2000 Presidents Report - Indiana Wesleyan University


2000 Presidents Report - Indiana Wesleyan University
New Opportunities for the New Millennium
Building a new residence hall was one of the
first major steps I took after becoming president
Dr. Jim Barnes ‘65 is
of Indiana Wesleyan University in 1987.
Actually, it was a bigger step for the Board of
the president of Indiana
Wesleyan University
We urge you to join us in our Campaign for
Character, Scholarship and Leadership – a fouryear capital campaign with a goal of $48 million.
Trustees than it was for me personally. Because
You will find more information about the
of previous financial difficulties, the board had
campaign on Pages 4-7 of this issue of the
adopted a resolution not to do any building
unless the cash was in hand. In 1987, the
university had little money.
I argued that IWU would not grow without a
The good news is that almost 60 percent of the
goal – about $28 million – has been raised
through major gifts from individuals,
new residence hall and eventually was able to
corporations and foundations. Historically,
convince the trustees to borrow almost $3 million
however, the last 40 percent is the most difficult
to build a 150-bed residence hall. The building,
to raise in capital campaigns. Our goal is
which we now know as Carmin Hall, was
aggressive and will stretch all of us, but we
finished in the fall of 1990 and every room was
believe the $48 million figure is attainable.
filled as the new school year began.
It was a key decision. As prospective students
Could we please ask you to do two things?
Would you, first of all, pray for the success of the
and parents visited campus, they saw some
campaign and what it means to the future of
activity. It was a sign that the university was
IWU? And then would you prayerfully consider a
moving forward, and I believe it influenced some
gift to the campaign?
students’ decisions to attend IWU.
Once the die was cast, there was no turning
We’ve said this many times, but it bears
repeating. The numbers of alumni who contribute
back. Anyone who has visited the IWU campus
to their alma mater are every bit as important as
in the past decade would see evidence all around
the size of their gifts. The percentage of alumni
to indicate that the momentum has not slowed as
donors is a key indicator of the overall well-
we enter the 21st century.
being of the university.
God truly has blessed Indiana Wesleyan
We would hope every alumni and friend of
University by giving us unprecedented
Indiana Wesleyan University would have a sense
opportunities to profoundly and permanently
of pride in what’s been happening in recent years.
influence the hearts and lives of increasing
A gift to our Campaign for Character,
numbers of students. But as our world expands,
Scholarship and Leadership is one of the best
so must our vision.
ways we can think of to become a stakeholder in
No longer is it enough to simply influence our
students’ lives. We must ensure that those
the help of every alumnus and friend of IWU.
Thanks in advance for your prayerful
students impact their world. And so, we are
consideration of how you can help. We’ll provide
building a World Changing university to produce
quarterly updates in future issues of the Triangle
World Changing students. To do that, we need
on our progress toward the $48 million goal.
Table of Contents
Indiana Wesleyan University has begun a
$48 million capital campaign, the largest
such undertaking in University history. The
Campaign for Character, Scholarship and
Leadership already has raised almost $28
Dr. Donald Thomason, a retired executive
vice president of Kellogg Company, has
accepted the challenge of leading Indiana
Wesleyan’s capital campaign. In an
interview, he shares his vision for the
campaign and for IWU.
President’s Report 2000, Vol. 81, No. 1
EDITOR: Alan Miller
ART DIRECTOR: Gary Phillips ‘92
The TRIANGLE (issn 10666893) is published quarterly,
free to alumni, by Indiana Wesleyan University, 4201
South Washington Street, Marion Indiana 46953-4974.
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changes to Indiana Wesleyan University, 4201 South
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Indiana Wesleyan University does not discriminate on
the basis of sex, race, color or national origin in its
employment policies, administration policies, scholarship
and loan programs, and athletic and other school
administered programs, and does not deny to any student
on the basis of sex, race, color, or national origin any
right, privilege, program, or activity generally accorded
or made available to students at Indiana Wesleyan
6 Dr. Donald Thomason
A new Adult & Professional Studies
program, aimed at making higher education
more accessible to adults, will benefit from
a $10.6 million grant from Lilly Endowment
and a $2.5 million gift from STAR Financial
16 Thomas Marcuccilli
Indiana Wesleyan University is
a Christ-centered Academic
community committed to
changing the world by developing
students in character,
scholarship and leadership.
Giving to Indiana Wesleyan University’s
Annual Fund for the 1999-2000 fiscal year
surpassed $1 million for the third year in a
row. In our annual Honor Roll of Donors,
we salute the faithful supporters of the
Academic Affairs
Adult & Professional Studies
Enrollment Management
Financial Affairs
Student Development
University Advancement
Intense strategic planning identified several priorities that will transform
the faculty, staff, curriculum, student programs and marketing to
facilitate the development of world-changing leaders.
Indiana Wesleyan University exists to make a
difference in the world. Education at IWU is
more than the accumulation of knowledge; it
must also change lives. Rigorous academics
and professional competence must be
intertwined with spiritual development and
character formation in order for IWU to fulfill
its mission of developing world-changing
students. This will only happen as we
deliberately and intentionally focus our energy
This Center, which will serve students, alumni and other constituencies,
will provide activities and programs to develop Christian character and
leadership skills.
This facility must keep pace with advancements in order to remain the
academic center of the University. This Center will provide access to
additional academic resources.
The University’s endowment has increased to $16.5 million, but this still
is quite low for a school the size of IWU. An additional $13.5 million in
endowment will add immeasurably to the long-term financial stability of
the University. $10 million of the additional endowment will go for
student financial aid.
A new wing, doubling the size of the present building, will provide new
chemistry, biology and physics laboratories as well as a nursing clinic.
and resources on its accomplishment.
We invite you to join our cause. The Campaign
for Character, Scholarship and Leadership is an
effort to transform IWU into a university that
develops world-changing students. Several
critical issues have been identified that must be
Increased alumni programming, staffing and alumni guestrooms will
contribute to a sense of increased ownership by IWU’s 26,000 alumni
around the world.
This small chapel, which stands at the physical and spiritual center of
the campus, has been fully funded by a generous gift from Dr. Wilbur
Glenn Williams and his wife, Professor Ardelia Williams. They are
beginning their 34th year on the IWU faculty.
addressed in order to make this transformation
a reality.
A statewide program to make higher education opportunities even more
accessible to adult learners is being partially funded by a generous gift
from STAR Financial Group.
The Campaign for Character, Scholarship and Leadership is a
comprehensive campaign that will incorporate giving to the University’s
annual fund.
Campaign Goal: $48 million
In an age when megabytes of information can be
stored on a tiny silicon chip and transmitted at the
speed of light through fiber-optic cables, the long, slow
process of building character may seem old-fashioned
and maybe even out of place. With minds that have
been conditioned by rapidly changing technology, the
tendency is to wonder if character could be developed
more quickly and with less effort and discipline.
Often the college experience is the first opportunity
young people have to exercise their independence and
make important decisions. It is, perhaps, the first time
when success or failure depends on the students’ selfdiscipline and management of time. There is no
magical process to shorten this experience or to avoid
the demands brought on by the challenge of university
At Indiana Wesleyan University, we believe spiritual
development goes hand-in-hand with character
development. Character is built on the foundation of
solid values. Values such as integrity, hard work and a
commitment to excellence are important at IWU. Yes,
IWU is a Christian college, but character formation is
not an automatic outgrowth of faith. Character building
requires hard work, perseverance and a desire to grow.
Growth in academic competency will be worth little if
students do not experience corresponding growth in
character. Character development is what sets the
Indiana Wesleyan experience apart.
Our students will transform the world they live in by becoming
competent, respected professionals. Indiana Wesleyan University blends
liberal arts studies, pre-professional and professional education programs
to assure that our students are academically and intellectually prepared for
the future.
Even though we pride ourselves at IWU in the nurture and care we give
individual students, we do not do that at the expense of rigorous academic
standards. We believe Christ’s example demands that we pursue excellence
in all we do and teach. Every professor at IWU strives to blend the truths
of Christ into his or her respective academic disciplines. It is this blending
of faith with learning that gives IWU an added dimension to guide students
in their pursuit of wisdom and truth.
IWU is committed to making lifelong learning more than a catch phrase.
The University’s adult program is the largest of its kind in Indiana. Top
professionals who are also practitioners are sought in each area of specialty
to facilitate the adult classes. As a result, classes are intensely practical and
make maximum use of experiential learning. At Indiana Wesleyan,
students’ experiences inside and outside the classroom are a blend of the
theoretical with the practical. Learning consists of both abstract ideas and
applied principles.
New leadership is crucial in our changing world. We need leaders who
are concerned about more than their own success and who desire to make
a substantial difference in the world. We are excited about the promise that
each of our students has shown and what the untapped potential holds for
the future.
Indiana Wesleyan University students are encouraged to rush headlong
into the world – not to run from it. Students are nurtured to accept
ownership of their world – not to go along for the ride. At IWU, we are
molding tomorrow’s leaders today by stressing the importance – indeed,
the obligation – of making a substantial impact on the world.
The concept of preparing students for leadership is not new at IWU. For
nearly 80 years, Indiana Wesleyan has sensed God’s call to equip leaders
who will take seriously the challenge to confront and change their world.
The University’s new Center for Life Calling and Leadership Development
will play a key role in helping students to grow and develop their own
unique leadership skills and Christian character.
Our Campaign is Focused on
Bringing Leadership for the Future
Dr. Donald Thomason, a retired
executive vice president of Kellogg
Company, is the chairman of Indiana
Wesleyan University’s $48 million
Campaign for Character, Scholarship
and Leadership. In this interview, Dr.
Thomason shares his vision for the
campaign—and for the future of the
Why did you agree, first, to play
a key role in Indiana Wesleyan
University’s strategic planning
and then to accept the job as
chairman of the capital
I first agreed to do this before I
retired from Kellogg Company, and I
had a lot of things going. But after
being on the IWU board for four
years and seeing all of the activity
that has taken place, the positive
aspect of everything you touch,
where the university is going, the
leadership that is here, the people
who are here and the lives they are
touching, I think anyone would look
at it as an opportunity to be a part of
something important.
What was the driving force that
launched the strategic planning
About the time I joined the Board of
Trustees, IWU finished a $12 million
capital campaign that was a great
success, and you could see it all over
campus. We began to see with the
growth and activity on campus that
things were happening and future
needs were forthcoming, so we
assembled a team and got some
corporate sponsorship. Working with
a key consultant, we spent a
tremendous amount of time asking
ourselves what IWU should be in the
next 10 years. Where are we headed?
How can we continue to have the
success in the next 10 years that
we’ve had in the past 10? The past
doesn’t guarantee the future, so we
wanted to make sure we were on the
right track. The whole strategic plan
effort took several months, many
meetings and bringing the right
people together. The key to the whole
process was building it around the
character, scholarship and leadership
program. Being a part of that, as a
board member, I was committed to
the idea that this is what makes IWU
different from the other institutions
that are out there. That’s what we can
build through our students that others
will not have.
I assume, then, that the capital
campaign was a natural
outgrowth of strategic planning
and that your willingness to
chair the campaign was a
natural extension of your
involvement in strategic
Yes. After we completed the strategic
planning, it came time to say how do
we get it done. We decided that to
meet not only future needs, but
current needs, we needed to have a
capital campaign. But before we
could kick off a capital campaign, we
had to have the foundation that was
laid by strategic planning. Once we
had that in place, we could move
forward. So far as my leadership, all
of us are busy people and we find it
difficult to add more things. And you
always ask yourself the question of
whether you can do the job as well as
other people. You always wonder if
there are people out there who are
more influential. That’s always on
your mind when you’re asked to
undertake a key responsibility such as
a capital campaign. But I agreed to do
You’ve demonstrated in the
early stages of the capital
campaign that you intend to be
a hands-on chairman.
I’m a hands-on person, an involved
individual. When I’m asked to serve
in any capacity, I don’t want to serve
as a namesake – which I may not
have the name recognition to do
anyway. I’m not as well known as
some other people would have been. I
think you serve because you want to
make a difference .
How do you see your role as
chairman of the capital
Encouraging, motivating and being
the driver to help push is the
chairman’s role – not that our
committee needs any of that. I think
they’re motivated enough by
themselves. When I look around, not
just at the four people on the
executive committee but the entire
steering committee, there is high
motivation. As chairman, I’ll try to
direct that motivation, and if there
are bottlenecks, I’ll try to determine
where we need to refocus and which
areas of the campaign we need to go
after a little harder. People need to
be wholly involved and committed
to the program. As chairman, that’s a
role I need to play personally; to
show that I’m committed and, by
doing so, that makes it easier for me
to keep other people involved.
Is a capital campaign just
about raising money or is there
a broader purpose?
We can’t kid ourselves, you always
have to have a certain amount of
dollars and funding to support our
programs, But, by far to me, this
whole capital campaign is much
more than just raising funds to build
a new library or a science building
or a prayer chapel or to provide the
various other material things we
need to deliver a program. Our
capital campaign is focused on our
student body to bring leadership for
the future, and to me that is a much
more important factor than just
going out and raising money. If we
talk about leadership, character and
scholarship and bringing about the
next generation of world changers, a
capital campaign is a means for
getting there. It’s a big means, it’s a
big challenge and it’s an opportunity.
Even in a small way, if people get
involved in the capital campaign
they can be a part of that. They can
be a part of knowing they
contributed to this world-changing
effort of our students. To me, that’s
the driver for a capital campaign.
Can a small Christian
university such as Indiana
Wesleyan really hope to
change the world?
If you would have asked me that five
years ago, before I became a part of
the trustees and got involved in
strategic planning and the capital
campaign, I might have had a
different answer for you. But as I
look at what’s happening at IWU
today – our campus, our 2,100
students, the APS outreach that is
serving business – I’m convinced
that if universities such as ours don’t
issue the challenge to be world
changers, then it won’t get done.
We’re the leader. I don’t think the
idea is to deal with large numbers of
people and try to convince them they
can be world changers. You do it
through individual influence, one
person or a few people at a time, and
eventually you reach the mass. So,
yes, I’m convinced our students can
make a difference in the world, and
I’m convinced that once the
programming is in place here at
Indiana Wesleyan it will happen. We
have a commitment in our mission to
make sure we can afford the right
programs and the right leadership so
our students have that opportunity. If
we didn’t believe that we could
develop world changers, we never
would have identified worldchanging programs as part of the
requirements to graduate from IWU.
Five years ago, Indiana
Wesleyan raised $12 million,
which is by far the most money
the university ever had raised
in a capital campaign. Now
we’re beginning a $48 million
campaign. How do explain that
big an increase in such a short
I got in on the end of the $12 million
campaign which, as you know,
actually started out with a much
lower goal of about $7 million.
When we ended up with $12 million
we thought it was a tremendous
stretch. I think the dynamics on this
campus are truly one of IWU’s
blessings. We have outstanding
leadership. We’re reaching
increasing numbers of students with
quality programs. Being a spiritually
led campus really makes a
difference. When we considered our
current needs and needs for the
future, based on an analysis of our
strategic plan, we really needed
much more than $48 million for the
long term. But we felt it was such a
stretch going for the $48 million that
we shouldn’t ask for more. I feel
very comfortable with that number,
and I think we’ll continue to be
blessed. We have to meet those needs
today. If we don’t meet them, they
will pass us by.
What do you see as the keys to
success of the $48 million
capital campaign?
The key to success is not necessarily
how much money we raise but, No.
1, to generate the programming that
will enable us to carry out our
mission. If we can do that through
the capital program, that’s the No. 1
key to success because we will have
accomplished what we set out to do.
Our constituency to make that
happen is as broad as it is tall. It’s
all of us: trustees, certainly our
alumni, the community. As we term
it, our community really is the nation
because we have constituencies all
across the country that we’re
drawing on. Grant County and
Marion is a big piece of it; we need
a lot of involvement from that
particular community. The key to the
campaign is to keep our various
constituencies involved, help them to
be proud of where they’re from. We
all like to know that we’re part of a
winner, and Indiana Wesleyan is a
Do you have any final
It’s wonderful to serve such a
growing university with the kind of
leadership we have here. It was
never my intent to be this deeply
involved at Indiana Wesleyan,
because I didn’t think I had the time,
but sometimes the Lord directs you
in the right way. I think when people
know what’s going on here, they will
want to become involved in some
way. People who get involved with
Indiana Wesleyan can only come out
of here with a positive mind and
feeling good.
Dr. By Baylis
Gearing Up to Produce World Changers
As one millennium came to an end and another
began, Indiana Wesleyan University began the
process of positioning itself to live out its mission
to change the world.
Lyn Cryderman, associate publisher of
Zondervan Publishing House, was the keynote
speaker for the fall 1999 faculty conference. Mr.
Cryderman was the editor of Bob Briner’s bestselling book, Roaring Lambs: A Gentle Plan to
Radically Change Your World.
Mr. Briner originally was scheduled to speak at
the conference but had to cancel because of
Fall classes began with another record
enrollment. There were 1,970 students in traditional undergraduate programs. Almost 600 of
those students were new first-time, first-year
students who were part of the initial offering of the
course, “Becoming World Changers: Christian
Faith and Contemporary Issues.”
This introductory course attempts to outline the
fundamental components of the Christian faith
from an evangelical Wesleyan perspective.
Students are challenged to develop a Christian
worldview throughout their entire undergraduate
experience by examining how Christian ideas both
challenge and enrich their prevailing thought
patterns of contemporary society.
One of the features of the ‘Becoming
World Changers’ course is a 4-hour
community service requirement. Many
of the students were involved in a local
Habitat for Humanity project. Students
and faculty members “got their hands
dirty with the local community”
and experienced what it
meant to be a world
changer for several
local families.
From the initial
offering of ‘Becoming World Changers,” we saw students begin to catch
the sense of what
it would mean to
be a world changer.
The beginning
of the fall semester also was the
initiation of our new
Center for Life Calling and Leadership
Development. This Center is unique in higher
education. Its purposes include:
• Guiding students in finding their unique
purpose or calling in life.
• Motivating students to carry out this purpose
through a life of service.
• Empowering students to fulfill their purpose
as leaders who serve those whom they lead.
The mission of the Center will be accomplished
through three major thrusts. It begins with a lifecalling program. The premise of this program is to
guide students in finding their purpose or calling
in life rather than a career. Early on students need
to discover a God-given purpose for their lives
that will inspire them with a passion to go beyond
the mundane. How does this passion of purpose
come to be realized? It begins by having a clear
sense of life calling. This is not just an externalbased knowledge of career assessments and paths,
but an internal conviction that who and what a
person is forms the very reason – purpose – for
that person being on earth.
Once students understand their life calling, they
have discovered the unique way God has designed
them to serve. The second thrust of the Center
comes into play at this point. A Community
Service Program provides opportunities for
learning and serving within the context of the local
community. This goes beyond just providing a
service. We will attempt to live out our
foundational role as servants by partnering with
local community leaders, local organizations and
agencies, and IWU faculty for dynamic service
learning and community service outreach.
Finally, as students have begun to understand
their life calling and their foundational role as
servants, the leadership program takes them to the
next level of development as people… to become
leaders. The Center supports the concept that all
are leaders and that each person possesses unique
gifts to be used in serving others, The world needs
principled leaders who possess the character to
lead out of a sense of responsibility to serve those
they lead rather than seeking leadership as an
opportunity for personal validation and gain.
The Center for Life Calling and Leadership
Development will greatly help IWU students in
becoming world changers. It will also serve as a
model for Christian higher education in the areas
of life calling, service learning and leadership
Dr. Baylis is IWU’s Vice President for Academic Affairs and Dean of the University.
Dr. David Wright ‘77
No End in Sight for APS Boom
During the past year, the Adult and Professional
Studies division has achieved some important
milestones and has laid the groundwork for
aggressive expansion for the future.
The successful completion of three accreditation visits has been the most important
academic achievement of the year. Visiting teams
from the National Council for the Accreditation of
Teacher Education, the Collegiate Council for
Nursing Education, and the Commission on
Institutions of Higher Education of the North
Central Association of Colleges and Schools
reviewed every aspect of APS academic programs
and administrative systems. All three teams
praised the quality of the APS programs and
recommended their accreditation. This achievement provides external validation of the quality of
the division’s programs and sets the stage for
growth in the years to come.
Another milestone achievement has been the
continued growth in the division’s enrollment.
This year has seen enrollment grow to the 5,000
mark, a record barely imaginable to those who
began the program 15 years ago.
Other achievements this year have been the
establishment of an assessment system that helps
APS faculty and administrators gauge the quality
of their programs. This system is already helping
the APS team identify areas for improvement.
APS is testing a new Student Service Advisor
program that should greatly enhance the level of
personal attention students in outlying areas
receive from the university. Some universities
with programs similar to IWU’s are establishing
“student service centers” at strategic locations.
APS is responding to this need by placing student
service advisors in key locations so that every
student will have his or her personal contact point
with the university.
In addition to these and other achievements, the
past year also has been one of planning and
implementation of initiatives that should lead to
aggressive growth in the future.
APS plans to expand IWU’s adult degree
programs outside the state of Indiana. The first
step is the establishment of the Louisville
Education Center. This center will open in the fall
of 2000 and will serve new students in the
Louisville metropolitan region and across
southern Indiana. Research is under way to
identify other metropolitan areas in the region that
IWU may serve with regional education centers.
Another crucial project undertaken this year is
the development of the IWU Center for
Distributed Learning. This Center helps the entire
IWU community create and implement distance
learning courses and programs. Its initial focus is
on the development of four new online degree
programs – Bachelor of Science in Business
Information Systems, Bachelor of Science in
Management, Master of Education, and Master of
Arts in Christian Ministries. The first of these new
Internet-based programs will become available
starting in January 2001. These programs, along
with the existing MBA Online and online
undergraduate courses, will position IWU to take
advantage of the boom in Internet-based
Perhaps the Division’s most ambitious project
to date is one funded by a $10.6 million grant to
IWU from the Lilly Endowment. This project
aims to create the “APS of the next century.” This
project combines three key initiatives:
• The creation of a cutting-edge Internet-based
system that will allow adult students to
learn what they want, when they
want, in the way that they
• The establishment of easyaccess IWU Community
Learning Centers in key
geographic areas.
• The placement of “IWU
extension officers” in
Thanks to the generous
assistance of the Lilly
Endowment, IWU plans
to create a system that
will dramatically increase the number of
Indiana adults pursuing
a college education in
the next ten years.
Dr. Wright is IWU’s Vice President for Adult and Professional Studies.
Dr. John Gredy
Students Just Keep on Keeping On
The excitement continues to build at Indiana
Wesleyan University. Full-time undergraduate
enrollment on the Marion campus has more than
doubled in the last decade. The size of the
freshmen class has more than doubled during
that same period, from 261 in 1990 to 567
students in 1999. The number of honor students
in the freshmen class of 1999 exceeded the total
number of students in the freshman class in
As interest in an IWU education has exploded,
the number of strong academic students has
dramatically increased as well. For fall 1999, the
average high school grade-point average of the
freshmen class was 3.48 with 20 valedictorians
enrolling at IWU. Since fall 1996, the number of
honor students in the freshmen class has increased
74 percent.
During the last decade, students enrolling from
The Wesleyan Church have increased from 533
students to 798 students in fall 1999 representing
a 50 percent increase. IWU is attracting students
from 45 states and 25 countries with only 45
percent of the freshmen class from Indiana.
In order to position the Enrollment Management and Marketing Division for continued
growth, several initiatives have been launched.
Undergraduate Admissions has expanded
the Visit Program for prospective students
and parents due to a 68 percent increase in
campus visitors over the last six years.
Gaytha Holloway, Director of Admissions, anticipates 2000 visitors this
coming year.
Visiting prospective students say they
appreciate the friendliness and
helpfulness of the IWU
community. “First of all, let
me say that the entire
program at IWU this past
week was very well
done. Elizabeth and I
visited four colleges last
week and our visit to
IWU was by far the
best,” one student
Recruiting Wesleyan students continues
to be a major focus
of the Admissions
team. Admissions
Counselors visited 294 Wesleyan chur-ches
during 1999-2000 and 20 Wesleyan camps this
summer. In addition, Admissions attended the
General Conference and Carpenter’s Workshop
(for youth pastors of The Wesleyan Church).
This summer many youth groups from The
Wesleyan Church joined together to hold a major
youth camp on the IWU campus. It’s exciting to
see IWU and The Wesleyan Church working
together to help young people grow in their walk
with the Lord.
Here’s what one student said after attending. “I
had the opportunity to spend five days on your
campus for the ‘Never the Same’ youth camp
2000. While I was there, God called me into
Christian ministries. I’m very excited to follow
God’s will for my life, and was wondering if you
could put me back on your mailing list. The day
before I left for this camp, I called and asked to be
taken off the mailing list because I was looking
into a public college with an architectural
Financial Aid has added new leadership to this
vital area. Over 85 percent of all students receive
financial aid at IWU. Lois Kelly began her tenure
at IWU in March as Assistant Vice President for
Financial Aid. Lois brings a wealth of financial
aid experience from previous jobs at two
Christian colleges and two state universities.
Robert Sommers became Director of Financial
Aid in June, 2000. Robert has two degrees from
IWU and worked seven years in the IWU
Admissions office.
In order to provide effective service in
financial planning for both parents and students,
Financial Aid is currently teaming with
University Information Technologies to implement new technology, which will enhance
services to students. A new web-based loan
application process has been created which
simplifies the procedure for both students and
A Graduate Admissions Office has been created
to coordinate our marketing and recruitment
efforts for our graduate programs in Counseling,
Ministry, and Nursing. IWU trustees and
administrators see the expansion of our graduate
programs as one of the next growth areas for
A Marketing Division has been created to focus
on institutional marketing, public relations,
graphic design, and publications.
Dr. Gredy is IWU’s Vice President for Enrollment Management.
Elvin Weinmann ‘82
Key Decisions for a New Decade
Key administrative decisions that were made
near the end of the 1999-2000 fiscal year will
allow the Indiana Wesleyan University Financial
Affairs office to focus on the responsibilities that
the name of the office suggests.
For many years, the duties of the Vice President
for Financial Affairs have included oversight of
construction and technology – both significant
areas of responsibility on a growing, vibrant
campus such as IWU.
As the 1999-2000 year drew to a close, Art
Mahan was named to the newly created position
of Vice President for Information Technology and
Chief Information Officer.
In April, in consideration of IWU’s continuing
construction projects, the Board of Trustees
suggested that the job as Vice President for
Finance be separated into two areas or
responsibility: finance and operations.
I became Vice President for Financial Affairs,
and Brendan Bowen, who was serving as the
contract manager for Sodexho Facilities
Management at IWU, was named to the newly
created position of Vice President for
Operations/Facilities Management.
In other areas of Financial Affairs:
The 2000 calendar year began with a whimper
instead of a bang, for which we are thankful. As
the result of 18 months of intense planning, Y2K
came and went with no surprises. We had
anticipated and prepared for every problem that
occurred, and some problems that we had
anticipated never occurred.
The University worked with the City of Marion
Economic Development Commission, instead of
the Indiana Higher Education Authority, on a $30
million bond issue for various construction
projects. There were two specific benefits to this
approach: we liked the opportunity of a
partnership with the city, and the city charged
only a one-time fee compared to an annual fee at
the state level.
In two key personnel decisions, Neil Rush was
hired as Director of Human Resources to fill a
nearly yearlong vacancy. And Andrea Grate, a
2000 IWU graduate, was hired to internally
monitor IWU’s cash reserves.
IWU Budget
(in millions)
(in millions)
Mr. Weinmann is IWU’s Vice President for Financial Affairs.
Dr. Todd S. Voss
Focusing on the Whole Person
With the renewed interest in student retention,
the revived academic focus on the whole person,
and our passion to integrate faith and learning,
the role of student life outside the classroom has
increasingly gained importance at Indiana
Wesleyan University. In the past decade, the
student development office has grown to include
a large number of roles on the traditional campus
and has worked hard to meet the needs of the
ever-changing student body in its search for
identity and purpose.
A major highlight of this past year was the
development and design of two new facilities,
both of which are now under construction: an
addition to the existing Student Center and a
four-story residence hall. Both of these projects
will position IWU for the next level of growth
and support for the upcoming years.
Being driven by the need for more space
before the traditional campus can appreciably
grow again, the addition to the Student Center
will greatly enlarge the cafeteria. But more than
that, it will create a new two-story bookstore, a
200-seat auditorium/theater, a 350-seat banquet
hall, a coffeehouse, enlarged Wildcat Express, a
convenient “mall” connection between the
east and west of campus, an enlarged post
office area, e-mail computer work centers,
expanded game room and many other
services and offices. Work will be in
progress all year with the final stage –
expanding the number of the second-floor
student service offices – to be completed
next summer.
In terms of the residence hall, this
com-plex will house 442
students and offer unique
four- and eight-person
separate living areas in
each suite. Each student
suite will have a living
area with attach-ed
bathroom, and each
room within the suite
will have a small
walk-in closet. Off
the lobby of the men’s unit, a semi-formal study
with fireplace will be featured. And connected to
the lobby of the women’s hall, a “bistro” area
will be highlighted. The two units will be
attached by a breezeway covering the lobby
entrances, and additionally each hall will have an
elevator, TV lounge, computer room, several
study rooms, a multipurpose room, reception
desk and a laundry room on each floor. The
design is one of the first of its type in the
Another highlight of this past year was the
work of our first full-time Intramural and
Wellness Director, Ken Carver. Over 450
students participated in the intramural program,
which is four times more than any other year. His
goal is to get 80 percent campus participation in
intramurals, which would move IWU into an
elite category of participation among colleges
and universities in the nation. A strong intramural
program delivers one of the highest student
retention rates of any program or service a
university can provide. In addition, the wellness
initiative instituted this year for faculty/staff and
their spouses has included as many as 504 in a
quarterly reporting exercise program!
In Residence Life, our occupancy jumped for
the 11th year in a row from 1,278 in fall of 1998
to 1,461 last fall, which included 30 students
beyond capacity in over-assigned rooms.
Resident assistant training included the new
focus on creating “world changers” with the
sound foundation of studying and knowing God’s
We were blessed with success again in the
Upward Bound federal grant competition,
receiving a $1 million award for funding the high
school program for another four years. This
program works with selected first-generation/
low-income high school students providing
tutoring, counseling and support, greatly increasing their likelihood of attending college.
Our Conference Services staff hosted over
6,000 guests this past year on campus, which
included some very large youth camps and
ministry-oriented groups. With the increase of
beds in the system due to the construction of new
halls, Indiana Wesleyan is becoming a significant
Dr. Voss is IWU’s Vice President for Student Development.
Terry Munday ‘70
Capital Campaign Already a Record
The money raised during 1999-2000 in the
silent phase of Indiana Wesleyan University’s $48
million capital campaign already assures that the
campaign will be the most successful in
university history. Commitments during the silent
phase totaled nearly $28 million.
A previous capital campaign six years ago
raised $12 million which, at the time, was the
most money ever raised by the university in a
single campaign.
Two areas of giving offer special encouragement as we begin a new century and a new capital
• Faculty and staff. The faculty and staff were
solicited at group meetings and responded very
favorably to the challenge to participate in the
capital campaign. Faculty giving was at an alltime high of 94 percent. Seventy-six percent of all
IWU employees made a commitment to the
capital campaign.
• Foundations. As the capital campaign was
preparing to go public, IWU received notification
of a $10.6 million grant from Lilly Endowment,
Inc., of Indianapolis. This was IWU’s fifth major
grant in five years from Lilly Endowment.
Although the total Lilly Endowment grant,
which is for distance education, is not included in
the capital campaign it was an exciting
affirmation of the university’s mission to make
higher education more accessible for adult
IWU also received a major contribution for
nursing scholarships in the form of a generous
bequest of $1.4 million from the Eileen Jett estate.
Eileen, her sister, Vance, and their mother, Jodie,
had a modest lifestyle in an effort to enlarge the
benefit to young people.
A recent gift of property from STAR Financial
Group gave another major boost to the capital
campaign. The property includes a building with
60,000 square feet and 70 acres of adjoining real
estate. Thomas M. Marcuccilli, the president of
STAR, also serves on the capital campaign
steering committee.
Another source of encouragement is the annual
fund, which has raised in excess of $1 million for
the third consecutive year. The annual fund has
more than doubled since 1990.
Outstanding leadership for the capital
campaign was put in place during the past year.
Dr. Donald Thomason, a retired executive vice
president of the Kellogg Company, agreed to
serve as campaign chairman. Dr. Arthur Hodson
and Dr. Thomas Phillippe, both benefactors of the
university, will serve as honorary co-chairmen.
Anita Rook of Indianapolis, who was the
consultant for our previous capital campaign, will
assume the same role. Kay Alter, who joined the
advancement department two years ago as
Director of Research, will manage the campaign.
Alan Miller, who joined IWU five years ago as
University Relations Director, will be working
closely with Ross Hoffman and me to contact and
cultivate potential donors. The University
Relations Office will be merged into a new
marketing department whose focus will be the
overall marketing of IWU.
Thanks to a generous stipend from Dr. Lyle
Reed, a member of the IWU Board of Trustees, a
professional 10-minute videotape has been
produced to share with various university
constituencies. The video will be used extensively
during the capital campaign.
Because of the groundwork that has been laid,
and the outstanding response to the silent phase,
we feel confident in undertaking a capital
campaign with a goal of $48 million.
Based on previous experience, we
believe the goal is achievable.
A need exists to challenge alumni
of Indiana Wesleyan to join with the
advancement team and the campaign
steering committee to make the
Campaign for Character, Scholarship
and Leadership a success. An
alumni-friend blitz is being
planned for this fall to
participation. During
the entire capital campaign, it is our desire
to increase overall
alumni giv-ing by
15 percent.
Mr. Munday is IWU’s Vice President for University Advancement.
Faculty News
Rickey Named to Piano
Teachers Hall of Fame
Euni Rickey ‘71, Assistant Professor of Music, has
been elected to the Hall of Fame of the National Guild
of Piano Teachers. This is the highest honor given to
Guild teachers.
The Guild, a division of the American College of
Musicians, is the largest, non-profit organization of
piano teachers in the world. More than 118,000
students participate each year in international
auditions sponsored by the Guild.
Prof. Rickey has been the chairperson for auditions
in Marion and surrounding areas for 15 years and has
been a Guild adjudicator for 13 years.
DR. MICHAEL BUCK, Professor of English and
Chairperson of the Division of Modern Languages
and Literature, had an article published in Volume 23
of Studies in Browning and His Circle. The article is
entitled “Browning, Shelley and John Stuart Mill: The
Dialect of Theism and Aestheticism in Pauline and
‘Fra Lippo Lippi.’”
DR. BY BAYLIS, Vice President for Academic
Affairs, presented at several workshops and
professional meetings during the spring and summer.
They included a Council of Christian Colleges and
Universities (CCCU) faculty development workshop
at Cornerstone College in Michigan; an ACSD
workshop at Taylor University in Indiana; a CCCU
executive leadership development institute in Cedar
Springs, Wash., and a CCCU chief academic officers
conference in California.
Several Indiana Wesleyan University professors and
administrative personnel presented at the American
Association for Higher Education Assessment
Conference 2000 in Charlotte, N.C., in June. DR.
TED BATSON, Director of Graduate Studies in
Education; DR. SHERRI WYNN, faculty in Graduate
Education, and DR. CYNTHIA TWEEDELL,
Coordinator of Assessment for Adult & Professional
Studies, gave a presentation entitled “Closing the
Assessment Loop: Moving from Assessment to
Improvement.” DR. JAMES ELSBERRY ‘77,
Professor of Education and Chairperson of the
Division of Education; DR. NANCY SAUNDERS,
faculty for Graduate Studies in Education, and DR.
JAMES FREEMYER, Assistant Director of Graduate
Education, APS Curriculum Development and
Coordination, presented “Assessing Student
Competence: Portfolios and Other Authentic
Assessment Tools.”
DR. TWEEDELL also was awarded a Council for
Christian Colleges and Universities scholarship to
attend the Institute for Emerging Women Leaders in
Higher Education, which was sponsored by the
National Association of Women in Higher Education.
The institute was held in June in College Park, Md.
RUTH DEGROFF ‘60, Assistant Professor of
Developmental Education/Writing Center, assisted
Dave Musser, a Reading Systems Specialist for Vision
Training Products, in his presentation at the annual
International Reading Association convention in
Indianapolis. She shared her experience with the
Reading Plus 2000 program that is now being used in
the IWU Writing Center.
DR. JAMES LO ‘82, Associate Professor of
Intercultural Studies, wrote a Bible study entitled
“God’s Call to Holiness” for the Theological
Education by Extension book printed by Christian
Literature for Africa Association.
RON MAZELLAN’S portrait of Charlie Root, from
the 1932 Chicago Cubs baseball team, was featured
on the back outside cover of the Wheaton College
alumni magazine for Spring 2000. Mr. Mazellan,
Assistant Professor of Art, is working on a book about
the 1932 Cubs and correlates Mr. Root’s life of
determination, frustration and pereverance – the same
characteristics which describe Prof. Mazellan’s life as
an illustrator. An article, “Drawn to the Challenge,” in
the magazine also depicts Prof. Mazellan’s illustrative
work in process and his calling to the world of
teaching illustrative art at IWU.
A copy of an illustration of a Civil War soldier by
PROF. MAZELLAN was selected by a jury for the
annual Communication Arts Illustration competition.
Of 6,414 entries, only 244 were selected to appear in
the Communication Arts magazine for July 2000.
Faculty News
Three New IWU Vice Presidents Named
JOE FLOWERS has been promoted to Associate
Professor for the Business and Management
department of the Division of Adult & Professional
Studies. His name was omitted from a list of faculty
promotions that was published in the Summer 2000
issue of the Triangle.
STEPHEN BROWN, Catalog Librarian, made
presentations at two workshops at the Christian
Librarians 44th Annual Conference in June at Point
Loma Nazarene University, San Diego, Calif. JULE
KIND, Director of Off-Campus Library Services, was
elected a director at-large of the association’s board of
directors at the conference. She will serve a two-year
DR. STEVE LENNOX had an article published in
Illustrated Life, September-November 2000. The
article is entitled “Ezra and Nehemiah: Partners in
Rebuilding After Loss.” Dr. Lennox is Chair of the
Division of Religion and Philosophy, Director of
Graduate Ministry and Associate Professor of
DR. JERRY PATTENGALE ‘79, Associate Dean for
Academic Affairs and Professor of History, made
three presentations at two national conferences in July
in Washington, D.C. He gave a keynote address,
“Where Theology and Technology Intersect,” at the
Council of Christian Colleges and Universities preconference workshop. He also presented a “Theology
of Advising” at the Noel Levitz 14th National
Conference on Student Retention. Dr. Pattengale also
facilitated a roundtable session on Retention
Management Systems, representing four-year private
MRS. BARBARA SCHULTZ, Interim Director for
the RNBS Degree Completion Program and Assistant
Professor of Nursing for Adult & Professional Studies,
revised 22 chapters for the Instructor’s Manual that
accompanies the textbook, Professional Nursing:
Concepts and Challenges, by Kay K. Chitty, W.B.
Saunders Company, Third Edition. The textbook is
used in the IWU RNBS completion program.
DR. TODD VOSS, Vice President of Student
Development, presented workshops this summer at the
National Association of Student Personnel
Administrators Conference and the Association of
Christians in Student Development National
Conference on the topic, “Using Character Traits to
Identify Leadership Potential.” The workshops
outlined, in practical ways, the use of character as an
important determinant in leadership selection and
investment at all levels.
Dr. Jim Barnes, Indiana Wesleyan University
president, has appointed three new IWU vice
Art Mahan has been named to the newly
created position of Vice President for
Information Technology and Chief Information
Officer. Mr. Mahan comes to IWU from Taylor
University, where he had served as Associate
Vice President for Information Resources since
1995. Before that, he had significant corporate
experience with Perot Systems. He has a
bachelor’s degree in business data processing
from Ferris State University and is completing a
master’s degree in information and
communication sciences at Ball State
Elvin Weinmann has been promoted from
Assistant Vice President for Finance to the vice
president’s position. He holds two degrees from
IWU, a B.S. in accounting and business
administration and a master of business
administration. Before coming to IWU in 1993,
Mr. Weinmann worked as an accountant and
consultant for W.M. Jackson Co., a consulting
firm for various businesses and industries.
Before that, he served as the Assistant to the
General Publisher at the Wesleyan Publishing
Brendan Bowen has been named to the newly
created position of Vice President for
Operations/Facilities Management. At the time
of his appointment, Mr. Bowen was serving as
the contract manager for Sodexho Facilities
Management at IWU. He holds two degrees
from Western Kentucky University, a B.S. in
industrial technology and a master of public
administration. He previously worked at
Western Kentucky University. Mr. Bowen also
is an accomplished pianist and serves as the
worship leader at Lakeview Wesleyan Church in
Dr. Barnes said that the appointments of Mr.
Weinmann and Mr. Bowen resulted from a
vacancy in the office of the Vice President for
Finance. After a long search and in
consideration of IWU’s continuing construction
projects, it was suggested by the Board of
Trustees that the job be separated into two areas
of responsibility: Finance and Operations.
The creation of a new vice president’s
position does not result in an increase in the
number of administrative employees, Dr. Barnes
said, because Mr. Weinmann’s previous job as
assistant vice president will not be filled.
Art Mahan
Elvin Weinmann
Brendan Bowen
IWU Gets $10.6 Million
Grant from Lilly Endowment
STAR Financial Donates
Building, Real Estate to IWU
Thomas M. Marcuccilli
STAR Financial Group has
donated its former Marion
operations center to Indiana
Wesleyan University. The
building, which is located a mile
south of the IWU campus, was the
world headquarters of The
Wesleyan Church until it was sold
to STAR in 1987.
The donation includes the
60,000-square-foot building as
well as 70 acres of real estate. The
total appraised value of the
property is in excess of $2.6
Thomas M. Marcuccilli,
president of STAR Financial
Group, presented the gift to Dr.
Jim Barnes, IWU president.
“The STAR Financial Group
gift of the former Marion
operations center is a magnificent
expression of their generosity to
and support of Indiana Wesleyan
University,” Dr. Barnes said. “It is
certainly one of the largest gifts
IWU has ever received, and the
timing is incredible. Since the
facility is nearly adjacent to the
IWU campus, it will facilitate our
continuing growth as well as
provide a home for the new adult
education program funded by the
Lilly Endowment.”
While a definite name for the
new facility has not been chosen,
the building will be named in
honor of STAR Financial Group
and STAR will be incorporated in
the name.
“Marion and Grant County have
always been good to us, and this
is our way of saying thanks,” Mr.
Marcuccilli said of the donation.
“We wanted to show everyone
that we plan to stay involved in
this community.”
STAR Financial moved its
offices to Fort Wayne, Ind., earlier
this year.
Indiana Wesleyan University has
received a $10.6 million grant from
Lilly Endowment Inc. to establish a
statewide program aimed at
increasing the numbers of Hoosiers
who obtain college degrees.
Since 1970, Indiana has fallen
from 44th to 48th among states in
the percentage of adults who have
college degrees. Only 17.7 percent
of Hoosiers have completed a
bachelor’s degree, according to
Census Bureau data.
IWU, which is recognized for its
statewide educational programs for
adults, is launching a three-site
pilot program to assist Indiana
adults to either begin or complete a
college education.
“To remain economically
competitive with other states,
Indiana must continue to look for
creative educational solutions for
working adults interested in college
degrees,” said Clay Robbins,
president of Lilly Endowment.
“Our increasingly sophisticated
workplace demands it, and IWU’s
pilot program addresses this
challenge in a new way that we
think will make a significant
Dr. Jim Barnes, IWU president,
said what makes the adult
education program unique to
Indiana is its focus on the specific
needs of working adults.
“The program allows adult
students to learn what they want,
when they want, where they want
and in a way they want,” Dr.
Barnes said. “The program
incorporates web-based and/or onsite instruction, provides
personalized mentoring and creates
partnerships with other educational
institutions and organizations to
offer comprehensive educational
The Lilly Endowment grant will
be used by IWU to:
• Develop new web-based
Personal Learning Assistant
software that will help adult
learners to identify learning goals
and enroll in classes. The classes
may be taken online, at community
learning centers or at participating
partner colleges.
• Open student-friendly
Community Learning Centers in
three Indiana cities, probably in
strip malls or shopping centers. The
centers will provide access to the
Personal Learning Assistant.
• Staff the learning centers with
trained education associates, who
will provide the person-to-person
mentoring often needed by firsttime adult learners.
“This program brings to Indiana
many of the best components of
other successful state initiatives in
adult education,” said Sarah Cobb,
Lilly Endowment’s vice president
for education. “Indiana Wesleyan’s
program adds a non-competitive,
collaborative piece that we believe
will be embraced by other Indiana
educational institutions. The net
effect benefits students and
educational institutions statewide as
well as the State of Indiana.”
Dr. David Wright, vice president
for IWU’s Adult & Professional
Studies division, is responsible for
the design and implementation of
the new program. “The
revolutionary access infrastructure
that we propose to build will allow
adults to attend college on their
terms and not on the university’s
terms,” Dr. Wright said. “The
generous Lilly Endowment grant
provides the initial funding
required to prove that bold, new
ways of instruction and learning
will help solve this statewide
More than 13,000 students have
earned degrees through IWU’s
Adult & Professional Studies
Division, which was founded in
1985. Lilly Endowment is an
Indianapolis-based foundation
created in 1937. The foundation
supports religious, educational and
community development causes.
Alumni News
CHARLES ‘46 and Virginia YALE
celebrated their 50th wedding
anniversary on June 25 at Fairmount
Friends Church in Fairmount, Ind. Their
children—Peggy, Linda, Ted and Tim—
hosted the event. Dr. Yale retired in
1990 as a physician. Mrs. Yale is a
homemaker. They live in Marion, Ind.
Guatemala. Ella has served on the
Nazarene Health Care Fellowship
Board of Directors for the past seven
years and chairs a subcommittee on
parish nursing. In that position she has
collaborated with the Free Methodist
denomination in promoting parish
nursing among the holiness churches.
As an outgrowth of these efforts, a
preparation course for parish nurses will
be held in Indianapolis in June 2001.
was recently elected Vice Regent of the
Springfield, Mo., area Daughters of the
America Revolution Rachel Donelson
Chapter. This is only one of her many
community service activities. She is an
officer of the local non-denominational
Christian Women’s Club, an officer in
The Piano Teachers Forum, the
Springfield Music Teacher Association,
and the Southwest Regional Vice
President for the Missouri Federation of
Music Clubs. She also was recently
honored for her “30 years of faithful
and meritorious service in the Evangel
University auxiliary on behalf of
Christian higher education.” Adena
wrote that she enjoyed so much her
50th anniversary homecoming at IWU
in 1998 and wanted to commend the
Alumni Office “and the University for
its hard work in the development of the
campus, and the growing service of
IWU both to our country, and to the
Christian community.”
DEGENKOLB celebrated 45 years of
marriage and ministry with a family
gathering at Blue Spruce Lodge in
Indiana, Pa. They have four children
and five granddaughters. Several other
family members and friends were also
present to help them celebrate with a
program of songs and memories. Bill
and Joan have pastored for 16 years,
done evangelistic work for many years,
and mission work for 22 years. Bill has
traveled to over 30 countries and Joan
to 20 countries in mission activity of
preaching and singing for World Gospel
MARWICK (JR.) ’65 and Deleane
SOLOMON celebrated their 30th
Bill & Joan Degenkolb
Mission of Marion, Ind. Joan also
taught at Purchase Line High School for
26 years. At present they are WGM
representatives. Joan has written their
life story, The Swordholders. They
reside on the family farm in
Commodore, Pa.
wedding anniversary in July 2000.
Marwick is a senior process engineer at
BICC General in Marion, Ind., and
Deleane is a teacher at McCulloch
Middle School. They have two
daughters, Allycin and Brooke, both of
was recently
promoted to the position of team leader
of the Kanawha County Schools
Diversity Cadre, as well as the
coordinator for Sissonville High
School’s Diversity Team. This summer,
he completed his certificate in
Holocaust Education at West Virginia
University. Travis currently teaches
world history and 20th & 21st Century
American History at Sissonville High
School. He and his wife, Ann, and two
sons, Dan (16) and Andrew (9), live in
Charleston, W.Va.
Just completed 36 years teaching
maternity nursing in the baccalaureate
program at Indiana University School
of Nursing-Indianapolis and plans to
retire in December of 2001. This year
she was awarded a “Teaching
Recognition Award” which honors
individuals who have a positive impact
on learning through direct teaching of
students, especially undergraduates. She
was also recommended by a former
student to be listed in the 2000 edition
of Who’s Who Among American
Teachers. In addition to teaching
responsibilities to students, Ella has
been active in continuing education for
health care professionals via directing
an annual “Spiritual Care Conference”
for the past eight years. She has also
had the opportunity, nationally and
internationally, to present the research
on “The Faith Factor in Health”,
primarily from the National Institute of
Healthcare Research. In August 2000
she made this presentation at the
Nazarene Global Medical Conference in
ANDREW ‘73 & DEB (EMERY ‘72)
WEAVER have moved to North Carolina
where Andrew is pastoring the Maiden
Wesleyan Church in Maiden, N.C.
They were previously at Fairview
Wesleyan Church in Cottondale, Ala.
took a three-month
sabbatical from his dermatology
practice to take two medical missions
trips. The first was to Baranquilla,
Colombia, where he was involved in
free clinics during the daytime and
evangelistic services in the evening.
Alumni News
The second trip was to Equito, Ecuador,
where he instructed native medical
students in dermatology and local
medical doctors in updated dermatology
skills/training. In September 2000,
Steve went to Russia and Belarus to
lecture doctors regarding use of Smith’s
psoriasis medication.
was a
soloist for The Wesleyan Church
General Conference 2000 held in July
in Greensboro, N.C. She is a vocal
music teacher in Hamilton Southeastern
Junior High where she is department
chairperson and co-director of the fall
play and the spring musical. Renee has
been the guest conductor for Indiana’s
Circle the State with Song. Her
husband, Tom, is a school administrator
for Carmel Clay Schools in Carmel,
Ind. Their daughter, Allison, is a
freshman at IWU this fall. Daughter
Erica will be in fifth grade. They are
active in Fall Creek Wesleyan Church
in Fishers, Ind.
MIKE BROUGHTON ’77 has accepted a
position as Director of Basketball
Operations at the University of
Nebraska. His responsibilities will
include assisting with budgets, travel,
scheduling, on-campus recruiting,
scouting and academics. He will also
work with the coaching staff to discuss
strategies and philosophies. Mike and
PAT (CLARK ’77) previously lived in
Jeffersonville, Ind., where Mike
coached basketball for 10 years at
Jeffersonville High School. During that
time he coached the school to a state
championship in 1993 (its first state
championship), three semi-state titles
(1992, 1995 and 2000), five regionals
and seven sectionals. His teams won
84.3 percent of their games (Indiana’s
most successful boys’ program in the
1990s) and lost only seven home
games. Mike also coached the 1996
Indiana All-Star team.
celebrated their 25th wedding
anniversary with a family dinner in
Kokomo and a trip to Kansas City. Gale
is the senior pastor at Brookhaven
Wesleyan Church in Marion, Ind., and
Janet is a homemaker and selfemployed. They are the parents of
Jamie (sophomore at IWU), Shawn and
GALE ’81
is now working as a
Software & Hardware Training
Specialist at Purdue University in West
Lafayette, Ind. Dirk was previously the
Senior Account Manager at Vanstar
Corp. in Indianapolis.
MICHAEL TATMAN ’83 has moved to
Wolcottville, Ind., to pastor the
Wolcottville United Methodist Church.
He previously pastored the United
Methodist Church in Bunker Hill, Ind.
has started
a new practice with Hendricks
Community Hospital called Hendricks
Family Medicine. He began in January
2000 with two other physicians, and in
July 2000 they added a fourth
physician. Also starting in January 2000
Dave became the Chief of Staff for
Hendricks Community Hospital in
Danville, Ind. He says it is “a
tremendous opportunity as well as a
challenge for me.” Dave has also been
serving in the Indiana Army National
Guard for the past 14 years. His most
recent position has been Assistant State
Surgeon for the past five years, and his
current rank is Lieutentant Colonel.
Effective Aug. 1, 2000, he was named
the Division Surgeon for the 38th
Infantry Division which is
headquartered in Indiana. It also has
units in Michigan and Ohio. Dave and
his wife, Lori, are very active at the
Christian Life Center in Avon, Ind.,
which is a Wesleyan church. Lori is
active in the nursery and children’s
programs and Dave serves in various
capacities, including vice-chairman of
the local board. Their daughter, Kristen,
is three years old (“going on thirteen it
seems like”).
HOLLY DICKINSON ’85 recently
received a promotion to Information
Analyst at EDS in Lansing, Mich.,
(supporting the Oldsmobile plant in
is now working
as an Installation Manager at Charlottes
Interiors LLC in Crossville, Tenn. He
and his wife, Patricia, live in Crossville.
accepted a position with Thomson
Consumer Electronics in Marion, Ind.,
as Financial Analyst.
JEFF GREEN ’87 received a Masters in
Fine Arts from the San Francisco Art
Institute in May 2000. He presently
lives in New York City.
is currently working
on his Ph.D. in Systematic Theology
and Apologetics at Trinity Theological
Seminary in Newburgh, Ind., through a
distance education program. (And
maintaining a 3.9 GPA!) Troy earned a
B.A. in History from IWU in 1989, and
an M.A. in Religion from IWU in 1995.
He did graduate work at Princeton
Theological Seminary (1992-94) and
Anderson University (1996-97).
has accepted
employment at Olive, LLP in
Indianapolis, Ind., as a Senior Technical
Consultant. He previously worked for
Anthem Blue Cross/Blue Shield. Steve
and ANGELA (KEEN ’89) live in
Fishers, Ind.
JULIE FLESCHNER ’93 accepted a
position in April 2000 as Project
Manager with Lightsource.com/Gaylor
Alumni News
Digital, a business of the Gaylord
Entertainment Co. in Nashville, Tenn.
Gaylord Entertainment is most known
through its businesses such as The
Grand Ole Opry, the Opryland Hotel,
Acuff-Rose Music Publishing, Country
Music Television International, Word
Entertainment (Word Records, Word
Music, Everland Entertainment, Myrrh
Records, Squint Entertainment,
Rocketown Records) and
Musicforce.com, the internet’s most
complete Christian music website.
Lightsource.com is the prominent leader
in Christian broadcasting on the internet
and is the audio/video streaming
solution for more than 80 Christian
ministries, live events, music concerts,
and more. Lightsource.com has the
exclusive Christian broadcasting rights
on Yahoo!, a network that reaches over
80 million unique users per month.
recently became the manager of a Big
& Tall men’s store, and her husband,
Gary, is a ceramics engineer. They
make their home in Roanoke, Va.
in July 2000
assumed the position of Assistant
Branch Manager for MetroBank in
Noblesville, Ind. He recently relocated
to Noblesville, after leaving a
management position with Brucker
Enterprises/Burger King in Noblesville
and says he is now very busy learning
and growing in his new position with
MetroBank. He is employed at one of
the bank’s in-store branches and is
responsible for all operations activities
of the bank, as well as lending,
investing, and opening of new acounts.
MetroBank is a community-based bank
with eight offices located in
Indianapolis, Noblesville, Carmel,
Westfield and Fishers, Ind. Houston has
become active with the Sund Worship
and has transferred his membership to
Noblesville First Church of the
TIM STEENBERGH ’93 is now a
doctoral candidate in clinical
psychology at The University of
Memphis and will be completing a oneyear internship in Health Psychology at
the Cleveland VA Medical Center,
which will provide him with additional
clinical training. He and his wife,
Tracey, are living in Shaker Heights,
has been named
Information Technician at WFRN Radio
in Elkhart, Ind. His duties involve all
technical aspects of the radio station,
including keeping the audio and data
servers operating properly and
maintaining the station’s website. James
is also the overnight radio host. WFRN
broadcasts on four full-power stations
in Indiana, 104.7 FM Elkhart/South
Bend, 93.7 FM Walton/Kokomo, 100.1
Winamac, and 1270 AM in Elkhart, as
well as five translators including 107.7
FM in Marion.
WAGNER live in Leesburg, Va., with
their 18-month-old daughter, Kendra.
Andy has been on staff at Cornerstone
Chapel in Leesburg as the Director of
Counseling since March of 1999. He
completed his Masters in Professional
Counseling from Liberty University in
December 1999.
has taken a
position as Marketing Assistant at
Magnum Gourmet Coffee Roastery in
Nunica, Mich. She lives in Spring Lake,
completed her master’s degree in
American History at the University of
Kentucky in April 2000 and is
continuing on toward her Ph.D. LANCE
’95 is also working on his Ph.D. at the
University of Kentucky in the field of
Economics. They are both
undergraduate instructors for their
Lance & Marian Vischer
respective departments and enjoy both
graduate work and teaching at UK.
TRAVIS WELCH ’95 recently received a
promotion at Life Time Fitness in
Centreville Va. He began as an
Administrative Assistant in the
Indianapolis location and moved to
Centreville, Va., to help run the front
desk department and to grand open the
new club. Life Time Fitness is a familyoriented health/fitness club based out of
Minneapolis/St. Paul, Minn. The
company is currently expanding
a Master of Social Work degree from
Grand Valley State University in April
2000. She is working as a medical
social worker with Hospice of Michigan
in Fremont, Ind.
DARREN ANDERSON ’96 has signed
with The Walrus Group as an evangelist
and youth speaker. The Walrus Group is
a Management and Booking Agency
with a mission to provide high quality
Management, Booking and Public
Relations services while giving artists
every opportunity to minister the
Gospel of Jesus Christ. Along with
Darren’s public speaking he is also the
President and founder of a Christian
productions company, Mystery Stone
Productions. Darren shares messages on
Alumni News
victory over self-esteem problems
through Jesus Christ, evangelism and
things related to his personal experience
of being single.
has accepted the
position as pastor of the Fort Miller
Wesleyan Church in Ft. Miller, N.Y. He
was previously the assistant pastor at
First Wesleyan Church in Flint, Mich.
“Young Originals.” Jenny also finds
time to work with the Tipton
Community Theater. Her husband, ERIC
’95, was recently appointed the band
director at Tipton High School.
is living in
Spencer, Ind., where she is employed as
a registered nurse for a family physician
in Spencer. Her husband, Drew, is
Assistant Manager of McCormick’s
Creek State Park. They attend Shiloh
Wesley Chapel in Spencer.
has moved from
Pennsylvania back to Marion, Ind., and
is teaching History and Bible at
Lakeview Christian School (middle
her family have recently moved from
Avon, Ind., to Attleboro, Mass. Her
husband, Brad, has taken a new position
with USAir as a line airplane mechanic
at the T.F. Green Airport in Providence,
R.I. Paula continues to stay home with
her two children, Briana and Zachary.
Their e-mail address is:
has moved to
Macon, Ga., and is working as a
fulltime relief foster parent at
Hephzibah Children’s Home. She is
assisting as a fill-in foster parent at the
senior boys’ cottage. She says, “It’s
been interesting becoming a ‘mom’ to
seven teenage boys! God has been
amazing and has been teaching me a
ISAAC DEMAREST ’99 was recently
promoted to Area Manager of the
Northeast for Eyeglass World in Toledo,
is now
employed as a graphic artist at Dart
Container Corp. in Lansing, Mich.
ANGELA SCHUCH ’99 has accepted
employment as a Graphics Assistant at
CMF (Christian Missionary Fellowship)
International in Indianapolis.
is working as Social
Service Director at Wabash County
Hospital, Wabash, Ind., in the Skilled
Care Unit.
in IWU sweatshirts. Way to go,
began employment
in August 2000 as an Administrative
Assistant at Wesleyan World Missions
in Indianapolis.
retired after 40 years in social work.
She does volunteer work at her church,
when her professional services are
needed. (Kay graduated from Owosso
College High School in 1955.)
was named
chairman of the 22nd annual Jasper
Strassenfest in Jasper, Ind. The Jasper
Strassenfest is an annual German
heritage festival that features German
food, traditions, music and décor. This
is the second year he has served as
chairman. Bob is involved in a number
of community and professional
organizations. He is the President and
General Manager of Disinger Jewelers
in Jasper, where he lives with his wife,
Jacque, and two children, William (7)
and Mollie (5).
AMY GARRINGTON ‘00 is serving as a
volunteer missionary to Russia. (Her
brother, John, is a student at IWU – and
the whole family had their picture taken
was named the
new chief information officer for the
City of Indianapolis and Marion
County, Ind., in June 2000. Most
Amy Garrington & Family
Michael Hineline
LISA BRADFORD ’97 lives in Deville,
La., and is working as a staff R.N. in
the Labor and Delivery Room at
Rapides Regional Medical Center.
JENNY (CRUME ’97) SCOTT was one
of the entertainers at the Tipton County
4-H Fair. She is a native of Tipton, Ind.,
and is the Tipton High School choral
director and the director of the school’s
Alumni News
recently, he led the technology area for
a startup division of Anthem Insurance
as the Director of Information Services
for Anthem Alliance Health Insurance
Company. Mike graduated with BSBA
has accepted
employment as a Business Education
teacher with the Liberty-Perry School
Corp. in Selma, Ind. She is teaching at
Wapahani High School.
BSM 60) is currently a telephone
secretary (fulltime) in Indianapolis and
a parttime DJ on station WFMS on the
weekends. She has also joined a
women’s barbershop chorus called
“Heart of Indiana.” Lisa would enjoy
hearing from her former classmates.
has accepted
employment at Roche Diagnostics in
Indianapolis, Ind., as a credit specialist.
recently graduated
from Ohio Northern University’s Pettit
College of Law. He received the degree
of Juris Doctor.
now working as an office administrator
at MSD of Wayne Township in
Indianapolis. Regena is a single mother
of two (Danyele and Dalen).
Michael Fuqua ’00 & Lori Tippner •
accepted employment at Zimmer, Inc.
in Warsaw, Ind., as a pricing
Charley Newbold (ASB 440) &
Elizabeth Martindale • 6/10/00
accepted a position as network analyst
at Comcast Cablevision of Indianapolis.
promoted to administrative assistant,
advanced level, at the American Lung
Association of Indiana in Indianapolis.
is now
working as a systems engineer for
Advanced Interface Solutions in
Westfield, Ind.
Raymond Schaaf & Teresa Dickerson
’97 • 3/16/00
Owen Shattuck ’95 & Kimberley
Moore • 5/6/00
Jeffrey Odynski & Anna Thomas ’99 •
Charles Fix (ASB 448) & Angela Leary
• 7/1/00
Ryan Gates & Heidi Lee ’98 • 7/3/00
Dennis Sipe ‘99 & Paulette Norton
(MEd 108) • 7/8/00
Doug Martin & Jennifer Stivers (BSBA
242) • 7/15/00
Mike Bowers & Kim Newell ’96 •
Richard Kavanaugh ’56 • 10/19/99
Glen McMurphy ’47 • 4/2/00
George Sundstrom • 6/12/00
Gloria (Fred ’69) Risley • 6/24/00
Randall Harris ’76 • 6/27/00
Eve (Spencer ’30) Creviston • 7/5/00
now working as a bookkeeper/NES at
Best Access Systems in Indianapolis.
Norman Maddox, Owosso • 7/8/00
Ernest Friebel ’49 • 7/24/00
Esther (West ’68) Mathews • 8/11/00
finished her
Masters in Education, with Curriculum
and Technology as the specialized area,
from the University of Phoenix. She is
Harold Larimore & Edna (Holmquist
’58) Bozell • 6/24/00
F. Ritchie Walton ’56 • 6/8/00
Kris Sennett & Tami Brown (MEd 109)
• 6/10/00
Becky Rynard, APS ’96 • 5/31/00
has accepted
employment as human resources and
training specialist at Zeon Chemicals in
Louisville, Ky. He previously was
Human Resources Manager at
living in Troy, Ohio, and recently took a
position as property accountant at
Miami Valley Hospital in Dayton.
Kurt Luidhardt (student) & Kelly Halt
’00 • 5/27/00
Owen & Kimberley Shattuck
Gary Gillette & Catherine Bontrager
’93 • 5/13/00
Nijaul Drollinger & Christina Smith ’00
• 5/27/00
Doug & Andrea (MEd 109) KuhnOliver Charles • 12/9/99
Dan & Jacqueline (Elliott ’99) CombsAlexander William • 4/17/99
Steve & Shelia (BSBA 234) HalpinBailey Marie • 1/26/00
Alumni News
Steve & Alicia (MEd 109) WalkerRiley Stephen • 3/4/00
Russ ’92 & Michele (Samford ’92)
Schwarte- Nathaniel Chase • 3/6/00
Ian ’98 & Brandy (Clutter ’98) ShuttJosephine Annora • 3/13/00
Jeff ’93 & Michelle (Hurles ’95)
Morehouse- J. Kendall Steven • 3/21/00
Stephen (’95) & Beccy (DePeal ’95)
Blann- Kira Joy • 4/22/00
Brookelynn Paige • 6/30/00
Don (ASB 444) & Becky VendlZachary Alan • 7/1/00
Josh ’01 & Sarah (Budde ’99) IsenhartAbigail Suzanne • 7/9/00
Alan ’96 & Aimee (Vardaman ’96)
Williams- Jonathan Tobias • 7/26/00
Jon (BSM 111) & Lorie Layman- Jon
Conner • 8/3/00
Daniel ’94 & Layla (Bradley ’99)
Solms- Chloe Grace • 8/18/00
Mr. and Mrs. David Kneppler
Elizabeth, Deloris and Peggy
Dr. Gary Wilkinson
Mr. and Mrs. James Gaddis
Kira Joy Blann
Rex (APS 2000) & Julie King- Ashlynn
Marie • 5/12/00
Ron (APS ’98) & Teresa Dunn- Jacob
Byron • 5/26/00
Rodney (ASB 441) & Crissy CristAshley Lee Ann • 5/30/00
Micah ’97 & Jennifer (Henderson ’97)
Hudson- Emily Quinn • 6/5/00
Dustin ’94 & Carlene (Green ’94)
Beals- Katelyn Marie • 6/9/00
Timothy & Teresa (Corey ’95) TemplinVictoria Ann • 6/11/00
Sean (MBA 250) & Kimberly
Holsworth- Spencer Steven • 6/17/00
Peter & Shelley (MSM 99) PreocaninKelsey Dianne • 6/23/00
Maurice ’91 & Jennifer ShattuckMaurice Burdette Shattuck III • 6/26/00
Jon & April (MSM 99) Godar22 | PRESIDENT’S REPORT
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Criner
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Butler
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Weeks
Eldine and Ruth Landis
Anonymous Friends
Mr. and Mrs. John D. Tochterman
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Henderson
Mrs. Norma Schroll
Mrs. Josephine Siders and Family
Mrs. Barbara J. Cline
Thomas P. Rose
Mr. and Mrs. Otis Stockdell
Mr. and Mrs. Keith W. Carpenter
Robert I. Brace
Mikolleen Patterson
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Furr Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Everett Mitchell
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Zinn
20 Employees Get Service Awards
Twenty Indiana Wesleyan University
employees received service awards during
IWU’s annual community meeting Aug. 30.
Dr. Jim Barnes ‘65, IWU President,
presented awards to:
• Dr. Howard Noggle ‘40, Special
Assistant to the President, 60 years.
• Dr. Marjorie Elder ‘45, Professor of
English, 55 years.
• Susan Bowman, Associate Professor of
Physical Education, Women’s Athletic
director and softball coach, 30 years.
• Dr. Marilyn Simons ‘79, Professor of
Nursing Education, and Jack Ward,
Director of Housekeeping, both 20
• Dr. Mary Brown, Professor of English,
and Brenda Schadler, Mail Services
Manager, both 15 years.
Ten-year service awards were presented to:
• Barb Baker ‘94, Senior Systems
• Barbara Benson, APS Academic
Advisor/Testing Coordinator.
• Linda Cabe, Administrative Secretary,
University Advancement.
• Carol Clark ‘76, Associate Professor,
Nursing Education.
• Dr. Susan Fisher, Professor of
• Dr. Robert Harper, Assistant Professor
of Business and Management, APS.
• Dr. Roberta Henson ‘89, Associate
Professor of English and Director of the
Writing Center.
• Ron Isenhart, Maintenance Technician.
• Brian Israel ‘90, System Administrrator
and Network Specialist.
• Darla Musick, Office Manager,
Physical Plant.
• Susan Shanks, Secretary/Assistant for
Conference Services.
• Keith Springer, Assistant Professor of
• Jack Wheeler, Assistant Professor of
Accounting and Business.
Honor Roll of Donors
Trustee Citation
Donors of $5,000 or more
Mrs. Mary Achor
Mrs. Kathleen Barnes *
Mr. Gene Beltz
Ms. Opal Beymer
Mrs. Lillian Linder Bogumil `38
Mr. Carroll Bradford
Mr. Donald Cahall
Mr. & Mrs. Donald `60 (Alice
Maxwell `63) Clapp *
Dr. & Mrs. Charles Coffin `87
Mr. & Mrs. Rex Collins
Mr. Robert Cox *
Rev. & Mrs. Walter Crosby `54
Mr. & Mrs. Jack DeWitt
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Evans `99
Dr. & Mrs. Malcolm Evans
Mrs. Mable Farr
Dr. & Mrs. Brooks Fortune
Mr. & Mrs. John `51 (Eunice
Smith `49) Friske
Dr. & Mrs. Randy `69 (Heather
Reed `70) Greene
Mr. & Mrs. Van Gurley
Mrs. Mildred Haring
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Harris `88
Mrs. Anna Harrison
Mr. & Mrs. William Idema
Dr. Violet Jackson
Mr. & Mrs. William Jackson
Mr. & Mrs. Philip Kem *
Mr. & Mrs. John Kindley
Dr. & Mrs. Lester Lee
Miss Mary Linder `35 *
Dr. & Mrs. John Maxwell
Dr. & Mrs. Lawrence Maxwell
Mr. & Mrs. Terry Munday `70
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Oswalt
Dr. & Mrs. Jack `56 (June Day
`52) Ott
Dr. & Mrs. Thomas `53 (Joan
Cheesman `52) Phillippe, Sr.
Dr. & Mrs. Lyle Reed
Ms. Mary Edith Reiff
Mrs. Imogene Spaugh Russell
Mrs. Helen Hacker
Shellenbarger `33
Mr. & Mrs. Rolland `61 (Minnie
Dix `58) Shoup *
Dr. & Mrs. Dale `75 (Janice
Stohlman `76) Sloan
Dr. & Mrs. Evrett Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Lee `80 (Lori Jackson
`82) Smith
Mrs. Margaret Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Scott Snyder
Mr. & Mrs. James Sutter
Mr. & Mrs. John Sutton
Dr. & Mrs. Donald Thomason *
Dr. & Mrs. Robert Van Kampen
Mr. & Mrs. Ray Wickline
Dr. & Mrs. Ralph Williams
Dr. & Prof. Wilbur `51 (Ardelia
Smith `51) Williams
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Young `94
President’s Club
Donors of $1,000 to $4,999
Mr. Steve Allen
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey `82 (Kay
Hinds `82) Alter *
Mr. & Mrs. Reese `58 (Anna
Beckman `58) Anderson
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Ault
Drs. Harold `58 & (Sarah Bailey
‘57) Bardsley
Mr. & Mrs. H. Clune Barnes*
Dr. & Mrs. Bayard Baylis
Mr. & Mrs. William Beaty
Mrs. JoAnne Bell `81
Mr. David Bellamy
Miss Holly Bennett `98
Mr. & Mrs. Rodney Benson `79
Mr. & Mrs. Roy (Evangeline
Booher `57) Benson*
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth (Marceil
Lambert `40) Bostic
Mr. & Mrs. Larry Boyd
Mrs. Rollin Bradford
Mr. & Mrs. Richard (Janet
Jacobs `69) Bragg
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Brucker
Mr. & Mrs. Robert `59 (Donna
Smith `58) Brunner
Mr. & Mrs. Philip `74 (Jill
Shannon `76) Caldwell
Dr. & Mrs. Wayne Caldwell
Mr. & Mrs. George Callaway
Mr. & Mrs. Bob Cannon *
Mr. & Mrs. Brian Carlblom
Ms. Jean Carman
Dr. & Mrs. Donald `64 (Alice
Fritz `63) Chilgreen
Mrs. Agnes Clapp *
Dr. & Mrs. Paul Collord
Mrs. Agnes Conder
Mr. & Mrs. Mark (Jennie
Rinehart `97) Conrad *
Dr. & Mrs. Charlie Cox, Jr.
Dr. Leo Cox `43
Miss Alma Creech
Dr. & Mrs. Deane `70 (Carol
Noggle `70) Dayton
Mr. & Mrs. Clyde (Ruth Wagner
`60) DeGroff
Mr. & Mrs. James DeVoe
Dr. & Mrs. Roger Dillman
Mrs. Mary Driskill
Dr. & Mrs. Keith (Sharon Bailey
`87) Drury
Dr. Marjorie Elder `45
Mr. & Mrs. Donald OA
(Geraldine OA) Elliott
Mr. & Mrs. James (Martha
Baldwin `55) Everhart
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Flora
Drs. Steven `79 & Deborah
(Blackburn `80) Foley
Mr. & Mrs. Don Frase
Drs. Michael & Betty Fratzke
Mr. & Mrs. Larry (Madonna
Hebert `87) French
Rev. & Mrs. Dale Gainder
Rev. & Mrs. Don `58 (Ann Etsler
`57) Glenn
Mr. Robert Goecker
Mrs. Marilyn Shows Goss `51
Dr. & Mrs. John Gredy
Dr. & Mrs. David Green
Dr. & Mrs. Subodh Gupte
Mr. & Mrs. Doug (Deborah
Robinson `83) Hall
Mr. & Mrs. James Hall
Mr. & Mrs. Norris Hall *
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Halt, Sr.
Dr. & Mrs. Darrell `73 (Leanne
Knapp `72) Hermann
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Hersey *
Dr. & Mrs. Richard Hinchman
Dr. & Mrs. Marvin `51 (Hazel
Rush `50) Hinds
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Hines
Mr. & Mrs. Ross Hoffman
Mr. & Mrs. Edwin `48 (Zylpha
Baldwin `48) Hoover
Dr. & Mrs. Ernest `49 (Doris
Bowsman `42) Horn
Dr. & Mrs. Emory Howell `59
Mrs. Eva Hoyer
Dr. & Mrs. Richard Huber `60
Dr. Judith Huffman `76
Mr. & Mrs. Barry Hummel *
Mr. & Mrs. Howard OA (Juanita
OA) Inman
Dr. & Mrs. Earl `60 (Patricia `82)
Mr. & Mrs. Craig `71 (Pamela
Rodgers `72) Jones
Dr. & Mrs. Ronald `36 (Marjorie
Dew `36) Jones
Dr. & Mrs. Ronald Kelly
Mr. & Mrs. Kerry (Jule Lytle `72)
Mr. & Mrs. Charles (Eilene
Pinkerton `26) Kindley
Dr. & Mrs. Paul (Meredith
Towner `55) Kindschi
Mrs. Dola Knapp
Mr. Don LaFlamme
Ms. Lorelei Lacy `50
Mr. & Mrs. Mason `64 (Donna
Barker `61) Landis, Jr. *
Dr. & Mrs. Allen Larson
Mr. & Mrs. James Lee
Mrs. Jennie Andrews Lee `27
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Liechty
Rev. & Mrs. Kenneth Liu
Mrs. Ruth Smith Logan `37
Mrs. Willouise Luce
Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Manker, Jr.
Dr. & Mrs. Glenn Martin
Dr. Frances Mason *
Dr. & Mrs. Robert `44 (Elizabeth
Norman `52) McIntyre
Mrs. Marlene Meyers
Mrs. Janette Miller
Mr. & Mrs. Alan Miller
Mr. & Mrs. Tom `52 (Mary
Snyder `54) Myser
Mr. & Mrs. Earl (Nilah Croy `47)
Dr. & Mrs. Howard `40 (Marie
Rowe `42) Noggle
Mr. & Mrs. Paul `37 (Marian
Tescher `35) Noggle
Mr. & Mrs. Max `93 (Sue Boston
`96) Nottingham
Prof. & Mrs. Robert Oatis, II `78
Mr. William Olson *
Mr. & Mrs. Gary `74 (Connie
Kramer `74) Ott
Mr. Mick Owens
Mr. & Mrs. Kent `75 (Hannah
Thomas `75) Peterson
Miss Marian Peterson `62
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Phillips, Jr.
Dr. & Mrs. Darrell Pike
Profs. Terry & Betty (Bowman
`67) Porter
Mr. & Mrs. Charles `50 (Gladys
`56) Prescott
Mr. & Mrs. David `92 (Patti Dulin
`90) Quiring *
Mr. & Mrs. Brian `79 (Eunice
Caldwell `71) Rickey
Mr. & Mrs. Marcus Rikli
Mr. & Mrs. Elsworth
Dr. & Mrs. Donald Rockey
Mr. Jim Rosema
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph `59 (Phyllis
Boles `61) Russell
Drs. James `57 & Rachel
(Dishon `64) Satterfield
Dr. & Mrs. Harold Sheridan
Mr. & Mrs. Don (Jane Krug `56)
Mr. & Mrs. Garry Shroyer
Mr. & Mrs. Larry Smith `61
Dr. & Mrs. Mark Smith
Mrs. Ruth Isgrigg Smith `81
Mr. Richard Stafford
Mr. & Mrs. James Stevens
Mr. Xen Stewart
Mr. & Mrs. Howard Taylor
Mr. & Mrs. Shirley `36 (Vivian
Paschal `40) Tennell *
Mr. Chantler Thompson
Dr. & Mrs. Duane `52 (Janet
Bennett `54) Thompson
Mr. & Mrs. Richard (Mildred
Jacobs ’48) Troyer
Dr. & Mrs. Todd Voss
Mrs. Donna Walker
Dr. & Mrs. Gary `76 (Deborah
Veldhaus `76) Walker
Mr. & Mrs. Weston Warren
Mr. & Mrs. Glen (Peggy `81)
Weiland *
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Weiland
Mr. & Mrs. Clifford Wieland
Mr. & Mrs. Scott Wolfrum
Dr. & Mrs. David `77 (Helen Cox
`77) Wright
Dean’s Club
Donors of $500 to $999
Mr. & Mrs. Walton Anderson
Rev. & Mrs. Bob (Virginia Miller
`67) Anderson
Mr. & Mrs. Robert (Patricia
McPherson OA) Anspaugh
Mr. & Mrs. Robert `52 (Naomi
Muterspaugh `55) Appleman
Mr. & Mrs. Elrie Armes *
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph (Judy `95)
Mr. Tom Bailey
Mrs. Jeannette Ball `87 *
Rev. & Mrs. Stanley `40 (Evelyn
Elliott `41) Banker
Rev. & Mrs. Richard Bareiss
Mr. & Mrs. Earl Barrett
Rev. & Mrs. Ernest Batman
Mr. & Mrs. William `68 (Jan
Stevens `71) Beekman
Rev. & Mrs. Ray Benesh, Sr.
Rev. & Mrs. Nathan Birky `80
Dr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Blake `84
Dr. & Mrs. David Blanchard `53
Rev. & Mrs. Kenneth Boschee
Mr. & Mrs. Forrest Boyd `45
Dr. Ronald Brannon
Rev. & Mrs. John `50 (Mary
Campbell `50) Bridget
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth `74
(Yevonne Campbell `72)
Mr. & Mrs. William Brown, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Robert `59 (Donna
Smith `58) Brunner
Rev. & Mrs. Russell `51 (Lavaun
Peterson `48) Buck *
Miss Doris Caldwell
Rev. & Mrs. Richard Carr OA
Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Clanin
Prof. Carol Clark `76
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Clement
Mr. & Mrs. Leroy Colter
Rev. & Mrs. Atwood `52 (Leona
Holley `53) Cool
Mr. & Mrs. Steve (Christina
Keen `76) Crabtree
Mr. & Mrs. J. D. Craig
Prof. & Mrs. Benjamin Crandall,
Mr. & Mrs. Lyle Crots *
Mrs. Pauline Dafoe
Mr. & Mrs. David Dimmich
Lt. Col. & Mrs. Robert Douglas
Dr. & Rev. Heyman `50 (Jeane
Woodhead `50) Duecker *
Bishop & Mrs. Sheldon `48
(Marjorie Clouse `46)
Ms. Walterine Durham
Mr. & Mrs. Charles `71 (Loretta
Mitchell `71) Enlow *
Mr. & Mrs. David (Rita Jamison
`72) Faust *
Rev. & Mrs. Donald `39 (Mildred
Osborn `37) Fisher
Mr. & Mrs. Harlow `63 (Carolyn
Shoemaker `64) Fletcher
Mr. & Mrs. Elvan Forbes *
Mr. & Mrs. John `83 (Beth Fox
`83) Foss
Mr. & Mrs. Lowell (Nancy `72)
Mr. & Mrs. Francis Gartland Jr.
Rev. & Mrs. Joel `74 (Julie
Pherson `86) Gearhart
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Goodman `62
Mr. Jerry Goss
Dr. & Mrs. Todd `84 (Lisa
Zimmers `85) Guy
Dr. & Mrs. Lee `50 (Maxine
Shockey `48) Haines, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Terry `89 (Zana
Barker `70) Hall *
Mr. & Mrs. Leon Hand *
Dr. & Mrs. Tom Haney `88
Rev. & Mrs. Frank Harris `52
Mrs. Bessie Crail Hart `70
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Haslam
Mr. Mike Heinzmann
Mr. & Mrs. Robert (Jewell
Daughenbaugh `66) Helm
Dr. & Mrs. James `70 (Dorcas
Harvey `66) Henry
Mr. & Mrs. William Hensley
Mr. & Mrs. Randall Hess
Dr. & Mrs. Shaun `83 (Shari
Brunner `83) Hill
Dr. Margaret Hodson `32
Mr. & Mrs. Pat Hogan
Mr. & Mrs. Bradley `90 (Jennifer
Carlson `92) Hoop
Mrs. Juanita Hoover
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Hudson
Mr. & Mrs. Randall Hudson
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Huffman `37
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph `70 (Linda
Kenworthy `70) Hunt
Dr. & Mrs. Cedric `58 (Marsha
Burelison `59) Johnson Jr.
Rev. & Mrs. Roy Keen `54
Mr. & Mrs. Rex Keesling *
Mr. & Mrs. Charles `63 (Elayne
Sapp `84) Kenworthy
Mr. & Mrs. David Keown `90 *
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Ketcham
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel `61 (Esther
Johnson `58) Klaasen
Dr. & Mrs. Robert `88 (Karen
Skinner `86) Klaasen
Rev. & Mrs. Kenneth `42 (Lillian
Young `42) Knapp
Mr. & Mrs. Michael `83 (Debbie
Massey `83) Kukuris
Dr. & Mrs. Joseph `90 (Margaret
Freeman `93) Larakers
Mr. & Mrs. Harold `49 (Rheneta
Houser `55) Larson
Mr. & Mrs. William Leas
Rev. & Mrs. Chester Leonard `52
Mr. Ernest Linder `27
Mr. & Mrs. Art `70 (Judith
Gentry `69) Lipina
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Liston
Mr. & Mrs. Evan `99 (Susan
Drummer `00) Longstreth *
Rev. Lyle Love `52
Dr. & Mrs. Robert Luckey
Dr. & Mrs. James `78 (Debra
Campbell `79) Luttrull, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Marcuccilli
Mr. & Mrs. Richard (Linda
Curtiss `68) Mason *
Rev. & Mrs. Charles `68 (Joy
McIntyre `68) McCallum, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Edward McClure
Mr. & Mrs. Richard McClure
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce (Christine
Root `82) McLane
Honor Roll of Donors
Mrs. Sarah Hoppes McMackin
Mr. & Mrs. Lowell McMichael
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph `54
(Margaret Naylor `54)
Mr. & Mrs. Jim (Rita Ruse `95)
Mrs. Lorene Reisdorph Miller
Mr. Douglas Mills `79
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Mills
Rev. & Mrs. E. R. (Phyllis Ihrkey
OA) Mitchell
Dr. & Mrs. Robert `59 (Ruth
Harris `58) Mitchell
Mr. & Mrs. James `70 (Judith
Macy `70) Mohler
Rev. & Mrs. John `67 (Dolores
George `69) Mowat
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Murrell
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Musick
Mr. & Mrs. Robert G. Nicholson
Mr. Robert L. Nicholson `77
Ms. Teresa Roach Nicholson `84
Ms. Mildred Goodenough
Nilson Trust `47
Mr. & Mrs. Clifford (Patience
`84) Olson
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Oswalt
Mr. & Mrs. Dwight `85 (Gloria
Blosser `89) Ott
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Pattee
Mr. & Mrs. Phillip `57 (Martha
Alverson `57) Pearson *
Mr. & Mrs. William Rea
Mr. & Mrs. Gale Reese
Mr. & Mrs. Steve Reiff
Dr. & Mrs. Mark `77 (Cynthia
Adomatis `77) Richards
Mr. & Mrs. David Rose `92
Mr. & Mrs. Donald `95 (Shelli
Munday `95) Rowley
Mr. & Mrs. Jesse Rush
Dr. & Mrs. Calvin Russell
Dr. Jonna Schmidt `82
Mr. & Mrs. Carl Shepherd `74 *
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry `78 (Marcia
Medows `80) Shepherd
Mr. Matt Simmons
Mr. & Mrs. Samuel (Marilyn
Pieper `77) Simons *
Mr. & Mrs. Robert `76 (Brenda
Buckles `75) Simpson *
Rev. & Mrs. Stephen `69
(Charlene Strayer `69)
Mrs. Ethel Young Smith `60
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald (Shirley
Hunter `98) Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Smith `93
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Snyder `83
Prof. & Mrs. Owen `60 (Jean
Honsberger `75) Snyder
Mr. Steve Spencer
Mr. & Mrs. Donald (Elaine
Spangler `70) Stafford
Mrs. Ethel Stevens
Miss Kerry Stevens `96
Dr. & Mrs. Jonathan Stone `79
Mr. & Mrs. John (Joy Hardman
`78) Storey
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Swan
Miss Blythe Terwilliger `50
Mr. & Mrs. James Thomas `68
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Tippey `71
Rev. & Mrs. Maurice `57 (Fern
Osland `55) Tolan
Rev. & Mrs. Glen `48 (Ina Roll
`49) Traver
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Tropf
Mr. & Mrs. Don Troyer *
Mr. & Mrs. James `73 (Beverly
Walker `71) Troyer *
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Turner
Mr. & Mrs. John (Linda Moeller
`71) Tuttle
Dr. & Mrs. Willem (Angela Cole
`98) Van DeMerwe
Mr. & Mrs. David (Karen Bostic
`66) Weaver
Mr. & Mrs. Elvin `82 (Cynthia
Colvin `89) Weinmann
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Weinmann
Mrs. Edna Wolf Wildey `47
Dr. & Mrs. Gary Wilkinson
Mr. & Mrs. Gordon `52 (Alice
Bowman `52) Wills
Mr. & Mrs. Elvin `56 (LaVerne
Coogle `58) Wilmot
Mr. & Mrs. Richard `61 (Sonia
Muterspaugh `60) Wolfe
Dr. & Mrs. Philip `79 (Cheryl
Armiger `78) Woodbury
Dr. & Mrs. Wayne `84 (Virginia
Meeks OA) Wright
Mr. & Mrs. David Wuertley `71
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Wyatt
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Zeek `53
Individual Donors
Donors of up to $499
Mr. Jerry Abbitt
Dr. & Mrs. Mark `65 (Mary
Sigworth `65) Abbott
Mr. & Mrs. Tracey Aber `99
Mr. Kendall Abraham `96
Rev. & Mrs. Roger Abraham `69
Mr. & Mrs. Dan Abshier `96
Mr. & Mrs. Richard (Roxanne
Coffey `84) Ackroyd
Mr. & Mrs. Clifford `73 (Marilyn
Coates `72) Acton
Mr. & Mrs. Allen Adams
Ms. Alta Adams
Rev. Carlson & Prof. Janice
Dr. & Mrs. Charles `57 (Ialene
Sturk `74) Adams
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Adams *
Ms. Elizabeth Adams
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Adams
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Adamson
Mr. & Mrs. Terry Adamson `90
Rev. & Mrs. Robert Addington
Mrs. Nancy Douglas Adkins `58
Dr. & Mrs. Gary Adsit
Mr. El Ahlwardt
Mrs. Dianna Airgood `92 *
Mr. & Mrs. Jim (Barbara `99)
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Akers `94
Mr. Larry Akins `94
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Alber `46
Mr. & Mrs. Charles (Mary Hicks
`62) Albert
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald (Laura
Wentzel `81) Albrecht
Mr. Roger Alcock `92
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Alcorn `95
Mr. Greg Alexander `93
Rev. & Mrs. Henry Alexander
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Alexander `99
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry (Marie
Kaufmann `71) Alexander
Mr. & Mrs. David (Deborah
Rose `92) Allaben
Mrs. Rowena Allen
Miss Sally Allen `86
Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan Allison `84
Dr. & Mrs. Paul Allison `86
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Ambrosini
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Ames `95
Ms. Louisa Ammerman
Rev. & Mrs. Jerry (Julia
Whittum `82) Amstutz
Mr. Cary Anderson `93 *
Rev. & Mrs. David (Jillene
Boone `80) Anderson
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Anderson
`90 *
Ms. Lesia Metzger Anderson `96
Mr. & Mrs. Peder (Bonnie
Larrison `75) Anderson
Rev. & Mrs. Raymond Anderson
Ms. Stella Anderson `59
Mr. & Mrs. Willard Anderson
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Andrasik, III
Mr. & Mrs. Maurice `65
(Madeline Tamplin `55)
Mr. & Mrs. Steve (Mary
Stonefield `97) Andres
Mrs. Doris Andrews
Mr. Michael Andrews `93
Mr. & Mrs. Aurist (Emogene
Jones `71) Andrick
Mrs. Lois Troyer Andros `48
Mr. & Mrs. Dwight (Donna
Welch `71) Anthony
Mr. Stephen Anthony `87
Mrs. Margaret Morris
Apostolos-Peters OA
Mr. & Mrs. Chip (Marilyn
Greenley `74) Appel
Mr. Brian Applewhite `87
Dr. Jeanne Argot
Mr. Ronald Argot
Mr. & Mrs. Randal Armes
Mr. Lyle Armstrong `98
Ms. Annie Waldon Arnett `98
Mr. & Mrs. Charles (Sherry
Williams `70) Arnold
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Arnold `89
Mr. & Mrs. O. E. Arnold
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Arnold `62
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Arrendale
Mr. & Mrs. Lance Aschermann
Mr. & Mrs. Robert (Evelyn
Backa `54) Ash
Mr. & Mrs. Dave (Annette Van
Engen `96) Ashbrook
Ms. Arlene Ashby
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Ashby
Mr. & Mrs. Brian Ashley
Mr. & Mrs. Donnie (Marjorie
`98) Ashley
Mr. Mark Ashley `99
Mr. & Mrs. Beryl Atkinson
Mr. & Mrs. Carl Atkinson `70 *
Mr. & Mrs. John (Norma Fish
`75) Atkinson
Mr. & Mrs. Michael `80 (Janet
Averill `84) Atkinson
Mr. Thomas Atkinson `97
Mrs. Vanessa Froderman
Atkinson `78
Rev. Wayde Atwell OA
Mr. & Mrs. David (Donna
Nelson OA) Auger
Mr. & Mrs. Guy Auguste `97
Mr. & Mrs. Donald (Elizabeth
Snow `66) Ault
Mr. & Mrs. Oliver Ault
Mr. Don Averitt
Mrs. Christina Avery
Rev. & Mrs. Orville OA (Dorothy
George OA) Awe
Mr. & Mrs. Kelly Ayers `97
Mr. & Mrs. Joel `97 (Cynthia
Trotzke `97) Babcock
Mr. & Mrs. Jon `91 (Denise
Wubbena `90) Bachman
Mr. Harold Backenstoe *
Rev. & Mrs. Robert Baer `56
Mr. & Mrs. David (Joy Titus `94)
Mrs. Jessie Bagley
Mr. & Mrs. Charles (Martha
Buchanan `78) Bailey *
Mr. & Mrs. Cliff (Dianne
Hagerman `96) Bailey
Dr. & Mrs. Frank Bailey, Jr. `97
Mrs. Grace Willen Bailey `31
Mr. & Mrs. Morris (Peggy
Weller `72) Bailey
Mr. & Mrs. Steve (Susan
Guthier `98) Bailey
Mr. & Mrs. David `94 (Michelle
Davis `97) Bainbridge
Mr. & Mrs. David Baker `60
Mr. & Mrs. Harold Baker
Mr. & Mrs. James (Mardessa
Blum `79) Baker
Mr. & Mrs. Jeff (Darla Sidwell
`97) Baker
Mr. & Mrs. Robert D. Baker `80
Dr. & Mrs. Robert E. Baker `36
Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Baker `97
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen (Barbara
Conatser `94) Baker
Mr. & Mrs. Terry `78 (Deborah
Lauber `79) Baker
Miss Wanda Baker `43
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas (Anna Cook
`97) Balcerzak
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Bale `70
Rev. & Mrs. Eric `87 (Teresa
Parks `86) Ball
Mr. & Mrs. John (Peggy Bailey
`86) Ball
Mr. John Ball
Mrs. Joan Ballard
Ms. Christine Balt `96
Mr. & Mrs. Greg Bambic `97 *
Dr. Bonnie Banker `67
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce `80 (Susan
Jessup `76) Banker
Mr. Max Banker `42
Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Banter
Rev. & Mrs. Donald `62 (Frances
Newell `60) Barber
Ms. Phyllis Barber
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph (Brenda
Waits `70) Barbieri
Rev. & Mrs. Stephen `74
(Jacqueline Spurgeon `76)
Mr. & Mrs. James (Helen French
`49) Barefoot
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald (Emily
Kessler `93) Bargerhuff
Mr. Brian Barker `84 *
Miss Colleen Barker `98
Dr. & Mrs. Donald Barlow `74
Mr. Bobby Barnard `93
Ms. Corliss Brothers Barnes `91
Dr. Donelle Barnes `85
Mr. Mitchell Barnes
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Barnes, Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Barnes `96
Ms. Anne Barnett `94
Mr. & Mrs. Bill (Nadine Fridley
`53) Barrett
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Bartlett
Mr. Christopher Bartley `95
Dr. & Mrs. David Bartley `79
Rev. & Mrs. Douglas Bartley `49
Mr. Mark Bartley `79 *
Mr. Stephen Bartley
Rev. & Mrs. Daniel Barton `84
Mr. & Mrs. Richard (Holly
Golden `97) Barton
Rev. & Mrs. John `50 (Dorothy
Hayes `53) Basham
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey `97 (Tracy
Roskey `97) Bassett
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin `82 (Teresa
McCallum `92) Batman
Dr. & Mrs. Theodore Batson
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas `89 (Doneen
Sparks `83) Batton
Ms. Karen Baxter `97
Mr. & Mrs. Ziggie Bays `76
Rev. & Mrs. David (Mae Wade
`57) Bayse
Mr. & Mrs. Stan (Camy Weber
`99) Beadles
Mr. Shane Beal
Mr. & Mrs. Harlan (Flora Kessel
`49) Beardsley
Mr. & Mrs. David Beatty `95
Mr. & Mrs. Charles `89 (Nancy
`89) Beaver
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Beaver
Mrs. Kathryn Minton Beaver `39
Mr. Bob Beck OA
Mr. & Mrs. Dale (Patricia Cheek
`89) Beck
Dr. Elizabeth Beck
Rev. & Mrs. Robert Beckles `82
Mr. & Mrs. Dexter Bedwell
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce (Anna Mills
OA) Beehler
Mrs. Melissa Behny `98
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Behrens `91
Mr. Leon Bekker `88
Mr. & Mrs. Terry (Tonya Martin
`99) Belew
Mr. & Mrs. Lowell (Lynda `94)
Mr. & Mrs. Russell Bell `93
Mrs. Nettie Rouch Bellman `38
Mr. Clement Bello `98
Mr. & Mrs. Tyrone Bello `92
Ms. Jill Stewart Bemis `96
Dr. & Mrs. Clarence Carol Bence
Dr. & Mrs. Philip Bence
Mr. & Mrs. Rex `63 (Miriam
Williams `64) Bence
Mr. & Mrs. Burnell (Ruth Baker
`63) Bender
Mr. Jeffrey Bennett
Rev. & Mrs. Richard Bennett `52
Mr. & Mrs. Terry (Linda Elaman
`98) Bennett
Mr. David Benson
Mr. & Mrs. Jay (Vicky Goodman
`66) Benson
Mr. & Mrs. Harry Bergdoll
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Berger
Mrs. Rachel House Bergin OA
Mr. & Mrs. Fred (Barbara
Leleniewski `98) Bergner
Mr. & Mrs. Donald `50 (Joyce
Clevenger `47) Berk
Mr. & Mrs. James (Dorothy
Holycross `48) Berk
Rev. & Mrs. Robert Berkebile
Dr. & Mrs. Daniel (Shelley Miller
`76) Berry
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher (Lois
Davis `89) Best
Mr. & Mrs. Tim (Beverly Keeler
`83) Best
Mr. & Mrs. Russell `96
(Annmarie `96) Betz
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Bevans `96
Mrs. Ruth Powell Beyler `50
Mrs. Margaret Hoover
Biberstine `64
Mr. & Mrs. Bill (Benita `97)
Mr. & Mrs. Roy Bice
Mr. & Mrs. Edmond Bickel `98
Rev. & Mrs. Daniel `73 (Reenie
Hoover `73) Bickel
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Bickel `69
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin `87 (Teresa
Daugherty `86) Biddle
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas `69 (Bonnie
Volek `69) Biggs
Honor Roll of Donors
Mrs. Susan Billbe
Mrs. Elizabeth Bills
Rev. Scott Bills `84
Ms. Gladys Bilson
Pastor Lucas Binkerd `00
Dr. Marilyn Birch
Mr. & Mrs. Wendell (Evelyn
Evans Fiedler OA) Bird
Mrs. Julia Birky `96
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph (Betty Miller
`60) Bishop
Ms. Patricia Bixler `88
Mr. & Mrs. Braden `97 (Kristi
Lamb `97) Black
Dr. & Mrs. James Blackburn `57
Mr. & Mrs. Tom (Rose Hart `95)
Ms. Kimberly Blackmon `87
Rev. & Mrs. James `51
(Wandalou Teska `52) Blaine
Mr. Jonathan Blair
Rev. & Mrs. Paul Blair
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory (Nannette
`95) Blake
Mr. & Mrs. James Blake `97
Mr. & Mrs. John Blake
Mr. & Mrs. Morton (Marilyn
Weedman `55) Blake
Miss Rachelle Blake `97
Mrs. Betty Blinn
Mr. & Mrs. Glen Blinn `65
Mrs. Retha Singell Blocher `60
Mr. & Mrs. Karl Blosser *
Mr. & Mrs. Norman Blum
Mrs. Carita Thomas Blunk `51
Mrs. Dorothy Iliff Blunt `34
Rev. & Mrs. Stephen `76 (Ruth
Phillips `75) Boardman
Mr. & Mrs. Gary (Sherrie
Mitchem `93) Boards*
Mr. & Mrs. Richard (Kerrie
Killion `90) Boarman
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence (Katherine
Russell `61) Bobson
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Bockrath `78
Mr. & Mrs. William Boen *
Mr. & Mrs. Jack (Janet Lynas
`95) Boes
Mr. & Mrs. David (Beverley
Keith `76) Bogear
Mr. & Mrs. Roland (Lois Soultz
`51) Bogear
Mrs. Beth Duff Boggs `52
Rev. Clarence Boggs `52
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Boice `97
Dr. & Mrs. Michael Boivin
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas (Misty `93)
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel (Jennifer
Wilson `98) Boles
Mr. & Mrs. Tony (Lisa O’Neal
`98) Boley
Mr. & Mrs. Harry (Velva
Hathaway `48) Bollinger
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth (Priscilla
Ruder `82) Bomgardner
Rev. & Mrs. John Bond `70
Mrs. Sarah Hurst Bonesteel `91
Ms. Amy Bonewitz `95
Mr. & Mrs. Dayne (Lorene
Brandon `78) Bonta
Mrs. Alma Bontrager
Dr. & Mrs. Ervin `45 (Evelyn
Titus `48) Boone
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Boone `66
Mr. & Mrs. Theophilus Boone
Jr. `92
Mr. & Mrs. Wendell `53 (Lois
Buck `49) Boone
Mr. & Mrs. Larry Borchelt `89
Mr. & Mrs. John (Kay Diller `71)
Rev. & Mrs. Richard Borgman,
Jr. `82
Rev. & Mrs. Richard Borgman,
Sr `73
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen `93 (Teresa
`93) Boshears
Mr. & Mrs. Rodney (Jennifer
Hernandez `96) Bosley
Rev. & Mrs. David Boss `82
Rev. & Mrs. Paul Boss
Mr. & Mrs. William (Carol Lyon
`81) Boss
Dr. & Mrs. Robert Bothwell
Dr. & Mrs. James `67 (Ruth
Kibbey `92) Botkin
Mr. Daniel Botsford `98
Rev. & Mrs. Jeffrey Aho
Botsford `77
Mr. & Mrs. Josseph (Beverly
`99) Bott
Mr. & Mrs. Alan Boughton *
Mr. Frank Bove
Mr. & Mrs. Jeff (Theresa
Greenwood `96) Bowen
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Bowen
Mr. & Mrs. Larry Bowen `93
Mrs. Dorothy Bowerman
Ms. Barbara Coleman Bowers
Miss Beth Bowers `98
Mr. & Mrs. Mike (Kimberley
Newell `96) Bowers
Mr. & Mrs. Ted (Gail Burnette
`93) Bowers
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Bowling `79
Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Bowman
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin (Kymber
Frantz `82) Bowman
Prof. Susan Bowman
Dr. & Mrs. Harold `52 (Nedra
Murdock `63) Boyce
Mr. Dennis Boyd `72
Mr. & Mrs. Rickey (Linda
Williams `85) Boyd
Mr. Scott Boyd `77
Mrs. Rosetta Visser Boyer `43
Mr. & Mrs. Danny Boykins `90
Rev. & Mrs. Howard Boyle `60
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Bozak `76
Ms. Eileen Yann Brackett `97
Mr. Brian Bradford `00
Dr. & Mrs. Jerry Bradford `76
Miss Lisa Bradford `97
Mr. & Mrs. William Bradford `91
Ms. Zara Mahaffey Bradford `97
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Bradley `95
Dr. & Mrs. Harold `50 (Mildred
McGovern `50) Brady
Chaplain & Mrs. Jack Brady
Mr. & Mrs. Richard (Patricia
Bragg `93) Bragg
Mr. & Mrs. Bryce (Ruth Clark
`73) Bramsen
Ms. Anne Brandle
Mr. & Mrs. David (Mary Duryea
`94) Brandt
Mr. & Mrs. Linus (Janet Frink
`78) Brandt
Mrs. Mary Brane
Mr. & Mrs. Byron Brankle
Mr. Daniel Brankle `90
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen (Amy
Lowry `88) Brankle
Mr. Randall Brannon *
Mr. & Mrs. David Braun
Dr. & Mrs. Donald `64 (Joy `00)
Rev. & Mrs. John `72 (Patricia
Sexton `73) Bray
Mr. & Mrs. Ted (Goldie OA)
Rev. & Mrs. Loren Brecheisen
Ms. Gina Walker Brees `99
Rev. & Mrs. William (Mary
Perisho `63) Breidenbaugh
Mr. & Mrs. Carl Brenneman `33
Mrs. Dana Dalzell Brentlinger
Mr. & Mrs. James Brewer `96
Mrs. Tina Carpenter Brewer `99
Mr. & Mrs. Kyle Bricker `95
Pastor & Mrs. Robyn `97
(Stephanie Deidrick `97)
Mr. & Mrs. John `98 (Jill Smith
`98) Briles
Mrs. Lorna Enoch Briles `46
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Brinkley
Dr. & Mrs. Dennis Brinkman
Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Brinson
Mr. & Mrs. John Brinson
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry (Kathy Stewart
`82) Brittan
Miss Phyllis Brixey `48
Mr. & Mrs. Larry (Carol Reber
`98) Brockmeyer
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Brodbeck
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas (Linda
Wurzelbacher `98) Brodbeck
Miss Jean Bronson
Mrs. Helen Brooks
Mr. & Mrs. Jason Brooks `98
Mr. & Mrs. John Brooks `92
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas (Jill Craig
`80) Brooks
Mr. & Mrs. Jesse (Dorothy
Shaffer `84) Brookshire *
Mr. Earl Brough
Mr. & Mrs. Michael `77 (Patricia
Clark `77) Broughton
Mr. & Mrs. Robert (Karen
Bindas `95) Browder
Mrs. Meredith Brower `00
Rev. & Mrs. Busta Brown `00
Dr. & Mrs. Charles Brown `60
Mr. & Mrs. Keith (Martha
Heavilin `55) Brown
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Brown
Mr. & Mrs. Gene `77 (Susan
Larakers `77) Brown
Rev. & Mrs. Hal Brown `52
Mr. & Mrs. Herschel (Betty
Hinkle `74) Brown
Rev. & Mrs. Hubert Brown `57
Mr. & Mrs. John (Barbara `97)
Mr. & Mrs. John Brown, Jr. `94
Mr. Leonard Brown `47
Mr. & Mrs. Marcus (Carol Van
Cleave `66) Brown
Mr. & Mrs. Michael `76 (Jann
Fisher `76) Brown
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Brown `98
Mrs. Myra Coleson Brown `60
Mr. & Mrs. Perry (Cynthia Raper
`81) Brown
Mr. & Mrs. Phillip `97 (Anna
Grundish `97) Brown
Mrs. Rosemary White Brown
Mr. & Mrs. S. Dean (Jean
Ashley `95) Brown
Miss Sheila Brown `76
Mr. Stephen Brown
Mr. & Mrs. Steve (Janice
Bridget `72) Brown
Mrs. Vola Campbell Brown `53
Mr. & Mrs. Robert `64 (Jean
Hawks `67) Browne
Ms. Vestha Browne
Mr. & Mrs. Rudy (Norma Gray
`54) Brownell
Miss Maxine Bruce OA
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Bruce
Mr. & Mrs. Dan (Kendal Vanover
`99) Brue
Dr. George Bruner
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Bruner `93
Mr. Daniel Brunet
Mr. & Mrs. Virden Bryan `96 *
Mr. & Mrs. David Buchholz `88
Dr. & Mrs. Michael Buck
Mr. & Mrs. John Buckley
Mrs. Eleanor Wilson Buckman
Mr. & Mrs. Steve Buehler
Mr. & Mrs. Eugene (Mary Farra
`72) Buettner
Miss Elizabeth Bugiel `99
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Bulla `95
Miss Glenda Bullis `85
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas (Christine
Crawford `80) Bumgardner
Mr. & Mrs. David (Joy Knauer
`97) Bump
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Bunal `92
Mrs. Harriet Johnson Bunch `55
Mr. & Mrs. Spencer Bunch
Mrs. Alice Quinton Bunish `44
Mr. & Mrs. Barry (Teri Ludlow
`97) Bunker
Mr. Arnold `69 & Dr Tobi
(LeBlanche `65) Burden *
Mr. & Mrs. William `80 (Grace
`64) Burden
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Burgener
Mr. & Mrs. Terry Burke `97
Mr. & Mrs. James (Susan
Leininger `93) Burleigh
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Burman `88
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Burnett
Mr. & Mrs. Terry (DiAnna
Washington `98) Burnett
Mrs. Gladys Burns `75
Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Burns `97
Miss Karen Burns
Mr. & Mrs. Mark `67 (Joanna
Huffman `67) Burns
Ms. Vickie Taskey Burrell `96
Mr. & Mrs. Jeff (Tamara Stuart
`97) Burris
Dr. & Mrs. Daniel (Madge
Edwards OA) Bursch
Mr. & Mrs. William Fowler
Burton, III `89 *
Mr. & Mrs. Theodore Busch `91
Dr. Ella Bush
Mr. & Mrs. Michael (Cynthia
`97) Bush
Mrs. Sandra Bush
Mr. & Mrs. Mark (Janice
Dummer `98) Buss
Mr. & Mrs. Clinton Butcher `52
Mr. & Mrs. Curtis (Mary Hiatt
`65) Butcher
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Butler
Ms. Heather Butler
Mr. & Mrs. Larry Buttrum `93
Miss Nancy Buzan `84
Mr. Clarence Bye
Mr. Charles Byers, Jr. `89
Mr. & Mrs. James (Linda `00)
Mr. & Mrs. Lee Cabe
Mr. & Mrs. Donald `83 (Sharon
Barefoot `82) Cady
Mr. & Mrs. Tony (Julie Oster
`99) Cahalan
Mrs. Pat Cain
Miss Joy Caldwell `69
Rev. & Mrs. Arthur Calhoon `30
Mr. & Mrs. Omar Call
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Callahan `95
Mr. & Mrs. Paul (Virginia `90)
Mr. & Mrs. John (Linda Myers
`70) Camp
Mrs. Bertie Campbell
Rev. & Mrs. Ola `50 (Grace Epler
`45) Campbell
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald `72 (Sharon
Owen `71) Campbell *
Mr. & Mrs. Sam Campise
Mr. & Mrs. Ricardo (Margaret
Huffman `92) Canales
Rev. & Mrs. Terry Canfield `93
Mr. & Mrs. Lyle Canterbury `98
Ms. Soyla Cardenas `94
Mr. & Mrs. Bob (Karen
McGlothlin `96) Carini
Mr. & Mrs. James Carl, Jr. `88
Mr. & Mrs. Marvin `59 (Betty
Timberman `52) Carlisle
Mr. Bob Carlo `92
Dr. & Mrs. Donald Carlson `60
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis (Gracia Reid
`64) Carmer
Mrs. Bessie Carmichael
Mr. & Mrs. James Carmichael
Rev. & Mrs. Merlin Carothers
Rev. Earl Carpenter OA
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Carpenter `71
Mr. & Mrs. Jeff (Linda Emens
`81) Carpenter
Mr. & Mrs. Jeremy Carpenter
Ms. Rosemarie Carpenter
Mr. & Mrs. Bill Carr
Rev. Douglas Carr `83
Mr. & Mrs. James Carr
Mr. & Mrs. Michael (Phyllis
Wolfe `54) Carroll
Mr. & Mrs. William Carroll
Mr. & Mrs. Robert D. Carson
Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Carson
Ms. Dorretta Carter
Dr. & Mrs. Jerry `69 (Noritta
Moon `70) Carter
Mr. & Mrs. Larry Carter `87
Ms. Susan Wallace Carter `99
Mr. Kenneth Carver
Rev. & Mrs. David `63 (Sally
Adams `64) Case
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry (Josephine
Fairchild `98) Cassman
Rev. & Mrs. Howard `58
(Patricia Haverty `57) Castle
Rev. & Mrs. David `61 (Linda
Dyer `62) Castro
Mr. Michael Casuscelli
Mr. & Mrs. James (Holly Heath
`97) Catron
Mr. & Mrs. George (Ometa
Brown `50) Caudill
Mr. & Mrs. Ross (Teena Smith
`97) Cauffman
Mr. & Mrs. Charles (Pamela
Allen `71) Causey
Mr. & Mrs. Brian Caviggiola
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Cecil
Mrs. Doris Krieg Cecil `55
Mr. & Mrs. Glen Chamberlain
Ms. Judith Chamberlain `84
Dr. & Mrs. Curtis Chambers `47
Miss Tiffany Chambers `95
Ms. Gustanna Chaney `91
Mr. & Mrs. Roland Chapdelaine
Mr. & Mrs. Albert Chapman Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Winsett Charles `68
Mrs. Susie Chart
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Chastain
Mr. & Mrs. Wayne (Julia Barker
`57) Cheek
Mr. & Mrs. Chia-shan (Nancy
Hughes `70) Chen
Mr. Denny Cherette
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin (Sharon
Birdsall `76) Cherry
Mr. James Chestnut
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry (Kimberley
`98) Chilman
Mr. & Mrs. Dale `73 (Cathryn
Honor Roll of Donors
Packer `73) Chilson
Dr. & Mrs. Foster Chin `68
Ms. Kathy Chin
Rev. & Mrs. Cyril Chitty, Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Choi
Mrs. Betty Hicks Christler `52
Mr. & Mrs. Garry (Wanda
Whonsetler `72) Christner
Miss Amy Claghorn `95
Mr. & Mrs. Francis (Ruth
Montney OA) Clark
Mr. & Mrs. George Clark
Rev. John Clark
Mr. & Mrs. Lindsay (Sarah
Lorance `98) Clark
Ms. Lisa Clark
Mr. & Mrs. Robert (Esther Irvine
`41) Clark
Mrs. Sylvia Gaddis Clark `73
Mr. David Clarke `92
Miss Hilda Clarke `68
Mr. & Mrs. John (Erma Wilson
`48) Clarke
Miss Margaret Clawson `57
Mr. & Mrs. Ron (Julia Kawaski
`97) Clayton
Miss Sarah Claytor `85
Mr. & Mrs. Randall (Lawana
`93) Cleaver
Mr. & Mrs. David `64 (Wenda
Heater `61) Clement
Mrs. Margaret Thompson
Clement `36
Mr. & Mrs. Nathan `89 (Greta
Peterson `91) Clement
Ms. Rhonda Clement
Mr. & Mrs. Charles (Ruby
Tucker `49) Clerget
Mr. & Mrs. Rick (Barbara Keeran
`98) Clevenger
Mr. & Mrs. Michael `91 (Patricia
Moores `94) Cliff
Mr. & Mrs. John Clifford `62
Mr. Norman Clifford `71
Mrs. Virginia Clinard `59
Mr. & Mrs. Eddy Cline
Ms. Molly Cline `95
Mr. Randy Cline `94
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Cloncs `87
Mr. Robert Cloud
Rev. & Mrs. Wilbur `46 (Dorothy
Schmer `47) Coates
Mr. & Mrs. John Coaty
Mr. & Mrs. Danny (Renee’
Rupnow `97) Cocanower
Miss Brenda Cochran `93
Miss Mary Cochran `42
Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Cochrane,
Sr. `52
Mr. & Mrs. Doug (Portia Price
`98) Coe
Rev. & Mrs. Thomas `87 (Jane
Sayers `87) Coffey
Rev. & Mrs. Wesley `86 (Valerie
Dean `86) Coffey
Mr. & Mrs. Carroll (Patricia `98)
Mr. & Mrs. Marc (Joy Lippert
`97) Cohen
Mr. & Mrs. David (Carla `94)
Mr. & Mrs. James Cole
Mr. & Mrs. John `54 (Lois
Blanchard `54) Cole, Jr.
Ms. Karla Cole `96
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Cole `87 *
Mr. & Mrs. Richard (Kathy
Amsler `98) Cole
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Colescott
Dr. & Mrs. Joseph `68 (Charlotte
West `71) Coleson
Mrs. Maxine Rickard Coleson
Rev. & Mrs. Ralph `37 (Olive
Kindley `36) Coleson
Miss Sarah Coleson `99
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Collins `89
Ms. Marci Collins
Mr. & Mrs. Scott (Linda
Carothers `87) Collins*
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas `87 (Janice
North `97) Collins *
Ms. Michele Colson `95 *
Mr. & Mrs. Gene Colter `89
Rev. & Mrs. Steven Colter `89
Mr. & Mrs. Alonza (Charlene
Bacon OA) Colvin
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Combs `95 *
Rev. & Mrs. Paul Commons `80
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory `89
(Rebecca Hines `83)
Miss Penelope Conley `79
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Conn `99
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick (Lori Horner
`88) Connelly
Rev. Sonya Connelly `94
Mr. & Mrs. Brice Conner
Mr. Thomas Conner, Jr. `99
Mrs. Ruby Williams Connolly
Mr. & Mrs. Harry `51 (Elizabeth
Mobley `52) Connor
Mr. & Mrs. Richard (Carolyn
Childress `58) Conrad
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Cook
Ms. Pamela Cook `98
Mrs. Paula Cook
Miss Elaine Cooke `78 *
Mrs. Helen Cooley
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Cooper, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. David (Virginia
Budde `63) Cooper
Mr. Gene Cooper `67
Miss Jill Cooper `69
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Cooper
Rev. & Mrs. Raymond Cooper
Rev. & Mrs. Robert Cooper `53
Ms. Marguerite Copeland
Mrs. Tamra Corbin
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth (Jo Birkla
`70) Cornelison *
Mr. & Mrs. Robert (Clarice
Jeffries `52) Corrigan
Mr. & Mrs. Richard (Marilyn
Farmen `88) Coryell
Mr. & Mrs. Chris (Kerrie Schott
`95) Cossell
Mr. & Mrs. James (Nancy
Johnson `95) Costa
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Costello `52
Mrs. Mary Cote `97
Mr. & Mrs. Richard (Jody Keen
`76) Cott
Mr. Ronald Coughenour
Mr. & Mrs. Craig `89 (Diana
Ozbun `89) Coumbe
Mr. LaMont Coverstone `89
Mrs. Ruth Dudley Covert `54
Mr. & Mrs. Bryan (Kristy Kendall
`80) Cowden
Mr. & Mrs. Allen Cox `91
Mrs. Emma Cox
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Cox
Dr. & Mrs. Walter Cox OA
Mr. & Mrs. Wayne `91 (Julie
Adam `91) Cox
Mr. & Mrs. William Cox *
Mr. & Mrs. James `72 (Carol
Peters `70) Coy
Mr. & Mrs. Steven Craft `95
Mr. & Mrs. Basil Craib, Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. Louis (Mary Ann
Blue `96) Craig
Mr. & Mrs. Phillip `59 (Madelyn
Marsh `59) Crail
Mr. & Mrs. Francis (Helene
Einhorn `58) Cram
Mr. & Mrs. Carl (Diana Foley
`80) Cramer
Col. & Mrs. David Crandall
Mr. & Mrs. Gary (Mary Roggy
`72) Crawford
Mr. & Mrs. Lavern Crawford
Mrs. Muriel Tinney Crawford `57
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond (Connie
`77) Crawford
Dr. & Mrs. Ronald `68 (Dorothy
Coleson `68) Crawford
Rev. & Mrs. Roy `52 (Joaquin
Friar `52) Crawford
Rev. & Mrs. Robert Crecelius `50
Miss Bertie Creech
Rev. & Mrs. Howard Cress `47
Mr. & Mrs. John Crim `58 *
Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd Criner
Mr. & Mrs. Steve (Theresa `91)
Mr. & Mrs. Paul `95 (Kristi Avery
`00) Crisp
Mr. & Mrs. Bill Crocker
Mr. & Mrs. Phillip Crocker `88
Mrs. Frances Beyler Crockett `37
Mr. & Mrs. Bryan (Christine
Carper `97) Cromas
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel `85 (Dorcas
Tolan `86) Cromer *
Dr. & Mrs. John Cromer `62
Mr. & Mrs. Kim (Nila Miller `93)
Mr. & Mrs. Al Crooke `77
Ms. Mildred Crosby
Mr. & Mrs. Rex Crosby
Mr. & Mrs. John (Lorraine OA)
Mr. & Mrs. Johnny Cross `99
Prof. & Mrs. Rod Crossman `76
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry `61 (Ileen
Stephens `59) Crouse
Mr. & Mrs. Jesse Crowder, Jr. *
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Crowder `74
Rev. & Mrs. Dennis `84 (Barbara
Dunnuck `84) Croy
Mr. & Mrs. Herman (Doris
Young `49) Croy
Mr. & Mrs. John Croy
Mr. & Mrs. Alan Culley `80
Mr. & Mrs. Henry (Rose `97)
Rev. & Mrs. Keith Cunningham
Prof. & Mrs. William Cupp
Mr. & Mrs. Robert `77 (Debra
Foster `77) Curfman
Mr. Robert Curran `51 *
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Curry
Rev. & Mrs. Jeffrey (Cynthia
Blair `92) Curry
Miss Jeraldine Curtis `89
Miss Sean Curtis
Mr. & Mrs. William Curtis `95
Mr. & Mrs. Clyde (Eula Vermilya
OA) Curtiss
Mr. & Mrs. Michael (Melinda
McNeeley `90) Dager
Mrs. Janet Krieg Dahse `79
Mr. & Mrs. Edward `74 (Cynthia
Lichty `77) Daihl
Mr. & Mrs. Michael (Laura
Adams `97) Daily
Mr. & Mrs. David Daine `95 *
Mr. & Mrs. William Dale `97
Ms. Syd Dalton `89
Mr. & Mrs. Jared Damian
Mr. & Mrs. Ron (Gail Peaslack
`98) Dammert
Mr. & Mrs. Irvin Daniel `95
Miss Sharon Daniel `76
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas (Renee
Barnes `76) Daniel
Mr. Harold Daniels `93
Dr. & Mrs. Robert Daniels
Ms. Ruth Sloan Darst `53
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Dashnau
Rev. & Mrs. Robert `53 (Shirley
Snyder `65) Daughenbaugh
Mr. & Mrs. Jim (Linda Cox `98)
Dr. & Mrs. Douglas Daugherty
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Davenport
Mr. & Mrs. Mayer `61 (Mable
Fowler `58) David
Mrs. Patricia Shoup David `68
Mr. & Mrs. Carl Davidson `93 *
Mrs. Ida Canode Davidson `32
Mr. & Mrs. John (Mary Stone
`35) Davidson
Mr. & Mrs. Steven Davidson `95
Mr. & Mrs. Roger (Karen Davies
`94) Davies
Rev. & Mrs. Arthur Davis OA
Mr. & Mrs. Carey (Rebecca
Eades `56) Davis
Mr. & Mrs. George (Helen
Gustin `53) Davis
Mr. & Mrs. James Davis, Jr. *
Miss Jeanette Davis `77
Dr. & Mrs. Jerry Davis
Mr. & Mrs. Mark `94 (Dawn
Adams `94) Davis
Ms. Nancy Davis `96
Mr. & Mrs. Ray Davis *
Mr. & Mrs. Terry Davis `93
Mr. & Mrs. John `56 (Jacqueline
Snyder `59) Davisson
Rev. & Mrs. Donald `55 (Evelyn
Norris `54) Dawalt
Mrs. Marilyn West Dawalt `76
Mr. & Mrs. Robert `95 (Tanna
Smith `97) Dawson
Mr. & Mrs. Brian `98 (Stephanie
Brown `97) Day
Rev. & Mrs. Charles `45 (Lucille
Fisher `39) Day
Mr. & Mrs. Mike Day
Mr. Richard L. Day
Mr. & Mrs. James Dayton `70 *
Ms. Vickie DeCamp
Mr. & Mrs. Dean (Carolyn
Holbrook `75) DeHoff
Mr. James DeLonay `93
Rev. & Mrs. Ross DeMerchant
Profs. Mark & Kimberly
Rev. & Mrs. Jay `55 (Evelyn
Christler `53) DeNeff
Mrs. Mildred DeWeerd
Mr. & Mrs. Chris (Wendy Belew
`99) Deal
Mrs. Alberta Dean
Mrs. Elma Dean `75
Rev. & Mrs. John Dean OA
Miss Marcella Dean OA
Mrs. Rhonda McIlwain Dean `83
Mr. & Mrs. Dean Dearinger
Pastor & Mrs. Johnathan
Decker `95
Dr. & Mrs. Robert `47 (June
Martin `48) Decker
Mr. & Mrs. Eugene `61 (Esther
Blanchard `58) Degenkolb *
Miss Debra Dehen `80
Rev. & Mrs. Richard `51 (Mary
Dutiel `51) Deisler
Ms. Peggy Reynolds Dell `79
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Delp, Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald (Cheryl
Pickett `71) Dennison
Rev. & Mrs. James Denny `51
Mr. Richard Densmore `96
Mr. Jonathan Derby `88
Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Derr `97
Mr. & Mrs. Antonio Desando `96
Mr. & Mrs. Greg Dhaene `90
Mr. & Mrs. John (Anna Sclater
`62) DiBella
Mr. & Mrs. James `97 (Tricia
Renie `97) Diagostino
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Dickens `55
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Dickerson `93
Mr. & Mrs. William Dickey `95
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Dickinson `98
Mr. & Mrs. John Dickinson
Miss Thelma Diddle `52
Mr. Matthew Diedrich `98
Rev. & Mrs. Ronald OA (Esther
OA) Diehl
Mr. Donald Dieterly `90
Mr. & Mrs. Greg (Karrie
Beresford `95) Dietzen
Mr. & Mrs. David Dignal ‘00
Mr. & Mrs. Steven Dillman `91
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew (Sarah
Snashall `95) Dinovo
Mr. Donald Dion, Jr. `90
Mrs. Imogene Ward Dixon `49
Mr. & Mrs. Steven Doan
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald (Barbara
Richardson `98) Dobyne
Mr. & Mrs. Chad Dodd `99
Dr. & Mrs. John Dodge
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Doehring
Mr. & Mrs. James Doherty
Miss Jennifer Doherty
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Dombrowski
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth (Amy
Myers `92) Dombrowsky
Mrs. Karla Donaldson
Mr. & Mrs. Reginald Donaldson
Ms. Sharon Haley Donlon `91
Mrs. Martha Dooley
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffery Dorrel `97
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry (Rhonda
Handy `95) Dorst
Mr. & Mrs. James Douglas `97
Mrs. Glennis Douglass `61
Mr. & Mrs. Donald (Tammy
Grant `95) Dowell
Mr. & Mrs. Frank (Amy Rogers
`93) Downing
Mr. Jerry Downs
Ms. Della Drake *
Rev. & Mrs. LeRoy Drake `64
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Drake
Dr. & Mrs. Glenn Draper `49
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Drish
Rev. & Mrs. Benjamine `56 (Lois
Heavilin `56) Drown
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Druckemiller
`45 *
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Dubach `79
Mr. Terry Duckett `86
Rev. & Mrs. Robert Duda OA
Mr. & Mrs. Garry (Christine
French `96) Dudley
Dr. & Mrs. David `75 (Amber
Finkes `77) Duecker *
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Duke `69
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Duncan `94
Mr. & Mrs. John (Gena Gilstrap
`92) Duncan
Mr. Budd Dunlap `73
Mr. & Mrs. William Dunn
Rev. & Mrs. John Dunn
Mrs. Villard Dunn
Mr. Chad Dupin `97
Mr. & Mrs. George `54 (Lenore
Richards `57) Durey
Mr. David Durish `92
Mr. & Mrs. Marion `60
(Evangeline Nofsinger `60)
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas `58 (Mary
Wheeler `58) Duvall
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas (Lisa `94)
Honor Roll of Donors
Mr. & Mrs. George Dyer `72
Mr. & Mrs. Bill (Grace
Harrington `55) Dyk
Mr. & Mrs. Charles `93 (Melissa
Disselkoen `94) Dykema
Mr. Donald Dykhoff `78
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Dykstal `99
Mr. & Mrs. Donald (Mary Miller
`69) Eack
Mr. & Mrs. Richard `96 (Deborah
Birdwell `96) Eads
Mr. Mark Earl `73
Mr. & Mrs. John `67 (Linda
Hopen `73) Earnest
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey (Beth Garrett
`87) Eash
Mr. & Mrs. Danny East `89
Mr. & Mrs. Leroy (Lenora
Durham `87) Eastes
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Echelbarger
Mrs. Delores Meredith Echols
Dr. Raymond Echols
Rev. & Mrs. Creston Eckart `53
Rev. & Mrs. Stephen `91
(Connie Medbourn `71)
Mr. & Mrs. Lyle (Jean
Schamehorn OA) Eckert
Mrs. Dorothy Comingore Eddy
Rev. & Mrs. Edward `47 (Arlene
Knotts `47) Eddy
Mr. & Mrs. Paul (Patricia
Sherrets `68) Eddy
Mr. & Mrs. Joel (Jill Bentley `88)
Mr. & Mrs. John Edie `95
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Edmond `91
Dr. & Mrs. Steven `78 (Suzanne
Weltler `77) Edmondson
Rev. & Mrs. Gerald Edris `85
Mr. & Mrs. Blake (Robin Paul
`99) Edwards
Mrs. Kathleen Kelsven Edwards
Mrs. Martha Buchanan Edwards
Rev. & Mrs. Phil `54 (Edna
Wilcox `56) Edwards
Mr. & Mrs. Wilfred (Rachel
Enyart `58) Edwards
Miss Elizabeth Effland `51
Mr. & Mrs. Roy (Violet Martin
`34) Eger
Mr. & Mrs. Roy Ehrsam
Mr. & Mrs. John (Sandra Green
`82) Einhaus
Miss Virginia Eklund `65
Mr. & Mrs. Myron (Sheri `98)
Ms. Lori Elder `99
Mrs. Virginia Jones Elder `44
Mr. & Mrs. Milo `77 (Robin
Blake `81) Eldridge *
Mr. & Mrs. David (Hope Strope
`96) Elliott
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Elliott
Mrs. Vernice Lighty Elliott `57
Rev. & Mrs. Fred Pickett Ellis `77
Mr. & Mrs. George Ellis `90
Mr. John Ellis
Drs. Malcolm `52 & Lois
(Sheridan `50) Ellis
Mr. C. Robert Elrod
Dr. & Mrs. James `70 (Geraldine
Taylor `99) Elsberry
Mr. Jeffrey Ely `96
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas (Kimberley
`96) Ely
Mr. & Mrs. Bradley `99 (Sarah
Lipscomb `00) Emerson
Rev. & Mrs. Calvin Emerson `96
Dr. & Mrs. O. D. `51 (Ruthanne
Adams `79) Emery
Dr. & Mrs. Steven `71 (Carol
Stone `70) Emery
Mr. Russell Emmert `98
Mr. & Mrs. George (Diane `87)
Miss Marjorie Enders `92
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Endicott `91
Mr. & Mrs. John `70 (Dixie `81)
Mrs. Carolyn Franks Endsley `62
Mr. & Mrs. Tin (Susan Lahr `71)
Mr. & Mrs. David `57 (Rebecca
`57) Engel
Mr. & Mrs. John (Sheila Gordon
`97) England
Mr. & Mrs. David (Janet
Clocksene `47) Enos
Rev. & Mrs. Paul `56 (Winifred
Crim `54) Enyart, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Erickson OA
Mr. & Mrs. John Erickson `90 *
Rev. & Mrs. Lawrence
Erlandson `72
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Erlewine `36
Mr. & Mrs. Conrad (Norma
Carter `56) Etherington
Rev. Shalem Eu `97
Mr. Dennis Evans
Mr. Douglas Evans `88
Rev. & Mrs. Larry Evans `53
Mr. & Mrs. Mike (Dana Folkner
`86) Evans
Dr. Marie Evatt `45
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Even-Nur
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Everhart
Mr. & Mrs. William (Gayle
Francis `93) Everhart
Mr. & Mrs. Gary (Mary Hartman
`63) Ewert
Mr. & Mrs. Timm Fair `99
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph (Mary Allen
`97) Falk
Mr. & Mrs. Mark (Elaine Kilwy
`78) Fall
Mr. & Mrs. Philip (Vicki Harris
`78) Fanara
Miss Freda Farmer `51
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen (Rebecca
Fidler `78) Farrar
Rev. & Mrs. Robert `71 (Beth
Sabo `71) Farris
Mr. & Mrs. Roy (Hannah Kientz
`72) Farris
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas (Marguerite
Wrin `97) Fauber
Mrs. Ruth Calhoon
Faulkenberry `53
Dr. & Mrs. Paul `53 (Ruth
Calhoon `53) Faulkenberry
Mr. & Mrs. Clinton Faulkner `83
Mr. & Mrs. Michael (Denise `94)
Mr. & Mrs. Tom (Karen Strawser
`81) Favero
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Faxon `95
Dr. & Mrs. Rudyard Fay OA
Rev. & Mrs. Bryan Feathers `97
Mr. & Mrs. Dan (Carol `99)
Rev. & Mrs. Alfred `47 (Lavonne
Koenecke `49) Fennell
Miss Rebecca Fenner `97
Mr. & Mrs. Steve Fennimore
Ms. Joyce Ferguson `79
Mr. & Mrs. Robert (Lynn
Callahan `88) Ferguson
Mrs. Betty Stephens Ferree `52
Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Ferree `88
Col. & Mrs. Delmore Fessenden
Dr. & Mrs. William `73 (Alexis
Emmons `73) Fessenden
Ms. Marilyn Fichter `92
Mr. & Mrs. Keith Fields
Mrs. Sara Nierste Fike `69
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Filler `00
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Fine `98
Mr. & Mrs. Richard (Joy Miller
`38) Finkenbine
Rev. & Mrs. Warren `70 (Diane
Cook `67) Fish
Dr. & Mrs. Henry Fisher
Mr. & Mrs. James Fisher
Dr. Susan Fisher
Mr. & Mrs. Terry Fisher `96
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy `76 (Diane
Eisaman `76) Fisher
Mr. & Mrs. Floyd Fisk `52
Mrs. Reva Smith Fitzjarrald `89
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry (Sandra
Courmier `97) Flake
Mrs. Arminta Flechter
Mr. & Mrs. John Fleenor
Mr. & Mrs. Scott (Gina Kuntz
`98) Fleming
Mrs. Lois Fletcher
Mr. Richard Fletcher
Rev. & Mrs. Richard `82
(Deborah Paine `80) Fletcher
Mr. & Mrs. Samuel (Kerry
Buckingham `97) Fletcher
Dr. & Mrs. Stephen Flick `86
Dr. & Mrs. Lowell `59 (Doris
Mitchell `59) Flint
Mr. & Mrs. Roger (Deborah
Yurkovich `98) Flitcraft
Mrs. Naomi Floor
Mrs. Julia Rhodes Florea `83
Mr. & Mrs. Hector (Carla Calkins
`97) Flores
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Flowers
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey (Janette
Rapp `91) Fluharty
Mr. & Mrs. Clark (Sally Palmer
`72) Folgate
Mr. & Mrs. Archie (Ellen
Rittenburg OA) Follett
Rev. & Mrs. Albert `49 (Helen
Ellis `45) Fookes
Mr. & Mrs. Jarret (Andrea Hoalt
`97) Ford
Mr. & Mrs. Mark (Lois Major
`53) Ford
Mr. & Mrs. Niles Foreman `95
Ms. Ann Morrisey Forey `97 *
Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Forney `97
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry (Mary Baker
`98) Forney
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin (Rochelle `93)
Mr. & Mrs. John Forrester
Mr. & Mrs. Wilbur Forrester `71
Rev. & Mrs. Ronald `80 (Rita
Lennens `79) Forsythe
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Fortner `95
Miss Margie Foster `48
Mr. & Mrs. James (Victoria Poor
`95) Foust
Mrs. & Mrs. Shirley Fouts `94
Mr. & Mrs. Darl Fowler `55
Mr. & Mrs. Brian (Michele
Bartelt `91) Fox
Mr. & Mrs. Carlton Fox
Rev. Fred Fox `70
Mr. & Mrs. Herman Fox
Mr. & Mrs. Randy Fox `94
Dr. & Mrs. Keith `59 (Dorothy
Fessenden `61) Fraker
Mr. & Mrs. Gary `77 (Teresa
Boen `78) Francis
Mr. & Mrs. Ryan Frank `98
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey `85 (Dorothy
Basham `82) Franks
Mr. George Fratus
Mrs. Melody Frazee
Mr. & Mrs. Denys (Marjorie
Wagner `46) Fredrickson*
Miss Betty Freeborn `50
Mr. & Mrs. J. Stanley Freeborn
Dr. & Mrs. Warren Freeborn, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Bob Freelove
Mr. & Mrs. Harold Freeman `53
Mr. & Mrs. James `79 (Julie
Elson `79) Freeman *
Mrs. Rosalind Freeman `00
Dr. & Mrs. James Freemyer
Mrs. Oleta Leyh Freeze `52
Mr. & Mrs. Forrest `49 (Elva
Anderson `49) Freiheit
Mrs. Maxine Woodhams
Freiheit `40
Mr. & Mrs. Dale `88 (Cynthia
Reynolds `85) Frey
Mr. & Mrs. Gary (Cleo
McDowell `61) Frick
Mr. & Mrs. Randall Fridlund
Rev. & Mrs. Walter Friedley `81
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher
(Jennifer Noble `86) Friend
Rev. & Mrs. Steven `91
(Rebecca Pattison `94)
Miss Velma Frontine OA
Mr. & Mrs. Steve Frossard
Rev. & Mrs. David `64 (Ann
Staats `66) Fruth
Rev. & Mrs. Jack Miller Fulcher
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Fuller
Mr. & Mrs. Herbert Fuller
Dr. & Mrs. James O. Fuller
Dr. & Mrs. James T. Fuller OA
Miss Julia Fuller `94
Mr. & Mrs. James Gabbard `92
Mr. Kevin Gabbard `97
Mr. & Mrs. Michael (Marcia
McCoy `96) Gabbert
Dr. & Mrs. Austin `52 (Vellajane
Stipp `52) Gaddis
Mr. & Mrs. James `44 (Mary
Addison `40) Gaddis
Mr. & Mrs. Nils `95 (Christy
Barnes `94) Gaddis
Mr. & Mrs. Richard `70 (Laura
Mangas `69) Gaddis, Jr.
Rev. & Mrs. Elmer Gafford
Rev. & Mrs. Paul Gafford
Dr. Suzanne Galer
Mr. David Gamble `73
Ms. Carol Camp Garber `88
Mrs. Gerrilee Hudson Garcia `78
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Gardner
Mr. Carlos Garibay `91 *
Mr. & Mrs. Ermal Garinger `44
Mrs. Voreta Simpson Garman
Miss Jacqueline Garner `58
Mr. & Mrs. Harry Garrard, Jr. `91
Mr. & Mrs. Larry Garver `86
Rev. Catherine Gates `91
Mr. & Mrs. William Gates `97
Mrs. Mildred Gaylor
Mrs. Ruth Olander Gaylor `73 *
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Gearhart *
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffery Gehm
Dr. & Mrs. George Geier
Mr. & Mrs. Jay (Jennifer `99)
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey (Karen Noble
`87) Geiger
Miss Diana Geist `93
Mr. & Mrs. Stan (Ardith Torkko
`96) Gembolis
Mr. & Mrs. Dean Genth
Dr. & Mrs. Daniel `73 (Kathy
Wells `74) Gentry
Mr. & Mrs. Gary (Jennifer
Hirschy `83) Gentry
Dr. & Mrs. Melvin Gentry `45
Mrs. Tamara Cook Gephardt `98
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis (Tammy
Mullins `97) Gerber
Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Gerber `99
Rev. & Mrs. Thomas Getman
Mr. & Mrs. Donald (Janice
Woodbury `60) Gibbel
Mr. & Mrs. John Gibbons `70
Mr. Rondinel Gibson `98
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey (Pamela
Lucas `97) Giese
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Giesting `94
Ms. Diana Livingston Gilbert `94
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Gilbert `96
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas `92 (Mary
`90) Gillen
Mr. & Mrs. William Gillespie
Ms. Donna Snyder Gillock `69
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Gillock `68
Mr. & Mrs. Richard (Maria
Sutfin `85) Ginop
Rev. & Mrs. Loren `61 (Helen
Hersey `63) Gisselbeck
Mrs. Clara Wilson Gleason `46
Mr. & Mrs. Denver Glenn,Jr. `97
Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Glenn `60
Mr. & Mrs. Edward (Christina
Hamilton `95) Glynn
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Gnagey
Mr. & Mrs. Leonard (Jennifer
Hite `71) Godbey
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Godfrey `93
Mr. Mark Godsey `93
Mr. & Mrs. Richard (Michele
Lovejoy `94) Goebel
Mr. & Mrs. Alan (Donna Goetz
`97) Goetz
Dr. & Mrs. Albert Goff
Mr. & Mrs. Mark `85 (Sandra
Canady `85) Goff
Mr. & Mrs. Barry (Linda `89)
Mr. & Mrs. Richard (Edel `93)
Mr. & Mrs. Virgil Good `63
Mrs. Clara Goodman
Ms. Lisa Goodman
Rev. & Mrs. Watson `42 (Rose
Stair `42) Goodman
Dr. & Mrs. Woodrow `39 (Marie
Everest `36) Goodman
Mr. & Mrs. Bernard (Betty Tevis
`71) Goodpaster
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Goodrich `59
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey `90 (Beth
Batman `91) Gormong
Mr. & Mrs. Larry Gormong
Mrs. Ruby Gormong
Mr. & Mrs. Steve Gorrell
Dr. & Mrs. Kenneth `66 (Anne
Brittain `98) Gorveatte
Mr. & Mrs. George Goss
Mr. Earl Gottschalk *
Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Govier `73
Mr. & Mrs. Darrin `88 (Darla
Blackburn `86) Gowan
Mr. & Mrs. Gale `63 (Mary
Wierman `65) Graf
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Grandas
Mr. & Mrs. John Grannan `96
Mr. & Mrs. Darin `97 (Angela
Rizley `98) Grant
Rev. & Mrs. Roy Grant `51
Mr. & Mrs. Chris Gravesen
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis (Brenda
Decker `99) Gray
Mr. & Mrs. Leslie `85 (Emily
Smith `85) Gray
Honor Roll of Donors
Ms. Linda Gray `95
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Gray `94
Mr. Randall Gray `90
Mr. & Mrs. Delbert Green *
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Green, Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. Jeff (Vanessa Vance
`98) Green
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence OA
(Cheryl Miller OA) Green
Mr. & Mrs. Ron (Judith
Waggoner `98) Green
Mr. & Mrs. Frederick (Dawn
Crosby `98) Greene
Mr. & Mrs. Larry (Cathy Harmon
`97) Greene
Mr. & Mrs. Dean `59 (Joyce
Cheesman `56) Greeno
Mr. & Mrs. Leon `61 (Carol
Mencer `62) Greeno
Mr. & Mrs. David (Susan
Wenger `75) Greer
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Greiner `81
Mr. & Mrs. David Greiwe `97
Ms. Charlene Griffin `94
Mr. & Mrs. Philip Griffin `92
Mr. & Mrs. Alan Grimble `97
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Grimes `93
Mr. & Mrs. Rodney (Jo `96)
Mr. & Mrs. Francis (Alta Kribs
OA) Grimshaw
Rev. Mary Grimshaw `96
Mr. Matthew Grimshaw `96
Mr. & Mrs. Larry `73 (Judith
Spring `72) Grinder
Mr. Adam Griner *
Mr. & Mrs. Marcus Griswold `60
Mr. & Mrs. Ted (Amy Hartzler
`84) Groff
Rev. & Mrs. Melvin Grosenbach
Mr. & Mrs. Robert (Nancy Wills
`79) Groshong
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Gross
Rev. & Mrs. Ira Gross `51
Miss Kathy Gross `79
Mr. & Mrs. Lenville (Leanna Cox
`73) Gross
Mr. Marcus Grostefon
Miss Pamela Groves `72
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Grubaugh
Mr. & Mrs. Brad Grubb
Mr. & Mrs. Leslie Grubbs
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Gruwell `81
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Gschwind
Mr. Mark Guard `98
Mr. & Mrs. Carl Guarneri `86
Mr. & Mrs. Danny Guenin `70
Mr. & Mrs. Kutner `97 (Charity
`99) Guerrier
Mrs. Carol Halpin Guess `70
Ms. Doris Gunsalus
Rev. & Mrs. Russell Gunsalus
Rev. Jay Guptill `94
Mr. & Mrs. William `95
(Margaret `95) Gurchiek
Mr. & Mrs. Albert Guthrie
Mr. & Mrs. Kurt Haaning `97
Mr. & Mrs. Randall Habegger
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Hacker `69
Mr. & Mrs. Howard Hadin
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur (Wanda
Alford `96) Hadley
Mr. & Mrs. Alan Hagler `94
Mr. & Mrs. Theodore Hagler, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas (Mary
Stroup `99) Hagquist
Mr. & Mrs. David Hahn
Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Hahn
Mr. & Mrs. Jeff (Jennifer `93)
Mr. & Mrs. Rick (Linda Czajka
`91) Hajduk
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Hall
Mr. & Mrs. Larry Hall `99
Rev. Lloyd Hall `61
Mr. & Mrs. Lymon Hall
Ms. Mary Hall `93
Mr. & Mrs. Rodney Hall
Mr. & Mrs. Roger Hall
Mr. & Mrs. Tim (Theresa
Huesman `98) Hall
Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Hall
Rev. & Mrs. Robert `69 (Carol
Walker `69) Hallett
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey (Susan `96)
Ms. Colleen Halsema `89
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald `57 (Marcia
Thorne `74) Hamaker
Dr. & Mrs. Robert Hamill
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce `87 (Mary
Johnson `71) Hamlin
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas `75
(Dorothy Marshall `70)
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Hammond
Mrs. Lois Way Hammons `67
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Hammons
Mr. & Mrs. Terry (Janet Clifton
`97) Hancock
Mr. & Mrs. John (Arlene Vrana
`77) Hand
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Hand `93 *
Mr. & Mrs. James (Esther Fisher
`54) Handy
Mrs. Evangeline French Hane
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Hanes
Mr. & Mrs. David (Gretchen Fast
`99) Hanes
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Hanes `69
Mr. & Mrs. Bryan Haney `97 *
Mr. & Mrs. Paul `62 (Janice Crist
`60) Haney
Mr. & Mrs. Aaron `97 (Angela
Harris `97) Hanley
Mr. & Mrs. William Hanna `91
Mr. & Mrs. Scott (Larissa Mason
`97) Hannon
Mr. Ronald Hape `93
Rev. & Mrs. George Hapner `57
Mr. & Mrs. Myron Harden `96
Mr. & Mrs. Ken (Anne Watts `51)
Rev. & Mrs. Paul `49 (Dorothy
Hollenbeck `46) Hardin
Mrs. Lois Evans Harding `53
Mrs. Esther Mendenhall
Hardinger `40
Mrs. Sheila Rhinebolt Hardy `89
Mr. Albert Harker
Ms. Diane Harley-Brown `91
Mr. & Mrs. Brian Harlow `98
Mr. & Mrs. Jay (Tamara Martin
`80) Harman
Mr. & Mrs. Martin (Lana Back
`98) Harmeyer
Mr. & Mrs. Roy Harmon `98
Dr. & Mrs. Robert (Kimberly
`92) Harper
Mr. & Mrs. Chris (Sandra
McCrory `74) Harrell
Mr. David Harrell `90
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Harrell
Mr. Richard Harrell *
Mrs. Karen Sweany HarrellRudolph `98
Mr. & Mrs. Benny (Nancy
Gronendyke `98) Harris
Mr. & Mrs. Geoffrey `81
(Robinne `95) Harris
Dr. & Mrs. George Harris
Mr. & Mrs. Ison (Stacy `99)
Mr. & Mrs. John Harris `49
Mrs. Karen Anderson Harris `91
Ms. Patricia Harris `94
Rev. & Mrs. Philip (Betty
Freiheit `67) Harris
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond (Sherry
Holloway `95) Harris
Rev. & Mrs. Robert `74 (Mary
Corbin `72) Harris
Mr. & Mrs. Robert (Esther
Grizzell `96) Harris
Mr. & Mrs. Scott Harris `97
Dr. & Mrs. Albert Harrison
Mr. & Mrs. Michael `99 (Elaine
Moore `96) Harrity
Mr. & Mrs. Richard (Alice Lewis
`50) Harshman*
Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Hart
Mr. & Mrs. Jack `73 (Fran Allee
`76) Hart
Mr. & Mrs. Wade (Henrietta
Donahue `61) Hart
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Hartleroad
Mr. & Mrs. Robb (Nancy `99)
Mr. & Mrs. Doyle (Christine
Davis `75) Hartman
Ms. Linda Hartman
Mr. & Mrs. Loren Hartman OA
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Hartman `00
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas (Cheryl
Middaugh `76) Hartman
Ms. Adela Hartsough
Mrs. Beatrice Haisley Harvey `45
Mr. & Mrs. Dale `58 (Janice
Koeser `61) Harvey
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis (Karen
Snyder `88) Harvey
Mr. Donald Harvey `61
Miss Mary Harvey `49
Rev. & Mrs. Eugene `54 (Miriam
Rahenkamp `65) Harwell
Mr. & Mrs. Oscar (Esther
Branstetter `38) Hasler
Mr. David Haslett `71
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen `94 (Anna
Harris `90) Hastings *
Mr. & Mrs. Richard (Mary Ricks
`71) Hatch
Mr. & Mrs. Albert Hauck, Jr. `91
Mr. Rudy Hauck
Mr. & Mrs. Nolan `73 (Amy
Grinder `75) Hauser
Mr. & Mrs. Kyle (Melinda Ullery
`94) Hawkins
Mr. & Mrs. Donald `00 (Kellie
`00) Haworth
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis (Sharon
Elliott `97) Hayden
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Hayden
Dr. & Mrs. Andrew Hayes
Ms. Jamie Scott Hayes `96
Mr. Richard Hayes `65
Mr. Dwight Haynes
Miss Rebecca Haynes `97
Mrs. Sonja Sayles Haywood `78
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Heacock `96
Mr. & Mrs. Garner Heasley `53
Mr. & Mrs. Harvey `93 (Lisa
Carter `93) Heastan *
Mr. & Mrs. Craig Heathco
Rev. & Mrs. John `51 (Beulah
Butcher `50) Heavilin
Rev. & Mrs. Ronald `49 (Alice
Butcher `45) Heavilin
Mr. & Mrs. Michael (Robin
Rodenbeck `83) Heck
Mr. Stephen Heck `90
Mr. & Mrs. Steven Heckber `87 *
Mr. & Mrs. Ed Heckman
Mr. & Mrs. Henry (Doretta `89)
Mr. & Mrs. Kim `77 (Paula
Ragatz `79) Hedgebeth
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Hedlund `79
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur `61 (Marilyn
Rippe `60) Heer
Dr. & Mrs. Kenneth `64 (Nancy
Kierstead `64) Heer
Mr. & Mrs. Philip `87 (Melodie
Allison `85) Heer
Mr. Jeffrey Hellmann `92
Mr. & Mrs. Mike Helms
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas `72
(Deborah Birt `70) Helvey
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Hench
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffery Hency
Ms. Sandy Hendee
Mr. & Mrs. Joe Hendricks `89
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Hendricks
Rev. & Mrs. Robert Hendrix Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Henning `75
Mr. & Mrs. David `94 (Michele
Surfus `95) Henry
Mr. & Mrs. Donald (Rebecca
Lepper `98) Henry
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey (Dawn
Welshans `90) Henry
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Hensley
Rev. & Mrs. Michael (Roberta
`89) Henson, Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. John Herder `88
Dr. & Mrs. James Hering
Miss Sharon Heritage `91
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel (Ann Porteus
`73) Herman
Mr. Robert Herman `96
Dr. & Mrs. Thomas Hermiz
Rev. & Mrs. Jeffery `80 (Lois
Keith `81) Heron
Mr. & Mrs. Sam Heron
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Herriman
Dr. & Mrs. Harvey `63 (Rachel
Cox `62) Herring
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Herring `68
Mr. & Mrs. Larry Herring
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Hershberger
Rev. & Mrs. Robert `69 (Patricia
Anderson `69) Hershberger
Mr. & Mrs. Virgil (Mary Martin
`40) Hershberger
Mr. & Mrs. Steven Hesler `92
Mrs. Elaine Gladfelder
Heusinkveld `82
Mr. & Mrs. Mark (Francine
Roberson `98) Hewett
Rev. & Mrs. Gerald `65 (Jane
Fulks `67) Hewson
Mr. & Mrs. Larry Heydon `98
Mr. & Mrs. Lyndon Hiatt
Mrs. Annabelle Bardsley
Hibschman `66
Rev. & Mrs. Clyde `51 (Dolly
Albright `51) Hicks
Ms. Sharon Laird Hicks `82
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel (Barbara
Chilson `81) Higginbotham
Miss Jeni Higginbotham `95
Mr. Bradley Higgins `84
Mrs. Ethel Calhoon Higgins `55
Mr. & Mrs. Larry (Julia Hinkle
`77) Higgs
Mrs. Patricia Highbaugh `92 *
Mr. & Mrs. Don (Joyce Kulman
`70) Hileman
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Hileman `89
Mr. & Mrs. Micah (Tracy Peck
`00) Hiles
Rev. & Mrs. Charles `77 (Ruth
LaQuay `76) Hill
Mr. & Mrs. George Hill
Mrs. Marian Hill
Mr. Terry Hill `69
Mrs. Opal Hinds
Mr. & Mrs. Darren (Hazel
Patterson `95) Hindsley
Mr. & Mrs. Murli (Gloria Zellner
`71) Hinduja
Mr. John Hines
Mr. & Mrs. Weldon Hines `97
Rev. Scott Hinkley `89
Mr. & Mrs. John `95 (Heidi
Steffee `95) Hintermaier
Rev. & Mrs. Christopher
Hinterman `76
Pastor & Mrs. Jonathan Conant
Hinton `97
Mr. Russ Hintz `97
Ms. Barbara Hirzel `95
Mr. & Mrs. Jeremy `94 (Jennifer
Mattatall `94) Hite
Mr. & Mrs. Ron (Sheryll
Economan `74) Hix
Mr. & Mrs. Larry Hobbs `73
Dr. & Mrs. Jay Hochstetler
Mr. & Mrs. John Hockett `90
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Hodge Jr. `90
Ms. Kenna Hodges `96
Mr. & Mrs. Jim (Betty Hager
`60) Hodgson
Dr. & Mrs. Arthur Hodson
Miss Jennifer Hoff `99
Mr. Stephen Holaday `89
Miss Mary Holcomb `87
Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Holcomb `50
Mrs. Betty Holder
Mr. & Mrs. Carl `67 (Ellen
Peterson `66) Holder
Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Holder `95
Mr. & Mrs. James Holdren
Ms. Lolelita Faulk Holdren `98
Mr. Andrew Holland
Mr. & Mrs. Charles (Veta Caudill
`56) Holle
Mr. & Mrs. Larry Holley `63
Mr. & Mrs. James Hollinger
Mr. & Mrs. Alton `66 (Marilyn
Mitchell `65) Hollingsworth
Mr. & Mrs. Bryan `95 (Jo `99)
Mr. & Mrs. Jeryl Hollister `88
Mr. & Mrs. David `76 (Cindy
Young `77) Holloway *
Mrs. Gaytha Sills Holloway `93
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph `78 (Pamela
Heavilin `77) Holloway *
Rev. & Mrs. Kim `80 (Teena Jack
`87) Holloway
Mr. & Mrs. John Holmes
Mr. & Mrs. John (Mary
Shanafelt `62) Holmquist
Mr. & Mrs. John (Adena
Seguine `48) Holsinger
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew (Naomi
Irvine OA) Holt
Mr. & Mrs. Harry (Olive
Stonebraker `55) Holt
Dr. & Mrs. Mark Holt
Dr. & Mrs. Paul Hontz
Mr. & Mrs. George `64 (Marian
Woods `61) Hood
Dr. Tony Hood
Mr. & Mrs. Ed (Connie Arnett
`93) Hoover
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Hoppe `96
Prof. & Mrs. Stephen Horst
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Horwitz `90
Mrs. Patricia Houser `67
Mr. & Mrs. Paul (Marilyn Evans
`96) Houser
Mr. & Mrs. Richard (Denise
George `84) Howard
Mr. & Mrs. John (Margaret
McKeown `98) Howden
Mr. & Mrs. Dana (Rebecca
Hamilton `82) Howell
Mr. & Mrs. George Howell `92
Mr. & Mrs. James Howell `87
Honor Roll of Donors
Ms. Linda Howell
Ms. Janet Howes
Mrs. Kathryn Betz Howlett `38
Mr. & Mrs. Lewis `93 (Phillis
Flodder `97) Hoy *
Mr. & Mrs. Myron Hoyer `93
Mr. & Mrs. Curt Hribernik `96
Rev. & Mrs. Francis `62 (Donna
Cockroft `63) Hubbard
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Hubbard
Ms. Mary Hubbard `68
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Hubbell `90
Mrs. Beverly Hudson
Mr. & Mrs. Max (Kathryn
Woodbury `81) Hudspeth
Mr. Floyd Hueston
Mr. Barton Huffaker `67
Mr. & Mrs. Eric `96 (Deborah
`94) Huffine
Mr. & Mrs. David Huffman
Mr. & Mrs. Edsel (Mary
Moorman `51) Huffman
Dr. James Huffman `63
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry (Darlene
Breidenbaugh `83) Huffman
Mr. & Mrs. Gene (Catherine
Joyner `52) Hughes
Rev. & Mrs. Hubert Hughes `51
Mr. & Mrs. James Hughes `89 *
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Hughes `97
Rev. & Mrs. Marvin Hughes
Mr. & Mrs. William Hughes, III
Mr. & Mrs. Herb (Maxine Goff
`86) Hughs
Mr. & Mrs. Tom (Christine
Kunkler `98) Hull
Mrs. Betty Hulse
Mr. & Mrs. Leonard (Nanette
Dayton `60) Humbert
Mr. & Mrs. James Hummel
Mrs. Mary Hummel
Mr. & Mrs. Michael (Laurie
Haltom `95) Hummel
Mr. & Mrs. Roger (Joan `99)
Mrs. Ann Tanner Hunckler `97
Mr. & Mrs. Steve (Nancy Ryan
`73) Huneke
Mr. & Mrs. Dwight (Cathy `98)
Mr. & Mrs. Lyle Hunnicutt `93
Mr. & Mrs. Paul (Helen Conklin
`37) Hunsberger
Rev. & Mrs. Lyle Hunt `50
Mr. William Hunt `88 *
Rev. Winston Hunt `77
Mrs. Amy Jackson Hunter `35
Mr. & Mrs. David (Debra ’92)
Miss Debra Hunter `92
Dr. Marilyn Hunter `59
Mr. & Mrs. Michael (Beth Eckert
`96) Huppert
Mrs. Dorothy Parton Hurley `51
Mr. & Mrs. Michael (Vicki
Stariha `96) Hurley
Mr. & Mrs. Michael (Pamala
Krygier `87) Hurst
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Huser `91
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth `75 (Nancy
Blair `98) Hussong
Mr. & Mrs. Bradley `99 (Natalie
Smith `99) Huston
Mr. Robert Hutchinson
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Hutchison
Mr. & Mrs. Larry Hyatt
Mr. & Mrs. John Hynek `93 *
Prof. Barbara Ihrke `93
Mr. & Mrs. Ted (Sally Stewart
`71) Imbler
Mr. & Mrs. David (Kathleen
Marion `90) Ingerson
Mr. & Mrs. James Ingram
Prof. Priscilla Innocent `99
Mr. & Mrs. Lonny (Brenda
Snyder `74) Irvine
Mr. & Mrs. Marty Irwin `96
Mr. Don Isaac
Mr. & Mrs. Joe Isaacs
Mrs. Ruth Lindley Isaacs `41
Mr. Brian Israel `90
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Israel `67
Rev. & Mrs. Gerald Jack `55
Mr. & Mrs. Bob (Mary Clayton
`98) Jackson
Mr. & Mrs. Carl (Rhonda Wells
`77) Jackson
Miss Dorothy Jackson `60
Mr. & Mrs. Eric `98 (Debra
Wilson `00) Jackson
Mr. & Mrs. Harold `60 (June
Dixon `60) Jackson
Mr. & Mrs. Melvin (Janis `92)
Mr. & Mrs. Merrill Jackson `58
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Jackson `98
Mr. & Mrs. Earl Jacobs `95
Mr. & Mrs. George (Beth Farra
`62) Jacobs
Mr. & Mrs. Larry Jahnke `89
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Jahs `88
Mrs. Barbara Thomas James
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce James `90
Rev. Mark James
Mr. Thomas James `97
Rev. & Mrs. William `50 (Clara
Chizum `49) James
Mr. Charles Jamieson `77
Mrs. Marilyn Deisler Jamieson
Chaplain & Mrs. Roger `59
(Sarah Mangas `77)
Mr. & Mrs. Garry (Sharon
Rueter `92) Janoski
Mr. & Mrs. Duane `70 (Linda
Brink `74) Janssen
Rev. & Mrs. Jerry `77 (Joy
Sanders `73) Jaquish
Mrs. Meta Jasmer
Ms. Teresa Jeffers `99
Mr. & Mrs. David `70 (Della
Hixson `69) Jenkins
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Jenkins `92
Mr. Walter Jenkins `94 *
Mr. Roger Jenks `93
Dr. & Mrs. Lowell `43 (Mary
Gibson `42) Jennings
Miss Shirley Jennings `99
Mr. & Mrs. Scott `85 (Valerie
LeFeber `85) Jensen
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Jermeay `93 *
Miss Faith Jernigan `96
Ms. Barbara Jessie
Mr. & Mrs. Michael (Marilyn
Richards `74) Jessie
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey (Carie Barrett
`96) Johann
Mrs. Jean Johns
Mr. & Mrs. Brent (Sherry Phelps
`84) Johnson
Mr. Charles Johnson `99
Mr. & Mrs. Craige (Joy Gibbs
`72) Johnson
Mr. & Mrs. David (Kathi Weller
`74) Johnson
Miss Della Johnson `48
Rev. & Mrs. Fay Johnson `51
Mr. & Mrs. Frank (Dorothy
DeVries OA) Johnson
Mr. & Mrs. Gene Johnson
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory `73 (Marta
Bickel `73) Johnson
Rev. & Mrs. Harold `46 (Edna
Miller `48) Johnson
Mr. & Mrs. Homer (Beverly
Hazelwood `87) Johnson*
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry (Patricia
Gibson `69) Johnson
Mr. & Mrs. John (Delois
Chapman `98) Johnson
Dr. John Johnson
Mr. & Mrs. Larry Johnson
Mr. & Mrs. Lee Johnson `59
Mrs. Lila Beck Johnson `55
Mr. & Mrs. Max `91 (Robin York
`81) Johnson
Mr. & Mrs. Michael `85 (Laura
Gamble `85) Johnson
Mr. & Mrs. Michael `97
(Michelle Springer `95)
Mr. & Mrs. Paul (Karen
Jacobsen `69) Johnson
Dr. & Mrs. Boyd Johnson
Mr. & Mrs. Robert `72
(Bernadine Wilhelm `73)
Rev. & Mrs. Ronald Johnson `73
Mr. & Mrs. Roy (Peggy Palmer
`78) Johnson
Ms. Ruth Johnson
Mr. & Mrs. Scott (Linda O’Toole
`96) Johnson
Mr. & Mrs. Von (Catherine
Metcalf `66) Johnson
Mr. & Mrs. Walter (Shirley
McCallum `65) Johnson
Mr. & Mrs. Warren (Evonne
Ernst `48) Johnson
Mr. & Mrs. David (Karen `92)
Mrs. Stephanie Verhey
Johnston `98
Mr. & Mrs. Tim (Stefani
Meinzen `96) Johnston
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Jones `93
Mr. & Mrs. Barry Jones `97
Mrs. Bonnie Daniels Jones `67
Mr. & Mrs. Brad Jones `90
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce (Janet Forst
`82) Jones
Mr. & Mrs. Buddy (Lisa Walters
`94) Jones
Miss Grace Jones `80
Mr. Jerry Jones `67
Mr. & Mrs. Jon Jones `88
Rev. & Mrs. Kenneth `54 (Evelyn
Cosand `40) Jones
Mr. & Mrs. Leslie `97 (Bonnie
Schafer `91) Jones
Ms. Linda Jones `98
Miss Margot Jones `83
Rev. & Mrs. Morris Jones `90
Mr. & Mrs. Robert (Mildred
Henry `55) Jones
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Jones
Ms. Shawna Phillips Jones `98
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas (Jeannice
Brown `67) Jones
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas D. Jones
Mr. & Mrs. William Jones
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Joseph `97
Ms. Faye Joyce `92
Mr. & Mrs. George (Diana Zook
`98) Joyner
Rev. & Mrs. James `48 (Edna
Shelor `48) Judy
Ms. Nancy Robinson Juengst
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas (Carol
Luskiewicz `89) Julian*
Mr. & Mrs. Richard `88 (Gazina
Dykhoff `86) Jumper
Mr. & Mrs. Steven Jungbauer
Mr. & Mrs. John Junker `99
Mr. & Mrs. David Jurkiewicz `94
Mr. & Mrs. Luther `66 (Sharon
Deckard `66) Kalb
Miss Jennifer Kangas `00
Mr. & Mrs. Charlie (Kathleen
Hyer `96) Karazsia
Mr. & Mrs. Charles `96 (Karla
Ontiveros `95) Karr
Mr. & Mrs. Amado Kasiguran
Miss Sandra Katt `85
Mr. & Mrs. Peter (Judy Teel `72)
Miss Kristine Kazmierczak `92
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Keaffaber
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Keating `85
Mr. & Mrs. Keith Keck `95
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Keen `94
Rev. & Mrs. James `68 (Judith
McIntyre `67) Keilholtz
Miss Juline Keilholtz `92
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald (Vivian Farris
`31) Keirn
Mr. & Mrs. Noel Keirn
Mr. & Mrs. Buddy `53 (LaNora
Patrick `50) Keith
Mr. & Mrs. Greg (Janelle
Wimmer `75) Keith
Mr. & Mrs. Jerome Kelley `90
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Kelley `72
Mr. & Mrs. Keith Kelley
Mr. & Mrs. Matt (Lorraine
Bussing `97) Kelley
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Kelley `94
Mr. Clark Kellogg
Dr. & Mrs. Henry Kelly
Mr. & Mrs. John Kelly
Rev. & Mrs. Joseph `73 (Linda
Bardsley `73) Kelly, II
Miss Marion Kelsven `43
Mr. & Mrs. Leon `88 (Elizabeth
Courtright `96) Kennedy
Mr. David Kennel `95
Mr. & Mrs. Ron (Judith
Kauffman `97) Kennel
Mr. & Mrs. Tim (Marcia Miller
`82) Kent
Rev. Joseph Kephart
Rev. & Mrs. Leslie `73 (Kathleen
Reese `74) Kephart
Dr. & Mrs. Edward Keppler
Mr. & Mrs. Carl Kerby
Mr. & Mrs. Jay (Debra Westafer
`70) Kern
Mr. & Mrs. Steven Kershaw `91
Mr. & Mrs. Wayne (Catherine
`94) Kessler
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Kessler `56
Mr. & Mrs. David (Linda
McCartney `88) Ketterer
Mr. & Mrs. David (Sylvia
Michelson `89) Kettler
Mr. & Mrs. Mark `95 (Tonia
Bogan `98) Key
Dr. Shirley Khalouf
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Kidwell
Mr. Louis Kielbasa `89
Mr. & Mrs. Dale Melaine
Dr. Eugene Kierstead `34
Dr. & Mrs. Glendon Kierstead
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Kiger `95
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Kightlinger `47
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Killewald
Dr. & Mrs. Charles Killian `59
Rev. & Mrs. William `61 (Linda
Scott `59) Killian
Mr. George Kilmer
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond `90
(Kathleen Corliss `90) Kilmer
Mr. & Mrs. Doug (Jean Liles `98)
Mr. & Mrs. Kurt `90 (Jo Medows
`86) Kincanon
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Kindig, II `88
Mr. & Mrs. Brad (Cara
MacMorran `97) King
Mr. & Mrs. David King `90 *
Mr. & Mrs. James (Julie Brown
`98) King
Mr. & Mrs. Mark King `95
Mrs. Ruth King
Mrs. Ruth Payne King `51
Mr. & Mrs. Steven King `94
Rev. & Mrs. William Kinnan, Jr.
Rev. & Mrs. William Kinnan, Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Kinnison
Staff Sergeant & Mrs. Mark
Kinsey `92
Ms. Betty Kinstler OA
Mr. & Mrs. Russell Kirkham `97
Mr. & Mrs. Allen (Ruth Morgan
`49) Kirkman
Mr. Jacob & Dr. Bonnie (High
`89) Kirkpatrick
Miss Joan Kirkpatrick `61
Mr. & Mrs. Doug (Shelly `92)
Mr. & Mrs. Clinton `50 (Wanda
Kaufman `50) Kiser
Mrs. Glennis Powers Kiser `49
Mr. & Mrs. Greg Kiser `99
Rev. & Mrs. Leonard Kiser `46
Mr. & Mrs. William `63 (Marilyn
Clifford `64) Kissane
Mr. & Mrs. Bradley Kissell
Mr. & Mrs. Delbert (Bonnie
Hockersmith `63) Kistler
Mr. & Mrs. James Kistler `98
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Kistler `85
Mr. Steven Kitch `93 *
Mr. Chad Kivett `96
Mr. & Mrs. Clifford (Dorothy
Pryor `40) Kjell
Mr. & Mrs. Mark `72 (Dawn
Holmes `71) Klatt
Rev. & Mrs. Robert `44 (Vera
Stair `47) Klatt
Mr. & Mrs. David Klein `91
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey (Kathleen
Tangeman `82) Klemczak
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Kline `90
Ms. Beatrice Klingerman
Mrs. Mildred Wilson Klok `23
Mr. & Mrs. Monty Kluger `98
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Klupchak
Ms. Cheryl Eaton Knapp `96
Mr. & Mrs. David Knepp
Mr. & Mrs. Terry (Sherry Banter
`88) Knight
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Knitter, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Knost `87
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas (Carole
Schultz OA) Knowlton
Mr. & Mrs. Ken (Jennifer
Weathers `97) Koch
Dr. John Koegel `71
Mr. & Mrs. Edwin (Joetta
Holsing `70) Koeser
Mr. Ernest Kohlmorgen
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph (Rickie
Gearhart `96) Kohne
Mr. & Mrs. William (Linda
Lambert `99) Kolish
Mr. & Mrs. Dwight Kopp
Mr. & Mrs. John Koteskey, Jr.
Mr. William Kovacich `90 *
Mr. & Mrs. Mark (Sherry Barber
`96) Kowalski
Ms. Suzanne Kowalski `95
Mr. & Mrs. Norm (Kaye Young
`96) Koziatek
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas (Kellie
Lohrman `95) Kozma
Dr. & Mrs. James Kraai
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Kraemer `57
Ms. Nancy Vice Krause `95
Honor Roll of Donors
Mr. James Kreitzer `93
Ms. Jean Kreke `70
Mrs. Martha Krick
Mrs. Norma Surface Krieg `55
Mr. & Mrs. Gary (Sandy Capes
`97) Kriete
Dr. & Mrs. Earl `61 (Jean Golden
`59) Kring
Mr. Joseph Kronewitter `95
Mr. & Mrs. Christian (Christine
Lusk `74) Krull
Mr. & Mrs. Galen (Doris Ledy
`47) Kubin
Dr. Keith Kucera
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Kuhar `91
Mr. & Mrs. Larry (Lisa `99)
Miss Kimberly Kuntz `98
Mr. & Mrs. George Kuntzman
Dr. & Mrs. Waldon `49 (Mary
Newton `49) Kurtz
Prof. Alan Kwok
Mrs. Elaine Moody Kwolek `61
Mr. Ryan Kyes
Mr. Lowell LaGarde `39
Mr. & Mrs. Willis (Noramae
Smith `62) Ladd
Ms. Donna Lamb `84
Rev. & Mrs. Marvin Lamb `73
Mr. & Mrs. Harvey (Bonnie
Enochs `97) Lambert
Mr. & Mrs. Brian (Briana
Kennedy `97) Landis
Rev. & Mrs. Eldine `55 (Ruth
Hoover `67) Landis
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Landis `80
Mrs. Dorlee Hurt Lane `58
Mr. & Mrs. Steven Lane `95
Mr. & Mrs. Tom (Janice Hudson
`70) Languell
Mrs. Linda McCauley Lanning
Mr. & Mrs. Dale `51 (Julia
Justus `50) Lappin
Mr. & Mrs. Harold (Edna
Holmquist `58) Larimore
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Larson
Ms. Gladys Larson
Dr. & Mrs. Patrick (Peggy `90)
Mr. & Mrs. William Laughlin `83
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas (Sharon
Reliford `96) Law
Mr. & Mrs. Tracy (Meta Enslen
`81) Law
Ms. Barbara Lawrence `93
Mrs. Kathryn Morgan Lawrence
Mr. & Mrs. Everett Lawson `56
Mr. & Mrs. James `97 (Renee
Ranchel `96) Lawson
Mr. & Mrs. Jay (Diane Jacobs
`70) Lawson
Mr. & Mrs. Robert (Grace `81)
Mrs. Elizabeth Leach
Rev. Joseph Leach `33
Miss Juanita Leach `58
Rev. & Mrs. Robert Leach `50
Mr. & Mrs. Roger `94 (Beverly
McNett `96) Leach
Rev. & Mrs. Todd `91 (Mary
Wiggins `91) Leach
Mr. & Mrs. Everett Leadingham,
Jr. OA
Mrs. Barbara Leary
Rev. & Mrs. Oliver (Hazel
Thomas `54) Leatherman
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry (Betty Barker
`66) Leavell
Mr. & Mrs. Kris Leckron
Rev. & Mrs. Joseph `54 (Shirley
Frye `54) Ledwell
Dr. & Mrs. Duk Lee
Rev. & Mrs. Jeffrey Lee `90
Mr. & Mrs. Yong Lee `97
Mr. & Mrs. Robert (Beverly `94)
Rev. & Mrs. Vernon `56 (Velda
Wilson `54) Lefeber
Mr. & Mrs. David `73 (Karen
Fosnough `96) Leff
Mr. & Mrs. Steve (Janice Cox
`76) Legg
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas `92 (Noelle
Velazquez `99) Lehman
Rev. & Mrs. Fritz Lehman `91
Mr. & Mrs. Edward (Ruth Grant
`61) Lehmann
Mr. & Mrs. Adam (Joy Albus
`94) Leiden
Rev. & Mrs. David `79 (Carol
Medows `77) Leitzel
Rev. & Mrs. James Leitzel `88
Mr. & Mrs. Chris (Rebecca
Bailey `98) Leland
Mr. & Mrs. Henry (Beatrice `75)
Mr. & Mrs. Kristin Leming `97
Dr. & Mrs. Stephen (Eileen
McDonald `95) Lennox
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Lents `90
Rev. & Mrs. Thomas `52 (Betty
Hook `54) Lentz
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Lepper `92
Mr. & Mrs. Eugene (Karyl `97)
Rev. & Mrs. Phillip `92 (Pamela
Kincaid `87) Leslie
Mr. Thomas Leslie `91
Mr. Joseph Lester `96
Mr. & Mrs. Von Letherer `59
Rev. & Mrs. Steve `54 (Helen
Johnson `54) Letonek
Mr. Todd Levy `98
Mr. & Mrs. Brent (Rachel Long
`81) Lewis
Mr. & Mrs. Brian (Wanda Rohrer
`87) Lewis
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Lewis
Mr. & Mrs. Cleveland Lewis `91
Mr. Don Lewis
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Lewis `97
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Lewis `99
Mr. & Mrs. Martin Lewis `86
Miss Melissa Liddick `00
Lt. Col. & Mrs. Larry Liggitt `76
Mr. Leon Liggitt,Jr. `00
Mr. & Mrs. John Light `97
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Lightcap `97
Mr. & Mrs. Gary (Maybeth
Rockwell `71) Lightfoot
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Lilly `96
Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Lincoln `48
Rev. & Mrs. James (Evangeline
Wilson OA) Lindner
Dr. & Mrs. Larry Lindsay
Mr. & Mrs. T. H. Ling
Mr. & Mrs. Mick (Linda Belser
`97) Linn
Mr. Aaron Lipina
Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Lisciotto `97
Mr. & Mrs. William (Lael Jeffries
`62) Littlefield*
Mr. & Mrs. Roy Livingston `89
Mr. & Mrs. James Lloyd `94
Mr. & Mrs. Larry (Joleen Miller
`95) Lloyd, Jr.
Dr. & Mrs. James Lo `82
Mrs. Gretchen Helm Lobsiger
Miss Carolyn Lockard `82
Miss Pauline Loeffler `55
Mr. & Mrs. David (Shirley
Erhard `95) Loesch
Mr. & Mrs. Mylon (Amber `00)
Mr. Tim Logan `95
Mr. & Mrs. David (Cindy Haisley
`82) Long, Jr
Mr. & Mrs. George Long, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan (Diane
Pluta `84) Loomis
Mr. & Mrs. David (Roxanne Ray
`95) Lortz
Mr. & Mrs. Marvin Losey
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Louden `98
Mr. & Mrs. Vernal Love
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Lowe `91
Mr. & Mrs. Todd Lozier `98
Mr. & Mrs. Charles (Rebecca
McQueen `97) Lucas
Miss Jeanette Lucas `94
Mr. & Mrs. John (Myra Brown
`69) Ludeman
Mr. & Mrs. Alan Lueders `77
Rev. & Mrs. Jeffrey `96 (Amy
Sturgill `96) Luedtke
Rev. & Mrs. Donald Luellen `56
Mr. & Mrs. Harry Luke `96
Mr. & Mrs. Larry Lukens
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond (Viola
Caldwell `48) Lundry
Mr. & Mrs. James Lundy, Sr. `93
Rev. & Mrs. Richard Lupton `94
Mr. & Mrs. Vernon Luse
Mr. Russell Lush `99
Dr. & Mrs. Franklin (Betty
Kocher `69) Lusk
Mr. Dale Luther
Mr. & Mrs. John (Johnetta
Adams `65) Lutton
Rev. & Mrs. Jeffrey `92 (Paula
Vardaman `85) Luttrell
Rev. & Mrs. Lynn (Vonnie
Pattengale `79) Lutz
Mrs. Shirley Lutz
Ms. Angela Lyall `98
Mr. Michael Lykins
Ms. Angelique Lynch `99
Mr. & Mrs. Chad (Ruthanne
Wheeler `88) Lynch
Mr. & Mrs. Ray `61 (Maralyn
Higgins `58) Lyne
Mrs. Gwenyth Lynn
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Lytle `94
Dr. & Mrs. Robert (Louise
Dietrich `69) Lytle
Mr. & Mrs. Rob `64 (Jewel
Smith `63) MacGregor, Jr.
Miss Linda MacKay `82
Mr. & Mrs. Scott MacLaren `89
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony `76
(Deborah Hendricks `76)
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Mack `78
Mrs. Dorotha McIntosh Mack
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Macy `49
Mr. & Mrs. Robert (Reba Linville
`36) Macy
Rev. & Mrs. Larry `78 (Ann
Moody `77) Maddox
Mrs. Martha Pownell Maddox
Rev. & Mrs. Samuel Maddox `81
Rev. & Mrs. Charles Maddux `58
Miss Rosemary Maddux `55
Mr. & Mrs. Mark (Maxine Reedy
`89) Magee
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Magee
Dr. & Mrs. John Maher `75
Mr. & Mrs. Steve (Deborah
Simms `95) Mail
Mr. & Mrs. Colin (Elizabeth
McKinniss `97) Main
Miss Frances Major `44
Miss Patsy Major `59
Rev. & Mrs. William Major `38
Mr. & Mrs. Layne (Lori Hill `96)
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Malcom
Mr. & Mrs. Alan (Heather
Conroy `87) Malone
Mr. & Mrs. Charles (Mary Miller
OA) Malone
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Malson `97
Mr. & Mrs. Mike Manganello
Mr. & Mrs. Michael `74 (Janet
Dayton `75) Manley
Rev. & Mrs. George `47 (Harriet
DeLawter `47) Manlove
Mr. & Mrs. Aaron Manning
Ms. Kathie Manning
Mr. & Mrs. Larry Manning `87
Mr. & Mrs. Richard (Patricia
Griffith `62) Manning
Mrs. Harriet Daniels Manson `38
Mr. Ralph Marcuccilli `98
Mr. & Mrs. James `72 (Sharon
Mitchell `72) Marcum *
Mr. & Mrs. Dan (Kemberly
Marciniak `98) Markham
Mr. & Mrs. Jack (Teri Witmer
`83) Marley
Rev. & Mrs. Wallace Marshall
Dr. & Mrs. Kenneth Mart
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Martens
Mrs. Alice Barrick Martin `34
Mr. & Mrs. Bradley (Yvonne
`96) Martin
Mr. & Mrs. David Martin `93
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory (Patricia
Manlove `92) Martin
Mr. & Mrs. Joe Martin
Miss Mary Ellen Martin `66
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Martin `92
Mr. Phillip Martin `93
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond (Janice
Hovermale `73) Martin*
Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Martin `98
Mr. Terry Martin `73
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy `92
(Jennifer Corrie `92) Martin
Mr. & Mrs. Bradford Marting `97
Mr. & Mrs. David (Ruth Bragg
`87) Masiongale
Rev. Elsie Spain Mason `40
Mr. & Mrs. James Mason
Rev. & Mrs. James W. Mason
Mrs. Thelora Mason
Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd Mast `88 *
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Matchette
Miss Evelyn Mathers `64
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen (Esther
West `68) Mathews
Mr. & Mrs. Austin (Betty Walker
`54) Mathis
Miss Lisa Mathis `99
Mr. & Mrs. Robert (Alberta
Penzone `87) Matrejek
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffery Matsuoka `99
Rev. & Mrs. David `99 (Nancy
`00) Matt
Miss Kathy Matt `93
Mr. Shawn Matter
Mr. & Mrs. Alan Matthews `90
Rev. & Mrs. Rick Matthews `87
Mr. & Mrs. Bill (Anita Coy `98)
Rev. & Mrs. Robert `47
(Jeanette Bryan `46) Mattke
Mr. & Mrs. Jerome (Jennifer
Disney `98) Maune
Mr. & Mrs. Alvin May *
Mr. Rodney Mayberry `99
Mrs. Janet Todd Mayer `56
Mr. & Mrs. Walter (Carol Dayton
`67) Mayer
Dr. & Mrs. Lafayette Mayfield
Mr. Paul Mayhugh `62
Mr. & Mrs. Edd Mays `96
Prof. & Mrs. Ronald (Jil Tuin
`85) Mazellan
Mr. & Mrs. George McBride OA
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew McCallum
Dr. & Mrs. Floyd McCallum OA
Mr. & Mrs. Otis (Robin Adams
`99) McCallum
Rev. & Mrs. Daniel `51 (Betty
Stoner `52) McCandless
Miss Laurie McCandless
Mr. & Mrs. Roy McCandless `54
Mr. & Mrs. Melvin `66 (Laurel
Economan `63) McCann *
Mrs. Phebe Rahenkamp
McCarty `47
Mr. & Mrs. Robert McChesney
Mr. & Mrs. Steven (Molly
Counts `88) McClelland
Mr. & Mrs. Craig (Patricia
McKitrick `70) McClure
Mr. & Mrs. Harold McCollum
Mr. & Mrs. Kirk McCollum `91
Mrs. Marsha Jaycox McConnell
Mr. & Mrs. Robert (Kathleen
Vaughn `96) McCorkle
Mr. & Mrs. James `50 (Lois
Routson `54) McCormick
Mr. & Mrs. Paul `61 (Linda Long
`58) McCormick
Mr. & Mrs. George (Constance
`91) McCowan
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin McCoy
Mr. Kent McCrary `91
Dr. Anthony McCrovitz `93
Miss Mabel McDaniel `48
Mr. & Mrs. Jay (Wanda Thuma
`92) McDermond
Miss Brenda McDonald `99
Ms. Joyce Lawhorn McDonald
Mr. & Mrs. Russell McDowell
Mr. & Mrs. Donald McElfresh
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel (Cynthia
Hawkins `83) McEvoy
Mr. James McFadden `00
Mr. & Mrs. Kerwin McFrederick
Dr. Charles McGee
Mrs. Carolyn McGhee
Mr. & Mrs. Floyd McGlothin
Rev. & Mrs. Ned McGrady `94
Mr. & Mrs. Brad `94 (Julie
Thomas `93) McIntosh
Mr. & Mrs. David `63 (Beverly
Wortz `62) McIntosh
Mr. Julius McIntosh `79
Mr. & Mrs. Emerson OA (Joann
Moore OA) McIntyre
Mr. & Mrs. Jim (Katherine
Donham `97) McKanna
Mr. & Mrs. David McKee `65
Mr. Dennis McKee `90
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald McKee
Rev. & Mrs. Walter `61 (Rachel
Coile `62) McKee, Jr.
Mr. William McKee `99
Ms. Greta McKenzie `98
Mrs. Mildred McKesson
Mr. & Mrs. James McKiddie
Mr. & Mrs. Merrill `79 (Nancy
Phillips `81) McKinley
Rev. Paul McKinley `57
Miss Thelma McLauchlin OA
Mr. & Mrs. Steven McLaughlin
Mr. & Mrs. Gary (Susan `93)
Mr. & Mrs. Michael (Carolyn
Kiefer `97) McMaken
Rev. Glen McMurphy `47
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph McMurry `92
Mr. & Mrs. James (Judith
Honor Roll of Donors
Walker `78) McNaughton
Mr. & Mrs. Bill (Melody Stair
`76) McNeely
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin (Margaret
Miller `88) McNeely
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas McPherson
Rev. & Mrs. David `65 (Karen
Williams `64) McQuiston
Mr. & Mrs. John (Susan
DeGroot `78) McRorie
Mrs. Sue McVicker
Mr. & Mrs. Danny (Mary Wilbur
`90) Meadows*
Drs. Charles `67 & Betty (Pike
`67) Mealy
Mr. & Mrs. Larry `70 (Linda
Christie `69) Mealy
Mr. & Mrs. Mark `94 (Jennifer
Marvin `94) Mealy
Rev. William Meddock `44
Dr. & Mrs. John Medley `92
Mr. & Mrs. Ben `55 (Julia
Hobson `54) Medows
Mr. & Mrs. James Medows
Mr. & Mrs. Dale (Dorretta
Walter `53) Meekin
Mr. & Mrs. David `93 (Rebecca
`87) Meeks
Mrs. Carolyn Meints
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony `77
(Rosalyn Deisler `76) Melton
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Melton `97
Mr. Douglas Merges `92
Mr. & Mrs. Willis Mesker *
Miss Betty Messer OA
Mr. & Mrs. Elielson (DeAnne
Hilfinger `88) Messias
Dr. & Mrs. Thomas Metallo `88
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Metcalf `91
Mr. & Mrs. James Metcalfe `62
Mrs. Alberta Bowman Metz `51
Rev. & Mrs. Daniel Metz `88
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry `96 (Rachel
Troyer `97) Metzger
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Meyers `99
Mr. & Mrs. Dwain Michael
Mr. Richard Michell `93
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce (Jane
Cummings `98) Mikesell
Rev. & Mrs. Dwight Mikesell `99
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Miklik `87
Mr. Gregory Milakis `90
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Milazzo `95
Mr. & Mrs. James `90 (Rebecca
Stucki `90) Miles, II
Mr. & Mrs. Mark (Kathleen
Overmyer `82) Millage
Dr. & Mrs. Alban Millard,Jr.
Mr. Edward Milleman
Ms. Sandie Milleman
Mrs. Deloras Gingrich Millen `43
Mrs. Guida Butcher Millen `49
Rev. Betty Miller OA
Mr. & Mrs. Brad (Karla
McCormick `82) Miller
Mr. & Mrs. Carl (Diane Sibbing
`92) Miller
Mr. & Mrs. Charles `63 (Marceil
Johnson `49) Miller
Mr. & Mrs. David Miller `90 *
Rev. & Mrs. David Miller `96
Rev. & Mrs. Donald `77 (Nancy
McCord `77) Miller
Mr. & Mrs. Fred Miller
Mr. & Mrs. Greg Miller
Mr. Gregory Miller `97
Mr. & Mrs. John `42 (Ruth
Geyer `42) Miller
Mr. & Mrs. Jon (Debra Johnson
`86) Miller
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph `98 (Julie
Janicki `96) Miller
Mr. & Mrs. Marvin Miller, Jr. `97
Rev. & Mrs. Matthew `75
(Sherrill Coffey `76) Miller
Mr. & Mrs. Michael (Danna `99)
Miss Rebecca Miller `82
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Miller
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Miller
Mr. & Mrs. Russell (LeAnn
Harrison `96) Miller
Miss Suzanne Miller `86
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy `75
(Kathleen Curtis `75) Miller
Rev. & Mrs. Virgil OA (Erma
Steinacker `45) Miller
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond (Clara
Weaver `50) Millett
Mr. & Mrs. Ron (Joetta Trabue
`96) Million
Mr. & Mrs. Frank (Virginia
Visher `36) Mills
Dr. & Mrs. Garrett Mills
Mr. & Mrs. James (Diane
Muxlow OA) Mills
Ms. Judith Miller Mills `89
Dr. & Mrs. Leonard Mills OA
Mr. & Mrs. Roger (Janet Mills
`76) Mills
Ms. Suzanne Mills `97
Rev. Arthur Mimnaugh `60
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Minckler `63
Mr. & Mrs. Fred Mindach
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Miner
Mr. & Mrs. Brice Minger
Miss Phyllis Minkwitz
Mr. & Mrs. Gary `95 (Pamela
`95) Minnich
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Mintner `96
Mr. & Mrs. Everett Mitchell *
Rev. & Mrs. Gerald Mitchell
Mr. & Mrs. Leon `61 (Verna Cole
`58) Mitchell
Mr. & Mrs. Harry `53 (Mildred
Jester `52) Mitchell
Ms. Iris Mitchell
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Mitchell `95
Mr. & Mrs. Royce Mitchell
Mr. Leslie Mittank `87
Mr. & Mrs. Louis Mize `91 *
Mr. & Mrs. Roger Mochel `96
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen (Jean `92)
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce (Jayne Garner
`79) Mohler
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Mohler `94
Mr. & Mrs. John Mohler `72
Mrs. Dorothy Litzenberg Mollet
`28 *
Mr. & Mrs. Keith (Charity
Reynolds `96) Monday
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Monin, Jr `86
Rev. Harold Monroe
Mr. & Mrs. David (Susan `98)
Mr. & Mrs. Frank (Mildred Rhea
`76) Moody *
Mr. & Mrs. John Moody
Mrs. Patricia Smithee Moon `59
Dr. Esther Smithee Mooneyhan
Rev. & Mrs. Carles `86 (Jo
Johnson `86) Moore
Dr. & Mrs. Howard Moore `47
Dr. & Mrs. James `85 (Kimberly
McCann `85) Moore
Mr. & Mrs. James Moore `88
Mr. & Mrs. John Moore `96
Rev. & Mrs. Robert `52 (Dorothy
Schalling `55) Moore
Mr. & Mrs. Daryl Moran
Mr. & Mrs. Lance More `99 *
Mr. & Mrs. Larry (Kathryn
Ledermann `95) Morecraft
Mr. & Mrs. Glen (Vera
Dunwiddie `50) Morehouse
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony `77 (Marcy
Franks `87) Moreillon
Rev. & Mrs. Dale Morell OA
Mr. & Mrs. Mike (Angela Smith
`97) Moreman
Mr. & Mrs. David (Laura Smith
`97) Morgan
Mr. & Mrs. Phillip Morgan `96
Mr. & Mrs. Marvin Moriarity
Mr. & Mrs. Mo (Gail Fredrick
`96) Moriarity
Mr. & Mrs. Inacio Moriguchi `98
Mr. & Mrs. David Morris `87
Rev. & Mrs. Floyd `55 (Kathleen
Pruitt `54) Morris
Mr. Jack Morris
Ms. Kathleen Morris
Ms. Kathryn Malaise Morris `97
Mrs. Cynthia Rinehart Morse `72
Mr. Douglas Morse `93
Mr. Stanley Morse `58
Mrs. Pamela Morton
Mr. & Mrs. Richard (Julia
Wuerzburger `97) Morwick
Mr. & Mrs. James Moses
Mr. & Mrs. Clifford Mosher `66 *
Rev. & Mrs. Edwin `53
(Margaret DeVol `52) Mosher
Mr. & Mrs. Robert `48 (Carolyn
Fisher `48) Mosher
Mrs. Mary Mossbarger-Blazer
Mr. & Mrs. Michael (Carol `91)
Rev. & Mrs. James `69 (Peggy
Hatfield `67) Mowat
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick `76 (Kathleen
Reed `74) Mowers
Miss Carol Moyer `59
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Muir `92 *
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher `97
(Evelyn Allen `97) Mulherin
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Murphy
Mrs. Josephine Murphy
Mr. & Mrs. Keith Murphy `68
Mr. Leroy Murphy
Ms. Linda DeCan Murphy `70
Mr. & Mrs. Byron Murray
Mr. & Mrs. John (Margo
Thomas `98) Murray
Rev. Vaughn Murray `51
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen (Suanne
Walker `92) Musser
Mr. & Mrs. Francis `72 (Roberta
Strahm `76) Mustapha
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Myer
Mr. & Mrs. Galen Myers
Mr. & Mrs. Josh (Jennifer
Marshall `98) Myers
Mrs. & Mrs. Patti Vienazindis
Myers `99
Mr. & Mrs. Ray `81 (Joy
Hendricks `80) Myers
Mr. & Mrs. Russ (Marsha
Walters `84) Myers
Miss Arlene Myrlie `70
Mr. & Mrs. Ronnie Nall `90
Rev. & Mrs. George Nalley `48
Miss Martha Nalley
Mr. & Mrs. Keith (Linda Bruce
`94) Nance
Rev. & Mrs. Dale `63 (Deloris
Bailey `61) Nash
Rev. & Mrs. Keith `72 (Saundra
Engle `72) Nash
Mr. & Mrs. Sterrett `41 (Grace
Kuhn `49) Nash
Miss Macel Neaderhiser `52
Ms. Linda Neat `98
Mr. & Mrs. David (Melissa
Fisher `94) Needler
Mrs. Jean Neff
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald (Pauline
Clarke `96) Nelson
Mrs. Annette Daugherty Nelson
Mrs. Linda Davis Nelson `82
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Nelson `94
Mr. & Mrs. David Nesbitt `52
Mr. & Mrs. Philip Nettleton
Mr. & Mrs. William (Shirley
Bentz `90) New
Rev. & Mrs. Allen Newby `55
Dr. & Mrs. John `51 (Rebecca
Hall `49) Newby
Mr. & Mrs. Samuel `48 (Ruth
Parks `48) Newby
Mr. & Mrs. Scott Newcomer `93
Mr. & Mrs. David `68 (Joan
Martin `68) Newell
Mr. & Mrs. Robert (Dorothy
Brunt `33) Newell*
Mr. & Mrs. Russell (Edith Boller
`48) Newell
Mr. & Mrs. Arnold Newman
Mr. & Mrs. Alton (Dawn Putney
`71) Newton
Miss Elaine Newton `81
Mrs. Mary Winslow Newton `37
Mr. & Mrs. Robert (Cynthia
Cline `99) Newton
Rev. & Mrs. Roy `55 (Exie Doss
`49) Newton
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Nichols
Mr. & Mrs. Paul `69 (Bonnie
Swan `94) Nicholson
Mr. & Mrs. Scott (Kathryn
Brown `95) Nicholson
Ms. Sheila Nicholson `94
Mr. & Mrs. David Niederer `97
Mr. & Mrs. Roger Nielsen OA
Mr. & Mrs. William Nifong
Mr. & Mrs. Gaylon (Mary Shenk
`63) Nixon
Mr. & Mrs. Pete Noble
Mr. & Mrs. Elliott (Shirley
Stanifer OA) Nordgren
Mr. & Mrs. Larry Norris `72
Mrs. Nancy Reed Norris `99
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Norris `76
Mr. & Mrs. David North `98
Ms. Della Nugent `93
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas (Marcia
Powell `75) Nugent*
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Nulf `68
Mr. & Mrs. Neal Nusbaumer `74
Rev. & Mrs. John Nussey `50
Miss Darlene Nye `71
Mr. & Mrs. Allen Nyen
Rev. & Mrs. Leigh `59 (Judith
Haynes `62) Nygard
Mr. & Mrs. Brian `90 (Melissa
Cooper `97) Nyland
Mr. & Mrs. John O’Brien `93
Mrs. Donna O’Haver *
Mr. & Mrs. Daryl O’Leary `94
Mr. & Mrs. Brian (Holly Clark
`91) O’Malley
Mr. Stephen O’Shaughnessey
`98 *
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Oatis
Mr. & Mrs. Michael (Teresa
Luidhardt `88) Oberlander*
Mr. & Mrs. Rob (Ann Miller `98)
Mr. & Mrs. Marvin `70 (Ruth
Bailey `68) Odle
Mr. & Mrs. Russell Odle
Ms. Elizabeth Ohnesorge
Mrs. Irene Feaster Olander `43
Mr. & Mrs. Harold (Ellen
Hovland `46) Oldenburg
Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan (Faith
Orttel `96) Olson
Mrs. Susan Olson
Mr. & Mrs. Larry (Joanne Willis
`91) Onkes
Mr. Donald Orem `93
Miss Karen Orttel `93
Miss Rosemary Osborn `62
Rev. & Mrs. William Osborne
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Osterholt `97
Mr. & Mrs. Francis Ott
Mr. & Mrs. Francis L. Ott `50
Mrs. Margaret Murphy Ott `41
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Otts `88
Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Overmyer
Ms. Linda Owen `94
Mr. & Mrs. Brent Owens `92
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry (Patricia `99)
Ms. Sara Oyer
Mr. & Mrs. Barry Pachciarz `99
Mr. & Mrs. Rodney (Nella Coons
`94) Padfield*
Mr. & Mrs. David Padgett `91
Mr. William Page `81
Dr. & Mrs. Charles `83 (Tammy
Barnhill `85) Paine, Jr.
Miss Martha Pake `45
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Palczewski
Mr. & Mrs. George (Debra
Stricker `99) Palmer
Mr. James Palmer `92
Miss Mae Palmer `49
Mr. & Mrs. Robert (Mary
Hogston `76) Palmer
Mrs. Ruby Fisher Palmer `52
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Paramore
Ms. Francesca Albertson Paris
Mr. & Mrs. Bradford Parker `99
Mrs. Ernstena Parker
Mr. & Mrs. John (Mary Flessner
`78) Parker
Mr. & Mrs. Michael (Patricia
Bradway `95) Parker
Mr. & Mrs. Everett Parks `61
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Parmer `97
Ms. Carolyn Parrott `90
Dr. & Mrs. Dean OA (Ione
Kneeshaw OA) Parrott
Mr. Matthew Parsell `91
Mrs. Lucile Townsend Partain
Mr. Steven Paschold
Mrs. Betty Pate `92
Ms. Lorena Patricio `99
Dr. & Mrs. Jerry Pattengale `79
Rev. & Mrs. John Pattison
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Patton
Ms. Lisa Patton `99
Mr. & Mrs. Benton (Naomi
Boschult `53) Patzkowski
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew `99 (Andrea
Grinder `97) Paul
Mr. & Mrs. Bernard (DeLaine
Hakari `67) Paulson
Mr. & Mrs. Terry Paxton
Ms. Lillian Payne `99
Mr. Wright Payne `44
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph `66 (Janice
Lindley `65) Payton
Rev. & Mrs. Curtis Peacock `56
Mr. & Mrs. Steven Pearson `83
Mr. & Mrs. Phillip (Jill AndrewsBell `90) Pegram
Mr. Artie Pence
Mr. & Mrs. Paul OA (Elisabeth
Holstein OA) Pence
Miss Ilene Penn `62
Mr. & Mrs. Terry (Karen Barrett
`81) Penn*
Mr. & Mrs. Donald (Margaret
Gunby `51) Penrod
Mrs. Gail Anderson Penrose `75
Mr. & Mrs. Dan (Tricia Schebler
`97) Perdue
Honor Roll of Donors
Mr. & Mrs. Stanley (Margaret
Burwick ’58) Perin
Ms. Cherie Perkins
Rev. & Mrs. John `73 (Beth
Shigley `73) Perkinson
Mr. & Mrs. John Perme, Jr `88
Mr. Andrew Perrone `97
Mr. & Mrs. Jan (Colleen
Johnson `97) Perry
Ms. Kimberly Persinger `96
Mr. & Mrs. Kyle Persinger
Miss Valerie Person `94
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Pervis, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Chad `94 (Sheryl
Shugart `94) Peters
Mr. & Mrs. Dale (Birdella OA)
Mr. & Mrs. David (Rebecca Grim
`80) Peters
Mr. Gary Peters `77
Mrs. Nellie Peters
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel `60 (Wava
Deisler `59) Peterson
Mr. & Mrs. Darrel Peterson
Pastor & Mrs. Michael Peterson
Mr. & Mrs. Robert (Guadalupe
Segura `96) Petrey
Mr. & Mrs. David Petrinec
Mr. & Mrs. John (Henrietta
Murphy `78) Petroff
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Petrucce
Mr. & Mrs. David (Pamela Day
`98) Petry
Mr. & Mrs. Jeff (Valerie Walden
`87) Petry
Mr. Kurk Petterson `96
Rev. & Mrs. Chad Pfeifer
Mr. & Mrs. Warren Phares
Rev. Gary Phaup
Mr. & Mrs. Robin (Anna York
`97) Pherson
Mr. & Mrs. Edward (Zenabelle
Calhoon `39) Phillippe
Dr. & Mrs. William Phillippe, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Bradley Phillips `94
Mr. & Mrs. Chip Phillips, II `78
Mr. Jeffrey Phillips `99
Mr. & Mrs. Keith (Diane `95)
Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd (Jo Deford `91)
Mrs. Marie Wilson Phinney `34
Mrs. Elizabeth Phipps
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph `56 (Martha
Newman `57) Pickett
Mrs. Theatta Shupe Picklo `35
Mrs. Martha Pierce
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Pierson
Mr. Craig Pifer
Mr. & Mrs. Leslie (Elizabeth `93)
Mrs. Sally Siblisk Piper `96
Mr. & Mrs. Al (Maribeth
Edwards `98) Pittman*
Mr. & Mrs. Lynn Pitts
Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Pitzer
Mr. & Mrs. Michael (Cheryl
Greimann `93) Platt
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Plummer
Mrs. Laura Rappel Plummer `99
Miss Amy Pocai `98
Miss Elisabeth Poe `45
Rev. & Mrs. Lloyd `48 (Lavonne
Millard `45) Poe
Miss Marguerite Poe `45
Dr. & Mrs. Don `51 (Ruth Huston
`49) Polston
Prof. & Mrs. Ivan Pongracic
Mr. & Mrs. Edward (Carol
Johnson `97) Poor
Mr. & Mrs. Jack (Ella Rumppe
`63) Poore
Mr. & Mrs. Brian Poplin `97
Mr. & Mrs. Richard (LeAnna
May `98) Porfidio
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas `94 (Kismet
Smith `95) Porter
Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Porter `91
Rev. & Mrs. Thomas `93
(Michelle Echelbarger `94)
Mr. Glenn Porterfield `64
Rev. & Mrs. John `68 (Maria
`88) Porterfield
Miss Barbara Porteus `80
Mrs. Ercile Lockwood Portner
Mr. & Mrs. Jim (Tracy `99) Post
Mr. Edwin Pottenger
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Potter
Mr. & Mrs. James Potter
Mrs. Carol Pagett Powell `90
Mr. James Powell
Mr. & Mrs. Barry (Joyce James
`62) Powers
Dr. & Mrs. Elvin Powers `58
Miss Karen Powers `97
Rev. & Mrs. Raymond `53
(Wilma Murphy `57) Powers
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Pretorius
Mr. & Mrs. Richard (Celia
Groves `71) Pride
Mr. & Mrs. William Pritchett
Mr. & Mrs. David `00 (Emily
Purdy `00) Prows
Mr. & Mrs. Phillip Prows
Mrs. Dorothy Welch Pruitt `54
Mr. & Mrs. Bernard (Mary Lewis
`80) Prusinskas
Prof. & Mrs. Keith (Wendy `98)
Mr. & Mrs. Richard (Julie `93)
Mr. & Mrs. David Pulver
Mr. & Mrs. Elwin Purdy `53 *
Dr. & Mrs. Everett Putney `52
Mr. & Mrs. Kirk (Jennie Metzger
`95) Pyle
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Pyles
Mr. James Pyles `91
Mr. Jeffrey Query
Mr. & Mrs. Robert (Deborah
`93) Quinlan*
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas `95 (Diane
`93) Quinlan *
Mrs. Brenda Ramey Quinn `93
Mr. & Mrs. Chris (Keli
McCullough `95) Quinn
Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Raab `98
Mr. & Mrs. Maged Radamis `91
Mr. & Mrs. Quentin (Myrtle
Cude OA) Radford *
Mr. & Mrs. Russell Ragland `98
Mr. & Mrs. Salah (Andrea
Martin Dunn `96) Rahman
Mr. & Mrs. Robert (Andrea
Farrar `95) Raibert
Mr. & Mrs. Dave (Inga Cox `98)
Mr. Joseph Ratcliffe `50
Mr. & Mrs. James `87 (Rachel
Paine `86) Rathbun
Mr. & Mrs. Wallace `69 (Eva
Loew `67) Ratliff
Mr. & Mrs. Michael (Shawna
Hoff `97) Rauch
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Raupach `92
Mr. & Mrs. David Raven
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald (Nancy
Cooper `97) Ray
Mrs. Cleo Ream
Mr. & Mrs. David Record
Mr. & Mrs. Harry (Sharon `96)
Mr. & Mrs. Jon (Joy Ache `85)
Miss Lisa Reed `92
Rev. & Mrs. Thomas Reed OA
Mr. & Mrs. Michael (Jodi
Schroeder `97) Reeder
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Reese `65
Miss Jeanette Reeser `96
Mr. & Mrs. Malcolm (Carolyn
Barrett `71) Reger
Mrs. Lois Reilly
Mr. & Mrs. Roger Reinhardt
Miss Beverley Reitz `73
Mr. & Mrs. Phil Renbarger
Mr. & Mrs. Earl (Ruth Kipp `74)
Mr. Larry Renihan
Rev. & Mrs. Arville `63 (Mavis
Jones `59) Renner
Mr. Douglas Reno `97
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Resch
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Reschke `95
Mr. & Mrs. David Reseigh `94
Mr. & Mrs. Kent Rethlake `94
Mr. Earl Retz `35
Mr. & Mrs. Charles (Eunice Harp
`70) Reuter
Mr. & Mrs. John `75 (Rebecca
Polk `74) Revis
Mr. John Reyes `92
Mrs. Darlene Osborn Reynolds
Dr. & Mrs. Trent Reynolds
Mr. & Mrs. Peter (Elaine
Kauffman `82) Rhetts
Mr. & Mrs. Marion (Loueva
Pruitt `57) Rhine
Mr. & Mrs. Jody Rhodes `77
Mr. & Mrs. Leo (Paula Wyatt
`94) Rhodes
Miss Jill Rial `86
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen (Denise
Hinen `97) Rice
Mr. & Mrs. Geary Richard `89
Mr. & Mrs. Steven Richard
Mr. & Mrs. Eugene (Shannon
Underwood `96) Richards*
Mr. & Mrs. Lynn Richards `75
Mr. & Mrs. Robert `66 (Jane
Worster `65) Richards
Mr. & Mrs. John Richert `96
Mr. & Mrs. David Richey
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey `78 (Lynda
Boone `77) Richey
Mr. & Mrs. Jeff (Becky Cook `99)
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Richmond
Mr. Gale Richmond *
Mrs. Anne Richter `88
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel `69 (Sherry
Epling `72) Rickard
Mr. & Mrs. Earl `42 (Evelyn
Matson `41) Rickey
Mr. & Mrs. Greg Rickey `76
Dr. & Mrs. Claude Rickman `41
Mr. & Mrs. Sidney `47 (Mamie
Dooley `47) Rickman
Mr. & Mrs. Byron (Florence Clay
`97) Ricks
Mr. James Riddle
Mr. & Mrs. Troy (Wendy
McMahon `95) Ridenour
Mr. & Mrs. Walter `60 (Joy `59)
Mr. & Mrs. Alan (Georgina Clark
`96) Riendeau
Ms. Sandra Riggs `00
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Riley `89
Mr. & Mrs. Richard (Roberta
`95) Ring
Rev. & Mrs. Robert Rinkenberg
Miss Judith Rippeth `90
Mr. Michael Risdon
Mr. Michael Risley `89
Mr. & Mrs. Robert (Cecilia
Evans `76) Ritchie
Miss Evelyn Ritenburgh OA
Mr. & Mrs. Paul (Mary
Huntzinger `49) Rittenhouse
Mr. & Mrs. Manuel `78 (Karen
Campbell `82) Rivera
Mrs. Margaret Rivett
Rev. & Mrs. Carl Roark OA
Dr. & Mrs. Hal Robbins, Jr. `52
Mrs. Kathleen Freiheit Robbins
Mr. & Mrs. Myron Robbins
Mr. David Roberson `94
Mr. & Mrs. Todd Roberson
Mr. & Mrs. Carson Roberts
Miss Christina Roberts `98
Mr. & Mrs. Edwin Roberts `91
Mrs. Joyce Carter Roberts `86
Mr. & Mrs. Jeff (Shawn Boyer
`83) Robertson
Miss Lori Robertson `93
Mr. Austin Robinson `99
Mr. & Mrs. George `59 (Eleanor
Baker `58) Robinson
Mr. & Mrs. Quint Robinson
Mr. & Mrs. Bennie `95 (Marcia
Webber `95) Rodarmel
Mr. & Mrs. John `95 (Brenda
Kissane `89) Rodriguez
Ms. Marilyn Roe `73
Mr. & Mrs. Drew (Kimberly
Sandefur `96) Roebuck
Dr. Sheila Roeschley `84
Mr. & Mrs. Bill Rogers
Mr. & Mrs. David Rogers, Jr. `87
Mr. & Mrs. Ner (Harriet
Whittenberg `76) Rojas
Ms. Rhonda Lewis Rollins `97
Mr. & Mrs. Bob (Elizabeth
Walters `99) Romack
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph (Marilyn
Kopp `76) Romancky
Mr. & Mrs. Charles `83 (Wendi
Mark `83) Roome, II
Mr. & Mrs. Keith (Janell Coenen
`96) Roorbach
Mr. & Mrs. Michael `73 (Karen
Hand `71) Roorbach
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Rose `98
Mr. Thomas Rose
Rev. & Mrs. William `83
(Rebecca Anderson `80) Rose
Mr. Rex Rosenthall
Mr. & Mrs. Eldon Rosentrater
Dr. Norman Ross `61
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Ross `70
Mr. & Mrs. James Roszell `99
Mr. & Mrs. Samuel (Ruth Kight
`47) Roth
Mr. & Mrs. James (Brenda
Warren `88) Roush
Mr. & Mrs. James `98 (Maria
Evans `91) Rowe
Rev. & Mrs. John Rowe `59
Mr. & Mrs. Derrill Royal
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Royal `95
Mr. & Mrs. Jay `95 (Sharon
Boram `97) Rucker
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Rudicel `83
Mr. & Mrs. Richard (Cynthia
Johnson `82) Ruegg
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Rufner `95
Rev. & Mrs. Aaron `71 (Kathryn
Anderson `70) Rummage
Dr. & Mrs. Michael `92 (Davina
Dean `92) Rumple
Rev. & Ms. Terry Rumple
Mr. & Mrs. Philip (Betty Barnett
`68) Runkle
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Runyan
Mr. & Mrs. William (Marilyn
Kinnan `76) Runyan
Mr. & Mrs. Steven (Barbara
Hanenburg `96) Runyon
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Ruse
Mr. & Mrs. Philip Rush `93
Mr. & Mrs. William Rushton
Ms. Bernadette Boderek Russ
Mr. & Mrs. Stanley (Betty `99)
Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Ruttledge
Mrs. Carol Clarke Ryans `86
Miss Elaine Rynders `88
Mr. & Mrs. Mahmoud (Margaret
Lenahan `97) Saber
Mr. & Mrs. Roger (Terry
Thornton `70) Sailor
Ms. Opal Sallquist
Mr. & Mrs. David Salter
Mr. & Mrs. Duaine Samson OA
Mr. & Mrs. Keith (Judith
Bridenbaugh `67) Samson
Mr. Jason Sandefur `97
Rev. & Mrs. Kenneth `72
(Regina Wilde `71) Sandefur
Miss Beth Sanders `84
Rev. & Mrs. Lynford `57 (Martha
Colbert `56) Sanders
Mr. & Mrs. Wesley Sanders `81
Mrs. Willyne Sanders
Ms. Joyce Sanger
Rev. & Mrs. Kenneth `51
(Pauline Rayle `51) Santee
Mr. & Mrs. Wendell Santee `44
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Satterthwaite
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Satterthwaite
Mr. Geroge Saunders
Dr. & Mrs. Joe Sawyer `50
Mr. Gale Sayers
Mr. & Mrs. Marvin (Michelle
Moore `99) Saylor
Rev. & Mrs. Daniel `97 (Pamela
`99) Schafer
Miss Virginia Schalling `50
Ms. Betty Scheibly
Mrs. Blanche Epler Scheideman
Dr. & Mrs. Kenneth Schenck
Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Schenck `97
Rev. & Mrs. Eugene `64 (Tula
McMasters OA) Schenck
Mr. & Mrs. Vernon Schenck
Mrs. Marcile Troyer Schenk `43
Mr. & Mrs. Ralph (Melinda
Petterson `80) Schenk
Ms. Melissa Schermer
Mr. & Mrs. David Schieda `89
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Schlemmer
`92 *
Mr. & Mrs. Karl (Jalane Deemer
`75) Schmidt
Mr. & Mrs. Lysle Schmidt `57
Mr. & Mrs. Tracy Schmidt
Dr. & Mrs. Wayne Schmidt Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Richard (Pauline
Ruddock `70) Schneider
Mr. & Mrs. Scott Schneider `89
Mrs. Christina Schonbachler
Mrs. Elnora Geyer Schopp `39
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy (Paula
Holloway `79) Schortgen
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Schroeder
Mrs. Norma Schroll
Mr. & Mrs. Dale `84 (Camela
Sills `84) Schuiteman
Mr. & Mrs. Edsel Schuiteman
Mr. & Mrs. Keith (Patti Nymeyer
`80) Schultz
Rev. & Mrs. Michael `83 (Reva
Hoover `82) Schultz
Mr. & Mrs. Scott Schultz `98
Mr. & Mrs. Eddie Schulz,Jr.
Honor Roll of Donors
Mr. & Mrs. William (Shirley `70)
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Schuver `90 *
Mr. & Mrs. Geoffrey (Carolyn
Breedlove `67) Schwartz
Mr. Thomas Schwartz
Mr. & Mrs. James Schwartzkopf
Ms. Martha Schweppe
Rev. & Mrs. Claude Scott
Dr. Doris Scott
Mr. & Mrs. Eric `95 (Jennifer
Crume `97) Scott
Miss Jennie Scott `95
Mr. & Mrs. Richard (Debra
DeBoer `75) Scott
Mrs. Ruth Scott
Rev. & Mrs. Steven `76 (Mary
Wagoner `77) Scott
Rev. & Mrs. Thomas Scott `88
Mr. & Mrs. W. E. Scott
Rev. & Mrs. Dan Seaborn `88
Mr. & Mrs. Joel Seale `99
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew `76 (Beth
Long `74) Seawell
Ms. Carol Secttor
Miss Susan Seiman `94
Mrs. Glenna Peters Self `50
Mr. & Mrs. Howard (Kathleen
Norton `98) Selfe
Mr. & Mrs. William Sellers `96
Mr. & Mrs. Homer Seltenright
Mr. & Mrs. William (JanAnn
Caudill `97) Senteney
Miss Julie Seward `99
Miss Maggie Seymore `55
Mr. & Mrs. Paul (Barbara
Monroe `80) Shackelford
Rev. & Mrs. Steven Shafe
Rev. & Mrs. Michael Shaffer
Mr. William Shaffer `71 *
Mr. & Mrs. Jack (Winifred
Clement `67) Shaffner
Dr. Mark Shaffner
Mrs. Emma Shane
Mr. & Mrs. Roger (Susan `00)
Mr. & Mrs. Frederick (Vernelle
Stonesifer `50) Shannon
Mr. Gregory Sharp `72
Rev. & Mrs. Douglas `81 (Cheryl
Brown `83) Sharrard
Mr. & Mrs. Burdette Shattuck
Mr. & Mrs. Maurice OA (Pamela
Biberstine OA) Shattuck
Mr. & Mrs. David (Karen Losey
`96) Shaw
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Shaw `93
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Shearer `92
Mrs. Ruth Chatterton Shearouse
Mr. Russell Sheets `93
Mrs. Elizabeth Reas Shell `69
Mrs. Daisy Pursell Shelley `98
Mr. & Mrs. John A. Shelton
Mr. & Mrs. John D. Shelton
Mr. Phillip Shelton
Mr. & Mrs. John (Gina
Danneker `85) Shepard
Mr. & Mrs. David (Deborah
Qualls `87) Shepherd
Mr. & Mrs. Scott (Debra
Jennings `77) Shepler
Mr. & Mrs. Jimmy (Gwen
Campbell `63) Sheriff
Dr. Jeffrey Sherlock
Mr. & Mrs. Chuck (Ardith Banter
`95) Shideler
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Shidler
Dr. & Mrs. Harold `43 (Helen
Brown `50) Shigley
Mr. & Mrs. Edward `88 (Esther
Paine `90) Shigley, II
Dr. Kent Shipley
Mr. Richard Shiveley Jr. `94
Mrs. Jodi Shoemaker `93
Mr. Steven Shonk `90
Mr. & Mrs. Wesley (Janet
Silvers OA) Shooks
Mr. Randal Shore `99
Mr. & Mrs. Mack Short `97
Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd Showalter `97
Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Shrum
Rev. & Mrs. Jay Shuck `89
Mr. & Mrs. Maurice Shugart
Mr. & Mrs. Paul `45 (Mary Cox
`45) Shugart
Mr. Billy Shumate
Mr. & Mrs. Forest `50 (Erma
Haskell `50) Shumway
Mr. & Mrs. David Shutt
Mr. & Mrs. Bill (Linda Campbell
`89) Shuttleworth
Mr. & Mrs. Merrill (Catherine
Cockerill `50) Sickles
Ms. Sue Siefert `98
Mr. & Mrs. Cecil Sienstra
Mr. & Mrs. Eugene (Deborah
Tolan `82) Sigworth
Mr. & Mrs. Darrell Sigworth `90
Mr. Harold Sigworth `55
Mrs. Ruth Emrick Sill `52
Mr. & Mrs. Conrad Silvani `78
Dr. & Mrs. Dewain Silvernale
Mr. & Mrs. Clifford Silverthorn
Mr. & Mrs. Wesley `52 (Velma
Houser `52) Sime
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Simms `93
Mr. & Mrs. Martin (Deana `97)
Ms. Ingrid Lundstrom Simpson
Rev. & Mrs. Walter `45 (Madalyn
Johnson `45) Simpson
Mr. & Mrs. R. Sims `95
Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Sims `95
Mr. & Mrs. Roger Skonieczny
Mr. & Mrs. James (Robin
Shisler `97) Slattman
Mr. & Mrs. Lee Slick
Mr. & Mrs. C. E. `53 (Jean
Traver `54) Sloan
Dr. & Mrs. Ron Sloan `78
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas `76 (Brenda
McVean `76) Sloan
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Sloffer `97
Mr. & Mrs. Ryan (Jodi
Higginbotham `95) Small
Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Small
Ms. Dorothy Smalley
Mr. & Mrs. Ralph (Martha Zell
`51) Smalling
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald `50 (Dorothy
Newby `48) Smeenge
Ms. Ardeth Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Bradley (Joyce Bretz
OA) Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Danny (Joyce Moore
`95) Smith
Mr. David Smith `92
Ms. Denice Smith `74
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas `96 (Stacy
Moore `99) Smith
Mrs. Glorine Smith
Miss Grace Smith `42
Rev. & Mrs. Gregory `85
(Bonnie Bowers `85) Smith
Mr. J. Michael Smith `92
Mr. & Mrs. Jeff (Timberly Hasler
`96) Smith
Miss Jennie Smith `83
Mr. & Mrs. Joe Smith
Mr. & Mrs. John Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Smith `88
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin `96 (Heather
Rench `97) Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Kyle Smith
Miss Linda Smith `90
Mrs. Marilyn Bigley Smith `57
Mr. & Mrs. Melvin Smith
Mr. Michael Smith `76
Mr. & Mrs. Michael V. Smith `96
Mr. Palmer Smith, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald `63 (Donna
Williamson `63) Smith
Dr. & Mrs. Steven `75 (Lorraine
Wickers `72) Smith
Mr. Terry Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Tillman (Mary Martin
`66) Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Todd Smith `98
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Smithee
Mr. T.J. Smithey `93
Mr. & Mrs. James
Snellenberger `99
Mr. & Mrs. John Snider `49
Mr. & Mrs. Lee `97 (Catherine
White `97) Snider
Ms. Mary Snider `95
Mr. Andrew Snyder, Sr. OA
Rev. & Mrs. Bradley Snyder `72
Rev. & Mrs. Duaine `65 (Lyn
Frase `66) Snyder
Dr. & Mrs. Jerry Snyder `76
Mr. Stephan Snyder `83
Mr. Steven Snyder `89 *
Ms. Sharon Snyders `99
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel `94 (Layla
Bradley `99) Solms
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Solms
Ms. Laryssa Solms
Rev. & Mrs. Eugene Sommer
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Soncrant
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey (Bernie
Addleman `92) Sones
Mr. & Mrs. David (Jean Shaffer
`87) Soper
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen (Jill Jacobs
`75) Sosenheimer
Ms. Patricia Southgate
Mrs. Elizabeth Sowles
Mr. & Mrs. Albert `79 (Linda
Gann `79) Sparks, III *
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Sparks `83
Rev. & Mrs. Hugh Spaulding `61
Mr. & Mrs. Nolan Spence
Mr. & Mrs. Irvin (Sandra Flack
`98) Spencer
Miss Sharlene Spencer `95
Mr. & Mrs. Frank (Ruth Miller
Burget `50) Spicer
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Spillers `89
Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin Spillman
Mr. & Mrs. Earl (Lauretta Derr
`88) Spivey
Rev. Phillip Spriggs
Mr. & Mrs. David (Diane `92)
Mrs. Karen Springer `92
Rev. & Mrs. Keith Springer
Mr. Donald Sprunger
Mr. & Mrs. Fred Sprunger
Mr. & Mrs. Aaron Spurlock
Mr. & Mrs. Mark (Sally Ray `95)
Mr. & Mrs. E. W. J. Spurway, Jr.
Rev. Robert St. Clair `52
Dr. & Mrs. S. D. Stahlman
Mr. & Mrs. Ray Stair `48
Miss Tressie Stair `51
Miss Vida Stair `49
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry (Susan
Daugherty `83) Stalder
Ms. Bonnie Staley `92
Mr. Walter Stalnaker, II `95
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Stamper
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Stamper `97
Mr. Doug Stanford `89
Mr. & Mrs. Clifford Stanley
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Stanley `63
Mrs. Vera Pike Stanner `67
Mr. & Mrs. Dalton Stanton
Mr. & Mrs. Dillard Stanton
Mr. & Mrs. Brian (Michele Roller
`96) Starkey
Ms. Patsy Starkey `90
Dr. & Mrs. Arthur Staub
Rev. & Mrs. Ivan Steed `45
Mr. Brian Steele `73
Mr. & Mrs. Duane Steele `64
Mr. & Mrs. Howard Steele `37
Ms. Kelly Steele `90
Mr. & Mrs. Steven Steele `96
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Steenbergh
Dr. Richard Steiner
Mrs. Jo Steinke `97
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Steller
Miss Donna Stelter `70
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald (Jacqueline
Parks `68) Steltz
Mr. Tom Stempson
Mr. Christopher Stenseth
Mr. & Mrs. Tony `95 (Sara
Luther `98) Stephanus
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Stephen `98
Mr. & Mrs. Paul `68 (Nancy
Hada `68) Stephens
Mr. & Mrs. Scott (Lisa Brown
`88) Stephens
Mr. & Mrs. Winston `64 (Darlene
Wright `84) Stephens
Mr. & Mrs. Jason (Regina Glick
`96) Stephenson
Mr. & Mrs. Phillip Stephenson
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Stepp `68
Miss Carol Stevens `64
Mr. David Stevens `84
Miss Alma Stewart
Mrs. Betty Stewart `93
Mr. & Mrs. Bryan `85 (Melissa
Pullen `86) Stewart
Mr. & Mrs. Michael (Rebecca
Brown `73) Stewart
Mrs. Rachel Malcolm Stewart
Mr. & Mrs. Steven `79 (Margaret
Murphy `68) Stewart
Mr. & Mrs. Marvin Stickler
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Stickney `73
Mrs. Carolyn Stiefler
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey (Ann Bubalo
`98) Stines
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Stitzer
Miss Shana Stockton `98
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Stodghill
Mr. & Mrs. Robert (Cynthia Kraft
`85) Stokes
Mr. Steven Stokes `90
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Stone
Rev. & Mrs. Willard `57
(Beatrice Beckman `54)
Mr. & Mrs. Carl Stopp `65 *
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Storey `93
Mr. & Mrs. Jan `82 (Susan
Haddock `85) Storey
Mr. & Mrs. George Stoughton
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Stouse `93
Mr. & Mrs. Allen Stout *
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Stout `77 *
Rev. & Mrs. Timothy Stradling
Dr. Susan Stranahan `99
Rev. & Mrs. Julius `59 (Bobbie
Wood `56) Strand
Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Strange
Mr. & Mrs. John Stratton `52
Mrs. Kathy DeWitt Street `83 *
Mr. Richard Street *
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey (Susan
Phillips `83) Stuart
Mr. & Mrs. Wayne (Julie Garrett
`84) Stubblefield
Mrs. Helen Pitts Stuckey `31
Mr. & Mrs. Don (Susan `99)
Rev. & Mrs. Keith `79 (Gloria
Pyle `75) Studebaker
Mr. & Mrs. Fred Stuttle
Mr. & Mrs. Gaston `53 (Sarah
Hinshaw `53) Suarez
Dr. & Mrs. Ted Suffridge `55
Mr. & Mrs. Scott (Lorelei `99)
Mr. & Mrs. Ken Summers
Mr. Maynard Sumner
Rev. & Mrs. Herman Surber `47
Mr. & Mrs. Charles (Jane
George `93) Surges
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Sutter `74
Mr. & Mrs. Terry Suttle `94
Mr. & Mrs. Garry Sutton
Mr. Robert Swagger `94
Mrs. Irene Swanson
Mr. & Mrs. Paul `76 (Susan
Shrack `77) Swauger, Jr.
Rev. & Mrs. Paul Swauger, Sr.
Mrs. Joyce Swihart
Mr. Michael Swinney `89
Rev. & Mrs. Gary Swyers `96
Mr. & Mrs. Robert (Colette
Graber `85) Sylvester
Mrs. Marilyn McCarthy Sytsema
Mr. Philip Talbert `74
Mrs. Georgia Thompson Tallar
Mr. & Mrs. James Tank
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Tarplee `91
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas (Faith
Peterson `80) Tasker
Mr. & Mrs. Greg Tavalsky
Dr. & Mrs. Wingrove Taylor `81
Mr. & Mrs. Byron Taylor `69
Mr. Cary Taylor `95
Mrs. Emma Taylor `93
Miss Juli Taylor `88
Mr. & Mrs. Myron `70 (Penelope
Hart `69) Taylor
Mr. & Mrs. Robert (Tracey
Baumgartner `97) Taylor
Mrs. Rosetta Calhoon Taylor `33
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Taylour `94
Mr. & Mrs. Budd Teare
Mr. & Mrs. Earl (Doris Parrott
OA) Telfer
Mr. & Mrs. Phillip (Joyce Carr
`72) Temple
Mr. & Mrs. Todd Templin
Rev. & Mrs. Brad `97 (Kari
Newell `97) Terhune
Ms. Norma Terrell `95
Mr. & Mrs. Brent Terry `75
Mr. & Mrs. Michael (Anita `99)
Mr. & Mrs. William Terry `52
Miss Melody Terzin `97
Mrs. Marla Tesdahl
Mr. & Mrs. Preston Theall
Mr. & Mrs. Tony Theurer
Prof. & Mrs. Joseph Thoma
Mr. Benjamin Thomas `97
Mr. Bryan Thomas `80
Rev. & Mrs. David `72 (Sharon
Shei `74) Thomas
Mrs. Frances Thomas
Mr. & Mrs. Galen (Deanna Kirk
`96) Thomas
Honor Roll of Donors
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald (FeSales
Ingente `82) Thomas
Mr. & Mrs. Tom Thomas `91
Prof. & Mrs. Adam Thompson
Rev. & Mrs. Bryan Thompson
Dr. & Mrs. David `62 (Edith
Winterholter `61) Thompson
Mr. & Mrs. Dillard Thompson
Ms. Kathy Hendricks Thompson
`97 *
Mr. & Mrs. Ken Thompson `94 *
Mr. & Mrs. Mark (Sharla Nichols
`97) Thompson
Mrs. Orie Spaulding Thompson
Ms. Pamela Thompson `96
Mr. & Mrs. Peter (Pamela
Crawford `94) Thompson
Mr. Robert Thompson
Ms. Sandra Thompson `94
Mr. & Mrs. Vernon (Charlene
Buck `76) Thornton
Ms. Corinne Thorpe `98
Mr. & Mrs. Chad `98 (Susan
Simmons `00) Thrush
Rev. & Mrs. Robert `72 (Cheryl
Snyder `75) Thyer
Miss Mary Tibbs `77
Rev. & Mrs. William `64 (Betty
Robertson `64) Tice, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. William Tice, Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Ticen `94
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Tiede
Mr. & Mrs. Steve (Jennifer Tyler
`99) Tiffany
Miss Ina Tigar `61
Mr. & Mrs. Melvin (Lori Vincent
`83) Timberlake
Dr. & Mrs. Wayne Tingley
Mr. & Mrs. Mark (Sharon Musall
`96) Tinkle
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Tinsley `93
Dr. & Mrs. Byron `47 (Helen
Zent `44) Tippey
Mr. Troy Tipton
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey (Cheryl Plass
`93) Titus
Ms. Mary Ward Titus `97
Mrs. Olive Boone Titus `41
Dr. & Mrs. Walter `46 (Annis
VanDeWater `46) Titus
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew `95 (Cathy
Morris `96) Todd
Mr. & Mrs. James Todd `00
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew (Lalita
Jagdharry `80) Toeniskoetter
Mr. & Mrs. Rossie Toliver `99
Mr. & Mrs. David (Brenda `89)
Mr. & Mrs. David (Joy Gorman
`95) Toombs
Dr. & Mrs. Timothy `70 (Connie
Amon `70) Toops
Mr. & Mrs. Steven Tope `88
Miss Susan Tossey `78
Mr. & Mrs. Louis Toth `89 *
Mr. John Townsend `93
Mr. & Mrs. Terry `82 (Cynthia
Black `99) Trammell
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Traugh OA
Rev. & Mrs. Jerald (Joyce
Warvel `70) Travis
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Travis OA *
Mrs. Cathy Trimble `93
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Trimble `94
Mr. & Mrs. John Trimpe `93
Mr. & Mrs. Robert (Irene Hunter
OA) Triplett
Miss Janice Tripp `71
Mr. & Mrs. Leon (Donna
Robbins `59) Trommater
Mr. & Mrs. Nathan Tropf
Mr. & Mrs. Warren Tropf
Ms. Deborah Trotter
Mr. & Mrs. Jeff (Janda Bain `98)
Mr. & Mrs. Craig (Cynthia
Leamon `84) Troyer
Rev. & Mrs. David `69 (Patricia
Walter `67) Troyer
Mr. & Mrs. Everett (Patricia
Duke `57) Troyer
Rev. & Mrs. George `70 (Mary
Trump `71) Troyer
Mrs. Pauline Troyer
Mr. & Mrs. Russell (Nancy `92)
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald True
Mr. & Mrs. Tom Truesdale
Mr. & Mrs. Randy (Julie `99)
Mr. & Mrs. Gary `84 (Stephanie
Bricker `83) Trump
Mr. & Mrs. Ross `52 (Norma
Fanning `56) Trump
Mr. Tibebu Tsadik `91
Mr. & Mrs. Fred Tucker, Jr `88
Mr. & Mrs. Hubert Tucker, Jr. `67
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy (Rosalie
Yoars `73) Tucker
Ms. Yvonne Abney Tucker `96
Dr. & Mrs. John Tuckey OA
Mr. & Mrs. Lon Tuin
Dr. & Mrs. Scott Turcott
Rev. & Mrs. Luke `47 (Doris
Clevenger `47) Turnbough
Miss Karen Turnbull `79
Miss Elvie Turner `36
Mrs. Evalyn Park Turner `41
Mrs. Geneva Turner
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy `98
(Theresia Evans `98) Tuttle
Mr. & Mrs. William Tweedell
Mr. & Mrs. Robert `62 (Jane
Gard `70) Tyner
Mr. & Mrs. Ray Tyson
Ms. Joy Trowbridge Tyvand `96
Mr. & Mrs. Joey (Andrea Kester
`96) Uhl
Mr. & Mrs. David Ulman `91
Mr. & Mrs. Vance (Ruth
Shannon `89) Unruh
Ms. Rhonda Upchurch `97
Mr. & Mrs. Steve (Jane Stearns
`97) Upmeyer
Ms. Jacqueline Uran `96
Mr. Merlin Uthoff
Mr. Dennis Utley
Mrs. Beryl Harrington Valkema
Rev. & Mrs. Robert Van Cise `84
Mr. & Mrs. Dick Van Derhoff
Mrs. Norma McFall Van Oss `57
Ms. Stephanie Hampton Van
Sant `98
Rev. & Mrs. William VanHaften
Mr. & Mrs. Merrill Vance
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen (Cornelia
Dylus `97) Vance
Mr. & Mrs. William (Debra
Whitfield `94) Vance
Mr. & Mrs. Rodney Vandeveer
Ms. Beverly Blanchard Vandine
Mrs. Doris Snyder Vandine `50
Mr. Frank Vanorder `73
Mr. & Mrs. Robert `71 (Suzanne
Hughes `71) Vardaman
Mr. & Mrs. Randy (Kris Horton
`82) Vastbinder
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald (Nancy
McGinnis `57) Veeder
Mr. Todd Vehling `97
Mr. & Mrs. Harold (Coleen Vian
`80) Vermilion
Dr. & Mrs. James `65 (Jeanette
Holtsclaw `65) Vermilya
Mr. & Mrs. Scott `94 (Deborah
Conant `95) Verzilli
Mr. & Mrs. Clyde (Florine Gatlin
`44) Vincent
Mr. & Mrs. Harold (Lavona
Hensley `70) Virgen
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel (Linda
Overmyer `82) Vogan
Mr. & Mrs. Joe Voght
Ms. Karla VonAhrens `94
Mr. & Mrs. Rex Voorheis `95
Mr. & Mrs. David Vos
Mr. & Mrs. Brian (Sybille
Stewart `84) Vought*
Mr. & Mrs. Paul `84 (Jackie
Drake `86) Vreugdenhil
Mr. Richard Wade `87
Mr. & Mrs. Ted (Judy Hayden
`90) Wade
Rev. & Mrs. Darrell `51 (Ruby
King `54) Wagner
Mr. & Mrs. Theodore (Patricia
Wiggins `54) Wagner
Mr. Matt Waidelich
Mrs. Sara Reed Waits `95 *
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Wakefield
Miss Juanita Wakley
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Walczewski
Mr. & Mrs. John Waldron, Jr `99
Mrs. Mary Waldron
Rev. & Mrs. Carl `51 (Lerada
Weaver `55) Walker
Mr. & Mrs. John Walker
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Walker `93
Dr. & Mrs. Jules Walker
Miss Kathleen Walker `84
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Walker `91
Mr. & Mrs. Steve (Judy
Cronkhite `76) Walker
Ms. Kathryn Wall
Mr. Burton Wallace
Mr. & Mrs. Michael (Deborah
`94) Wallpe
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Walquist `66
Rev. & Mrs. Bueford Walsh `55
Mr. & Mrs. Oscar (Monique
Young `97) Wash
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Walter `95 *
Mr. Ron Walter
Prof. & Mrs. Dallas Walters
Miss Jennifer Walters `98
Mr. Aryliss Walton `79 *
Ms. Barbara Gootee Walton `98
Miss Joan Walton `87
Mr. & Mrs. Richmond Walton
Mr. & Mrs. Clarence Wandrei
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Wank `52
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald (Constance
Notestine `98) Wannemacher
Mr. & Mrs. Erik `93 (Cynthia
Smith `86) Warburton
Mr. & Mrs. Clifford (Naomi
Dericks `35) Ward
Mr. & Mrs. Jack `67 (Dorothy
Watkins `69) Ward
Mr. & Mrs. Larry Ward
Miss Tricia Ware `97
Mr. & Mrs. David (Jackie Jones
`93) Warner
Mrs. Elizabeth Warner
Mr. & Mrs. Harry Warner `51
Mr. & Mrs. Randall (Clara
Williams `55) Warnke
Mrs. Mary Kent Warren `60
Mr. & Mrs. Robert (Marilyn
Mitchell `84) Warren
Mr. & Mrs. Sam Warren
Rev. & Mrs. Fred `49 (Paulette
Gravley `49) Warrington
Mr. & Mrs. Bill (Robyn Redmon
`99) Washburn
Mrs. Evelyn Washington `83
Mr. & Mrs. Robert (Elizabeth
England `98) Wasson
Mr. & Mrs. Robert (Mary Burch
`97) Wathen
Revs. James `74 & Lois (Farra
`75) Watkins
Mr. & Mrs. Michael `93 (Jennifer
Timm `93) Watkins
Mr. & Mrs. Robert (Ruth Hicks
`65) Watson
Mr. & Mrs. David Watt
Rev. & Mrs. Thomas Watt `95
Mr. & Mrs. Oran Watts, III `92
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Watts
Mrs. Frieda Harris Weaver `52
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth (Marcia
Hohler `90) Weaver*
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Weaver `91
Mr. Anthony Webb `95
Dr. & Mrs. Burton Webb
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel (Barbara
Fisher `81) Webb
Mr. Randall Webb
Mr. Everette Webber
Mr. & Mrs. John (Marilyn
Gaddis `65) Weber
Mrs. Harriett Pickering Webster
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Webster `94
Dr. & Mrs. David Weeks `80
Mr. Francis Wegman
Mr. & Mrs. Steven Weiand `93
Mr. & Mrs. Wendell (Honour
Kelly `51) Weichert
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Weidenbener
Ms. Bridget Weidenborner
Mr. & Mrs. Carl Weigle `91 *
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Weiselberg
Rev. & Mrs. Kevin `90 (Dawn
Holley `91) Welch
Dr. & Mrs. Ray `58 (Wilda
Grafton `60) Welch
Mr. Rodney Welch `93
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Weller `97
Rev. & Mrs. Glen Weller `65
Mr. & Mrs. Scott `91 (Shellee
Kuhn `89) Welling
Rev. & Mrs. Curtis Wells `82
Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Wells
Rev. & Mrs. Ray Wells `81
Ms. Kathy Kraus Wenger `96
Mr. & Mrs. Robert (Helen
Norwood `49) Wenger
Mr. & Mrs. Myron (Kathie
Koester `98) Wentworth
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Werking `74 *
Dr. & Mrs. Robert (Ruth Davis
`69) Werking
Mr. Jeffry Wertz `97
Miss Dorothy West `38
Rev. & Mrs. Blaine `48 (Elaine
Stewart `47) West
Rev. & Mrs. William Westafer
Mr. & Mrs. Edwin (Esther DeVol
`56) Westbrook
Dr. & Mrs. Mark (Pamela `98)
Mr. & Mrs. James Weston `95
Mr. & Mrs. Terry Weston
Mrs. Mildred Wetter
Rev. & Mrs. Robert `44 (Alta Cox
`45) Wetzel
Rev. & Mrs. Daniel `68 (Donna
Hines `68) Wheeler
Miss Helen Wheeler `99
Prof. & Mrs. Jack Wheeler
Rev. & Mrs. Paul Wheeler `49
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald (Peggy Riley
`95) Wheeler
Mr. Stephen Wheelock `88
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Whinnen `90
Rev. & Mrs. Robert `88 (Cecelia
Deany `89) Whinnen
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Whipker `97
Mr. & Mrs. Ben (Marie Funk `81)
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Whitacre `92
Ms. Dawn Whitaker `94
Mr. & Mrs. John (Lisa Goodwin
`83) Whitaker
Mr. & Mrs. Joe (Kim Moore `97)
Ms. Brenda White
Mr. & Mrs. David White `93
Mr. & Mrs. Elvin White `96
Mr. & Mrs. Emerson White
Mr. & Mrs. Gary (Marilyn Diehl
OA) White
Mr. & Mrs. James (Jessica
Vestal `92) White
Mr. John White OA
Mr. & Mrs. Jon (JaTonya Jones
`81) White
Mr. & Mrs. Jon-Kevin `93 (Carol
Blinn `92) White
Mr. & Mrs. Meredith White
Mr. & Mrs. Todd `95 (Lisa `96)
Mrs. Stephanie Whitley `99
Mr. & Mrs. Corwin `57 (Ruth
Crim `56) Whittum
Mr. & Mrs. Norman `63 (Donna
Evens `62) Whittum
Rev. & Mrs. Roy `46 (Dorothy
Walker `46) Whittum
Mr. & Mrs. Dale `77 (Connie
Heer `81) Whonsetler
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Whonsetler *
Ms. Cherrie Roach Wick `98
Ms. Rhoda Skeans Wicker `93
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Wickes
Ms. Tamila Wickham `82
Mr. & Mrs. James (Marian
Donaldson OA) Widdows
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Widlicka
Ms. Jean Hadley Widup `98
Mr. Larry Wiedeman `89
Mr. & Mrs. Doug (Wendy
McDonald `98) Wiederhoeft
Mr. & Mrs. Vernon (Lew Rice
`90) Wiese*
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Wiest
Mr. & Mrs. Tom (Ruth Tibbetts
`70) Wilbanks
Mr. & Mrs. David Wilcox
Mr. & Mrs. Hazen Wilcox
Mr. & Mrs. Steve (Teri Meimann
`98) Wilde
Mr. Ronald Wildeman `92
Mr. James Wiles
Mrs. Jean Winger Wiley `55
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Wiley
Mr. & Mrs. Walter Wilging
Mr. & Mrs. Gary (Christina Hall
`97) Wilking
Mrs. Mary Wilkinson
Mr. & Mrs. Robert `60 (Marjorie
Reese `59) Wille
Mr. & Mrs. Robert (Faith Blaine
`76) Willhoft*
Mr. & Mrs. Adam (Alyne
Thomann `94) Williams
Rev. & Mrs. Brian Williams
Miss Carolyn Williams `82
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Williams `90
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel (Myra
Williams `71) Williams
Mr. & Mrs. James Williams `87
Mr. & Mrs. James Williams `89
Dr. & Mrs. John Williams, Sr.
Honor Roll of Donors
Mr. & Mrs. Kent Williams
Rev. & Mrs. Lyle `70 (Linda
Perkins `69) Williams
Mrs. Mary Williams
Mrs. Muriel Williams
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Williams
Mr. & Mrs. Randall Williams
Mr. & Mrs. Shedrick Williams
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen `70 (Cheryl
Oxley `70) Williams
Mr. & Mrs. Joel (Lisa Hunt ’98)
Mr. & Mrs. Claude (Martha
Jones `50) Willis
Mr. & Mrs. James Willis
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey (Anita Cook
`86) Willis
Dr. & Mrs. David Wilmot `84
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Wilmot `56
Mrs. Bernetta Hausz Wilson `44
Mr. & Mrs. Clayton (Amy
Palmer `81) Wilson
Rev. & Mrs. Daniel Wilson `93
Mr. & Mrs. Dean (Joanne
Winters `51) Wilson
Mrs. Ellen VanBuskirk Wilson
Rev. & Mrs. Ermal Wilson OA
Mrs. Evelyn Sowers Wilson `37
Mrs. Gladys Sime Wilson `46
Mrs. Helen Winchel Wilson `52
Dr. & Mrs. James `52 (Wilma
Baker `53) Wilson
Dr. & Mrs. John Wilson
Mr. Kenneth Wilson `95
Mrs. Lois Wilson *
Dr. & Mrs. Norman Wilson
Dr. & Mrs. Norman Wilson `74
Mr. & Mrs. Robert (Priscilla OA)
Rev. & Mrs. Tom OA (Carolyn
Mitchell OA) Wilson
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Wimmer
Mr. & Mrs. Richard `70 (Darla
Parsons `74) Winchel
Mr. & Mrs. James (Ann Sollie
`74) Wine
Mr. & Mrs. Robert `62 (Elaine
Goodman `62) Wing
Mr. & Mrs. Garth Winger
Mr. & Mrs. Roy Winkler `94
Mr. & Mrs. Todd (Amy Logan
`94) Winkler
Ms. Debra Winland `84
Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Winnett
Mr. & Mrs. Glin `98 (Ann
Olmstead `98) Winsor
Miss Anne Winters `75
Mr. Milton Wirt
Rev. Calvin Wise `52
Mr. & Mrs. Darrell Wisser `77
Mr. Scott Witter `97
Mr. & Mrs. Herbert (Martha
Helm `39) Witthoft
Dr. & Mrs. Ronald Wolf `71
Mr. & Mrs. Gordon (June Gibbs
`34) Wolfe
Mr. Lloyd Wolfe
Miss Hazel Wolter `51
Ms. Joellen Wonsey OA
Rev. James Wood `94
Dr. & Mrs. Roger Wood `41
Mrs. Ruth Young Wood `43
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Wood `95
Mr. & Mrs. Arlie (Catharine
Wilson OA) Woods
Rev. & Mrs. Clinton Woods OA
Mrs. Mary Woods `90
Mr. & Mrs. James Woodward
Rev. & Mrs. Alvin `74 (Rebecca
Troyer `74) Wooters
Rev. & Mrs. Calvin Word `61
Mr. & Mrs. George (Eulala
Waters OA) Workman
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Wray
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel `90 (Karen
Best `83) Wright
Mr. & Mrs. Frank (Elizabeth `87)
Mr. Gerald Wright
Mr. & Mrs. James Wright `88 *
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence (Vicky
Harmon `80) Wright
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Wright `00
Mr. & Mrs. Robert `84 (Merri
Hodges `84) Wright
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Wright
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Wrightsman
Mr. & Mrs. Jason `97 (Deborah
Porter `97) Wuertley
Mrs. Vivian Greenwalt Wuertley
Mr. & Mrs. James Wynn
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel (Bonnie Seitz
`80) Yackel
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Yale `80
Mrs. Madelene Knotts
Yarbrough `41
Mr. & Mrs. Carroll (Luella
Martin `51) Yarnell
Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Yau
Mrs. Colleen Yeadon `93
Mr. & Mrs. Brad (Margo
Kennedy `97) Yeargin
Ms. Linda Yelton `99
Mr. & Mrs. Charles `66 (Wanda
Byer `69) Yoder
Mr. & Mrs. Larry (Janet Yoder
`82) Yoder
Mrs. Cheryl Young `92
Mr. & Mrs. David Young `77
Mr. Dean Young
Miss Elsie Young `60
Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Young
Rev. & Mrs. Harold Young `47
Mr. & Mrs. John (Kathleen Mills
`93) Young
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Young `93
Mr. & Mrs. Randall (Susan
Meyers `86) Young
Rev. William Young `62
Mr. & Mrs. Angela (Mark `99)
Mr. Roland Zaring `92
Rev. & Mrs. Dwight `45 (Ruth
Bolen `46) Zavitz
Rev. & Mrs. Marty Zeis
Mr. Roy Zeitlow `97
Mr. & Mrs. John Zelenak
Mr. & Mrs. Michael (Darlene
Wolfe `79) Zeliff
Mr. & Mrs. David `50 (Norma
Kiser `49) Zent
Miss Mary Zent `76
Mr. & Mrs. Jeremy Zimmer
Miss Susan Zimmerman `79
Mr. Merville Zinn `56
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Zortz
Dr. & Mrs. Robert `52 (Margery
Holmes `52) Zuhl
Mr. & Mrs. Norman (Carol Wiley
`56) Zurcher
* Corporate Matching Gifts
Helen M. Ager
Lee Beard
The Cox Charitable Remainder
Dora Mae Garrison
Luella E. Hall
Dr. & Mrs. J B Hilson
Bernice Lawrence
Merlin J Loew Charitable Trust
Morden IWU Trust Fund
Rosada R. Stewart
Donors of $1,000 or more
Bank One Indianapolis NA
W. E. Beaty, Inc.
Binford Group of Indiana Inc.
J.G. Bowers, Inc.
Bowman Construction Co.
Boyd Machine & Repair Co. Inc.
Bradner Village Health Care
Dick Bragg Excavating
Brucker Enterprises Inc.
Cannon Real Estate
Canon Computer Systems Inc.
Centennial Wireless
Central Indiana Orthopedics PC
Central Office Products Inc.
Cinergy/PSI Energy
Citizens Exchange Bank
ClearVision Laser Centers
Coca-Cola Bottling Co.
Rex Collins Electric Inc.
Dana Corp.
DeVoe Chevrolet-Cadillac Inc.
Design Collaborative
EagleCare Inc.
Fairmount State Bank
Family Wealth Counselors of
Farm Bureau Insurance
Fidelity Federal Savings Bank
First Choice Office Equipment
Ford Meter Box Inc.
Frances Slocum Bank & Trust
G. W. Electric
GenCorp Vehicle Sealing
General Motors Corp.
Goecker Construction Inc.
Grant County Ready Mix
Grant County State Bank
Grant County Steel Inc.
Handy Andy Food Stores Inc.
Harper Implement Co. Inc.
Hattersley & Sons
Havel Bros Inc.
Heilig-Meyers Furniture
Heye America
Holder Mattress Factory
IKON Office Solutions
ISU Insurance Management
Irving Materials Inc.
Janus Products LLC
Liniger Company Inc.
Lowden Jewelers
Marion Glass and Aluminum
Marion Sewing Machine &
Martin Inc.
McGuff Supply Inc.
Needham-Storey Funeral
Northern Indiana Public Service
Old Fort Supply Company Inc.
George S. Olive & Co.
Papa John’s Central Indiana
Paul Maines and Sons Inc.
Peerless Printing Corp.
The Precedent Companies Inc.
Premiere Trees & Landscaping
Quiring Associates Inc.
Reese Equipment Co.
Request Foods
Rosema Corp.
Ross Supply Co. Inc.
Shadeland Dodge Inc.
Shelby Printing Inc.
Sodexho Marriott Corp.
Spice of Life Catering
Spitzer, Herriman, Stephenson,
Holderead, Musser & Conner
Stanley Steemer Carpet Cleaner
Stor-A-Way of Marion
Sutton Masonry Inc.
THOMSON multimedia
W. A. Sheets & Sons Inc.
Donors of $500 to $999
A. G. Edwards & Sons Inc.
ACT Environmental Services
American National Bank & Trust
American Termite Doctors
Anderson’s Carpet Showroom
Arbor Trace Golf Club
Arsys Innotech Corp.
Atlas Foundry Inc.
BTR Antivibration Systems Inc.
Baker & Daniels
Bell Enterprises
Blue Sky Graphics Inc.
Business Engineering Inc.
Business Products & Systems
Nicholas P. Chochos
Classic Organs of Indiana Inc.
Coca-Cola Bottling Co.
Creative Child Development
Duncan Video Inc.
EFS Services Inc.
Fairmount Door Corp.
Fazoli’s Restaurant
First Federal Savings Bank
First National Bank
Fox TV & Appliances Inc.
Fujitsu PC Corp.
Gaunt & Son Asphalt Inc.
George’s Fishing Charter
Goeglein Painting & Decorating
Funeral Home Inc.
Grenelefe Golf and Tennis
Hobby Lobby
Innovative Edge
Interior Concepts Corp.
Irving Materials Inc.
Ivanhoe’s Ice Cream Shoppe
Jefferson Smurfit Corp.
K C Sports Memorabilia
Keifer Specialty Flooring Inc.
Kelly’s Flowers & Gifts
Kiley, Kiley, Harker, Michael &
Kirby Risk Corp.
Koehlinger Fitness
The LandPlan Group Inc.
LeFavour Detailing Service
Living Water Christian
Long John Silvers
Maidenberg Associates
Marion General Hospital
Marion Oral & Maxillofacial
Surgeons, Inc.
Marion School Employees FCU
Maus Funeral Home Inc.
McClure Oil Corp.
Navillus Aggregate
New England Woodcraft Inc.
Louis T Ollesheimer & Sons Inc.
Overland Tours
P & W Pawn Brokers
Paul’s Tires Inc.
Progress Tool and Die
Rea Logan & Co. Inc.
Steve Reiff Inc.
Steve Wingfield Ministries
Santarossa Mosaic & Tile Co.
School Specialty
Schwan’s Sales
Shearer Business Products
Sirloin Stockade
Specialty Systems of Indiana
Spohn Associates
TLC Management
Time Warner Cable
Tobias Insurance Agency Inc.
Wabash Valley
Walnut Creek Golf Course Inc.
Wickes Lumber & Building
Zobrosky and Zobrosky
Donors of up $499
18 & 5 Auto Sales
AA Rents Inc.
Abbey Carpet Discount
Able Ambulance
Adam’s Mark Hotel
Air Marion Inc.
Aluminum Products Co.
Ambucare Clinic
Amco Elevators Inc.
American Electric Power
American Family Insurance
American Promotional Events
American Tool Craft
American Trans Air
Ameritech Applied
Anchor Glass Container Corp.
Mike Anderson Chevrolet Inc.
Mike Anderson Dodge Inc.
Andrea’s Travel Agency
Arby’s Roast Beef #127
Arrendale’s Coffee Service
Art in Motion
Ashmore Heating & Cooling
Audio Video International
B & B Drugs Inc.
B & M Investors Inc.
B & T Auto Rental
Bearcreek Farms
Biff’s Golf
Big R Stores
Bloomington Convention Center
Bomar Broadcasting Corp.
Bosch Bus Co.
Brandt Jewelers
Breedlove & Sons Inc.
Bruner Center
Brunt’s Downtown Inc.
Bulldog Battery Corp.
Burkhart Advertising Inc.
C N Is Believing Inc.
CVS Systems Inc.
Capital City Chem-Dry
Carter Lumber
The Center Group
Central Indiana Marketing
Christen Janitorial Supplies
The Christian Restoration
Christmas Visions
Cithra Tae Kwon Do
City of Marion
Classico Family Hair & Tanning
Club PC Inc.
Colonial Oaks Health Care
Color Me Tan
Conference and Travel Services
Conn’s Eastside Garden Center
Corey’s Tanning
Cracker Barrel Old Country
Honor Roll of Donors
Crest Lanes
Curfman’s Cycling and Fitness
Custer’s Cashway Lumber Co.
dBA Acoustics, Inc
Daily Express Food Mart
Dairy Queen Brazier
Design Concepts
Designing Ladies Salon
Dorais Chevrolet Inc.
Dulin, Ward & DeWald Inc
John L. Earnest Inc.
Educational Consultant Services
Edward Jones Investments
Elder-Beerman Stores Corp.
Em-Roe Sporting Goods
Erma’s Restaurant
Ewer & Moritz
Excelcare Management Inc.
Fairfield Inn West
Famous Telephone Supply
Farmers State Bank
Firestone Tire & Service Centers
First National Bank & Trust
First Quality Carpet
Fitness Connection of Marion
Flores Mexican Foods Inc.
Flutter by Boutique
Fred Hoefer’s Amoco Inc.
Frontier Communications of
Furniture Mart
Gaither Family Resources
Garcor Supply Co. Inc.
General Plastics Corp.
George’s Flowers Inc.
Gilles Cycling & Fitness
Global Travel Service Inc.
Grant County Manufactured
Homes Inc.
H & R Block
Harner’s Service Center
Heads Up Baseball
Hillbilly Haven Beauty Salon
Hipsher Tool & Die Inc.
Holiday Inn - Bloomington
Holiday Inn - Marion
Holiday Inn – Terre Haute
The Honeywell Foundation Inc.
Howard Auto Sales Inc.
Hutchinson Optometry
IWU Bookstore
Ice, Miller, Donadio & Ryan,
Attorneys at Law
The Icehouse
Imperial Charter Service
Indiana Carbon Co. Inc.
Indiana Seed Co. Inc.
Indianapolis Colts
The Inn at Saint Mary’s
Interior Products
Jake’s Toys
James Matthews Inc.
Jerry’s Leather Shop & Shoe
Jonesboro Spring Fest
Judy’s Dog House
Key Benefit Administrators
King School Equipment Co.
Kirby Risk Electrical Supply Co.
Kitchen Necessities
Koorsen Protection Services
Kyle’s MAB Paints
L & W Construction Co.
Lakeview Christian School
Lance’s Super Valu Inc. #0506
Lance’s Super Valu Inc. #0507
Lawhorne Veneer Co. Inc.
Lincoln Land Title Inc.
Louie’s Tux Shop
Lowe’s Home Improvement
M-R Partnership
Mac’s Ace Hardware
Man’s Image
Marion Carpet Value Inc.
Marion Civic Theatre
Marion Homecare Supplies
Marion Hospitality Inc.
Marion Independent FCU
Marion Music & Sound
Marion Philharmonic Orchestra
Marion Tire Inc.
Markey’s Audio Visual Inc.
Martin & Morrison Agency Inc.
Matchette, Elrod & Co. PC
Matrix Integration
McCoy and McHarry LLC
McDonald’s Hamburger System
Medicap Pharmacy
Merle Norman & La Boutique
Midas Muffler Shop
Miller Furniture
Miller’s Body Shop
Miller’s Hallmark Stores
Mirror Image Photography
Moorehead Communications
NAPA Hartford City
National Christian College
Athletic Assoc.
Norris Insurance
North Central Cooperative Inc.
North Park Mall Merchants
Northern Indiana Supply Co.
Norwest Bank Indiana NA
The Office
Osterman Jewelers
Owen’s Hardware
Peer’s Tree Service
Penguin Point
J.C. Penney Co. Inc #1487-8
Philipe Spa
Photography by Dino
Picture Perfect Pet Center Inc.
Pipe Creek Animal Clinic
Pro Prints
Professional Insurance Center
Quality Discount Carpet
Ramada Inn of Columbus
Raven Funeral Home
Reith Studios
Rich’s Car Wash South
Richardson Golf Sales Inc.
Richmond Plumbing & Pipe
Ritz Charles Inc.
Riverside Podiatry Clinic Inc.
Roberts Distributors Inc.
Rollers Cleaners
Rose Foods Inc.
Rosie’s Little Italy Inc.
S & D Inc.
Salin Bank & Trust Co.
Sam’s Club
Dick Sanburn Sporting Goods
Sauder Manufacturing
Sew Biz
Shady Hills Golf Course
Sherwin-Williams Co.
Sign Pros
Signature Inn - Evansville
Signs of the Times
Skidz Recycling Inc.
Smith Brothers Heating & Air
Soccer House
SoftChoice Corp.
Southway Animal Hospital
Southworth Ford-Lincoln-
Springmaid Wamsutta Factory
Star Financial Bank
Steak N Shake
Steel Parts FCU
Tangent Computer
Tiffany Lawn & Garden Supply
Tile Interiors
Timberlane Nursery &
Tire Barn
Tool Time Rental Inc.
Treescape by Helt
Trice Buildings & Supply Inc.
True Value
Tuffy Auto Service Centers
Tulox Plastics Corp.
Two Brothers Engraving
Union Planters Bank
Valle Vista Golf & Athletic Club
Vice’s Marion Floral Co. Inc.
Video Stop
Vogel’s Donut Shop Inc.
Wabash Cannonball Lanes
Wabash County Farm Bureau
Wabash Electric Supply Inc.
Wabash Instrument Corp.
Wal-Mart Stores Inc.
B. Walter & Co. Inc.
Webb’s Furniture & Appliance
Webb’s Hallmark Shops
Don Welton Manufactured
West Coast Video
Western Avenue Animal
Wieland Furniture
Wiley Metal Fabricating Inc.
The Window Shop
Worzalla Publishing Co.
Woven Treasures
Youth for Christ
Zimmer Inc.
ARCO Foundation
Abbott Laboratories Fund
Aetna Foundation
Alcoa Foundation
Allied-Signal Foundation Inc.
American Electric Power
American United Life Insurance
Ameritech Foundation Matching
John W. Anderson Foundation
Apollo Group Inc.
Astra Pharmaceuticals
Auto Owners Insurance
The Bank of America
Belden Wire & Cable Company
Bell Atlantic
Bridgestone - Firestone Inc.
Bristol-Myers Squibb
Foundation Inc.
CTS Corporation
Caterpillar Foundation
Cinergy Foundation Inc.
Cummins Engine Foundation
DaimlerChrysler Corp. Fund
Dana Corporation Foundation
Delphi Automotive Systems
Deluxe Corporation Foundation
R R Donnelley & Sons Inc.
Dow AgroSciences
Dow Corning Matching Gift
Eaton Corporation
Eli Lilly & Co.
English Bonter Mitchell
Essex Group Inc.
Ford Motor Company Fund
W Brooks Fortune Foundation
GE Foundation
GTE Foundation
GenCorp Foundation Inc.
General Motors Corporation
Georgia-Pacific Corporation
Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co.
Grace Foundation Inc.
The Guardian Life Insurance Co.
The Hartford Steam Boiler
Hewlett-Packard Co. Foundation
John A. Hillenbrand Foundation
Hoechst Marion Roussel Inc.
ITT Industries Inc.
Johnson Controls Foundation
Kellogg’s Corp Citizenship Fund
Lees Inns of America
Lees Ready Mix & Trucking Inc.
Lester L. Lee Oil Co.
Lincoln National Foundation
Lucent Technologies
The Merck Company
Merrill Lynch Trust
Meyer-Najem Corp.
NIPSCO Industries Inc.
National City Bank
Norfolk Southern Foundation
Northwestern Mutual Life
Ohio National Life Insurance
PPG Industries Foundation
The PQ Corporation
J.C. Penney Co. Inc.
PepsiCo Foundation
Pfizer Foundation Matching
Philip Morris Companies Inc.
Pioneer Hi-Bred International
Raytheon Company
Reilly Foundation
Rexnord Foundation
Salin Bank & Trust Co.
ServiceMaster Foundation
The Sherwin-Williams Co.
SmithKline Beecham
Sodexho Marriott Education
State Farm Companies
StorageTek Foundation
Temple-Inland Foundation
THOMSON multimedia
The Times Mirror Foundation
The UPS Foundation
USA Group
USX Foundation Inc.
Wood-Mizer Products Inc.
The Xerox Foundation
$10,000 or more in Church
Matching Scholarship
Jonesboro, IN
Westview Wesleyan
LaOtto, IN
LaOtto Wesleyan
Plymouth, IN
Shiloh Wesleyan
Contributions of $5,000 or more
Allendale MI
Allendale Wesleyan
Ashland OH
Christ Community Evangelical
Bellville OH
Clearfork Valley Wesleyan
Galloway OH
Cypress Wesleyan
Gas City IN
Eastview Wesleyan
Hartford City IN
Hartford City Wesleyan
Indianapolis IN
The Wesleyan Church
International Center
Jackson MI
Trinity Wesleyan
Jonesboro IN
Westview Wesleyan
LaOtto IN
LaOtto Wesleyan
Marion IN
Brookhaven Wesleyan
College Wesleyan
World Gospel Mission
Marion OH
Dayspring Wesleyan
North Street MI
Hillside Wesleyan
Plymouth IN
Plymouth Wesleyan
Tuscaloosa AL
First Wesleyan
Warsaw IN
Warsaw Wesleyan
Williamston MI
Rowley Wesleyan
Contributions of $1,000 to
Albany OH
Christ Community Wesleyan
Albion IN
Albion Wesleyan
Allentown PA
Trinity Wesleyan
Anderson IN
Central Wesleyan
Lone Oak Wesleyan
New Life Wesleyan
Archbold OH
Evangelical Mennonite
Ashburn VA
Christian Fellowship
Austin MN
Crane Addition Community
Avoca IN
Crossroads Community
Battle Creek MI
First Wesleyan
Garrison Hills Wesleyan
Bedford IN
Bedford Free Methodist
Dive Christian
Berlin OH
Berlin Mennonite
Bluffton IN
Sonlight Wesleyan
Boise ID
Grace Bible
Bonita CA
Bonita Wesleyan
Bridgeton NJ
First Wesleyan
Brighton MI
Brighton Wesleyan
Canandaigua NY
Honor Roll of Donors
Canandaigua Wesleyan
Cape Coral FL
Calvary Wesleyan
Cedar Rapids IA
Hillside Wesleyan
Celina OH
Grace Missionary
Chesterton IN
New Life Wesleyan
Chillicothe OH
First Wesleyan
Cincinnati OH
Dayspring Church of God
Clarksville MI
Gateway Community
Coleman MI
Coleman Wesleyan
Colorado Springs CO
Academy View Wesleyan
Columbia City IN
New Hope Wesleyan
Columbia Station OH
New Life Wesleyan
Crawfordsville IN
Maranatha Foursquare
Decatur IN
Decatur Church of God
Delphos OH
Delphos Wesleyan
Easton MD
First Wesleyan
Eau Claire WI
Eau Claire Wesleyan
El Cajon CA
El Cajon Wesleyan
Evansville IN
Forest Hills Wesleyan
Fairmount IN
Fairmount Wesleyan
Falls Church VA
Falls Church Episcopal
Findlay OH
Faith Community
Fort Wayne IN
Moeller Road Wesleyan
Shiloh Baptist
Spring Street Wesleyan
Frankford DE
Roxana Wesleyan
Goshen IN
Beulah Missionary
First Brethren
Grabill IN
Grabill Missionary
Grand Rapids MI
Central Reformed
Grant MI
Grant Wesleyan
Greeley CO
Greeley Wesleyan
Greensburg IN
Greensburg Wesleyan
Greentown IN
Greentown Wesleyan
Hagerstown IN
Hagerstown Nazarene
Hales Corners WI
Park Community
Hamilton IN
Hamilton Wesleyan
Hamlet IN
Davis Wesleyan
Harrington DE
Calvary Wesleyan
Harrison OH
Christ Church Fellowship
Hudsonville MI
Daybreak Community
Indianapolis IN
Keystone Wesleyan
Lakeview Christian Center
The Salvation Army
Southport Presbyterian
Trinity Wesleyan
Jonesboro IN
Main Street Wesleyan
Kalamazoo MI
Kalamazoo Wesleyan
Kentwood MI
Kentwood Community
Kingston MI
Kingston Wesleyan
Kokomo IN
St. Luke’s United Methodist
Lafayette IN
Schuyler Avenue Wesleyan
Lakeport MI
North Lakeport Wesleyan
Lansdale PA
Family Worship Center
Lapel IN
Daybreak Community
Lawrenceburg IN
Dearborn Hills United
Mansfield OH
First Wesleyan
Marion IN
Chapel Pike Wesleyan
Lakeview Wesleyan
Mt. Olive United Methodist
Nelson Street Wesleyan
Union Chapel Baptist
Martinsville IN
Faith Missionary
Merrill MI
Merrill Wesleyan
Milton PA
Christ Wesleyan
Milwaukee WI
The Salvation Army
Mina SD
Richland Wesleyan
Mitchell IN
Mitchell Wesleyan
Morgantown IN
Bean Blossom Mennonite
Muncie IN
Hazelwood Christian
Naperville IL
Naperville Bible
New Castle IN
Ninth Street Wesleyan
New Palestine IN
Brookville Road Community
North Branch MI
North Branch Wesleyan
Oak Hill OH
Trinity Wesleyan
Ottawa Lake MI
Whiteford Wesleyan
Owosso MI
Northgate Wesleyan
Owosso Wesleyan
Pine Grove PA
Pine Grove Wesleyan
Plano TX
Collin Creek Community
Plymouth IN
Shiloh Wesleyan
Pulaski NY
Pulaski Wesleyan
Quispamsis NB CANADA
Kings Valley Wesleyan
Rice Lake WI
Red Cedar Community
Richmond IN
Fountain City Wesleyan
Roann IN
Olive Branch Church of God
Roblin Wesleyan
Salisbury MD
Emmanuel Wesleyan
Scottsburg IN
First Christian
Galilee Baptist
Shelby MI
Ferry Wesleyan
Silver Lake IN
Silver Lake Wesleyan
Spring Lake MI
Spring Lake Wesleyan
Sturgis MI
Sturgis Wesleyan
Superior WI
Darrow Road Wesleyan
Sweetser IN
Sweetser Wesleyan
Tipton IN
Trinity Wesleyan
Topeka KS
Fairlawn Heights Wesleyan
Traverse City MI
Bayview Wesleyan
College Terrace Wesleyan
Ulster PA
North Rome Wesleyan
Van Wert OH
Calvary Evangelical
Wakarusa IN
Wakarusa Missionary
Warren IN
Jefferson Center United
Lancaster Wesleyan
Warrenton MO
Warrenton Wesleyan
Washington MI
Community Wesleyan
Waterloo IA
Cedar Valley Community
West Chester OH
West Chester Wesleyan
Wheaton IL
Wheaton Wesleyan
Wichita KS
First Wesleyan
Williamsville NY
Eastern Hills Wesleyan
Contributions of $500 to $999
Albion IN
Cornerstone Wesleyan
Albion MI
Caring Community Wesleyan
Anderson IN
Church of the Brethren
Arlington IN
Blue River Wesleyan
Ashland KY
Westwood Wesleyan
Attica IN
First United Methodist
Baldwinsville NY
Community Wesleyan
Bay City MI
Bay City Wesleyan
Beaver Dams NY
Grace Lee Memorial Wesleyan
Belle Plaine MN
World Wide Church of God
Bellwood IL
Gods House of Brotherly Love
Berne IN
Mount Hope Church of
Bloomington IN
The Salvation Army
Bluffton IN
Hope Missionary
Bryan OH
New Hope Community
Cadillac MI
Cadillac Wesleyan
Casselberry FL
Community United Methodist
Cedarville MI
First Union
Clayton OH
Salem Church of God
Columbus IN
Flintwood Wesleyan
Columbus OH
Meadow Park Church of God
Coshocton OH
Grace United Methodist
Dale IN
Dale Church of the Nazarene
Dayton IN
Dayton United Methodist
Demotte IN
Kankakee Valley Bible Baptist
Des Plaines IL
The Salvation Army
Deville LA
Open Door Community
Dover DE
Trinity Wesleyan
Dryden MI
Dryden Wesleyan
Elmore OH
Bethel United Brethren
Etna Green IN
Camp Creek Brethren
Findlay OH
Stonebridge Church of God
Flint MI
First Wesleyan
Flora IN
First Brethren
Forrester Falls ON CANADA
Zion Hill Youth Camp
Fort Wayne IN
Fellowship Missionary
Good Shepherd Methodist
Frankfort IN
Faith Wesleyan
Garrett IN
First Church of Christ
Gas City IN
New Hope Baptist
Gastonia NC
Ragan Wesleyan
Gaylord MI
Gaylord Evangelical Free
Glen Burnie MD
Oakwood Wesleyan
Goshen IN
Brenneman Memorial
Grand Rapids MI
Berkley Hills Wesleyan
Grand Rapids OH
Grand Rapids Wesleyan
Granite City IL
Niedringhaus United
Greenfield IN
First Church of God
Greenville OH
Trinity Wesleyan
Griffith IN
Griffith First United Methodist
Hartford City IN
Fairview United Brethren
Hillsboro WI
Hillsboro Wesleyan
Holton IN
Hopewell Baptist
Houghton Lake MI
Houghton Lake Wesleyan
Indianapolis IN
Community Christian
East 91st Street Christian
Eastlawn Wesleyan
Franklin Road Baptist
North United Methodist
Warren Park Wesleyan
Ithaca MI
Ithaca Wesleyan
Kalamazoo MI
Spring Valley Wesleyan
Kempton IN
Northern Indiana Separate
Kingston JAMAICA
Mona Fellowship
Kokomo IN
Family Worship Center
Oakford Baptist
La Mesa CA
Skyline Wesleyan
Lake Ann MI
Woodside Wesleyan
Lakeside OH
Lakeside United Methodist
Youth Camp
Ligonier IN
Ligonier Evangelical
Logansport IN
New Life Alliance
Losantville IN
Antioch Christian
Luther MI
Edgetts Wesleyan
Manchester NH
Manchester Christian
Marion IN
Brinker Heights Wesleyan
Center Chapel United
First United Methodist
Trinity United Methodist
West Eighth Street Wesleyan
Marion OH
Marion Christian Center
Marlton NJ
Wiley Church
Martinsville IN
Eastview Christian
Middleburg PA
Port Ann Emmanuel Wesleyan
Milton DE
Milton Wesleyan
Minneapolis MN
Waite Park Wesleyan
Momence IL
First United Methodist
Mount Gilead OH
North Woodbury Alliance
Muncie IN
Eden United Church of Christ
High Street United Methodist
Newark DE
Bible Fellowship
Newark OH
Community Wesleyan
Noblesville IN
First Church of the Nazarene
Pardeeville WI
Pardeeville Wesleyan
Paulding OH
Calvary Bible
Pendleton IN
Beech Grove Church of
Peru IN
Chapel Hill Alliance
Piketon OH
Word Alive Fellowship
Platte SD
Living Word Fellowship
Preston MD
Bethlehem Wesleyan
Rapid City SD
First Wesleyan
Redkey IN
Sugar Grove United Methodist
Richland MI
Richland Bible
Richmond VA
Calvary Wesleyan
Rochester NY
Gates Wesleyan
Honor Roll of Donors
Rock Island IL
Heritage Wesleyan
Romulus MI
Romulus Wesleyan
Russiaville IN
Main Street Christian
Salem OH
Salem Church of the Nazarene
Salisbury NC
Trinity Wesleyan
Scottsdale AZ
Scottsdale Bible
Sharpsville IN
Indiana Central Wesleyan
Rock Prairie Separate Baptist
Sheridan IN
Hortonville United Methodist
Shokan NY
Wesleyan Community
Silver Spring MD
Seventh Day Adventist
Spooner WI
Spooner Wesleyan
Springfield OH
Grace Bible
Stow OH
Stow Alliance Fellowship
Sturgis SD
First Wesleyan
Sunbury OH
Sunbury Wesleyan
Terre Haute IN
Faith Wesleyan
Tipp City OH
Skyview Wesleyan
Wabash IN
Wabash Church of the
Wabash Friends
Walkerville MI
Walkerville Wesleyan
Wauseon OH
Evangelical Mennonite
Wellsboro PA
American Baptist Youth Camp
West Seneca NY
Fellowship Wesleyan
Winamac IN
Winamac Church of the
Windfall IN
Mount Zion-Howard County
Wisconsin Rapids WI
Wisconsin Rapids Wesleyan
Contributions of up to $499
Allegan MI
Allegan Wesleyan
Annapolis MD
Chesapeake District Office
Ashley MI
Ashley Wesleyan
Atkinson NE
Faith Wesleyan
Avon IN
Avon Christian Life Center
Bartlesville OK
First Wesleyan
Belding MI
Flat River Ministries
Berne IN
First Mennonite
Birdsboro PA
Seyfert Youth Camp
Bloomfield IN
Sylvania Wesleyan
Bolivar OH
Bolivar Wesleyan
Bradenton FL
Bradenton Wesleyan
Bradford PA
Sawyer Evangelical
Bryant IN
Bryant Wesleyan
Bunker Hill IN
Bunker Hill United Methodist
Burnips MI
Burnips Wesleyan
Camby IN
Camby Community
Cape May Court House NJ
First United Methodist
Cedar Springs MI
Solon Center Wesleyan
Central SC
First Wesleyan
Cherryville PA
Bethany Wesleyan
Chicago IL
Salem Baptist
Circleville OH
First Baptist
Colfax IN
Colfax Wesleyan
Columbus IN
Church of the Galilean
Converse IN
Converse Church of Christ
Conyers GA
Georgia District Office
Coshocton OH
Coshocton Wesleyan
Crown Point IN
Living Stones Fellowship
Dalton WI
First Congregational
Dayton OH
Northridge Wesleyan
Decatur IN
Decatur Missionary
Denton MD
Chesapeake Youth Camp
Desloge MO
Gumbo Assembly of God
Deville LA
Martha’s Chapel Free
Eaton Rapids MI
Eaton Rapids Wesleyan
Michigan Holiness
Ellsworth MI
Ellsworth Wesleyan
Elwood IN
Central Wesleyan
Main Street Wesleyan
Elyria OH
Living Word Wesleyan
Evansville IN
North Park Wesleyan
Fairfield OH
Fairfield Wesleyan
Fairmount IN
Back Creek Wesleyan
Indiana North Youth Camp
Fishers IN
Fall Creek Wesleyan
Fort Wayne IN
Brookside Community
Fremont MI
Fremont Wesleyan
Fulton IN
Fulton Wesleyan
Gillette WY
New Life Wesleyan
Greentown IN
First Baptist
Greenville OH
Christian & Missionary
Greenwood IN
Mount Auburn United
Hagerstown IN
New Testament Church of
Hamburg MI
Arise United Methodist
Hastings MI
Camp Michawana
First United Methodist
Grace Wesleyan
Hayward WI
Hayward Wesleyan
Hemlock IN
Mount Gilead Baptist
Holland MI
Central Wesleyan
Hummels Wharf PA
Western Pennsylvania Family
Huntington IN
Etna Avenue Wesleyan
Indianapolis IN
Aldersgate Free Methodist
Chapel Hill United Methodist
John Knox Presbyterian
Southview Wesleyan
Walnut Grove Chapel
Jackson MI
Cascades Wesleyan
Jamestown IN
New Hope Baptist
Kalamazoo MI
General Baptist
Kannapolis NC
First Wesleyan
Knox IN
Eagle Creek Church
Kokomo IN
Mount Zion Free Methodist
Trinity Wesleyan
Lake Odessa MI
West Berlin Wesleyan
Larwill IN
Larwill Wesleyan
Laurel DE
Epworth Fellowship
Leesburg IN
Calvary Baptist
Lennon MI
Lennon Wesleyan
Levering MI
Bliss Missionary
Lewisville IN
New Hope
Ligonier IN
Stone’s Hill Community
Lima OH
Shawnee Alliance
Logansport IN
Riverview Wesleyan
Ludington MI
Washington Avenue Baptist
Lynn IN
Rural Friends
Madison IN
Calvary Wesleyan
Manton MI
North Michigan Youth Camp
Maple Ridge NB CANADA
Maple Ridge Wesleyan
Marengo IN
Marengo Valley Wesleyan
Marion IN
Church of Christ
Herbst United Methodist
Hillside Wesleyan
Lighthouse Worship Center
Sunnycrest Baptist
Mars PA
Mars Alliance
Marshall MI
Marshall United Methodist
McAdenville NC
McAdenville Wesleyan
Mears MI
West Golden Wesleyan
Middletown OH
Church of God
Miles City MT
Miles City Wesleyan
Milford OH
Mulberry Wesleyan
Morgantown IN
Morgantown Wesleyan
Morley MI
Brockway Wesleyan
Mukwonago WI
Our Savior’s Wesleyan
Muncie IN
Avondale United Methodist
Dayspring Friends
Muskegon MI
First Wesleyan
Nashville IN
Camp Moneto
New Berlin WI
Westbrooke Wesleyan
New Castle IN
Foursquare Gospel
New Castle PA
First Wesleyan
Newark NY
Arcadia Reformed
Newington ON CANADA
Newington Wesleyan
Noblesville IN
Lakeview Drive Wesleyan
Northville MI
Detroit First Nazarene
Odon IN
Odon Church of the Nazarene
Olean NY
Hillside Wesleyan
Orchard NE
Venus Wesleyan
Sunnyside Wesleyan
Oxford IN
United Methodist
Parma MI
Howe Wesleyan
Paulding OH
Paulding United Methodist
Pembroke ON
Wesley Community
Poplar Bluff MO
General Baptist Headquarters
Portage MI
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The Making of the President 2000
The process of electing a President of the
opinions of a few have come to represent the
United States is an art, not a science, and we all
will of the majority. We’re told how we’re
should be thankful for that. Few people have
going to vote before we vote, and poll results
explained the process better than Theodore H.
have replaced leadership when it comes to
White in his Pulitzer Prize-winning book, The
government decision-making.
Making of the President 1960.
“The transaction in power by which a
Those not-so-subtle trends ought to concern
we prepare to elect a President in just a few
that even those most intimately involved in it,
days. What’s at stake here? Let’s return to the
even those who seek the office, can never know
words of Teddy White.
“For it is in the nature of politics that men
must make their judgments in haste on the basis
mystery in which millions of people each fit
of today’s report by instinct and experience
one fragment of a total secret together, none of
shaped years before in other circumstances.
them knowing the shape of the whole.
“What results from the fitting together of
what they are now – the art of government and
these secrets, of course, is the most awesome
leadership; politics would be an exact science
transfer of power in the world – the power to
in which our purposes and destiny could be left
marshal and mobilize, the power to send men to
to great impersonal computers.”
kill or be killed, the power to tax and destroy,
the power to create and the responsibility to do
somewhat from art to science since Teddy
so, the power to guide and the responsibility to
White wrote those words 40 years ago. And the
heal – all committed into the hands of one man.
shift will continue unless enough people see the
Heroes and philosophers, brave men and vile,
dangers and step forward to do something about
have since Rome and Athens tried to make this
it. The signs are not encouraging.
particular manner of transfer of power work
Too few people are willing to make political
effectively; no people has succeeded at it better,
decisions on the basis of uncertain fact or, in
or over a longer period of time, than the
many cases, sharply contrasting information
that passes for fact. That’s why voter turnout,
That sounds like a fairly important decision
even in presidential elections, has slipped
to me, far too important to be made by
below 50 percent of eligible voters. (In 1996,
computers or pollsters. Some decisions are best
49 percent of the voting-age population voted
left to “human beans,” as Pogo used to call
for President. In 1960, the figure was 63
them, and one of those decisions is the election
of a President of the United States.
More and more, decisions are being relegated
of the Triangle.
process of electing a President. “For it is the
essence of the act that as it happens, it is a
Regrettably, the process has shifted
Relations and editor
“All of this is invisible,” White says of the
must always act on the basis of uncertain fact,
Were it otherwise, then politics would not be
Director of University
us, at all levels of government, but especially as
President is chosen is so vastly complicated
more than a fragment of it,” White wrote.
Alan Miller is the
If you have something more important to do
to the great impersonal computers that White
on Nov. 7, send me a note and tell me what it
talked about. Through scientific polling, the
is. I’m always interested in creative writing.
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