March 30, 2016 - Oak Grove United Methodist Church


March 30, 2016 - Oak Grove United Methodist Church
8 and 11 a.m. ORDER OF WORSHIP
March 27, 2016
Gathering Music
Canzona per sonare No. 2
Lanier Brass
(Please complete the red fellwship pad at this time.)
Giovanni Gabrieli
Dr. Glenn Ethridge
Come, Ye Faithful, Raise the Strain
Lanier Brass
John 20:1-18
Christ Is Risen! Alleluia!
Chancel Choir and Brass
St. Kevin
(8:00) Dr. Amy Morgan
(11:00) Rev. Susan Allen Grady
Mark Shepperd
Christ is risen! Alleluia! Risen our victorious head! Sing His praises! Alleluia! Christ is risen from the dead! Alleluia!
*Hymn of Praise
Christ the Lord Is Risen Today
*Affirmation of Faith
UMH 302
(8:00) Dr. Morgan
(11:00) Rev. Allen Grady
We are not alone; we live in God’s world. We believe in God: who has created and is creating,
who has come in Jesus, the Word made flesh, to reconcile and make new, who works in us and
others by the Spirit. We trust in God. We are called to be the church: to celebrate God’s presence,
to love and serve others, to seek justice and resist evil, to proclaim Jesus, crucified and risen,
our judge and our hope. In life, in death, in life beyond death, God is with us. We are not alone.
Thanks be to God. Amen.
UMH 883
A Morning Prayer and The Lord’s Prayer
(8:00) Dr. Morgan
(11:00) Rev. Allen Grady
Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name, thy kingdom come, thy will be done
on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses,
as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us
from evil. For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever. Amen.
Our Tithes & Offerings
O Sons and Daughters of the King
Christ the Lord Is Risen Today
Lanier Brass
O filii et filiae
UMH 94
Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; praise God, all creatures here below: Alleluia! Alleluia!
Praise God, the source of all our gifts! Praise Jesus Christ, whose power uplifts!
Praise the Spirit, Holy Spirit! Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!
**Hymn of Preparation
Easter People, Raise Your Voices
UMH 304
(At the 8:00 a.m. & 11:00 a.m. services, children are invited to come forward during the hymn.)
Children’s Time (8:00 & 11:00)
(At the 8:00 a.m. & 11:00 a.m. services, children in Pre-K, Kindergarten, and First Grade are invited
to attend Children’s Church after the Children’s Time. Pick up is in room 202.)
The Festal Day Is Here
Chancel Choir and Brass
Rev. Allen Grady
17th Century Dutch Melody
The festal day is here; Throw off all fear and gloom for Christ is risen. This day brings hope and cheer. For death is conquered, Life forever is won. The
winter's past, the spring is here, all earth reflects the joy. The dark of night is gone, So come, let us be joyful. The cross was not in vain for there the Son
of God redeemed all sinners. A crown of thorns He bore. But rose to be the King of kings forever. (Refrain) From humblest birth He came. By word and
deed He lived on earth among us. In God's own image blessed. The Holy One, the Lord and Savior all. (Refrain)
John 11:17-27, 38-44
Mr. James Trotti
The Word of God for the people of God.
Thanks be to God.
I AM the Resurrection and the Life
Angels Rolled De Stone Away
Chancel Choir
Michael Dennison, Baritone
Dr. Ethridge
Jester Hairston
‘Twas on dat Easter Sunday mornin’ Lord dat de angels rolled de stone away. Great God Amighty.
Sister Mary she came runnin’, Just about the break of day, She was bringin’ news from heaven, dat de angels rolled de stone away. Said the angel He is
not here; He is risen as He said, Why seek ye the living way down here among the dead. Oh de angels rolled de stone away, ‘Twas on dat Easter Sunday
mornin’, Lord, dat de angels rolled de stone away. Jesus said, “Touch Me not Mary, but go on ahead of me, Go and tell all my disciples to meet me in
Galilee.” Brother Thomas he came runnin’ and his eyes were open wide. Jesus said “Man if you doubt me, come put your hand right in my side.”
*Sending Hymn
He Lives
UMH 310
During the singing of this hymn, members of the congregation are invited to the choir loft to sing the Choral Response,
Hallelujah from Messiah.
Dr. Ethridge
*Choral Response
Hallelujah from Messiah
Chancel Choir, Congregation, Brass, and Organ
At the 11 a.m. service, overflow seating will be available in Fellowship Hall
where Dr. Amy Morgan will lead.
*Congregation stand as able.
UMH: United Methodist Hymnal / TFWS: The Faith We Sing
Large print hymnals and bulletins and hearing assistance devices are available from an usher.
G.F Handel
March 27, 2016
Gallop with Oak Grove UMC
Senior Adults to Cartersville, Georgia
for an enjoyable Lunch Bunch
Day Trip to the
The church office will be
closed March 28, 2016.
Building Update
Tuesday, April 5
departing by church
bus at 9:30 a.m.,
returning at 3:30 p.m.
Reservations are required in the Oak Grove
Church Office, online (, or by
signup in Senior Adult Sunday School Classes
no later than Sunday, April 3.
Sunday School
There will be NO Sunday School on Easter Sunday,
March 27 or on Sunday, April 3 because of Spring
Break. Have fun and be safe! Please join us again on
Sunday, April 10 at 9:35 a.m. in the Gym as we
continue exploring the Bible from beginning to end
with The Story.
Youth Fellowship
There will be NO Youth Fellowship on Easter Sunday, March 27 or on Sunday, April
3 because of Spring Break. We will resume Youth Fellowship on Sunday, April 10.
Come for dinner and stay for worship, Community Groups, art, games, and more! Pick
up is in front of the Sanctuary at 8 p.m.
Costa Rica Mission Team
Our Costa Rica Mission Team consisting of youth Mia Park, Ella Guedry, Ansley
Reese, Lane Guedry, Chelsea Cureton, Ivy Brooks, Kate Berg, Maddie Speece,
Lauren Lyles, Tedy Dasher, Kyle Cureton, Wesley Mynatt, Julia Moreman, Sarah
Van Duser, and adults Shara Sanders, Atticus Hicks, Davis Cook, Sharon Spears,
Mark Spears, and Terese Sanders will be leaving on Saturday, April 2 for Bajo Tejares
district of San Ramon. The team will be commissioned at the 9:35 Service on Easter
Sunday. Please keep the team in your prayers as they serve, play, and worship with the
San Ramon community!
VBS Youth Volunteers Needed
Volunteer at VBS June 13 – 17. This is a great way to get 15+ service hours while having
fun! Lunch is provided (free) to youth who volunteer for both sessions! Volunteer for
the morning or afternoon session on the Oak Grove website (
The United Methodist
Children’s Home Flea Market
The United Methodist Children’s Home holds its next Flea
Market April 8 and 9 from 9 a.m. until 4 p.m.! There are
so many items available, it takes two buildings to hold it all!
All are welcome, come and bring a friend!
The structural steel is in place, and door
frames are being placed on the ground floor.
We remain on schedule and on budget.
Because of strong giving, we still have not
made a loan draw, but we anticipate making
a draw in May. Any donations received will
help reduce our interest as we move from
paying cash to making loan draws.
Oak Grove Memorials
Helen Glover
by Claud & Eloise Pounds
Joe & Beverly Hines
Martha Jean Fowle
Cherrie Baskette
Faith Sunday School Class
Al McCuen
by Carol Bates
Phil Benefield
by Bill & Lee Ann Ramsey
Helen Glover
by Lou Jewell
Julie Polachek (Displayit, Inc)
Al McCuen
by Nell Rabeneck
Shirley Overstreet
Elaine Thurston
Bill & JoAnn Wallace
Joe & Beverly Hines
Ian Chisholm
by Friends
Sally Oglesby
March 18, 2016
March 30, 2016
Alan Smith
March 21, 2016
In the Hospital…
Karen Smith – Emory
Bill Wolfe – Emory
Kristen Sanders – St. Josephs
Michele Lindner – DeKalb Medical
Charlotte Gore – Eastside
New Concerns…
Dawn Thomas
New to Care Facilities…
Paul Tuggle – Budd Terrace
For a complete list of persons in care facilities,
please contact the church office.
Continued Prayers...
Gerald Adamson, Jesse Barrow, Beth Benefield,
Dottie Bonnell, Barbara Cassell, Nancy Crovatt,
Marijo Culwell, Cate Decker, Judy Gervais, Jim
Golden, Shirley Gurley, Billie Hackemeyer,
Charlie Hamilton, Scott Holt, Betty Hudson,
Matt Hudson, Lu L’Abate, Betty Lester, Fred
Lott, Lee McFall, Dick Muth, Cindy Mynatt,
Carolyn Navarro, Pat Nelson, Margaret Panter,
Beth Pearce, Delaine Perkins, Morris Perkins, Bob
(Punchy) Powell, Garry Pryor, Jane Ray, Nancy
Rood, Rachel Still, Chick Sward, Clarice
Thompson, Jeff Waits, Rob White, Pete Williams,
Gene Worth
Our Homebound Members...
For a complete listing of homebound members,
please contact the church office.
Serving in Our Armed Forces...
LT Alexander Cody, Petty Officer Steven Jones,
SSgt. Joshua Portwood, Col. Janet Seufert
Share Communion
with Others
In April, our Homebound Communion
Team will be sharing communion with those
who find it difficult to attend worship on
Sunday mornings. Communion team
members go to homes and care facilities in
pairs to share communion as part of a short
visit. Training and supplies are provided.
If you would like to be a part of this team,
please contact Amy Morgan
( or 404-636-7558).
5 to 5:30 p.m.
There will be no Midweek on Wednesday,
April 6 due to the need to shut off the water
to Heritage Hall, YCS, and Fellowship Hall.
Midweek will resume on April 13.
Oak Grove Office Hours 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. M–F
K through 5th Grade
5 to 5:45 p.m.
Monday, March 28, 2016
Church Office Closed
10:00am Church Bridge
Rm 114
7:00pm Church Council Meeting
5:30 to 6:15 p.m. Dinner
Reservations and cancellations must be made
by noon each Monday before the meal
(404-636-7558 or, click
“reservations”). Standing reservations (through
May 11, 2016) are encouraged.
Menu for March 30, 2016
Honey Glazed Ham, Baked Potato Casserole,
Zucchini & Yellow Squash Blend, Rolls,
Salad Bar, and Apple Pie with Ice Cream
Wednesday, March 30
5:15 to 7 p.m. Fellowship Hall
• Learn about each of Oak Grove's mission
opportunities. • Hear a report from our
recent Honduras mission trip. • Interact with
volunteers from each project. • Be amazed at
the gifts you receive by giving your time to a
mission at Oak Grove. • Find your passion
and sign up to volunteer.
Note Card Mission Project
to Benefit Sparrowwood
The children of OGUMC have been busy
painting and using their photography skills
to create note cards to sell. The proceeds from
the sale of the cards will go toward a scholarship fund for Camp Sparrowwood. Sparrowwood is a camp specifically designed for
campers with mild to moderate developmental disabilities that is a part of Camp Glisson,
a ministry of the North Georgia Conference
of the United Methodist Church. Stop by
our table at Midweek on March 30 to
purchase these note cards created by
OGUMC children! We appreciate your
support! – Sponsored by Oak Grove Children’s
Ministry Team
7:30pm Adult Volleyball
Heritage Hall Gym
Tuesday, March 29, 2016
6:30pm VBS Coordinator's Meeting
6:30pm Grief Sharing Group
7:30pm Aerobics Class
Rm 219
Heritage Hall Gym
Wednesday, March 30, 2016
9:15am WOW – Weekly Oxygen for Women
Rm 219
9:15am Disciple IV
Rm 217
5:00pm Chapel Communion Service
5:30pm Midweek Meal
Fellowship Hall
5:15pm Missions Fair
Fellowship Hall
6:15pm Montclair Blessing Bags
6:15pm Midweek Book Club
Rm 114
6:15pm Children’s Choirs
6:30pm Disciple I
Rm 219
6:30pm Disciple III
Rm 217
7:00pm Chancel Choir Rehearsal
Choir Rm 201
7:30pm Boy Scout Troop 77 Meeting
Scout Hall
Thursday, March 31, 2016
1:00pm Mobile Soup Kitchen Prep
6:30pm Christian Believer
Rm 217
7:00pm Evening WOW
7:30pm Aerobics Class
Heritage Hall Gym
8:00pm 9.35 Band Rehearsal
Fellowship Hall
Friday, April 1, 2016
12:00pm Mobile Soup Kitchen Delivery
3:00pm Montclair Covenant Kids
Saturday, April 2, 2016
Mission Team (Costa Rica) to the airport
Record of Our Faithfulness
Our Presence
Communion Chapel
March 16, 2016
Our Presence
Church School
8:30 Service
9:35 Service
11:00 Service
Youth Fellowship
Total Worship this Week
March 20, 2016
Our Offerings
Received to date Needed to date
Pledged to date:
Given to date:
In Memory of
Given by In Memory of
Floyd P. Adams, Jr.
Barbara T. Adams
Brent Neal Anderson
Annie Ruth Anderson-Brown
Charles H. Anderson
Annie Ruth Anderson-Brown
Alice Bailey
Renn Sunday School Class
Salena Burnett Ballman
Carroll Ball
Phil Benefield
Beth Benefield
Phil Benefield
Shirley and Tom Gurley
Louis Benton
Ann Benton
Beth’s parents, Helen and Tom Crouch
John H. Brown
Beth Benefield
Annie Ruth Anderson-Brown
Vivian Brown
David and Nancy Harte
Ruby Carroll
Billie and Gene Carroll
Vann Dorn Carroll
Billie and Gene Carroll
Iva Loye Carter
Dorothy Ann Carter
Richard Hubbard Carter
Dorothy Ann Carter
Hal Chambliss
Mae Clark
Dianne Housch Conley
Harold and Linda Chambliss
Billie and Gene Carroll
Anne Patterson
Marty Counts
Harold and Linda Chambliss
Suzanne Coyle
Kellie Rose and Marilyn Coyle
Diane St. Germain Davis and James T. Davis
Sean and Camille Costin
Pansy S. Duncan
Billie and Gene Carroll
William H. Duncan
Billie and Gene Carroll
Andrew Ethridge
Glenn, Cathy, and Lee Ethridge
Andrew W. Ethridge
Kristin Ethridge
Lisa T. Fair
Kristin Ethridge
Herbert Fowle
Bess and Grover Ginn
Kelly Ball Green
Martha Jean Fowle
Jodie and Jack Ginn
Carroll Ball
The Ball Family
Given by
Christopher Gurley, Our Son
Shirley and Tom Gurley
Jane “Nonnie” Gotsch
Gavin, Jeff, and Stephanie Stevenson
Her parents, Ed and Louise Keibler
Thomas and Isabelle McCoy
Carolyn and Cecil Hester
Jay, Cathy, and John
His parents, Tom and Louise McCoy
Thomas and Isabelle McCoy
Lee Holloway
Lenda Holloway
Lee Holloway
The Holloway Girls
Burgess and Evaline Kenimer
Wayne and Lucie Kenimer
John Fenton Kottkamp
Laura Johnson
Sidney Louise Lines
John Long
Ed and Minnie Lloyd
Joan Lloyd-Bruce
John Anderson Long
John Long
John Mobley Long
John Long
Nixon Mobley Long
John Long
Alice Lott
Tim and Marie Lott
Peggy Lyles
Bill, Bob, and Leslie Lyles
James Russell McCauley, Jr.
Children’s Ministry Staff
Al McCuen
Lisa Armistead and John Lawson
Susan Metzloff
Claire and Scott Metzloff
Bythia Lee Miller
Billie and Gene Carroll
Florence Milton
Judy Hoh
Joseph Milton
Judy Hoh
Bob Moore
Harriet Stack Moore
Fred Moss, Sr.
Mary Moss and Family
Mother, Dad, and Husband Angus
Mary Sydney McAllister
Mr. Coleman, My Friend
Ivy Anne Brooks
My Father
Norman Richards
My Father, Joseph Franklin Butterworth, Jr.
Beth A. Butterworth
My Husband, John
Lou Ann Harkleroad
My Mom, Helen
Jeanne and Bill Wolfe
My Mother, Elizabeth Daniel
Martha Richards
My Parents
Jane Bush
My Parents
Ray Browning Bush
My Parents and My Husband
Anne Powell
In Memory of
Given by
My Parents, Lee and Eugenia Baughman Susan and Bill Widmayer
My Parents, Helen and Hobart Martin
Helene Muth
My Parents, Margaret and Merlin Muth
Dick Muth
Stella and James O’Brien
Patty, Bonnie, Don, and David
Betty O’Connor
Phil and Ann Marney
Our beloved, Brad and Robert
Mom, Dad, and Andrew
Our Grandparents
Bob and Meredith Lee
Our Loved Ones
Mary and Alec Morris
Our Parents
Barbara T. Adams
Our Parents
Jan and Barry Cox
Our Parents
Don and Pat Minor
Our Parents
Kirby and Dale Smith
Our Parents, Albert and Frances Miller
Dallas and Lula Mobley
Louis and Dale Miller
Mike Overstreet
Shirley Overstreet
Spencer Overstreet
Shirley Overstreet
Joe W. Parks, Jr.
The Dilz Family
Parents, N.C. and Isla Stack
Harriet Stack Moore
Bill Peacock
Louisa Peacock
Phil’s Parents, Lorene and Dorsey Benefield
Beth Benefield
Ralph H. and Adeline T. Pingree
Philip and David Pingree
Win Pratt
Bob, Lynn, John, and Elizabeth Pratt
Ray Rabeneck
Nell Rabeneck and Family
Ed Renn
Renn Sunday School Class
James F. and Mary S. Robinson
Beth Robinson Unger
Helen and Al Ross
The Weatherfords
Sister-in-Law, Joan Marie Waller
Evelyn Williams Rutherford
Douglas R. Smith
Kay Smith
Leigh Ann Spratte
Barbara and Jerry Spratte
J.C. Stone
Margaret Stone and Family
John C. Stone, Jr.
Margaret Stone and Family
Charlie Stubblebine
John Weatherford
Lionel and Edith Stukes
Wayne and Lucie Kenimer
Paul H. Taylor
Barbara, Kelley, and Grace Taylor
Cheryl Watson
Renn Sunday School Class
Carolyn Weatherford
John Weatherford
Paul Womack, III
Ruth and Paul Womack
and Laura and Connor Gallagher
In Honor of
Given by
Frannie Adams
Amanda Brooks
Lilly Adams
Courtnay Bazemore
Altar Guild Members
Meredith Lee
Scott, Margaret, and Elizabeth Bazemore
Courtnay Bazemore
Nancy Carr
Billie and Gene Carroll
Tina Chiabotti
Jay, Leslie, Catherine, and Mia Chiabotti
Rose Dixon
Billie and Gene Carroll
Glenn, Cathy, and Lee Ethridge
Kristin Ethridge
Lee Ethridge
Glenn and Cathy Ethridge
Anna Folger
Courtnay Bazemore
Rev. Mary Lou Gilbert
Ann Marney
Avery Ginn
Jodie and Jack Ginn
Nic and Stephanie Ginn
Jodie and Jack Ginn
Julie and Jim Golden
Jodie and Jack Ginn
Martha Hathcock
Barbara, Kelley, and Grace Taylor
Morgan, Owen, and Miles Hathcock
Mindy, Tommy, Lucy Claire,
James Henry McGarrah Sharp
Zoe Hicks
Randy and Anne Patterson
Judy Hoh
Jay, Leslie, Catherine, and Mia Chiabotti
Lenda Holloway
The Holloway Girls
George and Carolyn Jeffares
Mark, Janet, Brett, and Tyler Jeffares
Janet Milton
Jay, Leslie, Catherine, and Mia Chiabotti
January 2016 Honduras Mission Team
Mike and Cindy Miller
Ann Marden
Billie and Gene Carroll
Mimi and Hunter Maulella,
Daughter and Grandson
Avery and Betty Severt
Emerson, Cabell, Amelia, and Jack Metzloff Claire and Scott Metzloff
Cindy S. Miller
Mike Miller
Beth Moreman
Wallace, Kate, Julia, and Will Moreman
My Beautiful Daughter, Lilly
Ellen Kersh
My Children and Grandchildren
Barbara T. Adams
My Children and Grandchildren
Beth Benefield
My Covenant Group
Anne Patterson
My Family
Annie Ruth Anderson-Brown
Jay, Coley, and Jonathan
9th/10th Grade Boys D Group
Randy and Anne Patterson
Our Children
Tony and Joye Callaway
Our Children and Grandchildren
Don and Pat Minor
Our Children and Granddaughter
Michele and John Weatherford
Our Children, Beth Meyer
and Paul and Sara Meyer
Susan and Bill Widmayer
Our Church Staff
George Wilkerson
Beverlyn Pratt
Bob, Lynn, John, and Elizabeth Pratt
Rosemary Ramsey
Fidelis Circle
Rosemary Ramsey
Hope Class
The Oak Grove Youth Choir
Lynette and Keller Smith
The prayerful congregation of Oak Grove
Jim and Virginia Sowell
The Senior Adult Council
Ann Marney
Michele Weatherford
John Weatherford
Jane and Clayton Webster
Renn Class
Special thanks to the volunteers who deliver lilies
to our homebound members.
Oak Grove United Methodist Church • 1722 Oak Grove Road
Decatur, Georgia 30033 • 404-636-7558 •
Today’s Worship Servants
Sound: (8:30) Billie Williams
Ushers: Louis Barksdale, David Bell, Bill Berg, Mike Brooks, Barry Cox, Saxon Dasher, Judd Davis, Jack Ginn, Sonny McCoy, John McMillen,
Hugh Means, Jonathan Merrill, Bob Pratt, Bill Rembert, Michael Smith, Clayton Webster, Carson Wiggins, Barbara Woolard, Hank Woolard
Altar Guild: Nancy Harte, Brenda Toebben, Carol Wright
Children’s Church: Kim Cody & Stephanie Mitchell (8:00 a.m.), Hollie and Vince Meglio (11:00 a.m.)
8:30 a.m. Traditional Worship
9:35 a.m. Sunday School
9:35 a.m. Contemporary Worship
11:00 a.m. Traditional Worship
Fellowship Hall
Church Office
Office Hours 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. M–F
Emergency Contact After Hours
Dr. Glenn Ethridge – Senior Pastor
Rev. Susan Allen Grady – Associate Pastor
ext. 9
ext. 211
ext. 212
Director of Administration – Dale Smith
Children’s Ministry – Kim Cody
Oak Grove Christian School
YCS (Young Children’s School)
ext. 225
ext. 218
Dr. Amy Morgan – Pastor of Nurture and Service
Rev. Mary Lou Gilbert – Pastor to Senior Adults
ext. 210
Music Ministry – Ed Scruggs
ext. 226
Organist – Leanne Herrmann
Youth Ministry
Dir. of Contemporary Worship – Atticus Hicks
ext. 208
1722 Oak Grove Road • Decatur, Georgia 30033 • 404-636-7558 •

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