The Illuminati - conspiracy central 101


The Illuminati - conspiracy central 101
“…If the sincere and thoughtful Mason would "take
notice" of the symbolism and the use made everywhere
in the Lodge of the word "Light", and remember that the
real Initiates are called also "the Illuminati…"
-The Genius of Freemasonry [Vol. I, Chicago Indo-American
Book Co. 1914, p. 36], by J.D. Buck, who is a 32nd Degree
The Illuminati
Juxtaposed in world culture is the mention of the Illuminati. The Illuminati isn’t just a concern that’s
strongly presented along the confines of books and films like Da Vinci Code. This group transpires in
the consciousness of numerous human beings existing in the world over. Now, disinformation is
satisfied when the subject of the Illuminati comes up. That is precisely why I’ve definitely decided to
write prose that reflects honesty and accuracy. I wrote about the Illuminati as far back as 2002, but
now it’s a new decade. In our time, young folks like me should hold fast our visions in life and
make evaluations about the real truth. This purpose leads into discovering more of the truth,
especially as it relates to the Illuminati. This article won’t just describe the Illuminati, but its
offshoots and other entities that held on to similar views that are espoused by the Illuminati.
Since 1997, I found out about the Illuminati. Like previous works on similar subjects, I will show
source after source to make my writings have more credible evidence. This article will be much better
than the one Illuminati work I’ve created in 2002. Today, the world is more complex with international
bankers and foundations like the Rockefeller Foundations that exist with extreme influence in the
geopolitical stage. Some of the multi-national corporations have more political/economic influence
than some countries in 2010. The Illuminati is similar to the old Mystery Schools that spanned
thousands of years in Africa, Asia, Europe, etc. These schools acted like the first intelligence
agencies. The reason is that back then (or thousands of years ago), the priests and Kings ruled the
land. Some of them knew the secrets of science, math, philosophy, etc. in a higher level than most of
the common man. So, these Mystery Schools were formed to guard the secrets of government, math,
religion, science, etc. from the common people in order to control the people (and consolidate their
power base). Now, like the Bavarian Illuminati, these Mystery Schools believed in secret rituals in
order for new members to be apart of the organization. They also focused on the principal that man
can follow acts and rituals to achieve godhood or enlightenment. This promise of godhood among
ancient pagan thought is very similar to the expression of Satan (the Serpent) to Adam and Eve by
saying that: “…For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be
opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil…” (Genesis 3:5). These
words sums up the quintessential belief system of the New Age Movement. These
ancient pre-Bavarian Illuminati groups (or organizations that held onto similar
doctrines of the Illuminati go by a myriad of names and classifications). They include:
The Nine Unknown of India, the Eleusinian Mysteries of ancient Greece, the stone & speculative
Masons, the Knights Templar, and even the British Royal Society. The Knights Templar were a group
of warrior priests that used imperialism against Muslims in the Holy Land. They were suspected of
receiving secret knowledge near Solomon’s Temple. They became international bankers, which
provoked the jealously of the King of France and the Papacy. They were murdered for various sexual
and political accusations. Some of the Knights Templars died off and some researchers believe that
the Knights Templar influenced the creation of modern Freemasonry (other researchers disagree with
this point of view). The British Royal Society had many Freemasons as their founding members.
When I use the term Illuminist, I mean a high level elitists or someone in the elite that strongly
subscribes to the agenda of the Illuminati (since that agenda never ended in 1785. It still persists
today in this new decade). Many of the Mystery Religions’ initiation ceremonies are done in the night.
There is more to life than just man. The Universe is followed with many mathematical laws
that deal with the orderly procession of natural laws. There is evil and goodness in the world.
As time goes on, people realize the language and various codes in DNA. Some researchers
found language in DNA. There are specialized codes that are required to build proteins. Yet,
research in DNA composition is limited and we only discovered a fraction of learning about
the true language of DNA. Yet, some people tried to release genetically modified organism
into the biosphere. One concept about numbers was discovered by the Italian mathematician
named Leonardo of Pisa (or Fibonacci) in 1202. This sequence is called the phi, the Golden
Ratio, the Divine Proportion, etc. It's found all over nature. Fibonacci found out about Phi
when he studied the breeding of rabbits. The breeding of rabbits grew from 1,1,2,3, 5, 8, 13,
21, and so forth. Earth new number is the sum of the 2 before it. The ratio of each pair is
called Phi or 1.618. The proportion of 1.618 of course was used by ancient man before the
1200's. It's found in the architecture of the Parthenon in ancient Greece. Artists, architects,
and others have used the Golden ratio for thousands of year to institute great works. It's found
in the human body like the human binder has 4 sections that ratio equals to the Golden ratio.
The human ear is proportioned according to Phi. In the solar system, there is the golden ratio
pattern. Hurricanes on earth also exhibit the Golden Ratio, which “…makes the Golden
Ratio’s presence all the more remarkable,” because “Hurricanes are structures in the
gravitational field of the Earth, while galaxies are self-gravitating objects in space,” writes
Robert Roy Britt for Even at the quantum level, the Golden Ratio of 1.618 has
been discovered by researchers at Oxford and Bristol Universities. Francois Rabalaes
originated the do what thou wilt philosophy that Aleister Crowley promoted. Professor Alan
Tennant, one of the leading scientist involved in the research project remarked that, “Such
discoveries are leading physicists to speculate that the quantum, atomic scale world may have
its own underlying order.” Science Daily reports, Some speculate what does this mean. There
are many undiscovered mysterious in the universe. Man is more than just animal following
just emotions. Man is intelligent and use reason and spiritual power as well. Phi is one
instrument of the Creator's power in the Universe.
Here from Symbolism of Freemasonry, by Albert G. Mackey from p. 157 proves it in the
following source:
"Darkness, like death, is the symbol of initiation. It was for this reason that all the
ancient initiations were performed at night. The celebration of the mysteries was always
nocturnal. The same custom prevails in Freemasonry and the explanation is the same."
-Quoted from Masonic Report, Mcquaid, p.18.
I want to mention this. We all have equal, great value in this world as
human beings. The unique qualities among all of humanity is never a
hindrance. Instead, they are blessings that reflects the orderly, just
creativity of the heart & mind of Almighty God. I would be careful of
fraudulent acting people. They know who they are. These people would
make snide, disrespectful comments behind someone’s back, but they
are too cowardly to say what they meant in front of someone’s face.
These people are the type that act in different ways toward different
people and they appeal to evil. I don’t (unlike others) switch up my
accent to appeal to certain people. I talk with the same type of accent
when I encounter any human being. The lesson for us to not to follow
that fake, cowardly route. I don’t make snide comments behind a
person’s back. I say what I think in front of a person’s face and I don’t
act vindictive toward any human being. I’m not going to hate any human
being for any reason whatsoever. I am a man. I stand up for myself and I
have dignity plus worth as all human beings have. So, all of us should be
real to ourselves and everyone else.
The Bavarian Illuminati
Nothing brings more fierce debate than the Bavarian Illuminati’s compositions and
agenda. This group has been accused of plotting to take over the whole world. Others
believe that this organization still persists to this day with the agenda of world
domination. Now, it’s succinctly the time to outline the real truth on this group that can
flourish like a rushing, flowing river. To understand the Illuminati fully, you have to
gauge into the life and character of Adam Weishaupt. He was the founder of the Bavarian
Illuminati. Weishaupt lived a long time from February 6, 1748 to November 18, 1830. He
was born in Ingolstadt, Bavaria, and died in Gotha. He was a German philosopher.
He was taught by his godfather Johann Adam Freiherr von Ickstatt. Johann
influence Adam to accept rationalism. He was educated by the Jesuits at age 7. This
is interesting since Adam Weishaupt admitted that he used the organizational structure of
the Jesuits in order to found his Bavarian Illuminati organization. Adam had a doctorate
of law in 1768 at only 20 years old. He was a professor of law in 1772. He was a
professor of canon law after Pope Clement XIV suppressed the Jesuits in 1773. The
reason why the Jesuits were suppressed was that the Jesuits were overtly involved in evils
like infiltration, assassinations, murder, and various forms of corruption. Adam
Weishaupt formed his Order of Perfectibilitis or the Illuminati in May 1, 1776. The group
was first made up of 5 people. The Bavarian Illuminati was made up of 3 major groups
called The Nursery, Symbolic Freemasonry, and the Mysteries. The Mysteries is the
highest level of power in the Illuminati with the Lesser Group and the Greater group. The
Greater group is made up of the Magus and Rex or King. The Magus is the head of the
pyramid of the group being of course Adam Weishaupt. Their goals were pretty
obviously. The Bavarian Illuminati wanted to end all monarchies and all state religions in
Europe plus its colonies to try to form an Utopian society. Although, this order wasn’t
democratic nor egalitarian. Only a secret group of people joined and only a select group
of people within the order knew about the total agenda of the Illuminati. According to
University of Edinburgh professor (and General Secretary of the Royal Society of
Edinburgh) John Robinson in Proofs of a Conspiracy (1798), its purpose was to root
out all religion and ordinary morality, abolish national distinctions, demean
patriotism, and “rule the world.” Adam Weishaupt at first called his secret society
Perfektibilisten. Weishuapt’s code name was Spartacus (or the slave in ancient
Greece that lead a revolt to free themselves from tyranny. Likewise, Weishaupt felt
that he was a crusader against the tyrannies of the monarchies and establishment
governments). He praised Reason as the rleigion of man and many Deist Founders
of America praised Reason in almost God-like conontations. Reason to them and
Weishaupt was the way man can solve problems and form a better society in the
world. Weishaupt also became a member of Freemasonry at the Theodor zum guten Rath
Masonic Lodge in Munich in 1777. The Illuminati used Freemasonry, because
Freemasonry had an extensive network in Europe to spread resources and get his policies
run efficiently. Adam desired reason to rule his order, yet he followed the Gnostic vision
of perfecting human beings in a communal state with Nature. Another source on the
Bavarian Illuminati’s agenda is clearly shown:
“…Weishaupt . . . proposed as the end of Illuminism the abolition of property,
social authority, nationality, and the return of the human race to the happy
state in which it formed only a single family without artificial needs, without
useless sciences, every father being priest and magistrate. Priest of we know
not what religion, for in spite of their frequent invocations of the God of
Nature, many indications lead us to conclude that Weishaupt had, like
Diderot and d'Holbach, no other God than Nature herself. From his doctrine
would naturally follow German ultra-Hegelianism and the system of anarchy
recently developed in France, of which the physiognomy suggests a foreign
- Henry Martin, Histoire de France depuis les temps les plus reculés
jusqu'en 1789, XVI. 533.
According to Will and Ariel Durant in Rousseau and Revolution (1967), Weishaupt
“followed the model of the Society of Jesus [Jesuits], divided his associates into grades of
initiation, and pledged them to obey their leaders in a campaign to ‘unite all men capable of
independent thought,’ make man ‘a masterpiece of reason, and thus attain highest perfection
in the art of government’…”
That agenda is definitely very similar to the occult traditions spreading many ages of
time. This is why Barruel (who is an author) said that Weisahupt made the Illuminati
Novice to learn to date his letters based in the Persian era. The Zoroastrian mystery
school influence the Illuminati organization. Never forget that eliminating
governments, trying to embrace the lie of human godhood, and believing in a forced
Utopia has always been the agenda of the Illuminati (including the new world order
agenda). Weishaupt’s movement expanded all over the continent of Europe. It was
suppressed by 1785 by the Bavarian government since his writings were viewed as
seditious or subversive. The Society was banned by the government of Karl Theodor,
who was the Elector of Bavaria in 1784. He fled Bavaria later on. In 1785-1787,
Adam Weishaupt wrote books in favor of Illuminism. He was protected by Duke
Ernst II of Saxe Gotha Altenburg. Adam Weishaupt later lived in Gotha and died in
good graces of the Roman Catholic Church. John Robison was a Freemason and was
one of the earliest critics of the Illuminati. He was a professor of natural philosophy
in Edinburgh University in Scotland. He published a book called “Proofs of a
Conspiracy.” Robinson wrote that the Illuminati wanted to use the academic and
religious worlds as a means to promote their global agenda. They infiltrated
Kingdoms by placing their members as tutors of children of nobility like princes who
would rule countries later. Dr. Dennis Cuddy believed that Alexander I of Russia cam
under the influence of the Illuminati at a young age. The Bavarian Illuminati believed
in the emancipation of women or giving women equal rights and voting rights. There
is nothing wrong with this, yet, the Illuminati used this legitimate grievance as an
excuse to break down mainstream society (including breaking marriage vows
according to Robinson). Robinson believed that the Order of the Illuminati
promoted abortion back in the late 1700’s. Robinson wrote that in the handwriting of
Franz Zwack (Weishaupt’s closest confidant, and code name Cato) was a
“…description of a strong box, which, if forced open, shall blow up and destroy its
contents—Several receipts for procuring abortion—A composition which blinds or
kills when spurted in the face… A method for filling a bed-chamber with pestilential
vapours….” Regarding abortion, Weishaupt wrote to confidant Jakob Hertel (code
name Marius) in September 1783 that Weishaupt and his sister-in-law “have tried
every method in our power to destroy the child” in her womb. The Illuminati
had symbols and code names commonly expressed in their organization. According
to Librarian of Congress and Rhodes Scholar James Billington in Fire in the Minds of
Men (1980), “Weishaupt described his recruitment of Illuminists from within Masonic
Lodges in Munich as ‘the progress of the [picture of a point in the middle of a circle]’
in the political area.” Robinson wrote of the Illuminati in these terms:
“…An association has been formed for the express purposes of rooting out all the religious
establishments and overturning all existing governments ... the leaders would rule the World
with uncontrollable power, while all the rest would be employed as tools of the ambition of
their unknown superiors…” George Washington received the book and replied that:
“…It was not my intention to doubt that, the Doctrines of the Illuminati, and principles of
Jacobinism had not spread in the United States. On the contrary, no one is more truly
satisfied of this fact than I am. The idea that I meant to convey, was, that I did not believe
that the Lodges of Free Masons in this Country had, as Societies, endeavoured to propagate
the diabolical tenets of the first, or pernicious principles of the latter (if they are susceptible
of separation…”
Thomas Jefferson supported Adam Weishaupt as a philanthropist. One of the greatest
researchers of the Illuminati have been Terry Melanson and Phillip D. Collins. Melanson
believed that members of the Bavarian Illuminati believed in radical empiricism. What is
empiricism? Empiricism is the philosophical view that you can only find knowledge by
your senses alone. You will have to use the scientific method or human experience to find
the truth basically. Notice that this time was during the peak of the Age of the
Enlightenment. There was occult teachings being popularized and hermeticism that was
commonly promoted much of the intelligentsia of that time period. Those who lived in
that time were Baron de Montesquieu, Diderot, Immanuel Kant, Adam Smith, Johann
Wolfgang von Goethe, and others. Goethe was a Freemason and a member of the
Illuminati ironically. The Enlightenment’s supporters believed that that the laws of nature
can perfect man and perfect society. Weishaupt got his wife's sister pregnant and was not
being able to pay 50 marks for an illegal operation. He unsuccessfully tried to bring about an
abortion by the use of drugs. A boy was born on January 30th , 1784.
Melanson wrote that Venetian author Palo Sarpi’s works were required reading for
Illuminati initiates. There is the Jesuit debate in the Bavarian Illuminati. This debate is
made up of 2 factions. One faction (which is supported by Terry Melanson) believes that
the Illuminati opposed the Jesuits, but solely copied their infrastructure to create it. The
other faction believe that the Jesuits have serious influence and involvement with the
Bavarian Illuminati (this is supported by people like John Daniel, Eric Jon Phelps, those
from Unhived Mind forum, etc.). What is the truth? The truth is that the Jesuits were a
key factor in the establishment of the Illuminati. Without the Jesuits, Adam wouldn’t of
received the idea to create his group. Weishaupt wasn’t a Jesuit priest, but he was trained
by them. Although, the Jesuits and the Bavarian Illuminati consisted of strong differences.
Freemason Baron von Knigge was initiated in the Order in 1780, but accused Weishaupt
of being a Jesuit agent later on. Baron Adolph Knigge had the code name of Philo. He
was Weishaupt‘s 2nd in command from 1780 to 1784. Robinson wrote that Kniggee
promote the agenda of creating “Citizens of the World.” Citizens of the world is against
national sovereignty and represent the concept of world citizenship. I want to make this
point though: There is no doubt that we should expose the Vatican/Jesuit connection
to the new world order unlike what some even in the “alternative media” refuse to
do. We should expose all evil no matter what it is. The Jesuits are a clear threat. The
Jesuits infiltrated education, religious bodies, politics, the military, and other formats in
our nation. By their own admission, the Order of the Jesuits desire to end the Protestant
Reformation and crush legitimate liberties in our world. Terry Melanson is a great
researcher, but even he needs to realize that exposing the Vatican in a strong way is not
meant to promote hatred. It’s a means to present to the whole truth about how the world
works. I respect Terry for exposing the Masons and other secret orders, but the whole
narrative about history ought to be made manifest. It’s fine to expose how Masonic
groups have infiltrated much of the public school system. Yet, it’s just as important to
expose how Knight of Malta Rick Joyner promotes the heresy filled Promise Keepers &
Latter rain tenets too (or the Vatican ties to the European Union & the elite‘s Ecumenical
Movement). Everyone has a right to peacefully dissent with the false doctrines of
Romanism. These sources prove the evils of the Jesuits:
“They forswear their own moral independence; hold themselves, by oath, prepared to sin, at
the mandate of an erring mortal; and labour, with all the artifice of an exhaustless subtlety, in
teaching the myriads of Adam’s sinful race how to sin-ay, and sin, too, habitually and
systematically, with full and absolute impunity. With the ensigns of peace and good will
blazoned before them and the songs of freedom on their lips, these hosts go forth into all
lands, to trample on the throne of kings, to foment insubordination among subjects, to bind
the conscience in fetters, and stifle the first breath of rational liberty!”
-The Jesuits: Their Origin and Order, Morality and Practices, Suppression and
Restoration, Alexander Duff, 1852, p. 23.
"The Jesuits are a secret society - a sort of Masonic order - with superadded features of
revolting odiousness, and a thousand times more dangerous." - Samuel Morse (1791-1872;
American inventor of the telegraph; author of the book Foreign Conspiracy Against the
Liberties of the United States)
"[The Jesuits] are the deadly enemies of civil and religious liberty."
-R. W. Thompson (Ex-Secretary, American Navy)
"The Jesuits are a MILITARY organization, not a religious order. Their chief is a general of
an army, not the mere father abbot of a monastery. And the aim of this organization is power
- power in its most despotic exercise - absolute power, universal power, power to control the
world by the volition of a single man [i.e., the Black Pope, the Superior General of the
Jesuits]. Jesuitism is the most absolute of despotisms [sic] - and at the same time the greatest
and most enormous of abuses?"
-Napoleon I (i.e., Napoleon Bonaparte; 1769-1821; emperor of the French)
"The Jesuits are simply the Romish army for the earthly sovereignty of the world in the
future, with the Pontiff of Rome for emperor that's their ideal. It is simple lust of power, of
filthy earthly gain, of domination - something like a universal serfdom with them [i.e., the
Jesuits] as masters - that's all they stand for. They don't even believe in God perhaps."
-Fyodor Dostoyevsky (1821-1881; famous Russian novelist)
Some from the alternative media won’t show these quotations in their own sites. We
know their names and we know why they won’t show these quotes. “Jesuit Plots from
Elizabethan to Modern Times” was a book that was created by Albert Close (with an
additional chapter by Dr. Clive Gillis. It has 194 pages; Publisher: Protestant Truth Society).
This book exposes numerous Jesuit plots against the British people, e.g., their attempts to
assassinate Queen Elizabeth I of England and King James I of England; their attempts to
foment revolution and civil war; and their infiltration of the British government, etc. Not to
mention that the Jesuits were allied with the Freemason King Frederick the
Great II. Also, Adam Weishaupt by the 1800‘s, was fully reconciled with the
Roman Catholic Church and died a Catholic by November 18, 1830. The Jesuits is
headed by a man nicknamed the Black Pope. His name is Adolfo Nicolás. Before him
was Kolvenbach, who is a Dutchman. There is no doubt that Freemasonry collaborated
with Adam Weishaupt’s order since the July 16, 1782 conference came about (that made
the Illuminati and many Masons to unite with each other). Some have criticized this
Congress. One such honest Freemason called the Comte de Virieu, (or a member of
Martiniste Lodge at Lyons), returning from the Congre's de Wilhelmsbad could not conceal
his alarm. When questioned on the 'tragic secrets' he had brought back with him, Comte de
Virieu replied that: 'I will not confide them to you. I can only tell you that all this is very
much more serious than you think. The conspiracy which is being woven is so well
thought out that it will be, so to speak, impossible for the monarchy and the Church to
escape from it." From this time onwards, says his biographer, M. Costa de Beauregard,
'the Comte de Virieu could only speak of Freemasonry with horror.'" (Nesta H.
Webster. World Revolution - The Plot Against Civilization, p. 18.).
Offshoots of the Illuminati & Other Movements
The Bavarian Illuminati was banned by the Bavarian government by 1785. This doesn’t
mean that the ideas of the Illuminati became extent or that offshoots of the Illuminati
were non-existent. The police searched Xavier Zwack’s resident in Landshut. They
found pro-Illuminati books and other documents. They found the Illuminati’s
symbols, membership rosters, the ceremonies for initiation, a proposal to have a branch
for Illuminism for women (in a copy of a manuscript called “Better than Horus) and the
Persian calendar. The final edict made against the Illuminati was done by the Duke of
Bavaria in August 16, 1787. In 1788, after the suppression of Illuminism in Bavaria, Karl
Bahrdt and Baron von Knigge attempted to revive it under the name of the German
Union (according to the book, "The History of Germany" by Wolfgang Menzel). The
German Union soon came to control the book selling and publishing business in the
German lands. Dr. Charles Frederick Bahrdt (1741-1793) was one member of the
German Union. The German Union appeared to be a Reading Society, and one was set
up in Zwack's house in Landshut. The German Union therefore is an offshoot of the
Illuminati. Now, it had initially 17 young men that included 5 off Bahrdt’s friends.
Knigge divided the group into 6 grades. Dr. Bahrdt was an Illuminati member, a Mason,
and a German theologian. He was a professor of Sacred Philogy at the University of
Leipzing. The Society of the 22 or the Brotherhood was in its inner circle according to
David Allen Rivera. The German Union ceased to exist in 1793. However, it was not
until 1810 that the Order was revived in what is now Germany, this time under the
name of the Tugendbund. Some believe that the Illuminati traveled into America and
others deny it. What is true is that many of the Founding Fathers had links to
Freemasonry, Rosicrucians, and other movements like Thomas Jefferson and
Benjamin Franklin. Franklin was so involved in Freemasonry that he joined an early
American Lodge and he published an edition of Anderson's Constitution in 1734. George
Washington joined the Fredricksburg Lodge of Masonry in Virginia in 1752. Patrick Henry, Paul
Revere, and John Paul Jones wore the apron of Masonry (and so did Benedict Amold). Some of
them were involved in astrology including high level mathematics. Rosicrucians
accuse Franklin, Isaac Newton, and Rene Descartes as being apart of their movement.
The Rosicrucian headquarters in America is located in San Jose, California.
This is quote from the “Fire in the Minds of Men” book exposing the fact that the
philosophies of Illuminists & some revolutionaries existed from centuries ago.
These people used idea from the occult & paganism to justify their aims.
2 major events represent the major representations of the offshoots of (or views that are
similar to) the Bavarian Illuminati also. They are the French Revolution and Marx’s modern
Communism Revolution. First, the French Revolution must be explained first. The French
Revolution occurred to try to get rid of the Monarchy, which was the similar goal of the
Bavarian Illuminati. Authors and great researchers believe that the Illuminati's influence
spread into the French Revolution. French Count Honore Gabriel Mirabeau was a new
disciple of the Illuminati. His recruits were Duke of Orleans, Brissot, Condorcet, Petion,
Sieyes, and others (which are Jesuit-trained folks or Freemasons) were leaders of the French
Revolution. Now, David Allen Rivera wrote the following:
“…The Illuminati had secretly spread to France by 1787 (five years after they had
planned), through French orator and revolutionary leader Count Gabriel Victor
Riqueti de Mirabeau (1749-1791, Order name 'Leonidas') who had been
indoctrinated by Col. Jacob Mauvillon while he was in Berlin on a secret mission
for King Louis XVI of France in 1786. Mirabeau introduced Illuminati principles at
the Paris Masonic Lodge of the Amis Reunis (later renamed 'Philalethes'), and
initiated Abbé Charles-Maurice de Talleyrand-Perigord (1754-1838, a court cleric
in the House of Bourbon).The most trusted members were brought into the
'Secret Committee of United Friends' (it is interesting to note that a group of the
same name originated in 1771 as an occult group). The initiations took place at
the Illuminati's Grand Lodge, about 30 miles from Paris, in the Ermenonville
mansion owned by the Marquis de Gerardin. The famous impostor Saint Germain
(1710-1780, or 1785) presided over the initiation ceremonies…” Jim Marrs writes
in his book called Rule by Secrecy from page 221 that:
“…Guiseppe Balsamo, a student of the Jewish Cabala, a Freemason, and a
Rosicrucian, became known as Louis XVI's court magician Caliostro. He wrote
how the German Illuminati had infiltrated the French Freemason lodges for years
and added, "By March 1789, the 266 lodges controlled by the Grand Orient were
all 'illuminized' without knowing it, for the Freemasons in general, were not told
the name of the sect that brought them these mysteries, and only a very small
number were really inititated into the secret."
Most of the Founding Fathers abhorred the composition of the French Revolution
except Thomas Jefferson. Many Founding Fathers authentically realized that
nihilistic violence against people and the depletion of basic human liberties under
the guise of a Revolution (inside of France) is never a proficient way in achieving
real reform in a nation-state. I don’t accept the notion of kissing up to the Founding
Fathers. They were men and even they were not composed of a perfect nature. I respect
some of the legitimate concepts that they adhered to and at the same time I
acknowledge fully about some of their errors.
More people are knowing about the Founding Fathers. Many early Americans back then
tried to do the right thing and were sincere believers in God. The Great Revival from
1741 to 1800 helped a lot of people to get their spirituality in tuned with Almighty God. Yet,
many of the Founding Fathers were not only Deists and Masons. Some were straight
occultists and said offensive along with controversial comments about Christianity and
religion in general. The occult crowd wanted America to be a New Atlantis in order to
spread what Hall called a global democratic commonwealth. Freemasonry was the creed
that many Founding Fathers embraced. Freemasonry merges pagan teachings with
the belief in one God to gain converts. Charles Thomson is the famous historian that
didn't want the total history of the Founders known publicly. Thomson destroyed his
manuscript about the true account of the American Revolution. This is why government
buildings in Washington D.C. have pagan monument, occult paintings, and unique street
layouts (like D.C. having a Pentagram with one side missing in its layout. Even Hall said that
this image relates to the footprint of the Devil. The Pentagram has many meanings like the 8
year cycle of Venus, the perfected Man, Nature, etc.). Since some of these Founders harbor
anti-Christ views, they have that spirit or mentality of anti-Christ. Sir Francis Bacon
promoted the New Atlantis in America. Even Dr. John Dee wanted Britain to conquer the
world in a new world system. Dee lived before Bacon. David Barton is wrong to make most
Founding Fathers as Christians when they weren't. Barton is doing this, because he's pro-
Dominionist. Dominionist is the heresy that Christians must dominate the governments of
the world politically in order to herald the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ (when Jesus will
come on his own time after the Tribulation). Dominionism is nothing more than a new
world order type of system with a religious face. The images of D.C. in some way
represent man's old quest to make the Perfect world and await the so-called Perfected Man
(or what Christian call the Antichrist). The wickedness in America is a product of many
corporate forces trying to dominate our minds, hearts, and souls. The good news is that we
can rely on God to break the bonds of mental and spiritual slavery. Even President
Washington did strange things on his deathbed.
The Duke of Orleans was the leader of the Grand Orient in Paris and was a key Illuminatus
according to some scholars. William Hoar and others believe that Illuminati's offshoots via the
Grand Orient lodges controlled the Jacobin Club houses in Paris (according to John Robison's
"Proofs of a Conspiracy") to mobilize the Revolution. It's definitely true that Illuminati principles
of hatred of the monarchy, the bashing of mainstream religion, the promise of an Utopian society
are bedrocks of the French Revolution. The Jacobins were some of the leaders of this Revolution.
Voltaire wrote in favor of the French Revolution. His real name was Jean Francois Arouet. He
promoted the legitimate truth that the Roman Catholic church was corrupt in order to promote
the fallacy of bashing all of Christianity in general. According to Hoar, they were 'agents of the
Bavarian-bred Illuminati who operated out of “the Club Breton.” The Jacobins harbored an
anti-religious agenda that worshiped man’s reason above God. They created a depopulation
campaign. This act was Malthusian in that the Jacobin agents killed about 300,000 French
people (Malthusian thought still exists today in the 21st century). The Jacobin’s blood bath
isn’t an expression of freedom or liberty, but the discredited act of using violence in trying to
legitimately reform society. So, the Jacobins harbored doctrines very similar to the Bavarian
Illuminati definitely. Modern Masonic propagandists deny any connection between the
French Revolution and the Illuminati. Freemasonry has a link to it since even Albert Pike
admitted that Masonry had a role in the French Revolution. The Lunar Society was connected
to the revolutionary movement as well. Even Lunar Society member James Keir hosted a
dinner to commemorate the fall of the Bastille. “Secret Societies: Illuminati,
Freemasons, and the French Revolution” is a book that was written by Una Birch and
James Wasserman. These authors believe in an Illuminati/French Revolution connection.
Freemason Cagliostro admitted under the Inquisition that Freemasons were planning revolutions
all across Europe according to Harun Yahya. The Jacobins involved in the French Revolution
hated religion and wanted to organize a worship of “Reason” throughout France. The League of
the Just is another ideological offshoot (not a literal offshoot) of the Bavarian Illuminati.
According to authors like Antelman, the League of the Just commissioned Karl Marx to write the
Communist Manifesto in 1848. Yet, there has been no conclusively evidence that the League of
the Just is a literal offshoot of the Illuminati or that Karl Marx is a Freemason. What is true is
that much of the Communist ideologies are similar to Adam Weishaupt’s political convictions.
The official Bavarian Illuminati died off, but their agenda lived on in other groups and
ideologies. That is the truth. The League changed its named after that into the Communist
League. The motto of the League of the Just (Bund der Gerechten) was "All Men are
Brothers" and its goals were "the establishment of the Kingdom of God on Earth, based on
the ideals of love of one's neighbour, equality and justice.” The League of the Just was itself a
splinter group from the League of Outlaws (Bund der Geaechteten) created in Paris in 1834
by Theodore Schuster, Wilhelm Weitling and others German emigrants, mostly journeymen.
Schuster was inspired by the works of Philippe Buonarroti. This group wanted an utopian
socialist group. The League or Bund lead the groundwork for form the International
Communist Party.
Thomas More held on to Communist-like teachings long before Karl Marx
was ever born. So, the Vatican was involved in Communist thought for a very
long time. The Jesuit Paraguayan Reductions lasted from 1609-1759.
Karl Marx was once a Christian and had religious parents. He wrote poem praising Jesus Christ
and then he left his religion to become an atheist. Religious authors like Richard Wurmbrand
in his book called Marx & Satan believed that Marx (and some radical Communists or
Marxists) embraced anti-God and satanic views. Marx himself wrote, “I wish to avenge
myself against the One who rules above …” Others like Mikhail Bakunin would write: “The
Evil One is the satanic revolt against divine authority … Socialists recognize each other … In the
name of [Satan] … Satan [is] the eternal rebel, the first freethinker … he emancipates [man],
stamps upon his brow the seal of liberty and humanity …” Another Socialist, Pierre Joseph
Proudhon wrote: “…Come Satan, slandered by the small and by kings. God is stupidity
and cowardice; God is hypocrisy and falsehood; God is tyranny and poverty; God is evil …
I swear God, with my hand stretched out towards the heavens, that you are nothing more
than the executioner of my reason, the scepter of my conscience … God is … antiliberal,
antihuman…” (Source: Marx & Satan, by Richard Wurmbrand pp. 27-28). Of course, not
all socialists think like this even though I don’t agree with all of socialism. Karl Marx helped
promote anti-Semitism in the United States. In his reports from Europe for Horace Greeley's
New York Tribune, Marx wrote, "Thus we find every tyrant backed by a Jew.” In 1856 Karl
Marx wrote that: "Thus do these loans which are a curse to the people, a ruin to the
government become a blessing to the house of Judah. This Jewish organization of loan
mongers is as dangerous to the people as the aristocratic organization of landowners." Karl
Marx like Adam Weishaupt had many similar goals like these goals: the elimination of
the nation-state if possible, the bashing of religions, and the wish of creating an Utopian
system in the world. Marx’s The Communist Manifesto is nothing more than an
updated version of Adam Weishaupt’s agenda. Wurmbrand, Fritz Springmeier, and others
viewed Karl Marx as a closeted Satanist. Rabbi Antelman in his “to Eliminate the Opiate Vol 1”
form 1974 wrote that:
“…Congressman Gordon Scherer on the House Committee of Un-American Activities
was convinced from the testimony of many people, including prominent Jews, that the
Communist Party was anti-Semitic, and is as anti-Semitic as Hitler ever was.
Communism was, of course, committed to atheism and Judaism is inexorably committed
to monotheism, the root of religious beliefs of the Western world today. It is also
interesting to note that Hitler was in fact a National Socialist, in contradistinction to a
Communist, who is an International Socialist. Ideologically the two philosophies are
identical except that the Nazi fascist type of dictatorship could care less about
International Socialists. Its own Germany-"Deutschland Uber Alles" (Germany above
all)—prevailing its thought and action. It was Hitler's political platform that appealed to
the German working classes that spoke of socializing industry and retail business, but
nevertheless was backed by big wealthy industrialists such as Krupp…In the Communist
State, the State is supreme and the importance of family and property rights and even
human life are subservient to the State. Thus the concept that the Divine presence in
man, which reflects itself in the behavior pattern of the religious Jew, was considered a
threat to the State because next to these values the State appeared in sharp contrast as
being demeaning and barbaric.” (pgs. 8-9)
I disagree with the Rabbi that Hitler was totally socialist. Hitler hated unions and wanted an
imperial Empire with him as a fascist leader. Hitler and the Nazis put Social-Democrat party
members into camps for their extermination. So, it's easy to see that radical Communism and
radical laissez faire capitalism doesn't work to end oppression or poverty totally. It either makes
more classes or centralizes wealth into fewer and fewer hands. Richard Wurmbrand is a credible
source in exposing Communism. He lived in the then Communist government of Romania. He
was persecuted for his religious faith in Jesus Christ. He wrote about Marx and his true roots. It's
not a secret anymore that Communism was funded by the international elite (as
documented by Anthony Sutton conclusively in his many books) to stagnant Third World
nationalism, centralize wealth in monopolies, have class warfare, and promote the new
world order system. This is proven by the fact that the CIA, the Rockefellers, and other
elitists organized coups in Ghana, Guatemala, Chile, and other places globally that
harmed the Nationalist movements in those respective countries (especially from 19451991). False nationalist groups include Gladio and Odessa. Knight of Malta J. Peter
Grace’s Radio Free Europe was a farce and it presented mere anti-communist
propaganda never intended to truly oppose “the big Red Machine.” Conversely, vulture
capitalism has been linked to imperialism. Imperialism is a by product of cartel-
capitalism. So, the Cold War was heinous Hoax that killed people in the millions
worldwide. Communism is a tool utilized to control human beings that restricted
individual, political, and religious liberties. This is expressed in David Rockefeller's praise
of Mao, but Mao was a dictator killing at least 60 million human beings in China. The
banking elite or Illuminists aided the Communist Revolution is easily provable. Even Mason
Albert Mackey admitted that the Kerensky provisional government in Russia was inspired and
operated from Masonic Lodges. J.P. Morgan & Co, Lord Milner, and other bankers gave millions
of dollars to Trotsky and Lenin. Skulls & Bones member W. A. Harriman and 32nd Degree
Freemason Matthew C. Brush (who was a KT and a Shriner) explored manganese deposits in the
U.S.S.R. Masons in many numbers believe in human godhood. The Russian Revolution was
occurring when the hoax of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion came about. It believed that a
worldwide Jewish conspiracy threaten the world. These Protocols were issued causing 2
major results. It inspired unjustified anti-Semitism against Jewish people and it caused
some individuals to ignore legitimate exposure about the Sabbatean/Frankist
connection to world events too. It was published in 1913 and promoted by the anti-Semitic
Czar Nicholas II. Nilus, who was a monk, promoted it. Masonic dynasties like the Schiffs, the
Rothschilds, and the Morgan wanted Revolution against the Czar. Even Jacob Schiff supported
Japanese via great financial aid against Russia in the Russo-Japanese war. 33rd Degree
Freemason Henry Ford believed in the Protocols and wrote his book called the International Jew.
Freemason Benjamin Franklin states, "I conceive then, that the INFINITE has created
many beings or Gods... It may be that these created Gods are immortal; or it may be that
after many Ages, they are changed, and others Supply their Places." Even Franklin's mother
didn't want him to join Freemasonry.
The Skulls and Bones is one of the easiest groups for those to understand about the
globalization/occult/new world order agenda. During the 1830’s, people wanted to
eliminate secrecy from the proceedings of various groups after the Masons murdered
William Morgan in September 11, 1826 ironically. Therefore, in 1832, a group of
members of the Class of 1833, led by Alphonso Taft and the future valedictorian William
Russell, formed a society nicknamed “The Scull and Bones.” This organization was
modeled after the old Phi Beta Kappa and set up as a chapter of a German academic
society. Taft and Russell disagreed with the Phi Beta Kappa’s policy of eliminating
secrecy from its order. That is one of the reasons on why they formed the Skulls
and Bones in the first place. Yale have other secret fraternal orders as well. The Skulls
and Bones was formed to maintain secrecy. Some like Kris Millegan believe that the
Skulls and Bones is a modern American version of the Bavarian Illuminati. Like the
Illuminati, the Skulls and Bones’ new initiate is given a new nickname. The Skulls and
Bones even today are made up of many business, financial, political, engineering,
educational elites in American society. It’s nicknamed the Brotherhood of Death, because
the Skulls and Bones funded the Opium trade, the Nazi Empire, the Soviet Union, and
other evils. Presidents George Herbert Walker Bush and George W. Bush are famous
members of course. William Huntington Russell and Alphonso Taft created the Order.
The founder went into Europe to get knowledge about the Mysteries and went back into
America to form the Skulls and Bones. Its legal name is Russell Trust. The Skulls and
Bones’ occult rituals are sick. A initiation candidate lay in a coffin and admit their sexual
exploits. The Skull and Bones believes that on the night of initiation, the initiate "dies to the
world and be born again into the Order..." (Esquire Magazine, September, 1977, p. 89). They
leave the coffin as a newly resurrected figure mocking the resurrection of Jesus Christ. They
wrestle in a manure pile. This is related to Satanism, because Anton LaVey states, in his book
The Satanic Rituals: Companion To The Satanic Bible, (p. 57), that: "…The ceremony of
rebirth takes place in a large coffin…This is similar to the coffin symbolism found in
most lodge rituals…" These rituals according to Christians can lead into a demonic influence and
mentality. One of the top Christian researchers in demons, and author of two excellent books on
Satanism and demons Merrill F. Unger writes, "…People who deal in the occult are often found
to be immoral. Men and women who abandon themselves to immorality reach a point where God
gives them up, in the sense of restraining Satan and demonic power from them, so that they are
abandoned to the degrading depths of immorality and are shamelessly reduced to actions that
even animals avoid (Romans 1:26-32; cf. Revelation 9:20, 21)…"
Some have pointed to me about the Bahai’s relationship with Freemasonry and this is definitely
true. Both Bahai and Freemasonry teach religious Universalism or that as long as you believe in
one God, you will be fine in the afterlife.
The image above is the statue of Buddha in the Bohemian Grove. Buddha is praised by the New
Age movement as apart of the list of Avatars or spiritual leaders sent to promote
“enlightenment.” Why is the Bohemia Grove so relevant in dealing with the Illuminati? The
reasons are many. The Bohemian Grove was created in the late 1800’s by scholars and other
people. It was a jewel of the Establishment in the West Coast. To this day, they have the
Cremation of Care and other rituals to praise the owl, the Goddess, and other forms of paganism.
There is an image of a Mass there too as well. Now, the Bavarian Illuminati used the image of an
owl or Athena to represent wisdom of course. The Bohemian Grove is like a new Illuminati
group of the elite (with secretive rituals and all) praising an owl statue (that represents wisdom of
the Goddess). Here’s a source on this fact:
“…[The Bohemian Club's] symbol is an owl, which has been in use since the first year the
Club started. The owl has come to symbolize the wisdom of life and companionship, that
allows humans to struggle with and survive the cares and frustration of the world. The owl
is found on all Bohemian materials from matchbook covers and doormats to the most
elaborate Club publications. For $34.00 you can even own an owl-emblemed sports shirt. A
forty foot concrete owl stands at the head of the lake in the Grove. This owl shrine was
built in 1929 to serve as a ceremonial site for traditional Bohemian rituals and is used yearly
for the Cremation of Care Ceremony…”
- Peter Martin Phillips, A Relative Advantage: Sociology of the San Francisco Bohemian
Club (1994), p. 44.
The recreation of the Athenian at the Acropolis from Athens is still in the Bohemian Grove
library in San Francisco. Some scholars view the owl as representing Lilith as well. Lilith is
related to the Greek fixture of Hecate that demands human sacrifice. The Grove has the
Cremation of Care ceremony that has a mock human sacrifice. Lilith in mythology and the
occult was the person Adam was first married too. Lilith rebel and left Adam, so Eve came
along as a future companion to Adam. In addition, the poet George Sterling, one of the
most prominent "Bohos" of his time, wrote a play titled Lilith; a dramatic poem (1920), in
which Lilith herself mentions the owl - demonstrating that they at least knew of such
symbolism. Sterling stayed at the Bohemian Club in his own private room toward the end of
his life, where he committed suicide by ingesting cyanide. The Bohemian Grove and the
Bavarian Illuminati have secret ceremonies, the owl is a key symbol in both groups (as
outlining wisdom or the Goddess archetype), each focus on political agenda in their
meetings, and each desire a new atmosphere in the world stage.
Arnold Schwarzenegger and Rupert Murdoch are to give keynote speeches at the Bohemian
Grove. Murdoch will lecture on the future of news. Arnold speech in the Annual Bohemian
Grove secret gathering is a lifetime achievement for a man that has been groomed for power
by the globalist elite. He will speak in front of hundreds of movers and shakers at the 2,700
acre wooded encampment along the Russian River in Monte Rio. The oligarchs will be eager
with him since they supported his campaign to be the Governor of California in 2003. This
was reported in the San Francisco Chronicle at the time. Arnold has been a regular attendee at
the Grove. This is his first time that he delivered a main event address at the elite hideout.
The Bohemian Grove is bigger than some fundraising arts variety festival when in reality it is
setting for top powerbrokers to knock their heads together (on world events). The truth is that
some of them frolic naked, do acts on giant Redwood trees, do bizarre rituals, and have sex
with prostitutes. The Manhattan Project was invented at the Grove in the early 1940's.
Richard Nixon and Ronald Reagan met there in 1967 and agreed who would seek the
Presidency first. Other members include George W. Bush, George H.W. Bush, Henry
Kissinger, Alan Greenspan, David Rockefeller, Colin Powell, Karl Rove, Dick Cheney and
former secretaries of state George Shultz and James Baker. Tony Blair was there and he was
then the British Prime Minister in 2008 (Barack Obama and John McCain were rumored to
be members). The Grove do a mock human sacrifice ritual called the "Cremation of care'
under a 40 ft. stone owl. It's really Minerva or the Goddess not Molech. Attendees dressed up
like Klan members in hooded robes and have druidic pagan ceremonies to mark the finale of
the event. Nixon exposed the Grove as having weird rituals. The mainstream use a whitewash
like from the New York Times, yet male and female prostitutes come to the Grove to service
people (many of whom are married with kids). Murdoch is the CEO of Newscorp. So, these
things should be exposed. Our opposition to the Bohemian Grove should be real and
*As James H. Billington, a respected scholar, who is now the Librarian of Congress,
illustrates in his exhaustively documented 1980 study called "Fire in the Minds of Men: The
Origins of the Revolutionary Faith," it is the from “Bavarian Illuminism” that “the modern
revolutionary tradition” descends. Billington believes that the Revolutionary mindset (like
fire in the minds of men) that has been related to the revolutionary components of the
Bavarian Illuminati influenced Fabian Socialism, Bolshevism, other Utopian movements,
and other movements. Many of these Revolutions were created by these secret orders like
Freemasonry, the Jesuits, etc. The Revolutionary spirit seeks to revive the time of what
esoterics believe was the Golden Age (or the time of Atlantis. That Golden Age was and is
embraced by the occult Mysteries openly. The recreation of Lost Atlantis has been
promoted by occultists for centuries. According to Fritz Springmeier, this Golden Age
consists of a socialist, communistic type of Utopia).
The 21st Century Age
The prejudice, wars, and other tensions in the world didn’t end with World War Two or even
when the Persian Gulf War commenced. The beginning of the 21st century is defined by the
September 11 attacks in 2001. It took place in New York, Pennsylvania, and Virginia.
Thousands of people died unjustifiably from these wicked attacks. Some elitists have exploit
such a tragedy to promote the Illuminist goal of the new world order. The essence of 9/11 was
chaos done in order to promote the war on terrorism, which was directed against Sunni and
Shia Muslims. Many of the Sunni and Shia Muslims reject a globalized world society (since the
dogmas of various traditional, religious traditions contradict the new age cultural paradigm.
This new age has been called the Age of Aquarius by occultists). This war on terror hasn’t benefit
the American people when they are depleting our economic resources and human beings from the
military are dying from these wars. The 21st century is characterized by massive economic corruption.
Billions of dollars have been stolen by the wealthy in the bailout scam, while the working class is
devastated through unemployment and home foreclosures. A poor person is jailed for a $20 theft, but
a plutocrat is allowed to steal the pension fund of thousands of workers without penalty. Frankly, the
economy of the country is close to fascism when you think about it. The government is sending billions
of dollars to TARP and the big banks and hopefully the big banks will trickle the money to the citizens
to improve their economic situation. The big banks being linked up with the government in supreme,
oppressive control of a nation-state is fascism. There has been little economic growth so far and even
economists say that it will take years if a radical drop of the unemployment occurs. This exploitation of
our finances didn’t start with President Barack Obama of course. Yet, Wall Street is continuing to
resist economic populist policies to assist the poor and the middle class (like getting some of
the money from the bloated military budget into improving our services in America). Why do
you think that Larry Summers, Geithner, and other Wall Street/lobbyist agents are in the White
House? Now, I will not drink the Kool Aid from the Republican or Democratic Parties since I’m
an independent man with my own thoughts. One of the agents of promoting political correctness is
the ADL or the Anti Defamation League. Even now, people are afraid of exposing this group. The ADL
was created by the B’nai B’rith, which is heavily influenced by Freemasonry. Philip Klulznick, B'nai
B'rith president (1953-1959), heads a delegation of presidents of sixteen major Jewish organizations
meeting with Secretary of State John Foster Dulles in October 1954 on American policy regarding
Israel and the Middle East. They are allies of the Vatican/Jesuit network. The ADL has ties to the FBI
and the DHS to as an intelligence unit in monitoring citizens. Their leadership shows hostility
toward anyone that is a libertarian, conservative, independent, or doesn’t agree with
mainstream governmental policy. One example is that the ADL is extremely pro-abortion and
anti-gun. The ADL doesn’t represent all Jewish people, because Patriotic
Jewish groups like the JPFO oppose the ADL for their opposition to law
abiding citizens having the right to bear arms in a real way. You have to
respect tons of Jewish people in U.S. history fighting for the civil rights of
black people and all people. You have to acknowledge that. The Order of B’nai B’rith
in 1913 started the Anti Defamation League (or the ADL. Sincere people are in the ADL trying to
legitimately fight against intolerance plus bigotry. Yet, their leadership has a bitter political hatred
against those that disagree with their leadership on political matters). Even mainstream scholars have
caught the Anti-Defamation League spying on even innocent civil rights organizations for decades. I
don’t agree with anti-Semitism, but the ADL exploits anti-Semitism as an excuse to promote antiliberty and anti-free speech policies. I knew their real history and their real agenda before I was 20
years old. Today, the ADL, the SPLC, and others have tried to compare people who expose the new
world order in a serious way as equivalent to radical terrorists (in their support of the MIAC document)
bent on trying to ruin society. That’s a lie of course since real Patriots are never similar to terrorists at
all. The late William Cooper, who was a real Patriot (that despite what Mark Dice says, William
Cooper rejected UFO disinformation before he died. Cooper admitted his mistakes and wanted
the record to be set straight before he died. William Cooper had a real, up front personality. William
Cooper predicted 9/11 before Alex Jones did) broadcasted the irrefutable information about
the ADL called the “The Ugly Truth About the Anti-Defamation League.” That broadcast
can never be refuted at all. According to Anton Chaiktan, Edwin DeLeon’s family was
connected to the slave trade and the Scottish Rite Freemasonry. He was a leader of the
Confederate Secret Service. Deleon praised his teacher Thomas Cooper. Cooper was an
English atheist and supported the evil doctrines of Bentham and Malthus. It’s not a secret that
much of the B’nai B’rith during the Civil war were pro-Confederacy according to John
Covici. According to journalist Robert I. Friedman of the Village Voice, writing in May 1993, Bullock
"found his true calling when he became a paid spy for the Anti-Defamation League in 1960.…” A class
action suit was eventually brought on behalf of dozens of California residents by former Congressman
Pete McCloskey. Rather than go to trial, the ADL settled the case out of court. Barack Obama’s
Ethics Czar named Normal Eisen worked for the Los Angeles office of the ADL that was
caught illegally spying on minority groups. That office was raided by the California police in
April 1993 (including an office in San Francisco). Friedman also exposed more of the AntiDefamation League’s unjustifiable, anti-liberty spying activities in the past in the following source:
"Over a 30-year period, he compiled computer files for the ADL on 9876 individuals
and more than 950 groups of all political stripes, including the NAACP, the Rainbow
Coalition, ACLU, the American Indian Movement, the Center for Investigative
Reporting, Pacifica, ACT UP, Palestinian and Arab groups, Sandinista solidarity
groups, Americans for Peace Now, and anti-apartheid organizations. Bullock, who
even spied on the then recently slain South African nationalist Chris Hani when he
visited the Bay Area in April 1991, sold many of his ADL files on anti-apartheid
activists to South African intelligence. Meanwhile, between 1985 and 1993, the ADL
paid him nearly $170,000, using a prominent Beverly Hills attorney as a conduit in
order to conceal its financial relationship with Bullock...."Between 1987 and 1991,
Bullock sold information to South African intelligence, receiving steady raises,
which he split evenly with Gerard. 'Bullock said it was his impression, though Gerard
never explicitly told him so, (and Bullock never asked) that Gerard may have been
telling the CIA about his and Bullock's contacts with the South Africans,' says the
FBI report [that was obtained and publicly released in the police raid." (Robert I.
Friedman, The Village Voice, May 11, 1993, Vol. XXXVIII, No. 19, "How The AntiDefamation League Turned the Notion of Human Rights on Its Head, Spying on
Progressives and Funneling Information to Law Enforcement.")
*It‘s also fine to mention that many Jewish people and Arabic people have been great
allies to all people including black people. We should always remember to never fall
into the trap of hating Jewish people and Arabic people collectively. Shills (a lot of
these shills are blatant fascists & reactionaries. We know their names) promote
that all of the time in order to promote in the end result violence against them. Tons
of Jewish people in the North during the antebellum period of American history opposed
slavery and contributed workers to the abolitionist cause (according to Abraham Karp‘s
Haven and Home: A History of Jewish in America in pg. 80. Jewish people in Philadelphia
and New York were active in the early abolition movement. People know that the famous
abolitionist Rabbi David Einhorn was from Baltimore). Arabic people have made great
contributions (then and now) in mathematics, civil rights, theology, politics, engineering,
science, technology, and other avenues of human civilization. So, it is the truth that Arabic
people, Jewish people, and all people should have their equality here and abroad. Violence is
never an answer to solve problems, but begging like a slave isn’t an answer either. You fight by using
constructive means (like peacefully protesting, speaking out, educating people, writing literature,
helping people, building up communities, mentoring, etc.) in getting things done. Political agitation
continues with the Left Gatekeepers influenced by the CFR, CIA, and George Soros’ arms. Soros is a
CFR member and a Bilderberger. He’s been caught in financial scandals and bailed out George W.
Bush before. The Right Gatekeepers have been promoted and headed by the Masonic elite, the JBS,
the CNP, and the Papacy (via the Knights of Malta, Knights of Columbus, Opus Dei, etc.).
There was the Boule leadership meeting with President Barack Obama. People know about
the Boule much more now than even 5 years ago. The Boule is a conglomerate of African
American fraternities and sororities who was created in the mode of the Skulls and Bones.
The Skulls and Bones is a pro-Papal, pro-Anglophile clique that performed immoral wars,
economic exploitation, and inordinate influence in the world. These people were form the
Sigma Pi Phi delegation. They meet in the White House on September 10, 2009. They
include people like Khephra Burns, Huel D. Perkins, Robert L. Harris, Charles C. Teamer
and Peyton Williams, and others. They desired to talk about African American issues in the
USA with President Barack Obama. 20 Archons wanted to support health care for all
Americans as a civil right. These archons include the names of Grand Sire Archon Harris,
Grand Sire Archon-Elect Rodney J. Reed, Grand Grammateus Peyton Williams, Grand
Grapter Khephra Burns and Past Grand Sire Archons Huel D. Perkins and Charles C.
Teamer. Also presented to the White House officials was the Fraternity’s public policy
position on Young Black Males, which is the foundation of the social action programs of
many of the Boulés throughout the Fraternity. The legitimate need for improvement is a tactic
that the Boule utilize in order to control as much of the black community as possible
(especially in the upper class). Boule is a Greek word meaning advisors to the King. In 1918,
the Boule meet in the White House too. Nationalists of many stripes & real Patriots have
legitimately exposed the elite ties to the Boule.
Secret orders in a big way show symbols to make manifest their own calling cards of their
movements. The Bavarian Illuminati’s use of symbols is no exception. Adam used a symbol of
the sun with rays emanating from the sky. The sun is a key motif representing the masculine
archetype, illumination, and power. The dot in the center of the circle is another famous symbol
of Weishaupt’s Bavarian Illuminati. This image is related to the Mysteries Schools (especially
with the Eleusinian and Pythagorean Mysteries). The dot in the circle according to Albert
Mackey refer to old sun worship thousands of years ago. The Bavarian Illuminati calendar was
based upon the Zoroastrian religious calendar. Adam Weishaupt had grand illusions about
clothing the higher mysteries of his Order in fire worship. A source says that: “The Order, in
the higher grades, will be called again: the Cult of Fire, the Fire Order, or the Order of the
Parsees,” he wrote to his disciple Cato-Zwack on 6 Pharavardin 1779. “The ultimate aim of
the Order is for the Light [or Enlightenment] to blaze bright; we fight against the darkness;
this is the Cult of Fire,” Weishaupt reiterated (Einige Originalschriften des
Illuminatenordens, pp. 330-1). Ironically, May 1st when the Bavarian Illuminati meant public
for the first time in history deals with the cult of fire celebrates that existed in the days of
Walpurgisnacht and Beltane. The above images are Illuminati seals representing wisdom with
the use of an owl. Masonic historian Arturo de Hoyos writes the following on the inscriptions
on the seals:
“…This design, with the addition of the letters P.M.C.V. (per me caeci vident : through
me the blind see), was cast or hand-graved as a jewel to be worn by Minervals. There is
no record of how many were made, and only three are known to exist: one in a private
collection in Ansbach, Germany; one in a private American collection; and one in the
Deutsches Freimaurermuseum Bayreuth. A photograph of this last one appears in
Freimaurer Solange die Welt besteht (Historisches Museum der Stadt Wien, 1993), p.
The Illuminati have many statues and rules in seeking their version of liberty and human
Brainwashing and Propaganda
Brainwashing and propaganda are really common in the world. In our generation, many
of us are waking up about it. People like us reject war, reject bigotry or prejudice, and
reject the lies that are so common. One of the easiest forms of propaganda made by the
CFR-dominated corporate media in the West is how they constantly obsess over the Tea
Party Movement. They in MSNBC, FOX, CNN, CBS, etc. expose legitimately some of the
extremists in that movement (that isn’t a majority of the Tea Party clique). I don’t agree
with the Tea Party on every issue though, especially on economic issues (since many of
them believe in the failed, archaic Austrian Economic model). Austrian Economics was
influenced by numerous people like Friedrich Hayek (with his book entitled “The Road to
Serfdom”). It was published in 1944 to promote laissez faire capitalism. This book inspired
Reaganomics and Hayek tutored David Rockefeller. Rockefeller liked his ideas a lot. He
inspired Pilgrim Sir Anthony Fisher. Hayek organized the Mont Pelerin Society in 1947. Van
Hayek utilized fraudulent economic rhetoric as a means to promote the Pan-European
Union movement (before the EU existed). What does this prove? It proves that the
aristocrats built up not only International Communism, but the International laissez faire
[cartel] capitalist movement too. Austrian Economics falsely assumes that the free market
alone can end financial problems and almost any regulation is immoral. They want the gold
standard tied to currency, which can be volatile. The Mount Pelerin Society allies with
Austrian economic dogma. Not to mention that some Tea Party people love this economic
agenda of even cutting most services. I reject that since it is purely intrinsic to promote the
right of the government to provide the general welfare of the people. People are starving
to death in America and some folks wants to eliminate all welfare and all assistance via
austerity. That’s illogical to me. Now, in this generation, these extremists want to cut our
services like Social Security, pensions, etc. using the code words of “entitlement reform.” At
a bare minimum, we should reform government that has been infiltrated by Wall Street &
wicked special interests. True monetary reform is based on production and other
The Economic crisis occurred in America for many reasons. They include the prison
industrial complex (with 3 strike laws and other corrupt policies that have
harmed people), the unfair Trade agreements, and the derivatives that dealt with
unwarranted speculation in the finance system. The Iraq War draining resources from
the U.S. money supply (of M1 and M2 supplies), the war on drugs, stagnant
economic production, and the depletion of some of our social services are also causes of
our economic complications. The neo cons like Sean Hannity (whose ancestors
ironically were unjustly persecuted in Ireland by the same UK/Nobility bloodline
aristocrats that oppress the West today) saying get up by your bootstraps don’t cut it
in the real world. People like Limbaugh, Hannity, etc. metaphorically say “Let them
eat cake,” but they support throwing trillions of dollars in the war on terror especially
in Iraq & Afghanistan. Instead of throwing tea in the streets & unfairly bashing the
poor, folks should use bread and tea to help the poor and all people. Limbaugh,
Ingraham, and their ilk call themselves conservatives, but they aren’t. They aren’t
trying to conserve real values, but they want to strip away the needs of the people like
infrastructure programs. Man can’t live by bread alone, but giving a man bread
legitimately isn’t immoral at all. I don’t need an oppressive version of “law and
order,” but justice and equality for all human beings.
Many of the Tea party people (not all of them) have been recorded by You tube plus other
sources of using defamatory and offensive signs in crowds. I abhor that. The mainstream
media uses some of that legitimate criticism as an excuse to demonize anyone with
legitimate grievance against governmental policies. The news of evil signs made by some
Tea Party members should be known. Yet, we ought not be distracted to ignore the
Presidential and governmental errors in our society. These errors include the illegal
bombings in Pakistan, the immoral Council of Governors group, the covert population
control policies (harming especially people of color in the Third World), and this wicked
war on terror in general (that is killing millions of innocent people in the Middle East, etc.).
Other real issues include the increase Big Brother police state in the USA (with LRAD sound
weapons, X-Rays, warrant less checkpoints, proposed National ID Card system), and the
globalism agenda (where multinational corporations have a plutocratic control over our
economy. This causes the richer to get richer, while the poor receives stagnant assistance
to improve their negative financial condition in the USA). Economic centralization among a
select group of international bankers have been exposed by the following source:
"[The aim of the international bankers was] nothing less than to create a world system of
financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and
the economy of the world as a whole. This system was to be controlled in a feudalist fashion
by the central banks of the world acting in concert, by secret agreements arrived at in frequent
private meetings and conferences."
- Professor Carroll Quigley, 'Tragedy & Hope', p. 324. Can the Pilgrims, which Quigley
never mentioned, verify his story of an Anglo-American Establishment? The answer to
that question is yes.
Kurt Nimmo issues the problem dealing with economic corruption, but not the
comprehensive solutions per se. He believes in Austrian Economics without promoting the
truth that debt free money into building up infrastructure (along with other critical solutions)
can help the country. Nimmo legitimately exposes how international bankers funded the
communists and socialists, but these same bankers have funded the Austrian economic
movement too. This movement has been embraced by the Chicago School and even Milton
Friedman. In 2010, there are the deceptive slogans of privatization, deregulation, a market
fetish, a radical form of free trade, the negation of economic rights, etc. that haven’t worked
to build up or society (then or now). This fundamental truth refutes the paradigm. Doing
nothing doesn't cut it especially in a new century. He can talk about thievery all he wants, but
getting money legitimately from Wall Street thieves and sending it to the people who got
their money stolen from is hardly stealing. Instead of incorporating some fetish of cutting
most entitlements, we should have a glowing reminder to build our services instead. Social
Security (or the trust fund system) isn't a total failure at all regardless of what Nimmo
believes. It's just that extremists want to gut it or get rid of it. Not to mention that the gold
standard is volatile for numerous reasons. Even mainstream economists admit to this. It
seems like the economic populist movement is growing and we're not following Mises nor
Keynes either. Keynes was an eugenicist. That’s the bigger issue beyond the Left/Right
Paradigm and beyond the propaganda promoted by the technocratic elite (or the
military/industrial complex that even President Dwight D. Eisenhower warned people in
1961). Federal housing data shows it was the unregulated private sector -- NOT THE
GOVERNMENT-BACKED COMPANIES -- that were responsible for the explosion of
subprime lending at the core of the crisis. According to the Federal Reserve Board, more than
worship the State nor free markets as God. God is God. Propaganda is common too made
by Potok and others to ignore many world leaders calling for global government and the
new world order.
SIR JOSIAH STAMP, who was the President of the Bank of England in the 1920's
& was the second richest man in Britain in that time once said the following:
"Banking was conceived in iniquity and was born in sin. The Bankers own the
earth. Take it away from them, but leave them the power to create deposits,
and with the flick of the pen they will create enough deposits to buy it back
again. However, take it away from them, and all the great fortunes like mine
will disappear and they ought to disappear, for this would be a happier and
better world to live in. But, if you wish to remain the slaves of Bankers and pay
the cost of your own slavery, let them continue to create deposits."
The mainstream media itself is one succinct part of propaganda to. By the early 1950's, the
CIA owned the corporate media and used it to promulgate propaganda. Former Wall Street
lawyer Frank Wisner created Operation Mockingbird in 1948. He recruited Philip Graham of
the Washington Post to run the project. Mockingbird spread into controlling the New York
Times, Newsweek, the New York Herald Tribune, Time Magazine, and hundreds of other
newspapers and magazines in the United States and around the world. By the 1950s,
according to Alex Constantine (Mockingbird: The Subversion Of The Free Press By The CIA),
“some 3,000 salaried and contract CIA employees were eventually engaged in propaganda
efforts.” Wisner restrict newspapers from covering certain events. One example is how the
CIA plots to overthrow the governments of Iran and Guatemala were not covered heavily
back then as they are today. Even in the 1970's, the Church Committee (or the Select
Committee to Study Governmental Operations with Respect to Intelligence Activities)
proved that Operation Mockingbird is alive and well. “The CIA currently maintains a
network of several hundred foreign individuals around the world who provide
intelligence for the CIA and at times attempt to influence opinion through the use of
covert propaganda. These individuals provide the CIA with direct access to a large
number of newspapers and periodicals, scores of press services and news agencies, radio
and television stations, commercial book publishers, and other foreign media outlets,”
the Church Committee reported in 1975. William Paley of CBS was friends with CIA head
Allend Dulles. Operation Mockingbird is about restricting critical information from the
American people (especially about the elite's war crimes against humanity. Keeping
domestic and foreign acts secret is wrong. Ellen Ray and William H. Schaap wrote about this
in "Covert Action: the Rots of Terrorism"). So, Patrick Kennedy has every right to criticize
the pro-Mockingbird media's focus on the shower room escapade of Eric Massa at the
expense of an anti-war resolution in the House. The CIA-dominated media is talking about
the woman named Colleen LaRose too aka Jihad Jane. Jihad Jane is a distraction just like the
other shows on television (which the CIA and the Pentagon covertly promote. The
Pentagon had operatives in newsrooms). Much of this media empire have links to the
Pilgrim Society too (in the New York Herald Tribune, CBS, etc.). In 1896 when the New York
Times was owned by the Ochs-Sulzberger family (whose members were be generational
Pilgrims). Pilgrim Orvil E. Dryfoos was the President of the NY Times in 1957 and publisher
in 1961. He married the daughter of Arthur Sulzberger. Other Pilgrims have held senior
positions in the New York Times like John William Harding, George McAneny, Cyrus Vance,
etc. Pilgrim Thomas W. Lamont and Dwight Morrow financed Bonesman Henry Luce in
1923 go set up Time Magazine.
Media propaganda has a long history. The person from the far left is named Edward
Bernays. He is the father of modern public relations. His uncle was Sigmund Freud, who
agreed with occultism, Gnosticism, the I-Ching, and alchemy as a means to understand
the human mind. He believed in certain tactics to control populations. He believed that
the general population was irrational and subject to the herd instinct. In order words,
Bernays wanted the masses to be manipulated by an invisible government to insure
the survival of “democracy.” In his work called “Propaganda” he wrote that people
don’t know the hidden governors that rule over our society. This sound like new
world order thinking to me. Edward was instrumental in using marketing campaigns
to change how the culture of American society operated. He created modern
consumerism or whereby Americans brought things for pleasure sake instead of buying
items for personal survival. Even Life Magazine called Edward Bernays one of the top 100
most influential Americans of the 20th century. The person in the center is named Walter
Lippman. He was a member of the Council on Foreign Relations (or a conduit between the
government and corporations. They have influence in major communication media,
foundations, private universities, and other arenas. The CFR have members like David
Rockefeller, CEOs of major corporations, Hillary Clinton, mega church pastor Rick Warren,
etc.), he won two-time Pulitzer Prizes, and he wrote about the mechanisms of the American
media. In his 1922 work called Public Opinion, Lippmann he compared the masses
to a great beast and a bewildered herd (who wanted to be guided by a governing
class). These experts are the elites who rule the functions of a democracy. He didn’t
view a regular citizen as the right to make their own decisions in government completely.
One important concept presented by Lippmann is the “manufacture of consent”, which is, in
short, the manipulation of public opinion to accept the elite’s agenda. It is Lippmann’s
opinion that the general public is not qualified to reason and to decide on important issues.
Lippmann wanted the elite to make decisions for the people. The image to the far right is
named Harold Lasswell. Harold hosted seminars on communications. This occurred form
1939 to 1940. He was an American political scientist and a communications theorist. He
studied the analyst of propaganda. He didn’t believe that people ruling the government
would sustain itself unless an elite shaped and mold public opinion via propaganda. In his
Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences, Lasswell explained that when elites lack the requisite
force to compel obedience, social managers must turn to “a whole new technique of control,
largely through propaganda.” He called the masses stupid and not be able to be the best
judges of their own interests. This is arrogance since tons of people aren’t unintelligent. He
believed that a kind of message can be forced to persuade the audience. Lasswell believed that
learning the who of a media product, the what of it, the whom is it sent to, what channel is it
presented to, and finding out what effect a product makes a difference in effecting an
audience. It’s easy to see that a myriad of mainstream videos, products, TV shows are
created by big corporations, sent to the audiences of Generations Y & Z especially, and
the elite try to impose their standards of “morality” unto the public at large.
Today, only 5 major corporations control most of the media outlets in the USA. In the early
1980's, it was only 50 corporations. The centralization of corporate control of the mainstream
media have unified the message of the popular culture. Popular Culture is nothing more than
a corporate enterprise. Their agents go into inner cities, the suburbs, the rural communities,
etc. to research their worlds and make suggestions on how to promote a product. This is
exposed by Kuperlian's literature in a book, so I'm not making this stuff up. Anyway, these 5
corporate empires are AOL Time Warner, Viacom, The Walt Disney Company, Vivendi
Universal (that send out Lady Gaga, the Black Eyed Peas, Lil Wayne, Rihanna, Mariah
Carey, and even Jay Z), and Sony. Similar viewpoints are spewed by these companies. That is
why we should reject the standardization of human thought. Our minds in other words should
be independent. It doesn't take a genius to figure out that too much television and corporate
culture can make some people be lacking in self awareness, be conformist, be passive, and be
hypnotic to a pseudo-world of self satisfaction (This has been exposed problems with cultural
industry in 1930's by thinkers of the school of Frankfurt like Theodor Adorno and Herbert
Marcuse). Subliminals in commercials and advertising has been a keen propaganda item as
well. To be truly free, we should reject propaganda from the media world and popular
culture. This new decade and new century have the promotion of mind control,
transhumanism, and the Illuminists in a high level. Yet, I won't follow that route at all.
One major aspect of propaganda deals with the educational system. Education issues are a
serious problem in America. Authors from across the political spectrum like Samuel
Blumenfeld pretty much proved that the Rockefeller Foundations and other elite group
have infiltrated and "dumbed" down the capabilities of especially public education. This
results in a high illiteracy rate even among Americans. In simple terms, the elite form the
shift of the purpose of education to be from the development of understanding among a
wide of spectrum of issues to education being solely about learning a skill. This isn't me
writing these words down. Back in 1913, Rockefeller Foundation Director of Charity,
Frederick Gates proclaimed that:
"...In our dream, we have limitless resources, and the people yield themselves
with perfect docility to our molding hand. The present educational conventions
fade from our minds; and, unhampered by tradition, we work our own good will
upon a grateful and responsive folk. We shall not try to make these people
or any of their children into philosophers or men of learning or science.
We are not to raise up from among them authors, orators, poets, or
men of letters. We shall not search for embryo great artists, painters,
musicians. Nor will we cherish even the humbler ambition to raise up from
among them lawyers, doctors, preachers, politicians, statesmen, of whom we
now have ample supply..."
Now, the Rockefeller Foundation and their ilk wanted the common people to be controlled
and trained without heavily expressing independent thinking or thought. A man or a
woman has the freedom of conscience to believe in whatever they want to as free human
beings. True education is really about instruction, comprehension of subject matter, and
experience. Your experience in life is vital to develop your analytical abilities (and it help
you to have a real education about the world around you even more succinctly as a human
being). You use personal creativity as a function of true learning (without pervasive
distractions). The plutocrats used physiological, materialistic "psychologists" as Wilhelm
Wundt, G. Stanley Hall, James McKeen Cattell, E. L. Thorndike, and others. Some of them
believed that only things that can be measured, quantified, and scientifically
demonstrated is worthy of pursuing, and that public education should limit itself to learn
task to accept the commands of their superiors. This leads into an anti-intellectualism and
a groupthink. Wilhelm Maximmilian Wundt was a professor of philosophy and later rector
of the University of Leipzig in Germany. He died in 1920. G. Stanley Hall was a disciple of
Wundt. He went into Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore. Hall was involved in the
founding of the Psychological Association in 1892. The catch of him was that he is quoted
as wanting the de-emphasis of the alphabet, multiplication tables, grammar, scales, and
bibliolatry (even if it causes a child trouble to read information). Hall considered American
working-class children as a "great army of incapables, shading down to those who should
be in schools for dullards or subnormal children, for those whose mental development
heredity decrees a slow pace and an early arrest." Hall was wrong of course. J. McKeen
Cattel didn't want parents to teach a child the sounds of letters and phrases as the first
step to learn to read. After WWII and now in the 21st century, education is turned into
mostly training into a field. There is nothing wrong with learning a field or a skill,
but that shouldn’t be the only part of an educational curriculum. The reduction of
education into training lowers our neuron connections. Nefarious behavior modification is
evil and it's crippling education. A solution to this is a return to critical thinking, self
awareness, and higher learning. Education as promoted even by the Founding Fathers
should be available to all people regardless of wealth, class, etc. Education facilities
shouldn't be infiltrated by foundations, high level Masons (i.e. The President of the Oregon
State Teachers Association was once Tom Powers, Jr. who was a 32nd degree Mason) or Big
Business at all. Some radical humanism believe that the state has supremacy over man
instead of mankind have supremacy over the state. Hegel believed that people exist for the
State, which is similar to John Dewey's views. Dewey was one of the founding fathers of the
infiltration of the American educational system. John Dewey was by the way an original
signer of the Humanist Manifesto in 1933, which promoted the idea that man is his own
god. He is officially on the record as anti-Christian (even the NEA has been infiltrated by
New Agers, Masons, etc.). The Humanist Manifesto I of 1933 states that a new religion
must be created. The Manifesto describes a picture of their desired New Age religion that is
"synthesizing", and for "the complete realization of human personality", etc. The state
has a role in society, but rights don't come from the state. Human rights as
JFK said comes not from the state, but from the
hand of God. Education
shouldn't be compulsory. On the other hand, people have right to get public education or
private (or homeschooling) education if they desire to. John Taylor Gatto is
another educational reform person, who has made great books on this issue as well.
Aldous Huxley's Brave New World isn't just a book of fiction that came out in 1931. It
represents many events that are occurring in our time today. This book advances an Utopian
vision of society, but people are controlled by an evil oligarchic elite. Aldous was born in
England as an intellectual. His grandfather was TH Huxley and he advanced Darwinian
Evolutionary principles. His brother Julian Huxley would advanced UNESCO as
become part of the radical environmental movement. Aldous became gifted as a
writer. He went to Hollywood and worked in Hollywood writing screenplays. He
also worked in psychedelic research being one of the earliest men to support
LSD experiments. The drug culture loved him in the 1960's. He died in
November 22, 1963 being the same day that John F. Kennedy was
assassinated. He wrote 47 novels, many essays, many histories, many
plays, and he enacted much public speeches. His book of "Brave New World"
described about human evolution, telepathy, and high tech computer device
that make a hive mind in society. The Brave New World deals with a futuristic
world after a holocaust. Humans are created in a human embryo factory called the
Hatchery. This is similar to the Matrix film where the machines cultivate human life in a
birthing process. Human life in the Brave New World are divided into a specialized caste
system like the Alphas, Gammas, Deltas, and Epsilons. Like the others, the Epsilons are
programmed with chemical treatments and brainwashing techniques to be happy with their
position in life. The Epsilons are to only mingle with members of their own caste system. In
this case, Epsilons are stunted and stupefied with vaccines and whose roles are to menial
labor and live on reservations. It’s been documented in real life that fluoride was used by the
Nazis to lower the intellect of the Holocaust victims in concentration camps. To keep order in
the "Utopian" World State, all forms of strong emotions, desires, and human relationships
have been removed from society. John in the story rebels against the world Utopian system.
The reason is that the Soma drug restricts emotions, human creativity, spirituality, creativity,
and true freedom. John unfortunately commits suicide, because of the evil world. The Brave
New World outline much of our world today in 2010 and a possible future. It was ahead of it
time. This isn't unusually since Thomas Henry Huxley worked in biology and Julian Huxley
worked in the cutting edge of science to promote globalism. His work in drug glorification,
parapsychology, and mysticism inspire the elite-funded counterculture Revolution. The
leaders of the counter culture include CIA asset Timothy Leary, Ken Casey, Allen Ginsberg,
Alan Burrough, Allen Ginsberg, and many others. The CIA experimented with LSD too and
even in MK-Ultra back in the 1950's and the 1960's. According to Erik G. Magro:
"...Being well versed in the mechanics of psychology and Pavlovian techniques, much of
Huxley's works, like Brave New World, were psychological operations (psy-ops)
presented as warnings in order to condition the population into being accustomed to the
ideas he presented as the inevitable evolution of man..." Like in the Brave New World,
the 21st century in the world have people obsess with pharmaceutical drug consumption. In
the 21st century fluoride and other poisons are in our water supply (that can lower IQ levels,
damage our bones, damage our immune system, etc.), there is a corporate centralized control
in many avenues of society under the guise of "safety," and a new world Order Utopian
system is promoted by the elite (or political figures like George H. W. Bush, Gordon
Brown, Pope Benedict XVI, Henry Kissinger, David Rockefeller, and other human
beings). The lesson here is that as human beings, it's purely a necessity to acquire
independent thinking and reject any form of destructive propaganda that threaten the
fundamental liberties among anybody.
The Texan education service has a coup by Republicans to distort history. These
distorters claim to be conservative Christians, but they are really CNP-influenced
corporate funded puppets. The Texas Board of Education passed their new state
curriculum recently. It's a disgrace of course since this new curriculum will promote
lies like usual. These reactionaries claim to want to get rid of liberal bias, but all bias
is wrong regardless of political ideology. Cynthia Dunbar is a board member who
believes in the lie that America as a nation was chosen by God to be a beacon to the
world. That dogma is related to the Dominionist heresy. America was composed of
many backgrounds and creeds to enhance the principle of religious freedom and
social tolerance. We, as a nation, haven't lived up at times to the founding
statements of our creed. I will be the first to admit to that reality, but sincere people
throughout our nation's history have strived to enact basic reforms in order to
improve the conditions here. She says that she wants to promote patriotism and the
free enterprise system. Yet, history in a classroom isn't about promoting any ideology
whether its patriotism or the free enterprise system. It's about showing as accurately as
possible the components pertaining to events from the past and the present. The
American government and Washington, D.C. (with its Masonic & occult symbolism.
Some of the Founders were slave owners and some of them opposed slavery. People
should reject the sanitized history of America) weren’t founded under God per se.
God-fearing people did live in early America though. So, I want to make that clear.
God doesn't need a nation to define his power or prove his power. God is expressly
found in the hearts of his children. God doesn't care about trivialities, but he does
care about how we treat each others and him. A nation doesn't define me. None of the
founding documents mention that we are founded on the teachings of the Lord Jesus
Christ. We don‘t need a document to validate or prove our inherent equality. We are
validated of our equality by being human beings created in the image of Almighty
God. I live in a nation, but I worship God not a country. I respect the concept of a
nation-state, but a nation isn’t my Saviour. Our real patriotism totally is in heaven.
These distortions of textbooks deals with religion, economics, guns, evolution, slavery,
and the civil rights movement. Thomas Jefferson is ignored by the Texas School board
of promoting the separation of church and state. They promote the contributions of
Confederate leaders during the Civil War when the leadership of the Confederacy
wanted the rights of blacks to be denied of true equality. They drop Sir Isaac Newton
in favoring scientific advances via military technology. They deny the calling slave
trade the slave trade, but they call it the Atlantic triangular trade. They even say that
the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is driven by Islamic fundamentalism instead of it
being a more complex issue. ''There is a battle for the soul of education,'' Mavis
Knight, a liberal member of the Texas education board, said. ''They're trying to
indoctrinate with American exceptionalism, the Christian founding of this country, the
free-enterprise system.'' American exceptionalism is nothing more than Imperialism
(which was evil) that the Freemason Theodore Roosevelt promoted in Cuba & the
Philippines. I don't agree with liberals on every issue, but even they are correct to say
that this Texas curriculum is a disgrace. Ms. Dunbar wants the Deist-inspired
intelligent design viewpoint to be taught in science classes. The Republican board
members lie and say that Social Security is insolvent when the elite stole money from
it regularly. All of Social Security isn’t gone. The blizzard of amendments has
produced the odd farce. Some figures have been sidelined because they are deemed to
be “socialist” or “un-American.” One of them is a children's author, Bill Martin, who
wrote a popular tale, Brown Bear, Brown Bear, what Do You See? Some Republicans
are right in Texas to mention that U.S. sovereignty is threaten by the IMF, the World
Bank, etc. Some of the Republican board members are right to expose Margaret
Sanger as a proponent of eugenics though (Sanger is quoted as wanting certain
infants to die). Sanger founded Planned Parenthood and was an interesting character
to say the least. Sanger visited a Klan rally and she worked with pro-eugenicist
organizations. These are historical facts. Martin was cut from the curriculum when he
was confused with an author with a similar name who wrote a different book, Ethical
Marxism. Notice how the school board will not expose how Hitler & Stalin were
funded by cartel capitalism, how the West still has enacted nefarious, neo-imperialist
policies globally, or how George H. W. Bush plus other world leaders desired a new
world order. God isn‘t a country. God is God. As far as I‘m concerned, I‘m not going
to a mental slave to this nefarious, evil, hypocritical, and repugnant mainstream
culture in America today. This is the 21st century, although many people have a
mentality of the 19th century or the 18th century.
Other Tactics of the Elite
One of the greatest researchers on the Illuminati has been Fritz Springmeier. He
certainly inspired me and countless other people to learn about these subjects. I first
heard of him in late 2001 when I was 17 about to turn into 18 years old. His words were
motivating and controversial at the same time. He wrote literature about the Jehovah
Witness’ links to the occult, Freemasonry, other secret societies, and the Illuminati.
Springmeier’s article pertaining to Manna should gave me encouragement and
motivation in exposing the new world order agenda. His most famous book is called
“Bloodlines of the Illuminati.”
Drug Running is a common feature of human history. Many international banks have
funded the drug running system. Back centuries ago, Anglo-American families
handled the opium trade in the 1700’s and 1800’s. Many of these people were
connected to the British East India Company (including Harvard and Yale
Universities). This wealth back then was exploited to fund the slave trade not only in
opium. Even Elihu Yale served in the British East India Company or the BEIC.
Samuel Russell formed Russell and Company in 1823 for the purpose of acquiring
opium in Turkey and smuggling it into China. By this time, the slave trade in the
U.S. was banned, but certain families worked in the opium trade.
Massachusetts families (Coolidge, Sturgis, Forbes and Delano) joined
Connecticut (Alsop) and New York (Low) smuggler-millionaires under the
Russell auspices to handle this opium trade. The many names in involved in
creating massive fortunes built on the Chinese opium trade were Augustine Heard,
John Cleve Green, Abiel Abbott Low, John Murray Forbes, Joseph Coolidge,
Warren Delano Jr., and Russell Sturgis. Warren Delano Jr. was FDR’s grandfather.
This harmed China since China tried to ban recreational usage of opium. Later, the
British forced China to embrace opium after the Opium wars. This caused many
Chinese people to be addicted to opium, bribery of local officials to continue, and
this evil trade was lucrative. The first American Delano was Philippe de la Noye, a
Huguenot who arrived at Plymouth Colony in 1621. He came out of love, not
religious zeal, hoping to marry Priscilla Mullens (the same Priscilla with whom Myles
Standish and John Alden were later smitten). He married Hester Dewsburry being
an Englishwoman. The British back then controlled the majority of the drug trade.
Americans had opium rights in Turkey, they sell the drug with consignment for
British or Indian firms. T.J. Coolidge, who represented the interest of the Boston Concern's
investment in United Fruit after 1899, was the son of Joseph Coolidge, a man who, in 1836
had been hired by the Scottish investment firm Jardine Matheson Company to run opium past
the Chinese police. The Chinese, in an effort to stop the British from flooding China with
opium, forbade Jardine Matheson ships from docking in Chinese ports. Henry Carey was one
of the architects of Abraham Lincoln’s Reconstruction Program. He opposed the opium war
against China and India via his 1853 book entitled, “The The Slave Trade: Domestic and
Foreign.” He disagreed strongly with the extreme free trade policy of the British Empire
(which isn’t representative of real British people that desire a more tolerant policy toward the
people of the world).
The Forbes family used the drug money they gotten to develop railroad systems
according to the researcher Linda Minor. As time goes on, the drug trade as spread
globally. One of the easiest ways to explain to people about the drug trade is the
Vietnam War era (which lasted from 1945-1975). In that time, the Corsican Mafia in
the Mediterranean and the Lansky Syndicate handled the international heroin trade
in the Golden Triangle that resisted in the Vietnam region. The Vietnam War was
used as a cover by many government officials to test equipment and
permanent drug smuggling activities. JFK didn’t want a massive invasion of
Vietnam, so he tried to pull back 1,000 troops by the end of 1963 and all of
servicemen men in a military function by 1965. This threaten to cut many profits
in the Golden Triangle. CIA involvement in the drug trade has been documented by
Gary Webb and others. In the early 21st century, the drug trade is still existing in
Afghanistan, the rest of Central Asia, Europe, the Americas, and throughout the
world. It’s much more complex than dealing with cocaine or heroine. The supplies in
the drug trade deal also with meth, opium, and other drugs. We do know that the
CIA had ties to the drug trade in Afghanistan even before 9/11:
ClA-supported Mujahedeen rebels [who in 2001 were part of the "Northern
Alliance" fighting the Taleban which became the core of the new Afghani
government following the U.S. attack on Afghanistan in late 2001] engaged
heavily in drug trafficking while fighting against the Soviet-supported
government and its plans to reform the very backward Afghan society. The
Agency's principal client was Gulbuddin Hekmatyar, one of the leading druglords
and a leading heroin refiner. CIA-supplied trucks and mules, which had carried
arms into Afghanistan, were used to transport opium to laboratories along the
Afghan/Pakistan border. The output provided up to one half of the heroin used
annually in the United States and three-quarters of that used in Western
Europe. U.S. officials admitted in 1990 that they had failed to investigate or take
action against the drug operation because of a desire not to offend their
Pakistani and Afghan allies. — The Real Drug Lords
The CIA and defense contractors from America have been drug launderers for decades
according to the book “Drug War: Covert Money, Power, and Policy” as found in page 318.
In 2005 it began to become widely known (to the public) that the CIA routinely practices
torture (or rather, outsource this to Syria, Egypt and other countries) and routinely abducts
people and flies them around the world to be interrogated in torture centers. This torture
policy is called “rendition.”
There is another development in opium in 2010 as well. Ironically, FOX News’ Geraldo
Rivera talked with an occupation soldier in Afghanistan. He admitted there is a U.S.
link to the evil opium trade in Afghanistan. This soldiers tells Rivera that he doesn’t like
to support the Afghan opium production. He admits that the U.S. takes a blind eye to
the cultivation, because of its cultural ignorance. This isn’t unusual since it’s been
discovered that Ahmed Wali Karzai was on the CIA payroll with ties to the opium
trade. This trade isn’t completely controlled by the Tablian at all. Not to mention that
before 9/11, the Tablian imposed a ban on opium production. That is why for a
temporary time, opium production decreased radically by 90%. In the war with the
Taliban, America supported the North Alliance to promote the opium production.
According to William Blum’s “The Real Drug Lords,”: “…CIA-supported Mujahedeen
rebels [who in 2001 were part of the Northern Alliance] engaged heavily in drug
trafficking while fighting against the Soviet-supported government and its plans to
reform the very backward Afghan society…” Hamid Karzai heading the interim
government allowed opium markets to grew. According to the United Nations Drug
Control Program (UNDCP), opium cultivation increased by 657 per cent in 2002 in
relation to its 2001 level. The UNDCP estimated 2002 opium poppy cultivation would
cover an area between 45,000 and 65,000 hectares. Opium cultivation in 2001 had fallen
to an estimated 7,606 hectares. According to the UN, in 2006 alone Afghanistan
supplied 92 percent of the world’s supply of opium (see Apratim Mukarji’s
Afghanistan: From Freedom to Terror, p. 22-23). Michel Chossoudovsky wrote in
2007 that: “… The Golden Crescent drug trade, launched by the CIA in the
early 1980s, continues to be protected by US intelligence, in liaison with NATO
occupation forces and the British military. In recent developments, British
occupation forces have promoted opium cultivation through paid radio
advertisements…” Some people of the ISAF and ANA didn’t destroy poppy fields.
They didn’t want people to stop their livelihoods. American forces didn’t take on the
Afghan drug lords early on and the senior administration officials had displayed a
complete lack of interest in the Afghan opium problem since 9/11 (according to James
Risen). Much of the profits in the drug war have been sent to business syndicates,
organized crime, banking & financial institutions. Catherine Austin Fitts accused the
some U.S. bankers of laundering money that is related to narco dollars. It’s easy to the
prove the CIA has been involved in the drug market for years (in dealing with heroin
and cocaine). The late Gary Webb proved this link (of the CIA being in the drug
running business since the 1950’s in Burma, Vietnam, Laos, Latin America, and
Afghanistan). The Iran Contra scandal of the 1980‘s prove that some members of the
U.S. government did drug running to fund the Contras over in Central America (some
say that these acts violated the Boland Amendment). Released on April 13, 1989, the
Kerry Committee report concluded that concluded that members of the U.S. State
Department "…who provided support for the Contras were involved in drug trafficking...and
elements of the Contras themselves knowingly received financial and material assistance
from drug traffickers…" None of this was mentioned by Geraldo Rivera and Fox News.
Not to mention that the Taliban has been aided by the Pakistani ISI (with links to the
CIA). The big picture is that drug running have been exploited by the military industrial
complex in promoting profit, war, globalization, and the new world order agenda.
*ABORTION is supported by the pro-new world order clique easily. ABORTION
Development requires healthy, working and producing people and populations. Abortion
eliminates entire generations and cuts into populations, causing the lack of labor, mental
power and communities needed to sustain the life of nations. It’s as simple as that.
When you think about religion, it's a controversial matter. There is nothing wrong with
real spirituality and real religion being daily expressed in society. Yet, false views ought
to be exposed. False religion is the opiate of the masses. Exploited religion is a tactic
some in the establishment use to control the masses in society. One example is how the
Governor of the Federal Reserve Board in FDR’s time was Mormon Marriner S. Eccels.
He was from the wealth Mormon Eccles family that came from Scotland. Long ago, Alice
Bailey and other New Agers wrote about the usage of Masonic Lodge to promote a new
religious (New Age) paradigm in society. In his Externalization of the Hierarchy from
514, Alice Bailey wrote that: "...There is no question therefore that the work to
be done in familiarising the general public with the nature of the Mysteries
is of paramount importance at this time. These Mysteries will be restored
to outer expression through the medium of the Church and the Masonic
Fraternity, if those groups leave off being organizations with material
purpose, and become organisms with living objectives. When the Great
One comes with His disciples and initiates we shall have (after a period of
intensive work on the physical plane beginning around the year 1940) the
restoration of the Mysteries and their exoteric presentation, as a
consequence of the first initiation..." Alice Bailey started the Arcane School to
teach New Age disciples the principles of the Plan to bring in the New Order. The
Arcane School is located in Europe and America, and headquartered in New York City.
A major part of this Plan is for mankind to recognize the Spiritual Hierarchy of the
planet. Albert Pike admitted that: "...Though Masonry is identical with the Ancient
Mysteries, it is so in this qualified sense; that it presents but an imperfect image of
their brilliancy; the ruins only of their grandeur, and a system that has experienced
progressive alterations, the fruits of social events and political circumstances. Upon
leaving Egypt, the Mysteries were modified by the habits of the different nations
among whom they were introduced..." Decades later, we see the New Age doctrines
very common place. We see the teachings of Chopkra and other believing that man is
God and Jesus, Buddha, etc. are enlightened beings, etc. The Masonic Lodge is a
notorious conduit agency used in order promote Universalism. Universalism means
that you can believe a cow is God, you can believe in whatever you want, etc. and you
can still be saved or go to Heaven. Much of this stuff has been promoted by the
Theosophical Society. Their founders believed in human godhood, Hindu like
teachings, and Satan worship under the guise the brotherhood of humanity. Much of
the Theosophical doctrines are a rehash of Gnostic and Mystery Religion thought. HP
Blavatsky founded the Theosophical Society and is one of the modern founders of the
New Age Movement. HP Blavatsky was taught of hypnotism by Freemason Anton
Mesmer. Hypnotism was taught in the Mystery School realm for thousands of years.
Now, one of the easiest ways to discover that false religious atmosphere is by the
Jehovah Witness. Charles Taze Russell invented the Jehovah Witness. The Russell family
itself has been influential in the new world order agenda since some of them founded
the Skulls and Bones, some were heads of corporations, etc. The reason for this reality is
that Power among these blueblood/Black Nobility bloodlines is spread from
generation to generation. Some of these lineages would tell their children and relatives
about their agendas for society. So, an oligarchy runs most of the geo-political policies in
the world. This causes power to exist in an unequal fashion. This evolves in economic
inequity too that destabilizes the power of the poor at the expense of the super rich.
The super rich isn‘t a millionaire per se. The super rich own the banks, they own
corporations, and some own billions of dollars worth of lands in multiple continents.
Since we know about this stuff, the elite regularly use apathy as a means to not inspire
people to fight evil. We shouldn‘t embrace apathy, but courage & strength to fight for
our God-given rights. John Russell was the founder of the fraternity of Daughters of
Isabella or the DOI in May of 1897 in New Haven, Connecticut. Richard B. Russell, Jr.
was a Mason and the Governor of Georgia from 1931-1933 (and he was a Senator from
Georgia since 1933). The occult winged sun disk is a common logo in the group. The
winged sun disk originated from the Mystery schools to outline the sun god Osiris. It's
related to ancient magic. In Albert Churchward's (30° Mason) book Signs and
Symbols of Primordial Man, The Evolution of Religious Doctrines from the
Eschatology of the Ancient Egyptians, he states that the Winged-Sun-Disk is used
by 33 degree Masons. He obsessed with the Great Pyramid and the golden age to
come. His group is called the Watchtower. Joseph F. Rutherford was a famous leader of
the JWs as well. Even the B’nai B’rith financed Russell. Frank Goldman of B’nai B’rith
escorted Russell by car to the Hippodrome to have a 2 hour talk according to Fritz
Springmeier. JWs worship Jehovah and Fritz Springmeier was one of the first men who
publicly exposed Jehovah as a false name for God. Jehovah is an occult name. It’s not
God’s name either.
So, if a Watchtower person knocks on your door, we should know
what to say to them in a peaceful manner. The Jehovah Witness
doesn’t outline a true assurance of salvation, but the
Scriptures proclaim that in I John 5:13 that: “…These things have I
written unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God; that ye may know that
ye have eternal life, and that ye may believe on the name of the Son of God…” The
Watchtower acts as a visible organization from God on Earth.
Yet, God’s Kingdom doesn’t come from a visible source. Luke
17:20-21 mentions that: “…And when he was demanded of the
Pharisees, when the kingdom of God should come, he answered them
and said, The kingdom of God cometh not with observation:
Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the
kingdom of God is within you…” The Jehovah Witness believe that
Jesus Christ is just a created being and isn’t God in the flesh.
1 Timothy 3:16 mentions that; “..And without controversy great
is the mystery of godliness: God was manifest in the flesh,
justified in the Spirit, seen of angels, preached unto the
Gentiles, believed on in the world, received up into glory…” The
New Testament just refutes that assumption made by the Jehovah
Witness. And my King James 1611 says in John 1:1, 14: “… In the
beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word
was God. And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we
beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the
Father,) full of grace and truth” In another place, in Matthew
1:23 present these words: “…Behold, a virgin shall be with child, and shall
bring forth a son, and they shall call his name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is,
God with us…” In a place of prophesy, Isaiah 9:6 describe these
words: “…For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given:
and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name
shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The
everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace…” The Watchtower teach
the annihilation of the wicked, but the book of Revelation fully
says that the wicked will be punished in the lake of fire
forever. They deny the existence of Hall, but even Matthew 10:28
present the existence of Hell is clear, forthright terms. They
reject blood transfusions when no where even in the Bible
forbids blood transfusions. They teach the heresy that Jesus
Christ is the archangel Michael, which is a created being.
Russell said that in 1914 the millennium would occur and
righteousness would be restored to the earth. As 1914
approached, he, and his successor, changed the date to 1915,
1916, 1924, 1928, and on and on to the present day. Russell and
Rutherford are false prophets even by the Bible’s own definition of a false prophet.
Deuteronomy 18:22 says, "When a prophet speaketh in the name of the LORD, if the
thing follow not, nor come to pass, that is the thing which the LORD hath not
spoken..." They blaspheme by believing that the Holy Spirit is just
a life force of God instead of a person of the Godhead. There is
no way in the Universe will I ever be a Jehovah Witness member.
It isn’t in the cards for me. That’s not my thing. I will never
let my mind or conscience to be swayed by archaic, inaccurate
religious ideology. This doesn’t mean we hate people that are Jehovah
Witness or people of a different creed. We can disagree with them without
bigotry against them. We shouldn‘t hate anyone for any reason whatsoever.
Today, occult images infiltrate some churches too. One source mentions that:
“There are still in existence today remarkable specimens of original phallic
symbols . . . steeples and spires on churches . . . and obelisks . . . all show the
influence of our phallus-worshipping ancestors.” Eichler, “The Customs of
Mankind,” p. 55.
At the apex of the religious establishment, you will find 33rd Degree
Freemasons, Jesuits, Bilderbergers, Pilgrims, and other elitists (including
occultists). This is why Billy Graham is rumored to be a 33rd Degree
Freemason. It’s also true that Graham has allied with high level Masons for
decades as exposed by Fritz Springmeier and especially Dr. Cathy Burns’
research. Dr. Burns’ research on Billy Graham’s apostasy can’t be refuted at
all. It’s that documented.
There are those hostile toward any religious expression too
like the Military Stuckert’s report that bashes people for
just believing in the Millennial reign of Jesus Christ. So, I
want to make that perfectly clear. Major Stuckert uses a broad
brush in his 61 page report saying that any Christian that is
millennialism or believes in the 2nd coming of Jesus Christ can
be a threat to national security. This is proof that many
factions of the government are hostile to religious
expression. Stuckert even went so far as to say that Christian "mission work, especially
overseas, [has] significant implications for U.S. foreign policy." (Page 27). He’s a liar of
course since real missionaries exist to help human being not to harm U.S. foreign policy at
all. If this demonization can occur against Christians unfairly, it
can occur against other creeds as well. ON pg. 58, Stuckert admits
that war is mostly about politics. I thought war according to the
elite was about preserving our interests and protecting us. So that's
why our young men are fighting and dying in Iraq and Afghanistan? It's all about politics? If
so, whose politics? Major Stuckert's? Barack Obama's? George W. Bush's? The CFR's? The
UN's? Exactly whose politics is sending our sons and daughters to fight and die? The good
major doesn't say. This proves from their own mouths that war is not
only evil, but it’s exploited for interests contrary to real
American values. On page 60, Stuckert blames Christians for having a "proclivity for
clear differentiations between good, evil, right, and wrong [which] do not always serve us
well in foreign relations or security policy." Stuckert seems to believe in the moral
relativist lie. The reality is that there is right and there is a wrong in the world. This
war mongering propagandist Stuckert is certainly clever in his tactic, but real Patriots
see this so-called “Major” for what he is. He’s a liar and a man hostile to Christians
believing in the 2nd coming of Jesus Christ and Millennialism (this is similar to the MIAC
and Department of Homeland Security reports equating terrorism with a belief in gun rights,
being pro-life, etc.).
Is World War Three A Possibility?
Wars are always a destructive occurrence. Some say that WWIII is inevitable and that
we have to prepare for it. Others believe that WWIII will never occur. WWI and WWII
could have been avoided, but they transpired anyway. WWI accused because
European nations wanted to compete with each other to have the supreme hegemony in the
continent. The trigger that set it off was Princep assassinating the Archduke of Ferdinand. A
trial of Princep confirmed that many Masons were involved in the plot to kill the Monarch of
the Austro-Hungary Empire. The war commenced and the U.S. involvement caused the
victory among the Allied Powers. Wars are apart of history. The Vatican during WWI
supported the Central Powers to destroy the Slavs and the mostly Orthodox Russian
Monarchy. JP Morgan allied the Allied Powers financially. Also, the Rothschilds aided the
Allied Powers. The allies of the Rothschilds called the Warburgs funded the Central Powers
during WWI. Max was the head of the German secret police during WWI. The Warburg
connection is reported to have helped the Axis powers financially. At the end of the war in
1919, the Treaty of Versailles meetings were attended by Rothschild or elite connected men
like Paul and Max Warburg, John Foster Dulles (of Kuhn-Loeb), Colonel House, Thomas
Lamont (of Morgans) and Allen Dulles (of Kuhn-Loeb). The harsh terms of the Treaty of
Versailles totally set the stage for World War II. Said one delegate: ‘This is no peace; this is
only a truce for twenty years." Sure enough, in 1939 the second World War started. Anti-
Jewish lies consume the Holocaust. Even the Jesuit periodical La Civilta Cattolica or the
Catholic Civilization had anti-Jewish bigotry promoted in it from 1880 to 1920. The Versailles
Treaty inspired WWII since that Treaty gave unbearable reparations against the German
people collectively (not just against the German military). The huge debt in the billions
caused hyperinflation of course and debilitated the German economy. Hitler exploited these
developments to develop his immoral Empire. Hitler was brought into power by the
infamous Roman Catholic German Knight of Malta and leader of the Roman Catholic
Center Party, Franz von Papen. Jesuit Edmund Walsh allowed Papen to escape justice
from the Nuremberg trials. Edmond Paris wrote that:
"The public is practically unaware of the overwhelming responsibility carried by the Vatican
and its Jesuits in the starting of the two world wars - a situation which may be explained in
part by the gigantic finances at the disposition of the Vatican and its Jesuits, giving them
power in so many spheres, especially since the last conflict."
-Edmond Paris (Author of the book The Secret History of the Jesuits)
It is true that: "It was a [Jesuit] priest, Father Staempfle, not Hitler, who really
wrote Mein Kampf." - Behind the Dictators, Leo II Lehmann, 1942, p.26. So, the
Jesuits are a threat back then and today in the early 21st century.
Ben Hecht wrote about this incident during World War II: "[FDR's] Ambassador
[to the Court of St. James and Archbishop Francis Spellman's most powerful
Knight of Malta, the pro-fascist, pro-Hitler] Joseph Kennedy had spoken to fifty of
Hollywood's leading Jewish movie makers in a secret meeting (1941) in one of their
homes. He had told them sternly that they must not protest as Jews, and that they must
keep their Jewish rage against the Germans out of print. . . . As a result of Kennedy's
cry for silence, all of Hollywood's top Jews went around with their grief hidden like a
Jewish fox under their Gentile vests."
-Ben Hecht, The Child of the Century, (New York: Simon and Schuster, 1954) p. 520.
DuPont aided the Nazis too. Even Irene du Pont admired Hitler in a September 7, 1926
speech to the American Chemical Society. He wanted to promote a race of supermen by
injecting drugs in that speech. GM was controlled by the DuPont family. GM produced cars,
tanks, and trucks for Nazi Germany in the 1930's. Charles Higham's "Trading with the
Enemy" exposed this historical reality. According to Charles Higham in Trading With
the Enemy, by “…the mid-1930s General Motors was committed to full-scale
production of trucks, armored cars, and tanks in Nazi Germany.” Higham also
revealed that “on November 23, 1937 representatives of General Motors held a
secret meeting in Boston with Baron Manfred von Killinger, who was… in
charge of West Coast espionage [for the Nazis], and Baron von Tipplekirsch,
Nazi Consul General and Gestapo leader in Boston. This group signed a joint
agreement showing total commitment to the Nazi cause for the indefinite
future.” Henry Ford worked with the Nazis and admired Hitler. So, Nazism didn't die in
WWII. Nazi philosophies and tactics still occur today.
During WWII, occultist and the international elite (or Illuminists) helped Hitler to gain power
and assisted him to exterminate people of many backgrounds. These men were apart of the
Knights of Malta, Pilgrim Society, high level Masonry, etc. There was support to Hitler by the
British aristocrats dominating the Bank of England for a time (including the Duke of Windsor
clique). Some of these British elitists restricted immigration of Jewish people in Israel during
WWII. The Pilgrim Society has its influence in New York and London in the confines of
various central & commercial banks, etc. George Ball of Lehman Brothers was apart of the
Pilgrim Society and he was on the Bilderberg Steering Committee. Literally trillions in
foreign exchange transactions are cleared monthly through the London banking behemoths--Pilgrim Society run institutions such as Barclay’s; National Westminster; HSBC Bank
Group; and Standard-Chartered Bank Group.
The Pilgrim Society is allied with the Knights of Malta. One proof is that Knight of Malta
Elmer Holmes Bobst was a billionaire pharmaceutical owner of Warner Lamber. Bobst was
a Pilgrim and funded Richard Nixon. When Bobst died, he willed his estate to the
Archbishop of New York .One example of this is how the Knight of Malta Franz von Papen
worked with the Center Party to give the Nazis the power base in Germany to ruin the 2nd
Reich pro-civil liberties Constitution & laws. IBM head Thomas Watson worked with
Hitler in his calculation machines to record Holocaust victims and kill them (or forced them
to work in slave labor camps). Hitler borrowed the swastika image from the old Hindu
religion. The swastika was used in Masonic Lodges before Hitler's reign. It's even found in
the House of the Temple in D.C. The swastika in the occult was a sun symbol and even
represented good luck until Hitler reversed the swastika making it a sign of evil ever
since. Also, Hitler intervened to prevent his tanks from destroying the British
Expeditionary Force at Dunkirk. He even stopped the German invasion force from
capturing Leningrad. Stalin prevented the Soviet military to protect itself when many
intelligence sources were warning them of a German invasion. Adolf Hitler was a
satanic individual that did double dealing. He talked peace with the Czechs and Poles, but
preparing for war at the same time. This is precisely why many historians believe that much
of WWII was contrived in order to create that occult vision of the "new world" a reality so to
speak. That is why Hitler made a temporary pact with Stalin. The Hitler-Stalin Pact and
Stalin’s invasion of Poland was opposed by Trotsky. He was killed in Mexico by Stalin’s
agents for advancing an independent communist movement. That is why despite the
tensions between America and the Soviets after WWII, America covertly sent much of
technology and materials to Russia (including means to create an atomic bomb). This is
nothing new since the real elite of the world know all about this stuff. The good news is the
truth has been revealed in such a high level in the 21st century, that some corrupt
government officials want to ban (or heavily restrict the Internet). The CIA’s Operation
Paperclip was supported by the Vatican to send Nazis into the Western Hemisphere (Some
of these Nazis influenced the growth of the modern Western allopathic
pharmaceutical industry. For example, IG Farben evolved into Bayer AG after World
War Two). The exploitation of allopathic drugs by Big Pharma (along with HMOs) have
caused many people to be passive mentally toward tyranny and escalated the health
problems plaguing America plus the West.
WWII caused Israel to be formed in 1948 (whose leadership has been infiltrated by the proLabor Zionist/Likud Party/Sabbatean Frankist network, high level Freemasonry, and Papal
Knighthoods). Typically in American politics, there was those who was pro-Israel and antiIsrael (which came from the Pilgrim filled State Department. The Pilgrims allied heavily with
fascist movements. For example, Pilgrim Thomas W. Lamont of JP Morgan supported
Mussolin’s regime, etc. This State Department was pro-British and wanted to support Mao’s
evil reign in China). There is a difference between real people that want religious
liberty, equality, and freedom in Israel plus all over the Middle East and the pro-Jesuit
pro-Labor Zionist people (like John Hagee, Pat Robertson, Jack van Impe, Billy Graham,
etc.). People like Hagee, Robertson, etc. make no distinction between the legitimate right of
Jewish people & Arabic people to live in Israel (and the legitimate criticism about the
Masonic-influenced government of Israel that promotes the new Crusade or the war on
terror, the persecution of Messanic Jewish followers of Yeshua, religious & political liberty
suppression, the harm against numerous Palestinians, and other errors). They like
Robertson and Hagee legitimately expose the evil religious liberty suppression in the
oppressive dictatorships of Saudi Arabia, Sudan (I don‘t agree with black people in
Darfur being butchered by bigoted terrorists at all. We should oppose that genocide),
& Syria. On the other hand, they won’t realize that the leadership of many of these Middle
Eastern countries are influenced by the Knights of Malta, the Council on Foreign
Relations, the Order of the Order of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem, and the Order of St.
Francis. One example is how Saudi Prince Al-Waleed bin Talal donated money to the Jesuit
Georgetown School of Foreign Service. This school is influential in developing American
foreign policy. Talal donated to the George Herbert Walker Bush Scholarship Fund and
donated $500,000 to CAIR to support a program that sends pro-Islam books and tapes to
public libraries in the United States. We see that Wahhabi Islam filled Muslim Brotherhood
has been aided by the British elite too as proven by the great scholar Peter Goodgame.
Reuven Shiloah founded the Mossad in 1949 under David Ben Gurion According to John
Loftus, the Israelis told Nelson Rockefeller to get the South American nations to support a
partition plan in exchange of them not revealing that the historical fact that he, Allen Dulles,
and others worked with the Nazis during WWII. So, in a Hegelian Dialetic fashion, the
internationalists aided the Muslim radicals & the Labor Zionists to control many sides in the
WWII conflict (as documented by Ben Hecht and other impartial authors). Notice how the
Rothschilds aided Israel, but they originally just wanted Israel to be an extension of the
British Empire. That is why even as late as the 1950’s, James de Rothschild argued for
Israel’s incorporation within the British Commonwealth.
This is President Dwight D. Eisenhower and 33rd Degree Freemason
Bernard Baruch. He was a financier and he once worked in the office. Later,
he was a famous statesman that advised Churchill during World War Two.
Churchill once believed in Imperialism. Even though FDR made errors,
FDR was 100% right to oppose British Imperialism in the world. I don’t
agree with FDR being a 32nd Degree Freemason (Pilgrim & Freemason Henry
Morgenthau, Freemason Henry Wallace, and others helped the government to put the Great
Seal on the One Dollar Bill), but at least Franklin Delano Roosevelt passed the
Glass-Steagal Act, created watch dog agencies to monitor the activities of
banks, abolished child labor, supported the homeless, prevented employers
from hindering unionization, and other legitimate reforms.
After WWII, the Cold War came about. The elite and the Vatican used agitation (via the
CIA, the KGB, MI6, the Knights of Malta, etc.) to promote anti-Communist rhetoric to
prolong the Cold War. The Cold War benefited the military industrial complex and huge
multinational corporations. It didn’t benefit the common people with death, exploitation, and
the harm against the Third World. Prouty was involved in CIA black ops until he had a
change of heart and wanted to tell the truth about what occurring in the world. Prouty
exposes the fact that the CIA had too much undue power over even some branches of the
military. Prouty admitted that the Cold War was contrived (in order hamper liberty in the
Third World and other countries. The Pentagon, MI6, and the CIA make huge profits
in their covert acts as well even in the drug running) and that a meetings would occur to
handle the details of it between Roosevelt, Stalin, Chiang Kai-shek, and Churchill. FDR later
wanted Third World Nationalism that angered Churchill. Prouty was sent into the Arctic
when JFK was assassinated. Prouty lived through these days, so he’s a great source of real
information. Fletcher Prouty wrote about how the immoral Vietnam War according to leading
military officials weren’t meant to be won:
“…These are absolutely alarming questions, coming as they do from a man who had been
an adviser to Presidents from Truman to Johnson during the most challenging years of the
Cold War. He knew that we had been in a war in Vietnam since 1945; yet at the very time
that he was the secretary of Defense, in 1968, and when American forces in Vietnam had
been increased to 550,000 men, he writes that neither he, the President, nor any member
of the administration knew what the objective of this country or its military forces was in
Vietnam. No army can win any war without a valid and tangible objective. Then, during a
meeting in the White House on May 21, 1968, of the President; Senate of State Dean Rusk;
the military adviser to the President, Walt Rostow; the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff,
Earle Wheeler; and himself Clark Clifford made this amazing statement: “…With the
limitations now placed on our military-no invasion of the north, no mining of the harbors, no
invasion of the sanctuaries-we have no real plans or chance to win the war…Because of
this failure of leadership at the top, America sacrificed 58,000 men and spent no less than
$220 billion. No wonder Clark Clifford and his associates were confounded by what they had
inherited, from prior administrations, in the name of a “war” in faraway Indochina. This is
one reason why it is so important to clarify that what was called ‘war’ during the first
twenty years (1945-65) of this conflict was actually a massive series of paramilitary
activities under the operational control of the CIA….” (“JFK: the CIA, Vietnam, and
the plot to assassinate John F. Kennedy” By Leroy Fletcher Prouty from pg. 6).
Money was apart of the agenda of the Nazis. After WWII, some of the Nazis covertly used
tactics to promote world domination. There is the historian named Marc Masurovsky. He
testified on June 25, 1997 to the U.S. House Banking Committee that in late 1946, the Allied
commissions searching for the art that the Nazis had looted were closed down. August 1944
to July 1946 perhaps thousands of these looted items “found there way out of Europe and into
North and South American collections.” He also asked: “Why did the State Department agree
to downplay the verifiable amount of looted gold in Switzerland as a means of obtaining
ratification of the Washington Accord?” One reason is that the Dulles brothers aided the
Nazis before, during, and after World War II. Allen Dulles negotiated deals with the Nazis
and the Saudis. FDR may not been aware of all of these things. It's interesting to note that
Roosevelt wrote to the Saudi King on April 5, 1945 (dealing with the question of Jewish
people in Palestine) that: "...Your Majesty will also doubtless recall that during our recent
conversation I assured you that I would take no action in my capacity as Chief of the
Executive Branch of this Government which might prove hostile to the Arab people.” Arabic
and Jewish people should have equality in the Middle East though. Not long after this letter,
FDR was succeeded as president by Harry Truman, who approved of various operations that
brought Nazis to the U.S..."
After WWII, the cooperative bond of the Masons, the International financiers, and the
Vatican was apparent even some wanted to deny this. Plans for a new world order or an
Utopian society are nothing new. Plato and HG Wells believed that an elite made up of
scientists or intellectuals were needed to rule the world in an Utopian society or a new world
order. H.G. Wells doubted that a thoroughly communistic Utopia could survive, (p.91) but a
socialistic one that allowed individuality and individual initiative would. The new Utopia
needs to provide for initiatiative.(pp. 92-3). Further, he writes in A Modern Utopia,
"The World State in this ideal presents itself as the sole landowner of the earth…”
(p.93). In many wars, these occult secret societies and other groups use Hegelian Dialectics
to get their Synthesis completed. That is why Secret Societies (and the corporate elite) have
influenced or been behind numerous major wars and Revolutions spanning over 3 centuries
as CFR member Billington wrote about in book "Fire in the Minds of Men." WWII ended by
1945 after the Axis Powers were defeated by the Allied forces. The Cold War existed and
Ronald Reagan lived in the beginning of the end of it. Reagan faced the Masonic
Washington Monument, which is a symbol of sun worship (Baal worship in ancient times).
Ronald Reagan’s father Jack was a Roman Catholic and his mother was apart of the
Church of Christ group (that accepted the heresy of baptismal regeneration). Reagan
fulfilled reestablishing diplomatic ties with the (Un) Holy See-the Vatican (after the USA
ended the diplomatic ties in the 1860’s because Abraham Lincoln was assassinated). Now,
people say never again with world war. Yet, the war on terror is extremely mysterious ever
since it began in 2001.
There is a story that is common among the alternative media. This story relates to the
accusation that Mazzini and Albert Pike worked together to form a three world war
plan in allowing the public to accept the new world order or the New Utopian age. I
heard of this information in 2001. This information is very interesting. The author who
popularized this view has been the author William Guy Carr in his book entitled “Pawns in
the Game.” This came out in 1958. Before going forward, it’s time to define more about
Giuseppe Mazzini’s life. He was called a Mason by Denslow (or a Past Grand Master of the
Grand Orient of Italy according to William R. Denslow’s 10,000 Famous Freemasons on pg.
158. Masonic propaganda deny that Mazzini was a Mason) that lived from June 22, 1805 to
March 10, 1872. He was a patriot and philosopher according to his supporters. There is no
doubt that Garibaldi was a Mason. He desire Italy to be an unified nation. He wanted a
republican form of government. He was born in Genoa, which was ten apart of the Ligurian
Republic under the rule of the French Empire. Giacomo was his father in a University who
believed ironically in Jacobin ideology. Mazzini had an interest in politics and literature.
Mazzini tried and failed numerous insurrections in Europe. He created the quasi-Masonic
group called Young Italy (or La giovine Italia). These Young groups spread in Europe to
promote revolution. He was exiled into London by April 30, 1837. He found Young
Germany, Young Poland, Young Switzerland, under the aegis of Young Europe or
Giovine Europa. So, it is legitimate to disagree with the authoritarian and theocratic
Papacy. Yet, Mazzini desired wanted an United States of Europe, which would be similar to
the future European Union that is growing in the 21st century. Now, Carr believed that Albert
Pike and Giuseppe Mazzini made out a creation of 3 World Wars to form world government.
Carr believed that the first plan was to cause WWI to get rid of the Tsars in Russia to allow
Atheistic Communism to rule Russia. WWII was about the fascists and Political Zionists
fighting it out and the Political Zionists to create Israel (later Christendom according to Carr
would be equaled in power to International Communism). WWIII would be about the
Political Zionists fighting the leaders of the Muslim world. This war would be bloody and
people will call for world government. Carr claimed that on August 15, 1871, Pike told
Mazzini that after WWIII ended, people will not want Christianity, but accept the Luciferian
religion. The author claimed that these words were catalogued in the British Museum
Library in London, England. These are wild claims. It is a commonly believed fallacy that for
a short time, the Pike letter to Mazzini was on display in the British Museum Library in
London, and it was copied by William Guy Carr, former Intelligence Officer in the Royal
Canadian Navy. The British Library has confirmed in writing that such a document has
never been in their possession. It appears that Carr learned about this letter from
Cardinal Caro y Rodriguez of Santiago, Chile, who wrote The Mystery of Freemasonry
Unveiled. Notice, that the Papacy is known for using dissent with Freemasonry as an
excuse to use Jewish-baiting rhetoric that promotes anti-Semitism. It’s fine to disagree
with Masonry on political/religious grounds, but not using dissent as a tactic to scapegoat
Semitic people in the process. To date, no conclusive proof exists to show that this letter
was ever written. Nevertheless, the letter is widely quoted and the topic of much discussion.
So, this plan isn’t conclusively proven. It’s most likely that the correspondence between Pike
and Mazzini is a fraud. What is true is that many events occurring now are similar to words
in Carr’s book from the wars against Muslims, etc.
Freemasonry has been used as a conduit to spread revolutions,
false religions (Many Masons were in Mormonism, Christian
Science & its code words are found 7th Day Adventists.
Masonic imagery is found in the Jehovah Witnesses too), and
other New Age dogma in human societies for centuries. This is
the quote of a Mason accepting the heresy of human godhood:
“…Of all the material creation man alone can declare "I AM."
But those words are far more than a declaration of a material
fact. To so declare is recognition of consciousness - a statement
of recognized individuality. AN AFFIRMATION OF DIVINITY
- for ONLY God, and man, made in HIS image, can declare "I
-George H. Steinmetz, Freemasonry Its Hidden Meaning, (Macoy
Publishing & Masonic Supply Co., Inc. 1976), p.157.
The person in the left is 33rd Degree Mason Luther Smith. Masonry is still a deceptive
group though as admitted by 33rd Degree Freemason Albert Pike in his Morals and
Dogma book: “…Masonry, like all the religions, all Mysteries, Hermeticism and
Alchemy, conceals it secrets from all except the Adepts and Sages, or the Elect, and
uses false explanations and misinterpretations of its symbols to mislead those who
deserve only to be misled; to conceal the Truth, which it calls Light from them, and
to draw them away from it. Truth is not for those who are unworthy or unable to
receive it, or would pervert it…So Masonry jealously conceals its secrets, and
intentionally leads conceited interpreters astray…” Collier's Encyclopedia states:
"Masonry fosters an elaborate Mythology . . ." (Collier's Encyclopedia, op. cit., p. 338).
So, Freemasonry uses deception in its Blue Lodges intentionally.
The Serpent is quite prevalent and important in Masonry. When Jim Shaw, a former Mason
who has left Masonry, went to the Temple to receive his 33rd degree, he reported: ". . . the
thing that is most noticeable is the way the walls are decorated with Serpents. There are all
kinds, some very long and large. Many of the Scottish Rite degrees include the representation
of Serpents and I recognized them among those decorating the walls." (Shaw and
McKenney, op. cit., p. 102). Albert Pike devotes page after page of his book to the
prevalence and worship of Serpents. He discloses that, "The Phoenicians called the serpent
agathodemon (the good spirit) . . ." (Pike, op. cit., p. 495); "In reality, the hawk-headed
Serpent, genius of Light, or Good genius, was the symbol of the Sun. The horned Serpent was
the hieroglyphic for a God." Two other names for Osiris are Bel and Hu. The Serpent in the
occult is a code name for Satan. Freemasonry is defined in this source: "Masonry has
nothing to do with the Bible; it is not founded upon the Bible, for
if it were, it would not be Masonry, it would be something else."
- The Digest of Masonic Law, p.207-209.
*Freemason, H.L. Haywood, wrote in his book entitled GREAT TEACHINGS OF
"Human experience ... is the one final authority in morals. Wrong is
whatever hurts human life or destroys human happiness ... Acts are
not right or wrong intrinsically but according as their effects are hurtful
or helpful."
-SOURCE: H.L. Haywood, quoted by pamphlet entitled "Christ or the
Lodge?," (Philadelphia: Great Commission Publications, 1942), pg. 14.
In sharp contrast, the Bible clearly defines sin, and states that all men are sinners
(Romans 3:10,19-23). The Word of God is the Final Authority, and not human
experience. Freemasonry is rooted in situation ethics.
*People like Carr are right to expose Communism, but they refuse to expose the Knights of
Malta, Opus Dei, and the connections of the Vatican to the new world order system. The
threat of a Third World War is definitely real, because the contrived war on terror is still in
existence. Other groups like Carr and his ilk refuse to talk about in the 21st century include:
The Order of the Golden Fleece
The Order of the Garter
The Order of the Holy Sepulchre
The Constantian Order
The Order of Malta
The Orders of the St. John of Jerusalem (as found in the UK, the Netherlands,
Sweden, Germany, etc.)
The Order of Saints Maurice and Lazarus
The Teutonic Order
Here’s an interesting source on the Order of the Garter:
“…Thirteen is the "Devil's dozen." By meeting in groups of thirteen Witches
were following an ancient tradition: Christ had twelve Disciples [making
Judas the 13th person in the entourage when including Christ].
Likewise King Arthur seated twelve Knights around the Round Table
[making himself #13]. King Edward III enshrined the number in his
Order of the Garter, England's highest Order of chivalry. One can still see
it encircling the Coat of Arms of the British Royal Family. The Order
comprised of twelve Knights under the King and twelve under the Prince of
Wales, that is, two 'covens' of thirteen. The King as its leader wore a
mantle covered in a total of 168 Garters which with the one he wore on his
leg made 169 (or 13 x 13). For him [Gardner] it establishes the Sacred
13 at the heart of British aristocracy and demonstrates the use of the
Garter as a badge of rank amongst Witches…”
-Witchcraft Out of the Shadows: A Complete History p. 172-173
*More bloodlines are important to know about. The Pallavinci bloodline has been common in
world history. Even then Ambassador Nicholson back in 2003 met with the leaders of the
PRINCIPESSA PALLAVICINI CONFERENCE. As many people have proven, Rome's
agenda for the new world order is their apart of the Vatican/Jesuit network’s major plan.
They promoted that goal in the Middle Ages even to want to rebuild the Temple in Jerusalem
(and govern the world affairs from that location). That is why the Crusades were fought. Pope
Benedict XVI on many times have called for a new world order and a new economic order
for the "common good." Even mainstream media outlets have reported on this truth. The
Pallavicini Family are apart of the oligarchy's elite bloodlines. Napoleon Bonaparte I was a
descendant of the Pallavicini Family. The reason is that Napoleon Bonaparte I was the son of
Carlo Maria Buonaparte. Carlo's mother was Maria Saveria Parravicini. Napoleon admitted
that the Jesuits were a military order and the Jesuits influenced the FBI (that was created as
the BI at first. The founder of the BI was a relative of Napoleon Bonaparte ironically). The
ultra-reactionary family of Este-Welf, rose to a dominant position in the European feudal
oligarchy during the Eleventh Century. The Este-Welf has been in the forefront of the leading
reactionary, pro-chivalric, pro-feudalist movements of Europe and the Americas ever since.
One Jesuit logo with the double headed Phoenix eagle and the IHS letters mention the
Parravicini family by name (in an inscription above). Occult groups deal with Secret societies
all of the time. Even Heinrich Himmler believed in the occult and various mythologies.
Himmler wanted his group in a Castle to act as a Round Table. Princess Elvina Pallavicini
who was considered to be one of the leading aristocrats of the Black Nobility. Troy from
England found about Vatican City’s 4 Masonic Lodges. There is the Grand Lodge Ekkelsia as
well. Many Vatican leaders have been covertly apart of Masonic groups before. The position
of UGLE Pro Grand Master is headed by Peter Lowndes since March 11, 2009.
These are famous elitists or Illuminists. In the left picture is Pilgrim and
Bonesmen Averill Harriman uniting with New York Governor Nelson
Rockefeller. The image on the right is Pilgrim and one of the most powerful
Americans David Rockefeller eating food with the late honorary 33rd Degree
Freemason Ronald Reagan. Most Pilgrims are over 40 years old. The Pilgrim
Society (like the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem, the
Order of the Garter, the Constantinian Order, and the Knights of Malta) are in
higher power than the CFR, the Skulls and Bones, the Bilderberg Group, the
Bohemian Grove, the Trilateralists, etc. According to biographer Hoffman on
BIDDING.” People know about Reagan’s real legacy.
The Illuminati has an interesting history. The total truth is that the Bavarian Illuminati is dead. Yet,
many of its ideological offshoots and its major ideologies are still alive in 2010. There are occult
groups now that they claim to be the Illuminati, but they are of recent origin. Also, they are not the
direct descends of the Bavarian Illuminati at all. The agenda of the Illuminati and
Illuminati-related organizations still exist today in the 21st century. These
Illuminists obsess with the occult. Crowley is numbered among other magicians and
sorcerers such as Emanuel Swedenborg, Sir Richard Kelly, Eliphas Levi, Alice Bailey, and
that pot-smoking medium named Madame Blavatsky (founder of the Theosophical Society
which we will study in a moment) as one of the leaders of modern Spiritualism today. Even
Masons admit that they took influence from the pagan Mysteries in their group. Here from
The Master's Carpet, by Edmond Ronayne, on page 247 we read the following: "So then
CARRY OUT THE COINCIDENCE." Secret Societies existed for thousands of years and even
today in seeking similar goals. This ideology is about trying to form a global governmental Utopia
where governments and mainstream society is eliminated, where society is transformed into a feudal
system, and authoritarian control over the human race is promoted. This network of Secret Societies
and elite groups in the highest levels are the modern Illuminati. Pilgrim Society member John Martin
Cates Jr. from London even admitted to have said that: “…I also believe strongly in
international cooperation and the stark necessity of a one-world society
without national borders.” Cates was apart of executive committee head of the Wolf Head
Society of Yale. The Pilgrims are above in power than the Skulls and Bones and even the Bilderberg
Group. He was a member of the Yale University council from 1968-1977, he was with the
U.S. Maritime Commission and War Shipping Administration from 1942-1947, and Cates
was the foreign affairs specialist with the State Department from 1947-1953. Another Pilgrim
by the name of former Senator William Benton said that: “…We are at the beginning of a long
process of breaking down the walls of our national sovereignty.” The quote from above
was entered into the public record on by September 4, 1962 via California Congressman
James B. Utt.
Pilgrim John Boyd Carter Jr. is a major figure. Carter Jr. was managing director of Lehman
Brothers, 1970-1977. Today he has large interests in banking, ranching, oil and gas, and
biotech development. He’s linked to the Kleberg family. That family are owners of the King
Ranch, which is largest private property in Texas with interests in Exxon Mobil (Who’s
Who, 2005, page 729.) The King Ranch encompasses 825,000 acres over four south Texas
counties, with natural gas resources. It has had its share of “underpaid” employees from
South of the border. Pilgrims Society member, Robert Lee Sterling Jr., has a huge fortune as
well. Sterling in on the board of advisors to Oxford University, England. Oxford has Rhodes
Scholars that promote the interests of the Pilgrims. Sterling worked with the Due of
Devonshire (The Cavendish family has billionaires in estate and banking. They are one
of the most powerful families in the UK). So, when you think about the Yale or American
college secret societies (in the Skulls and Bones, the Wolf’s Head, Scroll and Key, the Book
and Snake, etc.) are covers of the inner ring of the more stronger Pilgrim Society. They are
involved in international banks via the City of London, etc. These dynasty families have
large influential, but even they are not more powerful than God. The mainstream media and
history books don’t report on these things.
Ex-President George H. W. Bush in his 1991 State of the Union Address said that: "We will
succeed in the Gulf. And when we do, the world community will have sent an enduring
warning to any dictator or despot, present or future, who contemplates outlaw aggression.
The world can therefore seize this opportunity to fufill the long-held promise of a new world
order - where brutality will go unrewarded, and aggression will meet collective resistance."
Fritz Springmeier in his “Bloodlines of the Illuminati” said that David Ben Gurion said the
following words:
“The image of the world in 1987 as traced in my imagination: The Cold War will be
a thing of the past. Internal pressure of the constantly growing intelligentsia in
Russia for more freedom and the pressure of the masses for raising their living
standards may lead to a gradual democratization of the Soviet Union. On the
other hand, the increasing influence of the workers and farmers, and the rising
political importance of men of science, may transform the United States into a
welfare state with a planned economy. Western and Eastern Europe will become a
federation of autonomous states having a Socialist and democratic regime. With
the exception of the USSR as a federated Eurasian state, all other continents will
become united in a world alliance, at whose disposal will be an international
police force. All armies will be abolished, and there will be no more wars. In
Jerusalem, the United Nations (a truly United Nations) will build a Shrine of the
Prophets to serve the federated union of all continents; this will be the seat of the
Supreme Court of Mankind, to settle all controversies among the federated
continents, as prophesied by Isaiah.” (Prime Minister of Israel, David Ben Gurion,
given to “Look Magazine” in 1962, January 16th, edition). The prophet Isaiah instead
talked about the Messiah establishing his Kingdom not a man-made theocracy. So, BenGurion and others desire a world state.
Alice Bailey writes: "The day is dawning when all religions will be regarded as emanating
from one great spiritual source; all will be seen as unitedly providing the one root out of
which the universal world religion will inevitably emerge. Then there will be neither
Christian nor heathen, neither Jew nor Gentile, but simply one great body of believers,
gathered out of all the current religions. They will accept the same truths, not as theological
concepts but as essential to spiritual living; They will stand together on the same platform of
brotherhood and of human relations; they will recognize divine sonship and will seek
unitedly to co-operate with the divine Plan... such a world religion is no idle dream but
something which is definitely forming
- World Goodwill Letter, 1993, no.4, p.2
In this time, we have a right to expose such goals of Utopianism. The goals of the new world order is
nothing. These plans have been existed from thousands of years. Indeed, nothing is new under the
sun. I still got that love for the truth. I don’t like the obscene materialism and wickedness in America.
What I do love about America is capability of human perseverance against evil, the capability of
human improvement, and the promotion of the real creeds that strengthen the bonds among the real
people in America (and the world). Today, some folks are uncertain about the future of America. What
is certain is that we have an awe inspiring chance to make populist reform in developing the avenues
of the U.S. (that deals with U.S. health, education, its economy, education, etc.). America has
developed into an Empire system. Like any Empire, the problems in the U.S. deal with oligarchy,
socioeconomic matters, Malthusian doctrines, and other evils. That is why many reforms want the
agricultural, industrial, and technological base of the America to be revitalized in order to achieve a
higher standard of living (since even some European nations have better health care, education, and
GDP than us). The poor and the middle class have suffered greatly in America since 1970’s since the
poverty rate was cut greatly from 1960-1970. The big central banks and Foundations promote
population control efforts as well. Eugenicist Frank Notestein promoted the decrease of the human
population as well. He admits that economic modernization will stabilize population rates, but he still
want drastic measures to harm the population. I don’t agree with a National Sales tax
since we live in a recession now. The tax is regressive and poor America pay
tons of taxes already (like sales taxes, etc.). It’s funny that we show our
views and the skeptics obsess with us. If we were not a threat to them,
why do they keep on mocking people with our views. The reason is that
they know (instinctively) that we show a lot of the truth that they don’t
32nd Degree Freemason Foster Bailey in his The Spirit of Masonry book (from New York in Lucis
Publishing Co) form 1951 in pgs. 20-21 outline his view of the existence of the Illuminati today:
“…Little as it may be realized by the unthinking Mason who is interested only in the outer
aspects of the Craft work, the whole fabric of Masonry may be regarded as an externalisation of
that inner spiritual group whose members, down the ages have been the Custodians of the Plan,
and as Those to Whom has been the Custodians of the Plan, and as those to whom has been
committed the working out of the will of God for the race of men. These Master Masons, to
whom T.G.A.O.T.U. has given the design and Who are familiar with the tracing board of the
G.M. on high are called by many names and are known at different times by various appellations.
They can be referred to as Christ and His Church-that band of disciples who follow in the
footsteps and work under the inspiration of the great Carpenter of Nazareth. They can be known
by others as the Masters of Wisdom for They are skilled in the divine ways and have mastered
the arts and sciences which Their fellowmen have yet to mast. They are the Dispensers of
Light and to Them has been given by virtue of Their achievement, the privilege and
the authority to pronounce the great Masonic formula: ‘Let there be light’ and to
evoke the response: ‘And there was LIGHT.’ They are therefore sometimes known
as the Illuminati and can direct the searchlight of truth whenever its beams are
needed to guide the pilgrim on his way. There are the Rishis of the oriental philosophy, the
Builders of the occult tradition and those Individualities of outstanding wisdom, strength, and
beauty of character who have guided by precept and example, the faltering steps of blinded and
ignorant humanity. They are the bestowers of the privileges and benefits of initiation, and They
prepare the candidate for those great revelations and expansions of consciousness which are the
rewards of all who preserve in the quest, and thus learn to work in the Temple of the Lord. Step
by step They guide the candidate until he has gained the right to stand in the East before the
Presence, and there, before the brethren, prove himself initiate. Stage by stage They assist at
the unfolding of the consciousness of the candidate until the time comes when he can
‘enter into light’ and in his turn become a light-bearer, one of the Illuminati who
can assist the Lodge on High in bringing humanity to light. Silently and with full
understanding, they watch the initiate go down to the gates of death in order to prosecute the
search for the Master’s Word, and in defense of his ideals is slain by those with whom he has
This is a strange quote, but it offers a glimpse in the mindsets of these occultists. The
New world order agenda is hence not only political. It deals with the New Age
Movement (in dealing with the Age of Aquarius agenda) as researchers have
documented for decades and centuries. The reality is that true spirituality isn’t about
secrecy or doing an initiation ritual involving the physical harming of people
recklessly (or swearing evil deaths oaths). It’s about complementing the truth in your
heart and living out the God-given creed of righteousness in your deeds. That’s the
preeminent definition of resilient, loving, and real human compassion. Mistakes
accumulate in the journey of all of the human race, but we as humans have the
capacity to correct our mistakes. We can repent and move forward in the magnificent
goals of joy, spiritual transformation, and peace.
So, many people are learning about many things today. I’m from
Generation Y, but our generation needs to wake up. Not everyone smiling
in your face loves you. I’m not saying hate your fellow man, but don’t be
naïve about your fellow man either. We should reject self hate,
materialism, and sick actions. Use discernment, appreciate what God
created you to be, and don’t fall for any deception. Anybody can be great
and serve humankind.
*The Left Paradigm needs to see that not everything private is satanic and the
Right Paradigm needs to realize that not everything public is wicked either.
Basically, the government can fund infrastructure building projects and job
creation, but the private sector should be given incentives to build jobs also. You
have to have individual liberty and basic safeguards (or regulations) to protect
human beings as well. I certainly don't want to go back into the 1950's with Jim
Crow and the states acting in an totalitarian fashion. I don't agree with war
mongering either. When your heart is true, then the spirit of the Lord can lead
you to have love for your fellow human being irrespective of what they look like.
This is it. I love you all. I’m a strong minded man, so I
will never compromise my core beliefs. Even decades
into the future, I will still believe in what I believe in.
I’m afraid of nothing, but God. I believe in fighting for
the truth and real liberty. In 2010, there will be a lot
more articles on real issues that I will show to the
By Timothy