Disaster Recovery Plan
Disaster Recovery Plan
CARROLL County IT Disaster Recovery Plan Rev. November 8, 2004 Rev. January 22, 2007 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. INTRODUCTION..........................................................................................................3-4 1.1 PURPOSE ............................................................................................................3 1.2 APPLICABILITY ................................................................................................3 1.3 SCOPE .................................................................................................................3 1.3.1 Planning Principles ..................................................................................3 1.3.2 Assumptions.............................................................................................4 1.4 REFERENCES / REQUIREMENTS ..................................................................4 1.5 RECORD OF CHANGES ...................................................................................4 2. CONCEPT OF OPERATIONS ....................................................................................5 2.1 SYSTEM DESCRIPTION AND ARCHITECHTURE .......................................5 2.2 LINE OF SUCCESSION .....................................................................................5 2.3 RESPONSIBILITIES ..........................................................................................5 3. NOTIFICATION AND ACTIVATION PHASE ........................................................6 4. RECOVERY OPERATIONS .......................................................................................7 5. RETURN TO NORMAL OPERATIONS ...................................................................9 5.1 NORMAL OPERATIONS ..................................................................................9 5.2 CONCURRENT PROCESSING .........................................................................10 5.3 PLAN DEACTIVATION ....................................................................................10 6. PLAN APPENDICES ....................................................................................................................... 1) Documentation of Plan Changes 2) Personnel & Vendor Contact List 3) Standard Operating Procedures & Policies 4) Business Impact Analysis 5) Emergency Evacuation Plan 6) Network Diagram Equipment 7) Hardware & Software List and Specifications 2 1. INTRODUCTION Carroll County IT Disaster Recovery Plan Policy: The organization shall develop a contingency planning capability to meet the needs of critical supporting operations in the event of any disruption extending beyond 72 hours. The procedures for execution of such a capability shall be documented in a formal disaster recovery plan and shall be reviewed at least annually and updated as necessary. Personnel responsible for target systems shall be trained to execute contingency procedures. The plan, recovery capabilities, and personnel shall be tested to identify weaknesses of the capability at least annually. 1.1 PURPOSE: This Carroll County IT Disaster Recovery Plan establishes procedures to recover the Carroll County Computer System(s) and Network following a disruption. The following objectives have been established for this plan: Maximize the effectiveness of contingency operations through an established plan that consists of the following phases: Notification/Activation phase to detect and assess damage and to activate the plan Recovery phase to restore temporary IT operations and recover damage done to the original System(s) Reconstitution phase to restore IT System(s) processing capabilities to normal operations Identify the activities, resources, and procedures needed to carry out Carroll County electronic data processing requirements during prolonged interruptions to normal operations. Assign responsibilities to designated Carroll County personnel and provide guidance for recovering Carroll County Computer System(s) & Networks during prolonged periods of interruption to normal operations. Ensure coordination with other Carroll County staff who will participate in the disaster recovery planning strategies. Ensure coordination with external points of contact and vendors who will participate in the contingency planning strategies. 1.2 APPLICABILITY: The Carroll County IT Disaster Recovery Plan applies to the functions, operations, and resources necessary to restore and resume Carroll County Computer System(s) & Networks operations as it is installed at the Carroll County Courthouse ~ Carroll, Iowa and its subsidiary networks. The Carroll County IT Contingency Plan applies to Carroll County and all other persons associated with the Carroll County Computer System(s) & Networks as identified under Section 2.3, Responsibilities. Procedures outlined in this plan provides for the recovery of all Carroll County Computer System(s), Networks, Data, and Programs, supported by the Carroll County IT Department, necessary to function in the event of a disaster. 1.3 SCOPE: 1.3.1 PLANNING PRINCIPLES: Various scenarios were considered to form a basis for the plan, and multiple assumptions were made. The applicability of the plan is predicated on two key principles: The Carroll County’s facility in Carroll, Iowa, is inaccessible; therefore, Carroll County is unable to perform Carroll County electronic data processing in conjunction with the Assessor, Auditor, 3 Recorder, Treasurer, Sheriff, Ambulance, Conservation, Community Services, Home Care Aides, Engineer, Environmental Health and Attorney Valid agreement exists with the Carroll County hardware and software vendors that designate that hardware and software will be made readily available for Carroll County use at an alternate Carroll County owned or non-owned site and will be known as the Carroll County alternate operating facility in the event of a disaster. Carroll County will use an alternate building and IT resources to recover the Carroll County functionality during an emergency situation that prevents access to the Carroll County Network if, in the event of a disaster. The Disaster Assessment establishes the need. The alternate site will be used to continue Carroll County recovery and processing throughout the period of disruption, until the return to normal operations. 1.3.2 ASSUMPTIONS: Based on these principles, the following assumptions were used when developing the IT Disaster Recovery Plan. The Carroll County Computer System(s) is inoperable at the Carroll County Courthouse and cannot be recovered within 72 hours. Key Carroll County personnel have been identified and trained in their emergency response and recovery roles; they are available to activate the Carroll County IT Disaster Recovery Plan. Preventive controls (e.g., generators, environmental controls, waterproof tarps, sprinkler systems, fire extinguishers, and fire department assistance) are fully operational at the time of the disaster. Primary computer equipment, including key components supporting the Carroll County Computer System(s), are connected to an uninterruptible power supply (UPS) that provides 45 minutes to 1 hour of electricity during a power failure. Carroll County hardware and software at the Carroll County Sites are unavailable for at least 3 business days. Current daily backups of the data are intact and available at the City of Carroll, 112 East 5th St., Carroll, Iowa, and monthly archives and backups of application software and data are intact and available at the County Engineer’s Office located at 1400 West 6th St., Carroll, Iowa. Also to be stored at these offsite locations is one paper copy and one electronic copy of this Carroll County IT Disaster Recovery Plan. Necessary equipment, connections, and capabilities required to operate the Carroll County Computer System(s) will be available from hardware and software vendors within 3 business days. Service agreements are maintained with computer hardware, software, and communications providers to support the emergency Carroll County IT System(s) recovery. The Carroll County IT Disaster Recovery Plan does not apply to the following situations: Overall recovery and continuity of business operations. A Business Resumption Plan (BRP) and Continuity of Operations Plan (COOP) shall be established by individual office and not maintained or covered under this Carroll County IT Disaster Recovery Plan. Unsupported Computer Networks. Any Computer networks not maintained or supported by the Carroll County IT Department shall not be covered under this Carroll County IT Disaster Recovery Plan. 1.4 RECORD OF CHANGES: Modifications made to this plan since the last printings are documented in Appendix #1. 4 2. CONCEPT OF OPERATIONS 2.1 SYSTEM DESCRIPTION AND ARCHITECTURE: See Appendix #6 2.2 LINE OF SUCCESSION: Carroll County sets forth an order of succession to ensure that decision-making authority for the Carroll County IT Disaster Recovery Plan is uninterrupted. The execution of procedures documented within this Disaster Recovery Plan shall be specified under section 2.3 Responsibilities, of this plan. 2.3 RESPONSIBILITIES: The following teams have been developed and trained to respond to a contingency event affecting the IT System(s). The Contingency Plan establishes several teams assigned to participate in recovering Carroll County Computer operations. The Carroll County Computer Systems Recovery Team (further known as the Recovery Team) is responsible for recovery of the Carroll County computer environment and all applications that are maintained and supported by the Carroll County IT Department. Members of the Carroll Recovery Team include all Carroll County IT Department personnel and The Auditor, Assessor, Treasurer and Recorder, who are also responsible for the daily operations and maintenance of Carroll County Computer System(s). The Recovery Team Leader, (IT Department Head) directs the Recovery Team. If the Recovery Team Leader is unable to function as the overall authority or chooses to delegate this responsibility to a successor, the Deputy Recovery Team Leader (County Assessor), shall function as that authority. In the even that the Deputy Recovery Team Leader is unable to function as the overall authority or chooses to delegate this responsibility to a successor, those successors are, in order, as follows: Auditor, Treasurer, Recorder. Departmental Teams that are directly under the supervision of the Carroll Recovery Team consist of one (1) or more representatives as elected by the specified department head from the following departments: County Assessor, Auditor, Recorder, Treasurer, Sheriff, Ambulance, Conservation, Emergency Management, Community Services, Engineer, Home Care Aids, Environmental Health and the County Attorney. These Department Teams shall be known as the Departmental Teams and the Departmental Team Leader shall be responsible for informing the Recovery Team Leader of critical inter-departmental computer systems operations that must be addressed first for their department in the event of a disaster. The relationships of the team leaders involved in the Carroll County Computer System (CCCS) recovery and their member teams are illustrated in [Figure 1] below. Department Teams: This Sub-Team shall consist of one or more representatives from each of the Carroll County Department Offices, with one representative being the Department Team Leader. The representative(s) from this department shall be responsible for communicating with the Recovery Team Leader with information pertaining to their departments immediate computer needs in the event of a disaster. As stated previously in this plan, the Business Resumption Plan (BRP) and Continuity of Operations Plan (COOP) shall be established by individual office and not maintained or covered under this Carroll County IT Disaster Recovery Plan. Each office will be responsible for establishing their own BRP and COOP for manual operation until the Carroll County Computer System(s) are reestablished. 5 CCCS Recovery Team Leader CCCS Recovery Team Member 1 CCCS Recovery Team Member 2 Assessor Team Leader Auditor Team Leader Treasurer Team Leader Recorder Team Leader Sheriff Team Leader Ambulance Team Leader Conservation Teem Leader Emergency Management Team Leader Community Services Team Leader Engineer Team Leader Home Care Aid Team Leader Attorney Team Leader Environmental Health Team Leader CCCS Recovery Team Member 3 Staff Staff Staff Staff Staff Staff Staff Staff Staff Staff Staff Staff Staff Figure 1 3. NOTIFICATION AND ACTIVATION PHASE 3. NOTIFICATION AND ACTIVATION: This phase addresses the initial actions taken to detect and assess damage inflicted by a disruption to the Carroll County Computer System(s). Based on the assessment of the event, the plan may be activated by the Recovery Team Leader, in conjunction with the Department Team Leaders. In an emergency, the top priority is to preserve the health and safety of county staff before proceeding to the Notification and Activation procedures. Contact information for key personnel is located in Appendix A. The notification sequence is listed below: The first responder is to notify the Recovery Team Leader. All known information must be relayed to the Recovery Team Leader. The Recovery Team Leader is to notify each of the Department Team Leaders to complete the assessment procedures outlined below to determine the extent of damage and estimate recovery time. Once the damage has been assessed, the Recovery Team Leader shall establish a plan of action for the recovery of the Carroll County Computer System(s). Damage Assessment Procedures: The Department Team Leader from each County Department is to assess the impact of the disaster on the immediate and continued operation of the department. The assessment shall include: A determination of the cause of the disaster and what if anything can be done to prevent further damage to equipment or data. An overview of the damage to the existing equipment and what equipment may be usable to continue operation. The minimum requirements to continue or re-establish operation The priority of the restoration, including items that will need to be replaced; and estimated time to repair services to normal operations. 6 If damage assessment cannot be performed locally because of unsafe conditions, the Carroll Recovery Team is to follow the outline below. Alternate Assessment Procedures: Determine the minimum requirements to continue or re-establish operation Establish the priority of the restoration, including items that will need to be replaced; and estimated time to repair services to normal operations. When damage assessment has been completed, the Carroll Recovery Team as a whole, is to notify the Recovery Team Leader of the results. The Recovery team Leader is to evaluate the results and determine whether the Disaster Recovery Plan is to be activated and if relocation is required. Based on assessment results, the Recovery team Leader is to notify assessment results to The Department Team Leaders and civil emergency personnel (e.g., police, fire) as appropriate. The IT Disaster Recovery Plan is to be activated if one or more of the following criteria are met: 1. 2. Carroll County Computer System(s) will be unavailable for more than three (3) business days. Facility is damaged and will be unavailable for more than three (3) business days. If the plan is to be activated, the Recovery Team Leader is to notify all Departmental Team Leaders and inform them of the details of the event and if relocation of computer procedures is required. Upon notification from the Recovery Team Leader, the Departmental Team Leaders are to notify their respective teams, if applicable. Departmental Team Members are to be informed of all applicable information and prepared to respond and relocate if necessary. The Recovery Team Leader is to notify the off-site storage facility that a contingency event has been declared and that the off-site materials will be picked up by a specified member of the Carroll County Recovery Team. The Recovery Team Leader is to notify the Alternate site that a contingency event has been declared and to prepare the facility for Carroll County’s arrival. The Recovery Team Leader is to notify remaining personnel on the general status of the incident. 4. RECOVERY OPERATIONS 4. RECOVERY: This section provides procedures for recovering the application at the alternate site, whereas other efforts are directed to repair damage to the original system(s) and capabilities. The following procedures are for recovering the Carroll County Computer System(s) at the alternate site. Procedures are outlined per team required. Each procedure should be executed in the sequence it is presented to maintain efficient operations. 1. Recovery Goal: Establish Communications at the alternate site. Information Technology Team Recovery Procedures o Contact Telephone Service Provided to establish minimal number of phone lines and equipment needed to conduct basic operations 7 o Determine the number of Cell phones available to conduct business and provide phone numbers to the telephone Service provider to forward phone calls to cellular phone numbers Auditor Team Recovery Procedures o Communicate with news media on relocation site, estimated time to be accessible to the public, and alternate phone numbers if necessary. o Coordinate alternate location preparation for relocating operations on a limited basis including: Desks Chairs Tables Calculators Power cords Office Supplies 2. Recovery Goal: Establish Server, Networking, and minimum required workstations at alternate site. Information Technology Team Recovery Procedures o Contact Vendors to repair or replace servers for CMS, VCS, Sheriff Office, Engineer, Community Services and ImageServer o Contact Vendors to repair or replace minimum number of workstations to allow each department to operate on a limited basis. o Procure networking routers, switches, and cable to establish network in alternate location if current system is inadequate. o Procure minimum number of printers to establish limited operations at alternate location if current printer access is determined to be inadequate. 3. Recovery Goal. Re-Establish Incode-CMS Server Applications and access to programs and data for at least one workstation per department. Information Technology Team Recovery Procedures o Restore Server System Recovery backup to new hardware o Contact Tyler Technologies to remotely access server to verify correct installation o Recover and restore backup tapes from off-site storage o Install client applications on PC for each department 4. Recovery Goal: Re-Establish access to Motor Vehicle Program with IDOT Treasurer Team Recovery Procedures o Contact the Department of Transportation for replacement equipment if necessary, and assistance in connection into the Motor Vehicle program o Contact Scantron to repair or replace slip printers Information Technology Recovery Team Procedures o Install and connect DOT T1 line, Printers, and other equipment in conjunction with the DOT Personnel 5. Recovery Goal: Re-Establish access to Vital Records and Imaged Documents from Recorders records. Information Technology Team Recovery Procedures o Contact Imagetek for Jukebox Replacement o Restore backed up images to Imageserver and Jukebox 8 Recorder Team Recovery Procedures 6. Recovery Goal: Establish Internet access at alternate site. Information Technology Recovery Team Procedures o Contact Internet Service Provider and establish access if not available at alternate site. o Contact alternate Internet Service Provider to establish dial-up connection if wireless access is not available. 7. Recovery Goal: Re-Establish Vanguard Programs Information Technology Recovery Team Procedures o Restore Server System Recovery backup to new hardware o Restore Data Backups to new hardware Assessor Team Recovery Procedures o Contact Vanguard for assistance in loading software for CAMA and restoring system connections 8. Recovery Goal: Re-Establish Sheriff SO Server and Jail Programs Information Technology Recovery Team Procedures o Restore Server System Recovery backup to new hardware o Contact Shield Vendor and work to establish connection to Communication Center Server and City of Carroll. o Contact Department of Transportation and work to establish connection to TraCS reporting. o Recover data from tape backups for User Folders and jail records 9. Recovery Goal: Re-establish Community Services Computer System Information Technology Recovery Team Procedures o Restore Server System Recovery backup to new hardware o Restore Data from backup tapes 10. Recovery Goal: Re-Establish Engineer Server and Computer system Information Technology Recovery Team Procedures o Restore Server System Recovery backup to new hardware o Restore data backup tapes o Establish VPN connection to Courthouse system 5. RETURN TO NORMAL OPERATIONS 5.1 NORMAL OPERATIONS: This section discusses activities necessary for restoring Carroll County Computer operations at the Carroll County original or new site. When the computer center at the original or new site has been restored, Carroll County Computer operations at the alternate site must be transitioned back. The goal is to provide a seamless transition of operations from the alternate site to the Carroll County computer center. Original or New Site Restoration The Information Technology Department will coordinate activities to establish, transition and test the computer system from the alternate site to the permanent operation site. In conjunction with vendors and service providers, the IT Department will establish and test networking capabilities and install new equipment as necessary to establish the required infrastructure in each department. 9 The following is the process for restoring the original or new site operations 1. The network cables, routers, and switches will be established to ensure connectivity in all areas of the permanent location. 2. New Printers, Faxes, and other equipment will be installed at the original or new site. 3. New workstations will be installed for each department or if all workstations have already been installed at the alternate site, a portion of the workstations will be moved to establish access at the original or new site during transition. 4. Servers will be then moved to the original or new site and connected to the network 5. Access to the servers and workstations will be tested. 6. Printers, faxes, and other equipment will be moved from the alternate location and tested. 7. Remaining workstations will be moved from the alternate location to the original or new site once limited operations have been established. 5.2 CONCURRENT PROCESSING Concurrent operations at the alternate and original or new site will not occur with the computer system. The servers will be moved during non-business hours and re-established before operations commence in the original or new location. 5.3 PLAN DEACTIVATION Once the operations have been established at the original or new site, the Information Technology Department shall be responsible to ensure that all equipment has been removed from the alternate site and all backup tapes and documentation has been stored properly off site. When the operations have been established at the original or new site, the Recovery Team Leader shall declare that the Disaster Recovery Plan has been deactivated and normal operational procedures are in effect. 10 6. PLAN APPENDICES 1) Documentation of Plan Changes 2) Personnel & Vendor Contact List 3) Service Level Agreements and Memorandums of Understanding 4) Standard Operating Procedures 5) Business Impact Analysis 6) Emergency Evacuation Plan 7) Network Diagram Equipment 8) Hardware & Software List and Specifications 11 6. PLAN APPENDICES ~ cont. Item #1 Documentation of Changes to the Disaster Recovery Plan Record of Changes Page No. Change Comment Date of Change Contact 18-26 Added required appendices April 22, 2003 Carl Wilburn 8-10 Added Recovery Operations Information October 28, 2004 Carl Wilburn Appendix 5 Updated Business Impact Analysis Documents October 28, 2004 Carl Wilburn Apendix 5 Updated Business Impact Analysis Documents January 10, 2007 Carl Wilburn Apendix Updated Personnel and Vendor Contact information January 10, 2007 Carl Wilburn Apendix 7 Update Network Diagrams January 10, 2007 Carl Wilburn Apendix 8 Update Hardware and Software List January 10, 2007 Louie Grote 8-9 Added Recovery Operations Information January 19, 2007 Carl Wilburn Apendix 2 Updated Employee and VendorContact List January 19, 2007 Carl Wilburn 2 12 6. PLAN APPENDICES ~ cont. Item # 2 ~ CONTACTS: CONTACT LIST CARROLL COUNTY IT DEPARTMENT: NAME / TITLE Carl Wilburn – IT Director HOME PHONE # HOME E-MAIL ADDRESS 712-659-3848 712-830-6066 Cell ckwilburn@gmail.com CARROLL COUNTY EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT: NAME / TITLE HOME PHONE # HOME E-MAIL ADDRESS Derek White – Emergency Management Director 712-790-7761 mpagradstudent@hotmail.com HOME PHONE # HOME E-MAIL ADDRESS Diane Janning – Assessor 712-792-5419 None Judy Schreck 712-792-3052 gschreck@longlines.com HOME PHONE # HOME E-MAIL ADDRESS Paul Fricke – Auditor 712-792-6451 None Joan Schettler 712-673-2539 jmschettler@win-4-u.net Joan Martin 712-792-2970 None Paula Schon 712-659-3881 dpschon@thewebunwired.com CARROLL COUNTY ASSESSOR DEPARTMENT: NAME / TITLE CARROLL COUNTY AUDITOR DEPARTMENT: NAME / TITLE CARROLL COUNTY TREASURER DEPARTMENT: HOME PHONE # HOME E-MAIL ADDRESS Peggy Weitl – Treasurer NAME / TITLE 712-669-3675 dpweitl@netins.net Mary Lou Nichols 712-792-5678 None Lisa Wagner 712-792-9473 Ljwagner@win-4-u.net Barb Schultes 712-683-5694 barbschultes@hotmail.com Emily Loew 712-792-3233 None Jessie Haubrich 712-792-1520 chifans@hotmail.com Jean Seidl 712-683-5607 mjseidl@iowatelecom.net HOME PHONE # HOME E-MAIL ADDRESS Marilyn Dopeheide – Recorder 712-792-1309 marilynd@win-4-u.net Pat Simons 712-792-1244 kmsimons@win-4-u.net Paula Schon 712-659-3881 dpschon@thewebunwired.com CARROLL COUNTY RECORDER DEPARTMENT: NAME / TITLE CARROLL COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DEPARTMENT NAME / TITLE Carey Kersey - Environmental Director HOME PHONE # HOME E-MAIL ADDRESS 712-794-0259 ckersey@hotmail.com 13 Sherry Storjohann 712-792-2083 None Shell Irlbeck 712-669-3623 shellirlbeck@hotmail.com HOME PHONE # HOME E-MAIL ADDRESS Doug Bass – Sheriff 712-792-1002 None Dave Potthoff 712-673-2691 davecar@win-4-u.net Kevin Caltrider 712-792-5029 kcmccrew@win-4-u.net Greg Kustra 712-792-2412 Bill Croghan 712-669-3868 Ken Myers 712-292-4253 Sam Hansen 712-655-2471 Tom Franzen 712-673-2390 Ken Pingrey 712-999-5000 Judy Reicks 712-792-6633 judy@dybb.com Aggie Kuhlman 712-792-0498 agster@yahoo.com Julie Leitz 712-673-2832 None Pam Daniel 712-792-4390 None Mary Weitl 712-669-3611 weitlaer@netins.net Sue Bruscher 712-688-2415 None CARROLL COUNTY SHERIFF DEPARTMENT: NAME / TITLE CARROLL COUNTY COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT: NAME / TITLE HOME PHONE # HOME E-MAIL ADDRESS Cynthia Emery – CPC 712-688-2827 hdclark@iowatelecom.net Meredy Egan 712-652-3583 Boji@netins.net 712-792-9217 knux@win-4-u.net Ed Ohl 712-653-3122 joedohl@iowatelecom.net Jill Daniel 712-658-2310 ddozers@iowatelecom.net HOME PHONE # HOME E-MAIL ADDRESS Nancy Ethington Marsha Nuckles Rosie Stotts Niki Billmeier Candace Smith CARROLL COUNTY AMBULANCE DEPARTMENT: NAME / TITLE Bill Fish – Director Jim Millenacker Wendy Wittrock Darrell Baker Denise Rohrbeck Bob Genzen Doug Duncan Mike Lloyd Dan Becker Vicki Schroeder – PT Debbie Baer – PT 14 Dave Schroer – PT Sue Ludwig – PT Duane Kruse – PT Pat Venteicher – PT Matt Ringgenberg – PT Jennifer Vasques – PT Sheryl Stoolman – PT RaeAnn Meyer – PT Justin Agan - PT Patrick Mooney – PT CARROLL COUNTY ENGINEER DEPARTMENT: NAME / TITLE HOME PHONE # HOME E-MAIL ADDRESS Dave Paulsen – Engineer Ronald Berger 792-4578 John Bernholtz 792-4121 Joseph Boell 792-1565 Gary Brauckman 659-2295 Alan Brincks 792-5872 Ryan Brockman 464-9966 Raymond Hagedorn 653-2486 Craig Hansen 658-2707 Randy Hart 999-5614 Richard Heinrich 792-4180 Stanley Henrich 792-2873 Paul Heuton 792-6322 Steve Hoogestraat 689-2457 Eugene Kasparbauer 792-1214 Reinold Kraus 792-9939 Wilbert Lussman 792-9505 Thomas Meiners 684-2801 Steve Olberding 792-5131 Allen Pietig 792-3538 Rick Promes 792-2636 Daniel Quandt 792-4773 Martin (jack) Schmeiser 659-3124 Allen Soyer 822-5340 Elaine Soyer 659-3785 Donald Stork 673-4443 Don Tuel 659-3021 Travis Tuel 659-3098 Duane Wenck 822-5226 Max Wenck 822-5544 David Williams 792-4993 Michael Wolf 659-2172 CARROLL COUNTY HOME CARE AIDE DEPARTMENT: 15 NAME / TITLE HOME PHONE # Marj Testroet – 712-792-1859 Deb Heithoff 712-792-2581 Jan Andersen 712-689-2411 Alyce Bierl 712-689-2520 Joan Janssen 712-659-2238 Kris Nagl 712-792-1191 Monica Nellesen 712-792-5790 Tammy Otto 712-655-3134 Linda Palmer 712-654-3532 LuAnn Schlichte 712-792-1489 Bonnie Schultz 712-659-2258 Barb Thielen 712-792-3888 HOME E-MAIL ADDRESS CARROLL COUNTY CONSERVATION DEPARTMENT: NAME / TITLE HOME PHONE # HOME E-MAIL ADDRESS HOME PHONE # HOME E-MAIL ADDRESS Mark River – Director Valarie Hucka Amy Atherly Aaron Hershberger John Danner Jason Christensen Denny Lawler Bill Van Zuiden CARROLL COUNTY ATTORNEY”S OFFICE: NAME / TITLE John Werden – County Attorney Jim Van Dyke 712-792-1418 Yvonne Presley Shirley Schmidt Carol Rowedder CARROLL COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS: NAME / TITLE HOME PHONE # HOME E-MAIL ADDRESS Eugene Meiners 712-669-3472 gmeiners@netins.net Neil Trobak 712-792-5465 kcimkkrl@win-4-u.net Dan Neiland 712-673-4483 Del McDermott 712-792-4721 djsfeed@longlines.com Marty Danzer 712-792-6013 mdanzer@win-4-u.net NAME / TITLE PHONE NUMBER E-MAIL ADDRESS Ron DeReus – Tech. Support Hardware 515-232-6024 rond@incode-cms.com Dan Lehman – Tech. Support Software 515-232-6024 danl@incode-cms.com Brad King – Sales 712-258-1143 bradk@incode-cms.com INCODE – CMS – (SOFTWARE MAINTENANCE) VANGUARD APPRAISALS – (SOFTWARE MAINTENANCE) 16 NAME / TITLE PHONE NUMBER E-MAIL ADDRESS 800-736-8625 support@camavision.com Support SIDWELL COMPANY – (SOFTWARE MAINTENANCE) NAME / TITLE PHONE NUMBER E-MAIL ADDRESS Neal Carpenter (President) 630-549-1077 ncarpenter@sidwellco.com Mark Kemper (Dir. of Project Mgmt) 630-549-1000 mkemper@sidwellco.com Van O’Brien (Project Manager) 630-549-1031 VOBrien@sidwellco.com PHONE NUMBER E-MAIL ADDRESS 800-228-3628 Omaha_marketing@scantron.com SCANTRON – FPC (HARDWARE MAINTENANCE) NAME / TITLE Scantron FPC Company – Omaha, NE FOX COMPUTERS (Local Hardware / Network Support) NAME / TITLE Joe Gobbles (Owner) PHONE NUMBER E-MAIL ADDRESS Office: 712-792-8990 Cell: 712-830-5212 sales@foxcomputers.com LNC COMPUTERS (Local Hardware / Network Support) NAME / TITLE Louie Grote (Owner) PHONE NUMBER E-MAIL ADDRESS Office: 712-792-3543 Cell: 712-830-8978 louie@lnccomputers.com PHONE NUMBER E-MAIL ADDRESS IKON (Copier Support) NAME / TITLE Keith Wendl (Sales) 515-232-3241 #401 (Technical Support) 800-955-2009 Cell: www.ikon.com DYNAMIC BROADBAND (Internet Service Provider) NAME / TITLE PHONE NUMBER E-MAIL ADDRESS General Tech Support 866-932-6691 Support@dybb.com Direct Technical Support 319-665-3811 DEPARTMENT TEAM LEADERS: NAME / TITLE PHONE NUMBER E-MAIL ADDRESS Paul Fricke(Auditor) 712-792-6451 None Diane Janning (Assessor) 712-792-5419 None Peggy Weitl (Treasurer) 712-669-3675 Derek White (Emergency Mgmt.) 712-790-7761 Marilyn Dopeheide (Recorder) 712-792-1309 marilynd@win-4-u.net Carey Kersey (Environmental) 712-794-0259 ckersey@hotmail.com John Werden (Attorney) 712-792-6387 Mark River (Conservation) Doug Bass (Sheriff) 712-792-1002 Dave Paulsen (Engineer) 712-792-3824 Carl Wilburn (Information Technology) 712-659-3848 ckwilburn@gmail.com PHONE NUMBER E-MAIL ADDRESS Dell Corporation 800-293-3492 sheryl_clark@dell.com HP Corporation 800-752-0900 support@hp.com MISCELLANEOUS CONTACTS: NAME / TITLE Gateway Computers Evercom (Jail Monitoring) 972-988-3237 17 Feld Fire Equipment (Jail Monitoring) 712-792-3143 Imagetek 515-270-4858 Iowa DOT (Arts Console Program) Tina Hargis 515-237-3175 Shieldware Support (Jail & Sheriff) 800-476-5264 support@shieldware.com Dynamic Broadband (Internet) 866-932-6691 319-665-3811 Support@dybb.com support@imagetke-inc.com 18 6. PLAN APPENDICES ~ cont. Item #3 ~ IT Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) & Policies: SEE CARROLL STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES FOLLOWING THIS PAGE 19 6. PLAN APPENDICES ~ cont. Item #4 ~ BIA (BUSINESS IMPACT ANALYSIS): COPIES OF A BUSINESS IMPACT ANALYSIS FOR EACH DEPARTMENT ARE INSERTED AFTER THIS PAGE. 20 6. PLAN APPENDICES ~ cont. Item #5 ~ OFFICE EVACUATION PLAN (OEP) EVACUATION PLAN: Carroll COUNTY COURTHOUSE EVACUATION SAFETY PROCEDURES General Procedures (All Evacuations) Upon notification of an evacuation, personnel should evacuate the building by designated evacuation routes as quickly as possible but in a quiet and orderly manner. Restrooms and vacant rooms will be checked by: Location Primary Secondary Basement Maintenance IT Director Ground Floor Sheriff Maintenance 1st Floor Treasurer Recorder 2nd Floor Court Maintenance All visitors will be escorted to safe area by personnel in the department they are visiting. Other visitors will be escorted by county personnel listed above. Handicapped individuals should proceed to center stairwell landing and wait for assistance from the Fire department. Department heads (or designee) will ensure all personnel are notified of the evacuation. No personal belongings should be taken during an evacuation (note: purses can be taken if they are easily accessible). Each department head will develop a procedure for securing records and valuables, if time allows during an emergency. All personnel should familiarize themselves with evacuation routes from the building. Evacuation route maps are posted by the center stairway on each floor. Follow the primary evacuation route indicated in green unless the exit is blocked. DO NOT USE ELEVATOR WHEN LEAVING BUILDING! All personnel will notify attendance taker of evacuation from building when reaching designated meeting area. Attendance taker will report to Incident Commander (law enforcement or fire department official) the status of employees and visitors. In the event of a false alarm, maintenance or a public safety official will notify the County Auditor (or designee). The Auditor (or designee) will in-turn notify all departments. All personnel will remain at meeting area until authorized by a public safety official that they may leave the site. Fire Upon identification of a fire, dial 911 (or have someone notify the county communication center by dialing 911). Attempt to extinguish the fire with the nearest fire extinguisher, if you feel comfortable doing this. If you are not comfortable doing this or are unable to extinguish the fire, proceed to next step. Pull nearest internal building fire alarm and exit the building according to evacuation procedures. When exiting, personnel closest to an open window will close window, if time allows. All doors should be shut upon exiting. Feel closed doors with back of hand before opening. Keep as close to the floor as possible if area contains smoke. Meet with department head (or designee) at outside designated meeting areas, as defined on attached sheet. Bomb Threat Upon receipt of a bomb threat, employee will notify their department head (or designee). Department head (or designee) will notify county communication center by dialing 911. Department head (or designee) will send runners from their own department (or others, if not enough people are available in department to cover entire courthouse) to each floor to inform occupants that an immediate evacuation is necessary. All employees will meet at outside designated meeting areas, as defined on attached sheet. All personnel are to remain at designated meeting areas until released by a public safety official. Auditor (or designee) will notify occupants of surrounding buildings of bomb threat. Tornado Do not use elevator. In the event that evacuation is not possible, each person should seek shelter underneath a desk or a large heavy object. Stay away from all windows. Attendance taker should ensure that all personnel are in safe area. All personnel should remain in basement notified by National Weather Service personnel (via NOAA Weather Radio) or local radio station staff that the storm has left the area. 6. PLAN APPENDICES ~ cont. 21 Item #5 ~ OFFICE EVACUATION PLAN (OEP) ~ cont. Earthquake Earthquakes can strike suddenly and without warning. If one strikes, follow these procedures: · Stay calm. I. II. · If you are indoors, stand in a doorway or crouch under a desk or table and hang on to one of the legs. If there is not a table or desk nearby, sit down against an interior wall. Keep away from windows or glass dividers if at all possible. Protect your eyes by pressing your face against your arm. Stay inside until shaking stops. · After shaking stops, check yourself for injuries. · Check others for injuries. Give first aid for serious injuries, if you are trained. · Report serious injuries by calling 9-1-1. · Move carefully and watch out for things that have fallen or broken, creating hazards. · Be ready for additional earthquakes called ““aftershocks””. · If structural damage or utility damage/outage has occurred to the building, all non-seriously injured occupants should leave their work areas immediately according to the fire instructions above. When exiting, move away from the building quickly to prevent injury from falling debris. · Maintenance personnel will check the building for damages prior to allowing personnel to return. · The Auditor (or designee) will notify departments when it is safe to reoccupy facility. · Do not leave designated meeting area until authorized to do so by department head (or designee). · If you are outdoors, move to an open area away from buildings, trees, telephone, and electric lines. Drop to the ground and stay there until the shaking stops. · On the road, pull over in a clear location (away from underpasses/overpasses), stop and stay there with your seatbelt fastened until the shaking has stopped. Once the shaking has stopped, proceed with caution. Avoid bridges or ramps that might have been damaged by the earthquake. Other Evacuations: Chemical, Major Disaster, Etc. Auditor (or designee) will notify all departments of necessity to evacuate building. When notified, follow the same procedures outlined in general procedures and fire above. Review The Carroll County Safety Committee will review this plan annually prior to Iowa Severe Weather Awareness Week. Revised 9-10-2002 22 6. PLAN APPENDICES ~ cont. Item #6 Diagram of Carroll County Courthouse Computer Network Power Read Check Carroll County Courthouse LAN Layout as of 1-17-07 23 6. PLAN APPENDICES ~ cont. Item #3 ~ HARDWARE & SOFTWARE: COPIES OF ALL WORKSTATION INVENTORIES ARE INSERTED AFTER THIS PAGE. 24 6. PLAN APPENDICES ~ cont. Item #3 (cont.) ~ VOLUME SOFTWARE: Symantec Norton Corporate Volume License Information (Total 50 Licenses) QUANTITY:50 VLK (Volume License Key): License ID 8278985 Certificate Number 3513028 End Date 28-MAR-07 Department: PC Computer Name: Department: Community Services Sheriff’s Office ~ cont. 1) Cynthia Emery 31) Tom Franzen 2) Meredy Egan 32) Sam Hansen 3) Nancy Ethrington 33) Jail04 4) Marsha Nuckles 34) Jail02 5) Reserved 35) Deputies04 PC Computer Name: 6) Rosie Stotts Treasurer’s Office: 7) Ed Ohl 36) Peggy Weitl Peg02 9) Niki Billmeier 37) Mary Lou Nichols Marylou 10) Candace Smith 38) Lisa Wagner Lisa Data Processing / IT: 39) Barb Schultes Barb 8) Community Services Server CCCMServer 11) Carl Wilburn Carl02 40) Jean Seidl Jean 12) Carl Laptop Carllaptop 41) Jessie Haubrich Jessie 13) GIS (Symantec Server) GIS 42) Emily Loew Cindy 14) Sheriff Office Server SOServer 43) Counter 1 Count1 15) Image Server Imageserver03 RTDDS RTDDS 44) Counter 2 Peg 45) Counter 3 Count3 Recorder’s Office: 16) Marilyn Dopheide Marilyn02 Environmental Health Office 17) Pat Simons Pat 46) Carey Kersey Carey 18) Paula Schon Imagescan03 47) Sherry Storjohann Sherry 19) DNR DNR 48) Shell Irlbeck Shell03 20) Vault Tom Home Care Aides 21) Vault Vault 49) Marj Testroet CCHCA Auditor’s Office Sheriff’s Office: 22) Doug Bass Sheriff1 50) Paul Fricke Joan 23) Kelly Boell Ruth03 51) Joan Schettler Joan03 24) Dave Potthoff bill 52) Joann Martin Joann 25) Dave Potthoff Laptop Sheriff2 53) Paula Schon Auditor Extra 54) CMSServer CMSServer 26) Ken Myers 27) Greg Kustra 28) Bill Croghan 29) Kevin Caltrider 30) Ken Pingery Assessor’s Office Engineer’s Office 25 55) Diane Janning Diane04 61) Dave Paulsen 56) Judy Schreck Judy04 62) Paul Heuton 57) Counter Lynn 63) Steve Hoogestraat 58) NTC3 NTC3 64) Jack Schmiser 65) Elaine Soyer 59) Assessor Laptop Assessorlaptop 66) Engeineer Server 60) Assessor Laptop (Toshiba) AssessorLaptop03 67) Dave Williams 69) Parts Room 69) Wilbert Lusman A D D I T I O N A L L I C E N S E S … License: PC Computer Name: Department: 5 User License Windows XP Upgrade: License # 16182976 11 User License Microsoft Office XP 1) Joan Schettler Joan03 (Aud) Ken Myer CCtablet1 2) Joann Martin Joann (Aud) Bill Croghan CCtablet2 3) Lynn Schmidt Lynn (Assess) Ken Pingery Cctablet3 4) Judy Schreck Judy (Assess) Kevin Caltrider Cctablet4 5) Carey Kersey Carey (Enviro) Tom Franzen Not Installed Greg Kustra Not installed 15 User License ImageTek Paperclip PC Computer Name: Marilyn Dpoheide Marilyn02 Sam Hansen Not installed Pat Simons Pat Dave Potthoff Not installed Paula Schon Imagescan03 Shell Irlbeck EHD TabletPc Diane Janning Diane Janning 02 Not Used Joan Schettler Joan03 Not Used Carl Wilburn Carl02 Peg Weitl Peg04 Barb Schultes Barb04 Emily Lowe Emily04 Jessie Haubrich Jessie04 Jean Seidl Jean04 Harvestor ITworkstation04 Recorder Vault Vault 26