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Dr. Tadesse Dejenie Editor-in-Chief © College of Natural and Computational Sciences, Mekelle University 3 Compositional Differences between Felsic Volcanic Rocks from the Margin and Center of the Northern Main Ethiopian Rift *Kurkura Kabeto1, 2, Yoshihiro Sawada2, Barry Roser2 Department of Earth Science, College Natural and Computitional Sciences, Mekelle University, P.O.Box 231, Mekelle, Ethiopia. (* 1 2 Department of Geosciences, Shimane University, Matsue 690-8504, Japan ABSTRACT Pliocene felsic rift margin and Quaternary rift center volcanic rocks from the northern Main Ethiopian Rift (MER) exhibit contrasts in major and trace element contents and Sr-Nd isotopic ratios. Quaternary rift center felsic volcanic rocks are mainly peralkaline trachytes and rhyolites, whereas Pliocene felsic rift margin volcanic rocks are represented by benmoreites, weakly peralkaline trachytes and rare rhyolites. Most of the felsic rift margin volcanic rocks have greater Al2O3, K2O, Nb, Zr, Rb, and Sr, and lesser CaO, Zr/Nb, and CaO/Al2O3 than rift center volcanic rocks. These contrasts may have been inherited from differences in the compositions of their parental basic magmas, which were produced by variable degrees of partial melting. In both series, the felsic volcanic rocks generally have higher initial Sr- isotopic (0.7038-0.7073) ratios than their basic equivalents (0.7035-0.7046). Nd- isotopic ratios of most felsic rift center samples (0.5129-0.5126) are similar to their associated basic volcanic rocks. In contrast, the Ndisotopic ratios (0.5128-0.5124) of felsic rift margin volcanic rocks are commonly lower than their companion basic volcanic rocks (0.512806-0.512893), and are relatively lower than rift center equivalents. The elemental and Sr-Nd isotopic compositions of the volcanic rocks suggest that fractional crystallization from differing basic parents accompanied by a limited assimilation (AFC) was the dominant process controlling the genesis of the MER felsic volcanic rocks. Keywords: Ethiopia; Northern Main Ethiopian Rift; Bimodal Volcanism; parental difference; Sr-Nd Isotopes, Fractional Crystallisation 1. INTRODUCTION The Main Ethiopian Rift (MER), the Southwestern Ethiopian Rift Zone (SWERZ), the Tana Rift and the Afar region represent the northernmost part of the East African Rift System (Fig. 1). The Ethiopian volcanic province is dominated by up to 300,000 km3 of generally fissure-fed MidTertiary basic (SiO2 < 53 wt.%) volcanic rocks, and minor associated felsic (SiO2 > 53 wt.%) products. However, the proportion of felsic products in the Ethiopian rift valley itself is high, reaching about 90% of the total volume (Mohr, 1992). 4 Between 45 and 22 Ma, volcanic activity in the Ethiopian plateau (Figs. 1a and b) was characterized by fissural flows. Central volcanoes covered the fissural flows beginning at about 30 Ma and 15-13 Ma, and erupted intermittently into the Pleistocene (Morton et al., 1979; WoldeGabreil et al., 1990; Wolde, 1996; Stewart and Rogers, 1996; Chernet et al., 1998; Pik et al., 1998; Ayalew et al., 2002). Recent geochemical and isotopic studies have focused on the Oligocene-Miocene to Quaternary basic-felsic volcanism that accompanied the formation of the MER. These studies have proposed the involvement of distinct mantle components in various proportions, and the importance of the Afar mantle plume and lithospheric mantle in the sources of the basic lavas (Fig. 1). Figure 1. Maps showing the location of the study area. a) Index map showing surface expression of the Ethiopian rift system and volcanic cover (Wolde, 1996) and the Ethiopian Plateau (EP, Stewart and Rogers, 1996). b) Volcanic and tectonic structures of the MER. The white ellipses are the study areas. N (northern), C (central), and S (southern) sectors of the MER; SWERZ is the southwestern Ethiopian Rift Zone. c) Sample sites, felsic volcanic centers and volcanic and tectonic structures of the Addis-Nazreth region. YTVL Yerer Tulu Welel Volcano Tectonic Lineament from Abebe et al. 1998. Although the previous studies have provided a well-documented framework for the genesis of the basic magmas in MER, the associated felsic magmas are not well studied. Recently, several geochemical and isotopic studies of felsic products have been carried out in the rift center at Debre Zeit, Gedemsa, and Asela-Ziway 5 (Fig. 1) (Gasparon et al., 1993; Peccerillo et al., 1995; Trua et al., 1999; Abebe et al., 1998; Boccaletti et al., 1999), on volcanic rocks which are mostly younger than 2 Ma. The felsic volcanic products at the rift margin (Addis Ababa) and rift center (Nazreth) regions and their compositional variations are not yet well studied. This paper presents new elemental and Sr-Nd isotope data for selected volcanic sequences from the northern sector of the MER (Fig. 1). Based on the petrographic, geochemical, and isotopic characteristics of the volcanic units, we describe the compositional differences between the volcanic rocks at the rift margin and rift center, and discuss the petrogenetic relationships between basic and felsic magmas in order to assess the influence of basic parents and continental crust in the genesis of the felsic melts. 2. GEOLOGICAL SUMMARY OF THE ADDIS ABABA AND NAZRETH REGIONS The study area is located in the center of the Ethiopian dome (Fig 1), and contains volcanic sequences that are directly related to the northern Main Ethiopian Rift (MER) activity. Reevaluation of seismic refraction data for the region by Makris and Ginzburg (1987) revealed thinning of the crust from 44 km thick at Addis Ababa to 30-26 km in the center of the MER to the east. This led Wolde (1996) to regard the volcanic sequences at Debre Zeit and to its east as rift center, and Miocene to Pliocene volcanic rocks in the Addis Ababa region, west of Debre Zeit as rift margin. On the basis of whole-rock and mineral K-Ar and 40 Ar-39Ar ages, Morton et al. (1979) and Chernet et al. (1998) found that the volcanic cover extending from Addis Ababa to Nazreth showed age progression from 22.8 Ma in plateau basalts to 0.21 Ma in the rift center volcanic rocks. At the base of the rift margin volcanic rocks, alkaline-transitional basalt (22.8 Ma) of the Plateau unit is in fault contact with the overlying Intoto unit (22.2-22 Ma) (Morton et al. 1979; Chernet et al. 1998). The Intoto unit consists of trachyte-rhyolite flows and associated ignimbrites at its base (22.2 Ma) and plagioclase phyric basalt (22 Ma) in its upper part. The Early Miocene Plateau and Intoto units represent bimodal volcanic rocks, which were formed during a localized terminal episode following the massive Oligocene fissural basalt activity of the northwestern Ethiopian plateau and are present at the rift margin in the Addis Ababa region (Morton et al., 1979; Begazi et al., 1993; Chernet et al., 1998). Because of their close realationship, the Plateau and Intoto units are here collectively referred to as the Plateau unit 6 (22.8-22 Ma). The geochemical data for the Plateau unit is not discussed in this paper because they are pre-rifting eruptions. Volcanic activity resumed at the rift margin after a considerable hiatus between 22-10 Ma, by eruption of transitional-alkaline basalts of the Addis Ababa unit (9-7 Ma). This was followed by the welded trachytic tuffs (5.1 and 3.3 Ma) of the Nazreth unit, which are thought to have been derived from the mostly trachytic Pliocene (4.6-3.09 Ma) Wechecha, Menagesha, Furi, and Yerer volcanoes (Fig. 1). These centers are collectively designated as the Wechecha unit (Chernet et al., 1998). Predominantly felsic volcanic products were erupted in the Debre Zeit and Nazreth regions in the rift center between 2.0-0.20 Ma. This sequence consists of the Nazreth, Keleta, Boku-Tede, Bofa, Dera-Sodere, Gedemsa, Boseti, and Melkasa units in ascending order (Fig. 1; Boccaletti et al., 1999). For simplicity, the felsic volcanic rocks of Nazreth, Keleta, Boku-Tede, and DeraSodere units are here grouped as the Nazreth unit, whereas the basaltic rocks of the Bofa and Melkasa units are collectively termed the rift center basic volcanic rocks. 3. CLASSIFICATION AND PETROGRAPHIC SUMMARY Most of the samples investigated here were fresh, and collected from lava flows, except for a few welded ignimbrites from the rift center (Table 1). According to the TAS classification diagram (Le Bas et al., 1986) the rock types in both areas range from basalt to rhyolite, but trachytes and rhyolites predominate (Fig. 2). The rocks fall in numerous compositional fields, making terminology cumbersome. Therefore, a restricted set of terms has been adopted here. Rock samples with SiO2 < 53 wt.% are defined as basic, whereas samples with SiO2 > 53 wt.% are classed as felsic. In common with many bimodal suites in continental rifts and oceanic islands, the basic rocks at the rift margin are generally alkaline or transitional, whereas rift center equivalents are typically transitional (Wolde, 1996) (Fig. 2). Strongly felsic alkaline rocks at the rift margin and center are weakly peralkaline and strongly peralkaline, respectively (Table 1). According to Macdonald (1974), most of the peralkaline felsic volcanic rocks are commendites with rare pantellerites. However, most of the Gedemsa unit samples are pantelleritic (Peccerillo et al., 1995) (Figure not shown). 7 Petrographically, the basic rocks in both rift margin and center are usually aphyric. Porphyritic samples on the other hand are rare and contain about 15-25% phenocrysts. The phenocryst minerals are olivine, clinopyroxene, and plagioclase with or without opaques. The groundmass of the basic lavas consists of the above phenocryst phases and accessory glass, zircon, apatite, and titanite, along with secondary alteration products including sericite/carbonate, iddingsite, and hematite. Loss on ignition values in these samples differ little from the unaltered samples (Table 1). Figure 2. Classification of volcanic rocks of the northern MER according to the scheme of Le Bas et al. (1986). The alkaline-sub-alkaline boundary is from Irvine and Baragar (1971). Additional data for the volcanic rocks from Abebe et al. 1998), Chernet (1995) and Peccerillo et al. (1995). The felsic volcanic rocks in the rift margin are relatively aphyric compared to the basic rocks, and generally show trachytic textures. The phenocryst minerals (<15%) are commonly plagioclase (albiteoligoclase) and anorthoclase, and lesser sanidine, nepheline, alkali amphibole (rebeckite), and aegirine-augite (Chernet, 1995; Abebe et al., 1998). Plagioclase and anorthoclase are the common phenocryst minerals in the rift margin felsic volcanic rocks. Groundmass contains plagioclase, K-feldspars, opaques, augite, and aegirine-augite. Some feldspar grains show melt inclusions along their margins, and rarely amphiboles are altered. The felsic rift center volcanic rocks contain similar type of minerals as their rift margin equivalents. Majority of the samples are aphyric, but few samples containing up to 35% phenocryst phases with both felsic and ferromagnesian minerals forming the phenocryst and groundmass phases. Felsic minerals are usually sanidine, quartz, sodic plagioclase, and anorthoclase, whereas the ferromagnesian minerals are aegirine-augite, sodic-amphibole, olivine, 8 and opaques. Both the lavas and ignimbrites contain the same minerals, but differ in their textures. The lavas commonly show perlitic cracks/spherulitic groundmass textures, whereas ignimbrites show eutaxitic textures with dominantly vitrophyric fiamme groundmasses. 4. GEOCHEMISTRY 4.1. Analytical Procedures Out of 125 collected samples, 75 selected samples from each unit were analyzed for major and trace elements and Sr-Nd isotopes (Table 1) in the Department of Geoscience, Shimane University, Japan. Samples were crushed in a tungsten carbide ring mill (Roser et al., 1998), and dried at 1100C for 24 hours. No significant Nb or Ta contamination was present in the carbide ring mill compared to that ground in agate (Roser et al., 1998). The remaining XRF data will be provided upon request. Major and trace element analyses were performed using glass beads prepared either by fusing 0.7g of rock powder mixed with 3.5g of Li2B4O7 (Norrish and Hutton, 1969) or by mixing 1.8g sample with 3.6g alkali flux (LiBO2:LiB4O7 = 1:4) (Kimura and Yamada, 1996). Analyses were made using a Rigaku RIX 2000 X-ray fluorescence spectrometer, using conventional peak/background methods, with calibration against a suite of Geological Survey of Japan (GSJ) and USGS rock standards. The reproducibility was monitored with appropriate international standards JB01, JB02, and JB03, and was within +10% for all elements with concentrations higher than 10 ppm. Sr- and Nd- isotopic measurements and analyses of Sm and Nd (by isotope dilution) were carried out using Finnigan MAT262 thermal ionization mass spectrometer, following the methods of Iizumi et al. (1994, 1995). Measured 87 Sr/86Sr and 143 Nd/144Nd ratios were normalized to 87 Sr/88Sr = 0.1194 and 146Nd/144Nd = 0.7219. During the analysis of unknowns, measurements of 87 Sr/86Sr and 143Nd/144Nd in NBS 987 and JMC standard samples were 0.71026 ± 18 (2σ, n = 10) and 0.51196 ± 10 (2σ, n = 10), respectively (Table.1) 4.2. Major Element Data Whole rock analyses and Sr-Nd isotope data of representative samples are listed in Table 1. The remaining data are available upon request. The basic (SiO2 < 53 wt.) rocks have MgO contents between 4 and 14 wt.%, Mg-numbers (mg#) between 50 and 74, Ni ≤ 380 ppm and Cr ≤ 822 ppm. Most of these values suggest that very few rocks represent the primary mantle melts (Sato, 9 1977; Wilson, 1989). Majority of the samples having mg# between 44 and 50 suggest that they do not represent primary magma compositions (Table.1). 15 MgO 20 10 15 10 Figure 3. Plots of selected major elements (wt.%) against differentiation index (SiO2) for northern MER volcanic rocks. Symbols as in Fig. 2. 5 5 Selected major and trace Al2O3 0 P2O5 2 0 1.5 elements plotted against SiO2 are shown in Figs. 3, 4 1.0 and 5. With the exception of two intermediate samples, Wt.% oxide 1 0.5 TiO2 all the felsic rocks have SiO2 > 57 wt.%, and an apparent 0 12 0.0 8 9 6 6 4 3 2 ∑FeO and CaO generally 0 12 0 decrease 9 4 SiO2 gap (53-57 wt.%) exists between the basic and felsic volcanic rocks. In all volcanic sequences MgO, FeOtot Na2O 2 3 CaO 0 45 65 SiO2 75 45 55 65 SiO2 Na2O contents increase from about 2 wt.% in the basic volcanic rocks K2O 55 increasing SiO2 and K2O (Fig. 3). However, 6 with 0 75 to about 7 wt.% in the felsic rocks (at 65 wt.% SiO2), and then decreases to 4.2 wt.% increasing SiO2 (>70%) in most of the felsic samples. In the Boseti unit, however, Na2O continues to increase in some of the felsic rocks. Al2O3 contents in basic samples range from 13.0 to 21.3 wt.%, maintain similar values (13.3-17.5 wt.%) in felsic samples through to 65 wt.% SiO2, and then decrease to values as low as 9.2 wt.% at 75 wt.% 10 SiO2. P2O5 and TiO2 contents also tend to increase from basic to intermediate compositions (up to 55 wt.% SiO2), and then sharply decrease up to 65 wt.% SiO2 and remain flat (Fig. 3). Figure 4. Plots of selected trace elements (ppm) against differentiation index (SiO2 wt.%) for northern MER volcanic rocks. The lines on the Zr, Nb, Sr and Rb versus SiO2 illustrate the compositional contrasts between the volcanic rocks in the rift center and margins. The shaded area on the Zr and Nb plots indicate where samples from the Furi and Yerer Mountains overlap samples from the rift center. Symbols as in Fig. 2. 11 Compositional differences exist between the rift margin and rift center volcanic rocks (Table 1; Fig. 3). For example, CaO contents in the rift center basic rocks (9.4-11.3 wt.%) are generally higher than most of the rift margin equivalents (7.7-10 wt.%), except in few clinopyroxenephyric samples from the Addis Ababa unit that are younger (10.9-12.5 wt.%). In contrast, Al2O3 contents of most rift margin basic volcanic rocks are higher (14.8-18.6 wt.%) compared to the rift center equivalents (13-17.5 wt.%). The contrasts in CaO and Al2O3 seen in the basic lavas of the two regions are also apparent in the felsic volcanic rocks. Al2O3 contents are greater in most of the felsic rift margin volcanic rocks than in the rift center, whereas CaO contents are generally greater in the rift center (Fig. 3). K2O concentrations are generally greater and ∑FeO contents lesser in the rift margin felsic volcanic rocks than in the rift center. However, the above compositional differences become less pronounced in samples with SiO2 contents > 67 wt.%. Rift center felsic samples are generally richer in SiO2 than most from the Wechecha (Pliocene) unit at the rift margin (Fig. 3) 4.3. Trace Element Data In both the rift margin and rift center volcanic sequences, compatible elements such as Ni, Co, and Cr decrease in abundance with increasing SiO2 (Table 1). This indicates the influence of olivine, clinopyroxene, and Fe-Ti oxide fractionation. Zr, Nb, Y, and Rb, being incompatible elements show increase in their concentration with fractionation within each rock series, albeit with some scatter (Fig. 4). Sr and Ba contents in the felsic volcanic rocks generally decrease with fractionation, representing compatible behavior, though they too show wide variations. Most rift margin basic lavas have greater Zr and Nb contents than do the rift center basic lavas. Moreover, at given SiO2 content Sr is much more enriched in rift margin basic lavas than in their rift center equivalents (Fig. 4, Table 1). Zr, Nb, Sr, and Rb are also generally more enriched in their rift margin felsic rocks than in Quaternary rift center felsic equivalents. However, Y and Ba abundances mostly overlap, as does Sr at > 65 wt.% SiO2. Among the Wechecha felsic samples, high Zr and Nb are observed in the Menagesha and Wechecha mountain samples (Table 1), whereas relatively low Nb and Zr contents characterise samples from the Furi and Yerer mountains (Fig. 4). 4.4. Nd- and Sr- Isotope Data Twenty-eight samples spanning the compositional range from the least fractionated MgO-rich rocks to the most fractionated rhyolite samples were analysed for Sr- and Nd- isotopes. Isotopic 12 ratios as shown in table 1 are plotted in figure 5, together with data for 15 samples from Chernet (1995) and Abebe et al. (1995). Initial 143Nd/144Nd ratios in the basic lavas range from 0.512812 to 0.51289, and from 0.51237 to 0.51286 in the felsic volcanic rocks. Initial 87Sr/86Sr ratios range from 0.70349 to 0.70456 in the basic lavas, and from 0.70446 to 0.70783 in the felsic volcanic rocks. The rift margin basic volcanic rocks have higher Nd- and lower Sr- isotopic ratios than rift center equivalents (Table 1; Fig. 5). In contrast, felsic volcanic rocks from the rift margin have lower Nd- isotopic ratios than most of their rift center equivalents. However, their Sr- isotopic compositions are equally variable. The felsic volcanic rocks extend from the isotopic range of the basic volcanic rocks towards higher 87 Sr/86Sr (Fig. 5). Most of the felsic rift center volcanic rocks lie above the Debre Zeit field (Gasparon et al. 1993), whereas the felsic rift margin volcanic rocks partly overlie it. Rift center felsic volcanic rocks overlie the field defined by equally felsic lavas from northern Kenya (Kabeto et al., 2001) (Fig.5). Figure 5. Initial 87Sr/86Sr and 143 Nd/144Nd ratios for volcanic rocks of the study area, compared to west central (WC) Afar and MER (Hart et al., 1989), Debre Zeit (Gasparon et al., 1993), south Ethiopian (Stewart and Rogers, 1996), Asela-Ziway & Chilalo (Trua et al., 1999), northern Kenyan volcanic rocks (Kabeto et al., 2001b), and the East African Carbonatite Line (EACL). Measured 143Nd/144Nd ratio is used for some samples (Table 1). Symbols as in Fig. 2. 5. DISCUSSION It is well established that compositional differences in parental basaltic magmas are reflected in the compositions of felsic melts (Wilson et al., 1995; Panter et al., 1997). Fractional crystallization of basaltic magmas with some crustal assimilation and partial melting of basic 13 lower crust/underplated igneous rocks were proposed as dominant processes for generation of felsic melts in the MER rift center (Fig. 1; Gasparon et al., 1993; Abebe et al., 1998; Peccerillo et al., 1995; Trua et al., 1999; Boccaletti et al., 1999). The influence of different parental magma compositions and the processes involved in the genesis of felsic melts in the northern sector of the MER are discussed below. 5.1. Influence of Parental Magma Compositions The general, elemental contrasts between the rift margin and rift center volcanic rocks discussed above (Figs. 3 and 4; Table 1) are clearly evident on CaO/Al2O3 vs SiO2, Zr vs Nb, and Zr/Nb vs Zr plots (Fig. 6). At a given SiO2 content most of the basic rocks (SiO2 < 53 wt.%) from the rift center are displaced towards higher CaO/Al2O3 ratios (Fig. 6a). Few basic rocks from the rift margin have CaO/Al2O3 ratios comparable with rift center equivalents, and in both groups the ratio decreases with fractionation. CaO/Al2O3 ratios remain higher in the felsic rift center rocks (SiO2 > 53 wt.%) than in rift margin equivalents, but a few felsic samples from the Wachecha (Furi and Yerer Mts.) unit overlap (Table 1). This may be due to similar fractionating phases controlling their evolution, or indicate that they were derived from compositionally similar basic parents. Zr and Nb contents show a well defined linear correlation (Fig. 6b), and both being incompatible elements increase with fractionation (Kamber and Collerson, 2000; Kabeto et al., 2001b). Constancy of trace element ratios between basic and felsic melts (e.g., Zr/Nb; Fig. 6b and c) is often cited as strong evidence that fractional crystallization has been the dominant process in their evolution (Weaver, 1977; Wilson, 1989). At given Zr content most rift margin samples show higher Nb contents than do the rift center samples. Kamber and Collerson (2000) have indicated that Nb is more sensitive to variations in degrees of partial melting than Zr, and hence can be used to decipher the influence of variable degrees of melting. In this regard, some rift margin samples from the Furi and Yerer Mountains have Nb contents as low as the rift center samples (Table 1; Figs. 4 and 6b). It is evident that Yerer and Furi mountains are compositionally closer to rift center composition than the Wechecha and Menagesha Mountains. Furthermore, samples from Yerer and Furi are younger and have a narrower age range (2.03-4.04 Ma) than the Wechacha and Mengasha Mountains samples (3.09-6.63 Ma) (Chernet et al., 1998) (Fig.6). 14 Plotting Zr/Nb vs Zr (Fig. 6c) also shows that felsic volcanic rocks of the study area fall into two clusters. Based on their Zr/Nb ratios, most samples from the rift margin plot along Zr/Nb ≤ 5, whereas rift center volcanic rocks, and the few samples from the Yerer and Furi Mountains with low Nb contents cluster along Zr/Nb ≥ 6. Similarly, Zr/Nb ratios in the basic rocks of the two sequences also vary (Fig. 6c). The rift center basic rocks have Zr/Nb ratio ≥ 5, whereas most of the basalts from the Addis Ababa area that are thought to be parental to the rift margin felsic volcanic rocks, and a few rift center basic rocks; have Zr/Nb ≤ 5. Zr/Nb ratios in volcanic rocks may also reflect crustal contamination,titanite fractionation or variation in degree of partial melting (Wilson et al., 1995; Kamber and Collerson, 2000; Kabeto et al., 2001b). For example, basaltic sample ET1201 from the Plateau unit (Table 1) has a Zr/Nb ratio of 13.0. ET1201 has a very low initial Nd- isotopic ratio (0.51222 ± 8) compared to other basic lavas with lower Zr/Nb ratios, which may indicate that the higher Zr/Nb ratio reflects crustal involvement (Kabeto et al. 2001). Hence, we consider the rift center volcanic rocks (Zr/Nb > 6), and those rift margin volcanic rocks with Zr/Nb ratios > 5, to reflect either crustal input, titanite fractionation (Fig. 6c) or different sources. The clear differences in crustal thickness, extensional tectonics, age of volcanic activity (Morton et al., 1979; Makris and Ginzburg, 1987; Wolde, 1996; Abebe et al., 1998; Boccaletti et al., 1999), and compositions of volcanic rocks in the two regions suggest that they were derived from different parantal magmas. The role of parental basic magma compositions in the rift margin and center felsic melts must be considered in the light of elevated or depleted absolute trace and major element abundances and the degree of silica saturation. Furthermore, the effects of crustal contamination must be accounted for. For example, the silica saturation in the felsic volcanic rocks in the rift center could be produced by substantial contamination of the basic magma that is parental to most of the Pliocene rift margin eruptives by silica-rich crust. However, this is an unsuitable mechanism to produce the felsic volcanic rocks from the rift center, because open-system behavior would produce higher incompatible trace element abundances in the more contaminated series (DePaolo, 1981; Nelson and Davidson, 1993). This is not observed here. Moreover, the Nd- isotopic compositions of the felsic rift center volcanic rocks lie within the range of basic volcanic rocks in the region (Fig. 5). The lowest Nd- isotopic ratios are noted only in those felsic volcanic rocks at the rift margin that show higher degree of contamination. 15 Figure 6. (a) Plot of CaO/Al2O3 ratio against SiO2, showing the two apparent evolution trends for the northern MER. Most rift margin volcanic rocks plot at lower ratios. (b) Linear correlation between Zr and Nb contents. Samples generally plot along Zr/Nb = 5 and Zr/Nb = 7, which may indicate different sources or crustal input (see text for discussion). (c) Zr/Nb vs Zr plot for the volcanic rocks. Arrows show assumed AFC and differentiation trends (FC) for rift margin and center sequences from different basic parent. The shaded area on (b) and (c) indicate samples from Furi and Yerer Mountains overlapping the samples from the rift center (see text for discussion). Data for crustal rocks from Davidson and Wilson (1989). Symbols as in Fig. 2. Alternatively, contamination of basic magma, thought to be the parent for rift center felsic products by bulk assimilation of silica deficient crustal material (amphibolitic or basic crust?) must also be considered. This would make the rift margin Wechecha unit magmas more contaminated than rift center felsic magmas (Nelson and Davidson, 1993). We consider this to be unlikely, as it cannot explain the relative depletion of the compatible elements MgO and CaO in the Wechecha samples (Fig. 3). It appears that differing degrees of partial melting of the mantle source 16 provide the best explanation for the compositional differences seen between the two volcanic sequences (Nelson and Davidson, 1993). A lower degree of melting, deeper partial melting (Kushiro, 1968; O’Hara, 1968) or melting in the presence of CO2 (Davies and Macdonald, 1987) could easily have produced incompatible element-enriched magma that differentiated to produce the most felsic rift margin samples. In contrast, higher degrees of melting could produce incompatible element depleted magmas that subsequently differentiated to produce the rift center felsic volcanic rocks. It has been suggested that basic lavas produced by low degrees of mantle partial melting have high incompatible element contents (e.g., Zr, Nb, Y, K, and Rb), high Al2O3, and low SiO2 and CaO (Tatsumi and Kimura, 1991; Wolde, 1996; Kabeto et al., 2001b). In contrast, basic lavas that are produced by high degrees of partial melting have lower incompatible element and Al2O3 contents, but higher CaO and SiO2. Wolde (1996) has shown that alkali basalts produced by a low degree of partial melting are common in the western part of the rift and the margin, and are found only locally east of Debre Zeit (the rift center). In contrast, transitional basalts which originate from higher degrees of partial melting are commonly found within the rift center, where thinning of the crust has been identified from seismic refraction studies (Makris and Ginzburg, 1987). Moreover, Abebe et al. (1995) have suggested that the degree of alkalinity in basaltic melts increases away from the rift center. In the northern MER, the felsic melts in the rift center generally have lower Al2O3, K2O, Zr, Nb, Y, Rb, and Sr and higher SiO2 and CaO than most rift margin equivalents (Figs. 3 and 4). Hence, the major and trace element contrasts in the felsic products between the two regions could originate from compositional differences in their basaltic parents. Wilson et al. (1995) demonstrated that compositional differences between silica-undersaturated and oversaturated felsic melts in the continental magmatism of the Central Massif (France) were controlled by subtle compositional differences between their respective basic magmas. In line with this suggestion Kabeto et al. (2001) have considered that silica-saturated (basalt-trachyte) and silicaundersaturated (basanite-phonolite) lineages in the northern Kenyan rift sector originated from compositional differences in their parental basic magmas, and both felsic by differentiation combined with a little assimilation. This is also likely to be the case here. 17 5.2. Fractional Crystallization and/or Degree of Partial Melting The general decrease of Ni, Cr, Sr, Ba, MgO, CaO, ∑FeO, TiO2, and P2O5 with increasing SiO2 (Figs. 3 and 4; Table 1) indicates that the geochemical evolution of these volcanic rocks was governed by fractionation of olivine, clinopyroxene, Fe-Ti oxide, feldspars, and apatite. TiO2 and P2O5 also show to decrease at the same SiO2 content in all rock suites, indicating simultaneous apatite and Fe-Ti oxide fractionation. Moreover, the general increase in Zr, Nb, Rb, Y, and K concentrations with increasing SiO2 is also consistent with fractional crystallization from a similar basic parent, to produce the mugearites, benmoreites, trachytes, and rhyolites of both regions. The well-defined linear correlation between Zr and Nb contents in the sequences (Fig. 6b and c) also suggests that fractional crystallization was a dominant process. The Sr- and Nd- isotopic ratios of the felsic lavas (Fig. 5) also do not lie wholly within the isotopic range of their associated basic lavas, indicating that fractional crystallization was not the only process responsible for their genesis. Genesis of the felsic MER volcanic rocks by anatexis of the upper continental crust must be discarded on the basis of geochemical characteristics. The Afro-Arabian continental crust displays a wide range of isotopic composition (Davidson and Wilson, 1989; Hegner and Pallister, 1989; Möller et al., 1998) which is dissimilar to the felsic MER volcanic rocks (Table 1). The Nd- isotopic compositions of most felsic MER volcanic rocks are also more radiogenic than mean upper crust. Hence, partial melting of the upper continental crust cannot be the source for the felsic melts. Low degrees of partial melting of basic lower crust and/or underplated basic magmas as possible source for the felsic melts can be tested by batch melting modeling calculations (Shaw, 1970; Skjerlie and Johnston, 1993) performed on Rb vs Sr (not shown). Based on the Sr- isotopic variations between the basic (0.70349 to 0.70456) and felsic (0.70446 to 0.70783) volcanic rocks (Table 1; Fig. 5), it is possible that fractional crystallization might not be the only process responsible for the generation of felsic lavas. Even if the data appears to be explained well by fractional crystallization from a basaltic parent, the fractionation stage could be an open system, and hence some assimilation of crustal material is possible. The estimation of the extent of contamination by crustal material is complicated by the diversity shown by AraboAfrican basement rocks (Hegner and Pallister, 1987; Davidson and Wilson, 1989; Möller et al., 1998). 18 The Sr-Nd isotopic compositions of the felsic volcanic rocks from the rift margin also suggest that assimilation of crustal material has occurred may be limited. Initial Nd- isotopic ratios, which are insensitive to small degrees of contamination, are variable and range from 0.51276 to 0.51237. Hence, we favor fractional crystallization from different basic parents, combined with assimilation of crustal materials, over a combined partial melt and fractionation origin for the felsic volcanic rocks. 5.3. Assimilation and Fractional Crystallization (AFC) A conventional way of identifying crustal contamination in a suite is to show that 87Sr/86Sr and 143 Nd/144Nd initial ratios vary systematically (increase and/or decrease) with increasing degree of differentiation. Using SiO2 as a fractionation index, most of the felsic rocks here show an overall increase in Sr-isotopic ratio (Fig. 7b). Most intermediate samples from the Wechecha and Boseti units exhibit lower Nd- isotopic ratios than the highly felsic samples, suggesting higher rates of contamination occurred in the intermediate lithotypes (Kabeto et al., 2001). The felsic volcanic samples from the study area apparently plot along AFC trend (Fig. 7a), with some scatter. Figure 7. Plots of (a) initial Sr- and (b) Ndisotopic ratios against SiO2 for the northern MER volcanic rocks. The felsic rocks plot on two apparent AFC trends. Apparent AFC and differentiation trends (FC) are also shown. The Nd- isotopic ratios also show variations with SiO2 (see text for discussion). Symbols as in Fig. 2. Few mineral aggregates and resorbed feldspar with melt inclusions were observed during our petrographic investigation. Although this could indicate magma mixing or assimilation, complete mixing can be excluded, 19 because no straight line relationships exist on simple binary plots such as SiO2-MgO (Fig. 3). Therefore, we consider that magma mixing is a minor process in the genesis of the felsic volcanic rocks. Figure 8. Graphical presentation of the assimilation-fractional crystallization (AFC) model (DePaolo, 1981). (a) Plot of initial 87Sr/86Sr vs Sr (ppm), model AFC curves calculated using an average Sudanese upper crust as an assimilant (Davidson and Wilson, 1989; 87Sr/86Sr = 143 0.727967, Nd/144Nd = 0.511367, Sr = 426, Nd = 9.6, and Nb = 10 ppm) and starting basic parent ET1602 (Table 1). Symbols as in Fig. 2. The elemental and Sr-Nd isotopic compositions (e.g., Table 1; Figs. 4 , 5, 6b, 6c, and 7) of the felsic rocks provide operation of evidence both of fractional crystallization and some crustal assimilation (AFC) (DePaolo, 1981). AFC calculations were carried out using sample ET1602 (143Nd/144Nd = 0.512894, and 87 Sr/86Sr = 0.70350; Table 1) as starting and basaltic using compositions DePaolo’s (1981) equations (Fig. 8). It is assumed that the rock examined was little modified by crustal contamination, and that crustal influence is of minor importance (isotopically) in the basaltic sample. For example, sample ET1602 has higher 143 Nd/144Nd and lower 87Sr/86Sr ratios than rhyolite ET1302A, which is most radiogenic (87Sr/86Sr = 0.70727 and 20 143 Nd/144Nd = 0.51273). In addition, the isotopic variability among the basalts is very small (Fig. 5; Table 1) compared to the diversity shown by Arabo-African basement rocks (Cohen et al., 1984; Hegner and Pallister, 1987; Davidson and Wilson, 1989; Halliday et al., 1991; Möller et al., 1998). Hence, the choice of initial compositions is therefore not critical for the AFC calculations (Fig. 8). Several calculations were made taking R (assimilation rate/crystallization rate ratio) to be 0.001, 0.01, 0.1, 0.3, 0.5, and 0.6. For each model, we assumed DSr = 3.2, DNb = 0.3, and DNd = 0.45. The D values used are similar to those in the compilation of Rollinson (1995). An example of AFC calculation performed from the average of the Sudanese upper crust (Davidson and Wilson, 1989, 87Sr/86Sr = 0.72797, Sr = 426 ppm, and 143Nd/144Nd = 0.51137, Nb = 9.6, Nd = 24 ppm) is shown in Fig. 8a and b, with basalt sample ET1602 taken as the basic parent. Assimilation of the assumed crustal rock by strongly differentiated trachytes and rhyolites at low mass assimilation to mass crystallization rates (R = 0.001-0.6), and moderate to high F values (> 0.1 on AFC curves) can produce the samples which exhibit high 143 87 87 Sr/86Sr, low Sr (< 185 ppm), low Nd/144Nd and high Nb (> 200 ppm). Sr/87Sr ratios plotted against Sr concentration (Fig. 8a) clearly show the effects of AFC. The data describes a curved differentiation trend with a sharp inflection around the highly felsic compositions, reflecting the strong influence of plagioclase fractionation with concomitant decrease in Sr (Figs. 4 and 8). The hypothetical trend describes the general differentiation trend among the felsic rocks, along which Ni, Cr, CaO, and MgO contents broadly decrease. Such hypothetical curves were also tested in the Jebel Marra area of the Sudan (Davidson and Wilson, 1989) and were successfully applied to northern Kenyan felsic lavas (Kabeto et al., 2001), to examine the evolution of basaltic to trachytic and phonolitic magmas. Relatively higher rates of assimilation are calculated for intermediate rocks (Fig. 8a and b). This may be explained by differentiation of intermediate magmas at deeper levels in the crust, where higher ambient wallrock temperatures and presence of hot basic magmas would facilitate higher rates of assimilation (Davidson and Wilson, 1989; Macdonald et al. et al., 1995; Panter et al., 1997). Furthermore, high rates of assimilation (0.3-0.6) are evident for most felsic volcanic rocks from the rift margin (Fig. 8b), indicating a greater degree of contamination than at the rift center. This is also in agreement with the thicker crust at the rift margin than at the rift center (Makris and Ginzburg, 1987). 21 6. CONCLUSIONS Studies of the northern Main Ethiopian Rift (MER) volcanic rocks offer insight into the genetic relations of basic and felsic volcanic rocks, and establish that compositional contrasts occur in equivalent volcanic rocks at rift margin and center magma series within a single intraplate continental setting. Higher Al2O3, K2O, Zr, Nb, Sr, and Rb and lower CaO, CaO/Al2O3, and Zr/Nb concentrations in the rift margin felsic volcanic rocks erupted mostly in the Pliocene compared to the Quaternary equivalents in the rift center reflect inheritance from their basic parents. The spatial and temporal distinctions between the volcanic suites in the study area and their markedly different geochemistry are explained by evolution along separate magma trends. Hence, alkaline basaltic melts produced by lower degrees of partial melting are a possible source for most of the felsic volcanic rocks at the rift margin. In contrast, transitional basaltic melts produced at high degrees of partial melting are thought to be the parent for the felsic volcanic rocks in the rift center. Modeling of the geochemical variations suggests that crystal-liquid fractionation processes within the shallow reservoirs were dominant during most trachyte-rhyolitic production in the rift center, along with less well-developed AFC processes. AFC appears to play a greater role in the genesis of intermediate rift center rocks and felsic rocks at the rift margin. We consider this to partly be a function of depth of fractionation of the magmas, implying that intermediate and rift margin magmas differentiated at deeper levels, whereas the more felsic trachytes and rhyolites of the rift center originated at shallow crustal levels. This is also in agreement with known variation in crustal thickness, variation as thinner crust is present in the rift center than at the rift margin. 7. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We thank Prof. S. Iizumi for his help with isotope analyses and Dr. T. Bary for AFC model calculation and discussion. K. 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UNIT Nazreth Boseti Sample No. ET14 ET 971602 ET 117 ET1607 ET1608 ET 1702A ET1504 ET1507 ET1505 ET1501 ET1506 ET1605 ET1604b ET1603b Locality Tafu Kone Barko Harbona Kimbo Boku Boseti Boseti Boseti Wolenchiti Boseti Hada Hada Hada Rock type trachyte rhyolite rhyolite rhyolite rhyolite rhyolite benmoreite trachyte trachyte trachyte rhyolite trachyte rhyolite rhyolite Age (Ma) 0.6 0.3 0.5 0.6 0.83 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 SiO2 67.98 68.84 71.72 69.35 69.67 73.78 56.24 65.44 66.82 66.90 69.66 66.61 67.19 68.00 TiO2 0.59 0.41 0.40 0.38 0.61 0.31 2.13 0.63 0.41 0.47 0.32 0.45 0.41 0.41 Al2O3 14.07 13.02 11.00 14.94 15.35 10.85 15.38 12.07 13.71 14.50 9.84 15.42 15.18 15.04 Fe2O3 0.85 0.93 0.92 0.59 0.42 0.82 1.52 1.48 1.02 0.91 1.22 0.84 0.82 0.80 FeO 4.34 4.73 4.74 2.99 2.14 4.16 8.33 7.54 5.20 4.66 6.24 4.30 4.17 4.06 MnO 0.21 0.19 0.21 0.16 0.15 0.15 0.31 0.30 0.22 0.23 0.26 0.16 0.16 0.16 MgO 0.32 0.06 0.03 0.22 0.44 0.02 2.60 0.48 0.01 0.09 - 0.22 0.14 0.13 CaO 1.68 0.67 0.44 0.58 0.85 0.27 5.14 1.04 0.72 1.10 0.29 1.64 1.48 1.47 Na2O 5.86 6.82 5.77 6.57 6.16 5.02 5.56 7.49 7.89 6.38 8.04 6.38 6.22 5.90 K2O 3.99 4.30 4.77 4.17 4.12 4.62 1.99 3.47 3.98 4.72 4.12 3.92 4.20 3.99 P2O5 0.09 0.03 0.01 0.04 0.09 - 0.80 0.05 0.02 0.03 0.01 0.06 0.04 0.04 LOI 1.47 - - 1.48 2.10 0.20 0.20 2.45 0.29 1.07 0.73 1.08 1.98 0.45 Alkali total 9.85 11.12 10.53 10.74 10.28 9.64 7.55 10.96 11.87 11.10 12.16 10.29 10.42 9.89 Agpaitic index 0.99 1.22 1.33 1.03 0.95 1.22 0.73 1.33 1.26 1.08 1.80 0.96 0.97 0.93 Mg number 11.75 2.08 1.05 11.70 26.95 1.04 35.76 10.22 0.47 3.23 - 8.47 5.64 5.36 27 (Continued) UNIT Plateau Addis Ababa Sample No. ET1201 ET1303 Locality Rock type Age (Ma) Intoto basalt 22.8 Wechecha basalt Wechecha ET1602 Addis basalt ET1403 ET1203B ET1405 ET1404A ET1203A ET1302 ET1301 ET1606 ET1508 ET1507b Akaki Menagesha Yerer Yerer Menagesha Wechecha Wechecha Wonji Sodorei Boku benmoreite benmoreite benmoreite trachyte trachyte basalt basalt 4 3.09 3.09 basalt 7.5 7 Rift center mafic 7 3.6 rhyolite 4 4.6 0.5 0.5 hawaiite 0.5 SiO2 47.20 46.32 45.69 46.71 57.02 60.46 62.59 65.47 68.20 68.50 47.81 48.33 52.16 TiO2 1.72 2.24 2.63 2.21 2.08 1.14 0.92 0.27 0.21 0.22 1.92 2.32 2.20 Al2O3 21.17 14.75 15.52 15.21 15.48 16.44 16.53 17.79 15.85 16.00 14.12 15.14 15.56 Fe2O3 1.55 1.76 1.89 1.72 1.39 1.26 1.10 0.63 0.62 0.61 1.77 1.85 1.76 FeO 7.93 8.97 9.65 8.76 7.50 6.41 5.63 3.20 3.17 3.10 9.04 9.42 8.99 MnO 0.14 0.18 0.16 0.17 0.33 0.13 0.13 0.11 0.08 0.07 0.17 0.17 0.21 MgO 4.24 10.81 9.77 9.57 2.19 0.98 0.75 0.06 0.02 0.01 10.42 7.73 4.94 CaO 12.51 11.26 9.66 11.62 4.37 3.30 2.01 0.31 0.36 0.22 11.29 10.55 8.02 Na2O 2.67 2.50 3.41 2.84 5.55 4.62 5.50 7.02 6.51 6.21 2.43 2.93 4.11 K2O 0.63 0.79 1.07 0.80 3.14 4.86 4.56 5.12 4.97 5.03 0.66 0.92 1.31 P2O5 0.25 0.42 0.56 0.40 0.93 0.41 0.28 0.02 0.01 0.03 0.37 0.64 0.73 LOI 1.06 1.61 0.20 1.47 1.48 0.19 0.74 1.47 1.57 1.07 1.60 0.54 0.76 Alkali total Agpaitic index 3.29 3.28 4.48 3.64 8.69 9.48 10.06 12.14 11.48 11.23 3.09 3.85 5.42 0.24 0.34 0.44 0.36 0.81 0.78 0.85 0.96 1.02 0.98 0.33 0.38 0.53 Mg number 48.83 68.23 64.34 66.08 34.25 21.39 19.14 3.31 0.95 0.81 67.26 59.39 49.51 (Continued) 28 UNIT Sample No. Rift center mafic ET ET 941503A 941502 Gedemsa ET 1706 ET 941503B Nazreth ET60 ET54 ET38 ET 9865 ET 9840 Gedemsa Koka Gedemsa Gedemsa Bulbula rhyolite rhyolite obsidian ignimbrite ignimbrite 0.5 0.5 Locality D.Zeit D.Zeit Mojo D.Zeit Sololuya Gedemsa Alula Rock type basalt basalt basalt basalt rhyolite rhyolite obsidian Age (Ma) 0.6 0.6 1 0.5 SiO2 49.09 46.38 49.45 49.08 TiO2 1.35 1.65 1.95 2.24 Al2O3 16.16 13.00 17.45 15.88 Fe2O3 1.51 1.73 1.76 1.92 FeO 7.70 8.81 8.96 MnO 0.14 0.16 MgO 9.28 CaO 0.5 71.88 0.6 0.6 ET06 ET103 ET94 0.5 0.6 0.5 72.19 72.69 73.59 72.91 72.34 73.47 67.14 0.32 0.31 0.27 0.35 0.31 0.33 0.69 12.85 10.86 9.57 9.89 12.61 9.15 14.26 0.62 0.62 0.89 1.07 0.94 0.61 1.00 0.91 9.80 3.21 3.20 4.59 5.51 4.81 3.13 5.16 4.66 0.14 0.18 0.13 0.13 0.17 0.23 0.21 0.12 0.22 0.21 13.93 6.27 6.36 0.13 0.12 0.06 0.11 0.05 0.06 0.05 0.52 11.00 11.15 9.43 9.42 0.70 0.65 0.41 0.30 0.35 0.55 0.85 1.78 Na2O 2.34 2.26 3.30 3.43 5.13 5.23 5.65 4.83 5.94 5.16 5.29 5.75 K2O 1.17 0.64 0.91 1.06 4.95 4.67 4.30 4.51 4.55 5.09 4.48 3.97 P2O5 0.25 0.30 0.38 0.64 0.01 0.01 0.06 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.13 LOI 0.11 0.17 1.12 0.86 0.22 0.18 1.17 Alkali total 3.51 2.91 4.21 4.49 9.90 9.96 9.34 10.49 10.24 9.77 9.72 Agpaitic index 0.32 0.09 0.37 0.43 1.07 1.06 1.28 1.34 1.49 1.11 1.48 0.96 Mg number 68.23 73.81 55.51 53.65 6.61 6.33 2.30 3.52 1.86 3.55 1.67 16.57 0.33 12.92 10.07 29 - (Continued) UNIT Plateau Addis Ababa Sample No. ET1201 ET1303 Locality Rock type Intoto basalt Wechecha ET1602 Wechecha Addis basalt basalt Rift center mafic ET1403 ET1203B ET1405 ET1404A ET1203A ET1302 ET1301 ET1606 ET1508 ET1507b Akaki Menagesha Yerer Yerer Menagesha Wechecha Wechecha Wonji Sodorei Boku benmoreite benmoreite benmoreite trachyte trachyte basalt rhyolite basalt hawaiite Cr 32 672 331 491 5 20 17 19 16 Ni 15 231 185 154 8 2 3 7 8 Ba 160 361 301 446 1,001 89 1,267 48 143 Nb 15.7 33.1 47.1 31.4 106.5 108.0 104.6 231.7 192.2 481.2 774.8 745.0 1,104 965.4 818.4 117.7 174.9 157.1 65.0 66.2 82.0 74.9 204.8 44.3 21.2 16.3 28.0 540.0 313.0 276.1 5.3 5.6 6.6 401.6 481.4 466.9 79.0 119.3 120.1 189.5 159.3 151.1 12.0 16.0 16.9 Zr 110.5 125.6 232.6 Y 15.1 23.7 23.8 Sr 792.6 675.8 643.7 122.4 20.7 629.0 19 basalt 2 151 166.0 558 245 36 208 107 52 274 467 1,456 20.4 28.5 26.1 Rb 19.2 16.6 16.6 16.2 La 12.9 24.4 24.9 21.7 93.3 104.2 175.3 694.2 17.8 17.0 24.3 28.9 Ce 28.7 47.8 55.9 45.4 191.5 183.0 152.1 229.0 74.9 37.3 52.9 63.3 Pr 3.7 5.9 6.9 5.5 22.1 22.3 25.0 25.0 4.3 4.8 6.6 8.3 Nd 15.8 24.9 28.3 23.5 84.5 83.3 99.8 100.0 16.0 20.7 26.9 Sm 3.6 5.2 5.8 5.0 15.9 15.5 14.6 30.0 4.0 4.7 5.6 Eu 1.3 1.8 1.9 1.7 3.8 3.7 0.8 5.0 0.8 1.6 2.1 3.5 Gd 3.5 5.2 5.5 4.8 13.7 13.9 10.4 20.0 4.8 4.6 5.7 7.1 Tb 0.5 0.8 0.8 0.7 2.1 2.1 1.8 5.0 1.0 0.7 0.8 1.0 Dy 3.1 4.4 4.5 4.2 12.9 13.3 12.0 20.0 7.9 4.2 4.7 5.7 Ho 0.6 0.8 0.8 0.8 2.5 2.7 2.6 6.7 1.8 0.8 0.9 1.1 30 (Continued) UNIT Plateau Addis Ababa Sample No. ET1201 ET1303 Locality Rock type Intoto basalt Wechecha ET1602 Wechecha Addis basalt basalt Rift center mafic ET1403 ET1203B ET1405 ET1404A ET1203A ET1302 ET1301 ET1606 ET1508 ET1507b Akaki Menagesha Yerer Yerer Menagesha Wechecha Wechecha Wonji Sodorei Boku benmoreite benmoreite benmoreite trachyte trachyte basalt rhyolite basalt basalt hawaiite Er 1.6 2.3 1.9 2.2 7.2 8.0 8.1 17.7 5.9 2.2 2.2 2.9 Tm 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.3 1.0 1.1 1.3 2.4 0.9 0.3 0.3 0.4 Yb 1.3 1.9 1.8 1.8 6.9 7.4 8.8 15.6 6.6 1.9 2.0 2.5 Lu 0.2 0.3 0.2 0.3 1.0 1.1 1.4 2.2 1.0 0.3 0.3 0.4 Hf 2.6 3.0 5.2 3.0 17.6 17.3 23.2 21.7 18.5 2.9 3.5 3.8 Ta 1.0 1.9 5.7 1.9 6.1 5.8 13.7 10.6 9.1 1.2 2.5 1.5 Th 1.2 2.2 2.4 2.2 14.5 14.2 31.9 24.2 20.9 1.5 2.0 2.3 U 0.3 0.5 0.6 0.5 3.4 3.4 3.7 3.4 2.8 0.4 0.6 0.4 Zr/Nb 7.04 3.79 4.94 3.90 4.52 7.17 7.12 4.76 5.02 4.93 5.77 6.15 6.02 0.70376 0.70383 0.70350 0.70368 0.70387 0.70489 0.70490 0.70504 0.70727 0.70624 0.70427 0.70441 0.70456 0.51222 0.51281 0.51289 0.51288 0.51264 0.51262 0.51264 0.51276 0.51273 0.51237 0.51276 0.51279 0.51270 Isotope (87Sr/86Sr) I (143Nd/144Nd) I 31 (Continued) UNIT Rift center mafic Sample No. ET ET 941503A 941502 Locality D.Zeit D.Zeit Rock type basalt basalt Age (Ma) 0.6 0.6 Cr 298 822 Ni 148 380 Ba 331 278 Nb 24.1 26.6 Zr 106.1 109.7 Y 17.6 19.0 Sr 466.6 461.6 Rb 20.3 15.7 La 18.7 18.5 Ce 37.8 38.1 Pr 4.5 4.7 Nd 18.2 19.2 Sm 3.8 4.1 Eu 1.4 1.4 Gd 3.7 4.1 Tb 0.6 0.6 Dy 3.4 3.8 Ho 0.7 0.7 ET 1706 Mojo basalt 1 Gedemsa ET ET60 ET54 ET38 ET 9865 941503B D.Zeit Sololuya Gedemsa Alula Gedemsa basalt rhyolite rhyolite obsidian rhyolite 0.5 0.5 0.6 0.6 0.5 139 14 9 28 13 Nazreth ET94 ET 9840 ET06 ET103 Koka rhyolite 0.5 12 Gedemsa Gedemsa Bulbula obsidian ignimbrite ignimbrite 0.5 0.6 0.5 16 13 15 114 73 28 28 17 28 27 25 28 27 518 491 492 183 128 53 397 66 1,246 32.2 104.1 103.7 100.9 140.0 128.6 109.8 113.9 75.4 165.5 761.2 764.1 791.3 1,077 918 813.8 668.8 503.1 28.1 74.8 74.6 93.5 60.0 94.3 82.2 62.7 48.3 635.9 21.5 20.2 10.9 9.5 3.5 16.0 11.7 179.3 17.3 115.2 113.6 111.2 140.2 120.3 129.9 128.6 82.9 29.6 93.9 87.7 112.8 109.5 107.3 96.0 59.2 62.6 185.6 185.6 226.0 279.8 224.2 196.1 123.3 7.7 22.0 20.6 25.0 25.0 25.0 22.3 14.2 32.1 81.2 76.6 100.0 100.0 95.8 82.6 54.8 6.6 15.8 15.2 20.5 21.2 19.3 16.6 10.9 2.2 2.0 2.0 3.1 3.0 2.2 2.1 3.1 6.3 13.9 13.6 18.2 17.9 17.7 14.8 9.8 0.9 2.3 2.2 3.0 2.9 2.9 2.5 1.6 5.5 14.5 14.1 18.6 17.5 18.1 15.6 9.7 1.1 2.9 2.8 3.7 3.3 3.7 3.1 1.9 46 320 26.4 143.8 24.4 555.0 15.1 25.4 48.8 6.5 27.2 5.6 1.9 5.4 0.8 4.9 0.9 32 (Continued) UNIT Rift center mafic Sample No. ET ET 941503A 941502 Locality D.Zeit D.Zeit Rock type basalt basalt Age (Ma) 0.6 0.6 Er 1.9 2.0 Tm 0.3 0.3 Yb 1.7 1.8 Lu 0.3 0.3 Hf 2.5 2.6 Ta 1.4 1.6 Th 2.1 2.1 U 0.6 0.5 Zr/Nb 4.40 4.12 Isotope (87Sr/86Sr) I (143Nd/144 Nd) I ET 1706 Mojo basalt 1 Gedemsa ET ET60 ET54 ET38 ET 9865 941503B D.Zeit Sololuya Gedemsa Alula Gedemsa basalt rhyolite rhyolite obsidian rhyolite 0.5 0.5 0.6 0.6 0.5 3.0 8.4 8.4 10.6 9.3 ET 9840 ET06 ET103 Nazreth ET94 Koka Gedemsa Gedemsa Bulbula rhyolite obsidian ignimbrite ignimbrite 0.5 0.5 0.6 0.5 10.7 9.2 5.5 2.6 0.4 1.2 1.2 1.5 1.4 1.6 1.3 0.8 2.7 8.2 8.2 10.0 9.6 10.2 8.9 5.4 0.4 1.2 1.2 1.4 1.4 1.5 1.3 0.8 3.9 18.7 18.5 19.2 26.4 22.3 19.9 12.4 1.8 6.1 6.1 5.9 8.1 7.5 6.7 4.3 2.2 16.0 15.7 15.2 20.4 16.9 16.7 9.8 0.5 3.6 3.7 3.6 1.2 4.0 3.9 1.9 5.14 7.31 7.37 7.84 7.69 7.14 7.41 5.87 0.70476 0.70469 0.70783 0.70463 0.70459 0.70589 0.51278 0.51273 0.51278 0.51281 0.4 2.3 0.3 3.5 1.5 2.1 0.5 5.45 0.5127 8 0.51282 33 6.67 (Continued) UNIT Nazreth Boseti Sample No. ET14 ET 971602 Locality Tafu Kone Barko Harbona Kimbo Boku Rock type trachyte rhyolite rhyolite rhyolite rhyolite rhyolite Cr 10 18 11 17 20 13 - 25 20 16 17 16 20 17 Ni 28 1 28 1 2 26 10 2 1 2 4 2 2 3 Ba 1,290 602 95 974 857 67 657 1,974 821 461 394 968 695 973 126.7 111.9 114.2 Nb 81.7 ET 117 ET1607 ET1608 ET1702A ET1504 ET1507 ET1505 ET1501 ET1506 ET1605 ET1604b ET1603b Boseti Boseti Boseti Wolenchiti Boseti Hada Hada Hada benmoreite trachyte trachyte trachyte rhyolite trachyte rhyolite rhyolite 92.1 129.2 33.8 85.1 109.1 92.4 Zr 539.7 579.0 772.3 756.4 686.9 1,024 161.4 492.9 706.7 528.0 Y 55.5 91.0 56.7 58.2 70.5 80.3 22.6 68.5 80.9 62.8 Sr 156.3 32.2 3.0 21.8 114.9 3.9 578.4 28.3 12.8 6.7 160.8 1,065 129.5 5.4 88.0 92.3 91.3 645.6 680.0 679.4 65.8 69.2 65.8 110.4 83.2 100.8 Rb 85.0 111.8 122.1 95.0 110.2 148.9 21.7 56.9 97.3 78.6 142.9 97.5 103.4 103.8 La 65.7 91.6 93.6 82.5 85.3 106.3 27.4 61.2 82.4 65.4 129.8 73.1 75.9 74.5 Ce 135.0 185.3 168.7 165.8 175.4 215.2 55.7 130.0 169.3 136.5 267.0 148.8 153.2 152.9 Pr 15.9 21.1 23.3 19.8 20.3 24.8 6.6 25.0 19.6 16.0 15.6 17.0 17.7 17.4 Nd 60.5 80.0 87.5 75.0 77.0 91.4 26.5 100.0 75.6 62.0 62.4 64.2 66.3 66.5 Sm 12.2 16.3 17.0 14.5 14.9 17.9 5.4 24.7 15.6 12.7 13.2 12.8 13.3 13.2 Eu 3.4 3.3 2.4 2.9 3.4 2.4 1.8 5.0 3.6 2.2 4.2 3.1 2.9 3.0 Gd 11.0 15.3 14.2 12.3 13.1 15.9 5.1 20.0 14.8 11.7 12.9 11.9 12.3 12.1 Tb 1.8 2.6 2.3 2.0 2.1 2.6 0.8 4.0 2.5 1.9 2.1 2.0 2.0 2.0 Dy 11.0 16.8 13.9 12.5 13.1 15.9 4.5 20.0 15.5 12.0 13.4 12.5 13.0 12.6 Ho 2.2 3.5 2.7 2.5 2.6 3.1 0.9 5.0 3.1 2.4 2.7 2.5 2.6 2.6 34 (Continued) UNIT Nazreth Boseti Sample No. ET14 ET 971602 Locality Tafu Kone Barko Harbona Kimbo Boku Rock type trachyte rhyolite rhyolite rhyolite rhyolite rhyolite Er 6.3 10.5 7.7 7.1 7.7 8.8 2.4 14.7 9.2 7.2 7.8 7.5 7.8 7.6 Tm 0.9 1.5 1.2 1.1 1.1 1.3 0.3 2.1 1.3 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 Yb 6.1 9.9 8.0 7.7 7.5 8.6 2.1 13.6 8.6 7.2 7.2 7.3 7.6 7.3 Lu 0.9 1.5 1.2 1.2 1.1 1.3 0.3 2.0 1.3 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 Hf 13.1 19.2 18.7 17.8 16.3 22.9 3.7 25.8 16.5 12.9 11.8 15.2 15.9 15.9 Ta 4.7 7.4 6.3 6.5 4.6 7.2 1.9 9.4 6.3 5.0 4.9 5.0 5.3 5.3 Th 10.8 15.0 15.9 12.6 13.4 14.8 2.5 19.2 12.4 9.7 7.6 12.2 12.7 12.5 U 1.9 6.1 2.1 1.8 3.0 3.3 0.6 4.8 3.2 2.3 2.1 1.9 2.8 1.7 Zr/Nb 6.61 4.57 6.90 6.62 7.46 7.92 4.78 5.79 6.48 5.71 6.62 7.33 7.37 7.44 0.70502 0.70577 0.70477 0.70486 0.70628 0.70478 0.70553 0.70450 0.70538 0.70416 0.70447 0.70446 0.70474 0.51277 0.51285 0.51266 0.51281 0.51279 0.51262 0.51285 0.51286 0.51284 0.51277 0.51261 0.51280 0.51274 ET 117 ET1607 ET1608 ET1702A ET1504 ET1507 ET1505 ET1501 ET1506 ET1605 ET1604b ET1603b Boseti Boseti Boseti Wolenchiti Boseti Hada Hada Hada benmoreite trachyte trachyte trachyte rhyolite trachyte rhyolite rhyolite Isotope (87Sr/86Sr) I (143Nd/144Nd) I 35 Groundwater Suitability for Irrigation: a Case Study from Debre Kidane Watershed, Eastern Tigray, Ethiopia *Nata Tadesse1, K. Bheemalingeswara1 and Asmelash Berhane2 1 Department of Earth Science, College of Natural and Computational Sciences, Mekelle University, P.O. Box 1604, Mekelle, Ethiopia (* 2 Department of LaRMEP, College of Dry Land Agriculture and Natural Resource Management, Mekelle University, Mekelle, Ethiopia ABSTRACT The present paper tries to assess groundwater suitability for irrigation purpose in Debre Kidane Watershed (45.09 km2), northern Ethiopia. The goal was to evaluate the suitability of the groundwater for irrigation, examine the water types and to investigate possible long and short term impact on groundwater quality. Thirty six water samples each were collected in rainy and dry (irrigation) seasons from the active shallow hand dug wells. The well selection for detailed study and water sampling was done using stratified followed by random sampling technique. The number of wells selected for study is accounting 10% of the total available hand dug wells in the area. Parameters such as electrical conductivity (EC), pH, Total Dissolved Solids (TDS), temperature and other physical properties were recorded in the field. Major anions and cations (Ca2+, Mg2+, K+, Na+, CO32-, HCO3-, Cl-, SO42- and NO3-) were analyzed in the laboratory. Chemical data suggests that the water type in the area though varies from Mg-HCO3, Ca-HCO3, Mg-Cl, Na-HCO3 to K- HCO3, predominantly it is mixed cation-HCO3 type in the rainy season; and Ca-HCO3 (Piper diagram) and Na-HCO3 (Stiff diagram) in irrigation season. Dominance of Na in irrigation season and increase in Sodium Absorption Ratio (SAR) are primarily due to possible increase of Na absorption in the soil replacing Ca. According to the guidelines for irrigation water quality, the groundwater is suitable for irrigation with some minor exceptions. In rainy season, 89% of the samples fall under the water class “good” and 11% “permissible” whereas in irrigation season only 30% are classified as “good” and 70% under “permissible” class. Toxicity in terms of SAR and salinity though presently under control and there is no specific toxicity effect on vegetables and field crops, however, there are indications of their increase in due course of time if proper measures are not taken. Keywords: Groundwater, Irrigation, Salinity, SAR, Toxicity, Water quality, Hand dug well, Ethiopia. 1. INTRODUCTION Water occurring either as surface or subsurface water is the mankind’s most vital and versatile natural resources. Surface water exists in rivers, lakes, ponds, and oceans. Surface water mainly rainwater by percolating through soil and weathered rock horizons occupies the subsurface permeable layers and develops into a groundwater. Due to its interaction for longer period of time with soil, weathered and fresh rock materials which in turn vary in composition, groundwater compared to surface water provides a wide range of variation in its composition. Thus, the utility of groundwater depends not only on its abundance but also on its quality. Groundwater utilization for irrigation and domestic purposes has been at a maximum compared others, like livestock and, industrial use etc., particularly due to food security problems and global climatic changes. Thus groundwater has become an important source for irrigation and it has become an integral part of the irrigation strategy “to overcome food scarcity” in many developing countries including in African continent. Such efforts have helped to expand irrigation with time particularly from 1950’s the expansion has been rapidly increasing (Rosegrant et al., 1999). Currently, it accounts for about 72% of global water withdrawals and about 90% in the case of developing countries. According to the Ministry of Water Resources (2002), Ethiopia is endowed with huge natural water resources, which include 122 billion m3 annual surface runoff and 2.9 billion m3 of groundwater. However, the county’s water resource has contributed little to the country’s socioeconomic development, because major part of the surface runoff is not utilized and at the same utilization of groundwater for irrigation is still in infantile stage. In the case of the Tigray region the main economic means is rain fed agriculture. The region is characterized by undulating topography and experiences arid to semi-arid conditions with highly erratic and unreliable rainfall. Thus the region is not in a position to cover the annual food requirement of its people. To alleviate the challenges of food insecurity in the country promotion of irrigated agriculture was given priority (Mekuria, 2003). Thus, hand dug well construction has become one of the activities both by the individuals as well as the government on a sustainable basis. Implementation of this technology does not need high investment and skilled work force instead a household can easily adopt and practice it. However, the issue of sustainability in terms of quality and quantity which changes with time and type of practices in the field, demands attention. The changing conditions have provided impetus to develop irrigation using groundwater. Debre Kidane Watershed in Tigray is one such area where about 360 shallow hand dug wells were constructed primarily to overcome the moisture scarcity. The households benefited from these dug wells and started cultivating and producing different high value crops even two times a year. Availability of water by itself is not a guaranty for sustainable development, but, its fitness to 37 specific purpose like irrigation, domestic and industries is important. Since economic advantage alone cannot sustain the practice, the issues like ecological and social are to be taken in to account in the development and management of the irrigation schemes. Quality of water should be made part of such studies. Ultimately the knowledge of irrigation water quality is critical to understand what management changes are necessary for long-term and short term productivity particularly for crops that are sensitive to changes in quality (Bohn et al., 1985; FAO, 1985; Brady, 2002). The present paper examines the quality of groundwater used for irrigation in Debre Kidane watershed (Fig.1) and tries to a) determines suitability of groundwater for irrigation purpose; b) investigate the water types; c) record water salinity, sodicity if any; d) determine the possible sources for such variations; and, e) examine possible future trends in the toxicity. 1.1 Description of the Study Area Debre Kidane watershed is located in the eastern Tigray, North Ethiopia. Geographically, it is found bounded between 545000 – 553000m E and 1535000 – 1544000m N, and has an aerial coverage of 45.09 km2 (Fig. 1) with a mean altitude of 2200 meters above sea level. The mean annual rainfall in the area is about 524.08 mm (Nata, 2003). Monthly rainfall is concentrated mostly in the mid of June to the mid of September. The drainage is well developed and originates from the elevated areas in the northeast and flow towards south west (Fig. 1). Northeastern elevated areas form the main recharge source for groundwater in the area. The mean annual temperature is 18.1ºC and the yearly average maximum and minimum temperatures are 25.1ºC and 10.8ºC, respectively. The annual range of temperature is 3.7ºC (Nata, 2003). The dominant crops grown in the area are barley (Hordeum vulgare), wheat (Tritcum asteivum), teff (Eragrostive teff), maize (Zea mays), finger millet (Pennisetum americanum), beans (Phaseolus vulgaris) and peas (Pistum sativum). Soil texture observed in the field are sandy, light clay, silty, loamy sand, and loam. Dominant soil texture being silt loam (Nata et al., 2008). Major soil of the watershed from along the inlet and outlet is Vertisols, Cambisol, Leptosol, and Alluvisol. In the study area the types of aquifers are localized, confined and unconfined types. Confined aquifers are located in the discharge areas of the basins and the unconfined types are found in the recharge areas. Out of the observed hand dug wells, 72.5% are located in unconfined aquifers and the remaining are in the confined aquifers (Nata et al., 2008). 38 15 N Tigray 14 Afar Amhara 13 0 18 Miles 12 38 37 39 40 (A) 1544000 N Streams 0 1 Kilometer 1535000 545000 553000 (B) Figure 1. Location and drainage map of the watershed (Nata et al., 2007). (Source for A: Disaster Prevention and Preparedness Agency (DPPA), 2006) 39 2. GEOLOGY AND AQUIFER CONDITION OF THE STUDY AREA The area consists of three types of rock units, the low-grade metamorphosed Proterozoic basement rocks and overlying sedimentary rocks comprising sandstone and tillite of Paleozoic age and recent alluvial deposits (Fig. 2) (Nata et. al., 2007). A brief account of the rock types and the aquifer characteristics is given below. 2.1 Geology 2.1.1 Basement rocks These are the dominating rock type in the area and their outcrops are found in northern, northeastern, eastern, southeastern, central, southwestern, and northwestern parts of the study area. They occupy both low in the southern parts and high elevated areas in the northern parts and show flat to steep slopes. They cover 22.8% of the area (Nata et. al., 2007). The basement rocks are composed of metavolcanics and metasediments. The most conspicuous foliation trend is north-south with deviations to northeast and northwest. Apart from foliations, fractures are also present and are irregularly spaced in the rock. In some places they show light to dark grey, light to dark brown and reddish color. Dominant minerals present in these low grade greenschist facies rocks include: mafic minerals, chlorite, quartz, feldspars and opaque in metavolcanic rocks and quartz, chlorite, feldspar, muscovite, pyrite, limonite in metasediments (Nata et. al., 2007). 2.1.2 Sandstone This rock unit accounts for about 8.4% of the total study area (Nata et. al., 2007). The outcrops of these rocks are found in the southern and southeastern parts of the study area. They occupy higher elevations in the topography, show steep slopes, cliff forming, and overlie the basement rocks. The rock out crops is very limited as they are covered by alluvium. However, as it was observed from the geological logs of the hand dug wells, it extends from southeast to the central, southwestern, western and northwestern parts of the study area. Its maximum thickness which is observed at the southeastern periphery of the watershed is of about 160 meters (Nata et. al., 2007). It is composed of white, coarse grained, cross-bedded, calcareous sandstone containing lenses of siltstone, grit and polymict conglomerate with sub-rounded to well-rounded pebbles, cobbles and boulders. Clasts of granite, gneisses are scattered erratically and are seen in many places. The lower part of the sandstone is white in color with medium grained angular grains and at places 40 strongly cemented by clay minerals. Upper part is the glacial unit, shows features of a glaciofluvial deposit, angular, poorly sorted grains of quartz and lenses of conglomerate. The rock is porous, highly weathered and show presence of fractures, joints and cross bedding. Among structures, joints are prominent and show presence of two sets of joints in sandstone which lies N15ºE and N25ºW (Nata et al., 2007). The tillite unit is not found as an outcrop in the study area. However, as it was observed from the lithologs of the hand dug wells, this rock is found underlying the alluvium in the northern, northeastern, eastern, southeastern, southern southwestern parts of the watershed (Nata et al., 2007). It is characterized by dark grey color, poorly sorted texture, the presence of big boulder and its unstratified nature. On the basis of the logs of the hand dug wells, its maximum thickness is about 4.5m. The rock is dominated by quartz with limited amount of feldspar and varying amounts of clay, silt and ferruginous and calcareous cementing material (Nata et al., 2007). 2.1.3 Alluvial Deposits In the watershed alluvial deposits are found covering wide area both in the highlands and the lowlands. They are also found as thin strips along the margins of the major rivers and their tributaries. The alluvium is accounting for about 68.8% of the area. The relative abundances and stratigraphic relations of the sediments, however, are generally not uniform through out the watershed. Toward the mountains front that is NW and E and topographically high areas in the central parts of the study area, where river gradients are high due to steep slopes, the alluvial sediments, in general, are dominated by sub-angular to sub-rounded coarse grained quartz. In the western parts of the watershed, where the gradient of the rivers decreases down slope, the alluvial deposit is characterized by the presence of medium to fine grained sand with variable content of silt and clay. The maximum thickness of the alluvium is about 3.50 m. 2.2 Hydrogeology 2.2.1 Aquifer Types and Characteristics Different rock types and unconsolidated sediments which host water and act as aquifers have been classified into two based on the type of porosity and permeability and their extent. 1. Localized aquifers with intergranular porosity and permeability (unconsolidated sediments: alluvial sediments along the margins of the major river and its tributaries); and, 41 2. Less extensive aquifers with intergranular and fractured porosity and permeability (consolidated sediments and basement rocks: sandstone, tillite and basement rocks). A brief account of the hydrogeological characteristics of the different rocks and unconsolidated sediments of the watershed is given below with a particular reference to their water storage and transmission capacities (Fig. 3) (Nata et al., 2008). 1544000 N Legend Basement rocks Sandstone Alluvium Hand Dug Well 0 1535000 545000 1 Kilometer 553000 Figure 2. Geological and Hand dug well location map, Debre Kidane, eastern Tigray (Nata et al., 2007). Basement rocks These rocks are generally impervious, nevertheless local pockets of groundwater reservoir occurs in the weathered layer and fracture zones. Geological and hydrogeological logs of nine hand dug wells in the western and central parts of the watershed indicate that the weathered and fractured zones are the main sources of groundwater supply in the basement rocks with discharges of hand dug wells range from 0.4 to 1.5 l/s. 42 Sandstone The rock is characterized by highly weathered and fractured nature. These weathered and fractured zones as a whole reaches up to a maximum depth of about 4 m. However, in this rock secondary porosity is significant due to fracturing. Fracturing has increased the void space as well as its capacity for water transmission and enhanced its usefulness to the water supply. However, at places it is reduced due to high degree of cementation and in turn permeability and productivity. This rock is considered to host a highly potential aquifer in the flat areas (northern and northeastern parts of the watershed) compared to the steeply to gentle dipping rocks which act as a conduit rather than being an aquifer in the southern and southeastern parts of the area. In the case of tillite presence of considerable amounts of silt and clay as minerals and as cement reduces the intergranular permeabilities drastically and makes the rock impervious and hamper water movement. At places, however, the fractures provide secondary porosity and permeability and hence make the rock permeable for groundwater flow and storage, Alluvial Deposits These recent deposits cover major parts of the area overlying both the basement and sedimentary rocks. They vary in thickness as well as in composition in the plateau areas and along the margins of the rivers and tributaries. The alluvial deposits mainly comprise of clay, silt, sand and gravel sized particles in different proportion. These deposits have an average thickness 3.50 m. In the western part of the study area, these deposits can be considered as potential water bearing formation due to their primary porosity and location whereas due to their location in the southern parts the alluvium act as a conduit rather than being an aquifer (Fig. 3). 3. METHODOLOGY Initially inventory of all hand dug wells that are functional for irrigation purpose was carried out. During inventory in situ measurement of electrical conductivity, temperature of the groundwater and air temperature for each well were carried out. Since the electrical conductivity values were measured in situ at a temperature different from the standard 25 °C, an adjustment of the electrical conductivity values of the water was made by multiplying the respective measured electrical conductivity value by the factor corresponding to the temperature at which the measurement was made. 43 1544000 N Legend High Productive Area Medium Productive Area Poor Productive Area 0 1 Kilometer 1535000 545000 553000 Figure 3. Groundwater potential in the study area (After Nata et al., 2008). To determine the number of water samples for chemical analyses stratified and random sampling techniques were utilized. The in situ measured and corrected electrical conductivity values of the groundwater were grouped into different water classes based on Quality Classification of Water for Irrigation (Wilcox, 1955). Then after, 36 water samples were selected randomly from the different water classes for chemical analyses. Since majority of the wells in the area are present in the alluvium in the river valley, the wells selected for sampling are also restricted to this part of the area. Thirty six water samples each were collected from hand dug wells in both rainy season and irrigation (dry) season. Apart from temperature, other physical parameters like turbidity, colure, taste and odor were also measured at each site. For the purpose of chemical analysis the water samples were collected in one liter plastic bottles after thorough wash. All the water sample locations are shown in the figure 2. The water samples were analyzed in the Geochemistry Laboratory of Applied Geology Department, Mekelle University, Mekelle. The samples were analyzed for calcium (Ca2+), magnesium (Mg2+), potassium (K+), sodium (Na+), bicarbonate (HCO3-), chloride (Cl-), sulfate 44 (SO42-), and nitrate (NO3-). Besides, pH and electrical conductivity in µS/cm at 25 °C were also measured. The cations were analyzed using Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer and the anions using UV-Spectrophotometer (Varian Spectra, 50B). The data are presented in the form of graphs. Piper, Stiff and Box and Whisker diagrams were used for representing and comparing water quality analyses In this study FAO (1985 and 1989) guidelines are used to evaluate the suitability of the groundwater of the watershed for irrigation. The guidelines were proposed for evaluating the potential of an irrigation water to create soil or crop problems. Various thematic maps such as location, digital terrain model of the watershed, drainage, geological, and hydrogeological were produced by using ArcView 3.3 and CorelDRAW 12 software’s. 4. RESULTS 4.1 Electrical Conductivity, pH and Total Dissolved Solid (TDS) EC values were recorded in 36 functional hand dug wells indicate that electrical conductivity values range from 0.05-2.0 dSm-1 with a mean of 0.945 dSm-1. The values measured for 36 groundwater samples vary from 0.27 dSm-1 to 0.96 dSm-1 with an average of 0.53 dSm-1 at 25oC for rainy season. The same during irrigation season range from 0.399 to 1.696 dSm-1 at 25oC with a mean of 0.877 dSm-1 at 25oC. The EC values in groundwater are much higher during irrigation season up to 65% compared to the same of the rainy season (Fig. 4). Hydrogen ion concentrations (pH) range from 7.70 to 8.60 during rainy season and 7.22 to 8.39 during irrigation season. The average pH value in rainy and irrigation season is 8.12 and 8.01, respectively. Total dissolved solid (TDS) values in both the seasons for groundwater range from 274.34 to 1092.2 mg/l. In general, TDS values for groundwater in both rainy and irrigation seasons are less than 1000 mg/l. 4.2 Cations Among cations, calcium is the most abundant element and varies from 8 to 60 mg/l during rainy season with a mean concentration of 35.03 mg/l. During irrigation season, the most abundant cation is Ca2+ followed by Na+, K+ and Mg2+. The highest measured calcium concentration is 91 mg/l and the lowest is 30 mg/l, and the mean concentration is 64.92 mg/l. In comparing the 45 concentration of calcium in the rainy season to that of irrigation season, it is found that the concentration of calcium increased by about 50% in the irrigation season. In the case of magnesium the concentrations during the rainy season range from 6 to 42 mg/l with an average value of 20.15 mg/l. While in dry season the concentrations of magnesium (Mg2+) range from 8 to 41 mg/l with an average value of 22.25 mg/l. In general, without exception Ca2+ is dominant over Mg2+ and magnesium do not show any significant change in concentration. During rainy season Na+ values range from 8 to 140 with a mean concentration of 43.33 mg/l (Fig.5). In dry season the values range from 18 to 193 with a mean concentration of 54.56 mg/l. In the irrigation (dry) season, the concentration of sodium is increased by about 25% compared to the rainy season. K+ values very low and do not show any variation and hence not considered here. Figure 4. EC of groundwater samples in rainfall and irrigation season (RF- rainy season; IRR- Irrigation (dry) season). 250.0 Na concntration (mg/l) 150.0 100.0 50.0 W 16 W 39 W 34 W 18 7 W 27 1 W 13 0 W 49 W 15 6 W 22 7 W 16 7 W 26 0 W 32 9 W 23 6 W 31 4 W 15 2 W 31 8 W 11 0 0.0 W 10 3 Na(mg/l) 200.0 Rain season Irrigation Wells code Figure 5. Na concentration in the rainy and irrigation seasons. 46 4.3 Anions 4.3.1 Bicarbonate (HCO-3) and Carbonate (CO32-) In the study area, carbonate is found mainly in the form of bicarbonates and is the most abundant ion among anions. During rainy season, the concentrations of bicarbonate (HCO-3) range from 82.88 to 477.50 mg/l with an average value of 230.28 mg/l. The same during dry season range from 170.80 to 547.00 mg/l with a mean value of 342.38 mg/l. The mean concentration of bicarbonate in irrigation season is increased by about 12% compared to the rainy season. In both seasons the carbonate (CO32-) concentrations are very low and all are below 6.7 mg/l. 4.3.2 Chloride (Cl-) In the study area chloride is the second abundant anion next to bicarbonate. Chloride values range from 9.5 to 133.4 mg/l in the rainy season with a mean concentration of 50.71 mg/l. In the irrigation season, the concentrations of chloride (Cl-) range from 6.5 to 156.1 mg/l with an average value of 45.41 mg/l. Chloride ion do not show any significant seasonal variation (Fig. 6). Water (RF) Chloride concntration Water(IRR) W110 W318 W152 W314 W236 W329 Wells Code W260 W167 W227 W156 W49 W130 W271 W187 W34 W39 W16 W103 Cl- (mg/L) 180 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 Figure 6. Chloride ion concentration in the rainy and irrigation seasons (RF- Rainy season; IRR- Irrigation (dry) Season)). 4.3.3 Sulphate (SO4-2) Sulphate is the third most abundant anion next to bicarbonate and chloride in the study area. The values range from 7.2 to 51.80 mg/l in the rainy season with a mean concentration of 25.03 mg/l. In the irrigation season, the concentrations of sulphate (SO42-) range from 15.12 to 86.09 mg/l with an average value of 36.35 mg/l. 47 4.3.4 Nitrate (NO3-) The measured nitrate concentrations range from 0.5 to 43.9 mg/l in the rainy season with a mean concentration of 9.74 mg/l and range from 3.00 to 57.98 mg/l for dry season with an average value of 16.47 mg/l (Fig.7). Figure 7. Nitrate values in water from hand dug wells (RF- rainy season; IRR- dry season). 4.4 Water Type To understand the chemical type of water, different diagrams such as Piper, Stiff, and Box and Whisker diagrams were used to plot the data. The purpose of plotting data in various diagrams is to see how much effective they are for irrigation data and what additional information they provide compared to Piper diagram. Before plotting the proportions of both the anions and cations they were converted from ppm to epm. Samples collected in both rainy and irrigation season were plotted in these Piper, Stiff and Box and Whisker diagrams. They are shown in figure 8 (Piper); figure 9 (Stiff) and figure 10 (Box and Whisker). According to these plots groundwater type in the study area varies from Mg-HCO3, Ca-HCO3, Mg-Cl, Na-HCO3 to KHCO3 type. During rainy season, the dominant water type is Ca-HCO3 and is indicated by 42% of the samples, followed by Mg- HCO3 by 30%, Na- HCO3 by 22%, Mg-Cl by 3% and K-HCO3 by 3% samples. In irrigation season the Ca-HCO3 is the dominant type indicated by 69% of the samples and is followed by Na-HCO3 type by 24% and Mg- HCO3 type by 7% samples. Interestingly, Piper diagram shows HCO3 and mixed cation type for rainy season and Ca-NaHCO3 type for dry season. Whereas Stiff diagram shows Ca-HCO3 type for rainy season and NaHCO3 for dry season and Box and Whisker plot indicates Ca-HCO3 type for both the seasons. 48 Figure 8. Piper diagram for the water samples A. rainy and B. irrigation season. Figure 9. Stiff diagrams (A) Ca -HCO3 water type and (B) Na-Ca-Mg-HCO3-Cl type. Figure 10. Box and Whisker plot for water samples, (A) rainy and (B) irrigation season. 49 4.5 Sodium Absorption Ratio (SAR) SAR (Todd, 1980) was calculated using Aqua Chem 4.0 software. The values range from 0.35 to 6.51 with an average value of 1.51 for rainy season. The mean, minimum and maximum SAR during the irrigation season is 1.44, 0.49 and 5.63, respectively. 5. DISCUSSION 5.1 Physical and Chemical Characteristics Groundwater being subsurface water derives its contents from different sources like soil, weathered rock, fresh rock and fertilizer with which it will be in contact during infiltration or percolation. This will be aided by the climate (ex. Temperature); CO2 either free or dissolved state in soil and time duration. Variations in the content of groundwater often associated with irrigation practices, temperature, CO2 and time as the main lithological source generally remain constant. Such changes are prominent during rainy and dry seasons where both quality and quantity will be affected. During rainy season supply of water being more its ability to carry suspended material will be more compared to ions due to limited amount time duration. The data collected on color, taste etc in the field, shows that about 12% of the samples are muddy or turbid in rainy season with red/brownish color due to the presence excessive amount of suspended matter. Whereas it was found that the water was transparent in dry season. Regarding other parameters, there was no problem of odder or taste or aroma in samples in both the seasons. Furthermore, a major part of the water in rainy season leaves the catchment as run off and the remaining part will percolate through irrigated soil, alluvial cover and weathered rock to recharge groundwater. So the shallow hand dug wells get recharge prominently from two different routes, 1) drainage channels with sand dominated channel sediments, and 2) irrigated soil, non-irrigated soil and weathered rock. Thus sheet flow and stream water supply dominate rainy season while soil infiltration during dry season. This is well reflected in the compositional variations observed in the water samples collected during rainy and dry seasons. Such as Ca, HCO3, NO3 and SO4 are dominant in the dry compared to the rainy season. The reason for such variations is partly natural and partly anthropogenic. EC, pH and TDS data suggest though shows variation in their values the majority of the values lie within the acceptable range for irrigation purpose (FAO, 1989). According to FAO (1989) 50 irrigation water quality guidelines, normal pH range is 6.5 to 8.4. Out of the total analyzed groundwater samples in both sampling seasons, 97% of them are within this normal range. In the case of carbonate and bicarbonate ions, which are derived from the dissolution of carbonate minerals and available carbonic acid in the soil horizons, are within the acceptable range according to FAO (1985) water quality guidelines for irrigation purpose. The acceptable range for bicarbonate acceptable range is 1-10 meq/l for bicarbonate and 0-0.1 meq/l for carbonate. Therefore, the groundwater of the watershed has no restriction in use for irrigation purposes. Chloride values being <4 meq/l in the samples collected in rainy season and also the same values in all the samples except one for dry season indicating that if the groundwater of the watershed is considered for surface irrigation use, no chloride toxicity will rise. However, a groundwater from one well needs slight to moderate restriction on use. According to FAO (1985), water with a sulphate concentration of 0-20 meq/l is considered as a usual range in irrigation water. In the study area, the concentration is not above 1.0 meq/liter. Therefore, it is recommended for use for irrigation purpose without restriction. Unlike most other elements in groundwater, nitrate is not derived primarily from the minerals (rocks) that make up the groundwater reservoir. Instead, nitrate enters groundwater as part of nitrogen cycle in the earth’s hydrosphere and biosphere. In groundwater natural nitrate concentrations generally range from 0.1 to 10 mg/l (Davis and Dewiest, 1966). Nitrate - nitrogen (NO3 – N) content greater than 30 mg/l is considered harmful and is severely restricted to use for irrigation purposes (FAO, 1989). Out of the total analyzed groundwater samples (Fig. 8), 31% in rainy season and 3% in irrigation season have a concentration of nitrate - nitrogen (NO3 – N) below 5 mg/l. Groundwater from these wells is not hazardous and needs no restriction on use (FAO, 1989). 3% in rainy season and 8% in irrigation season have a concentration of nitrate nitrogen (NO3 – N) greater than 30 mg/l. Groundwater from these wells is hazardous and needs severe restriction on use. In the remaining 66% in rainy season and 89 % in irrigation season, the groundwater of the watershed have a concentration of nitrate - nitrogen (NO3 – N) between 5 and 30 mg/l. Groundwater from these wells needs slight to moderate degree of restriction on use. The source for this ion seems to be anthropogenic. In the case of Ca, Mg and Na the concentration being in the range of 0-20 meq/l for Ca2+, 0-5 meq/l for Mg2+ and 18-193 ppm for Na. These values though are within the acceptable range for 51 irrigation (FAO, 1985) purpose, some of the samples showing higher values for Na in dry season which is well reflected in the Stiff diagram (Fig. 9), seems is an indicator towards increasing Na with time and in turn SAR. Sodium ion is mainly derived from the breakdown of silicate minerals particularly feldspars (albite) and generally get mobilized in water in dissolved state and hence will be lower its content in the stream and shallow hand dug well as well in the rainy season. It is also well reflected in its concentrations during rainy season. But during irrigation (dry) season the values are higher because the well gets its recharge mainly from the soil and rock sources in addition from drainage channels. The reason for such increase of Na content may be because 1) it gets more time to interact with the source material soil and rock; 2) the irrigated soil is becoming sodium-rich gradually due to its absorption replacing Ca; 3) availability of more minerals in the weathered front and alluvium for interaction and dissolution. Though the reasons are common for other cations as well in the case of Na, absorption process seems to be prominent. 5.2 Salinity Hazard In the rainy season, out of the analyzed thirty six groundwater samples, twenty eight samples have an electrical conductivity values below 0.7 dS/m and the remaining eight samples have an electrical conductivity ranging from 0.72 to 0.96 dS/m (Fig. 4). In irrigation (dry) season, out of the analyzed thirty six groundwater samples, eleven samples have an electrical conductivity values below 0.7 dS/m and the remaining twenty five samples have a range from 0.71 to 1.70 dS/m. Therefore, based on electrical conductivity values, two types of groundwater are recognized in the study area- groundwater which is not hazardous and needs no restriction on use and groundwater which needs slight to moderate degree of restriction on use. The first type groundwater can be used for irrigation for almost all crops and for almost all kinds of soils. No soil or cropping problems will rise. Very little salinity may develop which may require slight leaching; but it is permissible under normal irrigation practices except in soils of extremely low permeabilities. To achieve a full yield potential using the second type, gradually increasing care in selection of crop and management alternatives are required. 5.3 Water Infiltration Rate (Sodicity) An infiltration problem related to water quality occurs when the normal infiltration rate for the applied water or rainfall is appreciably reduced and water remains on the soil surface too long or infiltrates too slowly to supply the crop with sufficient water to maintain acceptable yields. 52 Although the infiltration rate of water into soil varies widely and can be greatly influenced by the quality of the irrigation water, soil factors such as structure, degree of compaction, organic matter content and chemical make-up can also greatly influence the intake rate. The two most common water quality factors which influence the normal infiltration rate are the salinity of the water and its sodium content relative to the calcium and magnesium content. High salinity water will increase infiltration. Low salinity water or water with high sodium to calcium and magnesium ratio will decrease infiltration. Both factors may operate at the same time. The infiltration rate generally increases with increasing salinity and decreases with either decreasing salinity or increasing sodium content relative to calcium and magnesium - the sodium adsorption ratio (SAR). Therefore, the two factors, salinity and SAR provide information on its ultimate effect on water infiltration rate. 5.3.1 Rainy season Out of the analyzed thirty six groundwater samples, 1) five samples show SAR values between 3 and 6 and electrical conductivity between 1.2 and 0.3 dS/m at 25 ºC; 2) twenty three samples have a computed SAR ranging from 0 to 3 and an electrical conductivity value ranging from 0. 7 to 0.2 dS/m at 25 ºC; and 3) seven samples have a computed SAR values ranging from 0 - 3 and a corresponding electrical conductivity greater than 0.7 dS/m at 25 ºC. In this season in general two types of water are recognized: groundwater which needs slight to moderate degree of restriction on use (i.e., groundwater from both the five and twenty three samples) and a groundwater which is not hazardous and needs no restriction on use, which is a groundwater from the last seven samples (FAO, 1989). 5.3.2 Irrigation season Out of the analyzed thirty six groundwater samples, 1) eleven samples have SAR values ranging from 3 to 6. However, these eleven samples are classified in to two groups based on their respective electrical conductivity values. Of the eleven samples two of them have an electrical conductivity greater than 1.2 dSm-1 at 25 ºC, indicating no restriction on use and in the nine samples their respective electrical conductivity values are in the range of 1.2-0.3 dSm-1 at 25 ºC, indicating that the groundwater from these hand dug wells needs slight to moderate restriction on use; 2) the remaining twenty five samples have a computed SAR values ranging from 0 to 3. However, these twenty five samples are classified in to two groups based on their respective electrical conductivity values. Of the twenty five samples, eighteen samples have an electrical 53 conductivity value greater than 0.7 dSm-1 at 25 ºC, indicating no restriction in using this water, and the remaining seven samples have an electrical conductivity value ranging from 0.7 to 0.2 dSm-1 at 25 ºC, indicating that the water needs slight to moderate degree of restriction on use. In addition, Wilcox diagram (Wilcox, 1955) was also used to evaluate the potential of the groundwater to create hazard of salinity and sodicity. Accordingly, three classes of water are recognized in the rainy season: S1-C1 (low Sodium/Alkali and low salinity hazards), S1-C2 (low Sodium/Alkali and medium salinity hazards) and S1-C3 (low Sodium /Alkali and high salinity hazards). As shown in figure 11, out of the analyzed samples 14% of them are in the class of S1C1 (low Sodium /Alkali and low salinity hazards), 80% in the class of S1-C2 (low Sodium /Alkali and medium salinity hazards) and the remaining 6% in S1-C3 (low Sodium /Alkali and high salinity hazards). In the irrigation season two classes of water are recognized: S1-C2 and S1-C3. As shown in figure 12, out of the analyzed samples 30 % of them are in the class of S1-C2 and the remaining 70 % are in the class of S1-C3. C1 C2 250 750 C3 2250 C4 32 SodiumHazard(SAR) Legend K 26 S4 19 4 13 S3 I 6 0 I I I I II II IIIIIII III IIIIIIIIII I 100 I 3 I S2 S1 Default Sodium (Alkali) hazard: S1: Low S2: Medium S3: High S4: Very high Salinity hazard: C1: Low C2: Medium C3: High C4: Very high 1000 Salinity Hazard (Cond) Figure 11. Irrigation water classes using Wilcox diagram (Rainy season). 54 C1 250 C2 750 C3 2250 C4 32 Legend Sodium Hazard (SAR) K 26 Sample data 19 S4 Sodium (Alkali) hazard: S1: Low S2: Medium S3: High S4: Very high S3 Salinity hazard: C1: Low C2: Medium C3: High C4: Very high 13 6 K KK K K K K K K K K K K KKKK K KK K KK K K K K 0 100 Default K K S2 S1 1000 Salinity Hazard (Cond) Figure 12. Irrigation water classes using Wilcox diagram (Irrigation season). 5.4 Toxicity Problems 5.4.1 Rainy season With the exception of five samples, in all the remaining thirty one samples the SAR values are well below 3, indicating no sodium toxicity will rise by using the groundwater from these hand dug wells for surface irrigation (FAO, 1989). In the five samples the SAR values lie within the range from 3 to 9, suggesting the necessity of slight to moderate degree of restriction on use of the groundwater from these five hand dug wells for surface irrigation. The likelihood of sodium toxicity hazards is high if the groundwater from these five hand dug wells is considered for use. In the case of SAR, the values below 9 indicate low or little danger for sodium and use on sodium sensitive crops must be cautioned; between 10 and 17 medium hazard; 18 and 25 highly hazard and above ≥ 26 very high hazard (Grattan, 2002). 5.4.2 Irrigation season Out of the analyzed thirty six groundwater samples, in the twenty five samples the SAR values are well below 3, indicating no sodium toxicity will rise by using the groundwater from these hand dug wells for surface irrigation (FAO, 1989). In the remaining eleven samples the computed SAR values lay within the range from 3 to 9, suggesting the necessity of slight to moderate degree of restriction on use of the groundwater from these eleven hand dug wells for 55 surface irrigation. The likelihood of sodium toxicity hazards is high if the groundwater from these eleven hand dug wells is considered for use. 5.5 Water Classes The suitability of the groundwater for irrigation is also examined based on Wilcox (1955) classification scheme. Accordingly, in the rainy season the groundwater is categorized into two groups: good and permissible. Out of the total analyzed samples, 89% of the groundwater is in good class and the remaining 11% is in permissible class. In the irrigation season, out of the total analyzed samples, 30% of them are in good class and 70% is in the permissible class. Table 1. Quality classification of water for irrigation (Irrigation season) (after Wilcox, 1955). EC Mean STDEV (dS/m) No. Water Class Degree of restriction Wells (Todd, 1980) (FAO, 1985) % 0.25-0.75 0.59 0.11 11 Class 2, Good None 30% 0.75-2.00 0.99 0.22 25 Class 3, Permissible Slight - moderate 70% The data generated in this study are limited. The effect of lithologies on the chemistry of water and also seasonal variation could not be understood because of non-exposure of the rock and the wells studied are mainly confined to very shallow hand dug wells not deeper wells. So the data is discussed mainly in terms of its suitability for irrigation purposes and possible toxic effects if any. 6. CONCLUSIONS In general, in most part of the study area the groundwater quality is suitable for irrigation. If the groundwater is considered for irrigation use, no serious soil or cropping problems will arise. In few areas, however, the groundwater needs slight to moderate degree of restriction on use. In these areas farmers has to be advised on how they should manage and utilize the groundwater for their irrigation activities. Gradual increase of Na due to absorption may cause sodicity problem hence necessary measures are to be taken to control it. To maximize the opportunity of the utilization hand dug wells for irrigation, the following recommendations are suggested: 56 ● Detail groundwater potential of the watershed should be investigated to overcome the overexploitation of groundwater and to know the maximum limit of abstraction; ● Soil quality analysis should be conducted to see the effect of groundwater utilization for irrigation on soil quality; ● Recharging measures should be given due attention by the community to maintain and maximize the discharge; and, ● An impact assessment study is suggested to see the significance of hand dug wells utilization on livelihoods of the households. 7. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We thank the Department of Earth Sciences, Mekelle University, for providing geochemistry laboratory facilities to carry out the water analysis work. Thanks are also due to all those friends who helped during field and lab work and for going through the manuscript many times and providing many constructive criticisms. 8. REFERENCES Bohn, H. L., Brain L. M. & George A. O’Connor. 1985. Soil chemistry, Second Edition. John Wiley & Sons, New York, pp. 234-248. Brady, N. C. 2002. The Nature and properties of soil, Upper Addle River, 13th Edition. Macmillan, New Jersey, pp. 413-436. Davis, S.N. & DeWiest, R. J. M., 1966. Hydrogeology. John Wiley & Sons, New York, pp. 463. FAO. 1985. Water quality for agriculture. Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) of the United Nations. FAO, Irrigation and Drainage Paper 29, Rome. FAO. 1989. Water quality for agriculture. FAO, Rome, pp. 163. Grattan, Stephen R. 2002. Irrigation water salinity and crop production. University of California. ( Salinity/GrattanStephen2002_ABS.htm -7k –) (Accessed on August 12, 2005). Mekuria Tafesse. 2003. Small-scale irrigation for food security in sub-Saharan Africa. 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Initiatives, Opportunities and Challenges in Shallow Groundwater Utilization: a Case Study from Debrekidane Watershed, Hawzien Woreda, Tigray Region, Northern Ethiopia. Agricultural Engineering International: the CIGR Ejournal. Manuscript LW 08 008, Vol. X, p. 22. Rosegrant, M.W. & Clauidi Ringler. 1999. Impact food security and rural development of reallocating water from agriculture, environment and production technology division, International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI); EPTD Discussion Paper No.47, USA. Todd, D. K. 1980. Groundwater hydrology. John Wiley & Sons, New York, pp. 525. Wilcox, L. V. 1955. Classification and use of irrigation waters, U.S. Dept. Agric. Circ. 969, Washington, D.C., pp. 19. 58 The Positive Effect of Micro-Dams for Groundwater Enhancement: a Case Study around Tsinkanet and Rubafeleg Area, Tigray, Northern Ethiopia) *Dessie Nedaw 1 and Kristine Walraevens 2 1 Mekelle University, Ethiopia, College of Natural and Computational Sciences, Department of Applied Geology, P.O.Box 231, Mekelle (* 2 Ghent University, Belgium, Laboratory for Applied Geology, Department of Geology and Soil Science, Krijgslaan 281 – 58 – B – 9000 Gent. ABSTRACT The government of Tigray Regional State, Northern Ethiopia has been conducting a massive construction of micro-dams (small reservoirs) in order to decrease the rainfall dependency and alleviate food insecurity in drought prone areas of the region. Tsenkanet and Rubafeleg reservoirs are examples of this endeavor. The purpose of this investigation is to evaluate the role of these micro-dams in enhancing the surrounding groundwater by artificial recharge. In this study the physical characteristics of the reservoir are discussed including the groundwater surface water relationship with respect to water level elevation and also hydro-chemical composition. Six water samples have been analyzed. Samples are taken after rinsing the plastic bottles with distilled water and the sample to be taken. One surface water sample from each reservoir and one groundwater samples from each well next to each reservoir has been collected. Moreover, one sample from spring and one from river has been analyzed. The chemical composition of the reservoir water and the surrounding groundwater seem to suggest a similar origin and to be resulting from similar hydro-chemical processes. The chemical composition of all samples is found to be of the CaHCO3 type, which could be explained as resulting from precipitation water in which the mineral calcite has been dissolved. Both the topographic evidence and the water level monitoring data has confirmed the feeding of the reservoir to the near by shallow groundwater system. Quantifying the amount of groundwater accretion by the use of modeling and water balance method is recommended. Keywords: Groundwater, Surface water, Topography, Water Level, Type, Hardness, Class. 1. INTRODUCTION Water scarcity and unwise management is a global concern especially in sub-Saharan countries. Global fresh water demand is alarmingly increasing with increase in population and civilization. As industrial, agricultural and domestic pollution threaten existing supplies – water becomes increasingly precious resource. Ethiopia surface water and groundwater resources have been regarded as high giving a name to the country as the water tower of east Africa (Said, 1993). This is factually true when considering half of the country, particularly the western and south western part of the country. 59 The endowment can be used for productive purpose that can transform the countries socio economy (Selashi, 2007). Unfortunately its uneven distribution in space and time coupled with poor management and development of the resource lead the country to a repeated famine resulting from drought (FAO, 2005). The Tigray Regional State is in the northern part of the country, where drought and subsequent famine was common in the past. Geba catchment, the Project area is characterized by intermittent rivers which are dry 8 to 9 months with arid and semi arid climatic condition. The main socio-economic activity in the area is rain fed agriculture which directly linked to the erratic rainfall. To alleviate this rainfall dependency which is full of uncertainty the regional government has devised a mechanism by which it can supplement the rain fed agriculture with irrigation by constructing micro-dams. This task was mainly assigned for a governmental organization named Co-SEART (Commission for sustainable agriculture and environmental rehabilitation of Tigray). The activity of the organization has been stopped after constructing 60 micro-dams because it has been believed that they are less effective in supporting the rain fed agriculture through small scale irrigation schemes for institutional, technical and socio economic reasons. Therefore the purpose of this investigation was to evaluate the role of these seemingly failed micro-dams in enhancing the surrounding groundwater system by artificial recharge. The specific objective of this study were to investigate first the interaction of these reservoir with the surrounding groundwater and if possible to quantify the total amount of recharge from the reservoir to the surrounding groundwater system. 2. METHODOLOGY To achieve the above mentioned objective three wells labeled as Tsinkanet Well 1 (TSW1), Tsinkanet Well 2 (TSW2) and Rubafeleg well (RFW) and two micro dams labeled as Rubafeleg Dam (RFL) and Tsinkanet Dam (TSL) has been closely examined. The water level fluctuation (both in the dams and wells) has been monitored for nearly two years with the average interval of 2 hours, in order to see change of the water level in response to rainfall and recharge. As the general purpose is to monitor the interaction between the reservoirs and the groundwater system the impact of irrigation was not considered in this investigation. The water level both in the well and the reservoir is monitored by TD DIVERS, by which a continuous record of temperature and water depth is recorded from November 2004 to December 2006 with an interval of 2 hours. In 60 order to be accurate on the elevation difference between measuring points of the diver altimetry leveling has been conducted. Water samples collected from Tsinkanet and Rubafeleg on Jan 6, 2006 and March 14, 2006 has been analyzed in Belgium and Ethiopia. Four water samples were analyzed in the Laboratory of Applied Geology, Department of Geology and Soil Sciences, University of Ghent, Belgium and two samples were analyzed at department of Earth Science, Mekelle University. For the Ca++, Mg++, Na+, K+, Fe, Mn, and Si Varian AAS has been used and for HCO3 titration method is used and NO3, SO4, Cl, and PO4 UV spectrophotometer is used. The accuracy of the analysis has been tasted using ionic balance (Appelo, 1996). In all but one the balance is found to be less than 5%. This indicates that the analysis is sufficiently accurate. In order to interpret and classify the water a new classification scheme developed by Stuyfzand is adopted (Stuyfzand, 1986). The classification starts with main type based on Chloride concentration, then each main type is subdivided to type based on total hardness, then each type is further subdivided into sub type based on the proportional share of main constituents in the sum of cations and anions in meq/l, finally each sub type is further classified to classes by using the following formula (Na + K + Mg) corrected = (Na + K + Mg) measured – 1.061 Cl (meq/l) 3. LOCATION AND ACCESSIBILITY Geba-catchment has an area 5133 km2. The elevation ranges from 955 m a.m.s.l to 3295 m a.m.s.l. The mean elevation has been found to be 2146 m, a.m.s.l. Entire Geba catchment is found between 39°30’ to 40°00’ E (longitude.) and 13°45’ to14°15 N (latitude) figure 1. Tsinkanet and Rubafeleg area are found in the upper catchment of Geba along the west and east boundaries respectively (figure 1). In both areas there is a reservoir on upstream side and shallow hand dug wells in the command areas. The UTM location of the reservoirs and the shallow hand dug wells where monitoring is conducted is shown on table 1.As one can see from the table the Monitoring well at Tsinkanet is 400 meter west of the reservoir where as the monitoring well at Rubafeleg is more than 1 km North of the reservoirs. Both reservoirs are not more than 1 km2 area, and there depth is not more than 10 meter. Tsinkanet Area is found between (561500 – 555500 UTME and 1552100 – 1546000 UTMN) and Rubafeleg area is found between (581700 – 575700 UTME and 1543000 – 1537500 UTMN). 61 The study area is accessible by all weather roads running from Hawzen to Senkata and from Atsbi to Dera. Table 1. UTM location of water points used for monitoring. Name point of Water Tsinkanet Tsinkanet (center Rubafeleg Tsinkanet well well 2 of (center 1(monitoring (TSL) (TSW2) dam well dam Axis) (RFW) RFL 1549080 1541634 1540500 558723 578715 Well) (TSW1) Location UTMN 1549139 UTME 558303 Axis) Rubafeleg 578700 Tsinkanet Rubafeleg Figure1. Location map of Geba catchment, Tsinkanet and Rubafeleg Area (USGS, 2004). 62 of 4. GEOLOGY AND HYDROGEOLOGY OF THE STUDY AREA The study area is mainly characterized by basement complex of Precambrian age, composed of meta-volcanics and meta-sediments (Kazmin, 1978). These are exposed in most parts of the mapped area. Figure 2. Geological Map of Northern Geba Catchment (Modified from Tesfamicheal Gebreyohannes et al., 2009) 63 At the eastern most part and along the northwestern part Paleozoic sandstone is exposed. In the southwestern part a younger granite intrusion is mapped cross cutting the basement complex as shown in figure 3. Since the area is mainly characterized by crystalline metamorphic rocks, the groundwater availability and movement is mainly controlled by fractures and weathering zones. The main water supply for drinking and small scale irrigation is the groundwater tapped from boreholes to a maximum depth of 50 m and hand dug well with a maximum depth of 10 meter. In Tsinkanet area the reservoir is mainly characterized by Enticho sandstone, with a thickness not more than a couple of meters. At the command area the sandstone thins out and the underlying metavolcanic rock is exposed. In Rubafeleg area both the reservoir and the command area are characterized by metamorphic rocks mainly metavolcanic and Metasediments. 5. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 5.1 Geomorphologic analysis from Topographic and Shuttle Radar Topographic Mission (SRTM, 2004) data Topographic position is one of the governing factors that control the direction of groundwater flow. In the area the geographic location of the reservoir and the aquifer system is in a suitable location enabling the reservoir to feed the groundwater. In addition the high degree of fracturing and weathering also encourage the down gradient flow of the seepage water. Accordingly the subsurface water downstream to the reservoir is under favorable location for groundwater recharge figures 3 and 4. 5.2. Water level Analysis Water level both in the reservoir and the surrounding groundwater was being monitored since late 2004 in Tsinkanet and Rubafeleg area. Monitoring has been conducted for more than two years till December 2006. As it can be seen on the following graphs (Figure 6 & 7) the following observations are seen. – The head in the micro-dam is always higher than that of the wells during the recorded period. – Moreover the general trend of water level change both in the reservoir and in the well with respect to time is more or less similar. 64 Figure 3. Tsinkanet Area topography. Figure 4. Rubafeleg area Topography 65 – The water level in the groundwater is generally found to rise, indicating a continuous accretion of groundwater from the reservoir even though the water in the wells is being continuously used for irrigation particularly during the dry season in Tsinkanet area. As the scope of this paper is to indicate the unseen role of the reservoirs as a groundwater recharging mechanism the focus is in the general trend not on quantifying the volume of water recharged. – Marshy areas are developed downstream of reservoir. The above observation indicates that the surface water in the reservoir to interact with the surrounding groundwater. Moreover the surface water is feeding the groundwater down stream enhancing the groundwater system as indicated by development of wet area down stream figure 5. Figure 5. Seepage downstream of Rubafeleg dam (Top, Rubafeleg dam and Bottom, south of the Dam, in the command area) 66 Figure 6. General Water Level rise on Tsinkanet Well 1 (TSW1). (From Nov. 2004 to Dec. 2006) Figure 7. Tsinkanet well 1 (TSW1) being recharged by Tsinkanet micro dam (TSL). (Evidence from water level data from June 2005 to November 2006) 67 Table 2. Chemical Characteristics of the samples from Rubafeleg and Tsinkanet. Sample Id Location (UTM) TSW2 TSL RFW RFL RFR* RFS* 558649 558723 578715 578700 578615 578660 1548515 1549080 1541634 1540500 1442465 1541918 ph 7.2 7.4 7.4 7.5 EC (µs/cm) 202 250 454 181 Na (ppm) 13.65 9.9 17.38 5.92 20 18 K (ppm) 1.51 0.46 1.66 4 3 Ca (ppm) 23.28 26.8 63.83 26.5 22 13 Mg (ppm) 6.08 9.45 10.45 5.38 14 15 Fe (ppm) 0.29 0.21 0.18 0.11 1 1 Mn (ppm) nil 0.01 nil 0.01 0 0 NH4 (ppm) 0.36 0.21 nil 0.17 Zn (ppm) 0.02 0.02 nil 0.01 0 0 Cl (ppm) 8.39 13.92 17.89 7.95 39.48 9.69 SO4 (ppm) 14.82 33.11 21.63 9.28 26.03 79.28 NO3 (ppm) 0.94 0.38 12 0.2 NO2 (ppm) 0.02 0.14 0.02 0.02 HCO3 (ppm) 95.16 128 230.58 99.43 170.32 152.37 PO4 (ppm) 0.03 2.89 2.89 2.89 4.545 5.01 Si (ppm) 8.03 <7 11.74 <7 3.75 * RFR is Rubafeleg River, analyzed at Mekelle University, Earth Science Lab. * RFS is Rubafeleg spring, analyzed at Mekelle University, Earth Science Lab. 5.3. Hydro-chemical analysis 5.3.1. General chemical characteristics of the water samples in the area: The general chemical composition of the water samples has been described with the help of table and graph here. Four samples have been analyzed in Applied Geology Laboratory, Department of Geology and Soil Sciences, university of Ghent, Belgium for major and minor ions. 68 Additional two samples were analyzed in the Department of Earth Science, Mekelle University. The results of the analysis are shown on table 2 and Figure 8. The samples are believed to be sufficient considering the size of the target area and the scope of the investigation. Two samples are from Rubafeleg, from the dam and borehole and two samples are from Tsinkanet, again from dam and hand-dug well. The other two samples are from river and spring in Rubafeleg area. As it has been depicted in table 2, the general characteristics of the water sample is more or less similar indicating similar origin and trend. Stuyfzand Classification of the water samples: To further verify similarities of the water samples from the dam and the groundwater Stuyfzand classification method has been used (Stuyfzand, 1986). Accordingly they are divided into the following. Figure 8. Chemical composition of the samples collected from water points. 1. Main type: it is a function of Cl- content. The chloride concentration of the samples ranges from 7.95 mg/l to 17.9 mg/l. This indicates all the samples to have a Cl concentration of less than 150 mg/l, accordingly they are grouped as fresh (F) (Table 3). Table 3. Main type classification of water samples 69 Sample Id RFL RFW TSL TSW2 Cl- concentration (mg/l) 7.95 17.89 13.92 8.39 RFR RFS 39.48 9.69 2. Type (Hardness Code): This is derived from the total hardness calculated from the following formula. TH = 2.5 (Ca) + 4.1 (Mg) Where TH is total hardness in mg/l and (Ca) and (Mg) are also in mg/l Accordingly the hardness of the samples is tabulated table 4 and found that they range from soft to hard water. Table 4. Type classification of the water samples. Sample Id Ca (ppm) Mg (ppm) Hardness in mg/L Hardness in mmol/l Hardness name TSW2 23.28 6.08 83.128 0.83 Soft TSL 26.8 9.45 105.745 1.06 Hard Hardness code 0 2 RFW 63.83 10.45 RFL 26.5 5.38 88.308 0.88 Soft 202.42 2.02 Moderately hard 1 0 RFR* 22 14 RFS* 13 15 112.4 1.12 Moderately hard 1 94 0.94 soft 0 Table 5. Milliequivalents and the proportions for major cations and anions. Sample id RFL RFW TSL TSW2 RFR RFS Units Ions Ca +Mg (Na+K)+ NH4 (Al+H)+(F e+Mn) HCO3+CO3 SO4+(NO3+ NO2) Cl meq 1.76 0.31 0 1.63 0.19 0.22 % 85.02 14.98 0 79.9 9.3 10.8 meq 4.05 0.77 0.01 3.78 0.64 0.51 % 83.9 15.9 0.2 76.7 13 10.3 meq 2.12 0.54 0.01 2.11 0.7 0.39 % 79.4 20.2 0.4 65.9 21.9 12.2 meq 1.66 0.65 0.01 1.56 0.32 0.24 % 71.6 28 0.4 73.6 15.1 11.3 meq 2.25 0.97 0.036 2.8 0.54 1.11 % 69.1 29.8 1.1 62.93 12.13 24.94 meq 1.88 0.856 0.036 2.5 1.65 0.27 % 67.82 30.88 1.3 56.56 37.33 6.11 70 2. Sub Type: This is quite important to recognize the processes that have determined the water quality. The milliequivalent concentration has been converted to proportion as Cations group and anions group. Accordingly all the samples have been found to be CaHCO3 type (Table 5). 3. Class (Cation Exchange Code) The code indicates whether the cation exchange has taken place or not and also the nature of the exchange. The sum of Na, K and Mg (meq/l) is corrected for the seawater contribution, determined from the Cl- content. (Na + K + Mg) corrected = (Na + K + Mg) measured – 1.061 Cl (meq/l) (see Table 6) Table 6. Class classification of the water samples. Sample Measured 1.061*(Cl) Corrected - 1 (Cl ) 2 Id (meq) (meq) (Na+K+Mg) (Na+K+Mg) RFL 0.74 0.23 0.51 -0.33 RFW 1.63 0.54 1.09 -0.5 TSL 1.31 0.41 0.9 -0.44 TSW2 1.13 0.25 0.86 -0.34 RFR 2.12 1.18 0.94 -0.74 RFS 2.086 0.29 1.76 -0.38 Name (Na + surplus (Na + surplus (Na + surplus (Na + surplus (Na + surplus (Na + surplus Code K+ Mg) - + K+ Mg) - + K+ Mg) - + K+ Mg) - + K+ Mg) - + K+ Mg) - + The Stuyfzand classification has been used to investigate see water intrusion but as the Author suggested it can also be used to determine natural waters which has undergone different processes (Stuyfzand, 1986). In general all the water samples fall in more or less similar group in which among cations Calcium is dominant and among anions HCO3 is dominant. Rubafeleg Well has relatively higher Electrical conductivity indicating that it is truly groundwater as compared to the others. Higher NO3 is observed in this well that could be explained with its relative position with respect to the toilet near by. From the above classification one can see that in both Rubafeleg and Tsinkanet area the water from different sources to fall in the same group 71 with more or less similar chemical composition indicating a relationship between the dam water and the groundwater. The chemical composition of the water could be explained by dissociation of silicate minerals mainly plagioclase feldspar and/or K feldspars as the groundwater flows through the surrounding area or as base flow water into the micro-dam. But this should be further verified by making detailed investigation on the geochemistry of the surrounding rocks. 6. CONCLUSION The study tries to justify the interaction between the surface water in Tsinaknet and Rubafeleg reservoir, from physiographic, water level and hydro-chemical respect it has been found that the surface water to interact with the surrounding groundwater. In addition this reservoirs constructed for the purpose of surface water harvesting are found to enhance the groundwater system downstream encouraging the use of small hand-dug wells managed by a single family for their subsistence farming. The study further recommend to make an investigation to quantify the quantitative recharge calculation to be made to further understand the role of this reservoir as groundwater enhancing structure using modeling approach. More over a detailed Geochemical investigation will further consolidate the findings of the research from hydrochemical point of view. 7. REFERENCES Appelo, C.A.J. & Postma, D. 1996. Geochemistry, Groundwater and Pollution. A.A Balkema, Rotterdam, FAO. 2005. FAO’s information system for Water and Agriculture (AQUASTAT). Kazmin, V. 1978. Geology of Ethiopian basement and possible relation between the Mozambique and the Red Sea Belts. Egyptian Journal Geology, 22: 73-86. Said, R. 1993. The River Nile, Geology, Hydrology and Utilisation. Pergamon Press, England, pp. 282. Seleshi, B. 2007. Water challenges, innovations and interventions for Ethiopia, Think Tank paper on water resource, pp. 10 72 Stuyfzand, P.J. 1986. A new hydrochemical classification of water types; principles and application to the coastal dunes aquifer system of the Netherlands, 9th salt water intrusion meeting, Delft, proceedings, 641 – 655. Tesfamichael, G, F., De Smidt., Hagos,M., Amare, K., Kabeto, K., Hussein, A., Jan Nyssen, Bauer, H., Moeyersons, J., Deckers, J. & Taha. N. 2009. Tigray Livelihood, Large scale geological mapping of the Geba basin, Northern Ethiopia. USGS, 2004. Shuttle Radar Topographic Mission, 73 Silicon Status and its Relationship with Major Physico-Chemical Properties of Vertisols of Northern Highlands of Ethiopia Fassil Kebede Department of LaRMEP, College of Dry Land Agriculture and Natural Resource Management, Mekelle University, P.O.Box-231, Mekelle, Ethiopia ( ABSTRACT Silicon is an essential mineral element for higher silicophile plant species and animals. Literature states that one of the most important functions of Si is the stimulation of plant’s defense mechanism against abiotic and biotic stresses. In addition, Si fertilization has a more positive effect than liming on the chemical and physical properties of the soil. There are only a few studies in Ethiopia that present silicon status of some Ethiopian soils. Hence this study was initiated with the objective of understanding Si distribution in the soils of the northern highlands of Ethiopia. To this effect, 32 soil samples were collected from five agro ecological zones of Tigray. Si in all the samples was determined in the Laboratory of Ethiopian Geological Survey. This study revealed that Si contents ranged from 79.8 to 87.5 g Si kg-1 in the cultivated Vertisols of Adigudom, from 97.7 to 115.2 g Si kg-1in Axum, from 113.7 to 117.2 g Si kg-1in Maychew, from 130.0 to 133.9 g Si kg-1 in Shire and from 137.3 to 166.3 g Si kg-1in Wukro. The highest concentration was hence found in Wukro where the sand content amounted to 50% whereas the lowest level was obtained from soils of Adigudom where the clay content exceeded 60%. The Si contents in all the studied soils are lower than the documented ranges of 200 and 300 g Si kg-1. Significant correlation was found between silicon status and organic carbon 0.84*(p<0.05), silt 0.84*(p<0.05) and clay 0.84*(p<0.05). Finally, based on the enormous role of Si in plant physiology and agriculture, this study suggests commencing Si fertilization in these soils for an expected increase in crop productivity. Keywords: Essential nutrient, Silica, Silicophile plant species and animals, Si Fertilization 1. INTRODUCTION Since, crop production, is the major source of food for the population and hence it is the prime contributing sector to food security in Ethiopia. In addition, it plays a vital role in generating surplus capital to speed up the overall socio-economic conditions of the farmers. Ethiopia is believed to have a considerable land resource for agriculture. About 73.6 million hectares (66%) of the country’s land area is estimated to be potentially suitable for agricultural production (Fassil, 2002). It is generally accepted that this land resource can support a large population by providing enough food and other agricultural products required for the development of other sectors. However, the country has remained unable to feed its people for many years due to archaic agricultural practices and climate variability. 74 The farming systems in Ethiopia can be classified into five major categories namely the highland mixed farming system, the lowland mixed agriculture, the pastoral system, shifting cultivation and commercial agriculture. The highland areas are inhabited by four-fifths of the population and also support about 70% of the livestock population. According to Fassil (2002), crop production is estimated to contribute on average about 60%, livestock accounts around 27% and forestry and other sub-sectors around 13% of the total agricultural value. Small-scale farmers who have been adopting low input and low output rainfed mixed farming with traditional technologies dominate the agriculture sector. As the highland’s population continues to grow rapidly, its agricultural land is becoming increasingly degraded. Farmers in the highlands are intensifying land use to meet food needs without proper management practices and cost effective inputs. The resulting depletion of nutrients from soils has caused crop production to stagnate or decline in the highlands. Unless a concerted effort is placed in confronting the problems of nutrient depletion, deteriorating agricultural productivity will seriously undermine the foundation of sustainable economic growth of the nation at large. Silicon is the second most abundant element in the earth’s crust constituting approximately 20 atomic % of the lithosphere (Iler, 1979). In soil solutions, the prevailing form is monosilicic acid, Si(OH)4, with a solubility in water (at 25 ˚C) of about 2 mM (equivalent to 120 mg SiO2 per liter). On average, the concentrations in soil solutions are 30-40 mg SiO2 per liter range between about 7 and 80 mg) with a tendency to lower concentrations at high pH (>7) and when large amounts of sesquioxides are present in soils and anion adsorption is dominant (Jones and Handreck, 1967). Beginning in 1840, numerous laboratory, greenhouse and field experiments showed sustainable benefits of Si fertilization for rice (Oryza sativa L.), barley (Hordeum vulgare L.), wheat (Triticum vulgare Vil), maize (Zea mays L.), sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum), cucumber (Cucumus sativa L), tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill), citrus (Citrus taitentis Risso) and other crops (Matichenkov and Calvert, 2002). Unfortunately, the present opinion about Si being an inert element is prevalent in plant physiology and agriculture despite the fact that Si is a biogeochemically active element and that Si fertilization has significant effects on crop production, soil fertility and environmental quality (Epstein, 1999; Matichenkov and Bocharnikova, 2000). Higher plants differ characteristically in their capacity to take up silicon (Marschner, 1996). Depending on their SiO2 content (expressed as a percentage of shoot dry weight), they can be 75 divided into three major groups: wetland Gramineae, such as wetland rice or horsetails (Equisetum), 10-15%; dryland Gramineae, such as sugarcane and most of the cereal species, and a few dicotyledons, 1-3%; and most dicotyledons, especially legumes, <0.5% (Takahashi and Miyake, 1977). Generally, silicon has more benefits such as the mobilization of soil phosphorus (Marschner, 1996), reduced water loss by cuticular transpiration, and increased resistance against lodging and pests, deserve more attention in the future in crops other than rice and sugarcane (Marschner, 1996). Ethiopia is a center of biodiversity where several landraces are under productivity. Reasons for poor crop production in Ethiopia are manifold. One of these may be nutrient depletion, elements like Si. Hence, the present study was carried out with the objective of auditing the current Si status in agriculturally important soils of the northern highlands of Ethiopia and suggest way forward with Si fertilization in crop production. 2. MATERIALS AND METHODS 2.1. Soil sampling Soil samples were taken from five agroecological zones of Tigray, northern Ethiopia. Five profile pits were opened in representative sites of Adigudom, Axum, Maychew, Shire and Wukuro. Soil samples were taken from 0-15, 15-30, 30-45, 45-60, 60-90, 90-140 and 140-160 cm depths. A total of 32 disturbed soil samples were collected. The disturbed soil samples were air dried and sieved to pass through 2 mm mesh prior to analysis. 2.2. Soil analysis Organic carbon was analyzed according to Walkley and Black (1934) method, while total N was analyzed by Kjeldahl method (Bremner and Mulvaney, 1982) in the National Soil Research Laboratory in Addis Abeba. The silicon composition of the soil samples was determined following digestion with aqua regia and perchloric acid and finally was determined using Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer. The silicon distribution in the soil samples was determined in Geochemistry Laboratory of the National Institute of Geological Survey in Addis Abeba. In addition, the silicon distribution was determined by multiplying a factor 0.47 with the SiO2 content that was determined in the Laboratory. Finally, the data were analyzed using Statistical Packages for Social Sciences (SPSS) 13 for windows. 76 3. RESULTS As presented in tables 1-5 the Si contents range in the cultivated Vertisols of Adigudom from 79.8 to 87.5 g Si kg-1, in Axum from 97.7 to 115.2 g Si kg-1, in Maychew from 113.7 to 117.2 g Si kg-1, in Shire from 130.0 to 133.9 g Si kg-1 and finally in Wukro from 137.3 to 166.3 g Si kg-1. The highest concentration (i.e., 137.3 to 166.3 g Si kg-1) was found in Wukro where the sand content amounted to 50% whereas the lowest level (81.4 to 95 g Si kg-1) was obtained from soils of Adigudom where the clay content exceeds 60%. The Pearson’s correlation was used to find a correlation between silicon status and selected soil physical and chemical properties as given in table 6. Accordingly, significant correlation was found between silicon status and silt -0.85* (p<0.05) and clay 0.85* (p<0.05) for Vertisols in Adigudom; between silicon and total nitrogen 0.77*(p<0.05) for Vertisols in Axum; between silicon and sand -0.88* (p<0.05) (Isn’t sand positively correlated with Si under normal circumstances-check your results!) and clay -0.88* (p<0.05) for the Vertisols in Shire and between silicon and clay -0.85 (p<0.05). The test showed, in most cases, that there is nonsignificant correlation between Si content and pH and soil organic carbon (Table 6). These properties in turn determine silicon’s effect on soil fertility and plants. Table 1. Physical and chemical properties of Vertisols of Adigudom. Depth pH cm Sand Silt Clay TN OC Si -1 % % % % % g kg soils 0-15 8.4 16 22 62 0.116 1.5 87.1 15-30 8.4 18 22 60 0.106 1.4 87.4 30-45 8.3 14 23 63 0.084 1.0 87.5 45-60 8.4 16 20 64 0.082 1.4 84.6 60-90 8.6 12 26 62 0.081 1.4 82.3 90-140 8.0 18 64 22 0.095 1.8 74.8 140-160 8.4 14 28 54 0.070 1.0 79.1 77 Table 2. Physical and chemical properties of Vertisols of Axum. Depth pH Sand cm Silt Clay TN OC Si -1 % % % % % g kg soils 0-15 8.4 14 34 52 0.148 1.2 111.3 15-30 8.5 12 30 58 0.127 1.1 114.1 30-45 9.0 12 24 64 0.120 1.0 114.8 45-60 9.0 12 26 62 0.111 0.9 112.7 60-90 9.1 16 24 60 0.116 0.8 115.2 90-140 8.7 16 28 56 0.062 0.8 109.1 140-160 8.3 18 26 56 0.051 0.6 97.7 Table 3. Physical and chemical properties of Vertisols of Maychew. Depth pH cm Sand Silt Clay TN OC Si % % % % % g kg-1 soils 0-15 7.4 20 20 60 0.106 0.7 113.7 15-30 7.8 20 32 60 0.069 0.6 113.8 30-45 8.0 20 32 48 0.067 0.5 114.7 45-60 8.1 18 30 48 0.041 0.3 114.5 60-90 8.4 14 30 52 0.040 0.3 114.8 90-140 6.4 14 30 56 0.038 0.3 117.2 Table 4. Physical and chemical properties of Vertisols of Shire. Depth pH cm Sand Silt Clay TN OC Si % % % % % g kg-1 soils 0-15 6.9 10 32 58 0.057 0.7 133.1 15-45 7.0 10 32 58 0.069 0.6 133.9 45-60 7.3 12 28 60 0.073 0.6 130.9 60-90 7.5 12 28 60 0.050 0.5 131.9 90-140 7.5 12 28 60 0.043 0.7 130.0 78 Table 5. Physical and chemical properties of Vertisols of Wukro. Depth pH cm Sand Silt Clay TN OC Si % % % % % g kg-1 soils 0-15 8.2 50 20 30 0.078 1.0 166.3 15-30 8.2 40 20 40 0.088 1.4 153.8 30-45 8.5 33 23 44 0.090 1.1 141.1 45-60 8.3 33 23 44 0.092 1.1 137.3 60-90 8.5 31 20 49 0.060 1.0 141.3 90-140 8.7 13 38 49 0.066 1.0 144.9 140-160 8.5 36 17 47 0.063 0.9 146.5 Table 6. Correlation between silicon and major soil physical and chemical properties in Vertisols of Tigray. Soil properties Adigudom Axum Maychew Shire Wukro pH 0.53 0.67 ‐0.67 ‐0.81 ‐0.56 Sand ‐0.08 ‐0.73 ‐0.75 ‐0.88(*) 0.65 Silt ‐0.85(*) ‐0.01 0.30 0.88(*) ‐0.22 Clay 0.85(*) 0.45 ‐0.16 ‐0.88(*) ‐0.85(*) Total N 0.39 0.77(*) ‐0.65 0.43 0.00 Soil organic C ‐0.15 0.67 ‐0.73 0.70 ‐0.05 * Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed). 4. DISCUSSION The Si values in the Vertisols of Tigray are less than from the previously reported Si content for clay soils. As silicon is the most abundant element in the earth’s crust after oxygen, it ranges from 200 to 300 g Si kg-1 in clay soils and 450 to 480 g Si kg-1 in sandy soils (Kovda, 1973; Matichenkov and Calvert, 2002). Although the Si contents in Vertisols of Debre Zeit and Sheno in the Central Highlands of Ethiopia fall within this range (Fisseha Itanna, 1992), the clay soils in Tigray Region have much lower Si. The comparatively lower values for Si in these soils can be justified due to; first, severe and frequent soil erosion and sediment transportation in the study areas. Secondly, usually plants absorb Si more than other elements (Savant et al., 1997); hence, 79 much Si should be replaced to ensure sustainable yields. Thirdly, the nature of parent materials in the study areas could be the cause for the lowered Si levels in these soils. Virtually, the main portions of soil Si-rich compounds are represented by quartz or crystalline silicates, which are confirmed in this current studies where the highest Si content was found in sand dominated soils. The physically and chemically active Si substances in the soils are represented by soluble and weakly adsorbed monosilicic acids, polysilicic acids, and organosilicon compounds (Matichenkov and Ammosova, 1996). These forms are interchangeable with each other as well as with other crystalline minerals and living organisms (soil microorganisms and plants). Monosilicic acid is the center of these interactions and transformations. Monosilicic acids are the product of Si-rich mineral dissolution (Lindsay, 1979). Plants and microorganisms can absorb only monosilicic acid (Yoshida, 1975). Polysilicic acid has a significant effect on soil texture, water holding capacity, adsorption capacity, and soil erosion stability (Matichenkov et al., 1995). The study concludes that quantifying monosilicic and polysilicic acid contents and conduct applied research so as to elaborate optimum Si rate and best time and methods of its application are imperative. It is also advisable to consider additional Si extractants to those used in this study. Plant uptake studies may also be useful to justify whether it contributes to the low levels of Si in Tigray Region. 5. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The researcher duly acknowledges the Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research for funding the project and technicians of the Department of Land Resource Management and Environmental Protection of Mekelle University for sample collection. 6. REFERENCES Bremner, J.M. & C.S. Mulvaney. 1982. Total Nitrogen. In: Page, A.L. Miller, R.H. and Keeney D.R. (eds.), Methods of soil analysis, Part 2 - Chemical and microbiological properties. Agronomy, Am. Soc. of Agron., Madison, Wisconsin, 9 (2): 595-624. Epstein, E. 1999. The discovery of the essential elements. In: Kung S.D. and Yang S.F. (eds.), Discoveries in plant biology, Volume 3, World Scientific Publishing, Singapore. Fassil Kebede, 2002. Analysis of yield gap for wheat cultivation in the highlands of north Ethiopia. PhD thesis, Gent University, Belgium. 80 Fisseha Itanna. 1992. Micro- and macronutrient distributions in Ethiopian Vertisol landscapes. PhD Thesis. 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Centre, Taipei, Taiwan. 81 Tillage Frequency, Soil Compaction and N-Fertilizer Rate Effects on Yield of Teff (Eragrostis Tef (Zucc) Trotter) in Central Zone of Tigray, Northern Ethiopia Haftamu Gebretsadik1, Mitiku Haile2 and *Charles F. Yamoah2 1 Tigray Agricultural Research Institute, Axum Agricultural Research Centre, P.O. Box 230, Axum, Tigray, Ethiopia. 2 Department of LaRMEP, College of Dry Land Agriculture and Natural Resource Management, Mekelle University, P.O. Box 231, Mekelle, Ethiopia (* ABSTRACT In Ethiopia, teff is grown for its grain and straw. There is a dearth of information with respect to plowing, compaction and fertilization on vertisols in central zone of Tigray. Therefore, this study was conducted to determine the effects of plowing frequency, soil compaction and N on teff yields. The experimental design was a split-split plot where main plot was plowing frequency with three levels (once, twice and thrice); sub-plot was compaction with two levels (with and without compaction) and sub-sub plot was N-fertilizer rate with four levels (0kgN/ha, 46KgN/ha, 69KgN/ha and 92KgN/ha). There were three replications. Results showed that plowing frequency had no significant effect on most of the yield components except on tillering when the soil is compacted. Maximum average number of tillers per plant (2.75) was obtained from compacted plots plowed two times. Compaction affected almost all yield and yield components significantly. Higher number of tillers per plant (2.64) from non compacted plots and higher stand cover (about 94%) from compacted plots were found. In addition, maximum biomass (4210.617kg/ha) and grain (1221.98kg/ha) yields were obtained from compacted plots due to enhanced soil to seed contact resulting in increased plant population. Nitrogen fertilizer significantly increased grain yield and yield components. Maximum stand cover (94.78%), plant height (92.16cm), panicle length (37.75cm), biomass yield (4724kg/ha) and grain yield (1387.9kg/ha) were found from plots receiving 92kgN/ha. Partial budget analysis of N fertilizer rates indicted that higher marginal rate of return (525%) were found by applying 69kgN/ha. It is recommended that farmers use 69kgN/ha so as to get economically feasible returns and yield. Keywords: Compaction, Fertilizer N, Plowing frequency, Teff, Vertisol. 1. INTRODUCTION Tef (Eragrostic teff (zucc.) Trotter) is annual C4 grass that belongs to the family Poacea (Kebede, et al., 1989). The crop exhibits high variability within regions of cultivation and between plants of the same accession (Tadesse, 1993). It is primarily self pollinated and provides naturally inbred lines, though intermittent cross pollination introduces new genetic material to 82 existing teff population (Nicole, 1999). Teff is a grown both for its grain and straw.staple cereal crop in Ethiopia. In Ethiopia, teff performs well in ‘Weina dega’ agro-ecological zones or medium altitude (17002400 m above sea level) (Nicole, 1999; Deckers et al., 2001). According to Deckers et al. (2001), the mean temperature and optimum rainfall during the growing season range from 10oC to 27 oC and 450 to 550mm, respectively. The length of growing period (LGP) or the number of days to maturity of teff, considering rainfall and evapo-transpiration of 2-6 mm/day ranges from 60 to 180 days (depending on variety and altitude) with an optimum of 90 to 130 days (Deckers et al., 2001). The first plowing for teff production in most part of the country is done as soon as the previous crop is harvested. In less weed prone areas, it is done after the onset of the small (belg) or main (kiremt) rainy seasons (Fufa et al., 2001). Teff needs high tillage frequencies as compared to other cereal crops in Ethiopia. Also, it requires firm, level seedbed, free from clods and stumps (Deckers et al., 2001). With respect to teff cultivation on Vertisols, several plowings are necessary, occasionally as much as 12 times, relative to Nitosols (Deckers et al., 2001). According to Kenea et al. (2001), the tillage frequency for teff in Ethiopia ranges from 3 times in Nazareth to 12-times in western Wellega. Though research results indicated teff grain yield increased with increasing number of plowings (IAR, 1998). Others recommended tillage frequency for teff to be 3-5 times (Melesse, 2007), 5-9 times especially in high rainfall areas (Tarekegn et al., 1996) and 4-times (Nyssen et al., 2000). Generally, the tillage frequency is not consistent from region to region, from soil type to soil type and from farmer to farmer. This suggests further research on tillage frequency for teff. Due to shrink-swell characteristics of Vertisols, teff seeds broadcasted on them during sowing need moderate soil compaction to enhance their attachment with the soil. Most teff growing farmers on Vertisols trample their teff seedbed either before planting or soon after; in both occasions using cattle, sheep, goats and/or donkeys (Tadesse, 1969). According to TARI (2007), trampling makes seedbed firm and flat, prevents the soil surface from quick drying, provides a thin coverage of broadcasted seeds, prevents seeds from desiccation and consequently enhances good germination and seedling establishment ( TARI, 2007; Fufa et al., 2001). In addition, the results of comparative studies conducted for three years at Debre Zeit on two soil types (Inceptisol and Vertisol) also revealed that the effect of seedbed trampling by humans and oxen 83 on grain yield was not significant except at Chefe Donsa where a significant yield increase was obtained (Fufa et al., 2001). Melesse (2007) reported the necessity of teff seedbed trampling and recommended the use of subsoilers to break hard pans. According to TARI (2007), some farmers in central and North-Western zones of Tigray trample their teff seedbed using human feet when the land is small and there is less availability of animals. Major factors affecting teff fertilizer recommendation are water logging, seasons of planting, cropping history, lodging and weed growth (Kenea et al., 2001). The actual rate of fertilizer used by farmers is below the blanket recommendation i.e. 100kg DAP/ha and 100kg urea/ha set by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (Kenea et al., 2001). Generally, the recommended rate of fertilizer for teff is 25 to 40 kgN/ha and 30 to 40kgP2O5/ha on light soils such as Nitosols, Luvisols and Cambisols, and 50-60kgN/ha and 30-35 kgP2O5/ha for heavy soils such as Vertisols (Deckers et al., 2001). Compaction narrows soil pores and reduces water infiltration which result in water logging problem in vertisols. Such water logging causes N losses by denitrification. Therefore, determining the optimum rate of N under those agronomic practices is necessary. 2. MATERIALS AND METHODS 2.1. Site description The research was conducted in northern Ethiopia, central zone of Tigray, Wereda La’elay Maichew and Tabia Hatsebo. It is 5 km east of Axum town (38034’ and 39025’ east, and 13015’ and 14039’ north). Altitude is of 2050 m and classified as sub humid agro-ecology where most of the middle altitude crops such as teff, wheat, Fababean are commonly grown. The rainfall ranges from 300 to 800mm/annum. The major arable crop in the area is teff that is mostly widely distributed soil type in the area. 2.2. The experimental design A split-split plot design with three replications was used. The main factor was three plowing frequencies (once, twice and thrice); the sub factor was two compaction levels (with and without compaction) and the sub-sub factor was four rates of N-fertilizer (0kgN/ha (control), 46kgN/ha, 69kgN/ha and 92kgN/ha). The teff variety DZ-01-974 (Dukem) was used and sown at a rate of 30kg/ha. Treble Super Phosphate (TSP) was used as a source of P and applied uniformly to all plots at rate of 60 kgP2O5/ha (a national recommendation of P for teff grown on vertisols). 84 Those plots, which received three plowing frequencies, were plowed first at the beginning of the cropping season; second two months after and the third at sowing. The plots, which received two plowing frequencies, were plowed first, at the beginning of the season and at sowing. The plots, which received one plowing, were plowed only at sowing. Sub plots were compacted by trampling with human labor soon after sowing and broadcasting urea and TSP fertilizers. The N fertilizer rates were applied to the sub-sub plots of each compacted and non-compacted plots, half at sowing and the rest at top dressed at time of the crop tillering (i.e. one month after sowing). Penetrometer resistance was measured for each sub plots at sowing (0-30 cm) soil depth. Penetrometer readings were recorded at 5cm interval along the soil depth. Bulk density was determined by the core sample approach. Stand percentage, which refers to the percentage of the plot area covered by teff seedlings, was estimated when the teff seedlings reach three to four leaves age. Plant height, panicle length and tillering potential were measured by randomly selecting 10 plants per plot. Both biomass and grain yields were measured after sun drying for one week. Harvest index (HI) was calculated by the formula defined by Fleischer et al., (1989): HI = Grain yield (kg/ha) x 100 Total biomass yield (kg/ha) 2.3. Partial Budget Analysis Variable cost of N fertilizer was largely used for partial budget analysis. Price fluctuations during the production season was considered. Marginal Rate of Return, which refers to net income obtained by incurring a unit cost of fertilizer, was calculated by dividing the net increase in yield of teff due to the application of each rate to the total cost of N fertilizer applied at each rate. This enables us to identify the optimum rate of N fertilizer for teff production. 3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 3.1. Penetration Resistance and Bulk Density There is no significant difference in penetration resistance between compacted and noncompacted plots as well as within each soil depth in both plots. The average penetration resistance (MPa) in both compacted and non-compacted plots is 0.83 and 0.77, respectively. Maximum penetrometer resistance is observed at soil depth of 10-15cm in compacted and 20- 85 25cm in non-compacted plots. Ehlers et al., (1983) indicated that a penetrometer resistance of 3.6MPa and above under tilled field could impede root growth of oats which is similar to root system of teff. In addition, any penetrometer resistance over 2.0MPa can significantly reduce root growth and development (Ishaq et al., 2001; Oussible et al., 1992). Therefore, the average penetration penetrometer from the compacted plots of 0.83MPa is lower than the values mentioned in the literature. This means compaction of the plots does not affect the root penetration of teff. However, there is slight change in bulk density of both plots, 0.79g/cm3 in non-compacted plots against 0.98g/cm3 in compacted plots. Table 1. Main effects of plowing frequency, compaction and N-fertilizer rates on tillering potential and stand cover. Factors Tillering potential (tiller/plant) Stand percentage Plowing frequency P1=once 2.33 90.75 P2=twice 2.67 91.25 P3=thrice 2.38 92.208 SE 0.116 1.500 LSD ns Ns CV (%) 18.77 3.55 compaction Non compacted 2.64a* 88.56b b Compacted 2.28 94.25a SE 0.094 0.520 LSD 0.259 5.374 CV (%) 18.77 3.55 N-fertilizer rate 0kgN/ha 2.28 83.06c 46kgN/ha 2.50 92.72b 69kgN/ha 2.67 95.06a 92kgN/ha 2.40 94.78ab SE 0.134 0.735 LSD ns 3.441 CV (%) 18.77 3.55 *Means not connected by the same letters are significantly different at alpha 0.05. 86 3.2. Yield and yield component 3.2.1. Stand cover and Tillering Plowing frequency did not show any significant effect on tillering potential, and stand cover of teff. However, compaction has significant effect on these yield attributes. This may be due to its influence on absorption of nutrients and moisture by the crop. Relatively, higher stand cover were found from compacted plots but higher average number of tiller per plant was found from non compacted plots. The higher stand cover from the compacted plots is due to the good attachment of teff seeds with the soil which might have resulted in efficient use of nutrients and moisture as well as improved germination. Except in stand cover, the three N-fertilizer rates did not show significant difference from the control in number of tillers per plant. Highest stand cover (95%) was obtained from application of 69 kg N/ha. Interaction of plowing frequency and compaction significantly affect tillering potential of teff (Table.1). Relatively higher number of tillers per plant (~3 tillers/plant) was found from plots plowed two times and compacted than the others (Table 2). In addition, interaction of compaction with N rates significantly affect tillering because compaction enables teff plants to properly utilize the applied N fertilizer (Table 3). Table 2. Interaction effect of plowing frequency and compaction on tillering potential of teff. Compaction Plowing frequencies P1 P2 P3 C0 2.67ab* 2.58ab 2.67ab C1 2.00b 2.75a 2.08ab *Means not connected by the same letters are significantly different at alpha 0.05. Where: P1 = plowing first, P2 = plowing twice, P3 = plowing thrice, C0 = non-compacted plots and C1 = compacted plots, LSD0.05 = 0.575, SE = 0.163, CV (%) = 18.8 87 Table 3. Interaction effect of compaction and N-fertilizer rate on tillering potential of teff N-rate (kgN/ha) Compaction Non Compacted Compacted 0 2.56ab* 2.00b 46 2.44ab 2.56ab 69 2.22b 3.11a 92 2.44ab 2.33ab *Means not connected by the same letters are significantly different at alpha 0.05. Where, LSD0.05 = 0.426, SE = 0.190, CV (%) = 18.8 Interaction effect of compaction and N fertilizer on ground cover was significant. Therefore, compaction promotes emergence of teff seedlings through efficient utilization of soil nutrients i.e. the applied N and moisture. Relatively, greater ground cover was obtained from compacted plots receiving higher N fertilizer rates (Table 4). Table 4. Interaction effect of compaction and N-fertilizer rate on stand cover of teff. N-rate (kgN/ha) Compaction Non Compacted Compacted 0 78.33d 87.78c 46 90.00bc 95.44a* 69 93.33ab 96.78a 92 92.56ab 97.00a *Means not connected by the same letters are significantly different at alpha 0.05. 3.2.2. Plant Height and Panicle Length Only N fertilizer rate caused significant effect in yield attributes. Both plowing frequency and compaction had not any significant effect on plant height and panicle length (Table 5). Teff plants with higher plant height (92cm) and panicle length (38cm) were found by applying high amount N fertilizer (92kgN/ha) (Table 5). This is because high nitrogen usually favors vegetative growth of teff which results in taller teff plants heights having relatively greater panicle length. 88 3.2.3. Biomass Yield, Grain Yield and Harvest Index (HI) There were no significant differences among plowing frequencies in biomass yield, grain yield and harvest index of teff (Table 6). Though IAR (1998) as cited in Fufa et al. (2001), reported an increase in grain yield of teff with an increase plowing frequency, such report contradicts our present findings. Table 5. Main effects of plowing frequency, compaction and N-fertilizer rates on plant height and panicle length. Factors Plant height (cm) Panicle length (cm) Plowing frequency 0nce 79.63 34.27 Twice 78.75 33.98 Thrice 80.77 34.38 SE 0.973 0.58 LSD ns ns CV (%) 5.39 7.46 Non compacted 79.05 34.85 Compacted 80.38 33.68 SE 0.793 0.47 LSD ns ns CV (%) 5.39 7.46 0kgN/ha 57.73d 27.42d 46kgN/ha 81.82c 35.10c 69kgN/ha 87.16b 36.80b 92kgN/ha 92.16a* 37.75a SE 1.12 0.67 LSD 1.58 0.95 CV (%) 5.39 7.46 compaction N-fertilizer rate *Means not connected by the same letters are significantly different at alpha 0.05. 89 Table 6. Main effects of plowing frequency, compaction and N-fertilizer rates on biomass yield, grain yield and harvest index. Factors Biomass yield (kg/ha) Grain yield Harvest Index (kg/ha) (HI) Plowing frequency Once 3726.67 1095.09 0.291 twice 3753.80 1098.24 0.289 thrice 4011.48 1206.30 0.300 SE 108.64 37.14 0.004 LSD ns ns ns CV (%) 13.23 15.15 6.00 compaction Non compacted 3450.679b 1044.4b 0.297 a* a Compacted 4210.617 1222 0.289 SE 88.70 30.33 0.003 LSD 125.40 42.89 ns CV (%) 13.23 15.15 6.00 N-fertilizer rate 0kgN/ha 2368.27d 665.8d 0.279b 46kgN/ha 3758.77c 1120.6c 0.298a b a 69kgN/ha 4471.48 1358.5 0.304a a a 1387.9 0.293ab 92kgN/ha 4724.07 SE 125.44 42.89 0.005 LSD 177.40 60.70 0.007 CV (%) 13.23 15.15 6.00 *Means not connected by the same letters are significantly different at alpha 0.05. There were significant differences between compacted and non-compacted plots in both biomass (P = 0.0007) and grain yields (P = 0.0035) but not of harvest index (Table-6). This agrees with research results from Chefe Donsa that a significant grain yield of teff was obtained from seedbed compaction (Fufa et al., 2001). Greater biomass (4211kg/ha) and grain (1222kg/ha) yields were obtained from compacted plots than non-compacted plots. The reason for the high yield from compacted plots was due to early emergence and seedling growth as well as high teff ground cover. Nitrogen fertilizer significantly (P = 0.0001) improved biomass and grain yield in the control plots and harvest index (P = 0.001) (Table 6). The biomass (4,724 kg/ha) and grain (1388kg/ha) yields were obtained by applying 92 kgN/ha. However, greater harvest index (0.304) was obtained by applying 69kgN/ha which means that more grain yield per unit biomass was obtained from plots receiving this rate. 90 3.3. Partial Budget Analysis of N-Fertilizer rate The partial budget analysis indicates that high marginal rate of return (525%) was obtained by applying 69kgN/ha (Table 7). This means that the income obtained by applying 69kg N/ha for teff was more than 5 times a unit total N-fertilizer cost. It is also fair to farmers to use 46kg N/ha for it can bring comparable income which is more than 5 times total N-fertilizer cost. The latter seems to support the nationally recommended N-fertilizer rate for teff. This analysis is done by considering only grain yield of teff. If we add the value of the straw, the return will become more than the already estimated income. Table 7. Partial budget analysis for N-fertilizer rates. N-fertilizer rates (Ni) Total cost and total income 0kgN/ha 46kgN/ha 69kgN/ha 92kgN/ha Cost 1. Labor cost • Fertilizer weighing and taking to field 0.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 • Fertilizer Application 0.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 2. Fertilizer cost 0.00 400.00 600.00 800.00 Total cost (Tc) 0.00 460.00 660.00 860.00 Economic (grain) yield (kg/ha) 666 1121 1359 1388 Income (birr/ha) 3330 5605 6795 6940 Change in cost (∆C) 0.00 460 660 860 Change in income (∆I) 0.00 2275 3465 3610 Marginal Rate of Return (MRR = 0.00 494.6% 525% 419.8% Income (∆I)/(∆C)*100) Where, 1. ∆C = cost of each rate subtracted from cost of the control 2. ∆I = income of each rate (Birr/ha) subtracted from the income of control 3. Labor costs were calculated by assuming 15birr/labor/day 91 4. Incomes were calculated by assuming 500birr/100kg of teff. 4. CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION Plowing frequency did not affect most of the yield and yield attributes of teff. However, it affected tillering of teff when combined with compaction. Incidentally, this factor alone did not increase the number of tillers per plant. Generally, frequent plowing is not a major factor to increase teff productivity on Vertisols, but it is important to control weeds. Compaction resulted in low tillering but high ground cover. This means compaction did not favor tillering of teff but it encourages ground cover. Interaction between compaction and N also influenced tillering and ground cover of teff. Optimum returns were found from biomass and grain yields on compacted plots. The overall outcome of compaction is that it affects teff productivity on vertisols. Nitrogen encourages ground cover with the application of 69kgN/ha. High rate of nitrogen (92kgN/ha) resulted in taller plants with relatively longer panicles and greater average biomass and grain yields. The partial budget analysis shows that application of 69kgN/ha can bring an income which is more than five times the cost of N-fertilizer. Farmers should not plow their land more than three times as more frequent plowing do not enhance teff productivity on Vertisols. Plowing three times is appropriate for weed control. Compaction contributes to teff productivity by facilitating good seed-soil contact on Vertisols hence, farmers should be encouraged to practice it. Application of 69kgN/ha gave optimum biomass and grain yields of teff and hence farmers have to use this rate for teff production on Vertisols. As an alternative, farmers can also use 46kgN/ha to get comparable income from the crop on Vertisols. Generally, this implies that farmers can apply N-fertilizers at a rate ranging from 46-69kgN/ha to get optimum teff yield on vertisols. 5. REFERENCES Deckers J.A., Nachtergaele, F.O. & Spaargaren, O.C. (eds.). 1998. World Reference Base for Soil Resource: Introduction. Acco Leuven/Amersfoort. Belgium. pp.165. DZARC (Debre Zeit Agricultural Research Centre). 1989. Annual research progress report for 1988/89. Debre Zeit, Ethiopia. 92 Ehlers, W., Popke, V., Hesse, F. & Bohm, W. 1983. Penetration Resistance and Root Growth of Oats in Tilled and Untilled Loam Soil. Soil Tillage Res., 3:261-275. 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Progress report for the period from February 2006 to December 2007. 94 Multidimensional and Multi-Parameter Fortran-Based Curve Fitting Tools Daniel Tsegay and *Alem Mebrahtu Department of Physics, College of Natural and Computational Sciences, Mekelle University, P.O. Box. 3044, Mekelle, Ethiopia (* ABSTRACT The Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm has become a popular method in nonlinear curve fitting works. In this paper, following the steps of Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm, we extend the framework of the algorithm to two and three dimensional real and complex functions. This work briefly describes the mathematics behind the algorithm, and also elaborates how to implement it using FORTRAN 95 programming language. The advantage of this algorithm, when it is extended to surfaces and complex functions, is that it makes researchers to have a better trust during fitting. It also improves the generalization and predictive performance of 2D and 3D real and complex functions. Keywords: Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm, Nonlinear curve fitting and Least square fitting technique. 1. INTRODUCTION Levenberg-Marquardt (LM) algorithm is an iterative technique (Levenberg, 1944; Kelley, 1999; Avriel, 2003; Marquardt, 1963; Bates & Watts, 1988; Box, et al., 1969; and Gill, et al., 1981) which helps in locating the discrepancy between a given model and the corresponding data. Such functions are usually expressible as sum of squares of nonlinear functions. The LM algorithm has become a standard technique for nonlinear least-square problems (Lourakis, 2005; Lampton, 1997; Arumugam, 2003; Coope, 1993; and Madsen, et al., 2004) and can be thought of as a combination of steepest descent and the Gauss-Newton methods. The paper is presented as follows: In section one, we present a brief introduction about the LM algorithm. In section two we discuss about the least square fitting technique. Section three elaborates Vanilla Gradient descent method. In the fourth section we present Newton’s method. A more detailed discussion of LG algorithm is presented in section five. Section six discusses about the implementation of the LM algorithm. In the last section we present a brief summary of the paper. 95 1.1. Least-Square’ Fitting Technique Suppose we have a set of N experimental data points {x i , yi , L , f i , σ i } , where i = 1 ,…, N for which we need to make a fitting. Here X i ≡ ( xi , yi ,...) are the data coordinates, f i is the data value and σ i is the data error bar. Next we take a model which can estimate the values of f as a function of X i ≡ ( xi , yi ,...) and a set of internal variable parameters P ≡ ( p1 , p2 ,..., pM ) : f ( X , P ) . Let us construct the chi-square function: χ (P) ≡ 2 N ∑ i =1 ⎛ fi − f (X i , P) ⎜⎜ σi ⎝ where ri ( Pc ) = f i − f ( X i , Pc ) σi ⎞ ⎟⎟ ⎠ 2 = N ∑ i =1 ri 2 ( P ) (1) is called residue function. The goal of the least square method is to determine the parameters P of the regression function f ( X , P ) so as to minimize the squared deviations between f i and f ( X i , P ) for all data points: i = 1L N . If we assume that all measured values of f i are normally distributed with standard deviations given by σ i , then ‘statistically-the-best’ match would correspond to the minimal value of χ 2 . Thus, the suitable model is essentially the one which gives the minimum value of the chi-square with respect to the parameters. That is why the method itself is called the ‘least-square’ technique. Of course, the error bars are determined not only by a statistical noise, but also by systematic inaccuracies, which are very difficult to estimate and are not normally distributed. However, to move on, we assume that they are some how accounted for by the values σ i . Other approaches that are useful in determining the best-fit parameters for non-linear functions f ( X , P ) by minimizing χ 2 iteratively include Newton’s method and Gradient descent method. 1.2. Vanilla Gradient Descent Method The Gradient descent method is simply an instinctive moving in the ‘steepest descent’ direction, which is apparently determined by the minus-gradient: βk 1 ∂ χ 2 ( Pc ) = ≡ − 2 ∂pk N ∑ i =1 ri ( Pc ) ∂ ri ( Pc ) = ∂pk or 96 N ∑ i =1 f i − f ( X i , , Pc ) ∂ f ( X i , Pc ) σ 12 ∂pk ⎡ β1 ⎢ ⎢ ⎢ β2 ⎢ ⎢ ⎢ M ⎢β ⎣ M ⎡ ∂ r1 ( P c ) ⎤ ⎢ ∂p ⎥ 1 ⎢ ⎥ r ( P ∂ c ) 1 ⎢ ⎥ = ⎢ ∂p2 ⎥ ⎢ ⎥ M ⎢ ∂r (P ) ⎥ c 1 ⎢ ⎥ ⎦ ⎣⎢ ∂ p M ∂ r2 ( Pc ) ∂ p1 ∂ r2 ( Pc ) ∂p2 M ∂ r2 ( Pc ) ∂pM L L O L ∂ rM ( Pc ∂ p1 ∂ rM ( Pc ∂p2 M ∂ rM ( Pc ∂pM )⎤ ⎥ ⎥ )⎥ ⎥ ⎥ )⎥ ⎥ ⎦⎥ ⎡ r1 ( P c ) ⎢ ⎢ ⎢ r2 ( Pc ) ⎢ ⎢ M ⎢ ⎢r ⎣ M ( Pc ) ⎤ ⎥ ⎥ ⎥ . ⎥ ⎥ ⎥ ⎥ ⎦ (2) In compact form β = − 1 ∇ χ 2 = [J ]T r ( P ) , 2 Where J is called Jacobian matrix of the residue ri ( Pc ) which is defined in Eqn. 1. The onehalf coefficient is put to simplify the formulas. To improve the fit, we can shift the parameters p kc → p kc + δp k , where δp k = cons tan t × β k ⎡ β1 ⎡ δp1 ⎤ ⎢ ⎢ δp ⎥ ⎢ 2 ⎥ = cons tan t × ⎢ β 2 ⎢ M ⎢ M ⎥ ⎢ ⎢ ⎥ ⎣β M ⎣δpM ⎦ ⎤ ⎥ ⎥ . ⎥ ⎥ ⎦ (3) The steepest descent strategy is justified, when one is far from the minimum, but suffers from slow convergence in the plateau close to the minimum, especially in the multi-parameter space. Logically we would like large steps down the gradient at locations where the gradient (slope) is small (near the plateau) and small steps when the gradient is large not to rattle out of the minimum. Moreover, it has no information about the scale or the value of the constant and one can see that δpk = cons tan t × β k has a problem with the unit dimensions. 1.3. Newton’s Method Newton's method is an algorithm used for finding roots of equations in one or more dimensions. Let us Pc ≡ expand ∇ χ 2(P ) ( p 1 c , p 2 c ,... using a Taylor’s series around the current points, p Mc ) , we get ∇ χ 2 ( P ) = ∇ χ 2 ( Pc ) + [δ P ]T ⋅ ∇ 2 χ 2 ( P c ) + higher order terms 97 (4) ⎡ α 11 ⎢α ⎡ ∂χ 2 ( Pc ) ∂χ 2 ( Pc ) 2 ∂χ 2 ( Pc ) ⎤ ⎢ 21 ∇χ (P) = ⎢ , , L, ⎥ + ⎢ M ∂p2 ∂pM ⎦ ⎣ ∂p1 ⎢ ⎣α M 1 α 12 α 22 M αM2 L L α 1 M ⎤ ⎡ δp1 ⎤ α 2 M ⎥⎥ ⎢⎢ δp2 ⎥⎥ + higher O M ⎥ ⎢ M ⎥ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥ L α MM ⎦ ⎣δpM ⎦ order terms, where δp k = p k − p kc , δP T = [δp1 , δp 2 , L , δp M ] and ⎡ ∂2χ 2 ⎢ ⎢ ∂ p1∂ p1 ⎢ ∂2χ 2 ⎢ = ⎢ ∂ p 2 ∂ p1 M ⎢ ⎢ ∂2χ 2 ⎢ ⎣ ∂ p M ∂ p1 α ∂2χ 2 ∂ p1∂ p 2 ∂2χ 2 ∂p 2∂p 2 M 2 ∂ χ2 ∂p M ∂p 2 ∂2χ 2 ∂ p1∂ p M ∂2χ 2 ∂p 2∂p M M 2 ∂ χ2 ∂p M ∂p M L L O L 2 Note that ∂ χ ( Pc ) is the gradient vector of χ 2 ∂pk α kl ⎤ ⎥ ⎥ ⎥ ⎥ ⎥ . ⎥ ⎥ ⎥ ⎦ with respect to pk evaluated at Pc and 2 2 1 ∂ χ ( Pc ) is the second order gradient vector of χ 2 ∂p x ∂p l ≡ 2 (is called Hessian matrix) evaluated at P c . Near the current points Pc , we can approximate the value of χ 2 ( P ) up to the second order, as ∇ χ 2 ( P ) = ∇ χ 2 ( Pc ) + [δ P ]T ⋅∇ 2 χ 2 ( Pc ) . Assuming the chi-square function is quadratic around Pc and solving for the minimum values of the parameters P by setting ∇ χ 2 ( P ) = 0 , we get the update rule (the next iteration point) for Newton’s methods: [α ][δ P ] T [δ P ]T = −∇ χ ( Pc ) = − [α 2 M ⇔ ∑α l =1 ]− 1 ∇ χ 2 ( Pc ) kl δp l = β k (5) 2 ⇒ P = Pc − [α ] ∇ χ ( Pc ) . −1 (6) The chi function (which is quadratic) to be minimized has almost parabolic shape. The Hessian matrix, which is proportional to the curvature of χ 2 , is given by 98 α kl ≡ 1 ∂ 2 χ 2 ( Pc ) = 2 ∂p k ∂pl ∂ 2 f ( X i , Pc ) ⎫ 1 ⎧ ∂f ( X i , Pc ) ∂f ( X i , Pc ) [ ] f f ( X , P ) − − ⎬ ⎨ ∑ i i c 2 ∂p k ∂p1 ∂p k ∂ p l ⎭ i =1 σ i ⎩ N (7) (the one-half here is also added for the sake of simplicity). The components α kl of the Hessian matrix in Eqn. (7) depends both on the first derivative, ∂ 2 f ( X i , Pc ) ∂pk∂pl ∂ f ( X i , Pc ) ∂p k , and second derivative, , of the basic function with respect to their parameters. The Second derivative can be ignored when it is zero, or small enough to be negligible when compared to the term involving the first derivative. In practice, this is quite often small enough to neglect. If one looks at Eqn. (7) carefully, the second derivative is multiplied by [ f i − f ( X i , Pc ) ] . For the successful model, this term should just be the random measurement error of each point. This error can have either sign, and should in general be uncorrelated with the model. Therefore, the second derivative terms tend to cancel out when summed over time i . Inclusion of second derivative term can in fact be destabilizing if the model fits badly or is contaminated by outlier points that are unlikely to be offset by compensating points of opposite sign. So, instead of Eqn. (7) we shall N define the α-matrix simply as: α kl ≡ ∑ 1 ∂f ( X i , Pc ) ∂f ( X i , Pc ) which is equivalent to 2 i =1 α = [J ]T J = ⎡ N 1 ∂ f ( X i , Pc ) ∂ f ( X i , Pc ) ⎢∑ σ 2 ∂ p1 ∂ p1 ⎢ i N= 1 i 1 ∂ f ( X i , Pc ) ∂ f ( X i , Pc ) ⎢ 2 ⎢∑ ∂p 2 ∂ p1 i =1 σ i ⎢ M ⎢ N ⎢ ∑ 1 ∂ f ( X i , Pc ) ∂ f ( X i , Pc ) ⎢⎣ i = 1 σ i2 ∂p M ∂ p1 σi ∂p k ∂p l 1 ∂ f ( X i , Pc ) ∂ f ( X i , Pc ) 2 ∂ p1 ∂p 2 i =1 i N 1 ∂ f ( X i , Pc ) ∂ f ( X i , Pc ) ∑ 2 ∂p 2 ∂p 2 i =1 σ i M N 1 ∂ f ( X i , Pc ) ∂ f ( X i , Pc ) ∑ 2 σ ∂p M ∂p 2 i =1 i N ∑σ 1 ∂ f ( X i , Pc ) ∂ f ( X i , Pc ) ⎤ ⎥ 2 ∂ p1 ∂p M i ⎥ 1 ∂ f ( X i , Pc ) ∂ f ( X i , Pc ) ⎥ . ∑ 2 ⎥ ∂p 2 ∂p M i =1 σ i ⎥ M ⎥ N 1 ∂ f ( X i , Pc ) ∂ f ( X i , Pc ) ⎥ ∑ 2 ⎥⎦ ∂p M ∂p M i =1 σ i N L L O L ∑σ i =1 N (8) After computing, numerically or analytically, the gradient and Hessian matrices for the current set of parameters, one can immediately move to the minimum by shifting the parameters p k → p k + δp k , where the displacement vector δp k derived in Eqn. (5), i.e., 99 is determined from the linear system ⎡ α 11 α 12 ⎢α ⎢ 21 α 22 ⎢ M M ⎢ ⎣α M 1 α M 2 L α 1M L α 2M O M ⎤ ⎥ ⎥ ⎥ ⎥ L α MM ⎦ ⎡ δ p1 ⎢ δp 2 ⎢ ⎢ M ⎢ ⎣δ p M ⎡ β1 ⎤ ⎡ δp1 ⎤ ⎡ α11 α12 ⎤ ⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥ ⎥ ⎢ β ⎥ = ⎢ 2 ⎥ ⇔ ⎢ δp 2 ⎥ = ⎢ α21 α22 ⎢ M ⎥ ⎢ M ⎥ ⎢ M ⎥ M ⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥ ⎥ ⎢ ⎣β M ⎦ ⎣δp M ⎦ ⎣α M 1 α M 2 ⎦ L α1M ⎤ L α 2 M ⎥⎥ O M ⎥ ⎥ L α MM ⎦ −1 ⎡ β1 ⎤ ⎢β ⎥ ⎢ 2 ⎥. ⎢ M ⎥ ⎢ ⎥ ⎣β M ⎦ (9) One of the problems associated with Newton’s method (Levenberg, 1944; Kelley, 1999; Madsen, et al., 2004; and Lawson & R.J. Hanson, 1974) is its divergence after successive iterations. At the instant when χ 2 ( Pc + δP ) diverges we would like to retreat to its previous value χ 2 ( Pc ) and then decrease the steps, δP and try again. 2 χ (p 1 ,p 2 ) 200 160 'Steepest D escent' is efficient far from the m inim um 120 80 8 40 -8 -4 p2 p1 4 0 'N ew ton's M ethod' is efficient near the m inim um -4 0 4 -8 0 8 Figure 1. Graph of the chi function: The chi-square (χ2) function versus two arbitrary experimental parameters P1 and P2. 1.4. The Levenberg-Marquardt Algorithm In order for the chi-square function to converge to a minimum rapidly, one needs a large step in the direction along with the low curvature (near the minimum) and a small step in the direction with the high curvature (i.e. a steep incline). The gradient descent and Gauss-Newton iterations provide additional advantages. The LM algorithm is based on the self-adjustable balance between the two minimizing strategies: the Vanilla Gradient Descent and the Inverse Hessian methods. 100 Coming back to the steepest descent technique χ 2 is dimensionless but β dimension as 1 p k has the same , as indicated in Eqn. (3). The constant of proportionality between β k and k δ p k must therefore have the dimension of in kg , then β k p k2 . For instance, if the parameter p k is measured kg −1 so the constant must have a dimension of kg −2 . has obviously the units of Therefore the unit cannot be the same for all parameters since they are generally measured in different units ( p1 in Seconds, p2 in Meter… p in Ampere). Marquadt surmised that the M components of the Hessian matrix must hold at least some information about the order-of– magnitude scale and dimension. Among the components of α -matrix the reciprocal of the diagonal elements α kk −1 have these dimensions. Hence he suggested that this must set the scale of the constant. To avoid the scale becoming too large, it is divided by a dimensionless positive damping term, λ (being positive ensures that δpk is a descent direction). Eqn. (3) is then replaced by ⎡ δ p1 ⎢ δp 2 ⎢ ⎢ M ⎢ ⎣δ p M ⎡ α 11− 1 ⎤ ⎢ ⎥ 1 ⎢ 0 ⎥ = ⎥ λ ⎢ M ⎢ ⎥ ⎢⎣ 0 ⎦ 0 α In more compact form, δ p k = 0 ⎤ ⎥ 0 ⎥ M ⎥ −1 ⎥ α MM ⎥⎦ L −1 M L O 0 L 22 1 λα ⎡ β1 ⎢ β ⎢ 2 ⎢ M ⎢ ⎣β M ⎤ ⎥ ⎥ ⎥ . ⎥ ⎦ (10) βk. kk In order to combine Eqns. (9) and (10), Marquardt defined a diagonally-enhanced new matrix: δ kl α kl′ = α kl (1 + δ kl λ ), where the value of the Kronicker delta function is given by ⎧ 0 = ⎨ ⎩ 1 ⎡ α 11′ ⎢α ′ ⎢ 21 ⎢ M ⎢ ⎣α M′ 1 α′ - α 12′ ′ α 22 M α M′ 2 for k ≠ l for k = l L L O L such that α 1′M ⎤ ⎡α 11 (1 + λ ) α 12 L ⎢ ⎥ α 2′ M ⎥ ⎢ α 21 α 22 (1 + λ ) L M ⎥ =⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ′ ⎦ ⎣ α MM M M αM1 αM 2 (11) 101 O α 1M α 2M L α MM ⎤ ⎥ ⎥ ⎥ M (1 + λ )⎥⎦ where λ is a dimensionless constant, and α kl is replaced with α kl′ in Eqn. (5) which yields M ∑ α ′ δp l =1 kl ⎡ δ p1 ⎢ δp ⎢ 2 ⎢ M ⎢ ⎣δ p M 1 = β k or ⎤ ⎡α11(1 + λ ) α12 ⎥ ⎢ α 22 (1 + λ ) ⎥ = ⎢ α 21 ⎥ ⎢ M M ⎥ ⎢ αM 2 ⎦ ⎣ αM1 α1M ⎤ L α 2 M ⎥⎥ L ⎥ O M ⎥ L α MM (1 + λ )⎦ For very small value of λ , the displacement vector −1 ⎡ β1 ⎢β ⎢ 2 ⎢ M ⎢ ⎣β M ⎤ ⎥ ⎥. ⎥ ⎥ ⎦ (12) δp k , obtained from Eqn. (12) is close to the one, obtained by the pure Inverse Hessian technique, Eqn. (9), which is a good step in the final stages of the iteration, near the minima. If χ 2 = 0 (or very small), then we can get (almost) quadratic final convergence. However, if λ is very large, then the matrix α kl′ is forced in to being diagonally dominant, so Eqn. (12) goes over to be identical to Eqn. (10), this is good if the current iterate is far from the solution. It means that, by increasing the parameter λ we approach the ‘steepest descent’ limit (i.e. a short step in the steepest descent direction). Thus, the damping term λ influences both the direction and the size of the step, and this leads us to make a method without a specific line search. To reduce the computational errors (especially near the minimum point), it is recommended to find the derivatives of the model function χ 2 ( X , P ) analytically. Let’s first prepare the LM algorithm, with flow chart. The minimization process is iterative. One ( ) 2 2 starts with a reasonably small value of λ . At every successful iteration: χ mew < χ cur , it is reduced by a factor of 10, moving towards the ‘inverse Hessian’ regime. Otherwise it retreats to the ‘steepest descent’ regime by being increased by a factor of 10. The stop criteria are necessary to avoid an endless iteration cycle. When one or more combination of the following stopping criteria are satisfied, then the fitting process stops: i. When the total number of iterations entered by the user attains. ii. When the minimum value of χ 2 ( Pc ) to exit iteration attains. iii. When the absolute shift of the chi square, χ 2 ( Pc + δ P ) − χ 2 ( Pc ) below some a certain threshold or decreases by negligible amount. The program can also be set to ‘PAUSE’ when χ 2 ( Pc + δ P ) a start to diverge then continues after press enter key. 102 Figure 2. The LM Algorithm with a flow chart. The update rule is used as follows. If the error goes down following an update, it implies that our quadratic assumption on χ 2 is working and reduce λ (usually by a factor of 10) to reduce the influence of gradient descent. On the other hand, if the error goes up, we would like to follow the gradient more and so λ is increased by the same factor. If the initial guess is good but χ 2 does not fall down to the required minimum value, we have to change the initial value of λ slightly. 103 2. IMPLEMENTATION OF THE LM ALGORITHM In this paper Gauss’s elimination and Gauss’s Jordan matrix inversion methods are used to determine the shift parameters. Among the several tests made on real and complex non linear functions, only three examples are illustrated to see how much this method is effective and faster than the other methods. 2.1. Test on real three dimensional wave function (xi , yi ) The first test is applied to two dimensional data coordinate fi and data value where i = 1 − 210 , e.g., at i = 7 ( x 7 = −7, y 7 = −1, f 7 = 6.452 ) . Table 1. Experimental data for irregularly shaped surface. xi -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 1 yi 2 3 4 - - - 5 6 7 - -7 -1.029 6.743 13.3 15.99 14.91 12.72 19.56 33.59 14.18 3.027 2.91 2.546 2.389 -8.428 -6 -7.211 0.544 6.464 7.324 2.644 -6.841 -20.33 4.615 5.203 10.67 13.85 11.29 4.334 -3.384 -5 -9.661 -5.837 -3.782 -5.371 -10.97 -22.67 -49.52 40.49 21.73 18.62 17.54 13.99 8.64 3.572 -4 -7.136 -8.94 -11.96 -15.41 -18.64 -26.28 -52.52 54.98 26.54 16.56 12.09 9.181 8.176 8.796 3.058 9.637 5.997 -3 -2 -1 0 1 -1.112 4.853 6.452 1.905 -0.942 -6.983 -0.665 7.76 14.72 11.16 -13.68 -7.916 2.596 12.53 14.99 -17.6 -11.2 -0.96 6.545 13.81 -16.22 -4.794 10.17 21.22 19.46 -15.65 -27.89 3.837 10.87 22.71 41.83 31.66 47.46 21.57 30.86 40.53 16.97 5.508 0.567 0.605 - - - - 5.224 2.158 8.837 10.48 10.26 -4.33 - - - - - - 30.86 21.57 19.46 13.81 14.99 11.16 - - - - - - 47.46 31.66 21.22 6.545 12.53 14.72 -1.905 - - - 41.83 22.71 10.17 0.96 2.596 -7.76 -6.452 - - 0.942 - 2 -5.997 4.33 10.26 10.48 8.837 2.158 -5.224 10.87 3.837 4.794 11.2 7.916 0.665 -4.853 3 -9.637 -3.058 0.605 -0.567 -5.508 -16.97 -40.53 27.89 15.65 16.22 17.6 13.68 6.983 1.112 4 -8.796 -8.176 -9.181 -12.09 -16.56 -26.54 -54.98 52.52 26.28 18.64 15.41 11.96 8.94 7.136 5 -3.572 -8.64 -13.99 -17.54 -18.62 -21.73 -40.49 49.52 22.67 10.97 5.371 3.782 5.837 9.661 - - - - 6 3.384 -4.334 -11.29 -13.85 -10.67 -5.203 -4.615 20.33 6.841 2.644 7.324 6.464 0.544 - - - - 7 8.428 2.389 -2.546 -2.91 3.027 14.18 33.59 19.56 12.72 14.91 15.99 -13.3 6.743 104 7.211 1.029 Figure 3 (a). Graphs of experimental values f i (blue) and numerical or computed values f ( X , Pc ) (yellow) before iteration. Figure 3 (b). Graphs of experimental values f i (blue) and numerical or computed values f ( X , Pc ) (yellow) after iteration 105 From the above results (Table.1), one can easily see that the data (surface) follows the wave function having the form f ( X , P) = f ( x, y, p1 , p2 , p3 ) = p1 sin( p3 x) cos( y ) − p2 − p3 sin( y ) cos( x) . 2 y +1 x ( ) We have then made a fitting, using the LM approach, in order to find the values of the parameters ( p1 , p2, , p3 ) that best fit f ( X i , P) with f i (see Fig. 3 (a) and (b)). In this case the dimension is q = 2 and the numbers of parameters are M = 3 . After initializing ( p1, p2, , p3 ) the values found from the iteration are χ 2 = 0.0 , The function now have the from f ( x, y ) = 7 p1 = 7.0, p2 = 11.0 and p3 = 54.0 . sin(11x) cos( y ) − 54 − 11sin( y ) cos( x) . 2 y +1 x ( ) As one can see from the above results, the LM model is highly useful when it is implemented to complicated-shaped surfaces. What is also important here is here that selecting an appropriate type of function (such as sine, power, decay, etc functions) and lambda. The shift parameters are not that much changed by normalized random errors only minimum of chi-function increases. Hence, based on the above two figures (Figs. 3 (a) and (b)), one can conclude that new equations/relations and modifications to the already existing formulas can be obtained from experimental data having disturbed/complicated surfaces. 2.2. Test made on complex two dimensional function In ellipsometery the complex ratio ρ = rp = tan r Ψ e is measured, commonly j∆ s expressed in terms of the two real parameters Ψ and ∆ i.e. ρ = tan Ψe j∆ . The inversion of this formula to get suitable value of real and imaginary part of the refractive index is some what difficult to do analytically, and even numerically inversion of complex functions using LM algorithm is not yet well developed. Let us consider an oblique reflection and transmission of optical plane wave at the planner interface between two semi-infinite homogeneous optically isotropic media air and glass with complex index of refraction n = nr + jk . The ratio of the complex reflection coefficient, ρ , is related to the angle of incident by ρ = tan Ψ e j∆ ⎡ sin = ⎢⎣ 2 θ − cos θ 0 sin 2 (n r + jk θ − (n r + jk 106 ) 2 )2 − sin cos θ 2 θ ⎤⎥ ⎦ 2 . The algorithm has been tested on an actual data taken in a PSA-ellipsometry on acrylic glass sample for a wave length of light 450nm . After successive iterations the following results has been recorded. Table 2. Experimental data and computed values of ρ and n . i th measuremen t Data Experimental Values found from the successive iterations coordinate data values Computed values Actual error (θi / deg ) f i = ρi f ( X i , Pc ) = ρ (θ i , n) ρi − ρ (θi , n) 1 -0.11726- -1.1721756E-01- -4.2445958E-05- j0.00134 j1.3177083E-03 j2.2291672E-05 -0.06301- -6.2998131E-02- -1.1868775E- j0.00135 j1.3587392E-03 05+j8.7391818E-06 -0.03577- -3.5782781E-02- 1.2781471E- j0.00135 j1.3766416E-03 05+j2.6641530E-05 -0.00847- -8.5111084E-03- 4.1108578E-05- j0.00143 j1.3926749E-03 j3.7325081E-05 52+j0 2 54+j0 3 55+j0 4 56+j0 N=4 q = 1, m = 1, Initialization CHI = 1.1195837E - 09 - j7.0279005E - 10 p1c = n = 3 + j0.3 ABS(CHI) = 1.32188E - 9 n = 1.50009620 + j2.90234271E - 3 The real and imaginary part of the refractive index of the glass found from the iteration is nr = 1.5000962 and k = 0.00290234 271 respectively. The fitted values of the reflection coefficient have up to 5 decimal precision (one can also get high precision by selecting appropriate lambda till the errors arise only form the experiment imperfection and machine error. The interesting thing doing with complex function is, we only solve the derivative of ρ ( θ , n ) with respect to n i.e. d ρ (θ , n ) dn to find nr and k (not ρ ( θ dn ,n) and r ρ (θ , n ) ) . During dk interpolation and extrapolation, unlike the Aitkens and Lagrange interpolations, graphs interpolated using LM model follow the right path (with little regression). 107 Extrapolated graph for the complex function ρ(θ,n) * indicates experimental value 0.4 -0.0010 0.3 0.2 Imaginary of ρ (ρI) Real of ρ (ρr) (where n=1.5000962+j0.00290234271) 0.1 0.0 -0.1 -0.0011 -0.0012 -0.0013 -0.2 -0.3 -0.0014 -0.4 -0.0015 -0.5 40 45 50 55 60 Angle of incident θ/deg 65 70 Figure 4. Extrapolated graph for the complex function ρ (θ , n) with * and ▪ representing experimental and numerical values respectively. 2.3. Test on complex two dimensional power function The third test was made on complex three dimensional power functions (their derivatives are logarithmic functions). Consider the following experimental data: Table 3. Experimental data on 2D power functions. i xi yi 1 6+j2 - 1- j 6 151.1271 j 41.47818 2 5+j8 29+j 0 -318.893 j 710.7169 3 -3+-j0.5 -7+j 1 34.97808 j 96.72046 4 -4+j 2 0+j 5 61.8854 - j 24.1816 5 -5+j 5 -9.9- j 3 260.2891 j 413.5324 6 -6- j 1 -4+j 1 14.13067 j 120.9102 N =6 108 fi The data is fitted with the function f ( x , y , p1 , p 2 , p 3 , p 4 ) = x p + y p + p 3 xy + p 4 . For this 1 case the value of p 1 = 2 − 0 .5 j , q = 2 2 and M = 4 . During Initialization of the parameters with p 2 = 2 + 0 .5 j , p 3 = 2 + 0 j 0 .5 and p 4 = 2 + j 0 .5 Pc = 2, 2, 2, − 0 .5,0 .5,0 .5,0 .5 ), the appropriate value of λ (equivalent to used near 0.001 is 0.0012 . Figure 5 (a). Graphs of the experimental and numerical data at different number of iterations. Figure 5 (b). Graphs of the experimental and numerical data at different number of iterations. 109 Figure 5 (c). Graphs of the experimental and numerical data at different number of iterations. Figure 5 (d). Graphs of the experimental and numerical data at different number of iterations. The function becomes f (x, y, p1 , p2 , p3 , p4 ) = x (1− j 0.6 ) + y 2 + (− 0.05 + j5)xy − 9 + j3 . From the Figs. 5 (a)-(d), we can see that the LM is not affected by the order of the data (ascending or descending). 110 Based on the above results we can conclude that the LM algorithm is popular method and has the following advantages (i) The parameters converge rapidly around the minimum in multi dimensional surfaces with complicated landscapes. (ii) Even though the initial guess is poor, LM fits partly/most of the parameters to make fresh start. (iii) The convergence speed needed to reach the minimum, is not significantly influenced by the number of parameters. (iv) The shift parameters are not that much changed by normalized random errors. Only the minimum of the chi-function increases. (v) Normalized random errors do not bring much change on the convergence speed, etc. Like any other non-linear optimization techniques, the LM algorithm method in finding global minimum is not guaranteed (this however can be secured by initializing parameters with a better guess). 3. SUMMARY We extended the framework of the LM algorithm to real and complex multi-dimensional functions. The results show that LM is very efficient when Gradient Descent and Newton’s methods separately failed to converge. In this paper we developed two programs (one for real and the other for complex or imaginary values) that work for any number of parameters, any number of dimensions and coordinate systems: Cartesian, Curvilinear etc. We believe that the algorithm also provides a concert support when someone wants to make a check at the instant of a fitting or when solving complex functions. Last but not least the LM method develops user’s trust on the algorithm during fitting complicated surfaces and/or graphs. 4. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We would like to acknowledge the moral support of all our staff members at the Department of Physics and the material support of the same department, College of Natural and Computational Sciences, Mekelle University. We are also grateful for the referees (internal and external) and the editors of the Momona Ethiopian Journal of Science for their critical and constructive comments and to the opportunity the Journal has given us to publish our paper in the first volume. 111 5. REFERENCES Arumugam, M. 2003. EMPRR: A High-dimensional-Based Piecewise Regression Algorithm. pp. 4-16. Avriel, M. 2003. Nonlinear Programming: Analysis and Methods. Dover Publishing. ISBN 0486-43227-0. Bates D. M. & Watts, D. G. 1988. Nonlinear Regression and Its Applications. Wiley, New York. Box, M. J., Davies D. & Swann, W.H. 1969. Non-Linear optimisation Techniques. Oliver & Boyd. Coope, I. D. 1993. Circle fitting by linear and nonlinear least squares. Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, Plenum Press, New York, 76 (2). Gill, P. R., Murray W. & Wright, M. H. 1981. The Levenberg-Marquardt Method §4.7.3 in Practical Optimization. Academic Press, London, pp. 136-137. Kelley, C. T. 1999. 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