Sagebrush Shinbun
Sagebrush Shinbun
ANNUAL PICNIC pg.1 • PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE pg.2 • AKI MATSURI 2013 pg.4 • NE W M EX ICO NEWS FROM JASNM pg.6 JACL Sagebrush Shinbun New Mexico Japanese American Citizens League Newsletter For Better Americans in a Greater America Editor: Esther Chruchwell Design layout/Printing: Valliant Printing 565-2185 VP OPERATIONS: Keiko Johnson 280-0806 TREASURER: Calvin Kobayashi 343-1180 SECRETARY: Yuuki Nakayachi VP MEMBERSHIP: Esther Churchwell 883-5320 VP MARKETING & PUBLICITY: Michael Sepulveda 440-3209 VP SPECIAL EVENTS: Tessa Fujimoto 274-5436 Takeshi Fujimoto 274-5511 MEMBERS-AT-LARGE: Jennifer Yazawa 255-8557 Maerc Cabrera 400-2995 Victor Yamada 856-8523 LIAISON, ANTI-HATE PROGRAM: Sei Tokuda 266-2480 PRESIDENT, JASNM, INC HONORARY BOARD MEMBER Mary Burnett de Gomez WEBMASTER: Terri Teshiba NMJACL is a 501(c)(3) Organization June 2013 NMJACL ANNUAL PICNIC 2013 NMJACL BOARD PRESIDENT: Steve Togami Date: Time: Place: Sunday, June 23, 2013 11:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m. Snow Park Center 9501 Indian School Rd. NE. Albuquerque 87112 (About 3 blocks west of Eubank, next to Eubank Elementary School on Indian School Rd. NE and east of Moon. There is a basketball court, building with indoor restrooms and a covered ramada, with a large park across the arroyo, connected by a bridge walkway.) Grilled dot dogs, hamburgers, condiments, and beverages will be provided by NMJACL as a way of thanking our members, family and friends for all their help during Aki Matsuri, other events sponsored by our organization, and for volunteering your time and assistance on committees and projects related to NMJACL. Please join us for this appreciation picnic luncheon and for a day of fun. BINGO is the usual highlight of our picnics, along with games for the children. We welcome side dishes and desserts to compliment the hot dogs and hamburgers. Sweetened ice (flavored shaved ice) will also be provided by NMJACL. Donated prizes for our Bingo games would be appreciated so all of our players may be able go home with a prize. This may be a great occasion to “re-gift” any new gifts you received in the past and would like to “recycle” them so some other person may enjoy them. Or, this may be a good time to “de-clutter” and donate all those items you purchased previously and have not found the occasion to use these new items yet. The NMJACL Board of Directors will also provide information on upcoming events and plans for the organization. Come out on Sunday, June 23rd, between the hours of 11:30 a.m. and 2:30 p.m. It is advisable that you join us as soon as the hot dogs and hamburgers are grilled (or while the food supply last). Spend a day relaxing with your family and “old” and new friends, while enjoying some good eats. Year of the Snake NMJACL PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE HELLO EVERYONE, School is out for the summer, the garden is planted and it’s time for our annual picnic! I hope everyone will be able to join us on June 23 for some delicious food and competitive BINGO! We are always looking for new JACL members, so please bring someone that might be interested in joining our group. What better way to introduce someone, than to spend a day filled with food and fun! The Japan America Society of NM held a Hanami Party & Kimono Show on May 5. It was a wonderful way to spend the afternoon – learning about kimonos and enjoying a sushi picnic lunch! The Festival of Asian Cultures was held on May 19. Thank you to Lois, Gordon, Yuuki, Cheryl and Victor for your help with our NMJACL booth. As always, Valliant Printing did an amazing job with the Aki Matsuri flyers and raffle forms – thank you Keiko! We had a new member signup during the festival – welcome Vinod Mehta! The board continues their hard work with plans for Aki Matsuri. Many of our boards members are extremely busy this year (busier than normal!), therefore, I am asking for additional volunteers to come forward early in the year to help with the planning and organizing of our festival. Please contact any board member if you would like to volunteer. Enjoy your summer and hope to see you soon! Steve Togami JACL BOWLING LEAGUE Another bowling season has come and gone – great bowling everyone! These are the final results: 1st Place: Late Comers – Lynn Marie, Marie Toya, Clarence Marie, Al Toya 2nd Place: Who Cares – Holly Atkinson, Don Tobolski, Masako Tobolski, Taka Kitamine 3rd Place: ½ and ½ - Aimee Skidmore, Jean Espinda, Clark Jackson, John Prebble We’ll take a summer break and return to Starlight Bowling Center this fall. High Game, Handicap • Carli Yonemoto, 268 • Taka Kitamine, 312 High Series, Handicap • Renee Gutierrez, 707 • Clarence Marie, 739 High Average • Renee Gutierrez, 183 • Bill Yonemoto, 205 High Game, Scratch • Shirley Yonemoto, 230 • John Prebble, 287 High Series, Scratch • Aimee Skidmore, 562 • Mahn Tran, 689 Most Improved • Mary Berniklau, 14.92 • Hugh Akutagawa, 16.42 NMJACL ANNUAL PICNIC NMJACL is once again hosting a picnic for our members, families and friends who come out to assist our organization time and time again. This is our way of saying, “Thank you for all of your support throughout the year.” It is absolutely amazing how you all come to our aid and volunteer your time and resources when we put the word out. While the NMJACL Board of Directors, with the assistance of Japan America Society of NM 2 (JASNM, Mary Burnett de Gomez and Leo Gomez), has been seeing to all the details for this picnic (obtaining the contract/permit from the city, getting all the food items/ condiments for the hotdogs and hamburgers, the drinks, ice, and CONTINUED ON PAGE 3 SAGEBRUSH SHINBUN NMJACL ANNUAL PICNIC CONTINUED FROM PAGE 2 transporting the grills, we still need “more helping hands” from others to get this picnic underway on Sunday, June 23rd, at Snow Park (9501 Indian School Rd. NE, west of Eubank Blvd.) • We need someone to help transport tables, chairs and other items to and from Snow Park (preferably someone with a pickup truck). If you can assist with a truck, please contact Calvin Kobayashi (343-1180) or Steve Togami (565-2185). the children while the others are playing Bingo. • We would like donations for Bingo prizes. If you have new items that you would like to donate or “re-gift” for the Bingo games, please bring them to the picnic. Cash prizes are also welcomed. • Our members, family and friends always compliment the hot dogs and hamburgers with side dishes and desserts. If you would like to bring a side dish and or dessert, please feel free to bring a dish. Although the picnic is not scheduled to start until 11:30 a.m. on Sunday, June 23rd, the Board of Directors will be on site by at least 11 a.m. to set up. If you can assist with the set up and start grilling the meat, please feel free to arrive by 11 a.m.. Thank you, again, for your assistance. We hope to see you at the picnic. • We also need volunteers to help grill the hot dogs and hamburgers. If you can help, please call Calvin or Steve at the numbers listed above. • If you have folding chairs, please feel free to bring enough for yourself/family as we are usually short of chairs for everyone. • If there will are sufficient children in attendance, we need someone to organize games and prizes for 2014 DR. MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR. MULTICULTURAL COUNCIL SCHOLARSHIP To commemorate the enduring and powerful messages of love, hope and unity that characterized the life of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Multicultural Council annually hosts a celebration that honors the diversity of New Mexico. An integral part of the celebration is an annual essay scholarship competition open to high school seniors across the state of New Mexico pursuing higher education who use Dr. King’s stirring words, unforgettable images and actions to express their understanding of civil rights, diversity and community pride. Students use their own literary, creative canvases to express how Dr. King’s broad messages continue to have a profound impact on society, as well as on their individual lives, and how those memorable words continue to motivate and inspire people of all ethnicities and generations. Applicants are urged to actively seek the input from their mentors in 3 the education, business and social communities. The scholarships are $1,000.00 each. Those seniors selected as scholarship recipients will be honored on Monday, January 20, 2014 during the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Multicultural Council’s 24th. Annual Celebration. To learn more about the eligibility requirements and to obtain a copy of the 2014 application, please visit NMJACL MEMBERSHIP & ADVERTISEMENT DUES NMJACL relies on membership and advertiser dues to keep publishing the Sagebrush Shinbun. If you are receiving a hardcopy of the newsletter, the address label should indicate whether your membership has expired or about to expire. We appreciate your timely renewal. If you are receiving electronic copies of the newsletter and would like to know the status of your membership/ advertising dues, please contact Esther Churchwell at (505) 883-5320 or at If you are a member of National JACL and your dues are current, you are automatically a member of the New Mexico JACL if you are within our jurisdiction per National JACL. If you have a question about your membership status, please contact Esther Churchwell. We will research our files and verify your last payment AKI MATSURI 2013 NMJACL’s annual fundraising AKI MATSURI (Japanese Fall Festival) is just around the corner ~ Sunday, September 29, 2013, at the National Hispanic Cultural Center (1701 4th St. SW, on the corner of 4th & Avenida Cesar Chavez Blvd.) from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. to help us “execute” our plans for a successful Japanese Fall Festival. The theme this year is, “Tako: The Way of the Kite.” The Board of Directors is usually busy as soon as one festival ends and plans for the next Aki Matsuri begins ~ by incorporating comments and feedback from those in attendance to improve or keep certain aspects of the program, coming up with a new theme, getting the contract, “paperwork,” permits and other details lined up to host the biggest event each year to share the Japanese culture with New Mexico. We offer an educational, cultural and FUN festival for the entire family, young and old. Because of all the hard work that goes into planning this huge fundraising event (for a proposed Japanese Cultural Center in Albuquerque) by a small group of Board of Directors, we rely on the generosity of donors, sponsors, participants and volunteers THE WAY OF THE KITE ALL proceeds from the festival go into the building fund for the proposed Japanese Cultural Center. There is a committee of dedicated volunteers who are investigating, researching and crunching “numbers” for possible locations to consider for this center. Our goal is to obtain a facility/structure, even if it may be small to begin with, of “our very own.” When various options have been thoroughly investigated, the committee will present their findings 4 to the Board of Directors, who in turn will present their recommendations to the general membership. New Mexico has so much history and contributions by individuals of Japanese ancestry who settled in this state or were incarcerated in the camps during WWII. We hope to share this history and wealth of information with the community, along with our unique culture. NMJACL membership is open to anyone interested in the Japanese Culture, and currently, approximately 50% of the membership is nonJapanese, just as the volunteers during Aki Matsuri are. We welcome anyone who would like to volunteer their time, talents and general assistance to Aki Matsuri 2013. We will have a sign-up sheet at the picnic on Sunday, June 23rd at Snow Park (Indian School Rd. NE, just west of Eubank). In addition, you may help with our fundraising efforts by purchasing raffle tickets (applications are included in this issue of the Sagebrush Shinbun, and will also be available during the picnic). Tickets are $50 each, for a CASH Grand Prize of $5,000, followed by a 2nd Prize SAGEBRUSH SHINBUN AKI MATSURI 2013 CONTINUED FROM PAGE 4 winning of $2,000, and a 3rd Place cash giveaway of $1,000. Only 600 ticket applications will be accepted, and the drawing will then be closed, presenting much better odds of winning one of the raffle cash prizes than winning a comparable lottery prize. an advertisement in our attractive, colored, glossy-paged program. For a nominal fee, you can advertise your business, announce an upcoming event, or send a greeting or message in print. 2000 programs will be printed and distributed to those in attendance with your message inside. The corporate-sponsorship idea of inviting/paying the admission fee for employees and their families was conceptualized for the first time last year. In view of its success, especially the sharing and introduction of the Japanese culture to many attendees, NMJACL will again offer businesses the opportunity to host a company outing at Aki Matsuri for their employees and family. An application to participate is included in this issue. An application for performers and participants/demonstrators is also included in this newsletter. If you have a talent or special skills related to the Japanese culture, we welcome your application for consideration to participate in Aki Matsuri 2013 Other ways to participate in Aki Matsuri 2013 include the purchase The success of Aki Matsuri year after year is largely the result of the wide variety of vendors. These vendors play a huge role in attracting families to our festival as there is something for all ages to enjoy. We have many returning vendors from ACKNOWLEDGMENTS NMJACL thanks a new member, Everett Cunningham of Belen, for another generous monetary donation for the Japanese Cultural Center building fund. We welcome his annual donation and his membership to our organization. We would also like to recognize all the NMJACLers who represented the Japanese community and participated in the various Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month events during May. In addition, we thank the volunteers who have stepped forward to assist NMJACL on the Japanese Cultural Center and the Internment Camp grant projects. If anyone is interested in volunteering for these projects as well as serve on the NMJACL Board of Directors, please lend us a hand to guide this organization to greater heights. Contact any of the executive board members listed on the front page. Our members are from diverse backgrounds and possess vast knowledge and experience in various fields. These assets may be invaluable to our organization, so please step forward and lend us your help and expertise. The small group of volunteer board of directors manages to plan and execute activities for NMJACL throughout the year, but we desperately need additional volunteers to assist us. This is your organization ~ your voice, input and assistance will help us to achieve our goals. 5 throughout the southwest, including from Arizona. Yakult Probiotics has distributed free samples at Aki Matsuri for several years. We have even had free health screenings by UNM College of Pharmacy, along with a First Aid Station manned by UNM Medical Reserve Corps. If you would like to rent a booth to sell or display something during this huge event, feel free to submit an application by the deadline. Mark your calendar for Sunday, September 29th for Aki Matsuri 2013 ~ “Tako: The Way of the Kite.” If you would like to participate, complete the attached application(s) by the deadline. If you would like to be a volunteer, please contact Jennifer Yazawa at (505) 255-8557 or at: WORKING COMMITTEE ON JAPANESE CULTURAL CENTER PROGRESS REPORT The Japanese Cultural Center (JCC) Working Committee has been expanded with two additional volunteers - Tomoko Kase & Keiko Lambert, joining Calvin Kobayashi, Leo Burnett & Victor Yamada. Multiple JCC facility development options have been drafted. Committee members have gathered property & financial information on a number of facility development approaches. A draft business plan / proposal will be completed in June and distributed to the Board for review. Then recommendations will be presented to the full membership. NMJACL NEWS FROM THE JAPAN AMERICA SOCIETY OF NM, INC. By Mary Burnett de Gomez I will begin sharing news from NMJACL’s partner organization, Japan America Society of NM, Inc. with you on a regular basis. JASNM, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization with the mission of promoting strong relationships and understanding between the people of Japan and the people of New Mexico by serving as a resource in NM of all things Japanese. We promote and provide educational and cultural programs for the arts, business, public affairs, and tourism. JASNM, Inc. works closely with the Consulate General of Japan at Denver to achieve these goals. We have recently applied for membership with NAJAS, the National Association of Japan America Societies in Washington, DC. Some of our past programs include the Tsugaru Shamisen concert at UNM and a film “The Makioka Sisters” which was a gift from the Japanese people in honor of the 100th Anniversary of the Cherry Tree planting in Washington, DC. Our “Taste of Japan Tour of NM” restaurant dinner series promoted Japanese restaurants in Albuquerque. Our most recent event was a Hanami Party and Kimono fashion show and talk in a private Japanese garden held in May 2013. Additional films, programs, and a speaker series are being planned. Our newsletter, the “Kizuna Journal”, our Facebook page, and a website which is in the planning help to promote membership and programs. A very important current project is the “Strive Program” which our VP, Dr. Leo Gomez is participating in as the community representative for JASNM, Inc. The NM Asian Family Center (NMAFC) received a grant from the Center for Disease Control (CDC) to conduct a survey on the health of the ABQ Asian community. The goals of the project are (1) to increase the ability of Asian community-based organizations to implement practice-based strategies to reduce heath disparities for the Asian population, and (2) to ensure meaningful involvement and input from the Asian population in development and implementation of a community health action plan. A community assessment and policy scan by NMAFC resulted in a prioritized list of community needs, as well as an understanding of policies that might impact the Asian population in ABQ. JASNM is the only Japanese-related organization represented on the committee. The project must be completed by September 2013. For participating in all phases of the project JASNM will receive a donation from the NMAFC of at least $500. JASNM Board of Directors: Mary Burnett de Gomez - President Leo Gomez - VP Millie Yamada - Secretary Calvin Kobayashi - Treasurer Joanne Yoshimine-Griess - Membership Keiko Johnson Davis Begay - Honorary Consul General-Japan (Honorary) Ikuko Begay - (Honorary) Steve Togami - President NMJACL (Honorary) TAKO KICHI: KITE CRAZY IN JAPAN Recently, there have been various events around New Mexico related to kites. When NMJACL came up with the theme, “Tako: The Way of the Kite” for Aki Matsuri 2013, the Board of Directors was not aware of the public kite events scheduled in and around Albuquerque. “Tako Kichi: Kite Crazy in Japan” is an ongoing exhibit at the Museum of International Folk Art in Santa Fe, running from June 9, 2013 to May 24, 2014. However, these events help to provide a background to the popularity of kite making and flying in Japan. The exhibit presents traditional kites from various regions in Japan and introduces a number of respected traditional kite artists. It explores Per the description provided by the museum, 6 cultural, historic, and artistic perspectives of kite-making and kite-flying in Japan. Visitors can participate in the artistic process of making kites through engaging gallery activities. If you are in Santa Fe, stop in to view this exhibit. Admission for residents of New Mexico is free on Sundays, and youths 16 and under as well as members of Museum of New Mexico Foundation are admitted free. SAGEBRUSH SHINBUN REQUEST FOR URGENT TEMPORARY HOUSING NMJACL received a request from Crystal Williams of UNM’s Department of Emergency Medicine (Education Office), seeking temporary housing for medical school residents from Sendai, Japan, and Mie, Japan. These temporary housing will only be 3-4 weeks. The resident doctors will be going to UNM during their residency and are in need in of emergency housing for their short duration. As they will most likely rely on public transportation, and possibly have long hours, there may not be much that a temporary “host family” will have to provide. Two residents from Sendai will arrive on June 29, 2013, and leave on July 14, 2013. One resident from Mie will arrive on July 14, 2013 and leave on August 10, 2013. If you can assist with emergency temporary housing, please contact: Crystal Williams Medical Student Clerkship Coordinator Department of Emergency Medicine – Education Office 1 University of New Mexico Albuquerque, NM 87131-0001 (505) 272-3833 NEW MEXICO COURTS LANGUAGE ACCESS SERVICE NOW AVAILABLE Greetings, The NM Administrative Office of the Courts (AOC) is proud to announce the launch of our new Language Access Services web page at New Mexico’s courts are accessible to all residents, including those who speak limited English and those who are deaf or hard-of-hearing. The new web page is part of AOC’s outreach efforts in making the public aware of the resources available at district and magistrate courthouses throughout the state. Resources include courtroom interpreters; bilingual staff specially trained to assist outside of the courtroom; telephone services in 175 languages in the clerk’s office, and assistive listening devices, all provided free of charge. We are also pleased to announce that every judicial district in NM has created a Language Access Plan, documenting the courts’ commitment to and procedures for providing language access services. These documents are the result of intensive planning, which included input from community partners, and can be viewed on the web page. We hope you will find the page useful and will help spread the word about this resource. You are receiving this email because the organization you represent interacts with the courts or has some clients/members who are limited English proficient, deaf, or hard-of-hearing. Sincerely, Pip Lustgarten Language Access Planning Consultant NM Administrative Office of the Courts (505) 573-3427 CONFINEMENT IN LAND OF ENCHANTMENT PROJECT PHASE II IMPLEMENTATION PROGRESS REPORT The Confinement in Land of Enchantment (CLOE) Project Planning Phase I was successfully completed earlier in the year. For CLOE Project Implementation Phase II, a kickoff meeting was held May 16th. Participants were Andy Russell, Davis Begay, Esther Churchwell, Sarah Payne, and Victor Yamada. Options on institutional support (fund raising, technical direction of activities) to the NMJACL project were discussed. An additional meeting with the University of New Mexico Asian Studies Program will be held to consider UNM’s possible project role. Volunteers for the project’s Advisory Board are being 7 solicited. Then the Advisory Board and NMJACL Board will select necessary institutional support. First key institutional support task will involve preparation of National Park Service grant application prior to September 2013. NMJACL NM JACL PARTICIPATES IN FESTIVAL OF ASIAN CULTURES Natsuko Edelman’s Japanese Dancing group performed at the Festival of Asian Cultures on May 19th. The Asian American Association of New Mexico sponsors this day long event held at Civic Plaza. We also had a booth at the Festival providing advance flyer / information on NM JACL’s Fall Aki Matsuri as well as Association membership. Cheryl Inouye, Lois / Gordon Kennedy, Yuuki Nakayachi, Steve Togami, Victor Yamada helped staff the booth during the day. PHOTOS BY WEST MESA PHOTOGRAPHY PACIFIC COAST ORIGAMIUSA CONFERENCE 2013 IN ALBUQUERQUE, NM October 4-7, 2013 Location: Marriott Pyramid Albuquerque Origami Society is cosponsoring this international event for origami enthusiasts. We have invited six special guests (origami masters) from the United States and Canada to teach classes for attendees. Friday will be an all day program of workshops related to origami topics, then Saturday and Sunday will be all day classes of origami models. The convention fee for the weekend conference will be $195. O R I G A MI U S A A BQ P C O C O R I G A M I Pacific Coast OrigamiUSA Conference ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO 2013 ABQ Origami Society is looking for sponsors and donations to support the expenses of bringing the origami masters for our convention. If you are interested in helping sponsor or making a donation, please contact: Patty Grodner, or call 205-2812. 8 SAGEBRUSH SHINBUN New Mexico JACL Business Directory New Mexico Shotokan Karate Randy Sanders Chief Instructor, Rokudan 2808 Girard Blvd. NE Albuquerque, NM 87107 (South of Candelaria NE) Phone: (505) 872-0725 The Japanese Kitchen Steak & Seafood, Sushi Park Square 6521 Americas Pkwy NE Albuquerque, NM 87110 (505) 884-8937 Fax (505) 884-8938 Jeffrey & Keiko Bunts valliant PRINTING SERVING NEW MEXICO SINCE 1918 4135 Montgomery Blvd. NE, Suite B Albuquerque, NM 87109-6740 Phone: (505) 888-6888 Fax: (505) 883-9088 Phone (575) 623-3146 Duane: (575) 313-3535 Kathryn: (575) 313-6193 9 El Arco Iris Drive Roswell, NM 88201 9 7 SAGEBRUSH SHINBUN 2712 Kentucky St. NE Albuquerque, NM 87110-3404 LOCAL NMJACL MEMBERSHIP Individual (L)........... $15 /yr Family (LF)............... $25 /yr Individual (LL).................. $125 Local Life Family (LLF).... $175 Supporting Member $100 /yr Business & Newsletter Ad Member (Ad) $100 /yr Local Membership does not include Pacific Citizen (National JACL’s Newpaper) NATIONAL JACL MEMBERSHIP RATES Individual ................. $60 /yr Couple/Family.......... $105 /yr Student ..................... $25 /yr 1000 Club ................. $100 /yr 1000 Club Spouse $36 1000 Club Life.......... $3,000 Century Club....................$175 /yr Century Club Spouse......$36 Century Club Life............$5,000 Millennium Club.............$1,000 /yr Millennium Spouse.........$36 Any membership category includes Pacific Citizen, Biweekly paper FOR MEMBERSHIP INFO/APPLICATION(S) CONTACT: Esther Churchwell 2712 Kentucky NE Albuquerque, NM 87110
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