Buzz - Welcome to Karen`s Domain
Buzz - Welcome to Karen`s Domain
FREE - because the best things in life are! WIN! Tickets for the whole family to see The Lion King in London November / December 2011 Southampton Star shines brightly in the West End PLUS GET YOUR KICKS on Route 66 with our American Travel Expert Through the Porthole with Holland America Cruises Making furry friends with Harrods The fight against alzheimers continues... CELEBRITY CHAT! with Kate Garraway GREAT PRIZES AND GIVEAWAYS Offord & Sons Yo u r ne w loc a l m a ga z i n e ! TABh ead er Purveyors of Fine Jewellery & Watches For the perfect Christmas present 86 High Street, Winchester. Tel - 01962/867772 3 Church Street, Romsey. Tel - 01794/512247 www.theb u z z m a ga zi n e .c o .u k F R O Mt h e E d ito r What ’s the Buzz! Create a Buzz of your own – and get your business noticed! Editor In Chief Linda Carter Advertising Danielle Bunting, Sales & Marketing Manager 01489 577837 Editorial Sarah Rohn-Magee, Features Editor 01489 577837 Copy Editor Karen Stoop Community Features Ann Younger Accounts 01489 577837 Competition Entries Terms & Conditions see page 74 To reach our: tȓ (SBQIJDT1SJOUJOH%FQBSUNFOU tȓ 1IPUPHSBQIFS tȓ 3FTFBSDIFS tȓ "ENJO%FQBSUNFOU tȓ $PNNVOJUZ'FBUVSFT%FQBSUNFOU Email For further information, visit our website 1PTUBM"EESFTT 96 Brook Lane, Warsash, Southampton SO31 9FD Tel: 01489 577837 Fax: 08721157465 O VSDPNNVOJUZIBTNBOZQFPQMFXIPBSF knowledgeable and whose contributions of articles in UIFJSmFMEBSFWFSZCFOFmDJBMUPPVSSFBEFSTBOEBUUIF TBNFUJNFUIFZHJWFZPVSCVTJOFTTBEEJUJPOBMDPWFSBHF8F encourage our readers, business people and professionals to IFMQPVSDPNNVOJUZCZTIBSJOHUIFJSLOPXMFEHFBOEFYQFSUJTF XJUIBMMPGVT$BMMPSFNBJMUIF#V[[UFBNUPmOEPVUIPXZPV can get involved. Advertise with The Buzz and we’ll soon have the local area “buzzing” about you! What will The Buzz do for you? t $PNQFUJUJWFSBUFToBĊPSEBCMFUPFWFSZPOF(SFBUFEJUPSJBM opportunities. t &WFOUIFTNBMMFTUCVTJOFTTIBTUIFPQQPSUVOJUZUPQSPNPUF themselves. t 'VMMDPMPVSHMPTTZGPSNBUTIPXTZPVBUZPVSCFTU3FBEFST feedback pages. t %FMJWFSFEGSFFUPBWBTUSBOHFPGDPOTVNFSTBMMEFNBOEJOH HSFBURVBMJUZ t #JNPOUIMZXIJDIDVUTZPVSBEWFSUJTJOHDPTUTJOIBMGTUSBJHIU BXBZXIJMFTUJMMHJWJOHZPVHSFBUDPWFSBHF But don’t take our word for it – here is what some Advertisers said about our preview edition: Will continue advertising in The Buzz as I had a good response from the preview edition. Thanks Email the sales team Deadline for next edition: 10th December 2011 1VCMJTIFECZ#FSXJOE#VTJOFTT4PMVUJPOT Design & layout: ,BSFO)PMMPXBZ%FTJHOXXXLBSFOIPMMPXBZDPVL JOB VACANCY Due to the overwhelming success of The Buzz, we need to increase our team. If you are self-motivated, hard-working and lots of fun—we are looking for you! We need passionate individuals with ad sales experience. Work from home — hours to suit! Join our sales team and let’s get Buzzing! Call 01489 577837 for details or send your CV & Cover Letter to the 2 Much better than an advertising journal. Can’t wait for the next issue! My kids love it—the quirky little Buzz & the kid’s pages with great competitions! The Buzz Magazine caters to all the community—and all members of the family. This is a great idea to have all this information in one magazine! I advertised in the preview edition of The Buzz Magazine and was extremely pleased with the response. Fabulous magazine. Beautifully produced. And bi-monthly so we have time to enjoy it! The team at The Buzz are so helpful and friendly. Nothing is too much trouble. I am delighted to be featured in the first edition and wish them every success! With outstanding quality and very low advertising rates, it makes sense to create a Buzz for your Biz with The Buzz Magazine. Contact our Sales Team on 01489 577837 or email us N ov ember / D ec em ber 2011 Yo u r ne w loc a l m a ga z i n e ! A magazine that is all about you! W What’s buzz? the elcome to the first edition of The Buzz Magazine GFBUVSJOHQFPQMFQMBDFTBOECVTJOFTTFTJOZPVS DPNNVOJUZXJUIBOFYUFOTJWFSFBEFSTIJQDPWFSJOHUIF TPVUIDPBTUPG)BNQTIJSFGSPN4PVUIBNQUPOUP1PSUTNPVUI BOE8JODIFTUFSUPUIF*TMFPG8JHIUʾFUFBNBUʾF#V[[BSF EFEJDBUFEUPFOTVSJOHUIFCFTURVBMJUZTFSWJDFUPBMMPVSSFBEFST and contributors. We are thrilled to have been able to collaborate with a few elite businesses for our launch issue. Holland America $SVJTF-JOFTBSFSFOPXOFEGPSMVYVSZDSVJTJOH%JTOFZ6,IBWFCFFO most generous with their time and having a special relationship XJUITFWFSBMUIFBUSFTJOUIFBSFBNFBOTUIBUXFXJMMBMXBZTIBWFVQ to date coverage on local entertainment. And as a special treat, The Buzz Magazine will feature a regular showcase of magnificent QSPEVDUTGSPN)BSSPETNBOZPGUIFNBQQFBSJOHJOPVSGBCVMPVT QSJ[FHJWFBXBZT,FFQBOFZFPVUJOGVUVSFJTTVFT ʾF#V[[XJMMOPUPOMZFOUFSUBJOZPVCVUPĊFSZPVUJQTBOEBEWJDF GSPNQSPGFTTJPOBMTJOUIFDPNNVOJUZ8FBSFEFMJHIUFEUPIBWF UFBNFEVQXJUIMPDBMCVTJOFTTFTUPCSJOHZPVFYQFSUBEWJDFPO UPQJDTUIBUJOUFSFTUZPVo.BUUIFX+BNFTGSPN4UBSCVDL.BDL 4PMJDJUPSTPĊFSTJOWBMVBCMFBEWJDFXIFOTFMMJOHZPVSIPNFBOEPVS "NFSJDBO5SBWFM&YQFSU"MBO8JMTPOPG#PO7PZBHF5SBWFMXJMM CFBSFHVMBSDPOUSJCVUPSUFMMJOHZPVBMMZPVOFFEUPLOPXBCPVU USBWFMMJOHBDSPTTUIF1POE 8FBSFDPNNJUUFEUPQSPWJEJOHBNBHB[JOFUIBUJTAGPSZPVBOE ABCPVUZPV4PQMFBTFHFUJOWPMWFEBOEMFUTDSFBUFB#V[[UPHFUIFS "OZUIJOHZPVXBOUUPUFMMVToXFBSFIFSFGPSZPV8FBSFBMTP LFFOGPSUIFDIJMESFOJOPVSDPNNVOJUZUPIBWFUIFJSTBZBOEIBWF DSFBUFEBGPSVNXIFSFPVS+VOJPS#V[[3FQPSUFSTDBOUFTUUIFJS XSJUJOHTLJMMTBOESFQPSUPOBOZLJETSFMBUFEUPQJDT WIN! WIN! WIN! Our connections with local and national CVTJOFTTFTNFBOUIBUXFBSFBCMFUPPĊFSGBOUBTUJDQSJ[FHJWFBXBZT UPPVSMVDLZSFBEFSTʾFSFTBHSFBUBTTPSUNFOUPGDPNQFUJUJPOT throughout the magazine, with lots of fabulous prizes to be won…. ʾF#V[[TVQQPSUTNBOZDIBSJUJFTTVDIBT40'56,BOEUIF "M[IFJNFST4PDJFUZCZSBJTJOHBXBSFOFTTBOEBTTJTUJOHXJUI GVOESBJTJOH%PZPVIBWFBXPSUIZDBVTFUPTIPVUBCPVU -FUVT know how we can help. While it was wonderful to feel the sun on our backs a little longer UIBOVTVBMUIJTZFBSJUBQQFBSTUIBUXJOUFSJTDSFFQJOHVQPOVTBOE +BDL'SPTUXJMMTPPOCFAOJQQJOHBUPVSOPTF/PEPVCUXFTIBMM soon be shivering in our shoes, fretting about the heating costs and battling a plague of colds and flu. However, one consolation is that ʾF#V[[.BHB[JOFXJMMCFPOIBOEUPLFFQZPVDPNQBOZ(SBCB DPTZCMBOLFUBOEBNVHPGIPUDIPDPMBUFBOEMFUVTFOUFSUBJOZPV XJUIQBHFTPGJODSFEJCMFSFBEJOHoGPSUIFXIPMFGBNJMZ "TPVSNBHB[JOFMFBETZPVJOUP$ISJTUNBTXFIPQFZPVIBWF BKPZPVTIPMJEBZTFBTPOBOESFNFNCFSXFBSFPOMZBQIPOFDBMM BXBZJGZPVIBWFFORVJSJFTBCPVUʾF#V[[.BHB[JOFPSXJTIUP BEWFSUJTFPSIBWFBOFWFOUZPVEMJLFUPQSPNPUF0VSBNB[JOH UFBNIBWFMJUFSBMMZCFFO#V[[JOHGPSUIFMBTUGFXNPOUITUPCSJOH ZPVUIJTGBOUBTUJDNBHB[JOFʾBOLTGPSKPJOJOHVTo&OKPZ Best wishes, Linda Contents PAGE 5 A4UFQJOUP*BO “H” Watkins world 8 5FTDPT.FNPSZ8BML 17 .FFUA$MFWFS'SFEEJF 20 ʾF-FFL4FBTPOLJDLTPĊ 23 $FMFCSJUZ$IBUo,BUF(BSSBXBZ 34 4PVUIBNQUPOT"NFSJDBO connection 37 Travel Stateside with Alan Wilson 38 All Aboard with the Captain 44 )FBSUIF-JPO,JOHSPBS 63 (FUDVEEMZXJUI)BSSPET AND 62 12 pages of Christmas Fun PLUS OUR REGULAR FEATURES 5 8)"5T5); 6 07&350:06 7 LOCAL HERO 16 5)�,#6;; 20 3&$*1&*%&"4 28 #6;;,*%4$-6# 38 5)306()5)&1035)0-& 49 )0304$01&4 51 5);0/5)&40-&/5 54 (0-%45"3#64*/&44"8"3% Linda Carter Editor-in-Chief www.theb u z z m a ga zi n e .c o .u k 3 What ’s the Buzz! They’re your eyes, why compromise? FREE UPGRADE to transitions for varifocal wearers* Yesterday’s service with today’s technology This now includes a Zeiss OCT, which provides the earliest possible detection of Glaucoma as well as wet and dry AMD. We continue to offer diabetic screening (photos of the back of the eye) as well as overlay and colorimetry assessments to help individuals suffering from problems with reading, headaches and migraines. Alleviating Visual Stress in children A pioneering service called colorimetry is now available for individuals suffering from Visual Stress (also known as MearsIrlen syndrome). A MUIPVHINPSFDPNNPOJOUIPTFEJBHOPTFEXJUIEZTMFYJB UIFUXPDPOEJUJPOTBSFEJTUJODUʾFTZNQUPNTPGWJTVBM TUSFTTJODMVEFMFUUFSTPSXPSETBQQFBSJOHCMVSSFEPSBTJG UIFZBSFNPWJOHmOEJOHUIFQBHFUPPCSJHIUUPMPPLBUCMPUDIFT PGDPMPVSBQQFBSJOHPOUIFQBHFUJSFEFZFTBGUFSTIPSUTQFMMTPG reading, headaches and / or migraine. ʾJTDPOEJUJPOJTDBVTFECZPWFSTUJNVMVTPGUIFWJTVBMDPSUFYUIF QBSUPGUIFCSBJOSFTQPOTJCMFGPSQSPDFTTJOHEBUBGSPNPVSFZFTʾF VTFPGDPMPVSDBOCFPGFOPSNPVTCFOFmUCZDBMNJOHUIJTIZQFS FYDJUBCJMJUZBOEUIVTBMMFWJBUJOHTZNQUPNTXJUIBOPWFSMBZ PS eradicating them altogether with precision tinted lenses. 0WFSMBZTUJOUFEUSBOTQBSFOUTIFFUTPGQMBTUJD BSFEFTJHOFE GPSDIJMESFOVOEFSPS.BOZTDIPPMTBOEDPMMFHFTBSFBMSFBEZ BXBSFPGUIFCFOFmUPGVTJOHDPMPVSUISPVHIPWFSMBZT)PXFWFS GFXTDIPPMTBOEDPMMFHFTBSFBXBSFUIBUBOPWFSMBZJTTJNQMZB QSFMJNJOBSZTUFQUPXBSETDPMPSJNFUSZBOEXIFSFPWFSMBZTTIPXBO JNQSPWFNFOUUPSFBEJOHSBUFBOEnVFODZTQFDJBMJTFEUJOUFEMFOTFT for spectacles should then be prescribed. ʾJTJOWPMWFTBGVSUIFSUFTUVTJOHUIF*OUVJUJWF$PMPSJNFUFSXIFOB UPUBMMZCFTQPLFPQUJNBMDPMPVSBOETBUVSBUJPOJTJEFOUJmFE8IFSF BOPWFSMBZJTTFMFDUFEGSPNUXFMWFDPMPVSTUIFSFBSFPWFSTFWFO UIPVTBOEEJĊFSFOUDPMPVSDPNCJOBUJPOTBUEJĊFSJOHTBUVSBUJPO MFWFMTBWBJMBCMFGPSUIFQSFDJTJPOUJOUFEMFOTFT*OUVSOUIJTNFBOT the benefit experienced is more profound as the result from DPMPSJNFUSZJTNVDINPSFCFTQPLFUBJMPSFEQSFDJTFMZUPUIF JOEJWJEVBMTOFFET*OBEEJUJPOUPUIJTUIFTQFDUBDMFTPĊFSIFMQXJUI the interactive whiteboard, overhead projector and with writing, OPOFPGXIJDIBSFIFMQFEXJUIBOPWFSMBZ*GDPMPVSJTGPVOEUPIFMQ UIFSFTVMUTBSFPGUFOTQFDUBDVMBS$IJMESFODBOUZQJDBMMZHBJOPWFSB ZFBSJOSFBEJOHBHFJOUIFNBUUFSPGEBZT Teona Wingate (Rex Wingate Opticians) 5SBZPGDPMPVSPWFSMBZT 60 – 62 Botley Road, Park Gate, Southampton SO31 1BB 01489 584169 *Upgrade for back surface lenses only. 4 N ov ember / D ec em ber 2011 Yo u r n e w l oc a l m a ga z i n e ! WHAT ’ S in t h e South 'PSBDIBODFUPXJOUJDLFUTUPTFFi)wJO#FBVUZBOEUIF#FBTUBUUIF'FSOFIBN)BMMHPUP1BHF A 5-minute chat with Ian “H” Watkins Better known as "H" from chart-topping pop group Steps, Ian will soon be appearing in Panto at the Ferneham Hall in Fareham. O WFSUIFmWFZFBSTUIFZXFSF UPHFUIFS4UFQTXFSFTUBHHFSJOHMZ successful, achieving a string of 5PQ5FOIJUTJOUIF6,BOE&VSPQFBOE the group sold over 10 million records and 2 million concert tickets worldwide. ʾFZSFGPSNFEJO.BZGPSBGPVSQBSU EPDVNFOUBSZTFSJFTPO4LZ-JWJOHUJUMFE Steps: The Reunion and their second (SFBUFTU)JUTBMCVNThe Ultimate Collection, released on 10 October went UPOVNCFSPOFJOUIF6,"MCVN$IBSUT ʾFZIBWFOPXBOOPVODFE UIBUUIFZXJMMSFGPSNLJDLJOH PĊXJUIBEBUFBSFOB tour, beginning in Belfasts' 0EZTTFZ"SFOBPO"QSJMOE and concluding at the O2 in London on April 19th. The Welsh singer and one-time #VUMJOT3FEDPBUSFUSBJOFE as an actor after Steps split in 2001. He is still a high profile performer appearing in a WBSJFUZPG8FTU End and touring shows, including +PTFQIBOE the Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat, and as the child-catcher in $IJUUZ$IJUUZ#BOH Bang. *BOoUIF)TUBOET GPSIZQFSBDUJWFCZUIF XBZoNBOBHFEUP sit still long enough for The Buzz to catch up with him for a 5 NJOVUFDIBU www.t heb u z z m a ga z i n e .c o .u k What period of time would you like to have been born in? hT*MPWFIPXFMFHBOUMZFWFSZPOFESFTTFE Where is your favourite holiday destination? *IBWFUPTBZ8BMFTUIFSFSFBMMZJTOPQMBDFMJLF home How do you like to relax? *NSFBMMZMVDLZXJUIXIFSF*MJWFBOETPUIFCFTU XBZUPSFMBYGPSNFJTSJEJOHNZIPSTFTPOUIF beach What is your biggest regret? ʾFXBZUIBU4UFQTFOEFE Which person(s) apart from your family members have had the most influence on your life? .Z"SUUFBDIFSBUTDIPPM What is your favourite book/film? The Four Agreements What irritates you? .PCJMFQIPOFTJOUIFRVJFUDBSSJBHFPOUIFUSBJO What’s your favourite food? Crème brûlée Describe yourself in 4 words -PZBM1PTJUJWF$PNQBTTJPOBUF$SFBUJWF Who would be your ideal dinner party guests? &'#FOTPO+VMJB3PCFSUT%PMMZ1BSUPO &MJ[BCFUI5BZMPS What do you miss most about home when you’re away? 8BUDIJOHUIFTVOSJTFXJUIBDPĊFFBGUFSXF IBWFMFUNZDIJDLFOTPVU Who or what inspires you and why? 4QFOEJOHUJNFXJUINZGSJFOET DIJMESFO*UhTBNB[JOHUPTFF how wonderful small things BSFUPUIFN Like the most amazing HSFFOMFBG0SB3FE$BS *MPWFJU What were you doing the last time you had a really good laugh? 8PSLJOHNZXBZ through a cocktail list XJUI'BZF5P[FSBMUIPVHI *XBTOhUMBVHIJOHUIF NPSOJOHBGUFS When was the last time you cried? 0OUI0DUPCFSUIJTZFBSXIFO ʾF6MUJNBUF$PMMFDUJPOXFOUUP /PJOUIF6,"MCVN$IBSUT One thing The Buzz readers are unlikely to know about you *DBOUJHIUSPQFXBML 5 O V E Rt o y o u What’s the buzz? Tell us what’s happening! This page is for you and about you If you have some buzz of your own you’d like to share with our readers, a story, photograph, helpful tip or suggestion, call the friendly team at The Buzz and let us know. Or email us at As a thank you, we will send you a £10 High Street Shopping Voucher for anything that appears in the magazine. The Buzz on the Bridge Dear Editor, I don’t very often venture into Southampton, particularly at night. But when I did recently I was thrilled to see the new lighting on the Itchen Bridge. They look wonderful and really lit up an otherwise dreary part of the city. Will they consider changing the colour for different events? Like green for St. Patricks Day? Made me forget for just a moment that we are still paying the toil after all these years! Mrs Kelsom, Eastleigh What ’s the Buzz! What’s buzz? the Remembrance Sunday is on 13th November. Please remember to wear your poppy with pride. The Royal British Legion 1SPWJEJOHXFMGBSF comradeship, representation and remembrance for the "SNFE'PSDFTDPNNVOJUZ 5PEPOBUF(PPOMJOFUP support-us/how-to-give Or call 0845 845 1945 ANNOUNCEMENTS ABOUT YOU ENGAGEMENTS t4BOESB+POFT3PCFSU,BTTJO of Eastleigh t-BVSB#JUUPO/FBM-FWZPG Havant Poppy Facts t /PWFNCFSJTQPQQZNPOUIUIF UJNFPGUIFZFBSXIFOCZUIF wearing of a simple emblem, a red QPQQZXFTBMVUFUIFNFNPSZPG those who sacrificed their health, their strength, even their lives, that XFNJHIUMJWFJOBGSFFDPVOUSZ t ʾFmSTUBDUVBM1PQQZ%BZXBTIFME JO#SJUBJOPO/PWFNCFSUI t 4PNFQFPQMFDIPPTFUPXFBSXIJUF poppies as a pacifist alternative to UIFSFEQPQQZ t *OUIF1PQQZ"QQFBMSBJTFE BSFDPSEbNoUIFZIPQFUPEP FWFOCFUUFSUIJTZFBS t "UFBNPGBCPVUQFPQMFoNPTU of them disabled former British NJMJUBSZQFSTPOOFMoXPSLZFBS SPVOEBUBGBDUPSZJO3JDINPOE 4VSSFZUPNBLFNQPQQJFTBMPOH with 5m petals, 100,000 wreaths BOEDSPTTFTʾFZXBSNMZ welcome visitors on free, prearranged tours. For information visit BIRTHS t/JDLJBOE+PF#MBJOFPG)FEHF End are the proud parents PGBCPZʾPNBTCPSOPO 30 October. 8lbs 1oz. Little brother for Ellie ANNIVERSARIES t(FPSHFBOE3PTF Stubbs of Bitterne will celebrate UIFJS3VCZ Wedding "OOJWFSTBSZ on 5 /PWFNCFS congratulations To submit your announcement please call us on 01489 577837 Puppy Love These gorgeous pups belong to proud new mother, Amber, a ZFBSPME(PMEFO3FUSJFWFS"NCFSIBEBMJUUFSPGCFBVUJGVM IFBMUIZQVQQJFTXIJDImMMFEUIFIPNFSFDFOUMZPG#BTJB)PXBSE Harwood of Warsash. All 8 puppies will be causing havoc under UIF$ISJTUNBT5SFFUIJTZFBSJOUIFJSOFXIPNFT )BWFBOPQJOJPOBCPVUTPNFUIJOHZPVTBXJOUIFNBHB[JOFPS IBQQFOJOHTJOUIFDPNNVOJUZ *GZPVXBOUUPNBLFZPVSWPJDF IFBSECZBMMPVSSFBEFSTTVCNJUZPVSMFUUFSUPUIFFEJUPSCZFNBJM or post it to The Buzz Magazine, #SPPL-BOF8BSTBTI4PVUIBNQUPO40'%*GZPVSMFUUFSJT QSJOUFEZPVXJMMSFDFJWFBb)JHI4USFFU4IPQQJOH7PVDIFS Letters to the Editor are the opinions of the writers and not of ʾF#V[[NBHB[JOFPSJUT1VCMJTIFS 6 N ov ember / D ec em ber 2011 L OCAL h ero Yo u r ne w l oc a l m a ga z i n e ! Unsung Hero noted A resident of Warsash contacted The Buzz to tell us of a local boy who became a national hero, when he received an award for outstanding bravery. J ohn was born in Southampton and attended 4U(FPSHF$BUIPMJD$PMMFHF CFGPSFNPWJOHUP/PSUIFSO *SFMBOEUPCFDPNFBmSFmHIUFS )FIBTBMXBZTSFNBJOFEMPZBMUP his Hampshire roots, but it was during his job in Lisnaskea, Co. Fermanagh that he encountered a road traffic collision that XPVMEESBNBUJDBMMZUFTUIJTTLJMM and courage. +PIOB.BOVBM5FDIOJDJBO and Crew Commander with the /PSUIFSO*SFMBOE'JSF4FSWJDF was driving a fire engine from -POEPOEFSSZUP&OOJTLJMMFO when he came across a road traffic accident involving two lorries. Three people were trapped in their vehicles but USBHJDBMMZUXPPGUIFPDDVQBOUT were killed on impact. The UIJSEPDDVQBOUXBTTFSJPVTMZ injured. Although alone on a SVSBMSPBE+PIOBDUFERVJDLMZ to extinguish the fire and prevent it from reaching the trapped occupant, saving his MJGF3FNBSLBCMZIJTUIPVHIUT also went to the families of the deceased and he RVJDLMZFYUJOHVJTIFE the fire surrounding the other vehicle, which enabled the families of those tragic occupants to conduct a proper burial. To recognise his CSBWFSZ+PIOXBTBXBSEFE B$IJFG'JSF0ċDFST Commendation Award for his swift action and courage. This award was presented in Belfast on 7th October 2010 CZ%BNF.BSZ1FUFST"MFY $PMFNBO$IBJSNBOPGUIF /*'4#PBSE BOE"DUJOH$IJFG 'JSF0ċDFS/*'4 1FUFS$SBJH XIPTBJEi*BNEFMJHIUFEUP QSFTFOU+PIOXJUIUIJTBXBSE GPSUIFDMFBSUIJOLJOHCSBWFSZ BOEEFDJTJWFOFTTIFEJTQMBZFE BUUIFJODJEFOU+PIOTBDUJPOT VOEPVCUFEMZTBWFEBMJGFUIBU EBZBOEIFXFOUBCPWFBOE CFZPOEUIFDBMMPGEVUZUPIFMQ PUIFST+PIOSFQSFTFOUTXIBU working for the /PSUIFSO*SFMBOE'JSF4FSWJDFJT all about”. +PIOTBJEi*UJTBOIPOPVS UPSFDFJWFB$IJFG'JSF0ċDFST $PNNFOEBUJPO4BEMZUXP people lost their lives in that JODJEFOUCVU*BNQMFBTFE *XBTBCMFUPIFMQUIFUIJSE person survive. Responding to SPBEUSBċDDPMMJTJPOTJTBEBJMZ QBSUPGBmSFmHIUFSTKPCCVU JUTOFWFSFBTZFTQFDJBMMZXIFO people lose their lives.” This local hero has lived JO/PSUIFSO*SFMBOEGPS ZFBSTXJUIIJTXJGFBOE daughters, but he still considers Southampton his home and is a devoted Saints fan. He returns home as often as he can to visit GBNJMZXIPBSFFYUSFNFMZQSPVE of him for receiving this award for doing a job that he loves. The Buzz Magazine was proud and honoured to deliver a CPVRVFUPGnPXFSTUP+PIOPO behalf of his sister, Sarah, and all PGPVSSFBEFST8FMM%POF+PIO Do you have an unsung Hero? 8IJMFXFEPOUBMXBZT hear about it, there are amazing people right IFSFJOPVSDPNNVOJUZ giving their time and talents to others and expecting no thanks in SFUVSO%PZPVLOPXTPNFPOFXIPHPFTUIBUFYUSB NJMFUPIFMQPUIFSTXIPBSFMFTTGPSUVOBUFPSMFTTBCMF -FUTDSFBUFB#V[[BOEUFMMFWFSZPOFIPXNVDIXF BQQSFDJBUFUIFN8FXPVMEMJLFUPIFMQZPVTIPX ZPVSBQQSFDJBUJPOUPBGSJFOEGBNJMZNFNCFSDPMMFBHVF PSNFNCFSPGUIFDPNNVOJUZCZTVSQSJTJOHUIFNXJUI BCPVRVFUPGnPXFSTPOZPVSCFIBMG8FXJMMUIFO GFBUVSFUIFJSTUPSZJOUIFNBHB[JOF"MMZPVIBWFUPEP JTUFMMVTXIPUIFZBSFXIFSFUIFZMJWFPSXPSLBOEXIZ UIFZEFTFSWFUPCFPVSMPDBM)FSPPS)FSPJOF 4IPVMEUIFSFCFTFWFSBMFOUSJFTʾF#V[[XJMMDBSFGVMMZ choose the winning candidate. Call us on 01489 577837 or email us at www.theb u z z m a ga z i n e .co .u k 7 CARINGcommunity What ’s the Buzz! What is Dementia? Acceptance:PVNBZOFWFSBDDFQUZPVS JMMOFTTʾJTJT0,:PVXJMMmOEBXBZPG living with it. Dementia is a term used to describe various different brain disorders that have in common a loss of brain function that is usually progressive and eventually severe. How to cope with the feelings The Team from the Tesco Whiteley store UPPLQBSUJOBANFNPSJFTXBMLUPSBJTFNPOFZGPSUIF"M[IFJNFST 4PDJFUZPO"VHVTUTU T IFSFBSFNBOZUZQFTPGEFNFOUJB The most common are Alzheimer's disease, vascular dementia and EFNFOUJBXJUI-FXZCPEJFTʾFTFDBVTF QSPCMFNTXJUINFNPSZUIJOLJOHTQFBLJOH BOEEPJOH1IZTJDBMDIBOHFTJOUIF structure of the brain cause dementia. You BSFOPUNFOUBMMZJMMBOEZPVBSFOPUHPJOH mad. Out of around 750,000 people in UIF6,XJUITPNFGPSNPG%FNFOUJB BSPVOEQFPQMFIBWF"M[IFJNFST disease. During the course of the disease, QSPUFJOAQMBRVFTPSAUBOHMFTEFWFMPQJO the structure of the brain, leading to the death of brain cells. The brain also needs DFSUBJOOFVSPUSBOTNJUUFSTDIFNJDBMTUIBU IFMQNFTTBHFTUSBWFMUISPVHIUIFCSBJO UP GVODUJPOQSPQFSMZ1FPQMFXJUI"M[IFJNFST have a shortage of some important DIFNJDBMTJOUIFJSCSBJO"M[IFJNFSTJTB progressive disease, which means that HSBEVBMMZPWFSUJNFNPSFQBSUTPGUIF brain are damaged. As this happens, the TZNQUPNTCFDPNFNPSFTFWFSF A diagnosis of dementia can come BTBTIPDLBOEFWFOJGZPVIBWFCFFO IBMGFYQFDUJOHJUUIJTXJMMCFBXPSSZJOH BOEVQTFUUJOHUJNF*UJTJNQPSUBOUUP SFNFNCFSUIBUFWFSZPOFJTEJĊFSFOUUIFSF JTOPUBASJHIUPSAXSPOHXBZUPGFFMʾF "M[IFJNFShT4PDJFUZPĊFSNBOZTVHHFTUJPOT TVQQPSUBOEBEWJDFPOXBZTPGDPQJOHȓ 8 Feelings: Shock, disbelief, denial4IPDLMFBEJOH UPEJTCFMJFGPSEFOJBMJTBWFSZDPNNPO reaction. Sometimes denial can be a good UIJOHBOEDBOIFMQZPVDPQFXJUIUIF SFBMJUZPGZPVSEJTFBTFBUZPVSPXOQBDF Fear0GUFOUIFCJHHFTUGFBSJTPGBMPTTPG DPOUSPMPWFSUIFGVUVSFBOEPWFSPOFT PXOMJGF/PULOPXJOHXIBUMJFTBIFBEDBO CFWFSZGSJHIUFOJOHJOEFFE$PNNPOGFBST JODMVEFCFDPNJOHBCVSEFOUPPOFTGBNJMZ becoming demanding and difficult, and HFOFSBMMZCFJOHBOVJTBODF:PVNBZCF GSJHIUFOFEPGQBTTJOHZPVSDPOEJUJPOPOUP ZPVSDIJMESFO.BOZGFBSTSFMBUFUPQIZTJDBM indignities such as becoming incontinent and dribbling. Guilt(VJMUJTBWFSZDPNNPOSFBDUJPO :PVNBZUIJOLUIBUZPVIBWFEPOF something wrong or not tried hard enough UPQSFWFOUUIFEJTFBTF:PVNBZFWFO GFFMZPVSFUPCMBNF#FBTTVSFEUIJTJT BOPSHBOJDEJTFBTFXIBUFWFSUIFUZQFPG EFNFOUJB*UJTOPUZPVSGBVMU Sense of loss:PVNBZGFFMTBEUIBU QFSIBQTZPVXJMMOPUCFBCMFUPEPTPNFPG UIFUIJOHTZPVEQMBOOFE ReliefʾJTNBZTFFNTUSBOHFUPTPNF CVUZPVNBZGFFMSFMJFWFEUIBUZPVmOBMMZ IBWFBEJBHOPTJTʾFSFNBZFWFOCFB TFOTFPGFVQIPSJBOPXUIBUZPVIBWFB DPODSFUFEJBHOPTJTZPVDBOEPTPNFUIJOH about it. Talking with other people can help. You NBZmOEUIBUZPVPOMZXBOUUPUBMLUPZPVS IVTCBOEPSXJGFPSDMPTFGBNJMZ0SJUNBZ CFEJċDVMUUBMLJOHUPUIPTFDMPTFTUUPZPV ʾJOLBCPVUKPJOJOHBTVQQPSUHSPVQ.BOZ people with dementia find it helpful to talk to other people in the same situation. Your MPDBMCSBODIPGUIF"M[IFJNFST4PDJFUZXJMM CFBCMFUPIFMQZPVʾF4PDJFUZXPSLT UPJNQSPWFUIFRVBMJUZPGMJGFPGQFPQMF BĊFDUFECZEFNFOUJBJO&OHMBOE8BMFTBOE /PSUIFSO*SFMBOEʾFJSOVNCFSXJMMCFJO UIFMPDBMQIPOFCPPLPSZPVDBODBMMUIF helpline on 0845 3000 336. ʾJOLBCPVUXIBUZPVNBZOFFEJOUJNFT BIFBE5BMLUPZPVSGBNJMZBCPVUJUʾF "M[IFJNFShT4PDJFUZQVCMJTIFTNBOZVTFGVM GBDUTIFFUTUIBUXJMMIFMQQSFQBSFZPVGPS ZPVSGVUVSFIFBMUIBOEmOBODFT:PVOFFE UPUIJOLBCPVUUIFTFUIJOHTOPX*UDBO UBLFUIFGFBSBXBZLOPXJOHUIBUZPVIBWF control over future events. %JTDVTTZPVSUSFBUNFOUXJUIZPVSEPDUPS 4FWFSBMUZQFTPGUSFBUNFOUDBONBLF ZPVSEFNFOUJBFBTJFSUPMJWFXJUIʾFTF include drugs, counselling, group support, PDDVQBUJPOBMUIFSBQZBOEDPNQMFNFOUBSZ therapies. Again, it helps to feel in control if ZPVLOPXXIBUZPVSUSFBUNFOUXJMMCFBOE IBWFBTBZJOXIBUZPVEP:PVNBZBMTP find support is available from social services BOEPUIFSWPMVOUBSZPSHBOJTBUJPOTTVDIBT .*/%"HF$PODFSOUIF4BNBSJUBOTBTXFMM BTUIF"M[IFJNFST4PDJFUZ A diagnosis of dementia can be hard UPUBLFJO:PVNBZGFFMGSJHIUFOFEBOE BQQSFIFOTJWFBOEZPVNBZOPUGFFMMJLF HPJOHPVUPSNBLJOHBOFĊPSUUPCFXJUI QFPQMFPSUPEPUIJOHTFWFOUIJOHTUIBU ZPVOPSNBMMZFOKPZ#VUUSZUPUBLFQBSU JOBDUJWJUJFTZPVNBZmOEUIBUZPVFOKPZ UIFN*UDBOCFUPVHICVUMJGFXJMMTUJMMHP POBOEZPVDBOTUJMMEPNBOZUIJOHTCVU QFSIBQTJOBEJĊFSFOUXBZ,FFQCVTZLFFQ fighting and keep positive. For help locally contact these Alzheimer’s Society offices: Eastleigh Office Tel: 02380 610159 Email: Southampton Office Tel: 02392 892035 Email: Winchester Office Tel: 01962 865585 Email: Or contact N ov ember / D ec em ber 2011 P UZ Z L Et im e Yo u r n e w l oc a l m a ga z i n e ! Take a break... Make yourself a nice cuppa and join us for a puzzle or two! 1 2 3 4 5 8 6 7 9 10 11 12 13 15 14 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 AUTUMN WORD SEARCH 26 27 J G O Y E L E C U B J O G Z I "$03/ "11-*&4 #&33*&4 #308/ N A T I V I T Y T S O R F I T T C E B WE Z T P H B L S E DH R E EM H S P E E L HT S E S S A R W R E A T H T S E Q A $0-0634 $3*41 '*3&803,4 '0-*"(& R N A P G R E E T I N G S F S E N O N U D R P U E E L N O O V A I I T D N X B E S A I T N I S U I T A D A Y L E D T T A )"--08&&/ HARVEST LEAVES .*(3"5*0/ www.theb u z z m a ga z i n e .co .u k T S E L C I C I D H R R R Y B S L E G N A D L N E P M T A R E E L I B U J A A G R A U T C /07&.#&3 OCTOBER 03"/(&4 16.1,*/ F W S S K S T A R U M C S S J A Z A X F T N X B T S I P M V F R U L D H T J L U U F A L J 3",*/( 4$&/*$ 4&15&.#&3 426*33&-4 Across 1 .JTTJPO 5 Twist and press out of TIBQF 8 +BQFOFTFGPSNPG wrestling, contested JOBTNBMMSJOH 9 Large shrimp sauteed in butter and garlic 10&YQSFTTJOTQFFDI 116OJUPGNPOFZJO ʾBJMBOE 12)BOEMFPGBTXPSE 130SC 15"EFQU 17)PSTFDPMPVSJOH 19'BNJMZTVSOBNFJOThe Darling Buds of May 20 Strong restless desire 21&OUJDF 22 South American BOJNBM 24 State of being under the control of another QFSTPO 25)JHIXBZ 26#SFBLGBTUGPPE 271JOFMFBG Down 2 4UJDLGSVJU 3 *OUIFWJDJOJUZ 4 1PXEFSZEJSU 5 'PSNFS1SJNF .JOJTUFS 6 1MVNF 7 %BNQFO 14#FJOHFWFSZXIFSF FRVJEJTUBOU 15 Relating to or DPOTJTUJOHPGXBUFS 16 Raise to a higher QPTJUJPO 18 Letters and packages USBOTQPSUFECZQMBOF 21 Above average in size 23 Expression used at UIFFOEPGBQSBZFS )PXNBOZXPSET DBOZPVNBLFPVUPG Autumn Leaves VTJOHFBDIPGUIFMFUUFSTPOMZPODF 0O1BHFZPVXJMMmOETPNFPG UIFXPSETXFNBEF British Towns & Cities Solve each of these anagrams to give the name of a #SJUJTI5PXOPS$JUZ ROVED #30("/ ."35*/ "8*/( CARDER 8"(&3&% COAST $61*%4 1045&3/ 10&.4 %&/6%& LEACHED 3&/"'-03*% -"6/%&3 "/,-&% ()06-4 (3"*/&% Answers to Crossword, Autumn Leaves and British Towns & $JUJFTDBOCFGPVOEPO1BHF 9 CARINGcommunity What ’s the Buzz! Give Our Kids more credit Y PVUIOPXBEBZTHFUBCBESBQJOUIFQSFTTCVUUIFSFJTNVDI NPSFUPPVSZPVOHTUFSTUIBOUIFQSFTTHJWFDSFEJUGPSBTUIF ZPVOHWPMVOUFFSTBU4U+PIO"NCVMBODFDPOTUBOUMZQSPWF "TBSFTVMUPGCFJOHNFNCFSTPGUIFDIBSJUZTZPVUIHSPVQTZPVOH people have gone on to achieve incredible things, from helping people needing first aid to saving lives, from getting involved in DPNNVOJUZQSPKFDUTUPCFDPNJOHBDIJFWFSTBUOBUJPOBMMFWFM ʾF4U+PIO"NCVMBODF#BEHFSTDBUFSGPSDIJMESFOCFUXFFO ZFBSTPGBHFBOEJOUIFTF4FUUTUIFZPVOHTUFSTMFBSOmSTUBJE skills and life skills such as communications, the environment, FOUFSUBJONFOUBOEIFBMUIBTXFMMBTFOKPZJOHDSFBUJWFQVSTVJUTBOE team games. "TB$BEFUZPVUITCFUXFFOBOEZFBSTCVJMEVQPOUIFJS life and first aid skills, but also take in a range of subjects from fire QSFWFOUJPOUPQIPUPHSBQIZGSPNTQPSUTUPWPMVOUFFSJOH*UTBMM BCPVUGVOBEWFOUVSFBOEDPNNVOJUZ Badger and Cadet meetings are held once a week during termUJNFCZHSPVQTBDSPTT)BNQTIJSFBOEBMMNFFUJOHTBSFDBSSJFEPVU in a fun and safe environment. More information on this and how UPCFUIFEJĊFSFODFCFUXFFOBMJGFMPTUBOEBMJGFTBWFEDBOCF GPVOEPOXXXTKBPSHVLPSCZDBMMJOH Cut out and keep What does Azalea bereavement service offer? S VQQPSUJOHBCFSFBWFEQFSTPOJTBUUIFIFBSUPGXIBU*EP XIFUIFSUIJTJTJOUIFFBSMZEBZTPSNBOZNPOUITMBUFSȓ(SJFG DBOOPUCFNFBTVSFEBOEJTVOJRVFUPBMMBOENZTFSWJDF strives to reflect this. *UBLFUIFWJFXUIBUXPSLJOHXJUIUIFAXIPMFQFSTPOJTJNQPSUBOU JOBMJGFDIBOHJOHFYQFSJFODFȓ*PĊFSUJNFBOETQBDFXJUIPVUBOZ FYQFDUBUJPOTBOEQSFTTVSFȓ#FJOHPQFOBOEnFYJCMFBSFLFZBTQFDUT PGNZXPSL .ZTFSWJDFDBQUVSFTUIFVOJRVFOFTTPGUIFAHSJFGFYQFSJFODFȓ Support in re-adjusting to a new life, without forgetting the old POFJTPOFPGUIFNPTUQPXFSGVMUIJOHTUIBU*DBOHJWFZPV *GZPVOFFETPNFQFSTPOBMUJNFBOETQBDFUPXPSLUISPVHIZPVS grief, please do get in touch. ȓ Vicky at Azalea Bereavement Care 02380 837110 10 N ov ember / D ec em ber 2011 BE AUT Y b u zz Yo u r ne w l oc a l m a ga z i n e ! “Realise Your Potential” Call One of Our Salons Botley: 01489 795959 Chandler’s Ford: 02380 270404 Austen’s now have two great salons, one in the heart of Botley which has been established for 14 years, the other in lovely Chandler’s Ford where we also offer amazing beauty treatments. 14 High Street 11 Bournemouth Road Botley SO30 2EA Chandler’s Ford SO53 3DA 01489 795959 02380 270404 www.theb u z z m a ga z i n e .co .u k 11 What ’s the Buzz! The ultimate MANicure As male grooming continues to thrive, a new nail care and polish collection specifically for men is being launched in November. E VOLUTIONMAN, an American DPNQBOZTFMMJOH male skincare and grooming products has developed a series of nail varnish available in three ANBTDVMJOFDPMPVSToHSFZ A1BWFNFOUQVSQMFA"MUFS &HPBOEHVONFUBMA4UBOE 0VUȓ The launch arrives in the wake PG)PMMZXPPEBDUPS+PIOOZ %FQQTEFDJTJPOUPQBJOUIJTOBJMT CMVFGPSUIF/FX:PSLQSFNJFSF PGʾF3VN%JBSZBU/FX:PSLT Museum of Modern Art on 0DUPCFSUI+PIOOZTTUZMF TBWWZNPWFUPNBUDIIJTOBJMT with his shirt saw him join the ranks of other famous males to have stepped out with coloured nails such as singer Seal, David #FDLIBNBOEFWFO1SJODF)BSSZ Marco Berardini of 12 Evolutionman said ‘Men are becoming more aware that how their nails look can define UIFN*GZPVhSF wearing a Rolex with chewed, TDSBHHMZOBJMT JUhTBDPOUSBEJDUJPOPGTPSUTȓ*UJT EFmOJUFMZMFTTQFSNBOFOUUIBO BUBUUPPBOEZPVDBODIBOHF UIFDPMPVSEFQFOEJOHPOZPVS choice of mood or fashion.” ʾFNBMFDPTNFUJDTJOEVTUSZ seems to be showing no signs of slowing down. Other companies BSFBMTPJOUSPEVDJOHBWBSJFUZPG exciting shades for gents with names such as Bull Fighter and $PXCPZ Visit for more information N ov ember / D ec em ber 2011 Yo u r ne w l oc a l m a ga z i n e ! BE AUT Y b u zz Editor’s Pick for Buzz Beauty R Exclusive Origins Youthtopia Lift Collection launches at John Lewis. &KULVWPDV%URFKXUHLQGG www.theb u z z m a ga z i n e .co .u k FWJWFZPVSTLJOBGUFSUIFGFTUJWF season with Origins Youthtopia Lift Collection which launches FYDMVTJWFMZBU+PIO-FXJTPO#PYJOH%BZ The new formulated moisturisers, Youthtopia Lift Firming Cream and :PVUIUPQJB6MUSB3JDI'JSNJOH$SFBN JODSFBTFTNPPUIOFTTIFMQIZESBUJPOBOE SFWPMVNJTFGPSZPVOHFSMPPLJOHTLJO Containing the breakthrough ingredient Commiphora Mukal, a natural resource extracted from the SPPUUSFFJOEJHFOPVTUP*OEJBUIF creams regenerate and plump deflated skin that has begun to crease and sag. The Youthtopia Lift Collection also includes Origins trademark elements like 3IPEJPMBTPZQSPUFJOBOETXFFUBMNPOE extract for ultra-lifting and firming. "WBJMBCMFFYDMVTJWFMZBU+PIO-FXJT from 26th December the Youthtopia Lift $PMMFDUJPOBSFbFBDIGPSNM 13 HEALTHwellness Give your kids something to smile about …... Top tips to keep your childs teeth and gums healthy t #SVTIUFFUIUXJDFBEBZVTJOH fluoride toothpaste t $MFBOPĊIBSNGVMQMBRVF using a soft to medium toothbrush making sure all surfaces of the teeth are brushed. Fluoride helps QSPUFDUUFFUIGSPNEFDBZ t "WPJETVHBSZGPPETBOE drinks between meals t )BWFIFBMUIZTOBDLTTVDI BTDFMFSZDBSSPUDVDVNCFS apples grapes and cheese. %SJOLPOMZXBUFSBOENJML between meals. t 7JTJUZPVSEFOUJTUFWFSZTJY months Your dentist will check the teeth, and the dental team will HJWFBEWJDFUPIFMQZPVSDIJMEUP keep their teeth for life. Call Titchfield Dental Health on 01489 581158 Worried about catching a cold this season with all the sniffling and sneezing going on around you? Here are 10 things you can do to avoid getting sick. HAMPSHIRE FOOT CARE If you find it difficult to cut your own toes nails, but you are in good health, and need general foot health advice, we may be able to help you. A service is available in the following locations for older people who do not meet the criteria for N.H.S. Chiropody. #VSMFZ.ZSUMF)BMM Denmead Health Centre Eastleigh Health Centre (PTQPSU8BS.FNPSJBM)PTQJUBM Hamble, Blackthorn Health Centre Havant Health Centre )BZMJOH*TMBOE)FBMUI$FOUSF )FEHF&OE4U-VLFT4VSHFSZ Lee on Solent Health Centre -FJHI1BSL.BMNFTCVSZ-BXO %BZ$FOUSF Lordshill Health Centre 14 /FX.JMUPO)FBMUI$FOUSF 1FUFSTmFME)PTQJUBM 1PSUDIFTUFS)FBMUI$FOUSF 3JOHXPPE5SJOJUZ$FOUSF 4BSJTCVSZ(SFFO4ZMWBO$MJOJD Winchester, Friarsgate Medical Centre Woolston, Old Fire Station 4VSHFSZ Age Concern Hampshire—To book an appointment please phone 01329 842481 1. Keep your immune system healthy 5BLFBNVMUJWJUBNJOBOEESJOLJOHQMFOUZPG7JUBNJO$ will also help. Some immune boosting foods to consider are garlic, ginger, tomatoes and onions. 2. Get plenty of sleep 0VSCPEJFTOFFESFTUUPSFKVWFOBUFBOETUBZIFBMUIZ .BOBHFZPVSUJNFTPZPVDBOHFUNPSFTMFFQ 3. Drink plenty of water 8BUFSnVTIFTPVUIBSNGVMUPYJOTIZESBUFTZPVBOE IFMQTSFMJFWFDPMETZNQUPNT%SJOLQMFOUZoZFTFWFOJO winter. 4. Wash your hands before eating (FSNTTQSFBEUIFGBTUFTUUISPVHITPNFLJOEPGIBOE DPOUBDU(PPEIZHJFOFJTFYUSFNFMZJNQPSUBOU 5. Exercise 5SZUPHFUNJOVUFTPGQIZTJDBMFYFSDJTFBUMFBTUUJNFT a week. 6. Keep warm, but not too warm ,FFQZPVSIPVTFXBSNCVUOPUUPPXBSNBTIFBUCSFFET germs. 7. Take warm, relaxing baths or showers ʾFXBSNXBUFSXJMMGFFMHPPEBOEJUXJMMBMTPDMFBSZPVS sinuses. 8. Keep your feet warm :PVMPTFIFBUUISPVHIZPVSGFFUTPJUhTJNQPSUBOUUPLFFQ UIFNXBSNCZXFBSJOHTPDLT 9. Wear a hat when going out in the cold /PUPOMZEPZPVMPTFIFBUUISPVHIZPVSGFFUCVUZPV BMTPMPTFJUUISPVHIZPVSIFBE 10. Our favourite - Eat a little dark chocolate every day Dark chocolate is a powerful antioxidant and can help TUSFOHUIFOZPVSJNNVOFTZTUFN N ov ember / D ec em ber 2011 B O O Kb u zz What ’s the Buzz! Without Fail Author Lee Child Published by Bantam UK, RRP £7.99 Available from Reader’s Review, Susan Hall of Freshwater, Isle of Wight, was gripped by this Lee Child novel I OFWFSVTFEUPCFBCPPLSFBEFSIBWJOH UIFBUUFOUJPOTQBOPGBHOBUEJEOU IFMQ3FDFOUMZIPXFWFSMJWFTDIBOHFE for us as all our children have flown the OFTUTPIPMJEBZTUPPLPOBEJĊFSFOUBJS8F GPVOEXFBDUVBMMZIBEUJNFUPTQBSFBOFX GFFMJOH4P*TUBSUFESFBEJOHUIFCPPLTNZ IVTCBOEIBECPVHIUGPSPVSIPMJEBZ4PNF XFSFHPPETPNFXFSFWFSZHPPEBOETPNF were riveting. ʾSPVHIUIJT*EJTDPWFSFE-FF$IJME)F has a series of books based on the central DIBSBDUFS+BDL3FBDIFS)FJTEFTDSJCFEBTB GPSNJEBCMFGPPUJODIFTBOEJOUIFFBSMZ CPPLTIFXPSLTJOUIF64.JMJUBSZ1PMJDF "TTPPOBTZPVSFBEUIFmSTUTFOUFODFPG UIFmSTUQBSBHSBQIZPVBSFIPPLFEʾF CPPL*IBWFKVTUSFBECFHJOTiʾFZGPVOE PVUBCPVUIJNJO+VMZBOETUBZFEBOHSZBMM UISPVHI"VHVTUʾFZUSJFEUPLJMMIJNJO 4FQUFNCFS*UXBTUPPTPPOʾFZXFSFOU SFBEZʾFBUUFNQUXBTBGBJMVSF*UDPVME IBWFCFFOBEJTBTUFSCVUJUXBTBDUVBMMZB NJSBDMF#FDBVTFOPCPEZOPUJDFEw 4P1083JHIUJOUPJU*OTUFBEPGQBHFT and pages of dialogue detailing who all the DIBSBDUFSTBSFBOEXIFSFUIFZmUJOUPUIF TUPSZZPVBSFSJHIUJOUPUIFBDUJPO0IIF EPFTIBWFPUIFSDIBSBDUFSTCVUUIFXBZ he brings it all together is gripping. You DBOUTQFFESFBEBQBSBHSBQIUPUSZBOE HFUUISPVHIRVJDLMZCFDBVTFJOUIFNJEEMF of those paragraphs, Child slips in little HSJQQJOHUJUCJUTTPZPVIBWFUPTUBZXJUI UIFCPPLXPSEGPSXPSEQBHFCZQBHF PUIFSXJTFZPVXJMMNJTTUIBUJNQPSUBOU piece of information, crucial to the narrative. ʾJTTUPSZJTBCPVUBGFNBMFTFDSFUTFSWJDF agent charged with the protection of the 7JDF1SFTJEFOU+BDLJTCSPVHIUJOUPBVEJU that protection and finds a lot of holes in their work. An assassination threat has to CFJOWFTUJHBUFEBTUPXIPNXIZBOENPTU JNQPSUBOUMZXIFO+BDLJTBWFSZXJUUZBOE UIPSPVHIHVZBOEPODFZPVIBWFSFBEPOF PGUIFTFCPPLTZPVXJMMCFDPNFBGBO "TUIFNBJODIBSBDUFS+BDLJTBMPOFS VTVBMMZBMUIPVHIJOUIJTCPPLIFEPFTIBWF an assistant. The attention to detail is a crucial part of these books. As he describes UIFTVSSPVOEJOHTDFOFSZZPVHFUBSFBMGFFM GPSUIFCFBVUZPGUIFQMBDFTIFJTEFBMJOH with. There is a bit of rough and tumble but not the excess violence that seems to be so QPQVMBSUIFTFEBZT:PVXPOUmOEQBHFTPG GPVMMBOHVBHFFJUIFSTPZPVDBOTJUCBDLBOE FOKPZCFJOHUBLFOPOBSPMMFSDPBTUFSSJEF 8IFOZPVHFUUPXBSETBOUIGSPNUIF end of the book, then hold on, because Poetry Corner written by an 8 year girl from India Oh! look- beyond the oceans, Over the hills, The golden sun is smiling over, The blooming roses, Sleeping sunflowers, And the purity of lily, All touched by the grace of sun, With the added delight of dew, Making a beautiful morning, For another day to go by. 16 The colourful birds, Flashing flame across the sky, Adding colour to the paradise, Flying through the skies of the early sun. The clear, ringing tone of their song, Heard across a million seas, Cutting through the brilliant dawn, Making a beautiful wake up call, Throughout my dreams, it rang in my ears, And before I woke up I heard it for real, A song of eternity, for another day to go by that is when the real action starts and the TUPSZDPNFTUPHFUIFS:PVSFBXBSFPG something serious going down, and once mOJTIFEZPVDBOUSFBEBOPUIFSCPPLGPSB GFXEBZTCFDBVTFJUTTUJMMUIFSFJOZPVSIFBE BTZPVTJUBOESFNFNCFSBMMUIFUXJTUTBOE UVSOT-FF$IJMEDMFWFSMZHSBCTBOELFFQT ZPVSBUUFOUJPOSJHIUVOUJMUIBUWFSZMBTU XPSEPGUIFWFSZMBTUQBSBHSBQI *XPVMEIJHIMZSFDPNNFOEUIJTCPPLBOE *BNTVSFUIBUNFOBOEXPNFOBMJLFXJMM find it an excellent and riveting read. Thank you Susan – great review. A Waterstone’s Book Token is on its way to you! Would you like to review a book for the next issue of The Buzz Magazine? If so call us on 01489 577837 and we will give you details. Don’t forget, anyone who reviews a book or movie for us will recieve a £10 Waterstone’s Book Token N ov ember / D ec em ber 2011 Bo o kb u zzK IDS Yo u r ne w l oc a l m a ga z i n e ! Clever Freddie the Mischievous Fox Author John Bannell, Publisher Tricorn Books, Portsmouth A TFSJFTPGGVMMZJMMVTUSBUFECPPLT telling stories, based on true events BCPVUBGBNJMZPGGPYFTUIBUMJWFEBU UIFBMMPUNFOUHBSEFOTJO1PSUTNPVUIʾFZ UFMMBCPVUBOFYUSBPSEJOBSZSFMBUJPOTIJQ between a fox and the gardeners. The BEWFOUVSFTUIBUBDUVBMMZIBQQFOFEXFSFTP NBHJDBMUIFZTJNQMZIBEUPCFUPMEGPSZPV UPFOKPZ Enchanted as the author was with h'SFEEJFhUIFZPVOHGPYBOEIJTGBNJMZ+PIO set out to recount the games and antics that he and his fellow gardeners witnessed, XIJMTUBMTPEFWFMPQJOHDIBSBDUFSTBOETUPSZ MJOFT*OBEEJUJPOUPFBDICFBVUJGVMMZUPME BOEJMMVTUSBUFETUPSZUIFSFJTBHBSEFOJOHUJQ and a recipe in each book. Reading with your children is one of the greatest joys of parenthood. ʾBOLGVMMZXFBSFCMFTTFEUPMJWFJOBUJNF and place where there is never a shortage of good books. Daniel Rohn & Lailah Bishop, both aged 8 of Warsash & Whiteley have read and reviewed Clever Freddie the www.theb u z z m a ga z i n e .co .u k Mischievous Fox – Freddie’s Adventures. Freddie’s mum asks him to find various things for their den. Freddie takes the gardeners’ special belongings and this leads him into adventures and trouble. Daniel said “I read the book in one go because I couldn’t wait to find out what Freddie did next. I enjoyed the cartoon type pictures in the book”. He continued “I thought it was adorable that Freddie buried a gardener’s shoe so he could use it later as a cot for the new fox cubs. Sometimes I see a fox in my back garden but I bet he’s not as clever or mischievous as Freddie!” Lailah said “I like it when Freddie steals the lady’s handbag. That was funny. His mum had given him a list of things they needed for their den and Freddie went off to find things. It is a great story”. Freddie is very clever and likes being at the allotment as he likes seeing the people grow their vegetables. He is very cheeky and gets up to lots of mischief. Lailah said “I like this book because it is real life, Freddie is a real fox and the stories really happened”. *MMVTUSBUJPODSFEJU Raphelina Bonito Both children found the book very engaging and the fact that Freddie’s adventures had taken place locally made it very appealing to them. They both gave the book 10 out of 10 and can’t wait to read the others in the series. Calling all Junior Readers! A £10 Book Token will be sent to Daniel & Lailah for this book review. If you would like to review a book and get a £10 book token, give The Buzz Magazine a call today. Clever Freddie the Mischievous Fox 4JY5FSSJmD/FX$IJMESFOT#PPLT #Z+PIO#BOOFMM *MMVTUSBUFECZ3BQIFMJOB#POJUP 1VCMJTIFECZ5SJDPSO#PPLT +PIO#BOOFMMXJMMCFTJHOJOHDPQJFTBU Waterstones Book Stores from 10am as follows: /PWFNCFS1FUFSTmFME /PWFNCFS"MUPO /PWFNCFS1PSUTNPVUI 3 December - Fareham. 10 December - Chichester. Box set £25; individual books £5.99 17 G R E E N t h u mb The Allotment Patch During the autumn months, allotment gardeners are busy tidying up and, also, planning and preparing for next year. T IFGSFF[FSTBOEUIFTUPSFSPPNUIBU VTFEUPCFDBMMFEUIFHBSBHF BSF full of the vegetables and fruit which have been harvested. The parsnips, Brussels 18 Fun in the South! not all, of the vegetables and fruit that will be on the Christmas dinner table have been IPNFHSPXOoBOEIPXHPPEUIFZXJMM UBTUF The planning and preparation that we do now can determine how successful our DSPQTXJMMCFOFYUZFBS *GZPVIBWFOPUBMSFBEZEPOFTPJO 0DUPCFSZPVTIPVMETPXZPVSCSPBECFBO TFFETBTTPPOBTQPTTJCMFJO/PWFNCFS .BLFTVSFUIBUZPVEJHJOQMFOUZPGXFMM rotted manure before sowing. Timing is JNQPSUBOUUPFOTVSFUIBUZPVSQMBOUTXJMM CFOPIJHIFSUIBOBCPVUDNXIFOBOZ TFWFSFXFBUIFSTFUTJO0UIFSXJTFUIFZDBO collapse under the weight of snow and ice XIJDIIBQQFOFEMBTUXJOUFSPOBOFBSCZ allotment to mine. You can sow broad CFBOTJO'FCSVBSZCVUUIFQMBOUTUFOEUPCF MFTTSFTJTUBOUUPCMBDLnZ /PXJTBMTPUIFUJNFUPQMBOUNPTUUZQFT PGHBSMJDʾFDPMEXJOUFSNPOUITEFmOJUFMZ improve the flavour of the crop. *OUIFTUPSFLFFQBOFZFPOZPVSTBDLT PGQPUBUPFTZPVSBQQMFTXIJDITIPVMECF TJOHMZXSBQQFEJOOFXTQBQFSJOTJOHMFMBZFS USBZT BOEZPVSPOJPOTEJTDBSEJOHBOZUIBU are turning rotten. Back on the allotment, the main activities at the moment are digging over the ground, pruning the fruit trees and bushes when UIFMFBWFTIBWFEJFEPĊUBLJOHBOZGSVJU CVTIDVUUJOHTUIBUZPVOFFEUPQFSQFUVBUF ZPVSTUPDL BOENBLJOHTVSF that the brassicas are supported against high winds and protected CZOFUUJOHGSPN pigeons. 8IFOUJEZJOHVQ spare a thought for the wildlife. Last winter, there was a hibernating hedgehog underneath a QJMFPGMFBWFTJONZHBSEFO#ZMFBWJOHUIBU pile alone, the hedgehog was able to help NFUPDPOUSPMUIFTMVHQPQVMBUJPOUIJTZFBS Happy gardening! sprouts, leeks, swede and cabbages are still in the ground to be lifted and picked on UIFEBZUIFZBSFOFFEFE *UJTBSFBMQMFBTVSFUPLOPXUIBUNPTUJG John Bannell Member of the Cosham and District Allotments and Gardens Association N ov ember / D ec em ber 2011 Yo u r ne w l oc a l m a ga z i n e ! Mists and mellow fruitfulness A utumn is the season of “mists and NFMMPXGSVJUGVMOFTTwBOEOBUVSFT CPVOUZJTFWFSZXIFSFʾFUSFFTBSF laden with traditional English fruits and the SPPUWFHBOEUBTUZHSFFOTBSFPOUIFJSXBZ JOGSPNUIFmFMET4PPOXFMMCFFOKPZJOH UIFSJDIFBSUIZnBWPVSTPGQBSTOJQTTXFEF celeriac and beetroot and crunching into those wonderful winter greens. The soup and casserole season is now VQPOVTLFFQJOHVTXBSNBOESFBEZUP cope with the colder weather and there are tempting smells coming from kitchens FWFSZXIFSF :PVDBOUCFBUUIFUBTUFBOEnBWPVSTPG USBEJUJPOBMPSHBOJDWFHHSPXOTMPXMZBOE OBUVSBMMZJOTFBTPOUIFPMEGBTIJPOFEXBZ BOEXIBUTNPSFJUTBDUVBMMZHPPEGPSZPV UPP 4PXIZOPUUSZBTFBTPOBMPSHBOJD GSVJUBOEWFHPSEFSGPSBDIBOHF Organic food contains more of UIFHPPETUVĊXFOFFEMJLF vitamins and minerals and less PGUIFCBETUVĊXFEPOUTVDI as pesticides, additives and drugs and, best of all, the taste JTBNB[JOH Organic food is no longer an expensive MVYVSZBTZPVDBOOPXIBWFBXJEFSBOHFPG PSHBOJDGSVJUWFHNFBUEBJSZFHHTBOECSFBE EFMJWFSFEGSFFUPZPVSEPPSGSPN3JWFSGPSET MPDBMGBSNJO)BNQTIJSFBUWFSZDPNQFUJUJWF prices. 3JWFSGPSETIPNFEFMJWFSZTFSWJDFJT DPOTJTUFOUMZDIFBQFSUIBOTVQFSNBSLFUT and there is no commitment or contract involved. ]SYVEHE] ]SYVEHE] XLIIEW][E] XLIIEW][E] SVKERMGZIKQIEXHEMV] EHSE] YVQSVIJVIWLJVSQSYVJEVQ ]SSVKERMGZIKQIEXHEMV] ]SYVEHE] VKERMG HIPMZIVIHJVIIXS]SYVHSSV QSVIJVIWLJVSQSYVJEVQ IIEW]IXL[ XL MGEPE] XLIIEW][E] HIPMZIVIHJVIIXS]SYVHSSV 4FBTPOBMSFDJQFTBSSJWFXJUIFWFSZCPY UPIFMQBOEJOTQJSFZPVBOEZPVHFUUIF PQQPSUVOJUZUPUSZTPNFPGUIFNPSF VOVTVBMMFTTSFBEJMZBWBJMBCMFWFHFUBCMFT XIJDIPGUFOCFDPNFmSNGBNJMZGBWPVSJUFT 6OMJLFNPTUPUIFSCPYTDIFNFT3JWFSGPSE BSFHSPXFSTBOEFWFSZUIJOHJTPSHBOJD BOETPJMBTTPDJBUJPODFSUJmFETPXIZOPU PSEFSBCPYUPEBZBOETFFJGTFBTPOBMPSHBOJD SVKERMG WFHSFBMMZEPFTUBTUFCFUUFS ERHG S VKE RMG IVXMJMIHF]XLI7SMP%WWSGMEXMSR ERHGIVXMJMIHF]XLI7SMP%WWSGMEXMS IXLMGEP R IXLMGEP [I[SVOGPSWIP][MXLSYVPSGEP KVS[IVWXSKMZIIZIV]SRIEJEMVHIE P [I[SVOGPSWIP][MXLSYVPSGEP SYXWSVKE XERHMRKJPEZSYV RMG KVS[GLSS IVWXWIZEV SKMZ [IXVMEPERH IIZJSV IV]SRIEJEMVHIEP MIXMIW JPEZSYERHGIVXMJMIHF ]XLI7SMP%WWS GMEXMSR VRSXXLISRIW[MXLXL I SYXWXE RHMRKJPEZSYV ERHGIVXMJMIHF]XLI7SMP%WWSGMEXMSFMKKIWX]MIPH R IXLMGEP [IX KVIE XZEVMEP PYI ERHGLSSWIZEVMIXMIWJSV JPEZS YVR GSRWM[I[SVOGPSWI SXXL WXIRX P][MXLSYVPSG P]GLI ISR ETIVX IW[MXLXLI EP LER [I[SVOGPSWIP][MXLSYVPSGEP WYTIVKVS[IVWXSKMZ QEVO FMKKIXWER IWX]HSYV WWXEVX MIPHFS\IIIZIV]SRIEJE MVHIEP KVS[IVWXSKMZIIZIV]SRIEJEMVHIEEXNYWX P KVI EXZ EPYI KJPEZSYV E[ESYXWXERHMR VH[MRRMRK SYXWXERHMRKJPEZSYV GSRWMRKGL [IqVIVIMKR MWXIREQTM XP]G LIET SRWE X IVXLER [IXVMEPERHGL SSWIZEVMIXMIW JSV [IXVMEPERHGLSSWIZEVMIXMIWJSV XLI3FWIVZ [EVHW WYTIIV)XL X[S VQEMGEP% VOIX WER HSYVFS\IWWXEVX ]IEVW JPEZSYVRSXXL VYRR ISRIW[MXLXL I MRK JPEZSYVRSXXLISRIW[MXLXLI EXNYWX JVII HIP MZIV FMKKIWX]MIPH ] FMKKIWX]MIPH JVSQ]SYVJ E[ SVKERMGZIKQIEXHEMV] SVKERMGZIKQIEXHEMV] QSVIJVIWLJVSQSYVJEVQ QSVIJVIWLJVSQSYVJEVQ HIPMZIVIHJVIIXS]SYVHSSV HIPMZIVIHJVIIXS]SYVHSSV KVIEXZEPYI GSRWMWXIRXP]GLIETIVXLER WYTIVQEVOIXWERHSYVFS\IWWXEVX EXNYWX E[EVH[MRRMRK [IqVIVIMKRMRKGLEQTMSRWEX XLI3FWIV ZIV)XLMGEP%[EVHWX[S ]IEVWVYRRMRK JVIIHIPMZIV] JVSQ]SYVJVMIRHP]PSGEPZIKQER WIISYVJYPPVERKISRPMRIEX EVH[M RRMQER RK KVIEXZEPY IEQT [IqVIVIMKRMRKGL MSRWEX VMIRHP]PSGEPZIK GSRWMWXIRXP]GL IETIVXLER XLI3 FWIV ZIV)XLMGE P%[EVHWX[S WYTIVQEVOIXW ]IEV WVYRRMRK ERHSYVFS\IWWXEVX EXNYWX JVI IHIPMZIV] JVSQ ]SYVJVMIRHP] E[EVH[MR PSGEPZIKQER RMRK [IqVIVIMKRMRKGLEQTMSRWEX XLI3FWIVZIV)XLMGEP%[EVHWX[S ]IEVWVYRRMRK JVIIHIPMZIV] JVSQ]SYVJVMIRHP]PSGEPZIKQER 6M Z I V J SVH [[[VMZIVJSVHGSYO see our full range online at SVGEPPYWSR or call us on 01962 763928 www.theb u z z m a ga z i n e .co .u k 19 IV JS B U Z Zre c i p e s Kick off the British Leek season with some delicious recipes. What ’s the Buzz! Spaghetti with Leeks, Peas, Bacon and Lemon A s we head into colder NPOUITUIF-FFL(SPXFShT Association is urging people not to forget the benefits of the British leek as the fat-free, nutrient SJDIBOTXFSUPTUBZJOHIFBMUIZBOE helping combat colds this winter. 'SPNLFFQJOHTPSFUISPBUTBUCBZ UPJNQSPWJOHUIFRVBMJUZPGUIF singing voice, this 'upmarket onion' or 'poor man's asparagus' is a NVTUIBWFPOTIPQQJOHMJTUTBDSPTTUIFDPVOUSZBTUIF#SJUJTIMFFL TFBTPOLJDLTPĊGSPN/PWFNCFSBOESVOTUISPVHIUP"QSJM-FFLT NBLFBGBOUBTUJDBMMZnBWPVSTPNFWFHFUBCMFTJEFEJTI&RVBMMZUIFZ XPSLXPOEFSGVMMZJOBXJEFWBSJFUZPGSFDJQFTTVDIBTDBTTFSPMFT omelettes and frittatas, risottos, quiches, pasta sauces and soups. Check out the British leek website for mouth-watering, seasonal recipes, developed for The Leek Grower's Association by leading UK chef and food consultant, Rob Rees, MBE. Did you know? The French call the leek, 'poireau' which also means 'simpleton' in Europe. Agatha Christie named one of her most famous characters, the 'SFODIEFUFDUJWF1PJSPUBGUFSUIFMFFL 4U%BWJEUIF1BUSPO4BJOUPG8BMFTPSEFSFEIJTTPMEJFSTUPXFBS MFFLTPOUIFJSIFMNFUTJOCBUUMFUPEJĊFSFOUJBUFUIFNTFMWFTGSPNUIF JOWBEJOHFOFNZUIF4BYPOT ʾFMFFLJTXJEFMZSFDPHOJTFEBTUIFOBUJPOBMTZNCPMPG8BMFT "NFBOTPGGPSFUFMMJOHUIFGVUVSFBOELFFQJOHBXBZFWJMTQJSJUTUIF MFFLXBTBMTPQMBDFEVOEFSBQJMMPXBUOJHIUTPZPVOHNBJEFOT could see the features of their future husbands. Feed Your Family For Under (And Just Over!) A Fiver Recommended Wine ʾF$PSL$IFFTF$PNQBOZ PG1BSL(BUFSFDPNNFOETUIJT MPWFMZXIJUFXJOF'VNÏ QSPEVDFEMPDBMMZBUUIF5JUDImFME 7JOFZBSE ʾJTHFOUMZPBLFEXJOFCBTFE upon the Faber grape has a TNPLZTNPPUIUFYUVSFBOE attractive tropical fruit and spiced vanilla flavour. The Cork & Cheese Company 01489 588255 20 Serves 4 1SFQNJOVUFT Cook 15 minutes "QQSPYJNBUF$PTUb Ingredients 400g dried spaghetti 40g butter 150g bacon cubes HMFFLTmOFMZDIPQQFE 400ml crème fraise 100g cooked peas +VJDFBOE[FTUPGPOFMFNPO Salt and cracked black pepper 4NBMMCVODIPGDIPQQFEnBUMFBGQBSTMFZ H1BSNFTBOGPSHSBUJOH Method Bring a medium pan of salted water to the boil, add the spaghetti and cook accordingly to the packet instructions In the meantime, fry the bacon in a medium sized pan over a low heat until the fat releases from the bacon. Turn up the heat so that the bacon starts to colour, about 5 minutes. Then add the leeks and cook for a further 5 minutes Add the crème fraise and cook until it starts to bubble and reduce slightly By now your pasta should be cooked. Drain and set aside Add the lemon juice and zest to your sauce Season with salt and pepper and add the chopped parsley Toss the pasta in the sauce, serve in bowls and sprinkle with Parmesan 3FDJQFTDPVSUFTZPGʾF-FFL(SPXFST"TTPDJBUJPO N ov ember / D ec em ber 2011 Yo u r ne w l oc a l m a ga z i n e ! Sausage and Leek Casserole with Chive Mash Serves 4 1SFQNJOVUFT Cook 30 minutes "QQSPYJNBUF$PTUb Ingredients 3 tbsp olive oil 8 pork sausages 1 Spanish onion sliced 200g sliced leeks 4 cloves garlic sliced TUJDLTDFMFSZTMJDFE Small bunch of sage leaves, picked 200ml white wine 400ml passata 400ml chicken CBZMFBWFT Salt and cracked black pepper 4NBMMCVODInBUMFBGQBSTMFZ chopped For the mash… 800g potatoes peeled and cut into 4 100g butter 300ml full fat milk Salt and cracked white pepper CVODIPGDIJWFTmOFMZ chopped Method Preheat oven to 180ºC / 350ºF Fry the sausages in a casserole dish until golden brown, remove with a slotted spoon. You may need to do this in two batches Add the onions, leeks, garlic, celery and sage and cook until the mix starts to brown slightly Add the wine, stock, passata and bay leaves and then season with salt and pepper Add the sausages back in Put the lid on and cook in the oven for 20 minutes Meanwhile, place your potatoes in a medium sized pan, cover with water and bring to the boil. Simmer gently until cooked. About 20 minutes Once cooked, drain and mash the potatoes and add the butter and milk. Stir over a low heat until the butter has melted and the mash is piping hot. Season and add the chives. Set aside Remove the casserole from oven, stir in chopped parsley and serve with the mash www.theb u z z m a ga z i n e .co .u k And for Christmas ……… a Festive Leek and Cranberry Caerphilly Strudel Serves 4 as main, 8 as starter 1SFQNJOVUFT Cook 20 - 25 minutes Oven Temperature 220oC/200oC Fan/425o'(BT.BSL Ingredients HP['SFTImMPQBTUSZ 50g/2oz Butter, melted For the filling Leeks, trimmed, washed and shredded 25g/1oz Butter Orange, zest & juice 75g/3oz Dried cranberries HP[#SB[JMOVUTSPVHIMZDIPQQFE HP[$BFSQIJMMZDIFFTFSPVHIMZEJDFE (FOFSPVTTQSJOLMJOH(SPVOETFBTBMUBOECMBDLQFQQFS Method Lightly sweat the leeks with the butter for 2 – 3 minutes to soften. Add remaining filling ingredients and set aside to cool. When the mixture is cold prepare parcels. Brush a sheet of filo with melted butter and top with another filo layer. Repeat to give 3 layers in total. Brush the top surface and then fold over along the long side to give 6 layers. Cut in half to give 2 rectangles. Place a spoonful of filling in the centre of each layered rectangle and then scrunch up pastry to give a parcel. Brush with remaining butter. For a larger parcel for a main course follow above but omit cutting the folded filo sheets in half. Place two spoonfuls of filling into the centre of each rectangle and then bring opposite corners towards the centre and pinch filo together. Brush with remaining melted butter. Rest prepared parcels onto a baking sheet and oven cook until the pastry is crisp and golden. Decorate parcels with twists of lightly simmered leek strips and cranberries. Serve warm or cold. 21 What ’s the Buzz! Chesapeake Mill Have you been to Chesapeake Mill yet? I OUIF)FBSUPG)BNQTIJSFUIF$IFTBQFBLF.JMMJTB(SBEF** MJTUFECVJMEJOHXJUIBGBTDJOBUJOHIJTUPSZPĊFSJOHZPVBVOJRVF TIPQQJOHFYQFSJFODFȓ'JOEBMMZPVSEFDPSBUJWFJOTQJSBUJPOTBMM VOEFSPOFSPPGȓ"NB[FZPVSTFMGXJUIUIFNBTTPGBOUJRVFTIPNF GVSOJTIJOHTHBSEFOBDDFTTPSJFT+FXFMMFSZHJGUTBOECSJDBCSBD t /FXJO'JTI1FEJDVSFTUPMFBWFZPVSGFFUGFFMJOHTPGUBOE revitalised. t -F$IJD%SFTT"HFODZGPSBMMUIFNVTUIBWFTJOGBTIJPOBOE designer wear, t %SJGUXPPEBSUFTQFDJBMMZTPVSDFEGSPNMPDBMCFBDIFTBOEXBMMBSU UPBTUPVOEZPV 0VSGBCVMPVTUFBSPPNTBTBMXBZTPĊFSJOHMJHIUTOBDLTUPIPNF DPPLFEGPPEBOEUIFJSGBNPVT)JHI5FBTȓ:FTUIFDIFTBQFBLFNJMM SFBMMZEPFTIBWFTPNFUIJOHGPSFWFSZCPEZUIFIVHFBSSBZPGTUPDL DIBOHFTȓXFFLMZȓ4PXIZOPUDPNFJOBOETFFGPSZPVSTFMGXFMPPL GPSXBSEUPXFMDPNJOHZPV Opening times Tuesday - Saturday 10-5 pm, Sunday and Bank Holidays 11 - 4pm Closed Monday 01329 834078 Welcome to Le Chic Dress Agency You will find Le Chic in the historic Chesapeake Mill in the village of Wickham near Fareham in the heart of Hampshire. L F$IJD%SFTT"HFODZJTBVOJRVFCPVUJRVFTQFDJBMJ[JOHJOQSF loved ladies fashion and designer wear. -F$IJDIBTFWFSZUIJOHUPTBUJTGZZPVSGBTIJPOOFFETGSPNESFTTFT TVJUTIBUTIBOECBHTTIPFTBOEBDDFTTPSJFTNBOZGSPNUPQ designers. 8IFUIFSZPVBSFHPJOHUPUIFSBDFTDSVJTJOHBUUFOEJOHBCBMM QSPNPSXFEEJOHPSGPSBOZPUIFSTQFDJBMPDDBTJPO-F$IJDDPVME IBWFUIBUPVUmUZPVBSFMPPLJOHGPS -F$IJDBMTPIPMETIJHIRVBMJUZTNBSUDBTVBMXFBSGPSBMMBHFTTP NBLFTVSFZPVWJTJUVTPOUIFHSPVOEnPPSBU$IFTBQFBLF.JMM Wickham. Buzz Bit Our Opening Times. Tuesday – Saturday 10.00 a.m. – 5.00 p.m. Sunday’s & Bank Holidays 11.00 a.m. – 4.00 p.m. Tel: 01329 830020 We look forward to seeing you 22 ʾF$IFTBQFBLF.JMMJTBGFBTUGPSUIFFZFTBOEHSFBUGPS$ISJTUNBT TIPQQJOH:PVDPVMEFBTJMZTQFOEBOBGUFSOPPOCSPXTJOHʾFO IBWFBCFBVUZUSFBUNFOUBOEUSFBUZPVSTFMGUPMVODIJOUIF EFMJHIUGVMUFBSPPNBMMJOPOFQMBDF1FSGFDU N ov ember / D ec em ber 2011 Yo u r n e w l oc a l m a ga z i n e ! CE L E BRI T Ych at IBWFUPHJWFQFPQMFXIBUUIFZXBOUw 0ĊTDSFFO,BUFJTBNPUIFSPGUXP ZPVOHDIJMESFO8FBTLIFSXIFSFTIF mOETUIFUJNFUPmUFWFSZUIJOHJO iʾF POMJOFCVTJOFTTXPSLTBSPVOENZMJGFTUZMF OJDFMZw,BUFFYQMBJOTi*IBWFBOPċDFJO London with a team of 10 people working UPHFUIFSPOUIFXFCTJUFBOEXIFO*mOJTI QSFTFOUJOHXPSLJOUIFNPSOJOH*IFBE to the office.” The nature of the business BMTPHJWFT,BUFUIFPQQPSUVOJUZUPTQFOE UJNFXJUIIFSDIJMESFOoDPMMFDUUIFNGSPN school and prepare them for bed at night. iʾFO*DBOXPSLPOMJOFGSPNIPNFJG*MJLFw TIFTBZTȓ#VU,BUFEPFTOUEFOZUIBUTIF MFBETBIFDUJDMJGFTUZMFi/PCPEZTUBSUJOHB CVTJOFTTXPVMEUFMMZPVUIBUJUJTOUIFDUJD #VUJUTBWFSZSFXBSEJOHFYQFSJFODF&WFO UIPVHI*EPOUHFUBMPUPGTMFFQwTIF TBZTi6OGPSUVOBUFMZ*DBOhUTFFNUPHFU PĊNPSOJOHUFMFWJTJPO*BNVQNPTUEBZT BUBNUPCFBUUIFTUVEJPCZBNUP QSFQBSFGPSUIFTIPX"OE*IBWFCFFO LOPXOUPOPEPĊXIJMFSFBEJOHUIFDIJMESFO UIFJSCFEUJNFTUPSZwiʾF%BZCSFBLIPVST BSFSVCCJTIGPSZPVOHTJOHMFQFPQMFXIP XBOUUPHPPVUBOEQBSUZCVUUIFZBSFRVJUF VTFGVMGPSCFJOHBNVN*DBOQJDLNZMJUUMF girl up from school so it works well. At the moment there is no mum that is not juggling a million things.” As successful as she is in her TV career and with a string of enviable credits to When The Buzz Magazine caught up with Kate IFSOBNF,BUFJTVOEFSTUBOEBCMZOFSWPVT Garraway she had been on the go since 2:30am, about dipping her toe into the competitive and with a full day ahead of her before she got world of internet business. She tells The #V[[i*UTSFBMMZTDBSZCVUJUTXPSLJOHXFMM home to her children, she showed no signs of FTQFDJBMMZDPOTJEFSJOHNPOUITBHP* slowing down. EJEOUFWFOLOPXIPXUPUVSOBDPNQVUFS ow with her new business venture PGPUIFSUPQRVBMJUZQSPEVDUTBOETFSWJDFT PO4PNFUJNFT*GFFMMJLFBGSBVE*NTUJMM as an internet entrepreneur, her UIBUEJĊFSFOUDFMFCSJUJFTIBWFBSSBOHFEi* MFBSOJOHy*OPXIBWFUPCFSBUIFSHSPXO EBZTBSFBCPVUUPHFUJODSFBTJOHMZ IBWFDMVCCFENZGSJFOETUPHFUIFSBOEBTLFE VQBOEHPUPCVTJOFTTNFFUJOHT*UJTMPWFMZ CVTJFS)BWJOHQSFTFOUFE(.57GPSZFBST them to pull in their perks and treats.” UPIBWFNZPXOQSPKFDUUIPVHIBOE*WF and in her current role as Entertainment The use of celebrities to promote the site IBEUPIBWFDPOmEFODFBOEFNQMPZGBJUIJO &EJUPSGPS*57hTCSFBLGBTUTIPX%BZCSFBL JTBDMFWFSNPWFBOEJUTTUSPOHDFMFCSJUZ NZPXOJEFBwȓ ,BUF(BSSBXBZJTPOFPGUIFNPTUGBNJMJBS FOEPSTFNFOUHJWFT(PPEZQBTTDPNJUT When asked if she would consider giving faces on television. But it's a new website own unique selling point. Kate and 11 of up the presenting job to concentrate on DBMMFE(PPEZQBTTDPNUIBUJTLFFQJOH IFSDFMFCSJUZQBMTJODMVEJOH"OHFMB(SJċO (PPEZQBTTGVMMUJNF,BUFUPMEʾF#V[[ IFSFTQFDJBMMZCVTZUIFTFEBZT4PXIBU BOE-ZOEB#FMMJOHIBNBSFBMMJOWPMWFEJO i"UUIFNPNFOUUIFUXPBSFXPSLJOHWFSZ JT(PPEZQBTT ,BUFUFMMTVTi*hWFBMXBZT QSPNPUJOHUIFTJUFi8FSFLFFOUPXPSL XFMMUPHFUIFSBOE*MPWFNZKPC*UhTCSJMMJBOU LOPXOUIBU*BNJODSFEJCMZMVDLZUPHFU with a range of people, celebrities who are Who could ever complain about going into HJGUTBOEEJTDPVOUTKVTUCFDBVTF*hNPO well-known, trusted and well-liked.” she XPSLBOEDIBUUJOHUP+VTUJO5JNCFSMBLFBOE 57#VUUIBOLTUPNZOFXXFCTJUF*OPX BEETȓ"T&OUFSUBJONFOU&EJUPSPGCSFBLGBTU 5PN$SVJTFoJUhTQSFQPTUFSPVTUIBU*HFU have the chance to share a slice of the TIPX%BZCSFBLBOEQSFTFOUFSPOJUT QBJENPOFZUPEPJUw DFMFCSJUZMJGFTUZMFXJUIUIFHFOFSBMQVCMJDw4P follow-on show Lorraine, Kate is in a prime The Buzz Magazine wishes Kate every (PPEZQBTTDPNXBTCPSOBOEMBVODIFEUP position to achieve her goal. “TV is a brutal success. BGBOGBSFPGQSFTTBUUFOUJPO*UJTBEJTDPVOU NBSLFU*GQFPQMFEPOUMJLFXIBUUIFZTFF Register for free with www.goodypass. XFCTJUFUIBUBOZPOFDBOKPJOBOEJUHJWFT UIFZMMKVTUSFBDIGPSUIFSFNPUFBOEDIBOHF com and start enjoying some fantastic ZPVUIFDIBODFUPHFUFYDMVTJWFPĊFSTMJLF UIFDIBOOFM4PZPVIBWFUPCFDPOmEFOUJO deals. SEPĊUPQSFTUBVSBOUTIBMGQSJDFCFBVUZ XIBUZPVBSFEFMJWFSJOHBOEZPVIBWFUPCF ,BUF(BSSBXBZDIBUUFEUPʾF#V[[.BHB[JOFJO #SJHIUPOTʾJTUMF)PUFM USFBUNFOUTBOEVQUPPĊBXIPMFSBOHF RVJDLUPSFBDU*UTUIFTBNFJOCVTJOFTT8F Celebrity Chat with Kate Garraway N www.theb u z z m a ga z i n e .co .u k 23 HOMEsweetHOME What ’s the Buzz! Your Local Professional Bathroom Installer D PFTZPVSGBNJMZ bathroom or en-suite need a fantastic and GSFTIOFXMPPLCVUZPVEPOU IBWFUIFUJNFPSNBZCFUIF inspiration to know where to TUBSU "SFZPVDPODFSOFEBCPVU mOEJOHUSVTUXPSUIZBOETLJMMFE USBEFTNFO Drop into Taps and Tubs, have a browse around our showroom BOEEJTDVTTZPVSSFRVJSFNFOUT XJUIPVSLOPXMFEHFBCMFTUBĊ 8FDBOTVQQMZFWFSZUIJOHZPV need and even install it too. /PKPCJTUPPCJHPSTNBMMXF undertake both residential and commercial work, from a simple tap fitting up to a total redesign. 8FBSFBGBNJMZSVOCBUISPPN showroom established for PWFSZFBSTJO1BSL(BUFXJUI PWFSZFBSTFYQFSJFODFJO plumbing and bathroom installations. Our success and growth has been due to the fantastic support from the local DPNNVOJUZʾFTIFFSOVNCFS of recommendations and repeat business we receive means that our knowledge of the products combined with our planning and attention to detail has been rewarded and our installation business and collaborations with local trades people has enabled the business to go from strength to strength. For more information please visit the Taps and Tubs website at Pressing Needs... much much more than just an Ironing Service O WFSZFBSTPG trading has seen a local business grow FYUFOTJWFMZUPPĊFSBIVHFSBOHF of services in addition to their iroing service where it all began TPNFZFBSTBHP A massive 6,500 sq ft open QMBOGBDUPSZVOJUPO%VODBO 3PBEBU1BSL("UFJTUIF main processing site where DVTUPNFSTBSFWFSZXFMDPNFUP DBMMUPESPQPĊPSDPMMFDUXPSLȓ Extended opening hours from QN.POEBZUP'SJEBZBOE QNPO4BUVSEBZBOEXJUI a large car park, almost makes UIJTTJUFBDPOWFOJFOUPVUPG UPXOESZDMFBOFSTȓʾFJSPOJOH TFSWJDFJTDFSUBJOMZTUJMMBWBJMBCMF BOESFNBJOTWFSZQPQVMBSCVU JOBEEJUJPOȓUIFSFJTOPXȓBWBTU 24 JOIPVTFESZDMFBOJOHBOE MBVOESZTFSWJDFBOEUIFSFSFBMMZ JTOPUWFSZNVDIUIFZDBOhU process - from a standard 2pc suit, a delicate evening gown or a duvet cover and sheet to BGFBUIFSPSQPMZFTUFSmMMFE EVWFUIPSTFSVHTPĊTIPSF sailing gear to the cleaning and preservation of wedding ESFTTFTȓ8JUIESZDMFBOJOH machines and the new addition of a huge 40 kilo washing machine to support the 4 smaller 17 kilo machines, the ESZDMFBOJOHBOEMBVOESZTFSWJDF part of the business is growing SBQJEMZȓ Pressing Needs Tel: 01489 582095 N ov ember / D ec em ber 2011 TABh ead er Yo u r ne w l oc a l m a ga z i n e ! Realise your perfect bathroom FREE DESIGN SERVICE - PROFESSIONAL INSTALLATION TEAMS If, like a lot of our customers, you need a new bathroom or cloakroom but don’t have the time to deal with all the tradesmen yourself, why not let us take control and use our 100% recommended, fully insured, professional design and installation service. Visit our ever-changing showroom - we have something for every taste, size and budget. Free planning service ✓ Installations ✓ Tiles & lighting ✓ Qualified plumbers ✓ Free estimates ✓ Designer fittings ✓ Accessories ✓ Fully insured ✓ 30 Bridge Road, Park Gate, Southampton, SO31 7GF www.theb u z z m a ga z i n e .co .u k 01489 581155 25 10% OFF * WITH THIS ADVERT HUGE RANGE OF TOP BRANDED PRODUCTS INCLUDING %3!,%$2:%$23%!$2:)5!.2:(),$1%.2%$2:!331%22%2:$*423!",%%$2 !,,./6&/1&1%%&1)%.$,7!$5)#% 01489 578289 )3#(%,,/42%1//+5%.4% !12!2( 0%./.$!73/!341$!7!-3/0-4.3), 0-/.(412$!72 *You must mention this advert when placing your order to redeem the 10% saving. Valid until 24th December 2011. Discount voucher can not be used with any other special offers. 10% OFF * WITH THIS ADVERT : All carpets and flooring are fitted by our approved installers. Call now for free friendly advice Carpetdreams 01489 578289 )3#(%,,/42%1//+5%.4% !12!2( 0%./.$!73/!341$!7!-3/0-4.3), 0-/.(412$!72 *You must mention this advert when placing your order to redeem the 10% saving. Valid until 24th December 2011. Discount voucher can not be used with any other special offers. 26 N ov ember / D ec em ber 2011 Yo u r ne w l oc a l m a ga z i n e ! HOMEsweetHOME Sweet Dreams are Made of These I n the Sweet Dreams showroom in Brook Avenue, Warsash, UIFSFJTBOBJSPGDBMNBOEUSBORVJMMJUZFYBDUMZUIFTPSUPG QMBDFUIBUZPVXPVMEXBOUUPCVZBCFEʾFJSMJHIUBOE BJSZTIPXSPPNJTTUPDLFEXJUITPNFCFBVUJGVMFYBNQMFTPGUIF UZQFTPGCFETBOECFEEJOHUIBU4XFFU%SFBNTPĊFSBOEDBUFST GPSFWFSZUBTUFBOETUZMF'SPNUIFQSBDUJDBMEJWBOXJUIBSBOHF PGIFBECPBSETTVJUBCMFGPSCPUIGBOTPGUIFDPOUFNQPSBSZPSUIF USBEJUJPOBMJTUTBNPOHTUVTUPTPNFJOOPWBUJWFCFEGSBNFTUIBU PĊFSHSFBUTQBDFTBWJOHCFOFmUTUIFSFJTBCFESFBEZUPUBLFJUT QMBDFJOZPVSCFESPPN 8JUIUIFJSQPQVMBSTQFFEZEFMJWFSZTFSWJDFDVTUPNFSTOFFEOU XBJUMPOHGPSUIFJSCFETUPBSSJWFNBOZDVTUPNFSTIBWFUIFJSJUFNT EFMJWFSFEUIFOFYUEBZXIFSFUIJTJTQPTTJCMFBOEUIFUFBNBU4XFFU Dreams take great pride in their commitment to customer service and customer satisfaction which is demonstrated in their high level of customer referrals and repeat business. "OEJOUIFTFUJNFTPGNBLJOHFWFSZQFOOZDPVOUUIFJSSBOHF TUBSUTBUWFSZDPNQFUJUJWFBOEBĊPSEBCMFQSJDFT 5PmOEPVUNPSFUPUSZPVUBCFEUPHFUTUZMFJOTQJSBUJPOPSKVTU advice, pop along to the showroom in Brook Lane which is open 7 EBZTBXFFLXJUIBMBUFOJHIUPQFOJOHPOʾVSTEBZT Major Flooring retailer opens in Warsash. W JUITPNVDIDIPJDFPGnPPSJOHUIFTFEBZTJUJT TPNFUJNFTEJċDVMUUPLOPXXIFSFUPTUBSU/PXZPVS starting point is much closer with the opening of Carpet Dreams in Brook Lane, Warsash. ʾFDPNQBOZJTTJTUFSDPNQBOZUPUIFXFMMFTUBCMJTIFE4XFFU Dreams bed and bedding store at the same location, but its name EPFTOUUFMMUIFXIPMFTUPSZ ʾFPXOFSTPGUIFDPNQBOZIBWFXPSLFEIBSEUPTFUVQBDDPVOUT with the major brands that customers ask for when choosing nPPSJOHJODMVEJOHOBNFTMJLF"YNJOTUFS1FOUIPVTF7JDUPSJB BOE$PSNBSʾFZBSFBMTPUIFNBKPSEFBMFSJOUIFBSFBGPSXIBU UIFZCFMJFWFJTUIFUIFCFTUWJOZMnPPSJOHJOUIFCVTJOFTT"NUJDP *OUFSOBUJPOBMTVQQMZJOHUIFJSFOUJSFSBOHFBUHSFBUQSJDFTXJUITVQFS RVJDLEFMJWFSZBOEmUUJOHCZPVSPXORVBMJmFEmUUFST 8JUITPMJEXPPETBOEMBNJOBUFTTUJMMJODSFBTJOHJOQPQVMBSJUZ CSBOETTVDIBT1FSHP'PSCP/BJSO-FP-JOFBOE#FBVnPSBSFBMTPJO stock. ʾFUFBNBMTPPĊFSBMBSHFSBOHFPGVOEFSMBZTBOETVCnPPS TZTUFNTBOEBMTPVOEFSUBLFDPNNFSDJBMXPSLGPSPċDFTIPUFMT landlords and letting agents. $BSQFU%SFBNTQSPWJEFTBUPQDMBTTTFSWJDFCBDLFECZTPVOE GSJFOEMZBEWJDFBOECJHOBNFCSBOETBUWFSZDPNQFUJUJWFQSJDFTXJUI TPNFUIJOHGPSFWFSZSPPNBOEFWFSZCVEHFU 1PQJOUPUBMLUPUIFUFBNCSPXTFUIFXJEFBOEDPNQSFIFOTJWF TBNQMFTBOETXBUDIFTBOETUBSUQMBOOJOHZPVSOFYUnPPSJOHQSPKFDU at our flooring department with Sweet Dreams on Brook Lane, Warsash. www.theb u z z m a ga z i n e .co .u k Six Second Quiz 8IBUHPFTVQCVUOFWFSDPNFTEPXO 8IBUEPZPVUISPXPVUXIFOZPVXBOUUPVTF JUCVUUBLFJOXIFOZPVEPOhUXBOUUPVTFJU *MJWFXIFSFMJHIUJTCVUEJFJGMJHIUUPVDIFTNF 8IBUBN* ȓ 8IBUMPTFTJUTIFBEFWFSZNPSOJOHCVUHFUTJU CBDLFWFSZOJHIU 5 What has rivers but no water, forests but no USFFTBOEDJUJFTCVUOPQFPQMF :PVDBOGFFMJUCVUZPVDBOhUUPVDIJU:PVDBO IFBSJUCVUZPVDBOhUTFFJU8IBUJTJU ȓ What am I? He who builds me doesn't want me, IFXIPCVZTNFEPFTOhUVTFNF he that uses me doesn't know he's got me. 8IBUBN* ȓ "OTXFSTPO1BHF 27 K I D Sc l u b What ’s the Buzz! K ID S C LU B Would you like to be a Buzz Kids Reporter? 8PVMEZPVMJLFUPSFQPSUPO TPNFUIJOHJOZPVSDPNNVOJUZo UFMMVTXIBUTIBQQFOJOHBUZPVS TDIPPMHZNDMVCGPPUCBMMUSBJOJOH BOENPSFBOEHFUZPVSTUPSZ printed in The Buzz, along with ZPVSQIPUP:PVDBOFJUIFSXSJUF the report and send it to us, or tell us ZPVSTUPSZBOEXFMMXSJUFJUGPSZPV &BDI+VOJPS3FQPSUFSXJMMHFUB$FSUJmDBUF#BEHFBOE 3FQPSUFST/PUFCPPLoBOEBbHJGUUPLFOGPSBTUPSFPG ZPVSDIPJDF Contact The Buzz Magazine and let’s get buzzing! Tel: 01489 577837 Starting in the next issue, this section of the magazine is for you to have a say on topics that interest ….. kids! Giggle Buzz Why didn’t the skeleton jump out of the plane? Because he had no guts Knock Knock! 8IPhTUIFSF *SJTI4UFX *SJTI4UFX8IP *SJTI4UFXJOUIFOBNF PGUIFMBX What city cheats at exams? 1FLJOH What cheese is ‘made’ backwards? &EBN What do elves do after school? (OPNFXPSL If Ireland sank into the sea, what county wouldn't sink? Cork Where do tadpoles get changed? *OBDSPBLSPPN Teacher: Who can tell What does this say? me where Hadrian's esgg sgeg gegs gsge Wall is? Scrambled eggs! 1VQJM*FYQFDUJUhT around Hadrian's garden .JTT Children Learn What They Live If a child lives with criticism, they learn to condemn. If a child lives with hostility, they learn to fight. If a child lives with ridicule, they learn to be shy. If a child lives with shame, they learn to feel guilty. If a child lives with tolerance, they learn to be patient. If a child lives with encouragement, they learn to be confident. If a child lives with praise, they learn to appreciate. If a child lives with fairness, they learn justice. If a child lives with security, they learn to have faith. If a child lives with approval, they learn to like themself. If a child lives with acceptance and friendship, they learn to find love in the world. 28 N ov ember / D ec em ber 2011 Yo u r ne w l oc a l m a ga z i n e ! BUZ Zed u cat io n Kip McGrath Education Centres Giving children a brighter future Who is Kip McGrath .BOZQBSFOUTBSFXPSSJFEBCPVUIPX their children are progressing in TDIPPM"SFUIFZLFFQJOHVQXJUI UIFJSQFFST %PUIFZIBWFTQFDJBM OFFET *TUIFXPSLDIBMMFOHJOH UIFN 8JMMUIFZTVDDFFEJOUIFJS FYBNT 3FDFOUSFQPSUTTVHHFTU that an increasing number of parents are looking for after school tuition to support their children. Recognising these concerns, Australian teacher Kip .D(SBUIEFWFMPQFEB programme of after school tuition designed to meet the needs of children as individuals. So successful was his approach, it resulted in the creation PGBXPSMEXJEFOFUXPSLPG,JQ.D(SBUI Centres. There are now over 200 centres in UIF6,XJUINPSFEVFUPPQFOTPPO ZPVSDIJMEDBOCFJEFOUJmFEʾFSFTVMUTPG UIJTBSFEJTDVTTFEXJUIZPVDPOmEFOUJBMMZ*G A FREE Assessment: tuition is required an appropriate individual 6OMJLFTPNFPUIFSFYUSBUVJUJPOTFSWJDFT,JQ QSPHSBNNFPGTUVEZJTEFWJTFEVTJOHUIF .D(SBUI&EVDBUJPO$FOUSFTHVBSBOUFFUPVTF USJFEBOEUFTUFE,JQ.D(SBUINBUFSJBMT:PVS GVMMZRVBMJmFEFYQFSJFODFEUFBDIFSTSBUIFS DIJMETXFFLMZTFTTJPOJTNJOVUFTMPOH than instructors. First, a free educational BOEUZQJDBMMZJODMVEFTTJYEJĊFSFOUBDUJWJUJFT BTTFTTNFOUJTPĊFSFETPUIBUUIFOFFETPG prepared from written curriculum resources www.theb u z z m a ga z i n e .co .u k BOEDBSFGVMMZEFWFMPQFEFEVDBUJPOBM DPNQVUFSFYFSDJTFTʾFJOEJWJEVBMMZ structured programme, including homework is designed to teach, revise and extend, depending POUIFOFFETPGUIFDIJME*U promotes success and builds on achievement. Winning Combination: The winning combination of computer activities, CDs and books for reading, equipment to explain maths concepts, written and creative activities in English and encouragement to become a self-organised and independent learner, together with on-hand help and teaching from experienced and qualified teachers, makes Kip .D(SBUIUIFmSTUDIPJDFGPS professional tuition. Southampton 02380 235756 Eastleigh 02380 643006 29 What ’s the Buzz! Why learn to play the piano/ keyboard? Research in the UK, Japan and America has shown that musical training can play a very important part in a child’s education. C IJMESFOXIPQMBZBOJOTUSVNFOUFTQFDJBMMZLFZCPBSE instruments, often do better in school examinations. &ODPVSBHFNFOUBGSJFOEMZBUNPTQIFSFBOEPGDPVSTF FYDFMMFOUUFBDIJOHBMMQMBZUIFJSQBSUJOFODPVSBHJOHZPVOH people to reach their potential. The benefits to young people and adults are many: Young People t JODSFBTFEDPPSEJOBUJPO t JODSFBTFEDPODFOUSBUJPO t CSBJOGVODUJPOVTFEUPVOEFSTUBOENBUITDJFODFBOE FOHJOFFSJOHJODSFBTFECZPWFSUIPTFXIPEPOPUMFBSO an instrument t CPPTUTDPOmEFODF t DBONBLFJUFBTJFSUPMFBSOBTFDPOEJOTUSVNFOU t FYQPTFEUPDMBTTJDBMNVTJDXIJDINJHIUOPUOPSNBMMZCF heard t UIFBTTPDJBUFECPBSEPGUIFSPZBMTDIPPMTPGNVTJDFYBNT BSFBDDSFEJUFECZUIFOBUJPOBMRVBMJmDBUJPOTGSBNFXPSL t TDPSFTPGHSBEFBSFDPOTJEFSFEJOUIFUBSJĊGPS universities and colleges admissions t NBOZBOEWBSJFEDBSFFSPQQPSUVOJUJFT Adults t QJBOPQMBZJOHJTUIFJEFBMCSBJOGPEEFS t MFBSOJOHUPQMBZJTGPSBMMBHFT t LFFQTmOHFSTOJNCMFBOEIBOENVTDMFTTUSPOH t NVTJDJTSFMBYJOH t JODSFBTFEDPPSEJOBUJPO t JODSFBTFEDPODFOUSBUJPO t QSBDUJTFUBLFTZPVSNJOEPĊUIFTUSFTTPGMJGF t QMBZJOHBOJOTUSVNFOUCSJOHTQMFBTVSFUPPUIFST t JUJTBOJEFBMSFUJSFNFOUIPCCZ 1BSFOUTTIPVMEOPUXPSSZJGUIFZDBOOPUSFBENVTJD Again research has shown that children who receive encouragement from 'non-musical' parents often do better than children from 'musical' families where the expectations PGQBSFOUTDBOCFVOSFBMJTUJDBMMZIJHI Discover the joy of music with the Carpenter School of Music 01489 789541 30 N ov ember / D ec em ber 2011 BUZ Zed u cat io n Hampshire County Council needs more adoptive families. Yo u r ne w l oc a l m a ga z i n e ! We particularly need families who can open their hearts and their home to children aged 2+, sibling groups of 3 or more and children of any age who may have additional support needs, such as a disability, PIEVRMRKHMJ½GYPX]SVQIHMGEPGSRHMXMSR Adoption 0845 6035620 'EPPYWXSHE]XSßRHSYXQSVI about adopting with Hampshire and being an adoptive parent. [[[EHSTXMSRLEQTWLMVIKSZYO www.theb u z z m a ga z i n e .co .u k 31 B U Z Zf u n What ’s the Buzz! Colouring Competition! For our little Readers! 4 Colouring Sets to be Won!! The winner’s artwork will appear in the next issue! There are 4 age categories. See details below. How to Enter ʾFSFBSFGPVSDPMPVSJOHTFUTUPCFXPOGPSGPVSBHFHSPVQTZFBSTZFBSTZFBSTZFBST 8IFOZPVWFmOJTIFEDVUJUPVUBOETFOEZPVSNBTUFSQJFDFUPʾF#V[[.BHB[JOF#SPPL-BOF 8BSTBTI4PVUIBNQUPO40'%%POUGPSHFUUPXSJUFZPVSOBNFBHFBOEBEESFTTPOBTFQBSBUFQJFDFPG QBQFS"MMFOUSJFTNVTUCFSFDFJWFECZ'SJEBZUI%FDFNCFSXIFOUIFKVEHJOHXJMMUBLFQMBDF(PPE-VDL CVUNPTUJNQPSUBOUMZIBWFGVO5FSNT$POEJUJPOTBSFPO1BHF 32 N ov ember / D ec em ber 2011 BUZ Z p et s Yo u r ne w l oc a l m a ga z i n e ! A Dog is for Life, Not just for Christmas BOEZPVXJMMCFIFSGSJFOEGPS life. Tarka loves to go for long XBMLTBOEBMTPQMBZGFUDIXJUI IFSUPZT4IFMPWFTUPCFTVOH to and her favourite song is This famous slogan was created by Clarissa Baldwin (pictured right) Chief Executive of The Dogs Trust in 1978 but is still as relevant today. T he longstanding campaign aims to raise awareness of the consequences of treating dogs as gifts or UPZT&WFSZZFBSIVOESFET of thousands of children plead for the latest fad PSUPQUPZPOUIFNBSLFU POMZUPEJTDBSEUIFNBGFX weeks after Christmas when the OPWFMUZXFBSTPĊ6OGPSUVOBUFMZ the same perception is also apparent with dogs. The Dogs 5SVTUJTDPOUJOVBMMZTFFLJOHUP change this. Dogs Trust has revealed that 1 in 5 parents would TUJMMDPOTJEFSCVZJOHUIFJSDIJMEB dog for Christmas. However, with the average Christmas present lasting just four weeks before CFJOHEJTDBSEFECZJUTCPSFE SFDJQJFOUUIFDIBSJUZGFBSTUIBU puppies bought for Christmas will experience a similar fate and is urging people to 'think life' when taking on a dog. 0OFZFBSPME+BDL3VTTFMM5FSSJFS 5JOZ5JNXBTMVDLZUPTVSWJWF after he was tossed aside and left to fend for himself in sub-zero temperatures last December. He was brought back to health CZTUBĊBU%PHT5SVTU-FFETBOE UIJTZFBSXJMMCFTQFOEJOHIJT first Christmas in a loving home. ʾJTZFBS%PHT5SVTUIBTDBSFE GPSPWFSTUSBZVOXBOUFE BOEBCBOEPOFEEPHT&WFSZ ZFBSIVOESFETPG$ISJTUNBT present pups and older dogs BSFBCBOEPOFE4PNFMJLF5JOZ Tim, are taken to rehoming organisations such as Dogs Trust and go on to find loving new IPNFTCVUNBOZPUIFSTBSFOPU BTMVDLZ'PVOEFEJO%PHT Trust is the largest dog welfare DIBSJUZJOUIF6,UIBUIFMQTHJWF BIBQQZIPNFUPUIPVTBOETPG TUSBZBOEBCBOEPOFEEPHT *GZPVIBWFCFFOHJWJOHTPNF thought to making an addition PGUIFGPVSMFHHFEWBSJFUZUPUIF GBNJMZQMFBTFDPOTJEFSUIFTF UXPMPWFMZEPHTMPPLJOHUPCF rehomed from the Dogs Trust $FOUSFJO4BMJTCVSZ'PSGVSUIFS information on these dogs, others that also need rehoming or the wonderful work the Dogs Trust does, please visit their website 5BSLBJTBHPSHFPVTGPVSZFBS old Border Collie who came to Dogs Trust when her owners GFMUUIFZDPVMEOPMPOHFSDBSF for her. Tarka can be reserved XJUIQFPQMFTIFEPFTOULOPX CVUPODFZPVHFUUPLOPXIFS TIFJTMPWJOHBOEBĊFDUJPOBUF A:PV"SF.Z4VOTIJOF*GZPVSF MVDLZTIFMMFWFOKPJOJOGPSB EVFU5BSLBXPVMEMJLFBRVJFU and calm adult home where TIFMMIBWFUJNFUPHFUUPLOPX her new owners. She adores being the centre of attention so XPVMEOFFEUPCFUIFPOMZQFU in the home. 4BNJTBTJYZFBSPME 4UBĊPSETIJSF#VMM5FSSJFSXIP came to Dogs Trust when his owners could no longer care GPSIJN4BNJTBMPWFMZCPZ XIPMPWFTQFPQMFBOEDBOUHFU enough fuss and cuddles. He FOKPZTQMBZJOHCBMMBOEIBWJOH lots of one-on-one attention. 4BNEPFTTVĊFSGSPNBMMFSHJFT and will need to continue his current treatment once he is in his new home. The cost of this on-going treatment will be DPWFSFECZUIF%PHT5SVTU1BSU Foster Scheme. Sam can live with older sensible children and QSFGFSUPCFUIFPOMZQFUJOUIF house. So you don’t forget your pets this Christmas here is a selection of gifts for them. Whatever your pets are dreaming of this Christmas, you’ll find it at Pets at Home. Deluxe Dog Stocking b -VYVSZ$BU 4UPDLJOHb Hamster Christmas 5SFF#FEb 4NBMM"OJNBM1SFTFOU #FEb Scrunchie Collar b 1VEEJOH$BU#FE b Rawhide Christmas Card bFBDI www.theb u z z m a ga z i n e .co .u k 33 T H A N K Sg i vin g What ’s the Buzz! Happy Thanksgiving! Southampton’s connection to this very American celebration. H BQQZʾBOLTHJWJOHUPPVS "NFSJDBOGSJFOETXIFUIFSUIFZCF home with their families or gracing our British shores, we wish all of them NBOZCMFTTJOHTPOUIJTNPTUUSBEJUJPOBM PG"NFSJDBOIPMJEBZT*GUIFSFJTPOFEBZ FBDIZFBSXIFOGPPEBOEGBNJMZUBLF DFOUFSTUBHFJUJTʾBOLTHJWJOH/PEPVCU POʾVSTEBZUI/PWFNCFSUIFSFXJMM be much feasting on copious amounts of delicious food, being thankful for spending UJNFXJUIUIFQFPQMFUIFZIPMEDMPTF BOEFOKPZJOHBMMTPSUTPGUSBEJUJPOT*UJTB IPMJEBZBCPVUiHPJOHIPNFw#VUIPNF UPUIPTFFBSMZ"NFSJDBOTFUUMFSTXBTOPOF other that our fair British shores with the TUBSUPGUIFJSKPVSOFZCFJOHmSNMZSPPUFEJO Southampton. ʾF4VOEBZGPMMPXJOHʾBOLTHJWJOHJT BMXBZTUIFCVTJFTUUSBWFMEBZPGUIFZFBS JOUIF6OJUFE4UBUFT&BDIEBZPGUIFMPOH 34 Thanksgiving weekend, more than 10 million people take to the skies. Another 40 million Americans drive 100 miles or more to have Thanksgiving dinner, gathering UPHFUIFSJOHSBUFGVMBQQSFDJBUJPOȓGPSȓB Thanksgiving celebration with friends BOEGBNJMZʾFOFFEUPDPOOFDUXJUI loved ones and to express our gratitude JTBUUIFIFBSUPGBMMUIJTGFBTUJOHQSBZFSGVM UIBOLTȓSFDSFBUJPOBOEOPTUBMHJBGPSB TJNQMFSUJNFȓ"OEȓTPNFXIFSFJOUIF CVTUMJOHBDUJWJUZPGFWFSZ/PWFNCFShT ʾBOLTHJWJOHJTUIFȓBCJEJOHNFNPSZPG BNPNFOUJO1MZNPVUI.BTTBDIVTFUUT OFBSMZZFBSTBHPȓXIFOUXPEJTUJODU cultures, on the brink of profound and irrevocable change, shared an autumn feast. 4PIPXEJEJUBMMCFHJO On August 15th 1620, a small ship called UIF.BZnPXFSMFGUGSPNUIF8FTU2VBZ JO4PVUIBNQUPO&OHMBOEDBSSZJOH QBTTFOHFSTBOBTTPSUNFOUPGSFMJHJPVT TFQBSBUJTUTTFFLJOHBOFXIPNFXIFSFUIFZ DPVMEGSFFMZQSBDUJDFUIFJSGBJUIMVSFECZUIF QSPNJTFPGQSPTQFSJUZBOEMBOEPXOFSTIJQ JOUIF/FX8PSMEʾFZIBEUSJFEUPEFQBSU twice before in the previous month, setting TBJMGSPN4PVUIBNQUPOJODPNQBOZXJUI UIF4QFFEXFMMʾFTFDPOEUJNFUIFZ GBJMFEUIFZMJNQFEJOUP1MZNPVUIXIFSF UIF4QFFEXFMMXBTEFFNFEVOTFBXPSUIZ BOEPOUI4FQUFNCFSUIF.BZnPXFS DBSSZJOHUIF1JMHSJN'BUIFSTDPOUJOVFE UIFWPZBHFBOETFUTBJMGPSUIF/FX World. This is perhaps the reason that 1MZNPVUIJTVTVBMMZHJWFODSFEJUXJUICFJOH UIFEFQBSUVSFQPSUPGUIF.BZnPXFS however it was Southampton that had UIBUQMFBTVSFBOEUIFDJUZJTOPXEPUUFE XJUINBOZNFNPSJBMTPGUIFFWFOU"GUFS a treacherous and uncomfortable crossing UIBUMBTUFEEBZTUIFZESPQQFEBODIPS N ov ember / D ec em ber 2011 Yo u r ne w l oc a l m a ga z i n e ! PO1MZNPVUI3PDLOFBSUIF tip of Cape Cod, where the 1JMHSJNTBTUIFZBSFOPX DPNNPOMZLOPXOCFHBOUIF work of establishing a village at 1MZNPVUI Throughout that first brutal winter, most of the colonists TVĊFSFEGSPNFYQPTVSF TDVSWZBOEPVUCSFBLTPG DPOUBHJPVTEJTFBTFT0OMZIBMG PGUIF.BZnPXFSTPSJHJOBM passengers and crew lived to TFFUIFJSmSTU/FX&OHMBOE TQSJOH*O.BSDIUIF remaining settlers received a visit from the Abenaki & 4RVBOUP*OEJBOTXIPUBVHIU UIF1JMHSJNTXFBLFOFECZ malnutrition and illness, how to cultivate corn, extract sap from maple trees, catch fish in the rivers and avoid poisonous QMBOUTʾFZBMTPIFMQFEUIF settlers forge an alliance with the Wampanoag, a local tribe, which would endure GPSNPSFUIBOZFBSTBOE USBHJDBMMZSFNBJOTPOFPGUIF TPMFFYBNQMFTPGIBSNPOZ between European colonists BOE/BUJWF"NFSJDBOT*O/PWFNCFS UIF1JMHSJNTmSTUDPSOIBSWFTUQSPWFE TVDDFTTGVMBOEUPHJWFUIBOLTUP(PEGPS BCPVOUJGVMDSPQUIFZTIBSFEBOBVUVNO GFBTUXJUIUIF8BNQBOPBH*OEJBOTXIFSF UIFHVFTUTEJOFEPOXJMEUVSLFZHFFTF EVDLWFOJTPOMPCTUFSPZTUFSTBOEmTIʾJT JTBDLOPXMFEHFEUPEBZBT"NFSJDBTmSTU ʾBOLTHJWJOHQJDUVSFMFGU *O/FX:PSLCFDBNFUIFmSTUPG TFWFSBMTUBUFTUPPċDJBMMZBEPQUBOBOOVBM ʾBOLTHJWJOHIPMJEBZBOEGPSNPSFUIBO UXPDFOUVSJFTEBZTPGUIBOLTHJWJOHXFSF DFMFCSBUFECZJOEJWJEVBMDPMPOJFTBOETUBUFT After requests to establish Thanksgiving as BOBUJPOBMIPMJEBZJOBUUIFIFJHIUPG the Civil War, Abraham Lincoln proclaimed BOBUJPOBMʾBOLTHJWJOH%BZUPCFIFMEFBDI /PWFNCFS Thanksgiving Traditions 'PSNBOZ"NFSJDBOIPVTFIPMETUPEBZUIF Thanksgiving celebration has lost much of JUTPSJHJOBMSFMJHJPVTTJHOJmDBODFJOTUFBEJU now evokes images of American football games, reunions with loved ones, cooking BOETIBSJOHBCPVOUJGVMNFBMXJUIGBNJMZ BOEGSJFOET1BSBEFTIBWFBMTPCFDPNFBO JOUFHSBMQBSUPGUIFIPMJEBZJODJUJFTBOE www.theb u z z m a ga z i n e .co .u k UPXOTBDSPTTUIF6OJUFE 4UBUFT1SFTFOUFECZ.BDZT department store since 1924, /FX:PSL$JUZTʾBOLTHJWJOH %BZQBSBEFJTUIFMBSHFTUBOE most famous, attracting some 2 to 3 million spectators along its 2.5-mile route. 5VSLFZBʾBOLTHJWJOHTUBQMF so ubiquitous it has become BMMCVUTZOPOZNPVTXJUI UIFIPMJEBZNBZPSNBZOPU IBWFCFFOPOPĊFSXIFOUIF 1JMHSJNTIPTUFEUIFJOBVHVSBM GFBTUJO5PEBZIPXFWFS OFBSMZPG"NFSJDBOTFBU UIFCJSEXIFUIFSSPBTUFE CBLFEPSEFFQGSJFE on Thanksgiving. Other traditional foods including stuffing, mashed potatoes, DSBOCFSSZTBVDFBOEQVNQLJO QJFBSFBDDPNQBOJFECZMPDBM WBSJBUJPOTTVDIBT'MPSJEB,FZ -JNF1JFTXFFUQPUBUPFTIBN and cornbread. Whatever is served on the Thanksgiving table, across the vast expanse PGUIFDPVOUSZUIFGBNJMJFT of America will join together GPSBEFFQMZNFBOJOHGVMBOE most comforting annual ritual, all based BSPVOEBTBJMJOHTIJQUIBUMFGUUIF1PSUPG 4PVUIBNQUPOOFBSMZZFBSTBHP Southampton and the Mayflower 4PVUIBNQUPOTPMEUPXOIBTNBOZ landmarks commemorating this historic WPZBHFʾF.BZnPXFS.FNPSJBMPQQPTJUF UIF.BZnPXFS1BSLJTPOFPGUIFNPTU QSPNJOFOU6OWFJMFEJOJUGFBUVSFT BDPQQFSSFQMJDBPGUIF.BZnPXFSQMVT plaques commemorating both the pilgrims BOEUIFNJMMJPO64USPPQTXIPMFGU 4PVUIBNQUPOEVSJOH8PSME8BS**NPSF UIBOZFBSTMBUFS"1JMHSJN'BUIFST .FNPSJBM1MBRVFFSFDUFECZUIF.BZnPXFS EFTDFOEBOUT.BZnPXFS1BSLBOEUIF .BZnPXFSʾFBUSFBSFKVTUBGFXNPSFTJHOT UIBUUIFDJUZJTQSPVEUPDPNNFNPSBUFUIJT IJTUPSJDFWFOUȓȓ Try this traditional and warming Thanksgiving dish Pumpkin Soup, served in a Pumpkin A very original and delicious recipe that is perfect for autumn evenings. Ingredients a 1.75-2.25kg pumpkin 15g butter 50g long-grained rice TIBMMPUTmOFMZDIPQQFE DMPWFTHBSMJDQFFMFEBOEmOFMZ chopped 600-900ml milk TQSJHTGSFTIUIZNF TQSJHGSFTISPTFNBSZ UBCMFTQPPOmOFMZDIPQQFEGSFTI QBSTMFZ HGSFTIMZHSBUFE1BSNFTBO crisp croutons to serve Method 1SFIFBUUIFPWFOUP¡$(BT.BSL 6TJOHBTIBSQLOJGFDVUBMJEPĊ the pumpkin. Scrape out the seeds and threads inside and discard. Rub the butter around the inside of the QVNQLJOBOETFBTPOHFOFSPVTMZXJUI TBMUBOEQFQQFS1MBDFUIFSJDFTIBMMPUT and garlic in the pumpkin. Add the UIZNFSPTFNBSZBOEQBSTMFZ Bring the milk to the boil, and pour enough into the pumpkin to almost fill it. Cover with its lid, then wrap foil MPPTFMZBSPVOEJUUBLJOHDBSFOPUUP spill the contents. Stand in a roasting tin and bake for 1 3/4 - 2 1/2 hours until the inside is tender. *GZPVDBOmOEUIFNmTIPVUUIFIFSC UXJHTUIFOTUJSJOUIF1BSNFTBOUBTUF BOEBEKVTUUIFTFBTPOJOH"TZPVTFSWF the soup, scrape out some of the softened pumpkin with each spoonful. 1BTTDSPVUPOTBSPVOETFQBSBUFMZ Recipe provided by Riverford Organic Veg Home Delivery 35 TA B h e a d er Billy Connolly did it on a trike… What ’s the Buzz! …and you too can enjoy the ‘Mother Road’ of all holidays with flights, transport and accommodation tailor-made for you by Bon Voyage, rated ‘best for America’* t8FMMnZZPVUP$IJDBHPBOESFUVSO from Los Angeles t%SJWF3PVUFJOBDMBTTJD'PSE.VTUBOH convertible (or choice of standard car) t0SSJEFCZJDPOJD)BSMFZ%BWJETPONPUPSDZDMF (or trike) – self-guided or with an escorted tour t4UBZBUMBOENBSLTMJLFUIF8JHXBN.PUFM )PMCSPPL"SJ[POBBTZPVUSBWFMUISPVHI&*()5 states and cover over 2,000 miles t0VSFYDMVTJWF3PBE#PPLHVJEFTZPV all the way with maps, information, history and folklore tPOTBMF/08 5IF5JNFT8FFLFOE Travel section UI'FCSVBSZ 36 Bon Voyage Travel & Tours Ltd. 16 - 18 Bellevue Road, Southampton SO15 2AY (off London Road) N ov ember / D ec em ber 2011 BUZZtravel Yo u r ne w l oc a l m a ga z i n e ! The TEN things you must know when planning a trip to America As Managing Director of Bon Voyage Travel and Tours, Alan Wilson has spent 30 years creating tailor-made holidays to the States and Canada. T IFDPNQBOZIBTBSSBOHFEPWFS 300,000 trips in that time and the #PO7PZBHFUFBNIBWFNBEF visits of their own to check hotels, negotiate prices and familiarise themselves with all things America on behalf of their clients. Alan divides his time between Winchester, )BNQTIJSFBOE/BQMFT'MPSJEBBOEJT married…….to an American. 4PZPVWFEFDJEFEUPUSBWFMXFTUZPVOH man or woman, to the Land of the Free, UIF64PG"A/PUIJOHUPJU*IFBSZPVTBZ ANJMMJPOTEPJUFWFSZZFBS#VZBDIFBQUJDLFU POMJOFQJDLVQBDBSXIFOZPVHFUUIFSFBOE IJUUIFPQFOSPBE 8FMMZFTBOEOP0SUPCFNPSFBDDVSBUF OPOPOP'PSUIJT5SBOTBUMBOUJDUSBWFM NBMBSLFZNBZBQQFBSUPCFBQJFDFPGDBLF but a little thought, research and preparation XJMMNBLFTVSFUIFFYQFSJFODFJTFOKPZBCMF fulfilling and cost efficient.. Consult an expert. 8FMMXFXPVMETBZUIBUXPVMEOUXF #VU JOEP[FOTPGXBZTGSPNXIFSFUPTJUPOUIF BJSDSBGUUPXIJDIEJSFDUJPOUPESJWFUIF1BDJmD $PBTU)JHIXBZZPVXJMMPCUBJOQSJDFMFTT JOTJHIUTBOEJOGPSNBUJPOGSPNB64USBWFM QSPGFTTJPOBM"OEZPVLOPXUIFCFTUUIJOH 6OMJLFDPOTVMUJOHBMBXZFSBOBDDPVOUBOUPS ZPVSNPSUHBHFCSPLFSJUEPFTOUDPTUZPVB QFOOZ*OGBDUDPNQBOJFTMJLFPVSTDBOQVU UIFIPMJEBZBSSBOHFNFOUUPHFUIFSBTDIFBQMZ BTZPVDBOEPJUZPVSTFMG Take care of the paperwork ʾFHSFFO*GPSNZPVVTFEUPDPNQMFUF POUIFBJSDSBGUUPUIF64IBTCFFOSFQMBDFE CZUIF&45"&MFDUSPOJD4ZTUFNGPS5SBWFM "VUIPSJTBUJPO BOEZPVIBWFUPBQQMZPOMJOF no less than 72 hours before departure. You DPNQMFUFZPVSBOTXFSTBOEJODBTFTPVUPG 100, are pre-approved in seconds. You will of DPVSTFOFFEBGVMM#SJUJTI$JUJ[FOPSNPTU&6 OBUJPOBMJUJFT QBTTQPSUGPSUIFKPVSOFZ .PSFTFDVSJUZDPNFTJOUIFGPSNPG"1*4 "EWBODF1BTTFOHFS*OGPSNBUJPO4ZTUFN BOE 4FDVSF'MJHIU1BTTFOHFS%BUB4'1% XIJDI ZPVSBJSMJOFIBTUPTVCNJUUPUIF6OJUFE 4UBUFTHPWFSONFOUCFGPSFZPVnZʾFZBTL www.theb u z z m a ga z i n e .co .u k some of the same questions as the other GPSNTBOEBMTPXIFSFZPVMMCFTUBZJOH0PQT there goes that ‘get there and hit the open SPBEJEFB The best time of year 'MPSJEBJTJODSFEJCMZIPUBOEIVNJEJOUIF TVNNFSBMUIPVHIUIJTEPFTOUEFUFSIVOESFET of thousands of Brits from descending PO8BMU%JTOFZ8PSMEJO0SMBOEPFBDI +VMZBOE"VHVTU"DUVBMMZ'MPSJEBJTOFBSMZ BMXBZTQFSGFDUJO/PWFNCFSBOE%FDFNCFS which happens to be when the air fares and accommodation prices are at their lowest and IBSEMZBOZWJTJUPSTBSFUIFSF &WFSZCPEZUIJOLTUIBU$BMJGPSOJBFOKPZTZFBS SPVOEXBSNUIBOETVOTIJOFVOUJMUIFZSFBMJTF that the state stretches 800 miles from north to south, and has elevations from below TFBMFWFM%FBUI7BMMFZ UPGFFUBUUIF QFBLTPGUIF4JFSSB/FWBEB.PVOUBJOT)FSF ZPVDBOTVOCBUIFPOBCFBDIJOUIFNPSOJOH and ski in the afternoon. #SPBEMZTQFBLJOHZPVNJHIUXBOUUPUIJOL of Spring, Summer or Autumn for the "UMBOUJDDPBTUGSPN/FX&OHMBOEUPUIF Carolinas, and Spring, Autumn and Winter XIFOZPVWFOUVSFGVSUIFSTPVUI.PWJOH JOMBOECFBXBSFUIBUDIBOHFTPGFMFWBUJPO DBOIBWFBCJHFĊFDUPOUFNQFSBUVSF4PVUI PGUIF.BTPO%JYPOMJOFTFF8JLJQFEJBGPS UIFJOUFSFTUJOHTUPSZPGUIJTEJWJTJPOXIJDI TFQBSBUFEUIFGSFFTUBUFTPGUIF/PSUIGSPN UIFTMBWFTUBUFTPGUIF4PVUI JUHFUTBMJUUMF TUFBNZJOUIFTVNNFSȓ ʾFTPVUIXFTUJTIPUCVUEFTFSUESZJO UIFTVNNFSCVUGVSUIFSOPSUIUIF3PDLZ Mountains give relief from the summer heat and boast excellent skiing in the winter. The 1BDJmD/PSUI8FTUDPNFTDMPTFTUUPB6, UZQFPGDMJNBUFBMUIPVHIUIFTVNNFSTBSF somewhat more reliable. How to get a deal %POUFYQFDUBHSFBUEFBMBOEUIFQMBDFUP ZPVSTFMGEVSJOH64QVCMJDIPMJEBZXFFLFOET Our friends across the pond are granted QSFDJPVTMJUUMFIPMJEBZUJNFBOEUFOEUPBEE IBSEXPOEBZTUPQVCMJDIPMJEBZTUPFLF out annual leave. Look out for Memorial PART ONE %BZXFFLFOEBUUIFFOEPG.BZUI+VMZ DFMFCSBUJPOTBOEUIF-BCPS%BZXFFLFOEJO FBSMZ4FQUFNCFSʾBOLTHJWJOHUIʾVSTEBZ JO/PWFNCFS BOE$ISJTUNBTBSFIVHFUPP but as people tend to travel to friends and GBNJMZBUUIPTFUJNFTJUTSFBMMZPOMZBJSUSBWFM ZPVOFFEUPBWPJE 1PQVMBSEFTUJOBUJPOTUIBUBSFUIFNTFMWFT DMPTFUPNBKPSDFOUSFTPGQPQVMBUJPOPĊFS CFUUFSWBMVFBOEBWBJMBCJMJUZEVSJOHUIF week rather than at weekends. Las Vegas is a prime example where accommodation SBUFTBSFBSPVOEIBMGXIFOZPVTUBZ4VOEBZ UPʾVSTEBZOJHIU#ZUIFTBNFUPLFOUIF beaches of Southern California and Southern 'MPSJEBBSFCVTZBUUIFXFFLFOE)PXFWFS CJHDJUJFTMJLF#PTUPO/FX:PSLBOE$IJDBHP are quieter at the weekend, when business people have gone home to their families. When to Book Time was when tour operators, airlines, IPUFMJFSTBOEUIFPUIFSOFFSEPXFMMTPGUIF USBWFMJOEVTUSZXPVMEUFMMZPVUPCPPLBT FBSMZBTQPTTJCMFGPSUIFCFTUEFBMTʾFO UIFZXPVMEUVSOBSPVOEBOETFMMIPMJEBZTPĊ DIFBQMZBUUIFMBTUNJOVUF/PUTVSQSJTJOHMZ the travelling public cottoned on to what was happening and began to book later and later. This led to head scratching and navel gazing in the travel business. &WFOUVBMMZTPNFPOF4PVUIXFTU"JSMJOFTJO UIF4UBUFTXFSFUIFmSTUBTGBSBTXFLOPX came up with the idea of selling at the lowest cost to those who booked the earliest. The OPWFMUIJOHXBTUIFZBDUVBMMZNFBOUJUBOE EJEOUTVCTFRVFOUMZSFEVDFUIFQSJDFJGUIJOHT HPUBCJUTUJDLZDMPTFUPEFQBSUVSF"OEJO BMMIPOFTUZCZUIJTUJNFDPNQVUFSNPEFMT had been developed that were so clever that demand could be anticipated almost to the MBTUBJSDSBGUTFBUBZFBSJOBEWBODF #SJHIUJEFBTBSFVTVBMMZDPQJFEBOEUIF Southwest model was soon adopted with TJNJMBSTVDDFTTCZUIFSFTUPGUIFUSBWFM JOEVTUSZ*UJTQSFUUZNVDIUIFSVMFUIFTFEBZT UIBUUIFFBSMJFSZPVCPPLUIFCFUUFSUIFEFBM You can contact Bon Voyage on 02380 248 248 and at PART TWO will be in the next edition of the Buzz when Alan will reveal the truth about paying top dollar for hotel rooms, staying in private homes, the low down on car hire and more. 37 W ith the introduction of the 2,106-passenger vessel, the ms /JFVX"NTUFSEBNJO+VMZ Holland America Line's fleet has grown UPTIJQTPĊFSJOHPWFSDSVJTFTGSPN NPSFUIBOIPNFQPSUT*UJOFSBSJFT SBOHFGSPNUPEBZTBOEWJTJUBMMTFWFO DPOUJOFOUTUBLJOHJO"VTUSBMJB/FX;FBMBOE and Asia, a World Cruise and popular sailings to several ports in the Caribbean, Alaska, Mexico and Europe. Recognizing the potential of the ever growing British clientele, Holland America Line will base the ms Rotterdam in Europe ZFBSSPVOETUBSUJOHJO+BOVBSZ on a series of extended sailings from 3PUUFSEBNUIF/FUIFSMBOETXJUIUIF PQUJPOPGFNCBSLJOHUIFGPMMPXJOHEBZ JO4PVUIBNQUPOʾFDPNQBOZIBTBMTP announced several round-trip sailings from %PWFSBOE5JMCVSZ-POEPO GPS Ever since Holland America Line launched its first ship, the 1684 ton Rotterdam in UIFDPNQBOZIBTIBEPOFPGUIF NPTUSFDPHOJTBCMFOBNFTGPSRVBMJUZ8IFO UIFDPNQBOZBTTFNCMFEJUTmSTUQVSQPTF CVJMUiDSVJTFTIJQwJOJURVJDLMZMFBSOFE that the one thing it had going for itself was reputation, thus the Holland America Motto “Tradition of Excellence” was born, BOEDPOUJOVFTUPCFFNCSBDFEUPUIJTEBZ Captain Mark Rowden Holland America Line prides itself on the RVBMJUZPGJUTQFPQMFBOEBT.BTUFSPG UIFNT3ZOEBN$BQUBJO.BSL3PXEFOJT WBMJEBUJPOPGUIBUȓ*XBTGPSUVOBUFUPDBUDI up with the Master of the Vessel during BSFDFOUWPZBHFUPUIF/PSXFHJBO'KPSET BCPBSEUIFNT3ZOEBN#PSOJO)VMM&BTU Yorkshire, his father and brother were both sea captains so it was inevitable that he would follow in their seafaring footsteps. 38 N CR A With almost 140 years of experience, Holland America Line is recognised as the undisputed leader in the cruise industry's premium segment, and is renowned for its gracious service, spacious cabins and quality dining. H ... WIT LE Holland America Line HE PORTH T O GH UIS AI What ’s t he Buzz! THR OU TRAVELcruising P E SHIP CA T features evoking memories of the grand old MJOFSTPGZFTUFSEBZ 0OUIFUI+VMZ$BQUBJO3PXEFO was one of 15 Captains from the fleet asked to be present for the official naming DFSFNPOZPGUIFOFXFTU)PMMBOE"NFSJDB -JOFTIJQUIFNT/JFVX"NTUFSEBN*UT stunning décor, with its inspired interior design and art work, celebrates the glamour BOEIJTUPSZPG/FX:PSL$JUZGPSNFSMZ DBMMFE/FX"NTUFSEBNʾFFWFOUUPPL QMBDFJO7FOJDF*UBMZBOEXBTBUSVMZ memorable occasion, and a spectacular "GUFSGFFMJOHUIFDBMMPGUIFTFBBUBWFSZ representation of some of the finest FBSMZBHFIFTQFOUNBOZDIJMEIPPEIPVST .BTUFSTPGUIFnFFUʾFZTBXUIFJSOFXFTU BDDPNQBOZJOHIJTGBUIFSBTIFQJMPUFETIJQT TIJQDISJTUFOFECZ)FS3PZBM)JHIOFTT up and down the River Humber in East UIF1SJODFTT.BYJNBPGUIF/FUIFSMBOET Yorkshire. QJDUVSFESJHIU *O$BQUBJO3PXEFOKPJOFEUIF#SJUJTI 0GDPVSTFMJGFBUTFBJTOPUBMXBZTTNPPUI .FSDIBOU/BWZBTBKVOJPSTFBNBOXJUIUIF sailing and there are often difficult and Blue Star Line of London. After spending six DIBMMFOHJOHUJNFT0O+VOFUI ZFBSTXJUIUIF$IFWSPO4IJQQJOH$PNQBOZ Captain Rowden, then Chief Officer aboard and looking for a new challenge, he began UIFNT/PPSEBNXBTJOTUSVNFOUBMJOUIF his Holland America Line career in 1998, rescue of 22 people from the Aegean Sea BTBOEPċDFSPOCPBSEUIFNT7FFOEBNȓ JOUIFXBUFSTCFUXFFO5VSLFZBOE(SFFDFȓ *OUIBUTBNFZFBSIFPCUBJOFEIJTNBTUFST The individuals, believed to be refugees MJDFOTFBOEXBTQSPNPUFEUP$IJFG0ċDFSȓ from a number of countries, had been 0OFPGUIFIJHIMJHIUTPG$BQUBJO3PXEFOT TBJMJOHPOBCPBUXIJDIIBEDBQTJ[FEȓ0OF career include the nautical supervision of fast rescue boat and two tenders were UIFCVJMEJOHPGUIFNT8FTUFSEBN***JO lowered and the 22 people were brought to JODMVEJOHUIFOBNJOHDFSFNPOZBOE UIFTBGFUZPGUIFTIJQXJUIJOUXPIPVSTBOE sea trials of the 82,000-ton / 1,916-passenger 15 minutes. 7JTUB$MBTTTIJQ*OIFXBTJOWPMWFE -JWJOHZPVSMJGFPOBMVYVSZDSVJTFMJOFS JOUIFCVJMEJOHPGUIF3PZBMZBDIUGPSUIF XJUIBMMJUTCFOFmUTZPVECFGPSHJWFO Sultan of Oman and in 2008 he stepped GPSUIJOLJOHJUDPVMEOUHFUBOZCFUUFS CSJFnZPOUPESZMBOEXIFSFIFTFUVQB )PXFWFSJUJTBWFSZEFNBOEJOHKPCoOPUB WFSZTVDDFTTGVMOBVUJDBMEFDLPċDFSUSBJOJOH IPMJEBZ*UBMTPSFRVJSFTFYUFOTJWFBNPVOUT programme, based out of the Holland PGUJNFBUTFBXIJDIMFBETUPNJTTJOHNBOZ "NFSJDB-JOFT4FBUUMF)FBE0ċDFȓ-BUFS JNQPSUBOUIPMJEBZTNJMFTUPOFTBOEGBNJMZ UIBUZFBSIFXBTBQQPJOUFE$BQUBJOPGUIF FWFOUTFTQFDJBMMZIBSEXIFSFDIJMESFOBSF NT3ZOEBNBHSBOEMZQSPQPSUJPOFETIJQ involved. However, being the Master of and one of the wonderful S-Class vessels BDSVJTFTIJQDBOBMTPCFBWFSZTBUJTGZJOH which combines beautiful decor and role that requires tremendous teamwork, N ov ember / D ec em ber 2011 Yo u r ne w l oc a l m a ga z i n e ! Captain Rowden is pictured in the front row, 3rd from the left When not at sea, Captain Rowden resides in Washington State, in the picturesque 1BDJmD/PSUIXFTUDPSOFSPG"NFSJDB*O IJTTQBSFUJNFIFFOKPZTNPVOUBJOCJLJOH BOETBJMJOHUIFCFBVUJGVMXBUFSTPG1VHFU 4PVOE#VUJOFWJUBCMZEVSJOHIJTTIPSFMFBWF he ends up with a list of chores, including decorating and painting his new home on the shores of Lake Whatcom. Captain Mark 3PXEFOXBTBKPZUPNFFUBOE*GFMUWFSZ SFBTTVSFEUIBUNZGFMMPXQBTTFOHFSTPOUIF NT3ZOEBNXFSFJOUIFIBOETPGTVDIB capable and amiable man. 1SJODFTT.BYJNB PGUIF/FUIFSMBOET aboard the MS /JFVX"NTUFSEBN respect, empowerment, delegation, and constant vigilance to ensure that the guests are having the best cruise experience possible, in the safest and most enriching XBZ"DSVJTFTIJQDBQUBJOXFBSTNBOZIBUT 6OMJLFFWFSZEBZKPCTUIFJSXPSLEBZJTRVJUF VOJRVFBOEDPOTUBOUMZWBSJFE#FZPOEUIF social aspect of entertaining passengers BUUIF$BQUBJOT5BCMFBUUFOEJOHDPDLUBJM parties and endless photo requests, Captain 3PXEFOJTNPSFJNQPSUBOUMZSFTQPOTJCMF as the Master of the vessel, for the overall TBGFUZPGUIFTIJQUIFHVFTUTBOEUIFDSFX UBLJOHGVMMDPOUSPMBOESFTQPOTJCJMJUZPG all operations. He must make sure that BMMTBGFUZTUBOEBSETBOESFHVMBUJPOTBSF QSPQFSMZBEIFSFEUPBOEXJUITVDIBCJH SFTQPOTJCJMJUZPOIBOEBDSVJTFTIJQ$BQUBJO www.theb u z z m a ga z i n e .co .u k must undergo rigorous training and have an extensive nautical background with NVMUJQMFTLJMMT$BQUBJOTNBZBMTPIBWF QSFWJPVTFYQFSJFODFXJUIJOUIF3PZBMPS .FSDIBOU/BWZ"CPWFBMMUIFZOFFEB passion for the sea and the compelling desire to know, feel, and understand what MJFTCFZPOEUIFOFYUIPSJ[PO ʾFNT3ZOEBNBQQFBSTUPCFBWFSZ IBQQZTIJQXJUIBHPPEDPIFTJWFHSPVQPG crew members. Captain Rowland works IBSEUPLFFQFWFSZPOFNPUJWBUFEBOEIF JTHSFBUMZSFTQFDUFECZIJTDSFXBOEGFMMPX DPMMFBHVFTBOERVJUFDMFBSMZQPTTFTTFTUIF charm and personal touch needed for a DSVJTFTIJQ$BQUBJO1BTTFOHFSTBOEDSFX alike find him approachable, kind and considerate. *XBTBMTPGPSUVOBUFXIJMFPOCPBSEUP NFFU$BQUBJO3PXEFOTGBUIFS3FUJSFE $BQUBJO'SFE3PXEFOJTFODIBOUJOH a true gentleman who needed no prompting to stop and chat. A former )VNCFS1JMPUIFSFHBMFEVTXJUITUPSJFT PGIJTEBZTBUTFBoBMMQFQQFSFEXJUI the knowledge and infinite wisdom he IBTTPPCWJPVTMZHBJOFEEVSJOHIJTMPOH and varied career, although he now FOKPZTUBLJOHBCBDLTFBUXIJMFIJTTPO JTBUUIFIFMN'SFETUXPPUIFSTPOT IBWFBMTPGFMUUIFDBMMPGUIFTFB1BVMJT DVSSFOUMZB4FDVSJUZ0ċDFSXJUI)PMMBOE America Line aboard the ms Eurodam, XIJMF"OESFXGPSNFSMZB$BQUBJOPOUIF TVQFSUBOLFSTJTOPXBMTPBTIJQTQJMPU like his father. Sarah Rohn-Magee, Features Editor 39 TA B h e a d er What ’s the Buzz! Five Star Premium Cruising Experience the spectacular scenery of the Baltic or Norwegian Fjords in premium style with Holland America Line. Our spacious, mid-sized ships accommodate far fewer guests than most. Step onboard and you’ll find elegant lounges adorned with fine art and antiques; large, comfortable staterooms, most with ocean views, and many with private balconies; restaurants that sparkle with chandeliers, crystal and conversation – including the intimate “Pinnacle Grill”. Traditional features such as polished brassware and the wrap-around teak promenade deck, all create the ambience of a gracious hotel at sea, and featuring Holland America Line’s special “Signature of Excellence”. FROM JUST £699 PER PERSON NO ING Y FL 13-Night Fjords & North Cape 7-Night Norwegian Fjords ms Ryndam 6*, 13*# May; 23, 30# Jun 2012 Roundrip Dover 7-night value Spring or Summer break FREE upgrade from inside to ocean view 3rd/4th travel from just £21pp per day FREE parking in Dover for ocean view and above CRUISE ONLY FROM £699 Ulvik HARDANGERFJORD Stavanger LYSEFJORD Oslo OSLOFJORD FREE parking on ex-Dover cruises for ocean view and above FREE upgrade from inside to ocean-view on select sailings+ Spacious staterooms, many with private balcony Nearly one crew member for every two guests Fine dining with casual to formal options Culinary Arts Centre, presented by Food & Wine magazine Greenhouse Spa and Salon Enrichment at sea and explorations ashore Full days ashore and overnights in some ports FL NO YI NG 14-Night Scandinavia & Russia Cruise beyond the Arctic Circle! 3rd/4th travel from just £23pp per day Upgrade to ocean view from £8pp per day FREE parking in Dover for ocean view and above CRUISE ONLY FROM £1,199 Honningsvåg ARC CIR TIC CLE Kristiansand 21-Night Scandinavia & Fjords Collectors’ Voyage Overnight and two days in St Petersburg! 3rd/4th travel from just £29pp per day Upgrade to ocean view from £8pp per day FREE parking in Dover for ocean view and above CRUISE ONLY FROM £1,499 Leknes Ålesund Flåm Bergen Stavanger Oslo STOCKHOLM ARCHIPELAGO St. Petersburg Stockholm Helsinki Copenhagen Tallinn Visby Overnight and two days in St Petersburg! Northern Europe in one leisurely holiday Upgrade to ocean view from £10pp per day FREE parking in Dover for ocean view and above CRUISE ONLY FROM £1,999 Ulvik HARDANGERFJORD Stavanger LYSEFJORD OSLOFJORD Kristiansand Oslo OSLOFJORD Visby Warnemünde (Berlin) DOVER (LONDON) DOVER (LONDON) NO FLYING EARLY SAVER FARE PP Interior Stateroom Ocean-view Stateroom Verandah Suite 3rd/4th sharing with 2 full fare guests *Lead in fares based on 6 & 13 May, 23 June # Northern Fjords itinerary Verandah Suite £699 £699 £1,199 £149 NO FLYING St. Petersburg Helsinki Tallinn STOCKHOLM ARCHIPELAGO Stockholm DOVER (LONDON) Copenhagen Warnemünde (Berlin) EARLY SAVER FARE PP Interior Stateroom Ocean-view Stateroom Verandah Suite 3rd/4th sharing with 2 full fare guests Copenhagen FL NO YI NG ms Ryndam 9 Jun 2012 Roundtrip Dover ms Ryndam 9 Jun*; 7 Jul 2012 Roundtrip Dover ms Ryndam 20 May 2012 Roundrip Dover FL NO YI NG £1,199 £1,299 £2,399 £299 NO FLYING EARLY SAVER FARE PP Interior Stateroom Ocean-view Stateroom Verandah Suite 3rd/4th sharing with 2 full fare guests *Lead in fares based on 9 June ms Ryndam £1,499 £1,599 £2,799 £399 DOVER (LONDON) NO FLYING EARLY SAVER FARE PP Interior Stateroom Ocean-view Stateroom Verandah Suite 3rd/4th sharing with 2 full fare guests £1,999 £2,199 £3,899 £699 Thermal Suite, Greenhouse Spa Call 020 7940 4485 or contact your Travel Professional today. Fares are listed in GBP Sterling and are per person cruise only, double occupancy and include non discountable amounts and taxes. New bookings only. 3rd.4th offer based on sharing a stateroom with first and second guests. Free parking at the port of Dover offer available on request for ocean view and suite bookings on ms Ryndam ex-Dover cruises. Offers are capacity controlled and may be modified or withdrawn or sailing/departure dates may be substituted without prior notice. Subject to availability. Certain restrictions apply. It is the responsibility of guests to ensure they have a full passport valid at least six months beyond the date of travel. Please refer to the current Holland America Line Worldwide Cruise Holidays brochure for full UK terms and conditions. Visit for updated itineraries. Ships’ registry: The Netherlands. +Subject to availability 40 N ov ember / D ec em ber 2011 Yo u r ne w l oc a l m a ga z i n e ! TRAVELcruising Cruise News from For the first time, British guests can experience the luxury of HOLLAND AMERICA LINE right from their doorstep, with two exotic round trip cruises from Southampton. Holland America Line continues to be the industry’s premium cruise leader, delivering unsurpassed value, industry leading itineraries and world-renowned service. I n a move that is a first for the premium cruise line, Holland America Line is TFUUPNBLFBCJHJNQBDUPOPVSDJUZ when the ms Rotterdam departs from here, GPSUXPMFJTVSFMZiOPnZwWPZBHFTUPUIF Caribbean and Asia, during winter 2012/13. -POHFSDSVJTFTBOEFYUFOEFEQPSUTUBZT are just two of the highlights of these new round trip Southampton itineraries. %FQBSUJOHSE/PWFNCFSNT Rotterdam will set sail from the port of Southampton on a 32-night Caribbean 0EZTTFZBEWFOUVSFUIBUXJMMDSPTTUIF Atlantic Ocean to the Caribbean and back. After calling at the Azores, the ship will depart for the Caribbean ports of Tortola, St. Maarten, St. Lucia, Trinidad, Barbados, as well as all three “ABC” islands: Aruba, Bonaire and Curaçao. The Ship XJMMUIFONBLFIFSSFUVSOKPVSOFZCBDL to Southampton on 5th December via BDBMMJOUP'VODIBM.BEFJSB(VFTUT wishing to join the ship in Rotterdam, The /FUIFSMBOETNBZEPTPPOOE/PWFNCFS BOEEJTFNCBSLJOUIFDJUZPOUI%FDFNCFS $SVJTFGBSFTTUBSUGSPNbQFSQFSTPO sharing a twin inside stateroom. Those looking for a unique adventure can FNCBSLPOUIFNT3PUUFSEBNTOJHIU 1BTTBHFUPUIF'BS&BTUEFQBSUJOHGSPN 4PVUIBNQUPOPOUI+BOVBSZʾJT SPVOEUSJQWPZBHFUBLFTBOFBTUFSMZSPVUFUP Asia, passing through the Suez Canal and DBMMJOHBUQPSUTJO4QBJO(SFFDFBOE*OEJB BGUFSBGBSSFBDIJOHKPVSOFZUPUIF'BS&BTU (VFTUTXJMMFOKPZTFWFSBMPWFSOJHIUTUBZT and extended time in port during calls UISPVHIPVU%VCBJ.BMBZTJBBOE4JOHBQPSF Another cruise highlight includes an inEFQUIUXPXFFLFYQMPSBUJPOPG*OEPOFTJB IPNFUPNBOZ)PMMBOE"NFSJDB-JOFDSFX *OBEEJUJPOUPUIFGVMMOJHIUWPZBHF segments ranging from 37 to 52 nights are BWBJMBCMFXJUInJHIUTPOSFRVFTU(VFTUT NBZEJTFNCBSLJO4PVUIBNQUPOPOUI April 2013. Full cruise fares start from bQFSQFSTPOTIBSJOHBUXJOJOTJEF stateroom. 4BJE-ZOO/BSSBXBZ)PMMBOE"NFSJDB -JOFT.BOBHJOH%JSFDUPSGPSUIF6, *SFMBOEi8FBSFEFMJHIUFEUPCFBCMFUP PĊFSUIFTFUXPTQFDUBDVMBSJOBVHVSBM WPZBHFTGSPN4PVUIBNQUPOEVSJOHUIF winter of 2012/13. Holland America Line IBTBMXBZTCFFOBMFBEFSJO(SBOE7PZBHFT PĊFSJOHBTNBOZBTGPVSPGUIFTFFYUFOEFE TBJMJOHTJOPOFZFBSJODMVEJOHUIFOJHIU BOOVBM(SBOE8PSME7PZBHFIPXFWFSGVMM WPZBHFEFQBSUVSFTIBWFBMXBZTCFFOGSPN 64"QPSUT/PXGPSUIFmSTUUJNFXFDBO PĊFS#SJUJTIHVFTUTUIFPQQPSUVOJUZUPUBLF BOPnZWPZBHFXJUIVTw For more information and cruise fares, contact a professional travel agent, call 0845 351 0557 or visit Holland America Line 'PSUIFCFTUJOMVYVSZDSVJTJOH The ms Rotterdam Sailing from Southampton in 2012 www.theb u z z m a ga z i n e .co .u k 41 TRAVELcruising What ’s the Buzz! Cruise ship schedule - November-December 2011 Southampton 42 Arrival Date Ship Name 0$&"/" Cruise Line $"3/*7"-6, Arrival Time Sailing Time ";63" $"3/*7"-6, #"-.03"- %&/)0-.#"38*--5% 26&&/&-*;"#&5) $"3/*7"-6, "3$"%*" $"3/*7"-6, "%0/*" $"3/*7"-6, $&-*5:&$-*14& */5&3$36*4&4 26&&/."3: $"3/*7"-6, */%&1&/%&/$&0'5)&4&"4 */5&3$36*4&4 03*"/" $"3/*7"-6, 4"("36#: %&/)0-.#"38*--5% "6303" $"3/*7"-6, (3"/%13*/$&44 $"3/*7"-6, 4"("1&"3-** %&/)0-.#"38*--5% 0$&"/" $"3/*7"-6, 26&&/."3: $"3/*7"-6, #"-.03"- %&/)0-.#"38*--5% */%&1&/%&/$&0'5)&4&"4 */5&3$36*4&4 "6303" $"3/*7"-6, "6303" $"3/*7"-6, 03*"/" $"3/*7"-6, 26&&/&-*;"#&5) $"3/*7"-6, #"-.03"- %&/)0-.#"38*--5% "3$"%*" $"3/*7"-6, 0$&"/" $"3/*7"-6, 4"("1&"3-** %&/)0-.#"38*--5% 26&&/."3: $"3/*7"-6, #-"$,8"5$) %&/)0-.#"38*--5% 26&&/&-*;"#&5) $"3/*7"-6, */%&1&/%&/$&0'5)&4&"4 */5&3$36*4&4 #"-.03"- %&/)0-.#"38*--5% 4"("36#: %&/)0-.#"38*--5% "."%&" $03:#3044)*11*/(-5% "3$"%*" $"3/*7"-6, "3$"%*" $"3/*7"-6, 4"("1&"3-** %&/)0-.#"38*--5% 26&&/."3: $"3/*7"-6, #"-.03"- %&/)0-.#"38*--5% "3$"%*" $"3/*7"-6, 26&&/."3: $"3/*7"-6, "3$"%*" $"3/*7"-6, #"-.03"- %&/)0-.#"38*--5% 0$&"/" $"3/*7"-6, 4"("1&"3-** %&/)0-.#"38*--5% "3$"%*" $"3/*7"-6, */%&1&/%&/$&0'5)&4&"4 */5&3$36*4&4 "3$"%*" $"3/*7"-6, #-"$,8"5$) %&/)0-.#"38*--5% 4"("36#: %&/)0-.#"38*--5% 03*"/" $"3/*7"-6, 1. 26&&/&-*;"#&5) $"3/*7"-6, "6303" $"3/*7"-6, #"-.03"- %&/)0-.#"38*--5% 0$&"/" $"3/*7"-6, ". 1. */%&1&/%&/$&0'5)&4&"4 */5&3$36*4&4 ". 1. N ov ember / D ec ember 2011 Yo u r ne w loc a l m a ga z i n e ! Travelfashion Dining with the Captain? Step out in style For many passengers, cruise ship formal nights are an elegant highlight of the voyage. On these special nights, the true splendour of the sea glitters along with the gleaming jewellery and fabulous gowns. F ȓPSNBMOJHIUTBSFSFNJOJTDFOUPGUIFHPMEFOBHFPG transatlantic cruises, when ladies and gentlemen were SFRVJSFEUPESFTTGPSNBMMZFBDIFWFOJOHȓ8IJMFNPSF SFMBYFEUIFTFEBZTJUJTTUJMMBXPOEFSGVMPQQPSUVOJUZGPS QBTTFOHFSTUPESFTTJOUIFJSGJOFTUBUUJSFȓ)PXFWFSUPUSVMZ FOKPZUIFCFTUPGDSVJTFTIJQGPSNBMOJHIUTJUJTWJUBMUIBUHVFTUT be prepared for the event. 3FHBSEMFTTPGXIFUIFSZPVIJSFPSCVZZPVS$SVJTFESFTTXF have a team of experienced seamstress's on hand to create the QFSGFDUGJUGPSZPVSFWFOU*GZPVDBOhUGJOEXIBUZPVSFMPPLJOH GPSXFBMTPQSPWJEFBESFTTTFBSDIGBDJMJUZXIFSFXFDBOGJOE ZPVUIFQFSGFDUESFTTGPSZPVSTQFDJBMPDDBTJPOȓ8FIBWFB range of sizes in GMBUUFSJOHTUZMFT to suit all from size 0-32. 8FPQFSBUFCZ appointment in order to give ZPVUIFCFTU QPTTJCMFTFSWJDF we will assist ZPVJOGJOEJOH the right colour & TUZMFXIJMTUUBLJOH JOUPBDDPVOUZPVS budget. With the IFMQPGPVSGSJFOEMZ staff, we will make sure UIBUZPVMPPLHSFBUJO ZPVSESFTTBUZPVSTQFDJBM function. We have a comprehensive range of accessories including XSBQTCBHTBOEKFXFMMFSZ UPDPNQMFUFZPVSPVUGJU adding that finishing touch. 8FXJMMTIPSUMZCF expanding our Bridal 8FBS$PMMFDUJPOȓ1MFBTF call us for details or follow us on our website ȓ Call us now to arrange an appointment on 01489 795823 or 07920 586480 Dress To Go ‘’is proud to introduce THE BRIDAL MILL, a fantastic range of wedding gowns from £300 to £1300, sizes 0 to 32, Delivery 24 hours to 16 weeks Call for appointment 01489 795823 /07920586480 www.theb u z z m a ga zi n e .c o .u k 43 B U Z Zi n t e r v i ew What ’s the Buzz! Stephen Matthews, currently starring as Zazu in The Lion King. This Star shines very brightly in the West End, but still manages to “twinkle” a little in Southampton! I t was a local theatre group that created UIFTQBSLJHOJUJOHUIFnBNFPG4UFQIFOT passion for the theatre, and which has CFFOBUUIFIFBSUPGFWFSZUIJOHIFIBT EPOFTJODF8IJMF/FXQPSUPOUIF*TMFPG 8JHIUDBOMBZDMBJNUPIJTCJSUIQMBDFJUXBT Southampton who nurtured his raw talent and has since watched it grow into the UIFBUSJDBMCSJMMJBODFJUIBTCFDPNFUPEBZ* was fortunate enough to be part of this amazing ensemble and have followed with considerable interest, the ever increasing 44 success of this talented actor and performer. Stephen Matthews made his debut as :PVOH1BUSJDLJOUIF4PVUIBNQUPO.VTJDBM 4PDJFUZTQSPEVDUJPOPGMame on the TUBHFPGʾF.BZnPXFSʾFBUSFGPSNFSMZ LOPXOBTʾF(BVNPOU"HFEKVTUIF TUPPEBMPOHTJEFUIFNBHOJmDFOU+PTJF.PSSJT in the title role, and learned the basics of the DSBGUUIBUXBTUPDBSSZIJNBMMUIFXBZUPUIF 8FTU&OENBOZZFBSTMBUFS ʾF4PVUIBNQUPO.VTJDBM4PDJFUZXBT IPNFOPUPOMZUP4UFQIFOCVUBMTPIJT QBSFOUT3BZBOE#SFOEBBOEIJTZPVOHFS CSPUIFS3JDIBSEXIPXFSFBMMWFSZBDUJWF behind the scenes in backstage roles. This BNBUFVSUIFBUSJDBMHSPVQJOJUTIFZEBZ XBTVOMJLFBOZPUIFSBOEIBEBSFQVUBUJPO along the South coast for being the most professional, non-professional group around. ʾFDPNQBOZNPWFEJOUPUIF.BZnPXFS ʾFBUSFUXJDFBZFBSQSPEVDJOHUXP NVTJDBMTXJUIBIVHFDPNQBOZPGTJOHFST EBODFSTUFDIOJDBMDSFXBOETVQQPSUFST*U was professional in all but name and each QFSGPSNBODFQMBZFEUPGVMMIPVTFTPGNPSF UIBOQFPQMFBIVHFBDDPNQMJTINFOU when even the big professional shows have a IBSEUJNFmMMJOHUIFWFOVFUPEBZ Stephen tells The Buzz what an impact it had on him: “Mame was such a great FYQFSJFODFGPSNFʾFTIPXXBTNBTTJWF sets and costumes were brought down GSPN-POEPOBOEBIVHFDBTUQMBZFEUP QBDLFEIPVTFTBOEXFSFTVQQPSUFECZB live orchestra of more than 60 professional musicians. Our Musical Director was a NFNCFSPG)FS.BKFTUZT3PZBM.BSJOF N ov ember / D ec em ber 2011 Yo u r ne w l oc a l m a ga z i n e ! #BOEJUEPFTOUHFUBOZCFUUFSUIBOUIBUw *O4UFQIFOEFMJHIUFEBVEJFODFTXJUI IJTIVNPSPVTQPSUSBZBMPG#BSOBCZ5VDLFS in Hello DollyBHBJOTUBSSJOHBMPOHTJEF+PTJF Morris, all the while learning and soaking up the atmosphere of performing at one of the DPVOUSZTCFTUMPWFEUIFBUSFT 4UFQIFOTGPOEOFTTGPSUIF4PDJFUZJT PCWJPVTBOEIFJTIBQQZUPDPOUJOVFUBMLJOH BCPVUJUi/PBNBUFVSDPNQBOZUIFOPSOPX XPVMECFBCMFUPBĊPSEUPNPVOUTVDIB QSPEVDUJPO*MFBSOUGSPNTPNFPGUIFWFSZ CFTU+PTJF.PSSJTIBEBQPXFSIPVTFWPJDF UIBUXPVMEIBWFLOPDLFEUIFSPPGPĊBOZ West End theatre and was a consummate QSPGFTTJPOBMʾFSFXFSFNBOZTVQFSC QFSGPSNFSTXJUIJOUIF4PDJFUZCVUUIFSFXBT POFQFSTPOBCPWFBMMUIBUQBWFEUIFXBZ GPSUIFKPC*NEPJOHUPEBZo3JDLZ1SJDF" professional producer, who directed shows www.theb u z z m a ga z i n e .co .u k VQBOEEPXOUIFDPVOUSZIFIBEUIFCJHHFTU BOENPTUMBTUJOHFĊFDUPONF*EFmOJUFMZ XPVMEOPUCFEPJOHXIBU*NEPJOHOPX XJUIPVUUIF4PVUIBNQUPO.VTJDBM4PDJFUZ BOE3JDLZ1SJDFw However, the brighter lights soon beckoned BOEJUCFDBNFUJNFGPS4UFQIFOTUBMFOUTUP CFmOFMZUVOFEGPSBNVDIXJEFSBVEJFODF "GUFSBCSJFGTUBZPGMFTTUIBOBXFFLBUUIF Arts Educational School in London, Stephen LOFXUIBUIFXPVMEMFBSONPSFCZUSFBEJOH UIFCPBSETTVQQPSUFECZBMMUIBUIFIBE learnt while performing in Southampton. So in 1985 he made his professional debut JO4VNNFS4FBTPOJO4DBSCPSPVHIi*UXBT EVSJOHNZUJNFJOSFQFSUPSZUIFBUSFUIBU* SFDFJWFENZSFBMUSBJOJOHXFBMMXPSLFETP IBSEGPSWFSZMJUUMFNPOFZCVUUIFFYQFSJFODF XBTJOWBMVBCMFBOEJUHBWFNFNZ&RVJUZ Card.” 4UFQIFOUIFOXFOUPOUPQMBZUIFSPMF of Lumiere in the international touring DPNQBOZPG%JTOFZTBeauty and the BeastXIJDIWJTJUFEUIF.BZnPXFSʾFBUSF in 2002, much to his delighted friends BOEGBNJMZ*UBMTPSFVOJUFEIJNXJUIUIF MFHFOEBSZ1SPEVDFS3JDLZ1SJDFXIPIBE not seen Stephen perform since working XJUIUIFnFEHMJOHBDUPSNBOZZFBSTCFGPSF POUIFTBNFTUBHF1FSGPSNBODFTJOLes MisérablesBUUIF1BMBDFʾFBUSFBOE OliverBUUIF-POEPO1BMMBEJVNGPMMPXFE BOEQVU4UFQIFOmSNMZPOUIF8FTU&OE map. He then starred as Kenneth Williams, BIVHFDPNJDJOTQJSBUJPO JORound The Horne …. Revisited, as well as appearing JOUIFTUBHFWFSTJPOPG5FSSZ+PIOTPOT$BSSZ On biopic, Cleo, Camping, Emmanuelle & Dick)VHFMZWFSTBUJMF4UFQIFOXBTBMTPTFFO on television, in the BBC drama adaptation PG4BSBI8BMUFSTBXBSEXJOOJOHOPWFMThe Night Watch, and in more regional theatre productions of Grease, Little Shop of Horrors, Kiss Me, Kate! and Show Boat. He also appeared in the Les Misérables 10th Anniversary ConcertBUUIF3PZBM Albert Hall. 7FSZNVDIJOEFNBOEBOEXJUIBWBSJFE DBSFFSBMSFBEZCFIJOEIJN4UFQIFOXBTUP join the cast of a show that was to become BQFSTPOBMGBWPVSJUF.FM#SPPLTThe Producers is one of the funniest musicals about musicals ever written, and provides BOFWFOJOHPGBMNPTUSFMFOUMFTTMBVHIUFS*O 4VTBO4USPNBOTNBHOJmDFOUQSPEVDUJPO BUUIFʾFBUSF3PZBM%SVSZ-BOF4UFQIFO CSPVHIUUIFDIBSBDUFSPG$BSNFO(IJBUP hilarious comic life, delighting audiences and bringing the house down night after night, with his performances attracting positive feedback from Mel Brooks himself. 45 B U Z Zi n t e r v i ew What ’s the Buzz! 1IPUP5,FOUPO 4VQQMJFECZ%JTOFZ Buzz Bit /PXTUBSSJOHJOUIFKBXESPQQJOHUIFBUSJDBM spectacle that is The Lion KingUIF-ZDFVN Theatre transports its audience thousands PGNJMFTBXBZGSPN-POEPOUPUIF"GSJDBO 4BWBOOBIUISPVHIQPXFSGVMMZSIZUINJD "GSJDBOTUZMFTJOHJOHPVUTUBOEJOHQVQQFUSZ BOETUVOOJOHTFUT4UFQIFOTTLJMMGVMBOE DPNQFMMJOHNBOJQVMBUJPOPGUIFCJSE;B[V has brought him excellent reviews, and TQFBLJOHPGIJTDVSSFOUSPMFJOUIJT%JTOFZ stage musical, Stephen told The Buzz Magazine “This is one of the hardest roles *WFFWFSQMBZFEUIFNVMUJUBTLJOHJOWPMWFE JTJNNFOTFCVUJUJTBOFYUSFNFMZSFXBSEJOH BOEFOKPZBCMFSPMFUPQMBZw Stephen has achieved all that a drama student dreams of…and more. Yet, ever humble, he is the first person to call it as it is: i*BNKVTUBOPSNBMQFSTPO*EPBOVOVTVBM *OUIFUIFBUSFB(IPTU-JHIUJTBMJHIUMFGUPO XIFOUIFUIFBUSFJTDMPTFEGPSUIFOJHIU*UJT based on the superstition that most theatres have ghosts and this light is to keep the theatre HIPTUTIBQQZ 46 KPCCVUBUUIFFOEPGUIFEBZ*XJQFPĊUIF blue greasepaint, go home and spend time XJUINZQBSUOFS%SFX BOENZEPH*OUIBU XPSME*NOPUBTUBSPSBDFMFCSJUZ*NKVTU me.” Due to hard work and an undeniable talent, DPNCJOFEXJUIUIFBCJMJUZUPQMBZNBOZ EJĊFSFOUSPMFT4UFQIFOIBTCFFOGPSUVOBUF UPIBWFSFNBJOFEJOTUFBEZXPSLGPSUIF MBTUZFBSTXIFUIFSJOSFQFSUPSZUIFBUSF touring companies, pantomimes, TV work PSIBWJOHBTUFBEZCBTFJOUIF8FTU&OE)F BMTPFOKPZTUFBDIJOHZPVOHTUFSTTPNFPGUIF DSBGUIFIBTMFBSOUBMPOHUIFXBZTIBSJOH valuable knowledge and wisdom. Stephen told The Buzz: “Theatre has changed so NVDITJODF*CFHBODIBTJOHNZESFBN 8JUITPNBOZADFMFCSJUJFTUBLJOHMFBESPMFT UPCSJOHBVEJFODFTJOUIFXIPMFEZOBNJD has changed. The recession has hit even PVSNBHJDBMMJUUMFXPSMEPGUIFBUSFBOE*BN TPGPSUVOBUFUPIBWFCFFOJOTUFBEZXPSL in such an amazing production for some time now. Musical Theatre is the hardest EJTDJQMJOFPGBMMBTZPVIBWFUPCFBCMFUPTJOH EBODFBOEBDUoUIFTPDBMMFEAUSJQMFUISFBU ʾFOZPVIBWFUPCBUUMFUIFDIBMMFOHFTUIBU DPNFXJUIMJWFUIFBUSFUIFMJHIUTBOETFUT the ever changing audiences. While it still fills some seasoned actors with the dreaded TUBHFGSJHIU*HFUBCV[[GSPNJUBOESFBMMZ FOKPZUBQQJOHJOUPUIFBVEJFODFTSFBDUJPO As for the future …… to continue doing XIBU*NEPJOHBOEQPTTJCMZUIJOLBCPVU directing at some point.” 4UFQIFOSFDFOUMZBUUFOEFEBMVODIFPO with all past members of the Southampton .VTJDBM4PDJFUZXIPXJMMBUUFTUUPUIF GBDUUIBUOPNBUUFSIPXCSJHIUMZIJTTUBS continues to shine, Stephen has never changed or forgotten where he came from. :FU*DBOUIFMQUIJOLJOHUIBUJGIFIBEUBLFO the job at the Midland Bank after his work experience at the age of 16, the bright lights of the West End would perhaps be shining a MJUUMFMFTTCSJHIUMZUPEBZ Sarah Rohn-Magee Features Editor N ov ember / D ec em ber 2011 Yo u r ne w l oc a l m a ga z i n e ! BUZZcompetition WIN! 1IPUP5,FOUPO 4VQQMJFECZ%JTOFZ Tickets for four to see the award-winning musical The Lion King in London, dinner and an overnight stay in a four-star hotel. We’re giving away four tickets to one lucky reader to see The Lion King at the Lyceum Theatre, London. The winner and their guests will enjoy dinner on us and an overnight stay in a London hotel. To try to win these tickets, answer the following question: 1IPUP5,FOUPO 4VQQMJFECZ%JTOFZ With which local theatre group did 4UFQIFO.BUUIFXTHFUIJTTUBSU B ʾF4PVUIBNQUPO1MBZFST C ʾF4PVUIBNQUPO%SBNB$MVC D ʾF4PVUIBNQUPO.VTJDBM4PDJFUZ 4FOEZPVSBOTXFSUPXJO!UIFCV[[NBHB[JOFJODMVEJOH ZPVSOBNFBEESFTTBOEDPOUBDUOVNCFS $MPTJOHEBUFJT'SJEBZUI%FDFNCFS ʾFXJOOFSTOBNFXJMMCFDIPTFOCZBOJOEFQFOEFOU judge after the closing date. All winners will be notified XJUIJOEBZTʾFKVEHFTEFDJTJPOJTmOBMBOEOP correspondence will be entered into. For full Terms & Conditions, see page 74. Attention Theatre Buffs - test your knowledge here 1 What word is bad luck UPTBZJOBUIFBUSF 2 Which show features UIFTPOHi#MPX(BCSJFM #MPXw 8IPTUBSSFEBTA"MCJO JOUIFPSJHJOBM#SPBEXBZ production of ‘La Cage "VY'PMMFT 4 Which club is most of UIFNVTJDBMA$BCBSFUTFU JO 8IBUTIPXJTiʾFSFT no business like show CVTJOFTTwGSPN 6 What show, set in Scotland, features the song “The heather on UIFIJMMw 7 What show features -BVSJFT%SFBN#BMMFU 8IBUTIPXJTi#SPBEXBZ .FMPEZwGSPN 9 Whatever Lola Wants is GSPNXIBUTIPX 8IBUQMBZXBTUIF inspiration for West Side 4UPSZ 11 The composer for West 4JEF4UPSZ *GZPVSFi(POOB8BTI That Man Right out of :PVS)BJSwZPVECFJO XIBUTIPX ʾFDIBSBDUFS#JMMZ Bigelow is from what TIPX 14 Who was the choreographer for the original production of 0LMBIPNB 15 Who was the $PNQPTFSMZSJDJTUUFBN GPS#SJHBEPPO 16 Musical based on the diaries of Anna -FPOPXFOT * 17 Who wrote the book, MZSJDTBOENVTJDGPSʾF .VTJD.BO www.theb u z z m a ga z i n e .co .u k 18 The musical based on the lives of the Trapp 'BNJMZ4JOHFST 8IPQMBZFE/FMMJF Forbush in the original 4PVUI1BDJmD i*)BUF.FOwJTGSPN XIBUTIPX 21 What classic musical features the characters #JMMZBOE+VMJF 22 What is the longest running show in #SPBEXBZIJTUPSZ 23 Five actresses have SFDFJWFE5POZ OPNJOBUJPOTGPSQMBZJOH Mama Rose in the #SPBEXBZNVTJDBM(ZQTZ )PXNBOZDBOZPV OBNF 24 What musical starring /BUIBO-BOFBOE Matthew Broderick XPOUIFNPTU5POZTJO )JTUPSZ 8IBUJTi1SJTDJMMBwJO 1SJTDJMMB2VFFOPGUIF %FTFSU 26 This 1950 musical DPNFEZJTCBTFEPO %BNPO3VOZPOTTIPSU stories about gangsters, showgirls and good Samaritans. 27 What musical begins on UIFUIPG+VMZJO 3JWFS$JUZ*PXB 28 What musical is an adaptation of the GBJSZUBMFʾF1SJODFTT BOEʾF1FB 29 Lerner and Loewe were UIFDPNQPTFSMZSJDJTU UFBNGPSi1BJOU:PVS @@@w 4XFFU$IBSJUZT%JSFDUPS $IPSFPHSBQIFS ANSWERS 1 Macbeth 2 Anything Goes 3 George Hearn 4 The Kit Kat Club 5 Annie Get Your Gun 6 Brigadoon 7 Oklahoma 8 Singing in the Rain 9 Damn Yankees 10 Romeo & Juliet 11 Leonard Bernstein 12 South Pacific 13 Carousel 14 Agnes de Mille 15 Frederick Loewe and Alan Jay Lerner 16 The King and I 17 Meredith Wilson 18 The Sound of Music 19 Mary Martin 20 Kiss Me, Kate 21 Carousel 22 Phantom of the Opera 23 Ethel Merman, Angela Landsbury, Tyne Daly, Bernadette Peters, Patti LuPone 24 The Producers 25 The Bus 26 Guys and Dolls 27 The Music Man 28 Once Upon a Mattress 29 Wagon 30 Bob Fosse 47 B U Z Z p u z z les Fun in the South! Festive Crossword—just for fun and the chance to win a Box Set of Yankee Candles Experience the fragrance of Christmas with a gift set of festive candles. Fill your home with traditional holiday scents. So real you can almost hear sleigh bells! 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2 box sets of beautiful Yankee Candles to give away. Send your name and contact details to before 10th December 2011. 2 Winners will be chosen at random after the closing date. Terms & Conditions on Page 74 48 Across ȓȓ4QFDJBM$ISJTUNBTTPOHT ȓȓ:PVIBOHUIJTCZUIFmSFQMBDF ȓȓ$ISJTUNBTTFBTPO ȓ&YDIBOHFEBU$ISJTUNBT ȓ4BOUBhTWFIJDMF ȓ#PZTBOEHJSMTLJTTVOEFSUIJT ȓ$JSDVMBSEFDPSBUJPOGPSGSPOUEPPS ȓ4BOUBFOUFSTUISPVHIIFSF ȓ5SBEJUJPOBMMZFBUFOBU$ISJTUNBT ȓ1PQVMBS$ISJTUNBTQMBOU ȓDown ȓ'BNPVTSFJOEFFS ȓ%FDPSBUFEDBSECPBSEUVCF DPOUBJOJOHBHJGUȓ ȓ4BOUBhTBOJNBMT ȓ'FTUJWF$ISJTUNBTESJOL ȓ(MJUUFSJOHEFDPSBUJWFTUSJQT ȓ8IBUQFPQMFEPBU$ISJTUNBT ȓ*MMVNJOBUFUIFUSFF 5JFEBSPVOEQSFTFOUT $ISJTUNBTBEKFDUJWF 1FSJPECFGPSF$ISJTUNBT N ov ember / D ec em ber 2011 BUZ Z st ar s Yo u r n e w l oc a l m a ga z i n e ! What’s the Buzz in your stars? Aquarius Pisces Aries January 21 – February 19 A romantic EJTBQQPJOUNFOUUFNQUTZPV to go on a shopping spree. Resist the VSHFBTUIJTXJMMPOMZDPNQPVOEZPVS QSPCMFNT'JOEJOFYQFOTJWFXBZTUP QBNQFSZPVSTFMG(JWFZPVSTFMGUJNF UPIFBMBOEUPQVUZPVSTJUVBUJPOJOJUT proper perspective. February 20 – March 20 You have arranged more UIJOHTUIBOZPVDBOQPTTJCMZ EPTPJGZPVIBWFUPMFUGSJFOETEPXO do it sooner rather than later. Learning from past experiences will allow an PQQPSUVOJUZUPQSFTFOUJUTFMGUPMFUZPV PWFSDPNFBWFSZCJHIVSEMF:PVDPVME be aiming for perfection in romance XIJDIDMFBSMZJTOPUHPJOHUPCFQPTTJCMF March 21 – April 20 +VTUBTTPPOBTZPVUBTUF success, something comes BMPOHUPNBLFZPVGFFMCBEMZBCPVUJU 1FSIBQTBOPUIFSQFSTPOJTKFBMPVTPG ZPVBOEUIBUNBLFTZPVGFFMVODFSUBJO 1FSIBQTUIFEPVCUDPNFTGSPNZPVS PXOJOTFDVSJUJFT%POUCFUISPXOPĊ DPVSTFCZUIJT.PWFGPSXBSEXJUIZPVS plans. Taurus Gemini Cancer April 21 – May 21 :PVNBZGFFMMJLFZPVSF doing all the work in a QSPKFDUPSSFMBUJPOTIJQBOEJGZPVQVMM out for even a minute, the whole thing will fall apart. Be careful of putting so HSFBUBCVSEFOPOZPVSTFMGUIBUZPVHSPX SFTFOUGVMPGFWFSZPOFFMTF"OZUIJOH which feels too clashing, difficult or IBSBTTJOHXJMMOPUTVJUZPVSRVJFUNPPE May 22 – June 21 Your sensitive nature is BUUSBDUJWF1FPQMFXIPDPNF UPZPVGPSBEWJDFBOEHVJEBODFBSFOU disappointed. You have a solid, practical QFSTQFDUJWFZFUZPVSFBMTPSFDFQUJWF BOEVOEFSTUBOEJOH%POUTFFUIJTBT BCVSEFOJOTUFBEXFMDPNFUIFWJFX PUIFSTIBWFPGZPV June 22 – July 23 You have not been as IPOFTUBTZPVTIPVMECF XJUIUIPTFDMPTFTUUPZPVCVUJUIBT CFFOIBSEGPSZPVUPUFMMUIFDPNQMFUF USVUI/PXJTUIFUJNFUPQVUUIF SFDPSETUSBJHIU(JWFTPNFUIJOHPS someone a chance. You will soon see IPXEJĊFSFOUUIJOHTBSFUIJTUJNF Leo Virgo Libra July 24 – August 23 A%JTUBODFJTJOZPVS charts now. Might there CFTPNFPOFZPVIBWFHSPXOAEJTUBOU GSPN 1FSIBQTUIFSFTTPNFPOFXIP MJWFTBUBEJTUBODFUIBUJTQSFPDDVQZJOH ZPVSUIPVHIUT5SZUPDMPTFUIFEJTUBODF CFUXFFOUIJTQFSTPOXIFUIFSQIZTJDBMMZ PSFNPUJPOBMMZ#VUZPVNBZCFUPP TUBSSZFZFEBCPVUDFSUBJOGSJFOET August 24 – September 23 There will be muddles at home with some EJTBQQPJOUNFOUTTJODFOPUFWFSZUIJOHXJMM HPBTZPVQMBOOFE5SZUPCFGPSHJWJOHBOE NPWFPO)BQQJMZPOFDMPTFQBSUOFSTIJQ will be going from strength to strength. "WPJECFJOHEJSFDUMZDPOGSPOUBUJPOBMBU UIJTUJNF:PVNBZFOEVQJOEJTDVTTJPOT ZPVEPOPURVJUFVOEFSTUBOE September 24-October 23 You are going to have to TMPXEPXOBOEUBLFZPVS life at a slower pace. You have been CFIBWJOHMBUFMZBTJGZPVBSFJOBSBDF :PVXPOUCFBCMFUPPWFSQVTIZPVS CPEZBUUIFNPNFOUCZPWFSXPSLPS FYDFTTPGBOZLJOE:PVOFFEUPUSFBU ZPVSTFMGXJUILJOEOFTTBOEEFMJDBDZ Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn October 24-November 22 There are more options UIBOZPVNBZUIJOLJO financial matters. Exciting contracts and deals are on the horizon. Romance BOEQBTTJPONBZCFZPVSTJGZPV MJTUFO:PVMMCFNPSFTFOTJUJWFBUUIJT UJNFUIPVHIZPVXPOUBMXBZTCFBCMF UPUSVTUXIBUZPVSIVODIFTUFMMZPV November 23-December 21 *GZPVBSFMPPLJOHGPSBEWJDF and guidance then ask someone PVUTJEFPGUIFGBNJMZ:PVXJMMLFFQBO JNQPSUBOUGSJFOETIJQUIJTXBZ:PVKVTU IBWFUPXBUDIUIBUZPVQBZBUUFOUJPO UPFWFSZEBZEFUBJMT/FXGBDFTZPV meet now could well turn out to be the QFSGFDUMPWFNBUDITPQBZBUUFOUJPO December 22 – January 20 5BLFTQFDJBMDBSFPGZPVS BQQFBSBODFBTZPVXJMMSVO JOUPTPNFCPEZXIPNZPVXJTIUP JNQSFTT*GJUTCFFOBMPOHUJNFTJODF ZPVWFCPVHIUBOZUIJOHOFXBTLB TUZMJTI-JCSBUPBDDPNQBOZZPVPO a shopping trip. There could be an BCTPMVUFMZDIBSNJOHNFTTBHFDPNJOH ZPVSXBZ www.theb u z z m a ga z i n e .co .u k 49 S P O RT Sb uzz Dynamo School of Gymnastics Dynamo is one of the top gymnastic schools in the country and has a team member in both the men’s and women’s Great Britain squads. Both are currently candidates for the Beijing Olympics and will be eligible for London 2012. Both have medalled at the British championships. Their state of the art facility has led to Dynamo School of Gymnastics being one of the leading clubs and training centres in the country and it has the British gymnastics stamp of approval having gained the Gym Mark accreditation. The facility has been used on occasions for GB team training. &RPHDQGWU\RXWDWWKH'\QDPR6FKRRO of Gymnastics centre. *\PQDVWLF&ODVVHVIRUDOO*LUOVDQGER\V from 1year old to 18years old. )XQVHVVLRQVFRPSHWLWLRQVVTXDGVDQG tumbling club. Visit our web site or call 02380455007 for more information. What ’s the Buzz! Dynamo Shines on for 2010. Local Gymnastics Club Dynamo is a shining example of our young people achieving excellence. T IF)BNCMFDMVCCPBTUT$PVOUZ3FHJPOBMBOE/BUJPOBM QFSGPSNBODFHZNOBTUTZFBSPMETUBS-BVSB&EXBSETIBTKVTU SFUVSOFEGSPN5PLZPBOEUIF8PSMEDIBNQJPOTIJQTXIFSF TIFIFMQFEUIF(#UFBNRVBMJGZGPSUIF-POEPO0MZNQJDT %ZOBNPXJMMCFPĊFSJOHPQQPSUVOJUJFTGPSBMMMPDBMZPVOHTUFSTUPTIBSF JOUIFQSFQBSBUJPOTBOEDFMFCSBUJPOTGPSUIF-POEPO0MZNQJDTʾFSF JTBMTPBWFSZQPQVMBSDMBTTGPSBEVMUTUPIBWFBHPPOBʾVSTEBZ evening. IS Your Child a Gym-Tot? If Not, Why Not? 1SFTDIPPMDIJMESFOPG all abilities are welcome. Established in 1986 the “Learning to Move” QSPHSBNNFSVOCZGVMMZ #SJUJTI(ZNOBTUJDTRVBMJmFE coaches. This is a fun learning FYQFSJFODFʾFZPVOHTUFST learn to jump, hang, swing and GSPMJDJOUIFGPBNTBGFUZQJUTBU the centre whilst developing social skills. %ZOBNPJOQBSUOFSTIJQXJUI)BNCMFDPNNVOJUZ4QPSUT$PMMFHF &BTUMFJHI#PSPVHI$PVODJMBOE(ZNOBTUJDT&OHMBOEBSFJOUIF QSPDFTTPGCVJMEJOHBOFYUFOTJPOPOUPUIFFYJTUJOHHZNOBTUJDTDFOUSF XIJDIXJMMCFBEFEJDBUFE1SFTDIPPM-FBSOJOHUPNPWFDFOUSFʾJT XJMMGVSUIFSFOIBODFUIFBMSFBEZTVQFSCGBDJMJUJFT For more information telephone the gymnastics centre on 02380455007 Dynamo School of Gymnastics Hamble Community Sports College, Satchell Lane, Hamble, Southampton Hampshire SO31 4NE 50 N ov ember / D ec em ber 2011 BOAT I NG b u zz Yo u r n e w l oc a l m a ga z i n e ! on the Solent Sponsored by the Hamble School of Yachting Welcome Aboard! With things quiet on the Solent, lets Cross the Atlantic with the ARC (The Atlantic Rally for Cruisers) Beginning in 1986 and running every year since, this fun rally starts each November in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria and has now become the most popular way to cross the Atlantic. T IFMBSHFTUUSBOTPDFBOTBJMJOHFWFOUJOUIFXPSMEFWFSZZFBS UIF"3$CSJOHTUPHFUIFSPWFSZBDIUTGSPNBMMPWFSUIF XPSMEʾF$BSJCCFBOEFTUJOBUJPOJT3PEOFZ#BZJO4BJOU Lucia, one of the most beautiful islands in the Lesser Antilles. The Learn to sail! With over 30 years of expert tuition, the Hamble School of Yachting is one of the leading RYA power and sailing schools in the UK, specialising in RYA Sailing courses, RYA Motor courses and RYA Powerboat courses. T IFZIBWFCFFOIFMQJOHQFPQMFXIPXBOUUPMFBSOUPTBJM GPSPWFSZFBSTCZQSPWJEJOHBGVMMSBOHFPGTBJMJOHDPVSTFT BOEMFTTPOTBTXFMMBTDPVSTFTGPSQSPGFTTJPOBMTʾFZIBWF FYQFSJFODFE3:"JOTUSVDUPSTXIPXJMMNBLFZPVSTBJMJOHMFTTPOT both fun and memorable with an unrivalled range of modern ZBDIUT"MMBUHSFBUWBMVFUPPUIFZEPOhUCFMJFWFJODIBSHJOHZPV extra for wet weather gear, mooring fees or extra meals. There is QMFOUZPGTDPQFUPDPOTPMJEBUFUIFMFTTPOTMFBSOUPOTBJMJOHDPVSTFT UISPVHIEJTUBODFDSVJTFTEJTDPVOUFECBSFCPBUZBDIUDIBSUFSPSPG DPVSTFZPVDBOKVTUDPNFCBDLGPSBSFGSFTIFSXFFLPSXFFLFOE TBJMJOHDPVSTFBUBOZUJNFʾFZBMTPIBWFQVSQPTFCVJMUUFBDIJOH blocks for all shore based courses. Whether a complete novice starting out with a sailing taster weekend or a more experienced TBJMPSMPPLJOHUPJODSFBTFTLJMMTUIFZHVBSBOUFFUIBUZPVXJMM UIPSPVHIMZFOKPZZPVSDPVSTFTBOETBJMJOHMFTTPOTʾFSFJTBXJEF DIPJDFPGTBJMJOHTDIPPMTJOUIFBSFBCVUZPVDBOCFBTTVSFEPGB WFSZXBSNXFMDPNFGSPNFWFSZPOFIFSF OBVUJDBMNJMFQBTTBHFPOUIF/&USBEFXJOESPVUFUBLFTPO BWFSBHFCFUXFFOBOEEBZTʾJTGSJFOEMZSBDFTVDDFTTGVMMZ DPNCJOFTSBDFSTXJUIDSVJTFSTPMEXJUIZPVOHBOEQSPWJEFT entertainment for all both before the start and after the finish. &WFSZZFBSBSPVOEQFPQMFGSPNPWFSEJĊFSFOUOBUJPOBMJUJFT DPNFUPHFUIFSJO-BT1BMNBTGPSUIFTUBSUPGUIF"3$ʾFZXJMM be aged from babies of a few months to almost 80. Some will be DSPTTJOHUIF"UMBOUJDGPSUIFmSTUUJNFPUIFSTXJMMCFSFQFBUJOHB GBWPVSJUFBEWFOUVSF4PNFXJMMCFFOKPZJOHUIFJSSFUJSFNFOUPUIFST UBLJOHBTBCCBUJDBMGSPNXPSLʾF"3$PĊFSTMPUTPGPQQPSUVOJUJFT to make new friends, swap stories and exchange ideas about CPBUTBOECPBULJU*O-BT1BMNBTGBNJMZCPBUTBSFBMXBZTNPPSFE together on the same pontoons, and a special programme of events is arranged for families sailing with children. For more information or to track the boats and read the blogs, visit 30 School of Yachting Professional Sail Training 17 Week Modular Course To Yachtmaster Offshore RYA Courses All RYA practical and shorebased sail & motor courses covered Speciality Courses MCA/STCW Courses Gift ers vouch ble availa for all es cours E LC 2386 PROVIDER NUMBER Smartphone scan for more information 4EL s HAMBLECOUK Tel: 02380 452668 www.theb u z z m a ga z i n e .co .u k 51 B U Z Zm o t o rin g What ’s the Buzz! Winter Motoring Checklist Prepare for the worst and hope for the best. T he last two winters have seen widespread snow and ice for weeks POFOEXJUIUFNQFSBUVSFTSFHVMBSMZ falling below -10C. :PVhSFNPSFMJLFMZUPCSFBLEPXOJOB CBEXJOUFSUIF""IBEJUTCVTJFTUEBZ FWFSPO.POEBZ%FDFNCFSXIFO AA patrols handled more than 28,000 breakdowns. )FSFhTXIBUZPVOFFEUPEPUIJTXJOUFSUP reduce the risk of a breakdown and make TVSFUIBUZPVBSFFRVJQQFEUPEFBMXJUIUIF conditions: rȓ "OUJGSFF[FoLFFQDPPMBOUMFWFMUPQQFE VQXJUIBNJYUVSFPGUIFDPSSFDUUZQFPG antifreeze. rȓ #BUUFSZUIFNPTUDPNNPODBVTFPG XJOUFSCSFBLEPXOT"CBUUFSZNPSFUIBO mWFZFBSTPMENBZTUSVHHMFJOUIFDPME HFUJUDIFDLFEBOESFQMBDFEJGOFDFTTBSZ rȓ 'VFMLFFQBUMFBTUBRVBSUFSPGBUBOLJO DBTFPGVOFYQFDUFEEFMBZ rȓ -JHIUTDIFDLBOEDMFBOBMMMJHIUTSFHVMBSMZ UPNBLFTVSFZPVDBOTFFBOECFTFFO DMFBSMZ rȓ 5ZSFTTIPVMEIBWFBUMFBTUNNPGUSFBE for winter motoring. Consider winter UZSFTGPSJNQSPWFETBGFUZ$IFDLQSFTTVSFT BUMFBTUFWFSZGPSUOJHIU rȓ 8JOETDSFFOSFEVDFEB[[MFGSPNUIFMPX TVOCZLFFQJOHUIFTDSFFODMFBOJOTJEF and out. rȓ 4DSFFOXBTIVTFBNJYPGBHPPE RVBMJUZTDSFFOXBTIUPSFEVDFUIFDIBODF PGGSFF[JOHJOGSPTUZXFBUIFS rȓ -PDLTBOEEPPSTFBMTTUPQEPPSTGSFF[JOH shut with a thin coat of polish or Vaseline on rubber door seals. A squirt of water EJTQFSTBOU8% JOMPDLTXJMMIFMQTUPQ them freezing. CAR MOT’S – WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW C BSTJOUIF6,XIJDIBSFUISFFPS NPSFZFBSTPMEOFFEUPQBTTBO MOT test. At the same time, the test assesses whether or not the car meets SPBETBGFUZBOENJOJNVNFOWJSPONFOUBM standards. The test does not include assessing the condition of the engine, clutch and gearbox, nor does it mean that UIFWFIJDMFJTSPBEXPSUIZGPSUIFEVSBUJPO of the certificate. Where are MOT tests done? .05TBSFQFSGPSNFEBUBVUIPSJTFEUFTU TUBUJPOTʾFTFTUBUJPOTBSFJEFOUJmFECZ BTJHOEJTQMBZFEPVUTJEFUIFJSQSFNJTFT which is blue with three white triangles. To become a test station, garages must meet specific criteria. This includes using equipment which meets the required standard specification for MOT testing BOEIBWJOHEFTJHOBUFEUFTUCBZT What happens during the MOT test? ʾFSFJTBXJEFWBSJFUZPGJNQPSUBOUJUFNT which are checked during the MOT test, UPTFFXIFUIFSUIFZNFFUUIFLFZMFHBM 52 requirements at the time of the test. This JODMVEFTFYUFSOBMFMFNFOUTTVDIBTCPEZ and vehicle structure, doors, mirrors, MJHIUTCPOOFUUZSFTXIFFMTXJQFST XBTIFSTBOESFHJTUSBUJPOTQMBUFT*OUFSOBMMZ UIFTFBUCFMUTMPBETFDVSJUZCSBLFTIPSO steering and suspensions are reviewed. For environmental reasons the exhaust emissions are checked too. The test station must provide a designated area GPSZPVUPPCTFSWFUIFUFTUCFJOHDBSSJFE PVU)PXFWFSEVSJOHUIFUFTUZPVBSFOPU allowed to interrupt the MOT tester. What happens once the MOT test is completed? The result is entered into a central database and an MOT certificate is issued to cars that have passed. The computer record itself is the actual proof of a valid .05XJUIUIFDFSUJmDBUFTJNQMZCFJOHB receipt for the test itself. Cars that have failed are issued a red ‘refusal to issue an .05DFSUJmDBUF"OZSFDPNNFOEFE repairs, or items that need checking in the near future, are sometimes listed on an "EWJTPSZ/PUJDF*GZPVSDBSIBTQBTTFE ZPVDBOTJNQMZESJWFBXBZ:PVS.05 XJMMCFWBMJEGPSPOFZFBSGSPNUIFUFTU EBUF4IPVMEZPVMPTFUIFDFSUJmDBUFB SFQMBDFNFOUDBOCFJTTVFECZUIFUFTU DFOUSFGPSBGFFOPSHSFBUFSUIBOb Cars which have failed need to be SFUFTUFEPODFBOZOFDFTTBSZXPSLIBT been completed. Although it is common for the remedial work to be completed at the test garage, it does not have to be, BOEDBOBDUVBMMZCFEPOFBUBOZHBSBHF Without a valid MOT, driving to and from the garage for the repair work is allowed, as is driving to the test centre. However, although it is legal, it is advisable to DPOUBDUZPVSJOTVSBODFQSPWJEFSUPDIFDL TVDIKPVSOFZTBSFDPWFSFEʾFDBSDBOOPU CFESJWFOJOBOZPUIFSDJSDVNTUBODFT *UJTQPTTJCMFUPDIBMMFOHFBGBJMFEUFTU result. This will involve discussing the SFTVMUXJUIUIFUFTUDFOUSFCFGPSFBOZ repair work is undertaken. Appealing BHBJOTUBGBJMFESFTVMUJTEPOFCZ DPNQMFUJOHB75BQQFBMGPSNGSPNBOZ UFTUTUBUJPO POMJOFPSCZQIPOJOH704" N ov ember / D ec em ber 2011 Yo u r ne w l oc a l m a ga z i n e ! Winter Emergency kit rȓ #MBOLFUPSTMFFQJOHCBHBOE spare clothes rȓ 4IPWFM*DF4DSBQFS%FJDFS rȓ #JUTPGDBSQFUPSUIJDL cardboard to place under driven wheels to help regain traction on ice or snow rȓ 4BMUTBOEPSDBUMJUUFSoUP help clear snow and ice rȓ 3FnFDUJWFKBDLFUT rȓ 5PSDIBOECBUUFSJFT rȓ 5PXSPQF rȓ 4OPXDIBJOTJGZPVMJWFJOB SFNPUFPSSVSBMBSFB rȓ #BUUFSZKVNQMFBET rȓ #PUUMFEXBUFS rȓ 4OBDLToDIPDPMBUFPSDFSFBM bars rȓ &YUSBTDSFFOXBTI rȓ 'VMMZDIBSHFENPCJMFQIPOF and in-car charger rȓ 'JSTUBJELJU rȓȓ When bad weather is forecast pack the following: rȓ 8BSNXJOUFSDPBUTDBSGIBU gloves and warm clothes rȓ 8BUFSQSPPGT rȓ 4UVSEZCPPUT rȓ 'MBTLPGIPUESJOL ȓ Hopefully you won’t need any of the above, but you will be very glad it's there if you do. This information was kindly supplied by the AA www.theb u z z m a ga z i n e .co .u k 53 BUSINESSbuzz Gold Star Business Award In each issue we will feature a business that comes highly recommended … by our readers! The chosen business will receive special recognition in The Buzz and a trophy to display in their shop, pub, office, etc. So please do encourage any devoted clients to call or email us and we will share the good news. T he Buzz Magazine is proud to announce that The Jolly Farmer Country Inn & Restaurant in Warsash is the 8JOOFSPGUIF(PME Star Business Award GPS/PWFNCFS December 2011 3VOCZ.BSUJO $JMMB0(SBEZJU has a wonderful DPVOUSZ atmosphere, although it is not far from the beautiful banks of the River Hamble. Quaint and inviting, the walls and ceilings, are full to bursting with old farming equipment, photographs and memorabilia, NVDIPGJUGSPN*SFMBOEo.BSUJO IBJMTGSPNUIF&NFSBME*TMFBOE evidence of this permeates Answer this question to WIN Dinner for Two (to the value of £60) at The Jolly Farmer Which famous river runs UISPVHI%VCMJO B ʾF4IBOOPO C ʾF#PZOF D ʾF-JĊFZ &NBJMZPVSBOTXFSUPXJO! before 9th %FDFNCFS1MFBTFJODMVEFB contact phone number. The winner must be over 18 and will be selected at random and notified after the closing date Terms and Conditions page 74 54 throughout the pub, not least in the classic car on EJTQMBZPVUTJEFQBJOUFE in the colours of green, white and HPME You will find a TVQFSCNFOVFWFSZ lunchtime and FWFOJOH/PUTVSF XIBUUPPSEFS +VTU ask one of the regular visitors PGXIJDIZPVMM mOENBOZ ʾFZNBZ recommend a succulent steak, a ‘catch of UIFEBZTFBGPPEEJTI BIFBSUZIPNFNBEFTPVQPS TPNFUIJOHFRVBMMZTDSVNQUJPVT GSPNUIFEBJMZTQFDJBMTCPBSE ʾF+PMMZ'BSNFSBMTPPĊFST accommodation and a large beer HBSEFOXJUIDIJMESFOTQMBZBSFB NBLJOHFWFSZCPEZXFMDPNF from local residents, business QFPQMFGBNJMJFToBOEFWFOEPHT ʾJTDPTZQVCIBTCFFO BXBSEFEPVS(PME4UBS because it has come so IJHIMZSFDPNNFOEFECZUIF QFPQMFXIPLOPXJUCFTUoJUT DVTUPNFST4PTUFQJOUPʾF+PMMZ 'BSNFSoGPSUIJTJTUIFQMBDFGPS ZPV See their Christmas advert on Page 64 Fleet End Road, Warsash Hampshire, SO31 9JH Tel: 01489 572500 What ’s the Buzz! Create a Buzz of your own – and get your business noticed! O VSDPNNVOJUZIBT NBOZQFPQMFXIP are knowledgeable and whose contributions of articles in their field could be WFSZCFOFmDJBMUPPVSSFBEFST and at the same time giving ZPVSCVTJOFTTBEEJUJPOBM coverage. We encourage our readers, businesses people and professionals to help our DPNNVOJUZCZTIBSJOHUIFJS knowledge and expertise with all of us. Call or email the Buzz team for more information. But don’t take our word for it – here is what some Advertisers said about our preview edition: Will continue advertising in The Buzz as I had a good response from the preview edition. Thanks Much better than an advertising journal. Can’t wait for the next issue! My kids love it—the quirky little Buzz & the kid’s pages with great competitions! The Buzz Magazine caters to all the community—and all members of the family. This is a great idea to have all this information in one magazine! Dear Friends and Neighbours, advertise with The Buzz and we’ll soon have the local area “buzzing” about you! What will The Buzz do for you? t $PNQFUJUJWFSBUFTo BĊPSEBCMFUPFWFSZPOF t (SFBUFEJUPSJBM opportunities. t &WFOUIFTNBMMFTUCVTJOFTT IBTUIFPQQPSUVOJUZUP promote themselves. t 'VMMDPMPVSHMPTTZGPSNBU TIPXTZPVBUZPVSCFTU t 3FBEFSTGFFECBDLQBHFT t %FMJWFSFEGSFFUPBWBTU range of consumers, all EFNBOEJOHHSFBURVBMJUZ t #JNPOUIMZXIJDIDVUT ZPVSBEWFSUJTJOHDPTUTJO IBMGTUSBJHIUBXBZXIJMF TUJMMHJWJOHZPVHSFBU DPWFSBHF I advertised in the preview edition of The Buzz Magazine and was extremely pleased with the response. Fabulous magazine. Beautifully produced. And bi-monthly so we have time to enjoy it! The team at The Buzz are so helpful and friendly. Nothing is too much trouble. I am delighted to be featured in the first edition and wish them every success! With outstanding quality and very low advertising rates, it makes sense to create a Buzz for your Biz with The Buzz Magazine. Contact our Sales Team on 01489 577837 or email us sales@thebuzzmagazine. Help Wanted Due to the overwhelming success of The Buzz, we need to increase our team. If you are self-motivated, hardworking and lots of fun—we are looking for you! We need passionate individuals with ad sales experience. Work from home — hours to suit! Join our sales team and let’s get Buzzing! Call 01489 577837 for details or send your CV & Cover Letter to N ov ember / D ec em ber 2011 $Q,QWURGXFWLRQWR 6HOI$VVHVVPHQW $VWKHGHDGOLQHIRU¿OLQJWD[UHWXUQV comes ever closer here are some top tips to ensure you do not get caught out if you need WRFRPSOHWHDWD[UHWXUQ The following people usually have to complete one: $Q\RQHZKRLVVHOIHPSOR\HGRULQSDUWQHUVKLS $FRPSDQ\GLUHFWRU $WUXVWHH 3HQVLRQHUVZLWKDQDQQXDOLQFRPHRI RU more (PSOR\HHVRUSHQVLRQHUVZLWKDQDQQXDOLQFRPH IURPVDYLQJVRULQYHVWPHQWVRI RUPRUH $QHPSOR\HHRUSHQVLRQHUZLWKXQWD[HGDQQXDO LQFRPHRI RUPRUH $ODQGORUGZKRUHQWVRXWSURSHUW\RUODQG www.theb u z z m a ga z i n e .co .u k 3DSHUUHWXUQVKDYHWREH¿OHGE\2FWREHUIROORZLQJWKH HQGRIWKHWD[\HDUDQG+05&ZLOOFDOFXODWH\RXUOLDELOLW\ IRU\RX)RURQOLQHUHWXUQV\RXKDYHXQWLO-DQXDU\ IROORZLQJWKHHQGRIWKHWD[\HDUWR¿OHWKHUHWXUQ,I\RX ¿OHWKHWD[UHWXUQRQOLQHWKURXJKWKH+05&ZHEVLWHWKH VRIWZDUHZLOOFDOFXODWH\RXUWD[OLDELOLW\IRU\RX7D[GXHIRU PXVWEHSDLGE\WKHVW-DQXDU\ ,IWKHUHWXUQLVQ W¿OHGE\WKHGXHGDWHWKHUHLVDQ DXWRPDWLF¿QHRI HYHQLI\RXKDGQRWD[WRSD\DQG LILWLVVWLOORXWVWDQGLQJPRQWKVODWHUWKH¿QHLQFUHDVHE\ DGD\ For more information or advice please call Accountably Limited. 7HO0RE VW)ORRU8QLW&RPSDVV3RLQW(QVLJQ:D\ +DPEOH6RXWKDPSWRQ625) 5HJLVWHUHGLQ(QJODQG&RPSDQ\1XPEHU 55 BUSINESSbuzz What ’s the Buzz! Business solutions Berwind Business Solutions provides all the services of an "in office" secretary on an "as needed basis", keeping your employee costs down, whilst still enabling you to have the best support possible. T IFZXPSLXJUITNBMMMBSHF businesses, entrepreneurs, sole traders and individuals to assist XJUIBENJOJTUSBUJWFOFFETʾJTBMMPXTZPV more time to focus on the most important BTQFDUTPGZPVSCVTJOFTTHFOFSBUJOH JODPNFBOELFFQJOHZPVSDVTUPNFSTIBQQZ ʾFZPOMZCJMMGPSUIFIPVSTXPSLFEBOE UIFJSTFSWJDFTDBOCFUBJMPSFEUPmUZPVS OFFETʾFZQSPWJEFUIFJSTFSWJDFTPOB WJSUVBMCBTJTNFBOJOHUIBUBMMTFSWJDFT BSFQSPWJEFEGSPNUIFJSPċDFUPZPVST SFHBSEMFTTPGXIFSFZPVBSFMPDBUFEʾJT allows them to work with clients in the same town, or all over the world. #FSXJOEXPSLTXJUIBWBSJFUZPGTVDDFTTGVM QFPQMFJODMVEJOHTBMFTQFPQMFIPNF based businesses, tradesmen, teachers, students, beauticians, executives, small business owners, contractors, builders, landscapers, medical professionals, authors, artists, marinas, entrepreneurs, non-profit organisations, charities, fundraising groups, JOEJWJEVBMTBOEBOZPOFFMTFXIPOFFETIFMQ BOEXBOUTBKPCEPOFQSPGFTTJPOBMMZ ʾFZTFSWFDMJFOUTBSPVOEUIFXPSMECVU PQFSBUFBGSFFQJDLVQESPQPĊTFSWJDF GPSBOZEPDVNFOUTOPUTFOUWJBFNBJMJO the surrounding areas of Southampton & 1PSUTNPVUI For all your business & personal needs, the solution is Berwind! What is Virtual Assistance? Quite simply, it offers all the benefits of a secretary - without hiring one! 7JSUVBM"TTJTUBOUTPĊFSBENJOJTUSBUJWF TVQQPSUUPBXJEFWBSJFUZPGCVTJOFTT people and individuals. You can use their TFSWJDFTPOBOBTOFFEFECBTJTFMJNJOBUJOH UIFCVSEFOPGQBZJOHBGVMMUJNFTFDSFUBSZ A Virtual Assistant can step in to provide IJHIRVBMJUZQSPGFTTJPOBMTVQQPSUGPSB GSBDUJPOPGUIFQSJDFʾFZXPSLSFNPUFMZ GSPNUIFJSPXOPċDFTBWJOHZPVNBOZ DPTUTBTTPDJBUFEXJUIIJSJOHBOJOIPVTF 56 FNQMPZFF8JUIKVTUBOFNBJMGBYPSQIPOF DBMMBMMPGZPVSBENJOJTUSBUJWFXPSLDBO be done with no stress or overhead costs. *NBHJOFCFJOHBIFBEPGTDIFEVMFBMM UIFUJNF8IBUXPVMEUIJTNFBOUPZPVS CVTJOFTTZPVSDVTUPNFSTBOEZPVSTUSFTT MFWFMT What “virtual” services does Berwind Business Solutions offer? Berwind provides a wide range of services JODMVEJOH5ZQJOH#PPL,FFQJOH4FDSFUBSJBM Administrative, Telephone Service, Data &OUSZBOE&YFDVUJWF"TTJTUBODFʾFZ TQFDJBMJTFJO$73FTVNF1SFQBSBUJPOBOE provide fast, professional, and confidential XPSLBUWFSZSFBTPOBCMFSBUFT*OTPNF DBTFTUIFZXJMMXPSLJOUIFDMJFOUhTMPDBM office. However, most of their work is done WJSUVBMMZBOEEFMJWFSFEPOMJOF Why should you give Berwind your project? ʾFJSUJNFJTQSPEVDUJWF8JUI FNQMPZFFTZPVQBZGPSEPXOUJNFMVODI DPĊFFCSFBLTBOEGPSUJNFTQFOUTPDJBMJ[JOH 8JUI#FSXJOEZPVEPOhUIBWFUPQSPWJEF space, equipment, a guarantee of hours, PSCFOFmUT:PVEPOhUIBWFUIFFNQMPZFF IBTTMFTPSQBZFNQMPZNFOUUBYFTPS BEEJUJPOBMJOTVSBODF8JUI#FSXJOEZPV POMZQBZGPSUJNFTQFOUXPSLJOH*UKVTU NBLFTTFOTF How to get the work to them? #FSXJOEQVUTZPVmSNMZJODPOUSPM:PV QBTTUIFUBTLTUPUIFNFJUIFSCZESPQQJOH PĊQSPKFDUTTFOEJOHUIFNWJBFNBJMDPVSJFS GBYQPTUPSFWFOUFYU*OTPNFDBTFTUIFZ DBOQJDLVQUIFQSPKFDUTGSPNZPV If your business is specialist, they will still be able to help. Berwind works with a wide range of businesses, some more unusual or specialist UIBOPUIFST#FDBVTFUIFZEFBMXJUIB TUSJDUMZMJNJUFEOVNCFSPGDMJFOUTUIFZSF able to build up their knowledge about XIBUZPVEPBOEIPXZPVXPSL What does it cost? 3BUFTBSFWFSZSFBTPOBCMFBOEBSFCBTFEPO ZPVSJOEJWJEVBMSFRVJSFNFOUTEFQFOEJOHPO UZQFBOEMFOHUIPGQSPKFDU Still unsure? Here are some more reasons why Berwind Business Solutions can work for you t /PPWFSIFBEDPTUTPċDFTQBDF JOTVSBODFFNQMPZFFQBSLJOHFUD t /PIJSJOHFYQFOTFTTVDIBTBEWFSUJTJOH and interviewing. t /PDPTUMZFNQMPZFF#FOFmUT1BDLBHFUP QBZQFOTJPOQMBOTNBUFSOJUZCFOFmUT NFEJDBMJOTVSBODFFUD t /PQBZSPMMUBYFT t /PPċDFIPVSTʾFZXPSLEBZTB XFFLTPUIFZBSFIFSFXIFO:06OFFE UIFN t /PPWFSUJNF:PVPOMZQBZGPSUIFUJNF UIFZXPSL t /POFFEUPQBZGPSEPXOUJNF-VODI CSFBLTDPĊFFCSFBLTFNQMPZFFDIJUDIBU and idle time. t /POFFEUPXPSSZBCPVUmOEJOHDPWFSGPS IPMJEBZTPSTJDLEBZT t %POhUXPSSZJGZPVSFNQMPZFFJTSVOOJOH MBUFoZPVSWJSUVBMBTTJTUBOUJTBMSFBEZJO UIFJSIPNFPċDFSFBEZUPXPSLGPSZPV t /PFRVJQNFOUDPTUTBTUIFZVTFPVSPXO t /POFFEUPJOWFTUJOFYQFOTJWF FRVJQNFOUBOEQSPHSBNTPSFNQMPZFF training. t /PHVJMUGPSOPUCFJOHBCMFUPHJWF FNQMPZFFTFOPVHIIPVSTXIFOUIJOHTBSF slow. t /PNBOBHFNFOUPSQFSTPOOFMJTTVFT OPFNQMPZFFBQQSBJTBMTPSQFSTPOBMJUZ conflicts. t *UJTFTUJNBUFEUIBUUIFSFBSFBTNBOZBT 35,000 Virtual Assistants worldwide. Convenient, efficient and reliable assistance where and when you need it. 01489 577837 N ov ember / D ec em ber 2011 Yo u r ne w l oc a l m a ga z i n e ! www.theb u z z m a ga z i n e .co .u k 57 TA B h e a d er What ’s the Buzz! First In Letting Keep it local...Keep it Leaders First for lettings in Winchester Think Lettings? Think Leaders Are you thinking of buying to let? The buy-to-let market has changed substantially over the last 5 years with highs and lows, but with rental demand at an all-time high and lending is becoming easier for landlords many people are turning to bricks and mortar as a good investment once again. To help those landlords who are looking to buy-to-let, Leaders the letting specialists, offer the following advice: Location, Location, Location;; this doesn’t mean just buying in the most popular areas (which are often the most expensive). It is about researching SRWHQWLDO DUHDV DQG ¿QGLQJ RXW ZKDW WKH FXUUHQW and on-going demand is for both the rental and sales market. The basics of a good investment are to buy low, sell high and to get the best rental possible in the meantime, but the reality is that there are far more variables to consider, so research and expert advice are the key. Identify the best type of property;; the easiest ZD\WR¿QGRXWZKLFKLVWKHEHVWW\SHRISURSHUW\ 58 for letting in a given area is to talk to a lettings specialist. Many investors are caught-out by high- balled rental estimates from sales agents keen to close a deal, so independent advice is a must. Tenants take their choice of property seriously;; despite demand being high, tenants are very savvy and if they plan to rent for an extended period of time they will want something well-presented and well maintained, so be prepared to make cosmetic updates to a property to ensure a fast let and the highest rental income. Secure the right mortgage and be realistic about the rental income. Mortgage rates vary from product to product, as do the fees charged by the lenders, so you need to consider the overall cost for comparison of any mortgage as well as ensuring WKDW WKH PRUWJDJH ¿WV ZLWK WKH UHQWDO LQFRPH and purchase price. Free mortgage comparison sites, such as will make this task much easier and show you all the available products from all lenders in one place. Leaders Winchester Don't be over ambitious;; property is a medium WRORQJWHUPLQYHVWPHQW<RXUELJJHVWSUR¿WVZLOO come from capital growth and this takes time, so if you are expecting to buy an investment SURSHUW\DQGUHWLUHRQWKHSUR¿WVD\HDUODWHU\RX will be sorely disappointed. Use an Expert;; lettings is a highly legislated industry with many legal pitfalls that can catch out new and experienced landlords alike and with many penalties including imprisonment it’s not worth trying to ‘wing it’. The easiest VROXWLRQ LV WR XVH D TXDOL¿HG H[SHULHQFHG DQG ARLA registered lettings specialist to either manage the property, or at the very least negotiate the tenancy terms and prepare an inventory, then collect the rental throughout the tenancy. For more advice on buying to let contact Leaders in Winchester on 01962 867415 N ov ember / D ec em ber 2011 Exchange Square, 27 Jewry Street, Winchester, Hampshire, SO23 8RY Tel: 01962 867415 Email: PROPERTYbuzz Yo u r ne w l oc a l m a ga z i n e ! Starbuck & Mack ■ Buying and Selling your Property ■ Making and updating your Will ■ Advising on Inheritance Tax ■ Re-mortgage and Equity Release ■ Powers of Attorney/Receivership ■ Commercial Property and Leases ■ Administration of Probate Estates S tarbuck and Mack is a TPMJDJUPSTQSBDUJDFUIBU has been established JO'BSFIBNGPSPWFSZFBST The firm specialises in dealing XJUIBMMUZQFTPGQSPQFSUZ wills, probate, and small business sales and purchases, amongst other things. With the impact of the recession the QBTUGFXZFBSTIBWFQSPWFEUP be a challenging time in the QSPQFSUZNBSLFU$POWFZBODJOH 1BSUOFS.BUUIFX+BNFTTUBUFT i0OFPGUIFLFZTUPTVSWJWJOH these turbulent times is to encourage people to think MPDBMMZBOEJOQBSUJDVMBSUPVTF local independent estate agents and solicitors. Having been established in Fareham and the XJEFSA.$PSSJEPSGPSNBOZ ZFBSTOPXXFQSJEFPVSTFMWFT on providing a service to clients UIBUJTQSPGFTTJPOBMGSJFOEMZBOE based on sound experience and personal knowledge of the Solent area. However, one PGUIFNPSFXPSSZJOHUSFOET *WFOPUJDFESFDFOUMZJTUIF UFOEFODZPGTPNFFTUBUFBHFOUT and mortgage lenders to insist VQPOBCVZJOHPSTFMMJOHDMJFOU VTJOHBTPMJDJUPSTQSBDUJDF QJDLFECZUIFBHFOUPSMFOEFS rather than the client. That QBSUJDVMBSABQQSPWFEQSBDUJDF NBZCFNBOZNJMFTBXBZGSPN UIFDMJFOUBOEUIFQSPQFSUZ DPODFSOFE$POTFRVFOUMZ the client tends not to get TVDIBIJHIMFWFMPGTFSWJDF furthermore, this so called SFRVJSFNFOUJTOPUFOUJSFMZ BDDVSBUFJOUIBUPOOFBSMZBMM occasions the client is free to choose a solicitor of his or her preference and not be bound CZBOZTVDIEJSFDUJPOHJWFOCZ BOBHFOUPSMFOEFS*GJOEPVCU speak to a local solicitor first BOEEPOUBMMPXZPVSTFMGUPCF brow-beaten into making an unwanted decision”. You can speak to Matthew or his business Partner Iain Mack on 01329 285341. 01329 285341 227 West Street, Fareham, Hampshire PO16 0HA Two minutes walk from the rail station with car parking off Grove Road and easy disabled access. Home and hospital visits by arrangement Regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority www.theb u z z m a ga z i n e .co .u k 59 PROPERTYbuzz 60 What ’s the Buzz! N ov ember / D ec em ber 2011 Yo u r ne w l oc a l m a ga z i n e ! ůŽĐĂů͕ĨĂŵŝůLJƌƵŶŝŶĚĞƉĞŶĚĞŶƚĞƐƚĂƚĞĂŐĞŶƚƐďĂƐĞĚŝŶtŽŽƩŽŶƌŝĚŐĞďƵƚƐĞƌǀŝŶŐƚŚĞ ǁŚŽůĞŽĨƚŚĞ/ƐůĞŽĨtŝŐŚƚ͘tĞĂƌĞŽƉĞŶϲĚĂLJƐĂǁĞĞŬĂŶĚǁŝƚŚŽƵƌůŽĐĂůŬŶŽǁůĞĚŐĞ ǁĞĚŽŽƵƌďĞƐƚƚŽŚĞůƉďŽƚŚŽƵƌƐĞůůĞƌƐĂŶĚŽƵƌƉƵƌĐŚĂƐĞƌƐŝŶĂĨƌŝĞŶĚůLJĂŶĚ ƉƌŽĨĞƐƐŝŽŶĂůŵĂŶŶĞƌƉƌŽǀŝĚŝŶŐƚŽƚĂůĐŽŵŵŝƚŵĞŶƚĂŶĚĂŽŶĞƚŽŽŶĞƉĞƌƐŽŶĂůƚŽƵĐŚ͘ Fishbourne £650,000 ^ƵďƐƚĂŶƟĂůĨĂŵŝůLJŚŽŵĞ ŝŶĂƋƵŝĞƚƚƵĐŬĞĚĂǁĂLJ ƉŽƐŝƟŽŶ͘ϱďĞĚƌŽŽŵƐ ǁŝƚŚǀĞƌƐĂƟůĞĂĐĐŽŵŵŽͲ ĚĂƟŽŶ͘ĞĂƵƟĨƵůůLJ ĚĞƐŝŐŶĞĚŐĂƌĚĞŶĂŶĚ ĚŽƵďůĞŐĂƌĂŐĞǁŝƚŚ ůĂƌŐĞŚĂƌĚƐƚĂŶĚŝŶŐŝĚĞĂů ĨŽƌĂďŽĂƚ͊dŚŝƐŝŵƉƌĞƐͲ ƐŝǀĞŚŽŵĞŝŶĂƚƌĂŶƋƵŝů ƐĞƫŶŐŝƐĐŚĂŝŶĨƌĞĞ͘ Fishbourne £595,000 ůĞŐĂŶƚĂŶĚŝŵŵĂĐƵͲ ůĂƚĞůLJƉƌĞƐĞŶƚĞĚƐƉĂͲ ĐŝŽƵƐĨĂŵŝůLJŚŽŵĞǁŝƚŚ ϰͬϱďĞĚƌŽŽŵƐ͘>ŽĐĂƚĞĚ ŝŶĂƐĞůĞĐƚĚĞǀĞůŽƉŵĞŶƚ ŽĨũƵƐƚƚŚƌĞĞƉƌŽƉĞƌƟĞƐ ŝŶĂǀĞƌLJƐŽƵŐŚƚĂŌĞƌ ĂƌĞĂ͘>ĂƌŐĞŝŵƉƌĞƐƐŝǀĞ ŬŝƚĐŚĞŶǁŝƚŚƵŶĚĞƌŇŽŽƌ ŚĞĂƟŶŐƚŚƌŽƵŐŚŽƵƚ͘ Fishbourne £495,000 Wootton Bridge £495,000 ŶŝŵŵĂĐƵůĂƚĞůLJƉƌĞͲ ƐĞŶƚĞĚϯďĞĚƌŽŽŵďƵŶͲ ŐĂůŽǁǁŝƚŚĂŶĞdžƚƌĂϭ ďĞĚƌŽŽŵďƵŶŐĂůŽǁĂŶĚ ƐƚƵĚŝŽĂƉĂƌƚŵĞŶƚǁŚŝĐŚ ĂƌĞƉƌĞƐĞŶƚůLJƐĞƚƵƉĂƐ ƐĞůĨĐĂƚĞƌŝŶŐƵŶŝƚƐ͕ĂϯϮ͛ ĐĂƌĂǀĂŶ͕ƐĞƉĂƌĂƚĞŽĸĐĞ ĂŶĚƚƌŝƉůĞŐĂƌĂŐĞĂůů ǁŝƚŚŝŶϭ͘ϳĂĐƌĞƐŽĨůĂŶĚ͘ ƐƵƉĞƌďůLJĚĞƐŝŐŶĞĚĂŶĚ ƐƚLJůŝƐŚƌĞƐŝĚĞŶĐĞ͕ƐŝƚƵĂƚͲ ĞĚǁŝƚŚŝŶĂǀĞƌLJĨĂǀŽƵƌͲ abůĞĚĞǀĞůŽpŵĞntŽĨ ĞdžĞĐƵƟǀĞŚŽŵĞƐ͘dŚŝƐ ϰͬϱďĞĚƌŽŽŵŚŽŵĞ ŽīĞƌƐĂŚƵŐĞǀĂƌŝĞƚLJŽĨ ƌŽŽŵƐĂŶĚůŝǀŝŶŐƐƉĂĐĞ͘ tŚŝĐŚĂůůŽǁƐĞdžƚĞŶƐŝǀĞ ĐŚŽŝĐĞ͘ƚƌƵůLJŝŵƉƌĞƐͲ ƐŝǀĞŚŽŵĞ͘ Wootton Bridge £375,000 Bembridge £349,000 >ĂƌŐĞϯďĞĚƌŽŽŵĚĞͲ ƚĂĐŚĞĚďƵŶŐĂůŽǁŝŶ ŐŽŽĚĐŽŶĚŝƟŽŶ͘>ŽĐĂƚĞĚ ŝŶĂƐŽƵŐŚƚĂŌĞƌůŽĐĂͲ ƟŽŶĂŶĚďŽĂƐƚƐƐĞĐůƵĚͲ ĞĚŵĂŶĂŐĞĂďůĞŐĂƌĚĞŶƐ͕ ŐĂƌĂŐĞ͕ŽīƌŽĂĚƉĂƌŬŝŶŐ ĂŶĚŝƐŽīĞƌĞĚĐŚĂŝŶ ĨƌĞĞ͘ ƌĂƌĞŽƉƉŽƌƚƵŶŝƚLJƚŽ ƉƵƌĐŚĂƐĞĂƐƚƵŶŶŝŶŐϰ ďĞĚƌŽŽŵĚĞƚĂĐŚĞĚ ŚŽƵƐĞǁŝƚŚǁŽŶĚĞƌĨƵů ǁĂƚĞƌĨƌŽŶƚǀŝĞǁƐ͕ŝŶ ǀĞƌLJƐŽƵŐŚƚĂŌĞƌĂƌĞĂ͘ ŶƐƵŝƚĞƚŽŵĂƐƚĞƌďĞĚͲ ƌŽŽŵǁŝƚŚĮƩĞĚǁĂƌĚͲ ƌŽďĞƐ͘Kī-‐ƌŽĂĚƉĂƌŬŝŶŐ ĨŽƌϰĐĂƌƐ͘'ĂƌĂŐĞ͘^ůŝƉͲ ǁĂLJůĞĂĚŝŶŐƚŽĐƌĞĞŬ͘ Valuing people, not just property www.theb u z z m a ga z i n e .co .u k 61 B U Z Zg u i de The Buzz Guide to a stress-free Christmas … One month toFFQgo FFQBMJTUPGXIP JOHBOFZFPOUIFCVEHFU, HL %PZPVS$ISJTUNBTTIPQQJO QUIJTMJTUVOUJMOFYUZFBS PSHFUBOZPOF5SZBOELFF OUG EP ZPV STP ZGP MCV ZPVXJM HJGUT TPZPVEPOUTFOESFQFBU 1UPBOZJOWJUBUJPOTZPVWF TBOETFOEPVUJOWJUFTPS347 BSE BTD SJTUN $I PVS UFZ 8SJ received. XO BSBOECFHJOUIFDPVOUEP )BOHVQZPVSBEWFOUDBMFOE 0SEFSZPVSUVSLFZ .BLFZPVS$ISJTUNBTDBLF BNFOUTBSFOU LFTVSFZPVSMJHIUTBOEPSO POTUPNB $IFDLMBTUZFBSTEFDPSBUJ d. broken or need to be replace TDIPPMQMBZTMBUFOJHIU BOEZMJTUPGFWFOUTTVDIBT "UUIJTCVTZUJNFNBLFBI ices, etc. shopping events, carol serv FTIMJOFOBOEBHPPE FZPVSTQBSFSPPNXJUIGS QBS )BWJOHHVFTUTUPTUBZ 1SF BHB[JOFTUPSFBECFGPSF FN TPN OE CFB BSP FBWFUIFN TVQQMZPGDPTZCMBOLFUTbedtime. ZmMMVQ PJOUNFOUTOPXCFGPSFUIF #PPLBOZIBJSNBOJDVSFBQQ TJGZPVBSFHPJOHBXBZ .BLFUSBWFMBSSBOHFNFOU One week to go … 4IPQGPSBMMZPVS ESZGSP[FOGPPE T 1SFQBSFBOZGPPE UIBUDBOCFNBE FJOBEWBODFBOE Send late Christ GSFF[FJU mas cards. %FMJWFSHJGUTUP TDIPPMUFBDIFST QPTUNBOCBCZT 1MBOZPVS$ISJTU JUUFSFUD NBTPVUmUT .BLFTVSFZPVI BWFBDPVQMFPGQ SFTFOUTTUBTIFE surprise guests. GPS d be stamped and Letters to Santa shoul ber and addressed to: posted by 14th Decem Santa, Santa’s Grotto, 1 Reindeerland, SAN TA to all letters that Santa will try to reply s and are posted include a return addres before this date. 62 Ensure your Christmas Car ds & Parcels your loved on reach es on time. Last Posting Dates 2011: Standard UK Parcels-14th Dec Second Class -17th Decembe ember r First Class-2 0th Decembe r Special Deliver y-22nd Decem ber For a full lis t of last post ing dates, visi www.royalmail.c t om/greetings Christm a of unex s is the seaso n pected dropins, so make s ur have d rinks & e you ni on han d at all bbles times. Two weeks to go … Wrap the gifts. Visit a Christmas tree farm and choose just the right one. 'JOBMJTFBNFOVBOENBLFBEFUBJMFETIPQ QJOHMJTU%POUGPSHFUUIF crackers. #VZBTUBDLPGCBUUFSJFTGPSLJETQSFTFOUT TPUIFZXPSL$ISJTUNBT morning . 5SFBUUIFXIPMFGBNJMZBOEHPBOETFF Bake some festive treats with the child BQBOUPNJNF ren, including cookies for Santa. -FUUIFLJETHFUDSBGUZ.BLFIPNFNBE FEFDPSBUJPOTXSBQQJOHQBQFS BOEDBSET"HMVFTUJDLBOETPNFHMJUUFSX JMMXPSLXPOEFST #SJOHPVUZPVSEFDPSBUJPOTBOENBLFB OFWFOUPVUPGEFDPSBUJOHUIF USFF1MBZTPNFGFTUJWFNVTJDHFUUIFXIP MFGBNJMZJOWPMWFEBOEFOKPZ some hot chocolate. 4UPDLVQPOBOZESJOLTBOEOJCCMFT On Christmas Eve … NFSBBOEWJEFPSFDPSEFS 3FDIBSHFUIFCBUUFSJFTPOZPVSDB 'JOJTIBOZMBTUNJOVUFXSBQQJOH FSGPS PNBLFTVSFFWFSZUIJOHJTJOPSE %PBRVJDLDIFDLJOUIFLJUDIFOU ZPVHPUPCFE UPNPSSPX4FUUIFUBCMFCFGPSF SFTIGPPEJUFNT %PBOZMBTUNJOVUFTIPQQJOHGPSG E UPQVUHVFTUTDPBUTUPNPSSPXBO .BLFTVSFZPVIBWFTPNFXIFSF table. enough chairs round the dining ts for Santa. trea ir the Help the children prepare FmSFBTZPVXJOEEPXOUIF )BWFBGBNJMZAQJDOJDJOGSPOUPGUI evening. JTUNBT FTUJWFNPPECZXBUDIJOHB$IS 4JUCBDLBOESFMBY(FUJOUPUIFG Street”. classic such as “Miracle on 34th $ISJTUNBT%BZ 1SFQBSFBTJNQMF CSFBLGBTUGPSUIF GBNJMZ %FGSPTUQSFQSFQB SFEEJTIFTBOEE POUGPSHFUUPHFU FBSMZ UIFSPBTUPO ,FFQJOHBSFDPSE PGBMMHJGUTSFDFJW FENBLFTXSJUJO notes easier. HUIBOLZPV 4UBZDBMNNBL FTVSFZPVSGBNJMZ BOEGSJFOETIFMQ SFNFNCFSJUTO PVUBOE FWFSUPPFBSMZGP SB$ISJTUNBTDPD LUBJM se. Buy and just in ca h n o ts if g em w Keep a fe then wrap th s, e sh li re d n a s ut a gift. gourmet jam e stuck witho ’r u o y se a c in beautifully N ov ember / D ec ember 2011 Yo u r co m p le t e guide to l o c a l e v e n ts BUZ Zf eat u re Get cuddly with Harrods this Christmas It is almost time to make that special trip to London and head straight for the prestigious department store Harrods. F BNPVTGPSJUTGFTUJWFXJOEPXEJTQMBZT $ISJTUNBT(SPUUPTVNQUVPVTIBNQFST BOEyCFBST&WFSZ$ISJTUNBT)BSSPET sells its world famous Christmas bears and *XJMMCFUIFSFXJUIFBHFSBOUJDJQBUJPOPG QVSDIBTJOHUIJTZFBSTFYDMVTJWFCFBSUPBEE UPNZHSPXJOHDPMMFDUJPO Bears have been an integral part of Harrods IJTUPSZTJODFUIFTXIFOBVUIPS"" .JMOFWJTJUFEUIFBOOVBM)BSSPETUPZGBJSBOE QVSDIBTFEUIFPSJHJOBM8JOOJFUIF1PPICFBS for his son Christopher. Ever since, bears have made a regular and welcome appearance BUUIFTUPSFʾFMJUUMFCPZXIPUBMLTUPUIF BOJNBMTJOUIF8JOOJFUIF1PPITUPSJFTJT called Christopher Robin, which is the name of A. A. Milne's real-life son who was born in 1920. On August 21, 1921, the real-life $ISJTUPQIFS3PCJO.JMOFSFDFJWFEBTUVĊFE CFBSGSPN)BSSPETGPSIJTmSTUCJSUIEBZ which he named Edward Bear. The tradition of Harrods celebrating each $ISJTUNBTXJUIBTQFDJBMMZEFTJHOFEUFEEZ CFBSCFHBOJOXJUIA4OPX#FBSʾJT wTOPXZXIJUFQMVTICFBSBQQFBSFEJO the Christmas catalogue wearing a green and red knitted hat on his head which was decorated with Christmas designs and the XPSEA)BSSPETJOXIJUFBDSPTTUIFGSPOU)F also had a removable matching scarf around his neck but unlike the bears which followed he was not graced with the Harrods logo and was not foot dated on his left paw. This first bear proved such a success that Harrods www.theb u z z m a ga z i n e .co .u k made the decision to produce an exclusive $ISJTUNBTCFBSGPSFBDIZFBSUIFSFBGUFSXIJDI QFPQMFDPVMEPOMZCVZEVSJOHUIFIPMJEBZ TFBTPOʾFZBMTPEFDJEFEUIBUUIFCFBST XPVMEDBSSZUIFZFBSEBUFBOE)BSSPETMPHP on the left paw. 1987 saw the release of the mSTUGPPUEBUFECFBSBOEUPEBZZPVhMMmOE CFBSTPGUIFIJHIFTURVBMJUZGPSBWBSJFUZPG ages and occasions. 8IBUDIJMEXPVMEOUXBOUUPSFDFJWFBCFBS GSPNUIJTGBNPVT,OJHIUTCSJEHFTIPQoPS XIBUHSPXOVQGPSUIBUNBUUFS 1MVTIXJUI QMFOUZPGQFSTPOBMJUZFBDI)BSSPETCFBS JTEJTUJODUJWFCFDBVTFUIFZVTVBMMZIBWFB ribbon around their neck printed with the )BSSPETOBNFʾFZNBLFBMPWFMZHJGUGPS BOZDIJMEBOEXPVMECFXBSNMZXFMDPNFE CZBOZUFEEZCFBSDPMMFDUPSʾFCFBSTBSF PGUFOQVSDIBTFEUPNBSLBTJHOJmDBOUZFBS such as a wedding or birth. The Millennium $ISJTUNBT5FEEZXBTQBSUJDVMBSQPQVMBS Since the store first opened its doors JO)BSSPETIBTBMXBZTQSJEFEJUTFMG POPĊFSJOHTPNFUIJOHGPSFWFSZPOFBUBMM CVEHFUMFWFMT5PEBZ)BSSPETSFQSFTFOUT one of the most prestigious names in TIPQQJOHIJTUPSZʾFGBNPVTEFQBSUNFOU store in Knightsbridge, London has over 330 departments covering seven floors full to bursting with the most luxurious products in the world, as well as a mouth-watering food IBMM*O)BSSPET#BOLTUBSUFETFMMJOH HPMECBSTBOEDPJOTUIBUDVTUPNFSTDBOCVZ PĊUIFTIFMG6QUPDVTUPNFST WJTJUUIFTUPSFPOQFBLEBZTDPNQSJTJOHUIF highest proportion of customers from non&OHMJTITQFBLJOHDPVOUSJFTPGBOZEFQBSUNFOU store in London. 2011 belongs to Freddie )BSSPETA.JMMFOOJVNUFEEZXBTTUVOOJOHJOB blue velvet jacket and gold brocade. He had blue velvet soles on his feet with ‘Harrods FNCSPJEFSFEPOIJTMFGUGPPUJOHPME UISFBE*OIFXBTGPMMPXFECZBXBSN DPTZDIBQESFTTFEJOBHSFFOWFMWFUKBDLFU (JMFTBSSJWFEJOGPMMPXFECZ8JMMJBN JOBOEʾPNBTJO*OUIF /JDPMBT#FBSIFMQFE)BSSPETDFMFCSBUFJUT UI"OOJWFSTBSZPGQSPEVDJOHCFBVUJGVM $ISJTUNBT#FBSTBMBSHFTDSVĊZGFMMPXXJUI a red Shetland sweater and tartan scarf. Alexander made an appearance in 2006, Benjamin showed up in 2007, Oscar in 2008, .BYXFMMJOBOEmOBMMZ"SDIJFNFUVTJO oBEFMJHIUGVMQMBZNBUFJOBCSJHIUSFE XJOUFSTXFBUFSBOEDPTZTUSJQZTDBSG The new Harrods Christmas Bear is little Freddie with his traditional features and soft MPOHQJMFGVSIFKPJOTQSFWJPVTGVSSZGSJFOET Maxwell and Archie as a welcome addition to the exclusive Christmas bear series. Wearing a cream and red cardigan, with the Harrods 2011 signature embroidered on his paw, Freddie is looking for a new home and would make a welcome gift, and not just for $ISJTUNBTo Freddie, the Harrods Christmas bear, is BWBJMBCMFFYDMVTJWFMZBU)BSSPETJOTUPSFBOE POMJOFGPSbXXXIBSSPETDPN Sarah Rohn-Magee - Features Editor WIN a Harrods Christmas Bear! To be in with a chance of winning Freddie, simply answer the question below: ʾFSFBSFMJUUMF'SFEEJF#FBSTUVDLFEBXBZ POȓQBHFTUISPVHIPVUUIFȓNBHB[JOFOPU JODMVEJOHUIJTQBHF ȓ4FOEVTUIFQBHF OVNCFSTBMPOHXJUIZPVSOBNFBEESFTT and phone number to before the DMPTJOHEBUFPGUI%FDFNCFSȓʾF prize will be awarded to the first name drawn from all correct entries received on or before the closing date. For full Terms & Conditions, please call The Buzz Magazine on 01489 577837 63 B U Z Zt i c k e t What ’s the Buzz! It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas inside Ferneham Hall in as they get ready to launch their new exciting family pantomime Beauty and the Beast. P BOUPNJNFQSPEVDFS$ISJT+PSEBOTQPLFBCPVUUIJTOFX QSPEVDUJPOʾJTJTUIF#FBVUZBOEUIF#FBTUUIBUFWFSZPOF LOPXTBOEMPWFTGSPNUIF%JTOFZNPWJFCVUXJUIBMMUIF USBEJUJPOBMFMFNFOUTUIBUNBLFUSVMZHSFBUQBOUPNJNF8FhWF BEEFEB%BNF%PUUZ%FSSJFSFIFSTPO1PUUZ1JFSSFXIPXPSLTJO UIFDBTUMFBTBQPUXBTIFSBHPPEGBJSZBOFWJMXJUDIBOEBQSPQFS TMBQTUJDLTDFOFXIJDIJTHPJOHUPCFBCTPMVUFMZTNBTIJOHʾFSFhTB DMVFUIFSFXFUIJOL 1PUUZ1JFSSFJTQMBZFECZ*BO)8BULJOTGSFTIGSPNUPVSJOHJO 3IJOFTUPOF.POEBZTXJUIGFMMPX4UFQTNFNCFS'BZF5P[FSBOE &BTU&OEFST4FBO8JMMJBNTPOȓ*BOUIF)TUBOETGPSIZQFSBDUJWF CZUIFXBZJTUIFQFSGFDUDIPJDFGPSUIFDPNJDDIBSBDUFS1JFSSFCZ getting the audience on the feet waving their hands and making GVOOZOPJTFTȓ #FBVUZBOEUIF#FBTUJT+PSEBO1SPEVDUJPOTUIJSEQBOUPNJNFBU 'FSOFIBN)BMMBOEUIJTZFBSJTTFUUPCFBSFDPSECSFBLJOHPOFXJUI UJDLFUTBMSFBEZXFMMVQPOMBTUZFBSȓ8JUITVDIBUBMFOUFEDBTUBOEUIF fabulous production values the Box Office are gearing themselves for UIFJSCVTJFTU$ISJTUNBTFWFSȓ Fear not Buzz readers—you can WIN Panto tickets for the whole family –”Oh, yes you can!” 4FOEZPVSBOTXFSUPUIJT question, and contact details to the Buzz before the closing date when a winner will be selected at random and OPUJmFEJNNFEJBUFMZ Ian “H” Watkins was a member of which chart-topping pop group? B 4UFQT C #MVF D (JSMT"MPVE Answers to: Closing date 5th December 2011. Full Terms & Conditions can be found on page 74 64 N ov ember / D ec em ber 2011 Yo u r ne w l oc a l m a ga z i n e ! www.theb u z z m a ga z i n e .co .u k TABh ead er 65 BUZZabouttown What ’s t he Buzz! Well, it’s Panto season again! “Oh no it isn’t” “Oh, yes it is!” Theatres across the land are gearing up to delight audiences of all ages. Widow Twankeys up and down the country will be ironing their petticoats and love sick chaps will be working on their best chat-up lines hoping to win the heart of a fair maiden. Cheers and laughter will be plenty, as will the booing for the evil villain. A MMHSFBUGVOBOEEFmOJUFMZPOPVS ANVTUEP$ISJTUNBTMJTU)FSF are just a few of the wonderful 1BOUPNJNFTBOE$ISJTUNBTQSPEVDUJPOT TIPXJOHMPDBMMZ "XBSEXJOOJOHNVTJDBMUIFBUSFBDUPS%BOJFM#PZT TUBSTBT1FUFS1BOBUʾF.BZnPXFSʾFBUSF ■ Peter Pan – The Point Youth Theatre ʾF1PJOU&BTUMFJHI 'SJEBZ%FDFNCFSo 8FEOFTEBZ%FDFNCFS Box Office Tel: 02380 652333 ■ Peter Pan – with a host of celebrity stars .BZnPXFSʾFBUSF4PVUIBNQUPO 'SJEBZ%FDFNCFSo4BUVSEBZ +BOVBSZ Box Office Tel: 02380 711811 ■ Beauty and the Beast – starring Ian “H” Watkins, from Steps Ferneham Hall, Fareham 'SJEBZ%FDFNCFSo+BOVBSZ 2012 Box Office Tel: 01329 231942 ■ Cinderella – Starring Coronation Street’s Tracy Shaw Kings Theatre, Southsea 8FEOFTEBZ%FDFNCFSo 4VOEBZ+BOVBSZ Box Office Tel: 02392 828282 66 ■ Aladdin – The Mountbatten Players ʾF1PJOU&BTUMFJHI ʾVSTEBZ+BOVBSZo4VOEBZ +BOVBSZ Box Office Tel: 02380 652333 -VDZ#FOKBNJOBOE-FT%FOOJT TUBSSJOHJO1FUFS1BOBUʾF .BZnPXFSʾFBUSF ■ Hansel and Gretel ʾF#FSSZʾFBUSF)FEHF&OE .POEBZ%FDFNCFSo 4BUVSEBZ%FDFNCFS Box Office Tel: 01489 799499 ■ Scrooge – presented by Westfield Productions ʾF1PJOU&BTUMFJHI ʾVSTEBZ+BOVBSZo4VOEBZ +BOVBSZ Box Office Tel: 02380 652333 ■ Cinderella ʾFBUSF3PZBM8JODIFTUFS 8FEOFTEBZ%FDFNCFSo .POEBZ+BOVBSZ Box Office Tel: 01962 840440 N ov ember / D ec em ber 2011 Yo u r ne w l oc a l m a ga z i n e ! ■ The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, presented by the Chichester Festival Youth Theatre Festival Theatre, Chichester %FDFNCFSo%FDFNCFS Box Office Tel: 01243 781312 ʾF/VUDSBDLFS#BMMFU ■ Carols at the Kings with The Salvation Army Kings Theatre, Southsea /PWFNCFS Box Office Tel: 02392 828282 ■ The Borrowers – based on the popular children’s novel ʾF/VċFMEʾFBUSF4PVUIBNQUPO /PWFNCFSo+BOVBSZ Box Office Tel: 02380 671771 ■ West End Singers presents Christmas Celebrations ʾF1PJOU&BTUMFJHI 'SJEBZ%FDFNCFSQN Box Office Tel: 02380 652333 ■ Southampton Albion Band’s Christmas Concert ʾF1PJOU&BTUMFJHI 4VOEBZ%FDFNCFSQN Box Office Tel: 02380 652333 ■ Winchester Community Choir – A Feast of Christmas Music ʾFBUSF3PZBM8JODIFTUFS 5VFTEBZ%FDFNCFSBUQN Box Office Tel: 01962 840440 ■ ABF The Soldier’s Charity Concert Festival Theatre, Chichester 4VOEBZ/PWFNCFSBU 7:00pm #ZQVSDIBTJOHBUJDLFUZPVBSF making a donation to assist the work of the ABF The Soldiers $IBSJUZXIJDIQSPWJEFTXIPMFMJGF support to Soldiers, ex-soldiers, their dependents and their families. You XJMMBMTPIBWFBOFWFOJOHPGNJMJUBSZ music to remember. Box Office Tel: 01243 781312 ■ Christmas Concerts with The Band of Her Majesty’s Royal Marines, Portsmouth and Chichester Cathedral Choir Festival Theatre, Chichester %FDFNCFSo%FDFNCFS Box Office Tel: 01243 781312 ■ The Nutcracker Ballet, presented by the Moscow City Ballet Festival Theatre, Chichester +BOVBSZo+BOVBSZ Box Office Tel: 01243 781312 5SBDZ4IBXBT$JOEFSFMMBBUUIF,JOHTʾFBUSF4PVUITFB www.theb u z z m a ga z i n e .co .u k 67 TA B h e a d er 68 What ’s the Buzz! N ov ember / D ec em ber 2011 KI DS p u zzles Yo u r ne w l oc a l m a ga z i n e ! Spot 7 differences in these pictures! Christmas maze Colouring corner What do Monkeys sing at Christmas? Jungle Bells Jungle Bells What do you get when you cross a snowman with a vampire? Frostbite! What’s white and goes up? A confused snowflake www.theb u z z m a ga z i n e .co .u k 69 70 N ov ember / D ec em ber 2011 The Water’s Edge T IF8BUFST&EHFIBTCFFOVOEFSUIF0XOFSTIJQPG/JDL$SPTTBOE +BNFT#BSOBSEOPXGPSUISFFZFBST*OUIJTUJNFUIFZIBWFNBEF extensive improvements to the restaurant and its light bright bar PWFSMPPLJOHUIF)BNCMF3JWFSBOEZBDIUTʾFZBSFTPMVDLZUPIBWFCFFO HSBDFEXJUIUIFCFTUWJFXTPGUIFSJWFSXJUIQBOPSBNJDȓEFHSFFWJFXT /JDLȓIBTUIJSUZQMVTZFBSTJOUIFDBUFSJOHUSBEFCPUIJO-POEPOȓBOE 1SPWFODF)FIBTIPOFEIJTTLJMMTXIJMTUXPSLJOHȓXJUIJOGPVSBOEmWFTUBS IPUFMTBOECSJOHTUPʾF8BUFST&EHFBXFBMUIPGDSFEJCMFFYQFSJFODF+BNFT IBTCFFOSFTQPOTJCMFGPSSVOOJOHBQPQVMBSȓTBOEXJDIȓCBSBOEBTVDDFTTGVM QVCȓXIJMTUBMTPCFJOHUIFSFTUBVSBOUTBDDPVOUBOUʾFQBSUOFSTDPNCJOFE wealth of knowledge and experience, guarantee patrons a successful and hospitable visit to The Water's Edge. ʾFGPPEIFSFBUʾF8BUFST&EHFJTBMMIPNFQSPEVDFEXJUIȓUIFDIFGT UBLJOHNVDIDBSFBOEQSJEFJOUIFJSQSFTFOUBUJPO8FBJNUPDPOTJTUFOUMZ QSPWJEFUBTUZGPPEXJUIPVSTUZMFCFJOHNPEFSOBOEDPOUFNQPSBSZBOEXJUI UIFBWBJMBCJMJUZPGCBSTQFDJBMT0VSSFTJEFOUDIFG-PVJF3FZOBMETIBTCFFO USBJOFEJO-POEPOXJUIBTQFMMBUʾF-BECVSZBOEʾF*WZUXPPG-POEPOhT MFBEJOHSFTUBVSBOUTȓȓȓ 8FȓBMTPDBUFSGPSȓDPOGFSFODFTCPBUSBMMJFTXFEEJOHTBOOJWFSTBSJFTUIBU TQFDJBMCJSUIEBZBOEFWFOGVOFSBMT8JUIUIFGFTUJWFTFBTPOOPXVQPOVT CPPLGPSUIBU$ISJTUNBTPċDFȓQBSUZPS$ISJTUNBTEBZMVODI'PS/FX:FBST XFBSFPĊFSJOHBCVĊFUPSJGZPVXJTIBGPVSDPVSTFTJUEPXOmOFEJOJOH TVQQFSXJUIBO"CCB5SJCVUF%VPʾJTJTEFmOJUFMZTPNFUIJOHUPMPPL GPSXBSEUPTPEPOhUEFMBZoPVSTUBĊBSFXBJUJOHUPXFMDPNFZPVXJUIBTNJMF The Water’s Edge, Mercury Yacht Harbour, Satchell Lane, Hamble Tel: 02380 457220 www.theb u z z m a ga z i n e .co .u k 71 What ’s the Buzz! Eastleigh, Saturday 19 November What else is Buzzing this Christmas? (FUSFBEZGPSB$ISJTUNBTDSBDLFSXIFOUIF town launches its festive celebrations with BGVMMEBZPGFOUFSUBJONFOUBOEmSFXPSLT EJTQMBZ%BZUJNFBUUSBDUJPOTXJMMSVOGSPN 10am until 4pm and include a craft market QMVTDIJMESFOTSJEFT:PVOHTUFSTDBOHFUDMPTF to the animals in a farm set up in the town centre. Father Christmas is set to take time PVUPGIJTCVTZTDIFEVMFBOEMFBEBTQFDJBM Christmas lights parade. The procession will start in Market Street at 5.15pm and make its XBZJOUPUIF)JHI4USFFUCFGPSFFOEJOHVQBU the bandstand on the Leigh Road recreation ground. For more info: call 023 8068 8000 Gunwharf Quays Portsmouth, Saturday 19 November See Santa and his Elves arrive on a giant NBHJDTMFJHIQMVTNVTJDGSPN1PSUTNPVUI 3PDL$IPJSʾF/FQUVOF(JSMTBOE 1PSUTNPVUI(SBNNBS4DIPPM+VOJPS#BOE Entertainment starts at 6:00pm with Wave 'JSFXPSLTBDDPNQBOZUIFMJHIUTTXJUDI POBUQN1MVTUIJTZFBSUIFTUPSFTXJMMCF open until 9:00pm. For more info: Call 02392 XXXHVOXIBSGRVBZTDPN Port Solent, Saturday 10 December Southampton Santa Dash )VOESFETPG4BOUBTHFUTFUUPEFTDFOEPO UIFDJUZPG4PVUIBNQUPOUPSVOKPHPSTUSPMM LGPSUIJTZFBSTPċDJBMDIBSJUZQBSUOFS $ISJTUJBO"JEBOEIFMQFOEQPWFSUZ 8IFO4VOEBZUI%FDFNCFSBUBN 3FHJTUSBUJPOJTPOMZbQFSQFSTPOXIJDI JODMVEFTZPVSPXO4BOUBTVJUBOE$ISJTUJBO "JESVOOJOHWFTU3BJTFBNJOJNVNPGb QFSQFSTPOUPNBLFBIVHFEJĊFSFODFUPUIF MJWFTPGQFPQMFMJWJOHJOQPWFSUZ3FHJTUFS /08BUXXXDISJTUJBOBJEPSHVLSVOT 72 Southampton, Thursday 17th November The fun starts in the Marlands Shopping $FOUSFBUQNBT4BOUBBOEʾF.BZPS switch on the Christmas Lights and declare the Southampton Christmas Festival .BSLFUPċDJBMMZPQFO"UQNʾF .BZPSJTXFMDPNFEJOUP8FTU2VBZ Shopping Centre for festivities including UIFNBLJOHPGB$IPDPMBUF1J[[BXJUI8JMMZ 8POLBʾFSFJTTPNFUIJOHGPSFWFSZPOF JO4PVUIBNQUPO$JUZ$FOUSFUIJT$ISJTUNBT XJUINBOZPGZPVSGBWPVSJUFTIPQTTUBZJOH PQFOMBUFFWFSZEBZ (FUTPNFJOTQJSBUJPOBMJEFBTGPSVOJRVF TUPDLJOHmMMFSTPO4BUVSEBZUI%FDFNCFS 2011 at the Christmas Market between 11am and 6.30pm. Live Christmas music BOEGBNJMZFOUFSUBJONFOUUISPVHIPVU UIFEBZUPHFUFWFSZPOFJOUIF$ISJTUNBT spirit. Children can visit the real animals at UIFJOUFSBDUJWFOBUJWJUZGBSNXIJMFTPNF NBHJDBMTUJMUXBMLJOHFMWFTPOSFJOEFFS+BDL 'SPTUUIF$ISJTUNBT5SFF'BJSZBOEUIF*DF Queen take turns to entertain the crowds. 'SPNQNQNXFMMCFIPTUJOHPVSBOOVBM Carol Concert, in support of The Rowans )PTQJDFXJUIMJWFDBSPMTQFSGPSNFECZʾF 1PSUTNPVUI$IPSVT$IPJS(SBCBNJODF pie and a glass of mulled wine and join us and our live choir for a good old fashioned sing-song around the Christmas tree. ʾF#PBSEXBML1PSU4PMFOU1PSUTNPVUIȓ )BNQTIJSF1051XXXQPSUTPMFOUDPN Winchester, Thursday 17 November The 2011 festive season will PċDJBMMZCFHJOPOUIFUI /PWFNCFSXIFOUIF$ISJTUNBT lights will be switched on and Winchester's Medieval High Street will be twinkling. The whole district transforms into a winter wonderland once more. N ov ember / D ec em ber 2011 Yo u r ne w l oc a l m a ga z i n e ! Winchester Cathedral Christmas Market and Ice Rink Thursday 24 November - Wednesday 21 December 2011 Situated at the foot of the Cathedral within the historic Close, the market is bigger than ever with more than 90 chalets all CFBVUJGVMMZEFDPSBUFEBOEGVMMPGJOUFSFTUJOH surprising and unique Christmas gifts and decorations. The ice rink is situated in the centre of the Christmas Market and runs VOUJM+BOVBSZʾJTMBSHFSFBMPQFOBJS ice rink couldn't be in a more wonderful and impressive setting. Southampton’s Christmas Market, Above Bar precinct Thursday 17 November to Saturday 31 December. Southampton's Christmas Festival .BSLFUIBTUSBEFSTGSPN(FSNBOZ 'SBODF#FMHJVN"VTUSJB*UBMZ4QBJO 4PVUI"GSJDBBOE*OEJBBSFUIFSF for a fantastic fun packed festival market that adorns UIFDJUZDFOUSF BUZ Zeven t s Manor Farm Christmas Market & Festivities, Manor Farm Country Park, Bursledon Sunday 11 December Browse a selection of local craft and QSPEVDFTUBMMTXIJMFFOKPZJOHBIPTUPG music, theatre and festive entertainment BUUIJTGBCVMPVTGBNJMZEBZPVU7JTJU'BUIFS Christmas in the stable, dress up in the farm OBUJWJUZBOEFOKPZNVMMFEXJOFBOENJODF QJFTJOUIF7JDUPSJBOGBSNIPVTF+PJOVTGPS our traditional Christmas carol service at St #BSUIPMPNFXTDIVSDIBUQN BNQN/PSNBMBENJTTJPODIBSHFT BQQMZ .BOPS'BSN.BOPS'BSN$PVOUSZ1BSL #VSTMFEPOȓ)BNQTIJSF40#)XXX Beaulieu Annual Christmas Fair, Palace House, Beaulieu Friday 18 November from 10am to 2:30pm The Fair is just the place to CVZ$ISJTUNBTQSFTFOUTBOE stocking fillers and gifts that are just that little bit EJĊFSFOUȓʾFSFJTBIVHF WBSJFUZPGTUBMMTBHBJOUIJT ZFBSJODMVEJOH'FTUJWF Foods, Antiques, +FXFMMFSZ)BOECBHT (JGUTGPS(BSEFO )PNF1MBOUT Bottles, Cakes & 1SFTFSWFT&OKPZ the refreshments POPĊFSJOUIF 1BMBDF$BGÏXIFSFZPV can relax, meet friends and FOKPZNPSOJOHDPĊFFTDSVNNZ TOBDLBOEUBTUZMVODIFTXJUIBHMBTT of wine. Once again there are some GBCVMPVTQSJ[FTUPXJOJOUIF(SBOE %SBX&OUSZUPUIF$&5$ISJTUNBT 'BJSJTbQFSQFSTPOȓ'SFFDBS parking is available in Church .FBEPXJOGSPOUPGUIF"CCFZ church. Tel:01590 612345 WHERE IS Santa? 5BLJOHUJNFPVUGSPNIJTWFSZ CVTZTDIFEVMF4BOUBXJMMCF making appearances at the following locations. Call for more information or check the websites: Exbury Gardens & Steam Railway Saturday 10 December and Sunday 11 December Tel: 02380 891203 Santa Specials at The Mid-Hants Railway Watercress Line, Alresford Saturday 3 December to Saturday 24 December Tel: 01962 733810 Hayling Island’s Funland, Hayling Island Saturday 19 November Tel: 02392 462820 Marwell Wildlife, Winchester Selected dates in November & December Tel: 01962 777407 Paultons Park, Romsey Selected dates in November & December Tel: 02380 814442 "OEGPSTPNFUIJOHBMJUUMFEJĊFSFOU 4VCNBSJOF'BUIFS$ISJTUNBT5PEBZJO UIFTFEBZTPGTBUFMMJUFOBWJHBUJPOBOE USBDLJOHTZTUFNT'BUIFS$ISJTUNBTMJLFT to remain secretive as he travels around UIFXPSMEEFMJWFSJOHQSFTFOUTȓ)FOPX VTFTBTVCNBSJOF.FFU4BOUBIJTFMWFT and his submariner helpers, take a ride on his Santa train, explore his submarine BOEIFMQUIFFMWFTUPHFUSFBEZGPSUIFCJH EBZ'SFFHJGUGPSFWFSZDIJMEȓȓ4BUVSEBZ 4VOEBZ%FDFNCFSBNQNȓ 5JDLFUT"EWBODFEb 'BNJMZNBYQFSTPOT b 0OUIFEPPSb'BNJMZ b6OEFShTBSF'3&& call 023 92510 354 ext 241 PSȓCPPLZPVSUJDLFUTȓPOMJOF 3PZBM/BWZ4VCNBSJOF.VTFVN )BTMBS+FUUZ3PBE(PTQPSU And don’t forget to track Santa’s progress on Christmas Eve at “NORAD Tracks Santa” is an annual Christmas-themed entertainment program, which has existed since 1955, produced under the auspices of the North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD). Every year on Christmas Eve, "NORAD Tracks Santa" purports to follow Santa Claus as he leaves the North Pole and delivers presents to children around the world. Give it a try – it is great fun! All dates and times were correct at the time of printing www.t heb u z z m a ga z i n e .c o .u k 73 B U Z Za n s w er s What ’s the Buzz! Puzzle Answers AUTUMN LEAVES (Page 9) 656". &7&/ 4&7&/ .&"/5 7"-6& TEAM MEAT MATE "6/5 .&/6 /".& .&"/ ".&/ 7"6-5 &7&/56"- 646""7&/6& /"64&6. VALET /"7"- "/& 56/&4 LAVA British Towns & Cities (Page 9) DOVER 8*("/ ASCOT &140. -"3/& &-(*/ #"/(03 REDCAR 4*%$61 %6/%&& *-'03% 4-06() "/53*. &%(8"3& 13&450/ CHEADLE "36/%&3&"%*/( Six Second Quiz (Page 27) Your age An anchor A shadow A pillow A map The wind Crossword (Page 9) Across: 1 Errand, 5 Deform, 8 Sumo, 9 4DBNQJ6UUFS Baht, 12 Hilt, 13 Sphere, 15 Able, 17 Roan, 19 -BSLJO6SHF-VSF 22 Llama, 24 Thrall, 25 Road, 26 Cereal, 27 /FFEMF Down: 2 Rhubarb, 3 About, 4 Dust, 5 Disraeli, 6 Feather, 7 Moisten, 14 1BSBMMFM"RVBUJD Elevate, 18 Airmail, 21 Large, 23 Amen Festive Crossword (Page 48) Across: 2 Carols, 5 Stocking, 9 Winter, 10 1SFTFOUT4MFJHI Mistletoe, 15 Wreath, 17 $IJNOFZ5VSLFZ 1PJOTFUUJB Down: 1 Rudolph, 2 Cracker, 3 Reindeers, 4 Eggnog, 6 Tinsel, 7 $FMFCSBUF'BJSZMJHIUT 3JCCPO.FSSZ Advent What am I? (Page 27) A coffin Will it or won’t it? What are the chances of a White Christmas this year? L oathe it or love it and following a run of colder Decembers there JTBMSFBEZRVJUFBMPUPGUBMLBCPVU the chances of a White Christmas. So for those who like a punt on snow on UIFCJHEBZMFUTTFFXIBUUIFPEETBSF The current forecast for temperatures PWFSBMMEVSJOH%FDFNCFSJTWFSZDMPTF to average. *O/PWFNCFSMBTUZFBSGPSFDBTUT XFSFBMSFBEZTIPXJOHTPNFWFSZDPME temperatures for December overall, BOEUIBUhTQSFDJTFMZIPXJUUVSOFEPVU oCVUUIJTUJNFSPVOEUIFSFhTOPUIJOH quite as significant being shown at this point. What does this mean for the DIBODFPGB8IJUF$ISJTUNBTUIPVHI 8FMMBUUIFCFHJOOJOHPG/PWFNCFSBT ʾF#V[[HPFTUPQSJOUJUhTPCWJPVTMZ USJDLZUPQJOBOZUIJOHEPXOCVUCBTFE on the overall forecast the chances at UIJTTUBHFBSFMPPLJOHMPXFSUIBOUIFZ were at this point in 2010. )PXFWFSUIFSFTBOBXGVMMPOHXBZ UPHPKVTUZFUUIPVHITPMPPLPVUGPS SFHVMBSVQEBUFTGSPNZPVSXFBUIFS DIBOOFMTBOEJGJUEPFTIBQQFOTUBZ XBSNBOETBGF 74 Terms & Conditions of Entering Buzz Competitions ʾFDMPTJOHEBUFXJMMBMXBZTCFMJTUFEBOENVTU CFBEIFSFEUP0OMZPOFFOUSZQFSQFSTPOJT QFSNJUUFE6OMFTTPUIFSXJTFTUBUFEUIFXJOOFS will be drawn out of a hat, at random. The &EJUPSTEFDJTJPOJTmOBMBOEOPDPSSFTQPOEFODF will be entered into. All winners will be notified CZQPTUPSFNBJM"MMFOUSJFTTIPVMECFDMFBSMZ NBSLFEXJUIZPVSOBNFBEESFTTBOEUFMFQIPOF OVNCFSʾF#V[[.BHB[JOFPSJUT1VCMJTIFS BDDFQUTOPSFTQPOTJCJMJUZGPSFOUSJFTXIJDIBSF MPTUEBNBHFEPSEFMBZFEJOUIFQPTUPSWJBFNBJM Entries can be sent to either: or The Buzz Magazine, 96 Brook Lane, Warsash, Southampton, Hampshire SO31 9FD *OFBDIJTTVFPGʾF#V[[XFQVCMJTIB8JOOFST Corner, listing the name and town/village of SFTJEFODF'PSFYBNQMF.ST+POFTPG&BTUMFJHI PS.BUU8SJHIUPG5JUDImFME*GZPVXPVMEQSFGFS UIBUZPVSOBNFOPUCFMJTUFEQMFBTFMFUVTLOPX XIFOBDDFQUJOHZPVSQSJ[F N ov ember / D ec em ber 2011 Chocolate Chimps Perfect Christmas Presents! Say it with chocolate ….. Deliciously tĞĚĚŝŶŐƐΎƌŝĚĂůWĂƌƚLJ'ŝŌƐΎEĞǁĂďLJŶŶŽƵŶĐĞŵĞŶƚƐ ŶŶŝǀĞƌƐĂƌŝĞƐΎŝƌƚŚĚĂLJƐΎŚƌŝƐƚĞŶŝŶŐΎ&ŝƌƐƚ,ŽůLJŽŵŵƵŶŝŽŶ 'ƌĂĚƵĂƟŽŶΘŵƵĐŚŵŽƌĞ—ĂůůĐƵƐƚŽŵĚĞƐŝŐŶĞĚĨŽƌLJŽƵ͘ What better way to say Thank You, I’m Sorry, I Love You…….. Phone for more info: 07548 540 255 ĐŚŽĐŽůĂƚĞĐŚŝŵƉƐΛďƟŶƚĞƌŶĞƚ͘ĐŽŵ Useful Numbers - help in a hurry In an emergency Dial 999 or 112 Ambulance, Fire & Rescue Service, 1PMJDF$PBTUHVBSE *OBOFNFSHFODZ%JBMPS Healthcare /)4%JSFDU 0845 46 47 Helplines Anti-Terrorist Hotline 0800 789 321 Carers Direct 0808 802 02 02 Childline 0800 11 11 /BUJPOBM(BT&NFSHFODZ 0800 111 999 (PTQPSU#PSPVHI$PVODJM 02392 584242 /$1$$)FMQMJOF 0808 800 5000 )BNQTIJSF$PVOUZ$PVODJM 0845 603 5638 1BSFOUMJOF1MVT 0808 800 22 22 /FX'PSFTU%JTUSJDU$PVODJM 02380 285000 Rape & Sexual Abuse Support 0808 802 9999 1PSUTNPVUI 02392 822251 341$"$SVFMUZ-JOF 0300 1234 999 4BMJTCVSZ$JUZ$PVODJM 01722 342860 3VOBXBZ)FMQMJOF 0808 800 70 70 Education Learndirect 0800 030 4690 ʾF(FOFSBM)PTQJUBM Southampton 02380 777222 Citizens Advice Bureau 02380 863978 3PZBM4PVUI)BOUT)PTQJUBM Southampton 02380 634288 Crimestoppers 0800 555 111 3PZBM)BNQTIJSF$PVOUZ)PTQJUBM Winchester 01962 863535 Cruse Bereavement Care 0844 477 9400 (PTQPSU8BS.FNPSJBM)PTQJUBM (PTQPSU Drinkline 0800 917 8282 1SJODFTT"OOF)PTQJUBM Southampton 02380 777222 Floodline 0845 988 1188 Queen Alexandra Hospital 1PSUTNPVUI *EFOUJUZ1BTTQPSU4FSWJDF 0300 222 0000 Councils 4PVUIBNQUPO$JUZ$PVODJM 02380 833000 4U.BSZT)PTQJUBM 1PSUTNPVUI .JTTJOH1FPQMF 0500 700 700 8JODIFTUFS$JUZ$PVODJM 01962 840222 4U3JDIBSET)PTQJUBM Chichester 01243 788122 /BUJPOBM%FCUMJOF 0808 808 4000 Eastleigh Borough Council 02380 688000 4BMJTCVSZ%JTUSJDU)PTQJUBM 4BMJTCVSZ /BUM%PNFTUJD7JPMFODF)FMQMJOF 0808 2000 247 Fareham Borough Council 01329 236100 www.theb u z z m a ga z i n e .co .u k Samaritans 08457 90 90 90 Senior Line 0808 800 65 65 Sure Start 0870 000 2288 Hampshire School Admissions 0845 603 5623 4PVUIBNQUPO$FOUSBM-JCSBSZ 02380 833007 1PSUTNPVUI$FOUSBM-JCSBSZ 02392 819311 75 ANDfinally Thank you for welcoming us into your home and joining us for the first edition of The Buzz Magazine. We look forward to seeing you again in the New Year. Meanwhile, may we wish you a joyous holiday season and a Christmas that is merry and bright! Best wishes from all the team at The Buzz Magazine. ʾFBSUJDMFTQVCMJTIFEIFSFCZVTBOEPQJOJPOT expressed, are done after careful research, however the editorial content of this magazine is not to be taken as strict advice or actual recommendation for readers without doing UIFJSPXOJOEFQFOEFOUSFTFBSDI/PQBSU PGUIJTQVCMJDBUJPONBZCFDPQJFEVTFEPS SFQSPEVDFEJOBOZGPSNXJUIPVUUIFXSJUUFO DPOTFOUPGUIFQVCMJTIFST/PSFTQPOTJCJMJUZJT BDDFQUFEGPSBOZDMBJNNBEFCZBEWFSUJTFST"MM content is accepted in good faith and on the understanding that JUEPFTOPUJOGSJOHFBOZDPQZSJHIUBOEʾF#V[[.BHB[JOFPSJUT QVCMJTIFSEPFTOPUBDDFQUBOZSFTQPOTJCJMJUZGPSMPTTPSEBNBHF PGBOZLJOESFTVMUJOHGSPNDMBJNTPGDPQZSJHIUJOGSJOHFNFOU All advertisers and contributors have accepted our Terms & Conditions. ª"MMSJHIUTSFTFSWFE#FSXJOE#VTJOFTT4PMVUJPOTDPQZSJHIU 76 Catch the New Year Buzz in our next issue … Off the pitch with Lawrie McMenemy Wonderful Wickham The Buzz enters the Dragon’s Den Are you a Mumpreneur? Meet some inspirational mums. Win a luxury weekend away – for you and your Valentine Plus Our regular features and celebrity chats What ’s the Buzz! ʾF#V[[.BHB[JOFQSPVEMZTVQQPSUT UIFDIBSJUZ40'56,XIJDIIFMQTUIPTF BĊFDUFECZUSJTPNZ1BUBVTBOE &EXBSETTZOESPNFBOESFMBUFEEJTPSEFST from the prenatal diagnosis, decisions for UIFVOCPSODIJMECJSUIPGBCBCZDBSJOH GPSBDIJMEUISPVHIBDIJMESFOTIPTQJDF BOECFSFBWFNFOUPGUIFJSCBCZPSDIJME and help in coping with the loss for UIFXIPMFGBNJMZ0VSMPDBMDIJMESFOT IPTQJDFJT/BPNJ)PVTFJO8JODIFTUFS A big Buzz thank you to the following contributors: Harrods Ferneham Hall, Fareham #PO7PZBHF5SBWFM5PVST Starbuck & Mack Solicitors %JTOFZ6, ,BUF(BSSBXBZ *BOi)w8BULJOT Stephen Matthews Yankee Candles ʾF+PMMZ'BSNFS$PVOUSZ*OO 8BUFSTUPOFT#PPL4UPSFT &BTUMFJHI-BLFTJEF3BJMXBZ N ov ember / D ec em ber 2011 Get the new, free BlackBerry Torch™ 9860. ® Plus more great smartphones or SIM Only deals from just £10.50 a month HTC Wildfire S NEW Sony Ericsson Xperia™ ray E Share and tag your photos easily on Facebook and other social networks E Grey – only on Vodafone Also available in purple and white E Stylish aluminium frame and only 9.4mm thick E Experience crystal clear video and pictures on crisp 3.3" Reality Display with Mobile BRAVIA® Engine E Share and tag with Facebook/Xperia integration NEW HTC Wildfire S NEW Sony Ericsson Xperia™ ray Now with 300 extra mins a month a month NEW Samsung GALAXY S II E Slim and light design – just 116 grams and 8.49mm thick E 1.2GHz dual core processor and 4.27" Super AMOLED Plus screen E Available in white and black NEW BlackBerry® Torch™ 9860 Samsung GALAXY S II 20.50 £20.50 £31.00 £36.00 £ NEW BlackBerry® Torch™ 9860 E Great for sharing music, pics and video E Fast browsing, gaming and viewing with 1.2GHz processor, new BlackBerry® Browser and OS 7 a month a month SIM Only – on a 12-month plan Prices on a 24-month contract SIM prices on a 12-month contract Mins to all UK mobiles & UK landlines (starting 01, 02, 03) 10.50 £ a month 13.00 £ a month 300 mins 100 mins 600 mins 600 900 mins 300 mins 300 mins Unltd texts 500 texts Unltd texts Unltd texts Standard UK texts 3000 texts 3000 texts 250MB 250MB 500MB 500MB UK mobile internet – 100MB – 750MB 500MB 1GB 1GB 2GB Call 08080 022 054 before 4pm for next day phone delivery Wi-Fi access with BT OpenZone within UK Search online for ‘Vodafone press’ or go in store today Lines are open 7 days a week, 8am-8pm, except bank holidays. 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