Dimensions - Geometric Ltd


Dimensions - Geometric Ltd
Issue VI | December 2013
A Geometric Newsletter
are the
days when you
can just meet theand
and afterIn
business needs of your customers. The need of the hour is to
focus on solutions that translate into greater value-add to our
customer organizations, ensuring that we increasingly become
a part of their business success. In other words, we need to do
more with less.
At Geometric, we have taken a results-focused approach by
applying principles of lean to every customer engagement, thus
continuously improving operations and measuring efficiency.
With a lean approach we ensure significant savings as well
higher business value for our customers - further building
deeper relationships and customer intimacy. This issue of
NextDimensions examines why a lean approach is a key
consideration in all our customer engagements.
As we get into the end of the year, let me take the opportunity
to wish you the best for the festive season.
this Issue
Cover Story
LeanEdge at Geometric
View Point
Transformation using Agilean Approach
Building Success
Delivery improvements using Lean for a PLM
solutions project with a leading off-highway
Solution Showcase
A Lean Manufacturing Approach with
Anark Core™ MBEWeb™
Kalidas Surapaneni
Sr. Vice President & Global Head,
Business Development
Geometric Updates
News and Events
We would really appreciate your feedback and thoughts on this this issue of NEXTDimension as well as suggestions
on topics you would like us to cover. So do write in to NEXTdimensions@geometricglobal.com
Cover Story
A Geometric Newsletter
LeanEdge at Geometric
Geometric has adopted the Lean Methodology to drive continuous
improvement, emphasising on reducing the non-value added activities
(incidental and waste activities) in our operations; thereby improving
productivity and efficiency of our delivery for customers.
Standardization of work will enhance the performance of our
Focus on the Quality at the Source will help us to improve the quality
of our projects with minimum cost of quality.
Lean 1.0 implementation started in Geometric in February 2012. In this
When all of us work with a lean mindset, we expect that we will achieve
phase, extending to March 2013, almost all offshore projects with
following objectives:
significant team sizes were covered for lean adoption. Major objectives
for Lean 1.0 were to improve productivity and quality of the projects.
Improvement in customer intimacy: Customer intimacy means tailoring
Lean 2.0 implementation started from April 2013. Based on the
our offerings to precisely match the needs of the customer. Deep
experience and learnings of Lean 1.0, more holistic objectives have been
understanding of customers’ challenges, expectations and processes
defined for Lean 2.0.
are its key elements.
As a part of the lean implementation, the first dimension analyzed is
Objectives of Lean 2.0
‘Voice of Customer’, where we understand the critical success factors
Lean is successful only if it is imbibed as the way of working. It becomes
(CSF) of the project and our performance on these parameters. This
our culture and our mindset. Accordingly, the overarching theme of Lean
is done through customer interviews and feedback from the customers
2.0 is to develop the Lean Mindset across the organization. Developing
through our customer satisfaction index (CSI) process. The process is
mindset means to imbibe assumptions and related expected behaviors
then enhanced to meet the customer CSFs and key performance
for lean and incentivizing these behaviors for every Geometrician.
Lean Mindset:
There is always opportunity for
continuous improvement
If we understand ‘Value’ to
customer, we can design our
process efficiently to increase
customer value by reducing
Our Approach
Define the the project execution process in - line with
Lean principles
Systematic study of on - going project using Lean
diagnostic techniques and tools to identify waste and
improvement area
–Reduction of waste through
Focusing on Value added activities as per customer expectations
Standardizing and streamlining processes
Continuous monitoring/improvement of key project
Rigidity (inflexibility)
“Use of resources beyond
what is needed to meet
customer requirements”
“Any deviation from
defined standards”
“Limitations that prevent
rapid and efficient
response to changes in
customer demand”
Sample Distribution
“Voice of the
“Voice of the process”
Deviating from standard
and process parameters
Good measurement framework
will allow us to measure the
critical parameters and
understanding these parameters
and their status by all will help in
reducing waste.
In this knowledge worker age,
people are the most important
asset. Focus on competency
building and empowerment will
help to improve engagement
with team members.
Defining right organization structures and skills
A holistic approach will be used to address how people
work, manage, think, and act
Process Efficiency
Performance Management
Focus on maximum customer impact: deliver to
Delivering to customer outcomes is continuously
customers what they want, when they want it
monitored/ improved, in a structured and
and to the quality level they want:
focused manner:
• Streamline processes by removing
• Performance management cascade
waste, variability and rigidly
• Pragmatic KPIs
• Create flow by combining process steps
• Systematic root cause problem solving
Voice of the
• Standardize execution
Mindsets and Behaviors
There is a culture of people working
together to put the customer at the heart
of the business:
• Clear and inspiring vision and objective
• Compelling change story
• Management role -modelling
precisely what
clients need;
align service
Examples of rework –
Effort spent to correct a
defect in a deliverable
Lifecycle of high priority
business change request
varies from 2 to 10 weeks
Time spent waiting for work to
come, e.g., waiting for another
team to end its part of the
Realization of 10%-20%
productivity benefits
through Lean initiative in
multiple projects
Organization and Skills
Organization aligned to deliver on client
• Optimum organization structure
• Key skills defined
• Training and coaching
A lean transformation is driven by people – not just technical tools.
Success required all 5 elements to work together
© Geometric Ltd. | Issue.6 | December 2013
Cover Story
A Geometric Newsletter
LeanEdge at Geometric
indicators (KPI) are defined and tracked to check the progress on
Improvement in employee engagement level: We focus on improving
these CSFs.
the competency of people and on removing hindrances affecting
Operational excellence as source of competitive advantage:
Operational Excellence means providing leadership in creating value by
performing our operations more efficiently with better Quality.
Competitive advantage means we develop and excel on these attributes
to outperform competitors. In simple word, we want to be the most
efficient and highest quality service provider to our customers.
efficiency of our people (through better systems and processes). Lean
also helps us in objective measurement of performance of projects,
improve feedback mechanism, and better team alignment. We believe
that our focused actions will help us improve the engagement level of
employees. We track the engagement level by conducting and employee
survey every six months.
Targets, measurement of KPIs and governance for
these objectives
We have defined the objectives and rigorous measurement mechanism
for tracking the KPIs. Targets are set based on detailed findings of the
diagnostic phase. The targets are also correlated with the industry
We track the monthly performance of the projects on these parameters.
Reviews are planned with project managers and teams to discuss
current status and plans for improvement. We publish dashboards to
track the success of our lean objectives with direct visibility of the top
management. We have also set the performance appraisal goals for
individuals based on these parameters.
One of the key dimensions of lean is to define and improve on KPIs,
which are critical to our customers and Geometric. With our focus on
continuous improvement in these parameters and through regular
communication with our customers, we can achieve competitive
At organizational level, we have set a target of improvement in
productivity by 15% to create overall value of USD 2 million for customer
and Geometric in FY 14 (year ending 31st March 2014). We believe that
we will be able to meet these targets and set much steeper targets for
the coming years.
Create ‘Value’ for the customer and Geometric: ‘Value’ in simple terms
means the difference between ‘total benefits’ and ‘total costs’ over a
period of time, as perceived by the customer. Hence, if we create more
benefits for the same cost or deliver same benefits with lower costs,
then we are creating value.
Considering the complexity of measurement of ‘total benefits and costs’,
we will measure the benefits and costs in the context of financial
transactions with our customers with a sanity check that the value does
not regress over time.
We will also create value for Geometric by reducing
the costs of our deliveries and by generating
more profitable business or increasing the revenue at
same costs.
© Geometric Ltd. | Issue.6 | December 2013
View Point
A Geometric Newsletter
Transformation using Agilean Approach
The intensely competitive nature of the software product marketplace
Agile Development Process Model at Geometric
and shorter delivery cycles continue to put more pressure on product
The agile development methodology adopted by Geometric is based on
development teams. Moreover, as the market matures, the scope
the common elements of the popular agile methods and the
and sophistication of software applications is growing dramatically.
cornerstone practice of iterative development. The primary activities in
Agile software development methods address these challenges by
the process are project initiation, iteration planning and execution,
providing teams a pragmatic approach to deliver smaller increments of
small releases, the production release and the underlying activity of
functionality to the customers more quickly.
tuning and maintenance support.
Geometric is encouraging the application of Agile principles in all
Project Initiation
its projects. Geometric holds regular forums with software developers,
Project Charter is a formal document developed to justify, explain,
project managers, solution architects, and other project stakeholders to
define, and ultimately authorize a project. In an agile environment, it is
explore agile and adaptive software development approach at all levels.
presumed that either provisional funding has been awarded or tacit
The thorough review of the collected meetings has evolved into an Agile
approval has already happened, thus eliminating the need for detailed
Development Process Model - A step-wise approach of Transformation
paperwork. Teams conduct a 4-to-8 hour vision meeting to prepare the
roadmap and the AgiLean approach at Geometric.
deliverables associated with the project charter.
1, 2,
, Test
Potential Shippa
Product Increme le
Product Backlog
i on
Ite eview
End Users
tio n
Business case
and funding
Contractual agreement
Vision Box
Initial Product Backlog
Initial Release Plan
Stakeholder buy-in
Assemble Team
© Geometric Ltd. | Issue.6 | December 2013
View Point
A Geometric Newsletter
Transformation using Agilean Approach
resource bottlenecks, resource manager works with the training
Vision Box
The goal of the vision meeting is to define the boundaries and intent of
organization to help cross-train roles within the teams and align with
the project, by sharing the vision and needs of the business. The team
their individual career development plans.
designs the virtual box that would carry the product/ service - the final
outcome of project. The front of the box will have the name and key
Iteration Planning and Execution
statement about the product/ service. The back of the box will have
Iteration Planning Meeting
some of the key features that can be transferred to sticky notes as the
An iteration plan is detailed task list that serves as a tactical guide to
high level features marking the beginning of the product backlog. In the
help accomplish the iteration goal. Keeping the agile practice of
vision meeting, the team and product owners discuss the features; the
just-in-time design, it is the iteration planning meeting in which the
agile project manager facilitates and writes down the assumptions, risks,
product/service features are discussed and negotiated with the
dependencies and key actions that come out of the meeting discussions.
customer. This allows the team to make a realistic commitment on
Finally, the product roadmap is presented with high level representation
the scope of the work being defined.
features to be delivered in each release, the target customers,
Daily Scrum
architecture needed to support those features, and the business value
It is a daily standup meeting of few minutes, where all the team
the release is expected to meet. The end result of the product vision and
members attend and report their plan for the day based on the progress
product roadmap discussions is also the prioritized product backlog.
that they have made. The primary purpose is to inspect the work
These inputs are used into the next level - Release Planning.
plan (iteration backlog) by discussing the progress made by each
individual against the tasks that were allocated during the iteration
Release Planning
Here the team determines how to map the work from the prioritized
planning meeting.
backlog into iterations that make up a release. Once the project is
Iteration Review
underway, updates to the release plan are made at the end of each
Iteration review provides a designated time and space for collaborative
iteration, based on the actual progress and the remaining work. Agile
decision-making about the product, as well as an opportunity to review
team uses abstract measurements such as story points, which follows
the metrics, overall progress of the iteration, and the current state of the
Fibonacci sequence (1,2,3,5,8,13,21…) or the
Exponential scale
product. The product is tested to meet the criteria set forth to meet the
(1,2,4,8,16,32…) to estimate product backlog items. It is common for
agile value of ‘working software’. The team provides a walk-through of
features in the product backlog to be written as user stories, which
is a format for writing requirements from a user’s
perspective. These user stories are then estimated in a
the complete as well incomplete work during the iteration.
Additionally, the team reviews iteration metrics such as
test coverage, burn down charts and velocity. This
unit of measurement called ‘story points’.
review also provides the team an opportunity to
The number of story points a team can complete in
collect and share feedback and recommend
a single iteration lends the ability to forecast the
changes both in the process and in the product.
number of iterations a set of features will take to
implement. This set of features called the release
Iteration Retrospective
backlog and is used as a baseline to measure the
The iteration retrospective is to identify what
progress of the project.
worked well in the iteration, what did not work
it would like to take to improve the process.
The roadmap and release planning meetings help
Other retrospective activities include
identify resource needs during the early phase, so
conducting root cause analysis, defining team
well, which item it can control, and what actions
even before the first iteration happens, teams are
ready to create slices of functionality. To avoid any
© Geometric Ltd. | Issue.6 | December 2013
working agreements, recording decisions, and
identifying actions items.
View Point
A Geometric Newsletter
Transformation using Agilean Approach
Small Releases
The culmination of the release cycle is to release a new version of the
During this ‘special’ iteration, two key activities are conducted -
application. An agile and iterative development process enables smaller
application performance and functional tuning. During functional
and more frequent releases. Responsiveness increases because newly
tuning, outstanding issues are resolved and any remaining low-priority
discovered customer needs can be addressed in a much shorter
project backlog items are assessed for delivery. These items are assessed
timeframe, also risk is reduced because customers have the ability to
to determine if they can be considered as ‘adoption boosting’
provide feedback as to whether the product is on track earlier in the
functionality. Adoption boosting features increase the probability of the
development process.
users liking and immediately using the new application.
Production Release
During production release, the application is published to production.
The objective of the maintenance stage is to ensure that the application
Depending on the nature of the application, the production release
continuously supports the business through evolutionary maintenance.
might be targeted to a limited set of users and may run in parallel with
Therefore, this stage consists of a series of 1 to 2 week iterations
any replacement systems. As soon as the application is in production,
depending on the changes or new features identified in an ongoing
the delivery team begins tuning the application. This stage is a
basis. These iterations continue to follow all the primary activities in a
mandatory part of our agile approach and is critical in preparing for the
regular iteration and leverage all the necessary tools required to keep
full application rollout and end-user adoption.
the delivery team agile.
At Geometric, we believe that the promise of agile cannot be fully realized without enabling technology that shortens
delivery cycles, increases software development agility, project predictability, responsiveness to business change and
overall team productivity.
We believe that by adopting agile practices one can fundamentally change the way teams plan, run and manage software
projects. Scaling these agile methods to increasingly demanding applications requires adaptive requirements, test and project
management practices as well as appropriate tools to support larger and more distributed teams. By establishing these practices
companies can get a real competitive edge, while delivery teams can meet both personal as well as business objectives.
Delivery improvements using Lean for a PLM solutions project with
a leading off-highway manufacturer
Geometric works with a leading off-highway
equipment OEM to enable data integration
between PLM, MES and ERP systems and
seamless creation of process plans.
As a part of our lean implementation in ongoing
projects, we identified the levers for
improvement in the project, thus resulting in
significant measurable gains and greater valueadd for our customers and Geometric teams:
Levers Identified
Automation for repetitive tasks in support
and release management
Investigation and improvement suggestions
for repetitive issues registered by PLM users
Reduction in Requirement Study phase with
the position of onsite coordinator and
increased collaboration with customer
Reduction in time spent in code check-in
Improvement in internal QA process with
buddy testing by developers
R i g h t c o m m u n i c a t i o n m e d i u m fo r
communicating with end users to resolve
support issues
Customer specific competency improvement
Impact of Lean Implementation
Number of tickets closed by
Support team increased by 20%
SLA Adherence improved by 10%
Average “Mean Time to Repair” improved by
Project development productivity improved
by 14%
Structured trainings have been put in place
for competency improvement
Transparency in KPI’s has resulted into
increased team engagement
© Geometric Ltd. | Issue.6 | December 2013
Solution Showcase
A Geometric Newsletter
A Lean Manufacturing
Approach with Anark
Core™ MBEWeb™
Manufacturing leaders globally have a well established framework of
directly understood and consumed by a 3D model-based product
CAD, CAM, CAE and PDM tools to manage their design data. The
definition (MBD) across the enterprise.
proliferation of powerful 3D CAD modeling tool has revolutionized the
product design and 3D is generally accepted as a standard practice
Model Based Enterprise (MBE) is a “a fully integrated and
collaborative environment founded on 3D product definition
across most industries.
detailed and shared across the enterprise, to enable rapid,
Though these tools have positively impacted the digital product
definition processes, they have also created collaboration islands due to
dependency on specific file formats. Sharing up-to-date 3D product data
seamless, and affordable deployment of products from concept
to disposal.”
while communicating critical design intent to downstream users is one
Easy access to complete, latest and accurate 3D product data is one of
of the biggest challenges that organizations are facing today .
the biggest reasons for adopting MBE. It is clearly a lean technique and
A lot of designs are created in 3D, but documented on 2D drawings and
tiff images, etc. to serve several downstream operations such as
manufacturing, inspection and assembly. These disconnected data sets
suffer from a number of critical drawbacks and often cause problems in
there are several tangible benefits that can be derived by adopting
MBE. Some benefits derived by U.S. Department of Defense by adopting
MBE include:
Reduction in engineering and procurement costs by 27%
Reduction in supplier costs by 8%
downstream manufacturing.
Reduction in scrap and rework costs by 19%
Common challenges:
Increase in supplier response by 50%
When supplier data is not in
sync with engineering
released data, it leads to scrap,
A recent survey from Longview Advisors and Lifecycle Insights report
titled ‘The 2013 State of 3D Collaboration and Interoperability’, found
that 69% of companies use 3D models off the critical path, i.e use
rework and delay.
of 3D deliverables outside the handoff between engineering
When manufacturing best practices are not published across the
enterprise, it leads to production variations.
and manufacturing, including the use of 3D models in service,
quality, training, technical documentation, marketing, sales and
Global manufacturing poses significant challenge in protecting
intellectual property.
other organizations.
In reality, preparing the 3D CAD data for design collaboration and data
Absence of knowledge capture and reuse leads to knowledge loss
with retiring workforce.
exchange for downstream purposes is time-consuming and prone to
errors. Also the downstream data must be in a format that is compatible
Today, the industry stands at the crossroads of next logical evolution of
with all CAD systems, so that the hundreds of supplies can easily access
3D collaboration - A Model-Based Enterprise, where engineering data is
the data on a as-needed basis.
More CAD models are being leveraged outside of engineering. Research
indicates that 69% of companies use 3D models off the critical path
The 2013 State Of 3D Collaboration And Interopability Report
© Geometric Ltd. | Issue.6 | December 2013
Solution Showcase
A Geometric Newsletter
A Lean Manufacturing Approach with Anark Core™ MBEWeb™
Lean manufacturing approach with Anark Core MBEWeb solution
To address these challenges, Geometric and Anark Corporation have come together to provide the right framework for adopting a MBE. Our solution,
Anark Core MBEWeb enables manufacturing organizations to create and share up-to-date, 3D MBE documents with downstream users in manufacturing,
supply chain, purchasing, quality, and after sales service.
With MBEWeb, enterprise manufacturing companies can easily convert their 3D CAD parts and assemblies together with their attributes, dimensions and
tolerances, product views, and other model based definition (MBD) information into fit-for-purpose, free-to-view, and always-in-sync, 3D HTML and 3D
PDF MBE documents.
Product Development Process
Design &
Proposal &
Create, Verify & Manage product data
Transforms 3D CAD
+ related data into
fit for purpose &
free to view 3D HTML
and 3D PDF
MBE documents
End of Life
Consume product data
Product Databases
Manufacturing Database
SECURELY share 3D MBE documents for respective roles
MBEWeb Use Cases
The documents are free to view within standard PDF and HTML
applications, and can support several downstream use cases.
Integration to PLM, ERP and MES data ensures that documents are
always-in sync with the current engineering released versions and
manufacturing best practices.
Fully Semantic
Technical Data Package
Disassembly Work Instruction
Solution Benefits
Making 3D product data as the Master across extended enterprise
Cost effectively sharing up-to-date, high fidelity product data in a
neutral format with downstream users
Aggregating product data from multiple enterprise systems
Providing cost effective, cross platform visualization for intuitive
Animated Welding
First Article
Protecting intellectual property
For solution demo, visit>>
© Geometric Ltd. | Issue.6 | December 2013
Geometric Updates
A Geometric Newsletter
In the News
In the Events
Geometric launches a standalone DFX validation solution
Siemens PLM Connection Europe and Detroit Regional
Users Group Meeting 2013
Geometric announced the launch of Geometric DFX, a standalone
application for carrying out DFX validation of product designs.
Geometric DFX is powered by Geometric’s award-winning design for
manufacturability solution, DFMPro®, and leverages the CGM 3D
modeling kernel from Spatial Corp., a leading provider of 3D
components for technical application development. Spatial’s 3D
InterOp is also used to enable data reuse for native CATIA® V5 and other
leading CAD formats... Read More>>
CAMWorks® becomes the first CAM solution to provide
end-to-end seamless integration
Geometric launched the 2014 version of its leading intuitive
solids-based CNC programming solution, CAMWorks. With the addition
of true G-code simulation, CAMWorks is the most complete fully
integrated end-to-end CAD/CAM solution from the initial part design,
to creating a CNC program, to full machine simulation; thus, reducing
data redundancy and saving valuable shop floor time... Read More>>
Analyst Take
MBEWeb: An Automation Enabler for Model-Based Initiatives...
Read More>>
Geometric was a gold
partner at Siemens
PLM Connection
Europe and premium
sponsor at the Detroit
Regional Users Group
Meeting. Our product
and service innovations through smarter partnerships was showcased
through DFMPro for NX™ and Teamcenter CAPA - a quality management
solution jointly developed by Geometric and Siemens PLM.
Dassault Systèmes’ 3DEXPERIENCE Forums in France and
North America
Geometric participated in the France and North America 3DEXPERIENCE
forums. At the event we interacted with customers from various
industries and organizations, experienced live demonstrations, and
shared best practices. At the event, Geometric demonstrated its
solutions for empowering the business intent. Our approach for
Integrated Systems Engineering was a topic of active discussions.
NASSCOM Engineering Summit 2013
Registered Office
Geometric Limited,
Unit No. 703-A, 7th floor, B Wing, Reliable Tech Park,
Airoli, Navi Mumbai 400 708 India
Tel +91.22.6705 6500, Fax +91.22.6705 6891
NEXTdimensions@geometricglobal.com | www.geometricglobal.com
Geometric was the program
folder sponsor for
NASSCOM’s annual event,
Engineering Services
Summit 2013 held in Pune,
India, on October 8 and 9.
The theme of the summit
was ‘future of engineering’.
At the event, Geometrics’
MD & CEO, Mr. Manu
Parpia, spoke and moderated a panel discussion on the topic ‘India
impact of engineering - marvel from and for India’. During his
presentation, Mr. Parpia talked about how India has been transforming
to become a strategic engineering partner, and showcased some
examples of ‘engineered in India’. He also covered potential of India
as a market, and characteristics of the Indian buyers. In addition,
we showcased our differentiated engineering solutions at the event.
Confidentiality Notice
The material contained in this newsletter represents proprietary and confidential information pertaining to products, technologies & processes belonging to Geometric Ltd, its subsidiaries and its clients. All
information in this newsletter is to be treated in confidence. The recipient must obtain Geometric Limited’s written consent before the recipient discloses any information on the contents or subject matter of this
newsletter or part thereof to any third party which may include an individual, firm or company or an employee or employees of such a firm or company. The names and trademarks used in this newsletter are the sole
property of the respective companies and are governed/ protected by the relevant trademark and copyright laws.
© Geometric Ltd. | Issue.6 | December 2013