The Surgical Scope - Surgery


The Surgical Scope - Surgery
Issue 5
A newsletter for the faculty, staff, friends and alumni of the Department of Surgery
The Surgical Scope
“Safer Surgery Today, Better Surgery Tomorrow”
Issue 5
September 2010
Please Welcome
Malcolm DeCamp, MD
Chief of Thoracic Surgery
Join us in supporting him as
he builds the Division of Thoracic Surgery into a worldclass center for the treatment of diseases of the
Malcolm DeCamp, MD
Dr. DeCamp joined the faculty of Northwestern in
December 2009 with a vision to pull together teams
of surgeons and physicians with expertise in various
areas of thoracic disease. The strategy culminates
with the goal of providing lung transplants at Northwestern in the next few years. With a strong background fostered at the Cleveland Clinic, Brigham
and Women‘s Hospital and Beth Israel Deaconess
Medical Center, Dr. DeCamp comes to Northwestern
with the academic, educational, surgical and organizational skills to make this a reality very quickly.
The opportunities for thoracic surgery to flourish
here are enormous. Dr. DeCamp has begun the
process by meeting with key referring physicians
here at Northwestern, at Children‘s Memorial, at
Northwestern Lake Forest and a variety of other
communities in the Chicago area. He is working
with NMH to develop a comprehensive marketing
campaign tailored to highlight the depth and
breadth of Thoracic Surgery.
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While the division is currently a faculty of just two;
that number will shortly be enhanced by a recruitment Dr. DeCamp expects to finalize soon via the
addition of a pulmonary interventionalist. He is also
recruiting a thoracic surgical oncologist to anchor a
multi-disciplinary thoracic oncology program and a
thoracic surgeon-scientist to establish a translational laboratory effort to utilize archived tissues as
a bridge between investigational observations and
clinical innovation. Dr. DeCamp looks forward to
building on collaborative efforts with other scientists
in the Lurie Cancer Center. With a solid (human)
tissue bank available, he sees the opportunity to
elevate current programs with outcomes to benefit
patients suffering from thoracic cancers.
The future will likely bring Northwestern‘s name to
the forefront with the educational advances Dr. DeCamp has in mind. He envisions ―VATS‖ (videoassisted thoracic surgery) and advanced therapeutic
(Continued on page 2)
The Surgical Scope
Continued from cover page
bronchoscopy courses that could be offered here in our N-CASE laboratory. He sees the potential to
offer clinical services to the North Shore and the VA; Dr. DeCamp looks forward to offering advanced training in general thoracic surgery and he is anxious to add lung transplantation to the
Northwestern transplant portfolio.
Academically, his plans include mentoring Dr. Alberto de Hoyos, whose work in minimally invasive
surgery, advanced therapeutic endoscopy and robot-assisted procedures is further enhanced by his
advanced training in both pulmonary medicine and thoracic surgery. The division will continue to
provide individualized treatment plans emphasizing minimally invasive surgery. Bringing this potential to fruition will be a natural outcome of Dr. DeCamp‘s proven ability to build the kind of patientfocused, multi-disciplinary teams necessary to provide world-class care for those with thoracic cancers, swallowing disorders, complex airway diseases and advanced lung disease.
With the development of these programs, Dr. DeCamp will make Northwestern the only academic
medical center in our geographic area with comprehensive and integrated research, educational
and clinical programs providing diagnostic, staging and therapeutic interventions which will meet
our patients‘ and referring physicians‘ needs in a culture of investigation and innovation.
Written By Victoria F. Elliott
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Issue 5
Message From the Chair:
Feinberg Pavilion. Plans are being developed to
build a new ambulatory care facility across Erie
St. from the emergency department, which will
include a new suite of outpatient operating
rooms. These building programs should help
increase capacity on-site for the next few years
prior to the anticipated construction of a new
med/surg pavilion at the site of the old Lakeside
V.A. Hospital.
Nathanial J. Soper, MD
Loyal and Edith Davis Professor and Chair
Department of Surgery
Northwestern Feinberg School of Medicine
September 1st ushers in the new fiscal year, so
this date marks a good time to look back on the
doings of the previous year and discuss plans
for the one to follow. I will therefore highlight
some of the notable happenings in the Department of Surgery and medical center.
The Northwestern medical institutional partners
have moved into the implementation phase of
developing a truly great academic medical center—now trademarked as ‗Northwestern Medicine‘. The aim is to achieve top 10 status for
both the medical school and hospital by the
year 2020. Although ‗surgery‘ is not a specific
field recognized in the published rankings, departmental members have had a major impact
on our profile. This year‘s U.S. News and World
Report rankings demonstrated a huge improvement in the rank of the cardiology and heart
surgery service to #14, the highest rated heart
program in Chicago history. Digestive disorders
moved up to #22 in the U.S. after being unranked the prior year. Although these are indications of progress, there is a long way to go in
achieving our goals.
Northwestern Memorial Hospital has been
bursting at the seams with high patient census
for the past several months. Several initiatives
are underway to address this capacity issue.
Demolition work has begun on four floors of the
Galter Pavilion to create additional inpatient
beds and a new ICU. Capital has been approved
to build 3 new O.R.s on the 5th floor of the
Page 3
tic conferences and initiating a research program assessing the optimal techniques for intraoperative procedural teaching, the ‗holy grail‘ of
education in surgical specialties.
The research program in the Department of
Surgery continues to flourish. Over the past 3
years our research awards have doubled, and
the department now ranks 19th among all surgical departments in the U.S., up from #38 just
three years ago. In addition to basic science
pursuits, departmental faculty have become
very involved in outcomes research and trialing
novel devices and techniques. Programs in natural orifice surgery, percutaneous heart valves,
and endovascular therapy are but examples of
the many minimally invasive procedures being
performed at the medical center. We believe
that surgical innovation is a key attribute of our
group as we strive to achieve our motto, ―Safer
Surgery Today, Better Surgery Tomorrow‖.
Early in 2010 Northwestern Memorial Hospital
and Lake Forest Hospital merged, creating
Northwestern Lake Forest Hospital as an entity
within Northwestern Memorial Health Care.
Ultimately, there will be opportunities to expand
the footprint of the Department of Surgery to the
north; the Division of Vascular Surgery has already established an outpatient and limited
inpatient service at NLFH, and other specialties
are assessing the possibilities for expansion and
partnering with our north campus to enhance
patient access to Northwestern surgical expertise.
Kudos to several faculty members: Melina Kibbe
was awarded the Presidential Early Career
The central focus for any department of surgery Award for Scientists and Engineers at a White
is to deliver exceptional patient care. The recruit- House ceremony in January. The following facment of Dr. Mac DeCamp heralds the gearing-up ulty were promoted during the academic year:
of Thoracic Surgery at the medical center. He Drs. Carla Pugh, Julia Corcoran and Marie Cranrecently hired a mid-level academic surgeon, Dr. dall became Associate Professors, Anat Roitberg
Shari Meyerson, who will be joining us in Octo- -Tambur was promoted to Research Professor,
ber. Her areas of expertise revolve around the and Mark Morasch became a Professor of Surtreatment of thoracic cancer, video-assisted gery. Congratulations to these individuals and
thoracic surgery and surgical simulation. The the rest of our outstanding faculty who continue
next planned recruitment is a surgeon-scientist to pursue excellence in patient care, education,
to coordinate and advance translational re- and research.
search within the division. Initial efforts of the
division will be directed at strengthening tho- Given the impending changes in U.S. healthcare,
racic oncology, but ultimately programs in be- we are anticipating many challenges moving
nign disease, including lung transplantation, will
forward. My strong belief is that by keeping the
patients‘ interests foremost in all of our activiOther notable events of this past year include ties, we will be able to move forward in a rathe resignations of two long-standing division tional manner. We live in interesting times and
chiefs. Bill Pearce in Vascular Surgery and Tom will need to be able to move nimbly as we react
Mustoe in Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery to upcoming changes in the healthcare environwill relinquish their administrative roles, but ment. However, this past year has seen many
remain active clinically and academically. We
positive developments in the Department of
thank them for their many years of outstanding
leadership in the department. Searches are Surgery, giving us every reason to be optimistic
underway to appoint strong individuals to lead about our future.
these very successful divisions into the future.
Respectfully submitted,
Surgical education continues to be a strength at Nathaniel J. Soper
Northwestern. All five of last year‘s graduating
chief residents matched at strong fellowships.
This year‘s intern class is absolutely stellar, and
will undoubtedly continue the trend of top-notch
trainees. The general surgery residency was
evaluated by the RRC and received reaccreditation for four years. The new affiliation with
MacNeal Hospital has been a resounding success for our residents and medical students.
New educational initiatives include introducing
‗Just in Time Teaching‘ techniques to our didac-
The Surgical Scope
Research Update
Our goal three years ago was to increase federal awards by 50% over a 5-year timeline and advance the Feinberg Department
of Surgery into the top 20 on a national level. Over the past 3 years, federal research awards have increased 100% among our
faculty members. According to the Blue Ridge Institute for Medical Research of released rankings of medical schools according
to NIH funding (March 2010, for the last three federal fiscal years
Feinberg School of Medicine Department of Surgery rose to a rank of 38th in 2007, and to the 27th position in 2008, and just
last year rose to 19th in the United States.
The research enterprise within the Department of Surgery has had its most productive year ever. For the period of 9/1/09 –
6/15/10, the Department of Surgery submitted 63 new proposals valued at over $49 million total costs. During the same
period, the Department of Surgery received 26 new awards (federal, non-federal and industry), totaling $6.528 million, including $5.43M in federal awards. This will further enhance our research ranking in 2010. The department has also received new
funding on 27 clinical trials and industry agreements.
Federal Awards: 14
Total Direct Costs awarded FY10 = $5,434,550
Non-Federal Awards: 12
Total Costs awarded FY10 = $1,094,326
For detailed award information, please see
pages 19-21
Total Awards: $6,528,876
Resident involvement in research has been very strong. Melissa Hogg, MD, Matthew Stouch, MD, and Edward Auyang, MD
were this year‘s Kanavel Surgical Scholar Awardees for their exemplary research activity. The PGY-3 residents (and faculty
mentor) who began their 2-year laboratory experiences July 2010 are: Jessica Naiditch (Marybeth Madonna, MD), Akhil Seth
(Robert Galiano, MD), Ashley Hardy (Jackie Jeruss, MD, PhD), and Joseph Phillips (David Bentrem, MD).
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Issue 5
Surgical Education Update
Medical Student Programs
The first year of the newly designed clerkship was very well received by both students and faculty. Under the leadership of
Dr. Julia Corcoran, Clerkship Director, and Susan Santacaterina, MHPE, Associate Director, the clerkship now offers additional clinical sites and rotations, as well as an increase in faculty. Clinical sites now include inpatient and outpatient rotations at MacNeal Hospital, the VA Hospital and Children‘s Memorial Hospital. Faculty within Cardiothoracic, Transplant,
and Plastics have begun working with students. Students have thoroughly enjoyed these new experiences, one student
remarked, ―MacNeal was a great rotation, a busy service with opportunities to be very involved in patient care and learn a
lot about general surgery.‖ Another student said that the best part of the surgery clerkship was, ―General Surgery at the
Veteran's Hospital - I loved working with the patient population and felt like I had a great opportunity to get involved with
the team.‖
The clerkship was well represented at the annual Association for Surgical Education conference this year. Dr. Nabil Issa
and Dr. Julia Corcoran each had studies accepted for presentations. Also, Dr. Corcoran won the 2010 Phillip J. Wolfson
Outstanding Teaching Award.
Jeffrey Hotaling was the recipient of the 2009 Julius Conn Award, an annual award given to the best performing surgery
clerkship student.
New 4th Year Boot Camp: Dr. Nabil Issa, Dr. Julia Corcoran, and Susan Santacaterina developed a new curriculum for a
fourth year surgical elective described as ―Surgical Boot Camp‖. This course is designed to prepare the 4 th year student
for the rigors of the surgical internship. Examples of learning activities include ―Simulated OR Patient Pages,‖ patient
management challenges typically encountered by PGY-1 residents and technical skills development in the N-Case laboratory. The course was approved by the NUFSCOM Curriculum Committee and will be offered as a Spring elective in 2011.
Resident Programs
Edelstone-Bendix Day
The 2010 Edelstone-Bendix Residents‘ Day was held on Friday, June 18th, 2010. The day‘s events featured presentations by
residents and fellows and showcased their outstanding work in both clinical and basic science research. This year‘s guest lecturer and scientific paper judge was David L. Dunn, M.D, Ph.D., Vice President for Health Sciences, Professor of Surgery, Microbiology and Immunology at the University at Buffalo, SUNY. The Edelstone-Bendix Day concluded with the graduation dinner
held at the Omni Chicago Hotel on Michigan Avenue. Approximately 160 of the Department of Surgery‘s faculty, fellows and
residents attended the annual dinner which honors the Department‘s graduating fellows and residents.
The following graduates were the guests of honor at the dinner:
Pediatric Surgery:
Transplant Surgery:
Breast Surgery:
Surgical Critical Care:
Vascular Surgery:
Plastic Surgery:
General Surgery:
Page 5
Alexander Dzakovic, MD
Nitin Katarija, MD & Martin Wijkstrom, MD
Firas Eladoumikdachi, MD & Claudia Perez, DO
Jane Lee, MD & Mamta Swaroop, MD
Manuel Garcia-Toca, MD & Peter Naughton, MD
Peter Kim, MD & Clark Schierle, MD
Daniel Abbott, MD
Laleh Melstrom, MD
Karl Bilimoria, MD
Daniel Popowich, MD
John Linn, MD
(Continued on page 6)
The Surgical Scope
Education Update
Drs. Dan Popowich, John Linn, Laleh Melstrom, Nathaniel Soper,
Karl Bilmoria, Daniel Abbott
A number of awards were given to fellows and residents for outstanding performance. We congratulate the following recipients for their hard work and dedication:
Edward Auyang, MD, Melissa Hogg, MD, and Matthew Strouch, MD were this year‘s Kanaval Surgical Scholar awardees. Along
with presenting their research earlier in the day, they were also awarded a monetary prize of $1000.
There were three open competitions for research excellence. The winners received monetary awards for winning in their respective categories. The winners were as follows:
Fellow Open Competition:
Resident Clinical Research Competition:
Resident Basic Science Competition:
Manuel Garcia-Toca, MD
Colleen Jay, MD
Ashley Vavra, MD
The Chief Resident Presentation award, which was based on the graduating residents‘ Edelstone-Bendix Residents‘ Day presentations, was awarded this year to Daniel Popowich, MD.
Introduced this year was the Fellow as Teacher Award which goes hand-in-hand with the Resident as Teacher Award. These
awards are given to those Department of Surgery fellows and residents who meet a series of eligibility criteria. Awardees are
regarded as excellent role models as physicians and learners to their peers, students and other health professionals. They
were noted to make teaching a purposeful activity in their daily efforts and reliably participate in Department of Surgery education-related activities and reporting systems.
This year, we are pleased that the following fellows are the recipients of the Fellow as Teacher Award:
Alexander Dzakovic, MD
Pediatric Surgery Fellow
Manuel Garcia-Toca, MD
Vascular Surgery Fellow
Nitin Katarija, MD
Transplant Surgery Fellow
Jane Kayle Lee, MD
Critical Care Fellow
Sachin Phade, MD
Vascular Surgery Fellow
Juan Rocca, MD
Transplant Surgery Fellow
The following residents are the recipients of the Resident as Teacher Award:
Daniel Abbott, MD (PGY5)
Akhil Seth, MD (PGY3)
John Linn, MD (PGY5)
Daniel McCarthy, MD (PGY2)
Marco Ellis, MD (PGY4)
Jason Souza, MD (PGY2)
Jessica Naiditch, MD (PGY3)
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Surgical Education Update continued on page 7
Issue 5
Continued….. Surgical
Education Update
An award was presented to the two 2009-2010 General Surgery Administrative Chief residents for their leadership and
commitment to the general surgery residents. Drs. Daniel Abbott and Laleh Melstrom
crystal awards in recognition of their hard work and dedication.
We wish a warm welcome to the new PGY-1 Department of Surgery Residents and Fellows:
General Surgery:
Brett Duncan, Carlie Kennedy, Jacqueline Lee, Ran Bill Luo and Ravi Rajaram
Preliminary Surgery:
Mor Ben Barak, Dilraj Grewal, Laura Moreno, Ahsun Riaz and Colin Rock
Vascular Surgery:
Courtney Daly, Gregory Feldman and CJ Lee
Plastic Surgery:
Michael Gart and Sumanas Jordan
Breast Surgery:
Valerie Brutus
Cardiac Surgery:
Ramesh Pamula and Koji Takeda
Critical Care:
Adel Abuzeid
Pediatric Surgery:
Rashmi Kabre Swanson
Transplant Surgery:
Bishwajit Bhattacharya and Alex Dzakovic
The Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching
published the famous Flexner Report entitled ―Medical Education
in the United States and Canada‖ in 1910. What is considered the
New Flexner Report was released this month by the same Carnegie Foundation – the report is entitled ―Educating Physicians: A
Call for Reform of Medical School and Residency‖ and was written
by Molly Cooke, David Irby and Bridge O‘Brien. The report (in book
format) describes the current status of medical education, highlights innovations and advancements practiced at various medical
schools, and recommends future directions. We are proud to state
that the authors chose only two surgery programs to visit and observe their work, and our department of surgery was one of the two. The authors, having spent two
days in our department, highlighted in the book a) innovations such as the surgery clerkship‘s longitudinal outpatient clinic format, b) our apprenticeships, and c) describes the role of our department‘s
educator. They also referenced one of our educational research publications. It is a positive reflection on our department‘s educational programs to have innovative features acknowledged in the
―Flexner Report 2010‖.
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The Surgical Scope
Breast Surgery Center Update
From left to right: Dr. Nora Hansen, Dr. Jackie Jeruss, Dr. Seema Khan
Education: This year, two Breast Fellows completed their training in the Breast Center; Claudia B. Perez, DO who will be
going to Loyola Medical Center in Maywood, Illinois and Firas Eladoumikdachi, MD who will be going to Ohio to help establish a local breast center.
This coming academic year, two new fellows will join the Breast Center, Elizabeth Revesz, MD and Valerie Brutus, MD. Dr.
Revesz completed her residency at Saint Joseph Hospital, Chicago, Illinois and Dr. Brutus completed her residency at
Brooklyn Hospital Center, Brooklyn New York.
Clinical: The Lynn Sage Comprehensive Breast Center under the direction of Dr. Nora M. Hansen has been awarded the
National Accreditation Program for Breast Centers Certification Award from the American College of Surgeons. Additionally, the Breast Surgery Clinic has become part of the new Women‘s Cancer Program of the Robert H. Lurie Comprehensive Cancer Center. Dr. Hansen notes that by being a part of the Women‘s Cancer Program patients will benefit by the
integration of services of the Breast Surgery Center, Medical Oncology and Gynecological Oncology. The Prentice Hospital
4th floor space previously occupied solely by the Breast Center has been renovated and is now named the Maggie Daley
Center for Women‘s Cancer Care in honor of the wife of Mayor Richard Daley. Also, a brand new section of supportive
oncology care has been established in new space on the 5 th floor of the Prentice Building. This section offers patient support in the areas of health information, fertility preservation, nutrition, rehabilitative needs, integrative medicine and emotional and practical life issues.
Research: Please see detailed information in the Newly Funded Projects section on page 19.
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Issue 5
Cardiac Surgery Update
From left to right:
Dr. Chris Malaisrie, Dr.
Edwin McGee, Dr. Pat
McCarthy, Dr. Rick Lee
Research: Drs. McCarthy (PI) and Malaisrie (Co-I) are participating in the Edwards Lifesciences PARTNER Trial (Placement of Aortic Transcatheter Valve) for patients with severe aortic stenosis who are either inoperable or very high risk for conventional aortic valve replacement.
Dr. McGee (PI) is participating in the HeartWare® Ventricular Assist System (VAS) for Destination Therapy of Advanced Heart Failure Trial to
evaluate a new heart assist device as a treatment for end stage heart failure patients who are not candidates for a heart transplant.
Dr. McGee (PI) is also participating in the HeartWare® Ventricular Assist System for the Treatment of Advanced Heart Failure to evaluate a
new heart assist device as a treatment for end stage heart failure patients who require circulatory assistance while waiting for a heart transplant.
Education: The 4th Annual CT Surgery Alumni and Graduation Day took place on June 18 th, 2010. Dr. Marc Gillinov, the Judith Dion Pyle
Chair in Heart Valve Research at Cleveland Clinic, was our honored guest.
Dr. McCarthy both directed the course entitled ―Minimally Invasive Surgical Treatment of Atrial Fibrillation‖ at the Society of Thoracic Surgeons (STS) University and served as the moderator for the Parallel Surgical Forum III: Adult Cardiac I Session at the STS Annual Meeting in
January 2010.
Dr. Edwin McGee directed the course entitled ―Mechanical Circulatory Support for Cardiogenic Shock‖ at STS University in January 2010.
Dr. Richard Lee both served as a faculty member for the course entitled ―Pacemaker Lead Removal/Electrophysiology for the Cardiac Surgeon‖ at STS University and presented ―Changing Outcome Characteristics of Multiple Valve Surgery: A 15‐Year Perspective‖ at the STS
Annual Meeting in January 2010.
Drs. Edwin McGee and S. Chris Malaisrie presented ―Should patients with atrial fibrillation requiring aortic valve replacement receive a bioprosthetic valve?‖ and ―Mitral Valve Repair for Ischemic Mitral Regurgitation: Midterm Clinical and Echocardiographic Results after Restrictive Complete Annuloplasty‖, respectively, at the Annual Joint Meeting of the Heart Valve Society of America and Society of Heart Valve Diseases in April 2010.
Dr. Lee presented ―Perioperative Statin Therapy Reduces Mortality in Normolipidemic Patients Undergoing Cardiac Surgery‖ and ―The Surgical Treatment of Atrial Fibrillation Restores Expected Survival in Patients Undergoing Valve Surgery‖ at the Annual Meeting of the Western
Thoracic Surgical Association in June 2010.
The BCVI Summer Student Program, directed by Dr. Lee, Anna Huskin, and Michael Yensel, kicked-off its fourth year in June with over 20
medical students participating. The students learned about careers in cardiac surgery through shadowing clinical rotations, observing in the
OR, and attending weekly journal clubs and lectures. One of the students, Caleb Hsieh, was one only 29 students nationwide to be awarded
a Summer Intern Scholarship from AATS.
Muthiah Vaduganathan, an alumnus of the 2009 BCVI Summer Student Program, presented ―Midterm benefits of perioperative statin therapy in patients undergoing isolated valvular heart surgery: 5-year surgical experience‖ at the Annual Scientific Session of the American College of Cardiology in March 2010.
The BCVI physician shadowing program for Northwestern University undergraduate students, co-directed by Dr. Lee, Michael Yensel, and
Susan Fox, has introduced over 150 students to the field of medicine since the program‘s inception in Fall 2008. Students have the opportunity to shadow a physician in a variety of 19 disciplines.
Clinical Care: The Bluhm Cardiovascular Institute (BCVI) is proud to announce that it is now ranked among the nation‘s most elite heart and
heart surgery programs in the 2010 edition of U.S. News & World Report’s ―America‘s Best Hospitals.‖ The #14 ranking makes the BCVI the
highest rated heart program in Chicago history.
Reflecting the growing success of the BCVI, the program was recently featured on the Cardiothoracic Surgery Network (CTSNet). The article
details the ascent of the program under the leadership of Dr. Patrick McCarthy, and is available at the following link:
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The Surgical Scope
GI/Oncologic Surgery Update
Research: Dr. Carla Pugh has received a $2 million grant by the National Institutes of Health and will begin a 5 year study that
will help doctors define the proper techniques of breast examination with the use of simulators. Dr. Pugh was also awarded
an ‗Excellence in Academic Medicine‘ grant by the State of Illinois for the ‗Use of Decision-Based Surgical Simulators to Assess Intra-Operative Performance: A Focus on Operating Room Efficiency, Patient Safety & Team Communication‖.
Education: Dr. David Mahvi was invited as a ‗visiting professor‘ at Methodist Hospital in Houston, Texas, the University of
Iowa, Iowa City, and at the University of Wisconsin, Madison, where he presented the talk ―Translating Academic Pursuits into
Medical Innovations‖.
Carla Pugh MD, PhD, was an invited speaker at this year‘s CASE celebration at the Museum of Science & Industry. The Center
for the Advancement of Science Education (CASE) was created by the museum to encourage and inspire children in the study
of science, technology, medicine and engineering. The event is held to honor the achievements of students and teachers who
participate in the Center‘s programs.
Clinical Care: The new Women‘s Pelvic Health Center opened its doors in February of this year. Created to provide comprehensive care for women with pelvic floor disorders, the center is comprised of urologists, urogynecologists, colon and rectal
surgeons. Our Divisions own Anne-Marie Boller MD and Amy Halverson MD make up part of the Northwestern team that is
committed to the development and success of this important center. The center is unique in that it houses specialists under
one roof so patients do not have to travel to different locations. It is located in the Arkes Family Pavilion at 676 N. St. Clair
Street in Suite 950.
Top row left to right: Dr. Eric Hungness, Dr. Dina Elaraj, Dr. David Mahvi, Dr. Cord Sturgeon, Dr. Amy Halverson, Dr. Alex Nagle
Bottom row left to right: Dr. Anne-Marie Boller, Dr. Jeff Wayne, Dr. Nathaniel Soper, Dr. Carla Pugh, Dr. David Bentrem
News & Events: Dr. Alex Nagle participated in the March trip to Guatemala through ‗Faith in Practice‘, a charitable organization that provides medical care to the poor. Mission teams travel to the most remote and poorest parts of Guatemala to provide medical, surgical, dental care and referrals to hospitals throughout Guatemala. Founded in 1992 the first surgical team
consisted of 12 members. Now with more than 800 volunteers they served more than 17,000 patients in 2008. The group‘s
mission is to improve physical, spiritual and economical conditions for the people.
Honors/Awards: Congratulations to our Division Chief, Dr. David Mahvi. He has received the 2010 Physician Clinical Excellence Award for Clinical Collaboration from the Northwestern Medical Faculty Foundation.
Remi Love, Administrative Assistant to Drs. Halverson and Wayne was nominated in the category of Service Excellence/
Administrative Role within the Northwestern Medical Faculty Foundation. Remi has been with the Department of Oncologic
Surgery for 10 years. The Division would like to thank Remi for her hard work and dedication.
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Issue 5
Organ Transplantation Surgery Update
Late 2009 and early 2010 have been very productive in all aspects for the Division of Organ Transplantation. Grant funding has continued to grow dramatically, existing collaborations such as NUTORC are experiencing significant success, and new collaborations and
proposals are off to promising starts. Additionally, the clinical, administrative, and clinical research staff have relocated to a new
24,000 square foot space. With ever-growing basic, clinical, and translational research, a leading clinical program in volume, outcomes, and innovation, top fellowships, and a new space to support further growth, transplant at Northwestern continues to shore up
its position among the top few academic transplant centers in the world.
From left to right: Dr. Michael Abecassis, Dr. Joe Leventhal, Dr. Anton Skaro, Dr. Juan
Caicedo, Dr. Daniela Ladner, Dr. Jonathon Fryer, Dr. Talia Baker, Dr. Dixon Kaufman
Research: Last year, transplant faculty received four major (>$1M in total funding) grants. Work has begun on all four. First, Drs. Michael Abecassis, Daniela Ladner, and Talia Baker have successfully renewed Northwestern‘s Adult-to-Adult Living Donor Liver (A2ALL)
consortium grant. Only nine transplant centers were funded by NIH for this consortium, which has decided to focus its second five-year
cycle in part on patient safety and quality of life issues, which align perfectly with the Northwestern University Transplant Outcomes
Research Consortium (NUTORC) in the Comprehensive Transplant Center. Dr. Ladner is co-chairing the committees on safety and quality of life, assuring Northwestern will be a leader in key aspects of this consortium. Additionally, Drs. Abecassis, John Friedewald, and
Josh Levitsky were funded by NIH to lead a consortium in the CTOT renewal (Northwestern was a participating consortium site in the
first round of funding.). In collaboration with the Scripps Research Institute and industry, the grant focuses on genomic and proteomic
markers of acute rejection and chronic kidney injury (CAN/IFTA). Dr. Dixon Kaufman was awarded a grant as a lead site on the NIH
clinical islet transplantation consortium, where Northwestern has performed the most transplants and achieved the greatest number
of insulin-independent patients. Last, Dr. Abecassis, Dr. Bing Ho, and Luke Preczewski were funded by a pharmaceutical company to
develop software in collaboration with the EDW and NUBIC for integrating transplant data. In addition to these four grants of more than
$1M, the division received many small and medium-sized grants, and continues to rapidly expand its research enterprise. The division
is wrapping up a joint recruitment with the center for genetic medicine of a computational biologist from a leading center to start in
August. This will allow expansion of the division‘s genomics research.
Education: The division continues its efforts both to run top clinical fellowships at Northwestern and to shape the national curriculum
for transplant surgery. Additionally, the program recruited two new post-doctoral fellows to its NIH-funded T32 training program. One
will work with Dr. Zeeshan Butt in quality of life research in transplant patients and the other will work with Dr. Xunrong Luo in transplant immunology. Colleen Jay, MD, the first graduate of our T32 outcomes research fellowship returned to the clinical residency slot
having established an impressive record of peer-reviewed publication. Our surgical fellowship matched two fellows for the 2011 academic year. Nationally, more than half the transplant surgery fellowship slots went unfilled, so the fact that our program matched both
slots speaks to the excellent reputation it has earned.
Clinical Care: The division continued its tremendous clinical success, drawing press attention for its successful performance of an eight
-way domino living donor kidney transplant, the largest ever at a single center. And in May, the program relocated to a new 24,000
square foot clinic and administrative space. This move brought together clinicians and clinical researchers from six different locations
on campus to consolidate care, and it significantly expanded the clinical capacity to allow for growth. The clinical program has maintained its status as the top program in Illinois for all organs and a top-five program nationally in terms of volume, while maintaining
excellent outcomes. The living donor liver transplantation program has been reinvigorated since Dr. Talia Baker took over leadership
and has returned to being one of the top two programs nationally by volume. Aligned with the A2ALL research effort and in light of the
challenges of organ availability in Illinois, we expect careful growth in this area of the program to make this available to carefully selected patients with end-stage liver disease.
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The Surgical Scope
Plastic Surgery Update
Plastic surgery has had an active year. Dr. Mustoe is stepping down as Chief after 19 years but will continue to be involved in
clinical and academic activities within the department.
Research: On the research front, Dr. Mustoe has been awarded a one year grant totaling $300,000 from the Department of
Defense to look at the behavior of stem cells in wound healing, with an anticipated second year of funding. Dr. Jordan
Steinberg, a third year resident won a national competition to receive one of three $50,000 grants from the Plastic Surgery
Education Foundation. His proposal is to study stem cells as a potential therapy for ischemia reperfusion injury in a rabbit ear
model. Dr. Galiano continues his clinical wound healing efforts with grant support from Excaliard totaling $600,000. Dr. John
Kim has received an unrestricted grant totaling $35,000 to perform clinical studies on dermal matrix in breast reconstruction
and industry grants form Covidien and Mentor totaling $100,000. Grant submissions on scarring as part of a NIH P50 have
also been submitted.
Education: On the education side, the rotation at the Veterans Administration Hospital has been a success under the leadership of Dr. Gregory Dumanian. Already, there is a several month backlog for reconstructive hand, limb, and body surgery. Drs.
John Kim and Thomas Mustoe will also begin to work there in the late summer of 2010. The junior residents have been more
integrated within the structure of the residency this year, with a new microsurgery skills course and a lecture series designed
for them. The match successfully concluded with the addition of Michael Gart from Brown University and Jordan Sumanas
from Emory University and Georgia Tech where she completed a PhD in Biomedical Engineering. We are extremely enthusiastic about both as they excelled in medical school and were highly recruited candidates from programs around the country.
Clinical: From a clinical perspective, the Division has rebounded substantially from the economic downturn in 2009 and is having a solid year. At Childrens Hospital a search is underway for a new Chief, and the service remains robust as a result of the
work by Drs. Julia Corcoran and Frank Vicari.
Dr. John Kim, Dr. Thomas Mustoe, Dr. Robert Galiano, Dr. Greg Dumanian
Page 12
Issue 5
Thoracic Surgery Update
Dr. Alberto de Hoyos, Dr. Malcolm DeCamp, Dr. Robert Vanecko
Thoracic Surgery enjoyed several notable achievements in the past year. Most significant was the recruitment of Dr. Malcolm
DeCamp as Chief of the newly created Division of Thoracic Surgery. Dr. DeCamp joined Northwestern after most recently serving as Visiting Associate Professor of Surgery at Harvard Medical School and Chief of Cardiothoracic Surgery at Beth Israel
Deaconess Medical Center in Boston. Dr. DeCamp is focused on elevating the program through development of multidisciplinary programs in thoracic oncology, swallowing disorders and advanced lung diseases (see lead story).
Research: Northwestern was selected as one of eight U.S. institutions to participate in the American College of Surgeons (ACS)
Commission on Cancer/Society of Thoracic Surgeons (STS) ProvenCare Lung Cancer Collaborative. This pilot trial aims to define evidence-based best practices in lung cancer care and to examine whether reliably adhering to these standards results in
improved outcomes and lower cost.
Education: Thoracic Surgery provided unique educational offerings such as the first Dilational Percutaneous Tracheostomy
Course in Chicago, regional hands-on training in VATS Lobectomy and CME training in Aerodigestive Endoscopic Interventions
to a national audience during the STS annual meeting.
The annual Shields Lectureship was held in May 2010. The guest lecturer, Dr. Richard Feins from UNC Chapel Hill, spoke on
strategies to incorporate simulation into surgical education.
The 6th Annual Thoracic Surgical Oncology Nursing Conference was held in May 2010.
Dr. DeCamp was invested as the Fowler McCormick Professor of Surgery in June 2010.
Clinical Care: Thoracic Surgery was awarded the Excellence in Academic Medicine Award from the Illinois Department of
Healthcare and Family Services for their proposal to develop an integrated thoracic oncology program at Northwestern.
In collaboration with Dr. Eric Hungness, and for the first time in Illinois, Dr. Alberto de Hoyos achieved successful placement of
diaphragmatic pacemakers in four ventilator dependent patients.
Thoracic Surgery is pursuing a mid-career thoracic surgeon to replace Dr. Matt Blum (after his departure in February), a thoracic surgeon-scientist to establish a translational research laboratory, and other key recruits in Pulmonary Medicine, Radiation Oncology, Medical Oncology and Pathology to develop the thoracic disease programs.
Page 13
The Surgical Scope
Trauma and Critical Care Update
Top row left to right: Dr. Marie Crandall, Dr. Carla Pugh, Dr. Mamta Swaroop, Dr. Michael Shapiro
Bottom row left to right: Christine Schilling, RN, Dr. Nabil Issa
The division remains extremely busy in support of its mission to provide clinical excellence, outstanding scientific citizenship
and exemplary teaching.
Research: The division faculty continues activity in diverse research areas. Dr. Gary An‘s program of computational biology,
funded by the National Science Foundation, has been extraordinarily productive with numerous papers and presentations nationally and internationally. Support for Dr. Marie Crandall‘s investigation of behavioral patterns in trauma was renewed by the
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. As an outgrowth of this the division is looking to participate as a sponsoring center with
CeaseFire, a national organization that intervenes locally to reduce retaliation and recidivism in violent injury. Dr. Nabil Issa‘s
research in paradigms of learning was presented at the Association for Surgical Education, and Dr. Issa continues his collaboration with Debra DaRosa, PhD, in Surgical Education. Dr. Michael Shapiro remains active in the NIGMS Glue Grant Program
investigating genomic responses in inflammation and sepsis. Faculty is well represented in the working and scientific committees of local and national organizations in trauma and critical illness.
Education: The Surgical Critical Care Fellowship completed its first year this June and graduated two fellows. Dr. Adel Abuzeid
will begin the program in July. Division faculty are responsible for the educational content of three resident rotations: trauma
and emergency surgery, surgical critical care, and night float. The faculty has consistently received accolades from residents
and students for their commitment and excellence in teaching. Dr. Issa has assumed a leadership role in the medical students
Surgery Rotation Curriculum. The division offers an elective rotation in Trauma and Emergency Surgery that has proven extremely popular with fourth year students, both locally and abroad.
Clinical Care: Clinical volumes and acuity in our core areas of trauma, acute care surgery and surgical critical care have persisted at extremely high levels. The trauma program remains a level I center in the state of Illinois. Faculty undertakes rigorous
review of practice and outcomes to assure provision of the highest quality of care. Dr. Shapiro serves as Co-Chair of the hospital based Leadership Committee, which has worked to optimize patient care across customary boundaries and partnership
with leaders from Anesthesia, Pulmonary Medicine, and Neurology.
Page 14
Issue 5
Vascular Surgery Update
Dr. Pearce recently announced that he was stepping down as chief of the division. He will maintain an active practice
while splitting his time among NMH, the VA and Northwestern NLFH.
Research: At the annual meeting of the Society for Vascular Surgery (June 10-12, 2010), Dr. Melina Kibbe was presented the
SVS Women‘s Leadership Training Grant. The purpose of the grant is to provide opportunities for training in leadership skills to
women at the beginning of their vascular surgery careers.
Dr. Melina R. Kibbe was among 100 researchers to receive the Presidential Early Career Awards for Scientists and Engineers
(PECASE), the highest honor bestowed by the United States Government on young professionals in the early stages of their independent research careers. Awardees were selected on the basis of their ―pursuit of innovative research at the frontiers of science and technology and a commitment to community service as demonstrated through scientific leadership, public education,
or community outreach.‖ The awards were presented January 13, 2010, at a White House ceremony.
Education: The 34th annual Northwestern vascular symposium (Vascular Surgery—A Manual for Survival) was held in Chicago, IL,
December 10-13, 2009. The symposium focused on assessment and treatment of various vascular diseases. Sixty-four worldrenowned physicians presented on their areas of expertise. One-hundred-sixty-five registered attendees represented the United
States, Ireland, Mexico, and Germany. A book (Vascular Surgery: Therapeutic Strategies) edited by Drs. Eskandari, Morasch,
Pearce, and Yao was published in conjunction with the symposium and contains summaries of the presentations.
The second trainee for the Vascular Surgery Scientist Training Program (T32 grant) started on April 19. Michael S. Park, MD will
work with Dr. Mark Eskandari and Dr. Min-Woong Sohn in the area of outcomes research. Two additional trainees, Elaine Gregory and Monica Rodriguez, started work in Dr. Kibbe‘s basic science laboratory on July 1.
At the Edelstone-Bendix dinner on June 18, Drs. Manuel Garcia-Toca and Sachin Phade, Vascular Surgery fellows, received the
Department‘s Fellowship Teaching Award. This award is presented to fellows based on evaluations of their teaching techniques
by residents.
Clinical Care: Drs. Pearce, Morasch, Eskandari, and Rodriguez have been granted privileges at the Rehabilitation Institute of
Chicago. Drs. Pearce and Eskandari have initiated a satellite vascular surgery program at NLFH.
With Gratitude
The Division of Vascular Surgery received a generous donation from the estate of Mrs. Marjorie Lanterman in memory of her husband Mr. Joseph Lanterman, who preceded her in death. Mr. and Mrs. Lanterman were longtime patients and friends of the Division. A portion of the funds was used to create two endowed chairs in the Division: The James S. T. Yao, MD, PhD, Professorship
of Education in Vascular Surgery and the John F. Marquardt, MD, Clinical Research Professorship of Vascular Surgery. Dr. Mark
Eskandari was named to the Yao professorship and Dr. Mark Morasch was named to the Marquardt professorship.
Dr. Melina Kibbe, Dr. Mark Morasch, Dr. William Pearce, Dr. Mark Eskandari, Dr. Heron Rodriguez
Page 15
The Surgical Scope
Children’s Memorial Hospital Update
Construction of the Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children‘s Hospital continues on-time toward completion in 2012. We anticipate numerous improvements at Lurie Children‘s including increased space, better facilities and adjacency to the Feinberg School as
well as Northwestern Memorial and Prentice Women‘s hospitals.
Research: Sunjay Kaushal, MD, PhD, is researching Cardioprotective Effects of Celastrol Against Toxicity Induced by Doxorubicin. MaryBeth Madonna, MD continues lab research of drug resistance and response to growth factors in neuroblastoma.
Education: Under the leadership of Julia Corcoran, MD, Clerkship Director for the Department of Surgery, the department now
has 3rd-year medical students from Feinberg rotating through ambulatory and inpatient surgical services at CMH. Dr. Corcoran
received the Philip J. Wolfson Outstanding Teacher Award from the Association of Surgical Education in April. Marleta Reynolds, MD, Surgeon-in-Chief, completed the Program for Chiefs of Clinical Services at the Harvard School of Public Health in
January, 2010. Dr. Reynolds also presented to the Northwestern Medicine Leadership in March regarding the transition to
Lurie Children‘s. The presentation outlined the academic and clinical relationships between Northwestern and Children‘s Memorial and the possibilities for greater collaboration upon our move downtown. In March, Katherine Barsness, MD, hosted the
Advanced Minimally-Invasive Surgery Workshop for pediatric surgeons at N-CASE. Marybeth Browne, MD, has been invited to
sit on the Program Committee for the Association of Academic Surgery for 2010-12.
Clinical Care: The ECMO Program received the ELSO Excellence designation from the Extracorporeal Life Support Organization. The award is given to ECMO centers demonstrating excellence in all aspects of extracorporeal life support including education, training, quality assurance, and other categories.
Carl Backer, MD, has been certified in Congenital Heart Surgery by the American Board of Thoracic Surgery through 2019. Dr.
Backer was also appointed Chair of the Membership Committee for the American Association for Thoracic Surgery. Marybeth
Browne, MD, and Erin Rowell, MD, earned Board Certification in Pediatric Surgery in March.
IS Update
Surgery Information Systems Expands Services
Overview: Beginning this Spring, Surgery IS took on a series of projects connecting Surgery to other Departments within the
Greater Northwestern Community. These involve video-conferencing of clinical procedures as well as more conventional rebroadcast of ―classroom-style‖ presentations. Each project brings new technology to the Department of Surgery and helps
Surgery IS support its role as a partner within the Department.
Projects include:
Emergency Department (ED) re-design to take advantage of NU standard tools. ED and Surgery IS are piloting desktop,
―network-friendly‖ video-conferencing to facilitate education on and off campus. The tools involved are low-cost and take advantage of web-based communication. Any location that can open a browser and see the web can participate in a full two-way
session with picture and audio. Likewise, a remote user at home or on the road, connected by an average DSL network can
connect and join the conference.
Gastroenterology (GI) procedure room re-design for conferencing and training. The GI Division together with Surgery IS is designing new procedure rooms to afford physicians three dedicated means of connecting: 1.) room to room video communication for intra-procedure discussion; 2.) video-conferencing to the outside world for education/training; and 3.) dedicated video
conferencing to the DoS video facility in the Arkes Pavilion. Arkes Pavilion video-conferencing is done over a closed fiber network offering High Definition presentation of three simultaneous streams of information: field, scope, and instruments. Procedure video and stills will also be captured for research as well as for clinical review by members of the Department of Surgery.
Other Department notes:
Tom Kmiecik was named co-author on ―Hormonal Criteria for Assessment of Menopause: Role of Anti-Mullerian Hormone‖ -- a
paper for the 33rd Annual San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium.
Phil Poland completed the first of two Cisco CNA certification exams, and is now certified as a CCENT.
Page 16
Issue 5
Philanthropy Spotlight
A Most Fitting Honor
Gerald Ujiki, MD
To serve on the faculty at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine is a great opportunity, one which
represents the chance to be a part of an inclusive, diverse and excellent academic community. Gerald Ujiki, MD,
joined the Northwestern community in 1955, earning his bachelor‘s degree from the Weinberg College of Arts and
Sciences. He continued at Northwestern University, earning his doctorate degree and completing his residency at
the medical school before joining the faculty of the Department of Surgery, where he remains today as associate
professor of clinical surgery. Over the last 40 years, Dr. Ujiki has cultivated an enduring bond with the department
and University, and so, it was most fitting when Dr. Soper proposed that he be honored with an endowed lectureship
The Gerald Ujiki, MD, Lectureship Fund will honor Dr. Ujiki‘s leadership and teaching excellence by focusing on exciting advances in surgical education. The annual lectures will bring leading surgical educators from around the world
to present at Northwestern University, interact with students and faculty members, and provide input into ongoing
Thanks to the generosity of colleagues—such as the Northwestern Surgical Associates—fellow alumni, and grateful
patients, the Gerald Ujiki, MD, Lectureship Fund has received contributions and commitments to permanently endow the fund.
Endowed lectures exist in perpetuity, forever advancing education as they honor the legacy of those for and by
whom they are named. To learn more about the Gerald Ujiki, MD, Lectureship Fund or to discuss options for honoring individuals with your philanthropic support, please contact Courtney Weeks
at (312) 503-3080 or
Page 17
The Surgical Scope
VA Update
The Surgical Service at JBVAMC is affiliated both with Northwestern University and University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC).
Clinical care and residency education are provided in General Surgery, Peripheral Vascular Surgery, Orthopaedics, Ophthalmology, Optometry, Podiatry, Urology, Otolaryngology and Thoracic Surgery.
In 2009, JBVAMC opened a new inpatient pavilion that includes 180 beds, 20 ICU beds, and eight operating rooms. In FY
2009, 20,148 individual veterans were evaluated and/or treated on an outpatient basis by Surgical Service that included
a total of 84,238 patient visits. In FY 2010, we are on track to perform ~3,200 operative procedures that is a >20% increase in surgical volume over the past five years.
Research: The research program at JBVAMC has enjoyed a very productive year with Drs. David Bentrem, Melina Kibbe
and Joshua Miller serving as our principal faculty investigators. The highlight of our year has been the recognition of Dr.
Melina Kibbe at the White House as a Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers (PECASE). PECASE
is the highest honor given by the U.S. government to outstanding scientists and engineers who are in the early stages
of their independent research careers.
Education: For the past several years, two NU residents have been funded annually by the VA to conduct research under the supervision of Drs. Bentrem and Kibbe. At the 2010 Association of VA Surgeons meeting, residents in Drs. Bentrem and Kibbe‘s labs swept all of the awards for best presentations in both basic and clinical arenas, highlighted by
the Best Presentation Award to Dr. Amanda Hayman.
Clinical: New programs in Bariatric Surgery and Plastic Surgery have been established within the past year. The addition of
a Plastic Surgery resident under the supervision of Dr. Greg Dumanian has been an especially valuable addition to the
repertoire of clinical service provided at JBVAMC. Provisional approval for a Renal Transplant Center has been obtained
and we currently await final approval from VA Central Office in Washington. Planning is currently underway to add Neurosurgery to the clinical service.
In summary, Surgical Service at JBVAMC has enjoyed a successful year in its mission of education, research, and clinical
Page 18
The Surgical Scope
Department of Surgery Newly Funded Projects, Fiscal Year 2010
The Oncogenic Significance of Cyclin Overexpression and Smad 3 Tumor Suppression
Total Direct Costs
Avon Foundation
Gene Methylation and estradiol levels in random
FNA samples as biomarkers for breast cancer risk
Komen for the Cure
Transdermal Drug Delivery for Breast Cancer Prevention Using Combinations Between Drugs and
Dendrimer Nanoparticles
Total Costs Non Federal
Total Direct Costs
Validation of Sensoized Breast Models for HighStakes Clinical Skills Assessment
Ethicon Endo-Surgery
Endoscopic Management of Introperative Hemorrhage During Notes Procedures
Transrectal Natural Orifice Translumenal Endoscopic Surgery (NOTES) appendectomy: A Feasibility Study
Total Costs Non Federal
Total Direct Costs
Page 19
Stem Cell Therapy for Healing Wounded Skin and
Soft Tissues
The Surgical Scope
Department of Surgery Newly Funded Projects, Fiscal Year 2010
NU JW07MI - Multicenter Selective Lymphadenectomy for Melanoma Trial II (MSLT-II): A Phase III
Multicenter Randomized Trial of Sentinel Lymphadenectomy and Complete Lymph Node Dissection versus Sentinel Lymphadenectomy Alone in
Cutaneous Melanoma Patients
Association for Academic The Role of Snail in Pancreatic Ductal AdenocarciSurgery
noma Local Invasion and Disease Progression
6/30/10 $
Total Direct
Costs Fed- $
6/30/10 $
Total Costs
Non Federal $
Clinical Islet Transplantation at Northwestern
7/31/12 $
Living Donor Liver Transplant - Predictive Models
8/31/14 $
Proteogenomics for Organ Transplant
8/31/14 $
Role of Toll-like Receptors in Transplant-Induced
Reactivation pf Cytomgegalovirus
7/31/11 $
ARRA Administrative Supplement: A2ALL LongTerm Donor Follow Up Study
1/31/11 $
Integrated Islet Distribution Program (NIDDK/ICR)
8/26/14 $
VA Medical Center
IPA or Li Chen
8/21/10 $
6/30/12 $
Induction of Donor Specific Tolerance in Recipients
of Living Kidney Allografts by Donor Stem Cell Infusion (DOD OAR#R/NFCTR)
CASG 301 Influenz Natural History DMID #090037
7/31/10 $
Total Direct
Costs Fed- $
Page 20
Issue 5
Department of Surgery Newly Funded Projects, Fiscal Year 2010
JDRF Intn'l
Chicago Islet Consortium ICR at Northwestern
6/30/09 $
JDRF Intn'l
Chicago Islet Consortium ICR at Northwestern
6/30/09 $
CSL Behring LLC
Alpha-1-antitrpsin effects on human islet cells
for transplantation
4/30/10 $
NMF Dixon
Comprehensive Risk Assessment to Improve
Safety Processes in Kidney Transplantation
12/31/10 $
National Foundation Induction of Donor Specific Tolerance in Reto Support Cell
cipients of Living Kidney Allografts by Donor
Transplant Research Stem Infusion
12/31/10 $
Foundation of the
2010 ASTS-Wyeth Collaborative Scientist
American Society of
Transplant Surgeons
6/30/12 $
Total Costs
Non Federal
TOTAL NEW: $ 4,890,727
A Revolutionary Therapy for Atheroscloerosis:
Liquid Cast Arterial Stents
Cordis Corporation
Northwestern University Vascular Surgery Fellowship Grant
An Innovative Therapy for the Treatment of
9/29/11 $
Total Direct
Costs Federal
2/10/11 $
12/31/12 $
Total Costs
Non Federal
Total New Federal (Direct $ 5,434,550
Costs) 14
Total New Non
Federal (Total $ 1,094,326
Costs) 12
Total New
Awards FY10
as of $ 6,528,876
Page 21
The Surgical Scope
Industry Active Projects
Project Description
Project Period
Veracyte, Inc.
Prot#: VERA001: Molecular Profiling of Indeterminate
Thyroid Nodule Fine Need Aspirates to Determine Patterns Predictive of Benign or Malignant Disease
HemCon Medical
Prot#: HC-NU-2009-01: An Evaluation of th eUse of
Chitosan Based Dressings t Facilitate Safe, Effective
Debridement of Chronic Wounds in the Operating Room
and Inpatient Ward Settings and the Minimize Bacterial
Re-Colonization of Wounds
Excaliard Pharm
EXC001-201: A phase 2, randomized, double-blind,
within-subject, controlled, dose-ranging study to evaluate efficacy and safety of EXC001 for the treatment of
incision scars in pannus of subjects undergoing an elective abdmoinoplasty
Excaliard Pharm
EXC001-202: A phase 2, Randomized, Double-Blind,
Within-Subject Controlled Study to Evaluate Efficacy
and Safety of EXC001 for the Amelioration of Scarring
of the Surgical Incision in Subjects Undergoing an Elective Abdmminoplasty
Excaliard Pharm
EXC001-203: A Phase 2, Randomized, Double-Blind,
Within-Subject Controlled Study to Evaluate Efficacy
and Safety of EXC001 for the Amelioration of Scarring
Following Revision of Medial Scars Resulting from Prior
Breast Reduction or Mastopexy Surgery in A
Please send an email to: or
contact 312.926.8060 with your questions,
suggestions or requests to be added
to the distribution list.
The table on the last page of this newsletter is a reference for all future newsletters. If you would like the Department of
Surgery to include your recent presentation/article/book chapter, upcoming events, etc. in the next issue, please send
the information (in CV-format) to by the due date listed in the table (located on the last page of this
Page 22
Page 22
Issue 5
Industry Active Projects
Project Description
Novartis Pharm
Integrated Transplant Database Proposal
Prot#: 0468E6-4559: The Gernation of Regulatory T-Cells in Mixed Lymphocyte Reactions After
Conversion from Tacrollimus to Sirolimus in Liver
Transplant Recipients
Alexion Pharmaceuticals
Prot #C09-001R: A Retrospective, Observational, Non-Interventional Tria to Assess Eculizumab Treatment Effect in Patients with Atypical
eHemolytic Uremic Syndrome (AHUS)
Prot#: 0468E8-4500-WW: Planned Transition
to Sirolimus-based Therapy Versus Continued
Tacrolimus-based Therapy in Ranal Allogrants
Prot#: BCX1812-303: A Phase 3, Open-Label,
Randominzied Study of the Antiviral Activity,
Safety, and Tolerability of theIntravenous
Peramivir in Adult and Adolescent Hospitalized
Subjects with Confirmed or Suspected Influenza
CLS Behring
Determining the Beneficial Effects of Alpha-1Antitrypsin on the Function and Survival of Human Islets
Bristol Myers Squibb
Prot# IM103027: Belatacept Evaluation of
Nephroprotection and Efficacy as First-Line Immunosuppression Trial -- Extended Criteria Donors (BENEFIT-EXT) {Phase 3, Randomized Partially-Blinded, Active-Controlled, Parallel-Group,
Multicenter Clinical Trial
Pfizer, Inc
Prot# A3921021: Mltctr, Phase 2, Opn-Lbl, Controlled, Extension Study for Stage 1 Subjects of
Study A3921009 to Evaluate Long-Term Safety
& Efficacy of CP-690, 550 vs. Tacrolimus, When 12/12/05
Co-Administered w/Mycophenolate Mofetil in
Renal Allogrant Recipients
Page 23
Page 23
The Surgical Scope
Industry Active Projects
Project Description
W.L. Gore and Assoc
Prot#: TAG 08-01: Evaluation of the GORE Conformable
TAG Thoracic Endoprosthesis for Treatment of Acute
Complicated Type B Aortic Dissection
W.L. Gore and Assoc
Prot#: TAG 08-03: Evaluation of the GORE Conformable
TAG Thoracic Endoprosthesis for the Primary Treatment of Aneurysm of the Descending Thoraic Aorta TAG
Endologix, Inc
Prot # CP-0001: Prospective, Multicentern, Randomized Controlled Trial of Endovascular Aneurysm Repair
Using a Bilateral Percutaneous Approach (PEVAR) vs.
Standand Vascular Approach (SEVAR) Using the IntuiTrakEndovascular AAA Delivery System and the Pros
W.L. Gore and Assoc
Prot #TAG 08-13: Evalution of the GORE Conformable
TAG Thoracic Endoprosthesis for the Primary Treatment
of Aneurysm of the Descending Thoracic Aorta TAG 0803
Medtronic Vascular
Edurant Stent Grant System US Clinical Study
W.L. Gore and Assoc
Prot# TAG 08-01: Evaluation of the GORE Conformable
TAG Thoracic Endoprosthesis for Treatment of Acute
Complicated Type B Aortic Dissection
Medtronic Vascular
Prot# IP#118: Evaluation of the Clinical Performance
of the Valiant Thoracic Stent Graft with the Captvia Delivery System for the Treatment of Acute, Complicated
Type B Aortic Dissections
TriVascular, Inc.
Prot #771-0006: Pivotal Clinical Study to Evaluate the
Safety and Effectiveness of the TriVascular AAA StentGrant System
Page 24
Awards, honors, presentations and publications
Backer, Carl, MD
Appointed Chair, American Association for Thoracic Surgery Membership Committee,
AATS/STS Congenital Heart Disease
Symposium, Extracardiac versus Intra-Atrial
Lateral Tunnel: Fontan Extracardiac is Better.
Toronto, Ontario, Canada, May 2, 2010
Paul MA, Backer CL, Binns HJ, Mavroudis C,
Nominated by the American Medical Association Webb CL, Yogev R, Franklin WH. B-type
Board of Trustees to Residency Review Commit- natriuretic peptide and heart failure in
tee for Thoracic Surgery
patients with ventricular septal defect: a
pilot study. Pediatr Cardiol 2009;
Appointed to Executive Committee: Thoracic
Surgery Directors Association; Congenital Program Director Representative
Dearani JA, Mavroudis C, Quintessenza J, Deal
BJ, Backer CL, Fitzgerald P, Connolly HM, Jacobs
JP. Surgical advances in the treatment of adults
with congenital heart disease. Curr Opin Pediatr
Speaker, 2nd Annual Congenital Heart Disease
2009; 21:565-572
in the Adult Symposium. Cardiac
Transplantation for Patients with Adult
Kaushal S, Jacobs JP, Gossett JG, Steele A,
Congenital Heart Disease. Cleveland Clinic
Steele P, Davis CR, Pahl E, Vijayan K,
Foundation, Cleveland, OH, October 9, 2009
Asante-Korang A, Boucek RJ, Backer CL,
Wold LE. Innovation in basic science: stem cells
Speaker, Annual meeting of the
and their role in the treatment of pediatric
Congenital Heart Surgeon‘s Society,
cardiac failure–opportunities and challenges.
The Arterial Switch Operation: A 25-year
Cardiol Young 2009;19(Suppl 2):74-84
Experience with 258 Patients.,
Chicago, IL, November 1-2, 2009
Kelle AM, Young L, Kaushal S, Duffy CE, Anderson RH, Backer CL. The Gerbode defect: the
Speaker, 10th Annual International
significance of a left ventricular to right atrial
Symposium on Congenital Heart Disease,
shunt. Cardiol Young 2009;19(Suppl. 2):96-99
Surgery for Congenital Tracheal
Stenosis: the Chicago Approach.
Kaushal S, Backer CL, Patel JN, Patel SK,
All Children‘s Hospital,
Walker BL, Weigel TJ, Randolph G, Wax D, MavSt. Petersburg, FL, February 9, 2010
roudis C. Coarctation of the aorta: midterm outcomes of resection with extended end-to-end
Speaker, Society for Thoracic Surgical
anastomosis. Ann Thorac Surg 2009;88:1932Education, Anomalous Aortic Origin of
Coronary Arteries from the Wrong
Sinus of Valsalva. Influence of
MacIver RH, Stewart RD, Backer CL, Tsao S,
Ostial Orifice, Intramural Length, and
Harrington DA, Mavroudis C. An improved in vivo
Coronary Dominance., Sedona, AZ,
method for atrioventricular node ablation via
March 13, 2010
thoracotomy. Braz J Med Biol Res 2010; 43:206
Keynote Lecture. The American Society of
Echocardiography 2010 Chicago
Vande Kappelle RP, Gambetta K, Deal BJ,
Sonographer Update: Post-Operative
Backer CL, Sullivan CL, Pahl E. Late sinus and
Congenital Heart Disease-Pathology and
atrial tachycardia after pediatric heart transplanEchocardiography Review. The Fontan
tation might predict poor outcome. Pediatr CarProcedure: Historical Overview from a Surgeon‘s diol 2010 Feb 18 [Epub ahead of print]
Perspective. Oak Brook, IL. April 24, 2010
Kelle AM, Backer CL, Gossett JG, Kaushal S,
Speaker, 90th Annual Meeting of the
Mavroudis C. Total anomalous pulmonary veAmerican Association for Thoracic Surgery
nous connection: results of surgical repair of
Congenital Skills Course: Slide
100 patients at a single institution. J Thorac
Tracheoplasty, Toronto, Ontario, Canada,
Cardiovasc Surg 2010; 139:1387-1394
May 1, 2010
Kaushal S, Backer CL, Patel S, Gossett JG, MavSpeaker, 90th Annual Meeting of the
roudis C. Midterm outcomes in supravalvular
American Association for Thoracic Surgery,
aortic stenosis demonstrate the superiority of
Page 25
multi-sinus aortoplasty. Ann Thorac Surg
Patel A, Hickey E, Mavroudis C, Jacobs JP, Jacobs ML, Backer CL, Gevitz M,
Mavroudis CD. Impact of noncardiac congenital
and genetic abnormalities on outcomes in hypoplastic left heart syndrome. Ann Thorac Surg
Barsness, Katherine, MD
Presentation, ―Expensive Olives – Does Hospital
Type Affect Pyloromyotomy Outcomes? An Analysis of the Kids‘ Inpatient Database‖ Academic
Surgical Congress. February 2010. San Antonio,
Presentation, ―Single Site Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy.‖ Society of American Gastrointestinal and Endoscopic Surgeons. April 2010.
Washington, D.C.
Presentation, ―Postoperative Tube-related Complications after Gastrostomy Placement in Children‖ International Pediatric Endosurgery
Group. June 2010. Waikoloa, Hawaii
Presentation, ―Single Site Laparoscopic Ileocecectomy for Recurrent Intussusception‖ International Pediatric Endosurgery Group. June
2010. Waikoloa, Hawaii
Lecture, Single Site Laparoscopic Surgery, Introducing a New Technique for Minimally Invasive
Surgery Illinois Surgical Society. September
2009. Cape Cod, MA
Lecture, Neonatal Minimally Invasive Surgery.
On-line CME course. Children's Memorial Hospital. October 2009. Chicago, IL
Lecture, Single Site Laparoscopic Surgery. First
Year Fellow‘s Course in Minimal Access Surgery.
October 2009. Chicago, IL.
Lecture, Single Site Laparoscopic Surgery: Introducing a New Technique. Chicago Surgical Society. January 2010. Chicago, IL.
Lecture, Minimally Invasive Surgery for Congenital Anomalies. Northwestern University Department of Surgery Grand Rounds. January 2010.
Chicago, IL.
Lecture, Thoracoscopic Repair of Congenital
Diaphragmatic Hernia. International Pediatric
Endosurgery Group (IPEG) Advanced Pediatric
Minimally Invasive Surgery Workshop. March
The Surgical Scope
Awards, honors, presentations and publications
2010. Chicago, IL
2010 (New Orleans, LA)
Lecture, Minimally Invasive Surgery: Postoperative Care. Nurse Education Day. Children's
Memorial Hospital. March 2010. Chicago, IL
Lewandowski RJ, Eifler AC, Bentrem DJ, Ryu RK,
Salem R, Larson AC, Omary RA. Functional magnetic resonance imaging in an animal model of
pancreatic cancer. 2009 Cardiovascular and
Interventional Radiological Society of Europe
Annual Meeting, Lisbon, Portugal, Sept, 2009
Bidari K, Bentrem DJ, Mahvi D, Wayne J, Komanduri S. Role of preoperative risk stratification in
patients undergoing endoscopic ultrasound for
incidental cystic lesions in the pancreas. DDW
May 1, 2010 (New Orleans, LA)
Lecture, Inflammatory Bowel Disease: A Surgeon‘s Perspective. Crohn‘s and Colitis Foundation of America, Illinois Chapter, Inflammatory
Bowel Disease Symposium. March 2010. Chicago, IL.
Raval MV, Bilimoria KY, Stewart AK, Bentrem DJ,
Ko CY, Reynolds M. Impact of nodal evaluation
on survival in Wilm‘s tumor. forum, American
College of Surgeons. Oct 22, 2009 (Chicago, IL)
Lecture, Single Site Laparoscopic Surgery.
Panel Discussion. Society of American Gastrointestinal and Endoscopic Surgeons. April 2010.
Bilimoria KY, Bentrem DJ, Hall BL, Richards K,
Washington, D.C.
Ingraham A, Russell T, and Cohen M. Are we
measuring surgical quality correctly? The role of
Lecture, Necrotizing Entercolitis: Indications
post-discharge complications in hospital surgical
and Timing of Surgical Intervention. Web Symquality assessments. Clinical Congress, Ameriposium Necrotizing Entercolitis: Controversies
can College of Surgeons October 22, 2009
and Evolving Therapies. June 2010. Cleveland,
(Chicago, IL)
Cheon E, Strouch MJ, Krantz S, Heiferman M,
Blatner N,Khazaie K, and Bentrem DJ. Genetic
deletion of 5-lipoxygenase suppresses intestinal
Jangannathan, N; Sohn, L; Sawardekar, A; Ampolyposis in APC knockout mice. Surgical Forum,
brosy, A; Hagerty, J; Chin, A; Barsness, K;
Clinical Congress, American College of Surgeons
Suresh, S. ―Unilateral Groin Surgery in Children: October 22, 2009 (Chicago, IL) and Academic
Will the Addition of an Ultrasound-guided IlioinSurgical Congress February 4, 2010 (San Antoguinal Nerve Block Enhance the Duration of
nio, TX)
Analgesia of a Single-shot Caudal Block?‖ Paediatr Anaesth. Sept. 2009;19(9):892-8
Raval M, Cohen M, Barsness K, Bentrem DJ,
Phillips D, and Reynolds M. Expensive ―olives‖Marecek, G; Barsness, KA; Sarwark, J. ―Relief of does hospital type affect pyloromyotomy outSuperior Mesenteric Artery Syndrome with Corcomes? Analysis of the KIDS‘ inpatient datarection of Multiplanar spinal Deformity by Poste- base. Academic Surgical Congress February 5,
rior Spinal Fusion.‖ Orthopedics. Accepted May 2010 (San Antonia, TX)
Krantz S, Strouch M, Cheon E, Heiferman M,
Raval, MV; Cohen, ME; Barsness, KA; Bentrem, Munshi H, Khazaie K, and Bentrem DJ. Mast
DJ; Phillips, D; Reynolds, M. ―Expensive Olives – cells can mediate increased invasion in pancreDoes Hospital Type Affect Pyloromyotomy Outatic cancer cell lines. Academic Surgical Concomes? An Analysis of the Kids‘ Inpatient Data- gress February 5, 2010 (San Antonio, TX)
base‖ Surgery
Raval M, Dzakovic, Bentrem DJ, Reynolds M,
Barsness, KA; Raval, MV; Lautz, T. ―Increasing
and Superina R. Trends in age for hepatoporNational Burden of Skin and Soft Tissue Infectoenterostomy in the United States: Analysis of
tions in Children.‖ Annals of Surgery. Submitted the KIDS Inpatient Database. Central Surgical
May 2010
Association March 12, 2010 (Chicago, IL)
Naiditch, J; Lautz, T; Barsness, KA.
―Postoperative Complications in Children
undergoing Gastrostomy Tube Placement.‖
JSLS. Submitted May 2010
Bentrem, David, MD
―Best Oncologists in America‖2009-2010
―Best Doctors in America‖ 2009-2010
Page 26
Bilimoria KY, Cohen ME, Merkow RP, Bentrem
DJ, Hall BL, and Ko CY. Are you calling me a poor
performer? Comparison of outlier identification
methods in hospital surgical quality improvement programs SSAT May 1, 2010 (New Orleans, LA)
Hayman A, Prystowsky J, Molokie R, Fischer M,
and Bentrem DJ. From Worst to first: improving
colorectal cancer care at the VA. Association of
VA Surgeons May 7, 2010 (Indianapolis IN)
Krantz SB, Dangi-Garimella S, Shields MA,
Grippo PJ, Bentrem DJ and Munshi HG. MT1MMP cooperates with Kras to generate invasive
pancreatic tumors with pronounced fibrosis.
Pancreas Club May 1, 2010 (New Orleans, LA) &
ASCO, May 31,2010 (Chicago, IL)
Strouch MJ, Adrian K, Cheon EC, Barron MR,
Bentrem DJ, Pasche B, Grippo PJ. Tgfbr1 Haploinsufficiency Inhibits the Development of Murine Mutant Kras-Induced Pancreatic Precancer.
Cancer Research 2009;69(24)9169-74
Weber S, Cho C, Bentrem DJ, Nakeeb A, Schmidt
M, Merchant N, Parikh A, Martin RC, Scoggins
CR, Ahmad S, Kim HJ, Hawkins W, Kooby D.
Laparoscopic distal pancreatectomy: complication risk score predicts morbidity and risk for
pancreatic fistula. ASO 2009;16(10):28252833
Bilimoria K, Raval MV, Bentrem DJ, Balch CM,
Wayne JD, and Ko CY. National assessment of
melanoma care using formally developed quality
indicators. J Clin Oncol 2010;28(4):708
Fronza J, Bentrem DJ, Baker M, Talamonti M,
Ujiki M. Laparoscopic distal pancreatectomy
Shields MA, Dangi-Garimella S, Krantz S, Ben- using radiofrequency energy. Am J Surgery
trem DJ, and Munshi HG. Collagen regulation of 2010;199(3):401-404
Snail expression in pancreatic cancer involves
TGF-b1 signaling. American Association for Can- Raval MV, Bilimoria KY, Bentrem DJ, Stewart AK,
cer Research (poster presentation), April 4, Winchester DP, Ko CY, Reynolds M. Nodal
2010 (Washington, D.C.)
evaluation in Wilms‘ tumors: Analysis of the
National Cancer Database. Annals of Surgery
Cheon E, Strouch MJ, Krantz S, Heiferman M, 2010;251(3):559-65
Blatner N, Khazaie K, and Bentrem DJ. Genetic
deletion of 5-lipoxygenase suppresses intestinal Small W, Mulcahy M, Rademaker A, Bentrem DJ,
polyposis in APC knockout mice. SSAT May 1, Benson AB, Weitner S, Talamonti MS. A Phase II
Awards, honors, presentations and publications
trial of full-dose gemcitabine and bevacizumab
in combination with attenuated threedimensional conformal radiotherapy in patients
with localized pancreatic cancer. International
Journal of Radiation Oncology (In press)
Blatner N, Bonertz A, Beckhove P, Cheon E,
Strouch M, Krantz S, Weitz J, Koch M, Halverson
A, Bentrem DJ, and Khazaie K. In colorectal
cancer mast cells contribute to systemic regulatory T cell dysfunction. PNAS 2010;10:1073
Bilimoria KY, Cohen ME, Merkow RP, Wang X,
Bentrem DJ, Ingraham A, Hall BL, Ko CY. Comparison of outlier identification methods in hospital surgical quality improvement programs. J of
Gastrointestinal Surgery (In press)
Chin, Anthony, MD
Naiditch J, Rigsby C, Chin A. Utility of delayed
repeated enema and avoidance of negative
laparotomies in patients with intussusception.
39th International Symposium of Pediatric Surgery, Obergurgl, Austria, April 2010
Zekas L, Chin AC. Use of ‗Purse-string‖ Sutures
for Gastroschisis Closure Following Silo Reduction. 19th Annual American Pediatric Surgery
Nurses Association Conference, Orlando, FL,
May 2010
Gander, JW, Cowles RA, Middleworth W, Zitsman
JL, Chin A, Rothenberg S. Laparoscopic Excision
of Choledochal Cysts with Total Intracorporeal
Reconstruction. 19th Annual Congress of the
International Pediatric Endosurgery Group Annual Meeting. Waikaloa, HI June 2010
Rothenberg SS, Chin A. Laparoscopic CollisNissen for recurrent severe reflux in pediatric
patients with esophageal atresia and recurrent
hiatal hernia. 19th Annual Congress of the International Pediatric Endosurgery Group Annual
Meeting. Waikaloa, HI June 2010
Corcoran, Julia, MD
Honors/ Awards
Association for Surgical Education Philip J. Wolfson Outstanding Teaching Award
Can Students at Risk of Failing a Surgery Clerkship be Indentified at Midterm? Julia Corcoran,
MD, MHPE, Nancy Schindler, MD, Steven Downing, PhD, Debra DaRosa, PhD. Surgical EducaPage 27
tion Week, Antonio, TX. April 2010
Crandall M, Anderson B, Idakoji I, Rajasekhar A,
Haider A, Brasel K, Winthrop A, Esposito T
Composite Score Validity in Clerkship Grading.
Does insurance status or race impact patient
Julia Corcoran, MD, MHPE1, Debra A. DaRosa,
satisfaction among hospitalized trauma paPhD1, Steven M. Downing, PhD2 Ara Tekian,
tients? Eastern Association for the Surgery of
PhD, MHPE2 1 Northwestern University, Chicago, Trauma Phoenix, AZ January 2010
IL, 2University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, IL
Research in Medical Education at the AssociaCrandall M, Zolnick E. Chicago trauma deserts:
tion of American Medical Colleges Annual Meeta comparison of gunshot wounds in the city of
ing, Boston, MA, November, 2009
Chicago Building and Sustaining Partnerships to
How to Succeed in Surgical Education, Women
Address Health Disparities: Chicago CTSAs for
in Surgery: A Career Development Seminar,
Community Engagement Chicago, IL October
University of Maryland. May 2010
Crandall M, Zolnick E. Patterns of violent
Corcoran J, Downing S, Tekian A, DaRosa D.
trauma and resilience: a comparison of two
Composite score validity in clerkship grading.
neighborhoods Building and Sustaining PartnerAcad Med. 2009 Oct;84(10 Suppl):S120-3
ships to Address Health Disparities: Chicago
Crandall, Marie, MD
CTSAs for Community Engagement Chicago, IL
October 2009
Promotion to Associate Professor as of 9/1/10
Appointed Vice Chair, Academic Practice Committee, Association of Women Surgeons
Acting Chair, Committee on Research Related
Issues, Eastern Association for the Surgery of
Appointed to the Injury Prevention Committee,
American Association for the Surgery of Trauma
Outstanding Teaching Award, Medical Student
Surgery Rotation 2009
Sridharan L, Crandall M. Disadvantaged children are at high risk for injury, but risk factors
change over time. American Association for the
Surgery of Trauma September 2010
Crandall M, Anderson B, Idakoji I, Rajasekhar A,
Brasel K, Winthrop A, Esposito T Construction
and validation of a Trauma Patient Satisfaction
Survey American College of Surgeons Scientific
Session Chicago, IL October 2009
Kim L, Crandall M Asian-Americans and
trauma: unexamined disparities Association
for Academic Surgery San Antonio, TX February 2010
Kubasiak J, Linn L, Crandall M. Image of the
Month (in press for Archives of Surgery)
Crandall M. Transfusion and disorders of anticoagulation: normal mechanisms of hemostasis
and coagulation. Multimedia module (in press
for the American Board of Surgery SCORE curriculum)
Crandall M, Zollman F. Insurance status, not
persistent symptoms, determines follow up after
mild traumatic brain injury. American AssociaCrandall M. Transfusion and disorders of antition for the Surgery of Trauma September
coagulation: inherited and acquired disorders
of coagulation. Multimedia module (in press for
the American Board of Surgery SCORE curricuPeriyanayagam U, Crandall M Pregnancy and
Maternal Trauma: Predictors of High Risk Behaviors and Assault Society of Academic Emer- Crandall M. Transfusion and disorders of antigency Medicine Phoenix, AZ June 2010
The Surgical Scope
Awards, honors, presentations and publications
coagulation: approach to the patient with ongoing bleeding and laboratory assessment of coagulation. Multimedia module (in press for the
American Board of Surgery SCORE curriculum)
Crandall M. Transfusion and disorders of anticoagulation: transfusion—indications, risks,
type and crossmatch, component therapy, ethical issues. Multimedia module (in press for the
American Board of Surgery SCORE curriculum)
Crandall M, Sridharan L, Schermer CS. Depression and thoughts of death among disadvantaged mothers: risk factors and impact on maternal and child health (in press for Archives of
Suicide Research)
Crandall M, Esposito T, Reed RL, Gamelli R,
Luchette F. Were rules made to be broken?
Analysis of compliance and outcomes in a
trauma system with a two-hour transfer rule (in
press for Archives of Surgery)
Crandall M, Sridharan L, Schermer CS. Injury
and health among toddlers in vulnerable families Journal of Trauma 2010;68(5):1128-33
Hayman A, Crandall M. Deadly partners: interdependence of alcohol and trauma International Journal of Environmental Research and
Public Health 2009;6(12):3097-3104
Crandall M, Schwab J, Sheehan K, Esposito T.
Illinois trauma centers and intimate partner
violence: are we doing our share? Journal of
Interpersonal Violence 2009;24(12):2096-108
DaRosa, Debra, PhD
How to Effectively Integrate the SCORE Curriculum and Portal in Your Residency Program. Debra A. DaRosa, PhD1, Donald Risucci,
PhD2, 1Northwestern University, Chicago, IL,
2New York Medical College, Valhalla, NY. Surgical Education Week, Antonio, TX. April 2010
Enhancing Educational Quality and Continuity of
Care in a Surgical Residency Program Using
Industrial Engineering Methods. Heron Rodriguez, MD, Jonathan Turner, MS, Paul Speicher,
Page 28
BS, Mark Daskin, PhD, Debra DaRosa, PhD,
Northwestern University, Chicago, IL. Surgical
Education Week, Antonio, TX. April 2010
Greenfield‘s Surgery: Scientific Principles and
Practice. (5th Edition) (In Press)
DeCamp, Malcolm, MD
Pre-Implementation Predictors of Website Use:
Preliminary Findings from the SCORE Portal
Study. Connie C. Schmitz, PhD, University of
Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, Donald D. Risucci,
PhD, New York Medical College, Valhalla, NY,
Jan Plass, PhD, New York University, New York,
NY, Andrew Jones, PhD, American Board of Surgery, Philadelphia, PA, Debra DaRosa, PhD,
Northwestern University, Chicago, IL. Surgical
Education Week, Antonio, TX. April 2010
A Clinical Curriculum Evaluation System That
Promotes Ownership, Accountability, and Quality
Improvements. John Coyle, MD, Mary Schuller,
MSEd, Ed Wang, PhD, Debra DaRosa, PhD,
Northwestern University, Chicago, IL. Surgical
Education Week, Antonio, TX. April 2010
Changing Resident Training Paradigms: New
Options for the Medical Student and Surgical
Residents. Karl Illig, MD, FACS, University of
Rochester, NY, Jeffrey Wayne, MD, FACS, Northwestern University, Chicago, IL Thomas J. Nasca,
MD, MACP, Accreditation Council for Graduate
Medical Education , Chicago, IL, Debra DaRosa,
PhD, Chicago, IL Northwestern University, Chicago, IL , Richard H. Bell Jr., MD, FACS, American Board of Surgery, Philadelphia, PA, American College of Surgeons 95th Annual Clinical
Congress, Chicago, IL, October 2009
A Cheap and Effective Way to Improve Medical
Student‘s Learning. Nabil Issa, MD, Mary
Schuller, MSEd, Edward Wang, PhD, Michael
Shapiro, MD, Debra DaRosa, PhD, Northwestern
University, Chicago, IL. Surgical Education Week,
Antonio, TX. April 2010
Rogers D, DaRosa D, Williams R, Hauge L, Dunnington G. Using cognitive task analysis to develop a surgical procedural curriculum. In: Park
A, Klein RV, editors. Minimally invasive surgery
training: theories, methods, outcomes [Internet].
Washington: Department of Health & Human
Services (US), National Institutes of Health,
National Library of Medicine; 2010 January;
Chapter 12
DaRosa, D., Schenarts K, Corcoran, J. How to
Survive and Excel in a Surgery Clerkship. In
Lawrence PF Ed. Essentials of General Surgery,
4th Edition, (Pending Publication)
Bell, R. Hauge, L., DaRosa, D. Reading Effectively to Attain Proficiency in Surgery. In
Appointed Chief, Division of Thoracic Surgery,
Northwestern Memorial Hospital, 2009
Appointed Professor of Surgery, Feinberg School
of Medicine, Northwestern University, 2009
Appointed Fowler McCormick Professor of
Surgery, Feinberg School of Medicine, 2010
Excellence in Academic Medicine Award from
Illinois Department of Healthcare and Family
Services (IDHFS) and NMH for
development of the Thoracic Oncology Program,
Course Director/Lead Faculty, Thoracic Surgery
Director‘s Association (TSDA) Boot Camp,
Chapel Hill, NC Flexible and Rigid
―Bronchoscopy and Mediastinoscopy‖, 2009
Course Director, Overholt Symposium : Learning
from 75 years of advancement in the treatment
of lung cancer, emphysema and the struggle
against smoking. Boston, MA, 2009
Speaker, Overholt Symposium : Learning from
75 years of advancement in the treatment of
lung cancer, emphysema and the struggle
against smoking. Boston, MA, 2009
―Lecture: LVRS: What Happened?‖
Speaker, EBUS- An Interdisciplinary TraininCourse, Harvard Medical School CME,
Boston, MA, 2009
―Mediastinal staging: Why is it Important?‖
Invited speaker, VATS 2009
The 7th International Symposium on VideoAssisted Thoracic Surgery, New York, NY
―Bronchoscopic Treatment of Emphysema‖,
Speaker, Northeast Thoracic Summit (NETS),
Mashantucket, CT ―A stage-based approach
to esophageal cancer‖, 2009
Speaker, Pulmonary Update: 2009 New England
Chapter American College of Chest
Physicians, Boston, MA
―LVRS: Where is the Evidence‖, 2009
Awards, honors, presentations and publications
Invited Speaker, Society of Thoracic Surgeons
45th Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA
―Lung volume reduction surgery: What happened?‖ 2009
Speaker, Cyberknife Robotic Radiosurgery
Course, Chicago, IL ―Stereotactic
Radiosurgery for Medically Inoperable NSCLC ―,
survival in patients with resected nonsmall cell
lung cancer. Cancer. 2009; 115(5):1059-69
Varlotto JM, Recht A, Nikolov M, Flickinger JC,
DeCamp MM. Extent of lymphadenectomy and
outcome for patients with stage I nonsmall cell
lung cancer. Cancer. 2009 Feb; 115(4): 851-8
Okereke IC, Gangadharan SP, Kent MS, Nicotera
SP, Shen C, DeCamp MM. Standard uptake
value predicts survival in non-small cell lung
cancer. Ann Thorac Surg. 2009 Sept; 88(3):9115; discussion 915-6
Invited lectures (2), Multidisciplinary Management of Lung Cancer, Emphysema and
Benign Airway Disease, Penn Medicine CME,
Philadelphia, PA
―Stage IIIA Lung Cancer: Who is a surgical candi- Ye C, Masterman JR, Huberman MS, Gangadhadate?‖ ‖Tracheobronchomalacia:
ran SP, McDonald DC, Kent MS, DeCamp MM.
The Emperor‘s New Clothes?‖ 2009
Subdivision of the T1 size descriptor for stage I
non-small cell lung cancer has prognostic value:
Invited lectures (4), 70th Meeting La Sociedad
a single institution experience. Chest. 2009
Mexicana de Neumologia y Cirugia de Torax ,
Sept; 136(3):710-5
Veracruz, Mexico
―Lung Transplantation:Results from the USA‖
Lai P, Cohen D, DeCamp M, Fazio S, Roberts D.
―New Techniques of Pulmonary Parenchymal
A 40-year-old woman with an asymptomatic
Preservation (VATS, RFA, SRS)‖
cystic lesion in her right lung. Chest. 2009; 136
―Complex Surgery of the Airways‖
―NETT: What Happened?‖ 2009
Shrager J, DeCamp M, Murthy S. Intraoperative
Invited lecture, European Society of Thoracic
and postoperative management of air leaks in
Surgeons 17th European Conference on General patients with emphysema. Thorac Surg Clin.
Thoracic Surgery, Krakow, Poland
2009; 19(2):223-31, ix.
―Thoracic Database: the US Experience‖, 2009
Siracuse JJ, DeCamp MM Jr. Surgical mediastiPoster presentation, Society of Thoracic Surnal lymph node sampling for staging of nongeons 46th Annual Mtg, Ft. Lauderdale, FL
small cell lung cancer. Op Techniques in Thorac
―Acute changes in right ventricular function after and Cardiovasc Surg. 2009; 14(2): 112-23
lung isolation predict postoperative arrhythmias‖, 2010
Tsukada H, Ernst A, Gangadharan S, Ashiku S,
Garland R, Litmanovich D, DeCamp M. Tracheal
Hematology/Oncology Grand Rounds, Robert H. replacement with a silicone-stented, fresh aortic
Lurie Comprehensive Cancer Center, Chicago, IL allograft in sheep. Ann Thorac Surg. 2010;
―The Solitary Pulmonary Nodule : Diagnosis and 89:253-258
Treatment‖, 2010
Washko GR, Martinez FJ, Hoffman EA, Loring
Paper presentation, American Association for
SH, Estepar RS, Diaz A, Sciurba FC, Silverman
Thoracic Surgery 90th Annual Meeting,
EK, Han M, DeCamp MM, Reilly JJ, Research
Toronto, ON, Canada ―Lobectomy leads to
Group N. Physiologic and computed tomooptimal survival in early-stage small cell lung
graphic predictors of outcome from lung volume
cancer‖, 2010
reduction surgery. Am J Respir Crit Care Med
2010, Vol 181:494-500
Invited speaker, American Association for Thoracic Surgery 90th Annual Meeting, Toronto, ON, Nicotera SP, Miller EC, Nghiem FT, DeCamp MM,
Canada, Controversies in the Utilization of New Michaud G, Kent MS. Bronchopulmonary carciTechnologies ―Management of Clinical Stage I
noid tumor presenting with polymyositis. Ann
NSCLC : Radiofrequency Ablation and Stereotac- Thorac Surg. 2010 Apr;89(4):1276-8
tic Body Radiotherapy‖, 2010
Varlotto JM, Recht A, Flickinger JC, MedfordPublications
Davis LN, Dyer AM, DeCamp MM. Varying recurrence rates and risk factors associated with
Varlotto JM, Recht A, Flickinger JC, Medforddifferent definitions of local recurrence in paDavis LN, Dyer AM, DeCamp MM. Factors asso- tients with surgically resected, stage I nonsmall
ciated with local and distant recurrence and
cell lung cancer. Cancer. 2010 May 15;116
Page 29
Nicotera, SP, DeCamp MM. Special situations:
Air leak after lung volume reduction surgery and
in ventilated patients. Thorac Surg Clin. 2010 (in
Tsukada H, O'Donnell C, Garland R, Herth FJF,
DeCamp MM, Ernst A. A novel animal model
for hyperdynamic airway collapse. CHEST 2010
(in press)
Matyal R, Mahmood F, Hess P, Zhao X, Mitchell
J, Maslow A, Gangadharan SP, DeCamp MM.
Right ventricular echocardiographic predictors
of postoperative supraventricular arrhythmias
after thoracic surgery (A Pilot Study). Ann Thorac
Surg 2010 (in press)
Varlotto J, Medford-Davis LN, Recht A, Flickinger
J, Schaefer E, DeCamp MM. Local and Distal
Failure Rates and Pattern of Recurrence in Surgically-Resected N1 Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer. International Journal of Radiation Oncology,
Biology, Physics 2010 (in press)
Gangadharan SP, DeCamp MM. Mediastinal
Masses. In: General Surgery:Principles and International Practice 2nd Edition, Bland KI, Sarr
MG, Buchler MW, et al (eds) Springer-Verlag,
London, 2009. p 1409-1418
Fell SC, DeCamp MM Jr. Technical Aspects of
Lobectomy. In: General Thoracic Surgery 7th
Edition, Lociciero J (editor). Lippincott Williams
& Wilkins, Philadelphia, PA 2009. p 421-444
DeCamp MM Jr., Fell SC. Pneumonectomy and
its Modifications. In: General Thoracic Surgery
7th Edition, Lociciero J (editor). Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Philadelphia, PA 2009. p 457470
Ashiku SA, DeCamp MM. Resection of the Carina. In: Adult Chest Surgery:
Concepts and Procedures, DJ Sugarbaker
(editor) McGraw Hill, New York 2009. p 473-483
O‘Dell D, Gangadharan SP, DeCamp MM. Belsey
Mark IV Fundoplication/Collis Gastroplasty. In:
Adult Chest Surgery: Concepts and Procedures,
DJ Sugarbaker (editor) McGraw Hill, New York
2009. p 271-277
de Hoyos, Alberto, MD
Thoracic Malignancies, Jackson Hospital,
Oct 2009.
History of Tracheostomy. Percutaneous Tracheo-
The Surgical Scope
Awards, honors, presentations and publications
stomy Hands-On Seminar. Sept 2009
Patient selection, indications, contraindications.
Percutaneous Tracheostomy
Hands-On Seminar, Sept 2009
de Hoyos A, Fry W. Pneumothorax. In Shields
TW, LoCicero, III J, Reed CE, Feins RH. General
Thoracic Surgery, Seventh Edition. Lippincott
Williams and Wilkins.739-762, 2009
Tracheobronchial Interventions. New Tools for
the Thoracic Surgeon. Introduction.
Society of Thoracic Surgeons. Fort Lauderdale,
Feb. 2010
de Hoyos A, Blum M. Instruments and Techniques of Video-Assisted Thoracic Surgery. In
Shields TW, LoCicero, III J, Reed CE, Feins RH.
General Thoracic Surgery, Seventh Edition.
Lippincott Williams and Wilkins. 487-508.2009
Tracheobronchial Interventions. New Tools for
the Thoracic Surgeon.Hot and Cold
Therapies, Microdebridement. Society of Thoracic Surgeons. Fort Lauderdale, Feb. 2010
Assessment and Management of Airway Obstruction. Hands-On Seminar. Salt Lake City,
April, 2010
Airway Stenting. Hands-On Seminar. Salt Lake
City, April, 2010
Phillips JD, Yeldandi A, Blum MG, de Hoyos A.
Bronchial carcinoid secreating insulin-like
growth factor-I with acromegalic features. Ann
Thorac Surg. 2009;88:1350-2
MacIver RH, Sundaresan S, de Hoyos A, Sisco
M, Blum MG. Mucosal tube technique for creation of esophageal anastomosis after
esophagectomy. Ann Thorac Surg.
Blum M, de Hoyos A. Primary Pneumomediastinum. In Shields TW, LoCicero, III J, Reed CE,
Feins RH. General Thoracic Surgery, Seventh
Edition. Lippincott Williams and Wilkins, 2009,
pages 2177-2180
de Hoyos A, Blum MG, Landreneau R. VideoAssisted Thoracoscopic Surgery (VATS) for the
General Surgeon. In Soper NJ, Swanstrom LL,
Eubanks WS Mastery of Endoscopic and Laparoscopic Surgery, third edition. Lippincott Williams
& Wilkins, 564-576. 2009
de Hoyos A. Complications of pleural operations
and procedures. In Little A, Complications in
Cardiothoracic Surgery; Avoidance and Treatment. Wiley-Blackwell, 2010
de Hoyos A, DeCamp M. Tracheostomy. In
Soper N, Kauffman D. Northwestern Handbook
of Surgical Procedures, Second Edition. Landes
Bioscience, 2010
Blum MG, de Hoyos A. Surgical approach to
de Hoyos A. DeCamp M. Pulmonary Lobectomy.
small detected lung nodules. Accepted for publi- In Soper N, Kauffman D. Northwestern Handcation in Clinical Pulmonary Medicine, 2009
book of Surgical Procedures, Second Edition.
Landes Bioscience, 2010
McCarthy DP, de Hoyos A, Blum MG. The role of
a ―removable‖ hybrid stent in the treatment of
de Hoyos A, DeCamp M. Cricothyrotomy. In
esophageal disease. Submitted for publication
Soper N, Kauffman D. Northwestern Handbook
in the Annals of Surgery, 2009
of Surgical Procedures, Second Edition. Landes
Bioscience, 2010
de Hoyos A, Blum M. Morgagni Hernia. In
Shields TW, LoCicero, III J, Reed CE, Feins RH.
General Thoracic Surgery, Seventh Edition.
Lippincott Williams and Wilkins, 2009; 719-724
de Hoyos A, DeCamp M. Transhiatal Esophagectomy. In Soper N, Kauffman D. Northwestern
Handbook of Surgical Procedures, Second Edition. Landes Bioscience, 2010
de Hoyos A, Blum M. Video-Assisted Thoracic
de Hoyos A, DeCamp M. Ivor Lewis EsophagecSurgery for Diseases within the Mediastinum. In tomy. In Soper N, Kauffman D. Northwestern
Shields TW, LoCicero, III J, Reed CE, Feins RH.
Handbook of Surgical Procedures, Second EdiGeneral Thoracic Surgery, Seventh Edition.
tion. Landes Bioscience, 2010
Lippincott Williams and Wilkins,
de Hoyos A, DeCamp M. Left Transthoracic
2157-2176, 2009
Esophagectomy. In Soper N, Kauffman D.
Page 30
de Hoyos A, DeCamp M. Esophageal Perforation.
In Soper N, Kauffman D. Northwestern Handbook of Surgical Procedures, Second Edition.
Landes Bioscience, 2010
Eskandari, Mark, MD
de Hoyos A, Backer C. Vascular Masses of the
Mediastinum. In Shields TW, LoCicero, III J,
Reed CE, Feins RH. General Thoracic Surgery,
Seventh Edition. Lippincott Williams and Wilkins.2223-2246, 2009
Kapadia MR, de Hoyos A, Blum MG. Acute Superior Vena Cava Occlusion after Stenting of
Tracheoesophageal Fistula. Ann Thorac Surg.
2009 Apr;87(4):1260-2
Northwestern Handbook of Surgical Procedures,
Second Edition. Landes Bioscience, 2010
James S. T. Yao, MD, PhD, Professor of
Education in Vascular Surgery
―Indications and Techniques of Left Subclavian
Revascularization with TEVAR.‖ International
Endovascular Symposium – Thoracic Aortic
Summit, Sydney, Australia, September 30, 2009
Lecturer, ―TEVAR for Blunt Aortic Transection:
Meta-Analysis of Death, Stroke, and Paraplegia
Rates.‖ International Endovascular Symposium
– Thoracic Aortic Summit, Sydney, Australia,
September 30, 2009
Keynote Speaker, ―Overcoming Difficult TEVAR
Access: Percutaneous Closure and Endoconduits.‖ Vascular 2009 Innovation in Intervention, Sydney, Australia, October 3, 2009
Keynote Speaker, ―Supra-Aortic Trunk Stenting
Outcomes: Fractures and Late Stent Failures.‖
Vascular 2009 Innovation in Intervention, Sydney, Australia, October 3, 2009
Keynote Speaker, ―Non-Neurologic, Preventable
Complications of Carotid Stenting.‖
Vascular 2009 Innovation in Intervention,
Sydney, Australia, October 3, 2009
Lecturer, ―Extreme Treatment for CLI: Surgical
Outer Limits.‖ VIVA 2009, Las Vegas,NV,
October 20, 2009
Lecturer, ―Does Stent Geometry Matter.‖ VIVA
2009, Las Vegas, NV, October 20, 2009
Lecturer, ―Carotid Stents and EPDs.‖ 34th Annual Northwestern Vascular Symposium:
Vascular Surgery-A Manual for Survival,
Chicago, IL, December 10-13, 2009
Lecturer, ―Current Treatment of Aortic
Dissection.‖ 34th Annual Northwestern Vascular
Symposium: Vascular Surgery-A Manual for
Survival, Chicago, IL, December 10-13, 2009
Lecturer, ―Role of EVAR for Ruptured Aneu-
Awards, honors, presentations and publications
rysms.‖ 34th Annual Northwestern Vascular
Symposium: Vascular Surgery-A Manual for
Survival, Chicago, IL, December 10-13, 2009
Lecturer, ―Vena Cava Thrombectomy and Primary Repair After Radical Nephrectomy for Renal Cell Carcinoma: Single Center Experience.‖
Peripheral Vascular Surgery Society 20th Annual
Winter Meeting, Vail, CO, January 30, 2010
Lecturer, ―Management of Carotid Disease – A
Surgeon‘s Perspective‖ Fifth Annual SIR Fellows
Spring Practicum 2010, Evanston, IL, April 22,
Lecturer, ―AAA Repair – A Surgeon‘s Perspective‖ Fifth Annual SIR Fellows Spring Practicum
2010, Evanston, IL, April 22, 2010
Adel JG, Morasch MD, Eskandari MK. An
uncommon cause for carotid artery stenosis
after carotid stenting. Ann Vasc Surg 2009;
Bilimoria KY, Kmiecik TE, DaRosa DA, Halverson
A, Eskandari MK, Bell RH, Soper NJ,
Wayne JD. Development of an Online Morbidity,
Mortality, and Near-Miss Reporting
System to Identify Patterns of Adverse Events in
Surgical Patients. Arch Surg 2009;
144(4):305-11; discussion 311.
Brown KE, Usman AA, Kibbe MR, Morasch MD,
Matsumura JS, Pearce WH, Amaranto DJ,
Eskandari MK. Carotid Stenting Using Tapered
Versus Non-tapered Stents:
Associated Neurologic Complications and
Restenosis Rates. J Vasc Surg 2009;23:439445
Eskandari MK, Usman AA, Garcia-Toca M, Matsumura JS, Kibbe MR, Morasch MD,
Rodriguez HE, Pearce WH. 8-Year Institutional
Review of Carotid Artery Stenting.
J Vasc Surg 2010;51:1145-51
Garcia-Toca M, Usman AA, Matsumura JS, Kibbe
MR, Morasch MD, Rodriguez HE,
Amaranto DJ, Pearce WH, Eskandari MK. 8-Year
Institutional Review of Carotid Artery
Stenting. J Vasc Surg 2010;51:1145-51
Heyer K, Tang GL, Resnick SA, Eskandari MK.
Hybrid thoracoabdominal aortic
aneurysm repair: visceral revascularization combined with EVAR and TEVAR.
J Vasc Intervent Rad 2010;21(5):735-7
Naughton PA, Garcia-Toca M, Eskandari MK.
Page 31
Endovascular repair of complicated
type B aortic dissection following coronary artery
bypass grafting.
J Vasc Intervent Rad 2010;21(3):403-5
Tang GL, Matsumura JS, Morasch MD, Pearce
WH, Nguyen A, Amaranto D, Eskandari MK.
Carotid angioplasty and stenting vs. carotid
endarterectomy for asymptomatic disease
:single center experience. Arch Surg; 2008;143
Usman AA, Tang GL, Eskandari MK. MetaAnalysis of Procedural Stroke and
Death among Octogenarians: Carotid Stenting
versus Carotid Endarterectomy.
J Am Coll Surg 2009;208(6):1124-31
Tang GL, Matsumura JS, Morasch MD, Pearce
WH, Nguyen A, Amaranto D, Eskandari MK.
Carotid angioplasty and stenting vs. carotid
endarterectomy for asymptomatic disease:
single center experience. Arch Surg; 2008;143
Usman AA, Tang GL, Eskandari MK. MetaAnalysis of Procedural Stroke and Death
among Octogenarians: Carotid Stenting versus
Carotid Endarterectomy.
J Am Coll Surg 2009;208(6):1124-31
Xu DS, Abruzzo TA, Albuquerque FC, Dabus G,
Eskandari MK, Guterman LR, Hage ZA,
Hurley MC, Hanel RA, Levy EI, Nichols CW,
Ringer AJ, Batjer HH, Bendock BR.
External carotid artery stenting to treat patients
Adel JG, Morasch MD, Eskandari MK. An uncom- with symptomatic ipsilateral internal
mon cause for carotid artery stenosis
carotid artery occlusion: a multicenter case
after carotid stenting. Ann Vasc Surg 2009;23
series. Neurosurgery 2010; in press
Brown KE, Eskandari MK. Preventable
Bilimoria KY, Kmiecik TE, DaRosa DA, Halverson Complications of Carotid Stenting.
A, Eskandari MK, Bell RH, Soper NJ,
In Carotid Artery Disease, Kibbe MR, Pearce WH,
Wayne JD. Development of an Online Morbidity, Yao JS, eds. People‘s Medical
Mortality, and Near-Miss Reporting System
Publishing House, in press 2009
to Identify Patterns of Adverse Events in Surgical
Patients. Arch Surg 2009;
Eskandari MK. Current Status of Carotid
144(4):305-11; discussion 311
Stenting in the Treatment of
Symptomatic and Asymptomatic Carotid StenoBrown KE, Usman AA, Kibbe MR, Morasch MD,
sis. In Carotid Artery Disease,
Matsumura JS, Pearce WH, Amaranto DJ,
Kibbe MR, Pearce WH, Yao JS, eds. People‘s
Eskandari MK. Carotid Stenting Using Tapered Medical Publishing House, in press 2009
Versus Non-tapered Stents: Associated
Neurologic Complications and Restenosis
Eskandari MK. Carotid Angioplasty and StentRates. J Vasc Surg 2009;23:439-445
ing. In ACS Surgery: Principles and Practice.
Jurkovich GJ, Kaiser LR, Pearce WH, Pemberton
Eskandari MK, Usman AA, Garcia-Toca M, MaJH, Soper NJ, Souba WW, eds.
tsumura JS, Kibbe MR, Morasch MD,
BC Decker, Philadelphia, PA, 2009
Rodriguez HE, Pearce WH. 8-Year Institutional
Review of Carotid Artery Stenting.
Eskandari MK. Carotid Stents and Embolic
J Vasc Surg 2010;51:1145-51
Protection Devices. In Trends and Outcomes
in Endovascular Surgery, Matsumura JS, MoGarcia-Toca M, Usman AA, Matsumura JS, Kibbe rasch MD, Pearce WH, Yao JST, eds
MR, Morasch MD, Rodriguez HE,
Evanston IL, Greenwood Academic Press, 2009
Amaranto DJ, Pearce WH, Eskandari MK. 8-Year
Institutional Review of Carotid Artery
Eskandari MK. Current Treatment of Type B
Stenting. J Vasc Surg 2010;51:1145-51
Thoracic Aortic Dissections. In Trends
and Outcomes in Endovascular Surgery, MatsuHeyer K, Tang GL, Resnick SA, Eskandari MK.
mura JS, Morasch MD, Pearce WH, Yao JST,
Hybrid thoracoabdominal aortic
eds. Evanston IL, Greenwood Academic Press,
aneurysm repair: visceral revascularization
combined with EVAR and TEVAR.
J Vasc Intervent Rad 2010;21(5):735-7
Eskandari MK. Endovascular Treatment of
Aortic Arch Vessels, Subclavian, and Axillary
Naughton PA, Garcia-Toca M, Eskandari MK.
Artery. In Atlas of Vascular Surgery and EnEndovascular repair of complicated
dovascular Therapy, Chaikof EL, Cambria RP,
type B aortic dissection following coronary artery eds
bypass grafting.
Elsevier Science, Philadelphia. In progress
J Vasc Intervent Rad 2010;21(3):403-5
The Surgical Scope
Awards, honors, presentations and publications
Eskandari MK. Occupational Vascular Problems. In Vascular Surgery,7th ed.
Rutherford RB, ed. Elsevier Science, Philadelphia, PA, 2010
artery occlusion: a multicenter
case series. Neurosurgery 2010; in press
Eskandari MK. Role of EVAR for Ruptured Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms. In Trends and
Outcomes in Endovascular Surgery, Matsumura
JS, Morasch MD, Pearce WH,
Yao JST, eds. Evanston IL, Greenwood Academic
Press, 2009
Eskandari MK. Techniques for Carotid Artery
Stenting. In Carotid Artery Disease,
Kibbe MR, Pearce WH, Yao JS, eds. People‘s
Medical Publishing House, in press 2009
Fryer, Jonathon, MD
Transplantation Fellowships Favorably Impact
Surgical Resident Perceptions of Transplant
Surgery Experience. James G. Bittner IV, Jonathan P. Fryer, Joseph B. Cofer, John D. Mellinger,
George M. Fuhrman, Karen R. Borman, James J.
Wynn. ATC, San Diego, CA. May 2010
The Perceived Impact of Resident Travel on
Transplant Surgery Experience During General
Surgery Residency Training: A Survey of Program
Eskandari MK. Venous Reconstruction in Renal Directors in Surgery James G. Bittner IV, MD1,
Cancer Patients. In Venous Disorders
Jonathan P. Fryer, MD2, Joseph B. Cofer, MD3,
-New Findings and Treatment, Kibbe MR, Pearce John D. Mellinger, MD1,James J. Wynn,
WH, Yao JS, eds. People‘s Medical
MD1,George M. Fuhrman, MD4, Karen R. BorPublishing House, in press 2009
man, MD5, 1Medical College of Georgia, Augusta, GA; 2Northwestern University,Chicago, IL;
3University of Tennessee, Chattanooga, TN; 4AtHeyer KS, Eskandari MK. Current status
of carotid artery stenting.
lanta Medical Center, Atlanta, GA; 5University of
In Angioplasty Research Progress, Layton KG,
Central Florida,Orlando, FL. Surgical Education
Percelle RA, eds. Nova Science
Week, Antonio, TX. April 2010
Publishers, Hauppauge NY, 2009
Educating Across a Values and Perceptual DiLongo GM, Eskandari MK. Single Center Experi- vide? Duty-hour Restrictions after Six Years: A
ence in Carotid Artery Stenting.
Multi-institutional Study of Surgical Faculty and
In Carotid Artery Disease, Kibbe MR, Pearce WH, Residents. Coverdill, James E., Alfredo M. CarYao JS, eds. People‘s Medical Publishing
bonell, Thomas H. Cogbill, Jonathan Fryer,
House, in press 2009
George M. Fuhrman, Kristi Harold, Jonathan R.
Hiatt, Richard A. Moore, Don K. Nakayama, M.
Monge M, Eskandari MK. Hybrid Procedure for Timothy Nelson, Marc Schlatter, Richard A.
Supra-Aortic Trunk Lesions.
Sidwell, John L. Tarpley, Paula M. Termuhlen,
In Carotid Artery Disease, Kibbe MR, Pearce WH, Christopher Wohltmann, and John D. MellinYao JS, eds. People‘s Medical
ger. Surgical Education Week, Antonio, TX. April
Publishing House, in press 2009
Peterson BG, Eskandari MK, Morasch MD.
Endovascular stent-graft placement f
or emergent traumatic thoracic aortic disruption. In Surgery of the Aorta and Its
Body Branches, Morasch MD, Pearce WH, Yao
JS, eds. People‘s Medical Publishing House,
Improving the Resident Experience on Transplant Surgery: Surgical Residents on Transplant
Surgery: An Endangered Species. ASTS 10th
Annual State of the Art Winter Symposium, ‗The
Cutting Edge of Transplant Surgery‘ Fort Lauderdale, FL. January 2010
Rodriguez HE, Eskandari MK. Histopathologic
Changes After Stent Implantation.
In Carotid Artery Disease, Kibbe MR, Pearce WH,
Yao JS, eds. People‘s Medical Publishing
House, in press 2009
Educating Residents & Students: What‘s at
Stake? ASTS 3rd Annual Surgical Fellows Symposium, ASTS Program Planning Committee
member, Scottsdale, AZ. November 2009
Xu DS, Abruzzo TA, Albuquerque FC, Dabus G,
Eskandari MK, Guterman LR, Hage ZA,
Hurley MC, Hanel RA, Levy EI, Nichols CW,
Ringer AJ, Batjer HH, Bendock BR. External
carotid artery stenting to treat patients
with symptomatic ipsilateral internal carotid
Page 32
Coverdill, J., Carbonell, A., Fryer, JFuhrman, G.,
Harold,K., Hiatt, J., Jarman, B., Moore, R.,
Nakayama, D., Nelson, M., Schlatter, M.,
Sidwell, R., Tarpley, J.,. Termuhlen, P.,
Wohltmann, C., and Mellinger, J. A New Profes-
sionalism? Surgical Residents, Duty-hour Restrictions, and Shift Transitions. Academic Medicine (in press).(Also presented at the Annual
Meeting of the Association of American Medical
Colleges, Research in Medical Education [RIME],
Washington, DC, November 2010.)
Coverdill, J., Carbonell, A., Cogbill, T., Fryer, J.,
Fuhrman, G., Harold, K., Hiatt, J., Moore, R.,
Nakayama, D., Nelson, M., Schlatter, M.,
Sidwell,R., Tarpley, J., Termuhlen,P.,
Wohltmann, C., and Mellinger, J. Professional
Values, Value Conflicts, and Assessments of the
Duty-hour Restrictions after Six Years: A Multiinstitutional Study of Surgical Faculty and Residents. American Journal of Surgery (in press)
Fryer J, Corcoran N, DaRosa D. Use of the Surgical Council on Resident Education (SCORE)
curriculum as a template for evaluating and
planning a program's clinical curriculum. J Surg
Educ. 2010 Jan-Feb;67(1):52-7
Fryer J, DaRosa D, Wang E, Han L, Axelrod D,
Ishitani M, Baker T, Knight R, Sung R, Magee J,
Pomfret EA; ASTS National Transplant Surgery
Curriculum Committee. What defines a transplant surgeon? A needs assessment for curricular development in transplant surgery fellowship
training. Am J Transplant. 2010 Mar;10(3):66474. Epub 2010 Jan 5
Grady, Kathleen, PhD
Appointed Co-Chair – AHA Editorial Board, Heart
Insights, Healthy Living for Patients, their Families & Caregivers
Appointed Chair, AHA Council Operations Committee
Appointed to the School Transportation Task
Force, state of Illinois by Governor Pat Quinn
Speaker, Heart Transplantation and Ventricular
Assist Device Implantation in 2009. Heart Failure Symposium, Memorial Heart and Vascular
Institute. Springfield, IL.
Speaker, Ventricular Assist Device Certification: Are you Prepared? American Heart Association 2009 Scientific Sessions. Orlando, FL.
Speaker, Stage D Heart Failure: Quality of Life
Outcomes after Transplant and Mechanical
Support Fifth Annual Heart Failure Holiday Sym-
Awards, honors, presentations and publications
posium. The Bluhm Cardiovascular Institute,
Center for Heart Failure and Feinberg School of
Medicine, Northwestern University, Chicago, IL
Kansal P, Tambur AR, Klein L, Cotts WG. The
Breast Imaging: Do We Need It? American Colimpact of virtual crossmatch on cardiac allograft lege of Surgeons 95th Annual Clinical Congress,
vasculopathy in heart transplant recipients. J
Chicago, Illinois. October 15, 2009
Heart Lung Transplant 29:2S S153, 2010
Speaker, Evidence Based Practice of Self-Care
Nipple sparing mastectomy and management of
Management in the Adult Mechanical
Halverson, Amy, MD
the high-risk patient. Annual Clinical Assembly of
Circulatory Support and Transplant Patient: Is
Osteopathic Surgeons. Chicago, Illinois. Novemyour Transplant Program Evidence Based.
ber 1, 2009
International Society for Heart and Lung
Transplantation 30th Anniversary
Excellence in Teaching Award, Dept. of Surgery, Imaging, staging, surgical and radio therapeutic
Meeting and Scientific Sessions. Chicago, IL
Northwestern University Feinberg School of
considerations in the setting of neo-adjuvant
Medicine 2008-09
systemic therapy for advanced breast cancer.
Speaker, Stage D Heart Failure: Quality of Life
Breast Boost Course, RSNA 95th Scientific AsOutcomes after Transplant and Mechanical
Director, Nora Institute for Surgical Patient
sembly and Annual Meeting. Chicago, Illinois.
Support. Brigham and Womens‘ Hospital. Bos- Safety, American College of Surgeons
November 30, 2009
ton, MA.
Editor, Quality and Patient Safety Web Portal,
Nipple sparing mastectomy. TEAM UP in OnPublications
American College of Surgeons
coplastic Surgery, Nashville Tennessee, January
28, 2010
Grady K, Wang E, Higgins R, Heroux A, RyEditorial Board for Selected Readings in General
barczyk B, Young JB, Pelegrin D, Czerr J, KoSurgery
Breast Health for the Adolescent s a kick-off for
bashigawa J, Chait J, Naftel DC,
fundraiser for the Avon Walk for Breast Cancer
White-Williams C, Myers S, Kirklin J. Symptom
American Society of Colon and Rectal Surgeons 2010, Hinsdale Middle School, Hinsdale, Illinois,
Frequency and Distress from 5 to 10 years
Committee for Quality and Patient Safety
April 9, 2010
after Heart Transplantation. Journal of Heart
and Lung Transplantation. 28:759-68, 2009
Vice-President, Metropolitan Chicago Chapter,
The Multidisciplinary Approach to Breast Cancer
American College of Surgeons
Management, Gilda‘s Clun, Chicago, Illinois April
Riegel B, Moser D, Anker S, Appel L, Dunbar S,
15, 2010
Grady K, Gurvitz M, Havranek E, Lee C, LinPresentations
denfeld J, Peterson P, Pressler S,
Schocken D, Whellan D. State of the Science:
Missouri College of Surgeons 42nd Annual MeetPromoting self-care in persons with heart failing-Communication in the OR, June 13, 2009
Abbott DE, Margaryan NV, Jeruss JS, Khan S,
ure. A Statement from the American
Kaklamani V, Winchester D, Hansen N, RadeHeart Association. Circulation. 120:1141Hansen, Nora, MD
maker A, Khalkhali-Ellis Z, Hendrix MJ. Reevalu1163, 2009
ating cathepsin D as a biomarker for breast
cancer: Serum activity levels versus histopatholHsich, EM, Naftel DC, Myers SL, Grady KL,
ogy. Cancer Biol Ther. 2010 Jan 15;9(1). PMID:
Schuml D, Ulisney KL, Young JB. Sex-specific
Accreditation Certification Award from the Na19923884
differences in outcomes and adverse events
tional Accreditation Program for Breast Centers,
with primary left ventricular assist device supAmerican College of Surgeons January 2010
Manget A, Hansen NM,. The Clinical Breast Canport using the INTERMACS database. J Heart
cer Team. Carol Scott-Conner, Fred Dirbas
Lung Transplant 29:2S S41, 2010
(eds.) In Breast Surgery: Office Management
and Surgical Technique. Springer-Verlag New
White-Williams C, Grady KL, Wang E, Naftel DC, Local therapy of inflammatory cancer. Lynn
York, (Submitted)
Kirklin JK, Myers S, Rybarczyk B, Young JB, Czerr Sage Breast Cancer Symposium, Chicago, IlliJ, Pelegrin D, Kobashigawa J, Chait J, Heroux A, nois. October 2, 2009
Hansen NM, Introduction / Multidisciplinary
Higgins R. The relationships among satisfaction
Training for Breast Surgical Oncology. In
with heart transplant on quality of life outcomes Decision making regarding primary
Kuerer‘s Breast Surgical Oncology. McGraw-Hill
5 to 10 years after heart transplantation. J
(neoadjuvant therapy) in patients with operable New York, (in Process)
Heart Lung Transplant 29:2S S59, 2010
and locally advanced breast cancer, Moderator,
Lynn Sage Breast Cancer Symposium, Chicago, Hansen, NM, Paget‘s Disease. Harris JR,
Grady KL, Wang E, White-Williams C, Naftel DC, Illinois. October 3, 2009
Lippman ME, Morrow, M, Osborne CK, (eds.) in
Myers S, Kirklin JK, Young JB, Pelegrin D, Czerr
Diseases of the Breast 4th Ed. Lippincott, WilJ, Kobashigawa J, Chait J, Rybarczyk B, Heroux
Multidiciplinary Tumor Board: Case reviews.
liams & Wilkins, 2009
A, Higgins A. Patterns and predictors of stress
Panelist Lynn Sage Breast Cancer Symposium,
and coping from 5 to 10 years after heart trans- Chicago, Illinois. October 3, 2009
Hummel, Mary, PhD
plantation. J Heart Lung Transplant 29:2S S77,
The promises and myths of breast cancer rePublications
search, Town Hall meeting – Panelist Lynn Sage
Rhee JK, McGee E, Subacius H, Grady KL, FerBreast Cancer Symposium, Chicago, Illinois.
Liu, X.F., Yan, S., Abecassis, M. and Hummel, M.
guson G, O‘Leary JL, Schupbach E, Shao E,
October 4, 2009
(2010) ―Biphasic recruitment of transcriptional
Page 33
The Surgical Scope
Awards, honors, presentations and publications
repressors to the MCMV major immediate early
promoter during the course of infection in vivo‖,
J. Virol. 84(7):3631-3643.
PMCID: PMC2838119
Hungness, Eric, MD
Minimally Invasive Surgical Approach. JSLS,
2009 13(4):601-604
mens and Pregnancy Related Hormones on
Breast Cell Proliferation. Poster Presentation at
the 2009 Annual Oncofertility Consortium ConPugh C, Plachta S, Auyang EA, Pryor A and Hung- ference, Chicago, IL, September 15, 2009
ness ES. Outcome Measures for Surgical Simulators: Is the Focus on Technical Skills the Best Speaker, The 11th Annual Lynn Sage Breast
Approach. Surgery – In Press
Cancer Symposium, ―Management of Recurrent
Fronza JS, Linn JG, Nagle AP, Soper NJ and
Hungness ES. A Single Institution‘s Experience
with SILS Cholecystectomy Compared to StanOlympus Millennium Program Participant, Tokyo, dard Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy. Surgery –
In Press
SSAT Maintenance of Certification Committee
Winner, NOSCAR Research Grant - Transrectal
NOTES appendectomy - $70,000
Winner, SAGES Research Grant - Laparoscopic
Common Bile Duct Exploration:
Simulator Development‖ - $9,996
Soper NJ and Hungness ES. Laparoscopic antireflux surgery. In Fischer JE, Bland KI (eds):
Mastery of Surgery, 6th edition. Philadelphia,
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2010. In Press
Breast Cancer After Initial Lumpectomy Sentinal
Node Biopsy, and Whole Breast Radiation Therapy‖, October 1, 2009
Chair, Controversies in Breast Cancer Management, 11th Annual Lynn Sage Breast Cancer
Symposium, Chicago, IL October 4, 2009
Speaker, American Society for Bioethics and
Humanities (ASBH), ―Discussing Fertility Preservation with Breast Cancer Patients‖, Washington, DC, October 17, 2009
Speaker, American College of Surgeons Surgical
Congress, Subject-Oriented Symposium III:
Zelivianski S, Cooley AE, Kall R, Jerusss JS.
NOTES and Single Port Access Surgery - NOTES CDK4 Phosphorylation Regulates Smad3 Activity
Cholecystectomy, Chicago, October 15, 2009
in Cyclin D1 Overexpressing Breast Cancer Cells.
Panelist - American College of Surgeons Surgical
Poster Presentation at the 32nd Annual San
Congress, Subject-Oriented Symposium III:
Speaker, Society for Surgery of the Alimentary
Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium, San Antonio,
NOTES and Single Port Access Surgery -, ChiTract Video Session III: Emerging Technologies
TX, December 11, 2009
cago, October 15, 2009
in Minimal Access GI Surgery - Hybrid Transvaginal NOTES Cholecystectomy Using a Novel FlexiSpeaker, Grand Rounds. Northwestern Univerble Toolbox and Internal Retraction System, New Moderator, Academic Surgical Congress, Integrated Oral Session II: Oncology 5: Cancer Biolsity - Bariatric Surgery Update, Chicago, October Orleans, May 4, 2010
ogy. San Antonio, TX. February 5, 2010
22, 2009
Jeruss, Jacqueline, MD, PhD
Plenary Speaker, Society of Surgical Oncology,
Speaker, Annual Clinical Assembly of Osteo―Update on DCIS Outcomes from the American
pathic Surgeons - NOTES, Chicago, November 2, Awards/Honors
Society of Breast Surgeons Accelerated Partial
Breast Irradiation Clinical Trial Registry‖, St.
Louis, MO, March 5, 2010
FLS Course Instructor and Lecturer – Chicago,
Principal Investigator, Association of Women
IL, November 14, 2010
Surgeons Foundation and Ethicon Endo-Surgery
Fellowship Grant, ―Novel Cell Array to Determine Publications
Speaker, Transgastric Cholecystectomy. 3rd
Impact of CDK Inhibition of SMAD Signaling of
UCSD Hands-On NOTES and Single Site Surgery Cyclin Over-expressing Breast Cancer‖, 8/1/09- Abbott DE, Margaryan NV, Jeruss JS, Khan S,
Kaklamani V, Winchester DJ, Hansen N, RadeSymposium, San Diego, November 20, 2009
12/31/10, $25,000
maker F, Khalkhali-Ellis Z, Hendrix MJC. Reevaluating Cathepsin D as a biomarker for
Speaker, SAGES NOTES Symposium - NOTES:
Principal Investigator, National Institutes of
Steady Progress Has Been Made, Washington
Health, 1K22CA138776-01A1, ―The Oncogenic breast cancer: Serum activity levels versus
histopathology. Cancer Biol Ther. 2010 Jan;9
DC, April 16, 2010
Significance of Cyclin Overexpression and
Smad3 Tumor Suppression‖, 7/1/10-6/31/13, (1):23-30. Epub 2010 Jan 15
Session Chair, Surgical and Endoscopic Man$521,780
Gardino S, Jeruss JS, Woodruff TK. Using Deciagement of Obesity. AGA Research Forum, Digestive Disease Week, New Orleans, May 3,
Co-Investigator, Department of Defense, Breast sion Trees to Enhance Interdisciplinary Team
Work: The Case of Oncofertility. J Assist Reprod
Cancer Research Program Concept Award,
Genet 2010; Apr 13. Epub ahead of print. PMID:
―Identification of a PARP Inhibitor Sensitivity
Signature in Breast Cancer Using A Novel Transcription Factor Activity Array‖, 8/1/10Hulvat MC, Jeruss JS. Fertility Preservation OpRooney DE, Pugh C, Auyang EA, Hungness ES,
8/31/11, $75,000
tions for Patients with Cancer. European Oncoland DaRosa D. Administrative Considerations
ogy, 2010;6(1):31–4
When Implementing ACS Skills Curriculum. SurPresentations
gery 2009 Dec 30. [Epub ahead of print]
Malladi P, Hungness ES and Nagle AP. Single
Access Laparoscopic Splenectomy: A Novel
Page 34
Cooley AE, Matthews L, Ukeje C, Zelivianski S,
Jeruss JS. Effects of Fertility Treatment Regi-
Redig AJ, Brannigan R, Stryker S, Woodruff TK,
Jeruss JS. Incorporating Fertility Preservation
Awards, honors, presentations and publications
into the Care of Young Oncology Patients. Cancer. In Press
Bellis A, Bernabe BP, Weiss M, Yarrington M,
Barbolina M, Pannier A, Jeruss JS, Broadbelt L,
Shea LD. Large-scale Analysis of Transcription
Factor Activity using Bioluminescence Imaging.
In Press
Jeruss JS, Kuerer HM, Beitsch PD, Vicini FA,
Keisch M. Update on DCIS Outcomes from the
American Society of Breast Surgeons
MammoSite® Clinical Registry Trial. Annals of
Surg Onc. In Press
Chen X, Zhang X, Fei C, Larson CS, Wang L-J,
Kaufman DB. 2009. Comparative study of regenerative potential of beta cells from young
and aged donor mice using a novel islet transplantation model. Transplantation. 88:496503
Stendahl JC, Kaufman DB, Stupp
SI. 2009. Extracellular matrix in pancreatic
islets: relevance to transplantation. Cell Transplantation 18:1-12
Chen X, Kaufman DB. Bioluminescent imaging
of transplanted islets. Methods in molecular
biology (Clifton, N.J.) 2009; 574:75-85
Kaufman, Dixon, MD, PhD
Deputy Director, Comprehensive Transplant
Center, Feinberg School of Medicine
2009 Best Doctors in America
Program Review Committee, OB-GYN, 2009
United Network for Organ Sharing (UNOS), Pancreas Committee, Region 7, Chair, 2009-11
American Diabetes Association, Program Committee, 2009
Principle Investigator, National Institutes of
Health, "Clinical Islet Transplantation at Northwestern" 1 U01AI089316-01
Speaker: Northwestern Surgery Grand Rounds
(11/19), "Advances in Islet Transplantation".
Speaker: American Transplant Congress:
2010. Pancreas Transplantation: Current Controversies Controversies in Allocation of Pancreas-Kidney Grafts
Speaker: American Transplant Congress:
2010. Revisiting Old friends: Management of
Current Immunosuppression: Alemtuzumab: Sensible and Effective or Madness?
Tambur AR, Ramon DS, Kaufman DB, Friedewald J, Luo X, Ho B, Skaro A, Caicedo J, Ladner
D, Baker T, Fryer J, Gallon L, Miller J, Abecassis
MM, Leventhal J. Perception Versus Reality?:
Virtual Crossmatch-How to Overcome Some of
the Technical and Logistic Limitations.
American journal of transplantation : official
journal of the American Society of Transplantation and the American Society of Transplant
Surgeons 2009 Jun 26
Kissler .J, Niland JC, Olack B, Ricordi C, Hering
B, Naji A, Faoud K, Oberholzer J, Fernandez L,
Contreras J, Stiller T, Sowinski J, Kaufman
DB. 2009. Validation of Methodologies for
Quantifying Isolated Human Islets: an Islet Cell
Resources Study. Clinical Transplantation (in
Brubaker CE, Kissler H, Ling-jia Wang, L-J, Kaufman DB, Messersmith PB. 2010. Biocompatibility of mussel-inspired adhesive in murine extrahepatic beta-islet transplantation. Biomaterials
Su J, Hu BH, Lowe, WL, Kaufman DB, Messersmith PB. 2010.Anti-Inflammatory Peptide
Functionalized Hydrogels for Insulin-Secreting
Cell Encapsulation. Biomaterials 31:308-14
Kaufman DB. Editorial. 2010. Pancreas-afterkidney transplantation: To have and not have
not. Clinical Transplantation 23:435-6
Chen X, Larson CS, West J, Zhang X, Kaufman
DB. 2010. In Vivo Detection of Extrapancreatic
Ison, MG, Parker M, Stosor V, Kaufman DB.
Insulin Gene Expression in Diabetic Mice by
2009. Development of BK nephropathy in recipi- Bioluminescence Imaging. PLoS ONE 5(2):
ents of simultaneous pancreas-kidney transe9397. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0009397
plantation. Transplantation. 87:525-30
Kaushal,Sunjay, MD
Freeman RB, Matas AT, Henry M, Segev DL,
Kaufman DB, Robert JP. 2009. Moving kidney Awards/Honors
allocation forward: the ASTS perspective. American J Transplantation. 9: 1501-6
Principal Investigator K08/National Institutes
Page 35
of Health:Mentored Clinical Scientist
Development Award Characterization of
Cardiac Stem Cells in Congenital Heart Patients
Speaker, Characterization of human cardiac
progenitor populations derived from young
congenital heart patients. Congenital Heart
Surgeons Society 2009 Annual Meeting,
Chicago, IL, November 1-2, 2009
Speaker, Mid-term outcomes in supravalvular
aortic stenosis demonstrate the superiority
of multi-sinus aortoplasty. Southern Thoracic
Surgical Association 56th Annual Meeting,
Marco Island, FL, November 4-7, 2009
Speaker, Tissue engineering the heart organ
with cardiac progenitor cells. 2010
Meeting of Medical Fellows, Research Scholars,
and Physician-Scientist Early
Career Awardees. Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Chevy Chase, MD, May 25, 2010
Speaker, The utility of a bioresorbable polymeric
film and expanded polytetrafluoroethylene
to prevent pericardial adhesions and provide a
protective barrier after cardiac surgery.
Western Thoracic Surgical Association 36th Annual Meeting, Ojai, CA, June 25, 2010
Kaushal S, Backer CL, Patel JN, Patel S, Walker
BL, Weigel TJ, Randolph G, Wax D,
Mavroudis C. Coarctation of the aorta: midterm
outcomes of resection with extended
end-to-end anastomosis. Ann Thorac Surg
Bai W, Kaushal S, Malviya S, Griffith K, Ohye RG.
Anesthetic management for resection of cor
triatriatum during the second trimester of pregnancy. Int J Obstet Anesth 2010;19:103-106
Kaushal S, Backer CL, Patel S, Gossett JG, Mavroudis C. Midterm outcomes in supravalvular
aortic stenosis demonstrate the superiority of
multi-sinus aortoplasty. Ann Thorac Surg
Kelle AM, Backer CL, Gossett JG, Kaushal S,
Mavroudis C. Total anomalous pulmonary venous connection: results of surgical repair of
100 patients at a single institution. J Thorac
Cardiovasc Surg 2010; 139:1387-1394
Kelle AM, Young L, Kaushal S, Duffy CE, Anderson RH, Backer CL. The Gerbode defect: the
The Surgical Scope
Awards, honors, presentations and publications
significance of a left ventricular to right atrial
shunt. Cardiol Young 2009;19(Suppl 2):96-99
Kaushal S, Jacobs JP, Gossett JG, Steele A,
Steele P, Davis CR, Pahl E, Vijayan K, AsanteKorang A, Boucek RJ, Backer CL, Wold LE. Innovation in basic science: stem cells and their role
in the treatment of paediatric cardiac failureopportunities and challenges. Cardiol Young
2009; 19(Suppl 2):74-84
Khan, Seema, MD
The Early Detection Research Network (EDRN):
Clinical Validation Centers Review Committee,
March 17, 2010
cer Network (NCCN) 2010 Congress Series,
"Genetics, Risk Assessment, and Screening for
Breast Cancer", Chicago, IL, January 28, 2010
Invited Speaker, National Consortium of Breast
Centers 20th Annual National Interdisciplinary
Breast Center Conference, ―Con: T1cN1 Tumors
Are Appropriate Candidates for Neoadjuvant
Treatment Regardless of Operability‖, Las Vegas, NV, March 22-23, 2010
Invited Speaker, The 15th Annual Multidisciplinary Symposium on Breast Disease & The 1st
Annual International Breast Health Education
Program, ―Mastectomy for Patients with Metastatic Breast Cancer‖. Cairo, Egypt, October 26,
Invited Speaker, University of Washington
School of Medicine‘s Current Concepts and
Challenges in Breast Cancer Course, ―De Novo
Metastatic Disease‖, Seattle, WA, October 30,
Invited Speaker, National Comprehensive CanPage 36
Kibbe, Melina, MD
Awards /Honors
Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists
Invited Speaker, Dow Graduate Association of
and Engineers (PECASE)
North America‘s Annual Dow Alumni Retreat
2010, ―Surgical Management in Breast Cancer‖, Joost Award nominee, Northwestern University,
St. Louis, MO, April 24, 2010
Feinberg School of Medicine
Bevers TB, Anderson BO, Bonaccio E, Buys S,
Department of Defense Breast Cancer Research Daly MB, Dempsey PJ, Farrar WB, Fleming I,
Program Integration Panel Programmatic ReGarber JE, Harris RE, Heerdt AS, Helvie M, Huff
view, March 10-11, 2010
JG, Khakpour N, Khan SA, Krontiras H, Lyman G,
Rafferty E, Shaw S, Smith ML, Tsangaris TN,
American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO)
Williams C, Yaneeklov T. NCCN Clinical Practice
2010 Scientific Program Committee, March 1-2, Guidelines in Oncology: Breast Cancer Screen2010
ing and Diagnosis. J Natl Comp Canc Netw.
2009 Nov;7(10):1060-96. PMID: 19930975.
Komen Promise Grant 2010 Scientific Peer
Consensus Statement
Review, February 22-23, 2010
Khan SA. Axillary reverse mapping to prevent
lymphedema after breast cancer surgery: defining the limits of the concept. J Clin Oncol. 2009
Invited Speaker, 11th Annual Lynn Sage Breast
Nov 20;27(33):5494-6. Epub 2009 Oct 13.
Cancer Symposium, Unusual Breast Problems
Invited Editorial
Panel Discussions, ―Management of Supraclavicular Nodal Metastases‖, Chicago, IL, October 1, Chatterton RT Jr, Khan SA, Heinz R, Ivancic D,
Lee O. Patterns of sex steroid hormones in nipple aspirate fluid during the menstrual cycle and
Invited Speaker, 11th Annual Lynn Sage Breast
after menopause in relation to serum concentraCancer Symposium, ―Is Age a Selection Factor
tions. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev. 2010
for Mastectomy?‖, Chicago, IL, October 3, 2009 Jan; 19(1):275-9
Invited Speaker, American College of Surgeons
95th Annual Clinical Congress 2009, "Evidencebased Surveillance of Patients with Breast Cancer‖, Chicago, IL, October 14, 2009
Morrow, M, Chatterton RT, Rademaker AW, Hou
N, Jordan VC, Hendrick RE, Khan SA. A Prospective Study of Variability in Mammographic Density During the Menstrual Cycle. Breast Cancer
Res Treat. 2010 Jun: 121(3):565-574
Abbott DE, Margaryan NV, Jeruss JS, Khan SA,
Kaklamani V, Winchester DJ, Hansen N, Rademaker F, Khalkhali-Ellis Z, Hendrix MJC. Reevaluating Cathepsin D as a biomarker for
breast cancer: Serum activity levels versus
histopathology. Cancer Bio Ther 2010; Jan 1:9
(1). Epub ahead of print
Heyer K, Buck DW 2nd, Kato C, Khan SA, Alam
M, Kim JY. Reversed acellular dermis: failure of
graft incorporation n primary tissue expander
breast reconstruction resulting in recurrent
breast cellulitis. Plast Reconstr Surg. 2010 Feb;
Women‘s Leadership Award, Society for Vascular Surgery
Critical Limb Ischemia and Future Stem
Cell Treatment, 23rd Annual Nursing
Conference on Selected Topics in
Vascular Disease, Northwestern Memorial
Hospital, Chicago, IL. October 2, 2009
Submitting and Revising Your Manuscript,
Association for Academic Surgery
Fundamentals of Surgical Research
Course, Chicago, IL. October 9, 2009
Getting It Done!, Managing Information Overload
(PS56), 95th Annual Clinical Congress,
American College of Surgeons, Chicago, IL, October 13, 2009
Isolated Gastrocnemius and Soleal Vein Thrombosis: To Treat or Not to Treat.
The Arthur C Nielsen Jr. Vascular Conference,
Northwestern Memorial Hospital,
Chicago, IL, October 28, 2009
Will NO-eluting Therapies Inhibit Neointimal
Hyperplasia in all Patients? Research Seminar,
University of Chicago, Department of Surgery,
Chicago, IL, December 8, 2009
Isolated Gastrocnemius and Soleal Vein Thrombosis - Should these Patients Be
Anticoagulated? Vascular Surgery
-A Manual for Survival, 34th Annual Northwestern Vascular Surgery Symposium,
Chicago, IL, December 12, 2009
Insights into the Efficacy of Nitric Oxide-based
Therapies for Vascular Disease.
Khan, SA. Primary Site Therapy in de Novo Stage Research Seminar, Jesse Brown VA Medical
IV Breast Cancer: The Need for Unbiased Data.
Center, Chicago, IL, January 8, 2010.
Breast Diseases: A Year Book Quarterly. Apr-Jun
2010; 21(1):16-19
Nitric Oxide-Based Vascular Therapies: Will They
Awards, honors, presentations and publications
Work? Research Seminar, Institute for
BioNanotechnology in Medicine, Northwestern
University, Chicago, IL, March 9, 2010
Rodriguez HE, Pearce WH. 8-Year Institutional
Review of Carotid Artery Stenting.
J Vasc Surg 2010;51:1145-51
Limb Ischemia. J Vasc Surg, 2010, 51:230-241
Varu VN, Tshilis ND, Kibbe MR. Basic
Science Review: Nitric Oxide-Releasing
Insights into the Efficacy of Nitric Oxide-Based
Garcia-Toca M, Usman AA, Matsumura JS, Kibbe Prosthetic Materials. Vasc Endovasc
Therapies for Vascular Disease.
MR, Morasch MD, Rodriguez HE,
Surg 2009, 43(2):121-31
Cardiology Grand Rounds, Northwestern Univer- Amaranto DJ, Pearce WH, Eskandari MK. 8-Year
sity Feinberg School of Medicine,
Institutional Review of Carotid Artery Stenting.
Zhao H, Serrano MC, Popowich D, Kibbe MR,
Chicago, IL, March 12, 2010
J Vasc Surg 2010;51:1145-51
Ameer GA. Biodegradable Nitric Oxide-releasing
Poly(diol citrate) Elastomers. JBMR
How to Get Funding for Research, State Univer- Kibbe MR, Martinez J, Popowich DA, Kapadia
Part A. 2010l;93(1):356-63
sity of New York at Buffalo,
MR, Ahanchi SS, Aalami OO, Jiang Q, Webb AR,
School of Medicine, Faculty Retreat for Depart- Yang J,
Ladner, Daniela, MD
ment of Surgery, Buffalo,
Carroll T, Ameer GA. Citric Acid-Based ElastomNY, March 20, 2010
ers Provide a Biocompatible Interface for Vascu- Awards/ Honors
lar Grafts.
How to Better Manage your Time – Using SupJBMR Part A. 2010; 93(1):314-24
Abstract with Distinction-Chosen for Press Report Staff, Faculty Retreat for
lease: ―The Impact of Physician Years since
Department of Surgery, State University of New Lautz TB, Abbas F, Novis Walsh SJ, Chow C,
graduation on Patient Referrals for Preemptive
York at Buffalo, School of Medicine,
Amaranto DJ, Wang E, Blackburn D, Pearce WH, Living Donor Kidney Transplantation‖
Buffalo, NY, March 20, 2010
Kibbe MR. Isolated Gastrocnemius and Soleal
D Ladner, et al; ASN 2009
Vein Thrombosis (IGSVT): Should these
Exciting new approaches to managing critical
Patients Receive Therapeutic Anticoagulation?
Stuart Altman Fellowship in Health Policy
limb ischemia, Grand Rounds,
Ann Surg. 2009 Oct 24 (Epub ahead of print,
Leadership Program in Health Policy and ManUniversity of Sydney, Sydney, Australia, April 30, PMID 19858700)
agement The Heller School for
Social Policy and Management
McDermott MM, Domanchuk K, Dyer A, Ades P,
Submitting and Revising Your Manuscript Includ- Kibbe MR, Criqui MH. Recruiting Participants
Dixon Innovation Grant (PI: Ladner)
ing Abstracts. Developing a Career in
Comprehensive Risk Assessment to Improve
Academic Surgery Course, Association of AcaPeripheral Arterial Disease for Clinical Trials:
Safety Processes in Kidney Transplantation
demic Surgery and Section of Academic
Experience from the Study to Improve Leg
Sponsor: Northwestern Memorial FoundaSurgeons of Royal Australasian College of SurCirculation (SILC). J Vasc Surg, 2009, 49(3):653 tion
geons, Perth, Australia, May 3, 2010
Gene and Cell-based therapies. Vascular SurMcDermott MM, Mazor KM, Reed G, Pagoto S,
gery Section, Annual Scientific Congress,
Graff R, Merriam P, Kibbe M, Greenland P,
A Review of Quality of Life Instruments Used in
Royal Australasian College of Surgeons, Perth,
Ockene J, Olendzki B, Tao H, Ockene I.
Liver C Jay, Z Butt, DP Ladner, A Skaro,
Australia, May 5, 2010
Attitudes and Behaviors of Peripheral Arterial
M Abecassis.
Disease toward Influencing their
Journal of Hepatology, 2009 Nov;51(5):949-59
Financing Your Research: Pilot Grants, Founda- Physician‘s Prescription of Cholesterol-lowering
tions, Career Development Awards.
Medication. Vasc Med 2010
Laparoscopic versus open donor hepatectomy
Association of VA Surgeons‘ 34th Annual Meet- (Epub ahead of print PMID 20118170)
T Baker, C Jay, D Ladner, M Abecassis
ing, Indianapolis, IN, May 9, 2010
Surgery, 2009 Oct;146(4):817-23;
Novis Walsh SJ, Ostrowski D, Levin B, Blum-Eisa
L, Prystowsky JB, Kibbe MR.
Quality of Life in Actual Living Liver Donors VerPrevention of Thromboembolic Events in Surgisus Potential Living Liver Donors
Amaranto D, Abbas F, Krantz S, Pearce WH,
cal Patients through the Creation and
Z Butt, D Ladner, N Parikh
Wang E, Kibbe MR. An Evaluation of Gender and Implementation of a Computerized Risk Assess- Liver Transplantation, 2010; In Press
Racial Bias in the Surgical Treatment of Arterial ment Program. J Vasc Surg. 2010; 51(3):648-54
Disease. J Vasc Surg 2009, 50(6):1340-7
Meta-analysis: Liver transplant recipients of
Payvandi L, Dyer A, McPherson D, Ades P, Stein donation after cardiac death
Brown KE, Usman AA, Kibbe MR, Morasch MD,
J, Liu K, Ferrucci L, Criqui MH, Guralnik JM,
D Ladner, M Abecassis
Matsumura JS, Pearce WH, Amaranto DJ,
Lloyd-Jones D, Kibbe MR, Liang ST, Kane B,
Ann Surgery; In Press
Eskandari MK. Carotid Stenting Using Tapered Pearce WH, Verta M, McCarthy WJ, Schneider
Disparities in kidney transplant outcomes: A
Versus Non-tapered Stents:
JR, Shroff A, McDermott MM. Physical
review EJ Gordon, DP Ladner, JC Caicedo,
Associated Neurologic Complications and
Activity during Daily Life and Brachial Artery
J Franklin Seminars in
Restenosis Rates. J Vasc Surg 2009;23:439Flow-mediated Dilation in Peripheral
Nephrology, 2010 Jan;30(1):81-9
Arterial Disease. Vasc Med. 2009,
Lee, Richard, MD
Eskandari MK, Usman AA, Garcia-Toca M, Matsumura JS, Kibbe MR, Morasch MD,
Varu VN, Hogg ME, Kibbe MR. Critical
Page 37
The Surgical Scope
Awards, honors, presentations and publications
Lee R, Li S, Rankin JS, O‘Brien S, Gammie JS,
McCarthy PM, Edwards FH. Changing Outcome
Characteristics of Multiple Valve Surgery: A 15Year Perspective. Society of Thoracic Surgeons
– 46th Annual Meeting, Fort Lauderdale, Florida,
January 2010
Vaduganathan M, Stone NJ, Ramakrishna S, Lev
EI, Lee R, McGee EC, Malaisrie SC, Silverberg
RA, McCarthy PM. Midterm benefits of perioperative statin therapy in patients undergoing
isolated valvular heart surgery: 5-year surgical
experience. American College of Cardiology –
59th Annual Scientific Session. Atlanta, Georgia,
March 14, 2010
Hirsch EM, Atoui R, McCarthy PM, McGee EC,
Malaisrie SC, Lee R. Sternal salvage with rigid
plating system after failure of Talon
device. Ann Thorac Surg. February 2010, In
Gheorghiade M, Flaherty J, Fonarow G, Desai R,
Lee R, McGiffin D, Love T, Aban I, Eichhorn E,
Bonow R, Ahmed A. Coronary artery
disease, coronary revascularization, and outcomes in chronic advanced systolic
heart failure. Int J Cardiol. April 2010, In Press
Lewis Jr., Victor, MD
Mahvi, David, MD
Visiting Professor, Methodist Hospital, Houston,
TX, 2010
Visiting Professor, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI, 2010
Visiting Professor, University of Iowa, Iowa City,
IA, 2010
Northwestern Medical Faculty foundation award
for excellence in collaboration, 2010
Awards/ Honors
Ballapuram K, Ansari AH, Zhao Q, Spirano D,
Lee R, Maganti K. Left Atrial Volume Index Assessment: Is There a Difference Between the
Proposed 2D Methodologies? American Society
of Echocardiography - 21st Annual Scientific
Sessions, San Diego, California, June 12-15,
AO Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery Instructor Panel,
Moderator/ organizer- ―Who needs an operation
for appendicitis?‖ ACS clinical congress Chicago
Chair Section Council Plastic, Reconstructive
Oct 2009
and Maxillofacial Surgery AMA House of
"Surgical innovation and entrepreneurship" AAS
career development course Chicago Oct 2009
Vaduganathan M, Stone N, Lee R, McGee E,
ACGME Board of Appeals Panel Member for
Malaisrie SC, Silverberg R, McCarthy PM. PePlastic Surgery , 2010
Moderator: Hepatobiliary Surgery Papers sesrioperative Statin Therapy Reduces Mortality in
sion ACS clinical congress Chicago Oct 2009
Normolipidemic Patients Undergoing Cardiac
CPT Editorial Panel Member for Plastic Surgery,
Surgery. Western Thoracic Surgical Association 2010
Speaker: ―Is appendicitis still a surgical disease‖
– 32nd Annual Meeting, Ojai, California, June 24International surgical forum, International Asso26, 2010
ciation of Surgeons, gastroenterologists and
Oncologists, Khon Kaen, Thailand, November
Lee R, McCarthy PM, Wang EC, Vaduganathan
Instructor Craniomaxillofacial Trauma and Re2009
M, Kruse J, Malaisrie CM, McGee EC. The Surgi- constructive course. Oakbrook, IL August 2009
cal Treatment of Atrial Fibrillation Restores ExPanelist Pressure Sores as a Never Event,
Speaker: ―Ablation in liver surgery.‖ Internapected Survival in Patients Undergoing Valve
American College of Surgeons, Chicago, IL Notional surgical forum, International Association
Surgery. Western Thoracic Surgical Association vember 2009
of Surgeons, Gastroenterologists and Oncolo– 32nd Annual Meeting, Ojai, California, June 24gists, Khon Kaen, Thailand, November 2009
26, 2010
Buck, D., Goucher, H., V.L.Jr.: Incidence of Methicellin Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus in
Speaker: ―Surgical septic shock.‖ International
Pressure Sores, Midwest Association of Plastic
surgical forum, International Association of SurSurgeons Chicago, IL May 2010
geons, Gastroenterologists and Oncologists,
Malaisrie SC, McCarthy PM, McGee EC, Lee R,
Khon Kaen, Thailand, November 2009
Rigolin VH, Davidson CJ, Beohar N, Lapin B,
Silver, A., Lewis V.L. Jr.: Utility of the fragility
Subacius H, Bonow RO. Contemporary preopIndex to predict complications after Pressure
―Current management of HCC.‖ International
erative results of isolated aortic valve replaceUlcer Reconstruction. Midwest Association of
surgical forum, International Association of Surment for aortic stenosis. Ann Thorac Surg
Plastic Surgeons Chicago, IL May 2010
geons, Gastroenterologists and Oncologists,
Khon Kaen, Thailand, November 2009
McCarthy PM, Kruse J, Shalli S, Ilkhanoff L,
Panel presentation- Pancreatic Surgery - Central
Goldberger JJ, Kadish AH, Arora R, Lee R.
Buck, D.W., Heyer, K., Lewis, V.L. Jr.: ReconSurgical Association Chicago, IL 2010
Where does atrial fibrillation surgery fail?:
struction of the zygomatic arch using a manImplications for increasing AF ablation effective- dibular adaptionplate. J. Carniomaxillofacial
―Who needs and operation for appendicitis?‖
ness. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 2010;139
Surg. 20:1193-6, July 2009
MUSC Postgraduate course Charleston, SC
Buck, D.W., Lewis, V.L. Jr.: The Use of Argon
McCarthy PM, Lee R, Foley JF, Phillips L, Kanay- Beam Coagulation in Pressure Sore Reconstruc- ―The Development of New Technology for Liver
inkal T, Francischelli DE. Occlusion of canine
tion. J. Plast. Recon. And Aesthetic Surg.
Resection‖ MUSC Postgraduate course Charlesatrial appendage using an expandable
62:1684-1687, August, 2009
ton, SC 2010
silicone band. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg.
February 2010, In Press
―Bile Duct Strictures‖ MUSC Postgraduate
Page 38
Awards, honors, presentations and publications
course Charleston, SC 2010
than the standard? Thai Physicians Association of Strategy. Tokyo, Japan, February 2009
America - Annual Convention.
Organizer and moderator SSAT Postgraduate
Chiang Rai, Thailand, 2010
Speaker, Edwards Heart Valve Treatment Focourse. New Orleans 2010
rum. Tricuspid Regurgitation: Leave It or Not?
Percutaneous Non-Coronary Interventions: Atrium, Tokyo, Japan, February 2009
Zen and the Art of Surgery: How to make Johnny Valves and Septum. Oral presentation.
a surgeon. SSAT presidential address New OrAmerican Heart Association. 2009 Scientific
Speaker, Edwards Heart Valve Treatment Foleans 2010
Sessions. Orlando, FL
rum. Tissue Valve – Tissue Valve Replacement
Benefit. Tokyo, Japan, February 2009
LVADs and Complex Aortic Repairs. Baxter
BioSurgery New Hire Sales Training.
Speaker, 12th Annual Society of Cardiovascular
Krantz Seth, Mahvi DM. The Stomach In: Sabis- BioSurgery/MarCam. Chicago, IL, 2010
Anesthesiologists Comprehensive Review &
ton‘s textbook of Surgery 2010
Update of Perioperative Echo Meeting. Surgical
Will Percutaneous AVR Affect Referrals for AS?: Repair of the Mitral Valve. San Diego, CA, FebStrigel RM, Schutt DJ, Webster JG, Mahvi DM,
The Problem of
ruary 2009
Haemmerich D. An Electrode Array for Limiting Unoperated AS. St. James Hospital Grand
Blood Loss During Liver Resection: Optimization Rounds. Olympia Fields, IL, 2010
Discussant, 12th Annual Society of Cardiovascuvia Mathematical Modeling Open Biomed Eng J
lar Anesthesiologists Comprehensive Review &
2010; 4: 39-46
Update on the Partners Trial. Center for Heart
Update of Perioperative Echo Meeting. Case
Valve Disease Meeting.
Discussion: Mitral Valve Surgery. San Diego, CA,
Contreras CM, Stanelle E J, Mansour JJ, HinBluhm Cardiovascular Institute. Northwestern
February 2009
shaw L, Rikkers LF, Rettammel R, Mahvi DM,
Memorial Hospital. Chicago, IL
Cho CS, Weber SM. Staging Laparoscopy EnSpeaker, 12th Annual Society of Cardiovascular
hances the Detection of Occult Metastases in
Anesthesiologists Comprehensive Review &
Patients with Pancreatic Adenocarcinoma. J
Update of Perioperative Echo Meeting. TricusSurg Oncology In press 2009
McCarthy PM, Malaisrie SC. Mitral valve repair
pid: The Rodney Dangerfield Valve. San Diego,
and replacement, including associated
CA, February 2009
O‘Connor ES, Foley EF, Lund D, Mahvi, DM,
atrial fibrillation and tricuspid regurgitation. In:
McDonald R, Developing a Problem-Based
Otto CM, Bonow RO, eds. Valvular heart
Speaker, Providence St. Joseph Medical Center.
Learning and Improvement Curriculum for an
disease: a companion to Braunwald's heart
Treatment Advances for Congestive Heart FailAcademic General Surgery Residency in press
disease. 3rd ed. Philadelphia, PA:
ure Patients with Mitral Valve Disease Dinner
JACS 2010
Saunders/Elsevier; Aug 2009
Symposium. Advances in Treatment for Congestive Heart Failure Patients with Mitral Valve
Mahvi DM. Zen and the art of surgery: How to
Hirsch EM, Atoui R, McCarthy PM, McGee EC,
Disease. Burbank, CA, February 2009
make Johnny a surgeon submitted- JOGS 2010 Malaisrie SC, Lee R. Sternal salvage with rigid
plating system after failure of Talon device. Ann Speaker, Edwards Global Heart Valve Disease
Malaisrie, Chris, MD
Thorac Surg. April 2010, In Press
Summit 2009. Surgery for Ischemic Mitral Regurgitation: State-of-the-Art. Atlanta, GA, March
Malaisrie SC, McCarthy PM, McGee EC, Lee R,
Rigolin V, Davidson CJ, Beohar N, Lapin B, SubaRecipient of the Eleanor Wood Prince Grant Initia- cius H, Bonow R.
Speaker, American College of Cardiology 58th
tive; A Project of
Contemporary preoperative results of isolated
Annual Scientific Session. Treatment and Outaortic valve replacement for aortic stenosis:
comes of Patients with Tricuspid Valve Disease.
The Woman‘s Board of Northwestern Memorial Implications for referral of patients for valve
Orlando, FL, March 2009
Hospital, 2009
replacement. Ann Thorac Surg. 2010;89:751-7
Speaker, American College of Cardiology 58th
McCarthy, Patrick, MD
Annual Scientific Session. Tricuspid Valve
2009. Orlando, FL, March 2009
Management of the Distal Ascending Aorta during Awards/Honors
Aortic Root Replacement. American Association
Speaker, Dallas-Leipzig International Valve Confor Thoracic Surgery – Aortic Symposium 2010.
Named Director of the Bluhm Cardiovascular
gress. Debate of Techniques of Mitral Repair:
New York, NY
Institute (formerly served as Co-Director
Anterior Leaflet Repair is Not More Difficult.
Dallas, TX, April 2009
Should patients with atrial fibrillation requiring
Speaker, Dallas-Leipzig International Valve Conaortic valve replacement receive a
gress. Top Ten Tricks and Tips For Mitral Valve
bioprosthetic valve? Valves in the Heart of the Big Speaker, Kaiser Permanente Hospital. Cardiac Repair; How Not to Fail! Dallas, TX, April 2009.
Apple VI: Evaluation & Management of
Grand Rounds, Surgical Management of Heart
Moderator, Dallas-Leipzig International Valve
Valvular Heart Disease 2010. New York, NY
Failure. Los Angeles, CA, February 2009
Congress. Management of Mitral Valve Disease.
Dallas, TX, April 2009
Aortic valve repair and percutaneous valve reSpeaker, Edwards Heart Valve Treatment Foplacement. Are new treatment options better
rum. Surgical Treatment Update: Etiology Based Speaker, Illinois Chapter of the American ColPage 39
The Surgical Scope
Awards, honors, presentations and publications
lege of Cardiology, AHA, Midwest Affiliate. 3rd
Speaker, Edwards Global Mitral & Tricuspid
Midwest Fellows Forum. To Stent or to Sew: That Valve Summit: A Multidisciplinary Practical Upis the Question. Chicago, IL, April 2009
date for the Practicing Physician. Challenging
Case Studies in Ischemic MR: Case 2: Cord
Speaker, Northwestern Memorial Foundation
Sparing Mitral Valve Replacement. Chicago,
Professional Council for Philanthropy. NUvenIllinois, June 2009
tion. Chicago, IL, May 2009
Speaker/Discussant, Edwards Global Mitral &
Speaker, 89th Annual American Association for Tricuspid Valve Summit: A Multidisciplinary PracThoracic Surgery Meeting. Should Functional
tical Update for the Practicing Physician. SurgiMitral Regurgitation in Heart Failure Patients Be cal Intervention of Mitral Disease. Chicago,
Repaired? Boston, MA, May 2009
Illinois, June 2009
Speaker, 89th Annual American Association for
Thoracic Surgery Meeting. Where Does Atrial
Fibrillation Surgery Fail?: Implications for Increasing AF Ablation Effectiveness. Boston, MA,
May 2009
Speaker, BCVI Summer Student Program. Overview of Cardiac Surgery. Chicago, Illinois, July
Speaker, Northwestern University Feinberg
School of Medicine. CVD Fellowship Core CurSpeaker, The 5th Annual Dartmouth Conference riculum for Cardiology Grand Rounds. Cardiac
on Advances in Heart Failure: Heart Failure –
Surgery 2009: What the Cardiology Fellows
From Prevention to Intervention. Valvular Heart Need to Know. Chicago, Illinois, July 2009
Disease: Surgical Perspective of Aortic and Mitral Disease. Lebanon, New Hampshire, May
Speaker, St. James Hospital. CME Lecture.
Cardiac Surgery in ‘09 and Beyond. Olympia
Fields, Illinois, August 2009
Discussant, The 5th Annual Dartmouth Conference on Advances in Heart Failure: Heart Failure Publications
– From Prevention to Intervention. Faculty Updates on Current Research Interests. Lebanon, Wierup P, Egeblad H, Nielsen SL, Schersten H,
New Hampshire, May 2009
Kimblad PO, Bech-Hansen O, Roijer A, Nilsson F,
McCarthy PM, Bouchard D, Jacobsen J, Paaske
Speaker, The 5th Annual Dartmouth Conference Johnsen S, Hvitfeldt Poulsen S, Mølgaard H.
on Advances in Heart Failure: Heart Failure –
Moderate mitral regurgitation in patients underFrom Prevention to Intervention. Advanced
going CABG – the MoMIC trial. Scand CardioSurgical Techniques: Choosing When and What vasc J 2009;43(1):50-6
To Do. Lebanon, New Hampshire, May 2009
McCarthy, PM. When is your Surgeon Good
Speaker, 52nd Annual Meeting of Kansai Asso- Enough? When Do You Need a ―Referent Surciation for Thoracic Surgery. Surgery for IMR
geon?‖ Current Cardiology Reports
and TR. Tokyo, Japan, June 2009
Speaker, 52nd Annual Meeting of Kansai Association for Thoracic Surgery. Complex Myxomatous MV Repair. Tokyo, Japan, June 2009
Speaker, 52nd Annual Meeting of Kansai Association for Thoracic Surgery. Should Functional
Mitral Regurgitation in Heart Failure Patients be
Repaired? Tokyo, Japan, June 2009
Speaker, 52nd Annual Meeting of Kansai Association for Thoracic Surgery. Tricuspid Valve
Surgery: New Information No Longer the Forgotten Valve. Tokyo, Japan, June 2009
Speaker, Edwards Global Mitral & Tricuspid
Valve Summit: A Multidisciplinary Practical Update for the Practicing Physician. Challenging
Case Studies in Ischemic MR: Case 1: Annular
Dilation. Chicago, Illinois, June 2009
Page 40
racic Surgeons 46th Annual Meeting. January
McGee EC: ―Mitral Valve Repair for Ischemic
Mitral Regurgitation: Midterm Clinical
and Echocardiographic Results after Restrictive
Complete Annuloplasty‖. Abstract Presentation.
2nd Annual Joint Meeting of the Heart Valve
Society of America and Society of Heart Valve
Diseases. April 2010
McGee, EC: ―Tricuspid Valve Repair at the Time
of Left Ventricular Assist Device Implantation:
Is it Warranted?‖ Presented at the International
Heart and Lung Transplantation 29th
Annual Meeting and Scientific Sessions. April
McGee EC: Illinois Chapter of the American
College of Cardiology, 2nd Annual Cardiac Care
Associate Symposium. ―Mechanical Assistance
for Stage D Heart Failure‖. Chicago, IL. October
Malaisrie SC, McCarthy PM, McGee EC, Lee R,
Rigolin VH, Davidson CJ, Beohar N, Lapin B,
Subacius H, Bonow RO. Contemporary preoperative results of isolated aortic valve replacement for aortic stenosis. Ann Thorac Surg 2010
Hirsch EM, Atoui R, McCarthy PM, McGee EC,
Malaisrie SC, Lee R. Sternal salvage with rigid
plating system after failure of Talon device. Ann
Thorac Surg. April 2010, In Press
McGee EC, Atoui R, Olsen E, Lapin B, Barlieau G,
Kruse J, Malaisrie C, Lee R, McCarthy P, Mikati I.
Mitral Valve Repair for Ischemic Mitral Regurgitation: Midterm Clinical and Echocardiographic
Navia JL, Doi K, Garcia M, Atik FA, Fukamachi K, Results after Restrictive Complete Annuloplasty.
Xu X, Kamohara K, Kopcak M, Gonzalez- Cardiology 2010;115:251-293. In Press
Stawinski GV, McCarthy PM, Lytle B. Implantation technique and early echocardiographic Morasch, Mark, MD
performance of newly designed stentless mitral
bioprosthesis. J Card Surg, 2009 (In Press)
McGee, Jr. Edwin, MD
John F. Marquardt, MD, Clinical Research Professorship of Vascular Surgery
Recipient - The Clinical Leadership Award, North- Presentations
western Medical Faculty
Foundation, 2009
Management of Vertebrobasilar Disease. International Symposium on Vascular Diseases,
Abano Terme, Italy, October 10, 2009
McGee EC: ―Mechanical Circulatory Support for
Cardiogenic Shock – Adult‖.
Course Chair. Presented at the Society of Tho-
Percutaneous Treatment of Aortic Aneurysms.
International Symposium on Vascular
Diseases, Abano Terme, Italy, October 10, 2009
Awards, honors, presentations and publications
Treatment of Aortic Infections. International
Symposium on Vascular Diseases,
Abano Terme, Italy, October 10, 2009
What are the Results and Complications with
the TAG Endograft when it is Used More Widely
and Not Only in Centers of Excellence (The PostMarketing Approval Trial)? VEITH
Symposium 2009, New York, NY, November 22,
Update on TEVAR-Early Results from PostMarketing Trial. 34th Annual Northwestern
Vascular Symposium: Vascular Surgery-A Manual for Survival, Chicago, IL, December 12,
Mesenteric Revascularization. Leading Innovative Vascular Education (LIVE) 2010,
Corfu, Greece, May 27, 2010
Splachnic Arterial Aneurysms. Leading Innovative Vascular Education (LIVE) 2010,
Corfu, Greece, May 27, 2010
Current Concepts in the Treatment of Mesenteric Ischemia. Leading Innovative Vascular
Education (LIVE) 2010, Corfu, Greece, May 27,
Garcia-Toca M, Usman AA, Matsumura JS, Kibbe
MR, Morasch MD, Rodriguez HE,
Amaranto DJ, Pearce WH, Eskandari MK. 8-Year
Institutional Review of Carotid Artery
Stenting. J Vasc Surg 2010;51:1145-51
ber 10-13, 2009
Leon LR, Mills JL, Jordan WD, Morasch MD,
Becker GJ, Kovacs ME, Arslan B, Dake MD,
Katzen BT. The risks of celiac artery coverage
during endoluminal repair of thoracic
and thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysms.. Vasc
Endovasc Surg 2009 Feb-Mar;43(1):51-60
―TOS-Which Way?‖ Vascular Surgery—A Manual
for Survival, Chicago, IL, December 10-13, 2009
Tang GL, Matsumura JS, Morasch MD, Pearce
WH, Nguyen A, Amaranto D, Eskandari MK.
Carotid angioplasty and stenting vs. carotid
endarterectomy for asymptomatic disease
: single center experience. Arch Surg; 2008;143
Moderator, ―Vascular Lab.‖ Vascular Surgery—A
Manual for Survival, Chicago, IL, December 1013, 2009
Vaziri K, Bhanot P, Prystowski J, Morasch M,
Hungness ES and Nagle AP. Retrievable Inferior
Vena Cava Filters in High Risk Patients Undergoing Bariatric Surgery.
Surgical Endoscopy, 2009;23(10):2203-7
Pearce, William, MD
Vertebrovascular Disease: When is Intervention
Needed and What is the Place of Stenting?
Leading Innovative Vascular Education (LIVE)
2010, Corfu, Greece, May 27, 2010
―Ask the Expert.‖ Northwestern Memorial
Hospital‘s 23rd Nursing Conference on Selected
Topics in Vascular Disease, Chicago, IL,
October 2, 2009
Treatment of Innominate and Subclavian Artery
Occlusive Disease: When, Why and How?
Leading Innovative Vascular Education (LIVE)
2010, Corfu, Greece, May 27, 2010
―Carotid IMT: Is It Useful?‖ Echo
Northwestern 2009. Chicago, IL, October
17-19, 2009
―Subclavian Artery Aneurysm.‖ Vascular Surgery—A Manual for Survival, Chicago, IL, December 10-13, 2009
Moderator, ―Essentials of Coding.‖ Vascular
Surgery—A Manual for Survival, Chicago, IL,
December 10-13, 2009
Amaranto D, Abbas F, Krantz S, Pearce WH,
Wang E, Kibbe MR. An Evaluation of Gender and
Racial Bias in the Surgical Treatment of Arterial
Disease. J Vasc Surg 2009, 50(6):1340-7
Brown KE, Usman AA, Kibbe MR, Morasch MD,
Matsumura JS, Pearce WH, Amaranto DJ, E
skandari MK. Carotid Stenting Using Tapered
Versus Non-tapered Stents: Associated
Neurologic Complications and Restenosis Rates.
J Vasc Surg 2009;23:439-445
Eskandari MK, Usman AA, Garcia-Toca M, Matsumura JS, Kibbe MR, Morasch MD,
Rodriguez HE, Pearce WH.
8-Year Institutional Review of Carotid Artery
Stenting. J Vasc Surg 2010;51:1145-51
Feinglass J, Sohn MW, Rodriguez H, Martin GJ,
Pearce WH. Perioperative outcomes and
Moderator, ―Neurogenic Thoracic Outlet
amputation-free survival after lower extremity
Syndrome: Surgical Treatment.‖ Thoracic Outlet bypass surgery in California hospitals, 1996Syndrome: Challenges, Controversies, and
1999, with follow-up through 2004. J Vasc
Adel JG, Morasch MD, Eskandari MK. An uncom- Consensus, St. Louis, MO,
Surg 2009;50:776-783
mon cause for carotid artery stenosis
October 23-24, 2009
after carotid stenting. Ann Vasc Surg 2009;23
Garcia-Toca M, Usman AA, Matsumura JS,
―Subclavian and Axillary Artery Lesions.‖
Kibbe MR, Morasch MD, Rodriguez HE,
Thoracic Outlet Syndrome: Challenges,
Amaranto DJ, Pearce WH, Eskandari MK.
Brown KE, Usman AA, Kibbe MR, Morasch MD,
Controversies, and Consensus, St. Louis,
8-Year Institutional Review of Carotid Artery
Matsumura JS, Pearce WH, Amaranto DJ,
MO, October 23-24, 2009.
Eskandari MK. Carotid Stenting Using Tapered
J Vasc Surg 2010;51:1145-51
Versus Non-tapered Stents:
―Vascular Assessment of the Diabetic Patient.‖
Associated Neurologic Complications and
The Arthur C. Nielsen, Jr. Vascular Conference:
Lautz TB, Abbas F, Novis Walsh SJ, Chow C,
Restenosis Rates. J Vasc Surg 2009;23:439Frontiers in the Diagnosis and Treatment of
Amaranto DJ, Wang E, Blackburn D, Pearce WH,
Vascular Disease, Chicago, IL, October 28, 2009 Kibbe MR. Isolated Gastrocnemius and Soleal
Vein Thrombosis (IGSVT): Should these Patients
Eskandari MK, Usman AA, Garcia-Toca M, MaModerator, ―Issues in Vascular Surgery.‖ Vascu- Receive Therapeutic Anticoagulation? Ann Surg.
tsumura JS, Kibbe MR, Morasch MD,
lar Surgery—A Manual for Survival, Chicago, IL,
2009 Oct 24 (Epub ahead of print, PMID
Rodriguez HE, Pearce WH. 8-Year Institutional
December 10-13, 2009
Review of Carotid Artery Stenting.
J Vasc Surg 2010;51:1145-51
―Vascular Book of Business.‖ Vascular SurPayvandi L, Dyer A, McPherson D, Ades P, Stein
gery—A Manual for Survival, Chicago, IL, Decem- J, Liu K, Ferrucci L, Criqui MH, Guralnik JM,
Page 41
The Surgical Scope
Awards, honors, presentations and publications
Lloyd-Jones D, Kibbe MR, Liang ST, Kane B,
Pearce WH, Verta M, McCarthy WJ, Schneider
JR, Shroff A, McDermott MM. Physical Activity
during Daily Life and Brachial Artery Flowmediated Dilation in Peripheral
Arterial Disease. Vasc Med. 2009, 14(3):193201
Tang GL, Matsumura JS, Morasch MD, Pearce
WH, Nguyen A, Amaranto D, Eskandari MK.
Carotid angioplasty and stenting vs. carotid
endarterectomy for asymptomatic disease:
single center experience. Arch Surg; 2008;143
Eskandari MK, Morasch MD, Pearce WH, Yao
JST, eds. Vascular Surgery: Therapeutic Strategies. Shelton, CT: People‘s Medical Publishing
House—USA, 2010
Eskandari MK, Pearce WH, Yao JST, eds.
Carotid Artery Disease. Shelton, CT: People‘s
Medical Publishing House, 2010
Congress General Session, October 2009
Presenter: Time Management, Weekly Fellows
Conference, University of Michigan, 2009
Women in Surgery: A Career Development Seminar, ―How to Suceed in Surgical Education‖
Lipskar AM, Rothstein DH, Soffer SZ, Edelman
University of Maryland – May, 2009
M, Glick RD. 2009. Intrathoracic glial implants
in a child with gliomatosis peritonei. J Ped Surg
Rodriguez, Heron, MD
Infectious Aortitis, 34th Northwestern Vascular
Symposium, Visceral Vessels Session, Chicago,
IL, December 11, 2009
Rothstein DH, Reynolds M. 2009. Congenital
Anomalies of the Esophagus, in Shields TW,
LoCicero J, Reed CE, Feins RH (Eds). General
Thoracic Surgery (7th ed.), Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 1867-1880
Popliteal Pathology, 34th Northwestern Vascular Russell, Hyde, MD
Symposium, Lower Extremity Session, , Chicago,
IL, December 11, 2009
Enhancing Educational Quality and Continuity
of Care in a Surgical Residency Program using
Industrial Engineering Methods, 2010 Joint
Morasch MD, Pearce WH, Yao JST, eds. Surgery Annual Meeting of APDS, ASE and ARCS, San
of the Aorta and Its Body Branches. Shelton,
Antonio, TX,
CT: People‘s Medical Publishing House, 2010
April 21, 2010
Pugh, Carla, MD, PhD
pilonidal disease: plugs, hairs, pits and lifts.
Surgical Grand Rounds, Northwestern Memorial
Hospital, April 15, 2010
Speaker, Common Arterial Trunk: Is Valvular
Insufficiency Really an Indicator of Adverse Outcome? Midwest Pediatric Cardiology Society,
Pittsburgh, PA, Oct. 7, 2009
Speaker, Vacuum Assisted Clsure of Pediatric
Sternal Wounds. Congenital Heart Surgeons‘
Society Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL, Nov. 2,
Awards/ Honors
Eskandari MK, Usman AA, Garcia-Toca M, Matsumura JS, Kibbe MR, Morasch MD,
Excellence in Academic Medicine Grant - Use of Rodriguez HE, Pearce WH. 8-Year Institutional
Decision-Based Surgical Simulators to Assess
Review of Carotid Artery Stenting.
Intra-Operative Performance: A Focus on Operat- J Vasc Surg 2010;51:1145-51
ing Room Efficiency, Patient Safety &
Team Communication 3 Years $260,817.00
Feinglass J, Sohn MW, Rodriguez H, Martin GJ,
Pearce WH. Perioperative outcomes and
Outstanding Women in Technology Award –
amputation-free survival after lower extremity
Circuit Court of Cook County, 2009
bypass surgery in California hospitals,
1996-1999, with follow-up through 2004. J
Chosen as a Chicago Visionary – Chicago Public Vasc Surg 2009;50:776-783
Radio and Chicago Matters, 2009
Garcia-Toca M, Usman AA, Matsumura JS, Kibbe
Achievement Award – African American
MR, Morasch MD, Rodriguez HE,
Women‘s Business and Career Group, 2009
Amaranto DJ, Pearce WH, Eskandari MK. 8-Year
Institutional Review
Rothstein, David, MD
Presenter: Simulation and Assessment: Surgical
Training and Credentialing Reconsidered.
Northwestern University Department of Surgery
Grand Rounds. 2009
Current management of pilonidal disease in the
pediatric population. Illinois Surgical Society,
Presenter: Simulation Technology @ Northwest- Annual Meeting, Chatham, Mass., September
ern, NUvention Board Meeting, 2009
17, 2009
Presenter: Making Sense of Haptic Data. Northwestern Conference on Simulation Technology
in Health Professions Education, 2009
Paper Discussant: Surgical Education Session,
American College of Surgeon‘s Clinical
Page 42
International volunteerism in surgery: Global
burden of surgical disease and some things we
can do about it. Surgical Grand Rounds, Children‘s Memorial Hospital, March 22, 2010
Latest thoughts on etiology and management of
Shapiro, Michael, MD
Associate Examiner, American Board of Surgery
Certifying Examination, Chicago, IL, April 2010
Evans HL, Cuschieri J, Moore EE, Shapiro MB,
Nathens AB, Johnson JL, Harbrecht BG, Minei J,
Bankey PE, Maier RV, West MA. Inflammation
and the host response to injury, a Large-Scale
Collaborative Project: patient-oriented research
core standard operating procedures for clinical
care IX. Definitions for complications of clinical
care of critically injured patients. Journal of
Trauma, 2009;67:384-388
Cobb JP, Moore EE, Hayden DL, Minei JP, Harbrecht BG, Moore EE, Cuscheiri J, Maier RV,
Billiar TR, Peitzman, AB, Yung J, Hennesey L, Tompkins RG, The Inflammation and the Host Response
to Injury Collaborative Research Program (Shapiro
MB). Validation of the riboleukogram to detect
ventilator-associated pneumonia. Annals
of Surgery, 08/27/2009;Epub ahead of print
Neal MD, Cushieri J, Rosengart MR, Alarcon LH,
Moore EE, Maier RV, Minei JP, Billiar TR, Peitzman
AB, Sperry JL, The Inflammation and the Host Response to Injury Collaborative Research Program
(Shapiro MB). Preinjury statin use is associated
Awards, honors, presentations and publications
with a higher risk of multiple organ failure after
tinal Advisory Council as a Member, 2010
injury: a propensity score adjusted analysis. Journal
of Trauma, 2009;67:476-82
Visiting Professor, Methodist Hospital,
Houston, TX, 2010
Kotz KT, Xiao W, Miller-Graziano C, Qian WJ, Rosenback AE, Russom A, Moldawer LL, De A, Bankey PE, Visiting Professor, 23rd Annual Joel W.
Petritis BO, Camp DG, Goverman J, Fagan SP,
Baker Lecturer, Virginia Mason Medical Center,
Brownstein BH, Irimia D, Wilhelmy J, Mindrinos MN, Seattle, WA, 2010
Smith RD, Davis RW, Tompkins RG, Toner M, The
Inflammation and the Host Response to Injury
Visiting Professor, 2010 Dallas B. Phemister LecCollaborative Research Program (Shapiro MB).
turer, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL, 2010
Clinical Microfluidics for Neutrophil Genomics and
Proteomics. Nature-Methods, 2010, in press
Zhou B, Xu W, Herndon DN, Tompkins RG, Davis R,
Xiao W, Wong WH, The Inflammation and the Host
Response to Injury Collaborative Research Program
(Shapiro MB). Analysis of factorial time course
microarrays with application to a clinical study or
burn injury. PNAS, 2010, in press
De AK, Miller-Graziano CL, Hayden DL, Maier RV,
Bankey PE, Nathans AB, Minei JP, Moldawer LL,
Tompkins RG, The Inflammation and the Host Response to Injury Investigators (Shapiro MB). Post
injury alterations in leukocyte and cytokine expression reflect both clinical outcome and initial severity. Critical Care Medicine, 2010, in press
Finnerty CC, Qian WJ, Kaushal A, Jeschke MG, Xiao
W, Liu T, Gritsendko MA, Moore RJ, Camp DG, Kulp
G, Moldawer LL, Elson C, Schoenfeld D, Gamelli R,
Gibran N, Klein M, Arnoldo B, Remick D, Smith RD,
Davis R, Herndon DN, Tompkin RG, The Inflammation and the Host Response to Injury Collaborative
Research Program (Shapiro MB). Determination of
burn patient outcome by large scale quantitative
discovery proteomics. Journal of Clinical Investigation, 2010, in press
Shapiro MB. Splenorrhaphy, Open. In Soper NJ,
Kaufman DB (eds). Northwestern Handbook of
Surgical Procedures, 2nd Edition. Landes Biosciences, 2010, in press
Shapiro MB. Major Hepatic Laceration: Open Repair. In Soper NJ, Kaufman DB (eds). Northwestern
Handbook of Surgical Procedures, 2nd Edition.
Landes Biosciences, 2010, in press
Soper, Nathaniel, MD
Awards/ Honors
Named Secretary of the Central Surgical Association, 2009
Named Vice President for Chicago Surgical Society,
SAGES Distinguished Service Award, 2010
Named to American College of Surgeons‘
Committee on Surgical Infections and
Environmental Risks as a Member, 2010
Invited Lecturer for International Surgery of the
Digestive Disease : Laparoscopic
fundoplication for Barrett‘s: outcomes‖, Adelaide,
Australia, September 7, 2009
Invited Lecturer for International Surgery of the
Digestive Disease,: ―Latest on transgastric
and transvaginal procedures‖, Adelaide, Australia,
September 9, 2009
Invited Lecturer: American College of Surgeons
95th Clinical Congress, Introduction and
Rationale for Fundamentals of Laparoscopic Surgery, Chicago, Illinois, October 11, 2009
Invited Co-Moderator: SAGES Presidential Debates, National Harbor, Maryland, April 16, 2010
Invited Moderator: SSAT Postgraduate Course on
Multidisciplinary Management of
Gastrointestinal Disease: ―Multimodal Management of Reflux‖, New Orleans, Louisiana, May 2,
Invited Lecturer: Virginia Mason Medical Center,
23rd Annual Joel W. Baker, M.D. Lecture in
Surgery: ―Minimally Invasive GI Surgery: Past,
Present and (?) Future‖, Seattle, Washington, May
21, 2010
Visiting Professor, 2010 Dallas B. Phemister Lecturer: ―Minimally Invasive GI Surgery: Past,
Present and (?) Future‖, University of Chicago,
Chicago, IL, June 1, 2010
Invited Speaker: 74th Annual University of Minnesota Surgery Course: Advances in Hepatic,
Biliary and Pancreatic Surgery, ―The Current Status
of NOTES‖, Minneapolis, Minnesota, June 3, 2010
Invited Speaker: 74th Annual University of Minnesota Surgery Course: Advances in Hepatic,
Biliary and Pancreatic Surgery, ―The Difficult
Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy‖,
Minneapolis, Minnesota, June 3, 2010
Invited Lecturer: American College of Surgeons 95th
Clinical Congress, Video on Laparoscopic
Nissen Fundoplication, Chicago, Illinois, October
13, 2009
Kwiatek MA, Kahrilas PJ, Soper NJ, Bulsiewicz WJ,
Invited Lecturer: American College of Surgeons
McMahon BP, Gregerson H, Pandolfino JE (2010)
95th Clinical Congress, Single Incision
Esophagogastric junction distensibility after funSurgery, Defining the critical view and CBD injury,
doplication assessed with a novel functional luChicago, Illinois, October 13, 2009
minal imaging probe. J Gastrointest Surg,
13:12:2219-2225 (February 2010)
Invited Speaker: Northwestern University Feinberg
School of Medicine Sesquicentennial
Scherer JR, Kwiatek MA, Soper NJ, Pandolfino JE,
Symposium, ―Non-Invasive Surgery‖, Chicago, IlliKahrilas PJ (2009) Functional Esophagogastric
nois, October 26, 2009
Junction Obstruction with Intact peristalsis: A Heterogeneous Syndrome Sometimes Akin to
Invited Speaker: Northwestern University Feinberg Achalasia. J Gastrointest Surg, 13:12.2219-2225
School of Medicine‘s Workshop;
(December 2009)
Fundamentals of Laparoscopic Surgery (FLS) Train
the Proctors:
Aggarwal R, Mytton OT, Derbrew M, Hananel D,
―Background / Validation / Content / Overview,
Heydenburg M, Issenberg B, MacAulay C, Mancini
Chicago, Illinois November 14, 2009
ME, Morimoto T, Soper N, Ziv A, Reznick R (2010)
Training and simulation for patient safety. Quality
Invited Speaker: Japan Society of Endoscopic Surand Safety in Health Care in press
gery, ―Current Status of NOTES‖,
Tokyo, Japan, Dec. 4, 2009
Onders R, Khansarinia S, Weiser T, Chin C, HungInvited Speaker: Academic Surgical Congress,
ness ES, Soper N, de Hoyos A, Cole T, Ducko C.
State-of-the-Art Lecture:
Multi-center analysis of cardiac interactions with
―NOTES® - Where is it Going?, Feb 4, 2010
diaphragm pacing for ventilation: positive impliInvited Lecturer: Methodist Hospital, Grand
cations for ventilator weaning in intensive care
Rounds, Minimally Invasive GI Surgery:
units. Surgery – In Press
Past, Present and (?) Future, Houston, Texas, February 24, 2010
Invited Chair and Educator: SAGES ―FLS Hands-On
Course, ―FLS FAQs - Who, When, Where,
and How‖, National Harbor, Maryland, April 15,
Named to American Board of Surgery‘s Gastrointes- 2010
Page 43
Fronza JS, Linn JG, Nagle AP, Soper NJ and
Hungness ES. A Single Institution‘s Experience
with SILS Cholecystectomy Compared to Standard Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy. Surgery –
In Press
The Surgical Scope
Awards, honors, presentations and publications
Sturgeon, Cord, MD
Morris LF, Zanocco K, Ituarte P, Ro K, Duh, QY,
STURGEON C, and Yeh MW. The value of
intraoperative parathyroid hormone monitoring in
localized primary hyperparathyroidism: A cost
Ann Surg Onc. Mar 17(3): pp 679-85. 2010
ics,May 2010: Anti-Endothelial Antibodies.
Frequency and Polymorphism
Speaker. European Federation of Immunogenetics, May 2010: The role of non-HLA antibodies in
organ transplantation
Tambur AR, Ramon DS, Kaufman DB, Friedewald J, Luo X, Ho B, Skaro A, Caicedo J, Ladner
D, Baker T, Fryer J, Gallon L, Miller J, Abecassis
Udelsman R, Pasieka J, STURGEON C, Young J,
MM, Leventhal J. Perception vs. reality? Virtual
and Clark OH. Surgery for asymptomatic
crossmatch – how to overcome some of the
primary hyperparathyroidism: proceedings of the
technical and logistic limitations. American
third international workshop. JCEM 94(2):366-72. Journal of Transplantation. 2009; 9:1886-93
Levitsky J, Miller J, Leventhal J, Huang X, Flaa C,
Elaraj DM and STURGEON C. Adequate surgery
Wang E, Tambur A, Burt RK, Gallon L, Mathew J.
for papillary thyroid cancer. Surgeon. Oct: 7(5): pp The human ―Treg MLR‖‖ Immune monitoring for
286-9. 2009
FOXP3+ T regulatory cell generation. Transplantation. 2009; 88:1303-11
STURGEON C and Elaraj D. Modified Radical Neck
Dissection. In. Chen, H ed. Illustrative Handbook
Vazquez, Richard, MD
of General Surgery.
1st Ed. Springer 2010. pp 17-22
Payvandi L, Dyer A, McPherson D, Ades P, Stein
J, Liu K, Ferrucci L, Criqui MH, Guralnik, JM,
Lloyd-Jones D, Kibbe MR, Liang ST, Kane B,
Pearce WH, Verta M, et al. Physical activity during daily life and brachial artery flow-mediated
dilation in peripheral arterial disease. Vasc Med
2009; 14(3):193-201
Schneider JR, Oskin SI, Verta MJ. Traitement in
situ d‘anévrysmes infectieux fémoraux par
interposition d‘une greffe veineuse fémorale
superficielle. Ann Chir Vasc 2009; 23:160-62
Wayne, Jeff, MD
Carol and Tom R. DeMeester Traveling Fellowship, Society for Surgery of the Alimentary Tract,
Bilimoria KY, Raval MV, Bentrem DJ, Wayne JD,
Balch CM, and Ko CY. National assessment of
melanoma care using formally developed quality
indicators. Journal of Clinical Oncology 2009;
27(32):5445-51. Epub 2009 Oct 13
Elaraj D and STURGEON C. Central neck dissection. Illustrative Handbook of General Surgery.
1st Ed. Springer 2010. Pp 11-16
Masters Class Series, The Society of Laparoscopic Surgeons, Boston, Mass.
The Joint Sages Course, Fundamentals Make
Masters Michael Kavic, MD, Course Director
Elaraj D and STURGEON C. Papillary thyroid carcinoma. In Morita S, Dackiw A, and Zeiger M. eds.
Endocrine Surgery. McGraw-Hill 2010. pp 47-64
Demetri GD. von Mehren M. Antonescu CR.
Topic Presented:
DeMatteo RP. Ganjoo KN. Maki RG. Pisters PW.
"Ultrasound Based Operations and the Surgeon" Raut CP. Riedel RF. Schuetze S. Sundar HM.
Trent JC. Wayne JD. NCCN Task Force report:
November 30, 2009 Invited visiting professor:
update on the management of patients with
The Department of Surgery, Fukuoka University, gastrointestinal stromal tumors. Journal of the
Fukuoka, Japan Surgical Grand Rounds
National Comprehensive Cancer Network. 8
Topic Presented: Laparoscopic CholecystecSuppl 2:S1-41; quiz S42-4, 2010 Apr
tomy: The Place of The Critical View of Safety
McGill J, STURGEON C, and Angelos P. Metastatic
struma ovarii treated with total thyroidectomy and
radioiodine ablation. Endocrine Practice. 15
(2):167-73. 2009
Weinberg G, Hiller D, Zheng S, and STURGEON
C. Physical examination trumps mediastinoscopy
in diagnosing mafucci syndrome: a rare cause of December 5, 2009: Tokyo Japan Keynote Admediastinal mass. Anesthesiology 111(2):441-2. dress: The 20th Clinical Congress of the Japa2009
nese Society of Endoscopic Surgery Patient
Safety Panel: Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy
Tambur, Anat, PhD
"Common Sense and Common Bile Duct Injury
(CBDI): CBDI-Have multiple sequential
paradigm shifts contributed?"
ASHI annual meetingNovember 2009, President‘s choice poster award ("Adding affinity to
Verta, Michael, MD
the equation"; Ramon, D; Brain, A and Tambur,
―Types of EMR Products, Costs, and Sources of
Information‖ at the Vascular Annual Meeting in
Boston June 11, 2010
Speaker, ASHI annual conference November
2009: XM-One, The Northwestern Experience.
Speaker. One Lambda Advanced Technical
Workshop, March 2010: Clinical Relevance of
Schneider JR, Oskin SI, Verta MJ. Superficial
HLA Antibodies in Transplantation
femoral vein graft interposition in-situ repair for
femoral mycotic aneurysm. Annals of Vascular
Speaker. European Federation of Immunogenet- Surgery 2009; 23:147-49
Page 44
Issue 5
Surgery Today, Better Surgery Tomorrow”
Upcoming Events, 2010-2011
Grand Rounds
(Thursdays/7am-8am/676 N. St. Clair / Suite 650)
September 16: QA Presentations, Ashley Hardy,MD,
Jessica Naditch, MD, Joe Phillips, MD, Melissa
Pilewskie, MD, Akhil Seth, MD
September 23: Intraoperative Teaching and Assessment, Jon Fryer, MD
September 30: Statistical Process Control and Surgical Outcomes, Donald Fry, MD
October 14: Method Lectureship, John Tarpley, MD
October 21: Educational Grand Rounds, Adrian
Parks, MD
October 28: TBA, Marleta Reynolds, MD
November 11: NU Transplant Outcomes Research
Collaberative, Daniela Ladner, MD
November 18: Breast Reconstruction: Impact of Radiation on the Decision to Reconstruct, Neil Fine,
December 9: Interventions for Emphysema, Malcolm DeCamp, MD
December 16: Appendicitis: Still a Surgical Disease,
David Mahvi, MD
December 23: Revisional Bariatric Surgery at Northwestern, Jeff Fronza, MD
The following table is a reference for all future newsletters. If you would like the Department of Surgery to include your
recent presentation/article/book chapter, upcoming events, etc. in the next issue, please send the information
(in a CV-format) to by the due date listed below.
Time Period Covered
Articles Due
2nd Friday of July
September Publication
The Department of Surgery thanks everyone who has contributed to this issue of “The Surgical Scope.”
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