Gratitud fo Mo ering - Oak Grove United Methodist Church


Gratitud fo Mo ering - Oak Grove United Methodist Church
May 8, 2016
Gratitude for Mothering
I call my mother often to
thank her for things like
braces and college. I am
fortunate to have
exceptional parents. My
sister and I grew up in a
home in which we were
sure that we were loved
and well cared-for on
all fronts. Not only did
we receive encouragement
and help to achieve our
goals, but we also received
support in ways that
helped us build successful
lives. They paid for braces; they sent us to college. They
answered our phone calls when we needed advice. They
listened to us when we needed to talk. My mother is gifted
with grace and kindness, and her example of generosity and
selfless-ness helped us to know how to be well-adjusted
adults today. For those gifts, I often give my deepest,
heart-felt thanks.
The mothering in my life is not contained in my family of
origin. When I began college, the chaplain at Emory became
another mother for me as I was discovering who I was and
how God was calling me. During the summers of my college
years, I worked at Camp Glisson. In my first summer, my
direct supervisor, only a few years older than I, mothered me
as I taught and cared for other people’s children all summer
long—quite an exhausting job! Plenty of friends I have had
through the years have been mothers to me, no matter their
age. Thanking all of them, my mother and all the others who
have mothered me, is an essential part of keeping those
precious relationships healthy and growing.
Do you thank your
mothers (biological and
those we choose)
regularly for all that they
have given to you? The
Biblical imperative to
give thanks to the Lord
always and for all things
should spill over into
every part of our lives.
Gratitude inspires more
gratitude. The more
thankful you are, the
more you will find for
which to give thanks.
Thank your mothers for braces and college, kindness and
grace, encouragement and challenge. They have given you
reflections of the grace of God, loving you through all things
and calling you to repentance and forgiveness. They have
called for the best in you and will love you forever. And in
their love, you grow and change and become the person God
has made you to be.
Happy Mothers’ Day
8:30 and 11 a.m. ORDER OF WORSHIP
May 8, 2016
Seventh Sunday of Easter
Welcome and Announcements
Dr. Glenn Ethridge
(Please complete and pass the red friendship pad at this time.)
SPR Committee
Mother’s Day Offering Video
Ms. Sharon Spears
Wesley Woods
Trumpet Voluntary
Youth Instrumental Ensemble
*Hymn of Praise
Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee
Henry Purcell
arr. Wesley Hanson
UMH 89
*A Modern Affirmation
UMH 885
Rev. Susan Allen Grady
Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is the one true church, apostolic and universal,
whose holy faith let us now declare:
We believe in God the Father, infinite in wisdom, power, and love, whose mercy is over all his
works, and whose will is ever directed to his children’s good. We believe in Jesus Christ,
Son of God and Son of man, the gift of the Father’s unfailing grace, the ground of our hope,
and the promise of our deliverance from sin and death. We believe in the Holy Spirit
as the divine presence in our lives, whereby we are kept in perpetual remembrance
of the truth of Christ, and find strength and help in time of need. We believe that this faith
should manifest itself in the service of love as set forth in the example of our blessed Lord,
to the end that the kingdom of God may come upon the earth. Amen
A Mother’s Love
Megan McGinty Whittington, Soprano; Betty McGinty, Alto
A Morning Prayer and The Lord’s Prayer
Rev. Allen Grady
Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name, thy kingdom come, thy will be done
on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses,
as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us
from evil. For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever. Amen.
Our Tithes & Offerings
Gavotte in D Major
Will Decker, Violin
J. S. Bach
UMH 94
Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; praise God, all creatures here below: Alleluia! Alleluia!
Praise God, the source of all our gifts! Praise Jesus Christ, whose power uplifts!
Praise the Spirit, Holy Spirit! Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!
The Church’s One Foundation
Chancel Choir, Brass, and Organ
arr. Paul Manz
Stanza 1 Congregation and Choir
The Church’s one foundation is Jesus Christ, her Lord;
She is his new creation by water and the Word.
From heav’n he came and sought her to be his holy bride;
With his own blood he bought her, and for her life He died.
Stanza 2, 3 and 4 Chancel Choir
Stanza 5 Congregation and Choir
Yet she on earth hath union with God the Three in One,
And mystic sweet communion with those whose rest is won.
O blessed heav’nly chorus! Lord, give us grace that we
Like them, the meek and lowly, on high may dwell with thee.
Children’s Time (11:00)
To close out our
Midweek program for the season on
Wednesday, May 11,
The Chancel Choir is presenting:
Rev. Allen Grady
(At the 11:00 a.m. service, children in Pre-K, Kindergarten, and First Grade are invited
to attend Children’s Church after the Children’s Time. Pick up is in room 206.)
Wherever He Leads I’ll Go
Oak Grove Orchestra
Rudy Wilson, Trombone
Philippians 4:1-9
Philippians: Paul’s Letter of Joy
Stand Firm in the Lord
arr. Jeff Cranfill
Dr. Angela Schaffner
Co-Chair of Discipleship
The Word of God for the people of God.
Thanks be to God.
*Sending Hymn
Standing on the Promises
Dr. Ethridge
(Those who wish to join the church are invited to come forward.)
UMH 374
Dr. Ethridge
O Worship the King
Youth Ensemble
Oak Grove Orchestra
arr. Jeff Cranfill
featuring The Chancel Choir and soloists
with guests: The Atlanta Seventeen Big
Band (The best in Atlanta!) AND we push back the chairs and
miss it! See you there!
Menu for May 11, 2016
Fried Chicken, Macaroni and Cheese,
Green Beans, Biscuits, Salad Bar, and
Homemade Pound Cake with Strawberries
and Fresh Whipped Cream
Place a number in the space(s) below of
the type of meal you wish to reserve:
Adult Meal ($8)______
Youth Meal, ages 12-18 ($7)______
The flowers on the altar today are given to the glory of God
in loving support of the Ethridge family
by Cathy’s Covenant Group.
*Congregation stand as able.
UMH: United Methodist Hymnal / TFWS: The Faith We Sing
Large print hymnals and bulletins and hearing assistance devices
are available from an usher.
Child Meal, ages 3-11 ($6)______
Children under 3 (free)
How many?______
How many children?______
FAMILY BUNDLE RATE: Two adults and two or
more children 11 years of age and under - $23.00.
FAMILY BUNDLE RATE: One adult and two or
more children 11 years of age and under - $16.00.
May 8, 2016
Graduate Sunday, May 15
On Sunday, May 15, 2016, Oak
Grove will honor its high school
graduates during the 11 a.m.
service. The graduates will be
recognized, and the sermon will be
geared toward the graduates. Our
8:30 and 9:35 a.m. services will be
our regular worship services.
Pentecost Sunday
at Oak Grove, May 22
featuring dancers from the Atlanta Ballet
Oak Grove will celebrate Pentecost on May 22. Admittedly, our celebration is one week
later than the other parts of the Christian world, but the wait will be worth it. Our
Pentecost Sunday worship will be an unforgettable experience.
We will welcome dancers from the Atlanta Ballet, as we celebrate the gift of the Holy
Spirit. Mark your calendars and plan to be in worship on Sunday, May 22, for Oak
Grove’s observance of Pentecost.
Contribution Statements
The first quarter contribution statements were emailed on Friday, April 22 to
the head of household email address we have on file. If we do not have an email
address, you should have received your statement in the mail. The pass code to
open your statement is the last 4 digits of your phone number.
The United Methodist Men are having our
annual “Steak Out” on Monday, May 9
at 6:15 p.m. We are thrilled to have as our
guest speaker, Roger Kaiser, 1966 Georgia
Tech Hall of Fame Inductee, professional
basketball player from 1961-63, college and
high school coach, and named one of the Top
100 Basketball Players in NCAA history for
the 20th century. These are just a few of
Roger’s many career accomplishments.
Come and join us and enjoy a steak, baked
potato, salad, and dessert for $11.00. The
meal will be provided by Oak Grove Market.
Make reservations by 10 a.m. May 9, online
( or by calling the church
office (404-636-7558).
If you have any questions, please email Pam Reynolds (
Thank You for Supporting Camp Sparrowwood!
Thank you Oak Grove for supporting the Camp
Sparrowwood Mission Project this spring! Our children
created art and shared photos that were made into note
cards. With the sale of the cards and a few generous
donations, we raised $1,175.00 for the Sparrowwood
Scholarship Fund. Money raised will cover registration
for two campers this summer! Thanks to Valerie
Harrison and the Children's Ministry Team for your
efforts to make this project a success!
Youth Volunteers Needed for VBS
Volunteer at VBS June 13 through 17. This is a great way to get 15+ service hours while
having fun! Lunch is provided (free) to youth who volunteer for both morning and
afternoon sessions! Sign up online ( Look for the Summer Camps
button and click on “Youth Volunteers” morning or afternoon sessions.
Go Forth
Sunday School Class
The Go Forth Sunday School class had the
pleasure of hosting a play date and baby
shower for our newest refugee friends.
Thank you to all the church members who
generously contributed gifts to their baby
shower. The family is very appreciative!
Sunday School Schedule
Please join us for Sunday School again on Sunday,
May 8, 2016 at 9:35 a.m. in the Gym as we
continue exploring the Bible from beginning to end
with The Story.
Youth Fellowship Schedule
Reminder - No Youth Fellowship on Sunday, May 8,
in observance of Mother’s Day.
Senior Send-Off-May 15
Special Youth Fellowship
On Sunday, May 15, we will have a special Youth Fellowship Senior Send-Off Service from
8 to 9 p.m. We will meet in Fellowship Hall at 6 p.m. for our regular Youth Fellowship
dinner and activities. At 8:00 p.m., we will have a special message, Senior blessing, and
communion service. We will have carpool at 8 p.m. for those students who need to leave at
the regular time. It will be a meaningful night! Please contact us if you have any questions.
Oak Grove Memorials
Cindy & Mike Miller
Cherri Baskette
by Bill Tomlinson
Grace Perry & Beth Moreman
for Confirmation
by Phil & Missy Perry
Luciano L’Abate
by The Friendship Circle
Morris Perkins
by Mary Dell Robert
Pattie Peck, Betty Powell,
Charles Kitchen, John Brown,
Rowena Renn Hicks, Burke Linder,
Leonard Auton, Mary Morgan,
Spencer Overstreet, Dr. Bob Bridges,
Jack Sims, Louis Benton, Helen Glover,
Dot Mathis, Tom Bruce, and Ray Rabeneck
by Bill Tomlinson
Virginia Eisenhardt
Atlanta Boy Choir Sings at
Glenn Memorial United Methodist, May 13
The Grammy-Award-Winning Atlanta Boy Choir, currently appearing in this season’s
blockbuster movie, Captain America: Civil War will present a concert at Glenn Memorial
United Methodist Church on Friday evening, May 13 at 7:30 p.m. This concert precedes
The Choir’s international tour of British Columbia in June. The 85 boys and forty men who
comprise this choir are heard throughout the world in many great concert halls and with
famous orchestras. It is now in its sixtieth season under the direction of the founder, Maestro
Fletcher Wolfe.
Members of Oak Grove can get tickets which normally are $20 for the discounted rate of
$15 by calling 404-378-0064, emailing, or going online
How to Submit Articles to the Oak Grove News
Please be reminded that Thursday 12 p.m. is the deadline for information that you
would like to add to the Oak Grove News. This will enable your information to
appear in the following week’s bulletin. Send items to
Thank you!
by Peggy Daniel
Helen Glover
by Carey Atwater
Joel Gunnells
by Mike & Cindy Miller
Dot Mathis
by Carey Atwater
Morris Perkins
by Jamalyn Cannon
Al McCuen
by Bill Tomlinson
Luciano L’Abate
by Virginia Whittemore
Charlotte Gore
by Virginia Whittemore
Oak Grove Office Hours 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. M–F
Monday, May 9, 2016
Helen Bruce
April 29, 2016
In the Hospital…
Gene Worth – Emory
Michele Lindner – DeKalb Medical
May 11, 2016
New Concern…
Mary Stripling
New to Care Facilities…
Becky Vining – Manor Care
Louise Hurst – Cobblestone
For a complete list of persons in care facilities,
please contact the church office.
Continued Prayers...
Gerald Adamson, Jesse Barrow, Beth Benefield,
Dottie Bonnell, Barbara Cassell, Nancy Crovatt,
Marijo Culwell, Judy Gervais, Jim Golden, Shirley
Gurley, Billie Hackemeyer, Charlie Hamilton,
Betty Hudson, Betty Lester, Michele Lindner,
Fred Lott, Lee McFall, Dick Muth, Cindy
Mynatt, Carolyn Navarro, Pat Nelson, Margaret
Panter, Beth Pearce, Delaine Perkins, Bob
(Punchy) Powell, Garry Pryor, Jane Ray, Nancy
Rood, Kristen Sanders, Karen Smith, Rachel Still,
Chick Sward, Dawn Thomas, Clarice Thompson,
Paul Tuggle, Jeff Waits, Rob White, Pete Williams,
Bill Wolfe
Our Homebound Members...
For a complete listing of homebound members,
please contact the church office.
5 to 5:30 p.m.
9:30am Disciple I
Rm 216
9:30am Disciple IV
Rm 219
6:15pm UMM “Steak Out”
Fellowship Hall
May 11 is our last
Midweek for the year
until we start again in
7:30pm Adult Volley Ball
Chapel Communion
continues year round at
5 p.m. on Wednesdays.
7:00am Building Committee Meeting
Heritage Hall Gym
Tuesday, May 10, 2016
4:30am Lay Ministry Meeting
Rm 114
6:30pm Grief Sharing Group
Rm 219
7:30pm Aerobics Class
Wednesday, May 11, 2016
10:00am Faith Class Bridge
5:30 to 6:15 p.m. Dinner
Reservations and cancellations must be made
by noon each Monday before the meal
(404-636-7558 or, click
Rm 114
5:00pm Chapel Communion Service
5:30pm Midweek Meal
Fellowship Hall
6:15pm “The Joint is Jumping”
Fellowship Hall
6:15pm Montclair Blessing Bags
7:00pm Chancel Choir Rehearsal
Menu for May 11, 2016
Fried Chicken, Macaroni and Cheese,
Green Beans, Biscuits, Salad Bar, and
Homemade Pound Cake with Strawberries
and Fresh Whipped Cream
To close out our Midweek program for the
season on Wednesday, May 11,
The Chancel Choir is presenting:
Rm 216
Heritage Hall Gym
Choir Rm 201
7:30pm Boy Scout Troop 77 Meeting
Scout Hall
Thursday, May 12, 2016
1:00pm Mobile Soup Kitchen Prep
2:00pm Fidelis Circle Meeting
Rm 114
7:00pm Evening WOW
7:30pm Aerobics Class
Heritage Hall Gym
8:00pm 9.35 Band Rehearsal
Fellowship Hall
Friday, May 13, 2016
12:00pm Mobile Soup Kitchen Delivery
Saturday, May 14, 2016
10:00am Needles and Prayers
Serving in Our Armed Forces...
LT Alexander Cody, Petty Officer Steven Jones,
SSgt. Joshua Portwood, Col. Janet Seufert
Rm 114
Cecilia Elizabeth Kelley – April 24, 2016
Welcome New Members!
Connie Broom
Travis & Megan Hite; Coleman
Mark Your Checks
featuring The Chancel Choir and soloists
with guests: The Atlanta Seventeen Big
Band (The best in Atlanta!) AND
we push back the chairs and DANCE THE
NIGHT AWAY! Don't miss it! See you there!
Please remember to mark your checks
when giving a designated offering. If
you are giving to the Building Fund
(Deep Roots New Growth) make sure
you include a notation in the memo
line or include instructions on the pew
envelope. Oak Grove deposits undesignated gifts to the operating fund. If
your gift has been deposited into the
wrong fund, contact Pam Reynolds in
the office (
In addition to a website (
Oak Grove has a Facebook page. Please
“like” us to receive event reminders and see
lots of wonderful pictures from our church.
Record of Our Faithfulness
Our Presence
Communion Chapel
April 27, 2016
Our Presence
Church School
8:30 Service
9:35 Service
11:00 Service
Total Worship this Week
Our Offerings
Received to date
May 1, 2016
Needed to date
Pledged to date:
Given to date:
May 8, 2016
Scholarship Applications
Greeter Feature:
Vince Meglio
Applications for the 2016 Oak Grove Memorial Scholarship are
currently being accepted in the church office. Oak Grove UMC
should receive the application, transcripts, and letters of recommendation by Monday, June 6, 2016. Application forms are available
online (, or they may be sent to the church via
email. Please contact Dale Smith with your request, (404-636-7558
Oak Grove United
Methodist Church
for Special Needs Children
June 6– 10, 2016; 8:30 a.m. – 12:15 p.m. Ages: Rising Pre-K through completed 5th grade.
Our goal is to have loads of fun and fellowship as we make new friends in a safe and nurturing
environment. Each camper will be paired with a trained adult or youth “Angel Buddy” as they
rotate through stations to enjoy music, arts and crafts, recreation, and snacks. A nurse will be on
site each day along with an entertaining surprise guest! Cost: $75 per child. Register Online at A few scholarships are available. Questions? Contact Cathy Ethridge, Camp
Director (
through Oak Grove
Going through a difficult
time in your life? We can help!
Oak Grove works with Care and Counseling
Center of Georgia to offer counseling.
Financial assistance is available.
Grief Support Group
Grief Sharing for anyone
grieving significant loss
Tuesdays, 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. in room 219
Led by: Stephanie Foxman, Licensed
Professional Counselor.There is no charge and
newcomers are always welcome.
Contact Dr. Amy Morgan (404-636-7558, ext. 210 or for
more information.
Oak Grove’s Financial Assistance Policy
Oak Grove is a caring church that provides assistance to people in need through a variety of
missions and community partners. We contribute heavily to the Toco Hills Community Alliance
(THCA) and other helping organizations, and refer people who come to us to those agencies. We
do not have the proper screening systems or the available funds to handle the volume of requests
we will get if we begin distributing funds at church. THCA and others have the systems in place
to screen clients and administer aid in the most helpful ways.
If someone approaches you for financial assistance, please refer them to the Toco Hills Community Alliance (404-325-0977 – this number is printed on a sign on the Portico door). You can also
suggest they call the United Way Helpline by dialing 211. If someone needs non-financial
assistance, please have them call the church office during office hours. Please refrain from handing
out money to people in our church parking lot or entrances and refer them instead to THCA.
As you may know, OGUMC kicked off a new
greeter program in February. We asked greeter
Vince Meglio a few questions about his
When and how did you join OGUMC?
Hollie and I joined in 2007. We visited several
churches, but we immediately felt at home at
Oak Grove.
Would you please share a memory from
your first visit to OGUMC?
Betty and Mack Coleman and Lisa Bowling
were some of the first people who made us feel
welcomed. The genuineness of their invitation to
worship was very appealing.
What do you like about being a greeter?
Greeting energizes me and puts me in the right
frame of mind for worship. Hopefully, I pass that
positive energy to someone who's visiting us
for the first time. I want to convey that Oak
Grove is not just God's house, it's their house too.
Thank you, Vince! We appreciate all of our
greeter volunteers and would love to have
more. If you are interested in this once a
month, 30 minute volunteer opportunity,
please contact Amity Farrar (404-432-3465 or
United Methodist Men
(UMM) News
Did You Know?
Camp Acorn
Ages 3 years old through 6 years old
9:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. Monday throughThursday
$135.00 per week
June 6-9 Fun & Fitness – Let’s have a Ball! Every activity this week uses balls of
many sizes, shapes, purposes, and textures. We’ll have a week full of rolling, throwing,
catching, bouncing, and kicking fun! Your children will have a ball in music, art, on the
playground, in the gym, and everywhere!
June 20-23 You Are Invited! This week focuses on learning and practicing social skills
in a fun way with a puppet show every day. Learn how to have the most fun when you are
invited somewhere like a Medieval feast with Danny the Dragon, a birthday party, a family
trip with Gracie Goose to visit friends or family, and a trip to the Zoo.
June 27-30 Lego STEM & Tubes All art, music, games, and activities will use tubes &
Legos. Your child will have fun while discovering their inner engineering and design skills.
Imagine the hundreds of ways to play, move, and create using all kinds of tubes.
If you are a male member of Oak Grove
United Methodist Church, you are already a
member of the Oak Grove United Methodist
Men’s Group. Nothing to sign up for, no
dues (we pay them), nothing, nada. Just
show up every second Monday of the
month. We will even pick you up if you
need a ride. The meeting is free, unless you
would like a world class Novis and staff
prepared dinner for $8.00. We have
wonderful speakers and programs each
month from local politicians, sports personalities, county leaders, and a variety of local
interests. Try us, you’ll like us. The fellowship is fantastic, and it’s the best way to meet
new friends and get together with old ones.
Remember we meet the second Monday of
each month except June when we go to the
Gwinnett Braves and July when we are on
vacation. Come join us. If you need further
information, please contact Steve Simmons
(404-434-6677 or
July 11-14 Music – A Summer Symphony This musical week will include classical,
folk, and children’s music. The children will sing, conduct, drum, learn folk dances, and use
all 5 senses to soak up the musical richness of this exciting week.
July 18-21 SuperHeroes Young children love to pretend to be superheroes!
Children naturally work out their understanding of good and bad with this pretend play.
Our superhero week will include lots of costumes, books that help children understand
what it means to be a hero, and how to deal with the “bad guys/gals”. Every child gets a
cape that they decorate to reflect what kind of superhero they want to be!
July 25-28 Marvelous Messy Art Week A week of free art experiences making our
own paint, playdough, collage canvas, carving, sculpture, bead creations, and more! Let the
creativity flow!
Register and pay online ( click on PlanetReg to register.)
Contact Sue Balcom, Director, with questions (
Register now! Limited openings in all weeks
Thank you, Oak Grove!
Your donations helped us create 104 Health
Kits for people recovering from disasters.
Help Build
Help Build Hope was a huge success!
Thanks to everyone who prayed, donated,
and volunteered!
Saturday, June 11, 2016 – 7:05 p.m.
Join the United Methodist Men on Saturday,
June 11, as we travel to Cool Ray Field and
enjoy a night of Gwinnett Braves baseball.
Game time is 7:05 p.m. and tickets are $11
each. Transportation is provided. We will
leave the church parking lot at 5:45 p.m.
The deadline for ordering tickets is
Tuesday, May 31. To order tickets and for
additional information, contact Steve
Simmons (404-434-6677 or
Mother’s Day Gifts
for Wesley Woods
In Honor of
Given by
In Honor of
Given by
Barbara Adams
Nell McCuen
Lisa Armistead and John Lawson
Annie Ruth Brown
Charlotte Wilson
Patricia Bell McDowell
The Houston Family
Beth Burgess
John Burgess
Emmeline McWilliams
Jill B. Smith
Pat Minor
Kelly and Cathy Ewing
Beth Moreman
Wallace, Kate, Julia,
and Will Moreman
My Mother, Adell Butterworth
Beth A. Butterworth
My Mother-in-Love,
Rosemary Ramsey
Lee Ann Ramsey
Jenny Casarella,
Mother of my 3 wonderful
grandchildren-Anne, Ben,
and Katie
Candy Casarella
Annette Champion
Jack and Laura Hall Family
Millie Edwards
Larry Edwards
Cathy Ethridge
Kristin Ethridge
Cathy Ethridge
Lee Ethridge
Ted Ethridge
Glenn, Cathy,
and Lee Ethridge
Patricia Fusia
Haydn Fusia
My Nieces (the mothers
of my children!!), Eleanor Adel
Watson Davis, Virginia Weatherly
Watson Summers,
Jennifer Berry Watson
Madge Watson
Olivia Margaret Grover
Judith Frilingos
Our daughter, Cathy Ewing
Don and Pat Minor
Rev. Carol Guilbert
Jenny, Clint, Thomas, Jason
Shirley Seufert
Ed Seufert and her children
Sara Frances Hall
Jack and Laura Hall Family
Jan Stang
Alyson Palmer
Sherry Hancock (sister)
Larry Edwards
Margaret Stone
Nancy Thompson Heller
The Houston Family
Her Children, Grandchildren,
and Great-Grandchildren
Henrietta Huffines
Cathy and Jay Huffines
Barbara H. Taylor
Martha Hathcock
Elsie Hughes,
My Wonderful Mother
The moms of Go Forth Class
Brooke Peck
Candy Casarella
Ruth Todd, 90 yrs in July
D. Kay Smith
Lukas, Philip, Lilly,
and Mariann Kersh
Lucy Waller
Montie Stone
Mae Ward
Denise Wood
Ellen Kersh
Gay Denham L’Abate
In Memory of
Ed, Sarah, Bob, and Sam Wiley Michele Weatherford
Given by
John Weatherford
In Memory of
Given by
Anky Barnett
Barbara Barnett
Suzanne Coyle
Marilyn Coyle and Kellie Rose
Ora Guinn Beasley
Hallie Cullen
and Myron Martin
Diane St. Germain Davis
Sean and Camille Costin
Ruth Fairfield Day
Tad Day
In Memory of
Given by
In Memory of
Given by
Kathy DeLange
Ashley and Nathan DeLange
My Mother, Rebie Craig
Jeanine Andrews
Pansy S. Duncan
Billie and Gene Carroll
My Mother, Elizabeth Daniel
Martha Richards
Barbara Elliott
Johnna Feild
My Mother, Lorine Muns
Jean M. Smith
Lisa Fair
The Fair and Ethridge Families
My Mother, Christine Siler
Lou Ann Harkleroad
Martha Julia Frilingos
Anthony Frilingos
My Mother, Eva Tyndall Waller
Evelyn Williams Rutherford
Joan Gardner
Jim and Virginia Sowell
Bess Ginn
Jenny, Clint, Thomas, Jason
My Mother,
Elizabeth Smith Watson
Madge Watson
Sara Hatchett
Linda and Joe Whipple
Our Mothers
The Adams Family
Charlotte Gore
Lyn and Steve Deitrich
Our Mothers
Don and Pat Minor
Alice Gulla
Jim, Debbie, Christopher,
and Michael Seligman
Our Mothers
Ruth Primm and Jim Penland
Our Mothers
Avery and Betty Severt
Carolyn Hester
Cathy and Jay Huffines
Carolyn Hester
Chip Hester
Our Mothers,
Irene Burruss and Essie Lester
Betty and Wayne Lester
Bertha Foster Hicks
Smoky and Zoe Hicks
Ada Clotfelter Jones
Betty Coleman
Our Mothers,
Betty Cody and Lynda Lasswell
Kim and Kim Cody
Carolyn Kadingo
Glenn, Cathy,
and Lee Ethridge
Betty Lanman
Jill Lanman Schneider
Mary Lou Lawson
John Lawson
Taylor Lewis
Virginia Whittemore
Our Sweet Mother,
Eugenia Baughman
Susan Widmayer
Minnilu Lloyd
Joan Lloyd Bruce
Adeline Pingree
David and Philip Pingree
Peggy Willis Lyles
Bob Lyles
Shirley B. Richardson
Eric and Barbara Richardson
Mabel Martin
Hallie Cullen
and Myron Martin
Janie Riley
George Riley
Mary Stansfield Robinson
Beth Unger
Harriett Ewing Matthews
Kelly and Cathy Ewing
Elizabeth Ross
James Vaughan
Edith Stover McFee
Smoky and Zoe Hicks
Joyce E. Shirley
Linda Shirley
Evelyn Metzner
Sue Boehringer
Anne Sowell
Jim and Virginia Sowell
Florence Milton
Judy Hoh
Sarah Carlisle Towery
Sarah Wade
Julia B. Moore
Eric and Barbara Richardson
Evelyn Hicks Unger
Bob Unger
Esther Warren
Montie Warren Stone
Carolyn Adams Weatherford
John Weatherford
Louise Weldon
Mary Dell Robert
Eleanor Widmayer
Bill and Susan Widmayer
Ann Wood
Denise Wood
My Grandmothers,
Madge Weatherly Smith
and Vera Webb Watson
Madge Watson
My Mother
Martha Jean Fowle
My Mother
Bettye Neal
My Mother, Foye Chapman
Lynda Williams
Our Mothers,
Frances Miller and Lula Mobley Louis and Dale Miller
Our Precious Mothers
Patty Chmiel and
Bonnie and Don Hoyt
Oak Grove United Methodist Church • 1722 Oak Grove Road • Decatur, Georgia 30033 • 404-636-7558 •
Today’s Worship Servants
Sound: (8:30) Billie Williams
Ushers: Scott Bazemore, Tom Branch, Harold Chambliss, Jeff Jeffares, Phil Laudenslager, J. C. McBee, Ed McCarvey, Connie Mebane,
David Morgan, David Pearce, Ruth Primm Penland, Mary Riddle, Ray Roper, Avery Severt, Matt Stambaugh, Sam Still, Mike Ulven,
Brian Wagner, Bob Walton, John Weatherford, George Wilkerson
Altar Guild: Ann Benton, Katrina Franklin, Becky Mynatt, Cindy Mynatt, Carol Wright.
Children’s Church: Hollie and Vince Meglio
8:30 a.m. Traditional Worship
9:35 a.m. Sunday School
9:35 a.m. Contemporary Worship
11:00 a.m. Traditional Worship
Fellowship Hall
Church Office
Office Hours 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. M–F
Emergency Contact After Hours
Dr. Glenn Ethridge – Senior Pastor
Rev. Susan Allen Grady – Associate Pastor
ext. 9
ext. 211
ext. 212
Director of Administration – Dale Smith
Children’s Ministry – Kim Cody
Oak Grove Christian School
YCS (Young Children’s School)
ext. 225
ext. 218
Dr. Amy Morgan – Pastor of Nurture and Service
Rev. Mary Lou Gilbert – Pastor to Senior Adults
ext. 210
Music Ministry – Ed Scruggs
ext. 226
Organist – Leanne Herrmann
Youth Ministry
Dir. of Contemporary Worship – Atticus Hicks
ext. 208

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