Band With Us -


Band With Us -
Promote and expand YOUR business
with Harrison High School Bands!
Football Games-
Your company’s name will be
announced at halftime during
home games and depending on
your sponsorship level, a banner
will be displayed with your logo at
the field to be seen by over
2,500 sports fans per game.
Pigs & Peaches-
Pigs and Peaches is a family friendly 2-day
event that attracts more than 50,000
participants and includes: cooking contests,
vendor booths and several stages featuring
musical acts throughout each day.
Depending on your sponsorship level, a banner
with your company logo will be displayed.
Corporate Sponsor Spotlight E-mails-
“Band With Us” and take advantage of
this unique, TAX-DEDUCTIBLE
MARKETING opportunity.
This is a sponsorship program designed to raise funds
to support the band programs at Harrison High School.
These programs provide specialized musical, marching and learning
opportunities otherwise unavailable to most high school students.
Promote your local business and help us reach our goals.
Please select your sponsorship level by completing the
following sponsor information and return to a
band student or mail to the address below.
Band concerts are scheduled
throughout the year. Your
sponsorship is acknowledged
in each concert’s program which
is distributed to over 1,300 attendees.
Pops in the Park-
This annual event draws over 2,000
spectators to a Chastain Park style
evening at the Harrison High
School campus featuring bands
from Harrison High and spotlighting
bands from local middle schools.
Advertised sponsors will be
published in a full-color
professionally printed program.
Band Handbook-
Harrison’s nationally acclaimed band program
boasts over 280 participants. Each family receives a
comprehensive guide book that highlights our sponsors
on a full color page featuring logo recognition.
_____S _____M _____L _____XL
Platinum Patron - $750.00
Contact e-Mail
Gold Patron - $500.00
Sponsor Information
(HHBB is a 501(c)(3) not for profit organization)
Sponsor Amount $
Check Made Payable to HHBB
P.O. Box 801017
Acworth, Ga 30101
Please provide artwork for your logo which will be used
in all advertising based on the level you chose.
Clean, camera ready or vectored art (electronic/EPS) preferred.
_____ Enclosed
_____ Will be mailed separately - see address above
_____ Will be e-mailed separately to:
Advertisement Benefit Selection (choose one):
___ Pops in the Park ___ Arts in Motion ___ Night of Jazz
Night of Jazz-
Over 400 jazz enthusiasts attend this elegant evening
of music and desserts where your support will be
acknowledged in the evening’s program.
Diamond Patrons Only- Select quantity of adult shirts (total of 4 shirts)
* Minimum of 3 corporate sponsor spotlight e-mail blasts to all band
* FULL page ad in the event program of your choosing
* Logo recognition in all concert band programs and event flyers and
* Featured corporate recognition at all HOME FOOTBALL GAMES
over the public address system
* Logo recognition on the Harrison Band and event websites
* Eight tickets to the annual Pops in the Park concert
* Four tickets to the annual Night of Jazz concert
* Your company logo on an individual sponsor banner
* Link from Harrison Band website to your business website
* Corporate sponsorship recognition plaque for display
Contact Telephone #
* Minimum of 4 corporate sponsor spotlight e-mail blasts to all band
* FULL page ad in the event program of your choosing
* Logo recognition in all concert band programs and event flyers and
* Featured corporate recognition at all HOME FOOTBALL GAMES
over the public address system
* Logo recognition on the Harrison Band and event websites
* Ten tickets to the annual Pops in the Park concert
* Six tickets to the annual Night of Jazz concert
* Your company logo on an individual sponsor banner
* Link from Harrison Band website to your business website
* Corporate sponsorship recognition plaque for display
“Band With Us” and Together we will Grow.
Contact Name
Updated information and news is e-mailed to all band
family members weekly. Corporate sponsors will be
spotlighted and recognized. Depending upon your
sponsorship level, your 1/2 page ad will be included in
our weekly e-mail blasts.
Diamond Patron - $1000.00
Student’s Name
Parent’s Name
Telephone #
E-Mail Address
This area to be completed by Harrison Band Student
* Minimum of 2 corporate sponsor spotlight e-mail blasts to all band
* 1/2 page ad in the event program of your choosing
* Logo recognition in all concert band programs and event flyers and
* Featured corporate recognition at all HOME FOOTBALL GAMES
over the public address system
* Recognized on the Harrison Band and event websites
* Eight tickets to the annual Pops in the Park concert
* Four tickets to the annual Night of Jazz concert
* Link from Harrison Band website to your business website
Silver Patron - $250.00
* Minimum of 1 corporate sponsor spotlight e-mail blast to all band
* 1/2 page ad in the event program of your choosing
* Logo recognition in all concert band programs and event flyers and
* Featured corporate recognition at all HOME FOOTBALL GAMES
over the public address system
* Recognized on the Harrison Band and event websites
* Six tickets to the annual Pops in the Park concert
* Two tickets to the annual Night of Jazz concert
Bronze Patron - $100.00
Business card ad in the event program of your choosing
Company name recognition in all concert band programs
Recognized on the Harrison Band and event websites
Four tickets to annual Pops in the Park concert
Copper Patron - $50.00
* Business card ad in the event program of your choosing
* Two tickets to the annual Pops in the Park
2010 Bands of America Indianapolis Regional Finalist
* Grand Champion Tournament of Champions - WCU
2009 Georgia Music Educators Association’s Premier
Performance Ensembles – One of 2 bands in Georgia
* Grand Champion Tournament of Champions - WCU
* Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade - New York City
2008 Bands of America Super Regional Atlanta Finalist - 2nd place
* Bands of America Regional Champions - Massillon, OH
2007 Wind Ensemble selected to participate at Midwest Clinic
(One of the Nation’s top 4 High School Bands)
* Bands of America Grand National Finalist (Top 12 in nation)
* St. Patrick’s Day Parade - Dublin, Ireland
* Winter Guard Intl - Atlanta Regional Finalist
* Winter Guard Intl World Championships - Semi-Finalist
2006 The John Philip Sousa Foundation Sudler Flag of Honor
(One of 2 International Recipients)
Bands of America National Concert Band Festival
Bands of America Super Regional Finalist - GA Dome
McEachern Invitational Classic Champions
Bands of America Regional Champions - Murfreesboro,TN
Winter Guard - Southeastern Color Guard CircuitGeorgia State Champions
* Winter Guard International - Finalists - Atlanta and
Tampa Regionals
* Winter Guard Intl World Championships - Semi-Finalist
2005 Winter Guard Intl World Championships - Semi-Finalist
* Georgia Music Educators Association’s Premier
Performance Ensembles – One of 2 bands in Georgia
* Eagles Nest Invitational - Grand Champions
2004 Bands of America Regional Champions - Massillon, OH
* Grand Champions Lassiter Marching Band Showcase
2003 Bands of America National Concert Band Festival
(One of the Nation’s top 16 High School Bands)
* Grand Champions Lassiter Marching Band Showcase
2002 St. Patrick’s Day Parade - New York City
* Marching Band participates in the filming of “Drumline”
* Nokia Sugar Bowl Half-time show
2000 Citrus Bowl Parade
1999 Wind Ensemble selected to participate at Midwest Clinic
(One of the Nation’s top 4 High School Bands)
1998 Bands of America National Concert Band Festival
(One of the Nation’s top 16 High School Bands)
1996 Closing Ceremonies Paralympics Games
Band Makes A Difference!
Students participating in band for two years score higher on tests:
SAT Verbal
20 points higher
SAT Math
25 points higher
And gains increase with each additional year!
Two Valedictorians and One Salutatorian
have been band students
60% – 75% of band seniors graduate with honors
Harrison High Band Boosters
4500 Due West Road
Kennesaw, Georgia 30152
Dedication • Excellence • Pride
Harrison Band Honors
Wind Ensemble
Symphonic Band
Concert Band
Fall Wind Symphony
Jazz Ensemble I, II, & III
Percussion Ensemble
In-Door Drumline
Marching Band