Dimensions - Geometric Ltd


Dimensions - Geometric Ltd
Issue IV | May 2013
A Geometric Newsletter
Successfully Managing Change
Powerful waves of change are creating exciting new
opportunities for manufacturing organizations. Whether
it’s a shift in product engineering process to a systems
engineering process, or the growing importance of Digital
In this Issue
View Point
Digital MockUp - Shaping the future
of aviation
Emerging PLM Roadmap - What to expect?
MockUp in product realization - a company’s ability to adapt to
these changes is crucial to its long term success. At Geometric,
we work closely with our clients to develop innovative solutions
that help them lead the change and derive measurable
Solution Showcase
cINSIGHT 2.0: Helping customers derive
measurable business value
business value from their engineering and IT investments.
In this issue of NextDimensions, find out more on our
Building Success
innovative solutions, industry perspectives and recent success
Engine installation redesign to meet
stories. Happy Reading!
Kalidas Surapaneni
Tier-4 emission standards
PLM Modernization for secure supplier
Sr. Vice President & Global Head, Business Development
Geometric Updates
News and Events
We would really appreciate your feedback and thoughts on this this issue of NEXTDimension as well as suggestions
on topics you would like us to cover. So do write in to NEXTdimensions@geometricglobal.com
View Point
A Geometric Newsletter
Digital MockUp - Shaping the future of aviation
Aerospace industry, which is innovative and driven by design, is faced
with increasing pressure to reduce operational costs and improve
product development time. Companies on one hand must launch
innovative products to ensure future success, while on the other must
handle increasing product and process complexity with rising
performance and quality requirements.
In this business scenario, multiple collaborators are involved in the
design of complex aircrafts in a globally distributed design environment
involving multiple CAD systems. The way product development
information is communicated and interpreted by these globally
disparate teams and divisions in the organization can have an essential
impact on key factors such as time, cost and quality. The need for
reduction of engineering time and cost has led to the proliferation of
3D CAD in the aerospace industry since last several years. Though
Computer Aided Design (CAD) has provided accelerated time-to-market
and significant financial returns over the years, it was realized that
3D modeling alone was not sufficient to fully provide the advantages of a
turn reduces the overall time required to develop new aircrafts.
Utilizing DMU is becoming more common within a complex, multi-site
virtual working environment. Therefore, a sensible administration and
and international development environment. Today, aerospace
storage of entire 3D data is required.
companies are facing increasing challenges to effectively and efficiently
In recent years, Digital MockUp or DMU has become an essential tool to
further reduce product development time and costs, and set the stage
for even greater financial returns. It is a groundbreaking technology
that has freed aerospace manufacturers from building expensive and
time-consuming physical prototypes. DMU allows engineers to create
virtual (digital) models of new aircrafts by using 3D computer
simulation. Every part is represented in 3D, right down to electrical
implement, run and maintain their DMU in a complex and global
context. With DMU, aerospace manufacturers combine several virtual
parts (approximately 200,000 to 3 million) to create a complete virtual
definition of the aircraft allowing a simulated prototype. They can design
it with full details, simulate its functions, anticipate interaction among
the different components and validate the designs without needing to
build a physical prototype.
systems, tubes and wires (for example - a 25 km cable of a commercial
DMU, functionality extends across every stage of the aerospace product
airplane) which are used as master reference throughout the aircraft’s
development lifecycle - from concept to testing stage, with multiple
lifecycle. DMU minimizes the number of physical prototypes, which in
stakeholders sharing the latest information during each stage
Feasibility Phase
Product Idea
Identify Market
Concept Selected
Concept Phase
Instruction Proceed
Definition Phase
Finalize Design
Testing Phase
First Metal out
Power ON
Final Assembly
First Flight
Ready to Enter service
© Geometric Ltd. | Issue.4 | May 2013
View Point
A Geometric Newsletter
Digital MockUp - Shaping the future of aviation
In the Aerospace industry, the following operations can be performed successfully with DMU
Structure: High quality assembly definition in a complex work
sharing environment
Assembly station shopfloor study: Early validation of manufacturing
Assembly validation before
Assembly process is
generating the elementary
drawing pieces and
Structure/ systems interface
No physical MockUp
Better visualization and understanding of problems
optimized with 3D
Jigs and machining processes
are validated for section
Optimized use of industrial
processes, resources and
Reduced number of physical tooling
Systems installation: Increases the quality of definition, reduces
lead time for customization
Systems installation
Zone safety analysis
Interference detection inter
aircraft zone
Integration of various
systems to one area
Documentation: Better accessibility to pictures and graphics through
3D MockUp
Helps avoid re-drawing
Illustrations for the
documentation generated
directly from the MockUp
Illustrations can be easily
inserted in documents
Reduction of rework by assembly simulation
Transport Analysis
Assembly hall site study: Application of Digital Factory concept
3D facility layout working
environment with scenario
Test transportation of huge
Planning for transport
Dynamic logistics planning
with simulation
Simulation of complex
kinematics within the
3D environment
Cost optimization for building equipment and tools
requirements beyond
engineering, such as
marketing brochures, parts
catalogs etc.
Ensuring Future Success
There is an indispensable importance of DMU in today’s scenario
of complex aerospace product development and companies are
striving hard to realize their vision of DMU. Going forward, with
effective use of DMU technology aerospace companies can achieve
the following benefits ?
Zero defects in production
Realization of DMU as master reference
No outstanding work
Both configuration and functional content in a single DMU
DMU harmonization between different geographical locations
including extended enterprise
Ease of assembly: First-Time-Right
© Geometric Ltd. | Issue.4 | May 2013
View Point
A Geometric Newsletter
Emerging PLM Roadmap - What to expect?
Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) systems have been central to
managing the product development process for a while now and next
generation PLM platforms are a CXO agenda today. With the evolution of
new tools and methods for product development, how will the scope of
PLM evolve to address these future business drivers and process needs?
Products are becoming much more sophisticated and complex,
incorporating high electrical, electronic and software content into
mechanical products as key product features. As a result, multiple
disciplines are involved in product development much earlier and future
PLM platforms need to enable seamless interaction and integration
between these disciplines of mechanical, electronic and software
IT Delivers a “Digital Thread” for the Product Lifecycle
Management Process to support visibility, collaboration and
high-fidelity decision making
- IDC Manufacturing Insights Predictions 2013:
Product Lifecycle Strategies
in a phased manner. Simply put, they need to reinvent, making sure
systems engineering is in line with mainstream product development.
Another important strategic imperative within the PLM future roadmap
is knowledge management. In today’s innovative environment, every
organization understands the importance of seamlessly and securely
Much of the focus of all major PLM ISVs today is to equip their PLM
sharing product and process knowledge across the extended enterprise.
platforms to support a systems engineering approach - from a
We are in the middle of major demographic transition from an older
requirement driven model-based design perspective. Systems
knowledge rich engineering workforce to a next-generation
engineering is a holistic engineering
collaborative workforce. Knowledge
approach that helps define the
capture and management remains
Multiple disciplines are involved in product
customer needs and functionality
crucial in situations where product
early in the development cycle,
development much earlier and future PLM platforms
knowledge built over years of
while also enabling multi-disciplinary
experience gets phased out with a
need to enable seamless interaction and integration
collaboration from concept to
retiring workforce. The challenge
production. Although the systems
between these disciplines of mechanical, electronic
for PLM systems is to be able to
engineering concept is not new - in the
seamlessly capture organizational
and software engineering
70’s, major global corporations from
knowledge and best practices across
automotive and aerospace industries
the total value chain and make it
had dedicated systems engineering
available for the next-generation of workforce. Future PLM systems are
departments within their engineering organizations. With CAD tools,
expected to put greater emphasis on knowledge management
companies started putting more emphasis in design optimization and
supporting collaborative creation, management and dissemination of
developing products - better, faster and cheaper. Though most
data across the extended enterprise.
organizations would agree that CAD helped them eliminate geometryCompanies, particularly from the automotive sector, that are close
based and shape-based issues of product development; but in order to
competitors in the market have started to come together to collaborate
meet current marketplace demands, PLM solution providers and users
for specific requirements and this trend will only increase. PLM systems
need to holistically think of integrating behavioural and functional
will need to support such collaboration processes and data exchange
attributes and optimizing those to be able to adapt systems engineering
between competitors who choose to collaborate for specific
“By 2015, system engineering will be the pre-eminent PLM
technologies while still competing through their finished products.
software investment for 80% of large manufacturers with
software in products.”
- Gartner Predicts 2012
Product Design and Life Cycle Management
PLM solutions will be smarter in the the future, ensuring product
development process is no longer linear, but a closed loop environment
that ultimately leads to better, more innovative and higher quality
products, delivered in shorter time frames.
© Geometric Ltd. | Issue.4 | May 2013
Solution Showcase
A Geometric Newsletter
cINSIGHT 2.0: Helping customers derive
measurable business value
Competition and the need to improve margins require organizations to
phase in development of should cost
constantly review product costs and identify opportunities for cost
model is an understanding of
reduction. Getting visibility on costs during early stages of design
product design and what that means
provides better control over product costs and helps avoid ‘last minute
from a materials and manufacturing
surprises’ from suppliers on part or assembly costs.
process perspective.
time to create a should cost model.
where measurement of cost drivers is largely manual. Also, individual
These tools help generate logical cost build-up of data during the cost
capabilities of the cost modeler (my process knowledge is the best ) may
modeling process ensuring greater accuracy and faster turnaround time
lead to inaccurate data and hinder the desire to perform intensive tasks
for our customers in contrast to traditional should costing process.
that are required to create an accurate cost model in time. The critical
Customer Inputs
Who Who
Traditional should costing process is fairly rigorous and time consuming,
Costing Steps
When Who
manufacturing processes for a particular part or product.
How it works?
Where When
of technology, people and best practices by selecting most efficient
material cost
process cost
setup cost
Prepare should
cost report
3D Model
Traditional Should Cost Process
Time required
Who Where
What Why
tools and technologies to automate
Where Who
the manual and iterative process steps
Why Where
involved in measurement of cost
drivers, improving the accuracy and
reliable and faster insights into component costs through a unique blend
Calculate part
material requirements
Why What What
WhereWhat Why
cINSIGHT2.0 leverages our in-house
cINSIGHT2.0 is a should cost estimation solution that provides early,
Should Cost Report
Geometric's Should Cost Process
Geometry Information
cINSIGHT 2.0 is almost 2X faster compared to conventional process with better repeatability
and accuracy of results with an additional $1 Mn to $4 Mn savings per ‘Cost Modeler’
© Geometric Ltd. | Issue.4 | May 2013
Solution Showcase
A Geometric Newsletter
cINSIGHT 2.0: Helping customers derive
measurable business value
Traditional approach
Discussion on
cost begins
Discussion on
cost begins
Moving should costing up the product realization cycle
In many organizations the should costing exercise is done when the
cINSIGHT 2.0 solution address this issue by providing the appropriate
product engineering cycle is complete and the product is released for
costing data throughout the product lifecycle - from design to
manufacturing. Should cost models at this stage may leave limited scope
procurement with better accuracy and repeatability, while standardizing
for cost reduction and waste elimination, as most of the product costs
the process.
have been committed due to choices related to materials and features
that designers would have made. It is important that should cost
modeling be carried out early in the product realization cycle as design
engineers need quick feedback at the design stage to evaluate alternate
An effective should cost model eventually arms the organization with
the information required to make the right decisions earlier in the design
cycle- where such decisions can potentially have a greater impact.
designs and processes to achieve quantifiable savings in material,
tooling, labor, and overheads.
An offhighway equipment manufacturer was using traditional
method of Should Costing for various parts including sheet
metal, castings, plastics, forgings and machined components.
We deployed the cINSIGHT 2.0 solution to automate data
capture from CAD data and created standard templates
for different components resulting in faster turnaround time for
our customers.
Material savings
Value analysis and Value engineering
lo g
Quality of data
Knowledge capture
Best Practi
The solution led to 25% productivity improvement and an
addition $4.5 Mn savings per costing engineer
$4.5 Mn savings per costing engineer per year
© Geometric Ltd. | Issue.4 | May 2013
Building Success
A Geometric Newsletter
Engine installation redesign to meet Tier-4 emission standards for a leading
off-highway equipment manufacturer
Reducing emissions down to near-zero levels have introduced newer challenges for off-road
equipment manufacturers as they need to accommodate a number of changes in their engine and
surrounding equipment to meet Tier-4 emission standards, and deliver the performance and
efficiency that the market demands. A leading off-highway equipment manufacturer
approached Geometric, as they moved from Tier-4 interim to Tier-4 emissions
standards for their engine. Design changes to the engine meant that the
engine compartment had to be reworked to manage the new
system. In addition, the supporting brackets, additional
mounting hardware, and packaging of exhaust systems
had to be redesigned to accommodate the new engine.
Geometric redesigned the inlet and outlet CAC tube,
diesel exhaust system, hydraulic tubes, rear hood and
engine mount, while doing the layout checks and
packaging study to avoid any gaps and clashes.
Significant cost savings were achieved through
proposed design changes and use of
alternative materials.
PLM Modernization for secure supplier collaboration for a major in-flight
entertainment manufacturer
A major in-flight entertainment manufacturer sought to achieve higher speed and flexibility in there business operations and decided to upgrade to a
next-generation PLM platform to standardize processes and provide secure data access to multiple global suppliers.
Leveraging our proven tools-based migration methodology, Geometric helped the customer migrate from Pro/INTRALINK to Windchill PDMLink 10.0.
Secure supplier access control was achieved by implementing Windchill ProjectLink and setting reverse proxy and HTTP setup configuration. CAD Worker
configuration allowed non-CAD users to easily view and markup CAD data, resulting in improved design cycle time.
PDMLink ProjectLink 10.0
Pro/INTRALINK Migration
ACCelerator Framework
Pro/INTRALINK 3.4 Source Server
{With data to be migrated}
© Geometric Ltd. | Issue.4 | May 2013
Reverse Proxy
Server with HTTPS
PDMLink ProjectLink 10.0 Target
Server {With migrated data}
Geometric Updates
A Geometric Newsletter
In the News
Upcoming Events
Geometric releases Glovius® version 3.0 for Windows™
Geometric @ Siemens PLM Americas Connections 2013
Geometric released version 3.0 of its extensible and customizable 3D
visualization tool, Glovius for Windows. It helps enterprises in making
3D data accessible and affordable to all its users. The version 3.0
comes with improved CAD Importer add-ons and optimized
performance... Read More>>
Geometric will be a prominent exhibitor at
the Siemens PLM Connection, Americas User
Conference 2013, to be held in Dallas, TX
from June 3-6, 2013.
In the Events
Geometric @ ProSTEP iViP Symposium 2013
Geometric participated in the ProSTEP iViP Symposium 2013 held at
the German Pavilion in Hannover, Germany from April 16 - 17, 2013.
ProSTEP iViP is the foremost forum for leading PLM experts and
decision-makers to exchange information and share new ideas on
At the event, our PLM experts Lou Pascarella and Sreekanth Jayanti
conducted an interactive workshop on ‘Transitioning to Systems
Engineering Paradigm’, which was well received by the audience. We
also showcased our solution for Model Based Engineering,
MBEWeb™, and 3D visualization solution for Windows machines,
smartphones and tablets, Glovius®.
Siemens PLM Connection Americas User
Conference is an annual Siemens PLM hosted
event, focusing on communication between
Siemens PLM Software users and PLM service
providers. Geometric is a global Consulting
and Systems Integration partner with Siemens
PLM. Visit us at booth No. 54, during this
four-day exhibition for insights into our Product Lifecycle
Management (PLM) services and solutions across different industry
verticals such as automotive, industrial machinery, off-highway and
aerospace... Read More>>
Geometric @ PTC Live Global
Geometric is a Gold sponsor at PTC Live Global being held
at Anaheim, California on June 9-12, 2013. PTC Live Global is
a product development-focused event that draws strong
participation from
PTC customers, partners
and experts globally.
Please visit us at booth no. 515 where we will showcase our design
validation tools... Read More>>
Adopting Agile Methods for Software Projects... Read More>>
Identifying Cost Drivers to Improve Product
Margins... Read More>>
Analyst Reports
Top 10 Predictions for Product Lifecycle Strategies 2013 from
IDC Manufacturing Insights... Read More>>
Registered Office
Geometric Limited,
Plant-6, Pirojshanagar, Vikhroli (West), Mumbai 400 079
Tel +91.22.6705 6500, Fax +91.22.6705 6891
NEXTdimensions@geometricglobal.com | www.geometricglobal.com
Gartner Predicts 2013: Product Design and Life Cycle
Management... Read More>>
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The material contained in this newsletter represents proprietary and confidential information pertaining to products, technologies & processes belonging to Geometric Ltd, its subsidiaries and its clients. All information in this
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© Geometric Ltd. | Issue.4 | May 2013