ursday, December 24 Christmas Eve Worship
December 20, 2015 FOURTH SUNDAY OF ADVENT Thursday, December 24 Christmas Eve Worship 3 p.m. Children and Family Service - Sanctuary (45 minutes) 5 p.m. Traditional Candlelight and Communion - Sanctuary (Featuring Youth Choir and Lanier Brass) 5 p.m. Contemporary Candlelight and Communion - Fellowship Hall (Featuring Praise Band and Youth Choir) 7 p.m. Contemporary Candlelight and Communion - Fellowship Hall (Featuring Praise Band) 8 p.m. Traditional Candlelight and Communion - Sanctuary (Featuring Chancel Choir and Lanier Brass) Combined Worship Service December 27, 2015 – 10:30 a.m. No Children or Youth Sunday School Childcare (birth through 5 years old) available starting at 10:15 a.m. Children’s Church will meet. 8:30 and 11 a.m. ORDER OF WORSHIP December 20, 2015 Welcome Prelude Introit (11:00) *Processional Hymn Fourth Sunday of Advent Dr. Glenn Ethridge (Please complete and pass the red friendship pad at this time.) Christmas Bell Carol Oak Grove Orchestra Jeff Cranfill O Come, O Come Emmanuel Chancel Choir Charles Gounod Angels from the Realms of Glory UMH 220 *Affirmation of Faith The Apostles’ Creed Dr. Amy Morgan I believe in God the Father Almighty, maker of heaven and earth; and in Jesus Christ his only Son our Lord: who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, dead, and buried; the third day he rose from the dead; he ascended into heaven, and sitteth at the right hand of God the Father Almighty; from thence he shall come to judge the quick and the dead. I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy catholic church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and the life everlasting. Amen. Lighting of the Advent Wreath - The Love Candle (8:30) Ramsey/Scheid Family (11:00) Smith/Pearson Family We light this candle, as a symbol of the love of Christ. Purge from our hearts hate that separates, condemns, and violates our covenant one with another. Congregational Response Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuel shall come to thee, O Israel. A Morning Prayer and The Lord’s Prayer Rev. Susan Allen Grady Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name, thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever. Amen. Our Tithes & Offerings Christ is Born in Bethlehem (overture) Oak Grove Orchestra *Doxology O holy Child of Bethlehem, descend to us, we pray; cast out our sin, and enter in, be born in us today. We hear the Christmas angels the great glad tidings tell; O come to us, abide with us, our Lord Emmanuel! Jeff Cranfill UMH 230 *Hymn of Preparation While Shepherds Watched Their Flocks UMH 236 (At the 11:00 a.m. service, children are invited to come forward during the hymn.) Children’s Time (11:00) Dr. Morgan (At the 11:00 a.m. service, children in Pre-K, Kindergarten, and First Grade are invited to attend Children’s Church after the Children’s Time. Pick up in room 206.) Anthem (8:30) I Wonder As I Wander Ms. Tori Forbes, Soprano John Jacob Niles (11:00) Ding Dong! Merrily on High arr. Howard Helvey Ms. Jan Honea Appling and Ms. Leanne Herrmann, four-hand piano Chancel Choir Ding Dong! merrily on high in heav'n the bells are ringing. Ding, dong! verily the sky is riv'n with angel singing. Gloria! Hosanna in excelsis. E'en so here below, below let steeple bells be swungen, and i-o, i-o, i-o by priest and people sungen. Gloria! Hosanna in excelsis. Pray you, dutifully prime your matin chime, ye ringers! May you beautifully rime your evetime song, ye singers. Gloria! Hosanna in excelsis. Scripture Luke 2:8-14 Sermon Go to Bethlehem Christmas at Oak Grove Two Performances Sunday Dec. 20, 2015 4:30 and 7 p.m. Dr. Angela Schaffner Co-Chair of Discipleship The Word of God for the people of God. Thanks be to God. *Sending Hymn Go, Tell It on the Mountain (Those who wish to join the church are invited to come forward.) *Benediction Postlude Dr. Ethridge UMH 251 Dr. Ethridge Joyful and Triumphant Oak Grove Orchestra Jeff Cranfill Congregation stand as able. UMH: United Methodist Hymnal / TFWS: The Faith We Sing Large print hymnals and bulletins and hearing assistance devices are available from an usher. The music of Christmas presented by choirs, soloists, and orchestra Free tickets are required for all performances. Tickets for the 7 p.m. performance are available in the church office. OAK GROVE NEWS December 20, 2015 IMPORTANT NEWS-Save this article Scheduled Electrical Outage for Church Due to construction, there is a scheduled electrical outage at Oak Grove’s main building Monday, December 28 - Saturday, January 2. The building will be closed due to the absence of electricity and the consequent disabling of life safety equipment such as fire alarms and emergency lighting. No one may be in the building. We will open a temporary office in Scout Hall of the YCS Building for deliveries and people who would like to drop off their end of year offering. However, during this time, since phone and email depend on power, there will be no phone service at the church and no email access for any person on the staff. To report a pastoral emergency, such as death or hospitalization, you must come to the temporary church office or call the staff directly on their mobile phones: • Glenn Ethridge 404-512-2229. Glenn is on call December 23 December 27. • Susan Allen Grady 404-936-1258. Susan is on call December 28 – January 2. • Amy Morgan 770-598-1222 • Dale Smith 770-712-2998 This is very important. Please save this article. To contact staff during the outage, you must call them directly using the numbers above. We request your respectful consideration of our staff during the holidays; please call staff only in the event of a non-financial emergency. covenant groups New Groups Forming Now! Now is the time to join a Covenant Group! New groups will be forming in January. If you didn’t join a new group in August or you are new to the church, this is a great way to meet others in the congregation while growing deeper in your faith. Registration is now open on the church website: www.ogumc.org (click the Covenant Groups banner). For more information, contact Discipleship Ministry chairs Dusty (dlschaffner@gmail.com) and Angela (adschaffner@gmail.com) Schaffner. For healthy marriages wanting to improve Would you like to be a GREETER? First impressions count and warm welcomes go a long way! We are seeking additional people to help provide a positive first experience to OGUMC visitors. Greeters are needed for 8:30, 9:35 and 11 o’clock services. The short shifts allow you to have a big impact on our visitors’ experiences and, thus, our church’s growth with a very short time commitment (only about 30 minutes once a month!). There will be four Greeter teams, each led by a Team Leader. Team 1 will serve on the first Sunday of the month, team 2 on the second Sunday of the month, etc. There are four months each year which have five Sundays. The four teams will each take a turn staffing one of those months. You can specify during which Sunday and which service you would like to serve and, thus, which team you will be on. Would you like to be a Greeter team leader? The team leader will remind his/her team that their Sunday is approaching and coordinating with the greeters to determine who is staffing each time (8:30, 9:35 or 11 am) and location (portico, narthex, nursery/Christian School entrance). We already have two leaders so just need two more. Sunday school classes, covenant groups and other groups are encouraged to consider signing up as a team together. If you have not already, please contact Amity Farrar (amityfarrar@yahoo.com or 404-4323465) if you are interested in being a greeter or greeter leader. Thank you! Glenn Ethridge will be leading a marriage enrichment workshop, Wednesday evenings in room 218, January 20, 27, and February 3. This workshop is for couples looking to strengthen their marriage; it is not therapy for marriages in trouble. The workshop will use the Prepare/Enrich material Glenn uses in pre-marital counseling. We will discuss communication, identification of relationship strengths, conflict resolution, and other building blocks of better marriages. Each person takes an online survey and pays online ($30/couple). Glenn will provide the confidential survey results to each couple. The report will guide the confidential conversation among the marriage partners. There will be multiple couples present, but all conversations are between marriage partners only. This workshop has no required group sharing aspect. Participants must pre-register by January 5, 2016, in order to take the survey between January 6-13 and have the results ready in time for the first meeting on January 20. You may register online (www.ogumc.org) or by contacting Rachel Fullerton (404-636-7558 or rfullerton@ogumc.org). Advent Offering for Missions Advent is a season when we prepare ourselves spiritually for the coming of the Christ Child at Christmas. One of the ways that many people observe this season is by giving to someone in need. A wonderful way to do that is through the Oak Grove Advent Offering. Each year our Advent Offering funds mission ministries that meet the real needs of people. From feeding children at Montclair Elementary School to caring for low income senior adults at Mountain View Personal Care Home, your Advent offering makes a difference! Please use the special Advent offering envelope that was mailed or pick one up at church. Checks should be made payable to Oak Grove UMC and marked “Advent Offering.” You can also give online (www.oakgroveumc.org). Thank you for your generosity. Blankets for Homeless Preserving a tradition initiated by Andrew Ethridge, on the day after Christmas, lunch and blankets will be delivered to homeless persons in downtown Atlanta. If you would like to donate a blanket, please deliver to the church office. Holiday Schedule Youth Sunday School will not meet on Sunday, December 27. Merry Christmas! We will meet again on Sunday, January 3, 2016 at 9:35 a.m. in the gym. Happy New Year! Oak Grove Memorials I N H O NOR TO THE BUILDING FUND IN HONOR OF Ann Benton by The Outreach Circle I N ME MOR Y T0 THE ANDREW ETHRIDGE SCHOLARSHIP FUND IN MEMORY OF Andrew Ethridge by Carol Davis Costin Carol Cartledge the Blessing A gift to The Blessing has been made: In Honor of Mary Morris by The Friendship Circle In Honor of Barbara Adams by Charles Beasley, III and Fred Mann Youth Fellowship will not meet on Sunday, December 20. Remember to get your free tickets and attend the Christmas at Oak Grove concert that night! We will not meet on Sunday, December 27 or January 3, 2016. We look forward to seeing everyone in the new year on Sunday, January 10, 2016! Christmas Tree Lot – Thank You We asked for help and you answered! We sold 400 trees and wreaths with your help and community support. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts! A special thank you to John McMillen, Shannon Higgins, Lynne Crabtree, and Sheri Slappey for managing the tree lot and volunteers. You are our tree lot angels! 2016 Summer Camp Registration Open “My friend, I think of you daily because I care and it’s true.” Do you have a camp song from your childhood that will always hold a special place in your heart? In the case of Camp Glisson, a camp and retreat center of the North Georgia Conference, “My Friend” sung by counselors to their campers at the close of camp each week during the summer is one that holds a special place in each camper and counselors heart. For a week every summer for 92 years, children and teenagers from across Georgia flood Camp Glisson’s campus with shouts of laughter, creek hikes, camp outs, singing on the porch, and much more. If you are interested in signing up your child or teenager to attend a week of camp at Village, Sparrowwood, or Outpost, visit http://www.glisson.org/schedule. Registration is now open to all United Methodists and opens for everyone January 1, 2016. Oak Grove Senior Adults Are Invited to Brunch for an Introduction to King’s Bridge A Complimentary Brunch is offered on Tuesday, January 19, at 9:30 a.m. to senior adults of Oak Grove Church who wish to know more about King’s Bridge Retirement Center, located at 3055 Briarcliff Road NE, Atlanta, GA 30329. There will be good food, music, an introduction to King’s Bridge, and tours. Reservations may be made in the Oak Grove church office, no later than Sunday, January 17. Participants may drive themselves, or carpool with each other from Oak Grove Church. Upon request, a church bus will be available to pick up passengers who cannot drive themselves. If you wish to participate, please call the church office (404-636-7558) to reserve a space. THIS WEEK’S ACTIVITIES PLEASE PRAY FOR Oak Grove Office Hours 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. M–F Phil Benefield Sunday, December 20, 2015 December 15, 2015 In the Hospital… DeKalb – Rachel Still Eastside – John Glaze New to Care Facilities… Fountainview – Jack Sims Cobblestone – Jim Starnes For a complete list of persons in care facilities, please contact the church office. Continued Prayers... Gerald Adamson, Beth Benefield, Dottie Bonnell, Amanda Brooks, Barbara Cassell, Nancy Crovatt, Marijo Culwell, Michelle Decker, Helen Dykes, Judy Gervais, Jim Golden, Billie Hackemeyer, Charlie Hamilton, Betty Hudson, Matt Hudson, Betty Lester, Carolyn McCollum, Dick Muth, Cindy Mynatt, Beth Pearce, Delaine Perkins, Morris Perkins, Bob (Punchy) Powell, Nancy Rood, Kristen Sanders, Melissa Sizemore, Chick Sward, Clarice Thompson, Jeff Waits, Rob White Our Homebound Members... For a complete listing of homebound members, please contact the church office. Serving in Our Armed Forces... Captain George Parks Bunch, LT Alexander Cody, Petty Officer Steven Jones, SSgt. Joshua Portwood, Col. Janet Seufert Sympathy... Oak Grove extends its deepest sympathy toJosie Beth, James Paul, and Chapman Phillips on the recent death of their grandmother, Ann Phillips. Welcome New Members! Bill & Joyce Walsh Dinner and programs will return January 13, 2016. Chapel Communion continues Wednesdays at 5 p.m. in the Sanctuary 2016 4:30pm Christmas at Oak Grove Sanctuary 7:00pm Christmas at Oak Grove Sanctuary Monday, December 21, 2015 9:30am Disciple I Rm 216 9:30am Disciple IV Rm 219 7:00pm Finance Meeting Rm 217 7:30pm Adult Volleyball Heritage Hall Gym Tuesday, December 22, 2015 6:30pm Grief Sharing Group 6:30pm Aerobic Exercise Class Rm 219 Heritage Hall Gym Wednesday, December 23, 2015 9:15am Disciple IV Rm 217 6:30pm Disciple I Rm 219 6:30pm Disciple III Rm 217 Thursday, December 24, 2015 January 13, 20, 27 & February 3 “Turning Resolutions into Life-Long Healthy Habits!" This 4-week series in the fellowship hall following dinner is a fun way to start the year! Cheri Flake, Oak Grove member and Atlanta's Stress Therapist will show us how to avoid the New Year's Resolutionist's Mistake and finally change for good. It's time to stop procrastinating, stay motivated and make 2016 truly different! Contact Rev. Susan Allen Grady (sallengrady@gmail.com, 404-636-7558) if you have questions. Oak Grove United Methodist Church Senior Adults trip to Saint Simons Island Storytelling Festival Epworth By The Sea February 5-7, 2016 Join Oak Grove United Methodist Church Senior Adults for a bus trip to Epworth By The Sea at Saint Simons Island, GA, Friday through Sunday, February 5-7, 2016. Departure from OGUMC will be at 8:30 a.m. on Friday, February 5, 2016, with a planned arrival at Epworth in mid-afternoon. The bus will return to OGUMC at approximately 6 p.m. on Sunday, Feb. 7, 2016. Epworth By The Sea is a Christian Conference and Retreat Center overlooking the Frederica River on beautiful St. Simons Island, Georgia. It is a place for worship, study, fellowship, strolls along the river bank, lovely gardens, and rocking chairs on the front porch. The Oak Grove group will be housed on the campus of Epworth with an affordable package deal for double or single rooms, six meals, transportation by charter bus, a Saturday afternoon tour of the area, and tickets to the Storytelling Festival. Four renowned storytellers will delight your heart: Donald Davis, Carmen Agra Deedy, Andy Offutt Irwin, and Bil Lepp. Be prepared to laugh, shed a few tears and enjoy their stories. A print out with more detail about the storytellers is available at the OGUMC office. Registration requires a fee of $150.00 and completed medical forms. The remainder of fees owed will be due by January 2, 2016. Please join us for this wonderful trip! For more information contact Ann Marney 404-634-7379 or Mary Lou Gilbert (770-301-0828). 3:00pm Children & Family Service Sanctuary 5:00pm Traditional Service Sanctuary 5:00pm Contemporary Service Fellowship Hall 7:00pm Contemporary Service Fellowship Hall 8:00pm Traditional Service Sanctuary Friday, December 25, 2015 Christmas Day Upper Room Devotional Guides The Janaury/February Upper Room Devotional books are now available for pick up in the Narthex. Join thousands of people around the world who use this tool for their daily devotional time. ************************************* Record of Our Faithfulness Our Presence Communion Chapel December 9, 2015 22 Our Presence Church School 8:30 Service 9:35 Service 11:00 Service Service of Unity Total Worship this Week Our Offerings Over/Under December 13, 2015 448 147 246 498 203 1116 12/6/15 Received to date $2,333,089.72 Needed to date $2,311,482.85 $21,606.87 DEEP ROOTS BUILDING CAMPAIGN RESULTS Pledged to date: $6,339,979.59 Given to date: $3,179,728.15 In Memory of Given by In Memory of Given by Floyd P. Adams, Jr. Brent Anderson Charles H. Anderson Mrs. Dolores Anderson Alice Bailey Alice Bailey June and Ray Baker Phil Benefield My sister, Katherine Fulcher Deaton Pansy S. Duncan William H. Duncan Andrew Ethridge Phil Benefield George and Geneva Borders, my parents Lynwood and Barbara Boyer Joseph M. Brooks, Jr. John H. Brown Vivian Brown Mary Bruce Ruby Carroll Iva Loye Carter Richard Hubbard Carter Hal Chambliss Bill Champion Mae Clark Bud and Betty Coburn Cheryl Virginia Cole Virginia Lee G. Cole Margaret P. Collings Dianne Housch Conley Suzanne Coyle Delores Butler Curl, my beloved mother Harry Franklin Curl, my beloved father The Adams Family Annie Ruth Anderson-Brown Annie Ruth Anderson-Brown Chris and Laura Wagnon Louis Bailey Renn Sunday School Class Calvin and Katie Barnett Thomas, Anna, Ramona, and Coco Benefield Shirley and Tom Gurley Betty B. Baccus Laura Boyer Bell Joe Brooks and Robyn Giles Annie Ruth Anderson-Brown David and Nancy Harte Charles G. Bruce Billie and Gene Carroll Dorothy Ann Carter Dorothy Ann Carter Bill and Paige Henry Laura and Jack Hall Family Billie and Gene Carroll Charles and Caroline Coburn William W. Cole, Jr. William W. Cole, Jr. Stephanie, Jeff, and Gavin Stevenson Randy and Anne Patterson Marilyn Coyle and Kellie Rose Betty Jo Williams Betty Jo Williams Andrew Ethridge Andrew Ethridge Andrew Ethridge Lisa Fair Joseph Farel, my dad Herbert Fowle Annie McDaniel Fulcher, my mother Buddy Fulcher, my brother Robert Fulcher, my father Louise and Bob Gartrell Bess and Grover Ginn Madge Glass Dixon Glover Joseph and Alice Gulla, Chris and Michael’s grandparents Louise Guy Ed and Louise Keibler, her parents Carolyn and Cecil Hester Carolyn and Cecil Hester Lee Holloway Gloria and Frank Houghton, Ken’s parents David S. Hubbard Jane Jeffery, Sally’s mother Betty Johnson Harold Johnson Dorothy Fulcher Billie and Gene Carroll Billie and Gene Carroll Glenn, Cathy, and Lee Ethridge Kristin Ethridge Jenny, Clint, Thomas, and Jason Ginn David and Nancy Harte Kristin Ethridge Amy Merrill Martha Jean Fowle Dorothy Fulcher Dorothy Fulcher Dorothy Fulcher Ron and Connie Williams Jenny, Clint, Thomas, and Jason Ginn Rebecca Hamilton Helen Glover Jim and Debbie Seligman Betty and Wayne Lester Thomas and Isabelle McCoy Chip Hester The Huffines Lenda Holloway Sally and Ken Houghton Virginia Hubbard Sally and Ken Houghton Johnson Family Johnson Family In Memory of Betty and Kenneth Lanman L. Burke Linder Ed Lloyd Minnilu Lloyd Peggy Lyles Mary Louise and Tom McCoy, his parents Dick McNeill Dale Manos Susan Metzloff Bythia Lee Miller Margaret and Henry Miller Fred Moss George Moulton Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Nash Mother and father, Ralph and Adeline Pingree My brother, Pittman Morris My brothers, Phil and Jack Muth My children, Debra, Ed, and Diane My grandson, Joel William Rae My husband, John My Omi, Regina Hamann My parents My parents My parents, Joe and Adell Butterworth My parents, Ann and Paul Wood My parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Babu My parents and my husband Kenneth Nagel Naomi Nagel Stella and James O’Brien Betty O’Connor Our beloved, Brad and Robert Our loved ones Our mothers Our parents Our parents Our parents Our parents Our parents Our parents, John and Virginia Adams Given by Jill Lanman Schneider Carol Linder Joan Lloyd-Bruce Joan Lloyd-Bruce Bill Lyles and Bob Lyles Thomas and Isabelle McCoy Julie Stevenson Sue Manos Metzloff Family Billie and Gene Carroll Mike and Cindy Miller Mary Moss and family Patricia Moulton Chris and Laura Wagnon Philip and David Pingree, their sons Kay Adams Dick Muth Jean Smith William W. Cole, Jr. Lou Ann Harkleroad Ellen Kersh Jane Bush Ray Bush Beth A. Butterworth Denise Wood Sylvia Babu Anne C. Powell Kris Nagel Kris Nagel Patty Chmiel and Bonnie Hoyt Phil and Ann Marney Mom, Dad, and Andrew Mary and Alec Morris Alfonso and Ruth Tamayo Barbara Adams and family Don and Pat Minor Dick and Helene Muth Avery and Betty Severt Kirby and Dale Smith John and Kay Adams In Memory of Our parents, Albert and Frances Miller Our parents, Dallas and Lula Mobley Our parents, Claude and Katherine Morris Our son, Christopher Mike Overstreet Spencer Overstreet Bill Peacock Ruth and Jack Peck John O. Perry, Jr., Phil’s dad Betty Wiley Powell Ray Rabeneck Richard Ray, Jr. Ed Renn Norman Richards III Janie and Frank Riley Gene Robert Helen and Al Ross Carla Sanders Mary Saunders, Nancy’s mother Horace S. Scruggs Barbara Walker-Seaman (Mother) David Seligman James R. Shirley Joyce E. Shirley Cindy and Marvin Smith Douglas R. Smith Evelyn Smith Leigh Ann Spratte Elizabeth “Twinkie” Stevenson Peter F. Stevenson J. C. Stone, Sr. John C. Stone, Jr. Charlie Stubblebine Paul H. Taylor Carolyn Tomlinson Dave and Ruth Varner Mr. and Mrs. Wales Wagnon Jane Walker (grandmother) Given by Louis and Dale Miller Louis and Dale Miller John and Kay Adams Shirley and Tom Gurley Shirley Overstreet Shirley Overstreet Louisa Peacock Brooke and Daniel Peck Phil, Missy, and Grace Perry Powell Family Nell Rabeneck The Ray Family Renn Sunday School Class Martha Richards George Riley Mary Dell Robert The Weatherfords Steven and Terese Sanders Nancy and Tom Landers Calvin and Katie Barnett Shara Sanders and Whitney Blackmore Jim and Debbie Seligman Linda Shirley Linda Shirley Mike and Cindy Miller Kay Smith Barbara Adams and family Barbara and Jerry Spratte Scott, Cynthia, and Todd Stevenson Gavin, Jeff, and Stephanie Stevenson Margaret Stone and family Margaret Stone and family John Weatherford Kelley, Grace, and Barbara Taylor Anne and Andy Knox Caroline and Charles Coburn Chris and Laura Wagnon Shara Sanders and Whitney Blackmore In Honor of Cheryl Watson Carolyn Weatherford Gerald Whiddon Eleanor Widmayer Frank H. Wiedmer, Missy’s dad Betty Wilkins Paul Womack, III Paul Womack, III Edward M. Yancey, father Irene Capps Yancey, mother Mrs. Dorothy Adams Given by Renn Sunday School Class John Weatherford Johnson Family Bill and Susan Widmayer Phil, Missy, and Grace Perry Kerry Bresee Laura and Connor Gallagher Paul and Ruth Womack Phyllis M. Yancey Phyllis M. Yancey Charles Beasley III and Fred Mann Doris Barnette Your Covenant Group Beth Benefield Thomas, Anna, Ramona, and Coco Benefield Beth Benefield Shirley and Tom Gurley Ann Benton and Carol Wright Fidelis Circle Kathy Brockman Kerry Bresee John and Beth Burgess Kristin Ethridge Children and grandchildren Don and Pat Minor Lynne Waller Crabtree Laura Boyer Bell Glenn Ethridge Bill and Paige Henry Glenn Ethridge Cindy and Mike Miller Glenn, Cathy, and Lee Ethridge Kristin Ethridge Lee Ethridge Glenn and Cathy Ethridge Faithful bulletin stuffers Robyn Giles Charles Glass Rebecca Hamilton Grandpa Richard Chase Michael and Matthew Riley Zoe Hicks Mandy and Elliott Jackson Dwight Howard, Jr., Robin, Tori, and Christian Dwight and Cheryl Howard Tim, Sherry, Zach, Sammy, and Cooper Howard Dwight and Cheryl Howard George and Carolyn Jeffares Mark, Janet, Brett, and Tyler Jeffares Geoff Jeffery Sally and Ken Houghton Peggy Keifer Amy McMillen Zachary and Katie Keung Jennifer Moore Mimi and Hunter Maulella (daughter and grandson) Avery and Betty Severt Peg McConnell, sister Evelyn Williams Rutherford Ginger Moss McVeigh Laura Boyer Bell Jack, Davis, and Will Merrill Amy and Jonathan Merrill In Honor of Given by Cindy Miller Mike Miller Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Willis Moore My children and grandchildren My children, grandchildren, and great grandson Nana, Martha H. Hathcock New Hope Sunday School Class Our children Our children and granddaughter Our church staff Our Mom, Kay Adams Our 9th Grade Girls D Group Our parents Our pastors and church staff Peacemakers everywhere Betty Perry, my Mom Grace Perry Phil Perry Beverlyn Pratt Bill, LeeAnn, Hayden, and Reid Ramsey Meg, James, Julia, and Sarah Scheid Joan Seligman Virginia Gardner Sowell Virginia Sowell Scott and Julie Stevenson The Akin Circle The Chancel Choir The Montclair Covenants Kids Team The Kroll Family The Youth! Madge Watson Michele Weatherford Joe and Linda Whipple Pat Wiedmer, my Mom Youth Meal Team Captains Youth Staff Mike Miller Cindy Miller Jennifer Moore Barbara Adams Carroll Ball Kelley and Grace Taylor Amy and Jonathan Merrill Kim and Kim Cody Michele and John Weatherford Randy and Anne Patterson Her children, Karey and Lee Amy Merrill, Mandy Jackson, and Margaret Bazemore Joe Brooks and Robyn Giles Zoe and Smoky Hicks Beth Unger Phil Perry Phil and Missy Perry Missy and Grace Perry Bob and Lynn Pratt Ed and Rosemary Ramsey Ed and Rosemary Ramsey Jim and Debbie Seligman Laura Boyer Bell Robyn Giles Thomas, Anna, Ramona, and Coco Benefield Jeanine Andrews Zoe and Smoky Hicks Zoe and Smoky Hicks Phil, Missy, and Grace Perry Shara Sanders Barbara Adams and family John Weatherford Susan Stewart Missy Perry Robyn Giles Robyn Giles Special thanks to the volunteers who delivered poinsettias to our homebound members. Today’s Worship Servants Sound: (8:30) Billie Williams Offering Counters: Jerry Cooley, John Long, Wallace Moreman, Jim Mynatt Ushers: Jeanine Andrews, Mark Byrne, Tony Callaway, Carolyn Casarella, Greg Casarella, Bill Cole, Jack Graves, Tim Howard, Scot Macrae, Alec Morris, Max Neese, Davis Peacock, Phil Perry, Neil Sampson, Kirby Smith, Hodgson Thomas, James Trotti, Rob Welch Altar Guild: Jayme Cartmill, Katrina Franklin, Nancy Harte, Regina Haynes, Sally Houghton, Meredith Lee, Mrs. Dale Smith, Brenda Toebben, Bryna Wiggins, Carol Wright, Diane Young Children’s Church: Susan Malemezian, Brad Malemezian OUR WORSHIP TIMES 8:30 a.m. Traditional Worship 9:35 a.m. Sunday School 9:35 a.m. Contemporary Worship 11:00 a.m. Traditional Worship Sanctuary Various Fellowship Hall Sanctuary OUR CHURCH INFORMATION Church Office Office Hours 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. M–F Emergency Contact After Hours Sunday, December 27, 2015, 10:30 a.m. Combined Worship Service No Children or Youth Sunday School Childcare (birth through 5 years old) available starting at 10:15 a.m. Children’s Church will meet. 404-636-7558 Dr. Glenn Ethridge – Senior Pastor Rev. Susan Allen Grady – Associate Pastor ext. 9 ext. 211 ext. 212 Director of Administration – Dale Smith Children’s Ministry – Kim Cody Oak Grove Christian School YCS (Young Children’s School) ext. 225 ext. 218 404-636-5476 404-636-7951 Dr. Amy Morgan – Pastor of Nurture and Service Rev. Mary Lou Gilbert – Pastor to Senior Adults ext. 210 Music Ministry – Ed Scruggs ext. 226 Organist – Leanne Herrmann Youth Ministry 404-315-1135 Dir. of Contemporary Worship – Atticus Hicks ext. 208
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