Full Publication - New York Holstein Association


Full Publication - New York Holstein Association
October 2013
If you build it, they will come.
The Proof Is
Breeder Satisfaction!
CUPID – TPI +2005
– High Conception (+3.4 SCR)
& High Components
Reg. USA 61265576 – SCE: 7 DCE: 7.7
PTA +339M +.18% +60F +.03% +19P
PTA +4.0PL +504NM +1.5DPR
PTA +1.99T +1.92UDC +1.94FLC
D/AV 26,269 3.9 1026 3.0 798 81.6T
aAa 6-5-1 (Style – Smooth – Dairy)
Outside x 5 Gens. VG & EX with over
1 million pounds of milk!
Cupid definitely needs to see a classifier!
– High Production Shottle son from the
Elegance Family
Reg. USA 64756040 – SCE: 8 DCE: 6.5
PTA +1420M -.01% +49F +.02% +47P
PTA +1.98T +1.01UDC +.86FLC
D/AV 26,904 3.7 990 3.0 814 81.3T
aAa: 3-2-4 (Open – Tall – Strong)
Shottle x VG-87 Goldwyn x 7 gens. EX in
the Elegancy (3E-96 GMD-DOM) Family!
We are pleased to welcome Paddock’s Breeding Service in
Warsaw, NY as distributors of Field of Dreams genetics. Serving Allegany,
Genesee, Livingston, & Wyoming Counties – contact them at 585-786-0109.
If you build it, they will come.
Type Specialists from the ADEEN Family
Reg. USA 63164339
PTA +3.26T +2.82 UDC +2.17FLC
aAa 3-2-4 (Open-Tall-Strong)
Shottle x MD-Delight Durham Atlee-ET
(EX-92 GMD-DOM) x VG-88-DOM Storm x
Chief Adeen (2E-94-DOM) x
Starbuck Ada (2E-94-DOM)
Atlee’s Highest Shottle son for Type!
Full brother to Aftershock.
+1.5 +2
+1.5 +2
+1.5 +2
Reg. USA 63164322
PTA +3.01T +2.94UDC +3.00FLC
aAa 3-2-1 (Open-Tall-Dairy)
Goldwyn x Durham Atlee-ET
Full brother to Atwood.
Reg. USA 60372887 ** SCR +2.7, CE: 7
PTA +606M +28F +23P
PTA +2.58T +2.65UDC +1.73FLC
aAa 2-4-3 (Tall-Strong-Open)
Toystory x EX-90 Durham x 2E-91-DOM
Storm x Chief Adeen (2E-94-DOM) x
Starbuck Ada (2E-94-DOM)
Gary and Janet Tubolino & Family
41 Grove St. • Adams, NY 13605-1203
315-232-2841 • Fax: 315-232-4153
Gary’s Cell: 315-405-1588 • www.fieldofdreamsgenetics.com
We pride ourselves on REAL bulls
with REAL daughters with REAL
results, backed by strong cow families
and the breeders behind them!
NYN October 2013 - 3
(USPS 382-940)
(ISSN 0279-8611)
Official Publication of the
New York Holstein Association
To promote the Holstein breed for the
economic and social benefit of
junior and senior members.
Volume 68
No. 9
October 2013
Published monthly, except August, 1st of
each month. News and advertising forms close
25 days in advance of publication date. Livestock
advertising rates upon request.
Michael McCaffrey, Editor
957 Mitchell Street
Ithaca, NY 14850
Phone: 607-218-6378
Fax: 607-218-6379
Charles McEvoy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 607-849-3386
1st Vice President
Michael Cosgrove. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 315-853-3667
2nd Vice President
Thomas Kugler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 518-366-3901
Timothy Perotti. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 518-567-9484
Roy Denniston. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Catherine Galley. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Regina Lundy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
William Paddock. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Subscription price in the U.S. is $25 per year; $35
first class mail Canada and overseas standard
delivery; $55 overseas first class air mail. Single
copies $2. Payable in U.S. funds only. The NEWS
subscription list is filed geographically by town
and state. When you change your address, please
be sure to inform us of your new mailing address.
The New York Holstein News (ISSN)
(0279-8611) (USPS 382940) is published
monthly, except August, for $25 per
year by Cayuga Press, 215 South Main
Street, Cortland, NY 13045. Entered
as periodical matter at the post office at
Ithaca, NY 14850 and other locations.
POSTMASTER: Send address changes
957 Mitchell St., Ithaca, NY14850.
Due to uncertainties in the mail, NY Holstein
News cannot assume responsibility for prior
delivery of issues carrying advertising of sales
scheduled for less than 21 days after our issue
date, which is the 1st of the month.
4 - NYN October 2013
October 2013
From the Editor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Executive Manager’s Report. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Junior Corner. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-13
Club News. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Obituary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Calendar of Events. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
Index of Advertisers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82
New York State Fair Youth Show. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
New York State Fair Red & White Show. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
New York State Fair Holstein Show . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Welcome to Tri-County . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
New York Show Reports. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
About the Cover
All smiles after his big win in the Coliseum in Syracuse is Johnathan King, son of Jeff & Becky
King of Kings-Ransom Farm, Schuylerville in the heart of the Tri-County Holstein Club. Johnathan
is holding his winning milking fall yearling at the New York State Fair Holstein Show, Kings-Ransom
Acme Sunlight, a daughter of KHW Elm-Park Acme-ET from a Jasper dam followed by five
generations of Excellents, all with the Kings-Ransom prefix. Sunlight also took the blue ribbon at the
New York State Fair Youth Show in Syracuse.
Mike Walker captured this photo of Johnathan and Sunlight, just one of Mike’s many
outstanding pictures during this year’s New York State Fair. Mike invites anyone to visit his website,
mikewalkerphoto.net, to enjoy all his pictures from various shows during the year.
From the Editor
It is always a pleasure to present the October issue of the News to
our regular readers as well as those who pick up a copy at World Dairy
Expo. Once again, our breeders have promoted their show winners,
sale consignments, and their breeding programs to show the world the
great registered Holsteins that thrive in New York. I want to thank those
who have participated in this issue of the News. We continue to be one
of only two states who publish a monthly magazine and that can only
happen when the members believe in the product and participate and
support its mission. I hope all who are reading this issue will enjoy all it
and consider checking it out online free, 11 times per year, through our
website or by subscription.
The October issue also features the Tri-County Holstein Club and it is always a pleasure to
spend time in this eastern part of the state. In 2016, New York will host the National Convention in
Saratoga, and this is truly a most beautiful region, as well as the home to some of the best cattle
anywhere. The Tri-County Holstein Club is also very fortunate to have many outstanding younger
breeders involved in the industry, some of whom continue on family farms, some of whom have
struck out on their own. The Club is a great example of people who help and support one another
and really celebrate one another’s successes. I hope you enjoy their special section which begins on
page 39.
In this issue, you will find several ads promoting sales and sale consignments. New York is
known as the Cradle of the Breed for its roots in Holstein history, and we continue to be the home
of many of the best cattle in the world today. Whatever you are looking for, our members have it,
and Patsy Gifford and I are more than happy to help you find it! I am always pleased to hear from
someone traveling to New York who is looking for suggestions of farms to visit in the area in which
they will be. There’s a lot to see and experience in our great state and this issue of the News is a
testament to the passion, commitment, and pride our breeders have in their registered Holsteins.
It’s Where the Action Is!
Great Events
Great People
Great Sales
Come to New York …
for the events, the people, and great Holsteins!
Visit our website for regular updates &
the New York Holstein News online FREE!
New York Spring Dairy Carousel
The premier spring dairy event in the U.S.! Carousel 2014 is slated for April 11-14. With
over 900 head of show & sale cattle, exhibitors from 20 states & Canada, Syracuse is the
place to be!
3. ANNUAL BUS TRIP - This year we head to Pennsylvania. We love to host groups as well!
Leadership of our 1000+ Junior Members!
5. BUDDY FLEMING - 2012 Klussendorf Award Winner
6. JACK ROSS - 2012 Klussendorf-MacKenzie Award Winner
7. TOP OF THE 2012 NY HARVEST SALE - Cookiecutter Jivs Halloo-ET - $32,000
This year’s NY Harvest Sale is slated for Saturday, Oct. 26. Our annual sales rank among
the highest in the U.S. each year and we sponsor an ET Sale in January, the NY Spring
Holstein Sale at Carousel, and the Harvest Sale in the fall. Our breeder-members have
just what you are looking for!
Patricia Gifford
Executive Manager
Email: pgifford@nyholsteins.com
Cell: 607.316.0867
Jennifer Ginzery - Office Manager
Email: jginzery@nyholsteins.com
Stacie Sherman - Office Assistant
Email: ssherman@nyholsteins.com
Michael J. McCaffrey - Editor
Ph: 607.218.6378
Email: mmccaffrey@nyholsteins.com
State Office Address:
NYHA • 957 Mitchell St. • Ithaca, NY 14850
Fax: 607.273.7612 • Ph: 607.273.7591
National Field Reps:
Dave Paddon - 585.259.0663
Robert Wilson - 315.823.3463
NYN October 2013 - 5
Bountiful Harvest
6 Great Consignments
to the NY Harvest Sale
Her Polled, RC Supersire
2-01 3x 345 24,750 4.4 1084 3.5 857
4-07 3x 244 26,232 4.4 1150 3.1 817 (Inc.)
Dam of Ladd-P & the #1 GTPI R&W Cow, Tiger-Lily
Dtry Lana-Red-ET (VG-86) w/GTPI +2059, Lulu’s dam
is Kings-Ransom Sept Lima-ET (2E-91) w/1893f, then 3
more EX & VG dams.
b. 3/27/2013 – GTPI +2161
PTA +1009M +77F +52P +569NM
PTA +2.84T +2.22UDC +1.74FLC
Polled, RC Roxy
VISION-GEN LB R11795-RED-ET *PO (VG-85, 2y)
1-11 3x 365 29,400 3.6 1053 3.0 887
Her dam is an EX-94, 96-MS Durham, followed by 8
more EX Roxy’s!
b. 2/9/2013 – GTPI +1967
PTA +1107M +40F +40P +2.09T
Sired by De-Su Freddie Galaxy-ET
Visitors & inquiries always welcome.
3633 County Rte. 32 • Oxford, NY 13830
(607) 843-5881 • Fax: 9172
e-mail: tigerlilydairy@frontiernet.net
6 - NYN October 2013
Her Numero Uno
2-01 3x 365 34,650 3.4 1174 3.1 1070
PTA +1267M +46F +44P +626NM +5.1PL +1.85T
Sons in A.I. & embryos have been in high demand
from Limbo. Next dam is a Bret with 1246f, then a
Magna w/1123f, followed by 7 VG & EX dams.
b. 11/2/2012 – GTPI +2272
PTA +810M +76F +35P +776NM +5.4PL +1.1DPR
PTA +2.28T +2.25UDC +2.21FLC
Phoenix from the Ashlyn’s
3-11 2x 365 34,540 4.5 1564 3.3 1135
Next dam is Ashlyn (2E-96 GMD-DOM)!
Selling is Interflame Phoenix Atley-ET
b. 4/18/2011 & fresh Sept. 4!
Big, fancy, & looks tremendous! Her dam is a VG-88
September Storm with 1022f, then Avalon.
2 Others to Watch For:
u A Colt-P due in Jan. to sexed Ladd-P. Dam is a VG86, 2y Renaldi w/1111f, next dam is VG-85 w/1412f.
u A RED Renaldi due in January to sexed AttitudeRed. Her dam is a VG, 2y Advent with 1148f,
next dam is Stoncree Factor Festive-Red (2E-93)
w/158,000M, 3rd dam is 3E-94 w/142,000M.
NYN October 2013 - 7
Harvest These Special Ladies
October 26th
2-00 3x 203 16,190 4.2 686 3.2 516 (Inc.)
Selling is her daughter –
b. 12/31/12
GTPI +2425
+1117M +78F +49P +3.01T +3.16UDC +2.56FLC
+5.6PL +2.56SCS +.5DPR
Mogul x VG-86 Osmond (pictured) x GP-83
Goldwyn x 2E-91 Shottle x 2E-93 Storm x 3E-91
Blackstar x 4E-95 Conductor Peggy
This heifer has already proven herself in IVF –
we have made over 16 transfers from her to date!
Take her home and make some more!
Full sister with +2405 GTPI sold in the
Woodcrest Bridge to Excellence Sale
for $19,000!
*She Sells!
3-04 3x 78 8,070 5.0 404 2.7 218 (Inc.)
Goldwyn x 2E-94 Storm Fleurel x 3E-95 Skychief Finesse x 2E-94
Starbuck Finesse x 5E-94 Elevation Flashie
2nd Sr. 2-Yr-Old at CNY Holstein Show ‘12
She is EX just into her second lactation and she will only get
better from here! She is the epitome of her mother, Fleurel,
when she was a young cow!
Mark your calendars for the
next Woodcrest Bridge to
Excellence Sale slated for
May 31, 2014!
Follow us on Facebook and on Holstein Plaza.
BAA: 107.0 on 365 cows
9 years Progressive Genetics Herd Award – PBR Herd
8 - NYN October 2013
She will flush and she will add value to your tank!
Dr Robert Cruikshank DVM & Peter Braun
Barb Ziemba, Genetic Marketing Mgr.
315-730-0201 woodcrestdairy@gmail.com
322 Wood Rd, Lisbon, NY 13658
Memories & Reflections
Hugh Benton, our Founder
and Rock, was a huge fan of
the show ring and even though
we lost him this summer, his
presence was truly felt July 26,
2013 with Chenango Lucifer
Lime. Hugh played a pivotal
role in laying the groundwork
& enthusiasm we have for the
purebred Holstein at Benton
Holsteins today!!! His trips
to Canada & sales were
monumental in the foundation of our herd. His lessons on breeding & developing
great cows will never be forgotten. Thanks!!
of the Summer
Three Shows:2 Grand Champions
2 Reserve Grand Champions
2 Junior Champions
3 1st Place Junior Best Three Females
(EX-91 EEEVE @ 5-04)
By Lylehaven Lucifer
1st 5-Yr-Old, Best Udder in class, Senior & Grand
Champion and Best Bred & Owned of Show at 2013
Allegany-Steuben Holstein Show
The last cow to carry Hugh’s “Chenango” prefix out of the last
cow Hugh bought at the Manavale Dispersal – a 7th gen. VG
or EX back to Manavale Ultimate Ivan Lime (5E-93-GMD).
August Classification: 4 New Excellent &
7 New Very Good
- Highlight being Benton Sept Storm Mandy going
EX @ 4-04, completing 7 generations of homebred
August Totals: 21 EX 35 VG 8 GP
BAA: 111.1% - Proud to be in the Top 25 of
New York!
Benton Holsteins
Visitors Always Welcome
William (607) 525-6296
William & Bret Benton
502 State Rt. 36 – Troupsburg, NY 14885
Bret: (607) 525-6119
NYN October 2013 - 9
Executive Manager’s
Beautiful foliage and crisp, clear air. October in New
York is pretty spectacular. The shortening days warn of
what’s ahead, but a beautiful autumn day is hard to beat.
As always, we loaded the trunk of my car with this
month’s News to share with the visitors from around
the world at our World Dairy Expo booth. It’s full of
this summer’s show results, Harvest and statewide sale
ads, club section featuring the thriving Tri-County area,
and a general look at New York’s Holstein community. If
you are an Expo visitor and not familiar with our New
York Holstein Association or our New York Holstein
News, here’s a quick overview. We publish 11 times a
year; circulation is just under 2,300 with magazines
sent all over the U.S. and many other countries. A
subscription costs $25, advertising is very affordable, and
ongoing announcements, updates of events, and articles
regarding our membership and supporters are always
included. A New York Holstein annual membership is
$50. Anyone anywhere is invited to become a member.
With a membership, you receive the News each month
plus all the mailings that keep you informed of events
and opportunities and inclusion in all of our events and
activities. We would welcome your membership and
participation wholeheartedly. We have lots of activities
throughout the year. News Editor Mike McCaffrey and
I will be in the booth all week, just seconds from the
show ring entrance on the bottom floor. We would enjoy
talking with you about our great New York Holsteins and
their owners.
I hope the Harvest Sale ads catch your interest and
you’ll join us for this annual event on October 26 at Cornell
University, hosted in partnership with the Cornell Dairy
Club. (CUDS). Featured are some of the highest genomics,
most prolific, deep pedigreed and famous cow families,
reds, polled, fancy show prospects, special young cows
and more. The list of success stories regarding Harvest
Sale purchases is a long one. It’s our breeder’s sale that
has very successfully added to the breeding program
in many herds. As I said last month, since the winner
chose to take the $500 instead the calf, our beautiful red
raffle calf, donated by the Currie family and right out of
their famous Delicious cow family, will sell. Proceeds to
NYHA juniors. If you would like to receive a catalog, just
call the Cattle Exchange (607-746-2226). Catalogs will
also be online later this month. If you have interest in any
consignment, call any member of the sales staff with any
questions. Please join us on October 26 for this exciting
10 - NYN October 2013
wrap up sale of the year featuring handpicked selections
that suit every breeding philosophy and sure to please the
most discriminating buyer. Purchases who meet age and
ownership criteria are automatically entered in Futurity,
courtesy of New York Holstein.
October starts our membership drive. Packets will be
in the mail soon. As always, a November 30 postmark
gets your club a $1 rebate and insures that you continue
to get the best possible rate with Holstein USA when
registering calves. That’s easy money for your club and
a healthy savings for you throughout the year along with
our activities and events held for your benefit. A bonus
this year is, with each junior membership, the World
is offering a free digital subscription good for one year.
That’s a great deal for juniors thanks to Randy Blodgett
at Holstein World.
October is the month for All-New York entries, junior
contest entries, Distinguished Junior Member books,
Futurity entries, and nominations for Master Breeder,
Retired Master Breeder and Outstanding Young Breeder.
Forms can be found on our website or we’re happy to
send them to you if you give us a call. We love to give
junior and senior members their deserved recognition, but
we can’t do it without the necessary paperwork. Please
encourage juniors to fill out the forms for DJM and other
awards. Nominate deserving senior members from your
area for the three master breeder recognitions. Also look
through the calf crop and get the favorites nominated for
Futurity #39. The $3 first entry fee is a fun wager in the
quest to see which animal, after the three nominations as
calf, yearling and fresh heifer, rises to the top. Each year,
our Futurity at State Fair draws the highest praise from
our judge. Please consider participating.
Now is also a great time to think back, look around,
and nominate a mentor from your area with your $100
donation to the scholarship fund. Those already honored
are listed elsewhere in this issue. You or your club’s $100,
matched by our generous benefactor, is a great way to
Honor a Mentor and boost the scholarship fund.
Our bus trip to Lancaster, PA with farm and other
stops along the way is right around the corner. There may
still be a seat or two available. Just give Ed Tyler a call
(315-337-8974) and jump on board for a great time at a
great price.
If you’re from out of state or out of country, we would
welcome your visit to New York. If you’d like to join
us for one of our activities, our All Breeds Convention
is January 16-20 in the beautiful Corning Radisson. All
are welcome for the ET Sale, interesting presentations,
good food, fun and fraternity, plus tending to business at
hand. April 11-14, brings Spring Dairy Carousel. We host
four days of all breed shows and sales, junior activities
and again a ton of fun, cow talk and great cattle from
all over the country to what is proudly referred to as the
Premier Spring Dairy Event in the U.S. More Convention
and Carousel information in subsequent months.
October 26 is Make a Difference Day. I hope Harvest
Sale purchases made that day make a difference for
their new owners’ herds. Please join me the next day
as we step up, do service, and make a difference in our
communities. Take care and keep in touch.
The future is bright at
Wall Street Dairy
The Winton twins, Brenden and Brooke. Photo by Felicia Winton
August 2013 Classification:
15 EX 32 VG 2 GP
*15 VG 2-yr-olds
BAA: 110.5
Visitors are always
** Watch for our consignment to the Allegany-Steuben Club Sale Oct. 18 –
A Dec. ’12 Gold Chip x Dundee x VG Outside … bred & born to show! –
Consigned by the Twosday Syndicate – Jeff Winton & Jeremy McChesney
Wall Street Dairy LLC
Jeff Winton, James Modica, Scott Winton
Greg Wolcott, Toby Winton, & Patrick Sweatman
3353 Wall Street, Mayville, NY 14757
908-872-2682 • www.wallstreetdairy.com • WallStreetDairy@aol.com
Follow us on Twitter @WallStreetDairy
Micah 6:8 “Seek justice, love kindness and walk humbly with God.”
NYN October 2013 - 11
Happy October
Everyone! It’s
it is already
and there is
only a short
amount of
Chelsea Jones
As we move
into fall and eventually the, dare I
say, winter months, it is that time
of year again where juniors will be
thinking about what contest they
want to participate in at the New
York Junior Holstein Convention in
January. Now you might be sitting
there thinking to yourself that January is far away, but it really never
is too early to consider participating
in a contest. The contests offered at
convention seem scary to some, like
the speech contest, but they really
are meant as development contests
that can help you build knowledge
of a topic area of interest and can
even help you feel more confident.
When I was growing up, dairy bowl
was not my forte and I can remember feeling like there was nothing
else I could participate in until my
leader suggested the speech competition. To this day, I know thoroughly enjoy public speaking and I
can thank my leader, Syd McEvoy,
for that. This confidence I gained
led me to running for leadership
roles that before I participated in
I would have passed on and those
leadership roles gave me opportunities to go to new places and learn
even more. So this year, I want to
encourage juniors to think about
trying something new. At first, trying something new may sound
scary but in the end you may find
a hidden talent inside yourself you
never knew was there before. These
12 - NYN October 2013
competitions are extremely helpful
in the development of our juniors as
we are the dairy industry leaders of
the future.
I would like to thank all of those
juniors who worked hard to sell
tickets for our raffle calf this year
and thank you to everyone who
purchased one. Also, a huge thank
you goes to the Currie family for donating the calf. This year was a record year for ticket sales and if you
ever saw the New York Junior Holstein Association Booth at the New
York State Fair, you saw that it was
always busy!
As show season comes to a
close, fall is usually a time where
there starts to be sales in the area
and end of the year banquets. Of
course for some, you are heading
out west to go to the World Dairy
Expo, up north to with Royal Winter Fair, and even south west to
the North American International
Livestock Exposition in Louisville,
Kentucky; wherever your destination may be, I wish you all the very
best of luck and safe travels to and
from your destinations. Along with
showing, fall is also a time where
a number of our juniors take part
in judging competitions whether it
is collegiate, FFA, or 4-H, judging
competitions, best of luck to all of
you! I hope you all have a wonderful October and I look forward to
seeing of you at events in the near
ENY Junior News
By Claire Norman
“Summer is Go Time” is the slogan of our ENY Jr. Holstein shirts
and it was certainly true this summer! 43 juniors competed in our
Black & White Show during the
weekend of July 27th. There were
a total of 129 animals, 75 of them
being junior animals. The judge
was Luke Johnson of Joleanna Holsteins. The results were as follows:
Showmanship: Rookie: 1st Ben
Prentice, 2nd Cassandra Knapp; Junior Novice: 1st Katelyn Marshall,
2nd Alexander Hammond-Hedhili;
Junior: 1st James Hicks, 2nd Trisha Burlingame; Intermediate: 1st
Abigail Aresenault, 2nd Kristopher
Hicks; Senior: 1st Ryan Knapp, 2nd
Ethan Aresenault. Ryan also won
Master Showman.
The ENY Scholarship recipients
were Ethan Arsenault, Lynn Doyle,
and Alex Nelson. Clipping contest
winners were Mike Sullivan, 1st,
and Shannon Fletcher, 2nd.
Congratulations to the following
juniors who placed first or second in
their respective calf & heifer classes:
Parker Swenson, Jenna Lawrence,
Katelyn Marshall, Monica Smith,
Kaelyn Pennings, Ryan Knapp, Jessica Meiller, Jessica Feathers, Benjamin Prentice, Michael Sullivan,
John Chianfagna III, William Noteboom, Ethan Martell, Gabrielle Van
Anden, and Alexis Barton. Mike Sullivan had Junior Champion of the
Junior Show and John Chianfagna
III had the Reserve Junior Champion of the Junior Show. The Best
Bred & Owned by Exhibitor Under
2 Years of the Junior Show was won
by Ryan Knapp.
In the cow classes, congratulations to the following: Freddie
Telesco, Shannon Fletcher, David
Baldwin, Sharon Hoffman, Trisha
Burlingame on their first and second-place finishes. Intermediate
Champion of the Junior Show went
to Freddie Telesco and Reserve Intermediate Champion was won by
Shannon Fletcher. Sharon Hoffman
had Senior Champion of the Junior
Show and Gabrielle Van Anden had
the Reserve. Grand Champion of
the Junior Show was won by Freddie Telesco and the Reserve went to
Sharon Hoffman. Gabrielle Van Anden won the award for Best Bred &
Owned Over 2 Years for the Junior
Show. Premier Exhibitor of the Junior Show was Parker Swenson. A
big thank you to all of our sponsors
who made our show possible!
Following the Black & White
Show, we had the Dutchess County
Fair with Judge Jamie Black. The
following juniors had winners there:
Parker Swenson, Colleen Smith, Triple R Farm (Liguori), Lynn Doyle,
Shannon Fletcher, Trisha Burlingame, Freddie Telesco, Gabrielle
Van Anden, and Sharon Hoffman.
Senior & Grand Champion went to
Sharon Hoffman, as well as Best
Udder of Breed.
Aside from showing, we were
busy with other activities. We participated in the Strawberry Festival
at McEnroe Organics at the end of
June and we had our pool party
on July 17th. We helped to promote dairy during June with a cross
promotion with Ronnybrook Farm
Dairy. We hung hang tags on their
Creamline © milk which contained
fun diary facts and for every bottle
they sold, Ronnybrook made a donation to our club. We held a drawing for Maroon 5 concert tickets
and I was the highest ticket seller.
I received a check for $15 and a
t-shirt that the club designed as a
fundraiser. Shannon Fletcher was
second-highest seller and she won
a t-shirt. We drew the last day of
the Dutchess County Fair and Nina
Ruhmann was the lucky winner.
We are currently working on
the plans for our fall awards banquet! Oh, and congratulations to
Mrs. Davenport who helps us so
much at convention time. She was
recently the recipient of the James
C. Kapteyn Prize for excellence
in teaching. To catch a glimpse of
more of what we do during the year,
“Like” our Facebook page!
Oneida County Junior News
By Theresa vanLieshout
The Junior Holstein members
of Oneida County had a very busy
summer, participating in various
area shows and competitions. The
show season kicked off at the Farmers’ Museum Junior Livestock Show
in Cooperstown. While there, Hailey
Paddock’s 5-year old-cow, Twilight, was named Grand Champion of the
Holstein show, and then proceeded
to win Supreme Champion of the
junior show. Also, junior mem-
ber Kristen Gallagher had the Junior Champion Guernsey and was
the recipient of the Good Sportsmanship award. Congratulations!
The Oneida County Junior Holstein Show was held on July 22nd.
Zachary vanLieshout took home
Junior Champion honors with
his winter calf, and Hailey Paddock’s fall yearling was the Reserve Champion. Hailey Paddock’s
5-year-old cow was named Grand
Champion of the show, with Eric
Worden and his 5-year-old taking Reserve Champion honors.
Several Oneida County Juniors
participated at the New York State
Fair in dairy bowl, dairy judging,
and dairy challenge. One of the particular highlights was that all of the
Oneida County seniors, Jaycie Staring, Jessica vanLieshout, Theresa
vanLieshout, Kristen Gallagher, and
Stephanie Finn, all placed in the final top 15. Also, the Oneida County
Senior team went on to represent
New York on the national level at
the dairy judging competition in
Harrisburg, PA. Congratulations to
One More Chance!
The winner of the NY Junior Holstein Association Raffle at the
New York State Fair chose the $500 prize, and so the 2013 Raffle
Calf will sell at the NY Harvest Sale on October 26!
CURR-VALE ACME AVE-RED b. Jan. 10, 2013
Sired by KHW Elm-Park Acme-ET, Ave’s dam is an Observer with
GTPI +2048 & +2.30T. The next dam is VG-87 with 33,530 3.8
1290 3.1 1031, then Curr-Vale Goldwyn Delicious (2E-94, 95-MS),
the top-seller at the Slice of Summer Sale in July.
Behind Delicious are 6 more Excellent dams.
Ave is red, fancy, has a fantastic pedigree, and will make a
great addition to any breeding program!
Again, thanks to John &
Colleen Currie and Family
for donating Ave!
NYN October 2013 - 13
Allegany-Steuben Club News
By Carlise Bossard
We are excited by the birth of a baby girl to Bret and
Johanna Bossard. Brynley Elizabeth Bossard arrived on
Monday August 19th. Mom and daughter are doing very
well. Proud grandparents are Don and Kathy Bossard.
On a more somber note, we were saddened to learn
of the passing of Theresa (Meehan) Moore on August
27th. Theresa was the daughter of Francis and Virginia
Meehan. She was very active in 4-H and Junior Club
activities. Theresa was also a pillar in the community
and in 2012, she and her husband, Tom, were recipients
of the Greenwood Citizens of the Year.
Congratulations are in order for Kelsey Warriner,
Priscilla Helgerson, and Cooper Galton for their accomplishments at the New York State Fair.
Congratulations to Gar Chatain starting the season
with a win in cross country at Arkport. Good job!
The Southern Tier has been blessed with an excellent crop year. Spring was early, rain came when we
needed it, and crops so far look super. Stay safe as we
approach the harvest season.
Our 98th annual Allegany-Steuben Club Sale is Friday evening, October 18. It looks like a great line-up!
World Dairy Expo is this month. If you have never
attended you need to put it on your bucket list. The
shows, exhibits, and presentations are fantastic! Hope
to see you there.
Connie’s North Country Chatter
By Connie Gerow
Whenever I am downstate and driving home, some
people ask “Where is Fort Covington?” Usually I reference a college town like Canton (St. Lawrence University & SUNY Canton) or Potsdam (Clarkson University
& SUNY Potsdam) or Plattsburg (SUNY Plattsburg) or
the township of Massena where the International St.
Lawrence Seaway is. Better yet, for the geographically
inclined person, I might say – we live 60 miles south of
Montreal. Their typical response…. “Oh, it must be really cold up there.” Yes, we live in Northern New York.
So, let’s not confuse that with Central New York (Syracuse Area) or Western New York (Finger Lake Region)
or better yet Upstate New York, which is slightly above
New York City.
We live in the North Country and are proud for many
reasons. Our North Country continues to produce and
house not only high quality Holsteins but also the other
breeds that continue to shine. The 2013 New York State
Fair Supreme Champion was the Ayrshire cow MelodyLane Burdette Sally ( by Palmyra Tri-Star Burdette), 1st
place 5-year-old, who is owned Kaylyn Wood of Sara14 - NYN October 2013
nac, NY. In addition, Sally went on to the Pennsylvania
All-American Show where she earned the title Ayrshire
Grand Champion. This was equally exciting as my longtime friend, Rita Marlow, was the breeder of this cow.
Perhaps the farm name, Melody Lane, alone will bring
back a flood of memories of Fred and Eileen (Marlow)
Bova. Over the years, this name was synonymous with
many Champions and All-American Ayrshire cows. Congratulations to Rita and the Wood Family.
If the name Opportunity Genetics rings a bell with
you, then you would know the names - Jamie and Petra (Meier) Black. The Blacks have a keen eye for great
cattle. Desire, dedication and passion describe Jamie
and Petra. Their utmost attention to detail is evident
with their positive results. A joint ownership with Mike
Garrow, a silky black satin Senior two year old, Ronbeth
Alexander Pearl, is beautiful uddered and exhibits an
abundance of dairy angularity. This young cow went on
to compete at the NYS Fair and earned 1st place in her
class and was named Reserve Intermediate Champion.
Here, Opportunity Holsteins was named Premier Exhibitor. Whereas, at the Pennsylvania All-American show,
their entry, Cowtown Durham Grasshopper, was named
Intermediate Champion and Reserve Grand Champion. In addition, Jamie and Petra are always willing to allow
a 4-H’er or two lease a calf for the local shows. One
might say, the 4-H member has a once in a lifetime “Opportunity”. Congratulations to the Blacks and thank you
for your generosity to help our Franklin County youth.
Speaking of keen eyed for cattle, Mike Garrow of
Chateaugay – Rocklan Holsteins has earned the second
highest BAA of 111.7 on 60 cows. Mike was the volume
buyer at our Abraxas Celebration sale. Be sure to mark
your calendar, for Thursday, October 17th, as you will
not want to miss one of the finest collections of cows
to be sold. Congratulations Mike on your BAA and Best
Wishes on your sale. Franklin County Holstein club will
be offering: chili, burgers, dogs, and beverages.
Futurities are an opportunity for a breeder to select and nominate a calf, pay a specific fee for three
years and ultimately participate in the challenge. Again,
a longtime friend, Marcia Collins-Merrill accepted the
challenge with (4) entries in the 2013 Futurity at the
NYS Fair. Their entry Collins-Crest Outbound Wow
(Schilldale Outbound-ET) was third in the field of eight.
Congratulations Marcia and George Merrill on your forward thinking.
Once again, on August 24th, our North Country
was saddened by the untimely death of one of the most
sincere and compassionate individuals, Henry Robert
Staib. For Henry, family and farming was his love that
he shared with his wife, Sherri and their children: J Carl
and Jamie, Laurie Marie, Jon and Mellissa. Their dream
was to raise their children on a farm and share their
passion of showing Milking Shorthorns. And, that he
did…. Like many registered breeders, Henry and Sherri
met showing cattle. Henry was generous with his time
and energy serving in many capacities for his Church
and Cornell Cooperative Extension. Thank you Henry,
your time here was well spent. Our sincere sympathies
are extended to his family.
A Forever
“ ” lways and
8-10 2x 365 38,250 4.3 1650 3.3 1270
2x All-American & 3x All-Canadian
Supreme Champion at 2000 Royal Winter Fair
27th Cow in the Breed to score EX-97
Her Dam is 2E-94-DOM C Aitkenbrae Starbuck
Ada. Alicia and her full sister, Ms Kingstead Chief
Adeen-ET (2E-94-DOM) were 2x All-American
Produce of Dam.
#1 Excellent RC Genomic Cow in the Breed
3-02 3x 365 32,957 4.3 1412 3.1 1027
GTPI +2024 – 7th Generation EX! Delicious was
recently IVF’d to Kanu-P, Overtime-P, and Nominee.
Thank you to Currie Holsteins for making Delicious
9th Generation Excellent
Our “A”wesome Daughters of Alicia:
BKB Aftershock “A”morillo-ET
(VG-87, 87-MS @ 2-09)
Owned with Hal Lusk & Shane Schultz
Housed at RanWay Farm, Marion, NY
BKB Goldwyn “A”lyssa-ET (VG-88 @ 3-01)
BKB Atwood “A”lice-ET
(VG-87, 87-MS @ 2-04)
Alyssa & Alice are owned with Ken McEvoy &
housed at Mac-Mara Holsteins, Marathon, NY
What a thrill to work with these cows
and build on Alicia’s legacy! A special
thanks to our partners for taking great
care of these great cows every day.
Hurcroft Holsteins
Devlyn Hurley & Gail Arnold
4205 Minsteed Rd.
Marion, NY 14505
1st 4-Yr-Old, Senior & Grand Champion at
Cortland Classic ‘13.
3rd at Eastern Fall National, Harrisburg, PA
Chaos completes 9 gens. of EX in the Roxy family &
will be on an IVF program in the near future. Thank
you to Aaron Eaton & Todd Galton for making Chaos
We welcome your interest in these exciting cows!
Delicious & Chaos are co-owned by:
Dwi-Bet Farms, Inc.
The Gerber Family
3243 Mose Rd., Addison, NY 14801
(607) 359-2019 - Jason’s Cell: (585) 662-3000
Gordon & Julie Wood - Tioga, PA 16946
NYN October 2013 - 15
“The Best Investments
I Ever Made”
– Adam Liddle
Miss Ridgedale Rhonda-ET (2E-92)
Ridgedale Eppie II-ET (3E-94)
• Rhonda was purchased in the 2004 Ridgedale Sale for
$40,000 with Ridgedale retaining 50% interest.
• Rhonda’s offspring generated $240,000 worth of sales in
the 2008 Liddleholme Sale, plus more private treaty sales
over the years
• An Advent daughter was recently Junior Champion at NY
Spring Show
• A Dundee daughter was Liddle’s first Jr. All-American
Nomination for Anthony
• A granddaughter of Rhonda [Roxstar] was Res. Jr. AllAmerican Fall Calf 2012 and is undefeated junior-owned
animal in 2013
• Sold over $100,000 worth of offspring in the 2008
Liddleholme Sale plus more private treaty sales.
• Eppie II’s Stormatic was also the Res. Grand Champion at
the 2013 Tri-Co Show
• Eppie II was purchased by Liddles from Ridgedale in 2001
via a private treaty sale for $12,000. Adam calls the day
he purchased Eppie II the “most exciting day” as he “never
thought he could afford to own a cow that good.”
“For us, the impact of these purchases has been
huge…but are really only beginning. They have
given us the opportunity to work with great cow
families, provided opportunities for our kids,
and generated additional income for our farm.”
- Adam Liddle
We thank Adam and his family for their kind
and honest endorsement of our Ridgedale herd.
We share in the pride of their successes. The
Liddles have been great employees, partners,
and friends over the past 20 years and we wish
them continued successes in the years ahead.
Please join us for the 2013 Ridgedale Farm
Sale, at the Farm in Sharon Springs, NY –
Saturday November 2nd as another chapter of
success stories is written!
Ridgedale Avaree-ET (EX-92)
• A daughter of 5x Jr. All-American Nominee Ridgedale
Ava, Avaree was purchased in the 2009 Ridgedale Sale for
• To date, Liddles have marketed $31,000 worth of
daughters plus have retained 3 nice heifers [2 of which
are full sisters and were first-place junior-owned animals
at the 2013 NY Spring Show in both the black & white
and red & white shows]
March 2013 BAA: 111.6
61 EX - 46 VG - 7 GP
#1 BAA Herd over 100 cows in the U.S. (Jan. 2013)
A NYS Master Breeder Herd
The Conard Family – Wayne, Jen, Cy & Isaac
232 Maring Road - Sharon Springs, NY 13459
Farm: 518-673-2809 / Cy cell: 518-369-3389 – email: ridgedale@frontiernet.net
16 - NYN October 2013
Liddleholme Holsteins
Adam & Nicole Liddle - Anthony, Brock, & Hailee
58 Tripp Road, Argyle, NY 12809
Tel. 518-361-9946
Ridgedale Farm Sale
Saturday, November 2, 2013 – 11:00 A.M. – Sharon Springs, NY
115 Lots Sell! Featuring the families of Roxy, Adeen, Barb, Estel, Marq-I, & others.
Ridgedale, a NY Master Breeder Herd & the #1 BAA Herd in the U.S. for herds over 100
cows, is once again opening their doors and granting breeders the rare opportunity to
acquire foundation females from some of the most highly-regarded type families in the
breed! In addition, over 300 embryos from historic families will be offered!
3-09 3x 365 30,420 3.9 1179 3.3 1018
4x Jr. All-American Nominee & 4th gen. EX in the “Adeen”
family, her Durham sells fresh, along with a Sept. ’11 Braxton
& Dec. ’12 Windbrook. Also selling is Ava’s Alexander gr’dtr.
from a VG-87 Shottle bred to Gold Chip.
6-07 3x 365 25,640 4.6 1175 3.5 895
This 6th gen. EX Roxy has a Nov. ’12 Goldsun daughter, a
VG-85 Escalate dtr. that sells fresh along with her July ’12
Bradnick, and a Braxton gr’dtr. bred to Absolute-Red from a
VG-87 Advent with 26,070 3.5 904 3.1 796.
6-04 2x 365 28,820 4.1 1191 3.5 1013
Granddam of Ava above & dam of a VG-86 Aftershock that sells
fresh with a June’13 Fever daughter. Also selling from Adeen
is a VG-85 Goldwyn bred to Colt 45 & a fresh Shaquille gr’dtr.
out of Lee Amy (2E-92), dam of Ava. From the same family is
a Sept. ’12 Sanchez from BKB Triumphant Annette-ET (3E-92).
Next dam is Shoremar S Alicia-ET (3E-97) then Starbuck Ada
5-06 3x 365 29,330 4.3 1275 3.3 956
Jr. All-American R&W Aged Cow in 2012 and Res. Grand Champion
NYSF R&W Show & 1st Aged Cow at Eastern National R&W Show
in 2013! 4 dtrs. sell including her RED Larson bred 6/2 to Atwood,
an RC Larson bred 8/10 to Atwood, & RED Alchemy dtrs. born
May ’13. RC Destry & RC Alchemy gr’dtrs. also sell from Raichu’s
VG Redwood dtr. Potential 9th gen. EX Roxy’s! Also selling are
Raichu’s 2 RED Reality sisters fresh at 3y and looking fantastic!
8-10 2x 365 38,820 3.8 1481 3.1 1220
9th generation EX! Her 2 fancy Fever dtrs. born March ’12 sell
bred to Absolute!
5-04 2x 365 33,110 3.9 1304 3.3 1089
11th generation EX & the dam of Long-Haven Gold Rochelle
(VG-89, 2y), 2x Unanimous All-American. Randi’s VG-86
Laurin dtr. sells fresh w/a June Atwood dtr.
12-07 3x 365 33,150 4.2 1378 3.2 1072
Her fresh Laramie gr’dtr. sells from a VG-88 Durham with a
maternal sister by Rustler-Red (EX-97). A Dempsey gr’dtr.
sells from a VG-87 Persist dam bred to Altitude! Emera’s dam
was a VG-88 Skybuck maternal sister to Estelle (3E-95), dam
of Estel, then Fond Example (3E-95-GMD)!
7-05 3x 365 30.160 4.1 1224 2.9 871
This 3rd generation EX-95 Rudolph has an amazing family
selling! Her RC Advent & Radiant dtr. sell fresh. A Goldsun
gr’dtr. born 9/12 sells from a VG-88 Durham along with a
Seaver gr’dtr. due in March to Brady.
5-01 2x 365 28,680 3.8 1080 3.2 932
Her VG-86 Shottle daughter sells fresh. Next dam is 3E-94DOM MD-Carrollton BC Lizzy with recs. to 1565f and 205,580
4.2 8587 lifetime. Next dam is 2E-91, then 2 more VG in the
Savage-Leigh “Linda” family!
** Over 300 Embryos will be offered! Bring your semen tanks! Many eligible for export!
The families of Barb, Estel, Feather, Charity, Mink, Roxy & the last chance to purchase from the world-famous Hanover Hill legends!
Sires include Destry, Shottle, Outside, Gold Chip, Jasper, Lindy, Talent, Durham, Raider, Fever, Sid, Goldsun, Alexander, & more!
March 2013 BAA: 111.6 61 EX - 46 VG - 7 GP
#1 BAA Herd over 100 cows in the U.S. (Jan. 2013)
A NYS Master Breeder Herd
The Conard Family – Wayne, Jen, Cy & Isaac
232 Maring Road - Sharon Springs, NY 13459
Farm: 518-673-2809 / Cy cell: 518-369-3389 – email: ridgedale@frontiernet.net
Sale Staff
Dave Rama. . . . . . 607-435-0792
Horace Backus . . . 315-963-7012
Don Welk. . . . . . . . 717-575-4700
Ray LeBlanc . . . . . 802-249-2155
Adam Liddle. . . . . . 518-361-9946
Nick Raggi. . . . . . . 443-762 8338
Sale Managed By / Catalogs
NYN October 2013 - 17
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18 - NYN October 2013
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957 Mitchell St.
Ithaca, NY 14850
65th Annual O-H-M Holstein Club Sale
Saturday, October 19, 2013 – 11 A.M. – Richfield Springs, NY
Open House & Semen Sale on Friday Evening at 7:30 P.M.
Dirigo-Conant Roz-ET (2E-90)
4-09 2x 335 34,610 3.7 1282 2.9 1009
From the Roxy family, she is a 9th generation VG
or EX and her VG-87 Outside daughter makes 10!
Next dam is 3E-95 GMD-DOM Integrity Robin w/
over 39,000m. Selling from the Outside will be a
Shot Trigger just fresh at sale time! Holdridge,
Gaige Highlight Tamara (4E-97-DOM)
6-00 2x 365 39,810 3.1 1238 2.8 1128
All-American 125,00- Lb. Cow 2004
Two sell from the great Tamara including a Dundee
from her EX-91 Outside w/1051f and a Refresh
from an EX Stormatic from Jolt Tammy (EX) & then
Tamara. Both sell fresh in early September. Gaige,
Androscoggin SS Chocolat (EX-92)
3-05 2x 305 29,000 3.8 1112 2.9 831
Her dam is 2E-91 by Adonis w/192,000 LT; 2nd
dam 2E-90 w/1097f, 3rd dam 2E-92 GMD-DOM
& 4th dam is 2E-90. From Chocolat’s GP-84 @
2y full sister w/868f will be a just-fresh Toystory
Skylur with a fancy udder and great will to work!
Posthaven, 607-538-1646
Cook-Farm Style O-ET (EX-90)
6-09 2x 365 37,650 4.2 1570 3.3 1254
By O-Man, she is an 8th generation EX tracing back
to Elevation Fayvor (5E-95 GMD-DOM)! Seven young
milking cows are coming including Style O’s VG88 Mich daughter fresh 30 days w/her 3rd calf
after making 942f @ 2-11. Generations of greatness!
Cook Farm, 413-447-1461
Foxbrook Astre Soco-ET (2E-91)
5-02 2x 365 25,120 3.8 951 3.0 751
Her dam is VG-88-DOM @ 2y and then six of the
next seven dams are EX including the great brood
cow, Mansion-Valley SWD Denise (4E-94 GMDDOM). Selling will be her Redliner gr’dtr. due in
January to Heztry. Monanfran, 315-697-3724
Penn-Gate Storm Fleurel-ET (2E-94-DOM)
6-00 2x 365 36,770 3.4 1265 3.2 1159
Her dam is Skychief Finesse (3E-95) w/4 records
over 1200f & 19 EX daughters to date! 2nd dam
2E-94 GMD-DOM Starbuck & then 5E-94 GMD-DOM
Elevation Flashie. Selling will be Fleurel’s March
calf by Guthrie. Lamb, 585-704-2501
Dintys Planet Drape-ET (VG-86)
2-02 3x 365 29,010 4.2 1222 3.2 928
Her daughter by Jeeves Paul with a +2095 GTPI
is just fresh and off to a great start. Selling from
the Paul will be her May ’13 Hunter calf that is
+2050 GTPI. Next dam is EX-90 Oman Dinty w/
1353f followed by a 2E-93 Marshall w/1466f. A
unique sire stack and a great opportunity! Chlus,
Semen Sale
Friday Night
@ 7:30 PM
Golden Dreams
Triple Threat
Sale Managed By
Hosking Sales
Tom and Brenda Hosking & Family
Additional Early Consignments
•9 head sell from Larkindale including 5 milking cows.
In that group is a fantastic young Bolivia that is VG-85
1st calf and just fresh again and looking for several
points! Her dam is GP & 2nd dam is 2E-90 by Mathie!
Larkindale, 518-284-2423
•Shottle yearling sells ready to breed from a 3E-92
Derry w/1311f; 2nd dam 3E-92 Lindy w/1162f and then
six more VG or EX dams! Koebke, 508-245-7984
•GP-83 Allures Apollo w/18,686m @ 2y sells fresh 8/18.
Dam is EX by Stormin Norman w/1103f and two EX
sisters. Johannssen, 315-717-3764
Sale Host: Roedale Farm
The Pullis Family
626 McShane Road, Richfield Springs, NY 13439
Luke: 315-263-7422 - Jason: 315-794-6737
Sale Sponsored By/Catalogs
O-H-M Holstein Club
Jason Pullis, Sale Chairman
NYN October 2013 - 19
A Select Group from High Croft
Heads to the 98th Allegany-Steuben Club Sale
We will offer many of our best young cows and close bred heifers, a cross-section of the herd that
has tremendous promise for the future.
Included in the group will be a 2E-91 Champion daughter fresh in September with recs. to 27,000m.
There are more points left in this “end stall cow” from the Notree Encore Suzy (3E-94) family.
An outstanding group of Red & Whites sells including daughters of Arudolph and Jet-Red, all backed
by several generations of VG & EX cows and due after the sale. These are the kind of great-uddered
young cows that will calve again, gain more points, and add to their deep pedigrees.
A pair of fancy Dundee 2-yr-olds sell, one from Deep-Valley’s best cow family that is already GP-83,
2y & will only get better. The other is fresh with a fantastic udder and she is from our “Minnie” family
that has produced several EX cows.
Order a catalog, give us a call for more details, and be in Canisteo on Oct. 18th to reap the benefits of
45+ years of breeding Registered Holsteins.
Jerry & Lisa Smith and Family
183 Shamrock Rd.
Rexville, NY 14877
Oh “Micki”...She’s So Fine!
And She Sells Oct. 19 in the O-H-M Club Sale
b. 6-3-11
Sired by Sanchez & due Nov. 19 to Palermo
Her dam is a VG-86 Best
w/3-09 2x 350 21,109 4.5 943 3.1 646
Micki’s Granddam
Upcoming Sales Managed by The Cattle Exchange
Oct. 12 Cochranville, PA Ar-Joy Farm Select Sale. Owners: Duane & Marilyn
Hershey. 100 of the finest Holsteins at Ar-Joy!
Oct. 17 Chateaugay, NY Rocklan Holsteins Complete Dispersal. 175 head sell!
One of the greatest type & production herds in the world! Mike Garrow,
Oct. 26 Ithaca, NY The New York Harvest Sale. Hosted by the Cornell University
Dairy Science Club.
Nov. 2 Sharon Springs, NY Ridgedale Farm Sale, Wayne & Jen Conard and
Family, owners. 100 head of the deepest-pedigreed, highest-type Holsteins
in the world!
Nov. 14 Pedigree Power Sale II - Seagull Bay Dairy, Inc., American Falls, ID &
Triple Crown Genetics, Jerome, ID. Location to be announced, watch
for details. Co-managed with Burton Consulting LLC. One of the most
significant Holstein offerings of All-Time!
6-07 2x 365 28,730 3.3 946 2.7 766
Next dam is a VG-86 Tesk, then a VG-87 Spruce.
A great heifer from a time-tested cow family!
Honest, hard-working cattle with
the occasional hidden gem!
Michael J. Cosgrove and Family
3423 Fountain St., Clinton, NY 13323
315-853-3667 sprngrv@gmail.com
We welcome your interest in any of our cattle.
20 - NYN October 2013
Jan. 16 New York Convention ET Sale, Corning, NY
March 7 Golden Opportunity Sale at Midas-Touch Genetics, Waddington, NY.
100 head of fancy show-age heifers, young cows, & high GTPI, contract
individuals. Hosted by Midas-Touch Genetics (David & Lou Anne King and
Family) and Jamie Black, sale selector.
April 12 New York Spring Holstein Sale, Syracuse, NY. Held in conjunction with
the NY Spring Dairy Carousel. 100 head sell! One of the most respected
spring sales in the world!
May 23 The Celebration of Lylehaven, East Montpelier, VT. 130 head of the finest
ever bred at Lylehaven! Jerome Rappaport, Owner. Sue Brown, Manager.
May 31 Woodcrest Bridge to Excellence Sale II, Lisbon, NY
If you are looking for quality
replacements, give us a call!
No order is too large or too small!
Call or Email for 1st Class Catalogs.
For the finest in Livestock Mortality Protection Contact:
Merry Rama Insurance at 607-746-2226
Protect your investments accordingly! Don’t gamble with your future!
98th Allegany-Steuben Club Sale
Friday, October 18, 2013 – 7:30 P.M. – Canisteo, NY
The Oldest Continuous Club Sale in the Nation!
60 Head of Outstanding Registered Holsteins Sell
Lots of Milk – Show-Age Calves – Deep Pedigreed Red & Whites – Service-Aged Bulls
Her Special Effect P
Red Finesse Selling
– Other Features –
Tom Price – 5 head sell including a
fancy VG Zenith with over 1000f that
sells fresh 9/11 with an Aftershock
heifer that also sells. Also sending 2
Asteroid bred heifers and a Jamaal
Jim Sargent – A fresh Dundee from an
Eye of Storm daughter with 22,000m.
Next dam is VG with 116,000M.
6-02 2x 365 36,940 4.8 1788 3.3 1219
Selling is her April ’13 calf – polled, red, &
fancy! Next dam is Derrwyn Miss Special-RedET (2E-94-DOM), nominated 5x AA R&W in
milking form. Next dam is 2E-94, then 6 more
VG & EX dams! – Justin Hinz
3-08 2x 365 27,080 3.7 1002 3.1 839
She is one of 21 EX dtrs. of Skychief Finesse
(3E-95-DOM)! Next dam is Starbuck Finesse
(2E-94 GMD-DOM), then Elevation Flashie (5E94 GMD-DOM). One of the breed’s premier
families and Ferggy’s red June Action-Red calf
sells! – Matthew & Jonathan Lamb
Her Bradnick Sells
Her Maternal Sister Sells
Christian Karl – a Goldenboy selling
fresh (heifer calf would sell) from 2 GP
dams; also a Callum due sale time to
Maplnol – a Jasper Mack dtr. due just
after the sale. Dam is a GP-82 Reality,
next dam is VG with several recs. over
Caleb Coots – a Boxer daughter due
in March and a Deann dtr. due in Feb.
to Future-Crest TNT Aftershock
Barry Sparling – a red Debonair from
the Ballybeany Treasure-Red family. A
cow family full of show winners!
Warren Wood – a GP-83 Roy Racer
due just after the sale. Dam is also GP83, 2nd dam VG-85.
2-00 2x 365 25,380 4.1 1053 3.0 769
Next dam is Lylehaven Form Laura (3E-94
GMD-DOM), the dam of $1 million “Lila Z,”
then Lili Starbuck (5E-94). Her Bradnick can
be your summer yearling for 2014! – Oakfield
Corners Dairy
2-01 2x 305 16,100 3.9 628 3.4 543
Her maternal sister by Exhibit sells fresh with
2nd calf and looks fantastic! One of a large
group coming from High Croft that includes
fancy Red & Whites, high type, & long
pedigrees! – High Croft Farm
Her Shaquille Sells Fresh
Her Laurin Sells
Ken Young – a fancy Destin fresh late
July. Also selling is a fresh Braxton
Jeff Winton & Jeremy McChesney – a
Gold Chip Dec. ’12 calf that will show.
Her dam is a GP-82 Dundee, next 2
dams are both VG.
FiDe Farms – a group of fresh &
close bred heifers. Lots of longevity &
production in these pedigrees!
Elwin & Linda Stebbins – 4 outstanding
bred heifers due after the sale.
Travis & Denise Hartranft – a polled,
red Ladd-P bull sells. Dam is by Big
Apple-Red-ET, next dam is VG-88 with
recs. to 1216f & 139,000M lifetime.
Sale Managed by:
Harold & Adam Fraley
6-02 2x 300 31,722m 907f 917p
Well over 150,000M to date, next dam is
a VG Durham with right at 27,000m. Jade’s
fancy 2-yr-old Shaquille sells – 98 lbs. on her
first test! – Kevetta Farms
5-02 2x 365 42,280 3.9 1631 3.1 1327
Over 218,000M lifetime, next dam is EX-90GMD with 1516f, then 3 more high VG, high
production dams. Her GP-82, 2y Laurin sells
due sale time to Dempsey. – William Brown
Martin Demun. . . . . . 607-525-6217
Elwin Stebbins. . . . . . 607-324-5162
Jerry Smith . . . . . . . . 607-356-3467
Billy Neal. . . . . . . . . . 607-425-0394
NYN October 2013 - 21
Rise to the
From the Roxy’s
2-02 2x 345 25,349m 849f 763p
3-02 2x 347 28,193m 725f 855p
4-03 2x 294 28,490m 891f 837p
5-03 2x 289 27,860m 760f 821p
6-02 2x 300 31,722m 907f 917p
7-02 2x 85 10,538m 301f 279p (Inc.)
172 lbs. on last test! Proj. to 34,401m 1041f 958p.
Jade is an amazing cow, rotationally grazed and fed only 22 lbs. of
grain a day! Her dam is a VG Durham with 5-00 2x 325 26,910m
880f 871p. Jade’s Shaquille daughter is fresh, milking 98 lbs. on her
1st test, and SHE SELLS in the Allegany-Steuben Club Sale Oct. 18th!
Jade also has a RED Alchemy heifer calf.
2-08 2x 365 33,350 4.0 1348 3.2 1053
Sired by Comestar Lee-ET, Raven’s dam is a VG-87
Jed, followed by Mascot Roxy (3E-94-DOM) with
7-05 3x 365 54,010 4.6 2485 3.1 1677, then Star
Roxy (2E-92 GMD-DOM), Mil-R-Mor Roxette (EX90 GMD-DOM 30*), and Queen of the Breed, C
Glenridge Citation Roxy (4E-97-GMD)!
Raven’s Family:
EX-92 Damion owned by John Knight, Jamestown, NY
EX-90 Damion that topped the 2009 Chautauqua
Club Sale
• 5 Goldwyn’s are here – 3 are scored VG-85 &
VG-86 at 2y!
VG-88 Ryan
VG-85 Advent
2-03 2x 365 20,964m 820f 744p
3-07 2x 317 22,881m 898f 835p
4-07 2x 243 19,860m 756f 708p (Inc.)
Proj. to 23,704m 890f 838p & due 12/20 to Maack Dairy Eclipes-P. JJ’s
dam was an EX Brazo. JJ has an Action yearling due in Jan. to BW Legion.
HOLSTEINS: RHA: 27,740 3.4 954 3.1 860 BAA: 110.0
JERSEYS: RHA: 21,297 4.5 961 3.7 783
#1 in NYS for Milk & Protein regardless of herd size & #5 in Nation
for Milk & Protein for herds 10-39 cows
The Herringtons
Kevin, Annetta, Jessica, and Tyler
7763 Reeds Corner Rd.
Dansville, NY 14437
Dairy of Distinction/Super Quality Milk
Intensively Grazed Herd • **No bST
22 - NYN October 2013
Visitors & inquiries
are always welcome!
The next generations of Raven’s are sired by
Goldwyn, Jet-Red, Million, Braxton,
a polled Ladd-P, & Dundee.
We are also working with members of the Finesse,
Ticket Dai, Desire, Tamara, Rosie,
& Dellia families!
Thank you to Morgan Oag-Walker for all the
help with showing & scoring.
HighJeremy McChesney res
5353 Rt. 60 – Sinclairville, NY 14782
(716) 982-1348
Aug. ’13 Classification: 4 EX 18 VG 14 GP
BAA: 108.0
Youth Show
New York 4-H members paraded
88 head of their finest Holsteins
before Judge Jason Lloyd on August
24 at the New York State Fair Youth
Show in Syracuse. While numbers
were down from the prior year,
quality was outstanding, with many
of the most-competitive winners
from the spring and summer shows
vying for honors. Seen among the
group were several past Junior
All-New York and Junior AllAmerican nominees. A great crowd
of loyal supporters, made up of
family, friends, show ring fans,
and fairgoers appreciated the cattle
presented and the judge’s efficiency
and reasons.
Champion, Judge Lloyd pulled five
animals head to tail for the crowd’s
appreciation: the winning fall calf,
the first and second-place summer
yearlings, the first-prize spring
yearling, and the winning winter
yearling. Praising each individual,
Lloyd ultimately tapped Cooper
Galton’s winter yearling, Roll-NView Jet-R Tessa-Red, as his Junior
Champion. Sired by Fradon JetRed, the familiar campaigner was
“so big, with such a massive rib
structure” to be denied. Following
in Reserve was a similarly-made
heifer, the first-place spring yearling
of Andrew Reynolds, Reyncrest
Fremont Moya, sired by DuckettSA Fremont-ET. “Ultra dairy”
was Lloyd’s description of the
Reserve heifer, “big, dairy, and
very clean, especially through the
hock.” Selected for the Honorable
Mention spot was the winning
fall calf, Forever-Hopeful Rosabel,
a Crackholm Fever-ET daughter
described as “100 percent balanced
with a long frame” brought out by
Brock Liddle.
Quality cow classes completed
the show, and it was Jacob
Dueppengiesser’s day, having both
the Senior & Grand Champion and
the Reserve Senior & Reserve Grand
Champion with two of his familiar
campaigners. In selection for Senior
Champion, Judge Lloyd pulled four
head for discussion: the first-place
senior 2-year-old, the winning senior
3-year-old, and the first and secondprize 5-year-olds. Beginning his
reasons, Lloyd stated, “This has not
been a huge show, but it has been
a phenomenal cow show. New York
has a lot to be proud of.” Calling the
quartet lined head-to-tail “the four
cows I admire most,” Lloyd went
on t tap Siemers
Sz Hia-Mae-ET,
the first-place senior 3-year-old,
as his Senior & ultimately Grand
Champion. “This cow will be hard
to handle anywhere!” Just coming
off a Grand Championship at the
Western New York Regional Show,
the Gen-Mark Stmatic Sanchez-ET
daughter was longer through her
frame than the beautifully-uddered
Alinda, sired by Braedale Goldwyn,
who Lloyd put in the Reserve spot.
No stranger in Syracuse, she was the
winning 4-year-old and Honorable
Mention Champion at this show
in 2012. Her closest competitor in
class was selected the Honorable
Mention Senior Champion, Windex
Roy Lightning, Grand Champion at
this show in 2011 as a senior 3-yearold for Kayla Windecker, sired by
Roylane Jordan-ET.
Wyoming County took the Junior
County Herd blue ribbon, while
Cortland County 4-H’ers combined
their best cows for the blue in the
Senior Herd class.
Spring Calf (7)
1-Midas-Touch Raspberi-Red-ET, Jennifer King;
2-Liddleholme Rehanna, Brock Liddle; 3-Roll-N-View
Wbrook Breck-ET, Cooper Galton; 4-Elm-V-F Braxton
Ava, Bryce Warriner; 5-Roll-N-View SE Satin-Red-ET,
Cooper Galton
Winter Calf (17)
1-Ms Maview Ludie G Atwood-ET, Cooper Galton;
2-Karepath Atwood Mazzy, Christopher Karasek;
3-Headwater Dempsey Belle, Chelsey Hancock;
5-Posthaven Alex Lovely, Brett Post
Fall Calf (16)
1-Forever-Hopeful Rosabel, Brock Liddle; 2-Gebarten
Jasper Primrose, Kayla Wormuth; 3-Oakfield Fever
Loco-ET, Kelsey Warriner; 4-Ziems G-Chris LeahRed-ET, Eleni Rigas; 5-Sunrest Barbwire Hayley,
Cooper Galton
Summer Yearling (8)
1-Pierstein Resolute Becka, Andrew Reynolds;
2-J-Ran Atwood Jwoww, Jason Randall; 3-Luncres
Sid Mid-1463, Austin Milligan; 4-Headline Deuce
Fun-Red, Cassie Head; 5-Ridgedale-O Rochette-ET,
Cyrus Conard
Spring Yearling (7)
1-Reyncrest Fremont Moya, Andrew Reynolds;
2-Oakfield Destry Envy-Red-ET, Kelsey Warriner;
3-Headwater Braxton Tallie, Kiersten Hancock;
4-Oakfield Queen Latifah-ET, Kelsey Warriner; 5-IraMoos Dsk Rbyrose-Red-ET, Shannon Sears
Winter Yearling (7)
1-Roll-N-View Jet-R Tessa-Red, Cooper Galton;
2-Headline Damion Rhinestone, Nicole Head; 3-OCD
Sid Lara-ET, Keith Koerner; 4-Hosking Braxton Fire,
Jacob Evans; 5-Ziems Destry Sun Rae-ET, Lydia Cox
Fall Yearling (1)
1-Ira-Moos Hvezda Galaxy, Cody Sears
County Jr. Herd (1)
1-Wyoming County
Milking Fall Yearling (2)
1 & BU-Kings-Ransom Acme Sunlight, Johnathan
King; 2-Wilk Platte-P Ebay-Red, Curtis Wilk
Junior 2-Year-Old (2)
1 & BU-Wisbee Sanchez Proud Eisk, Brock Liddle;
2-Ms Sanchez Georgia Rain, Gillian McEvoy
Senior 2-Year-Old (8)
1 & BU-Jacobs Sanchez Blacky-ET, Jacob
Dueppengiesser; 2-Curr-Vale Sept Storm Sky-ET,
Jessica Currie; 3-Siemers Sanchez Happygal-ET,
Jared Dueppengiesser; 4-Arethusa Aftershock Dahlia,
Cooper Galton; 5-Wisbee Hvezda Proud Sweet, Brock
NYN October 2013 - 23
Junior 3-Year-Old (2)
1 & BU-Ernita Kolton Oreo, Priscilla Helgerson;
2-Headline Chaz Jipsy, Cassie Head
Senior 3-Year-Old (6)
1 & BU-Siemers Sz Hia-Mae-ET, Jacob
Dueppengiesser; 2-Belmoral Sanchez Jem, Jacob
Dueppengiesser; 3-Tomalynn Goldwyn Melanie,
Cooper Galton; 4-Mikelholm Debonr Ribbon-Red,
Emily Mikel; 5-Headwater Alexandr Goodluck, Ethan
4-Year-Old (4)
1 & BU-Ms Mikelholm-GH Ross Bandit, Emily Mikel;
2-Windex Laurin Lovely-ET, Bryce Windecker;
3-Lantland Aspen Jericha, Jacob Menzi; 4-Clem-El
Lheros Peyton, Sydney Bennett
5-Year-Old (7)
1 & BU-Annalea Goldwyn Alinda, Jacob Dueppengiesser; 2-Windex Roy Lightning, Kayla Windecker;
3-Ms Kalies Advent Kalina, Jared Dueppengiesser;
4-KVM Primetime Echo-Tw, Kirt Menzi; 5-Curr-Vale
Goldwyn Reese, Matthew Currie
Aged Cow (3)
1 & BU-Beaver Ray Damion Honeycomb-ET, Jessica
Currie; 2-Sco-Li Hi Metro Heidi, Priscilla Helgerson;
3-Clem-El Advent Layla-Red, Hannah Bennett
Dry Cow (1)
1-Clem-El Flip Lil Manny, Hannah Bennett
Senior Dairy Herd (1)
1-Cortland County
Jennifer King with Midas-Touch Raspberi-Red-ET
Cooper Galton with Ms Maview Ludie G Atwood-ET
Brock Liddle with Forever-Hopeful Rosabel
Andrew Reynolds with Pierstein Resolute Becka
Andrew Reynolds with Reyncrest Fremont Moya
Cooper Galton with Roll-N-View Jet-R Tessa-Red
Cody Sears with Ira-Moos Hvezda Galaxy
Johnathan King with Kings-Ransom Acme Sunlight
Brock Liddle with Wisbee Sanchez Proud Elsk
Jacob Dueppengiesser with Jacobs Sanchez Blacky-
24 - NYN October 2013
Priscilla Helgerson with Ernita Kolton Oreo
Jacob Dueppengiesser with Siemers Sz Hia-Mae-ET
Emily Mikel with Ms Mikelholm-GH Ross Bandit
Jacob Dueppengiesser with Annalea Goldwyn Alinda
Representing Cortland County are Emma Currie, Gillian McEvoy, and Jessica Currie.
Jessica Currie with Beaver Ray Damion
Hannah Bennett with Clem-El Flip Lil Manny
From left: Judge Jason Lloyd; Andrew Reynolds with his Reserve Junior Champion, Reyncrest Fremont Moya;
Cooper Galton at the halter of his Junior Champion, Roll-N-View Jet-R Tessa-Red; Jared Dueppengiesser leading
the Reserve Senior & Reserve Grand Champion, Annalea Goldwyn Alinda; and Jacob Dueppengiesser with his
Senior & Grand Champion, Siemers Sz Hia-Mae-ET: & Shaun Merrill of Black Fire Cattle Care, sponsor.
NYN October 2013 - 25
New York State Fair
Red & White Show
“It just keeps getting better!”
These words were echoed around
the ring and throughout the barn as
an apt description of the 2013 New
York State Fair Red & White Show.
Adam Liddle, Argyle, NY took to
the center of the ring and placed
the 71 head, larger than a year ago
and quality from top to bottom in
every class. A great ringside crowd
gathered to watch the event, replete
with many of the state’s best Red
& White Holsteins, many of which
will go on to national competition
this fall.
With his first and second-place
finishers in the calf and heifer
classes before him, Judge Liddle
extracted four head in contention
for Junior Champion: the winning
winter calf, his top two fall calves,
and the blue-ribbon fall yearling.
Praising the group for their dairy
strength, great feet and legs, and
style, Judge Liddle stated, “Walking
down in front, the angularity on
these heifers is amazing!” For
Junior Champion, Liddle selected
his first-place fall calf, Ovaltop Rlty
Ronnie-Red-ET, the entry of Brad
Cates, Aaron Eaton, Pat Lundy,
Steve Morrill, & Pat Conroy. So
correct throughout, Liddle followed
in with his second-place fall calf,
the Junior Champion’s maternal
sister, Ovaltop Picolo Rojo-Red,
bred & exhibited by Michael Wolfe.
Strong cow classes were also
the order of the day, and the judge
continued to seek that combination
of dairy strength, open rib, and
correct feet & legs, coupled with
outstanding udders. For Senior
Champion, Liddle pulled five head
to the center: the winning junior
2-year-old, junior 3-year-old, senior
3-year-old, 4-year-old, and aged
cow. Lauding each individual,
Liddle tapped the senior 3-yearold, Liddleholme Roxbury-Red-ET,
as his Senior & Grand Champion.
Waddington, NY, Liddle called the
beautiful Carrousel Resurrect-RedET daughter “on the money, and
hands down the best cow in the
show! She has great definition in
her seam, and is cleaner cut than
the Reserve Champion.” That
individual was Cyrus Conard’s
winning aged cow, Ridgedale-T
Raichu-Red, approaching nine years
old and still incredibly youthful after
calving just three weeks prior to
the show. The Reserve Champion,
sired by Ladino Park Talent-ImpET, is no stranger to the show ring,
having been Grand Champion here
in 2012 among her many winnings.
Both cows were also Senior & Grand
Champions of the Junior Show.
For Junior Champion of the
Junior Show, Liddle tapped Andrew
Reynolds’ fall yearling, Reyncrest
Champion. Sired by Hurtgen RealityRed, the big, strong, wide heifer
was longer and harder over the top
than Roll-N-View Jet-R Tessa-Red,
Cooper Galton’s impressive Fradon
Jet-Red-ET daughter who was the
Junior Champion at the Youth Show
the day prior. Karley Marshman
had the Honorable Mention Junior
Champion with her spring yearling,
Ms Tiger-Lily Frill-Red-ET, sired by
La Presentation Picolo-Red-ET. She,
along with her herd mates, helped
Marshman Farms, Oxford, garner
both the Premier Breeder and
Premier Exhibitor banners. An interesting note concerning
this year’s four Champions is that
all four are from the C Glenridge
Citation Roxy (4E-97-GMD) family.
The two Junior Champions are
backed by nine generations of
Excellent “Roxy’s,” the Grand
Champion is herself an Excellent
Roxy, and the Reserve Champion is
94-points and an eighth generation
Excellent “Roxy.” Spring Calf (10)
1-Midas-Touch Raspberi-Red-ET, Jennifer King;
2-Roll-N-View SE Satin-Red-ET, Cooper Galton;
3-Schluter Sydney Lee-Red, Cooper Galton;
4-Msjoleanna Rdbrst Sandy-Red, Joleanna Holsteins;
5-Liddleholme Adv Paisley-Red, Carly Coon
From left: Judge Adam Liddle; Andrew Reynolds with the Honorable Mention Junior Champion, Reyncrest Real
Laredo-Red; Doug Wolfe at the halter of the Reserve Junior Champion, Ovaltop Picolo Rojo-Red; Pat Conroy
leading the Junior Champion, Ovaltop Rlty Ronnie-Red-ET; and the National Red & White Dairy Cattle Association
Queen, Cecilia Morse.
26 - NYN October 2013
Winter Calf (9)
1-Glad-Ray-K BW Sabrina-Red, Harry Lusk;
2-Fly-Higher RB Rachel-Red-ET, Whitney Kugler;
3-Oakfield-Bro Feather-Red-ET, Ellen Haner; 4-MidasTouch RB Chic-Red-ET, Kristin King; 5-Hillover
Darwynn Emy-Red, Mason Ziemba
Ernest H. Ramsey
From left: Judge Adam Liddle; Doug Wolfe with the Reserve Junior Champion, Ovaltop Picolo Rojo-Red; Cyrus
Conard at the halter of the Reserve Senior & Reserve Grand Champion, Ridgedale-T Raichu-Red; Jennifer King
leading the Senior & Grand Champion, Liddleholme Roxbury-Red-ET; and Cecilia Morse, RWDCA Queen for
2013. (photos by Mike Walker)
Fall Calf (12)
1-Ovaltop Rlty Ronnie-Red-ET, Eaton/Cates/Lundy/
Morrill/Conroy; 2-Ovaltop Picolo Rojo-Red, Michael
Wolfe; 3-Ziems G-Chris Leah-Red-ET, Eleni Rigas;
4-Greenlea P Carrie-Red-ET, Green/Welk/Ross;
5-Duckett Picolo Liz-Red, Woodcrest Dairy & Duckett
Summer Yearling (6)
1-Monanfran Des Rok On-Red-ET, J. Mills & M.
Kelsey; 2-Willow-Marsh C S Sissy-Red, Charles
Curtiss; 3-Headline Deuce Fun-Red, Cassie Head;
4-Roseland Bodacious-Red, James Holland;
5-Saxton-Hill Hvez Suntan-Red, Denise Saxton
Spring Yearling (8)
1-Ms Tiger-Lily Frill-Red-ET, Karley Marshman;
2-Ovaltop Picolo Ronda-Red-ET, Michael Wolfe;
3-Monanfran Piclo Oh Baby-Red, Justine Kelsey;
4-Oakfield Ad Sherlock-Red-ET, Roy Denniston;
5-Oakfield Destry Envy-Red-ET, Kelsey Warriner
Winter Yearling (4)
1-Monanfran Dolcevita-Red-ET, J. Mills & M. Kelsey;
2-Roll-N-View Jet-R Tessa-Red, Cooper Galton;
3-Tiger-Lily Charg Ripple-Red, Lily Marshman; 4-Ms
Ziems Secur Lava Rae-Red, Abigail Cox; 5-Howes
F-F Milkshake-Red, Brittany Somes
Fall Yearling (2)
1-Reyncrest Real Laredo-Red, Andrew Reynolds;
2-Bossir Chris Janice-Red, Woodcrest Dairy
Junior Best Three Females (4)
1-Ovaltop Holsteins; 2-Monanfran Farms; 3-Marshman
Farms; 4-Curtis Wilk
Milking Fall Yearling (1)
1 & BU-Wilk Platte-P Ebay-Red, Curtis Wilk
Junior 2-Year-Old (3)
1 & BU-Flower-Brook Gyna-Red-ET, Cooper Galton;
2-CS- Redvue Detox Pepper-Red, Douglas Wolfe;
3-Ziems Reality LOL-Red, Ziems Farms & Mason
Senior 2-Year-Old (3)
1 & BU-Ms Tiger-Lily S Fana-Red-ET, J. Gagnon & J.
Marshman; 2 & 2d BU-Ira-Moos Advent Gidgit-Red,
Cody Sears; 3-Tiger-Lily Absol Ronni-Red, Corey
Junior 3-Year-Old (4)
1 & BU-Midas-Touch Chry Pie-Red-ET, Jennifer King;
2-Penn-Rain Advent Kaelyn-Red, Kaelyn Pennings;
3-Roput Redliner Rikki-Red, Jim Putman; 4-Ovaltop
Advent Redrose-Red, Douglas Wolfe
Senior 3-Year-Old (3)
1 & BU-Liddleholme Roxbury-Red-ET, Jennifer King; 2
& 2d BU-Mikelholm Debonr Ribbon-Red, Emily Mikel;
3-Tiger-Lily Rlty Ribbon-Red, Lily Marshman
4-Year-Old (1)
1 & BU-Oakfield-Bro Fresno-Red-ET, John Marshman
5-Year-Old (3)
1 & BU-Whittier-Farms Lois-Red-ET, Oakfield Corners
Dairy & Roy Denniston; 2 & 2d BU-Roput Talent GenieRed-Tw, Jim Putman; 3-Donalter Advent Kenda-Red,
Chelsea Jones
Aged Cow (2)
1 & BU-Ridgedale-T Raichu-Red, Cyrus Conard; 2 &
2d BU-Clem-El Advent Layla-Red, Sydney Bennett
Best Three Females (1)
1-Marshman Farms
Exhbitor’s Herd (1)
1-Marshman Farms
Ernest H. Ramsey, 63, of Scio,
passed away peacefully July 17
at Jones Memorial Hospital in
He was born July 7, 1950 in
Wellsville, the son of Allan H. and
Jean Dalton Ramsey.
A lifelong resident of Scio, he
was a graduate of Scio Central
School and Alfred State College.
He was a member of the Trinity
Lutheran Church of Wellsville
where, on December 1, 2012, he
was married to Sandra Wright, who
survives him.
Ernest operated a dairy farm
ans was very active in FFA, 4-H
clubs, and the Allegany-Steuben
Holstein Club. He was a member
and president of the Allegany
County Farm Bureau and the New
York State and National Holstein
He served as a Town of Scio
councilman for several terms.
He is survived by a daughter,
Jeanette A. Ramsey, of Scio, two
sons, James A. Ramsey of Scio
and John A. (Alissa) Ramsey of
Wellsville; his father, Allan H.
Ramsey of Scio; a sister, Rosemary
R. (LeRoy) Cole of Scio, a stepson,
Lew (Rebecca) Wright of Belfast;
a granddaughter, Megan Ramsey
of Scio; two grandsons, Zachery
Willetts of Olean and Derrick
Willetts of Scio; a stepgrandson,
Clayton Wright of Belfast; a nephew,
Spencer Clark of Wellsville; two
nieces, Daffney Clark of Alfred
Station and Halsey Baker of
Scio; and several stepnieces and
He was predeceased by his
mother and a sister.
Funeral services were held July
23, 2013 in the Trinity Lutheran
Church in Wellsville with burial in
Fairlawn Cemetery in Scio.
Memorials may be made to the
Trinity Lutheran Church, American
Cancer Society, or a charity of the
donor’s choice.
NYN October 2013 - 27
New York State Fair
Holstein Show
199 Head of New York’s Best Meet in Syracuse
Those who appreciate great
show cattle and those who follow
the New York show circuit were
treated to a grand expose of the
Empire State’s best Holsteins at the
New York State Fair Open Show
on August 26 in Syracuse. This
year’s State Fair Show crowned
a competitive season around the
state, and “the best of the best” came
to the Salt City to rival before Judge
Gerald Coughlin of Trent Valley
Holsteins & Jerseys, Peterborough,
Ontario. Coughlin sought and
found outstanding dairy quality,
open, sweeping rib, and quality
udders in the milking classes. The
large crowd gathered in the grand
Coliseum appreciated Coughlin’s
thoughtful, methodical placings and
clear, consistent reasons throughout
the show. Many of the outstanding
calves, heifers, and cows vying for
recognition had been competing
in shows for the last five months,
beginning with the New York Spring
Dairy Carousel shows, throughout
the summer, and finally to Syracuse
for the culmination of the New York
show season. Seen throughout the
day were many of the state’s most
competitive campaigners, with a
number of past All-New York, AllAmerican, Junior All-New York,
and Junior All-American alumnae
returning for this year’s show. Many
in turn will likely be top competitors
on the National level at the fall’s
most prestigious shows.
The Junior Champions
Large, quality classes of calves
and heifers vied for top honors,
with a total of 110 head passing
through the ring. With the first and
second-place finishers before him,
Coughlin extracted five head as his
best candidates for Junior & Reserve
Junior Champion. Pulled head to tail
for the crowd to appreciate were the
first-place winter calf, the winning
summer yearling, the first-place
winter yearling, and the first and
second fall yearlings. “These heifers
all have great rib structure and
they track on great feet and legs,”
Coughlin commented. “They have a
lot of future for the rest of the year.”
Without further ado, Coughlin went
to his winning fall yearling heifer,
Fanico Reginald Marty, owned
by Brad Cates, Aaron Eaton, Pat
Conroy, Steve Morrill, David Garcia,
& Esteban Posada, Preble, NY. A tall,
long, extremely hard-topped heifer
with a beautiful rib structure, she
used her advantage in being fuller
in the crops and more massive in
her frame than the winning summer
yearling, Mabel Reginald Divoirie,
also sired by Regancrestdl ReginaldET, a mid-July heifer owned by CoVale Holsteins, Aaron Eaton, & Steve
Morrill. The Reserve Champion,
praised for her overall correctness,
was followed by the winning winter
yearling heifer Coughlin named
as his Honorable Mention Junior
Champion Purple-Fever Dempsey
Sam, a Lirr-Crest Dempsey daughter
exhibited by Paige Morrill.
For Junior Champion of the
junior division, Coughlin pulled five
individuals and ultimately selected
the winning fall calf, Gebarten
Atwood Maria owned by Taylor
Morrill as his Champion. Termed
“the most correct individual,”
Coughlin praised the MapleDowns-I GW Atwood-ET daughter
for her style and balance. Selected
as Reserve Junior Champion was
Anthony Liddle’s big, strong fall
yearling heifer, Liddleholme Roxstar,
sired by Crackholm Fever-ET.
Named as Honorable Mention was
the second-prize fall calf, Reyncrest
Fever Addy, another outstanding
daughter of Fever, exhibited by
Mackenzie Reynolds. The Intermediate
28 - NYN October 2013
Beautiful younger cow classes
were quality from end to end,
and Judge Coughlin continued to
seek and find his pattern for dairy
quality, correct movement, and
outstanding mammary systems.
In the selection of Intermediate
Champion, Coughlin had 10 strong
competitors in his first and secondplace individuals. Coughlin did
something a bit unusual in that he
had the leadspersons turn the cows
both ways in the Coliseum so that
both sides of the audience could get
a full view of the greatness before
them. “I just wanted everyone
to see this spectacle,” Coughlin
commented, and the audience
agreed. But it was Joleanna Gold
Pourinrain-ET, the winning junior
3-year-old, who prevailed to wear
the Champion rosette. Fresh only 10
days, the long, tall, black Braedale
Goldwyn daughter is no stranger
to the tanbark, and she impressed
the judge with her fantastic
mammary system, height, length,
and dairy quality from end to end.
She was the recent acquisition of
Gene Iager, Kevin Ehrhardt, and
Dusty Schirm from her breeder,
Joleanna Holsteins, LLC, Unadilla,
NY. In the Reserve spot was
another outstanding individual, the
winning senior 2-year-old, Ronbeth
Alexander Pearl, a silky-hided,
beautifully-uddered Golden-Oaks St
Alexander-ET daughter exhibited by
Michael Garrow and Jamie & Petra
Black, Chateaugay & Constable, NY.
Cut from much the same pattern,
Judge Coughlin called the Reserve
Champion “a beautifully-balanced
individual that tracks well with great
width of chest.” Coughlin named
the second-place junior 3-year-old,
Co-Vale Goldwyn Kelsey-ET, as the
Honorable Mention Intermediate
In the junior-exhibited younger
cows, Coughlin singled out the
winning senior 2-year-old and
his first and second-place senior
3-year-olds for his Intermediate
Champions. Jacob Dueppengiesser
had the unusual honor of owning
both Champions, as his senior
2-year-old, Jacobs Sanchez BlackyET, was tapped as Intermediate
Champion and his winning senior
3-year-old (2nd in the open show),
exhibited by Cooper Galton, was
selected as the Reserve. Honorable
Mention laurels went to Andrew
Reynolds with his senior 2-year-old,
Guyview Goldwyn Giggles, third in
the open class.
The Senior Champions
A fine display of show ring
favorites and veterans was found
in the older cow classes, and the
judge appreciated the quality of
the entrants. In his selection for
Senior Champion, Coughlin again
turned the cows in both directions
so the crowd could appreciate
their strong front ends, sweep
of rib, and outstanding udders.
“Yes, it takes time to do this,”
Coughlin stated, “but the owners
deserve it!” and everyone certainly
appreciated the sight and the effort.
Taking the top honors of Senior
Champion was Old Acres Farm,
Perry, NY with the winning 4-yearold, Calbrett Airraid Lu, a Sildahl
Airraid daughter that excelled in
overall correctness who had, in
Coughlin’s words, “outpowered
her class.” In the Reserve position
was the Champion’s strongest class
competitor , Bella Rosa GW Sara-ET,
a lovely-uddered Braedale Goldwyn
daughter exhibited by Jonathan &
Alicia Lamb. The winning 5-yearold, Budjon-JK Stormatic Enya-ET,
shown by Jamie & Petra Black and
She-Ken Holsteins, was Honorable
Among the junior-exhibited
individuals, Judge Coughlin stayed
with his quest for great udders and
overall style and balance, and tapped
his first and second-place 5-yearolds as his Senior Champions. In
the top spot was the Reserve Grand
Champion from Saturday’s Youth
Show, Annalea Goldwyn Alinda,
the big, silky Goldwyn daughter
with a spectacular mammary
system, overflowing with veination,
exhibited by Jacob Dueppengiesser.
To wear the Reserve rosette
was Kayla Windecker’s familiar
campaigner, Windex Roy Lightning,
the great-uddered, razor-sharp
Roylane Jordan-ET daughter who
has enjoyed much success in the
Coliseum through the years.
The Grand Champions
Prior to his selecting his Grand
Champions, Judge Coughlin stated,
“This has been a terrific show, and
the cows presented have been at
a very high level.” For his Grand
Champion, Coughlin chose his
Intermediate Champion, Joleanna
Gold Pourinrain-ET, to take the top
prize, following in with his Senior
Champion, Calbrett Airraid Lu, as
the Reserve. Calling them “quality,
quality cows,” Coughlin predicted a
bright future for both. The Reserve
Intermediate Champion, Ronbeth
Alexander Pearl, was his choice as
Honorable Mention.
individuals, it was again the younger
cows that prevailed, as Coughlin
tapped his Intermediate Champions
to be Grand & Reserve Grand
Champion for Jacob Dueppengiesser
and Cooper Galton, respectively.
NYN October 2013 - 29
The Premiers
Co-Vale Holsteins, Preble, NY
had a strong showing throughout
the day including several homebred
favorites to garner the prestigious
Premier Breeder banner. Jamie &
Petra Black, Constable, NY took
home the Premier Exhibitor banner
tallying several high finishers which
included three class winners in the
milking classes.
Spring Calf (19)
1-Gebarten Shadow Ladyluck, Paige Morrill; 2-Ms
Tara GC Tahiti-ET, Co-Vale & Aaron Eaton; 3-Hackett
Lights On, T. Reynolds, K. Lee, P. Lundy, & E. Hackett;
4-OCD Braxton China Blue-ET, Denise Saxton;
5-OCD Fever Mad Money-ET, Stanton & Oakfield
Corners Dairy; 6-Liddleholme Rehanna, Brock Liddle;
7-Ovaltop Destry Sissy, Douglas Wolfe; 8-Roll-NView Wbrook Breck-ET, Cooper Galton; 9-Joleanna
Attic Attie, Joleanna Holsteins, LLC; 10-J-Folts Mfield
Jaquelin-ET, Isaac Folts
Winter Calf (22)
1-Ms Maview Ludie G Atwood-ET, Cooper Galton;
2-OCD Bradnick Candy-ET, Co-Vale/Eaton/Westman/
Jansen/Lundy; 3-Dappleholm G Believe, Dappleholm/
Phoenix/Cates; 4-Headwater Dempsey Belle,
Chelsey Hancock; 5-Joleanna Goldsun Rainbow,
Diesel & Katy Hitt; 6-Ms Goldwyn Lucky Lady-ET, J.
& P. Black and D. & H. Meier; 7-Mt-Ararat Goldwyn
Ebrill-ET, Aidan Mulligan; 8-Karepath Atwood Mazzy,
Christopher Karasek; 9-Curr-Vale Deb Ladylarisa-ET,
Currie Holsteins; 10-Jackson-Hill Braxtn Magical, Jeff
Fall Calf (26)
1-Miss Highlight Show Time, Galton/Cates/Eaton;
2-Ms Sheridan Absolute Anna, Eaton/Conroy/CoVale; 3-Paramount-MB Alexandr Aloha, Joe & Emily
Dechow and Mark Bainbridge; 4-Gebarten Atwood
Maria, Taylor Morrill; 5-MM-T Pockets Larson Bevy,
Mike Maloney and J. & P. Black; 6-Reyncrest Fever
Addy, Mackenzie Reynolds; 7-Joleanna Chris Gialina,
Joleanna Holsteins, LLC; 8-OCD Lord of the RingsET, Delaney Bergen; 9-Oakfield Sid Lara Croft-ET, Old
Acres Farm; 10-Price-View Reginald Prize, Winchell
& Richmond
Summer Yearling (14)
1-Mabel Reginald Divoirie, Taylor Morrill; 2-Jacobs
Sid Beauty, Eaton Holsteins; 3-Kingsway Lauthority
Rodie, Emilie Mulligan; 4-Luncrest Sid Mid-1463,
Austin Milligan; 5-J-Ran Atwood Jwoww, Jason
Randall; 6-Pierstein Resolute Becka, Andrew
Reynolds; 7-Heart&Soul Atwood Rose, Woodcrest
Dairy LLC; 8-Elm-Bra-Cin Sid Sparkle, Elmvue and
Brad & Cindy Murphy; 9-Joleanna Sid Matrimony, D. &
C. Johnson; 10-Ovaltop Braxton Linda, Douglas Wolfe
Spring Yearling (15)
1-Aija Goldwyn Evita-ET, Cates/Eaton/Peticlerk;
2-Pineland Chip Pacey, Andrew & Mackenzie
Reynolds; 3-Kay-Ben Wndbk Dawn-1445-ET, Laura
Finley; 4-Reyncrest Fremont Moya, Andrew Reynolds;
5-Welker Bro B Twist of Fate, Welker/Sharp/Hill;
6-Gebarten Alexander Evie, Ryan Morrill; 7-Headwater
Braxton Tallie, Kiersten Hancock; 8-Oakfield-Bro
Gold Fiji-ET, Woodcrest Dairy; 9-Beaver-Top Destry
Tally-ET, Blue Top Farm & Jeff Dana; 10-Hazels Sid
Harvest-ET, Murphy/Roberts/Moo-York Cattle Co.
Winter Yearling (9)
1-Purple-Fever Dempsey Sam, Paige Morrill;
2-Headline Damion Rhinestone, Nicole Head;
3-St-Jacob Atwood Adria-ET, Andrew & Mackenzie
Reynolds; 4-Curr-Vale Sid Excellent-ET, Shane
Wilson & Lester Hosking; 5-ZBW-FC San FiascoET, Woodcrest-Ziemba LLC; 6-Hosking Braxton Fire,
Jacob Evans; 7-Lisleview Braxton Sernity, Jessie
Mras; 8-OCD Sid Lara-ET, Keith Koerner; 9-Ziems
Destry Sun Rae-ET, Lydia Cox
Fall Yearling (5)
1-Fanico Reginald Marty, Cates/Eaton/Morrill; 2-OCD
Fever Cajun-ET, Jacob & Jared Dueppengiesser;
3-Old-Acres Golden Brook-ET, Daniel Elliott;
4-Liddleholme Roxstar, Anthony Liddle; 5-Lynvail Brax
Lucinda, J. & P. Black, D. & H. Meier, and Milky Way
Junior Best Three Females (1)
1-Ovaltop Holsteins
Milking Fall Yearling (4)
1 & BU-Kings-Ransom Acme Sunlight, Johnathan
King; 2 & 2d BU-Joleanna Braxton Maxi, Joleanna
Holsteins, LLC; 3-Ovaltop Dolman Dixie, Howard
Wolfe; 4-Woodcrest Atwood Allison-ET, Woodcrest
Dairy LLC
Junior 2-Year-Old (12)
1 & BU-Regancrest-GVH Arizona-ET, Lundy/Wood/
Reynolds; 2 & 2d BU-Red Oak Sanchez Odyssey,
Jared Dueppengiesser; 3-Carpsview Destry Exquisite,
Woodcrest-Ziemba LLC; 4-Saxton-Hill Sanchez Trixie,
Denise Saxton; 5-Muranda Sanchez Lindsey-ET,
Thomas & Nancy Murray; 6-ZBW-JP San Lipstick-ET,
Oakfield Corners Dairy; 7-Oakfield-Bro Br Fidelity-ET,
Maple-Nook Holsteins; 8-Sunview Goldwyn Dazzling,
Andrew & Mackenzie Reynolds; 9-Ms Sanchez
Georgia Rain, Gillian McEvoy; 10-Ms Beaver Ray
Fever Hope, Matthew Currie
Senior 2-Year-Old (18)
1 & BU-Ronbeth Alexander Pearl, M. Garrow and J.
& P. Black; 2 & 2d BU-Jacobs Sanchez Blacky-ET,
Jacob Dueppengiesser; 3-Guyview Goldwyn Giggles,
Andrew Reynolds; 4-O-C-E-C Jasper Maestro-ET,
Mackenzie Reynolds; 5-Arethusa Aftershock Dahlia,
Cooper Galton; 6-Co-Vale Dundee Jemma-ET, CoVale Holsteins; 7-Winterhlm-WG Bax Elated-ET, A.
Garland & L. Getty; 8-Siemers Sanchez Happygal-ET,
Jared Dueppengiesser; 9-Curr-Vale Sept Storm SkyET, Jessica Currie; 10-Lima Cuba Accapulco, Paige
Junior 3-Year-Old (12)
1 & BU-Joleanna Gold Pourinrain-ET, G. Iager, K.
Ehrhardt, & D. Schirm; 2 & 2d BU-Co-Vale Goldwyn
Kelsey-ET, Eaton/Lundy/Reynolds/Cates; 3-ZBW-JP
At Last-ET, Woodcrest-Ziemba LLC; 4-Androscoggin
Laramee Maddy, Evans Holsteins & Darryl Fiorina;
5-Lookout Goldwyn Caseaf, Old Acres Farm & Michael
Koerner; 6-Golden-Oaks Gwyn Classy-ET, Jeff King;
7-Oakfield Goldwyn Taylor-ET, Oakfield Corners Dairy;
8-Ms Atwood Madison-ET, Eric Shuknecht; 9-Groeslon
Hot Rod Shadow, Rayne Paddock; 10-Granny-Anne
Shottl Daydream, Eugene Merriman
Senior 3-Year-Old (10)
1 & BU-Cowtown Durham Grasshopper, D. & H. Meier
and J. & P. Black; 2 & 2d BU-Tomalynn Goldwyn
Melanie, Cooper Galton; 3-Premier-G Alexandr
Bosky-ET, Coyne Farms, Inc.; 4-Siemers SZ Hia-MaeET, Jacob Dueppengiesser; 5-Cherry Crest Denzel
Alexis, Maple Nook Holsteins; 6-Headwater Alexandr
Goodluck, Ethan Sherman; 7-Granny-Anne Sanchez
Lacey, Eugene Merriman; 8-Ziems-EF Sanchez
Eternal-ET, Woodcrest Dairy LLC; 9-KCS Sept Storm
Theresa, Kevin Streeter; 10-Ovaltop Advent Rosie,
Douglas Wolfe
4-Year-Old (11)
1 & BU-Calbrett Airraid Lu, Old Acres Farm; 2 & 2d
BU-Bella-Rosa GW Sara-ET, Jonathan & Alicia Lamb;
3-Coyne-McGarr Golden Lily-ET, Coyne Farms, Inc. &
McGarr Farms; 4-Happydanny Jayz Sunday, J. & P.
Black & D. & H. Meier; 5-Ms Lew-Lin Talent Chaos-ET,
Dwi-Bet Farms and Julie & Gordon Wood; 6-MapleDowns Hailey, Elmvue, Brad & Cindy Murphy, and
Field of Dreams Genetics; 7-Windex Laurin LovelyEt, Bryce Windecker; 8-Duckett-SA Shot Furgi-ET,
Woodcrest Dairy LLC; 9-Ms Mikelholm-GH Ross
Bandit, Emily Mikel; 10-Lantland Aspen Jericha, Jacob
5-Year-Old (12)
1 & BU-Budjon-JK Stormatic Enya-ET, J. & P. Black,
D. & H. Meier, & She-Ken Holsteins; 2 & 2d BU-CoVale Zenith Darla, Eaton/Cates/Reynolds/ Lundy;
3-Annalea Goldwyn Alinda, Jacob Dueppengiesser;
4-Sibert Goldwyn Stacey, Woodcrest-Ziemba LLC;
5-McGarr-Farms Golden Rose, Patrick McGarr;
6-Me-Do-Crest Pr Aubergine, Woodcrest Dairy LLC;
7-Ovaltop Dundee Ester, Douglas Wolfe; 8-Windex
Roy Lightning, Kayla Windecker; 9-Groeslon Twilight,
Hailey Paddock; 10-Maheufils Goldwyn Monica-ET,
Eric Worden
30 - NYN October 2013
Aged Cow (8)
1 & BU-Curtis-Haven Rebecca D 374, Chad Currie;
2 & 2d BU-Lareleve Samuelo Chrissy, J. & P. Black
and Pleasant Nook Farm; 3-In-Tim-Idate Lillie WildET, Andrew & Mackenzie Reynolds; 4-Beaver Ray
Damion Honeycomb-ET, Jessica Currie; 5-Curr-
Vale Goldwyn Delicious, Dwi-Bet Farms and Julie &
Gordon Wood; 6-Ms Aurora Linjet Reason-ET, McGarr
Farms; 7-Sco-Li Hi Metro Heidi, Priscilla Helgerson;
8-Ovaltop Allegiance, Lucky, Howard Wolfe
Best Three Females (5)
1-Co-Vale Holsteins; 2-Windex Farm; 3-Oakfield
Corners Dairy; 4-Collins-crest Holsteins; 5-Ovaltop
125-000-Lb. Cow (2)
1 & BU-Gen-I-Beq Goldwyn Saby, Samantha
Smithgall; 2-Ovaltop Talent Roxette, Douglas Wolfe
Produce of Dam (2)
1-Woodcrest-Ziemba LLC; 2-Windex Holsteins
Dam & Daughter (2)
1-Kayla Windecker; 2-Samantha Smithgall
Exhibitor’s Herd (1)
1-Ovaltop Holsteins
(State Fair Photos by Mike Walker)
New York Holstein Association Futurity #37
Eight outstanding 2-year-olds
competed in New York Holstein
Futurity #37, sharing in a total purse
of $1,051. Taking the top spot and a
prize of $253.55 was the beautiful
Gen-Mark Stmatic Sanchez daughter
bred & owned by Denise Saxton,
Cassadaga, NY, Saxton-Hill Sanchez
Trixee. A beautifully-uddered young
cow, tall, chiseled, and tracking on
a very correct set of feet & legs, she
was followed by Ovaltop Gibson
Naomi, a long, stretchy Silky
Gibson-ET daughter exhibited by
Michael Wolfe, Richfield Springs,
NY. Both very dairy, hard-topped
individuals, they were followed by
the first of four futurity entries of
George & Marcia Merrill, Malone,
NY, Collins-crest Outbound WOW,
a stylish Schilldale Outbound-ET
In addition to the three levels
of entry payments, generous
sponsorship for the 37th futurity
came from Gold Star Feed & Grain,
Cargill Feed an Nutrition, Don’s
Dairy, and Ovaltop Holsteins. The
Futurity Committee expresses its
sincere gratitude for their support of
this special program.
Placings and winnings were as
1st – Saxton-Hill Sanchez Trixee,
Denise Saxton, Cassadaga, NY $253.55
2nd – Ovaltop Gibson Naomi,
Michael Wolfe, Richfield Springs,
NY - $169.47
3rd – Collins-crest Outb WOW,
George & Marcia Merrill, Malone,
NY - $137.94
4th – Ovaltop Marshall Liberty,
Douglas Wolfe, Richfield Springs,
NY - $127.43
5th – Monanfran Oh My Goodness,
Monanfran Farms, Inc., Canastota,
NY - $106.41
6th – Collins-crest Outb Tillable,
George & Marcia Merrill, Malone,
NY - $85.40
7th – Collins-crest Dusk Gladtime,
George & Marcia Merrill, Malone,
NY - $85.40
8th – Collins-crest SS Delight,
George & Marcia Merrill, Malone,
NY - $85.40
NYN October 2013 - 31
” Branch
Sire: Lutz-Brookview Michael-ET
2-01 2x 302 23,390 3.9 909 3.1 696
3-01 2x 248 23,012 4.2 973 2.9 663 (Inc.)
Proj. 30,133m 1208f 868p
Due 1/8/14 to Sandy-Valley Sterling-ET.
Tessa has a 12/11 daughter sired by
Wa-Del Conner-ET and a 12/12 daughter
sired by Epic.
Full Sisters:
Their Dam:
2-00 2x 305 24,492 4.1 1014 3.1 753
3-00 2x 265 28,139 4.4 1231 3.1 864 (Inc.)
Proj. 35,934m 1560f 1104p
Twyla was featured in the May New York Holstein News
2-03 2x 365 31,330 4.1 1278 3.2 988
5-04 2x 292 28,550 4.3 1221 3.1 895
1-11 2x 305 24,018 3.8 911 3.0 724
Lifetime: 182,540 4.6 8449 3.1 5727
2-00 2x 227 21,809 3.8 791 2.8 588 (Inc.)
2-05 2x 305 25,718 4.4 1132 3.3 838
2-02 2x 260 22,000 3.6 799 2.9 631
2-01 2x 305 23,965 3.3 800 2.9 697
2-07 2x 305 19,372 4.3 855 3.0 571
2-04 2x 302 24,487 3.5 853 2.9 702
1-11 2x 305 18,785 4.5 848 3.3 625
Fresh 7/13/13 for the first time.
32 - NYN October 2013
The “T” branch was started when
Luxury had 11 daughters all sired by
Lutz-Brookview Michael-ET. This is a very
good group of young cows and we are just
starting to get pictures of them.
Once again, Don-Dale Wist InnocenceET (VG-88 GMD-DOM) has proven that this
cow family makes consistently good cows.
RHA: 126 Cows 26,066 4.0 1048 3.1 819
BAA 107.3%
No BST or fancy feed additives
Susan Mower - Dennis Treen
170 Walts Rd.
West Winfield, NY 13491
(315) 822-5118
If you build it, they will come.
Wow! Wow! Wow!
Field of Dreams has the #1 DPR Bull in the WORLD!
+3.9 DPR!
+5.0PL +3.9DPR 7.5%DCE (98%R)
D/AV 23,523M 3.8% 887F 3.0% 709P
aAa 312564 (Open-Dairy-Tall)
Nominated All-American
His Famous Dam
Lance Daughters
(4E-96-DOM @ 12-06)
6-07 2x 365 35.590 4.1 1467 3.0 843
Lifetime: 205,100 4.0 8242 3.2 6573
3x Reserve All-American
Lived to be 18 years of age!
5-07 2x 365 34,490 3.5 1216
5 recs. over 1000f
Lifetime: 241,810 3.7 9067 3.3 7883
Gary and Janet Tubolino & Family
41 Grove St. • Adams, NY 13605-1203
315-232-2841 • Fax: 315-232-4153
Gary’s Cell: 315-405-1588
4-03 2X 365 24,940 4.0 1001 3.2 797
Lifetime: 146,380 4.1 5943 3.2 4614
Her twin sister was also VG-88!
Thank you to Elmvue Farm for breeding such a great bull!
Lance gets the “Real Stamp” of Reliability!
Real daughters, real results!
Reasonably priced & high conception … give us a call today!
NYN October 2013 - 33
Back in the Lime Light!
5-01 143 13,940 4.3 599 2.8 392 (Inc.)
By Talent from Dyks Kite Linda-Red-ET (2E-95), the next
dam is 4E-94. Lois has daughters by Alchemy. A sincere
THANK YOU to Jonathan & Alicia Lamb, Oakfield
Corners Dairy, for their great care of Lois & her new
EX-92 score!
2013 Show Record:
1st 5-Yr-Old & BU at NYS Fair Red & White Show
3rd 5-Yr-Old at WNY Regional Show
By Advent from Stony-Pillar Sharmaine-Red (2E-94),
the next 3 dams are all VG.
2013 Show Record:
1st Spring Yearling & Jr. Champion at ENY Jr. Show &
Columbia Co. Fair
1st at ENY Holstein Show
3rd at NY Spring Red & White Show
4th at NYS Fair Red & White Show
Sherlock is due to Redburst for a March ’14 calf!
Sunny-Rox Farm
Roy T. Denniston – 349 Woodward Rd. • Nassau, NY 12123 • (518) 766-4214 • (518) 928-2812 cell
34 - NYN October 2013
Rocklan Holsteins Complete Dispersal
Thursday, October 17, 2013 – 10:00 A.M. – Chateaugay, NY
Sale Ring Phones: 607-435-0792 u 518-497-0708 u 518-319-0297
One of the Premier Herd Sales of All -Time!
180 Lots
& Embryos
RHA: 2x 26,502 4.0 1053 3.2 856 – Averaging 85 lbs. – SCC 95,000!
BAA: 111.7 - 36 EX Young Cows Sell - 35 Young VG Cows Sell - 2 GP (84, 83 @ 1-11!)
35 Red & Whites – 24 September ’13 Calves Sell – Many, many fancy show-age heifers for 2014!
Pig Roast & Refreshments evening before at 6:00 P.M.
2-05 2X 316 29,230 4.5 1328 3.6 1039
7th generation EX in the Ridgedale “E” family, this
special Goldwyn sells due Nov. 14th to Atwood.
Dam is an EX-91 Allen w/1287f, 2nd dam is 2E-93
w/1396f, then history-making “Estel” (4E-95)!
4-10 2x 309 30,983 4.6 1414 3.2 988 (Inc.)
By Aspen, when fresh she could score higher! Due
April ’14 to Armani, she sells along with 1st choice
of 5 female transfers due in June by Windbrook! Her
dam is 3E-95 “Dandy” w/1601f, next 3 dams all VG
in the Mity-Fine Matt Misty (2E-96 GMD-DOM) family!
Super fancy & she sells bred to Brokaw. Dam is VG-89,
CAN. w/91-MS & 1358f, 2nd dam is VG-89 & Nom.
All-Canadian w/1321f. 3rd dam is EX. Extra special,
long, tall, & fancy!
This EX-MS Mr. Burns sells due in April to Armani &
making over 30,000m. Next 2 dams VG-CAN. w/recs.
to 1547f. She will score much higher and she is a
red carrier!
3-03 2x 365 21,310 3.8 841 3.5 721
4-09 2x 332 33,000 3.7 1215 3.1 1014
2-01 2x 365 23,360 4.0 925 3.7 854
4-00 2x 365 31,570 4.2 1327 3.7 1173
This tremendous Drake sells milking 127 lbs. & looks
fantastic! Her April 2012 Dempsey calf also sells. Dam
is GP-83 Liberator w/1050f, 2nd dam is VG-86 w/1054f.
Sells along with her VG-87, 2y Goldwyn daughter due
March 1 to Windbrook. The Goldwyn will show with
the best in 2014! 2 Atwood dtrs. also sell! Dam is
a VG-86 Gibson w/1395f, 2nd dam is Belroux Storm
Cristal (2E-96), All-Canadian Mature Cow ’06!
Triley & her VG-86 full sister both sell! Triley sells
fresh & milking 100 lbs. along with her 2 Windbrook
dtrs. born Aug. ’12 & July ’13. Maternal sister EX92 by Shottle was Grand Champion at ME & CT State
Shows in 2012. Dam is a 2E-94 Durham with 1218f,
next dam 3E-94 with 1470f!
Mark her FANCY & she sells with her Windbrook dtr. born
Aug. ’12! Dam is a 2E-91 September Storm w/1221f, 2nd
dam is EX-93 w/1459f, then 7 gens. VG & EX “Roxy’s!”
Sells fresh & backed by an EX-91 Terrason dam & VG86 granddam, then 3 more VG & EX dams! She looks
2-01 2x 330 20,250 3.8 773 3.7 742
2-04 2x 348 24,850 4.3 1066 3.4 837
2-02 2x 365 254,760 4.5 1126 3.5 870
Terms of Sale: Cash or good check sale day! If you make a purchase through an agent or member of sale staff,
immediate payment is expected by overnight mail or express mail!
Directions: GPS Address 7762 State Rt. 11, Chateaugay, NY. Located on Rt. 11, the eastern side of Chateaugay.
Sale Managed by / Catalogs
Owner: Mike Garrow
7762 State Rt. 11
Chateaugay, NY 12920
518-497-0708 House or
518-319-0297 Cell
Sale Staff:
David Rama. . . . 607-435-0792
Jamie Black . . . 518-353-2602
Horace Backus. . 315-963-7012
Nick Raggi . . . . 443-762-8338
Tim Abbott. . . . 802-238-1142
David Crack. . . . 819-352-1670
Don Welk . . . . . 717-575-4700
Tom Enright . . . 450-531-6417
Ray LeBlanc . . . 802-249-2155
David Kulp . . . . 717-278-6399
Adam Liddle . . . 518-361-9946
Jason Thomas. . 315-408-1128
NYN October 2013 - 35
Banner Days!
Premier Exhibitor at 2013 New York State Fair & Northern NY Holstein Show
3-04 2x 365 28,330 3.8 1088 3.1 872
1st Sr. 2-Yr-Old Maxville Spring Show
1st, Reserve Intermediate & HM Grand Champion NY State Fair
1st, Res. Int. & HM Grand Champion at NNY Holstein Show
3rd at Eastern Fall National, Harrisburg, PA
Alexander x EX-91-6E Leduc x EX-90-6E x VG-87 3*
Serviced to Fever.
** Pearl sells Oct. 17 in the Rocklan Holsteins Dispersal!
1st 5-Yr-Old at NY State Fair & NNY Holstein Show
3rd at Eastern Fall National, Harrisburg, PA
Stormatic x 2E-95 Durham x 2E-95 GMD-DOM Encore x Elegance
(3E-96 GMD-DOM)
Enya will be flushed and on an IVF program. Inquiries welcome.
1-11 2x 365 28,630 3.5 1007 3.2 919
3-09 2x 365 27,659 4.5 1235 3.3 904
1st Sr. 3-Yr-Old, Intermediate & Reserve Grand Champion at
Eastern Fall National, Harrisburg, PA
1st & Reserve Grand Champion at NNY Holstein Show
1st at NY State Fair
All-New York & Nominated All-American Milking Fall Yearling 2011
Durham x VG-88 Skychief x 2E-92 Lee x EX Astre x EX-94 Astro Jet
** 1st Choice of Sept. ’13 Goldwyn’s sells in the
New England Convention Tag Sale
1st Aged Cow, Senior & Grand Champion at NNY Holstein Show
(Grand in 2012 also)
2nd at Maxville Spring Show
2nd at NY State Fair
Nominated All-American Milking Fall Yearling 2008
Bred to Reginald. We have daughters here by Atwood & Goldwyn.
Backed by 8 gens. of VG & EX, high-record dams in Canada.
** Chrissy sells in the Rocklan Dispersal!
Holsteins & Jerseys
Thank You to all those who helped us at the NY State Fair this
year: Joe Nash, Ken Rousell, Jr., Barrie & Lucas Potter, Mikey
Barton, Rob & Julie Eby, Carly Coon, Colleen Hackett, The King
Family (Congrats. to Jennifer on your success with Roxbury),
Jordan & Jason Thomas, and Cameron & Kramer Jefferson.
Dan’s Dairy LLC
Mark your calendars!
Jamie & Petra Black
123 Little Briggs St. • Constable, NY 12926 • 518/353-2602
Daniel, Helene, & Daniel Jr. Meier • Fort Covington, NY 12937
518/358-9255 (Home) – 518/572-1873 (Dan)
Well worth the trip North!
36 - NYN October 2013
Gearing Up!
Sired by Scientific Destry-ET x Roxbury
1st Spring Calf at NY State Fair Red & White Show
and NY State Fair Youth Show
Resurrect x VG-88 Advent x 6 gens. EX “Roxy’s”
1st Sr. 3-Yr-Old, Senior & Grand Champion at NY
State Fair Red & White Show
6th Generation EX
1st Jr. 3-Yr-Old & HM Grand Champion at NY State
Fair Red & White Show
Super Large x 5 Generations EX
1st Winter Calf & Jr. Champion at St. Lawrence Co.
Jr. Holstein Show
1st & Reserve Jr. Champion at St. Lawrence Co.
Holstein Show
4th at NY State Fair Youth Show
Save the Date!
David King
69 Halfway House Rd. – Waddington, NY 13694
315-322-4162 – 315-212-0032 (cell)
Follow us on Facebook at Midas Touch Genetics.
NYN October 2013 - 37
Coming Up in the News
November – Western New York Special Section
December – Oneida County Special Section
Youth Issue
January –
All-New York & Junior All-New York
Contest Results
New York Convention ET Sale Promotion
Oct. 17 Oct. 18 Oct. 19 Oct. 26
Nov. 2 Nov. 9 Nov. 15
Chateaugay, NY Rocklan
Holsteins Complete
Dispersal, The Cattle
Exchange, mgr.
Canisteo, NY 98th AlleganySteuben Club Sale
Richfield Springs, NY 64th
O-H-M Club Sale, Jason
Pullis, chairman
Ithaca, NY New York Harvest
Sale, The Cattle Exchange &
NYHA, co-mgrs.
Sharon Springs, NY
Ridgedale Farm Sale, The
Cattle Exchange, mgr.
Middletown, NY Gold-Bar
Holsteins (Mike Hosking)
Milking Herd & Bred Heifer
Dispersal. Hosking Sales,
New Berlin, NY 4th Fall
Premier Sale, Hosking Sales,
Jan. 16
Corning, NY New York
Convention ET Sale, Comanaged by NYHA & The
Cattle Exchange
March 7 Waddington, NY Golden
Opportunity at Midas Touch,
The Cattle Exchange, mgr.
April 11-14 Syracuse, NY New York
Spring Dairy Carousel
April 12 Syracuse, NY New York
Spring Holstein Sale, Comanaged by NYHA & The
Cattle Exchange
May 31
Lisbon, NY Woodcrest Bridge
to Excellence II Sale, The
Cattle Exchange, mgr.
Jan. 16-18 Corning, NY New York
Holstein Association
Jan. 18-20 Corning, NY New York Junior
Holstein Convention
38 - NYN October 2013
Families with “ Elegance”
A Show Ring Star
Her Amazing Dam
(EX-93, EX-MS)
3-06 2x 316 24,940 3.5 883 2.9 720
Top of the 2012 Reflections of Maple
Downs Sale and now at Cedar Lane
Farm, Oldwick, NJ, Edge was 1st 4-YrOld & Reserve Grand Champion at the
NJ State Holstein Show ’13. We have
two Windbrooks out of Edge that look
2-05 2x 365 26,430 3.4 900 2.9 761
From a 3E-92 Progress then an EX91 Skychief, Elegance & her dam have
founded an amazing cow family in our
herd sired by Goldwyn, James, Alexander,
Advent, Gold Chip, and others.
Visitors and inquiries always welcome.
To the NY Harvest Sale –
Her Atwood Sells
2-11 2x 330 24,840 4.0 996 3.1 776
6th Generation EX in the Krull Broker
Elegance (3E-96 GMD-DOM) family.
Selling is her VG, 2y Atwood
daughter, Kulp-Terra Atwd ErikaET, fresh again and milking 100 lbs.
at 3y. Tall, long, dairy & looking
for the classifier in October!
Kyle & Shanna Reid and Family – 29 Kinney Rd. – Argyle, NY 12809 – (518) 638-8642
NYN October 2013 - 39
“A stone’s throw from paradise”
The Michael Nolan Family
19 Sutherland Hill Rd.
Cambridge, NY 12816
(518) 677-3407
Complete 3rd Lactation: 379d 33,790 4.2 1404 3.3 1117
Billi’s Maternal Sister: KENYON-HILL GW ATWOOD DALL (VG-86 @ 2-06)
2y 3x 313 24,356 4.3 1078 3.3 817
Their dam is KENYON-HILL GENO YALL (2E-92) with 131,000M lifetime
Billi & Dall are both dry and taking a well-deserved break. Billi is due late
October to Stormatic and Dall is due early November to Shottle. Dall’s
daughter, KENYON-HILL EPIC FALLINE-ET w/GTPI +2161 & PL +5.6, was
flushed 9/20 to Clear-Echo Lexor Racer-ET & implanted 9 embryos.
A Special Scholarship In Tri-County This Year
Each year, the Tri-County Holstein Club hosts its “Milk Lovers Ball,” a great social and benefit
event attended by many club members and agricultural personnel throughout the Saratoga,
Rensselaer, & Washington county area. This year, a unique scholarship has been developed
entitled the Milk Lovers Ball Memorial Scholarship in the name of Krista Depew, a young TriCounty Junior Holstein Club member who passed away unexpectedly in May of 2012.
Thanks to a tremendous amount of support from the dairy industry and Holstein
members, the Tri-County Holstein Club’s Milk Lovers Ball Committee has the honor of
offering a scholarship to Tri-County Junior members planning to attend college in the fall or
presently attending college for a degree in the agricultural field. Generous donations have now
totaled $5,500 and a one-time award will be given to one deserving individual. Tri-County
Junior members interested in applying for this scholarship may contact Samantha Allen at
samanthallen100@aol.com. Completed forms will be due January 1, 2014.
Tri-County Holstein Club Officers
President. . . . . . . . . . . . Carl Cipperly
Vice President. . . . . . . . Kathy Hanehan
Secretary . . . . . . . . . . . . Betty Getty
Treasurer. . . . . . . . . . . . Rich Boleski
Adam Liddle - Curtis Nolan - Jeff King
40 - NYN October 2013
State Director
Regina Lundy
Junior Advisors
Rachel MacNeil (Rensselaer Co.)
Cliff & Kathy Hanehan (Saratoga Co.)
Amy Braun & Jill Gillis (Washington Co.)
Premier Breeder & Reserve Premier Exhibitor
2013 Tri-County Holstein Show
1st Place 4-Year-Old
Proud of This Show Winner
Saxton’s Maternal Sister
3y 2x 278 27,214 3.3 910 2.9 785 (Inc.)
(VG-86, 2y)
6th Generation EX
Her dam is Elm-Spring Integrity Inez
(2E-94), HHM Jr. All-American
5-Year-Old in 2008.
We now have full sisters to Nezzy born
Sept. ’13 as well as Goldwyn’s from her
EX-94 Morty sister also born in September!
1st Sr. 3-Year-Old & Intermediate
Champion at Premier National
Junior Show 2013
10th at All-American Dairy Show 2013
1st Sr. 2-Yr-Old & Intermediate Champion
at 2012 NY International Spring
Holstein Show (Jr. Division)
10th at NY International Spring
Holstein Show 2012
We would like to congratulate Saxton’s
owners, the Vanderfeltz Family, on all
their success with her!
John, Mary, & Jason Tudor
Timothy Tudor
135 Meeting House Rd.
(518) 686-9587 (Home)
Eagle Bridge, NY 12057
(518) 813-8101 (Cell)
(518) 686-5426
** Selling in the NY Harvest Sale -Dapple’s Gold Chip daughter:
b. 1/23/2013
Next dam is Elm-Spring Aspen Scotty
(2E-93), 3rd dam is Elm-Spring Durham
Spotty (2E-94) – Nominated Jr.
All-American 5-Yr-Old in 2008.
BAA: 110.1
30 EX 50 VG 14 GP – 100% Homebred
RHA: 21,240 3.7 782 3.2 677
2013 New York State Master Breeder Herd
NYN October 2013 - 41
On The Shavings!
2-10 3x 313 27,470 4.0 1100 3.2 873
All-American Red & White Milking Yearling 2011
– Owned by Whitney
1st Place Sr. 3-Yr-Old & Reserve Intermediate Champion at 2013 NY Spring Red & White Show
1st Place Young Dry Cow at 2013 Tri-County Show
1st Place Dam & Daughter at 2013 Tri-County Show with her fancy Redburst daughter who was
2nd Place December Calf at the 2013 NY State Fair Red & White Show
Relive is fresh again with an Aikman heifer and looks great as a 3rd calf 3-Year-Old!
2nd Dam:
3rd Dam:
4th Dam: 5th Dam: 6th Dam: 7th Dam: 8th Dam: Ridgedale-T Relish-ET (EX-94)
5-00 3x 347 23,760 4.6 1104 3.4 815
Ridgedale-T Rehema-Red-ET (2E-93)
Hanover-Hill-R Mi Rochelle (EX-93)
Hanover-Hill-R Rhonda-Tw (4E-94 GMD-DOM)
C Hanoverhill Star Roxy-ET (2E-92 GMD-DOM)
Mil-R-Mor Roxette (EX-90 GMD-DOM 30*)
C Glenridge Citation Roxy (4E-97-GMD)
Fly Higher
Holsteins, LLC
42 - NYN October 2013
Tom, Joanne, Alex & Whitney Kugler
28 Coons Rd. • Valley Falls, NY 12185
518.366.3901 (Tom’s cell)
flyhigherholsteins@gmail.com • www.holsteinworld.com/flyhigher
RHA: 154L 26,670 3.8 1013
On The Money !
GTPI +2178
2-00 2x 360 25,540 3.7 950 3.3 842
3-01 3x 365 36,430 4.2 1614 3.4 1320
PTA +2176M +86F +66P +590NM
PTA +2.65T +2.33UDC +2.05FLC
Bolton x VG-88, EX-MS Rolex x VG-85 Trent
Money is the dam of many high-genomic sons and daughters. The
September evaluations included her first granddaughter, BACON-HILL
PREDSTN MARIA-ET, from Money’s O-Style daughter. Maria was the #1
female (GTPI +2626) for September.
Money’s Supersire daughter, BACON-HILL SUPRSRE MINIE-ET, is the #1
Milk & Protein calf in North America.
Money has 15 offspring over +2300 GTPI including BACON-HILL
MONTROSS-ET, her +2525 GTPI Mogul son at Select Sires.
We are flushing her O-Style, Supersire, and Uno daughters.
Money has pregnancies by Oak, Jabir, Tango, and Shakespeare.
Fly Higher
Holsteins, LLC
Tom Kugler
Valley Falls, NY 12185
(518) 366-3901
Bill & Neil Peck
Schuylerville, NY 12871
(518) 424-6770
NYN October 2013 - 43
Breanna FulpEr
Financial Advisor
Harvesting a Bountiful
Financial Crop
It’s harvest time again; one of my favorite seasons. The crisp morning air, the distant hum of tractor engines
in the fields, and the smell of fresh-cut silage starting to ferment define Harvest Season for me. In NY, farmers have been chopping corn full-steam ahead because of the beautiful weather we’ve had! This means earlier
mornings, later nights, and on-the-go lunch and dinners for farm families. Of course, harvest season may
not mean that much to someone who isn’t directly involved in agriculture. Nonetheless, our neighbors can
learn a lot from those of us who are — especially regarding their financial plan. I’m going to challenge you to
reflect on your harvest this year and apply it to your financial plan once Harvest Season is over.
Here are a few lessons to consider:
• “Feed” your portfolio. Through the proper combination of fertilizers and irrigation, farmers seek to
maximize the growth of their crops. And if you want to give your financial portfolio the opportunity to
grow, you need to “feed” it with the right mix of investments. This generally means you’ll need to own
a reasonable percentage of growth-oriented vehicles, such as stocks and stock-based securities. Keep in
mind, though, that the value of these types of investments will fluctuate, sometimes sharply — just like
the growth cycle of crops. There are growth spurts and the contrary.
• Be patient. Crops don’t grow overnight. Farmers know that they will put in countless hours of work
before they see the fruits of their labor. And they know that, along the way, they will likely experience
setbacks caused by a variety of issues: too much rain, too little rain, insect or pest damage — the list goes
on and on. When you invest, you shouldn’t expect to “get rich quick” — and you can expect to experience obstacles in the form of bear markets, economic downturns, changes in legislation and so forth.
Continuing to invest for the long term and focusing more on long-term results than short-term success
can help you as you work toward your financial goals.
• Respond to your investment “climate.” Farmers can’t control the weather, but they can respond to it. So, for
example, when it’s been dry for a long time, they can boost their irrigation. As an investor, you can’t control the economic “climate,” but you can make adjustments. To illustrate the current climate: If all signs
point to rising long-term interest rates, which typically have a negative effect on long-term bond prices,
you may need to consider reducing your exposure, at least for a while, to these bonds.
• Diversify. Farmers face a variety of risks, including bad weather and fluctuating prices. They can help
combat both threats through diversification. For instance, they can plant some crops that are more
drought-resistant than others, so they won’t face complete ruin when the rains don’t fall. As an investor,
you should also diversify; if you only owned one type of financial asset, and that asset class took a big
hit, you could sustain large losses. But spreading your dollars among an array of investments — such as
stocks, bonds, cash and other vehicles — may help reduce the effects of volatility on your portfolio.
Relatively few people toil in the fields to make a living. But by understanding the challenges of those who
farm the land, we all can learn some techniques that may help us to nurture our investments and financial
future. While you are running the chopper or dump truck this harvest season, reflect on these lessons above
and apply them this Winter! Keep your crop working for you, even after the harvest, by investing the proceeds for your retirement. I’ll be checking back in with you then.
Consider me as your financial resource; a true farm girl at heart who understands family and business dynamics and the important decisions that need to be made. Call me anytime at (315) 406-0731 or e-mail me at
44 - NYN October 2013
Luncrest Had a
3-01 2x 266 25,996 3.5 918 3.1 797
1st Senior 3-Yr-Old & Intermediate Champion at Tri-Co. Holstein Show
Her Fever daughter, LUNCREST MAGICAL FEVER-1512, was 3rd-place
winter calf.
& Lookin
2-03 2x 70 5,225 4.8 251 2.8 144 (Inc.)
1st Jr. 2-Year-Old at Tri-Co. & at NY State Fair
Owned by Luncrest, Clayton Wood, & Shane Reynolds
Goldwyn x VG Shottle x Shoremar S Alicia-ET (3E-97-DOM)
Other Tri-County Show Results:
• 1st Summer Yearling – LUNCREST GLSN WANDR-1470-ET
(Goldsun x EX-92 Shottle Whit x EX-92 Durham)
Wandr is a maternal sister to Wicked (at left).
• 1st Spring Yearling – MS ATWOOD LYZZETTE-ET (dam is an
EX-92 Mr. Sam back to the Lydia’s)
• 1st Winter Yearling – LUNCREST LONG-OVERDUE-1439
(Dempsey x VG Aspen x EX-94 Durham)
NY State Fair
• 1st Jr. & 3rd Spring Yearling – Kay-Ben Wndbk Dawn 1445ET (Windbrook x EX-94 Goldwyn x EX-93 Durham ** Look
for Dawn at WDE!
Reserve All-New York Sr. 2-Yr-Old 2012
Her Sept. 6th Goldsun calf, “Black Widow,” is STUNNING!
** We are looking forward to our
October classification!
Your visit and inquiries are always welcome.
The Lundy Family
1040 Lundy Rd. • Granville, NY 12832
Reid’s Cell: 518.796-3107 • Pat’s Cell: 518.932-2236
518.632.5449 • www.luncrest.com • BAA: 107.2
NYN October 2013 - 45
A Tour Through Tri-County
On a picture-perfect Friday
morning, I arrived at Luncrest Farm,
Granville, to pick up my guide
and annual traveling companion,
Regina Lundy, for a day on TriCounty farms. Many know Regina
as a member of the New York
Holstein Executive Committee and
a stalwart at the New York Spring
Dairy Carousel, and she and her
husband Bill, along with their son
Reid operate the family farm on one
of Granville’s majestic hills with a
million-dollar view. Son Pat, well
known among cattle fitting circles,
happened to be home as well at the
time of my visit.
The Luncrest herd is known
for its high production and great
type, and the Lundys have done
very well in the show ring through
the years. I could not stop at the
farm without seeing a few of their
tanbark favorites including Luncrest
Alex Wicked-1289 (VG-88), last
year’s Reserve All-New York Sr.
2-Year-Old, who was just fresh
with a stellar Goldsun heifer calf.
Wicked looks fantastic and may see
a show halter before the calendar
year ends. In the boxstall with her
was Regancrest-GVH Arizona-ET,
this year’s winning junior 2-yearold at the Tri-County Holstein Show
as well as the New York State Fair.
By Goldwyn, this heifer is strength,
style, and a great udder all rolled
into one. That’s no surprise given
that she is a granddaughter of
Shoremar S Alicia-ET (3E-97-DOM)
and is owned with Clayton Wood &
Shane Reynolds. Seeing these good
cows was a terrific start to the day!
amount of dry hay, and baleage at
night on pasture.
The Hobby Acres herd is a terrific
group, with outstanding udders,
pleasing type, and some wonderful
cow families. The premier maternal
line in the herd is definitely the
“E” family and all around the barn
and in the heifer pens, “E” family
members stand out, regardless of
their sire. The family is deeplyrooted in Tri-County history, as
the foundation of the family came
from the Bainridge herd, a Master
Breeder herd owned by the Bain
family. Bainridge Durham Elegance
(2E-94) was purchased, along
with her dam, Bainridge Progress
Elsa (3E-92), and they have built
a grand cow family in this herd.
Elegance herself was Reserve Grand
Champion at the New York State
Fair 2007 and those who follow
the show ring today or attended
the 2012 New York Holstein Picnic
remember the great Pronto daughter
that topped the Reflections of Maple
Downs Sale, Hobby-Acres Pronto
Edge. Now scored EX-93 at Cedar
Lane Farm in Oldwick, NJ, Edge
is just one of several outstanding
daughters of Elegance. In the end
stall is Elegance’s Shoremar James
Elusion (EX-90). Anyone needing
a judging lesson on what a cow’s
rump should look like should take
a look at Elusion. She is scored 100
in her rump – so wide, so correct, a
boxcar rump if ever there was one!
An EX Aspen, Hobby-Acres
Hobby Acres
Just outside the village of Argyle
is Hobby Acres, owned by Kyle
& Shanna Reid and their children
Brianna & Noah. Reids milk 90 cows
in a renovated tie-stall barn they
moved into less than two years ago.
They purchase their feed from Kyle’s
dad, allowing him more time to focus
on cow care and herd management. The herd is fed a ration of corn silage,
haylage, a commercial grain, a good
46 - NYN October 2013
Aspen Ebbie, is also an impressive
young cow from the family, she
being out of a VG-86 full sister to
Elegance. Kyle is milking some
nice young Glenn-Ann Palermo-ET
daughters including Hobby-Acres
Palermo Ella-ET, a maternal sister
to Elegance that looks great and has
a very promising future.
There are several other cow
families that are the foundation
for this up-and-coming herd. A
Liddleholme-YH Fever Rae-ET, was
springing nicely, she being a daughter
of Liddlehome-R Drhm Rhonda-ET
(EX-94). Other “Roxy’s” are among
the favorites, as are members of the
Krull Broker Elegance (3E-96 GMDDOM) family including Kyle’s NY
Harvest Sale consignment, a VG, 2y
Atwood daughter owned with Bill
Liddle. Another deep cow family
goes back to the Frogmore herd of
Wed & Dorothy Engst. Frogmore
Stardust Lucy (VG-88) was purchased
at that dispersal back in 1995 and
has several descendants in the herd
including a VG Gibson daughter and
her Absolute maternal sister. Other
valued herd members are from the
Tyrbach Elevation Twinkie (3E-97
GMD-DOM) and the MD-Delight
Durham Atlee (EX-92 GMD-DOM)
It is clear that Kyle Reid has
a plan and that is to succeed in
breeding a great herd of cows,
deepening their pedigrees, and
merchandizing more. Certainly
“Edge” was a great example of that,
and Kyle notes that he is using bulls
that are marketable, yet siring the
kind of cattle he wants to work with
every day. He is breeding cows that
are built to last several lactations,
produce well, and continue to build
pedigrees. Currently he is using
Brokaw, Fever, Shakespeare, and
others that are high on their type
traits. Kyle loves to talk cows and
he knows good cows, a great fit for
anyone stopping at Hobby-Acres.
It’s a great time with an enthusiastic
young family that will no doubt
continue to breed outstanding
Holsteins for years to come.
Cornerest Farm
Steeped in a family history that
spans 200 years, Jim and Kathy
Nelson and their sons, Mark and
Peter, operate Cornerest Farm in
Granville. The Nelsons milk 190
cows in a double-eight flat barn
with a rolling herd average right at
As one descends the hill toward
Cornerest, you immediately notice
the new heifer barn across the
road from the other buildings. The
barn was built in 2012 and heifers
and dry cows were moved in last
November. Measuring 248 feet by 64
feet, this very impressive structure
has bedded packs for several groups
and is bright, airy, easy to clean
and feed in, and makes a fantastic
facility for the younger cattle and
dry cows.
The Nelsons and their prefix are
well known in the area, showing
at the Tri-County Holstein Show
and the Washington County Fair.
Perhaps the best known cow on the
farm is Cornerest Roy Lass (2E-92),
a Roy daughter from a VG-86 Patriot
followed by a VG-86 Airliner. Now
approaching 11 years of age, Lass
has been a great show cow through
the years and is now proving herself
a star brood cow as well. There are
27 daughters of hers on the farm,
sired by such bulls as Damion,
Shottle, Outside, Sanchez, Atwood,
Fever, Gold Chip, and Braxton. One
Damion daughter is EX, and Lass
has six VG daughters to date. One
of her Shottle daughters, Cornerest
Shottle Laralee-ET (VG-86) was
flushed to Comestar Stormatic-ET
and those heifers are now calving.
Laralee also has two natural calves
by Atwood, another bull that has
worked very well at Cornerest. It
is an exciting next generation and
the cow family is one that transmits
good type, solid production, and
they are cows that work well in
Nelsons’ environment. Jim notes
that “Lass had the great udder, the
type, and the milk so we wanted
more of them.”
When asked about what kind of
cow they are striving to breed, Peter
says they want “the all-around cow”
– type, profitable production, and
longevity. Sire selection currently
centers around +2.00T and higher,
strong health traits, and high milk
production. Bulls that have worked
well also include several from the
Pala family (Power, Pronto, and
Phoenix), as well as Man-O-Man,
Man-O-Man 2, and Magnetism.
Currently Peter is choosing 60%
proven bulls/40% genomic bulls
Atwood, Gold Chip, Aftershock,
Dorcy, Explode, Airlift, and Chelios
seeing heavy usage.
A very interesting aspect of this
herd’s ancestry includes a purchase
of embryos from Vt-Pond-View Farm
in VT. Several years ago, a group
of embryos was purchased, all
backed by the long, deep, high-type
pedigrees that farm is known for, and
there were 12 heifers that resulted
from that purchase. Vt-Pond-View
D Camile-ET (VG-87) was one of
those, she being a Dundee backed
by EX-93 & 4E-95 dams.
With a rich family history behind
Cornerest Farm and a hard-working
family committed to dairy farming
and breeding a great herd, it is clear
that the Nelson family enjoys what
it does and takes great pride in the
land they work and the cows with
which they work.
Hanehan Family
Dairy LLC
Reflective of the many large,
well-run, commercial farms in the
Tri-County area is the Hanehan
Family Dairy LLC located in
Stillwater. The Hanehan family
has a great reputation for putting a
positive face on large-scale dairying,
with a very attractive farmstead,
well-maintained buildings, and
great cattle that are well cared for
and profitable. A walk around
their impressive facility shows the
Hanehans’ meticulous attention to
detail and pride in their farm.
Wood has been very visible in the
genomic circle with her prolific
cow family that began with a
gift from her parents, Cliff and
Kathy, Ned-El Ivann Hannah (VG88). Her granddaughter, Ned-El
Ramos Marley (EX-DOM) became
a popular bull mother, including
Ned-El Man-O-Man Boyoboy-ET at
Genex. Marley and her offspring
have really put the farm on the map
as a source of outstanding, highly
profitable genetics. Several family
members have been contracted to
A.I. and for embryos. Others have
sold through the industry’s most
prestigious sales as well bearing
Katie’s “Red-Ivy” prefix.
For those wanting to see an
extremely efficient, modern dairy
that is progressing well into the
future, Hanehan Family Dairy fits
the bill and makes a great stop
when in the Tri-County area.
One Last Stop
Regina and I made one last
stop on the day at Argyle Cheese
Farmer, a recently-started enterprise
run by Marge & Dave Randles.
They milk 50 cows on their farm
and their retail store and wide
presence at farmers’ markets in
the area is gaining them a great
reputation for their outstanding
yogurt, hard cheese, cheese curd,
and buttermilk. Just as important,
Argyle Cheese Farmer is educating
the public about dairy farming and
all that goes into producing a highquality product. I am now a walking
testimonial that their Greek yogurt
is particularly outstanding (try the
maple!) and I am always pleased
to see dairy farmers finding a new,
profitable niche to stay vibrant
and vital in today’s challenging
agricultural climate. Added to that,
it is clear that Randles are loving
what they are doing and expansion
looks not only to be a dream, but
now a necessity!
NYN October 2013 - 47
GTPI +2162
on the
GTPI +2184
1-11 3x 365 28,461 4.0 1125 3.4 967 (True Protein)
Due in Feb. ’14.
Walton has daughters by Epic, Parker, and Predestine and
pregnancies by Salvatore and Tango. 9th gen. VG
Selling as Lot 12 in the World Classic, Oct. 4
Welcome Parker-P Whit-ET *PC b. 5/13/13 – GTPI +2290
PTA +806M +65F +49P +714NM +4.0PL
2.53SCS +1.5DPR +2.29
Walton’s daughter by Hickorymea Parker-P-ET
GTPI +2156
2-00 3x 365 32,252 4.4 1409 3.2 1037 (True Protein)
PTA +1241M +83F +50P +641NM 2.68DCS +.2DPR +2.12T
Her dam is Vision-Gen Mac Gild-Tw (VG-87), next dam is Welcome
Outside Golden-ET (EX-90 GMD-DOM). Gildie has daughters by
Supersire, Predestine, & Oak and pregnancies by Mack.
GTPI +2136
2-01 3x 310 25,518 4.1 1056 3.4 856 Inc. (True Protein)
PTA +1103M +78F +44P +628NM 2.74SCS +2.57T
Her dam is Welcome Shottle Lynex-ET (EX-90 GMD-DOM), next
dam is Magna Lunor-ET (EX-90 GMD-DOM). Lauri has Epic &
Lithium daughters and pregnancies by Jacey, Multiple, & Beluga.
Inquiries always welcome.
1-11 3x 175 14,998 3.6 539 3.0 453 Inc. (True Protein)
PTA +1055M +53F +36P +646NM +5.8PL
2.80SCS +1.7DPR +1.80T
Freddie x Welcome Jeeves Walton-ET (VG-86), next dam is
Augustine Wanda-ET (VG-87 GMD-DOM). Wilmot has daughters
by Bruno and pregnancies by Midnight & Greenway.
48 - NYN October 2013
The William Peck Family
285 W. River Road • Schuylerville, NY 12871
Phone 518.424.6770 • Fax 518.695.3375
+2299 GTPI Dorcy
+2224 GTPI Niagra
+2199 GTPI Iota
(VG-86, EX-MS)
2-04 3x 186 17,800 4.3 765 3.1 535 (Inc.)
PTA +1260M +50F +39P +699NM +5.8PL
2.58SCS +.4DPR
PTA +2.81T +3.04UDC +3.11FLC
Dextra is the dam of Doorman Dina w/GTPI
+2649 & #3 in the Breed. SHE SELLS IN THE
has daughters by McCutchen, Predestine, Oak, &
Doorman and pregnancies by Flame, Halogen,
Nominee, and Ponder.
PTA +459M +38F +28P +572NM +4.5PL
2.79SCS +2.2DPR
PTA +3.03T +3.37UDC +2.09FLC
Something different here! Anna is from a VG-87
Mac x VG Jet Stream. We have daughters by Galaxy,
Predestine, & Cashcoin. Anna will be scored soon
and continues on a flush program.
PTA +2036M +66F +58P +593NM +2.5PL
2.75SCS +.9DPR
PTA +2.36T +1.62UDC +1.80FLC
Tacey is just fresh and looks great! Her
McCutchen daughter is his #1 for Protein
and Milk at +2294M +91F +77P +3.07T
Tacey has pregnancies coming by Jabir, Halogen,
Mack, Long-P, Multiply, & Salvatore. – Owned
with Midas Touch Genetics
+2390 GTPI Uno
+2176 GTPI Explode
+2250 GTPI Iota
2-00 3x 365 34,700 4.3 1485 3.3 1142
Her dam is a VG-DOM Oman followed by 4 more
VG dams. Her Uno daughter, Kings-Ransom Uno
Rheema-ET, is +2390 GTPI (162 pts. above
Parent Average) and has pregnancies by Rodgers,
Reflector, Racer, Montross, and is on service to
Man-P. She will continue on an IVF program.
(VG-86, VG-MS @ 2-04)
2-02 3x 365 32,250 3.3 1052 3.0 959
PTA +1304M +22F +31P +524NM +4.7PL
2.63SCS +1.6DPR
PTA +3.04T +2.90UDC +2.15FLC
Her dam is a VG-87, EX-MS Colby followed by a
VG-88, EX-MS DOM Boliver x 2E-92 GMD-DOM
Bombay. Reality has daughters by Supersire and
McCutchen that are being flushed. Many embryos
have been exported and we have pregnancies by
Bookem Bob, Oak, & Flame.
(EX-91, EX-MS)
4-02 3x 365 28,700 4.8 1373 3.6 1021
Next dam is RM Destiny (2E-93-DOM) with
1506f, then VG-85-GMD Gibon. Dil’s VG-87
Jeeves daughter is the dam of Kings-Ransom Iota
Drama-ET w/GTPI +2250. Drama is just fresh
with 106 lbs. on 1st test and looks awesome!
She has daughters by Shan, Oak, & Predestine
and pregnancies by Ducati-Red, Windsor, Mack,
Willpower, Shanosber-P, & Cashcoin.
311 King Rd., Schuylerville, NY 12871
518-791-2876 (Jeff’s cell) • ph. 518-695-9245
email: jeffking@kingsransomfarm.com
We were proud to be named
Premier Exhibitor at the 2013
Tri-County Holstein Show.
NYN October 2013 - 49
The foundation…
… of our business has always been supported by great cows and excellent people. Our
sentiments are bittersweet as we say goodbye to two people who, for the last decade and a half,
have had a significant role in building our business, and say hello to two new members of our
team possessing great potential. We have high hopes for an exciting future at Ideal Dairy!
A special thank you to all the members of our team for your contributions to the success of our
business. We appreciate your diligence.
Goodbye and thank you for your many years of service, Phil Wilson and Lori Hoyt. You will be
greatly missed.
Hello to Luke Getty and Elizabeth Quinn. Your passion and efforts symbolize a new generation at
Ideal Dairy!
Halo’s Massey Sells
To the NY Harvest Sale
(VG-88, EX-MS) – GTPI +2329
#10 GTPI Cow in the Breed!
2-03 3x 365 35,410 5.2 1832 3.5 1241
8th Generation VG & EX in the Dellia Family,
ALL with EX-MS!
PTA +1582M +82F +67P +866NM +2.26T
** And in the World Classic, Oct. 4 –
Halo’s +2514 AltaOak sells!
#1 AltaOak in the Breed at +2514!
John & Denise Dickinson
Crystal Grimaldi – Kyle Getty
1399 Mattison Rd.
Hudson Falls, NY 12839
Office: 239 Vaughn Rd.
Ph. 518/747-5059
50 - NYN October 2013
Fax: 518/747-4869
Email: qbholsteins@gmail.com
John’s Cell: 518/858-6017
Denise’s Cell: 518/858-6156
Crystal’s Cell: 518/321-3377
Kyle’s Cell: 518/321-4317
Ready for the Harvest
2 Great Consignments to
the NY Harvest Sale
Her Shotglass Gr’Dtr.
4-04 3x 365 39,570 4.5 1782 3.0 1177
7-00 3x 305 36,120 3.8 1359 3.4 1214
Multiple sons & grandsons in A.I. from
this family including “Racer.” Her Man
O Man daughter was the $91,000 top
of the 2010 National Convention Sale.
Ramo 1200 is a 6th gen. DOM!
b. 5/16/2013 – GTPI +2286
PTA +1537M +69F +38P +786NM +6.6PL
2.52SCS +.3DPR
PTA +2.41T +2.39UDC +2.09FLC
Her dam is a Shamrock w/+2228GTPI & +3.36T
due in November that looks great!
Her O Daddy Sells
VVVVV) - GTPI +1999
2-00 3x 365 24,610 3.9 961 3.2 783
PTA +479M +44F +28P +486NM +3.7PL +.9DPR
PTA +2.25T +2.13UDC +.76FLC
Next dam is a VG-87-DOM Brett w/multiple
A.I. contracts, followed by 9 more gens. VG
& EX.
b. 3/31/2103 – GTPI +2339
PTA +945M +52F +42P +763NM +6.6PL
2.53SCS +1.6DPR
PTA +3.15T +2.59UDC +2.44FLC
** 230 Pts. Above Parent Average!!
Jean Peck
Kevin & Carrie Peck
800 RT. 32N, Schuylerville, NY 12871
Ph: 518-695-4838 • FAX: 518-695-5102
Email: kpeck1@nycap.rr.com
NYN October 2013 - 51
It’s In the Genes!
Great Offerings to the New York Harvest Sale
Her Numero Uno &
Daughters Sell
2-08 2x 365 25,150 4.5 1126 3.9 977
Next dam is Larcrest Crimson-ET (2E-91-DOM) w/1710f,
then 5 more VG & EX dams. One of the breed’s premier
families & genomics are consistently above Parent Average!
Selling is Chessa’s 12/3/2012 Numero Uno daughter:
GTPI +2351 +711NM ++74F +45P +2.69T
** Also selling is a Man-O-Shan calf x Chessa!
– Consigned with Don Welk & David Kulp
16th Gen. EX
3-04 3x 365 32,760 4.7 1547 3.8 1261
By James, next dam is an EX Stormatic with
1604f, then 13 more EX dams back to Audrey
Posch (EX-93).
Selling is Robette’s fancy September ’12
Hero daughter. And she is GOOD!
– Consigned with David Kulp
We have appreciated the interest and compliments on our show string
throughout the year. Looking for your next show winner? Give us a call!
Roll-N-View Farms LLC
Todd Galton & Family
Nunda, NY 14517 – 585/739-9958
website: www.holsteinworld.com/roll-n-view
52 - NYN October 2013
The NY Holstein Harvest Sale
Saturday, October 26th, 2013 • 11:00A.M.
Cornell Livestock Pavilion, Ithaca, NY
100 of the finest from the Northeast & Canada will sell!
Offerings from EX-97 All-Canadians & All-Americans! Contract high GTPI individuals!
The best of Red & Whites & Polled females! One of the greatest selections to ever grace the shavings!
Bru-Dale MOM Starly-ET (VG-85, VG-MS)
2-01 3x 365d 28,700 4.3 1222 3.4 1056
This special Man O Man has an early May ’13
Predestine dtr. selling w/GTPI +2336 +$694NM +66F
+40P +3.04T! Next dam by Shottle is 2E-90-DOM
w/1149f @ 2y! Higher Ransom 518-753-9951
Tiger-Lily Lawnboy Lulu-Red (VG-87)
4-07 3x 244 26,232 4.4 1150 3.1 817 (Inc.)
The dam of world famous Ladd-P-Red & we are
selling his RC, Polled, maternal sister by Supersire
w/GTPI +2161 +1009M +77F +52P +2.84T +569NM!
Marshman Farms 607-843-5881
Larcrest Chessa-ET (VG-87)
2-08 2x 365d 25,150 4.5 1126 3.9 977
Her Numero Uno dtr. sells w/GTPI +2351 +$711NM!
Full sister sold for $24,000! Next dam 2E-91 GMDDOM Crimson w/1710f! Man-O-Shan sister also sells
born 6/13! Todd Galton, Kulp, Welk 717-664-3175
Kellercrest Super Liesl-ET (VG-85, VG-MS)
2-06 3x 186 19,524 3.4 659 2.9 575 (Inc.)
This heavily contracted Super dtr. has a Massey dtr.
selling w/GTPI +2315 +1588M +62F +50P +$730NM
+5.8PL! Also selling her early Predestine dtr. w/
GTPI +2315 +1571M +$760NM +7.0PL +62F +46P!
Gr’dam 2E-92 GMD-DOM Shottle w/2605f! Next 4
dams all VG & EX. Welcome Stock & David Chlus
Golden-Oaks Latte-ET (VG-86)
2-00 3x 365d 32,330 4.3 1394 3.3 1083
This Man O Man has an early Predestine dtr. selling
w/GTPI +2338 +1167M +71F +56P +$709NM
+4.6PL +2.85T! Next dam 2E-93 w/1753f! Awesome
pedigree! Bacon Hill Holsteins 518-695-3375
Unique-Style Bolton Money (EX-91-DOM)
3-01 3x 365d 38,430 4.2 1614 3.2 1247
The gr’dam of the #1 heifer on 9/13 run & # 6 of
the breed, her fancy Numero Uno dtr. sells ready to
flush w/GTPI +2277 +87F +50P +$720NM +1085M
+ 4.1PL! Next dam VG-88 w/1043f! Bacon Hill 518695-3373
Quality BC Frantisco (3E-96)
3-07 2x 365d 34,744 5.8 2002 3.3 1144
This 5X All-Can & 2X Royal Grand Champion has a
stellar Braxton gr’dtr. selling born Jan ’13! Dam of
Braxton heifer is VG-87 Goldwyn 3-yr-old w/866f @
2y! Quality Holsteins 416-725-8733
Astrahoe JMS Ruby Robette (EX-90)
3-04 3x 365d 32,760 4.7 1547 3.8 1261
This 15th Gen. EX by James has a smashing Hero
dtr. born 9/12 that sells! Gr’dam EX-90 Stormatic
w/1604f & heifer selling could be 16th Gen. EX! Todd
Galton & Kulp 717-664-3175
Golden-Oaks RMN Rae2-Red-ET *PO (VG-88)
4-08 2x 365d 28,390 4.4 1255 3.6 1019
Her Polled, RC Earnhardt P dtr. sells born 2/13 w/
GTPI +1973! Gr’dam EX-90 “Perk Rae-Red” w/1161f!
The Roxy’s, Red, Polled, Genomics! It’s all here!
Kulpdale 717-664-3175
NYN October 2013 - 53
Ovaltop Talent Roxette (VG-88)
4-04 2x 325d 31,170 3.5 1080 3.3 1026
2nd Place 125,000-Lb. Cow 2013 NYS Fair, her
Phoenix dtr. sells born 12/12! Gr’dam VG-87 w/1167f
@ 3y, 3rd dam EX-90, 4th EX-94 GMD-DOM, 5th
2E-92 GMD-DOM, 6th EX-90 GMD-DOM then 4E-97GMD “Roxy!” Ovaltop 315-858-2882
Bullcrest Peoti 7109-ET
Peoti’s highest daughter w/GTPI +2410 & heavily
contracted! Peoti 7109’s maternal sister by Supersire
sells! She is the #2 Supersire daughter in the U.S. for
Milk at +2933M & GTPI +2248! Dam is a Super with
over 41,000m at 1-11, next dam is Ms Welcome Colby
Taya-ET (VG-88-DOM) w/1-10 3x 365 41,240 3.3
1357 3.0 1255! Carlton Bull 518-493-7390
Ms Delicious Apple-Red-ET (EX-92)
2-02 2x 365 26,460 3.9 1036 3.3 871
Talent daughter of the All-American show ring
legend KHW Regiment Apple-Red-ET (2E-95-DOM)
w/30,810 5.0 1527 3.9 1212. Selling from Delicious
Apple’s Red Mr. Burns daughter who was 4th Jr. 2-YrOld at the 2012 RWF are 6 Long-P and 6 Redburst
sexed, IVF embryos. Purple Fever Holsteins & Jacob
Dueppengiesser 585-704-4725
Woodmansees Ljet Pewter-ET (2E-93)
4-06 2x 365d 31,040 5.0 1539 3.7 1134
2 sell from this family including her fresh Durham dtr.
milking 100 lbs & Super Large gr’dtr. born 9/12 from
VG Durham! Next dam EX-92 w/1350f! Pewter has 3
EX dtrs. already! Adam Austin 518-686-1428
Joleanna Gold Pourin Rain-ET (VG-89, 2y)
2nd Jr. 2-Yr-Old WDE ’12. Fresh again & just crowned
Grand Champion 2013 NY State Fair, her maternal sister
by Braxton sells born March ’13! Dam is EX-91 Durham,
gr’dam EX-94 & next 2 dams EX! This family makes the
All-Americans! Oakfield Corners 585-704-2501
Tr-Day Rose of P Adeen-ET (2E-91)
4-03 2x 365d 45,800 3.4 1539 2.9 1312
Her RC Acme gr’dtr born 12/12 sells! Dam of heifer
is a VG-88 Advent w/1187f that makes proven show
winners & Nomination offspring! Next dam is an EX94 full sister to “Ashlyn!” Joleanna 607-369-2251
Windy-Knoll-View F Pizaz-ET (EX-91)
3-03 2x 365d 25,500 4.1 1034 3.5 883
3 dtrs. sells including her fancy Goldwyn born 3/13;
Gold Chip born 12/12 & really stellar Atlantic dtr. due
3/1 to sexed McCutchen! Next dam 3E-95-GMD-DOM
All-American “Pledge,” then Promis (2E-95 GMDDOM), then Pala (3E-94-DOM)! Markland Holsteins
Ernest-Anthony Assure-ET (EX-91)
2-04 3x 365d 28,770 3.9 1119 3.2 927
This awesome Shottle is working on a 35,000-lb.
record this year & looks to score higher! Selling
her fancy Goldwyn Clark dtr. born 9/12! Next dam
“Ambrosia” 3E-95-GMD w/1983f & Res-AA, the 2E96 GMD-DOM “Ashlyn!” Sensational opportunity!
Joleanna & Rama 607-435-2228
Welcome Mac Peytan-Et (Vg-87)
2-04 3x 365 31,650 4.7 1479 3.8 1204
+2133 GTPI and out of Goldwyn Penya (VG-89 GMDDOM) with 1203f. Peytan’s really special Number One
daughter with +2254 GTPI +94F +50P +602NM sells
due in March ’14 with a Supersire heifer calf! Ransom
Rail Farms, Inc., 585-704-4725
Sale Sponsored By:
Patricia Gifford, Executive Manager
957 Mitchell St. – Ithaca, NY 14850
607-273-7591 – pgifford@nyholsteins.com
54 - NYN October 2013
Dave Rama . . . . . . . . . . .
Horace Backus . . . . . . . .
Don Welk . . . . . . . . . . . .
Ray LeBlanc . . . . . . . . . .
Rick VerBeek . . . . . . . . .
Tom Harkenrider . . . . . . .
Patsy Gifford . . . . . . . . . .
Sale Managed By / Catalogs:
Sale held at the
Cornell Livestock Pavilion
in Ithaca, NY
Autumn-Ridge Strm Murphy (3E-93-DOM)
5-05 2x 365 33,660 4.8 1612 3.1 1043
A major league show winner from the famous “Mary”
family, selling is a fancy June ’12 Sid dtr. bred to sexed
Atwood! Dam of heifer is VG-87 Buckeye w/1102f,
2nd dam VG-86 w/1113f & 3rd dam “Murphy” above!
Pedigree to burn! Austin Milligan 585-356-3820
MS Donwaland Talnt Tilly-ET (2E-94)
2-06 2x 365d 26,940 4.0 1079 3.4 903
Her RC Redburst born 9/12 sells & is backed by 6 EX94 dams! This could be a 1st for the breed! Gr’dam
2E-94 w/1304f, 3rd 3E-94 w/1188f, 4th dam 3E-94
w/1217f, 5th dam 4E-94-DOM w/1063f, 6th dam is 5E94 w/1168f! Stonehurst Farm 717-575-4700
Horstyle Elmpark Moy-Red-ET (VG-88)
GTPI +1764 +1778M +41F +47P
3-07 2x 365d 40,880 4.2 1715 3.2 1317
From this heavily contracted Mr. Burns dtr. we are
selling 5 #1 Sympatico embryos! Next dam 2E-90GMD-DOM BW Marshall dtr. w/42,610 3.5 1484 3.0
1282 & 3rd dam VG-87 Mtoto w/1169f! Very rare!
Cedar Lane Farm 908-439-2143!
Muranda Sanchez Dance (EX-92)
2-0 2x 365d 30,020 3.5 1060 3.4 1025
Look for her Man O Man dtr. selling ready to flush
w/GTPI +2079 +60F +49P +2.73T! Next dam EX91 Goldwyn w/1218f then a 2E Rubens! Muranda
Holsteins 315-539-1103
End-Road Bronco Meadow-ET
2-02 2x 305d 18,750 3.8 717 3.3 628
Her gr’dtr. by Dean sells ready to flush w/GTPI +2350
+1608M +69F +57P +$703NM +4.1PL +3.02T! Dam
is VG-85, 2y Robust working on great record! Select
Sires 614-873-4683
Juniper Outside Wish (2E-94-DOM)
5-06 2x 365d 42,580 4.0 1624 2.9 1228
From her family we are selling a Massey dtr. ready
to flush w/GTPI +2333 +1435M +59F +61P +$766NM
+5.0PL +2.11T! Dam by Bookem just scored GP-82
@ 2y & looks great! Gr’dam is VG-87-DOM Laudan
w/1170f, 3rd dam “Wish” above, then 2 EX-94 dams!
Select Sires 614-873-4683
Potters-Field Boja 9854-ET (VG-86)
2-00 2x 365d 29,510 4.2 1234 3.5 1023
This heavily contracted Planet has a Polled, RC
Special Effect dtr. selling born 3/13 w/GTPI +2061
+79F +32P +5.9PL +$682NM making her one of the
highest RC, Polled heifers in the world! Gr’dam EX91-DOM w/1126f & generations of VG & EX dams!
Spruce Haven Farm 315-729-5378
Ladys-Manor RubyF Geri-ET (2E-94-DOM)
3-00 2x 365d 35,400 4.6 1613 3.5 1225
Her special Shamrock dtr. sells due in Dec. w/Chipper
P heifer calf! Gr’dam EX-90 GMD-DOM w/1813f!
Heifer selling has GTPI +2073 +1549M +51F +45P
+3.7PL +2.69T! Nate Janssen 847-224-7859
Goldie Sanchez Chardonay-ET (VG-89)
2-03 2x 310d 20,440 3.8 778 3.4 685
Her Supersonic dtr. sells w/GTPI +2061 ready to
flush! Gr’dam VG-88-DOM Baxter! Dam is fresh
again & looks to be high EX & was 3rd @ ’12 Eastern
Fall National! Nate Janssen 847-224-7859
Terms of Sale: Cash or good Check sale day or by overnight express mail!
Long distance trucking will be available with all cattle tested for
immediate interstate shipment!
Sale hosted & supported by the Cornell University Dairy Science Club!
NYN October 2013 - 55
A Big League
To the New York
Harvest Sale, Oct. 26
The #2 Supersire Daughter for Milk Sells!
PTA +2933M +86F +77P +648NM
PTA +2.43T +1.34UDC +1.22FLC
Her GP-83 dam by Super has 1-11 3x 365 41,100 3.0 1241 2.9 1169
7650’s Maternal Sister
PTA +1941M +73F +66P +751NM +4.0PL +1.1DPR
PTA +2.73T +2.59UDC +2.19FLC
The #1 Peoti daughter in the U.S.!
7650’s Famous Granddam
1-10 3x 365 41,237 3.3 1357 3.2 1333
World-wide demand for sons & embryos.
Next 3 dams are all VG & EX and over 1000f.
Get right into
the Big League
with this great
Carlton Bull & Family
851 Ashley Rd. – West Chazy, NY 12992
(518) 493-7390 (home) or (518) 726-0383 (cell) – Chalizfarm@aol.com
56 - NYN October 2013
Harvest Proven Family Genetics
Selling in the NY Harvest Sale, October 26
R&W Granddaughter Sells
7-10 2x 365 30,450 5.0 1529 3.2 975
Lifetime: 155,270 5.0 7821 3.4 5203
Selling is a fancy red & white calf sired by Advent out of a VG
Talent dam with 3-07 2x 330 25,710 4.2 1076 3.1 790. Granddam
above; 3rd dam is 3E-93 with over 225,000M 4.1%f lifetime.
Atwood Daughter Sells
6-06 2x 308 29,660 4.6 1361 3.2 938
7-06 2x 365 30,020 4.6 1369 3.3 989
Selling is her Dec. ’12 calf sired by Atwood. Granddam is VG-86
with over 134,000M lifetime averaging 4.3%f. Next 4 dams are
all Excellent & GMD’s in the remarkable “Lulu” family.
Phoenix Daughter Sells
4-04 2x 325 31,170 3.5 1080 3.3 1026
5-04 2x 365 29,510 3.6 1074 3.4 990
Selling is her Phoenix daughter born in December. Granddam
is VG-87 & next 6 dams are all Excellent from the great “Roxy”
family. 7th dam is Roxy (4E-97-GMD), “Queen of the Breed.”
Bred Heifer Sells From the “T” Family
6-08 2x 365 30,200 4.2 1265 2.9 882
Selling is her Denison great gr-daughter due in December to
Phoenix. She is from our “T” family & a daughter of Ovaltop
Liquor Tab (EX-91). Granddam is Durham Tabby and then
backed by 2 generations of multiple Excellent dams.
6 Recently-Fresh First Calf Heifers
to the O-H-M Club Sale
Sat., October 19th at Roedale Farm
All are recently fresh and off to a
good start. Check out our September
News ad for all the details.
Howard W. Wolfe & Family
436 Chyle Road – Richfield Springs, NY 13439
NYS Master Breeder Herd
24 Year PBR Herd
BAA - 110.4% 29 EX 38 VG 11 GP
DHIR Avg. 26,318 3.7 970 3.0 800
Howard & Ginny 315.858.2882
Doug 315.858.9058
Mike & Monica 315.858.1460
Fax 315.858.0842
Email: ovaltop@ntcnet.com
NYN October 2013 - 57
Harvest From The Atlee Tree
Dam of Calf Selling
Sister of Calf Selling
2-01 2x 362 29,380 4.0 1160 3.1 921
3-10 2x 365 31,200 4.0 1232 3.0 958
Granddaughter of Atlee (EX-92 GMD-DOM), Albee’s first
three daughters fresh, all by Observer, are VG at 2 years!
3rd Fall Calf at NY State Fair ‘13
5th Fall Calf at NY International
Spring Holstein Show ‘13
Albee and her offspring are owned with Mark Bainbridge.
Paramount Holsteins
Joe, Emily, Kayla & Kendra Dechow
4643 Lenox Rd. – Lawtons, NY 14091
716-913-2974 Joe – 716-829-9049 Emily
Selling is a March 2013 Cameron
with GTPI + 2213 …
Dairy & Stylish!
Maternal brothers in A.I.
These Heifers Will Grow On You!
2 Dtrs. to the NY Harvest Sale
2 Gr’Dtrs. Sell
4 Great
Fall Sale
(VG-85, 2y) – GTPI +2167
2-06 3x 186 19,524 3.4 659 2.9 575 (Inc.)
Heavily contracted for sons, Liesl’s dam is a 2E-92
GMD-DOM Shottle with 6-09 3x 365 57,130 5.3
3030 2.9 1633! Next 4 dams are VG & EX.
Selling: Welcome-Tel Massey Lenci-ET
b. 5/312013 – GTPI +2315
Welcome-Tel Predestine Liza-ET
b. 5/26/2013 – GTPI +2315
Consigned with Welcome Stock Farm
58 - NYN October 2013
Mitch, David, & Andrew Chlus
388 Myers Rd.
Little Falls, NY 13365
(315) 823-3196
(VG-86, 2y) – GTPI +1954
2-02 3x 365 29,010 4.2 1222 3.2 928
Next 7 dams all VG & EX!
Drape’s Jeeves Paul daughter w/GTPI +2095 is the
dam of 2 heifers selling:
To the NY Harvest Sale: TELSTAR HUNTER
DANDELION-ET b. 5/7/2013 – GTPI +2232
To the O-H-M Club Sale, Oct. 19:
b. 5/5/2013 – GTPI +2050
All-Breeds Convention 2014
at the
Radisson Hotel, Corning, NY
“All Breeds Have Class in the City of Glass!”
Senior Convention • Thursday - Saturday, Jan. 16-18
Junior Convention • Saturday - Monday, Jan. 18-20
– Convention Hosts –
Allegany-Steuben Holstein Club
NYN October 2013 - 59
Scenes from
the Summer
60 - NYN October 2013
Cow Family Foundations for the Future
Collins-crest Outb Tillable (GP-83)
Collins-crest Outbound WOW (VG-86)
Collins-crest Lee Tomatillo (2E-90)
Collins-crest Charlie Tuna (EX-90 @ 12 years)
2-05 305d ME 23,340 3.6 830 3.0 708
Schilldale Outbound daughter of Tomatillo
Due April 2014 to Avalon
Comestar Lee from VG-85 Red-Marker with
5-09 2x 306d 24,804 3.4 849 3.0 752
Pictured 3 days before 7th calving at 10-00
Lifetime to date: 181,000M 5905F 5500P
Other daus. are VG-85 4-yr-old Jayz & June ’12
Willsbro Larson
Collins-crest 2-Yr-Olds @ NY Holstein Futurity
3rd Collins-crest Outbound WOW (VG-86)
6th Collins-crest Outb Tillable (GP-83)
7th Collins-crest Dusk Gladtime (VG-85)
8th Collins-crest SS Delight (VG-86)
Each represents 6 to 10 gens.
of Collins-crest breeding since 1974
Cattle of all ages available
Visitors Welcome –
Please call Ahead
2-04 305d ME 26,690m 822f 726p
Outbound daughter from 3 VG-88 dams
Has a March ’13 Fever daughter
Serviced to Dempsey
Charles from GP-82 Thor with 28,000 3.9 1106;
next dam is a 2E-90 Midnight with
31,000m 980f 972p
Lifetime: 216,030 4.1 8831 3.3 7031
8 daus. (no ET) including C-c RM Tamale-Tw,
dam of Tomatillo
9/14/2013 Classification Highlights
Two new Excellents
- Collins-crest LPT Gracious (EX-90, EX-MS @ 7-10)
- Collins-crest Sam Pizazz (EX-90, EX-MS @ 6-10)
Two new 2E:
- Collins-crest Storm Puzzle (2E-91, EX-MS @ 12-03)
dam of Pizazz
- Collins-crest Modest Girl (2E-91, EX-MS @ 6-06)
Seven new VG including 4 first lactation
Herd stats: 7 EX 23 VG 10 GP
George & Marcia Merrill
471 Porter Road, Malone, NY 12953
NYN October 2013 - 61
New York
Member Directory
Robert & Daniel Crowell
1414 Cassadaga Road
South Dayton, NY 14138
Coyne Farms Inc.
Ray & Brad Cates
1081 Otisco Valley Road
Preble, NY 13141
Fax 315.636.8489
Mike Walker
7 Woodmancy St.
Randolph, NY 14772
Cell 716.397.1597
Now representing Jet Stream
Genetics in addition to having
all your favorites.
Ask about our monthly specials.
Bill Van Skiver 607-738-8418
62 - NYN October 2013
Registered Holsteins
BAA 108.5
Robert, James & Melvin Irwin
139 Jarvis Rd. • Peru, NY 12972
I’m looking forward
To the O-H-M Sale
on October 19th.
DO NOT miss the Semen
Sale on Friday evening,
Oct. 18th!
Selling all the hot bulls!!
Call toll-free
1-877-530-2687 if you
need to order ahead!
Richard N. Mellinger
The News …
Not just for New Yorker’s anymore!
Subscribers in 27 states
Online readers
in 42 countries
Give your herd & breeding
program the exposure
they deserve!
Advertising programs for
EVERY budget.
Michael McCaffrey, Editor – (607) 218-6378
New York
Member Directory
BAA: 110.2 – RHA 24,000m
Cattle of all ages available!
Visitors always welcome.
Visitors and Inquiries on Cattle Always Welcome
Eugene, Holly, & Andre Poirier
309 Covered Bridge Rd. • Unadilla, NY 13849
159 Taylor Rd. - North Bangor, NY 12966
607.369.2251 • Barn 607.369.9434
(518) 483-6696
Brenda L. Van Hatten
Clinton M. Van Hatten
7810 Putnam Rd.
Barneveld, NY 13304
1609 Redstone Trail
Green Bay, WI 54313
(H) 920.465.3880
(C) 920.737.3050
Leah McCullough
Associate Photographer
Home of high-type, true-transmitting
cow families!
Breeding stock & embryos available.
Inquiries & visitors always welcome.
1 East Hadley Rd. – Hadley, MA 01035
Gordie& Beth Cook– Cell 413-447-1461
Hank & Debra Cook
and Family – Cell 413-320-1017
Your Ad
For $30
Gabriel & Penelope Carpenter
Josiah & Alexandra
36 South St. – Dryden, NY 13053
607-543-1219 – Jonah 2:8
District Sales Representative
Western NY
Cell: 585/721-8066
E-mail: dsharp@semex.com
WNY Holsteins
featured in the
November Issue of
the News!
Ad deadline is
Wed., October 16!
Frank Francisco, Sales Representative
For Central NY
620 City Hill Rd., Penn Yan, NY 14527
Home: 315-536-8233 • Cell: 315-730-3287
Toll Free Order Line: 1-800-836-5123
Genomic Gem
RC, Polled “Roxy” – GTPI +2113
223 Pts. Above Parent Average!
PTA +968M +49F +46P +576NM +1.3DPR +4.0PL
PTA +1.99T +1.85UDC +1.29FLC
Transformer (Polled Man O Man son) x
VG-85 Lawn Boy x 9 gens. EX!
Her Polled, RC sister sells in the NY Harvest Sale!
Inquiries Welcome!
3633 Co. Rt. 32 • Oxford, NY 13830 • 607-843-5881
Email: tigerlilydairy@frontiernet.net
NYN October 2013 - 63
Selling in the New England Fall Classic
Tag Sale , Oct. 24th-27th
Held in Conjunction with the New England Holstein Convention, Norwich, CT
Potential 9th Generation Excellent
Sire: Lystel Starfire-ET
Dam: Watch-Hill Advent Elaine (EX-90)
3-03 2x 305 25,587 4.1 1041 3.0 771
2nd Dam: Ehrhardt Champ Ellenor-ET (EX-90)
3-09 2X 365 33,077 3.2 1061 3.2 1048
3rd Dam: Budjon-JK Linjet Epic-ET (2E-92)
5-11 2x 305 31,110 5.4 1689 3.4 1033
4th Dam: Krull Broker Elegance (3E-96 GMD-DOM)
5th-8th dams all Excellent
Eliza was 3rd Spring Yearling at 2012 Northeast Fall National
1st Junior 2-Yr-Old, Reserve Intermediate, & Honorable Mention Grand Champion at
2013 Connecticut State Holstein Show
1st Junior 2-Yr-Old & Reserve Intermediate Champion at 2013 ENY Holstein Show
Special thank you
Winner of the 40th annual ENY Futurity
to Ethan Coutu for
1st in Pineland Futurity at 2013 Northeast Fall National and 4th Junior 2-Yr-Old
Watch Hill Holsteins
Scott Davenport - Salem, CT 06420
(860) 460-7325 - Email: davenportsj@yahoo.com
all his help at the
Gold-Bar Holsteins Milking Herd & Select Heifer Dispersal
Saturday, November 9, 2013 – 11:30 A.M. – Middletown, NY (Orange Co.)
80 Head of Registered Holsteins Sell (20 R&W)
Breeders of 28 EX Cows to date – Aug. 2012 Classification: 5 EX 16 VG 21GP 3 G – BAA: 105.2
*Herd will be re-scored prior to the sale!
Sale Highlights:
Lavish – She’ll be fresh, sired by Sanchez. Her dam is
a 4E-93 Patron w/31,340 3.7 1153 2.9 909, 2nd Dam
is 2E-91 w/31,360 3.9 1233, 3rd Dam is VG-87, 4th
Dam is VG-89, 5th Dam VG-89, 6th Dam VG-86!
Lindsey – By Champion & due before the sale! Her
dam is a 2E-92 Leduc, then the 4E-93 Patron, also
from the Linda Family. 16 family members sell by
Absolute, Rampage, Advent, & more!
Twin sisters by Aftershock due just before the sale.
Dam is VG-88, 2nd dam 2E-91, 3rd dam VG-86
Carly-Red – VG Advent fresh in early Sept. Dam is 2E91, 2nd dam also 2E.
GPS Address: 1657 Mountain Road,
Middletown, NY 10940. From the West
I84 take Exit 2 Mountain Road, turn right
continue 4 ½ miles to farm on right. From
the East I84 take Exit 2 Mountain Road turn
left continue 4 ½ miles to farm on right.
64 - NYN October 2013
Sires Represented: Aftershock Advent, Debonair,
Kite, Jet-Red, Rampage, Dundee, Sanchez, Zenith,
& others.
Herd health is excellent! Herd will be inoculated for
shipping fever & pregnancy examined prior to the sale.
Sale Manager’s Note: Mike say’s it’s time to slow
down and take a break!! Farm is only 10 miles from
the NJ-PA border. Not many farms left in the area.
The herd is pastured, not pushed, and these cows
will do you, the buyers, a lot of good! Deep cow
families, lots of longevity! Make the trip and bring
your neighbors!
Gold-Bar Holsteins
Mike Hosking
Middletown, NY 10940
(845) 551-0133
Sale Managed by:
Hosking Sales
Tom & Brenda Hosking
6810 W. River Rd. - Nichols, NY 13812
(607) 699-3637 or Cell: (607) 972-1770 or 1771
New York
Allegany-Steuben Holstein Show
July 27, 2013
Judge: Doug Waterman
Junior Champion
Oakfield Fever Loco-ET, Kelsey Warriner
Reserve Junior Champion
Oakfield Queen Latifah-ET, Kelsey Warriner
Senior & Grand Champion
Chenango Lucifer Lime, Jenna & Julia Benton
Reserve Senior & Reserve Grand Champion
Ms Joleanna Absol Apple-Red, Cooper Galton
Premier Breeder: FiDe Farms
Premier Exhibitor: Benton Holsteins
A nice ringside crowd enjoyed the annual
Allegany-Steuben Holstein Show and picnic on
a pleasant July 27, as 71 head paraded before
Judge Doug Waterman. Junior member Kelsey
Warriner had a big morning, taking both the
Junior Champion rosettes in both the junior and
senior divisions with maternal sisters sired by
Crackholm Fever-ET and Comestar LauthorityET. The fancy senior calf, OCD Fever Loco-ET,
stood at the head of the day’s largest class and
inspired Waterman to say, “There is nothing I
would like to change about this heifer.” In the
Reserve spot was Oakfield Queen Latifah-ET,
the blue-ribbon spring yearling, tall, strong, and
impressive in her overall correctness.
Senior & Grand Champion on the day was
in the Premier Exhibitor string from Benton
Holsteins, Chenango Lucifer Lime, the firstplace 5-year-old. A long, wide-rumped cow,
the Champion was the last female carrying the
“Chenango” prefix of the late Hugh Benton who
passed away in June, certainly a wonderful
conclusion to Hugh’s long, distinguished career
with Registered Holsteins. Taking the Reserve
Senior & Reserve Grand Champion award was
the first-place junior 3-year-old, Ms Joleanna
Absol Apple-Red, a beautifully-uddered cow that
is no stranger to the show ring for owner Cooper
FiDe Farms, the Demun family of
Troupsburg, had a strong showing throughout
the day and captured the coveted Premier
Breeder banner.
Spring Calf (9)
1-Elm-V-F Braxton Ava, Bryce Warriner; 2-Elm-V-F
Braxton Shadow, Bryce Warriner
Winter Calf (11)
1-Benton Batman Careful, William Benton; 2-Ms
Oakfield Fever Snowy-ET, Bryce Warriner
Fall Calf (13)
1-Oakfield Fever Loco-ET, Kelsey Warriner; 2-Benton
Chris Jasmine, William Benton
4-Year-Old (1)
1 & BU-Ms Lew-Lin Talent Chaos-ET, Dwi-Bet Farms,
Gordon Wood, & Julie Wood
Summer Yearling (4)
1-Kan-B-Done Durchan Mary, Donald Bossard; 2-FiDe
Carisma Pretty Girl, Paige Demun
5-Year-Old (2)
1 & BU-Chenango Lucifer Lime, Jenna & Julia Benton;
2-Tyrbach Roy Olympic, Priscilla Helgerson
Spring Yearling (7)
1-Oakfield Queen Latifah-ET, Kelsey Warriner;
2-Oakfield Destry Envy-ET, Kelsey Warriner
Aged Cow (4)
1-Pennhill Bradley Prize, William & Bret Benton; 2
& BU-Curr-Vale Goldwyn Delicious, Dwi-Bet Farms,
Gordon Wood, & Julie Wood
Winter Yearling (4)
1-FiDe Sid Log Bug, Kimberlee Marris; 2-FiDe Blitz
Daffodil, Paige Demun
Best Three Females (1)
1-FiDe Farms
Fall Yearling (1)
1-FiDe Redliner Little Bug, Jessie Trumble
Produce of Dam (2)
1-Kelsey Warriner; 2-Priscilla Helgerson
Junior Best Three Females (5)
1-Benton Holsteins; 2-Kan-B-Done Dairy
Dam & Daughter (5)
1-Priscilla Helgerson; 2-Priscilla Helgerson
Dry Aged Cow (1)
1-Dwibet Vince Khloe, Jeffrey Gerber
Junior 2-Year-Old (4)
1 & BU-Miss Highlight Titan Candy, Julia Benton;
2-Benton Aftershock Custard, William Benton
Senior 2-Year-Old (5)
1-OCD Aspen Lark-ET, Kelsey Warriner; 2 & BU-StJacob Durchan Hawaii-ET, Todd Galton
Junior 3-Year-Old (4)
1 & BU-Ms Joleanna Absol Apple-Red, Cooper
Galton; 2-Intervale Stormatic Gabby, William & Bret
Benton and Matthew Sears
Senior 3-Year-Old (1)
1 & BU-FiDe Pheonix Polka Dot, Paige Demun
Cattaraugus County
Holstein Show
July 30, 2013
Judge: Shane Schultz
Junior Champion
Paramount Reginald Daisy, Kayla R. Dechow
Reserve Junior Champion
Ms Atlees Jordan Adara-ET, L. & B. Hill, D. & C. Sharp,
and D. Packard
Senior & Grand Champion
Genesee-Hill Sanchez Lore, Larry & Beanie Hill and
Tim Nickerson
Reserve Senior & Reserve Grand Champion
Genesee-Hill Dbar Chant-Red, Larry & Beanie Hill and
Tim Nickerson
Premier Breeder & Premier Exhibitor: Larry &
Beanie Hill
Spring Calf (15)
1-Entry, Ed Sekerak; 2-Ms R&T Atwood 5685, Logan
Winter Calf (13)
1-Paramount Reginald Daisy, Kayla R. Dechow;
2-Hinz-Bos Braxton Adele, Justin Hinz
Fall Calf (7)
1-KL-Deco Hvezda Vera-Red, KL-Deco Farm;
2-Oakfield RB Shantay-Red-ET, Shufarms
Members of the Benton Holsteins crew gather with
their Grand Champion and Best Bred of Show,
Chenango Lucifer Lime, along with Ed Facer holding
Ms Joleanna Absol Apple-Red, the Reserve Grand
Champion for Cooper Galton. Bentons also garnered
the Premier Exhibitor banner.
Summer Yearling (8)
1-Ovaltop-R Sid Reyna-ET, Cline Crest Farm;
2-Mikelholm-GH Dempsey Elaina, Ashlyn Harvey
Spring Yearling (7)
1-Ledeco Laramie Lauren, Derek Dechow; 2-D-J Gold
Chip Crandall, D-J Farm
NYN October 2013 - 65
NY Show Reports
Central New York Holstein Show
July 5, 2013
Judge: Molly Sloan
Winter Yearling (7)
1-Ms Atlees Jordan Adara-ET, L. & B. Hill, D. & C.
Sharp, and D. Packard; 2-LBH Lheros Hell On Heels,
Sarah Harvey
Fall Yearling (4)
1-Lake-View Avalan Baby Doll, Larry & Beanie Hill and
T. Nickerson
Junior Best Three Females (5)
1-Larry & Beanie Hill; 2-D-J Farm
Dry 3 & 4-Year-Old (3)
1-Mac-Mara Aspen Deville, Ledeco Farm; 2-Ledeco
Aspen Ragi, Derek Dechow
Dry Aged Cow (1)
1-J-Ra Deuce Mickie, Ledeco Farm
Junior 2-Year-Old (8)
1 & BU-Lake-View Amazing Libby, Larry & Beanie Hill
Senior 2-Year-Old (7)
1 & BU-Budjon-JK Durham Eliza-ET, Larry & Beanie
Hill and T. Nickerson; 2-Entry, Ed Sekerak
Junior 3-Year-Old (4)
1 & BU-D-J Damion Glenda, Jenna Martin;
2-Lawrence-Haven Aft Kris, Ledeco Farm
Senior 3-Year-Old (1)
1 & BU-Erin-Kin Laurin Lady, Logan Martin
4-Year-Old (5)
1 & BU-Genesee-Hill Sanchez Lore, Larry & Beanie
Hill and T. Nickerson; 2-Genesee-Hill Dbar ChantRed, L. & B. Hill and T. Nickerson
5-Year-Old (3)
1 & BU-KL-Deco Kite Karen, KL-Deco Farm; 2-Miss
Fabulous Bella, Ledeco Farm
Aged Cow (3)
1 & BU-Bennett-Farms Brass Alfie, Larry & Beanie Hill
and T. Nickerson; 2-Cline-Crest H Mrshl Kaiser, Cline
Crest Farm
100,000-Lb. Cow (2)
1 & BU-Car-Bu Lillie Mich, Mikala L. George; 2-KLDeco Lindell Marcella, KL-Deco Farm
Best Three Females (5)
1-Larry & Beanie Hill; 2-Ledeco Farm
Dairy Herd (5)
1-Larry & Beanie Hill; 2-Ledeco Farm
Dam & Daughter (5)
1-KL-Deco Farm; 2-Erin-Kine Holsteins
Produce of Dam (3)
1-Ed Sekerak; 2-Bliss Dairy Co.
Exhibitor’s Herd (4)
1-Larry & Beanie Hill; 2-Erin-Kine Holsteins
66 - NYN October 2013
Junior Champion
L-Maples Hvezda Calli-Red, Cooper Galton
Reserve Junior Champion
Kingsway Lauthority Rodie, Emilie Mulligan
Intermediate & Reserve Grand Champion
Co-Vale Goldwyn Kelsey-ET, A. Eaton, B. Cates, P.
Lundy, & T. Reynolds
Reserve Intermediate Champion
Premier-G Alexandr Bosky-ET, Coyne Farms, Inc.
Senior & Grand Champion
Maple-Downs Avalanche Hailey, Elmvue, B. & C.
Murphy, & Field of Dreams Genetics
Reserve Senior Champion
Windex Roy Lightning, Kayla Windecker
Premier Breeder: Ovaltop Holsteins
Premier Exhibitor: Woodcrest Dairy and Kevin &
Barb Ziemba
One of the New York show season’s most
anticipated events each year is the Central
New York Holstein Show in Norwich, and this
year’s event, organized by Fred Myers and
his committee, lived up to its reputation for
great cattle and a pleasant, family-friendly
time. Making the official placings was Molly
Sloan, whose efficient, methodical style and
outstanding reasons were appreciated by the
large crowd on hand. As always, great exhibitor
premiums totaling over $9000 helped keep
numbers strong. New to this year’s show was the
special prize of one year’s use of a 75 HP tractor
donated by Clinton Tractor for the Best Bred &
Owned of the Show. This much-anticipated
award was won by the show’s Intermediate &
Reserve Grand Champion, Co-Vale Goldwyn
Kelsey-ET, the beautifully-uddered junior 3-yearold brought out by Aaron Eaton, Brad Cates, Pat
Lundy, and Tyler Reynolds.
Beautiful, deep classes of calves and heifers
started the day’s show and two junior members
walked away with the rosettes in both the junior
and senior divisions. A familiar campaigner from
the New York Spring Dairy Carousel re-emerged
in stellar form to take Junior Champion honors
again. L-Maples Hvezda Calli-Red, the firstplace spring yearling heifer owned by Cooper
Galton, continued to impress both judge and
spectators alike with her with her tall, open,
dairy frame, sweeping rib, and grace on the
move. For Reserve Junior Champion, Judge
Sloan tapped the winning summer yearling,
Kingsway Lauthority Rodie, a stylish, clean-cut
heifer exhibited by Emilie Mulligan.
Following the aforementioned Intermediate
Champion for Reserve recognition was Coyne
Farms’ beautiful senior 3-year-old, Premier-G
Alexandr Bosky-ET, a very tall, long Alexander
daughter in her wedding clothes on show day
and excelling in dairy quality from end to end.
Judge Sloan had many outstanding
candidates for Senior Champion, but it was
Maple-Downs Hailey’s day in the 4-year-old
class that took her to Senior & Grand Champion
laurels. So tall, so long, and sporting a great
udder, the Champion was brought out by
Elmvue Farm, Brad & Cindy Murphy, and Field
of Dreams Genetics. Reserve Senior Champion
was another familiar Empire State show winner,
Windex Roy Lightning, the winning 5-yearold and Best Udder of Show winner for junior
member Kayla Windecker. She was also Senior
& Grand Champion of the Junior Show.
Taking the Premier Exhibitor banner again
this year was the Woodcrest & Ziemba string
from St. Lawrence County which had several
high-end finishers. The Wolfe family of Ovaltop
Holsteins captured the Premier Breeder banner
with their homebred string that also included
several strong placings.
Spring Calf (16)
1-OCD Braxton China Blue-ET, Denise Saxton;
2-ZBW Dempsey Louana-ET, Woodcrest & Ziemba;
3-Ovaltop Destry Sissy, Ovaltop Holsteins
Winter Calf (18)
1-Ms Maview Ludie G Atwood-ET, Cooper Galton;
2-Mt Ararat Goldwyn Ebrill-ET, Aidan Mulligan; 3-Miss
Mango Margarita, Ken, Don, & Lydia McEvoy
Fall Calf (17)
1-Miss Highlight Show Time, A. Eaton, B. Cates, & T.
Galton; 2-Duckett Picolo Liz-Red, Woodcrest Dairy &
Melanie Cruikshank; 3-Ovaltop Rlty Ronnie-Red-ET,
Ovaltop Holsteins
Summer Yearling (13)
1-Kingsway Lauthority Rodie, Emilie Mulligan;
2-Heart&Soul Atwood Rose, Woodcrest Dairy;
3-J-Ran Atwood Jwoww, Jason Randall
Spring Yearling (8)
1-L-Maples Hvezda Calli-Red, Cooper Galton;
2-Monanfran Piclo Oh Baby-Red, Justine Kelsey;
3-Oakfield-Bro Gold Fiji-ET, Woodcrest Dairy, Tim &
Dan Putnam, and K. & B. Ziemba
Winter Yearling (8)
1-Purple-Fever Dempsey Sam, A. Eaton, B. Cates,
& S. Morrill; 2-Roll-N-View Jet-R Tessa-Red, Allison
Galton; 3-ZBW-JT Sanchez Fiasco-ET, Woodcrest
Dairy and K. & B. Ziemba
Fall Yearling (5)
1-Rivercross Ex Jiggle, Cassie Menendez; 2-SavageLeigh Yank Fever-ET, Donald McEvoy; 3-Groeslon
Braxton Thunder, Hailey Paddock
Judge Molly Sloan poses with her Champions owned
by Elmvue, Murphy, & Field of Dreams Genetics and
Co-Vale Holsteins. Ray Cates gets used to the seat
of the new tractor Co-Vale Holsteins won use of for
a year with their Best Bred & Owned of Show winner,
Co-Vale Goldwyn Kelsey-ET.
NY Show Reports
Junior Best Three Females (4)
1-Monanfran Farms, Inc. ; 2-Ovaltop Holsteins; 3-RollN-View Farms, LLC
Junior 2-Year-Old (4)
1 & BU-Carpsview Destry Exquisite, Woodcrest Dairy
and K. & B. Ziemba; 2-Monanfran Oh My Goodness,
Justine Kelsey; 3-Roedale Aftershock Fizzy, Roedale
Senior 2-Year-Old (13)
1 & BU-Arethusa Aftershock Dahlia, Cooper Galton
; 2-Ovaltop Gibson Naomi, Ovaltop Holsteins;
3-Freebrook Atwood Maxim, David Marquis
Junior 3-Year-Old (8)
1 & BU-Co-Vale Goldwyn Kelsey-ET, A. Eaton, B.
Cates, P. Lundy, & T. Reynolds; 2-Ms Joleanna Absol
Apple-Red, Cooper Galton; 3-Groeslon Hot Rod
Shadow, Rayne Paddock
Senior 3-Year-Old (5)
1 & BU-Premier-G Alexandr Bosky-ET, Coyne Farms,
Inc.; 2-Tiger-Lily Rlty Ribbon-Red, Lily Marshman;
3-Headwater Alexander Goodluck, Ethan Sherman
4-Year-Old (11)
1 & BU-Maple-Downs Hailey, Elmvue, B. & C. Murphy,
& Field of Dreams Genetics; 2-Coyne-McGarr
Golden Lily-ET, Coyne Farms, Inc. & McGarr Farms;
3-Georgefarm Jspr Evita255-ET, George Family
Dry 3 & 4-Year-Old (3)
1-Androscoggin Laramee Maddy, Scott Evans &
Darryl Fiorina; 2-Miss Shake Golden Iris-ET, S. Nolan
& McGarr Farms; 3-Spring-Fed TDN Riely-Red-ET,
Marshman Farms LLC
5-Year-Old (9)
1 & BU-Windex Roy Lightning, Kayla Windecker;
2-Sibert Goldwyn Stacey-ET, Woodcrest Dairy and
K. & B. Ziemba; 3-Me-Do-Crest PR Aubergine-ET,
Woodcrest Dairy and Tim & Dan Putman
Aged Cow (1)
1 & BU-Ovaltop Rubens Sadie-Red, Ovaltop Holsteins
150,000-Lb. Cow (2)
1 & BU-Joleanna Outsid Mandarin-ET, Joleanna
Holsteins; 2-Roedale S Fantasia-ET, Roedale Farm
Dry Aged Cow (3)
1-Ovaltop Dundee Ester, Ovaltop Holsteins; 2-Hillstop
Manor Christy 1245, Gail Brewster; 3-Headline Velvet
Best Three Females (4)
1-Joleanna Holsteins; 2-Roedale Farm; 3-Ovaltop
Produce of Dam (4)
1-Maple Dream Holsteins; 2-Monanfran Farms, Inc.;
3-Roll-N-View Farms LLC
Dam & Daughter (1)
1-Roedale Farm
Dairy Herd (2)
1-Woodcrest Dairy; 2-Ovaltop Holsteins
Chautauqua County
Holstein Show
July 27, 2013
Judge: Gary Miller
Grand Champion Bull
Falcon-Crest Sanchez Brodie, Nichelle Carlberg
Junior Champion
OCD Braxton China Blue-ET, Denise Saxton
Reserve Junior Champion
Yotpolis Dee Lady Luck, Nicholas Yotpolis
Intermediate & Reserve Grand Champion
Saxton-Hill Sanchez Trixee, Denise Saxton
Reserve Intermediate Champion
Ms R&T Alan 4990-ET, Robert Crowell & Thomas
Senior & Grand Champion
Genesee-Hill Sanchez Lore, Tim Nickerson and Larry
& Beanie Hill
Reserve Senior Champion
Genesee-Hill Dbar Chant-Red, Tim Nickerson and
Larry & Beanie Hill
Premier Breeder & Premier Exhibitor: Saxton-Hill
Bull Calf (1)
1-Falcon-Crest Sanchez Brodie, Nichelle Carlberg
Spring Calf (12)
1-OCD Braxton China Blue-ET, Denise Saxton;
2-Green-Banks Sanchez 5691, Brason Frederes
Winter Calf (15)
1-Yotpolis Dee Lady Luck, Nicholas Yotpolis; 2-SaxtonHill Dun D Spotlight, Denise Saxton
Fall Calf (11)
1-Saxton-Hill Tattoos Diamond, Denise Saxton;
2-Wall-St Sid Saturday, Cheyanne Wolcott
Summer Yearling (10)
1-Mikelholm-GH Dempsey Elaina, Ashlyn Harvey;
2-Saxton-Hill Hvez Suntan-Red, Denise Saxton
Spring Yearling (13)
1-Danon-LC Aspen Rain Drop-ET, Onnolee Lind &
Daniel Crowell; 2-Roll-N-View Gld Bridget-ET, Ashlyn
Winter Yearling (8)
1-LBH Lhero Hell on Heels, Sarah Harvey; 2-Ms
Elmvue Lauthority Lava, Wall Street Dairy LLC
Fall Yearling (3)
1-Ernest-Anthony Trendy-ET, Tim Nickerson and Larry
& Beanie Hill; 2-Black-Pine Alex Shadow, Jeremy
Junior Best Three Females (4)
1-Saxton-Hill Holsteins; 2-Green Banks Farm
Dry 3 & 4-Year-Old (3)
1-High-Sky-Acres Roxy Gold-ET, Jeremy McChesney;
2-Saxton-Hill Sanchez Please, Denise Saxton
Dry Aged Cow (2)
1-Saxton-Hill Dundee Tease, Denise Saxton;
2-Shufarms Fortune Adalia, Kendall Steward
Junior 2-Year-Old (5)
1 & BU-Saxton-Hill Sanchez Trixee, Denise Saxton;
2 & 2d BU–Genesee-Hill Fever Loren, Tim Nickerson
and Larry & Beanie Hill
Senior 2-Year-Old (5)
1 & BU-Ms R&T Alan 4990-ET, Robert Crowell &
Thomas Eccles; 2 & 2d BU-Budjon-JK Durham ElizaET, Tim Nickerson and Larry & Beanie Hill
Junior 3-Year-Old (3)
1 & BU-Falcon-Crest Dbnr Avery-Red, Nichelle
Carlberg; 2 & 2d BU-Day-Dream Sanchez 7764, Bart
& Julie Nickerson
Senior 3-Year-Old (4)
1 & BU-Saxton-Hill Sanchez Today, Denise Saxton; 2
& 2d BU-Falcon-Crest Advent Jayme, Dennis & Lona
4-Year-Old (3)
1 & BU-Genesee-Hill Sanchez Lore, Tim Nickerson
and Larry & Beanie Hill; 2 & 2d BU-Genesee-Hill Dbar
Chant-Red, Tim Nickerson and Larry & Beanie Hill
5-Year-Old (3)
1 & BU-Yotpolis Affirmed Layla, Nicholas Yotpolis; 2 &
2d BU-Plum-Line Norman Kolleen, Robert Nagel
Aged Cow (4)
1 & BU-Bennett-Farms Brass Alfie, Tim Nickerson
and Larry & Beanie Hill; 2 & 2d BU-Saxton-Hill Sweet
December, Sarah Saxton
Produce of Dam (3)
1-Green Banks Farm; 2-Nicholas Yotpolis
Dam & Daughter (3)
1-Nicholas Yotpolis; 2-Saxton-Hill Holsteins
Best Three Females (3)
1-Falcon-Crest Holsteins; 2-Robert Crowell & Thomas
Exhibitor’s Herd (3)
1-Saxton-Hill Holsteins; 2-Tim Nickerson and Larry &
Beanie Hill
Chemung County Holstein Show
July 30, 2013
Judge: Patrick McGarr
Junior Champion
Benton Batman Careful, Wiliam Benton & Benton
Reserve Junior Champion
Windy-Knoll-View Channon-ET, Jordan Bergen
Senior & Grand Champion
Miss Lantland Miss Adie, Kirt Menzi, Jr.
Reserve Senior & Reserve Grand Champion
Curr-Vale Linjet Twist, Reese-Run Holsteins and
William & Bret Benton
The 60th Chemung County Holstein Show
took place July 30th at the fairgrounds in
Horseheads. We had one of the largest shows
that we have had in several years, with 132
animals taken around the ring and many of them
were show by our almost 60 junior members!
Our judge this year was the newly-married
Patrick McGarr (with his wife) from King Ferry,
NY. Ringman was Lavern Warriner, announcer
Ron Wood, and bookkeeper Melissa Caudill. We
started our show with showmanship classes on
Monday night with Dan Hosking taking home the
title this year.
The weather was perfect to start our spring
calf class of 20 animals that set the standard
NYN October 2013 - 67
NY Show Reports
for the day. Junior Champion went to a winter
heifer calf owned by William Benton and Benton
Holsteins with Jordan Bergen’s winter calf
claiming the Reserve title.
Even with the large turnout the club still
found time to take our annual lunch/picnic break
so that many past, present, and future members
could share in some sweet corn, meatballs, lots
of salads, and Ohhh! the desserts that filled the
tables and our stomachs before heading back to
the ring to finish the show, starting with a nice
group of junior 2-year-olds.
Coming away with the Senior & Grand
Champion titles was Kirt Menzi Jr. with his
5-year-old and Reserve Senior & Reserve
Grand Champion went to a junior 3-year-old
owned by Reese-Run Holsteins and William
& Bret Benton. An Honorable Mention went to
Wesley Noble and his senior 2-year-old.
What could be more perfect? High cow
numbers, lots of junior members, good food,
good cattle, and great weather! Just perfect for
our Chemung County’s 60th club show. –Meg
Spring Calf (20)
1-Benton Pro Minty, Julia Benton & Benton Holsteins;
2-Curr-Vale Al 7008, Meridith Rawleigh
Winter Calf (17)
1-Benton Batman Careful, William Benton & Benton
Holsteins; 2-Windy-Knoll-View Channon-ET, Jordan
Fall Calf (13)
1-OCD Sd Lord of the Rings-ET, Delaney Bergen;
2-Georgefarm Win Brook, Jordan Bergen
Summer Yearling (7)
1-Ju-Vindale Tornado Dixie, Dan Hosking;
2-Maplnol Braxton Leprechaun, Maple Knoll Farm
Spring Yearling (13)
1-Roll-N-View Gold Picabo-ET, Dan Hosking;
2-Oakfield Reg Blackberry-ET, Lantland Farm
Winter Yearling (11)
1-HIghcroft Contend Mona-Red, Reese-Run
Holsteins; 2-Busholm Smoothr Envy Edge, Jim & Meg
Fall Yearling (7)
1-Snowtop Sanchez Rose, Alan Vande Bogart &
Sleepers Ridge; 2-Goff Farm Moby Keebler, Dan
Junior Get of Sire (4)
1-Alan Vande Bogart & Sleepers Ridge; 2-Lantland
Junior Best Three Females (5)
1-Benton Holsteins; 2-Busholm Farm
Junior 2-Year-Old (4)
1-Miss Highlight Titan Candy, Julia Benton & Benton
Holsteins; 2-Osbornebros 5952 Rae-Red, James
68 - NYN October 2013
Senior 2-Year-Old (8)
1-Bur-Le-Acres Hvezda Valley, Wesley Noble; 2-Ms
Highlight Atlantic Damsel, Jenna Benton & Benton
Junior 3-Year-Old 6)
1-Curr-Vale Linjet Twist, Reese-Run Holsteins and
William & Bret Benton
Senior 3-Year-Old (2)
1-Sam-Sim Pronto Lady Lourdes, Scott & Lisa Bush;
2-Roor-View Promote Lindsey, Zachary Roorda
4-Year-Old (9)
1-Lantland Aspen Jericha, Jacob Menzi; 2-Wisbee
Toystory Belgie, James & Meg Bush
5-Year-Old (7)
1-Miss Lantland Miss Adie, Kirt Menzi Jr.
Aged Cow (3)
1-Busholm Heaven Honee, Ryan Bush; 2-Busholm
Levi Olyvia Kizzee, Kristina Bush
Dry 3 & 4-Year-Old (3)
1-Pineyvale Shottle Honeybee, Melinda Roe Howard;
2-D-Andrews Lehman Honeyjuice, Patrick Combs
Dairy Herd (3)
1-Kirt Menzi, Jr.; 2-Busholm Farm
Dam & Daughter (5)
1-Sco-Li Farm; 2-Maple Knoll Farm
Best Three Females (2)
1-Busholm Farm; 2-Sco-Li Farm
Chenango County Holstein Show
August 11, 2013
Judge: Ken McEvoy
Junior Champion
Ms Sheridan Absolute Anna, Brian Sheridan &
Marshman Farms
Reserve Junior Champion
Hosking Braxton Fire, Jacob Evans
Intermediate & Grand Champion
Androscoggin Laramee Maddy, Evans Holsteins &
Darryl Fiorina
Reserve Intermediate & Reserve Grand Champion
Tiger-Lily Rlty Ribbon-Red, Lily Marshman
Senior Champion
LuiVu Wildman Fantom, Karch Manley
Reserve Senior Champion
Harkway Advent Firecracker, Myra Harkness
Premier Breeder: Silver Spoon Farm
Premier Exhibitor: Evans Holsteins
Spring Calf (12)
1-Evans-H McCutchen MJ Print, Jenea Evans;
2-Sohne-Dale Time Irene, Lauren Sohne
Winter Calf (10)
1-Trill-Acres Braxton Chilly, Lauren Sohne; 2-Tiger-Lily
Picolo Carly-Red, Casey Hollister
Fall Calf (12)
1-Ms Sheridan Absolute Anna, Brian Sheridan &
Marshman Farms; 2-Evans-H S Large Pretzel, Jacob
Summer Yearling (7)
1-Larkindale Alberto Fancy, Brian Sheridan; 2-SilverSpoon Jubilee-Red-ET, Silver Spoon Farm
Spring Yearling (7)
1-Ms Tiger-Lily Frill-Red, Karly Mack; 2-Wil-WenBrook WBR Shanigan, Alex Evans
Winter Yearling (5)
1-Hosking Braxton Fire, Jacob Evans; 2-Tiger-Lily
Charg Ripple-Red, Lily Marshman
Fall Yearling (3)
1-O-C-E-C Jasper Mermaid-ET, Darryl Fiorina;
2-Aukema-Dairy Shottle Allie, Aukema Dairy
Junior Best Three Females (4)
1-Marshman Farms; 2-Evans Holsteins
Dry 3 & 4-Year-Old (4)
1-Spring-Fed TDN Reily-Red, Corey Marshman;
2-Smith-Farm Sweet Pea Malin, Katlin Smith
Dry Aged Cow (2)
1-Evans-H Outside Leslie, Amanda
2-Larkindale Damion Fara, David Randall
Junior 2-Year-Old (2)
1-Silver-Spoon GW Dayli-ET, Silver Spoon Farm;
2-Joyous Bolton Sydney, Ashley Young
Senior 2-Year-Old (5)
1-Harkway Alexander Carrie, Myra Harkness;
2-Horizon Phoenix Jitter, Bryant Hill
Junior 3-Year-Old (3)
1-Androscoggin Laramee Maddy, Evans Holsteins
& Darryl Fiorina; 2-Skovsende Icicle Nancy, Andrew
Senior 3-Year-Old (2)
1-Tiger-Lily Rlty Ribbon-Red, Lily Marshman;
2-Evans-H Outside Jamaica, Jacob Evans
4-Year-Old (3)
1-LuiVu Wildman Fantom, Karch Manley; 2-Harkway
Advent Firecracker, Myra Harkness
5-Year-Old (1)
1-Silver-Spoon M-L Margarita, Silver Spoon Far
Aged Cow (1)
1-Smith-Farm Snowstorm Holly, Joe Smith
Dam & Daughter (4)
1-Jacob Evans; 2-Myra Harkness
Produce of Dam (1)
1-Silver Spoon Farm
Best Three Females (2)
1-Silver Spoon Farm; 2-Evans Holsteins
Dairy Herd (2)
1-Evans Holsteins; 2-Silver Spoon Farm
Cortland Classic
July 8, 2013
Judge: Steve Wagner
Junior Champion
Dappleholm G Believe, A. Eaton/Dappleholm/
Platinum Show Cattle
Reserve Junior Champion
Miss Mango Margarita, Ken, Don, & Lydia McEvoy
Senior & Grand Champion
Ms Lew-Lin Talent Chaos-ET, Aaron Eaton & Todd
Reserve Senior & Reserve Grand Champion
WV-Homerun Kevinblake, Blake Crothers, Dustin
NY Show Reports
Warren, McKenna Vest, & Emily Smith
Premier Breeder: Currie Holsteins
Premier Exhibitor: Mac-Mara Holsteins
Strong numbers and great quality were
hallmarks of this year’s Cortland Classic, with
nearly 160 head of Holsteins and Jerseys
competing for honors before Judge Steve
Wagner. In the Holstein division, Wagner pulled
five head to the center of the ring, calling them
“heifers I’d like to have and heifers I’d like to
breed.” The first and second-place winter calves
walked away with the glory, with Dappleholm G
Believe, under the Eaton/Dappleholm/Platinum
Show Cattle banner named Junior Champion.
In the Reserve spot was Miss Mango Margarita,
exhibited by Ken, Don, & Lydia McEvoy, MacMara Holsteins, the day’s Premier Exhibitor.
The impressive string from Currie Holsteins
garnered the Premier Breeder banner.
Senior & Grand Champion of the Holstein
Show was Ms Lew-Lin Talent Chaos-ET, the
beautifully-balanced 4-year-old cow shown
by Aaron Eaton & Todd Galton. So correct,
so stylish, and sporting a fantastic mammary
system, she was followed by the winning senior
3-year-old, WV-Homerun Kevinblake, another
beautifully-uddered cow exhibited by Blake
Crothers, Dustin Warren, McKenna Vest, &
Emily Smith. She was also named Senior &
Grand Champion of the Junior Show.
Named Supreme Champion of the show
was Underground Aira Cancun, the beautiful
first-place Jersey junior 3-year-old bred by
Anthony & Debbie Crothers and shown by Doug
Debbie Crothers and Lydia McEvoy
chaired this year’s event which included a great
showmanship competition on Sunday and the
annual barbeque and auction. Over 300 people
enjoyed the barbeque and the auction, featuring
all donated items, raised well over $6000 for
the Cortland County Holstein Club. Bill & Jean
Underwood, Gladtime Farm, were recipients of
the 2013 Stanley Murphy Award.
Spring Calf (28)
1-Ranway Jerrick Isabel 807, Alexis Schultz; 2-OCD
Braxton Temptress-ET, Hal Lusk; 3-Willowbreeze
Dauden Eliza, Evan Butts
Winter Calf (22)
1-Dappleholm G Believe, Eaton/Dappleholm/Platinum
Show Cattle; 2-Miss Mango Margarita, Ken, Don, &
Lydia McEvoy; 3-Glad-Ray-K BW Sabrina-Red, Hal
Fall Calf (11)
1-Ranway Gwyn Miss Special-ET, Makayla
Youngman; 2-Ju-Vindale Goldsun Precious, Kennedy
Crothers; 3-Lylehaven Braxton Carla
Summer Yearling (4)
1-Roseland Bodacious-Red, Roseland Genetics;
2-Mac-Mara Durham Danica, Ken, Charles, & Syd
McEvoy; 3-Gladtime-Too Shk Baaba Jean, Marua
Spring Yearling (11)
1-Aija Goldwyn Evita-ET, Brad Cates, Aaron Eaton, &
Max Peticlerk; 2-Mac-Mara Free Drink, Ken, Charles,
& Syd McEvoy; 3-Ju-Vindale Cashman Candy, Blake
Winter Yearling (4)
1-Ju-Vindale Cupid Babs, Kennedy Crothers;
2-Wildman Linjet Kristmas, Megan Wildman; 3-Will-OCrest Raindrop-Red, Rachel Rouland
Fall Yearling (7)
1-Ernest-Anthony Sid Treva-ET, R. Michael Putman;
2-Savage-Leigh Yank Fever-ET, Don McEvoy; 3-BurLe-Acres Atwd Alass-ET, Eilie Holland
Junior 2-Year-Old (5)
1-BKB Atwood Alice-ET, Dev Hurley, Gail Arnold, &
Ken McEvoy; 2-Ms Sanchez Georgia Rain, Gillian
McEvoy; 3-Sam-Sim Sanchez Excellence, Allan & Jo
Senior 2-Year-Old (6)
1-Ranway GW Miss September-ET, Ranway Farms
LLC; 2-Underground Precious Pearl, Blake Crothers;
3-Curr-vale Aspen Stellar, Taylor Currie
Junior 3-Year-Old (5)
1-Curr-Vale Linjet Twist, Matthew Currie; 2-Pooledale
Roy Anna, Meghan Poole; 3-Foot-Hill Debonair
Selena, Roseland Genetics
Senior 3-Year-Old (5)
1-WV-Homerun Kevinblake, Blake Crothers, Dustin
Warren, McKenna Vest, & Emily Smith; 2-KCS
September Storm Teresa, Hill Top Divine Dairy, LLC;
3-A-Sure-Bet Deb Daisy-Red, Kennedy Crothers
4-Year-Old (5)
1-Ms Lew-Lin Talent Chaos-ET, Aaron Eaton & Todd
Galton; 2-Curr-Vale Jasper Envy, Emma Currie;
3-Miss Mandy of Mac-Mara-ET, Don McEvoy
5-Year-Old (4)
1-McGarr-Farms Golden Rose, Patrick McGarr;
2-Mac-Mara Atlas Divine, Ken & Charles McEvoy;
3-Mac-Mara Roy Shannon, Matt McEvoy
From left: Shane Schultz with the Honorable Mention
Championm Ranway GW Miss September-ET; Blake
Crothers with the Reserve Grand Champion, WVHomerun Kevinblake; Aaron Eaton at the halter of the
Senior & Grand Champion, Ms Lew-Lin Talent ChaosET; and Judge Steve Wagner.
Aged Cow (1)
1-Curr-Vale Goldwyn Delicious, Jessica Currie
150,000-Lb. Cow (1)
1-Curr-Vale Durham Eva-ET, Kayla Currie Vidler
Dam & Daughter
1-Lisa Sharpe
Produce of Dam
1-Ranway Farm
Best Three Females
1-Currie Holsteins
Delaware County Holstein Show
August 12, 2013
Judge: Brad Ainslie
Junior Champion
Ms Sheridan Absolute Anna, Brian Sheridan &
Marshman Farms
Reserve Junior Champion
Joleanna Chris Gialina, Joleanna Holsteins
Intermediate & Reserve Grand Champion
A-Sure-Bet Daisy-Red, Blake Crothers
Reserve Intermediate Champion
Joleanna Shampoo Mandevilla, Joleanna Holsteins
Senior & Grand Champion
Joleanna Outsid Mandarin-ET, Joleanna Holsteins
Reserve Senior Champion
Humdinger Onward Naomi, Trevor Holdridge
Premier Breeder & Premier Exhibitor: Humdinger
Spring Calf
1-Ms Rainshadow, Shadow Valley Farm; 2-Hosking
Bradnick Violet, Chase Serrapica
Winter Calf
1-Posthaven Alexander Lovely, Brett Post; 2-Pineyvale
Gleam Raddle, Pineyvale Farms
Fall Calf
1-Ms Sheridan Absolute Anna, Brian Sheridan &
Marshman Farms; 2-Joleanna Chris Gialina, Joleanna
Summer Yearling
1-Curr-Vale Fever Raven, Pineyvale Farms; 2-MapleDowns-CC B N Claire, Pineyvale Farms
Spring Yearling
1-Mac-Mara Lil Debbies Delite, Hosking Farm;
2-Maple-Hill-Farm Brax Tulip, Ava Pieper
Winter Yearling
1-R-E-W Sapphire-ET, Hosking Farm, Tim Zoll, &
Dave Reynolds; 2-Ju-Vindale Cupid Babs, Kennedy
Fall Yearling
1-Kulp-Galton Braxton Ruth-ET, Brett Post; 2-TigerLily Ravish Lavish, Christopher Albano
Junior Best Three Females
1-Joleanna Holsteins; 2-Pineyvale Farms
Dry Cow
1-Spring-Fed Logan Lea, Trevor Holdridge;
2-Dairysmith Plaid Montreal, Dairysmith Holsteins
Junior 2-Year-Old
1 & BU-Humdinger Cadet Lollipop, Trevor Holdridge;
2-Pineyvale Aftershock Cosmos, Del-Rose Farm
Senior 2-Year-Old
1 & BU-Joleanna Absolutely Rainin, Joleanna
Holsteins; 2-Underground Precious Pearl, Blake
NYN October 2013 - 69
NY Show Reports
Junior 3-Year-Old
1 & BU-Joleanna Shampoo Mandevilla, Joleanna
Holsteins; 2-Humdinger Socrates Past, Humdinger
Senior 3-Year-Old
1 & BU-A-Sure-Bet Daisy-Red, Blake Crothers;
2-Humdinger Alexander Polly, Humdinger Holsteins
1 & BU-Humdinger Onward Naomi, Trevor Holdridge;
2-Welk-Shade Advent Rosie-Red, Muddy River Farm
& Dave Rama
1 & BU-Bur-Le-Acres Aubree, Dairysmith Holsteins;
2-OCD Dundee Milwaukee-ET, Anna Reinshagen
Aged Cow
1 & BU-Neljean Oats Maze, Matthew Gray;
2-Posthaven Albert Hattie, Posthaven Holsteins
125,000-Lb. Cow
1 & BU-Joleanna Outsid Mandarin-ET, Joleanna
Holsteins; 2-Dairysmith Allen Velvet-ET, Dairysmith
Dam & Daughter
1-Kasey Hulbert; 2-Kasey Hulbert
Produce of Dam
1-Ste-Pen Holsteins
Best Three Females
1-Joleanna Holsteins; 2-Humdinger Holsteins
Dairy Herd
1-Joleanna Holsteins; 2-Humdinger Holsteins
ENY Holstein Show
July 27, 2013
Judge: Luke Johnson
Junior Champion
Willow-Terrace AE Karen, Willow Brook Farms
Reserve Junior Champion
Hackett Lights On, Ed Hackett IV
Intermediate & Reserve Grand Champion
Hackett Gold Callie, Ed Hackett IV
Reserve Intermediate Champion
Watch-Hill Starfire Eliza, Watch-Hill Holsteins
Senior & Grand Champion
Willow-Terrace Galant Storm, Willow Brook Farms
Reserve Senior Champion
Willow-Terrace IT Gillian, Willow Brook Farms
Premier Breeder & Premier Exhibitor: Millerhurst
Bull Calf (3)
1-UFM-Dubs Errcalith, Parker Swenson; 2-Fernbrook
Windbrook TNT, Parker Swenson
Spring Calf (20)
1-Hackett Lights On, Ed Hackett IV; 2-Sunny-Rox
Redburst Majestic, Roy T. Denniston
Winter Calf (12)
1-Tollgate-Vu Sanchez Blooper, Tollgate Holsteins;
2-CSM Amazing Believe, Monica Smith
Fall Calf (10)
1-Willow-Terrace GW Mallo, Willow Brook Farms;
2-Ms HI-Hope Braxton Kendall, Ryan Knapp
Summer Yearling (8)
1-Willow-Terrace AE Karen, Willow Brook Farms;
2-Kim-Candy Lewis Enita, Ed & Laurie Millus
Spring Yearling (11)
1-Oakfield Ad Sherlock-Red-ET, Michael R. Sullivan;
2-Elm-Spring Brxton Starla-ET, John Chianfagna III
Winter Yearling (7)
1-Bellvale Sanchez Sweet, William Noteboom;
2-Quaker-Hill Haven Leenie, Caroline McCarthy
Fall Yearling (5)
1-Wea-Land Shottle Vienna, Gary & Sara Gibbs
and Joe Rakowiecki; 2-Ms K-C Ruebns Ezmarelda,
Gabrielle Van Anden
Junior Best Three Females (2)
1-Willow Brook Farms; 2- Lo-Nan Farms, LLC
Dry 3 & 4-Year-Old (1)
1-Hill-Over Renaldi Jezabel, Kathleen Marshall/IvyMoon Holsteins
Dry Aged Cow (2)
1-Millerhurst Jasper Rosemary, Millerhurst Farm;
2-Cochran Terrason Kerry, Kathleen Marshall/IvyMoon Holsteins
Futurity (13)
1-Watch-Hill Starfire Eliza, Watch-Hill Holsteins;
2-Willow-Terrace AT Finley, Willow Brook Farms
Junior 2-Year-Old (11)
1-Watch-Hill Starfire Eliza, Watch-Hill Holsteins;
2-Willow-Terrace AT Finley, Willow Brook Farms
Senior 2-Year-Old (8)
1-Hackett Gold Callie, Edward Hackett IV; 2-Millerhurst
Spy Bride, Millerhurst Farm
Junior 3-Year-Old (6)
1-Chaseholm Sanchez Joy, Freddie Telesco; 2-Hill-NHollow Asteroid Nola, Hill-N-Hollow Farm
Senior 3-Year-Old (3)
1-Sunset-Hill Talent Mary, Gary & Sara Gibbs; 2-DalBairn A-Minister-Stella, Shannon Fletcher
4-Year-Old (1)
1-Coon-Bash-Pine Affirmed Bea, Coon-Del Holsteins;
2-Woodlawn Dundee Willa, Willow Brook Farms
Highest Milk Record (1)
1-Jessica Meiller
Lewis County Holstein Show
July 19, 2013
Judge: Jamie Black
Junior Champion
Joleanna Goldsun Rainbow-ET, Diesel & Katy Hitt
Reserve Junior Champion
Greenlea P Carrie-Red-ET, Jack Ross
Senior & Grand Champion
Headwater Alexandr Goodluck, Ethan Sherman
Reserve Senior & Reserve Grand Champion
Bodnar Roy Buttercup, Chelsie Ross
Premier Breeder & Premier Exhibitor: Parkvue
Holsteins & Jerseys
The week of extreme heat may have held
numbers back at the Lewis County Holstein
Show, but quality did not suffer, as 51 head of
the county’s finest Holsteins vied for honors
before Judge Jamie Black.
Stepping to the winner’s circle for Junior
Champion was the first-place winter calf,
Joleanna Goldsun Rainbow-ET, a fancy, deepribbed Goldsun daughter exhibited by Diesel &
Katy Hitt. A very stylish heifer, she was followed
in by the winning fall calf, Greenlea P CarrieRed-ET, a sharp, dairy Picolo daughter exhibited
by Jack Ross. A nice pair of Braxton daughters
captured Junior Champion recognition in the
junior division. Ful-A-Rae Braxton Taffy, the
winner in the spring calf class for Dalton Nortz,
was named Junior Champion, while Headwater
Braxton Tallie, the first-place spring yearling for
Kiersten Hancock, was Reserve.
For his Senior & Grand Champion of
both the junior and the open shows, Judge
Black tapped Headwater Alexandr Goodluck
owned by Ethan Sherman. A very correct cow,
the sensational mammary on this Alexander
daughter - designated Best of Show - takes
her a long way and helped place her over a
perennial local favorite, Bodnar Roy Buttercup,
the recently-fresh aged cow owned by Chelsie
Ross, praised by Black for being so tall, so long,
5-Year-Old (4)
1-Willow-Terrace Galant Storm, Willow Brook Farms;
2-Kim-Candy Roy Ella-Tw, Gabrielle Van Anden
Aged Cow (5)
1-Tyrbach Iceman Happy, Sharon Hoffman;
2-Millerhurst Boss Laughter, Millerhurst Farm
125,000-Lb. Cow (4)
1-Willow-Terrace IT Gillian, Willow Brook Farms;
2-Sunset-Hill 4ever Graceful, Gary & Sara Gibbs
Produce of Dam (2)
1-Jessica Meiller; 2-William Noteboom
Dam & Daughter (8)
1-Shannon Fletcher; 2-Millerhurst Farm
Best Three Females (4)
1-Willow Brook Farms; 2-Sunset Hill Farm
70 - NYN October 2013
Best Three Females Owned by Junior Exhibitor (2)
1-Shannon Fletcher; 2-William Noteboom
Judge Jamie Black poses with the Champions of both
the junior & senior divisions: Headwater Alexandr
Goodluck, the Senior & Grand Champion exhibited by
Ethan Sherman, and Bodnar Roy Buttercup, Reserve
Senior & Reserve Grand Champion for Chelsie Ross.
NY Show Reports
and youthful for her age.
The solid string from the Staring Family’s
Parkvue Holsteins and Jerseys helped them to
garner both the Premier Breeder and Premier
Exhibitor banners. The very efficient staff at the
table kept the show moving very nicely and a
variety of terrific, useful prizes delighted those
on the winning end.
Spring Calf (10)
1-Ful-A-Rae Braxton Taffy, Dalton Nortz; 2-S-Svalley
Conner Lacey, Adam Fields
Winter Calf (4)
1-Joleanna Goldsun Rainbow-ET, Diesel & Katy Hitt;
2-Parkvue Az Pound the Alarm, Kylee Thomas
Fall Calf (9)
1-Greenlea P Carrie-Red-ET, Jack Ross; 2-Joleanna
Sid Madre, Diesel & Katy Hitt
Summer Yearling (2)
1-Rossdale Brady Breeze, Landon Peters; 2-Parkvue
Alexander Narnia, Jordan Thomas
Spring Yearling (3)
1-Headwater Braxton Tallie, Kiersten Hancock;
2-Parkvue Atwood Matthea, Kylee Thomas
Winter Yearling (5)
1-Lynd-Acres Dori Demi, Tari Lyndaker; 2-Jam& I
Lazarith Felicity, Abraham Burbank
Fall Yearling (2)
1-Parkvue Amazing Parlait, Timothy Staring; 2-Jam&I
Hill Sparky, Josiah Burbank
Junior Best Three Females (1)
1-Parkvue Holsteins & Jerseys
Junior 2-Year-Old (3)
1 & BU-Rossdale Sanchez Rootbeer, Andrew Schantz;
2-Hall-Dale-AC Damion Summer, Alexis O’Donnell
Senior 2-Year-Old (3)
1-Rossdale Knowledge Ritz-ET, Chelsie Ross; 2 &
BU-Starry-Falls Java Terrabell, Caleb Van Buren
Junior 3-Year-Old (1)
1 & BU-Starry-Falls Avalanche Comet, Caleb Van
Senior 3-Year-Old (1)
1 & BU-Headwater Alexandr Goodluck, Ethan
4-Year-Old (3)
1 & BU-Parkvue Lance Deanna, Kylee Thomas; 2-MsFreeman Av Butterfly-Red, Andy Freeman
Breeder’s Herd (1)
1-Halldale Acres
Dry Cow 4 Years & Under (1)
1-Rocking-P Sanchez Ellen-ET, Kelsey Patten
Produce of Dam (1)
1-Caleb Van Buren
Dry Cow 5 Years & Over (1)
1-Willow-Marsh Rain, Emily Mikel
Dam & Daughter (3)
1-Caleb Van Buren; 2-Halldale Acres
Best Three Females (2)
1-Courtney Oderkirk; 2-Kelsey Patten
Nioga Holstein Show
July 20, 2013
Judge: Jamie Black
Junior Champion
Reyncrest Fever Addy, Andrew & Mackenzie Reynolds
Reserve Junior Champion
Reyncrest Fremont Moya, Andrew & Mackenzie
Senior & Grand Champion
Ms Atwood Madison-ET, Aable Ridge Farms
Reserve Senior & Reserve Grand Champion
Oakfield Atwood Rikki-ET, Emily Mikel
Premier Breeder: Jonathan & Alicia Lamb
Premier Exhibitor: Mikelholm Holsteins
Spring Calf (7)
1-Charjoy Deprince Lizzie-Red, Charjoy Holsteins;
2-Mikelholm Sanchez Babes, Emily Mikel
Winter Calf (10)
1-Hinz-Bos Braxton Adele, Justin Hinz; 2-Shufarms
Trigger Ashley, Aable Ridge Farms
Fall Calf (7)
1-Reyncrest Fever Addy, Andrew & Mackenzie
Reynolds; 2-Gebarten Jasper Primrose, Kayla
Summer Yearling (6)
1-Winterfield Trendedy-Red-ET, Justin Hinz; 2-Hott
Mess-DC Déjà vu, D. & C. Sharp, A. Sharp, and Z.
& R. Welker
Spring Yearling (5)
1-Reyncrest Fremont Moya, Andrew & Mackenzie
Reynolds; 2-Reyncrest Shotgun 4780, Andrew &
Mackenzie Reynolds
Winter Yearling (4)
1-Ms Atlees Jordan Adara-ET, Sharp/Packard/Hill;
2-Mikelholm Goldchip Raven-ET, Emily Mikel
Junior Best Three Females (3)
1-Andrew &Mackenzie Reynolds; 2-Emily Mikel
Junior 2-Year-Old (1)
1 & BU-Rocking –P Sanchez Elyce-ET, Kelsey Patten
Senior 2-Year-Old (6)
1 & BU-Oakfield Atwood Rikki-ET, Emily Mikel; 2-Ms
OCD Sanchez Pegasus-ET, Aable Ridge Farms
Junior 3-Year-Old (5)
1 & BU-Ms Atwood Madison-ET, Aable Ridge Farms;
2-Lynnanne Shottle Mercury, Courtney Oderkirk
5-Year-Old (2)
1 & BU-Full-A-Rae Marion Dingo, Neil Nortz; 2-Zehr
Debutante MD-Red, Scott Zehr
Senior 3-Year-Old (1)
1 & BU-Ehrhardt Sanchez Brandy, Ashley Grant
Aged Cow (3)
1 & BU-Bodnar Roy Buttercup, Chelsie Ross;
2-Society Distrigene Cabrelle, Ridle-Side Farms
4-Year-Old (2)
1 & BU-Ms Mikelholm-GH Ross Bandit, Emily Mikel;
2-OCD Goldwyn Desiree-ET, Justin Hinz
Best Three Females (2)
1-Halldale Acres; 2-Caleb Van Buren
5-Year-Old (3)
1 & BU-ZBW Advent Kendra-ET, Emily Mikel;
2-Lynnanne Dundee Miracle, Courtney Oderkirk
Dairy Herd (2)
1-Emily Mikel; 2-Courtney Oderkirk
Produce of Dam (3)
1-Kelsey Patten; 2-Shufarms & Sharp
Dam & Daughter (5)
1-Courtney Oderkirk; 2-Courtney Oderkirk
Breeder’s Herd (1)
1-Courtney Oderkirk
Northern New York
Holstein Show
August 6, 2013
Judge: David Crack, Jr.
Junior Champion
Happydanny Atwood Bellona, Daniel & Helene Meier
Reserve Junior Champion
Beaver-Top Destry Tally-ET, Jeff Dana & Dale Chapin
Intermediate & Reserve Grand Champion
Cowtown Grasshopper, Jamie & Petra Black and
Daniel & Helene Meier
Reserve Intermediate Champion
Ronbeth Alexander Pearl, Jamie & Petra Black and
Mike Garrow
Senior & Grand Champion
Lareleve Samuelo Chrissy, Jamie & Petra Black and
Pleasant Nook Holsteins
Reserve Senior Champion
Happydanny Jayz Sunday, Jamie & Petra Black and
Daniel & Helene Meier
Premier Breeder: Allan & Mary Friend
Premier Exhibitor: Dan’s Dairy/Opportunity Holsteins
Spring Calf (6)
1-Circle-F Aftrshk Meme, Allan & Mary Friend; 2-LazyStream Colt P May-Red, Patti Lamica
Winter Calf (7)
1-Ms Goldwyn Lucky Lady-ETS, Jamie & Petra Black
and Daniel & Helene Meier; 2-Sweet-Willow Des LollyET, Scott Hamilton & Colleen McKernan
Fall Calf (4)
1-Gen-I-Beq Sudan Lois-ET, Jamie & Petra Black,
Daniel & Helene Meier, & Michael Heath; 2-Apo-Acres
Clark Caitlyn, Alexis Poirier
Summer Yearling (5)
1-Happydanny Atwood Bellona, Daniel & Helene
Meier; 2-Juniper Fever Serena-ET, Scott Hamilton &
Lindsey McKernan
Spring Yearling (4)
1-Beaver-Top Destry Tally-ET, Jeff Dana & Dale
Chapin; 2-Circle-F Terrason Wondra-ET, Allan & Mary
Winter Yearling (1)
1-Sweet-Willow Fulton Emory, Scott Hamilton &
Lindsey McKernan
NYN October 2013 - 71
NY Show Reports
Fall Yearling (2)
1-Lynvail Braxton Lucinda, Jamie & Petra Black and
Daniel & Helene Meier; 2-Bennett-Farms Wallace Alfa,
Lane Oakes
Junior Best Three Females (3)
1-Scott Hamilton; 2-Allan & Mary Friend
Junior 2-Year-Old (1)
1-Poppydale Sanchez B-Windy, Elizabeth Trombly
Senior 2-Year-Old (3)
1-Ronbeth Alexander Pearl, Jamie & Petra Black and
Mike Garrow; 2-Lincoln-Hill Pearls-ET, Andre Poirier
Junior 3-Year-Old (2)
1-Sweet-Willow Jayz Elm, Scott Hamilton; 2-TrombleyDairy Durcan Katie, Homer Bushey
Senior 3-Year-Old (4)
1-Cowtown Grasshopper, Jamie & Petra Black and
Daniel & Helene Meier; 2-Alamana Popcorn, Alan
4-Year-Old (4)
1-Happydanny Jayz Sunday, Jamie & Petra Black and
Daniel & Helene Meier; 2-Sweet-Willow Gold LecheET, Scott Hamilton
5-Year-Old (2)
1-Budjon-JK Stormatic Enya-ET, Dan’s
2-Circle-F Bucky Mendy, Allan & Mary Friend
Aged Cow (2)
1-Lareleve Samuelo Chrissy, Jamie & Petra Black
and Pleasant Nook Holsteins; 2-Circle-F Bucky Alissa,
Allan & Mary Friend
125,000-Lb. Cow (2)
1-Meadow-Brae Nadine, Alan Lobdell; 2-Haze-Glo
Journal Buttercup, Allan & Mary Friend
Best Three Females (2)
1-Allan & Mary Friend; 2-Scott Hamilton
Produce of Dam (3)
1-Scott Hamilton; 2-Allan & Mary Friend
Dam & Daughter (4)
1-Allan & Mary Friend; 2-Allan & Mary Friend
Breeder’s Herd (2)
1-Allan & Mary Friend; 2-Scott Hamilton
A very impressive dam & daughter
pair walked away with the Senior & Grand
Champion and Junior Champion rosettes at
this year’s O-H-M/Schoharie Show in Cobleskill
on Saturday, July 13. Judge Derek Johnson’s
methodical style and great reasons were
enjoyed by a good ringside crowd, as 68 head
vied for honors.
The Junior Champion came from the senior
calf class, Ms Andis GW Arian-ET, a sleek, flashy
Goldwyn daughter exhibited by Maple-Downs
Farms II, Aaron Cooper, and Michael Heath. So
correct on the move, she was followed by the
winning summer yearling, Ms Byacres Advent
Sophia-Red, another stylish heifer brought out by
Ben, Linda, Richard, & Henry Byma that beautifully
fit Johnson’s pattern for tall, dairy, open-ribbed
individuals with outstanding feet & legs.
No stranger to the tanbark, it was definitely
Ms Andis Shottle Aneeda-ET’s day in Cobleskill,
as she handily won her class and went on to
be named Senior & Grand Champion. Sired by
Shottle, the 67 inch cow was right in bloom and
impressed the judge with her great frame, uphill
run, and outstanding udder. Stablemate MapleDowns-CC Du Amelia-ET, another familiar
campaigner exhibited by junior member Emily
Tillapaugh, was also “on the money” and took
Reserve Grand Champion honors as well as
Senior & Grand Champion laurels in the junior
division with her deep, sweeping rib, great
udder, and overall correctness.
The solid string from Roedale Farm captured
both the Premier Breeder and Premier Exhibitor
banners, with four of their five cows finishing
either first or second in class and included the
first & second-place dam & daughter pairs.
Spring Calf (11)
1-Ovaltop Destry Sissy, Ovaltop Holsteins; 2-Tillapyke
W Brook Alihay-ET, Emily Tillapaugh
Winter Calf (7)
1-Ms Andis GW Arian-ET, Maple-Downs Farms II,
Aaron Cooper, & Michael Heath; 2-Ms Andis GW ArriaET, Maple-Downs Farms II, Aaron Cooper, & Michael
Fall Calf (8)
1-Ovaltop Rlty Ronnie-Red-ET, Ovaltop Holsteins;
2-Maple-Downs-AL Gchip Galina, Gregory Lloyd
O-H-M/Schoharie Holstein Show
72 - NYN October 2013
Spring Yearling (2)
1-Ira-Moos Dsk Rubyrose-Red-ET, Shannon Sears;
2-Rise-Again Aspen Ruth, Brooke Bowman
Winter Yearling (3)
1-Ira-Moos Lichtblick Lady-Red, Shannon Sears;
2-Ridgedale Shyenne, Cyrus Conard
Fall Yearling (4)
1-Rivercross Atlantic Rihanna, Rivercross Holsteins,
Hill’N Hollow Farm, & Maple-Downs Farms II;
2-Rivercross Ex Jiggle, Cassie Menendez
Junior Best Three Females (2)
1-Ovaltop Holsteins; 2-Collins Pride Holsteins
Dry 3 & 4-Year-Old (1)
1-Collins-Pride SS Lollipop, Stacy Collins
Junior 2-Year-Old (6)
1 & BU-Budjon-JK Sanchez Exchange-ET, MapleDowns Farms II, Gerry Cacciola, & David Packard;
2-Roedale Aftershock Fizzy, Roedale Farm
Senior 2-Year-Old (5)
1 & BU-Maple-Downs-CC Du Amelia-ET, Emily
Tillapaugh; 2-Ovaltop Gibson Naomi, Ovaltop
Junior 3-Year-Old (1)
1 & BU-Lin-Ro A-Million Pat-ET, Christopher Schmidt
Senior 3-Year-Old (4)
1 & BU-Ovaltop Advantage Jeri, Ovaltop Holsteins;
2-Collins-Pride Gavor Rumi, Stacy Collins
4-Year-Old (3)
1 & BU-Roedale Deek Splendid, Roedale Farm;
2-Ovaltop Roxy Beauty-ET, Ovaltop Holsteins
5-Year-Old (4)
1 & BU-Ms Andis Shottle Aneeda-ET, Maple-Downs
Farms II, Aaron Cooper, & Michael Heath; 2-MainDrag Prescott Silence, Cyrus Conard
Aged Cow (2)
1 & BU-Roedale 27 Dreams-ET, Roedale Farm;
2-Winter-Green Barb Approval, Laurie Bradt
150,000-Lb. Cow (1)
1 & BU- Roedale S Fantasia, Roedale Farm
Best Three Females (2)
1-Roedale Farm; 2-Ovaltop Holsteins
Produce of Dam (1)
1-Emily Tillapaugh
July 13, 2013
Judge: Derek Johnson
Junior Champion
Ms Andis GW Arian-ET, Maple-Downs Farms II, Aaron
Cooper, & Michael Heath
Reserve Junior Champion
Ms Byacres Advent Sophia-Red, Ben, Linda, Richard,
& Henry Byma
Senior & Grand Champion
Ms Andis Shottle Aneeda-ET, Maple-Downs Farms II,
Aaron Cooper, & Michael Heath
Reserve Senior & Reserve Grand Champion
Maple-Downs-CC Du Amelia-ET, Emily Tillapaugh
Premier Breeder & Premier Exhibitor:
Roedale Farm
Summer Yearling (6)
1-Ms Byacres Advent Sophia-Red, Ben, Linda,
Richard, & Henry Byma; 2-Ovaltop Braxton Linda,
Ovaltop Holsteins
Dam & Daughter (5)
1-Roedale Farm; 2-Roedale Farm
Oneida County Holstein Show
From left: Gregory Lloyd with the Honorable Mention
Senior Champion; Emily Tillapaugh with her Reserve
Senior & Reserve Grand Champion, Maple-DownsCC Du Amelia-ET; Jason Lloyd at the halter of the
Senior & Grand Champion, Ms Andis Shottle AneedaET; and Judge Derek Johnson.
July 22, 2013
Judge: Jason Lloyd
Junior Champion
Hazels Sid Harvest-ET, Rach-Len Holsteins
Reserve Junior Champion
Brabant Braxton Hannah, Zachary vanLieshout
Senior & Grand Champion
NY Show Reports
Groeslon Twilight, Hailey Paddock
Reserve Senior & Reserve Grand Champion
Ernest-Anthony GW Sunset-ET, Rach-Len Holsteins
Premier Breeder: Groeslon Holsteins
Premier Exhibitor: Rach-Len Holsteins
Jason Lloyd of Maple-Downs Farms II had
the honor of officiating at this year’s Oneida
County Holstein Show, replete with great
classes and outstanding quality. Capturing the
Junior Champion trophy was a Pine-Tree SidET daughter of show ring legend Quality-Ridge
Stormi Hazel, the only cow to be nominated
seven times All-American in milking form, Hazels
Sid Harvest-ET, the first-place spring yearling
exhibited by the show’s Premier Exhibitor,
Rach-Len Holsteins (John & Lisa Roberts and
Family). A stylish, feminine heifer with a cleancut, angular frame and open, dairy rib, she was
followed by the winning winter calf, Brabant
Braxton Hannah, the second consecutive calf
class winner of the day exhibited by Zachary
vanLieshout. She was also named Junior
Champion of the junior show.
Junior member Hailey Paddock stepped to
the winner’s circle in both the junior and senior
shows to receive Senior & Grand Champion
awards for her homebred favorite, Groeslon
Twilight, the winning 5-year-old cow who was
also Best Udder of Show and Best Bred &
Owned over 2 years. A beautifully-balanced
cow, her sensational udder took her over
the day’s Reserve Senior & Reserve Grand
Champion, Ernest-Anthony GW Sunset-ET, the
impressive Goldwyn daughter that topped the
senior 3-year-old class for Rach-Len Holsteins.
Reserve Senior & Reserve Grand Champion of
the junior show went to Rayne Paddock with
her senior 3-year-old, Groeslon Fortune Torrie.
These two grand cows helped the Paddock
family of Groeslon Farm win the Premier
Breeder banner.
Spring Calf (13)
1-Brabant Braxton Rayne, Zachary vanLieshout;
2-Brabant Guthrie Genesis, Alyssa vanLieshout
Winter Calf (9)
1-Brabant Braxton Hannah, Zachary vanLieshout;
2-Brabant Demello Casper, Jacinta vanLieshout
Fall Calf (9)
1-Brabant Baccardi Melody, Maria vanLieshout;
2-Groeslon Dundee Teven, Hailey Paddock
Summer Yearling (7)
1-Valley-Dell Damion Nisty, Ashley Thornton;
2-Brabant Braxton Lilac, Jessica vanLieshout
Spring Yearling (6)
1-Harcels Sid Harvest-ET, Rach-Len Holsteins;
2-Four-Hills Atw Loka 3970-ET, Rach-Len Holsteins
Winter Yearling (3)
1-Luckyvale Palermo Silky, Kathleen Gallagher;
2-Brabant GW Atwood Laura, Heidi vanLieshout
Fall Yearling (4)
1-Groeslon Braxton Thunder, Hailey Paddock; 2-WilWen-Brook Brax Sexton, Englan Farm
Junior Best Three Females (2)
1-Brabant Farm; 2-Groeslon Farm
Junior 2-Year-Old (2)
1-Brabant Sanchez Rhianna, Zachary vanLieshout;
2-Bigbrook Lazarith Cloris, Ryan Smith
Senior 2-Year-Old (3)
1-Rach-Len Allwyn Rayna, Rach-Len Holsteins;
2-Vale-High Advent Marvel-Red, Vale-High Farm
Junior 3-Year-Old (5)
1-Groeslon Hot Rod Shadow, Rayne Paddock;
2-Rach-Len Allwyn Pearl, Rach-Len Holsteins
Senior 3-Year-Old (5)
1-Ernest-Anthony GW Sunset-ET, Rach-Len
Holsteins; 2-Valley-Dell Durham Nodilee, Valley-Dell
4-Year-Old (5)
1-Tyhill Shottle Marion, Rach-Len Holsteins; 2-ValleyDell Advent Star-Red, Hailey Paddock
5-Year-Old (3)
1-Groeslon Twilight, Hailey Paddock; 2-Mahuefils
Goldwyn Monica-ET, Eric Worden
125,000-Lb. Cow (1)
1-Groeslon Gorgeous, Rayne Paddock
Best Three Females (2)
1-Groeslon Farm; 2-Brabant Farm
Reserve Intermediate Champion
Lima Cuba Accapulco, Paige Morrill
Senior & Grand Champion
Babydoll Lucky Star, Paige Morrill
Reserve Senior Champion
Me-Do-Crest PR Aubergine-ET, Woodcrest Dairy and
Tim & Dan Putman
Premier Breeder: Roput Farm, James Putman Family
Premier Exhibitor: Woodcrest/Ziemba LLC
The water keeps getting deeper in
Gouverneur each August, as members of the St.
Lawrence County Holstein Club bring out their
best for their annual show. Large classes filled
with great quality greeted Judge John Crowley
before a large ringside crowd, as well as live
viewers on the internet through Holstein World
Taking the Junior Champion honors was
ZBW-JC San Fiasco-ET, now a fancy winter
yearling under the Woodcrest/Ziemba banner,
the Premier Exhibitors of the show. Sired by
Sanchez, Judge Crowley praised the heifer for
her size, scale, and the way she tracked on
her rear legs. In the Reserve Junior Champion
spot was Midas-Touch Miranda-ET, the sleek,
black winter calf exhibited by Jennifer King. She
was also named Junior Champion of the Junior
Terrifically competitive cow classes filled the
afternoon, and Crowley chose his winning aged
cow, Babydoll Luckystar, as his Senior & Grand
Champion of both the junior and senior shows.
Sired by Canyon-Breeze Storm Atom-ET, the
Champion was “on the money” on show day,
so tall, long, and carrying an outstanding udder.
Taking the Reserve Grand Champion rosette
was the Intermediate Champion, ZBW-JP At
Last-ET, the recently-fresh Atwood daughter, so
balanced with an very fancy mammary, brought
out by Woodcrest/Ziemba.
The Jim Putman Family of Roput Farm
garnered the Premier Breeder banner for the
third year in a row with their solid string which
included several high-placers in the cow classes
as well as the winning Dam & Daughter and
Best Three Females.
Spring Calf (14)
1-Ms ZBW Dempsey Louana-ET, Woodcrest/Ziemba
LLC; 2-Gebarten Delray Jasmine, Taylor Morrill
Produce of Dam (3)
1-Zachary vanLieshout; 2-Hailey Paddock
Dam & Daughter (4)
1-Hailey Paddock; 2-Groeslon Farm
St. Lawrence County
Holstein Show
August 3, 2013
Judge: John Crowley
Shown with Judge Jason Lloyd are Bill Paddock of
Groeslon Farm, the Premier Breeder, and Lenee
Roberts Nolan of Rach-Len Holsteins, the Premier
Exhbitor, at the 2013 Oneida County Holstein Show
with Judge Jason Lloyd.
Junior Champion
ZBW-FC San Fiasco-ET, Woodcrest/Ziemba LLC
Reserve Junior Champion
Midas-Touch Miranda-ET, Jennifer King
Intermediate & Reserve Grand Champion
ZBW-JP At Last-ET, Woodcrest/Ziemba LLC
Ryan Morrill holds the Honorable Mention Grand
Champion, Lima Cuba Accapulco; Kevin Ziemba
at the halter of the Intermediate & Reserve Grand
Champion, ZBW-JP At Last-ET; and Paige Morrill
holds her Senior & Grand Champion aged cow,
Babydoll Lucky Star.
NYN October 2013 - 73
NY Show Reports
Tompkins County Holstein Show
Tri-County Holstein Show
Junior Champion
Ziems Runner Sallyrae, Dina Rigas
Reserve Junior Champion
Ziems G-Chris Leah-Red-ET, Eleni Rigas
Senior & Grand Champion
Georgefarm Jspr Evita255-ET, George Farms
Reserve Senior & Reserve Grand Champion
Freebrook Atwood Maxim, David Marquis
Premier Breeder & Premier Exhibitor: Robert &
Charles Hatfield
Junior Champion
Liddleholme Roxstar, Anthony Liddle
Reserve Junior Champion
Howacres Braxton Otter, Kyle & Jen Thygesen
Intermediate Champion
Luncrest Sanchez MZ-1288, Luncrest Farm
Reserve Intermediate Champion
Winterhlm-WG Bax Elated-ET, Luke Getty
Senior & Grand Champion
Brigeen Maestro Tara, Hailee Liddle
Reserve Senior & Reserve Grand Champion
Liddleholme Stormtc Echo-ET, Liddleholme
Premier Breeder: Elm-Spring Farm
Premier Exhibitor: Kings Ransom Farm
July 13, 2013
Judge: Dan McGarr
Winter Calf (15)
1-Midas-Touch Miranda-ET, Jennifer King; 2-SRFZBW Alexander Lizbon-ET, Mason Ziemba
Fall Calf (14)
1-Gebarten Atwood Maria, Taylor Morrill; 2-Smygwatys
Sid Peaches-ET, Ryan Morrill
Summer Yearling (7)
1-Heart&Soul Atwood Rose, Woodcrest Dairy;
2-Midas-Touch Chip Mercy-ET, Jennifer King
Spring Yearling (8)
1-Gebarten Alexander Evie, Ryan Morrill; 2-OakfieldBro Gold Fiji-ET, Woodcrest/Ziemba LLC & Putnam
Winter Yearling (6)
1-ZBW-FC San Fiasco-ET, Woodcrest/Ziemba LLC;
2-Fair-Meadow BP Callie-Red, David Putman
Fall Yearling (3)
1-Purple-Fever Dempsey Barb, Ryan Morrill; 2-Roput
G W Atwood Nadilynn, James Putman Family
Junior Best Three Females (4)
1-Gebarten Acres; 2-Roput Farm
Junior 2-Year-Old (10)
1 & BU-Carpsview Destry Exquisite, Woodcrest/
Ziemba LLC; 2-Oakfield-Bro BR Fidelity-Et, MapleNook Holsteins
Spring Calf (5)
1-Spencers Shotgun Cala 653, Spencer Farms;
2-Spencers Shotgun Andy 655, Spencer Farms
Winter Calf (4)
1-Windy-Knoll-View Channon-ET, Jordan Bergen;
2-Spencers Shotgun 654, Spencer Farms
Fall Calf (3)
1-Ziems G-Chris Leah-Red-ET, Eleni Rigas; 2-EvenPar Mit Riley-Red-ET, Lily Marshman and Allan & Jo
Summer Yearling (3)
1-Ziems Runner Sallyrae, Dina Rigas; 2-Burrod Destry
Eliza, Robert & Charles Hatfield
Spring Yearling (2)
1-Snowtop Sanchez Topsey, Ray & Alan Vande Bogart;
2-Spencers Shottle Shiloh 609, Spencer Farms
Senior 2-Year-Old (6)
1 & BU-Lima Cuba Accapulco, Paige Morrill;
2-Gladheart Phoenix Molly, Woodcrest Dairy
Winter Yearling (3)
1-Snowtop Sanchez Eileen, Ray & Alan Vande Bogart;
2-WIdeawake Hvezda Rose-ET, Gabriel Carpenter
Junior 3-Year-Old (6)
1 & BU-ZBW-JP At Last-ET, Woodcrest/Ziemba LLC;
2-Ms Lulus Advent Lacy-ET, Maple-Nook Holsteins
Fall Yearling (3)
1-Tiger-Lily Mitey Lush-ET, Marshman Farms, A. &
J. Merrill, & Blackfire Holsteins; 2-Snowtop Sanchez
Rose, Ray & Alan Vande Bogart
Senior 3-Year-Old (5)
1 & BU-Liddleholme Roxbury-Red-ET, Jennifer King;
2-Cherry Crest Denzel Alexis, Maple-Nook Holsteins
4-Year-Old (3)
1 & BU-Duckett-SA Shot Furgi-ET, Woodcrest Dairy &
Melanie Cruikshank; 2-LaVack Catyjay Jay Z, La Vack
5-Year-Old (6)
1 & BU-Me-Do-Crest Pr Aubergine-ET, Woodcrest
Dairy and Tim & Dan Putnam; 2-Maple-Shim Damion
Dotty, Maple-Nook Holsteins & Shimel Farms
Aged Cow (2)
1 & BU-Babydoll Lucky Star, Paige Morrill; 2-Roput
Goldwyn Miah, James Putman Family
125,000-Lb. Cow (1)
1 & BU-Roput Champion Hailer, James Putman
Junior Best Three Females (2)
1-Ray & Alan Vande Bogart; 2-Spencer Farms
Junior Get of Sire (2)
1-Ray & Alan Vande Bogart; 2-Spencer Farms
Dry 2, 3, & 4-Year-Old (1)
1-Burrod Advent Berry-Red, Robert & Charles Hatfield
Junior 2-Year-Old (2)
1-Mslulus Atlantic Laurae-ET, George Farms; 2-Burrod
Hvezda Eleanor, Robert & Charles Hatfield
Senior 2-Year-Old (1)
1-Freebrook Atwood Maxim, David Marquis
4-Year-Old (2)
1-Georgefarms Jspr Evita255-ET, George Farms;
2-Burrod 45 Aces Galway, Robert & Charles Hatfield
Produce of Dam (2)
1-Woodcrest/Ziemba LLC; 2-Pecks Promise Farm
100,000-Lb. Cow (1)
1-Burrod Roy Lanie, Robert & Charles Hatfield
Dam & Daughter (5)
1-Roput Farm; 2-Roput Farm
Production Cow – 30,000m or 1000f in 365 days or
less (1)
1-Burrod Advent Berry-Red , Robert & Charles Hatfield
74 - NYN October 2013
A beautiful day and beautiful cattle greeted
Judge David Crack for the Tri-County Holstein
Show in Schaghticoke. In all, 103 head passed
through the ring, with the ribbons widely
distributed among several different exhibitors.
The Liddle Family of Argyle had a great day,
taking the Junior Champion, Grand, & Reserve
Grand Champion awards. Anthony Liddle’s
big, strong fall yearling, LiddleholmeRoxstar,
outpaced all her competitors to be named Junior
Champion of both the junior and senior shows.
So stylish on the move, she was followed by
Kyle & Jen Thygesen’s winning winter calf,
Howacres Braxton Otter, a well-balanced, deepribbed Braxton daughter.
The Lundy Family from Luncrest Farm had
several high finishers on the day including the
Intermediate Champion, Luncrest Sanchez MZ1288, the winning senior 3-year-old and Best
Udder in class winner. Her closest competitor in
the younger cow classes came in Luke Getty’s
first-place senior 2-year-old, Winterhlm-WG Bax
Elated-ET, so well-balanced and another Best
Udder in class winner.
It was again Liddleholme for the Senior &
Grand Champions. Hailee Liddle’s first-place
5-year-old, Brigeen Maestro Tara, took the
top prize with her style, balance, great udder,
and cleanliness throughout. Her herdmate,
Liddleholme Stormtc Echo-ET, the winning aged
cow, made a fitting Reserve Grand Champion, a
very similar cow, so correct throughout.
Winning the Premier banners at this
show is always an honor, given the level of
Junior 3-Year-Old (3)
1-Lew-Lin Dundee Tidbit, Lew-Lin Farms; 2-Burrod
Tundel Spirit, Robert & Charles Hatfield
Dry Cow 4 Years & Under (1)
1-Ms T-Farm ZBW Bigtime Piece, Camryn Chester
Best Three Females (2)
1-Roput Farm; 2-Bodnar Holsteins
July 31, 2013
Judge: David Crack
Adam, Brock, and Hailee Liddle are joined by dairy
royalty and Judge David Crack after winning the
Senior & Grand Championship with Brigeen Maestro
Tara and Reserve Senior & Reserve Grand Champion
honors with Liddleholme Stormtic Echo-ET.
NY Show Reports
competition and the quality from start to finish.
The King Family from Kings Ransom Farm took
home the Premier Exhibitor banner after a really
good day, while the Tudor Family of Elm-Spring
Farm garnered the Premier Breeder banner.
This show also awards Reserve banners, with
Lincoln Hill Farm taking the Reserve Premier
Breeder banner and Elm-Spring as Reserve
Premier Exhibitor. The well-sponsored show
book of breeder and agribusiness advertising
is always one of the summer’s best and a
profitable silent auction also adds excitement to
the two-day event.
Spring Calf (13)
1-Hackett Lights On, Edward Hackett
2-Liddleholme Rehanna, Brock Liddle
Winter Calf (14)
1-Howacres Braxton Otter, Kyle & Jen Thygesen;
2-Liddleholme Daiquiri-ET, Brock Liddle
Fall Calf (16)
2-Liddleholme Alice-Red-ET, Hailee Liddle
Summer Yearling (4)
1-Luncrest Gdsn Wandr-1470-ET, Luncrest Farm;
2-Willow-Marsh C S Sissy-Red, Willow-Marsh Farm
Spring Yearling (6)
1-Ms Atwood Lyzzette-ET, Breanna Fulper & Reid
Lundy; 2-Hazels Sid Harmony-ET, Liddleholme
Winter Yearling (4)
1-Luncrest Long-Overdue-1439, Luncrest Farm;
2-Liddleholme YH Rochelle, Brock Liddle
Fall Yearling (4)
1-Liddleholme Roxstar, Anthony Liddle;
Prancers Pineapple-ET, Willow Marsh Farm
Junior Best Three Females (1)
Dry 3 & 4-Year-Old (2)
1-Fly-Higher Advantage Relive-Red, Whitney Kugler;
2-Andland Roy Outside Monica, Andland Farms
Junior 2-Year-Old (10)
1 & BU-Regancrest-GVH Arizona-ET, Luncrest,
Wood, & Reynolds; 2-Elm-Spring Hvezda Ella, ElmSpring Farm
Senior 2-Year-Old (8)
1 & BU-Winterhlm-WG Bax Elated-ET, Luke Getty;
2-Married-Well Des Racer-Red, Ariel Garland & Luke
Junior 3-Year-Old (5)
1-Golden-Oaks Gwyn Classy-ET, Kings Ransom
Farm; 2 & BU-SRP Destry F11977-ET, Ariel Garland
Senior 3-Year-Old (5)
1 & BU-Luncrest Sanchez MZ-1288, Luncrest Farm;
2-Kings-Ransom Kane Gabriella, Johnathan King
4-Year-Old (3)
1 & BU-Elm-Spring Goldwyn Nezzy-ET, Elm-Spring
Farm; 2-Clear-Echo Armstead 1827-ET, Matthew
5-Year-Old (8)
1 & BU-Brigeen Maestro Tara, Hailee Liddle;
2-Howacres Affirmed Dublin, Kyle & Jen Thygesen
Aged Cow (1)
1 & BU-Liddleholme Stormtc Echo-ET, Liddleholme
Dam & Daughter (1)
1-Fly-Higher Holsteins
Best Three Females (2)
1-Kings-Ransom Farm; 2-Elm-Spring Farm
Wayne County Holstein Show
August 15, 2013
Judge: Jason Gerber
Junior Champion
Oakfield-Bro Feather-Red-ET, Ellen Haner
Reserve Junior Champion
Ranway GW Miss September-ET, Makayla Youngman
Senior & Grand Champion
Kulp-Dale Debnr Abby-Red-ET, Emma Andrew
Reserve Senior & Reserve Grand Champion
Ms Ranway Dunde Lovebug-ET, Adam Schultz
Spring Calf (13)
1-Hurcroft Dempsey Latte, Devlyn Hurley; 2-Waystreet
Avery Diamond, Lydia Young
Winter Calf (7)
1-Oakfield-Bro Feather-Red-ET, Ellen
2-Ranway Fever Karly, Adam Schultz
Fall Calf (5)
1-Ranway GW Miss September-ET, Makayla
Youngman; 2-Will-O-Crest Wndbrk Enchant, Lizeth
Summer Yearling (1)
1-Hurcroft Braxton Abby, Devlyn Hurley
Spring Yearling (2)
1-Hurcroft Braxton LaDaisy, Devlyn Hurley; 2-OCD
Reality Filly-Red, Gabriella Taylor
Winter Yearling (1)
1-Will-O-Crest Raindrop-Red, Rachel Rouland
Junior Get of Sire (1)
1-Devlyn Hurley
Junior Best Three Females (3)
1-Ranway Farms; 2-Hurcroft Holsteins; 3-Will-O-Crest
Senior 2-Year-Old (1)
1-Drumlinvu Gabor Dotty, Jenna Hill
Best Three Females (2)
1-Ranway Farms; 2-Will-O-Crest Farms
WNY Regional Show
August 10, 2013
Judge: Callum McKinven
Junior Champion
OCD Fever Cajun-ET, Jared Dueppengiesser
Reserve Junior Champion
Price-View Reginald Prize, Charles & John L.
Intermediate & Grand Champion
Siemers Sz Hia-Mae-ET, Jacob Dueppengiesser
Reserve Intermediate Champion
Oakfield Gold Taylor-ET, Oakfield Corners Dairy
Senior & Reserve Grand Champion
Coyne-McGarr Golden Lily-ET, Coyne Farms, Inc. &
McGarr Farms
Reserve Senior Champion
Calbrett Airraid Lu, Old Acres Farm
Premier Breeder & Premier Exhibitor: Oakfield
Corners Dairy
Spring Calf (15)
1-OCD Windbrook Confetti-ET, Oakfield Corners
Dairy; 2-Mikelholm-RA Dsk Applecrisp, Mikelholm
Holsteins & Reality Avenue; 3-J-Folts Mayfield
Jacquelin-ET, Zane Hubbard-Folts
Winter Calf (22)
1-Jackson-Hill Braxtn Magical, Jeff Atherton;
2-Mt-Ararat Goldwyn Ebrill-ET, Aidan Mulligan;
3-Georgetown Fever Mistletoe, Chris & Steph George
Fall Calf (12)
1-Price-View Reginald Prize, Charles & John L.
Richmond; 2-Reyncrest Fever Addy, Mackenzie
Reynolds; 3-Oakfield Sid Lara Croft-ET, Old Acres
Farm, Inc.
Summer Yearling (11)
1-Kingsway Lauthority Rodie, Emilie Mulligan;
2-Pierstein Resolute Becka, Andrew Reynolds;
3-Kevetta Atwood Blitz, Duncan Bailey
Spring Yearling (14)
1-Reyncrest Fremont Moya, Andrew Reynolds;
2-Welker Bro B Twist of Fate, Z. & R. Welker, D. & C.
Sharp, and L. & B. Hill; 3-Reyncrest Shotgun 4780,
Andrew Reynolds
Winter Yearling (5)
1-Ms Atlees Jordan Adara-ET, D. & C. Sharp, L. & B.
Hill, & D. Packard; 2-OCD Sid Lara-ET, Keith Koerner;
3-D-J Atwood Adeline, Dana Rublee
Junior 3-Year-Old (3)
1-Kulp-Dale Debnr Abby-Red-ET, Emma Andrew;
2-OCD Shottle Teresa-ET, Norene Meyer
4-Year-Old (1)
1-Ms Ranway Dunde Lovebug-ET, Adam Schultz
Dry Aged Cow (1)
1-Will-O-Crest Roy Sandy, Barbara Young
Dam & Daughter (1)
1-El-Vi Farms LLC
Produce of Dam (1)
1-Barb Young & Shane Schultz
Stephen Coyne holds the Senior & Reserve Grand
Champion, Coyne-McGarr Golden Lily-ET, while Jared
Dueppengiesser is at the halter of the Intermediate &
Grand Champion, Siemers Sz Hia-Mae-ET.
NYN October 2013 - 75
NY Show Reports
Fall Yearling (5)
1-OCD Fever Cajun-ET, Jared Dueppengiesser;
2-Old-Acres Golden Brook-ET, Daniel Elliott; 3-LakeView Avalan Baby Doll, Larry & Beanie Hill
Junior Best Three Females (6)
1-Andrew Reynolds; 2-Oakfield Corners Dairy;
3-David Hoffman
Junior 2-Year-Old (6)
1 & BU-ZBW-JP San Lipstick-ET, Oakfield Corners
Dairy; 2-Lake-View Amazing Libby, L. & B. Hill; 3 &
2d BU-Mslulus Atlantic Laurae-ET, L. & B. Hill and
George Family Farms LLC
Senior 2-Year-Old (18)
1-Jacobs Sanchez Blacky-ET, Jacob Dueppengiesser;
2 & BU-Jon-Lu Aftershock Tara-ET, Co-Vista Holsteins;
3-Arethusa Aftershock Dahlia, Cooper Galton
Junior 3-Year-Old (9)
1 & BU-Oakfield Gold Taylor-ET, Oakfield Corners
Dairy; 2 & 2d BU-Lookout Goldwyn Casea-ET, Old
Acres Farm; 3-Ms Atwood Madison-ET, Eric L.
Senior 3-Year-Old (8)
1 & BU-Siemers Sz Hia-Mae-ET, Jacob
Dueppengiesser; 2 & 2d BU-Premier-G Alexander
Bosky-ET, Coyne Farms, Inc.; 3-Mikelholm Debonr
Ribbon-Red, Emily Mikel
4-Year-Old (11)
1 & BU-Coyne-McGarr Golden Lily-ET, Coyne Farms,
Inc. & McGarr Farms; 2 & 2d BU-Calbrett Airraid Lu,
Old Acres Farm; 3-Bella-Rosa GW Sara-ET, Oakfield
Corners Dairy
5-Year-Old (6)
1 & BU-Annalea Goldwyn Alinda, Jacob
Dueppengiesser; 2-Ms Kalies Advent Kalina, Jared
Dueppengiesser; 3 & 2d BU-Whittier-Farms Lois-RedET, Oakfield Corners Dairy
Produce of Dam (4)
1-Oakfield Corners Dairy; 2-Kelsey Warriner; 3-Chris
& Steph George
Dam & Daughter (6)
1-Oakfield Corners Dairy; 2-Old Acres Farm; 3-Justin
Aged Cow (4)
1 & 2d BU-In-Tim-Idate Lillie Wild-ET, Andrew
Reynolds; 2 & BU-Cowtown Durham Luella-ET,
Oakfield Corners Dairy; 3-Stony-Pillar SharmaineRed, Oakfield Corners Dairy
Entries and Photos for
the All-New York & Jr.
All-New York Contests
are due October 15!
125,000-Lb. Cow (2)
1 & BU-Gen-I-Beq Goldwyn Saby, Samantha
Smithgall; 2 & 2d BU-Oakfield Spirte Brittany, Oakfield
Corners Dairy
Dry 3 & 4-Year-Old (2)
1-Woodlawn Dundee Daphne-ET, Oakfield Corners
Dairy; 2-Mac-Mara Aspen Deville, Ted Dechow
Forms are found in the
September News,
pages 41-42
Or online at
Best Three Females (3)
1-Oakfield Corners Dairy; 2-Larry & Beanie Hill;
3-Chris & Steph George
Breeder’s Herd (2)
1-Chris & Steph George; 2-Larry & Beanie Hill
Questions, call Mike at
Dairy Herd (3)
1-Ransom Rail Farms; 2-Oakfield Corners Dairy;
3-Larry & Beanie Hill
Another Excellent Fanny
Ms-Boardwalk Laramie
Fannie (EX-90)
2-04 2x 365 28,681 3.3 933 2.8 801
3-06 2x 269 28,468 3.0 841 2.6 750 (Inc.)
Fannie has a December calf by Phoenix
and is due back in April to Brokaw.
Her Dam By Starbuck:
Ms Roedale Star Fanatic-ET (VG-85)
3-05 3x 358 27,290 3.7 1016 3.2 864
2nd Dam By Storm:
Roedale Fantastic-ET (3E-93)
2-07 2x 365 30,680 4.2 1292 3.3 1014
6 EX & 3 VG Daughters
Maternal Sister to Roedale S Fantasia-ET (3E-95)
4th Dam:
Bendy-Brook Odyssey Favorite (2E-92-DOM)
6-01 2x 337 22,670 3.4 770 3.1 706
Hard working and pleasing type are
what we have come to expect from
the Fanny family and Laramie Fannie
fits that perfectly. We welcome your
visit to see the herd while attending
the 65th O-H-M Club Sale on October
19th. We’ll be waiting for you!
76 - NYN October 2013
3rd Dam by Encore:
Tri-Day Encore Fanny-ET (EX-92)
2-06 3x 365 33,410 3.9 1318 3.0 1005
Full Sister to Tri-Day Ashlyn
(2E-96 GMD-DOM)
Allan & Pat Pullis
Jason, Holly, Max, & Owen Pullis
Luke, Theresa, & Adam Pullis
626 McShane Rd., Richfield Springs, NY 13439
Phone/Fax: 315-858-0651
Luke’s Cell: 315-263-7422 • Jason’s Cell: 315-794-6737
• Jamesway
• Berg
• Patz
• Farmway
• Clay
• Starline
• Badger
Drive Units, Sprockets &
Ramps Available
Call for Delivery & Installation
Art Timmel Equipment
3626 Brown St. • Collins, NY 14034
716.532.2040 Shop
716.532.2919 Home
1HO08778 Charlesdale SU PE Rstition-ET*TV
Super daughters at Harmony-Ho Holsteins, Stratford, Wis., a GENESIS Cooperator Herd.
Combining the
Best of Everything
TPI is a servicemark of Holstein Association USA, Inc.
USDA-CDCB/08-13, HA-USA/08-13, IB -M/USA/08-13, HA-M/USA/08-13
©2013 CRI
NYN October 2013 - 77
GTPI +2280
PTA +1589M +73F +49P +650NM +4.2PL
PTA +3.31T +2.79UDC +1.49FLC
Shamrock x Cookiecutter MOM Halo-ET
(VG-88, EX-MS DOM) – 8th gen. VG or EX,
ALL EX-MS in the “Dellia” family!
Haven has pregnancies by Willpower,
Liquid Gold, Jacey, & Jabir.
** Selling Oct. 2 in
rse Sale,
the Stars of the Unive
(9 pregs.) x
1st Choice Willpower
Haven and
embryos !
78 - NYN October 2013
GTPI +2133 – Outcross
PTA +1718M +50F +46P +596NM +4.1PL +.5DPR
PTA +2.17T +1.89UDC +2.60FLC
+109 Pts. above Parent Average!
Pregnancies by Liquid Gold, Jacey, Oak,
Cashcoin, and Racer and she is still being
flushed. Her dam is a Lynch, followed by a
2E-92 GMD-DOM Debut with recs. to 40,020
4.1 1651 2.9 1161, then Pen-Col Mtoto Dima-ET
(VG-88 GMD-DOM), followed by 7 more VG &
EX dams!
From the Same Family…
b. 6/1/201
GTPI +2349
274 Pts. Above Parent Average!
AltaIota x VG-85-DOM Bret,
then 2E-92 GMD-DOM Debut.
Dory has a Mascalese heifer and
she is due in Dec. to Galaxy.
We’re working with
some great cows from
some of the Breed’s
finest families.
Visitors and inquiries
Fly Creek Valley Farms • Wind-N-Tail Holsteins
The Pernat Families
Fly Creek, NY 13337 • Mark: 518-796-2774 • Pernat82@gmail.com
NYN October 2013 - 79
GTPI +2531
200HO03877 – at Semex
PTA +1516M +98F +56P +920NM +5.8PL +2.8DPR
PTA +2.63T +1.75UDC +2.90FLC
Facebook x Coyne-Farms Freddie Jill-ET (VG-85) x
Ramos Jelly (VG-85-DOM)
GTPI +2487
1HO10788 – at Genex
PTA +1837M +67F +69P +831NM +4.9PL +1.9DPR
PTA +2.74T +2.26UDC +2.34FLC
AltaIota x Coyne-Farms Mass Jill-ET x
Ramos Jelly (VG-85-DOM)
GTPI +2501
200HO03878 – at Semex
PTA +1641M +89F +57P +915NM +6.1PL +2.3DPR
PTA +2.38T +2.01UDC +2.41FLC
Full brother to Jabir
GTPI +2420
7HO11853 – at Select Sires
PTA +1675M +80F +53P +767NM +5.9PL +1.3DPR
PTA +3.36T +2.56UDC +2.10FLC
Shamrock x Foxberry Stream Myra 619-ET (VG-86-DOM) x
2E-92 GMD-DOM x 3E-94 GMD-DOM
We are proud to work with these A.I. organizations
in building the next generation of profitable cows!
80 - NYN October 2013
GTPI +2318
GTPI +2481
PTA +876M +76F +46P +689NM +23.7PL +2.6DPR
PTA +2.59T +2.30UDC +2.15FLC
Man-O-Man x Vision-Gen Mac Alice-ET (VG-87) x
Applouis Jet Stream Alda-ET (VG-85-DOM)
PTA +1413M +91F +49P +820NM +6.3PL +2.7DPR
PTA +3.04T +2.64UDC +2.14FLC
Uno x Foxberry Stream Myra 619-ET (VG-86-DOM)
Maple is a maternal sister to MACK.
GTPI +2141
GTPI +2144
From the
PTA +942M +48F +36P +600NM +3.8PL +1.0DPR
PTA +2.07T +2.34UDC +2.07FLC
Man-O-Man x Coyne-Farms Socrates Di-ET x Bret
Daffers (EX-91-DOM), the dam of Dorcy & Dolce.
PTA +1322M +80F +56P +557NM
PTA +2.21T +2.16UDC +1.96FLC
Bronco x Bolt Diedra (EX-90-DOM) x
Bret Daffers (EX-91-DOM)
Dolce is the Planet brother of Coyne-Farms
Dorcy-ET, the #2 TPI bull in the world!
Dolce will be released in December.
Coyne Farms, Inc.
Routes 5 & 20 • Avon, NY 14414
Cell: 585-202-1327 • Fax: 585-226-8391
Email: decoin123@aol.com • www.coynefarms.com
NYN October 2013 - 81
– Index of Advertisers –
Accelerated Genetics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
Allegany-Steuben Club Sale. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Allegany-Steuben Holstein Club. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
Armson Farms LLC. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82
Bacon-Hill Holsteins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
Benton Holsteins. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Blue Gene Farm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
Cattle Exchange . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Cha-Liz Farm LLC. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
Clear Echo Farm. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
Collins-crest Holsteins. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
Cook Farm. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
Co-Vale Holsteins LLC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
Coyne Farms, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62, 80-81
Dwi-Bet Farms and Gordon & Julie Wood. . . . . . . . . 15
Elm-Spring Farm. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
Field of Dreams Genetics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2, 3, 33
Fisher, Cybil. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
Flowing-Spring Farm. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
Francisco, Frank . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
Fulper, Breanna. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
Fly Creek Valley Farms. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
Fly-Higher Holsteins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
Genex . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
Gold-Bar Holsteins Dispersal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
Green Banks Farm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
High Croft Farm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
High-Sky-Acres. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Hobby Acres . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
Hurcroft Holsteins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Ideal Dairy Farms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
Joleanna Holsteins, LLC. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
Kenyon-Hill Farm. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
Kevetta Farms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Kings-Ransom Farm. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
Luncrest Farm. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
Maplegrand Farms. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .62
Maypar Farm. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
Mellinger, Richard. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
Midas Touch Genetics. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
New York Harvest Sale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53-55
New York Holstein Association . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Oakfield Corners Dairy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
O-H-M Club Sale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
O-H-M Dairy Bowl Team . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
Opportunity Holsteins & Jerseys and
Dan’s Dairy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
82 - NYN October 2013
Ovaltop Holsteins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
Paramount Holsteins. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
Ridgedale Farm. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-17
Rocklan Holsteins Dispersal. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
Roedale Farm. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
Roll-N-View Farms LLC. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
Select Sire Power, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Sharp, Dean . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
Spring Grove Farm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Sunny Rox Farm. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
Synergy Genetics, LLC. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
Taurus Service, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
Telstar Farms. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
Tiger Lily Holsteins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6, 63
Timmel, Art . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
Van Skiver, Bill. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
Walker, Mike . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
Wall Street Dairy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Watch Hill Holsteins. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
Welcome Stock Farm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
Wideawake Holsteins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
Woodcrest Dairy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
She’s Got it All!
Show Style & the “Mary” Family … and
she sells in the NY Harvest Sale!
b. 6/2/2012
Sired by Pine-Tree
Sid-ET bred to
Atwood (sexed)!
2013 Show Highlights:
3rd Summer Yearling at NYSF Youth Show
4th at NYSF Open Show (2nd Jr.)
5th at WNY Regional Show
A beautiful heifer backed by one of NY’s greatest
maternal lines. Her dam is a VG-87 Buckeye w/1102f
at 2-02, next dam is VG-86 w/1113f, then AutumnRidge Strm Murphy (3E-93) w/1612f and 4 more VG
& EX dams!
Consigned by Austin Milligan
Armson Farms LLC
The Milligan Families
1091 Peoria Rd. – Pavilion, NY 14525
Ph: 585-584-8050 – Fax: 585-584-8051 – Email: armsonfarms@gmail.com