February - Beltrami Electric Cooperative, Inc.


February - Beltrami Electric Cooperative, Inc.
February 2012
Beltrami Electric
Cooperative Inc.
eltrami Electric Cooperative is once again accepting
applications for its fun-filled 2012 Youth Tour, an
all-expense paid trip to Washington, D.C., June 1522. Each year the cooperative sponsors one high school
junior whose parent or guardian is a member of Beltrami
Electric Cooperative.
The successful candidate will join hundreds of other
high school cooperative representatives from across the
nation as they tour our nation’s capitol, meet members of
Congress, visit historic sites and learn the role government
plays in the electric industry.
To qualify, candidates must submit an application,
write a 500-word essay, submit two letters of reference
from teachers, group or community leaders and have a
parent or guardian who is a member of Beltrami Electric
Applications must be received by Thursday, March 1,
2012, and are available via download at Beltrami Electric’s
website (www.beltramielectric.com) or at the Beltrami
Electric Cooperative office located at 4111 Technology Dr.
NW, Bemidji, MN 56601. Those interested should mail
their applications, letters of recommendation and essays
to Youth Tour, Beltrami Electric Cooperative, Inc., PO
Box 488, Bemidji, MN 56619-0488.
For more information, contact Mitch Raile at Beltrami
Electric, 218-444-3689 or visit www.youthtour.coop for
exciting highlights of past Electric Cooperative Youth
Across the
Northern Lights (USPS 016488), Vol. 59, No. 2 is
published monthly by Beltrami Electric Cooperative
Inc., 4111 Technology Drive N.W., Bemidji,
Minnesota 56619-0488. Subscription rate $5.
Periodicals postage paid at Bemidji, MN 56601.
Postmaster: Please send address corrections to
Beltrami Electric Cooperative Inc., P.O. Box 488,
Bemidji, Minnesota 56619-0488.
Office Hours: 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Monday – Friday
Customer Service: 218-444-2540
or 1-800-955-6083
Board of Directors
Vice President
Rick Coe, DISTRICT 6
Frank Zentek, DISTRICT 5
Arnold Christianson, DISTRICT 7
(Square Butte Director)
Judy Honer, DISTRICT 9
Directors: Murl Nord, DISTRICT 1; Lea Perkins,
DISTRICT 2; Jeff Nelson, DISTRICT 3; Jerry Larson
Sr., DISTRICT 4; Terry Diffley, DISTRICT 8, (Minnkota
General Manager
Lynette Nieuwsma
Mitch Raile
Minnesota State Electrical Inspectors
Beltrami and Clearwater Counties
Mark Smythe
218-751-0487 or fax 218-751-3900
e-mail: masmythe@paulbunyan.net
Cass and Hubbard Counties
Steve Schauland
218-652-2213 or fax 218-333-0451
These are the inspectors covering the area served
by Beltrami Electric. They can be reached by
phone Monday through Friday between 7 and
8:30 a.m. or by fax or e-mail as indicated.
Gopher State One Call
1-800-252-1166 or 811
Anyone who plans to dig is required by law to
notify the state of their intentions at least 48
hours in advance.
All digging requires the 48-hour notification
so that buried telephone line, television cable,
pipelines, electrical lines, water lines and sewer
lines can be located to ensure that none will be
severed or damaged.
ON THE COVER: 2012 Youth Tour
winners will visit the U.S. Marine Corps
Memorial at Arlington National Cemetery,
along with many other historic sites, on
their trip to the Washington, D.C., area
June 15-22.
Lynette Nieuwsma, General Manager
2012 Legislative Update
long with a new year comes
the next Minnesota legislative
session and we’ll have to
see what it will bring. Hopefully
a balanced state budget and
avoidance of legislation that would
further increase your electric bill
are included. Everything we’re
hearing points to a relatively short
session. However, we have heard
that before. Relatively short to me
would mean a biannual legislative
session like our neighbor to the
west has in place. I welcomed
that when I was in North Dakota.
But, as usual, we once again will
spend a significant amount of time
watching and participating in the
discussion of issues that will affect
you, our cooperative member.
The following are some of the
issues we will be watching and our
overall goals in dealing with this
legislation if it comes forward:
Regulatory reform
This would reduce the
regulatory burden of filings with
the Public Utilities Commission
(PUC) and the Division of Energy
Resources (DER), particularly for
Integrated Resource Plans (IRP).
Regulatory reform was one of the
few areas of bipartisan agreement
last year and the governor
continues to voice support for
additional measures in this area. I
know this doesn’t mean anything to
you so I will give you an example.
In 2000, one Minnesota G&T’s IRP
was 40 pages. In 2009, it was close
to 4,000 pages and crashed the
DER’s server. The reason the IRPs
have gotten so large is because the
DER continues to ask for more and
more information.
Foreclosure notice to utilities
Reduce the exposure for loss
during the foreclosure process. We
will push for legislation requiring
banks to notify utilities when the
foreclosure process begins.
Conservation Improvement
Program (CIP)
CIP is getting more expensive
and difficult to meet each year. We
are evaluating if asking for either
a reduction in statute of the CIP
goal for electric cooperatives to 1
percent or additional tools will help
us meet the goal. Other proposals
that would put a moratorium on
CIP in certain situations are being
Net metering/distributed
Making net metering and
distributed generation mandates
cost-neutral for our members.
Electric cooperatives vary greatly
in terms of size, system capabilities,
overall demand, load and financial
resources. Rules for net metering
and distributed generation should
be flexible enough to recognize
continued on page 3
Northern Lights • February 2012
Judge rules in favor of state, Minnkota for BACT
The state of North Dakota and Minnkota Power
violated the Clean Air Act’s new source review program.
Cooperative have been in an ongoing dispute with the EPA
The Consent Decree set the responsibility on the state
about the Best Available Control Technology (BACT) for
of North Dakota to determine BACT for a retrofit of the
nitrogen oxides (NOx) at the Milton R. Young Station for
two boilers to control air emissions of NOx, and gave the
several years.
North Dakota federal court authority to resolve disputes
But on Dec. 21 a court decision was reached about
between the parties.
BACT. Judge Daniel L. Hovland, of the U.S. District Court
In November 2010 the state concluded that SNCR
in Bismarck, ruled in favor of Minnkota and the state of
was the best technology for the boilers based on the
North Dakota and against the EPA in a lawsuit regarding
unique physical and chemical characteristics of a boiler
whether North Dakota was reasonable in deciding what
combusting North Dakota lignite coal. The EPA disagreed
is BACT for NOx at the
and contended that Selective
Catalytic Reduction (SCR)
Young Station.
“We are pleased that
technology is needed.
Judge Hovland
The EPA’s primary
agreed with the state’s
Judge Hovland saw
argument, the Judge said, was
finding that BACT for
NOx at the Young Station
things the way we do – that because SCR technology
is Selective Noncatalytic
has been deployed at coalthat one size does not
Reduction (SNCR).
fired power plants across the
“The state’s findings
fit all when it comes to country, North Dakota should
and conclusions are not
have selected SCR as BACT for
boilers and coal.”
unreasonable, nor was its
the Young Station.
decisions arbitrary and
“It is clear that Congress
– Minnkota President & CEO
capricious,” he said.
insisted that a state’s BACT
Mac McLennan
This does not settle
analysis be conducted on a site
the Regional Haze
specific, case-by-case basis so
SIP (State Implementation Plan) versus the FIP (Federal
that generalized assertions of suitability would not prevail,”
Implementation Plan) issue, but it does improve the state’s
Judge Hovland said. “In other words, what may work well
position in the ongoing dispute.
on a wall-fired boiler in Kentucky burning bituminous may
“We are pleased that Judge Hovland saw things the
not work on a cyclone-fired boiler in North Dakota which
way we do – that one size does not fit all when it comes to
burns lignite.”
boilers and coal,” said Mac McLennan, Minnkota president
The bottom line, the judge said, is that the EPA failed
& CEO.
to prove that the state was unreasonable in determining that
In 2006, the EPA reached a Consent Decree agreement
SCR was not an available or applicable technology.
with Minnkota and Square Butte Electric Cooperative to
“The record reveals that North Dakota performed its
resolve complaints by the EPA that various maintenance
duties reasonably and with due diligence,” Judge Hovland
activities at the Young Station’s two lignite-fired boilers
said. The EPA may appeal this decision to the 8th Circuit.
Across the
those differences. Beltrami
Electric has relatively few netmetered systems due to our low
wind volume, as compared to
other cooperatives.
Renewable energy mandate
This would increase the
cap allowed on hydropower
for renewable energy to meet
the renewable energy mandate.
Although Minnkota exceeds the
mandate with its wind generation,
we still
ill believe
b li
h hydropower
h d
the most efficient and economical
renewable source and should be
considered a renewable source of
Judge rules in favor of
Minnkota, state of North
Dakota for BACT
In this issue, you will find
an article on the recent ruling
on the Best Available Control
Technology (BACT) for nitrogen
oxides (NOx) at Minnkota’s
Milton R. Young Station. If you
have a very good memory, you
may remember myself or even
Roger, my predecessor, writing
about this dispute with the EPA.
Th good
d news iis that
h the
h jjudge
ruled in agreement with North
Dakota’s finding that BACT
for NOx at the Young Station is
Selective Noncatalytic Reduction
SNCR may sound more
familiar to you in our discussions
on Regional Haze. SNCR versus
Selectric Catalytic Reduction
(SCR) is also the primary dispute
on the Regional Haze issue.
This ruling does not settle the
Regional Haze issue, but does
support North Dakota’s position
that its decision was reasonable.
Until next month,
Northern Lights • February 2012
capital credits
American Legion Post; Pinewood, Minn.
Anderson, Birgit; Bemidji, Minn.
Anderson, Gary E; Bemidji, Minn.
Anderson, Michael D and/or Julie Ann;
Crystal, Minn.
Anderson, Sarah; Crookston, Minn.
Anderson, Scott; Walker, Minn.
Anywaush, David; Columbia Falls, Mont.
Bahr, Thomas A; Laporte, Minn.
Baker, Mark F; Lakewood, Colo.
Brackin, John C; Mount Vernon, Wash.
Bradach, Bruce C; Blackduck, Minn.
Carlson, Elizabeth; Willmar, Minn.
Carlson-Wind, Milissa M; Bemidji, Minn.
Cavazos, Audrey A; Redby, Minn.
Chounard, Roy Z and/or Beverly J;
Park Rapids, Minn.
Church, Michael J; Bemidji, Minn.
Clarine, Justin C; Hackensack, Minn.
Clausen, James and/or Victoria L;
Hines, Minn.
Cloud, Alfreda; Ponemah, Minn.
Cloud, Jolene R; Ponemah, Minn.
Cloud, Roger; Red Lake, Minn.
Cochran, Keith L; Shevlin, Minn.
Coulombe, Eugene G; Cass Lake, Minn.
Crampton, Scott and/or Tammy;
Bemidji, Minn.
Danielson, Judith M; Bemidji, Minn.
Davis, Beatrice; Blackduck, Minn.
Davis, Maurice; Hackensack, Minn.
Deer, Sandra S; Bemidji, Minn.
Ehrich, John A; Fergus Falls, Minn.
Fineday, Carene; Ponemah, Minn.
Northern Lights • February 2012
Finn, Holly; Cass Lake, Minn.
Fitch, Eric: Hines, Minn.
Forseman, Carole E; Park Rapids, Minn.
Galloway, John; Naples, Fla.
Garbow, Rosella; Bemidji, Minn.
Gellings, James; Bemidji, Minn.
Gladen, Dawn I; Bemidji, Minn.
Gregg’s Fun Foods (Greg Nelson);
Oxbow, N.D.
Gregory, Wallace; Bemidji, Minn.
Gustafson, Michael J; Bemidji, Minn.
Hamlin, Dorothy; Walker, Minn.
Hanson, David W; Laporte, Minn.
Hecker, William R; Akeley, Minn.
Hocking, Donald P and/or Gail R;
Redby, Minn.
Holmgren, Rita; Bemidji, Minn.
Hoodie, Eugene F; Kelliher, Minn.
Hubbard, John D; Lathrop, Mo.
Johnson, Ben E; Owatonna, Minn.
Johnson, Danelle R and/or Rodney K;
Bemidji, Minn.
Johnson, Dennis D and/or Maureen P;
Durango, Colo.
Johnson, Fred A; Arcata, Calif.
Johnson, Lorna M; Whitney, Tex.
Johnson, Lowell E; Bemidji, Minn.
Jones, Terrance L; Cass Lake, Minn.
Jones, Vickie M; Warroad, Minn.
Jorgenson, Margaret L; Bemidji, Minn.
Kaatz, Dennis R and/or Dorothy A;
Fargo, N.D.
Killian, Rebecca; Clara City, Minn.
King, Daniel; Willmar, Minn.
Knaeble, Erling; Blackduck, Minn.
Knoer, Brad M and/or Ames, Rod H;
Bemidji, Minn.
Kolkin, Harold Jr; Laporte, Minn.
Koski, Donald E; Bemidji, Minn.
Lavallee, Lorene; Bemidji, Minn.
Lussier, Lisa K; Bemidji, Minn.
Mack, Donald and/or Danette;
Hines, Minn.
Magnuson, Ralph and/or Virginia;
Bemidji, Minn.
Martin, R T; Kalamazoo, Mich.
Mathiason, Elmer; Grand Forks, N.D.
Matthew, Dea L; Shevlin, Minn.
Matthews, Janice M; Cass
Lake, Minn.
Molash, Irene R; Cass Lake, Minn.
Morgan, John P; Rapid City, S.D.
Morlan, Marjorie A; Bothell, Wash.
Morrill, William R; Laporte, Minn.
Morris, Elsie D; Rogers, Minn.
Morrow, Marilyn; Cass Lake, Minn.
Mountain, Patricia R; Montevideo, Minn.
Neisen, Alfred W; Brooklyn Park, Minn.
Nelson, John and/or Hanson, Larry;
Bemidji, Minn.
Nelson, Judith M; Cass Lake, Minn.
Overbeek, Jeanette; Bemidji, Minn.
Reynolds, Warren Jr; Bemidji, Minn.
Richey, William G; Gold Canyon, Ariz.
Rittmiller, Carolyn; Bemidji, Minn.
Sackett, Terry A; Metlakatla, Alaska
Sande, Lynn; Aurora, Colo.
Scharrer, Michael; Detroit Lakes, Minn.
Schulitz, John; Minnetonka, Minn.
Setterholm, David; Chaska, Minn.
Sheppard, Robert C; Lorado, W. Va.
Smith, E J; Bemidji, Minn.
Smith, Teddy J; Bemidji, Minn.
Spears, Calvin L; Ponemah, Minn.
Spears, Lisa M; Bemidji, Minn.
Spears, Lloyd E Sr; Red Lake, Minn.
Stager, Kingsley; Minneapolis, Minn.
Steiner, Lloyd; Duluth, Minn.
Stensland, Kevin; Cass Lake, Minn.
Stickles, Evelyn D; Blackduck, Minn.
Tangen, Arlin D Jr; Bemidji, Minn.
Thibeault, Tammy; Bemidji, Minn.
Timberline Dist Co (Christenson, Dan);
Bemidji, Minn.
Tippmer, Dieter; Bemidji, Minn.
Tverberg, Faye; Cass Lake, Minn.
Valentin, Robert M and/or Lori;
Bemidji, Minn.
Vieira, Theodore A; Grand Forks, N.D.
Voelke, Cynthia; Saint Paul, Minn.
Westerlund, Marlys; Bemidji, Minn.
White, Fred R; Onamia, Minn.
Whitefeather, Ruby A; Bemidji, Minn.
Williams, Don and/or Carol; Cass
Lake, Minn.
Williams, Richard E; Bemidji, Minn.
Wilson, Barbara; Grove City, Minn.
Winkler, Kali J; Dilworth, Minn.
Young, Doreen; Laporte, Minn.
Ziemer, Earl and/or Mary Ann;
Welcome, Minn.
Northern Lights • February 2012
For Sale:
calling, and lifetime traffic, used very little still
in box, 243-2449.
1997 14 hp, 33” Snapper rider, well maintained,
needs battery, $100; Electric McCulloch leaf
shredder, used once, $50, 751-6077 leave
Aluminum Hewitt boatlift 1800#, needs new
canvas canopy, $500, 444-7308.
1993 Nissan Maxima MT, rusty, new tires,
$500, 978-2108.
Cherry Vaughan-Bassett Colonial 5-piece BR
set, $1,350, 259-8135.
Harley Davidson collectible plates, models and
figurines, large selection, excellent condition;
Ruby and diamond ring, $150; Emerald and
diamond ring, $275; Pair of diamond earrings w/jackets, $90; Pair of diamond earring
jackets, $50; Diamond tennis bracelet, $90,
obo, 759-9713.
HJC CL-X4C dirt bike helmet youth small/
medium (50cm), used but in good shape, $40/
obo, 335-3994.
Wood cookstove, $275; Bosch dishwasher,
$350; 75’ commercial track lighting, $400;
couch, $125; 19” Sylvania HDTV, $155, 7661759 or 751-9311.
Gazelle Edge exercise machine, good condition, $25/obo, 224-2836.
Treadmill, $75, 751-3669.
8-month-old Pedigree Rex bunnies, 1 opal doe,
3 opal bucks, $30 each w/Pedigree; 6-monthold Rex bunnies, 2 white does, 1 broken opal
doe, 1 broken opal buck, 1 opal doe, $15 each;
4-year-old mini Lop buck, $20; 2 – 8-month-old
mini Lop does, $20, 766-8753.
Garmin Nüvi 265 WT GPS with hands-free
Homemade crazy block quilts, twins $35, full
$40, queen $45, king $55; antique all oak chairs
$25 each; oak rockers $75; parlor table $75;
squad oak dining room table $225; cabinets
and portable sewing machines $15, works
good; many wallpaper rolls $30; Homelite weed
whacker ST 185, 17” cut $45; Brother sewing
machine $15; king pink spread, new, $25;
Christmas wreath rings; 9-shags, 94 rings, 10”,
13-30” rings, 4-24” rings, 2-48”, $25, 243-2702.
Body Solid Home Gym EXM 2000, extra attachments included, $300, 407-7924.
20 round bales of straw, stored in shed,
1992 Polaris Indy 500 snowmobile, $1,200/obo;
1998 Yamaha VMax 600 snowmobile, hand
warmers, $1,500/obo, 556-7795.
Two 3 wheelers, $150 each; tires, all sizes; 1985
Ford 302 V8, 4x4, automatic, 143K, $1,495,
224-3675 or 252-0589.
Continental extreme winter contact tires, 205
70 R15 on Buick rims, $275 firm, 835-7484.
2008 Chevy Malibu, blue, 88K miles, $11,500/
obo, 679-3433.
Simco western saddle, 15”, black, $350/obo;
new chocolate colored western saddle, 16”,
very flashy; $325/obo, assorted tack, 759-0186.
Whirlpool washer & dryer, heavy duty, extra
large capacity, 5-cycle, 4-speed combination,
comes with all hoses and cords, works well,
$300 for the pair, 444-2322.
Enclosed 6’ x 10’ trailer, like new, used once,
$2,400; 6’ corner computer desk, $50, 2244137.
Two Arctic Cat ZL 500 EFI snowmobiles, both
approximately 6,875 miles, rebuilt clutches,
clean, ready to go, $2,000 each, 763-607-0346.
GE gas stove top, $75/obo, 751-4843.
’96 Dodge Caravan, excellent rubber, $400/obo,
854-7322 after 6 p.m.
1994 Polaris storm 750cc triple with pipes, sled
looks and runs great, $1,200, 760-2259.
5’ x 8’ fish house, $200; Miken Freak softball
bat, 34”, 20 oz., NSA, $100; Rawlings bat bag
w/wheels, $25, 507-0423.
’94 Arctic Cat Wildcat, 700, $950; ’94 Yamaha
V-Max 600, $850, both in excellent shape,
Brian at 766-5312.
snow blower, 2-cycle, works, $250, 444-9422.
Unused or broken outdoor equipment, snow
blowers, chain saws, mowers, etc., willing to
purchase, 333-3890.
A short bed pickup box for a 1999 to 2004 Ford
F-250, 556-2256.
Looking for 4-ply yarn, making hats, blankets,
etc. for charity, 308-3032.
Yarn & knitting equipment used for charitable
donations by Trinity-Laporte Women, 333-3747.
Used Marlin or Winchester 30-30, open sights,
appearance not important, 759-2556.
.17 cal. Mossberg bolt-action rifle, stainless,
NIB, mod.817, unfired, clip, $295, 751-5667.
Antler Chandelier, must be in good, working
condition, 556-9371.
B. Allis Chalmers tractor, good tires, good runner, 766-6280.
1953-56 Ford F-100 pickup fenders, 243-2497.
Older 12’ x 50’ trailer w/entry, handy man
special, must be moved, $1,000; ’99 Chevy Suburban, 133K miles, $6,200; Small single stage
Kitchen Aid stand mixer in good condition,
Track your energy usage. Sign
up for MYMETER™ today!
Sears ST16 yard tractor, needs not run but not
junk, 224-3157.
Laptop computer, wood splitter, snow blowers,
electric guitar, 224-3675 or 252-0589.
Lowrey electric organ, plays, you haul, 5863279.
Classified ads rules
For sale and wanted items only. No
rental, business, service, real estate
or personal ads. Ads are published
on a first-come, first-served basis
and are free to Beltrami Electric
members. Due to space constraints,
there is no guarantee your ad will
appear. The ad deadline is the first of
the month to be included in the next
issue. For example, an ad received
Feb. 1 would be included in the March
issue due out the end of February.
An ad received Feb. 2 would be
included in the April issue due out
the end of March. Ads are preferred
to be submitted to the Web at www.
beltramielectric.com or via email
at info@beltramielectric.com, but
may be submitted by mail, phone
or in person at the cooperative. All
telephone numbers are presumed
to have a 218 area code unless
otherwise noted.
29th Annual Logging
Days Festival
Saturday, Feb. 4, 2012, 8 a.m. - 2 p.m.
Old-time logging demonstrations & events.
Live music, sleigh rides, lumberjack camp meal and more.
Northern Lights • February 2012
Festival Admission:
5 & under .............................. Free
6-12 years ................................$4
13 years & over.........................$6
Family Rate ........ $25 (up to 5 people)
How to find us:
Buena Vista Logging Village-12 miles
north of Bemidji on County Road #15
Bemidji, MN 56601. For more information
call: 218-243-2231 or 243-3230.
Beltrami Electric recognizes longtime employees
Board Meeting
Beltrami Electric’s board of directors
conducted its monthly meeting
Wednesday, Dec. 28, 2011. All directors
except Lea Perkins were present. Also
present were General Manager Lynette
Nieuwsma, Manager of Finance &
Accounting Sid Sletten and Executive
Secretary Kay Olson.
The following reports were given:
• The manager presented her monthly report,
including a review of current operations,
wholesale accounts and capital credits, and
discussed the 2012 preliminary budget.
Beltrami Electric Cooperative recently recognized four employees for a total of 70 years of service
to the company. From left to right, with the number of years in parenthesis: Rich Harris (15), Kevin
Lindstrom (15), Glenn Grundmeier (25) and Jerry Solheim (15).
Beltrami Electric’s
is coming May 5!
Booth reservations will be accepted starting March
5. If interested, mark your calendar to come in and
sign up or contact Cammie at 444-3675 or cvogel@
beltramielectric.com. Vendor spaces fill up super fast!
Watch for the next issue
of the Northern Lights
for more details.
Notice to cogenerators
• Sid Sletten reviewed the November
financial report and work order inventories.
• Manager Nieuwsma, Casey Norden, Sam
Mason, Dan Edens, Greg Todavich and
Rich Riewer reviewed the 2012 budget
narrative for their respective departments.
• Sam Mason reported on load management
hours, Incremental Pricing Plan,
Conservation Improvement Program and
presented the 2012 marketing plan.
• District meeting dates, locations and times
for Districts 3, 7 and 9 were discussed.
• Terry Diffley reported on the Minnkota
board meeting.
• Arnold Christianson reported on the Square
Butte board meeting.
• President Coe appointed the policy
committee. Jeff Nelson, Jerry Larson and
Frank Zentek were appointed with Judy
Honer as alternate.
The following actions were taken:
In compliance with Minnesota Adopted Rules Relating to Cogeneration and Small Power
Production, Chapter 7835, Beltrami Electric Cooperative is required to interconnect with
and purchase electricity from cogenerators and small power producers that satisfy the
conditions of a Qualifying Facility.
Beltrami Electric has available and will provide free information to all interested
members regarding rates and interconnection requirements. An application for
interconnection is required for a Qualifying Facility to interconnect and operate in parallel
with the cooperative’s distribution system and is subject to approval by the cooperative.
Any disputes over interconnections, sales and purchases are subject to resolution by
the Minnesota Public Utilities Commission. For more information, please call Sam Mason
at 218-444-2540.
• Approved the 2012 marketing plan as
• Accepted estate capital credit retirements,
membership list, Safety Committee
Minutes and write-offs as presented.
• Approved moving January board meeting
date to Feb. 1, 2012.
• Approved the Clerical Union Agreement
on condition of the Union’s approval of the
Agreement in its entirety.
The next board meeting will be Feb. 1,
2012, beginning at 9 a.m.
Cooperative owned
and operated
Northern Lights • February 2012
Beltrami Electric
Cooperative Inc.
4111 Technology DR NW
PO Box 488
Bemidji, MN 56619-0488
218-444-2540 • 800-955-6083
Big changes for
Connections Card
Improvements to the Co-op Connections Card will give
Beltrami Electric Cooperative members a highlight for the
New Year.
One of the major changes is the new My VIP Savings
program, which gives co-op members the chance to earn cash
back on many online purchases.
To participate, members must go to the Co-op Connections
home page (http://www.connections.coop) and click on one of
the My VIP Savings links at https://www.myvipsavings.com/
registration/selectorganization.aspx. First-time users will be
prompted to establish an account, and then it’s on to shop at
more than 1,000 merchants, including Apple, Best Buy and
Members must enter a company’s website through the My
Beltrami Electric recently delivered donated mittens,
hats and scarves to area children as part of its annual
Mitten Tree campaign.
This season, 489 items were distributed to students
enrolled in Head Start and Early Child Family Education
programs throughout our service area.
As a Touchstone Energy cooperative, we’re held to
a strict code of conduct and must uphold the four core
Touchstone Energy values — accountability, integrity,
innovation and commitment to community. We at Beltrami
Electric thank you for your generous support providing
warmth, comfort and smiles to our area children.
Beltrami Electric
Cooperative Inc.
VIP Savings link to earn rebates, the amounts of which vary by
merchant. A member can request a check once he or she earns a
minimum of $25 in cash back rewards.
Another new development is the Healthy Savings Discount
program (http://www.connections.coop/healthysavings.php)
offering discounts for chiropractic, dental and vision care, as
well as lab work and hearing aids.
Members can print a new Healthy Savings discount card
online at (http://www.nbdrugcard.com/touchstone) to show
to providers. Your current Beltrami Electric Co-op Connections
Card will not be accepted in this program. However, it will still
be accepted around our service area like before. You can find an
updated list of participating businesses at our website, http://

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