
The denominated System of initiation Rojismo was created by Gabriel Lopez de Rojas.
The Rojismo term comes from the last name of Red, of the last alquímica phase of the mentioned System (Work to the
Red one) and of the egalitarian and libertario message, that is to say, “red”, of he himself.
The Rojismo is structured in two orders (Order Illuminati and Societas OTO) and in both Rites of
both: the Operative Operative Rite and Rite Illuminated of Baviera of the Illuminati Order of
Memphis-Misraïm of Societas OTO.
The Rojismo gives to importance to fundamental pillars of the initiation as true desire, the will,
waking up of the conscience of “the sleepy” man, the respect towards the cycles and the order,
the coherence; to traditional routes of initiation (yoga, tantra, cábala, symbolism, alchemy); and
to the transformation of the initiate by means of the operative work in the own divinity, in
androgynous the divine one, in the androgynous alquímico, always looking for that this one
projects in external its internal evolution.
In this System, in addition, the figure of the God of the Light is important, Baphomet. On him, a
basic idea is due to have: only with Baphomet the initiation is complete. With the esclavistas
Gods, their “shackles”, etc., the iniciático work “is castrated” and the complete initiation is not
It is possible to add to the saying that the Rojista Philosophy crowns the Rojismo, with his
egalitarian and libertario message, being the philosophy of the action and the postmodernity that
reformulates the socialism and turns to the Rojismo postmodern. In last instance, scientific
psychology also is the tool that allows to include/understand the gradual evolution of the Rojismo
for the initiates of high degree.
In the Rojismo, the initiate evolves from the esoteric idealismo and iniciático indemostrable to the
materialism, the absolute rejection of the God existence, the atheism, the atheistic reason, science,
the rigor…
The masonry, rosacruces, the templarios… also leave from the idealismo, but, in contrast to the
Rojismo, they remain eternally in this one leading to its members to “fictitious skies” and the
absolute irrealidad.
The Rojismo, however, respects the masónica tradition, rosacruz, templaria…, since in certain it forms makes hers in
his initiation and lessons, but, on the other hand, rejects the great majority of organizativas structures of masones,
rosacruces, the templarios (orders, lodges, Obediences…), to consider them esoteric and iniciático a idealismo that it
has like full stop so mentioned “fictitious sky” and the absolute irrealidad.
In the Rojismo and its orders, we found to initiates and philosophers who deserve to be
(Philosopher and initiate)
It founded the Illuminati de Baviera on 1776 and recovered the Initiation Fundamental, based on initiates turned Gods,
that is to say, in beings able to transform its reality and the reality that surrounded them, with freedom and equality.
To see:
(Philosopher and initiate)
He founded the Illuminati Order in 1995 and restored the Fundamental Initiation completely,
denominating it Rojismo.
He is one of the great philosophers whom the Rojismo assumes to transform means.
He laid the the foundations of a scientific methodology of the scientific socialism or Comunism.
The scientific socialism or Comunism, as it was exposed by Marx, was based on the historical
materialism, the fight of classes, the foundation of the communist party on the part of the
proletariado one, the taking of the Power, the dictatorship of the proletariado one, the
appropriation of production means, the distribution of the wealth, the elimination of the social
classes and the State… He is one of the great philosophers whom the Rojismo assumes to
transform means.
He is another one of the great philosophers whom the Rojismo assumes to transform means.
He laid the the foundations of the libertario socialism or anarchism,it defended the destruction of all
authority, the State, the deprived property, by means of the revolution, the appropriation of production means, the
colectivismo (to each one the product of its work occurs him) and other measures. The later communist anarchism of
Kropotkin pleaded to reject the colectivismo that gave to everyone the product of its work, favoring the Comunism and
the equality of distribution. Bakunin Is
one of the great philosophers whom the Rojismo assumes to
transform means.
(Philosopher and president of Korea of the North)
He is another one of the great philosophers whom the Rojismo assumes to transform means.
The concept of man and ideological conscience of the Rojismo has a source of inspiration in the
great philosopher Kim Jon Il, present president of Korea of the North.
He is the psychologist and psychoanalyst whom the Rojismo assumes to include/understand the
System of initiation, from the perspective of scientific psychology.
OTO (Ordo Templi Orientis) was founded in the beginnings of XX century by Austrian industrial and chemical Karl Kellner (Frater Renatus,
1850-1905), who was substituted by Theodor Reuss (Frater Peregrinus, 1855-1923) when died. Its Constitution was in 1906. OTO had born of
English John Yarker Masonic Rites of Memphis-Misraïm.
In 1902, Theodor Reuss established the Sovereign Sanctuary of Memphis-Misraïm in Germany. In 1913, when Yarker died, Reuss became
International Head of the Rite.
OTO’s Official history also explains that its founders received its tantric doctrine by three Oriental initiated: Arabian fakir Soliman ben Haifa
and Hindus yogis Bhima Sen Pratap y Sri Mahatma Aganya Guru Paramahamsa. It seems logical that Oriflamme magazine, the German Templar
organ, announced that “OTO has the Key that open all of secrets, Masonic and hermetic, sexual magic instruction, and this instruction makes
comprehensible the whole of nature secrets, Freemasonry symbolism, and all religious systems”.
English famous initiated Aleister Crowley (Frater Baphomet, 1875-1947) became an OTO’s member in 1910, chief of the English branch en
1912 and, then, head of the whole order from 1921, after several discussions with maximal responsible persons of German OTO.
For OTO, Aleister Crowley wrote books and so interesting documents like Liber Agape, Gnostic Mass, where IXº degree secret appears, and the
opuscle De Arte Magica.
After he assumed to be head of OTO in 1922, Crowley established interesting contacts with German initiated persons as Karl Germer (Frater
Saturnus, 1885-1962), for OTO extension. Germer sold his Vienna proprieties and he established in Munich. There, he created ‘Pansophia’. This
society decided to edit several Crowley books and it remained subject under OTO influence and Frater Baphomet (Aleister Crowley). Several
Pansophia adepts had serious problems for accept Liber Legis (Book of Law) and Crowley as their leader. An entity called Aiwass revealed
Liber Legis to Crowley in Egypt, in April, 1904. Germer remained by Crowley and he never didn’t left him.
In 1935, Nazis forbidden Astrum Argentum –an order commanded by Crowley since 1906 that depends of OTO-, OTO and another Masonic,
Rosicrucian and Templar orders. Karl Germer, Frater Saturnus, as a chief of German OTO, was arrested and conducted to a concentration camp.
Later, he was liberated and when Second War World began, Belgium authorities arrested again because he was German and they deported him to
France, where he was interned until 1941. Finally, he got a cabin in a boat that went to USA.
OTO headquarters established in California (USA) till Crowley died in 1947 and Karl Germer was his successor in front of OTO.
Kenneth Grant had joined in OTO in thirty decade y he had a near relation with Crowley. January, 1952, the only Crowley legal successor, Karl
Germer, wrote to Grant: ‘If we want that OTO goes on correctly, we must have a competent leader, not only for England but the whole world. He
must be anybody who knows subject from inside… I think that you must be elected for this place’.
But, in 1955, Grant, Crowley loyal pupil, became distant of OTO and he found Nu-Isis Lodge in London, found Seth-Sirius current and he
prosecuted his way alone. Because of it, Karl Germer, as order Head, removed him from OTO.
In 1952, Marcelo Ramos Motta (Frater Parzival, 1931-1987) was joining in Fraternitas Rosicruciana Antiqua of A. Krumm-Heller and in 1953
Krumm-Heller son, in person, instructed him in Germany. In 1956, Marcelo Ramos Motta visited Germer in Barstow, USA. Motta was initiated
in IXº degree but he was disappointed. In 1961, Motta went to Brazil and he developed Society OTO (Ordo Templi Orientis). Karl Germer died
in October 25, 1962 in Jackson, because he has a prostate cancer and his wife, Sasha Germer, has his testament. After five days he had died,
Sasha Germer wrote Marcelo Ramos Motta this letter: ‘Our dear master is died. You are his continuer. I give you this nomination took with my
hands when he died, because it was his last will’.
Marcelo Ramos Motta went on his work with Society OTO as Karl Germer successor and, in 1987, he died because of myocardium infarct and
pulmonary oedema.
Then, Society OTO divided and a Motta successor in front of the order was North American David Bersson (Frater Sphinx).
Gabriel López de Rojas (Frater Prometeo) contacted with Society OTO-Astrum Argentum of David Bersson in autumn, 1999; he was admitted as
a member and representative in Spain of Society OTO and Astrum Argentum in December, 1999. He joined officially in Society OTO and
Astrum Argentum on January 11 and 28, 2000, with initiation names Prometeo and Oz, respectively; and he represented both orders in Spain
until 2000 end.
Society OTO-Astrum Argentum degrees had a low level, with documents like ‘The black lodge (Iº-IIIº)’, and intern situation of both orders was
very bad because they were summit to David Bersson caprices. In December, 12ve, 1999, Ramon Santiago wrote de Rojas: ‘it seems that I Am
the only one giving courage in translate documents’. In another letter, in June, 13th, 2000, he advised him that Bersson wanted ‘put Astrum
Argentum on ‘sleep’, something that I don’t understand’. So, Bersson wanted eliminated it, but he completed a sending from Iº to IIIº and
‘documents for begin to understand the Inner Circle from IVº to VIº’.
At last of 2000, Gabriel López de Rojas dissociate himself from Society OTO-Astrum Argentum and structures again the only OTO heiress of
the OTO of Aleister Crowley. It provoked, in February, 2001, he founded our Societas OTO (Ordo Templi Orientalis) and historical relation of
maximum heads of OTO was:
1. Karl Kellner, Frater Renatus, 1895-1905
2. Theodor Reuss, Frater Peregrinus, 1905-1923
3. Aleister Crowley, Frater Baphomet, 1923-1947
4. Karl Germer, Frater Saturnus, 1947-1962
5. Marcelo Ramos Motta, Frater Parzival, 1962-1987
6. David Bersson, Frater Sphinx, 1987-2001
7. Gabriel López de Rojas, Frater Prometeo, 2001International extension of Societas OTO has been a constant since its foundation. Societas OTO has affiliated persons in more of twenty-five
countries of America and Europe principally, with National Heads or Venerable, chapters (lodges), etc.
Out of the lineage of authentic OTO of Aleister Crowley, Germer, Motta, Bersson, de Rojas…, other organizations have used OTO name, most
of them without any relation with OTO of Aleister Crowley and other ones argue this relation using only letters (OTO of Grady Louis
In 1968, North American military Grady Louis McMurtry knew Germer’s dead and, next year, he reorganized Agape Lodge in California. He
recovered of its files, with ability, two Crowley letters, of March and April, 1946. In these letters Crowley said that he capacitated McMurtry ‘in
necessity moments’ to reform Agape Lodge of OTO in California, under Germer approbation.
In fact, on 1947 Juny 6th, Crowley had written to Germer suggested him a triumvirate with Mellinger, McMurtry and Roy Leffing under Germer
direction.On 1948 March, three months later of Crowley's death, Germer wrote to McMurtry to communicate him that the triumvirate added to J.
Using these letters, a very little thing or nothing, McMurtry invented that his OTO was the authentic OTO successor of Crowley, although his
argument rised of documents that do not named his successor and of a lodge of 1969, and he began a famous judicial dispute.
In May, 13th, 1985, a trial was celebrated in California. It had to resolve who could use OTO name in USA and could publish the order works.
Trial contenders were Society OTO of Marcelo Ramos Motta and Ordo Templi Orientis invented by Grady McMurtry. The British OTO of
Kenneth Grant and other OTO were named during the trial.
The result was favourable to Grady McMurtry, although he died July, 12ve, 1985, the same day Agape Lodge of his OTO was legally recognized
as an American organization with OTO copyright in USA.
Motta accused McMurtry OTO of being a North American spy setting, of famous CIA, probable enough, while OTO of McMurtry, a last time
invent, injustly appropriated of name OTO for a part of USA. There are rational evidences for think that the theory of Motta is correct and point
at OTO of McMurtry, today a millionaire business, as a cover for CIA.
Responsible and members of OTO of McMurtry would be only 'aerials', conscious or unconscious, of North American intelligence service, CIA,
widespread on the whole world, as well as activities of organization a way of infiltration in countries or hostile regimes, with the aim of
At the end of the 2000, Gabriel Lopez de Rojas, after receiving the first ranks of the Society OTO-Astrum Argentum de
David Bersson, direct descendant of the OTO of Aleister Crowley, and to represent it in Spain, was unmarked of her
and his chaotic situation and reconstructed the only inheriting OTO of the OTO of Crowley.
On February of year 2001, thus, Gabriel Lopez de Rojas founded on Barcelona (Spain) our Societas OTO (Ordo
Templi Orientalis), uniting the degrees of the Rite of the Society OTO-Astrum Argentum de David Bersson, heir of the
Old and Primitive Rite of Memphis-Misraïm of the OTO of Aleister Crowley, with degrees of the Operative Rite of the
Illuminated ones of Baviera of 13 degrees of initiation, that he had elaborated in period 1995-2000 for the Illuminati
Order. This paramasónica order was founded by him on the spring of 1995, in Barcelona, Spain, after contacting with
the Illuminati of the United States.
Really, in the first months of year 2001, the Rite of our Societas OTO, with the name of Operative Rite of MemphisMisraïm, it was structured in 7 degrees of initiation: Probationer, Minerval, Magister, Kadosh Templario, Chief
inspector of the Illuminati, Illuminated Priest, Rex Summus Sanctissimus, with two internal orders, the Ordo Astrum
Argentum and a Ecclesia Gnóstica. The first degrees came from the Rite of the Society OTO-Astrum Argentum, heir of
the Old and Primitive Rite of Memphis-Misraïm of the OTO of Aleister Crowley, and the superior degrees came from
the Illuminati Order, although with the elevated tántricas lessons more of the OTO, because these lessons already were
contemplated in those degrees years ago.
In February of the 2003, the Frater Daniel Dragnea, Sovereign of the Order of Memphis of Rumania, granted to him to
of Red the maximum degree of its Egyptian Rite of XXIº degrees, the degree Royal Arch or XXº. In April of the 2003,
from Red it received the rank XIIº, Ra-Hoor-Khuit, of the Egyptian Rite of Memphis of the Arcane Order of But and
the Black Crow of Brazil. And the 1 of May of the 2003, occultist Italian Frank G. Ripel, degree 99º and Great
Hierophante of the Egyptian Masonry of the Old and Primitive Rite of Memphis-Misraïm, granted to Lopez de Rojas
the degree 96º or National Head for Spain, with authority for the degrees 1º-95º, whereas the 1 of August of the 2003
beside the point granted to the degree 97º or Substitute to him of the Head the International for the countries of
Castilian and Portuguese language. The Egyptian Masonry of the Old and Primitive Rite of Memphis-Misraïm de
Frank G. Ripel descended from Francesco Brunelli, Great Master of Old and Traditional the Martinista Order and of
the Old and Primitive Rite of Memphis-Misraïm in Italy; and of Robert Ambelain, Great World-wide Master of this
With those high degrees (96º and 97º) in the Old and Primitive Rite of Memphis-Misraïm of Italy, etc…, Lopez de
Rojas enriched the Rite of Societas OTO a posteriori. And, in September of year 2003, the Rite of Societas OTO was
structured completely, with the denomination Operative Rite of Memphis-Misraïm, in 10 degrees: Probationer,
Minerval, Smaller and Greater Magician, Royal Arch, Sovereign Prince of the Rosacruz, Kadosh Horseman, Sovereign
Great Chief inspector, Inspecting Illuminated Great Consagrador, Illuminated Priest Great Conservative, Rex Summus
Sanctissimus. The first degrees came from the Rite of the Society OTO-Astrum Argentum, heir of the Old and
Primitive Rite of Memphis-Misraïm of the OTO of Aleister Crowley, and the superior degrees came from the Illuminati
Order, although all the structure of the Rite, however, already was enriched essentially by the Old and Primitive Rite of
Memphis-Misraïm. Degree XIº of the OTO of Crowley was contemplated like extension of degree IXº.
The one of Bersson-Motta-Germer-Crowley can be said that our Societas OTO belongs to the only direct descending
lineage of Aleister Crowley; that she is the unique one that leaves from the Illuminati; and that has a masónica tradition
difficult to surpass, by the enormous wealth of the Rites of which it was nourished.
Societas OTO and its Rite assume the System of initiation of the OHO Gabriel Lopez de denominated Rojas Rojismo.
The international extension of Societas OTO has been a constant from its foundation. Societas OTO has affiliated in
more than twenty-five countries of America and Europe, with mainly Venerable or National Heads, chapters (lodges),
Mentioned maximum person in charge or OHO (Outer Head of the Order) of our Societas OTO have been until the
present Gabriel Lopez de Rojas, and its main work has consisted of guarding by the structure, the Rite and the lessons
of Societas OTO, as well as taking care of the members that have required it. He will be the person in charge to name
his successor.
The Illuminati Order, next to Societas OTO, constituted in the winter of 2006 the Sovereign Rojista Republic, like new
Supranational State for the great number of members of both orders.
In 1 November of 2006, Gabriel Lopez de Rojas retired definitively of both orders and named a Supreme Advice made
up of a triunvirato headed by the Frater Bakunin XIIIº like international person in charge of the Illuminati Order and
Societas OTO, only organism from that date with responsibility to affiliate and to transmit degrees.
The objective of Societas OTO is to transmit a transforming initiation, for which it uses the Operative Rite of
Memphis-Misraïm and its degrees and assumes the Rojismo.
The member of Societas OTO must work of individual form all the degrees, since the degrees and the lessons are
perfectly comprehensible and the true initiation is a question of one same one. The degrees are a simple symbolic map
by which he must progress with his effort.
Following this line of argumentation, it is possible to add that Societas OTO does not make any type of forced work in
lodge or temple, since considers that the authentic initiation is individual, a concept of the own Aleister Crowley that
applied to its autoiniciaciones in the Astrum Argentum and that his successor Karl Germer assumed when recognizing
in letter dated in 20 of September of 1957 Marcelo Ramos Motta.
Societas OTO, however, yes offers the possibility to its members of making a shared ritualístico work, in case they
wish it.
Since there are saying, all the structure of our Societas OTO is based on the Operative Rite of Memphis-Misraïm of 10
With each degree of the Operative Rite of Memphis-Misraïm of Societas OTO, in addition, the member of Societas
OTO receives ranks of two internal orders, the Ordo Astrum Argentum and the Ecclesia Gnóstica, and the degrees, the
rituals and the lessons of the Old and Primitive Rite of Memphis-Misraïm. The following table expresses the explained
Degree 1º
Probationer Iº
Degree 2º
Minerval IIº
Dominus Liminis
Degree 3º
Magician Smaller and Greater IIIº
Degree 4º
Royal Arch IVº
Apprentice 1º, Companion 2º,
Teacher 3º,
Royal Arch 13º
5º, 6º, 7º
(they are given together)
Sovereign Prince of the Rosacruz Vº,
Horseman Kadosh VIº,
Great sovereign
Chief inspector VIIº
Magister Templi
Sovereign Prince of the Rosacruz 18º,
Kadosh horseman 30º,
Great sovereign
Chief inspector 33º
Degree 8º
Illuminated inspector
Great Consagrador VIIIº
Great Consagrador 66º
Degree 9º
Illuminated priest
Great Conservative IXº
Degrees of the Ecclesia Gnóstica
Sublimate Teacher of
Great Work 90º (Misraïm) and
Great Conservative 95º (Memphis)
Degree 10º
Rex Summus Sanctissimus Xº
The first degree of Societas OTO must ask for it to the following direction:
Societas OTO sends the first Probationer degree to him, next to the first degree of the Ordo Astrum Argentum
(Neophyte) and a degree introductorio to the Golden internal Dawn of the OAA (Vestibule and Antechamber), after
receiving the payment of the only quota of the degree: 65 euros.
For zones of the Earth affected by poverty, Societas OTO only receives a symbolic quota of 45 euros by each degree.
Consult the different modes of payment (contrarreembolso, banking entrance, Western Union…).
It arrives
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------SOCIETAS OTO © (2001)
The central International
On 1785, Conde Alessandro de Cagliostro founded the Egyptian Masonry.
Between 1810 and 1813, in Naples (Italy), the three Bedarride brothers (Michel, Marc and Joseph) received the
Supreme Powers of the Order of Misraïm and developed the Rite of Misraïm in France. They made official it in Paris in
1814. The Rite was made up of 90 degrees, taken from the masónico escocismo, the martinismo and other masónicas
currents, and the four last degrees received the name of “Arcane Arcanorum”.
In 1815, in Montauban (France), the Lodge constituted itself Mother of the Rite of Memphis, with the Great Master
Samuel Honis like Head, to which it happened to him, in 1816, Gabriel-Mathieu Marconis. In 1838, Jean Etienne
Marconis de Nègre, son of the previous one, assumed the direction of the Rite of Memphis. The Rite of Memphis
reached the 92 and 95 degrees.
Already in 1881, Giusseppe Garibaldi unified the Rites of Memphis and Misraïm, reaching in 1900 the Head of both
unified Rites Francesco degli Oddi.
In 1902, John Yarker replaces degli Oddi and Theodor Reuss settles down the Sovereign Sanctuary of MemphisMisraïm in Germany. The Rite reached the 97 degrees.
1913, after the death of Yarker, Reuss the International of the Rite became the Head. In 1924, Reuss happened to the
eternal East and the succession of the Rite was in the OTO and another line that we treated immediately. The OTO had
assumed the Old and Primitive Rite of Memphis-Misraïm, although in a reduced version, where their main degrees
were gotten up.
In 1909, Reuss gave a patent to Gerard Encausse, Papus, and it initiated the other line of mentioned succession. The
successors of Papus were Charles Detré (Tedé), Jean Bricaud, Constant Chevillon, Charles-Henry Dupont and Robert
Ambelain. In 1939, Jean Bricaud happened to the eternal East and was happened by Chevillon. In 1944, Chevillon was
assassinated by the French colaboracionistas of the national-socialism and Dupont happened to him. And, in 1960,
Ambelain happened to Dupont.
In 1973, Francesco Brunelli is named by Robert Ambelain Head of the Rite in Italy. And, in 1981, Frank G. Ripel
reconstructs the Old and Primitive Rite of Memphis-Misraïm like successor of Francesco Brunelli in Italy, with the
name of Egyptian Eastern Order of the Old and Primitive Rite of Memphis-Misraïm. In 1999, Frank G. Ripel makes
enter “dreams” his Rite. In the 2003, Frank G. Ripel, after contacting with Gabriel Lopez de Rojas, “wakes up” his Rite
with the name of Egyptian Masonry of the Old and Primitive Rite of Memphis-Misraïm. The 1 of May of the 2003, the
Ripel initiate, like degree 99º and Great Hierophante of the Egyptian Masonry of the Old and Primitive Rite of
Memphis-Misraïm, grants to Gabriel Lopez de Rojas the degree 96º or National Head for Spain, with authority for the
degrees 1º-95º, whereas the 1 of August of the 2003 beside the point grants to the degree 97º or Substitute to him of the
Head the International for the countries of Castilian and Portuguese language.
The Operative Rite of Memphis-Misraïm of our Societas OTO (Ordo Templi Orientalis), therefore, both assumes more
important lineages of Memphis-Misraïm: the one of the OTO of Aleister Crowley (via David Bersson, Marcelo Ramos
Motta and Karl Germer) and the one of Robert Ambelain (via Frank G. Ripel and Francesco Brunelli).
At the end of the 2000, Gabriel Lopez de Rojas, after receiving the first ranks of the Society OTO-Astrum Argentum de
David Bersson, direct descendant of of the OTO of Aleister Crowley, and to represent it in Spain, was unmarked of her
and its chaotic situation and reconstructed it.
Then, on February of the 2001, Lopez de Rojas founded on Barcelona (Spain) our Societas OTO (Ordo Templi
Orientalis), uniting the degrees of the Rite of the Society OTO-Astrum Argentum de Bersson, heir of the Old and
Primitive Rite of Memphis-Misraïm of the OTO of Aleister Crowley, with degrees of the Operative Rite of the
Illuminated ones of Baviera of 13 degrees of initiation of the Illuminati Order. This paramasónica order was founded
by him on the spring of 1995, in Barcelona, Spain, after contacting with the Illuminati of the United States.
Really, in the first months of year 2001, the Rite of our Societas OTO, with the name of Operative Rite of MemphisMisraïm, it was structured in 7 degrees of initiation: Probationer, Minerval, Magister, Kadosh Templario, Chief
inspector of the Illuminati, Illuminated Priest, Rex Summus Sanctissimus, with two internal orders, the Ordo Astrum
Argentum and a Ecclesia Gnóstica.
In February of the 2003, the Frater Daniel Dragnea, Sovereign of the Order of Memphis of Rumania, granted the
maximum degree to him of its Egyptian Rite of XXIº degrees, the degree Royal Arch or XXº. In April of the 2003,
from Red it received the rank XIIº, Ra-Hoor-Khuit, of the Egyptian Rite of Memphis of the Arcane Order of But and
the Black Crow of Brazil. And the 1 of May of the 2003, occultist Italian Frank G. Ripel, degree 99º and Great
Hierophante of the Egyptian Masonry of the Old and Primitive Rite of Memphis-Misraïm, granted to Lopez de Rojas
the degree 96º or National Head for Spain, with authority for the degrees 1º-95º, whereas the 1 of August of the 2003
beside the point granted to the degree 97º or Substitute to him of the Head the International for the countries of
Castilian and Portuguese language. The Egyptian Masonry of the Old and Primitive Rite of Memphis-Misraïm de Ripel
descended from Francesco Brunelli, Great Master of the Old and Primitive Rite of Memphis-Misraïm in Italy, and
Robert Ambelain, Great World-wide Master of this Rite.
With those high degrees (96º and 97º) in the Old and Primitive Rite of Memphis-Misraïm of Italy and other masónicos
Rites, Lopez de Rojas enriched the Rite of Societas OTO a posteriori. And, in September of year 2003, the Rite of
Societas OTO was structured completely, with the denomination Operative Rite of Memphis-Misraïm, in 10 degrees:
Probationer, Minerval, Smaller and Greater Magician, Royal Arch, Sovereign Prince of the Rosacruz, Kadosh
Horseman, Sovereign Great Chief inspector, Inspecting Illuminated Great Consagrador, Illuminated Priest Great
Conservative, Rex Summus Sanctissimus. The first degrees came from the Rite of the Society OTO-Astrum Argentum,
heir of the Old and Primitive Rite of Memphis-Misraïm of the OTO of Aleister Crowley, and the superior degrees came
from the Illuminati Order, although all the structure of the Rite, however, already was enriched essentially by the Old
and Primitive Rite of Memphis-Misraïm. Degree XIº of the OTO of Crowley was contemplated like extension of
degree IXº.
Societas OTO and its Operative Rite of Memphis-Misraïm assume the System of initiation of the OHO Gabriel Lopez
de denominated Rojas Rojismo.
In order to finish the explanation, it is necessary to aim that, next to each degree of the Operative Rite of MemphisMisraïm of Societas OTO, the member of Societas OTO in addition it receives the ranks of two internal orders, the
Ordo Astrum Argentum and the Ecclesia Gnóstica, and the degrees, the rituals and the lessons of the Old and Primitive
Rite of Memphis-Misraïm.
The following table expresses all the exposed one.
Degree 1º
Probationer Iº
Degree 2º
Minerval IIº
Dominus Liminis
Degree 3º
Magician Smaller and Greater IIIº
Degree 4º
Royal Arch IVº
Apprentice 1º, Companion 2º, Teacher 3º,
Royal Arch 13º
5º, 6º, 7º
(they are given together)
Sovereign Prince of the Rosacruz Vº,
Horseman Kadosh VIº,
Great sovereign
Chief inspector VIIº
Magister Templi
Sovereign Prince of the Rosacruz 18º,
Kadosh horseman 30º,
Great sovereign
Chief inspector 33º
Degree 8º
Illuminated inspector
Great Consagrador VIIIº
Great Consagrador 66º
Degree 9º
Illuminated priest
Great Conservative IXº
Degrees of the Ecclesia Gnóstica
Sublimate Teacher of
Great Work 90º (Misraïm) and
Great Conservative 95º (Memphis)
Degree 10º
Rex Summus Sanctissimus Xº
The first degree of Societas OTO must ask for it to the following direction:
Societas OTO - email:
Societas OTO sends the first Probationer degree to him, next to the first degree of the Ordo Astrum Argentum
(Neophyte) and a degree introductorio to the Golden internal Dawn of the OAA (Vestibule and Antechamber), after
receiving the payment of the only quota of the degree: 65 euros.
For zones of the Earth affected by poverty, Societas OTO only receives a symbolic quota of 45 euros by each degree.
Consult the different modes of payment (contrarreembolso, banking entrance, Western Union…).
Rosacruces leaves from a mythical personage, Christian Rosenkreutz, and of a series of
as interesting works as mysterious of principles of century XVII that speak of him and
expose a rich esoterismo: FAMA Fraternitatis, Confessio Fraternitatis and Boda
Alquímica de Christian Rosenkreutz. And these works and the mentioned personage were
detonating of the appearance of the first orders rosacruces in century XVIII, although
before or a brotherhood of rosacruces, an authentic Invisible School, formed by
outstanding personages of the stature of Francis Bacon (1561-1626), Comenius (15921670) or Johann had existed Valentin Andreae (1586-1654), who more likely was behind
mentioned works.
The Rosacruz de Oro was the most important order of the tradition rosacruz during century
XVIII. It was a secret society with initiation ceremonies, a previous investigation to the
admission, a hierarchy…
During the decade of the Eighties of century XIX, reverendo the Alphonsus Woodford, writer of
masónicos subjects, discovered a based manuscript. Incapable to decipher it, occurred it in 1887
to doctor William Wynn Westcott, an outstanding member of the SRIA (Societas Rosicruciana in
Anglia). Westcott discovered a Rite masónico-rosacruz not known and the direction of one such
Fraulein Anna Sprengel. She wrote to him and it responded appearing like an initiate of high
degree of the temple rosacruz Lichte Liebe Leben de Nuremberg. As resulting from the
correspondence, gave to Westcott a clear letter to him for the establishment of a similar Order in
Great Britain. And, of this form, the Isis-Uranian temple of the Students of Hermetism of the
Golden Dawn, directed by Westcott, Mathers and Woodman was founded on the autumn of 1887.
The rituals were completed and extended by Mathers.
When dying Anna Sprengel, the German temple rosacruz desentendió of the English and was
advised to them that they themselves resumed the contact with the Secret Heads or Superior
Strangers who were to the front of the Order. It is possible to comment that these come from the
Hindu tradition and the Mahatmas, although, in the Order Illuminati and Societas OTO, like in
the Ordo Astrum Argentum, Superior Strangers denominate themselves (Secret Heads).
The Superior Strangers are present in the mystics of East and the West and are the “Superior
ones” that operate behind true the great masters of the iniciáticas orders, Rites and Systems of
Western Tradition and to the own Humanity.
In the Ordo Astrum Argentum also we spoke of the Great White Brotherhood, when approaching
these lessons.
Thus, the Golden English Dawn had in its sine the Order of the Red Rose and the Gold
Cross and was the successor of the Rosacruz of Gold of century XVIII. Until the degree
5º, the initiates were in the Golden Dawn. Of the degree 5º to 8º, the initiates were in the
Rosacruz Order. And last the three degrees belonged to the Astrum Argentum or Star of
Silver. The first degrees were dedicated to the study of the astral trips, cábala, etc. The
degrees rosacruces were more trims in the magic. And the last degrees did not exist until Mathers
underwent an inspiration and could contact with the Secret Heads or Superior Strangers (Great
White Brotherhood).
The great English initiate Aleister Crowley (1875-1947) was initiated in the Golden Dawn the 18
of November of 1898. He scaled the first degrees quickly, but soon he was themselves
surrounded in a series of disputes with some members of the order as poet Yeats or Mathers and
left bad unemployed the organization. Then, from 1906, Crowley led a denominated order
Astrum Argentum that would megre in 1907 with a part of the members of the old Golden Dawn.
In the Astrum Argentum, Crowley would maintain the hierarchy, the rituals and the lessons of the
old Golden Dawn, although yoga, the tantrismo, etc., would make formal appearance and the
Liber Legis, revealed to Crowley by Aiwas in Cairo in 1904, would be the sacred book of the new
In the Astrum Argentum de Crowley, the Golden Dawn was the internal order, while the
Rosacruz Order was later and the own Astrum Argentum, most hidden.
In the Twenties of century XX, the Astrum Argentum, already turned the successor of the old
Golden Dawn, was in the OTO and, for that reason, after the death of Aleister Crowley in 1947, it
went to stop to his legitimate successors to the front of the genuine OTO: Karl Germer, Marcelo
Ramos Motta, David Bersson and Gabriel Lopez de Rojas.
The Astrum Argentum was under Society OTO of the North American David Bersson (line
Marcelo Ramos Motta-Karl Germer-Aleister Crowley) until year 2001.
The Spanish Gabriel Lopez de Rojas, after founding the Illuminati Order (1995), receiving the
rank 33º of the Scottish Rite Old and Accepted of the masonry and to be to the front of Society
OTO and the Astrum Argentum of EE.UU in Spain in 1999 and the 2000, founded in February of
2001 Societas OTO (Ordo Templi Orientalis) with a Ordo Astrum internal Argentum, that had a
Golden Dawn in its sine at the same time.
Our Ordo Astrum Argentum is an organized body of men and free women who study and
work their own will, its inner divinity, the Liber Zión, the Orders of the Illuminati…,
within the System of initiation of Gabriel Lopez de denominated Rojas Rojismo. Our
Ordo Astrum Argentum also studies and works with the System of initiation of Aleister
denominated Crowley Thelema.
Our OAA, since there are saying, operates under Societas OTO and is hermanada with her. Also
it has a Golden internal Dawn.
The first degree of the Ordo Astrum Argentum must ask for it to the following direction:
The Ordo Astrum Argentum sends the first degree to him Neophyte, next to the first degree of
Societas OTO Argentum (Probationer) and a degree introductorio to the Golden internal Dawn of
the OAA (Vestibule and Antechamber), after receiving the payment of the only quota of the
degree: 65 euros.
For zones of the Earth affected by poverty, the Ordo Astrum Argentum only receives a symbolic
quota of 45 euros by each degree.
Consult the different modes of payment (contrarreembolso, banking entrance, Western Union…).
The Liber Zión is a text set that proclaims the New Era of Zión, Era of Freedom, Equality, and
Love… The protagonist of the Liber Zión is the God of Luz Baphomet, which very or was valued
by initiates of the masonry, rosacruces, etc. and by philosophers like Fourier, Marx or Bakunin.
The initiates observed like tool of iniciático work and emancipation. The philosophers observed it
like emancipation symbol.
In the Rojismo and its orders,
the Illuminati Order and Societas OTO, the God of the Light and the
Liber Zión are tools of iniciático work in the idealistic phase. Just like the Orders of the
Illuminati, a series of igualitarias and libertarias norms that assume the initiates of the Rojismo
and their orders and that grant a greater philosophical rigor to the Liber Zión.
Finally, when the initiates in the Rojismo culminate the initiation and discover that they
themselves are God, that is to say, beings able to transform their reality and the reality that
surrounds them, embrace the Rojista Philosophy like philosophy of the action and postmodernity,
postmodern philosophy that, by the way, the socialism reformulates and also turns to the Rojismo
In last instance, scientific psychology is the tool that allows the initiates of the Rojismo to
include/understand the gradual evolution of this one.
Gabriel Lopez de Rojas (1966 -). Philosopher and writer, founder of the denominated System of
like of the Order Illuminati and Societas OTO.
With sefarditas Jewish origins, in his youth, it honored like athlete and musician.
In the summer of 1994, it contacted with two members of the Illuminati of the United States, and
on the spring of 1995 it founded the Illuminati Order. Although in the first years, that is to say,
until 1999, the Order was simple grupúsculo, in the later years had an extension that arrived at
more than 25 countries. For the Illuminati Order, Lopez de Rojas elaborated the Operative Rite of
the Illuminated ones of Baviera of thirteen degrees of initiation.
Gabriel Lopez de Rojas contacted with the Society OTO-Astrum Argentum of the North
American David Bersson in autumn of 1999; he was admitted like representing member and for
Spain of Society OTO and the Astrum Argentum in December of 1999; and he represented in
Spain both orders until end of year 2000. In those dates, he was unmarked of the Society OTOAstrum Argentum and reconstructed the only inheriting OTO of the OTO of Aleister Crowley.
That caused that on February of 2001 he it founded Societas OTO (Ordo Templi Orientalis). For
Societas OTO, the Operative Rite of Memphis-Misraïm of ten degrees of initiation wrote.
In June of the 2002, the AOSCN (Arcane Order of But and the Black Crow) granted to Lopez de
Rojas the patent to represent in Spain the Egyptian Rite of Memphis, in April of the 2003,
invested with degree XIIº of this Rite.
In February of the 2003, the Order of Memphis of Rumania also granted to Lopez de Rojas the
maximum degree that granted in its Egyptian Rite of veintiún degrees, the degree Royal Arch or
XXº, and recognized to him in those days, next to the Lodge Jano of Uruguay, the degree 33º of
the Old and Accepted Scottish Rite.
At the end of March of year 2003, Italian Frank G. Ripel, being this one founder of the OCI (Ordine dei Cavalieri
Illuminati) of Italy, contacted with Gabriel Lopez de Rojas. Frank G. Ripel had been Head the International of the
Egyptian Eastern Order of the Old and Primitive Rite of Memphis-Misraim. In 1981, the Great Teacher of Old and
Traditional the Martinista Order and National Head of the Old and Primitive Rite of Memphis-Misraïm in Italy,
Francesco Brunelli (96º), proposed Frank G. Ripel to reconstruct Rito and Ripel became Head the International and
Great Hierophante of the Egyptian Eastern Order of the Old and Primitive Rite of Memphis-Misraïm and degree 99º
between 1981 and 1999, year in which it left it in “dreams”. When knowing this situation, of Red proposed to Ripel “to
wake up it” and this one accepted, having the happy idea that the event took place the 1 of May of the 2003, very
important date in the tradition of the Illuminati. The name happened to be Egyptian Masonry of the Old one and
Primitive Rite of Memphis-Misraïm and Ripel granted to Gabriel Lopez de Rojas the degree 96º or National Head for
Spain, with authority for the degrees 1º-95º, the 1 of May of the 2003. The 1 of August of the 2003, Frank G. Ripel in
addition granted to Gabriel Lopez de Rojas the degree 97º, being left under its authority the National Heads and the
members of the countries of Castilian and Portuguese language.
Seated the Illuminati Order and the Societas OTO, Gabriel Lopez de Rojas it perfected his
System of initiation, the Rojismo. After one embryonic first stage (1995-1999), in the second
historical phase of the Rojismo (2000-2004), this one already evolved from the belief in the God
of the Light to the transformation of the initiate in the own divinity, HOMO EST DEUS, a being
with capacity of transformation of him and means. In that phase or period, the Rojismo began to
evolve from the idealismo towards the materialism, from the “sky to the Earth”.
In 2005 and 2006, the third historical phase of the Rojismo, Gabriel Lopez de Rojas incorporated
to its System of initiation the Rojista Philosophy and scientific psychology like tools of action on
means and understanding of the gradual evolution for the initiates of high degree of the Illuminati
Order and Societas OTO. That supposed the definitive evolution of the Rojismo from the
idealismo to the materialism, the atheistic reason, science, the rigor.
The Rojismo and its two orders (Order Illuminati and Societas OTO) admit masónicos degrees of
initiation, rosacruces, templarios…, but recognizing that the masonry, rosacruces, the
templarios… do not surpass the idealismo, leading their members to “fictitious skies” and the
absolute irrealidad.
In winter of 2006, under the supervision of Gabriel Lopez de Rojas, finally, the Illuminati Order and Societas OTO
elevated their rank to the one of Supranational State for the great number of members of both orders, in consonancia
with the status of orders like the Sovereign Order of Malta. That is to say, they constituted in the winter of 2006 a
Supranational State, the Sovereign Rojista Republic, without entering for that reason conflict with the legality of the
states of affiliated his.
In October of 2006, Gabriel Lopez de Rojas decided to enter “dreams”, that is to say, in esoteric
inactivity, letting the responsibility momentarily affiliate and transmit degrees to the National
Heads of the Illuminati Order and Societas OTO.
In 1 November of 2006, Gabriel Lopez de Rojas retired definitively of the orders and named a
Supreme Advice made up of a triunvirato like international person in charge of the Illuminati
Order and Societas OTO, only organism from that date with responsibility to affiliate and to
transmit degrees.
In his resignation, he affirmed that “the System of initiation that I created for the Illuminati Order
and Societas OTO, the Rojismo, evolve of the idealismo to the materialism, but is too next to the
idealismo and not always well he is included/understood, as much by initiates as by profane”,
showing serious doubts that he had been included/understood in a scope too much given to the
belief and the esoteric fraud.
In his resignation, in addition he indicated to those who dedicated itself during years to persecute
it and to defame it within Spain, with guessed right words: “Desire to take advantage of this note
to deny the defamations that several conspiranoicos and agents or collaborators of the National
Power station of Intelligence (Spanish intelligence service) that is made happen through initiates,
writers and investigators antisects, have spilled against us in the Network, during the past few
years. We have never conspired, nor made nothing illegal. The only illegality that we committed
went a problem of threats to a magazine with Nazi collaborators in 1999 who supposed a fine and
point to us. From there, the others are pure lie and defamation”. To see Link anti OTO.
In October of 2003, Gabriel Lopez de Rojas published his publishing success the Masónico
Initiate (Martinez Rock, Group Planet, October 2003), written next to reedited Marta Riera and in
several countries.
In November of 2004, it published its successful autobiography By the Footpath of Lucifer. Confessions of the Great
Master of the Illuminati (Martinez Rock, Group Planet, November 2004), released in several countries from the date.
In the 2005, Lopez de Rojas also had granted to extensive interviews like writer and founder of
the Illuminati Order to important mass media of Spain and Latin America: Antenna 3 TV, Tele 5,
Channel 9, Telemadrid, the Reason, Newspaper of Valencia, Basque Newspaper, the Time
(Colombia), Radio Caracol (Colombia), the Vanguard…
We presented/displayed twelve fundamental works of Great Master and OHO Gabriel the Lopez de Rojas who allow to
include/understand the depth of their System of initiation and the magnitude of their thought and builds. Are works published
in magazines and books, during period 2004-2006. The works are ordered of such form that facilitates the understanding and,
therefore, suggests it reading is made of above to down.
Gabriel Lopez de Rojas
“The initiation is a transformation
Of the initiate in the own divinity,
Able to also give
`Transforming tools - “of means”.
The author
The Rojismo is a System of initiation that has its origin in the Fundamental Initiation of the
superior paleolítico, like the distributed one in the cavern of the Trois Freres in Ariege, France.
Transmitted through, the initiates rendered cultured to the God of the Light and they were
transformed into him, acquiring “the divine” capacity of transformation of them and means.
The Rojismo also has its origin in the Illuminati de Baviera, which were first in trying to
reestablish the Fundamental Initiation.
The Rojismo arises like System of initiation in 1995, as a result of the foundation of the
Illuminati Order and begins from that historical moment to perfect itself.
Historical first stage of the Rojismo includes/understands the period 1995-1999, in which the
System evolves from the luciferismo to the luciferianismo. The luciferismo considers to Lucifer
like a divine angel who “carries the Light” and aspires to refund the initiates in God. The
luciferianismo that reached the Illuminati Order and the Rojismo in 1999 considered like unique
God the God of the Light (Baphomet, Lucifer…), without any other aspiration by those dates.
The second historical phase of the Rojismo includes/understands period 2000-2004, period in
which the System of initiation evolves from the luciferianismo described to a luciferianismo in
which the transformation of the initiate in the own divinity, HOMO EST DEUS looks for, a being
with capacity of transformarción of him and of means.
In that phase or period, the Rojismo begins to evolve slowly from the idealismo towards the
materialism, of the “sky to the Earth”.
The third historical phase of the Rojismo includes/understands period 2005-2006, period in which
the System of initiation incorporates the Rojista Philosophy and scientific psychology like “tools”
of action on means and understanding of the gradual evolution of the System for the initiates of
high degree. That supposes the definitive evolution of the Rojismo from the idealismo of his first
degrees to the materialism, the atheism, the atheistic reason, science, the rigor…, of the elevated
degrees more of initiation.
The Rojismo is structured at the present time in two orders, in the Illuminati Order and Societas
OTO, founded in the spring of 1995 and February of 2001, and both Rites of both: the Operative
Operative Rite and Rite Illuminated of Baviera of the Illuminati Order of Memphis-Misraïm of
Societas OTO.
The Rojismo grants not little importance to the fundamental pillars of the initiation (true desire,
the will, waking up of the conscience of “the sleepy” man, the respect towards the cycles and the
order, the coherence); to the traditional routes of initiation (yoga, tantra, cábala, symbolism,
alchemy); and coverall to the transformation of the initiate in the own divinity, androgynous the
divine one, the androgynous alquímico, the God of the Light, through operative work.
That work and that transformation look for in last instance that the initiate whom he has
completed the initiation projects in external his internal evolution, being the Rojista Philosophy
the philosophy of the action, philosophy of the postmodernity that reformulates the socialism and
turns to the Rojismo postmodern.
In last instance, scientific psychology also is the tool that allows include/understand the gradual
evolution of the Rojismo for the initiates of high degree.
In the Rojismo the figure of the God of the Light is important, Baphomet. Only with Baphomet
the initiation can be completed. With the esclavistas Gods, their “shackles”, etc., the iniciático
work “is castrated” and the complete initiation cannot be reached.
In the Rojismo, the initiate evolves from the esoteric idealismo and iniciático indemostrable to the
materialism, the absolute rejection of the God existence, the atheism, the atheistic reason, science,
the rigor…
The masonry, rosacruces, the templarios… also leave from the idealismo, but, in contrast to the
Rojismo, they remain eternally in this one leading to its members to “fictitious skies” and the
absolute irrealidad.
The Rojismo, however, respects the masónica tradition, rosacruz, templaria…, since in certain it
forms makes hers in his initiation and lessons, but, on the other hand, rejects the great majority of
organizativas structures of masones, rosacruces, the templarios (orders, lodges, Obediences…), to
consider them esoteric and iniciático a idealismo that it has like full stop so mentioned “fictitious
sky” and the absolute irrealidad.
In terremo of the esoteric idealismo and iniciático indemostrable, is one too next one to
structures of risk and not few sects.
The Operative Rite of Illuminated of Baviera of the Illuminati Order, which I in the last
elaborated like founder and the Great Master of same the years, following model of the Rite of
the Illuminados de Baviera, shows the deep respect to us of the Rite and the Rojismo by the
traditions masónica, rosacruz, templaria… and coverall serves to understand the iniciática
evolution of the Rojismo. That is to say, it serves to understand the evolution of the idealismo to
the materialism, the atheism, the atheistic reason, science, the rigor… that develops this System.
In the following scheme, everything is very clear.
1. Beginner
2. Illuminated Minerval
3. Greater Smaller Illuminado and Illuminated
Series of three degrees of the Masón Horseman
4. Apprentice
5. Companion
6. Teacher
Series of three degrees of the Illuminated Leader
7. Sovereign Prince of the Rosacruz
8. Kadosh horseman
9. Sovereign Great Chief inspector
10. Illuminated priest (HOMO EST DEUS and Rojista Philosophy)
11. Prince Iluminado (scientific psychology)
12. Magical Philosopher
13. Man Rey
The Operative Rite of the Memphis-Misraïm of Societas OTO which I elaborated like founder
and OHO of the same one in relatively recent dates, following the model of the OTO and the Old
and Primitive Rite of Memphis-Misraïm, similarly that the Operative Rite of the Illuminated ones
of Baviera shows to the respect of the Rite and the Rojismo by the traditions masónica, rosacruz,
templaria… and returns to serve to include/understand the initiatic evolution of the Rojismo;
Likewise, the overcoming of the idealismo.
Outlined are the schemes here:
1. Probationer
2. Minerval
3. Smaller and Greater magician
4. Royal Arch
5. Sovereign Prince of the Rosacruz
6. Kadosh horseman
7. Sovereign Great Chief inspector
8. Illuminated inspector Great Consagrador
9. Illuminated priest Great Conservative (HOMO EST DEUS and Rojista Philosophy)
10. Rex Summux Sanctissimus
Superior degrees (scientific psychology)
Gabriel Lopez de Rojas
“And I already am in summer,
With the Red one, raised,
With the Great Work, transmutation:
In king,
In gold,
In the wished God…
And sees Baphomet, sees Baphomet, sees Baphomet mine!
Reincarnated at thousand moments,
At thousand moments,
From mythical territories of the Nile”.
Hymn to Baphomet, the author
For the Rojismo, the initiation, in its idealistic phase, is an alchemical process. In fact,
with surpassing diverse operations and alquímicas phases, the initiate becomes and
reaches the complete initiation, that is to say, reaches the condition of androgynous
alquímico, androgynous divine, God of the Light, which a posteriori allows him to
embrace the materialistic phase successfully and to transform means by means of the
Rojista Philosophy.
Therefore, nothing serves better to begin to know the Rojismo that to explain the alchemy
and the alchemical process. In that terrreno, not only we include/understand the
importance of the alchemy and its importance in the idealistic phases of the Rites of the
Illuminati Order and Societas OTO, but that we return to eet again itself with the
Illuminati de Baviera.
The term alchemy comes with complete certainty from two Arab words: “to” and “the
Kimiya”. First it is a certain article and the other means “black earth”. The “black earth”
makes reference to Egypt. Plutarco, on the matter, aimed: “In Egypt, whose earth is black
in end, they - the Egyptians call `chemia'”.
In the scope that occupies to us, that is to say, the idealist, maintains itself that the
founder of the alchemy was Hermes Trimegisto “the three times great and wise”, Greek
name of the Egyptian God and legendary Thoth Follower, denominated “the father of all
knowledge”. Also one affirms that the God Thoth taught Egyptian to the principles of the
alchemy, with whose science could work like craftsmen. All the apparently accumulated
knowledge by the followers of Hermes-Thoth on alloys and metal colorations were
compiled by Skittles of Mendes in a treaty of century II ANE. This book is considered
the point departure of the western alchemy.
The Chinese alchemy, the other great alquímica tradition, appeared in centuries IV and
III ANE., that is to say, in the same dates that body took the western alchemy, although
the Chinese alchemists speculated on more on the generations and cyclical
transmutaciones of the wood, the fire, the Earth, the metal and the water. Later, the
Chinese alchemy, already together with the taoísmo, was centered in a remedy that
outside able to cure all evils and to grant immortality. Their studies gave then priority to
the search of the famous filosofal stone, like principle of elixir of the immortality and the
transmutación of the cinnabar (mercury sulfide) in gold.
Retaking the thread of the history of the western alchemy, we were with outstanding
alejandrinos alchemists of the stature of Zósimo de Panápolis (century IV of NE), Arab
alchemists and Christian alchemists. Zósimo de Panápolis was a great Follower and its
work authentic Memories therefore demonstrates it. The Arab alchemists, on the other
hand, were the nexus from union between the alchemists of the antiquity and the
medieval ones, honoring the Jabir Arab Ibn Hayyan the Sufí, the famous Geber in the
Christian world that introduced the dualidad mercury-sulfur and the Persian to the Razi,
overturned towards the practical alchemy. And the Christian alchemists, finally,
represented in certain forms the culmination of the evolution of the alchemy. Those of
greater reputation were San Alberto Magno, the pattern of chemistries, who lived
between the centuries XII and XIII and that managed to prepare caustic potash and
discovered the chemical combination of minerals cinnabar, cerussite and minium; Roger
Bacon (century XIII), who left treaties of interest; Ramon Llull (century XIII-XIV), who
prepared bicarbonate of insipid; and Arnau de Vilanova, follower of the same time. In
century XIV, also they honored Nicholas Flamel, Petrus Bonus and Bernardo de Treviso;
count Bernardo of a small disappeared Italian state. In century XV, they took the relief
George Ripley, Isaac Dutch and the Spanish Enrique de Villena. In century XVI, they
appeared Basilio Valentin and the famous Paracelso. And, finally, in century XVII, the
cosmopolitan one”, Michael Sendivogius “Hermes German”, the Dutch Helvetius and
Spinoza philosopher excelled Alexander Seton “. It seems to be that Helvetius made a
demonstration of real transmutación.
The operative masonry of medioevo that constructed the gothic cathedrals, composed by
stonecutter’s expert bricklayers in the work of the stone, similarly closely was related to
the alchemy. Masones operative left to a legacy of their alquímica wisdom in the
proportions and the symbolism us of the gothic cathedrals. In this sense, the gothic
cathedral of Notre Dame de Paris is a magnificent example. Even, one knows that the
alchemists of century XIV met every week in her, and that there, under the alquímicos
colors and symbols, exposed the result of their works oriented towards the Great Work,
that is to say, the transformation by means of the alquímico work. The modern or
speculative masonry, that took form in London in 1717, lost good part of the alquímica
wisdom of the operative masonry, not to include/understand and to suppress partly what
it was transmitted to them of irregular way. It agrees to remember that the modern
masonry was founded by protestant shepherds who were profane. As a result of that
irregular situation, in later dates, other masónicas orders tried to recover the true
masónica tradition.
Thus, the 1 of May of 1776, the German university professor Adam Weishaupt founded
the Illuminati de Baviera, with the spirit to lead more to the members and the society to
an elevated state. Weishaupt, that had been initiated in the mysteries, thought that
masones “ignored the hidden meaning of the masonry and that they did not know
anything of his symbolism”, according to tells to the expert Michael us Howard in the
conspiracy hides (EDAF, 1990); Weishaupt also knew the importance the alchemy
between masones operative. In the Rite that elaborated next to Adolf von Knigge, and we
spoke of the Rite of the Illuminated ones of Baviera of thirteen degrees of initiation, the
signs of the alchemy are undeniable. One of the initiations of the high Bavarian degrees
of the Illuminati lead to the candidate to a room where there were traditional symbols of
the royalty: a sceptre, a sword and a crown. Soon the candidate was introduced in a black
camera, in which there was a black altar, with a cross and a cap frigio red similar to the
used ones in the mitraicos mysteries. Then the red cap was given to him to the candidate
frigio, saying to him: “Ponte this, because it means more than the crown of the kings”.
The ritual not only was similar to the initiation in the mitraicos mysteries, but that was
connected with the alchemy of masones operative.
In the cathedral of Notre Dame de Paris, without going more far, there is a spiral staircase
that leads to the high parts of the building. When arriving at the medial axis of the
majestic building, the great relief of a old one of stone, the follower of Notre Dame is
perceived in the incoming angle of the northern tower, which appears hairdo with a cap
frigio. The cap frigio, by all means red, symbolizes in this case and the one of the
initiation of the Illuminati, the last alquímica phase, Obra to the Red one, moment which
the initiate transforms itself into the androgynous alquímico, in androgynous the divine
one, the own God of the Light. The phrase of the ritual of the Illuminati de Baviera,
present in addition in the Operative Rite to the Illuminated ones of Baviera, “ponte this,
because it means more than the crown of the kings”, has felt plenary session.
On the other hand, in those same dates, another true initiate, Conde Alessandro de
Cagliostro, created the Egyptian Masonry. Cagliostro does not have to be identified with
the mistificador Giuseppe Bálsamo, the palermitano listed by the Jesuits to personify and
to throw the disrepute on the true Count of Cagliostro. The primary target of this masonry
was to return the modern or speculative masonry in operative masonry, rendering
cultured respectful to the alchemy. For it, Cagliostro used alquímicas operations.
Finally, the history of the alchemy completes with the last generation of alchemists,
divided between whom they structure themselves in orders, Rites and Systems of the
Western Tradition and those that follow one more a line more independent, as it were the
case of the Fulcanelli follower, author of works the Mystery of the Cathedrals (Plaza and
Janés, 1968) and Mulberry the Filosofales (Plaza and Janés, 5ª Edition, 1977).
Behind schedule of 1937, Jacques Bergier, coauthor of the Return of the Wizards (Plaza
and Janés, 1967) next to Louis Pauwels, it believed to have in front of him to Fulcanelli.
And it seems to be that the follower gave the key him of the alchemy, key which the
Rojismo, the Illuminati Order, Societas OTO… embraces in the superior degrees before
evolving to their materialistic phase, when saying to him: “The essential is not the
transmutación of metals, but the one of the own experimenter. It is an old secret that
several men will find all the centuries”.
In that we are. And, for that reason, with simpleza, we happened to explain what is the
alchemy, after already to have reviewed its history to groso way.
The fundamental postulate of the alchemy consists of the existence of a “stone”, the
filosofal stone, with which the impure or vile metals (lead, zinc, receive, iron, mercury),
through diverse phases and alquímicas operations, are transformed into precious metals
(silver, and coverall gold). This “stone” according to says also can be liquid, reason why
it becomes “elixir of life”. The followers of the alchemy settle down a parallelism
between the mentioned process and the transformation of the operator. The alquímicas
phases and operations repel in this one, since it happens through them to internal level
and it is transformed into last instance in the androgynous alquímico, in androgynous the
divine one, the God of the Light. The alchemist who culminates the alquímicas phases
and operations already is a follower, because she has become, being united to God and
being God. Angelicus Silesius affirms: “The lead changes in gold. The chance dissipates
when, with God, I am changed by God in God”.
In the western alchemy, the elements of the Great Work, in principle, are sulfur, mercury
and the salt. The salt symbolizes the physical body, sulfur the soul and mercury the spirit.
The atanor, like fusion furnace, is the own body of the operator, whereas the crucible is
the embryo. Mercury, in addition, symbolizes the fluid, dynamic, feminine, dual… And
sulfur also symbolizes fixed, stable and masculine it. The salt is the stabilizing moderator
and of both tendencies. When the alquímicas phases and operations are completed, the
Salt of the philosophers appears as union of both principles and is then when the
alchemist already becomes follower, when transforming itself into the androgynous
alchemy which symbolizes the union of the opposite ones.
In the Rites of the Illuminati Order and Societas OTO, that is to say, of the Rojismo, the
initiate passes through diverse degrees, associate to alquímicas phases, until finally
reaching the alquímica phase Obra to the Red one that he is when is transformed into the
androgynous alquímico. Although it does not operate with the instruments of the
alchemy, this one is present at operative level in yoga like via of basic initiation and in
the tantrismo and cábala of the high degrees.
It is possible to aim that the last alquímica phase, Obra to the Red one, and the
consequence that it has for the operator, appears reflected in the work the green dream of
the alchemist and Bernardine follower the Trevisano, count of Marca Trevisana, small
veneciano state. Let us remember that the last alquímica phase, Obra to the Red one, is
associate to the androgynous alquímico. It says the green dream: “After to have seen all
those curiosities, they informed to me into how the marriages between the inhabitants of
the island were celebrated. As the Hagacestaur has a very perfect knowledge of the men
and the temperament of all their subjects, from the greater one to smallest, reunite to the
next relatives and arrange that a healthy old pure and clean girl one with and a vigorous
one; soon purge and purifies the young person, washes and clean the old one, who offers
his hand to the girl; this one taking the hand of the old one; then it is conducted to them to
the one of those dwellings, sealing itself door with such material of which the house is
constructed; it is precise that they remain locked up together thus during nine months
complete, in whose time construct all those furniture that had taught to me. After that
time, they both leave united bodies in a single body and, not having more a soul, they are
one single one and its power is very great on the Earth…”
But not only Bernardine the Trevisano took care to relate the last alquímica phase of the
Great Work, but that other alchemists and followers as Zósimo de Panápolis did the own
thing. In its work already mentioned authentic Thoughts, Zósimo explains: “On the
divine water: there am the divine and great mystery, the looked for thing here par
excellence. It is the whole. Its nature, a single essence; and then one of them drag and fall
of the other. It is the liquid silver (mercury), the androgynous one that always is in
movement. It is the divine water that all ignore. Its nature is difficult to
include/understand: then he is neither mental, nor water, nor a metallic body. It is not
possible to be domeñar; it is the whole in the whole, has life and breath. That that
understands that mystery has gold and the silver”.
Finally, we greeted again ourselves with Fulcanelli, between appointments to the
androgynous alquímico. His disciple Eugene Canseliet believed to find transformed it
into a species of travestí in 1954, in Seville, Spain. In the Fulcanelli Mystery (Martinez
Rock, 1981) of Kenneth Rayner Johnson, he ***reflxes mng himself: “Canseliet was
going to give returned average to return to its rooms, when, when happening the women
in front of the place where it was, one of them became, it watched to him and it smiled. It
was question of a brief moment. The woman became again to her companions and
meetings followed their way, outside their field of view. Canseliet remained pasmado.
Oath that the face of `woman' who had observed him was that of Fulcanelli. By stranger
who seems history, Canseliet affirms that it saw it and that, comprehensibly, only had
trusted intimate friends. What is necessary to deduce of this strange episode? We only
can presume it. But this presumption can at least be influenced by some knowledge the
darkest arcane alquímico and arose a possible explanation that can be less incredible of
which it seems at first sight.
Between the many symbols of the Great Work, one of most remarkable and mysterious is
the androgynous call or hermafrodita alquímico. In classic texts of alchemy, one
frequently alludes to him like symbolizing the dual nature of the secret fire, of the several
used compound salts, the Rebis, or double thing. But sometimes one appears as symbol
of the own finished Work. There are many pictorial versions different from this
androgynous figure in alquímica Literature”.
Personally, I believe that the alchemy is a guide of the internal transformation and that,
by all means, is possible to take like symbolic, since but the idealismo can “as much
hehizar” that we lose the sense of the reality and the looked for final mission, indeed the
overcoming to us of the own idealismo.
Alquímica Obra has three main colors: the black, the target and the red one, with some
variants like green and the yellow. The three main colors of alquímica Obra remain
associate to three alquímicas phases: Nigredo (Work to the Black and of rotting), Albedo
(Work to the Target, associated to the silver) and Rubedo (Work to the Red one,
associated to gold). And those three phase-colors of alquímica Obra, next to other two
phase-colors, are present in the Rites of the Illuminati Order and Societas OTO. Also, the
three colors of alquímica Obra also are in the three branches of the tantrismo (black,
white and red), in the classes of vudú, the luciferismo or the French flag designed by
masón Louis David.
The structure of the Rites of the Illuminati Order and Societas OTO will serve us to
include/understand how the phases and the degrees are joined. The Rite of Societas OTO
of ten degrees is the Operative Rite of Memphis-Misraïm. The ten degrees of the Rite are
associate to six alquímicas phases. The three first degrees correspond to the Condition to
the Brown one; the degree 4º corresponds to Obra to the Black; the degrees 5º, 6º and 7º
correspond to Obra to the Target, that includes the A stage the Green one; the degree 8º
corresponds to the Regime to the Yellow; and the degrees 9º-10º correspond to Obra to
the Red one, the one that locates to us in the point of flexion of the System, that is to say,
in the point where the idealismo is surpassed.
In the Rite of the Order Illuminati, the Operative Rite of the Illuminated ones of Baviera
of thirteen degrees of initiation, the alquímicas phases associated to degrees are similar.
The degrees 1º, 2º and 3º correspond to the Condition to the Brown one; the degrees 4º,
5º and 6º correspond to Obra to the Black; the degrees 7º, 8º and 9º correspond to Obra to
the Target, although including the A stage Green and the Regime to the Yellow; and the
superior degrees correspond to Obra to the Red one.
What serves the exposed thing for the understanding as the purpose of the alchemy, the
alquímicas phases, the degrees associated to these…, within the Rojismo and its orders:
Order Illuminati and Societas O.T.O. The alchemy is a magnificent thermometer,
therefore it was it even for the Illuminati de Baviera, that regulates the initiation in its
idealistic phase, and I create it to have demonstrated.
Now, already it waits for the Fundamental Initiation and the Reestablished Initiation to
us, necessary both to continue knowing the Rojismo.
Gabriel Lopez de Rojas
“Weishaupt mentioned to the Illuminati like the True Masonry
And it denominated `ignorantes', `sagrada clergy'
And other sarcastic comments to the Great English Lodge.
What counts for the case is that Adam Weishaupt
It reestablished the genuine masónica tradition
And the Fundamental Initiation, while others destroyed it,
Something that today continues happening”.
The author
In the idealistic phase of the Rojismo, we spoke of microcycles and macrocycles. The
macrocycles are Eras that mark the evolution of the humanity. From the origin of the man
to approximately the 2000 before ours it was (ANE), period known in the Rojismo like
Fundamental Era or Golden age, many initiates believed in the God of the Light and the
initiation in their form of cornudo God or sacred bull, developed an initiation based on
their transformation in this divinity and defended the freedom and the equality. Adam
Weishaupt, the founder of the Illuminati de Baviera, in reference to those two principles
of the Fundamental Era, said: “The Equality and the Freedom are the essential rights that
the man, in his original perfection, received from the nature”.
One of the oldest representations of the developed Fundamental Initiation in the
Fundamental Era is in the cavern of the Trois Freres in Ariege, France, and dates from the
superior paleolítico. The figure that is in the cavern represents a man surrounded in the
skin of a red deer that takes in its head the spears of the animal. It is evident that the
representation shows an old initiate transformed into the God of the Light.
More or less between the year 2000 ANE and the first years of ours was, period known in
the Rojismo like Era of the fall, slowly prevailed the aristocracy, the hierarchy and the
cults of slaves (hinduismo, Judaism, Christianity…). And, for that reason, the God of the
Light and the Fundamental Initiation, cradle in the transformation of the initiate in the
own divinity, in HOMO EST DEUS, hid in different beliefs and schools from mysteries,
in operative masonries (Egyptian masonry, masonry of Hiram Abiff that the Temple of
Jerusalem constructed, Creators of Dioniso, Roman School of Architects…) and in
traditional routes of initiation like tantra of the hinduismo, cábala of the Judaism, the
symbolism of the Christianity, the alchemy… It would be unjust, however, not to
establish differences between the cults of slaves.
The Judaism was founded by Abraham on century XIX-XVIII ANE, although it had at
the most explaining to Moisés (century XI or XII ANE), since this one obtained the
sinaítica revelation and lead to the Hebrews to the engaged Earth. At different moments
and times, Yahveh maintained a certain nexus with the God of the Light in its form of
cornudo God or sacred bull. After the ascent of Moisés to the Sinaí, his brother Aaron
made a gold yearling calf like representation of Yahveh. At other moments of history, the
Hebrew kings also incorporated to their creed the figure of the God of the Light next to
Yahveh. Let us remember king Salomón (century X ANE), follower of the God of the
Light, and to the Masón Teacher Hiram Abiff, who was to the front of the construction of
the Temple of Jerusalem under the reign of Salomón, which, according to the masónica
legend of the third degree of the masonry (Masterful Masón), was descending of the God
of the Light, in its expression of Iblis, Samael. The Christianity, on the other hand, is a
escindida sect of the Judaism, just at the end of the Era of the Fall (century I NE). His
founder, Jesus, was a teacher Hebrew to whom their disciples turned God and to which
they attributed “to powers” and a death and resurrection to him, plagiarized of other
previous cults that had Gods of death and resurrection like Osiris, Baco, Dioniso… The
main mission of the Christianity went to take the opposite to the cult of which it had been
escindido. If the Judaism defended the terrenal paradise like the old initiates, the
Christianity said that the paradise was in the “Sky”. If the Judaism did not make
proselitismo, the Christianity yes made and incordiaba with Christian Pablo and other
sectarians to the Jews, the followers of other cults and the initiates of the gnosis, of the
schools of mysteries…, with the new creed. The proselitismo became hardened with the
arrival of the Christians to the power and the medieval atrocities of the Catholic Church
and the Inquisición are only a sample of it. Two thousand years later, the Christians of
different tendencies (catholic, protestant…) they continue giving importance the
proselitismo and incordiando to the others.
The Islam still is more modern than the Christianity, although it cannot be described like
sect, but like cult, since it is not born of a split, but that it is born by the inspiration of
Mahoma (570-632 NE). In spite of it, their dogmas of slaves are to the height of the
Christians. The “children and the grandsons of the Judaism” are more similar of which
they create at first.
Finally, the hinduismo, on the other hand, with an origin almost as old as the Judaism, so
is not catched in the dogmas as the modern Christians and Muslims, but their chaste and
certain customs return to reproduce identical errors.
Between the first years of ours it was and around the 2000 NE, period known in the
Rojismo like Era of the Dark, the Christianity, next to the aristocracy, it exerted a tiránico
power and it practiced a true one crossed, a brutal genocide, against which they preserved
of some form the Fundamental Initiation or which they were suspicious of it; also against
those who did not accept their dogmas.
Thus, the Catholic Church and the Inquisición almost exterminated completely to the
gnósticos, the cátaros, the witches, the templarios, the alchemists, the Jews and intriguers,
the Illuminati and masones. It is comprehensible, therefore, that the Fundamental
Initiation hid completely in the Era of the Dark until the point from which still today it is
difficult many to understand which is, for example, the meaning of certain masónicos
symbols of the gothic cathedrals constructed by masones operative in medioevo, and I
talk about the gargoyles, to the God of the Light (Baphomet, Lucifer…) or to men with
animal heads too similar to the Initiate who represents the Fundamental Initiation of the
superior paleolítico in the cavern of the Trois Freres in Ariege, France. In any case, it is
possible to emphasize that, at heart of the persecutions of the Era of the Dark, in which so
many and so many Brothers were assassinated, was a desire very marked of the catholic
hierarchy to maintain the power whatever the cost, in his benefit and the one of the
Already, in century XVIII, nevertheless, with the arrival of the Illustration and the Lights,
few guardians of the Fundamental Initiation conspired and obtained the outbreak of the
French Revolution in 1789, causing that the Old Regime of esclavistas and criminal
aristocrats staggered and yielded the power to the emergent bourgeoisie. With it, a new
favorable paradigm was created to reestablish the mentioned Fundamental Initiation
completely, something that has tried to use some orders of the Western Tradition, with
greater or smaller fortune, in the last centuries.
Today, in fact, the Fundamental Initiation has been reestablished, although without to
have obtained its last objective: to emancipate the whole humanity.
The operative masonry of medioevo that constructed the gothic cathedrals, composed by
stonecutters expert bricklayers in the work of the stone, was inheriting of previous the
operative masonries (Egyptian masonry, masonry of Hiram Abiff that constructed the
Temple of Jerusalem, Creators of Dioniso, Roman School of Architects, Order of
Comacine) and, therefore, was related to the Fundamental Initiation that guarded the
mentioned masonries. In our time, in fact, simultaneously that the Great United Lodge of
clerical England destroys little that reduces to him of the Fundamental Initiation, the
gothic cathedrals and the Great operative Work of masones of medioevo, stays signs,
impassible before the passage of the centuries. Today, while the Great United Lodge of
England has eliminated the lost word of the degree Royal Arch, Jahbulon (Jah de Jahveh,
Bul de Baal and On de Osiris) by the Jahveh word, due to the pagan connotations
associated the God of the Light that has the Jahbulon word, operative the gothic
cathedrals of masones still illuminate our darknesses with its gargoyles, the figure of the
God of the Light and even initiated with cornudos animal heads, in reference to the
followers who have completed the initiation, HOMO EST DEUS. And it is that the
Fundamental Initiation of the superior paleolítico, exposed so well in the cavern of the
Trois Freres, for all time crosses the centuries and the millenia through the true
In century XVIII, when the destructive work of the Great Lodge already had caused to
damage in the initiation and the philosophy with its idealistic deliriums, some masónicas
orders retook the authentic masónica tradition and the Fundamental Initiation.
Thus, the 1 of May of 1776, the German university professor Adam Weishaupt founded
the Illuminati de Baviera, with the spirit to reestablish the True Masonry and the
Fundamental Initiation. We do not forget that, in its writings, Weishaupt mentioned the
Illuminati as the True Masonry and denominated “ignorantes”, “sagrada clergy” and
other sarcastic comments to the Great English Lodge.
What counts for the case is that Adam Weishaupt reestablished the genuine masónica
tradition and the Fundamental Initiation, while others destroyed it, something that today
continues happening.
Of this form, in the initiations of the high degrees of the Illuminati, for example, the
candidate rejected the Christian symbols (esclavistas) and showed preference for those of
the God of the Light, to embrace the last alquímica phase (Work to the Red one), to
transform themselves into the own divinity and to transform his reality and the reality that
surrounded it, with a philosophy of action based on the freedom and the equality. It was
then when the Fundamental Initiation was reestablished.
Alessandro de Cagliostro was initiated in the mysteries of the Egyptian masonry by the
Altothas Teacher in 1776, year on which they also were based the Illuminati de Baviera.
Cagliostro developed the Egyptian Masonry of the Egyptian Rite and tried to return the
modern masonry or speculative in operative masonry, that is to say, also she tried to
reestablish the masónica tradition and the Fundamental Initiation, as they had already
made the Illuminati Bavarian. Cagliostro, founder of a Rite and a System of initiation,
obtained his objective by means of Alquímicas Operations, although she did not pay
attention to the philosophy of the action and was catched in the idealismo.
Some authors like François Ribadeau Dumas have demonstrated that Cagliostro, in spite
of the accusations that received in his against and of their tragic end into the hands of the
Inquisición, never conducted a bad battle.
OTO (Ordo Templi Orientis) was founded by chemistry and Austrian industrialist Karl
Kellner (1850-1905), who was replaced his death by Theodor Reuss (1855-1923). Its
Constitution dates from 1906.
The OTO had been born of the masónicos Rites of Memphis-Misraïm and the tántrica
tradition, although its origin, according to its founders, was similarly in the Illuminati,
end than more debatable, as it were already appraised in previous chapters.
Aleister Crowley assumed the condition of OHO of the OTO from 1922 and introduced
in her the doctrine and System of Thelema cradle in the Liber Legis and the divinity of
the man. It is possible to have presented that one of the mottos of the OTO was “is no
more God than the man”.
In that sense, it is possible to be said that the OTO of Aleister Crowley also reestablished
the masónica tradition and the Fundamental Initiation, with equal clarity that the initiate
Cagliostro who inspired with his Egyptian Masonry of Egyptian Rite to the Rites of
Memphis-Misraïm which they nourished to the first OTO, although not paying attention
to the philosophy of the action and staying as catched Cagliostro by the idealismo.
Dead Crowley, the OTO and the Astrum Argentum, that it led from 1907 and which he
remained in the OTO, went to stop their legitimate successors: Karl Germer, Marcelo
Ramos Motta, David Bersson and the one that this writes.
The System of initiation created by me denominates Rojismo. In previous pages, already
I have given an explanation on him. But it agrees to review some historical and
iniciáticos aspects of the System.
The Rojismo structure in two orders (Order Illuminati and Societas OTO) and is arisen
like System of initiation in 1995, as a result of the foundation of the Illuminati Order,
beginning from that historical moment to perfect itself.
The Rojismo finds its origin in the Fundamental Initiation of the superior paleolítico and
in the Illuminati de Baviera, reestablishing the Fundamental Initiation and perfecting the
philosophy of the Bavarian action of the Illuminati.
Thus, the Rojismo is centered in the fundamental pillars of the initiation; in the
transformation of the initiate by means of the operative work in the divinity, androgynous
the divine one, the androgynous alquímico; in the God of Luz Baphomet; in the
transformation of means, by means of the Rojista Philosophy, that is the philosophy of
the action; and in scientific psychology like tool of understanding of the System.
The Rojismo evolves from the esoteric idealismo and iniciático indemostrable to the
materialism, the atheism, the atheistic reason, science, the rigor…
It is obvious that the Rojismo is connected with the Fundamental Initiation, like the
distributed one in caverns like the one of the Trois Freres in Ariege, France, and that
recovers it reformulated and perfected for postmodernity, because it is based on the
ancestral God of the Light, in the fundamental initiation that transformed to the initiate
into the divinity and it urged it to become he and means and, among other questions, in
masónicos and operative degrees that gathered the legacy of that first initiation.
The Rojismo, in any case, in the future does not have to be confined to two orders, the
Illuminati Order and Societas OTO, but that must project to all the orders, Rites or
Systems of the Western Tradition that can welcome it in their sine, with a sincere desire
to reestablish the first initiation, the Fundamental Initiation, always within postmodernity.
The Fundamental Initiation of the Fundamental Era, called by the Rojismo Era of Gold,
was fragmented and it hid in the denominated Era of the Fall and was persecuted in the
call Era of the Dark, by the cults of slaves and the aristocracy. With the French
Revolution and the triumph of the bourgeoisie, a change of tendency began. Since then
until the beginnings of century XXI, when according to the Rojismo the Era of the Light
began, well-known like Era of Zión, also associated to the Liber Zión, they were many
those that tried to reestablish the Fundamental Initiation, hidden in beliefs and schools of
mysteries, the operative masonries or the traditional routes of initiation. However, just a
few they knew to eliminate the esclavistas chains and to give back to the initiates to its
condition of Gods, emancipating them and dignificando them, so that these repeated the
process with the own humanity.
The Rojismo, in the heat of beginning of the Era of the Light, of the Era of Zión, initiate
in August of 1999, closes that footpath, that millenarian route, that gigantic and colossal
circle, seating the process of recovery of the first initiation, on the Fundamental Initiation,
that that had like principle the man of the paleolítico, which according to Weishaupt lived
in “Freedom and Equality” and “its original perfection”, and like end an initiated manGod, able to operate to obtain a better reality, a world better.
Gabriel Lopez de Rojas
“There is no real initiation without a previous work to wake up the conscience.
There is no real initiation when an aspiring nor so at least
he has acquired the conscience necessary to notice when
it walks, it talks, it thinks, it writes or it eats,
throughout the course of the day”.
The author
The initiation consists of a rite or a iniciático work, by means of which the aspiring or already
initiated in other mysteries introduces itself in a knowledge and undergoes a iniciática death that
leads it to a new reality. The old man passes away to give life to a new man.
But, beyond this brief explanation: as is the fundamental pillars of the initiation?
Years ago, I wrote: “The initiation has three tendencies. First she is the one that recognizes the
God existence and puts under the presumed initiate the divinity, his dogmas… This tendency
`castrates' the initiate and prevents that the initiation is complete. The second tendency is the one
that recognizes the God existence and tries that the initiate transforms itself into the own God, by
means of which the initiation is completes. The third tendency is the one that does not recognize
the God existence, observing it like a mere symbol, and tries that the initiate locates itself to his
level, is transformed into him and completes the initiation…. I defend the second tendency,
respect third, although with shades, and apostatize of first, a way that does not lead to part some”.
At the moment, my point of view has changed. Now, I believe that the initiation only has two
tendencies, that is to say: the idealist, who leads to the initiate to a fictitious sky (belief in God,
etc…) and he tries that this one permaneza there, that is to say, in the waiting room of the
sectarian manipulation, and the one of the Rojismo, that the initiate leads to evolve from that
idealismo to the materialism, the atheism, the atheistic reason, science, the rigor… And, perhaps,
at the most third tendency could be added to another one that leaves directly from the atheism,
which can suppose a lack of real transformation for the initiate.
In the first place, the initiation requires a structure, based in three realities: a Great Master, a Rite
or System and a iniciática organization.
All human being who looks for the knowledge and an initiation requires of a teacher. The
figure of the teacher is a constant in the Western Tradition (masonry, rosacruces,
templarios, illuminati…). In this Tradition, Great Master, Great Hierophante denominates
itself to him… The Great Masters of the Western Tradition have created or renewed Rites
or Systems with which an initiation can be transmitted; they have fitted his Rites or
Systems in iniciáticas organizations, denominated orders, lodges, Obediences almost
always; they have scrupulously treated his disciples; and they have chosen with taken
care of to his successors, centering his lives in his iniciáticas activities, even with the risk
of being persecuted.
Around the Rites or Systems, he is interesting to need that tens of them exist, who many are in
“dreams”, that is to say, that no longer practice and that is transmitted by means of initiation
As far as the iniciáticas organizations, which usually denominate orders, lodges, Obediences…,
can say themselves that they welcome in the Rites or mentioned Systems and that they can have a
regular or irregular origin, being this one important one, as much as their infrastructure, its
objectives and the treatment towards the members. When in 1999 I decided to deepen in OTO
(Ordo Templi Orientis), I rejected to the orders that were not inheriting legitims of the OTO of
Aleister Crowley and I affiliated myself with the successive OTO of this one: Society OTO of
EE.UU. When observing the low level of the lessons and the sectarian treatment towards the
members, I left it. When in 2002 I was interested in the Rite of Memphis-Misraïm, I looked for a
Rite or legitimate System and I was with the Egyptian Masonry of the Old and Primitive Rite of
Memphis-Misraïm of the Great Hierophante Frank G. Ripel, whose power station he is in Trieste,
Italy. Seriousness, the balanced personality and the excellent personal treatment of Ripel
animated to me to follow ahead.
Conviente to make an important explanation, explanation that extends to all the present work. So
mentioned and treaty “origin” (initiation in the paleolítico, the Illuminati, Society OTO,
Memphis-Misraïm…), although important, it is not what determines finally; the only thing that
determines in the end is the iniciático work. One is due to evolve from the respect to the “origin”
towards a greater respect towards the work. For example, to include/understand the exposed
thing, it is possible to think that the legitimacy of the Rojismo, from the Illuminati Order,
Societas OTO… does not come given so much by its “origin” like by its work: evolution of the
System, creation of orders and Rites, international extension, etc.
Change of context to make the exposed thing more comprehensible. A good trainer of athletics
with his experience and years of work is a guarantee. But, without a work in present his and as its
athletes, all that does not serve don't mention it. Another example: to have a great trainer with
years of experience and successes and to think that that is everything, without the suitable own
work, do not serve either don't mention it. I have known many “initiates” who all their credit base
it on a patent that gave to a great master or teacher before him many years. The saying: without
later work, that does not serve don't mention it.
An advice added when speaking of the structure of the initiation is nonFIAR of the
iniciáticas organizations who do not receive quotas to transmit great amounts of material
and lessons during long time. How can make size effort an organization without receiving
quotas? In these cases, the iniciática organization usually disappears later or more early
by not being able to assume the own expenses or, on the contrary, she chooses to receive
concealed quotas, forcing the members, for example, to work free.
The first requirement that must have all aspiring to an initiation is a true desire of knowledge, of
transformation and inner evolution… Without this desire, it is practically impossible that the
aspiring is initiated in the real sense of the expression, that is to say, in the esoteric and
nonexotérico sense. What means this? It means that only those that have a true desire of
knowledge, of transformation and inner evolution are prepared to receive the initiation, whereas
those that accede to her by mere curiosity, for being a fashion or by snobbishness never will reach
the objective of the initiation: the birth of a new man in them themselves. If one wishes to be
initiated with a true desire, it will be it. If one wishes to be initiated by curiosity or snobbishness,
it will not obtain it.
The will is another requirement indispensable for which aspires to an initiation. The will, in fact,
is the “motor” that makes us evolve in the suitable direction and obtain profits. A human being
with will can achieve success much greater than a devoid human being of the same one. The
present world makes think us that objectives without using the will can be obtained, which is
false. The fascismo, the extreme right and the cults of slaves make think us that an irrational will
entail profits, which also is false. The rational will, cradle in thinking and acting, is the one that
serves us to reach the drawn up goals.
A student can attend its studies without using its will successfully? An athlete cannot obtain
progresses without using its will? Not In many occasions, a terminal patient can heal, without
making a superhuman effort based on its will? Thousand examples of the necessity Do not exist
to give importance to the will, at the time of looking for objectives that they require of her.
I will use an own example. When I have trained to go to an important championship of
athletics (Championship of the World, etc…), in the Maxima phase of load, with even
more than 110 kilometers of continuous race per week and rates of training all of them
between 3' 50” and 3' 15” by kilometer in continuous race, beyond the vitaminic aids, of
the diet, etc., always I have had to resort in last instance to the will. My excellent
recovery, my 40 pulsations in rest, etc., were not enough me to recover to me of a day
absolutely for another one and, for that reason, when it marched in the morning to the
training, it needed to deliver an attack of great will. It served to me. And, without her, she
had not held so many training, nor obtained results of international level.
Position to make the explanations compressible on the will and true desire by means of the
example in the sport, I will add that true desire, a motivation that can have several origins, also is
key in the sport profits. I always wished to win, and to win to them to all. And, even, when
writing this noticed on the inside that thus it is. Diego Armando Maradona, for me the best
football player of history, many years before being champion of the world with Argentina, being
a boy, before a camera, affirmed “of greater, I want to go to the World-wide one, and soon to be
champion of the world with Argentina”. The true desire of a 10-12 boy years, with the will in the
effort, lead the small Diego to fulfill their dream more than ten years later in the World-wide one
of Mexico 86.
The initiation is not something external, moral or social, but that can consider a process internal,
stimulated by a rite or a continuous iniciático work. It will be difficult, not to say impossible, that
“a sleepy” human being can be stimulated by a rite or a iniciático work and to receive an
initiation that transforms it. Only the human beings who have worked to surpass their “state of
dream” permanent and that has surpassed it waking up their conscience are “wide-awake” and
prepared to receive an initiation. In order to understand this example, I will speak of the initiation
in the masonry, that is to say, of the degree of Apprentice. When an aspiring to that first degree of
the masonry wishes to be initiated in this one, contacts with an obedience or a masónica lodge, is
interviewed by three Brothers masones and, if all affluent march, receives the initiation of the
Apprentice. That initiation, nevertheless, by more than probable “state of dream” of that begins,
will be a simple exotérica initiation, without no value. How will catch the message of the symbols
or the message of the initiation an aspiring who has not made any previous work for “waking up”
his conscience of the “state of dream”? How will transform into a new man an aspiring who is in
state of “dream” and she does not catch the meaning of the rite? It seems a complicated task.
There is no real initiation without a previous work to wake up the conscience. There is no
real initiation when an aspiring nor so at least has acquired the conscience necessary to
warn when she walks, talks, thinks, writes or eats, throughout the course of the day.
There is no real initiation when the aspiring is a robot without a wide-awake conscience
that allows him to appreciate each act that makes during a day. Only those that have
worked to wake up the conscience and have obtained it are prepared to receive the
initiation and could be initiated. And that initiation will be only the valid one. The wideawake men who have received the initiation in all the mysteries are the Illuminated ones,
the Illuminati.
“The sleepy” man, without wide-awake conscience, is a robot. It thinks that its daily conscience
is a wide-awake conscience, about opposition to the unconsciousness state in which every night
submerges, but this is an error. In fact, when the sleepy” and robotizado man “rises in the
morning, simply Integra in another form of dream. He only does what did yesterday and the day
before yesterday like a true programmed robot… The robot takes care to clean up, to ignite the
computer, to call by telephone, to lead, to work, until making the love. The aspiring to an
initiation must work to wake up the conscience and to leave the dream, to accede to the inner
God, to find in that intimate union the true Wisdom, to megre with the One and, in last instance,
to be the own God, androgynous the divine one, the androgynous alquímico, in the alquímica
phase Obra to the Red one, a being able to transform means with the Rojista Philosophy and to
understand the process with scientific psychology.
A form of not falling in “the robotizadoras” traps that tend the modern world and its deranged
rate to us, like the tradition, the society, the family…, is to create own traps, dedicated to warn the
conscience that it must be kind and it wakes up.
The Illuminati de Baviera made a practice during the preparatory degree, the Noviciado, useful to
warn the conscience that it had to be alert and it wakes up: the art to observe continuously with
dissimulation and the relatives, the friends, the near people, etc., soon to write a newspaper on
them. The newspaper, at the end of the Noviciado, was given by the Beginner to the Insinuante
Brother. It does not have to be strange to us that the Illuminati Bavarian gave importance to this
type of practices of waking up, since its founder, Adam Weishaupt, was a firm defender of the
existence of two pole-states: the one of the darknesses and the sad one to ramble by the life and
the one of the Light and the inner illumination by way of the initiation.
It agrees to reaffirm in this point that, according to psychology, the conscious one is the part of
the mind that allows to give us account us or to become aware from which happens around to
ours and that the work to wake up of the conscience or the conscious one is a fundamental part of
the work in the first degrees of the Illuminati Order or the Rojismo.
The nature is cyclical, the Universe that surrounds to us is cyclical. From ours more
tender childhood we are put under continuous cycles that affect to us. Let us remember
that the means determine that the inheritance much more. Thus, we are put under a lunar
cycle of four weeks or twenty-eight days of duration, like also we are put under another
cycle related to number 4, that is to say, the cycle of the four stations: autumn, winter,
spring and summer. Let us remember how the lunar cycle of a month of duration affects
the menstruation of the women or how the four stations mark to the evolution of the
nature and our own annual evolution.
The Universe ordered by the mentioned cycles must be respected. By the reflection that these
have in the human being, to respect the cyclical order it means to respect us to we ourself and to
facilitate the initiation to the aspirings. To put an example of the saying, I will change of context
and I will use the training of the long-distance runners of athletics. In autumn, the fondistas
athletes rest, they recover little by little of the previous season and initiate a new cycle of training
that will last all the season, of identical form that the nature also recovers for a new annual cycle.
In winter, with the arrival of the cold, the fondistas athletes increase the loads of the training to
the maximum, seeding the seed of the fruits that will gather in the following summer. In winter,
and also in autumn, in fact, Earth sowing with the seeds that will reach their maturity in summer.
In spring, with appearing again of the nature, the fondistas athletes diminish their loads of
training and increase continuous the race quicker, retaking the taste by the “life” and the
enthusiasm by the records, while the nature also awakes and blooms in search of the summery
fruits. And, in summer, the fondistas athletes diminish their primaveral service loads still more,
increasing the speed in their training, to gather the fruits of the work made during all the season,
that is to say, in the four stations, simultaneously that the nature also sees bloom the fruits of the
long season. Only respecting the rate of the nature, marked by the four stations, good athletic
fruits are obtained and the records of most of athletic disciplines are fought. Respecting the cycles
the orders of the Western Tradition will only offer a true initiation to the aspirings.
Thus, for example, the Illuminati Order, similarly that grants importance to true desire, to the will
or waking up of the conscience like premises of the iniciático work, respects the order and the
cycles in the initiation. For the Illuminati Order, mentioned the four stations of the year, the four
lunar phases that have the lunar cycle of 28 days or 4 weeks, etc., find reflection in the four
months that each degree of iniciático work of the Order lasts (stations), in the rite that makes the
member with Full Moon every four weeks (lunar cycle), that represent a evolution towards states
more elevated of study and work.
Number 3 is related to the celestial and divine triangle, that is the resulting geometric
figure of the union of three points by three air lines. If the sides and the angles are equal,
the triangle is regular and equilateral. The triangle was the old symbol of the divinity for
the Egyptians and the Wisdom for the Pythagoreans. The triangle is in addition the
symbol to the Great Architect of the Universe, when this one becomes the luminous Delta
of the masónica lodge. It is also the symbol of the tríadas ones, the three day's devotions,
the trinidades and by all means of the cosmic order, in an esoteric context. Then, in the
idealistic phase of the Operative Rite of the Illuminated ones of Baviera that I elaborated
for the Illuminati Order, there is a remarkable towards number 3, so present respect in the
initiation, the cycles and the order. The Rite has tríada of preparatory degrees: Noviciado
Iº, Illuminated Minerval Illuminated IIº and Smaller and Illuminated Greater IIIº, than
represents a progressive introduction in the mysteries. Later, it has one second tríada one
of intermediate or masónicos degrees that reinforce the crossed footpath: Apprentice IVº,
Vº Companion and Maestro VIº, who are under the denomination Masón Horseman.
Soon he has one third tríada of superior degrees or high masónicos degrees: Sovereign
Prince of Rosacruz VIIº, Horseman Kadosh VIIIº and Sovereign Great Chief inspector
IXº, whom a part of the mysteries crowns and they are under the Illuminated
denomination Leader. And, finally, he has a Xº degree, Priest Illuminated, already other
people's to the tríadas ones and together with the overcoming of the idealismo, by means
of HOMO EST DEUS and the Rojista Philosophy. That degree, however, takes step to a
new one tríada with the degrees Prince Iluminado XIº, Magician Philosopher XIIº and
Man-King XIIIº, where the idealismo disappears completely and scientific psychology is
the tool of understanding of the System.
Cábala is the esoteric and adogmática tradition of the Hebrew town and is present in the
orders of the Western Tradition. The two more representative works of cábala medieval,
developed in Sepharad (Spain), are the Zohar or Libro of the Splendor and the Sepher
Yedzirath or Libro of the Creation. The Tree of the Life, according to cábala, also designs
in the esoteric context the cosmic order, with its eleven sephiroth or divine emanations
and their four planes. In the idealistic phase of the Operative Rite of the Illuminated ones
of Baviera of the Illuminati Order, the cosmic order designed by the Tree of the Life,
with its eleven sephiroth and its four planes is respected. The existing relation between
the degrees of the Operative Rite of Illuminated of Baviera and some of the eleven
sephiroth is the following one: Noviciado-Malkuth (Kingdom); Minerval-Yessod
(Foundation); Illuminated Smaller and Illuminated Greater (Gloria) and Netsah (Victory);
Masón horseman, who includes the degrees Apprentice, Companion and Teacher
(Beauty); Illuminated Leader, who includes the degrees Sovereign Prince of the
Rosacruz, Horseman Kadosh and Soberano Great Inspecting General (Understanding)
and Chokmah (Wisdom); Illuminate priest (He crowns); and the later degrees Prince
Iluminado, Magician Philosopher and Man King-planes superior to sephiroth (Ain Soph,
Ain Soph Aur). On the other hand, the relation between the degrees of the Operative Rite
of Illuminated of Baviera and the four planes that subdivide the Tree of the Life in four
parts are the following one: Noviciado-plane of the Action (Olam-it has-Assiah);
Minerval-plane of the Formation (Olam-it has-Yetsirah); Illuminated Smaller and
Illuminated Greater-plane of the Formation (Olam-it has-Yetsirah); Horseman Masónplane of the Creation (Olam-he has-Briah); Illuminated Leader and Priest Illuminateplane of the Emanation (Olam-he has-Atsiluth). The rest of superior degrees (Prince
Iluminado, Magician Philosopher and Man King) belongs to planes superior to sephiroth
(Ain Soph, Ain Soph Aur). The internal order of the Order Illuminati, the Luciferianos, is
associate with sephirah Daath (Knowledge) and to an hidden plane very guarded.
It is possible to add the exposed thing that in the idealistic phase of the Rite of ten degrees of
Societas OTO, the other order of the Rojismo, also it is respected the cycles and the order in the
initiation. In the first months of year 2001, the Rite of Societas OTO was structured in seven
degrees of initiation: Probationer Iº, Minerval IIº, Magister IIIº, Kadosh Templario IVº, Chief
inspector of the Illuminati Vº, Illuminated Priest VIº, Rex Summus Sanctissimus VIIº. But, in
September of 2003, the Rite reached the ten degrees: Probationer Iº, Minerval IIº, Magician
Smaller and Greater IIIº, Royal Arch IVº, Sovereign Prince of the Rosacruz Vº, Horseman
Kadosh VIº, Sovereign Great Chief inspector VIIº, Illuminated Inspector Great Consagrador
VIIIº, Illuminated Priest Great Conservative IXº, Rex Summus Sanctissimus Xº. Then, the ten
degrees of the Rite of Societas OTO have the following relations with sephiroth and the planes of
the Tree of the Life:
1º. Probationer-Malkuth-plane of the Action (Olam-it has-Assiah)
2º. Minerval-Yessod-plane of the Formation (Olam-it has-Yetsirah)
3º. Magician Smaller and Greater Hod and Netzach-plane of the Formation (Olam-he hasYetsirah)
4º. Royal Arch-Tiphereth-plane of the Creation (Olam-it has-Briah)
5º, 6º, 7º. Masónicos degrees (Sovereign Prince of the Rosacruz, Kadosh Horseman, Sovereign
Great Chief inspector) - Binah-plane of the Emanation (Olam-it has-Atsiluth)
8º. Illuminated inspector Great Consagrador-Chokmah-plane of the Emanation (Olam-he hasAtsiluth)
9º. Illuminated priest Great Conservative-Kether-plane of the Emanation (Olam-he has-Atsiluth)
10º. Rex Summux Sanctissimus-Ain Soph and Ain Soph Aur-planes superior to sephiroth
The main Hebrew intriguers of Sepharad, in medioevo, speculated with the Tree of the Life,
sephiroth and the planes to design a cosmic order that included the totality, in the esoteric
context. Moisés horseradish tree Najman (Nahmánides or Bonastruc de Porta), Expensive Yossef,
Moisés Cordovero, Isaac horseradish tree Salomón Luria are some of the heroes of cábala
Hebrew medieval. The guarded secrets more of these sefarditas intriguers finished in Safed,
Israel, where a synagogue takes the name of Expensive Yossef. In the orders, lodges and
Obediences of the Western Tradition, many we have been the followers and medical instructors
of cábala, like traditional iniciática route and also like necessary order in the structure of the
initiation… Many we have rendered cultured to its millenarian wisdom.
Between years 1990 and 1992, I introduced in the study of cábala with the Hebrew Sephardi
Carlos Benarroch, to whom soon I accompanied like correspondent and collaborator by the
Mexican magazine Forum by the Jewish life in the world between years 1995-2000. It cost to me
very many to extract to Carlos some to him of the main mysteries of cábala Hebrew, because the
Jews are very his and think that to study it it is required to be married, to be forty years old… But,
with time, I obtained it partly. And I learned the sufficient thing to publish several idealistic
articles that now I do not share on the matter, as much in my stage of collaborator in esoteric
magazines (1992-1995) like in my later stage of correspondent and collaborator in Forum of the
Jewish life in the world (1995-2000), and an also idealistic book that now I do not assume
Magical Cábala titleholder (Publishing Protusa, 1994). The learned thing served me at your
service to nourish with the wisdom of cábala Illuminati and Societas OTO and its respective
Rites, although in those cases with lessons and a final message beyond the idealismo.
The gnosis, word that means knowledge, grants a knowledge to the aspirings, useful to
complete the initiation. The gnosis is conderada like knowledge in capital letters,
something that helps to reach the final mission of all initiation: transformation of the
initiate in the own divinity, androgynous divine and the alquímico one, HOMO EST
DEUS, a being able to transform its reality and the reality that surrounds it. Diverse
present gnósticas currents, some next ones to the sectarianism exist, but I will speak of
gnosis in the knowledge sense that is nourished of diverse traditional routes of initiation.
In the Rojismo and its orders, Order Illuminati and Societas OTO, the gnosis finds its splendor
with yoga, the tantrismo, cábala, the symbolism, the alchemy…, traditional iniciáticas routes that
the aspiring or initiate to the knowledge and the conversion in the androgynous divine alquímico
leads to and, in God. Thus, in the Order Illuminati and the Societas OTO, yoga it is knowledge
and it prepares the initiate to later work with the tantrismo and cábala, with which the initiation
will culminate and will be able to transform means by means of the Rojista Philosophy, finding
the understanding of that process in scientific psychology.
The yóguicos steps are asana (position), pranayama (regulated breathing of stomach), mantrayoga
(sagrada word that calms the mind and gives access to the inner God), pratyahara (meditation
with the inner God), dharana (fixation of the mind in a point), dhyana (importance of the mind on
that point) and samadhi (union to the One-God, transformation in the One-God). In the Rojismo
and its orders, starting off of the scheme of yoga mentioned, the tantrismo and cábala also are
traditional knowledge and iniciáticas routes that already lead the initiate to complete the initiation
and power to use the Rojista Philosophy like philosophy of the useful action to transform means.
For example, the tantrismo of the Illuminati Order and the GROVE transform to the divine
androgynous initiate in and the alquímico one, God, in HOMO EST DEUS, respecting the power
of the Sacrament and evolving from chakra Mulhadara to chakra Sahasvara, that is to say, chakra
of the crown, the illumination. Cábala of the Illuminati Order and the GROVE also transforms to
the initiate in the divinity, in HOMO EST DEUS, when transporting to him from sephirah
Malkuth (Kingdom) to sephirah Kether (Crown), where the mentioned transformation operates.
In these routes, the aid of the Kundalini and chakras (power centers) are essential.
But the gnosis has their risks. The greater one of all of them appears when they are tried to unite
antagonistic orders of the Western Tradition or Rites or Systems, like the masonry, rosacruces,
illuminati, the Satanism, the Gnosticism… One can be masón, rosacruz and Christian, but it is
more difficult that one can be rosacruz, illuminati, Christian and satanista, since is a pure
incoherence and runs the risk of finishing in a psychiatric one affected by a serious schizophrenia.
Another risk of the gnosis is in not evolving of the idealismo towards the materialism, the
atheism, the atheistic reason, science, the rigor…, present error in the great majority of followers
of the present gnósticas current months, some next ones to the sectarianism.
La conclusión a la que se llega al analizar a los coleccionistas de afiliaciones es que en
ninguno de los casos realizan el trabajo correcto, ya que si lo hicieran profundizarían y,
por tanto, se darían cuenta de que las enseñanzas de cada vía iniciática pueden ser
antagónicas y, mezcladas, reflejan una incoherencia y un mal trabajo, a la vez que
suponen un peligro real para la salud mental. Sobre el idealismo esotérico e iniciático y
sus graves carencias, ya he insistido a lo largo de la obra y, por tanto, no encuentro
apropiado repetir la crítica.
De igual forma que con el paso de los años he rechazado el idealismo que no evoluciona, también
he descubierto la necesidad de la coherencia en la ruta iniciática, planteamiento que está presente
en la iniciación de la Orden Illuminati o la Societas OTO y que ha sido tratado con en la obra.
Hablaré de la coherencia desde la experiencia propia en órdenes de la Tradición Occidental.
En la primavera de 1995, tras contactar con dos miembros de los Illuminati de EE.UU. en 19941995, fundé la Orden Illuminati en Barcelona, España. Entre los años siguientes, elaboré el Rito
Operativo de los Iluminados de Baviera, con trece grados de iniciación. Y, en la elaboración de
ese Rito siempre busqué la coherencia, incorporando grados del Rito de los Iluminados de
Baviera, elaborado por Adam Weishaupt y Adolf von Knigge en el siglo XVIII; los principales
grados del Rito Escocés Antiguo y Aceptado, del cual me habían sido transmitidos todos los
grados en noviembre de 1996 en la Logia Albert Pike, una logia para miembros de la Orden
Illuminati y masones catalanes; y algunas vías tradicionales de iniciación (yoga, tantra, cábala,
simbolismo, alquimia...).
En los años 1999 y 2000, representé en España a la Society OTO de EE.UU. y recibí sus primeros
grados. La Society OTO de EE.UU. era descendiente directa de Aleister Crowley por medio de
Karl Germer y Marcelo Ramos Motta, los únicos y legales sucesores de la OTO de Crowley.
Defraudado por su bajo nivel y el trato sectario que existía hacia los miembros, una gran
incoherencia cuando se asegura defender la doctrina crowleyana de Thelema, la abandoné y fundé
la Societas OTO (Ordo Templi Orientalis) en febrero del 2001 en Barcelona. Entonces, el Rito de
la Societas OTO quedó estructurado, con el nombre de Rito Operativo de Memphis-Misraïm, en
siete grados de iniciación, con suma coherencia y extremo cuidado, quedando en su interior dos
órdenes, la Ordo Astrum Argentum y una Ecclesia Gnóstica. Los primeros grados procedieron del
Rito de la Society OTO-Astrum Argentum de Bersson, heredero del Antiguo y Primitivo Rito de
Memphis-Misraïm de la OTO de Crowley, y los grados superiores procedieron de la Orden
Illuminati. Tras recibir los más altos grados en Ritos masónicos y de Memphis-Misraïm en el año
2003, enriquecí el Rito de la Societas OTO, el Rito Operativo de Memphis-Misraïm. En
septiembre del año 2003, el Rito quedó estructurado en diez grados, también con extrema
coherencia y cuidado: Probationer Iº, Minerval IIº, Mago Menor y Mayor IIIº, Royal Arch IVº,
Soberano Príncipe de la Rosacruz Vº, Caballero Kadosh VIº, Soberano Gran Inspector General
VIIº, Inspector Iluminado Gran Consagrador VIIIº, Sacerdote Iluminado Gran Conservador IXº,
Rex Summus Sanctissimus Xº. Los primeros grados procedían del Rito de la Society OTOAstrum Argentum, heredero del Antiguo y Primitivo Rito de Memphis-Misraïm de la OTO de
Aleister Crowley, y los grados superiores procedían de la Orden Illuminati, aunque toda la
estructura del Rito, no obstante, ya estaba enriquecida por el Antiguo y Primitivo Rito de
Memphis-Misraïm. El grado XIº de la OTO estaba contemplado como extensión del grado IXº.
Tras recibir el Liber Zión, ambas órdenes lo asumieron por pura coherencia. Y es que sólo con la
libertad y la igualdad que proclaman el Liber Zión, Los Mandamientos de los Illuminati o la
Filosofía Rojista es posible la iniciación completa. Sin libertad se mantienen las “cadenas” y el
trabajo iniciático y la evolución son irrealizables. Sin igualdad nos convertimos en “asesinos” del
otro y en indignos de la iniciación.
Por último, en el año 2003, tras recibir los más altos grados de los Ritos Egipcios de la Order of
Memphis de Rumania (XXº o Royal Arch) y de la Orden Arcana de Sino y del Cuervo Negro de
Brasil (XIIº o Ra Hoor-Khuit), me incorporé el 1 de mayo a la Masonería Egipcia del Antiguo y
Primitivo Rito de Memphis-Misraïm del Gran Hierophante Frank G. Ripel de Italia, descendiente
del masón y martinista italiano Francesco Brunelli y del masón francés Robert Ambelain, como
grado 96º o Cabeza Nacional para España, entendiendo que aquello era coherente con mi
trayectoria y la línea de trabajo seguida en la misma. Enseguida, el Gran Hierophante de
Memphis-Misraïm me concedió también el grado 97º o Sustituto Internacional de la Cabeza
Internacional para los países de lengua castellana y portuguesa, con autoridad sobre los masones
operativos 1º-95º y los Cabezas Nacionales 96º, y yo confirmé mi apreciación sobre la coherencia
al traducir del italiano al castellano las seis operaciones alquímicas de las que consta dicha
Masonería Egipcia y experimentarlas mejor. Las comprendí y pude apreciar que éstas se
adaptaban y enriquecían la línea de trabajo seguida.
Como ya he dicho, la coherencia es fundamental en la ruta iniciática. La coherencia unifica el
trabajo y conduce al objetivo final. La incoherencia dispersa y aleja del objetivo final, objetivo
que no es otro que el HOMO EST DEUS, la superación de todo idealismo, mediante la Filosofía
Rojista, la psicología científica...
He repasado algunos pilares fundamentales de la iniciación: el deseo verdadero, la voluntad, el
despertar de la consciencia, el respeto hacia los ciclos y el orden, la gnosis, la coherencia..., pero
aún falta por tratar otros aspectos importantes de la iniciación. Uno de esos aspectos es la
necesidad, quizás sería más acertado decir obligación, de no cambiar con demasiada frecuencia
de Rito o Sistema. Un cambio continuo sólo puede conducir a no alcanzar la meta trazada, ya que
para alcanzar cualquier meta se necesita tiempo.
Pensemos en un círculo con un punto en su interior, recordando que el punto es el símbolo del
principio, mientras que el círculo lo es del mundo. Desde el círculo hasta el punto, pueden
trazarse una línea horizontal, una línea vertical y varias líneas, incluyendo la X. Esas líneas
podrían simbolizar los diferentes Ritos o Sistemas que conducen al aspirante o iniciado desde el
mundo (el círculo) hasta el punto (el Principio, el propio dios). Pues bien, aquellos que cambian
con frecuencia de Rito suelen quedarse en el círculo o en la primera parte de cada línea, sin
alcanzar jamás el punto, porque no profundizan lo suficiente. No alcanzan, en fin, la tan
mencionada iniciación completa.
Otra obligación en la iniciación es el deber de intentar no abarcar demasiado, porque ese
comportamiento dispersa energías y puede entorpecer la evolución. Dice el refrán: “Quien mucho
abarca, poco aprieta”. He conocido a iniciados que eran miembros y responsables al mismo
tiempo de Obediencias y órdenes masónicas, rosacruces, templarias, martinistas, gnósticas,
satánicas...; y siempre he pensado que esa situación les provocaba un desequilibrio psicológico,
una dispersión de energías muy notable y una limitación en su evolución. Ciertamente, el ritmo
delirante del mundo moderno, encabezado por el capitalismo salvaje y el culto a la cantidad de
éste, no ayuda demasiado a los iniciados con una cierta tendencia a aglutinar afiliaciones y títulos
y a generar dispersión. La velocidad de ese capitalismo salvaje y el culto a tener cada día más,
parece afectar a no pocos miembros y cargos de órdenes.
Una nueva obligación en el sendero de la iniciación es aprender a sufrir, aunque en extremos
razonables. Hay que tener una cierta capacidad de sufrimiento para la evolución iniciática, porque
en algunos momentos es necesaria e indispensable. Para trabajar la capacidad de sufrimiento se
puede seguir una dieta, una práctica deportiva o dejar de consumir alcohol, tabaco u otras drogas
nocivas. No obstante, el sufrimiento siempre tiene que ser mínimo en comparación con el disfrute
posterior por la meta alcanzada.
Por último, cabe decir que el objetivo final de la iniciación siempre debe ser la conversión del
iniciado en el andrógino divino, en el andrógino alquímico, en el propio dios, al culminar la fase
alquímica Obra al Rojo, para luego abrazar la Filosofía Rojista, la psicología científica... Los
verdaderos iniciados no son en absoluto anacoretas. Son aquellos que, tras completar la
iniciación, encuentran respuestas y operan sobre la realidad que los envuelve. Intentan, en fin,
transformar la tierra en un lugar más justo y libre, en el caso del Rojismo con la Filosofía Rojista.
Conviene añadir a lo dicho que la valoración del medio realizada al hablar de los ciclos, el orden,
etc., se debe hacer extensiva al medio ambiente en general que rodea al iniciado. El medio
(vivienda, comida, ocio, estudio, etc.) deben estar asegurados y bien tratados, para permitir el
desarrollo correcto de la iniciación y saborear lo mucho de bueno que tiene la misma.
Como defienden el Rojismo y la Filosofía Rojista, en última instancia, la materia o los procesos
materiales son la causa fundamental de los seres y la consciencia.
Hasta aquí, he expuesto algunos de los principales pilares de la iniciación. En la exposición, he
aconsejado huir de algunos errores y he dado otros consejos. Es evidente que ir contra ciertas y
creencias y conductas adquiridas durante largo tiempo puede resultar difícil y un gran esfuerzo de
voluntad, pero aquel que desee lograr el éxito en la iniciación tiene el deber de triunfar sobre
ellas. De hecho, la Luz Suprema
Gabriel Lopez de Rojas
“There are religions, orders… that put under to us God.
There is gurús, teachers… who put under us the divinity.
But all the initiates of high degree we must be God,
and not only we have that to have,
but that we must seat in its throne,
in order to replace it and to kill it.
Killing the divinity, to the master,
we are released and enabled to construct
our reality and a world better”.
The author
Yoga, the tantrismo and cábala are of extreme importance in the idealistic phase of the Rojismo.
Without them, it cannot be reached HOMO EST DEUS, the Rojista Philosophy, the own
overcoming of the idealismo, etc. Is necessary to be a “boy” later to be an adult. Major Nada,
therefore, that to know them.
The diverse origin of yogas remains stranger, although it thinks that there is to go back to the
third millenium before ours was to find it.
Numerous types of yoga exist, which have been structured and acquired form with the passage of
the centuries and millenia. The Karma-Yoga exists, that is yoga of the disinterested action. In
him, the action is the route towards the inner God, the evolution and the development of the
wisdom. Historical other yoga is the Bhakhi-Yoga, that is yoga devocional, that is to say, yoga
that is based on the intense feeling towards the divinity. Others yogas with many centuries of
history are the Gnama-Yoga (gnama means knowledge, discernment…); the Radja-Yoga, yoga of
the mind; the Mantra-Yoga, yoga that consists of reciting words or phonemes that calm the mind,
lead the inner God and serve evoke-invoke-to summon; the sexual Tantra-Yoga or yoga; or the
Kundalini-Yoga, that makes reference to the Kundalini, of which I will speak with greater depth
advanced more, when the Tantra-Yoga or tantrismo approaches.
Yoga has spread in the West from century XIX like a species of gymnastics to feel better or, on
the contrary, like a deep and barely transforming initiation, when in fact its function is to transmit
an initiation that allows to the initiate its transformation. In the Rites of the Illuminati Order and
Societas OTO, yoga it is a traditional iniciática route that serves so that the initiate discovers his
inner God, one to the One-God, is transformed into him…; and so that it acquires a structure of
useful work to progress in cábala and the tantrismo until reaching the complete initiation. Yoga
cannot either take like a religion or a set from dogmas, but like a method that leads to the
commented objectives.
To the thread of the saying, he is interesting to add that the word yoga derives from the sánscrita
root yuj, that means “to hook by means of the yoke”, “to join”, “to unite”… We return to find
meaning in Latin jungere and the French similar jong (yoke), joindre (to join)…
Although the one was Patanjali that exposed a system of yóguicos steps and these steps form part
of the mental Radja-Yoga or yoga, those yóguicos steps are had like valid by the practical totality
of yogas. The eight yóguicos steps of Patanjali are: yama, niyama, asana, pranayama, pratyahara,
dharana, dyana and samadhi. Those are the passages with which it works in the Rites of the
Illuminati Order and Societas OTO, with the added one of the yóguico step of mantrayoga after
pranayama and before pratyahara, by the capacity that has mantra to calm the mind, to lead the
inner God and evoke-invoke-to summon. Another question to consider is that the Rites of the
Illuminati Order and Societas OTO give to the value of yama and niyama, “moral qualities” and
“good works”, to the Orders of the Illuminati, the Liber Zión and finally to the Rojista
Philosophy, thus those steps are not present in their modality of yoga. The Orders of the
Illuminati, the Liber Zión, and the Rojista Philosophy in the degrees, perfectly fulfills the section
of yama and niyama. We have, then, yoga of seven passages in the Illuminati Order and Societas
OTO, almost identical to the one of Patanjali, that step to describe.
Yoga of the Illuminati Order and Societas OTO studies and works essentially in both first degrees
of both orders and not only it serves so that the initiate discovers his inner God or the union to the
One-God and the transformation in him, but that is useful so that this one acquires a solid
structure of work, facing progressing in cábala and the tantrismo until reaching the complete
The asana is the first passage of yoga of the Illuminati Order and Societas OTO. Pantanjali says:
“Asana is what is signs and placentero”. Thus, any comfortable position serves like asana,
according to the criterion of the Hindu mystic. Multiple cases of people exist who have left the
practice of yoga by the positions extremely complicated to obtain that the Hindu teachers to their
disciples impose. My three favourite positions are the God, the Dragoon and the Initiate,
described in the first degree of the Illuminati Order or Societas OTO thus:
“1. THE GOD: Seated in a chair. Head towards ahead, straight back, always together knees,
closed hands on knees and eyes.
2. THE DRAGOON: Made kneel. Rump resting on the heels. Toes outwards. Straight head and
back. Hands on hips.
3. THE INITIATE: Fallen down in a flat surface. Prim arms and legs”.
Paranayama is the second passage of yoga. It consists of a regulated breathing and very slowed
down, where the air enters by the nose, it is conducted to the stomach and it is expelled slowly by
the mouth. If asana the body calms, pranayama makes own with the body and the mind.
For the Greeks, the word meant the speech, the reason, the intelligence and the deep sense of the
being, the divine thought. For the stoics, the word was the reason applied in the order of the
world. In Hebrew, sánscrito, Phoenician, Arab, each syllable or letter of a word means an object
or an idea and its orations are denominated mantras or yantras. The sagrada word has been also of
great importance in the yóguica tradition. Thus, the term mantrayoga indicates the third yóguico
step and the word sagrada in yoga. Mantrayoga comes from “man” (to think) and from the
syllable “tra”, of “trana”, that means liberation of the Samsára or the state of not-illumination in
which we lived.
The yóguico step mantrayoga serves to recite mantra or sagrada word, to finish calming the body
and the mind and to lead to the initiate towards the inner God, as well as also evoke-invoke-to
summon the God of the Light, Baphomet.
Pratyahara is the fourth passage of yoga. In pratyahara, the initiate already must center the mind
in a meditation subject and to direct to all the mental attention in that direction, eliminating
annoying thoughts. Pratyahara eliminates those thoughts and, for that reason, it allows to meditate
with the inner God on the selected subjects and to find infinity of answers.
In this yóguico step the Superior Will arises, that is over the Rational Will. When the initiate
contacts with the inner God, meditates, finds answers and also he starts up them, he develops the
Superior Will.
Dharana is the fifth yóguico step. In this one, it is centered the attention and the powers of the
mind in a single direction, to prepare to the initiate facing the last passages of yoga. A possibility
is to use colors like support. Let us remember that the founders of the Golden Dawn granted
enormous importance to the altered states of conscience and that, to cause them, worked with the
25 tatwas or colored symbols of the Hindu tántrica tradition. The 5 tatwas main are Roofing tiles
(the fire), a red triangle; Prithivi (the Earth), a yellow square; Apas (the water), one mediates
horizontal silver-plated Moon On guard; Vayu (the air), a verdeazulado circle; and Akasa (the
Astral Light), a dark violet oval.
Dhyana is the sixth passage of yoga. Dhyana is an elevated state of the being, caused by the work
in the dharana. It is the overcoming of the images of the dharana that allows to enter a phase of
calmness, peace, calm and importance on the images. The initiate who works with dhyana note
that extends on the images and the rest of the physical reality. On dhyana, he can add itself that he
leads to the overcoming of the two polarities: masculine and feminine, high and low, destruction
and construction, life and death… and that, for that reason, aid to extend on the physical reality
approaching the essence of the divinity, that is the essence of one same one.
Samadhi is the seventh passage of yoga. Samadhi is a plane superior to dhyana, since it is over
the own overcoming of opposite or polarities. It is simply union to the One-God, like
transformation in that One-God on the part of the initiate…, which leads to the well-being,
absolute La Paz and the iniciático éxtasis.
The described thing supposes a sufficient explanation on yoga in the Rites of the Illuminati Order
and the Societas. It supposes in addition the base necessary to evolve towards the tantrismo and
cábala, with which the initiation evolves and it is culminated. In the scope of psychology and the
psychoanalysis, the yóguico work can be understood that it both learns in first degrees of the
Illuminati Order and Societas OTO like “waking up” of the conscious mind, the conscience, and a
“sowing” of new memories in the preconscious mind.
The tantrismo is a traditional iniciática route that arose in century IV from ours was, although
their postulates and concepts are ancient and they are in the cultures of the matriarcado one and
the civilization of the Hindu.
The tantrismo, little by little, was divided in the “white way or of the right hand” (imaginary
sexual union) of the Tántrico-Vedaic School and in the “red way or of the left hand” (practical
sexual union) of the Tántrica-Hinduísta School.
The tantrismo was gotten up in the hinduismo, the buddhism, the diverse jainismo… and also it
affected yogas. The Mantra-Yoga, Nothing, the Hatha-Yoga, for example, is some of diverse
yogas with tántrica influence.
Tantrismo is a term derived from the sánscrito “tantra”, that it means “the weave”, “system”…
The tantrismo puts emphasis in the cosmic energy, denominated Shakti and adored like the Great
Goddess. The followers of the red way or footpath of the left hand (Vamacharias), thus called the
experts in sexual magic who use the woman, because this one is lunar or of the left, “are
illuminated” by sex. The union of a man and a woman is not considered impure by the Hindu
tántricos, but on the contrary: the celebrant one sees in the woman the feminine principle, the
Great Goddess, whereas the celebrant one observes in its at the outset masculine companion, the
Great God.
A peculiar data is that the medieval templarios practiced the cult to the Great Goddess,
personalizando it in the Virgin, because the tantrismo of the medieval templarios, in its initiations
and esoteric lessons, worked with the Great Goddess. It is united to the tradition of the Grial, of
the sacred chalice, that is not another thing that the symbolic representation of this Great
Goddess, of the Cosmic Cave, where the initiate in the tántrico art works.
Another option is to play with the rolls or mainly to observe the woman like “prostituta sagrada”.
All these tántricas practices wake up the Kundalini, the serpent of fire enroscada in the base of the
spine, and chakras, of which I will speak soon, trying to illuminate, to unite to the One-God
éxtasis in the heat of, to transform to the initiate into him.
The operations of the tantrismo are surrounded in “the Celebration of the Five Elements”
(Panchatattva), that are located in a mystical plane. The five elements are: Fire, Air, Water, Earth
and Ether, that are symbolized in the wine, the meat, the fish and cereals, being the fifth element
the union of the pair, of Shiva and Shakti (called union Maithuna).
All the bodies have energies that make of them a body in movement. We “fed ourselves” on
cosmic energy, that vivifies, harnessing our power centers, mentioned chakras. The yóguicas
techniques take to discover and to use these power centers to us that we have in the body. Chakra
means “wheel” in sánscrito. Seven are generally admitted the power centers or chakras, being in
the spine, from their base to the crown. The famous fire Kundalini or serpent enroscada in the
base of the spine “ascends” by chakras, feeding themselves in certain form on them and causing
the illumination of yogui, the importance, the transformation…
Chakras is:
In the antipodal ones of the mechanical and robotizada sexuality of the “sleepy men” is the
conscious sexuality. In the opposed side of the profane sexuality it appears the iniciática
sexuality. Where the sleepy man loses the conscience, the tantrismo wide-awake and the aid to
extend. What for a profane one he is compulsive, he is iniciático for the member from the
Illuminati Order and the Societas OTO that embraces the lessons of the tantrismo.
Thus, in the Rites of the Illuminati Order and the Societas OTO, that are nourished of the
iniciático System denominated Rojismo, starting off of the structure provided by yoga, the initiate
enters in the tantrismo, using the yóguico step of dharana. The first tántrica practice that makes is
“the magical” automasturbación, which him aid to know itself better, happening later to the
tantrismo in pair, that him aid still more in its iniciática evolution. Later, the initiate of the high
degrees of the Illuminati Order and Societas OTO evolve towards the use of the Sacrament (they
semen). With that present tantrismo in the high degrees, the initiate renders cultured to the
Sacrament. Among other practices, he creates homúnculo to imitate the nature of the Gods and
conducts operations to transform itself androgynous the divine one, the androgynous alquímico,
the own God, a being able to transform his reality and the reality that surrounds it.
The Sacrament is associate to the fundamental fire, that is to say, to the God of the Light,
Baphomet. They semen, in fact, it is the supreme mystery of the tantrismo and the Illuminati
Order and the GROVE.
The Brihad-Aranyaka-Upanishad, perhaps the oldest nondualista Hindu Metaphysical text of the
Vedanta, says to us on semen: “The essence of the man is semen. (…) The one that copula
without knowing loses it his semen and its merit before the woman. If it spills a small amount of
they semen must recover it, and with him the force and the brightness. It must gather it with index
and thumb, rub it to it in the chest and recite…”.
The English initiate Aleister Crowley said that “the wise people of India create in the existence of
a particular Prana or force that resides in the Bindu, or semen”.
The Jews also gave importance him to semen and Aleister Crowley, speaking of degree IXº of the
OTO, said on the matter that “between the Jews there are certain Initiates instructed in his
Qabalah who maintain, like us, the point of view of which in Zraa or they semen in himself lies
inherent a creative force that cannot be wasted”.
And she is Crowley who aims in addition that “the own OHO of the OTO affirms that, this
perfect medicine, with a single drop of their coarse dew, and can that is truth. But in ours more
humble opinion we think that each drop that is generated (if it is possible), is due to consume. So
that mainly most valuable of the gifts of the nature it is not possible to be profaned”.
The tantrismo of the high degrees of the Illuminati Order and Societas OTO, in summary, lead
the initiate to render cultured to the Sacrament.
The tantrismo of the high degrees, next to cábala, is the traditional route of more powerful
initiation, because the initiate imitates the nature of the Gods and conducts operations to
transform itself the own God, HOMO EST DEUS, being prepared to transform his reality and the
reality that surrounds it, harnessed with the Rojista Philosophy.
Cábala is a traditional iniciática route that, according to the intriguers, has its origin in the
beginning of the times. Great Rabbi A. Safran comments on the matter: “Cábala exceeds in
antiquity to the sinaítica revelation. One goes back to the prehistoric times. Moisés does not do
more than to introduce it in the history of Israel… The current designation of cábala is chalchelethas-cábala, chain of the tradition”.
Cábala, therefore, is the chain of the tradition of the Judaism and a traditional iniciática route.
Cábala occurred to know the nonJewish world from the sine of the Judaism in medioevo and
Sepharad (Spain). And the figures of Sephardic and medieval that cábala were Moisés
horseradish tree Najman (Nahmanides, Rambán, Bonastruc de Porta…), outstanding intriguer of
Gerona that exerted of great rabbi, mystic, philosopher, talmudista and writer; Expensive Yossef
(1488-1575), great expert in cábala that, after being expelled from Sepharad, directed the school
of cábala of Safed; Moisés Cordovero (1522-1570), disciple of Expensive nicknamed the Remak;
Chelemó Alkabets, brother-in-law of Expensive; and Isaac horseradish tree Salomón de Luria or
“Haarí, the sacred lion” (1534-1572), intriguer who directed the community of Safed in Galilea.
Beside the point, he is possible to add that the main books of cábala Sephardic were the Zohar or
Libro of the Splendor and the Sepher Yedzirath or Libro of the Creation.
At that time, they also appeared the first Christian intriguers: Ramon Llull (1236-1315); Dante
Alighieri (1265-1321), author of the Divine Comedy; and Giovanni Pico della Watching it (14631494), author of Philosophicae Conclusions, Cabalisticae ET Theologicae.
The wake of cábala Sephardic and medieval was followed by rosacruces and masones.
Rosacruces had their origin in a mythical personage, Christian Rosenkreutz, and in a series of
works of principles of century XVII: FAMA Fraternitatis, Confessio Fraternitatis and alquímica
Boda of Christian Rosenkreutz. These works and the mentioned personage caused the appearance
of the first orders rosacruces, the Rosacruz of Gold and the Rosacruz of the Old System. And said
rosacruces they rendered cultured respectful to cábala, although in its Christian slope.
On the other hand, the modern masonry born in 1717, that peculiarly had been founded by
protestant shepherds never initiates like masones regularly, like rosacruces rendered cultured
respectful to cábala, as much on its Jewish slope as on its Christian slope.
On this period, it reduces to add that cábala Hebrew underwent an important impulse thanks to
rabbi Israel Baal Shem Tov “the teacher of good reputation” (1700-1760), creator and impeller of
the jasidismo. In certain form, at the same time that the masónicas lodges extended by Europe,
the jasidismo towards the own thing in Galitzia, the Ukraine, Poland and Russia Blanca. Jasidim
worked the cabalistic type of kavanot (meditation on the dominion of sephiroth), to look for a
greater property God.
The jasidismo had great rabinas and feminine leaders like Adel or Odel, the daughter of Israel
Baal Shem Tov, or Jana Rajel.
At the end of century XIX, cábala returned to have a specific weight in a new order rosacruz: the
Golden Dawn. Thus, the Golden Dawn was founded in the Great United Lodge of England with
the purpose of distributing lessons rosacruces related to cábala, the magic, the alchemy…
At the present time, the great majority of Rites, orders and Systems of the Western Tradition
remember that cábala is essential in the initiation.
Cábala present in the degrees of initiation of the Rites of the Illuminati Order and Societas OTO
works with the Tree of the Life and sephiroth or divine emanations.
Sephiroth of the Tree of the Life serves so that the initiate, in principle, progresses until being
united with God. Later, in sephirah Kether (Crown), with the support of sephirah Daath
(Knowledge), the initiate deepens in the work; he transforms himself the own God, HOMO EST
DEUS, a being able to transform his reality and the reality that surrounds it, being harnessed with
the Rojista Philosophy into last instance; and he completes the initiation.
To the thread of the related thing, he agrees to have present that cábala that works in the Rites of
the Illuminati Order and Societas OTO is based or, rather, has as he bases the structure of work of
yoga and that the initiate in cábala enters itself in the cabalistic work using the yóguico step of
dharana, like it happens with the tantrismo, Therefore, with the yóguicos base of yoga and the
first steps, the initiate reaches dharana, in which cábala, and also the tantrismo, is developed and
allowed to culminate the initiation. Let us remember once again that the initiate is that that is
transformed into the androgynous alquímico, in androgynous the divine one, a God able to
transform its reality, and also the reality that surrounds it, by means of the philosophy of the
action that is the Rojista Philosophy.
He is interesting to add in this point that the Tree of the Life, its eleven sephiroth and its four
planes are useful to order the hierarchy of degrees of a Rite, something that happens in the Rites
of the Illuminati Order and Societas OTO. The Tree of the Life, his sephiroth and its planes are a
cosmic order that cannot never be lost of Vista.
We have known the tantrismo and cábala, traditional routes of initiation, with which the initiation
is culminated, a culmination that supposes the discovery of HOMO EST DEUS, the transforming
power of the man, the Rojista Philosophy…, like the overcoming of the idealismo.
If in the scope of psychology and the psychoanalysis yoga “wakes up”
the conscious one and “it seeds” with new memories the preconscious
one, for example, the tantrismo and cábala already are useful to
penetrate the unconscious one; to disinhibit it with intense, sexual or
aggressive images, where they appear the eros (sexual instincts or of
autoconservación) and the tanatos (destruction or death instincts); and
to obtain that it arises, by means of desires of destruction (tanatos)
and construction (eros), correctly visualized. The visualizations of
the tantrismo and cábala allow that the unconscious one arises, with an
order and towards a nonsymbolic reality, in the end harnessed by the
Rojista Philosophy.
From the perspective of psychology and the psychoanalysis, it is
possible to be added that the newness of this behavior in cábala and
the tantrismo of the Illuminati Order, Societas OTO or the Rojismo, as
opposed to “the classic” psychoanalysis, are that the own initiate is
the analyst and who the material of the unconscious one does not go to
the conscious one to be rationalized, but that is made him arise in
form of visualizations of destruction (tanatos) and construction
(eros), being the “final touchstone” the Rojista Philosophy. This
canalization extracts of unconscious the forces, impulses and desires,
eliminating not few psychological problems that remained in this one.
All the schools of investigation on the unconscious one warn of the
risks that entail. The Rojismo, like System of initiation that operates
on he himself insconsciente, is not an exception and also it warns. Of
there, the phrase “all the initiates cannot surpass the high degrees”.
What I mean with this? Then, very simple. The canalization of the
unconscious one that is carried out with the Rojismo can eliminate many
problems, to the being indeed canalized of the described form, that is
to say, by means of visualizations. But also, in initiates with a file
of multiproblematic person or psique unbalanced, the risk exists of
which arise all the “mental problems” and it goes away to worse. It is
necessary, therefore, that the initiates of high degree are people
balanced and without a problematic file.
Now, nothing better than to expose the work of cábala of the Xº degree
of the Illuminati Order to include/understand the exposed thing.
In order to make all the exposed one in the chapter more
comprehensible, I present/display an internal and exceptional document
of the Xº degree, Illuminated Priest, of the Illuminati Order. It is
the practice of cábala that serves to complete the initiation with this
degree, with which the initiate reaches the condition of God and can
transform his reality and the reality that surrounds it, harnessed with
the Rojista Philosophy. The practices most difficult to
include/understand have been eliminated of the text, although it stays
the base and the objective. In the reading, it is possible to have
present exposed on psychology and the psychoanalysis.
“The practice of cábala of the Illuminated Priest, who replaces the one
of the previous degree, consists of 2' of asana, 2' of pranayama, 2' of
mantrayoga (Baphomet) and 2' of pratyahara (meditation on Baphomet).
Finished it, the Illuminated Priest of the Illuminati Order visualizes
the following stays of progressive form:
Ascent by sephiroth of the Tree of Vida
MALKUTH (REINO). It visualizes symbols related to the Earth: an altar,
sandals; a queen crowned very sensual, after the altar; a bucket, one
wins and a sword in the altar; a citric or oliváceo color in the stay.
One stays calm and relaxed.
YESOD (FUNDACIÓN). It visualizes a crowned and naked man who carries a
glass in the left hand and a sword in the right; a Moon; sexual visions
of future and, that can work in the case of having interest; a small
green demon; and an violet blue light in all the stay.
HOD (GLORIA). She visualizes a
Baphomet, with a glass in the
sword in the right. The figure
They are touched, caress… The
observes an orange or
figure of quite feminine and attractive
left hand that contains a serpent and a
has feminine chests and falo masculine…
Illuminated Priest consults to him… He
reddish color in all the stay.
NETZACH (VICTORIA). It visualizes a stay of greenish color, a figure of
feminine and attractive Baphomet that insists to touch it to him. They
are touched, caress… The Illuminated Priest consults to him…
TIPHERETH (BELLEZA). First, it visualizes to white stay with to golden color and specks.
There is to tomb with to number 1999, that you have in its inner to star of David, to cross and an
average moon. Soon, it visualizes to giant phase of patriarch, King-Priest and an altar of three
phases (with triangular form). In one, BA is *** reflxed mng. In another one, PHO is *** reflxed
mng. And, in another one, MET is *** reflxed mng. Until King-Priest leads it the triangular
superior altar and she teaches his part to him, where there is to triangle and an eye d and gold,
letters H.A and the inscription in arc form: “The luciferina tradition: Hiram Abiff, Iblis-Samael
and Baphomet, the name of the true God”.
DAATH (CONOCIMIENTO-EL VELO OF THE ABYSS). In Daath, it visualizes a starred sky,
the infinite space, two demons who transport by this sky or infinite space and a starred species of
via that lead it to Kether. During the route, it observes in the East an inverted and covered with
blood cross, that drags a broken man (symbol of the end of the cults of slaves, the death and the
destruction). It exclaims well stingy to the legs of the demons: “I am an initiate who has assumed
the Western Tradition and has discovered the God name”.
BINAH (COMPRENSIÓN). It visualizes a mature and attractive woman with black underclothes.
A lamp, one wins and black a dark gray color/. Binah is a feminine aspect of the Great Face of
God. You and his falo feels like the pair of Binah.
CHOKMAH (SABIDURÍA). It visualizes a man, falo, a twig and sprinkled white clear a gray
color/of shining lights. Chokmah is a masculine aspect of the Great Face of God. Its feminine part
feels like the pair of Chockmah.
KETHER (CORONA). It visualizes to Baphomet (Iblis-Samael-Lucifer), with letters H.A.
(Hiram Abiff) and Z (Zión) in the chest, seated in a red crystal throne. There is a powerful red
light that all includes it (Work to the Red one). He observes the condition of hermafrodita of
Baphomet, with the masculine and feminine attributes very marked. They astonish to its
enormous chests and their powerful and enormous falo to him. It is now when it discovers what
the intriguers call the Great Face (Arikh Anpin). Then, it can talk with Baphomet and interrogate
to him, greater proximity than in sephiroth Hod and Netzach and the Rite of Baphomet.
Soon, one feels in the red crystal throne of Baphomet, which has number 156 and it supplants it.
One becomes Baphomet and it feels an extraordinary power. It is the androgynous alquímico,
androgynous the divine one, a being or God able to change to its reality and the reality that
surround it. For it, it visualizes what it wishes to destroy and what wishes to construct, feeling the
great desire and a great security of which will obtain it. In those visualizations, the God of the
Light feels, destroying and constructing at will. It is in Obra to the Red one.
Finished it, it will happen to Ain Soph (dhyana) and Ain Soph Aur (samadhi), whom the union to
the One is, feeling that only you are the One, that is to say, God.
The necessity remembers to direct all its actions towards the equality and the freedom, as it learns
with the Rojista Philosophy.
In the ascent, they lack sephiroth Geburah (Rigor), where a very frowning king is observed on a
vehicle and a reddish color in the stay, and Chesed (Compassion), where he is observed a king
smiling and a very beautiful bluish color in all the stay. That is everything”.
Culminated the initiation in HOMO EST DEUS with cábala or the tantrismo, assuming the
absence of Gods except for one same one, for the initiate of the Rojismo and his orders, the
Illuminati Order and Societas OTO, arrives the moment for embracing the Rojista Philosophy,
philosophy of the action that supposes the definitive step of the idealismo to the materialism, the
atheism, the atheistic reason, science, the rigor…, that is to say, the overcoming of the idealistic
phase of the System and the triumph of the a materialistic phase of he himself.
The definitive tool will be finally the scientific psychology of the last degrees to
include/understand the gradual evolution of the Rojismo, that will mean the definitive death of all
esoteric idealismo, iniciático, simultaneously historical in the Rojismo. In other words, the
idealistic phase of the System will take step to the materialistic phase, etc. of he himself, with all
its consequences.
Gabriel Lopez de Rojas
“The one Is the man that God has created”.
Ludwig Feuerbach
When initiates in Rojismo culminate initiation and discover that they themselves are God,
that is to say, that they are beings able to transform their reality and the reality that
surrounds them, embrace the Rojista Philosophy. This one serves to operate on means the
initiates of greater degree of the Rojismo. But, what is the Rojista Philosophy?
The utópicos socialist philosophers more outstanding were French Saint Simon (1760-1825), the
English Robert Owen (1771-1858) and the French Charles Fourier (1772-1837). Saint Simon
believed in the harmonious conjunction of wise person-bankers, industralists and workers and in
the social reform directed to the social class more poor man. Owen essentially defended a labor
ethics: human conditions in the work, high wages, formation of the workers, taken care of and
formation of the children, schools of quality… And Fourier, on the other hand, supported
falansterios the agricultural associations or, human nuclei constituted by 1,620 individuals. The
three great philosophers of the utópico socialism thought that the egoísmo promoted by the liberal
ideas had serious deficiencies and devised utópicas socialist societies to correct it.
More illustrious the revolutionary socialist philosophers were Adam Weishaupt; the tripleta that
commanded the Conspiracy of the Equal ones (1796-1797), that is to say, Babeuf, Darché and
Buonarroti; Pierre Joseph Proudhom (1809-1865); and Auguste Blanqui (1805-1881). The
German university professor Adam Weishaupt, as much in his initiation as in his philosophy,
before his final treason to the Illuminati, defended a revolutionary socialism of libertario sign,
with taste by the revolutionary blow on the part of a trained affluent elite, the eradication of the
monarchy, the cults of slaves (Christianity, Islam…), the deprived property, the State, etc. Of the
Blanqui and the tripleta Conspiracy Equal (Babeuf, Darché and Buonarroti) defended a similar
revolutionary socialism. And Proudhom had some variant and, for that reason, the precursor of
the libertario socialism or anarchism has been considered. The utópico socialism filosofeaba on
the world. The revolutionary socialism had a concrete program and aspired to trasformar it, by
means of the revolutionary action.
The philosophers of the scientific socialism or Comunism were mainly Karl Marx and Friedrich
Engels (1820-1895). Karl Marx, natural of Tréveris (Prusia, Renania), dedicated all his life to lay
the the foundations of a scientific methodology that lead to the Comunism, being his more
outstanding works the Manifesto of the Communist Party and the Capital. The scientific
socialism or Comunism, according to was exposed by Marx, was based on the historical
materialism, the fight of classes, the foundation of the communist party on the part of the
proletariado one, the taking of the Power, the dictatorship of the proletariado one, the
appropriation of the proletariado one of production means, change and distribution…, the
distribution of the wealth, the elimination of the social classes and the State… Friedrich
Engels, on the other hand, was the perfect companion for Marx, signing next to him
several of his works. The later philosophers of the scientific socialism to Marx and
Engels created diverse tendencies, almost all faced to each other: Vladimir Ilitch Ulianov
“Lenin” (1870-1924), leninismo; Leon Trotsky (1879-1940), trotskismo; Mao Tse-Tung
(1893-1976), Maoism; Kim Il Sung (1912-1994) and Kim Jong Il (1942-…), Juche
The philosophers of the libertario socialism or anarchism were essentially the Russians Mikhail
Bakunin and Pietr Alexievich Kropotkin. Bakunin laid the the foundations of the anarchism,
emphasizing its Federalismo works, Socialismo and Antiteologismo, Policy and anarchy and
God and the State. The anarchism of Bakunin defended the destruction of all authority, the
property, the State…, by means of the revolution, the appropriation of production means, the
colectivismo (to each one the product of its work occurs him) and other measures. The later
communist anarchism of Kropotkin pleaded to reject the colectivismo that gave to everyone the
product of its work, in favor of the equality of distribution and the Comunism.
The Rojista Philosophy is a new reformulation of the socialism that respects the legacy of the
utópicos philosophers, but that is only nourished of the legacy of the revolutionary socialist
philosophers, socialist scientists (communist) and libertarios Socialists (anarchists). The Rojista
Philosophy compiles the best thing of those philosophers, simultaneously who reject their errors,
being based on the historical experience, which turns it the philosophy of postmodernity and
locates to the Rojismo like postmodern System of initiation.
The Rojista Philosophy serves like useful tool to operate on means the initiates of the Order
Illuminati, Societas OTO, the Rojismo.
The Rojista Philosophy defends the concept that the man is the only owner of the world and its
destiny and that to him corresponds the transformation to him of its reality and of the reality that
surrounds it, in consonancia with the Rojismo. The communist philosopher Karl Marx said that
the philosophers of the utópico socialism filosofeaban on the world and that now he was due to
transform. And the communist philosopher Kim Jong Il, in On the Juche philosophy, aims: “The
Juche idea is a centered philosophical idea in the man… The man is owner of everything and its
own destiny, and he plays the decisive role in the transformation of the world and the forge of his
own destiny”.
The Rojismo and the Rojista Philosophy defend in last instance the man, in the middle of
a progressive and definitive absence of Gods, simultaneously that grant to that the
capacity to him of transformation of their reality and means.
The Rojista Philosophy defends the ideological conscience of the man “owner of the world and
its destiny” like “motor” of all transformation. It is the ideological conscience the one that
determines that the man, being the only owner of the world and its destiny, acts with a system, an
exposition or a certain way of life. An ideological conscience based on the socialism, and the
equality and the freedom, will cause that it is fought by these causes. The communist
philosophers and anarchists defended that they were the material conditions and economic those
that determined finally. Although the Rojista Philosophy recognizes that reality, superposes to her
the determining ideological conscience. He is interesting in this point to remember that the
thought is is material and that that thought appears as material idealidad in this part of the work
dedicated to the Rojista Philosophy.
A first example on the exposed thing around the ideological conscience: some revolutions have
prevailed in countries where not yet the material and economic conditions had been created
appropriate, conditions that the communist philosophers and anarchists like essential defended,
but a high ideological conscience was controlled, as much between the leaders as in the town,
being an example prerevolutionary Russia.
Another example on the saying: the communist countries that thought that suitable the material
and economic conditions were sufficient to reach the Comunism finished defeated (USSR and
Block of the proSoviet East), simultaneously that other communist countries that they gave
priority to the ideological conscience lasted (Korea of the North). Since saying is had, the
communist philosophers and anarchists had part of reason when giving importance to the material
and economic conditions, but they were mistaken when not superposing to them the determining
ideological conscience.
The ideological conscience, that is to say, the ideological factor properly engraving in the minds
of the leaders and the masses, is an indispensable requirement to be indestructible and to
transform means, with freedom and equality, emancipating to the humanity, purpose defended by
the Rojista Philosophy and the Rojismo.
The idealismo is that philosophy that is based on a set of ideas, simultaneously that the
materialism is the philosophy that is based on the matter or the material processes.
Between the more important idealistic philosophers of history we found Plato, the monks of the
Average Age and other times, Descartes, Berkeley, Kant or Hegel, German philosopher who
created the absolute idealismo and that conceived the ideas like only real and the true thing. The
materialistic philosophers to emphasize are the old atomists like Democritus, Diderot, Lamettrie,
Holbach, Marx, Engels, Bakunin…
The Rojista Philosophy defends that in the philosophy two eternal and opposed philosophies
exist: the materialism and the idealismo. The Rojista Philosophy, however, defends the
materialism like determining principle of the beings and its conscience, as opposed to the
idealismo that defends that the one is the world of the ideas that is determining for the human
existence. It is possible to comment that, however, the thought is material and that this thought is
a material idealidad, within the Rojista Philosophy.
Since I have already said in the section of the ideological conscience, the Rojista Philosophy
defends that the ideological conscience, based on the socialism, the equality and the freedom, is
the one that controls and determines in last instance the triumph of the materialism. Therefore, it
can be said that the Rojista Philosophy defends a materialism crowned by the ideological
conscience, a material idealidad, simultaneously that rejects the influential or determining
idealismo like.
On the saying, it is possible to comment that the Rojismo evolves from the idealismo to the
materialism, although crowned this one by the determining ideological conscience, a material
idealidad, of the Rojista Philosophy.
The communist philosopher Karl Marx was able to praise/pour off the balance towards the
materialism, but he did not give importance to the determining ideological conscience, a material
idealidad, without which the materialism fails. And the philosopher anarchist Mikhail Bakunin
also added itself to the materialism, like other revolutionary, communist socialist philosophers
and anarchists, although again without considering the determining ideological conscience and
the material idealidad, first passage towards the failure.
Bakunin, in God and the State, explains: “ Who are right the idealists or the materialists? Once
raised therefore the question, to vacillate it becomes impossible. Without a doubt some the
idealists are deceived and only the materialists are right… All intellectual and moral, political and
social history of the humanity is a reflection of its economic history”.
Certain, but there is no possible victory of the materialism on the idealismo without the
ideological conscience or the material idealidad, like have demonstrated numerous historical
events of last the two centuries, something that is due to consider when operating with the Rojista
For Hegel, the dialectic idealist is a contradiction process or fights, based on the affirmation or
thesis, the negation or contradiction or antithesis of the previous thing, and the fusion of both or
synthesis, that supposes to reach the Idea and an advance with respect to the previous situation.
For Marx, the dialectic one is a process similar, although based on the matter. It assures that the
matter and the man arise and evolve by the union of contradictory impulses. The internal impulse
that appears of the matter, the contradiction and the fight of opposites, takes towards the
For the Rojista Philosophy, Marx guesses right, although forgetting to add in their materialistic,
atheistic, rational process dialectic… the determining ideological conscience or material
The Rojista Philosophy defends the dialectic materialist, atheist, rational, conscious and
defending of the man like “motor” of all transformation, in front of the dialectic idealist, who
subjugates to the man to the will of dogmas, Metaphysical ideals, God…
In relation to the exposed thing, however, it is possible to say that the Rojismo evolves from a
iniciático or esoteric idealismo with nondogmatic expositions to HOMO EST DEUS, the
Philosophy Rojista, the conscious materialism, the dialectic materialist, rational, atheist…
The Rojista Philosophy as opposed to defends the socialism Capitalism. It as opposed to defends
a socialism based on the principles of equality and freedom the Capitalism that generates
inequality and esclavismo.
The socialism is materialistic, dialectic, atheistic, rational, conscious and humanist. Capitalism is
idealistic, Metaphysical, irrational, unconscious and esclavista.
The Rojista Philosophy defends a socialism based on the real equality between the human beings
and the towns, as opposed to the inequality and the esclavismo of Capitalism. It defends an
egalitarian socialism arisen from the colectivización of means of production, change and
distribution, principle defended by the great majority of communist philosophers and anarchists.
The Rojista Philosophy defends a socialism based on the real freedom between the
human beings and the towns, as opposed to the esclavismo of Capitalism, where the
freedom only exists to starve or to think exclusively of the allowed thing.
It defends a libertario socialism arisen to equal to the human beings in his basic necessities
(house, work, feeding, studies, leisure, etc.), so that these do not develop the “freedom to starve”
and can have freedom of action and possibilities, and to eradicate all religious, economic,
political, mediatic idealismo esclavista, etc. that the man ties down and enslaves, being prevailed
to him of its freedom.
This combat against the enumerated esclavismo has been an eternal principle defended by the
great majority of communist philosophers and anarchists. Who does not remember hard
commentaries on the religion of Marx or Bakunin? Moreover critique of the capitalist economy
of such philosophers? And of the political systems protected by Capitalism?
All the evolution and the different degrees from the Rojismo are a constant against the slavery of
any sign and in favor of the freedom and the equality.
The Rojista Philosophy is internacionalist and aspires to a new socialist World order more just
and frees that it emancipates all the humanity. It defends that the values of the socialism must be
the values of the all humanity and, for that reason; it aspires to project them in the international
The socialism always has been internacionalist. The Association the International of Workers or
the First International, founded the 28 of September of 1864 on the St. Martin' s Hall of London,
had in its sine the revolutionary socialist philosophers, socialist scientists (communist) and
libertarios Socialists (anarchists), maintaining a character net internacionalist. Werner
Blumenberg, in Marx, writes: “The international was an association of very respectful
independent working organizations with its independence of several countries… In the
International, there were very diverse currents and tendencies: the followers of Fourier, Cabet,
Proudhon, Blanqui, Bakunin, Mazzini, and Marx…”
The communist philosopher Friedrich Engels, on the necessary internationalism, wrote: “The
communist revolution will not be a purely national revolution, but that will take place
simultaneously in all the civilized countries”.
And, in the IVº Congress of the celebrated Communist International in 1922 the following text
was published: “the IVº world-wide Congress remembers to the workers of all the countries that
the proletarian revolution never will be able to win inside a single country, but in the international
picture, whereas world-wide proletarian revolution”.
The Rojista Philosophy defends that, in spite of the internacionalist character of all the
revolutionary socialism, the Comunism and the anarchism, at the time of the search or takes from
the power, the leaders will adapt to the situation, the historical moment or the reality of each
country, in contrast to the dogmatic and limited internationalism of several families of the
And the Rojismo without complexes makes his whole the internationalism defended by the
Rojista Philosophy. In fact, the international extension of the Illuminati Order and Societas OTO
are only an example of it.
The Rojista Philosophy is a revolutionary philosophy, that is to say, deeply transforming of the
society. Standard that the fan of possible forms of revolution is great and that everyone will adapt
to the historical or political situation of the country, in contrast to the revolution based on dogmas
and limited of some of the families of the socialism.
According to the Rojista Philosophy, two routes exist to accede to the power and to develop the
revolution: the route democratic-parliamentarian and the revolutionary-violent route.
In the first case, a political party is prepared, formed to its pictures, affiliates with a remarkable
number of people and initiates the conquest of the power, appearing to democratic elections. In
the second case, the possibilities are diverse: a popular war headed by a socialist or communist
party, an precise revolution headed by a party of the mentioned ideology or a revolutionary blow
of “a red” elite trained good and Navy.
The maoístas communist philosophers are greater those in favor of the popular war. The
remaining communist philosophers, in the case of deciding on the violent route, are in favor
almost always of the second thesis. And only the revolutionary socialist philosophers Adam
Weishaupt and Louis Blanqui, communist philosopher Leon Trotski - although this one starting
off of the second thesis, or some philosophers anarchists are in favor of the blow revolutionary
duro on the part of “a red” elite.
Trotski, philosopher and Russian revolutionary related to the communist taking of the power in
Russia in October of 1917 and defending one of the internationalism and the permanent
Revolution, before having to leave the USSR by its differences with Stalin, pointed the following
thing on the communist revolutionary blow: “The whole town is too much for the insurrection.
Small troops are needed, fry and done violence to, instructed in the insurrectionary tactics…
It is a too vast plan; it is a strategy that includes too much territory and too many people. It is not
already an insurrection: it is a war.
In order to occupy Petrogrado no is no necessity to take the train in Finland. When part of too
much far, stops one sometimes halfway… It has to rely on the tactics, to operate with little people
in a limited land, to concentrate his efforts on the primary targets, to give directly and hard. I do
not believe that that is so complicated. The dangerous things are always extraordinarily simple. In
order to prevail it is not necessary to distrust of the neither unfavorable circumstances nor FIAR
of which they are favorable. It is necessary to hurt in the belly: that does not make noise. The
strategy of you you require too many favorable circumstances: the insurrection does not need
anything. One is enough to itself”.
In the routes of access to the power and revolutionary development, the situation is necessary to
have present and to act in agreement with the necessities of every historical moment and each
country. For example, in the Europe of principles of century XXI, the revolutionary blow of “a
red” elite could be perhaps a failure, like a maoísta popular war, whereas in other Earth points no.
An example: the maoísta guerrilla of the Nepal that she has against the cords in the beginnings of
century XXI to the corrupt monarchy of that small country.
The Rojista Philosophy is a new reformulation of the socialism that respects the legacy of the
utópicos philosophers, but that is only nourished of the revolutionary socialist philosophers,
socialist scientists (communist) and libertarios Socialists (anarchists). The Rojista Philosophy
compiles the best thing of these philosophers although it rejects his errors, being based on the
historical experience.
The Rojista Philosophy aspires to a tending socialist revolutionary action to equal, to release and
to emancipate all the human beings, to the towns and the whole humanity of the oppression and
the capitalist slavery.
The Rojista Philosophy is a useful philosophy for those initiates of the Rojismo who have
completed the initiation and operate on means, being considered the socialist reformulation of
postmodernity, which turns to the Rojismo a postmodern System of initiation.
pilares de la iniciación sean respetados.
Gabriel Lopez de Rojas
“The oppression of one is the oppression of all
and we cannot violate the freedom of a human being
without violating the freedom of all”.
“The freedom is to such an extent the essence of the man
that until his opponents they include/understand it…
No man fights against the freedom;
in any case, he fights against the freedom of the others.
The freedom has always existed, then,
in all its manifestations,
only that some times like special privilege
and others like universal right”.
Karl Marx.
The Rojista Philosophy of the Rojismo and its orders, the Illuminati Order and Societas
OTO, defend the total freedom of the human beings and the towns, like one of its main
This Rojista Philosophy, therefore, is in favor of a libertario socialism based on equaling
to the human beings in its basic necessities, so that such they are not in the paradoxical
situation of being “free to starve” and can have real freedom of action and possibilities.
Similarly, the Rojista Philosophy defends the act to eradicate all religious, economic,
political, mediatic esclavismo idealistic, etc. that tie down and enslave the individuals,
being prevailed to them of its total freedom.
The triumph in the fight against the idealismo and its different idealistic faces is the
major key for the final triumph of the Rojista Philosophy and its libertario socialism.
And it is possible to add that, in that fight, only one ideological conscience signs and
without fissures will be able to leave victorious.
I present the esclavismos idealistic, also to know as they are the appropriate answers to
such, according to the Rojista Philosophy.
The first man was free and just as his resemblances. Adam Weishaupt said: “The equality
and the freedom are the fundamental rights that the Man, in his original and primitive
perfection, received from the Nature”. Later, the hierarchy, the cults of slaves and the
aristocracy prevailed, imposing the tyranny, until in 1789 the French Revolution gave the
power to the bourgeoisie, heiress of the aristocracy and the cults of slaves, situation that
has stayed except for exceptions until the present.
Although the present bourgeois power assures to even defend values like the freedom, the
equality or the distribution of the wealth…, its indemostrable idealismo at the moment is
evident, since in its sine the slavery in several fields prevails.
In the “bourgeois paradise”, the indemostrable idealismo and its absolute nonsense cause
that the idealistic esclavismo is present in the cults of slaves, the economy and the policy,
mass media, the fashions… In fact, at the present time, the cruelest esclavismo too much
is extended in the idealistic paradise of the bourgeoisie and few, very few, are able to get
rid of their “fabric of spider”. The Philosophy Rojista, the Rojismo, the Illuminati
Order… fights that sad reality.
The Christianity, a sectarian schism of the Judaism, is one of the greater cults of slaves
than it has existed and probably it will exist on the Earth face. Still the Pope that is to the
front of the catholic Church prohibits its faithfuls, among other rights, the sexual
freedom, attacking against sex outside the marriage, the homosexualidad, the lesbianism
or the use of the preservative in the sexual practices. These prohibitions of the Pope look
for to put under million Christian faithfuls an authentic tyranny, by means of the
manipulation of the sexuality, and to preserve one of the esclavistas institutions par
excellence, the family, who in the Christianity always is composed by a faithful and
chaste man and a woman.
The Pope also enslaves when it prohibits to the catholic clergy other many questions that
would have to be subject to the personal conscience of everyone: the sexual practices, the
homosexualidad, the marriage, the procreation…
The protestant Christians or the evangelical groups, who leave from the Reformation of
century XVI undertaken by Martin Lutero against the corrupted catholic Church, have at
the present time as slave-driven beliefs and dogmas as those that inspire to the catholic
Christians, although more in the original message of the founder of the Christianity are
centered, Jesus. They have inherited the catholic tyranny, fruit of the most loquacious
idealismo, in matters of sexuality, marriage…
Another deeply idealistic cult of slaves is the Islam. This one, inspired by Wing (name
given to the divinity by the Muslims), by its Mahoma prophet and the sacred book of the
Corán, also violates the freedom and the equality and enslaves when discriminating
against the women, the homosexuals, the lesbians, the adulteresses, the unfaithful ones to
the Islam, etc., until cruel limits. In addition, an important part of the Islam still continues
declaring the war santa, the Yihad, to all those that do not accept their esclavista creed,
yet what it means at level of wars, terrorism… In this sense, the Islam is located in a
spiral of violence similar to which developed the medieval Christianity.
A third little recommendable cult of slaves is the hinduismo. The cultured mentioned one
violates the freedom and the equality and enslaves to its faithfuls with a chaste system of
racist and stupid and infantile prohibitions. In the system of chaste Hindu, without going
more far, it is prohibited to have contacts with chaste “the inferior one”, the chaste one of
the untouchable ones, for being considered these subhumans, a too idealistic, racist and
slave-driven belief not to consider to the hinduismo a little recommendable cult of slaves.
A point to consider in all this explanation is that jerarcas Nazi, deeply racist and antisemitic, had an extreme devotion by the hinduismo and its chaste ones, because they
thought that the origin of the Aryan race was connected with him. The Christians, the
Muslims and the Hindus are an example of which he can happen under the idealismo.
In order to complete the route by the cults of slaves, finally, he reduces to speak to us of a
fourth cult surrounded in the idealistic esclavismo. And we talked about the Judaism.
Originated by the patriarchs Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and praised by Moisés, who
received from Yahveh (name given to the divinity by the Jews) the Torah in Monte of the
Sinaí, the Jews the birth of the later Christianity and the Islam inspired, always
surrounded in terrible persecutions and exterminations for being a minority cult. After its
slow emancipation as of century XVIII, and coverall after the Holocausto that cost the
life to 6.000.000 of Jews in World War II and of the creation of the State of Israel (1948),
a sector of the Judaism was radicalized and begun to make arise its esclavistas aspects.
Thus, the orthodox Jews of the present State of Israel agreden and stone the lay Jews that
do not wish to celebrate the religious festividades of the Judaism like the Sabat, the
weekly rest, imitating what the Christians in the Average Age or the Nazis in century XX
did with them.
Subtraction to add to the saying that exists other cults of slaves near the described
idealistic esclavismo (buddhism, sintoísmo…) and that these cults are more and more
powerful in our bourgeois and idealistic society, subsequent to the aristocratic society,
although this society assures to defend “values” like the equality, the freedom… This
situation allows the cults of slaves to enslave its faithfuls, to cause wars and situations of
international tension. Some bloody wars and genocides of the last decades are a sad
example of this reality.
We do not forget that the communist philosopher Karl Marx defined to the religion like
“the opium of the town”.
The philosopher anarchist Mikhail Bakunin, in his God and the State, on the cults of
slaves, in addition, affirmed: “Hays here, then, arrived at the manifestation of God on the
Earth. But as soon as God appears, the man is annulled… God appears and the man is
annulled; and the more great the divinity, the more miserable becomes becomes the
humanity. There am all the history of all the religions there”.
The Philosophy Rojista, the Rojismo, the Illuminati Order… locates to the cults of slaves
within the most loquacious and little recommendable idealismo and proposes to become
aware ideological signs and without fissures, not to let them progress in no land and be
able to eradicate them. In contrast to the bourgeois idealismo that protects them, it aspires
to eradicate them.
In the “bourgeois paradise”, the indemostrable idealismo and its absolute nonsense also
cause that the idealistic esclavismo is present in its economic system, Capitalism, and its
political variants (parliamentary democracy and fascismo).
Thus, the bourgeois Capitalism of our time leaves from the industrial Revolution of
century XVIII; it was created and developed by puritanos, Christian, Jewish bourgeois,
etc., in many cases pertaining to the English clerical masonry (Great English Lodge,
today called Great United Lodge of England), founded by protestant shepherds; and it has
reached his point of Maxima expression in the middle of a conglomerate of masones (as
much of masónicas Obediences related to Great United Lodge of England as of not few
Obediences related to the Great East of France), of members of treasonous North
American iluministas orders to the Bavarian principles of the Illuminati of Adam
Weishaupt and sinfín of delinquents of “white neck” related to the previous ones who are
made call financiers, bankers, industralists and some other adjectives more. Today, a
capitalist economy that causes enormous inequalities, hunger, deaths and, in summary
prevails, esclavismo towards most underprivileged. Tragic Panorama for which from the
idealismo of any tendency they tried to lead us to a world better! And if somebody thinks
that it is not thus, what one asks the towns and nations to it pressed by the capitalist
The bourgeois Capitalism, made up of the multinational companies, the Bank and great
finanza international, has financed and finances the parliamentary democracy and its
political parties (preservative, liberal, nationalistic, Social-Democratic, etc.), like the
fascismo (musoliniano fascismo, military nazism, dictatorships). The main political
parties of the parliamentary democracies, in fact, are those that receive more supports of
the bourgeois Capitalism, something that supposes to finish to them become indebted and
“tied of feet and hands”, thing that also happens to them to the facists.
When the parliamentary democracy, the amiable face of bourgeois Capitalism, fails
before the advance of the socialist revolution of any sign, the capitalist bourgeoisie
finances facist political systems to defeat those alternatives of being able and to preserve
its interests.
From the moment at which the parliamentary democracy and the fascismo are capitalist
and belong to he himself, they corrupt and they are esclavistas political systems.
An only exception to the exposed thing could be in the well-known like fascismo of lefts,
viscerally anticapitalist and antisystem. In the fascismo of lefts, the first Italian facists
would fit themselves previous to the taking of the power of the black shirts of Benito
Mussolini, that in many cases were bled; the left wing of the German Nazi party
represented by the Straser brothers (Otto and Gregor), also bled by the own Nazis; the
following falangistas of Manuel Hedilla Larrey (1902-1970), who was condemned until
death by the dictator Francisco Franco, after not admitting the Spanish phalange
adulterated by the Spanish dictator; the Argentine montoneros that ended up assuming the
marxism and being betrayed by Juan Domingo Perón; or the carlismo of lefts in
opposition to Franc… Let us remember that Marx felt a deep affection by the carlista
movement and that demonstrated it in some writings his.
On the exposed thing, it is possible to comment that the parliamentary democracy of
bourgeois Capitalism denies the own term democracy, since this one always must start
off of the town and not of the powerful ones, something that they left an important part of
the revolutionary philosophers very clear socialist, communist and anarchists.
An example of that negation of the true democracy that makes the parliamentary
democracy of bourgeois Capitalism appears reflected in an interesting film of the North
American director Oliver Stone, titled Nixon (1995). The president of the greater
parliamentary democracy of the world goes walking until the stairs of the Capitol of
Washington and students surround it and they request to him that she stops the War of
Vietnam (1964-1975). And he confesses that he cannot, because is not in its hands.
Nixon, in a honesty show, recognizes that the important decisions correspond to their
masters and heads: the bourgeois capitalists of the Bank, the finances, the
The Philosophy Rojista, the Rojismo, the Illuminati Order… proposes to the revolution to
become aware ideological signs and without fissures on Capitalism and its political
systems, not to let them progress in no land and be able to eradicate them, like to the cults
of slaves.
The monarchy is an aristocratic form of government in which the headquarters of the
State is assumed and exerted hereditarily by a denominated person king, monarch or
sovereign. The medieval monarchy had a divine character that reached its maximum
splendor in the Renaissance, when the power of the monarchs was limitless and personal,
but, in later centuries, and coverall from the French Revolution of end of century XVIII
and the triumph of the bourgeoisie on the aristocracy, the monarchy lost supports and
power being defeated in many countries. Today, the few monarchies that stay in the
power usually are constitutional, that is to say, usually they are subject to a constitution,
and admit Capitalism and its two faces: the parliamentary democracy and the fascismo. A
first example of the exposed thing is the king of Spain, Juan Carlos I, who did not have
repairs in cohabiting, first, with the dictator Francisco Franco and, depués, with the
parliamentary democracy. Another example on the same is in the king of Italy, Victor
Manuel III (1869-1947), although in this case with an inverse trajectory to the king of
Spain. In policy, one behaved initially like a respectful king with the parliamentary
democracy. But, in 1922, after the failure of the parliamentary government, it accepted
the restoration of the facist regime of Mussolini. And, in later years, in addition, it
allowed Mussolini to end the democratic opposition and to embark to Italy in World War
At the present time, the monarchies still maintain a dawn of aristocratic divinity that
locates them in many cases over the good and of badly, and beyond the power of the
bourgeoisie. Be worth like examples explained on the kings of Spain and Italy or the fact
that in Spain it is prohibited to speak bad of the king. Thus, in Spain, the monarch is
untouchable, as if an authentic deity he was, with all undemocratic, antisocialist,
antilibertarias, antiigualitarias and esclavistas the connotations that it supposes.
According to article 56 of the Spanish Constitution of 1978, “the person of the king is
inviolable”, which comes to say that it is prohibited to criticize the king or to question it.
Perhaps and that law does not violate the freedom and the equality? Perhaps and that law
does not enslave the Spaniards?
In summary, the monarchy is an idealistic and esclavista political system, because still it
considers to the turn kings divine beings and demands submission from the town to such.
The nationalism, on the other hand, is a political doctrine by bourgeois root subsequent to
the monarchy, more bound to the romanticism of century XIX and equally idealistic and
esclavista. The nationalism for all time has insisted on the realities and the bows of
nationality, looking for concrete objectives that they have been always the independence
of the nation or desire to extend on others the dominion of the same one. Adam
Weishaupt, revolutionary and founding Socialist of the Illuminados de Baviera, enemy
declared of the cults of slaves, the capital, the monarchies and everything what the human
being meant slavery, on the nationalism wrote an anthological phrase: “The nationalism
occupied the place of the love to the fellow”.
In the cults of slaves, God is only the divine thing. In bourgeois Capitalism and its
political systems (parliamentary democracy and fascismo), the wealth is God. In the
monarchies, the king is divine. In the nationalism, the divine thing is the nation. The
esclavista spirit crosses these doctrines and beliefs.
A data that verifies the exposed one is that not few Spanish, French, Italian, Catalan,
Basque nationalists…, are devotee followers of the cults of slaves. Let us remember the
relation of many high people in charge of the Popular Party of Spain with the catholic
sects destructive OPUS DEI and Legionaries of Christ.
A question different from this critic against the idealistic esclavismo that is present in the
nationalism, however, is the self-determination of the towns, for my a democratic right
that must be respected. In this sense I have always expressed when treating the existing
political conflict in the Basque Country, Catalonia, Galicia…
The self-determination is a present principle in public the international right that
legitimizes the right of a town to decide its own forms of government and to structure
itself as he considers it opportune. The constitution of the USSR was first that recognized
this right for its republics. In fact, Lenin, in his thesis the socialist revolution and the right
from the nations to the self-determination (Prosveschenie, 1914), explains: “…
Imperialism is the final stage of the development of Capitalism. In the advanced
countries, the capital exceeded the marks of the national States and placed to the
monopoly in the place of the competition, creating all the objective premises for the
accomplishment of the socialism. For that reason, in western Europe and the United
States the revolutionary fight considers in the daily routine of the proletariado one by the
overthrow of the capitalist governments and by the expropriation of the bourgeoisie.
Imperialism pushes the masses towards this fight when worsening in enormous degree
the class contradictions, when getting worse the situation of the masses, as much in the
economic sense - trusts, scarcity - like in the politician: ascent of the militarismo, greater
frequency of the wars, new outbreak of the reaction, reinforcement and extension of the
national oppression and the colonialista plundering. The victorious socialism must
necessarily make the total democracy; therefore, not only it must put in practice the
absolute equality of rights between the nations, but also make the right of the nations
pressed to his self-determination, that is to say, the right to the free political separation.
The socialist parties that did not demonstrate in all their activity, now, during the
revolution, like after their victory, being able to release to the dominated nations and to
construct the relations with the same ones on the base of a free union - and a free union,
without freedom of separation, it is a mentirosa phrase -, those parties would commit a
treason to the socialism”.
In the ratification of the letter of the UN in 1951, the signatory states within the
framework introduced the right from the towns to the self-determination of the
international diplomacy and the right.
Again, the Philosophy Rojista, the Rojismo, the Illuminati Order… proposes to become
aware ideological signs and without fissures on the reality of the monarchy and the
nationalism, not to let them progress in no land and be able to eradicate them.
In the “bourgeois paradise”, the esclavista idealismo does not disappear with the policy
and the economy, the monarchy or the nationalism, but that returns to be present in the
most important institutions of the bourgeois society, in its mass media, their fashions…
The influence exerted by the cults of slaves during thousands of years is so great that still
there are too many things affected by his esclavismo. One of them is an institution of
extreme importance in the bourgeois society: the family.
Thus, the family is synonymous of slavery. In fact, in its origin, the word family did not
mean the romantic ideal, mixture of sentimentality and authoritarianism, that it wants to
make us observe the “present familiar slave”. The term family leaves from Latin famulus,
that it means domestic slave; and the word family means the set of slaves pertaining to a
same man. “The modern family contains in germ, not only the slavery (servitus), but the
servitude, and from the beginning same guard relation with the loads of agriculture”,
pointed the communist philosopher Karl Marx.
The revolution will have to break the chains of this cruel tyranny, that enslaves, limits
and puts under the individuals from its childhood. It will support other perfectly healthful
models of union like the commune based on the free love, the polygamy (several women
with a man), poliandria (several men with a woman), the homosexual or lesbian pair…
That does not mean that the Philosophy Rojista, the Rojismo, the Illuminati Order… is in
favor of the fashion gay that has prevailed in some western countries, by its bourgeois
character, idealistic and slave-driven, like the one of any other fashion. Homosexualidad
yes, manipulation no, please.
To the saying, it is possible to add that the USSR countermanded the laws against the
homosexualidad in 1917, an exceptionally early date, and that the anarchists never
persecuted to anybody by sexual questions. Spanish president Jose Luis Rodriguez
Zapatero guessed right when obtaining that the law of homosexual marriages was
approved recently in Spain and when commenting that “its triumph is the triumph of all,
also of which they are against, because it is the triumph of the freedom”.
Masón like him is not bad for a Social Democrat.
Another institution affected by the esclavista idealismo in the “bourgeois paradise” is the
State, although this one is present than the millenarian “perfect” family. Although the
term Been usually is used to designate all organized political unit, would have to be used
to only designate the forms of political organization arisen in Europe from the
Renaissance: the call Been modern. The first manifestation of the modern State was the
absolutista (catholic Kings, Enrique Tudor, Luis XII, Luis XIV), since, later, with the
triumph of the bourgeoisie, Capitalism and new philosophies arose that took step to the
liberal State of century XIX and to the totalitarian State of century XX. At the present
time, the modern States, in theory based on rights and individual duties, can be centralist
(Spain), unionistas (Great Britain) or federals (EE.UU., ex- USSR…). In a State they can
exist one or several nations, as it is the case of Spain, although the Spanish centralist
State has refused to explicitly recognize it until the present.
The State, although fundamental in its beginnings, will have to lose its importance when
being reached the revolutionary profits, to avoid that it can finish turned a tyrant who
ends up enslaving to the own town that constituted it.
The revolutionary, communist socialist philosophers and anarchists recognized that the
family and the State, a species of “great family”, could be dangerous.
For Adam Weishaupt, the nature of the States had to be surpassed, until reaching the
absence of such. In the Illuminated degree of initiation Leader of the Illuminated ones of
Baviera, we read: “The nature has started to the human species of the savagery and it has
associated it in States; of the States we entered another new stage more sensibly chosen.
For our desires new alliances form, and by these we arrived again at the place from where
we have left, that is to say, to the free life, but in a final stage to the primitividad”.
The communist philosopher Friedrich Engels wrote a skillful work on the subject that
occupies to us: The origin of the family, the property and the State (DeBarris, 1998).
Karl Marx also wrote: “The State is a pure abstraction. The concrete thing is the town: it
is authentic State”.
And Mikhail Bakunin, in his God and the critical State, on the states,
made one lasts: “AT heart, the conquest not only is the origin, is also
the supreme aim of all great or small, powerful or weak, despotic or
liberal, monarchic or aristocratic, democratic and socialist the States
In the Sixties and seventy of the past century XX, some philosophers or
thinkers ace the Dutch Anton Pannekoek (1873-1960) and the French the
the Georges Gurvitch (1894-1965) took care to analyze from the
communist and anaquista perspective the experiences and errors in the
field of the thought and the political practice of the past, insisting
on the for end of the state longed by Marx or Bakunin.
Pannekoek, in several of its works, analyzed the experiences of
comanagement and Consejismo of Yugoslavia de Tito, where from the state
it began a decentralization and comanagement with the working advice.
Pannekoek saw therefore the culmination of the end of the state: “The
working class will not be able to affirm and to win more than on
condition that to take by itself its destiny… The organization of the
advice is the instrument that allows the workers to assume the function
that consists of organizing the production as the revolution
Pannekoek designed a method of progressive decentralization of the
State, until the delivery of the power of decision completely to the
society, thesis gathered by the Rojista Philosophy as possible form of
progressive elimination of the state.
For the philosopher and specialist in psychoanalysis Carlos Roldán, the
Rojista Philosophy is similar to the proposals of Pannekoek in which it
concerns the state and other subjects, because it gathers the best
thing of the Comunism and the anarchism. Roldán says in its work HOMO
EST DEUS and autogestión to us (Baphomet Magazine, 2006): “The Rojista
Philosophy elaborates and thinks postmodernity from the critical spirit
of synthesis gathered about these thinkers, adopting the Marxist
cientifismo of the political practice and assuming the strategy of
control of being able… We proclaimed the autogestión like the way
towards the culmination of the values of the Comunism”.
The cult to the State (estatolatría) is one more a variant from the
cult to the nation, the king, the capital, the esclavista God of turn…
and, like the esclavismo of the family, is due to remember very in the
ideological conscience, not to let it progress in no land and be able
to eradicate it.
Bourgeois Capitalism finances the parliamentary democracy and the
fascismo, as already I exposed previously, and, in addition, also is
proprietor of mass media of both systems (television networks,
newspapers, magazines, radios…), to which it uses to manipulate, to
indoctrinate and to enslave to the masses with the idealismo most manycolored, facing avoiding that these reason and problems within its
parliamentary democracies or of its fascismo of turn.
The mass media that exist in the parliamentary democracies or of the
fascismo, in fact, are only free to approach a series of concrete
subjects and facing giving always favorable opinions to the bourgeois
capitalist masters.
The sophisticated techniques that use these mass media at the time of
offering the news, to manipulate and to enslave are infinite. The news
are emphasized or hidden, depending on which it is desired that it is
the news. The news are surrounded (surroundings-I mark) by other news,
to discredit them, to overvalue them, etc. The news of a financial
scandal can be surrounded by other news of robberies, so that it
happens more unnoticed. The news are altered or changed by means of the
holders, entradillas, the outstanding, the images, the phrases or the
words that accompany them. A holder or a negative image can turn the
positive news a refusal, and vice versa. The news, beside the point,
are altered by means of the descontextualización. The news outside its
divided section or will happen unnoticed or it will not be
In Spain, the press has several subjects’ taboos, where the
manipulation and the esclavismo are enormous. The subject taboo par
excellence is the monarchy, which since already I have said is
inviolable according to the Constitution. King Juan Carlos I was
photographed naked by paparazzi and the photos appeared published in
the Italian magazine Novella 2000. To the Spaniards, nevertheless, they
did not allow to see “the enchantments us” of the nudist king. On the
other hand, the king had a romance with the Barbarian actress King and
this one recorded very delicate images and conversations. And the
State, again, did possible and the impossible thing to avoid that it
extended to the public, with many million of by means, forcing to the
Spaniards not to know the details so peculiar romance. Manipulation,
submission, and esclavismo.
Before this panorama, there am is not strange to enormously read opinions critics towards
mass average and the journalists, like the one of the well-known to writer and nor
sociologist teamericano Noam Chomsky, who says: “The great newspapers and the
television networks make or manipulate the opinion of 80% of the population. A way
exists to treat the news, to choose them, to limit them. In EE.UU., there are 1,800
newspapers, 11,000 weekly, 11,000 radio transmitters, 2,000 television channels, 2,500
editorials. More of 50% it is controlled by a twenty of companies”.
The famous journalist Janet Malcom still is harder than Chomsky when affirming: “Any
journalist who is not so stupid or that so she is not enamored with itself that does not feel
what it is happening, cannot let know that an immoral office practices. At the moment, to
work of journalist is to do of informer of somebody or to look for a confidence that is not
deserved later to betray it”.
The Philosophy Rojista, the Rojismo, the Illuminati Order… proposes to become aware
ideological signs and without fissures on the sad reality of capitalist mass media, not to
let them progress in their present sense.
The fashions have a purpose different from the one from mass media, within bourgeois
Capitalism and its different idealistic faces, although the fashions need the aid of mass
media almost always to prevail. In fact, without those means, many fashions of last the
one hundred years would not have existed. And which is the purpose of the fashions in
the framework of being able capitalist bourgeois? Whereas the mass media manipulate,
they indoctrinate and they enslave to the masses, the objective of the idealistic fashions is
to distract the same masses and to still more enslave them so that they do not pay any
attention to the questions of importance and the reason, something of extreme interest the
The fashions have been prepared properly to distract and to enslave to each sector of the
population. Thus, of entrance, the fashion of the sport spectacle (soccer, basketball,
cycling, etc., of high competition) is used like distraction of an important part of the
masculine population. This one turns the most outstanding sportsmen ídolos and centers
the minds of the town in its abilities with a ball or a bicycle of races. In fact, those ídolos
are pseudosportsmen obsessed with multimillionaire and stuffed contracts of artificial
drugs, more similar to “stars” of the old Roman circus that to true athletes in the strict
sense of the word. What was of the healthy motto “mens healthy in corpore” and of the
philosophical exposition that had the sport at the classic time?
Another directed fashion to distract and to turn aside attentions of the subjects of interest
with a clear esclavista tendency is the fashion in the indumentaria. In this case, the
objective, however, is the women. Million women of our time “stucco” their minds every
year thinking about as fleeting fashions as stupid, since only that offer these are a change
of image every year pathetic. The existing corruption in the field of the fashion, with
models also obsessed with multimillionaire contracts and drug problems in enough cases,
is enormous. By the way, the term has been used “models”; Yet, Modelllings of the
fictitious appearance.
One third prepared fashion to distract, to turn aside attentions of the interest subjects and
to enslave is the great business of music pop-rock and its variants: heavy-metal, music
disc… Bourgeois Capitalism absorbed the phenomenon of rock' n' roll of the Fifties and
the movement hippye and the seventy and sixty pop-rock, to lead back it to its taste and
to use it like distraction of masses, in this case between the young people. It is evident
that many young people of our time lose infinity of hours and good part of their talent;
enslaved capacity or personalidadad behind ídolos worried about their multimillionaire
and stuffed contracts about drugs. In order to distract the youngsters, the capitalist
multinationals of music pop-rock design “niñatos of plastelina”. In order to distract the
youngsters, the multinationals design and sell “putón verbenero” that requires the market.
Other idealistic fashions exist that enslave to million people also promoted by bourgeois
Capitalism, which they have great masters in the art to manipulate and to enslave, but the
exposed thing is sufficient to show a shameful esclavista reality, reality that, according to
the Rojista Philosophy, the ideological conscience must remember very, to be able to
eradicate it with the determining ideological conscience.
The freedom is too great to pillar for the Rojista Philosophy and, in addition, for the
Rojismo, the Illuminati Order… And, for the triumph of that proclaimed freedom, the
eradication of the enumerated esclavistas idealismos sets out, by means of the ideological
conscience, guardian of the Rojista Philosophy and the new revolution. An ideological
conscience that also pays attention to libertario socialism based on equaling to the human
beings in its basic necessities, so that these gain in freedom of action and real
Gabriel Lopez de Rojas
“Dan Brown and other writers speak of the Illuminati like scientists.
Yes we are it, but in a sense different from the one from its words”.
The author
Throughout the present work, I have spoken in repeated ocaciones of scientific
psychology like understanding tool of the Rojismo, present in the last phase of this
System. In fact, in the own work, I have used psychology and the psychoanalysis to
explain some aspects of the initiation in the Rojismo. This last chapter I dedicate it,
therefore, has to relate the history of scientific psychology and to explain its relation with
the Rojismo and, by all means, its orders: the Illuminati Order and Societas OTO.
Scientific psychology, subsequent to philosophical psychology, was born in 1879, of the
hand of Wilhelm Wundt, who settled down the first laboratory of experimental
psychology. The delay of the development of psychology was due to the spiritual
character attributed to the soul, which caused that it was not experienced. However, also
it influenced in the delay the necessity of scientific methods and observation instruments.
The new scientific psychology took the problems treated in philosophy (dualismo bodymind, etc.) to give to its study a scientific sign. And, thus, one went of philosophical
psychology to scientific psychology.
It is possible to be said that psychology is the science of the human conduct and animal,
that groups systematized knowledge and reaches the knowledge of the human conduct
elaborating hypothesis on the conduct of the animals.
Today, psychology has diverse areas of study: psychology animal, evolutionary
Psychology, pathological Psychology, the Psicofisiología, social Psychology…, like
several fields of application, that is to say: scholastic Psychology, clinical Psychology,
industrial Psychology…
On the other hand, the associationism English, based on the mind and accepted by Wundt
and the new scientific psychology, looked for explanations on the complex world of the
mind and the intellect, being based on the knowledge and the analysis of the mind, the
idea, the intellectual conscience, etc. The laws that the English associationism defended
The contigüidad law: two psychic processes that happen simultaneously or successively
associate to each other.
The frequency law: the associations that are made most frequently are those that last
The recencia law: the associations that are made recently are also those that last more.
The establishment of born scientific psychology with Wundt happened thanks to Biology.
Charles Darwin (1809-1882), analyzing the material gathered in his trips (animals, plants
and fossils), reached his thesis of the selection that carries out the nature, selection that
allows that only species or individuals survive. And it supposed the opening of new fields
of psychological investigation: psychology differential, inheritance-means, learning,
motivation, psychology animal.
Also from Biology, Francis Galton (1822-1911) took psychology to the progress and to
the human life. One created the problem of eugenesia and the one of the inheritance of
the psychic or mental characteristics, speculating even with the selection of special men
to obtain the ideal humanity in the future. Considered the father of the mental test,
Galton, in the dispute between means and the inheritance like determining factor, one
inclined like good biologist at the last one.
A new school of scientific psychology was the functionalism, which was born with John
Dewey (1859-1952) and the concept of the reflected arc in psychology was inspired by its
work. The new school supposed a reaction against the psychologists Wundt and Tichener,
the mental introspection, the conscience, betting by the respect to Biology. The
functionalism studied and studies the mind, without leaving of side Biology; in addition it
lasts like school of scientific psychology that accepts principles, theories or aspects of
these, put under experimentation and critic.
Ivan Sechenov (1829-1905) contributed to give to psychology a nature of experimental
and objective science. The psicofisiología of Sechenov was based on which all activity
can be reduced to muscular movements and in which all reaction of physiological,
psychic, conscious and unconscious the organism, is a reflected act. Therefore, for
Sechenov, the conduct depended radically on the means that stimulated it. The one was
the means that determined.
The psychology of Sechenov was asociacionista, that is to say, defended the
reflexológico associationism and prepared the way to the reflexología of Paulov and
Bechterev, facilitating the future investigation to psychologists and Russian
Ivan Paulov (1849-1936) is a landmark in the history of scientific psychology. After
years of work and experiments with animals, he defended that the incondicionados
reflections are insufficient for the adaptation to means and that, for that reason, answers
acquired by agreement are needed scientifically, demonstrating that the one is the means
that determines. Paulov was a great scientist and, first of all, a physiologist whom with
great rigor that demonstrated the means are determining, like made Sechenov previously.
Towards 1950, the figure of Paulov totally was recognized in the USSR and incorporated
to the list of philosophical authorities like Marx, Engels, Lenin, etc. In fact, in the USSR
the profits on neuropsicología of the learning, superior nervous activity, language,
psicopatología, sensorial interaction was important…
After the Revolution of October of 1917, in the USSR it was created a materialistic
psychology, the material cradle in means and conditions like determinants, being
denounced some idealistic and Metaphysical schools. This is the first school of
psychology that is connected clearly with the Philosophy Rojista, the Rojismo, the
Illuminati Order…, by its condition of materialist and its scrupulous respect towards
John B. Watson (1878-1958) gave to psychology the character of study of the conduct
and combined the functionalism, the experimental method of psychology animal and the
agreement of Paulov. Its capital work was the conductismo, appeared in 1925, in which it
granted importance to the atmosphere, simultaneously that reduced it to the inheritance.
The conductismo supposed and supposes to avoid nonproven statements experimentally;
the negation of the psychoanalysis, the introspection…; and the acceptance of the
agreement and the learning. The initiator of the conductista school was not, nevertheless,
Watson, but Thorndike, which elaborated a theory of the conduct, based in the learning.
Between the later conductistas psychologists to Watson, they emphasize A.P. Weis,
radical conductista that rejected the conscience and the mentalismo, considering
psychology like a part of the physics; Edward B. Holt, who tried to unite conductismo
and psychoanalysis, school that also is connected with the Rojista Philosophy, the
Rojismo, etc. and of that I speak immediately, and rejected the inheritance until the end to
affirm that the incondicionados reflections also were acquired at the prenatal time or the
first childhood; W.S. Hunter, the creator of the antoponomía that dedicated to psychology
animal, with experiments on slowed down answers, temporary labyrinth…; Lashey, the
famous conductista; and Z. and. Kuo, related to psychology animal and defender to the
maximum of the conductista environmentalism. Between the more recent conductistas
psychologists, or neoconductistas, Skinner emphasizes F.B., who defends that the task of
science consists of describing what it sees itself and in looking for functional relations
between the observed phenomenon and the phenomena already known.
Year 1912 is considered like the year of the birth of the school of Gestalt, as a result of
the observations of Max Wertheimer (1880-1943) on the phenomenon “Fi” or
phenomenon of the apparent movement. The psychology of the Gestalt arose in
Germany, at the same time that Watson founded the conductismo. The gestaltistas assure
that the analysis destroys the reality that is tried to analyze, losing the object when
fragmented being. But the Gestalt, in version of Köhler, that extended to Biology and the
physics, retractó of this affirmation a posteriori and made sure not to leave the analysis
like scientific method applied to units and natural elements, but never to something
created artificially like, for example, had they made other schools of scientific
If the American conductismo has some points based on the inheritance, the cult to the
learning and the idealismo, the Gestalt still surpasses it in idealismo, being a school very
influenced by idealistic philosopher’s type to Kant. Antonio Caparrós, in the school of
the Gestalt, affirms that “the psychology of the Gestalt is a typically German
phenomenon. In Germany more than in no other site he has sense to affirm that scientific
psychology comes from the philosophy… The shade of Kant hung so much over the
philosophy as psychology”.
Before the idealismo in psychology, materialistic psychology is put in front, that is to say,
the one that proclaims that they are the matter and the means those that determine, in
consonancia with Ivan Paulov, Bechterev and, in certain form, the psychoanalysis in
several of his versions. They are these two schools those that interest us in their relation
with the Rojista Philosophy, the Rojismo, the Illuminati Order…
Sigmund Freud, as already I aimed previously, was the founder of the school of the
psychoanalysis at the end of century XIX.
The psychoanalysis standard that exists an unconscious one, denominated in the
beginnings “the matter of the soul”, that is a psychic instance, that is finally determining
in the conducts of the people. The unconscious one during all the life fills with images,
associations and chains of significant, viviencias, that the conscious one by causes like
the culture does not assimilate, the education, the indoctrination…, playing a decisive
role in the own subjectivity.
In the unconscious one, the more hidden forces, impulses and desires, those of eros
(sexual instincts and of autoconservación) and tanatos are those memories portenciando
(destruction and death instincts), repressed by the conscious one, which generates
For Freud, the dreams, for example, mask desires, the repressed impulses….
The analyst of the psychoanalysis facilitates through a series of therapies that the material
of the unconscious one evolves towards the conscious one, to rationalize it and to return it
logical, with the spirit to surpass the neurosis.
But the psychoanalysis establishes a wound psychological (the man is not master of his
“house”), caused against the human narcissism, added to a cosmological humiliation (the
Earth is not the center of the universe) and to another biological humiliation (the man is
relative of the monkey). The discovery of the unconscious one (more hidden file of
forces, impulses and desires), in principle, appears like a hard blow to any supremacy,
although, however, it is only a blow in principle.
The blow can be surpassed by means of the Rojismo, which by means of cábala and the
tantrismo releases the unconscious one and it projects it towards the conscious one, it
does not stop to rationalize it as it makes the analyst of “the classic” psychoanalysis, but
to use it, in the establishment harnessed by the Rojista Philosophy of HOMO EST DEUS,
the man-God owner of itself and its destiny.
It is important to establish one guessed right distinction between instinct (innate and
prefixed way of behavior) and pulsión, which we understand like dynamic representation
that it moves to the man.
On the psychoanalysis, it reduces to add that it grants extreme importance to the
individual sexuality and historical factors, as well as that eliminates the border between
perversion and sexual normality (Ej. fetichismo, sadism and masoquismo), establishing
stages of psicosexual development (oral, anal, fálica, genital) with infantile experiences,
whose contents located in the unconscious one and being potenciadores of tanatos eros
and continue influencing of by life.
The importance of individual history within the psychoanalysis demonstrates that the
means also determine in this school of psychology, like with Paulov and Bechterev.
These two schools are those that are connected with the Rojista Philosophy, the Rojismo,
the Illuminati Order… The psychoanalysis is connected, because the tool turns out par
excellence to include/understand the Rojismo and by its respect to determining means,
whereas the Russians Paulov and Bechterev, and also the psychoanalysis specially in
their slope of freudomarxismo, connect themselves by their respect to the materialism
and the average one like determining factor.
It agrees to add that, little by little, dissidences in the psychoanalysis, headed by Alfred
Arose Adler (1870-1937), first disciple of Freud who founded the School of Psychology
of the Individual; Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961), another great disciple of Freud who
founded the Psychoanalytic or Complex School; Otto Rank (1884-1939)… Nearer us in
the time, Karen Horney, Erich Fromm, Harry S appeared the North American
psychoanalysts such as: Sullivan as well as the mentioned Freudian Marxism of Wilhelm
Reich, among others; or the Lacaniana School, founded by the French Jacques Lacan.
Adler reduced importance to the instincts and the biological forces and was centered in
the familiar relations. Jung reduced importance to the sexuality and thought that it is the
present and not the past the one that generates neurosis, aside from defending the
unconscious personnel and the unconscious group, formed by archetypes, and the idea to
direct the most primitive impulses of the man, theory defended by the Rojismo. Rank
thought that the origin of the neurosis was at the moment of the birth.
On the other hand, nearer in the time, the North American psiconalistas, in consonancia
with Adler, think that the personality leaves from the social relations and reject the
instincts, the hereditary forces, the biological foundations of the psychoanalysis, in spite
of not denying the importance of the unconscious one. Freudomarximo puts of relief the
reactionary and bourgeois factors of the psychoanalysis, accepting the instincts, because
they reject the social factor like transformer and determinant, although do not associate
the sexual liberation with the political liberation, etc. The Lacaniana School has reformed
the discoveries of Freud in terms of the linguistic modern estructuralista, defending that
the unconscious one is articulated like a language.
The psychoanalysis and their internal dissidences are an ample field and in constant
movement and transformation, very together with the Rojismo.
The schools of scientific psychology and the innovators of the last decades are not few.
Konrad Lorenz (1903-1989) and Niko Tinbergen (1907-1988) was the initiators of the
etología that retook the importance of the instinct, forgotten among others by the
conductista school. The etólogo is a student of the conduct animal, specialized in zoology
that observes the animals in its environment or natural habitat. According to the etólogos,
the instincts are inherited, stereotyped and specific patterns of conduct and have their
own energy, which is accumulated by means of internal biochemical processes until it is
released, by means of the action exerted by stimuli of environment. The etólogos affirm
that the human motivation has an instinctive base, accentuated by the aggressiveness,
although with the possibility of channeling it and to give a social sense him. It is evident
that the material means and conditions are those that determine in the end, over the
Another important innovation in the psychology of the last decades has been the one that
drift of D.C. McClelland and its collaborators, that is to say, the one of the study of the
motivation. They affirm the innovators who the motivations awake by changes of the
emotional state and that the most important motivation is the reason for the profit. The
reason for the profit, today, in the capitalist-competitive societies, is the competition and
the other people's defeat. It gives the impression that the psychology of the last times
surrenders in excess before the inheritance, the instincts, the idealismo…
Finally, in the last decades, we found the philosophical existencialismo also influencing
with its idealismo in existencial psychology and humanist, which supposes a new
backward movement towards “fictitious skies” with respect to the psychoanalysis or the
Russian school, described in previous paragraphs. Perhaps, most remarkable of this
peculiar built the framework for idealistic one it is the hierarchic theory of Abraham
Maslow (1908-1970), who defends that the man is motivated by several types of ordered
motivations of hierarchic form. In the base, they would be the physiological necessities
(hunger, thirst…). Soon they would appear necessities of security (house, savings…).
Later, the necessities from property, love would arise, considers…
Seen the sight, it reduces to say that the scientific psychology of the last times, except for
honorable exceptions, walks enough to the loss, stimulated by a idealismo that in most of
cases starts of the philosophy and finishes in psychology. But, how works with scientific
psychology the Rojismo and the Illuminati in their high degrees of initiation? How
includes/understands the System of initiation by means of psychology?
From psychology, the psychoanalysis and Science are managed to include/understand
with depth the denominated System of initiation Rojismo, which nourishes Illuminati at
your service and Societas OTO.
The conscious one is the part of the mind that allows becoming aware from which it
happens around to ours. The first degrees of the Illuminati Order, Societas OTO or the
Rojismo, work in that sense. The preconscious one lodges memories of the life that
usually are not present. We remembered them in not too many occasions. The first
degrees and the intermediate degrees of the Illuminati Order, Societas OTO or the
Rojismo seed new memories. The unconscious one lodges the memories that we do not
know at conscious and preconscious level, harnessing these to the forces, more hidden
impulses and desires, those of eros (sexual instincts and of autoconservación) and tanatos
(instincts of death and destruction), that remain repressed by the conscious one. The
practices of tantra, cábala, “contact” with Baphomet (the Liber Zión) or of “contact” with
the Superior Strangers of the elevated degrees of initiation more of the Illuminati Order,
the Societas OTO or the Rojismo make them arise from unconscious disordered, chaotic
and the symbolic one, allowing who conduct themselves, with order and towards a
nonsymbolic reality, finally with the aid of the Rojista Philosophy. It is in consonancia
with Jung, who bet to harness the future using the primitive impulses of the man.
In the practices of cábala and tantrismo of the elevated degrees of initiation more of the
Illuminati Order, the Societas OTO or the Rojismo, must “destroy” and “construct”
different realities visualized by one same one, which wakes up and allows to arise the
forces, the impulses or the most hidden desires of eros and tanatos, or tanatos and eros.
Soon all it power with the Rojista Philosophy.
In the “contact” with the Superior Strangers, also the initiate of high degree of the
Rojismo, the Illuminati Order, Societas OTO… penetrates a castle (the unconscious one)
and makes “contact with the enemy” with the Superior Strangers, who transmit messages
to him (messages of the unconscious one).
From the perspective of psychology and the psychoanalysis, it is possible to be added that
the newness of this behavior with cábala and the tantrismo of the Illuminati Order,
Societas OTO or the Rojismo, as opposed to “the classic” psychoanalysis, are that the
initiate exerts of analyst and who the material of the unconscious one does not go to the
conscious one with the spirit to rationalize it, but that is made him arise with
visualizations of destruction (tanatos) and construction (eros), being the Rojista
Philosophy the great final aid. This canalization makes arise of unconscious the forces,
impulses and desires, eliminating psychological problems that remained in the
unconscious one.
The schools of investigation on the unconscious one warn of the risks that he himself has.
The canalization of the unconscious one that is carried out with the Rojismo can get to
eliminate problems, to the being canalized these within the visualizations. But also, in
initiates with a file of multiproblematic person, the risk exists of which arise “mental
problems” and it gets worse. In order to avoid that, it is necessary that the initiates of high
degree are balanced people and without a problematic file.
Aside from the exposed thing, we can insist on which the psychoanalysis creates a
psychological wound (the man is not master of his “house”) against the human
narcissism, added to a cosmological humiliation (the Earth is not the center of the
universe) and to another biological humiliation (the man is relative of the monkey). The
discovery of the unconscious one (more hidden file of forces, impulses and desires) is a
blow very it last to the supremacy of the man, but, however, it only treats don't mention it
more than a blow. When they arise from unconscious the most hidden forces, impulses
and desires, by means of an iniciático System like the Rojismo, these can be led back in
an appropriate direction, obtaining objective and closing the commented psychological
wound. Of this form, discovering our desire to be able by means of the Rojismo and
leading back this desire by way of the Rojista Philosophy, we can assume the control of
the pulsiones and return to be owners of our being and of the world that surrounds to us.
That, and another one, which is not little, is not the desire of illuminati.
Gabriel Lopez de Rojas
A God of the Light, denominated Baphomet, Lucifer, Iblis, Prometheus…, who appear
throughout the times between the templarios, rosacruces, illuminati, the masonry exists,
being the true conductor from the initiation.
The medieval and present templarios had and have like God of the Light to Baphomet,
the “head talking”. He himself God of the Light in several expressions (Baphomet,
Lucifer…) it has been important for the Illuminati for all time. Dan Brown, in Angels and
Demons (Umbriel, 2004), therefore explains it, although surrounded in its
fantasies.Rosacruces and their branches Golden Dawn and Thelema consider to
Baphomet very. Finally, the modern masonry also incorporated and incorporates in its
rituals and lessons, although less and less, to the God of the Light in its expressions of
Iblis, Baphomet, Lucifer… Let us remember that General Albert Pike, in one of great
masónicos treaties, Morals and Dogma of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of
Freemasonry, wrote: “LUCIFER, The Carrier of the Light! Strange and mysterious name,
dice to the Spirit of the Darknesses! Lucifer, the Son in the morning! He is the one who
takes the Light, and with its intolerable brilliance blind person to the weak, sensual or
egoistic Souls? You do not doubt, because the Traditions are full of divine Revelations
and Inspirations, and the Inspiration to it is not of an Age, nor of a creed. Plato and Filo'n
also were inspired”.
In summary, it is possible to be said that a God of the Light exists, denominated
Baphomet, Lucifer, Iblis, Prometheus… that appears between the templarios, the
Illuminati, rosacruces, the masonry…, carrying the Light and the initiation.
The denominated System of initiation Rojismo and its orders (Order Illuminati and
Societas OTO) centers the initiation in the God of Luz Baphomet, since it has been seen
in the present work; therefore, nothing better than to know it a little better.
The figure of Baphomet has been subject in repeated occasions are little rigorous
interpretations. The deceased Montague Summers, presumed expert in demonología and
witchcraft, derived the word from the Greek term Baph Metis, baptism of Light. The
occultist Madeline Montalban, founder of the Order of the Star in the morning, defended
the hypothesis that the name was derived from the exotic Bfmaat word, which meant “the
Opener of the Door”. And the occultist French Eliphas Lévi assured in his works that the
secret of so mysterious name was discovered when investing its letters. I will not be who
between in the controversy. For me, the most correct appreciation is than Baphomet
means baptism of Light and Wisdom.
In any case, following the excellent drawing that made Eliphas Lévi, we found the
symbols that demonstrate that Baphomet is, without a doubt, the God of the Light and the
Lévi drew to Baphomet with head of goat, androgynous characteristics and iniciáticos
symbols, seated on a bucket. Between the horns of the organization it drew pentragrama
and a torch. In his body it added to feminine chests and falo with twig form of Hermes, a
masculine arm and a other feminine and hand upwards and another hand downwards,
indicating to an increasing moon and another decline. Each arm had a word in Latin:
solve and coagulates.
Let us review the symbols mentioned from the simbología. The gross stone symbolizes to
masón in gross state, the Apprentice. The bucket of six faces (square) symbolizes to
masón in elevated state, the Companion. The square that is related to the bucket is the
symbol of the world and the nature. In him we found the name of God in Hebrew,
YHVH, the four elements, the four stations. We have, then, to a Baphomet seated on the
world, the God of the Creation.
The torch symbolizes the divine Light and is taken by which it carries the Light to the
humanity. Baphomet is, therefore, according to the simbología, the God that carries the
Light. Does not agree this explanation with the condition of God of the initiation of
Pentagrama or stars of five ends has been used from the dawn of the humanity. The
Pythagoreans denominated Pentalfa and some initiates tie Syrian, the first God that,
perhaps, knew the humanity. Kenneth Grant, head of the English OTO and last disciple
of Aleister Crowley, pointed that “for Egyptian the Syrian he was expressed by the
hieroglyphic of the teeth and the serpent, being she it fundamental mother who give birth
to seven planets known like the determinadores of the time”. It would be possible to be
added that Syria he is also represented by the dog and it is the “star in the morning”, the
star that gives origin to the Creation… Baphomet, by all it, appears with a related symbol
the first God, to the Fundamental Light.
The right state of pentagrama symbolizes the triumph of the spirit on the matter; the
inverse state, on the other hand, symbolizes the opposite. Pentagrama of Baphomet
appears in its right state, because its figure is divine and iniciática, nonmaterial as it is the
case of Satan. In fact, the present satanic sects use pentagrama in investment.
The rest of simbología of Baphomet, nevertheless, must be observed from the hermetism
and its seven hermetic principles. The symbols of Baphomet are bound to the seven
hermetic principles. That test once again that this one is the God of the Light and the
The hermetism invites to discover all the mysteries of Universo and Baphomet has its
science kept awake in symbols.
Let us see the relation between the seven hermetic principles and Baphomet.
The words solve and coagulates of Baphomet, in reference to the facility to dissolve and
to create, they symbolize the “whole is mind, the Universe is mental”.
A hand upwards and another hand downwards of Baphomet symbolize “as it is above, is
The mentioned hands and the twig of Hermes in vibration symbolize the “nothing is
immovable, everything vibrates”.
Two-way traffic of the hands, the black moon and the white moon, the feminine chests
and falo masculine of Baphomet, symbolize the “whole is double”.
The lunar phases represented by two moons symbolize the “whole flow and flow back,
advance and back down, raise and low”.
The words solve and coagulates of Baphomet symbolize the “all cause causes an effect
and all effect leaves from a cause”.
The feminine chests and falo masculine, both types of arm of Baphomet, symbolize the
“whole is masculine and feminine”.
When the initiate culminates the initiation in the Rojismo, by means of tantra and cábala,
he is transformed into androgynous the divine one, in the androgynous alquímico, the
own God, discovering that he can transform his reality and all the reality that surrounds
it. It is then when it has surpassed all the phases of the alchemy and the last phase Work
to the Red one. It is possible to be said that it is then when, thanks to Baphomet and a
iniciática route together with him, have discovered their real power. And it is that without
Baphomet initiation not can to be completed, because lacks knowledge, Light and a
iniciática route that raises to the man to its condition of God, to HOMO EST DEUS.
The Rojista Philosophy, scientific psychology, etc., will make the rest in the System…
By all these reasons, the initiates of high degree who we have experienced that alquímica
phase, Obra to the Red one, we must have to raise the figure of the God of the Light, in
the iniciático process, leaving any doubt on the matter.
Like conclusion, it is possible to say that, in the psychoanalysis, the figure of the God of
the Light has its importance for Freud.Of nonsystematic way, throughout their work and
its correspondence, Freud a psychoanalysis applied to the God of the Light elaborated,
that it denominated Satán, since as Hebrew therefore he knew it in his tradition. First,
described that this one was a representation of the unconscious one. Later, it associated
the bad father. Acceptance first, because it is certain that a relation between the
unconscious one exists and the God of Luz Baphomet. With tantra and cábala, the initiate
penetrates its unconscious one and discovers to Baphomet in its interior. But I differ of
the second. The bad father is not Satán, but the esclavista God; for me God of Light
would be grandfathers, with who agrees to the son who fights against his father
(esclavista God), in the heat of rebellion process.
Gabriel Lopez de Rojas
Hiram Abiff, according to the masónica legend of the Masónica Masters, descends from
the God of the Light in his expression of Iblis, Samael…, and remaining bound with the
God of the Light or cornudo of the Fundamental Initiation of the superior paleolítico.
When in the initiation or exaltación to the Masters of the Scottish Rite Old and Accepted
the aspiring one eases up in the symbolic tomb of Hiram Abiff, it is impregnated of its
luciferino spirit and it reproduces the transformation in the God of the Light or cornudo
of the Fundamental Initiation, act that later him aid to complete the initiation.
In the Old and Primitive Rite of Memphis-Misraïm, masónico Rite many more minority
than the Old and Accepted Scottish Rite, the hero Hiram Abiff replaces another
expression to him of the God of the Light: Osiris.
As much in the Old and Accepted Scottish Rite like in the Old and Primitive Rite of
Memphis-Misraïm, he exists a great historical wealth and degrees of usable, for that
reason present initiation in more of a case like the one of Hiram Abiff and his legend in
the Operative Rite of the Illuminated ones of Baviera of the Illuminati Order and in the
Operative Rite of Memphis-Misraïm of Societas OTO, both iniciáticos Rites of the
denominated System of initiation Rojismo.
In the work, in several occasions, I have mentioned the legend of Hiram Abiff. Thus,
then, it reduces to present it to me. Let us know history and development the most
beautiful and iniciática never counted masónica-iluminista-rojista legend, in this second
Of between the several personages who with this name are called in the Bible, the one
that masones considers teacher of teachers is Hiram Abiff, natural of Shot, craftsman
smelter and hero of the associated masónica legend to the Masterful degree. The history
of Hiram Abiff who appears in the Old Testament of the Bible or in the Hebrew Torah is
the following one.
When the Hebrews returned to the promised Earth, King David began to construct the
Temple of Jerusalem, the Templum Domini (the Temple of the Gentleman). After the
death of King David, his son king Salomón, under the influence of Natán prophet,
continued the construction of the temple. The place chosen for the construction was
famous Monte Moria (related to the term mara, that is to say, vision, revelation).
In the work, Salomón counted on the aid of a friend of its father David, Hiram, king of
Shot in century XI ANE, who contributed an amount of considerable material for the
building (gold, cypresses, cedars), approaching them by sea the point next to Jerusalem.
King Hiram de Tiro also lent some to him masones to Salomón so that this one
culminated the great work that supposed the construction of the temple. And Salomón as
it compensates granted to the king of Shot the possibility of removing from its states
every year 20,000 measures of wheat, 20,000 of oil…, giving twenty working cities to
him of Galilea and sending to him for its necessities.
Hiram de Tiro, filled with affection, finally, sent to him to Salomón an artist in whom
dwelled the spirit of the wisdom. Son of a woman of the Neftalí tribe and of a worker of
the called brass Ur (fire, light), of name Hiram (eternal life) and Abiff (father mine, the
smelter), Hiram Abiff was a Masterful “plenty of wisdom, understanding and knowledge
to make all luck of bronze works; and he came to king Salomón, and was the one who
made for him all his work”. (I Kings, 7, 14).
The workers masones of Hiram Abiff were divided in apprentices, companions and
teachers, and each degree had signs, I touch and secret words.
The Old Testament of the Bible, on the evolution of the work, says to us:
“Hiram Abiff fused two bronze columns. It had each one eighteen elbows of stop, and a
thread of twelve elbows was the one that could surround each one by the columns. They
were not massive, but hollow; the thickness of its walls was of four fingers. It fused
bronze capitals stops upon the columns; of five elbows of height the one and five elbows
of height other… It erected the first column of the right and it gave the name him of
Jakin, and soon the column of the left and gave the Boaz name him. As it ends of the
columns were a species of iris. Thus the work of the columns was finished”. (I Re 7, 1522).
According to the Old Testament, after this, Hiram Abiff prepared more decoration of the
temple, fusing the works in a well-known esplanade near the Jordán.
A question different from the Bible is the masónica legend of the Masterful degree that
has relation with Hiram Abiff.
The legend of Hiram Abiff who appears in the Masónica Masters explains that being
close the completion of the temple, Salomón ordered to Hiram Abiff who made the
design of all works of decoration of the temple. This one installed the factory of smelting
in a esplanade far from the Jordán and did not grant to masones three categories:
Apprentice. Companion and Teacher, teaching signs, I touch and step words to them.
There were 70,000 apprentices, 8,000 companions and 3,600 masones.
When the temple was on the verge of being finished, the queen of the sabeos Balkis,
princess whose beauty was famous in all East, traveled to Jerusalem to know Salomón,
but the encounter was not absolutely lucky. Balkis, after knowing by the Hud-Hud crow a
subject related to the stock grapevine that was next to the altar, recriminated to Salomón:
“to assure your own glory you have violated the tomb of your parents; and this stock…”.
And this one responded with serenity “that in its place I will elevate an altar of porfirio
and wood of olive tree that I will make decorate with four serafines of gold”. “This vine Balkis- said has been planted by Noah, your ancestor. When raising it of curdles you
have committed an act of rare impiedad. For that reason, the last prince of your race will
be nailed in this log like a criminal. But the suplicio will save your name of the
forgetfulness and will make rain on your house a inmortal glory”. Balkis added that it
wanted to know Hiram Abiff and, finally, obtained it. After knowing it, it argued that it
wished to know masones and Salomón refused. But the brilliant Teacher par excellence,
Hiram Abiff, raised in that moment a granite block and with the right hand he made a
sign similar to the T, related to Shot, Tubalcaín…; and masones an amazing silence and
calm met and kept.
Some days after the narrated facts, Bedoni, assistant and faithful disciple of Hiram Abiff,
it surprised three companions: Fanor the Syrian (bricklayer), Anru the Phoenician
(carpenter) and Matusael the Jew (miner), gliding to sabotage the work. And the work
was momentarily sabotaged, causing that a desperate Bedoni by to have noticed in time
Hiram was not sent to ardent lava. Hiram Abiff, desolated by the failure, retired crying
and then she dreamed the most important dream of his life. Tubalcaín transported it to
Monte Zión and to the Earth center and it transmitted purer the luciferina tradition and
excelsa to him:
“Of the smelting that shines at night blushed in the darknesses it raises a luminous shade.
The ghost advances towards Hiram, who comtempla with stupor. Its gigantic bust is
presided over by a dalmática without sleeves; iron hoops adorn their naked arms; its
bronzed head incarnated by a square beard, pranced and curled in several rows, mitra of
golden silver goes cover by one; it maintains in the hand a blacksmith hammer. Their
eyes, great and shining, settle with dulzura in Hiram and, with a voice that seems started
of the entrails of the bronze, it says to him:
- Your soul Reanimates, levántate son mine. They see sígueme. I have seen the evils that
crush to my race and I have felt sorry myself of her…
- Spirit, who you are? (Hiram asks)
- The shade of all your parents, the ancestor of whom works and that suffers. Ven! When
my hand slipping on your front. You breathe in the flame nonsubjects nothing. You have
never been weak…
- Where I am? Which is your name? Where you take to me? (Hiram says)
- To the Earth center, in the soul of the inhabited world. There the underground palace of
Enoc, our father is raised, to whom Egypt calls Hermes and that Arabia honors with the
name of Edris…
- Inmortales Powers! (Hiram exclaims) Then it is truth. You are…?
- Your ancestor, man, artist…, your master and your patrono. I was Tubalcaín.
Taking to him as in a dream to the depths of the Earth, Tubalcaín instructs to Hiram Abiff
in the essential of the tradition of the cainitas, the blacksmiths, and owners of the fire.
In the Earth, Tubalcaín shows Hiram the long series of its parents: Iblis, Caín, Enoc, Irad,
Mejuyael, Matusael, Lamec, and Tubalcaín…
And then it transmits to Hiram the luciferina tradition to him: In the beginning of the
times, there were two Gods that distributed the Universe, Adonai, the master of the
matter and the element earth, and Iblis (Samael, Lucifer, Prometheus, and Baphomet), the
master of the spirit and the fire. First it created the man of the mud and it animated it.
Iblis and Elohim (Gods secondary) that they do not want that this one is a slave of
Adonai; wake up its spirit; thus they give to intelligence and capacity him of
understanding. While Lilith (sister of Iblis, Samael, Lucifer, Baphomet…) one became
the lover of Adam (the first man) teaching the art to him of the thought, Iblis seduced Eva
and it fertilized it and, along with the germ of Caín, slid in its sine a divine spark
(according to the Talmudic traditions Caín it was born of the loves of Eva and Iblis, and
Abel of the union of Eva and Adam).
Later, Adam will not feel more than scorn and hatred by Caín, which is not its true son.
Caín dedicates its inventive intelligence that comes to him from the Elohim, to improve
the conditions of life of its family, expelled from the nomadic Edén and by the Earth.
A day, tired to see the ingratitud and the injustice, Abel will rebel itself and kill to his
Caín appears before Hiram Abiff and also it explains his unjust situation to him, adding
that in the course of the centuries and the millenia, his children, children of the Elohim
and Iblis, they will work incessantly to improve the luck of the men, and who Adonai,
jealous after trying to annihilate to the human race after the deluge, will see fail its plan
thanks to Noah, who “will be warned by the children of the fire”.
When giving back to Hiram to the limits of the tangible world, Tubalcaín reveals that he
is the last descendant of Caín, “last prince to him of the blood” of the Angel of Luz and
Iblis, and that Balkis also belongs to the lineage of Caín, that is the wife who is to him
destined for the eternity”.
After returning to the temple lead by Tubalcaín, Hiram Abiff is stunned by the dream and
the visions finish the work and it is united to Balkis.
Almost finished works of the Temple of Jerusalem, three companions who saw difficult
to be admitted in the Masónica Masters, decided to obtain it by the force. Bet each one in
a door of the temple, they invited Hiram to keep awake his secrets. As this one did not
want to reveal them, each one struck a blow to him (one with a rule on the throat, another
one with an iron square on the left chest and third with a mallet in the forehead) and hurt
it of death. The assassins at night hid the body without life in a forest, planting on their
tomb an acacia branch (symbol of immortality and the Masters). Hiram was discovered
and taken revenge. Its body rested in Monte Zión, to few meters of the Door of Zión.
We have appreciated several questions of interest: Hiram Abiff in the Bible, the legend of
the Masónica Masters, the luciferismo of Hiram Abiff and his ancestors, the luciferina
tradition, etc. We review some points of extreme interest.
The genealogical tree of Hiram Abiff, according to the luciferina tradition is:
1. The Supreme God and Stranger
2. Iblis (Samael, Prometheus, Lucifer, Baphomet…) and Eva
3. Caín and Lebuda
4. Enoc and Naema
5. Irad and Naema
6. Mejuyael and Naema
7. Matusael and Naema
8. Lamec and Tsilla (Sela)
9. Tubulcaín and Naema
10. Ur and a widow
11. Hiram Abiff and Balkis
And the genealogy of Hiram Abiff of the luciferina tradition who we finished describing,
without place to doubt, therefore, can be considered totally “luciferina” or bound to the
God of the Light by several reasons:
- Hiram, the smelter of Shot, was son of a widow of the tribe of Neftalí (I Kings, 7-13) or
of they give. Those two Hebrew tribes were those that returned to the gold yearling calf
and resigned to the elaborated one by Moisés A significant fact.
- Hiram had by father to tirio, also smelter, Ur call. In Hebrew, that word means “Light”.
In capital letters let us remember the importance of the Light in the entire luciferina route.
- The legend of Hiram tells us that this one was instructed, during a reduction to the Earth
center, by Tubalcaín, its ancestor smelter. And Tubalcaín, by the way the word of passage
in the Masónica Masters, is mentioned in Génesis 4-22 of the following form: “Sela give
birth to Tubalcaín, forjador of sharp iron and bronze instruments. The sister of Tubalcaín
was Naema”. Simeón rabbi (to who attributes the Zohar, the main book of the Cábala)
clarifies to us: “Naema was the mother of all the demons (sic), because it came from the
side of Caín”. Naema is sister and wife of Tubalcaín, just like Isis is sister and wife of
- Tubalcaín is a near ancestor of Hiram Abiff and the seventh generation born of Iblis
(Samael, Prometheus, Lucifer, Baphomet…), the God of the Light and Angel of Light in
the Jewish tradition, as it is possible to be seen above in the genealogical tree of the
described luciferina tradition. With which, we can assure that Hiram Abiff had by direct
ancestor to Tubalcaín and Iblis, the God of the Light.
- All exposed not only the sample that Hiram Abiff belongs to “a luciferina” genealogy,
but a clear attachment of this one and its ancestors with the God of the Light, call since
there are this Iblis (Samael, Lucifer, Baphomet, Prometheus…).
The related mysteries belong to the Fundamental Initiation that went to stop the operative
masonries of Egypt, of Israel… Gathered by the escocismo and memphis-misraïm, the
Rites of the Illuminati Order and Societas OTO, by the denominated System Rojismo,
those mysteries are fundamental in the initiation.
To have of the initiates it is “to discover” the authentic tomb of Hiram Abiff to have his
Light and its mysteries. Thus they discover from whom they descend and who are,
reaching the transformation and the complete initiation. Most of finders of the tomb of
Hiram Abiff they direct his passages towards the interior of the temple, while others,
headed by the Rojismo and the Illuminati for all time, direct towards Monte Zión and the
Earth entrails to them.
By Gabriel Lopez de Rojas
“When I founded the Illuminati Order in 1995,
almost all the descending assumptions of the Illuminati
they were a handful of farsantes…”.
The author
Rosacruces leaves from a mythical personage, Christian Rosenkreutz, and of a series of
works or as interesting manifestos as mysterious of principles of century XVII that speak
of him: FAMA Fraternitatis, Confessio Fraternitatis and alquímica Boda of Christian
Rosenkreutz, attributed to the luterano clergyman and abbot of Adelberg, Johann
Valentin Andreae (1586-1654).
A previous novel mine, of which Franc is coauthor Marta Riera i, the Masónico Initiate,
has like protagonist a personage, Richard Holbein, that crosses part of the iniciático trip
of Christian Rosenkreutz, described in FAMA Fraternitatis. In fact, the tradition rosacruz
presents/displays a remarkable historical wealth and usable degrees of initiation. Without
going more far, I used so much when elaborating the Operative Rite of Illuminated of
Baviera of the Illuminati Order like a elaborating the Operative Rite of MemphisMisraïm of Societas OTO, in spite of having like main objective in both Rites, the
overcoming of the idealismo and the triumph of the materialism, the atheism, the atheistic
reason, science… But a thing is the tradition rosacruz and another one the organizations
who use that name…
After the first Invisible School, the first orders rosacruces from century XVIII, the
Rosacruz of Gold and the Rosacruz of the Old System arose, like other three later
organizations rosacruces who acquired great reputation: the Golden Dawn, Thelema
(OTO, Astrum Argentum) and AMORC (Old and Mystical Order of the Rosacruz). And
data peculiar is that these three organizations rosacruces, who are those of greater weight
at the present time, at their moment assured to have a direct relation with illuminated or
illuminati, by all means the Bavarians, disappeared more than one hundred years before.
In this case, it is necessary to recognize that, to be certain the relation, which is materially
impossible, the illuminated one or illuminated Bavarian alive was men or women of
enormous “merit”, because it is not easy to live as much. One thinks that the idealismo, in
this historical case, does not have limits.
Thus, in the decade of the Eighties of century xix, the protestant clergyman Alphonsus
Woodford, nth illuminated clergyman and writer of masónicos subjects, coding
discovered a written by hand stranger. To the being incapable to decipher it, went it in
1887 to Doctor William Wynn Westcott, a member of the Societas Rosicruciana in
Anglia (SRIA), one of the iniciáticas orders related to rosacruces of that period. And
Westcott, in the end, more or less discovered the content of the manuscript and the
direction of one such Fraulein Anna Sprengel, a German whom it affirmed to be Bavarian
member of the Illuminati.
By the sight, and verifying the difference between the date of dissolution of the Illuminati
de Baviera (decade of the Seventies of century XVIII) and the one of the contact with the
SRIA of Fraulein Anna Sprengel, one thinks that this one had to be “an enormous”
woman of merit, since “it lived” very many years.
Westcott, probably astonished, wrote to the “initiate” and it responded to him appearing
like person in charge of the temple rosacruz Lichte Liebe Leben de Nuremberg. In the
end, Fraulein Anna Sprengel “gave” to Westcott a clear letter to him for Great Britain.
And, of this form, the Isis-Uranian temple of the Students of Hermetism of the Golden
Dawn was founded on the autumn of 1887.
The time demonstrated that the manuscript and the correspondence with the presumed
Bavarian member of the Illuminati and the temple rosacruz Lichte Liebe Leben de
Nuremberg were English a sectarian and manipulating assembly of rosacruces, something
that cannot be imputed more than to the Golden Dawn. With a structure of by means, the
sectarianism and the manipulation are always easier.
Aleister Crowley (1875-1947) was initiated in the Golden English Dawn 18 of November
of 1898. But, after surpassing the first degrees of initiation, it finished surrounded in
fights and it in broad strokes created a split in his sine with his own System of initiation,
Thelema, based on discovering the own Will and the divinity that is latent inside we
Thus, in 1904, in Cairo, Crowley received revealed the Liber Legis (the Book of the
Law), on the part of a supernatural organization denominated Aiwass, with the mysteries
of Thelema. And towards 1907, he led Astrum Argentum (AA), a iniciática order that he
had like mission to replace to the Golden Dawn, to extend Thelema. In fact, the Astrum
Argentum de Crowley was a “copy” of the Golden Dawn in its rituals and lessons. The
name Astrum Argentum, without going more far, had been the name of the most internal
order of the Golden Dawn.
Later, Crowley became member of a neotemplaria iniciática order, Ordo Templi Orientis
(OTO), became head of his English branch in 1912, the denominated Mysteria Mystica
Maxima (the Maximum Mystical Mysteries), and reached the international headquarters
towards year 1922, after disputes with people in charge of the German branch who
rejected Thelema. However, Thelema prevailed in the OTO, like in the Astrum
Argentum, which was inside first.
After the death of Crowley in 1947, the OTO went to stop Karl Germer, Marcelo Ramos
Motta, David Bersson and to whom this writes, by direct route. Today, several false
orders that they affirm to be the OTO of Crowley, being the most famous the one of the
imposter exist Grady Louis McMurtry.(1)
Inside the OTO, it existed, and it exists, the Ordo Illuminatorum or Order of the
Illuminated ones, Bavarian a modern refundación of the Illuminati carried out by Leopold
Engels (1858-1931), with pretensions of being descending direct of the Illuminati de
Baviera, which was, and is, an ingenious reproduction of the falsifications of the Golden
English Dawn, very own of the historical idealismo.
For Engels and his Ordo Illuminatorum, no longer there was as mysterious Bavarian
illuminating as longeva in the origin of the order, the case of the Golden English Dawn,
but an origin in very same the Illuminati Bavarian, affirmation impossible to demonstrate,
and that outside the esoteric and iniciático scope it would not have any credit and it
would produce more than an outburst of laughter. Although at first I believed in the
“contact” of Engels, today observed it like an absolute farce.
Really, Leopold Engels also was “an enormous” man of merit like the nonexistent
Fraulein Anna Sprengel, in his case not by one membresía in the Illuminati de Baviera,
but by “to have contacted” with the Illuminati Bavarian more longevos, which had to be a
species of “supermen”. Who lived more than one hundred years at the end of century
XIX but a “superman”?
In short, being serious, I must recognize that I have thought about several occasions that
had been more honest and less sectarian and manipulating on the part of “illuminated” the
Engels not to load on the famous backs of the Illuminati de Baviera the foundation of an
order like hers, founded more than one hundred years after the Bavarian end of the
Today, Swiss descendants of “illuminated” the Engels exist, who continue reaffirming
the falsification of the origin, and not few merluzos and undocumented people like Juan
Pedro Parrilla Hernandez, expelled from the Illuminati Order, who uses the descending
deceit of which those are the Illuminati of Weishaupt. In aim… to be merluzo he is free
and he does not suppose any degree. What mind moderately balanced can be believed the
idealistic and historical trivialities of the farsante Engels? The saying: there is to be
merluzo and undocumented. (2)
The one that this writes had a contact with the Illuminati of EE.UU., to which it resigned
to consider to the great majority of these traitors to the Illuminati de Baviera, subject
exposed in the history of the Illuminati.
The historical idealismo, based on the longevity of the Illuminati Bavarian, with the
sectarian manipulation that takes implicit, reached nonwell-known limits with the
founder of the order rosacruz AMORC, Harvey Spencer Lewis (1883-1939). Of entrance,
this one was not an initiate of the stature that many have tried to make believe; enough of
his titles they are of doubtful origin and it did not happen to be a charismatic leader in the
style of other sectarian leaders.
In the Manual Rosacruz (Publications of AMORC, 1970), in their page 16, the following
“titles” of Harvey are ***reflxed mng Spencer Lewis:
- First Imperator of AMORC for Norte and Sud America
- Founding of this second cycle of activities in the Western Hemisphere
- Member of Supreme Council R.C of the world
- Legacy of the Order in France
- Minister of the Foreign Delegation
- Ordered Priest of the Ashrama of India
- Honorary Advisor of the “Corda Fratres” of Italy
- Sri Sobhita, Great White Lodge of Tibet
- Member of the University of Andhra of India.
- Director of the University Rose Croix
Most of those titles representations or appointments of doubtful origin speak of. They
affirm that Lewis was legacy of the order in France Of what order? They assure that he
was Minister of the Foreign Delegation Minister? - Of what foreign delegation? They
assure that was Ordered Priest of the Ash Rama of India. Lewis never was in India, nor
never was ordered Hindu priest. They say that he was Honorary Advisor of the Corda
Fratres of Italy, organization of whom does not exist, the most mini track or rational
indication of existence. They describe it like Member as the University as Andhra as
India. Some of which Lewis was registered, or of which is no certainty followed no
course, or from which it received a legal title, in no University of Andhra of India, etc.,
etc., etc.
Harvey Spencer Lewis, with this “far from negligible curriculum”, in case goes little,
narrated to its disciples of the order rosacruz AMORC its initiation in the south of France,
with nothing else and nothing less than rosacruces and the Illuminati, still repeating with
greater exageraciones English the sectarian manipulations of rosacruces of the Golden
Dawn or the Ordo Illuminatorum de Engels, own of the historical idealismo.
The truth is that, if the historical contact with the Illuminati Bavarian invoked by the
founders of the Golden English Dawn or the Ordo Illuminatorum is a sectarian
manipulation, the one of Lewis surpasses any possible qualification, that is to say, the one
of Lewis is a still greater invention in the one than nonexistent situations, personages and
initiations are gotten up.
In the Secret Goal of the Rosacruces (Robinbook Editions, 1991), Jen-Pierre Bayard;
being based on own documentation, offers the testimony of Lewis on its initiation
“… I read and I reread the instructions later and distendí me - Lewis comments. And I
fell asleep over old diván of that room of stone walls, in that mysterious building that,
then, was the great temple of the Order in France…
… It was that same night when I was initiated in the order of rosacruz. My `happens of
the threshold' took place in that memorable room. I acquired solemn commitments, I
received the great blessing and I became frater of the order in the moment in which it
sounded the midnight in the tower of this secret residence.
It had found the Light. The Rosacruz had accepted me and my soul had shaken when
feeling the breath of the illumination”.
Of what order Lewis speaks? In France, of those dates, a pair of orders was in favor only
active and no corresponds with the one of Lewis. To what building it alludes? There is no
certainty of which no order rosacruz had such property.
More ahead, he himself Spencer Lewis speaks of the Illuminati: “… I attended the
monthly call of the Illuminati in an old building located to borders of the Garona. This
building had been constructed with the stone aid coming from diverse parts of Egypt,
Spain and Italy. These stones had comprised of monuments, temples and of pyramids
nowadays in ruins. The angular stone of the building had been brought of Tell-elAmarna, where the great master of the order lived at certain time…”
Again, questions and more questions arise. What relation has the building that Lewis with
the only existing orders mentions rosacruces or Illuminati in France in those days? One
does not know the building and the relation. Of what Illuminati Lewis speaks? In France,
the Illuminati did not exist then, since many decades had disappeared before. Therefore,
who does not know itself of speaks.
In aim…, before similar affirmations, where speech of properties and orders of which
nobody has documents or has certainty of its existence, little can be added.
The form to act of rosacruces of the Golden Dawn, the Ordo Illuminatorum and the
AMORC, are a test of until where it can arrive the historical idealismo and the sectarian
manipulation by means of a structure.
Today, the tradition rosacruz you continue being, you move away of the
idealismo. Another thing is the mentioned orders or to other organizations type AT your
service Eclectic Rosacruz of to swindler Jorge Labbé Isla, dedicated “to clean” to other
people's pockets. Labbé you have been expelled from several international orders, to after
knowing its form to eats.
(1) Ver the irregular History of the OTO, section OTO or the OTO of the company
(2) the reference makes reference to Juan Pedro Parrilla Hernandez (Russian Paher
Kaplan), who was to member of the Illuminati until Order to their expulsion by conduct
impropia of an initiate, she presented/displayed works of degree until degree VIº of most
laborious than she you have been seen in the Illuminati Order, she LED the Paracelso
Chapter of Murcia of the Illuminati Order that to never happened of two members (there
am and its to pair) and recognized the great masters who was in esoteric subjects with
consultation including making money. Now, the “superman” Grill Hernandez, to after its
expulsion of the Illuminati Order, we suppose that before the lack of work, it AT your
service loses the Time defaming by Internet Illuminati and to other iniciáticas
organizations, with falsifications like the one of Engels, and leading to microsect, the
Perfectibilista Order, defendant in press of criminal activities like the psychological
For It is good knowing to the activities of Grill and to their microsect in an article of the
Web Hemerosectas, published before in the Mail of Castellón and to titleholder
“Perfectibilista Order: Psychological Satanism and terrorism”. Author His is the expert
Antonio Toscano. To trustworthy picture is from personajillo that occupies to U.S.:
Gabriel Lopez de Rojas
The modern masonry was founded on London in 1717, when the lodges the Apple tree,
the Jar and the Cluster of Grapes, the Oca and the Grill and the Crown were united and
founded the Great Lodge of London, today called Great United Lodge of England.
The founders of the new masonry were protestant shepherds, that is to say, Christian
clergymen, never initiated in a masónica lodge, which altered or suppressed good part of
which he was transmitted to them of irregular form by the operative masónicas lodges.
For example, that masonry is the one that, by his clerical Christian will, it has suppressed
makes little dates a part of little which it had left of the Fundamental Initiation, that is to
say, the lost word of the degree Royal Arch Jahbulon (Jah de Jahveh, Bul de Baal and On
de Osiris), replacing it by the Jahveh word, due to the references to the God of the Light
and cornudo of the Fundamental Initiation that has the Jahbulon word. Far, very far, they
are left the gothic cathedrals constructed by true masones, with its gargoyles, the figure of
the God of the Light and even initiated with cornudos animal heads, in reference to the
followers or initiates of the Fundamental Initiation transformed into the God of the Light.
Still more far it is left the own Fundamental Initiation of so the well exposed superior
paleolítico in the cavern of the Trois Freres, France, that for all time crosses the centuries
and the millenia through the true masonries.
The fictitious idealismo and the “skies” seized of the masonry and their initiation from
the beginnings of century XVIII. And it is that, before an initiation centered in the
transformation of the initiate in God and the transformation of his reality and of the
means, that the idealismo surpassed and embraced the materialism, the protestant
shepherds that founded the modern masonry put in front an idealistic initiation centered
in the cult to the Great Architect of the Universe, “fictitious skies” and the absolute
irrealidad, waiting room of the sectarian manipulation and not few destructive sects and
The clerical and idealistic masónica initiation that dominated the masónica scene from
1717 also projected in the Landmarks (norms) of the new masonry, reunited in the
Constitutions of Anderson of 1723. The Landmarks defended the obligatory nature to
believe in God, to use the book of the Law Sagrada in the lodge or of being a free man
and moral convention (sic), among other norms of clear clerical Christian inspiration.
From this form, the Landmarks of the clerical and idealistic masonry that occupies to us
has excluded from their lodges in the last centuries to which they do not create in God,
including the Brothers of other Obediences; to the women; to the Jews in principle and
the black almost always (in EE.UU the prohibition referring to the Brothers of color in
several States stays, under the argumentation of which these were not free when the
Constitutions of Anderson were written, like the women), to the homosexuals (by the one
of the bad customs), etc., admitting on the contrary to all class of rightists and extreme
On the Landmarks masónicos it is possible to say that they are absolute a philosophical
nonsense. They affirm that masón cannot be a stupid atheist, being in fact stupid that one
who believes in the existence of Gods, that is to say, that believes in that does not exist.
They force to believe in God and to have moral convention, in the clerical Christian
sense, norms imposed and opposite to the freedom that they affirm to defend. They do
not allow the initiation to women, etc., point that the freedom denies and the equality that
they affirm to defend.
Freedom and obligation to believe in God? Freedom being forced to moral convention of
clerical Christian inspiration or with the obligation to place in the lodges a sacred book,
that is to say, esclavista? Freedom and equality prohibiting directly the homosexual
initiation in the lodges to women, black or, among others? Is not that an act xenófobo and
own racist of authentic Nazis? The mentioned obligations do not remember the fascismo
that forced to separate to the woman of the man and the children to believe in God and to
say in the schools? In aim…
A split of the Great English Lodge took place in 1877, when the Great East of France
rejected some Landmarks like the related ones to the obligatory nature to believe in God
or to admit only to men in the masónicas lodges.
Some decades ago, the Great East had a form to come different from the Great Lodge and
had worked in favor of the French Revolution next to the Illuminati, and therefore the
split was logic and the correction guessed right enough. After her, the Great United
Lodge of England let recognize it immediately, dogmatic and sectarian position.
The rejection of some Landmarks that made the Great East of France was guessed right,
but, however, this masónica Obedience was not either able to surpass the esoteric and
iniciático idealismo or the bourgeois progresismo, for the materialism and the revolution.
At the present time, the Great East of France is the head of the denominated masonry
liberal and it is located like “rival” of the Great United Lodge of England, in opposition
to the clerical will of the same one.
In any case, it is possible to add like conclusion that the masonry, rosacruces, the
templarios… leave from the idealismo, but that, in contrast to the Rojismo, remains
eternally in this one leading to their members to “fictitious skies” and to the absolute
The Rojismo, however, respects the masónica tradition, rosacruz, templaria…, since in
certain it forms makes hers in his initiation and lessons, although, on the other hand,
rejects the great majority of organizativas structures of masones, rosacruces, the
templarios (orders, lodges, Obediences…), to consider them esoteric and iniciático a
idealismo that it has like full stop so mentioned “fictitious sky” and the absolute
Gabriel Lopez de Rojas has published diverse editorial books like Martinez Rock (Group
Planet), etc. Are his main titles here:
Great publishing Edition success Martinez Rock (Group Planet), dedicated to a masónico
initiate whom it crosses, from the beginnings of century XVIII to the present, the Great
Lodge of London, the Great East of France, the Illuminati de Baviera, the Golden Dawn,
the OTO, the Great Lodge of New York, the Illuminati Order, the sacred places of
Israel…, with the hope to find the word, the tomb of Hiram Abiff and a great treasure, the
greater imaginable treasure lost.
The Masónico Initiate approaches the history of the masonry, its tendencies and their
great secrets, through this exciting novel, of the hand of Gabriel Lopez de Rojas and
Marta Riera.
Title: The masónico initiate. Authors: Gabriel Lopez de Rojas/Marta Riera.
1. Martinez Rock, Group Planet, Spain, October 2003.
2. Publishing Planet Mexico, Mexico, and September 2004.
3. Planet deAgostini, Group Planet, Spain, May 2005.
4. Editorial Martinez Rock, Argentina, September 2005.
New edition of the great publishing Edition success Martinez Rock (Group Planet) the
Masónico Initiate. In this occasion, one includes in the collection Mysteries and Enigmas
of History, of the prestigious publishing house DeAgostini Planet.
Title: The masónico initiate. Authors: Gabriel Lopez de Rojas/Marta Riera.
1. Planet deAgostini, Group Planet, Spain, May 2005
2. Planet deAgostini, Group Planet, Argentina, October 2006.
Gabriel Lopez de Rojas approaches his childhood, in a family of Communists and
anarchists with Jewish origins; its youth like athlete of elite and musician; its iniciática
evolution with the Illuminati, the OTO, the masonry… Also it reviews the Mysteries of
the Rites (Operative Rite of the Illuminated ones of Baviera and Operative Rito of
Memphis-Misraïm) and the orders (Order Illuminati and Societas OTO) that it founded
on 1995 and 2001, giving life to a System of initiation, the Rojismo; as well as its true
relation with the Priorato de Sión and the Illuminati of EE.UU. The author, in addition,
explains the relation of the iniciáticas orders with the Power.
Title: By the footpath of Lucifer; Confessions of the Great Master of the Illuminati.
Author: Gabriel Lopez de Rojas.
1. Martinez Rock, Group Planet, Spain. 1ª Edition, November 2004. 2ª Edition, March
2. Colombian planet, Group Planet, Colombia, January 2005.
In the last years, tens of books have been published that treat on the denominated System
of initiation Rojismo, the Order Illuminati, Societas OTO and Gabriel Lopez de Rojas.
We do one reviews on those of greater importance by its authors and contents.
The writer and journalist Santiago Camacho, the Spanish author with more publishing
successes on the conspiracy (20 great conspiracies, the Sewers of the Empire…), he
reviews in this book all referring to the Illuminati, demystifying and including the one
long interview to the Great Founding Master of the Illuminati Order Gabriel Lopez de
Rojas. It is the best book published on the Illuminati in Castilian until the moment. We
are before the book of reference and the classic one par excellence on the Illuminati.
Title: The conspiracy of the Illuminati. Author: Santiago Camacho.
1. Editorial: The Sphere of Books (Spain, 2005).
2. Planet deAgostini (Spain, 2005).
3. The Sphere of Books (edition pocket) (Spain, 2006).
4. Circle of Readers (Spain, 2006).
Gonzalo Sanz Larrey, Lawyer in Geography and History and coordinator of the Cinema
Study of the Circle of Beautiful Arts of Madrid, and Carlos Greater Lopez, Lawyer in
Hispanic Philology and Professor of Spanish in the Louisiana State University, approach
the historical and present masonry or the Illuminati, to which they denominate the
Illuminati de Rojas, to the readers, with its work the Masonry from a to z. With great
rigor and seriousness, Sanz Larrey and Mayor Lopez present/display to the readers a very
complete masónico dictionary, illustrated and totally updated.
A book of essential consultation, elaborated from the Spanish academic world.
Title: The masonry from a to z. Authors: Gonzalo Sanz Larrey and Carlos Greater Lopez.
1. Editorial: Jaguar (Spain, 2006).
The university professor of the Faculty of Theology of the North of Spain, seat in Towns,
and maximum responsible in sects for the Catholic Church in Spain, Manuel Guerra
Go'mez, makes a study of interest around the masonry, and more in particular to the
Spanish masonry, in the Masónica Plot. It is thus in spite of its condition of catholic
priest. In the scope of the catholic theology, certainly it is the study of greater level than it
has been made.
The figure of our Great Founding Master, Gabriel Lopez de Rojas, and the two orders of
the Rojismo, Order Illuminati and Societas OTO, is dealed with with seriousness and the
respect due.
Also it is a book of essential consultation, elaborated from the Spanish academic world.
Title: The masónica plot. Author: Manuel Guerra.
1. Editorial: Styria (Spain, 2006).
Caesar Vidal is historian, writer and Spanish protestant theologian, author of not few
books on sects and masonry.
He has been awarded with diverse prizes, like the Humanismo Prize of the Hebraica
Foundation, and has been recognized by his work in defense of the human rights by
organizations like Yad-Vashem, Survivors of the Holocausto…
In the book masones, book that has surpassed twenty editions, dedicates to a brief section
to the Illuminati and at your service Illuminati, giving its historical vision of such. The
work is not free of interest, since also it approaches the cuestionables points of the
modern masonry.
Title: Masones. Author: Caesar Vidal.
1. Editorial: Planet (Spain, 2004).
2. Editorial: Planet (edition pocket) (Spain, 2006).
Ricardo of the Cierva, politician and Spanish historian, biographer of General Francisco
Franco and ex- minister of Culture in the democracy, is author of several books on
masonry. In Secrets of history, he dedicates to a whole chapter to the Illuminati and at
your service Illuminati, using like pretext the biography of the Great Founding Master
Gabriel Lopez de Rojas. In spite of his preservative ideology, Of the Cierva he shows a
certain rigor in his expositions.
Title: Secrets of history. Author: Ricardo of the Cierva.
Editorial: Fénix Series Secret (Spain, 2003).
YEAR 2005
Ima Sanchís, Vanguard (Barcelona) - 20/08/2005
“I am 39 years old. I was born and alive in Barcelona. I am separated, alive in pair and
have a daughter of 17 years. I return to be athlete and I compete in the Championship of
the World. I am to the front of the Illuminati Order and Societas OTO (Ordo Templi
Orientalis). I am communist with some impronta libertaria and atheistic”. It published
“By the footpath of Lucifer” (Martinez Rock).
- To you go Marx, Engels and Bakunin to him?
- Yes, those are my philosophers, who by the way in some of their texts do not speak bad
of Lucifer, Bakunin says in God and the State that was the great rebel and the first
emancipador of the world.
- Lucifer is the disobedient angel.
- That is for the judeocristiana tradition. But in fact it gave the light so that the man freed
itself of the chains of the tyranny. The religion is dogma and what Lucifer does, or its
myth, is to rebel itself against the dogma.
- The fundamental figure of the Illuminati?
- No, for the Illuminati the fundamental figure is the own one to be human. It is the only
order of the world that works with the rite of 13 degrees of initiation of the illuminated
ones of Baviera of century XVIII, an initiation system that helps to discover to its
members the Homo motto est Deus.
- Are very complicated those 13 degrees?
- They are based on traditional routes of initiation, the masónico rite is the base and
disciplines like yoga are added, cábala and tantra. It consists of a daily work of
introspection and a calmed evolution.
- All that so that?
- The initiation is a process of increase of the conscience. We are catched in a pile of
traps that subjugate to us and limit; the initiation looks for that the man frees itself and
discovers that he is the own divinity.
- Which are those traps?
- The distractions that the system uses so that people do not think about she herself.
- The Illuminati very was persecuted.
- Yes, they very little defended preservative expositions even in policy. The man has a
preservative pulsión, he tries to conserve what has, and I believe that that must to the fear
to the death. The order was dissolved in 1785 and his founder, Adam Weishaupt,
university professor of Philosophy, was condemned until death defendant to plot a coup
- These orders are lobbies of being able.
- In EE.UU the presidents ride on these lobbies, are put under the pressures of the
masonry, of the Moon sect - that controls several paramasónicas organization and mass
media -. Bush and its opponent belong to the Skull and Bones.
- Calavera and bones! … It sounds to Harry Potter.
- Mr. Aznar also belongs, appears in the dictionary of sects of Manuel Guerra, the main
specialist in sects of the Catholic Church in Spain.
- She is only a student organization.
- Defendant to support at its moment to the Nazi party.
- They seem to me all very hierarchic.
- Between the Illuminati everything is put under voting and we accepted to any type of
person, sex, race and condition. The regular masonry does not accept to women and in
the United States in many lodges they do not accept black.
- There is something troubles to me of its biography: had you revelations?
- He is something very common, has happened to them to almost all the great masters.
And if it has read the Bible will know that king Salomón was an expert in those contacts.
Lead at great length the Old Testament.
- To what I must pay attention?
- In the book of Job it will see that it mentions to Satán as the right hand of God. Those
are the parents of the Church that turn it the enemy, conversos fanatics who deformed the
personages. San Agustín was an expert in it, a pagan who attacks against the pagan
tradition and associates a great part of the old Gods to Satán, to those places like great
enemy of God An absolute delusion. The first Christianity was not thus.
- To you you appeared to him Lucifer?
- No, Baphomet or God of the light, figure associated to the medieval templarios. But to
contact with organizations is very easy, are techniques that any initiate uses, cábala
Hebrew explains them.
- Man, but very common is not…
- In fact you contact with same you, is an answer of your deeper I. It is not more than a
work tool. I declare atheist, because I do not believe in the existence of God nor of the
Devil, and that is for me the iniciático process, an investment to discover that there is the
more no God that the man.
- What plus has learned in that process?
- There are broken chains and that has allowed me not to limit to me by
convencionalismos that do not lead to any side. I do not believe that the present man, put
under a pile of norms and cheap spells, can be free.
- To what one talks about?
- To the psychological manipulation. The television is most sectarian than it exists.
- Still are made ritual crimes?
- Some crazy person will have, but most of the times they are the excuse to demonizar to
others, as it were it the imputation of ritual crimes to the Jews in the average age to be
able to sack judería. The Church yes that committed human sacrifices burning to
thousands of people in bonfires of the Inquisición.
- Which is the sense of the life?
- To fight so that the humans we have one more a worthier existence.
- That is the filosofal stone?
- The alchemy is a iniciática route of the western tradition, the one that helps and explains
the transformation you of which we spoke. The transmutación of the matter is the symbol
of the evolution of the own operator who understands finally that he is a small great
architect of the universe that must transform its reality and the one that surrounds to him,
that is the filosofal stone.
The great master of the Illuminati, that has all the degrees of the most important
masónicos rites, comes to see to me “the Vanguard” dressed in t-shirt from braces and
short trousers. No question remains without an answer pulcra and documented. But to
him in fact it does not delude to speak to him of the subject of his 17 books. Its new one
crossed is athletics: “In the eighty he was one of the best ones. Soon I married and there
am past average life studying and initiating to me in diverse masónicos rites of the
western tradition. But now already from greater, something tired, I have returned to
athletics. I am going to leave the orders and in my next book I want to explain the
iniciáticos rites to clear all the excessive secrecy, because naked of you intrigue are not
more than a useful method of growth”.
Alvaro Bermejo, Basque Newspaper (Bilbao) - 7/03/2005
- On 1995, a young person of hardly 28 years founds the Spanish version of the Order of
the Illuminati. Its referring one was and continues being Lucifer?
- My only referring one was the one of the Illuminati de Baviera of century XVIII. I
recovered its tradition and it’s Rite after 200 years of its dramatic end. However, yes it is
certain that in the mentioned tradition I found the luciferismo and, a posteriori, the
- Hay differences between Satanism, luciferismo and luciferianismo?
- Yes. The Satanism uses the figure of Satán like symbol that releases of taboos and the
conventional moral. The luciferismo considers to Lucifer like a divine angel, whereas the
luciferianismo observes it like God, having both a iniciático and transforming character.
- You were born he himself year in which Antón the Vey founded the first Church of
Satán, 1966. Considers predestining?
- If there is something of predestination, obvious it does not have anything to do with the
Vey, on which I do not have a good opinion.
- In his book it affirms that the Vey was an inoffensive eccentric, nevertheless in the
process that were followed against him and David de Meola, in Los Angeles, videos
projected where this last one appeared dismantling an alive baby to discovered face.
Costs to believe it to Him?
- I do not know the case, but it remembers me to the myth of the ritual crimes that have
served to disqualify to that they did not please to the Catholic Church: the Jews, masones,
the templarios, the witches, the cátaros…
- In his book he assures to have had real visions of the cornudo God from his childhood.
Possession, autosuggestion or “illumination”?
- I have never gotten to have it absolutely clear. But it is certain that it could be
something supernatural.
- Nevertheless, his first initiation was in a masónica lodge. The masonry, also is a way to
arrive at Lucifer?
- Without a doubt, and I know in all his fullness the luciferina tradition the masonry. One
of the luciferinos masónicos degrees is third of the Old and Accepted Scottish Rite:
- Mario Conde has become the paradigm of the man who falls from the peak of the power
to the darknesses. Masón, satanist, illuminati?
- The condition of masón of Mario Conde is well-known. In my book it explained this
fact and I deny his condition of Illuminati.
- You assure to be watched and to be contacted by the old CESID. So that they look for to
him, so that they persecute to him?
- The old CESID investigated to us because it thought that a nexus of the Order with
Mario existed foreign Conde and intelligence services. In my book; I recognize to have
passed: several information of esoteric Neo- Nazis to a foreign intelligence service, and
to have relation with accused people to be spies of the KGB.
- But in what the rituals of the Illuminati consist, what has of immoral, illegal or
dangerous, and what aim persecutes?
- The only purpose of the Rite of the Illuminated ones of Baviera is that the members
discover their divinity and are able to become they and to transform the means that
surround them, being based on the freedom and the equality. The danger, in any case,
would be the capacity of our Rite and System to create men free and able, nonenslaved
submissive easily manipulable.
- Another one of the common places about its order is that it is relatively easy to enter
her… but very difficult to leave.
- Difficult Exit? Fantasy goes. It sounds to Dan Brown, False completely. One enters and
it leaves when one wishes it.
- It details many questions of protocol, many titles to everyone more rimbombante but, as
soon as a line of mistérico or philosophical thought is noticed. To the Illuminati, is
enough to them with repeating dogmas and Decalogues or cultivate the Cartesian doubt,
and even the internal discrepancy?
- The book is autobiographical; the philosophy would be for another book. In any case, I
explain our philosophy to him. Surpassed the idealismo that thinks that the destiny of the
man and the world is patrimony of “supernatural” forces and prisoner the materialism
that locates to the man like only God and owner of itself, of their means and its destiny,
the members of the last degrees undertakes a task of transformation of means, being
based on the ideological conscience that comes determined by philosophers Weishaupt,
Marx, Engels and Bakunin.
- The masónica currency Vitriol is detachhed thus: “Visit interiorem terrae, rectifying
invenies hides lapidem” - Visit the interior of the Earth, and rectifying you will find the
stone hidden. And you rectify much?
- Every day, because everything undergoes a process of continuous transformation; that I
learned it when younger when she was an outstanding mediofondista athlete.
- Its book is sprinkled of continuous and raised invectives against the Christianity. One:
Does not fear to become a species of inquisidor to the inverse one? And two: what has
made him the Christ so that it hates so much to him?
- I do not hate Jesus, nor try to be an inquisidor. Main Jesus is figure in several of our
degrees like the Sovereign Prince of the Rosacruz, where he explains himself that he was
not more than a Hebrew teacher to whom their disciples added to myths like the one of
death and resurrection to him of previous Gods, like Egyptian Osiris.
- “The Code gives Vinci” has put of the present time the legend of the Priorato de Sión.
Were you in the mystery?
- I knew several members in 1998. And I discovered some interioridades of the Order, of
which I speak in my book: Nothing remarkable.
- The templarios it was blamed to them to render cultured to the Baphomet. How is
explained that those to those who the safekeeping of Santo Sepulcro was entrusted, had
treatments with the Devil?
- Baphomet is the God of the Light that embraced the Templarios, yes, still defending
Santo Sepulcro. It is necessary to respect the conscience of everyone.
- It assures that in 1999 that same Baphomet corporeizó before you and you revealed him
a prophetic book. What prophecies have been fulfilled already and which are to be
- We spoke of the Liber Zión. It was an experience similar to the one of my childhood.
On the prophecies, I can say that they have been fulfilled enough: the Illuminati Order
already is in more than twenty-five countries.
- To where you know it, sees Spain like an interesting country for Lucifer?
- Spain is a deeply catholic country, with one long inquisitorial tradition. It does not seem
an appropriate place for the freedom of cult with fullness.
- To the 38 years, and after to have crossed all the footpath of the initiation, what it has
left to do?
- To extend my System, the Rojismo, and its two orders, the Illuminati Order and
Societas OTO, to part to try to take to the practice the last objective of the Illuminati: an
emancipated Humanity.
It was born in Barcelona in 1966. After passing through athletics and pop music, it
founded the Illuminati Order and Societas OTO, already implanted in twenty-five
It has all the degrees of the most important masónicos rites: 97º of the Egyptian Masonry
33º of the Old and Accepted Scottish rite XXº of the Order of Memphis of Rumania. And
so on.
“By the footpath of Lucifer” it gathers his autography.
I LIKE the method
I DETEST the lack of order
IT ENCHANTS Paris to ME, the south of France
I DETEST the people who embrace the “culture” sweepings
IT FASCINATES the Full Moon to ME in the middle of the night of old Castilla
THEY LOSE the “Ten to ME melodías Basque”, of Guridi
IT GAINS the transformation to ME, the revolution
IT PUTS the fight to ME
ME INDISPONE the lack of dream or rest
IT INFURIATES the noise and the Latin scandal to ME
IT LEAVES to COLD the press ME of the heart
IT WARMS UP the policy to ME
IT DISTURBS an injustificado attack to ME
IT STUNS the lie to ME
IT CONFUSES the lack of freedom of the men and the towns to ME
A transforming idea of the society INSTILLS Spirit to ME
ME ATERRA not to control everything what I do
IT ENAMORS intelligence to ME
IT REPELS the lack to ME of intelligence, of personality
IT SEDUCES the genius to ME, from Gaudí to Maradona
YEAR 2004
Antonio J. Ubero, Newspaper of Valencia (Valencia, Spain) - 14/12/2004
The Great Master of the Illuminati puts face to him to the new mythology
“The truth does not sell”. That butcher it express Gabriel Lopez de Rojas, refundador and
Great Master of the Illuminati, the Societas OTO (Ordo Templi Orientalis) and creator of
a system of initiation structured in two masónicos rites and that denominates Rojismo,
when he defines the unusual interest of the society by all the related one to the secret
societies and the historical enigmas, caused as a result of the publication of books of Dan
Brown, `the code Gives to Vinci' and `Angels and demons, builds this last one that it has
like protagonists to the Illuminati.
Before the provoked attention, no longer only by these books, in which prime the fantasy
on the reality, but by the enormous amount of made publications under protection of
such, in which the fascinating world of the classified orders of more or less rigorous form
is approached, Gabriel Lopez de Rojas has been decided to put face to that new
mythology and, fruit of that effort, is `By the footpath of Lucifer' (Martinez Rock), a
book with which his author tries that the truth is known, although “people prefer to live in
the fantasy”.
A perfectly calculated risk, since although the human being needs myths, because “it is a
religious animal” able to even idolize to the own one to be human in supposedly opposite
ideological surroundings to the idolatry, like are those of the extreme left or the
anarchism, is not less certain that also he needs to nourish itself of the doubt to reaffirm
his faith in those myths. For that reason this book provokes interest in the reader become
fond of to the enigmas of fast consumption, to also nourish its anxiety of mystery with a
dose of reality.
And it is that most peculiar of everything it is that the mystery that surrounds to these
societies indeed emanates of which is, at the moment, incomprehensible the human
being: itself.
“With the initiation the progress of the person is tried, to equip it with its own divinity so
that he is conscious of his importance from the freedom and equality”, it explains.
In short something so prosaic, but so dangerous because the human being uses his nature
to be to: itself fleeing from dogmas and freeing themselves that the slavery of the
religious cult.
Something that the system has tried to avoid throughout History taking to the secrecy
from those who advocate this real humanism. And the secret takes to the speculation and
of there to the fantasy. In the pages of this book there are other answers.
The business of hidden it
Gabriel Lopez de Rojas does not criticize the enormous book production about the
enigmas of the secret societies; simply he limits himself a to express his sadness before
which he is not more than an excellent strategy of marketing research that tries pingües
benefits. But the reality is very different.
YEAR 2002
Juan Manuel Rodriguez, Reason (Madrid, Spain) - 13/11/2002
Robert Ambelain, stop degree of several rites and all a masónica authority, confirm this
Gabriel Lopez de Rojas, masón initiated in 1992, that at the present time have all the
degrees of the Old and Accepted Scottish Rite, Great Master and founder of the
paramasónica organization Illuminati Order and author of several books of masonry and
secret societies as the “Guide the International of the Secret Societies” (Editions G, 1998)
or “Masonry: history, rites and mysteries” (Editions G, 2002) have explained to the
REASON that “one of the deepest mysteries of the masónicos rites, the legend of Hiram
Abiff, keeps awake the luciferina tradition of the masonry”.
“The masónica legend of Hiram Abiff, associated to the third masónico degree
¬Maestro¬, and incorporated to the speculative masonry between 1720 and 1723, is
clearly luciferina”, explains Gabriel Lopez de Rojas.
The masonry associates of mythical form its origins to a legend located during the
construction of the Temple of Salomón by Hiram Abiff (also Abív or Abif), a smelter of
Shot and son of a widow of the tribe of Neftalí, that divided to its workers in apprentices,
companions and teachers. Each degree had santo and sign who kept privily. Hiram was
assassinated by companions, who tried to know the word secret, and the instruments that
served to assassinate it were the compass, the square and a mallet, symbols that the
Lodges at the present time preside over. The spirit of Hiram would have incarnated itself
in the new Teacher, of that would receive their wisdom all the teachers masones, known
as the “children the widow” in relation to this smelter of Shot and whose figure is very
present in the ritual of the degree third of the masonry.
Masónico Luciferismo
Founder of Order Illuminati comments that the masónica legend “that appears in the
masónica masters of Hiram Abiff, a smelter who sent the King of Shot to Salomón, and
in whom dwelled the spirit of the wisdom, teacher masón par excellence” explains “that
to Hiram he appeared to him in dreams Tubal Caín (that is in addition word to passage of
the Companion in the French rite and of the Teacher in the Old and Accepted Scot), an
ancestor his, that transmitted the luciferina tradition to him”. “Tubal Caín revealed Hiram
who this one was descending of Iblis or Samael, that is to say, of Lucifer, who, according
to the masónica legend, copuló with Eva and was father of Caín”. Lopez de Rojas also
makes notice that the masónica legend indicates that “the sister of Tubalcaín was Naema,
the mother of all the demons, because came from the side of Caín”.
Robert Ambelain, all an authority between masones, with all the degrees of the Old and
Accepted Scottish Rite, including 33°; all the degrees of the Rectified Scottish Rite,
including those of the Internal procedure and all the degrees of the Rite of MemphisMisraïm, until 95° including, among other many masónicas credentials”, in the same way
explain in their book “the masónico secret” (Ed. Martinez-Rock) the legend of Hiram
Abiff, assures, before exposing their genealogy, that this one “will make shake to certain
francmasones innocent, that they identify to Hiram with Christ” and speech of Iblis, the
first ancestor of the smelter, calling it “the Rebellious Angel, the Tempter, the Angel of
the death”. It adds in addition Ambelain that “of this strange tradition was born a habit,
the one to denominate valley to the place in which degrees of the masonry meet to certain
stops” and continues affirming that “in Hebrew, the word is translated by Gehenna, term
that designates the infernal plane in the Jewish religion”, among other “horrifying”
The REASON has asked on the possible relation between masonry and luciferismo
contained in the legend of Hiram Abiff Tejerina Ascent, Great Teacher of Gran Logia
Spanish Simbólica (GLSE), that has expressed “to feel surprised” by the question and has
affirmed not to have “knowledge some on that subject”, rejecting this relation and
indicating that “for me, the masonry is mainly a school of thought and ethical reflection”.
In the page Web of the GLSE, nevertheless, it appears a bibliography in which the
“Dictionary of the Francmasonería” (Akal, 1997) with the following words is
recommended: “It makes available of the reader the keys to approach the inner reality of
the Order and to discover the profiles of the iniciático way”. His author, Juan Carlos
Daza, who, according to affirms in the book, is or was member of the Great Symbolic
Council of the GLSE, gathers in this dictionary the legend of practically exact Hiram to
since Ambelain and the Lopez de Rojas do. In the work he says in addition that in the
allegorical sense of this story is “the truest secret of the teacher degree masón”. He
continues saying that “the gnóstica connection we can state it in the Eblis (Lucifer), that
is not Satán, but the fallen Angel of Venus”.
This newspaper also has consulted to the Great Provincial Teacher of Castile of the Great
Lodge of Spain more numerous masónica ¬Obediencia in affiliation of ours país¬,
Manuel Moreno, who has denied “categorically that masoner ía tenga algo que ver con el
concepto luciferino", explicando que la leyenda de Hiram Abiff, expuesta tal como hacen
Robert Ambelain o López de Rojas, es una versión subjetiva y argumentando que "si esta
relación fuese cierta, se habría mencionado así en las condenas papales".
Illuminati order (Central: Spain)
Illuminati order (Bolivia)
Illuminati order (Colombia)
Illuminati order (Arab Jordan and Emirates)
Societas OTO (Central: Spain)
Societas OTO (Venezuela)
Societas OTO (Ecuador)
(Peru and Portugal)
Diverse webs and forums of Internet offer a information filled with falsifications and myths on
the Illuminati, the SocietasOTO, the Rojismo, its Great Founding Master Gabriel Lopez de
Rojas…, now already moved away of the orders after its resignation to the same ones in 2006.
They are property of groups, organizations and neoNazi individuals, besides, Christians,
inquisidores… that, by their ideology, mainly wish the destruction of all it.
Let us see who are.
Diverse webs and neoNazi forums offer a deception and mitómana on the Illuminati, Societas
OTO, the Rojismo and its Great Founding Master Gabriel Lopez de Rojas.
To have Jewish origins as much Adam Weishaupt (founding of the Illuminati of century XVIII)
like Gabriel Lopez de Rojas (founding of the Illuminati Order in 1995) and to be the Rojismo
together with the Judaism by several routes, the arguments of the neoNazis are related essentially
to the theory of the Illuminati conspiracy, which is not more than a coarse repetition of
falsifications and myths on international the Jewish conspiracy.
An example of these neoNazi deliriums we found in the Web of the Nazi group New Order,
concretely in the article Of Weishaupt to Lenin: the Illuminati Conspiracy. To see the Link:
Also it is of extreme interest the following Link, to know the reality the neoNazis and its
fellow travellers better: Pepe Rodriguez, between the lie and the neo-Nazism.
Diverse webs and forums falangistas and Spanish, besides next to the neoNazis, also offer a
deception and mitómana on the Illuminati, Societas OTO, the Rojismo and its Great Founding
Master Gabriel Lopez de Rojas. They follow a conspiranoicos line to the neoNazis and its myths
similar, although with something more of rigor in the data in the case of the Spanish phalange.
An example is the article the Comunism in alliance with the Islam: the Group Prometheus,
hung in the Web of the Spanish phalange. To see Link:
Another much more delirious example that the article of the Phalange is the triumph or defeats
of the Illuminati decides in Navarre, hung in the Web of the extreme right-wing organization
Spanish Atracta Foundation by the desinformador Antonio Yuste, who at this point surrounded in
his conspiranoicos deliriums does not know that the Great Founding Master apostatized of the
orders in October of 2006. To see Link:
Diverse webs and Christian forums (catholic, protestant, evangelical…) also they offer a
deception and mitómana on the Illuminati, Societas OTO, the Rojismo and its Great Founding
Master Gabriel Lopez de Rojas.
The arguments of the Christians, dedicated proselitistas to bother to the others, serious error that
has lead to many inquisitoriales persecutions, are trims in accusations similar to the neoNazis
besides or, although adding to the antiChristianity and the Satanism.
With the Illuminati or Societas OTO and its innovating System of initiation, the Rojismo, the
initiate evolves from the esoteric idealismo and iniciático indemostrable to the materialism, the
absolute rejection ofthe existence of God, the atheism, the atheistic reason, science, the rigor… In
summary, the initiate of the Rojismo squashes the idealismo and praises the materialism, that is to
say, the matter in last instance like determining factor, against the idealistic dreams of masones,
rosacruces, templarios and one releases list of esoteric and religious that lives in the world of
Alicia in the Country of the Wonders. In this emancipador process, the figure of the God of the
Light is important, Baphomet. On him a basic idea is due to have: only with Baphomet the
initiation is complete. With the esclavistas Gods, their “shackles”, etc., the iniciático work “is
castrated” and the complete initiation is not possible.
These are the reasons by which one group of Christian idealists uses webs and forums to expand
their crísticos deliriums.
A first example of these deliriums we found in the article and digital book the future the
Illuminati and New World order, of the evangelical Tito Martinez. To see Link:
A second example of the mentioned delirium we found in the article Masonry, Fascismo and
Satanismo, hung in a well-known forum of a protestant Web. To see Link:
A third example of the delirium is in the article the Conspiracy of the Illuminated ones
(Illuminati), hung in a well-known catholic Web. To see Link:
Diverse webs and forums of theoreticians of the conspiracy, imitating the neoNazi, extreme or
Christian scope, also offer a deception and mitómana on the Illuminati, Societas OTO, the
Rojismo and its Great Founding Master Gabriel Lopez de Rojas.
The list of falsifications and myths that the conspiranoica gang shuffles surpasses any imaginable
thing. Those that has a minimum of rigor at the time of successfully obtaining information and
still exposing their theories have something of attractive; those that is created their deliriums
simply give pain.
An example of between that they have a minimum rigor would be blog of a theoretical wellknown of the conspiracy that is pawned on demonstrating to the entailment of the Great Founding
Master Gabriel Lopez de Rojas with intelligence services, in spite of to have repeated this one
over and over again that only prepared some report on esoteric neoNazis some years ago for a
service, and point and end.
One of the articles that go in that direction is the titleholder Young pro-Communist and
francmasón Spanish reestablishes the Order of the Illuminati de Baviera in 1995 and
supports to the regime of Korea of the North. To see Link:
Also webs of the conspiranoicos David Icke and Wes Penre offers an ample fan of deliriums,
between which it emphasizes the one of the extraterrestrial reptilianos on the part of Icke and the
one of the great families of the discharge finanza which they are Illuminati on the part of Penre.
To see:
To see:
Our Great Founding Master, Gabriel Lopez de Rojas, committed osadía to found on Spain the Illuminati Order,
Societas OTO and the Rojismo and, immediately, began to be persecuted by the inquisidores Spaniards. Spain and the
Spaniards are famous anywhere in the world by their Inquisición and the persecution and burns of many innocents who
carried out throughout all their history. Today, the Spaniards take the Inquisición in the blood and still they persecute to
different, the coverall if Gabriel is Jews of origin like the Great Founding Master Lopez de Rojas. An example is the
many Spaniards who are neoNazi, besides, Christians… and that expands by Internet opposite falsifications and myths
to the Rojismo, the Order Illuminati, Societas OTO, the Rojismo, since we have already seen.
It is logical that the Spaniards, with their inquisitorial tradition, also have a State that uses its
police and its intelligence service (present pro-Franco SECED, CESID and CNI) to persecute to
the different ones. In fact, in his resignation of 2006, our Great Founding Master Gabriel the
Lopez de Rojas indicated to those who dedicated themselves during years to persecute it and to
defame spreading it inside to falsifications and myths and outside Spain, essentially in the press
and Internet, with guessed right words: “Desire to take advantage of this note to deny the
defamations that several conspiranoicos and agents or collaborators of the National Power station
of Intelligence (Spanish intelligence service) that is made happen through initiates, writers and
investigators antisects, have spilled against us in the Network, during the past few years. We have
never conspired, nor made nothing illegal. The only illegality that we committed went a problem
of threats to a magazine with Nazi collaborators in 1999 who supposed a fine and point to us.
From there, the others are pure lie and defamation”.
The journalist Pepe Rodriguez is the maximum exponent of the inquisidores Spaniards who do
not sleep calm if he is not persecuting to anybody of obsessive way.
To see links: Pepe Rodriguez, between the lie and the neo-Nazism
Pepe Rodriguez, the documents on its lies
Illuminati Order, together with Societas OTO, constituted on winter 2006 the Sovereign Redism Republic, as a new
ultra-national State.
Postmodernity has smashed classic categories of politics science, among them, the state-nation. So, at first of XXI
century there are nations without state (Palestine), nations with several states (United States of America), states
without nation (Montecarlo and others) and even states with several nations (Spain with Catalunya,
Euskalherria...). The organizations with several nations, like European Union and others, aspire to dissolve, once
and for all, the state-nation as a most important factor. And, in this context, Illuminati Order, together with
Societas OTO, both present in more of twenty-five countries, constituted on winter 2006 a Ultra-national State, the
Sovereign Redism Republic, without create any conflict with legality of states of their members.
Adam Weishaupt was born the 7 of February of 1748 in Ingolstadt, Baviera. His father was
university professor of imperial institutions and of penal right of the University of Ingolstadt and
their ancestors had Jewish origins. The young person Adam, student applied and equipped with
great memory, did his first studies in the school of the Jesuits and she registered herself later in
the right faculty, where she continued being intelligent worker and.
The library of the baron of Ickstatt served Weishaupt to him to know works the French
philosophers. And, thanks to an encounter with the Danish mystic Kolmer, who belongs to the
mitológica history of the Illuminati de Baviera, began in the Mysteries of the Wise people of
With 25 years, Adam Weishaupt became titled professor. And, with 27 years, he reached the
position of university professor of the faculty of canonical right of Ingolstadt and one definitively
inclined by the Mysteries and the initiation, founding the 1 of May of 1776, in Ingolstadt, the
Order of the Perfectibilistas, later denominated the Illuminati de Baviera.
Weishaupt, prisoner in the small city of Ingolstadt, was forced to direct it everything by via
epistolar, but, although to the first meeting of the Order five members only went, immediately
affiliated in the same one with tens of members. In a moment, the Illuminati opened lodges in
Germany, Austria, Italy, Hungary, France and Switzerland.
Thanks to the dynamism of baron Adolf von Knigge, recruited for the Illuminati Bavarian by the
Marquess of Constanzo, Weishaupt could relatively soon elaborate the Rite of the Illuminated
ones of Baviera of thirteen degrees of initiation and, from 1778, group to a good number of
members of interest. Very active Masón, Knigge also approached Weishaupt to the masonry,
where it was initiated and it worked in the Teodoro Lodge of the Good Council of Munich.
As of 1778, between the members as soon as there was a twenty of students. The rest was made
up of representatives of liberal professions: doctors, lawyers, judges, professors of grammar
school (gymnasium) and university, directors of state schools, governing of provinces, members
of the Imperial Camera of Wetzlar, stops civil employees of all the classes, and one releases list
of barons and counts.
The 16 of 1782 July, in the famous Convent Masónico de Wilhelmsbad, where it emphasized the
Strict Templaria Observance, different European masónicas Obediences refundaron the three
degrees of the blue masonry (Apprentice, Companion and Teacher) and the Illuminati tried to
federate under their authority all the European masonry, something useless by the visceral
opposition of the Great Lodge of England and the reluctance of the Great East of Illuminated
France and the Teósofos of the Swedish mystic Swedenborg.
In those days, the Illuminati de Baviera already defended a very remote initiation of the
judeocristiana tradition and expositions based on the freedom, the equality and the revolution.
Weishaupt, in fact, can consider the first great revolutionary Socialist and the precursor of the
revolutionary socialism of the Conspiracy of the Equal ones; of Blanqui; of the scientific
socialism or Comunism of Marx and Engels; and of the libertario socialism or anarchism of
Bakunin or Kropotkin, ends recognized by historians of the stature of Max Nettlau. And it caused
that masones of the Great Lodge of England, very preservative Christians, aborted the plans that
the Illuminati they had devised for the Convent Masónico de Wilhelmsbad.
The happened thing in the Convent was not too beneficial mainly for the Illuminati and caused the resignation and the
treason of Knigge. Weishaupt and the Illuminati was faced masones of the Great Lodge of England definitively.
The modern or speculative masonry took form in London in 1717, when the lodges the Apple
tree, the Jar and the Cluster of Grapes, the Oca and the Grill and the Crown were united and
founded the Great Lodge of London, soon called Great Lodge from England and Gran United
Lodge of England. That modern masonry was founded by protestant shepherds, that is to say, by
Christian clergymen, never initiated in a lodge, or rather by profane. Weishaupt knew those
referring data masones the Great Lodge England and it denounced them in his writings, after the
happened thing in the Masónico Agreement of 1782.
One of writings of Weishaupt said:
“… Who can show to me to the Lodge Mother? We have discovered that those of London were
elevated to themselves in 1717. Preguntadles by its archives. They will explain to you that they
were burned. They do not have anything, more than the miserable sofisticaciones of the English
Anderson and the Désaguliers French. Where is the Lodge of York that it tries to be previous,
with its Rey Boudin, and his archives that it bought in the East? Those also are all burned. And
what is of the chapter of the old Aberdeen and their sagrada clergy? We did not find incredible
that those masónicas lodges, ignorantes than all the ignorante, open breaches in the instruction of
our deputies? We were not with the same in London? And we do not have to its missionaries
between us, spying in our Mysteries, eager to learn of us what the True Masonry is? It is in vain,
therefore, to appeal to the judges; they are not where they must be found; all demand for
themselves the sceptre of the Order; all really are in he himself place. They obtain followers, not
by his authenticity, but because they lead to them towards the aim that they propose, and by the
importance of such aim. They are rejected by good masones, since they are incompatible with the
social happiness”.
In case outside little, some martinistas, disciples of Martinez de Pasqually (1727-1779), of Louis
Claude de Saint-Martin (1743-1803) and of Jean-Baptiste Willermoz (1730-1824), were added to
the attacks against the Illuminati from 1783. For example, they sent injuriosos panfletos on the
Illuminati to the Duchess widow Mariana de Baviera. In IX the Meeting of the Evenings of Saint
Petersburg, the martinista Joseph de Maistre, outstanding member of the Order of the Beneficient
Horsemen of the City Santa of Jean-Baptiste Willermoz, finished off the attacks when affirming:
“The name of Illuminated occurs to those guilty men whom, in our days, they dared to even
conceive and to organize in Germany, by means of the most criminal association, the horroroso
project to extinguish of Europe the Christianity and the sovereignty. Claude occurs to that same
name to the virtuous disciple de Saint-Martin who does not profess the Christianity simply, but
that he does not work more than to rise to the sublime heights of that divine law”.
The Illuminati denounced the attacks of these Christian integrists, but nothing is better than to know the tasting the
martinismo of the hand of illustrious masón and martinista like Robert Ambelain, ex- Great World-wide Master of the
Rite of Memphis-Misraïm. In its book the Masónico Secret (Martinez Rock, 1986), Ambelain demonstrated with tests
that the founder of the martinismo, Martinez de Pasqually, was a embaucador and that their disciples hardly reached the
“sublime heights” mentioned by Joseph de Maistre, being put under a farce. Ambelain wrote:
“… The masónica patent of Martinez de Pasqually, of whom never it presented/displayed more
than a translation of his fist and letter (nobody never saw the original one), was a coarse
falsification, with diverse errors in chronological and nominative matter. Contrary to his words, it
did not have familiar archives, and it in accordance with composed his operative rituals the
necessities and of the claims of his disciples. In short, their masónicos knowledge were limited
indiscretions gathered here and there, since it never belonged to the Great estuardista Lodge nor
to the Great orangista Lodge. Therefore, after carrying out an investigation, the Great Lodge of
France, that had recognized at the outset the lodges founded by him, decided to put them in the
index with all its members”.
The 22 of June of 1784, the Voter of Baviera approved edicto by which he prohibited all society,
confraternidad or nonauthorized secret circle by the laws. In February of 1785, Weishaupt was
dismissed of its chair and left exile to Regensburg (Ratisbona). When confirming itself the 2 of
May the prohibition, the Illuminati were persecuted, prisoners, tortured… Few doubts that exist
the inquisitorial atmosphere created by masones of the Great Lodge of England and the
martinistas were taken advantage of by the preservative Power of the time to cause the fatal
At night of the 10 of 1785 July, abbot Lanz, the mail of Weishaupt, fell thundered against by a
ray. Its body was transferred to the chapel of San Emmeran and appeared in its clothes some
papers related to the noble aspirations of the Illuminati.
Weishaupt, that finished taking refuge in Gotha, survived forty and four years the inquisitoriales
persecutions happened in Baviera, passing away 18 of November of 1830. In those years, it wrote
treaties of philosophy and, in the end, like Adolf von Knigge, betrayed his own work.
It seems to be that, being then head of a numerous family, Weishaupt it varied his points of view
in religious and political matter, becoming more sober and preservative. After 1787, in fact, it
resigned to all active connection with iniciáticas orders and one approached the Church,
becoming a species of Christian integrist and until unfolding a remarkable fervor in the
construction of the catholic Church of Gotha. Thus one remembers in documents of the own
catholic Church. Adam Weishaupt died the 18 of November of 1830, “reconciled with the
catholic Church, to which, like young professor, he had condemned to the death and destruction”,
he relates the chronicle of the parish of Gotha.
The implication of some rest of lyou Illuminati in the French Revolution is beyond all
doubt. In February of 1787, the Assembly of the Notables was carried out in France,
summoned by Charles-Alexandre de Calonne. And, in the later years, 1788 and 1789, the
masónica lodge of Paris Amis Réunis received visits of some of the maximum Bavarian
positions of the Illuminati already dissolved, like Johan Joachim Christopher Bode and
the baron of Busche.
The creator of the Egyptian Masonry of Egyptian Rite, the famous Alessandro de Cagliostro,
natural of Tunisia and initiate in the secrets of the Egyptian Masonry by the mysterious Altothas
Teacher in 1776, year of the foundation of the Illuminati de Baviera, belonged to the Illuminati
Bavarian and in the years previous to the French Revolution he walked by the same French
lodges that these.
The 5 of May of 1789, the General States met in Versailles and the 14 of July the French town
devastated Paris and took the strength from the Hem. The 4 of August, the National Assembly
also suppressed the feudal regime and the 26 of August appeared the Declaration of the rights of
the man and the citizen. The influence of the Illuminati in all this revolutionary process was a
fact. Good part of the French revolutionaries was masones and illuminati. The Duke of
Orleans, Saint-Just, Danton, Herbert, Lafayette, Mirabeau, Marat, Robespierre,
Desmoulins was some of the names of the initiates and revolutionaries masons and
illuminati. For example, he is known which Honoré-Gabriel Riquetti, the count of
Mirabeau, received the initiation of the Illuminati Bavarian in Germany, in particular in
house of Henrietta Herz.
Between 1789 and 1792, king of France Luis XVI was shut in in Paris and the 10 of August of
1782 the palace of the Tullerías finished occupied by the revolutionaries, who jailed to the real
The 21 of January of 1793 the king was executed and the revolution initiated a somewhat violent
period, although not as much as they have tried to make believe to us. The bloodthirsty and
guillotinadores critics blaming of the revolutionaries, some masones and illuminati, are little solid
and seem exaggerated. In any case, yes one is due to recognize that the antimonarchical
aspirations of the Illuminati were seen partly fulfilled with the final fall of the French monarchy.
In 1796, François-Noël Babeuf (1760-1797), organized the Conspiracy of the Equal ones to try to
take the power and to restrain the right turn that had given the Revolution after the fall of the
jacobinos that dominated the most violent period of the French Revolution. Babeuf was in favor
of the Revolution from its beginning and attacked so much the terror of the jacobinos like the
later conservadurismo.
The Conspiracy of the Equal ones, been born in the French Revolution, was an expression which
it is known like revolutionary socialism, related to the Illuminati and its philosophy. Babeuf, in
fact, was a man of them, the “most illustrious one of the rest of the Illuminati in biennium 17961797”, according to comments a secret document of the Illuminati.
The important thing, although always is inhaled to more, is than the blow given by the Revolution
to the dominant class until then, the aristocracy, was more than accurate.
It is possible to be affirmed that the Illuminati seeded the seed of the revolution in France,
obtaining to see shaped good part of his ideario, although not everything.
Finished to the Revolution, the rest of the Illuminati they disappeared of Europe, being
circumscribed to the United States of North America, although he is right to recognize that in
Europe still they exerted a very remarkable influence on the Carbonarios.
Of this form, it agrees not to forget that the Carbonarios Italian, a forest masonry arisen from the
coal miners of the forests, whose origin goes back to the forests of Jura, had a certain nexus with
the Bavarian rest of the Illuminati in their origin.
The Carbonarios worked in cabins (lodges), had his or meetings were denominated sales and
other “good cousins” were called a, being their norms written in a book to which they called the
Bible. The Carbonarios considered to Christ like first carbonario and San Teobaldo like pattern.
The Carbonarios had their moment of maximum splendor in Italy of the beginnings of century
XIX, participating in revolutionary processes like the Parisian revolution of 1830 and in the
disturbances of the Pontifical States in 1831. It is possible to say that the antiauthoritarian
socialism of the Carbonarios was something similar to the one of the Illuminati Bavarian,
although nationalistic, much more believing in Christ and God, etc., that the one of those.
The famous initiate and Italian revolutionary Giuseppe Mazzini (1805-1872) was member of the
Carbonarios. Pero Mazzini influenced in addition in the Mafia, which in its beginnings was an
order iniciática that fought against the Napoleonic abuses, that is to say, an order defending of a
nationalism in some points similar to the one of the Carbonarios. The acronym MAFIA, in fact,
means furti Mazzini autorizza, incendi, avvelenamenti or Mazzini authorizes robberies, fires and
The influence of the Illuminati Bavarian also reached to the greater philosopher of both last two centuries, the German
Karl Marx (1818-1883), and to the philosophers of the libertario socialism or anarchism (Bakunin,
Kropotkin), being the direct descending Marx or Bakunin of the philosophy of the Illuminati.
Karl Marx, natural of Tréveris (Prusia, Renania), studied philosophy and nourished in his youth
the group of the hegelianos of lefts, followers of the German philosopher Wilhelm Friedrich
Hegel (1770-1831). For Hegel, the dialectic one is a contradiction process or fights, based on the
affirmation or thesis, the negation or contradiction or antithesis of previous and the fusion of both
or synthesis, that supposes to reach the Idea and an advance with respect to the previous situation.
For Marx, the dialectic one is a process similar, although based on the matter. It assures that the
matter and the man arise and evolve by the union of contradictory impulses. The internal impulse
that appears of the matter, the contradiction and the fight of opposites, takes towards the
Marx dedicated the rest of his life too lay down the the foundations of a scientific methodology of
the scientific socialism or Comunism, being their more outstanding works the Manifesto of the
Communist Party and the Capital. The scientific socialism or Comunism, as it was exposed by
Marx, was based on the historical materialism, the fight of classes, the foundation of the
communist party on the part of the proletariado one, the taking of the Power, the dictatorship of
the proletariado one, the appropriation of production means, the distribution of the wealth, the
elimination of the social classes and the State…
The anarchism of Mikhail Bakunin (1814-1876), great philosopher who laid the the foundations
of the libertario socialism or anarchism, defended the destruction of all authority, the State, the
deprived property, by means of the revolution, the appropriation of production means, the
colectivismo (to each one the product of its work occurs him) and other measures. The later
communist anarchism of Kropotkin pleaded to reject the colectivismo that gave to everyone the
product of its work, favoring the Comunism and the equality of distribution.
The history of the Illuminati Bavarian finalized with the last disciples of Weishaupt, who, in
some case, participated in the French Revolution and exerted other treated influences; what came
later by North American earth was other people's or in opposition to the Illuminati Bavarian.
Thus, the Bavarian rest of the Illuminati that went to stop to the United States of North America
founded Bavarian iluministas orders that they betrayed to the Illuminati, its initiation and its
philosophy, showing preference for the idealismo, Capitalism and the rightist thought.
In 1785, the Colombia Lodge of the Order of the Illuminati in New York constituted itself, with
which they affiliated like Brothers the governor Of Witt; ancestro of Franklin Delano Roosevelt,
Clinton Roosevelt; Horace Greeley, director of the Tribune; and the very same Jefferson. And,
from there, the Order of the Illuminati of the United States, whose name was, from the beginnings
of century XX arose, Grand Lodge Rockefeller.
Some Bavarian nortemericanas iluministas orders that they have betrayed to the Illuminati, his
initiation and its philosophy are the student brotherhood Phi-Beta, founded on 1776 by students
of the William & Mary College, in Williamsburg, Virginia; the iluminista order Skull and Bones,
or Skull and Bones, founded on 1832 by general William Huntington Russell and Alphonso Taft,
two students of Yale who, peculiarly, were not admitted in the student brotherhood Phi-Beta of
the University of Yale, in New Haven, Connecticut; among other similars.
Another example of the iluminista presence in EE.UU we found it, beside the point, in an
historical fact: president F.D. Roosevelt, member of the Shriners, ordered that they appeared in
the North American dollar the pyramid truncated with the triangle and the eye “that all sees it”
(Bavarian symbol of the Illuminati), the thirteen steps of the pyramid (thirteen degrees of the Rite
of the Illuminated ones of Baviera), the inscriptions in Latin Annuit Coeptis and Novus Ordo
Seculorum, date 1776 (date of the foundation of the Illuminati de Baviera)…
On 1995, Gabriel Lopez de Rojas founded on Barcelona (Spain) the Illuminati Order, after
contacting with two members of the Illuminati of the United States and the Operative Rite of the Illuminated ones of
Baviera of thirteen degrees of initiation elaborated, within its System of denominated initiation Rojismo.
From year 2000, the Illuminati Order began to extend by diverse countries. And, in later years, it
spectacularly increased his number of affiliated anywhere in the world, being today in the five
The Illuminati Order, next to Societas OTO, constituted in the winter of 2006 the Sovereign
Rojista Republic, like new Supranational State for the great number of members of both orders.
In 1 November of 2006, Gabriel Lopez de Rojas retired definitively of both orders and named a
Supreme Advice made up of a triunvirato headed by the Frater Bakunin XIIIº like international
person in charge of the Illuminati Order and Societas OTO, only organism from that date with
responsibility to affiliate and to transmit degrees.
The history of the Illuminati follows ahead with authentic the Illuminati Order and illuminati that
honors the Bavarian tradition of the
The Illuminati Order was founded by Gabriel Lopez de Rojasin Barcelona (Spain), the spring of 1995,
after contacting this one in 1994 with two members of the Illuminati of the United States.
The first years of existence of the Illuminati Order (1995-1999) served so that his founder
elaborated the Operative Rite of the Illuminated ones of Baviera and facing improving the
infrastructure of the organization.
In July 1999, the Illuminati Order had few affiliated in Spain, in particular in Barcelona, Madrid,
Valladolid and Santa Cruz de Tenerife.
From year 2000, the Illuminati Order began to extend by diverse countries. And, in later years, it
spectacularly increased his number of affiliated anywhere in the world, being today in the five
The Illuminati Order, next to Societas OTO, constituted in the winter of 2006 the Sovereign
Rojista Republic, like new Supranational State for the great number of members of both orders.
In 1 November of 2006, Gabriel Lopez de Rojas retired definitively of both orders and named a
Supreme Advice made up of a triunvirato headed by the Frater Bakunin XIIIº like international
person in charge of the Illuminati Order and Societas OTO, only organism from that date with
responsibility to affiliate and to transmit degrees.
The Illuminati Order is paramasónica, Sovereign and Independent, inheriting an order of the
Illuminati de Baviera de Adam Weishaupt, founded the 1 of May of 1776. Paramasónica is
denominated, because it does not assume the Landmarks (norms) of the modern masonry, but has
a masónica tradition.
The Illuminati Order works with the Operative Rite of Illuminated of Baviera of the thirteen
degrees of initiation, elaborated by Gabriel Lopez de Rojas. The Rite of thirteen degrees of the
Illuminati Order is nourished of the degrees of the Rite of the Illuminated ones of Baviera of
century XVIII; of the Old and Accepted Scottish Rite of 33 degrees; and of the iniciática
experience of Lopez de Rojas in several traditional routes of initiation like cábala.
The thirteen degrees of the Operative Rite of the Illuminated ones of Baviera are: Noviciado (Iº),
Illuminated Minerval (IIº), Illuminated Smaller and Iluminado Mayor (IIIº), Masón Horseman
(Apprentice IVº, Vº Companion and Maestro VIº), Illuminated Leader (Sovereign Prince of
Rosacruz VIIº, Horseman Kadosh VIIIº and Sovereign Great Chief inspector IXº), Illuminated
Priest (Xº), Prince Iluminado (XIº), Magician Philosopher (XIIº) and Hombre Rey (XIIIº).
And Rite Illuminated of Baviera the Operative Illuminati Order assume the System of initiation created by Gabriel
Lopez de Rojas who denominates Rojismo.
The first degree of iniciático work of the Illuminati Order is the Noviciado, since we have seen
when enumerating the degrees of the Operative Rite of the Illuminated ones of Baviera. It has 4
months of duration and is centered in waking up of the conscience and the inner God, the
meditation, yoga, the simbología…
The primary target of the Noviciado is that the member acquires Knowledge and begins to
discover its inner God, its greatness, its capacities and principles like the equality and the
The Noviciado is understandable and pleasant. And it is made up of material of study and
iniciático work for four months, a ritual of autoiniciación, an individual rite, the Liber Zión and a
diploma that credits to the property and the degree in the Illuminati Order.
It is possible to clarify that the degrees of work of the Illuminati Order, from the Noviciado to
degree XIII º, do not force to go to chapters, or to make a ritualístico work next to other members.
They either do not force to a later relation of any type with the organization and her members.
The Illuminati Order sends the Noviciado with a payment of an only quota of 125 euros, nothing
else to receive the request of interested in email and the approved being the same one.
For Latin America either other zones of the Earth with precarious economies the more, the
Illuminati Order simply asks for a symbolic payment of a quota 45 euros or their equivalent one
in dollars for expenses of shipment.
Consult the different modes of payment from the quota (banking entrance, contrarreembolso,
Western Union…).
Considered seeking, if it wishes to discover the Maximum Mysteries of the Illuminati and to
evolve, it asks for the first degree of the Order Illuminati, the Noviciado, by email. This one will
take care of to him sincerely and will be sent immediately it.
Gabriel Lopez de Rojas
The rabbis Zevi, Nathan and Frank
Today, there is a Sabatiano Orthodox Judaism does not accept that as a sincere conversion rabbi
and messiah Sabbatai Zevi (1626-1676) and Islam which employs t term orthodox when it comes
to be defined in reference to respect for Elohim, and his revelation Mitzvot Jewish, as understood
and developed in due course Zevi and his followers. We speak of the Great Orthodox Chief
Rabbinate Sabatiano or the Yeshivah Orthodox Sabbatai Zevi.
It is necessary to bear in mind that Zevi and his followers always loved above all else to Elohim
(in Hebrew: ‫ )א ל ו ה י ם‬or Hashem (in Hebrew: ‫)ה ש ם‬, names of God in Hebrew, and who never
renounced Judaism, and its converting the product of a forced situation.
At present, there is also a Sabatiano not Orthodox Judaism, which is to the Donmeh or apostates,
founded in Thessaloniki towards 1680-1690. Accepts as a sincere conversion of Sabbatai Zevi
Islam and Judaism practiced a Sabatiano, mixed with Islam. T he Zevi followers maintained their
Judaism after conversion, with many difficulties, which today by his followers in Turkey and
other Islamic countries still prácticando Judaism, but under Islam. For sabatianos Orthodox Jews,
the situation questioned that respect for Elohim, and his revelation as the Jewish Mitzvot
understood Zevi and their more advantaged díscípulos be full by the Donmeh.
Finally, there was currently a Sabatiano non-Orthodox Judaism frankista, follower of Rabbi Zevi
and also messiahs and Jacob Frank (1726-1791). It accepts the apostasy of the Donmeh or
themselves frankistas considered apostasy by an act strange or kepilot caused by demonic entities
of the cábala imperative to overcome the final kepilot and Evil, separating Good and Evil merge
with Elohim , as a stimulus to the Messianic Era proclaimed by Sabattai Zevi, Nathan Strip or
Frank. The Collective Neo Sabatiano Donmeh West U.S. Pursuing a line of work next
something. For sabatianos Orthodox Jews, also described the situation questioned that respect for
Elohim, and his revelation as the Jewish Mitzvot understood Zevi and their more advantaged
díscípulos be full by the sabatianos frankistas.
Judaism Sabatiano has two trends within the branches above. One trend that advocates working
with the cábala and kepilot was something related exclusively Zevi and that his followers should
not do it, because he broke the Good of Evil, merged with Elohim and stimulated the Messianic
Era. The second trend, exclusively within Orthodox Judaism Sabatiano not frankista, which
argues that the followers of Zevi must perform the above work, to triumph over the kepilot,
merged with Elohim and sustains the Messianic Era.
The Rojismo has a deep relationship with the cábala and Judaism, especially with Judaism
Sabatiano. Sabatiano Judaism, a follower of Rabbi and messiah Sabbatai Zevi, innovative
practices and lessons developed and incorporated important elements of Initiation Primordial
Rojismo and, as inclusion of kepilot (god of light, etc.). in the Tree of Life.
In addition, Zevi, almost identical to Rojismo always advocated that access to merge with
Elohim, to be himself Elohim, ie to complete what would be the culmination of initiation at the
Rojismo had to go through this work in the Tree of Life of the Jewish cábala, which cost be
discriminated against within Judaism.
Despite what was said, Rojismo is a gradual start, which was alien to Judaism as a whole
Sabatiano; destroys the gods or idols (Kelipot Baphomet, etc.). Also gradually, something that
occurs at different stages in Judaism Sabatiano; assumed to Elohim gradually Mitzvah
compulsory for all Jewish sabatiano from the beginning; not have a Mitzvot or sabatianos
Commandments themselves Jews, and assumes the Liber Zión beyond Tanaj (in Hebrew: ‫ )ה נ ך‬/
Old Testament or the Torah (in Hebrew: ‫ )ת ו ר ה‬Hebrew, text unrelated to any branch of Judaism
But when in the upper grades of Rojismo, initiated rejects the gods or idols, took to Elohim, has
some Mitzvot and assumes some Hebrew Scriptures, all adding to its already very close
relationship with the work of cábala of Judaism in Sabatiano the gradual process of initiation, it is
converted to Judaism and Orthodox Sabatiano not frankista not Donmeh or Islamic. Therefore,
until it seems logical that high grades are Rojismo ime Sabatianos of Tzión.
‫ב ר יתציו ן‬
The Liber Zión or Zión Brit is a set of texts revealed Gabriel Lopez de Rojas, Gabriel Rabbi Yehuda
Shahor, in 1999 by Kelipot Baphomet, which describes itself as "the Great costume Face:
Elohim." Like the Torah, Elohim, in this case with his costume, shows ways to reach Him.
For a western rational mind, engaged in a egolatría unhealthy, it is difficult to understand these
realities. For a Jew, Tefilah (prayer), the conversation with Elohim is like lunch every day, in this
case "the food of the spirit."
The Liber Zión we present, updated in recent years for high levels, is important in the Rojismo in
Sabatianos of Tzión.
‫ב ר יתציו ן‬
Baruch Ata Elohenu melej haolam
‫בָּ ר וּ ךְ אַ תָּ ה אֱ לֹ הֵ י נ וּ מֶ לֶ ךְ הָ ע וֹ לָ ם‬
Blessed are You, Our Elohim, King of the World
Elohim has won the battle.
We had become their faithful.
It has become Him.
We had to be his shadow, and his Be Light.
Kelipot Baphomet is a disguise,
But Elohim is the Great Face.
Kelipot Baphomet guides us,
But Elohim… gathers us,
Sabia with his Torah.
At the end of time,
Kelipot Baphomet and the idols die,
But Elohim is the Eternal…,
As the Torah teaches us.
Baruch Ata Elohenu melej haolam
Blessed are You, Our Elohim, King of the World
1. Achaita, divine revelation.
2. This is the new holy book of mankind.
3. And you are the messiah, the head visible from the Grand Lodge Hides.
4. I, you and the heads Secrets (Sabbatai Zevi, Nathan Strip, Jacob Frank…) are the old
chain of humanity.
5. But you are the head will be visible ear trumpet found in the confines of the Earth and
the universe.
6. We deliver the Liber Zión to be Liber of the New Era Zión, Liber future of humanity.
7. Hierophant Oh, great among all the wise and great masters of the universe, Liber Zión
delivery to its size and scope Light eternity!
8. The Zión is Liber Liber future of humanity will come through you, The Illuminati and
Sabatianos of Tzión, to the ends of the Earth and the universe.
9. The Liber Zión will be the eternal light of the coming centuries and civilizations of the
morning of the Earth and the entire universe.
10. I Kelipot Baphomet, met, met, met, ad infinitum, next to you, oh messiah!, We are
the reverse of the former Nazareth and the chain of humanity.
11. Rome will perish, Jerusalem burns and the reason is break. And my Law, the Law on
Zión, will be hailed by the entire humanity, because I, Kelipot Baphomet, the god of the
Temple of Solomon, I am the guise of the Great Face of the One True God: Elohim. He
and I escupimos on the shadows and the enslavement of others.
12. I am who I am. I am the guise of the Great Face, Elohim, of which we know nothing.
13. And the Liber Zión you deliver is the Liber Los Illuminati, the Sabatianos of Tzión
and the entire humanity. Coged trumpets, Liber Zión and proclaim his message, a
message of eternal love and Freedom.
14. Achaita (long silence).
15. Oh enlightened, Brothers of the night, the star of the Light! Which Light is extended.
Light in length. Light in the Darkness.
16. Zión is the word. Zión is Law.
17. And Zión is Freedom, love, pleasure and lust. And Zión is free and sensuality, and
that is what is out on the face of the earth and the universe. Because of Darkness, the
Illuminati and Sabatianos of Tzión severed Good and will be merged to Elohim,
establishing a New Era of Messianic Zión.
18. The gods and idols have died for their slavery. Coged trumpet and exclamad: death
to the gods of slaves because Zión has arrived! Zión, Zión, Zión, Zión, Zión, Zión, ad
19. Achaita (long silence).
20. There is more that victory and the triumph of the Great Face disguise or Elohim, who
is called Kelipot Baphomet.
21. Azotad therefore the consciences of slaves, with the word sacred, Zión, and its
message: Freedom. And not before retrocedáis dust and the sighs of the Universe. They
are now in the midst of eternity of creation of Elohim.
22. Old Humanity hopes and I know. 33 years and you have to extend the Liber Zión the
confines of the Earth and the universe, and yours, which are mine, which spread in the
centuries to come.
23. The new law replaces the old law. The new law is the Law of the old chain of
humanity. This is the Flame, Fire, Light Primordial. It is the path of Egypt, Solomon, the
Masons started, the cabalistas Jews. From Sabbatai Zevi, Nathan Strip, Jacob Frank, and
you (Gabriel Yehuda Shahor) ...
24. The Light Zión now extends to infinity, illuminating the ends of the universe to
house civilizations of tomorrow.
25. I have been shrouded in mists amidst the centuries and millennia. But there when the
world did not exist in his time. Time for disclosure had not arrived. Children of the Earth
and the universe, Liber Zión is my delivery, not to hesitate about who is the true god.
The exclaimed that in the Torah: I am who I am. Oh Elohim!.
26. Achaita (silence).
1. The Liber Zión book is the future of humanity, sunlight and Moon, the Messiah and
the New Era Zión.
2. The Liber Zión it for yourself, for your own future and for Humanity.
3. It is the universe itself uncovered hidden. It Light in the Darkness, Light Primordial
for men and women from all points of the universe.
4. Elevad and proclaim Light, and romped chains of death, with the strength of Zión, oh
sabatianos illuminated.
5. And for this, not dudad to the rich, the mighty, the dictator, authoritarian ... Not dudad
to those seeking to impose their idolatrous tyranny and slavery.
6. I am who I am, proclaims Elohim. It is the God who always loved you. He is the
creator of the worlds. And I am the guise of the Great Face: Elohim. Elohim you said:
"The nations and the rulers are dust before me, I murmur and disappear. Cultures and
civilizations are nothing before me eternity. It is a sigh in the midst of the millennia. My
eternity I became the Eternal. " Oh Elohim!.
7. I urge you to dance and dance, to be free, to show lust to the unknown, to walk naked
to cover its shame morality of others. And is that the Darkness give life by the Illuminati
and Sabatianos of Tzión, as well as Elohim, establishing a New Era of Messianic Zión.
8. I am Kelipot Baphomet: the guise of the Great Face. And Zión is my kingdom, a
Kingdom of Freedom and Love. Let your light reaching the ends of the Earth and the
9. Below the false gods and idols, but respect for the initiates of the civilizations of the
past, because they carved celestial harvest now deliver.
10. Zión is the end of the cross, the star and the average Moon. Zión is the beginning of
the Kingdom of Light Primordial. Zión is Law and the word of Kelipot Baphomet:
trumpet of Elohim.
11. Achaita (long silence).
12. The next few centuries and millennia only know one word: Zión.
13. And Law: Zión.
14. The coming millennia will be Liberty and Light, Life and Creation, Love and
Kindness, Zión under the Act, the Law of Eternal.
15. Proclaim Zión, oh enlightened sabatianos and conducid the slaves to the path of
Liberty. The brave will be free and eternal, in the image and likeness of Elohim. The
cowards die forgotten and wrapped in chains of ignorance and sin.
16. That Zión arrival at the infinite.
17. Achaita (long silence).
18. Rome will fall forever.
19. Jerusalem is overflow.
20. So is the former Zión Solomon, Zevi, Elohim…
21. And Zión will call and the Law of the New Era Zión. Zión Oh! Zión Oh! Oh Zión,
exclaimed to the slaves of the gods and idols strangers.
22. Achaita (long silence).
23. Oh messiah of the Grand Lodge Hidden! The centuries are at the foot of Zión, and
these are my feet, feet of a silent and eternal glory that shall reign forever and ever.
24. Light and heat.
25. Exclamad together, in honor of Elohim: ZIÓN OH, OH ZIÓN, OH ZIÓN, OH
26. Achaita.
1. Temblad false pillars of the universe, because Zión is here.
2. Temblad false shepherds; Zión is here.
3. This is the third revelation, the Holy disclosure, disclosure of revelations that will be
acclaimed by the centuries, millennia and Humanity future.
4. It is the revelation that plagues consciences with the stick of Great Face.
5. I Kelipot Baphomet, the envoy of God of Truth, Wisdom, Freedom and Light. And
my plaguing be sleeping consciences of the enslaved, the oppressed, those who yearn
Liberty looking to tomorrow.
6. My Act has a name: Zión. And my word is Freedom. ZIÓN OH, OH ZIÓN, OH
ZIÓN, exclamarán my victorious armies.
7. The Zión Act, the beginning of the rule of Zión, is the Law of the New Era Zión
started in the first Hebrew month of the year 1999, which was reign in the confines of the
Earth and the universe by Amen and the thousands of millennia.
8. The Law on Freedom Zión be, free and peace in the Kingdom of Zión, the sacred
temple of all men. ZIÓN OH, OH ZIÓN, OH ZIÓN.
9. Law that will free the slaves of the false gods and deliver peace and freedom to men.
10. Act to punish the usurpers, the masters of slaves and the false prophets.
11. They will be cursed by the centuries those who have and attack directed against me.
12. They will be cursed by the centuries that are directed against you and yours.
13. They will be cursed by the centuries that are directed against all of us, the old chain
of humanity.
14. They will be cursed by the centuries that violate Zión Act and its eternal.
15. They are abhorrent to my eyes and suffer divine fire in their meat and the meat of
their descendants.
16. And mine, you, the priests and children of Zión, reach an eternal glory in the
Kingdom of Zión established in my beloved Earth. ZIÓN OH, OH ZIÓN, OH ZIÓN, OH
17. Zión are here; Zión has come, temblad false pillars of the universe.
18. The children of Zión will join in harmony, sought the Promised Land to be hosted by
his message, live according to their eternal Act, extended by the confines of Earth and the
universe and proclaim the Kingdom of Zión with daily readings of The Sacred Texts Zión
of on the streets, in public places and my temples. Temblad false pillars of the universe.
Zión is here.
19. Temples of Zión will have two columns of the Temple of Solomon in the eye of a
mystery, respect the Torah original and Proclamations Act Zión with readings from the
Torah and the Holy Texts of Zión. To be spreading the good news by the confines of
Earth and the universe. Temblad false pillars of the universe. Zión is here.
20. For ever and ever, that the Light of the Synagogue Zión is eternal.
21. For civilizations of the Earth and the universe, that the Light Zión be delivered.
22. Forever, Elohim will be the sole and legitimate real god.
23. I Kelipot Baphomet, only I am the god of light of all men. The guise of the Great
Face: Elohim.
24. ZIÓN OH, OH ZIÓN, OH ZIÓN, OH ZIÓN, shouting and the legions of my empire.
Zión, Zión, Zión, ad infinitum.
25. For centuries and millennia.
26. Achaita.
Baruch Ata Elohenu melej haolam
Blessed are You, Our Elohim, King of the World
Elohim has won the battle.
We had become their faithful.
It has become Him.
We had to be his shadow, and his Be Light.
Kelipot Baphomet is a disguise,
But Elohim is the Great Face.
Kelipot Baphomet guides us,
But Elohim… gathers us,
Sabia with his Torah.
At the end of time,
Kelipot Baphomet and the idols die,
But Elohim is the Eternal…,
As the Torah teaches us.
Baruch Ata Elohenu melej haolam
Blessed are You, Our Elohim, King of the World
Gabriel Lopez de Rojas
Haile Selassie I
In Judaism, there are many families, branches and groups. In the Orthodox Rabbinical Judaism,
which is based on a strict monitoring of Elohim (in Hebrew: ‫)א ל ו ה י ם‬, its Revelation (the Torah,
Tanaj, etc..), The Talmud (in Hebrew: ‫ )ה ת ל מ ו ד‬and the rabbis, it upholds the supremacy of this
trend on any temporary societies. In the Orthodox Rabbinical Judaism, are the haredim / those
who fear D's, with branches of the Hasidim and the mitnagdim in her womb, and modern
Orthodox Jews. In Judaism Orthodox Rabbinical No, it is also true to Elohim and their
revelation, but rejects the interpretation of the rabbis in the Talmud, highlighting Karaítas,
focusing on Tanaj (in Hebrew: ‫ )ה נ ך‬/ Old Testament, and the Samaritans, focusing on the Torah
(in Hebrew: ‫)ת ו ר ה‬. In Messianic Judaism Orthodox, we find some branches of the Sabatianos,
followers of the rabbi and messiah Sabbatai Zevi, and Mesiánicos Jews, and followers of Rabbi
Messiah Jesus.
Reform Judaism, which puts the temporal trends to Elohim and Revelation, is within Reform
Judaism itself, and other branches arising from it: Judaism Reconstruccionista, Humanistic
Judaism, Neohasidismo, Renewal Judaism ... Near the Reform, Conservative Judaism or are at
the Masorti, a supposed meeting point between orthodox and reformist.
As a final family of Judaism, we must summon the Bnei Israel / children of Israel (in Hebrew: ‫י‬
‫ )ש ר א ל‬and its various branches, all of them extremely loyal to Israel, Elohim, their revelation,
despite having stayed for hundreds or thousands of half years almost always very adverse, even
with grave risk to their lives. Among the Bnei Israel, we found the Beta Israel / House of Israel
from Ethiopia, Jews blacks known as the Falasha / exiles, the Bnei Menashe / children of
Menashe of India, Oriental Jews, other Jews called black South African Lemba, especially in the
province of Limpopo, the black Jews Bnei Ephraim / children of Ephraim of Nigeria; and Bnei
Anusim / children of forced, ie descendants of the Jews forced to convert to Christianity against
her will to continue practicing Judaism in secret of the Inquisition. Let us know...
The Beta Israel descended from the son who had the Queen of Sheba with King Solomon:
Melenik I. and also converts who followed the example of his queen converted to Judaism.
Others are children born of a marriage between natives and members of the Israelite tribe of Dan
that was eventually settled in Kush / Ethiopia in times of King Solomon.
The last emperor of the Beta Israel was Haile Selassie I (1892-1975): 2250-fourth descendant of
King Solomon and the Queen of Sheba, and his son Melenik I, as Kebra Negest, Tanaj of
Ethiopia century which included 14 Apochraphal texts. Haile Selassie I was crowned in 1930
under the title of Lion rampant as the Tribe of Judah and took the name Haile Selassie cited.
Black Jews
The Tanaj of Ethiopia shown in order to bring the Ark of the Covenant of the Temple of
Solomon and the Kingdom of Ethiopia, along with the eldest of Ierushalaim. This order was
given to Menelik I, son of Solomon and the Queen of Sheba.
Between November 1984 and January 1985 after being recognized by the State of Israel as Jews
were brought to Israel 8,000 black Jews from the Beta Israel. Operation Moses was interrupted
by a leak from the government of Sudan, but the operation was resumed in January 1991, with
Operation Solomon, which led Israel to another 15,000 black Ethiopian Jews.
Today, the Beta Israel are divided between Ethiopia and Israel, which has a special personality,
maintaining great loyalty to Israel, Elohim and its revelation.
Moreover, the Bnei Menashe are descendants of a Lost Tribe of Israel, the tribe of Menashe.
They are found in India, though, after also be recognized by the State of Israel as a Jewish few
years ago, several hundred Bnei Menashe were taken to the Promised Land recently. In the same
way that the Beta Israel, are divided between India and Israel, where they have their own
personality as unique as the old ones. The loyalty of the Bnei Menashe is comparable to the Beta
The Lemba are a tribe of mainly South Africa and southern Africa are descended from Jews,
which has been proven by their DNA. It is estimated that approximately 70,000. Although they
speak Bantu languages similar to those of its neighbors, religious beliefs and practices are similar
to those of Judaism, which have been passed down by oral tradition through the generations.
The Bnei Ephraim Jews are other blacks in Nigeria, especially in the province of Limpopo,
similar to the previous ones, ie, descendants of Jews who have ancestral practices and beliefs
similar to those of Judaism, but with a smaller number of followers.
The loyalty of all of them is beyond doubt, as much as the fact that they have a very definite
personality of its own.
Finally, the Bnei Anusim, descendants of Jews forced to abandon Judaism against their will and
they did everything that was in their power to continue practicándolo on condition of coercion,
are in Spain and Latin America, with hundreds of thousands, as the Jews forced to accept
Christianity were many.
At present, there are various associations, radios or synagogues Bnei Anusim as Massada
Association Bnei Anusim, Radio World Jewish World Movement… Anusim, almost all of them
focused on Bnei Anusim of Sepharad with great fidelity to Israel, Elohim and its revelation.
Some Bnei Anusim famous in Spain or Sefarad, and more specifically in Majorca, are the
Chuetas, some of whom returned to the Orthodox Rabbinical Judaism in Israel recently, being an
example for the same Rebe Nisan Avraham Ben-de Mallorca.
Anusim (in Hebrew: ‫ )א נ ו ס י ם‬is the plural for "anús", ie, "forced" in Hebrew. In the secular
non-rabbinic literature, the Anusim are referred to as "converts," "new Christians", "crypto-Jews"
or "marranos". The Catholic Church invented the first two terms, the third is a modern invention
by historians, and the fourth is the pejorative term that the Spaniards gave the anti-Semitic
Anusim. The Anusim have a very special place in rabbinical literature. This is the legal term
applied to rabbinical a Jew who has been forced to abandon Judaism against their will and who
does everything in its power to continue practicándolo on condition of coercion. And since the
act of leaving was against his will, he remains a Jew kosher for all intent and purposes in
accordance with Jewish law. In this sense, kosher is the legal term applied to the rabbinical
forced conversions, as the matarife of Anusim, wine made by them, their marriages, and so on.
Are considered kosher, in this regard valid for the use of a Jew and the Jewish community. All
descendants of the Anusim through the maternal line are literally Jews because Jewish law
stipulates that the son of a Jewish Israeli remains, regardless of the belief system with which to
Judaism today, after four thousand years of history, is split into multiple families, branches and
groups. And deepen each has been presented as essential to view reality.
The Rojas family name belongs to the Bnei Anusim. In more than one case, several Rojas
finished burned alive in the fires inquisitorial, as evidenced medieval documents concerning Cars
of faith. One famous case was that of the Bnei Anusim apellidados Rojas and executed in
Grenada in 1593. Another similar case is that of the Red Carvajal and Mexico. A third case is that of
the illustrious Fernando de Rojas, author of the famous La Celestina, investigated by the Spanish
Inquisition and defender of their relatives prosecuted for it.
A medieval document entitled Easter Marrana and written by the Bnei Anusim Don Jose Manuel
Rojas of the Holy Trinity and Mejia, recognizes the origin of the surname Rojas in the Hebrew
term Shahor / black / black Jew, which Rojas is a reversal of letters, following the order of reading
or writing
Hebrew into Spanish. The medieval shields of the surname have a star of David and a
Lion of Judah rampant, almost identical to those used by Haile Selassie I, crowned in 1930 under
the title of Lion rampant as the Tribe of Judah, the last emperor of Ethiopia and head of the black
Ethiopian Jews.
Coats of the Red,
With stars of David and the Lion of Judah rampant
Gabriel Lopez de Rojas
Rabbi Sabbatai Zevi
The Rojismo has a deep relationship with the cábala and Judaism, as it is a system of initiation
founded by a Jewish origin sefardita that after leaving orders in 2006, became an orthodox Jewish
rabbi in 2007. Example, the Rojismo Rites its structure with the Tree of Life of the Jewish cábala;
incorporates teachings and practices from Judaism Hasídico of Rabbi Israel Baal Shem Tov
(1700-1760) and of Judaism and the rabbi Sabatiano messiah Sabbatai Zevi (1626-1676); is spiral
feeds on ancient traditions of Judaism more traditional (Solomon, Hiram Abiff, Kelipot
Baphomet…); takes and uses the materialist philosophy (Marx, Engels…) and psychoanalysis
(Freud), founded by prominent Jews, and launched a drive to " kill "all gods (god of light and the
like) gradually, to be released from them, as they did the Jews gradually embracing the belief in
Hashem (in Hebrew: ‫ )ה ש ם‬or Elohim (in Hebrew: ‫ )א ל ו ה י ם‬as the only god. Followers of
Rojismo, like the Jews, to learn that progress by the degree of knowledge that there are no gods in
the plural, but only an internal Superior Elohim, which in itself is Rojismo started, transformed
into Elohim and the tools of the reason the rigour ... The last grade 'internal' Rojismo also is a
purely Jewish and named Cohen of Tzión XIV eighth.
The cábala is a traditional way initiatic belonging to Judaism, according to cabalistas, stems from
the beginning of time. Cábala was released to the non-Jewish world from the heart of Judaism in
the Middle Ages and in Sepharad (Spain) . And the figures that were cábala Sephardic and
medieval Moses ben Najman (Nahmanides, Rambán, Bonastruc Porta…) cabalista prominent
Gerona who acted as Chief Rabbi, a mystic, philosopher, writer and talmudista; Yossef Caro
(1488-1575), cábala great expert in that, after being expelled from Sefarad, led the school cábala
Safed; Moses Cordovero (1522-1570), a disciple of the Caro nicknamed Remak; Chelemó
Alkabets, brother of Caro; and Isaac ben Solomon of Luria or " Haarí, the lion sacred "(15341572), who led the cabalista community of Safed in Galilee. Moreover, it should be added that
the main books of the Zohar were cábala or Book of Splendor and Sefer Ye ts irah or The Book of
Rabbi Nathan Strip
The Jewish cábala suffered a major boost retrospectively by the emergence of new families of
Judaism as Sabatiano Judaism and Judaism Hasídico. Sabatiano Judaism, a follower of Rabbi and
messiah Sabbatai Zevi (1626-1676), developed innovative practices and teachings and
incorporated important elements of Initiation Primordial Rojismo and, as the inclusion of kepilot
(god of light, etc.). in the Tree of Life. In addition, Zevi, almost identical to Rojismo always
advocated that access to merge with Elohim, to be himself Elohim, ie to complete what would be
the culmination of initiation at the Rojismo had to go through this work in the Tree of Life of the
Jewish cábala, which cost be discriminated against within Judaism. His main disciple, Nathan
Strip, Derush has tininim explains Zevi on something that gives a clear hint about the work
proposed and developed by mysterious Zevi and his disciples: "God put to a great test on
numerous occasions, so that after to be at the top of the sky falling on the merits of the great
abyss, where it snakes tentaban .... "Nathan said further that the primary space, linked to the Tree
of Life, or kelipot was full of demonic powers and that the internal developments in Judaism
Sabatiano of Zevi should begin to work with them, clear allusions to the god of light and related
entities in the Rojismo used in the same way. It is clear that explanations of Nathan described
perfectly what is the Rojismo and Initiation Primordial.
The Hasidismo (Hasidim / pious), founded in the eighteenth century by Rabbi Israel Baal Shem
Tov (1698-1760), for its part, was nurtured in principle more than a few Jews sabatianos and then
was divided into a number of Jewish groups Satmar as Hasidism, Bobover Hasidism, Breslov
Hasidism, Sanz Hasidism or Chabad Lubavitch, among others, and opted for some kelipot and
ecstasy physical and spiritual root sabatiana in several of their groups.
Today, Judaism Sabatiano, like Judaism Hasídico, remains a reality. The term Orthodox
employing some of their branches and groups in the definition is an allusion to absolute respect
towards Elohim, his revelation and Mitzvot arising from it, as they understood them and
developed at the time. Anteponen all of this for temporal trends of societies, the opposite of the
way the Jews reformists, reconstruccionistas, etc. Who put temporal trends to Elohim, his
revelation and Mitzvot.
So, today, there are groups hasídicos Satmar Hasidism, Bobover Hasidism, Breslov Hasidism,
Sanz Hasidism or Chabad Lubavitch one, like a Grand Sabatiano Orthodox Chief Rabbinate, a
Yeshivah Orthodox Sabbatai Zevi, a Turkish Chief Rabbinate Sabatiano, an Institute of Turkish
Studies Sabatianos Collective and a Neo-Sabatiano, the last non-Orthodox.
We have seen Rojismo's relationship with Judaism Sabatiano and Judaism Hasídico. But, what
are the differences of Rojismo with families, branches and Orthodox Jewish groups in general?
The Rojismo is a gradual start, not a religion; destroys the gods or idols (Kelipot Baphomet, etc.).
Gradually, something that occurs at different stages in Judaism Sabatiano or Hasídico or from the
outset in other families, branches and Jewish groups; assumed to Elohim gradually Mitzvah
mandatory for every Jew since its inception, has no or few Mitzvot Commandments themselves
Jews, except in its upper grades, and assumes the Liber Zión beyond Tanaj (in Hebrew: ‫ )ה נ ך‬/
Old Testament or the Torah (in Hebrew: ‫ )ת ו ר ה‬Hebrew.
Views relations and differences, it is clear the extreme closeness of Rojismo with Judaism and
The word orthodox is subject to many interpretations, like other terms used in the area that we
move. Therefore, we can say that means Orthodox Jew to everyone who preempts Elohim, his
revelation and Mitzvot derivative thereof, trends, fashions and temporary needs of societies. An
Orthodox Jew, whether Rabbinical, No. Rabbinical, Messianic ..., as a whole, must respect the
Mitzvot of Judaism as he notes in his family branch or group Jew. And they, generally speaking,
are the r echazo of all idolatry and love Elohim above all else; acceptance and the study of the
Hebrew Scriptures that are accepted; prayer (Tefilah) to talk and receive messages Elohim;
observing the Jewish holidays and Shabbat, the use of talit gadol (mantle of prayer), the talit
katan (Jewish garment) and tefilin prayer (in the case of Karaítas, for example, are symbolic)
small leather boxes with passages from the Scriptures, the use of peyot on the sides of his head
and beard (which can be interpreted in different ways), the use of the mezuzah to the front door
(which may also be symbolic, following the Karaítas), and so on. Two other Mitzvot followed by
Orthodox Jews are using the Mikveh for purified and the laws of Kashrut, ie dietary laws.
What we are looking for every listed cause is the conscience of the Jewish faithful to the
orthodox rabbinical is not rabbinical; messianic… is awake, not to never deviate from Elohim
towards idolatry and paganism. And all this must be developed from the volition; be a source of
purification, freedom and Kedushah (Holiness), and generate happiness and life.
Obviously, an Orthodox Jew from any tendency has it virtually impossible to take a system that
works with some Rojista gods or idols and assumes no strangers to Elohim, their revelation or
Mitzvot from the outset
Gabriel Lopez de Rojas
The initiation called Rojismo System was created by Gabriel Lopez de Rojas,. Rojismo The
Rojismo is divided into two orders (Order Illuminati and Societas OTO) and the two rites of both:
Rite of Operating Iluminados Bavarian Order of the Illuminati and the Rite of MemphisOperating Misraïm of Societas OTO.
The Rojismo gives importance to the fundamental pillars of initiation as a genuine desire,
willingness, the awakening of consciousness of man "asleep" respect for the cycles and order,
coherence, to traditional ways of initiation (yoga, tantra , cábala, symbolism, alchemy), and the
transformation of the work initiated through the operation in the divinity itself, always looking at
what he planned outside its internal evolution.
That system also is an important figure of the god of light, Kelipot Baphomet. About him, you
must have a basic idea: only Kelipot Baphomet initiation is complete. Followers of Rojismo, with
the progress by degrees of Knowledge, however, they discover that there is no gods (god of light,
etc.). in the plural, but only a Elohim (in Hebrew: ‫ )א ל ו ה י ם‬of Superior, launched himself
transformed into Elohim, which operates with the tools of reason, the rigour ... That trend is also
reflected in the Liber Zión.
In addition to the above that philosophy Rojista the crown Rojismo, rephrases Ndo socialism and
rtiendo agreed to Rojismo in postmodern. Philosophy Rojista serves as a Tikun olam Judaism and
cábala, ie "repair the world." Tikun olam is important in Judaism and cábala and are often used to
explain the Jewish concept of social justice.
Ultimately, l a scientific psychology is also a tool that helps to understand the gradual evolution
of Rojismo initiated for high grade.
In Rojismo, initiated moves from the esoteric idealism and materialism initiatory indemostrable
The Rojismo respects the Masonic tradition, rosacruz, Templar ... because in some way endorses in its initiation and
teachings, but on the other hand, rejects the vast majority of organisational structures of the Freemasons, the
Rosicrucian, the Templars ( orders, loggias, Obediencias ...), them as esoteric and idealism initiatory whose endpoint
utter unreality.
The Rojismo, above the foregoing, it has a deep relationship with the cábala and Judaism, as it is
a system of initiation founded by Gabriel Lopez de Rojas, ie a Jewish origin sefardita that after
leaving orders in 2006, became an orthodox Jewish rabbi in 2007. way, the structure Rojismo
their rites with the Tree of Life of the Jewish cábala; incorporates teachings and practices from
Judaism Hasídico of Rabbi Israel Baal Shem Tov (1700-1760) and Sabatiano Judaism and the
rabbi messiah Sabbatai Zevi (1626-1676); feeds on ancient traditions of Judaism most ancient
spiral (Solomon, Hiram Abiff, Kelipot Baphomet…); takes and uses the materialist philosophy
(Marx, Engels…) and psychoanalysis (Freud), founded by prominent Jews, and launched a drive
to "kill" all gods (god of light and the like) gradually, to be released from them, as they did the
Jews gradually to embrace belief in Hashem (in Hebrew: ‫ )ה ש ם‬or Elohim as the only god.
Followers of Rojismo, like the Jews, to learn that progress by the degree of knowledge that there
are no gods in the plural, but only an internal Superior Elohim, which in itself is Rojismo started,
transformed into Elohim and the tools of reason, science, the rigor ... The last grade 'internal'
Rojismo also is a purely Jewish and named Cohen of Tzión XIV eighth.
We have seen Rojismo's relationship with Judaism Sabatiano and Judaism Hasídico. But, what
are the differences of Rojismo with families, branches and Orthodox Jewish groups in general?
The Rojismo is a gradual start, not a religion; destroys the gods or idols (Kelipot Baphomet, etc.).
Gradually, something that occurs at different stages in Judaism Sabatiano or Hasídico or from the
outset in other families, branches and Jewish groups; assumed to Elohim gradually Mitzvah
mandatory for every Jew since its inception, has no or few Mitzvot Commandments themselves
Jews, except in its upper grades, and assumes the Liber Zión beyond Tanaj (in Hebrew: ‫ )ה נ ך‬/
Old Testament or the Torah (in Hebrew: ‫ )ת ו ר ה‬Hebrew.
Views relations and differences, it is clear the extreme closeness of Rojismo with Judaism and
When, in the upper grades of Rojismo, initiated rejects the gods or idols, took to Elohim, has
some Mitzvot and assumes some Hebrew Scriptures, all adding to its already very close
relationship with the work of cábala of Judaism Sabatiano in the gradual process of initiation, it is
converted to Judaism and Orthodox Sabatiano not frankista not Donmeh or Islamic. Therefore,
until it seems logical that high grades are Rojismo ime Sabatianos of Tzión.
Order Illuminati (Bolivia)
Order Illuminati (Colombia)
Order Illuminati (Venezuela)
Order Illuminati (Jordan and United Arab Emirates)
Societas OTO (Venezuela)
Societas OTO (Ecuador)
OF MEMPHIS-MISRAÏM / mmperu / index.htm