February 2015 - Beth Am Synagogue
February 2015 - Beth Am Synagogue
FEBRUARY 2015 SHEVAT / ADAR 5775 CONTENTS RABBI’S MESSAGE 1 CANTOR’S CORNER 3 PRESIDENT’S PERSPECTIVE 4 CONGREGATION LEARNING 5 UPCOMING EVENTS 6* PHOTOS 13 CALENDARS 15 COMMUNITY NEWS 18 CONTRIBUTIONS 20 FUND DESIGNATION 23 *throughout bulletin US ON facebook.com/ BethAmBaltimore RABBI’S MESSAGE L’Shana HaZot B’Yerushalayim! This Year in Jerusalem! Rabbi Daniel Cotzin Burg This month, I will travel with over a dozen Beth Am’ers to Jerusalem and Israel. We’ll explore ancient ruins, sip wine in the Golan Heights, learn about Israel’s hi-tech boom, assist vulnerable Israelis and climb Masada. We’ll visit with Palestinians in Ramallah and Jewish settlers in Eli. We’ll eat falafel, shawarma, shakshuka and other Israel delicacies. And then we’ll come home and tell the rest of you all about it! Those of us traveling to Israel this year are sure to have a remarkable experience, but there are plenty of other ways to remain connected to our National Jewish Homeland. If you are a family with school-age children, I hope you came to our Jan. 23-25 kickoff weekend with educator, Uri Feinberg. If not, there’s still time to join the cohort. We have a wonderful group of families going in 2018 and you are invited to come along! From March 1-3, I will join the largest group ever of Beth Am congregants in Washington at the largest ever AIPAC policy conference. There’s still time to register. Make sure to mention your synagogue affiliation so we can include you in our Beth Am group picture and synagogue initiative luncheon! Another way to support Israel is to participate in the Gesher program with our Ashkelon Sister congregation, Kehillat Netzach Israel. There are two dates remaining, this month and next. Finally, every five years or so elections are held for the World Zionist Congress. This will be the 37th since Theodore Herzl founded the World Zionist Organization in 1897. You can register and vote right now at https://www.myvoteourisrael.com I voted for the Mercaz slate (#2). Here’s their platform: Religious Pluralism in Israel - Did you know that Conservative rabbis cannot legally perform marriages or conversions in Israel? This is wrong and must be changed. continued on page 6 BETH AM BOARD OF TRUSTEES Rabbi Daniel Cotzin Burg Officers President 1st Vice President 2nd Vice President Treasurer Secretary Scott Zeger Julie Gottlieb Lynn Sassin Alan Kopolow Elaine Weiss Trustees through 2015 Alyson Bonavoglia Eliza Feller Cheri Levin David Lunken Trustees through 2016 Neil Kahn Cindy Paradies Desiree Robinson Jim Schwartz Trustees through 2017 David Demsky Risa Jampel Ashley Pressman Naomi Rosner Past Presidents and Life Members Past President Cy Smith Past President Jack Lapides Honorary Life Member Lainy LeBow-Sachs Honorary Life Member Efrem Potts Standing Committees Adult Ed Chair Adult Ed Co-Chair Finance Chair Finance Co-Chair House Chair Kiddush Chair Membership Chair Membership Co-Chair Religious Services Chair Social Action Chair Social Action Co-Chair Youth Education Chair Elaine Weiss Carla Rosenthal Alan Kopolow Joe Wolfson Sam Polakoff Meg Hyman Sharon Nathanson Robin Katcoff Joe Wolfson Arthur Shulman Jackie Donowitz David Lunken Ad Hoc Committees Annual Fund Honorary Chair Gil Sandler Annual Fund Chair Ricky Fine Annual Fund Vice Chair Jim Jacobs Balt. Jewish Council Rep. Ben Rosenberg Beth Am Connection Joanne Katz Risa Jampel BAYITT Chair Brian Ross Congregant to Congregant Joyce Keating Eutaw Place Ellen Kahan Zager Jack Zager In, For and Of Lisa Akchin Maggi Gaines Marketing Chair Ellen Spokes Operations Co-Chair Ashley Pressman Operations Co-Chair David Demsky Res. Hill Improvement Council Carol Shulman Office Hours Tuesday-Thursday: 9:00-4:00 Friday: 9:00-3:00 Rabbi Daniel Cotzin Burg 443.202.0912 (cell) (emergencies only, please) ravdaniel@bethambaltimore.org Office Contact Extentions: Tel: 410.523.2446 / Fax: 410.523.1729 Extensions: Rabbi Daniel Burg - 14 Rabbi Gludt - 15 Henry Feller, Exec. Dir. - 20 Linda Small, Senior Staff and Development Coordinator - 12 Ralph Shaver, Finance Manager -18 Norm Weinstein, Bookkeeper - 17 Marsha Blank, Educ. Admin - 16 Idella Crenshaw, Admin. Specialist and Assistant to the Rabbi - 21 Nakia Davis, Front Office Coordinator - 11 Valerie Tracy, Marketing Coordinator- 10 Sandy Winters, Ritual Coordinator: 410-598-6397 Cantor Ira Greenstein 443.759.7807 (home) cantor.ira@gmail.com Office E-mail: Email: nakia@bethambaltimore.org Web site: www.bethambaltimore.org In case of an emergency, please contact: Henry Feller, Executive Director 443.742.9654 (cell) 2 Rabbi Kelley Gludt, Director of Congregational Learning 520.248.9541 (cell) rabbikelley@bethambaltimore.org Henry Feller, Executive Director henry@bethambaltimore.org 443.742.9654 (cell) (emergencies only, please) Scott L. Zeger, Board President 410.868.7761 scott.zeger@gmail.com CANTOR’S CORNER Editing a Prayer Text…or Not Cantor Ira Greenstein In the Shabbat morning service, in the middle of the Amidah, we recite a paragraph that continues to give me pause. By now, you must all realize that I am comfortable with prayer, even when I do not personally believe in the content of some of the fixed text. But this one paragraph…and one word in particular…bugs me. The paragraph, which is only found here in the Shacharit service, transitions us from the familiar V’Sham’ru (that we should keep Shabbat, taken from Exodus chapter 31) to the paragraph R’tzei Vim’nuchateinu (that we hope God will be pleased with how we keep the Shabbat). The transition paragraph is V’lo N’tato and goes like this: You did not give [the Shabbat], Lord our God, to the nations of the lands, nor did You make it the inheritance, our Sovereign, of the idol worshippers. And in its contentment the uncircumcised [”areilim”] will not abide, for You have given it to Your people Israel in love, to the seed of Jacob whom you chose. The people who sanctify the seventh day, they will all be satisfied and delighted from Your goodness... As with other prayer texts that contrast Jews with the negative traits of non-Jews (the traditional text of the opening Morning Blessings, the Aleinu concluding prayer, etc.), I firstoff feel that we can understand ourselves without having to denigrate others. But more so here in this paragraph of the Amidah, the use of the terms “uncircumcised” (more literally the affirmative “those with a foreskin”) and “idol worshippers” is, in my opinion, unnecessary. Specifically, the term “uncircumcised” bothered some editors of Shabbat prayer books, since in many versions the term used is “r’sha’im,” which means “evil people.” Bad enough the initial implication, then equating evil with being uncircumcised bothers me more. I presume that would bother you, too. We would not be alone. Elbogen’s extraordinary text about the history of Jewish liturgy (a book well respected by Beth Am’s late Cantor Emeritus, Harry London) notes that: The text has undergone various alterations to avoid misinterpretation; one geniza fragment reads, “The gentiles do not sit in its shade, nor do the uncircumcised enjoy its rest,” which produces good parallelism. The whole piece is probably based on a midrash. Another trusted source, compiled by Idelsohn, echoes Elbogen and notes that the Italian tradition uses the term “arlei lev” instead, which means something like “the foreskins of the heart” or a “heart that is not circumcised” - all of which might loosely be interpreted as “a non-Jewishly-inclined heart.” I have a more recent prayer book that simply translates the term as “gentiles,” with much commentary about how some prayer books have removed the phrase, including the part about idol worshippers. The Conservative Siddur Sim Shalom prayer book opted to leave the traditional “areilim” but without a literal translation. continued on page 6 3 PRESIDENT’S PERSPECTIVE On Matching Scott Zeger “Matching” has multiple meanings. In my field of statistics, matching is a means of reducing bias in studies to determine the effects of interventions. For example, in medical research, we create “matched pairs” of patients who are as similar as possible and then randomly assign one person in each pair to a novel treatment and the other to the current standard of care. The matching makes it more likely that the differences observed in their outcomes are due to the novel treatment rather than other factors for which the pairing make them similar. In graph theory, a matching consists of all pairs of edges that do not share a common vertex. Say no more! In finance, matching links a seller to a buyer so that the chance of settlement is maximized. Matching is a village in Essex County, England. And, matching is a kind of gift in which the donor wants to persuade others to share in the joy of philanthropy. Beth Am has been blessed with two anonymous matching gifts. The first is up to $500,000. For each of 5 new gifts of $100,000 to the Campaign for Beth Am, the donor will give another $100,000 as a match. In this way, each gift is doubled producing a total over the five gifts of $1,000,000 rather than half that amount. The donor explained that Beth Am has many members for whom such a large gift is possible. S/he hopes to encourage members to be generous to Beth Am as they are to other charitable organizations they 4 support. This donor has chosen to put Beth Am first and seeks to encourage others to do the same. The second anonymous gift can reach $250,000. It is designed to encourage participation by every Beth Am member. The donor will give $125,000 when 250 of the 492 Beth Am membership units (families) contribute to the Campaign. S/he will give a second $125,000 when participation reaches 375 families. So, when you are asked to contribute, give whatever you can – stretch as far as you can – but be counted among the participants. That act will make a huge difference to the success of the Campaign and to the future of the congregation. Thanks to the 90 families who have responded positively to our requests for donations as part of Phase I of the Campaign. We launched Phase II at the Celebration of our 40th Anniversary on Shabbat Hanukkah 5775. Now all Beth Am members have the opportunity to participate. We are especially grateful to those who have made our matching gifts possible. You have led by example. You have raised incentives for us to secure the future of Baltimore City’s only Conservative Shul to ensure we have high quality clergy and that our beautiful, historic Sperry-designed building is updated in order to support the congregation for the coming generations. You have incented each of us to perform the mitzvah of tzedakah - to fulfill the Torah’s commandment to seek justice. CONGREGATIONAL LEARNING Rabbi Kelley Gludt Last month the Jewish Discovery Lab of Beth Am launched a unit on American Jewish history with an “Immigrant Trunk” performance. Provided by the Jewish Museum of Baltimore, the performance featured the talented actress/storyteller, Katherine Lyons, as Ida Rehr. Ida came to the United States in 1913 at the age of 17 from the Ukraine through the port of Baltimore. Her real-life account of her leaving her family, journeying across the ocean, and struggling to adjust to life in America was both moving and compelling. Ida held our children’s rapt attention and inspired them to dive right into a unit on Jewish immigration to America. As part of the unit, students have been “following” a cadre of composite characters, each a different age and gender, coming from a myriad of places and times, to a variety of entry points in the United Sates. As part of the process, the students have imagined what it is like to leave everything they know behind, spent time “packing” for the journey, and learned about the financial and physical difficulties of moving to this country. After reliving harrowing voyages to America, they had to establish a life here, including learning a new language, employment, schooling, etc. The unit will culminate in an Immigrants’ Banquet, when everyone will not only share the stories of their fictional immigrant, but will also have the opportunity to present their own families’ story of coming to America and how it has affected who they are as Jews today. And that’s not all! There is so much exciting learning going on at Lab that there is barely time to squeeze it all in. The children have been working on a “tzedakah garden” each week, planning and preparing to plant this spring. The goal is to raise fresh and healthy food to be donated to a neighborhood food bank. And the social justice work does not stop there. Our sixth graders have been meeting monthly with students from Reservoir Hill’s St. Francis Neighborhood Center. Together they have been planning a community-wide event while sharing dinner and having fun, getting to know one another. Details to follow! As if all that weren’t enough, there are also Hebrew and tefillah (prayer) skills being worked on every week. Lab students are committed to mastering Ashrei this year! Our sixth graders have been devoting time each week to a B’nai Mitzvah Boot Camp, learning the important synagogue and life skills necessary to be a Jewish adult. They also spend time working on leadership abilities, which they have the chance to put into practice as each sixth grader heads up a “tribe.” Gil Klien continues to teach music to our children, and we make certain to throw in a fair amount of Hebrew gaga too. Special events and programs, like Coffee and Schmooze for parents with Rabbi Burg, Post-Lab dinners, and holiday celebrations are also underway. Lab is a vibrant and active learning community and on behalf of the entire faculty, I’d like to thank Beth Am for sharing your children with us! 5 Rabbi Burg cont’d Affirmative Action for the Masorti (Conservative) Movement - Why should the Israeli government give millions of dollars to Orthodox and Ultra-Orthodox synagogues, while institutions and the 50 congregations of the Masorti Movement have to fend for themselves? Ecology - We believe that we are responsible for safeguarding the fragile ecosystem that exists in the land of Israel. I am so proud that in addition to traveling to Israel, so many Beth Am’ers remain involved in Israel advocacy. Many of you support Israel through Hadassah, JNF, JStreet (whose national conference is also in March!), Israel Bonds, NIF, BZD, BJC, Yad b’Yad, the Baltimore-Ashkelon Partnership, Hazon, the Arava Institute (talk with Cy Smith and Adina Amith about their upcoming event regarding the Hazon/Arava Israel bike ride), and a number of other worthy organizations. While our feet may remain firmly planted in Baltimore, may our hearts ever be inclined toward Jerusalem! Cantor cont’d The obvious question is: Why bother to include the paragraph? The equally obvious response is: tradition. It was easier for less traditional editors to simply excise the paragraph. Over time, as with other references to negative traits of non-Jews, some more traditional movements may find a textual solution that emphasizes the positive traits of Jews. I, for one, remain patient and I can accept that this is another fixed text with which I disagree, because it confronts me and triggers thoughts about my relationship with my faith. Online Donations Now Available! You can now make online credit card payments to acknowledge life cycle events and special occasions. bethambaltimore.org/donate/ SANCTUARY SERVICES Our next Sanctuary Services will be February 7 and March 7 Join the “Kiddush Krew” and help make our kiddush buffet extra enticing and delicious! Once a month, in preparation for our Sanctuary Shabbatot, we ask you to put your culinary skills to work by sharing with the congregation a recipe that no one will be able to resist. Your delectable donation will help Beth Am live up to its motto “Feels like Home.” Go to Sign Up Genius to sign up: goo.gl/KozzA0 or contact Meg Hyman: meghyman@aol.com 6 SCHEDULE SHABBAT YOUTH SERVICES February Calendar Shabbat Yachad Sunday, February 1: Lab Wednesday, February 4: Lab Saturday, February 7: Shabbat Lab Sunday, February 8: NO LAB Wednesday, February 11: Lab Sunday, February 15: NO LAB Wednesday, February 18: Lab Sunday, February 22: Lab Wednesday, February 25: Lab Sat, February 28: Jr. Congregation March Calendar Saturdays at 11:15 am Combines familiar children’s Shabbat songs with age appropriate sensory experiences. Every Saturday, except the first Saturday of the month, for newborns to kindergarteners in the Chapel, begins before Haftarah reading (unless there’s a Bar or Bat Mitzvah, in which case it begins after candy throwing). Sunday, March 1: Lab Wednesday, March 4: Lab, Purim Saturday, March 7: Shabbat Lab and Havdallah Sleepover Sunday, March 8: Purim Carnival Wednesday, March 11: Lab Saturday, March 14: Jr. Congregation Sunday, March 15: Lab Wednesday, March 18: Lab Sunday, March 22: Lab Wednesday, March 25: Lab Sunday, March 29: Lab Shabbat Lab Saturday, February 7 at 10:45 am A mix of traditional and innovative davening. First Saturday of every month for children in kindergarten through fifth grade in the Chapel. Jr. Congregation Saturday, February 28 at 10:15 am Calling all third, fourth, fifth and sixth graders! Join Rabbi Burg for a participatory Shabbat Service which blends traditional davening with upbeat music and engaging learning. CHILDCARE NOW AVAILABLE! Every Shabbat, for children 18 months to 5 years old. Begins at 10 am, with a snack at 11 am, followed by Shabbat Yachad at 11:15 am (when scheduled). Generously sponsored by the Alexander Grass Foundation. 7 GESHER SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 22 AT 7 PM Beth Am Synagoue TOPIC: Language Diversity in Society: Resource or Threat? PRESENTER: Sarah J. Shin, Ph.D. University of Maryland, Baltimore County and others SUMMARY: Sarah J. Shin, Ph.D., will discuss national languages and the politics and ideologies behind language policies in Israel and the United States. She will consider some of the major issues surrounding the education of linguistic minority populations and show what each society stands to gain from promoting multilingual competence in its citizenry. Her presentation will be followed by a an informal discussion among several guests who have experienced these complex issues in their own lives. PRESENTER BIO: Sarah J. Shin, Ph.D., is a professor of education and co-director of the M.A. TESOL Program at the University of Maryland Baltimore County. She specializes in bilingualism, heritage language education, and TESOL teacher training. She is the author of Bilingualism in Schools and Society: Language, Identity, and Policy (Routledge, 2013) and Developing in Two Languages: Korean Children in America (Multilingual Matters, 2005). GESHER Gesher is a joint program sponsored with our sister congregation, Kehillat Netzach Israel in Ashkelon. We hold monthly sessions on a variety of social justice topics. The goal of the class is to deepen our understanding of the parallel challenges that face both of our countries while finding ways for real, in-depth relationship building with the people of Ashkelon. Contact Rabbi Kelley Gludt to sign up or for more information: rabbikelley@bethambaltimore.org 8 PLACE MUSIC 2014-15 EUTAW $25 {at Beth Am} EUTAWPLACE.ORG TIX & INFO FEB. 14/ 8 PM {DOORS 7:15} TONY LUCCA VALENTINE’S DAY {FREE} WINE TASTING beer. wine. Tony Lucca is a star. He finished third on NBC’s hit show The Voice in 2012, coffee. won a record deal in the process, and received more press coverage than any contestant has ever received. He made a record with Adam Levine, tea. with Maroon 5 and Kelly Clarkson. He was cast on the hit show homemade toured Parenthood playing himself as a rock singer, and performed an original cookies. song. He starred in an Aaron Spelling prime-time drama and dated Keri Russell for years, winding up in countless gossip mags. Tony was born on snacks. outskirts of Detroit and by the age of 15 he parlayed his childhood rock2501 EUTAW PL. the n-roll fantasy into a legitimate career, getting cast among an extraordinary RESERVOIR HILL group of newcomers on The All New Mickey Mouse Club, along with Justin BALTIMORE. Timberlake, Ryan Gosling and Britney Spears. He’s toured with Maroon Kelly Clarkson, *NSYNC and Marc Anthony, as well as Josh Kelley, Sara 410-484-9110 5,Bareilles, Joey Ryan (Milk Carton Kids), Gabe Dixon and Andrew Belle. info at Lucca won the LA Music Award for best male singer/songwriter in 2001 and eutawplace.org appeared numerous times on Last Call with Carson Daly, as well as The Wayne Brady Show and The Tonight Show with Jay Leno. Also in 2013, Lucca was the sole entertainment for FOX’s NFL Thanksgiving Day telecast for the Detroit Lions vs. Green Bay Packers game. He has just produced {all ages welcome} Tony Lucca, his eighth studio album inspired by his personal heroes he heard on the radio growing up, from Tom Petty, Billy Squier to AC/DC’s Angus Young. {ALL AGES WELCOME} BEER. WINE. COFFEE. TEA. HOMEMADE COOKIES.SNACKS. 2501 EUTAW PL. RESERVOIR HILL | 410-484-9110 | INFO AT EUTAWPLACE.ORG 9 SOCIAL ACTION Committee Meeting Thursday, March 12 at 7:30 pm Location: Jackie Donowitz’s home Thursday, March 12 at 7:30 pm Wednesday, May 20 at 7:30 pm ALL ARE WELCOME! Bring your ENERGY and your PASSION and your THOUGHTS! We address issues relating to poverty, homelessness, domestic violence, environmental sustainability, literacy and more in the Reservoir Hill community and beyond at the home of Jackie Donowitz, jemdonowitz@ hotmail.com. Contact Arthur Shulman if you need a ride to the meeting arthur.shulman@gmail.com. PLACE MUSIC 2014-15 EUTAW {at beth am} CALL FOR VOLUNTEERS! OCT 11 / NOV 1 / DEC 6 / JAN 10 / FEB 14 / MAR 14 / APR 18 / MAY 9 Love great music? Love Beth Am? We need you! Eutaw Place is looking for volunteers for Season 3. Help with setup, breakdown, box office and/or refreshment sales and receive free admission to the show and dinner with the artists. For full job descriptions and more info, contact Ellen Kahan Zager at producer@eutawplace.org. EUTAWPLACE.ORG RSVP Keep in mind: Your timely RSVP’s are helpful and often essential to help us plan for food and space. 10 PURIM SPIEL CASTING CALL HEAR YE! HEAR YE! Calling all Beth Am actors, singers, and would-be actors-or-singers, for the 2015 Purim Spiel. We have an amazing script with lots of roles and all we need are folks to fill them. That means you! We need actors of every age, size, shape, and gender. The Purim Spiel will be presented after the Megillah reading on Wednesday night, March 4. Rehearsals will take place on Tuesday evenings and a couple of Sundays. You don't need to be there for every rehearsal. To sign up, you need to contact Idella@bethambaltimore.org or 410-523-2446. PURIM SCHEDULE Megillah Reading Wednesday, March 4 • 6:00pm - BYO dairy/fish dinner • 6:45pm - Maariv (Sanctuary) • 7:00pm - Megillah reading Children’s Costume Parade will take place in the Social Hall between the first and second chapters of the Megillah reading. Purim Spiel to follow Purim Carnival Sunday, March 8 • 8:30 am - Minyan including traditional Megillah Reading. • 10 am - Family Megillah Reading • 10:30 am - 12 pm - Purim Carnival! 11 KLEI KODESH MUSICAL KABBALAT SHABBAT Friday, March 27 6 pm - Services Please join Rabbi Daniel Burg, Cantor Ira Greenstein and guest musicians for a Musical Kabbalat Shabbat. Open to the community! 7 pm - Mediterranean dinner to follow services Adults - $16 | Children 6-12 yrs. - $10 Household maximum - $56 Children 6 and under are free! Please contact Nakia for space availability: 410.523.2446 or nakia@bethambaltimore.org SHUKAN STORE Open Sundays Come browse our new merchandise on Sundays during Lab School hours. We have new inventory of jewelry and Tzedakah boxes. We look forward to seeing you! If you cannot make it on Sundays, purchases can be made by contacting: Marcia Amith – 410-433-5582 Bonnie Guralnick – 410-653-2380 or Renee’ Feller – 410-602-2124. SPRING CLOTHING DRIVE February 3 - March 18 Women's and men's professional clothing can be dropped off at Beth Am. Please donate business attire and accessories that have already been cleaned, are on hangers and ready to wear. Women's clothing will be donated to Suited to Succeed and men's clothing will be donated to Our Daily Bread. 12 PHOTOS right: Rabbi Burg shakes President Obama’s hand outside Charmington’s coffee house. Pres. Obama was in Baltimore promoting family sick leave proposals. The president ate lunch with Sen. Barbara Mikulski at Charmington’s Cafe. left: Kim Dubansky from Baltimore (daughter of Cindy & Robert Dubansky) with Marcelo Burdman, Past President and current Vice President of Kehillat Netzach Israel, visiting her twinned synagogue with her Lacrosse Birthright Group. right: Elad Dabby from Kehillat Netzach Israel Ashkelon on left. Anneliese Feldman from Beth Am (daughter of Ellen & Howard Feldman) in middle and Eli Madnick on right from Kehillat Netzach Israel Ashkelon. All participating in the Diller Program together. Anneliesse came to KNI with all other Diller participants from Ashkelon to learn about the Kehillah.They participated in a Kabbalat Shabbat with the Preschool children. . 13 2/17: 3/17: 4/21: 5/19: Rabbi Kelley Gludt Rabbi Daniel Burg Rabbi Kelley Gludt Rabbi Daniel Burg and Rabbi Kelley FEBRUARY Karin Batterton’s Office Coldwell Banker Brokerage Village of Cross Keys 38 Village Square Baltimore, MD 21210 Please join Beth Am congregants and friends for Lunch and Learn with Rabbi Daniel Burg and Rabbi Kelley Gludt. All are welcome. Please bring a fish/dairy lunch. Tuesdays, Noon - 1 pm Fall schedule below: Discuss modern Jewish issues through Conservative teshuvot (legal rulings) &LUNCH learn 2015 SHEVAT If you are interested in sharing what Judaism meant to you, please contact Michael Sanow - msanow@ccbcmd.edu May 16 - Joe Nathanson and Stu Schoenfeld February 21 - Jack Lapides and Carla Rosenthal January 31 - For the first session, various congregants will share a five minute story about an event, experience, relation or friend that was/is meaningful as you travel on your own Jewish Journey. We will share these in small groups and then discuss them in the group as a whole. Held after Kiddush lunch several times during the year, congregants share their personal interpretation of what Judaism means to them and how they integrate Judaism into their daily lives. PEOPLE’S TALMUD 5775 14 9 16 Presidents’ Day 23 8 9 am - Morning Minyan 9:30 am - No Lab 15 9 am - Morning Minyan 9:30 am - No Lab 22 Israel Trip returns 9 am - Morning Minyan 9:30 am - Lab 7 pm - Gesher 2 Monday 1 9 am - Morning Minyan 9:30 am - Lab Sunday 24 17 12 pm - Lunch and Learn 10 3 Spring Clothing Drive Begins Tuesday 25 4:15 pm - Lab 18 4:15 pm - Lab 4:15 pm - Lab / post Lab dinner 11 Israel Trip Begins 4 Tu B’Shevat 4:15 pm - Lab Wednesday 26 19 Rosh Chodesh 12 5 Thursday 27 5:39 pm - Candle lighting 20 Rosh Chodesh 5:31 pm - Candle lighting 13 5:23 pm - Candle lighting BAYITT - off premises 6 5:15 pm - Candle lighting Friday 28 8:45 am - Torah Study 9:30 am - Kesher Services 10:15 am - Jr. Congregation 11:15 am - Shabbat Yachad 21 8:45 am - Torah Study 9:30 am - Kesher Services 11:15 am - Shabbat Yachad 12:30 pm - People’s Talmud 14 8:45 am - Torah Study 9:30 am - Kesher Services 11:15 am - Shabbat Yachad 8 pm - Eutaw Place 7 8:45 am - Learning Minyan (with Sandy Winters) 9:30 am - Sanctuary Services 10:45 am - Shabbat Lab Saturday MINYAN MARCH On Shabbat, February 7, Sandy Winters will lead the Learning Minyan at 8:45 am in place of Torah Study. This is an excellent opportunity to learn about the four different versions of Aleynu and come to understand why it has been a controversial piece of the liturgy. Learning Minyan is a blending of liturgical content and skill building. The first Saturday of each month, Learning Minyan will focus on a different section of the Shabbat morning service. No preparation required; just show up! LEARNING MINYAN Beth Am needs you for Minyan! Ten adult Jews are needed for a Minyan - without it, people can’t say kaddish. Sign up at www.tiny.cc/pqtubx to pick your week to participate or speak to one of our Minyan Reading Coordinators: Zack Berger, Richard Bloom, David Schwartz, Annie Kaufman, Rachel Weitzner and Robin Katcoff. is every Sunday at 9 am. MORNING MINYAN 16 2015 What is the canon of Jewish literature and what distinguishes and unites these sacred texts? Who are the thought leaders in our history who have shaped and disseminated these ideas? *May 13 (make-up date if needed) SPRING DATES: Wednesdays at Beth Am 7-8:30 pm March 11, 18, 25 April 15, 22, 29 May 6 PLEASE NOTE THE DATE/TIME CHANGES. We take an integrated and conversant approach to these central Jewish ideas. Rabbi Burg will reprise the Fall’s course on seven new dates. All are welcome! ADAR What ideas has our tradition offered the world? What does it mean to think Jewishly? IDEAS BIG JEWISH JEWISH IDEAS IN HISTORY, THOUGHT AND TEXT 5775 9 8 - Daylight Savings Begins 16 23 30 15 9 am - Morning Minyan 9:30 am - Lab BAYITT - Social Justice Seder 22 9 am - Morning Minyan 9:30 am - Lab 29 9 am - Morning Minyan 9:30 am - Lab Kadima / USY - Chocolate Seder 8:30 am - Minyan including traditional Megillah Reading. 10 am - Family Megillah Reading 10:30 am - Purim Carnival! 6 pm - New Member Dinner (off premises) 2 1 9 am - Morning Minyan 9:30 am - Lab Sunday Monday 31 24 17 12 pm - Lunch and Learn 10 3 Tuesday 25 4:15 pm - Lab 7 pm - BIG Jewish Ideas 18 Spring Clothing Drive Ends 4:15 pm - Lab 7 pm - BIG Jewish Ideas 11 4:15 pm - Lab 7 pm - BIG Jewish Ideas 4 - Erev Purim 4:15 pm - Lab 6:00 pm - BYO dairy/fish dinner 6:45 pm - Maariv 7:00 pm - Megillah reading Children’s Costume Parade Purim Spiel Wednesday 26 19 Rosh Chodesh 12 7:30 pm - Social Action Committee Meeting (off premises) 5 - Purim Thursday 27 6 pm - Klei Kodesh 7:07 pm - Candle lighting 20 Rosh Chodesh 7 pm - Candle lighting 13 6:30 pm BAYITT Second Fridays 6:53 pm - Candle lighting 6 5:46 pm - Candle lighting Friday 28 8:45 am - Torah Study 9:30 am - Kesher Services 11:15 am - Shabbat Yachad 21 8:45 am - Torah Study 9:30 am - Kesher Services 11:15 am - Shabbat Yachad 12:30 pm - People’s Talmud 14 8:45 am - Torah Study 9:30 am - Kesher Services 10:15 am - Jr. Congregation 11:15 am - Shabbat Yachad 8 pm - Eutaw Place 7 8:45 am - Learning Minyan 9:30 am - Sanctuary Services 10:45 am - Shabbat Lab Havdallah Sleepover Saturday PRAYERS FOR HEALING COMMUNITY NEWS Judy Miller Scott Silverstine, cousin of Gail Wohlmuth (Lou) Rochelle Engamil, friend of Gail and Lou Wohlmuth Mike Hess, cousin of Lou Wohlmuth (Gail) Nancy Schechman, friend of Gail and Lou Wohlmuth Eliana Joy Matz, grandaughter of Judy Richter Svetlana Piller, friend of Jamie Puffer Audrey Stearns, mother of Maxwell Stearns (Vered) Ray Katz, mother of Joanne Katz (Scott Zeger) Burton Gold, father of Joanne Gold (Andrew Stern) Elizabeth Stern, mother of Andrew Stern (Joanne Gold) Jonathan Shorr, father of Elisa Frost (Jason) Alexa Moinkoff, grandaughter of Sharon Zamkoff Joel Balsham, friend of Lissa Rotundo Deb Cohen, friend of Stephanie Fleishman Burt D’Lugoff Laurie Glassner Merle Sachs (Murray) Lottie Greene, mother of Meg Hyman Lenore Berman, mother of Janis Silverman (Jay) Alan Pressman (Ashley) Judy Langenthal (Hersch) Mike Steedman, brother of Linda Small Harry Adler, friend of Roberta and Cantor Ira Greenstein Ofra Shipman, cousin of Roberta Greenstein (Cantor Ira Greenstein) Donald Allen, father of Lisa Minick (Chris) Norma Gaines, grandmother of Emily Gaines Demsky (David) Steven Kraft, brother of Jim Kraft (Kristi Aho) Jerald Lipsch, brother of Harriet Goldman (Herb) Cyndi Lee Haaz, mother of Stephany Moonaz (Robert) Robin Leidner & Sue Martin, friends of Amy Davidoff & Steve Gore Hilda Coyne Vickie Dorf Fran Kanterman RECENT DEATHS • Debbie Katcoff, mother of Jason Katcoff (Robin) • Dorothy Zenilman, mother of Jonathan Zenilman (Carol) • Dorothy Kaffeman • Louis M. Balk brother of Ida Gulin (Edward) and uncle of Joan Schoenfeld (Stuart) • Rabbi Daniel Kaplan, brother of Debbie Potts (Efrem) and uncle of Lee Borris (Mark) • Betty Akchin, mother of Don Akchin (Lisa) and grandmother of Jonathan Akchin (Lisa Kramer) • Harold Sternberg, uncle of Sharon Zamkoff 18 70+ BIRTHDAYS Happy Birthday! Merle Sachs 2-Feb Peter Fitz 2-Feb Ed Gulin3-Feb Gil Sandler 3-Feb Dick Himelfarb 3-Feb Helen Weiss 3-Feb Michael Noonberg 5-Feb Monica Sagner 6-Feb Mignon Rosenthal 7-Feb Eve Berkow 8-Feb Ann Sarrin 14-Feb Stuart Burman 16-Feb Debbie Potts 20-Feb Martha Burman 21-Feb Shale Stiller 23-Feb Merle Fishman 24-Feb William Rothstein 26-Feb Elaine Weinstein 26-Feb Andy Conn 28-Feb MAZEL TOV Congratulations! • Charles Rammelkamp on his interview on Maryland Morning, WYPR 88.1, January 23. His interview featured poems from his new poetry book, Mixed Signals. • Michelle & Ralph Shaver on the birth of their first grandchild, Freya Noel. Parents are Kyla & Uriah Shaver. A SPECIAL THANK YOU to Sarajane Greenfeld and Betty Seidel for their support proofreading for Beth Am! below: David Scher shared this great photo of many Beth Am’s congregants and friends volunteering at My Sister’s Place, a day resource center run by Associated Catholic Charities. Congregants below include Jackie Donowitz, Judith Schagrin, Kate Scher, Joanne Orlinsky and Barbara Blumberg 19 DECEMBER CONTRIBUTIONS ou! y Thank Building Preservation & Ritual Enhancement Fund General Fund • Joanne Katz & Scott Zeger - wishing Gail Liss a speedy recovery • Mira & Daniel Appleby - in honor of • Ana Pavich & Adam Geroff - in Beth Am’s 40th Anniversary memory of Milton Frank, uncle of • Judy Hozore - in memory of Ethel Sharon Nathanson; Schupper, her mother, on her yahrzeit in memory of Charles Nathanson, • Roz & Nelson Hyman - in memory of brother of Joe Nathanson Charles Nathanson, brother of Joe Nathanson; in memory of Martin Doctrow, brother I. William Schimmel Student of Jerry Doctrow Scholarship Fund • Joanne Katz & Scott Zeger - in honor • Fred Katz - in memory of Theo Katz, of Lauren Osborne & Rob Lieberman, his brother, on his yahrzeit; on the Bar Mitzvah of their son Aaron in memory of Shenny and Max Lieberman; Katz his mother and father on their wishing Phyllis Burg, mother of Rabbi yahrzeits Daniel Burg, a speedy recovery • Carol & David Shulman - in memory • Lois & Arthur Perschetz - in memory of Edith Cohen, her mother, on her of Rose Perschetz, his mother, on her yahrzeit yahrzeit • Gil Sandler - in honor of Olivia Loeb, Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund daughter of Pamela & Eric Loeb, on her Bat Mitzvah • Karin Batterton - in memory of • Elaine & Norm Weinstein - in honor of Charles Nathanson, brother of Joe Michelle & Ralph Shaver, on the birth Nathanson; of their first grandchild, Freya Noel in memory of Martin Doctrow, brother Shaver of Jerry Doctrow; in honor of Jennifer Batterton & Daniel Leers, on the birth of their son Cantor’s Discretionary Fund Samuel Leers • Ricky & Eric Fine - in memory of David • Shirley Braverman - wishing Rabbi Miriam Burg a speedy recovery Fine, his father, on his yahrzeit • Kaye & Glenn Bushel - in honor of • Naomi Goldstick & Gary Rosner - in Caroline Bushel and David Sheiman memory of Norman Rosner, his father, on their marriage on his yahrzeit • Bailey & Stanley Fine - in honor of Dave Weinberg on his birthday • Linda Gross - in memory of Jerome Educator’s Discretionary Fund Abraham Gross, her husband, on his • Betty & Daniel Chemers - in memory yahrzeit of Hildreth Miller, her mother, on her • Ida & Ed Gulin - in memory of Lillian yahrzeit Balk, her mother on her yahrzeit 20 Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund cont’d • Ellen Heller - in appreciation of Rabbi Burg, for his leadership and all he does for the congregation and community • Dovey & Billy Kahn - in honor of Sandy & Bob Hillman, on the Bat Mitzvah of their granddaughter Olivia Loeb • Janis & Jay Silverman - in memory of his father, Morris Silverman, on his yahrzeit • Jill & Al Sommer - in honor of Alan Goldberg on his birthday Social Action Fund • Lisa & Don Akchin - in memory of Charles Nathanson, brother of Joe Nathanson; in memory of Martin Doctrow, brother of Jerry Doctrow • Jackie & Mark Donowitz - in memory of her parents, Ruth Einstein Marx and Walter Marx, on their yahrzeits • Doris Gottlieb - in honor of Julie & Stephen Gottlieb and their children; in memory of Maurice Weingold, father of Carol Zenilman • Joyce Keating - in memory of Charles Nathanson, brother of Joe Nathanson; in memory of Nancy Carp, wife of Marc Carp • Jo-Ann Orlinsky - in memory of her father, Henry Mayer, and her sister, Shari Mayer, on their yahrzeits • Miriam Tillman - in honor of Lisa & Jonathan Akchin, on the birth of their daughter Anne Marcella Akchin; in honor of Lisa & Don Akchin on the birth of their granddaughter Youth & Teen Education Support Fund • Ellen & Jeff Spokes - in memory of her grandfather, Harry Kotzen, and her brother, Daniel Kotzen, on their yahrzeits KIDDUSH LUNCHEON AND BIMAH FLOWERS Sponsorships and Donations January 3 The Kiddush luncheon was sponsored by Elaine Freeman on the first yahrzeit of her husband, John Freeman. January 21 The Kiddush luncheon was sponsored by Stanley Fine’s family in honor of his 71st birthday and the anniversary of his Bar Mitzvah. CLOSING PROCEDURES FOR INCLEMENT WEATHER The Baltimore Area Principals’ Council determines Sunday school closures or early dismissal. Wednesday afternoon classes will be canceled in the event that either Baltimore City or Baltimore County Schools are closed or dismissed early. If the school closes, an e-mail will be sent to Jewish Discovery Lab parents, and a message will be posted at our website at bethambaltimore.org 21 From every person whose heart is willing take my offering...and make Me a holy space that I may dwell among them. - Exodus 25 Our heartfelt gratitude to all who so generously pledged to this year’s Annual Fund Campaign. Thank you to our solicitors, who have worked so hard, and to our members who will pledge in the coming weeks. Every gift to the Annual Fund moves us closer to the goal of 100% participation. Contact Ricky Fine, Annual Fund Chair, at 410-358-2380 or rsfine24@gmail.com with any questions you may have. 22 Online donations available at our website bethambaltimore.org/donate/ Accessibility Fund - Used to make the facility accessible to those with impaired physical abilities Adult Education Fund - Supports educational programs for all adults BAYITT Fund - Beth Am’s Young Adult Initiative for 20’s and 30’s Building Preservation and Ritual Enhancement Fund - Supports the preservation and renovation of the building and the ritual items Cantor’s Discretionary Fund - Allows the Cantor to support special programs and individuals in need Educator’s Discretionary Fund Allows the Educator to support special programs and individuals in need Etta & Louis L. Kaplan Education Fund Supports the purchase of furniture, equipment and capital improvements for the Jewish Discovery Lab Floral Fund - Beautifies the Bimah FUND DESIGNATION Garden Fund - Beautifies grounds General Fund - Applied to the operating budget of the congregation I. William Schimmel Student Scholarship Fund - Assists students in their educational pursuits Kiddush Fund - Used for luncheons following Sabbath and holiday services Prayer Book Fund - Supports the purchase of prayer books and dedication prayer books Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund - Allows the Rabbi to support special programs and individuals in need Social Action Fund - Supports social action activities in the Reservoir Hill area and the general community Tiny Tots Shabbat Fund - Supports Shabbat programs for our preschoolers Youth & Teen Education Support Fund Supports educational programs for all of Beth Am’s youth ACKNOWLEDGE THE OCCASION THROUGH BETH AM We encourage all congregants to send their contribution requests directly to Nakia Davis, nakia@bethambaltimore.org so they can be processed in a timely manner. First & Last Name(s): _______________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ If your contribution is from a couple or family, please list all names (use additional paper if necessary) Telephone: (________) __________ - ___________________ Address: _________________________________________________________________________ City/State/Zip: ____________________________________________________________________ Date: _______________________________ Amount of Donation: __________________________ ($10 minimum requested; please make checks payable to Beth Am) Fund Designation__________________________________________________________________ In honor/memory/appreciation of ___________________________________________________ Send Acknowledgement Card To: Name: ___________________________________________________________________________ Address: ________________________________________________________________________ City/State/Zip: ___________________________________________________________________ 23 © 2015 Beth Am Synagogue Beth Am Synagogue is a member of the United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism. Look for the USCJ on-line at: www.uscj.org. 2501 Eutaw Place Baltimore, MD 21217
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