September 2011 - Department of Surgery


September 2011 - Department of Surgery
Issue 6
A newsletter for the faculty, staff, friends and alumni of the Department of Surgery
The Surgical Scope
“Safer Surgery Today, Better Surgery Tomorrow”
Issue 6
September 2011
Gregory Dumanian, MD, has been a member of the Northwestern community since
1996 and in December of 2010 the Department of Surgery was proud to announce him as the Chief of Plastic Surgery. Dr. Dumanian‘s training and expertise,
particularly in breast and hand surgery, have positioned him well to lead the Division, but also enabled him to pursue a unique opportunity to blend his clinical and
research interests.
Gregory A. Dumanian, MD
Chief, Division of Plastic Surgery
Over dinner with Todd Kuiken, MD, PhD, Director of the Center for Bionic Medicine
at the Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago (RIC) and Professor of Physical Medicine
and Rehabilitation at the Feinberg School of Medicine, they discussed Dr. Kuiken‘s
research in amplifying and making useful the electric signal of a divided nerve in
the amputated limbs in rats. Together, they created a way in which an amputee
could simply use intuition to activate his or her muscles and, therefore, the prosthetic, by simply thinking about the action that he or she wants to perform. The
procedure itself would be relatively simple; by transferring the amputated nerves to
the small motor nerve entering a muscle segment, the important nerve signal
would be amplified by the muscle and could be used to directly control a prosthetic
The synergy between Dr. Dumanian‘s understanding and comfort with human anatomy, particularly the chest and peripheral nerve system, and Dr. Kuiken‘s experience in engineering became immediately apparent and resulted in the creation
of a new procedure - Targeted Reinnervation. An idea that was discussed over dinner quickly became an innovative procedure that is now available to upper extremity amputees.
The first Targeted Reinnervation procedure took place in 2002 with 55-year old electrician, Jesse Sullivan, who lost both of
his arms following an electrical shock accident. With Jesse‘s hard work, the success of the procedure far exceeded their
expectations. Their second patient, Claudia Mitchell, a 23-year old former Marine who lost her arm in a motorcycle accident, phoned Dr. Kuiken after reading about Jesse‘s success story in Popular Science. The overwhelming success of this
operation has resulted in the attainment of several grants, allowing this surgery to be performed on 30 patients worldwide
with an astounding 95% success rate in achieving meaningful nerve signals following a nerve transfer. Today, Targeted
Reinnervation has been featured in many publications, including the New Yorker Magazine and the Lancet, to name a few.
The future of Targeted Reinnervation is bright. The research collected on upper extremity prosthetics is being used to develop osseointegrated prostheses at the RIC and here at Northwestern. The wound healing lab of Drs. Mustoe and Galiano
is critical in understanding the complex biofilms that develop at the site where the metal stem of the prosthesis enters the
skin. The Department is optimistic about the scientific advancements that will develop from this innovative procedure and
looks forward to the growth that the Division of Plastic Surgery will undoubtedly achieve under Dr. Dumanian‘s leadership.
Written by: Mara Yurasek and Nicole Ashmus
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The Surgical Scope
Message From the Chair:
Nathaniel J. Soper, MD
Loyal and Edith Davis Professor and Chair
Department of Surgery
Northwestern Feinberg School of Medicine
The vision of the Northwestern University Department of Surgery is ―Safer Surgery Today,
Better Surgery Tomorrow‖, and this statement
embodies the emphases placed on our clinical
and academic activities. Patients are placed at
the center of what we do on a daily basis. In
order to enhance safety, we must measure our
activities, determining current surgical outcomes
and taking steps to improve them. The concept
of ‗better surgery‘ is multipronged, starting with
innovation and investigation and culminating in
the transmission of the knowledge thus gained
to the next generation of surgeons. This endeavor is our passion and raison d‘être. This
iterative process is always a journey and never a
hard-stop destination.
Academic departments of surgery are constantly
in a state of flux. Highly qualified individuals will
often be recruited away by other academic departments on the lookout for rising stars. New
faculty will be recruited to strengthen and expand the tri-pronged portfolio of medical scholarship. The past year has witnessed several major
changes in the department. Dixon Kaufman was
recruited to the University of Wisconsin to assume the role of Chief of the Division of Transplantation. It was immediately apparent who
should fill his large shoes as Vice-Chair of Research: Melina Kibbe took on this important
position in March and has had an immediate
positive impact in the organization of our research program. Mark Eskandari was promoted
to the post of Chief of the Division of Vascular
Surgery following Bill Pearce‘s long tenure in the
position. Greg Dumanian was elevated to be
Chief of the Division of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery and will have an equally difficult
Page 2
task living up to the example of his predecessor,
Tom Mustoe. After 4 years in the dual roles of
Chair and Program Director of the General Surgery residency, I resigned from the latter position
in April. Jonathan Fryer assumed the Program
Director role while continuing to be an active
transplant surgeon and progressing in his
coursework towards a Master‘s of Health Professions Education degree. Jeff Wayne, in turn,
was named an Associate Program Director for
the General Surgery residency. Amy Halverson
became the Associate Clerkship Director for the
third-year NU medical student program replacing
Susan Santacaterina who was recruited away to
direct medical programs at Malcolm X City College. Nabil Issa was recently named as the director of a newly developed subinternship for 4th
year medical students. Jeff, Amy and Nabil will
be pursuing advanced degrees in education as
part of their commitment to advancing our department‘s scholarship and expertise in surgical
education. Many moving pieces, indeed, but (in
homage to Jim Collins), we definitely have the
right people on the bus!
Congratulations to the faculty members who
were promoted to the following academic ranks
this year: Alex Nagle, Associate Professor; Cord
Sturgeon, Associate Professor; David Bentrem,
Associate Professor; Melina Kibbe, received
Tenure; Talia Baker, Associate Professor; John
Kim, Associate Professor; Edward McGee, Associate Professor; Mark Eskandari, Professor.
Several new faculty members will be joining us
this year. Karl Bilimoria, a graduate of our general surgery residency program, will be returning
to Chicago after performing a clinical oncology
fellowship at M.D. Anderson. In addition to clinical work involving breast and soft tissue tumors,
he will be developing a major program in surgical outcomes research, both at the hospital level
and in collaboration with the American College
of Surgeons. Steven Schwulst just finished a
critical care fellowship at Washington University
and will join our Division of Trauma/Critical Care.
He plans to pursue a basic science research
program in the area of leukocyte apoptosis in
sepsis in addition to his clinical duties. Mike
McGee completed a colorectal surgery fellowship at the Cleveland Clinic, and will add to our
rapidly growing group of colorectal surgeons,
specializing in minimally invasive approaches to
diseases of the colon and rectum, while pursuing a Masters Degree in Clinical Investigation.
Finally, Jason Wertheim will join the Division of
Transplantation after completing a transplantation fellowship at UCLA. With a biomedical engineering Ph.D. degree, he will spearhead an
effort in collaboration with the McCormick
School of Engineering in the area of bioartificial
organs. We welcome these new faculty members, who will energize our progress towards our
The Northwestern University Department of
Surgery was primarily known for its clinical activities for many years. Over the last decade, and
with increasing momentum over the past five
years, the research program has significantly
grown in breadth and depth. Many of the faculty
are involved in cutting-edge investigations of
new, less invasive surgical procedures. One
example is Eric Hungness, who is one of only a
handful of surgeons in the U.S. performing the
POEM operation—Per-Oral Endoscopic Myotomy-for achalasia. This is a novel procedure in which
an endoscope is passed through the mucosa of
the proximal esophagus, creating a submucosal
tunnel to the esophagogastric junction, and
used to cut the inner circular muscle layer of the
lower esophageal sphincter. Early results with
the technique have been promising, and physiologic results are being assessed using novel
techniques being developed in collaboration
with the robust group of esophagologists in our
swallowing center, notably Peter Kahrilas and
John Pandolfino. In addition to clinical research,
faculty members are actively pursuing research
in more traditional basic or translational venues.
In the past 5 years, federal grant awards have
increased by over 100% and the federal research costs have increased by a whopping
375%! Each year the NIH ranks departments of
surgery on their NIH funding; in 2006, the NU
Department of Surgery ranked 56th, whereas in
2011 we were ranked 15th. Each year, four of
the five categorical general surgery residents
enter a two year research track and virtually all
go on to advanced fellowships post-residency.
The effort to create a more clinically integrated
medical center continues to advance. Given the
external pressures and mandates currently
being envisioned in the medical profession as
well as a sense of disconnection between the
faculty and hospital, discussions are underway
to change the structure and governance of
‗Northwestern Medicine‘. This process is likely to
cause turbulence and necessitate a fundamental change in the way we conduct business. We
are also in the midst of a search for a new dean
of the Feinberg School of Medicine, and hopefully will recruit a candidate who can be intimately involved in the change process. We look
forward to the coming year with anticipation and
hope that we will arrive at a rational governance
structure with true integration that allows Northwestern Medicine to be much more than the
sum of its parts.
Issue 6
Research Update
New Leadership
Melina R. Kibbe, MD was appointed Vice Chair of Research for the Department of Surgery in April 2011. Dr. Kibbe graduated
from the University of Chicago Pritzker School of Medicine in 1994. She completed her internship, residency, and research
fellowship at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center in 2002, and her vascular surgery fellowship at Northwestern's
McGaw Medical Center/Feinberg School of Medicine in 2003. She is currently a vascular surgeon at the Bluhm Cardiovascular Institute of Northwestern Memorial Hospital, Associate Professor of Surgery at Northwestern University, co-Chief of the Vascular Surgery service at the Jesse Brown VA Medical Center, and Director of the Vascular Laboratory at JBVAMC. She has significant experience with both open and endovascular surgery, including the treatment of carotid stenosis, peripheral vascular
disease, and abdominal aortic aneurysms. She is board certified in general and vascular surgery and is RVT and RPVI certified
Dr. Kibbe‘s research interests focus on nitric oxide vascular biology and developing nitric oxide-based therapies for patients
with vascular disease. For her research, she has received funds from the National Institutes of Health, American Heart Association, Department of Veterans Affairs, American Medical Association, and various intramural sources. Her research was recently recognized by President Obama with the Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers in 2009.
Her bibliography includes over 110 peer-reviewed manuscripts, review articles, and book chapters, with an emphasis on nitric
oxide vascular biology and nitric oxide-based gene therapy. She has authored or co-authored over 120 nationally and internationally presented papers. She has received numerous awards, including the Society of Vascular Surgery Women‘s Leadership
Award, the SVS Lifeline Research Award, the Society of Gene Therapy Young Investigator Award, Alpha Omega Alpha Medical
Honor Society, and the Association of Women Surgeons Outstanding Woman Surgeon Resident Award. She currently serves at
Associate Editor for the Journal of Surgical Research.
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The Surgical Scope
DOS Research
The Department of Surgery is having a highly productive year to date. An astounding 122 original proposals were submitted
through the Department of Surgery: 47 federal proposals and 75 non-federal grants and contracts. Of these submissions, 33
new awards were received; 14 were federal ($6.59 million) and 19 were non-federal ($3.61 million). This represents a success rate of 30% for federal awards and 25% for non-federal grants and contracts.
Over the past five years the research efforts by members of the Department of Surgery have resulted in tremendous growth.
Total awards increased 97% from 123 to 242 and federal awards increased 107% from 27 to 56. Federal research costs
have increased 375% from $1.2 million to $5.7 million. The Department of Surgery is now ranked 15th nationwide by the National Institutes of Health for research funding (as compared to 56th in 2006). Research in the Department of Surgery is encouraged and remarkably 4 out of 5 surgical residents pursue 2 years of dedicated surgical research during their training.
The 2011 Edelstone-Bendix day was a tremendous success. Dr. Gerard Doherty was the invited guest speaker and presented
―Parathyroid Function Preservation and Regeneration‖. Resident research was the highlight of the day, with the Kanavel
Scholars, Open Competition winners, and graduating chief residents delivering outstanding presentations. The judges, including Drs. Melina Kibbe, Anton Skaro, Paul Grippo, Cord Sturgeon, Eric Hungness, Marie Crandall, Heron Rodriguez, and Gerard
Doherty, determined the following awards:
Kanavel Surgical Scholars – Colleen Jay, Mehul Raval, and Ashley Vavra
Best Basic Science Research Competition – Joe Phillips
Best Clinical Research Competition – B. Fernando Santos
Fellows Competition – Elizabeth Revesz
Chief Resident Competition – Melissa Hogg
This year, we look forward to exciting research by the residents in the lab. This group includes Ashley Hardy, Jessica Naiditch,
Joseph Phillips, and Akhil Seth who will be in their second year in the lab. Incoming researchers include Dan McCarthy, Karen
Sherman, and Kyle Zanocco, while Swami Gnanashanmugam is pursuing a 2 year fellowship in the Stanford University
Biodesign Fellowship.
The Department of Surgery Research Conference will also undergo re-design. The new time and location will be determined
For detailed award information,
please see pages 21-24.
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Issue 6
Surgical Education Update
Distinguished faculty member, Gerald Ujiki, MD was honored with an
endowed lectureship in recognition of his contributions to the Department of Surgery. Dr. Ujiki attended undergraduate and medical school
at Northwestern before joining the faculty of the Department of Surgery
in 1969. The Gerald Ujiki, MD Lectureship Fund will bring leading surgical educators from around the world to present at Northwestern University, interact with students and faculty members, and provide input into
ongoing studies.
Thanks to the generosity of colleagues—such as the Northwestern Surgical Associates—fellow alumni, and grateful patients, the Gerald Ujiki,
MD, Lectureship Fund has received contributions and commitments to
permanently endow the fund.
Gerald Ujiki, MD
Medical Student Programs
Education Leadership changes
Susan Santacaterina, RN, MHPE left the department as our Assistant Clerkship Director to accept a position as Director of Medical
Programs at Malcolm X City College. We are grateful to Sue for her dedication and contributions to medical student education. The
new Associate Clerkship Director is Amy Halverson, MD. Dr. Halverson has been active with medical student education for a number
of years serving as a preceptor to an average of 12 students annually since 2003. Elizabeth Even, MS, RN, accepted the Nurse Educator position. Elizabeth is currently a nurse in NMH‘s Emergency Department. We look forward to working with this new team.
Congratulations to Jennifer Kaplan, who was the 2010 Julius Conn Award recipient. The Julius Conn Award is given annually to the
highest achieving surgery clerkship student based upon academic performance and professionalism.
Dr. Nabil Issa assumed the position of Fourth Year Clerkship Director effective June 1, 2011. His role will be to create a new Surgery
Sub-Internship curriculum for 4th year medical students.
Our thanks to Dr. Heron Rodriguez for his role since July 2007 as the Director of Career Advising for FSM students interested in pursuing general surgery residency positions. For each class of students, Dr. Rodriguez offered mock interviews, advised students about
program selection and ranking, and assisted with the annual Match Scramble. Dr. Amy Halverson will be assuming these responsibilities in her new role as Associate Clerkship Director.
Resident Programs
One of only 14 programs nationally, the department has a new (0+6) cardiothoracic surgery residency. Dr. Richard Lee is serving as
its Program Director of this 6 year integrated residency. FSM Student, Danielle Smith, began the program in July as the first resident
in the program.
Education Leadership changes
Dr. Jonathan Fryer became General Surgery Residency Program Director this spring, taking the position vacated by Dr. Soper. Dr. Fryer
has been very active in the residency program serving as Associate Program Director since 2007. High on Dr. Fryer‘s priority list has
been ensuring compliance with new ACGME supervision and work hour rules effective July 1 st. Dr. Jeffrey Wayne has assumed the
Associate Program Director for Curriculum, the position formerly held by Dr. Fryer. Dr. Wayne has been on faculty since 2001. During
his tenure with the department he has served as the Team Education Coordinator (TEC) for the residents during their surgical oncology rotation and has moderated the Resident Seminar Series.
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The Surgical Scope
Continued….. Surgical
Education Update
From left to right: Dr. Matthew Strouch, Dr. Jeff Fronza, Dr. Nathaniel Soper, Dr. Melissa Hogg, Dr. Nikolaos Dallas, Dr. Edward Auyang
Edelstone-Bendix Residents’ Day
The 2011 Edelstone-Bendix Residents‘ Day was held on Friday, June 10, 2011. The day‘s events featured presentations by residents and
fellows and showcased their outstanding work in both clinical and basic science research. This year‘s guest lecturer and scientific paper
judge was Gerard M. Doherty, MD, Section Head of General Surgery, Norman W. Thompson Professor of Surgery, and Vice Chair of the Department of Surgery at the University of Michigan. The Edelstone-Bendix Day concluded with the graduation dinner held at the Omni Chicago
Hotel on Michigan Avenue. Approximately 150 of the Department of Surgery‘s faculty, fellows, and residents attended the annual dinner
which honors the Department‘s graduating fellows and residents.
The following graduates were the guests of honor at the dinner:
Breast Surgery:
Pediatric Surgery:
Cardio/Thoracic Surgery:
Transplant Surgery:
Vascular Surgery:
General Surgery:
Elizabeth Revesz, MD & Valerie Brutus, MD
Ravi Radhakrishnan, MD
Chadrick Cross, MD
Bejon Maneckshana, MD
Mark Keldahl, MD & Sachin Phade, MD
Edward Auyang, MD, Nikolaos Dallas, MD, Melissa Hogg, MD,
Jeff Fronza, MD, Matthew Strouch, MD
A number of awards were given to fellows and residents for outstanding performance. We congratulate the following recipients for their hard
work and dedication:
Colleen Jay, MD, Mehul Raval, MD, and Ashley Vavra, MD were this year‘s Kanaval Surgical Scholar awardees. Each were
recognized with a monetary award.
There were three open competitions for research excellence. The winners received monetary awards for winning in their respective categories. The winners were as follows:
Fellow Open Competition:
Resident Clinical Research Competition:
Resident Basic Science Competition:
Elizabeth Revesz, MD
B. Fernando Santos, MD
Joseph Phillips, MD
The Chief Resident Presentation award, which was based on the graduating residents‘ Edelstone-Bendix Residents‘ Day presentations, was
awarded this year to Melissa Hogg, MD.
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Issue 6
Continued….. Surgical
Education Update
Fellow as Teacher Award and Resident as Teacher Awards are bestowed onto those Department of Surgery fellows and residents who meet a series
of eligibility criteria. Awardees are regarded as excellent role models as physicians and teachers to their peers, students and other health professionals. They were noted to make teaching a purposeful activity in their daily efforts and reliably participate in Department of Surgery education-related
activities and reporting systems.
This year, we are pleased that the following received the Fellow as Teacher Award:
Mark Keldahl, MD
Cheong Lee, MD
Sachin Phade, MD
Ravi Radhakrishnan, MD
Rashmi Swanson, MD
Vascular Surgery
Vascular Surgery
Vascular Surgery
Pediatric Surgery
Pediatric Surgery
The following residents were the recipients of the Resident as Teacher Award:
Mark Knab, MD
Jill Richman, MD
Tammy Kindel, MD
Donald Buck, MD
Anandev Gurjala, MD
Melissa Pilewskie, MD
Jeffrey Fronza, MD
Melissa Hogg, MD
Jason Ko, MD
(PGY 2)
(PGY 2)
(PGY 3)
(PGY 4)
(PGY 4)
(PGY 4)
(PGY 5)
(PGY 5)
(PGY 6)
Of special note, this is the second time Melissa Pilewskie, MD has received the Resident as Teacher award and the third time that Jeff Fronza, MD
has received the award.
An award was presented to the two 2010-2011 General Surgery Administrative Chief residents for their leadership and commitment to the general
surgery residents. Drs. Nikolaos Dallas and Edward Auyang received engraved crystal awards in recognition of their hard work and dedication.
The 2010-2011 ―Excellence in Teaching‖ awards recognize faculty members who excel at supporting resident and medical student learning. We are
grateful to these faculty for their efforts in advancing the department‘s education mission.
First Time Awardees
Katherine Barsness, MD, David Bentrem, MD, Darren Brenner, MD, Juan Carlos Caicedo, MD, Julia Corcoran, MD/MHPE, Dixon Kaufman, MD/PhD,
Mary Beth Leonard, MD, Anton Skaro, MD/PhD, Jeffrey Zawacki, MD
Second Time Awardees
Talia Baker, MD, Jacqueline Jeruss, MD/PhD, David Mahvi, MD
Third Time Awardees
Nabil Issa, MD, Cord Sturgeon, MD
Fifth Time Awardees
Jonathan Fryer, MD, Melina Kibbe, MD
Hall of Fame Awardees (5 or more times Recipients)
Greg Dumanian, MD, Jay Prystowsky, MD, Michael Shapiro, MD, Nathaniel Soper, MD, Mark Toyama, MD, Gerald Ujiki, MD, Jeffrey Wayne, MD
We wish a warm welcome to the new PGY-1 Department of Surgery Residents and Fellows:
Breast Surgery:
Cardiac Surgery:
Critical Care:
General Surgery:
Pediatric Surgery:
Plastic Surgery:
Preliminary Surgery :
Cardio/Thoracic Surgery:
Transplant Surgery:
Vascular Surgery:
Page 7
Lisa Spiguel & Christine Gresik
Hirohisa Ikegami & Koji Takeda
Calogero DiMaggio & Abigail Tarbox
Christina Minami, Sonom Shah, Joel Sternbach, Michael Wandling, &
Molly Wasserman
Loren Berman
Chad Purnell & Walt Sweeny
Christopher Holbrook, Kun-Tai Hsu, Graham Osborn, Rehan Riaz & Ravi Sharma
Danielle Smith & Dimitrios Topalidis
Janak Parikh & Ramanathan Seshadri
Suman Annambhotla, Marlon Lee, & Dustin Yoon
The Surgical Scope
Breast Surgery Center Update
From left to right: Dr. Valerie Brutus (Fellow), Dr. Nora Hansen, Dr. Seema Khan,
Dr. Elizabeth Revesz (Fellow), Dr. Jacqueline Jeruss, Dr. Kevin Bethke
This year the graduating Lynn Sage Breast Fellows are Elizabeth Revesz, MD, Valerie Brutus, MD, and Firas Eladoumikdachi, MD. Dr.
Revesz has accepted a position with a surgical group in Los Angeles, California. Additionally, Dr. Revesz received recognition this year
at Residents Day for the presentation of her abstract, ―Cytological atypia in the contralateral breast of breast cancer patients is related to recency of last pregnancy.‖ Dr. Brutus will be going to Albany, New York to work in a community hospital, and Dr. Eladoumikdachi, who completed his fellowship in September 2010, went on to return to his private practice in Zanesville, Ohio at Genesis
Healthcare. The 2011/12 Lynn Sage Breast Fellows who began on July 1 are Lisa R. Spiguel, MD who is finishing her residency at
the University of Chicago and Christine M. Gresik, MD who is finishing her residency at Loyola University.
Clinical Care
Intraoperative Radiation Therapy:
The Breast Surgeons at the Lynn Sage Comprehensive Breast Center are currently utilizing a new treatment option for breast cancer
that allows women to receive a full dose of radiation therapy during breast conserving surgery. Traditionally, women who opt to have
a lumpectomy must first have surgery then undergo approximately six weeks of radiation. Intraoperative radiation therapy (IORT)
combines lumpectomy and the full course of radiation during a two and half hour operation. Instead of waiting a month to start the
radiation therapy, it will take place immediately. A patient will wake up from surgery and have received the full amount of radiation
therapy that is typically administered over six weeks.
Breast Center Patient Navigator
Lynn Elsen-Galuska, RN has been hired for the position of Breast Center Patient Navigator. Her role will be to work with breast cancer
patients as they go from their initial visit and consultation through their surgery and selected therapies. She works closely with the
members of the new Supportive Oncology Department of the Maggie Daley Women‘s Cancer Center located on the 5 th floor of Prentice Women‘s Hospital.
Please see detailed information in the Newly Funded Projects section on page 21.
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Issue 6
Cardiac Surgery Update
Top row left to right: Dr. Travis Abicht (Fellow), Dr. Josh Kindelan (Fellow), Dr. Chad Cross (Fellow)
Bottom row left to right: Dr. Edwin McGee, Dr. Patrick McCarthy, Dr. Chris Malaisrie, Dr. Rick Lee
Cardiac Surgery has enjoyed much success so far in 2011.
Dr. Patrick M. McCarthy‘s manuscript, co-authored by Dr. Richard Lee, entitled ―Where does atrial fibrillation surgery fail?: Implications for increasing
AF ablation effectiveness‖ (J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 2010 Apr;139(4):860-7) was selected as one of the top 10 research advances in 2010 by the
Council on Cardiovascular Surgery & Anesthesia.
Drs. McCarthy (PI) and Malaisrie (Co-I) are participating in the Edwards Lifesciences PARTNER Trial (Placement of Aortic Transcatheter Valve) for patients with severe aortic stenosis who are either inoperable or very high risk for conventional aortic valve replacement.
Dr. Edwin McGee (PI) is participating in the HeartWare® Ventricular Assist System (VAS) for Destination Therapy of Advanced Heart Failure Trial to
evaluate a new heart assist device as a treatment for end stage heart failure patients who are not candidates for a heart transplant.
Dr. McGee (PI) is also participating in the HeartWare® Ventricular Assist System for the Treatment of Advanced Heart Failure to evaluate a new heart
assist device as a treatment for end stage heart failure patients who require circulatory assistance while waiting for a heart transplant.
The Division proudly joined a select group of only 14 programs nationwide with the approval of a 6-year integrated residency in cardiothoracic surgery
in January 2011. FSM Student, Danielle Smith, began the program in July as our first resident.
Dr. Chris Malaisrie was appointed a member of the Postgraduate Education Committee (Joint Council on Thoracic Surgery Education) in 2010.
Dr. Richard Lee was appointed a member of the Integrated 6 Year Program Analysis Committee (Joint Council on Thoracic Surgery Education) in
The BCVI Summer Student Program, directed by Dr. Lee, Michael Yensel, and Anna Huskin, is proud to announce that three FSM students (Chris
Childers, Soraya Johnson, and Satvik Ramakrishna) were each awarded a Summer Intern Scholarship from the American Association for Thoracic
Surgery in 2011.
The BCVI physician shadowing program for Northwestern University undergraduate students, directed by Dr. Lee, Michael Yensel, and Susan Fox, was
recently featured on the Northwestern University NewsCenter. Over 200 students have now shadowed physicians in over 20 disciplines since the
program‘s Fall 2008 inception. To read more about this program, please refer to article ―A Day in a Doctor's Shoes‖, by visiting
Clinical Care
The Bluhm Cardiovascular Institute (BCVI) is proud to announce that it is once again ranked among the nation‘s most elite heart and heart surgery
programs in the 2011 edition of U.S. News & World Report‘s ―America‘s Best Hospitals.‖ Ranked at #16, the BCVI continues to be the highest rated
heart program in Illinois.
Congratulations to Dr. Patrick M. McCarthy and Jane Kruse, RN of the Bluhm Cardiovascular Institute for making the
Top 10 Cardiovascular Surgery & Anesthesia Research Advances for 2010!
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The Surgical Scope
GI/Oncologic Surgery Update
Top row left to right: Dr. Eric Hungness, Dr. Dina Elaraj, Dr. David Mahvi, Dr. Cord Sturgeon, Dr. Amy Halverson, Dr. Alex Nagle
Bottom row left to right: Dr. Anne-Marie Boller, Dr. Jeff Wayne, Dr. Nathaniel Soper, Dr. Carla Pugh, Dr. David Bentrem
The transition to new house staff is always a good time to take a step back and consider what has been accomplished in the last
year; the highlight of the new faculty and a focus on new clinical programs in GI surgery. The Gastrointestinal and Surgical Oncology
Division is expanding with 2 new surgeons.
Dr. Karl Bilimoria has returned to Northwestern‘s Department of Surgery as an Assistant Professor in Surgical Oncology. He obtained
his undergraduate degree from Northwestern University and his medical degree from the Indiana University School of Medicine. Dr.
Bilimoria has been a research fellow at the NIH and the American College of Surgeons. He completed his General Surgery training at
Northwestern and then went on to a Surgical Oncology Fellowship at the M.D. Anderson Cancer Center. His clinical focus will be in
melanoma, sarcoma, and breast cancer.
Dr. Michael McGee is joining the Department of Surgery as an Assistant Professor in Colorectal Surgery. He comes to us from the
Cleveland Clinic where he completed a Colorectal Surgery Clinical Fellowship. He obtained his undergraduate degree from Drexel
University and his medical degree from Drexel University School of Medicine. He completed his general surgery residency training at
Case Western Reserve University/Case Medical Center. Dr. McGee‘s research interests include Natural Orifice Translumenal Endoscopic Surgery (NOTES) and outcomes of patients with benign and malignant colorectal disease.
Clinical Care
We will complete the construction of the Northwestern Digestive Disease Institute in the next few weeks. This project is a collaborative venture of the Department of Surgery and the Department of Medicine. The clinical operations of our division and the GI Medicine Division will be integrated in this space. This will allow our esophageal surgeons to work side by side with their collaborators in
GI manometry, our pancreatic surgeons to work side by side with our interventional GI specialists and our bariatric surgeons to work
side by side with their colleagues in lifestyle medicine. The clinical research operations of both groups will be integrated into this
new center over the next year. We hope this will allow patients with complex GI diseases to make one trip to our campus and leave
with an integrated plan of care.
Education/ Research
We recently expanded our NUvention medical innovations course ( to include a fellowship
program housed in the Department of Surgery. Our first fellow, Dan McCarthy, MD began on July 1. Dan has completed 3 years of
clinical surgical training and will be working with engineers at the McCormick School of Engineering at Northwestern and will also
fulfill an internship at Cook Medical this summer. We plan to recruit one surgeon and one biomedical engineer each year for a 2 year
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Issue 6
Organ Transplantation Surgery Update
From left to right: Dr. Michael Abecassis, Dr. Joe Leventhal, Dr. Anton Skaro,
Dr. Juan Caicedo, Dr. Daniela Ladner, Dr. Jonathan Fryer, Dr. Talia Baker
Innovation through Collaboration at the Intersection of Diverse Disciplines
Academic year 2011 was a successful year for the transplant surgery division and the Comprehensive Transplant Center as we strive to fulfill our
stated mission: to reach the pinnacle of academic excellence such that the transplant center at Northwestern is considered synonymous with best
clinical practice, high-impact innovative basic/translational/clinical research, and most desirable teaching/training programs in all areas of transplantation. Across this mission, the program succeeded in uniting experts at the intersections of diverse disciplines to advance transplant-related
education, research, and clinical care.
The Northwestern University Transplant Outcomes Research Collaborative (NUTORC), embedded in the Comprehensive Transplant Center, has been
a tremendous success by any measure. Working with partners from FSM, the school of engineering, the EDW, the Kellogg school, and the Heller
School of Health Policy at Brandeis, NUTORC has built six strong workgroups. In its first 28 months, 43 grants have been submitted with 15 awarded
and four still under review. 41 manuscripts have been published, with an additional 21 in review or near submission. Also, 104 abstracts have been
presented at major national meetings. At this year‘s American Transplant Congress, the leading scientific meeting for transplantation, NUTORC
emerged and was recognized as one of the world‘s leading transplant research engines.(See excerpt on the following page.)
Hoping to emulate the success of NUTORC, the transplant program has formed a similar
collaboration in the basic sciences, that includes ongoing efforts in immunobiology and
nascent collaborations with biomedical engineers at McCormick. The Northwestern University Collaborative for Transplant Research in Immunobiology and Biomedical Engineering
(NUCTRIBE) will identify research opportunities where transplantation intersects with immunobiology, chemistry, and engineering uniting the transplant-related efforts in cellular
and molecular immunology, gene expression and bioengineering, to enhance existing collaborations as well as building new ones. In the past year, we have focused on gene expression, including genetics, genomics and proteomics, leveraging relationships with the
Scripps Institute, RBM, CGM, and the Chemistry of Life Processes Institute in genomics,
and resources made possible through a major grant from the NIH. In the coming year, we
will focus on the development of a program in bioartificial tissues and organs. Two major
recruitments were completed in support of these goals. First, Charles Jie PhD, was recruited from Johns Hopkins University jointly with the Center for Genetic Medicine to support our gene expression research. Second, Jason Wertheim MD PhD, a UCLA-transplant
surgeon, University of Pennsylvania-trained immunologist, and MIT-trained biomedical engineer, was recruited to lead the program in bioartificial tissues and organs. Finally, Xunrong
Luo MD PhD, assumed the role as Director of our islet cell transplant program in succession to Dixon Kaufman MD PhD who left Northwestern after an 18 year tenure to become
the Chief of the transplant division at the University of Wisconsin. The transition was
smooth allowing us to retain important funding for islet cell research at Northwestern.
Page 11
The Surgical Scope
Organ Transplantation Surgery Update
Education and Training
Directed by Dr. Jonathan Fryer, who was named program director for the general surgery
residency and chair of the American Society of Transplant Surgeons (ASTS) curriculum
committee, the division‘s education infrastructure continues to support three clinical fellowships and the NIH-funded Transplant Scientist Training Program, a T32 training grant
in the division of transplant surgery with two post-doctoral positions per year, submitted
for a competitive renewal this year with a third position requested. One of the trainees,
Dr. Colleen Jay, completed her surgical training in the Department of Surgery and
matched into a transplant surgery fellowship at Mayo, Rochester. In addition, this year,
Dr. Fryer‘s American Society of Transplant Surgeons‘ curriculum committee unveiled its
―Academic Universe‖, an online database of 103 educational modules on specific educational objectives. Northwestern transplant faculty in surgery, nephrology, hepatology, and
immunology led the curriculum development and contributed more content to this resource than any other transplant program in the U.S.
Clinical Care
The multi-organ transplant program continues to be a leader in Illinois, and one of the top
programs nationally. Our volumes and outcomes continue to allow us to rank in the top 23 programs nationally (1 percentile). More specifically, Northwestern continued to be a
national leader in living donor transplantation, both for liver and kidney transplantation.
The program‘s success is fueled in large part by clinical innovation achieved in great part
as a result of true interdisciplinary integration. Having led international efforts in minimally invasive surgery, steroid-free immunosuppression, and calcineurin inhibitor avoidance, the program this year became the first in the world to achieve operational tolerance
in two clinical trials of kidney transplantation, led by Joshua Miller, MD and Joseph Leventhal, MD, PhD, director of the kidney and pancreas transplant programs.
Comprehensive Transplant Center
Researchers Shine at American
Transplant Congress (Excerpt)
May 1-4, the American Society of Transplant
Surgeons (ASTS) and American Society of
Transplantation (AST) held their joint annual
scientific meeting, the American Transplant
Congress (ATC). CTC faculty were extremely
visible at the meeting, as presenters of 23
posters and 26 oral presentations/symposia.
CTC faculty were authors or co-authors on 4
plenary addresses which attracted significant
Dr. Michael Abecassis, Professor of Surgery
and Founding Director of the CTC, finished
his term as President of the ASTS, and
delivered his presidential address: ―The
Luster Cycle of Transplantation‖ in which he
delivered an impassioned plea to transplant
scientists to help the field of transplantation
remain -- as it has been -- one of the most
exciting and innovative medical subspecialties. He laid out his vision of a path
forward that includes not only short term
plans to improve immunosuppression and
achieve immune tolerance, but also a grand
long-term vision of personalized medicine
based on advanced proteomic and genomic
analysis and of bio-engineering of organs and
tissues to overcome the organ shortage that
has long plagued the field and left tens of
thousands of patients to die on waiting lists.
Dr. Joshua Miller, Professor of Surgery and
Head of the Immune Monitoring and
Tolerance research program for the CTC, was
awarded the ASTS-Genentech/Roche Pioneer
Award. This award is the highest honor the
ASTS gives and recognizes Dr. Miller‘s
pioneering work in transplantation surgery,
most notably his work toward transplant
tolerance. It is fitting that Dr. Miller received
this award just as two CTC trials, his NIHfunded study of sibling donor-recipient pairs
and Dr. Joseph Leventhal‘s collaboration with
the University of Louisville, have
demonstrated induced operational tolerance
in multiple patients.
Written by Luke Preczewski
Administrative Director, CTC
Page 12
Issue 6
Plastic Surgery Update
Dr. Dumanian assumed the role of chief in December 2010. Dr. Mustoe completed 19 years as chief, bringing the residency and Northwestern Plastic Surgery to the forefront of academic plastic surgery in the nation. The division is on an active course of growth of the full-time
faculty, with recruits in the pipeline for microsurgery/breast reconstruction and peripheral nerve/hand surgery. The division is also assisting
the faculty at Children‘s Memorial Hospital to recruit a new chief in pediatric plastic surgery.
The internationally known laboratory in wound healing begun by Dr. Mustoe and maintained currently by Drs. Mustoe and Galiano has undergone continued growth in terms of funding, laboratory space, and personnel. Current areas of interest include how complex biofilms produced by bacteria impede wound healing and eradication of the infection. This work has been of great interest to the military and funding
from the Department of Defense is ongoing. Dr. Kim is the PI on a national project on breast reconstruction. Resident funding in the laboratory has been aided by the third national award for research to the housestaff won over the last 4 years for their research year. Translational
research is being performed with the added input of a biomedical engineer in the laboratory.
The division has begun to prepare for its first site visit in 4 years which will occur in later in 2012. An internet-based portfolio system was
instituted for residents to remember and reflect on cases performed throughout the year. The majority of the information is stored as images on a secure hospital server. The first annual plastic surgery resident research day and alumni reunion took place on June 10. All 14
residents presented laboratory and clinical projects performed over the previous year. Dr. Jason Ko, graduating chief resident, won the competition for his work and presentation on the use of statins to decrease hypertrophic scar formation. In attendance was Dr. Harold Griffith,
previous chief of the service before Thomas Mustoe.
A new rotation at the Stroger/Cook County Hospital for the PGY-5 residents began July 1. The residents will perform general reconstruction,
hand surgery, and maxillofacial trauma surgery there. This rotation has required a reorganization of rotations performed by the upper 4 years
of housestaff.
Clinical Care
Clinical volume and acuity in the various branches of plastic surgery, namely microsurgical reconstruction, head and neck surgery, hand surgery, aesthetics, and general reconstruction remain high.
Dr. Greg Dumanian, Dr. John Kim, Dr. Thomas Mustoe, Dr. Robert Galiano
Page 13
The Surgical Scope
Thoracic Surgery Update
Top row left to right: Dr. Travis Abicht (Fellow), Dr. Josh Kindelan (Fellow), Dr. Chad Cross (Fellow)
Bottom row left to right: Dr. Alberto de Hoyos, Dr. Robert Vanecko, Dr. Malcolm DeCamp, Dr. Shari Meyerson
In October, the Division welcomed Dr. Shari Meyerson to Northwestern as an Associate Professor of Surgery. Dr. Meyerson came to the Division from Tucson where she was the Director of General Thoracic Surgery at the University of
Arizona. She completed both her medical education and general surgery training at the University of Chicago Pritzker
School of Medicine followed by a residency in Thoracic Surgery at Duke University. Dr. Meyerson adds to the Division‘s strength in video-assisted thoracic surgery (VATS). Her research interests focus on resident and postgraduate
education and the development and validation of simulation.
Dr. Colin Gillespie joined the Division as an interventional pulmonologist in January of 2011. Dr. Gillespie‘s primary
appointment is as an Assistant Professor of Medicine in the Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine with a
co-appointment as Assistant Professor of Surgery. Hailing from Chicago, Dr. Gillespie received his MD from the Chicago Medical School and his internal medicine, pulmonary medicine and interventional pulmonary training at the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania (HUP) in Philadelphia. Following an international fellowship in rigid bronchoscopy in Marseilles, France, Dr. Gillespie joined the HUP faculty in 2007.
Dr. DeCamp, Chief of Thoracic Surgery, continues to focus on elevating the Division through development of multidisciplinary programs in thoracic oncology, swallowing disorders and advanced lung diseases.
Page 14
Issue 6
Surgery Update
In the past year, the Division enrolled 36 patients in the ProvenCare Lung Cancer Collaborative. Northwestern was selected as
one of six U.S. institutions to participate in this study, which is sponsored by the American College of Surgeons (ACS) Commission on Cancer and the Society of Thoracic Surgeons (STS). This pilot trial aims to define evidence-based best practices in
lung cancer care and to examine if reliably adhering to these standards results in improved outcomes and lower cost.
Led by Dr. Alberto de Hoyos, the Division is participating in a novel study co-sponsored by the American College of Surgeons
Oncology Group (ACOSOG) and the Radiation Therapy Oncology Group (RTOG) comparing sublobar resection to stereotactic
body radiation therapy for high-risk patients with early-stage lung cancer.
Both Dr. Meyerson (VATS lobectomy) and Dr. de Hoyos (rigid bronchoscopy) have ongoing research protocols to validate their
surgical simulators. Using their innovative simulators as well as resources available in NU‘s Center for Simulation Technology
and Immersive Learning, these investigators are creating a simulation curriculum for general surgical and thoracic surgical
The 7th Annual Thoracic Surgical Oncology Nursing Conference was held on April 7, 2011.
The 18th Annual Thomas W. Shields Lecture was held on May 19, 2011. The guest lecturer, Dr. David Jones from University of
Virginia, spoke about the introduction of molecularly-targeted therapies for lung cancer by surgeons.
Thoracic Surgery faculty has worked closely with Cardiac Surgery colleagues to enhance the general thoracic clinical and didactic curriculum for our traditional ACGME-approved fellowship. We have also created a collaborative, integrated 6-year curriculum (I-6 program) leading to cardiothoracic board certification targeted at graduating medical students. Northwestern‘s I-6
Cardiothoracic program received RRC approval in January 2011 allowing us to successfully participate in this year‘s match.
Our first I-6 intern, Dr. Danielle Smith of Northwestern‘s Feinberg School of Medicine, entered the program July 2011.
Clinical Care
The Division continues to build the Thoracic Oncology program as a collaboration of multiple disciplines. Over the past year,
Thoracic Surgery has successfully integrated with Medical Oncology, Pulmonary Medicine, and Radiation Oncology to create a
multidisciplinary thoracic oncology presence. In addition to the arrival of Dr. Shari Meyerson, the Program welcomed the following Faculty to this team: Dr. Colin Gillespie (Interventional Pulmonology), Dr. Melissa Johnson (Hematology-Oncology), and
Dr. Minesh Mehta (Radiation Oncology).
In March 2011, Dr. DeCamp began regular clinic sessions at Northwestern Lake Forest Hospital. The Division is pursuing outreach and marketing opportunities to increase referrals to the Lake Forest clinic.
The Division has started planning for the development of a Lung Transplant program. To be clinically active in FY 2013, the
Division will begin recruitment efforts for a Lung Transplant Surgeon and in collaboration with Pulmonary Medicine, a Transplant Pulmonologist during FY 2012.
Page 15
The Surgical Scope
Trauma and Critical Care Update
From left to right: Christine Schilling, RN, Dr. Mamta Swaroop, Dr. Nabil Issa, Dr. Marie Crandall, Dr. Michael Shapiro, Dr. Adel Abuzeid (Fellow)
The Division added two new faculty this year. Dr. Mamta Swaroop joined the Division in September, 2010, as an Assistant
Professor after completing her Surgical Critical Care fellowship at Northwestern. Dr. Swaroop has research interests in traumatic brain injury and in international trauma and critical care system development. In August 2011, Dr. Steven Schwulst
joined the Division as an Assistant Professor. Dr. Schwulst completed his Surgery residency and Surgical Critical Care fellowship at Washington University. His research interest is in leucocyte apoptosis in inflammation and sepsis.
Dr. Marie Crandall continues her work with behavioral patterns in trauma, funded by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation,
and is preparing for NIH grant submission in the fall. Dr. Nabil Issa‘s work in the Association for Surgical Education‘s research
fellowship program was presented at the ASE national meeting. Dr. Swaroop received funding support from the Eleanor Wood
Prince Grant Initiative for the creation of a traumatic brain injury registry and database at NMH.
Clinical Care
The Surgical Critical Care fellowship enters its third year with two new fellows in July. The program was favorably reviewed by
the ACGME. Division faculty received outstanding teaching awards from the Department of Surgery and the Feinberg School of
Medicine. Dr. Issa will begin the Master of Health Professional Education program at the University of Illinois this summer.
Clinical volume and acuity in trauma, acute care surgery, and critical care remain robust. The Trauma program was recertified
as a Level 1 center by the State of Illinois this spring. The Division has launched a partnership with Ceasefire, a communitybased organization that intervenes to promote well-being and prevent retaliatory violence. Christine Schilling, RN, was nominated in the category of Service Excellence/Clinical Role within the Northwestern Medical Faculty Foundation for her dedication and contribution to patient care.
Page 16
Issue 6
Vascular Surgery Update
On September 1, 2010, Dr. William Pearce stepped down from the position of Chief of the Division of Vascular Surgery. Dr. Pearce had been
chief since January 1998. He will continue as a practicing vascular surgeon in the division and as Director of the Vascular Laboratory. The
Division sincerely thanks Dr. Pearce for his 12 years of outstanding leadership.
Dr. Mark Eskandari accepted the role of Chief of the Division of Vascular Surgery. Dr. Eskandari joined the faculty of the Division in 2001,
after serving a two-year fellowship here. He also has appointments in the Departments of Radiology and Cardiology and is well known both
nationally and internationally for his work in endovascular surgery.
For two weeks in February 2011, Dr. William Pearce donated his time through the American Red Cross to work at Landstuhl Regional Medical Center treating wounded soldiers from Iraq and Afghanistan.
The 35th annual Northwestern Vascular Symposium (New Findings in Vascular Surgery) was held in Chicago, IL, December 8-10, 2010. The
symposium focused on assessment and treatment of various vascular diseases with presentations by 43 world-renowned physicians. Registration included 179 attendees from the United States, Canada, Saudi Arabia, US Virgin Islands, and Germany.
On June 24, 2011, Dr. George Havelka completed his two-year Vascular Surgery Scientist Training Program (T32) to become the first graduate of this program. Three trainees (Michael Park, Elaine Gregory, and Monica Rodriguez) continue their second years in the program and
two trainees (Nathaniel Koo and Hussein Kassam) started the program on July 1, 2011.
Clinical Care
In February 2011, Northwestern Memorial Hospital became the first facility to be granted Accreditation for Carotid Stenting by the Intersocietal Commission for the Accreditation of Carotid Stenting Facilities. Dr. Mark Eskandari serves as medical director.
Mr. John Ancona, Physician Assistant in the Division of Vascular Surgery, was presented with the SICU Partner in Care Award as part of the
Nursing Excellence Awards Ceremony on May 6, 2011. This award recognizes the personal care and attention that John gives to the Vascular Surgery patients as well as his excellent working relationship with his peers.
Dr. Melina Kibbe, Dr. Mark Morasch, Dr. William Pearce, Dr. Mark Eskandari, Dr. Heron Rodriguez
Page 17
The Surgical Scope
Children’s Memorial Hospital Update
With our move to Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children‘s Hospital of Chicago
in June 2012 on schedule, we look forward to further developing our
Research, Education and Clinical Care endeavors in collaboration with
our Feinberg colleagues.
Research endeavors continue to grow across the department. Among
many achievements, the Pediatric Neurosurgery Research Laboratory
has determined what causes folate responsiveness in the pathogenesis of Spina Bifida. The neuroblastoma lab of Marybeth Madonna,
MD, received a 2011 AMA Foundation Seed Grant Research Program
for stem cell research. Thirty-five faculty investigators received funding from the CMH Faculty Practice Plan for 2011.
Marilyn Mets, MD has been appointed Lillian Sherman Cowen Reiger and Harold L.S. Cowen Research Professor in Pediatric Ophthalmology
through August 2014. John Maddalozzo, MD and Nancy Young, MD were promoted to Professor of Otolaryngology in May 2011. David Rothstein, MD was appointed Searles Fellow by the Searles Center for Teaching Excellence and the Feinberg Academy of Medical Educators for
AY 2010-2011. Carl Backer, MD was appointed to the Residency Review Committee for Thoracic Surgery by the ACGME. Elizabeth Yerkes,
MD, was selected as a 2011 Academic Exchange Program Scholar by the American Urological Association for its 2011 Annual Meeting in
Nagoya, Japan. Our fellowships in Pediatric Otolaryngology have received ACGME accreditation beginning July 2011.
Clinical Care
Children's Memorial Hospital achieved a Three-Year Approval with Commendation from the American College of Surgeons Commission on
Cancer in November 2010. Children‘s was one of only 4 freestanding pediatric cancer centers to achieve this distinction.
IS Update
In 2010, the Department of Surgery adopted the NU standard software and hardware video-conferencing tool know as ―Vidyo.‖ Vidyo is now
in use across NU for ―personal telepresence.‖ Making use of a grant provided by Karl Storz, Surgery acquired and began testing ―Vidyo‖ specifically for clinical and educational use at the desktop and in small room environments.
Over the past six months, Vidyo has been tested, providing coverage of Grand Rounds to Children‘s Memorial, physician in training lectures
to Stroger Hospital, remote department meetings for Emergency Medicine, and tumor board reviews for Radiation Oncology.
Sometime later this Fall, Surgery IS will begin live video-conferencing from two new Vascular OR‘s. The goal is to provide real-time presence
from the operating room to a clinic workstation or physician desktop. The tool being tested allows multiple simultaneous participants on a
call and integrates with a variety of signal sources. Potentially, a surgeon could share room, scope, fluro and other images to a remote colleague, without requiring the second physician to walk to the OR and scrub in or use an adjacent viewing room. It could also facilitate training of physicians at their desktops, locally or internationally.
Surgery IT Director Frank Schleicher suggests, ―The next successful video-conferencing environment -- whoever produces it -- will have two
critical characteristics. First, it will provide an affordable desktop alternative to existing tools. Like everything else, the technology will get
cheaper. And second, it will rely on web-based technology for reliable delivery across firewalls.‖
Desktop video-conferencing from the OR will be in ―beta-testing‖ this upcoming year. A review and assessment will be completed by Summer
of 2012.
Page 18
Issue 6
Development and Alumni Relations Spotlight
The Northwestern Surgical Associates Resident Research Fund:
Supporting Excellence in Surgical Studies
A graduate of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill School of Medicine, Ashley Hardy, MD is now a 5th year resident
in the Department of Surgery at Northwestern University. When asked about her initial interest in Northwestern, Dr. Hardy
cites both the unique training style of the program, particularly the emphasis on one-on-one interaction between residents
and attendings, as well as the excellent support network offered by the Northwestern community.
Dr. Hardy conducts research in Jacqueline S. Jeruss‘s laboratory, and is currently studying the relationship between cyclinoverexpression and SMAD 3 inhibition in breast cancer. She is also a recipient of funding from the Northwestern Surgical Associates (NSA), a private physicians group and long-time supporter of resident research at the Feinberg School. Dr. Hardy
shares, ―I am extremely grateful for the funding, as it allows for the continuation of my research. The generosity of members
of NSA, who also are alumni, demonstrates their belief in the importance of resident education beyond the clinic and operating room.‖
This emphasis on the well-rounded resident is another priority of the Department of Surgery residency program, clearly shared
by the generous members of Northwestern Surgical Associates. ―Residents learn not only technical skills, but are prepared for
every aspect of a surgical career. We are taught to be good teachers to colleagues and students. We also are exposed to a
diverse patient population and are made comfortable with a variety of surgical conditions,‖ said Dr. Hardy.
For more than 5 years, the NSA Resident Research Fund has been supporting residents like Dr. Hardy. This ongoing partnership provides the Department with crucial resources to continue its mission of educating an experienced and versatile group
of physician-scientists, set on a course to change the future of research and patient care in this field.
Continued philanthropy is of utmost importance to the advancement of this unique, cutting-edge residency program. To learn
more about opportunities to support residents like Dr. Hardy, please contact Courtney Weeks at 312-503-3080 or
Page 19
The Surgical Scope
VA Update
The Surgical Service at JBVAMC is affiliated both with Northwestern University and University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC). Clinical
care and residency education are provided in General Surgery, Peripheral Vascular Surgery, Orthopaedics, Ophthalmology, Optometry, Podiatry, Urology, Otolaryngology, and Thoracic Surgery.
In 2009, JBVAMC opened a new inpatient pavilion that includes 180 beds, 20 ICU beds, and eight operating rooms. In FY
2010, over 20,000 individual veterans were evaluated and/or treated on an outpatient basis by Surgical Service that included
over 80,000 patient visits. In FY 2011, over 3,200 operative procedures will be performed at JBVAMC.
The research program at JBVAMC has enjoyed another very productive year led by Drs. David Bentrem and Melina Kibbe. For
the past several years, two NU residents have been funded annually by the VA to conduct research under the supervision of
Drs. Bentrem and Kibbe. A ―tradition‖ has evolved that these residents distinguish themselves with presentations at the Association of VA Surgeons annual meeting and this year was no different!
The VA continues to provide our housestaff with substantial autonomy that provides for a unique clinical and educational experience. Resident evaluations of the VA continue to be very positive and the VA certainly adds a different dimension to the
resident experience.
Clinical Care
The VA has been through a difficult year in terms of its fiscal condition. We worked hard to maintain our patient and operative
volume, but there were significant limitations on expanding programs. Fortunately, a new Director has recently been recruited
and the financial status has improved. We are optimistic that FY12 will be a strong year in which we experience growth in volume and programmatic expansion.
Page 20
The Surgical Scope
Department of Surgery Newly Funded Projects, Fiscal Year 2011
11/12/10 8/31/11
Hansen, Nora
Effects of Weight Loss on Breast Density Using Both
Digital Mammography and Breast MRI
Jeruss, Jacqueline
Effect of CDK Inhibition on Smad3 and Cyclin
Overexpressing Breast Cancer Cells in Vitro and in
Primary and Metastatic Xenografts in Mice
9/1/10 8/31/11
Khan, Seema
Topical pharmacotherapy for breast cancer prevention: pharmacokinetics and distribution of topically
applied drugs
9/1/10 8/31/11
Subtotal of awards for Breast Center/Surgery
Clinical Trials
Farmer, Steven
National Heart, Lung,
and Blood Institute
Pilot Study: Variations In Use of Cardiovascular
(via Kaiser FoundaImaging for Incident Congestive Heart Failure
tion Research
Jacobson, Jason
8/1/10 7/31/11
St. Jude Medical, Inc. CEASE-VT: Catheter Ablation versus Amiodarone for
(via Population Health Shock Prophylaxis in Defibrillator Patients with VenResearch Institute) tricular Tachycardia: A Multi-center Randomized Trial
10/13/10 10/13/13
Klein, Liviu
Left Atrial Pressure Monitoring to Optimize Heart
St. Jude Medical, Inc. Failure Therapy Study (LAPTOP-HF)
2/11/11 12/31/14
Mikati, Issam
National Heart, Lung,
and Blood Institute
ROMICAT II: Rule Out Myocardial Infarction/Ischemia
(via Massachusetts Using Computer Assisted Technology
General Hospital)
7/1/10 12/31/11
Subtotal of awards for Clinical Trial Unit
Hungness, Eric
Pugh, Carla
American Society for
Endoscopy and the
Society of American
Gastrointestinal and
Endoscopic Surgeons
Illinois Department of
Healthcare and Family Services (via
Memorial Hospital)
Subtotal of awards for GI/Endo Surgery
Page 21
Prospective Multicenter Human Case Controlled
Evaluation of Natural Orifice Translumenal
Endoscopic Surgery® (NOTES®) Cholecystectomy
10/1/10 9/30/11
Use of Decision-Based Surgical Simulators to Assess
Intra-Operative Performance: A Focus on Operating
Room Efficiency Patient Safety and Team
9/1/10 8/31/11
The Surgical Scope
Department of Surgery Newly Funded Projects, Fiscal Year 2011
Dumanian, Gregory
U.S. Army Medical
Research and Materiel
Command (via Rehabilitation Institute Research
Development of a Neural
Interface for Control of Powered Lower Limb
4/13/10 - 4/12/11
Mustoe, Thomas
Stabilized Hemoglobin
Wound Healing
6/1/11 - 5/31/12
Mustoe, Thomas
Naval Medical Research
Unit San Antonio
Personnel Act Agreement
for Seok Jong Hong
4/1/11 - 3/31/12
Plastic Surgery
Subtotal of awards for Plastic Surgery
Soper, Nathaniel
Covidien Ltd.
Training and Education
7/1/10 - 6/30/11
Subtotal of awards for Surgery
Surgical Oncology
Bentrem, David
National Cancer Institute
(via Duke Clinical
Research Institute)
ACOSOG Z4051: A Phase II
Study of Neoadjuvant Therapy with Cisplatin, Docetaxel, Pantiumumab Plus
Radiation Therapy Followed
by Surgery in Patients with
Locally Advanced Adenocarcinoma of the Distal
Boller, Anne-Marie
Northwestern Memorial
Long Terms Consequences
of Obstetric Trauma and the
Incidence of Fecal Incontinence
6/28/10 - 11/30/11
9/1/10 - 8/31/11
Subtotal of awards for Surgical Oncology
Meyerson, Shari
The Thoracic Surgery
Foundation for Research
and Education
Validation of a
Thoracoscopic Lobectomy
2/1/11 - 6/30/11
Subtotal of awards for Thoracic Surgery
Trauma Critical Care
Crandall, Marie
Centers for Disease
Control (via Association of
American Medical
Subtotal of awards for Trauma Critical Care
Page 22
Integrating Public Health
Into a General Surgery
Residency Program
9/29//10 - 9/29/11
The Surgical Scope
Department of Surgery Newly Funded Projects, Fiscal Year 2011
National Institute of
Allergy and Infectious
Diseases (via University of Molecular Profiling and Immunomodulatory Intervention
9/1/10 8/31/11
National Institute of
Diabetes, Digestive and
Kidney Diseases
Living Donor Liver Transplant - Predictive Models for Long-Term
Health Outcomes
9/1/10 8/31/11
National Institute of
Diabetes, Digestive and
Kidney Diseases
Living Donor Liver Transplant - Predictive Models for Long-Term
Health Outcomes
9/30/10 8/31/11
National Institute of
Allergy and Infectious
Diseases (via Mount Sinai Mechanistic Studies Supplement to CTOT and CTOTC Consortia
School of Medicine)
9/1/10 8/31/11
Ansari, Javeed
American Society of
7/1/11 6/30/12
National Institute of Allergy and Infectious DisCTOT-12: An Observational Study to Assess the Prevalence of a
eases (via University of
Tolerance Signature in Renal Transplant Recipients
California, San Francisco)
1/1/11 12/31/11
Ison, Michael
National Institute of
Allergy and Infectious
Diseases (via Cellex Inc.)
Point of Care Use Flu Drug Resistance Test
7/1/10 6/30/11
Ison, Michael
National Institute of
Allergy and Infectious
Diseases (via Social &
Scientific Systems, Inc.)
Randomized Double-Blind Phase 2 Study Comparing the Efficacy, Safety, and Tolerability of Compination Antiviral
(Amantadine, Ribavirin, Oseltamivir) versus Oseltamivir for the
Treatment of Influenza in Adults at Risk for Complications: Task
Order #006: Anti-viral and Immune Plasma Infrastructure Development
1/1/11 9/29/11
Ison, Michael
Astellas Pharma Global
Development, Inc.
Transplant Infectious Diseases Visiting Professorship
2/18/11 4/30/11
Ison, Michael
National Institute of
Allergy and Infectious
Diseases (via Social &
Scientific Systems, Inc.)
IRC 003
1/1/11 9/29/11
Ison, Michael
National Institute of
Allergy and Infectious
Diseases (via Social &
Scientific Systems, Inc.)
1/1/11 9/29/11
Luo, Xunrong
National Institute of
Diabetes, Digestive and
Kidney Diseases
Subproject for Institution # SP0002878
9/1/10 8/31/11
U.S. Army Medical
Research and Materiel
Induction of Donor Specific Tolerance in Recipients of Living
Command (via National
Kidney Allografts by Donor Stem Cell Infusion
Foundation to Support
Cell Transplant Research)
9/1/10 8/31/11
ASTS Foundation
7/1/10 6/30/11
Subtotal of awards for Transplant
Page 23
AST Fellowship Grant for Bara Sarraj: Role of
Fucosylation in Shaping the Alloimmune Response
2010 ASTS-Wyeth Collaborative Scientist Award
The Surgical Scope
Department of Surgery Newly Funded Projects, Fiscal Year 2011
Eskandari, Mark
Cordis Corporation
Cordis Fellowship Grant - Vascular
Surgery Fellowship Program
4/26/11 - 4/26/12
Kibbe, Melina
National Heart, Lung,
and Blood Institute
NO Inhibits Arterial Injury After
Vascular Procedures via Adventitial
Stem Cells
4/1/11 - 3/31/12
Kibbe, Melina
Jesse Brown VA
Medical Center
IPA Agreement for Michelle Endo
12/1/10 - 9/30/11
Yao, James
Memorial Hospital
Chicago Initiatives to Fight Hepatitis
B Health Disparities
9/28/10 - 9/27/11
Subtotal of awards for Vascular Surgery
Total awards processed between
September 1, 2010 and June 17, 2011
Page 24
Issue 6
Industry Active Projects
Project Description
Project Period
EndoGastric Solutions, Inc.
The RESPECT STUDY: A Randomized EsophyX vs.
Sham / Placebo Controlled TIF Trial
4/30/11 4/30/14
GE Healthcare
Prot # GE-145-002: A Phase 2, Double-Blind,
Randomized, Safety Study of GE-145-320 MG-1ML
Injection Versus Iopamidol 370 MG-I/ML in Elderly
Subjects Undergoing Coronary Artery Catherization
11/3/10 11/3/13
Davidson, Charles
Tryton Medical, Inc.
Protocol # P- 0020: A Prospective, Single Blind, Randomized Controlled Study to Evaluate the Safety and
Effectiveness of the Tryton Side Branch Stent used in
Conjunction with a Drug-Eluting tent Compared to Side
Branch Balloon Angioplasty in Conjunction with a DrugEluting Stent in the Treatment of de novo Bifurcation
Lesions Involving the Main Branch and Side Branch
3/23/11 3/23/14
Klein, Liviu
Angel Medical Systems, Inc.
ALERTS (AngeLmed for Early Recognition and
Treatment of STEMI) Study
12/8/10 12/8/13
Knight, Bradley
Catheter Robotics, Inc.
Prot # 2008-001-01: Clinical Study to Evaluate the
Effectiveness and Safety of the Catheter Robotics
Amigo Remote Catheter System for Performing
Right-Sided Electrophysiology Mapping Studies
10/4/10 10/4/13
McCarthy, Patrick
Prot # 2008-07: Magna Mitral 23 Clinical Evaluation of
Edwards Lifesciences Corporation the size 23 mm Carpentier-Edwards PERIMOUNT
Magna Mitral Bioprosthesis, Model 7000TFX
Soper, Nathaniel
Clinical Trials
Davidson, Charles
McGee, Edwin
Page 25
Page 25
HeartWare, Inc.
Protocol HW-004: A Prospective, Randomized,
Controlled, Un-blinded, Multi-Center Clinical Trial to
Evaluate the HeartWare® Ventricular Assist System
for Destination Therapy of Advanced Heart Failure
3/21/11 12/31/17
9/8/10 9/8/13
The Surgical Scope
Industry Active Projects
Project Description
Project Period
Galiano, Robert
EXC 001-203: A Phase 2, Randomized, Double-Blind, WithinSubject Controlled Study to Evaluate Efficacy and Safety of EXC
Excaliard Pharmaceuticals, Inc. 001 for the Amelioration of Scarring Following Revision of Medial
Scars Resulting from Prior Breast Reduction or Mastopexy
Surgery in Adult Female Subjects
Galiano, Robert
Healthpoint, Ltd.
Protocol Number 017-101-09-024: A Vehicle-Controlled Study to
Determine the Effect of Four Weeks of Debridement with
Collagenase SANTYL Ointment (Santyl) on the Healing of
Diabetic Foot Ulcers
6/1/10 6/1/13
Galiano, Robert
Thrombodyne Inc.
Blood Collection from Venous Ulcer Patients for Platelet Isolation
using Concentrated Autologous Platelets System (CAPS)
9/10/10 9/10/13
Galiano, Robert
Healthpoint, Ltd.
Protocol 802-247-09-015: A Phase II Randomized, Double Blind,
Placebo Controlled Dose Finding Study investigating the Efficacy
of HP802-247 in Venous Leg Ulcers
7/15/10 7/15/13
Galiano, Robert
Healthpoint, Ltd.
Protocol HP 802-247-09-016: A Twenty-Four Week NonInterventional Safety Follow-Up to HP 802-247-09-015
9/7/10 9/7/13
Galiano, Robert
Prot # Celleration-NU-01: Use of MIST Ultrasound Therapy to
Minimize Edema, Bruising and Scarring After Cosmetic Surgery
Procedures of the Face and Body
9/1/10 9/1/13
Kim, John Yah Sung
Mentor Worldwide LLC
The Contour Profile(R) Tissue Expander in Immediate Breast
Reconstruction: A Three-Dimensional Look into Shape and
Volume Changes
11/1/10 12/31/11
Kim, John Yah Sung
Musculoskeletal Transplant
Foundation, Inc.
The Correction of Capsular Contracture Using Acellular Dermis
(BellaDerm tm): Techniques and Outcomes
3/1/11 3/30/12
Mustoe, Thomas
Baxter Healthcare Corporation Baxter Alliance: Bedside Pulse Lavage Irrigation Project
Page 26
Page 26
12/16/09 12/15/12
9/1/10 8/31/11
Issue 6
Industry Active Projects
Project Description
ViraCor, L.L.C.
Comparison of T-Spot.TB Quantiferon-TB Gold Testing to
detect Turberculosis in Immunocompromised Patients
1/15/11 1/15/13
Ison, Michael
GlaxoSmithKline plc
NAI114373: A Phase III International, Randomized, Doubleblind, Double-dummy Study to Evaluate the Efficacy and
Safety of 300 mg or 600 mg of Intravenous Zanamivir Twice
Daily Compared to 75 mg of Oral Oseltamivir Twice Daily in
the Treatment of Hospitalized Adults and Adolescents with
10/21/10 10/21/13
Levitsky, Josh
The Effects of Belatacept +/-Mycophenylate Moftil, Sirolimus
Bristol-Myers Squibb Company or Basilixmab on Donor-Specific Tregs in the Treg MLR, BMS
# IM 103-102
11/8/10 11/8/13
Ison, Michael
CAEB071B2201: A 24-month Randomized, Multicenter
Study, Evaluating Efficacy, Safety, Tolerability and Pharmacokinetics of Sotrastaurin (STN) Combined with Tacrolimus
(TAC) vs. a Tacrolimus/Mycophenolate Mofetil (MMF)-Based
Control Regimen in De Novo Liver Transplant Recipients
Levitsky, Josh
Novartis Pharmaceuticals
Life Technologies Corporation Clinical Protocol SeCore and 3500 Dx System
Page 27
3/22/10 9/30/13
2/4/11 12/31/11
Awards, honors, presentations and publications
Abecassis, Michael, MD, MBA
Feinberg School of Medicine Dean Search
Committee, Northwestern University, Feinberg
School of Medicine, 2010-11
Member, Northwestern University Feinberg
School of Medicine, Deans Executive Committee
Member, 2010-11
Member, FDA Workshop on Delayed Graft Function
in Kidney Transplantation, 2011
Member, American Medical Association
Committee on Innovation. 2011
Invited Speaker, Northwestern University Feinberg
School of Medicine, Chicago, Illinois. General Surgery Resident Grand Rounds. Understanding
Health Care Reform (Affordable Care Act) – Implications for Surgery and Transplantation, March 17,
Invited Speaker, American Transplant Congress,
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. American Society of
Transplant Surgeons Presidential Address. The
Luster Cycle of Transplantation, May 3, 2011.
Invited Speaker, Cincinnati Children‘s Hospital,
Cincinnati, Ohio. Digestive Health Center.
"Hepatobiliary Neoplasia - Is Transplantation the
Answer? May 24, 2011.
Invited Speaker, National Clinical Conference,
OptumHealth, Chicago, Illinois. What's Hot, What's
New in Managing Complex Conditions – Solid Organs, September 13, 2010.
Visiting Professor, Department of Surgery Grand
Rounds, University of California, San Francisco,
California. Understanding the Uncertainties of
Health Care Reform, September 22, 2010.
Invited Speaker, Transplant Research Seminar,
University of California, San Francisco, California.
Northwestern University Transplant Outreach Research Collaborative, September 22, 2010.
Invited Speaker, UCSF Transplant 2010, University
of California, San Francisco, California. Transplant
Center Regulations in the Context of Health Care
Reform, September 23, 2010.
Invited Speaker, Living Kidney Donor Follow Up:
State-of-the-Art and Future Directions Conference,
Arlington, Virginia. Economics of Living Donor Date
Collection (Costs to centers), September 27, 2010.
Invited Speaker, Thomas E. Starzl Transplant Surgery State-of-the-Art Lecture, AASLD 61st Annual
Meeting, Boston, Massachusetts. Hepatobiliary
Neoplasia – Is Transplantation the Answer? October 31, 2010.
Keeling AN, Flaherty JD, Davarpanah AH, Ambrosy
A, Farrelly CT, Harinstein ME, Flamm SL, Abecassis
MI, Skaro AI, Carr JC, Gheorghiade M. Coronary
multidetector computed tomographic angiography
to evaluate coronary artery disease in liver transplant candidates: methods, feasibility and initial
experience. J Cardiovasc Med (Hagerstown) 2011
May 22. [Epub ahead of print]
Gordon EJ, Bergeron A, McNatt G, Friedewald J,
Abecassis MM, Wolf MS. Are informed consent
forms for organ transplantation and donation too
difficult to read? Clin Transplant 2011 May 17
[Epub ahead of print].
Trotter JF, Gillespie BW, Terrault NA, Abecassis
MM, Merion RM, Brown RS Jr, Olthoff KM, Hayashi
PH, Berg CL, Fisher RA, Everhart JE; Adult-to-Adult
Living Donor Liver Transplantation Cohort Study
Group. Laboratory test results after living liver donation in the adult-to-adult living donor liver transplantation cohort study. Liver Transpl 2011;17:409
Olthoff KM, Abecassis MM, Emond JC, Kam I, Merion RM, Gillespie BW, Tong L; and the A2ALL Study
Group. Outcomes for adult living donor liver transplantation: Comparison of A2ALL and national
experience. Liver Transpl 2011 Feb 25 [Epub
ahead of print].
Jay C, Skaro A, Ladner D, Wang E, Lyuksemburg V,
Invited Speaker, American Society of Transplant
Kang R, Feinglass J, Holl JL, Abecassis M. A comSurgeons, 4th Annual Surgical Fellows Symposium, prehensive risk assessment of mortality following
Scottsdale, Arizona. ASTS and Health Care Reform, donation after cardiac death liver transplant - an
November 13, 2010.
analysis of the national registry. J Hepatol 2011
Feb 18 [Epub ahead of print].
Invited Speaker, American Society of Transplant
Surgeons Winter Symposium, Hollywood, Florida.
Levitsky J, Thudi K, Ison MG, Wang E, Abecassis M.
Dupont Circle: Heath Care Reform and Transplanta- Alemtuzumab induction in non-hepatitis C positive
tion, January 14, 2011.
liver transplant recipients. Liver Transpl
Invited Speaker, University of Pennsylvania School
of Medicine, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. DepartJay CL, Lyuksemburg V, Ladner DP, Wang E,
ment of Surgery Grand Rounds. Health Care ReCaicedo JC, Holl JL, Abecassis MM, Skaro AI.
form: Implications on Surgery and Transplantation, Ischemic cholangiopathy after controlled donation
February 24, 2011.
after cardiac death liver transplantation: a metaPage 28
analysis. Ann Surg 2011;253:259-64.
Cendales L, Granger D, Henry M, Jones J, Langnas
A, Levi D, Magee J, Merion R, Olthoff K, Pruett T,
Roberts J, Abecassis M; ASTS VCA Ad Hoc Committee and Executive Committee. Implementation of
vascularized composite allografts in the United
States: recommendations from the ASTS VCA Ad
Hoc Committee and the Executive Committee. Am J
Transplant 2011;11:13-7.
Gordon EJ, Caicedo JC, Ladner DP, Reddy E, Abecassis MM. Transplant center provision of education and culturally and linguistically competent
care: a national study. Am J Transplant
Riaz A, Memon K, Miller FH, Nikolaidis P, Kulik LM,
Lewandowski RJ, Ryu RK, Sato KT, Gates VL, Mulcahy MF, Baker T, Wang E, Gupta R, Nayar R, Benson AB 3rd, Abecassis M, Omary R, Salem R. Role
of the EASL, RECIST, and WHO response guidelines
alone or in combination for hepatocellular carcinoma: radiologic-pathologic correlation. J Hepatol
2011;54:695-704. Epub 2010 Oct 23. PMCID:
Parikh ND, Ladner D, Abecassis M, Butt Z. Quality
of life for donors after living donor liver transplantation: a review of the literature. [Review] Liver
Transp. 2010;16:1352-8. PMCID: PMC3058676.
Haywood S, Abecassis M, Levitsky J. The renal
benefit of mycophenolate mofetil after liver transplantation. Clin Transplant 2011;25:E88-95. Epub
2010 Nov 10.
Salem R, Lewandowski RJ, Kulik L, Wang E, Riaz A,
Ryu RK, Sato KT, Gupta R, Nikolaidis P, Miller FH,
Yaghmai V, Ibrahim SM, Senthilnathan S, Baker T,
Gates VL, Atassi B, Newman S, Memon K, Chen R,
Vogelzang RL, Nemcek AA, Resnick SA, Chrisman
HB, Carr J, Omary RA, Abecassis M, Benson AB 3rd,
Mulcahy MF. Radioembolization results in longer
time-to-progression and reduced toxicity compared
with chemoembolization in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma. Gastroenterology 2011;140:497507. Epub 2010 Oct 30.
Skaro AI, Jay CL, Ladner D, Abecassis MM. Trends
in donation after cardiac death and donation after
brain death--reading between the lines. Am J Transplant 2010;10:2390-1.
Baker TB, Jay CL, Fryer JP, Abecassis MM. Transplant renoportal vein conduit for complete mesenteric thrombosis: a case report. Am Surg
Axelrod DA, Millman D, Abecassis MM. US Health
Care Reform and Transplantation, Part II: impact on
the public sector and novel health care delivery
systems. Am J Transplant 2010;10:2203-7.
Awards, honors, presentations and publications
Ansari, M. Javeed, MBBS
Mohamadzadeh M, Pfeiler EA, Brown JB, Zadeh M,
Gramarossa M, Managlia E, Bere P, Sarraj B, Khan
MW, Pakanati KC, Ansari MJ, O'Flaherty S, Barrett
T, Klaenhammer TR. Regulation of induced colonic
inflammation by Lactobacillus acidophilus deficient
in lipoteichoic acid. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2011;
108(Suppl 1):4623-30. Epub 2011 Jan 31. PMCID:
D'Addio F, Yuan X, Habicht A, Williams J, Ruzek M,
Iacomini J, Turka LA, Sayegh MH, Najafian N, Ansari
MJ. A novel clinically relevant approach to tip the
balance toward regulation in stringent transplant
model. Transplantation 2010;90:260-9.
Backer, Carl, MD
Speaker, 3rd Congress of Asia-Pacific Pediatric
Cardiac Society, Cardiac Transplantation for Patients with Adult Congenital Heart Disease, Chiba,
Japan, July 6-9, 2010.
Speaker, 3rd Congress of Asia-Pacific Pediatric
Cardiac Society, Fontan Conversion: Current Practice, Chiba, Japan, July 6-9, 2010.
Speaker, 11th Annual Meeting of the Turkish Society of Cardiovascular Surgery, Antalya, Turkey, The
Arterial Switch Operation for Transposition of the
Great Arteries with Intact Ventricular Septum and
Ventricular Septal Defect: a 27-year experience
with 277 patients, October 27-31, 2010.
Speaker, 11th Annual Meeting of the Turkish Society of Cardiovascular Surgery, Late Pulmonary
Valve Replacement after Tetralogy of Fallot: Indications, Timing, and Choice of Valve Replacement,
Antalya, Turkey, October 27-31, 2010.
Speaker, International Symposium for Cardiac Care
Webcast, World Heart Foundation, Vascular rings
and pulmonary artery sling, January 13, 2011.
Speaker, International Symposium for Cardiac Care
Webcast, World Heart Foundation, Complete Atrioventricular Septal Defect: History, Anatomy, Techniques, Outcomes. January 13, 2011.
Speaker, Society of Thoracic Surgeons 47th Annual
Meeting, Arrhythmia Surgery in the Adult Congenital Heart Patient with Biventricular Circulation. San
Diego, CA, January 30, 2011.
Speaker, 12th Annual C. Walton Lillehei Memorial
Lecture in Cardiovascular Surgery, Cardiology
2011, 15th Annual Update on Pediatric and Congenital Cardiovascular Disease Fontan Conversion:
The Chicago Experience, Scottsdale, AZ, February
5, 2011.
Page 29
Speaker, 11th Annual International Symposium on
Congenital Heart Disease, Transplantation for
HLHS: What are the Indications in 2011? All Children‘s Hospital, St. Petersburg, FL, February 13,
Mishra R, Vijayan K, Colletti EJ, Harrington DA,
Matthiesen TS, Simpson D, Goh S-K, Walker BL,
Almeida-Porada G, Wang D, Backer CL, Dudley SC
Jr., Wold LE, Kaushal S. Characterization and functionality of cardiac progenitor cells in congenital
heart patients. Circulation 2011;123:364-373.
Keynote Lecture. The American Society of Echocardiogaphy 2011 Chicago Sonographer Update:
Weiss SL, Gossett JG, Kaushal S, Wang D, Backer
d-Transposition of the Great Arteries. Oak Brook, IL, CL, Wald EL. Comparison of gastrointestinal morApril 30, 2011.
bidity after Norwood and hybrid palliation for complex heart defects. Pediat Cardiol 2011; 32:391Speaker, American Association for Thoracic Surgery 398.
91st Annual Meeting, Pulmonary Artery Sling: Current Results with Cardiopulmonary Bypass, PhilaJoy BF, Elliott E, Hardy C, Sullivan C, Backer CL,
delphia, PA, May 7-11, 2011.
Kane JM. Standardized multidisciplinary protocol
improves handover of cardiac surgery patients to
Speaker, Katkov-Lundeen Visiting Professorship,
the intensive care unit. Pediatr Crit Care Med
Children‘s Hospitals and Clinics of Minnesota,
2010; Epub ahead of print.
Vascular Rings, Minneapolis, MN, June 5-7, 2011.
Baker, Talia, MD
Speaker, Katkov-Lundeen Visiting Professorship,
Children‘s Hospitals and Clinics of Minnesota,
Tracheal Reconstruction, Minneapolis, MN, June 57, 2011.
Baker T, Levitsky J, Jie C, Parikh N, Friedewald J,
Gallon L, Al-Saden P, McDade R, Ballard K, Horvath
Speaker, Katkov-Lundeen Visiting Professorship,
S, Langfelder P, Salomon D, Abecassis M. A novel
Children‘s Hospitals and Clinics of Minnesota,
renal injury proteomic biomarker panel predicts
Fontan Conversion, Minneapolis, MN, June 5-7,
reversibility of renal dysfunction following liver
transplantation. American Transplant Congress,
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, May 2011.
Speaker, Katkov-Lundeen Visiting Professorship,
Children‘s Hospitals and Clinics of Minnesota,
Atrioventricular Septal Defect, Minneapolis, MN,
June 5-7, 2011.
Riaz A, Memon K, Miller FH, Nikolaidis P, Kulik LM,
Lewandowski RJ, Ryu RK, Sato KT, Gates VL, MulSpeaker, Katkov-Lundeen Visiting Professorship,
cahy MF, Baker T, Wang E, Gupta R, Nayar R, BenChildren‘s Hospitals and Clinics of Minnesota,
son AB 3rd, Abecassis M, Omary R, Salem R. Role
Arterial Switch Operation, Minneapolis, MN, June 5- of the EASL, RECIST, and WHO response guidelines
7, 2011.
alone or in combination for hepatocellular carcinoma: radiologic-pathologic correlation. J Hepatol
2011;54:695-704. Epub 2010 Oct 23. PMCID:
Ferns SJ, Nguyen NV, Russell HM, Backer CL. Left
ventricular mass in Wegener‘s granulomatosis-a
Baker TB, Jay CL, Fryer JP, Abecassis MM. Transbrief report. Cardiol Young 2010; 20: 701-713.
plant renoportal vein conduit for complete mesenteric thrombosis: a case report. Am Surg
Mavroudis C, Dodge-Khatami A, Stewart RD, Jacobs 2010;76:1016-9.
ML, Backer CL, Lorber RE. An overview of surgery
options for congenital coronary artery anomalies.
Barsness, Catherine, MD
Future Cardiol 2010;6: 627-645.
Backer CL, Deal BJ, Kaushal S, Russell HM, Tsao S,
Mavroudis C. Extracardiac versus intra-atrial lateral Lautz TB, Raval MV, Reynolds M, Barsness KA.
tunnel Fontan: extracardiac is better. Semin Thorac Adhesive small bowel obstruction in children and
Cardiovasc Surg Pediatr Card Surg Ann 2011;14: 4- adolescents: operative utilization and factors asso10.
ciated with bowel loss. J Am Coll Surg. 2011
Russell HM, Backer CL. Pediatric thoracic problems: patent ductus arteriosus, vascular rings,
Naiditch JA, Lautz T, Barsness KA. Postoperative
congenital tracheal stenosis, and pectus deformicomplications in children undergoing gastrostomy
ties. Surg Clin North Am 2010; 90:1091-1113.
tube placement. J Laparoendosc Adv Surg Tech A.
2010 Nov;20(9):781-5.
Wald EL, Preze E, Eickhoff JC, Backer CL. The effect
of cardiopulmonary bypass on the hypothalamicSt Peter SD, Little DC, Barsness KA, Copeland DR,
pituitary-adrenal axis in children. Pediatric Crit Care Calkins CM, Yoder S, Rothenberg SS, Islam S, Tsao
Med 2010; Epub ahead of print.
K, Ostlie DJ. Should we be concerned about jeju-
Awards, honors, presentations and publications
noileal atresia during repair of duodenal atresia? J
Laparoendosc Adv Surg Tech A. 2010 Nov;20
Hayman AV, Fisher MJ, Anaya BC, Parachuri R,
Bentrem DJ, Guihan M. Colonoscopy is Safe in
Veterans with Spinal Cord Injury or Disorder
(SCI&D). AVAS April 11, 2011 (Irvine, CA)
Marecek GS, Barsness KA, Sarwark JF. Relief of
superior mesenteric artery syndrome with correction of multiplanar spinal deformity by posterior
spinal fusion. Orthopedics. 2010 Jul 13;33(7):519.
doi: 10.3928/01477447-20100526-26.
Hayman A, Toto EL, Pozgay K, Bentrem DJ, Brenner
DM. Impact of ethnicity and economic status on
access to colon cancer screening. DDW/AGA Institute May 10, 2011 (Chicago, IL)
Raval MV, Cohen ME, Barsness KA, Bentrem DJ,
Phillips JD, Reynolds M. Does hospital type affect
pyloromyotomy outcomes? Analysis of the Kids'
Inpatient Database. Surgery. 2010 Aug;148(2):411
J Phillips, M Khan, E Cheon, P Grippo, K Khazaie, D
Bentrem .5-Lipoxygenase Deficiency Diminishes
Th2 Cell, Regulatory T-cell and Dendritic Cell Infiltration of Murine Intestinal Polyps. SSAT May 5,
2011 (Chicago, IL)
Bentrem, David, MD
Merkow RP, Bilimoria KY, McCarter MD, Barnett
CC, Gordon H, Ko C, Bentrem DJ. Post-Discharge
venous thromboembolism in surgical oncology:
extending the case for extended prophylaxis. Ann
Surg accepted 11/10
Commission on Cancer-member, ACS 2010-2013
Association of Academic Surgeons, Nominating
committee 2011-12
Associate Board Examiner, American Board of
Surgery 2011
Editorial Board, Journal of Surgical Oncology, Section head- Pancreas/Hepatobiliary
Tarlov E, Lee T, Weichle T, Durazo R, Zhang Q,
Perrin R, Bentrem DJ, and Hynes DM. VA and Medicare dual healthcare system use: impacts on 3year event free survival for colon cancer. ASCO
2011 (Chicago, IL)
Winslow E, Kooby D, Schmidt M, Nakeeb A, Bentrem DJ, Mecrhcant N, Parikh A, Martin R, Scoggins
C , Ahmad S, Kim HJ, Hawkins W, Weber S, Cho C.
Method of splenic preservation during distal pancreatectomy impacts fistula rates. AHPBA March
11, 2011.
Krantz S, Bentrem DJ, and Munshi HG. MT1-MMP
cooperates with Kras G12D to promote pancreatic
fibrosis through TGFb activation of pancreatic stellate cells. Pancreas Club, May 2, 2011 (Chicago, IL)
Phillips JD, Blatner NR, Mulcahy M, Bentrem DJ,
and Khazaie K. Evaluation of anti-CTLA4 treatment
in a murine model of intestinal polyposis. ASCO
June 4, 2011 (Chicago, IL)
Blatner N, Bonertz A, Beckhove P, Dennis K, Bentrem DJ, Mulcahy M, and Khazaie K. Beneficial and
harmful T-regulatory sub-populations in colon cancer. Abcam March 11, 2011 (Philadelphia, PA)
Dangi-Garimella S, Krantz S, Barron M, Shields MA,
Heiferman M, Grippo PJ, Bentrem DJ, and Munshi
HG. Three dimensional collagen I promotes gemcitabine resistance in pancreatic cancer through
increased membrane type 1-matrix metalloproteinase-mediated HMGA2 expression. Cancer Research 2011:71;1019-28.
Browne, Marybeth, MD
Chogle A, Bonilla S, Browne M, Madonna MB, Parsons W, Donaldson J, Alonso E.Rapunzel syndrome:
a rare cause of biliary obstruction. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr. 2010:Oct;51(4):522-3.
Raval MV, Lautz TB, Browne M. Bile duct injuries
during pediatric laparoscopic cholecystectomy: a
national perspective. J Laparoendosc Adv Surg
Tech A. 2011:Mar;21(2):113-8.
Hayman A, Chang E, Molokie R, Kahng LS, Prystowsky J,and Bentrem DJ. Assessing compliance
with national quality measures to improve colorec- Raval MV, Lautz T, Reynolds M, Browne M. Dollars
tal cancer care at the VA. Am J Surg 2010:200;572 and sense of intervalappendectomy in children: a
cost analysis. J Pediatr Surg. 2010:Sep;45(9):1817
Cheon E, Strouch MJ, Barron M, Ding Y, Melstrom
L, Krantz S, Rao S, Adrian T, Bentrem DJ, and
Butt, Zeeshan, PhD
Grippo P. Alteration of strain background and a
high omega-6 fat diet induces earlier onset of pan- Awards/Honors
creatic neoplasia in EL-Kras transgenic mice. Int J
Cancer 2010: in press.
Chair, Early Career Professionals Council (elected),
American Psychological Association, Division 38
Cao W, Adley B, Liao J, Lin X, Talamonti M, Bentrem (Health Psychology), 2011-13
DJ, Rao S, and Yang GY. Mucinous nonneoplastic
cysts of the pancreas: apomucin phenotype distin- Board of Directors (elected), American Psychologiguishes this entity from intraductal papillary mucical Association, Division 38 (Health Psychology)
nous neoplasm. Hum Pathol 2010:41;513-21.
Cheon E, Khazaie K, Khan M, Strouch MJ, Krantz S,
Phillips J, Blatner N, Hix L, Zhang M, Dennis K,
Salabat M, Heiferman M, Grippo P, Munshi HG,
Gounaris E, and Bentrem DJ. Mast cell 5lipoxygenase activity promotes intestinal polyposis
in APCΔ468 mice. Cancer Res 2011:71;1627-36.
Goicoechea SM, Bednarski B, Stack C, Cowan DW,
Volmar K, Rustig AK, Brentnall T, Hwang RF, Yeh JJ,
Bentrem DJ, Hochwald SN, Hingorani SR, Him HJ,
and Otey CA. Isoform-specific upregulation of paladin in human and murine pancreas tumors. PLoS
One 2010;5(4):e10347.
Shields MA, Dang-garimella S, Krantz SB, Bentrem
DJ, and Munshi HG. Pancreatic cancer cells respond to type I collagen by inducing Snail expression to promote membrane type 1-matrix metalloHayman AV, Bentrem DJ, and Prystowsky JP. Survey proteinase dependent collagen invasion. J Biol
Chem 2011:286;10495-10504.
of VA surgeon use and knowledge of the VASQIP
mortality calculator. AVAS April 11, 2011 (Irvine,
Dangi-Garimella S, Strouch MJ, Shields MA, Grippo
PJ, Bentrem DJ, and Munshi HG. Collagen represPage 30
sion of let-7 in pancreatic cancer involves membrane type 1-matrix metalloproteinase. Oncogene,
2011:30; 1002-8.
Beaumont JL, Butt Z, Baladi J, Motzer RJ, Haas T,
Hollaender N, Kay A, Cella D. Patient-Reported
Outcomes in a Phase III Study of Everolimus Versus
Placebo in Patients with Metastatic Carcinoma of
the Kidney That Has Progressed on Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Receptor Tyrosine Kinase
Inhibitor Therapy. Oncologist 2011;16:632-40.
Epub 2011 Apr 1.
Lai JS, Butt Z, Zelko F, Cella D, Krull KR, Kieran
MW, Goldman S. Development of a Parent-Report
Cognitive Function Item Bank Using Item Response
Theory and Exploration of its Clinical Utility in Computerized Adaptive Testing. J Pediatr Psychol 2011
Mar 4. [Epub ahead of print].
Parikh ND, Ladner D, Abecassis M, Butt Z. Quality
of life for donors after living donor liver transplantation: a review of the literature. [Review] Liver
Transpl 2010;16:1352-8. PMCID: PMC3058676.
Awards, honors, presentations and publications
Butt Z, Gordon E, Penrod D, Sherman LA; Chicago
Transplant Ethics Consortium. Which patients with
ESRD are willing to pay for a kidney? Am J Transplant 2010;10:2560; author reply 2561. Epub
2010 Sep 3.
Bode RK, Heinemann AW, Butt Z, Stallings J, Taylor
C, Rowe M, Roth EJ. Development and validation of
participation and positive psychologic function
measures for stroke survivors. Arch Phys Med
Rehabil 2010;91:1347-56.
Lai JS, Zelko F, Butt Z, Cella D, Kieran MW, Krull
KR, Magasi S, Goldman S. Parent-perceived child
cognitive function: results from a sample drawn
from the US general population. Childs Nerv Syst
2011;27:285-93. Epub 2010 Jul 23.
Butt Z, Rao AV, Lai JS, Abernethy AP, Rosenbloom
SK, Cella D. Age-associated differences in fatigue
among patients with cancer. J Pain Symptom Manage 2010;40:217-23. Epub 2010 Jun 11. PMCID:
Caicedo, Juan Carlos, MD
Ad Hoc Committee for Minority Affairs, American
Society of Transplant Surgeons, 2011
disease and predictors of severity. American Acad- trauma and resilience: a comparison of two
emy of Pediatrics National Conference & Exhibition, neighborhoods Eastern Association for the SurSan Francisco, CA, October 2010.
gery of Trauma Naples, FL January 2011
Sohn S, Voronov R, Sawardekar A, Jagannathan N,
Barsness K, Chin A, Madonna M, Suresh S: Postoperative Pain Control in Children Undergoing Laparoscopic Appendectomy: Comparison of Ultrasoundguided Peripheral Nerve Blocks to Local Anesthetic
Infiltration Analgesia. American Society of Anesthesiology Annual Meeting; San Diego, California,
October, 2010
Sridharan L, Crandall M. Injury and health among
children in vulnerable families (in press for Journal
of Trauma)
Naiditch J, Duerst R, Pillai S, Chin AC: Nonoperative Management of Pneumatosis Intestinalis
and Pneumoperitoneum in a Patient with Acute
Lymphoblastic Leukemia: A Case Report and Review of the Literature. Eur J Pediatr Surg. 2010
Rothenberg SS, Chin A: Laparoscopic Collis-Nissen
for recurrent severe reflux in pediatric patients with
esophageal atresia and recurrent hiatal hernia. J
Laparoendosc Adv Surg Tech A. 2010 Nov;20
Advisory Board Member, Gift of Hope Organ Procurement Organization, 2011
Gander, JW, Cowles RA, Middleworth W, Zitsman
JL, Chin A, Rothenberg S: Laparoscopic Excision of
Choledochal Cysts with Total Intracorporeal Reconstruction. J Laparoendosc Adv Surg Tech A. 2010
Crandall, Marie, MD
Jay CL, Lyuksemburg V, Ladner DP, Wang E,
Caicedo JC, Holl JL, Abecassis MM, Skaro AI.
Ischemic cholangiopathy after controlled donation
after cardiac death liver transplantation: a metaanalysis. Ann Surg 2011;253:259-64.
Elected as a Fellow to the Institute of Medicine
Chicago, May 2011
Gordon EJ, Caicedo JC, Ladner DP, Reddy E, Abecassis MM. Transplant center provision of education and culturally and linguistically competent
care: a national study. Am J Transplant
Chin, Anthony, MD
Chin AC, Browne MB. Omental Vascular Malformation: Total Laparoscopic Excision in a 15 year old
female. 96th Annual Clinical Congress of the American College of Surgeons, Washington DC, October
Radhakrishnan R, Madonna MB, Chin AC.
Thorascopic Excision of an Esophageal Foregut
Cyst in 15 year old patient. 96th Annual Clinical
Congress of the American College of Surgeons,
Washington DC, October 2010.
Lautz TB, Chin AC, Radhakrishnan J. Acute pancreatitis in children and adolescents: Spectrum of
Page 31
Crandall M, Sharp D, Brasel K, Haider A, Winthrop
A, Esposito T. Lower extremity vascular injuries:
increased mortality for minorities and the uninsured? Central Surgical Association Detroit,
MI March 2011
Haider A, Ong‘uti S, Efron D, Oyetunji T, Crandall M,
Scott V, Haut E, Schneider E, Powe N, Cooper L,
Cornwell E. Hospitals caring for a disproportionately minority trauma population demonstrate
increased trauma mortality: a nationwide analysis
of 434 hospitals. (in press for Archives of Surgery)
Oyetunji T, Crompton J, Ehanire I, Stevens K, Efron
D, Haut E, Chang D, Cornwell E, Crandall M, Haider
A. Multiple imputation in trauma disparity research. Journal of Surgical Research 2011;165
Crandall M Review of ―‘Never be wrong‘: The morbidity of negative and delayed laparotomies after
blunt trauma. J Trauma 2010;69:1386-92‖ (in
press for American College of Surgeons Selected
Readings in General Surgery [serial online])
Crandall M Small bowel resection and anastamosis: open Northwestern Handbook of Surgical
Procedures, 2nd Edition; Eds. Soper N, Bell R. Landes Bioscience, Austin, TX (in press)
Crandall M Epidemiology of Traumatic Brain Injury. Management of Traumatic Brain Injury; Ed.
Zollman F. Demos Medical Publishing, New York,
NY (in press)
Crandall M, Esposito T, Reed RL, Gamelli R,
Luchette F. Were rules made to be broken? Analysis of compliance and outcomes in a trauma system with a two-hour transfer rule Archives of Surgery 2010;143(12):1171-5
Pathak M, Lank R, Crandall M The association of
marijuana and cocaine use and trauma-related
mortality in Illinois Master Thesis for Munir
Pathak, Degree: Master of Epidemiology and BioHaider A, Ong‘uti S, Efron D, Oyetunji T, Scott V,
Haut E, Schneider E, Crandall M, Powe N, Cooper L, statistics Northwestern University 2011
Cornwell E. Hospitals caring for a disproportionLank R, Crandall M Outcomes for older trauma
ately minority trauma population demonstrate
patients with positive drug or alcohol screens in the
increased trauma mortality: a nationwide analysis
Emergency Department Master Thesis for Patrick
of 434 hospitals. Pacific Coast Surgical AssociaLank, Degree: Master of Epidemiology and Biostation Scottsdale, AZ February 2011
tistics Northwestern University 2011
EAST Practice Management Guidelines Work
Group. Stassen NA, Bhullar I, Cheng JD, Crandall
M, Friese R, Guillamondequi O, et al. Practice
management guidelines for the nonoperative management of blunt injury to the liver and spleen—
2010 update. Eastern Association for the Surgery
of Trauma Naples, FL January 2011
Crandall M, Zolnick E, Sharp D. Patterns of violent
Crandall M Medical training without animals. Letter to the Editor. The Detroit News April 28,
Crandall M Sex differences for traumatic brain
injury outcomes: answers or more ques-
Awards, honors, presentations and publications
tions? Invited commentary Archives of Surgery 2011; 146(4):442-443
gery. New York, NY, October 28, 2010.
DeCamp, Malcolm M., MD
―Maximally Invasive Teaching‖ presented at Grand Awards/Honors
Rounds. University of California, San Diego, Department of Surgery. San Diego, CA, September 29, Appointed to Editorial Board of CHEST, 2010
Excellence in Academic Medicine Award, Illinois
―ACS Verifications of Proficiency: Faculty versus
Department of Healthcare and Family Services
skills-coach.‖ Rooney, D., Hungness, E., DaRosa,
(IDHFS) and Northwestern Memorial Hospital,
DA., Pugh, C., presented at the American College of 2010-11
Surgeon‘s 3rdAnnual Meeting of the Consortium of
Zell Scholarship from R. H. Lurie Comprehensive
Crandall M Evaluating the effect of previous sple- ACS Accredited Education Institutes, Chicago, IL.
April 29-30, 2011.
Cancer Center, Feinberg School of Medicine, Northnectomy on intraabdominal sepsis. Invited comwestern University, 2010-11
mentary. Journal of Surgical Research Nov 24,
2010. [Epub ahead of print] http://
Chair, Workforce on General Thoracic Surgery, The N., DaRosa, DA, presented at the Association for
Surgical Education‘s Surgical Education Week:
Society of Thoracic Surgeons, 2010-11
Thinking Out of the Box Luncheon, Boston, MA.
March 24, 2011.
Member, Operating Board, Council on Education
Crandall M Review of ―Progressive postinjury
and Member Services, The Society of Thoracic
thrombocytosis is associated with thromboembolic ―Career Development Needs Assessment for Vice
Surgeons, 2010-11
complications. Surgery 2010;148(4):667-75.‖
Chairs for Education in Departments of SurAmerican College of Surgeons Selected Readings
gery.‖ Sanfey, H., Boehler, M., DaRosa, DA., DunAppointed Professor of Medicine, Feinberg School
in General Surgery [serial online]. December
nington, G. presented at the Association for Surgiof Medicine, Northwestern University, 2011
cal Education‘s Surgical Education Week, Boston,
MA. March 23, 2011.
Crandall M Review of ―FAST scan: Is it worth doing
―How We Use SCORE at Northwestern University.‖
in hemodynamically stable blunt trauma paVisiting Professor, New York, NY, St Luke‘s and
tients. Surgery 2010;148(2):695-701.‖ American DaRosa, DA., presented at the American College of Roosevelt Hospitals of Columbia Univ, College of
th Annual Clinical Congress, WashingSurgeons‘
College of Surgeons Selected Readings in General
Physicians and Surgeons, ―Lung Cancer: Early
ton, DC, October 5, 2010.
Surgery [serial online]. December 2010;36(8)
Detection and Diagnosis‖, 2010
Crandall M. ―PHysician‖ begins with ―Public
Health,‖ but how do we expand the paradigm to
surgeons? Blog post for the American Medical
Association‘s private online community, New Horizons in Medical Education. April 2011
Crandall M Review of ―Pedestrians struck by motor vehicles further worsen race- and insurancebased disparities in trauma outcomes: The case for
inner-city prevention programs. Surgery 2010:148
(2):202-8.‖ American College of Surgeons Selected
Readings in General Surgery [serial online]. September 2010;36(6)
DaRosa, Debra A., PhD
―Maximally Invasive Teaching‖ presented at Grand
Rounds. University of Vermont, Department of
Surgery. Burlington, VT. May 26, 2011.
―Ultimate Multitasking: Teaching and Assessing
Learners in the OR‖ presented at Grand
Rounds. University of California, Los Angeles,
Department of Surgery. Los Angeles, CA. May 4,
―How People Learn‖ presented at Grand
Rounds. University of New Mexico, Department of
Surgery. Albuquerque, NM. March 11, 2011.
―The Force of Feedback‖ presented for the 6th
Annual Academic Surgical Congress, Association of
Academic Surgery and Society of University Surgeons, Huntington Beach, CA, February 3, 2011.
―Maximally Invasive Teaching‖ presented at Grand
Rounds. Columbia University, Department of SurPage 32
Pugh CM, Santacaterina S, DaRosa DA, Clark RE.
Intra-Operative Decision Making: More Than Meets
the Eye. Journal of Biomedical Informatics. 2011.
44(3): 486-496.
3rd Annual Northeast Thoracic Summit, New York,
NY, ―Lung Cancer and unusual tumors of the lung
and pleura‖, 2010
From GERD to Esophageal Cancer: A State of
the Art Multidisciplinary, Chicago, IL
DaRosa DA, Skeff K, Friedland JA, Coburn M, Cox
Approach to Management of Barrett‘s Esophagus
S, Pollart S, O‘Connell M, Smith S. Barriers to Effec- ―Minimally Invasive Esphagectomy: Where do we
tive Teaching. Academic Medicine. 2011. 86
stand in 2010?
―Esophagectomy vs. Endoscopic Therapy for BE
Pugh CM, DaRosa DA, Santacaterina S, Clark
with Multifocal HGD‖ (Debate), 2010
RE. Faculty evaluation of simulation-based modules for assessment of intraoperative decision
5th Annual NU Radiosurgery Symposium, Chicago,
making. Surgery. 2011. 149(4): 534-42.
IL, ―Parenchymal sparing options for stage I
NSCLC‖, 2010
Rooney D, Pugh CM, DaRosa DA. Northwestern
Center for Advanced Surgical Education (N-CASE).
Grand Rounds, St. Mary and Elizabeth Medical
Journal of Surgical Education. 2011. 68(1):73-6.
Center, Chicago, IL, ―Contemporary Management
of the Solitary Pulmonary Nodule‖ , 2010
Schmitz, C., Risucci, D, Plass, J., Jones, A., DaRosa,
DA. Preimplementation Predictors of Website Use: Duke VATS Lobectomy Course (Hands-on Faculty),
Preliminary Findings from the SCORE Portal Pilot
Chicago, IL, Lecture: Left Lower Lobectomy, 2010
Study. American Journal of Surgery. 2011. 201:715.
Rush/Covidien VATS Lobectomy Master Class
(Hands-on Faculty), Rosemont, IL Lecture: FundaRodriguez, H., Turner J., DaRosa, DA., Daskin, Spei- mentals of VATS Lobectomy, 2010
cher. A Model for Evaluating Resident Education
with a Focus on Continuity of Care and Educational CHEST 2010-Plenary Presentation, Vancouver, BC
Quality. Journal of Surgical Education. 2010. 67
Canada, ―Contemporary Evaluation and
Management of Ground Glass Opacities‖, 2010
Invited speaker, 24th Annual Meeting General
Awards, honors, presentations and publications
Thoracic Surgical Club, Captiva, FL ―OR Supply
Management: Reducing Expense while Improving
Quality, Safety and Efficiency‖, 2011
Invited speaker, ATS International Conference,
Postgraduate Course, Denver, CO Lung Cancer in
2011: State of the Art ―Minimally Invasive Surgery:
Is Less More?‖ 2011
Chandra D, Lipson DA, Hoffman EA, HansenFlaschen J, Sciurba FC, DeCamp MM, Reilly JJ,
Washko GR; National Emphysema Treatment Trial
Research Group. Perfusion scintigraphy and patient
selection for lung volume reduction surgery. Am J
Respir Crit Care Med. 2010 Oct 1;182(7):937-46.
Epub 2010 Jun 10.
Tsukada H, O'Donnell C, Garland R, Herth FJF,
DeCamp MM, Ernst A. A novel animal model for
hyperdynamic airway collapse. CHEST 2010; 138
Matyal R, Mahmood F, Hess P, Zhao X, Mitchell J,
Maslow A, Gangadharan SP, DeCamp MM. Right
Ventricular Echocardiographic Predictors of Postoperative Supraventricular Arrhythmias After Thoracic
Surgery (A Pilot Study). Ann Thorac Surg 2010;
Varlotto J, Medford-Davis LN, Recht A, Flickinger J,
Schaefer E, DeCamp MM. Local and Distal Int J
Radiat Oncol Biol Phys. 2010 Aug 21. [Epub ahead
of print]
Tsukada H, Gangadharan S, Garland R, Herth F,
DeCamp M, Ernst A. Tracheal replacement with a
bioabsorbable scaffold in sheep. Ann Thorac Surg
2010; 90: 1793-98.
Berger RL, DeCamp MM, Criner GJ, Celli BR. Lung
volume reduction therapies: An update. Chest
2010; 138(2):407-417.
Nicotera, SP, DeCamp MM. Special situations: Air
leak after lung volume reduction surgery and in
ventilated patients. Thorac Surg Clin 2010;20: 427
Bakhos CT, Alazemi S, Michaud G, DeCamp MM.
Staged repair of benign tracheo-neo-esophageal
fistula 12 years after esophagectomy for esophageal cancer. Ann Thorac Surg 2010; 90(6): e83-e85.
Okereke IC, Gangadharan SP, Nicotera SP, Kent
MS, DeCamp MM. [18F]fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography- computerized tomography and lung cancer: a significant referral bias
exists. Eur J Cardiothorac Surg. 2011; 39:560-4.
Dialani V, Litmanovich D, Bankier AA, DeCamp M,
Gangadharan SP, Boiselle PM. Subcarinal collection following mediastinoscopy: a normal postprocedural CT finding. Clin Radiol. 2011; 66(5):399
Page 33
de Hoyos A, DeCamp M. Cricothyrotomy. In Soper
N, Kauffman D eds. Northwestern Handbook of
Gangadharan SP, Bakhos CT, Majid A, Kent MS,
Surgical Procedures, Second Edition. Vademecum/
Michaud G, Ernst A, Ashiku SK, DeCamp MM. Tech- Landes Bioscience, Austin TX, 2011. p 281-282.
nical aspects and outcomes of tracheobronchoplasty for severe tracheobronchomalacia. Ann
de Hoyos A, DeCamp M. Transhiatal EsophagecThorac Surg 2011; 91:1574-81.
tomy. In Soper N, Kauffman D eds. Northwestern
Handbook of Surgical Procedures, Second Edition.
Raviv S, Hawkins KA, DeCamp MM, Kalhan R. Lung Vademecum/Landes Bioscience, Austin TX, 2011.
Cancer in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease: p 254-260.
Enhancing Surgical Options and Outcomes. Am J
Respir Crit Care Med 2011; 183: 1138–1146.
de Hoyos A, DeCamp M. Ivor Lewis Esophagectomy.
In Soper N, Kauffman D eds. Northwestern HandTreasure T, Internullo E, Fiorentino F, Van Raembook of Surgical Procedures, Second Edition. Vadedonck D, Van Schil P, DeCamp MM, Wood D, Utley mecum/Landes Bioscience, Austin TX, 2011. p
M. A survey of opinions and beliefs concerning
surgery for malignant pleural mesothelioma
amongst 802 members of the European Associade Hoyos A, DeCamp M. Left Transthoracic
tion for Cardio-thoracic Surgery (EACTS), the EuroEsophagectomy. In Soper N, Kauffman D eds.
pean Society of Thoracic Surgeons (ESTS) and the
Northwestern Handbook of Surgical Procedures,
Society of Thoracic Surgeons (STS). Interactive
Second Edition. Vademecum/Landes Bioscience,
CardioVascular and Thoracic Surgery 2011; 12:
Austin TX, 2011. p 249-253.
de Hoyos A, DeCamp M. Thoracic Esophageal PerCerfolio RJ, De Campos JRM, Bryant AS, Connery
foration Repair. In Soper N, Kauffman D eds. NorthCP, Miller DL, DeCamp MM, McKenna RJ, Krasna
western Handbook of Surgical Procedures, Second
MJ. The Society of Thoracic Surgeons Expert ConEdition. Vademecum/Landes Bioscience, Austin TX,
sensus for the Surgical Treatment of Hyperhidrosis. 2011. p 76-78.
Ann Thorac Surg 2011;91:1642–8.
DeCamp M. Pleurodesis: Thoracoscopic. In Soper
Varlotto JM, Medford-Davis LN, Recht A, Flickinger
N, Kauffman D eds. Northwestern Handbook of
JC, Schaefer E, Zander DS, DeCamp MM. Should
Surgical Procedures, Second Edition. Vademecum/
large cell neuroendocrine carcinoma of the lung
Landes Bioscience, Austin TX, 2011. p 275-276.
(LCNEC) be classified and treated as a small cell
lung cancer (SCLC) or with other large cell carcino- DeCamp M. Pneumonectomy. In Soper N, Kauffmas (OLC)? J Thorac Oncol 2011 (in press).
man D eds. Northwestern Handbook of Surgical
Procedures, Second Edition. Vademecum/Landes
Kent MS, DeCamp MM. Radiofrequency Ablation. In Bioscience, Austin TX, 2011. p 272-274.
Atlas of Thoracic Surgical Techniques, Zwischenberger JB editor. Saunders/Elsevier, Philadelphia,
DeCamp M, Blum MG. Esophageal Diverticulec2010. p 151-157.
tomy: Zenker‘s. In Soper N, Kauffman D eds. Northwestern Handbook of Surgical Procedures, Second
Robich MP, DeCamp MM. Respiratory System
Edition. Vademecum/Landes Bioscience, Austin TX,
Plates 3-26 (Mediastinotomy and Mediastino2011. p 82-84.
scopy), 5-25 to 5-33 (Tracheal Resection and Anastomosis, Removal of Mediastinal Tumors, Sublobar de Hoyos A, DeCamp M. Mediastinoscopy: Cervical.
Resection and Surgical Lung Biopsy, Lobectomy,
In Soper N, Kauffman D eds. Northwestern HandPneumonectomy, Video-assisted Thoracoscopic
book of Surgical Procedures, Second Edition. VadeSurgery, Lung Volume Reduction Surgery, Lung
mecum/Landes Bioscience, Austin TX, 2011. p
Transplantation). In The Netter Collection of Medi261-263.
cal Illustrations 2nd Edition, DA Kaminsky (editor)
Elsevier-Saunders, Philadelphia, 2011. pp 107,
de Hoyos A, DeCamp M.Lung Biopsy: Thoraco302-310.
scopic. In Soper N, Kauffman D eds. Northwestern
Handbook of Surgical Procedures, Second Edition.
de Hoyos A, DeCamp M. Tracheostomy. In Soper N, Vademecum/Landes Bioscience, Austin TX, 2011.
Kauffman D eds. Northwestern Handbook of Surgi- p 264-267.
cal Procedures, Second Edition. Vademecum/
Landes Bioscience, Austin TX, 2011. p 277-80. (in de Hoyos, Alberto, MD
de Hoyos A, DeCamp M. Pulmonary Lobectomy. In
Soper N, Kauffman D eds. Northwestern Handbook Secondary Appointment, Division of Pulmonary,
of Surgical Procedures, Second Edition. VademeFeinberg School of Medicine, 2011
cum/Landes Bioscience, Austin TX, 2011. p 268271.
STS/ACCP IP Task Force, 2010
Awards, honors, presentations and publications
Hands-on Percutaneous Dilational Tracheostomy
Course, Northwestern Memorial Hospital, Chicago,
IL, 2010
Mediastinal Tumors, Oak Park, IL, 2010
Lung Cancer, Visiting Japanese Oncologists,
Northwestern Memorial Hospital, Chicago, IL 2010
Rigid Bronchoscopy, Thoracic Surgery Directors
Association Boot Camp Course Durham, NC, 2010
Esophageal Stenting, Northwestern Hospital,
Chicago, IL , 2010
Decker, J, de Hoyos A. Successful Thoracoscopic
Resection of a Large Mediastinal Liposarcoma:
Case Report. Annals of Thoracic Surgery, In press
Northwestern Memorial Hospital
Salud L, Peniche A, Salud J, de Hoyos A, Pugh C.
Toward A Simulation and Assessment Method for
the Practice of Camera-Guided Rigid Bronchoscopy,
MMVR 18/NextMed, IOS Press, Studies in Health
Technology and Informatics series, 2010.
de Hoyos A. DeCamp M. Resection of Esophageal
Leiomyoma and GIST. Mastery of Gastrointestinal
Surgery. 2011, in press.
Outstanding Teaching Award, Feinberg School of
Keynote Speaker, ―CREST Results.‖ 9th Canadian
Interventional Radiology Association Annual Meeting, Niagara-on-the-Lake, Ontario, Canada, June
11, 2010.
Lecturer, ―Tips and Tricks for Percutaneous EVAR‖
7th Annual Western Vascular Symposium, Galway,
Ireland, Thursday, June 24, 2010.
de Hoyos A, DeCamp M. Thymic Tumors. Mastery of
Surgery. 2011, in press.
Lecturer, ―What Does the SVS Recommend for
Barrett‘s Symposium, Esophagectomy vs.
CEA‖ 7th Annual Western Vascular Symposium,
Endoscopictherapy Debate, Panel Discussion –
de Hoyos A. Complications of pleural operations
Galway, Ireland, Friday, June 25, 2010.
Building a Multidisciplinary Program, Northwestern and procedures. In Little A, Complications in CarMemorial Hospital, Chicago, IL, 2010
diothoracic Surgery; Avoidance and Treatment.
Presenter, Are Stent Fractures After Common CaWiley-Blackwell, 2010
rotid and Innominate Stenting Frequent: When Do
VATS Lobectomy Webinar, Case Western Reserve
They Occur and What Should Be Done About
University, Cleveland, OH, 2010
de Hoyos A, DeCamp M. Tracheostomy. In Soper N, Them? VEITH Symposium, New York, NY, NovemKauffman D. Northwestern Handbook of Surgical
ber 17-21, 2010.
Perspectives in Thoracic Oncology Video,
Procedures, Second Edition. Landes Bioscience,
Northwestern Memorial Hospital, Chicago, IL, 2010 2010.
Lecturer, ―Does CREST Really Change Anything?‖
35th Annual Northwestern Vascular Symposium,
Tracheobronchial Inventions, Society of Thoracic
de Hoyos A. DeCamp M. Pulmonary Lobectomy. In Chicago, IL, December 9-11, 2010.
Surgery University Course Director, San Diego, CA,
Soper N, Kauffman D. Northwestern Handbook of
Surgical Procedures, Second Edition. Landes Bios- Lecturer, ―Advances in Vascular Surgery: Stroke
cience, 2010.
Prevention and Aneurysm Treatment‖, NorthwestLung Cancer, Cancer Care Associates lecture,
ern Lake Forest Hospital, April 12, 2011.
Arlington Hts., IL, 2011
de Hoyos A, DeCamp M. Cricothyrotomy. In Soper
N, Kauffman D. Northwestern Handbook of SurgiPublications
Lung Cancer Techniques and Research
cal Procedures, Second Edition. Landes BiosciBreakthrough Healthy Lung Expo, March, 2011
ence, 2010.
Clair DG, Hopkins LN, Mehta M, Kasirajan K, Schermerhorn M, Schonholz C. Kwolek CJ, Eskandari
Annual Thoracic Oncology Nursing Conference,
de Hoyos A, DeCamp M. Transhiatal EsophagecMK, Powell RJ, Ansel GM, for the EMPiRE Clinical
Northwestern Memorial Hospital, Chicago, IL, 2011 tomy. In Soper N, Kauffman D. Northwestern Hand- Study Investigators. Neuroprotection during carotid
book of Surgical Procedures, Second Edition. Lanartery stenting using the GORE flow reversal sysPercutaneous Tracheostomy, Denver, CO 2011
des Bioscience, 2010.
tem: 30-day outcomes in the Gore EMPiRE clinical
study. Cath Cardiovasc Interv 2011;77:420-429.
de Hoyos A, DeCamp M. Ivor Lewis Esophagectomy.
In Soper N, Kauffman D. Northwestern Handbook
Eskandari MK, Usman AA, Garcia-Toca M, MatsuOnders RP, Khansarinia S, Weiser T, Chin C, Hung- of Surgical Procedures, Second Edition. Landes
mura JS, Kibbe MR, Morasch MD, Rodriguez HE,
ness E, Soper N, de Hoyos A, Cole T, DuckoC Multi- Bioscience, 2010.
Pearce WH. Eight-Year Institutional Review of Cacenter analysis of diaphragm pacing in tetraplegics
rotid Artery Stenting. J Vasc Surg 2010; 51:1145with cardiac pacemakers: positive implications for de Hoyos A, DeCamp M. Left Transthoracic
51, 2010. PMID: 20304594
ventilator weaning in intensive care units. Surgery
Esophagectomy. In Soper N, Kauffman D. Northwestern Handbook of Surgical Procedures, Second Garcia-Toca M, Hayman A, Naughton PA, Blum MG,
Edition. Landes Bioscience, 2010.
Eskandari MK. Zone I Gunshot Neck Injury Treated
with Common Carotid and Esophageal Stent Grafts.
Salud L, Peniche A, Salud J, de Hoyos A, Pugh C.
de Hoyos A, DeCamp M. Esophageal Perforation. In J Vasc Intervent Rad 2010;21:1448-1451. PMID
Toward a simulation and assessment method for
Soper N, Kauffman D. Northwestern Handbook of
the practice of camera-guided rigid bronchoscopy
Surgical Procedures, Second Edition. Landes BioStud health Technol Inform. 2011; 163: 535-41.
science, 2010.
Garcia-Toca M, Eskandari MK. Regulatory TEVAR
Clinical Trials. J Vasc Surg 2010;52:22S-25S.
Atoui R, Hirsch EM, de Hoyos A, Lee R. An unusual
Eskandari, Mark K., MD
PMID 20732780.
case of tracheal injury after coronary revascularization. J Card Surg. 2011 Jan;26(1):73.
Garcia-Toca M, Naughton PA, Matsumura JS, Morasch MD, Kibbe MR, Rodriguez HE, Pearce WH,
Decker, J, de Hoyos A. Successful Thoracoscopic
Chief , Division of Vascular Surgery, Northwestern Eskandari MK. Endovascular Repair of Blunt TrauResection of a Large Mediastinal Liposarcoma:
University Feinberg School of Medicine
matic Thoracic Aortic Injuries: Seven-year SingleCase Report. Annals of Thoracic Surgery, In press
center Experience. Arch Surg 2010 Jul;145(7):6792011.
Medical Director, Carotid Stenting Program,
83. PMID: 20644131.
Page 34
Awards, honors, presentations and publications
Garcia-Toca M, Rodriguez HE, Naughton PA, Keeling A, Phade SV, Morasch MD, Kibbe MR, Eskandari MK. Are carotid stent fractures clinically significant? Cardiovasc Intervent Radiol 2011
(available online March 24, 2011).
Helfand BT, Smith ND, Kozlowski JM, Eskandari
MK. Vena Cava Thrombectomy And Primary Repair
After Radical Nephrectomy For Renal Cell Carcinoma: Single Center Experience. Ann Vasc Surg
Heyer K, Tang GL, Resnick SA, Eskandari MK.
Hybrid thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysm repair:
visceral revascularization combined with EVAR and
TEVAR. J Vasc Intervent Rad 2010;21(5):735-37.
PMID 20304679.
Keldahl ML, Eskandari MK. Timing of Carotid
Surgery After Acute Stroke. Expert Rev Cardiovasc
Ther 2010;8(10):1399-1403.
Keldahl ML, Phade SV, Eskandari MK. Carotid
Artery Stenting Using Proximal Balloon Occlusion
Embolic Protection. Perspect Vasc Surg Endovasc
Ther 2010;22:187-193.
Kibbe MR, Eskandari MK. Randomized trials and
registries in vascular surgery. Introduction. Semin
Vasc Surg 2010 Sep; 23(3):127-8. PMID:
Raval MV, Eskandari MK. Outcomes of elective
abdominal aortic aneurysm repair among the elderly: endovascular vs. open repair. Surgery 2011
(available online January 17, 2011).
Eskandari MK. Techniques for Carotid Artery Stenting. In Carotid Artery Disease, Eskandari MK,
Pearce WH, Yao JS, eds. People‘s Medical Publishing House, Shelton CT, 2010.
Usman AA, Resnick SA, Benzuly KH, Beohar N,
Eskandari MK. Late Stent Fractures Following
Endoluminal Treatment of Ostial Supra-Aortic Trunk
Arterial Occlusive Lesions. J Vasc Intervent Rad
2010;21:1364-1369. PMID 20691608.
Eskandari MK. Toe Amputation. In Northwestern
Handbook of Surgical Procedures, 2nd ed, Soper
NJ, Kaufman DB, eds. Landes Bioscience, Austin
TX, 2011.
Xu DS, Abruzzo TA, Albuquerque FC, Dabus G,
Eskandari MK, Guterman LR, Hage ZA, Hurley MC,
Hanel RA, Levy EI, Nichols CW, Ringer AJ, Batjer
HH, Bendock BR. External carotid artery stenting to
treat patients with symptomatic ipsilateral internal
carotid artery occlusion: a multicenter case series.
Neurosurgery 2010;67(2):314-321. PMID
Brown KE, Eskandari MK. Preventable Complications of Carotid Stenting. In Carotid Artery Disease,
Eskandari MK, Pearce WH, Yao JS, eds. People‘s
Medical Publishing House, Shelton CT, 2010.
Eskandari MK, Garcia-Toca M. Management of
Carotid Stent Complications. In Endovascular
Technology, Eskandari MK, Morasch MD, Pearce
WH, Yao JST, eds. People‘s Medical Publishing
House, Shelton CT, 2011.
Lee CJ, Eskandari MK. When is carotid stenting
acceptable as a means of stroke prevention?
Expert Rev Cardiovasc Ther 2011;9:537-540.
Eskandari MK. Aortofemoral Bypass for Obstructive Disease. In Northwestern Handbook of Surgical Procedures, 2nd ed, Soper NJ, Kaufman DB,
eds. Landes Bioscience, Austin TX, 2011.
Naughton PA, Garcia-Toca M, Eskandari MK. Endovascular repair of complicated type B aortic
dissection following coronary artery bypass grafting. J Vasc Intervent Rad 2010;21(3):403-5. PMID
Eskandari MK. Carotid Stents and Embolic Protection Devices. In Endovascular Technology, Eskandari MK, Morasch MD, Pearce WH, Yao JST, eds.
People‘s Medical Publishing House, Shelton CT,
Naughton PA, Garcia-Toca M, Matsumura JS, Rodriguez HE, Morasch MD, Resnick SA, Eskandari MK.
Complicated Acute Type B Thoracic Aortic Dissections: Endovascular Treatment of Visceral Malperfusion and Pseudoaneurysms. Vasc Endovasc
Surg 2011;45(3):219-226.
Eskandari MK. Fasciotomy: Lower Extremity. In
Northwestern Handbook of Surgical Procedures,
2nd ed, Soper NJ, Kaufman DB, eds. Landes Bioscience, Austin TX, 2011.
Naughton PA, Garcia-Toca M, Rodriguez HE, Keeling AN, Resnick SA, Morasch MD, Eskandari MK.
Endovascular treatment of delayed type 1 and 3
endoleaks. Cardiovasc Intervent Radiol 2011
(available online November 25, 2010).
Eskandari MK. Venous Reconstruction in Renal
Cancer Patients. In Venous Disorders, Kibbe MR,
Pearce WH, Yao JS, eds. People‘s Medical Publishing House, Shelton CT, 2010.
Garcia-Toca M, Naughton PA, Eskandari MK. Endovascular Management of Supra-Aortic Trunk
Lesions. In Endovascular Technology, Eskandari
MK, Morasch MD, Pearce WH, Yao JST, eds. People‘s Medical Publishing House, Shelton CT, 2011.
Keldahl ML, Eskandari MK. Does CREST Really
Change Anything? In New Findings in Vascular
Surgery. Eskandari MK, Morasch MD, Pearce WH,
Yao JST, eds. People‘s Medical Publishing House,
Shelton CT, 2010.
Longo GM, Eskandari MK. Angioplasty and Stent in
Selected Patients with Femoro-Tibial Lesions. In
Endovascular Technology, Eskandari MK, Morasch
MD, Pearce WH, Yao JST, eds. People‘s Medical
Publishing House, Shelton CT, 2011.
Longo GM, Eskandari MK. Single Center Experience of Carotid Artery Stenting. In Carotid Artery
Disease, Eskandari MK, Pearce WH, Yao JS, eds.
People‘s Medical Publishing House, Shelton CT,
Monge M, Eskandari MK. Hybrid Procedure for
Supra-Aortic Trunk Lesions. In Carotid Artery Disease, Eskandari MK, Pearce WH, Yao JS, eds. People‘s Medical Publishing House, Shelton CT, 2010.
Eskandari MK. Lower Extremity Thrombectomy/
Embolectomy. In Northwestern Handbook of Surgical Procedures, 2nd ed, Soper NJ, Kaufman DB,
Morasch MD, Eskandari MK, Garcia-Toca M. Eneds. Landes Bioscience, Austin TX, 2011.
dovascular Management of Traumatic Thoracic
Aortic Injuries. In Endovascular Technology, EskanEskandari MK. Occupational Vascular Problems.
dari MK, Morasch MD, Pearce WH, Yao JST, eds.
In Vascular Surgery, 7th ed. Rutherford RB, ed.
People‘s Medical Publishing House, Shelton CT,
Elsevier Science, Philadelphia, PA, 2010.
Naughton PA, Garcia-Toca M, Rodriguez HE, Pearce
WH, Eskandari MK, Morasch MD. Carotid Artery
Eskandari MK. Repair Popliteal Aneurysm: EmerReconstruction for Infected Carotid Patches. Eur J gent (Thrombosed). In Northwestern Handbook of
Vasc Endovasc Surg. 2010;40(4):492-498.
Surgical Procedures, 2nd ed, Soper NJ, Kaufman
DB, eds. Landes Bioscience, Austin TX, 2011.
Raval MV, Bentrem DJ, Eskandari MK, Ingraham
AM, Hall BL, Randolph B, Ko CY, Morton JM. The
Eskandari MK. Role of Endovascular Aneurysm
Role of Surgical Champions in the American ColRepair for Ruptured Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms.
lege of Surgeons National Surgical Quality Improve- In Endovascular Technology, Eskandari MK, Moment Program—A National Survey. J Surg Rsch
rasch MD, Pearce WH, Yao JST, eds. People‘s
Medical Publishing House, Shelton CT, 2011.
Page 35
Eskandari MK. Transmetatarsal Amputation. In
Northwestern Handbook of Surgical Procedures,
2nd ed, Soper NJ, Kaufman DB, eds. Landes Bioscience, Austin TX, 2011.
Naughton PA, Garcia-Toca M, Eskandari MK. Current Treatment of Type B Thoracic Aortic Dissections. In Endovascular Technology, Eskandari MK,
Morasch MD, Pearce WH, Yao JST, eds. People‘s
Medical Publishing House, Shelton CT, 2011.
Peterson BG, Eskandari MK, Morasch MD.
Endovascular Stent-graft Placement for Emergent
Traumatic Thoracic Aortic Disruption. In Surgery of
the Aorta and Its Body Branches, Morasch MD,
Awards, honors, presentations and publications
Pearce WH, Yao JS, eds. People‘s Medical
Publishing House, Shelton CT, 2010.
Peterson BG, Eskandari MK, Morasch MD.
Endovascular stent-graft placement for emergent
traumatic thoracic aortic disruption. In Surgery of
the Aorta and Its Body Branches (Chinese
translation), Morasch MD, Pearce WH, Yao JS, eds.
People‘s Medical Publishing House, Shelton CT,
Flamm, Steven, MD
dad FF, Koury K, Deng W, Noviello S, Pedicone LD,
Brass CA, Albrecht JK, McHutchison JG; IDEAL
Study Team. Hepatitis C virus treatment-related
anemia is associated with higher sustained virologic response rate. Gastroenterology 2010;
139:1602-11. Epub 2010 Aug 16.
Award for Clinical Collaboration, Northwestern
Medical Faculty Foundation, 2011
Keeling AN, Flaherty JD, Davarpanah AH, Ambrosy
A, Farrelly CT, Harinstein ME, Flamm SL, Abecassis
MI, Skaro AI, Carr JC, Gheorghiade M. Coronary
multidetector computed tomographic angiography
to evaluate coronary artery disease in liver transplant candidates: methods, feasibility and initial
experience. J Cardiovasc Med (Hagerstown) 2011
May 22 [Epub ahead of print].
Bacon BR, Gordon SC, Lawitz E, Marcellin P, Vierling JM, Zeuzem S, Poordad F, Goodman ZD, Sings
HL, Boparai N, Burroughs M, Brass CA, Albrecht JK,
Esteban R; HCV RESPOND-2 Investigators. Boceprevir for previously treated chronic HCV genotype
1 infection. N Engl J Med 2011;364:1207-17.
Poordad F, McCone J Jr, Bacon BR, Bruno S, Manns
MP, Sulkowski MS, Jacobson IM, Reddy KR, Goodman ZD, Boparai N, DiNubile MJ, Sniukiene V,
Brass CA, Albrecht JK, Bronowicki JP; SPRINT-2
Investigators. Boceprevir for untreated chronic HCV
genotype 1 infection. N Engl J Med 2011;
Poynard T, Munteanu M, Colombo M, Bruix J, Schiff
E, Terg R, Flamm S, Moreno-Otero R, Carrilho F,
Schmidt W, Berg T, McGarrity T, Heathcote EJ,
Gonçales F, Diago M, Craxi A, Silva M, Boparai N,
Griffel L, Burroughs M, Brass C, Albrecht J. FibroTest is an independent predictor of virologic response in chronic hepatitis C patients retreated
with pegylated interferon alfa-2b and ribavirin in
the EPIC³ program. J Hepatol 2011;54:227-35.
Epub 2010 Sep 15.
Sulkowski MS, Shiffman ML, Afdhal NH, Reddy KR,
McCone J, Lee WM, Herrine SK, Harrison SA, PoorPage 36
Florence LS, Feng S, Foster CE 3rd, Fryer JP, Olthoff
KM, Pomfret E, Sheiner PA, Sanfey H, Bumgardner
GL. Academic careers and lifestyle characteristics
of 171 transplant surgeons in the ASTS. Am J
Transplant 2011;11:261-71. Epub 2011 Jan 10.
Friedewald, John, MD
Sherman KE, Flamm SL, Afdhal NH, Nelson DR,
Sulkowski MS, Everson GT, Fried MW, Kleber K,
Martin M, Sankoh AJ, Kauffman RS, George S,
Wright CI, Poordad F. Telaprevir in combination
with peginterferon alfa2A and ribavirin for 24 or 48
weeks in treatment-naïve genotype 1 HCV patients
who achieved an extended rapid viral response:
final results of phase 3 illuminate study. Late
Breaking Abstract, American Society for the Study
of Liver Disease Annual Meeting, Boston, Massachusetts, October 2010.
Gordon EJ, Bergeron A, McNatt G, Friedewald J,
Abecassis MM, Wolf MS. Are informed consent
forms for organ transplantation and donation too
difficult to read? Clin Transplant 2011 May 17
[Epub ahead of print].
Tambur AR, Leventhal JR, Friedewald JJ, Ramon
DS. The complexity of human leukocyte antigen
(HLA)-DQ antibodies and its effect on virtual crossmatching. Transplantation 2010;90:1117-24.
Reese PP, Friedewald JJ. Profiling live kidney donors in America: cause for optimism and for concern. Clin J Am Soc Nephrol 2010;5:1732-3. Epub
2010 Sep 16.
Fryer, Jonathan P., MD
Excellence in Teaching Award, Department of Surgery, Northwestern University Feinberg School of
Medicine, 2010
Appointed Program Director, General Surgery,
Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, 2011
Coverdill JE, Carbonell AM, Cogbill TH, Fryer J, Fuhrman GM, Harold KL, Hiatt JR, Moore RA, Nakayama
DK, Nelson MT, Schlatter M, Sidwell RA, Tarpley JL,
Termuhlen PM, Wohltmann C, Mellinger JD. Professional values, value conflicts, and assessments of
the duty-hour restrictions after six years: a multiinstitutional study of surgical faculty and residents.
Am J Surg 2011;201:16-23.
Coverdill JE, Carbonell AM, Fryer J, Fuhrman GM,
Harold KL, Hiatt JR, Jarman BT, Moore RA, Nakayama DK, Nelson MT, Schlatter M, Sidwell RA,
Tarpley JL, Termuhlen PM, Wohltmann C, Mellinger
JD. A new professionalism? Surgical residents, duty
hours restrictions, and shift transitions. Acad Med
2010;85(10 Suppl):S72-5.
Baker TB, Jay CL, Fryer JP, Abecassis MM. Transplant renoportal vein conduit for complete mesenteric thrombosis: a case report. Am Surg
Jackson CS, Fryer J, Danese S, Vanagunas A, Polensky S, Buchman AL. Mesenteric vascular thromboembolism in inflammatory bowel disease: a
single center experience. J Gastrointest Surg
2011;15:97-100. Epub 2010 Sep 8.
Elkhatib I, Cao W, Rao S, Fryer J, Buchman AL.
Serum B12 concentration is elevated in patients
receiving chronic parenteral nutrition, but is not a
marker of intestinal failure-associated liver disease. J Clin Gastroenterol 2010;44:571-4.
Gallon, Lorenzo, MD
Residents on Transplant Surgery. An Endangered
Species? ASTS Winter Symposium. Marco Island,
Florida, January 2010
Levitsky J, Gallon L, Miller J, Tambur AR, Leventhal
J, Flaa C, Huang X, Sarraj B, Wang E, Mathew JM.
Allospecific regulatory effects of sirolimus and
tacrolimus in the human mixed lymphocyte reaction. Transplantation 2011;91:199-206. Epub
2010 Dec 1.
J. Kaplan, L. Han, W. Halgrimson, E. Wang and J.
Fryer The Impact of MELD/PELD Revisions on the
Mortality of Liver-Intestine Transplantation Candidates. Am J Transplant 2011 (in press).
Atia A, Girard-Pipau F, Hébuterne X, Spies WG,
Guardiola A, Ahn CW, Fryer J, Xue F, Rammohan M,
Sumague M, Englyst K, Buchman AL. Macronutrient absorption characteristics in humans with short
bowel syndrome and jejunocolonic anastomosis:
starch is the most important carbohydrate substrate, although pectin supplementation may modestly enhance short chain fatty acid production and
fluid absorption. JPEN J Parenter Enteral Nutr
De Serres SA, Vadivel N, Mfarrej BG, Grafals M,
DeJoseph M, Dyer C, Magee CN, Chandraker A,
Gallon LG, Najafian N. Monocyte-secreted inflammatory cytokines are associated with transplant
glomerulopathy in renal allograft recipients. Transplantation 2011;91:552-9.
Ganger, Daniel, MD
Wang Y, Ganger DR, Levitsky J, Sternick LA,
McCarthy RJ, Chen ZE, Fasanati CW, Bolster B,
Awards, honors, presentations and publications
Shah S, Zuehlsdorff S, Omary RA, Ehman RL, Miller
FH. Assessment of chronic hepatitis and fibrosis:
comparison of MR elastography and diffusionweighted imaging. AJR Am J Roentgenol
2011;196:553-61. PMCID: PMC3093963.
Speaker, Pre Heart Transplant and Pre Mechanical
Circulatory Support Nutritional Issues. Cardiac
Transplant Research in the Next Decade: A Goal to
Evidence Based Outcomes (sponsored by NIH,
NHLBI) Bethesda, MD.
Eaton C, Avery E. Patient self-management counseling: Primary results from the Heart Failure Adherence and Retention Trial (HART). J Am Med
Assoc. 2010:304(12);1331-1338.
Evens AM, Jovanovic BD, Su YC, Raisch DW,
Ganger D, Belknap SM, Dai MS, Chiu BC, Fintel B,
Cheng Y, Chuang SS, Lee MY, Chen TY, Lin SF, Kuo
CY. Rituximab-associated hepatitis B virus (HBV)
reactivation in lymphoproliferative diseases: metaanalysis and examination of FDA safety reports.
Ann Oncol 2011;22:1170-80. Epub 2010 Nov 29.
PMCID: PMC3082161.
Jalowiec A, Grady KL, White-Williams C. Gender
Speaker, Hospital to Community Transitional Care: and age differences in symptom distress and
Frameworks to measure outcomes. NHLBI Working functional disability at 1 year after heart transplant
Group on Transitions in Care. (sponsored by the
surgery. Heart & Lung. 2011;40(1):21-30.
NIH, NHLBI) Bethesda, MD.
Grady KL, Lee R, Subacius H, Malasrie C, McGee E,
Speaker, Quality of Life and Patient Satisfaction:
McCarthy P. Improvements in health-related qualAre They Really Important and How Do You Measity of life before and after isolated cardiac operaure Them? 2010 Economic Summit Conference.
tions. Annals of Thoracic Surgery 2011 Mar;91
Thoratec Corporation. Dallas, TX.
Gordon, Elisa, PhD
Gordon EJ, Bergeron A, McNatt G, Friedewald J,
Abecassis MM, Wolf MS. Are informed consent
forms for organ transplantation and donation too
difficult to read? Clin Transplant 2011 May 17
[Epub ahead of print].
Robinson JK, Turrisi R, Mallett KA, Stapleton J,
Boone SL, Kim N, Riyat NV, Gordon EJ. Efficacy of
an Educational Intervention With Kidney Transplant
Recipients to Promote Skin Self-examination for
Squamous Cell Carcinoma Detection. Arch Dermatol 2011 Feb 21 [Epub ahead of print].
Gordon EJ, Lash JP. A timely change in CKD delivery: promoting patient education. Am J Kidney Dis
Robinson JK, Alam M, Ashourian N, Khan M, Kundu
R, Laumann AE, Schlosser BJ, Yoo S, Gordon EJ.
Skin cancer prevention education for kidney transplant recipients: a systematic evaluation of Internet
sites. Prog Transplant 2010;20:344-9.
Fischer MJ, Ahya SN, Gordon EJ. Interventions to
reduce late referrals to nephrologists. Am J Nephrol
2011;33:60-9. Epub 2010 Dec 17.
Gordon EJ, Caicedo JC, Ladner DP, Reddy E, Abecassis MM. Transplant center provision of education and culturally and linguistically competent
care: a national study. Am J Transplant
Gordon EJ, Conti D. The quality of health insurance
service delivery for kidney transplant recipients: a
patient perspective. Am J Transplant
2010;10:2208-14. PMCID: PMC2954684.
Grady, Kathleen, PhD
Awards / Honors
Appointed Chair – AHA Editorial Board, Heart Insights, Healthy Living for Patients, their Families &
Caregivers (2011-2013)
Page 37
Speaker, Ethics and Quality of Life in Heart TransGrippo, Paul, PhD
plantation. Ethics of the Heart 2010: Ethical and
Policy Challenges in the Treatment of Advanced
Heart Failure. U. Pennsylvania, 2010. Philadelphia,
Grant recipient from the Rosenberg Family Cancer
Research Fund, Robert H. Lurie Comprehensive
Speaker, Is the Patient Stage of Behavior Important Cancer Center May 2011.
in Disease Management Programs? American
Heart Association 2010 Scientific Sessions.
Reviewer for invited biomedical research applicaChicago, IL.
tions - Italian Ministry of Health, Ministry of Labour,
Health and Social Policies, Department of InnovaSpeaker, Self-management and Heart Failure. Sixth tion, Rome, Italy. 2010-2011.
Annual Heart Failure Holiday Symposium. The
Bluhm Cardiovascular Institute, Center for Heart
Failure and Feinberg School of Medicine, Northwestern University, Chicago, IL.
Lecturer, Novel Therapies for Pancreatic Cancer,
National Pancreas Foundation Fellows Symposium,
Speaker, The Non-Compliant. International Society Atlanta, GA, April 10, 2011.
for Heart and Lung Transplantation 31st Anniversary Meeting and Scientific Sessions. San Diego,
Speaker, Recent Research in Pancreatic Cancer,
PanCAN‘s Pancreatic Cancer Symposium, Chicago,
IL, April 15, 2011.
Speaker, Quality of Life and Mechanical Circulatory
Support. International Society for Heart and Lung
Transplantation 31st Anniversary Meeting and
Scientific Sessions. San Diego, CA.
Grippo PJ, Tuveson DA. Deploying mouse models
of pancreatic cancer for chemoprevention studies.
Speaker, Clinical Management for Patients who
Cancer Prev Res (Phila). 2010 Nov;3(11):1382-7.
have LVAD Destination Therapy. AHA QCOR Preconference Workshop on Advances in Acute Care
Dangi-Garimella, S, Strouch MJ, Grippo, PJ, BenCardiovascular Nursing. Washington, DC.
trem DJ, Munshi HG. Collagen regulation of let-7 in
pancreatic cancer involves TGF-β1-mediated memPublications
brane type 1-matrix metalloproteinase expression.
Oncogene 2011 Feb 24;30(8):1002-8.
Costanzo, M, …. Task Force 3: Hunt S, Burch M,
Bhat G, Canter C, Chinnock R, Crespo-Leiro M,
Dangi-Garimella S, Krantz SB, Barron MR, Shields
Delgado R, Dobbels F Grady K, Kao W, Lamour J,
MA, Heiferman M, Grippo PJ, Bentrem DJ, Munshi
Parry G, Patel J, Pini D, Towbin J, Wolfel G. The
HG. Three dimensional collagen I promotes gemcitinternational society of heart and lung transplanta- abine resistance in pancreatic cancer through MT1tion guidelines for care of heart transplant Recipi- MMP-mediated expression of HMGA2. Cancer
ents. Journal of Heart and Lung Transplantation.
Research 2011 Feb 1;71(3):1019-28.
Cheon E, Khazaie K, Khan MW, Strouch MJ, Krantz
Ruo B, Choi S, Baker D, Grady KL, Cella D. DevelSB, Phillips J, Blatner NR, Hix LM, Zhang M, Dennis
opment and validation of a computer adaptive test KL, Salabat MR, Heiferman M, Grippo PJ, Munshi
for measuring dyspnea in heart failure. Journal of
HG, Gounaris E, Bentrem DJ. Mast cell 5Cardiac Failure. 2010;16:659-668.
Lipoxygenase activity promotes intestinal polyposis
in APC{Delta}468 mice. Cancer Research 2011
Powell L, Calvin J, Richardson D, Janssen I, Mendes Mar 1;71(5):1627-36.
de Leon C, Flynn K, Grady KL, Rucker-Whitaker C,
Awards, honors, presentations and publications
Melstrom LG, Salabat MR, Ding XZ, Strouch MJ,
Grippo PJ, Mirzoeva S, Pelling JC, Bentrem DJ.
Apigenin Down-Regulates the Hypoxia Response
Genes: HIF-1α, GLUT-1, and VEGF in Human Pancreatic Cancer Cells. J Surg Res. 2011 May 15;167
meeting, Detroit Michigan, March 17-19, 2011
Halverson A, Casey J, Andersson J, Anderson K,
Park C, Rademaker A, MoormanD. Communication
failure in the operating room. Surgery March
Primary Tumor Size, Not Race, Determines Outcomes In Women With Hormone-Responsive Breast
Cancer AB Chagpar, Paper Discussant. Central
Surgical Annual meeting, Detroit Michigan, March
17-19, 2011
Cheon EC*, Strouch MJ*, Barron MR, Ding YZ,
Melstrom LG, Krantz SB, Mullapudi B, Adrian K,
Rao S, Adrian TE, Bentrem DJ, Grippo PJ. Alteration of strain background and a high omega-6 fat
diet induces earlier onset of pancreatic neoplasia
in EL-Kras transgenic mice. International Journal
of Cancer. 2011 Jun 15;128(12):2783-92.
Hansen, Nora M., MD
Gynecologic Oncology Fellowship Lecture Series.
Feinberg School of Medicine, Northwestern University, Chicago, Illinois, April 29, 2011
Castle Connolly America's Top Doctors, 2011
Castle Connolly America's Top Doctors for Cancer,
Gilda‘s Club, Chicago, Multidisciplinary Management of Breast Cancer And New Trends, Chicago,
Illinois, May 26, 2011
Halverson, Amy L., MD
Patients' Choice Award, 2010
Woman‘s Board Compassionate Care Award Recipient, Northwestern Memorial Hospital, 2011
Surgical Treatment Options in Breast Conservation
Surgery and Mastectomy. University of Illinois
Appointed to Northwestern University, Feinberg
College of Medicine at Peoria. Peoria, Illinois, OctoSchool of Medicine Committee on Admissions,
ber 1, 2010.
What We Want Most And Least from Breast Imag2010- Appointed Director of Nora Institute for Sur- ing. Chicago International Breast Course / Society
gical Patient Safety of the American College of
for the Advancement of Women‘s Imaging, ChiSurgeons
cago, Illinois, October 2, 2010.
Appointed American Society of Colon and Rectal
Surgeons Representative to the American Medical
Association Physician Consortium for Performance
Improvement Committee (PCPI), 2010
High Risk Cancer Management from A to Z. Post
Graduate Course Chair and Case Presentation.
American College of Surgeons 96th Clinical Congress, Washington, D.C., October 3, 2010.
2010 – Appointed Vice President, Metro Chicago
Chapter of American College of Surgeons
Appointed Vice President, Chicago Society of Colon
and Rectal Surgeons, 2010
Has Breast Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)
Improved Outcomes or Resulted in an Epidemic of
Mastectomies? Panel Session Chair, American
College of Surgeons 96th Clinical Congress, Washington, D.C., October 4, 2010.
Appointed Associate Clerkship Director, Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, 2011
Appointed to Human Capital Committee, Northwestern Medical Faculty Foundation, 2011
Speaker, Advances in Colon Cancer Treatment
Cancer Wellness Center, Northbrook, IL May 26,
Course Director, Rural Surgery Symposium and
Workshop -Patient Safety and Quality in Rural Surgery: Advanced Skills Training for the Rural Surgeon. The Center for Simulation Technology and
Immersive Learning, Northwestern University, Chicago, IL May 5-8
John Wayne Cancer Institute, Breast Cancer Management in 2011: An Update. Los Angeles, California, June 16, 2011
Hansen NM, Introduction / Multidisciplinary Training for Breast Surgical Oncology. In Kuerer‘s Breast
Surgical Oncology. (xxxi-xli), McGraw-Hill New York,
Manget A, Hansen NM,. The Clinical Breast Cancer
Team. Carol Scott-Conner, Fred Dirbas (eds.) In
Breast Surgery: Office Management and Surgical
Technique. Springer-Verlag New York, 11-16, 2011.
Hungness, Eric S., MD
Editorial Board - World Journal of Gastroenterology
The Promises and Myths of Breast Cancer Research, Lynn Sage Breast Cancer Town Hall Meeting, Chicago, Illinois, October 24, 2010.
Breast Cancer Management 2010. William Blair &
Company, Chicago, Illinois, October 26, 2010
Fellowship Council, Accreditation Committee Member, SAGES Representative
Risk, Staging and Diagnosis. Session Chair. Lynn
Sage Breast Cancer Symposium, Chicago, Illinois,
October 29, 2010.
Speaker - From GERD to Esophageal Cancer: A
state of the Art Multidisciplinary Approach to Management of Barrett‘s Esophagus Symposium, Faculty, Northwestern University, Chicago, September
25, 2010.
Managing the Elderly Patient with Early and Advanced Breast Cancer / Local Therapy. Lynn Sage
Breast Cancer Symposium. Chicago, Illinois, October 30, 2010.
NOTES. Meet the Expert Luncheon. ACS Clinical
Congress. Washington DC, October 2010
Imaging, Staging, Surgical and Radiotherapeutic
Considerations in the management of early stage
invasive breast cancer. Radiological Society of
North America, Chicago, Illinois, November 30,
Halverson A, Shah H, Chapman N, Van Dyke J.
Process Improvement. Using CDS to Measurably
Improve Care, DVT. Scottsdale Institute. December
15, 2010.
Lower Extremity Vascular Injuries: Increased Mortality For Minorities And The Uninsured M Crandall*, Paper Discussant. Central Surgical Annual
Page 38
Rush University Medical Center. Breast Cancer
Management in 2011: New Directions, Chicago,
Illinois, June 1, 2011
Speaker - Transgastric Cholecystectomy. 4th UCSD
Hands-On NOTES and Single Site Surgery Symposium, San Diego, November 12, 2010.
Speaker - Treatment of Achalasia: Status Quo?
Grand Rounds, Northwestern University Department of Surgery, March 10, 2011
Speaker - Medical versus Surgical Management of
GERD: the Data. The Society for Surgery of the
Awards, honors, presentations and publications
Alimentary Tract: Maintenance of Certification
Course. DDW 2011, Chicago, May 7th, 2011.
standardization of definitions of infections in cardiothoracic transplant recipients. J Heart Lung
Transplant 2011;30:361-74.
Seminar, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque,
NM. ―Mechanisms of Smad3 Tumor Suppression in
Breast Cancer.‖ January, 2011.
Chin-Hong PV, Schwartz BS, Bern C, Montgomery
SP, Kontak S, Kubak B, Morris MI, Nowicki M,
Wright C, Ison MG. Screening and treatment of
chagas disease in organ transplant recipients in
the United States: recommendations from the
chagas in transplant working group. Am J Transplant 2011;11:672-80. Epub 2011 Mar 14.
MacNeal Hospital, Berwyn, IL—Breast Cancer in
Young Women. March, 2011.
Onders R, Khansarinia S, Weiser T, Chin C, Hungness ES, Soper N, DeHoyos A, Cole T, Ducko C.
Multi-center analysis of cardiac interactions with
diaphragm pacing for ventilation: positive implications for ventilator weaning in intensive care units.
Surgery 2010 148(4):893-897.
Seminar, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA. ―Fertility
Preservation for Young Cancer Patients.‖ April,
Fronza JS, Prystowsky J, Hungness ES and Nagle
Ison MG. Epidemiology, prevention, and manageAP. A Single Institution‘s Experience with Revisional ment of influenza in patients with hematologic
Bariatric Surgery. Am J Surg 2010 200(5):651-4.
malignancy. Infect Disord Drug Targets 2011;
11:34-9. Epub 2010 Aug 10.
Fronza JS, Linn JG, Nagle AP, Soper NJ and Hungness ES. A Single Institution‘s Experience with SILS Levitsky J, Thudi K, Ison MG, Wang E, Abecassis M.
Cholecystectomy Compared to Standard LaparoAlemtuzumab induction in non-hepatitis C positive
scopic Cholecystectomy. Surgery 2010 148(4):
liver transplant recipients. Liver Transpl 2011;
Santos F, Auyang EA, Hungness ES, Desai KR,
Chan ES, vanBeek DB, Wang EC and Soper NJ.
Preoperative Ultrasound Measurements Predict
Gallbladder Extraction During Transgastric NOTES
Cholecystectomy. Surg Endosc. – 2011 25
Santos BF, Enter D, Soper NJ and Hungness EH.
Single-Incision Laparoscopic Surgery (SILS™) Versus Standard Laparoscopic Surgery: A Comparison
of Performance Using a Surgical Simulator. Surg
Endosc. 2011 25(2):483-90.
Auyang ED, Santos BF, Enter D, Hungness ES and
Soper NJ. Natural Orifice Translumenal Endoscopic
Surgery (NOTES™): A Technical Review. 2011 May
7 [epub ahead of print]
Santos BF and Hungness ES. Natural orifice translumenal endoscopic surgery: Progress in humans
since white paper. World J Gastroeterol, 2011 17
(13): 1655-1665.
Ison, Michael, MD, MS
Ison MG, Nalesnik MA. An Update on DonorDerived Disease Transmission in Organ Transplantation. Am J Transplant 2011 Mar 28 [Epub ahead
of print].
Schwartz BS, Paster M, Ison MG, Chin-Hong PV.
Organ donor screening practices for Trypanosoma
cruzi infection among US Organ Procurement Organizations. Am J Transplant 2011;11:848-51.
Epub 2011 Mar 22.
Husain S, Mooney ML, Danziger-Isakov L, Mattner
F, Singh N, Avery R, Ison M, Humar A, Padera RF,
Lawler LP, Fisher A, Drew RJ, Gould KF, Sole A,
Studer S, Munoz P, Singer LG, Hannan M; ISHLT
Infectious Diseases Council Working Group on
Definitions. A 2010 working formulation for the
Page 39
Ison MG, Lee N. Influenza 2010-2011: lessons
from the 2009 pandemic. Cleve Clin J Med 2010;
Mittendorf EA, Jeruss JS, Tucker SL, GonzalezAngulo AM, Buchholz TA, Sahin AA, Cormier JN,
Hortobagyi GN, Hunt KK. Validation of a Novel
Staging System for Disease-Specific Survival in
Breast Cancer Patients Treated with Neoadjuvant
Chemotherapy. San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium; San Antonio, Texas, 2010.
Tarasewicz E, Hardy A, Zelivianski S, Straehla J,
Cooley A, Jeruss JS. Impact of CDK Inhibition Alone
and in Combination with Chemotherapy on Breast
Cancer Cells. Society of Surgical Oncology Meeting,
San Antonio, Texas, 2011.
Ison MG. Influenza, including the novel H1N1, in
Hulvat MC, Jeruss JS. Fertility Preservation Options
organ transplant patients. [Review] Curr Opin Infect
for Patients with Cancer. European Oncology,
Dis 2010;23:365-73.
Issa, Nabil, MD
Excellence in Teaching Award, Department of Surgery, 2010
Outstanding Teaching Award, Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, 2011
Jeruss JS. Discussing fertility preservation with
breast cancer patients. Cancer Treat Res.
2010;156:461-6. PMID: 20811855
Jeruss JS, Kuerer HM, Beitsch PD, Vicini FA, Keisch
M. Update on DCIS Outcomes from the American
Society of Breast Surgeons Accelerated Partial
Breast Irradiation Registry Trial. Ann Surg Oncol.
2011 Jan;18(1):65-71. Epub 2010 Jun 25. PMID:
Zelivianski S, Cooley A, Kall R, Jeruss JS. CDK4American College of Surgeons-Accredited EducaMediated Phosphorylation Inhibits Smad3 Activity
tional Institutes: Podium Presentation: Curricula for
in Cyclin D Overexpressing Breast Cancer Cells. Mol
both Cognitive and Procedural Skills at NorthwestCancer Res. 2010 Oct;8(10):1375-87. Epub 2010
ern, 2011
Aug 24. PMID:20736297.
Jeruss, Jacqueline, MD, PhD
Excellence in Teaching Award, Department of Surgery, Northwestern University Feinberg School of
Medicine, 2010
The 12 Annual Lynn Sage Breast Cancer Symposium, ―Challenging Clinical Cases: Angiosarcoma‖,
Chicago, IL, October 28, 2010.
Grand Rounds; ―Oncofertility for Young Cancer
Patients,‖ Department of Surgery, University of
New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM, January, 2011.
Bellis A, Bernabe BP, Weiss MS, Yarrington ME,
Barbolina MV, Pannier AK, Jeruss JS, Broadbelt LJ,
Shea LD. Cellular arrays for large-scale analysis of
transcription factor activity. Biotechnol Bioeng.
2011 Feb1; 108(2):395-403. PMID: 20812256.
Goyal S, Vicini F, Beitsch PD, Kuerer H, Keisch M,
Motwani S, Jeruss JS, Lyden M, Haffty BG. Ductal
Carcinoma in situ (DCIS) Treated with Breast Conserving Surgery & Accelerated Partial Breast Irradation (APBI): Comparison of the Mammosite Registry
Trial with Intergoup Study E5194. Cancer. 2010
Nov 2. PMID: 21046650.
Weiss MS, Penalver B, Bellis AD, Broadbelt LJ,
Jeruss JS, Shea LD. Dynamic, large-scale profiling
of transcription factor activity from live cells in 3D
culture. PLoS One. 2010 Nov 17;5(11):e14026.
Awards, honors, presentations and publications
PMID: 21103341.
Cooley AE, Zelivianski S, Jeruss JS. Impact of Cyclin
E Overexpression on Smad3 Activity in Breast Cancer Cell Lines. Cell Cycle. 2010 Dec 15;9(24):4900
-07. Epub 2010 Dec 15. PMID: 21150326.
minute make? Social skills and stigma in youth
with craniofacial differences. Cleft PalateCraniofacial Journal., 2011, Jan;48(1):91-7.
Edrimanasinghe D, Kaushal S, Rigsby CK, Gossett
JG. Subclavian pseudoaneurysm repair after Blalock-Taussig shunt placement. Pediatr Cardiol.
Rosenberg JR, Kapp-Simon KA, Cradock MM, Starr
JR, Speltz ML. Mothers' and Fathers' Reports of
Stress in Families of Infants with and without Single-Suture Craniosynostosis. Cleft PalateCraniofacial Journal, 2011, [E-pub ahead of print]
Khan, Seema A., MD
Lee, E. and Diehl, J.A., Breast cancer go sMAD:
cyclin towards aggressive phenotypes.
Cell Cycle. Volume 10, Issue 2. Jan 15, 2011
Liu, F., Inhibition of Smad3 activity by cyclin DCDK4 and cyclin E-CDK2 in breast cancer cells. Cell
Cycle. Volume 10, Issue 2. Jan 15, 2011.
Kaushal, Sunjay, MD
Kaklamani VG, Siziopikou K, Scholtens D, Lacouture M, Gordon J, Uthe R, Meservey C, Hansen N,
Khan SA, Jeruss JS, Bethke K, Cianfrocca M, Rosen
S, Von Roenn J, Wayne J, Parimi V, Jovanovic B,
Gradishar W. Pilot neoadjuvant trial in HER2 positive breast cancer with combination of nabpaclitaxel and lapatinib. Breast Cancer Res Treat.
2011 Feb 27. PMID: 21359953.
Member, Program Committee, American Society
Clinical Oncology Breast Cancer Symposium, 201013
Hulvat MC, Jeruss JS. Fertility preservation options
for young women with breast cancer. Curr Opin
Obstet Gynecol. 2011 Mar 16. PMID: 21415746.
Speaker, American Heart Association Scientific
Sessions 2010, Isolation and functionality of cardiac progenitor cells in congenital heart patients,
Chicago, IL, November 13-17, 2010.
Speaker, Lahey Clinic, Surgical Division Grand
Rounds: ―Review on the latest trends breast cancer
research‖. June 1, 2011, Burlington, MA
Speaker, Aswan Heart Centre Science and Practice
Series, Cairo Cardiac Stem Cells in End-Stage
Human Failing Hearts: Are they Functional? Cairo,
Egypt, January 3-6, 2011
Speaker, Medical College of Wisconsin, Breast
Cancer Symposium. ―Local Therapy for the Primary
Site in the Metastatic Setting: the Need for Unbiased Evidence‖, April 8, 2011. Milwaukee, WI
Mittendorf EA, Jeruss JS, Tucker SL, Kolli A, Newman L, Gonzalez-Angulo AM, Bucholz TA, Sahin AA,
Cormier JN, Buzdar AU, Hortobagyi G, Hunt KK.
Validation of a Novel Staging System for DiseaseSpecific Survival in Breast Cancer Patients Treated
with Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy. J Clin Oncol. 2011 Apr 11.
Speaker, Society of Thoracic Surgeons 47th Annual
Meeting, Intramural coronary length correlates with
symptoms in patients with anomalous aortic origin
of the coronary artery, San Diego, CA, January 31February 2, 2011.
Speaker, Southwest Oncology Group your topic is
―Local Surgical Therapy in the Presence of Distant
Metastasis ", April 15, 2011. San Francisco, CA
Redig AJ, Brannigan R, Stryker S, Woodruff TK,
Jeruss JS. Incorporating Fertility Preservation into
the Care of Young Oncology Patients. Cancer Jan
2011; 117(1):4-10. PMID: 21235031.
Kaushal S, Wold LE. Mesenchymal stem cells for
cell-based therapy: the role of anti-inflammatory
cytokines in cellular cardiomyoplasty. [Invited Commentary] Ann Thorac Surg 2010;90:197-198.
Speaker, Howard Hughes Institute, A Career as a
Surgeon-Scientist, November, 2010.
Speaker, Zing Cardiovascular Conference, Cardiac
Progenitor Cells in the Maturing Human Heart,
Puerto Morelos, Mexico, December 7-10, 2010.
Elected to American Surgical Association, 2011
6th Annual Jeanne Petrek Memorial Lecture, New
York, NY, 2011
Member, Program Committee, American Association of Cancer Research Frontiers in Cancer Prevention Conference, 2011
Goyal S, Vicini F, Beitsch PD, Kuerer H, Keisch M,
Jeruss JS, Lyden M, Haffty BG. Ductal Carcinoma in
situ (DCIS) Treated with Wide Excision (1>cm Margins) & Accelerated Partial Breast Irradiation
(APBI). Am J of Clin Oncol. In Press, 2011.
Mishra R, Vijayan K, Colletti E, Harrington DA, Matthiesen TS, Simpson D, Goh S-K, Walker BL,
Almeida-Porada G, Backer CL, Wang D, Dudley SC
Jr., Wold LE, Kaushal S. Characterization and funcKeynote Address: 22nd Annual Tri State Craniofacial tionality of cardiac progenitor cells in congenital
Conference, Children with single suture cranioheart patients. Circulation; 2011; 123:364-373.
synostosis: Neurodevelopment and behavior from
infancy to preschool. Indianapolis, IN. September
Kaushal S, Patel S, Sood A, Walker BL, Backer CL.
24, 2010.
A novel combination of bioresorbable polymeric
film and expanded polytetrafluoroethylene provides
Invited Presentation, Pre-Conference Symposium.
a protective barrier and reduces adhesions. J Tho68th Annual Meeting, American Cleft Palaterac Cardiovasc Surg 2011;141:789-795
Craniofacial Association. Psychological and neurodevelopmental considerations for children with
Weiss SL, Wald EL, Gossett JG, Kaushal S, Backer
hemifacial microsomia. Puerto Rico, April, 2011.
CL, Wang D. Gastrointestinal complications following three stage I single-ventricle palliation stratePublications
gies—increased risk with the ductal stenting/
pulmonary artery banding (―Hybrid‖) procedure.
Edwards TC, Topolski, TD, White CJ, Patrick DL,
Pediatr Cardiology;2011;32:391-398.
Kapp-Simon, KA, Aspinll CL. What difference can a
Speaker, American Society of Breast Surgeon 12th
Annual Meeting 2011. ―Pro: Controversies in
Breast Surgery‖, April 30, 2011. Washington, DC.
Speaker, 5th Brazilian Breast Cancer Conference.
―Current Approaches to the Surgical Treatment of
the Axilla" and "New Trends in the Surgical Treatment of Breast Cancer", March 25-26, 2011. Sao
Paulo, Brazil
Kapp-Simon, Kathleen, PhD
Page 40
Speaker, Weiss Hospital, Grand Rounds, "The
Who's and How's of Breast Cancer Screening and
Prevention", March 9, 2011. Chicago, IL
Speaker, 7th International Symposium on the Intraductal Approach to Breast Cancer, Dr. Susan B.
Love Foundation, ―What is the Unit of Study? The
Breast or The Duct: The Breast‖, February 25,
2011. Santa Monica, CA
Speaker, 9th International Symposium on the Role
of Soy in Health Promotion and Chronic Disease
Prevention and Treatment. ―A Phase IIb Trial Of G2535 (Unconjugated Isoflavones-100) In Women At
High Risk for Breast Cancer‖, October 17, 2010.
Washington, DC
Speaker, 4th International Equol and Soy Isoflavone
Research Steering Committee Meeting. ―Breast
Awards, honors, presentations and publications
Response to Soy Isoflavone Supplementation in
Speaker, Calf Vein Thrombosis: Should They Be
High Risk Women‖, October 15, 2010. Washington, Treated? Limb Salvage and Functional ReconstrucDC
tion Symposium, University of California San Diego
School of Medicine, San Diego, CA, June 26, 2010.
Speaker, American College of Surgeons 96th Clinical Congress 2010. ―High-Risk Lesions and What
Speaker, Research Types and Models in Academic
To Do With Them‖, October 3, 2010. Washington,
Surgery, Career Development Course, National
Surgical Congress, Bogota, Colombia, July 27,
Speaker, Manuscript Preparation, Review and
Lee O, Ivancuc D, Chatterton RT, Khan SA. The in
Submission. Career Development Course, National
vitro Human Skin Permeation of Endoxifen:
Surgical Congress, Bogota, Colombia, July 27,
Potential for Local Transdermal Therapy for Primary 2010.
Prevention and Carcinoma in situ of the Breast.
Breast Cancer: Targets and Therapy, in press
Speaker, New Strategies for the Management of
Critical Limb Ischemia: Cell- and Gene-based TheraKhan SA Mangat A, Rivers A, Revesz E, Susnik B,
pies, Colombian Surgical Society, XXXVI National
Hansen N. Office Ductoscopy for surgical selection Surgical Congress, Bogota, Colombia, July 28,
in women with pathologic nipple discharge. Annals 2010.
of Surgical Oncology, in press, March 2011.
Speaker, Risk Factors for Vascular Disease, SpotKaklamani VG, Siziopikou K, Scholtens
light on Women's Health—PAD, Northwestern MeD, Lacouture M, Gordon J, Uthe R, Meservey C,
morial Hospital, Chicago, IL, August 26, 2010.
Hansen N, Khan SA, Jeruss JS, Bethke
K, Cianfrocca M, Rosen S, Von Roenn J, Wayne
Speaker, Insights into the Efficacy of Nitric OxideJ, Parimi V, Jovanovic B, Gradishar W. Pilot neoad- Based Therapies for Vascular Disease, Rheumatoljuvant trial in HER2 positive breast cancer with
ogy, Grand Rounds, Northwestern University, Chicombination of nab-paclitaxel and lapatinib. Breast cago, IL, September 9, 2010.
Cancer Res Treat. 2011 Feb 27, epub ahead of
Speaker, Calf Vein Thrombosis: Should They Be
Treated? 24th Annual Nursing Conference on SePerez CB, Khan SA. Local Therapy for the Primary
lected Topics in Vascular Disease, Northwestern
Breast Tumor in Women With Metastatic Disease.
Memorial Hospital, Chicago, IL October 1, 2010.
Clinical Advances in Hemat & Oncol. 2011 Feb; 9
(2): 112-119.
Speaker, Time Management During Medical School
and Beyond, Medical Student Program, 96th Annual
Khan SA. Contralateral prophylactic mastectomy:
Clinical Congress, American College of Surgeons,
what do we know and what do our patients know?
Washington, DC, October 4, 2010..
J Clin Oncol. 2011 Apr 4. [Epub ahead of print].
Speaker, Rescue of the Failing Femoropopliteal
Bypass, Vascular Interventional Advances (VIVA),
Kibbe, Melina R., MD
Las Vegas, NV, October 22, 2010.
Fellowship, Executive Leadership in Academic
Medicine Program for Women, 2011-present,
Drexel University College of Medicine
Speaker, An Innovative Therapy for the Treatment
of Atherosclerosis, Research and Education Board
of Directors Meeting Northwestern Memorial Foundation, Chicago, IL, November 3, 2010.
Speaker, Insights into the Efficacy of NO in the
Vice Chairman of Research, Department of Surgery, Vasculature, Diazeniumdiolate Technology ConferNorthwestern University Feinberg School of Medience, NCI Frederick, Frederick, MD, November 11,
cine, Chicago, IL
Speaker, Taking an idea from conception to funding, and beyond, Department of Surgery Faculty
Retreat, Northwestern University, Chicago, IL, June
18, 2010.
Keynote Speaker, Nitric Oxide-Based Therapies:
Will They Work?, Limb Salvage and Functional
Reconstruction Symposium, University of California
San Diego School of Medicine, San Diego, CA, June
26, 2010.
Page 41
Speaker: What is the Optimal Follow-up for EVAR?
35th Annual Northwestern Vascular Surgery Symposium, Chicago, IL, December 10, 2010.
Presenter, Association for Academic Surgery Research Awards, 6th Annual Academic Surgical Congress, Huntington Beach, CA, February 2, 2011.
Faculty, Society of University Surgeons Grantsmanship Session, 6th Annual Academic Surgical Congress, Huntington Beach, CA, February 2, 2011.
Speaker, Vascular Surgery Grand Rounds, Stem
and Cell Based Therapies for Critical Limb Ischemia, Northwestern University Medical School, Chicago, IL, February 16, 2011.
Speaker, An Innovative Therapy for the Treatment
of Atherosclerosis. Board of Directors Annual
Meeting Northwestern Memorial Foundation, Chicago, IL, March 1, 2011.
Speaker, Basic Research in PAD, Vascular Symposium, 35th Annual Meeting Association of VA Surgeons, Irvine, CA, April 10, 2011.
Emond Z and Kibbe MR. Understanding the Implications of Diabetes on the Vascular System.
Vasc Endovasc Surg 2011 May 13. [Epub ahead
of print] PMID: 21571777
Kibbe MR, Pearce WH, Yao JST (editors). Modern
Trends in Vascular Surgery: Venous Disorders.
People‘s Medical Publishing House – USA, Shelton,
CT, 2010, 412 pages.
Eskandari MK, Usman AA, Garcia-Toca M, Matsumura JS, Kibbe MR, Morasch MD, Rodriguez HE,
Pearce WH. Eight-Year Institutional Review of Carotid Artery Stenting. J Vasc Surg 2010; 51:114551, 2010. PMID: 20304594
Garcia-Toca M, Naughton PA, Matsumura JS, Morasch MD, Kibbe MR, Rodriguez HE, Pearce WH,
Eskandari MK. Endovascular Repair of Blunt Traumatic Thoracic Aortic Injuries: Seven-year Singlecenter Experience. Arch Surg 2010 Jul;145(7):67983. PMID: 20644131.
Garcia-Toca M, Rodriguez HE, Naughton PA, Keeling A, Phade SV, Morasch MD, Kibbe MR, Eskandari MK. Are carotid stent fractures clinically significant? Cardiovasc Intervent Radiol 2011
(available online March 24, 2011).
Havelka G and Kibbe MR. The Vascular Adventitia:
Its Role in the Arterial Injury Response. Vasc Endovasc Surg 2011 May 13. [Epub ahead of print]
Hogg ME, Varu VN, Vavra AK, Popowich DA, Banerjee MN, Martinez J, Jiang Q, Saavedra JE Keefer LK,
Kibbe MR. Effect of Nitric Oxide on Neointimal
Hyperplasia based on Sex and Hormone Status.
Free Radical Biol Med 2011 May 1;50(9):1065-74.
PMC 3070831
Kibbe MR, Eskandari MK. Randomized trials and
registries in vascular surgery. Introduction. Semin
Vasc Surg 2010 Sep; 23(3):127-8. PMID:
Kibbe MR, Martinez J, Popowich DA, Kapadia MR,
Ahanchi SS, Aalami OO, Jiang Q, Webb AR, Yang J,
Carroll T, Ameer GA. Citric Acid-Based Elastomers
Provide a Biocompatible Interface for Vascular
Awards, honors, presentations and publications
Grafts. JBMR Part A. 2010; 93(1):314-24.
Lautz TB, Abbas F, Novis Walsh SJ, Chow C, Amaranto DJ, Wang E, Blackburn D, Pearce WH, Kibbe
MR. Isolated Gastrocnemius and Soleal Vein
Thrombosis (IGSVT): Should these Patients Receive
Therapeutic Anticoagulation? Ann Surg. 2010
Apr;251(4):735-42. PMID: 19858700.
Tsihlis ND, Murar J, Kapadia MR, Ahanchi SS, Martinez J, Jiang Q, Saavedra JE, Keefer LK, Kibbe MR.
Isopropylamine NONOate (IPA/NO) Moderates
Neointimal Hyperplasia Following Vascular Injury. J
Vasc Surg 2010 May;51(5):1248-59. PMID: PMC
McDermott MM, Ferrucci L, Liu K, Guralnik JM, Tian
L, Kibbe M, Liao Y, Tao H, Criqui MH. Women with
peripheral arterial disease experience faster functional decline than men with peripheral arterial
disease. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2011 Feb 8;57(6):70714. PMID: 21292130
Tsihlis ND, Oustwani CS, Vavra AK, Jiang Q, Keefer
LK, Kibbe MR. Nitric Oxide Inhibits Vascular
Smooth Muscle Cell Proliferation and Neointimal
Hyperplasia by Increasing the Ubiquitination and
Degradation of UbcH1. Cell Biochemistry and
Biophysics. 2011 Mar 30. (Epub ahead of print)
PMID: 21448667
McDermott MM, Mazor KM, Reed G, Pagoto S,
Graff R, Merriam P, Kibbe M, Greenland P, Ockene
J, Olendzki B, Tao H, Ockene I. Attitudes and Behaviors of Peripheral Arterial Disease toward Influencing their Physician‘s Prescription of Cholesterollowering Medication. Vasc Med. 2010 Apr;15(2):83
-90. PMID: 20118170
Varu VN, Ahanchi SS, Hogg ME, Bhikhapurwala HA,
Chen A, Popowich DA, Vavra AK, Martinez J, Jiang
Q, Saavedra JE, Hrabie JA, Keefer LK, Kibbe MR.
Insulin Enhances the Effect of Nitric Oxide at Inhibiting Neointimal Hyperplasia in a Rat Model of Type
1 Diabetes. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol. 2010
Sep;299(3):H772-9. PMID: 20562340
Eskandari MK, Pearce WH, Eds. Shelton CT: People‘s Medical Publishing House—USA. 2011, pp
Rosinberg A, Kibbe MR. Hemodynamic Evaluation
of Peripheral Arterial Disease. In Peripheral Vascular Intervention, 2nd Ed, Casserly IP, Sachar R,
Yadav JS, Eds. Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins, Philadelphia, PA, 2011, 8-17.
Kulik, Laura, MD
Trotter JF, Gillespie BW, Terrault NA, Abecassis
MM, Merion RM, Brown RS Jr, Olthoff KM, Hayashi
PH, Berg CL, Fisher RA, Everhart JE; Adult-to-Adult
Living Donor Liver Transplantation Cohort Study
Group. Laboratory test results after living liver donation in the adult-to-adult living donor liver transplantation cohort study. Liver Transpl 2011;17:409
Salem R, Lewandowski RJ, Gates VL, Nutting CW,
Murthy R, Rose SC, Soulen MC, Geschwind JF,
Vavra AK, MD; Havelka GE, Martinez J; Lee VR, Fu
Kulik L, Kim YH, Spreafico C, Maccauro M, Bester
B; Jiang Q, Keefer LK, Kibbe MR. Insights into the
L, Brown DB, Ryu RK, Sze DY, Rilling WS, Sato KT,
Effect of Nitric Oxide and its Metabolites Nitrite and Sangro B, Bilbao JI, Jakobs TF, Ezziddin S, Kulkarni
Nitrate at Inhibiting Neointimal Hyperplasia. Nitric S, Kulkarni A, Liu DM, Valenti D, Hilgard P, Antoch
Oxide: Biology and Chemistry. 2011 Apr 30 (epub G, Muller SP, Alsuhaibani H, Mulcahy MF, Burrel M,
ahead of print) PMID: 21554972
Real MI, Spies S, Esmail AA, Raoul JL, Garin E,
Johnson MS, Benson AB 3rd, Sharma RA, Wasan H,
Zhao H, Serrano MC, Popowich D, Kibbe MR,
Lambert B, Memon K, Kennedy AS, Riaz A; TechnolAmeer GA. Biodegradable Nitric Oxide-releasing
ogy Assessment Committee; Interventional OncolPoly(diol citrate) Elastomers. JBMR Part A. 2010;93 ogy Task Force of the Society of Interventional
Novis Walsh SJ, Ostrowski D, Levin B, Blum-Eisa L, (1):356-63.
Radiology. Research reporting standards for raPrystowsky JB, Kibbe MR. Prevention of Thromdioembolization of hepatic malignancies. J Vasc
boembolic Events in Surgical Patients through the
Hogg ME, Vavra AK, Kibbe MR. Management of the Interv Radiol 2011;22:265-78.
Creation and Implementation of a Computerized
Percutaneous Puncture Site. In Peripheral EnRisk Assessment Program. J Vasc Surg. 2010; 51
dovascular Interventions, 3rd Ed, White RA, Fogarty Riaz A, Memon K, Miller FH, Nikolaidis P, Kulik LM,
T, Eds. Springer, New York, 2010, 449-470.
Lewandowski RJ, Ryu RK, Sato KT, Gates VL, Mulcahy MF, Baker T, Wang E, Gupta R, Nayar R, BenPopowich DA, Aalami OO, Walsh CP, Rossi NB,
Ju M, Kibbe MR. The Endovascular Suite: Northson AB 3rd, Abecassis M, Omary R, Salem R. Role
Bhikhapurwala HA, Jiang Q, Kibbe MR. Regulation
western University Perspective. In: Endovascular
of the EASL, RECIST, and WHO response guidelines
of Reactive Oxygen Species by p53: Implications for Technology, Yao JST, Morasch MD, Eskandari MK, alone or in combination for hepatocellular carciNitric Oxide Mediated Apoptosis. Am J Physiol:
Pearce WH, Eds. Shelton CT: People‘s Medical
noma: radiologic-pathologic correlation. J Hepatol
Heart Circ Physiol. 2010 Jun;298(6):H2192-200.
Publishing House—USA. 2011, pp 31-40.
2011;54:695-704. Epub 2010 Oct 23. PMCID:
PMID: PMC2886652
PMC3094725 .
Kibbe MR. Axillofemoral Bypass. In: The NorthReed AB, Brown K, Bush R, Halpern V, Kibbe M,
western Handbook of Surgical Procedures, 2nd
Salem R, Lewandowski RJ, Kulik L, Wang E, Riaz A,
Killewich L, Mureebe L, Ozsvath K, Rzudcidlo, Starr ed., Soper NJ, Kaufman DB, Eds. Austin, TX: Landes Ryu RK, Sato KT, Gupta R, Nikolaidis P, Miller FH,
J. Regarding ―Predicted shortage of vascular surBioscience, 2011 pp 338-343
Yaghmai V, Ibrahim SM, Senthilnathan S, Baker T,
geons in the United States: Population and workGates VL, Atassi B, Newman S, Memon K, Chen R,
load analysis‖ J Vasc Surg. 2010 Apr;51(4):1076-7. Kibbe MR. Femorofemoral Bypass. In: The NorthVogelzang RL, Nemcek AA, Resnick SA, Chrisman
PMID: 20347709.
western Handbook of Surgical Procedures, 2nd
HB, Carr J, Omary RA, Abecassis M, Benson AB 3rd,
ed., Soper NJ, Kaufman DB, Eds. Austin, TX: Landes Mulcahy MF. Radioembolization results in longer
Serrano MC, Vavra AK, Jen M, Hogg ME, Murar J,
Bioscience, 2011 and pp 344-347.
time-to-progression and reduced toxicity compared
Martinez J, Keefer LK, Ameer GA, Kibbe MR. Poly
with chemoembolization in patients with hepatocel(diol-co-citrates) as Novel Elastomeric Perivascular Lautz T, Kibbe MR. Isolated Gastrocnemius and
lular carcinoma. Gastroenterology 2011;140:497Wraps for the Reduction of Neointimal Hyperplasia. Soleal Vein Thrombosis. In Eskandari MK, Morasch 507. Epub 2010 Oct 30.
Macromolar Bioscience. 2011 May 12;11(5):700- MD, Pearce WH, Yao JST, eds. Vascular Surgery:
9. PMID: 21341372
Therapeutic Strategies. Shelton CT: People‘s Medi- Kulik L. Is radioembolization ready for the Barcecal Publishing House—USA, 2010, pp 459-467.
lona clinic liver cancer staging system? Hepatology
Tang GL, Chin J, Kibbe MR. Advances in Diagnostic
Imaging for Peripheral Arterial Disease. Expert Rev Phade S, Kibbe MR. Techniques for EVAR. In:
Cardiovasc Ther. 2010 Oct;8(10):1447-55. PMID:
Endovascular Technology, Yao JST, Morasch MD,
McDermott MM, MD, Liu K, Carroll TJ, Tian L, Ferrucci L, Li D, Carr J, Guralnik JM, Kibbe M, Pearce
WH, Yuan C, McCarthy W, Kramer CM, Tao H, Liao
Y, Clark ET, Xu D, Berry J, Orozco J, Sharma L, Criqui MH. Superficial Femoral Artery Plaque and
Functional Performance in Peripheral Arterial Disease: The Walking and Leg Circulation Study
(WALCS III). JACC: Cardiovascular Imaging. Circ
Cardiovasc Imaging. 2011 Mar 24. [Epub ahead of
print] PMID: 21436300
Page 42
Awards, honors, presentations and publications
Ladner, Daniela, MD
FACS initiation. October 2010.
turally and Linguistically Competent Care: A National Study. Gordon EJ, Caicedo JC, Ladner DP,
Reddy E, Abecassis MM AJT, 2010 Dec; 10
(12):2701-7; [6.4]
Grady KL, Lee R, Subačius H, Malaisrie SC, McGee
EC, Kruse J, Goldberger J, McCarthy PM. Improvements in Health‐related Quality of Life from before
to after Isolated Cardiac Surgery. Ann Thorac Surg
Ischemic Cholangiopathy after Controlled Donation
after Cardiac Death Liver Transplantation: A Meta- Malaisrie SC, Tuday E, Lapin B, Lee R, McGee EC Jr,
analysis C Jay, A Skaro, D Ladner, M Abecassis Ann Davidson C, Bonow RO, McCarthy PM. TranscatheSurgery; 2011 Feb; 253(2): 259-64
ter aortic valve implantation decreases the rate of
unoperated aortic stenosis. Eur J Cardiothorac
Early Morning Workshop, Co-Chair: Risks and Solu- A comprehensive Risk Assessment of Mortality
Surg. December 2010, In Press.
tions in Transplantation and Policy Implications
Following Donation after Cardiac Death Liver TransAmerican Transplant Congress 2011
plant – An Analysis of the National Registry; C Jay,
Ilkhanoff L, Lee R. Infected Mass on Cardiac DefiA Skaro, D Ladner, E Wang, V Lyuksemburg, J Fein- brillator Lead. J Cardiac Surg 2011;26(3):340.
glass, J Holl, M Abecassis J Hepatol; In Press [7.0]
Saeed D, Kidambi T, Shalli S, Lapin B, Malaisrie SC,
The Impact of Donation after Cardiac Death Livers Lee, Richard, MD
Lee R, Cotts WG, McGee EC. Tricuspid valve repair
on Hepatitis C Virus Recurrence following Liver
with left ventricular assist device implantation: Is it
Transplantation V Lyuksemburg, C Jay, D Ladner, Y Awards/Honors
warranted? J Heart Lung Transplant 2011;30
Chang, E Wang, JC Caicedo, J Holl, M Abecassis, A
Skaro , American Association for the Study of Liver Appointed Program Director overseeing
Disease Annual Meeting, 2010
the fellowships/residencies within the Divisions of Burke M, Lee R, Fintel D. Early clopidogrel use in
Cardiac & Thoracic Surgery, 2011
non–ST elevation acute coronary syndrome and
Graft Failure from Hepatitis C Virus Recurrence –
subsequent coronary artery bypass grafting. Am
Does Graft Type Matter V Lyuksemburg, E Wang, C Nominated and selected as a Best Doctor
Heart J 2011;0:1‐10.
Jay, Y Chang, D Ladner, JC Caicedo, J Holl, M Abe( for 2011-2012
cassis, A Skaro, American Association for the
McGee EC, Ahmad U, Tamez D, Brown M, VoskoStudy of Liver Disease Annual Meeting, 2010
Appointed member of the Integrated 6 Year Proboynikov N, Malaisrie SC, Lee R, McCarthy PM.
gram Analysis Committee (Joint Council on Thoracic Biventricular Continuous Flow VADs Demonstrate
Analysis of Kidney Transplant Center Locations in
Surgery Education), 2010
Diurnal Flow Variation and Lead to End-Organ Rethe United States, D Ladner, MD, A Davis1, J.
covery. Ann Thorac Surg 2011;92:e1–3.
Friedewald, MS Daskin, S Mehrotra, V LyuksemPresentations
burg, A Skaro, JC Caicedo, M Abecassis American
Leventhal, Joseph, MD, PhD
Society of Nephrology Annual Meeting 2010
Speaker, Southern Thoracic Surgical Association
Annual Meeting, Left Atrial Appendage Elimination Presentations
A Davis, J Friedewald, A Skaro, S Mehrotra, M
Late After Cardiac Surgery: Is Anyone Looking?
Daskin, M Abecassis, D Ladner, Ameliorating GeoLake Buena Vista, Florida, November 2010.
Leventhal J, Gallon L, Miller J, Mehta J, Zakarija A,
graphic Disparities in Kidney Transplantation Rates
Abecassis M, Tollerud D, Herzig R, Ravindra K,
Via Optimization Approaches American Transplant
Speaker, International Society for Minimally InvaIldstad S. Induction of donor specific tolerance in
Congress, 2011
sive Cardiothoracic Surgery Annual Scientific Meet- recipients of HLA disparate living donor kidney
ing, Surgical Treatment for Isolated Atrial Fibrillaallografts by donor stem cell infusion. American
BP Lovasik, A Skaro, A Daud, E Gordon, JC Caicedo, tion: Minimally Invasive vs. Classic Cut and Sew,
Transplant Congress, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania,
D Woods, MM Abecassis, J Holl, DP Ladner The
Washington, DC, June 2011.
May 2011.
Influence of Systems and Processes Cold−Ischemic
Time in Liver Transplantation American Transplant Publications
Congress, 2011
Atoui R, Yeldandi A, McCarthy PM, Lee R, Malaisrie Levitsky J, Gallon L, Miller J, Tambur AR, Leventhal
O Ross, A Skaro, V Lyuksemburg, K Lakhoo, D
SC, McGee EC. An unusual case of a large cavernJ, Flaa C, Huang X, Sarraj B, Wang E, Mathew JM.
Woods, A Torricelli, M Abecassis, R Ziomek, J Holl,
ous hemangioma invading the left ventricular apex. Allospecific regulatory effects of sirolimus and
DP Ladner, Safety Issues Identified by Proactive
Ann Thorac Surg 2011;91(2):602‐3.
tacrolimus in the human mixed lymphocyte reacLiver Transplant Safety Debriefing American Transtion. Transplantation 2011;91:199-206. Epub
plant Congress, 2011
Vaduganathan M, Stone N, Lee R, McGee EC, Mal- 2010 Dec 1.
aisrie SC, Silverberg R, McCarthy PM. Perioperative
Statin Therapy Reduces Mortality in NormolipiTambur AR, Leventhal JR, Friedewald JJ, Ramon
demic Patients Undergoing Cardiac Surgery. J Tho- DS. The complexity of human leukocyte antigen
Trends in Donation after Cardiac Death and Dona- rac Cardiovasc Surg 2010 Nov;140(5):1018-27.
(HLA)-DQ antibodies and its effect on virtual crosstion after Brain Death – Reading between the lines
matching. Transplantation 2010;90:1117-24.
A Skaro, C Jay, D Ladner, M Abecassis AJT, 2010
Atoui R, Hirsch EM, de Hoyos A, Lee R. An Unusual
Nov; 10(11):2390-1; [6.4]
Case of Tracheal Injury after Coronary Revasculari- Levitsky, Josh, MD
zation. J Cardiac Surgery 2011;26(1):73.
Quality of Life in Donors After Living Donor Liver
Transplantation: A Review of the literatureN Parikh, Lee R, Li S, Rankin JS, O‘Brien SM, Gammie JS,
DP Ladner, MM Abecassis, Z Butt Liver TransplanPeterson ED, McCarthy PM, Edwards EH. Fifteen‐
Dacha S, Barad A, Martin J, Levitsky J. Association
tation, 2010; Dec; 16(12);1352-8; [3.7]
Year Outcome Trends for Valve Surgery in North
of hepatic artery stenosis and biliary strictures in
America. Ann Thorac Surg 2011;91(3):677‐84;
liver transplant recipients. Liver Transpl 2011 Mar
Transplant Center Provision of Education and Culdiscussion p 684.
31 [Epub ahead of print].
Member, Operations and Safety Committee, Organ
Procurement and Transplant Network/United Network for Organ Sharing
Page 43
Awards, honors, presentations and publications
Levitsky J. Operational tolerance: past lessons and
future prospects. Liver Transpl 2011;17:222-32.
Wang Y, Ganger DR, Levitsky J, Sternick LA,
McCarthy RJ, Chen ZE, Fasanati CW, Bolster B,
Shah S, Zuehlsdorff S, Omary RA, Ehman RL, Miller
FH. Assessment of chronic hepatitis and fibrosis:
comparison of MR elastography and diffusionweighted imaging. AJR Am J Roentgenol
2011;196:553-61. PMCID: PMC3093963.
Wallia A, Parikh ND, O'Shea-Mahler E, Schmidt K,
Desantis AJ, Tian L, Levitsky J, Molitch ME. Glycemic Control by a Glucose Management Service and
Infection Rates Following Liver Transplantation.
Endocr Pract 2011 Feb 16:1-21 [Epub ahead of
Levitsky J, Thudi K, Ison MG, Wang E, Abecassis M.
Alemtuzumab induction in non-hepatitis C positive
liver transplant recipients. Liver Transpl
Levitsky J, Gallon L, Miller J, Tambur AR, Leventhal
J, Flaa C, Huang X, Sarraj B, Wang E, Mathew JM.
Allospecific regulatory effects of sirolimus and
tacrolimus in the human mixed lymphocyte reaction. Transplantation 2011;91:199-206. Epub
2010 Dec 1.
Pillai AA, Lee VS, Wang E, Rinella ME, Levitsky J.
Factors associated with sustained virological response in liver transplant recipients with recurrent
hepatitis C. Transplant Proc 2010;42:3647-51.
Haywood S, Abecassis M, Levitsky J. The renal
benefit of mycophenolate mofetil after liver transplantation. Clin Transplant 2011;25:E88-95. Epub
2010 Nov 10.
Lewis, Victor L., MD
Faculty ASMS Basic Course Northwestern University, 2010
2010 September - October - Visiting Professor
University if Alexandria, Alexandria Egypt
Appointed AMA CPT Editorial Panel, October 2010
Visiting Professor University if Alexandria, Alexandria Egypt September-October 2010
Visiting Professor KCMS Michigan State University,
March 2011
International Faculty Guest Egyptian Society of
Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, October 2010
sure Sores - Porto Marina, Egypt, October 7, 2010
Speaker Egyptian Society of Plastic Surgery - AbInvited Speaker – 11th Annual Ophira Ben-Arieh
dominoplasty Porto Marina, Egypt, October 8, 2010 Lecture, April 2011
Speaker Midwest Association of Plastic Surgeons International Trends in Graduate Surgical Education, Chicago, IL, May 15, 2011
Luo, Xunrong, MD, PhD
Kheradmand T, Wang S, Gibly RF, Zhang X, Holland
S, Tasch J, Graham JG, Kaufman DB, Miller SD,
Shea LD, Luo X. Permanent protection of PLG scaffold transplanted allogeneic islet grafts in diabetic
mice treated with ECDI-fixed donor splenocyte
infusions. Biomaterials 2011 Mar 31 [Epub ahead
of print].
Ekong UD, Luo X, Yu M, Wang D, Miller SD, O'Gorman MR. Lymphocyte activation markers may predict the presence of donor specific alloreactivity in
pediatric living related liver transplant recipients.
Hum Immunol 2011;72:392-7. Epub 2011 Feb 26.
Martin AJ, McCarthy D, Waltenbaugh C, Goings G,
Luo X, Miller SD. Ethylenecarbodiimide-treated
splenocytes carrying male CD4 epitopes confer
histocompatibility Y chromosome antigen transplant protection by inhibiting CD154 upregulation. J
Immunol 2010;185:3326-36. Epub 2010 Aug 16.
PMCID: PMC2933307.
Pothoven KL, Kheradmand T, Yang Q, Houlihan JL,
Zhang H, Degutes M, Miller SD, Luo X. Rapamycinconditioned donor dendritic cells differentiate
CD4CD25Foxp3 T cells in vitro with TGF-beta1 for
islet transplantation. Am J Transplant
2010;10:1774-84. Epub 2010 Jul 12.
Rattner DW, Mahvi DM, Hunter JG. Looking Ahead:
The SSAT Strategic Plan for the Next Decade. The
Society for Surgery of the Alimentary Tract. J Gastrointest Surg. 2011 Jul;15(7):1077-1085. Epub
2011 May 3
Buhtoiarov IN, Sondel PM, Wigginton JM,
Buhtoiarova TN, Yanke EM, Mahvi DA,
Rakhmilevich AL. Anti-tumour synergy of cytotoxic
chemotherapy and anti-CD40 plus CpG-ODN immunotherapy through repolarization of tumourassociated macrophages. Immunology. 2011
Feb;132(2):226-39. doi: 10.1111/j.1365
2567.2010.03357.x. Epub 2010 Oct 13
Russ AJ, Weber SM, Rettammel RJ, Mahvi D, Rikkers LF, Cho C S. Impact of selection bias on the
utilization of adjuvant therapy for pancreas adenocarcinoma. Ann Surg Oncol (2010) 17:371-376
Malaisrie, S. Chris, MD
Management of Vascular Complications During Transfemoral AVR. Society of Thoracic Surgeons: Transcatheter Heart Valve Therapies Symposium. San
Diego, CA, June 2011
Successful Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implantation in
a Centenarian. Joint Meeting of 19th ASCVTS and 21st
ATCSA. Phuket, Thailand, May 2011
How to Develop a Collaborative Multidisciplinary
Valve Clinic in the New Era of THV - Case PresentaLuo X, Herold KC, Miller SD. Immunotherapy of type tion. Society of Thoracic Surgeons: Transcatheter
1 diabetes: where are we and where should we be Heart Valve Therapies Symposium. San Diego, CA,
going? [Review] Immunity 2010;32:488-99.
March 2011
PMCID: PMC2860878.
Aortic Valve Replacement with Severe LV Dysfunction.
Madonna, Mary Beth, MD
6th Annual Heart Failure Holiday Symposium.
Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine.
Chicago, IL, December 2010.
Chogle A, Bonilla S, Browne M, Madonna MB, Parsons W, Donaldson J, Alonso E. Rapunzel sydrome:
a rare cause of biliary obstruction. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr. 2010 Oct;51(4):522-3.
Mahvi, David M., MD
How I Developed a Transcatheter Heart Valve Therapies Team in an Academic Center. Society of Thoracic Surgeons: Transcatheter Heart Valve Therapies
Symposium. Chicago, IL, December 2010
Aortic Valve Replacement is Associated with Increased Survival in Asymptomatic Patients with Severe Aortic Stenosis. American Heart Association
2010 Scientific Sessions, Chicago, IL Nov 2010
Speaker Egyptian Society of Plastic Surgery - Facial
Aesthetics, Porto Marina, Egypt, October 6, 2010
Speaker Egyptian Society of Plastic Surgery - PresPage 44
2010 Northwestern University Department of Surgery Excellence in Teaching Award
Percutaneous Approach to Valvular Disorders: A
Surgeon‘s Perspective. Heartcare Midwest 17th Annual Cardiovascular Symposium. Peoria, IL. Oct 2010
Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implantation Decreases
Awards, honors, presentations and publications
the Rate of Unoperated Aortic Stenonsis. 24th Annual
Meeting of the European Association for CardioThoracic Surgery. Geneva, Switzerland, Sept 2010
Statin Therapy Reduces Mortality in Normolipidemic Patients Undergoing Cardiac Surgery. J
Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 2010 Nov;140(5):101827.
Malaisrie SC, Lee R, McGee EC Jr., McCarthy PM.
Median sternotomy and cardiopulmonary bypass.
In: Soper NJ, Kaufman DB, eds. Northwestern
handbook of surgical procedures. 2nd Edition.
Austin, TX: Landes Bioscience, 2011:283-287.
Malaisrie SC, Sales VL, Kubasiak J, McCarthy PM.
Surgical perspective of aortic valve disease – The
potential role of percutaneous valve technology.
In: Navia JL, Al-Ruzzeh S, eds. Percutaneous valve
technology: Present and future. January 2011, In
Hirsch EM, Atoui R, McCarthy PM, McGee EC, Malaisrie SC, Lee R. Sternal salvage with rigid plating
system after failure of Talon device. Ann Thorac
Surg. 2010 Oct;90(4):1366..
Malaisrie SC, McCarthy PM, McGee EC, Lee R,
Rigolin V, Davidson CJ, Beohar N, Lapin B, Subacius H, Bonow R. Contemporary preoperative results of isolated aortic valve replacement for aortic
stenosis: Implications for referral of patients for
valve replacement. Ann Thorac Surg. 2010;89:751
Mathew, James, PhD
Tempelhof MW, Benzuly K, Beohar N, Cotts W,
Davidson C, Klein L, Malaisrie SC, McGee EC
Jr, Meyers SN, McCarthy PM. Clinical experience
and patient outcomes associated withthe TandemHeart percutaneous transeptal assist device
among a heterogeneous patient population. 2011
ASAIO Jul-Aug;57(4):254-61.
McGee EC, Ahmad U, Tamez D, Brown M, Voskoboynikov N, Malaisrie SC, Lee R, McCarthy PM.
Biventricular HeartWare HVADs Demonstrate Diurnal
Flow Variation and Lead to End-Organ Recovery. Ann
Thorac Surg. 2011 Jul;92(1):e1-3.
McCarthy PM, Malaisrie SC. Aortic valve replacement for severe aortic stenosis/aortic insufficiency
with advanced left ventricular dysfunction. In:
Morgan JA, Yoshifumi N, eds. Atlas of surgical
treatment of advanced heart failure. Humana
Press, March 2011: (In Press).
Institution to Industry: Commercializing Technologies. Panelist. Can Innovation be the Cure?:
Healthcare‘s Challenge to be More for Less. 20102011 Kellogg School of Management Business of
Healthcare Conference. Evanston, IL, November
Update from the STS-AATS Transcatheter Heart
Valve Task Force. Transcatheter Heart
Valve Therapies Symposium. The Society of Thoracic Surgeons. Chicago, IL, December 2010.
When Do You Consider Mitral Repair for the Patient
with Heart Failure? Sixth Annual Heart Failure
Holiday Symposium. Northwestern University
Feinberg School of Medicine. Chicago, IL, December 2010.
Mathew JM, Miller J, Huang X, Gopalakrishnan M,
Levitsky J. Relative resistance of activated and
regulatory cells to alemtuzumab (Campath-1H):
consequent regulatory cell amplification in MLR.
American Transplant Congress, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, May 2011.
Levitsky J, Gallon L, Miller J, Tambur AR, Leventhal
J, Flaa C, Huang X, Sarraj B, Wang E, Mathew JM.
Allospecific regulatory effects of sirolimus and
tacrolimus in the human mixed lymphocyte reaction. Transplantation 2011;91:199-206. Epub
2010 Dec 1.
McCarthy, Patrick, MD
Saeed D, Kidambi T, Shalli S, Lapin B, Malaisrie SC,
Lee R, Cotts WG, McGee EC Jr. Tricuspid valve
Avoiding Systolic Anterior Motion (SAM). Nordic
repair with left ventricular assist device implantaValve Symposium 2010. Varde, Denmark,
tion: Is it warranted? J Heart Lung Transplant.
September 2010.
2011 May; 30(5):530-5.
Surgical Treatment Strategies. Nordic Valve SymMalaisrie SC, Tuday E, Lapin B, Lee R, McGee EC Jr, posium, Varde, Denmark, September 2010.
Davidson C, Bonow RO, McCarthy PM. TranscatheValvular Heart Disease. Department of Surgery
ter aortic valve implantation decreases the rate of
Core Curriculum Series. Northwestern University
unoperated aortic stenosis. Eur J Cardiothorac
Feinberg School of Medicine. Chicago, IL, SeptemSurg. 2011 Jul;40(1):43-8.
ber 2010.
Grady KL, Lee R, Subacius H, Malaisrie SC, McGee
Tricuspid Valve Disease. Cardiac Grand Rounds
EC Jr, Kruse J, Goldberger J, McCarthy PM. ImKaiser Permanente Hospital, Los Angeles, CA
provements in health-related quality of life from
October 2010
before to after isolated cardiac surgery. Ann Thorac Surg 2011; 91(3):777-83.
Surgical and Interventional Video Session: Mitral
Atoui R, Yeldandi A, McCarthy PM, Lee R, Malaisrie and Tricuspid Valve Repair - The Good and the
SC, McGee EC. An unusual case of a large cavern- Bad. Case Presenter. 2010 AATS/ACCF Heart
ous hemangioma invading the left ventricular apex. Valve Summit. Chicago, IL, October 2010.
Ann Thorac Surg. 2011;91(2):602-3.
The Mitral Valve: Mitral Valve Surgery in 2010.
Vaduganathan M, Stone N, Lee R, McGee EC, Mal- 32 Annual Echo Northwestern 2010 Program.
University Feinberg School of Mediaisrie SC, Silverberg R, McCarthy PM. Perioperative
Page 45
cine/Northwestern Memorial Hospital. Chicago, IL,
October 2010.
Where the Rubber Meets the Road: How to Repair
the Mitral Valve Plain and Simple. Dallas-Leipzig
International Valve 2010, Dallas, TX, December
Cardiac Surgery in Evolution. The Department of
General Surgery Grand Rounds. Northwestern
University Feinberg School of Medicine. Chicago,
IL, January 2011.
NUvention: Medical Innovation Information. Northwestern University M3 IDM: Career Development. Chicago, IL, January 2011.
Atrial Fibrillation, Stroke and the Left Atrial Appendage. Cardiopulmonary Research Science and Technology Institute (CRSTI), Satellite Symposium at
The Society of Thoracic Surgeons 47th Annual
Meeting. San Diego, CA, January 2011.
Is There a Role for Mitral Valve Surgery in Patients
with Functional Mitral Regurgitation? Abbott Vascular Structural Heart Multidisciplinary Advisory
Summit. Los Angeles, CA, March 2011.
Ischemic MR: What We Know. AATS Mitral Conclave 2011. New York, May 2011
Valve Surgery in Heart Failure Patients. AATS Mitral
Conclave 2011. New York, May 2011
AATS Leadership Academy: Preparing Yourself as a
Candidate. The 91st Annual American Association
for Thoracic Surgery Meeting. Philadelphia, PA,
May 2011.
MV Surgery in Pts with Ischemic Cardiomyopathy
and Mitral Regurgitation: The Impact of Repair vs.
Replacement? Discussant. The 91st Annual American Association for Thoracic Surgery Meeting. Philadelphia, PA, May 2011.
The Latest and Greatest in Heart Disease: Northwestern‘s Breakthrough Focus. Northwestern
Memorial Foundation Streeterville Program and
Awards, honors, presentations and publications
Reception. Chicago, IL, May 2011.
Ing FF, Jones TK, Kavinsky CJ, Kern M, Kreutzer J,
Lasala JM, Levi DS, Marshall A, McCarthy PM,
Bluhm Cardiovascular Institute Update. Northwest- Mccormick D, McElhinney DB, Mihaljevic T, Ohye
RG, Palacios IF, Qureshi SA, Reisman M, Ringel RE,
ern Medicine Management Group Meeting. ChiRogers JH, Sievert H, Turi ZG, Tuzcu EM, Webb JG,
cago IL, June 2011.
Zajarias A. The SCAI Structural Heart Disease Council: toward addressing training, credentialing, and
guidelines for structural heart disease intervention.
Catheter Cardiovasc Interv 2010;76(4):E87-9.
Ali BS, McCarthy PM, Riglolin VH. Mitral valve repair for myxomatous disease of the mitral
Vaduganathan M, Stone NJ, Lee R, McGee EC Jr,
valve. In: Lang RM, Goldstein SA, Kronzon I,
Malaisrie SC, Silverberg RA, McCarthy PM. PeKhandheria BK, eds. Dynamic echocardiograrioperative statin therapy reduces mortality in norphy. St. Louis, MI: Sauders/Elsevier, 2011:142molipidemic patients undergoing cardiac surgery. J
Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 2010;140(5):1018-27.
Malaisrie SC, Lee R, McGee EC Jr., McCarthy PM.
McCarthy PM, Sales VL. Evolving indications for
Median sternotomy and cardiopulmonary bypass. In: Soper NJ, Kaufman DB, eds. Northwest- tricuspid valve surgery. Curr Treat Options in Cardiovasc Med 2010;12(6):587-97.
ern handbook of surgical procedures. 2ndedition.
Austin, TX: Landes Bioscience, 2011:283-287.
Sales VL, McCarthy PM. Minimally invasive surgery
for atrial fibrillation. Tex Heart Inst J 2010;37
McCarthy PM, Malaisrie SC. Aortic valve replacement for severe aortic stenosis/aortic insufficiency (6):660-1.
with advanced left ventricular dysfunction. In:
Malaisrie SC, Tuday E, Lapin B, Lee R, McGee EC Jr,
Morgan JA, Yoshifumi N, eds. Atlas of surgical
Davidson C, Bonow RO, McCarthy PM. Transcathetreatment of advanced heart failure. Humana
ter aortic valve implantation decreases the rate of
Press, March 2011: (In Press).
unoperated aortic stenosis. Eur J Cardiothorac
Malairie SC, McCarthy PM, McGee EC, Lee R, Rigo- Surg 2011;40(1):43-8.
lin VH, Davidson CJ, Beohar N, Lapin B, Subacius H,
Atoui R, Yeldandi A, McCarthy PM, Lee R, Malaisrie
Bonow RO. Contemporary perioperative results of
SC, McGee EC Jr. An unusual case of a large cavisolated aortic valve replacement for aortic stenoernous hemangioma invading the left ventricular
sis. Ann Thorac Surg 2010;89:751-7.
apex. Ann Thorac Surg 2011;91(2):602-3.
McCarthy PM, Kruse J, Shalli S, Ilkhanoff L, GoldLee R, Li S, Rankin JS, O‘Brien SM, Gammie JS,
berger JJ, Kadish AH, Arora R, Lee R. Where does
Peterson ED, McCarthy PM, Edwards FH. The Sociatrial fibrillation surgery fail? Implications for increasing effectiveness of ablation. J Thorac Cardio- ety of Thoracic Surgeons Adult Cardiac Surgical
Database. Fifteen-year outcome trends for valve
vasc Surg 2010;139(4):860-7.
surgery in North America. Ann Thorac Sur 2011;91
McCarthy PM, Lee R, Foley JF, Phillips L, Kanayinkal T, Francischelli DE. Occlusion of canine atrial
Grady KL, Lee R, Subacius H, Malaisrie SC, McGee
appendage using an expandable silicone band. J
EC Jr, Kruse J, Goldberger JJ, McCarthy PM. ImThorac Cardiovasc Surg 2010;140:885-9.
provements in health-related quality of life before
Sales VL, McCarthy PM. Understanding the C-pulse and after isolated cardiac operations. Ann Thorac
device and its potential to treat heart failure. Curr Surg 2011; 91(3):777-83.
Heart Fail Rep 2010;7(1):27-34.
Tempelhof MW, Klein L, Cotts WG, Benzuly KH,
Davidson CJ, Meyers SN, McCarthy PM, Malaisrie
Sales VL, McCarthy PM. Durability of functional
SC, McGee EC Jr, Beohar N. Clinical experience
tricuspid valve repair. Semin Thorac Cardiovasc
and patient outcomes associated with the TandemSurg 2010 Spring;22(1):97-103.
Heart percutaneous transseptal assist device
Hirsch EM, Atoui R, McCarthy PM, McGee EC, Mal- among a heterogeneous patient population. ASAIO
J 2011;57(4):254-61.
aisrie SC, Lee R. Sternal salvage with rigid plating
system after failure of Talon device. Ann Thorac
McGee EC Jr, Ahmad U, Tamez D, Brown M, VoskoSurg 2010;90(4):1366.
boynikov N, Malaisrie SC, Lee R, McCarthy
PM. Biventricular continuous flow VADs demonHijazi ZM, Feldman TE, Ruiz CE, Amin Z, Bacha E,
strate diurnal flow variation and lead to end-organ
Bailey SR, Benson LN, Block PC, Bradley S, Brown
recovery. Ann Thorac Surg 2011;92(1):e1-3.
JW, Byrne JG, Carroll J, Cheatham JP, Cinquegrani
MP, Conte JV, Cribier AG, Cubeddu RJ, Forbes TJ,
Franzen O, Goldberg SL, Gruenstein DH, Hagler DJ, Lee R, McCarthy PM. Surgical ablation for atrial
Hanzel GS, Hassan W, Hellenbrand WE, El Said MH, fibrillation no all energy sources are created
equal. J Am Coll Cardiol 2011;58(2):200-1.
Herrmann H, Holmes DR Jr, Holzer RJ, Hoyer MH,
Page 46
McGee, Jr., Edwin Clyde, MD
McGee EC: ―Acute Surgical Mechanical Circulatory
Support‖ Presented at Third International Branislav
Brano Radovancevic Heart failure Forum. Portoroz,
Slovenia. September 2010
Aaronson K, Slaughter M, McGee EC, et al.
―Evaluation of the Heartware HVAD Left Ventricular
Assist System for the Treatment of Advanced Heart
Failure: Results of the ADVANCE Bridge to Transplant Trial‖. Presented at the American Heart Association – Scientific Sessions. November 2010
McGee EC: ―Mechanical Circulatory Support for
Cardiogenic Shock – Adult‖. Course Chair. Presented at the Society of Thoracic Surgeons 47th
Annual Meeting. January 2011
McGee EC: ―A Comparison of Post Heart Transplant
Outcomes of Patients with and without Pretransplant Assist Device Support?‖ Presented at
the International Heart and Lung Transplantation
31st Annual Meeting and Scientific Sessions. April
Malaisrie SC, Lee R, McGee EC Jr., McCarthy PM.
Median sternotomy and cardiopulmonary bypass.
In: Soper NJ, Kaufman DB, eds. Northwestern
handbook of surgical procedures. 2ndedition. Austin, TX: Landes Bioscience, 2011:283-287.
McGee EC. Heart Transplantation and Mechanical
Assistance in the Elderly. Cardiothoracic Surgery in
the Elderly. May 2011:453-460.
McGee EC, MacIver R, McCarthy PM. Transplantation for chronic ischemic CAD. In: Barsness GW,
Holmes DR, eds, Coronary Artery Disease: New
Approaches without Traditional Revascularization.
London: Springer-Verlag, November 2011: (In
Meyerson, Shari, MD
Appointed Associate Professor of Surgery, Feinberg
School of Medicine, October 2010
Distinguished Educator, Flinn Foundation, Phoenix
AZ, May 15, 2011
Speaker, Masters of Minimally Invasive Thoracic
Surgery, Troubleshooting thoracoscopic lobectomy:
Managing difficult situations. Orlando, FL, September 24, 2010
Speaker, Masters of Minimally Invasive Thoracic
Surgery, Thoracoscopic segmentectomy. Orlando,
Awards, honors, presentations and publications
FL, September 24, 2010
ments for Vertebrobasilar Ischemia. University of
Hogg ME, Morasch MD, Park T, Flannery WD,
Chicago Medical Center, Chicago, IL, November 11, Makaroun MS, Cho JS. Long-term Sac Behavior
Speaker, Masters of Minimally Invasive Thoracic
After Endovascular Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm
Surgery, Thoracoscopic bronchial stump coverRepair with the Excluder Low-permeability Endoage. Orlando, FL, September 24, 2010
Who's Who among Executives and Professionals,
prosthesis. J Vasc Surg 2010; 53(5):1178-83.
Speaker, Radiological Society of North America,
Lee CJ, Morasch MD. Endovascular Management
Surgery for primary lung cancer. Chicago, IL, No2010 Champions of Medicine
of Vertebral Artery Disease. Expert Review of Carvember 28, 2010.
diovascular Therapy 2011; 9(5):575-578.
Best Doctors in America 2011-2012
Speaker, Radiological Society of North America,
Naughton PA, Garcia-Toca M, Matsumura JS, RodriSurgical treatment for metastases to the lung.
guez HE, Morasch MD, Resnick SA, Eskandari MK.
Chicago, IL, November 28, 2010.
Complicated Acute Type B Thoracic Aortic DissecSpeaker, Stepwise Age-Related Outcomes of Elections: Endovascular Treatment of Visceral MalperSpeaker, American Association for Thoracic Surgery tive EVAR 10-Year Institutional Review. Ju M,
fusion and Pseudoaneurysms. Vasc Endovasc
Satellite Symposium, A review of anatomy, techKeldahl ML, Pearce WH, Morasch MD, Rodriguez
Surg 2011;45(3):219-226.
niques and tools in VATS lobectomy, Philadelphia,
HE, Kibbe MR, Eskandari MK. Midwestern VascuPA, May 8, 2011.
lar Surgical Society, Indianapolis, IN, September 10 Naughton PA, Garcia-Toca M, Rodriguez HE, Keel-12, 2010.
ing AN, Resnick SA, Morasch MD, Eskandari MK.
Speaker, 19th European Conference on General
Endovascular treatment of delayed type 1 and 3
Thoracic Surgery, Validation of a thoracoscopic
Speaker, How to Manage Infected Carotid Patches. endoleaks. Cardiovasc Intervent Radiol 2011
lobectomy simulator. Marseille, France, June 6,
VEITH Symposium 2010, New York, NY, November (available online November 25, 2010).
21, 2010.
Naughton PA, Garcia-Toca M, Rodriguez HE, Pearce
Speaker, Immune Response Following Exposures
WH, Eskandari MK, Morasch MD. Carotid Artery
to Topical Bovine Thrombin Does Not Impair Hemo- Reconstruction for Infected Carotid Patches. Eur J
Meyerson SL, Gustafson MR. Short term outcomes stasis. Paterson CA, Pixton G, Proskin HM, MasVasc Endovasc Surg. 2010;40(4):492-498.
after thoracoscopic lobectomy in elderly compared saro JM, Morasch MD, Fareed J, Ofosu FA, Cronto younger patients. Innovations: Technology andstein B. 52nd Annual American Society of Hematol- Paterson CA, Pixton GC, Proskin HM, Massaro JM,
Techniques in Cardiothoracic and Vascular Surogy Congress, Orlando, FL, December 4-7, 2010.
Morasch MD, Cronstein B, Fareed J, Ofosu FA.
gery, 2011; 6(1):28-31
Immune Responses Associated With Perioperative
Speaker, Carotid Patch Infections: How to Manage. Exposure and Reexposure to Topical Bovine ThromMiller, Joshua, MD
35th Annual Northwestern Vascular Symposium,
bin Do Not Impair Hemostasis. Clinical and Applied
Chicago, IL, December 10, 2011.
Thrombosis/Hemostasis 2011; DOI:
Speaker, Single Institutional Review of EndovascuAmerican Society of Transplant Surgeons – Genen- lar Treatment of Complicated Acute Type B Aortic
Koktzoglou I, Carr JC, Carroll TJ, Morasch MD, Li D.
tech Pioneer Award., 2011
Dissection. Chicago Surgical Society, Chicago, IL,
Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Atherosclerotic
March 10, 2011.
Plaque. In Carotid Artery Disease, Eskandari MK,
Pearce WH, Yao JS, eds. People‘s Medical
Speaker, Aneurysmal Extension to the Iliac Bifurca- Publishing House, 2010.
Miller J, Leventhal J, Friedewald J, Levitsky J, Chation: Comparison of Bell-Bottom Technique versus
rette J, Huang X, Gopalakrishnan MT,
Hypogastric Exclusion. Society for Vascular SurLee CJ, Gonzalez A, Morasch MD. Endovascular
Chandrasekaran D, Tambur A, Mathew JM. Engery, Chicago, IL, June 16-18, 2011.
Repair of Ruptured Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms.
hanced immunoregulatory profiles in HLA identical
In Aortic Aneurysm, R Grundmann, ed. ISBN 978renal transplant recipients given donor hematopoi- Publications
953-307-578-5. InTech Open Access Publisher
etic stem cells, alemtuzumab and sirolimus fol2011.
lowed by immunosuppression withdrawal. AmeriEskandari MK, Usman AA, Garcia-Toca M, Matsucan Transplant Congress, Philadelphia, Pennsylmura JS, Kibbe MR, Morasch MD, Rodriguez HE,
Leon L, Morasch MD, Rodriguez H. The
vania, May 2011.
Pearce WH. Eight-Year Institutional Review of Caprophylactic use of inferior vena cava filters. In
rotid Artery Stenting. J Vasc Surg 2010; 51:1145Venous Disorders, Kibbe MR, Pearce WH, Yao JS,
51, 2010. PMID: 20304594
eds. People‘s Medical Publishing House, 2010.
Levitsky J, Gallon L, Miller J, Tambur AR, Leventhal
J, Flaa C, Huang X, Sarraj B, Wang E, Mathew JM.
Allospecific regulatory effects of sirolimus and
tacrolimus in the human mixed lymphocyte reaction. Transplantation 2011;91:199-206.
Garcia-Toca M, Naughton PA, Matsumura JS, Morasch MD, Kibbe MR, Rodriguez HE, Pearce WH,
Eskandari MK. Endovascular Repair of Blunt Traumatic Thoracic Aortic Injuries: Seven-year Singlecenter Experience. Arch Surg 2010 Jul;145(7):67983. PMID: 20644131.
Morasch MD, Brown KE. Minimally Invasive Endovascular Repair of Acute and Chronic Thoracic
Aortic Pathology. In Trends and Outcomes in Endovascular Surgery, Matsumura JS, Morasch MD,
Pearce WH, Yao JST, eds. Evanston IL, Greenwood
Academic Press, 2008.
Garcia-Toca M, Rodriguez HE, Naughton PA, Keeling A, Phade SV, Morasch MD, Kibbe MR, Eskandari MK. Are carotid stent fractures clinically significant? Cardiovasc Intervent Radiol 2011
(available online March 24, 2011).
Morasch MD, Brown KE. Minimally Invasive Endovascular Repair of Acute and Chronic Thoracic
Aortic Pathology. In Surgery of the Aorta and Its
Body Branches, Morasch MD, Pearce WH, Yao JS,
eds. People‘s Medical Publishing House, 2010.
Morasch, Mark D., MD
Professor of Surgery
Visiting Professor, Surgical and Endovascular TreatPage 47
Awards, honors, presentations and publications
Morasch MD, Brown KE. Minimally Invasive Endovascular Repair of Acute and Chronic Thoracic
Aortic Pathology. In Surgery of the Aorta and Its
Body Branches (Chinese translation), Morasch MD,
Pearce WH, Yao JS, eds. People‘s Medical Publishing House, 2010.
Morasch MD. Carotid Endarterectomy. In Northwestern Handbook of Surgical Procedures, 2nd
Edition, Soper NJ, Kaufman D, eds. Landes Bioscience, 2010.
Naughton PA, Morasch MD. Carotid Artery Reconstruction for Infected Carotid Patches. In New
Morasch MD, Eskandari MK, Garcia-Toca M. EnFindings in Vascular Surgery, Eskandari MK, Modovascular Management of Traumatic Thoracic
rasch MD, Pearce WH, Yao JST, eds. People‘s
Aortic Injuries. In Endovascular Technology, Eskan- Medical Publishing House, 2010.
dari MK, Morasch MD, Pearce WH, Yao JST, eds.
People‘s Medical Publishing House, Shelton CT,
Peterson BG, Eskandari MK, Morasch MD.
Endovascular Stent-graft Placement for Emergent
Traumatic Thoracic Aortic Disruption. In Surgery of
Morasch MD. Aortic Arch Surgery – Indications,
the Aorta and Its Body Branches, Morasch MD,
Decision Analysis, Options and Technique. In Hem- Pearce WH, Yao JS, eds. People‘s Medical
orrhagic and Ischemic Stroke, Bendok BR, Batjer
Publishing House, Shelton CT, 2010.
HH, Naidech AM, Walker MT, eds. New York, NY,
Thieme Medical Publishers, Inc., 2010.
Peterson BG, Eskandari MK, Morasch MD.
Endovascular stent-graft placement for emergent
Morasch MD. Aortic Recostruction with Cryopretraumatic thoracic aortic disruption. In Surgery of
served Human Allografts in the Setting of Infection. the Aorta and Its Body Branches (Chinese
In Surgery of the Aorta and Its Body Branches,
translation), Morasch MD, Pearce WH, Yao JS, eds.
Morasch MD, Pearce WH, Yao JS, eds. People‘s
People‘s Medical Publishing House, Shelton CT,
Medical Publishing House, 2010.
Morasch MD. Aortic Recostruction with Cryopreserved Human Allografts in the Setting of Infection.
In Surgery of the Aorta and Its Body Branches
(Chinese translation), Morasch MD, Pearce WH,
Yao JS, eds. People‘s Medical Publishing House,
Morasch MD. EVAR for the Treatment of Ruptured
AAA. In Surgery of the Aorta and Its Body
Branches, Morasch MD, Pearce WH, Yao JS, eds.
People‘s Medical Publishing House, 2010.
Morasch MD. EVAR for the Treatment of Ruptured
AAA. In Surgery of the Aorta and Its Body
Branches (Chinese translation), Morasch MD,
Pearce WH, Yao JS, eds. People‘s Medical Publishing House, 2010.
Eskandari MK, Morasch MD, Pearce WH, Yao JST,
eds. Endovascular Technology. People‘s Medical
Publishing House, Shelton CT, 2011.
Eskandari MK, Morasch MD, Pearce WH, Yao JST,
eds. New Findings in Vascular Surgery, People‘s
Medical Publishing House, 2010.
Eskandari MK, Morasch MD, Pearce WH, Yao JST,
eds. Vascular Surgery: Therapeutic Strategies.
People‘s Medical Publishing House—USA, Shelton,
CT, 2010.
Speaker, ―Pathogenesis of AAA.‖ University of
Colorado Surgery Grand Rounds, Denver, CO, September 13, 2010.
Speaker, ―Vascular Surgery Training: Shifting
Sands.‖ Denver Academy of Surgery, Denver, CO,
September 13, 2010.
Speaker, ―Pathogenesis of AAA.‖ St. Joseph Hospital Grand Rounds, Denver, CO, September 14,
Speaker, ―Unusual Varicose Veins.‖ 35th Annual
Northwestern Vascular Symposium, Chicago, IL,
December 10, 2010.
Speaker, ―Acute and Chronic Venous Disorders in
Women.‖ 4th Annual Women‘s Cardiovascular
Health Symposium, Chicago, IL May 4, 2011
Burt RK, Testori A, Oyama Y, Rodriguez HE, Yaung
K, Villa M, Bucha JM, Milanetti F, Sheehan J, Rajamannan N, Pearce WH. Autologous peripheral
blood CD133+ cell implantation for limb salvage in
patients with critical limb ischemia. Bone Marrow
Transplant 2010;45:111-116.
Eskandari MK, Usman AA, Garcia-Toca M, Matsumura JS, Kibbe MR, Morasch MD, Rodriguez HE,
Pearce WH. Eight-Year Institutional Review of Carotid Artery Stenting. J Vasc Surg 2010; 51:114551, 2010. PMID: 20304594
Garcia-Toca M, Naughton PA, Matsumura JS,
Morasch MD, Kibbe MR, Rodriguez HE, Pearce
WH, Eskandari MK. Endovascular Repair of Blunt
Traumatic Thoracic Aortic Injuries: Seven-year
Morasch MD, Pearce WH, Yao JST, eds. Surgery of Single-center Experience. Arch Surg 2010 Jul;145
Morasch MD. Subclavian Artery Reconstruction. In the Aorta and Its Body Branches. People‘s Medical (7):679-83. PMID: 20644131.
Carotid Artery Disease, Eskandari MK, Pearce WH, Publishing House, 2010.
Yao JS, eds. People‘s Medical Publishing House,
Lautz TB, Abbas F, Novis Walsh SJ, Chow C, Ama2009.
Patel, Pravin MD
ranto DJ, Wang E, Blackburn D, Pearce WH, Kibbe
MR. Isolated Gastrocnemius and Soleal Vein
Morasch MD. TEVAR following FDA approval: RePublications
Thrombosis (IGSVT): Should these Patients Receive
sults of the TAG 05-02 Post-Marketing Study. In
Therapeutic Anticoagulation? Ann Surg. 2010
Vascular Surgery- A Manual for Survival. Eskandari Sawardekar A, Jagannathan N, Patel PK, Nadkarni Apr;251(4):735-42. PMID: 19858700.
MK, Morasch MD, Pearce WH, Yao JS eds. EvansA. Retrograde fiberoptic technique to avoid tracheoton IL, Greenwood Academic Press, 2009.
stomy in a patient with a tracheocutaneous fistula McDermott MM, MD, Liu K, Carroll TJ, Tian L, Ferand Treacher Collins syndrome. J Craniofac Surg.
rucci L, Li D, Carr J, Guralnik JM, Kibbe M, Pearce
Morasch MD. Upper Extremity Arterial Disease. In 2011 Jan;22(1):255-6.
WH, Yuan C, McCarthy W, Kramer CM, Tao H, Liao
Greenfield’s Surgery: Scientific Principles & PracY, Clark ET, Xu D, Berry J, Orozco J, Sharma L,
tice, 5th Edition, Mullholland M, Lillemore K, DoPearce, William H., MD
Criqui MH. Superficial Femoral Artery Plaque and
herty G, Maier R, Simeone D, Upchurch G eds.
Functional Performance in Peripheral Arterial DisPhiladelphia, PA, Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins,
ease: The Walking and Leg Circulation Study
(WALCS III). JACC: Cardiovascular Imaging. Circ
Speaker, ―Stem Cells Have Not Worked to Date:
Cardiovasc Imaging. 2011 Mar 24. [Epub ahead of
Morasch MD. Vertebral Artery Disease. In Vascular Will Embryonic Stem Cells Make a Difference?‖ 8th print] PMID: 21436300
Surgery, 7th ed. Rutherford RB, ed. Elsevier SciWestern Vascular Institute Symposium, Galway,
ence, 2010.
Ireland, June 24-25, 2010.
Naughton PA, Garcia-Toca M, Rodriguez HE, Pearce
WH, Eskandari MK, Morasch MD. Carotid Artery
Page 48
Morasch MD, Pearce WH, Yao JST, eds. Surgery of
the Aorta and Its Body Branches (Chinese translation). People‘s Medical Publishing House, 2010.
Speaker, ―Keeping Your Legs Healthy.‖ Northwestern Lake Forest Hospital Partners in Health, Lake
Forest, IL August 19, 2010.
Awards, honors, presentations and publications
Reconstruction for Infected Carotid Patches. Eur J
Vasc Endovasc Surg. 2010;40(4):492-498.
Pugh, Carla M., MD, PhD
Barbalat ES, Pearce WH. Thoracic outlet syndrome—Which way to go? In Eskandari MK, Morasch MD, Pearce WH, Yao JST, eds. Vascular
Surgery: Therapeutic Strategies. People‘s Medical
Publishing House—USA, Shelton, CT, 2010.
Rosinberg A, Pearce WH. Subclavian artery aneurysms. In Eskandari MK, Morasch MD, Pearce
WH, Yao JST, eds. Vascular Surgery: Therapeutic
Strategies. People‘s Medical Publishing House—
USA, Shelton, CT, 2010.
Chosen as one of the Top 25 Most Influential African American Physicians in Chicago – Black Health
Raval MV, Bilimoria KY, Bentrem DJ, Stewart AK,
Ko CY, Reynolds M, Wayne JD. Use of sentinel
Invited Keynote Speaker - Science Chicago Address lymph node biopsy for melanoma in children and
– Malcolm X College, October 2010
adolescents. J Surg Oncol. 2010 Nov 1;102(6):634
Invited Keynote Speaker – Science, Inventorship &
Entrepreneurship – Olive Harvey College,
Raval MV, Bentrem DJ, Stewart AK, Ko CY, ReyNovember 2010
nolds M. Utilization of total thyroidectomy for differentiated thyroid cancer in children. Ann Surg Oncol.
Featured in a Channel 7 ABC News Segment –
2010 Oct;17(10):2545-53. Epub 2010 Apr 29.
Black History Month, February 2011
PubMed PMID: 20429037.
Pearce WH, Burt R, Peterson B. The use of stem
cells in the treatment of inoperatle limb ischemia.
In Rodriguez HE, Pearce WH, Yao JST, eds. Modern
Trends in Vascular Surgery: The Ischemic
News Article, Associated Press, March 23, 2011
Extremity—New Findings and Treatment. Shelton
National Institutes of Health Study Section MemCT: PMPH—USA, Ltd., 2010.
ber: Bioengineering, Technology and Surgical Sciences (BTSS) – 2011
Pearce WH, Matsumura JS, Yao JST. Arterial injuries in thoracic outlet compression. In Rodriguez
HE, Pearce WH, Yao JST, eds. Modern Trends in
Vascular Surgery: The Ischemic Extremity—New
Patents, Inventions & Disclosures–AAS Fall Course,
Findings and Treatment. Shelton CT: PMPH—USA, October 2010
Ltd., 2010.
Education, Patient Safety & Simulation – 6th Annual
Pearce WH, Rosinberg A, Brown KE. Unusual Vari- Academic Surgical Congress, February 2011
cose Veins of the Lower Extremities. In Eskandari
MK, Morasch MD, Pearce WH, Yao JST, eds. New
Decision Based Metrics – Medicine Meets Virtual
Findings in Vascular Surgery. People‘s Medical
Reality Surgical Simulation Conference, February
Publishing House, 2010.
Pearce WH, Tang GL. Unusual exposure for lower
extremity revascularization. In Rodriguez HE,
Pearce WH, Yao JST, eds. Modern Trends in Vascular Surgery: The Ischemic Extremity—New Findings
and Treatment. Shelton CT: PMPH—USA, Ltd.,
Pearce WH. Argument for open repair. In Morasch
MD, Pearce WH, Yao JST, eds. Modern Trends
in Vascular Surgery: Surgery of the Aorta and Its
Body Branches.
―Building a career pathway: opportunities, obstacles and getting past them‖ – Royal Australasian
College of Surgeons: Annual Scientific Congress,
Australia May 2011
―Training for the 21 century‖ - Mini-Symposium:
Royal Australasian College of Surgeons: Annual
Scientific Congress, Australia May 2011
Reynolds, Marleta, MD
Preczewski, Luke
Speaker, American Transplant Congress – UNOS
May Have Underestimated the Data Collection
Burden It Places on Transplant Centers in Its Required Justification to the White House Office of
Management and Budget, Philadelphia, May 2,
Theodoropoulos, N., McNatt, G., Preczewski, L.,
DeMayo, E., Stosor, V., Ison, M. Use of QuantiFERON-TB Gold Assay for Screening Transplant
Candidates: A Single Center Experience. Transplant
Infectious Disease. In Press.
Page 49
Raval MV, Wang X, Reynolds M, Fischer AC. Costs
of congenital diaphragmatic hernia repair in the
United States-extracorporeal membrane oxygenation foots the bill. J Pediatr Surg. 2011 Apr;46
Visiting Professor and Inaugural Lecturer: Patricia
C. Moynihan Women in Academic Surgery Lectureship at East Tennessee State University, Sept,
Lautz TB, Raval MV, Reynolds M, Barsness KA.
Adhesive small bowel obstruction in children and
adolescents: operative utilization and factors associated with bowel loss. J Am Coll Surg. 2011 May;
Lautz TB, Raval MV, Reynolds M. Does timing matter? A national perspective on the risk of incarceration in premature neonates with inguinal hernia. J
Pediatr. 2011 Apr;158(4):573-7.
Raval MV, Dzakovic A, Bentrem DJ, Reynolds M,
Superina R. Trends in age for hepatoportoenterostomy in the United States. Surgery. 2010
Oct;148(4):785-91; discussion 791-2.
Raval MV, Lautz T, Reynolds M, Browne M. Dollars
and sense of interval appendectomy in children: a
cost analysis. J Pediatr Surg. 2010 Sep;45(9):1817
-25. PubMed PMID: 20850626.
Rodriguez, Heron E., MD
Outstanding Teaching Award, Feinberg School of
Speaker; Endovascular Management of Aortic
Aneurysms. International Course of Cardiology
CICAP 2010. Hospital Angeles de Puebla. Puebla,
Mexico, September 11, 2010.
Speaker; Importance of angiosomes in limb salvage. 35th Annual Northwestern Vascular Symposium, Chicago, IL, December 9, 2010.
Speaker; Advances in Vascular Surgery. Congreso
Medico UPAEP, UPAEP University, Puebla Mexico,
March 12, 2011.
Lecturer; Management of carotid disease – A surgeon‘s perspective. Peripheral Arterial Interventions, 6th Annual SIR Fellows Spring Practicum,
Evanston, IL May 12, 2011.
Lecturer; AAA Repair – A surgeon‘s perspective.
Peripheral Arterial Interventions, 6th Annual SIR
Fellows Spring Practicum, Evanston, IL May 12,
Speaker; Stroke Prevention: Carotid Endarterectomy. Healthy Transitions program, Northwestern
Memorial Hospital, Chicago, IL, May 25, 2011.
Awards, honors, presentations and publications
eds. People‘s Medical Publishing House, 2010.
Shapiro, Michael B., MD
Burt RK, Testori A, Oyama Y, Rodriguez HE, Yaung
K, Villa M, Bucha JM, Milanetti F, Sheehan J, Rajamannan N, Pearce WH. Autologous peripheral
blood CD133+ cell implantation for limb salvage in
patients with critical limb ischemia. Bone Marrow
Transplant 2010;45:111-116.
Rodriguez HE, Galiano RD. The Importance of
Angiosomes in limb Salvage. In: Eskandari
MK, Morasch MD, Pearce WH, Yao JSTY (eds), New
Findings in Vascular Surgery, People‘s Medical
Publishing House-USA 2011, pp. 107-112.
Eskandari MK, Usman AA, Garcia-Toca M, Matsumura JS, Kibbe MR, Morasch MD, Rodriguez HE,
Pearce WH. Eight-Year Institutional Review of Carotid Artery Stenting. J Vasc Surg 2010; 51:114551, 2010. PMID: 20304594
Garcia-Toca M, Naughton PA, Matsumura JS, Morasch MD, Kibbe MR, Rodriguez HE, Pearce WH,
Eskandari MK. Endovascular Repair of Blunt Traumatic Thoracic Aortic Injuries: Seven-year Singlecenter Experience. Arch Surg 2010 Jul;145(7):67983. PMID: 20644131.
Garcia-Toca M, Rodriguez HE, Naughton PA, Keeling A, Phade SV, Morasch MD, Kibbe MR, Eskandari MK. Are carotid stent fractures clinically significant? Cardiovasc Intervent Radiol 2011
(available online March 24, 2011).
Speicher PJ, Rodriguez HE. Infectious Aortitis. In:
Yao JSTY, Pearce WH, Eskandari MK, Morasch
MD (eds), Vascular Surgery, Therapeutic Strategies, People‘s Medical Publishing House-USA
2010, pp. 409-420.
Rodriguez HE, Turner JP, Speicher P, DaRosa D,
Daskin MS. A model for evaluating resident
education with a focus on continuity of care and
educational quality. J Surg Edu. 2010;67(6)352-8
Kuo L, Rodriguez HE. Popliteal Pathology. In: Yao
JSTY, Pearce WH, Eskandari MK, Morasch MD
(eds), Vascular Surgery, Therapeutic Strategies,
People‘s Medical Publishing House-USA 2010, pp.
Leon L, Morasch MD, Rodriguez H. The
prophylactic use of inferior vena cava filters. In
Venous Disorders, Kibbe MR, Pearce WH, Yao JS,
Page 50
National Board of Medical Examiners, USMLE Step
3 Utilization of Resources Test Material
Development Committee, 2010
Trauma Assessment: Controlling Chaos‖ – AO
North America Nursing Continuing Education:
Multispecialty Course for Operating Room Personnel, Lombard, Illinois. June 26, 2010
Rowell EE, Chin AC. Laparoscopic repair of traumatic abdominal wall hernia from handlebar injury.
J Pediatr Surg. 2011 May;46(5):e9-e12.
Lautz TB, Tantemsapya N, Rowell perina RA. Management and classification of type II congenital
portosystemic shunts. J Pediatr Surg. 2011:Feb;46
―ECMO for Adult Respiratory Failure: 2011‖ – Department of Surgery Grand Rounds, Northwestern
University Feinberg School of Medicine, Chicago,
Illinois, June 23, 2010
Speaker, Congenital Heart Surgeons‘ Society 2010
Annual Meeting, A Simplified Categorization for
Common Arterial Trunk, Chicago, IL, October 25,
Naughton PA, Garcia-Toca M, Rodriguez HE, Pearce
Speaker, Southern Thoracic Surgical Association
WH, Eskandari MK, Morasch MD. Carotid Artery
Reconstruction for Infected Carotid Patches. Eur J 57th Annual Meeting, Outcomes of Radial Incision
of the Tricuspid Valve for VSD Closure. Orlando, FL,
Vasc Endovasc Surg. 2010;40(4):492-498.
November 3-6, 2010.
Naughton PA, Wandling M, Phade S, Garcia-Toca
M, Carr JC, Rodriguez HE. Initmal angiosarcoma
causing abdominal aortic rupture. J Vasc Surg.
Eastern Association for the Surgery of Trauma,
Seniors Committee, 2010
Rowell, Erin, MD
Patel A, Gossett JJ, Benton T, Rowell E, Russell H,
Naughton PA, Garcia-Toca M, Matsumura JS, Rodri- Cham E, Pahl E. Fulminant Clostridium difficile toxic
megacolon in a pediatric heart transplant recipient.
guez HE, Morasch MD, Resnick SA, Eskandari
Pediatr Transplant. 2010 Oct 1. [Epub ahead of
MK. Complicated Acute Type B Thoracic Aortic
Dissections: Endovascular Treatment of Visceral
Malperfusion and Pseudoaneurysms. Vasc EnRussell, Hyde, MD
dovasc Surg 2011;45(3):219-226.
Naughton PA, Garcia-Toca M, Rodriguez HE, Keeling AN, Resnick SA, Morasch MD, Eskandari MK.
Endovascular treatment of delayed type 1 and 3
endoleaks. Cardiovasc Intervent Radiol 2011
(available online November 25, 2010).
Outstanding Teaching Award, Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, 2010-11
Naidech, AM, Levasseur K, Liebling S, Garg RK,
Shapiro M, Ault ML, Afifi S, Batjer HH. Moderate
Hypoglycemia Is Associated With Vasospasm, Cerebral Infarction and 3-Month Disability After Subarachnoid Hemorrhage. Neurocritical Care 2010,
Qian WJ, Petritis BO, Kaushal A, Finnerty CC,
Jeschke MG, Monroe ME, Moore RJ, Schepmoes
AA, Xiao W, Moldawer LL, Davis RW, Tompkins RG,
Herndon DN, Camp DG 2 , Smith RD, Inflammation
and the Host Response to Injury Large Scale Collaborative Research Program (Shapiro, MB).
Plasma Proteome Response to Severe Burn Injury
Revealed by 180-Labeled ―Universal‖ ReferenceBased Quantitative Proteomics. Journal of Proteome Research 2010, 9:4779-4789.
Skaro, Anton, MD, PhD
Speaker, Society of Thoracic Surgeons 47th Annual
Meeting, Outcomes of Common Arterial Trunk with Publications
Truncal Valve Insufficiency: A Review of the STS
Congenital Heart Surgery Database. San Diego, CA, Keeling AN, Flaherty JD, Davarpanah AH, Ambrosy
January 31-February 2, 2011.
A, Farrelly CT, Harinstein ME, Flamm SL, Abecassis
MI, Skaro AI, Carr JC, Gheorghiade M. Coronary
multidetector computed tomographic angiography
to evaluate coronary artery disease in liver transRussell HM, Jacobs ML, Anderson RH, Mavroudis C, plant candidates: methods, feasibility and initial
Spicer D, Corcrain E, Backer CL. A simplified cateexperience. J Cardiovasc Med (Hagerstown) 2011
gorization for common arterial trunk. J Thorac Car- May 22 [Epub ahead of print].
diovasc Surg 2011;141:645-653.
Jay C, Skaro A, Ladner D, Wang E, Lyuksemburg V,
Russell HM, Backer CL. Pediatric thoracic probKang R, Feinglass J, Holl JL, Abecassis M. A comlems: patent ductus arteriosus, vascular rings,
prehensive risk assessment of mortality following
congenital tracheal stenosis, and pectus deformidonation after cardiac death liver transplant - an
ties. Surg Clin North Am 2010;90:1091-1113.
analysis of the national registry. J Hepatol 2011
Feb 18 [Epub ahead of print].
Awards, honors, presentations and publications
Jay CL, Lyuksemburg V, Ladner DP, Wang E,
Caicedo JC, Holl JL, Abecassis MM, Skaro AI.
Ischemic cholangiopathy after controlled donation
after cardiac death liver transplantation: a metaanalysis. Ann Surg 2011;253:259-64.
Invited Speaker: XXXIV International Congress of
the Mexican Surgical Association, PG Course II:
Usefulness of laparoscopic ultrasound in gastrointestinal surgery, Guadalajara, Mexico, October 27,
Skaro AI, Jay CL, Ladner D, Abecassis MM. Trends
in donation after cardiac death and donation after
brain death--reading between the lines. Am J Transplant 2010;10:2390-1.
Invited Speaker: XXXIV International Congress of
the Mexican Surgical Association, PG Course II:
―Single Port Laparoscopic Surgery: NOTES surgery,
current status‖, Guadalajara, Mexico, October 27,
Soper, Nathaniel J., MD
Invited Speaker: XXXIV International Congress of
the Mexican Surgical Association, State of the Art
Lecture, ―Preventing CBD injuries during lap cholecystectomy, Guadalajara, Mexico, October 28,
Named in Chicago Magazine – Top Doctor, 2010
Visiting Professor, Virginia Mason Medical Center,
Seattle, WA, 2010
Invited Speaker: 2nd Annual International Conference in Surgery: ―Teaching old dogs new tricks:
Achieving laparoscopic competence for postgraduate trainees‖, Barcelona, Spain, December 8,
Visiting Professor, University of Washington School
of Medicine, Seattle, WA, 2010
Visiting Professor, University of Virginia Health
System, Charlottesville, VA, 2010
Invited Speaker: 2nd Annual International Conference in Surgery: ―Do we need clinical trials in
NOTES?‖, Barcelona, Spain, December 8, 2010
Visiting Professor, Stanford University Medical
Center, Stanford, CA, 2011
Invited Lecturer: Stanford University Medical Center, Lecture in Surgery: ―Minimally Invasive GI Surgery: Past, Present and (?) Future‖, Stanford, CA
Feb 1, 2011
Named Recorder for Society for Surgery of the
Alimentary Tract, 2011
Invited Lecturer: The Queen‘s Medical Center Minimally Invasive Surgery Symposium, ―Current Opinion, Outcomes and Techniques‖, Fundamentals of
Laparoscopic Surgery (FLS): Teaching Old Dogs
New Tricks: Achieving Laparoscopic Competence
for Trainees, Honolulu, HI February 25, 2011
Organizer, Co-Course Director and Speaker: From
GERD to Esophageal Cancer: A State of the Art
Multidisciplinary Approach to Management of Barrett‘s Esophagus, Chicago, Illinois, September 2425, 2010
Invited Speaker: American College of Surgeons 96
Clinical Congress, Fundamentals of Laparoscopic
Surgery: Introduction and Rational for FLS, Washington, DC, and October 3, 2010
Invited Speaker: American College of Surgeons 96
Clinical Congress, SILS Surgery Lecture: Defining
the Critical View and CBD Injury, Washington, DC,
October 5, 2010
Invited Speaker: American College of Surgeons 96
Clinical Congress, Video Presentation – Discussant
for Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy, Washington,
DC, October 6, 2010
Invited Speaker: XXXIV International Congress of
the Mexican Surgical Association, PG Course II,
Module I: ―Technique of repair of paraesophageal
hiatal hernia, Guadalajara, Mexico, October 26,
Invited Speaker: XXXIV International Congress of
the Mexican Surgical Association, State of the Art
Lecture: ―Laparoscopic fundoplication. How to
avoid failures‖, Guadalajara, Mexico, October 26,
Page 51
Invited Lecturer: The Queen‘s Medical Center Minimally Invasive Surgery Symposium, ―Current Opinion, Outcomes and Techniques‖, Fundamentals of
Laparoscopic Surgery (FLS): Laparoscopic Paraesophageal Hernia Repair: Technical Tips & Update
on the Use of Biologic Mesh Reinforcement, Honolulu, HI February 25, 2011
cholecystectomy" Strasbourg, France, April 16,
Invited Speaker: IRCAD 2011, ―Foregut: Laparoscopic repair of paraesophageal hiatal hernia‖,
Strasbourg, France, April 16, 2011
Invited Speaker: DDW 2011, SSAT PG Course:
―When should mesh be used?‖, Chicago, IL, May 7,
Invited Speaker, DDW 2011, SSAT/ISDS Symposium: ―What do you do when the first operation
doesn't work or goes wrong?‖, Chicago, IL, May 10,
Invited Speaker, Rex Healthcare: ―Laparoscopic
Fundoplication for GERD; Optimizing Results‖,
Raleigh-Durham, NC, June 30, 2011
Santos BF, Enter D, Soper NJ and Hungness EH.
(2011) Single-Incision Laparoscopic Surgery
(SILS™) Versus Standard Laparoscopic Surgery: a
comparison of performance using a surgical simulator. Surg Endosc 25(2): 483-90
Okrainec A, Soper NJ, Swanstrom LL, Fried GM,
Trends and results of the first 5 years of Fundamentals of Laparoscopic Surgery (FLS) certification
testing. Surg Endosc (published online September
25, 2010)
Santos BF, Auyang ED, Hungness ES, Desai KR,
Chan ES, van Beek DB, Wang EC and Soper NJ.
(2011) Preoperative ultrasound measurements
predict the feasibility of gallbladder extraction
during transgastric natural orifice translumenal
endoscopic surgery cholecystectomy, Surg Endosc
25 (4):1168-1175.
Marks J, Tacchino B, Roberts K, Onders R, Denoto
G, Paraskeva P, Rivas H, Soper N, Rosemurgy A,
Shah S, et al. (2011) Prospective randomized controlled trial of traditional laparoscopic cholecystectomy versus single-incision laparoscopic cholecystectomy: Report of preliminary data. Am J of Surg
201(3): 369-372
Invited Lecturer: The Queen‘s Medical Center Minimally Invasive Surgery Symposium, ―Current Opinion, Outcomes and Techniques‖, Operative Strate- van Beek DB, Auyang ED, Soper NJ. (2011) A comgies for the Difficult Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy, prehensive review of laparoscopic redo fundoplicaHonolulu, HI February 25, 2011
tion. Surg Endosc. 25:706-712
Invited Speaker: SAGES 2011, ―Technical Pearls in
Laparoscopic Fundoplication – Tricks and Tools for
a Safe and Effective Operation‖, San Antonio, TX,
March 30, 2011
Soper NJ, Kaufman DP, eds. (2011): Northwestern
Handbook of Surgical Procedures, 2 Ed, Landes
Bioscience, Austin, TX
Stryker, Steven, MD
Invited Speaker: SAGES 2011, ―Advanced Ventral
Hernia Repair, Hiatal Hernia Repair and Mesh:
Who, How and What Have We Learned?‖, San
Antonio, TX, April 1, 2011
Invited Speaker: IRCAD 2011, ―Biliary Tract Surgery: Tips and tricks for the difficult laparoscopic
Speaker, Institute for Women‘s Health Research
Monthly Forum, Effective Measure to Reduce the
Risk of Colorectal Cancer, Chicago, IL, October 20,
The Surgical Scope
Awards, honors, presentations and publications
Speaker, Preventive Care and Integrative Medicine: Focus on Oncology and New Strategies in
Preventive Medicine, Steps to Reduce or Eliminate
the Risk of Colorectal Cancer, Chicago, IL, December 11, 2010
Ridge JA, Shah JP, Sherman SI, STURGEON C, Waguespack SG, Wang TN, Wirth LJ. Thyroid Carcinoma. J Natl Compr Canc Netw. 2010 Nov 1;8
Sturgeon C and Elaraj D. Modified Radical Neck
Dissection. In. Chen, H ed. Illustrative Handbook
of General Surgery. 1 Ed. Springer 2010. pp 1722.
Incorporating Fertility Preservation into the Care of
Young Oncology Patients. Redig A, Brannigan R,
Stryker SJ, Woodruff TK, Jeruss JS. Cancer
Elaraj D and Sturgeon C. Central neck dissection.
Illustrative Handbook of General Surgery. 1st Ed.
Springer 2010. Pp 11-16
Superina RA. Successful nontransplant resection of
POST-TEXT III and IV hepatoblastoma. Cancer.
2010 Nov 16.
Lautz T, Tantemsapya N, Dzakovic A, Superina R.
Focal nodular hyperplasia in children: clinical features and current management practice. J Pediatr
Surg. 2010:Sep;45(9):1797-803.
Raval MV, Dzakovic A, Bentrem DJ, Reynolds M,
Superina R. Trends in age for hepatoportoenterostomy in the United States. Surgery. 2010
Oct;148(4):785-91; discussion 791-2.
Sturgeon, Cord, MD
American College of Surgeons Committee on Applicants 2010-curr
Association for Academic Surgery Global Affairs
Committee 2010-curr
American Association of Endocrine Surgeons Education / Research Committee 2010-curr
Elaraj D and Sturgron C. Papillary thyroid carcinoma. In Morita S, Dackiw A, and Zeiger M. eds.
Endocrine Surgery. McGraw-Hill 2010. pp 47-64.
Swaroop, Mamta, MD
Sturgeon C and Elaraj D. Parathyroidectomy: 4 gland
exploration. In: Soper N and Kaufman D eds. Northwestern Handbook of Surgical Procedures. 2 Ed.
Landis. 2011.
Board Certification in Surgical Critical Care, American Board of Surgery, 2010
Sturgeon C and Elaraj D. Functional neck dissection
for thyroid cancer. In: Soper N and Kaufman D eds.
Northwestern Handbook of Surgical Procedures. 2
Ed. Landis. 2011.
Elected to Global Affairs Committee, Association for
Academic Surgery, 2011
Liaison to French Association for Academic Surgery
Course 2011
Northwestern University Department of Surgery
Teaching Award 2010
American Physicians Institute. Endocrine Surgery
Review. September 25, 2010. Schaumberg, IL.
St. Elizabeth Hospital Grand Rounds. Graves‘ Disease. October 19, 2010. Chicago, IL.
Speaker, TRAUMA 2010, Recent Advances in the
Management of Thoracic Trauma, New Delhi, India,
November 2010.
Elaraj D and Sturgeon C. Enucleation of insulinoma.
In: Soper N and Kaufman D eds. Northwestern Handbook of Surgical Procedures. 2 Ed. Landis. 2011.
Speaker, TRAUMA 2010, Damage Control Laparotomy: Does it Stand the Evidence Test?, New Delhi,
Sturgeon C and Elaraj D. Thyroidectomy. In: Soper N India, November 2010.
and Kaufman D eds. Northwestern Handbook of
Surgical Procedures. 2 Ed. Landis. 2011.
Course Director: Trauma Alert INDUS-EM Varodara,
India, October 2010.
Elaraj D and Sturgeon C. Focused parathyroidectomy
for primary hyperparathyroidism. In: Soper N and
Chairperson: Sesion Public Health Aspects of Mass
Kaufman D eds. Northwestern Handbook of Surgical Casualty Response, INDUS-EM, Vadodara, India,
Procedures. 2 Ed. Landis. 2011.
October 2010.
Hinsdale Hospital Grand Rounds. Hypercalcemia.
November 18, 2010. Hinsdale, IL.
Thyroid Cancer Survivors Association (ThyCa) Thyroid Cancer Update 2011. Screening and Treatment for Recurrent Thyroid Cancer. May 2, 2011.
Chicago, IL.
American Association of Endocrine Surgeons 32
Annual Meeting. What Do I Do Now? Management of
Routine and Complex Thyroid Issues: The Surgical
Perspective. April 10, 2011. Houston, TX.
Raval MV, Sturgeon C, Bentrem DJ, Elaraj DM,
Stewart AK, Winchester DJ, Ko CY, Reynolds M.
Influence of lymph node metastases on survival in
pediatric medullary thyroid cancer. J Pediatr Surg.
2010 Oct;45(10):1947-54.
Tuttle RM, Ball DW, Byrd D, Dilawari RA, Doherty
GM, Duh QY, Ehya H, Farrar WB, Haddad RI, Kandeel F, Kloos RT, Kopp P, Lamonica DM, Loree TR,
Lydiatt WM, McCaffrey JC, Olson JA Jr, Parks L,
Page 52
Elaraj D and Sturgeon C. Laparoscopic adrenalecSpeaker, INDUS-EM, Abdominal Pain in Pregnancy,
tomy. In: Soper N and Kaufman D eds. Northwestern Vadodara, India, October 2010.
Handbook of Surgical Procedures. 2 Ed. Landis.
Speaker, Maharishi Markandeshwar University, An
Academic Trauma Center: Blending Emergency
Superina, Riccardo, MD
Medicine, Trauma, and Critical Care. Ambala, India,
October 2010.
Tambur, Anat, DDS, PhD
Lautz TB, Ben-Ami T, Tantemsapya N, Gosiengfiao Y,
Superina RA. Successful nontransplant resection of
POST-TEXT III and IV hepatoblastoma. Cancer. 2011
May 1;117(9):1976-83.
Levitsky J, Gallon L, Miller J, Tambur AR, Leventhal
J, Flaa C, Huang X, Sarraj B, Wang E, Mathew JM.
Lautz TB, Dzakovic A, Superina RA. Successful mesAllospecific regulatory effects of sirolimus and
enterico-left portal vein bypass in a child with duplitacrolimus in the human mixed lymphocyte reaccated round ligaments and rex recessi. J Pediatr Surg. tion. Transplantation 2011;91:199-206. Epub
2011 Apr;46(4):749-52.
2010 Dec 1.
Lautz TB, Tantemsapya N, Rowell E, Superina RA.
Management and classification of type II congenital
portosystemic shunts. J Pediatr Surg. 2011:Feb;46
Lautz TB, Ben-Ami T, Tantemsapya N, Gosiengfiao Y,
Tambur AR, Leventhal JR, Friedewald JJ, Ramon
DS. The complexity of human leukocyte antigen
(HLA)-DQ antibodies and its effect on virtual crossmatching. Transplantation 2010;90:1117-24.
Awards, honors, presentations and publications
Ujiki, Gerald, MD
Wayne, Jeffrey, MD
Gary Mecklenburg Distinguished Physician Award,
Carol and Tom R. DeMeester Traveling Fellowship,
Society for Surgery of the Alimentary Tract, 2010
Wang, Edward, PhD
Demetri GD, Antonia S, Benjamin RS, Bui MM,
Casper ES, Conrad EU, DeLaney TF, Ganjoo KN,
Heslin MJ, Hutchinson RJ, Kane JM, Letson GD,
O'Donnell RJ, Paz IB, Pfeifer J, Pollock RE, Randall
RL, Riedel RF, Schupak KD, Schwartz HS, Thornton
K, von Mehren M, and Wayne J. Soft Tissue Sarcoma. J Natl Compr Canc Netw. 2010; 8: 630-674.
JD. Laparoscopic Versus Open Resection of Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumors (GISTs). Am J Clin Oncol.
2011 May 5. [Epub ahead of print]
Yao, James S. T., MD
Pillai AA, Lee VS, Wang E, Rinella ME, Levitsky J.
Factors associated with sustained virological response in liver transplant recipients with recurrent
hepatitis C. Transplant Proc 2010;42:3647-51.
Levitsky J, Thudi K, Ison MG, Wang E, Abecassis M.
Alemtuzumab induction in non-hepatitis C positive
liver transplant recipients. Liver Transpl
Riaz A, Memon K, Miller FH, Nikolaidis P, Kulik LM,
Lewandowski RJ, Ryu RK, Sato KT, Gates VL, Mulcahy MF, Baker T, Wang E, Gupta R, Nayar R, Benson AB 3rd, Abecassis M, Omary R, Salem R. Role
of the EASL, RECIST, and WHO response guidelines
alone or in combination for hepatocellular carcinoma: radiologic-pathologic correlation. J Hepatol
2011;54:695-704. Epub 2010 Oct 23. PMCID:
Jay CL, Lyuksemburg V, Ladner DP, Wang E,
Caicedo JC, Holl JL, Abecassis MM, Skaro AI.
Ischemic cholangiopathy after controlled donation
after cardiac death liver transplantation: a metaanalysis. Ann Surg 2011;253:259-64
Salem R, Lewandowski RJ, Kulik L, Wang E, Riaz A,
Ryu RK, Sato KT, Gupta R, Nikolaidis P, Miller FH,
Yaghmai V, Ibrahim SM, Senthilnathan S, Baker T,
Gates VL, Atassi B, Newman S, Memon K, Chen R,
Vogelzang RL, Nemcek AA, Resnick SA, Chrisman
HB, Carr J, Omary RA, Abecassis M, Benson AB 3rd,
Mulcahy MF. Radioembolization results in longer
time-to-progression and reduced toxicity compared
with chemoembolization in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma. Gastroenterology 2011;140:497507. Epub 2010 Oct 30.
Levitsky J, Gallon L, Miller J, Tambur AR, Leventhal
J, Flaa C, Huang X, Sarraj B, Wang E, Mathew JM.
Allospecific regulatory effects of sirolimus and
tacrolimus in the human mixed lymphocyte reaction. Transplantation 2011;91:199-206. Epub
2010 Dec 1.
Jay C, Skaro A, Ladner D, Wang E, Lyuksemburg V,
Kang R, Feinglass J, Holl JL, Abecassis M. A Comprehensive Risk Assessment of Mortality Following
Donation after Cardiac Death Liver Transplant - An
Analysis of the National Registry. J Hepatol.2011
Feb 18.[Epub ahead of print].
2010 Pioneers in Performance Award
Demetri GD, Antonia S, Benjamin RS, Bui MM,
Casper ES, Conrad EU, DeLaney TF, Ganjoo KN,
Heslin MJ, Hutchinson RJ, Kane JM, Letson GD,
O'Donnell RJ, Paz IB, Pfeifer J, Pollock RE, Randall
RL, Riedel RF, Schupak KD, Schwartz HS, Thornton
K, von Mehren M, and Wayne J. Soft Tissue Sarcoma. J Natl Compr Canc Netw. 2010; 8: 630-674.
St. Pierre SA, Rommel J, Ciurea A, Fife D, Yoo SS,
Martini M, Kuzel TM, Wayne JD, Rademaker A,
West DP, Alam M. In Situ Photoimmunotherapy
(ISPI): A Surgery and Limb Sparing Approach to the
Treatment of Cutaneous Metastases in Advanced
Melanoma. Arch Dermatol. 2010 Aug; 146(8):8314.
Sitaraman LM, Linn JG, Matkowskyj KA, and Wayne
JD. Sclerosing angiomatoid nodular transformation
of the spleen masquerading as a sarcoma metastasis. Rare Tumors. 2010 Sept 30; 2(3): 124-125.
Raval MV, Bilimoria KY, Bentrem DJ, Stewart AK,
Reynolds M and Wayne JD. Factors associated with
use of sentinel lymph node biopsy for melanoma in
children. Journal of Surgical Oncology. 2010 Nov 1;
Kaklamani VG, Siziopikou K, Scholtens D, Lacouture M, Gordon J, Uthe R, Meservey C, Hansen N,
Kahn SA, Jeruss JS, Bethke K, Cianfrocca M, Rosen
S, Von Roenn J, Wayne JD, Parini V, Jovanovic B
and Gradishar W. Pilot neoadjuvant trial in HER2
positive breast cancer with combination of nabpaclitaxel and lapatinib. Breast Cancer Research
and Treatment.2011 Feb 27. (Epub ahead of
Matkowskyj KA, Hosseini A, Linn JG, Yang GY, Kuzel
TM and Wayne JD. Merkel Cell Carcinoma Metastatic to the Small Bowel Mesentery. Rare Tumors.
2011 March 30; 3(1): e2.
Gerami P, Jewell SS, Pouryazdanparast, Wayne JD,
Haghighat Z, Busam KJ, Rademaker A, and Morrison L. Copy Number and Gains in CCND1 and MYC
are Highly Linked to Prognosis in Malignant Melanoma. J Mol Diagn. 2011 May;13(3):352-8.
Melstrom LG, Phillips JD, Bentrem DJ and Wayne
Page 53
Yao JST. Society for Vascular Surgery (SVS)—The
beginning. J Vasc Surg 2010;51;776-779.
Yao JST. The first operation on the profunda femoris artery. J Vasc Surg 2010;52:1101-1102.
Pearce WH, Matsumura JS, Yao JST. Arterial injuries in thoracic outlet compression. In Rodriguez
HE, Pearce WH, Yao JST, eds. Modern Trends in
Vascular Surgery: The Ischemic Extremity—New
Findings and Treatment. Shelton CT: PMPH—USA,
Ltd., 2010.
The Surgical Scope
Surgery Today, Better Surgery Tomorrow”
Upcoming Events 2011-2012
Grand Rounds
(Thursdays/7am-8am/676 N. St. Clair / Suite 650)
September 8: QI Presentations, Anna Kane, MD, Dan
McCarthy, MD, Tammy Kindel, MD, Karen Sherman,
MD, Swami Gnanashanmugam, MD, Kyle Zanocco ,MD
September 22: Navigating the Maze of Research Funding, Melina Kibbe, MD
September 29: NUTORC, Daniela Ladner, MD
October 13: Gerald Ujiki Education Grand Rounds,
Richard Reznick, MD
October 20: The Primary Tumor in the Patient with
Distant Metastases: Felon or Bystander, Seema Khan,
November 10: Simulation in Thoracic Surgery, Shari
Meyerson, MD
November 17: Use of Simulation to Assess IntraOperative Decision Making, Carla Pugh, MD
December 8: Fifty Ways to Cause Surgical Site Infections, Donald Fry, MD
December 15: Method Lectureship, David Hoyt, MD
January 19: The Next Frontier in MIS for Infants and
Children, Katherine Barsness, MD
January 26: Loyal Davis Lectureship,
Gregory Jurkovich, MD
February 2: State of the Department,
Nathaniel Soper, MD
February 16: TBD, Joseph Leventhal, MD
February 23: Soft Tissue Sarcoma of the Extremity: A
Paradigm of Multidisciplinary Management,
Jeffrey Wayne, MD
March 15: Optimization of Scars in Surgery: Lessons
from the Laboratory, Tom Mustoe, MD
March 22: Quality and Safety, Maybeth Browne, MD
March 29: Mayo Lectureship, Michael Sarr, MD
April 19: TBD, Mamta Swaroop, MD
April 26: Chief Presentation, Colleen Jay, MD
May 17: Shields Lecture, TBD
May 24: Chief Presentation, Mehul Raval, MD
May 31: Chief Presentation, Melissa Pilewskie, MD
June 21: Chief Presentation, Janette Holub, MD
June 28: Chief Presentation, Ashley Vavra, MD
The following table is a reference for all future newsletters. If you would like the Department of Surgery to include your
recent presentation/article/upcoming event, etc. in the next issue, please send the information
(in CV-format) to by the due date listed below.
Time Period Covered
Articles Due
1st Friday of July
September Publication
The Department of Surgery thanks everyone who has contributed to this issue of “The Surgical Scope.”
Page 54