life of lynnwood - Lynnwood Reformed Church
life of lynnwood - Lynnwood Reformed Church
LIFE OF LYNNWOOD New Beginnings It has been two years since I returned to Lynnwood Reformed Church as Consultant-Stated Supply, starting on December 1, 2012. We have seen a progression through these two years as the church has also gone through transformation. Small Group ministries are beginning to flourish and people are sharing their faith stories. “Lynnwood Men” has a new name and has transformed into a small group discussion time for their twice a month breakfast meetings. Jason has increased educational participation by young families with children and made an impact on the life of the church. Finances have turned around and people are beginning to take stewardship seriously, realizing each family unit - whether a single person or family - has a spiritual responsibility to further the work of the Kingdom. Then, of course, Mission Team has exploded with hands-on mission from local to national, while embracing the larger church’s mission in the world. Now, on the threshold of new beginnings, R. Garret Szantner (he goes by Garret) will become your new pastor starting January 1, 2015. I will be stepping down with the celebration of the Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper on Christmas Sunday, December 21 and then, ending with Christmas Eve worship. Consistory has received my termination notice effective December 24, 2014. In this time of new beginnings, remember to thank God for the blessings you expect to unfold in the years ahead. Thanking God ahead of time means that you believe His Holy Spirit is working in the life of this congregation. Personally, I want to thank you for giving me your blessings. Our time together has been a time of renewal for me and I am indebted to you for your patience, prayers and support. Tom December 2014 LYNNWOOD REFORMED CHURCH 3714 Carman Road Schenectady NY 12303 (518) 356-4327 Sunday Worship 9:45 (July/August 9:00) Children’s Explorations 10:00 (July/August 9:15) Adult Ed 11:15 (July/Aug 10:30) Office Hours: 8:30 - 3:00 M-F (July/August 8:30 - 2:00 ) Pastor: Tom Duncan Director of Educational Ministries: Jason White Director of Music Ministry: Jean La Crosse Office Manager: Janith Watson Mason Page 2 LIFE OF LYNNWOOD EDUCATION AND COMMUNITY From Jason’s Desk… DO OUR PART It seems for years, or perhaps decades now, we’ve all been trying to refocus on the true meaning of Christmas. Charles Shultz tried this back in 1965 when Linus steals the show in the Charlie Brown Christmas Special with his Luke 2 rendering, focusing on the real meaning of Christmas. A baby born in a manger, come here to set us free. That was 50 years ago… marketing has only become more intense. I heard on the news now that Black Friday lasts for a whole week, and the Christmas shopping season starts as soon as we hand out Halloween candy. Deals come whizzing at us and we don’t even notice that the prices listed on these huge sale items are the same prices that were listed on these items in September! Long, long ago Jesus Christ was born in a manger. A manger, a spot where food and water is placed for animals. It is fitting that Jesus Christ was born in a manger because Christ is a different kind of king. Furthermore, that Jesus was born where creatures nourish themselves with food and water is quite appropriate. Christ invites us to the table, to come together in community, in communion with one another, and feast remembering ourselves to the body of Christ. Perhaps the table is a manger, and from the very humble beginnings of the manger we’re invited to let go of the chaos and join together in Christ. Jesus also invites us to the living waters, to wash and to drink of this source of renewing power. Perhaps it is also at the manger where our cups are filled so full that they overflow. So, this Advent and Christmas season, we’re called to the manger, to let go, where our hunger will be nourished and our thirst quenched. As small as it may seem, this is our part, making the journey and commitment to come to the manger looking for community and renewal. We can give of ourselves, our whole being, and that is the greatest gift we have to offer. What can I give him, poor as I am? If I were a shepherd, I would bring a lamb; if I were a Wise Man, I would do my part; yet what I can I give him: give my heart. Shalom, Jason (Text: Christina G. Rossetti, 1830-1894, Music: Gustav Holst, 1874-1934, Tune: CRANHAM) December Explorations and Youth Schedule Kids’ Choir 9:20 - 9:30am each Sunday In Jason’s office. We will perform “A Gift to You” during the Christmas Eve service Sunday December 7 Gift-Giving Sunday for City Mission. Bring an unwrapped gift to worship December 7 & 14 During Explorations students Pre K-12 will gather in the Fellowship Center to practice our Christmas Presentation, to be performed in worship on December 21st. Collecting coins for the Food Bank Sunday December 7, 3-4:30, 4:30-6, or both at Crossgates Sunday December 21 PreK-12th Grade Christmas presentation at the beginning of worship Youth Group Caroling and Dinner at First Scotia RC Sunday, December 14 8-week Confirmation/Discipleship class begins Sunday January 4 after worship See Jason with any questions about these activities Page 3 LIFE OF LYNNWOOD A MESSAGE FROM GARRET... I was filled with excitement and anxiety as my flight into Albany International Airport made its final descent. My mind raced to figure out how I would know if I were called to go to Lynnwood; or equally important, whether God was calling me away from life in Michigan. As I found no answer within myself I became aware of the music playing softly through my headphones, saying, “You are not alone in this.” These words from Mumford and Son’s song, “Timshel” pointed me to the very last thing written in Matthew’s gospel where Jesus speaks these final words to his disciples: “And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age.” Jesus gathered the disciples at a mountain in Galilee and commissioned them to carry on his ministry because he would soon ascend to heaven where he is seated at the right hand of God the Father. In this passage Jesus is preparing the disciples for when they would no longer walk and minister side by side with their beloved Lord. His words assure them that while they won’t see him in their next season of life and ministry that he is with them and guides them through the Holy Spirit. Jesus’ words, “I am with you,” is God’s promise of presence to the church throughout all generations. Jesus’ promise was as true for me as it was for the disciples at the end of Matthew’s gospel. Jesus’ words gave me peace on that plane ride, but I also needed to trust that in time he would give me what I needed to make a decision. Over the course of two full days I saw what I needed. I saw Jesus at Lynnwood as I heard you talk about your care for one another, hunger to know God more, and a passionate mission for all people to experience God’s reconciling love in Christ Jesus. I saw Lynnwood as a place I could be who God created me to be. But equally as important, I saw your community as a rich environment for the Holy Spirit to grow me up as a disciple and pastor. Yet just as Jesus was always with me I believe as much is true for Lynnwood Reformed Church. The Holy Spirit gathered and guided Lynnwood from its humble beginnings in the hayloft of a horse barn unto its life-together at 3714 Carman Road. Christ was with Lynnwood throughout its many seasons of ministry, filling the hearts of many with passion to grow and serve. Christ was with Lynnwood during this latest interim period by sustaining a loving spirit of commitment to the community, giving wisdom to the consistory and search committee, and providing faithful leadership from the staff. I was humbled that Lynnwood extended me a call and I accepted it with great excitement about what lies ahead. In a short time we will begin a new and exciting journey together as God’s people. I believe it will be one filled with great joy and passion for what God is doing in our lives and throughout the world— but also unexpected twists, turns, and troubles. In all, I want you to know that I am grateful to be your pastor. But as we begin this new season of life together we need to acknowledge Jesus is at the center of our life together. “I am with you always, to the end of the age” is our assurance of God’s presence with us, but it also points us towards the truth that Jesus Christ is our one true leader who holds us together and guides us with love through the Holy Spirit. Let us resist the notion that one person or community of people can save the world, for Christ is the only Savior of this world and the church is his. Instead, lets make it our joyful task us turn and seek after Jesus Christ with all we are. For as we follow after Jesus, who reveals to us God’s heart, we will be caught up in his work of making all things new! Sincerely, R. Garret Szantner Page 4 LIFE OF LYNNWOOD Ten Commandments for Welcoming a New Pastor Devotions Shared at Consistory, November 18, 2014 I. Thou shalt not compare the old Pastor and the new Pastor, for the Lord thy God has made each person unique and wishes you to appreciate each original creation. II. Thou shalt not expect everything to stay the same when the new Pastor arrives. Nor shalt thou resist change, nor assume that change is bad, but thou shalt trust that the Lord thy God isn’t finished with your church yet and is bringing change for your good and the good of your mission. III. Thou shalt not make graven images of thine old grudges, nor shalt thou keep stale disappointments in the temple of thine heart, but thou shalt forgive and move on in the grace of the Lord thy God, for how can thou ask God for mercy unless thou give mercy from thine heart? IV. Thou shalt not commit gossip, nor shalt thou fearfully complain, nor shalt thou listen to those who do, but instead thou shalt entreat them to adjust their attitudes and lighten up, for everything shall be alright, and in fact, shall turn out very well indeed – better than you can even imagine. V. Thou shalt not commit nostalgia or say that the old days were better, for in so doing thou shalt make thy judgment come true. Be assured that the Lord thy God is not falling asleep at the wheel, but will be with thee and surprise thee with abundant blessings, more than thou canst contain or count. VI. Thou shalt not factionalize nor create “us-them” divisions, but thou shalt unify with thy brothers and sisters even when they annoy or confuse you. VII. Thou shalt not come to the new pastor with your demands, pressure, complaints, bad reports, manipulations, threats, agendas, unsolicited advice, or snide comments. But thou shalt say, “Welcome! How can we help you? We love you! We would like to increase our giving significantly. We’re praying for you and your family. Welcome to our community! We baked you some cookies!” And each week, thou shalt do so again and again until the new pastor begs you to stop. VIII. Thou shalt increase thy giving, and not withhold thy tithe, but invest thy money and thine heart in the future of thy community of faith and mission. IX. Thou shalt not come to thine old and former pastor with anything but praise for the new pastor, but thou mayest bring thy concerns to God in humble prayer, and if thou must, thou may also share concerns with the duly appointed leaders of the church. X. Most important, thou shalt trust God, and stay connected to God, and draw strength from God, staying deeply rooted in the message of God’s grace. For God is good, and God will never leave you nor forsake you. You can count on that for sure! ten-commandments-for-welcoming-a.html Page 5 LIFE OF LYNNWOOD December Worship Highlights Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper - Tom speaking Christmas Sunday, December 21, 2014 will be the celebration of the Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper. This will be Tom’s last time in sharing the Sacrament with us. Message: The Glory of Patient Waiting Text: Luke 1: 5-17 Christmas Eve Worship – Tom speaking The Candlelight Christmas Eve worship will be held at 7:45 p.m. on December 24th. Message: When Glory Descends on the Darkness of Night Text: Luke 2: 1-7 Ecumenical Service – 4:00 p.m. Christ the King Church Lynnwood Church will join with others at Christ the King Roman Catholic Church for the Ecumenical Christmas Service, involving the choirs of the Guilderland area churches. Please plan on supporting this ecumenical songfest of Christmas music, along with supporting our own choir, under the leadership of Jean La Crosse. You can help the Deacons streamline the process of counting and recording contributions to the church. If you are contributing by check and are using an envelope, please write the amount of the check and the number of the check on the envelope. If you have envelopes, it is not necessary to write your name on the outside of the envelope. If you are contributing by check and have an envelope number but are not using an envelope, please put your envelope number on the memo line of your check. If you are putting your contributions for more than one week into the offering plate at the same time, it is not necessary to use more than one envelope. You can simply put everything together in a single envelope. If you are contributing cash in an offering envelope, it is helpful if you write the amount on the envelope. Doing these small things will help expedite the process and ensure that each contribution is properly recorded. The Deacons thank you in advance for your help! Celebration Luncheon For Pastor Tom and Kathy Following worship on December 21, there will be a lunch reception honoring Pastor Tom and wife Kathy for their many contributions and tireless dedication to the Lynnwood family in our spiritual journey. Over the past two years, Tom's leadership, experience and spiritual guidance have guided Lynnwood though many challenges while Kathy has served as a pillar of behind-the-scenes support in this critical period of ministry. No charge, only a free-will offering. Please plan to join us in a joyous celebration for a job well done! RCA Denomination Assessment Lynnwood Church will be paying $13,788 this year to the denomination to support denominational offices and mission. That breaks down to $91.92 per member. A family unit of two members would be $183.84 and a family with three members would be $275.76, etc. Please make use of the assessment envelope in your offering box for those who are able to support this separate line item in our budget. Our minimum goal is to raise $5,000 of the total figure of $13,788 as part of expected income in the 2015 Christ Ministry Budget. Your Stewardship and Finance Team ~Apology ~ Letters were sent to inactive members in September, inquiring about their current church involvement. This is a responsibility of the elders, and had not been done in several years. It is done to keep our membership list up-to-date, and also to reach out to folks we haven't seen in a while and let them know we care about them. We also want them to know that inactive members are welcome to reactivate membership at any time, and are welcome to participate in the sacraments and all benefits of church membership. Unlike active members, they do not have to pay the yearly stipend to the Reformed Church of America. Unfortunately, in sending over 150 letters, several were addressed to current members. We deeply apologize for the confusion and concern that occurred because of this. We hope that the members who were affected by this will forgive the error. If you or someone you know was mistakenly sent the letter to inactive members, please alert one of the elders, or call the office and ask to be referred to an elder. Thank you, Susan Spring Meggs, Elder, Vice-President of Consistory Page 6 LIFE OF LYNNWOOD MISSION NEWS Kentucky Mission Trip December Fundraisers Brooks’ Barbecue Sunday, December 14, 3 p.m. until sold out Chicken and Rib Dinners, Half-chickens The “Kentucky ‘15ers” (those going on the April mission trip) will be hosting the December B-B-Q. We are hopeful that this will be an appealing time for the community to stop by and pick up a quick and easy dinner. We would like to ask the congregation for its help in providing brownies for the occasion and we could also use a few extra hands on the line, taking orders and running food out to the cars. Sign-up sheets are available at the Sign Up Center.. Hoffman’s Car Wash Tickets Throughout late November and December booklets of carwash tickets will be on sale before and after church. The coupons have proven popular as Christmas gifts as well as for self-gifting and are good at any Hoffman’s and never expire. Koins for Kentucky You have probably noticed…it is quite hard to miss…our loose change collection for our mission trip. Many, many thanks to all who have dropped in their spare coins, and even some bills. The rather large container can be found in the narthex on Sunday mornings and in the church office on weekdays. Just imagine if we could fill it!?! Your support of any and all of our efforts is very much appreciated! The Kentucky ‘15ers: Larry & Dianna Bopp Mary & Connor Chew Walt & Joanne Cogswell Jane Davis Scott Groezinger Nancy Henk Roger Kennedy Mike & Carol Lynch Lauri Miller Bill Ports Neil Satterly Mark, Mo and Kate Watson Chris & Lucy Urig Jason White Alternates: Bill & Kay Grosch Looking for an Alternative Christmas Gift? The bombardment of twinkling lights, crowded shopping malls, and overbooked schedules seems to be the norm for the Christmas season. It’s so easy to become distracted from the true meaning of Christmas. God gave us the greatest gift the world will ever know, a true gift of hope, Jesus Christ. In grateful thanks, give a gift that makes a difference in God’s world. Two options have recently come to Lynnwood’s Mission Team: RCA “Gift of Hope”: visit to purchase any of the following: Animals (Chicken - $25, Goat - $40, Cow - $500) Audio Bible - $45 Clean Water Fund - $100 Diver Safety - $50 Food Security - (Groceries $30, Feed a Child $80) Hipporoller - $135 Medical Care - $100 School Scholarships - $200 Youth Outreach - $50 Peace Project - $100 Heifer International: visit to purchase water buffalos, llamas, alpacas, goats, sheep, pigs, trees, honeybees, rabbits, chickens through this organization that has been helping struggling families around the world achieve the dignity of self-reliance for over 70 years. Volunteers Needed: Regional Food Bank of Northeastern New York 30th Annual Holiday Hunger Appeal – Nov. 19-Dec. 26 Volunteers stand at the Regional Food Bank’s seasonal location in Crossgates Mall to ask shoppers to donate a dollar for the hungry. Children who donate may hang a handmade ornament made by local Girl Scout troops on the holiday tree. Last year $71,000 was collected! Sign up for one or more short shifts (2 ½ hr.) by calling Jessica Tanner at 786-3691 x295 or emailing her at Schenectady Inner City Ministry Food Pantry The SICM Pantry depends on volunteers. They have an urgent need for volunteers to work at the Pantry when it is open Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. Call Shennan Jarboe or Shelly Ford at the Food Pantry: 346-4445. LIFE OF LYNNWOOD Page 7 SMALL GROUP MINISTRY NEWS JANUARY 10, 2015 FACILITATOR TRAINING/REFRESHER Yes, 2015 is just around the corner and with the New Year comes the next facilitator training/refresher….Saturday, January 10 from 9-3. The Lynnwood Men will be serving their annual breakfast that morning, so, come have a delicious home-cooked meal and then join in the facilitators’ training /refresher session. The orientation and training day is for those who would like to explore what small group facilitation is about. To do the training does not commit one to be a facilitator. Just come and see what facilitation is all about. The day is also for those who have been through the training and would like a “refresher.” The next cycle of intentional small groups will be during Lent. Ash Wednesday is February 18th and Easter April 5. A lot of individuals have experienced a small group and many have been in more than one. More small groups are being requested, so more trained facilitators are needed. The Christmas holiday season is upon us so mark January 10 on your 2015 calendar and talk to Kay and Bill Grosch (869-7479) NOW to register. Sign-up is necessary, so we have enough facilitator books for everyone attending the session. Is your faith seeking growth and new vitality? Be a small group facilitator and see what happens. PROJECT ANGEL TREE This is the 24th year Lynnwood Women have sponsored this project. 50 children in the Schenectady area whose parents are incarcerated will receive Christmas gifts given with their love and purchased by you. If you have not already done so, you are invited to select an Angel gift tag located in the narthex --purchase a gift (suggestions are noted on the tags). Gifts need to be new, wrapped and valued between $15 - $25. ALL WRAPPED gifts with the Angel Tag securely affixed need to be brought to church no later than Sunday, December 14th. On that day during the Fellowship Hour, the congregation will have opportunity to become involved in one of the important aspects of sorting gifts for the individual families. If you have questions or wish to make a monetary contribution towards the purchase of a gift, please see Jane Brehm, Betsy Hollander or Jean Dean. Volunteers are needed to deliver the gifts beginning Wednesday, the 17th through Sunday, the 21st. See Jean if you can help in this way. POINSETTIAS Would you like to order a Poinsettia to grace our Christmas Worship Services? All plants will be RED this year and will cost $9.00 each. A sign up sheet is located at the Publicity Center along with envelopes marked “Poinsettias” in which you may place your cash or check (payable to Lynnwood Women). Envelopes may be placed in the offering plate or given to Judy Zielinski. IT IS IMPORTANT that you sign up and indicate if your plant is placed in honor or in memory of a loved one and if you wish to donate it to one of our homebound folk or take it home. The deadline for orders is December 14th. Page 8 LIFE OF LYNNWOOD The Women’s W.A.L.L. Women All Loving the Lord Lynnwood Women CIRCLE MEETINGS FOR DECEMBER All women are most cordially invited to attend a study circle which best suits your schedule. Try it! You might like it! Each of the three Circles will be celebrating the Christmas Season with special events, luncheons, dinners, etc. Watch Sunday bulletins and the website calendar for dates, times and location. PLANNING MEETING – JANUARY 12TH All women are invited to attend the first meeting of the new year Monday evening, January 12th 7:00 p.m. in the Conference Room. Plans and programs for the year will be discussed. What would you like to do this year? What program would be meaningful for/to you? Come and be a part of designing the new year! Questions / Thoughts / Ideas may be addressed to Chairwoman, Linda Looman at 356-2200. MITTEN TREE A warm pair of mittens! A nice warm hat! The Christmas Tree located in the Fellowship Center is provided where you may place your gift of warm hats, scarves, mittens, gloves of all sizes … all colors … for men, women and children. They will be shared with the City Mission of Schenectady and the Bethesda House. WOMEN’S CHRISTMAS PARTY Monday evening, December 1st 6:30 p.m. “Mary, Mother of the Messiah” …a drama presented in the first person written by Jean La Crosse An inspirational program featuring scripture, readings, women’s chorus, dance ...a different look at the Christmas story 6:30 p.m. Welcome 7:00 p.m. Program 8:00 p.m. Dessert and Conversation Ladies, come and do invite a friend to this very special evening of celebration. If you haven’t already signed up at the Publicity Center please do so, OR PLEASE JUST COME! All attendees are invited to bring a Gift of Love to be given to the Battered Women’s Shelter in Schenectady. Items needed: toiletries such as tooth brushes, tooth paste, combs, brushes, shampoo, conditioner, razors, deodorant, slippers, and sleepwear … Size S thru 2X. Gifts are to be unwrapped. For those who prefer not to drive at night, contact Jean Dean at 355-0213 and she will make arrangements for your transportation. Don’t be bashful! Page 9 LIFE OF LYNNWOOD Many thanks to the Fellowship, Building & Property, and Mission teams for all your help in making the Auction a great success. Church Directory Updates Please inform the church office of any changes needed to the Directory. Are you getting our emails? If not, contact the church office so that we may add you to our list! 75% of the grand total of $4,280 was added to the Furnace fund, and 25% went to support the Kentucky Mission trip in April 2015. And thanks to EVERYONE who turned out and made it a great night! Jean Anderson Fellowship Center Community News... On Saturday, November 15th, local Girl Scout Troop 1118 hosted a Christmas ornament-making day in the Fellowship Center. 125 Girl Scouts of various troops in Service Unit 192 met throughout the day, making 350 ornaments to be used to obtain contributions at Crossgates to the Food Pantry. Each donor there will receive an ornament to hang on the tree in the mall. In addition, the Scouts donated 289 food items to the Food Pantry box at Lynnwood. This event was coordinated by Joanne Kirchhof. Please contact Janith at the church office with your prayer requests, with Lauri Miller as backup. Our heartfelt sympathies to the friends of Grace Kemner who passed away November 17th. Grace joined Lynnwood December 1, 1957. We love opening our doors to such great community organizations! It’s about time... I thanked everyone at Lynnwood for making my first year as your Office Manager such a tremendous one. I can’t express adequately the extent I feel truly blessed to be here serving my Lynnwood family. Your support and friendship has been awesome, and I look forward to another great year! Janith Know something interesting about Lynnwood - or a Lynnwood member? Let Janith know and it could appear here. For example, who among us was the second person baptized (in the barn)? And who still bikes 16 miles? Did you just accomplish something awesome? A personal best? Who is the oldest golfer? Share your interest tidbit or blessing. (All submissions will be approved by those mentioned). Page 10 LIFE OF LYNNWOOD Gift-Giving Sunday December 7 Please bring unwrapped gifts to worship with you. During worship there will be a time when we will bring our gifts forward. The gifts will then be counted and collected and brought to the City Mission of Schenectady. The toys will be put into the City Mission Christmas Store, which allows parents to “shop” for free and pick out gifts for their children! Christmas Eve Worship Candlelight Worship You are invited to join us on Christmas Eve for worship at 7:45 p.m. Every year Lynnwood Church hosts this special worship where people sing the traditional Christmas songs and lay people participate in liturgy, duets, and special music/arts. The service ends with the singing of Silent Night and the lighting of candles, lifted up during the last stanzas to symbolize Christ, the Light of the World making entrance into our lives. Please join us for this great celebration that brings conclusion to the Advent season itself, recognizing Christ as the Gift of Christmas. Tom, Jason, Jean, youth, and choir members/ soloists will be part of this celebrative evening. Just a Note about “Collections” Especially at this time of year many, many opportunities are offered to the LRC congregation to share with others. The intention is not to overburden you with requests, but rather to offer a variety of choices in which you may share your blessings. In no way is everyone expected or asked to participate in every gift collection, food drive, etc. that is sponsored by various groups in our congregation. Rather, you are asked to choose the one(s) that most touch your heart! Give a Teddy Bear a Home In memory of Ken & Mary Lou Teetsel’s daughter Kathleen, we are sponsoring a “Teddy Bear Get Together.” Your bear will travel, via The Teetsel Family to a ReMax office in the Boston area sometime in early December, and then delivered to various nonprofit groups. Among the recipients are battered women’s shelters and fire departments. Add your bear to the “Teddy Bear Get Together” table in the Fellowship Center . Bears should be in new or next to new condition. Music Notes Wind and Brass Instruments will commence rehearsals on Sunday, November 30 at 9 9:30 am in Fellowship Center in preparation for playing traditional carols in the Narthex before service on Christmas Sunday, December 21. See Jean La Crosse or Darcy Brem. Women's Choir rehearsals are Sunday November 23 and 30 at 6:15 pm in preparation for Lynnwood Women's Christmas Program. Suburban Sounds brought musical entertainment as well as cider and donuts for residents of Omni on October 26. We will be returning on December 13 with Christmas carols and seasonal music. Additional programs will be provided for Kingsway Village on December 19. Lynnwood Choir with support from Suburban Sounds will participate at the Guilderland Interfaith Advent Service at Christ the King Church on December 7 at 4 pm. Suburban Sounds’ annual Winter Concert will be held on December 21 at Guilderland Public Library at 2 pm. Additional support is provided for this concert by Lynnwood Choir members. Page 11 LIFE OF LYNNWOOD DECEMBER 2014 Sun Mon Tue Wed For a more detailed and up-to-date calendar, see the calendar on our website! Thu Fri Sat Regular Sunday Worship Schedule: 9:45 - 10:45 10:00 - 11:00 10:45 - Noon 11:00 - Noon Worship Kids Explorations Coffee & Fellowship/ Prayer Shawl Ministry Middle and High School Sunday Group Wind/Brass 9:30am 1 Women’s Christmas Party 6:30 2 8 Mission 6:30 9 Christian Ed 6:30 16 Circle carpool @11:15 Elders/Deacons/ Consistory 11:00 - Noon 11:15 - Noon Middle and High School Sunday Groups Adult Ed 3 Choir 7:30 4 Prayer Shawl 4pm 5 6 10 Minutes Deadline 11 Joyful Noise 9:30 Worship Team 6:30 Choir 7:30 12 Newsletter Deadline 13 Lynnwood Men’s Breakfast 8am 17 19 20 26 27 Bldg &Prop 6pm Improv 5:30 7 Wind/Brass 9:30am 14 Wind/Brass 15 9:30am Sen Singles 11:00 Brooks BBG 3-6 21 Christmas Sunday 22 23 Choir 7:30 24 Christmas Eve Candlelight 7:45 Communion 25 Christmas Office Closed Celebration Luncheon 28 18 29 30 31 Office closed at noon 2 Sandy Lundstedt 6 Kitt Kenna 7 Kyle Klapp 12 Jean Dean 17 Nancy Mohr, Ken Teetsel 19 20 23 26 28 29 Birthdays Scott Anzalone, Spencer Gilbert Payton Charvat Jonathan de Forest William Clark Frank Amigo, Susan VenderWende Gary Gillen LYNNWOOD REFORMED CHURCH Non-Profit Organization U.S. Postage Paid Permit No. 109 Guilderland, NY 12084 3714 CARMAN ROAD SCHENECTADY, NEW YORK 12303 DATED MATERIAL PLEASE DELIVER IMMEDIATELY RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED Publication Deadlines Articles for Life of Lynnwood are due on the 12th of each month. Bulletin Insert Bulletin insert information is due no later than 2pm on Wednesday. Not receiving our emails? If you would like to be included on our church’s email list, please send us an email with your address and request. Thanks! Reformed Church is to glorify God by bringing people to Jesus Christ in an Life of Lynnwood Online or by Email See the latest issue of Life of Lynnwood in color, and an updated and detailed calendar at Life of Lynnwood can be emailed to you. Email the church office at to request it by email. The mission of Lynnwood atmosphere of love through involvement in our community of worship, education, fellowship and the 12th of each month mission.