Clinical CAse Reports - International Online Medical Council
Clinical CAse Reports - International Online Medical Council
2015 Vol 06, Issue 01, Supplement I DRUNPP Association of Sarjevo, Bosnia & Herzegovinia INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PHARMACY TEACHING & PRACTICES (IJPTP) [CLINICAL CASE REPORTS]\ijptp email: ISSN:1986-8111 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. EDITORIAL BOARD Editor-in-Chief Dr. Syed Wasif Gillani Associate Prof. Dr. Azmi Sarriff Editorial Assistant Dr. Mostafa Nejati Executive Editors Prof. Dr. Syed Azhar Syed Sulaiman Dr. Waffa Mohamed El-Anor Ahmed Rashed Prof. Dr. Mark Raymond Mr. Robert Hougland Advisory Board Members Dr. Mensurak Kudumovic Dr. Jasmin Musanovic Dr. Monica Gaidhane Assoc.Prof. Dr. Mok.T Chong Dr. Syed Tajuddin Syed Hassan Dr. Sumeet Dwivedi Dr. Dibyajyoti saha EDITORIAL ADDRESS: KA311, KEYANGANG, BANDAR SUNWAY, SELANGOR, MALAYSIA PUBLISHED BY: DRUNPP, SARAJEVO, BOLNICKA BB. VOLUME 5, ISSUE 3, SUPP I, 2014 ISSN: 1986-8111, INDEXED ON: EBSCO PUBLISHING (EP)USA, INDEX COPERNICUS (IC) POLAND 1610 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. Contents EVALUATION OF THE TREATMENT OF PATIENTS WITH NEPHROTIC SYNDROME AT PGI CIKINI HOSPITAL .......................................................................................................................................... 1617 DIABETES MELLITUS AT PGI CIKINI HOSPITAL .................................................................................. 1622 EVALUATION OF DRUG RELATED PROBLEMS IN STROKE HEMORRHAGIC PATIENTS WITH CHRONIC KIDNEY DISEASE COMPLICATIONS WHICH TREATED IN RSPAD GATOT SOEBROTO STROKE UNIT.. 1627 DRUG INTERACTIONS AND THE SELECTION OF MISSING RIGHT FOR MASSIVE ASCITES TREATMENT At PGI CIKINI HOSPITAL ......................................................................................................................... 1635 Retention of Urine BPH (Benign Prostate Hyperplasia) Treatment in PGI CikiniHospital Jakarta ... 1640 Treatment of The Dyspepsia Patient At the PGI Cikini Hospital....................................................... 1645 EVALUATION OF DRUG RELATED PROBLEMS IN THE TREATMENT OF PATIENT WITH CKD (Chronic Kidney Disease) AT THE PGI CIKINI HOSPITAL .................................................................................. 1653 THE CASE STUDY KIDNEY STONES (UROLITHIASIS) AT THE PGI CIKINI Hospital ............................... 1656 DRUG RELATED PROBLEMS ASSOCIATED WITH TREATMENT FOR OBSTRUCTIVE JAUNDICE PATIENT IN PGI CIKINI HOSPITAL .................................................................................................................... 1660 HIPERGLICEMIA IN PATIENT DIABETIC MELITUS TIPE II AT ISLAMIC CEMPAKA PUTIH JAKARTA HOSPITAL (RSIJ) ................................................................................................................................ 1664 EVALUATION OF DRUG RELATED PROBLEMS IN DIABETES MELLITUS DISEASE AND CELLULITIS IN HOSPITAL CENTER OF ARMY (RSPAD) GATOT SOEBROTO JAKARTA Samir1, Diana Laila Rahmatillah2, Aprilita Rinayanti Efi2 ........................................................................................................................ 1669 DRUG RELATED PROBLEMSTHERAPY FOR IMPAIRMENT OF CONCIOUSNESS IN PATIENT WITH EPILEPSY AND TUBERCULOUS MENINGITIS SUSPECTED IMMUNOCOMPROMISED ........................ 1679 EVALUATION OF MEDICINE AND THERAPY FOR HEBEPHRENIC SCHIZOPHRENIA WITH TRAUMATIC BRAIN INJURY ................................................................................................................................... 1685 TREATMENT OF THE CHRONIC KIDNEY DISEASE (CKD) PATIENT IN THE PGI HOSPITAL CIKINI JAKARTA .......................................................................................................................................................... 1690 DRUG RELATED PROBLEMS ASSOCIATED WITH TREATMENT FOR CEREBROVASCULAR DISEASE PATIENT IN PGI CIKINI HOSPITAL...................................................................................................... 1696 1611 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. EVALUATION OF DRUG RELATED PROBLEMS (DRP) AT VOMITING TREATMENT IN PATIENT WITH HEMORRHAGIC STROKE IN PGI CIKINI HOSPITAL, CENTRAL JAKARTA ............................................. 1699 DRPs OF SCHEIZOPRENIA DRUGS AT ARMY GATOT SOEBROTO HOSPITAL JAKARTA ...................... 1703 EVALUATION OF DRUG RELATED PROBLEM IN TREATMENT OF APPENDICITIS PATIENT................ 1707 DRUG RELATED PROBLEMS IN ISCHEMIC STROKE AT ROYAL PROGRESS HOSPITAL........................ 1712 DRUG RELATED PROBLEM IN THE TREATMENT OF COMPLEX FEBRILE SEIZURE ............................. 1717 OPEN FRACTURES WITH HEART AND DIABETES MELLITUS TYPE II IN THE HOSPITAL WARD K PGI CIKINI ................................................................................................................................................ 1722 DRUG RELATED PROBLEMS IN THE TREATMENT OF PATIENT OF ENDOMETRIAL HYPERPLASIA WITH ENOMETRORRHAGIA SUSPECT IDIOPATHIC THROMBOCYTOPENIA PURPURA (ITP) IN PGI CIKINI HOSPITAL .......................................................................................................................................... 1730 DRUG RELATED PROBLEMS THAT OCCURRED IN PATIENT SEPSIS MACROVASCULAR DISEASE COMPLICATIONS GENERAL HOSPITAL TREATMENT ROOM CENTRAL OF THE ARMY (ARMY HOSPITAL) GATOT SUBROTO .............................................................................................................................. 1734 EVALUATION OF DRUG RELATED PROBLEMS IN TREATMENT HEMORRHAGIC STROKE ................. 1742 EVALUATION OF THE TREATMENT OF PATIENT WITH PULMONARY TUBERCULOSIS (TB) BTA CATEGORY ONE AND SYNDROME DYSPEPSIA AT PULMONARY DISEASE WARD GOVERNMENT GENERAL PERSAHABATAN HOSPITAL............................................................................................... 1746 EVALUATION OF DRUG RELATED PROBLEMS (DRPs) TREATMENT OF CHOLELITHIASIS WITH DYSPEPSIA DISEASE AT THE INTERNAL DISEASE WARD OF PGI CIKINI HOSPITAL ........................... 1751 NON- Hemorrhagic STROKE At Islamic Cempaka Putih Jakarta Hospital (RSIJCP) .......................... 1758 EVALUATION OF TREATMENT ON BREAST CANCER PATIENT (Ca mammae) AT PGI CIKINI HOSPITAL, JAKARTA............................................................................................................................................ 1764 CASE REPORT TYPHOID FEVER AT PGI CIKINI HOSPITAL, JAKARTA .................................................. 1769 DRUG RELATED PROBLEMS (DRPs) ASSOCIATED WITH THE TREATMENT OF PATIENT WITH STROKE HEMORAGIK IN PGI CIKINI HOSPITAL ............................................................................................... 1773 EVALUATION OF DRUG RELATED PROBLEMS IN SCHEZOPHRENIA PARANOID IN RSPAD GATOT SOEBROTO ........................................................................................................................................ 1778 EVALUATION OF DRUG RELATED PROBLEMS IN DISPEPSIA IN WARD MEDICINE IN RS.PGI CIKINI . 1782 1612 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. DRUG RELATED PROBLEMS ASSOCIATED WITH TREATMENT FOR ISCHEMIC STROKE AND DIABETES MELLITUS TYPE II AT PGI CIKINI HOSPITAL ....................................................................................... 1785 EVALUATION OF PATIENT OF HEMAPTOE SUSPECTED TBC AT ISLAMIC HOSPITAL JAKARTA CEMPAKA PUTIH ................................................................................................................................................ 1791 EVALUATIONDRUG RELATED PROBLEM (DRP) OF AT THE RSUP PERSAHABATAN HOSPITAL JAKARTA .......................................................................................................................................................... 1796 MANAGEMENT OF PATIENT IN HOSPITAL WITH TUBERCULOSIS MENINGITIS AT HOSPITAL JAKARTA AT PGI CIKINI..................................................................................................................................... 1803 KIDNEY STONES IN PGI CIKINI HOSPITAL .......................................................................................... 1808 DRUG RELATED PROBLEMS ASSOCIATED NON HEMORRHAGIC STROKE AT INSTALLATION OF INPATIENT NUMFOR DR. MINTOHARDJO HOSPITAL ....................................................................... 1816 CASE REPORT : DRUG RELATED PROBLEMS IN TREATMENT OF NON HAEMORRHAGIC STROKE DISEASE AT MINTOHARDJO HOSPITAL ............................................................................................. 1820 DRUG RELATED PROBLEM TOWARDS THE TUBERCULOSIS AND DIABETES MELLITUS DISEASE ATTHE INTERNAL WARD OFPULAU SANGEANG DR. MINTOHARDJO NAVY HOSPITAL JAKARTA ................ 1830 DRUG RELATED PRLOBLEM ASSOCIATED DYSPEPSIA SYNDROME AND TUBERCOLOSIS AT MINTOHARDJO NAVY HOSPITAL ...................................................................................................... 1836 CASE REPORT : DRUG RELATED PROBLEMS OF DEEP VENOUS THROMBOSIS (DVT) DISEASE AT PGI CIKINI HOSPITAL ............................................................................................................................... 1841 CASE REPORT : DRUG RELATED PROBLEMS (DRP) IN OSTEOMYELITIS DISEASE AT MINTOHARDJO HOSPITAL JAKARTA ........................................................................................................................... 1847 CASE REPORT : DRUG RELATED PROBLEMS (DRPs) ASSOCIATED HYPERTENSION DISEASE AT MINTOHARDJO HOSPITAL JAKARTA ................................................................................................. 1850 CASE STUDY : DRUG RELATED PROBLEMS (DRP) IN ANGINA PECTORIS DISEASE AT MINTOHARDJO HOSPITAL .......................................................................................................................................... 1855 CASE REPORT : DRUG RELATED PROBLEMS IN PATIENT WITH BENIGN PROSTATIC HYPERPLASIA DISEASE AT DR. MINTOHARDJO HOSPITAL ...................................................................................... 1860 CASE REPORT: DRUG RELATED PROBLEM ON THERAPY THE DISEASE TUBERCULOSIS (TB) AND HEMAPTUE CATEGORY I ON THE WARD SANGEANG DISEASE IN MINTOHARDJO HOSPITAL ......... 1864 1613 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. CASE REPORT : DRUG RELATED PROBLEM IN PATIENT WITH SPONDYLODISCITIS DISEASE AT PGI CIKINI HOSPITAL ............................................................................................................................... 1870 CASE STUDY: DRUG RELATED PROBLEMS IN TREATMENT OFDIABETES MELLITUS COMPLEX ........ 1874 CASE REPORT : EVALUATION OFDRUGRELATEDPROBLEMS IN PATIENT MELENA AT MINTOHARDJO HOSPITAL .......................................................................................................................................... 1880 CASE REPORT : DRUG RELATED PROBLEMS IN THE TREATMENT OF DISEASES DISPEPS IT IN WARD MEDICINE RS.PGI CIKINI ................................................................................................................... 1884 CASE STUDY: DRUG RELATED PROBLEM IN PATIENT WITH PULMONARY TBC, DYSPEPSIA SYNDROME AND HYPERTENTION AT PERSAHABATAN HOSPITAL ....................................................................... 1888 DRUG RELATED PROBLEM IN PATIENT WITH HYPERTENSION HEART DESEASE (HHD) AND PARAPARESE INFERIOR DISEASE AT MINTOHARJO HOSPITAL JAKARTA .......................................... 1896 CASE REPORT : DRUG RELATED PROBLEM IN VERTIGO DISEASE AT MINTOHARDJO HOSPITAL JAKARTA............................................................................................................................................ 1902 CASE REPORT: DRUG RELATED PROBLEMS IN TREATMENT CAD, HHD, BULLA LUNG AT PGI CIKINI HOSPITAL .......................................................................................................................................... 1906 STUDY OF DISEASE OF STRUMA THYROID WITH ANNOYANCE COMPLICATED BALANCE ELECTROLYTE IN GATOT SOEBROTO ARMY HOSPITAL............................................................................................ 1913 EVALUATION OF PATIENT TREATMENT OF DIABETES MELLITUS AND RBBB (RIGHT BUNDLE BRANCH BLOCK) AT ISLAMIC CEMPAKA PUTIH JAKARTA HOSPITAL .............................................................. 1918 EVALUATION TREATMENT OF ACUTE LYMPHOBLASTIC LEUKEMIA PATIENTS AT GATOT SUBROTO ARMY HOSPITAL ............................................................................................................................... 1923 CASE REPORT : EVALUATION OF DRUG RELATED PROBLEMS PATIENT WITH URINARY TRACT INFECTION DISEASE AND THYPOID AT MINTOHARDJO HOSPITAL................................................... 1928 CASE REPORT : DRUG RELATED PROBLEM (DRP) ASSOCIATED WITH THE TREATMENT OFCONGESTIVE HEART FAILURE (CHF)IN PGI CIKINI HOSPITAL ................................................................................. 1933 CASE REPORT : DRUG RELATED PROBLEM (DRP) ASSOCIATED WITH THE TREATMENT OF INFLAMMATIONOFTHEGALLBLADDER (CHOLECYSTITIS) IN PGI CIKINI HOSPITAL ........................... 1939 LIVER CIRRHOSIS AND CONGESTIVE HEART FAILURE AT PGI CIKINI HOSPITAL................................ 1945 DRUG RELATED PROBLEM TUBERCULOSIS RELAPSE AND DISEASE HYPERTENSION AT PERSAHABATAN HOSPITAL ............................................................................................................... 1951 1614 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. DRUG RELATED PROBLEMS IN TREATMENT OF BRONCHIECTASIS INFECTED WITH SEPSIS ............ 1957 Evaluation of Drug Related Problems In Patient With Dyspepsia Disease At PGI Cikini Hospital .... 1962 TREATMENT FOR DIABETES MELLITUS WITH HYPERLIPIDEMIA DISEASE AT MINTOHARDJO HOSPITAL .......................................................................................................................................................... 1968 CASE REPORT: DRUG RELATED PROBLEM IN THERAPY HYPERTENSIVE HEART DISEASE AT MINTOHARDJO HOSPITAL ................................................................................................................ 1972 CASE REPORT: DRUG RELATED PROBLEM IN THERAPY DYSPEPSIA SYNDROME AT MINTOHARDJO HOSPITAL .......................................................................................................................................... 1977 EVALUATION OF DRUG RELATED PROBLEMS ( DRP ) IN THE TREATMENT OF MYOCARDIAL INFARCTION AT HOSPITALS OF ISLAM JAKARTA CEMPAKA PUTIH (RSIJCP) .................................... 1982 HEMORRHAGIC STROKE WITH DIABETES MELITUS TYPE II IN UNIT STROKE RSPAD GATOT SOEBROTO .......................................................................................................................................................... 1991 DRUG RELATED PROBLEM IN PATIENT WITH STROKE DISEASE, TYPE II DIABETES, HYPERTENSION AT PERSAHABATAN HOSPITAL ............................................................................................................... 1997 DRUG RELATED PROBLEM IN PATIENT WITH COPD EXACERBATION AND HEART FAILURE AT PERSAHABATAN HOSPITAL Fatimah Maulida1, Aprilita Rinayanti Eff.2 and Diana Laila Rahmatillah2 .......................................................................................................................................................... 2005 DRUG RELATED PROBLEM IN PATIENT WITH TUBERCULOSIS HEMOPTYSIS DISEASE AT PERSAHABATAN HOSPITAL ............................................................................................................... 2012 EVALUATION OF DRUG RELATED PROBLEMS IN PERINATOLOGY SEPSIS ec Psuedomonas pufida IN HIGH RISK PERINATAL ROOM RSPAD GATOT SOEBROTO ................................................................ 2020 CASE STUDY DIABETES MELLITUS IN WARD MEDICINE RS.PGI CIKINI ............................................. 2027 TREATMENT OF GASTROENTERITIS ACUTE WITH CORONARY ARTERY DISEASE FOR PATIENT AT PGI CIKINI HOSPITAL JAKARTA Diah Fatmawati1, Diana Laila Rahmatillah2, Aprilita Rinayanti Eff2, Stefanus Lukas2................................................................................................................................. 2032 DRUG PROBLEM RELATED DISEASE IN CHRONIC RENAL FAILURE COMPLICATIONS CONGESTIVE HEART FAILURE ................................................................................................................................. 2037 CASE REPORT: DRUG RELATED PROBLEM ASSOCIATED WITH KIDNEY STONE DEASE AT PGI CIKINI HOSPITAL .......................................................................................................................................... 2042 1615 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. CASE REPORT: DRUG RELATED PROBLEMS IN PATIENT WITH TYPE II DIABETES MELLITUS, DYSPEPSIA AND FATIQUE AT MINTOHARDJO HOSPITAL.................................................................................... 2049 CASE REPORT:DRUG RELATED PROBLEM IN PATIENT WITH ASCITES DISEASE AT PGI CIKINI HOSPITAL JAKARTA ........................................................................................................................... 2053 EVALUATION OF DRUG RELATED PROBLEMS IN TREATMENT OF OSTEOMYELITIS DISEASE at MINTOHARDJO HOSPITAL ................................................................................................................ 2058 CASE REPORT : DRUG RELATED PROBLEM (DRP) ASSOCIATED WITH THE TREATMENT OF PATIENTS WITH HYPOGLYCEMIA IT WARDS PGI CIKINI HOSPITAL ................................................................. 2063 DRUG RELATED PROBLEMS IN PATIENT WITH LUNG RIGHT PNEUMONIAE DISEASE AT THE K ROOM OF PGI CIKINI HOSPITAL JAKARTA .................................................................................................... 2069 EVALUATION OF DRUG RELATED PROBLEMS IN STROKE HEMORRHAGIC IN GATOT SOEBROTO ARMY HOSPITAL .......................................................................................................................................... 2076 CASE REPORT : DRUG RELATED PROBLEM ON TUBERCULOSIS DISEASE AND PLEURAL EFFUSION IN PGI CIKINI HOSPITAL ......................................................................................................................... 2083 CASE REPORT : DRUG RELATED PROBLEMS IN PATIENT WITH SPONDYLITIS ARTHROSIS LUMBOSACRALIS DISEASE AND TYPE II DIABETES MELLITUS AT MINTOHARJO HOSPITAL JAKARTA .......................................................................................................................................................... 2087 1616 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. EVALUATION OF THE TREATMENT OF PATIENTS WITH NEPHROTIC SYNDROME AT PGI CIKINI HOSPITAL Rinda Monica1, Diana Laila Rahmatillah2, Aprilita Rinayanti Efi2, Stefanus Lukas2 1 Student of Pharmacist Professional Program Student, Faculty Of Pharmacy UTA’45 Jakarta 2 Lecturer of Faculty of Pharmacy UTA’45 Jakarta Email : ABSTRACT Nephrotic syndrome is a disease with symptoms of edema, proteinuria, hypoalbuminemia and hypercholesterolemia, sometimes there is hematuria, hypertension, and decreased kidney function4. Patient 16-year old male who was admitted to hospital with complaints of swelling in the body especially in the legs with urination foaming. Have a history of appendicitis surgery on class 2 SD. Based on the results of the examination was known an increase in creatinine of 1.2 mg/dL and an increase in total cholesterol is 631 mg/dL. Patient treated with hexilon tablets, ranitidine tablets, atorvastatin tablets, lasix ampoules, vitamin K ampoule, Neurobion 5000 tablets, and albumin 25 % 100 ml. In this case found a DRP ( Drug Related Problems ) between hexilon and lasix drug interactions. Keywords : Nephrotic Syndrome, Drug Related Problems, PGI CIKINI Hospital 1617 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. INTRODUCTION The kidney is one of the vital organs in the human body as a regulator of the balance of the body's organs and organ disposal of substances that are not useful and toxic6. Kidney is the most important organ to maintain normal homeostatic bio chemical in the body, this is done by way of excreting substances that are no longer needed by the process of glomerular filtration, reabsorption and secretion tubulus6. Nephrotic syndrome is a kidney disease that is often found in children, which is a collection of clinical symptoms consisting of massive proteinuria, hypoalbuminemia, hypercholesterolemia and edema6. Approximately 90% of cases children are primer Nephrotic Syndrome6. Nephrotic syndrome is the most common type of minimal change that is about 76% 6. Patients suffering from Nephrotic Syndrome for the first time largely come to the hospital with symptoms edema6. In pediatric patients with Nephrotic Syndrome is common for a weight gain that can reach up to 50 % of the weight before Nephrotic Syndrome6. This happens due to the onset of the edema which is one of the clinical features of the Nephrotic Syndrome6. ETIOLOGY This nephrotic syndrome causes are unknown, but lately is regarded as an autoimmune disease, the antibody-antigen reaction6. Where 80 % of children with nephrotic syndrome who performed renal biopsy showed only slight abnormality, while the remaining 20 % of renal biopsy showed an abnormality such as glomerulonefritis5. The pathogenesis may be due to metabolic disorders, biochemical and physicochemical which causes increased glomerular membrane permeability to protein8. Most ( 90 % ) of the children who suffer from nephrosis have some form of idiopathic nephrotic syndrome, minimal change disease is found in about 85 %6. Nephrotic syndrome is largely mediated by some form of glomerulonephritis (infection of the glomerulus)1. MANAGEMENT Treatment of nephrotic syndrome consists of a specific treatment aimed against basic diseases and specific treatment to reduce proteinuria, edema control and treat complications7. Secondary etiology of nephrotic syndrome should be sought and given therapy, and medications are the cause remove7. 1618 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. CASE PRESENTATION 16-year-old male patient, complaining of swelling in the body, especially in the second leg urination accompanied by foaming. Patient diagnosed by a physician with nephrotic syndrome. CLINICAL EVALUATION In this case, patient treated for 10 days from the date of 24 November 2014-3 December 2014 by using the hexilon tablets, ranitidine tablets, atorvastatin tablets, Lasix ampoules, vitamin K ampoule, Neurobion 5000 tablets, and albumin 25 % 100 ml. THE RESULTS OF LABORATORY EXAMINATION On the results of examination of Hematology blood creep rate increase occurred 77 mm/h (0 – 20 mm/h), the increased hemoglobin that is 16.4 g/dL (12.0-14.0 g/dL), decreased esinophil i.e. 0% (13%), decreased neutrophil stem 0% (2 – 6%), decreased neutrophil segments i.e. 43% (50 – 70%), an increase of lymphocyte that is 50% (20-40%), an increase of 66.3 patient APTT seconds (26,4 – 37.5 seconds), and an increase in the patient's PT is 11.6 seconds (9.4-11.3 seconds). Immunological examination showed abnormal complement C3 on the high 164,8 mg/dL (75,0 – 135,0 mg/dL). Chemical screening clinics, shows an abnormal protein that is low i.e. 3.3 g/dL (6.0–8.0 g/dL), the value of albumin are low i.e. 0,8 g/dL (3.4-4.8 g/dL), the value of the 60 high Uremia mg/dL (10-50 mg/dL), the value of a high i.e. creatinine 1.2 mg/dL (0.6 – 1,1 mg/dL), the value of triglycerides is high i.e. 332 mg/dL (<200 mg/dL), the value of total cholesterol is high i.e. 631 mg/dL (< 200 mg/dL), high LDL cholesterol values of 557 mg/dL (< 130 mg/dL), the value of chloride (Cl) high blood i.e. 112 mmol/L (100 – 106 mmol/L) and calcium (Ca) i.e. low 7,5 mg/dL (8.8 – 103 mg/dL). The result of the examination was known to an increase in levels of urea, creatinine, triglycerides, total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol which is a parameter to determine the decline in kidney function. The presence of urea levels were as high as 60 mg/dL, high creatinine reached 1.2 mg/dL, high triglycerides reach 332 mg/dL, high total cholesterol reaches 631 mg/dL and LDL cholesterol reaches 557 mg/dL of the patient indicates that the patient was suffering from nephrotic syndrome. As well as the clinical examination albumin levels were low at 0.8 g/L. Where as the normal rate is 3.4-4.8 g/L. Decreased albumin may result in discharge leading to vascular tissues, causing oedema. During hexilon drug treated patients given 16 mg tablets as an anti- inflammatory , ranitidine 150 1619 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. mg tablets to suppress stomach acid, atorvastatin 20 mg tablet to reduce total cholesterol, LDL, and triglycerides increased in patients, ampoules lasix 10 mg/ml as a diuretic that is discharge body through urine, vitamin K ampoule 10 mg to help blood clotting, 5000 Neurobion tablets for the treatment of deficiency of vitamin B1 , B6 and B12 and albumin 25 % 100 ml for hipoproteinemia therapy with or without edema . GUIDELINE NEFROTIK SYNDROME TREATMENT Prednisolone When the diagnosis of nephrotic syndrome has been made , prednisolone can be initiated in children with typical features3. Children should be referred to the nephrology child for kidney consideration3. Prednisolone dose was based on surface area3. 60 mg/m2/day for 4 weeks (maximum 80 mg). 40 mg/m2/day for 4 weeks alternative (60 mg maximum). Reduce the dose of 5-10 mg/m2 weekly for 4 weeks then stop. Prednisolone can be given as a single dose in the morning with food, or as divided doses during the day3. Patients should be aware of the side effects and risks of treatment steroid3. Albumin Clinical indications for albumin in the form of clinical hypovolemia and edema symptomatic3. A low serum albumin alone is not an indication for intravenous albumin3. If there is evidence of hypovolemia, give 1 g/kg of 20 % albumin (5 ml/kg) more than 4-6 hours3. Penicillin Prophylaxis When experiencing nephrotic, children are at increased risk of infection, particularly as pneumococcus3. Doses below 125 mg given 5 years and over 5 years given 250 mg3. Salt or fluid restriction Low-salt diet is used to prevent fluid retention and edema further3. Vaccination Pneumococcal vaccination is recommended for children who have nephrotic syndrome3. At the time of diagnosis of administration should be considered3. DRUG RELATED PROBLEMS (DRPs) 1620 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. Drug Interactions: Methylprednisoline + furosemide If Methylprednisoline + furosemide is used simultaneously, thus it should be required for dose adjustment2. In this treatment of corticosteroid Methylprednisoline included in the class. The dose for the treatment of the patient used 16 mg. If the patient's condition gradually improved, the dose should be decreased gradually methylprednosolon but if the patient's condition does not improve Methylprednisoline dose can be increased up to 30 mg/kg. Long-term use of Methylprednisoline or exceed the dose may increase the risk of adrenal gland disorders. Pharmaceutical Intervention : Used with caution and should be monitored closely. CONCLUSION Based on the results of the examination of patient found a DRP is Hexilon and Lasix, which was used together, the dose adjustment was necessary, as this combination can cause muscle pain or cramps, loss of appetite, weakness, dizziness, or confusion. REFERENCES 1. Behrman, N. 2000. Ilmu Kesehatan Anak. Jakarta. EGC. 2. Drug. Com. Drug Interaction.2014. 3. Dokter, R. G. 2007. Nefrotik Sindrom, Version 1.1 ( 4. Ngastiyah, 2005, Perawatan Anak Sakit. Edisi 2, EGC, Jakarta. 5. Novak & Broom. 1999. Ingall and Salerno’s Maternal and Child Health Nursing, Edisi 9 Vol 2, Mosby: St. Louis. 6. Siburian, A. 2013. Analisis Praktik Klinik Keperawatan Anak Kesehatan Masyarakat Pada Pasien Sindrom Nefrotik Di Lantai 3 Selatan RSUP Fatmawati. Jakarta. 7. Sukandar E, Sulaeman R. Sindroma nefrotik. Dalam :Soepoarman, Soekaton U, Waspadji S et al (eds). Ilmu Penyakit Dalam. Jilid II. Jakarta: BalaiPenerbit FKUI; 1990. p. 282-305. 8. Wong, Whaley. Clinical manual of pediatrics nursing. 4 th edition. Mosby: Year book. Inc. 1996. 1621 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. DIABETES MELLITUS AT PGI CIKINI HOSPITAL Gemin Suekto1, Diana Laila Rahmatillah2, Aprilita Rinayanti Efi2, Stefanus Lukas2 1 Student of Pharmacist Professional Program Student, Faculty Of Pharmacy UTA’45 Jakarta 2 Lecturer of Faculty of Pharmacy UTA’45 Jakarta Email: ABSTRACT Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a group of metabolic disorders characterized by hyperglycemia and abnormalities in carbohydrate, fat, and protein metabolism. It results from defects in insulin secretion, insulin sensitivity, or both. Chronic microvascular, macrovascular, and neuropathic complications may ensue 4. More than 120 million people worldwide suffer diabetes and is expected this number will rise so that 370 million people ahead of the year 2030. Diabetes mellitus is usually irreversible, Although patients can still undergo the normal way of life in the end of disease complications but this could lower life expectancy of DM 6. Diabetes mellitus is divided into two types, namely: DM type 1, the body can not produce insulin that is a hormone necessary to convert sugar, starch and other food to the form of the energy required to live day life. DM type 2, insulin secretion of insulin resistance and abnormal characterized by impaired insulin secretion, insulin resistance, liver by excessive production of glucose metabolism of fats and abnormal. The presentation of cases, a man aged 41 years come with complaints tired, shortness of breath and fever .Physical BP 110/80 mmHg examination, pulse 86 times per minute, the temperature was 38.3 ° C, breathing 24 times per minute. Laboratory results obtained in the which the levels of erythrocyte sedimentation rate, hematocrit, Neutrophils segments, and blood sugar Increased levels. Of the doctor's diagnosis is known patients suffering from pneumonia and diabetes mellitus type II. Keywords: Diabetes Mellitus, Insulin, Hyperglycemia 1622 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. INTRODUCTION Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a chronic metabolic disease which characterized by hyperglycemia resulting from absolute deficiency of insulin or the insulin receptor resistance on. More than 120 million people worldwide suffer from diabetes and this number is expected to rise to 370 million people by the year 2030. DM usually irreversible, even though the patient is still able to live a normal way of life but late complications of diabetes disease can reduce life expectancy (Gale and Anderson, 2005) 8. According to the American Diabetes Association (ADA) (2005)12, the Indonesian Society of Endocrinology (PERKENI) (2006)14, DM is a group of metabolic diseases with characteristic hyperglycemia that occurs due to abnormal insulin secretion, insulin action or both. Meanwhile, according to WHO (1980) 10 said that diabetes is something that cannot be explained in a clear and concise answer but in general, it can be said as a collection of anatomical and chemical problems that are the result of number of factors which obtained absolute or relative insulin deficiency and malfunctioning of insulin. Diabetes mellitus is divided into two types, namely: 1. Diabetes mellitus type 1 Type 1 diabetes is usually diagnosed in children and young adults, and it was previously known as DM Juvenil. In type 1 diabetes, the body cannot produce insulin which is a hormone that is needed to convert sugar, starches and other food to the form of the energy needed to live all day. Diabetes mellitus type 1 is the result rather than the interaction of genetic, immunological factors and causes destruction of pancreatic beta cells and insulin deficiency. It is also caused by autoimmune destruction of beta cells due. This is evidenced when individuals with type 1 DM phenotype has no immunological markers that indicate an autoimmune process against beta cells. This causes the autoimmune process of beta cell mass dwindle so that income is also impaired insulin. 2. Diabetes mellitus type 2 Insulin resistance and abnormal insulin secretion is the cause of the development of type 2 diabetes is. Type 2 diabetes is characterized by impaired insulin secretion, insulin resistance, hepatic glucose production by excessive and abnormal fat metabolism. In obese individuals, glucose tolerance was 1623 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. normal at the onset of diabetes without insulin resistance because the thought of beta cells compensate by increasing insulin production. However, when insulin resistance and insulin hyper achieving sustained as a result of the compensation process, the pancreas is not able to survive the hyper state of insulin so that the blood sugar levels to rise. Diabetes is caused by other factors (1-2% of all cases of diabetes), including endocrine disorders (eg acromegaly, Cushing's syndrome), gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM), exocrine pancreas disease (pancreatitis), and because drugs (glucocorticoids, pentamidine, niacin , and α-interferon). CASE PRESENTATION A patient Mr. AP 41-year-old admitted PGI Cikini on November 7, 2014 with complaints of fatigue, shortness of breath and fever. Physical examination BP 110/80 mm Hg, pulse 86 times per minute, temperature 38.3 ° C, breathing 24 times per minute. Previous medical history was DM type II. CLINICAL EVALUATION Mr. AP in Cefriaxone drug therapy with 2 x 1 gram, it aimed to fix the infection of pneumonia germs. Ranitidine 25mg injection 2x1 Amp to anticipate the effects of paracetamol drug against gastric patients, Novorapid 4 x 12 ® insulin for anti-diabetic, Paracetamol 500mg tab tab 3x1 aims to analgesics and down the heat, OBH 3x1 tablespoons to cough. These drugs were in use above the usual dose. Results of Laboratory Monitoring Blood Sugar On 7,8 and 9 November 2014 Monitoring of Blood Sugar: Date Hour Reference value Unit Results 7 – 11- 2014 21.00 70 – 150 mg/dl *539 8 – 11- 2014 06.00 70 – 150 mg/dl *329 1624 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. 8 – 11- 2014 12.00 70 – 150 mg/dl *449 8 – 11- 2014 18.00 70 – 150 mg/dl *210 8 – 11- 2014 24.00 70 – 150 mg/dl *418 9 – 11- 2014 06.00 70 – 150 mg/dl *269 9 – 11- 2014 12.00 70 – 150 mg/dl *411 9 – 11- 2014 18.00 70 – 150 mg/dl *254 9 – 11- 2014 24.00 70 – 150 mg/dl - DRUG RELATED PROBLEMS (DRP) Insulin and OBH cough drugs containing ephedrine can cause drug interactions. The effect of insulin on the opponent causing the patient's blood sugar levels remain too high. Symptoms of hyperglycemia such as: excessive thirst, urine output many, weight loss, hunger, drowsiness, loss of coordination. The solution OBH cough drugs replaced with a cough drugs safe for diabetics as siladex syrup with the content of bromhexine hcl , guafenisin, which is free sugar and alcohol. CONCLUSION Based on the result, it can be concluded that there was drug related problems about OBH cough drugs can caused increasing of blood sugar level. Thus, the cough medicine can be replaced with a safe of cough medicine for diabetics. REFERENCE 1. American Diabetes Association.,2005, Types of Diabetes Melitus. May 21st. 2009. 1625 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. 2. Elin Yulinah Sukandar Apt. and Team., 2009, Pharmacotherapy ISO, Second Edition. Published: PT.ISFI, Jakarta. 3. Baxter, K., 2008, Stockley’s Drug Interaction, Eighth Edition. London : Pharmaceutical Press. 4. Dipiro, Joseph T., et. al., 2008, Pharmacotherapy Handbook: A Pathophysiologic Approach 7th Edition, McGraw Hill, New York. 5. Drug Digest, Drug Comparisons, Alpha-glucosidase Inhibitors @ 6. Gale, E.A., & Anderson, J.V. (2005). Diabetes Mellitus And Other Disorders Of Metabolism. Tn:Kumar, P; Clark M (eds).Clinical Medicine (6th ed),Ph i l a d e l p h i a , El s e v i e r Sauders; pp. 1101-1132. 7. Harkness, Richard., 2013, Drug Interactions, translated by Goeswin Agoes and Mathilda B. Widianto, Published: ITB, Bandung. 8. Mount Auburn Hospital - Alpha-glucosidase inhibitors for type 2 diabetes, 1995-2004, Healthwise, Incorporated, P.O. Box 1989, Boise, ID 83701 @ 9. PERKENI. Consensus Management And Prevention Of Diabetes Mellitus Type 2 In Indonesia. Jakarta: Indonesian Society of Endocrinology; 2006. p.1-10. 10. Power, A.C., 2008, Diabetes Mellitus, Harrison’s Principles of Internal Medicine, 17th Edition. 11. Price, A. S and Wilson, ML., 1995, The Concept of Clinical Pathophysiology of Disease Processes 4th Edition, EGC Medical Book Publishers, London. 12. WHO Expert Committee on Diabetes Mellitus. Second Report. Geneva: WHO, 1980. 13. . American Diabetes Association [updated 2010; cited 2011 Jan 25]. Available from 14. . World Health Organization [updated 2011; cited 2011 Jan 25]. Available from 1626 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. EVALUATION OF DRUG RELATED PROBLEMS IN STROKE HEMORRHAGIC PATIENTS WITH CHRONIC KIDNEY DISEASE COMPLICATIONS WHICH TREATED IN RSPAD GATOT SOEBROTO STROKE UNIT Boggy Rakhmawan Suryawijaya1, Diana Laila Rahmatillah2 , Aprilita Rinayanti Eff2 1 Student of Pharmacist Professional Program Student, Faculty Of Pharmacy UTA’ 45 Jakarta 2 Lecturer of Faculty of Pharmacy UTA’45 Jakarta Email: ABSTRACT Stroke hemorrhagic is caused by a rupture of brain blood vessels that causes bleeding into the brain parenchyma, cerebrospinal chamber on brains, or both of them18. Mr. SY 45 years old entered RSPAD Gatot Soebroto on October 15th 2014 with a diagnosis of Stroke hemorrhagic with Chronic Kidney Disease Complications. The treatment which given for 9 days are, Captropil (oral), Adalat Oros (oral), Amlodipine (oral), and Perdipine (I.V), Citicoline (I.V), Omeprazole (I.V), CaCO3 (oral), Paracetamol (oral), Tramadol (I.V), Cefixime (oral), Asam folat (oral), Vitamin B12 (oral), Fluimucyl (oral), Vitamin C (oral). Based on the results from Praktek Kerja Profesi Apoteker at RSPAD Gatot Soebroto, in this case founded several drug related problem like the inappropriate drug selection, duplicate drug theraphy, occurred the adverse drug reaction, and occurred the drug reaction and contraindication. Keywords: Drug Related Problem, Stroke Hemorrhagic, Chronic Kidney Disease, RSPAD Gatot Soebroto 1627 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. INTRODUCTION Stroke hemorrhagic is caused by a rupture of brain blood vessels that causes bleeding into the brain parenchyma, cerebrospinal chamber on brains, or both of them 18. Bleeding in the brain tissues causing disruption of the circulation on brain that is caused the brain don’t get more of blood, and hematoma conformation that caused suppression on the brain. This process triggers an increasing pressure in intracranial that resulting compression on the brainstem8. Chronic Kidney Disease is a reduction in kidney function are persistent and irreversible16. The process of kidney failure occurs within more than 3 months16. This disease cannot be recovered, which is be marked by a progressive reduction renal function and lead to renal disease at end-stage, and finally death16. ETIOLOGY The most common causes of brain hemorrhagic is Aneurysm Berry, Aneurysm fusiform , Aneurysm myocotic , Malformasi arteriovenous, and Rupture arteriol serebral9. CKD can occur if there is an infection, hypertensive vascular disease, connective tissue disorders, congenital and hereditary disorders21. MANAGEMENT6,10,13,14 General management for stroke hemorrahagic is directed to the lungs function, heart, kidney, electrolyte and fluid balance, nutrition, and hygiene14. While the specific management equated with causative treatment is the prevention and treatment the complication, rehabilitation, and the prevention stroke like a primary and secondary promotive action14. Specific management14: a. Subarachnoid hemorrhage14 - Anti vasospasm: Nimodipine - Neuroprotective b. Intracerebral hemorrhage14 - Fixing the physiology of hemostasis (when there is a physiological disorder of hemostasis) - Prevent/overcome cerebral vasospasm due to bleeding - Nimodipine 1628 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. - Neuroprotective c. Operative14 d. The complication treatment 14 - Anti-edema: manitol 20% solution - Antibiotic, anti-depressants, anti-convulsants: with the indication - Anti-deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism e. The management of risk factors14 - Anti-hypertensive - Anti-diabetic - Anti-dyslipidemia f. Non-pharmacological treatment14 - Operative - Neurorestoration (at acute phase) and medical rehabilitation - Education Pharmacologic therapies which given in CKD are anti-hypertension, blood sugar control (in the case of diabetes mellitus), hyperphosphatemia, dyslipidemia, hyperkalemia correction, metabolic acidosis, and renal replacement (with the indication)13. The non pharmacological therapies are given such as arrangement of protein, calories, fat, and salt intake 13. CASE PRESENTATION Mr. SY 45 years old entered RSPAD Gatot Soebroto on October 15th 2014 with a diagnosis of Stroke hemorrhagic with Chronic Kidney Disease Complications. The anamnesis is the patient suddenly fainted and vomitted who obtained from the patient’s family. Data were collected in 9 days. CLINICAL EVALUATION1,3 In this case, the patient was treated with Captropil (oral), Adalat OROS (oral), amlodipine (oral), and Perdipine (IV) for the treatment of hypertension; Citicoline (I.V) for neuroprotective drugs; Omeprazole (IV), CaCO3 (oral) for gastric ulcer; Paracetamol (oral), Tramadol (I.V) for analgesic and 1629 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. antipyretic; Cefixime (oral), for anti-infection, folic acid (oral), Vitamin B12 (oral) for anemia; Fluimucyl (oral) for cough; Vitamin C (oral) for the scurvy prevention and treatment. DOSES AND HOW TO USE THE DRUGS Captopril 25 mg was given 3 x 1 orally (PNGT), Adalat Oros 30 mg was given 3 x 1 orally (PNGT), Amlodipine 10 mg was given 1 x 1 orally (PNGT), Perdipine 0,5 mcg was given in I.V, Citicoline 1 gram was given 2 x 1 in I.V, Omeprazole 40 mg was given 1 x 1 in I.V, CaCO3 was given 3 x 1 orally (PNGT), Paracetamol 500 mg was given 3 x 1 orally (PNGT), Tramadol 50 mg was given 3 x 1 in I.V, Cefixime 200 mg was given 2 x 1 in I.V, Asam folat was given 3 x 1 orally (PNGT), Vitamin B12 was given 3 x 1 orally (PNGT), Fluimucyl was given 3 x 1 orally (PNGT), and Vitamin C was given 3 x 1 orally (PNGT). VITAL SIGN EXAMINATION RESULTS Type Of Normal Value Examination Blood Pressure <130/80 (mmHg) 36- Temperature ( 16/10/ 17/10 18/10 19/10/ 20/10 21/10/ 22/10/ 23/10 24/10/ 14 /14 /14 14 /14 14 14 /14 14 180/11 180/1 140/9 130/80 180/9 170/90 160/90 150/9 140/8 0 00 0 0 0 38 37 37,7 37 37 36,6 36 36,5 38 80 80 70 82 67 70 80 96 108 24 24 20 22 20 18 20 20 28 0 37±0,3˚c 60- Pulse (x/minute) 80/Minut e 12- Respiratory Rate (x/minute) 18/Minut e CLINICAL CHEMISTRY LABORATORY EXAMINATION RESULTS Type of Examination Normal Value Uremia 20 - 50 mg/dL 22 67 Triglyceridese 0,5 - 1,5 mg/dL 2,0 1,9 Na 135 - 147 mmol/L 137 139 K 3,5 - 5,0 mmol/L 4,2 4,6 Cl 95 - 105 mmol/L 102 106 SGOT (AST) < 35 U/L 16/10/2014 17/10/2014 14 1630 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. SGPT (ALT) < 40 U/L Aceton Negative 15 Negative HEMATOLOGICAL LABORATORY EXAMINATION RESULTS Type Of Examination Normal Value 16/10/2014 17/10/2014 21/10/2014 Routine Hematology Hemoglobin 13 - 18 g/dL 13,8 12,3 11,7 Hematocrit 40 - 52% 38 37 36 Erythrocyte 4,3 - 6,0 million/μL 4,8 5,0 4,7 Leukocytes 4800 - 10800/μL 11760 12540 14370 150000 - 400000/μL 218000 232000 331000 Platelet Counts Of: # Basophil 0 - 1% 0 # Eosinophil 1 - 3% 5 # Stem 2 - 6% 3 # Segment 50 - 70% 67 # Lymphocytes 20 - 40% 20 2 - 8% 5 # Monocytes MCV 80 - 96 fL 78 74 78 MCH 27 - 32 fL 29 25 25 MCHC 32 - 36 g/dL 37 33 32 RDW 11,5 - 14,5% 13,60 DRUG RELATED PROBLEMS12 1. Inapproprate Drug Selection12 Due to the patient wears the NGT, the oral drug that was consumed should be crushed first and then dissolved with water. This result will be the effect of the drug will not optimal or caused toxic effects1,19. 1631 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. Pharmaceutical intervention: if the patient still used, then the oral drug that was consumed by the patient be replaced with drug in other dosage forms (eg injection dosage) or at least if the drugs crushed or destroyed, it will not cause a decrease in effect or cause toxicity13,23. 2. Duplicate Drug Therapy12 The discovered of the use of Adalat Oros and Amlodipine, because both of this drugs was the same class of drugs (Calcium Channel Blockers Dihydropyridine). If the two drugs were used together, it will increase the toxicity effect of one of these drugs1,19. Pharmaceutical intervention: it was recommended to stop one of the use of drugs or provide a different drug administration interval13,23. 3. Occurred The Adverse Drug Reaction12 3.1. Patients had a dyspepsia because of continously Tramadol use1,19. Pharmaceutical intervention: tramadol should only be used when necessary (if the patient felt pain with pain score 4-6) 13,23. 3.2. Patients experiencing cough (not often) caused by the side effects of captopril1,19. Pharmaceutical intervention: patient was given cough drugs (fluimucyl), but if the cough experienced by the patient is back, the use of captopril should be replaced with another hypertension drugs like Angiotensins Receptor Blocker groups such as valsartan13,23. 4. Occurred The Drug Reaction And Contraindication12 4.1 Interaction between Adalat oros with calcium carbonate. The use of drugs known as nifedipine along with CaCO3 can reduce the effects of nifedipine by pharmacodynamic antagonism. Close monitoring is required on how to use if the two drugs are to be used simultaneously or the need for blood pressure control. Pharmaceutical intervention: the drug administration given a period at least 1-2 hours. 4.2 Interaction between amlodipine with calcium carbonate. The use of drugs known as nifedipine along with CaCO3 can reduce the effects of nifedipine by by pharmacodynamic antagonism. Close monitoring is required on how to use if the two drugs are to be used simultaneously or the need for blood pressure control. Pharmaceutical intervention: the drug administration given a period at least 1-2 hours. 1632 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. 4.3 Interaction between adalat oros and amlodipine can increase the anti-hypertensive effect, which may increase the effects of toxicity from one drugs. Recommending to do the monitoring, or the election of the drug to be retained and which drug would be dismissed its use (not discontinued immediately, but should gradually). Pharmaceutical intervention: it was recommended to stop one of the use of drugs or provide a different drug administration interval. CONCLUSION Based on the results from clearkship at RSPAD Gatot Soebroto, in this case founded several drug related problems like the inappropriate drug selection, duplicate drug therapy, occurred the adverse drug reaction, and occurred the drug reaction and contraindication. REFERENCES 1. AHFS drug information 2004. McEvoy GK, ed. Methotrexate. Bethesda, MD: American Society of Health-System Pharmacists; 2003:1082-9). 2. BNF. 2009. British National Formulary. BMJ Group. UK. 3. BPOM. 2008. Informatorium Obat Nasional Indonesia (IONI). Jakarta : Sagung Seto. 4. Corwin, elizabeth J. 2009. BUKU SAKU PATOFISIOLOGI, Ed. 3. Jakarta : EGC 5. Depatemen Kesehatan. 2008. Pelayanan Informasi Obat. Jakarta. 6. Dewanto, george Sp.S, dr. Wita J, Sp.S, dr. Budi Riyanto, Sp.S, & dr. Yuda Turana, Sp.S. 2009. PANDUAN PRAKTIS DIAGNOSIS AND TATA LAKSANA PENYAKIT SARAF. Jakarta : EGC 7. Dipiro, Joseph T., et. al., 2008, Pharmacotherapy: A Pathophysiologic Approach 7th Edition, McGraw Hill, New York. 8. Ginsberg, Lionel, 2008, Lecture Notes: neurologi, Edisi kedelapan, Erlangga, Indonesia. 9. Gofir, A. 2009. Manajemen Stroke; Evidence Base medicine.Pustaka Cendekia Press.Yogyakarta. 10. Hartwig MS. Penyakit serebral. Dalam: Price SA, Wilson LM, editors. Patofisiologi: konsep klinis proses-proses penyakit. Edisi 6. volume 2. Jakarta: EGC;2005. 11. Junaidi, I. 2004. Panduan praktis pencegahan and pengobatan stroke. Jakarta: PT. Bhuana Ilmu Populers. 12. Kemenkesri. 2011. Pedoman Visite Apoteker. Jakarta. 1633 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. 13. Koda-Kimble et al., 2009, Applied Therapeutics: The Clinical Use of Drug 9th Edition, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, USA. 14. Komaruddin, Boenjamin. 2012. Penanganan Penyakit Kidney Kronik. RSPAD Gatot Soebroto Ditkesad. Jakarta. 15. Komaruddin, Boenjamin. 2012. Penanganan Stroke Hemoragik. RSPAD Gatot Soebroto Ditkesad. Jakarta. 16. Lacy, F.C., Armstrong L.L., Goldman, M.P., Lance al, 2010, Drug Information Handbook,Lexi-Comp, American Pharmacist Association. 17. Levin, A., at all. 2 0 0 8 . Guidelines for the management of chronic kidney disease. CMAJ . 179(11):1154-1162. 18. Lumbantobing. 1994. Stroke. Jakarta : EGC 19. MIMS. 2011. 118th edition Annual Indonesia. 20. Muttaqin, Arif. 2008. Asuhan Keperawatan Klien dengan Gangguan Sistem Persarafan. Jakarta : Salemba Medika. 21. Price, Sylvia A and Lorraine M Wilson. 1995. Patofisiologi Konsep Kllinis Proses-proses Penyakit. Edisi 4. Jakarta: EGC. 22. Suyono, Slamet. 2001. Buku Ajar Ilmu Penyakit Dalam. Edisi 3. Jilid I II. Jakarta: Balai Penerbit FKUI. 23. Walker, R., & Edwards, C. 2003.Clinical Pharmacy and Therapeutics, 3 rd. Edition Churchill Livingstone. Philadelphia. 1634 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. DRUG INTERACTIONS AND THE SELECTION OF MISSING RIGHT FOR MASSIVE ASCITES TREATMENT At PGI CIKINI HOSPITAL Sri Hasvira Syamsul Bachri1, Diana Laila Rahmatillah2, Aprilita Rinayanti Efi2, Stefanus Lukas2 1 Student of pharmacist Professional Program Student, Faculty Of Pharmacy UTA’45 Jakarta 2 Lecturerof Faculty Of Pharmacy UTA’45 Jakarta Email: ABSTRACT Ascites is the accumulation of fluid (liquid pale yellow and clear) in the abdominal cavity / peritonial7. Abdominal cavity located below the chest cavity, separated from it by diaphragma7. Ascites fluid can have many sources such as heart disease, cancer, congestive heart failure or failed kidney7. The most common cause of ascites is advanced liver disease or sirosis6. Approximately 80% of cases, is caused by sirosis ascites6. Patient Ny. LSK, aged 36 years, entered PGI Cikini Hospital on 28 November, 2014 with a diagnosis Massive Ascites. The theraphy treatment which given for 7 day are, Alinamin-F (vitamin B1 B2 combination), Ascardia (aspirin), Folic Acid, Lactulax (lactulose), Lasix (furosemide), Neurobion Forte (Vitamin B1, B6, B12), Ottozol (pantoprazole), Sulcolon (Sulphasalazine), Ultracet (tramadol combination with paracetamol). Drug Related Problem, unwanted drug reactions, inappropriate drug choices, did not receive the drug, and drug interactions (folic acid and sulcolon, lasix and ascardia as well as aspirin and pantoprazole). Keyword : Drug Interaction, Massive Ascites, PGI Cikini Hospital 1635 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. INTRODUCTION Ascites can appear at any age group, including the womb4. In children, ascites is usually caused by liver and kidney disease4. Ascites is the accumulation of fluid in the cavity peritoneum4. The word comes from the Greek ascites and Askos which means a bag or abdomen4. Ascites is one important complication in patients with cirrhosis of the liver4. In the 10 years since the diagnosis is established, approximately 50% of patients experience complications such as cirrhosis asites4. Several studies conducted in adult patients suggests that the presence of ascites in cirrhosis cases are a sign of poor prognosis with a survival rate two years after ascites raised by 50%4. Ascites is the accumulation of fluid in the cavity abdomen pathological2,3. Male healthy adults do not have or are slightly intraperitoneal fluid, but the women are as much as 20mL depending on menstruation cycles2,3. Approximately 80% of cases are caused by cirrohosis ascites2,3. Some other causes of ascites are congestive heart failure and kidney failure, inflammation, infection, and nefrosis2,3. CASE PRESENTATION Patients aged 36 years Ny.LSK enter PGI Cikini Hospital on 28 November 2014. Patients presented with symptoms after 1 week ago PGI CIKINI hospitalized with UTI disease, after returning home he complained of abdomen ache and increasingly enlarged, bloating, hard defecate, sometimes black defecate, nausea and abdomen pain. From the laboratory results on 28th November 2014 showed an increased number of blood glucose as 243 mg/dL (70-150 mg/dL). In hematological examination showed erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) which is as high as 50 mm/h (0-20 mm/h), a decrease in the amount of hemoglobin 10,0 g/dL (12,0 to 14,0 g/dL), a decrease in the amount of hematocrit 36% (37-43%), the increase in reticulocytes 17 per mil (5-15 per mil). On examination of liver function showed improvement bilirubin 0,3 mg/dL (0,1-0,2 mg/dL), a decrease in the amount of albumin at 2,8 g / dL (3,4 to 4,8 g/dL), increase in globulin 4,9 g/dL (1,3 to 3,7 g/dL), increased ALT 103 U/L (0-50 U/L), increased AST 119 U/L (0-50 U/L). On examination showed neutrophil leukocyte count was lower rod 1% (2-6%). In hemostasis examination showed clotting time (Lee-White) were low at 9-10 minutes (10-16 minutes). On examination of the APTT (Activated Partial Thromboplastine Time) showed decreased patient APTT is 24,0 seconds (26,4 to 37,5 seconds). On 29th November 2014 the urine and 1636 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. parasitological examination, examination ascites fluid and ascites fluid obtained yellowish, the sediment examination showed an increase of 26 bacteria / LPB (<24/LPB). On 30th November clinical chemistry examination showed an increase in blood glucose at 10:00 is 239 mg/dL (70-150 mg/dL), HDL (High Density Lipoprotein) decreased 44 mg/dL (> 45 mg/dL), LDL (Low Density Lipoprotein) showed an increase in 137 mg/dL (<130 mg/dL). In this case, the therapy used Alinamin-f (vitamin B1, B2) 10 1x1 mL ampoules as B1 deficiency, ascardia (aspirin) 80 mg 1x1 tablets/day to reduce the risk of death and myocardial infarction, folic acid 1 mg 1x2 tablets/day for the megaloblastic anemia caused folic acid deficiency, lactulax (lactulose) syrup 15 mg (60mL) 2x1 hr/day for chronic constipation and portal systemic encephalopathy, Lasix (furosemide) 10 mg/mL (2 mL) 1x1 ampoules/day is used for the treatment of hypertension and edema, Neurobion forte 1x1 tablets 5000 mg/day for the deficiency of vitamin B1, B6, B12, ottozol (pantoprazole) 40 mg 1x1 ampoules/day for gastric ulcer/duodenal ulcer, sulcolon (Sulphasalazine) 500 mg 3x1 tablets/day for arthritis arttitis and as antibiotics, ultracet (tramadol and paracetamol) 37,5 mg tablets 2x1 as acute pain medication. CLINICAL EVALUATION 1.1 Drug Related Problem 1: 1.1.1 Failure to receive medication : found. In this case, it was seen from the results of laboratory patient which increased in blood glucose but the patient did not receive the drug DM and an increase in High Density Lipoprotein cholesterol and Low Density Lipoprotein but the patient did not receive cholesterol drugs. Pharmacist intervention : the laboratory resulted indicating positive patient an increase in blood glucose and cholesterol from the start of treatment, it should be given cholesterol and DM drugs. 1.2 Drug Related Problem 2: 1.2.1 Improper Drug Selection : found. Sulphasalazine used as antibiotics that may decrease the absorption of folate and changed in the hydrolysis or reduction folate5. Pharmacist intervention : the use of Sulphasalazine sulcolon containing antibiotic ceftriaxone can be replaced with a dose of 2 x 1 g daily which used for abdomen infection1. 1637 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. 1.2.2 Provision ultracet drug is indicated for short-term therapy and is acute pain to severe pain, and counter-indication liver dysfunction5. Pharmacist intervention : the use of ultracet patient should not be given because ultracet contain paracetamol which is used as an analgesic but has side effects that can disrupt the function of the liver and a patient has a liver disorder. Probably can be replaced with another analgesic classes such as Tramal (tramadol) with a dose of 2 x 100 mg1,5. 1.3 Drug Related Problem 3: 3.3.1 Drug Interactions: found. Ascardia (aspirin) and ottozol (pantoprazole) where proton pum inhibitors increased gastric pH so as to principal and reduces the activity of the effects of ascardia5. Pharmacist Intervention : because patients experience a disruption in the stomach so it is recommended the use of drugs that can increase stomach acid that needed5. 3.3.2 Folic acid and sulcolon (Sulphasalazine) decreased absorption of folic acid and changes in the hydrolysis or reduction folate2. Pharmacist Intervention : monitor patient taking sulcolon containing Sulphasalazine because it can increase the dietary folate5. 3.3.3 Lasix (furosemide) and ascardia (aspirin) where the response loop diuretics may be impaired in patient with cirrhosis and ascites5. Pharmacist intervention : the use ascardia containing aspirin to note and use with caution5. CONCLUSION Based on the results, it can be concluded that the patient suffered from massive ascites due to cirrhosis of the liver, it based on laboratory results performed. During the therapy which found the Drug Related Problems such as patient did not receive the drug, the drug options were less precise and drug interactions. REFERENCES 1. Anderson, Philip, 2002. Handbook of Clinical Drug Data 10rd Edition. United States of America: The McGraw-Hill Companies 1638 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. 2. Fredman, l. Scott. 2010. Clinical Hepatology : Principles and Practice of Hepatobiliary Disease Volume 1.London: Springer 3. j. Isselbacher, Kurt. 1999. Harrison's principles Of internal medicine / United Kingdom language editioneditor, Kurt j. Isselbacher [et al]; Indonesia - language edition Editor, Ahmad h. Asdie ed. 13. Jakarta: EGC. 4. j. Med. Assoc. On 2013. Pathophysiology and diagnosis developed ascites in children. Jakarta: 63: 32-6 5. Medscape. Drugs Interaction. 2014 6. Reis, CE. 1998. Internal Medicine; Ascites; 7. Price SA and Wilson LM. 1995. Pathophysiology : concepts of clinical Disease processes, 4th Edition. Jakarta. 1639 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. Retention of Urine BPH (Benign Prostate Hyperplasia) Treatment in PGI CikiniHospital Jakarta MasnidaSitumorang1, Diana Laila Rahmatillah2, Aprilita Rinayanti3 1 Student of Pharmacist Professional Program, Faculty of Pharmacist UTA’45 Jakarta 2 Lecturer Faculty of Pharmacist UTA’45 Jakarta Email: ABSTRACT BPH (Benign Prostate Hyperplasia) is an enlargement of the prostate which occurs progressively because of hormonal influences that causes the urinary outflow tract obstruction and typically occur in men age more than 50 years1. BPH (Benign Prostate Hyperplasia) able cause retention of urine and hematuria1. Patient Mr. MYS 63 years old entered PGI Cikini Hospital on 31st August 2014 with diagnosis retention of urine ec BPH (Benign Prostate Hyperplasia). Treatment therapy was Tramadol capsules, vitamin K, Transamin (tranexamat acid) 500 mg tablets, Harnal (tamsolusin) tablets, Ceftriaxone 1 g vial, Cernevit flc, Torasic (ketorolac) 30 mg ampoule, Urocholin (bethanecol) tablets, Lasix (furosemide) 20 mg inj, Rimdopump (omeprazole) 20 mg inj, Kalnex (tranexamat acid) 500 mg ampoule, and Rimstar (rifampicin) tablets. Based on the results it can be concluded the existence of DRP (drug related problems) such as drug used without indication and improper Drug Selection. Keywords: Retention of urineecBPH, Internal disease and PGI Cikini Hospital 1640 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. 1. INTRODUCTION Benign prostate enlargement, or known as BPH commonly occurs in men who are aging1. The term BPH or benign prostatic hyperplasia actually term histopathologic, which there are hyperplasia of stromal cells and epithelial cells of the prostate gland1. Gland growth is very dependent on the testosterone hormone, which is in the cells of the prostate gland, this hormone will be converted into an active metabolite Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) by the enzyme 5a-reductase. This Dihydrotestosterone directly trigger m-RNA in the cells of the prostate gland to synthesize protein growth factors which spur growth and proliferation of cells the prostate gland. The elderly several men enlarged benign prostate cells. This situation experienced by 50% of men 60 years old and ± 80% of men 80 years old. Enlargement of the prostate gland result in disruption the flow of urine causing micturition disorder1. Clinical persentation2 Retention of urine ecBPH (Benign Prostate Hyperplasia) can be found obviously by the symptoms of hesitancy, beam enlargement of urinating lower, discontinuous, not dissatisfied while finished urination, feeling to urinate after urinating and discharge residual urinating at the end of urination. Abnormal urinary frequency, such as frequent micturition, difficult to hold urine and pain when urinating. Sometimes it may occurs hematuria and pain during ejaculation. Examination Support3 a) The laboratory Urine analysis and microscopic examination of urine is important to see the leucocytes cell, bacterial and infection. There is other etiologies hematuria should be taken into account, such as malignancy in the urinary tract, a urinary tract infection stones. b) Radiological examination Inspection is usually done is Plain abdominal film, pielografi, intravenously, the ultrasound and cystocopy. With the aim to estimate the volume of BPH, determine the degree of bladder dysfunction of and residual urine volume of and look for other pathologies disorder, both related and unrelated with BPH. 1641 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. Management4 The treatment of BPH are as below: a. Observation Typically do in patients with mild complaint. Advice provided by are with reduce to drink after dinner to reduce nocturia, avoid the drugs decongestan (parasimpalitic), reduce to drink coffee and does not allowed to drink alcohol in order not too frequent micturition. b. Medical Patients are usually given a degree of conservative treatment example by administering inhibitors of alpha adrenoceptor such as: alfarosin, prazosin and terazosin. The advantage is that a positive effect on patient complaints but does not affect the prostate benign. Reduce the prostate volume by decreasing levels of testosterone /dehidrotestosteron (DHT) which with of finasteride 5 alpha reductase which prevent change of testosterone to causing decrease in the size prostate dehidrotestosteron. c. Suprapubic of prostatectomy transmilad prostatectomy (TMP) Is one of the methods remove the gland by the abdominal into the bladder, can are using to all sizes of nodes. 2. CASE PRESENTATION Patient Mr. MYS 63 years old entered PGI Cikini Hospital on 31 August2014. Patient presented with ± 4 days difficult micturating, urine was red and patient previously suffered prostate enlargement. From the result of the laboratory, on hematology examination indicated the value of erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) was high at 24mm / hour, the increase in the number of reticulocytes 49 per mile (5-15 per mile). The increase in the number of neutrophils segment was 80% (50-70%) and monocytes10 (2-8%).total of PSA was 10.42 ng / ml (<= 4 ng / ml). Impairment of hemoglobin (Hb) was 9.4 g / dL (13-16 g / dL), erythrocytes 3.29 10 ^ 3 / uL (4.5-5.5 10 ^ 3 / mL), hematocrit 28% (40-48%), neutrophils rod 0% (2-6%), lymphocytes 8% (20-40%). Clinical chemistry examination indicated a decrease in the amount of Ca ions (calcium) 8,5mg/dL (8.8 to 10.3 mg/dL). In the urine and parasitology examination indicated red urine color (yellow), turbid (clear). There was value in the urine leukocytes caterace Trace/15 cell / ml (negative), nitrite positive (negative), 1642 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. blood 3+/300 cell/ml (negative), protein 3+/300 mg/dL (negative), glucose Trace/100 mg/dL (negative), erythrocyte 2526 / LBP (0-3 / LBP). Examination unit anatomy and physiology, as micsroscopic show pieces of tissue ± 1/15 cc, spongy was brown. Microscopically consist of keeping the pieces fibromuscular tissue and acini benign. Conclusion: benign prostate tissue. In this case the patient was treated with Ceftriaxone 1 g vial, Lasix (furosemide) 20 mg inj, Vitamin K, Kalnex (tranexamat acid) 500 mg ampoule, tramadol 30 mg tab, Rimdopump (omeprazole) 20 mg inj, Torasic (Keterolac) 30 mg ampoule, Harnal (Tamsolusin) tablets and Urocholin (Bethanecol) tablets, Cernevitflc, Rimstar (Rifampicin) tablets. 3. CLINICAL EVALUATION 3.1 Drug Related Problem 1: Drug use without indication: was found. The use of Rimstar (Rifampicin) tablet was less precise because of the laboratory examination was not one showed that the patient positively affected by tuberculosis. Intervention of Pharmacist: the use ofRimstar (Rifampicin) should be discontinued. 3.2 Drug Related Problem 2: Improper Drug Selection: was found. The use of Ceftriaxone 1 g vial was less precise, because the side effects of the antibiotic cephalosporin might cause the bleeding, whereas the patients themselves has had hematuria, it will be aggravated the bleeding of the patient5. Intervention of Pharmacist: Ceftriaxone 1 g vial changed with antibiotic from another groups, such as class of quinolon (ciprofloxacin inj). 4. CONCLUSION Based on the results, it can be concluded that the patient suffered from retention of urine caused by BPH (Benign Prostate Hyperplasia). The presence of DRP (Drug Related Problems) such as Drug Use Without Indication wasuse Rimstar (Rifampicin) tablets was less precise because of the laboratory examination were no one which shows that the patient positively affected by tuberculosis. Improper Drug Selection such as in use of Ceftriaxone 1 g vial was less precise, because the side effects of 1643 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. cephalosporinantibiotic might cause the bleeding, whereas patients themselves has had hematuria, it will be aggravated the bleeding of the patient. REFERENCES 1. Purnomo BB, Dasar-dasarUrologi, EdisiKedua. CV SagungSeto, Jakarta, 2007, hal 153-156. 2. Tanagho E.A., Mc Annich J.W., Smith’s General Urology 16th ed, The McGraw Hill Companies 2004, hal 367-374 3. Walsh P. ., Retik A.B., Vaughan E.D., Wein A.J., ampbell’s Urology 8th ed., WB Saunders, Philadephia 2002, hal 1297-1433 4. IkatanAhliUrologi Indonesia, PanduanPenatalaksanaan Benign Prostate Hyperplasia (BPH), IAUI 2003 5. Zelenitsky SA, Ariano RE, Harding GK, et al. Antibiotic pharmacodynamics in surgical prophylaxis: an association between intraoperative antibiotic concentrations and efficacy. Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 2002; 46:3026–30. 1644 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. Treatment of The Dyspepsia Patient At the PGI Cikini Hospital Fitria Aptika1, Diana Laila Rahmatillah2 , Aprilita Rinayanti Efi2, Stefanus Lukas2 1 Student of Pharmacist Professional Program Student, Faculty Of Pharmacy UTA’ 45 Jakarta 2 Lecturer of Faculty of Pharmacy UTA’45 Jakarta Email: ABSTRACT Dyspepsia is a common term used for a collection of symptoms or complaints of pain or discomfort on the solar plexus, nausea, vomiting, saltpeter, quick sense of satiety, and the stomach feels full or bloated stomach 2. These complaints can be alternately perceived patient or vary both in terms of the type of complaint or quality 2. Patient W.W 47 years old woman was hospitalized in the ward of disease in PGI Cikini Hospital on November, 05 2014. Therapy treatment for treated i.e., the drug is golangan H2 rantin blockers that serves to prevent the occurrence of hyper sereksi stomach acid, it was used to remedy Episan protecting gastric mucosa, Domperidone is used to prevent the onset of nausea and vomiting, Catopril 12.5 mg given to lower blood pressure in patients, Panadol is used to relieve pain in headache and toothache, as well as lowering fever, pain and Ceftriaxone for the infection caused by pathogenic bacteria on the top line. Presentation cases, W. W 47 yearold woman was hospitalized in the internal medicine ward. The patient was diagnosed with the disease dyspepsia. Evaluation of the clinic, that the existence of the DRPs (Drug Related Problems) were not receiving medication that patient experiencing a decrease in calcium but the patient did not receive the drug, supposedly from the early treatment given the remedy of ca gluconase. Not receiving medication that patient experiencing a decrease in patient not receiving but hemaglobin drugs, patient need to be given therapy such as folic acid, EPO (erythropoietin), Iron salts to combat anemia that occurs in patient. Drug interactions i.e. captopril with food intake was high enough or high potassium. This can cause high level potassium in the blood. Keywords: Dyspepsia, disease In, PGI Cikini Hospital. 1645 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. INTRODUCTION Adult population in Western countries influenced by dyspepsia ranged between 14-38% 1. However, approximately 13-18% have spontaneous resolution over the past one year, with a stable prevalence over time 1. Based on research on the general population found that 15-30% of adults have experienced dyspepsia in a couple of day 1. Countries in the West (Europe) have a prevalence of about 7-41%, but only 10-20% will seek medical1. Figures for the incidence of dyspepsia was estimated at 1-8% 1. Whereas in Indonesia had not obtained certain epidemiological data 1. According to the data of 2007, Indonesia Health profile of dyspepsia has been ranked the 10th most disease categories for inpatients in the hospital in 2006, with the number of patients or about 34.029 are 1.59% 1. Dyspepsia is there one or more symptoms of dyspepsia for 3 months with onset at least 6 months in advance, as the full flavor or nausea in the upper abdomen, quick satiety, bloating, pain in the epigastrium, burning feeling in epigastrium, and there is no evidence of structural or organic disease (after endoscope channels cerna upper part) 5. Dyspepsia may be an early symptom of the disease is critical, for example peptik, kholelitiasis ulcer or gastric carcinoma, but often also in sufferers not found damage to organs 6. Due to the disturbance of mind, exhausted because of too much work and financial problems can also cause dyspepsia complaint 6. Based on whether there is a cause and a symptom of the dyspepsia is divided over the organic functional dyspepsia and dyspepsia 4. It says organic causes of dyspepsia in dyspepsia is obvious, for example the presence of gastric carcinoma, peptikum ulcer, kholelithiasis, which can be found easily 4 . Functional dyspepsia and it is said when the cause is unknown or not found an abnormality on examination of conventional, or Gastroenterology found the presence of organic damage and systemic diseases 4. Basic pathophysiology of functional dyspepsia are very complex and uncertain 4. Some things that are considered to cause, among others, dismotilitas the stomach, gastric acid, h. pylori, psychic, and use of medicines 4. Psychic disorders, and environmental factors can give rise to functional dyspepsia 4. Stress can alter gastric acid secretion, gastrointestinal motility and vascularity 4. At dyspepsia organic (ulcer) the role of stress and personal type remains controversial, although some research can connect high serum pepsinogen and ulcer peptikum 4. The classic view of the 1646 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. pathogenesis of ulcer, where there are factors that increase spending on sour, things that degrade the mucous defenses psychology, stress and h. pylori weakens the mucous defenses 4. CASE PRESENTATION W. W 47 year old, woman was hospitalized in the ward of disease in RS PGI Cikini on November, 05 2014. Patient hospitalized with complaints of nausea and vomited 3 times since 2 days before entering the hospital and appetite decreased since 1 week before entering a hospital. From the results of laboratory examination in clinical chemistry, showed the value of triglycerides 1.2 mg/dL (0.6-1.1 mg/dL), calcium low of 7.3 mg/dL (8.8-10 mg/dL), whereas complete blood screening on HB low i.e. 7,5 gr/dL (14-18 g/dL), under normal Hematokrit 22% (37-43). In this case the patient during treatment was treated with doses i.e., amp 2x1 50 mg, rantin episan 3x1 sdm, domperidone 10 mg 3x1 tablet, 12.5 mg tablet 2x1 catopril, panadol 500 mg 2x1 tablets, and ceftriaxone 1gr 2x1 vial. CLINICAL EVALUATION 1. DRPs 1: not receiving the drug (failure toreceive medication): In this case as seen from the results laboraturium patients experience a decrease in calcium but the patient did not receive the drug. Pharmacis interventions: in presence of laboraturium examination results decreased calcium (hypocalcemia), thus triggered nausea and muntah4. From the beginning of treatment should be given medication ca. gluconase 4. 2. DRPs 2: did not receive medication (medication toreceive Failure): In this case as seen from the results laboraturium patients experience a decrease in patients not receiving but hemaglobin drug. Pharmacis interventions: patients to be given therapy such as folic acid, EPO (erythropoietin), iron salts to combat anemia that occurs in patients. 1647 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. CONCLUSION Based on the results it can be drawn the conclusion that the existence of the DRPs (Drug Related Problems) were not receiving medication that patients experiencing a decrease in calcium but the patient did not receive the drug, supposedly from the early treatment given the remedy of ca gluconase. Not receiving medication that patients experiencing a decrease in patients not receiving but hemaglobin drugs, patients need to be given therapy such as folic acid, EPO (erythropoietin), iron salts to combat anemia that occurs in patients. Drug interactions i.e. captopril with food intake is high enough or high potassium. This can cause high level potassium in the blood. REFERENCES 1. Andre. Y., Machmud, r. a., Widya 2013. Dietary relationship with incidence of depression in patients with Functional Dyspepsia. FK UNAND Health Journals. 2. BPOM. 2008. National drug Informatorium Indonesia (IONI). Jakarta: Sagung Seto. 3. Dugs Interaction. 2014 4. Ginayah, m., Sanusi, h. 2011. Hiperkalsemia. Continuing Medical Education Of IDI. Falkutas Of Medicine University Of Hassanudin. Vol 38. 5. Julita, C, t. 2003. Differences in Depression in patients Functional Dyspepsia and organic. Health Journal USU. 6. Nur Huda Satria Kusuma, I.G. Arinton, Hilma Paramita. 2011. the correlation Score Dyspepsia And Dyspepsia in patients Anxiety Score Outpatient Clinic In the provincial hospital's Prof. Dr. Margono Soekarjo Purwokerto. Mandala of Health. Vol 5. 7. Susanti, A, Briawan, D, Uripi, v. 2011. Risk Factors Of Dyspepsia In Students Of Bogor Agricultural University (IPB). Indonesia medical journal, vol. 2. 1648 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. DRUG RELATED PROBLEMS ACITES TRANSUDATIVE PATIENT ISLAMIC CEMPAKA PUTIH HOSPITAL JAKARTA (RSIJ) Rahmat Yunus1, Diana Laila Rahmatillah2 , Aprilita Rinayanti Efi2, Ihsanil Husna3 1 Student of Pharmacist Professional Program Student, Faculty Of Pharmacy UTA’ 45 Jakarta 2 Lecturer of Faculty of Pharmacy UTA’45 Jakarta 3 Doctor at Cempaka Putih Jakarta Islamic Hospital ABSTRACT Acites is accumulation of serous fluid usually fluid which is pale yellow and clear fluid in the abdominal cavity (peritoneal) 2. The abdominal cavity is located below the chest cavity 2. Liquid asites many found on the patient such as liver disease, cancer, congestive heart failure, and kidney failure 2. Massive asites is the highest degree asites or difficult cured due to massive asites prognosisnya bad, with a survival rate of over 1 year and less than 50% 2. Patient Mr. SH, aged 56 years, admitedto RSIJ on November 26, 2014 with Massive Asites diagnosis. Therapy treatment for treating was. Spironolakton, Propanolol, Tramadol, Vitamin K, Lasix (Furosemid), and Albumin. Based on the results of the practice of the Clerk's ward the RSIJ, then it can be concluded that the DRPs (Drug Related Problem) that was needed additional drug therapy and drug interactions (furosemid and propranolol, and propranolol and spironolakton). Key words: Transudative, Acites, RSIJ Cempaka. 1649 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. INTRODUCTION Acites derives from the Greek askos, meaning pouch or bag 2. Acites is overwrite patoligis fluid in the abdominal cavity 2. Adult male healthy have no or little intraperitoneal fluid, but in females there as many as 20 ml depending on menstrual cycle 2. Approximately 80% of cases of ascites due to cirrhosis of the estimated 3. Some other causes of ascites are congestive heart failure and kidney failure, inflammatory, infectious, nefrosis etc. 3. Complementary examination includes inspection of liquid asites check the color count, protein, bacterial cells and the malignancy 4. Asites is usually yellowish in cirrhosis, redness of the malignancy and murky on the infection 4. Next USG abdomen to measure the size of the liver (cirrhosis small), signs of pulmonary hypertension and pulmonary vein and vein width hepatica 4. Useful also to find focal abnormalities (redirect allegations of violence diseminata) and for the diagnosis of ovarian tumor intraabdomen tumor such as 6. As well as other biochemical tests are blood tests and liver function tests to look for signs of cirrhosis hepatis (the levels of albumin decreased, hiperbilirubinemia, increase in liver enzymes, thrombocytopenia and others 6. Examination of the tumor markers if there is suspicion of malignancy (especially α-fetoprotein for hepatocellular carcinoma, CA 125 for ovarian cancer 6. CASE PRESENTATION Patient Mr. SH, age 56 old at RSIJ on November 26, 2014. Patient come to the enlarged stomach complaints already 1 week, shortness of breath, stomach bloating, no talking lust meal. From the results of laboratory examination at Hematology, demonstrate the value of 7.3 g/dL Hemoglobin (13.2-17.3 g/dL), Hematokrit 23% (40-52% , Erythrocytes 2.42 ˆ 6/10: L (4.40-5.90 € 6/10: L). Clinical chemistry examination shows an increase in the value of albumin decreased 2,4 g/dL (3.4-4.8 g/dL), SGOT is 148 U/L (10-34 U/L), SGPT 93 U/L (9-43 U/L). Whereas on examination, there was a decline in the value of electrolyte sodium (Na) 132 mEq/L (135-147 mEq/L). Third day performed hemoglobin result 9.5 g/dL (13.2-17.3 g/dL). The four include hemoglobin Hematology examinations done 10.4 g/dL (13.2-17.3 g/dL), 31% (hematokrit 40-52% , erythrocytes 3.42 10 ˆ 6/: L (4.40-5.90 € 6/10: L), as well as examination of the albumin of 2.2 g/dL (3.4-4.8 g/dL). In this case, the patient was treated with the use of Lasix (furosemide) which was used as a diuretic drug used to cope with the udem in the patient. The use of Spironolakton was used as a diuretic 1650 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. drug. The use of Propranolol was used to overcome the shortness of breath in patients. Use of Tramadol was used to relieve pain in patients. Granting of Albumin was used to normalize the levels of albumin in the body under normal.Hypoalbuminemia was one cause of udem. Vitamin K given to prevent bleeding. In this case the patient was treated by use of Lasix (furosemide) with a dose of 2 x 1 ampules a day, with a dose of Spironolakton 100 mg 2 x a day, with a dose of 2 x Propranolol 80 mg doses of Albumin was used then 1 x 100 cc a day, used with a dose of Vitamin K 2 x 1 tablet a day, Tramadol was used at the time of laparotomy biopsy post-op with a dose of 2 x 100 mg. CLINICAL EVALUATION 1. DRPs 1: Needs additional drug therapy By looking at the condition of the patients need additional drug therapy where the patient laboratory data seen from a 10-day treatment value of Hb is still below normal values 5. The patient needs to be given pharmaceutical interference therapy such as folic acid, EPO (erythropoietin), iron salts to combat anemia that occurs in these patients 5. 2. DRPs 2: Drug interactions Use of propranolol and furosemide together can lower blood pressure and slow down Your heart rate. This can cause dizziness, or feeling like you are fainting, weakness, fainting, rapid heart beat or irregular, or loss of control of blood glucose. Use of propranolol and spironolactone together can lower blood pressure and slow down Your heart rate. This can cause dizziness, or feeling like you are fainting, weakness, fainting, rapid heart beat or irregular, or loss of blood glucose control 1. Pharmasist intervention avoid drug interactions that occur then we recommended of monitoring serum potassium levels, blood pressure, and blood glucose is recommended. Patient should be advised to seek medical help if they experience dizziness, weakness, fainting, rapid heart beat or irregular, or loss of blood glucose control 1. CONCLUSION Based on the results of it can be drawn the conclusion that the patient suffers from a Transudative due to asites cirrhosis of the liver. In addition there was the DRPs (Drug Related Problems) during therapy treatment which found the DRPs (Drug Related Problems) included additional drug therapy and drug interactions. 1651 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. REFERENCES 1. Anderson, Philip, 2002. Handbook of Clinical Drug Data 10rdEdition. United States of America: The McGraw-Hill Companies 2. Cipolle, Robert J, et al. 2004. Pharmaceutical Care Practice Second Edition. USA: The Mc. GrawHill Companies Inc. 3. Fredman, l. Scott. 2010. Clinical Hepatology: Principles and Practice of Hepatobiliary Disease Volume 1. London: Springer 4. Sutedjo, v., 2007. Pocket Book To Know The Disease Through The Laboratory Examination Result. Jakarta: Aksara Works Birata 5. Debra Johnson. 1999. Women and Anemia. Health Journal 6. Moore KP, et al. 2006. Guidelines of The Management of Ascites In Cirrhosis. Report on The Concensus Conference of The International Ascites Club 1652 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. EVALUATION OF DRUG RELATED PROBLEMS IN THE TREATMENT OF PATIENT WITH CKD (Chronic Kidney Disease) AT THE PGI CIKINI HOSPITAL Ardianti Miranda Sari1, Diana Laila Ramatillah2, Aprilita Rimayanti Efi2, Stefanus Lukas2 1 Student of Pharmacist Professional Program Student, Faculty of Pharmacy UTA’45 Jakarta 2 Lecture of Faculty of Pharmacy UTA’45 Jakarta Email: ABSTRACT Chronic kidney disease or end-stage renal disease (ESRD) is malfunctioning kidneys chronically being progressive and irreversible4. The body's ability to maintain metabolism and electrolyte and fluid balance failed, causing uremia retention of urea and other nitrogen waste in the blood4.Kidney failure occurs if the function was declared a second kidney is impaired to the point when they are not able to exercise the functions regulatory and exscretory to retain homeostasis4. Two common causes of kidney disease are diabetes and high blood pressure4. Genetic factors are also highly influential4. Case presentation: Mrs. JG 63 years old being treated at JG Ward K PGI Cikini Hospital. The patient was diagnosed with the disease CKD.Clinical Evaluation: Drug related problems that occur in these patients is unwanted drug interactions of CaCO3 and Nifedipine, CaCO3 and Captoril. Keywords: CKD, Drug Related Problems, PGI Cikini Hospital. 1653 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. 1. Introduction Chronic kidney disease is the loss of kidney function progressively in a period of a few months or a few years3. This disease is a problem in the field of Nephrology with fairly high incident rate 3. The symptoms of worsening kidney function are unspecific, and might also be found malaise and decreased appetite3. Chronic kidney disease is a public health problem wordwide3. Where is gradually occurring decrease in kidney function over time and are usually settled3. Suffering from end-stage kidney disease and will continue to increase if we do not do prevention and management as well3. As for the disease that often affects kidney damage including diseases of high blood pressure (hypertension), Diabetes Mellitus, blockage of the urinary tract (stones, tumors, strictures/constriction), autoimmune Disorders, such as systemic lupus erythematosus, suffering from cancer, kidney Disorders, in which case the development of numerous cysts on the kidney organ itself (polycystic kidney disease) and destruction of the cells in the kidneys filter either by infection or inflammation due to the impact of hight blood disease3. The term medical degree are known as glomerulonephritis3. 2. Case Presentation Mrs. JG 63 years old, female, hospitalized in the ward K PGI Cikini Hospital inpatients on 08 December 2014 with complaints of chest pain and headaches, patients have a history of past illnesses of kidneys and DM. on 08 December 2014 the Hematology examinations done demonstrate visible presence of abnormality of blood creep rate value 60 mm/h (0-20), leukocytes 13.9 10 ^ 3: L (5.0-10.0 10 ^ 3: L)and look under normal hemoglobin values of 8.8 g/dL (-16.0 13.0 g/dL), erythrocytes 3.06 10 ^ 6: L hematocrit, and 26% (40-48%). Examination of kidney faal visible elevated levels Uremia 177 mg/dL (10-50 mg/dL) occurs in patients with renal failure and triglycerides 10.3 mg/dL (0.6-1.1 mg/dL) showed a decrease in kidney function. For blood sugar checks shows abnormal values at 10: 00 a.m. 112 mg/Dl (70-150 mg/dL), at 11: 00 a.m. 118 mg/dL (70-150 mg/dL) and at 18: 00 109 mg/dL (70-150 mg/dL). The laboratory results from patients at diagnosis have CKD. In this case therapy patients with Cefixime is indicated for treatment of uncomplicated urinary tract infections caused by micro-organisms Escherichia coli and Proteus mirabilis. Captopril is used for the treatment of hypertension that can not be addressed with a combination of other treatment and 1654 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. nifedipine is also given as additional therapy in hypertension. The use of folic acid given in Mrs. JG because failing kidneys on patients occur uremia. The use of CaCO3 and Onandsetron is used to simptomatis therapy in patients with CKD, such as nausea and vomiting. CKD can occur in patients increased levels of urea which can lead to the occurrence of the mucous cell reduction and increase secretion of acid1. 3. Clinical Evaluation Drug Related Problems 1. Interaction between CaCO3 and nifedipine Reduce the effects of CaCO3 Nifedipine antagonism by pharmacodynamic2. Pharmacist intervention: Recommend the use of CaCO3 stopped because CaCO3 inhibits the effects of nifedipine. 2. Interaction between CaCO3 and kaptopril Reduce the effects of CaCO3 Captopril with an unspecified interaction mechanism2. Pharmacist intervention: Recommend the use of CaCO3 stopped because CaCO3 inhibit the effects of the catopril. 4. Conclusion Based on the result of the practice of the lerk's clinic on the Hospital’s Wards K PGI ikini Hospital then it can be drawn the conclusion that the patient experienced disease CKD (Chronic Kidney Disease). Besides DRP (Drug Related Problems) unwanted drug interactions of CaCO3 and Nifedipine, CaCO3 and Captoril. References 1. Anderson, Philip, 2002. Handbook of Clinical Drug Data 10rdEdition. United States of America : The McGraw-Hill Companies 2. Medscape. Dugs Interaction. 2014 3. Suhardjono, Lydia A, Kapojos EJ, Sidabutar RP. 2001. Gagal Kidney Kronik. Buku AjarIlmu Penyakit Dalam Jilid II Edisi 3. Jakarta: FKUI. 4. Suwitra, K. Penyakit Kidney Kronik. Hal. 581. Dalam : Aru W Sudoyo, Bambang S., Idrus Alwi, M. Simadibrata K. and Siti Setiati(Eds). 2006. Buku Ajar Ilmu Penyakit Dalam. Pusat Penerbitan Departemen Ilmu Penyakit Dalam Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia. Jakarta. 1655 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. THE CASE STUDY KIDNEY STONES (UROLITHIASIS) AT THE PGI CIKINI Hospital Robiansyah Panongah Pako1, Diana Laila Ramatillah2, Aprilita Rimayanti Efi2, Stefanus Lukas2 1 Student of Pharmacist Professional Program Student, Faculty Of Pharmacy UTA’45 Jakarta 2 Lecture of Faculty of Pharmacy UTA’45 Jakarta Email: ABSTRACT A kidney stone is the presence of stones in the urinary tract, from the kidneys, ureters, urinary bladder into the urethra4. The exact cause of urinary tract Stones that form is not yet known, because of the many factors that entangled2. Urinary stone disease spread around the globe with a difference in developing countries found a stone jarwhile in developed countries are more plentiful upper urinary tract stone (kidney and ureter), this difference affected the nutritional status and mobility of daily activities3. The average prevalence worldwide is 1-12% of the population suffer from urinary tract stones. the factors that facilitate the occurrence of urinary tract stones include: Hereditary, age, gender, geography, water intake, diet, work3. Case presentation; Mrs. 53 years old CS treated at Cikini Hospital K ward. The patient was diagnosed with the disease right urethral stones. Keywords: Urolithiasis, Urethral Stone right, PGI Cikini Hospital. 1656 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. 1. Introduction Stones in the urinary tract or bladder stones are often called; urinary stone is the presence of stones in the urinary tract, from the kidneys, ureters, urinary bladder into the urethra2. The exact cause of urinary tract stones that form is not yet known, because of the many factors that entangled2. On the nucleation process of hydrogen, sodium, uric acid and uric crystals of hydroxyapatite forms the core of calcium ions and oxalate is then glue (adhesion) in the nucleus to form a mixture of stone 2. This process is called heterogeneous nucleation2. Urinary tract stones in general contain elements of calcium oxalate or calcium phosphate, uric acid, magnesium ammonium phosphate (MAP), Xanthin, and cystine2. Urinary tract stones have a basic component of calcium about 75% in the form of calcium oxalate or calcium phosphate, oxalate and phosphate mixture2. Identification of urinary tract Stones can be done with the analysis of stone, so that the type and composition of the stones can be known2. Many found the jar of a stone while in the developed countries more plentiful upper urinary stones (kidney and ureter), this difference affected the nutritional status and mobility of daily activities2. The average prevalence worldwide is 1-12% of the population suffer from urinary tract stones2. Urinary tract stones can cause complications in the form of obstruction and urinary tract infections2. The manifestation of urinary tract obstruction on the bottom is the retention of urine or other micturition complaints whereas in upper urinary tract stones can lead to hidroureter or hidrinefrosis2. The stone is left inside the urinary tract may cause infection, kidney abscess, pionefrosis, urosepsis and permanent kidney damage (kidney failure)2. Therapy for kidney stones is the ESWL (Extracorporeal Shock Wave Lithotripsy) is a non-invasive therapy, because it does not require surgery or insertion tool into the patient's body2. True to its name, Extracorporeal means outside the body, whilst the Lithotripsy means destruction of rocks, literally meaning the destruction of ESWL ureteral stones using shock wave (shock wave) that transmitted from outside the body2. 2. Case Presentation Mrs. CS is a 53 year old woman was hospitalized in the ward K, Patient hospitalised PGI Cikini on November 30, 2014 with major lower back pain complaintpropagates to the stomach. On the results of examination of complete blood counts on November 21, 2014, the value of the rate of blood 19 mm f/h (0-20 mm/hour , Normal Erythrocytes 3.33 x 10 ˆ 6/: L (4.00-4.50 x 10 ˆ 6/: L , Hemoglobin 1657 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. 10.4 g/dl (12.0-14.0) Hematocrit 30% (37-43) Neutrophil stem 0%(2-6%) and 16% Lymphocytes (2040%) under normal Neutrophil segment, 71% (50-70%) Monocytes 9% (2-8%) Reticulocyte 42/MI (515) 4% Eosinophils (1-3%) and Eosinophils 5%(1-3%) above normal, examination of the rate of deposition of blood to measure creep speed erythrocytes (red blood cells) and describe the composition of the plasma as well as the comparison between erythrocytes (red blood cells) and plasma. The rate of deposition of blood can be used as a means of monitoring the success of the therapy, travel sickness. By a doctor for the preparation of ESWL performed Hematology back on 2 December 2014, hemoglobin 9.2 grams/dl (12.0-14.0 grams/dl) Hematocrit 27% (37-43%) was below normal. Leukocytes, Platelets normally. In the case of patients with therapy Bicnat wich was used in the treatment ofhyperphosphatemiapatients conditions. Hyperphosphatemia on patients with kidney failure occurs as a result of release of phosphate from the cell due to the condition of acidosis and diathesis was often the case. Bicnat working with bind phosphate in the digestive tract thereby reducing phosphate absorption. PCT in usefor pain at the suffering on patients. Vitamin K for the treatment and prevention of bleeding and tranexamic acid containing Transamin/tranexamic. acids used for bleeding after kidney hemorrhage & abnornal ESWL, work by inhibiting fibrinolysis. Tranexamic acid aminokaproat acid analog, was a work by way of block place the bonds on the lysine which usually interact with plasmin, inhibits plasminogen activator to competitively. Cefoperazol was indicated for the treatment of infections caused by urinary tract infection microorganisms without the complications caused by Escherichia coli and Proteus mirabilis. 3. Clinical Evaluation DRPs Adverse drug reaction (adverse drug reactions) The patient complained of a bloated feeling in the abdomen and Bowel dilute this reaction in because effect from any user cefoperazol and the transamine represents side effects on the gastrointestinal tract1. Pharmacist intervention: provision of information to patient for side effects of the drug. 1658 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. 4. Conclusion Based on the result of the practice of the Clerk's clinic on the hospital's Wards K PGI Cikini then can be drawn the conclusion that the patient experienced stone disease kidney stones/rock urethra. Besides DRP (Drug Related Problem) included adverse drug reactions which use along Cefoperazol and Transamine may cause gastrointestinal disorders. References 1. Medscape. Dugs Information. 2014 2. Pahira, J and Pevzner. 2008. Urinary Stone Disease. Penn Clinical Manual of Urologi. 3. Rahardjo D, Hamid. 1997-2002. Perkembangan penatalaksanaan batu kidney di RSCM. 4. Sja’bani. 2006. Ilmu penyakit dalam. Jilid I Edisi 4. Pusat Penerbitan Departemen Ilmu Penyakit Dalam Fakultas Kedokteran. Jakarta 1659 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. DRUG RELATED PROBLEMS ASSOCIATED WITH TREATMENT FOR OBSTRUCTIVE JAUNDICE PATIENT IN PGI CIKINI HOSPITAL Mitra Wynne Timburas1, Diana Laila Ramatillah2, Aprilita Rinayanti Eff2, Stefanus Lukas2 1 Student of Pharmacist Program, Faculty of Pharmacy UTA’45 Jakarta 2 Lecturer of Faculty of Pharmacy UTA'45Jakarta Email: ABSTRACT Jaundice is the yellow color of skin, eye sclera or mucous membranes due to accumulation of bile pigments in blood and their deposition in body tissues. It commonly caused by gallstones, or tumours of the bile duct and liver disorders. Case presentation : Mr. SS, 68 years old, came to PGI Cikini hospital on august 7th 2014, with complaints headache, nausea, abdominal pain, and weakness. Patients diagnosed with Obstructive Jaundice. Clinical evaluation: Based on the clinical evaluation at the ward of K in PGI Cikini it could be concluded that was DRPs (Drug related problems) such as drug use without indication, improper drug selection and drug interactions. Key words : Drug Related Problems, Obstructive jaundice, PGI Cikini Hospital 1660 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. 1. INTRODUCTION Jaundice is derived from the French word jaune, means yellow2. It should be examined under a bright light during the day, to see eye sclera. Jaundice can be divided into two groups: haemolytic jaundice and obstructive jaundice 4. Ikterus caused by bile duct obstruction (occurs when a gallstone or cancer choledochal duct cover) or liver cell damage (occurs in hepatitis), the rate of bilirubin is normal, but it can not pass from the blood into the intestine6. According to Bonheur (2012)2, Jaundice is classified into three categories, depending on which part of the physiological mechanism the pathology affects. The three categories are: a. Pre-hepaticular Pre-hepatic jaundice is caused by anything that results in an increased rate of hemolysis (breakdown of red blood cells), resulting in diseases known as hemolytic disorders which can elevate the bilirubin levels. Hemolytic disorders can be caused by parasite for example eg Bebesia sp., And Anaplasma sp. b. Hepatocellular (hepatic) jaundice can be caused by acute or chronic hepatitis, hepatotoxicity, cirrhosis, and drug-induced hepatitis which here is impairment of excretion of conjugated bilirubin into the bile. c. The mechanism of post-hepatic jaundice is a decrease in the secretion of conjugated bilirubin resulting conjugated hyperbilirubinemia. Conjugated bilirubin is soluble in water, so it is excreted into the urine (bilirubinuria) via the kidneys, but urobilinogen be reduced so the color looks pale stool. Factors causing impaired secretion of bilirubin can be functional as well as factors choledocus duct obstruction caused by cholelithiasis, parasitic infestations, liver tumors, and inflammation resulting in fibrosis. Obstructive jaundice included in hepatic post. 2. CASE PRESENTATION Mr. SS, 68 years old, came to PGI Cikini hospital on august 7th 2014, with complaints headache, nausea, abdominal pain, and weakness. Based on the laboratory tests, Mr. SS was diagnosed obtsructive jaundice. Three years ago he had been in PGI Cikini hospital with the same diagnosis and performed surgery to overcome blockages in the biliary system. The bilirubin levels was elevated (hyperbilirubinemia) for total bilirubin 3.8 mg / dL (0.1 to 1.0 mg / dL) and indirect 1.0 mg / dL (0.1 to 0.8 mg / dL). Then the alkaline phosphatase increased to 3 times from the normal value was 308 U / L (30-125 U / L) and gamma glutamyl transpeptidase examination (GGT) with up to 4 times 1661 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. increase from the normal value is 414 U / L (0-50 U / L), albumin levels was decreased to 2.2 g / dL (3.4 to 4.8 g / dL). Tumor markers such as CA 19-9 was increasing with the value of 87.2 U / mL (<37 U / mL). The patient's blood clotting time (aPTT) elevated to 39.3 seconds (11 to 14.2 seconds) with a control aPTT value 30.8 seconds. Ensuring the presence of obstructive apart with clinical chemistry examination, Radiological examinations were performed on Mr. SS was Ultrasonography (USG) and Magnetic resonance Cholangio-Pancreatography (MCRP). Conclusions from MCRP and USG showed a dam in the biliary system due to the presence of stones in the distal duct occurs choledocus and an enlarged spleen (splenomegaly) and it caused an increase in hydrostatic vein. 3. CLINICAL EVALUATION 3.1 Drug use without indication Using heparin in patient may increase the risk of bleeding. APTT test results at the first day of admission to hospital increased. D-dimer test was increasing with the value of 740 mg / L (0-500 mg / L but it didn’t indicate if patient had DVT (Deep Vein Thrombosis because hipernilirubinemia showed false positive result in the examination d- dimer5. Pharmacists interventions : Avoid the use of heparin. Give vitamin K and antifibrinolytic agents (tranexamic acid) 4. 3.2 Improper drug selection Lack of proper drug selection in patient with providing antibiotic therapy sefuroxim, culture and resistance test was indicated that patient resistant to Sefuroxim then you should use another antibiotic selection and in accorandce with the patient's condition. Pharmacist Interventions: Use alternative antibiotics such as aminoglycosides antibiotics group and class Fluoroquinolon1. 3.3 Drug interactions Drug interactions found such as: sefuroxim and heparin can cause decreasing of prothrombin activity so if it was possible, use alternative antibiotic classes. Heparin and ketorolac may increase 1662 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. the anticoagulant effect. Ranitidine and sefuroxim, which may decrease the effects of ranitidine sefuroxim to increase gastric pH, the same thing also happens in omeprazole and sefuroxim7. Pharmacist Interventions: Change sefuroxim with other antibiotics (aminoglycosides / Fluoroquinolones) and Avoid to use Heparin3,4. CONCLUSION Using heparin in patient based on the D-dimer test were actually false positive while patient experienced a long period of blood clots. To prevent infection before surgery, patient was given Sefuroxim antibiotic dissected while the result of culture and resistance test existed, patient resistanted to Sefuroxim. Found drug interactions between Sefuroxim and Heparin (increasing effect of heparin), heparin and Ketorolac (increasing the anticoagulation effect), Ranitidine and sefuroxim (ranitidine Sefuroxim lowering effect by increasing the pH of the stomach), Omeprazole and sefuroxim (Omeprazole Sefuroxime lowering effect by increasing the pH of the stomach). REFERENCES 1. ASHP Therapeutic Guidelines. Clinical Practices Guidelines for Antimicrobial Prophylaxis in Surgery. 2. Bonheur, J,L. 2012. Biliary Obstruction. Diunduh dari 3. Hepler, C. D., Segal, R., 2003, Preventing Medication Errors and Improving Drug Therapy Outcomes, A Management Systems Approach, CRC Press LLC, Boca Raton, Florida. 4. Mukarami, J and Shimizu, Y. 2012. Hepatic Manifestations in Hematological Disorders. International Journal of Hepatology Volume 2013 (2013), Article ID 484903. 5. Official Publication of The Rocky Mountain State Society of American Medical Technologist. DDimer Issue. Rocky Mountain Health Enquirer Vol.13 Spring2014 Issue1. 6. Samsuhidajat R, De Jong W. 2004. Buku Ajar Ilmu Bedah Edisi 2. Jakarta : EGC. Hlm 198-200 7. Stockley, I.H, 2008, Stockley’s Drug InteractionEdisi kedelapan, Great Britain Pharmaceutical Press. 1663 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. HIPERGLICEMIA IN PATIENT DIABETIC MELITUS TIPE II AT ISLAMIC CEMPAKA PUTIH JAKARTA HOSPITAL (RSIJ) Hasnawati1, Diana Laila.R2, Aprilita Rinayanti2 1 Student of Pharmacist Program, Faculty of Pharmacy UTA’45 Jakarta 2 Lecturer of Faculty of Pharmacy UTA'45Jakarta Email : ABSTRACT Diabetic Mellitus (DM) is a metabolic disease with characteristic hyperglycemia that occurs due to insulin secretion, insulin action, or both of them. Hiperglicemia in diabetic is in connection with longterm damage, failure of multiple organs, especially the kidney eye, nerve, heart and blood vessels3. Patient Mrs. WL 55 years old admitted to RSIJ , on 8 October 2014 with a diagnosis of diabetic mellitus type 2, patient had a complain of nausea, vomiting, heartburn and no appetite. For hospitalized patient got on therapy with glunerorm (gliquidone), simarc two (warfarin), simvastatin (simvastatin), metformin (metformin), digoxin (digoxin), nitrokaf (glyceryl trinitrate), clopidogrel (clopidogrel), furosemide (furosemide), magalat (magadrat simethicone), mucosta (rebamipide), prazotec (lansoprazole), rantin (ranitidine HCl), onandcetron (onandcetron HCl). Based on the result it can be deduced that any form of improper DRP (Drug Related Problems) form of improper (prazotec), improper frequency (prazotec) and the presence of drug interactions (simarc with clopidogrel; digoxin with metformin; simarc with prazotec; digoxin with prazotec; simvastatin with prazotec; prazotec with clopidogrel; simarc with simvastatin). Keywords: Diabetic Mellitus, Hiperglicemia, RSIJ 1664 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. INTRODUCTION Drug is very important role in health care. Treatment and prevention of various diseases can not remove it from the action with drugtherapy or farmakotherapy1,2. Various options are currently available drug, that required careful consideration in choosing a remedy for a disease. No less important, the drug should always be used correctly in order to provide clinical benefit optimal clinical benefit3,4. Too many types of drug available it can also provide a separate problem in practice, especially regarding how to choose and use the medicine properly and safely. Improper use of drugs, ineffective, unsafe and uneconomical or more popular, with the term irrational, at present there own problem in health care, both in developed countries and in developing countries5. This problem often encountered in health care units, for example as in Hospitals, healt centers, private practice, and society. The use of drugs that are not appropriate where the risks that may occur is not balance with the benefit of the drug administration6,7. By Morinda, the use of drug in health services in Indonesia is still a very big problem due to the use of non rational polypharmacy, with the development of polypharmacy is the greater the likelihood of a drugs, for example a patient to get three to five drug even more for each piece of the recipe, usage of excessive antibiotic (43%), a short consultation period on average only three minutes away and the lack of compliance in patient taking the drug8. According to the American Diabetic Association (ADA) in 2010, Diabetic melitus is a group of metabolic diseases with charasteristics hyperglycemia happenes because abnormalities in insulin secretion, insulin action, or both. They are two types of Diabetic are type One and type Two9,10. Diabetic Mellitus Type One is also called insulin dependent diabetic (IDDM), Diabetic Mellitus Type Two is also called insulin dependent not (NIDDM), occurs most often in adults, especially in obese individuals7,8. To select the appropriate medication to the patient, should be based on scientific consideration include consideration of effectiveness, safety, suitability, practicality, and cost. It also should consider the kinetic and dynamic drug9. CASE PERSENTATION Patient Mrs. WL 55 years old age, admitted to RSIJ on 08 October 2014. Patient complained with heart burn, nausea, vomiting, and no appetite. 1665 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. CLINICAL EVALUATION10 In this case, patient treated with glunerorm where glunerorm (gliquidone) sulfonylurea class of drugs used to lower blood sugar levels, in combination with metformin (metformin) biguanide class used for type two diabetic mellitus for patient who do not depend on insulin Simarc 2 (warfarin) used as an anticoagulant. To prevent thrombus given clopidogrel (clopidogrel) as antiplatelet, simvastatin (simvastatin) was used as a cholesterol drug, digoxin (digoxin) ACEI group to prevent heart attacks, nitrokaf R (glyceryl trinitrate) used for the prevention and treatment of angina pectoris, furosemide (furosemide) is used for hypertension and to prevent the occurrence of edema, medicines for peptic ulcers elseis magalat (magadrat simethicone) antacid group, mucosta (rebamipide) PPI group that was always combined with prazotec (lansoprazole), Rantin (Ranitidine HCl) class of H2 blocker, onandcetron (onandcetron HCl) was used to prevent nausea and vomiting. DOSAGE AND USING10 In this case patient treated with glunerorm (Gliquidone) 1 x 1 for three days used orally, simarc 2 (warfarin) dosage of 10 mg / 1 ml 1 x 1/2 day for five days is used orally, simvastatin (simvastatin) dosage 10 1 x 1 mg daily for five days used orally, metformin (metformin) at a dosage of 500 mg 2 x 1 daily for four days used orally, digoxin (digoxin) at a dosage of 500 mg 1 x 1 daily for five days used orally, nitrokaf R (glyceryl trinitrate) at a dosage of 500 mg 2x1 daily for five days used orally, clopidogrel (clopoidogrel) at a dosage of 75 mg 1x1 for four days used orally, furosemide (furosemide) 40 mg 1 x ½ daily for four days used orally, magalat (magadrat simethicone) with a dosage of 3x1 a day for three days is used orally, Mucosta (rebamipide) at a dosage of 3 x 1 daily for four taken orally, prazotec (lansoprazole) at a dosage of 30 mg 2 x 1 daily for four days used orally, Rantin (ranitidine HCl) at a dosage of 2 x 1 daily for four days used by injection, onandcetron (onandcetron) at a dosage of 1 x 1 daily for four days used by injection. LABORATORY RESULT Result of laboratory test on patient Mrs. WL which showed abnormalities at GDS 525 mg/dl (70200), was indication the presence of hyperglycemia, triglyceridese 1.4 mg/dl (> 1.4), was indication the presence of renal failure, sodium 128 mEq/L (135- 147), was indication the presence of hyponatremia, potassium 2.6 mEq/L (3.5-5.0) was indication the presence of hypocalemia, cloride 91 mEq/L (94-111) was indication a disturbance of balance in the body of the patient, SGOT 30 U/L (0-35), SGPT (alanine aminotransferase) 34 U/L (0-35). 1666 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. DRUG RELATED PROBLEMS (DRPs) 1. DRP 1: Required additional drug By looking at the condition of the patient did not need the addition of a drug or condition in which the patient must add more medicine, because treatment already given in accorandce with the therapy. 2. DRP 2: Drug Interactions Simarc with clopidogrel may increasing the risk of bleeding. Digoxin with metformin which may increasing the effects of metformin, which may lead to a life-threatening condition called lactic acidosis, this can be weakness, increasing sleepiness, slow heart rate, muscle pain, shortness of breath, stomach pain, feeling dizzy and faint . Simarc with prazotec combination of these drugs may increasing the risk of bleeding. Digoxin with prazotec combination of these drugs may increasing the effects of digoxin, which prazotec causes elevated levels of blood. Simvastatin with prazotec combination of these drugs can increasing blood level and effect of simvastatin, may increasing the risk of side effect such as liver damage11 3. DRP 3: Failed to receive the drug In this case found the existence failures in the administration of drug or other words or frequency administration of the drug that is given to the patient is not in accorandce with the recommendation of a doctor, that prazotec should be taken 30 minutes before meals. CONCLUSION Based on the result of clinical work practice in internal medicine in RSIJ. It can be concluded that the presence of DRP (Drug Related Problems) in the form of improper and frequency of drug and drug interaction (simarc and clopidogrel; digoxin and metformin; simarc and prazotec; digoxin and prazotec; simvastatin and prazotec; prazotec and clopidogrel; simarc and simvastatin). REFERENCES 1. BPOM. 2008. Informatorium Obat Nasional Indonesia (IONI). Jakarta : Sagung Seto 2. Syamsuddin, Dr. M. Biomed, Apt. 2011. Interaksi Obat Konsep Dasar And Klinis. Jakarta : Universitas Indonesia Press 3. Mansjoer, A, dkk. 2007. Kapita Selekta Kedokteran Jilid kedua. Jakarta : Media Aesculapius FKUI 1667 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. 4. Harsono,. 2003. Kapita Selekta Neurulogi Edisi Kedua, Yogyakarta : Gadjah Mada University Press 5. Priyanto, Drs. M. Biomed, Apt. 2009. Farmakoterapi and Terminologi Medis. Jakarta : Leskonfi 6. Anonim. 2005. Stocley’s Drug Interactions. The Pharmaceutical Press 7. Sutedjo, AY. 2007. Buku Saku Mengenai Penyakit Melalui Hasil Pemeriksaan Laboratorium. Yogyakarta : Amara Books 8. Burns, Dr. Aine. 2009. Renal Drug Handbook third edition. New York : Oxford 9. Karmel TL. Buku Ajar Ilmu Penyakit Dalam Jilid II. Edisi IV. Jakarta : Departemen Ilmu Penyakit Dalam FK UI. 10. Kamil H, Ihsan, dkk. Data Obat di Indonesia. Edisi 10. Jakarta: Grafidian Medipress. 1668 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. EVALUATION OF DRUG RELATED PROBLEMS IN DIABETES MELLITUS DISEASE AND CELLULITIS IN HOSPITAL CENTER OF ARMY (RSPAD) GATOT SOEBROTO JAKARTA Samir1, Diana Laila Rahmatillah2, Aprilita Rinayanti Efi2 1 Student of Pharmacist Professional Program Student Faculty Of Pharmacy UTA’ 45 Jakarta 2 Lecturer of Faculty of Pharmacy UTA’45 Jakarta Email: ABSTRACT Diabetes mellitus is a chronic disorder characterized by hyperglycemia due to insulin deficiency that function allows glucose to enter the cells metabolized as an energy source. Insulin hormone deficiency can be caused by the destruction of pancreatic beta cells that do not produce insulin and decreased receptor sensitivity, resulting increase in blood sugar. Cellulitis is an acute inflammation primarily affects the dermis tissue and subcutaneous with symptoms of fever and malaise, followed by signs of inflammation are swelling, pain and florid. Patient Mrs. SW, aged 45 years, entered the Emergency Room of Hospital Gatot Subroto Army Center on December 10, 2014 with a diagnosis of diabetes mellitus type II uncontrolled and cellulitis. Pharmacological therapy given profenid suppository, Novorapid, ampicillin-sulbactam, domperidone, omeprazole, sodium diclofenac, antacid syrup, Lantus, ramipril, ketorolac, metronidazole, ultracet and clindamycin. Results of clinical studies found a Drug Related Problems that interaction between ketoprofen with diclofenak sodium, ketoprofen with ketorolac, antacids with ramipril. Ketorolac, ketoprofen, sodium diclofenak with ramipril. Novorapid, Lantus with ramipril. There are side effects of adverse drug is sodium diclofenac, ketorolac, and ketoprofen. The use of klindamycin under therapeutic doses. Keywords: Diabetes Mellitus, Cellulitis, Gatot Subroto Army Hospital in Jakarta 1669 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. INTRODUCTION Diabetes mellitus (DM) is one of Communicable diseases in the world and especially in Indonesia. The Results of Basic Health Research in 2007 found that the proportion of the cause of death due to diabetes in the age group 45-54 years old in urban areas was ranked 2nd, that is 14.7%, and the rural areas of this disease is ranked 6th, that is 5, 8%. These findings prove that diabetes mellitus is a public health issue very serious and takes appropriate care for the sufferer. Diabetes mellitus (DM) or diabetes is a chronic disorder characterized by hyperglycemia (blood glucose is too high) and especially regarding the metabolism of hydrate charcoal (glucose) in the body. The cause is deficiency of insulin hormone that functions allows glucose get into the cells to metabolized (burned) and used as an energy source. Insulin hormone deficiency can be caused by the destruction of pancreatic beta cells that do not produce insulin (type 1 diabetes) and decreased receptor sensitivity to insulin resistance which increases resulting in increased blood sugar (diabetes mellitus type 2). Cellulitis is an acute inflammation primarily affects the dermis tissue and subcutaneous. isk factors for this infection is local trauma (skin tears), open sores on the skin or disruption veins or lymph vessels. The disease is usually preceded by trauma, because it is a place in the lower leg. Prodormal cellulitis symptoms are fever and malaise, followed by signs of inflammation are swelling, pain and florid. Cellulitis is usually caused by positive gram microbe and rarely cause bacteremia , research on the 272 cellulitis patients , only 4% of the results of blood tissue encountered pathogens. Cellulitis gram negative can arise in patients with immune yield. CASE PRESENTATION Patient Mrs. SW, aged 45 years old, entered the Emergency Room of Hospital Gatot Subroto Army Center on December 10, 2014, with the main complaints about pain in the genital bumps since 2 weeks before admission, complaints accompanied by swelling, florid, fatigue conditions, reduced food intake, there was no itching vaginal discharge and odorless. Current medical history was diabetes mellitus type II. Previously, she had a history of breast cysts and never had surgery. Patients diagnosed type II diabetes mellitus uncontrolled and cellulitis. CLINICAL EVALUATION Laboratory Examination Results 11 December 2014 1670 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. Type Examination Reference Values result Hematology Complete Hematologic Hemoglobin 12 – 16 g/dL 13,5 Hematocrit 37 – 47% 40 Erythrocytes 4.3 – 6.0 million/μ L 5,7 Leukocytes 4,800 – 10, 800/ μL 18460* 150,000 – 400,000/ μL 512000* Platelets calculate type Basophils 0–1% 0 Eosinophils 1–3% 0* Stems 2–6% 4 50 – 70% 77* 20 – 40 % 11* 2–8% 8 MCV 80 – 96 fL 71* MCH 27 – 32 pg 24* MCHC 32 – 36 g/dL 34 RDW 11,5 – 14,5 % 12,90 Neutrophils Segment Lymphocytes Monocytes clinical chemistry glucose curve Daily <184 182 Blood glucose once <140 mg/dL 143* HbA1c 5,7 – 6,4 % 10,4* Uremia 20 – 50 mg/dL 22 Triglyceridese 0.5 – 1,5 mg/dL 1,0 -/negative -/negative glucose at 11 acetone 12 December 2014 1671 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. Type Examination Reference Values result Blood glucose once <140 mg/dL 225* Acetone -/negative +/positive* Type Examination Reference Values result Blood glucose once <140 mg/dL 237* Uremia 20 – 50 mg/dL 36 Triglyceridese 0.5 – 1,5 mg/dL 0,7 potassium 3,5 – 5,0 mmol/L 4.8 chloride 95 – 105 mmol/L 98 Acetone -/negative -/Negative Reference Values result <184 323* <100 mg/dL 332* <140 mg/dL 365* Type Examination Reference Values result Blood glucose once <140 mg/dL 319* Acetone -/negative -/Negative Reference Values result 14 December 2014 15 December 2014 Type Examination glucose curve Daily glucose at 11 daily glucose curve glucose at 7 Blood glucose once 16 December 2014 17 December 2014 Type Examination 1672 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. Blood glucose once <140 mg/dL 230* Sodium 135 – 147 mmol/L 135 potassium 3,5 – 5,0 mmol/L 5,2* chloride 95 – 105 mmol/L 98 Acetone -/negative -/Negative Reference Values result <100 mg/dL 127* <140 mg/dL 93 18 December 2014 Type Examination daily glucose curve glucose at 7 Blood glucose once List of Drug Therapy 11/12 Name of drug Profenid novorapid Dosage 1 supp prn 3x5 UI ampicilin 4 x 1,5 sulbactam g Domperidon Omeprazol Na. Diclofenac Antasida Syr Lantus Ramipril 3x10 mg 1 x 20 mg 2 x 50 mg 3 x 1C 1x5 UI 1 x 2,5 mg Route 6 12/12 1 1 2 2 8 4 Supp x sc x x x iv x x x Oral x x 2 2 8 4 x x x x x x x x sc x 1 2 2 8 4 x 6 12 18 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x 24 x x x x 6 14/12 1 x x Oral Oral 1 x Oral Oral 6 13/12 1 x x x x x x x x x x x x 1673 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. 15/12 Name of drug Profenid novorapid Dosage 1 supp prn 3x8 UI ampicilin 4 x 1,5 sulbactam g Domperidon Omeprazol Na. Diclofenac Antasida Syr Lantus Ramipril Ramipril novorapid Lantus Ketorolac Lantus Novorapid metronidazole Ultracet Klindamicin 3x10 mg 1 x 20 mg 2 x 50 mg 3 x 1C 1x8 UI 1 x 2,5 mg 1x5 mg 3 x 10 UI 1 x 10 UI Route 3 x 12 UI 3 x 500 mg 3x1 tab 2 x 300 mg 2 2 8 4 6 17/12 1 1 2 2 8 4 x sc x x increase dose 3 x 10 UI x x x iv x Oral stop Oral x Oral x sc Oral x 1 2 2 8 4 x x x x x x x x x x change Ketorolac x x x sc x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x increase dose 3 x 12 UI x x increase dose 1 x 12 UI x x x sc oral 24 x x sc oral 18 increase dose 1 x 5 UI x iv 12 increase dose 1 x 10 UI Oral sc 6 x x x x 6 18/12 1 x x Oral mg UI 1 Supp 3 x 30 1 x 12 6 16/12 1 x x x x x x x x x 1674 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. Vital sign Physical 11/12 12/12 13/12 14/12 15/12 16/12 17/12 18/12 Blood pressure 116/80 130/90 143/90 124/77 140/92 120/81 140/90 160/90 Body temperature 36,3 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 Pulse 110 90 80 82 80 81 90 80 Respiratory rate 20 20 18 18 20 18 20 18 examination DISCUSSION The case studies were conducted on December 11- December 18, 2014 obtained a complete hematology laboratory test results, counts, and clinical chemistry have increased above the reference value, among others: leukocytes, platelets, neutrophils, Segment, Mean corpuscular volume (MCV), blood glucose when, HbA1C . It found a decrease in the levels and mean corpuscular hemoglobin esinophil (MCH). Increased levels of leukocytes usually indicates infection resistance and stress state. Increasing the value of platelets is usually caused due to inflammation, increased neutrophils caused by bacterial and parasitic infections, disorders of metabolites, and bleeding. Increasing the value of MCV seen in liver disease, alcoholism, antimetabolic therapy, folate deficiency / vitamin B12, and valproate therapy, also called macrocytic anemia. an increase in blood glucose levels when, positive urine containing glucose and HbA1c increased indicate diabetes, MCH decline indicates microcytic anemia. Patient with a diagnosis of diabetes mellitus type II uncontrolled vaginal complications sellulitis is given pharmacological therapy: rofenid suppositories (ketoprofen), Novorapid, ampicillinsulbactam, domperidone, omeprazole, sodium diclofenac, antacid syrup, Lantus, ramipril, ketorolac, metronidazole, ultracet and clindamycin. Profenid use as antiinflammatory only given when the patientexperienced pain again in the vagina so that not every day is given. Domperidone 3 x 1 is given when the patient experienced nausea and stopped state after the condition of nausea becomebetter. Use of Sodium diclofenak 2 x 50 mg as antiinflammatory since 11/12 and 16/12 discontinued and replaced with ketorolac intravenously. Reason stopped diclofenac sodium for patient experiencing pain in the stomach state which is a side effect of the drug. Since the beginning of the treatment patient were also given an 1675 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. antacid syrup 3 x 1 tablespoon and 1 x 20 mg omeprazole because the patient has a history of gastritis. 1 x 2.5 mg ramipril started on 14/12 due to the patient's blood pressure since 2 days earlier stage 1 hypertension and normal after administration of ramipril. 5/12 blood pressure back up (stage 1) so that the dose of ramipril increased 1 x 5 mg. Novorapid 3 x 5 UI and Lantus 1 x 6 UI was given since the beginning of treatment and the dose increased according by value of glucose levels. 5/12 blood pressure back up (stage 1) so that the dose of ramipril increased 1 x 5 mg. Novorapid 3 x 5 UI and Lantus 1 x 6 UI was given since the beginning of treatment and the dose increased according by value of glucose levels while. The results of blood and tissue examination 17/12 acquired resistance is not visible growth of bacteria, and not done a test of resistance. 17/12 was given 3 x 500 mg metronidazole and clindamycin 18/12 was given 2 x 300 mg orally for an abscess in the prevention of vaginal and skin infections. The use of ampicillin-sulbactam for urinary tract infections, skin infections and skin structure. Metronidazole as antimicrobial for anaerobic bacteria and protozoa, and clindamycin for gram-positive bacteria and staphylococci are resistant to penicillin. Profenid suppositories, diclofenak sodium, ketorolac, antipyretic and analgesic ultacet as antiinfalamasi, Novorapid and Lantus for diabetes with uncontrolled blood glucose levels. omeprazole and antacids for peptic ulcers and ulcer-related non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Ramipril as antihypertensive drugs. Vital sign the patient's blood pressure did not show real improvement effect, but just increased blood pressure hypertension stage II category is 150/90 mmHg despite dose of ramipril increased from 1 x 2.5 mg to 1 x 5 mg. This condition can be due to a drug interaction between sodium diclofenac, ketoprofen, ketorolac and provided with ramipril. The drug can reduce the effects of ramipril by antagonism pharmacodynamic drug with reduced renal prostaglandin synthesis vasodilatation, and thus affect the homeostasis of fluid and can reduce the antihypertensive effect. ain in the stomach often perceived by the patient. The condition is likely due to the side effects of ketoprofen, ketorolac, sodium diklofenac that can stop the formation of prostacyclin (PGI2) are powerless to protect the gastric mucosa and inhibits acid production, so that thereby responsible for the side effects of irritation of the stomach and intestines. Inhibition of gastric mucosal protection allows the patient more susceptible to pain with a history of gastritis. The use of antibiotics since the beginning of treatment and in combination with other antibiotics because of the results of laboratory tissue to explain the unknown type of bacteria that 1676 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. infect so that a combination with other antibiotics to prevent antibiotic resistance with monotherapy. The use of antibiotics is also based combination therapy to obtain a synergistic effect in the treatment of cellulitis infection. DRUG RELATED PROBLEMS 1. Drug Interactions a. Ketoprofen with ketorolac and diclofenac sodium ketoprofen has a synergistic effect that can increase the toxicity of each drug. Pharmacist Intervention: Should one of these drugs was stopped because the drug was contraindicated therefore not recommended for combination unless there is no alternative and the benefit outweigh the risks. b. Ketoprofen with ketorolac or ketoprofen with diclofenac sodium may increase the anticoagulant, so that necessary measures to avoid the occurrence of bleeding. In addition, these drugs can also cause increase in serum potassium. Pharmacist Intervention: Recommended one of these medications were discontinued or provide a time interval of each drug administration with special monitoring. c. Rampiril may increase the effect novorapid and lantus Pharmacist Intervention: although this interaction is benefit to diabetics, should be strict monitoring of blood glucose levels to avoid the occurrence of severe hypoglycemia. d. Sodium diclofenac, ketoprofen, and ketorolac may reduce the effects of ramipril drug by antagonism pharmacodynamic. NSAIDs reduce prostaglandin synthesis renal vasodilation, and thus affect the homeostasis of fluid and can reduce the antihypertensive effect. Pharmacist Intervention : This drug has the potential for harmful interactions. Use with caution and monitor blood pressure closely. If there is no other alternative or the benefits outweigh the risks can be given interval timing of of each drug. e. Antacids may increase the effect of rampiril Pharmacist Intervention: blood pressure monitoring should be done to avoid the occurrence of severe hypertension and given interval timing of of each drug. 2. Drug Side Effects Sodium diclofenac, ketorolac, ketoprofen can cause gastrointestinal irritation, ulcers, until the bleeding so that aggravate the condition of gastritis patient. 1677 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. Pharmacist Intervention: to reduce these side effects, the lowest effective dose should be given to the shortest possible duration of treatment. 3. Improrer Dose Clindamycin oral dose for adults is 150-300 mg every 6 hours and can be increased to 450 mg every 6 hours. in this case only given a dose of 300 mg every 12 hours or the dose is too small. Pharmacist Intervention: Low doses can cause drug resistance so we need a dose adjustment in accorandce with therapeutic doses. CONCLUSION Based on the results of clinical studies at the Central Hospital of the Army (Army Hospital) Gatot Subroto can be concluded that there was Drug Related Problems (DRP) that was the interaction between ketoprofen with diclofenak sodium, ketoprofen with ketorolac, antacids with ramipril. Ketorolac, ketoprofen, sodium diclofenak with ramipril. The using of clindamycin drug under therapeutic doses. REFERENCES 1. Depkes, RI, 2008. Riset Kesehatan Dasar. Baand Penelitian and Pengembangan Kesehatan. Departemen Kesehatan RI. Jakarta 2. Tjay. T,H., and Rahardja,K, 2007. Obat-Obat Penting : Khasiat Penggunaan and Efek-efek samping. Edisi VI. Jakarta : Elex Media Komputerindo. 3. Djuanda, adhi, 2008. Ilmu Penyakit Kulit and Kelamin. Seventh edition . Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia. Jakarta 4. Swartz MN. 2004. Cellulitis. N Eng J Med. 350; 904-12 5. Kementerian Kesehatan, RI, 2011. Pedoman Interpretasi Data Klinis. Jakarta. 6. BPOM, RI, 2008. Informatorium Obat Nasional Indonesia. Koperpom. Jakarta 7. Medscape. 2014. Multi-Drug Interaction Checker. 8. World Health Organization, 2001. WHO global strategy for containment of antimicrobial resistence. Switzerland. 1678 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. DRUG RELATED PROBLEMSTHERAPY FOR IMPAIRMENT OF CONCIOUSNESS IN PATIENT WITH EPILEPSY AND TUBERCULOUS MENINGITIS SUSPECTED IMMUNOCOMPROMISED Cindra Dewi Talib1 , Diana Laila Ramatillah2, Aprilita Rinayanti Efi2 1 Student of Pharmacist Professional Program, Faculty of Pharmacy 2 Lecturer of Faculty of Pharmacy Tujuh Belas Agustus 1945 University, Jakarta, Indonesia E-mail : Tlp : +62-87889958514 ABSTRACT Epilepsy is an oldest neurological disease, found in all ages and can cause impairment and mortality1. Allegedly there are about 50 million people with epilepsy in the world1. Active epilepsy population is estimated to be between 4 to 10/1000 inhabitants per year, in developing countries is estimated 6 to 10/1000 inhabitants per year1. Meningitis is one of the causes of death of children and adults in many countries in the world2. Bacterial meningitis is always a threat to global health2. Data from WHO in 2009 estimated the number of cases of meningitis and other neurological approximately 500.000 cases with Case Fatality Rate (CFR) 10% worldwide2. Case Presentation: Male patient with initials Mr. S.S, 22 years old, weight 45 kg, entered the Gatot Soebroto Hospital, diagnosed Impairment of consciousness and epilepsy, tuberculous meningitis, and suspected immunocompromised. Clinical Evaluation: Basically, there wereseveral interventions made during the development of the patient. The first one was advising which was to minimize the hepatotoxic effects of antiepileptic drugs, suggesting corticosteroid therapy (Dexamethasone) in accorandce with the recommended dosage, and minimizing the undesirable effects of antiepileptic drugs interactions5,6,7,9. Keywords : Epilepsy, Seizures, Tuberculous Meningitis, Gatot Soebroto Army Hospital Center. 1679 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. 1. Introduction Epilepsy is a brain disorder manifestations with various etiologies, but with typical symptoms, such as periodic attacks caused by excessive release of cortical neurons electrical charge3. Singular attack can not be used as a reason to uphold a diagnosis of epilepsy4. Epilepsy declare a periodically recurring attacks with or without seizures6. The attack caused by overloaded cortical neurons and is characterized by changes in the electrical activity as measured by the Electro-ensefalogram (EEG)6. Seizures stated severity of smooth muscle contraction uncontrolled6. Trigger factor epilepsy include fatigue, lack of sleep, hormonal, psychological stress, alcohol10. Meningitis is an inflammation reaction of one or all of the membrane / membranes (meninges) that encloses the brain tissue or spinal cord, causing changes in the cerebrospinal fluid (exudate) of pus or serous8. Which is usually caused by bacterial, viral and fungal organisms8. Tuberculous meningitis is an inflammation reaction of the lining of the brain caused by basil tubercles8. Immunocompromised patients are patients who are stricken with reactivation TB germs or a new infection5. 2. Case Presentation Male patient with initials Mr. SS, 22 years old, weight 45 kgs, entered the Gatot Soebroto Army Hospital Center on 10 December 2014 at: 00:46 am with a diagnosis: Impairment of consciousness and epilepsy, tuberculous meningitis and suspected immunocompromised. Patient presents with a decline in awareness since 5 hours before hospital admission, fever since 3 days before admission, arms rigid, and could not speak, denied pain, and no nausea, vomiting and cough, drastic weight loss also denied. Patient already taking antiepileptic drugs and often do control to the neurologist. History of allergy was denied, but the patient has a family history of disease that the patient's father had experienced seizures as a child. Patient also experienced the ineffectiveness of cerebral tissue perfusion with somnolent consciousness level. At the time of admission the patient immediately given intravenous RL 20 dpm, milk Entrasol per NGT 200 cc, Phenytoin 100 mg Intra Venous slowly, Dexamethasone Drips 3 x 50 mg, Dexamethasone IV Injection 4 x 5 mg, Ceftriaxone IV Injection 2 x 2000 mg, Citicoline IV Injection 2 x 1680 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. 1000 mg, Ranitidine IV Injection 2 x 1 ampoule, Depakote 250 mg 3 x 1 tablet, Carbamazepine 200 mg 3 x 1 tablet, and blender 1800 cal of food per 24 hours per NGT. Then haematological test that included hemoglobin, leukocyte and differential count, hematocrit, platelets, peripheral blood smear, liver function tests (ALT / AST), check electrolytes (Sodium, Potassium, Calcium, Magnesium), urea, triglyceridese and albumin, CT Scan of the head, thorax photos, AGD test,. The assessment found that abnormally high values of AST 51 U/L (normal value<35 U/L), alanine aminotransferase 72 U/L (normal value<40 U/L), leukocyte count 13,090/µL blood (reference value 4800-10800/µL) and also from the results of a CT scan of the head are both hersisfer cerebral vasogenic edema. 3. Clinical Evaluation Anti-epileptic drugs was aimed to prevent seizures by delivering an effective dose of one or more antiepileptic5. This therapy was to see that people with epilepsy can live a normal life and achieve optimal quality of life for persons with mental possess5. Epilepsy therapy that has been given at the time of the patient treated in the emergency unit is Infusion RL 20 dpm, Intra Venous Phenytoin 100 mg given slowly to cope with seizures, Depakote 250 mg 3 x 1 tablet per NGT, Carbamazepine 200 mg 3 x 1 tablet per NGT . This therapy is a first-line therapy for patients with epilepsy with tonic-clonic seizures6. The additional diagnosis was tuberculous meningitis, the patient was given symptomatic treatment such as IV injection of 4 x 5 mg Dexamethasone to prevent cerebral edema and as a supportive therapy of meningitis, Ceftriaxone IV injection 2 x 2000 mg for severe infections, Citicoline 2 x 1000 mg in the treatment of loss of consciousness because of acute cerebral infarction, neurological disorders or brain damage, Ranitidine IV Injection 2 x 1 ampoule to prevent stress ulcers. 4. Drug Related Problem (DRP) 4.1.DRP I : The dose was too low Based on the British National Formulary No. 51, giving Dexametasone IV injection for the treatment of meningitis treatment supporters, was given in a dose of 10 mg every 6 hours for 4 days 5,7. However, patient was treated with Dexamethasone IV injection dose of 4 x 5 mg and already more than 4 days. This can lead to a lack of effective treatment in doses that do not fit. Pharmacist Intervention: suggest to the doctor to stop Dexamethasone therapy in tappering off (gradually) 5,7,11. 1681 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. 4.2. DRP II : Drug reactions were not desired The use of anti-epileptic drugs can cause hepatotoxicity5,6,7, so it needed to be given hepatoprotective to protect the liver of patient. It was also evident from patient’s high SGOT / SGPT values. Pharmacist Intervention: suggest to the doctor to prescribe HP Pro5,6,10. 4.3. DRP III : Drug Interactions Drug interaction with a significant effect between: Phenytoin and Carbamazepine Phenytoin Carbamazepine lowering serum levels due to induction of enzymes that speed up metabolism Carbamazepine. The effect may not be visible. Need to be monitored serum concentrations in the blood of both drugs11. Pharmacist Intervention: Suggest to the doctor to provide spacing for drug delivery is approximately 2 hours, controlling the levels of phenytoin in blood because phenytoin toxicity can also cause seizures4,7,11. Phenytoin with Depakote (Valproate Sodium) The possibility of an increase in the effects of phenytoin, and decrease the effects of Depakote causing phenytoin toxicity. Need to be monitored serum concentrations in the blood of both drugs. Monitoring the levels of free drug (phenytoin) in the blood to avoid toxicity11. Pharmacist Intervention: Suggest to the doctor to provide spacing for drug administration is approximately twohours, controlling the levels of phenytoin in blood because phenytoin toxicity can also cause seizures4,7,11. Dexamethasone with Phenytoin The effects of steroids may be reduced at the start of giving Phenytoin. This is because phenytoin may be induce enzymes to speed up the metabolism of steroids by the enzyme 6-BetaHydroxylated. However, dexametason also can lower serum levels by increasing the clearance Phenytoin Phenytoin in the liver. Should be given range to give the both of drugs11. Pharmacist Intervention: Suggest to the doctor to provide spacing for drug delivery is approximately 2 hours, controlling the levels of phenytoin in blood because phenytoin toxicity can also cause seizures4,7,11. 1682 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. Carbamazepine with Depakote (Valproate Sodium) The interaction of these two drugs led to decrease the effects of Depakote making it possible to lose control of convulsions or seizures. Monitoring of serum levels of both drugs and seizures or convulsions that occur in patients during the first months after administration or the discontinuation one of drugs obove. Dose adjustment is also needed11. Pharmacist Intervention: Suggest to the doctor to provide spacing for drug delivery is approximately 2 hours5,7,11. 5. Conclusion After discussions with the Physician in charge of patient care, drugs used were in accorandce with the Standards of Medical Services in the Gatot Soebroto Army Hospital and the Association Standards of Medical Care Specialist Doctor Nerve Indonesia (PERDOSSI 2014) for Epilepsy disease and tuberculous meningitis. From the analysis of drug-related problems (Drug Related Problems) can be deduced the presence of drug administration at a dose that was too low, unwanted drug reactions and drug interactions with drugs had an adverse effect on the patient's condition if not treated properly. REFERENCES 1. WHO. Epilepsi. WHO Fact Sheet October 2012 : number 999. Available at : Downloaded on 15 February 2014. 2. WHO. Meningitis. Number of Meningitis Epidemics. 2014. Available at : Downloaded on 15 February 2014. 3. Mardjono and Sidharta. 2008. Neurologi Klinis Dasar. Cetakan ke-12. Jakarta : Dian Rakyat. 4. Harsono. 2007. Klasifikasi Bangkitan Epilepsi and Penjelasannya dalam Epilepsi. (Ed. II). Yogyakarta : Gajah Mada University Press. Page : 26-35 5. Baand Pengawas Obat and Makanan Repubik Indonesia. 2008. Informatorium Obat Nasional Indonesia. Jakarta : BPOM RI, KOPERPOM, andCV Sagung Seto. 6. Sukandar, Elin Yulinah, Dkk. 2008. ISO FARMAKOTERAPI. (Ed. I). Jakarta : PT. ISFI Penerbitan. 7. British Medical Association and the Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain. 2009. British National Formulary 57. Britain : United Kingdom Pharmacist. 1683 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. 8. Muttaqin, Arif. 2011. Buku Ajar Asuhan Keperawatan Klien dengan Gangguan Sistem Persarafan. Jakarta : Salemba Medika. 9. Direktorat Bina Farmasi Komunitas and Klinik, Departemen Kesehatan Republik Indonesia. 2009. Pedoman Pemantauan Terapi Obat. Jakarta : Depkes RI. 10. Persatuan Dokter Spesialis Saraf Indonesia. 2014. Pedoman Tatalaksana Epilepsi. Jakarta : PERDOSSI. 11. Tatro DS (ed). 2004. Drug Interaction Facts 2004. Facts and Comparisons, St. Louis, MO. 12. Tim Penyusun Tenaga Medik. 2014. Standar Pelayanan Medik di RSPAD GATOT SOEBROTO DITKESAD. Jakarta : RSPAD Gatot Soebroto. 1684 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. EVALUATION OF MEDICINE AND THERAPY FOR HEBEPHRENIC SCHIZOPHRENIA WITH TRAUMATIC BRAIN INJURY Arestya Otari1, Diana Laila Ramatillah2, Aprilita Rinayanti Efi2 1 Student of Pharmacist Professional Program, Faculty of Pharmacy 2 Lecturer of Faculty of Pharmacy Tujuh Belas Agustus 1945 University, Jakarta, Indonesia E-mail: ABSTRACT Schizophrenia is a mental illness and medical condition which affects human brain function, influencing normal cognitive, emotional, and behavioral funCtion5.Hebephrenic schizophrenia is the most serious type, in which sufferers experience mental regression to a childlike state, remaining in silence and refusing to communicate with others4. The patient, age 47-year-old woman, wight 150 cm and 35 kg in weight, has been hospitalized for one month with a diagnosis of hebephrenic schizophrenia with traumatic brain injury1. She became ill for the first time after divorcing from her husband. She received treatment of two 2-mg tablets of risperidone and 2-mg tablets of trihexyphenidyl twice every twelve hours, morning and evening, as well as 25 mg of clozapine once every 24 hours. Clozapine and risperidol together can have a heightened anti-dopamine effect which can cause Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome, which have the potential to interact and increase lingering sedative effects. Keywords: schizophrenia, hebephrenic schizophrenia, NMS 1685 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. Introduction Schizophrenia can occur in anyone: data from the American Psychiatric Association (APA) from 1995 indicates that 1% of the world's population suffers from schizophrenia2. 75% of sufferers begin showing symptoms between the ages of 16 and 25 Adolescents and young adults are at high risk because their life at that stage is full of stressors2. Their condition often goes unrecognized by friends and family because it's considered to be simply a phase of adaptation or discovering oneself2. Schizophrenia is a mental illness and medical condition that affects human brain function, specifically cognitive, emotional and behavioral functions4. As a psychosis, it is most characterized by loss of affective feeling or emotional response and withdrawal from normal interpersonal relations4. It is often accompanied by delusions (false beliefs) and hallucinations (perceptions without the stimulation of the senses)4. Its cause is neurobiological, for example an imabalance of dopamine, a chemical cell in the brain. In patients, a decline in transtiretin or pre-albumin, a bearer of the hormone thyroxine, which causes problems in the cerebro-spinal pathway4. Hebephrenic schizophrenia is the most serious type, in which experiences a mental regression to a child-like state. Patients only stay in one place and don't communicate with anyone4. Organic mental disturbances are are mental disturbances and behavior caused by the presence of organic brain syndromes or brain dysfunction from a variety of causes, for example infection, brain trauma, and systemic illnesses that affect metabolism and hormonal function, and mental disturbances and behavior as a result of psychoactive drugs, which disrupt social function or work4. Various annesti syndromes and hallucinations, organic suspicion syndrome, organic affective syndrome, organic personality syndrome, intoxication and withdrawal 4. Case Presentation The patient a 47-year-old, 35 kg, 150 cm woman, was admitted to the hospital at 11:00 on November 21, 2014, with a diagnosis of hebephrenic schizophrenia with mental disturbance as a result of traumatic brain injury1. 1686 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. The patient has a history of serious alcoholism. She first became ill at the age of 30 when she divorced her husband1. She was easily angered and asked for an analgesic to help with a headache, refused to bathe or eat, often talked to herself and ran away1. The triggering factor was being divorced by her husband, her work and social functions were so disrupted that she couldn't be engaged in conversation1. In general, she appeared old, undernourished, and messy1. At the time of being admitted the patient was immediately given 2 2-mg tablets of risperidone and 2 2-mg tablets of trihexyphenidyl twice every 12 hours, morning and evening, as well as 25 mg of clozapin every 24 hours1. Clozapin was administered for one week before being substituted with donepezil at a dosage of one 2.5-mg tablet every 24 hours in the afternoon1. On December 6th she suffered a fall and was given mefanamic acid and ciprofloxacin1. A hematological examnation was conducted, encompassing hemoglobin, leukocyte and blood count, hematocrits, thrombocytes, peripheral blood smear, heart function test (SGPT/SGOT), electrolyte test (sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium), urine, triglyceridese and albumen, a CT scan, and chest X-ray. The result of the tests was abnormal levels of hemoglobin, 11.3 (reference 12-16 g/dL), and thrombocytes, 40200/uL (150,000-400,000/uL), and the result of the CT scan showed intraventicular lesions III causing obstructive hydrocephalus and left mastoiditis1. Clinical Evaluation Antipsychotics are a class of psychotropic drugs. Psychotropik medicines affect psychic function, behavior and experience3. Antipsychotics work to control hallucinations, delusions, and changes in mindset that occur in schizophrenia3. 3.1 DRP 1 (Drug Related Problems) During treatment the patient was given various antipsychotics, among others risperidone, clozapine, and trihexyphenidyl. There were drug interactions, among others: 1687 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. Risperidone in combination with trihexyphenidyl can increase the phramacodynamic effect of trihexyphenidyl. At the same time, clozapine in combination with with risperidone can increase its antidopamine effect, giving rise to Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome which has the potential to interact and induce an extended sedative effect. Clozapine in combination with trihexyphenidyl also increases the pharmacodynamic effect of trihexyphenidyl. Inteference of the Pharmacy If one drug increases the effect of another, together they could decrease the desired effect of the therapy. For this reason, adjustment of dosage and spacing of the administration of the various drugs is necessary6. 3.2 DRP 2(Drug Related Problems) Clozapine causes Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome, an idiosyncratic reaction that doesn't depend on initial blood levels. NMS can occur with only one does of neuroleptics, usually developing within the first four weeks after beginning treatment. It mainly develops 24-72 hours after the administration of neuroleptics, Autonomic dysregulation symptoms include tachycardia, fever, and a rise in blood pressure. Extrapyramidal symptoms include tremors while sleeping, dystonia, and dyskinesia. NMS affects laboratory results, increasing levels of triglyceridese and causing leukocytosis, thrombocytosis, and dehydration3. Interference of the Doctor The use of clozapine was halted and replaced with donezepil1. Interference of the Pharmacy Clozapine caused NMS, resulting in the administration of donezepil3. Conclusion From this case it be can be concluded that schizophrenia can befall anyone, and hebephrenic schizophrenia is a considerably serious variant. This illness is often discovered late by family and acquaintances because it's considered to be a normal aspect of development. In the administration 1688 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. of antipsychotics first at the lowest possible dosage, then gradually increasing to a higher dosage (tapering off), it is necessary to monitor the interaction of each drug in order to avoid causing Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome, which can result in a fatal administration of medicine. If drugs interact, it is best if their administration is spaced or dosage is reduced in order to achive the desired therapeutic effect. REFERENCES 1. Constituent Medical Personnel Team. 2014. Medical Treatment Standards in RSPAD GATOT SUEBROTO DIKESAD. Jakarta: RSPAD Gatot Suebroto. 2. Yosep Iyus. 2013. Keperawatan Jiwa. edisi ke-3. Bandung: Refika Aditama. Hal 59-75. 3. Maslim, r: Pedoman Penggolongan And Diagnosis Gangguan Jiwa Di Indonesia, Edisi 3, Direktorat Kesehatan Jiwa Departemen Kesehatan RI.Jakarta.2002. Hal 46-51 4. Hawari Daandg. 2003 . Schezophrenia Dalam Pendekatan Holistik Pada Gangguan Jiwa, Penerbit FKUI. Jakarta . 5. Kaplan & Sadock: “Schezophrenia” Dalam Sinopsis Psikiatri Jilid 1, Edisi 7, Penerbit Bina Rupa Aksara .Jakarta .1997. Hal 685-729 6. Saragi Sahat. 2012. Panduan Penggunaan Obat. Rosemata Publiser. Jakarta. 1689 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. TREATMENT OF THE CHRONIC KIDNEY DISEASE (CKD) PATIENT IN THE PGI HOSPITAL CIKINI JAKARTA Nancy Tangkelangi1, Diana Laila Rahmatillah2, Aprilita Rinayanti Efi2, Stefanus Lukas2 1 Student of Pharmacist Professional Program Student, Faculty Of Pharmacy UTA’45 Jakarta 2 Lecturer of Faculty of Pharmacy UTA’45 Jakarta Email: ABSTRACT Renal failure is usually divided into two broad categories namely chronic and acute1. Chronic renal failure is a progressive development of renal failure and slow (usually lasting several years), whereas acute renal failure occurs within a few days or a few weeks1. In both cases, the kidneys lose their ability to maintain the volume and composition of body fluids in a state of normal food intake. Although functional disability were similar in both types of terminal renal failure, but acute renal failure have a typical illustration and will be discussed separately1. Mrs.MS patients, aged 66 years, entered PGI Cikini Hospital on September 7, 2014 with a diagnosis of CKD (Chronic Kidney Disease). Therapy treatment for hospitalized was rindopump inj, onandcetron 8mg inj, glucodex, folic acid tablets, gliquidon tab, lactulax syr, Hp. pro stamp, PCT 500mg tabs. Based on the results, it can be deduced that the presence of DRP (Drug Related Problems) form patient was onandsetron treanng for patient drug with hepatic impairment which one maximum dose at 8 mg daily, so the decrease in drug onandsetron in patient should be lowered of 16mg daily to 8 mg daily3. Keywords: Chronic Kidney Disease Haemodialisis and PGI Cikini Hospital. 1690 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. INTRODUCTION Chronic kidney disease is a pathophysiological process with diverse etiologies, resulting in a progressive decline in renal function and generally end up with kidney failure. Furthermore, renal failure is a clinical condition characterized by an irreversible decline in kidney function, to the degree that requires renal replacement therapy which remains, in the form of dialysis or kidney transplantation2. Chronic renal failure or end stage renal disease (ERSD) is a progressive disorder of renal function and the irreversible metabolism and ability tubules maintain fluid and electrolyte balance, causing uremia, chronic renal failure or end stage renal disease (ERSD) is a progressive renal dysfunction and the irreversible metabolism and ability tubules maintain fluid and electrolyte balance, causing uremia4. Chronic renal failure (CRF) is damage to renal physiology is almost always can not be recovered, and can be caused by various things. The term uremia has been used as the name of this state for more than a century, although now we realize that the symptoms of chronic renal failure was not entirely due to the retention of urea in the blood4. Chronic renal failure occurs after a variety of diseases that damage the kidney nephron mass. Most of this disease is a disease of the renal parenchyma diffuse and bilateral, despite the obstructive lesions of the urinary tract can also lead to chronic renal failure. At first, some kidney disease primarily affects glomerular (glomerulonephritis), whereas other species mainly attack tubuls kidney (pyelonephritis or polycystic kidney disease) or may also interfere with blood perfusion of the renal parenchyma (Nephrosclerosis). However, when the disease process is not inhibited, then in all cases the entire nephron eventually destroyed and replaced by scar tissue1. The criteria for chronic kidney disease are1: 1 Kidney damage that occurred during the 3 months or more, such as abnormalities of structure or function of the kidney, with or without decreased glomerular filtration rate (LGF), by: - Pathological abnormalities. 1691 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. - A sign of kidney damage, including abnormalities in the composition of the blood or urine, or abnormalities in imaging examination. 2. GFR <60 ml / min / 1.73 m2 were going for 3 months or more, with or without kidney damage. Chronic renal failure was defined as a progressive decline in renal function were reversible and not caused by different types of diseases. Underlying disease difficult to recognize when it has severe kidney failure. When the glomerular filtration rate (GFR) falls below 25-30% of the normal rate, the kidneys may become unable to excrete the remains of nitrogen, adjust the volume and electrolyte, and secretes hormones. CASE PRESENTATION Patients aged 66 years Mrs.MS entered PGI Cikini Hospital on September 7, 2014. Patient present with pain of the right lower abdomen accompanied by severe nausea and vomiting. CLINICAL EVALUATION Inj rindopump use to treat stomach pain, nausea Onandcetron for folic acid to patients. Lactulax used to laksativa and to supplement the liver as well as the PCT for analgesic and antipiretic. DOSAGE AND USE3 No. Drugs Giving method Dose Indications 1. Rindopump Inj IV 2 X 1 amp daily Antibiotic 2. Onandcetron 8mg IV 2 X 1 amp daily Vomiting Sick Inj 3. Glucodex PO 1 x 80 mg daily Antidiabetic 4. Asam Folat tab PO 1 X 2 tab daily Suplement 5 Gliquidon tab PO 1 x 1/2 tab daily Antidiabetic 6 Lactulax syr PO 1 X 1 C daily Laksantiva 7 Hp. Pro cap PO 2 X 1 cap daily Liver supplement 8 PCT 500mg tab PO 3 X 1 tab daily Analgetic and Antipiretic CLNICAL LABORATORY VALUES Type of Result Unit Normal value 1692 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. examination Hemoglobin *9,1 g/dL 13,0-16,0 Hematocrit 44 % 40-48 Leukocytes 9,1 10^3 µL 5,0-10,0 Platelets 259 10^3 µL 150-450 Reticulocyte *18 µg/L 5 – 15 Type of Result Unit Normal value Freezing period 10 - 11 minutes 10,0 – 16,0 APTT 32,6 second 26,4 – 37,5 PT 12,5 second 11,0 – 14,2 Fibrinogen 225 mg/dL 180 – 350 Total Protein 7,3 g/dL 6,0 – 8,0 Albumin 3,5 g/dL 3,4 – 4,8 Globulin *3,8 g/dL 1,3 – 3,7 Urea *101 mg/dL 10 – 50 Triglyceridese *3,0 mg/dL 0,6 – 1,1 Sodium *156 mmol/L 135 - 147 Potassium 3,5 mEq/l 3,5 – 5,0 examination GUIDELINE PAIN 1693 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. MANAJEMEN TREATMENT CKD (CHRONIC KIDNEY DISEASE) DRUG RELATED PROBLEM DRUG RELATED PROBLEM The dose was too large (Over Dosage): Where for patient who treated in hospital. Cikini patient was receiving onandsetron drug 16mg daily, while according to the literature, the dose for patient with hepatic impairment is a maximal dose of 8 mg daily3. Thus lowering the dose of the drug onandsetron in patient should be lowered from 16mg daily to 8 mg daily3. Pharmaceutical Interventions : doses of the drug onandsetron at 8mg daily 3. CONCLUSION Based on the result, it can be deduced that the presence of DRP (Drug Related Problems) form of the dose is too large (Over Dosage): The use of onandsetron in patient with hepatic impairment maximum dose is 8 mg per day. Thus decrease drug onandsetron in patient should be lowered from 16mg daily to 8 mg daily3. 1694 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. REFERENCES 1. A. Price, Sylvia & M. Wilson, Lorraine. 2005. Edisi 6. Vol.2. Gagal Kidney Kronik. Patofisiologi Konsep Klinis Proses-proses Penyakit. Jakarta: EGC . 2. Aru W Sudoyo, dkk. 2009. Jilid 3. Edisi V. Penyakit Kidney Kronik. Buku Ajar Ilmu Penyakit Dalam. Jakarta : Interna Publishing. 3. Burns, Dr. Aine. 2009. Renal Drug Handbook third edition. New York : Oxford. 4. Smeltzer, Suazanne C. 2001. Edisi 8. Volume 2. Gagal Kidney Kronik. Buku Ajar Keperawatan Medikal-Bedah Brunner & Suddarth. Jakarta: EGC. 5. Sibuea, W Herdin, dkk. 2005. Penanggulangan Gagal Kidney Kronik. Ilmu Penyakit Dalam. Jakarta : AsdiMahasatya. 6. Jay H. Stein, MD. 2001. Panduan Klinik Ilmu Penyakit Dalam.Jakarta : EGC. 1695 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. DRUG RELATED PROBLEMS ASSOCIATED WITH TREATMENT FOR CEREBROVASCULAR DISEASE PATIENT IN PGI CIKINI HOSPITAL Marisca Theresia Thomas1, Diana Laila Ramatillah2, Stefanus Lukas2 1 Student of Pharmacist Professional Program Student, Faculty of Pharmacy UTA'45Jakarta 2 Lecturer of Faculty of Pharmacy UTA'45Jakarta Email : ABSTRACT Cerebral Vascular Disease or Stroke (CVD) is a loss of brain function caused by the cessation of blood supply to the brain1. Stroke is also a brain disorder both functionally and structurally caused by pathological state of cerebral vessels or of the entire vascular system of the brain2. Case Presentation: Mrs. SZ 65 years old came to PGI Cikini Hospital with complaints of slurred speech, restlessness and weakness.Three days before hospitalized, the patient greenness vomiting and migraine headache. At that time, the patientgot fever and cough with thick white mucus. Patient was suspected for decreasing of cognitionthat caused by CVD. Clinical Evaluation: During the treatment, patient received 9kinds of drugs : Ceftriaxone, Soholin (Citicoline), Aspilet (Acetylsalicylic acid), Simvastatin, Omeprazole, Cilostazol, Toplexyl (Oxomemazine, Guaifenesin), Captopril and Albumin. Towards profile treatment of Mrs. SZ,there wereDRPs (Drug Related Problems) such asFailure to receive medication, Untreated indication and Drug interactions. Keywords: Cerebral Vascular Disease, Drug Related Problems, PGI Cikini Hospital 1696 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. 1. Introduction Cerebral Vascular Disease or Stroke (CVD) is a loss of brain function caused by the cessation of blood supply to the brain1. Stroke is also a brain disorder both functionally and structurally caused by pathological state of cerebral vessels or of the entire vascular system of the brain2. Stroke usually is caused by one of the four case: (1) thrombosis (blood clots in the blood vessels of the brain or neck), (2) cerebral embolism (a blood clot or other material brought to the brain from other parts of the body), (3) ischemia (decreased blood flow to areas of the brain) and (4) cerebral hemorrhagic (rupture of cerebral blood vessels and bleeding into the brain tissue or the space around the brain)1. 2. Case Presentation Mrs. SZ 65 years old came to PGI Cikini Hospital with complaints of slurred speech, restlessness and weakness. Three days before hospitalized, the patient greenness vomiting and migraine headache. At that time the patientgot fever and cough with thick white mucus. Patient was suspected of decreasing cognitionthat caused by CVD. The patient also had a history of Hypertension and Diabetictype II, it was also confirmed from the results of hematological examination. Results of laboratory tests showed abnormal values, such as an increased erythrocyte sedimentation rate, leukocytes and kinds of leukocyte. At the same time hemoglobin and hematocrit decreased. Besides microbiological examination was also conducted to see which antibiotic that was resistant. 3. Clinical Evaluation 3.1 Drug Related Problem 1(Failure to Receive Medication): Patient failure / not receive medication that was Captopril 25 mg on August 31st 2014 because the stock of drugs were empty. Pharmacist Intervention: The procurement should more concern about drug supply so there was no stock of drugs are empty. 3.2 Drug Related Problem 2 (Untreaetd Indication) : There were indications that was not handled, the patient did not get the treatment for Diabetic type II disease. Pharmacist Intervention: Patient should be given treatment to decrease blood glucose because patient had a history of Diabetictype II andblood glucose and test results showed abnormal values. 3.3 Drug Related Problem 3 (Drug Interactions) : 3.3.1 Omeprazole may increase the toxicity of Cilostazol metabolized by enzyme CYP2C193. 1697 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. Pharmacist Intervention: Set the interval between the first drug and the other one. Use alternative if available, such as H2 Blocker (Famotidine)4. 3.3.2 Aspilet can be decreased of effect from Captopril through antagonist pharmacodynamic interactions and can cause potentially risk3. Pharmacist Intervention: Use alternative if available, such as Calcium Channel Blocker (Amlodipine)5. 3.3.3 Cilostazol and Aspilet, both of them can increase the toxicity through synergist pharmacodynamic interaction and potentially bleeding, drug use should be monitored3. Pharmacist Intervention: Use one of the drugs only. If had to use both medications, set the interval between the first drug and the other one and it need to check Prothrombin Time and INR3. 4. Conclusion Towards profile treatment of Mrs. SZ,there wereDRPs (Drug Related Problems) such as such asFailure to receive medicationCaptopril 25 mg on August 31st 2014, Untreated indication that was treatment for Diabetic type II and Drug interactions between Omeprazole with Cilostazol, Captopril with Aspilet and Aspilet with Cilostazol. References 1. Smeltzer & Bare, 2001. Buku Ajar Keperawatan Medical Bedah Brunner & Suddarth (Edisi 8). Jakarta: EGC. 2. Doengoes, E., Marilynn., Moorhouse, F., Mary., and Geissler, C., Alice, 2000. Rencana Asuhan Keperawatan: Pedoman untuk perencanaan and pendokumentsianperawatan pasien (Nursing care plan: guidelines for planning and documenting patient care)(3th Edition). Jakarta: EGC. 3. British National Formulary. 2009. BMJ Group UK. 4. Stockley, I.H, 2008.Stockley’s Drug Interaction(8th Edition), Great Britain : Pharmaceutical Press. 5. Talbert, R. L., 2008. Cardiovascular Disorders In: Pharmacotherapy A Pathophisiologic Approach (7th Edition). Eds Dipiro J. T. San Fransisco; McGrow-Hill Companies, Inc. 1698 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. EVALUATION OF DRUG RELATED PROBLEMS (DRP) AT VOMITING TREATMENT IN PATIENT WITH HEMORRHAGIC STROKE IN PGI CIKINI HOSPITAL, CENTRAL JAKARTA Tiarim L.D Nainggolan S.Farm1, Diana Laila Rahmatillah2, Aprilita Rinayanti3 1 Student of Pharmacist Program, Faculty of Pharmacist UTA’45 Jakarta 2 Lecture Faculty of Pharmacist UTA’45 E-mail : ABSTRACT Stroke is a disease caused by an acute deficit of cerebral vascular disorder that occurs suddenly and can lead to disability or death1. Stroke or interruption of blood flow in the brain is also known as a brain attack (brain attack), a cause of disability (disability, invalidity)1. hemorrhagic strokes require quick handling due to its neurotoxic elements of degradation of blood that can contaminate and destroy nearby tissue rupture of blood vessels in the brain2. Nausea and vomiting are symptoms of the underlying disease and not a specific disease6. Case Presentation : Male patient with initial Mrs. DN, 81 years old. entered hospital on September 07 2014 with complaint of vomiting to overcrowd, impaired pulmonary oxygenation and electrolyte disorders caused by vomiting. Clinical Evaluation: During the treatment of patient treated with Depakote, Folic Acid, Vitamin B complex, lansoprazole, Placta, Xarelto, Sangobion, NaCl caps, Azitromicyn, Primperan, Simvastatin, Ranitidine ampoule, Onandsentron, Ventolin Inhalation + Flixotide + bisolvon 10 drops + Diphenhydramine . Based on the clinical outcomes of patient it can be concluded the DRP (Drug Related Problems) was the indication that was not addressed in the treatment which was to the pasient. Keywords: Stroke, vomiting, Brain attack 1699 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. 4. Introduction Stroke is a disease caused by an acute deficit of cerebral vascular disorder that occurs suddenly and can lead to disability or death1. In general, strokes are used as synonyms: Cerebral Vascular Disease (CVD) and a Doctor of Education core curriculum in Indonesia (KIPDI) termed stroke as a disease caused by circulatory disorders of the brain (GPOD)1. Stroke or interruption of blood flow in the brain is also known as a brain attack, which is a cause of disability (invalidity)1. Classification of Hemorrhagic Stroke, According to WHO in the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health problems 10th Revision, hemorrhagic stroke divided into: a. Bleeding Intraserebri (PIS), b. Subarachnoid hemorrhage (PSA), c. Subarachnoid haemorrhage2. Vomiting is a symptom not a disease. These symptoms are such as discharge of the contents of the stomach and intestines through the mouth by force6. Vomiting is a protective reflex of the body because it can protect against accidentally ingested toxins6. Additionally, vomiting an attempt removing toxins from the body and can reduce the pressure due to blockage or organ enlargement that causes suppression of the digestive tract. Impact and complications of vomiting itself : body dehydration, this will has implications of hypovolemic dehydration of the body, dry skin / cracking, loss of consciousness, Metabolic Acidosis due to lack of H + in the stomach, Tooth decay due to acid eroded stomach, Weak stomach, impaired vision and hearing5. 5. Case Presentation Mrs. DN 81 years old who was treated in hospital wards K in PGI Cikini. The patient had a history of previous stroke, came to the hospital on September 7, 2014, the patient came with a limp because of a condition that causes severe vomiting spasms, impaired pulmonary oxygenation and electrolyte disturbances. Patient had no history of allergy to the drug. Vital examination conducted blood presure 130/100, 36.70 body temperature, pulse 80 / minute, and respiratory rate 18 times / minute. 6. Clinical Evaluation Based on clinical data and results of laboratory tests in the diagnosis Mrs.DN body electrolyte deficiency due to severe vomiting experienced by the patient, it seen from the data of clinical laboratory tests Sodium (Na) 122 mmol / L, potassium (K) 3.2 meg / L, calcium (Ca) 8.1 mg / dL. Clinical laboratory tests have been carried out based on the results of the examination of hemoglobin 10.1 g / dL, leukocytes 18.3 10 ^ 3, Retikuosit 39 per mil, Sodium (Na) 122 mmol / L, 1700 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. potassium (K) 3.2 meg / L, calcium (Ca) 8.1 mg / dL. From the results of the aerobic germs Breeding Microbiology Sputum materials, procedures and culture of resistance from the results obtained antibiotic sensitive (S) is ampicillin - sulbactam 20 µg, 15 ug Tigecyline, and Sulpham / TriMet 23.75 / 1.25 µg. a. Drug Related Problem 1: In this case, patient received treatment therapy using Depakote 125 mg twice-daily dosing, indications of Depakote was an anti-seizure, and can be given as a sedative for seizures. but it seen from the medical records of patients not experiencing restless during hospital visits so that the provision was not necessary Depakote during therapy, in addition to the side effects of Depakote is nausea and vomiting, while the patient came to the hospital with complaints of severe nausea and vomiting4. Intervention of pharmacist : Therapy Depakote (sodium divalproat) should be stopped as it will be worsen the patient's condition4. b. Drug Related Problem 2 : In the case of Mrs. DN, patient received antibiotic treatment therapy Azithromycin, from breeding Microbiology laboratory results obtained aerobic germs that are resistant to azithromycin. Intervention of phamacist : better use of antibiotics in the treatment of antibiotic tigecycline treatment using 15μg according to the sensitivity of the tissue culture3. 7. Conclusion After a review of therapeutic treatment of patient, it can be concluded that the therapeutic treatment of patients Mrs. DN was not rational for giving Depakote (sodium divalproat) were less needed by the patient during treatment and antibiotics were not in accorandce with the laboratory results also in getting that patients resistant to antibiotics azithromycin group. REFERENCES 1. Jennie MN, Yudiarto LY. Pengelolaan mutakhir stroke: Patofisiologi stroke. Semarang: Baand Penerbit Universitas Diponegoro. Semarang; 1992. 2. Noerjanto M. Management of acute stroke: Masalah-masalah dalam diagnosis stroke akut. Semarang: Baand Penerbit UNDIP; 2002. 3. Anonim,. 2009. Martindale 36 th. London Se1 7JN, UK 1701 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. 4. Anonim, 2009 BNF 57. London, SE1 7JN, UK 5. Muttaqin, Arif. 2008. Buku Ajar Asuhan Keperawatan Klien Dengan Gangguan Sistem Pernafasan. Jakarta : Salemba Medika 6. Mohamed H. Rahman, jane Beattie. 2004. Post operative Nause and Vomiting. The pharmaceutical Journal.27 1702 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. DRPs OF SCHEIZOPRENIA DRUGS AT ARMY GATOT SOEBROTO HOSPITAL JAKARTA Nurhayati1, Diana Laila Rahmatillah2, Aprilita Rinayanti2 1 Student of Pharmacist Program, Faculty of Pharmacist UTA’45 Jakarta 2 Lecture Faculty of Pharmacist UTA’45 ABSTRACT Skizoprenia represent one of the soul trouble which is its attack possible arise acutely. Every patient which suspected to suffer skizoprenia have to be checked by psikiater after removed by possibility of[is existence of disparity of organik1. Patient is SY, aged 40th years came to Amino treatment of RSPAD Gatot Soebroto soul sent by family, with angry sigh, destroy goods, angry, can communicate. Patient got anpispikotik therapy. Conclusion of existence of interaction medicinize risperidon and clozapine which do not so significance. Keywords: DRPs, Schezophrenia, clinical management, hospital practice 1703 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. INTRODUCTION. Various theory is including genentik factor considered to be cause, acute psikosis patient possible whoop it up behaviour and intrude, the possible preceded by symptom early (prodmoral) in the form of secession from social relation, real trouble in role function for example as wage earner, comporting is bizzare, real trouble in x'self hygiene and dress, blunt effect, leveling off or is not compatible, talking digress, showing bizzare idea, existence of illusion and is other of etc1. When patient very whoop it up and jumpy so that bother environment or enandger their self and also others hence patient need take care of. Skizoprenia is chronic disease which need conservancy therapy to prevent cause1. continuous Conservancy therapy use low dose antipsikotic needed, because therapy which by snatches cannot prevent relapsing. CLINICAL EVALUATION Patient got risperidon, clozapine as atipikal antipsikotik, trihexypenidil, serolin, piracetam, voltadex, clopidogrel as antiplatelet because finding of at result of MRI d show chronik infarc in right occipital lobus cortical, do not see haematom marking and also SOLE intracranial, right mastoiditis atensi. DOSE and ADMINISTRATION Dose Should be 0.5–6 mg Indication Antipsikotic 25 mg daily-bid initial Dose Administr Regimen ation 2 mgx2/d PO Risperidon 25 mg x PO Clozapine 2 mg x 2/d PO Trihexypenidil 10 mg x 1/d PO Serolin 75 mg x 1/d PO Clopidogrel 800 mg x 2/d PO Piracetam 12,5 mg x2/d PO Voltadex Name of drug 1/night 2–5 mg PO daily-qid 75 mg/d Antipsikotic Antiplatelet (result MRI) 1704 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. LABORATORIUM RESULTS 25th OCT NORMAL VELUE ROUTINE HEMATOLOGI 14,5 13-18 g/dL Haemoglobin 43 40-52 % Hematocrit 4,8 4.3-6 juta/ Erythrocyte 28.100* 4800-10.800 / Leukocyte s 281.000 150.000-400.000/ Trombosytes 89 80-96 fL MCV 30 27-32 pg MCH 34 32-36 g/dl MCHC 13,70 11,5-14,5% RDW Diff Count 0 0-1% Basofil 1 1-3% Eosinofil 3 2-6% Rod 66 50-70% Segmen 25 20-40% lymphocytes 5 2-8% Monocytes CLINIC CHEMISTRY 1,06 <1.5 mg/dL Bilirubin total 100 <0.3 AST 88 <1.1 ALT 109 <200 Cholestrol total 83 <160 Trigliserida 34 >35 Cholestrol HDL 58 <100 Cholestrol LDL 22 20-50 Uremia 0,6 0,5-1,5 Triglycerides 1705 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. 6,0 3,4-7,0 Sour blood vessel 94 <140 Blood time glucose DRUG INTERACTION There were interaction medicinize between clozapine and risperidon which can improve Pharmacology effect from clozapin with significance 4th onset delayed, severity major2. Intervention of Pharmacy was monitoring clozapin serum rate and adjustment of clozapin dose2. CONCLUSION. Pursuant to result of practice pharmacist in Amino Treatment room of Soul RSPAD Gatot Soebroto Ditkesad, can be concluded that found the existence of interaction medicinize between clozapine and risperidon which can improve pharmacology effect from clozapin with significance 4th onset delayed, severity major. Intervention of Pharmacy was monitoring clozapin serum rate and adjustment of clozapin dose. REFFERENCES 1. Depkes RI. 2010.Pedomann Pengobatan Dasar di Puskesmas.Jakarta. 2. Tatro, David S. 2012.Drug Interactions Fact.Walters Kluwers Health, Inc. 3. Gomella, Leonard A dkk.2009. linician’s Pocket Drug Refence.Mc Graw Hill Medical. New York. 4. BPOM.2008.Informasi Obat Nasional Indonesia (IONI). Jakarta:Sagung Seto. 1706 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. EVALUATION OF DRUG RELATED PROBLEM IN TREATMENT OF APPENDICITIS PATIENT Siska Mislu1, Diana Laila Rahmatillah2, Aprilita Rinayanti2 1 Student of Pharmacist Professional Program, Faculty of Pharmacist UTA’45 Jakarta 2 Lecture Faculty of Pharmacist UTA’45 Jakarta Email : ABSTRACT Appendicitis is an inflammation that arises suddenly in the apendiks and it is the one of the cases of acute abdominal most frequently encountered1. Appendix referred to as appendix1. Appendicitis is often confused the term apendiks, because the appendix is actually the cecum1. Acute Appendicitis a bacterial- inflammation caused by various factors1. The disease can be informed of all ages both men and women, but more often in men aged of 10 to 30 years 1. There are 12% male and 25% of women who appendectomy surgery and gained 7% of them are acute appendicitis2. From the research of more than 10 years, 1987 to 1997, the average age of patients undergoing appendectomy was 31.3 years and 22 years with the middle value ratio of male: female = 1.2 to 1.3: 12. Case Presentation : Ms. OP 24-year-old admitted to the ward K. Patient was diagnosed with Chronic Appendicitis. Clinical Evaluation: Drug-related problems that occured in this patient was drug reactions to the use of the same drugs that Sumagesic (Acetaminophen) 600 mg tablets and Farmadol (Acetaminophen) 500 mg infusion. Choose the drugs that were less precise in the use of drugs torasic (ketorolac). Drug interactions between the use of Ceftriaxone-Heparin, Torasic (Ketorolac)-Heparin and Omeprazole-Ondasentron. Keywords: Appendicitis, Drug Related Problems, Acetaminophen. 1707 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. INTRODUCTION Appendicitis is the most common cause of acute inflammation in the lower right quadrant of the abdominal cavity, the most common cause for emergency abdominal surgery 3. Appendicitis can be found at all ages, only in children less than one year are rarely reported4. The highest incidence in the age group 20-30 years , after it declined4. The incidence in men and women are generally comparable, except in the 20-30 year age incidence is higher men are multifactorial4. Appendicitis etiology is caused by obstruction, ischemia, infection and hereditary factors5. Obstruction is often a sign in the pathogenesis of appendicitis5. Various things can cause obstruction of the appendix include stone (fecalith), food, mucus, parasites, tumors, endometriosis, foreign bodies, and lymphoid hyperplasia5. From the results of laboratory examinations, it can be found leukocytosis5. Urinalysis may be due to disorders of the urinary tract5. Other radiological examination that can help with the diagnosis of appendicitis is the use of spiral CT scan5. In the examination can be found enlarged apendiks with wall thickening, focal thickening of the cecal , apendikolit, air ekstralumen5. CT scan is very useful in patients who have symptoms of appendicitis are not typical5. Macroscopic picture of appendicitis appeared normal just about mucosal inflammation5. Apendiks often purulent discharge from the exposed surface5. Management for appendicitis is surgery in the form of removal of the apendiks (appendectomy)5. Appendectomy can be done openly or by laparoscopy5. In patients who can not do surgery, may be given antibiotics intravenously5. Antibiotics can also be given before surgery5. Giving antibiotics before surgery has been shown to reduce postoperative wound infection in a prospective controlled sharing studie5. Antibiotics were given antibiotics for a broad-spectrum gram-negative and anaerobic bacteria, with the aim to eradicate the infection and prevent complications5. CASE PRESENTATION Ms. OP is a 24-year-old woman admitted to the ward K. Patients entered PGI Cikini Hospital on December 4, 2014 with complaints of dizziness, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain lower right and dry lips. One day before admission the patient felt the chills once when he/she woke up in the morning, patients experience nausea and vomiting. On December 4, 2014 hematological 1708 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. examination showed a high hemoglobin value is 14.2 (g / dL), the increased in leukocytes is 10.6 (10 ^ 3 / mL), erythrocytes is 5.16 (10 ^ 6 / mL) , reticulocyte namely 18 (per mill) and examination of the neutrophil leukocyte count showed an abnormal number is 1%. On December 5, 2014 clinical chemistry examination showed increased SGOT at 39 U / L and ALT uyaitu 36 U/L. In addition, examination of anatomical pathology unit to the conclusion that Ms. patients. OP disease Chronic Appendicitis. On December 6, 2014 appendectomy surgery (surgical removal of the appendix). In this case, patient treated with Ceftriaxone 1 g vial is used as an antibiotic before and after surgery, sumagesic (acetaminophen) 600 mg tablets, it administered before surgery and used to relieve pain suffered by the patient, the use farmadol (acetaminophen) 500 mg intravenously before and after surgery as an antipyretic, use onandsentron 4 mg injection before and after the operation aims to reduce or eliminate nausea and vomiting that complained of by the patient. The reason of giving of heparin to prevent blood clotting occurs after surgery, the use of torasic (ketorolac) 30 mg injection after surgery aims to relieve pain suffered by the patient, kalnex (tranexamic acid) 500 mg injection is used to prevent bleeding after surgery, the use of OMZ (omeprazole) 20 mg injection of a sense of bloating in the stomach which has been complained of by the patient. CLINICAL EVALUATION DRP 1 : Adverse Drug Reactions Drug reactions are undesirable, because the use of the same drug indications within the same usage (farmadol and sumagesic), where the drug is metabolized by liver enzymes ALT and AST can cause patients improve. Intervention of pharmacist : Sumagesic for analgesia replaced with analgesic class of NSAIDs, in order to avoid an increase in SGPT and SGOT5,6. DRP 2 : Improper Drug Selection Use of Torasic (ketorolac) in this case was not quite right, because the use of postoperative ketorolac maximum of two days. While in this case ketorolac used for five days8. Intervention of pharmacist : Giving of ketorolac after the second postoperative day was replaced with another drug. DRP 3 : Drug Interactions 1. Interactions Between Ceftriaxone and Heparin 1709 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. Ceftriaxone and heparin use, which will increase the level of ceftriaxone or anticoagulant effect of heparin with7. Intervention of pharmacist : Seek the other antibiotic, because cephalosporins can decrease the activity prothombin7. 2. Interaction Between Ketorolac and Heparin Using of Torasic (Ketorolac) and heparin, both of which can increase the anticoagulant7. Intervention of pharmacist : Used with caution and should be monitored closely. 3. Interaction Between Omeprazole and Onandsentron Use of OMZ (omeprazole) and ondasentron where Omeprazole will reduce the level or effect of onandsentron by affecting metabolism in the liver enzyme CYP1A27. Intervention of pharmacist : Should the use onandsentron and omeprazole was given in distance less than two hours CONCLUSION Based on the result it can be concluded that the pasient disease was chronic appendicitis. In addition the DRP (Drug Related Problems) included unwanted drug reactions that used Sumagesic (acetaminophen) 600 mg tablets and Farmadol (acetaminophen) 500 mg infusion may cause SGOP and SGPT increased. Choose the drug which was less precise in the use of Drug Torasic (Ketorolac). Drug interactions between the use of Ceftriaxone-Heparin, Torasic (Ketorolac)-Heparin and Omeprazole-Ondasentron. REFERENCES 1. Arif, Mansjoer, dkk. 2000. Kapita Selekta Kedokteran, Edisi 3. Medica Aesculpalus, FKUI, Jakarta. 2. Bernard, Scott A. 2005. An Introduction to Enterprise A Medication. 2nd edition. Author House, United States America. 3. Smeltzer, Suzanne C. and Bare, Brenda G, 2002. Buku Ajar Keperawatan Medikal Bedah Brunner and Suddarth (Ed.8, Vol. 1,2 , Alih bahasa oleh Agung Waluyo…(dkk , EG , Jakarta. 4. Sjamsuhidajat, R. and De Jong W. 2005. Buku Ajar Ilmu Bedah. Jakarta: EGC 5. Sario, Stefanus. 2009. Hubungan Pengaruh Letak Serabut dengan Tipe Raandg pada Pasien yang didiagnosa Apendisitis. FKUI, Jakarta 1710 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. 6. Principles of analgesic use in the treatment of acute pain and cancer pain. American Pain Society. 3rd Edition, 1992 7. Medscape. Dugs Interaction . 2014 8. Ashley, Caroline and Currie, Aileen. 2009. The Renal Drug Handbook Third Edition. UK Renal Pharmacy Group 1711 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. DRUG RELATED PROBLEMS IN ISCHEMIC STROKE AT ROYAL PROGRESS HOSPITAL Efriliana Sari1. Diana Laila R2. Aprilita Rinayanti Eff2 1 Pharmacist Professional Program Student, Faculty of Pharmacy UTA’45 Jakarta. 2 Lecturer Pharmacy in Pharmacy Faculty Universitas of 17 August 1945 Jakarta (UTA’45 Jakarta Email : ABSTRACT Ischemic stroke is a stroke that occurs when there is a blockage of a blood clot in a blood vessel in the brain or the arteries to the brain (the brain is deprived of blood flow)4. Ischemic stroke can be caused by thrombosis of intracranial or extracranial embolism5. Intracranial thrombosis caused by atherosclerosis, where as extracranial embolism generally derived from extracranial arteries or from the heart as a result of myocardial infarction, mitral stenosis, endocarditis, atrial fibrillation, cardiomyopathy or heart failure congestive5. Mr.ES is patient with age 37 years, came to the Royal Progress Hospital on November 30, 2014 with a diagnosis of Ischemic Stroke. There were DRPs (Drug Related Problems) like drug interactions such as Rindompump (Omeprazole) with folic acid, Taxilan (sucralfate) with phenytoin and allupurinol, Aminophylin with ranitidine, and Ranitidine with Phenytoin injection in the therapy treatment for hospitalized. This can be overcome by using both drugs within different time. Keywords: Ischemic stroke, Neurology, Royal Progress Hospital 1712 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. INTRODUCTION Ischemic stroke is a stroke that occurs when there is a blockage of a blood clot in a blood vessel in the brain or the arteries to the brain (the brain is deprived of blood flow)4. Ischemic stroke risk factors include age, gender, high blood pressure, heart disease, smoking, diabetes and high cholesterol4. Ischemic stroke is a type of stroke are the most common4. Ischemic stroke can be caused by thrombosis of intracranial or extracranial embolism5. Intracranial thrombosis caused by atherosclerosis, whereas extracranial embolism generally derived from extracranial arteries or from the heart as a result of myocardial infarction, mitral stenosis, endocarditis, atrial fibrillation, cardiomyopathy or heart failure congestive5. Ischemic stroke begins a series of phases that arise as a result of the ischemic cascade2. The exact time of each phase is very heterogeneous and depend on many factors such as the size of infarction, ischemic onset and duration, as well as the effectiveness reperfusi2. Ischemic phase begins with the sudden cerebral hypoperfusion and followed the failure of cellular bioenergik, excitotoksik, oxidative stress, damage to the blood brain barrier (SDO), microvascular injury, hemostatic activation, inflammation and necrosis of neuronal, glial and endothelial cells2. CASEPRESENTATION Mr.ES is a 37-year-old man came to Royal Progress Hospital on November 30, 2014, with the state of seizures, lethargy, apathy consciousness, can not speak, hemodynamic instability, bloody anus (hemorrhoids). Patient had a history of previous post hemoroidectomi and cholesterol. Ct Scan resulted reinforce the diagnosis of ischemic stroke for patient. CLINICAL EVALUATION In this case, patient was treated with ceftriaxone, ceftriaxon used for infection. The use of antiplatelet namely Phytomenodion injection and tranexamat acid injection was used to prevent bleeding in which the patient was bleeding. Giving Citicolin injection was used for acute conditions on loss of consciousness. In addition, patients were also treated with injection Phenitoin reduce and control the seizures that occur in patients. Giving calcium gluconate injection is used for the maintenance of the functional integrity of the nerve, and the absorption of the amino acid binding in 1713 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. the patient's body. Aminophylin injection is used to assist the smooth running of oxygen to the lungs. Kaen MG3, Aminofluid infusion, infusion of Ringer's lactate was used to supply amino acids, electrolytes, carbohydrates and hiproteinemia for stroke patient. Allupurinol tablets used to lower uric acid. Venaron used for hemorrhoid treatment. Candesartan tablets used for reducing patient. Folic acid was used for the prevention of folic acid deficiency due to blood in his stool. Taxilan (sucralfate), Rindompump (omeprazole) and ranitidine injection injection used for the treatment of gastrointestinal. DOSAGE AND METHOD OF USE In this case initially patient entered ceftriaxon treated with a dose of 1 x 2 g was given by injection, injection Phytomenodion with 3 x 1 daily dose was given by injection, Tranexamic acid injection at a dose of 3 x 1 day given by injection, Phenytoin injection at a dose of 3 x 1 day given by injection, Ranitidine injection with 2 x 1 daily dose was given by injection, folic acid at a dose of 1 x 1 day orally, intravenous fluids Cast Ringer Lactat. The second day all the therapy on the first day continued, added with tablets Candesartan therapy with a dose of 1 x 8mg a day orally, Allupurinol with a dose of 1 x 100 mg per day orally, Taxilan with a dose of 3 x 15 ml orally, Calcium gluconas injection at a dose of 2 x 1 administered daily injections, given the fluid also Ka-en MG3. The third day all on the second day of therapy continued, added Citicolin injection therapy with 2 x 1 daily dose was given by injection. The fourth day of the third day all therapy followed, added Venaron tablets therapy with a dose of 3 x 2 tablets orally. The fifth day, all therapy on the fourth day continued, added Rindompump injection therapy (omeprazole) with a dose of 2 x 1 flacon was given by injection, injection Extrace 3 x 1 ampoule given by injection, Aminophylin injection in drip infusion. Sixth day all on the fifth day of therapy followed that was stopped just Ranitidine injection and Ka-en MG3. The seventh and eighth all on the sixth day of continued therapy added Aminofluid infusion therapy 1000mg. Ninth day all continued therapy but Ca gluconat injection therapy, Aminophylin injection and Aminofluid infusion was stopped. CLINICAL LABORATORY DIAGNOSIS Results of laboratory value for Mr. ES which showed abnormalities on Hemoglobin : 5.4 g / dL (normal : 12-14 g / dL), 22170 leukocytes / mL (normal : 5000-10000 / mL), erythrocytes 1.8 1m / mL 1714 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. (normal : 4 , 5-5.5 1m / mL), hematocrit 15% (normal : 40-48%), the pH of 7.473 mmHg / (normal : 7.35 to 7.45 mm Hg / L), pCO2 28.7 mmHg / L (normal : 35.0 to 45.0 mm Hg / L), pO2 227.5 mmHg / L (normal : 75-100 mmHg / L) DRUG RELATED PROBLEMS (DRPs) Drugs interactions : a. Rindompump (Omeprazole) interfere with the absorption of folic acid., Should be used in the time apart. b. Sucralfate if given concurrently with phenytoin will reduce the effect of phenytoin, phenytoin Should injected 2 hours before taking sucralfate or 6 hours after taking sucralfate. c. Sucralfate if given together with allupurinol will reducing effect of allupurinol, allupurinol should be given one hour before or two hours after sucralfate d. Aminophylin if given together with ranitidine will increase aminophylin effect, you should use the time apart. e. Ranitidine if given together with Phenytoin will boost the effects of phenytoin, you should use the time apart. CONCLUSION Based on the results it can be concluded that the presence of DRPs (Drug Related Problems) form of drug interactions was Rindompump (Omeprazole) interfere with the absorption of folic acid. Taxilan (sucralfate) when was given concurrently with phenytoin will decrease the effects of phenytoin. Taxilan (sucralfate) if given together with allupurinol will reducing effect of allupurinol Aminophylin if given together with ranitidine will increase aminophylin effect. Ranitidine if given together with Phenytoin will boost the effects of phenytoin. This can be overcome by using both drugs in separate time when the administration of drugs , and it has been done in Royal Progress Hospital. REFFERENCES 1. Baxter, K. Stockley’s Drug Interaction Eight Edition. London. 2008 2. Brouns R, De Deyn PP, 2009. The complexity of neurobiological processes in acute ischemic stroke. Clin Neurol Neurosurg 111:483–95. 1715 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. 3. Programs/2361 .htm. Data access Desember, 14th 2014. 4. Juveska, 2007. Articles Medicine Neurology Non Hemorrhagic Stroke. 5. Saenger AK, Christenson RH, 2010. Stroke biomarkers: Progress and challenges for diagnosis, prognosis, differentiation, and treatment. Clinical Chemistry 56(1): 21-33. 1716 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. DRUG RELATED PROBLEM IN THE TREATMENT OF COMPLEX FEBRILE SEIZURE Kiki Musda1, Diana Laila Ramatillah2, Aprilita Rinayanti Eff2 1 Student of Pharmacist Professional Program Student, Faculty Of Pharmachy UTA’ 45 Jakarta 2 Lecturer of Faculty of Pharmachy UTA’ 45 Jakarta Email ABSTRACT Febrile seizure is seizure that occur when body temperature is high (rectal temperature> 38 ° C) that is caused by aekstraknium process7.Febrile seizure consist of two types, simple febrile seizures and complex febrile seizures. Complex febrile seizures is seizure that lasts > 15 minutes, focal or partial seizures, and reoccur more than once in a single day6,10.Patient An. Nfs, aged 1 year and 7 months was seen in GatotSubroto Army Hospital on October 5, 2014. Measured body temperature is 39,40C with the diagnosis of complex febrile seizures. Patient was treated with paracetamol suppositories, paracetamol syrup, phenytoin injection, Stesolidrectal, phenobarbital injection, cefotaxime injection, cefriaxon injection, IV FD D5 ¼, dexamethasone injection, mefenamic acid, rifampicin, isoniazid, nebulisers, acyclovir and lytamin.Based on the result, it can be concluded that the DRP (Drug Related Problems) is improper dosage regimen in the use of phenobarbital injection (the dose is too high)6. Keywords : Complex febrile seizures, child care, and phenobarbital injection. 1717 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. INTRODUCTION A febrile seizure is a medical emergency that requires immediate assistance, early diagnosis and appropriate management is needed to avoid a more severe defects caused by an often seizure6,9,11. Febrile seizure is seizure that occur when body temperature were high (rectal temperature> 38 ° C) that is caused by aekstraknium process. Febrile seizure consist of two types, simple febrile seizures and complex febrile seizures. Complex febrile seizures is seizure that lasts > 15 minutes, focal or partial seizures, and reoccur more than once in a single day6,11. Seizures in children is a terrifying event for parents, the study found that the death rate of febrile seizures was 0.46 to 0.74 percents. Impact of untreated febrile seizures is damage brain cells due to lack of oxygen in the brain, spending more secretions and emergency risk for airway aspiration that causes blockage of the airway. If not handled properly, can cause death9. The incidence of seizures in children that frightening for parents, high levels of recurring events and the presence of some diseases that accompany the children who have febrile seizures, became the reason of the need for special attention to patients with febrile seizure cases, and required a wide range of comprehensive management, especially in terms of treatment to optimize the success of the treatment so that the incidence of febrile seizures can be decreased6. CASE PRESENTATION Patient An. Nfs, aged 1 year and 7 months was seen in GatotSubroto Army Hospital on October 5, 2014. Patient came with high fever since 5 days before admission, convulsions 3 hours before admission gradually spread to the whole body, but it last for a moment. After seizure patient asleep , then seizure occur again, until patient been taken to emergency departments (IGD). Measured body temperature is 39,40C. Previous medical history was febrile seizures and tuberculosis. History of treatment is paracetamol and use of TB drugs in the continuation phase of TB treatment with alloy 2 OAT (INH-rifampin)6. Diagnosis of the disease that accompanies after treatment in hospital is bronchopneumonia and encefhalitis. CLINICAL EVALUATION Paracetamolsuppositoria 200 mg was given for fever treatment before going to the hospital6,10,11. While during care, Stesolid (Diazepam rectal) 5 mg was given to treat seizures immediately, it was given immediately when seizures occur because it’s very effective and can be given at home7. The 1718 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. dose for stesolid is 5 mg Stesolid for BB <10 kg, 10 mg for BB > 10 kg. Phenytoin was given intravenously with an initial dose of 80 mg plus NaCl 0.9% up to 20 cc with iv bolus over 20 minutes to treat seizure. Furthermore, given phenobarbital 40 mg in a few days to reduce the risk of recurrence of seizure6,10. There was no evidence for using antipyretics to reduce the risk of febrile seizures, but experts in Indonesia have agreed that the antipyretics can be given, Paracetamol dosage used is 10-15 mg/kg/times given four times a day and not more than 5 times. For paracetamol suppository given at temperatures above 38oC or in the event of seizure11. Other diagnosis was encephalitis is brain tissue infections caused by herpes simplex virus. The therapy that been given was acyclovir 80 mg every 8 hours given in an infusion of 100 ml of 0.9% NaCl finished in minimum 1 hour for 14 days. Treatment for bronchopneumonia infection was cefotaxime and continued with cefriaxone intravenously, which is an intravenous antibiotic that is less recommended for oral intake. Antipyretic and analgesic were given to ensuring patients and control the cough. Nebulized with 2 agonists and NaCl can be given to improve mucociliary clearance6,11. Patient has a history of TB treatment and therapy of isonizid and ripamfisin (Phase II) before. TB treatment consists of two phases, namely the intensive phase for 2 months early with a blend of 3 OAT (INH-rifampin-pyrazinamide), and continued in the continuation phase (phase II) with alloy 2 OAT (INH-rifampin) to be given 6-12 months on a daily basis (daily) either in the intensive phase and the continuation phase. Adequate nutrition is critical to the success of therapy of TB6,10. LABORATORY EXAMINATION RESULTS TYPE EXAMINATION RESULTS Okt 7 NORMAL Okt 8 VALUE Okt 5 Okt 6 Routine hematology 11,0* 10.3* 9.3* 13– 18 g/Dl hemoglobin 32* 31* 28* 40 – 52% hematocrit 4.2* 4.1* 3.7 4.3 – 6.0 juta/μ L erythrocyte 13900* 92000 5350 4.800 – 10. 800/ μ L leukocytes 170000 113000* 595000* 150.000 – 400.000/Μl hematology 1719 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. platelets 76* 76* 76* 80 – 96 fl MCV 26* 25* 25* 27 – 32 pg MCH 35 33 33* 32 – 36 g/dL MCHC CLINICAL 0.45 < 1.5 mg/dL bilirubin 50* < 35 U/L SGOT (AST) 12 < 40 U/L SGPT (ALT) 24 21 20 – 50 mg/dl Urea 0,5 0.4 0,5 – 1,5 mg/L Triglyceridese 290* 113 < 140 mg/dL CHEMISTRY Blood glucose (as) 139 127* 131* 132 – 145 mmol/L Sodium (Na) 4,0 4.3 4,2 3,1 – 5,1mmol/L Potassium (K) 103 96 101 96 – 111 mmol/L *) Abnormal laboratory values DRUG RELATED PROBLEMS Dose Regimen Phenobarbital dose given orally to reduce the risk of recurrence seizure. patient is given phenobarbital injection at a dose of 40 mg for 6 days every 2 times a day and according to the literature doses given at a dose of 3-4 mg should / kg per day in 1-2 doses due to the side effects of phenobarbital cause behavioral disorders and learning difficulties for children 40-50%5,11,12. Phenobarbital dose calculation: 8 kg x 3-4 mg = 24-32 mg Dose of phenobarbital was given : 40 mg Pharmacist Intervention :From the above calculation should have a minimum of phenobarbital dose given at least 24 mg up to 40 mg (corresponding to the patient BB)6. CONCLUSION Based on the results of clinical work practice in child care of GatotSubroto Army Hospital, It can be concluded that therapy in patient with compleks febrile seizure was appropriate however to note 1720 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. that phenobarbital, weight-adjusted patient to reduce side effect such as behavioral disorders and learning difficulties6. REFERENCES 1. American Academy of Pediatrics Steering Committee on Quality Improvement and Management, Subcommittee on Febrile Seizures. Febrile seizures: clinical practice guideline for the long-term management of the child with simple febrile seizures. Pediatrics. 2008;121(6):1281–1286 2. American Academy of Pediatrics Steering Committee on Quality Improvement and Management, Subcommittee on Febrile Seizures. Febrile Seizures: Guideline for the Neurodiagnostic Evaluation of the Child With a Simple Febrile Seizure. Pediatrics 2011;127;389 DOI: 10.1542/peds.2010-3318 3. BNF, 2009 The essential resource for clinical use of medicines in children 4. BNF 61, 2011 British National Formulary 61 March 2011 5. BPOM. 2008. Informatorium Obat Nasional Indonesia (IONI). Jakarta : Sagung Seto 6. IDAI, 2006 Konsensus Penatalaksanaan Kejang Demam, Unit Kerja Koordinasi Neurologi, IDAI 2006 7. IDAI, 2009.Pedoman Pelayanan Medis Ikatan Dokter Anak Indonesia, Baand Penerbit IDAI : Jakarta. 8. ISFI , 2008 ISO FarmakoterapiCetakanPertama. ISBN : 978-979-18514-1-1 : 2008,2009 9. McGraw-Hill , 2006 Current Pediatric Diagnosis and Treatment 18thEdition The McGraw-Hill Companies, New York. 10. Lumbantobing, S.M. (2003). Penatalaksanaan Muthakhir Kejang Pada Anak. Jakarta : FKUI. 11. RSPAD GatotSoebroto, 2012 StandarPelayananMedikKejangDemamKompleks. 12. Strengell T, Uhari M, Tarkka R, et al. Antipyretic agents for preventing recurrences of febrile seizures: randomized controlled trial. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med. 2009;163(9):799–804. 13. Tatro DS (ed). Drug Interaction Facts 2004. Facts and Comparisons, St. Louis, MO. 2004. 1721 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. OPEN FRACTURES WITH HEART AND DIABETES MELLITUS TYPE II IN THE HOSPITAL WARD K PGI CIKINI Hesty Baka1, Diana Laila Ramatillah2, Aprilita Rinayati2, and Stefanus Lukas2 1 Student of Pharmacist Program, Faculty of Pharmacy UTA’45 Jakarta 2 Lecturer of Faculty of Pharmacy UTA’45 Jakarta ABSTRACT Fractures / open fracture is a fracture classification based in conjunction with the external environment in which occurs the relationship with the external environment through the skin so that it can occur that cause bacterial contamination and infection of skin wounds can be a bone puncture coming out through the skin (From within) or because of broken objects from the outside (from without)1. The main cause of mortality and morbidity in patient with diabetes mellitus ( DM ) type 2 is coronary heart disease ( CHD ) in which sufferers are two to four times more at risk of heart disease than nonDM and the mechanism of occurrence of CHD in type 2 diabetes mellitus is associated with the presence of atherosclerosis which is influenced by various factor2. Patient Mrs. Rmh aged of 72 years, got treatment in the hospital ward K PGI Cikini on 2 September 2014 with a diagnosis of fracture Open Cruris Sinistra with a history of diabetes mellitus and heart disease. Based on the assessment of the treatment of patient during the treatment , there are 4 DRPs ( Drug Related Problems ) ie antibiotics claforan , albumin 25 %, Glucophage, no renal drug therapy and drug interaction between Captopril and Glimepiride, Acetaminophen and Heparin, Diltiazem and Onandcentron and Diltiazem and Metformin. Keywords : Open fractures, heart disease, type II diabetes, PGI Cikini hospital 1722 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. INTRODUCTION Open fracture is a fracture that has a relationship with the outside world through a wound in the skin and soft tissues, it can be formed from the inside and outside. Specialized in open fractures, it should be considered the andger of infection, either general or local infection infection in the bone in question. Four important things you need is a prophylactic antibiotics, debridement of the wound and fracture urgent, stabillisasi fracture, wound closure as soon as definitif3. Coronary Heart Disease (CHD) is a heart disease which is mainly due to the narrowing of the coronary arteries due to atherosclerosis or spasm or a combination keduanya4, Diabetes Mellitus (DM) is a disease of Type II cells insensivitas hyperglycemia due to insulin . Insulin levels may be slightly decreased or were within the normal range for insulin remains produced by the beta cells of the pancreas , the diabetes mellitus type II is considered as a non insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus (NIDDM)5 . CASE PRESENTATION Mrs. Rmh is a 72 -year -old woman weigh 75 kg and height 160 cm. She got treatment in the ward K. Patient entered in the PGI Cikini Hospital on 2 September 2014. The patient was admitted with complaints of left leg broken because of a fall. Open fractures was diagnosed of patient with a history of disease cruris Sinistra Diabetes mellitus and heart disease. LABORATORY DATA Table 1. Laboratory Hematology NORMAL RESULT EXAMINATION UNIT VALUE 06/09/2014 02/09/2014 05/09/2014 Morning/Night LED *116 *75 *54/*80 mm/hour 0-20 Hemoglobin *10,3 *9,6 *9,7/*11 g/dl 12,0-14,0 HEMATOLOGY Peripheral blood 1723 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. leukocytes 6,3 5,6 5,3/5,5 103/mL 6 5,0-10 erythrocyte *3,93 *3,7 *3,72/4,13 10 /mL 4,0-4,5 hematocrit *30 *29 *11/*32 % 37-43 Retikulosit 11 *18 *20/*17 permil 5,0-15 Basofil 1 1 1/1 % 0-1 Esinophil 3 *6 *7/*6 % 1,0-3 neutrophils Trunk *0 *0 *0/*0 % 2,0-6 Neutrofil Segmen 54 55 *49/61 % 50-70 Limfosit 30 29 32/22 % 20-40 Monosit *12 *9 *11/*10 % 2-8,0 Trombosit 203 225 229/222 103/mL 150-450 MCV *76 *77 *78/*79 fL 81-92 MCH *26,2 *25,9 *26,1/*26,6 pg 27-32 MCHC 34,3 33,7 33,6/34 g/dL 32-37 10-11 - minute 10-16,0 Calculate Type Lukosit Hemostatis Freezing time APTT - APTT Patient 31,7 30,7 36,5/*40 Second 26,4-37,5 APTT Control 30,9 30,0 30,0/30,3 Second 26,4-37,5 PT Patient *15 - - Second 11-14,2 PT Control 12,1 - - Second 11-14,2 INR 1.3 - - *695 - - mg/dL 180-350 (+) positive - - - - Masa Protombin (PT) Fibrinogen blood group – Rhesus 1724 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. Table 2. Clinical Chemistry Laboratory EXAMINATION Result 02/09/2014 04/09/2014 05/09/2014 06/09/2014 UNIT REFERENCE VALUE CLINICAL CHEMISTRY Protein Total 6,7 6,1 6,3 - g/dL 6,0-8,0 Albumin *2,8 *2,8 *3,2 - g/dL 3,4-4,8 Globulin *3,9 3,3 3,1 - g/dL 1,3-3,7 SGOT 22 - - - U/L 0-35 SGPT 33 - - - U/L 0-35 Uremia 23 - - - mg/dL 10-50,0 *1,2 - - - mg/dL 0,6-1,1 - - - - - 136 - - 141 mEq/L 135-147 *3,4 - - *3,2 mEq/L 3,5-5,0 *8,2 - - *8,2 mg/dL 8,8-10 *322 - - - mg/dL 70-150 - *267 mg/dL 70-150 - *350 mg/dL 70-150 - *245 mg/dL 70-150 - *308 mg/dL 70-150 Kreatinin Natrium. Kalium Natrium (Na) Blood Pottasium(K) Blood Calcium(Ca) When Blood Sugar Blood Sugar at 06:00 Blood Sugar at 11:00 Blood Sugar at 16:00 Blood Sugar at 11:00 - - - - *239 *225 *202 - 1725 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. Blood Sugar at 16:00 - - - *179 mg/dL 70-150 CLINICAL EVALUATION Use of injection claforan ( cefotaxime ) 1 g / vial given per 12 hours is used to treat infected for 6 days, because LEDs were based on the results of 116 mm / h, 75 mm / h , 54 mm / h, and 80 mm / h there was an increase LEDs that indicate the presence of bacterial infection in patient. Cedocard ( Isosorbide dinitrate ) 5 mg / tablet given per 8 hours for 6 days was used to prevent heart attacks, but it was also given Herbesser (Diltiazem) 100 mg / tablet was given per 24 hours for 6 days for controlling angina and hypertension. Based on the results of clinical chemistry examination showed that high blood glucose levels, giving Actos (Pioglitazone Hydrochloride) 30 mg / tablet was given per 24 hours for 6 days, Amaryl (glimepiride) 3 mg / tablet given per 24- hour day 2 and day 3 only, Glucophage ( metformin ) 850 mg / tablet was given 1 tablet a day to 3 only be used under on glycemic control in patient with type 2 diabetes but the administration was not routinely ADO when the patient blood glucose levels were still high .Farmadol (Paracetamol) 500 mg / tablet given per 8 hours in a day to 4 and 5 to reduce fever. Narfoz (Onandsetron) 4 mg / ampoule administered once a day for 5 to treat nausea and side effects of drugs due to the use of analgesics and antibiotics. Ketesse injection (Dexketoprofen Trometamol) 50 mg given 24 hours per day to 1.4, 5 and tablets Ultracet (Tramadol 37.5 mg + paracetamol 325 mg) given per 8 hour ½ tablet on day 4, 5, 6, to overcome pain and fever due to fracture. Captopril 25 mg / tablet given day 6 only 1 tablet to treat hypertension. Heparin injections are given per 24 hours in the day to 3, 4, 5, 6, are used for the prevention and treatment of venous thrombosis. Administration of albumin 25 % ( 100 cc ) per 24 hours at day 2 and 3 were used to overcome hipoalbumin which was based on the result of clinical chemistry examination it showed the result whic was less than the reference value. DRUG RELATED PROBLEMS (DRPs) 1. DRPs (Drug Related Problems) I In this case. the patient was bleeding and doctors gave antibiotic treatment to third -generation cephalosporins are Claforan (cefotaxime) 1 g as an anti-infective. Claforan the treatment of choice for patient fractures who are susceptible to bleeding6. The duration of treatment of at least 5 days, 1726 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. but the administration should be continued at least until 48-72 hours after disinfection was achieved real. Pharmacy Intervention is actually not the bones being treated for an infection, but the tissue around the bone, so it was quite given antibiotics such as quinolones group Cravit (levofloxacin) 500 mg / tablet and medicine for bone / bone growth accelerates as Calcium Supplements or preparation which accelerates the absorption of Calcium like Kolkotriol7. 2. DRPs (Drug Related Problems) II Patient experiencing hipoalbumin, the doctor gave 25 % Albumin therapy, after re- examination of albumin but examination results showed a very small increase (still experiencing hipoalbumin). However, given the administration of albumin 25 % in just two days while the results of Albumin levels still show a decrease (hipoalbumin). Pharmaceutical interference was supposed to be giving 25 % Albumin is continued until a change in the levels of albumin that can be seen from the results of the laboratory. Hipoalbumin can be caused by kidney patient was not functioning properly, a protein produced by the liver is excreted with urine. Impaired kidney function was reinforced by the results of measurements of Triglycerides8. 3. DRPs (Drug Related Problems) III In this case the patient has a history of diabetes mellitus then given treatment with Glucophage (metformin) for patient of normal weight. Therapy with Glucophage (metformin) was given only for one day, but the results of further blood glucose levels showed an increase in blood glucose, but treatment with Glucophage (metformin) was discontinued. Pharmacy Intervention was supposed that therapy should be administered because the patient has Hyperglycemia. Therapy in patient with diabetes mellitus should be given continuously until normal blood glucose levels and should be examined at range blood glucose levels 9, 10. 4. DRPs (Drug Related Problems) V The severity of minor drug interactions : 1727 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. 1) Drug interactions between Acethaminophen with Heparin Acetaminophen enhance the effect of heparin Intervention should acethaminophen Pharmacy was not given because it was treated with Ultracet medicine for fever and treat pain. 2) Drug interactions between Diltiazem with Onandsetron. Diltiazem enhances the effect of onandsetron. Pharmacy Intervention was seen from granting Onandsetron for one day only, so you should set the distance between Diltiazem taking medication taken night with drunk Onandsetron morning 11. 3) Drug interactions between Diltiazem with metformin. Ditiazem enhance the effect of metformin .Interference Pharmacy Metformin is seen from the provision for one day only, so you should set the distance between the drug taking Diltiazem drunk at night with metformin in the morning11. CONCLUSION Based on the results of clinical work practice in hospital wards K PGI Cikini it can be concluded that found their DRPs (Drug Related Problems), but broadly it can be concluded that the therapy and treatment of the patient was right, but there were some checks that need to be evaluated was the examination triglyceridese. All therapeutic treatment which has the effect or adverse reactions can be prevented by always monitoring and monitoring of patient during treatment, and always do laboratory tests regularly and periodically in order to determine the condition of the patient, and prevent worsening of the disease. REFERENCES 1. Salter RB. (2009) Treatment for open fractures. In : Textbook of disorders and injuries of the musculoskeletal system. Third ed. Baltimore : The Williams & WilkinsCo.From, 2 November 2014. 2. Fadma Y, Fadil O, Detty E, Hubungan Berbagai Faktor Risiko Terhadap Kejadian Penyakit Jantung Koroner Pada Penderita Diabets Mellitus Tipe 2 (diunduh 4 November 2014). Tersedia dari: URL: HYPERLINK 1728 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. 3. Sjamsuhidajat, Jong. (2007). Buku Ajar Ilmu Bedah. Ed. Revisi, EGC: Jakarta 4. Majid A. Penyakit Jantung Koroner: Patofisiologi, Pencegahan, and Pengobatan Terkini (diunduh 2 November 2014). Tersedia dari: URL: HYPERLINK 5. Darmono, 2007, Penatalaksanaan Diabetes Melitus tipe II, Dexa Medica. 6. Media Informasi Obat and Penyakit (diunduh 2 November 2014). Tersedia dari: URL: HYPERLINK 7. Pasaribu, Eskhol F, 2011; Obat Untuk Infeksi Tulang (di unduh 16 Desember 2014). Tersedia dari: URL: HYPERLINK Apoteker Indonesia 8. Sutedjo, AY, 2008, Buku Saku Mengenal Penyakit Melalui Hasil Laboratorium, Yogyakarta 9. Saragi, Sahat, 2012, Panduan Penggunaan Obat Dilengkapi dengan Konsep Pharmaceutical Care, Teori Konseling Obat, Teori Kepatuhan Minum Obat, Penerbit Rosemata Publisher, Jakarta 10. BNF 61, 2011. Britsh National Formulary 61 March 2011 11., di akses pada 04 Januari 2014, Jakarta 1729 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. DRUG RELATED PROBLEMS IN THE TREATMENT OF PATIENT OF ENDOMETRIAL HYPERPLASIA WITH ENOMETRORRHAGIA SUSPECT IDIOPATHIC THROMBOCYTOPENIA PURPURA (ITP) IN PGI CIKINI HOSPITAL Regina Cecilia Andawari1, Diana Laila Ramatillah2, Stefanus Lukas2 1 Student of Pharmacist Professional Program Student, Faculty of Pharmacy UTA’45 Jakarta 2 Lecturer of Faculty of Pharmacy UTA’45 Jakarta Email: ABSTRACT Endometrial hyperplasia is the excessive growth of glandular and stromal vascularization is accompanied by the formation of lymphocytes in the endometrium, this growth can affect some or all layers of endometrium2. Idiopathic thrombocytopenia purpura (ITP) is a bleeding disease that is obtained as a result of excessive platelet destructed characterized by thrombocytopenia (platelet count <150,000 / mm3), purpura, picture of peripheral blood were generally normal, and no other causes of thrombocytopenia4. Case Presentation: Patient Mrs. VS aged 45 years and 6 months, came to the PGI Cikini Hospital with a chief complaint of bleeding from the genitals approximately 5 months. Patient had complain that the last 5 months, periods become longer up to 21 days, bleeding gums, feel nauseous, arising bluish spots on the entire body, hard defecation and black. Previously, the patient was treated at the SukmulSisma Medical Hospital and referred to the PGI Cikini Hospital. PGI Cikini Hospital, patients diagnosed with endometrial hyperplasia with menometrorrhagiasuspect idiopathic thrombocytopenia purpura. Treatment: At the time the patient was admitted PGI Cikini Hospital, patient received 18 types of drugs such as Cefixime, ceftazidime, Prednicort (6α-Methylprednisoline), Folic Acid, Neurosanbe 5000, Rocer (omeprazole), Imuran (azathioprine), Mucosta (rebamipide), Actrapid (insulin), Mycostatin (nystatin), Cavit D3, Cernevit, Fluconazole, INH, Transamin (tranexcamid acid), Lasix (furosemide), Novorapid (insulin aspart), Lantus (insulin glargine) and acyclovir. From the profile treatment of Mrs VS, discovered the existence of Drug Related Problems (DRP) including Drug Interaction, Failure to Receive Medication, and Drug Use Without Indication. Keywords: Endometrial Hyperplasia, Idiopathic Thrombocytopenia Purpura (ITP), Drug Related Problems. 1730 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. Introduction Endometrial hyperplasia is the excessive growth of glandular and stromal vascularization accompanied by the formation of lymphocytes in the endometrium. This growth can affect some or all layers of endometrium2. This type of bleeding is common during the reproductive and premenopausal. Basic causes of bleeding in this situation is due to the absence of ovulation because it is not the formation of the corpus luteum which leads to reduced secretion of progesterone, while producing excessive estradiol cause stimulation of the endometrium continuously. Without produces progesterone, the endometrium proliferates and endometrium becomes very much that contain blood vessels without supported with sufficient stroma and become brittle, causing bleeding endometrium3. Idiopathic thrombocytopenia purpura (ITP) is a bleeding disease that is obtained as a result of excessive platelet destructed, characterized by thrombocytopenia (platelet count <150,000 / mm3), purpura, peripheral blood picture were generally normal, and no other causes of thrombocytopenia. Classification of Idiopathic Thrombocytopenia Purpura is an acute and chronic. ITP is called chronic if thrombocytopenia occurred during the 6 bulan4. The cause of ITP is an autoimmune disorder, so the destruction of platelets in the reticuloendothelial system increases. This disorder usually accompanies viral infection or immunization caused by the immune system response is not appropriate (Inappropriate). Lately, ITP is also often referred to as immune thrombocytopenic purpura (immune thrombocytopenia purpura). The diagnosis of ITP is largely made on the basis of clinical features, with symptoms or signs of bleeding, accompanied by a decrease in platelet count (thrombocytopenia)6. Presentation Case Patient Mrs. VS aged 45 years and 6 months, came to the PGI Cikini Hospital with a chief complaint of bleeding in the genital approximately 5 months. Patient complain that the last 5 months, periods become longer up to 21 days, bleeding gums, feel nauseous, arising bluish spots on the entire body, hard defecation and black. Previously, patient already went to the SukmulSisma Medical Hospital and referred to the PGI Cikini Hospital. Clinical Evaluation 1. Failed / Did not receive medication (Failure to receive medication) 1731 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. Patient were experiencing a medical problem that requires drug therapy but shecan not receive treatment on the grounds of the state of the economy, psychology, sociology, or for reasons of pharmaceutical5. It was found that some drug use that was not given every day that the patient did not receive the drug Imuran on September 17, 2014, Mucosta on September 11, 2014, Mycostatin on September 12, 2014, Rocer ampoule on September 11, 13, 14 and 18, 2014, Transamin on September 13 and 14, 2014, and acyclovir tabs on 19th and 20th September, 2014. Pharmacist Note: These drugs should still be given to obtain maximum therapy. 2. The use of drugs without indication (Drug Use Without Indication) The patient was givena isoniazid drug (INH), which was not in accorandce with the indication of the patient. Pharmacist Note: Patient should not be given the drug isoniazid (INH) because patient were not identified with tuberculosis disease. 3. Drug Interactions (Drug Interactions) It was found that the presence of multiple drug interactions in patient. a. Using prednicort together with fluconazole may increase the effects of prednicort through metabolic enzyme CYP3A4 in the liver1. b. Using prednicort together with isoniazid (INH) may increase the effects of prednicort through metabolizing enzyme CYP3A4 in the liver1. c. Using cefixime together with furosemide may increase the toxicity effect pharmacodynamic synergy. And can increase the risk of nephrotoxicity1. d. Using ceftazidime together with furosemide may increase the toxicity effect pharmacodynamic synergy. And can increase the risk of nephrotoxicity1. e. Using isoniazid together with omeprazole may increase the effect of omeprazole through CYPC219 by liver enzymes1. Pharmacist Note: Provision of drugs like prednicort with fluconazole, there should be a distance. Giving prednicort with isoniazid (INH), there should be a distance. Cefixime drug administration with furosemide, there should be a distance. Ceftazidime with furosemide drug administration, there should be a distance. Drug administration of omeprazole with isoniazid (INH), there should be a distance. 1732 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. Conclusion Based on the results, it can be concluded that it was discovered the existence of some of the DRP in the treatment of patient Mrs. VS. Some of them were, the patient did not receive the drug on a daily basis (Failure to Receive Medication), patient received INH drug which was not in accorandce with the indication (Drug Use Without Indication), and the interaction between prednicort andfluconazole, cefixime andfurozemide, ceftazidime andfurozemide and, omeprazole and INH (Drug Interaction). References 1. 2. Indahwati D, Aloysius Suryawan, UckeSastrawinata. 2007. HubunganKerapatanReseptorHormon Estrogen padaWanitaPerimenopauseterhadapKejadianTipeHiperplasia Endometrium. ArtikelPenelitianVol 6. No 2. Bagian/KSM ObstetriandGinekologiFakultasKedokteranUniversitas Kristen Maranatha / RS Immanuel, Bandung. 3. Pramana, C. 2004. Kadar Estradiol Serum PadaWanitaUsiaReproduksiDenganPerdarahan Uterus Disfungsi. BagianObstetriandGinekologiFakultasKedokteranUniversitasDiponegoro, Semarang. 4. Sakamoto, KM. 2000. Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura.Pediatri Rev 2000;21:95-103. 5. Saragi, S. 2012. PanduanPenggunaanObat. Rosemata Publisher. Jakarta 6. Setyoboedi, B. 2004. PurpuraTrombositopenikIdiopatikapadaAnak (patofisiologi, tatalaksanasertakontroversinya). Sari Pediatri, Vol. 6, No. 1. 1733 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. DRUG RELATED PROBLEMS THAT OCCURRED IN PATIENT SEPSIS MACROVASCULAR DISEASE COMPLICATIONS GENERAL HOSPITAL TREATMENT ROOM CENTRAL OF THE ARMY (ARMY HOSPITAL) GATOT SUBROTO Abdullah1), Diana Laila Ramatillah2), Aprilita Rinayanti Eff2) 1) Student of Pharmacist Program, Faculty of Pharmacy UTA’ 45 Jakarta 2) Lecturer of Faculty of Pharmacy UTA’ 45 Jakarta Tel: + 62819 - 1882 - 4488 Email: ABSTRACT Sepsis is a systemic inflammatory response syndrome: clinical inflammatory response to disturbances that cause infection or not infection1. Patient entered in the Emergency Room (ER) 8 October 2014, the diagnosis of sepsis patient ec furnier gangrene (scrotum), Haematemesis ec gastropathy uremikum, CKD stage V on HD with anemia, metabolic acidosis, CHF fc II, type II diabetes mellitus, hypertension, hepatitis B therapy received treatment for at GatotSubroto Army Hospital namely, Lasix, D40%, Insulin (Novorapid, Humalog), Meropenem, Levofloxacin, Farmadol, Omeprazole, Transamin, Vitamin K, Sodium Bicarbonate, Calcium Carbonate, Folic Acid, Vitamin B12, Valsartan, Amlodipine, Transfusion Package Red Cells (PRC), Triofusin e 1000, Tramal, Ca Gluconate, Metronidazole, Cefoperazone Sulbactam, Albumin transfusion, transfusion Fresh Frozen Plasma (FFP), the result of monitoring drug therapy patient obtained their multiple DRPs (Drug Related Problems), correlation between therapy with disease, Selection of appropriate medication, dosage regimen, interactions and contraindications. Keywords: Sepsis, Complications, Gatot Subroto Army Hospital 1734 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. Introduction Sepsis presence of pathogenic microorganisms or their toxins in the blood and other tissues, Systemic inflammatory response syndrome: clinical inflammatory response to disturbances that cause infection or not infection1. Responses appear in the form of ≥ 2 the following conditions: temperature > 38°C or < 36°C, frequency heart rate > 90 beats/min, respiratory frequency > 20 breaths/min, the white blood cells > 12000 cells/mL or < 4000 cells/mL or > 10% in the form of immature1. Severe sepsis: sepsis associated with organ dysfunction, septic shock: sepsis with hypotension simultaneously the presence of perfusion abnormalities1. Causinga frequent site of infection sepsis (21-68% Respiratory tract, urinary Channels 14-18%, 14-22% Intra Abdominal cavity): Sepsis by gram-negative bacteria (approximately 38% of the incidence of sepsis) Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas aeruginosa is bacteria the most frequently isolated in sepsis, Gram-positive (40%): Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus pneumoniae, Staphylococcus coagulase negative and, Enterococcus. The cause of fungal sepsis (17%): Candida albicans frequently causes sepsis in hospital patient1. CLINICAL EVALUATION While in hospital the patient was given medication therapy are: Lasix 18 ampoules / 24 hours up to 1,5cc / hour because Lasix is very effective to cope with edema administration IVFD to the effect that faster with gradual dose. D40% 2 flacon / 3 hours up to 16 cc / hour as a replacement fluid and energizing, glucose solution is administered in treatment with Calcium, Sodium Bicarbonate, and Insulin for the emergency management of hyperkalemia. Triofusin e 1000 500 cc / 24 hours for obtaining calories and electrolytes needed through total and partial parenteral nutrition in patient with diabetes needs to be done to monitor blood sugar levels2. Insulin 0,5 units / hour in NaCl 0,9% for patient undergoing surgery and require insulin infusion intravenously for 12 hours or more, the speed of infusion of insulin if blood sugar < 4 mmol / liter is given 0,5 units / hour for onward adjusted to the patient's clinical condition, after the patient began to eat and drink, give insulin subcutaneously use multiples of 4 units of insulin applies if < 200 mg / dL = 0 units, 201 - 250 mg / dL = 4 units, 251 - 300 mg / dL = 8 units, 301 - 350 mg / dL = 12 units, > 351 mg / dL = 16 units beyond2. 1735 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. Meropenem 1 gram 3 times daily in this case as empirical therapy, while awaiting culture results come out, Meropenem be an option because of its broad spectrum for infection of gram-positive and gram-negative, aerobic and anaerobic, tousesoshould be based on culture results, while for patient impaired liver function and impaired renal function the dose and treatment regiment adapted to the patient's clinical condition, Cefoperazone Sulbactam 2 times a day 1 gram for grampositive need for strong administration drip for 1 hour, 1 time a day Levofloxacin 500 mg is indicated for patient who have urinary tract infections are caused by infection with gram-positive and gramnegative, and dose adjustment regiment not promising therapy for patient with impaired renal function and liver function disorders, Metronidazole 500 mg 3 times also used for gynecological surgery sepsis with major activity against anaerobic bacteria colonic2,3. Omeprazole 40 mg 2 times a day as therapy uremikum gastropathy and gastric ulcers and reduction during general anesthesia (acid aspiration prophylaxis) is given 40 mg in the afternoon and one day prior to surgery and then 40 mg 2-6 hours before surgery, Inpepsa suspension effective in treating ulcers stomach, protecting the mucosa from acid-pepsin in gastric ulcer timing of 2 gram 2 times a day (morning and before bed at night) or 1 gram 4 times a day 1 hour before meals and before bed at night, given for 4-6 weeks2. Tramal 100 mg 3 times daily for pain, Farmadol given 3 times 1 gram to address moderate pain till mild postoperative pain and fever, Ca Gluconate quickly can lead to vasodilation of blood vessels, decrease in blood pressure, bradycardia and cardiac arrhythmias, and even can cause cardiac arrest therefore IV administration either bolus or continuous need to monitor blood pressure and pulse of this reaction is due to a decrease in potassium drastically in rapid decrease in potassium will result in a decrease in contractile muscle cells, including heart muscle cells resulting in a decrease in pulse and vasodilatation2,3. Transamin injection of 500 mg 3 times a day is given to inhibit fibrinolysis so it can be useful to prevent bleeding, is used in patient with mild renal function disorders at the recommended dose reduction, whereas for patient with severe renal function impairment and avoid use in patient with impaired function liver needs to be monitored, Vitamin K 3 times daily 10 mg is needed for the production of blood clotting factors, for patient impaired liver function may have deficiencies vitamin K 2,3. 1736 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. Sodium Bicarbonate 1 gram 3 times daily to cope with metabolic acidosis, in severe cases can be administered by intravenous Sodium Bicarbonate, Calcium Carbonate 500 mg 3 times daily is used as a phosphate binder in the treatment of hyperphosphatemia in renal failure complications2,3. Folic Acid 15 mg 1 time a day is required for nucleoprotein synthesis and maintenance of normal erythropoiesis, folic acid stimulates the production of red blood cells and white blood cells, Vitamin B12 50 mg 3 times daily is important for growth, cell reproduction hematopoiesis, and nucleoprotein synthesis and meilin, Vitamin B12 also plays a role in the formation of red blood cells through the activity of folic acid coenzyme2. Valsartan 160 mg 1 time a day for the treatment of hypertension that can be combined with other antihypertensives, Valsartan may be given to patient with heart failure, patient with hemodialysis, the patient is low in sodium, this group does not inhibit the breakdown of bradykinin that does not cause a dry cough, Amlodipine1 time a day 10 mg as antihypertensive, how it works inhibits calcium ion influx through the slow channel membran active cell, thereby affecting cardiac myocardial cells, and vascular smooth muscle cells and reducethe ability of myocardial contraction, the formation and propagation of electrical impulses in the heart, and systemic or coronary vascular tone, Amlodipine did not reduce myocardial contractility and does not cause deterioration in heart failure with a longer tenure so that it can be given once a day2,3. PRC 500 cc of blood transfusion aims to improve the oxygenation of tissues and organs with a target of 8 g / dL, transfusion Albumin to overcome the shortage of Albumin in the body, can lead to instability Albumin shortage of water in the blood plasma, so that the blood volume is unstable and undergo body hoarding fluid which is often characterized by swelling, Albumin also act as transport in the body, including some elements of drugs and assist in the formation of a new body tissue, addition of Albumin transfusion transfusion patient also in Fresh Frozen Plasma (FFP) contains all plasma proteins that are fresh frozen plasma the goal is to reach 30% of normal clotting factor concentrations2. DOSAGE AND HOW TO USE Lasix initial dose of 250 mg to 4 mg / min for 1 hour, the dose may be increased to 1 grams can be repeated every 24 hours. D40% given 1-3 liters / day, Triofusin e 1000 500 cc for 24 hours, use multiples of 4 units of insulin effect, if the blood glucose < 200 mg / dL = 0 unit, 201 - 250 mg / dL = 4 1737 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. units, 251 – 300 mg / dL = 8 units, 301 – 350 mg / dL = 12 units, > 351 mg / dL = 16 units onwards. Meropenem 250 mg every 24 hours after the HD 500 mg every 8 hours, Cefoperazone Sulbactam 500 mg every 12 hours up to 1 gram a day, the initial dose after Hemodialysis Levofloxacin 500 mg to 250 mg every subsequent 48 hours for 7 – 14 days, Metronidazole 500 mg every 8 hours, Omeprazole 40 mg every 24 hours, Ranitidine 50 mg every 6-8 hours, Tramal 50 - 100 mg every 4 - 6 hours, Farmadol 1 g every 4 - 6 hours maximum 4 grams / day, Cagluconate 10 ml (2, 25 mmol) - 40 ml (40 mmol) of 10% / day, Transamin injection of 500 mg - 1 g every 8 hours, 10 mg Vitamin K Injection for 24 hours2,3. Valsartan 40 mg every 12 hours dose adjustment 80 - 160 mg every 12 hours, Amlodipine 5 mg - 10 mg every 24 hours, Inpepsa suspension 2 - 4 g every 12 hours for 4 - 6 weeks up to 8 grams, 500 mg Sodium Bicarbonate rapid dehydration every 3-4 hours, later every 12 hours, Calcium Carbonate 500 mg every 8 hours, Paracetamol 500 mg - 1 grams every 4 - 6 hours maximum 4 grams, Folic Acid 5 mg every 24 hours depending on the disease Basically, Vitamin B12 50 - 150 mcg or more given between meals every 8 hours2,3. Blood transfusion Package Red Cells (PRC), Albumin transfusion, Transfusion of Fresh Frozen Plasma (FFP) LABORATORY RESULTS Examination Abnormal values Normal value Routine Hematology Hemoglobin 7,8 * 13-18 g / dl Hematocrit 23 * 40-52% Erythrocyte 2,9 * 4,3 to 6,0 million / mL 14080 * 4800-10800μL 78 * 80-96fL Leukosite MCV Coagulation PT 13,4 * 10,2 to 12,2 seconds APTT 48,4 * 29 to 40,2 seconds Clinical Chemistry blood gas analysis 1738 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. pH 7,477 * 7,37 to 7,45 pCO2 23,2 * 33-44mmHg pO2 42,7 * 71-104mmhg Bicarbonate (HCO3) 17,3 * 22-29mmol / L -4,6 (-2) -3mmol / L 82,7 * 94-98% Albumin 24 * 3,8 to 5,1 g / dL Urea 172 * 20-50mg / dl Triglyceridese 11,6 * 0,5-1,5mg / dl Calcium (Ca) 7,2 * 8,6-10,3mg / dl GDS 179 * <140mg / dl Sodium (Na) 134 * 135-147mmol / L Base excess (BE) O2 saturation Calculations Estimate Triglyceridese Clearance (CrCl) based on the Cockcroft-Gault4. CrCl = CrCl = Weight (kg) x (140-age) 72 x (Cs) cr (mg %) 80 (kg) x (140-49) 72 x (11, 6 mg %) CrCl = 8, 71 mL/min DRUG RELATED PROBLEMS (DRPs) 1. Correlation between therapy with disease There was a clinical condition was not treated, namely hepatitis B based on ISO book Pharmacotherapy should be given hepatitis B vaccine therapy (HBIG). Pharmacist Intervention: The dose of hepatitis B vaccine (HBIG) is usually 0,06 ml / kg IM administered in a single dose for 14 days1. 2. Selection of appropriate medication 1739 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. Selection of the drug was not safe for the patient's condition and dosing indispensable for these patient (CKD stage V) because some drugs can not be in clean when hemodialysis. Pharmacist Intervention: Patient with stage V renal failure need dose adjustments are based on those calculations the dose should be decreased Triglyceridese Clearance Estimate of laboratory values 5. 3. Dose regimen The dose, frequency and route of administration did not consider the effectiveness, safety, comfort, and not in accorandce with the patient's condition? Meropenem 1 gram 3 times daily, Cefoperazone Sulbactam 2 times daily 1 gram, 1 time a day Levofloxacin 500 mg, Valsartan 160 mg 1 time a day Pharmacist Intervention: Use of drugs tailored to the patient's clinical condition; Meropenem for ClCr < 10 mL / min to 250 mg for 24 hours, after hemodialysis given 500 mg every 8 hours, Levofloxacin Cr 10-19 mL / min after hemodialysis therapy dose of 500 mg to 250 mg subsequently every 4 hours for 7 - 14 days, Cefoperazone Sulbactam ClCr <15 mL / min therapeutic dose of 0,5 grams for 12 hours up to 1 gram / day, Valsartan as an antihypertensive drug, administered dose of 160 mg lowered to 40 mg 1 time / day in patient with Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) on Hemodialysis5. 4. Interactions and contraindications There were interactions between drugs with drug, Potassium Chloride + Valsartan need for dose adjustment may increase potassium in the blood, Tramadol + Meropenem + Levofloxacin can affect the central nervous system resulting in convulsions, Insulin + Sucralfate should be avoided or dose adjustments of Insulin because of Sucralfate suspension containing carbohydrates so can interfere with blood glucose levels, Calcium Carbonate + Sucralfate + Amlodipine, a Calcium Carbonate can inhibit the action Sucralfate and Amlodipine, Lasix + Cefoperazone concurrent use can worsen kidney function requires monitoring of renal function6. Pharmacist Intervention: Potassium Chloride + Valsartan discontinued due to the use of potassium normal laboratory values, Tramadol + Meropenem + Levofloxasin because this drug is needed in the treatment of patient were advised to use Meropenem precedence because T½ of Meropenem shorter that 1 hour of tramadol with T½ 6 hours, while for Levofloxasin given every 48 hours for 1740 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. patient with CKD condition that can be given after use of Tramadol, Insulin + Sucralfate improved insulin dosage based on blood glucose levels. Calcium Carbonate + Sucralfate + Amlodipine, Amlodipine use of precedence by chewing and swallowed to accelerate the absorption of Calcium Carbonate inthe next administration and Sucralfate given within 1 hour after administration of Calcium Carbonate, Lasix + Cefoperazone the use of Lasix precedence 30-60 minutes of use Cefoperazone1,2,3,6,7. CONCLUSION Based on the assessment of the use of drugs were used, it can be concluded that, in patients with a diagnosis of sepsis macrovascular disease complications, found the presence of some DRPs (Drug Related Problems), correlation between therapy with disease, Selection of appropriate medication, dosage regimen, interactions and contraindications. REFERENCES 1. Yulinah Elin Sukandar. at all. 2008. “ISO Farmakoterapi”. ISFI Penerbitan. Jakart Barat. 2. Stiabudy Rianto. at all. 2008. “Informatorium Obat Nasional Indonesia”. Baand POM RI. Jakarta. 3. Hoan Tan Tjay and Rahardja Kirana. 2007. “Obat-Obat Penting”. Elex Media Komputindo Kelompok Gramedia. Jakarta. 4. Sunil S. Jambhekar and Philip J Breen. 2009. Basic Pharmacokinetics. Pharmaceutical Press. London and Chicago. UK/USA. 5. Caroline Ashley and Aileen Currie. 2009. The Renal Drug Handbook Third Edition. Radcliffe Publishing Ltd18 Marcham Road, Abingdon, Oxon OX14 1AA. United Kingdom. 6. Medscape. Drug Interaction. 2014 7. Gunawan Sulistia Gan. at all. 2007, “Farmakologi And Terapi”. Departemen Farmakologi andTerapeutik Fakultas Kedokteran - Universitas Indonesia. Jakarta 1741 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. EVALUATION OF DRUG RELATED PROBLEMS IN TREATMENT HEMORRHAGIC STROKE Dedy Firmansyah1, Diana Laila Ramatillah2), Aprilita Rinayanti Eff2) 1) Student of Pharmacist Program, Faculty of Pharmacy UTA’ 45 Jakarta 2) Lecturer of Faculty of Pharmacy UTA’ 45 Jakarta Email: Telp: +62813 8236 7040 ABSTRACT Hemorrhagic stroke is the rupture of a blood vessel wall, causing bleeding in the brain2. Hypertension triggered a major factor hemorrhagic stroke5. Administered drug therapy could amount to much (polypharmacy) so that the handling of patients need more rigor6.Inaccuracy would cause problems on the drug or drug related problems with the use of drugs (Drug Related Problems)6. Case Presentation: Patient Mr. BN, aged 48 years were treated in WardK PGI.Cikini Hospital. Patient had complain limp hand and left foot, talk pleto, headache, constipation, decrease of consciousness. CT - scan result hemorrhagic infarction in patientdiagnosed with the size of the Cerebellum Dextra 3x2,5x3 cm ± 20cc . The patient had a history of diabetes mellitus and hypertension. Test blood glucose levels obtained an average value of 191 mg/dL and LDL cholesterol levels of 160 mg/dL. Diabetes Mellitus on the measurement of LDL cholesterol and blood glucose exceeds the normal value. ClinicEvaluation: Therapy treatment during care that tranexamic acid, Vitamin K, Ranitidine Injection 5 mg, Vitamin B Complex, Folic Acid, Metformin 500 mg, Laxadine, Simvastatin 20 mg, glimepiride 1 mg, Captopril 25 mg, and Alprazolam 0,25 mcg. Drug related problems (DRP) occurs in these patients because of the presence of unwanted drug reactions to the drug ranitidine injection 50 mg with metformin 500 mg, oral antidiabetic between glimepiride 1 mg and metformin 500, and alprazolam 0.25 mcg and captopril 25 mg. Keywords : Haemorrhagic Stroke, Drug Related Problems, PGI.CIKINI Hospital. 1742 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. INTRODUCTION Stroke is a state of partial or complete loss of neurological function (focal neurologic deficit or global) that occurs suddenly, lasts more than 24 hours or the cause of death, which was solely caused by circulatory disorders of the brain due to reduced blood supply (ischemic stroke) or spontaneous rupture of a blood vessel (hemorrhagic stroke)5. About 14 of the 100 people suffered a hemorrhagic stroke. This condition mostly affects older people, but can occur at any age6. There was two kinds of hemorrhagic stroke/bleeding were intracerebral hemorrhage caused by bleeding in the brain and subarachnoid hemorrhage caused by bleeding in the brain surface subakraniod space2. Symptoms of a stroke caused by bleeding in the brain or intracerebral was weakness, numbness or tingling on one side of the body, difficulty speaking or understanding, dizziness or blurred vision. These symptoms may be accompanied by other symptoms such as sudden headache, altered consciousness, vomiting or stiff neck2. Subakranoid stroke, the only symptoms that often occur suddenly was a severe headache2. It was described as hit with a hammer, the only symptom that often occurs suddenly was a severe headache2. Other symptoms that may occur is a loss of consciousness, seizures, nausea, vomiting, sensitivity to light, stiff neck, confusion and fever2. These symptoms may be accompanied by problems with speech and weakness on one side of the body2. Other causes that may cause infarction or hemorrhage was dura sinus thrombosis, carotid artery dissection, vasculitis of the central nervous system, intracranial large artery occlusive disease were progressive, migraine, drug abuse (cocaine and anfetamin), haematological disorders (sickle cell anemia, polycythemia, and leukemia)3. Enforcement diagnosis for stroke patients can usually be done with a CT-Scan (Computerized Tomography Scan) and MRI (Magnetic Resonant Imaging)2. This was done if the patient felt severe headaches or decreased consciousness2. CT-scan was performed to determine the type of stroke, whether there was a blockage or bleeding2. Risk factors that may be the cause of hemorrhagic stroke risk factors that can be changed such as hypertension, diabetes mellitus, smoking, drug and alcohol abuse, increased hematocrit, asymptomatic carotid bruit, hyperurisemia and dislidemia3. CASE PERCENTATION Patient Mr. BN was a male aged 48 years admitted to the Ward K, admission PGI.Cikini Hospital on 27 November 2014. The patient had complaints such as headaches, talk pleto, constipation, pain 1743 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. magh, the decrease of consciousness. The patient was a patient referrals from FMC Hospital, Bogor. The patient previously had a CT-Scan of the head and unknow their perifokal edema with size 3x2,5x3 cm in the cerebellum dextra. Of FMC Hospital later the patient was referred to the PGI.Cikini Hospital to be hospitalized. Patient previously had a history of diabetes mellitus and hypertension. A history of the disease is certainly easier for doctors in diagnosing a patient illness. On 27 november 2014, the patient's hematological examination showed hemoglobin value was still high at 16.5 g/dL, leukocyte levels increased by 11.3 ( increased by 5.64 ( μL and erythrocytes μL . Examination of blood glucose and cholesterol levels in the body of the patient was done after the patient underwent treatment a few days. Test results obtained blood glucose levels were still high with an average of 191 mg/dL and cholesterol checks werealso high at 160 mg/dL. In this case, the patient was treated first in using the drug such as tranexamic acid and vitamin K to overcome severe bleeding and captopril 25 mg as antihypertensive1. The use of folic acid and vitamin B complex was done to address the occurrence of anemia due to bleeding1. Therapies to treat blood glucose given the combination of metformin 500 mg as oral antidiabetic and insulin actrapid injection 40 UI and glimepiride 1 mg given as a substitute for insulin actrapid injection 40 UI for blood glucose test results provide significant decrease as expected. Simvastatin 20 mg selected for high LDL cholesterol1. Patient had gastric ulcers ranitidine injection that was given to the effectiveness of the therapy and bowel obstruction given laxadin1. The amount of use of medication that was used to make the patient feel anxious and disturbed sleep so for the therapy given alprazolam 250 mcg1. CLINICAL EVALUATION DRPs : Drug Interactions 1. Interaction Ranitidine Injection 50 mg and Metformin 500 mg Use of ranitidine and metformin, which was ranitidine may decrease the excretion of metformin that will increase levels of plasma4. Pharmacist intervention: Should be given within the administration of drugs, ranitidine injection given every 6-8 hours (usually at night) whereas metformin can be used after eating1. 1744 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. 2. Interaction Metformin 500 mg andGlimepiride 1mg The use of a combination of metformin and glimepiride long term can lead to hypotension4. Pharmacist intervention: Recommended that blood glucose levels should be monitored so that further action can be taken to use a single drug therapy4. 3. Interaction Alprazolam 0.25 mcg and Captopril 25 mg The use of alprazolam and captopril will result in hypotension4. Pharmacist intervention: Recommended the use of the drug should interval better although captopril used before bed. But alprazolam should not be used for long-term considering the effects of this drug dependency or should be done fisioterapi1. CONCLUSION In addition, there was a DRP (Drug Related Problems) includes interaction Ranitidine Injection 50 mg and metformin 500 mg, Interaction Metformin 500 mg and glimepiride 1 mg, Interaction Alprazolam 0,25and Captopril 25 mg. REFERENCES 1. Baand POM RI. 2008. InformatoriumObatNasional. Jakarta 2. Dipiro, Joseph T., et. al., 2008, Pharmacotherapy: A Pathophysiologic Approach 7th Edition. McGraw Hill. New York 3. Iskandar, J. 2002. PencegahanandPengobatan Stroke. Jakarta 4. Medscape. Drugs Interaction. 2004 5. Mutaqqin, Arief. 2008. Buku Ajar AsuhanKeperawatanKliendenganGangguanSistem Persarafan. SelembaMedika: Jakarta 6. PERDOSSI, 2007. StandarPelayananMedik. Jakarta 1745 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. EVALUATION OF THE TREATMENT OF PATIENT WITH PULMONARY TUBERCULOSIS (TB) BTA CATEGORY ONE AND SYNDROME DYSPEPSIA AT PULMONARY DISEASE WARD GOVERNMENT GENERAL PERSAHABATAN HOSPITAL Wa ode Sriramadhan1, Diana Laila Ramatillah2, Aprilita Rinayanti Eff2 Student of Pharmacist Program, Faculty of Pharmacy University of17 August 1945 Jakarta Lecturer pharmacy in pharmacy Faculty University of 17 august 1945 Jakarta (UTA’45 Jakarta Email ABSTRACT Tuberculosis (TB) is an infectious disease caused by chronical bacteria Mycobakterium Tuberculosis is transmitted through the air germs into the air (13) (13). When patient with TB coughs, sneezes or spits, they release TB . Dyspepsia is a common term used for a syndrome or a collection of symptoms or complaints of pain or discomfort on the nausea, bloating, vomiting, saltpeter, quick sense of satiety, and the stomach feels full or begah (6) . patient TN. AD, aged 19 years, government general persahabatan hospital which was signed on 12 December 2014 with a diagnosis of pulmonary tuberculosis (TB) BTA after the laparoscopy category I and dipepsia syndrome. Therapy treatment for 7 days treated that is NaCl Infusion, injection Ranitidine, Alinamin F, cetorolac injection , OAT 4FDC, Aspar K tablets, Multivitamins. Based on the results of the practice of the Registrar of clinics on pulmonary disease Care Spaces rooms was over at Soka government general hospital persahabatan then can be drawn the conclusion that the existence of the DRPS (Drug Related Problems) regimens dose werenot in accorandce with the library and also hadindication withgiving a drug. Key words: Drug Related Problems (DRPs), Pulmonary Tuberculosis (TB) BTA, SyndromeDyspepsia. 1746 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. INTRODUCTION Tuberculosis (TB) is a disease which iscaused by infection with Mycobacterium Tuberculosis complex(10).Mycobacterium Tuberculosis rod-shaped, straight or slightly curved. These bacteria-sized with of 0.3 – 0.6 mm long and 1-4 mm. Wall mycrobacterium is very complex, consisting of a layer of fat is quite high (60%) (10). Tuberculosis (TB) is a contagious disease with a relatively high incidence rate(10). Pulmonary Tuberculosis (TB) was also reported as the cause of death is the third largest in the world after cardiovascular diseases and diseases of the respiratory tract as well as an infectious disease the number one in the world can cause death (9). Clinical symptoms are cough, cough two weeks of blood, shortness of breath, chest pain, fever and other (9). The world's Tuberculosis (TB) report by the WHO put Indonesia fourth most for sufferers of Tuberculosis after China, India, and South Africa with the prevalence of Tuberculosis in Indonesia in 2013 is 297 per 100,000 population with new cases every year reaching 460,000 cases (9) . Thus, the total cases to 2013 approximately 800,000-900,000 cases (13). In addition to the home environment sanitation factors, the incidence of pulmonary Tuberculosis (TB) disease is also very concerned with the behavior and the amount of family income because most patients with Tuberculosis (TB) is a poor level of education is low (9) . For examination of pulmonary Tuberculosis (TB) were examined specimens of sputum within 2 days that is during morning-during (SPS)(9). Based on the guidelines of the national Tuberculosis program, the diagnosis of pulmonary Tuberculosis in adults is enforced with Tuberculosis (TB) germs he met (BTA)(9). Whereas examination of the thoracic breed photos and test sensitivity can be used as a support in diagnosis in accorandce with the indications and not justified in diagnosing Tuberculosis (9). Dyspepsia is a common term used for a collection of symptoms or syndrome/please come-han in the form of pain or discomfort on the nausea, bloating, vomiting, saltpeter, quick sense of satiety, and the stomach feel full (5). Adult population in Western countries influenced by dyspepsia ranged from 14 to 38%. However, approximately 13-18% have spontaneous resolution over the past one year, with a stable prevalence over time (5). Dyspepsia affects 25% of the population of the United States each year and about 5% of all patient go to the doctor for the primary services (5) . Whereas the United Kingdom has a prevalence of dyspepsia about 21% and just two percent of the population of primary care 1747 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. physicians to consult them with the first new episode or dyspepsia and dyspepsia annually, accounted for 40% of all consuls to the gastroenterologist. Survey on community estimates that only around 35% of patients with dyspepsia who consulted a doctor, although its proportions will increase as we get older (5). CLINICAL EVALUATION In the treatment of patient given Ranitidine injection 150 mg 2x1/12 hours for intravenous. Ranitidine is a medication used to treat the dyspepsia syndrome. Alinamin F 2x1 oral administered to meet ful fiil of vit. 12, B1 and NaCl 0.9% with cetorolac 500cc 1 amp 10 mg/12 hours for the abdominal pains for IFVD wounds post laparoscopic, loss of body fluids, Aspar K 300 mg 3x1 tablets used to help increase levels of potassium ions in the blood is lacking or hypokalemia, Multivitamins tablet 3x1 supplements increase appetite as seen from the patient's nutritional condition, namely poor nutrition. While the OATS 4FDC 1x2 tablets (Rifampin 150 mg, 400 mg, Pirazinamid 75 mg Ethambutol, INH 275 mg) used for treatment each day in the intensive phase and to insert pulmonary Tuberculosis (TB) on the BTA (1,2). LABORATORY RESULTS The results of laboratory examinations carried out by the patient AD. The value of abnormality point out laboratory vaules in Leukocyte 10.81 000/mm3 (normal value: 5-10 000/mm3), 79.3% netrofil (the normal rate: 50-70%) monocytes 9.8% (normal values: 2-8%) esinophil 9.7% (normal values: 24%) the hemoglobin of 13.0 g/dl (normal value: 14-18 g/dl), 40% (hematokrit normal value: 43-45%), platelets 640 000/mm3 (normal value: 150-440 000/mm3), potassium 3.20 mmol/L (normal value: 3.5-5.5 mmol/L), triglycerides 0.6 (normal value: 0.8-1.5 mg/dL albumin, 2.1 g/dL (normal value: 3.45 g/dL, calcium 7, 00mg/dL (normal value: 8.4-10.2 mg/dL (1.8). DRUG RELATED PROBLEMS (DRPs) 1. Regimens Dose In this case patient go the dose of Alinamin F which was incompatible with the doses which as found in the literature. Pharmacist Intervention Administered Once daily 1 tablet a day after not 2 times a day (12). 1748 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. 2. Indications Without Giving Drugs Laboratory results showed an abnormality that wasvalue of leukocytes, monocytes, netrofil, lisinofil, which indicated the presence of infection should be treated with injection of the antibiotic of Ceftriaxon (cephalosporins third generation). Ceftriaxon is a broad spectrum antibacterial indicated for severe infection (5) . Views of the value of albumin occur causing loss hipoalbumin recommendedfor patient was given nutritional therapy, by consuming fish Cork albumin (12) . Fish Cork in addition contains albumin in large quantities, also has elements of zinc (zn) that play a role in wound healing (12). Patient experiencing a decrease calcium that caused hypocalcemia so need to be given in the form of hypocalcemia-enhancing drugs Vitamin D. Patient experienced a decline in hemoglobin indicate anemia, but was not given medication anemia (12). CONCLUSION Based on the observations that have been made in the case of the patient then it can be inferred that patient diagnosed with pulmonary Tuberculosis(TB) disease BTA category 1 and dipepsia syndrome and patient experience some problems associated with the treatment, that was an inappropriate dose regimens, and also had indication without giving drugs. REFERENCES 1. BPOM. 2008. Informatorium Obat Nasional Indonesia (IONI). Sagung Seto : Jakarta. 2. Burns, Dr. Aine. 2009. Renal Drug Handbook third edition. New York : Oxford. 3. Depkes, 2005. Pharmaceutical care untukpenyakittuberkulosis. DirjenBinaKefarmasianandAlatKesehatan. Jakarta. 4. Djojodibroto, Dr. R. Darmanto, Sp. P, FCCP. 2009. Respirologi (Respiratory Medicine). Jakarta : EGC 5. Galileopharma. 2008, BNF edition 56, Alexandria University 6. Haapalahti M, Mykkanen H, Tikkanen S, Kokkonen J, 2004. Food habits in 10 – 11-year-old children with functionalgastro-intestinal disorders. European Penderita Dispepsia Fungsional. 7. Herryanto, 2004, Riwayatpengobatanpenderita TB paruJurnalKesehatanvol 3, Bandung. 8. KEMENKES RI, 2011. PedomanInterpretasi Data Klinik.Kemenkes RI : Jakarta 1749 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. 9. Made dkk, 2013, Hubunganpengetahuan, sikapandMotivasitengakesehatandenganaktivitasnyadalampengendalianKasusTuberkulosis di KabupatenBuleleng. JurnalMegisterKedokteranKeluarga, Surakarta. 10. Manjoer, A, et al, 2000, Kapita selekta kedokteran, edisi 3, Jakarta, Medika aeusculapeus. 11. Pedoman Nasional Penanggulangan Tuberkulosis Edisi 2 Cetakan Kedua. Departemen Kesehatan Republik Indonesia 2008. 12. Suzanne C. Smeltzer, Bare G. Brenda. 2002. BukuAjarKeperawatanMedikalBedah.EGC. Jakarta 13. WHO, 2014.What Is TB ?.World Health Organization 1750 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. EVALUATION OF DRUG RELATED PROBLEMS (DRPs) TREATMENT OF CHOLELITHIASIS WITH DYSPEPSIA DISEASE AT THE INTERNAL DISEASE WARD OF PGI CIKINI HOSPITAL Sri Dwi Mei Karyanti1, Diana Laila Rahmatillah2, Aprilita Rinayanti Efi2 1 Student of Pharmacist Professional Program Student, Faculty of Pharmacy UTA’45 Jakarta 2 Lecturer of Faculty of Pharmacy UTA’45 Jakarta Email : ABSTRACT Gallstone disease (cholelithiasis) is a chronic recurrent hepatobiliary disease1. The basic for which is the impaired metabolism of cholesterol, bilirubin and bile acids, which is characterized by the formation of gallstones in the hepatic bile duct, common bile duct, or gallbladder1. Dyspepsia is a collection of symptoms or syndrome such as heartburn, nausea, bloating, vomiting, taste is full or satiety, belching2. Case presentation : Patient Mrs. DIS 34 years old with a body weight 113 kg, she has went to ward of internal disease in PGI Cikini Hospital on August 28, 2014 with a diagnosis of cholelithiasis and dyspepsia disease. Patient diagnosed with upper abdominal ultrasound and blood laboratory tests complete. Therapy treatment for during hospitalized is sharox (cefuroxime), spasmomen (otilonium bromide), estazor (Ursodeoxycholic acid), inpepsa (sucralfate), folic acid, pantozol (pantoprazole), torasic (ketorolac), dexamethasone, diphenhydramine, Neurobion 5000, heparin drip, nexium (esomeprazole), dumin (paracetamol), meronem (meropenem), and inhalation (Ventolin, Flixotide, bisolvon). Clinical Evaluation: basically, there were 3 interventions that have been founded during the assessment of treatment the patient, drug interactions of sharox with heparin, sharox with nexium, and torasic with dexamethasone. Besides that, discovered the existence of the patient which did not receive the drug as needed was OBH. Non-compliance patient in taking medicine like pantozol, folic acid, and Neurobion 5000. As well , there was an ineffective drugs which were given from one class of drug was nexium and pantozol. There was DRP which was necessary to watch out for in the treatment of patient. DRP can cause failure in patient treatment and can cause lead to death. Keywords: Cholelithiasis, Dyspepsia, and PGI Cikini Hospital. 1751 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. INTRODUCTION Gallstone disease (cholelithiasis) is a chronic recurrent hepatobiliary disease1. The basic for which is the impaired metabolism of cholesterol, bilirubin and bile acids, which is characterized by the formation of gallstones in the hepatic bile duct, common bile duct, or gallbladder1. The complaints on this disease may be dyspepsia sometimes accompanied intolerans to fatty foods. In symptomatic, the main complaint is pain in the epigastric region, right upper quadrant or precordium. The spread of pain can to middle back, scapula, or shoulder peak, accompanied by nausea and vomiting. Risk factors in cholelithiasis were age, gender, pregnancy, genetic factors, metabolic syndrome, and obesity1. Dyspepsia is a collection of symptoms or syndrome of heartburn, nausea, bloating, vomiting, taste is full or satiety, belching2. The etiology of peptic ulcer dyspepsia is, medications such as NSAIDs, cholelithiasis, colesistis, pancreatitis, and systemic conditions such as diabetes mellitus , thyroid disease and pregnancy2 . CASE PRESENTATION Mrs. DIS is a 34 year old woman weighing 113 kg was treated in the internal disease wards. Patient entered in the PGI Cikini Hospital on August 28 , 2014. The patient was admitted with main complaint of heartburn in the upper right abdomen 2 hours before entering the hospital. The history of medical patient now that since 2 hours before entering hospital, patient had experience of heartburn in the upper right abdomen , vomiting 5 times , a cold sweat , yellow eyes , bloating , found gallstones . During treatment patient given drugs such as 1x1 suspension of inpepsa 15 ml, spasmomen 40 mg 3x1tablet, estazor 2x250 mg capsule, nexium 2x40 mg tablet and already recommended for surgery , but the patient is not willing. Past medical history of the patient was gotten the anticoagulation, gallstones, asthma, and TIA (Trasient ischemic attack). Patient has allergy to aspirin, antalgin, Decolgen, Ponstan, Panadol (paracetamol), and amoxicillin. CLINICAL EVALUATION The using of sharox (cefuroxime) as antibiotics. Spasmomen (otilonium bromide) as a pain reliever in gastrointestinal disorders. Estazor (Ursodeoxycholic acid) was used to dissolve gallstones. Nexium (esomeprazole) and pantozol (pantoprazole) is a class of PPIs (Proton Pump 1752 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. Inhibitors) used to treat stomach pain and as a treatment of dyspepsia disease. Inpepsa (sucralfate) was used for dyspepsia and also as unnausea and unvomiting. Torasic (ketorolac) was indicated for pain. Dexamethasone and diphenhydramine was used to treatment of allergic and heparin as an anticoagulant. Folic acid was used as a vitamin for maintaining health. Dumin was used for fever. Meronem was used as an antibiotic and neurobion 5000 as neurotrophic vitamins . Flixotide and Ventolin was used in the treatment of asthma. Bisolvon was used to relieve cough3. DOSAGE AND METHOD OF USE Dosage and method of use the drug in a patient that was on the first day of treatment on August 28, 2014, the patient was given the drug of spasmomen 40 mg 3x1 tablet, estazor 250 mg 2x1 capsule, nexium 40 mg 2x1 tablet, 1x1 inpepsa tablespoon, pantozol 1x1 through intravenous injection ampoule and the drugs taken for 10 days until September 6, 2014. On the second day of the date of August 29, 2014 given additional medication was antibiotics sharox 1 g 1x1 by intravenous injection. Sharox antibiotics given to patient for 7 days until September 4, 2014. On August 30, 2014 sharox enhanced antibiotic administration time interval becomes 2x750 mg and given additional medication torasic 1 ampoule to treat pain in the patient, dexamethasone and diphenhydramine was used each one ampoule as an un-allergy drug torasic. On September 1, 2014 patient got additional medication of drip 5000 U of heparin was given 1 ml in conjunction with the infusion and drug administration time interval 2x1 ampoule pantozol given day. Heparin was given for 6 days from the date of September 1 to September 6, 2014. On September 2, 2014 given additional medication for 5000 Neurobion and folic acid each given 1 tablet for a day. Vitamins were given 2 day until September 3, 2014. On September 3, 2014 the patient did not want to take medication of folic acid, pantozol, and Neurobion 5000. On September 4, 2014 the patient has a high fever with a temperature of 39◦C and given medication of dumin 1x1 tablet, and patient also had asthma, cough and shortness of breath. Doctor gave inhalation ( Ventolin 1 ampoule + Flixotide 1 ampoule + 10 drops bisolvon ) which is administered 3 times daily for 3 days until September 6, 2014. The dose was increased to 7500 U of heparin per day which was given until September 6, 2014. On September 4, 2014 the patient did not want to inject drug pantozol. On September 5, 2014 the doctor prescribing of OBH, but the patient did not receive the medication prescribed. In addition, there was a change of antibiotic that was used antibiotics morenem 1 g x 3 vials a day. 1753 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. Dumin was given 1 tablet 3 times a day and the patient did not want to accept pantozol injection. Dated September 6, 2014, patient was given the same drug as before, except that the doctor did not prescribe pantozol injection . CLINICAL LABORATORY EXAMINATION RESULTS The results of complete blood laboratory tests on the patient which showed that the value of erythrocyte abnormalities 4,60x106/ mL (normal 4.00 to 4.50 x106/ mL), neutrophil rod 0% (normal 2-6%), neutrophils segment of 41 % (normal 50-70 %), lymphocytes 48% (normal 20-40%), monocytes 9% (normal 2-8 %), direk bilirubin 0.3 mg/ dL (normal 0.1-0.2 mg/ dL), D-dimer 540 mg/ dL (normal 0-500 mg/dL), erythrocyte sedimentation rate 22 mm/h (normal 0-20mm/h). Upper abdominal ultrasound examination results showed that in the gall bladder stones appear multiple diameters from 0.78 to 1.95 cm. DRUG RELATED PROBLEMS (DRPs) DRP 1 Drug Interactions Sharox (cefuroxime) and heparin will increase the effect of heparin by heparin (anticoagulation). Possible serious or life threatening interaction. ephalosporins may decrease prothrombin activity 4. Mechanism of cephalosporin can cause bleeding that is induction of vitamin K-responsive hypoprothrombinemia, production of an acquired platelet defect, thrombocytopenia secondary, immune thrombocytopenia, and inhibition of fibrin polymerization. Reported nearly 25 % of cases in the United States die result from bleeding after taking classes sefalosforin especially on gastrointestinal5. Doctor;s note: Check of APTT patient, erythrocyte sedimentation rate, and D –dimer Pharmacist’s intervention : the solution given in drug delivery interval of at least 2 hours and perform monitoring through laboratory or clinical monitoring6. Sharox (Cefuroxime) with nexium (esomeprazol) can occur a significant interaction. Esomeprazole will decrease the level or effect of cefuroxime by increasing gastric pH4. Doctor’s note: nexium given an empty stomach, but sharox given after eat3. Pharmacist’s intervention: the solution given in drug delivery interval of at least 2 hours6. 1754 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. Torasic (ketorolac) and dexamethasone interact with mechanism of pharmacodynamic synergism. Significant interaction possible, monitor closely. Increased risk of GI ulceration4. The solution given in drug delivery interval of at least 2 hours6. Torasic drunk after eat3. DRP 2 Adverse Drug Effects Patient Mrs.DIS reported experiencing itchy eyes, nasal congestion after given drug torasic (ketorolac) for the previous patient complained of pain in the right abdomen. After that, the doctor gave dexamethasone injection of 1 ampoule to the patient but the patient reported increasingly itchy eyes , nose increasingly clogged, flushed face, and lips itch. Administration of dexamethasone did not help allergy patient then, patient was given diphenhydramine 1 ampoule IV . Ketorolac is a non-selective NSAIDs ( inhibit cox-1 ) which has adverse reactions include urticaria, angioedema, anaphylactic shock, and respiratory exacerbation7. Reporting cases of anaphylactic reactions have been reported after intramuscular injection of dexamethasone. Patient had experiencing dizziness, pruritus, hypotension and dysphonia8. Incidence of anaphylactic reactions in eye treatment using intravenous injection of dexamethasone in which patient experienced itching and edema of the eyes until weeks9. Doctor’s note: doctor gave dexamethasone for allergic patient. Then dexamethasone did not help allergy patient which was given intravenous injection then difhenhidramin antihistamines was given. Pharmacist’s intervension: Ideally ADRs should be prevented. Measures to prevent allergic drug reactions include a careful history to determine host risk factors, avoiandce of cross-reactive drugs, use of predictive tests when available, proper and prudent prescribing of drugs (especially antibiotics) that were frequently associated with adverse reactions, use of oral drugs when possible, and documentation of ADR in the patient’s medical record7. DRP 3 Not receiving of drug therapy On 5 September 2014 the patient had a cough and doctor prescribe Black Cough Drug (OBH). However, no drug supplies, so that the drug was not administered to the patient. Doctor’s note: treatment of cough with OBH replaced with bisolvon through inhalation . 1755 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. Pharmacist’s intervention: medication replacement can be provided upon treaties doctor . DRP 4 Non Compliance September 3, 2014, the patient did not want to take medication folic acid, pantozol, and Neurobion 5000. On 4 September 2014 The patient did not want to accept pantozol injection. Pharmacist’s intervention : therapeutic failure patient with chronic disease often a result of poor adherence to drug therapy and therapy of non drug10. DRP 5 Ineffective drug (irrational) Doctor gave pantozol (pantoprazole) with nexium (esomeprazole) drug on the same day. This was irrationality in drug delivery, where both drugs are one class of the same which is a proton pump inhibitor. Both of these drugs have a way of working together that is binding K +/H+-ATPase irreversibly thereby inhibiting the proton pump (H+) and further inhibits the secretion of HCl . The solution was to stop one of the drugs11. CONCLUSION Based on the results of clinical work practice in the internal disease ward of PGI Cikini hospital, it can be concluded that the presence of DRPs ( Drug Related Problems ) should watch out for in the treatment of patient. DRP can cause failure patient in treatment can even lead to death. DRP in the form of case studies that drug cefuroxime drug interactions with drugs esomeprazol and heparin , ketorolac with the drug dexamethasone . Interaction seriously need to watch out for and monitored . Adverse reactions found in drug use ketorolac and dexamethasone for the need for an allergy test in Mrs. DIS . Patient did not receive the required drug therapy and patient non compliance in taking the drugs can lead to inefficiencies in the treatment of patient. There is irrational drug administration in these patient where given two drugs of the same class 1 class is a pump proton inhibitors . REFERENCES 1. Vasiliy, et al. 2012. Concept of the Pathogenesis and Treatment of Cholelithiasis. Dalam: World Journal of Hepatology. ISSN 1948-5182. 1756 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. 2. Djojoningrat, D. 2006. Dispepsia Fungsional. Dalam: Sudoyo, A.W; Setiyohadi, B; Alwi, I; Simadibrata, M; Setiati, S. (eds.). 2006. Buku Ajar Ilmu Penyakit Dalam. Jilid1. Edisi ke-4. Jakarta, Pusat Penerbitan Departemen Ilmu Penyakit Dalam FKUI. 3. BPOM RI. 2008. IONI. Baand Pengawasan Obat and Makanan Republik Indonesia. Jakarta. 4. Medscape. 2014.Drug Interaction Checker. Diakses pada tanggal 13 Oktober 2014. 5. Robert, F. 1990. Safety of Parenteral Third-Generation Cephalosporins. The American Journal of Medicine Volume 88. 6. Syamsudin. 2013. Interaksi Obat Konsep Dasar and Klinis. UI-Press. Jakarta. 7. Solensky, R. 2010. Drug Allergy: An Updated Practice Parameter. American Academy of Allergy Volume 105. 8. Figuredo., 1997. Anaphylaxis to Dexamethasone. Allergy Net. 9. Achim., 2014. Anaphylactic Reaction to Intravenous Corticosteroids in the Treatment of Ocular Toxoplasmosis: a case report. Journal of Medical Case Report. http:// 10. Kementrian Kesehatan Republik Indonesia. 2011. Pedoman Interpretasi Data Klinik. Jakarta: Bina Kefarmasian and ALKES. 11. Priyanto. 2009. Farmakoterapi & Terminologi Medis. Leskonfi. Depok. 1757 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. NON- Hemorrhagic STROKE At Islamic Cempaka Putih Jakarta Hospital (RSIJCP) Ade Irma Novita Sari1, Diana LailaRahmatillah2 ,AprilitaRinayanti Efi2, dr. Ihsanil2 Email: Pharmacist Professional Program Student FacultyPharmacy Of 17 Agustus1945 JakartaUniversity ABSTRACT Stroke is a functional disorder of acute focal brain and globally more than 24 hours, is derived from the interruption of cerebral blood flow and not caused by circulatory disorders of the brain at a glance, brain tumors, stroke secondary to trauma or infection. Ischemic stroke is caused by focal cerebral vascular occlusion causes a decline in the supply of oxygen and glucose to the brain that undergo occlusion. Mr. TK 58 years old, was hospitalized at Islamic Cempaka Putih Jakarta Hospitalon December 4, 2014 with a diagnosis non-hemorrhagic stroke. The treatment which was given to this patient during hospitalized; clopidogrel, aspilet, injection vitamin C, injection nicholin 250 mg, pamol, episan syrup, omeprazole, and novorapid. Based on the results of clinical work practice at the stroke center units at Islamic Cempaka Putih Jakarta Hospital, it can be deduced that the presence of DRPs (Drug Related Problems) like drug interactions, failed to receive the drug, and the indications that were not treated. Keywords: Stroke, ischemic stroke 1758 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. INTRODUCTION Stroke is a functional disorder of acute focal brain and globally more than 24 hours, is derived from the interruption of cerebral blood flow and not caused by circulatory disorders of the brain at a glance, brain tumors, stroke secondary to trauma or infection. Ischemic stroke is caused by focal cerebral vascular occlusion causes a decline in the supply of oxygen and glucose to the brain that undergo occlusion. The emergence of signs and symptoms of focal or global on the stroke is caused by a decrease in cerebral blood flow. The occlusion can be thrombus, embolus, or thromboembolic cause hypoxia to anoxia in one area of branching blood vessels in the brain. Any kind stroke will cause acute neurological deficit, with signs and symptoms of stroke, namely, hemidefisit motoric, sensory hemidefisit, loss of consciousness, paralysis of the facial nerve (VII) and hipoglosus (XII) which contains the central, noble function disorders such as difficulty speaking (aphasia) and impaired intellectual function (dementia), hemianopsia, and brain stem deficits. The stroke risk factors: Parameter Potentially can be Can not be controlled controlled Hypertension Diabetes mellitus Age Heart disease Hiperhomosisteinemia Gender Atrial fibrillation Left ventricular Hereditary hypertrophy Endocarditis Race and ethnicity Stenosis mitralis Geography Cardiac infarction Smoke Sickle cell anemia Transient Ischemic Attack (TIA) Asymptomatic carotid stenosis 1759 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. In ischemic stroke, reduce the blood flow to the brain causing hypoxemia regional areas of the brain and cause a chain reactions that ended with the death of brain cells and the other supporting elements. In general regional of brain area who has experiencing ischemic, consists of the core (core) with the heaviest levels of ischemia and is located in the central. This area will be necrotic area in a short time, if there is no reperfusion. Outside the ischemic core area there were penumbra area of ischemic. Brain cells and supporting tissue is not dead but very reduced functions and cause neurological deficits also. The ischemic level increasingly peripheral to the more light. Ischemic penumbra region, on the outside can be surrounded by a hyperaemic areas as a result of collateral blood flow (perfusion luxury area). Ischemic penumbra area that is the target of therapy of acute ischemic stroke in order to reperfusion and make brain cells to function again. The reversibility depends on the factors of time and if it does not happen reperfusion, penumbral region can be deaths. CASE STUDY Mr. TK 58 years old, was hospitalized at Islamic Cempaka Putih Jakarta Hospitalon December 4, 2014. Patient came with complaint like exprience limp sensation, did not want to eat, hand and left leg feels weak. Patient had impaired speech (slurred speech), the patient had fever ± 1 days. The patient had a history of hypertension and diabetic mellitus ± 1 year. CLINICAL EVALUATION The use of clopidogrel and aspilet intended for blood thinners to prevent blood clots in the brain. Vitamin C injection was used for the purpose of maintaining health and endurance the patient. Nicholin 250 mg injection used to treat disorders of consciousness in patient. Pamol used to reduce fever patients. Episan syrup was used to protect the ulcer from the effects of acid and pepsin. Omeprazole is used as an inhibitor of gastric acid secretion. Novorapidflexpen used as therapy of diabetic mellitus patient. DOSAGE AND HOW TO USE THE DRUG Patient treated with clopidogrel at a dose of 75 mg 1 x 1 administered orally. Aspilet (Acetylsalicylic acid) at a dose of 80 mg 2 x 1 administered orally. Vitamin C is given 2 x 1 usage by injection route. Nicholin at a dose of 250 mg 2 x 1 is given by injection route. Pamol given for extra treatment to reduce fever. Episan syrup given orally with doses 3 x 1. Omeprazole 40 mg 1 x 1 administered 1760 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. orally. Novorapidflexpen given every 6 hours with its multiple doses per unit of 2 U of each blood sugar checks if there is a rise in blood sugar. CLINICAL CHEMISTRY LABORATORY EXAMINATION RESULT On the result of laboratory tests on the first day of admission found some abnormal results include hemoglobin 11.73 g / dL (normal values from 13.2 to 17.3), hematocrit 36% (normal values 40-52), platelets 528 thousand / mL (normal value 150-440), MCV / VER 77 fL (normal value 80-100), MCH / HER 25 pg (normal values 26-34), sodium 134 mEq / L (normal value 135-147), and blood sugar when 151 mg / dL (normal values 70-200). Result of laboratory tests on the second day onwards glucose examination every 6 hours as follows: Date of 05.00 examination 11.00 GD 17.00 GD 11 pm GD GD 5/12/14 - 172 mg/dL 160 mg/dL 228 mg/dL 6/12/14 212 mg/dL 278 mg/dL 187 mg/dL 246 mg/dL 7/12/14 213 mg/dL 174 mg/dL 191 mg/dL 219 mg/dL 8/12/14 193 mg/dL 268 mg/dL 217 mg/dL 231 mg/dL 9/12/14 254 mg/dL 289 mg/dL 270 mg/dL 286 mg/dl 10/12/14 460 mg/dL 405 mg/dL - - On the third day urine analysis complete laboratory examination, and found to have an abnormal result of which, the clarity of urine (normally clear), leukocytes 20-30 / LPB (normal 0-5), erythrocytes> 100 / LPB (normal value 3), bacteria 1+ (negative normal value), Protein 2+ (negative normal value <30 mg / dL), glucose 1+ (negative normal value <100 mg / dL), Nitrite + (negative normal value), and leukocyte esterase 1+ (negative normal value). From the result of urine analysis complete laboratory that it can be concluded that the presence of bleeding in the urine. DRUG RELATED PROBLEMS (DRPs) 1. DRP 1: Drug interactions There was a drug interaction between aspilet and omeprazole, concurrent use of PPIs may reduce the bioavailability class of aspirin and other salicylate. Aspilet and clopidogrel, concurrent use of 1761 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. both drugs can cause bleeding in the GI. Pharmaceutical interventions: giving the interval for giving medicine and gastrointestinal prophylaxis given additional medication such as PPI group. Clopidogrel and omeprazole, concurrent use of PPIs may reduce the effectiveness of the group of clopidogrel in preventing heart attacks and strokes. Pharmacist intervention: to replace with other drugs such as antacids, H2 antagonist like ranitidine or famotidine. 2. DRP 2 : Failed to receive the drug The patient had a previous history of hypertension but when treated patients are not getting a drug to treat the hypertension, so the patient blood pressure is unstable for each day. Pharmacist Intervention:to be given antihypertensive drugs. 3. DRP 3: The indications that were not treated The patient had a history of hypertension but when treated patients are not getting the hypertension drug. Pharmacist Intervention: to be given antihypertensive drugs. CONCLUSION Based on the result, it can be deduced that the presence of DRPs (Drug Related Problems) from drug interactions such asaspilet the PPI omeprazole with group interaction may decrease the bioavailability of aspirin, clopidogrelaspilet with the interaction concurrent use of both drugs can cause bleeding in the GI, and clopidogrel with omeprazole with group interaction using PPIs may reduce the effectiveness of clopidogrel. Failed to receive drugs and indications that were not treated, the patient did not get antihypertensive drugs to cope with the hypertension. REFFERENCES 1. Baxter, Karen, BSc, MSc, MRPharms. 2009. Stockley’s Drug Interaction. London. Pharmaceutical Press. 2. Bruno A, Kaelin DL, Yilmaz EY. 2000. The subacute stroke patient: hours 6 to 72 after stroke onset. In Cohen SN.Management of Ischemic Stroke.McGraw-Hill. PP 53-87. 3. Cohen SN. 2000. The subacute stroke patient: Preventing recurrent stroke. In Cohen SN.Management of Ischemic Stroke.McGraw Hill. PP 89-109. 4. De Freitas GR, Christoph DDH, Bogousslavsky J. 2009. Topographic classification of ischemic stroke. In Fisher M.(ed). Handbook of Clinical Neurology, Vol.93.(3rd series).Elsevier BV. 1762 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. 5. Hacke W, Kaste M, Bogousslavsky J, Brainin M, Chamorro A, Lees K et al..2003. Ischemic Stroke Prophylaxis and Treatment – European Stroke Initiative Recommendation. 6. Lacy, F.C., Armstrong L.L., Goldman, M.P., Lance al, 2010, Drug Information Handbook,LexiComp, American Pharmacist Association. 7. Misbach,J. 2007. PanandganUmumMengenai Stroke.Dalam: Rasyid, A. And Soertidewi,L (eds). Unit Stroke.Manajemen Stroke SecaraKomprehensif. Hal 1-9. BalaiPenerbitUniversitas Indonesia. Jakarta. 8. WHO. MONICA. 1986. Manual Version 1 : 1. 9. Zullo A, Hassan C, Campo SM, Morini S. 2007. Bleeding peptic ulcer in the elderly: risk factors and prevention strategies.Drug Aging. 24 (10): 815-28. 1763 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. EVALUATION OF TREATMENT ON BREAST CANCER PATIENT (Ca mammae) AT PGI CIKINI HOSPITAL, JAKARTA Suraya Adas Mukaddas1, Diana Laila Ramatillah2, Aprilita Rinayanti Eff2, Stefanus Lukas2 1 Student of Pharmacist Program, Faculty of Pharmacy UTA’45 Jakarta 2 Lecture of Faculty of Pharmacy UTA’45 Jakarta Email: ABSTRACT Breast cancer is a group of abnormal cells in the breast that continues to grow(6). Eventually these cells to form lumps in the breast. If the cancerous lump was not removed or controlled, cancer cells can spread (metastasis) to other body parts. Patient Mrs.. ER Age 47 Years, admitted PGI Cikini Hospital, Central Jakarta on November 6, 2014, 60 kg, while in tow body 150 cm, with a diagnosis of breast cancer (Ca mammae). Patient undergoing chemotherapy protocols for treatment, while chemotherapy protocol given that Gemcikal 1400 mg + 0.9% NaCl 500 cc (days 1 and 8) and Brexel 130 mg + 500 cc of 0.9% NaCl iv drip (day 1), Nasea 0.3 mg iv, Dexamethasom 20 mg iv, Ranitidine 50 mg iv, 0.9% NaCl Infusion 100 cc. After the chemotherapy protocol patient treated Nasea 1 x 0.1 mg orally for 5 days, Ranitidine 2 x 150 mg orally for 5 days, Medixon 2 x 4 mg orally for 5 days, Folavit 2 x 400 mg for 5 days. Based on the results of clinical work practice at PGI Cikini Hospital it can be concluded that there were no DRP (Drug Related Problems). Keywords: Breast Cancer, Chemotherapy, PGI Cikini Hospital 1764 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. INTRODUCTION Breast cancer is a group of abnormal cells in the breast that continues to grow(6). Eventually these cells to form in the breast bejolan. If the cancerous lump was not removed or controlled, cancer cells can spread (metastasis) to other body parts. Metastases may occur in lymph nodes (lymph) armpit or above the shoulder blades. In addition, cancer cells can be lodged in the bones, lungs, liver, skin, and subcutaneous(1). Breast cancer is a disease that occurs in case of genetic damage to the DNA of breast epithelial cells. There are many types of breast cancer. Genetic changes found in the epithelial cells, spreading to ductal or lobular tissue. The level of growth of cancer depends on the effects of estrogen and progesterone. Cancer can be invasive (infiltrating) and noninvasive (in situ). Breast cancer can develop invasive or infiltrating ductal wall and surrounding tissue, so far that many cancers are invasive ductal carcinomas occur. Ductal carcinoma derived from the lactiferous ducts and shaped like tentacles that invade surrounding breast structure. The tumor is usually unilateral, can not be described, solid, non-mobile, and nontender. Lobular carcinoma of the breast lobe origin. Usually bilateral and not palpable. Nipple carcinoma (Paget's disease) is derived from the nipple. Usually occurs with invasive ductal carcinoma. Bleeding, bloody, and the case hardening nipple(2). Breast cancer can invade surrounding tissues that have tentacles. Invasive growth pattern can produce irregular tumor that could terapa palpation. At the time of developing tumors, occur in the surrounding fibrosis and shortening Cooper's ligaments. When Cooper's ligaments shorten, resulting in a peau d'orange occurrence (colored skin orange) skin changes and edema associated with breast cancer. If breast cancer attacks the lymphatic ducts, tumors can develop in the lymph nodes, spleen axila usually attack nodes. Tumors can damage the lining of skin, causing ulceration. Metastatic breast cancer is caused by blood and systems occupy lympa, led to the development of tumors in bone, lungs, brain, and liver(1). The etiology of breast cancer is not known specifically, but there are risk factors that can lead to breast cancer, namely: a personal history of breast cancer, daughter and sister of women with breast cancer, early Menarche (less than 12 years), nulliparous and advanced maternal age at birth first child (> 30 years), menopause at an advanced age, history of benign breast disease, obesity after menopause, oral contraceptives, hormone replacement therapy of estrogen or progesterone, Lifestyle, high socioeconomic status(2). 1765 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. Clinical manifestations visible from the insidensius clinical symptoms, generally lethargic and no tenderness, bound, and hard with irregular borders, the majority occur in the upper outer quadrant, more often on the left breast, pain usually occurs at a late stage, some women do not showed symptoms and do not have a lump that can be therapeutic but abnormal mammogram results, dimpling or peau d'orange is a condition caused by obstruction of the lymphatic circulation in the dermal layer, asymmetric and elevation affected breast, nipple retraction, breast slightly attached to the wall chest, ulceration, and metastases(2). CASE PRESENTATION Patients Mrs. ER, age 47 years, weight 60 kg, height 150 cm into the PGI Cikini Hospital on November 6, 2014, the complaints contained a lump in the left breast, and the patient had no history of previous illness. Based on DPL examination, liver ultrasound, and CT Scan Thoracic patients diagnosed by a doctor suffering from breast cancer. CLINICAL EVALUATION Patient undergoing chemotherapy protocols for treatment, while chemotherapy protocol provided that Gemcikal 1400 mg + 0.9% NaCl 500 cc (days 1 and 8) and Brexel 130 mg + 500 cc of 0.9% NaCl iv drip (day 1), Nasea 0.3 mg iv, Dexamethasom 20 mg iv, Ranitidine 50 mg iv, 0.9% NaCl Infusion 100 cc. after the patient treated with chemotherapy protocols Nasea 1 x 0.1 mg orally for 5 days, Ranitidine 2 x 150 mg orally for 5 days, Medixon 2 x 4 mg orally for 5 days, Folavit 2 x 400 mg for 5 days. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Based on the results of the ultrasound examination: cutis and subcutis widened almost all quadrants of the left breast. Fibrogranduler layer looks bleak, looks structure hipoekeik irregular edges spikulated subareolar area diameter of 2.1 x 1.2 x 1.2 cm. Macroscopic 1.5 x 1 x 1 cm solid white and microscopic preparations derived from breast cells, showed malignant epithelial tumor composed of solid, trabakular and tubular. Where the tumor has invaded the skin and cause focal ulceration. Mitosis is found in moderate amounts and based on the results of laboratory tests of hematology, the result of abnormal leukocyte high value of 16.6 x 10³ / mL with a reference value of 5.0 to 10.0 x 1766 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. 10³ / mL, one of the enforcement of cancer is invasive Cardinoma NST (of no special type), which has invaded the skin, Grade I. In Mrs. therapy management. ER for patient treated with chemotherapy protocols brexel containing Docetaxel 20 mg or 80 mg of injection liquid in the vial with the solvent. Its mechanism of action that inhibits microtubule depolymerization. Which is metabolized in the liver, and in non-renal excretion mainly / feces. With the indication of treatment of breast cancer(4), Gemcikal containing Gemcitabine Gemcitabine 200 mg or 1,000 mg of the lyophilized powder form of preparation in the vial. Indications: breast cancer, non-small cell type lung, pancreas, ovary, bladder. Mechanism of action: inhibits DNA synthesis. Metabolized to two active metabolites and experience uracil deamination become inactive metabolites, mainly excreted through the kidneys(5), following the protocol of chemotherapy patients treated with Ranitidine 2 x 150 mg orally for 5 days given to prevent nausea and vomiting after chemotherapy(3), Medixon 2 x 4 mg orally for 5 days containing metilprednisolone that drugs known as anti-inflammatory corticosteroid that works and allergenic(5), Folavit 2 x 400 mg for 5 days that contain folic acid which folic acid (folic acid, folate, folacin, vitamin B9, vitamin BC, pteroyl-L-glutamic acid, L-glutamate-pteroyl, pteroylmonoglutamic acid) is a water soluble vitamin. Vitamin B9 is essential for various body functions ranging from synthesis nukleotid to remetilasi homocysteine. This vitamin is particularly important in cell division and growth period after chemotherapy(5). CHEMOTHERAPY PROTOCOL Drug The Dose Given Day Gemcikal 1400 mg 1 and 8 Brexel 130 mg 1 No. Therapy 1 Infusion NaCL 0,9 % 1000 cc 2 injection Nasea 0,3 mg 3 injection dexamethason 20 mg I.v 4 injection Ranitidine 50 mg I.v 5 Brexel 130 mg + NaCL 0,9 % 500 cc drip i.v Timing Of Drugs 8 hours Bolus Bolus slowly Bolus 1 hours 1767 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. 6 Infusion NaCL 0,9 % 100 cc 7 Gemcikal 1400 mg + NaCL 0,9 % 500 cc 8 Infusion NaCL 0,9 % 100 cc 15 minute 1 hours 15 minute CONCLUSION There were no DRP (Drug Related Problems) of the treatment received by these patient because of the use of rational drug therapy. REFERENCES 1. Prasanto H. 2007. Hypercoagulation in Chronic Kidney Disease. Naskah Lengkap. The 7th Jakarta Nephrology & Hypertension Course. PERNEFRI 2. Peranda, Rizky. 2011. Fenomena Sindroma Kekentalan Darah (Sindroma Hughes). 3. Baand POM RI. 2008. Information Obat Nasional Indonesia. Jakarta 4. Saragi, Sahat. 2012. Panduan Penggunaan Obat Dilengkapi dengan Konsep Pharmaceutical Care, Teori Konseling Obat, Teori Kepatuhan Minum Obat. Penerbit Rosemata Publisher. Jakarta 5. Stockley, I.H. (2008). Stockley’s Drug Interaction. Eight Edition. Great Britain: Pharmaceutical Press. 6. Tapan, Erik. 2005. Kanker, Anti Oksiand and Terapi Komplementer. Elex Media Komputindo. Jakarta. 1768 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. CASE REPORT TYPHOID FEVER AT PGI CIKINI HOSPITAL, JAKARTA Lenah1, Diana Laila Ramatillah2, Aprilita Rinayanti Eff2, Stefanus Lukas2 1 Student of Pharmacist Program, Faculty of Pharmacy UTA’45 Jakarta 2 Lecture of Faculty of Pharmacy UTA’45 Jakarta Email : ABSTRACT Typhoid fever is an acute infectious disease that is usually found in the digestive tract, with symptoms of fever more than one week, disorders of the digestive tract and disorders of consciousness(2). Typhoid fever also called paratyphoid fever, enteric fever, typhoid and typhus abdominalis. Typhoid fever is caused by Salmonella typhi bacteria. Patient Mr. OS, aged 55 years, entered PGI Cikini Hospital, Central Jakarta on November 8, 2014 with a diagnosis of typhoid fever. Therapy treatment for hospitalized ie ciprofloxacin and paracetamol. Based on the results of clinical work practice in wards “K” PGI ikini Hospital, entral Jakarta, it can be deduced that there were no DRP (Drug Related Problems). Keywords: Typhoid fever, PGI Cikini Hospital 1769 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. INTRODUCTION Typhoid fever is an acute infectious disease that is usually found in the digestive tract with symptoms of fever more than one week, digestive tract disorders and disorders of consciousness (2). Typhoid fever also called paratyphoid fever, enteric fever, typhoid and typhus abdominalis. Typhoid fever is caused by Salmonella typhi bacteria. These organisms enter through food and drink that has been contaminated with feces or urine of people infected with Salmonella(8). Typhoid fever has atypical clinical symptoms and vary from mild to severe. Complaints and symptoms of patients during the first week of acute infectious disease resembling in general, such as fever, headache, anorexia, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and constipation. Increased body temperature every day, usually decreases in the morning and rising in the afternoon and evening(7). In patients with typhoid fever can be found dry lips and chapped (rhagaden), the surface of the tongue is dirty, white and yellowish at the edge of hyperemia with disorders of the gastrointestinal tract such as diarrhea and constipation(3). Typhoid fever is a disease transmission in "faeco - Oral" and is widely available in the community with hygiene and poor sanitation. Typhi salmonella bacteria enter the body through the mouth with food / drink contaminated(5). After the run through the stomach acid, bacteria penetrate the intestinal mucosa and enter the bloodstream through the lymphatic flow. Subsequently, the bacteria spread throughout the body. In the reticuloendothelial system (liver, spleen, etc.), bacteria multiply and enter the blood circulation back (second bakteriemi)(2,5,6). and spread throughout the body, especially to the small intestine lymphoid glands, causing ulceration of the mucosa oval above Payeri plaque. The main process is in the terminal ileum. When severe, the entire ileum can be affected and may occur perferasi or bleeding(5). Germs endotoxin stimulates release of endogenous pyrogen formation(5,6). These substances affect the temperature regulation center in the hypothalamus and cause symptoms of fever. Although it may difagositosis, bacteria can multiply in macrophages because of constraints oxidative metabolism. Germs can be settled/hide at one place in the body of the patient, and this can lead to relapse or sufferers (carrier)(5). CASE PRESENTATION 1770 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. Patients aged 55 years Tn.OS admission PGI Cikini, Central Jakarta on November 8, 2014. Patients present with high fever fever ± 1 week SMRs felt up and down, especially in the afternoon, the fever like fever, the patient had to buy drugs in pharmacies but complaints not reduced. The patient also complained of headaches such as tingling, nausea, vomiting, muscle aches, diarrhea defecation 3 days ago. CLINICAL EVALUATION The use of ciprofloxacin antibiotic intended as a result of salmonella infection thypi. Paracetamol was used with the aim to reduce the fever that occurs in patient. DOSAGE AND HOW TO USE Patient treated with a dose of 400 mg ciprofloxacin with 2 x 1 is given by injection for 6 days and then continued at a dose of 500 mg ciprofloxacin x 1 administered orally for 7 days. Paracetamol at a dose of 500 mg 2 x 1 administered orally. CLINICAL LABORATORY DIAGNOSIS On the results of laboratory tests on the first day of admission found some abnormal results include LED 35 mm / h (normal value 0-10), hemoglobin 14.7 g / dL (normal value 13.0-16.0), hematocrit 41% (normal value 40 -48 , leukocytes 4.5 103μL (normal values 5.0-10.0), erythrocytes 4.76 106 / mL (normal value 4:50 to 5:50), Eosinophils 0% (normal value 1-3), Neutrophils rod 0% (2- 6), Monocytes 19% (normal value 2-8), SGOT H65 U / L (normal value 0-50), SGPT H71 U / L (normal value 0-50). Liver enzymes (SGOT, SGPT) often increases with inflammation picture to acute hepatitis. But will return to normal after recovery. On the results of laboratory tests on the second day of admission found some abnormal results including hematocrit 39% (normal values 40-48 , leukocytes 3.8 103μL (normal values 5.0-10.0). On the results of laboratory tests on the third day of admission found some abnormal results among leukocytes 3.8 103μL (normal values 5.0-10.0). to distinguish between patients with typhoid fever or not, but their relative leukopenia and limpositosis can be a strong presumption tifoid fever diagnosis(4). 1771 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. RESULTS INVESTIGATION On the results of laboratory tests including S. Paratyphi Widal test O (Negative), S. Paratyphi AO (Negative), S. Paratyphi BO (Negative), S. Paratyphi CO (Negative), S. thypi (Negative), S. Paratyphi AH (Negative), S. Paratyphi BH (Negative), S. Paratyphi CH (Negative). CONCLUSION Based on the results of clinical work practice in wards “K” PGI ikini Hospital, Jakarta, it can be deduced that the host OS of patients diagnosed with typhoid fever. In the therapeutic treatment of patients found no DRP (Drug Related Problems). REFERENCES 1. Depkes RI. 2008. “Informatorium Obat Nasional Indonesia”. Dirjen Pengawasan Obat and Makanan. Jakarta. 2. Hassan, Rusepno, 1985. Buku Kuliah Ilmu Kesehatan Anak Jilid 2. Bagian Ilmu Kesehatan Anak Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia : Jakarta. 3. Herawati, M.H.,And L. Ghanie.2009. Hubungan Faktor Determinan Dengan Kejadian Demam Tifoid Di Indonesia Tahun 2007. Media Peneliti And Pengembang Kesehatan.Volume XIX Nomor 4: hal 165-173. 4. Ismoedijanto, Dkk.2004. Metode Diagnostik Demam Tifoid Pada Anak. Divisi Tropik And Penyakit Infeksi/SMF Ilmu Kesehatan Anak FK UNAIR/RSU Dr. Soetomo Surabaya, Hal 36. 5. Kaspan MF, Soegijanto S. Demam Tifoid In:Pedoman Diagnosis and Terapi. Surabaya:Bagian/SMF Ilmu Kesehatan Anak FK Unair/RSUD Dr.Soetomo. 2004; 264-7. 6. Mansjoer A. Kapita Selekta Kedokteran Edisi III Jilid 2. Jakarta:Media Aesculapius FK UI. 2000; 432-3. 7. Widodo, Djoko. 2007. “Demam Tifoid” Dalam Buku Ajar Ilmu Penyakit Dalam Jilid III, Edisi V (Editor:Aru W. Sudoyo). Jakarta : Pusat Penerbit Departemen Ilmu Penyakit Dalam FKUI, Hal 27972805. 8. Widoyono, 2011. Penyakit Tropis. Epidemiologi, Penularan, Pencegahan, and Pemberantasannya. Edisi kedua. Erlangga : Jakarta. 1772 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. DRUG RELATED PROBLEMS (DRPs) ASSOCIATED WITH THE TREATMENT OF PATIENT WITH STROKE HEMORAGIK IN PGI CIKINI HOSPITAL Anika Fazha1, Diana Laila Ramatillah2, Aprilita Rinayanti Efi3, Stefanus Lukas4 1 Student Of Pharmacist Program, Faculty of Pharmacy UTA'45 Jakarta 2 Lecturer Of Faculty Of Pharmacy UTA'45 Jakarta Email: ABSTRACT A stroke is a certain form of cardiovascular disease that affects the blood supply to the brain, so disruptions in brain function caused by a blockage or rupture of blood vessels1. Stroke hemoragik is a brain blood vessels rupture causing discharge of blood to brain tissue parenkim, serebrospinalis liquid space around the brain or a combination of both2. The cause of bleeding disorders otal fibers through suppression of the brain and also by the hematon is causing ischemia on surrounding tissues2. Increased intracranial pressure will in turn cause herniation of brain tissue and suppress brain stem2. Risk factors for occurrence of stroke Hemoragik, the description, the other old age, hypertension, Heart disease, diabetes Mellitus, hiperkolesterolemia, smoking and brain blood vessel disorders3. The presentation of this case, a man of 46 years came with complaints of dizziness, headaches, weakness. Physical examination blood pressure 164/100 mmHg, and the patient's blood pressure is not controlled. Obtained results of laboratory where blood creep rate levels, Hemoglobin and leukocytes, Triglycerides was increasing, and Increased cholesterol levels. Known diagnosis of patient suffering a stroke hemoragik. Keywords: hemoragik Stroke, hypertension, risk factors 1773 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. 1. Introduction A stroke is a certain form of cardiovascular disease that affects the blood supply to the brain, so disruptions in brain function caused by a blockage or rupture of blood vessels1. Stroke hemoragik is a brain blood vessels rupture causing discharge of blood to brain tissue parenkim, serebrospinalis liquid space around the brain or a combination of both2. The cause of bleeding disorders otal fibers through suppression of the brain and also by the hematon is causing ischemia on surrounding tissues2. Increased intracranial pressure will in turn cause herniation of brain tissue and suppress brain stem2. According to WHO estimates, a total of 20.5 million people in the world were infected by a stroke in 2011 and the amount of 5.5 million persons had died. High blood disease or hypertension, contributed 17.5 million cases of stroke in the world6. In Indonesia the disease was occupying the third position after a heart and cancer where as much as 28.5% of the sufferers died and the rest suffered partial or total paralysis. Only 15% can be recovered from the stroke and disability6. Investigation by the pathophysiology of stroke consists of Ischemic and Hemoragik, of which hemoragik comprised of subarachonoid bleeding occur due to the blood vessels around the brain rupture surface, so ekstravasasi blood to the subarachnoid space layer maningen can take place quickly, which causes extremely high mortality in the first month of bleeding5. Intraserebral bleeding occur due to vascular injury induced by hypertension and the rupture of one of the many small arteries that penetrate deep into the brain tissue5. Risk factors for occurrence of stroke Hemoragik, the description, the other old age, hypertension, heart disease, diabetes mellitus, hiperkolesterolemia, smoking and brain blood vessel disorders3. The main symptoms of the Onset of bleeding hemoragik stroke is abrupt, especially when performing the activity and can be preceded by a prodromal symptoms increase in blood pressure, headaches, nausea, vomiting, and a decrease in the weight of consclousness until coma accompanied hemiplegia/hemiparese and can be accompanied by seizures4. 2. Case Presentation Mr. Cs Patient aged 46 years of the PGI Cikini hospital admitted on 16 November 2014. Incoming patient with complaints of dizziness, headache, Weak, blood pressure 164/100 mmHg. Previous illness history was hypertension. On 17 November 2014 conducted laboratory examination where the value can be increased blood creep rate of 23 mm/h, Hemoglobin increased 16.1 g/dL, 1774 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. Leukocytes increased 11.010^3/µL, Eosinophils decreases to 0% , Neutrophils rods decreases to 0%, Neutrophils segment increased by 82%, Lymphocytes decreased 7%, Monocytes increased 11%, Triglycerides 3.7 mg/dL, Potassium (K) decreased 3.0 mEq/L, Total cholesterol increased 201 mg/dL, LDL Cholesterol Increased 147 mg/dL. In this case patient got Kalnex 500 mg 3 x 1 tablets, which was aimed to stop the bleeding condition. Citicolin 500 mg injection 2 x 1 amp, to reduce damage to brain tissue. Rocer injection 2 x 1, used to overcome peptic ulcers experienced by patient, 1 x 20 mg Simvastatin aims to reduce the patient cholesterol, Amlodipin 1 x 5 mg aims to reduce blood pressure, Epiven 3 x 100 mg, used for neuropathic pain the patient felt, 1 x 8 mg Candesartan, is used to lower blood pressure. Provita plus 1 x 1 is used to increase the durability of the body, 1 x 500 mg Paracetamol is used to reduce pain in headache. Ceftriaxone 1 x 1 gr, to treat infections of the skin and tissue. Sumagesic 1 x 600 mg is used for curing pain head trauma lightly, and. 1 x 50 mg of zoloft, used to post trauma experienced by the patient, Cefspan 2 x 100 mg used to treat urinary tract infections, Levofloxacin 500 mg, 1 x used for urinary tract infections. Infuse RL 20 drops/minute aims to restore the body's fluid balance. 3. Clinical Evaluation 3.1. DRPs 1: : The dose was too big (Over Dosage) 3.1.1: The use of the drug simvastatin in this case 1 x 20 mg a day less precisely where these patient experienced the initial dose should be where hiperkolesterolemia should be given 5-10 mg in a single dose of9. Pharmacist intervention: recommended the use of antikolesterol drugs and given the lowest dose of 5 mg a day at hiperkolesterol9. 3.1.2: The use of Levofloxacin in patient this 1 x 500 mg less exactly where these patients experience an infection of the urinary tract which dose should be given 250 mg a day9. Pharmacist intervention: recommended the use of levofloxacin drug for urinary tract infections were given 250 mg a day9. 3.2. DRPs 2: Drug interactions 3.2.1: Amlodipin and Simvastatin Combining Simvastatin with Amlodipin can increase levels of simvastatin, this may increase the risk of side effects such as liver damage, potential to increase the risk of myopathy/rhabdomyolysis7. 1775 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. Pharmacist intervention: Need dose adjustments or more often in monitoring. Limit the dose of Simvastatin is not more than 20 mg/day when used simultaneously7. 3.2.2: Rocer and Simvastatin Using Rocer and Simvastatin may increase blood levels and the effect of Simvastatin. This may increase side effects such as liver damage10. Pharmacist intervention: the need for adjustment of the dosage and more often in monitoring10. 4. Conclusion Based on the results then it can be drawn the conclusion that the patient suffered a Stroke Hemoragik. In addition there was the DRPs (Drug Related Problems) included drug Doses too large (Over Dosage) , namely the use of the drug Simvastatin 20 mg and 500 mg Levofloxacin Drug Use, drug interactions (Drug Intercation) use of Simvastatin with Amlodipin, Rocer and Simvastatin. References 1. Lawrence m. Brass, a Yale University School of Medicine: Heart Book. Chapter 18: a Stroke (pgs 215-234) 2. Christopher G. Goetz Cerebrovascular Diseases. In: Goetz: Textbook of Clinical Neurology, 3rd ed. Philadelphia: Saunders. 2007. 3. The Stroke Association Stroke Counsil. Stroke. 37: 1583-1633 4. Mardjono m. 2006. Mechanism of Vascular Disorders of Nerves in the Basic Clinical Neurology, Eleventh Edition. Dian Rakyat. 270-93. 5. CU Rumantir. patterns of Stroke sufferer In Lab/Nerve Pathology Faculty FPU KedokteranUniversitas Padjadjaran Bandung's Hasan Sadikin hospital in the period 1984-1985. Laporan Penelitian Experiential Learning Research Specialist Fields Of Neurological Disease. 1986. 6. Hartwig p. Cerebral Disease in: Price SA, Wilson LM, editors. Patofisiolofi: clinical concepts of disease processes. Edition of 6. Volume 2. Jakarta: EGC; 2005. 7. Lloyd JD, Adams R, Carnethon M, Simone G, Ferguson B, Flegal k. 2009.Heart disease and stroke statistics-2009 Update: A report from the American Heart Association Statistics Committee and stroke statistics subcommittee. Circulation. 119: e21-e181. 8., Drug interaction, 2014. 1776 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. 9. RI Department of health, Directorate General of food and drug Supervision, national drug Informatorium Indonesia.2008 10. Drugs. Com. Drug interaction. 2014 1777 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. EVALUATION OF DRUG RELATED PROBLEMS IN SCHEZOPHRENIA PARANOID IN RSPAD GATOT SOEBROTO Ayu Puspita Sari1,Diana Laila Rahmatillah2 , Aprilita Rinayanti Eff2 1 Student of Pharmacist Professional Program Student, Faculty Of Pharmacy UTA’ 45 Jakarta 2 Lecturer of Faculty of Pharmacy UTA’45 Jakarta INTRODUCTION Schizofrenia is a disease caused by interference arrangement of neurons in the human brain,schizofrenia is a brain disease caused by the imbalance in dopamine, which is one of the chemicals in the brain cell. The most common psychotic mental disorders characterized by the loss of the feeling of affective or emotional responses and withdraw from normal interpersonal relationships. Often followed by delusions (false beliefs) and hallucinations (perception without any stimuli five senses 3 ETIOLOGY Generally there are two kinds of diseases commonly called crazy, namely neurosa and psychosis,Schizofrenia including psychosis. The cause is as yet known with certainty, but it is mentioned heredity could be one cause. Even, genetic factors seem to be very dominant. According to the study, when the father-mother's brother suffered from schizofrenia, then the child has a potential of 3% for schizofrenia. If there is one sibling who suffers, then the child could potentially suffer from schizofrenia by 5% -10% 4. So what about the twin brother? If the twins are not identical, then the potential 5% -10%, while the potential for identical twins with schizofrenia by 25% -45%. Meanwhile, if the schizofrenic is one of the two parents, the child has the potential of 15% -20%. Schizofrenia can strike men and women. Most women who develop the disease are those aged 20 to early 30s. While the group of male sex earlier, the late teens to early 20s years.1 1778 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. MANAGEMENT Modality therapy 1. Therapy cognition In general, therapy cognitive therapy includes several techniques with the aim of: a. Increasing activity is expected b. Lowering the undesirable behavior c. Improving recreation d. Promote and provide opportunities in social skills Techniques in cognitive therapy a. Restructuring Techniques Cognition At the start by expanding the awareness of self and observe the feelings and thoughts that may arise. b. This technique of facts c. This technique of alternative d. Dekatastropik e. Reframing f. Thought stopping g. patterning h. token economy i. role play j. Social skills training 2. Family Therapy Creating a situation where family members can see the andger to the client and its activities, can provide a sense of security, a sense of self-owned clients. 3. Therapeutic environment This therapy aims to develop self-esteem, develop the ability to relate to others, helping people learn to trust that govern aspects lain. Therapeutic physical environment: physical environment remains, semi-permanent physical environment, physical lingkingan not tetap.Example therapy restrain the patient's physical environment in. 4. Therapy psikoreligius 1779 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. Aimis to provide a sense of security, safety and freedom from guilt / sin, but it also can increase the degree and his dignity 5. Group therapy Aims to train self-understanding, channeling emotions, forming socialization and increase motivation for the advancement of psychological (cognitive, affective) .5 Somatic Therapy Somatic therapy, therapy aims to change maladaptive behavior is behavior that adapif by taking action in the form fisik.Contohnya ECT treatment, psychopharmacology. ECT induces a grand mal seizure artificially by passing an electric current through the effect troda mounted on one or both temple, the Indication; a. Patients with major depressive block, do not respond to antidepressants or who can not take medicine. b. Patients with bipolar disorder who do not respond to medication c. Acutely suicidal patients who received no treatment long enough to achieve a therapeutic effect d. When side effects of ECT are less than anticipated side effects associated denagn drug therapy, such as elderly patients, patients with heart block and during gestation.4 Case Presentation Mr.Dt 22-year-old man who was treated in poly RSAD soul. Patient diagnosed with paranoid schizofrenia. Patient entering the ER nurse escorted by Army Hospital on 8th December 2014. Patients were hanged himself with a reason for being unable to achieve what is in goal during school. After the patient moody, filmed and rarely do the activity. Patient are very aloof. As for drug therapy given to Mr. DT include clozapine, risperidone, THP. Risperidone beneficial in reducing the incidence of nocturnal enuresis in patients with schizophrenia. Dose clozapine in treatment with an initial dose of 12.5 mg once daily or 2 times a day can be increased to reduce the risk of suicide in patient. CLINICAL EVALUATION 3.1 (DRP)1 1780 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. Risperidone combination with benzodiazepines cause respiratory depression and hypotension, especially the early weeks of therapy. Where increase the effect of risperidone. Serum concentrations of clozapine may be increased by CYP1A2 inhibitors include: ciprofloxasin, fluvoxamin, ketoconazole, norfloxacin, ofloxacin and roficoxib. Clozapine increase the effects of amphetamine, selective beta blockers, dextromethorphan, fluoxetine, lidocaine, mirtazapine, nevazodon, paroxetin, risperidone, ritonavir, TCA, Pharmacist Intervention: Addition of THP serves as antidoum to overcome the side effects ekstrapiramidal.1 3.2 (DRP)2 Haloperidol frequent cause of Parkinson's syndrome. Pharmacist Intervention: Cope with trihexyphenidyl tablets 3-4x2 mg / day, SA 0.5-0.75 mg / hari3. CONCLUSION After the assessment of the patient's treatment, it can be concluded that the combination of drugs clozepin, risperidone, and THP was combination of drugs that are often used in medical therapy in patient with Paranoid Schizofrenia. Drugs used to treat schizofrenia are called antipsychotics. Antipsychotics work control hallucinations, delusions and thought pattern changes that occur in schizofrenia. In the case of Mr. DT patient showed significant improvement with the combination of these three drugs. REFERENCES 1. Hawari, Daandg H. Pendekatan Holistik Pada Gangguan Jiwa. Jakarta : Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia; 2007 2. Profil Pasien Rawat Inap Jiwa RSUD dr Moch Ansari Saleh Banjarmasin 3. Rachmawati, Pola Penggunaan Obat Antipsikotik and Antidepresan Pasien Rawat Inap di RSUD dr Moch Ansari Saleh Banjarmasin, 2007 4. Schizophrenia. diakses tanggal 16 Desember 2014 5. Schizophrenia. diakses tanggal 16 Desember 2014 6. Maslim R. 2003. Diagnosis Gangguan Jiwa: Ringkasan Ringkas dari PPDGJ-III. Jakarta: PT. Nuh Jaya. 7. Kaplan, Sadock, Grebb. 1997. Sinopsis Psikiatri Ilmu Pengetahuan Perilaku Psikiatri Klinis Jilid Satu. Jakarta: Binarupa Aksara. 1781 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. EVALUATION OF DRUG RELATED PROBLEMS IN DISPEPSIA IN WARD MEDICINE IN RS.PGI CIKINI Ekad Tawakal1, Diana Laila Rahmatillah2, Aprilita Rinayanti Eff3, Stefanus Lukas4 1 Student of Pharmacist Professional Program Student, Faculty Of Pharmacy UTA’ 45 Jakarta 2 Lecturer of Faculty of Pharmacy UTA’45 Jakarta Email: ABSTRACT Dyspepsia is a common disease and often occur in internal medicine wards at PGI Cikini Hospital. Dyspepsia is a collection of complaints or clinical symptoms consist of discomfort or pain, full of flavor and heat in the upper abdomen persistent or relapsing complaints of pain and heartburn 4. Case presentation: Ms 23-year-old woman admitted to the internal medicine ward. Patients diagnosed with dyspepsia. Clinical evaluation: basically, no one intervention that was found during the assessment of treatment of patients, which is about drug interactions Inpepsa (Sucralfate) with Renatac (Ranitidine), and Sharox (Sefurikxim) and renatac (Ranitidine). Keywords: Dyspepsia, Gastrointestinal tract, pain. 1782 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. INTRODUCTION Dyspepsia syndrome, better known as the general public although ulcer disease is not appropriate, because the stomach is derived from the Dutch language, which means stomach 5. Complaints that appear on ulcer disease does not always come from the stomach. The prevalence of this disease vary, most research shows that nearly 25% of adults have symptoms of dyspepsia at some time in their lives. A survey found that about 30% of patients who went to a general practitioner due to a gastrointestinal disorders, especially dyspepsia and 40-50% of patients who come to a specialist due to a digestive disorders, especially dyspepsia6. Changes in the pattern of irregular eating, drugs that are not clear, substances such as nicotine and alcohol as well as the presence of psychiatric conditions of stress, food intake will be limited so that the stomach is empty, void stomach can lead to erosion of the stomach caused by friction between the walls of the stomach , this condition can lead to increased production of HCL which will stimulate the acid conditions of the stomach, so that the stimulus in the medulla oblongata carry impulses vomiting that can not be accepted by the digestive tract perfectly. This is what causes vomiting. CASE PRESENTATION Ms 23-year-old woman admitted to the internal medicine ward. Patients diagnosed with dyspepsia. Patient entered in the PGI Cikini Hospital on June 5, 2014. The patient feels dizzy, nausea, vomiting, and weakness of the week before admission. Upon admission, the patient feels dizzy, weakness, nausea, and poor appetite. Has conducted laboratory tests that occur penigkatan erythrocyte sedimentation rate, decreased hematocrit, and decreased neutrophils. 3. CLINIC EVALUATION 3.1 (DRP)1 Inpepsa (Sucralfate) and Renatac (Ranitidine) is a combination that is often used in the treatment of peptic ulcers and duodenal ulcers. Concurrent use of both drugs can cause interaction. Inpepsa can reduce the absorption or bioavailability of Renatac (Ranitidine) so that the drug must be given within about 2 hours of administration. 1783 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. 3.2 (DRP)2 Concomitant use Sharox (Sefurokxim) and Renatac (Ranitidine) can cause significant intraction, which Renatac (Ranitidine) will reduce the effect of Sharox to increase gastric pH. Pharmacist Intervention: Advise the patient to use the distance separating the two drugs, for Renatac in consumption before meals while sharox consumed after a meal. To avoid interactions, needs to be monitoring the use of both drugs. CONCLUSION After the assessment of the patient's treatment, it can be concluded that Inpepsa (Sucralfate) and Renatac (Ranitidine) is a combination that is often used in the treatment of peptic ulcers and duodenal ulcers. Concurrent use of both drugs may reduce the absorption or bioavailability of Renatac (Ranitidine) so that the drug must be given within about 2 hours of administration. Concomitant use Sharox (Sefurokxim) and Renatac (Ranitidine) may decrease the effects of Sharox by increasing gastric pH, so Renatac consumed before a meal, while for Sharox consumed after meals and after gastric ulcer drug use because otherwise it dyspepsia patients can not be addressed properly REFERENCES 1. Baxter, K. Stockley’s Drug Interaction Eight Edition. London. 2008 2. Hutagalung Poltak, Sirait Amir, Nadeax Moxa. 100 Tahun RS PGI Cikini, dengan Sentuhan Kasih. Jakarta . 1997 3. ISFI,. “Iso Farmakoterapi” ISFI Jakarta.2012 4. Joint Formulary Commite. British National Formulary. London. 2009 5. Juliyanto, 2012.“Dispepsia”., diakses tanggal 16 desember 2014 6. Reeves J Charlene. Keperawatan Medikal Bedah. Jakarta. 2001 7. Syahputra, Wawan. 2013. “Dispepsia”., diakses tanggal 10 April 2014 8. Staf Pengajar FK universitas Sriwijaya. Kumpulan Kuliah Farmakologi Ed. 2. EGC : Jakarta. 2009 9. Tjay Tan Hoan. Obat-Obat Penting. Elex Media Komputindo : Jakarta 2007 1784 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. DRUG RELATED PROBLEMS ASSOCIATED WITH TREATMENT FOR ISCHEMIC STROKE AND DIABETES MELLITUS TYPE II AT PGI CIKINI HOSPITAL Muchrip Tirtana1, Diana Laila Rahmatillah2, Aprilita Rinayanti Efi2, Stefanus Lukas2 1 Student of Pharmacist Professional Programming Student, Faculty Of Pharmacy UTA’ 45 Jakarta 2 Lecturers of Pharmacy Faculty UTA’45 Jakarta Email: ABSTRACT Stroke or cerebrovascular injury is loss of brain function caused by the cessation of blood supply to part of the brain8. Stroke is classified to be two types, namely hemorrhagic stroke (primary hemorrhagic strokes) and non-hemorrhagic stroke (ischemic strokes), Non-hemorrhagic stroke (SNH) is a cerebral circulatory disorder that can appear secondary to pathological processes in the vessels, such as thrombus, embolus, or basic vascular disease such as artero sclerosis and arteritis disturbing cerebral blood flow so that the supply of nutrients and oxygen to the brain decrease causing infraction7. Diabetes Mellitus (DM) type II is a hyperglycemia disease due to insulin insensitivity. Because Insulin is still produced by the beta cells of pancreas, the diabetes mellitus type II considered as Non-Insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus (NIDDM)1. Female patient 62 year old, weighs 77 kg, and height 175 cm, was admitted to the hospital with complaints of dental pain and want to do tooth extraction with the hope can be done of fitting dentures. The patient has ever gotten ischemic stroke and diabetes mellitus type II. As visited the hospital with the aim of doing tooth extraction, a doctor monitored therapy previously, namely ischemic stroke therapy and diabetes mellitus. The result of hematological examination for the first time measurements on 16 th of September 2014, showed the abnormality on several parameters, namely Trombosit, Globulin, Urea, and Blood Potassium. The patient treated with Ciprofloxacin 500 mg tab, Metformin 500 mg tab, Simvastatin 20 mg tab, Amlodinine Besylate 5 mg tab, Captopril 12,5 mg tab, Kalium Diklofenac 50 mg tab, Microlax Tube, and Transamin tab. Based on the result of clinical examination of the patient revealed any DRPs (Drug Related Problems) is there are four drug interactions, were found during the assessment of patient’s therapy, namely interaction of Amlodipine Besylate with Simvastatin in which Amlodipine Besylate increase the effect of Simvastatin, Diclofenac with Ciprofloxacin get potential interaction, Diclofenac with Captopril in which the effect of Captopril is lowered by Diclofenac, Ciprofloxacin with Metformin in which Ciprofloxacin can increase or decrease the effect of Metformin. The keyword : Ischemic Stroke, Diabetes Mellitus, DRPs 1785 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. 1. PRELIMINARY Stroke or Cerebrovascular injury is loss of brain function caused by the cessation of blood supply to part of the brain8. According to WHO, stroke is clinical manifestation of cerebral function disorder, both locally and globally, which takes place quickly and more than 24 hours or ends with death, without finding the cause other than vascular disorder. The brain attack is a contemporary term for stroke or cerebrovascular injury which refers to disorder of brain blood supply suddenly as the result of partial or total vessels occlusion, or due to the rupture of brain blood vessels. Stroke is suddenly interruption of cerebral circulation in one or more blood vessels which supply to the brain9. Stroke interrupts or reduces the oxygen supply and generally cause serious damage or necrosis in the brain tissue10. Stroke is classified to be two types, namely hemorrhagic stoke (primary hemorrhagic strokes) and non-hemorrhagic stroke (ischemic strokes) Non-hemorrhagic stroke (SNH) is cerebri circulatory disorder that can appear secondary to pathological processes in the vessels, such as Thrombus, embolus, or basic vascular disease such as artero sclerosis and arteritis disturbing cerebral blood flow so that the supply of nutrients and oxygen to the brain decrease causing infraction7. Diabetes mellitus (DM) Type II is a hyperglycemia disease due to insulin insensitivity. Because insulin is still produced by the beta cells of pancreas, the diabetes mellitus type II considered as non insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus (NIDDM)1. Several factors are known to be able to affect Diabetes Mellitus type II1: a. Genetic Disorders Diabetes can be decreased according to the genealogy of family history of diabetes, because the gene that causes the body can not produce insulin properly. b. Age Generally patients who have DM type II undergo the physiological changes drastically, DM type II often appears after the age over 30 years and has excessive weight so that the body is not sensitive to insulin. c. Stress Lifestyle Chronic stress tends to make someone eats sweet food to increase the level of brain serotonin fat. The serotonin has sedative effect for a while to relieve the stress. But, sugar and fat are harmful for them who have risk of DM type II. 1786 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. d. Wrong diet The patients who have DM type II occur obesity (excessive fat) that can cause disruption of insulin (resistance of insulin) Obesity is not as sweet food or high fat, but more due to the amount of too much consumption. Approximately 80% of patients of DM type II are people who are classified as obese. 2. CASE PRESENTATION Female patient 62 year old, weigh 77 kg, and height 175 cm, was admitted to the hospital with complaints of dental pain and want to do tooth extraction with the hope can be done of fitting dentures. The patient has ever got ischemic stroke and diabetes mellitus type II. As the patient’s wishes to do tooth extraction made a doctor monitored therapy previously, namely ischemic stroke therapy and diabetes mellitus type II. The measurement result of patient’s blood pressure during the treatment was quite stable, the changes of patient’s blood pressure did not get changes significantly. Even the breathing was quite stable. The result of hematological examination on 16th of September 2014, showed the abnormality namely decreased of Hematocrit to 35 (%) which should 37-43 (%) It indicates the presence of anemia, decreased of Neutrophils 0% may be caused the patient has an infection, and decreased of Thrombosit under 150.000 is 147 (10 3/mL), indicates the existence of blood clotting barriers and can potentially get a bleeding. Based on the results of clinical chemistry examination on 21st Of September 2014 showed that the abnormality of Potassium level to be 5,6 mEq/L which should not more than 5,6 mEq/L, this level indicates hyperkalemia which may be caused the result of using drugs such as captopril, Amlodipine Besylate, and potassium diclofenac. The increasing of urea 61(mg/dL) which should 10-50 (mg/dL) indicates the occurrence of shock, a decreasing of blood volume to the kidney, bleeding, and dehydration, the increasing of Urea level can be caused by using either hypertension drugs or the age of patient. The increasing of globulin is also occurred where the normal level 1,3-3,7 (g/dL), whereas the patient got 4,5 (g/dL) indicated that the occurrence of infection experienced by the patient. 1787 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. 3. CLINICAL EVALUATION The use of the antibiotics Ciprofloxacin 500 mg tabs be used for soft tissue infection, because the patient did tooth extraction, opened soft tissue can cause infection. The combination Metformin 500 mg tabs in the morning and Simvastatin 20 mg tabs are given at night to get expected interaction. Because obese patient Diabetes Mellitus, Simvastatin inhibits synthesis cholesterol in the liver, by inhibiting enzyme HMG Coa reductase, whereas Metformin also can decrease the weigh, triglyceride level, cholesterol, and total cholesterol, and also can increase LDL Cholesterol. Thereby, the combination both of them are able to lower cholesterol level in the body. Amlodipine Besylate 5 mg tabs is used for hypertension treatment by inhibiting the entry of calcium into the smooth muscle of blood vessels, so that reduce peripheral resistance. Captopril 12,5 mg tabs is also used to prevent high blood pressure which works by inhibiting the enzyme peptidyl dipeptidase that catalyzes the formation of angiotensin II and releases bradikin, so that the occurrence of vasodilatation and decreased of aldosterone secretion which cause the occurrence of sodium and water excretion and retention of potassium. Potassium diclofenac is used to relieve pain after surgery, this drugs affects patient’s potassium level. Potassium diclofenac should be changed with Ibuprofen, Mefenamic acid, Piroxicam, or the others AINS drugs which not appear the resistance of potassium or sodium. Microlax tube is given to the patient because the patient gets constipation during the treatment in the hospital, besides it also has a function to reduce potassium level in the blood. Transamin tabs is given because the number of patient’s thrombosit dropped, it is feared to get bleeding to the patient. 4. DRPs (Drug Related Problems) a. DRPs (Drug Related Problems) I The use of drugs that trigger the increasing of excessive potassium, such as Potassium diclofenac, Captopril, and Amlodipine Besylate, where the use of those drugs can affect the level of potassium in the blood of the patient. To avoid the high potassium level, the patient is stimulated to get diarrhea, because potassium can be discharged through the digestive tract12. The pharmacy records currently : avoid to eat some food which contain a lot of potassium, such as banana, pineapple, and tempuyung leaves. Because the consumption of excessive potassium can increase the concentration in the intracellular fluid13. 1788 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. b. DRPs (Drug Related Problems) I Interaction of Drug5,6 1) Interaction between Amlodipine Besylate and Simvastanstin. Amlodipine besylate increase the effect of Simvastatin, so that it potentially increase the risk of myopathy or rhabdomyolysis. The pharmacy records : Simvastatin therapy dosage that be used not more than 20 mg/day 14. 2) Interaction between Diclofenac and Ciprofloxacin Diclofenac with Ciprofloxacin can cause potential interaction that be able to increase the risk of central nervous system stimulation if Ciprofloxacin is given in large dosage. The pharmacy records : the administration of drugs should not be given simultaneously, as it can cause seizures15. 3) Interaction between Diclofenac and Captopril Diclofenac also can reduce the effect of Captopril through the antagonist interaction of pharmacodynamic by reducing the renal prostaglandin vasodilatation synthesis, so that it affects hemostatis fluid and can reduce the effect of antihypertensive. The pharmacy records: given the distance giving medication at least 1 hour, if given together can reduce the antihypertensive effect15. 4) Interaction between Ciprofloxacin and Metformin Ciprofloxacin can increase the effect of Metformin through the synergistic effect of pharmacodynamic, so that can cause hypoglycemia or hyperglycemia. The pharmacy records : the importance of monitoring sugar level in the blood and should know the symptoms appeared if there is hypoglycemia and should know the symptoms appeared if there is hyperglycemia. 5. CONCLUSION Based on the result of vital sign examination showed that patient’s blood pressure in normal condition and also the respiratory tends to be stable. On clinical examination of patient showed the cholesterol level, blood sugar is in normal condition, it occurred because the obedience of patient in taking the drugs properly. Whereas the value of thrombosit, urea, and potassium in the blood of patient are abnormal conditions derived from the use of drugs taken. 1789 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. REFERENCES 1. Feigin, V. (2007). Stroke. Jakarta: Bhuana Ilmu Populer Company 2. Darmono. (2007). Management of Diabetes Mellitus type II. Dexa Medika. 3. Saragi, Sahat, (2012). Guiandce of Drugs Using Completed with a Concept of Pharmaceutical Care, Teory of Conseling of Drugs, Teory of Medication, Penerbit Adherence. Jakarta: Rosemata Publisher. 4. Sutedjo, AY. (2008). Handbook : How to Know a Disease through a Laboratory Result. Yogyakarta. 5. 6. 7. Price, SA and Wilson. (2006). Pathophysiology: Clinical Concept of Disease processes 6th Edition Volume 1. Jakarta: EGC. 8. Smeltzer, Suzanne C. (2002). Textbook of Brunner & Suddarth Medical Surgery. Jakarta: E G C. 9. Chang, Ester. (2010). Pathophysiology: Application of Nursing Pratical. Jakarta: EGC. 10. William, Lippicont. (2008). Nursing: Understanding of Various Diseases. Jakarta: Indeks. 11. Gunawan, S.G et al. (2007). Pharmacology and Therapy 5th Edition. Jakarta: Balai Penerbit FKUI. 12. Larry, J., 2008, Merck Manual Home Health Handbook. 13. Almatsier, S. (2006). Basic Priciples of Nutritional Science. Jakarta : Gramedia Pustaka Utama. 14. 15. 16. 1790 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. EVALUATION OF PATIENT OF HEMAPTOE SUSPECTED TBC AT ISLAMIC HOSPITAL JAKARTA CEMPAKA PUTIH Ayu Pravita Sari1, Diana Laila Rahmatillah2, Aprilita Rinayanti Efi2, Stefanus Lukas2 1 University Student of Pharmacist Professional Programming Student, Faculty Of Pharmacy UTA’ 45 Jakarta 2 Lecturers of Pharmacy Faculty UTA’45 Jakarta ABSTRACT Tuberculosis is an infectious disease which is caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosa, which mostly (of 80%) attack the lungs1. This bacteria is rod-shaped and acid resistant by nature, also known as acid fast bacili. The transmission of the disease happens when sufferers of TB positive acid fast bacili cough or sneeze. At that time germs are spread out in the air in the form of droplets (sputum sparks). Droplets containing germs can survive in the air at room temperature for several hours2. A person can be infected once this droplets are inhaled. TB positive acid fast bacili is shown by minimum 2 of 3 (anytime-morning-anytime) sputum specimens are positive acid fast bacili, or when 1 sputum specimen is positive supported with active TB roentgen result3. A 66 year old patient, Mrs. J was admitted at Islamic Hospital Jakarta, Cempaka Putih on December 4th. It was due to coughing up blood for 2 days, losing appetite, nausea, vomiting, experiencing shortness of breath. According to her medication history, she has been through TB treatments 3 years ago with therapy anti-TB drugs 1 x 4 for 6 months and streptomycin for 3 months. She was treated with transamin inj 500 mg, Ranitidin inj 25 mg, domperidon tab 10 mg, ambroxol tab 30 mg, salbutamol tab 2 mg, lansoprazole tab 30 mg, levofloxacin inj 500 mg, dexamethasone inj, and blood transfusion. In this case, there was found DRPs (Drug Related Problems), duplication of medicine and failed to receive medication. Keywords : Tuberculosis, Acid Fast Bacili, Islamic Hospital Jakarta Cempaka Putih 1791 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. INTRODUCTION Tuberculosis is an infectious disease which is caused by tuberculosis germs (Mycobacterium tuberculosa) which is transmitted through the air (droplets nuclei) as a patient with tuberculosis coughs splashing saliva containing the bacteria is inhaled by others while breathing1. Mycobacterium tuberculosa is rod-shaped and resistant to acid on staining. It is also called as Acid fast bacili. TB germs die quickly if exposed to direct sunlight, but can survive several hours in the dark and humid place. Hence, the tissues of this germs can be dormant (asleep) for a few years3. SYMTOMPS In adults the symptoms of TB are generally having coughs with sputum for 3 weeks or more, cough up blood at least once. Other symptoms are experiencing shortness of breath, chest pain, feeling weak, losing appetite, losing weight, feeling unwell (malaise), sweating at night without doing activities, and having fever for more than a month4. DIAGNOSIS In order to get a precise diagnosis on TB, a series of action should be done. It should be stated with anamnesa, physical examination, and further examination which may include an examination of bacteria, radiology, and a tuberculin test. The determination of TB diagnosis based on sputum examination is categorized into: 1) suffering TB with positive acid fast bacili with at least 2 or 3 (anytime-morning-anytime) sputum specimens are positive acid fast bacili or at the very least one sputum specimen shows a positive result along with the chest x-ray picture showing active tuberculosis; 2) suffering TB with negative acid fast bacili with negative acid fast bacili result on sputum specimen examination and chest x-ray picture showing active tuberculosis; 3) suffering TB Extra in which the disease not only covers lungs but also other parts of the body, such as brain membrane, heart membrane, the membranes of the heart of lymph glands, bones, joints, skin, intestines, kidneys, ureter, genitals, etc3. TREATMENT TB treatment is done in two stages: intensive and advanced. At intensive stage (the beginning), patient is given medicine daily and needs to be monitored directly to prevent the occurrence of drug immunity. If intensive treatment was given in a precise manner, generally the patient will not be 1792 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. infectious in 2 weeks. The majority of TB positive acid fast bacili patient convert into negative within 2 months. Duration of the medication is two months with anti-TB drugs (HRZE) given daily. At advanced stage, the patient consumes less, but only in a longer time. Advanced stage is important to be the time to kill persister (dormant) germs so as to prevent recurrence. The suration is 4 months, anti-TB drugs (HR) given three times a week4. Standard medication guides recommended by WHO and IUATLD (International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease) are: a) Category 1: 2HRZE/4H3R3, 2HRZE/4HR, 2HRZE/6HE; b) Category 2: 2HRZES/HRZE/5H3R3E3, 2HRZES/HRZE/5HRE; c)Category 3: 2HRZ/4H3R3, 2HRZ/4HR, 2HRZ/6HE. Number 2 at the beginning as in “2HRZE” carries the meaning of 2 months consumption with daily dose of the combination. Meanwhile, number at the end as in “4H3R3” indicates the usage. Here, it means 3 times a week (within 4 months)4. Implied anti-TB drugs (HRZE) is given at the end of intensive stage of treatment to the patient with positive acid fast bacili category 1 or positive acid fast bacili category 2 in re-treatment. It is given every day for a month. For patient weigh 33 – 50 kg, implied anti-TB drugs is combined with 1 tablet of Isoniazid 300 mg, 1 caplet of Rifampisin 450 mg, 3 tablets of Pirazinamid 500 mg, and 3 tablets of Etambutol 250 mg. Each package of one implied anti-TB drugs contains 30 blisters HRZE which are packed in a small box. CASE PRESENTATION A 66 year old patient, Mrs. J was admitted at Islamic Hospital Jakarta, Cempaka Putih on December 4th. It was due to coughing up blood for 2 days, losing appetite, nausea, vomiting, experiencing shortness of breath. According to her medication history, she has been through TB treatments 3 years ago with therapy anti-TB drugs 1 x 4 for 6 months and streptomycin for 3 months. The patient came to the hospital with bring results roentgen of the thorax November 3th 2014 . Roentgen of the thorax impression on November 3th 2014 is pulmonary tuberculosis long active aspect . She was treated with transamin inj 500 mg with a dose of drip / 12 hours over two days , then third day be replaced in the form of oral 3x1 tab , ranitidin 2x1 injection, domperidon tab 2x10 mg, ambroxol tab 2x30 mg, salbutamol 2 mg 2x1/2 tab , lansoprazole 2x30 mg start given on fourth day , levofloxacin inj 1x750 mg be provided only in third day , dexamethasone extra (corresponding need ) given on fourth day , and blood transfusions given twice on fourth day . 1793 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. THE RESULTS OF LAB She conducted the examination of the lab on the first day , the second , and fourth .The results of laboratory test mrs. J showed abnormality is hemoglobin in the first day 10.1 g/dL , in the second 9.7 g/dL , in the fourth day 10.1 g/dL ( normal = 11.7 -- 15.5 g/dL ) ; hematokrit in first day at 30 percent , on second day of 29 percent , 32 percent in the fourth day ( normal = 35-47 % ) ; erythrocytes in first day at 3,31 10^6/µL, in the second 3.24 10^6/µL , in the fourth day 3,55 10^6/µL ( normal = 3.80 - 5,20 10^6/µL ) ; in the fourth day of leukocytes 11,20 thousand/µL ( normal = 3.6 - 11 thousand/µL ) . On the fourth day of sputum examination at 8.25 AM (acid fast bacili I ) with a negative result , at 9 PM (acid fast bacili II ) with a negative result , and on the fifth day at 8 AM (acid fast bacili III ) with a negative result . CLINICAL EVALUATION In this case , she was treated with transamin to cough up bloody , domperidone given to reduce nausea vomiting , ambroxol given as mukolitik, salbutamol given to reduce the shortness of breath .The second day , salbutamol 2mg and ambroxol given 3x1 tab and 3x0,5 tab because the doctor prescribe 3x1 tab and 3x0,5 tab , but nurses not according to giving the medications .Given as a prophylactic levofloxacin on the respiratory tract infection, lansoprazole given because the patient experienced in the fourth day after the injection levofloxacin 2x vomiting. Because the patient experienced by levofloxacin vomiting after granting , doctors to reduce the provision of salbutamol 2 mg and ambroxol to be 2x30 mg and 2x0,5 tab .Blood transfusion done on the fourth day at 7 AM and 8 PM because the results of the lab of hemoglobin in the day first and second low. Dexamethasone given because she was complained itching and bumps after given transfusion blood. DRUG RELATED PROBLEMS In this case, there were found Drug Related Problems (DRPs) : 1. Duplication of medicine Given medicine of lansoprazole and ranitidin. Recomendation : Should be given one medication. 2. Failure to receive medication Domperidon and lansoprazole given after meals. Recomendation : Domperidon and Lansoprazole given 30 minutes before meals. 1794 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. CONCLUSION Based on the results it can be drawn the conclusion that happened which was DRPs ( Drug Related Problems ) there are duplication of medicines and failed to receive medication. REFERENCES 1. Widoyono. (2008). Penyakit Tropis : Epidemiologi, Penularan, Pencegahan & Pemberantasannya. Jakarta : Penerbit Erlangga. 2. Girsang M. (2002). Pengobatan Standar TBC, l.Cermin dunia kedokteran, volume 137. Kalbe Farma 3. Depkes RI. (2002). Pedoman pemberantasan penyalit saluran pernafasan akut. Jakarta : Departemen Kesehatan RI. 4. Depkes RI. (2005). Pharmaceutical care untuk penyakit tuberkulosis. Jakarta : Departemen Kesehatan RI. 1795 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. EVALUATIONDRUG RELATED PROBLEM (DRP) OF AT THE RSUP PERSAHABATAN HOSPITAL JAKARTA Nurul Nabila1, Diana Laila Ramatillah2, Aprilita Rinayanti Eff2 Email ABSTRACT According to the National Kidney Foundation (NKF) Kidney Disease Outcome Quality intiative Guidelines updated in 2012, the definition of chronic kidney disease is kidney damage over 3 months, in the form of structural abnormalities of the kidneys, can or without a decrease in glomerular filtration rate (GFR), which is characterized by abnormalities pathology, and the presence of markers of kidney damage, can be either blood or urine laboratory abnormalities or radiological abnormalities glomerular filtration rate less than 60 mL / min / 1,73m2 as long as more than 3 months, can be with or without kidney damage (1). Patient Ny. AZ. Age 64 yrs enter RSUP.Persahabatan on 26 November 2014. Patient presented with shortness of breath, chest pain like a heavy object struck and penetrated backward sometimes there disappears with rest, DM (+), HT (+), edema (+) tingling in the hands of (+). Since March 2014 OS has been said to be HD but he did not want to and enter inpatient several times, patient are given therapy Bicnat Lasix 2x20 mg 3 x 500 mg, Ranitidine inj 2 x 50 mg, Captopril 3 x 25 mg, Domperidom 3 x 10 mg (5) .inj 2 x 20 Keywords: CKD on HD, Diseases in, RSUP.Persahabatan 1796 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. INTRODUCTION Kidneys are vital organs which very important in maintaining the stability of the environment in the body. The kidneys regulate the body's fluid and electrolyte balance and acid-base by filtering the blood through the kidneys, selective reabsorption of water, electrolytes and non-electrolytes, and excrete the excess as urine. Kidney traversed by about 1,200 ml of blood per minute, a volume equal to 20 to 25 percent of cardiac output (5,000 ml per minute). Over 90% of the blood that enters the kidneys are in the cortex, while the rest flowed into the medulla (7). Chronic renal failure (chronic kidney disease) is a progressive loss of kidney function, which occurs months to years with natural renal structural changes gradually with interstitial fibrosis. CKD is categorized based on the level of kidney function, GFR (Glomerular filtration rate / GFR), into stage 1 to stage 5, with increased numbers indicate an increase in the severity of disease was defined as a decrease in GFR (9). The development and progress of CKD can not be predicted, in patients with CKD stage condition 1 or 2 are generally no symptoms and metabolite disorders commonly experienced patients with CKD stages 3 to 5 are anemic, secondary hyperparathyroidism, cardiovascular disorders, malnutrition and fluid and electrolyte abnormalities which are marker of impaired kidney function. Uremic symptoms (fatigue, weakness, shortness of breath / wheezing, mental disorders, vomiting, nausea and anorexia bleeding) generally does not appear on stage 1 and 2, there was at the lowest stage 3 and 4, as well as in patients with CKD stage 5 which also ordinary experience itching in the skin (6). 1797 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. CASE PRESENTATION Patient is Ny. AZ64 years old entered RSUP.Persahabatan on 26 November 2014. Patient was present with shortness of breath, chest pain like a heavy object struck and penetrated backward, sometimes the pain disappeared when patient took a rest. DM (+), HT (+) patients were taking insulin 16 minutes when GD ≥ 20 suda recurrent hypoglycemia (+ tingling in the hands of (+ , right eye glaucoma sdah 2 yrs, left eye has a cataract. Retivoapati DM sudh since ≥ 10 yrs ago.Since March 2014 OS has been said to be HD but did not want to and get in hospitalization several times. Patients entered the diagnosa of CKD stage V or end stage renal disease who regularly have to perform hemodialysis. Patients treated with Captopril, Lasix injection, Ranitidine injection, domperido then after patients HD patients treated with bicnat, vitamins B12, folic acid, amlodipine, sucralfat syrp, Aminofluid 500cc / 24 hours, new diatab, cetirizine, omeprazole, and NaCl 0.9 % 500 cc / 24 hours. CLINICAL EVALUATION On the first day until day 4 Laxsix injection 2 x 20 mg Bicnat 3 x 500 mg, Ranitidine injection 2 x 50 mg, Captopril 3 x 25 mg, Domperidon 3 x 10 mg and then after in HD patients was treated with bicnat 3x100 mg, amlodipine 1x10 mg, 1x15 mg folic Acid, Vitamin B12 3x50 mg, cetirizine 2x10mg, new diatab 3x2mg, omeprazole 2x20m. DOSE AND HOW TO USE Dosage and how to use the drug in a patient was on the first day patients the drug IVFD Aminofluid 500 cc / 24 hours to supply amino acids, electrolytes and water before and after surgery in individuals with mild malnutrition due to hypoproteinemia or oral intake.Furosemid injection (Lasix) 2x20 mg given as the antihypertensive to reduce edema in patient. Bicnat 3x500mg was given to lower levels of urea and triglyceridese (based on lab results) and also to balance the acidity in the blood injection patient.Ranitidin 2x50mg with pathological hypersecretory state or tough or as an alternative treatment to overcome short-term IV administration in patient which was Ranitidine can not be given orally.Captopril 25 mg given orally 3x25 mg for hypertension mild to moderate and severe hypertension can also slow the progression of kidney disease that has been there, 3x10 mg Domperidon For nausea and vomiting. After 4 days in hospital patient did the HD and then given therapy Folic Acid 1 x 15 mg 1798 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. was used in the treatment of anemic conditions that appear on the uremiacondition, Vit.B12 3 x 50 mg. Vitamin B12 in combination with folic acid is used to treat anemic normocytic, normokrom which occurs in patients, amlodipine 1x10mg used as adjunctive therapy combination, aimed to control the patient's blood pressure fluctuates largely due to the condition of the kidneys in patients who have decline.Sucralfat syr 3 x 15 cc administered to patient for the treatment of duodenal ulcer. The dose for adults is generally 2 teaspoons (10 ml), 4 times a day, when the stomach is empty. Doses were given no more than 8 mEq / kg daily. New Diatab 3 x 2 mg.NaCL 0.9% Returns the electrolyte balance in the patient. Cetrizine 2x10mg allergy Awarded for treatment of patient who experience an itching on sexual organs. Omeprazole Omeprazole 2x20 cps are given orally to Tukat gastric and ulcers, omeprazole therapy for patients already want to go home, so Ranitidine injection is stopped. LABORATORY DATA RESULTS Table 1. Results of Laborator Type check up normal value Examination result Leukocytes 8.59 5-10 Netrofil 67.8 50-70 Lymphocytes 21.7 25-40 Monocytes 4.2 2-4 Eosofil 1.0 4,8-10,8 Basofil 0.3 0-1 Erythrocyte 3.86 4,5-6,5 HB 10.2 13,0-18,0 Hematocrit 30 40-52 MCV 78.8 80-100 MCH 26.4 26-36 MCHC 33.6 32-36 RDW-CV 13.1 115-145 Platelet 214.000 150.000-440000 1799 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. pH 7.138 7.34-7.44 PCO2 27.8 35-45 PO2 80.2 85-95 HCO3 13.9 22-26 Table TCO2 14.7 23-27 Laboratory Examination Results Base Excess -11.1 -2.5-2.5 Std HCO3 16.3 22-26 Saturation O2 95.0 96-97 GDS 210 <160 Total Protein 6.2 6-8 Albumin 2.5 3.4-5 Globulin 3.7 1.3-2.7 AST(SGOT) 9 0-37 ALT(SGPT) 7 0-47 Uremia 118 20-40 Triglyceridese 6.8 0.8-1.5 As.Urat 7.9 3-6 Prothombine time - Clinical Chemistry 9.4-113 (PT) INR - 0.83-1.16 APTT OS - 28-40 Type 2 Check Up Result Normal Value Examination 6/12/14 8/12/14 Na 139.0 - 135-145 Kalium 2.10 - 3,5-5,5 Calcium - 8.10 20-40 Chloride 102.0 - 98-109 Magnesium - 2.10 1.7-2.7 1800 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. DRUG RELATED PROBLEMS (DRPs) Based on the results of clinical work practice in inpatient wards, it can be concluded that the presence of DRPs (Drug Related Problems), namely: 1. The existence of drug interactions between: a. Sucralfate between Ranitidine Sucralfate drug absorption will be reduced when used in conjunction with Ranitidine(5). Pharmaceutical interventions Ranitidine drug use should be made at least 2 hours before or after administration of Sucralfate(5). b. Captopril between Furosemide Captopril and furosemide Mechanism: synergistic properties. Significant interactions. Risk of acute hypotension, hypokalemia and renal insufficiency should be monitored usage (5). Pharmaceutical interventions Handling is fluid status and weight of the patient should be carefully monitored in patients receiving loop diuretics when concomitant use with ACE inhibitors and their use should be monitored(5). CONCLUSION Based on the results of clinical it can be concluded that the presence of DRPs (Drug Related Problems) were interaction Ranitidine with Sucralfate which was Sucralfat absorption will be reduced when used in conjunction with Ranitidine. And adverse drug effects are captopril and furosemide Mechanism:Significant interactions. Risk of acute hypotension, hypokalemia and renal insufficiency should be monitored usage. REFERENCES 1.Alam, syamsir and Hadibroto iwan, 2007. Gagal Kidney, Gramedia pustaka utama; jakarta 2. Baradero, Marry dkk, 2008. Klien Gangguan Kidney, Penerbit buku kedokteran EGC; jakarta 3. Baand POM RI, 2008.Information Obat Nasional Indonesia, Jakarta 4. program/2361.htm 5. BNF 61, 2011.Britsh National Formulary. Pharmaceutical Press: London 1801 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. 6. Baxter, karen, 2008. Stockley’s Drug Interaction. Pharmaceutical Press: London 7. Dipiro, Joseph T., et. al., 2008, Pharmacotherapy: A Pathophysiologic Approach 7th Edition, McGraw Hill, New York. 8. Elin Yulinah, 2011, ISO Farmakoterapi 2, Penerbit: Ikatan Apoteker Indonesia, Jakart. 9. Sukandar, Enday. 2006. Gagal Kidney and Panduan Terapi Dialisis. Pusat Informasi Ilmiah Bagian Ilmu Penyakit Dalam FK.UNPAD. Bandung 10.UK Renal Pharmacy Group, 2009, Renal Drug Handbook Third Edition,Radcliffe publishing Oxford. New York CASE REPORT 1802 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. MANAGEMENT OF PATIENT IN HOSPITAL WITH TUBERCULOSIS MENINGITIS AT HOSPITAL JAKARTA AT PGI CIKINI Anton Supriadi1, Diana Laila Ramatillah2, AprilitaRinayanti Eff2 , Drs. Stefanus Lukas2 1 Student of Pharmacist Professional Program, Faculty of Pharmacy UTA’45 Jakarta 2 Lecture of Faculty of Pharmacy UTA’45 Jakarta Email: ABSTRACT Meningitis is an inflammation of the protective membranes covering the brain and spinal Medulla which is known as meninges (1). Inflammation of meninges can be caused by viral infection, bacteria or other microorganisms and causes most often is due to drugs (2). Meningitis can be life-threatening and is an emergency condition. Classification-based agent of meningitis cause, i.e. bacterial meningitis, viral meningitis, meningitis, meningitis a parasitic and fungal meningitis non infection. Tuberculosis meningitis is an inflammation of the brain membrane caused by the bacteria Mycobacterium Tuberculosis, this disease is a form of complications which often appear on Tuberculosis Pulmonary diseases (1.3). Patient EP 34 year age, male gender, weight 52 kg, patient experience decreased consciousness, fever, cough, nausea, vomiting, a history of previous illness the patient was diagnosed with Pulmonary Tuberculosis in 2010, family disease History's wife also was diagnosed with Pulmonary Tuberculosis. Patient was suffering from Meningitis in EP diagnose Tuberculosis. Resulted of the checks conducted were visible from cell count leukocytes and MRI results where the examination becomes a reference to diagnose the disease that inflicted patients.Patients given the drug ceftriaxone and antibiotic ciprofloxacin, Dexamethasone, Rocer, Citicholin, Largactil, Bcomplex, New Diatab, and for management tuberculosis Isoniazid, Rifampin given, Ethambutol and Pyrazinamide. Keywords: Meningitis, Mycobacterium Tuberculosis, MRI. 1803 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. INTRODUCTION Tuberculosis is an infectious disease caused by a direct bacterium most of which attacked the lungs. These bacteria including Bacillus gram positive, rod-shaped, the walls is a complex of glycolipids as well as candle-lipid hard penetrated chemicals (5). Tuberculosis meningitis is the result of the spread of the bacterial limfogen and hematogen Mycobacterium tuberculosis primary infection of the lung (4). Meningitis itself is divided into two according to the examination of the Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF) or also called Liquor Cerebrospinal is (LCS), namely: bacterial causes of meningitis purulent a with besides the bacteria Mycobacterium tuberculosis, and meningitis bacterial causes of tuberculosis with the serosa or viruses. Clinical signs and symptoms of meningitis are almost always the same on every type, so the necessary knowledge and more action to determine the type of meningitis. This relates to the handling of subsequent tailored to etiology. For tuberculosis meningitis needed more specific therapy due tothe cause is not just bacteria that can be addressed with broad spectrum antibiotics. The World Health Organization (WHO) in 2009 declared tuberculosis meningitis occurred in 3.2% of cases of complications of primary tuberculosis infection, 83% are caused by complications of primary infection in the lung (4). CASES PRESENTATION Mr. EP 34 year age, male gender, weight 52 kg, patient had experience decreased consciousness, fever, cough, nausea, vomiting, a history of previous illness that the patient was diagnosed with Pulmonary Tuberculosis in 2010, family disease History's wife also was diagnosed with Pulmonary Tuberculosis. Patient suffering from Meningitis in EP diagnose Tuberculosis. inspection results made can be seen in the number of leukocytes and cells of the MRI results where the brain showed focal cerebral infection multiple, possibly by toxic or TB examination to be a reference to diagnose the disease that inflicted on patient.Patient was given the drug ceftriaxone and antibiotic ciprofloxacin combined to treat gram negative bacterial infection, antiinflammatory drugs as Dexamethasone, Rocer are used to protect the stomach, Citicholin to lose consciousness due to brain trauma and improve blood circulation, nausea vomiting remedies as 1804 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. Largactil, Bcomplex to increase durability of the patient's body, New Diatab to treat diarrhea caused by drug side effects, and for management tuberculosis Isoniazid given, Rifampin, Ethambutol and Pirazinami CLINICAL EVALUATION DRUG RELATED PROBLEMS (DRPs) Drug interactions occur between Rifampin and Isoniazid (INH), Rifampin can increase the hepatotoxicity of Isoniazid (INH), but this combination does not cause in some sufferers, drug side effects are also found on the treatment of these patient, but can be addressed immediately, i.e. of the antibiotic ceftriaxone, ciprofloxacin gram negative gastric drug Rocer which have adverse side effects diarrhea resolved by granting the drug NewDiatab (4.5). PATIENT LABORATORY DATA E X A M I N A T I O N T H E R E S U L T S BLOOD CREEP RATE 12 L E U K O C Y T E S 1 4 , 8 E O S I N O P H I L S m / h THE REFERENCE VALUE 0 r – 1 0 – 1 0 1 0 ^ 3 / u l 5 0 % 1 – 3 NEUTROPHIL STEM 0 % 2 – 6 NEUTROPHILS SEGMENT 8 % 5 0 – 7 0 L Y M P H O C Y T E S 9 % 2 0 – 4 0 4 THORAX EXAMINATION RESULTS: Heart enlarged impression left waist protruding heart, apex embedded, not widened mediastinum and aorta, trachea and hilar lung does not look good, infiltrate, diaphragm and sinuses well. Cardiomegaly possibility of mitral, pulmo configuration does not appear to infiltrate. THE MRI EXAMINATION RESULTS: Brain showed focal cerebral infection multiple, possibly by toxic or TB 1805 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. CONCLUSION Tuberculosis (TB) meningitis is the complication results from the spread of bacteria and hematogenlimfogen Mycobacterium tuberculosis primary infection of the lung to meninges. management using the antibiotic ciprofloxacin and ceftriaxone antibiotic with a spectrum that is different but both have in common that is equally effective on gram negative bacteria,, antiinflammatory drugs as Dexamethasone, Rocer were used to protect the stomach, Citicholin to lose consciousness due to brain trauma and improve blood circulation, nausea vomiting remedies as Largactil, Bcomplex to increase durability of the patient's body, New Diatab to treat diarrhea caused by drug side effects management for tuberculosis and given Isoniazid Rifampin, Ethambutol, and Pyrazinamide. Based on observations made on the patient Mr. EI at the Hospital of the PGI Cikini can be inferred: 1. Drug interactions Occur between rifampin and INH with increasing anti-hepatotoxic INH, but this combination does not cause anti-hepatotoxic on most sufferers. 2. There is a side effect of the medications given. But it has been in anticipation 3. Treatment of patients is rational. REFERENCES 1. Ginsberg Difficult and recurrent meningitis. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry. 2004; 75: 16-21 2. AR Tunkel, Hartman BJ, Kaplan SL et al. Practice guidelines for the management of bacterial meningitis. Clinical Infectious Diseases 2004; 39: (9) 1267-84 3. T Ducomble, K Tolksdorf, Karagiannis I, B Hauer, B Brodhun, W Haas, L Fiebig. The burden of extrapulmonary tuberculosis and meningitis: an investigation of national surveillance data, Germany 2002 to 2009. Euro Surveill.2013; 18 (12) 20436. 4. a. IsrarYayan. Meningitis. Faculty of Medicine – University of Riau, Arifin 1806 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. Achmad General Hospital of Soweto.2008; 1-6. 5. tuberculosis Meningitis. Accessed September, 25th 2013. 6. Epidemiology tbc Indonesia. Accessed 25th September, 2013. 7. Fenichel GM. Clinical Pediatric Neurology. 5th ed. Philadelphia: Elvesier Saunders; 2005. p. 106-13. 8. the Tuberculosis Coalition for Technical Assistance. International Standards for Tuberculosis Care (ISTC). 2nd ed. The Hague: Tuberculosis Coalition for Technical Assistance, 2009. 9. Raviglione MC, O'Brien RJ. Tuberculosis. In: Longo DL, Kasper DL, Jameson JL, Fauci AS, Hauser SL, Loscalzo j. Harrison's principles of internal medicine. 18th edition. New York: McGraw Hill; 2012 1807 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. KIDNEY STONES IN PGI CIKINI HOSPITAL Candra dwi putra1, Diana Laila Ramatillah2, Aprilita Rinayanti Eff2 1 Student of Pharmacist Program, Faculty of Pharmacy UTA’45 Jakarta 2 Lecture of Faculty of Pharmacy UTA’45 Jakarta Email : ABSTRACT Drug Related Problems (DRP's) are unwanted incidences that happen to patients associated with drug therapy1. Two or more drugs that are given at the same time may change its effect indirectly. Drug interactions causing losses,3 kinds of shared interactions is major (highly significant clinical), moderate (moderate clinical significant), minor (minimum clinical significant). Based on the results from Praktek Kerja Profesi Apoteker at PGI Cikini hospital, This patient in inpatient at PGI Cikini hospital get major drug interactions is Awarding tramal with ondasentron and tramal with meropenem. This should be a concern and immediately treated for the effects of inflicted could harm the lives of patients. Keywords: DRP, drug interaction, kidney stones 1808 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. INTRODUCTION A licensed holds a very important role in the improvement of the quality of health services oriented to the patient (Patient Oriented). As a licensed, quality improvement of this service can be made through a process of service pharmacy (Pharmaceutical care). Practice of Pharmaceutical care is an integrated activity with the purpose to identify, prevent and solve the problem of drugs and health related problems. One of these activities is to conduct a study on drug related problems (DRP's) of any therapy that is taken into consideration and given to the patient. Study on Drug Related Problems (DRP's) is extremely complex and expansive, one form of drug Related Problems are problems associated with drug interactions-drugs used in a therapeutic (Drug Interaction). According to the Institute of Medicine report, the numbers of Genesis (incidence) of drug interactions in the clinic is large enough. From the a source, it is known that 44,000 – 98,000 deaths occur every year due to various errors in clinical, and about 7,000 deaths occur due to the side effects of treatment are performed (including as a result of drug interactions)2. The incidence of significant drug interactions in clinical difficult partly because first, the documentation is still very rare. Second, often escaped from observations because less science on doctor about mechanism and the possibility of drug interactions so the drug interactions to be increased toxicity is often thought of as a idiosyncrasy reaction to one medication while a decline in the effectiveness of the interaction is often thought to be due to the increase of the severity of the disease in addition to too many interacting drugs so it is difficult to remember and the third occurrence or the severity of the interaction is influenced by individual variations ( specific population more sensitive for example elderly patient or patients who had severe, the distinction between individual metabolic capacity), certain diseases (especially kidney failure or severe liver disease), and other factors (large doses, the drug ingested together, giving the Chronicle). Treatment with some drugs (poly pharmacy) and habitual physicians to easy the occurrence of drug interaction. A survey reported in 1977 about poly pharmacy in sufferers being treated at the hospital showed that the incidence of side effects in patients who got 32 0-5 kinds of drugs is 3.5%, while that gets 16-20 range medications is 54%. The increased in the side effects of drugs 1809 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. that are far in excess of an increasing number of drugs given together is expected due to the occurrence of drug interactions are also increasing3. Severity levels and given the interactions can be classified into 3 levels is the minor, moderate or major. The severity of the minor, An interaction is included in the severity of the minor if the interaction may occur but is considered a significant potential harm to patients in the event of negligence. An example is the decrease in the absorption of ciprofloxacin by antacid when dosage was given less than two hours after A moderate Severity 3 interaction within the moderate severity if one of the potential hazards may occur in patients, and some type of intervention/monitor is often necessary. The effect of moderate interaction might cause the patient's clinical status changes, causing additional care, care in hospitals and or extension of the length of stay in hospital. An example is the combination of Vancomycin and gentamicin nefrotoksisity monitoring needs to be done. The severity of A major interaction is included in the severity of major if there is a high probability of incidents that enandger patients including events pertaining to the lives of patients and the occurrence of permanent damage. An example is the development of arrhythmias that occur due to the granting of erythromycin and terfenadin. ETIOLOGY Based on the factors that affect the formation of etiology kidney stones that urine pH, concentration of dissolved substances urine, urine stasis, a diet high in calcium and bone dimeralisasi. Most of the stone contains calcium, while the rest contain amino magnesium or struvit phosphate, uric acid or cystine. The mechanism of the formation of kidney stones or urinary tract is not known for certain, but some books mention , the process of stone can be caused first the existence of precipitation the salts dissolved in the urine, where if the urine is saturated precipitation will occur. Second, have a core (nidus), for example there is infection of the ulcer occurred later, where it became the core of the ulcer formation of stones, as the sticking stone from particles the nucleus . the third, change of the pH or the presence of other colloids in urine will neutralize the charge and cause the onset of precipitation4. 1810 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. CASE PERSENTATION A woman aged 61 years in the diagnosis of renal colic suffered from kidney stones left. The patient complained of lower back pain left side as long as 4 days ago and is a reference of the RSU Depok Yudha Bhakti because of dengue fever. When in abdominal ultrasound, it turns out there are hidronephrosis (+) and nephrolithiasis (+). Another complaint experience fever, nausea,vomiting and coughing. LABORATORY EXAMINATION VALUE Date : 18 december 2014 Type of examination Value Normal Value Blood sedimentation rate 106 0-20 mm/hour Hemoglobin 9,8 13 - 16 n Leukosite 18300 5-10 thousand mm3 Erytrosite 47000000 4-5 million mm3 Hematocyte 29 40-48 % Retikulosite 6 5-15 % Trombosite 294000 150 - 450 % Urine complete 1811 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. Specific gravity 1010 1015-1025 gr/ml Color yellow Yellow young Nitrit positif Nothing pH 6,0 4,6-7,4 Protein Trace / 10 mg/dl - / nothing Glucose negatif - / nothing Bilirubin negatif - / nothing Urobirinogen 0,2 < 0,2 Keton negatif nothing CLINICAL EVALUATION The therapeutic use of medication during hospitalization in RS PGI Cikini is given antibiotics cefoperazon as anti infection on a patient's urinary tract. drop paracetamol to reduce pain in the left loin and fever patients. Anti spasmodic functioning Spasmium/ anti seizure the digestive tract, ulcer peptic. Tramal contains tramadol HCL the indication of moderate to severe pain before and after operation. Meropenem as Gram-negative antibiotic and positive that often invade the urinary tract then Capsules pink-white given sleeping pills from a doctor before. Metrodinazol serves as an anti trichomoniasis. OBH to cough patients. Blood pressure-lowering as Bisoprolol because on day 5 experienced blood pressure increased to 160/80. A PCT addition treatment tab fever patients. Onandcentron for emetic /anti nausea and vomiting infusion of NS (100 ml NaCl replaces sodium chloride inside the body or also as resuscitation. All therapies are going well but there are some finds drug interactions. 1. Drug Related Problems / DRP 's (drug interactions with drugs ) : Onandsetron ↔ Tramadol 1812 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. Simultaneous use of 5-HT3 receptor antagonists with agents that have or increase activity serotonergic like tramadol can serotonin syndrome risk may occur, which is a rare but serious condition and potentially fatal. Allegedly the result of hyper stimulation brainstem 5-HT1A receptor and 2A. According to the literature, the development of serotonin syndrome have been reported with a co-receptor antagonists, 5-HT3, concurrent use of drugs especially during serotonergic and also in high doses. Some reported cases be fatal. Serotonin syndrome symptoms include mental status changes such as irritability, altered consciousness, confusion, hallucinations, and coma, autonomic dysfunction such as tachycardia, diaphoresis, hyperthermia, labile blood pressure, chills, and mydriasis; neuromuscular disorders such as tremor, rigidity, and ataxia; and gastrointestinal symptoms such as abdominal cramps, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea5. MONITORING CLOSELY of receptor antagonists: the use of 5-HT3 can decrease the analgesic tramadol efficacy. The proposed mechanism is the antagonism of serotonin-mediated effects of tramadol in the spinal level. In a randomized, double-blind study of 40 patients undergoing lumbar Laminectomy, patients given onandsetron 4 mg on the induction of anesthesia needed more tramadol postoperative compared patients given control saline (NaCl 0.9%) of fluid. Use of tramadol per hour did not differ significantly with the two groups, except at the first postoperative hours, probably due to the relatively short half-life of plasma onandsetron. 4 mg dose of onandsetron 24 hours do not reduce incidence of post-operative nausea and vomiting6. 2. Drug Related Problems / DRP's (drug interactions with drugs): Tramadol ↔ Meropenem Tramadol may cause seizures, and combining it with other medications that can also cause seizures such as meropenem may increase that risk. The interaction may be more likely if you are elderly, undergoing alcohol or drug withdrawal, have a history of seizures, or have a condition affecting the central nervous system such as a brain tumor or head trauma. You should avoid or 1813 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. limit the use of alcohol while being treated with these medications. Also avoid driving or operating hazardous machinery until you know how the medications affect you7. CONCLUSION The use of tramal should be replaced with other opioid analgesic pain relievers as on his left thigh as well as part of post-operative Kidney stone worked at 11 Dec 2014. Reasons changed tramal because it has the level of severity of major interaction that is andgerous to the health of patients and can cause permanent damage. Such as interaction tramadol and ondasentron can happened serotonin syndrome symptoms are irritability, altered consciousness, confusion, hallucinations, and coma, autonomic dysfunction such as tachycardia, diaphoresis, hyperthermia, labile blood pressure, chills, and mid rise. neuromuscular disorders such as tremor, rigidity. gastrointestinal symptoms such as abdominal cramps, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. While the effects of interactions arising tramal and meropenem depressant and depressant. Patient should be terminated if you have a history of seizures because it can andger the lives of patients. REFERENCES 1. Cipolle, R.J., Strand, L.M., and Morley, P.C., 1998, Pharmaceutical Care Practice, The McGraw-Hill Companies, New York 2. Almeida OP, Norman P, Succesful Mental Health Aging : Results From a Longitudinal Study of Older Australian Men. The American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry. 2006; 14, 1, p.27. 3. Setiawati, A., Suyatna, F.D., and Gan, Sulistia. 2007. Farmakologi And Terapi. Jakarta:Departemen Farmakologi and Terapeutik FKUI. 4. Bailie, G.R., Johnson, C.A., Mason, N.A., Peter, W.L.St. (2004). Medfacts Pocket Guide of Drug Interaction. Second Edition. Middleton: Bone Care International, Nephrology Pharmacy Associated, Inc. Halaman 1-6. 5. Cerner Multum, Inc. "Australian Product Information." O 0 1814 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. 6. DeWitte JL, Schoenmaekers B, Sessler DI, DeLoof T "The analgesic efficacy of impaired by concurrent administration of onandsetron." Anesth Analg tramadol is 92 (2001): 1319- 21 7.Gardiner JS, Blough D, Drinkard CR, et al. "Tramadol and kejang: penelitian surveilans pada populasi managed care." Farmakoterapi 20 (2000): 1423-1431 1815 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. DRUG RELATED PROBLEMS ASSOCIATED NON HEMORRHAGIC STROKE AT INSTALLATION OF INPATIENT NUMFOR DR. MINTOHARDJO HOSPITAL Alfia1, Aprilita Rinayanti Eff and Diana Laila R2. 1 Student of Pharmacist Program Faculty of Pharmacy UTA’45 Jakarta 2 Lecturer of Faculty of Pharmacy UTA’45 Jakarta Email : ABSTRACT Non-hemorrhagic stroke is a disease that is often found in internal medicine wards in Mintohardjo Hospital. Non-hemorrhagic stroke is defined as a stroke caused by a blood supply to the brain is reduced or stopped due to thrombus formation or emboly in arteri cerebral. Mr.Hn 55 years old hospitalized in internal medicine wards. Patient on therapy patient was given RL infusion, NaCl infusion, Amlodipine, Phenytoin, Folic Acid, Neurobion, Ambroxol, Ventolin Nebulezer and Neulin. From the results of monitoring drug therapy,we found Drug Related Problem that is improper drug selection. Key words: Drug Realeted Problem, non hemorrhagic stroke, Mintohardjo hospital 1816 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. INTRODUCTION Stroke is defined as a syndrome of Rapidly developing clinical symptoms and signs of focal, global occasionally loss of cerebral function lasting more than 24 h or leading to death, with no apparent cause other than of vascular origin. 1 Non-hemorrhagic stroke it self is a disease caused by a blood supply to the brain is reduced or stopped due to thrombus formation or inhibit cerebral artery emboli. Usually cardiac source of embolism, aortic arch, or the more proximal arterial lesions. 2 The management of stroke consists of pharmacological and non-pharmacological therapies. Nonpharmacological treatment of hemorrhagic stroke (clots) can be done by reperfusion and neuroprotective. Reperfusion is restore blood flow to the brain so that the perfusion increased adequately, drugs that can be given include: thrombolytic agents, platelet inhibitors and anticoagulants. 2 Alteplase is recommended in the treatment of acute ischemic stroke if it can be administered within 3 hours of symptom onset; it should be given by medical staff experienced in the administration of thrombolytics and the treatment of acute stroke, preferably within a specialist stroke center. Treatment with aspirin 300 mg once daily for 14 days should be initiated 24 hours after thrombolysis (or as soon as possible within 48 hours of symptom onset in Patients not receiving thrombolysis); Patients with aspirin hypersensitivity, or reviews those intolerant of aspirin despite the addition of a proton pump inhibitor, should receive clopidogrel 75 mg once daily (unlicensed use) as an alternative. 3 CASE PRESENTATION Patient Mr. Hn, age 55 years old, admission Mintohardjo Hospital on 19 November 2014 with a complaint weakness in the hands and left foot. Patient experienced weakness in the arm and left leg, the patient's speech slurred speech, cough, hypertension, stroke two months ago because there was bleeding and being in the treatment of pulmonary since 2 months ago. Based on the history of the disease it can be determined goal of therapy in patients is to improve the flow of blood to prevent blood clotting. The parameters measured were blood pressure, laboratory values associated hematologic values, LDL (Low Density Lipoprotein) and other vital signs. CLINICAL EVALUATION 1817 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. In this case the patient (Mr. Hn) is treated with RL infusion, NaCl infusion, Amlodipine, Phenytoin, Folic Acid, Neurobion, Ambroxol, Ventoline Nebulezer, and given the addition of Neulin (citicolin) for outpatient therapy. Indications of amlodipine is given to control the blood pressure, Phenytoin as an anticonvulsant and folic acid for overcome the deficiency of folic acid clue to side effect of Phenytoin, and Neurobion which serves as a supplement to neurotritis.4 Result of laboratory examination show that the value of eosinophils and neutrophils are abnormal it is indicate that the patient experienced to infection, and the value of LDL (Low Density Lipoprotein) showed abnormal indication that the patients. Suffered hyperlipidemia and blockage of blood vessels that lead to non-hemorrhagic stroke.5 DISCUSSION The patient was admitted to hospital on 19 November 2014 with a complaint weakness in the hands and left feet and was diagnosed with non-hemorrhagic stroke. Based on the history of the disease can be determined goal of drug therapy is to improve blood flow to prevent blood clotting. The parameters measured were blood pressure, laboratory values associated hematologic values, LDL (Low Density Lipoprotein) and other vital signs. Mr.Hn blood pressure measurement on the first day was 180/120, pulse 84x / min and temperature of 36 0 c. Patient was treated with amlodipine, Phenytoin, Folic Acid And Neurobion tablet, amlodipine 2 times daily is indicated for the management of hypertension, Phenytoin 3 times daily for anticonvulsant, Folic Acid once daily as for folic acid deficiency due to side effects Phenytoin and Neurobion once daily as analgesic for the peripheral nerves. On the second the patient still received the same drug. On third day patient received additional treatment that was ambroxol tablet with Ventolin Nebulizer as eskpektoran to treat cough due to relapsed pulmonary TB and on the last day patient received additional medication Neulin 2 times daily as post-stroke therapy.4 Laboratory result show that abnormalisty of eosinophils, neutrophils and LDL. Increasing LDL can causes non-hemorrhagic stroke.4 From the results of the monitoring of treatment we found Drug Related Problems that is improper drug selection, buthe did not received drug of choice for overcome non hemorraghic stroke alteplase short of breathness that the patient complain only is treated with ventolin 1818 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. nebulizer and ambroxol. On the third day the doctors diagnosed patient suffered pulmonary TB of any such investigation laboratory of sputum examination. While the literature says patient suffering from pulmonary TB should be treated with Isoniazid, Rifampicin, Piracinamid, Ethambutol, and Streptomocin not with ambroxol.4 CONCLUSION Based on observations during the monitoring of drug therapy in the Dr.Mintohardjo Hospital it can be concluded that is DRP (Drug Related Problems) ie lack of proper drug selection. REFERENCES 1. Stephen Tomlinson et al., 2008. Mechanisms of Disease: An Introduction to Clinical Science Second Edition. New York. Cambridge University Press. Hal.191 2. And L. Longo, MD et al. 2005. Harrisonâ € ™ s manual of medicine 16th Edition. USA. The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. P.58 3. Royal Pharmaceutical Society. 2011. British National Formulary 61. London. BMJ Group of Great Britain. P.151 4. APHA. 2008-2009. Drug Information Handbook 17th Edition. USA. Lexi- Comp 5. Stevens, Christine Dorresteyn. 2010. Clinical Immunology And Serology: A Laboratory Perspective 3rd Ed. Philadelphia. FA Davis Company. Page 7 1819 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. CASE REPORT : DRUG RELATED PROBLEMS IN TREATMENT OF NON HAEMORRHAGIC STROKE DISEASE AT MINTOHARDJO HOSPITAL Mardiatul Husnaini1,Aprilita Rinayanti Eff and Diana Laila R2 1 Student of Pharmacist Program, Faculty of Pharmacy UTA’ 45 Jakarta 2 Lecturer of Faculty of Pharmacy UTA’ 45 Jakarta ABSTRACT Non Haemorrhagic stroke is a brain tissue damage caused by lack of blood flow to the brain that disrupt the need for blood and oxygen in brain tissue5. Hypertension is the increasing of blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure above 90 mmHg, or systolic pressure above 140 mmHg8. Patient Mr. SN, 42 years old, entered Mintohardjo Hospital on November 20, 2014 has a diagnosed of non-hemorrhagic stroke (SNH) with a history of hypertension. He feels dizzy, disturbance in the limb right and tingling on the right of cheek. The results of laboratory tests and vital signs showed normal values. During hospitalized patient was treated with RL injection, Citicolin injection, Neurobion injection, amlodipine, and gabapentin. Based on the results of clinical practice in Mintohardjo Hospital it can be concluded that the presence of DRP (Drug Related Problems) in the form improper drug selection. KEYWORDS: Drug Related Problems, Non Haemorrhagic Stroke, Hypertension, Mintohardjo Hospital 1820 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. INTRODUCTION Non Haemorrhagic Stroke or stroke infarction is a clinical sign of dysfunction or brain tissue damage caused by lack of blood flow to the brain that disrupt the blood and oxygen requirement in the brain tissue5. Approximately 88% of all strokes are non Haemorrhagic stroke caused by the formation of thrombus formation or emoboli which inhibit cerebral artery. Cerebral Aterosklosis is a causative factor in many of the problems Non Haemorrhagic Stroke, although 30% of unknown etiology5. Ischemic stroke classification is divided into three types, namely: Stroke thrombotic, embolic stroke and systemic hypoperfusion. Thrombotic stroke is the process of thrombus formation that causes clotting. Embolic stroke is as blocked artery by a blood clot. Systemic Hipoperfusion is reduced blood flow to all parts of the body due to a disturbance in heart rate5. Hypertension is the increased blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure above 90 mmHg settle, or systolic pressure above 140 mmHg settled. Hypertension due to increased peripheral vascular smooth muscle tone, which causes an increase in resistance arterioles and reducing capacity of the venous blood vessel system. Hypertension may occur as a result of another disease process, more than 90 percent of patients suffering from essential hypertension, a disease in blood pressure regulation of unknown cause. Environmental factors such as life stress, high-sodium diet, obesity and smoking are factors predisposing to hypertension7. CASE PRESENTATION Patient Mr. SN 42 year old admitted to the island Noemfoor of Mintohardjo Hospital. Patient Diagnosed with Non Haemorrhagic Stroke. Patient entered Mintohardjo Hospital on November 20, 2014. The patient had complained when he came to the hospital that were disturbance in the limb tingling on the right cheek area, for 1 day before he was enteri the hospital. Complaints occur suddenly when the patient want to catch the bird, the patient said that at the time of the incident he felt dizzy, but the patient did not experience nausea, vomiting, blurred vision, and speech disorders. CLINICAL EVALUATION In this case the patient was treated with an infusion of RL (Ringer Lactate) 14 MDGs, Ringer's lactate administration aims to restore water and electrolyte balance in the body, injection of 500 1821 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. mg Citicolin aims to improve the nervous system by increasing the consumption of oxygen in the brain and improve drug metabolism. Then injection neorobion 5000 for treating cerebrovascular injury. 1x amlodipine 10 mg od. DISCUSSION Mr. SN had history of hypertension and based on the diagnosis show that he Stroke Non Hemoragic (SNH). Chemical examination showed that increasing result of 10,500 leukocytes/µl (normal 5000-10000/µl) and total cholesterol 248 mg/dl (normal < 200 mg/dl) and urea 75 mg/dl (normal 17 - 43 mg/dl), and the patient blood pressure 160/120 (normal 120/80), pulse 88x/min and temperature 36º C. For overcome SNH disease, the patient was treated with infus of RL, Citicolin Injection 500 mg, Neurobion Injection 5000 od, Amlodipine 10 mg, and Gabapentin 100 mg bid, RL administration aims to restore water and electrolyte balance in the body. Citicolin Injection 500 mg od can improve the consumption of oxygen in the brain and improve drug metabolism. Neurobion Injection 5000 used for treating cerebrovascular injury. Amlodipine 10 mg, for hypertension. Amlodipine works by inhibiting the movement of calcium into the cell membrane in systemic and coronary vascular smooth muscle and acts directly as a peripheral arterial vasodilator that can cause a decrease in vascular resistant infections as well as a decrease in blood pressure7. Furthermore, the patient was given Gabapentin for relieve pain, especially neoropatic pain. On the fourth day patient was given cholesterol-lowering drugs, simvastatin 20 mg, because patient has elevated on total of cholesterol 248 m/ dl (normal < 200 mg/dl). On the last day he received amlodipine for hypertension and simvastatin. DRUG RELATED PROBLEM: Improper drug selection The patien experieneed non hemorrhagic stroke, but he did not receive the first lune drug for treating the stroke is Alteplase. CONCLUSION Based on the monitoring of drug therapy in patient with SNH disease at Mintohardjo Hospital it can be concluded that there is have Drug Releated Problem, that is improper drug selective. 1822 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. REFERENCES 1. Anwar, TB, 2004, p Dislipidemia as a risk factor for coronary heart EW p, http: / p. Accessed November 2014. 2. National Agency of Drug and Food Control. 2008. The Indonesian national drug information. Sagung seto. Jakarta. 3. BNF 61, 2001. Britsh National Formulary 61 March 2011 4. Cipolle, Robert J, et al. 2004. Pharmaceutical Care Practice Second Edition. USA: The Mc.GrawHill Companies Inc. 5. Corwin, E .j. 2009. Handbook Pathophysiology. Jakartab: EGC 6. ISFI, 2009. "ISO Indonesia Vol. 44 ". Noble Berlico Farma. Yogyakarta 7. MOH, 200, Pharmaceutical Care for hypertension, Directorate building a community pharmacy, clinical pharmacy Directorate General Development, medical devices. 8. Joint National Committee on prevention, 2003. Evaluation and treatment of high blood pressure 1823 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. CASE REPORT : DRUG RELATED PROBLEM OF ASSOCIATED OF TUBERCULOSIS (TB) STAGE II AT MINTOHARDJO HOSPITAL. Rezkyta Triana Tambing1, Aprilita Rina Yanti Eff2 and Diana Laila Ramatillah2 1 Student of Pharmacist Program, Faculty of Pharmacy UTA'45 Jakarta 2 Lecturer of Faculty of Pharmacy UTA'45Jakarta ABSTRACT Tuberculosis (TB) is a disease caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis. The bacteria usually attack the lungs, but TB bacteria can attack any part of the body such as kidney, spine and brain. If not treated properly, TB disease can be fatal1. Patient Mr. AH 69 years old, entered Mintohardjo hospital on 25th september 2014 with the diagnosis of advences tuberculosis (TB) stage II. Patient was treated for 9 days with an infusion of RL, Ceftriaxon injection, a Bisolvon (bromhexin HCl), Isoniazid (INH), Rifampisin, Ethambutol, Sanfuliq (curcuma). Based on the result of monitoring the using of drugs it can be concluded that there is drug related problems i.e. untreated complaints nusea, vomiting and anemia. Keywords : Drug Related Problem (DRP), Tuberculosis (TBC ), and Mintohardjo Hospital 1824 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. INTRODUCTION Tuberculosis (TB) is a disease caused by infection Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex. Mycobacterium tuberculosis shaped a straight rod or slightly curved not sporulated berkapsul or not. This bacteria measuring wide 0.3-0.6 mm and long 1-4 mm. Mycrobacterium the wall very complex, consisting of layers of fat substantial (60 %)2. Tuberculosis (TB) is one of an infectious disease with incidence that is relatively high Pulmonary tuberculosis also reported as cause of death third largest in the world after the disease of cardiovascular and diseases of the respiratory tract and infectious diseases is number one in the world that can cause death3. Clinical symptoms is coughing 2 sunday coughing up blood, asthma, chest pain, fever and etc 4. Reports the globe by tuberculosis who made indonesia ranked fourth highest number of TB for patients after China, India and South Africa with the prevalence of TB in Indonesia in 2013 is 297 per 100,000 people with a new case every year reached 460.000 cases. In this way total cases until 2013 reached around 800.000-900.000 case1. Aside from the issue of sanitation home environment, occurrences of a disease pulmonary tuberculosis also is very much related to behavior and the number of the family income because most of TB sufferers are poor that low education level5. For examination pulmonary tuberculosis examined specimens phlegm in the two days that is when morning – of time (SPS). Based on a guide tb program national the diagnosis of tuberculosis pulmonary in adults enforced with seen germs TB (BTA)4. While examination thorax photo, culture and the sensibility can be used in a supporting diagnosis in accorandce with the indication and is not tolerated in diagnosing TB4. CASE PRESENTATION Patient Mr. AH ,69 years old entered Mintohardjo hospital by the 25th of september 2014. The patient came with complaint asphyxiate from early morning. Short of breathness more severe if he did activity. Patient complained appetite reduced ,dry cough, nausea, and vomiting. Patient had treated with TB drug stage II for 3 months before. Because he suffered TB with positif infection of Mycobacterium tuberculosis. 1825 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. VITAL SIGN EXAMINATION The date of the Blood pressure Pulse Respiratory examination (120/80 mmHg) (60-100x/minutes) (14-18x/minutes) Temperature (36-37⁰ 25/9/2014 120/90 mmHg 86 x / minutes 22 x /minutes 36 ⁰ 26/9/2014 130/80 mmHg 88 x / minutes 26 x /minutes 36 ⁰ 27/9/2014 130/90 mmHg 88 x / minutes 22 x/ minutes 36 ⁰ 28/9/2014 120/80 mmHg 88 x / minutes 20 x/ minutes 36 ⁰ 29/9/2014 120/90 mmHg 88 x / minutes 20 x/ minutes 36⁰ 30/9/2014 120/90 mmHg 84 x / minutes 20 x/ minutes 36⁰ 1/10/2014 120/70 mmHg 80 x / minutes 20 x/ minutes 36⁰ 2/10/2014 110/80 mmHg 80 x / minutes 20 x/ minutes 36⁰ 3/10/2014 110/80 mmHg 80 x / minutes 20 x/ minutes 36⁰ CLINICAL EVALUATION Patient with is treated with TB drugs stage II (Rifampisin, Ethambutol, Isoniazid). RL infusion as an electrolyte, ceftriaxon injection as an antibiotic for treat bacterial infection. Bisolvon tablets (Bromhexine HCl) for diluting sputum. Sanfuliq (Curcuma) as a supplement to maintain a function of the liver, for reduce shortness of breath oxygen (O2). LINE CURING TO TBC6 Category II A dose of times a day The stage of Duration of Tablet Kaplet Tablet Tablet Tablet Vial treatment treatment Isoniazid Rifampisin Pirazinamid Ethambutol Ethambutol Streptomisi @300mg @ 450 mg @ 500 mg @ 250 mg @ 500 mg n @ 1,5 gr 1 1 3 3 - 0,75 gr The stage of intensive 2 months daily doses 1826 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. To continued 1 month 1 1 3 3 - - 5 months 2 1 - 1 2 - Advanced stage (doses) three times a week Bb = 33-50 kg RESULT OF LABORATORY EXAMINATION 7,8 Results hematology on 24th September 2014 show that is increase value of leukocytes i.e. 11,000/ul (5.000-10.000 ul.) is and on 25th of september 2014 show a decrease of erythrocytes value i.e. 4,01 million/ul (4,2-5,4 million/ul) and a decreasing hemoglobin velue i.e. 10.9 g/dl (1214 g/dl) that indicate patient axperince anemia. Result of blood gas test on 24th September 2014 show increasing pCO2 i.e. 60,4 mmhg (32-48 mmhg) and patient has diagnosed asthma and that signifies namely hipoventilasi respiratory. The patient also experienced respiratory disorders and loss of gastric acid that seen from the increasing value of HCO3 i.e. 38.9 mmol/L (21-28 mmol/l) and accumulated of CO2 in the lungs that seen for the increasing of CtCO2 i.e. 40.8 mmol/L (2327 mmol/L ). DOSAGE AND USING THE DRUGS9,10,11 In this case doctors gave any treatment that are an infusion of RL instead of the body fluids with a dose of 14 drop per minutes intravenously for 7 days. Ceftriaxon injection as an antibiotic for treating some bacterial infections with a dose of 2X1 in for 7 days. Bisolvon (Bromhexine HCl) tablet diluting sputum with a dose of 3X1, Rifampicin, Isoniazid, Ethambutol for as anti tuberculosis with a dose of Rifampisin 1X450 mg, Isoniazid 1X300 mg, Ethambutol 1X1000 mg. Sanfuliq (Curcuma) given as a supplement to maintain the function of the heart with a dose of 2X1 orally. Oxygen (O2) given to the treatment of shortness of breath with a dose of 2 liters per minutes for 5 days. 1827 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. DISCUSSION Tuberculosis (TB) caused by bacteria (Mycobacterium tuberculosis) the most often affecting the lungs. TB spreads from person to person through the air. Tuberculosis (TB) pulmonary is one infectious disease with incidence relatively high. Pulmonary tuberculosis were also reported as the cause of death of the third largest in the world after kasrdiovaskular disease and diseases of the respiratory tract. Clinical symptoms is coughing 2 sunday coughing up blood asphyxiate, chest pain, fever, etc. In this case the patient has get TB drugs stage II for 3 months and will continue with further therapy. The patient has come to the hospital with complaints shortness of breath since morning. Especially when he has done the activity. Patients also complained of diminished appetite, coughing up sputum dry, nausea, and vomiting. The examination of the vital sign on respiratory show, above normal is over 18x/minutes. Laboratory reports show increasing leukocytes value that indicate presence of infection, and he received ceftriaxon. Ceftriaxion injection is antibacterial broad spectrum that is indicated for severe infections. The patient experienced a decline in the value of erythrocytes and hemoglobin indicated he has but not handled. Increasing in pCO2, HCO3, BE and CtCO2 indicate that patient overcome patient treated with (O2) oxygen, bisolvon (bromhexin HCl) as mucolytic diluting. For overcome, patient treated TB drug stage II (rifampisin, ethambutol, isoniazid), because the use of rifampisin, ethambutol, Isoniazid and in a long period of time caused liver damage (hepatotoksik) so that patients therapy with sanfuliq (curcuma) to maintain the function of heart. DRUG RELATED PROBLEM 1. a. Untreated Complaine / Untreated disease Patients need therapy B6 for overcome nausea and vomiting patient an reduce the side effects of isoniazid (INH) but not. b. Patient suffered anemia but he did not receive sumpplement for increasing his erythrocytes and hemoglobin. 2. Drug Interaction a. Rifampicin with Isoniazid (INH) Rifampisin can increase toxicity of isoniazid by enzim induces. Rifampisin improve the 1828 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. metabolism of isoniazid to for toxic metabolism. b. Isoniazid with foods The absorption of isoniazid will be reduced when given after a meal (especially a scombroid specis, tuna fish mackerel, salmon that is not fresh). CONCLUSION Based on the results of clinical practice in Mintohardjo hospital it can be concluded that the existence of DRP (drug related problem) in form of untreated complaints, and drugs interaction. REFERENCES 1. WHO, 2014. What Is TB ?.World Health Organization 2. PDPI, 2013. Guidelines for the diagnosis and management of tuberculosis. Jakarta 3. Made dkk, 2013, The relation of knowledge , attitude and tenga motivation of activity in controlling health with the case of tuberculosis in the district buleleng .Megister the journal of family medicine, Surakarta 4. Djojodibroto, Dr. R. Darmanto, Sp. P, FCCP, 2009. Respirology (Respiratory Medicine). Jakarta: EGC. 5. Herryanto, 2004, the treatment of patients with pulmonary TB History Health Journal vol 3, Bandung. 6. BPOM. , 2008. Indonesian National Medicine Information (ioni). Jakarta: Sagung Seto. 7. KEMENKES RI, 2011. Guidelines of interpretation of data clinic. Kemenkes RI : Jakarta 8. Afifah, 2009. A journal examination astrup / blood gas analysis. FIK UI. Jakarta 9. Burns, Dr. Aine. 2009. Renal Drug Handbook third edition. New York : Oxford 10. Depkes, 2005. Pharmaceutical care for tuberkulosis. Dirjen Bina Kefarmasian and Alat Kesehatan. Jakarta. 11. Galileopharma. 2008, BNF edition 56, Alexandria University 1829 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. DRUG RELATED PROBLEM TOWARDS THE TUBERCULOSIS AND DIABETES MELLITUS DISEASE ATTHE INTERNAL WARD OFPULAU SANGEANG DR. MINTOHARDJO NAVY HOSPITAL JAKARTA Lince Muliati Layuk1, Aprilita Rinayanti Eff and Diana Laila R2 1 Student of Pharmacist Program Faculty of Pharmacy UTA’45 Jakarta 2 Lecturer of Faculty of Pharmacy UTA’45 Jakarta Email ABSTRACT Tuberculosis is caused by Mycrobacterium tuberculosis which often affects lungs. Tuberculosis spreads from person to person through the air. When the person with tuberculosis coughs, sneeze or spit, tuberculosis bacteria is released to the air1. A patientMr NS, 51 years old, entered Dr. Mintoharjo Navy Hospital on 12 November 2014 with diagnosis of Tuberculosis first category. Patient was treatedduringin seven days were RL infusion, Cefotaxin injection, Omeprazole injection, Levofloxacin injection, Onandsetron injection, Metformin tablet, Neurobion 5000 mg injection, Codein tablet, glimepirid, ranitidine injection, tuberculosis drug,FDC (INH, Rifampisin, Pirazinamid, and Ethambutol). Based on the clinic practical at Mintoharjo Navy Hospital, it can be concluded there is found drug related that isuntreatedcomplaint. Key words: Drug Related Problem, Tuberculosis, Diabetes mellitus, Mintohardjo Hospital. 1830 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. INTRODUCTION Tuberculosisis a disease caused by Mycro bacterium tuberculosis. Mycrobacterium tuberculosis has shape straight stem or a little curve, unspored or uncapsuled. Its width is 0.3-0.6 mm and length is 1-4 mm. Mycrobacterium wall is very complex, it consists of enough high fat layer (60%)2. Tuberculosis is one of infectious diseases with relative high rate. It is also reported the third biggest death cause in the world after cardiovascular and repirastory tract. It is number one disease infection in the world that can cause death3. The clinical symptoms are coughing for two weeks, bleeding cough, breathless, pain in chest, fever, etc4. Tuberculosis world report by WHO puts Indonesia in the fourth big rank for country with many Tuberculosis suferers after China, India, and South Africa with the Tuberculosis prevalence in Indonesia in 2013 was 297 per 100, 000 people with new case every year reached 460.000 cases. Therefore, total case until 2013 reached 800,000-900,000casesI. Besides house sanitation factor, tuberculosis is also caused by behavior and income rate because most of its suferers are poor people with low education5. For checking tuberculosis, sputum is examined for two days, which is calledSPS. Based on the tuberculosis national guide program, TBC diagnosis for adult is conducted by finding Tuberculosis Bacteria (BTA)10. While from thorax photo examination, prolific and sensitivity can be used to support diagnosis based on the indications and it is not allowed in diagnosing Tuberculosis4. CASE PERCENTAGE Patient Mr. NS, 51 years old, entered Dr. Mintohardjo Navy Hospital on 12 November 2014. The patient came with complaint that weak of body for two weeks. He also felt dizzy when sitting or spining, cough and white sputum. He hadalso low appetite and weight loss. The patient had ever got treatmentforcough with sputum before. From sputum and Xray, the result was tuberculosis. He was ever given theraphy with tuberculosis drugfirst category but it was only consumed for two days and discontinued until present. He hadalso diabetes mellitus history. 1831 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. VITAL SIGN EXAMINATION Date Blood pressure Pulse Breath Temperature (120/80 mmHg) (60-100x/minute) (14-18x/minute) (36-370C) 12/11/2014 110/60 mmHg 80x/minute 18x/minute 360C 13/11/2014 120/80 mmHg 80x/minute 18x/minute 360C 14/11/2014 120/70 mmHg 80x/minute 18x/minute 360C 15/11/2014 120/70 mmHg 88x/minute 18x/minute 37.60C 16/11/2014 110/90 mmHg 90x/minute 18x/minute 36.50C 17/11/2014 120/80 mmHg 88x/minute 18x/minute 37.50C 18/11/2014 100/80 mmHg 80x/minute 18x/minute 36.70C CLINICAL EVALUATION Patient was given therapy with tuberculosis drug, FDC first category (INH, rifampisin, pirazinamid, etambutol),RL infusion is as electrolyte,Ondacentroninjection is to prevent from nausea and vomit,Cefotaxim and levofloxacin injections are as antibiotics to cure some bacteria infections. Omeprazol injection is to cure peptic ulcer and duodenum ulcer. Metformin and glimepirid are to cure diabetes mellitus. Codein is to cure cough. STAGES IN TREATMENT FOR TUBERCULOSIS10 First Category Tuberculosis drug, Composition Usage FDC tablet 4FDC 75 mg INH Intensive stage/beginning and daily 150 mg Rifampisin insertion 400 mg pirazinamid 275 mg Etambutol 2FDC 150 mg INH Advance stages, 3 times a week 150 mg Rifampisin 1832 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. Weight Intensive Stage Advance stages (Every day for 2 months) (3 times a week for 4 months) 30-37 kg 2 tablets 4FDC 2 tablets 2FDC 38-54 kg 3 tablets 4FDC 3 tablets 2FDC 55-70 kg 4 tablets 4FDC 4 tablets 2FDC >70 kg 5 tablets 4FDC 5 tablets 2FDC LABORATORY EXAMINATION RESULT 7,8 Hematologhy examination result on the first day, showed they patient had an increase in lecocyte from 21,200 / ul (5,000-10,000 ul) which signed the infection. On 12November 2014 the erictrocyte decreased 3.91 millions/ul and also the hemoglobin decreased 10.7 g/dl (12-14 g/dl) which signed anemia. The Increase result of 148 mg/dl (<110 mg/dl) signed that the patient haddiabetesmellitus.On17th November 2014, when the patientin lower condition had blood glucose rate 117 mg/dl. DOSAGE AND DIRECTION9, 10, 11 In this case, medicine therapies was given by doctor were RL infusion as the substitution for body liquid with dosage of 16 tpmintravenously for 7 days. Rainitidine injection is to cure gastritis and the low of gastricacidwith dosage 2x1 for 3 days, then the therapy was continued by administering ranitidine tablets. Onandcetron injection is to prevent nauseaand vomit with dosage 3x4 mg. Cefotaximinjection as antibiotic is to cure some bacteria infections with dosage 2x1 with injection for 7 days. Omeprazol injection is to cure peptic and duodenum ulcers with dosage 1x1 ampul. OAT FDC first category (INH, Rifampisin, Pirazinamid, Etambutol) with dosage 1x3 tablets. Metformin is to cure diabetes mellitus with dosage 2x850 mg. Codein is to cure cough with dosage 3x20 mg. Glimepirid is to cure diabetes mellitus with dosage 1x2 mg. Levofloxacin drip is as antibiotic with dosage 500 mg. DISCUSSION 1833 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. Tuberculosis is caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis bacteria that often affect lungs. It spreads from person to person through the air. It is also one of the deadliest diseases with quite high rate. It is also reported as the third biggest death cause in the world after cardiovascular and respiratory tract deseases. The clinical symptoms are coughing for two weeks, bleeding cough, breathless, pain in chest, fever, etc. In this case, the patient had previously got tuberculosis drug first category but it was only consumed for 2 days patient stop it.Patient came in weak condition since 2 weeks before. He felt dizzy when sitting and rolling. The coughed was with white sputum. The patient had also lowerapetite and weight loss. The result of Vital Sign Examinations showed that breath is a normal of 18x per minute.The laboratory examination showed the increase of lecocyte which means infection. So the patient was given Cefotaxim injection which is antibiotic that belongs to the third generation of cephalosporins. It has wider spectrum activities to the positive and negative grams. The decrease of eritrocyte and hemoglobin signs anemia, butpatient did not give treatment for overcome his anemia,codein therapy for his cough that pushes the cough source in medulla, tuberculosis drug first category therapy (INH, rifampisin, pirazinamid, etambutol),for diabetes mellitus was given glimepirid and metformin. DRUG RELATED PROBLEM 4.6 Untreated complaint/ disease: a. Patient needed B6 therapy to reduce the side effect of Isoniazid (INH), but it was not given. b. From the labolatory examination result shows the decrease of eritrocyte and hemoglobin that sign anemia, but it was not handled. It was better to give a blood increase suplement. CONCLUSION Based on the pratice of clinical word in Mintohardjo hospital, it can be concluded that there is drug related problem, that is untreated in complaints. REFERENCES 1. WHO, 2014. What Is TB ?.World Health Organization 1834 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. 2. PDPI, 2013. Pedoman diagnosis andpenatalaksanaanTuberkulosis . Jakarta 3. Made dkk, 2013, Hubunganpengetahuan, sikapandMotivasitengakesehatandenganaktivitasnyadalampengendalianKasusTuberkulosis di KabupatenBuleleng. JurnalMegisterKedokteranKeluarga, Surakarta 4. Djojodibroto, Dr. R. Darmanto, Sp. P, FCCP. 2009. Respirologi (Respiratory Medicine). Jakarta : EGC 5. Herryanto, 2004, Riwayatpengobatanpenderita TB paruJurnalKesehatanvol 3 hal 1-6, Bandung. 6. BPOM. 2008. Informatorium Obat Nasional Indonesia (IONI). Sagung Seto : Jakarta 7. KEMENKES RI, 2011. PedomanInterpretasi Data Klinik .Kemenkes RI : Jakarta 8. Afifah, 2009. JurnalPemeriksaanAstrup / Analisa Gas Darah. FIK UI. Jakarta 9. Burns, Dr. Aine. 2009. Renal Drug Handbook third edition. New York : Oxford 10. Depkes, 2005. Pharmaceutical care untukpenyakittuberkulosis. DirjenBinaKefarmasianandAlatKesehatan. Jakarta. 11. Galileopharma. 2008, BNF edition 56, Alexandria University 1835 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. DRUG RELATED PRLOBLEM ASSOCIATED DYSPEPSIA SYNDROME AND TUBERCOLOSIS AT MINTOHARDJO NAVY HOSPITAL Novia Ratna Sari1, Aprilita Rinayanti Eff2 and Diana Laila Ramatillah2 1 Student of Pharmacist Program, Faculty of Pharmacy UTA'45 Jakarta 2 Lecturer of Faculty of Pharmacy UTA'45Jakarta ABSTRACT Dyspepsia is a term which includes a group of symptoms that come from a problem in upper gut. The many symptom is usually pain or discomfort in the upper abdomen, in addition, other symptoms that may develop include bloating, nausea and vomiting. Tuberculosis is infections disease. Caused by various strains of Mycobacteria, usually Mycobacteria tuberculosis. Patient, Mr. S, 30 years old, weight 65 kg, entered in hospital on the 5 th October 2014 with diagnose dyspepsia and tuberculosis. During treatment, the patient was treated with IVFD RL, Onandcertron injection,Ranitidin injection, Sukralfatsyr, Tuberculosis drug 4 FDC, and vitamin B6. Based on the result of clinical work practices Mintoharjo, it can be concluded that there is drug related problem, adverse drug reaction and untreated disease. Key words : Drug Related Problem, Dyspepsia, Tuberculosis, Dr. Mintohardjo Hospital 1836 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. INTRODUCTION Dyspepsia is group of complaint or clinical symptoms which consist of discomfort or pain, full and heat in the upper of abdomen that persists or relapsed. The term of dyspepsia itself began to aggressively express since the end of 1980, describe the complaint or the collection of symptoms (syndrome) which consist of pain, nausea, vomiting, bloating, early satiety, full, belching and burning sensation radiating chest. The syndromes or the complaint can be caused or based by a few diseases of course, including diseases in our stomach or known as gastric. Tuberculosis is a disease that caused by complex mycobacterium tuberculosis infection. Mycobacterium tuberculosis is straight or slightly curved, without spore or encapsulated. Generally, Mycobacterium tuberculosis invades the lungs and the small portion of the body organs. The bacteria can survive in moist and dark place. In the body tissues, bacteria can dormant (sleep until few years) it arises based on its ability to multiply within phagocytic cells. The main preparation of cell wall of Mycobacterium tuberculosis including gram positive bacilli, rod- shaped cell wall contains complex lipidaglipida and candles. TB ’s report by WHO in 2006 explained that Indonesia as the third largest connector in the world after India and China with the number of cases about 529000 people per year. According to Notoatmodjo(2003) besides the factor of home environment sanitation, the incidence of TB disease also associated with the behavior and the amount of income for the majority of patients because most of the patient is come from the poor where has very low educational level. The checkup of pulmonary TB is checked by Three sputum specimens in 2 days namely in the morning. According to the direction of National TB program, the Lung diagnosis for adult is found TB Bacteria (BTA). CASE PRESENTATION A patient, Mr. S, 30 years old, weight 65 kg, entered in hospital on the 5th October 2014 with diagnosed dyspepsia and tuberculosis. He came with complaints, got fever for 4 days before come to the hospital, limp, nausea, dizzy, pain in epigastrium, cough with phlegm and narrow for nearly a week. During treatment, the patient was treated with IVFD RL, Onandcertron injection, Ranitidin injection, Sukralfatsyr,Tuberculosis drug 4 FDC, and vitamin B6. 1837 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. CLINICAL EVALUATION In this case, the patient was treated with IVFD RL 20 drop perminute , Onandcentron injection to overcome nausea, Ranitidine injection and Sukralfat syrup for overcome dyspepsia, Tuberculosis drug 4FDC and vitamin B6 to overcome the effect Tuberculosis drug. THE DOSAGE AND HOW TO USE IT1 In this case, the patient was treated with Onandcentrom 2mg/ml three times during 5 days, ranitidine 50 mg, 2x1 for 4 days, Sukralfat syrup 3x1 at the dose 500mg/ml, 4FDC is a treatment for Tuberculosis patient (75 mg INH, 150 mg Rifampisin, 400 mg Pirazinamid, 275 mg Etambutol) 1x4 tablet orally, and Vitamin B6 1x1 per day. TREATMENT FOR TUBERCULOSIS2 1st Category Weight Incentive stage every day for 56 days Advanced stage 3 times a week for 3 days INH, rifimpisin, etambutol, pirazinamid Rifampisin, INH 30-37 kg 2 tablet 4 FDC 2 tablet 4 FDC 38-54 kg 3 tablet 4 FDC 3 tablet 4 FDC 55-70 kg 4 tablet 4 FDC 4 tablet 4 FDC ≥71 kg 5 tablet 4 FDC 5 tablet 4 FDC 2 st Category Weight Incentive stage every day for 56 days Advanced stage 3 times a week for 3 days INH, Rifimpisin, Etambutol, Pirazinamid, Rifampisin, INH, Etambutol and Injek Sereptomisin 30-37 kg 2 tablet 4 FDC 2 tablet 4 FDC 38-54 kg 3 tablet 4 FDC 3 tablet 4 FDC 55-70 kg 4 tablet 4 FDC 4 tablet 4 FDC ≥71 kg 5 tablet 4 FDC 5 tablet 4 FDC 1838 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. LABORATORY RESULTS5 Hematology 4000 u/l decline in which the normal values for leokosit i.e. 5,000-10,000 u/l, erythrocytes patient 4.40 million / µl are normally 4.6-6.2 million/ µl, the values of hemoglobin (HB) 11.7 g/dl normally 14-16 g/dl, and hematokrit 33% normal 42-48%, laboratory value show that lever fungtion abnormally. Result of liver function SGOT 39 u/l which normal value i.e. < 35 u/l and SGPT 48 u/l are normally < 41 u/l can be seen happening increase. DISCUSSION Dyspepsia is a group of clinical symptoms or complaints of bad taste or pain, full flavor and heat in the upper abdomen that settled or experiencing recurrence1. Tuberculosis is an infectious disease directly caused by Mycrobacterium tuberculosis, most (80%) invade the lungs. The source of transmission of TB sufferers are positive at the time of the BTA coughs or sneezes, sufferers spread germs into the air in the form of droplets (a splash of phlegm), droplets containing germs can survive in air at room temperature for a few hours, so that people can become infected if droplets are inhaled into the respiratory tract2. In this case Mr. S age 31 years, weight 65 kg comes to RS with complaints fever 4 days before entering the hospital, limp, nausea, pain in the solar plexus, cough with phlegm almost a week, the patient was diagnosed with dyspepsia and tuberculosis. Results of laboratory examination show that leukocytes obtained 4000/ µl decline, erythrocytes 4.40 million / µl, the values of hemoglobin (HB) 11.7 g/dl, and his 33% hematokrit all experienced a decline, due to the infection of Mycrobacterium tuberculosis. Patient experienced anemia due to deficiency folic acid and vit B12 so he received folic acid and vit B12 so patient need folic acid intake and vit.B12. On examination of the liver function show that SGOT and SGPT increase above normal value 39 u/l and 48 u/l, due to the effects of the use of Tuberculosis drug, so that patient also need hepatoprotector. During treatment in hospital patient got IVFD RL 20 drop perminute, ranitidine injection may reduce the secretion of stomach acid and sukralfat for dyspepsia, onandcentron for nausea, 4FDC for tuberculosis treatment and vitamin B6 to overcome side effect of Tuberculosis drugs. 1839 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. DRUG RELATED PROBLEMS 1. Untreated disease/ complaint4 Patient has anemia due to folic acid and vit B12 deficiency. The patient should be given intake folic acid and vit.B12. 2. Adverse Drug Reaction Tuberculosis drug can cause liver malfunctioning, preferably patient is given the drug for hepatoprotector. CONCLUSION Based on the results of clinic practice at Mintohardjo hospital can be concluded the existence of the DRP (Drug Related Problem) that is. Untreated disease/complaint and adverse drug reaction. REFERENCES 1. BPOM. 2008. Informatorium Obat Nasional Indonesia (IONI). Jakarta : Sagung Seto 2. DEPKES RI, 2005. Pharmaceutical Care Untuk Penyakit Tuberculosis. Direktorat Bina Farmasi Komunitas and Klinik. Jakarta 3. Djojodibroto, Dr. R. Darmanto, Sp. P, FCCP. 2009. Respirologi (Respiratory Medicine). Jakarta : EGC. 4. Oehadian Amaylia, 2003. Aspek Hematologi Tuberculosis,Bandung : Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Padjadjaran 5. Sutedjo, AY. 2007. Buku Saku Mengenai Penyakit Melalui Hasil Pemeriksaan Laboratorium. Yogyakarta : Amara Books 6. Tally NJ, Stanghellini V, dkk. 1991. Functional dyspepsia a classification with guildlines for diagnosis and management. Hal 145 7. Djojodinigrat, D. 2006. Dispepsia fungsional. Jakarta 1840 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. CASE REPORT : DRUG RELATED PROBLEMS OF DEEP VENOUS THROMBOSIS (DVT) DISEASE AT PGI CIKINI HOSPITAL Hasnawati1, AprilitaRinaYanti Eff2 and Diana Laila R2 1 Student of Pharmacist Program, Faculty of Pharmacy UTA'45 Jakarta 2 Lecturer of Faculty of Pharmacy UTA'45Jakarta Email : ABSTRACT Deep venous thrombosis (DVT) is defined as a blood clot forms in a vein that is marked by the presence of abnormalities in the blood vessel walls, changes in blood flow and the changes of power frozen blood. Causing of venous thrombosis most common is the existence of a known crack on blood vessels. Patient Mrs. RH, age 36 year old, entered the PGI Cikini hospital on september 27, 2014 with a diagnosis of venous thrombosis in limbs left. Patient was treated for 7 days with biozim (ceftazidim), rocer (omeprazole), nonflamin (Tinoridin), tromboaspilet (asetilsalisilat acid), tramifen (Tramadol), neurosanbe, folic acid, vitamin B complex, heparin, simarc (Warfarin) and NaCl 0.9% for soaking the feet that swollen. Based on the results of clinical monitoring of using drug at PGI Cikini hospital it can be concluded there is has the existence of the DRP (Drug Related Problem) that are using of drug a appropriate, patient using of drug without indication and drug interaction. Key words: Drug Related Problems (DRP), VenousThrombosis and PGI Cikini Hospital 1841 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. INTRODUCTION Deep venous thrombosis (DVT) is a condition in which the veins thrombus is formed on the lower limbs and especially in the inguinal area. Blood clots can inhibit blood from the legs back to the heart. ¹ one factor the risk of thrombosis is due to a long imobilisation.2 In cases of venous thrombosis who have need of supervision and the proper treatment of thrombosis and implementing the prevention of widespread thrombosis and emboli formation in other areas, which can cause death. The incidence of venous thrombosis in general very difficult investigation, so no report for sure. Many reports only suggests the data that patients 3 hospitalized with various diagnosed. Thrombosis is the largest cause of death in the united states. About 80 – 90 % of thrombosis can cause is known.4,5 Deep Venous occurrence of thrombosis (DVT) in the United States more than 1 per 1000 and there are 200,000 new cases each year. The total number of occurrences of deep venous thrombosis about 60% pulmonary emboli with risk of death about 30% in 30 days. 6,7 Thrombosis is the occurrence of a blood clot in the cardiovascular system, including arteries, veins, heart and microcirculation room.3 Thrombus may occur at arterial or venous, arterial thrombus on called thrombus white because compositionally more platelets and fibrin thrombus in the vein, while the call of red thrombus due to occur in the flow of the slow that causes red blood cells trapped in the tissue fibrin that is red.3 Venous thrombosis (DVT) is in a State of emergency that must be diagnosed and therapy as soon as possible. This of the endless death is because often leads to lung thrombus and release the heart 6,7 . Prevention of thrombosis in the venous (DVT) can be done by way of administering anticoagulants, one of them with the use of heparin given through intravenous lines. Heparin works indirectly on various parts of the system are intrinsic and extrinsic blood clotting with affect activity of antithrombin III and his inhibiting factor IX, X, XI, XII.8 Initial therapy according to Morgan, shows that 50% of the cases of DVT were formed at the time ofthe operation and 25% occur within 72 hours after surgery. Therefore, it is important to start prophylaxis prior to induction of anesthesia in patients risk of medium to high risk. UFH (Unfractionated Heparin) can be given before surgery in patients with high risk. Increasing risk of 1842 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. bleeding during surgery is not much evidence in some of the research that has been done. Administering heparin for patients with venous thrombosis can length clotting time.9 CASE PRESENTATION Patient Mrs. RH, age 36 years old enter the PGI Cikini hospital on 27th September 2014 with a diagnosed of venous thrombosis in lower limb right foot. Patient come with complaints of pain, swollen right foot. A now, patient has history swollen in the right leg and pains since approximately 1 week. CLINICAL EVALUATION12 In this case the patient of infections, Rocer (Omeprazole) is treated for peptic with Biozim (Ceftazidim) for the treatment ulcers or duodenal ulcer, Nonflamin (Tinoridin) for analgesic and antipyretic, Tromboaspilet (asetilsalisilat acid), Heparin, Simarc (Warfarin) for blood thinning (prevention of thrombosis), Tramifen (Tramadol) for analgesic and antipyretic, Neurosanbe and Vitamin B complex for Achy muscles, tingling (nervous disorders), anemia, and folic acid for anemia and NaCl 0.9% for soaking the feet that swollen. RESULTS OF LABORATORY The result of the hematology on 27th September 2014 showed decreasing in values of hematocrit 36 g/dL (37-43 g/dL), increasing Reticulocyte 18 permil (5-15permil), monocytes 10% (2-8%) showed the presence of an infection, And increasing in the of value ie APTT 39,0 seconds (26,4-37.5seconds) indicates the presence of blood clotting factors deficiency. DOSES AND THREATMENT Biozim (ceftazidime) injection 1 gr 3 time daily, rocer (Omeprazole) 20 mg 2 time daily, folic acid 0.4 mg once daily, nonflamin (Tinoridin) 50 mg 2 time daily, tramifen (Tramadol) once daily, tromboaspilet (asetilsalisilat Acid) 80 mg once daily, neurosanbe once daily, vitamin B complex once daily, 15.000 units of heparin, and simarc (Warfarin) 2 daily and NaCl 0.9 % 2 time daily. 1843 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. DISCUSSION Venous thrombosis is caused by the presence of abnormalities in the blood vessel walls, changes in blood flow and changes of bleeding deep venous thrombosis can occurs in patient of obesity, infection, imobilization, pregnancy, use of contraceptives, operatif as well as a history of trauma and increating of age. DVT is a cardiovascular disorder the third number after coronary artery disease and stroke. Signs and symptoms of DVT include edema, pain and change of colour in skin.13 In this case, the patient have has complaint with pain swollen right, since approximately 1 week. Laboratory results showed decreasing in hematocrit value, neutrophils and increasing in reticulocyte and monocytes, this abnormally value indicated the presence of an infection so physician are also biozim (ceftazidim) infection as an antibiotic12. Patient has an increasing APTT value ie 39,0 seconds (26,4-37,5 seconds) and patient was treated with heparin as anticoagulant and tromboaspilet to prevent the occurrence of blood clotting, nonflamin (tinoridin) is a nonsteroidal (NSAIDS) which has anti inflammatory and power analgesic and tramifen (tramadol) is a powerful analgesic that works on receptors opiates that bind to stereo specific in receptor in the central nervous system so that it stops the pain sensation and response to pain. Neurosanbe and vitamin B complex are given to relieve muscles pain and tingling (neuroses). Patient was given folic acid but in laboratory examination there is no showing that the patient has anemia. DRUG RELATED PROBLEM 1. Drug Interaction Rocer (Omeprazole) and simarc (Warfarin) may increase the effects of simarc (Warfarin), biozim (ceftazidime) may increase the effect of anticoagulant of simarc (Warfarin), heparin, and tromboaspilet (asetilsalisilatAcid). Tromboaspilet (asetilsalisilat Acid) and folic acid can reduce the effects of folic acid. Tramifen (Tramadol) can increase the anticoagulant effects of simarc (Warfarin), heparin, and tromboaspilet. Tromboaspilet (asetilsalisilat Acid) and heparin may increase the effects of heparin. 2. Using of drug without indication 1844 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. Patient was treated with folic acid for handling the anemia, without support laboratory data. 3. Patient do not receive appropriate drug dose On 29 and 30 September 2014 patients received Rocer (Omeprazole) once daily, it should be given 2 time daily and on September 28, patient received nonflamin (Tinoridin) once daily, it should be given 3 time daily. CONCLUSION Based on the results of the practice of the Clerk's Ward in PGI Cikini hospital it can be concluded there is drug related problem for this case ie drug interaction, using of drug without indication and patient do not receive appropriate drug dose. REFERENCES 1. Ismail . Trombosis Vena Dalam. Journal of the Indonesian Orthopaedic Ass. June 2000; 26 (I) : 23-38. 2. Karmel TL. Buku Ajar Ilmu Penyakit Dalam Jilid II. Edisi IV. Jakarta : Departemen Ilmu Penyakit Dalam FK UI; 2006: 767-768 3. Karmel Tambunan : Thrombosis. KONAS PHTDI Semarang, September 2001. 4. Brick RL, Kaplan H. Syndrome of thrombosis and hypercoagubility. Medical clinics of North America 1998 May; 3: 408-447 5. Hirsch J, Hoak J. Management of deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism circulation. 1996; 93: 2212-45 6. Andrews KL, Gamble GL, et al. Vascular Diseases. In: Delisa JA, editor. PhysicalMedicine & Rehabilitation Pr inciples and Practice, 4th Edition. Phyladelphia: LippincottWilliams & Wilkins; 2005. p. 787-806. 7. Kesteven P. Epidemiology of Venous Tr ombosis. In: Labropoulos N, Stansby G, editors.Venous and Lymphatic Diseases. New York, NY 1001: Taylor & Francis Group; 2006. p. 143-51. 8. Kamil H, Ihsan, dkk. Data Obat di Indonesia. Edisi 10. Jakarta: Grafidian Medipress; 2002: 959960 1845 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. 9. Morgan MA, Iyengar TD, Napiorkowski BE, Rubin SC, Mikuta JJ. The clinical course of deep vein thrombosis in patients with gynecologic cancer. Gynecol Oncol 2002 (Jan);84(1):67–71. 10. Burns, A. 2009. Renal Drug Handbook third edition. UK. 11. BNF. 2009. British National Formulary. BMJ Group. UK. 12. BPOM. 2008. Informatorium Obat Nasional Indonesia (IONI). Jakarta : Sagung Seto 13. Rani AA, Soegondo, Nazir AU et al. Panduan Pelayanan Medik Perhimpunan Dokter Spesialis Penyakit Dalam Indonesia. Jakarta : Pusat Penerbitan Departemen Ilmu Penyakit Dalam Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia;2006. 1846 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. CASE REPORT : DRUG RELATED PROBLEMS (DRP) IN OSTEOMYELITIS DISEASE AT MINTOHARDJO HOSPITAL JAKARTA Sonandg Nauli1, Aprilita Rinayanti Eff and Diana Laila R2 1 Student of Pharmacist Program, Faculty of Pharmacy UTA’ 45 Jakarta 2 Lecturer of Faculty of Pharmacy UTA’ 45 Jakarta ABSTRACT Osteomyelitis is an inflammation that occurs in the bone marrow, usually caused by a bacterial or mycobacterial pyrogenic. Osteomyelitis can be a chronic problem that will affect the quality of life or result in loss of limb. 1 patient was hospitalized AL Dr. Mintohardjo 2 October 2014 to conduct Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBO). Therapy treatment received while in hospital is osteocal. From the results of the monitoring of drug therapy found a DRP (Drug Related Problem) that is the untreated complaint. Keywords: Drug Related Problem (DRP), Osteomyelitis, Mintohardjo Hospital 1847 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. INTRODUCTION Osteomyelitis is an infection of bone marrow in long bones caused by Staphylococcus aureus and sometimes Haemophylus influensae.2 Osteomyelitis can be classified according to its pathogenesis direct/exogenous and hematogenous, and according to the course of their illness as acute, sub-acute, and chronic. Each type is based on the length of time from onset of disease (infection or injury). Acute osteomyelitis develops between two weeks after the onset of disease, subacute osteomyelitis between one to several months and chronic osteomyelitis after a few months. Hematogenous Osteomyelitis is an infection caused by bacteria spread through the blood. Osteomyelitis direct/exogenously caused by direct contact tissue and bacteria during trauma and surgery. 3 Hyperbaric oxygen therapy is that the patient must be in a high-pressure chambers and breathe pure oxygen (100%) the air pressure is greater than normal atmospheric air, that is equal to 1 ATA (atmospheres absolute). High pressure oxygen delivery to therapy performed in the chamber or KUBT (High Pressure Air Room). 4 HBO therapy can theoretically increase the amount of oxygen dissolved form such that it would be more readily accepted by the network. HBO usage will increase vascularization and tissue perfusion, so that will be able to supply the needs of the injured tissue oxygen. This became the basis that this therapy is used to improve perfusion of the tissue injuries suffered pifoksia, due to hypoxia in the tissue will cause the length of the wound healing process. 5 CASE PRESENTATION Patients Mr. Su, aged 31 years old, was hospitalized at Mintohardjo hospital on 02 October 2014 came with a complaint to perform HBO therapy (Hyperbaric oxygen). CLINICAL EVALUATION In the case the patient is treated with osteocal and HBO therapy (Hyperbaric oxygen). Osteocal is given for overcome calcium deficiency, and if using of osteocal in the long term can lead to hypercalcemia.6 On examination of the laboratory results obtained value of erythrocyte sedimentation rate were above the normal neutrofil and normal range indicates that the patient exposed to infection, abnormal neutrophil, monocytes indicated normal an increase in acute infections. 1848 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. DISCUSSION On the first day Mr. SU in this case the blood pressure 120/80, pulse 80X / min and temperature of 36 0 c. Drugs given to Mr. SU is osteocal and KUBT therapy. Indications of a given drug is Osteocal for to overcome calcium deficiency, and using use osteocal in the long term can lead to hypercalcemia. This condition is characterized by nausea and vomiting, appetite and thirst are constantly which could adversely affect renal function. High level of calcium in the urine can cause kidney stones formation. DRUG RELATED PROBLEMS From the results of the monitoring of drug therapy there is DRP (Drug Related Problems) that is untreaced complaint. Patients with chronic osteomyelitis infection must be tareated with antibiotic and analgesic for overcome infection rednec his pain. PHARMACEUTICAL INTERVENTIONS Patient must be treated with antibiotic and analgesic.7 CONCLUSION Based on the result clinical practice in Mintohardjo hospital it can be concludet that there is any Drug Related Problem (DRP), that is untread complaints and untreated disease. REFERENCES 1. Brunner and Suddarth. 2001. Medical Surgical Nursing 8th Edition Volume 2. New York: Book Medical Publishers EGC 2. MOH, 1995 Health Data Center. 3. King R., 2004, Osteomyelitis,, Inc. 4. Mahdi, H et al. (2009). Diving and Hyperbaric Medical Sciences. Surabaya. Lakesla. 5. Guritno. M (2005) A Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy in the Treatment of Diabetic Foot. The Indonesian Orthopaedic Association. 50 th Continuing Orthopaedic Association, Mataram, March 4-5 2005. 6. APHA. 2008-2009. Drug Information Handbook 17 th Edition. USA. Lexi-Comp 7. Carek PJ, Dickerson LM, and Sack JL, 2001, Diagnosis and Management of Osteomyelitis, American Academy of Family Physicians. 1849 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. CASE REPORT : DRUG RELATED PROBLEMS (DRPs) ASSOCIATED HYPERTENSION DISEASE AT MINTOHARDJO HOSPITAL JAKARTA Winda1, Aprilita Rinayanti Eff and Diana Laila R2 1 Student of Pharmacist Program, Faculty of Pharmacy UTA’ 45 Jakarta 2 Lecturer of Faculty of Pharmacy UTA’ 45 Jakarta ABSTRACT Vertigo is the sensation of movement or sense of motion of the body or the surrounding environment, can be accompanied by other symptoms, mainly due to the disruption of autonomic networking tool body balance. Hypertension is the increased blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure above 90 mmHg settle, or systolic pressure above 140 mmHg settled. Patient Mr. H was admitted to hospital on 3 October 2014 with a diagnosis of vertigo and hypertension. Therapy treatment for hospitalized ie RL 20 MDGs infusion, injection onandsetron, ranitidine injection, Betahistine tab, dramamine tabs, tab captopril, sucralfate syrup, mefenamic acid tabs, tab amlodipine and valsartan tab. Based on the monitoring of drug therapy in the treatment room Noemfoor island in RS AL Dr. Mintohardjo we can concluded the existence of DRP (Drug Related Problems) in the form of improper drug selection and drug interaction. Keywords: Drug Related Problems (DRPs), Vertigo, Hypertension, and Mintohardjo Houspital 1850 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. INTRODUCTION Vertigo is the sensation of movement or sense of motion of the body or the surrounding environment, can be accompanied by other symptoms, mainly due to the disruption of autonomic networking tool body balance. Vertigo is a condition in which a person feels dizzy with spinning or rotating environment even though the body feels the person is not moving. Vertigo is not the case due to hereditary factors, but there are several factors that cause vertigo as a migraine attack, inflammation of the neck, motion sickness, bacterial infections of the ear and lack of oxygen to the brain.1 Hypertension is the increased blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure above 90 mmHg settle, or systolic pressure above 140 mmHg settled.2 hypertension due to increased peripheral vascular smooth muscle tone, which causes an increase in resistance arterioles and reducing capacity of the venous blood vessel system. Hypertension may occur as a result of another disease process, more than 90% of patients suffering from essential hypertension, a disease in blood pressure regulation of unknown cause. Environmental factors such as life stress, high-sodium diet, obesity and smoking are factors predisposing to hypertension.3 CASE PRESENTATION Patient Mr. H age of 25 years old entered RS AL Dr. Mintohardjo on 3 October 2014 with complaints of dizziness spinning 2 days before entering the hospital, was diagnosed with vertigo and hypertension. History now dizzy spins initially perceived exertion accompanied buzzing in the ears and past medical history of hypertension. CLINICAL EVALUATION In these cases the patient was treated with an infusion of RL given to regulate the balance of electrolytes in the body fluids, injection onandsetron to treat nausea and vomiting, ranitidine injection as a treatment for mild stomach ulcers, Betahistine is indicated for the treatment of vertigo, dizziness and balance disorders that occur in blood circulation disorders or Meniere's syndrome, dramamine indicated for nausea, vomiting, vertigo, motion sickness, labyrinth disorders, captopril is indicated to treat hypertension in patients, sucralfate syrup is indicated for gastric ulcer, mefenamic acid for pain on the patient's complaints, Amlodipine is indicated for 1851 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. hypertension, angina prophylaxis, valsartan is indicated for the treatment of hypertension, heart failure therapy in patients on ACE inhibitors intolerans, post myocardial infarction. LABORATORY DATA Type examination of The Results Unit Normal Value Leukocytes 13,200 * / UL 5000-10000 Erythrocyte 5:37 Million / mL 4.6-6.2 Hemoglobin (Hb) 16.3 g / dL 15.2-17.5 Hematocrit (Ht) 45 % 44-72 243,000 g / dL 150000-400000 87 mg / dL 70-110 179 * mg / dL 60-170 Total cholesterol 165 mg / dL 114-203 HDL 27 * mg / dL > 40 LDL 102 mg / dL <130 SGOT 17 U/L <109 SGPT 39 U/L <31 20 mg / dL <42 1.1 * mg / Dl 0-0.9 Hematology Routine blood Platelets Clinical Chemistry Blood Glucose Fasting Blood Glucose Fat Triglycerides Liver Function Kidney Function Urea Triglyceridese DISCUSSION This case the patient hospitalized for the second time on 3 October 2014 with complaints of dizziness spinning 2 days before entering the hospital, was diagnosed with vertigo and 1852 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. hypertension. At the time of admission, patient use treated with infusion of RL 20 MDGs to regulate fluid balance of electrolytes in the body, and injection of 1 ampoule 20 onandsetron MDGs to treat nausea and vomiting. One day later the patient is given an injection drug ranitidine 2 times 1 ampoule as therapy for peptic ulcers, Betahistine 2 times 1 tablet indicated for the treatment of vertigo, dizziness and balance disorders that occur in disorders of the circulatory or Meniere's syndrome, dramamine 1 tablet 3 times indicated to nausea, vomiting, vertigo, motion sickness, labyrinth disorders, captopril 2 ½ times for antihypertensive tablets, 3 times a day sucralfate 15ml syrup is indicated for gastric ulcer, mefenamic acid 500 mg 3 times to cope with complaints of pain in patients. Treatment is continued until two days later discontinued. Until the third day patient still treated with the same drug but captopril administration discontinued and the patient was given a one time additional amlodipine 10 mg is indicated for hypertension, angina prophylaxis, valsartan 1 times 10 mg is indicated for the treatment of hypertension, heart failure therapy in patients on ACE intolerans inhibitors, postmyocardial infarction. Four days after admission the patient was discharged, with a take-home medication is the same as when the third day of treatment but without sucralfate syrup. On examination of the results of laboratory values above the upper limit of normal leukocytes showed patients exposed to infection, triglycerides above the normal limit of the patients showed hipertrigliseridemia, triglyceridese value exceeds the normal range indicates the patient's renal function decline it is necessary for the identification of drug-related problems (Drug Related Problems). DRUG RELATED PROBLEMS (DRPs) 1. Improper drug selection In these case the patient suffered hypertension stage 2 but patient is treated with captopril only, while from literature hypertension stage 2 must be treated whit combination therapy 2. Drug interactions Mefenamic acid and captopril when used together can decrease the effectiveness of captopril, in lowering blood pressure. Mefenamic acid and amlodipine when used together can decrease the effectiveness of amlodipine, in lowering blood pressure. 1853 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. CONCLUSION Based on the monitoring using of drug at Mintohardjo Hospital it can be concluded that there is found. Drug Related Problem that is improper drug selection and drug intraction. REFERENCES 1. Joesoef AA. Overview of vertigo. In: in Joesoef AA, Kusumastuti K (eds). Clinical Neurootologi: vertigo. The study group vertigo Perdossi, 2002. 13-28. 2. Joint National Committee on prevention, evaluation and treatment of 2003. The high blood pressure 3. Mycek, MJ (2001). Pharmacological Reviews Illustrated. Editor Huriawati Hartanto. Second Edition. Jakarta: Widya Medical. Hal: 181-193. 4. Baxter, K. (ed). 2008. Stockley's Drug Interaction, Eight Edition. Pharmaceutical Press, London and Chicago. 5. BNF 61, 2011. Britsh National Formulary 61 March 2011 1854 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. CASE STUDY : DRUG RELATED PROBLEMS (DRP) IN ANGINA PECTORIS DISEASE AT MINTOHARDJO HOSPITAL Kusrina Sand1, Aprilita Rina Yanti Eff2 and Diana Laila R2 1 Student of Pharmacist Program, Faculty of Pharmacy UTA’45 Jakarta 2 Lecturer of Faculty of Pharmacy UTA’45 Jakarta Email: ABSTRACT Angina Pectoris is a disease characterized by chest pain caused by coronary blood flow that not sufficient to fulfiil oxygen demand in miocard1. Patient Mr WJ, age 72 years old came to Mintohardjo Hospital with complaints of chest pain, cold sweat, nausea vomiting and intermittent chest pains . The Patient had a history of hypertension and smoking. During patient hospitalized, patient was given Clopidogrel, Enoxaparin, Cardioaspirin, Simvastatin, ISDN, Diazepam, Laxadine syrup, Omeprazole, Sucralfate syrup, Concor, and Alloupurinol. From the results of the monitoring of drug use it can be concluded there is found Drug Related Problems, that are using drug without indication, adverse drug reactions, and drug interaction between omeprazole with clopidogrel, enoxaparin with clopidogrel, enoxaparin with cardioaspirin, cardioaspirin with clopidogrel, cardioaspirin with concor, and omeprazole with diazepam. Keywords: Drug Related Problems (DRP), Angina Pectoris, Mintohardjo Hospital 1855 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. INTRODUCTION Acute coronary syndrome (ACS) is one of the manifestation of coronary artery abnormalities still a major health problem in the world. According to statistics of American Heart Association (AHA) 2008, in 2005 the number of patients who underwent medical treatment in the United States due to the ACS nearly 1.5 million people to 1.1 million people (80%) showed a case of Angina Pectoris Unstable or infarcation Myocardial Without ST Elevation (NSTEMI), while 20% of the cases recorded suffer an Infarcation Myocardial with Elevation (STEMI)2. Angina pectoris is a disease characterized by chest pain caused by coronary blood flow that not sufficient to ful fiil oxygen demand in miocard. Imbalance between oxygen supply and its use can result vascular smooth muscle spasme or obstruction of the blood vessels due to the lesions of atherosclerosis1. Treatment individuals with angina pectoris adjusted with the ultimate goal of therapy and symptoms. Currently, treatment of angina pectoris reguler use of therapies that include uses drugs known as nitrates, β-blockers, calcium antagonists and antiplatelet such as aspirin. CASE PRESENTATION Patient Mr WJ, age 72 years old, went to the Mintorahdjo hospital on October 2, 2014. The patient was admitted to the hospital with complaint of palpitations. Patient said on september 10, 2014 he felt chest pain, cold sweats, nausea, vomiting, palpitations, chest pain intermittent, the patient have a history of Hypertension and history of smoking. Patiet was treatment with Enoxaparin, Clopidogrel, Cardioaspirin, Simvastatin, ISDN, Diazepam, Laxadine syrup, Omeprazole, Sucralfat syrup, Concor and Allopurinol. DOSAGE AND HOW TO USE THE DRUGS Enoxaparin given for 3 day at the dose 2x0,6 ml, Clopidogrel 75 mg p.c once daily, Cardioaspirin p. c once daily, Simvastatin 20 mg once daily, ISDN 5 mg three time daily, Diazepam 5 mg three 1856 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. time daily, Loxadien sirup once daily, Omeprazole injection twice daily, Sucralfat a.c three time daily, Concor 2.5 mg once daily and Allopurinol 100 mg twice daily3,4 . LABORATORY RESULTS The results of laboratory tests showed that abnormality laboratory values in Erythrocytes 4,39 million/µL (normal value: 4.6-6.2 million/µL), Hemoglobin 12.5 q/dL (14-16 q/dL), CK 110,000 UI/L (normal value: 30 – 180 Μl/L , K-MB 14 U/L (normal value: > 10 U/L), LDL 175 Mg/dL (< 130 mg/dL)5. DISCUSSION Mr WJ came to the hospital with complaints of chest pain, cold sweats, nausea vomiting, chest pain intermittent. Results of Laboratory examination show that abnormality in erythrocytes 4,39 million/µL (normal value: 4.6-6.2 million/µL), Hemoglobin 12.5 q/dL (14-16 q/dL), CK 110,000 UI/L (normal value: 30 – 180 Μl/L , K-MB 14 U/L (normal value: > 10 U/L), LDL 175 Mg/dL (< 130 mg/dL) and a negative value of Troponin. This is indicate that patient experience angina pectoris. In this case Mr WJ has 72 years old and he receive 11 item of drug. Using of polipharmacy drug can cause Drug Related Problem and Adverse Drug Reactions (ADR). For handled the patient complaint, physician gave ISDN (Isosorbid dinitrate) for the treatment of angina. ISDN is calcium channel blocker and calcium channel Activator (potassium-channel activators) that has a vasodilatory effect. In heart failure, vasodilators dilate arteries and decrease peripheral vascular resistance and left ventricular systolic pressure resulting in increasing cardiac output, or dilated veins that lead to increased venous capacity and reduced venous return to the heart (ventricular diastolic pressure decreases). Enoxaparin injection for blood thinners. Anticoagulant is given in NSTEMI conditim to inhibit the formation and activation of Thrombin. Selection of anticoagulation need to consider the risk of ischemia and bleeding6. Giving as cardioasprin and clopidogrel as antiplatelet for reduce the risk of infarction and heart attack. Aspirin and Clopidrogel (CPG) are used for diseases of the heart and blood vessel in coronary heart disease. Aspirin and CPG prevents platelet to form clot (clots) that causes blockage of blood vessels. CPG is sometimes also used in atrial fibrillation with irregular heart 1857 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. rhythm. Gastrointestinal bleeding often occurs in the administration of cardiovascular drugs, especially on antithrombotic drugs. Aspirin as COX-1 inhibitors, where as Clopidogrel and ticlopidine has a different mechanism with aspirin. Clopidogrel metabolized by CYP450 enzymes to produce the active metabolite. This active metabolite through irreversible bond through the ADP receptors P2Y12 class of platelet glycoprotein GPIIb then activate/IIIa platelet aggregation inhibiting complex. Using of Enoxaparin, Clopidogrel, and Cardioaspirin at the same time should need to be done in order to know the INR examination of factors on blood thinners and bookkeeping feared would happen on bleeding the same drug use. Omeprazole injection was given for handly side effect of Cardioaspirin. Sucralfat can cause constipation so that the patient receive Laxadine. Patient also treated ulcers but the side effect is constipation, that he is so given laxadine for overcome the constipation. Also treated with ISDN and Concor (Bisoprolol) for angina and hypertension. Allopurinol and Simvastatin was given for treating gout and hypercholesterolemia. Diazepam as tranquiliaer 6. DRUG RELATED PROBLEM 1. Drugs without Indication In this case patient receive Allupurinol to treat hyperuricemia but laboratory show that patient have normal value uric acid 2. Adverse drug reactions6 In this case patient receive Enoxaparin, Clopidogrel and Cardioaspirin. The using of these drugs can increase risk of bleeding and can peptic ulcer moreovere if given in patient with have history of peptic ulcer. 3. Drug interactions7 a. Omeprazole with clopidogrel, where omeprazole may decrease effect of clopidogrel to affect hepatic enzymes CYP2C19. b. Clopidogrel with Enoxaparin increase the risk of bleeding c. Cardioaspirin with Enoxaparin, where Enoxaarin may increase the effect cardioaspirin and increase risk of bleeding 1858 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. d. Cardioaspirin with clopidogrel may increase the risk of bleeding when given concurrently with clopidogrel. e. Cardioaspirin and concor (Bisoprolol), cardioaspirin can reduce the effects of bisoprolol. f. Omeprazole and Diazepam, omeprazole may increase the effect of diazepam CONCLUSION Based on the results of clinical work practice at Mintohardjo Hospital it can be concluded that the presence of the DRP (Drug Related Problem), that are form of using of drug without indication, adverse drug reaction, and drug interaction. REFERENCES 1. Sutedjo, AY. 2007. Buku Saku Mengenai Penyakit Melalui Hasil Pemeriksaan Laboratorium. Yogyakarta : Amara Books 2. Undas, Anetta, Ilena. 2008. Hiperglicemia is Associated with Enhanced Thrombin Formation, Platelet Activation and Fibrin Clot Resistance to Lysis in Patient is with Acute Coronary Sydrome 3. BPOM. 2008. Informatorium Obat Nasional Indonesia (IONI). Jakarta : Sagung Seto. 4. British National Formularium 52th Edition.2008. Lambeth High Street. London SEI 7JN.UK. 5. Mycek,J Mary. 2001. Farmakologi Ulasan Bergambar , Edisi 2. Widya Medika. Jakarta 6. Anonim. 2013. InHealth Gazette. Devisis Pelayanan obat 7. Medscape. Drug Interaction.2014 1859 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. CASE REPORT : DRUG RELATED PROBLEMS IN PATIENT WITH BENIGN PROSTATIC HYPERPLASIA DISEASE AT DR. MINTOHARDJO HOSPITAL Listia Alvira1, Aprilita Rina Yanti Eff2 and Diana Laila R2 1 Student of Pharmacist Program, Faculty of Pharmacy UTA’45 Jakarta 2 Lecturer of Faculty of Pharmacy UTA’45 Jakarta Email : ABSTRACT Prostate hyperplasia or Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH) is the enlargement of the prostate caused by excessive growth of epithelial tissue and fibromusculer of transition zone and periurethral areas. Patient Mr PN, age 76 years old came to Mintohardjo hospital with complaint can not micturition on 26/11/2014. The patient did not have a history of hypertension and did not smoker. Patient was treated Vitamin K, Adona, Ceftriaxon, Vitamin C, Ketorolac, Kalnex, Omeprazole by injection. Results of the monitoring of the use of medications we found DRP (Drug Related Problem). That are untreated disease and drug interaction. Keywords: Drug Related Problem, Benign Prostac Hyperplasia, Mintohardjo Hospital 1860 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. INTRODUCTION Prostate hyperplasia or Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH) is the enlargement of the prostate caused by excessive growth of epithelial tissue and fibromusculer of transition zone and periurethral areas 1. BPH or benign tumors of the prostate due to prostate cells that continue to experience growth. Microscopic basis, changes in the prostate can be seen as someone aged 35 years. At the age of 60-69 years, enlarged prostate cause clinical complaint start at 50% of men. While at the age of 80 years, BPH occurs in nearly 100% of men. In 2000, the WHO noted there are about half a million people who have experienced BPH worldwide 2. BPH occurs at the age above 45 years in which testicular function suandg declined. Due to the decrease in testicular function led to an imbalance of hormones testosterone and dehidrotestosteron so as to spur growth/enlarged prostate. By maskrokospik can reach 60-100 grams and sometimes even greater to 200 gram or more 1. Treatment of prostatic hyperplasia sufferer individuals adapted to the end goal of therapy and symptoms. Currently, a regular prostate hyperplasia treatment using therapeutic observation, therapeutic drug classes which include the medikamentosa inhibitor of α-adrenergic, an inhibitor of the enzyme 5-alpha-reductase, fitotherapy, and surgical therapies such as Transurethral resection of the Prostate (TURP), Transurethral Insision of the Prostate (TUIP) open prostatectomy, and laser Prostatectomy with Nd-YAG, or Ho-YAG 3. CASE PRESENTATION Patient Mr PN, aged 76 years old, came Mintohardjo hospital On October 26, 2014. Patient entered hospital with complaint could not micturition. Patient has underwent surgery with Transurethral resection surgery methods of the Prostate (TURP) on October 26, 2014. Patient was treated with Vitamin K injection, Adona injection, Ceftriaxon injection, Vitamin C injection, Ketorolac injection, Kalnex injection, Omeprazole injection. DOSAGE AND MODE OF USE 1861 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. Vitamin K injection 2 mg bid, Adona injection 2 ml/10 mg, Ceftriaxon bolus IV injection 1 g/day in bolus, Vitamin C injection 1000 mg/day, Ketorolac injection 10-30 mg every 4-6 hours, Kalnex injection 0.5-1 g 3 times a day, Omeprazole injection 40 mg/day 4,5. LABORATORY EXAMINATION Laboratory examination results (urine routine) indicates abnormal laboratory value of Leukocyte esterase: 500/L (normal values: negative), Nitrite positive (normal values: negative), Albumin 25 (normal values: negative), Sediment microscopic Erythrocytes 20–25/LPB (normal values: 0 – 2/LPB), Sediment microscopic Leukocytes 8–10/LPB (normal values: 0 – 5/LPB), urine Bacteria ++ (value: normal negative) 6. DISCUSSION Patient Mr PN was hospitalised with complaint could not micturition. The laboratory examination showed patient had abnormal Leukocyte esterase, Nitrite positive, the presence of Albumin, sediment, Erythrocytes and Leukocytes that are suspected that the of having hemauria and leukosituria, and urine turbidity examination show urine contained bacteria. From the results of laboratory examination and patient complaint doctors was diagnosed patient experienced BPH and perform sursery6. After performing the operation, the patient treated the during 5 days. On the first day he is given Ketorolac injections because the patient complained of pain in the wound of the former operations, and also given Vitamin K injection, Kalnex injection, Adona injection as prophylaxis to prevent the occurrence of post-operative bleeding 5. On the second day of treatment, the patient gets an injection of ceftriaxon as antibiotics to prevent the occurrence of infections, injections of Vitamin C is indicated to speed healing of wounds on the former surgery, injection of Omeprazole to cope with the irritation in the stomach as a result of the use of ketorolac that side effects can irritate the gastric side effects 5,7. Then the next day the patient only receive ketorolac injection because the patient complain is pain only and patient get ketorolac for bring to home5. DRUG RELATED PROBLEM 1862 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. 1. Untreated complaint5. In this case the patient has enlarged prostate but patient do not receive drug therapies such as the inhibitor α-adrenergic. 2. Drug Interaction8. The existence of drug interactions between ketorolac and Vitamin K, which Ketorolac can decrease the effects of vitamin K. CONCLUSION Based on the results of the practice of the Clerk's clinic on of Mintohardjo hospital, it can be concluded the that the existence of the DRP (Drug Related Problem) in the form of drug interaction between Ketorolac and Vitamin K, and patients do not receive drug therapy for BPH drug i.e. the inhibitor α-adrenergic. REFERENCES 1. Surjadi K, dkk. 2006. Pola Distribusi Imunoekspresi P63 pada Hiperplasia Prostat sebagai Indikator Keganasan. Fakultas Kedokteran. Universitas Kristen Maranatha 2. Anindyajati, Gina . National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Disease 3. Sutedjo, AY. 2007. Buku Saku Mengenai Penyakit Melalui Hasil Pemeriksaan Laboratorium. Yogyakarta : Amara Books. Hal : 157 4. Medscape. Drug Interaction.2014. 5. BPOM. 2008. Informatorium Obat Nasional Indonesia (IONI). Jakarta : Sagung Seto. Hal : 381, 57 6. Arif, Mansjoer dkk.2000. Kapita Selekta kedokteran. Media Aesculapius. Jakarta. Hal : 333 7. Gan gunawan, sulistia. 2007. Farmakologi and Terapi. Departemen Farmakologi and Terapeutik. Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas indonesia. Jakarta. Hal : 777 8. Burns, Dr. Aine. 2009. Renal Drug Handbook third edition. New York : Oxford. Hal : 576 1863 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. CASE REPORT: DRUG RELATED PROBLEM ON THERAPY THE DISEASE TUBERCULOSIS (TB) AND HEMAPTUE CATEGORY I ON THE WARD SANGEANG DISEASE IN MINTOHARDJO HOSPITAL Syahrianti. S1, Aprilita RinaYanti Eff2 and Diana Laila R2 Student of Pharmacist Program, Faculty of Pharmacy UTA'45 Jakarta Lecturer of Faculty of Pharmacy UTA'45 Jakarta Email: ABSTRACT Tuberculosis is an infectious disease caused by Mycobacterium tubercolosis, most (80%) invade the lungs. Mycobacterium tubercolosis is Gram-positive bacilli, shaped rod on the wall of his cell contains a complex of glikolipida as well as candle-lipida (wax) which is difficult to break down substances chemistry1. Patient Mr. AJ, age 29 years old, came to mintoharjo hospital with a diagnosis of tuberculosis (TB)first category the advanced stages. Patient was given treatment for 6 days that were, Ceftriaxon injection, Kalnex injection, Ranitidine injection, Adona injection, vitamin K injection, Acran (Ranitidine tablets), Codein, Paracetamol, 4FDC tuberculosis drugs, Sanfuliq (Curcuma). Based on the results of the clinical practices it can be conclnedthe existence of the DRP (Drug Related Problem) that and drug interactions: between INH and Paracetamol, patient has nousea and vomiting are not treated the patients complained of nausea as well but he not recewe tretment. Clinical work in Mintoharjo Hospital it can be concluded that there is any that are treated complain, drug duplication and drug interaction. Key words: Drug related problems (DRP), Tuberculosis (TB), and the Mintohardjo Hospital 1864 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. INTRODUCTION Tuberculosis is a disease of the lower respiratory tract infection that invades the tissues of the lung or pulmonary parenkim tuberculosis Mycobakterium by basil, can be about almost all organs (kidney, meninges, bones and lymph nodes) and the most diparu location, usually a primary location2. Clinical symptoms are cough, cough two weeks of blood, shortness of breath, chest pain, fever and others3.Tuberculosis (TB) is a disease that has long been known and to date is still the leading cause of death in the world. The prevalence of TB in Indonesia and other developing countries is quite high.In 2006, new cases in Indonesia totaled > 600,000 and mostly suffered by people who are in the productive age (15-55 years). The death toll due to infectious TB amounted to about 300 people per day and happens > 100,000 deaths per year. It is challenges for all parties to leading this infection. One of the important efforts to suppress the transmission of TB in the community is to do a definitive early diagnosis4. Home environment sanitation factors, the incidence of pulmonary TB disease is also very concerned with the behavior and the amount of family income because most patients with TB is a poor level that have low education4. Examination of sputum specimens of lung TB is examined within two days of that during the morning-during (SPS). Based on the guidelines of the national TB program, the diagnosis of pulmonary TB in adults is enforced with TB germs he met (BTA) 5, while examining a photo of thoracic, culture and sensitivity test can be used as a support in diagnosis in accorandce with the indications and not justified in diagnosing TB2. PERCENTAGE OF THE KHASUS Patient Mr. AJ, age 29 years entered Mintohardjo hospital on November 13, 2014. The Patient complaints of cough blood, pain body, dizziness, lethargy, nausea, fever, no appetite and weight loss. Patients recently exposed to tuberculosis during his life. EXAMINATION OF VITAL SIGN Date Of Blood Pressure Pulse Breathing (14- Temperature Examination (120/80 mmHg) (60-100x/minute) 18/minute) (36 -37 ⁰ 13/11/2014 90/70 mmHg 80 x / minute 16 x / minute 37 ⁰ 1865 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. 14/11/2014 90/70 mmHg 86 x / minute 17 x / minute 39,5 ⁰ 15/11/2014 95/70 mmHg 86 x / minute 16 x / minute 38,5⁰ 16/11/2014 90/80 mmHg 86 x / minute 18x / minute 38,5 ⁰ 17/11/2014 100/70 mmHg 86 x / minute 17 x / minute 38⁰ 18/11/2014 90/80 mmHg 89x / minute 16 x / minute 37⁰ CLINIC EVALUATION6 Patient is treated with 4FDC (INH, Rifampin, Ethambutol, Pirazinamid). Infusion RL as the electrolyte. Ceftriaxon injection as an antibiotic, to treat some bacterial infections. Codein is given as antitussive and middle pain medicine, Sanfuliq (Curcuma) is given as a supplement to maintain liver function, Ranitidine is given for dyspepsia, while the drug for bleeding is Adona, Kalnex injection, injection of vitamin K and also given Paracetamol for fevers and chills. LINE TREATMENT For TBC6 Category 1 OAT-FDC tablets 4FDC Composition/Content Usage 75 mg INH Intensive stage/initial and daily 150 mg Rifampisin inserts 400 mg Pirazinamid 275 mg Etambutol 2FDC 150 mg INH Advanced stage 3 times a week 150 mg Rifampisin Weight 38-54 kg INTENSIVE PHASE (every day for The ADVANCED STAGES (3 2 months) times seinggu for 4 months) 3 tablets 4FDC 3 tablets 2FDC 1866 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. THE RESULTS OF LABORATORY EXAMINATION7,9 Laboratory examination on november 13, showed the increased levels of leokosit i.e. 17,500/ul (5,000-10,000/µl) indicated infection process or accute inflamation, haemoglobin decreased 8.2 g/dl (12-14 g/dl) indicates anemia and blood sediment at a rate of 80 mm/h (10 mm/hour) indicates the presence of acute infections local. DOSAGE AND METHOD OF USE6,8,10,12 In this case, patient is treated with infusion of RL as alternate the body fluids with dose 20 drop each second for 6 days. Ceftriaxon injection as an antibiotic, to treated some bacterial infections with a dose of 2x1 by Injection for 6 days. Vitamin K inj, Kalnex inj and Adona inj 2x1 ampules for 5 days. 4FDC 1x3 used for tuberculosis therapy. Sanfuliq (Curcuma) is given as a supplement to maintain liver function with a dose of 2x1. Ranitidine 2x1 injection ampules and Acran (Ranitidine tablets) 2x1 for 4 days is given as a cure dyspepsia. Codein 3x1 is given as an antitussive and antinyeri 1x500mg, paracetamol as antipiretic for 6 days. DISCUSSION The main symptom of pulmonary TB is cough for more than 4 weeks, with or without sputum, malaise, flu symptoms, a low degree of fever, anorexia, sweating at night, chest pain, coughing up blood and anemia12. Before the patient was to hospitalised he experienced coughing with blood by as much as 15 times and nosebleed in the evening after coming home to work, the patient come to hospital on July 13, 2014 in sebtember with complaints of cough blood, body pain, dizziness, lethargy, nausea, fever, no appetite and weight loss. Laboratory results showed an increase in the value of leukocytes and blood that indicates deposition rate of infection so that it diterapi with injection of the antibiotic is Ceftriaxon cephalosporins third generation. Ceftriaxon is a broad spectrum antibacterial indicated for severe infection. Patients experience a decline in the value of erythrocytes and hemoglobin indicating anemia, but is not addressed. Codein is given to relieve coughs and pains-pain, paracetamol is used to lower her fever. TB therapy patients given the 4FDC category 1 Tuberculosis drugs (Isoniasid, Rifampin, Ethambutol and Pirasenamid) therapy due to the use of Rifampin, Ethambutol, and INH in a long period of time resulted in liver damage (anti-hepatotoxic) so patients diterapi with sanfuliq (curcuma) to maintain liver function. 1867 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. DRUG RELATED PROBLEM6,7,8,9,11,12 1. untreated Complains a. Patient complaint of nausea, because side effect of INH but he dont receive B6 for overcome his anemia. b. laboratory results showed a decrease the value of erythrocytes and hemoglobin that indicated anaemia but doctor do not give treatment for over come anaemia. Should be given blood Enhancer supplements. 2. Drug duplication that is ranitidine injection and Acran (Ranitidin) tablet. 3. drug interactions a. Isoniazid with Paracetamol isoniasid will increase the effects of paracetamol that increased the anti-hepatotoxic if given concurrently during the week when isoniasid dose 300 mg/day and paracetamol 500 mg/day b. Isoniazid with food Absorption of isoniazid will be reduced if taken with fish specis scombroid, tuna, mackerel, salmon are not fresh. CONCLUSION Based on the results of Clinical work in Mintoharjo Hospital it can be concluded that there is any that are treated complain, drug duplication and drug interaction. REFERENCES 1. Depkes, 2005. Pharmaceutical care untuk penyakit tuberkulosis. Dirjen Bina Kefarmasian and Alat Kesehatan. Jakarta. Halaman 12 2. Somantri, irman. 2007. Keperawatan Medikal Bedah Asuhan Keperawatan pada Pasien dengan Gangguan Sistem Pernapasan . Salemba Medika: Jakarta. Halaman 59 3. Herryanto, 2004, Riwayat pengobatan penderita TB paru Jurnal Kesehatan vol 3, Bandung. 4. Djojodibroto, Dr. R. Darmanto, Sp. P, FCCP. 2009. Respirologi (Respiratory Medicine). Jakarta : EGC. Halaman 88 1868 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. 5. Leli,samtawati.dkk. 2012. Evaluasi Metode Fastplaquetbtm untuk Mendeteksi Mycobacterium Tuberculosis pada Sputum di Beberapa Unit Pelayanan Kesehatan di jakarta-indonesia. The Indonesian Association Againts Tuberculosis. Jakarta. Halaman 101 6. Sutedjo, AY, SKM. 2007. Mengenal Penyakit Melalui Hasil Pemeriksaan Laboratorium (Ed Refisi). Yokyakarta: Amara Books (halaman 25 and 28) 7. BPOM. 2008. Informatorium Obat Nasional Indonesia (IONI). Sagung Seto : Jakarta. 8. KEMENKES RI, 2011. Pedoman Interpretasi Data Klinik . Kemenkes RI : Jakarta halaman 80 9. Burns, Dr. Aine. 2009. Renal Drug Handbook third edition. New York : Oxford 142 10. Tarro, S David. 2006. Drug Interaction Facts. Facth & Comparisons. The primary sourse for drug information 1169 11. Galileopharma. 2008, BNF edition 56, Alexandria University. Halaman 297 12. ISFI, 2009. “ISO Indonesia Vol. 44”. Berlico Mulia Farma. Yogyakarta halaman163 1869 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. CASE REPORT : DRUG RELATED PROBLEM IN PATIENT WITH SPONDYLODISCITIS DISEASE AT PGI CIKINI HOSPITAL Dorence Thedora Marcus1, Aprilita Rinayanti Eff 2, Diana Laila2 1 Student of pharmacy Program, faculty of pharmacy UTA’45 Jakarta 2 Lecture pharmacy of pharmacy UTA’45 Jakarta (University of 17 August 1945 Jakarta) Email: ABSTRACT Spondylodiscitis is an infection in the discus and vertebrae adjacent due to the piogen infection, Piogen infection is a condition in which the pathogenic organisms multiply and spread between the tissues. This situation usually bring on reactions both of acute and chronic inflammation. Patient Mrs Ys, aged of 40 years old entered in Cikini Hospital on September 30 2014 with a diagnosis Spondylodyscitis. Therapy patient was treated for 9 days with is Farpain (ketorolak), Lyrica (Pregabalin), Pirofel (Piroxicam), Myonep (Eperisone HCL), Medrol (Methylprednisoline), Lanfix (Cefixime), Pantazol (Pantoprazol), Dulcolax (Bisacodyl). Based on the results of clinical work practice Cikini Hospital it can be concluded that there is DRP (Drug Related Problem) be drug interaction. Keywords : Drug Releted Problems. Spondylodiscitis, PGI Cikini Hospital 1870 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. INTRODUCTION Spondylodiscitis is an infection of the diskus and vertebrae adjacent to discus the caused by piogen, piogen infection is a condition in which the pathogenic organisms multiply and spread between the body tissues. Spondylodiscitis happen because there are viral or bacterial infection. Swelling and inflammation on the spondylodiscitis can cause back pain 1. Symptoms of this infection is not specific, including fever, local pain and neurological signs when abnormalities structure form which exposed getting worse. looks normal in the early stages show vertebral endplate are looks blurred and reduced discus height which lasted rapid. MRA is the supporting investigation the recommended because it can detect edema in trabecular bone very early before happen the destruction 2. CASE PRESENTATION Patient Mrs Ys, aged 40 years old entered Cikini Hospital on September 30 2014 with a diagnosis Spondylodyscitis. Patient had complain is low back pain for 7 years, have history of peptic ulcer. CLINICAL EVALUATION This patient is treated with Farpain (ketorolak) for short-term treatment for moderate to severe acute pain. Lyrica (Pregabalin) for the treatment of peripheral neuropathic pain. Pirofel (Piroxicam) for the symptomatic treatment of (pain) in rheumatoid arthritis. Myonep (Eperisone HCL) for the treatment of low back pain by treating musculoskeletal stiffness or muscle stiffness. Medrol (Methylprednisoline) for the treatment of inflammatory and allergic disorders. Lanfix (Cefixime) as an antibiotics. Pantazol (pantoprazole) as an blocker reduce gastric acid and Dulcolax (Bisacodyl) as constipation agent3. DOSAGE AND HOW TO USE OF DRUG Ketorolac tablet 10 mg given 2 x 1 day, pregabalin capsule 50 mg given 2 x 1 day, piroxicam tablet 10 mg given 2 x 1 day, Eperisone HCL tablet 50 mg 2 x 1 day, Methylprednisoline tablet 4 mg 2 x 1 day, cefixime capsule 200 mg 2 x 1 day, pantoprazole tablet 20 mg 2 x 1 day and 10 mg bisacodyl suppository 1 x 1 day 4. 1871 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. LABORATORY EXAMINATION RESULTS Results of hematological examination on the first day of October 2014 patient Hospitalized showed increasing of erythrocyte sedimentation rate (12 of the normal values of 010 mm / h) that indicate the pasient experienced infection or inflammation disease, increasing eosinophils (5 of normal values 1-3%) indicate a parasitic infection, decreasing of lymphocytes (15% of normal values 20-4-) indicate a bacterial infection, increasing leukocytes (7 of normal values 0-3) indicate patient of infection and bone marrow disorders and erythrocyte increasing indicate that experienced and severe inflammation. DISCUSSION Patient Mrs Ys, aged of 40 years old entered Hospital with The main complaints of back pain, fatigue and anxiety The patient has a history of back pain for 7 years, On the first day the patient is given Lanfix for bacterial infections, Farpain inflammation drug for moderate acute pain, Myonep for treatment musculoskeletal spasm, Pantazol for the reduction of gastric acid secretion because patient has history of peptic ulcer for treatment of pain due to Spodylodiscitis. The patient on the second day, the patient underwent laboratory examination is hematology, clinical chemistry, urine ,parasitology and CT Scan. Patient had blood pressure 110/90 mmhg and result of CT Scan indicated that patient suggested for MRI examination. MRI test results showed the patient infection of the lower lumbar spine and emphasis on lumbar spine so that the patient had complaint of pain. Lyrica drug to cope neuropathic, Medrol suppression of inflammatory and allergic . for over come the pain, patient is treat with lyrica and medrol and Dulcolax supp for constipation. Furthermore from the thorax / lung and lumbosacral photo, see that the patient experienced joint inflammation in the patient's spine. DRUG RELATED PROBLEM 1. DRP : Drug Interactions Piroxicam and ketorolac are pharmacodynamic synergis and can increase toxicity. expecialy GI. Never use combination of keterolac, piroxicam and Methylprednisoline 5. CONCLUSION 1872 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. Based on the results of clinical practice PGI Cikini Hospital, it can be concluded that there is found DRP (Drug Related Problems) that is interaction. REFERENCES 1. Josipovic-Jelic, Z. 2008. "Spondylodiscitis". Bratislavske lekarske listy: 345–347 2. Anonim 2014,”spondylodiscitis 3. Sandra M. Nettina, 2000, Taking care of your lower back and neck pain,: philadelphia 4. Baand POM RI, 2008. Informasi Obat Nasional Indonesia. Baand POM; Jakarta 5. Madescape 6. Anonim,2002 ‘spinal condition & treatment Http:/www. Back pain 7. Sugianto. 2001. Terapi manipulasi pada nyeri pinggang ; Jurnal Ikatan fisioterapi Indonesia. Jakarta 8. Anonim 2012, 1873 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. CASE STUDY: DRUG RELATED PROBLEMS IN TREATMENT OF DIABETES MELLITUS COMPLEX Chusnul Hikmah Djibran1, Diana Laila Ramatillah2, Aprilita Rinayanti Eff2 1 Student of Pharmacist Professional Program Student, FacultyOf Pharmachy UTA’ 45 Jakarta 2 Lecturer of Faculty of Pharmachy UTA’ 45 Jakarta Email : ABSTRACT Diabetes mellitus DM is a metabolic disease with characteristic hyperglycemia due to abnormal insulin secretion, insulin action or both2). According to the American Diabetes Association, (2014) classification for diabetes mellitus based on the etiology is diabetes mellitus type 1, diabetes mellitus type 2, gestational diabetes, pre-diabetes and diabetes types other8). Prolonged hyperglycemia can be a andgerous metabolic state which one of them is Diabetic Ketoacidosis(DKA). If DKA did not handle properly, the patient can be unconscious and coma6). Patient, Mrs. Sr, 49 years old, entered Gatot Subroto Army Hospital on December 11, 2014. Patient present with loss of consciousness since less or more 5 hours before entering the hospital with a history of diabetes and a history of stop injecting insulin. Therapy treatment for hospitalized is rehydration fluids, drips insulin therapy, ceftriaxone, omeprazole, aspilet, simvastatin, furosemide, paracetamol, combivent inhalation, fluimucyl, simvastatin and citicolin. Key words: Diabetes Mellitus,Diabetic Ketoacidosis, Army Hospital Gatot Soebroto 1874 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. INTRODUCTION Diabetic Ketoacidosis is a result of severe insulin deficiency and accompanied by metabolic disorders of protein, carbohydrates and fats. This condition is sometimes called "fast acceleration" and is the most serious metabolic disturbances in insulin dependent diabetes1). Diabetic ketoacidosis is due to lack of insulin or insufficient amount of insulin that is real, this situation results in disturbances in the metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins and fats. There are three important clinics picture in diabetic ketoacidosis ; dehydration, electrolyte loss and acidosis7). If the amount of insulin is reduced, the amount of glucose that enters to the cell will be reduced as well. Besides, the production of glucose by the liver becomes unmanageable. Both of these factors will result in hyperglicemia. In an effort to eliminate excess glucose from the body, the kidneys will excrete glucose together water and electrolytes (such as sodium, and potassium)7). CASE PRESENTATION Patient, aged 49 years Mrs.Sr entered Gatot Subroto Army Hospital on October 11, 2014. Patient come with loss of consciousness, since less or more 5 hours before admission. One day before, the patient was vomiting more 5x / day. Previous medical history was uncontrolled diabetes and ulcer surgery digit I. Previous treatment history was patient stop taking insulin and claimed set of nutritional diet. Patient diagnosis wasdiabetic ketoacidosis. CLINIC EVALUATION DAK (Diabetic Ketoacidosis) therapeutic principle is to treat dehydration, hyperglycemia, and electrolyte imbalances, and overcoming existing co morbidities. The goal of therapy is to replace the volume of circulating fluid and electrolyte imbalance correction4,5). PatientMrs. Sr, was gotten rehydration fluids and electrolytes by providing loading infusion of 0.9% Nacl 2 line 40drops/ min on the right hand and left hand the patient until the next maintenance 2000cc 20 drops / min. Initially fluid therapy directed to the addition of intravascular and extra vascular fluid as well as the improvement of renal perfusion. Then the 1875 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. blood sugar control with insulin drips, Insulin therapy to inhibit cytogeneses done so as to reduce metabolic acidosis. The objective of reducing the use of insulin cytogeneses, is reducing the blood glucose levels as well as address the imbalance of electrolytes.Blood glucose levels should be lowered slowly, continuously up to the limit specified2). Patient given 10 units of insulin Novorapid next sc 2 units /hour in syringe pump, but this was discontinued after insulin administration or GDS levels of patient is normal. In addition, patient received ceftriaxone 1 x 2 g IV to prevent infection and given omeprazole injection of 1 x 40mg IV. Laboratory tests on the patient included blood gas analysis, complete urine, hematological examination, blood glucose when GDS, HbA1C, SGOT AST, alanine aminotransferase ALT, albumin, HDL, LDL, acetone and triglyceridese. In addition to the patient's diagnosis was loss of consciousness due to CVD or sepsis, sepsis and CAP 2nd dd pulmonary TB infection, the patient also suffered a fracture in the left leg with immobilization, so that the patient was given additional medication furosemide 1x40mg, 3x1000mg paracetamol for fever patient, Combivent inhalation every 8 hours , fluimucyl 3x1, aspilet 1x30mg, and 1 x 20 mg simvastatin, thus patient was advised to do consultation the Department of neurology and given additional medication citicolin 2 x 500 mg. Before this, patient had a history of diabetes mellitus who was not controlled, the patient also suffered amputations in the thumb of his right foot. The patient had 2 years to stop using insulin and only have a diet. LABORATORY EXAMINATION RESULT Clinical Chemistry Reference Value 11/12 12/12 13/12 7,37 7,518* 7,459 7,510* pCO2 33-44 mmHg 25,8* 26,6* 25,3* pO2 71-104 mmHg 91,7 63,3* 96,8 Bicarbonat (HCO3) 22-29 mmol/L 21,2* 18,3* 20,4* Base Excess(BE) (-2)-3 mmol/L -0,3 -4,5 -0,4 94 - 98% 95 87,6* 98,3* Blood Gas Analysis Ph Oxygen Saturation 1876 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. Clinical 12-Des Reference Value 11-Des Urea 20-50 mg/dL 57* 59* Triglyceridese 0,5-1,5 mg/dL 1,9* 1,9* Blood Glucose < 140 mg/dL 505** Sodium (Na) 135-147 mmol/L 126* 134* 133* Potassium (K) 3,5-5,0 mmol/L 5 3,5 3,4* Clorida (Cl) 95-105 mmol/L 84* 98 Negative Positive Chemistry Aceton Hematology 00.49 257* Negative 05.59 07.17 82 Negative Negative Reference Value 11/12 12/12 Hemoglobin 12-16 g/dL 11,4* 10,5* Hematocrit 37-47% 31* 30* Erythrocyte 4,3-6,0 juta/µL 4,1* 3,6* Leukocyte 4,800-10,800 /µL 20550* 16,400* 150,000-400,000 /µL 276.000 224 MCV 80-96 fL 76* 83 MCH 27-32 pg 28 29 MCHC 32-36 g/dL 37* 35 Routine Hematologi Platelets Urinalysis Reference Value 12/12/2014 Colour Yellow Yellow Purity Clear Clear 4,5 - 8,0 6.0 1.010 -1.020 1.015 Complete urine pH Density 1877 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. Protein Negative positive 2 Glucosa Negative positive 3 Bilirubin Negative Negative Nitrit Negative Negative Ketones Negative Negative Negative / positive 1 Negative Erythrocyte 0-0-1 < 2 /LPB Leukocyte 2-2-3 < 5 /LPB Urobilionogen *) Abnormal laboratory values DRUG RELATED PROBLEM Basically therapy in the patient was in accorandce with the Standards of Medical Care management of patient with Diabetes Ketoacidosis. But the dose of each drug given should be considered with impaired kidney function, so it is necessary to take into account for patient dose reduction, such as : 1. Aspiletif CrCl> 10ml/menit, so dose adjusment is not necessary, but if CrCl value < 10ml/menit, so it is not recomended 9). 2. Acetaminophen, reduced 50% of dose may be warranted in patient with severe renal impairment ( r l ≤ 30ml/menit 3. 9,10) . Simvastatin, severe renal impairment ( r l ≤ 30ml/menit , 5mg qDay initially 9,10). So, calculating triglyceridese clearance values of serum triglyceridese of patient based on the value of 1.9 mg / dL CrCl = CrCl = (140-Age)x Weight x 0,85 so, 72 x SCr (140-49)x 50 x 0,85 = 28,27ml/minuted. 72 x 1,9 1878 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. From the calculation of triglyceridese clearance values , it can be concluded for doses aspilet was right , for paracetamol was need reducing 50% of dose to 3x500mg , and for simvastatin dose reduction was also necessary because the r l value of the patient was ≤ 30ml / minute to 5 mg / day . For the various drugs given patient, there were no significant interaction. CONCLUSION Based on the result of clinical practice in Gatot Subroto Army Hospital, it can be concluded that the treatment of diabetic ketoacidosis given to the patient could have been right, just needs to be given special attention, especially in patient dosing with impaired renal function state. REFERENCES 1. English, P and Williams, G. (2003). Hyperglycaemic crises and lactic acidosis in diabetes mellitus. Liverpool : Postgrad Med, Vol. 80 2. Join British Diabetes Societies. (2010). The Management of Diabetic Ketoacidosis in Adult. London 3. Newton, Christopher A and Raskin, Phillip. (2004). Diabetic ketoacidosis in type 1 and type 2 diabetes mellitus: Clinical and biochemical differences. Archive of Internal Medicine, Vol. 164, 4. PERKENI. (2011). Petunjuk Praktis Pengelolaan DM Tipe 2. Jakarta. 5. RSPAD Gatot Soebroto (2012) Standar Pelayanan Medik Ketoasidos Diabetes 6. Sumantri S., (2009). Pendekatan Diagnostik and Tatalaksana Ketoasidosis Diabetikum. Internal Medicine Department. Jakarta. 7. Wall, (2001). Hyperglycemic Crises in Patient With Diabetes Mellitus, Clinical Diabetes, Spring. 8. WHO Department of Noncommunicable Disease Surveillance Geneva. (1999). Definition, Diagnosis and Classification of Diabetes Mellitus and itsComplications. Report of a WHO ConsultationPart 1: Diagnosis and Classification of Diabetes Mellitus. 9. Anonim. (2014).Medscape.Dosing uses and interaction. 10. British Medical Association and the Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain. 2009. British National Formulary 57. Britain : United Kingdom Pharmacist 1879 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. CASE REPORT : EVALUATION OFDRUGRELATEDPROBLEMS IN PATIENT MELENA AT MINTOHARDJO HOSPITAL Tety Restiaty amparodo¹, Aprilita Rianayanti Efi², Diana Laila Rahmatillah² 1 Student Of Pharmacist Program, Faculty of Pharmacy UTA'45 Jakarta 2 Lecturer Of Faculty Of Pharmacy UTA'45 Jakarta ABSTRACT Melena defined as black as tar dirt because of the blood that is changing shape¹. Bleeding can occur from the esophagus, stomach ileumevenasendescoloncancausemelena or duodenum. Butlesionsin the jejunum, provided thatthe travel time through the astrointestinal tractlongenough. Approximately60mLis sufficienttocauseabowel movements with blackstools. Acute blood loss greater than this amount can cause melena more than 7days. Patient Mr. Maged of 67years entered RSAL Dr.Mintohardjo September 5, 2014 with a diagnosis of Melena. Therapy treatment for 8 days, PRC transfusion (Packed RedCells), infusion of Ringer's lactate, Transamin (tranexamic acid), Vitamin K, Sucralfate, omeprazole, Dexanta (aluminumhydroxide, magnesiumhydroxide, simethicone), Sanprima F (Sulfametoxazole, trimethoprim) and ketoconazole. Based on the results of treatment and drug therapy, it can be concluded that there is a DRP(Drug Related Problems) form of drug interactions. Keywords:Melena, RSALMintohardjo, Gastrointestinal 1880 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. 1. INTRODUCTION Melena term usually describes bleeding from the esophagus, stomach or duodenum, butaslong intestine trip, bleeding from yeyunum, ileum lesiOn the jejunum, ileum and colon asendes even may cause melena. Required minimum of 60 Ml bleeding. Bleeding is more than this can give melena to about 7days¹. Melena black color caused by blood contact with hydrochloricacid to form hematin.The stool will be shaped like tar (sticky) and cause a characteristic odor. Consistency is different tarry stools that are black or dark after a person consumes iron, bismuthorlicorice, Similarly, red stools can occur from consuming bitsor after intravenous injection sulfobromoftalein. Gastrointestinal bleeding, even if only detected with a positive test for occult blood, shows the potential of serious illness and should be investigated further². 2. CASEPRESENTATION Patient Mr.J, aged 67years entered RSAL Dr.Mintohardjo on September 5,2014 with a diagnosis of Melena. Patient presented with defecation which was black with a liquid consistency, dizziness when standing from a sitting position, the patient had a history of peptic ulcer disease. 3. CLINICAL EVALUATION In this case the patient was treated with an infusion of RLtorestore the body's electrolyte, PRC as blood transfusion, Transamin and vitaminK injection to stop the bleeding, Sucralfate to coat th egastric mucosa, Omeprazole to inhibit gastric acid secretion, Sanprima for teasanti bacterial, and ketoconazoleas an antifungal³. 4. TREATMENT AND DOSE In this case the patient received therapy :RL in fusion administered intravenously, PRC transfusion of 500 mlintravenous,transamininjection given 3x1 da intravenously, vitamin K injection given 3 x 1 intramusculary, sucralfate suspension was given3x1day tablespoon orally, Omeprazole injection given2x1 intravenously. Omeprazole tablet given 2x20 mgday orally, 1881 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. Dexanta syrup3x1 tablespoon orally, SanprimaF caplets given 3x1orally, ketoconazoles tablets given1x200mgoraly³. 5. LABORATORYEXAMINATIONRESULTS Results of laboratory tests on the firstday,in routine hematology decreased hematocrit values:23% (references 42-48%), this is aims to help diagnose various diseases including anemia. Decreased hematocrit of 30% indicates that the patients had moderate to severe anemia. Morphological examination of peripheral blood was also done with the results: Anemia normocytic normochromic Neutrophilia. Anemia normocytic the number of red blood cells are abnormally low, but the size of normal cells, usually occurs after acute hemorrhage. While Neutrophilia is increased beyond the normal amount neutrophil mostly the cause is a bacterial infection. Blood sugar test astray, the results of the examination: 147mg/dl(reference <110 mg/dl) but not significantly increased, and tests renalfunction shows an increase in the amount of urea , this increase indicates that patients with decreased renal function. 6. DISCUSSION Patient Mr.Maged 67 years, On 5September 2014 entered RSAL Dr.Mintohardjo , with melena (defecation black and liquid consistency) and patient got dizziness when standing from sitting. On the first day of treatment the patient was given an infusion of RL (20 MDGs) torestore the body's electrolyte, vitamin K injection and Transamin to stop the bleeding, sucralfate to protect the gastric mucosa, omeprazole to reduce gastric acid secretion. Patient was also given a transfusion of 500ml PRC, PRC (Packed RedCells) is material for a blood transfusion which mostly consists of red blood cells /erythrocytes, but still contains little remains of leukocytes and platelets. On day5 today 6 treated,patient still with infusion but got the addition of another drug: Sanprima F, Dexanta syrup and tablets. Before endoscopy patients given antibiotics :Sanprima F tablets, complaints reduced and patient did not defecate blood anymore, but the patient still felt weak. On day 6 treatments, Endoscopic with esophagitis and the results suggested that fungal medication given Ketoconazole 1tablet 3times daily. On day 7 treatments and medication infusion was continued until the last day of the patients admitted to the day to 8 where in no 1882 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. further complaints of the patient, the problem is resolved infusion was stop and continued therapy at home with take-homedrugs: Sucralfate, SanprimaF, Omeprazole and Ketoconazole. 7. DRUGRELATEDPROBLEM There was interaction between ketoconazole and sulfamethoxazole which increased QTcinterval⁵ (associated with the ECG heart rate), so its use should be carefully monitor and strictly necessary. Like wise between sulfamethoxazole (SanprimaF) with omeprazole, namely: can enhance the effect sulfomethoxy through CYP2C9/10⁵. 8. CONCLUSION Based on the result of the practice in the inpatient unit Sangeang Islandin RSALM concluded that there are DRP(Drug Related Problems) form of drug interactions. REFERENCES 1. Bakta I Made, Suastika I Ketut,1999, Gawatdarurat di biandgpenyakitdalam, Jakarta; EGC. 2. BaandPengawasObatandMakanan RI, 2008,InformatoriumObatNasional Indonesia, Jakarta; Baand POM RI, KOPERPOM and CV AgungSeto. 3. Isselbacher J. kurt et al,2008, Prinsip-prinsipilmupenyakitdalamvol I, Jakarta. 4. BNF.2009.British National Formulary.BMJ Group.UK. 5. Madescape 1883 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. CASE REPORT : DRUG RELATED PROBLEMS IN THE TREATMENT OF DISEASES DISPEPS IT IN WARD MEDICINE RS.PGI CIKINI Andi Anhar Wahyuddin1, Aprilita Rinayanti Eff and Diana Laila R2 1 Student of Pharmacist Program, Faculty of Pharmacy UTA’45 Jakarta 2 Lecturer of Faculty of Pharmacy UTA’45 Jakarta ABSTRACT Dyspepsia is a common disease and often occur in internal medicine wards at PGI Cikini Hospital. Dispepsia is a collection of complaints or clinical symptoms that consists of discomfort or pain, full of flavor and heat in the upper abdomen persistent or relapsing of pain and heartburn. 2 Patient Mrs. AP is a 32-year-old admitted to the internal medicine ward. Patient diagnosed with Dyspepsia disease. Patient was treated with Paracetamol, Lasix, Onandsetron, Pantozol, Polysilane. Based on the results of clinical work practice in Cikini hospital about drug interactions Laxis (Furosemide) with Polysilane (Kalsium carbonate and magnesium hydroxide). Keywords: Dyspepsia, pain, RS PGI Cikini 1884 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. INTRODUCTION Dyspepsia syndrome more commonly known as kat masyara ulcer disease even though less precise, because the ulcer is derived from the Dutch language, which means bloating. Complaint which mun cul on a g ti ma disease do not always come from the stomach. The prevalence of this disease vary, most research shows that nearly 25% of adults experience symptoms in spepsia at a time in her life.10 A surve y mentioned, approximately 30% of patients who go to a general practitioner due to the presence of gastrointestinal disorders chiefly ad i spepsia and 40-50% of patients the to comecialis spes to be due to indigestion, especially dyspepsia. 2 Changes in the pattern of irregular eating, drugs that are not clear, substances such as nicotine and alcohol as well as the presence of psychiatric conditions of stress, food intake will be limited so that the stomach is empty, void stomach can lead to erosion of the stomach caused by friction between the walls of the stomach , this condition can lead to increased production of HCL which will stimulate the acid conditions of the stomach, so that the stimulus in the medulla oblongata carry impulses vomiting so it can not be received by the digestive tract perfectly. This is what causes vomiting. 2 CASE PRESENTATION Patient Mrs. AP is a 32-year-old woman admitted to the internal medicine ward. Patient diagnosed with dyspepsia. Patient entered in the PGI Cikini Hospital on September 21, 2014. Patient felt dizzy, nausea, vomiting, and weakness of the week before admission. Upon entering the hospital, the patient felt dizzy, weakness, nausea, and poor appetite. Results of laboratory such occurs enhancement erythrocyte sedimentation rate, decreased hematocrit, and an increase in the neutrophils. CLINICAL EVALUATION In this case patient treated with Cefotaxim used to treat infections, Parasetamol used to treat pain, fever, Laxis The use u ntuk reduce fluid in the body and throw it through the urinary. Meropenem used u ntuk overcome infection in the stomach, Ranitidin for 1885 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. treatment ulcers gastric and duodenal ulcers, reflux, esophagitis, dispepsia chronic episodic. Onandsetron to overcome vomiting, Pantozol to relieve symptoms and short-term treatment of gastric disorders and reduction of gastric acid, Polysilane to relieve symptoms associated with excess stomach acid , gastritis, gastric ulcer with symptoms such as nausea GEJ style, gastric pain. 4 DISCUSSION Patient Mrs. AP is a 32-year-old woman diagnosed with dyspepsia, entered in the PGI Cikini Hospital on September 21, 2014. The complaint of dizziness, nausea, vomiting, and weakness of the week before admission. Upon admission, the patient feels dizzy, weakness, nausea, and poor appetite. Patient suffering from dyspepsia diagnosis Dyspepsia is a collection of complaint or clinical symptoms consist of discomfort or pain, full of flavor and heat in the upper abdomen persistent or relapsing pain and heartburn heat 2 Therapeutic treatment includes administration of Laxis (Furosemide) to cope with dyspepsia in order to reduce fluid in, through the urinary Onandsetronto overcome vomiting, Pantozol to relieve symptoms and short-term treatment of gastric disorders and reduction of gastric acid, Polysilane to relieve symptoms associated with excess stomach acid, gastritis, peptic ulcers with symptoms such as nausea, stomach pain. 4 The results of laboratory tests which occur enhancement erythrocyte sedimentation rate, decreased hematocrit, and was an increase in neutrophils. DRUG RELATED PROBLEMS (DRPs) Drug Related Problem 1 Furosemide and calcium carbonate can reduce levels of calcium carbonate by increasing renal clearance, small or non-significant interaction. 1 Drug Related Problem 2 Furosemide and Magnesium hydroxide can reduce the level of magnesium hydroxide by increasing renal clearance, small or non-significant interaction. 1 1886 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. CONCLUSION Based on the results of clinical work practice in Cikini hospital about drug interactions Laxis (Furosemide) with Polysilane (Kalsium carbonate and magnesium hydroxide). REFERENCES 1. Baxter, K. Stockley's Drug intera ction Eight Edition. London. 200 8 2. Harahap, Y, 2009. Characteristics of patients with dyspepsia inpatient hospital Tahup 2007 Martha Physics field. 3. Poltak Hutagalung, Sirait Amir, Nadeax Moxa. 100 Years of RS PGI Cikini, with Sentuha n Love. Jakarta. 1997 4. ISFI ,. "Iso Pharmacotherapy" ISFI Jakarta.2012 5. J oint Formulary Committee. British National Formulary. London. 2009 6. Juliyanto, 2012. "dyspepsia". , accessed on May 9, 2014 7. Reeves J Charlene. Medical Surgical Nursing. Jakarta. 2001 8. Syahputra, Henry. 2013. "Dyspepsia". , accessed on 10 April 2014 9. Lecturer in the Faculty of Medicine University of Sriwijaya. Pharmacology Lecture Ed set. 2. EGC: Jakarta. 2009 10. Taringan, C., 2003. The difference in depression in patients with functional dyspepsia and organic dyspepsia. Downloaded 20011. dated October 4 http: // 11. Tjay Tan Hoan. Medications important. Elex Media Komputindo: Jakarta 2007 1887 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. CASE STUDY: DRUG RELATED PROBLEM IN PATIENT WITH PULMONARY TBC, DYSPEPSIA SYNDROME AND HYPERTENTION AT PERSAHABATAN HOSPITAL Pajar Budi Lestari1, Aprilita Rinayanti Eff.2 and Diana Laila Rahmatillah2 1 Student of Pharmacist Program, Faculty of Pharmacy UTA ’45 Jakarta 2 Lecturer of Faculty of Pharmacy UTA ’45 Jakarta ABSCRACT Tuberculosis (TBC or TB) is an infectious disease caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Jackson, Stephen. 2009). Dyspepsia syndrome is an abdominal pain, bloating and nausea. The symptoms can occur with gastric and duodenal ulceration and gastric cancer but most commonly it is of uncertain origin (BNF 67, 2014). Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS is defined as the most severe form of a continuum of illnesses associated with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection (Smeltzer, S. C., Bare, B. G., Hinkle, J. L., & Cheever, K. H., 2010). Patient mis M.I., 23 years old, was hospitalized at Persahabatan Hospital on October 8, 2014 with diagnosis : Pulmonary TBC, Dyspepsia Syndrome and HIV AIDS. Patient was treated with Fluimucyl, Rifampicin, Isonoazid, Pyrazinamid, Ethambutol, Onandsentron and Ranitidine. In this case, there is found Drug Related Problems (DRPs) that is untreated complaints, dosage regimen is too low, unappropriate drug selection and drug interactions. Keyword : Drug Related Problem, Pulmonary TBC, Dyspepsia Syndrome, HIV AIDS, Persahabatan Hospital 1888 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. I. INTRODUCTION Tuberculosis (TBC or TB) is an infectious disease caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Jackson, Stephen. 2009). Dyspepsia syndrome is an abdominal pain, fullness, early satiety, bloating and nausea. The symptoms can occur with gastric and duodenal ulceration and gastric cancer but most commonly it is of uncertain origin (BNF 67, 2014). Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS is defined as the most severe form of a continuum of illnesses associated with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV infection (Smeltzer, S. ., Bare, B. G., Hinkle, J. L., & Cheever, K. H., 2010). II. CASE PRESENTATION Patient mis M.I., 23 years old, was hospitalized at Persahabatan Hospital on October 8, 2014. Patient came with complaint about shortness of breath since one week before admission, cough with sputum ± 3 months, nausea, pain in heart burn and heat arising missing since ± 3 months prior to admission hospital. III. CLINIC EVALUATION In this case the patient was treated with Fluimucyl as anti mucolytics to reduce the viscosity of sputum, Rifampicin for anti TB drug in combination with other anti TB therapy for early and repeated, Isonoazid for the treatment of all forms of active tuberculosis caused by germs that are sensitive, Pyrazinamide for therapy TB in combination with other anti TB which are bacteriside which can kill germs in cell with acidic conditions, Ethambutol for TB combination therapy which is bacterostatic to suppress the growth of TB bacteria, Onandsentron to treat nausea, Ranitidinee to overcome stomach irritation. 1889 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. IV. DOSAGE AND METHODE OF USAGE No 1 Day st 1 day Therapy Treatment Oxygen 3 lpm NK IVFD NaCl 0.9% 500 cc /12 hour + Aminofluid /24 hour 2 2nd day Fluimucyl 3x200mg (PO) Rifampicin 1x450 mg (PO) Isoniazid 1x300 mg (PO) Pyrazinamide 1x750 mg (PO) Ethambutol 1x750 mg (PO) Onandsentron 3x4 mg (iv) Ranitidine 2x50 mg (iv) Oxygen 3 lpm NK IVFD NaCl 0.9% 500 cc /12 hour + Aminofluid /24 hour 3 3rd day Fluimucyl 3x200mg (PO) Rifampicin 1x450 mg (PO) Isoniazid 1x300 mg (PO) Pyrazinamide 1x750 mg (PO) Ethambutol 1x750 mg (PO) Onandsentron 3x4 mg (iv) Ranitidine 2x50 mg (iv) Oxygen 3 lpm NK IVFD NaCl 0.9% 500 cc /12 hour + Aminofluid /24 hour Fluimucyl 3x200mg (PO) Rifampicin 1x450 mg (PO) Isoniazid 1x300 mg (PO) 1890 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. th 4 4 day Pyrazinamide 1x750 mg (PO) Ethambutol 1x750 mg (PO) Onandsentron 3x4 mg (iv) Ranitidine 2x50 mg (iv). Oxygen 3 lpm NK IVFD NaCl 0.9% 500 cc /12 hour + Aminofluid /24 hour 5th day 5 Fluimucyl 3x200mg (PO) Rifampicin 1x450 mg (PO) Isoniazid 1x300 mg (PO) Pyrazinamide 1x750 mg (PO) Ethambutol 1x750 mg (PO) Onandsentron 3x4 mg (iv) Ranitidine 2x50 mg (iv) Oxygen 3 lpm NK IVFD NaCl 0.9% 500 cc /12 hour + Aminofluid /24 hour Fluimucyl 3x200mg (PO) Rifampicin 1x450 mg (PO) Isoniazid 1x300 mg (PO) Pyrazinamide 1x750 mg (PO) Ethambutol 1x750 mg (PO) Onandsentron 3x4 mg (iv) Ranitidine 2x50 mg (iv) Laboratory Data No. Parameter Value Normal Value Hematologi 6-10-2014 11-10-2014 1891 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. 1 Leukocytes 9070/mm3 3560/mm3 * 5000-10000/ mm3 2 Neutrophils 74.3% * 51.6% 50-70 3 Limphocytes 14.7% * 22.5% * 25-40 4 Monocyte 9.0% * 13.2% * 2-8 5 Eosinophil 1.7% * 12.4% * 2-4 6 Basophil 0.3% 0.3% 0-1 7 Erythrocytes 4.3 billion/uL 4,84 billion/uL 3,6-5,8 8 Hemoglobin 11 g/dL * 9.7d/dL * 12,0-16,0 9 Hematocrit 33% * 31% * 35-47 10 MCV 77.4 fL * 81.3 fL 80-100 11 MCH 25.6 pg * 25.5 pg * 26-34 12 MCHC 33 % 31.4% * 32-36 13 RDW-CV 13.6% 14 Platelet count 386000/mm3 316000/mm3 150000-440000 15 Blood Glucose 86 - <180 11,5-14,5 No. Parameter Value Normal Value 1. Anti HIV Reactive18.34 Reactive ≥ 0.25 Non Reactive < 0.25 2. Procalsitonin > 200ng/ml Normal < 0.05 Local Infection ≥ 0.05 - < 0.5 Sepsis ≥ 0.5 - < 2 Severe Sepsis ≥ 2 - < 10 Septic Shock ≥ 10 DISCUSSION 1892 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. In the first day of hospitalized patient was diagnosed with pulmonary tuberculosis and was treated with anti-tuberculosis drugs, but on the third day of treated patient also was diagnosed with dyspepsia syndrome and HIV. Based on laboratory data, it was believed that the patient had an infection showed from a low value of leukocytes, suffered from anemia which was showed from the value of hemoglobin, MCH and MCHC which were low but the patient did not get a blood enhancing drugs. The patient also suffering HIV who presentated from anti-HIV test result is reactive 18.34, patient also has not received HIV drugs. During the treatment period patient was treated with a solution of NaCl infusion to maintain osmolarity and acid base balance in the body and added Aminofluid for maintenance of homeostasis in patient less oral fluid intake. The patient was experiencing cough phlegm then she was given Fluimucyl as anti mucolytics to reduce the viscosity of sputum. She was also given Rifampicin for treatment resistant tuberculosis in combination with other anti tuberculosis therapy for early and repeated (BNF 67, 2014). Isoniazid was used therapy for all forms of active tuberculosis, caused by suspectible bacteria and for prophylaxis of persons at high risk of getting an infection. Pyrazinamide for treatment of tuberculosis in combination with other anti tuberculosis, bacteriside, could kill germs that were in cell with acidic conditions. Ethambutol for tuberculosis combination therapy with other drug, appropriate treatment regimen if resistance was suspected, bacterostatic, by pressing the TB germ growth. Onandsentron for reducing nausea and vomiting. Ranitidine for the treatment of gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer, because patient complained of nausea and abdominal pain. Drug Related Problem (DRPs) that are untreated complaints patient has symptom anemia but do not receive the drug, the patient do not get Pyridoxine as a prophylactic to prevent and cope with disturbances of peripheral neuritis caused by the consumption of isoniazid. Ranitidine dose is too low which given only of 2x50 mg where as 3x50 mg (Burns, Aine. 2009). Unappropriate drug selection for onandsentron, because onandsentron is used as an anti nausea due to the effect of chemotherapy, drug interaction between rifampicin with INH and INH with pyrazinamide. V. DRUG RELATED PROBLEM 1. Untreated comlpaints 1893 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. a. The patient experience HIV but she do not get HIV drugs. It is recommended to give HIV drugs. b. The patient experience anemia, but she do not get the blood enhancing drugs. It is suggested for the doctor to give blood enhancing drugs and monitoring the result of blood pressure and blood check. c. The patient did not get Pyridoxine, as a prophylactic therapy to prevent and cope with disturbances of peripheral neuritis caused by the consumption of isoniazid (Jackson, Stephen. 2009) 2. Dose regimen is too low Drug dose was too low, the prescription Ranitidinee 2x50 mg daily. While according to Dr. Aine Burns ( Renal Drug Handbook, 2009) is 3x50 mg daily. It is suggested that the doctor to reevaluated the use of therapeutic doses of Ranitidinee and monitor the record nurses list therapy. 3. Unappropriate Drug Selection of drug The patient was experiencing nausea and vomiting, the recipe given is onandsentron. Onandsentron is an antiemetic used to treat nausea and vomiting from chemotherapy effect. The patient should be given domperidone. It is suggested that the doctor review the accuracy in drug and monitor the record nurses list therapy. 4. Drug Interactions a. Rifampicin with INH Toxicity of INH can increase with Rifampicin through enzim induction. (Stockley, 2008) b. INH with Pyrazinamide Additive hepatotoxicity ( Stockley, 2008) It is recommended that nurses monitor routinely and check monitoring of liver function. VI. CONCLUSION Based on the result of clinical work practice tuberculosis ward in Persahabatan Hospital, it is concluded that there is Drug Related Problem (DRPs). There are untreated complaints, dosage regimen is too low, unappropriate drug selection and drug interactions. 1894 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. REFERENCE 1. British National Formulary 67th Edition. London. Hlm. 44, 386 – 390 2. Burns, Aine. 2009. Renal Drug Handbook third edition. New York : Oxford. Hlm. 634 3. Jackson, Stephen H.D., Paul A.F. Jansen., & Arduino A. Mangoni. 2009. Prescribing for Erderly Patient. London: Wiley-Blackwell. Hlm. 199 4. Smeltzer, S. C., Bare, B.G., Hinkle, J. L., & Cheever, K. H. 2010. Brunner & Suddarth’s: Textbook of Medical Surgical Nursing 12th Edition. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Hlm. 1 5. Stockley, Ivan H. 2008. Stockley’s Drug Interaction. London: Pharmaceutical Press. Hlm. 308, 310 1895 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. DRUG RELATED PROBLEM IN PATIENT WITH HYPERTENSION HEART DESEASE (HHD) AND PARAPARESE INFERIOR DISEASE AT MINTOHARJO HOSPITAL JAKARTA Jefri Tri Widodo1, ,Aprilita Rinayanti Efi2 and Diana LailaRahmatillah2 1 Student of Pharmacist Professional Program Student, Faculty of Pharmacy UTA'45 Jakarta 2 Lecturer of Faculty of Pharmacy UTA'45 Jakarta Email: ABSTRACT Paraparese inferior is paralysis caused by loss of motor functions of the nervous lumbar, sacral, or thoracic. The general term used to describe paraparese is incomplete (1). paraplegia Hypertension Heart Disease (HHD) is an abnormality of the spectrum which is an accumulation of blood pressure increase. HHD recovery can be achieved by administering antihypertensive therapy at every stage and condition. Hypertension is a factor that causes the greatest cause of CVD risk as HHD other CVD risk factors. The final phase of HHD is heart failure(2). Patient Mr. ZN, age 56 year old, entered theMintoharjoHospitalon 25 November 2014 patient was diagnosed Paraparase Inferior and Hypertension Heart Desease (HHD). Patient has treated with Infusion RL, oxygen gas (O2),Neurodex, Mecobalamin, amlodipine, Cardace, Canderin, Spironolactone, Furosemide, Valdimex, ambroxol. In this case found the existence of Drug Related Problems (DRP) that areinteraction between cardace with canderin, both of them have pharmacodynamic synergism. That allows the interaction seriously and untreated complaint. Keyword: Drug Related Problem (DRP), HHD, Mintohardjo Hospital 1896 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. INTRODUCTION3,4,5,6,7 Paraparese inferior is paralysis caused by loss of motor functions of the nervous lumbar, sacral, or thoracic. The general term used to describe paraparesis is incomplete paraplegia(3).Paraparese can be caused by injury to the spinal cord. Injuries to the spine can cause the occurrence of autonomic disorder. Autonomic Disfunction (AD) has the potential to cause blood pressure becomes irregular and potentially cause hypertension. Antihypertensive therapy should be given due to risk of causing death (4). Paraparese the inferior opposite can also be caused by hypertension. Hypertension in the long term can lead to rupture of the aorta (aortic dissection). The aortic rupture eventually lead to inferior paraparesis(5). Hypertension Heart Disease (HHD) is an abnormality of the spectrum which is an accumulation of blood pressure increase. HHD recovery can be achieved by administering antihypertensive therapy at every stage and condition. Hypertension is a factor that causes the greatest cause of CVD risk as HHD other CVD risk factors. The final phase of HHD is heart failure / heart failure (6). Pathogenesis of HHD starting from prolonged hypertension, causing Ventrcular Left Hypertrophy (LVH) or myocardial infarction due to systolic blood pressure is too high increase muscle mass left ventricle of the heart (LV). The occurrence of LVH in addition to the systolic blood pressure is too high also due to other factors such as genes, race, anemia, and / or chronic kidney disease (CKD). Meanwhile, in addition to myocardial infarction due to systolic blood pressure was also supported by a factor of hypercholesterolemia, and / or diabetes. Both LVH and myocardial infarction were not addressed would risk causing systolic and diastolic dysfunction, which in turn leads to heart failure as HHD (7). CASE PRESENTATION Patient Mr. ZN, aged 56 years old, entered MintoharjoHosital on 25 November 2014. Patient presented with leg paralyzed, shortness of breath, anxiety, and sleeplessness. CLINICAL EVALUATION In this case the patient was treated with Infusion RL for the balance of electrolytes, oxygen gas (O 2) to assist breathing, Neurodek for the prevention and cure of neurotrophic, Mecobalamin for deficiency of vitamin B12 as the formation of red blood cells, amlodipine to control high blood 1897 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. pressure, Cardace (Ramipril 5 mg) for the treatment of hypertension and heart failure, Canderin (Candesartanecilexetil 8 mg and 16 mg Candesartanecilexetil) to inhibit blood pressure, Spironolactone to lower blood pressure that is not controlled, Lasix (furosemide) for mild hypertension that is effective for the treatment of edema , Valdimex to overcome sleeplessness, ambroxol to cough up phlegm. DOSAGE REGIMEN On the first day and second day patient wastreated with: Infusion RL 28tpm / 500cc (IV), Neurodex 2x1 tab (PO). On the third day patient was given: Infusion RL 28tpm / 500cc (IV), Neurodex 2x1 tab (PO), Mecobalamin 3x500mg (PO), amlodipine 1x5mg (PO). On the fourth day patient was give : Lasix 1x1amp (IV), Neurodex 2x1 tab (PO), Mecobalamin 3x500mg (PO), amlodipine 1x5mg (PO), Canderin 1x8mg (PO). On the five and sixth day patient was give: Lasix 1x1amp (IV), Neurodex 2x1 tab (PO), Mecobalamin 3x500mg (PO), amlodipine 1x5mg (PO), Canderin 1x8mg (PO), Cardace 1x2,5mg (PO). On the seventh day patient was give: O 2,Neurodex 2x1 tab (PO), Mecobalamin 3x500mg (PO), amlodipine 1x5mg (PO), Canderin 1x8mg (PO), Cardace 1x2,5mg (PO), Furosemide 1x40mg (PO), Valdimex 1x5mg (PO). On the eight day patient was give: Neurodex 2x1 tab (PO), Mecobalamin 3x500mg (PO), Canderin 1x8mg (PO), Cardace 1x2,5mg (PO), Spironolaktone 1x25mg (PO). On the ninth day to day twelve patient give: Neurodex 2x1 tab (PO), Mecobalamin 3x500mg (PO), Canderin 1x8mg (PO), Cardace 1x2,5mg (PO), Spironolaktone 1x25mg (PO), ambroxol 3x30mg (PO) . BLOOD PRESURE RECORD DATE THE RESULTS NORMAL VALUE 11/25/2014 160/70 mmHg <120/80 mmHg 11/26/2014 160/70 mmHg <120/80 mmHg 11/27/2014 130/80 mmHg <120/80 mmHg 11/28/2014 190/80 mmHg <120/80 mmHg 11/29/2014 170/80 mmHg <120/80 mmHg 11/30/2014 110/80 mmHg <120/80 mmHg 01/12/2014 170/80 mmHg <120/80 mmHg 1898 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. 02/12/2014 130/80 mmHg <120/80 mmHg 12/03/2014 120/80 mmHg <120/80 mmHg 04/12/2014 110/70 mmHg <120/80 mmHg 05/12/2014 100/70 mmHg <120/80 mmHg DISCUSSION8 Patient visited hospital with any complaint, that is paralyze of led. Patient was diagnosed with neuropathy caused paraparese inferior. Before entering hospital patient often experience shortness of breath after walking. The complaint suspected because patient experiencing hypertension Heart Diseasebefore. Based on medical records and medical history patient also Suffered asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD),Heart Disease and Hypertension (HHD). Paraparese inferior or incomplete paraplegia experienced by patient on admission is made possible because of antihypertensive therapy in the treatment of previously HHD is not optimal. Based on research in some cases, inferior paraparese can occur because of the possibility of aortic dissection due to hypertension (8). At the time of entered hospital, patient was given infusion of RL and neurodex. RL infusion is used to provide minerals for the body of the patient, Neurodexserves as a supplement intended to diagnose treat neuropathy in paraparese inferior. Drug-related problems that occur when the patient entered the hospital is the indication hypertension untreated until 25 to 26 November 2014. The patient's blood pressure at the time of admission is high ie 160/90 mmHg, patient needed antihypertension therapy but doctor didn’t give him..On 27 November 2014 patient received amlodipine for antihypertension in the therapy. On 28 November 2014 the patient's blood pressure is 190/80 mm Hg is very high and at the time the doctor giving injection therapy containing furosemide lasix as Loop diuretics. In addition to furosemide, patient also received canderin containing candesartan (class ARB) and amlodipine (CCB group ). On 29 November 2014 the patient's blood pressure is still down significantly. Doctor gave combination therapy amlodipine(CCB), canderin (ARB group), cardace (ACE group), and spironolactone for aggressively lowering blood pressure. Amlodipine, canderin, and spironolactone were given in the morning while cardace given at night. Patient feel uneasy after 1899 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. receiving the therapy. This was due to the possibility of side effects of spironolactone medication or a combination of these cardacecanderin and symptomatic hypotension such as anxiety. Although giving cardace at night and not in conjunction with other antihypertensive drugs, but the half-life cardace (ACE group) is 13-17 hours (MD 36 p.1385). The half-life long enough that allows the interaction with antihypertensive drugs were given on the following morning. By because it is giving cardace cause potassium retention, if provided with spironolactone, which is a potassium-sparing diuretics can cause hyperkalemia. On 30 November - December 5, 2014 doctor wrote Diagnosed Hypertension Heart Disease (HHD) due to the patient's blood pressure is not normal for 5 days of treatment. The same Diagnosed with previous medical history of the patient, so it can be concluded that the inferior paraparese experienced by the patient as a result of prolonged HHD. A patient complaint sleeplessnessoccur on 27- December 30, 2014. This may be due to the pattern of antihypertensive therapy remain and cause side effects similar difficulty sleeping restlessly. In addressing the complaints of patients, nurses provide valdimex drugs containing diazepam. Shortness of breath experienced by each patient relapsed patient unpleasant smell. During treatment, patient experience symptoms of shortness of breath on 27 November to 1 December 2014. This suggests that the symptoms due to asthma uncontrolled. Asthma has been experienced by patient before entering the hospital patient never received asthma medication. At the time of admission to hospital for up to one week of treatment in the ward doctors only recommend the use of oxygen at the time of the patient experiencing shortness of breath. Drugs for asthma do not give because the treatment is focused to overcome complaints paraparese inferior and hyertension desease. Doctors hypertension more andgerous than asthma concidered. However, we recommended that patient. Drug asthma should be adjusted with patient condition and medications the patient ever received before condition of the patients who have asthma because betablocker can induce broncho constricting. DRUG RELATED PROBLEM 1900 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. 1. a. Untreated Disease On the first day and the second day treatment, patientexperiance hypertension but he received anti-hypertension therapy given at third day until seventh day. b. On third day until seventh day treatment, patient suffered asthma disease but doctor didn’t give treatment for overcome the ashma disease. 2. Drug interaction spironolactone with canderin and cadace can cause hyperkalemia CONCLUSION Based on the monitoring of drug therapy in Mintoharjo Hospital it can be concluded that the presence of DRP (Drug Related Problems) is the interaction between cardace with canderin, both of them have pharmacodynamic synergism. that allows the interaction seriously untreated complaint. REFERENCES 1. Barcelos, air conditioning, Scardino, FB, Patriota, GC, Rotta, JM, &Botelho, RV (2009). Paraparesis or Incomplete Paraplegia?How Should We Call it?Springer-Verlag. 2. Izzo, JL, &Gradman, AH (2004). Mechanism and Management of Hypertensive Heart Disease: Left Ventricular Hypertrophy to from Heart Failure. Medical Clinics of North America, 1257-1271. 3. Gerald, Mark F, et al. (2012). Global Strategy for Asthma Management and Prevention. 4. Hsu, Y.-C., & Lin, C.-CK (2004). Paraparesisasthe major Initial Presentation of Aortic Dissection: Report of Four Cases. ActaNeurol Taiwan, 192-197. 5. Sweetman, Sean C., 2009, Martindale The Complete Drug Reference 36 thed, Pharmaceutical Press, London 6. Myers, J., Lee, M., &Kirati, J. (2007). Cardiovascular Disease in Spinal Chord Injury;An Overview of Prevalence of Risk, Evaluation, and Management. American Journal of Physiology, 86, 1-11 1901 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. CASE REPORT : DRUG RELATED PROBLEM IN VERTIGO DISEASE AT MINTOHARDJO HOSPITAL JAKARTA Sherly1 , Aprilita Rinayanti Efi2 and Diana Laila Rahmatillah2 1 Student of Pharmacist Professional Program Student, Faculty of Pharmacy UTA'45 Jakarta 2 Lecturer of Faculty of Pharmacy UTA’45 Jakarta Email: ABSTRACT Fever or febrile is an increase in body temperature of normal temperature variations everyday associated with an increasing in temperature reference point in the hypothalamus (1). Normal body temperature ranges from 36.6 to 37.2 ° C Degree of temperatures can say fever of a rectal temperature ≥ 38.0 ° or oral temperature ≥ 37.5 ° C (2). Vertigo is a symptom that refers to the existence of the sensation of moving both rational movement or linear movement that was not there. Feeling as if the patient moves or rotates, or as if the objects around the patient moves or rotates, which is usually accompanied by nausea and loss of balance (3). Patient Mrs. H, aged 48 years old entered Mintohardjo Hospital on December 1 2014. Patient was vertigo experience febrile. Patient was treated for hospitalized with IVFD RL, Ranitidine injection, Paracetamol, Betahistine, Sucralfate, Mefenamic Acid, diphenhydramine, and injection of Ondacentron. In this case found Drug Related Problems (DRP) that are interaction between Sucralfate and Ranitidine, Sucralfate reduce the absorption or bioavailability of Ranitidine. Ranitidine should be given 2 hours before giving Sucralfate and improper drug selective. Keywords: Drug Related Problem (DRP), Vertigo, Mintohardjo Hospital 1902 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. INTRODUCTION4,5,6 Vertigo is a symptom that refers to the existence of the sensation of moving both rational movement or linear movement that was not there. Feeling as if the patient moves or rotates, or as if the objects around the patient moves or rotates, which is usually accompanied by nausea and these abnormalities associated with impaired balance the body's system. Vertigo may last only a few moments or may continue for several hours or even days. Patients often feel better when lying still, but vertigo may continue even if the patient does not move at all (4). Febrile is the increase (set-point) hypotalamus temperature, by increasing the benchmark point. Then hypothalamus sends signals to increase body temperature. The body responds by shivering and increase metabolism bases. Fever is an increase in body temperature of normal temperature variations everyday associated with an increase in temperature reference point in the hypothalamus (5). Normal body temperature ranges from 36.6 to 37.2 ° C Degree temperatures can say fever of a rectal temperature ≥ 38.0 ° or oral temperature ≥ 37.5 ° C (6). CASE PRESENTATION Patient Mrs. H, aged 48 years old entered Mintohardjo Hospital on December 1, 2014. Patient present with vertigo, fever ± 2 days before admission, fever, nausea and vertigo. CLINICAL EVALUATION In this case the patient got treatment therapy with IVFD RL instead of body fluids, Ranitidine injection for gastric ulcer, Paracetamol as an antipyretic (fever), Betahistine as an anti-vertigo, Sucralfate is indicated for gastric ulcer, Mefenamic Acid as an analgesic (pain reliever), diphenhydramine as antivomiting, injection Ondacentron as an anti-nausea and antivomiting. DOSAGE AND METHOD OF TREATMENT First day: IVFD RL 28 gtt/mm, Ranitidine injection 50 mg bid , and Ondacentron injection 1 gram bid, Paracetamol tablets 500 mg tid, Betahistine tablets 6 mg tid, Sucralfate syrup tid. Second day : Paracetamol tablets 500 mg bid, Betahistine tabklets 6 mg tid, Sucralfate syrup tid, Mefenamic Acid 500 mg tid. Third day: Paracetamol tablets 500 mg tid, Betahistine tablets 6 mg tid, Sucralfate syrup tid, and Dextrometorphan syrup tid. MEDICAL RECORD 1903 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. Date 02/12/2014 Blood Pressure 100/70 mmHg Normal Value 120/80 mmHg Laboratory results 4,800 leukocytes / ml Erythrocytes 4:36 million / ml Hemoglobin 13.2 g / dL Hematocrit 37% Platelets 139,000 thousand / ml 03/12/2014 100/60 mmHg 120/80 mmHg 04/12/2014 120/90 mmHg 120/80 mmHg DISCUSSION Patient entered into Mintohardjo Hospital with complaints experiencing vertigo, fever ± 2 days before admission and febrile hospital, doctors diagnosed that patient suffered vertigo.On the second day the patient complained of dizziness, weakness, nausea, and fever, and the receive IVFD RL, Ranitidine injection, and Ondacentron injection. The results of laboratory showed WBCs and platelets value were abnormal, RL IVFD is given for substitute body fluids, Ranitidine injection for peptic ulcers, and Ondacentron injection for treat nausea and vomiting. We recommend the use of injection Ondacentron replaced with Metoclopramide or Domperidone to overcome the problem of nausea and vomiting. Ondacentron injection is appropriate for patient who experienced nausea and vomiting post operative. On the third day, complaint of patient about fatigue, headache, and cough has reduced, because patient experienced vertigo, Betahistine therapy should be given on the first day of admission to the hospital. On the fourth day the patient complained of weakness, dizziness small reduced, decreased appetite, and blood pressure of 120/90 mmHg. Patient was treated with Paracetamol as an antipyretic (fever), betahistine as an anti-vertigo, Sucralfate syrup is indicated for gastric ulcer, and is used for cough Dekstrometorphan syrup. DRUG RELATED PROBLEM7 a. Drug Interaction 1904 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. Sucralfate with Ranitidine: Can reduce the absorption or bioavailibility of Ranitidine must be given within 2 hours before giving Sucralfate(7). b. Improper drug selective Ondacentron Injection is used to treat nausea and vomiting due to chemotherapy and radiotherapy, for the prevention of nausea and vomiting post-surgery. Suggestion: We recommend injection Ondacentron replaced with Metoclopramide or Domperidone effective or prevent nausea and vomiting. CONCLUSION Based on the results of monitoring drug therapy conducted Mintohardjo, it can be cocluded that the presence of DRP (Drug Related Problems) and drug interactions. Where there was interaction between Sucralfate with Ranitidine: Sucralfate may reduce the absorption or bioavailibility of Ranitidine that the drug must be given within 2 hours before giving Sucralfate. Ondacentron injection for the prevention of nausea and vomiting caused by chemotherapy and radiotherapy and the prevention of nausea and vomiting post-surgery. Ondacentron injection should be replaced with Metoclopramide or Domperidone. REFERENCES 1. Gelfrand, JA. 2005. Fever in hyperthermia 16 th ed. The McGraw-Hill Company: Singapore, Page: 9-16. 2. Zieve,D. 2010. Fever. Available From: (Update 29 January 2010). 3. Sen, Ahmet. 2007. Benign Paroxysmal Vertigo in an Airline Pilot. Aviation, Space, and Environmental Medicine. 4. Anonymous. 2005. Stocley's Drug Interactions. The Pharmaceutical Press, Page: 80. 1905 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. CASE REPORT: DRUG RELATED PROBLEMS IN TREATMENT CAD, HHD, BULLA LUNG AT PGI CIKINI HOSPITAL Eni1, Aprilita Rinayati Efi2, Diana Laila Rahmatillah2, and Stefanus Lukas2 1 Student of pharmacist program, faculty of pharmacy UTA’45 Jakarta. 2 Lecturer of faculty of pharmacy UTA’45 Jakarta Email: ABSTRACT Coronary artery disease (CAD) normally occurs due to atherosclerotic occlusion of the coronary arteries that caused increasing vessel on blood vessel. So, that cause contriction which molest blood flow. Mr. SP aged 62 years old was diagnosed with CAD, HHD, Bulla lung. Originally patient come with shortness of breath problem, coughing mixed with blood, chest pain. Present History of patient illnest were feeling chest pain which spread to the back, palpitations, shortness of breath. Past medical history is of type II diabetes, hepatitis B. From the results of echocardiography (ECG) showed LVH, suspected CAD, mild diastolic dysfunction (Grade1) and decreased LV systolic function. And from the results of radiographic examination showed pulmonary infiltrates appear smooth left apex, blood glucose tests as 199 mg/dl. Drug therapy given by the doctor to Mr. SP includes standard therapies to treat diseases HHD, Hepatitis B, diabetes mellitus type II, and a dry cough that are Captopril 12,5mg tab, Heplav 50mg tab, Novorapid flexpen 10u, 25u Lantus Flexpen, and Fluimucil 600mg tabs. Result of monitoring clinical practice in PGI Cikini Hospital. It can be concluded that there is found Drug Related Problem that are adverse drugs reaction need aditional medication, patient uncompliance, dose is too high, drug interactions. Keywords : Drug related problem CAD, HHD, Lung Bulla, PGI Cikini Hospital. 1906 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. 1. Introduction Coronary artery disease occurs when the blood supply to the coronary artery myocardial (heart muscle) is not adequate so that the heart can not pump blood effectively, resulting in blood perfusion to organs impaired. Organs and tissues need oxygen through the blood from the arteries to maintain its function1. CAD can be caused by heredity, gender, age, increase blood cholesterol levels, smoking, physical inactivity2. Hypertension Heart Disease (HHD) is a term applied to mention heart disease as a whole, starting from the left ventricle hyperthrophy (LVH), cardiac arrhythmias, coronary heart disease, and chronic heart disease, which is caused due to an increase in blood pressure, either directly or indirectly directly3. Increased systemic blood pressure increases the resistance to pumping blood from the left ventricle, thus increasing heart load. As a result of left ventricular hypertrophy to increase the contraction. Hypertrophy is characterized by an increased wall thickness, which deteriorates the function space, and a cardiac chamber dilatation. However, the ability of the ventricle to maintain cardiac output with compensated hypertrophy and dilation eventually exceeded and heart trouble. Heart increasingly threatened as the severity of coronary atherosclerosis3. High blood pressure increases the heart, and over time, it can cause the heart muscle becomes weak. The function of the heart as a pump to increase blood pressure in the left atrium is enlarged to the chambers of the heart and blood pumped by the heart each minute (cardiac output) to be down, which without treatment, symptoms of heart failure may develop ingestive 4. High blood pressure is the most common risk factor for heart disease and stroke. Ischemic heart disease can cause (decreased blood supply to the heart muscle in the incidence of angina pectoris and heart attacks) from the increased supply of oxygen needed by the heart muscle is weak. High blood pressure also contributes to blood vessel walls that can aggravate atheroscherotis. It will also increase the risk of heart attack and stroke4. Bulla is a fluid-filled chamber (diameter ranging from 1 cm to very large) in the lung parenchyma that occurs due to the deterioration of network alveola5. One of which play a role in the 1907 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. respiratory process is the presence of a negative pressure in the pleural cavity during the respiratory cycle. In the event of a leak due to rupture of alveoli, bulla or bleb so will lead to a relationship between a ruptured alveoli with pleural cavity, or leak chest wall trauma, then the air will move into the pleural cavity negative pressure to the same pressure is reached or until the leak closed. Negative pressure in the pleural cavity is not equal throughout the pleura, the negative pressure at the apex compared with basal area. The mechanism of spontaneous pneumothorax is the result of a more negative pressure in the lungs compared with the peak of the basal part and the pressure difference will cause distension greater at the apex of the alveoli. Excessive distension in normal lung will cause rupture subpleural alveoli. Another thing that often causes spontaneous pneumothorax is rupture of bullae or subpleural bleb 5. 2. Case Presentation Mr. SP aged 62 years old admitted to PGI Cikini Hospital. Patient diagnosed with CAD, HHD, Lung Bulla. The patient was hospitalized PGI Cikini dated October 3, 2014. Initially patient present with shortness of breath, coughing mixed with blood, chest pain, blood pressure of 140/90 mmHg, 3636,30C temperature, pulse 72-82x/ min, respiratory 20x/min, 1-2 pain scale. History of present illness patient feel chest pain radiating to the back, palpitations, shortness of breath. Past medical history is of type II diabetes, hepatitis B. The results of echocardiographic examination showed LVH, with suspected CAD, diastolic dysfunction milk (Grade 1) and decreased LV systolic function. And from the results of chest X-ray showed pulmonary infiltrates appear smooth left apex, blood glucose tests as 199 mg/dL. 3. Discussion Based on clinical data and the results of echocardiographic examination, radiographic examinations, laboratory tests patient has diagnosed CAD, HHD, Lung Bulla. 1908 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. Hematological examination on October 4, 2014 showed the presence of some abnormal results, including high blood sedimentation rate of 17 mm/h (reference value of 0-10 mm/h), low hemoglobin 12.5 g/dL (reference value of 13.0 - 16.0 g/dl), erythrocytes 4.32 mm3 (reference value of 4.5 - 5.5 million mm3), a low hematocrit 38% (40 - 48% reference value), high Eosinophils 5% (reference value 1-3%), neutrophils Trunk low 0% (2-6% reference value), high Monocytes 10% (2-8% reference value), high patient APTT 43.4 second (reference value 26,4 - 37.5 seconds). Examination of Clinical Chemistry on October 4, 2014 indicated that there were some abnormal results, including lower total protein 5.4 g/L (reference value of 6.0-8.0 g/L), low albumin 2.1 g/L (reference value of 3.4 - 4.8 g/L), Calcium (Ca) low 8.1 mg/dL (reference value of 8.8-10.3 mg/dL) and high blood glucose When 199 mg/dL (reference value 70-150 mg/dL). Immunology examination on October 4, 2014 showed no abnormal results, including high HBsAg 232.60 S/N (Reference value > 2.0 : Positive). Blood Pressure examination conducted regularly starting on October 3 to October 9, 2014. From the data, high blood pressure on October 3, 2014 at 20:00 pm by 160/100 mm/Hg. The treatment given during hospitalization. PGI Cikini include Captopril 12.5 mg tab, allopurinol 100 mg tab, Ponstan 500 mg tab, Bicnat 500 mg tab, Vitamin K tab, Transamin 500mg tab, Heplav 50mg tab, Novorapid Flexpen 10u, 25u Lantus Flexpen, folic acid tab, Fluimucil 600mg tab. Captopril 12.5 mg tab is indicated for lowering blood pressure, allopurinol 100 mg tab drug indicated for gout and hyperuricemia, Ponstan 500 mg tabs is indicated for pain, Bicnat 500 mg tab indicated for acidosis seen from the value of urea (60 mg/dL) and triglyceridese (1.7 mg/dL), Vitamin C tabs and 500mg tab Transamin as blood clotting factors due to the length of erythrocyte sedimentation rate (17 mm/h) and APTT (43.4 seconds), Heplav 50mg tab indicated for Hepatitis B, Novorapid Flexpen 10u as diabetes type II drug that works short-acting, Lantus Flexpen 25u as drug DM type II who worked Long acting, folic acid tab are indicated for anemia 1909 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. patients experience coughing up blood and hemoglobin levels (12.5 g/dL), erythrocytes (4.32 mm3), Fluimucil 600mg tab indicated for dry cough. 4. Drug Related Problem (DRP) 4.1 Adverse drugs reactions. A. Patient experience renal failure that seen from laboratory results of urea value 60 mg/dL (reference value of 10-50 mg/dL) and triglyceridese value 1.7 mg/dL (reference value of 0.6-1.1 mg/dL). But doctors give ponstans as NSAID that can aggaravete renal function. NSAIDs inhibit COX catalyzes the formation of prostaglandins and impair renal function by decreasing the synthesis of renal vasodilator synthesized in the kidney cortex and medulla by vascular endothelial and glomerular mesangial cells. the use of NSAIDs in renal ischemia causes an increase in the activity of prostaglandins that can cause a decrease in the balance between vasoconstrictor and vasodilator activity in the kidney and increases blood pressure (DiPiro , 2002). B. In laboratory test did not reveal any hyperuricemia so use Allopurinol is not required. 4.2 Need additional medication. A. On CAD disease should be added vasodilator drug such as CCB (Organic Nitrate). B. On HHD and DM type 2, Captopril is drug of choice, but Captopril can cause dry cough side effect. At this time the patient still experience cough with blood. So it is suggested that change Captopril with ARB, Losartan, Valsartan. C. From the result of Clinical Chemistry Examination it can be seen that the patient has hypoalbuminemia, so that he need treatment for overcome the complaint D. The Patients experienced cough with blood, use feared he has infection so giving antibiotic is recommended. 4.3 Patient Uncompliance 1910 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. Non-compliance in drug delivery, among others Transamin 500mg tabs, Heplav 50mg tab, Novorapid Flexpen 10u, 25u Lantus Flexpen not granted on October 3, 2014. Folic acid tabs and 600mg tab Fluimucil not granted on October 3, 2014 - October 4, 2014. 4.4 Dose is too high The doses of Natrium bicarbonate is too high, doctors gave BicNat at the dose of 3x500mg but the patient consume the drug at the doses 3x1000mg. 4.5 Drug interactions A. Mefenamic acid (Ponstan) and captopril mefenamic acid can decrease effects of captopril. NSAID decrease biosintesi of prostaglandin so that the effect of Captopril can reduce. B. Captopril increased the effect novorapid and Lantus increase hypoglycemic effect. C. Allopurinol increased risk of toxicity Captopril, if Captopril use together with allopurinol especially on renal function. 5. Conclusion Based on the result of monitoring treatment there is founded Drug Related Problems that is adverse drug reaction, need additional medication, patient unclompliance, dose is too high, drug interactions. REFERENCES 1.Kang Y., Yang, I- S., & Kim, N. (2010). Corelates of health behavior in patiens with coronary artery disease. Asian Nursing Research. 4 (1), 45-55. 2.Marulam M. Panggabean; Heart Disease Hypertension; Textbook of Internal Medicine Volume III Fourth Edition; Hall Publisher Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia; 2006; 1639-1640 1911 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. 3.Adnil Basha; Hypertensive Heart Disease; Textbook of Cardiology; Hall Publisher Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesian; 2003; 209-211. 4.Munther, K., & Homoud (2008) Coronary artery disease. Tufts New England Medical Center Spring. 5.Sahn SA, Heffner JE. Spontaneuos pneumothorax. N Eng J Med 2000; 342 : 868-74. 6.Baxter, K. 2008. " Stockley's Drug Interaction ". Eight Editions. Pharmaceutical Press, London and Chicago. 7.Lacy, CF, Armstrong, LL, Goldman, MP, lance, LL, 2009. Drug Information Handbook., APHA, American. 8.MOH. 2008. "National Indonesian Medicine Information". Director General of Food and Drug Administration. Jakarta. 9. Sutedjo, AY. 2009, Handbook Know Disease Through Laboratory Examination Results., Amara books. Yogyakarta. 1912 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. STUDY OF DISEASE OF STRUMA THYROID WITH ANNOYANCE COMPLICATED BALANCE ELECTROLYTE IN GATOT SOEBROTO ARMY HOSPITAL RosnaHarun1, Diana LailaRahmatillah2 1 Student of Pharmacist Profesional Program, Faculty of Pharmacy 2 Lecturer of Faculty of Pharmacy UTA’45, Jakarta, Indonesia Email ABSTRACT Struma thyroid gland enlargement is caused by the addition of a tissue of glands which produces thyroid hormone in a large quantities (hipertyroidism). Clinical symptoms of weight, tremors, rapid fatigue, couldn't stand the heat, heart pounding, sometimes it accompanied with an irregular heart rate and heart attack4.Excess thyroid hormones cause a thickening of the left ventricle carries an increased risk of heart failure4. Two main thyroid hormone produced are thyroxine (T4) and triodotironin (T3)4. There is patientMrs.Rsmaged 41 years attended to the GatotSoebrotoHospital on December 11, 2014 with complaint body shaking during ± 2days and at night fever, patient has a history of ulcer disease and struma of thyroid.Accompanying diagnosis after treatment ofhiponatremia, hypokalemia and anemia, on December 11,2014, chemical examination conducted clinics and Hematology showed the existence of a decrease in sodium: 122 (mg/dL), a decrease of potassium that is 3.4 (mg/dL), hemoglobin decrease i.e. 11.9 (g/dL), decreased hematocrit 32 (4.2%), and the erythrocytes (million/: l), and platelets 131000 (/:l).Therapy treatment that obtained in 5 days are IV FD Nacl 0.9% + 3% Nacl, KCL, Paracetamol, ranitidine and propanolol. Keywords :Struma thyroid,Balanceelectrolyte, RSPAD GatotSoebroto, 1913 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. INTRODUCTION The pituitary gland iodine controls processing that is used by the thyroid gland. Iodium is the main ingredient that needs for body to form of thyroid hormone, thyrodstimulatinghormone (TSH), arrange by thyroid datur releasing hormone (TRH) anneurohormon hipotalamaus5. Thyroxine shows negative reciprocal of TSH secretion by working directly on the pituitary gland produces thyroid tirotironin three types of different hormones.TheyareThyroxine (T4), T3 and calcitonin4.5. T3 and T4 is a molecule containing amino acids niodium which is then synthesized and stored in a state bound by proteins in the cells of the thyroid and in a state bound by the protein binding of thyroxin-binding globulin (TBG)1. The thyroid gland is working efficiently in taking iodine and blood and then agglutinated in the gland cells where there is ions iodide will be converted into a molecular iodine reacts with thyroxine (an amino acid) to form thyroid hormone secretion, thyrotropin/TSH by the pituitary gland control celerity released of thyroid hormone, the next released of TSH on thyroid hormone levels by specified in the blood decreases, the release of TSH was increased so that an increase in output triiodothyronine (T3) and tetraiodothyronine (T4) this situation is an example of feedback control (feeds back control)1. Thyrotropinreleases the hormone (TRH) which secrete by hypothalamus exert influence that governs the release of TSH from hipofisis1. When TSH in the blood decreases can express and can increase the output of T3 and T41. Some drugs and plight can influence thyroid metabolism and release of synthesis and inhibits the synthesis of T4 through feedback adversely increase the release of TSH1. Clinical symptoms in patients hipertyroid in the synthesis of thyroid hormone deficiency will lead to increased production of the hormone TSH which could lead to increase in the number and increase hyperplasia cells thyroid hormone normalize to tiroid1,4. If the process is continued,it will cause an enlargement of the thyroid gland if this process happens continuously inborn error will occur the synthesis of thyroid hormone in the thyroid gland in the hiperthyroid forced out of bounds to secreting so as to meet the needs of the cells of the thyroid gland enlarges and pressing of the trachea and the esophagus area so impaired respiration, swallowing and shortness of breath may also be caused by weakness of the respiratory muscles which can lead to dipsnea and edema1.3. 1914 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. Cardiovascular system like palpitations with a combination of thyroid hormones and catecholamines thyroid hormone which influence in SA node and the presence of a vulnerability to excessive hipertyroidism patients against sympathetic dystrophy system stimulation sympathetic dystrophy chest pain/angina3. It is thought to be due to the increase of consumption of oxygen by muscles heart1. Effects of T3 on the heart muscle as well as increased peripheral oxygen needs, increasing ofpulse frequency and will rapidly if the activity as well as any change of emotion, shortness of breath because there is a rise in oxygen consumption and heart of precipitation at the time of activity4,6. In addition to the vital capacity will decrease the circulatory disorders accompanied by new ventilation and if not found any signs of heart failure1.3. Often sweating as a result of the nature of thyroid hormones iscalorigenic due to an increase in metabolic rate continuously hipertyroidismsufferers sometimes have trouble sleeping, effect on the sensitivity of the nerve Synapse muscle tonus due to contain the occurrence of tremor is smooth with a frequency of 10-50 x/s, the pulse flutter or above normal thyroid hormone effects is also accelerating the work of the heart, eksoftalmus inflammatory reaction that occurs is outoimun that adopting muscle extraocular, so that the muscles of the eyeball pressed out4,5,6. Complications in heart rhythm disorders that impact (arrhythmia) due to irregular heart contractions and ends in heart attacks and a crisis of thyrotoxic1,3,4. CASE PRESENTATION Patient Mrs.Rsm aged41 years old enteredGatotSoebroto Hospital on December 11, 2014 with complaint shuddered of body since 2 days ago before entering the hospital and fever during the night.a History of previous illness is struma of thyroid and ulcer treatment therapy. It was given during 5 days treatments i.e. propanolol 10 mg 2x1 tablets for the treatment of hyperthyroid, ranitidine 150 mg injection 2x1 ampules for stress ulcer and onandsentron 4mg 3x1 injection ampules to prevent nausea and vomiting. Diagnosis of diseases that accompany the after care in hospital are hiponatremia, hypokalemia and anemia. CLINICAL EVALUATION 1915 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. The therapeutic principles for treatmenthipertyroidismdisease that breaks and a diet high in calories, protein, multivitamins and minerals6.This is necessary in order to hypermetabolism in patient not increasing4, nitrogen and calcium balance negative, then given antityroid drugs4,5. Patient gotpropanolol 10 mg 2x1 tablets for the treatment of thyrotoxicosis and to the supraventricular of arrhythmia which is caused by hipertyroidism1,3. The patienthad a fever every night got paracetamol 500 mg tablet 3x1 as antipyretic2.3, patient had a history of ulcer that was got Ranitidine 150 mg 2x1 ampule2.3. Additional diagnosis in the patient of hiponatremia, hypokalemia, and anemia therapy, patient got IV FD Nacl 3%, Nacl 9% which was parallel on the drip with KCL and hyponatremia for the treatment of hypokalemia2.3. LABORATORY RESULT DATA Laboratory value Hematology Normal 11/12/14 13/12/14 15-12-2014 Hemoglobin 12-16 g/dl 11.9* 11* 11.4* Hematocrit 37- 47 % 32* 31* 3.1* Erythrocyte 4.3-6.0 billion/µl 4.2* 3.8* 4.0* Sodium 135-147mmol/L 122* 121* 124* Potassium 3.5-5.0mmol/L 3.4* 2.7* 3.1* DRUG RELATED PROBLEMS DRP 1 Patient was not getting the anemia therapy (indication was not handled) DRP 2 For dispensing propanolol singly to note again because according to the literature that usually combined propanolol as additional therapy with other antityroid drugs because it has a small contribution for the treatment of hipertyroidism3. Propanololis usually used for granting post thyroid surgery to prevent the occurrence of increasing heart pulse1. CONCLUSION 1916 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. Based on the result of the practice of the Registrar of clinics on child care spaces at the GatotSoebrotoHospital then it can be concluded that the existence of drug related problems which happened in the patient, experience anemia who required therapy but did not receive therapy treatment for this condition (indication which was not handled). For dispensing propanolol singly to note again because according to the literature that usually combined propanolol as additional therapy with other antityroid drugs because it has a small contribution for the treatment of hipertyroidism3. Propanololis usually used for granting post thyroid surgery to prevent the occurrence of increased heart pulse1. REFERENCES 1. Sumanggar Ps. Thyrotoxicosis di bagian Ilmu Penyakit Dalam Jilid I. Bagian Ilmu Penyakit Dalam FK UNDIP Semarang 1981 hal. 53. 2. BNF 61, 2011 British National Formulary 61 March 2011 3. BPOM. 2008. Informatorium Obat Nasional Indonesia (IONI). Jakarta : Sagung Seto 4. Djokomoeljanto, 2001., Kelenjar Tiroid Embriologi, Anatomi and Faalnya., Dalam: Suyono, Slamet (Editor)., 2001., Buku Ajar Ilmu Penyakit Dalam.,FKUI., Jakarta 5. De Jong. W, Sjamsuhidajat. R., 1998., Buku Ajar Ilmu Bedah. Edisi Revisi., EGC., Jakarta 6. 1917 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. EVALUATION OF PATIENT TREATMENT OF DIABETES MELLITUS AND RBBB (RIGHT BUNDLE BRANCH BLOCK) AT ISLAMIC CEMPAKA PUTIH JAKARTA HOSPITAL Maryanti Tuharea1, Diana Laila Ramatillah2, Aprilita Rimayanti Eff2, Ihsanil Husna3 1 Student of Pharmacist Professional Program Student, Faculty Of Pharmacy UTA’ 45 Jakarta 2 Lecturer of Faculty of Pharmacy UTA’45 Jakarta 3 Doctor at Cempaka Putih Islamic Hospital Jakarta Email: ABSTRACT DM (diabetes mellitus) is a metabolic disorder which is characterized by hyperglycemia associated with abnormalities in the metabolism of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins caused by a decrease in insulin secretion or a decrease in insulin sensitivity, or both and cause chronic complications microvascular, macrovascular, and neuropathy3. RBBB (Right bundle branch block) right bundle branch block is one of the cardiac conduction system defects. at the time it happened, right bundle branch block right ventricle is not activated directly by impulses that travel through the right bundle branch. The patient, Mrs.Y , aged 48 years, entered the Islamic Hospital Jakarta on 3rd May 2014 with a diagnosis: DM and RBBB. Therapy treatment during hospitalized ie Aspar K, Rantin, Metformin 500 mg, Aspilet, amlodipine, Simarc 2 mg, simvastatin, meticobal, Novorapid, Rantin Extra. In this case found a Drug Related Problems (DRP) which was the indication without drugs and interactions between Rantin and metformin in which the effect of metformin may increase, causing a slow heart rate, muscle pain, shortness of breath, abdominal pain, fainting, and drowsiness. Keywords: Diabetes Mellitus, RBBB (Right bundle branch block). 1918 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. INTRODUCTION Diabetes mellitus (DM) is defined as an illness or a chronic metabolic disorder with multiple etiology that is characterized by high blood sugar levels accompanied with impaired metabolism of carbohydrates, lipids, and proteins as a function insufficiency of insulin by the beta cells of Langerhans of the pancreas gland, or due to lack of responsiveness of cells to insulin3. Diabetes mellitus or diabetes is a chronic metabolic disease characterized by hyperglycemia resulting from absolute deficiency of insulin or the occurrence of resistance in insulin receptors. The symptoms of diabetes are Glukosaria, 3P (Polyuria, polydipsia, and polyphagia), weight loss, wounds that are difficult to heal, tingling / numb, lethargy, weakness, and ketoacidosis. The classic symptoms of diabetes is characterized by plasma glucose as 200 mg / dL (11.1 mmol / L). Plasma glucose at any moment of time is the result of the examination on a day without regard to time of last meal, fasting plasma glucose level of 126 mg / dL (7.0 mmol / L), fasting means patients do not get the extra calories at least 8 hours, 2-hour plasma glucose levels in OGTT (Oral glucose Tolerance Test) 200 mg / dL (11.1 mmol / L), the OGTT (Oral glucose Tolerance Test) conducted by WHO standards, using a glucose load equivalent to 75 g of glucose anhidrus dissolved into the water. The main goal of therapy is to achieve DM good metabolic control in order to prevent long-term complications. Unfortunately, the data in Indonesia regarding the quality of the management of patients with type 2 diabetes is still not sufficient. RBBB (Right bundle branch block) right bundle branch block is one of the cardiac conduction system defects. In the event of a right bundle branch block right ventricle is not activated directly by impulses that travel through the right bundle branch. In the event of a right bundle branch block, right ventricle is not activated directly by impulses that travel through the right bundle branch. Right bundle branch block usually has a pathological cause although it can also be seen in healthy people the prevalence increases with age. CLINICAL EVALUATION Patient Mrs.Y, aged 48 years old entered the Islamic Hospital in Jakarta on December 3rd, 2014. Patients came with symptoms of dizziness, nausea, vomiting, lethargy, lack of appetite. These complaints felt throughout the day before admittedin hospital. In this case the patient got 1919 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. treatment therapies tablet Rantin given on 4 December 2014 to address the oral route stomach irritation. The aim of this drug is delivery inhibits gastric acid secretion, amlodipine given on December 5th, 2014 to control blood pressure due to the high calcium ions in the blood, giving this amlodipine to inhibit calcium ions when blood entering the channel slow or selective voltage sensitive areas in vascular smooth muscle and myocardium during depolarization. On December 5th also given simvastatin at night because it's essentially the formation of cholesterol at night. Simarc given on December 5th 2014 as therapy treatment at night, the drug is given in order to prevent of venous thrombus and as adjunct therapy to cope with coronary blockages. This medicine is given to the prevention of venous thrombosis and as adjunct therapy to cope with coronary blockages. Aspilet for the treatment and prevention of angina pectoris and myocardial imfarc, given on December 6th, 2014. On December 4, high glucose levels of patient treated with the administration of intravenous route Novorapid therapy that the patient's blood sugar rapidly decreased until the 5th of December, giving of novorapid dismissed and replaced by administration of metformin oral route on December 6, 2014. For diabetes mellitus Type II failed controlled with diet, especially in patients who are obese, metformin also increase the sensitivity of cells to insulin with a way to improve transport and increasing the use of glucose by muscle cells and extra-hepatic other. On December 4, 2014 patients treated with Aspar K in which the drug is used as an additional potassium in heart disease, in addition to the Aspar K is also used for adjunctive therapy in the use of insulin. Meticobal given from 6 to 8 December 2014. It is used for peripheral neuropathy and megaloblastic anemia due to vitamin B12 deficiency. DOSAGE AND METHOD OF TREATMENT Patient treated with 0.9% NaCl was given 30 drops / min on day one to day two with intravenous administration to restore electrolyte balance, Aspar K is given for three times a day by the oral route on day two where the patient injected insulin Novorapid 3x10U day up to three to lower the blood glucose levels of patient and after the administration of insulin stopped on the fourth day subsequent to therapy prevents high glucose levels, patient given metformin 500 mg , given three times a day with the oral route of administration on day five. Aspilet given at a dose of 80 mg daily oral route, amlodipine 5 mg given once daily oral route, Simarc 2 mg was given in the evening once a day by oral administration route. Rantin given twice daily administration of oral 1920 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. route, Simvastatin 20 mg given in the evening once a day oral route, Meticobal 250 mg once a day oral route. LABORATORY RESULTS The results of laboratory tests performed by the patient Mrs. Y. laboratory showed that indicates abnormal hemoglobin was 13.4 g / dL (normal values: 11.7 to 15.7), leukocytes 10.40 thousand / ml (normal value: 3 , 60 to 11.00), hematocrit 39 (35-47) Platelets 485 thousand / ml (normal value: 150-440), erythrocytes 4.56 106 / ml (3.80 to 5.20), MCV / VER 85 Fl (normal values: 80100), MCH / HER 29 pg (26-36), MCHC / Kher 35 g / dl, MCHC / Kher 35 g / dL (normal values: 3236), Sodium 130 mEq / dl (value norm 135-142), potassium (normal value: 3.5-5.0) chloride 90 mEq / dl (normal values: 94-111). DRUGS RELATED PROBLEM (DRP) 1. Drugs Interactions a. Warfarin + Aspilet Using warfarin together with aspirin can cause bleeding. Pharmacist intervention: required dose adjustments based on the prothrombin time or International Normalized Ratio (INR). Contact your doctor immediately if unusual bleeding b. Amlodipin + Simvastatin Simvastatin increased levels it may increase the risk of side effects such as liver damage and a rare but serious condition called rhabdomyolysis involving damage to muscle tissue. In this case the patient did not do check triglyceridese clearance and serum triglyceridese. c. Ranitidin + Amlodipin Can cause bleeding, in this case the patient did not do a APTT test. Pharmacist Intervention: Required dose adjustment in addition to the testing of prothrombin time or International Normalized Ratio (INR). Immediately contact your doctor if you have unusual bleeding or bruising. d. Aspilet + Amlodipin Cause an increase in blood pressure. Pharmacist intervention: Need to adjust the dose or blood pressure examination. e. Rantin + Metformin 1921 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. Increasing effects of metformin which can cause lactic acidosis conditions that can enandger life, increasing sleepiness, slow heart rate, muscle pain, shortness of breath, stomach pain, feeling light-headed, and fainting. f. Metformin + Nevorapid Increasing effects of metformin, hypoglycemia.. Pharmacist intervention: shoud to check the blood sugar test. 2. There were indications without giving the drugs In this case the patient's levels of sodium and chloride decreased so it could intrude the equilibrium of liquid electrolytes in the blood of patients. Pharmacist Intervention: Provide adequate hydration to overcome the decreased levels of sodium and chloride in liquid form Ringer lactate to help patient improving the balance of electrolytes in the blood fluid. CONCLUSION Based on the observation that have been made in the case of a patient, it can be concluded that the results of the doctor's diagnosis and examination results laboratotium patients suffering from diabetes (Diabetes Mellitus), and RBBB (Right bundle branch block). Patient received treatment and it found any problems in the DRP such as drug interactions and no drug given. REFERENCES 1. Gunawan S. 2012. Farmakologi and Terapi, Universitas Indonesia Fakultas Kedokteran Jakarta. 2. Goldman, Lee.,2011. Goldman’s ecil Medicine Edisi 24. Philadelphia: Elsevier Saunders. 3. Nugroho, Dr. Agung.2009.Farmakologi Obat-obat Penting dalam Pembelajaran Ilmu Kefarmasian and Dunia Kesehatan,Universitas Gadjah Mada Yogyakarta 4. Tan, Pinem, dkk, 2012. Appropriateness Of Prescribing Oral Hypoglycemic Drugs In Diabetes Mellitus Type 2 According To Perkeni Consensus 2011 In Outpatient Clinic Of Abdul Moeloek Hospital Bandar Lampung 2012. Diakses 11 November 2014 5. PERKENI. 2011. Konsensus Pengendalian and Pencegahan Diabetes Mellitus Tipe2 di Indonesia 2011. PB PERKENI. Jakarta. 6. Medscape. Drug Interaction. 2014 1922 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. EVALUATION TREATMENT OF ACUTE LYMPHOBLASTIC LEUKEMIA PATIENTS AT GATOT SUBROTO ARMY HOSPITAL Fatmawati Hardiyanti Putri1, Diana Laila Ramatillah2, Aprilita Rimayanti Eff2 1 Student of Pharmacist Professional Program Student, Faculty Of Pharmacy UTA’ 45 Jakarta 2 Lecturer of Faculty of Pharmacy UTA’45 Jakarta Email ABSTRACT Leukemia is a malignant hematopoietic diseases characterized by unlimited proliferation of lymphocytes. There is a very quickly changes where these cells replace normal blood marrow elements6. Patients WK came to the Pediatric to continue chemotherapy he has been undertaken. Therapy treatments he had received during the course of chemotherapy at Gatot Subroto Army Hospital were Methotrexat, vincristine, Dounorubisin, Dexamethasone, Alinamin, Onandcetron, Cotrimoxazol, Curcuma, Allupurinol, Colistin, nystatin, BRM (Bilogical Response Monofire). From the results of the monitoring on drug therapy, the patient, WK obtained DRP (Drug Related Problems), including the dosage regimen is not in accorandce with the literatures and also presence of adverse drug effects. Keyword : Acute Leukimia Limphoblastik (ALL), RSPAD Gatot Soebroto. 1923 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. INTRODUCTION Leukemia is the most common diseases suffered by children, for 33% of the total cancer cases are found in children1,6. LLA is more often occurs in boys than girls9,6. Leukemia is a malignant hematopoietic diseases characterized by unlimited proliferation of lymphocytes. There is a very quickly changes where these cells replace normal blood marrow elements4,6. LLA treatment includes several stages: remission induction, consolidation, intensification, the treatment of central nervous system, and maintenances. With the exception of mature B-cell leukemia that only require short term but intensive therapy, all children with LLA received treatment within 2 to 3 years5.. CLINICAL EVALUATIONS In the treatment, patient was given 1.5 mg Vincristine injection intravenously. Vincristine is a vinca alkaloid class of cytotoxic drugs, used to treat acute leukemia and lymphoma at a dose of 1.5 mg based ALL treatment protocols in 2006. Alinamin 5 cc injection intravenously given to cover the side effects of vincristine. Onandsetron Injection 3 mg intravenously to prevent nausea and vomiting due to chemotherapy, daunorubicin 30 mg injection IFVD for the treatment of acute leukemia in the induction phase, dounorubicin an anthracycline antibiotic class of cytotoxic drugs. And for methotrexat it’s postponed, in order to await the patient's platelets within safe limits to be given intrathecally to prevent bleeding. In addition to cytotoxic drugs for chemotherapy, patient were also given drugs for prophylactic treatment support such as Dexamethasone, it should be administered during the induction period. It may be useful as an immunosuppressant or supportive palliative therapy in children with leukemia to reduce intracranial pressure and also to control vomiting when combined with the appropriate antiemetikum. Cotrimoxazole 120 mg 2 x 2 tablets are given to prevent pneumonia infection in one week used within 3 days of use. They are on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Curcuma given 3 times a day to help increase patient’s appetite. Allopurinol 100 mg given every 3 times a day to overcome hiperleukositosis. Colistin 500,000 ui given every 3 times a day to prevent infections due to gram-negative bacteria, and Nystatin 500,000 iu given every 3 times a day, indicated for the prevention of candidiasis for mucisitis treatment due to side effects of 1924 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. chemotherapy. Biological Response Modifiers or better known by the acronym BRM used to improve the immune system and the biological system of the patient. On 21 October, the patient was given 12 mg Methotrexat route intrathecal. Intrathecal administration aims to prevent the occurrence of central nervous system depression. Methotrexat is an antimetabolite that prevents cell division, and combined with intrathecal dexamethasone to prevent organ rejection in sensitive areas such as the mediastinum2,8. DOSE AND HOW TO USE Methotrexate was given for one day at a dose of 12 mg with intrathecal route. Dexamethasone 1 mg route intrathecal, Vincristine 1.5 mg by intravenous route, Alinamin 5 cc route intravenous, 30 mg Dounorubisin route IV Drip, onandcetron 3 mg by intravenous route. Supportive treatment are; 4-4-4 Dexamethasone tablets every 12 hours, cotrimoxazol 1 tablet by the oral route, cucuma 1 tablet by the oral route, Allupurinol 100mg oral route, tablets colistin 500,000 iu the oral route, tablets nystatin 500,000 iu the oral route, BRM 1 capsules by the oral route. LABORATORY RESULTS The results of laboratory tests performed by patient WK: Laboratory use values that indicate abnormal hemoglobin was 11.2 g / dL (normal values: 13-18 Mg / dL), hematocrit 33% (normal value: 40-52%), erythrocytes 3.8 million / mL (normal value 4, 3 to 6.0 million / mL), 700 leukocytes / mL (normal value 4800-10800 / mL), platelets 690 000 / mL (normal value: 150,000 to 400,000 / mL), Eosinophils 0% (normal value: 1-3% ), Trunk 0% (normal value: 2-6%), segment 6% (normal value: 50-70%), lymphocytes 63% (normal value: 2040%), monocytes 0% (normal value: 2- 8%). DRUG RELATED PROBLEMS 1. Doses Regimen In this case, the patient got nystatin which dose and frequency of administrations are not in accorandce with the dose and frequency found in the literature2. Where Nystatin should be given every 6 hours in a day or 4 times a day, but it was given every 8 hours a day or three times a day. 2. Adverse Drugs Effects 1925 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. In this case, patient experienced adverse drug effects, the patient experienced Leukopenia due to the side effects of chemotherapy drugs that was given, in dealing with side effects, doctors advise patient continously to keep the environment clean, wear a mask daily as long as the condition of leukopenia, and maintain oral hygiene to prevent the risk of high infection. Pharmacyst interfention : Meanwhile, the most effective way in the management of Leukopenia is to address the cause (symptomatic). Because there is no diet, or drugs can increase the number of white blood cells. If granulocytes very low, then the patient must be protected by a source of infection. Culture from all orifices (eg, nose, mouth), blood also very important, and if the fever come, it should be treated with broad-spectrum antibiotics, oral hygiene should be maintained. The purpose of this treatment in addition to treatment of infection is to eliminate the causes of bone marrow depression. Bone marrow function would return to normal spontaneously (except in neoplastic disease) within 2 or 3 weeks if deaths from infections preventable10. CONCLUSION Based on the observations that have made in the case of a patient, it can be concluded: - The patient diagnosed with Type 1 and election ALL therapy cancer treatment was in accorandce with the standard procedures followed SPM Gatot Subroto Army Hospital and chemotherapy protocol ALL Indonesia in 2006. - Patient experiencing some problems associated with the treatment, including the dosage regimen was unappropriate, and adverse drug effects, that was leukopenia. REFERENCES 1. American Cancer Society. 2009. Children and Cancer: Information and resources. 2. BPOM. 2008. Informatorium Obat Nasional Indonesia (IONI). Jakarta : Sagung Seto. 3. Komaruddin, Boenjamin. 2012. Standar Pengobatan Medik Leukimi Limfoblastik Akut (LLA). RSPAD Gatot Soebroto Ditkesad. Jakarta. 4. Luxuner, K.L. 2005. Delmar’s pediatric nursing care plants. Ed Clifton Park: Thomson learning. P 619-632. 1926 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. 5. Mia, R., IDG Ugrasena. at all. 2006. “Pengelolaan Medik Anak dengan Leukimia and Kemungkinan Perawatan di RS Kabupaten”. Divisi Hemato-Onkologi Bagian Ilmu Kesehatan Anak FK Unair RSU Dr. Soetomo Surabaya. 6. Mariasima, Tiurlan. 2011.”Respond and Koping Anak Penderita Leukimia Limfoblastik Akut dalam Menjalani Terapi di Jakarta and Sekitarnya”. Universitas Indonesi. Jakarta 7. Medscape.Drug Interaction. 2014 8. Protokol Kemoterapi Acute Leukimia Limfoblastik Indonesia.2006 9. Tomlinson, D., & Kline, N.E. 2010. Pediatric oncology nursing anvanced clinical handbook (2th edition). New York: Springer Heidenberg. 10. Suzanne C. Smeltzer, Bare G. Brenda. 2002. Buku Ajar Keperawatan Medikal Bedah. EGC.Jakarta. 1927 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. CASE REPORT : EVALUATION OF DRUG RELATED PROBLEMS PATIENT WITH URINARY TRACT INFECTION DISEASE AND THYPOID AT MINTOHARDJO HOSPITAL Hartini Bugis1, Aprilita Rina Yanti Eff2 and Diana Laila R2 1 Student of Pharmacist Program, Faculty of Pharmacy UTA’45 Jakarta 2 Lecturer of Faculty of Pharmacy UTA’45 Jakarta ABSTRACT Urinary tract infection (UTI) is a conditum when microba grow and proliferate in the urinary tract in excessive amounts. While the Thypoid is systemic infectious disease caused by the bacteria Salmonella typhi into the human body (digestive tract) and is characterized by a long insidius fever, headaches, body weakness, anorexia, relative bradikardi, and splenomegaly, and also a group of diseases that are easily transmitted and attacked many people so it can cause outbreaks. Patient 69 years old, went to patient was hospital with complaints of thypoid since 3 days ago, fever continuously, the temperature reached 39oC, patients experience decreasing on appetite, with urinary and defecation. Patient was areated with Ceftriaxone injection, Ranitidine injection Cefotaxime injection, RL injection, paracetamol, Betahistin, Levofloxacin, Neurodex and Dulcolax. The of monitoring drug use that was found DRP (Drug Related Problem). Using of ceftriaxone and cefotaxime injection was therapy the duplication drug interaction between Levofloxacin injection and Vitamin B1 (Thiamin) can reduce the effect of vitamin B1 (Thyamin). Keywords: Drug Related Problem, Urinary Tract Infection, Mintohardjo Hospital 1928 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. INTRODUCTION Urinary tract infection is an infection caused by microorganisms in the growing in the urinary tract. In normal conditum urine do not contain bacteria, viruses or other microorganisms1. Urinary tract infection has 3 following criteria. It is found germs that grow from the new breed of liquid instead of urine or tissue taken from a location suspected of being infected, the presence of other infections or abscesses can be seen either by direct examination during surgery through the examination of histopatologis and there is two of the signs – signs: fever (38o C) pain cuprapubic pain, press on the area of suspected infection. The causes of this disease are Salmonella Typhosa and microorganisms. Salmonella Typhi, A, B, and C. This Microorganism in feces, human feces and food or drink that is exposed to the microorganisms that brought on by flies. In fact the main source of this disease are can environments that dirty and unhealthy. Unlike viruses the microorganisms live in the poor sanitation such as dirty surroundings, foods and beverages that are not higenis2. The purpose of the treatment of urinary tract infections is to prevent the occurrence of renal parencim damage using that can clinically improved3. CASE PRESENTATION Patient Mr. M. Dirin, 69 years old, was Hospital Mintohardjo with complaint of fever since 3 days ago, continuous fever to 39oC. Patient experienced a decrease in appetitc. EXAMINATION OF VITAL SIGN The Date Of Leukocytes Pulse Breathing (14- Temperature Examination (5.000-10.000 (60-100x/minute) 18x/minute) (36-37⁰C) 01/11/2014 17.700 - - 38,5 ⁰ 02/11/2014 17.000 - - 38,5 ⁰ 03/11/2014 - - - 37,5⁰ 1929 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. 04/11/2014 17.800 92 x / minute 24x / minute 37,8 ⁰ 05/11/2014 - 80 x / minute 28 x / minute 37,4⁰C 06/11/2014 - 88 x / minute 29 x / minute 38,9⁰ 07/11/2014 17.500 86 x / minute 27 x / minute 39,2⁰ 08/11/2014 - 80 x / minute 09/11/2014 - 10/11/2014 - - 37⁰ - - - - - - CLINIC EVALUATION In this case patient was areated with intravenous RL. Ceftriaxon injection as an antibiotic. Paracetamol as analgetic for reduce pain and fever. Patient also got dulcolax for handling constipation. TREATMENT FOR URINARY TRACT INFECTIONS AND THYPOID Date The Name Of The Way A The Drug warding RL IV √ Inj.Ceftriaxone IV Inj.Ranitidin 1/11 2/1 3/11 4/11 5/11 6/11 7/11 8/11 9/11 10/11 - - - - - √ √ - √ √ √ √ - - - - - - - IV √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ - √ Paracetamol PO √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ - - Betahistin PO - - √ √ √ stop - √ - √ Inj Cefotaxime IV - - - √ √ - - - - - Levofloxacin PO - - - - - √ √ √ - √ Neurodex PO - - - - - √ √ √ - √ Dulcolax Supp - - - - - √ √ √ √ - THE RESULTS OF LABORATORY EXAMINATION 1930 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. Examination of data laboratory show that increasing of leukocyt indicates patients exposed to urinary tract infections, decrease in the number of leukocyte can occur in certain infection sufferer. While the increase in the number of leukocyte indicates an acute inflammatory process or infection. And result of hematologic examination increasing of leukocyte indicate the patient experience infection. DOSAGE AND METHOD OF USE In this physical gave enfusim of RL. In Ceftriaxon injection two daily dose for 7 day as an antibiotic and paracetamol as analgetic. Cefotaxime as urinary tract infections, meningitis and septicemia. Levofloxacine as acute bacterial, pneumonia, infections of the skin structures without complications, urinary tract infection and complication and acute as pyelonephritis. DISCUSSION Patient came to the hospital with complaints of fever since 3 days ago, fever a constant temperature until 390C, patient experienced a decrease in appetite, and a normal. Vital sign and laboratory examination show increase of leukocyte that. Imunoserology Wal Test S. Typhi-H Positive 1/80 Negative S. Paratyphi A-H Positive 1/320 Negative S. Typhi-O Negative Negative S. Paratyphi A-O Negative Negative DRUG RELATED PROBLEM 1. There is No indication of Drug The patient does not need to be given because in the view of Dulcolax the patient (bowel movements and urinary is normaly. 2. Drug interaction 1931 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. a. Levofloxacin with Vitamin B1 (Thyamin) contained on Neurodex Levofloxacine will lower levels or the effect of thiamin (B1) by changing the amount of flora. b. Levofloxacin with Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine) contained on Neurodex, will lower the levels of Levofloxacine or effects of thiamine by changing the amount of flora. Ranitidine with Vitamin B12 (Cyanocobalamin) contained on Neurodex, Ranitidine lowers the levels by inhibiting gastrointestinal absorption cyanocobalamine. CONCLUSION Based on the results of the practice of clinical work in Mintohardjo Hospital it can be concluded that happens DRP (Drug Related Problem) There is no indication of drug and drug interaction. REFERENCES 1. Coyle, e. a., r. a., 2005, Urinary Tract Infection in J.T., Dipiro et al, Pharmacotherapy: A Pathophysiologic Approach 6th, Appleton And Lange, Stamford 2. Djoko Widodo. 2006. typhoid fever. In: Aru w. Sudoyo, Bambang Setiyohadi Idrus Alwi, Marcellus k. Simadibrata, Siti Setiati, eds. Textbook Of internal medicine. Vol III. Issue IV, Jakarta: Publishing Department Of Pathology In The Faculty Of Medicine Of The UI. 3. RI Department of health, 2001. Center For Health Data. 4. Ngastiyah, 2005. Care Of Sick Children. Issue 2, EGC, Jakarta 5. Sukandar, e., 2004, urinary tract infection of Adult Patients. Textbook In Pathology, Vol I. Jakarta: Balai Publisher FK UI 1932 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. CASE REPORT : DRUG RELATED PROBLEM (DRP) ASSOCIATED WITH THE TREATMENT OFCONGESTIVE HEART FAILURE (CHF)IN PGI CIKINI HOSPITAL Iksan Santoso1,Aprilita Rinayanti Efi2,Diana Laila Rahmatillah2 1 Student OfPharmacist Program, Faculty of Pharmacy UTA'45 Jakarta 2 Lecturer Of Faculty Of Pharmacy UTA'45 Jakarta ABSTRACT Congestive heart failure (CHF) is a condition in which the heart failurethe to pump blood in order to meet the needs of oxygen nutrien and oxygen adequately. This results in stretching of the heart chambers (dilated) in order to accommodate more blood to be pumped around the body or result in stiff and thickened heart muscle. The heart is able to pump blood only for a short time and the walls weakened heart muscle can not pump strongly. As a result, the kidneys often respond to resist water and salt. This will lead to dam the liquid in some organs of the body such as arms, legs, lungs, or other organs so that the body becomes swollen. (Udjianti, 2010) Patient Mr. AS aged 55 year old . Patients came to the hospital in with complaints of shortness of breath, palpitations, cold sweat sleeplessness, quickly tired, nausea, constipation and swollen feet, but did not experience chest pain, vomiting and fever. In this case the patient was treated with Heparin Na 25000 IU / ml, KSR (Potassium chloride 600 mg), Digoxin 0:25 mg, Ranitidine 50 mg / 2 ml, Durefo (Furosemide 40 mg). Based on the practice of clinical work in cikini hospital it can be concluded that there is found drug related problem that are drug interaction and dose ranitidin is to low. Keywords: PGI Cikini Hospital,Drug related problem Congestive Heart Failure (CHF) 1933 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. 1. INTRODUCTION Congestive heart failure (CHF) is a condition in which the heart pumps blood repetition of failure in order to meet the needs of the cell - the cell body nutrients and oxygen adequately. Etiology of Congestive Heart Failure (CHF) According to(Udjianti, 2010), The etiology of congestive heart failure (CHF) are grouped based on the etiology of the external and internal factors, namely external factors (outside the heart) Renal hypertension, hyperthyroidism, anemia and chronic / severe internal factors (of the heart) valve dysfunction: ventricular septal defect (VSD), Atria Septal Defect (ASD), mitral stenosis and mitral insufficiency, dysrhythmias: atrial fibrillation, ventricular fibrillation, and heart block, myocardial damage: cardiomyopathy, myocarditis, and myocardial infarction, infection: bacterial endocarditis sub – acute Pathophysiology of Congestive Heart Failure (CHF). The mechanisms underlying heart failure include an impaired ability of the heart kontraaktifitas causes cardiac output is lower than normal, heart rate is a function of the autonomic nervous system. When cardiac output is reduced, the sympathetic nervous system will speed up the heart rate to maintain cardiac output. 2. CASEPRESENTATION Mr. The US came with complaints that patients have become heavy tightness, palpitations, cold sweat patients have difficulty sleeping, quickly tired , nausea, bowel movementsand leg swelling patients, but did not experience chest pain, vomiting and fever 3. CLINICAL EVALUATION In this case patient is treated with heparin therapy Na 25000 IU / ml to prevent trombus or clotting, KSR (Potassium chloride 600 mg) is used to increase potassium levels that are needed to maintain heart function in order to avoid hypokalemia and causes of weakness / quickly exhausted, Digoxin 0:25 mg as positive inotropic drugs in order to increase the force of contraction of the heart muscle, congestive heart failure, Ranitidine 50 mg / 2 ml is used to prevent nausea and vomiting, ulcers duedonum acute, acute gastric ulcer, pathological hypersecretory conditions such as Zollinger syndrome - Ellison , and other conditions associated with gastric hiposekresi. Durefo (Furosemide 40 mg) is used for edema in the legs and associated 1934 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. with congestive heart failure, liver cirrhosis, kidney disease as well as additional therapy for hypertension 4. PATIENT EXAMINATION RESULTS Examination of blood pressure Examination Systole 04 oct 130 130 5 oct 140 130 6 oct 14 13 12 0 0 0 1 140 90 80 80 90 90 90 90 90 Breathing 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 50kg/160 5 9 0 2 0 8 oct 9 oct 13 12 0 0 90 80 90 90 90 90 20 20 20 20 20 20 150 140 90 20 0 Diastole BB(Kg)/TB(cm) 7 oct 120 11 0 110 50kg/160cm 1935 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. Examination of laboratory hematology and clinical chemistry examination normal unit The Results hemoglobin 12,4 – 14,9 g% 15,8* Hematokrit 40 – 48 % 48 Trombosit 150.000 – 400.000 Ribu mm3 246.000 SGOT < 35 u/i 16 SGPT <35 u/i 22 Uremia 10 – 50 Mg/dl 29 Kreatinin 0,6 – 1,1 Mg/dl 1,6* Na 135 – 147 Mmol/l 141 K 3,5 – 5 Meq/l 4,1 Ca 8,8 – 10,3 Mg/dl 8,3* Blood Sugar when 74 – 106 Mg/dl 100 CPK 10 – 80 % u/i 68 CKMB <1,0 u/i u/i 13* Troponin <1,0 Mg/ml 0,6 5. Profile of treatment 1936 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. Drug 4/10/14 5/10/14 6/10/14 7/10/14 8/10/14 9/10/14 10/10/14 11/10/14 12/10/14 Heparin 25000 25000 - - - - - - - I.U./ I.U./ 5 ml 5 ml KSR 1x1 tab 1x1 tab 1x1 tab 1x1 tab 1x1 tab 1x1 tab 1x1 tab 1x1 tab 1x1 tab Digoxin 1x1 tab 1x1 tab 1x1 tab 1x1 tab 1x1 tab 1x1 tab 1x1 tab 1x1 tab 1x1 tab Ranitidin 2x1 amp 2x1 amp 2x1 amp 2x1 amp 2x1 amp 2x1 amp 2x1 amp 2x1 amp 2x1 amp Durefo 1x1 tab 1x1 tab 1x1 tab 1x1 tab 1x1 tab 1x1 tab 1x1 tab 1x1 tab 1x1 tab 6. Discussion TN. The US entered the age of 55 years old. enteredPG Cikini Hospital on the date of October 2014 At this time the patient received heparin therapy Na 25000 IU / ml Uses drugs to prevent thrombus or clotting, KSR (Potassium chloride 600 mg) is used to increase potassium levels that are needed to maintain heart function in order to avoid hypokalemia and causes of weakness / fast tired, Digoxin 0:25 mg as positive inotropic drugs in order to increase the force of contraction of the heart muscle, congestive heart failure, Ranitidine 50 mg / 2 ml is used to prevent nausea and vomiting, ulcers duedonum acute, acute gastric ulcer, pathological hypersecretory conditions like syndrome Zollinger - Ellison, and other conditions associated with hiposekresi gastric.with therapy TN treatments in the US, it can reduce levels of hemoglobin, triglyceridese patient. 7. Drug Related Problem (DRP) : Drug interactions (Drug Interactions), between durep and digoxin. Durep as diuretic can increse plasma level of digoxin that can toxicity of digoxin. So it can be replaced with other diuretics are potassium-sparing diuretics such as spironolactone. Recomendation Therapy treatment for patients already rational, but still monitor the administration of drugs that cause interaction 1937 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. drug interactions as a diuretic can increase plasma level of digoxin, that can cause toxicity of digoxin and monitoring plasma level 8. Conclusion: Drug interactions as a diuretic can increase plasma level of digoxin that can cause toxicity of digoxin. Recommendation monitoring plasma level based on the practical of clinical work in PGI cikini Hospital it can be concluded that there is any drug related problem that are drug interaction and drug dose is to low of ranitidine REFERENCES 1. Aru, W, Sudoyo. 2009. Buku Ajar Ilmu Penyakit Dalam Jilid ketida Edisi kelima. Jakarta : Interna Publishing 2.Jayanti, N. 2010. Gagal jantung kongestif dalam dimuat (diakses 6 maret 2014) 3. Soeharto, Iman. 2011. Serangan Jantung And Stroke.Jakarta : Gramedia 4. Udjianti, J, Wajan. 2010. Keperawatan Kardiovaskuler. Jakarta : Salemba Medika 1938 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. CASE REPORT : DRUG RELATED PROBLEM (DRP) ASSOCIATED WITH THE TREATMENT OF INFLAMMATIONOFTHEGALLBLADDER (CHOLECYSTITIS) IN PGI CIKINI HOSPITAL Muhammad Saleh1,Aprilita Rinayanti Efi2,Diana Laila Rahmatillah2 1 Student OfPharmacist Program, Faculty of Pharmacy UTA'45 Jakarta 2 Lecturer Of Faculty Of Pharmacy UTA'45 Jakarta Email: ABSTRACT Cholecystitis is a gallbladder disease is divided into two, acute and chronic. Acute cholecystitis refers to inflammation of the bile content, it is usually irritate the lining of the gallbladder and can be solid in the cystic duct obstruction and inflammation that causes the gallbladder wall and trigger infection(Engram, 2012). Cholecystitis is an acute inflammation of the gall bladder, the most frequent precipitation factorstriggeringthis situation is obtruksi gallstones. Ten percent cases of cholecystitis without gallstones usually found in patients with severe pain such as postoperative state, severe trauma, severe burns, multisystem organ failure, sepsis, prolonged or circumstances hyperalimentation postpartum (Mitchell, 2009). Patient aged 49 years old came to cikini hospital with complaintsof pain in the abdomen, nausea, abdominal bloating and this case the patient was treated with Inpepsa Sucralfate Suspension 500 mg / mL, Strocain Tablets (400mg Polymigel), Ranitidine 150 mg Tablets, Ultracet (Tramadol HCl 37.5 mg, acetaminophen 325 mg.), Sharox (Cefuroxime, Cefuroxime 500 mg). Based on the practice of clinical work in PGI cikini hospital it can be concluded that there is drug related problem. that is drug interaction between ranitidin,paracetamol and cefuroxime Keywords:Drug Related Problem ,Cholecysititis, PGI cikini Hospital 1939 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. 1. INTRODUCTION The gall bladder is a pouch-shaped avocado which is located just below the right lobe of the liver. The main function of the gallbladder is to store and concentrate bile (Widiastuty, 2010). The cause of cholecystitis is static bile, bacterial infection and ischemia gallbladder wall. There are many factors that influence such as the concentration of bile, cholesterol, lysolecithin and prostaglandins that damage the mucosal lining of the gallbladder wall was followed by an inflammatory reaction and suppuration(Noer, 2011).sign nd Symptoms Clinical In cholecystitis patients usually showed any and symptoms include abdominal pain, right upper quadrant or epigastric pain, mild fever, anorexia, tachycardia, diaphoresis, and nausea / vomiting, and nausea / vomiting (Mitchell, 2009).long enough and got parenteral nutrition in gall bladder obstruction due to malignancy, or emepedu duct stone is one of the complications of other diseases such as fever typhoidal (Noer, 2011). 2. CASE PRESENTATION Patients Mrs RS came to PGI CikiniHospital of pain in the abdomen, nausea, abdominal bloating and pain. 3. CLINICEVALUATION In this case the patient was treated with Inpepsa Sucralfate Suspension 500 mg / mL for Gastric and ulcer doudenum, Strocain Polymigel 400mg Tablets for nausea, bloating due to gastric or duodenal ulcer and gastritis, abdominal pain, hyperacidity, Ranitidine 150 mg tablets for stomach ulcers and ulcer duodenum, reflux esophagitis, chronic episodic dyspepsia. Ultracet (Tramadol HCl 37.5 mg, acetaminophen 325 mg.) for mild and, moderate to severe pain.. Sharox (Cefuroxime, Cefuroxime 500 mg) Prophylactic surgery, is more active against Hemophilus influenzae and N. gonorrhoeae, infection with Gram-positive and Gram-negative infections. 4. PATIENT EXAMINATION RESULTS Laboratory Hematology and Clinical Chemistry 1940 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. Examination unit Reference Values Complete peripheral blood Erythrocyte sedimentation 27* mm/jam 0 – 10 rateHemoglobin 12.8 g/dL 13.0 – 16.0 Leukosit 8.2 10^3μL 5.0 – 10.0 Eritrosit 4.43 10^3μL 4.50 – 5.50 Hematokrit 38 * % 40 – 48 Retikulosit 10 Permil 5 – 15 Basofil 1 % 0 – 1 Eosinofil 2 % 1 – 3 Neutrofilbatang 0* % 2 – 6 Neutrofilsegmen 69 % 50 – 70 Limfosit 22 % 20 – 40 Monosit 6 % 2 – 8 Trombosit 342 10^3μL 150 – 450 MCV 86 fL 81 – 92 MCH 28.9 pg 27.0 – 32.0 MCHC 33.7 g/dL 32.0 – 37.0 Period Bleeding (IVY) 3 menit 1 – 6 Freezing Period (Lee-White) 10-11 menit 10 – 16 PT control 12.2 detik 11.0 – 14.2 Clinical Chemistry 12.5 detik Leukocyte count Period prothrombin(PT) PT patient Bilirubin Total 1941 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. Bilirubin Direk Bilirubin Indirek 1.1 mg/dL 0.1 – 1.0 0.2 mg/dL 0.1 – 0.2 0.8 mg/dL 0.1 – 0.8 92 U/L 30 – 120 H 36 U/L 0 – 30 Fosfatase Alkali (ALP) Gamma GT (GGT) Examination of blood pressure Tanggal 13 okc 2014 14 okc 2014 15 okc 2014 16 okc 2014 17 okc 2014 18 okc 2014 19 okc 2014 20 okc 2014 21 okc 2014 Blood Pressure Time time time SistolandDiastol 04.00 12.00 20.00 S - - 120 D - - 80 S 110 100 100 D 80 80 80 S 110 100 120 D 90 80 90 S 110 100 110 D 80 90 70 S 120 100 120 D 80 90 80 S 110 110 110 D 90 80 90 S 120 110 110 D 80 80 70 S 110 110 110 D 80 90 80 S 110 - - D 80 - - 1942 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. 5. Profile of treatment Date name of medication Inpepsa (sukrafat 13/10 14/10 15/10 16/10 17/10 18/10 19/10 20/10 21/10 3x1 3x1 3x1 3x1 3x1 3x1 3x1 3x1 3x1 3x1 3x1 3x1 3x1 3x1 tab tab tab Tab Tab Tab tab Ranitidine (150 2x1 2x1 2x1 2x1 2x1 2x1 2x1 mg) tab tab tab Tab Tab Tab tab - - 3x1 3x1 3x1 3x1 Tab Tab Tab - - 2x1 2x1 Tab Rantin ( 2x1 2x1 ranitidin150mg) Tab Tab 500 mg) Strocain (polymigel 400 mg) Ultacet (tramadol hcl 37,5) Sharox ( cefuroxime, Sefu roksim500) - - - - - - 3x1 3x1 3x1 Tab Tab Tab Tab 2x1 2x1 2x1 2x1 2x1 Tab Tab Tab Tab Tab Tab 2x1 2x1 2x1 2x1 2x1 2x1 2x1 Tab Tab Tab Tab Tab Tab Tab 6. Discussion The results of laboratory tests and abdominal ultrasonographyon to Mrs. RS, found some abnormalitiesThe results of abnormal hematologic ie erythrocyte sedimentation rate, hematocryte, and neutrophil stem indicates that the presence of gamma glutamyl transferase and infection (GGT) show that up normal and hematology ie erythrocyte in infection thesis incricen of gamma glutamyl transferase indicate the patient in the case. The patient was treated with Inpepsa Sucralfate Suspension 500 mg / mL for Gastric and ulcer doudenum, Strocain Polymigel 400mg Tablets for nausea, bloating due to gastric or duodenal ulcer and gastritis, abdominal pain, hyperacidity, Ranitidine 150 mg tablet for gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcers, reflux esophagitis, chronic episodic dyspepsia. Ultracet (Tramadol HCl 37.5 mg, acetaminophen 1943 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. 325 mg.) Of short-term therapy for mild pain, moderate to severe. Sharox (Cefuroxime, Cefuroxime 500 mg) Prophylactic surgery, is more active against Hemophilus influenzae and N. gonorrhoeae, infection with positive gram and negative gram infections. the existence of multiple drug interactions, namely the use of Ultracet (Paracetamol) will increase the effect when used in conjunction with ranitidine and Rantin (Ranitidine) will reduce the bioavailability Sharox (cefuroxime) if used simultaneously. 7. DRUG RELATED PROBLEM Drug interaraction : Ultracet / Paracetamol can increase the effect ranitidine and Ranitidine can reduce bioavailability of cefuroxime 8. Conclusion: Based on the practice of clinical work in PGI Cikini Hospital i can be concluded that there found drug related problem that is drug interaction between ranitidine with paracetamol, and ranitidine with cefuroxime REFERENCES Dorland, W.A. Newman. 2011. Kamus Saku Kedokteran Edisi 28. Terjemahan Oleh Albertus Agung Mahode, dkk. Jakarta : EGC. Engram, Barbara. 2012. Rencana Asuhan Keperawatan Medikal Bedah Volume 3. Jakarta : EGC Mitchell, Richard N., dkk. 2006. Buku Saku Dasar Patologis Penyakit. Terjemahan Oleh Andry Hartono. 2009. Jakarta : EGC Noer, Sjaifoellah. 2011 Ilmu Penyakit Dalam. Jakarta : HKUI. Rubenstein, David, dkk. 2012. Lucture Notes Kedokteran Klinis, Edsisi 6. Terjemahan Oleh dr. Annisa Rahmalia. 2007. Jakarta : Erlangga. Saragi, Sahat. 2012. Panduan Penggunaan Obat. Jakarta : PT. Rosemata Sampurna. Widiastuty, Astri Sri. 2010. Patogenesis Batu Empedu. Palembang : Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Muhammadiyah. 1944 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. LIVER CIRRHOSIS AND CONGESTIVE HEART FAILURE AT PGI CIKINI HOSPITAL Ayu Andira1, Diana Laila Ramatillah2,Stefanus Lukas2 1 Student of Pharmacist Professional Program Student, Faculty of Pharmacy UTA’45 Jakarta 2 Lecturer of Faculty of University ofPharmacyUTA’45 Jakarta Email: ABSTRACT Liver cirrhosis is a disease in which the micro-circulation, a large blood vessel anatomy and the entire system architecture of the liver becomes irregular changes and the addition of connective tissue (fibrosis) around the regenerated liver parenchyma8. Factor precursor liver cirrhosis: Hepatitis (B, C, and D), Alcohol, metabolic abnormalities8. Some other causes of liver cirrhosis associated with increased pressure gradient of which CHF (Congestive Heart Failure) or congestive heart failure8. Congestive Heart Failure (CHF) is a condition in which the heart has failed to pump blood9. The cardiac dysfunction due to coronary atherosclerosis disrupt cardiac contraction by myocardial infarction and ischemia9. Patients Mr. MC age of 44 years, entered PGI Cikini Hospital on August 13, 2014 with a diagnosis of liver cirrhosis, congestive heart failure, shortness of breath, cold sweat, nausea and vomiting stomach. Therapy treatment for hospitalized ie cefotaxime, spironolaktone, digoxin, Dorner, cormega, hepabalance, hepamers, lesichol, Lasix, ciproflotaxim, sistenol, and heparin. Based on the results, it can be deduced that the presence of DRPs (Drug Related Problems) form Failed / did not receive the drug (Failure to receive medication) patients do not get (Potassium Chloride) to prevent hypokalemia4, Furosemide drug interactions and digoxin4, spironolactone and digoxin4, Omega 3 and heparin4. Keywords: Liver Cirrhosis, Congestive Heart Failure (CHF). 1945 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. INTRODUCTION In developed countries, cirrhosis of the liver is the third largest cause of death in patients aged 45-46 years (after cardiovascular disease and cancer)8. Throughout the world cirrhosis ranks seventh leading cause of death8. Approximately 25,000 people die each year from the disease8. Cirrhosis of the liver is a liver disease that is often found in the Department of Internal Medicine ward8. Hospitalization most cases primarily intended to address a variety of diseases caused such as upper gastrointestinal bleeding, peptic coma, hepatorenal syndrome, and ascites, spontaneous bacterial peritonitis and Hepatosellular carcinoma8. Clinical symptoms of liver cirrhosis varies widely, ranging from asymptomatic to obvious symptoms8. Where noted, reports in developed countries, the cases of liver cirrhosis who come to see the doctor only approximately 30% of the entire population of this disease, and approximately 30% were discovered by chance when seeking treatment for other diseases, the rest was found when the autopsy8. The term liver cirrhosis given by Laence 1819, which is derived from the word meaning Khirros yellow orange (orange yellow), because the color changes in nodules formed8. Definition of cirrhosis of the liver can be said as follows, namely a state of the diffuse disorganisassi of normal liver structure due to regenerative nodules surrounded by tissue fibrosis8. A complete liver cirrhosis is a disease in which the micro-circulation, a large blood vessel anatomy and the entire system architecture of the liver becomes irregular changes and the addition of connective tissue (fibrosis) around the regenerated liver parenchyma8. Patient with liver cirrhosis is more common in men compared with women About a 1.6: 1 with an average age of majority in the age group 30-59 years with a peak of about 40-449 years8. Factor precursor liver cirrhosis: Hepatitis (B, C, and D), alcohol, metabolic disorders including Hemakhomatosis (iron overload), Wilson's disease (copper overload), Alphal-antitrypsin deficiency, Glikonosis type-IV, galactosemia, Tirosinemi8. Some other causes of liver cirrhosis associated with increased pressure gradient of which CHF (Congestive Heart Failure) or congestive heart failure9.Congestive Heart Failure (CHF) is a condition in which the heart pumps blood to fail in order to meet the needs of the cell - the cell body and oxygen nutriaen adequately9. This results in stretching of the heart chambers (dilated) 1946 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. in order to accommodate more blood to be pumped throughout the body or cause the heart muscle stiff and thickened9. The heart is able to pump blood only for a short time and the walls weakened heart muscle can not pump strongly9. At the time of a normal heart at rest, then the dominant influence of the parasympathetic system in maintaining a heart rate of about 60 to 80 beats /minute 3. Heart rate in a healthy state is affected by the work, blood pressure, emotions, way of life and the age of3. At the time a lot of movement, the need for oxygen (O2) and expenditure increased carbon dioxide (CO2) is also increased so that the heart rate can achieve 150x/minutes3. In normal circumstances the amount of blood pumped by the right ventricle and left ventricle same so there is no accumulation of 3. If the return of venous unbalanced and failed to keep up with the power ventricular heart pump the veins near the heart so swollen with blood so that the pressure in the veins go up in the long term, could be edema3. Factors that can trigger the development of heart failure through the circulation of a sudden emphasis can be: arrhythmias, systemic infections and infections of the lungs and pulmonary embolism1. Effective treatment for heart failure requires the introduction and handling not only the mechanisms underlying physiological and disease, but also the factors that lead to heart failure1. Heart failure is associated with increased levels of arginine vasopressin in circulation, which also is vasokontriktor and inhibiting fluid excretion7. In heart failure, atrial natriuretic peptide increased due to an increase in the atrium, which shows that here there is resistance to the effects of natriuretic and vasodilator7. CASE PRESENTATION Mr. MC male aged 44 years treated, patient are admitted in PGI Cikini Hospital on August 13, 2014. The patient was admitted with complaints of feeling shortness of breath before entering the hospital, cold sweat, nausea and vomiting stomach. The patient went to the hospital. PGI Cikini. Patient already have a history of CHF. After the patient is doing the re-examination was turns out the patient has liver cirrhosis as well. From the results of laboratory, clinical chemistry examination showed a high SGOT at 53 U / L (050 U / L), an increase in globulin values are 5.8 g / dL (1.3 to 3.7 g / dL), Gamma GT (GGT) 92 U / L (0-30 U / L)6. On examination the patient's hematologic APTT 47.2 seconds (26.4 to 37.5 1947 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. seconds)6. Liver function examination showed an increase in the value of total bilirubin 4.9 mg / dL (0.1-1.0 mg / dL), direk bilirubin of 3.3 mg / dL (0.1-0.2 mg / dL) , indirect bilirubin 1.6 mg / dL (0.1 to 0.8 mg / dL), total protein of 9.3 g / dL (6.0 to 8.0 g / dL) 6. While the electrolyte examination, a decline in the value of Sodium (Na) Blood 133 mEq / L (135-147 mEq / L)6. From the results of laboratory examination of patients diagnosed with liver cirrhosis and congestive heart failure (CHF)6. In this case, the patient was treated with ciprofloxacin orally 1x1 gram used to infectious pathogens, the use Spironolaktone 2x100 mg orally as diuretics, Digoxin penggunaa 2x½ mg orally to strengthen the pulse and heart pump power, the use of Dorner (Beraprost Na) 3x1 tablet orally to treat pain, the use of Cormega 3x1 capsules orally help maintain health, the use of capsules and Hepamers Hepabalance3x1 (L-ornithine-L-aspartate) 3x1 packs of orally taken on an empty stomach (1 or 2 hours before / after meals) to maintain healthy liver function, use Lesichol 3x300 mg orally multivitamin help cure heart disease and lower the risk of heart disease, the use of Lasik (Furosemide) 1x40 mg orally used as a diuretic drug used to treat edema in patients, the use of Sistenol to reduce fever, use of heparin (Heparin Na) 15000 IE subcutaneous injection given to prevent blood clots, use Cefotaxim2x500 mg / day orally for respiratory tract infections2,5. CLINIC EVALUATION Drug Related Problems(DRPs) including: 1. Failed / no to receive drugs (Failure to receive medication): Found, patient did not to get (Potassium Chloride) for prevent occurrence4 hypokalemia. Pharmacist Intervention: Should Potanssium Chloride given to prevent hypokalemia4. 2. a. Interaction drug (Drug Interactions): Drug Related Problems 1: Furosemide - digoxin: Found an interaction between; digoxin and Lasix (furosemide) where digoxin may increase the effects of furosemide, so that digoxin was not able to strengthen the heart rate and pump power4. Pharmacist Intervention: Should Potanssium Chloride given to prevent hypokalemia4. b. Drug Related Problems 2: 1948 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. Spironolactone - Digoxin: Spironolactone may weaken the effect of digoxin and impede tubular secretion of digoxin4. Pharmacist Intervention: Given the distance between the use of spironolactone and digoxin4. c. Drug Related Problems 3: Omega 3 - heparin: Using omega 3 polyunsaturated together with heparin can cause bleeding risk4. Pharmacist Intervention: Given the distance between the consumption of omega 3 and heparin, to prevent bleeding4. CONCLUSION Based on the results of, it can be concluded that the presence of DRPs (Drug Related Problems) form Furosemide drug interactions namely – digoxin: Found an interaction between; digoxin and Lasix (furosemide) where digoxin may increase the effects of furosemide, so that digoxin was not able to strengthen the heart rate and pump power, spironolactone and digoxin: Spironolactone may weaken the effect of digoxin and impede tubular secretion of digoxin, Omega 3 – heparin: Using fatty acid Omega-3 polyunsaturated together with heparin can cause bleeding risk. Failed / not receiving the drug (Failure to receive medication): Found, patient did not get (Potassium Chloride) to prevent hypokalemia. REFERENCES 1. Barbara C. Long. Medical Surgical Nursing (Translation), Padjadjaran Bandung IAPK Foundation, September 1996, p. 443-450 2. BPOM. 2008. National Indonesian Medicine Information (ioni). Jakarta: Sagung Seto 3. Maarif F Vishnu. 2013. Radiology Congestive Heart Failure(CHF). New York: Journal of Medicine UII. 4. Medscape.2014. Drug Interaction Checker. . Accessed on October 10, 2014. 5. Priyanto, Drs. M. Biomed, Apt. 2009. Pharmacotherapy and Medical Terminology. Jakarta: Leskonfi 1949 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. 6. Santosa, Budi. 2007. NANDA Nursing Diagnosis Guide. London: Prima Medical 7. Suharto, Faith. 2004. Heart Attack And Stroke. New York: Scholastic 8. Sutadi S Maryani. 2003. Hepatitis Cirrhosis. Journal of Medicine USU. 9. Udjianti, J, Wok. 2010. Cardiovascular Nursing. Jakarta: Salemba Medical 1950 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. DRUG RELATED PROBLEM TUBERCULOSIS RELAPSE AND DISEASE HYPERTENSION AT PERSAHABATAN HOSPITAL Dewi Anggereni1, Aprilita Rinayanti Eff.2 and Diana Laila Rahmatillah2 1 Student of Pharmacist Program, Faculty of Pharmacy UTA ’45 Jakarta 2 Lecturer of Faculty of Pharmacy UTA’ ABSTRACT Tuberculosis (TB) is a disease caused by complex infection of Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Mycobacterium tuberculosishave straight bacillli form or slightly curved, no spored or not encapsulated. Nowdays lung tuberculosis disease still be public health problem (PDPI, 2013). Hypertension is an increasing in blood pressure at a certain level and gradually at three times of intermittent measurement during three weeks which can cause damage of the body. The increasing of blood pressure, which diastolic blood pressure above 90 mmHg or systolic blood pressure above 140 mmHg (Nugroho,2009). Patient Mr. KN, 49 years old, entered to the hospital ( Persahabaan hospital) on 07 october 2014, 23.00 pm with diagnoses : Community Acqured Pneumonia (CAP), TB relapse with complaints of shortness of breat, hypertension grade II buthave been not detected. Treatment therapy for hospitalized were Ambroxol, Amlodipine, Ceftazidim, Ventolin Inhalation, Candesartan. In this case was found the Drug Related Problems (DRPs) there are using of drugwithout indication and dose of amlodipine is can increase. Keywords:Drug Related Problem, TB relapse, Hypertension Grade II, andPersahabatan Hospital. 1951 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. I INTRODUCTION It is estimated that approximately 80% increasing in cases of hypertension especially in developing countries in 2025 of there are 639 million cases in 2000, is estimated to be 1,15 billion cases in 2015. This prediction based on the number of current hypertension patients and current population growth(Armilawati,2007). Hypertension is an increasing in blood pressure at a certain level and gradually at three times of intermittent measurement during three weeks which can cause damage of the body. The increasing of blood pressure, which diastolic blood pressure above 90 mmHg or systolic blood pressure above 140 mmHg (Nugroho, 2009). Mycobacterium tuberculosis have straight bacillli form or slightly curved, no spored or not encapsulated. These bacteria with widthof 0.3 - 0.6mmand mycrobacteriumis verycomplex, consistingoflipid length of1-4mm. Wall layeris veryhigh(60%). mainconstituentcellwallof mycrobacteriumtuberculosisismikolat, thehalosadimikolatcalledas cordfactorandmycrobacteriumsulfolipidsthat The complex-wexes, play a roleinvirulence(Djojodibroto, 2009). World TBC report by WHO in 2006, that Indonesia as the largest contributor number three in the world after India and China with the number of new cases of approximately539,000people peryear. AccordingNotoatmodjo(2003) in addition tothe homeenvironmentsanitationfactors, the incidence ofpulmonaryTBdiseaseis alsoveryconcerned with the behaviorandthe amount offamilyincomebecausethe majority ofTB patientsarepoor peoplewhoseeducationlevelis low.For theexamination ofpulmonary TB,3sputum specimensexaminedwithin2days,spot-morning-spot (SMS). Based on the guidelines of the national TB program, the diagnosis of pulmonary TB in adults is enforced with the discovery of TB germs (BTA). Whereas such checks photo thoracic, culture and sensitivity test can be used as a support in diagnosis in accorandce with the indications and not justified in diagnosing TB (Djojodibroto, 2009). II PRESENTATION OF CASES Patient Mr. KN, 49 years old, entered to Persahabaan Hospital on October 07, 2014, 23.00 pm with diagnoses: Community Acqured Pneumonia (CAP), TB relapse with complaint of left lung 1952 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. field, Suspect MDR TB, and Hypertension Grade II but has been not detected. The patient also complaints with severe shortness of breath ± 2 weeks before entering the hospital. The shortness of breaset increased when the patient was doingactivity and patient also experience cough with blood cough ± 1 last month, and decreasing in appetite and weight loss ± 8 kg for 1 months. The patientis received anti tuberculosisdrugs in 1995 for 1 year cured and physician has declared that patient was cured. III EXAMINATION OF VITAL SIGN Date of Blood Pressure Pulse Breathing Temperature eximination (120/80 mmHg) (94- (20-25x/minute) (37⁰C) 105x/minute) 08/10/2014 189/110 mmHg 105 x / minute 23 x / minute 37⁰ 09/10/2014 185/105 mmHg 103 x / minute 23 x / minute 37⁰ 10//10/2014 175/80 mmHg 105 x / minute 25 x / minute 37⁰ 11/10/2014 140/90mmHg 90 x / minute 20 x / minute 37⁰ 12/10/2014 139/85mmHg 102 x / minute 24 x / minute 37⁰ 13/10/2014 140/78mmHg 94 x / minute 23 x/ minute 37⁰ IV CLINICAL EVALUATION Administration of ambroxol as mucolitic for overcome. Cough and amlodipine for decreasing blood pressure in combination with candesartan. Ceftazidim for overcome Community Acqured Pneumonia (CAP). Ventolin Inhalation for overcome tightness. V Drugs DRUG REGIMEN Doses 08/09/14 09/10/14 10/10/14 11/10/14 06.12. 18. 24. 06. 12.18. 24. 06.12. 18. 24. 06. 12. 18.24. 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Ambroxol 3x 1 gr T √ T √ Amlodipine 1 x 5 mg T √ T √ Candesartan 1 x 80 mg M T 1953 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. Ceftazidim (inj) Ventolin 3 x 1 gr 3 x day Inhalation Drugs Doses √ √ √ √ 12/09/14 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 13/10/14 06. 12. 18. 24. 06. 12. 18. 24. 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Ambroxol 3x 1 g √ Amlodipine 1 x 5 mg √ √ Candesartan 1 x 80 mg √ √ Ceftazidim 3x1g √ √ √ √ Ventolin Inhalation 3 x day √ √ √ √ VI √ √ √ DISCUSSION Thelaboratory resultsin the first day treatmentshow that leukocytevaluesabovethe normal limits (23.1 thousand/mm3) this is indicatethat the patient suffered infection disease,so physician giveceftazidima semisyntheticcephalosporinantibiotic. Mechanism of action ofceftazidimby inhibiting the enzymes responsible for the synthesis of cell walls. Invitro Ceftazidim can affect the micro-organisms in the range/wide spectrum including strains resistant to gentamicin and other aminoglycosides. Additionally ceftazidim very stable against most β-lactamases, plasmi and chromosomal clinically produced by gram-negative andgram-positive and thus ceftazidim active against several strains resistant to ampicillin and other cephalosporins. 3 Insubsequenttreatmentleukocytes value to be low(15.33 and11.83thousand/mm )(BPOM, 2008). Patient Mr.KNcametothe hospitalwitha bloodpressure ofabove normal 189/110 mmHg, doctors prescribeamlodipinewhich is calciumantagonist, aclass ofdihydropyridinethatinhibitsthe influxof calcium ionsthroughthe membraneintothe muscleandcardiacmusclethataffectsvascular vascular smoothmusclecontractionand smooth theheartmuscleis 1954 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. usedtotreathypertension. Amlodipine inhibits calcium ion selective in fuks, where most have effects on vascular smooth muscle cells than cardiac muscle cells(Yulianah, 2008). Patient experince hypertention uncotrolled, so the doctors provides a combination therapy using candesartan (Angisotensin Receptor Blockers Angisotensin Receptor Blockers/ (ARB) class) with amlodipine. Candesartan works by inhibiting angiotensinIIon AT1 receptor thereby reducing sympathetic activity causes vasodilatation with decreased peripheral resistance thereby increasing cardiac output (Gunawan S, 2012). Ventolin inhalers containing salbutamol which is a sympathomimetic amines including betaadrenergic agonist class that has a special effect on receptor beta (2) -adrenergic contained in adenyl cyclase. Adenyl cyclase catalyse the process of change of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) to cyclic-3 ', 5'-adenosine monophosphate (cyclic AMP). This mechanism increases the amount of cyclic AMP which affects the relaxation of bronchial smooth muscle and inhibits the release of mediators cause hypersensitivity reactions. The using of ventolin inhalers for overcome shortness of breath (Gunawan S, 2012). The patient suffered cough with sputum approximately 1 month before entering the hospital, the administration of ambroxol as mucoliticand secretolytic.mucolitic and scretolytic canbring out sputum and reduce the mucus. Thus the liquid secretions as membrane on the surface of the mucous respiratory tract can carry out the function of the protection normally again. (Yulianah, 2008). VII DRUG RELATED PROBLEM 1. Untreated complaint Patient experince decreasing in appetile but physician do not give vitamin for increasing it. We suggestedtoprovide additionaltherapysuch asvitaminBcomplexandcarried outmonitoring ofthe state ofthe patient'sappetite. 2. The dosage regimen is too low Theprescriptionof amlodipine5mg once dailyes is too low,according to Dr.AineBurns, it should be given 10 mg daily(Renal DrugHandbook, 2009). Recommendto thedoctorto re-evaluatethe use oftherapeuticdoses ofamlodipine. Docheck listnursesnotes periodically 1955 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. VIII CONCLUSION Based on theresults ofclinical workpracticeinpulmonarydiseaseswardPersahabatanHospital, it can be concluded thatthe presence ofDRP(Drug Related Problems) in the form ofuntreated complaint and the dosage regimen is too low. REFERENCES Armilawati, 2007. Hipertensi and Faktor Resikonya dalam Kajian Epidemiolog. FKM UNHAS. Available from: [Accessed 15 March 2010]. BPOM, 2008. Informatorium Obat Nasional Indonesia. Koperpom : Jakarta. Djojodibroto, Dr. R. Darmanto, Sp. P, FCCP. 2009. Respirologi (Respiratory Medicine). EGC : Jakarta. Gunawan S., 2012. Farmakologi and Terapi. Universitas Indonesia Fakultas Kedokteran : Jakarta. Nugroho, Dr. Agung.2009.Farmakologi Obat-obat Penting dalam Pembelajaran Ilmu Kefarmasian and Dunia Kesehatan,Universitas Gadjah Mada Yogyakarta. PDPI, 2013. Pedoman diagnosis and penatalaksanaan Tuberkulosis . Jakarta. Yulianah,Sukandar .,dkk. 2008. Iso farmakoterapi. PT.ISFI Penerbitan : Jakarta. 1956 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. DRUG RELATED PROBLEMS IN TREATMENT OF BRONCHIECTASIS INFECTED WITH SEPSIS A.Ririn Perawanti Asgap1, Diana Laila Ramatillah2, Aprilita Rinayanti Eff2 1 Student of Pharmacist Professional Program Student, Faculty Of Pharmachy UTA’ 45 Jakarta 2 Lecturer of Faculty of Pharmachy UTA’ 45 Jakarta Email : ABSTRACT Bronchiectasis is a morphological abnormalities consisting an abnormal dilation of the bronchi and settle caused damage of elastic components and muscular bronkus7. Sepsis is a clinical syndrome that occurs due to the excessive body's response concering to mikroorganisme stimulan4. Patient Mrs.KH, 29th years old entered the Persahabat Hospital on 13 December 2014. Patient presented with cough ± 8 months before entered, white and many sputum in the morning, fever 2 days before entered, continuous nausea ± 2 days before entered. Shortness of breath ± 6 months before entered, sometimes chest pain since ± 6, ± 2 months limp, appetite decreased 2 days before entered. History of previous disease is tuberculosis on OAT. Therapeutic treatment is 3 x 500 mg paracetamol for fever overcome, N-acetyl cysteine syrup therapy 3x c1 used to overcome viscous and thick mucus hypersecretion in the respiratory tract, 3 x 50 mg ranitidine useful in the reduction of gastric acid conditions, levofloxasin 1 x 750 mg used for the treatment of chronic bronchitis with the usual dose of 500 mg / day, meropenem inj. 3x 1 g were used for infection of gram-negative and gram-positive with usual doses of 2 g every 8 hours3. Based on the results of their clinical practice in Pulmonary care room, Persahabatan Hospital in bronchiectasis treatment given to the patient has right, but need to be considered in granting regimens of levofloxasin doses. Keywords: Bronchiectasis, sepsis and pulmonary care department of Persahabatan Hospital 1957 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. INTRODUCTION Bronchiectasis is a chronic dilatation of the bronchi and bronchioles that may be caused by various conditions, including lung infections and bronchial obstruction, foreign body aspiration, vomit, objects from the upper respiratory tract, and the pressure due to a tumor, blood vessels are dilated and limfa node enlargement2. Pathophysiology of bronchiectasis starting from infection bronchial wall damage, causing loss of supporting structure and produce thick sputum that can eventually clog bronki2. Bronchial walls become stretched permanently as a result of severe coughing, infection extends to peribronkial, so that in the case of bronchciectasis cellular, each tube actually dilated is pulmonary abscess, which eksudat flow freely through bronkus2. Bronchiectasis usually attacked Local lobe lung segment. Based on bronchography (shape) and pathology, bronchiectasis can be divided into three, namely: 1. Bronchiectasis tube (Tubular, Cylindrikal, fusiform Bronchiectasis) Bronchiectasis is a form brokiektasis most ringan1. This form often found in the bronchiectasis with bronchiectasis chronic1. 2. Shape of bag (saccular Bronchiectasis) This form is a form of classical brokiektasis characterized by dilation and constriction of bronchi that are irregular, this form is sometimes shaped a cyst1. 3. Varicose Bronchiectasis It is a combination of both forms previous1. This term used for varicose veins resembling bronchial vena1. There is still no exact data on the prevalence of bronchiectasis. In western countries the prevalence of bronchiectasis estimated 1.3% of the population ada8. The high prevalence was experiencing a significant decline with controlling cases of pulmonary infection with medication use antibiotik8. Sepsis can occur as a result of infectious microorganisms in wherever body5. The cause of sepsis is a gram-negative bacterial infection with a percentage 60-70% of cases produce a variety of products which can stimulate cell imun5. These products will lead to release inflammatory 1958 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. mediators such as LPS (lipopolysaccharide)5. Example of gram-negative bacteria that can cause sepsis is Pseudomonas aureuginosa, Klebsiella, enterobakter, echoli, Proteus, and others5. CASE PRESENTATION Patient Mrs. Kh, aged 29 years entered Persahabatan Hospital on 13 December 2014. Patient present with cough ± 8 months before entered, the trouble removing phlegm cough, sputum white and a lot in the morning, fever 2 days before entered, nausea continuously ± 2 days before entered. Shortness of breath ± 6 months before entered, sometimes chest pain since ± 6, ± 2 months limp, appetite decreased 2 days before entered. Weight loss, bowel and bladder normally. History of previous disease was tuberculosis on OAT (checks at PHC 2009) before check sputum (+) and radiographic declared cured. History of TB on OAT (examination in the clinic god 2014), already 6 months of TB and said there was fluid (not injected, given OAT non-DOTS). Directly Observed Treatment Shortcourse (DOTS) was pulmonary TB treatment strategy that prioritizes supervision OAT taking medication during the treatment period, preventing patient dropped out (breaking treatment) as well as the search and discovery of new cases in the community. CLINICAL EVALUATION Treatment of patient with bronchiectasis consists of two groups, namely the conservative treatment and surgery treatment6. Conservative treatment consists of general management, special management, and treatment symptomatic 6. General management, include: (1) create a good environment and appropriate for the patient; (2) improve the drainage of bronchial secretions to perform postural drainage, melt the thick sputum, adjust position of patient's bed, and control respiratory tract infections6. Special management include: (1) chemotherapy in bronchiectasis; (2) drainage of secretions with a bronchoscope; (3) symptomatic treatment (such as the treatment of bronchial obstruction, for example with bronchodilator drugs; treatment of hypoxia by giving oxygen; treatment of hemoptysis for example with hemostatic drugs; treatment of fever with antipyretics)6. Indications surgery to remove (resection) segment / lung lobes were exposed, namely bronchiectasis patients are limited and resektabel, do not respond to conservative measures are 1959 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. adequate; but it also limited the patient, but often have recurrent infections or hemoptysis from the area, patients with massive hemoptysis absolutely need operating action6. Treatment of fever in patient with acute exacerbation of infection should be given appropriate antibiotics and antipyretics should be added as needed, medication therapy is 3 x 500 mg paracetamol to cope with fever, N-acetyl cysteine syr therapy 3x c1 is used to overcome the viscous and thick mucus hypersecretion in channel respiratory, 3 x 50 mg ranitidine useful in the reduction of gastric acid conditions, levofloxasin 1 x 750 mg used for treatment of chronic bronchitis with usual dose of 500 mg / day, meropenem inj3. 3x 1 g were used for infection of gram-negative and gram-positive with usual doses of 2 g every 8 jam3. LABORATORY EXAMINATION RESULTS The results of laboratory tests performed by patient Mrs.Kh who showed abnormal laboratory value was 29.81 thousand leukocytes / mm3 (normal value 5-10 thousand / mm3), Neutrophils 84.2% (50-70% of normal value), lymphocytes 6.7% (normal values 25-40), erythrocytes 5.99 million / uL (normal value of 3.6 to 5.8 million / uL) Monocytes 8.8% (2-8%), Eosinophils 0.1 % (24%), hemoglobin 9.2 g / dl (normal values of 12-16 g / dl), MCV 58.4 fL (normal value 80-100 fL), MCH 17.9 pg (normal value 26- 34 pg), MCHC 30.6% (32-36% of normal value), RDW-CV of 20.2% (from 11.5 to 14.5%), Fibrinogen 568 mg / dl (normal values of 200-400 mg / dl ), control of 13.2 seconds (normal value of 9.2 to 12.4 seconds), D-dimer was 1518 mg / dl (normal values of 0-500 mg / dl), globulin 3.6 g / dl (normal values 1, 3 to 2.7 g / dl). DRUG RELATED PROBLEMS (DRPs) Dose Regimen In this case the patient got levofloxasin which drug administration does not comply with the literature where levofloxasin given with higher doses 1 x 750 mg. Pharmaceutical interventions of this case that levofloxasin dose should be reduced from according to the dose stated on the literature where levofloxasin given intravenous dose is 500 mg / day3. Indications Without Drugs Laboratory results of patient who showed abnormal values that MCV, MCH, MCHC, and RDW and also decreased hemoglobin value indicated anemia, but not given the anemia drug. 1960 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. Pharmaceutical intervention of this case that the patient should be given multvitamin supplements containing vitamin B12 and folic acid as well as improve the prophylactic treatment of vitamin B12 or folat acid deficiency9. And suggest to patient consume foods that contain iron such as vegetables, meat and fish9. CONCLUSION Based on the result of clinical practice in pulmonary care room at Persahabatan Hospital then bronchiectasis treatment given to the patient has right, but need to be considered in granting levofloxasin2 regimen doses. And also any indication without medication9. REFERENCES 1. Aru W. Sudoyo. 2006. Buku ajar Ilmu Penyakit Dalam.Jilid II, Edisi IV. Jakarta : FKUI. 2. Brunner & Suddarth. 2000. Medical Surgical Nursing, Edition 9. Philadelphia : Lippincott. 3. Galileopharma. 2008. BNF Edition 56. Alexandria Universiti. 4. Guntur HA. Terapi sepsis SIRS & sepsis. In: Imunologi, Diagnosis, Penatalaksanaan. Sebelas Maret University Press, 2006.p.10 5. Iskandar,Japardi.2002.”Manifestasi Neurologik Shock Sepsis” 6. Perhimpunan Dokter Spesialis Penyakit Dalam Indonesia. Bronkiektasis. In: Sudoyo AW, Setiyohadi B, Alwi I, et al; editors. Buku Ajar Ilmu Penyakit Dalam. Jakarta: Interna Publishing; 2009. 7. Soeparman & Sarwono W, (1998), Ilmu Penyakit Dalam Jilid II Balai Penerbit FKUI, Jakarta. 8. Sudoyo AW, Setiyohadi B, Alwi I, Simadibrata M, Setiasi S. Buku Ajar Ilmu Penyakit Dalam. Edisi 4 – Jilid II. Jakarta: Pusat Penerbitan Ilmu Penyakit dalam FKUI. 2007. Hal; 1035-1039. 9. Wells, Barbara G., DiPiro, Joseph T., Schwinghammer, Terry L., Hamilton, Cindy W. 2006.Pharmacotherapy Handbook, 6th Edition. USA: The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. 1961 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. Evaluation of Drug Related Problems In Patient With Dyspepsia Disease At PGI Cikini Hospital Ety Nursulasih1, Aprilita Rinayati Efi2, Diana Laila Ramatillah2, and Stefanus Lukas2 1 Student of Pharmacist Program, Faculty of Pharmacy UTA’45 Jakarta 2 Lecturer of Faculty of Pharmacy UTA’45 Jakarta ABSTRACT Dyspepsia is a syndrome or a collection of symptoms consisting of pain or discomfort in the epigastrium, nausea, vomiting, bloating, early satiety, the stomach feel full, and belching2. Dyspepsia is generally divided into organic dyspepsia and functional dyspepsia. Organic dyspepsia caused by various diseases which showed a pathological disorder either structural or biochemical. If the diagnostic check up did not reveal any abnormalities that are included in functional dyspepsia3. Peptic ulcer in the elderly is often more serious than the same case at a young age due to the risk factors more ulcers in the elderly, as well as the complications and mortality associated with peptic ulcer3. Patient Mrs E. N aged of 64 years old, entered PGI Cikini Hospital on 6-11 October 2014. Physician was diagnosed that patient suffered dyspepsia, patient has history of hypertension and diabetes mellitus. Patient was treated with ranitidine injection, onandsetron injection, miniaspi tablet 80 mg. Based on the assessment of the treatment, that is the condition of hipoalbumin, but physician did not give treatment. DRPs (Drug Related Problems) experience hipoalbumin. Keywords : Drug Related Problems (DRPs), Dyspepsia, PGI Cikini Hospital 1962 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. INTRODUCTION Dyspepsia is divided into two subclassification, namely organic dyspepsia and functional dyspepsia. Organic dyspepsia, when it has been known organic disease as the cause. Organic dyspepsia syndrome is disorders that significantly affect organs such ulcers (sores) of the stomach, intestine 12 fingers, inflammation of the pancreas, inflammation of the bile, and others. Non-organic dyspepsia or functional dyspepsia or non-ulcer dyspepsia, when no obvious cause. Functional dyspepsia without abnormalities or disorders organ structures based on clinical examination, laboratory, radiology, and endoscopy after 3 months with symptom dispepsia4. To maintain the data needed diagnosis investigation to see organic disorders / structural or exclusion to enforce the diagnosis of functional dyspepsia. Additional complaints that threaten such as weight loss, anemia, difficulty swallowing, bleeding, and others, indicate that the diagnostic exploration immediately. In addition to radiology, the usual checks include laboratory, endoscopy, manometry, esofago-gastro-duodenal and gastric time emptied2. Although the management of dyspepsia (uninvestigated) individual, the initial approach that is cost-effective is the examination of H.pylori infection and treat the infection with bacteria eradication if positive test results (test and treat approach). When testing for H. pylori negative, empiric therapy with gastric acid suppressants or prokinetic recommended. If complaints persist or recur after six or eight weeks of empiric therapy, it is necessary to endoscopy5. CASE PRESENTATION Patient Mrs E. N 64 years old, weight 52 kg. Patient entered PGI Cikini Hospital on October 6 to 11, 2014. He complaint of nausea, vomiting, can not eat, body weakness, fever, cough, shortness of breath, chest pain, frequent urination, diarrhea. Patient has past medical history of hypertension and diabetes mellitus. LABORATORY DATA Table results of blood pressure measurement Review 06- 07 oct 8 oct 09 oct 10 oct 11 oct Systolic 110 oct 120 140 150 130 150 140 130 140 160 160 110 140 110 1963 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. Diastolic 80 80 80 80 80 80 90 80 90 80 90 90 90 90 Breathing 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 Weight 52 Kg (Kg)/ Height (cm) Table. Laboratory examination Review Result August 2014 Denomination Reference Value 50* mm/hour 0-20 11,5* g/dl 12,0-14,0 Leukosit 5 103/mL 5,0-10 Eritrosit 4,15 106/mL 4,0-4,5 Hematokrit 33* % 37-43 Retiklosit 16* ‰ 5,0-15 Basofil 1 % 0-1 Esinophil 4* % 1,0-3 Neutrophils Trunk 0* % 2,0-6 Neutrophils Segment 45* % 50-70 Lymphocytes 38 % 20-40 10 11 12 Hematological Peripheral Blood LED Hemoglobin Calculate Type Leukocytes 1964 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. Monocytes 12* % 2-8,0 3 Platelet 118* 10 /mL 150-450 MCV 79* fL 81-92 MCH 27,5 Pg 27-32 MCHC 35,4 g/dL 32-37 Table. Clinical examination Review Result Denomination Reference Value Albumin 2,8* g/dL 3,4-4,8 SGOT 35 u/L 0-35 SGPT 21 u/L 0-35 Sodium (Na) Blood 137 mEq/L 135-137 Potasium (K) Blood 3,6 mEq/L 3,5-5.0 Calcium (Ca) 8,8 mEq/L 8,8-10,0 Clinical Chemistry Sodium Potasium Table Patient Treatment Profile Name Dose Medicine Ranitidine 2x1 amp (25mg) Onandsentr 2x1 amp on (4mg) Miniaspi 3x1 tab Date Monitoring 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 (80mg) EVALUATION CLINIC 1965 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. Patient over 64 years old Mrs. E. N came to the hospital, she complaints : nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, weakness, fever. At this time patient receive medications such as ranitidine injection as histamine H2-receptor antagonist that competitively inhibits the action of histamine on H2 receptors and reduces gastric acid secretion, onandsetron as serotonin antagonist drug group 5 HT3, which works by inhibiting the selective serotonin 5- hydroxytriptamine (5HT3) binding to its receptor in the CTZ (chemoreseceptor trigger zone) and in the gastrointestinal tract, miniaspi (Acetylsalicylic acid) mechanism of action of these drug is associated with inhibition of COX-1 activity, which contribute to the main enzyme metabolism of arachidonic acid is a precursor of prostaglandins which play a major role in the pathogenesis of inflammation, pain and fever. Patient suffering dyspepsia and also hipoalbumin, but the patient did not receive 25% albumin. DISCUSSION Physician-diagnosed dyspepsia and patient was has a history of hypertension and diabetes mellitus. Ranitidine injection 25 mg was given per 12 hours to reduce the secretion of gastric acid, 4 mg of onandsetron injection was given per 12 hours to overcome nausea and vomiting, miniaspi 80 mg tablet per 8 hours to prevent platelet aggregation in myocardial infarction and unstable angina, prevent attacks ischemic brain cursory 6,7,8. DRUG RELATED PROBLEMS (DRPs) Drug Related Problem is all the problems associated with the treatment which may cause the treatment to be not optimal, it can even lead to adverse events for pasien8, the patient experienced hipoalbumin, but the patient did not receive 25% albumin. CONCLUSION Based on the results of clinical work practice in hospital wards K PGI Cikini it can be concluded that the presence of Drug Related Problems that is patient experienced hipoalbumin, but the patient do not receive 25% albumin. REFERENCES 1. Bonner GF. Upper gastrointestinal evaluation related to the pelvic floor in; Davilla; 2006 2. Djojodiningrat D. Functional Dyspepsia. In: Sudoyo AW (ed). Textbook of Medicine. Volume 1 edition IV. BP FK UI. Jakarta. 2006 354-6 1966 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. 3. Linder JD, Wilcox CM. Gastrointestinal disorders in the Elderly: acid peptic disease in the Elderly. Gastroenterol Clin North AM 2001; 30; 363-76 4. Baxter, K. 2008. Stockley's Drug Interactions eighth edition. Pharmaceutical Press. London 5. Montalto M, Santoro L, Vastola M, Curigliano V, Cammarota G, Manna R, et al. fuctional dyspepsia: definition, classification, clinical and therapeutic management. [article in Italian]. Ann Ital Med Int. 2004 Apr-Jun: 19 (2): 84-9 6. Yulinah, Sukandar, Dkk 2008, ISO Pharmacotherapy, ISFI enforcement, Jakarta 7. Tjay, TH, 2007, Essential Drugs, Elex Media Komputindo, Jakarta 8. Priyanto, 2009, Pharmacotherapy and Medical Terminology, LESKONFI, Jakarta 9. BNF, 2009. The British National Formulary. BMJ Group. UK 10. Harkness, Ricchard, translated by Goeswin Agoes and Mathilda B, 1989, Drug Interactions, ITB, Bandung 1967 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. TREATMENT FOR DIABETES MELLITUS WITH HYPERLIPIDEMIA DISEASE AT MINTOHARDJO HOSPITAL Widya Selawa1, Aprilita Rinayanti Eff2, Diana Laila Rahmatillah2 1 Student Of Pharmacist Professional Program, Faculty of Pharmacy UTA'45 Jakarta 2 Lecturer Of Faculty Of Pharmacy UTA'45 Jakarta ABSTRACT Diabetesmellitusis a metabolic disordercharacterized byhyperglycemiaassociatedwith abnormalities inthe metabolism of carbohydrates, fats, andproteins, causedbya decrease ininsulin secretionora decrease ininsulinsensitivity, or both, and it canlead tochroniccomplicationsof microvascular, macrovascular, andneuropathy(Sukandar et al, 2009). Hyperlipidemiaisone ofthe causesof diabetes. Hyperlipidemiais a condition whichfat levelsin the bloodriseabove thenormal value(DepKes, 2007). Inthiscase, 59-year-old female patient came to the hospitalwith complaints offrequent thirstandhunger, oftenfeelstiffinthe fingers and toes. Patientwastreated withRinger's lactate, Ranitidine, Onandsentron, Ulsicralsyrup(Sucralfate), Novorapid, Lantus, and Pletaal(Cilostazol). There areseveralDRPin this case, patient complain ofa stiffinthe fingers and toes, butphysician did not giveneurotrophicvitamine, the use ofantiemeticsOnandcentronarenotas indicated, and untreated Hyperlipidemia. Keywords: Drug Related Problem,Diabetes Mellitus,Hyperlipidemia,Mintohardjo Hospital 1968 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. 1. Introdution Diabetesmellitusis a metabolic disordercharacterized byhyperglycemiaassociatedwith abnormalities inthe metabolism of carbohydrates, fats, andproteins, whichare causedbya decrease ininsulin secretionora decrease ininsulinsensitivity, or both, and it canlead tochroniccomplicationsof microvascular, macrovascular, andneuropathy. There are 2 type of diabetesmellitus,type 1 diabetesmellitusandtype 2 diabetes mellitus (Sukandar,, 2009). Hyperlipidemiais a conditionwhichfat Fatincreaseincludescholesterol, levelsin triglycerides, or the both. bloodrises abovenormal Hyperlipidemiaisone value. of the complicationsof diabetesmellitus(DepKes, 2007). Insulininhibitslipolysisin the normal statebylowering thelipolytic activityinadipose. Patient withinsulindeficiencywillincreasethe lipolysissothe concentration offree fatty acidsinthe blood increases. Liveruse mostof these fatty acidsto formtriacylglycerolwerethenusedto formtriglycerides, LDL, andVLDL. Triglycerides, LDL, andVLDLis notstoredin the liverbutis excretedinto the bloodso its concentrationin the serumwill increased(DepKes, 2007). 2. Case Presentation Female patient, 59-year-old, came to the hospitalwith symptomps ofweaknesssince3daysbefore admission, feel tiredwhen walkingaway, and oftenfeelthirstyandhungry. Patientfeelstiffinthe fingers and toes. 3. Clinical Evaluation In this case, the patient was treated with infusion of Ringer's lactate (RL) which is indicated for the treatment of electrolytes and minerals. Ranitidin Inj. and Ranitidine tablets were indicated for reducing gastric acid secretion. Onandsentron Inj. and tablets were indicated as prevention of nausea and vomiting due to chemotherapy, radiotherapy, and surgery. Ulsictal syrup (Sucralfate) was indicated to protect the gastric mucosa. Novorapid and Lantus was indicated for the treatment of diabetes mellitus to decrease the blood sugar levels by stimulating peripheral 1969 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. glucose uptake and inhibits hepatic glucose production. Cilostazol was indicated as an antiplatelet. 4. Dosage and Route of Administration Ringer's lactate infusion 14 drops per minute, Ranitidine injection 25mg twice daily IV, Ranitidine tablet 150mg twice daily oraly, Onandsentron 1g twice daily IV, Onandsentron tablet 4mg third times daily, Ulsicral syrup 1 tablespoons third times daily orally, Novorapid 6UI third times daily SC, Lantus 10UI third times daily SC, and Pletaal 50mg twice daily oraly. 5. Laboratory Value Results oflaboratory testsshowed increasing in HbA1C 12,8% (normal value ≥ 6,5% , cholesterol 255mg/dL (normal value < 200 mg/dL), and LDL 166mg/dL (normal value < 100 mg/dL). 6. Discussion Diabetesmellitus(DM) isagroupof metabolic diseaseswithcharacteristichyperglycemia(increased blood sugar levels) thatoccurdue to abnormalinsulinsecretion, insulin actionor both. Hyperlipidemiaisone ofthe causesof diabetes. In patient withdiabetesmellitus, impairedinsulin productionandits small amountscauseonlylittleglucosecanenterin the tissuetobecomeenergyso theenergy requirementsare not fulfilled. Energy needs to be done with lipolysis which breakdown fat into triglyceride and fattyacids. The breakdown of fatscancausehigh content offatin the bloodthat causing hyperlipidemia (Kimble and Youngs, 2013). Inthiscasethe patientcame to the hospitalwithsymptompsof weakness,tiredwhen walkedaway, alwaysfeelthirstyandhungry, andoftenfeelstiffinthe fingers and toes. Laboratory testsshowedthe value ofHbA1c12.8% this indicated that the patient under uncontrolled diabetes mellitus. Patient also suffered hyperlipidemia. For overcome this problem, physician gavenovorapid(long-acting insulin), Lantus(short-acting insulin), pletaal(cilostazol), ranitidine, ulsicralsyr(sucralfate), Ringer's lactate, andonandsentron. NovorapianddLantusis indicatedtoreduceandcontrol thepatient's bloodsugar. Because value of HbA1c is too high, patient received 2 kinds of insulin, Novorapid and Lantus. Pletaalis indicatedtoreduceplaqueinthe walls ofblood vessels that canlead to stroke. Ranitidineandulsicralsyrupindicatedtoovercome theside effectsofpletaal,becauseitcanirritate the stomach. Onandsentronis indicatedto reduce thenauseaexperienced bypatient. Drug Related Problem 1: Untreated Disease 1970 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. a. Patient hassuffered hyperlipidemiasinceadmission. Duringtreatment in hospital, the physicianonlygivepletaalas antiplateletbutthe physician do notgiveantihypercholesterol. Pharmacist Intervention: advice the physician to give HmgCoAreductase like simvastatin for decreasing cholesterol level. b. Patientdon’tgetneurotropic vitaminwhilethe patientcomplain ofa stifffingerand toesduringtreatment. Pharmacist Intervention: adviced the physician to give neurobion to cure the stiff finger and toes. Drug Related Problem 2 (Improper Drug Selection) Patient receivedonandsetrontocure the complaint ofnausea.Onandcentron is improperuse inthiscasebecauseonandcentron isindicationforthe prevention ofnauseaandvomitingaftersurgeryandchemotherapy. Pharmacist Intervention: advice the physician to change onandsentron with other antiemetic drugs like domperidone or metoclopramide. 7. Conclusion In this case, we found 2 DRP, that are untreated disease and improper drug selection. Refferences 1. Chien PC, Frishman WH. 2003. Lipid Disorder in Current Diagnosis and Treatment in Cardiology 2nd Edition. New York. 2. Departemen Kesehatan RI. 2007. Diabetes Melitus. Jakarta. 3. Medscape. 2014. Drug Interaction. 4. Kasim,Fauzi, et al. 2008. Informasi Spesialite Obat Indonesia volume 43. Jakarta: PT ISFI Penerbitan. 5. Kimble K, Youngs. 2013. Applied Therapeutics The Clinical Use of Drugs 10th Edition. Philadelphia: Market Street. 6. Sukandar EY, Andrajati R,et al. 2009. ISO Farmakoterapi. Jakarta: PT ISFI Penerbitan. 1971 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. CASE REPORT: DRUG RELATED PROBLEM IN THERAPY HYPERTENSIVE HEART DISEASE AT MINTOHARDJO HOSPITAL Iga Abigael1, Aprilita Rina Yanti Eff2 and Diana Laila Ramatillah2 1 Student of Pharmacist Program, Faculty of Pharmacy UTA'45 Jakarta 2 Lecturer of Faculty of Pharmacy UTA'45Jakarta Email : ABSTRACT Hypertensive Heart Disease (HHD), is illness of heart complications term applied overall of heart disease, including the left ventricle hyperthrophy (LVH) or left ventricular hypertrophy (HVK), cardiac arrhythmia, coronary heart disease, and chronic heart disease, which is caused due to increasing blood pressure, either directly or indirectly (Braverman, e. R, 2009). Patient Mr. Tw, age 37 years old, entry Mintohardjo hospital on September 11, 2014 with a diagnosis of Hypertensive Heart Disease (HHD). Shortness of breath, cold sweats, and sleeplessness. Patient was treated with ranitidine injection, ringer lactate, amlodipin, catopril, lasix (furosemide), KSR, letonal (spironolactone) and concor (bisoprolol). Based on the results of clinical practice at Mintohardjo hospital is can be concluded that there is DRP (Drug Related Problem) in the form of drug use without indication (granting of cefotaxime) and drug interactions between Concor (bisoprolol) and letonal (spironolactone), letonal (spironolactone) and KSR, and captopril with letonal (spironolactone). Keywords: Drug Related Problem, Hypertensive Heart Disease and Mintohardjo Hospital 1972 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. INTRODUCTION The cardiovascular system includes the heart, the circulatory/blood circulation and a State of blood, which is a very important part of the body because it is the regulator and the funneling of O2 and nutrients throughout the body. When one of these organs is experiencing interference, especially the heart, it will interfere with all body systems (Faqih R, 2006). Increased blood pressure systemically improving resistance to pumping blood from the left ventricle, so that the burden of the heart increases. As a result, the left ventricle hypertrophy occurs for increased contraction. This marked hypertrophy with increased wall thickness, function space, and worsening of heart hypertrophy with space dilation compensation eventually earned dilation occurs and exceeded the heart. High blood pressure increases the heart's workload, and over time it can cause a thickening of the heart muscle, because the heart pumps blood increased pressure against the blood vessels, the left ventricle is enlarged and the amount of blood the heart pumps in every minute of it decreases. High blood pressure is a major risk factor for heart disease and stroke. At the early stage of hypertension, seem signs due to chronic stimulation of sympathetic dystrophy. The heart beat fast and strong. Hyper circulation that may occur as the neurohormonal activity increased with hypervolemia. Picture clinic such as shortness of breath, one of the symptoms of impaired diastolic function, ventricular filling pressure increased, although still normal systolic function. When developing continuously, there is the eccentric hypertrophy and eventually became the dilatation of the ventricles, symptoms arise and jaded heart (Peter L, 2004). Hypertensive heart disease diagnosis is based on history, blood pressure measurement, physical examination, and laboratory examination. Treatment of patients with hypertensive heart disease can use various drug antihypertensive groups: thiazides, beta-blockers, calcium channel blockers, ACE inhibitors, angiotensin receptor blocker and vasodilator like hydralazine (Djohan T, 2004). CASE PRESENTATION Patient Mr. Tw 36 years old entered Mintohardjo hospital on September 11, 2014, with complaints of claustrophobic shortness of breath, cold sweat, and sleeplessness. Patient have a history of kidney stones right and hypertension. 1973 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. On the first day, the patient treated injection of cefotaxime, injection of ranitidine, ringer lactate, captopril, amlodipin, furosemide. Then on the second day physician stooped using of furosemide and captopril. And added additional lasix (furosemide), KSR, letonal (sporonolakton), and concor (bisoprolol). DOSAGE AND USING THE DRUGS In this case the patient was treated with Lasix (furosemide) with a dose of 20 mg bid day with the use of orally. With a dose of Captopril 25 mg tid a day with oral consumption. Amlodipine 5 mg od. KSR 25 mg of did. Letonal (spironolactone) with a dose of 25 mg bid. Concor (bisoprolol) 2.5 mg od with Ranitidine injection 50 mg bid. Cefotaxime injection 2 gram bid. DISCUSSION Hypertensive heart disease is a disease that is associated with a secondary impact on the heart due to long systemic hypertension and prolonged. Patient Mr. Tw 36 years old entered Mintohardjo hospital with complaints shortness of breath, cold sweat, and sleeplessness. The patient have a history of kidney stones right and hypertension. Patient was treated with lasix (furosemide) for the treatment of pulmonary edema as a result of overcome heart failure, catopril and diuretic for overcome hypertension and hypertension renovaskuler, the symptoms of shortness of breath. Amlodipine as vasodilator for treatment of hypertension and angina prophylaxis (Tjay,2002). Using of potassium supplements is indicated for KSR or prevention of hypokalemia, and Letonal (spironolactone) is indicated for the treatment of severe heart failure and edema. However, it should be suggested that the using of KSR and spironolactone do not give at the same time because both of them have a synergistic effect and can lead to hyperkalemia, and can make heart beat weaken. Concor (bisoprolol) is indicated for the treatment of heart disease with blockade of beta-1 reseptor result negative inotropic effect, chronotropic negative effect and decrease blood without causing peripheral constriction of vessels and bronchia (Tjay,2002). Ranitidine Injection is indicated for the treatment of peptic ulcers, and other conditions where a reduction of gastric acid would be beneficial. Cefotaxime injection is indicated for overcome infection due to gram positive and gram negative (FDA, 2008). 1974 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. LABORATORY RESULTS The results of laboratory examination showed that abnormality on Triglycerides value ie 1.5 mg/dL (normal value: 0.9-1.3 mg/dL) and Uremia value is 48 mg/dl (normal value 17-43 mg/dl), this is indicated that patient experienced kidney disease. DRUG RELATED PROBLEMS 1. Drug Use Without Indication a. Using of cefotaxime as antibiotic is not appropriate because the patient did not experienced infection disease that seen from leucocyte value is normally ie 9400 (normal value : 5000-10000/ µL) the wrong antibiotic use can improve resistance. b. Using of drug that contain of potassium such as KSR and suplemen K can cause hyperkalemia 2. DRP 2. Drug Interaction a. Concor (bisoprolol) and Letonal (spironolactone) UsingBisoprolol and spironolactone at the same time potentially to increase serum potassium. Strictly monitoring is required b. Letonal with Captopril (spironolactone) Synergistic interaction can occurs if both of them using at the same time and can cause hyperkalemia. c. Letonal (spironolactone) and KSR Both of KSR and Spironolactone potentially increase potassium serum. That can cause serious interaction (Medscape, 2014). CONCLUSION Based on the results of clinical practice disease clinic at Mintohardjo hospital it can be concluded that there is found DRP (Drug related problem) in the form of drug use without indication and drug interaction. 1975 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. REFERENCES BPOM, 2008. Informatorium Obat Nasional Indonesia 2008 (IONI). Jakarta : Agung Seto. Braverman, E.R, Braverman, D.2009. Dua Penyebab Penyakit Jantung Tekanan Darah Tinggi and Kenaikan Kadar Kolesterol, available from : Desember 2014). Burns, Dr. Aine.2009. Renal Drug Handbook third edition. New York : Oxford. Carol T, Brown (2006). Patofisiologi Konsep Klinis Proses Penyakit, edisi 6. Volume 1 : Jakarta : Buku Penerbit Kedokteran EGC. Djohan T.B.A, 2004. Penyakit Jantung Kororner and Hipertensi, Ahli Penyakit Jantung. Fakultas Kedoketeran Universitas Sumatera Utara: 1-7 From (Accsesed 18 March 2012) Faqih, R. 2006. Asuhan Keperawatan Pada Klien Dengan Gangguan Sistem Kardiovaskuler. Malang : Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang. Medscape.2014. Drug Interaction checker. Peter L. 2004. Vascular Disease In : Harrison's Princilpes Of Intenal Medicine. 16 th Edition : 14681660. Tjay, T. H. and Rahardja K. (2002). Obat – Obat Penting. 5th Edision. Publisher : Elex Media Komputindo. Jakarta. 1976 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. CASE REPORT: DRUG RELATED PROBLEM IN THERAPY DYSPEPSIA SYNDROME AT MINTOHARDJO HOSPITAL Haslinda1, Aprilita Rina Yanti Eff2 and Diana Laila Ramatillah2 1 Student of Pharmacist Program, Faculty of Pharmacy UTA'45 Jakarta 2 Lecturer of Faculty of Pharmacy UTA'45Jakarta Email : ABSTRACT Dyspepsia is a recurrent or chronic pain of bad taste/abdominal pain in the upper part are accompanied by another complaint, the hot feeling in the chest, the heart (heart burn), regurgitation, bloating, stomach feels full, quick satiety, saltpeter, anorexia, nausea, vomiting, and a couple of other complaints. There are at least based on the dyspepsia causes of dyspepsia is divided into organic and functional dyspepsia (Matsuda, et. 2009). Patient Mr. E, 37 yeard old, admitted to the Mintohardjo hospital on 04 september 2014. Patient was diagnosed dyspepsia. Therapy for the treatment during hospitalization is ceftriaxone injection, onandsetron injection, omeprazole injection, tramadol injection , antacid, ambroxol, alprazolam, and mefenamic acid. Based on the clinical practice result in selayar floor care III of the Mintohardjo Hospital, it can be concluded that was found DRP (Drug Related Problem) in the form of a less appropriate drug selection such as onandsetron and mefenamic acid, interactions between onandsetron and tramadol which can reduce the effect of tramadol, alprazolam and omeprazole may increase the levels of alprazolam. Key words: Drug Related Problem’s, Dyspepsia Syndrome, Mintohardjo Hospital INTRODUCTION 1977 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. Dyspepsia of Greece, namely the dys-(bad) and – peptein (digestion). Based on the consensus of the International Panel of Clinical Investigators, dyspepsia is defined as pain or discomfort that is primarily felt in the upper abdomen area. According to the criteria of Rome III, functional dyspepsia is defined as a syndrome that includes one or more of the following symptoms: stomach feeling full after a meal, quick satiety, or the sense of burning in the solar plexus, which takes place at least in the last 3 months, with the early symptoms for at least 6 months prior to diagnosis occurred. This complaint or syndrome may be caused or are based on a variety of disease, including the disease of the stomach, or better known as disease Ulcer (Douglas a. Drossman and M, 2009). Causes of dyspepsia are irregular diet, alcohol consumption, medications such as steroids, bitter taste of drugs drug (NSAID), antibiotics such as erythromycin and tetracycline, smoking and lifestyle stress. Stress is one of the factors that affect dyspepsia due to movement and activity can change the secretion of gastrointestinal traktus (Koda, Kimble & young's, 2009). Dyspepsia is a common problem throughout the world. In the United States, the prevalence is around 25%, not including those who have symptoms of GERD. In the United States, about 9% of the people who do not have symptoms of dyspepsia annually in the previous year reported new onset of symptoms. In Scandinavia, the incidence rate of 1% for < 3 months have been reported. Symptoms of dyspepsia affects up to 40% of the adult population in Western countries (Talley, NJ, Vakil N, and 2005). CASE PRESENTATION Patient Mr. E, 37 yeard old, admitted to the Mintohardjo Hospital on 04 September 2014. Patient come to hospital with complaints of nausea, vomiting four times, limp, stomach pain, felt tightness in his chest and pain in right chest. Patient has a history of ulcer disease beginning in 2012. CLINICAL EVALUATION The Results of laboratory tests Mr. E, admitted the hospital of the obtained abnormal leukocyte levels i.e. 10.600/ul (3200 – 10,000/uL) indicating the presence of an infection. On day four to 1978 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. seven treatments indicate abnormal platelet levels in (170-380 x 103/mm3) and on the seventh day shows abnormal on erythrocytes 5,81 million/µl (4.4 – 5.6 million/µl) and Hb 16.6 g/dl (13 – 16 g/dl). Dengue IgG positive on examination and negative IgM dengue. DOSAGE AND USING THE DRUGS Dosage and using of the drug in patients Mr. E i.e. ringer lactate is given IV 20 drop per minutes to prevent dehydration and a dose of common laktac accorandce with ringer condition of patient, ceftriaxone injection 1 time 2 grams given as antibiotics to combat infection, onandsetron injection 4 mg/ampules 3 times given in intravenous to overcome nausea and vomiting with usual dose of onandsetron 8 mg, omeprazole injection 2 times 1 is given intravenously to cope with dyspepsia with a dose of omeprazole 20 mg antacid tablets, 3 times 1 is given orally is indicated for the treatment of dyspepsia, tramadol injection 2 times 1 is given intravenously to cope with the pain in the abdomen and pain in the right arm with the customary dose is 100 mg 3 times a day, alprazolam tablets 1 time 1 at night before sleep to overcome difficulties sleeping at night ambroxol tablets 3 times 1 is given orally for overcome cough due to patients complaining of cough a dose of 30 mg and mefenamic acid tablets 3 times 1 is given orally to for reduce pain (BPOM RI, 2008). DISCUSSION Patient Mr. E has diagnosed dyspepsia syndrome is based on frequent nausea, vomiting, feeling the heat in the chest and also pain in the chest. Results of laboratory examination show abnormality in leukocytes i.e. 10.600/ul indicates the presence of infection, where as levels of trombolity decreased. Results of examination by IgG and IgM is IgG dengue positive and IgM dengue negative. Treatment of acquired during treatment at the hospital on the first day until the sixth day was given an infusion of ringer lactate 20 drop per minutes, ceftriaxon injection is indicated for infections, omeprazole injection and antasida is indicated for overcoming the dyspepsia and peptic ulcers due to side effects of mefenamic acid, onandsetron injection indicated for nausea and vomiting, tramadol injection and mefenamic acid is indicated for pain in the abdomen. On day five of the patients complained of frequent cough at night so it was given an additional drug ambroxol and alprazolam is indicated to overcome trouble sleeping at night. 1979 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. On day eight of the patients already can go home and get the drug omeprazole, antasida, tramadol, mefenamic acid and alprazolam. DRUG RELATED PROBLEMS 1) Improper Drug Selection a. He gave the drug Onandzetron to cope with nausea and vomiting, Onandsetron more specifically used for symptoms of nausea or vomiting in cancer therapy treatment or post operative. Scientific publications about efficacy onandsetron for nausea or vomiting in the case of gastrointestinal disorders is still lacking. b. given mefenamic acid for abdominal pain should not need because it had been given the drug tramadol as an analgesic is strong. 2) Drug Interactions a. Onandsetron with Tramadol Onandsetron reduces the analgesic efficacy of tramadol and at least double the dose was required in one clinical study. This resulted in more vomiting despite the onandsetron. It would seem prudent to use alternative analgesics if onandsetron is required (Baxter, K. 2009). b. Omeprozole with Alprazolam Omeprazole increases levels of alprazolam by decreasing metabolism. Minor interaction (Medscape, 2014). CONCLUSION DRP (Drug Related Problem) in the form of a less appropriate drug selection such as onandsetron and mefenamic acid, interactions between onandsetron and tramadol, alprazolam and omeprazole. REFERENCES Baxter, K. 2009. “Stockley’s Drug Interaction”. Eight Edition. Pharmaceutical Press, London and Chicago, hal : 287 BNF 61, 2011. Britsh National Formulary 61 March 201I, hal : 37 BPOM, 2008. Informatorium Obat Indonesia (IONI) ;Sagung Seto. Jakarta. Brunton L.L. 2011. Goodman n Gilman’s The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics. 12th Edition. Mc Graw Hill Medical, hal : 968 1980 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. Douglas A and Drossman M. appendix B Rome III Diagnostic Criteria for Functional Gastrointestinal Disorders. Am J Gastroenterol. 2009;105:798–801. Matsuda et all. Fonctional dyspepsia review of phatophysiology and treatment the open gastroenterology journal. 2009.3.11-12 Medscape. 2014. Drug Interactions checker. Koda, kimble & young’s. 2009. Applied therapeutics tenth edition. Lippinco williams & wilkins. Philadelpia, hal : 667 Kemenkes RI. 2011. Pedoman Interpretasi Data Klinis. Jakarta. Tack J, Bisschops R, Sarnelli G. Pathophysiology and Treatment of Functional Dyspepsia. Gastroenterology. 2004;127:1239-55 Talley, NJ., Vakil, N., and the Practice Parameters Committee of The American College of Gastroenterology. Guidelines for The Management of Dyspepsia. American Journal of Gastroenterology. 2005. By Am. Coll. of Gastroenterology, Published by Blackwell Publishing, ISSN 0002-9270, doi: 10.1111/j.1572-0241.2005.00225.x. 1981 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. EVALUATION OF DRUG RELATED PROBLEMS ( DRP ) IN THE TREATMENT OF MYOCARDIAL INFARCTION AT HOSPITALS OF ISLAM JAKARTA CEMPAKA PUTIH (RSIJCP) Ismeiyeni¹, Diana Laila ²Aprilita Rinayanti Eff² ¹Student of Pharmacy Program, Faculty of Pharmacy UTA’45 Jakarta ²Lecture Pharmacy of Pharmacy UTA’45 Jakarta (University of 17 August 1945 Jakarta) Email : ABSTRACT Clinically myocardial infarction is the rapid development of necrosis of heart muscle which is caused by the imbalance between supply and demand oxygen.¹ clinical condition is very worrying which attack this is often surprise attack without any prior symtoms, which usually occurs in men aged 35-55 years . Predisposing diseases, among others, old age, gender where men are more prone to this disease, hiperkolestrolemia, diabetes, hypertension, and obesity.² Mrs. WR patient, aged 54 years, entered RSIJCP on 28 September 2014 with a diagnosis of myocardial infarction. Therapy treatment for hospitalized was amlodipine, Letonal, Candesartan, Lasix, CPG ( clopidogrel ), Aptor, Simvastatin , Cedocard, Ceftriaxon, insulin. Based on clinical evaluation results in RSIJCP, it can be deduced that the presence of DRP ( Drug Related Problems ) was the frequency of improper administration of drugs and drug interactions arising between one drug and other drugs but still can be tolerated by monitoring the patient's condition. Keywords : myocardial infarction and Hospital of Islam Cempaka Putih, Necrosis. 1982 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. INTRODUCTION Myocardial infarction is the rapid development of necrosis of the heart muscle which is caused by the imbalance between supply and demand oxygen.¹ clinical condition of patient very worrying which attack this is because it is often a surprise attack without any prior symptoms, which usually occurs in men aged 35-55 years. Predisposing diseases, among others, old age, gender where men are more prone to this disease, hiperkolestrolemia, diabetes, hypertension, and obesitas.² Myocardial infarction occurred by heterogeneous causes, among others: Myocardial infarction spontaneously occur because plaque rupture, fissure, or dissection of atherosclerotic plaque. In addition, an increase in the need and availability of oxygen and nutrients are inadequate trigger myocardial infarction. These things are the result of anemia, arrhythmias and hyper or hypotension. Myocardial infarction is caused by spasm of the arteries lowers vaskonstriksi and myocardial blood flow. In this situation, an increase in biochemical sign is not found . This is due to the patient's blood sample is not obtained or the patient died before the levels of biochemical sign of myocardial infarction was increased.³ Genesis begins with the formation of atherosclerosis which then rupture and clog blood vessels. Atherosclerotic disease characterized by the gradual formation fattyplaque in arterial walls. Over time this plaque continues to grow into the lumen, so that the diameter of the lumen narrows. Narrowing of the lumen interfere with blood flow distal to the blockage occurs.⁴ Factors such as age, genetics, diet, smoking, diabetes mellitus type II, hypertension, reactive oxygen species and activation of inflammation and endothelial dysfunction. Exposure to the above factors causing injury to the endothelial cells. Due to endothelial dysfunction, the cells can no longer produce vasoactive molecules such as nitric oxide, which works as a vasodilator, anti - thrombotic and anti proliferation. In contrast, endothelial dysfunction actually increase the production of the vasoconstrictor, endothelin - 1, and angiotensin II plays a role in the migration and growth sel.⁴ PERCENTAGE CASE Patient aged 59 years Mrs. WR entered RSIJCP on 21 September 2014. The patient before admission got shortness of breath , and no appetite. The patient had a history of previous disease which is hypertension and diabetes . 1983 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. CLINICAL EVALUATION The treatment given during treatment that tailored to the myocardial infarction diagnosis, therapy treatment given was based on laboratory results showed CK - MB high important indicator of muscle tissue damage, and brain miocardium because blood flow was blocked due to plaque thrombus arterosklorosis.⁵ So to overcome given PG ( lopidogrel and Aptor orally. To trigger the heart to function optimally, given Digoxin was oral.⁶ Based vital sign checks, showed that the patient's blood pressure was above normal, the antihypertensive drug therapy: amlodipine, candesartan, clonidine administered orally.⁶ To overcome edema also functions to lower blood pressure then given orally and Lasix letonal IV ( Intra Venous .⁶ Provision for the prevention of angina pectoris and overcome pain after cedocart no longer given IV, then replaced with Nitrokaf retard given orally.⁶ Judging high patient laboratory results leukocytes indicates infection or inflammation in patient with myocardial infark.¹¹ So Ceftriaxon drug therapy as an anti- cholesterol antibiotik.⁶ As an anti- cholesterol given orally Simvastatin at night.⁷ For the treatment of diabetes given insulin injection ( Novorapid . DOSAGE AND HOW TO USE Drug name Ro and ute Dose Date and Time Giving compositio 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 n 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 6 6 6 6 6 6 CPG Ora 1x (Clopidogrel l tablet I 2 3 4 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 per hari Letonal Ora 1x 50mg l tablet (spironolakt 1 per hari 1984 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. on) Candesarta Ora 1x n 16mg l tablet 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 8 6 6 6 6 6 6 N 6 8 6 6 6 6 6 1 1 1 S 1 * 1 1 1 1 1 8 8 8 8 * 8 8 8 8 8 per hari Digoksin Ora 1x 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 l tablet 8 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 Ora 2x1table - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 l t 6 6 6/ 6 6 6 6 6 8 6 6 6 6 6 1 1 1 1 1 1 * 1 1 1 1 1 8 8 8 8 8 8 * 8 8 8 8 8 per hari Amlodipin per hari Aptor Ora 1x (Acetosal) l tablet 1 - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 - -- - - - - - - - 0 0 1 0 0 per hari Simvastatin Ora 1x 20mg l tablet 1 - per hari Clonidin Ora 2x1 - l tablet 6 6 8 6 6 perhari 1 1 * 1 1 8 8 * 8 8 - 1 0 0 0 2 6 6 6 (Glycery 1 1 1 rinitrate) 8 8 8 Nitrokaf 2,5 Ora 2x1table - mg t perhari Ceftriaxon 2mg l IV 1x2mg - - - - - - - - - 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 1985 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. Lasix 10mg/ IV ampoule 2x2amp 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ul 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 2 0 0 9 0 4 6 9 (Furosemid) Cedocard IV (Isosorbit ***Prn dinitrat) 6 1 1 6 2 Note : * NS = No Supplies, **Drug No Given,***Prn : if Needed CLINICAL LABORATORY DIAGNOSIS EXAMINATION NORMAL VALUE 21/9/14 Hemoglobin 12-16 g/dL L 11.2 Hematokrit 37-47 % L 32 Eritrosit 4.3-6 juta/μL L 3.72 Leukosit 4800-10.800 / Μl H 13.75 Trombosit 150.000-400.000/μL 361 MCV 80-96 fL 85 MCH 27-32 pg 30 MCHC 32-36 g/dl 35 SGOT 10-32 U/L 18 SGPT 9-36 U/L 10 Blood Urea 10-50mg/dl 42 Blood Triglyceridese <1.4 mg/dl 0.8 CK-MB <24U/L H 26.10 Na 135-147 meq/L 139 23/9/14 142 1986 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. K 3.5-5.0meq/L L 3.1 4.0 Cl 94-111meq/L 101 101 Blood glucose during 70-200mg/dl H244 PH 7.370-7.450 L 7.345 CO2 33-44 mmHg 41.5 O2 71-104 mmHg H235.5 O2 seturation 94.00-99.00% H 99.70 HCO3 21-28 mmol/L L-3.00 Base excess (ecf) -2.00-3.00 mmol/L L -3.00 Bae excess (B) -24- +2.3 mmol/L -2.0 EXAMINATION OF GLUCOSE AND GRANT OF INSULIN IN SEPTEMBER AND OCTOBER 2014 Examination 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 01 02 Glukosa 05Hours 131 183 126 179 222 161 130 149 160 128 158 (mg/dl) (N (N (N (N (No) (N (N (N (N (N (N O) O) O) O) O) O)- O) O) O) O) Glukosa 11 Hours 200 201 276 151 119 261 160 185 221 205 217 (mg/dl) (4 (4ui (8ui (N (NO ) (N (N ( (No (N (No O) O) NO ) O) ) (Unit) ui) ) ) O) ) Glukosa 17 Hours (mg/dl) 241 280 266 295 207 341 177 246 310 243 267 (4ui (8ui (N (8ui (No) (N (N (4ui (N (N (No O) O) ) O) O) ) ) ) O) ) Glukosa 23 Hours 250 188 146 306 199 190 201 167 165 199 318 (mg/dl) (4 (8ui (N (12 (NO) (N (No (N (N (N (No Ui) ) O) ui) O) ) O) O) O) ) NOTE: 1987 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. Blue: glucose in a state of normal values, so insulin is not given. Red: glucose above normal values, but insulin is not given. Black: Insulin is given according to the standard administration of insulin. DRUG RELATED PROBLEMs (DRPs) 3. Indications Were Not Addressed Patient complain of loss of appetite should be given in the form of B Multivitamin Complex, where there were various vitamins such compositions B1 , B2 , B3 , B5 , B6 , B7 , B9 , B12 , in addition to helping improvement of appetite, these vitamins can also cope with low hemoglobin indication, low hematocrit and erythrocyte low. In accorandce with the examination of patient laboratory data. Intervention doctor: Can prescribe appetite enhancer vitamins and vitamins as indicated. 4. Not Receiving Drug Therapy In this case the drug did not receive drug treatment Candesartan 28 -9-2014 and dated 30-9-2014, Amplodipin on 30-9-2014, clonidine on 3-10-2014 due to factors depleted drug supply room of nursing. Nursing interventions: before the drug out immediately ask the doctor to prescribe medications the patient back. Pharmaceutical Intervention: pharmacists and pharmacy technicians can be an important part of the health care team and can help patients take their medication regularly. 5. Non observance 26 , 28 , 30 in september and dated 01 , 02 in October 2014 patient would not receive insulin injections. Pharmacistl interventions: therapeutic failure patient with chronic diseases are often the result of non-compliance to drug therapy and non- drug therapies.¹² 1988 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. CONCLUSION On the result of clinical Pharmacy practice in the RSIJCP, it can be deduced that a given drug is enough for optimal myocardial infarction disease but still their Drug Related Problems form : Indications not overcome that patients complain no appetite and laboratory data of patients include hematokrit, hemoglobin, erythrocyte low which should be overcome by administering a multivitamin as indicated. Patients did not receive the drug candesartan drug therapy, clonidine, amlodipine. And non-compliance of patients on insulin drug therapy because patients do not want to receive insulin injections. REFERENCES 1. Fenton, D.E., 2009. Myocardial Infarction Available from: 2. Santoso, M., Setiawan, T., 2005. Penyakit Jantung Koroner. Cermin Dunia Kedokteran. Availablefrom: 3. Alpert, J.S., Kristian, T., MD, Allan S. J., Harvey D.W., 2010. A Universal Definition of Myocardial Infarction for the Twenty First Century AccessMedicine from McGraw Hill . 4. Ramrakha, P., Hill, J., 2006. 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Cannon,C.P., Braunwald, E 2005.Unstable Angina and Non-ST-Elevation Myocardial Infarction In: Kasper, D.L., Fauci, A.S., Longo, D.L.,Braunwald, E., Hauser, S.L., Jameson, J. L., eds. Harrison’s Principles of Internal Medicine.16Th ed. USA: McGraw Hill 1444-1445. 14. Patel, N.R., Jackson. G., 1999. Serum markers in myocardial infarction. J Clin Pathol. 15. Samsu, N., Sargowo, D., 2007. Sensitivitas and Spesifisitas Troponin T and I pada Diagnosis Infark Miokard Akut. Tinjauan Pustaka. Malang: Faku ltas Kedokteran Brawijaya. 1990 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. HEMORRHAGIC STROKE WITH DIABETES MELITUS TYPE II IN UNIT STROKE RSPAD GATOT SOEBROTO Nelstyani Elisabeth1, Diana Laila Rahmatillah2, Aprilita Rinayanti Eff2 1 Student of Pharmacist Professional Program Student, Faculty Of Pharmacy UTA’ 45 Jakarta 2 Lecturer of Faculty of Pharmacy UTA’45 Jakarta Email : ABSTRACT Hemorrhagic strokeisafunctionaldisorderof brainthatoccurs suddenlywithsignsandsymptoms ofbothfocaland globalclinicallasting morethan24hoursorcanlead todeathdue tocirculatory disordersof brainrupture, rupture ofblood vesselsof the brain(hemorrhage). 1 StrokeclassifiedinCerebroVascularDisease (CVD), which is an emergency diseaseandneed helpas soon as possible.2 A patientnamed Mr.S.K50years old, Attended to hospital RSPAD GATOT SOEBROTOon 4thDecember2014 withanamesaHaemorrhagicCVD. historywasheartandhypertension, Previously Mr. bothdetectedapproximatelyayearago. forhospitalizedwasinjectionciticolin1000mg, Nimotoptablet 60mg, S.Kmedical Therapytreatment Bisoprolol tablets5mg, Noperten tablets5mg, Amlodipinetablets 10mg, Metformin tablets500mg. Based on theresults of a clinical workpractice, was foundthe existence of DRPs(Drug Related Problems) ofdrug interactions. The types ofdrugs that interactareAmlodipineandBisoprolol. Keywords : Stroke, Hemorrhagic Stroke, Diabetes Mellitus, RSPAD 1991 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. Introduction Asrapidly the development of science in the world, currently pharmacy not onlyoriented todrugsorproducts derived(drug-oriented) butalsothrivein the presence ofpharmaceutical service-oriented paradigmin patients(patient-oriented). servicespreviouslyonlyfocusedondrugmanagement ascommodities now Pharmacy has grown with orientationpatient service care (pharmaceutical care). Strokeis non-communicable diseaseswhichrecently becamea concernof many people.StrokeclassifiedinCereboVascularDisease (CVD), which is an emergency diseaseandneed helpas soon as possible.2 Strokeisabrainattackas a result ofdisturbancein theblood vesselsthatsupply bloodcarryoxygenandglucosemetabolism ofbrain cellsin order tocontinue its function. The attacksaresuddenlyandsymptoms, it is according to thepart of brainthat can not besupplied theblood.3 Hemorrhagicstrokesare classifiedintointracerebral hemorrhageandsubarachnoidhemorrhage. Intracerebral hemorrhageis primer bleedingfroma blood vesselinthe brainparenchyma. Subarachnoidhemorrhageisan availability condition orentry ofblood intothe subarachnoidspacedue torupture of aneurysm, AVMorsecondary tobleedinginserebral.4 Quickdiagnosisis very important to minimizethe damage. CTScan(Computerized tomography scanner) isthe method of choicefor assessmentof acutesigns ofcerebralvascularinjury. CTscan is verysensitive tohemorrhagic, an important considerationbecausethere arevitaldifferencesin thetreatmentof ischemic strokeandhemorrhagic stroke. Acutestroketreatmentistoreduceneurologicalinjurysustained, termdisability, The reduced preventsecondarycomplicationsmorbidityand aims of mortalityandlong- neurologicaldysfunction, preventstrokeRecurrent, primary strokepreventioninplaceothers.5 Case Presentation A patient named Mr.SKage of50years, was broughtto the RSPAD GATOT SOEBROTO byhis familyon December 4th2014at22:07, due tothe weakness ofthe limbsperceivedright side 5hoursbeforeenteringthe hospitalwhenthe patient isin the bathroom. Patientseemsleepy, do 1992 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. notfeel theheadache. Nauseabut novomiting.Patient hadfever andnoseizures. He difficulted to communicate.PreviousHe was never sick like this. Previously medical history of Mr.SKwasheart disease bothcontrolledapproximatelyoneyearago. andhypertension, Previouslypatienttreatment historyisLisinopril5mg/24h, Bisoprolol5mg/24h, Aspilet80mg/24h, Simvastatin10mg/24h. The patienthad no historyof allergies. Physical examination: generalcondition(KU): composmentis(CM), the GlasgowComa Scale(GCS): 14, BloodPressure: 200/170mmHg, RespirationRate: 20x/ minute, Heartrate:64x/ minute, BodyTemperature: 36,5° C, weight: 85kg, Height: 170cm Laboratory findings: hematological on December 4th2014, namely hemoglobin 14.3 g / dL (13-18 g / dL), hematocrit 42% (40-52%), erythrocyte 5.2 million / mL (4.3-6.0 million / ml), leukocytes 12500 / uL * (4800-10800 / mL), platelets 210 000 / mL (150,000 to 400,000 / ml), mean corpuscular volume (MCV) 80 Fl * (80-96 fL), mean corpuscular hemoglobin (MCH) 27 pg (27 -32 pg), mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration (MCHC) 34 g / Dl (32-36 g / Dl). Clinical chemistryshowedSGOT(AST) urea48mg/dL(20-50 mg/dL), 150*mmol/L(135-147 mmol/L), 20U/L(<35 U/L), SGPT(ALT) triglyceridese.1.7*mg/Dl(0.5-1.5 potassium(K) 3.4*mmol/L(3.5-5.0 31U/L(<40 U/L), mg/Dl), sodium(Na) mmol/L) ,chloride(Cl) 104mmol/L(95-105 mmol/L), totalprotein7.5g/dL(6-8.5 g/dl), albumin4.5g/dL(3.5-5.0 g/dl), globulin3.0g/dl(2.5-3.5 triglycerides144mg/dl(<160 g/dL), totalcholesterol208*mg/dl(<200 mg/dl), mg/dL), HDLcholesterol28*mg/dl(>35mg/dL), LDLcholesterol151*mg/dl(<100 mg/dL), uricacid5.7mg/dl(3.4 -7.0mg/dL). The result of physiology examination including examination of coagulation hemostasis time prothrombin time (PT) is obtained control of 10.5 seconds, on patient PT was obtained the same value with the reference value of 10.5 seconds (9.3-11.8 seconds). Activated partial thromboplastin time control (aPTT) 32.8 seconds on patients 29.7 seconds * normal values of 31-47 seconds, fibrinogen 301 mg / dl (136-384 mg / dl). Clinical Evaluation 1993 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. The beginning therapy was given when the patient in the ER room which was citicoline injection 500 mg per 12 hours and giving oxygen 3L per minute. Then the patient was transferred to the stroke unit care. Whenenteringthe treatment roomstroke unit, thepatientgiven intravenousAsering20MDGs, insertedfolley catheter, giving injectionciticolin500mgper12 intravenousandnimotop60mgtabletsorallyper6 hours. hours as th OnDecember 8 2014patient givenadditionaltherapy Lisinopril5mgper24 hoursandamlodipine10mgto lowerbloodpressure, Bisoprolol5 mgper24 hoursformildhypertension- moderatewithcoronaryheartdisease/arrhythmias. Citicolintherapyincreasedthe dose to1000mgper12hours. On December 13th 2014the patientcomplained ofslightdizziness so doctorsgive500mgparacetamol as an extraifthe patient's getfeverorheadache. Duringtreatment, the Patientslooksfreshandable patient'scomplaintsandclinicalsymptoms to communicateverballywithclear, getimproved. nolispagain. The Blood pressureandblood glucosealsocontrolled. Laboratory Data Results oflaboratory testsof 4th2014that12,500leukocytes/mL*, kreatinin1.7*mg/Dl(0.5-1.5 150*mmol/L(135-147 mg/Dl) mmol/L), hematology, clinical chemistryon meancorpuscularvolume(MCV) ,blood glucose202*mg/dL(<140 potassium(K) 3.4*mmol/L(3.5-5.0 December 80Fl*(80-96 mg/dL), fL), sodium(Na) mmol/L. Results ofhemostaticcoagulationphysiologyexaminationincludingexaminationtimeprotrombinetime(PT) is obtainedcontrol of10.5seconds, thepatientPTthat was obtainedthe same valuewith thereferencevalue of10.5seconds(9.3-11.8 partialthromboplastintime(aPTT) seconds). Controlactivated 32.8secondsto29.7secondspatients*normal values31- 47seconds, fibrinogen301mg/dl(136-384 mg/ dl). On December 5th 2014carrieda chest radiographandMSCTscan which showedtheimpression ofcardiomegalywithaorticelongation, invisibleradiographic abnormalitiesin the lungonchest radiographandimpressionintraparenkimbleedinginthe leftthalamusand the estimatedvolume 1994 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. of5.6cc, bleedingintraventrikelleftlateralposteriorkormuandinfarctionin theleftexternaldikapsulalakurnaMSCTscanexamination. Results ofclinical chemistrylaboratory tests, urinecompleteonDecember 8th2014sodium(Na) 148*mmol/L(135-147 mmol/L), potassium(K) 3.4*mmol/L(3.5-5.0 mmol/L), Gammaglutamyltransferase64*U/L(8-61 U/L), CK-MB (creatinkinase-MB) 57*U/L(7-25 U/L), totalcholesterol208*mg/Dl(<200 LDLcholesterol151*mg/dl(<100 mg/dL), mg/dL), HDLcholesterol28*mg/dl(>35mg/dL), fastingbloodglucose131*mg/dL(7-100 mg/dL) ,bloodglucose2hoursPP172*mg/dL(<140 mg/dL), proteins+1*(negative), nitritepositive(negative), otherspositivebacteria(negative). Drug Related Problems (DRPs) 1. Drug Interactions Amlodipineandbisoprolol a. InteractionbetweenBisoprololandamlodipinecanincreaseanti-hypertensive workofamlodipinewithpotentialharmfulinteractions. Usecautionandcloselymonitorbloodpressure. The occurrence ofdrugs interactionsintherecipe, including the factorsthatshould beconsidered more carefully, polypharmacyisan assessment of theconditioncan be observedthrough anumber oftypes ofmedicationreceived bypatientsespeciallyto theamountof drug administeredat the same time. b. Pharmacistintervention: Polypharmacyis possible to occurin patientswithstrokewith infection. The role ofthe pharmacistis verylargein theidentification ofDrugRelatedProblems(MTO), Recommendationcompletion/preventionMTO(intervention), the provision ofdruginformation, andmonitoringthe results ofthe intervention, especially inintensivecarepatientswhoreceivesome sort. CONCLUSION Basedonthe results ofclinical workpracticeRSPAD GatotSoebrotostrokeunit, it can be concludedthat thepresence ofDrugRelatedProblems(MTO) in the form ofan interaction ofthe drugwithsignificanteffectsbetweenAmlodipineandbisoprolol. Interactionswere serious. 1995 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. Bisoprololandamlodipinecanincreaseanti-hypertensive potentiallyandgerousinteractions. It is ofamlodipinewith needed a carefully usecautionandcloselymonitorbloodpressure. After discussionswith theResponsibleCarePhysician of patient(DPJP), drugsuseddare in accorandcewith theStandardsof Medical Services(MSS) and theRSPAD GatotSoebrotoAssociationStandardsof Medical CareSpecialist DoctorNerveIndonesia(PERDOSSI 2014) forhemorrhagicstrokeanddiabetes mellitustype II. Fromthe analysis ofdrug-related problems(Drug Related Problems) canbe deduceddrug interactionswithdrugsa bad effect onthe patient's conditionifnot treated properly. References 1. Drafting Teamof MedicalPersonnel. 2014.Standardsof Medical CareinRSPAD GATOT SOEBROTO DITKESAD. Jakarta : RSPAD GatotSoebroto 2. Nerve SpecialistDoctorsAssociationof Indonesia.2014.Standardsof Medical CareNeurology. Jakarta: PERDOSSI 3. Department of Health RI. 2007.Guidelines forCardio VascularDisease Controlandbloodvessels. Jakarta: DirectorateGeneral ofDisease Controland Environmental Health,Ministry of Health. 4. Dewanto, dr, george, SPS, et al. 2009.PracticalDiagnosis and Management ofNeurological Diseases. Jakarta: ECG 5. Corwin,ElizabethJ.2008.HANDBOOKOFPATOFISIOLOGY3rd, translatedby: NikeBudhiSubekti, EgiKomarYudha, et al., Jakarta:ECG 1996 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. DRUG RELATED PROBLEM IN PATIENT WITH STROKE DISEASE, TYPE II DIABETES, HYPERTENSION AT PERSAHABATAN HOSPITAL Andiel Rianto Ratu1, Aprilita Rinayanti Eff2 and Diana Laila Rahmatillah2 1 Student of Pharmacist Programe Faculty of Pharmacy UTA’45 Jakarta 2 Lecture of Faculty of Pharmacy UTA’45 Jakarta ABSTRACT Stroke is an acute neurological dysfunction caused by circulatory disorders of the brain, which occurs suddenly (within seconds) or rapidly (within hours) symptoms and signs in accorandce with the focal area of the brain is interrupted (AK Saenger, Christenson RH, 2010). Ischemic stroke is caused by focal cerebral vascular occlusion causes a decline in the supply of oxygen and glucose to the brain that undergo occlusion (Hacke, 2003). DM (diabetes mellitus) is a metabolic disorder characterized by hyperglycemia associated with abnormalities in the metabolism of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins caused by a decrease in insulin secretion or a decrease in insulin sensitivity, or both and cause chronic complications microvascular, macrovascular, and neuropathy (David, 2012). Hypertension is an increase in blood pressure at a certain level and gradually at three times during the three weeks of intermittent measurements which can cause damage to the body. Increased blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure which settled above 90 mmHg or systolic pressure above 140 mmHg settle (Nugroho A, 2009). Patient Mrs. SDH, aged 47 years entered Hospital on October 12, 2014 patient has diagnosis of ischemic stroke, type II diabetes, hypertension, dyspepsia syndrome. Patient has treated with IVFD Aminofluid 500 ml, Metformin, Gliquidone, Catopril, Ranitidine IV, Domperidone, Simvastatin, KSR, Ascardia, clopidogrel, Mecobalamin, Novorapid, Citicholin. In this case has found a Drug Related Problem (DRP) that are drug dose of Ranitidin is too low and the interaction between Ascardia, Clopidogrel, and Heparin that can result risk of bleeding. Keywords: Drug Related Problem ( DRP ), ischemic stroke, hypertension, Type II diabetes, Persahabatan Hospital 1997 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. 1. INTRODUCTION According to WHO, stroke is the clinical manifestations of brain dysfunction, both focal and overall (global) that progresses rapidly, with symptoms lasting for more than 24 hours or cause death without any other cause other than vascular disorders (Junaidi, 2003 ; Aliah et al, 2007). Stroke cases worldwide is estimated at 50 million, and 9 million are suffering from severe disability. Even more worrying 10 percent among those who had a stroke suffered death. In industrialized countries, stroke is the leading cause of death in general third most in the elderly after heart disease and cancer (Lumbantobing, 2003). The incidence of stroke in the United States ± 700,000 per year and is the third leading cause of death after coronary heart disease and cancer. Comparison of patients with stroke in the United States between men and women is 1.2: 1 and the ratio of stroke among blacks and whites that is 1.8: 1 (Caplan, 2000). Indonesian data showed an increase both in the case of stroke mortality, incidence and disability. Mortality rates by age of: 15.9% (age 45-55 years), 26.8% aged 55-65 years, and 23.5% aged> 65 years. While the incidence of stroke by 51.6 / 100,000 population and disability: 1.6% unchanged, 4.3% more advancing. Patients with more male than female stroke with profiles aged <45 years of 11.8%, age 45-64 years by 54.2%, and age> 65 years by 33.5% (Misbach J, 2000). Diabetes mellitus (DM) is defined as an illness or a chronic metabolic disorder with multiple etiology that is characterized by high blood sugar levels accompanied with impaired metabolism of carbohydrates, lipids, and proteins as a function insufficiency of insulin by the beta cells of Langerhans of the pancreas gland, or due to lack of responsiveness of the cells to insulin (Nugroho A, 2009) Diabetes mellitus or diabetes is a chronic metabolic disease characterized by hyperglycemia resulting from absolute deficiency of insulin or the resistance to the insulin receptor. The symptoms of diabetes are Glukosaria, 3P (Polyuria, polydipsia, and polyphagia), weight loss, wounds that are difficult to heal, tingling / immune, lethargy, weakness, and ketoacidosis (Nugroho A, 2009). High blood pressure or hypertension is a chronic condition in which the systemic arterial blood pressure increases beyond the threshold of normal blood. Range normal blood presure is 60-80 mmHg for diastolic, and 90-120 mmHg for systolic. Patient with hypertension said if his blood 1998 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. pressure over 90 mmHg for diastolic, and 140 for systole. While the range of 80-90 mmHg in diastole, and 120-140 in systole of said condition prehypertension. In this condition although not yet hypertension prehypertension, but patient should start doing therapy especially therapeutic pharmacological therapy, and prevent activities that can increase blood pressure (Nugroho A, 2009). 2. PERCENTAGE OF CASE Patient Mrs. SDH, aged 47 years entered the Persahabatan hospital on 12 October 2014. Patient present with limb weakness since one night right before going to the hospital. Patient also complained of nausea and vomiting. The patient has DM since last 6 months, and had consumed glibenclamide and metformin, and patient has hypertension too. 3. CLINICAL EVALUATION In this case patient received metformin and glibenclamide to overcome DM. Ranitidine to overcome gastric irritation, nausea, vomiting. Domperidone to overcome, Captopril to cope with mild to moderate hypertension and severe hypertension that is resistant to other treatments, KSR (potassium chloride) for hypokalemia. Simvastatin for hypercholesterol, Clopiogrel as antithrombotic events, Ascardia was as secondary prophylaxis or prevented or stroke / thromboembolism, Novorapid (insulin aspart) is the main hormone preparations quick work involved in energy metabolism and the effect is a decrease in blood glucose concentration, used to overcome DM, Citicholin used as a neuroprotective, so that the cells in the brain alive. 4. DISCUSSION In this case the patient has the right limb weakness, patient given clopidogrel aims to improve blood flow in the brain, and citicholin for the protection and repair of neurovascular. This medicine is an exogenous form of cytidine 5-diphosphate choline, which is essential for the biosynthesis of membrane phospholipids. This patient also had a history of diabetes mellitus and hypertension which has been examined GDS (Blood Sugar As) and the patient's blood pressure results obtained 213 mg / dl for the GDS and 140/90 mmHg for blood pressure. Infusion of Ringer's lactate for repair / liquid electrolyte meet patient. 1999 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. Ranitidine injection, an antihistamine H2 receptor blockers. In H2 receptor inhibitor ranitidine work fast, specific and reversible through reduction and hydrogen ion concentration of gastric fluid. The purpose of giving ranitidine for the treatment of peptic ulcers. Metformin is an oral antidiabetic which lower blood sugar in diabetics whose pancreas is still able to produce insulin. In addition, Novorapid was given for treated Type I and II diabetes mellitus (Nugroho A, 2009). Result of laboratory tests showed that increasing of blood glucose ( 231 mg / dl) (normal 70-150 mg / dl). Novorapid (insulin aspart) is the main hormone preparations quick work involved in energy metabolism and the effect is a decrease in blood glucose concentration, was administered subcutaneously. In the liver, insulin inhibitor glycogenolysis and glukogneogenesis, as well as increasing glycogen synthesis and use of glucose (glycolysis). KSR (potassium chloride) is the main cation of intracellular fluid and induces nerve impulses in the heart, brain, skeletal muscle, smooth muscle contraction and, maintaining the normal function of the kidneys, acid-base balance, carbohydrate metabolism and secretion of gastrointestinal (GI) (Isniati, 2003 ). Domperidone is a dopamine antagonist that works as an antiemetic (Mycek, 2003). Captopril is used to decrease blood pressure (140/90 mmHg), which already includes the category of hypertension grade I according to the seventh report of the Joint National Committee on prevention, detection, evaluation, and treatment of high blood pressure (JNC 7). Captopril is a class of angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors (ACE-I) are important in the renin-angiotensin system. ACE is also called peptidyl dipeptide hydrolase or peptidyl dipeptidyl dipeptidase. These enzymes convert angiotensin I to angiotensin II on the surface of endothelial cells. ACE-I used in the handling of hypertension, heart failure, myocardial infarction, patient with diabetic nephropathy and progressive disorder. This drug is not affect blood glucose levels so that appropriate when used in diabetic patients with hypertension (Nugroho A, 2009). 5. Types of Dose Drugs Regim DOSE AND TREATMENT Date of giving the drug 12/10/14 13/10/14 14/10/14 15/10/2014 16/10/2014 2000 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. en M 2x12,5 D A N M D A NPP M D A N M D A N M D A N Oral Captopril mg Simvastatin 1x20 STOP mg Ascardia 1x80 - - - mg Clopidogrel 1x1 - KSR 1x600 Stop mg Domperido 3x10 ne mg Metformin 3x50 Stop mg Injection Ranitidine 2x50 c mg Cithicolin Heparin Stop 1x5000 u Others Novorapid 3x4 u Types of Dose Drugs Regim Date of Giving the Drugs 17/10/14 18/10/14 19/10/14 20/10/2014 21/10/2014 2001 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. en M 2x12,5 D A N M D A NPP M D A N M D A N M D A N Oral Captopril mg Simvastatin 1x20 STOP mg Ascardia 1x80 - - - - - - mg Clopidogrel 1x1 KSR 1x600 Stop mg Domperido 3x10 ne mg Metformin 3x50 Stop mg Injection Ranitidine 2x50 mg Cithicolin Heparin Stop 1x5000 Stop u Others Novorapid 3x4 u Information : M = Morning ( 06.00 a.m ) ; D = Day ( 12.00 p.m ) ; A = Afternoon ( 18.00 p.m ) ; N = Night ( 24.00 p.m ) ; C = Cancel 2002 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. LABORATORY DATA No. Type Of Examination Value Lab Normal Value Hematology 1 Leukocyte 10.94 ribu/mm3* 5-10 2 Neutrophil 69,8% 50-70 3 Lymphocyte 24,8%* 25-40 4 Monocyte 4,8% 2-8 5 Eosinophil 0,2%* 2-4 6 Basophil 0,4% 0-1 7 Erythrocyte 4,84juta/ 4,5-6,5 8 Hemoglobin 14,1 g/dl 13,0-18,0 9 Hematokrit 42% 40-52 10 MCV 86,8fL 80-100 11 MCH 29,1pg 26-34 12 MCHC 33,6 % 32-36 13 RDW-CV 13,0 % 11,5-14,5 14 Trombosit 259 mm3 150-440 ribu 15 GDS 213 mg / dl 70-199 6. DRUG RELATED PROBLEM 1. Dose Regimen Drug dose Ranitidin is too low, the recipe is given 2x50 mg, according to the BNF ed 67 doses of ranitidine injection 50 mg every 6-8 hours, the administration of a dose of ranitidine less prevalent then discuss with your doctor ranitidine administration increased to 3x50 mg and look at the list of therapeutic administration of ranitidine periodically usual dose is appropriate or not. 2. Drug Interaction Giving clopidogrel with heparin, can increase the risk of intracranial hemorrhage, need to be monitored INR values, and protombin time. 2003 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. 7. CONCLUSION Based on the results of clinical work practice at Cempaka wards under (medicine) in Persahabatan Hospital, it can be concluded that the presence of DRP (Drug Related Problems) improper dosage regimen in the use of ranitidine (drug dose is too low) and drug interaction between clopidogrel and heparin can that are cause intracranial hemorrhage. REFERENCES 1. Hacke W, Kaste M, Bogousslavsky J, Brainin M, Chamorro A, Lees K et al.. Ischemic Stroke Prophylaxis and Treatment - European Stroke Initiative Recommendations 2003. 2. Isniati,2003,Hubungan Tingkat Pengetahuan Penderita Diabetes Militus Dengan Keterkendalian Gula Darah Di Poliklinik RsPerjan Dr. M. Djamil Paandg Tahun Jurnal Kesehatan Masyarakat, September 2007, I (2). 3. Misbach, J. 2000. Stroke in Indonesia: a first Large Prospective Hospital-Based Study of Acute Stroke in 28 Hospitals in Indonesia. Journal of Clinical Neurosciences 8: 245-249. 4. Mycek, mary J. dkk. 2003. Farmakologi Ulasan Bergambar edisi 2, Jakarta: Widya Medika 5. Nugroho, Dr. Agung.2009.Farmakologi Obat-obat Penting dalam Pembelajaran Ilmu Kefarmasian and Dunia Kesehatan,Universitas Gadjah Mada Yogyakarta 6. Saenger AK, Christenson RH, 2010. Stroke biomarkers: Progress and challenges for diagnosis, prognosis, differentiation, and treatment. Clinical Chemistry 56(1): 21-33. 7. Stockley, I.H. (2008). Stockley’s DrugInteraction. Edisi kedelapan. Great Britain: Pharmaceutical Press. Halaman 1-9. 2004 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. DRUG RELATED PROBLEM IN PATIENT WITH COPD EXACERBATION AND HEART FAILURE AT PERSAHABATAN HOSPITAL Fatimah Maulida1, Aprilita Rinayanti Eff.2 and Diana Laila Rahmatillah2 1 Student of Pharmacist Program, Faculty of Pharmacy UTA ’45 Jakarta 2 Lecturer of Faculty of Pharmacy UTA ’45 Jakarta ABSTRACT Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is characterized by airflow limitation in the lungs and progressive. Acute exacerbation of COPD is defined as chronic symptoms (shortness of breath, cough, sputum production) that can cause worsening. Causes of acute exacerbation is usually by a viral or respiratory track infections, air pollution, or other exposure.1 Heart failure is a functional cardiac disorder that impairs the ability of the ventricle to pump sufficient blood to meet the body’s metabolic needs.1 Patient Mr. S, aged 59 years, entered Persahabatan Hospital on 26 September 2014 with a diagnosis: Community Acquired Pneumonia (CAP) in geriatrics, COPD exacerbations, heart failure, dyspepsia syndrome. Patient was treated with ISDN, valsartan, ascardia® (acetylsalicylic acid), sucralfat, fluimucyl® (N-acetylcysteine), paracetamol, vitamin B complex, dorner® (Beraprost sodium), spironolactone, methyl prednosolon injection IV, ranitidine injection IV, furosemide injection IV, levofloxacin injection IV, combivent® inhalation (a combination of salbutamol and ipatropium bromide), aminophylline infusion. Based on the result of clinical it can be concluded that Drug Related Problems (DRP) that are dose is too low ranitidine administration while according to the BNF ed 67 doses of ranitidine injection IV is 50 mg every 6-8 hours so administration a dose of ranitidine less common, drug interactions aminophylline with furosemide and aminophylline with methyl prednisolone increases to effects of hypokalemia, aminophylline with ranitidine increases to effects of aminophylline, valsartan with furosemide increases to effects hypotensive, spironolactone with valsartan increases to effects of hyperkalemia so these drugs must be monitored levels of potassium and blood pressure. Keywords: Drug Related Problem ( DRP ), COPD Exacerbation, Heart Failure, Persahabatan Hospital 2005 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. INTRODUCTION Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is characterized by airflow limitation in the lungs and progressive. Acute exacerbation of COPD is defined as chronic symptoms of patients (shortness of breath, cough, sputum production) are worsening. Causes of acute exacerbation is usually by a viral or respiratory track infections, air pollution, or other exposure. COPD generally refers to emphysema or chronic bronchitis. Emphysema is characterized by alveolar wall destruction and air space enlargement. Chronic bronchitis is clinically defined as a chronic cough for at least 3 months for 2 consecutive years which is a sign of inflammation in the respiratory tract. Both of these conditions is mainly caused by smoking. 1 Cigarette smoking is the major risk factor for COPD and most cases of COPD are attributed to a current or past history of cigarette smoking. Evidence exists that among patients with severe emphysema approximately 99% have a history of regular cigarette smoking. Other factors include dust, chemicals, air pollution, viral and bacterial respiratory infections and human immunodeficiency virus infection (HIV). 1 Heart failure is a functional cardiac disorder that impairs the ability of the ventricle to pump sufficient blood to meet the body’s metabolic needs. The signs and symptoms of primary (eg, peripheral edema, shortness of breath, fatigue) heart failure must be evaluated from the patient's medical history and physical examination. 1 I. CASE PRESENTATION Patient Mr. S. aged 69 years old smoker of 12 cigarettes / day for 50 years, entered in Persahabatan Hospital of on 26 September 2014. Patients present with shortness of breath since 1 month before admission, shortness of increasingly severe with activity, not affected by weather and do not wheeze. Cough with yellow sputum since 3 weeks before entering the hospital, sometimes fever. Since 1 year ago suffered heart disease and hypertension and was treated with valsartan and ISDN. Examination results revealed patient need oxygen characterized by decreasing PCO2 (34.6 mmHg) and increased PO2 (131 mmHg). Laboratory investigation showed abnormal values of 2006 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. neutrophil (85.3%), lymphocytes (2.8%), monocytes (10.8%), eosinophils (0.3%), and platelets (147.000/ mm3). Patient treated with 0.9% NaCl IVFD 500 cc / 24 hours and O2 2-3 L / minute, infusion aminophylline of 300 mg / 12 hours. ISDN 3x5 mg, valsartan 1x80 mg, Ascardia® (acetylsalicylic acid) 1x80 mg, Sucralfat 3xC1, Fluimucyl® (N-acetylcysteine) 3xC1, paracetamol 3x500 mg, Vitamin B complex 3x1 tablet, Dorner® (Beraprost sodium) 3x20 mcg, Spironolactone 1x25 mg, methyl prednisolone injection IV 3x62,5 on day five lowered to 2x62,5 mg, Ranitidine injection IV 2x50 mg, Furosemide injection IV 1x1 ampoule, levofloxacin injection IV 1x750 mg. The patient was given an inhaler combivent® (combination ipatropium bromide and salbutamol). II. CLINICAL EVALUATION In this case the patient get aminophylline for acute exacerbations, levofloxacin as antimicrobal, methyl prednisolone as antiinflammatory, combivent® inhalation (a combination of salbutamol and ipatropium bromide) is a combination of anticholinergics and beta-2 agonist strengthens bronchodilation effect, fluimucyl® (N-acetylcysteine) for reduce exacerbations with antioxiandt effect and mucolytics, sucralfate to coating the cell wall of the stomach so avoid stomach irritation, ranitidine for dyspepsia, paracetamol is used patients to relieve pain, vitamin B complex to prevent a deficiency of vitamin B1, B2, B6, nicotinic acid, pantothenic acid and choline, furosemide to lower blood pressure, spironolactone to maintain the balance of potassium, ISDN to heart, ascardia® (acetylsalicylic acid) to prevent thrombus, Dorner for hypertension, sodium chloride 0.9% to maintain osmolaritaas and acid base balance in the body. III. ADMINISTRATION OF DRUGS FOR HOSPITALIZED Types of Dose Drugs Regim Administration of drugs date 28/9/14 30/9/14 en 01/10/2014 02/10/2014 29/9/14 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 Oral 2007 4 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. ISDN 3x5 mg Valsartan 1x80 STOP mg Ascardia 1x80 mg Sucralfat 3XcI Fluimucyl 3XcI Paracetam 3x1 - - Vit. B komp 3x1 Dorner 3x20 - ol mg Spironolakt 1x25 on mg Injection Metil pred. 3x62,5 STOP and start 2/102x6,25 Metil pred. 2x62,5 Ranitidin 2x50 mg Furosemide 1x1 amp Levofloxaci 1x750 n mg Other Combivent NaCl 0,9% 500 cc + 4x/hari Aminophylline STOP because the pulse exceeds the 2008 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. aminofilin maximum (120x/minute) 300 mg/12 jam Information : 1= 06.00 a.m. IV. 2= 12.00 a.m 3= 18.00 p.m. 4= 24.00 p.m DISCUSSION In COPD disease, that can alter the decline in lung function but drugs can reduce symptoms, exacerbation rate, hospitalization rates and with exercise to improve health status. As initial therapy that oxygen was used characterized by decreasing PCO2 (34.6 mmHg) and increasing PO2 (131 mmHg). The combination of inhaled beta-adrenergic agonists (salbutamol) and anticholinergics (ipratropium bromide) can improve the airflow during acute exacerbations of COPD. Bacterial infections can contribute to acute exacerbations of COPD, it can be seen from abnormal laboratory values neutrophil (85.3%), lymphocytes (2.8%), monocytes (10.8%), and eosinophils (0.3%). During the hospitalized, patient is given ciprofloxacin injection IV to increase expiratory flow rate and reduce the risk of treatment failure and mortality.3 Systemic corticosteroids accelerate improvement in airflow, gas exchange, reduce symptoms and reduce the rate of treatment failure, initial therapy methyl prednisolone 3x62,5 then on day fifth lowered to 2x62,5 mg this is done to avoid acute adrenal insufficiency thus improving the function of the adrenal glands has long not produce endogenous corticosteroids because of low feedback by exogenous corticosteroids. Sucralfate syrup is given to protect the mucosa from attack pepsin acid in gastric and duodenal ulcers caused Ascardia® (acetylsalicylic acid) that affects the gastrointestinal tract irritation. injection Ranitidine IV is an antihistamine H2 receptor blockers (AH2) works by inhibiting gastric acid secretion. In H2 receptor inhibits, ranitidine work specifically and reversibly. 4 Patient also feel pain and doctor is given paracetamol. Aminophylline causes smooth muscle relaxation, especially in case of bronchial smooth muscle contraction due to histamine, infusion of aminophylline given on fourth day of treatment but was stopped by the doctor the next day because it exceeds the maximum pulse (120x / min). Bronchodilation effect of Aminophylline caused by antagonism of adenosine receptors. 4 2009 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. Because patient has a productive cough, giving Fluimucyl® (N-acetylcysteine) is appropriate as a mucolytic to mukoprotein by releasing disulfide bonds thus decreasing the viscosity of sputum. ISDN is the preparation of organic nitrates may cause vasodilation resulting blood collection in peripheral venous. 4 In heart failure patients an increase plasma levels of aldosterone, causing water and sodium retention and excretion of potassium and magnesium trigger cardiac remodeling, giving as an aldosterone antagonist spironolactone can reduce the progression of cardiac remodeling so reduce mortality and morbidity due to heart failure. Valsartan works by inhibiting the angiotensinogen II on AT1 receptor to reducing sympathetic activity cause vasodilation by a decrease in peripheral resistance so increasing cardiac output. Ascardia® (acetylsalicylic acid) is used secondary prophylaxis or prevented of stroke / thromboembolism. Furosemide is a strong diuretic to overcome the excess fluid, use of diuretics to quickly eliminate shortness of breath. Vitamin B complex to prevent a deficiency of vitamin B1, B2, B6, nicotinic acid, pantothenic acid and kolin.4 Sodium Beraprost (Dorner®) works by binding of prostacyclin receptors (PGI2) and inhibit the release Ca2+ from intracellular storage. This effect causes relaxation of smooth muscle cells and vasodilation, dorner® also can reduce vascular thrombosis by inhibiting platelet aggregation.5 V. DRUG RELATED PROBLEM 1. Inappropiate dose regimen Drug dose is too low, the prescription Ranitidine injection IV 2x50 mg a day, according to BNF ed 67 doses of ranitidine injection IV 50 mg every 6-8 hours, the administration of a dose of ranitidine less common so discuss with the doctor to ranitidine injection administration increased to 3x50 mg and view administration of ranitidine on list of therapeutic periodically is appropriate common dose or not. 2. Drugs Interaction 6 a. Aminophylline and Methylprednisoline cause additive effect of hypokalemia so monitor potassium levels 2010 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. b. Aminophylline and furosemide cause additive effects of hypokalemia so monitor potassium levels c. Aminophylline and ranitidine increase the effect of aminophylline so monitor potassium levels and monitoring of side effects of aminophylline (arrhythmias, nausea, no appetite) d. Valsartan and furosemide cause additive hypotensive effect so monitor blood pressure e. Valsartan and spironolactone cause additive effects of hyperkalemia so monitor potassium levels VI. CONCLUSION Based on the monitoring of drug therapy internal medicine wards in Persahabatan Hospital, it can be concluded that the presence of Drug Related Problems (DRP), that is inappropriate dosage regimen in the use of ranitidine (drug dose is too low) and drug interactions. REFERENCES 1. Alldredge, B.K., Corelli, R.L., and Ernst, M.E., 2012. Koda-Kimble and Young’s Applied Therapeutics: The Clinical Use of Drugs. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. 2. BMJ Group, 2014. British National Formulatory (BNF) 67. London: BMJ Group and the Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain, pp. 53-54 3. Basnet, S., Adhikary, P., Aryal, B, 2013. Acute Exacerbation Of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. Journal of Chitwan Medical College, 3(3): 67-68 4. Gunawan, S., 2012. Farmakologi and Terapi. Universitas Indonesia Fakultas Kedokteran Jakarta 5. Na. et al., 2013. Effect of beraprost sodium on arterial stiffness in patients with type 2 diabetic nephropathy. Trials,14:275 6. Stockley, I.H., 2008. Stockley’s Drug Interaction. Edisi kedelapan. Great Britain: Pharmaceutical Press. Halaman 36, 1178, 1180, 1181. 2011 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. DRUG RELATED PROBLEM IN PATIENT WITH TUBERCULOSIS HEMOPTYSIS DISEASE AT PERSAHABATAN HOSPITAL Melisha Adelina Hotmaida1, Aprilita Rinayanti Eff2 and Diana Laila Rahmatillah2 1 Student of Pharmacist Program, Faculty of Pharmacy UTA ’45 Jakarta 2 Lecture of Faculty of Pharmacy UTA ’45 Jakarta ABSTRACT Tuberculosis (TB) is a pulmonary disease chronic bacterial infection caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Microbials are usually entered into the human body through breathing air into the lungs. Then the bacteria are spread from the lungs to other parts of the body, through the circulatory system, lymphatic duct system, via the airways (bronchi) or direct spread to other body parts. TB can occured in all age groups, both in pulmonary and extra pulmonary. Coughing up blood is a symptom or sign of an infectious disease. Blood volume varied and sputum coughed blood mixed in a certain volume, depending on the rate of bleeding and bleeding sites. Hemoptysis is the coughing of blood or blood expectorated due to bleeding in the airway below the larynx or bleeding out through the lower respiratory tract of the larynx. Mr.MCN, aged 61 years old, entered in Persahabatan Hospital on September 30, 2014 with a diagnosis of Tuberculosis Hemoptysis. Patient was treated with NaCl 0.9% IVFD, Tranexamic Acid, Vitamin K, Vitamin C, Ceftazidim and Gentamicin. In this case has found a Drug Related Problems (DRP) that are drug interaction between gentamicin with Ceftazidim which can increase Nephrotoxycity and the indication but was not handled, ie the results of laboratory hemoglobin decreased patient should be given a blood supplements and patient has TB Hemoptysis but not given TB drugs. Keyword : Drug Related Problem ( DRP ), Hemoptisys, Persahabatan Hospital 2012 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. 1. INTRODUCTION Tuberculosis (TB) is a pulmonary disease chronic bacterial infection caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Microbials are usually entered into the human body through breathing air into the lungs. Then the bacteria are spread from the lungs to other parts of the body, through the circulatory system, lymphatic duct system, via the airways (bronchi) or direct spread to other body parts. TB can occur in all age groups, both in pulmonary and extra pulmonary.1 Coughing up blood is a symptom or sign of an infectious disease. Blood volume varied and sputum coughed blood mixed in a certain volume, depending on the rate of bleeding and bleeding sites. Coughing up blood or hemoptysis is expectorated blood due to bleeding in the airway below the larynx or bleeding out through the lower respiratory tract of the larynx. Coughing up blood is often a sign or symptom of underlying disease so etiology should be sought through a more thorough examination. Coughing up blood can be classified based on the volume of blood ejected at a certain period. Coughing up blood still require immediate action as it may interfere with gas exchange in the lungs and can destabilize the patient hemodynamics so if not handled properly can be life-threatening. 2 In Hemoptysis, the source of bleeding generally arises from one of two source: pulmonary circulation or bronchial circulation. The pulmonary circulation flooding of the alveoli and alveolar ducts with blood, low-pressure circulation system with blood vessel walls are thin. Bronchial circulation making to bleeding trachea, main bronchi to bronchioles and lung tissue support, the esophagus, the posterior mediastinum and pulmonary artery vasa vasorum. The bronchial circulation consists of bronchial arteries and bronchial venous.2 2. PRESENTATION CASE Patient Mr. MCN aged 61 years old entered Persahabatan Hospital on September 30 2014. Patient present with cough blood from 1 day before entering the hospital, blood cough since 1 day before entering the hospital approximately 5cc, fresh red blood, not mixed the food. 3. CLINIC EVALUATION In this case the patient was treated with Tranexamic Acid to reduce and stop coughing up blood, vitamin K to help coagulation, vitamin C increase endurance, Ceftazidim for respiratory tract 2013 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. infections and Gentamicin as a broad spectrum antibiotic with activity against gram negative bacteria. 4. DOSE AND DRUG DELIVERY 4.1. Dose Drug Name Dose Indication How to Use Usual Dose Prescription Tranexamic 50ml/12 hour Stop the Bleeding Injection 0,5-1 gr every 8 hours (25- Acid 50mg/kg/day) Renal Drugs Handbook NaCl 0,9% 500ml Electrolyte Injection 1000ml/day Vit K 3x10mg Coagulation Injection 5-40 mg/day Vit C 3x200mg Body endurance Injection 0,5-1 gr/day Gentamisin 1x160mg Antibiotics Injection 5-6 mg/kg/day Ceftazidim 3x1gr Antibiotics Injection 1-6 gr/day 4.2. Types of Drugs Dispensing Drug During Patient was Hospitalized Dose Drug Delivery Date Regiment 30/9/14 1 01/10/14 2 3 4 0,9% 500ml 50ml/12 1 02/10/14 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 Drug Injectoin NaCl Tranexsamic Acid hours Vitamin K 3x10mg Vitamin C 3x200mg Ceftriaxone 1x2gr STOP 2014 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. Azithromycin 1x500mg STOP Gentamisin 1x160mg Ceftazidim 3x1gr Information : 1=06.00 a.m 4.3. 2=12.00 a.m 3=18.00 p.m 4=24.00 p.m Laboratory Data Check Up Result Type of examination 29/9/14 30/9/14 Unit Normal Value 02/10/14 HEMATOLOGY Routine Blood Leukocyte 27,46* - 6,57 Ribu/mm3 5-10 Neutrophil 84,5* - 77,9* % 50-70 Lymphocyte 6,8* - 14,8* % 25-40 Monocyte 8,4* - 5,9 % 2-8 Eosinophil 0,0* - 1,1* % 2-4 Basophil 0,3 - 0,3 % 0-1 Erythrocyte 4,24* - 3,74* Juta/uL 4,5-6,5 Hemoglobin 10,7* - 10,5* g/dL 13,0-18,0 Hematokrit 32* - 31* % 40-52 MCV 76,1* - 82,4* L 80-100 MCH 25,2* - 28,1 Pg 26-36 MCHC 33,1 - 34,1 % 32-36 RDW-CV 12,29 - 16,6* % 11,5-14,5 Trombosit 312 - 321 Ribu/mm3 150-440 Type Calculate CLINICAL CHEMISTRY Blood Gas Analysis pH - 7,489* 7,424 7,34-7,44 2015 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. PCO2 - 24,3* 26,2* mm Hg 35-45 PO2 - 60,6* 61,8* mm Hg 85-95 HCO3 - 18,3* 16,9* mmol/L 22-26 TCO2 - 19,0* 17,7* mmol/L 23-27 Base Excess - -4,6* -6,7* Std HCO3 - 21,9* 19,8* mmol/L 22-26 Saturasi O2 - 92,9* 92,1* % 96-97 GDS 123 - mg/dL <180 Sodium (Na) 132* - 135,0 mmol/L 135-145 Pottasium (K) 4,20 - 3,60 mmol/L 3,5-5,5 Clorida (Cl) 98,0 - 105,0 mmol/L 98-109 Uremia 58* - - mg/dL 20-40 Triglycerides 1,1 - mg/dL 0,8-1,5 Protein total - - 8,8* g/dL 6-8 Albumin - - 2,6* g/dL 3,4-5 Globulin - - 6,3* g/dL 1,3-2,7 AST (SGOT) - - 108* U/L 0-37 ALT (SGPT) - - 26 U/L 0-40 Bilirubin Total - - 0,5 mg/dL 0,1-1,1 Bilirubin Direk - - 0,35 mg/dL 0,1-0,4 Bilirubin Indirek - - 0,15 mg/dL 0,0-0,7 -2,5-2,5 Elektrolyte Liver Function DISCUSSION In this case the patient has tuberculosis hemoptysis. Patient treated with infusion of 0.9% NaCl as the electrolyte fluid. Fibrinolytic inhibitor tranexamic acid is a synthetic form of the trans-cyclohexane carboxylic acid aminometil. In vitro, tranexamic acid 10 times more potent than aminocaproic acid. Tranexamic acid is a competitive inhibitor of plasminogen activator and 2016 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. plasmin inhibitors. Plasmin it self plays destroy fibrinogen, fibrin and other blood clotting factors, therefore tranexamic acid can be used to help overcome excessive bleeding due to fibrinolysis. Known natural vitamin K 2 types of vitamin K 1 (filokuinon + Phytonadione) and vitamin K 2 (compound menakuinon) and 1 vitamin K synthesis. Pharmacodynamics in the normal vitamin K does not have pharmacodynamic activity but in patient with vitamin K deficiency is useful to improve the biosynthesis of several blood clotting factors. Vitamin K deficiency causes hipotrombinemia and decreasing levels of several blood clotting factors so that the elongated blood clotting time of blood and bleeding can occur spontaneously as ecchymosis, epistaxis, hematuria, gastrointestinal bleeding, intracranial bleeding, postoperative bleeding occasionally hemoptysis. Vitamin K in absorption through the gut, is highly dependent on the solubility. On the 1st day of treatment the patient has added coughing up blood so that therapy with tranexamic acid (iv) and vitamin C (iv). Two drug combination therapy aims to stop the bleeding that may be caused by hemoptysis or rupture of the pulmonary veins as a result of the formation of tubercles-tubercles are attached to the pulmonary vasculature. Coughing up blood stops on the 3rd day of treatment but still bloody cough with bloody cough frequency was reduced.3 Vitamin C in these patient is used to enhance the patient immune system. Vitamin C is known as ascorbic acid, is included in the class of water-soluble vitamins, namely chemical formula (C6H8O6). Pharmacodynamic administration of vitamin C in normal circumstances do not give a clear pharmacodynamic effect, but in a state of deficiency, vitamin C will eliminate the symptoms of the disease quickly. Physiology of vitamin C plays a role in the formation of substances between cells and collagen tissue that is part of connective tissue. Also needed in the maturation of red blood cells and bone formation of dentin. Therefore, vitamin C has many physiological functions in the body, then the deficiency of vitamin C resulted in extensive, which can cause a disruption in the blood vessel wall which increases capillary fragility that minor trauma can easily cause bleeding. The existence of vitamin C in leukocytes and platelets greater than in plasma and red blood cells. Excretion through urine in the form of sulfate salts and in the form of ascorbic acid, this situation occurs when the levels in the blood passes through the kidneys excitatory threshold. Side effects are rare, but sometimes cause diarrhea.3 2017 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. Indications of Ceftazidim is septicemia, meningitis, pneumonia, lower respiratory tract infections. While Gentamicin as a broad-spectrum antibiotic with activity against gram-negative bacteria. On the first day of treatment there was an increase of leukocytes (27.46 thousand / mm3) indicate the presence of infection, so that the patient was given Gentamicin and Ceftazidim. After administration for 2 days worth of leukocytes of patients showed a decrease in leukocytes (6.57 thousand / mm3). Gentamicin and Ceftazidim drug interaction that may increase the risk of nephrotoxicity (level 2). Necessary to monitor the concentration of gentamicin and renal function of patient. Action needs to be done to monitor the results of the triglyceridese, urea whether high or low.4 5. DRUG RELATED PROBLEM a. Untreated Complaint - The value of the patient laboratory low hemoglobin blood booster should be given supplements and monitoring of the patient hemoglobin value. - The patient has TB Hemoptysis but not given TB drugs. b. Drug Interactions Gentamicin with Ceftazidim (Drug Interaction Facts 2005): Both of these drugs may increase the risk of Nephrotoxicity so necessary to monitor the concentration of gentamicin and the patient renal function. CONCLUSION Based on the clinical outcome of pulmonary disease ward at Persahabatan Hospital, it can be concluded that the presence of DRP (Drugs Related Problems) untreated complaint ie namely in terms of the patient laboratory values decreased hemoglobin blood booster should be given supplements and TB patients experienced hemoptysis but not given TB drugs and drug interactions where there is interaction between Gentamicin and Ceftazidim which can increase the risk of Nephrotoxicity so it is necessary to monitor the concentration of Gentamicin. REFERENCES 1. Departeman Kesehatan, Republik Indonesia. Pedoman Nasional Penanggulangan Tuberkulosis, 2007: Jakarta. 2. Arif N., 1992. Batuk darah dalam pulmonologi klinik. Bagian pulmonologi FKUI; 2018 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. Jakarta : 179-183 3. Gunawan, S., 2012. Farmakologi and Terapi. Universitas Indonesia Fakultas Kedokteran Jakarta 4. George, et al., 2005. Med Facts Pocket Guide Of Drug Interactions. Nephrology Pharmacy Associates, Inc. 2019 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. EVALUATION OF DRUG RELATED PROBLEMS IN PERINATOLOGY SEPSIS ec Psuedomonas pufida IN HIGH RISK PERINATAL ROOM RSPAD GATOT SOEBROTO Sri Wahyuni 1, Diana Laila Ramatillah2 , Aprilita Rinayanti Efi2 1 Student of Pharmacist Professional Program Student, Faculty Of Pharmacy UTA’ 45 Jakarta 2 Lecturer of Faculty of Pharmacy UTA’45 Jakarta Email: ABSTRACT Sepsis is a state of the discovery of the clinical symptoms of an illness severe infection, accompanied by the discovery of a systemic response that can be hypothermia, hyperthermia, tachycardia, hyperventilation and lethargy1. Baby of. Mrs. DB, born spontaneously on 29th of September 2014 at 23:55 pm, a baby boy, with pregnancy 39 weeks. At birth there was nuchal cord 1x, the weight is 3700 grams, body length is 52 cm, amniotic clear, indirect born crying, bluish skin, less active motion, a Score Apgar is 5/10, meconium is not out. At the moment, the baby is treated in high risk Perinatal Room. During the treatment, the patient received drug therapy and fluid requirement. Drugs given to the patient were ceftazidime, omeprazole, fosfomycin, diflucan, flagyl, heparin, amikacin, ampicillin sulbactam, vitamine E, becombion, mycostatin. Fluid given to the patient were glucose protein II 40 mg/kg/day, intralipid, breast milk and formula milk. Based on the results of Professional Practice Pharmacists, it can be concluded that there was any dosage regimen and schedule of giving the drugs. Keywords : Sepsis, Pseudomonas And RSPAD Gatot Soebroto. 2020 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. INTRODUCTION Neonatorium Sepsis is a disease in neonates which are clinically ill and showed positive in blood culture 2. The incidence in South east Asia ranged from 2.4 to 16 per 1,000 live births, in USA 1-8 per 1,000 live births, while the Division of Perinatology Department of Pediatrics Faculty of medicine/RSCM (2003) of 56.1 per live births. The mortality rate can reach 50% in infants of untreated3.The etiology of sepsis in neonates is from bacteria, viruses, fungi and protozoa (rarely)3. Gram-positive bacteria such as streptococcus group B is the most common cause3. Coagulase-negative staphylococci is the main cause of nosocomial bacteremia streptococcus group B who not gram-negative bacteria Escherichia coli causes the number two most, H.influenzae, monositogenes Listeria, Pseudomonas, Klebsiella, Enterobakter, Salmonella, anaerobic bacteria, Gardenerella vaginalis3. Kaukasive treatment with antibiotics, ceftazidime and gentamicine is early awarded if ampicillin resistance. In nosocomial sepsis is adapted to local patterns of germs. Continued therapy is performed based on the results of culture and sensitivity, clinical symptoms, and a series of laboratory tests (CRP). Supportive therapy with monitoring of fluid, electrolyte and glucose, gives correction in case of hypovolemia, hyponatremia, hypocalcemia, and hypoglycemia. Giving diflucan and flagyl drugs to treat anaerobic bacteria and fungi 3. CLINICAL EVALUATION Hepatitis B patient received 0.5 ml of vaccine immunity as post-birth. At the beginning of the incoming fluid therapy was 10% dextrose and ceftazidime. Dextrose 10% utilizing to fulfill requirement of dillution of nutrition and avoid hypoglicaemia. Ceftazidime hypodermic 170 mg twice one day as empirical medication at the same time awaited the results in blood culture. Giving of Hypodermic omeprazole 5 mg once one day to overcome disturb gastric marked with result of osofaring gastric tube (OGT) residue was turning white. After result of culture exited on 6th October 2014 with result of Enterobacter aerogenes breeding represents negative gram, Giving of ceftazidime hypodermic was discontinued and changed by fosfomisin hypodermic 185 mg twice one day and consorted with giving of diflucan hypodermic (flukonazol) 11 mg every 48 hour at neonates 2-4 week to overcome fungi, and also flagyl hypodermic 30 mg twice one day to overcome anaerob germ. Giving of Fosfomisin was changed with ampisillin sulbactam 125 mg 2021 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. thrice one day and amicasin 26 mg twice one day after result of both of exit with result of Pseudomonas pufida breeding. Residue has still colour, so patient has fasting to accomplishment of requirement of dillitution is totally parenteral nutritions by Protein glucose II 40 ml/mg/day with compositions amino acid 17 Ca gluconase 1,6 ml, KCL 1 ml, Nacl 3 % 2,7 ml, Dextrose 40% 7,4 ml, Dextrose 10% 10,3 ml and giving of intralipid 1g/kg/day and increase until 3 g/kg/day. The intralipid (fat 20%) was compositions of trigliserida 20 g and trigliserida 2 kcal /ml. Heparin to prevent emboli because of lipid has condensed character. If baby’s residue does not have color, the baby will be given by breast milk or formula milk to quicken requirement of nutritions. In inotropik therapy, baby is given by vitamins E, becombion, gamaras and mycostatin for the impenetrability of body4. DOSE AND ADMINISTRATION5,6 Name of drug Administrati on Dose Regimen Indicate Dose maintenance Vaccine Hep B IM 0,5 ml Immunity 0,5ml im Ceftazidime IV 2 x 170mg/day Antibiotic Peds. 30–50 mg/kg/dose IV q8h Omeprazole IV 1 x5 mg/day Gastric disturb Peds 2–16 y <20 kg:10 mg PO q day. Fosfomisin IV 2 x 185mg//day Antibiotic 3 g PO in 90–120 mL of H2O single dose IV 11 mg x 48 hour Anti fungi Peds. 3–6 mg/kg/d PO or IV; IV 2 x30mg/day Anti anaerob Peds. 30 mg/kg PO/IV/d dividen germ 6h Diflucan Flagyl Ampisilin IV 3x125mg/day Antibiotic 100-150 mg/kg q6h IV 2 x26 mg/day Antibiotic Age <7 d, >2000 g: 10 Sulbactam Amicasin mg/kg/dose q12h. Age >7 d, >2000 g: 7.5–10 mg/kg/dose q8h 2022 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. Heparin IV 2,4 cc/day Anticoagulan Load 50 units/kg IV bolus, then 20 units/kg/h IV by cont Inf. Gamaras IV Imunoglobulin Vit E PO 0,5 ml Vitamine Becombion PO 3 drop Vitamine Mycostatin PO 3 drop impenetrability 3-15 mg 200,000 units PO q6h of Body Dextrosa 10% IV 10cc/ Sugar dillution Protein Glucose IV According to Total parenteral 2 Age 5 d 140-160 ml/d requirement. Intralipid IV According to Total parenteral requirement. LABORATORY RESULT Type Of Normal Examination Velue th 30 sept 1st oct 4th oct 6th oct 13rd oct 20th oct 21st oct Routine Haematology Haemoglobin 13-18 g/dL 19,6 18,8 16,4 13,1 11,1 * Haematocrit 40-52 % 55 52 47 38* 34* Erythrocyte 4.3-6 5,5 5,3 4,8 4,0 3,5* 23.700* 11.180* 16.420* 16.970* 2.1260 278.000 196.000 244.000 152.000 215.000 million/ Leukocytes 4800-10.800 / Platelets 150.000400.000/ MCV 80-96 Fl 101* 98* 98* 95 97* MCH 27-32 pg 36 35 34 33 32 2023 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. MCHC RDW 32-36 g/dl 36 36 35 * 19,90* 18.60 0,5-1,5% 1,0 0,9 0,1 0,2 <0,1 0,04 0,05 0,10 0,06 Basofil 0-1% 0 0 0 0 Eosinofil 1-3% 0 2 0 0 Rod 2-6% 3 3 3 3 Segmen 50-70% 73* 55 39* 47* Lymphocytes 20-40% 15* 32 51* 44 2-8% 9* 8 7 6 IT Ratio 19,50 33 * 11,5-14,5% Reticulosit 18,30 35 * Diff count Monocytes Clinical Chemistry CRP < 6 mg/L <6 <6 15,70* 10,61* Total Bilirubin <1.5 mg/dL Bilirubin Direk <0.3 1,08 Bilirubin Indirek <1.1 9,53* Blood Gas Analysis pH pCO2 7,37-7,45 7,251 33-44 33,4 mmHg pO2 71-104 211,3* mmHg Bicarbonat (HCO3) Base excess (BE) 22-29 14,8* mmol/L (-2)-3 -10,7 mmol/L 2024 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. O2 Saturasi 94-98% 99,6* DRUG RELATED PROBLEMS (DRPs) 1. Drug interaction There was drug interaction between ampisillin sulbactam and amicasin that can degrade effect or rate from amikacin6. Intervention of giving drug in pharmacy was a distance in giving between two drugs2. 2. Drug interaction resulted of laboratory At this case clinically patient showed pale, which was marked with degradation assess haemoglobin6. According to literature one of the adverse drug's reaction (ADR) from amicasin is anaemia. Intervention of pharmacy was to overcome problems, It was needed PRC (Packet Red Cell) transfuse6. 3. Dosage Regimen At this case, patient got ampisillin sulbactam dose 125 mg every 8 hours. Intervention of Pharmacy according to literature the dosage of ampisillin sulbactam was 100-150 mg every 6 hour and the pertained time pattern was dependent on kill's6. Schedule giving of Amicasin and ampisillin sulbactam was better spaced out 1 hour, where amicasin was given ahead then ampisillin sulbactam for the avoiding of degradation of amicasin effect6. CONCLUSION Based on the result of Practice Pharmacist in Hygiene Child Treatment of High Risk Perinatal Room of RSPAD Gatot Soebroto Ditkesad, It can be concluded that the existence of ampisillin sulbactam dosage of regimen which was according to literature is given by 100-150 mg every 6 hour. The schedule giving of amicasin was better be given ahead 1 hour, then ampisillin sulbactam because giving in one time will degrade amicasin effect. Adverse Drug Reaction (ADR) Amicasin generated anaemia 2025 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. References 1. Komaruddin, Boenjamin. 2012. Standar Pengobatan Medik Sepsis Neonatus. RSPAD Gatot Soebroto Ditkesad. Jakarta. 2. Ikatan Dokter Anak Indonesia. Buku Ajar Infeksi & Pediatric Tropis Edisi Kedua. 2008: Jakarta. 3. Bone RC. The Sepsis Syndrome: Definition and General Approach to Management. Clin Chest Med. 1996. 4. BPOM.2008.Informasi Obat Nasional Indonesia (IONI). Jakarta: Sagung Seto. 5. Gomella, Leonard A dkk.2009. linician’s Pocket Drug Refence.McGraw Hill Medical. New York. 6. Taketomo,Carol K.2011.Pediatric & Neonatal Dosage Handbook. 18th Edition. Lexicom: Ohio. 7. Direktorat Bina Farmasi Komunitas and Klinik Ditjen Bina Kefarmasian and Alat Kesehatan Depkes RI. 2009. Pedoman Pencampuran Obat Suntik and Penanganan Sediaan Sitostatika. Bakti Husada: Jakarta. 2026 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. CASE STUDY DIABETES MELLITUS IN WARD MEDICINE RS.PGI CIKINI Dewi Veronika W1, Diana Laila Rahmatillah2, Aprilita Rinayanti Eff2, Stefanus Lukas2 1 Student of Pharmacist Professional Program Student, Faculty Of Pharmacy UTA’ 45 Jakarta 2 Lecturer of Faculty of Pharmacy UTA’45 JakartaEmail : ABSTRACT Diabetes mellitus ( DM ) is a chronic metabolic disease that took place where people with diabetes can not produce insulin in sufficient quantities or the body is unable to use insulin effectively so that there was an excess of sugar in the blood and is felt after further complications in organs1. Insulin is a substance or a hormone produced by the beta cells in the pancreas , where insulin is not there then the glucose can not enter cells with glucose result will remain in the blood vessels which means that the levels of glucose in the blood increases2. Patient Mr. HH, the age of 70 years, admitted PGI CIKINI August 29th 2014 with a diagnosis of Type II diabetes mellitus. Therapy treatment for hospitalized is lantus, novorapid, omeprazole, onandsetron, neurobion, metronidazole , trombo aspilet, ketorolac, hp pro, nymico, folic acid, vitamin B complex and albumin 25 % . Based on the results of clinical work practice in hospital wards K PGI CIKINI we can conclude the existence of DRPs ( Drug Related Problems ) in the form of drugs are less precise ( improper Drug Selection ) and drug interactions. Keywords : Diabetes Mellitus , Dyspepsia , Internal Medicine Ward , RS PGI CIKINI 2027 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. INTRODUCTION According to the American Diabetes Association ( ADA ) in 2010 , diabetes mellitus is a group of metabolic diseases with charasteristics hyperglycemia that occurs due to abnormal insulin secretion, insulin action, or both3. Early symptoms associated with the direct effects of high blood sugar levels. If blood sugar levels more than 160-180 mg / dL glucose will get into the urine. In type II diabetes mellitus normal amount of insulin, but the number of insulin receptors located on the cell surface that are less so glucose enter the cells slightly and glucose in the blood is increased. The term dyspepsia related to food and illustrates the complaint or collection of symptoms consisting of pain or discomfort in the epigastrium, nausea, vomiting, bloating, early satiety, taste full stomach, belching, regurgitation and heartburn are spread in the chest4. The cause of dyspepsia can be classified into organic dyspepsia and functional dyspepsia. The cause of dyspepsia can be classified into organic dyspepsia and functional dyspepsia. CASE PRESENTATION Patients Mr. HH the age of 70 years , admission PGI CIKINI August 29th 2014 had complaints of nausea and vomiting since 2 days before admission, vomit ± 15 times in 2 days, the patient complained of pain in her neck and canker sores on lips, no fever. Patients had a previous history of diabetes and the patient's father had a history of diabetes. In hematological examination showed erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR ) which is as high as 39 mm / hour, low hemoglobin values 10, 1 g / dL, high leukocyte value 20.6 10 ^ 3μL, low erythrocyte value 3.39 10 ^ 3μL, a low hematocrit value of 29 %, a high reticulocyte value of 18 per mil, eosinophils 0 % ( 1-3 ), neutrophil rod 0 % ( 2-6 ), neutrophil segment of 90 % ( 50-70 ), 6 % lymphocytes ( 20- 40 ), prothrombin patients 14.5 seconds ( 11 to 14.2 ). Clinical examination showed a decrease in the amount of albumin 2.1 g / dL ( 3.4 to 4.8 ) and an increase in the amount of AST 664 ( 0-50 ), SGPT 312 ( 0-50 ), Uremia 54 ( 10-50 ) , Triglyceridese 1,2 ( 0.6 to 1.1 ) and high blood glucose as 226 mg / dL ( 70-150 ). Clinical examination of the patient's blood sugar is inspection, where the results of normal blood sugar 291 mg / dL ( < 110 ), pp blood sugar 313 mg / dL ( < 140 ), blood glucose 230 mg / dL ( 74-106 ). In urine and parasitological examination showed urine specific gravity 1.010 g / ml ( 0.015 to 0.025 ) clarity cloudy urine ( clear ), there is a value in the urine 2028 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. leukocytes caterace Trace / 15 cells / ml ( negative ), leukocytes 7 / LPB ( 0-2 ), epithelial 3 / LPB ( 0-1 ). DISCUSSION On the first day of the hematological examination showed erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) which was as high as 39 mm / hour, low hemoglobin values 10, 1 g / dL, high leukocyte value 20.6 10 ^ 3μL, a low value of 3.39 erythrocytes 10 ^ 3μL, a low hematocrit value of 29 %, a high reticulocyte value of 18 per mil, eosinophils 0 % (1-3), neutrophil rod 0 % (2-6), neutrophil segment of 90 % (50-70), 6 % lymphocytes (20-40), prothrombin patients 14.5 seconds (11 to 14.2). Clinical examination showed a decrease in the amount of albumin 2.1 g/dL ( 3.4 to 4.8 ) and an increase in the amount of AST 664 (0-50), SGPT 312 (0-50) , Uremia 54 (10-50), Triglyceridese 1,2 (0.6 to 1.1) and high blood glucose as 226 mg/dL (70-150). On the second day of the clinic examination that the patient's blood sugar tests, where the results of normal blood sugar 291 mg / dL ( < 110 ) , pp blood sugar 313 mg / dL ( < 140 ), blood glucose 230 mg / dL ( 74106 ) . On the third day of examination APTT ( Activated Partial Thromboplastin Time ) and blood sugar patients per hour, where at 12:00 hours the patient's blood sugar decreased 64 mg / dL ( 70-150 ), where as normal APTT patients at the time of high 50.0 seconds ( 26.4 to 37.5 ) and the value of albumin 1.9 g / dL (3.4 to 4.8). On the fourth day the examination of blood sugar, urine and parasitological show urine specific gravity 1.010 g / mL ( 1.015 to 1.025 ), clarity rather cloudy urine, the urine contained in the value of leukocytes Caterace Trace / 15 cells / ml ( negative ), leukocytes 7 / LPB ( 0-2 ). During hospitalization PGI CIKINI patients received 14 types of drugs. On the first day the patient was given ceftriaxone 1 g vial with 1 x 2 g dose for abdominal infections, omeprazole 20 mg injection of 2 x 1 ampoule for dyspepsia, onandsentron 3x1 4 mg injection ampoules for the prevention and treatment of patients suffered nausea, lantus 20 mg tablets with dose of 1 x 20 mg and 5 mg tabs novorapid with a dose of 1 x 5 mg for the treatment of diabetes mellitus type II, ketorolac 10 mg injection of 2 x 1 ampoule to reduce the pain felt by the patient after surgery, 1 x 10.000ui Heparin to prevent blood clots after surgery. metronidazole 1 g vial with a dose of 2 x 1 to antibiotics in patient injury, trombo aspilet 80 mg 1 x 80 mg tab, nymico mouthwash 3 x 1 cc to treat thrush patients, folic acid 100 mg tab 3 2029 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. x 1 tab for overcome anemia, vitamin B Complex 500 mg 3 x 1 tab, neurobion 1000 mg 1 x 1 tab, Hp Pro 7.5 mg 3 x 2 tabs and albumin 25 % 1 x 100cc . CLINICAL EVALUATION DRP 1: Improper Drug Selection Use of Torasic (ketorolac) in this case is not quite right, because the use of postoperative ketorolac maximum of two days. While in this case ketorolac used for five days8. Pharmacist intervention: recommend the use of ketorolac after the second postoperative day was replaced with another drug. DRP 2: Drug Interactions 4. Interactions Ceftriaxone and Heparin Ceftriaxone and heparin use, which will increase the level of ceftriaxone or anticoagulant effect of heparin with8. Pharmacist intervention: recommend to use other alternatives. Because cephalosporins can decrease the activity prothombin8. 5. Interaction Ketorolac and Heparin Use of Torasic (Ketorolac) and heparin, both of which can increase the anticoagulant8. Pharmacist intervention: Used with caution and should be monitored closely. 6. Interaction Omeprazole and Onandsentron Use of OMZ (omeprazole) and ondasentron where Omeprazole will reduce the level or effect of onandsentron by affecting metabolism in the liver enzyme CYP1A28. Pharmaceutical interventions: should the use onandsentron and omeprazole given distance less than two hours. Conclusion Based on the results, it can be concluded that patient was suffering from Diabetes Mellitus and Dyspepsia . In addition there was the presence of DRPs ( Drug Related Problems ) in the form of 2030 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. drugs were less precise ( improper Drug Selection ) that Ketorolac and drug interactions between the use of Ceftriaxone - Heparin , Ketorolac - Heparin and Omeprazole – Onandsentron REFERENCES 1. Smeltzer S. & Bare, B.G, 2008, Brunner & sudarth’s textbook of medical surgical Nursing, EG 2. Suyono, S. 2009. Diabetes Melitus di Indonesia. . Dalam Aru W.S., Bambang S., Idrus A., Marcellus S.K., Siti S. Buku Ajar Ilmu Penyakit Dalam Edisi Kelima. Jakarta: Interna Publishing. Hal: 1877-84. 3. American Diabetes Association. Therapy for Diabetes Melitus and Related Disorder. 4th ed. ADA Inc,USA.2004 4. Purnamasari, D. 2009. Diagnosis and Klasifikasi Diabetes Melitus. Dalam Aru W.S., Bambang S., Idrus A., Marcellus S.K., Siti S. Buku Ajar Ilmu Penyakit Dalam Edisi Kelima. Jakarta: Interna Publishing. 5. Riaz, S. 2009. Diabetes Mellitus.Department of Microbiology and Molecular Genetics. Pakistan: Punjab University. 6. Corwin Elizabeth J, 2009, Buku Saku Patofisiologi, Edisi III, diterjemahkan oleh Nike Budi Subekti, Buku Kedokteran EGC, Jakarta. 7. Djojoningrat D. Dispepsia Fungsional.Buku Ajar : Ilmu Penyakit Dalam, Edisi 5. Jakarta 8. Medscape. Drug Interaction. 2014 9. Ashley Caroline and Currie Ailen.2009. The Renal Drug Handbook third Edition. UK Renal Pharmacy Group 2031 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. TREATMENT OF GASTROENTERITIS ACUTE WITH CORONARY ARTERY DISEASE FOR PATIENT AT PGI CIKINI HOSPITAL JAKARTA Diah Fatmawati1, Diana Laila Rahmatillah2, Aprilita Rinayanti Eff2, Stefanus Lukas2 1 Student of Pharmacist Professional Program Student, Faculty Of Pharmacy UTA’ 45 Jakarta 2 Lecturer of Faculty of Pharmacy UTA’45 Jakarta ABSTRACT Gastroenteritis is a condition of abnormal stools expenditure or unusual, characterized by an increase in volume, dilution, as well as the frequency is more than 3 times1. Coronary artery disease usually occurs due to the presence of atherosclerotic occlusion of the coronary arteries that lead to an increase in the vessel so that the blood vessels narrowing that interfere with blood flow, this makes the heart muscle is deprived of blood and oxygen2. Case Presentation: Patient Mrs. IC 88 years old was treated in the room K3 disease, at PGI Cikini Hospital Jakarta. Patient diagnosed with acute gastroenteritis disease and coronary artery disease. Keywords: gastroenteritis acute, coronary artery disease, PGI Cikini Hospital 2032 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. Introduction Gastroenteritis is an increase in dilution and frequency feces3. Gastroenteritis can occur as a result of solute that can’t be absorbed in the feces, called osmolitik diarrhea, or gastrointestinal tract irritation. The most common cause of irritation is a viral or bacterial infection in the distal small intestine or large intestine. Acute gastroenteritis is characterized by vomiting and diarrhea associated with loss of fluid and electrolyte disturbances that cause dehydration and fluid and electrolyte balance. The main cause of diarrhea is a virus (adenovirus enteric and robavirus) and parasites (biardia lambiachristopodium). These pathogens cause disease by infecting the cells produce enterotoxin or kristotoksin attached to the intestinal wall. Impaired digestion tool in patients with acute gastroenteritis are small intestine3. Coronary artery disease usually occurs due to atherosclerotic occlusion of the coronary arteries that lead to an increase in the vessel, causing narrowing of the blood vessels that disrupt blood flow. This makes the heart muscle is deprived of blood and oxygen2. Coronary artery disease is caused by the interruption of blood supply to the coronary arteries so that the heart muscle is starved of nutrients and oxygen4. It is also supported by a statement saying that coronary artery disease occurs when the blood supply to the coronary artery myocardial (heart muscle) is not adequate so that the heart can not pump blood effectively, resulting in blood perfusion to organs impaired5. Organs and tissues need oxygen through the blood from the arteries to maintai n its function . 2033 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. Presentation Case IC is a 88 years old woman who was treated at the room medicine. The patient entered the PGI Cikini Hospital Jakarta on August 28, 2014 with diarrhea since 2 days before admitted hospital and she got heartburn, nausea, weakness, and chest pain too. The physical examination of patient showed a blood pressure of 140/80 mmHg, pulse 80x/min, respiratory 20x/sec, and body temperature 36,4oC. The results of laboratory tests on August 28, 2014 which was not normal as shown in the table below: Examination of Hematology Normal Values Unit Result 0-20 mm/hour 61* Hemoglobin 12,0 – 14,0 g% 11,4* Erythrocyte 4-6 million mm3 3,79* Hematocrit 37–43 % 33* Neutrophils 2-6 % 0* Lymphocytes 20-40 % 16* 2-8 % 14* Normal Values Unit Result Urea 10-50 mg/dL 54* Triglyceridese 0,6-1,1 mg/dL 1,4* Complete Peripheral Blood Erythrocyte sedimentation rate Calculate Type Leukocytes Monocytes Examination of Hematology Therapy given to patient: Drug 28/08/14 29/08/14 30/08/14 31/08/14 01/09/14 02/09/14 03/09/14 2034 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. Rindopump 2x1 FLC 1x1 FLC 1x1 FLC 1x1 FLC - - - Farsorbid 3x5mg 3x5mg 3x5mg 3x5mg 2x5mg 3x5mg 3x5mg Placta 1x75mg 1x75mg 1x75mg 1x75mg 1x75mg 1x75mg 1x75mg Lansoprazole - - - - 1x1cps 1x1cps 1x1cps Digoxin - - - - 1x1/2tab 1x1/2tab 1x1/2tab Folic Acid - - - - 1x2tab 1x2tab 1x2tab New Diatabs - - - - - 2 tab 2 tab Drug 04/09/14 05/09/14 06/09/14 Indication Farsorbid 3x5mg 3x5mg 3x5mg Prophylaxis and treatment of angina Placta 1x75mg 1x75mg 1x75mg Reduce atherosclerosis in myocardial infarction Lansoprazole 1x1cps 1x1cps 1x1cps Duodenal ulcers and gastric ulcers, reflux esophagitis 1x1/2tab 1x1/2tab 1x1/2tab Folic Acid 1x2tab 1x2tab 1x2tab Vitazym - 1 tab 3x1tab 2x2 tab 2x2 tab - Digoxin New Diatabs Congestive heart, atrial fibrillation, atrial tachycardia proximal Deficiency Fe Improve and enhance the digestibility of the gastrointestinal tract (stomach and small intestine) Diarrhea nonspecific Clinical Evaluation Drug Related Problems 1 Drug interaction Placta (Clopidogrel) with PPI (Proton Pump Inhibitors) such as: 1. Placta (clopidogrel) with rindopump (omeprazole) where omeprazole inactivate cytochrome CYP2C9 and CYP2C19. CYP2C19 is important for the cytochrome system prodrug activation of clopidogrel, a platelet antiagregasi, to its active form. So coadministration of omeprazole with clopidogrel should be avoided; except with certain considerations7. 2035 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. Pharmacist Intervention Replace it with pantoprazole pantoprazole which has different cytochrome pathway, which is dominated by CYP3A4 and CYP2C19 just a little on. Therefore pantoprazole still be accepted as a proton pump inhibitor that was supplied with clopidogrel7. 2. Placta (clopidogrel) with lansoprazole. Lansoprazole has a working mechanism through inactivation of pathway cytochrome CYP3A4 that interaction to clopidogrel lower than omeprazole7. Pharmacist Intervention Time of drug administration are spaced 2 hours and monitoring of drugs interaction7. Drug Related Problems 2 Coadministration of digoxin with proton pump inhibitors such as rindopump (omeprazole) and lansoprazole, which omeprazole and lansoprazole probably will increase serum digoxin levels by increasing gastric pH. This change was still considered a normal variation levels of digoxin and not considered significant. But there was one patient experienced digoxin toxicity after using omeprazole for 3 months7. Pharmacist Intervention The use of omeprazole and lansoprazole only for short-term7. References 1. Hidayat, Alimul, Aziz, A. 2006. Introduction to Child Nursing. Jakarta : Salemba Medica 2. Munther, K., & Homoud (2008) Coronary artery disease. Tufts New England Medical Center Spring 3. Corwin, E, S. 2000. Handbook Pathophysiology. Jakarta : EGC 4. Kang, Y., Yang, I-S., & Kim, N. (2010). Corelates of health behavior in patients with coronary artery disease. Asian Nursing Research. 4 (1), 45-55 5. Ignatavicius, D.D., & Workman, M.L. (2010). Medical surgical nursing critical thinking for collaborative care. Six edition. USA Elseiver 6. Smeltzer, S.C., & Bare, B.G (2002). Textbook of medical surgical nursing. EGC 8th ed : 776-784 2036 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. DRUG PROBLEM RELATED DISEASE IN CHRONIC RENAL FAILURE COMPLICATIONS CONGESTIVE HEART FAILURE Hardianti jufri1, Diana Laila Rahmatillah2, Aprilita Rinayanti Eff2, Stefanus Lukas2 1 Student of Pharmacist Professional Program Student, Faculty Of Pharmacy UTA’ 45 Jakarta 2 Lecturer of Faculty of Pharmacy UTA’45 Jakarta Tel : +62852-5584-7333 Email : ABSTRACT Chronic renal failure or end-stage renal disease is a chronic disorder of kidney function that's progressive and irreversible6. In which the body's ability to maintain metabolism and fluid, and also the failed electrolyte, caused by retention of urea and other nitrogen garbage in the blood6. Based on the study, approximately 70 % of patient with kidney failure cause of death was due to heart disease5. One of the effort to improve blood biochemical abnormalities caused by disruption of kidney function, it can be performed by using a hemodialysis machine3. Hemodialysis is one kind of therapy to replace the kidney (renal replacement therapy/ RRT) and it can replace a portion of the kidney erectile function only3. Kidney failure will cause premature narrowing in the coronary arteries, the heart muscle will be impaired as a result of increased body fluid volume and increased blood pressure, the presence of anemia in patients with kidney failure will disrupt the heart muscle with all its consequences5. Presentation case : Mr. PS 52 years old, man who was treated in the ward of PGI CIKINI Hospital. The patient complained his whole body felt weak, even walking was not able to. The patient has a history of chronic renal failure and hemodialysis has been doing since 2 years ago. The patient only consumed clopidogrel and folic acid. Clinical evaluation: Drug related problem that occurred in this patient was failed or did not receive drug to lower uric acid8. Drug interaction between clopidogrel and omeprazole used9. Keywords : Chronic Renal Failure , Drug Related Problem¸ PGI Cikini Hospital 2037 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. 1. Introduction Chronic renal failure or end-stage renal disease is a disorder of renal function which is progressive and irreversible6. In which the body's ability to maintain metabolism and fluid and also electrolyte balance that failed causing retention of urea and other nitrogen garbage in the blood6. Kidney is one of the organs of the urinary system or urine in charge of filtering and dispose of fluids, blood metabolic waste in the body, such as we know that body cells convert food into energy, it will be produced as well as the garbage metabolic byproduct of the process that must be disposed as soon as possible, in order not to poison the body1. In developed countries, chronic diseases can't be communicable (chronic non-communicable diseases), especially for the cardiovascular disease, hypertension, diabetes mellitus and chronic kidney diseases have replaced infectious diseases as a major of public health problems2. Chronic renal disease that occurs in a decrease of renal function requiring replacement therapy is costly3. One of the effort to improve blood biochemical abnormalities that occur as a result of impaired renal function, it can be done by using hemodialysis machine. Hemodialysis is one form of renal replacement therapy (RRT) and it only replaces a portion of the erectile function of the kidney3. Hemodialysis performed in patients with chronic kidney disease at the fifth stage and in patients with AKI requiring renal replacement therapy. According to the procedure performed, the HD can be divided into three, namely emergency HD, preparation HD/ perspective an chronic HD/ regular.Based on the study, approximately 70 % of patients with kidney failure cause of death was due to heart disease3. Kidney failure will cause premature narrowing in coronary arteries, the heart muscle will be impaired as a result of increased body fluid volume (volume overload) and increase blood pressure (pressure overload). The presence of anemia with kidney failure will disrupt the heart muscle with all its consequences5. A few studies show that the risk of heart failure is about 2 times higher than men and 5 times higher in women with kidney failure. This relationship is even more elevated in young patients (<65 years old) to 4Times and 8 times higher in men and women with diabetes disease compared with patients without renal failure4. 2038 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. 2. Presentation Case Mr. PS 52 years old, man who was treated in the ward room of PGI CIKINI Hospital. The patient complained his whole body felt weak, even walking was not able to. The patient had a history of chronic renal failure and hemodialysis has been doing since 2 years ago. The patient only took clopidogrel drug and folic acid. After conducting several clinical interventions, especially laboratory for blood tests on CKD patient on dialysis with serum triglyceridese 7,6 mg/dl, hemodialysis done 2 times a week, and CHF based on the patient's complaints of shortness of breath, the body feels very weak and anemia. Anemia occurs as a side effect of hemodialysis. As for drug therapy given to the patient (Mr. PS) is clopidogrel administration aimed to thinner the blood that occurs in patient on 25 November to 4 December 2014, a total of 1 x 75 mg. Where as for renal therapy given bionat on 25 November to 1December 2014, a total of 3 x 500 mg. For the treatment of anemia given folic acid on 25 November to 4 December 2014, o total of 1 x 2 tab. For a given drug therapy of peptic ulcers omeprasol 27 November to 4 December 2014, a total of 2 x 1 stamp. For the therapy of nausea is given by 4 mg on onandsetron injection on 4 December 2014. The results of laboratory tests : Examination The results Normal Retikilosit 16 5 – 15 Globulin 3,8 1,3 - 3,0 Urea 180 10 – 50 Triglyceridese 7,6 0,6 – 1,1 2039 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. Uric Acid 11,5 < 6,8 Phosphorus 7,7 2,5 – 4,8 Hematocrit 32 % 40-48 % The data from laboratory result above explains that patients with impaired renal function is characterized by increased levels of urea and triglyceridese, and hematocrit will be decreased. On liver function check, namely globulin increased. Examination of renal physiology will see an increase of triglyceridese, phosphorus and uric acid. This increase is due to impaired renal function. 3. Clinical Evaluation 3.1 . DRP 1 : Failed or did not recive the drug In this case found DRP the patient did not recieve a drug patient had high for uric acid levels , while the results of the examination of patients have high uric acid 8. Pharmacist Intervention : suggest to the Doctor to prescribe a drug that lowers uric acid levels is to provide Allupurinol drug to patients with impaired renal failure given a dose of 100-200 mg daily8. 3.2 . DRP 2 : Interaction Drugs Found an interaction items, namely the provision of clopidogrel with OMZ where Omeprazole lowering effect of clopidogrel WHO worked on CYP2C19 enzyme metabolism . The interaction is long - term . Clopidogrel may cause a Decrease in the drug - a drug that inhibits CYP2C197 enzyme works7. Pharmacist intervention : the use of proton pump inhibitors should be avoided in Patients treated with clopidogrel . If PPI needed some options like dexlanzoprazole , lanzoprazole , pantoprazole or perhaps safer alternatives . If not , H2 - receptor antagonists or antacids should be prescribed when enable9 . 2040 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. 4. Conclusion Based on the results of clinical work practice in Ward K in RS PGI Cikini, it can be concluded that the patient had chronic kidney disease accompanied with congestive heart failure . Additionally DRP ( Drug Related Problems ) in which patients did not receive the drug is a drug that lowers uric acid levels , while the results of the examination of patients have high uric acid . Drug interaction between clopidogrel administration denagn use OMZ where Omeprazole lowering effect of clopidogrel who worked on CYP2C19 enzyme metabolism . The interaction is long-term . Clopidogrel may cause a decrease in the drug - a drug that inhibits the enzyme CYP2C19 works . Refrences 1. Mansjoer A, et al.Gagal kidney Kronik. Kapita Selekta Kedokteran Jilid II Edisi 3.Jakarta: Media Aesculapius FKUI, 2002. 2. Sukandar, Enday. 2006. Gagal Kidney and Panduan Terapi Dialisis. Pusat Informasi 3. Rahardjo, P., E. Susalit and Suhardjono. Hemodialisis. Dalam : Aru W Sudoyo, Bambang S., Idrus Alwi, M. Simadibrata K. and Siti Setiati (Eds). Buku Ajar Ilmu Penyakit Dalam. Pusat Penerbitan Departemen Ilmu Penyakit Dalam Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta, 2006. 590591. 4. Lintong, Poppy M. 2005. Kidney And Saluran Kencing Bagian Bawah. Bagian Patologi 5. Charles F. Lacy et al. Lexicomp. 2003. Drug Information Handbook 20th Edition. 6. Suwitra, K. Penyakit Kidney Kronik. Hal. 581. Dalam : Aru W Sudoyo, Bambang S., Idrus Alwi, M. Simadibrata K. and Siti Setiati(Eds). Buku Ajar Ilmu Penyakit Dalam. Pusat Penerbitan Departemen Ilmu Penyakit Dalam Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta, 2006. 7. Medsape.Drugs interaction.2014 8. Priyanto, Farmakologi Dasar Untuk mahasiswa Farmasiand Keperawatan. Edisi III, Jakarta, 2008. 9. Chahid Y, Kragten JA, Leers MPG, van Rossum LK, Krings AWH, Reinders MK. Change in response to clopidogrel after switching from omeprazole to pantoprazole. Eur J Hosp Pharm 2012;19:189 2041 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. CASE REPORT: DRUG RELATED PROBLEM ASSOCIATED WITH KIDNEY STONE DEASE AT PGI CIKINI HOSPITAL Heru Susanto1, Aprilita Rinayanti Eff2, Diana Laila Rahmatillah2 1 Student Of Pharmacist Program, Faculty of Pharmacy UTA'45 Jakarta 2 Lecturer Of Faculty Of Pharmacy UTA'45 Jakarta Email: ABSTRACT Kidney stone is the stone of urinary tract(urolithiasis), the stone of urinary tract can be found in the urinary tract from the kidney calix system, pielum, bladder and urethra. Kidney stone is stone that form in the kidney tubules then be in calix, infundibulum, renal pelvis and it can even fill the pelvis and the entire calix kidney and the stone of urinary tract is most common happen1. Patient Mrs. RN, aged 57 years old entered PGI Cikini Hospital on 06 October 2014, with a diagnosis of right ureter stones. Patient has treated with Urispas (flavoxate hydrochloride 200 mg), vitamin K, Bicnat, paracetamol, metronidazole, omeprazole, Lanzoprazol and Rindopump (omeprazole), Cefixime and cefoperazol, Vomceram (Onandsetron), ketorolac. Based on the results of clinical work practice in hospital wards K PGI Cikini it can be concluded that the presence of DRP (Drug Related Problems) that is drug interactions between: Ketorolac with Vitamin K, Paracetamol (Acetaminophen) with Proton pump inhibitors and Metronidazole with Acetaminophen. . Keywords: Drug Related Problem, Kidney Stones and PGI Cikini Hospital 2042 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. 1. INTRODUCTION Urinary tract stone disease spread throughout the world wide with difference in many developing countries are found stone jar, while in developed countries are more common upper urinary tract stone (kidney and ureter). The difference was affected the nutritional status and mobility activities of daily living. The average prevalence rate in worldwide is 1-12% of the population suffer urrinary tract stone. The cause of formation of urinary tract stone allegedly associated with impaired urine flow, metabolic disorder, urinary tract infection, dehydration and other circumtances that remain unclear(idiophatic). Epidemiologically, the are several factors that facilitate the occurance of urinary tract stone. There are instrinsic factors and extrinsic factors 1. Intrinsic factors, including: 1. Hereditary; thought to be passed down from generation to generation. 2. Age; The most frequent in the age of 30-50 years 3. Gender; the number of male patients 3 times more than female patients. Extrinsic factors, including: 1. Geography; in some areas showed a higher incidence than other areas, so that the area known as the stone belt. 2. Climate and temperature 3. The water intake; lack of water intake and high levels of calcium minerals can increase the incidence of urinary tract stones. 4. Diet; a diet high in purine, oxalate and calcium facilitate the occurrence of urinary tract stones. 5. Work; This disease is often found in people who work a lot of sitting or lack of physical activity (sedentary life). Clinical & Investigations Urinary tract stones can cause complications such as obstruction and urinary tract infections. Manifestations obstruction in the lower urinary tract is urinary retention or other micturition complaints while the upper urinary tract stones can cause hydroureter or hydronephrosis. stones 2043 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. that eft in the urinary tract can cause infection, kidney abscess, pionefrosis, urosepsis and permanent kidney damage (renal failure) 7. 2. CASE PRESENTATION Patient Mrs. RN, aged 57 years entered RS.PGI Cikini on 06 October 2014. Patients has diagnosed primary right ureter stones with past medical history of URS (Ureterorenoscopy) 8, Lithotripsy 8, Installed double J stent since 6 months ago not controlled. 3. CLINIC EVALUATION 5 Result of complete blood hematology test evaluation earlier show that the value of the LED 42 (0-20mm / h), erythrocytes 4,53 (4:00 to 4,50 x106 / mL) and Eosinophils 5 (1-3%) above normal, decreasing of neutrophils 0 (2-6%), then hematological examination when the patient came back to the hospital, show that decreasing of erythrocyte sedimentation value is rate 25 (0-20mm / h), Neutrophils rod 0 (2-6%), lymphocytes 14 (20-40%) and increasing in reticulocyte 17 (5-15 mile) and Neutrophil segment 78 (50-70%). Table 1. Profile of Treatment No. Drug Name Dosage Date Dispensing 06/1 07/10 0 08/1 09/10 0 10/1 13/10 0 14/1 15/1 0 0 Oral Agents 1. 2. 3. Urispas 200 mg Vit-K 10mg Transamin 3x1 tabs 3x1 tab 3x1 tabs 1x1 3x1 3x1 3x1 3x1 2x1 3x1 1x1 tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab - 1x1 3x1 3x1 3x1 2x1 2x1 1x1 tab tab tab tab tab tab tab 1x1 3x1 3x1 3x1 2x1 3x1 1x1 tab tab tab tab tab tab tab 1x1 3x1 3x1 3x1 2x1 3x1 1x1 cps cps cps cps cps cps cps 1x2 1x2 3x2 3x2 2x2 3x2 1x2 tab tab tab tab tab tab tab - - 3x1 2x1 3x1 1x1 - 500mg 4. 5. Bicnat 500mg Paracetamol 3x1 cps 3x2tab - - 500 mg 6. Mitronidazol 3x500m - 1x1 2044 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. 7. 500 mg g Omeprazole 20 2x20 mg - - - tab tab tab tab tab - 1x1 - - - 1x2 1x2 1x2 cps cps cps 1x1 - - mg* 8. Cefixime 100 tabs 1x2 cps - - - - - mg** 9. lansoprazole 60 2x1 cps - - - - - mg* cps Drug Injection 1. 2. Ketorolac 30 mg Cefoperazone 3x1 - 2x1gr - 1000 mg** 3. Vomceram 1 2x1 2x1 - - - - - amp amp 1x1 2x1 2x1 1x1 - - - amp amp amp amp 1x1 - 1x1 - - - - - - 2x1 - - - 1x1 1x1 1x1 2x1 1x1 amp (4mg) 4. Rindopump 20mg* 4. DOSAGE AND HOW TO USE No Name of Drug Dose Usage Indication 1. Urispas 200 mg PO 3x1 tab To reduce the symptoms of urinary tract disorders. 2. Vit-K 10mg PO 3x1 tab For the treatment and prevention of bleeding 3. Transamin 500 mg PO 3x1 tabs For abnornal bleeding and kidney bleeding after ESWL 4. Bicnat 500 mg PO 3x1 cps Metabolic acidosis 5. PCT 500 mg PO 3x2tab For pain in patients. 6. Mitronidazol 500 mg PO 3x500mg Antibacterial 2045 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. 7. Vomceram INJECTION 1x1 For nausea and vomiting (Onandsetron) 1 amp (4mg) 8. Ketorolac 30 mg INJECTION 3x1 For acute pain 9. lansoprazole 60 mg* PO As a proton pump inhibitor that is 2x1 cps controlling gastric acid secretion 10. Omeprazole 20 mg* PO 2x20 mg as a proton pump inhibitor that is controlling gastric acid secretion 11. Rindopump 20mg* INJECTION 2x1 As a proton pump inhibitor that is controlling gastric acid secretion 12. cefoperazone 1000 INJECTION 2x1gr urinary tract infections PO urinary tract infections mg** 13. Cefixime 100 mg** 1x2 cps Note : (*)Omeprazole, lanzoprazol and rindopump not in use for dual therapy but instead of one only, (**) as well as cefixime and cefoperazone. 5. DISCUSSION Results of a complete blood hematological examination and X-rays, patient diagnosed right ureter stones, and has done ESWL. Patient was given that containing flavoxate hydrochloride 200 mg, Urispas can reduce the symptoms of urinary tract disorders such as dysuria, urgency, nocturia, pain supra pubic, frequency and inontinence happened on urethritis, uretrosistitis and uretrogonitis2,4,10. Vitamin K for the treatment and prevention of bleeding and Transamin containing tranexamic acid was used for abnornal bleeding and kidney bleeding after ESWL, work by inhibiting fibrinolysis. Tranexamic acid is aminocaproic acid analogue, can be given orally, work by blocking the binding site of lysine that normally interact with plasmin, inhibit competitively against plasminogen activator4. Bicnat was used on condition of metabolic acidosis. Bicnat was given to improve salicylate excretion in the urine with the mechanism of action of 2046 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. separation to produce bicarbonate ions to neutralize the hydrogen ion concentration and increase the pH of the urine and blood pH 4. Paracetamol for reducing pain2,4. Metronidazole is a synthetic antibacterial and antiprotozoal nitroimidazol derivatives which have bactericidal activity, amebisid and trikomonosid. Omeprazole, Lanzoprazole and Rindopump were not be used for dual therapy but to substitute one course, third as a proton pump inhibitor that is controlling gastric acid secretion by inhibiting the proton pump that transports H+ ions out of the gastric parietal cells2,4. Cefixime and cefoperazone also not a double but as a replacement therapy are indicated for treatment of infections caused by microorganisms of uncomplicated urinary tract infections caused by Escherichia coli and Proteus mirabilis2,4. Patient given Vomceram contains onandsetron used for nausea and vomiting because the patient complained of nausea vomiting and was given ketorolac for pain severe acute short-term (<5 days) because the patient feels pain2,4. 6. DRUG RELATED PROBLEM 5,12 6.1 Adverse drug reactions: 6.1.1 Ketorolac with Vitamin K The effect of Ketorolac is increased by vitamin k (anticoalugant). Interaction effect is not clear, it sholud be used cautiously because of the potential for interactions should be monitored 4,11. 6.1.2 Paracetamol (Acetaminophen) with Proton pump inhibitors 3 Lansoprazole may increase absorption of paracetamol by indirectly increasing the rate of gastric emptying. Omeprazole may induce CYP1A2 isoenzyme of cytochrome p450, and may increase the formation of hepatotoxic metabolite of paracetamol. However, the findings here indicate that omeprazole does not have an important effect on CYP1A2 3. 6.1.3 Metronidazole with Acetaminophen Metronidazole will increase the effects of acetaminophen by affecting liver enzymes CYP2E1 metabolism. Interaction is small or insignificant 11. 7. CONCLUSION Based on the results of clinical work practice of PGI Cikini hospital in this case found Drug Related Problems (DRP) that is the existence of drug interacions. 2047 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. 8. REFERENCES 1. Purnomo, BB ( 2000), Dasar-dasar Urologi, Sagung Seto, Jakarta 2. Anderson, Philip, 2002. Handbook of Clinical Drug Data 10rdEdition. United States of America : The McGraw-Hill Companies 3. Baxter, K, et al. 2008. Stockley’s Drug Information Eight Edition. London: Pharmaceutical Press 4. BPOM. 2008. Informatorium Obat Nasional Indonesia (IONI). Jakarta: Sagung Seto. 5. Departemen Kesehatan Republik Indonesia. (2011). Pedoman Visite Apoteker. Jakarta: Departemen Kesehatan Republik Indonesia. 6. Suhardjono.2001.Ilmu penyakit dalam jilid II,Jakarta:Widya Utama 7. Price & Wilson (1995), Patofisologi-Konsep Klinis Proses-Proses Penyakit, Ed.4, EGC, Jakarta 8. Pahira, J.J., Pevzner, M., 2007. Penn Clinical Manual of Urology: Nephrolithiasis. Amerika Serikat: Saunders Elsevier 9. Turk, C. et.,al 201l, Guidelines on Urolithiasis, European Association of Urology: Update March 2011 10. Sukandar Y.E dkk. 2011. ISO Farmakoterapi 2. Penerbit Ikatan Apoteker Indonesia. Jakarta 11. 12. Cipolle, Robert J, et al. 2004. Pharmaceutical Care Practice Second Edition. USA: The Mc.Graw-Hill Companies Inc. 2048 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. CASE REPORT: DRUG RELATED PROBLEMS IN PATIENT WITH TYPE II DIABETES MELLITUS, DYSPEPSIA AND FATIQUE AT MINTOHARDJO HOSPITAL Agus usman1, Aprilita Rinayanti Eff2 and Diana Laila R2 1 Student of Pharmacist Program, Faculty of Pharmacy UTA’ 45 Jakarta 2 Lecturer of Faculty of Pharmacy UTA’ 45 Jakarta ABSTRACT Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a group of metabolic diseases with characteristic hyperglycemia (increased blood sugar levels) that occur due to abnormal insulin secretion, insulin action or both.1 Dispepsia is chronic or recurrent pain or discomfort centered in the upper abdomen. Set of complaints / clinical symptoms consist of discomfort / pain in the upper abdomen persistent or relapsing. Fatigue or tiredness is a protective mechanism of the body so that the body protected from further damage resulting in the recovery after the break.2 In the arrangement of nerves there activation system (sympathetic) and inhibition (as parasympathetic). Patients Mr. IR, age 62 years old, entered Mintohardjo Hospital on 17 November 2014, with complaints of he has dine weakness, and decreased consciousness, vomiting, and sweating if activity patien was treated for 3 days with Infusion RL, Novorapid insulin, Lantus insulin, metformin, neurodex, omeprazole, sucralfate, folic acid, biscor (bisoprolol), CaCO3, Codeine, Eclid (acarbose). In this case was found DRP (Drug Related Problems) that is drug interactions between CaCO3 and Biscor (Bisoprolol), Metformin and folic acid, omeprazole and neurodex, Metformin lowers the effect of neurodex. Keywords: Drug related problems (DRP), Diabetes Mellitus (DM), Dyspepsia, Fatigue and Mintohardjo Hospital 2049 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. INTRODUCTION Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a group of metabolic diseases with characteristic hyperglycemia (increased blood sugar levels) that occur due to abnormal insulin secretion, insulin action or both. Dispesia is chronic or recurrent pain or discomfort centered in the upper abdomen. Set of complaints/clinical symptoms consist of discomfort / pain in the upper abdomen persistent or relapsing.3 Fatigue or tiredness is a protective mechanism of the body so that the body protected from further damage resulting in the recovery after the break. In the arrangement of nerves there aktivasin system (sympathetic character) and inhibition (are parasympathetic). CASE PRESENTATION Patient Mr. IR 62 years old entered Mintohardjo hopital on 17 November 2014. Pasien came with complaints of weakness, and decreased consciousness, was vomiting, and sweating if the activity. VITAL SIGN EXAMINATION Blood pressure Pulse Respiratory (14- Temperature (120/80 mmHg) (60-100x / min) 18x / min) (36-37 ⁰ C) 11/17/2014 110/80 mmHg 72 x / minute 18 x / minute 36.2 ⁰ C 11/18/2014 110/70 mmHg 72 x / minute 18 x / minute 36.2 ⁰ C 11/19/2014 120/80 mmHg 72 x / minute 18 x / minute 36.2 ⁰ C Date of Inspection LABORATORY EXAMINATION RESULTS Laboratory tests on the first day showed that low erythrocyte levels of 3.9 million / mL (4.6 to 6.2), hematochryl level at 25% (42-48), hemoglobin level at 9.2 q / dL (14- 16), increasing triglycerides 1.5 mq / dL (0.9 to 1.3), fasting glucose 152 mq / dL (70-100).4 DOSAGE AND HOW USING DRUGS The first time patient was hospitalized he received Ringer lactate (RL) 20 drop per minute, novorapid 3x10 units, Lantus 1x10 units, 3x500 mg metformin. On the second day he received RL infusion but Novoravid dose and lantus dose were lowered to 3x4 unit and 1x4 unit respectively and patient also was given neurodex as blood booster, omeprazole 2x20 mg and sucralfate 3x10 2050 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. mg. On November 19, 2014, doctors has discharged and the patient prescribed folic acid tid, 3x1 Biscor (Bisoprolol) tid, CaCO3 tid, Codeine bid and eclid (acarbose) od. DISCUSSION Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a group of metabolic diseases with characteristic hyperglycemia (increased blood sugar levels) that occur due to abnormal insulin secretion, insulin action or both. In this case patient Mr. IR, age 62 years old entered Mintohardjo Hospital on 17 November 2014. Patient present with fatigue, and decreased consciousness, was vomiting, and sweating he has done if the activity. laboratory examination showed that decreafe levels of erythrocyte at 3.9 million/mL (4.6 to 6.2), hematochrit (42-48), low hemoglobin ie 9, 2 q / dL (14-16),and mcreasing triglyceridese 1.5 mq/dL (0.9 to 1.3), fasting glucose 152 mq/dL (70-100). During patient was hospitalized he received treatment Ringer lactate (RL) 20 MDGs for fluid requirements, novorapid 3x10 units, and units Lantus 1x10 3x500 mg metformin to treat diabetes mellitus. On the second day of treatment, patient received. RL Infusion, Novorapid and lantus dose were lowered to 3x4 unit and 1x4 unit respectively and patient also was given neurodex as blood booster, omeprazole 2x20 mg and sucralfate 3x10 mg. On November 19, 2014. doctor have discharged and the patient prescribed folic acid 3x1, 3x1 Biscor (Bisporolol) 3x1, CaCO3 3x1, Eclid (Acarbose) 1x1 and Codeine 2x100 mg.5 DRUG RELATED PROBLEM Drug Interaction a. CaCO3 with biscor (bisoprolol). Caco3 can decrease the effect of biscor by interfere GI absorption b. Metformin with folic acid, metformin decrease the effect of quality folic acid by pharmacokinetic interactions c. Omeprazole with neurodeks, Omeprazole decrease plasma level of neurodeks by interfere GI absorption d. Metformin with neurodeks, where metformin decrease the effect of neurodeks after some year old use in this case6 CONCLUSION 2051 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. Based on the results of clinical work practice in pulau sangeang wards in Mintohardjo hospital it can be concluded that the presence of DRP (Drug Related Problems) ie drug interaction. REFERENCES 1. Ganiswara SG, "Pharmacology and Therapy, Edition Four, section Pharmacology " Faculty of Medicine University Press, 1995. 2. ISFI, 2009. "ISO Indonesia Vol. 44 ". Noble Berlico Farma. Yogyakarta 3. Wikarsono, amirsa nur. 201 4. Syndrome Dyspepsia (Dyspepsia syndrome). Line 10 December 4. Sutedjo, AY, 2008. Book pocket recognize disease through examination laboratory,. Jakarta. 5. BPOM. 2008. Information is Drug National Indonesia (ioni) .Jakarta: Sagung Seto. 6. Medscape. Drug Interaction. 2014 2052 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. CASE REPORT:DRUG RELATED PROBLEM IN PATIENT WITH ASCITES DISEASE AT PGI CIKINI HOSPITAL JAKARTA Panji kumoro1, Aprilita Rinayanti Eff2, Diana Laila Ramatillah2 1 Student of Pharmacist Program, Faculty of Pharmacy UTA'45 Jakarta 2 Lecturer of Faculty of Pharmacy UTA’45 Jakarta Email: ABSTRACT Ascites Is an accumulation of serous fluid in the form of a fluid ( usually pale yellow liquid and clear ) in the abdominal cavity ( peritoneal ).The abdominal cavity is located under the chest cavity.A liquid ascites is found in many patients such as liver, cancer, congestive heart failure, and kidney. ( grace, 2006 ).Patient Mr .U.S. aged 65 years, came to PGI cikini hospital with diagnosis of ascites.Patient was treated with ferotam injection, (furosemid) lasix, aldacton (spironolakton), hepabalance ( fructus schusandra chinensi, lecithin, silybum marianum cement, curcuminoid 2, vitamin ).Based on the results in clinical practice at PGI cikini, there is found drug related problem, that are drug interaction between lasix ( furosemid ) and aldacton( spironolakton ) and untreated complaint. Keywords: Drug related problem, ascites PGI Cikini Hospital 2053 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. INTRODUCTION Ascites is derived from the Greek language meaning Askos bag or purse. Ascites is the accumulation of patologis fluid in the abdominal cavity. Male healthy adults do not have or are slightly intraperitoneal fluid, but the women there are as many as 20 ml depending on the menstrual cycle. Approximately 80% of the estimated cases of ascites due to cirrhosis. Some of the other causes of ascites is congestive heart failure and kidney failure, inflammation, infections, nephrosisetc (Fredman, 2010). Classification of ascites is divided into 2 following as : 1. Exudative ascites have a high protein content and occurs in inflammation (usually TB infection) or malignant process. 2. Transudative ascites due to cirrhosis occurs in pulmonary hypertension and changes in clearance renal sodium. Constricting pericardium and ascites nephrotic syndrome can cause Transudative. Clinical Presentation and Examination Support (Fredman, 2010). Massive ascites can be apparent on inspection in the presence of abdominal distension, often accompanied by umbilicus protruding outward. Examination Support 1. Examination ascites fluid: check the color, proteins, bacterial cell count and malignancy. Ascites in cirrhosis usually yellowish, reddish and murky malignancy in infection. 2. Ultrasound abdomen to measure heart size (small to cirrhosis), signs of pulmonary hypertension and pulmonary veins and vein with hepatica. Also useful to find a focal abnormality (directing alleged disseminated malignancy) and for the diagnosis of intra-abdominal tumors eg ovarian tumors. 3. Tests other blood: biochemical tests and liver function tests to look for markers of liver cirrhosis (albumin decreased, hyperbilirubinemia, increase in liver enzymes, thrombocytopenia and others. Examination of tumor markers if there is suspicion of malignancy (especially αfetoprotein for hepatoma, CA 125 for ovarian cancer). Management 2054 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. 1. Ascites exudative: treat the underlying disease. Bacterial peritonitis: antibiotics, ascites in patients with low protein content could be given prophylactic antibiotics. 2. Ascites with malignancy: treat the cause of malignancy (most often because the ovaries). Generally, therapeutic paracentesis should be done to alleviate the symptoms. 3. Ascites Transudative: treat the underlying disease and doing consider : a. Fluid and salt restriction, fluid restriction is usually sufficient to get ≤ 1-1.5 / day and a diet without added salt. b. Diuretics, spironolactone and furosemide, a diuretic commonly used. c. Therapeutic paracentesis for ascites refractory ascites that is unresponsive to diuretic therapy or experience side effects that can not be avoided such as hyponatremia, encephalopathy and etc (Grace, 2006). CASE PRESENTATION Patient Mr.As 65 yearsold entered PGI Hospital cikini on june 28 september 2014.The patient has complaint enlargement of his stomatch. CLINICAL EVALUATION From the results of the laboratory, examination on hematology indicated that increasingvalue the ofblood sedimentation rate (BSR) is , 70 mm/h (0 to 20 mm/h), the increasing of value of globulins 3.9 g4 / ln ( 1,5-13,2 g4 / etc. ), eosinophils 18 % ( 1-3 % ) and monocytes 11 % ( 2-8 % ), decreasing of hemoglobin a hb 12.3 g4 / ln ( 13,0-16,0 g4 / etc. ), Mcv ( 95 ), 81-92 . Neutrophils 0 % ( 2-6 % ) and hematokrit 35 % ( 40-48 % ). DOSES AND HOW TO USE OFDRUGS In this case patients was treated with ferotam injection with a dose of 2 x 1 ampul, furosemide lasix injection with a dose of 1 x 1 ampul a day use aldacton ( spironolakton ) with a dose of 1 x 100 mg a day , hepabalance with a dose of 2 x 500 mg a day . ` DISCUSSIONS On the outcome of the examination of hematology on the first day , showed the the value blood sedimentation rate (BSR) was high, 70 mm/h (0 to 20 mm/h), a globulin that is an increase in 3.9 g / dl ( 1,3-3,7 g / dl ) where an increase in the rate of endap blood ( led ) usually 2055 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. occurs due to the elevated levels of a globulin and fibrinogen of infections acute sistemis local and, eosinophils 18 % ( 1-3 % ) and of monocytes 10 % ( 2-8 % ) show happened a viral infection, the decline in neutrophils 0 % ( 2-6 % ) is found in a viral infection, and hematokrit 31 % ( 37-43 % ) where the decline in hematokrit occurs in patients who have anemia, malnutrition, and cirrhosis hepatis . On examination faal liver show an improvement in the value of the bilirubin direk namely 0.44 mg / dl ( & it; 0.44 mg / dl ) where increasing bilirubin direk usually is caused by jaundice obstructive intrahepatik or ekstrahepatik because damage cells or stone and a decline in value of albumin 3,0 g / dl ( 3,4-4,8 g / dl ) where the decline of albumin resulting in a discharge vascular heading into the network so happened udema.A disease which causes hipoalbumineria among others of malnutrition and a cirrhotic liver.While the decline in the value of cholinesterase ( CHE ) 4.2 KU / L ( 5.4 - 13.2 KU / L ) where the decline of cholinesterase ( CHE ) there are on malabsorption, a cirrhotic liverand infections ( sutedja, 2007 ).Infection that occurs maybe because tuberculosis infection based on the acts of disease patients previous. During which the patient treated in the hospital cikini pgi , to four patients the type of medicines .In 10 days given therapy care 4 the type of medicines of them ferotam injection with a dose of 2 x ampul 1 , where ferotam injection used for abdominal infection , the use of lasix ( furosemide ) dosage of 2 x 1 ampul a day used as a diuretic drug used to address udem in patients .The use of aldacton ( spironolakton ) that dosage 1 x 100 mg a day used as a diuretic drug where combination furosemide spironolakton and most effective to reduce the build up of a fluid in the abdomen is and prevent the occurrence hipokalemia due to ( fredman furosemide, 2010; mathew, 2008 & moore center , 2006 ), the use of hepabalance with a dose of 2 x 500 mg a day used societys health the function of the heart . ` Drug related problem The patient experienced hipoalbuminemia but he do not received for overcome his complaint.It is the responsibility of albumin in the blood, terikatnya compound a medicine if the weak are the responsibility of albumin in the blood is lower - and so is free to the effects of the drug are so it can cause the decrease or toksisitas. Conclusion 2056 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. Based on the results of the clinical at cikini hospital it can be concluded there is found drug related problem that are drug interaction between lasix and spironolacton and untreated complaint. REFERENCES 1. Anonim. 2014. CA125. 2. Anonim. 2009. British National Formulary 57. London : BMJ Group and RPS Publishing. 3. Anonim. 2005. Stocley’s Drug Interactions. The Pharmaceutical Press 4. Cipolle, Robert J, et al. 2004. Pharmaceutical Care Practice Second Edition. USA: The Mc.Graw-Hill Companies Inc. 5. Fredman, L. Scott. 2010. Clinical Hepatology : Principles and Practice of Hepatobiliary Disease Volume 1.London : Springer. 6.P, grace n. borley2006.At a glance surgical, science third edition.Jakarta: erlangga.Hlm 40-41 7.Isselbacher, kurt. j1999Harrison principles of science disease / editor in an edition of the british kurt j.Et al isselbacher; editor edition indonesian language ahmad h.Asdie ed.13.Jakarta: egc. 8.Mathew, k.George, aggarwal praveen.2008.Medicine: prep manual for undergraduates 3rd edition.New delhi: elsevier 9.Sutedjo, ay, 2007.Pocketbooks disease through recognize the results of laboratory examination.Jakarta: birata work 2057 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. EVALUATION OF DRUG RELATED PROBLEMS IN TREATMENT OF OSTEOMYELITIS DISEASE at MINTOHARDJO HOSPITAL Harun Arrasyid1, Aprilita Rimayanti Effi 2, Diana Laila Ramatillah 3 1 Student of Pharmacist Professional Program Student Faculty Of Pharmacy UTA’ 45 Jakarta 2 Lecturer of Faculty of Pharmacy UTA’45 Jakarta Email: ABSTRACT Osteomyelitis is an infection of the bone disease that is caused by a bacterial infection1. Mr. Nn, 49 years old, entered Mintohardjo hospital on 4 September 2014 with a diagnosis of osteomyelitis, pain sensation in pelvic, hobble, and fever. The therapy treatment during hospitalized were ceftriaxone, ketorolac, and gentamycin. Based on the results of clinical practice in Pulau Salawati room at Mintohardjo hospital it can be concluded that the presence of DRP (Drug Related Problems) such as untreated disease (anemia) and drug interactions (ketorolac with gentamicin). Keyword : Drug Related Problem (DRP), Osteomielitis, Mintohardjo hospital 2058 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. INTRODUCTION Osteomyelitis is an infection of the bone disease that is caused by a bacterial infection in the bone tissue1. Osteomyelitis can be divided into acute osteomyelitis and chronic osteomyelitis. According to research conducted in America, found about 25% of acute osteomyelitis progress to be chronic osteomyelitis1,2. The treatment of chronic osteomyelitis is still a problem in the field of orthopedics because it is so common in society, but it is also costly, take a long time, considerable experience from the surgeon, and difficult to handle, especially to deal with the complications and bacterial resistance3. Recovery of Chronic osteomyelitis is quite difficult, because it is often accompanied by recurrence and exacerbations. Even found the statement "once osteomyelitis, constantly osteomyelitis", it indicates a pessimist from the surgeon and the patient’s own in dealing with the osteomyelitis4. An Acute osteomyelitis is characterized by the presence of a suppurative or production of pus, an infection be accompanied with edema, vascular occlusion and thrombosis. At the beginning, the blood supply to the bone is reduced, followed by soft tissue around it. When the blood supply to the marrow and periostal blocked, there will be widespread death of bone, called sequester. However, if treated quickly and adequately, with antibiotics and surgery, acute osteomyelitis can be stopped before the mortality of the bone. Immediately after an infection, fibrous tissue and chronic inflammatory cells will form around the bones that are dead. Due to a decrease in blood supply in the area, the inflammatory response cannot be produced effectively. This will add the severity of disease. An acute osteomyelitis without a effective treatments can lead to chronic osteomyelitis in terms of both clinical and histological5. Pathological sign of chronic osteomyelitis is a bone necrosis, the formation of new bone, and exudate from the white blood cells. The formation of new bone fragments derived from the periosteum and endosteum life at the location of the infection. The new bone will form a sheath, known as involucrum, around the dead bone beneath the periosteum. Involucrum irregularly shaped and perforated that form a sinus as the passage of pus. Involucrum will grow in density 2059 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. and thickness to form a part or whole of the new diaphysis. Until now a debridement and the use of intravenous and oral antibiotics therapy is adopted to manage osteomieliti in general5. Based on the research founded the Drug Related Problems (DRP), therefore the author would like to know the management of osteomyelitis in Mintohardjo hospital. CASE PRESENTATION Mr. Nn, 49 years old, entered Mintohardjo hospital on 4 September 2014 with a diagnosis of osteomyelitis. Patient also feel a sensation of pain in pelvic, hobble, and fever. One year ago the patient had been diagnosed osteomyelitis but not performed surgery. Patient did not have allergies with the medications used previously or disease due to heredity. CLINIC EVALUATION 7 In this case the patient was treated with ketorolac injection, gentamycin injection and cefriaxone injection. Ketorolac injection is for the short-term management of the acute pain, gentamycin as an antibiotic against Streptococcus viriands and Streptococcus faecali because osteomylitis is a disease caused by the bacteria Streptococcus and Cefriaxone as an antibiotic for Gram positive bacteria and Gram negative bacteria. DOSAGE REGIMENT In this case the patient was treated with gentamycin injection 2 ampoule bid, ketorolac injection 1 gr bid, and ceftriaxone injection 1 gr bid. LABORATORY RESULT The laboratory results obtained abnormal WB ’s value ie 10,600 (normal value: 5000-10000) shows that the patient occur an infection, abnormally in hematocrit value of 36% (normal value: 43-51%), decrease of lymphocytes 18% (normal values: 20 - 40%), hemoglobin value of 11.5 g/dl (normal values of 14-18 g/dl), it indicates the occurrence of anemia and an increasing of segment Neutrophils 72% (normal value: 50-70%) showed an infection/inflammation liver function tests show increasing ALT 48 U/I (normal value: <41 U/I) and renal function showed increase 2060 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. triglyceridese values, which on 4 september 2014 laboratory results 2.3 mg/dl, and on 12 september 2014 1,4 mg /dl (normal values: 0.9-1.3). DISCUSSION In this case Mr.Nn hospitalized on 04 September 2014 with a complaint abscess on the left leg, fever and hobble. Based on the history of the disease can be determined goal of drug is treated the infections, relieve the symptoms and surgery. The parameters measured were blood pressure, laboratory values associated hematologic values and vital signs such as temperature, respiration rate and heart rate. On the first day Mr. Nn has blood pressure 120/70, pulse 92x /min and temperature 380C. The patient received ketorolac injection for management of acute pain and ceftriaxone injection as antibiotic. On the fourth day, the patient is given additional medication that is gentamycin as an antibiotic against Streptococcus viriands and Streptococcus faecali because osteomylitis is a disease caused by the bacterium Streptococcus. Examination of the laboratory results obtained leukocyte values above the normal range indicates the patient experienced an infection and increase the value of Neutrophils segments indicate the presence of infection/inflammation result of liver function and kidney function show the fungsion of liver and kidney have reduced, it must suggested monitor using of ceftriaxone and gentamycin that the drugs can cause side effect on kidney. But laboratory examination on the eight day sowed that triglyceridese value only 1,4 that is show tent using of ceftriaxone and gentamycin do not affect renal fungsion. DRUG RELATED PROBLEM 6. DRP 1 : Untreated Complain Laboratory findings stated that the patient had anemia, but he did not received supplement for overcome the anemia. 7. DRP 2 : Drug Interactions6 Interaction between ketorolac and gentamycin, where ketorolac can increases levels of gentamicin and reduced renal clearance. Potential for interaction, so it needs interval uses for the both drugs 2061 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. CONCLUSION Based on the results of clinical work practice in Pulau Salawati room at Dr.Mintohardjo hospital it can be concluded that the presence of DRPs (Drug Related Problems) such as untreated complaint (anemia) and drug interactions (ketorolac with gentamycin). REFERENCES 1. Siregar PU. Chronic Hematogenous Osteomyelitis in children. Majalah Kedokteran Indonesia Juni 2005,Vol:55,Nomor: 6: 435 - 438. 2. Walenkamp G H.chronic osteomyelitis.Acta Orthop Scand 1997 ; 68 (5): 497-506. 3. Khan AN, MBBS, FRCP, FRCR. Osteomyelitis Chronic. Osteomyelitis, Chronic Article by Ali Nawaz Khan, MBBS, FRCP, FRCR.htm (9 Desember 2014) 4. Gentry LO, MD. Osteomyelitis: Treatment Overview. Treatment Overview.htm (9 December 2014) 5. Luca Lazzarini, Jon Mader, and Jason Calhoun. 2004. Journal Osteomyelitis in Long Bones. (10 November 2014). 6. Anonim. 2005. Stocley’s Drug Interactions. The Pharmaceutical Press 7. BPOM. 2008. Informatorium Obat Nasional Indonesia (IONI). Jakarta : Sagung Seto 2062 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. CASE REPORT : DRUG RELATED PROBLEM (DRP) ASSOCIATED WITH THE TREATMENT OF PATIENTS WITH HYPOGLYCEMIA IT WARDS PGI CIKINI HOSPITAL Sukria1, Aprilita Rinayanti Efi2, Diana Laila Rahmatillah2 1 Student Of Pharmacist Program, Faculty of Pharmacy UTA'45 Jakarta 2 Lecturer Of Faculty Of Pharmacy UTA'45 Jakarta Email: ABSTRACT Hypoglycemia is a state of that of blood glucose levels less than 45 mg / dL (2.6 mmol / L). Hypoglycemia is the most common metabolic problem in neonates. The most common clinical manifestations may include the level of consciousness, seizures, vomiting, and lethargy. Hypoglycemia often occurs due to low glucose reserves. Hypoglycemia is not managed propely will cause damaged the central nervous system and death. Hypoxemia and ischemia potentiate Hypoglycemia and can cause permanent brain damage and disrupt neurological development. Patient Mr. S aged 73 years old entered the ward space K PGI Cikini Hospital on 26 September 2014. Patient complain of loss of consciousness, difficulty, and dizziness. Patent was treated for 11 days with Captopril, Dextrose, ambroxol, Vit B complex, KCL, cefotaxime, Lasix (Furosemide), Folic acid, trombo aspilet, Valsartan, Laxadin. Based on the results of clinical work practice in PGI Cikini hospital it can be concluded that the presence of Drug Related Problems (DRP), that is drug interactions. Keywords: Drug Releated Problem, Hypoglycemia, PGI Cikini Hospital 2063 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. 1. INTRODUCTION Hypoglycemia is a state of the blood glucose level measurement results is less than 45 mg / dL (2.6 mmol / L). Hypoglycemia is the most common metabolic problem in neonates. Hypoglycemia often occurs due to low glucose reserves. Glucose is an important source of calories for survival during childbirth and the first few days after birth. Occurs Reduces stress that any existing glucose reserves for improving the use of glucose reserves, for example in asphyxia, hypothermia, hyperthermia, respiratory disorders. Patients with hypoglycemia may be asymptomatic or may present with severe central nervous system (CNS) and cardiopulmonary disorders. The most common clinical manifestations may include the level of consciousness, seizures, vomiting, unresponsiveness, and lethargy. Each child is sick should be evaluated for hypoglycemia, especially when history reveals decreased oral intake . Sustained or recurrent hypoglycemia in infants and children have a great impact on normal brain development and function. Evidence suggests that hypoxemia and ischemia potentiate hypoglycemia, causing permanent brain damage can impair neurological development . 2. CASE PERCENTAGE Patient Mr. S 73-year-old entered Cikini hospital with complaint loss of consciousness. Patient had history illness 1 day before admission, the patient experienced a loss of consciousness, breathlessness and dizziness and constipation. 3. CLINICAL EVALUATION The patient is given dextrose infusion and captopril. Dextro is given because the patient experience loss of consciousness due to lack of fluids while captopril and lasix given to lower blood pressur. Patient also received vitamin B and folic acid as supplement , ambroksol as mocolytic kalium, cefatoxim as antibiotic, thrombo aspilet antiplatelete and laxadin for over come costripation. 4. PATIENT EXAMINATION RESULTS 1. Examination of Hematology Examination Results Unit Reference Values 2064 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. 26 – 9 – 2014 Complete peripheral blood Erythrocyte sedimentation *26 mm/jam 0-10 rate 15,6 g/dL 13-16 Hemoglobin *24,0 10^3μL 5-10 Leukosit 4,87 10^3μL 4,5-5,5 Eritrosit 45 % 40-48 Hematokrit 14 Permil 5-15 rate 0 % 0-1 Basofil *0 % 1-3 Eosinofil *1 % 2-6 neutrophils rod 88 % 50-70 neutrophils segment 7 % 20-40 Limfosit 4 % 2-8 Monosit 217 10^3μL 150-450 Trombosit 92 fL 81-92 MCV 32,0 pg 27-32 MCH 34,8 g/dL 32-37 Retikulosit Erythrocyte sedimentation MCHC 2. Examination of Clinical Chemistry Results Examination 26 – 9 – 2014 Unit Reference Values SGOT 24 U/L 0-50 SGPT 38 U/L 0-50 Uremia 15 mg/dL 10-50 2065 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. Kreatinin 1,3 mg/dL 0,6-1,1 Sodium (Na) blood 139 mEq/L 135-145 Potassium (K) blood 3,6 mEq/L 135-147 Calcium (Ca) L 0,2 mg/L 8,8-10,3 specific gravity 1.020 g/ml 1.015-1.025 color Kuning Kuning clarity Jernih Jernih Esterase leukosit Negatif Negatif blood Trace/10 pH H 7,5 4,8-7,4 Protein Negatif Negatif glucose 1 + 250 mg/dL Negatif Bilirubin Negatif - Negatif Urobilinogen 0,2 - < 0,2 Keton Negatif - Negatif Urine and Parasitology sel/µl Negatif Sedimen Leukosit 1 /LPB 0-2 Eritrosit H 10 /LPB 0-3 Epitel 1 /LPB 0-1 Silinder 0 /LPK 0-1 Bakteri 2 /LPB <5 2066 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. 5. TREATMENT AND DOSE Name of medication Dose Total daily Vit. B comp 50 mg 3 x 1 tab 3 tablet Folid acid 5 mg 1 x 2 tab 2 tablet Ambroxol 30 mg 3 x 1 tab 3 tablet Valsartan 80 mg 1 x 1 tablet 1 tablet Captopril 12,5 mg 3 x 1 tablet 3 tablet KCL 500 mg 2 x 1 tablet 2 tablet Dextro 40% 50cc 1 infus 1 infus Cefotaxime 1 g 3 x 1 ampul 3 ampul Lasix 2 ml inj 2 x 1 ampul 2 ampul Laxadin 60 ml 2 x 1 sdm 2 sdm Trombo aspilet 80mg 1 x 1 tablet 1 tablet 6. Discussion On The first day of hospitalization the patient is given an infusion handed and captopril. Dextro given because patients experience loss of consciousness due to lack of fluids while captopril was given to lower blood pressure on the second day he was given vitamin B and folic acid, ambroxol for tightness due to respiratory illness, KCL , cefotaxime for over come bacterial infections because laborator result so that in creasing of leucocyte, Lasix was given to lower blood pressure in combination with other antihypertensive drugs. On the third day, giving of dextro and captopril is stopped. On the fourth day patient received is trombo aspilet and laxadin. Trombo aspilet as anti platelet for prevent thrombus while laxadin for overcome. On the fifth and sixth day is still the same. On the seventh dose administration of kcl and lasix was lowored, initially bid into one daily. 7. DRUG RELATED PROBLEM Drug interaction : a. Captopril with KCL 2067 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. Captopril increases levels of potassium chloride by lowering elimination. The risk of hyperkalemia. b. Lasix deerease level plasma of folic acid and interaction increase renal clearance. c. Trombo aspilet with valsartan Trombo aspilet reduce the effects of valsartan by antagonism d. Trombo aspilet with lasix pharmacodinamic. Trombo aspilet reduce the effects of Lasix by antagonism pharmacodynamics. e. Trombo aspilet with Folic acid Trombo aspilet decreasing plasma level of folic acid by inhibiting absorbtion in GI5. Conclusion: Based on the results of the practice at PGI Cikini Hospital it can be concluded that the presence of DRP (Drug Related Problems) that is drug interactions between captopril with KCL, Lasix with Folic acid, trombo aspilet with valsartan, trombo aspilet with lasix , and trombo aspilet with Folic acid. REFERENCES 1. BNF 61, 2011. Britsh National Formulary 61 March 2011 2. Baand POM RI, 2008. Informasi Obat Nasional Indonesia. Baand POM; Jakarta 3. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2004. Hypoglycemia.eds. Manual of neonatal care; edisi ke-5. Boston 569-76 Cloherty JP, Stark AR 4. Mansjoer, Arif., et all. 1999. Kapita Selekta Kedokteran. Fakultas Kedokteran UI 5. Madescape 2068 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. DRUG RELATED PROBLEMS IN PATIENT WITH LUNG RIGHT PNEUMONIAE DISEASE AT THE K ROOM OF PGI CIKINI HOSPITAL JAKARTA Yulianita Eka Sriastati1, Aprilita Rinayanti Eff, and Diana Laila R2 1 Student of Pharmacist Program Faculty of Pharmacy UTA’45 Jakarta 2 Lecturer of Faculty UTA’45 Jakarta ABSTRACT Pneumoniae is an infection in the end of bronchial and alveoli caused by microorganisms, such as bacteriae, fungus, virus, and parasite. Pneumoniae is also caused by non-microorganisms, such as chemical substances, radiation, toxic substance aspiration, drugs, etc. A patient named Mr KI, 65 years old, weight of 40 kilograms, entered K room of PGI Cikini Hospital with diagnose of having lung right pneumoniae disease, which is based on the thorax photo and anemia, he previously had Tuberculosis (TB) lung. The therapies given during the treatment were NaCI 0.9%, Ceftriaxone inj, Neurobion inj, Lesichol 600 kaps, and Ulvice inj. Based on the clinical examination, it was found DRP (Drug Related Problem). Its the patient had complaints but physical didn’t give treatment medicine and inaccurate prescriptions like giving the ceftriaxone antibiotic. In this case, ceftriaxone isn’t drug of choice for pneumoniae disease. Key words: Drug Related Problem, Pneumoniae, and PGI Cikini Hospital 2069 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. INTRODUCTION Infection of respiratory tract is still the main problem in health, either in the developing or advanced countries. The cause of pneumoniae is difficult to be figured out and it needs a few days to get the result, whereas this disease can cause death if it is not immediately cured. Hence, at the first step, antibiotic is given empirically1. Pneumoniae can be caused by various kinds of microorganisms, such as bacteria, virus, fungus, and protozoa. Based on the literary, pneumoniae community suffered by the people in overseas is because of positive gram, on the other hand pneumoniae in the hospital is mostly caused by negative gram, and aspirated pneumoniae is mostly caused by anaerob bacterias. Recently, the report from some cities in Indonesian shows that bacterias found in the sputum examination, patient of pneumonia community is because of gram negative bacteria2. Pneumoniae is the result of microba poliferation pathogen in the degree of alveolar response hosts to the pathogen. Microba enters the underpart of respiratory tract by orofaring aspiration2. A Mechanical defense factor is very important. The mechanism of cough is a protection from the aspiration. When smaller microorganism is inhalled to the alveolar stage, macrofag cleans and kills pathogen efficiently. Macrofag assisted by the local protein, for example surfactan A and D which have nature of intrinsic opsonizing or antibateria/antivirus. After the microfag is swallowed accidentally, and if it does not get killed by the macrofag, it will be eliminated by mucosiliary that can keep the contagion. But when the capacity of alveolar macrophage is not sufficient to kill the pathogen, it will cause pneumoniae. Then respiratory tract will start to response inflammatory to increase the defense of respiratory tract. Inflammatory mediator releases macrophage and produces neutrophil. This makes capilary leakage that equals with the syndrome of acute respiratory infection although in pneumoniae this leakage is localised (in the first stage). Some pathogen bacterias appear and they cause the alveoli is full filled with the water. This makes the onerus hypoxemia3. The increase of breath pressure in the systematic inflammatory response syndrome causes the breath alkalosis. The decrease of respiratory system caused by capilary leakage, hipoxemya, increase in breath rythm, increase in secretion, and sometimes bronchospasm are 2070 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. related with the occurrence of infection that causes dyspnea. If it is bad enough, conversion in the secondary lungs mechanical can cause death3. CASE PRESENTATION A patient named Mr KI, 65 years old, weight of 40 kilograms entered PGI Cikini Hospital with complaints of his body is weak, dizziness, heart palpitation, short of breathness and chest pain, low appetite in the last two days. Condition of patient when he entered the hospital; blood pressure 180/90 mmHg, pulse 80 times/minute, temperature 36oC, CM (Compos Mentis) awareness or normal awareness that the patient can answer questions about the surroundings. Patient has background of Tuberculosis (TB) lung which the treatment had been completed and the patient was declared to be healthy. CLINICAL EVALUATION On the first day patient entered hospital, he was given ceftriaxone and NaCl 0.9%. Ceftriaxone as antibiotic was given because from hemathology and thorax photo results indicate that the patient experience infection disease. Ceftriaxone as the third generation of antibiotic cephalosporins, it is specific to the negative gram bacteria infection. On the second day, the patient was given Lesichol 600 as hepatoprotector and Neurobion 5000 as the vitamin to prevent and cure disease. Then on the third day, Ulvice inj (vitamin C) was added to maintain healthy and endurance. DOSAGE AND DIRECTION4 Medicine names Ceftriaxone How to Dosage use regimen IV 1x2 g Indication Antibiotic General dosage Adults and children>12 years old and children with weight> 50 kilograms: 1-2 grams once a day. In the infection, the dosage measurement can be 2071 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. increased until 4 grams once a day. NaCl 0.9% IV /12 hours Electrolyte liquid 2.5 ml/kg W/hours or 60 drops/70 drops kg W/minute or 180 ml/70 kg W/hour Neurobion 5000 IV 1x1 ampul/3ml Fulfill needs of vitamin 1x3 ml B1, B6, B12 Lesichol 600 PO 3x1 Hepatoprotector 3x1 capsule Ulvice IV 3x1 ampul/5 ml Vitamin C deficiency 1000-2000 mg RESULT OF CLINICAL LABORATORY Check up type Result Normal value HEMATOLOGHY Complete perifer blood Erithrocyte Sedimentation Rate *32mm/hour 0¨10 Leukocytes *3.700/ul 5.000¨10.000 Erythrocyte *2.98 million/ul 4.5¨5.5 Hemoglobin *10.5 g/dl 13¨16 Hematocrite *29% 40¨48 Reticulocyte *25 permil 5¨15 0% 0¨1 Basophil 1% 1¨3 Eosinophil *0% 2¨6 Neutrophil scape *74% 50¨70 Neutrophil segmen *19% 20¨40 4% 2¨8 Count leukocyte sorts Lymphocyte 2072 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. Monocyte *107.000/ul 150.000¨450.000 85 fL 81¨92 MCV 30.2 pg 27¨32 MCH 36.1 g/dL 32¨37 AST (SGOT) 29 U/I <50 ALT (SGPT) 33 U/I <50 Urea 25 mg/dL <50 Triglyceridese 1.1 mg/dL 0¨1.1 Natrium (Na) 135 mmol/L 132¨147 Kalium (K) 3.7 mmol/L 3.6¨6.1 Clorida (Cl) 91 mmol/L 95¨116 Platelet MCHC Liver Function Kidney Function Electrolyte 6.0¨8.0 Total protein 7.0 g/dL 3.4¨4.8 Albumin *3.1 g/dL 1.3¨3.7 Globulin 3.6 g/dL DISCUSSION Pneumoniae is caused by microorganisms (bacteriae, fungus, virus, and parasite) and non-microorganisms (chemical substances, radiation, toxic substance aspiration, drugs, etc). Patient entered hospital with complains of body feels weak, headache, heart palpitates, cough, and low appetite. Based on the thorax photo and laboratory test, patient suffered pneumoniae. This is shown by the increasing of Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (ESR) and the reduction of leukocyte also shows that isn’t the existence of infection. The reduction of hematocryte can cause anemia and and deficiency of vitamins B and C. The reduction of hemoglobin, thrombocyte, and erithrocyte shows the symptom of anemia. On the first day of treatment, the 2073 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. patient was given Ceftriaxone inj and NaCl 0.9%. Ceftriaxone is the group of the third generation of cephalosporin antibiotic which has wide spectrum, effective to the positive and negative grams. Using of antibiotic must be the first line penicillin for pneumoniae, but the fact patient was given cephalosporine group. NaCl 0.9% infusion is to recover the balance of electrolyte liquid. On the second day, the patient did not feel short of breathness when he cough and palpitaion because blood pressure of the patient was getting normal. Neurobion 5000 inj was added to recover health condition and over come patient nutrition hindrance, Lesichol 600 as hepatoprotector. On the third day, patient was give of Ulvice inj as vitamin C. But headache and low appetite of patient is still not cured yet. Until the last day of treatment, the patient still had low appetite but the headche got better. DRUG RELATED PROBLEM 1. Untreated Indication Patient needs analgesic theraphy to overcome headache and needs additional vitamin to increase the patient’s appetite. Patient also has hipoalbumine with the value of 3.1 g/dL. He did not get albumin theraphy. 2. Improper Drug Selection The dosage in giving the ceftriaxone 1x2 g was already correct, but it was not really correct if ceftriaxone was used at the first stage which is actually the treatment for pneumoniae. CONCLUTION Based on the practical result in the K room of PGI Cikini Hospital, it can be concluded that DRP (Drug Related Problem) is Untreated indication and improper drug selection. REFERENCES 1. PDPI, 2003. Pneuomonia Komuniti Pedoman Diagnosa and Penatalaksanaan di Indonesia. Jakarta 2. Dipiro, Joseph T., et. al., 2008, Pharmacotherapy: A Pathophysiologic Approach 7th Edition, McGraw Hill, New York. 3. Mansyur Arif, dkk., 2000. Kapita Selekta Kedokteran Edition 3: 480). Jakarta : Media Aesculapius 2074 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. 4. BPOM. 2008. Informatorium Obat Nasional Indonesia (IONI): 352). Jakarta : Sagung Seto 5. AHFS drug information 2004. McEvoy GK, ed. Methotrexate. Bethesda, MD: American Society of Health-System Pharmacists; 2003:1082-9) 6. Galileopharma. 2008, BNF edition 56, Alexandria University 7. Joseph Loscalzo et all, 2010 Harrison’s Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine 17th Editions, The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., New York 8. Kasper L, Dennis., et al, 2010, Harrison’s Infectious Diseases, The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., New York. 2075 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. EVALUATION OF DRUG RELATED PROBLEMS IN STROKE HEMORRHAGIC IN GATOT SOEBROTO ARMY HOSPITAL Ahmad Safi’i 1, Diana Laila Rahmatillah2 , Aprilita Rinayanti Efi2 1 Student of Pharmacist Professional Program Student, Faculty Of Pharmacy UTA’ 45 Jakarta 2 Lecturer of Faculty of Pharmacy UTA’45 Jakarta Email : ABSTRACT Hemorrhagic stroke is the rupture of blood vessels of the brain causing brain parenchyma bleeding network, cerebrospinal fluid space around the brain or a combination of both 4. Bleeding causes disruption of nerve fibers of the brain through the suppression of brain structure and also by a hematoma which causes ischemia in the surrounding tissue 4. Increased intracranial pressure in turn will lead to herniation of brain tissue and suppress the brain stem Tn.Xx 4. Patient, aged 51 years, entered Gatot Subroto Army Hospital on October 18, 2014 at 02:51 with a diagnosis of hemorrhagic stroke. During the treatment of patients treated with Asering, Mannitol, Perdipin, Brain acrt, Ceftazidin, Ondacentron, Ketorolac, Astrovastatin, Paracetamol, on 21 perdipin and paracetamol replaced amlodipine and farmadol. Based on the results of clinical work practices on the third floor of stroke unit care Gatot Subroto Army Hospital, it can be concluded Keywords that the presence of DRP is significant drug interactions. : Haemorrhagic Stroke, and Gatot Subroto Army Hospital. 2076 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. INTRODUCTION Stroke is a state of partial or complete loss of neurological function that occurs suddenly, lasts more than 24 hours or the cause of death, which is solely caused by spontaneous rupture of a blood vessel (hemorrhagic stroke) 9. Hemorrhagic stroke is the rupture of blood vessels of the brain causing brain parenchyma bleeding network, cerebrospinal fluid space around the brain or a combination of both. The cause of bleeding of the brain nerve fibers through the suppression of brain structure and also by a hematoma which causes ischemia in the surrounding tissue. Increased intracranial pressure in turn will lead to herniation of brain tissue and brain stem pressing 5. The etiology of hemorrhagic stroke there are two kinds of intracerebral hemorrhage was found in 10% of all stroke cases, consisting of 80% in the hemispheres of the brain and the rest of the brainstem and cerebellum. And subarachnoid hemorrhage is a condition in which there is bleeding in the subarachnoid space resulting in primary. Broadly speaking, the risk factors of stroke divided into modifiable risk factors (modifiable) and which can not be modified (nonmodifiable). Modifiable stroke risk factors include hypertension, heart disease (atrial fibrillation), diabetes mellitus, smoking, alcohol consumption, hyperlipidemia, less activity, and arterial stenosis karotis. While the risk factors that can not be modified include age, gender, race / tribes, and genetic factor 10. Data in Indonesia showed a tendency to increase both in terms of cases of stroke mortality, incidence, and disability. The death rate by age is: 15.9% (age 45-55 years) and 26.8% (age 55-64 years) and 23.5% (age 65 years). Stroke events (incidence) of 51.6 / 100,000 population and disability; 1.6% unchanged; woresen. sufferer 4.3% more men than women and more than 45 years of age profile of 11.8%, 54.2% aged 45-64 years, and age above 65 years of age 33.5% of stroke attack productive and elderly 9. CASE PRESENTATION Patient Mr. xx aged 65 years entered Gatot Subroto Army Hospital on October 18, 2014. pasein referral of Merdeka Center Hospital, patients present with loss of consciousness since 18 hours ago astringent patient fell and hit his head (top right) after the fall of patients did not connect when spoken . Right hand and right leg weakness, decreased consciousness 2077 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. and no vomiting. The patient had a history of hypertension since six months ago. Patient entered the CVD diagnosis of cerebrovascular desease SH or hemorrhagic stroke. Patients treated with Perdipin, Brain acrt, Ceftazidin, Ondacentron, Ketorolac, Astrovastatin, Paracetamol on October 21, 2014 Perdipin replaced amlodipine and Paracetamol replaced Farmadol. CLINICAL LABORATORY VALUES Type of examination Normal Value 20/10/2014 Hemoglobin 12 – 16 g/dL 13,8 Hematocrit 42 – 52% 38 Erytrocyt 4.3 – 6.0 juta/μ L 4,8 Leukocytes 4,800 – 10, 800/ μ L 11,860 Platelets 150,000 – 400,000/ μL 218000 MCV 80 – 96 fl 87 MCH 27 – 32 pg 29 MCHC 32 – 36 g/dL 36 Bilirubin Total < 1,5 mg/dL 0,69 SGOT < 35 U/L 23 SGPT < 40 U/L 17 Protein Total 6-8,5 g/dL 7,2 Albumin 3,5-5,0 g/dL 3,9 Globulin 2,5 – 3,5 g/dL 3.3 Total cholesterol < 200 mg/dL 225 Triglycerides < 160 mg/dL 82 HDL cholesterol >35 mg/dL 37 LDL cholesterol <100 mg/dL 202 Hematology 2078 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. uric acid 3.5 – 7.4 mg/dL 3,7 Fasting blood glucose 70 - 100 mg/dL 107 Blood glucose (2 hours <140 mg/dL 112 PP) Urinalysis Color Yellow Yellow Clarity Clear Clear pH 4,8-7,4 8 Thickness 1,015 – 1,025 1,010 Protein Negative Negative Glucose Negative Negative Birilubin Negative Negative Nitrite Negative Negative Ketones Negative Negative DOSAGE AND USE Drugs Giving Regimen 18/10 19/10 20/10 21/10 22/10 23/10 24/10 method dose RL IV 20 tpm √ √ √ √ √ √ √ Perdipine IV 6cc/hour √ √ √ Manitol IV 20 tpm √ √ √ √ √ Stop √ √ 2079 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. Ceftazidim IV 2x1g √ √ √ √ √ √ √ Citicoline IV 2 x 500mg √ √ √ √ √ √ √ Ondasentron IV 1x 4mg √ √ √ √ √ √ √ Ketorolak IV 2x50mg √ √ √ √ √ √ √ Atorvastatin PO 1x1 tab √ √ √ √ √ √ √ Paracetamol PO 3x500mg √ √ √ Amlodipine PO 1x10mg √ √ √ √ Farmadol IV 10mg/ml √ √ √ √ Stop CLINICAL EVALUATION From the examination results obtained some abnormal result is an increase in high blood pressure and treated with perdipin, hypercholesterolemia which is a risk factor for stroke should be treated with astrovastatin, citicoline recovery awareness and improve blood circulation of the brain, giving ondasetron to prevent nausea, in patients there is inflammation of the right arm that was treated with ketorolac. The patient has a fever and treated with paracetamol but the patient still has a fever and treated farmadol, ceftazidim semisynthetic cephalosporin class of antibiotics antibiotics that are bactericidal. DRUG RELATED PROBLEMS (DRPs) 1. Selection of appropriate medication Drug selection was improper use of ketorolac can cause bleeding and increase stomach acid, it is recommended the selection of safe analgesics to reduce pain is tramadol and antibiotics use of ceftazidim less precise because it can extend protobmin time, causing bleeding, it was recommended to be replaced with cefadroxil 1,4. 2080 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. 2. Drug interactions significant interaction occurred between: a. nifedipine and ketorolac blood pressure will menigkat as ketorolac going to nifedipine inibisi 2. Pharmacist Intervention: Recommended use should not be done simultaneously and must be jailed gift, then closely monitored its use 2. b.nifedipine and atorvastatin, nifedipine may increase blood pressure and the effects of atorvastatin. This can increase the risk of side effects such as liver damage and a rare but serious condition called rhabdomyolysis which involves the destruction of skeletal muscle tissue. In some cases, rhabdomyolysis can lead to kidney damage and even death 2. Pharmacist Intervention: Recommended use should not be done simultaneously and must be jailed administration, atorvastatin drunk at night and perdipin given in the morning and afternoon, and then closely monitored its use 2. CONCLUSION Based on the results of clinical work practice ward stroke unit at Gatot Subroto Army Hospital, it can be deduced that the presence of DRPs (Drug Related Problems) in the form of a correlation between drug therapy with clinical conditions such as the presence of an antibiotic drug selection should be replaced ceftazidim cefadroxil, use of ketorolac which should be replaced tramadol and drug and drug interactions between nifedipine and atovastatin that the use of nifedipine may affect the levels of atovastatin, nifedipine and ketorolac blood pressure will increase as ketorolac going to inibisi nifedipine, recommended use and should not be done simultaneously dijarakkan gift, then closely monitored its use. Blood pressure monitoring is necessary, total and LDL cholesterol levels of patients. REFERENCES 1. AHFS drug information 2004. McEvoy GK, ed. Methotrexate. Bethesda, MD: American Society of Health-System Pharmacists; 2003:1082-9) 2081 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. 2. Dipiro, Joseph T., et. al., 2008, Pharmacotherapy: A Pathophysiologic Approach 7th Edition, McGraw Hill, New York. 3. Goetz Christopher G. Cerebrovascular Diseases. In : Goetz: Textbook of Clinical Neurology,3rd ed. Philadelphia : Saunders. 2007. 4. Junaedi, Iskandar. (2004). Paduan Praktis Pencegahan and Pengobatan Stroke. Jakarta : PT. Bhuana Ilmu Populer. 5. Koda-Kimble et al., 2009, Applied Therapeutics: The Clinical Use of Drug 9th Edition, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, USA. 6. Lacy, F.C., Armstrong L.L., Goldman, M.P., Lance al, 2010, Drug Information Handbook,Lexi-Comp, American Pharmacist Association. 7. PERDOSSI, 2011. GuidelineStroke. Jakarta 8. Ropper AH, Brown RH. erebrovascular Diseases. In : Adam and Victor’s Priciples of Neurology. Eight edition. New York : Mc Graw-Hill. 2005. 2082 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. CASE REPORT : DRUG RELATED PROBLEM ON TUBERCULOSIS DISEASE AND PLEURAL EFFUSION IN PGI CIKINI HOSPITAL Ardiansah1, Aprilita Rinayanti Efi2, Diana Laila Rahmatillah2 1 Student Of Pharmacist Program, Faculty Of Pharmacy UTA’45 Jakarta 2 Lecturer Of Faculty Of Pharmacy UTA’45 Jakarta Email : ABSTRACT Tuberculosis is the disease that commonly at PGI Cikini Hospital. Transmission source can cause from patient with positive TBA when they were cough or sneeze and the microba was spreading. TB is classified is into 2 kinds, that are. Tuberculosis Lung and Tuberculosis Extra Lung. Pleural effusion is buildup of fluid in the cavity (cavity) pleurathat exceeds normal limits. RU is a 27-year-old man was hospitalized in internal medicine wards. The patient was diagnosed with pulmonary tuberculosis and pleural effusion.patient was related with rifampisin 300 mg, INH 100 mg , ethambutol 150 mg.Result of clinical monitoring on tuberculosis disease. There is found drug related problem that are.Drug intereactions and adverse drug reaction. Keyword : Drug Related Problem Tuberculosis, Pleural Effusion, PGI Cikini Hospital 2083 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. 1. Introduction Tuberculosis (TBC or TB) is a disease respiratory tract infections caused by bacteria (Mycobacterium Tuberculosis)3. This bacterium is a bacterium bacillusis very strong so it takes a long time to heal5. This bacterium typically infects the pulmonary (90%) compared too ther parts ofthe human body, the source of infection is smear positive TB patients when coughing orsneezing, peoplespead germsin to the airin the form of droplets/droplets3. The classification is divided into two, namely tuberculosis Pulmonary Tuberculosis and Lung Tuberkulosi Extras6. Pulmonary tuberculosis attacks the tissue (parenchymal) lung, excluding the pleura (the lining of the lung) and hilar glands6. Extra pulmonary tuberculosisis that attacks organ so ther than thelungs, such as the pleura, the lining of the brain, the lining of the heart (pericardium), lymfe gland, bone joints, skin, intestine, kidney, urinary tract, genitals, etc6. Pleural effusion is a medical condition characterized by an increase in excess fluid between the two layers of the pleura7. Thereare two types of pleural effusion: pleural effusion a transudate formed due to increased hydrostatic pressure(CHF), decreased oncotic (hipoalbumin) and increase of intra-pleural (acute atelectasis) sexudative pleural effusions are formed as a result of pleural disease self that associated with increased capillary permeability (pneumonia) or reduced lymphatic drainage (lymph flow obstructiondue tocarcinoma)2. 2. Case Presentation RU is a 28 year old man was hospitalzed, in PGI Cikini hospital. Patient has tuberculosis and pleural effusion. Patient had complaints feeling weak, tightness, chestpain 2 days before entered the hospital. Cough, weight loss, decreasing appentite, nausea and vomiting. The patient was diagnosed with tuberculosis based on the results of microbiologi examination, sputumpositive for Acid Resistant Bacteria (BTA), increase if er throcyte sedimentation rate is (109 mm/h) and decrease lymphocytes. 3.Discussion Based on microbiological examination patient was diagnosed tuberculosis in the first day but in the second day and third day the physician give rifampicin 300 mg daily, INH 100 mg 3 2084 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. time daily, ethambutol 1500 mg 2 time daily and pyrazinamid as antituberculosis drugs and sangobion as. a vitamin, vitamin b complex in third day for cenduaring side effect of INH. On the fourth day the patient was treated with a combination of FDC (Fixed Dose Combination) as anti tuberculosis drug. In addition, patient was also given onandsetron 8 mg orally 3 times daily on the fourth day until the tenth day as antivomiting and new diatab because the patient had diare 4.Drug Related problem 4.1 Drug interaction A.Isoniazid and rifampin are combination of TB drugs is used by 2 month as initial phase and 4 months as continuation phase. Concomitant use of both types of anti tuberculosis can cause significant interactions, which increases rifampicin the can increase induction of metabolisem1. Pharmacist Intervention : advise the patient to use rifampisin and isoniazid with different time, for rifampicin should be used in the morning and to isoniazid is used at night. B.Onandsetron is a drug that is indicated to treat nausea and vomiting. The using of onandsteron with isoniazid can cause serum interaction by reducing the effect of onandsetron. Pharmacist intervention : using of onandsetron and isoniazid with different time, approximately 2 hours onandsetron is given, 2 hours after INH 4.2. Adverse Drug Reaction Paracetamol as AINS drug using for fever. using of paracetamol with isoniazid can worsen the patient's liver function. Intervention pharmacist : monitoring liver function 5.Conclusion After the assessment of the patient's treatment, it can be concluded that there are two drugs related problem from this case, drug interaction between rifampicin and adverse drug reaction REFERENCES 1. Baxter, K 2008. “ Stockley Drug Interaction Eight Edition “. London. 2085 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. 2. Bramardianto. 2014. “Penyebab, gejala and pengobatan efusipleura”.Jakarta 3. Departemen Kesehatan Republik Indonesia. 2006. Pedoman Nasional Penanggulangan Tuberkulosis. Depkes RI : Jakarta 4. Joint formulary comite. 2009 ”Brithis National Foemulary” BMJ Grop.London 5. Konsensus TB Paru. 2013. “Kapitas elekta kedokteran. Edisi II. Jakarta : Media Aesculapius, FKUI. 6. Perhimpunan Dokter Paru Indonesia, 2014. “Klasifikasi Tuberkulosis”.jakarta 7. Pudjo, Astowo, 2014.“Efusi Pleura”. Jakarta 2086 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. CASE REPORT : DRUG RELATED PROBLEMS IN PATIENT WITH SPONDYLITIS ARTHROSIS LUMBOSACRALIS DISEASE AND TYPE II DIABETES MELLITUS AT MINTOHARJO HOSPITAL JAKARTA Siti Hadijah1, Aprilita Rinayanti Eff and Diana Laila R2, 1 Student of pharmacist Program Faculty of Pharmacy UTA’45 Jakarta 2 Lecturer of Faculty of Pharmacy UTA’45 Jakarta Email : ABSTRACT Spondylo Arthrosis Lumbosacralis is a disease that is often found in nerve ward Hospital AL Dr. Mintoharjo particularly in the Numfor treatment room. Spondylo Arthrosis Lumbosacralis is a condition in which the disease has occurred degeneration in the joints and intervertebral discs are between vertebral body. Patient also suffer from Type II Diabetes Mellitus, which is a metabolic disorder characterized by hyperglycemia associated with abnormalities in the metabolism of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins caused by a decrease in insulin secretion or a decrease in insulin sensitivity, or both and cause chronic complications microvascular, macrovascular, and neuropathy. Case Presentation: Ms. Siti Fatimah 42 years old entered Mintoharjo Hospital on November 14, 2014 with a diagnosis: Spondylo Arthrosis Lumbosacralis, Type II Diabetes Mellitus. Patient was given Ceftriaxone inj, Gentamicin inj, Actrapid inj, Lantus inj, Lasix inj, Onandcentron 8 inj, tramadol inj, Sanmol drip, Hepabalance tablets, Diclofenac Na tablets, Diazepam tablets, Omeprazole tablets, tablets ISDN, Bisoprolol tablets, paracetamol tablets . The results of the monitoring of drug therapy is found Drug Related Problems, that are using of drug without indication, improper drug selection and drug interactions. Keywords: Spondylo Arthrosis Lumbosacralis, Type II Diabetes Mellitus, Mintohardjo Hospital. 2087 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. INTRODUCTION Type II Diabetic Mellitus, which is a metabolic disorder characterized by hyperglycemia associated with abnormalities in the metabolism of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins caused by a decrease in insulin secretion or a decrease in insulin sensitivity, or both and cause chronic complications microvascular, macrovascular, and neuropathy. (MOH, 2005) Clinical symptoms in Type II diabetes symptoms complained of generally almost nothing. Type II diabetes often occur unnoticed, and new management began a few years Slater when the disease has developed and complications have occurred. Type II diabetic patients are generally more susceptible to infection, difficult to recover from injuries, eyesight is getting worse, and generally suffer from hypertension, hyperlipidemia, obesity, and also complications in blood vessels and nerves. Examination of blood glucose levels as > 200 mg / dl and fasting blood glucose levels > 126 mg / dl is used as a benchmark diagnosis of DM. (MOH, 2005) Spondylitis Lumbosacralis Arthrosis is a disease that is often found in the nerve ward RSAL Mintoharjo Numfor particularly in the treatment room. Lumbosacralis arthrosis spondylitis is a disease condition where there has been a degeneration of the intervertebral joints are between the disc and the vertebral body. Lumbar area consists of L1 to L5 and L5 S1 receive the greatest load or weight so that the lumbar region receives the most stylish and great mechanical stress along the spine. (Hamdyalfin, 2010) CASE PRESENTATION Patient Mrs Siti Fatimah 42 years old entered on 14 November 2014 with a complaint of pain 3 days before admission, patient has history felt in the bathroom 3 months ago, and after that she felt paint and swelling at her buttock. EVALUATION In this case the patient get RL infusion therapy as body fluid replacement therapy, albumin for hypoalbuminemia, Ceftriaxone and Gentamicin inj as antibiotics, Actrapid inj and Lantus for diabetes, inj lasix for edema, Onandcenton inj for nausea and vomiting, tramadol inj for acute pain, sanmol drip for fever, Hepabalance tab as a supplement for liver, diclofenac Na tab for acute pain, diazepam tab for muscle spasms, Omeprazole for ulcer duedenum, ISDN for the prophylaxis and treatment of angina and heart failure, Bisoprolol as 2088 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. antihypertensives, Paracetamol for fever , Codeine tab for cough, Fujimin tab to hypoalbuminemia, KSR for hypokalemia, Meloxicam as antiinflammatory, Gabapentin for neuropathic pain, laxadine syr as a laxative, ranitidine tablets as inhibitors of gastric acid secretion. laboratory examination Date GDS Kidney Function Urea 14/11 *579 15/11 *595 16/11 *404 17/11 Hematology Triglyceridese Leukocytes 52 0,8 Erythrocytes HB Hematocrit Platelets *19.300 3,32 9,3 29 308.000 *467 *19.200 2,95 8,4 24 288.000 18/11 *427 *11.900 2,56 7,1 21 206.000 19/11 *214 *14.600 3,28 9,2 29 188.000 20/11 *235 *17.700 3,83 10,9 31 163.000 21/11 *230 22/11 *220 *15.200 4 11,3 35 231.000 28/11 179 *11.900 3,93 11,3 33 407.000 Date SGOT *52 SGPT 0,9 Protei Albumin Globulin Trigliserida n Cholesterol HDL LDL 16 50 Total Total 14/11 19 *56 15/11 28/11 *36 32 2,5 2,5 *5,0 2,7 2,3 7,9 3,5 4,4 *the value above normal 2089 174 101 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. DISCUSSION Patient, Mrs Siti Fatimah with early diagnosis Spondyloarthrosis Lumbosacralis. The patient was admitted to hospital on November 14, 2014 with complaints of lower back pain, 3 months ago patient has felt in the bathroom, and swelling of her right buttock. Based on the history of the disease it can be determined goal of drug therapy is treating the infection, relieve symptoms or do surgery. The parameters measured were blood pressure, laboratory values associated hematologic values and vital signs such as temperature, Respiration Rate and Heart Rate. On the first day hospitalized Mrs Siti Fatimah has 90/50 blood pressure, pulse rate is 108X / min and temperature is 37,50c. Result of laboratory examination showed that leucocyte values above the normal range, indicating the patient experience infection. Hematocrit, hemoglobin and erythrocytes showed abnormal value occurrence of anemia, examination of blood glucose and HbA1c showed above the normal range, this is indicated the patient suffering type II diabetes. Trigliseride value above normal and HDL cholesterol below normal value. Examination of renal function obtained urea values above the normal range, indicated the patient has impaired renal function. Drugs were given on the first day of treatment are diazepam, omeprazole and diclofenac Na, diazepam is indicated for the management of short-term to muscle spasms, diclofenac Na as inflammatory and degenerative rheumatic musculo skeletal disorders, especially in acute as well as for pain control and non-rheumatic inflammation. Omeprazole for the prevention of gastric irritation due to the use of NSAIDs. In the second day patient received antibiotic ceftriaxone injection 2 g once daily, and the dose of ceftriaxone increase to 2 gram b.d until seventh days treatment. Gentamicin injection is given on fifth day of the dose 320 mg once daily. On the second day patient also treated with 2 kinds of insulin, there are actrapid IV as a short acting insulin and lantus sc at night as long acting insulin for maintenance blood sugar levels. 2090 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. Drug Related Problems 1. Using of the drug without indication Patient did not experience nausea but physician gave onandcentron for overcome the nausea. If the patient need nausea drug, it should be given domperidone or metoclorpamid. 2. Selection of the lack of proper medication Using of ceftriaxone and gentamycin can increase renal toxicity. We can recommended to identification of the type of bacteria so can be selected appropriate antibiotic and monitoring of treatment efficacy. 3. Untreated Disease Patient experienced hypelipidemia that seen from laboratory result but she did not received treatment for overcome her disease we should recommended to give gembifrozil or fenofibrat for decrease the LDL value and more HDL value. 4. Drug Interactions • Gentamycin with furosemide and gentamycin can increase risk of ototoxicity and nephrotoxicity (stokley ed8 287) I. CONCLUSION From the result of monitoring drug therapy in patient with spondylitis arthrosis lumbosacralis disease and type II diabetes mellitus at Mintoharjo Hospital, it can be concluded there is found drug related that are using of the drug without indication, selection of the lack of proper medication, untreated disease and drug interactions. 2091 International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices, Vol6, issue01, Supplement I, 1609-2092. REFERENCES 1. BNF staff. 2011, British National Formulary 61, Pharmaceutical Press, London,UK,P 2. 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