Bangon Pilipinas - Kyrsten Aspegren
Bangon Pilipinas - Kyrsten Aspegren
KALAYAAN INTERNATIONAL JUSTICE MISSION PHILIPPINES Issue 24. March 2014 Bangon Pilipinas Life After Yolanda 03 Inside this issue: &ROODERUDWLRQ5DGLR3URJUDP5DLVHV$ZDUHQHVV$ERXW+XPDQ7UDIÀFNLQJ Post-Yolanda, page 1 *URXQGEUHDNLQJIRU0DQLOD·V)LUVW9LFWLP3URFHVVLQJ&HQWHULQVHUWL ,QWHUQDWLRQDO'D\$JDLQVW+XPDQ7UDIÀFNLQJ&HOHEUDWHGSDJH $VVLVWDQW&LW\3URVHFXWRU2UJDQL]HV3ROLFH7UDLQLQJVLQ3DPSDQJDSDJH 2SHUDWLRQ(QGHDYRU&RPEDWLQJ2QOLQH&RPPHUFLDO6H[XDO([SORLWDWLRQRI Children, insert ii 7UDQVIRUPDWLRQ7UDIÀFNHUV6HQWHQFHG$IWHU(LJKW0RQWK7ULDOSDJH INTERNATIONAL JUSTICE MISSION ® Collaboration Radio Program Raises Awareness About Trafficking Post-Yolanda FLDOO\ LQ UHODWLRQ WR 7\SKRRQ <RODQGD 7KH ,QWHU$JHQF\ &RXQFLO $JDLQVW 7UDIÀFNLQJ (IACAT) reports that there have been at OHDVWWZRFRQÀUPHGFDVHVRI<RODQGDVXUYLYRUV KDYLQJ EHHQ WUDIÀFNHG DV RI WKLV -DQXDU\ 7KHUH DUH QXPHURXV UHSRUWV IURP WKH ÀHOGRIPRUHZKLFKKDVOHGWRDQRWKHUUHFHQW initiative from IACAT;; the creation of Taskforce Yolanda, a coordinating body that will KHOS HQVXUH WKDW DQWLWUDIÀFNLQJ HIIRUWV DUH VWUHQJWKHQHGLQFDODPLW\VWULFNHQDUHDV The radio special will feature accounts from WUDIÀFNLQJVXUYLYRUVDQGJXHVWVSHDNHUVIURP 3DVWRU-RH\8PDOL(IUHQ3DOORULQD$WW\-HG1JDQG$QGUH\ YDULRXVÀHOGVVXFKDVODZ\HUVVRFLDOZRUNHUV 6DZFKHQNRDWWKHUDGLRVWDWLRQ FKXUFKOHDGHUVDQGJRYHUQPHQWRIÀFLDOVZKR VXSSRUW DQWLWUDIÀFNLQJ HIIRUWV 7KHUH ZLOO RZFDQ\RXWHOOLIVRPHRQHLVEHLQJWUDIÀFNHG":KDW also be practical suggestions on how the public LVWKHODWHVW02RIWUDIÀFNHUV" These questions FDQGRWKHLUSDUWLQFRPEDWLQJKXPDQWUDIÀFNand more will be tackled in a radio segment LQJ FDOOHG´/DEDQ.RQWUD+XPDQ7UDIÀFNLQJµ H +XPDQ WUDIÀFNLQJ FRQWLQXHV WR EH D WKUHDW WR Yolanda survivors, with women and children EHLQJHVSHFLDOO\YXOQHUDEOH7KHSXUSRVHRIWKH radio program is to increase public awareness RQWKHGDQJHUVRIKXPDQWUDIÀFNLQJLQIRUPOLVteners about current initiatives and programs in the government and private sector that address the issue, and to serve as a public service platform where the public may call to ask questions or seek assistance for suspected cases of human WUDIÀFNLQJ This feature is a collaborative effort from IACAT, the Philippine Interfaith Movement $JDLQVW+XPDQ7UDIÀFNLQJ3,0$+7DQGWKH )DU (DVW %URDGFDVWLQJ &RPSDQ\ 7KH VKRZ LV hosted by radio personality Efren Pallorina, and will also include Prosecutor Jedrek Ng from IA&$7DQG5HY-RH\8PDOLIURP3,0$+7ZKR LVDOVRFXUUHQWO\DFRQVXOWDQWIRU,-00DQLOD 7R DVN TXHVWLRQV RU UHSRUW D SRWHQWLDO WUDIÀFNLQJ FDVH OLVWHQHUV FDQ VHQG D WH[W PHVVDJH WR 7\SH G]DV VSDFH \RXU PHVVDJH RU FDOO DQG 7KH JXHVW IRU WKH SURJUDP·V ÀUVW HSLVRGH ZDV /LVWHQHUVPD\DOVROHDYHFRPPHQWVDQGTXHVAndrey Sawchenko, National Director of IJM tions at the Oras Na Pilipinas)DFHERRNSDJH´/D3KLOLSSLQHV 6DZFKHQNR VWDWHG WKDW WKHUH DUH EDQ.RQWUD+XPDQ7UDIÀFNLQJµZLOOEHDPRQWKORQJ FXUUHQWO\ DOPRVW PLOOLRQ VODYHV ZRUOGZLGH UHJXODUIHDWXUHRQWKH'=$6$0Oras Na PiliHe went on to give a general overview of the pinasSURJUDPHYHU\7XHVGD\IURPDP WUDIÀFNLQJ VLWXDWLRQ LQ WKH 3KLOLSSLQHV HVSHWhy KALAYAAN? Today, thousands of women and children in this country lack foundational freedoms: of work, of PRYHPHQWRI VSLULWHYHQRI ERG\5HFRJQL]LQJWKLVGDLO\EDWWOHEUDQFKHVRI WKH3KLOLSSLQHJRYHUQPHQWDUHSDUWQHULQJ with International Justice Mission to promote these freedoms, rescue children from abuse and give each one of them a UHDVRQWRKRSH 7RFRQFHDOWKHLGHQWLWLHVRI YLFWLPVDQGVDIHJXDUGFDVHZRUNSVHXGRQ\PVKDYHEHHQXVHGWKURXJKRXWWKHVHDFFRXQWV $FWXDOQDPHVDQGFDVHZRUNGRFXPHQWDWLRQDUHRQÀOHZLWK,-0$OOWH[WDQGLPDJHV,QWHUQDWLRQDO-XVWLFH0LVVLRQ International Day Against +XPDQ7UDIÀFNLQJ&HOHEUDWHG “W hen we speak of human rights, we VSHDN RI KXPDQ GLJQLW\ ,W LV D UHVSRQVLELOLW\ RI DOOµ 5HYHUHQG5H[5%5H\HV-U of the National Council of Churches in the Philippines, spoke to a crowd of DOPRVW GXULQJ WKH International Day Against 7UDIÀFNLQJ ,'$7 SUD\HU UDOO\ LQ 0DQLOD 7KLV VSLULW of responsibility and unity was palpable at prayer rallies 3DUWLFLSDQWVSUD\WRJHWKHUDWWKH,'$7&HEXSUD\HUUDOO\LQ'HFHPEHU held throughout December in 1*2VJDWKHUHGIRUDGD\RISUD\HUUHÁHFWLRQ &HEX'DYDRDQG0DQLOD DQG XQLW\ 7KH HYHQWV KDG D PL[ RI YLGHR presentations, interpretative dances, prayers led “It is overwhelming to see a gathering of by key leaders, and testimonies from human what we may call the willing ones: those who, WUDIÀFNLQJVXUYLYRUV regardless of differences in their beliefs and convictions, now pray as one believing people *RYHUQPHQWRIÀFLDOVVKRZHGVXSSRUWDVZHOO IRURXUFRXQWU\UHVROYHGWRÀJKWDVRQHDJDLQVW Cebu Vice Governor Agnes Magpale was the menace that is corrupting our society today, at the Cebu prayer rally, and DOJ Secretary ZKLFK LV KXPDQ WUDIÀFNLQJµ 'HSDUWPHQW RI Leila de Lima attended the Manila gathering -XVWLFH'2-6HFUHWDU\/HLODGH/LPDVWDWHG WR JLYH WKH :HOFRPH 5HPDUNV ´(YHU\ DVSHFW RIKXPDQOLIHUHTXLUHVKXPDQULJKWVµ VKHHPSKDVL]HGLQKHUVSHHFK ´,WLVRYHUZKHOPLQJWRSUD\DVRQHEHOLHYLQJERG\IRU RXUFRXQWU\UHVROYHGWRÀJKWDVRQHDJDLQVWWKHPHQDFH WKDWLVFRUUXSWLQJRXUVRFLHW\WRGD\ZKLFKLVKXPDQ WUDIÀFNLQJµ Vice Governor Magpale challenged WKH FURZG LQ &HEX ZLWK D TXHVWLRQ “Are we going to shut our eyes or close our ears to this monstrous threat WR WKH PRUDO ÀEHU RI VRFLHW\" « $UH '2-6HFUHWDU\/HLODGH/LPD we forgetting that evil will triumph if WKH JRRG GR QRWKLQJ"µ 3ROLFH 6HQLRU Inspector Maria Theresa Macatangay, The ecumenical prayer gatherings were the Team Leader of Cebu’s Regional AntiRUJDQL]HG E\ ,QWHU$JHQF\ &RXQFLO $JDLQVW +XPDQ 7UDIÀFNLQJ 7DVNIRUFH GHFODUHG ´:H 7UDIÀFNLQJ,$&$7 the Philippine Interfaith will not fail to become the ‘answered prayers’ 0RYHPHQW $JDLQVW +XPDQ 7UDIÀFNLQJ to those who have prayed for a miracle, to lift ( PIMAHT) and local churches and WKHPRXWRIWKHLUSUHGLFDPHQWµ JRYHUQPHQWXQLWV2YHUWKHFRXUVHRIWKHWKUHH events, hundreds of leaders, church members, The IDAT Cebu prayer rally ended with a time JRYHUQPHQW RIÀFLDOV DQG UHSUHVHQWDWLYHV IURP of community praise and worship and closing &RQWLQXHGRQERWWRPRI SDJH KALAYAAN Groundbreaking for SafeSpace 6L[VXUYLYRUVRIVH[WUDIILFNLQJZHUHVHWIUHHLQ O Q)HEUXDU\UHSUHVHQWDWLYHVIURPWKH ,QWHU$JHQF\&RXQFLO$JDLQVW7UDIÀFNing (IACAT), the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD), the Netherlands and IJM met for the groundbreaking FHUHPRQ\ IRU 0DQLOD·V ÀUVWHYHU SURFHVVLQJ FHQWHU IRU YLFWLPV RI KXPDQ WUDIÀFNLQJ The IACAT Victim Processing Center, dubbed SafeSpace, will serve as a safe place WREULQJQHZO\UHVFXHGVXUYLYRUVRI VH[WUDI- 5HSUHVHQWDWLYHVIURP,$&$7WKH'6:'DQGWKH1HWKHUODQGV ÀFNLQJ&XUUHQWO\WKH\DUHEURXJKWWRSROLFH DWWKHVLWHRI WKHIXWXUHYLFWLPSURFHVVLQJFHQWHU stations, which can give survivors the wrong LQJ FHQWHU WKDW ,-0 KHOSHG GHYHORS LQ &HEX impression that they are being imprisoned, rather than rescued, and also places them in closer 7KHFHQWHULVWKHUHVXOWRI DPXOWLRUJDQL]DWLRQ SUR[LPLW\ WR WKH SHUSHWUDWRUV SUHYHQWLQJ WKHP FROODERUDWLRQ ,$&$7 SURYLGHG WKH IXQGV IRU IURPIHHOLQJFRPSOHWHO\VHFXUH2QFHWKHFHQWHU construction on the lot provided by the DWSD, is constructed, victims can be interviewed and aswhich also will employ social workers and house sessed in safety and have a place to stay until the parents to run the facility once it has been comOHJDOFDVHLVÀOHGZKLFKFDQWDNHXSWRWZRZHHNV SOHWHG,QDGGLWLRQWKH1HWKHUODQGVHPEDVV\GRQDWHGPLOOLRQSHVRVIRUIXUQLWXUHDQGÀ[WXUHV One of the speakers at the event, the Honorable Ricardo Paras of the Department Chairman for the Netherlands Task Force RI -XVWLFH HPSKDVL]HG WKH LPSRUWDQFH RI RQ +XPDQ 7UDIÀFNLQJ 0U +HUPDQ %ROKDDU KDYLQJ D FHQWHU VSHFLÀFDOO\ IRU YLFWLPV shared how his country has been working towards decreasing perpetrator demand on their DSWD Director Margarita Sampang also thanked VLGH +H UHLWHUDWHG WKDW WUDIÀFNLQJ LV D JOREDO IJM for proposing the facility last year, which is issue and shared what an honor it is for the based on HerSpace, a successful victim processDutch to be a part of this endeavor and to VHH WKH FHQWHU FRPLQJ WR IUXLWLRQ According to Ann Steffen, IJM’s Director for Aftercare Development in Manila, the goal of the center is quite clear: “The strong collaborative work done in support of the victim processing center will send a clear message WR DOO VXUYLYRUV RI KXPDQ WUDIÀFNing who pass through its doors: you matter, you have better days ahead, and we want to see you through to a EULJKWHU IXWXUH VWDUWLQJ ULJKW QRZµ 5HSUHVHQWDWLYHVIURP,$&$7WKH'6:'DQGWKH1HWKHUODQGVEHJLQ WKHJURXQGEUHDNLQJFHUHPRQ\ KALAYAAN insert i 7KHFHQWHULVSURMHFWHGWREHFRPSOHWHGLQIRXU months. Operation Endeavor &RPEDWLQJ2QOLQH&RPPHUFLDO6H[XDO([SORLWDWLRQ A VWKHFULPHRI KXPDQWUDIÀFNLQJFRQWLQXHV to evolve, local and international law enIRUFHPHQW DUH LQQRYDWLQJ QHZ UHVSRQVHV &KLOGUHQDUHEHLQJPDGHDYDLODEOHIRURQOLQHH[SORLWDWLRQ³VH[XDOO\DEXVHGLQYLGHRVEURDGFDVWOLYHRU H[SORLWHGLQFKLOGSRUQRJUDSK\ International Agencies Unite Collaboration between NGOs, local and international law enforcement is critical to stopping ZLGHVSUHDG FULPHV OLNH RQOLQH FKLOG VH[XDO H[ploitation, especially since it’s taking place beKLQGFORVHGGRRUV Many factors contribute to the high number of YLFWLPV LQFOXGLQJ SRYHUW\ VH[ WRXULVP DQG WKH rising number of Internet users—by the beginQLQJRI DOPRVWRI WKHZRUOG·VSRSXODWLRQ ZDV XVLQJ WKH ,QWHUQHW $FFRUGLQJ WR RQH study, there are 750,000 predators connected to the Internet visiting various websites, chat rooms DQGVRFLDOQHWZRUNLQJVLWHV,WLVGLIÀFXOWWRHVWLPDWH WKH H[DFW QXPEHU RI FKLOGUHQ EHLQJ WUDIÀFNHGLQVLGHWKH3KLOLSSLQHVEXWWKH'HSDUWPHQW of Social Welfare and Development (DWSD) reSRUWVWKHUHDUHEHWZHHQWRVWUHHW FKLOGUHQ YLFWLPL]HG E\ WUDIÀFNLQJ³D ÀJXUH WKDW PD\QRWHYHQUHÁHFWWKRVHEHLQJH[SORLWHGLQRQOLQHVH[XDODEXVH “This kind of end-to-end operation is only possible when law enforcement agencies work WRJHWKHU 7KH 1DWLRQDO &ULPH $JHQF\ 1&$ has valuable international partners, including the Philippine National Police and the International Justice Mission, to not only share information and intelligence, but ensure abused DQG H[SORLWHG FKLOGUHQ DUH LGHQWLÀHG DQG VDIHJXDUGHGIURPKDUPµFRPPHQWHG$QG\%DNHU 'HSXW\'LUHFWRURI WKH1&$·V&KLOG([SORLWDWLRQDQG2QOLQH3URWHFWLRQ&HQWUH&(23 Operation Endeavor Last fall, international media reported on a ring RI WUDIÀFNHUV H[SORLWLQJ FKLOGUHQ E\ UHFRUGLQJ VH[XDODEXVHDQGVWUHDPLQJLWRQOLQH7KHLQYHVtigation, named Operation Endeavor, resulted from collaboration between several law enforcement units in the Philippines, the UK, Australia DQGWKH86 Region 3 Philippine National Police Regional AnWL7UDIÀFNLQJ7DVN*URXSDQG,-0ZRUNHGZLWK the three international law enforcement agencies to support the investigation of the online child VH[XDOH[SORLWDWLRQFDVH (OHYHQ RIIHQGHUV ZHUH LGHQWLÀHG DQG DUUHVWHG and twelve victims were successfully rescued IURPWKHVH[XDOO\DEXVLYHHQYLURQPHQW The survivors were provided with immediate VXSSRUWIURP5HJLRQ'6:'DQG,-0 Since then, Operation Endeavor has resulted in LQWHUQDWLRQDODUUHVWV DID YOU KNOW ? UNICEF ranks the Philippines as having the fourth highest number of VH[XDOO\H[SORLWHGFKLOGUHQ 'XULQJDZHHNSHULRGRYHU SUHGDWRUVRI ZKRPZHUH LGHQWLÀHGVROLFLWHGUHVHDUFKHUVIURP Terre des Hommes, who posed as )LOLSLQDJLUOVEHWZHHQ\HDUVROG KALAYAAN insert ii Bangon Pilipinas U QLW\ 3HUVHYHUDQFH )DLWK In the aftermath of Super Typhoon Yolanda, these words KDYH FRPH WR GHÀQH WKH )LOLSLQR VSLULW 7KH 8QLWHG 1DWLRQV HVWLPDWHV WKDW PRUH WKDQ million people are still recovering;; yet, despite WKHGHYDVWDWLRQOLIHFRQWLQXHVDQGKRSHULVHV On its own relief missions to northern Cebu and Leyte, IJM witnessed countless local groups providing essential relief goods and services to those who lost loved ones, homes DQG QHDUO\ DOO WKHLU SRVVHVVLRQV ,-0 LV SURXG of its NGO, church and government partners ZKR MRLQHG KDQGV WR KHOS WKRVH LQ QHHG² RI ZKRP DUH WUDIÀFNLQJ VXUYLYRUV DQG WKHLU IDPLOLHVWKDW,-0VHUYHV DWKRPH$WDJH$QJHOLWDUDQDZD\LQVHDUFK of a better life in Bogo, Cebu, where her elder VLVWHU ZRUNHG :KHQ VKH DUULYHG LQ WKH FLW\ Angelita discovered there weren’t many jobs IRU D JLUO KHU DJH +RZHYHU WKHUH ZDV RQH establishment eager to employ a pretty, young JLUOOLNHKHUDEDU,WZDVKHUHZKHUH$QJHOLWD ZDVÀUVWVROGWRDSD\LQJFXVWRPHUIRUVH[ The Philippine National Police (PNP) learned about the bar’s illegal activities and on April WKH 313 5HJLRQDO $QWL+XPDQ 7UDIÀFNLQJ 7DVN )RUFH 5$+77) ZRUNHG together with IJM and the Department of Social Welfare and Development to conduct a successful law enforcement operation at the HVWDEOLVKPHQW$QJHOLWDDQGIRXURWKHUYLFWLPV Survivor Story RI WUDIÀFNLQJ ZHUH UHVFXHG 3ROLFH DUUHVWHG Angelita* grew up with eight siblings in a shanty and charged two suspects–the bar owner and KRXVHLQ'DDQ%DQWD\DQQRUWKHUQ&HEX+HU D SLPS²XQGHU 3KLOLSSLQH DQWLWUDIÀFNLQJ ODZ family was impoverished and food was scarce, After her rescue, Angelita was transferred to causing Angelita to develop painful stomach an aftercare home near Cebu City where she XOFHUV 'XULQJ *UDGH $QJHOLWD·V SDUHQWV UHFHLYHVWKHFDUHDQGSURWHFWLRQVKHQHHGV forced her to quit school in order to help them HDUQ D OLYLQJ +HU SDUHQWV ZHUH SK\VLFDOO\ Mutual Restoration abusive, adding to unbearable living conditions 1RZ\HDUVROG$QJHOLWDLVWDNLQJSRVLWLYHVWHSV towards creating a EHWWHUIXWXUHIRUKHUVHOI At her aftercare home, Angelita is continuing her education, participating in traumafocused counseling and discovering who she LV 6KH·V DOVR KHOSLQJ RWKHUV )URP -DQXDU\ VWDII IURP WKH shelter and volunteers from a local church led Angelita and nine other young women from the home on relief trips to areas $QJHOLWD·VIDPLO\·VKRPHDIWHUWKHW\SKRRQEHIRUHDQ\UHFRQVWUXFWLRQ KALAYAAN 3 Life After Yolanda WUDIÀFNLQJ WKDQ WKH\ ZHUH before, according to the 8QLWHG 1DWLRQV 7KLV LV WUXH for the Philippines after 7\SKRRQ <RODQGD DV ZHOO Persons highly vulnerable and displaced because of the typhoon may leave their former homes and be H[SORLWHGLQRQHRIWKHFHQWHUV ZKHUH WUDIÀFNHUV KDYH ORQJ SUH\HGRQWKHPRVWYXOQHUDEOH IJM works closely with law enforcement in three major VH[ WUDIÀFNLQJ GHVWLQDWLRQV in the Philippines (Manila, Cebu and Pampanga) and is $ERYHDQGEHORZ$QJHOLWD·VKRXVHDIWHUYROXQWHHUVKHOSHGUHEXLOG ZRUNLQJWRSURWHFWWKHGHIHQVHOHVV,QD313 VHYHUHO\ LPSDFWHG E\ 7\SKRRQ <RODQGD 2QH rescue operation IJM supported in Pampanga of these areas was Daan Bantayan, Angelita’s in January, three victims rescued had been KRPHWRZQ WUDIÀFNHGIURPDUHDVWKDWZHUHODWHUDIIHFWHGE\ WKHW\SKRRQ Fortunately, Angelita’s family’s lives were spared during the onslaught of the super 7KDQNIXOO\MXVWOLNH$QJHOLWDWKHVHWUDIÀFNLQJ W\SKRRQ +RZHYHU WKH KRXVH KHU SDUHQWV survivors are now safe and the suspects are worked so hard to save for and build was DZDLWLQJWULDO1RZDVDQDWLRQDOFRPPXQLW\LW FRPSOHWHO\ GHVWUR\HG 7KLV SDLQHG $QJHOLWD is our duty to remain vigilant in protecting our Despite the trauma she endured growing up, ZRPHQDQGFKLOGUHQIURPWUDIÀFNHUVHVSHFLDOO\ VKH UHVSHFWV DQG ORYHV KHU SDUHQWV 6R ZKHQ DVZHKHDOIURP<RODQGD/HW·VFRQWLQXHWKHÀJKW Angelita learned that the church volunteers IRUMXVWLFHDQGULVHWRJHWKHU%DQJRQ3LOLSLQDV had built a new home for her IDPLO\ VKH ZDV RYHUMR\HG When Angelita saw her parent’s new home, she ran inside to hug KHU PRWKHU ´,·P YHU\ KDSS\µ $QJHOLWD VDLG ´7KH KRXVH is much better now and it’s EHDXWLIXO,·PYHU\WKDQNIXOµ Continued Vigilance When a natural disaster strikes a nation, impoverished women and children are even more vulnerable to human KALAYAAN International Day Against +XPDQ7UDIÀFNLQJ&HOHEUDWHGFRQW )URPSDJH messages from local leaders of the Catholic and Protestant churches, while the IDAT Manila prayer rally had a communal candle lighting FHUHPRQ\ 5HSUHVHQWDWLYHV IURP ,-0 DWWHQGHG the Cebu and Manila events, such as Cebu Field 2IÀFH /HJDO 'LUHFWRU /DZUHQFH $ULWDR 0DQLOD )LHOG 2IÀFH 'LUHFWRU 6DP ,QRFHQFLR DQG 1DWLRQDO'LUHFWRU$QGUH\6DZFKHQNR ´<RX VHH WKH ÀJKW DJDLQVW KXPDQ WUDIÀFNLQJ GRHVQ·WVWDUWDQGHQGZLWKMXVWODZHQIRUFHPHQW 3DUWLFLSDQWVSUD\WRJHWKHUDWWKH,'$70DQLODSUD\HUUDOO\ It requires the participation of various LQ'HFHPEHU community stakeholders for us to catch up with RIOLYHV:KHWKHULWLVXQLWLQJLQSUD\HUUDLVLQJ WKHVH WUDIÀFNHUVµ 0DFDWDQJD\ VDLG GXULQJ WKH awareness, volunteering at victim aftercare 'HFHPEHU&HEXSUD\HUUDOO\ centers or protecting the vulnerable in their FRPPXQLWLHV ´RUGLQDU\ SHRSOHµ SOD\ D YLWDO The community will always play a huge part in DQGH[WUDRUGLQDU\UROH WKHÀJKWDJDLQVWWUDIÀFNLQJDQGLQWKHUHVWRUDWLRQ Assistant City Prosecutor Organizes Police Trainings in Pampanga With over 30 years of H[SHULHQFH LQ KXPDQ rights, she is a strong advocate for women and FKLOGUHQ :KHQ DVNHG what draws her to this work of defending particularly vulnerable peo)LVFDO&DURO\Q'XPODR ple, she said, “I underAmis VWDQG WKHLU YXOQHUDELOLW\ $VDZRPDQ,FDQVHHP\VHOI LQWKHPµ ´,W·VQRZRUNDWDOOIRUPH,MXVWORYHP\MREµ she responded when asked about her many poVLWLRQVDQGUHVSRQVLELOLWLHV Fiscal Carolyn Dumlao-Amis is the Assistant &LW\ 3URVHFXWRU DQG 'HSXWL]HG 2PEXGVPDQ Prosecutor of Cabanatuan City, and an educator of Criminology at the Wesleyan University in 1XHYD(FLMD)LVFDO'XPODR$PLVZDVUHFHQWO\ appointed as Head of the Department of Justice '2-5HJLRQ$QWL7UDIÀFNLQJ7DVN)RUFH Since her appointment as Head of DOJ Region $QWL7UDIÀFNLQJ7DVN)RUFHLQ6HSWHPEHURI )LVFDO 'XPODR$PLV KDV RUJDQL]HG DQG LPSOHPHQWHG DQWLWUDIÀFNLQJ WUDLQLQJ DFWLYLWLHV for Region 3 Philippine National Police, Region 3 Department of Social Welfare and Development social workers and Region 3 public &RPEDWLQJ KXPDQ WUDIÀFNLQJ LV FRPSOH[ EXW WKHÀUVWVWHSLVREYLRXV7KHMXVWLFHV\VWHPRIÀFLDOV UHVSRQVLEOH IRU LQYHVWLJDWLQJ FDVHV DQG prosecuting suspects must understand the issue DQGWKHLUUHVSRQVLELOLW\$V)LVFDO'XPODR$PLV H[SODLQV WUDLQLQJ LV QHFHVVDU\ ´VR WKH\ ZLOO VHH WKHJUDYLW\RI WKHVLWXDWLRQµ &RQWLQXHGRQERWWRPRI SDJH KALAYAAN 5 Transformation 7UDI¿FNHUV6HQWHQFHG$IWHU(LJKW0RQWK7ULDO T ZRWUDIÀFNHUVDUUHVWHGHDUO\ODVW\HDUKDYH been convicted for selling women and JLUOVRQWKHVWUHHWVRIDFLW\QRWRULRXVIRUVH[ WRXULVP7KHWULDOODVWHGRQO\HLJKWPRQWKV³ DPD]LQJO\IDVWIRUDWULDOLQWKH3KLOLSSLQHV “These convictions demonstrate a real change LQWKHZD\WKHMXVWLFHV\VWHPLVZRUNLQJµDFcording to Andrey Sawchenko, National DiUHFWRURI,-03KLOLSSLQHV 2QO\ RQH RWKHU WUDIÀFNHU KDV HYHU EHHQ FRQvicted in Pampanga, despite the fact that the SURYLQFHLVDQRWRULRXVGHVWLQDWLRQIRUVH[WRXUists and the streets and bars are teeming with \RXQJZRPHQEHLQJH[SORLWHGLQWKHLQGXVWU\ 3URÀFLHQF\RIWKH-XVWLFH6\VWHP 7KH VDPH MXGJH ZKR UHQGHUHG WKDW ÀUVWHYHU VH[ WUDIÀFNLQJ FRQYLFWLRQ ZDV DOVR UHVSRQVLEOHIRUGHFODULQJWKHWZRWUDIÀFNHUVJXLOW\RQ 1RYHPEHU7KHMXGJHSDUWLFLSDWHGLQ YDULRXVMXGLFLDOFRQIHUHQFHVRQKXPDQWUDIÀFNing last year and has demonstrated a serious FRPPLWPHQW WR KROG WUDIÀFNHUV DFFRXQWDEOH IRUWKHLUFULPHV While the convictions show how the justice system provides fair judgment—and sends a PHVVDJH WR RWKHUV VHOOLQJ JLUOV IRU VH[ LQ WKH community—they also send an important PHVVDJH WR WKH VXUYLYRUV 2Q WKH QLJKW WKHVH WZRWUDIÀFNHUVZHUHDUUHVWHGÀYHPLQRUVDQG DQRWKHUWUDIÀFNHGZRPDQZHUHUHVFXHG Strength and courage were demonstrated as ÀYH RI WKH VXUYLYRUV WHVWLÀHG LQ FRXUW WKHLU EUDYHU\KHOSHGFRPPLWWKHLUWUDIÀFNHUVWROLIH LPSULVRQPHQWIRUYLRODWLQJ4XDOLÀHG7UDIÀFNLQJLQ3HUVRQVDFFRUGLQJWR5$ The women and girls have been part of IJM’s DIWHUFDUH SURJUDP HYHU VLQFH 2QH JLUO KDV 3KLOLSSLQHFRXUWURRP started back to high school, on a path toward DYHU\GLIIHUHQWIXWXUH )URPSDJH prosecutors, in addition to a two-day training for police force in the province of NueYD (FLMD 6KH SODQV WR FRQGXFW DGGLWLRQDO WUDLQLQJVIRUWKHVL[SURYLQFHVRI 5HJLRQ LQWKH\HDU “IACAT [Inter-agency Council Against 7UDIÀFNLQJ@ PHDQV VDYLQJ OLYHV 6DYLQJ WKH IXWXUHRI WKRVHFKLOGUHQDQGWKRVHZRPHQ Protection for everybody, especially women DQG FKLOGUHQµ )LVFDO 'XPDOR$PLV VDLG ZLWKIHUYHQF\$VDUHVXOWRI KHUSDVVLRQDWH ethical leadership, Region 3 DOJ Anti-TrafÀFNLQJ 7DVN )RUFH LV PDNLQJ JUHDW VWULGHV IRUZDUGLQHQGLQJKXPDQWUDIÀFNLQJ KALAYAAN 6 INTERNATIONAL JUSTICE MISSION is a Christian human rights agency that VHFXUHVMXVWLFHIRUYLFWLPVRI VODYHU\VH[XDOH[SORLWDWLRQDQGRWKHUIRUPVRI YLROHQW RSSUHVVLRQ,-0OHJDOODZHQIRUFHPHQWDQGDIWHUFDUHSURIHVVLRQDOVZRUNZLWKORFDO RIÀFLDOVWRHQVXUHLPPHGLDWHYLFWLPUHVFXHDQGDIWHUFDUHWRSURVHFXWHSHUSHWUDWRUV DQGWRSURPRWHIXQFWLRQLQJSXEOLFMXVWLFHV\VWHPV,-0MXVWLFHSURIHVVLRQDOVZRUNLQ WKHLUFRPPXQLWLWLHVLQÀHOGRIÀFHVLQ$VLD$IULFDDQG/DWLQ$PHULFDWRVHFXUH WDQJLEOHDQGVXVWDLQDEOHSURWHFWLRQRI QDWLRQDOODZVWKURXJKORFDOFRXUWV\VWHPV INTERNATIONAL JUSTICE MISSION ® MANILA FIELD OFFICE Phone 632 637 3983 E-mail CEBU FIELD OFFICE Phone 6332 256 2866 E-mail PAMPANGA FIELD OFFICE Phone 6345 435 0910 E-mail $OOWH[WDQGLPDJHV,QWHUQDWLRQDO-XVWLFH0LVVLRQ
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