notice advising users of the Environmental Site Registry who have dealings with any property to consider conducting their own due diligence with respect to the environmental condition of the property, in addition to reviewing information in the Environmental Site Registry. Contents of this Record of Site Condition This record of site condition consists (RSC) of this document which is available to be printed directly from the Environmental Site Registry as well as all supporting documentation indicated in this RSC to have been submitted in electronic format to the Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change. Filed Record of Site Condition # 216529 on 2015/01/19 1 of 19 PART 1: PROPERTY OWNERSHIP, PROPERTY INFORMATION AND OWNER'S CERTIFICATIONS Information about the owner who is submitting or authorizing the submission of the RSC Owner Name 130 YORKLAND JV INC. Authorized Person BABAK SARSHAR Mailing Address 120, 5050 DUFFERIN STREET, TORONTO ONTARIO, CANADA Postal Code M3H 5T5 Phone (416) 739-9300 Fax (416) 739-9593 Email Address Filed Record of Site Condition # 216529 on 2015/01/19 2 of 19 RSC Property Location Information Municipal Address(es) 130 YORKLAND BOULEVARD, TORONTO, ON M2J 1R5 Municipality Toronto Legal Description See Attached Lawyer’s Letter Assessment Roll Number(s) 1908111-25000080 Property Identifier Number(s) 10085-0033 (LT) RSC Property Geographical References Coordinate System UTM Datum NAD 83 Zone 17 Easting 634,108.69 Northing 4,847,795.15 RSC Property Use Information The following types of property uses are defined by the Regulation: Agricultural or other use, Commercial use, Community use, Industrial use, Institutional use, Parkland use, and Residential use. Current Property Use Industrial Intended Property Use Residential Certificate of Property Use has been issued under section 168.6 of the EPA No Filed Record of Site Condition # 216529 on 2015/01/19 3 of 19 Please See the Signed Statements of Property Owner, or Agent, or Receiver at the End of this RSC The rest of this page has been left intentionally blank Filed Record of Site Condition # 216529 on 2015/01/19 4 of 19 PART 2: LIST OF REPORTS, SUMMARY OF SITE CONDITIONS AND QUALIFIED PERSON’S STATEMENTS AND CERTIFICATIONS Qualified Person's Information Name DAVOR ALEXANDER FISHER Type of Licence Under Professional Engineers Act Licence Licence Number 14273015 QP Employer Name FISHER ENVIRONMENTAL LTD. Mailing Address 400 ESNA PARK DRIVE, MARKHAM ONTARIO, L3R 3K2 CANADA Phone (905) 475-7755 Fax (905) 475-7718 Email Address Municipal Information Local or Single-Tier Municipality Toronto Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change District Office District Office Toronto District Office District Office Address 5775 Yonge St., 8th floor, North York ON M2M 4J1 Filed Record of Site Condition # 216529 on 2015/01/19 5 of 19 Phase One Environmental Site Assessment Report Document used as the phase one environmental site assessment report and updates in submitting the RSC for filing The date the last work on all of the records review, interviews and site reconnaissance components of the phase one environmental site assessment was done (refer to clause 28(1)(a) of O. Reg. 153/04) (YYYY/MM/DD) Type of Report Report Title Date of Report (YYYY/MM/DD) Name of Consulting Company P1 ESA Phase One ESA, 130 & 180 Yorkland Blvd., Toronto, ON 2014-09-04 Author of Report David Fisher, P. Eng. 2014-09-02 FISHER ENVIRONMENTAL LTD. Reports and Other Documents Related to the Phase One Environmental Site Assessment Reports and other documents relied upon in certifying the information set out in section 10 of Schedule A or otherwise used in conducting the phase one environmental site assessment Report Title Date of Report (YYYY/MM/DD) Author of Report Name of Consulting Company N/A Filed Record of Site Condition # 216529 on 2015/01/19 6 of 19 Phase Two Environmental Site Assessment Report Document used as the phase two environmental site assessment report and updates in submitting the RSC for filing The date the last work on all of the planning of the site investigation and conducting the site investigation components of the phase two environmental site assessment was done (refer to clause 33.5(1)(a) of O. Reg. 153/04) Type of Report Report Title Date of Report (YYYY/MM/DD) P2 ESA Phase Two ESA, 130 & 180 Yorkland Blvd., Toronto, ON 2014-09-22 Author of Report David Fisher, P. Eng. (YYYY/MM/DD) 2014-09-03 Name of Consulting Company FISHER ENVIRONMENTAL LTD. Reports and Other Documents Related to the Phase Two Environmental Site Assessment Reports and other documents relied upon in making any certifications in the RSC for the purposes of Part IV of Schedule A or otherwise used in conducting the phase two environmental site assessment Report Title Date of Report (YYYY/MM/DD) . Author of Report Name of Consulting Company N/A Filed Record of Site Condition # 216529 on 2015/01/19 7 of 19 Environmental Condition Section 41 applies? No Section 43.1 applies? No Site Condition Information Certification date (YYYY/MM/DD) 2014/09/03 Total area of RSC property (in hectares) 0.75401 Number of any previously filed RSC that applies to any part of the RSC property Number of any previously filed Transition Notice that applies to any part of the RSC property Soil Texture Coarse Assessment/Restoration Approach Full Depth Generic Site investigation includes the investigation, sampling and analysis of ground water? Yes Is there soil present that is sufficient to investigate, sample and analyze soil on, in or under the property in accordance with s. 6, Schedule E of O.Reg. 153/04? Yes Site investigation includes the investigation, sampling and analysis of soil on, in or under the property which is used in the RSC? Yes Name of the laboratory used to analyze any samples collected of soil, ground water or sediment FISHER ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORIES Ground water condition (potable, non-potable) Non-potable Applicable Site Condition Standard TABLE 3 Local or single-tier municipality non-potable written notification date 2014/08/21 Filed Record of Site Condition # 216529 on 2015/01/19 8 of 19 Table 1 – Maximum Contaminant Concentrations Compared to Applicable Site Condition Standards Measured Concentration for Contaminants in Soil Contaminant Name Maximum Concentration Applicable Site Condition Standard 0.7 Unit of Measure 1 Electrical Conductivity 0.54 mS/cm 2 Sodium Adsorption Ratio 3.9 3 Acenaphthene < 0.05 7.9 µg/g 4 Acenaphthylene < 0.05 0.15 µg/g 5 Anthracene < 0.05 0.67 µg/g 6 Benz[a]anthracene < 0.05 0.5 µg/g 7 Benzo[a]pyrene < 0.05 0.3 µg/g 8 Benzo[b]fluoranthene < 0.05 0.78 µg/g 9 Benzo[ghi]perylene < 0.1 6.6 µg/g 10 Benzo[k]fluoranthene < 0.05 0.78 µg/g 11 Chrysene < 0.05 7 µg/g 12 Dibenz[a h]anthracene < 0.1 0.1 µg/g 13 Fluoranthene < 0.05 0.69 µg/g 14 Fluorene < 0.05 62 µg/g 15 Indeno[1 2 3-cd]pyrene < 0.1 0.38 µg/g 16 Methlynaphthalene, 2-(1-) *** < 0.05 0.99 µg/g 17 Naphthalene < 0.05 0.6 µg/g 18 Phenanthrene < 0.05 6.2 µg/g 19 Pyrene < 0.05 78 µg/g 20 Petroleum Hydrocarbons F1**** < 10 55 µg/g 21 Petroleum Hydrocarbons F2 < 10 98 µg/g 22 Petroleum Hydrocarbons F3 < 50 300 µg/g 23 Petroleum Hydrocarbons F4 < 50 2800 µg/g 24 Benzene < 0.02 0.21 µg/g 25 Ethylbenzene < 0.05 2 µg/g 26 Toluene 0.45 2.3 µg/g 27 Xylene Mixture < 0.05 3.1 µg/g 28 Acetone < 0.5 16 µg/g 29 Bromomethane < 0.05 0.05 µg/g 30 Carbon Tetrachloride < 0.05 0.05 µg/g 31 Chlorobenzene < 0.05 2.4 µg/g 32 Chloroform < 0.05 0.05 µg/g 33 Dichlorobenzene, 1,2- < 0.05 3.4 µg/g 34 Dichlorobenzene, 1,3- < 0.05 4.8 µg/g 35 Dichlorobenzene, 1,4- < 0.05 0.083 µg/g 5 ...Continued on next page Filed Record of Site Condition # 216529 on 2015/01/19 9 of 19 Table 1 – Maximum Contaminant Concentrations Compared to Applicable Site Condition Standards Measured Concentration for Contaminants in Soil Continued from previous page.... Contaminant Name Maximum Concentration Applicable Site Condition Standard Unit of Measure 36 Dichlorodifluoromethane < 0.05 16 µg/g 37 Dichloroethane, 1,1- < 0.05 3.5 µg/g 38 Dichloroethane, 1,2- < 0.05 0.05 µg/g 39 Dichloroethylene, 1,1- < 0.05 0.05 µg/g 40 Dichloroethylene, 1,2-cis- < 0.05 3.4 µg/g 41 Dichloroethylene, 1,2-trans- < 0.05 0.084 µg/g 42 Dichloropropane, 1,2- < 0.05 0.05 µg/g 43 Dichloropropene,1,3- < 0.05 0.05 µg/g 44 Ethylene dibromide < 0.05 0.05 µg/g 45 Hexane (n) < 0.05 2.8 µg/g 46 Methyl Ethyl Ketone < 0.5 16 µg/g 47 Methyl Isobutyl Ketone < 0.5 1.7 µg/g 48 Methyl tert-Butyl Ether (MTBE) < 0.05 0.75 µg/g 49 Methylene Chloride < 0.05 0.1 µg/g 50 Styrene < 0.05 0.7 µg/g 51 Tetrachloroethane, 1,1,1,2- < 0.05 0.058 µg/g 52 Tetrachloroethane, 1,1,2,2- < 0.05 0.05 µg/g 53 Tetrachloroethylene < 0.05 0.28 µg/g 54 Trichloroethane, 1,1,1- < 0.05 0.38 µg/g 55 Trichloroethane, 1,1,2- < 0.05 0.05 µg/g 56 Trichloroethylene < 0.05 0.061 µg/g 57 Trichlorofluoromethane < 0.05 4 µg/g 58 Vinyl Chloride < 0.02 0.02 µg/g 59 Bromodichloromethane < 0.05 13 µg/g 60 Bromoform < 0.05 0.27 µg/g 61 Dibromochloromethane < 0.05 9.4 µg/g 62 Antimony < 1 7.5 µg/g 63 Arsenic 2.1 18 µg/g 64 Selenium 1.1 2.4 µg/g 65 Barium 116 390 µg/g 66 Beryllium 4 µg/g 67 Boron (total) 120 µg/g 68 Cadmium 1.2 µg/g 69 Chromium Total 26 160 µg/g 70 Cobalt 8 22 µg/g < 2 11 < 1 ...Continued on next page Filed Record of Site Condition # 216529 on 2015/01/19 10 of 19 Table 1 – Maximum Contaminant Concentrations Compared to Applicable Site Condition Standards Measured Concentration for Contaminants in Soil Continued from previous page.... Contaminant Name Maximum Concentration 71 Copper 72 Lead 73 Molybdenum 74 Nickel 75 Silver < 0.5 76 Thallium < 1 77 Uranium 78 79 Applicable Site Condition Standard Unit of Measure 17 140 µg/g < 10 120 µg/g < 2 6.9 µg/g 100 µg/g 20 µg/g 1 µg/g 1.6 23 µg/g Vanadium 34 86 µg/g Zinc 58 340 µg/g Filed Record of Site Condition # 216529 on 2015/01/19 22 11 of 19 Table 1 – Maximum Contaminant Concentrations Compared to Applicable Site Condition Standards (Continued) Ground Water Contaminant Name Maximum Concentration Applicable Site Condition Standard Unit of Measure 1 Bromodichloromethane < 2 85000 µg/L 2 Bromoform < 5 380 µg/L 3 Dibromochloromethane < 0.5 82000 µg/L 4 Petroleum Hydrocarbons F1**** < 25 750 µg/L 5 Petroleum Hydrocarbons F2 < 100 150 µg/L 6 Petroleum Hydrocarbons F3 390 500 µg/L 7 Petroleum Hydrocarbons F4 < 100 500 µg/L 8 Benzene < 0.5 44 µg/L 9 Ethylbenzene < 0.5 2300 µg/L 10 Toluene 3.1 18000 µg/L 11 Xylene Mixture < 0.5 4200 µg/L 12 Acetone < 30 130000 µg/L 13 Bromomethane < 2 5.6 µg/L 14 Carbon Tetrachloride < 0.2 0.79 µg/L 15 Chlorobenzene < 0.5 630 µg/L 16 Chloroform < 1 2.4 µg/L 17 Dichlorobenzene, 1,2- < 0.5 4600 µg/L 18 Dichlorobenzene, 1,3- < 0.5 9600 µg/L 19 Dichlorobenzene, 1,4- < 0.5 8 µg/L 20 Dichlorodifluoromethane < 2 4400 µg/L 21 Dichloroethane, 1,1- < 0.5 320 µg/L 22 Dichloroethane, 1,2- < 0.5 1.6 µg/L 23 Dichloroethylene, 1,1- < 0.5 1.6 µg/L 24 Dichloroethylene, 1,2-cis- < 0.5 1.6 µg/L 25 Dichloroethylene, 1,2-trans- < 0.5 1.6 µg/L 26 Dichloropropane, 1,2- < 0.5 16 µg/L 27 Dichloropropene,1,3- < 0.5 5.2 µg/L 28 Ethylene dibromide < 0.2 0.25 µg/L 29 Hexane (n) < 5 51 µg/L 30 Methyl Ethyl Ketone < 20 470000 µg/L 31 Methyl Isobutyl Ketone < 20 140000 µg/L 32 Methyl tert-Butyl Ether (MTBE) < 2 190 µg/L 33 Methylene Chloride < 5 610 µg/L 34 Styrene < 0.5 1300 µg/L 35 Tetrachloroethane, 1,1,1,2- < 0.5 3.3 µg/L ...Continued on next page Filed Record of Site Condition # 216529 on 2015/01/19 12 of 19 Table 1 – Maximum Contaminant Concentrations Compared to Applicable Site Condition Standards (Continued) Ground Water Continued from previous page.... Contaminant Name Maximum Concentration Applicable Site Condition Standard Unit of Measure 36 Tetrachloroethane, 1,1,2,2- < 0.5 3.2 µg/L 37 Tetrachloroethylene < 0.5 1.6 µg/L 38 Trichloroethane, 1,1,1- < 0.5 640 µg/L 39 Trichloroethane, 1,1,2- < 0.5 4.7 µg/L 40 Trichloroethylene < 0.5 1.6 µg/L 41 Trichlorofluoromethane < 5 2500 µg/L 42 Vinyl Chloride < 0.5 0.5 µg/L 43 Antimony < 0.5 20000 µg/L 44 Arsenic 2.4 1900 µg/L 45 Selenium 6.8 63 µg/L 46 Barium 1,133 29000 µg/L 47 Beryllium 67 µg/L 48 Boron (total) 45000 µg/L 49 Cadmium 0.5 2.7 µg/L 50 Chromium Total 34 810 µg/L 51 Cobalt 3.5 66 µg/L 52 Copper < 5 87 µg/L 53 Lead < 1 25 µg/L 54 Molybdenum 6.8 9200 µg/L 55 Nickel 15 490 µg/L 56 Silver < 0.3 1.5 µg/L 57 Thallium < 0.5 510 µg/L 58 Uranium 17 420 µg/L 59 Vanadium 9.4 250 µg/L 60 Zinc 17 1100 µg/L Filed Record of Site Condition # 216529 on 2015/01/19 < 0.5 3,024 < 13 of 19 Remedial Action and Mitigation Remediated Soils Estimated quantities of the soil, if any, originating at and remaining on the RSC property that have been remediated, at a location either on or off the property, to reduce the concentration of contaminants in the soil. Indicate the remediation process or processes used and the estimated amount of soil remediated by each identified process. Soil Remediation Process Estimated Quantity of Soil (in-ground volume in m³) Description of Remediation Description of any action taken to reduce the concentration of contaminants (including soil removals) on, in or under the RSC property. Soil or Sediment Removed and Not Returned Estimated quantities of soil or sediment, if any, removed from and not returned to the RSC property. Estimated Quantity of Soil (in-ground volume in m³) Estimated Quantity of Sediment (in-ground volume in m³) Soil Brought to the Property Estimated quantity of the soil, if any, being brought from another property to and deposited at the RSC property, not including any soil that may have originated at but been remediated off the RSC property and that is identified in section 28 of Schedule A. Estimated Quantity of Soil Brought to the Property (in-ground volume in m³) Filed Record of Site Condition # 216529 on 2015/01/19 14 of 19 Ground Water Control or Treatment Measures Ground water control or treatment measures that were required for the RSC property prior to the certification date for the purpose of submitting the RSC for filing. Ground water control or treatment measures were not required for the site. Ground water control or treatment measures that are required for the RSC property after the certification date. Ground water control or treatment measures were not required for the site. Estimated volume of ground water, if any, removed from and not returned to the RSC property. Estimated Volume of Ground Water (in litres) Filed Record of Site Condition # 216529 on 2015/01/19 15 of 19 Other Activities Including Risk Management Measures Constructed works that prior to the certification date for the purpose of submitting the RSC for filing, were required to control or otherwise mitigate the release or movement of known existing contaminants at the RSC property. No constructed works were conducted at the site prior to the certification date. Constructed works that after the certification date, are required to control or otherwise mitigate the release or movement of known existing contaminants at the RSC property. No constructed works were conducted at the site after the certification date. Monitoring or Maintenance Soil Management Measures Soil monitoring requirements or any requirements for care, maintenance or replacement or any monitoring or control works for known existing contaminants, if any, on the RSC property, after the certification date. Ground Water Management Measures Ground water monitoring requirements or requirements for care, maintenance or replacement of any monitoring or control works or known existing contaminants, if any, on the RSC property, after the certification date. Remediated or Removed Soil, Sediment or Ground Water From Near Property Boundary Has any soil, sediment or ground water at the RSC property that is or was located within 3 metres of the RSC property boundary been remediated or removed for the purpose of remediation? Filed Record of Site Condition # 216529 on 2015/01/19 No 16 of 19 Qualified Person’s Statements and Certifications As the qualified person, I certify that: A phase one environmental site assessment of the RSC property, which includes the evaluation of the information gathered from a records review, site reconnaissance, interviews, a report and any updates required, has been conducted in accordance with the regulation by or under the supervision of a qualified person as required by the regulation. A phase two environmental site assessment of the RSC property, which includes the evaluation of the information gathered from planning and conducting a site investigation, a report, and any updates required, has been conducted in accordance with the regulation by or under the supervision of a qualified person as required by the regulation. The information represents the site conditions at the sampling points at the time of sampling only and the conditions between and beyond the sampling points may vary. As of 2014/09/03, in my opinion, based on the phase one environmental site assessment and the phase two environmental site assessment, and any confirmatory sampling, there is no evidence of any contaminants in the soil, ground water or sediment on, in or under the RSC property that would interfere with the type of property use to which the RSC property will be put, as specified in the RSC. Ground water sampling has been conducted in accordance with the regulation by or under the supervision of a qualified person as required by the regulation. I have, within the six months immediately before the submission of this record of site condition, given written notice of intention to apply non-potable ground water site condition standards to the clerk of the local municipality in which the property is located and the clerk of any upper-tier municipality in which the property is located. As of 2014/09/03, in my opinion, based on the phase one and phase two environmental site assessments and any confirmatory sampling, the RSC property meets the applicable full depth generic site condition standards prescribed by section 37 of the regulation for all contaminants prescribed by the regulation in relation to the type of property use for which this RSC is filed, except for those contaminants (if any) specified in this RSC at Table 2, Maximum Contaminant Concentrations Compared to Standards Specified in a Risk Assessment. As of 2014/09/03, the maximum known concentration of each contaminant in soil, sediment and ground water at the RSC property for which sampling and analysis has been performed is specified in this RSC at Table 1, Maximum Contaminant Concentrations Compared to Applicable Site Condition Standards. I am a qualified person and have the qualifications required by section 5 of the regulation. I have in place an insurance policy that satisfies the requirements of section 7 of the regulation. I acknowledge that the RSC will be submitted for filing in the Environmental Site Registry, that records of site condition that are filed in the Registry are available for examination by the public and that the Registry contains a notice advising users of the Registry who have dealings with any property to consider conducting their own due diligence with respect to the environmental condition of the property, in addition to reviewing information in the Registry. The opinions expressed in this RSC are engineering or scientific opinions made in accordance with generally accepted principles and practices as recognized by members of the environmental engineering or science profession or discipline practising at the same time and in the same or similar location. I do not hold and have not held and my employer FISHER ENVIRONMENTAL LTD. does not hold and has not held a direct or indirect interest in the RSC property or any property which includes the RSC property and was the subject of a phase one or two environmental site assessment or risk assessment upon which this record of site condition is based To the best of my knowledge, the certifications and statements in this part of the RSC are true as of 2014/09/03. By signing this RSC, I make no express or implied warranties or guarantees. By checking the boxes above, and entering my membership/licence number in this submission, I, DAVOR ALEXANDER FISHER, a qualified person as defined in section 5 of O. Reg. 153/04 am, on 2015/01/19: a) signing this record of site condition submission as a qualified person; and b) making all certifications required as a qualified person for this record of site condition. I Agree Filed Record of Site Condition # 216529 on 2015/01/19 17 of 19 Additional Documentation Provided by Property Owner or Agent The following documents have been submitted to the Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change as part of the record of site condition Certificate of Status or equivalent for the owner Lawyer’s letter consisting of a legal description of the property Copy of any deed(s), transfer(s) or other document(s) by which the RSC property was acquired A Current plan of Survey Area(s) of Potential Environmental Concern Table of Current and Past Uses of the Phase One Property Phase 2 Conceptual Site Model Owner or agent certification statements 5.2.6 Filed Record of Site Condition # 216529 on 2015/01/19 18 of 19 Filed Record of Site Condition # 216529 on 2015/01/19 19 of 19 Request ID: 017130754 Demande n° : Transaction ID: 56216837 Transaction n° : Category ID: CT Catégorie : Province of Ontario Province de l'Ontario Ministry of Government Services Ministère des Services gouvernementaux Date Report Produced: 2014/12/10 Document produit le : Time Report Produced: 15:42:10 Imprimé à : CERTIFICATE OF STATUS ATTESTATION DU STATUT JURIDIQUE This is to certify that according to the records of the Ministry of Government Services D'après les dossiers du Ministère des Services gouvernementaux, nous attestons que la société 130 YORKLAND JV INC. Ontario Corporation Number Numéro matricule de la société (Ontario) 001908958 is a corporation incorporated, amalgamated or continued under the laws of the Province of Ontario. est une société constituée, prorogée ou née d'une fusion aux termes des lois de la Province de l'Ontario. The corporation came into existence on La société a été fondée le DECEMBER 18 DÉCEMBRE, 2013 and has not been dissolved. et n'est pas dissoute. Dated Fait le DECEMBER 10 DÉCEMBRE, 2014 Director Directeur The issuance of this certifcate in electronic form is authorized by the Ministry of Government Services. La délivrance du présent certificat sous forme électronique est autorisée par le Ministère des Services gouvernementaux. Philip Edward Brent Barrister & Solicitor suite zro-48oo Dundas st. west, Ioronto Ont. MgrA rltr Iel: 416-zo3-149 For: 416-zo j-rT7z email : philip@brenl:ayt. com October 16,2OL4 Brownfields Filing and Review Environmental Assessment and Approvals Branch Ontario Ministry of the Environment 2 St. Clair Avenue West, Floor L24 Toronto, ON M4V 115 Attention: To Whom lt May Concern -andtoFisher Environmental Ltd. 400 Esna Park Drive Markham, ON L3R 3K2 Attention: Mr. David Fisher -andto130 Yorkland JV lnc. 5050 Dufferin Street, Suite 120 Toronto, ON, M3H 5T5 Attention: Re: Mr. Babak Sarshar 130 Yorkland JV Inc. filing of a Record of Site Condition with the Ministry of the t.nvironment in respect of the property legally described as Part of Pin 1,0085-0033(LT) being Part of Block H, Registered Plan76t2, designated as Parts 3,4,5 and 6 of Plan 66R-27583, City of Toronto. Dear Sirs, We are the solicitors for 1-30 Yorkland JV Inc. and confirm that 130 Yorkland JV Inc. is ther registered owner of the RSC Property and that the legal description for the RSC Property is set out below: 130 Yorkland Boulevard, Toronto, Ontario Part of Block l{; Pl;n 76i.2 worttr Vork as in NY770696,9 ruVSa8SgO, /, i=0;:i,*1. *. or rnnlr ld#d:F et a+, Seeris*.M*tt48r,Fa*of ,L-iB;,'Fidn,ee{vt ,2as,Ug:sign*f $uaspart+8, 66Rt$9 . Y.orMl:rlo*trrcr&.cltfof,lf$.fgil*A tn;fmign-at,,as ,Exee$..m, W.offdffito. The Plan 66R-27583 of Survey was prepared by KRCM,\R, signed by Patrick Woolley and dated August 6,2OL4. Part of Block H, Registered Plan76t2, designated as Prrrts 3, 4,5 and 6, Plan 66R-27583, City of Toronto. 7,54O.lO square metres lf you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. Regards, Philip Edward Brent Jun.30. 2014 11:35AM oeel LRO # tltle N0.0338 P, I 80 Trln3fer Receipted as AT362O458 on 20'14 06 30 The aPplieant(s) hereby applies lo the Land Registrcr, yyyy mm at dd 11:32 Page 1 ol2 Properties 1OOE5 - OO33 LT PIN lntetes/Estsle Fee Simple Desc.nption PTBLK H PL 7612 NORTH YORKAS lN Ny77o69a & Ny54a59o, EXcEpT Ny67ao1o: TORONTO (N YORK) , CITY OF TORONTO 13O'I 80 YORKLAND BOULEVARD TORONTO Add'E.sS PIN 1OOa5 - OO4O LT tntercst/Estdte Fee Simpte Description PARCEL B-4, SEcTloN M1248 PART LOT B , PLAN aGM1248, 66R7693 T\^/P ()F YORK/NORTH YORK, CITY OF TORONTO TORONTO Address DESTGNATED AS pT 4a, Consideratlon Considerdtion $ 7,4OO,OOO.OO Transferor(s) The transferor(s) hereby transfers the land to the transferee(s). METROPOLITAN TORONTo PoLlcE ASSOCIATION Name Address fo,' Servr'c€ 2OO-2O75 KENNEDY RD SCARBOROUGH ON M1T 3V3 I, Michael McCormack. President, have the authority to bind the corporation. This document ia not authorized under Power of Attorney by this party. Capacity Transferee(s) NamE 13O YORKI.AND Addrcss for Se^/ice Share JV INC- 12O-5O5O Dufferin Street Toronto, Ontario M3H 5T5 STATEMENT OF THE TRANSFEROR (S): The transferor(s) verifies that to the best of the transferor's knowledge and belief, this transfer does not contravene the Planning Act. STATEMENT OF THE SOLICITOR FOR THE TRANSFEROR (S): I have explained the effect of the Planning Act to the transferor(e) and I have made inguiries of the transferor(s) to delermine that this transfer does not contravene that Ac,t and based on the information supplied by the trans$eror(s). to the best of my knowledge and belief, this transfer does not contravene that Act. I am an Ontario solicitor in good standing. STATEMENT OF THE SOLICITOR FOR THE TRANSFEREE (S); I have investigated the title to thls land and to abutling land where relevant and I am Batisfied that the title records reveal no contravention aa set out in the Planning Ac-t, and to the best of my knowledge and belief this transfer does not contravqn€ the Planning Act. I ac-t independently of the solicitor for the transferor(s) and I am an Ontario solicilor in good standing. Signed By Mark Randolph McMackin 151 Yonge Street, Suite Toronto 180O MsC 2W7 Tel Fax acting for Tranaferor(s) 416-3e2-4567 416-362-441O I am the solicitor forlhe transferor(s) and I am not one and the same as the solicitor for the transferee(s). I have the authority to sign and regisler the document on behalf of the Transferor(s)- Signed 2014 OA 30 Jun.30. 2014 LRO # 80 11:36AM peel title No, 0338 Tranefer Recelpted as 4'T3620458 on 2o14 O6 30 The applicant(s) hercby dpplies lo the Land Reglristrar. Philip Edward Brenl yyyy mm 21O-480O Dundas St. West Toronto MgA 181 Tel Fax 10 acting for Transferee(s) Signed dd at 11..32 Page 2 ol 2 2014 06 30 416.203-1449 416.-203-1772 I am the solicitor for the I have the authority iransferee(s) and I am not one and the same aa the soticilor for the transferor(s). to sign and register the document on behalf of the Transferee(s). Submitted By PHILIP EDWARD BRENT Tel Fax 21G48O0 Dundas St. West Toronto MgA 181 416-203-1445 416-203-1772 Fees/TaxedPayment Statutory Registration Fee $60.oo Provincial Land Transfer Tax slo9,475.oo Municipal Land Transfer Tax $108,725.Oo Total Paid $21a,2AO.OO Flle Number Ttansfetor Client File Number : 350S-OO1 2014 0€ 30 PHASE ONE AND TWO PROPERTY RSC PROPERTY TWO "TABLE OF AREAS OF POTENTIAL ENVIRONMENTAL CONCERN" (Refer to clause 16(2)(a), Schedule D, O. Reg. 153/04) Area of Potential Environmental Concern (APEC) APEC A Location of APEC on Phase One Property Northwest Corner and Southeast Portion of the RSC property. Potentially Contaminating Activity (PCA) PCA-30 Importation of Fill Materials of Unknown Quality. Location of PCA (on-site or off-site) On-site. Contaminants of Potential Concern (CPC) Metals, Petroleum Media Potentially Impacted (Groundwater, soil and/or sediment) Soil. Hydrocarbons (PHC) Fractions 1-4 (F1-F4), Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAH). APEC B North Portion of the RSC property (near former paint booth location). PCA-2 Adhesives and Resins Manufacturing, Processing and Bulk Storage. On-site. Volatile Organic Groundwater and Compounds (VOC), Soil. Electrical Conductivity (EC), Sodium Adsorption Ratio (SAR), and pH. APEC C West Portion along the west RSC property boundary. PCA-39 Paints Manufacturing, Processing and Bulk Storage. On-site. PCA-2 Adhesives and Resins Manufacturing, Processing and Bulk Storage. Off-site PCA-17 Dye Manufacturing, Processing and Bulk Storage. Off-site VOC and BTEX. Groundwater and Soil. VOCs Groundwater and Soil. 220 m north of property line. Metals, BTEX and VOCs. Groundwater and Soil. 210 m north of property line. PCA-31 Ink Manufacturing, Processing and Bulk Storage. Off-site 210 m north of property line. Page 1 of 2 Metals, VOCs and pH. Groundwater and Soil. "TABLE OF AREAS OF POTENTIAL ENVIRONMENTAL CONCERN" (Refer to clause 16(2)(a), Schedule D, O. Reg. 153/04) Area of Potential Environmental Concern (APEC) Location of APEC on Phase One Property Potentially Contaminating Activity (PCA) PCA-39 Paints Manufacturing, Processing and Bulk Storage. Location of PCA (on-site or off-site) Off-site Contaminants of Potential Concern (CPC) Metals and BTEX. Media Potentially Impacted (Groundwater, soil and/or sediment) Groundwater and Soil. 210 m and 220 m north of property line. PCA-43 Plastics (including Fibreglass) Manufacturing and Processing. Off-site. Metals, PHCs and VOCs. Groundwater and Soil. 150 m and 220 m north of property line. PCA-47 Rubber Manufacturing and Processing. Off-site. Metals, BTEX and VOCs. Groundwater and Soil. 150 m north of property line. PCA-51 Solvent Manufacturing, Processing and Bulk Storage. Off-site. 55 m north of property line. Page 2 of 2 VOCs. Groundwater and Soil. "TABLE OF CURRENT AND PAST USES OF THE PHASE ONE PROPERTY" (Refer to clause 16(2)(b), Schedule D, O.Reg. 153/04) Year Name of Owner or Occupant Description of Property Use Property Use Other Observations from Aerial Photographs, Fire Insurance Plans, etc. 130 Yorkland Boulevard, Toronto, ON Part of PIN: 10085-0033 (LT) Parts 3, 4, 5 and 6, Plan 66R-27583 1842/09/26 1896/05/01 1903/04/09 1921/04/29 1934/12/18 1960/12/30 1965/07/30 1966/08/19 1968/05/06 Crown to John Henry Agricultural Use or Agricultural or Undeveloped other use Agricultural Use or Agricultural or Undeveloped other use Agricultural Use or Agricultural or Undeveloped other use Agricultural Use or Agricultural or Undeveloped other use Agricultural Use or Agricultural or Undeveloped other use Agricultural Use or Agricultural or Undeveloped other use Agricultural Use or Agricultural or Undeveloped other use The Hydro-Electric Commission of the Borough of North York Agricultural Use or Agricultural or Based on the 1966 aerial photograph, the RSC property appears Undeveloped other use to be undeveloped land. Fred T. Reisman and Associates Limited Single tenant light Industrial use Based on the Opta Property Underwriters Reports the RSC James Henry Michael O’Sullivan Thomas Boyd Florence Boyd Philips Ltd. Electronics Industries Yorkland Development Limited industrial building None None None None None None None property (130 Yorkland Building) was constructed in 1968 with 1 of 2 "TABLE OF CURRENT AND PAST USES OF THE PHASE ONE PROPERTY" (Refer to clause 16(2)(b), Schedule D, O.Reg. 153/04) Year Name of Owner or Occupant Description of Property Use Property Use Other Observations from Aerial Photographs, Fire Insurance Plans, etc. an industrial building and a paint booth was located at the northcentral portion of manufacturing plant. 1968/12/12 Yorkland Development Limited 1968/12/12 Metropolitan Association 1970/01/14 Same Industrial use None Police Same Industrial use None Sheila Construction Company Ltd. Same Industrial use None Hans-Joachim Handreke Limited Same Industrial use Based on the 1974 aerial photograph, the RSC property appears 1979/10/31 Metropolitan Toronto Police Association Same Industrial use None 2014/06/30 130 Yorkland JV Inc. Unoccupied industrial Industrial use Based on the Site visit on August 21, 2014, the RSC building 1979/02/16 Toronto to be developed with a present-day industrial building. building was unoccupied. 2 of 2 130 Yorkland Blvd., Toronto, Ontario Page 1 of 12 PHASE TWO CONCEPTUAL SITE MODEL Introduction Phase One & Two ESAs were conducted to support the filing of a Record of Site Condition considering the proposed change of property use. The reports were completed for entire property addressed as 130 & 180 Yorkland Blvd. and legally described as Parts 1 to 10, Registered Plan 66R-27583. The phase one and two property (130 and 180 Yorkland Blvd.) was utilized as commercial and industrial from 1968 to up to 2014. Currently, site’s buildings are vacant. The Record of Site Condition portion (130 Yorkland Blvd. “the Site”) of the phase one and two property was utilized for industrial purposes from 1968 to up to 2014. The proposed future land use is residential, and a Record of Site Condition (RSC) is required to satisfy the proposed severance of the Site. An application for change of property use from industrial to residential would be made for 130 Yorkland Blvd. for future site redevelopment. This Phase Two Conceptual Site Model (CSM) has been prepared based on information and data collected to date as part of Fisher’s Phase One ESA and Phase Two ESA field and analytical works conducted at the Site in August – September 2014. The Phase Two CSM provides a narrative, graphical and tabulated description, integrating information related to the Site's geologic and hydrogeologic conditions, areas of potential environmental concern/potential contaminating activities, the presence and distribution of contaminants of concern, contaminant fate and transport, and potential exposure pathways. These components are described in the following sections. The Phase Two ESA CSM makes reference to the drawings mentioned in section CSM Figures of this report. Site Description The property that is subject to the present RSC is municipally addressed as 130 Yorkland Boulevard, Toronto, Ontario, and it is part of the larger phase one and two property addressed as 130 & 180 Yorkland Blvd. The entire phase one and two property is legally described as Part of Block H, Plan 7612 North York as in NY770696 & NY548590, Except NY678010, Toronto (North York, City of Toronto; and Parcel B-4, Section M-1248, Part of Lot B, Plan 66M1248, designated as Part 48, 66R7693, TWP of York/North York, City of Toronto, both designated as Parts 1 to 10, Plan 66R-27583, City of Toronto, with the PIN 10085-0033 (LT) and10085-0040 (LT) . Please refer to Legal Survey drawing. The Plan 66R-27583 of Survey was prepared by KRCMAR, signed by Patrick Woolley and dated August 6, 2014. The RSC property is legally described as Parts 3 to 6, Registered Plan 66R-27583, City of Toronto, with the PIN 10085-0033 (LT). Please refer to Legal Survey drawing. NAD 83 Datum for the centroid of the property is 17-634108-4847795. The phase one and two property is located on the northwest corner of the intersection of Yorkland Boulevard and Consumers Road, approximately 130 m west of Consumers Road in Toronto (North York). Project No. FE-P 14-7018, September 2014 130 Yorkland Blvd., Toronto, Ontario Page 2 of 12 The phase one and two property is a trapezoidal-shaped property that is developed with two vacant buildings: a one-storey light industrial building located at 130 Yorkland Blvd. (Site Building A), and a twostorey office building with a basement located at 180 Yorkland Blvd. (Site Building B). The entire property has an area of approximately 1.2 hectares. The RSC property (Site) is an L-shaped property that is developed with a vacant one-storey light industrial building located at 130 Yorkland Blvd. (Site Building A) and a parking lot. The RSC Site has an area of 0.75401 hectares. The RSC property is bounded by commercial buildings to the north and east and Yorkland Blvd. to the south and west. The Phase One and Two property has historically been used for industrial and commercial purposes. At the time of the Phase Two ESA investigation, the Site was unoccupied. The Site has gas, water, sanitary sewer, hydro (underground) and Bell services. The natural gas supply service runs east-west along the northern wall of Site Building A to the main supply pipe on Yorkland Blvd. The potable water supply service runs east-west from west wall of the building to the main supply pipe on Yorkland Blvd. Runoff is collected in three catch basins located at the Site, separately connected to the municipal sewer system underneath Yorkland Blvd. Roof runoff is also collected and discharged into the storm sewer system. Domestic wastewater is reportedly discharged into the municipal sanitary sewer system running from the western portion of the building toward the municipal sewer system underneath Yorkland Blvd. Hydro cables are running underground from the utility room of the building, located at the north side of the building to one on-site transformer and from there into main Hydro supply line located on the west and partially south sides of Yorkland Blvd. Physical Settings a. Site topography is generally flat with ground elevation of approximately 171 m asl. Landscaped areas were observed west of Building A (130 Yorkland Blvd.) and along south boundary. Run-off drainage/infiltration is expected to be directed towards on-site and street catch basins. b. Description of the subsurface conditions encountered at the borehole locations is presented below and in the attached Geological Cross-sections Figures 9 and 10. Fill Materials Asphalt followed by granular material was found at the surface of boreholes 2 – 6, 8 and 9. Surface topsoil and granular materials were underlain by fill soils generally comprised of dark brown or brown sandy silt or clayey silt with sand, trace gravel and organic material extending up to 1.6 m below ground surface. Project No. FE-P 14-7018, September 2014 130 Yorkland Blvd., Toronto, Ontario Page 3 of 12 Unit I The fill materials were underlain by Unit I of overburden consisting of greyish brown to grey sandy silt till, trace clay, extending from approximately 1.50 m up to 6.10 m bgs. Unit II (the aquifer) Unit II (the aquifer) consisted of a deposit of grey sandy silt till, extending from approximately 4.60 m up to 8.50 m bgs. Unit III (the aquitard) Unit III (the aquitard) consisted of grey clayey silt till, trace sand or silty clay till extending from approximately 8.50 m up to 9.10 m bgs, (investigated depth). c. Bedrock (Upper Ordovician grey shale of the Meaford-Dundas Formation, interbedded with siltstone and minor grey fossiliferous limestone) is expected at a depth of approximately 120 m below grade. Investigated Aquifer Based on the visual examination of the soil samples and ground water levels measurements, we consider that the ground water exists in the wet layers embedded in the grey sandy silt till, having a thickness of approximately 2.5 m . Perched water may also be present in the fill. The water encountered in the monitoring wells probably represents the ground water from the moist layers. The local groundwater appears to vary from 165.90 to 168.14 m asl, based on geodetic elevation measurements and calculation. The sandy silt till, trace sand matrix of the aquifer indicate a range of hydraulic conductivity of 10-6 - 10-8 m/s. Based on the field measurements, the ground water flow direction at the Site is calculated to be west towards Don River located approximately 1,100 m southwest of the Site. The localized shallow ground water flow direction may be influenced by the presence of on-site and/or off-site underground utilities, building foundations, variations in vertical and horizontal stratigraphy, seasonal water level variations, depth of wells’ screened intervals and/or well trauma. The ground water elevation contours and interpreted ground water flow direction are illustrated in Figure 8 included in CSM Figures section. Investigation of this first encountered aquifer was deemed necessary due to the potential for direct discharge/migration of petroleum/paint/solvent/adhesives products into the native soils and migration through natural groundwater flow, or along building’s foundations and utilities as transport pathways, considering a typical depth of 1.5 m to 4.0 m below grade. Groundwater Hydraulic Gradients Horizontal hydraulic gradient is the slope of the water table or potentiometric surface. Linear hydraulic gradient was calculated based on the ground water elevation data of the monitoring wells BH2(MW), Project No. FE-P 14-7018, September 2014 130 Yorkland Blvd., Toronto, Ontario Page 4 of 12 BH3(MW) and BH6(MW). These three (3) monitoring wells were installed at the depths of 7.62, 6.17 m and 6.11 m below ground surface, respectively. Horizontal and vertical groundwater gradients and groundwater flow direction were measured on a scaled site plan with monitoring well locations. To estimate the hydraulic gradient all installed wells were completed in the same aquifer. Horizontal hydraulic gradient measured between wells BH2(MW) and BH6(MW) was IH = ∆h / ∆s = (96.15 – 95.49) / 51.6 = 0.0128. Horizontal hydraulic gradient measured between wells BH3(MW) and BH6(MW) was IH = ∆h / ∆s = (97.55 – 95.49) / 51.15 = 0.0403. Vertical hydraulic gradient is the difference in water head over the difference in wells’ bottom elevation. Vertical hydraulic gradient measured between wells BH3(MW) and BH6(MW) was IV = ∆h / ∆z = (97.55 – 95.49) / (95.49 – 94.24) = 2.06 / 1.25 = 1.648. Investigated Aquitard Based on the lithological description provided in this section and the boreholes distribution across the Site, the first encountered aquitard was noted between depths of approximately 8.5 m to 9.10 m bgs. The aquitard comprises of grey clayey silt till, trace sand or silty clay till, it appears to have a minimum thickness of approximately 0.60 m, and an estimated hydraulic conductivity of 10-7 - 10-8 m/sec. Considering the thickness, low permeability and high organic content of the aquitard, it is expected that, if solvents and/or petroleum distillates have escaped into surface and/or subsurface soil and groundwater at the northern neighboring properties and at the former on-site paint booth, potentially limited vertical and lateral migration of contaminants would have occurred from the northern and central portions of the Site to the southwestern portions of the property. Site Condition In view of the fact that the Site and other properties located within 250 m of the boundaries of the Site are supplied by a municipal drinking water system, the non-potable ground water Site Condition Standards (Table 3 SCSs) are applied to the Site. Considering the soil types encountered at the borehole locations, the distribution of boreholes across the Site, and the fact that no grain size analysis was conducted, the applicable SCCs has been applied as if soil is coarse textured. In accordance with Section 41 of the regulation, the Site is not an environmentally sensitive area. The Site is not located within an area of natural significance and it does not include land that is within 30 metres of an area of natural significance. Soil pH samples collected from the Site were also within the acceptable range of surficial and subsurface soil for the application of MOE Table 3 SCS. Project No. FE-P 14-7018, September 2014 130 Yorkland Blvd., Toronto, Ontario Page 5 of 12 The Site is not a shallow soil property as defined in Section 43.1 of the regulation; nor does it include all or part of a water body or is adjacent to a water body or includes land that is within 30 metres of a water body. Assessment of PCAs, APECs and Subsurface Structures Based on the findings of the Phase One investigation, three (3) potentially contaminating activities were identified at the Site, namely Adhesives and Resins Manufacturing, Processing and Bulk Storage (PCA 2), Paints Manufacturing, Processing and Bulk Storage (PCA 39) around the former paint booth area, and Importation of Fill material of Unknown Quality (PCA 30) used during property development in 1968. Additionally, off-site potentially contaminating activities have occurred within the Phase One Study Area, namely, Solvent Manufacturing, Processing and Bulk Storage (PCA-51) at the 200 Yorkland Blvd. located approximately 55 m to the north of the Site; Plastics (including Fibreglass) Manufacturing and Processing (PCA-43) and Rubber Manufacturing and Processing (PCA-47) at 270 Yorkland Blvd. located approximately 150 m north of the Site; Adhesives and Resins Manufacturing, Processing and Bulk Storage (PCA 2), Paints Manufacturing, Processing and Bulk Storage (PCA-39) and Plastics (including Fibreglass) Manufacturing and Processing (PCA-43) at 271 Yorkland Blvd. located approximately 20 m north of the Site; and Dye Manufacturing, Processing and Bulk Storage (PCA-17), Ink Manufacturing, Processing and Bulk Storage (PCA-31) and Paints Manufacturing, Processing and Bulk Storage (PCA-39) located at 279 Yorkland Blvd, located approximately 210 m north of the Site. Based on the location of PCAs, three (3) areas of potential environmental concern (APEC A, APEC B and APEC C) were identified. Refer to Table 1 below and to the attached Figure 7, Phase Two CSM Figures section, for presentation of PCAs and APECs locations. Table 1: APECs, PCAs and CPCs Area of Potential Environmental Concern APEC A Location of APEC on Phase One Property Potentially Contaminating Activity (PCA) Northwest Corner PCA-30 Importation of Fill Materials of Unknown Quality. and Southeast Portion of the Location of PCA (on-site or offsite) Contaminants of Potential Concern (CPC) Media Potentially Impacted (Groundwater, soil and/or sediment) On-site. Metals, Soil. Petroleum Hydrocarbons RSC property. (PHC) Fractions 1-4 (F1-F4), Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAH). APEC B North Portion of PCA-2 Adhesives and Resins On-site. Volatile Organic Groundwater Project No. FE-P 14-7018, September 2014 130 Yorkland Blvd., Toronto, Ontario Area of Potential Environmental Concern Location of APEC on Phase One Property the RSC property (near former paint booth location). Page 6 of 12 Potentially Contaminating Activity (PCA) Location of PCA (on-site or offsite) Manufacturing, Processing and Bulk Storage. Contaminants of Potential Concern (CPC) Media Potentially Impacted (Groundwater, soil and/or sediment) Compounds and Soil. (VOC), Electrical Conductivity (EC), Sodium Adsorption Ratio (SAR), and pH. APEC C West Portion along the west RSC property boundary. PCA-39 Paints Manufacturing, Processing and Bulk Storage. On-site. PCA-2 Adhesives and Resins Manufacturing, Processing and Bulk Storage. Off-site VOCs and Groundwater BTEX. and Soil. VOCs. Groundwater and Soil. 220 m north of property line. PCA-17 Dye Manufacturing, Processing and Bulk Storage. Off-site 210 m Metals, BTEX Groundwater and VOCs. and Soil. Metals, VOCs Groundwater and pH. and Soil. Metals and Groundwater BTEX. and Soil. north of property line. PCA-31 Ink Manufacturing, Processing and Bulk Storage. Off-site 210 m north of property line. PCA-39 Paints Manufacturing, Processing and Bulk Storage. Off-site 210 m and 220 m north of property Project No. FE-P 14-7018, September 2014 130 Yorkland Blvd., Toronto, Ontario Area of Potential Environmental Concern Location of APEC on Phase One Property Page 7 of 12 Potentially Contaminating Activity (PCA) Location of PCA (on-site or offsite) Contaminants of Potential Concern (CPC) Media Potentially Impacted (Groundwater, soil and/or sediment) Metals, PHCs Groundwater and VOCs. and Soil. Metals, BTEX Groundwater and VOCs. and Soil. VOCs. Groundwater line. PCA-43 Plastics (including Fibreglass) Manufacturing and Processing. Off-site. 150 m and 220 m north of property line. PCA-47 Rubber Manufacturing and Processing. Off-site. 150 m north of property line. PCA-51 Solvent Manufacturing, Processing and Bulk Storage. Off-site. 55 m north and Soil. of property line. The scope of work for the Phase Two ESA was prepared in order to assess the environmental quality of soil and/or ground water at the identified APECs. The Phase Two ESA investigation includes nine (9) boreholes advanced on August 25, 2015. Five (5) of the boreholes were completed as monitoring wells, BH1(MW), BH2(MW), BH3(MW), BH6(MW), and BH7(MW). Seven (7) boreholes were advanced at the RSC portion of the Site. Three (3) of the boreholes were completed as monitoring wells, BH2(MW), BH3(MW) and BH6(MW). Refer to the attached Figure 7, Phase Two CSM Figures section, for borehole and monitoring wells locations. The boreholes were drilled within the APECs in the vicinity of subsurface structures and utilities (buildings foundations, storm sewer), and at the areas of suspected imported fill materials. Graphic Representation of Phase Two CSM The presentation of the Phase Two ESA Conceptual Site Model makes reference to the following attached drawings: Project No. FE-P 14-7018, September 2014 130 Yorkland Blvd., Toronto, Ontario Page 8 of 12 CSM Figures Figure 6: Site Plan of the Phase One Study Area that shows buildings, surface and sub-surface structure, water bodies, drinking water wells, areas of natural significance, roads, uses of properties adjacent to the phase two property, and areas where any PCAs have occurred. Figure 7: Site Plan of the Phase Two property with PCAs, APECs, human/ecological receptors (HR and ER), transport pathways (T) and boreholes/monitoring wells (BH and MW) locations. Figure 8: Site Plan with Ground Water Elevations Contours and Interpreted Groundwater Flow Direction. Figure 9: Cross-Section A-A’ approximately parallel to the inferred groundwater flow direction. The crosssections illustrate the stratigraphy, boreholes/monitoring wells locations, depths and construction, depths at which soil samples were taken, and groundwater table static level elevation. Figure 10: Cross-Section B – B’ approximately perpendicular to the inferred groundwater flow direction. The cross-section illustrates the stratigraphy, boreholes/monitoring wells locations, depths and construction, depths at which soil samples were taken, and groundwater table static level elevation. Figure 11: Cross-Section C-C’ approximately perpendicular to the inferred groundwater flow direction. The cross-section illustrates the stratigraphy, boreholes/monitoring wells locations, depths and construction, depths at which soil samples were taken, and groundwater table static level elevation. Refer to Figures 6 to 11 attached to the CSM. Site Condition Standards, Identification, Source, Distribution and Migration of COCs As indicated in the APECs and CPCs Table above, the analytical program of the Phase Two ESA included testing of soil and groundwater for Metals, PHCs, VOCs, PAHs, EC, SAR and/or pH parameters. For the purpose of this Phase Two CSM, CPCs were identified by screening analytical results reported for the soil and groundwater samples collected at the Site against the MOE Table 3: Full Depth Generic Site Condition Standards (SCS) in a Non-Potable Ground Water Condition for Residential/Parkland/Institutional Property Use and coarse textured soil, as presented in the MOE “Soil, Ground Water and Sediment Standards for Use Under Part XV.1 of the Environmental Protection Act’, dated April 15, 2011. Soil & Groundwater Analytical Results Chemical analyses were conducted by Fisher Environmental Laboratories. Fisher Laboratories is accredited by the Canadian Association for Laboratory Accreditation (CALA) and meet the requirements of Section 47 of O.Reg. 153/04 certifying that the analytical laboratory be accredited in accordance with the International Standards ISO/IEC 17025 and with standards developed by the Standards Council of Canada. Project No. FE-P 14-7018, September 2014 130 Yorkland Blvd., Toronto, Ontario Page 9 of 12 The laboratory analytical results indicate that all of the soil and groundwater samples met the applicable MOE Table 3 SCS for the all tested parameters. Should CPCs were present in soil and groundwater at on-site and off-site PCAs locations, it appears that the relevant transport mechanisms have not contributed to exceeding concentrations of CPCs in soil and groundwater at the RSC property, or that it is unlikely that CPCs have been discharged into the natural environment at the RSC property. Soil Vapor Intrusion in Surface and Subsurface Structures. No volatile COCs were encountered at the Site. Tabulated Narrative Form of the Phase Two CSM 1. Table 2: Phase Two CSM Areas where Potentially Contaminating Activities have occurred: a. PCA-2 Adhesives and Resins Processing and Storage, and b. PCA-39 Paints Processing and Bulk Storage. The rear portion of the 130 Yorkland Blvd. building was used as an office furniture manufacturing plant from approximately 1968 to 1991. A spray booth was located at north-central portion of the manufacturing area. c. PCA-30 Importation of Fill Materials of Unknown Quality. Fill materials of unknown quality may have been used during property development underneath the parking lot. d. PCA-51 Solvent Bulk Storage. 200 Yorkland Blvd., Toronto, ON - Union Gas Limited and Centra Gas Ontario Inc., located approximately 115 m northwest of the centroid of the Site, were waste generators registered for Halogenated Solvents from 1994 to 2001. e. PCA-43 Plastics Processing, and f. PCA-47 Rubber Processing. 270 Yorkland Blvd. - Polyphalt Inc., a manufacturer of paving and roofing materials from recycled rubber and plastics, located approximately 175 m north of the centroid of the Site, was a waste generator registered for Petroleum Distillates and Photoprocessing Wastes from 1997 to 2004. g. PCA-2 Adhesives and Resins Processing and Storage, h. PCA-39 Paints Processing and Bulk Storage, and i. PCA-43 Plastics Processing. 271 Yorkland Blvd., Toronto, ON - Architectural Moldings Inc., a manufacturer of Plaster and Polyurethane Moldings, located approximately 275m north of the centroid of the Site, was a registered under NPRI for emissions of Toluene, Xylene, Methanol and MEK in air, in 2004. j. PCA-17 Dye Processing and Bulk Storage, Project No. FE-P 14-7018, September 2014 130 Yorkland Blvd., Toronto, Ontario Page 10 of 12 k. PCA-31 Ink Processing and Bulk Storage, and l. PCA-39 Paints Processing and Bulk Storage. 279 Yorkland Blvd., Toronto, ON - Crook and Grant Lithographers, a commercial printing and lithography company, located approximately 280 m north of the centroid of the Site, was a waste generator registered for Aliphatic and Aromatic Solvents, Petroleum Distillates, Waste Oils & Lubricants and Alkaline Wastes – Other Metals, from 1983 to 2012. Surface and sub-surface 1. The north and east sides of the Building A foundation located at 130 structures that may affect Yorkland portion of the phase one property. contaminant distribution and 2. Storm sewers at the east parking and south of the building. transport on-Site and from neighbouring properties: Type and locations of The current Phase Two ESA program involved the drilling of nine (9) samples taken at the phaseboreholes, five (5) of which were completed as monitoring wells. Seven (7) of one property as part of thisthe boreholes were drilled at the RSC property, three (3) of which were Phase Two ESA: completed as monitoring wells. Soil samples were collected from each of the seven (7) boreholes and were submitted to the lab for Metals, PHCs, VOCs, PAHs, EC, SAR, and/or pH analysis. Soil samples were collected from the boreholes in the top 0.50 m below grade, at or immediately below the depths of identified transport pathways, within the capillary fringe and from the water bearing formation. Groundwater samples were collected from each of the three (3) monitoring wells installed during this investigation and submitted for Metals, PHCs and VOCs analysis. Refer to attached Figure 7 - Site Plan with BH and MW Locations. Type and locations of Not applicable. remaining impacts noted at the phase one property considering previous investigations: Geological and hydrogeological interpretations: The surficial geology at the Phase Two property encountered during boreholes drilling was found to correspond to the general geology in the area characterized as Young tills (Halton, 3b): clayey silt till deposits. Geologic cross-sections based on Site boreholes are presented in Figures 9, 10 and 11. The surface fill materials and the soil in the vadose zone were coarse textured and were described as layers of dark brown or brown sandy silty or clayey silt with sand, trace gravel and organic materials extending up to 1.6 m bgs. The soil in the capillary fringe were medium to fine textured and were described as brown to grey sandy silt till, trace clay. The first encountered overburden aquifer consisted of a deposit of grey sandy silt till, moist, extending from approximately 4.60 m up to 8.5 m below grade. The aquitard comprises of grey clayey silt till, trace sand or silty clay till, extending from approximately 8.5 m to 9.10 m bgs, and an estimated hydraulic conductivity -7 -8 of 10 - 10 m/sec. Project No. FE-P 14-7018, September 2014 130 Yorkland Blvd., Toronto, Ontario Page 11 of 12 Groundwater static level measurement was taken at the monitoring well locations on September 3, 2014, and it was noted at depths ranging from 5.1 m bgs in BH6(MW) to 2.86 m bgs in BH3(MW), as summarized in Table 1. The groundwater level in the overburden is subject to seasonal variations. Based on the field measurements, the ground water flow direction at the Site is inferred to be west towards Don River. Refer to Fig 8 attached in Figures section of this report. The regional and Site hydrogeological conditions indicate a typical range of -4 -6 hydraulic conductivity for the encountered overburden soils of 10 – 10 cm/sec. Should CPCs were present in soil and groundwater at on-site and off-site PCAs locations, it appears that the relevant transport mechanisms have not contributed to exceeding concentrations of CPCs in soil and groundwater at the Phase Two property, or that it is unlikely that CPCs have been discharged into the natural environment at the Phase Two property. Contaminants of Potential Based on the results of the analytical program, no CPC are carried forward Concern (CPC) and Releaseas COCs in soil and groundwater underneath the Phase Two property or mechanisms RSC property. Transport pathways The characteristics of the released liquid and of soil matrix will greatly influence the migration pathways, extent of travel, and persistence of the released contaminants. For example, a considerable mass of a contaminant that is only slightly soluble in water may travel large distances in the subsurface as a constituent of an organic liquid. Complementary, the inflow of leaked contaminants into the groundwater and its soil matrix results in changes of the fluid phases flow regime. Water phase in the pores of the soil matrix will partially be displaced by liquid phases with different density and miscibility. These displacement processes are influenced by various parameters that characterize the aquifer’s soil matrix, such as: wettability, permeability, relative permeability, capillary pressure and others. When favorable conditions exist, petroleum hydrocarbons escaped into subsurface may travel through naturally permeable soils, or through preferential pathways described by highly permeable fill materials surrounding underground services, building foundations and other subsurface structures. Beside the natural groundwater flow underlying the Site, petroleum products may preferentially travel through the gas pipe trench and fuel transport pipes trench from the east portion to southeast portion of the subject property. Additionally, the storm sewer and sanitary sewer pipes trenches, as well as building foundations weeping tiles may act as contaminants transport pathways from the north portion of the Site towards east and southeast areas. Wind and runoff water may also represent carriers for vapours and particulates of contaminants across the Site and neighboring properties. Human and/or ecological Human receptors consist of personnel conducting work on-site and/or Project No. FE-P 14-7018, September 2014 130 Yorkland Blvd., Toronto, Ontario receptors Page 12 of 12 trespassers. Ecological receptors at the Site consist of herbaceous vegetation, shrubs, trees, soil invertebrates, terrestrial and aerial invertebrates, aquatic microorganisms, phytoplankton, zooplankton, aquatic plants, aquatic invertebrates, fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds, mammals. Exposure points Indoors exposure points at the Site may be found in basement areas, elevator shafts, isolated rooms, confined spaces, floor drains. Outdoors exposure points may be identified near utilities manholes or catch basins. Outdoors exposure points were not identified at this stage, as the most area surrounding the building was asphalt/concrete-paved. Routes of exposure Human receptors at the Site can be exposed to contaminated media directly through inhalation of vapours and/or dust, ingestion and/or dermal contact. Ecological receptors can be exposed to surface contaminated media directly through ingestion of contaminated vegetation, water, and prey; incidental ingestion of soil; or through physical contact or inhalation. However, inhalation and physical contact are considered to play minor roles in the exposure to surface contamination. Other exposure mechanisms may include: adsorption / desorption, atmospheric deposition, bioconcentration, degradation, diffusion, dilution, dispersion, evaporation, foliar fixation, gas / particulate partitioning, etc. Contaminants in subsurface soil can be transported to ecological receptors by plant uptake and translocation by burrowing animals. Contaminants at depths greater than 3 m (10 ft) are considered inaccessible to ecological receptors because that depth generally is below the root zone of plants and the burrowing depth of ground-dwelling animals. Insects and burrowing animals have the potential for bringing contaminated subsurface soils and buried waste to the surface. Once contaminated soil is brought close to the surface, transport and exposure scenarios for ecological receptors are the same as for surface soil. For subsurface contamination, inhalation and direct contact (by burrowing animals) are more important exposure routes than for surface contamination. These receptors include burrowing animals and deeprooting plants. Because subsurface soil contamination may be translocated to the surface by burrowing animals and plant uptake, other terrestrial species also have some potential for exposure through this pathway. Uncertainty or absence of It is inferred that subsurface conditions at the phase one property approach information: the regional geological and hydrogeological conditions. The actual contribution of natural (or anthropogenic) pathways to contaminant transport and distribution under the phase one property is uncertain and could affect the conclusions of this report. Location of subsurface fill materials across the Site is assumed at this time therefore distribution of contaminants within fill may be highly heterogeneous. Soil and groundwater quality underlying the on-site buildings was assumed to be consisted with that at the tested locations. Project No. FE-P 14-7018, September 2014
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