My New Companion - Oak Grove United Methodist Church
My New Companion - Oak Grove United Methodist Church
May 31, 2015 FIRST SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST My New Companion I have walked the path hundreds of time, but I have always led the procession until May 16. On that day I was in the unenviable position of following other clergy as we rounded the corner to enter the sanctuary. I would not step into the pulpit that day. Instead our family walked to the rows in front of the pulpit to be seated for Andrew's memorial service. There we would turn another page in the story of our grief. Grief is a socially awkward companion and teacher who comes upon us suddenly at inconvenient times and places. In surprising moments I find myself in tears, unable to connect my tears to anything particular. Regardless of where we are, grief refuses to be ignored, quieted, or dismissed. Grief demands our full attention. Grief, though seldom welcome, teaches us about ourselves, our values, and our faith. From henceforth, grief will be my teacher and companion. Grief will walk with me forever, but in time I will learn to manage the relationship. At present grief is burdensome, smothering, but in time we will learn to walk together. The bitter side of grief will make room for sweet memories, and both shall be a part of me. Here is what I know so far about my relationship with grief. If I am to participate in defining the terms of our relationship I must name the grief. I cannot ignore it or pretend it doesn't exist. No I will name it. I will name where it hurts, how it hurts, and when it hurts. Unspoken grief or grief denied has more power over me than named grief. As I name grief I come to understand it a little more. I learned early in the journey that I should also name my faith. Naming the faith, singing the faith, reading the faith allows faith room to grow. Grief with no faith leads me to despair. When we name faith we build faith. This is the model of the Christian funeral. We sing our faith. We read the scriptures. We affirm the creed. We are giving voice to our faith. As the choir sang one of Andrew's favorite anthems – I Wanna Be Ready – Cathy and Kristin sang along. At other times we dropped out on a verse or phrase, but you sang for us. Together we named our faith. Writing is my therapy. In my writing you will hear grief, and you will hear faith. And I will share with you what my new companion and teacher is showing me about myself. In time we shall grow strong together. For now I know it is important to me (everyone is different) to get back in the saddle. I do not want any one thing to become larger than life so I will be back in the pulpit May 31. Soon thereafter I will take extended leave but for now I need to be in the pulpit doing what God has called me to do. I hope to see you May 31 in worship! And I will proclaim faith in the company of my new companion grief. 8:30 and 11 a.m. ORDER OF WORSHIP May 31, 2015 First Sunday after Pentecost (In preparation for worship, please silence all cell phones.) Gathering Music Baroque Suite Welcome adapted by David Johnson (Please complete and pass the red friendship pad at this time.) Rev. Susan Allen Grady Disciple Bible Study Recognition (11:00) *Hymn of Praise Rev. Allen Grady The Church’s One Foundation UMH 545 *Affirmation of Faith The Apostles’ Creed Rev. Allen Grady I believe in God the Father Almighty, maker of heaven and earth; and in Jesus Christ his only Son our Lord: who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, dead, and buried; the third day he rose from the dead; he ascended into heaven, and sitteth at the right hand of God the Father Almighty; from thence he shall come to judge the quick and the dead. I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy catholic church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and the life everlasting. Amen. A Morning Prayer and The Lord’s Prayer Rev. Allen Grady Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name, thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever. Amen. Our Tithes & Offerings It is Well with My Soul Oak Grove Orchestra *Doxology Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; praise God, all creatures here below; Praise God above, ye heavenly host; praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen. *Hymn of Preparation Blest Be the Tie That Binds (At the 11:00 a.m. service, children are invited to come forward during the hymn.) arr. Cranfill UMH 95 UMH 557 Children’s Time (11:00) Rev. Allen Grady (At the 11:00 a.m. service, children in Pre-K, Kindergarten and First Grade are invited to attend Children’s Church after the Children’s Time. Pick up in room 206.) Anthem Oak Grove UMC Youth Choir Music Mission 2015 How Deep the Father’s Love for Us Stuart Townend Penny Fonner, Soprano Jack Moore, Tenor Scripture Galatians 6:2-5 Ms. Angela Schaffner The Word of God for the people of God. Thanks be to God. Sermon Healing and Hope *Sending Hymn How Firm a Foundation Dr. Ethridge (Those who wish to join the church are invited to come forward.) *Benediction Postlude UMH 529 Dr. Ethridge You Are My All in All Oak Grove Orchestra arr. Winkler Sunday, May 31, 2015 6:30 p.m. Homecoming Concert in the Sanctuary Reflections of The flowers on the altar are given to the glory of God and in memory of Bill and Eva Marie Watson by their children, Susan Pippin, John Watson, and Marty Watson. Don’t miss the opportunity to hear our excellent Youth Choir as we explore the image of God reflected in every living *Congregation stand as able. UMH: United Methodist Hymnal / TFWS: The Faith We Sing Large print hymnals and bulletins and hearing assistance devices are available from an usher. thing and in all of the God-created beauty of nature. We sing so that others may see His reflection through our lives. OAK GROVE NEWS May 31, 2015 As we travel to destinations far and wide this summer, our sermon series will do the same! We kick off Destination: Church, Traveling Through the Letters of Paul on Sunday, June 7. Join in every Sunday or any Sunday you are in town—you won’t get lost! Andrew Ethridge Memorial Scholarship Fund The church has established a scholarship fund in memory of Andrew Ethridge. If you would like to make a donation, please make your check payable to “Oak Grove Community Ministries Foundation” with the memo line of “Andrew Ethridge Memorial Scholarship”. See the website and posters for specifics on where we will land each week. If you are traveling this summer, send us a postcard from your destination. We will post them all on a bulletin board at church. This will be a fun way to keep up with your church family over the summer! pastors of oak g h the rov Wit e Thursday, June 4 at 7 p.m. Take the opportunity this summer to get to know Oak Grove and our clergy a little better by attending Table Talk. Amity and Derek Farrar will host Table Talk in their home at 2442 Glen Oaks Court, Atlanta, 30345, on Thursday, June 4, at 7 p.m. Rev. Susan Allen Grady will be the host pastor, and the conversation is up to you! Come ready to enjoy an evening of conversation and getting to know others at Oak Grove. RSVP by Monday, June 1, at 5 p.m., in the church office (; 404-636-7558). Join the United Methodist Men on Saturday, June 6, as we travel to Cool Ray Field and enjoy a night of Gwinnett Braves baseball. Game time is 7 p.m., and tickets are $9 each. Transportation will be available to the first 52 folks to register. The buses will leave the church at 5:45 p.m. Deadline for ordering tickets is Monday, June 1, at 10 a.m. To order tickets, and for additional information, contact Bill Widmayer (404-313-8965 or School’s Out – It’s Time to Read We invite all OGUMC children and young adults to read with us this summer, to help themselves and others. Participants will collect pledges for the books they read, and the proceeds will go to Heifer International to buy animals, clean water, and farming supplies for families abroad who are in need. All those who complete the program will get to vote on where we direct the funds we raise. Water Buffaloes? Llamas? Irrigation Pumps? Trees? Our readers will choose. Please stop by our booth outside the library May 31 or June 14 to sign up to read or sponsor a reader. Readers will get a prize just for signing up and another tasty treat when they turn their reading logs and pledges in on August 9. If you have any questions about this summer’s reading program please contact Lacey Unger (, Claire Metzloff (, or Annalisa Bloodworth ( Andrew Ethridge Memorial Scholarship Available for 2015-2016 The first award of the Andrew Ethridge Memorial Scholarship will be for 2015-2016. To apply write a letter to Dale Smith, 1722 Oak Grove Road, Decatur, GA 30033. Letters are due by June 30. Eligible applicants are active in Oak Grove United Methodist Church and will be attending Oxford College of Emory University. This year’s award will be $2000 per year, per student. Reception for Kathy Brockman Join us after the communion service Wednesday, June 10, from 5:30 to 7 p.m. in Fellowship Hall for a reception honoring Kathy. She has been appointed as pastor of the Colbert United Methodist Church and Comer United Methodist Church, a two-point charge in the Athens-Elberton District. She has served as the Executive Assistant to the Senior Pastor for the past two years and helped in countless ways with ministry at Oak Grove. We are excited to celebrate Kathy’s new appointment and to let her know how much she has meant to our church. Lunch Bunch Oak Grove Memorials I N H O N OR TO THE ACOLYTE MINISTRY IN HONOR OF Angela McDaniel & Sharon Wildman by Keller & Lynette Smith Will Hawkins Mark & Stephanie Byrne TO THE CHILDREN’S MINISTRY IN HONOR OF Kim Cody by Jack & Vicky Graves I N ME MOR Y TO THE BUILDING FUND IN MEMORY OF Burke Linder by Avery & Betty Severt George & DeDe Slappey Esther Keyt Barbara Adams OGUMC Midweek Book Club Ed & Sarah Wiley TO THE MEMORIAL FUND IN MEMORY OF Burke Linder by Jim & Carol Wright Tom & Helen Dykes Mary Morgan by Lou Brown Jewell DELTA AIRLINES FLIGHT MUSEUM Tuesday, June 2 We’ll leave the church at 9:15 a.m. and return around 2 p.m. $7, plus lunch cost Let’s Fly Away to the Delta Airlines’ Museum! This huge facility is loaded with wonderful memorabilia! It has flight attendant and pilot uniforms, airplanes, two original hangars, and much more. Reservations can be made in the church office (404-636-7558) or via email ( Your reservation is not complete until you submit your medical form and pay your fee in the church office. Theater Camp 2015 Did you see The Wizard of Oz at Lakeside High School? Did you hear how good it was? Did you catch their earlier productions of You're a Good Man Charlie Brown or Music Man? Well, Dorothy and Charlie and Harold Hill all got their start right here at Oak Grove and Theatre Work's drama camp! If your child or grandchild wants to star on stage or simply acquire confidence when speaking in school, the For 10 days during the summer we will meet summer drama camp at OGUMC led by in the Fellowship Hall at 11:30 a.m. to enjoy Drama Ministry Director, Lee Knippenberg, is fellowship and lunch, then assemble 600 sack a great choice. Children learn while having fun. lunches. Space is limited. Assembly Dates For most children, summer vacation is the best time of year. But for many children, summer also means a vacation from the meals they receive at school. For these children, no school means no lunch. At Oak Grove, we want to make sure that children have the food they need. You can make sandwiches to feed hungry kids this summer! Tuesdays and Wednesdays: • June 16-17 • June 23-24 • July 7-8 • July 21-22 • July 28-29 To sign up: Add your name to the sign-up sheets in the Portico Commons.You may also sign up by calling Rachel in the church office (404-636-7558). Monetary donations are appreciated for purchase of lunch supplies. Contribute online or by check to “Oak Grove UMC” with “Smart Lunch” indicated. For more information contact Becky Mynatt (404-2723697), Cindy Mynatt (404-272-0439), or Dr. Amy Morgan ( Camp Dates: Monday, June 22 to Friday, June 26 from 12 to 3 p.m. Cost: $105 for members of Oak Grove UMC and $130 for others. Additional discount for more than one member of a family. Registration Forms can be downloaded ( Contact Bob Unger with any questions ( PLEASE PRAY FOR THIS WEEK’S ACTIVITIES Leonard Auton May 21, 2015 May 22, 2015 Bryceon (B.J.) Sumner May 26, 2015 Sam Howard May 26, 2015 In the Hospital… Northside – Lou McCreary, Buddy McCloud New to Care Facilities… A.G. Rhodes – Martha Deming Emory Rehab – Marshall Cartmill Our Homebound Members... For a complete listing of homebound members, please contact the church office. Serving in Our Armed Forces... Captain George Parks Bunch, LTJG Alexander Cody, Petty Officer Steven Jones, Sgt. Joshua Portwood, Col. Janet Seufert Oak Grove News Submission Deadline Please be reminded that Thursday 12 p.m. is the deadline for information that you would like to add to the Oak Grove News. This will enable your information to be in the following week’s bulletin. Submit your written article to Thank you! Our Wednesday Communion service takes place in the Sanctuary each Wednesday evening at 5 p.m. This 30-minute service includes music, scripture reading, a short sermon, and Holy Communion. This service continues over the summer and all year long. Reservations will be required for nursery care. Please be sure to contact Tricia Fazio ( by Monday prior to the Wednesday you will need nursery care during Wednesday Communion. Supplies Needed for VBS IAN SC ST G-Force VBS is quickly approaching. More than 300 children will put God’s love in ACTION June 8-12 at Oak Grove! Will you help provide needed supplies? Registration fees cover t-shirts, music CDs, lanyards, name badges, etc. for each child. Your donation will help with basic supplies, snacks for volunteers, decorations, and Smart Lunch Smart Kid mission project. A collection barrel is located in the Church Portico. Thank you for your support of Children’s Ministry! Contact Kim The Oak Grove Christian School has several Cody ( with any questions. openings for the full-day Pre-K classes in August. Children must be 4 years old by Decorations: white duct tape (white please; September 1, 2015. Contact Nancy Brooks at not clear), white LED Christmas lights, bike for more information. helmets, skateboards, scooters, pool noodles, hula hoops, plastic balls (ball pit size), blow-up ************************************* Record of Our Faithfulness pool toys that look like “tires". Please label items with name and phone number if you Our Presence May 13, 2015 Communion Chapel 19 wish to have them returned. OL HO Continued Prayers... Beth Benefield, Jayme Cartmill, Jennifer Casabonne, Tad Day, Bill Dillingham, Betty Gates, Jim Golden, Louise Guy, Charlie Hamilton, Lee Holloway, Betty Hudson, Matt Hudson, Betty Lester, Lee McFall, Louis Miller, Dick Muth, Cindy Mynatt, Anne Otwell, Ferg Rood, Nancy Rood, Kristen Sanders, Jean Smith, Clarice Thompson, Carolyn Tomlinson (hospice), Rob White, Nancy Woodall Year-Round Wednesday Communion CHRI Frank Robertson Oak Grove Office Hours 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. M–F Sunday, May 31, 2015 4:00pm Sonshine Camp Parent Meeting Parlor 5:30pm Youth Choir Homecoming Dinner F/H 6:30pm Youth Choir Homecoming Concert Sanctuary Monday, June 1, 2015 7:00pm Trustees Meeting Rm 217 Tuesday, June 2, 2015 9:15am Lunch Bunch Delta Museum 6:30pm Grief Sharing Group Rm 219 6:30pm Aerobic Exercise Class Heritage Hall Gym Wednesday, June 3, 2015 5:00pm Chapel Communion Service Sanctuary 6:00pm Recycling Friends Parlor 7:30pm Boy Scout Troop 77 Meeting Scout Hall Thursday, June 4, 2015 9:30am Turban Ladies Rm 114 1:00pm Mobile Soup Kitchen Prep Fellowship Hall 6:30pm Aerobic Exercise Class Heritage Hall Gym 7:00pm Table Talk Away 8:00pm 9.35 Band Rehearsal Fellowship Hall Friday, June 5, 2015 10:30am Go Forth Class Playdate YCS Playground 11:30am Mobile Soup Kitchen Delivery Away Saturday, June 6, 2015 8:00am Youth Caring for Clarkston (C4C) Away 9:00am 9.35 Band Rehearsal Fellowship Hall 5:00pm UMM Gwinnett Braves Game Openings at the Christian School Smart Lunch Smart Kid: VBS kids will make 150 lunches each day! Needed: 750 sandwich Ziploc bags, 750 individually packaged salty snacks, packaged dried fruit, applesauce or fruit cups, and 750 (8 oz.) bottles of water. Our Presence Church School 8:30 Service 9:35 Service 11:00 Service Total Worship this Week Basic supplies: markers, crayons, 9 oz. paper cups (a zillion!), 400 gallon-size Ziploc bags napkins, paper plates (snack size), and bowls. Our Offerings Snacks for volunteers: We love homemade snacks, but also appreciate fresh fruit, granola bars, cookies, chips, and other goodies! DEEP ROOTS BUILDING CAMPAIGN RESULTS Pledged to date: $6,339,979.59 Given to date: $2,070,227.38 Over/Under 5/17/15 Received to date $901,261.38 May 24, 2015 260 108 106 264 478 Needed to date $958,447.48 ($57,186.10) Oak Grove Memorials I N ME MO R Y TO THE ANDREW ETHRIDGE MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP FUND IN MEMORY OF Andrew Ethridge as of May 21, 2015 by A Neighbor Barbara Adams Joe and Kay Adams Sid and Marie Adams Advance Parking Services Gary and Marilyn Akins Ed and Jeanine Andrews and Family Danny and Lynda Askew Aspiriant, LLC Sylvia Babu Stephen and Michelle Bailey Carol Bates Sandie Hershberger Berger Jean Blanchard Frank and Rebecca Blanton Jan Bond Mark and Lisa Bowling Bob and Robin Bowling John and Laura Boyden Rob and Stephanie Brawner Briarlake Baptist Maynard, Jennifer and Meagan Cain Michael and Margaret Caldwell Cancer Ministry of Cannon UMC Peggy Carter Mike and Janet Cavin Ray Chapman Ann Clark John and Sherry Clenney Judy Cochran Gerry and Charlotte Cooper Coralwood Elementary School Joseph and Janet Couch Barry and Jan Cox Coxe Curry and Associates, Inc. Gene and Betty Ann Craft Tom and Jeannette Crawford Kim and Jim Creviston Philip Creviston Milton and Mary Pat Crouch Tracy Crump Robert and Verdery Cunningham Lillian and Buddy Darden John and Sally Darden Amanda McMillan and Teresa Thi Dau Lindsey and Jennifer Davis Angela DeLorme Steven and Sandra Dendy Frances DeWitt Mr. and Mrs. J.B. Dillard John Dillard Diana Durie Martha and Jim Dye Tom and Helen Dykes John and Ann Eckler Larry Edwards Bobby and Faye Elder Lawrence and Bonnie Evans Morris and Lyn Evans Jane Evans Cameron Fahsel Terry and Jill Fair and Family Foundation of Wesley Woods Bob and Beth Garvin Thomas and Susan Gilbert Michael and Sheila Graybeal Ken and Susan Greene Jane Griffin Joel and Emily Gunnells Celene Hall Bobby and Florence Hammond Jay and Amy Hanson Lou Ann Harkleroad Smoky and Zoe Hicks Harriet Wilburn, Ann and Alan Watkins, Joan Hearn, and Janet and Chip Higginbotham Beverly and Joe Hines Pam and Dan Horton Ken and Sally Houghton Jim and Julie Howell Stephen and Leslie Hurst Richard Ingwersen Lou Brown Jewell Bucky and Janet Johnson Don and Linda Jolley Emmett and Jane Jordan Ed and Cindy Kallal Sara Kantala Lucie Kenimer Marvin and Judy Kilgo Yayoi Kitta Marjorie Lackey Ding and Lilyc Lau Bob, Suzanne, Mary Charlotte, and Robert Leicht Ned and Laurie Lenhart Stephanie Lin Kelly and Julie Ludwick Bob and Cindy Lyles Karen Maddox Thomas and Beverly Mahon Michael, Patty and Luke Martin Byron Matthews Dan and Margaret McAvoy Bill and Martha McKoy Jenny McMillin Louis and Dale Miller Steve and Susie Mobley Jack and Lisa Moore Alec and Mary Morris Sherry Farr and Andrew Mus David and Ann Myers Martha "Tot" Nations Max Neese Blackie Scott Neese Kristen and Lanny Nixon Kerry and Carroll O'Brien Carole Oglesby Anne Otwell Deborah Virginia Rice Parker Louisa Peacock Philip Pingree Claud and Eloise Pounds Nancy Purcell Jason and Cheryl Rambler Jan Reene Barbara Richardson Betty Ridley Randy and Susan Riner Tom and Linda Robinson Charles and Mickey Robinson Ann Rouquie Liz and Bill Schleicher Jill Lanman Schneider and Greg Schneider Joyce and Jay Schwartz Zixu Mao and Qing Shi Steve and Shelley Simmons Helen and John Simmons David and Bonnie Sisler Keller and Lynette Smith Norman and Mary Ann Smith Jim and Virginia Sowell Mark and Sharon Spears Crystal Starr and Betty Ralston Scott and Julie Stevenson Bob and Beth Swett Ken and Carla Taylor Dixie Tempel Greg Thye Family Frank and Melissa Tobakos Roger and Brenda Toebben Kirby and Carolyn Tyler Lynsley Tyler United Methodist Men of OGUMC Eric and Jen Wahlen Al and Wilma Walker Chuck and Sherry Warner Warren Averett Companies, LLC Bill and Susan Widmayer Ed and Sarah Wiley Ron and Jeannine Williams John Yeager Today’s Worship Servants Guest Organist: Fred Childers Offering Counters: Anthony Frilingos, Judy Frilingos, Ed Hong, Cathy Huffines, Joe Whipple Ushers: Scott Bazemore, Tom Branch, Harold Chambliss, George Jeffares, Jeff Jeffares, J.C. McBee, Ed McCarvey, Bob McCreary, Connie Mebane, David Morgan, Ruth Primm Penland, Mary Riddle, Avery Severt, Matt Stambaugh, Sam Still, Mike Ulven, Alfred Walker, Bob Walton, John Weatherford, George Wilkerson Altar Guild: Regina Haynes, Becky Mynatt, Cindy Mynatt, Carol Wright, Diane Young Children’s Church: Hollie Meglio, Vince Meglio OUR WORSHIP TIMES 8:30 a.m. Traditional Worship 9:35 a.m. Sunday School 9:35 a.m. Contemporary Worship 11:00 a.m. Traditional Worship Sanctuary Various Fellowship Hall Sanctuary OUR CHURCH INFORMATION Church Office Office Hours 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. M–F Emergency Contact After Hours 404-636-7558 ext. 9 ext. 211 ext. 212 Dr. Amy Morgan – Pastor of Nurture and Service Rev. Mary Lou Gilbert – Pastor to Senior Adults ext. 210 Dr. Glenn Ethridge – Senior Pastor Rev. Susan Allen Grady – Associate Pastor Director of Administration – Dale Smith Children’s Ministry – Kim Cody Oak Grove Christian School YCS (Young Children’s School) ext. 225 ext. 218 404-636-5476 404-636-7951 Music Ministry – Ed Scruggs Organist – Leanne Herrmann Youth Ministry – Caroline Paris Dir. of Contemporary Worship – Atticus Hicks ext. 226 ext. 203 ext. 208
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