About Town Issue 45 - Huntingdon Town Council
About Town Issue 45 - Huntingdon Town Council
About TOwn About Town is published by Huntingdon Town Council. Produced by LGS, 01487 831459 Editorial: Chairman – Cllr J Sarabia, Cllrs S Akthar (Mayor); C Doyle ; A J Mackender-Lawrence; S M Mulcahy; C J Osborn; with Youth Councillor M Hudson and K Cameron (town clerk). Layout and design: Austin Bambrook. Advertising Sales: 01480 388688 Huntingdon Town Council, 1, Trinity Place, Hartford Road, HUNTINGDON, PE29 3QA Tel: 01480 388688 Fax: 01480 388686 e-mail: town.council@huntingdontown.gov.uk www.huntingdontown.gov.uk Huntingdon Town Council News Issue 45. September 2009 Brought to you in your home by your Town Council Honouring Britain’s Armed Forces In this issue... Past, Present and Future Brought to you in your home by your Town Council In this issue... Who’s who at the Council Forthcoming events Town Clerk's Chat Councillor Profiles The Mayor’s Charities Pensioners’s Lunch 2 2 3 4 5 6 Huntingdon Area West Action Plan 7 Twinning News 8 Huntingdon in Bloom 9 Schools and Young People 10/11 Voice Your Choice 12 Civic Society 13 Armed Forces Flag 14 Sea Cadets 15 Performing Arts 16/17 Health Matters 18 Sports News 19 What does Christmas mean to you20 Town Council News Who’s Who at the Council Huntingdon Town Council – List of Councillors Doug Adams West. 01767604706 Saeed Akthar (Mayor) East. 07765880806 Gina M Cruickshank East. 435587 Chris Doyle West. 391148 Claire Dutton East. 374155 Laine Kadic East. 388688 Brian J Luckham East. 414744 Alan J MackenderLawrence, North. 394630 Helen S Mallett East. 52067 John T Morgan North. 454486 Susan M Mulcahy East. 451604 Christopher J Osborn North. 52009 Tom Sanderson West. 436822 Jennifer Sarabia West. 380760 Michelle Turnbull East. 07854 322781 Trish Shrapnel North. 435646 Huntingdon Town Council Forthcoming Meetings Please note, all meetings commence at 7.00 pm and take place in the Commemoration Hall, High Street, Huntingdon, unless otherwise stated. For further information, please contact the Town Council on 01480 388688, or e-mail town.council@huntingdontown.gov.uk Meetings are open to the public and agendas allow time for representation and questions from the public. Date: Meeting: September 17 Leisure & Community Services Committee Planning Applications Panel Twinning Sub Committee October 1 Planning Applications Panel Grants Sub Committee Lettings Sub Committee October 15 Finance Committee Planning Applications Panel *October 29 Town Council Planning Applications Panel *November 12 Leisure & Community Services Committee Planning Applications Panel Twinning Sub Committee *November 26 Planning Applications Panel *December 10 Finance Committee Planning Applications Panel *Meetings to be held in the Town Hall, Market Hill, Huntingdon. Forthcoming Friday 11th September Come Rain, Come Shine. Commemoration Hall 7.30pm. The Archers are arriving in Huntingdon! Five regular actors from the longest running radio serial present a musical anthology in celebration of the British countryside. Tickets £12.50, £11.50 Concession - available from Lydia on 01480 455167 or The Card Gallery. Saturday 12th September Unity in the Community - Medway Centre 11.00 am – 3.00 pm. Huntingdonshire Community Group. Experience dancing, singing and music from all communities. FREE For further information please call 07546 432183 or e-mail huntingdoncommunitygroup@yahoo.co.uk Sunday 13th September Steve Lockwood – Harmonica Workshop. Commemoration Hall, 12.00pm -4.00pm. Ever wanted to learn to play the harmonica? From complete beginner to advance playing, this session will help improve your playing with a world famous accomplished session player. Tickets £20 per person, 14-18 year olds £15.00 per person, available from Lydia on 01480 455167 or The Card Gallery. Tuesday 15th September Caring for Carers – Acorn Centre. Tuesday 15th September 1.00-3.00pm. This event is held for people who are on the surgery’s carers register which includes a buffet lunch, with speakers from a range of local care organisations including Carers UK, the Alzheimer’s Society, Crossroads and others providing networking and support opportunities for carers. Further information from 01480 483100 Friday 18th September Split Whiskers. Commemoration Hall 7.30 pm. Back by popular demand, this five-piece Cambridge band are returning with their own unique style of blues and raw rock’n’roll. Tickets £8.50, Concession £7.50 available from Lydia on 01480 455167 or The Card Gallery. Friday 18th September Huntingdon & District Sea Cadets Annual General Meeting, St.Barnabas Learning Centre, Medway Road, 7.30pm. Sunday 20th September Parkinson’s Disease Society 40th Anniversary – Hinchingbrooke Park. 5.5km sponsored walk around the Park. Registration 1.00 pm Walk starts at 2.00 pm £5.00 Adult, £3.50 Children. Further information from 0844 225 3730. Friday 25th September MAGPAS Green Day – All day event. More details from www.magpas.org.uk or telephone 01480 371060. Friday 25th September Clairvoyant – Val Hood. Commemoration Hall 7.30 pm. One of the UK’s most popular and powerful mediums. Tickets £10 available from Lydia on 01480 455167 or The Card Gallery. Sunday 27th September Lloyd Ryan’s Bangin’ for Britain. Commemoration Hall. 7.30 pm. Lloyd is back in Huntingdon with his jazz band. “Not just for drummers”. Tickets £9 Adult, £7 Child, £27 Family available from Lydia on 01480 455167 or The Card Gallery. About Town No 45. September 2009 Town Council News Events Thursday 8th, Friday 9th and Saturday 10th October. Annual Continental Market on the Market Square and in the High Street. Further information from 01480 450250 Saturday 10th October The Mayor of Huntingdon’s Civic Charity Dinner Dance. Commemoration Hall. Further details from Jenni Jones, Mayor’s Secretary 01480 388687. Saturday 10th October Nearly New Sale organised by NCT (National Childbirth Trust). Medway Centre. 11.00am-12.30 pm. Offering new and expectant mothers a cut price alternative to buying new for babies and toddlers. Further information from Nadia on 0844 0669314. Friday 16th October An evening with Mervyn Stutter, comedian, actor, scriptwriter and satirical songwriter. Commemoration Hall at 7.30pm. Contact Lydia on 01480 455167 for further details. Saturday 17th October Choral & Orchestral Concert – Hinchingbrooke Performing Arts Centre. Further details on 01480 383300 or huntsphilsec@btinternet.com Sunday 25th October “The Navvy’s Wife” by Mick Ryan. Commemoration Hall. Note the time of 3.00 pm. This is a new show by renowned singer-songwriter Mick Ryan who brings to life against the background of the Industrial Revolution and the great drive to carve out Britain’s canals, railways and roads. Tickets £9.50/Concesssion £8.50, available from Lydia on 01480 455167 or The Card Gallery. Saturday 17th October “Share Out”– 10.00am -11.30am. Medway Centre, Huntingdon. Household items available free of charge organised by the Huntingdon Community Church. Saturday 17th October Tumbledown Dick – A Study Day on Richard Cromwell. 10.30 am – 4.30 pm. Huntingdon Library & Archive Centre. Organised by the Cromwell Museum and the Cromwell Association. Cost including buffet lunch £25. Collect a leaflet at the Museum or the Library or call 01480 375830. Sunday 1st November Family Fun Day – Huntingdon Racecourse. Enjoy a full fun day out with the family. Details on 01480 410861 Tuesday 10th November to 4th April 2010 Exhibition – Cromwell’s Medicine Chest. Cromwell Museum. FREE. More details from 01480 375830. Saturday 28th November Toy Sale – Medway Centre 10.30 am – 12.00 pm. Organised by the National Childbirth Trust. Saturday 5th December Coffee Morning at The Manor Cheshire Home, Church Road, Brampton, 01480 412412. A morning to meet new friends over a cup of coffee, have a cake and take part in the raffle. Wednesday 9th December Civic Carol Service. St Mary’s Church, Huntingdon at 7.30 pm. Information from Jenni Jones, Mayor’s Secretary on 01480 388687. About Town No 45. September 2009 Town Clerk’s Chat I ssue 45 is a weightier issue of About Town than the last, since we’ve received so much local news and information that we’ve had to add four more pages. Every household in postcode sectors PE29 1,3,6 & 7 should receive a free copy of your free community newsletter. Please let us know in good time (ie by 28th September 2009) if you know of any areas or streets that don’t Town Clerk, receive a copy, in order that we can take this up with our Karen Cameron distributor. At the Annual Town Meeting this year, following the Annual Report by the Mayor and a presentation on the town’s new library service, there were questions and discussion about the current economic climate and its effect on the town; the future of the Town Hall; allotments provision; Huntingdon West Area Development; and the need for a staffed town-centre tourist information point. Council’s Annual Meeting in May re-elected Councillor Saeed Akthar as Mayor of Huntingdon The Office of Mayor demands a huge commitment in time and energy, acting as the town’s representative at mayoral and civic engagements (171 in 2008-9) and we therefore wish the Mayor and his family every success during his second year of Office. Councillor Tom Sanderson continues to Chair the Council’s Leisure & Community Services Committee, whose main activities currently involve play area improvements planned for Stukeley Meadows and Sapley Road; organisation of the Historic Festival in 2010; and the Council’s acceptance of responsibility to provide the Christmas Lights in Huntingdon’s town centre, following a decision by the Town Partnership earlier this year to cease doing so. Co-opted Member Peter Jackson, Chairman of Huntingdon in Bloom, was very positive about the town’s judging on 14th July and expressed his hopes for “Gold” to the meeting that month. Finance Committee re-elected Councillor Doug Adams as Chairman in May and Accounts and Auditors’ reports have been the main agenda items for Members’ consideration during the summer. Planning Committee, chaired by Councillor Doyle, has considered proposals for an emergency bus lane at Old Houghton Road and is looking to apply for funding for minor safety improvements at Sapley Road and Sallowbush Road. Members spent a good deal of time on the Council’s response to “preferred options” for development of Huntingdon’s West Area, particularly with reference to the design of the road infrastructure, which Members consider crucial to the success of any development in this part of the town. Having flown the Armed Forces Day Flag from the Town Hall between June 22nd and 27th, the Council was delighted to be able to present the flag to Douglas Smith at the beginning of July. Also that month, Community Development Officer & Medway Centre Manager, Derek Adams retired from thirteen years of service to the Council. Derek played an important role in securing the vital SRB Funding which led to so many improvements in the quality of life for people living in the North Ward and was well-loved and popular with a large section of Huntingdon’s Community. Your Council approved its Financial Accounts for the year ended 31st March 2009 in June and these are currently subject to External Audit. Details of our performance during 2008-9 and our targets for 2009-10 are contained in our Best Value Performance Plan, which was published at the end of June and may be viewed and downloaded from our website at www. huntingdontown.gov.uk, where you will find a range of information about our services and activities. Karen Cameron, Town Clerk Are you receiving your About TOwn magazine? Do you have a neighbour, friend or work colleague who lives in Huntingdon and does not receive their copy of “About Town” magazine? If so, please let us know their address (house number and postcode) by calling us on 01480 388688. We can then take this up with our distributors. Town Council News Councillor profiles Mayor of Huntingdon, Councillor Saeed Akthar I am delighted and honoured to have been re-elected to serve as Mayor for another year. Having been a resident of Huntingdon for over 40 years, I have had the good fortune to have lived in most parts of Huntingdon, from the Town centre to the Mayor of Huntingdon, Oxmoor and finally settling Councillor Saeed Akthar in Hartford. I along with many others have seen this small market town grow into a major town with well served road and rail networks. It is a very vibrant town that is pleasant and enjoyable to live in and has many sites of interest for visitors and tourists to our town. This year, Huntingdon has seen the opening of the new updated and modern library that is large enough to serve the population of Huntingdon. During the last year I have visited a great number of organisations and had the pleasure of meeting so many people who are doing good work for the town, especially the voluntary workers who are so dedicated to the work that they do and all the time that they give up. Thank you for making the difference. During my second Mayoral year I hope to continue to build bridges between communities in and around Huntingdon. There is a diversity of cultures that we can all use to our advantage and ultimately result in a richer and highly integrated society. My sincere thanks to everyone who contributed and helped in raising so much money for my chosen charities last year. It made all the difference to the lives of many people. Thank you. This year, I will be supporting two charities which do so much for job for Huntingdon and its people; these are Magpas and The Young Carers Project. Further information on these charities and the services that that they offer can be found on page 5. I will be holding a number of fundraising events over the next year and I hope and invite you all to join me in helping raise much need funds for these good causes. Finally, I would like to thank everyone who has supported me and to all those who have stopped and wished me well for this year. I am hoping to meet and talk to as many of you as possible this year. Wishing you all and Huntingdon well for the future Saeed Akthar, Mayor of Huntingdon Deputy Mayor of Huntingdon, Councillor Helen Mallett I was born in Boreham Wood, Hertfordshire, more years ago than I care to remember! I attended Queen Elizabeth’s Girls’ Grammar School in Barnet after successfully passing what was then called the “11+ exam” for further education. Upon leaving school I commenced work as a very junior person with The Metal Box Company in London where part of the duties of the job was to run errands. This gave me a good grounding for finding my way around London without the use of a map in years to come. In 1961 I moved to Huntingdon as part of the “London Overspill” – what a dreadful expression that was – I sincerely hope that we have eradicated it from use in Huntingdon – and was then employed by Stewarts and Lloyds, as it was then called, in St Peter’s Road. I had a short spell employed by Silent Channel in Ferrars Road, in the Sales Department. That was not a bad job because it allowed me access, free of charge, to the Motor Show at Earls Court. But there was a catch as always, it was to work on the stand; the hardest work I have ever done I think! Having got bored with plastic pipes and motor cars I went to work in Cambridge at the Engineering Department of the University where I looked after a Professor and his research students. My next move was to Cambridgeshire Constabulary where I was from 1973 – 1999. I only went there until I found something else!! I am married to a retired police officer who, like me, is a supporter of Arsenal Football Club. He has been very supportive throughout the whole of my time as a Councillor, in fact spent four years as a councillor himself. I have been very privileged to have been the Mayor of the town twice. The greatest honour was to meet Princess Anne and escort her through the town Deputy Mayor, Councillor Helen Mallett to meet some of the local people and into the Town Hall to meet many, many local townspeople from all walks of life. I also spend time as a Governor at Huntingdon Primary School, a Director of Huntingdon Town Partnership and Secretary of the local branch of The Royal Society of St George. Apart from that I don’t do anything!! I look forward to spending another year supporting the Mayor and I know we are going to be a good team. Helen Mallett. About Town No 45. September 2009 Town Council News Councillor The Mayor’s Charities Patricia for 2009-2010 are: Shrapnel MAGPAS M Councillor Patricia Shrapnel I was born in Guildford, Surrey and moved to Huntingdon in 1994, I have two grown up children who attended St Peter’s School and now work locally. I have been a single parent for 22 years and my children are (as for many of you) my greatest achievement. My working life started in the Ministry of Defence in London. After leaving to have my daughter, I spent my time working as a childminder and then went into retail, working for Tesco and Thorntons. I have also worked for Hays DX and Anglian Water. I now work for the British Heart Foundation in Huntingdon - a job which I love. My interests include family history, floristry, formula 1 motor racing, cooking and growing the occasional vegetable. I was elected as a Town Councillor for Huntingdon North in July 2009. Thank you to those of you who came out to vote. Many issues confront us today and whilst it would be nice to say that I can solve them all, this would be unrealistic, but I will try my very best to resolve any issues that I become aware of. Huntingdon is an historical market town with many virtues and a strong heritage whose residents deserve a good quality of life. I believe that we can improve the area we live in by working together and embracing the multicultural society that surrounds us. I am concerned with issues that concern the electorate of Huntingdon and I can be contacted at 01480 435646 (after 6pm), on 07835 610416 or you can e-mail me at trish.shrapnel@ huntingdontown.gov.uk About Town No 45. September 2009 agpas is The Emergency Medical charity for Cambridgeshire, Peterborough and Bedfordshire. Formed in 1971, the charity was originally known as `MAGPAS’ (the Mid Anglia General Practitioner Accident Service). It was started by a group of General Practitioners who wanted to help at the scenes of road traffic collisions in the region. Magpas operates two lifesaving schemes. The Emergency Medical Team is made up of expertly trained doctors and paramedics who are specially trained and equipped to deliver lifesaving A&E quality treatment at the scenes of very serious medical emergencies. They fly on the local Air Ambulance and police helicopter to get to the scene fast. The Community First Responder Scheme trains and equips members of the public so they are able to respond quickly and effectively to local emergencies, like heart attacks and patients who are experiencing breathing difficulties. Magpas also runs CTARP (Cambridgeshire Trauma Audit Research Project) because amazingly, trauma kills over 3500 children and young people every year in the UK, yet there is very little research in to this area. It costs approximately £500,000 per year for Magpas to deliver their lifesaving schemes and the charity is solely reliant on donations from the public. Magpas really does save lives. If you would like to donate or are able to fundraise for Magpas please call 01480 371 062 or visit the website at www. magpas.org.uk. West Anglia Crossroads Young Carers Project A Young Carer is a young person whose life is affected by caring for a family member who has a disability, long term illness, mental health problem or who misuses drugs or alcohol. The Young Carers Project gives Young Carers a chance to meet others, take time out from caring, have fun, talk through problems or have some time to themselves. This is achieved by organising a one-to-one Support Service, Group Meetings, Day Trips, Focus Days, Short Projects, Residential Stays and the Young Carers Youth Council. More information about the West Anglia Crossroads Young Carers Project can be found on their website: www.youngcarershunts.org.uk Town Council News T he future of Huntingdon’s Town Hall is still on the agenda for discussion. The District Council appointed a consultant, Mrs Elizabeth Wilson, to project manage development of the building’s future management and she continues to discuss various options with key stakeholders, local groups and organisations. Huntingdon Town Council is increasingly keen to see the surrender discussions between HM Magistrates Services and the Huntingdonshire District Council concluded and to this end is seeking to become involved, in order to exercise greater influence over the process. Your local Council has responsibility for upkeep of the second floor of the building, where the Council Chamber, Mayor’s Parlour and Assembly Rooms are located. The longer the terms of surrender remain unresolved, the greater the Council’s liability for maintenance becomes, since vacation of the ground and first floors by HM Magistrates Services in the summer of 2007 has meant that care of the building is limited to a basic programme of mainly reactive maintenance. Huntingdon’s Town Hall is held in trust by Huntingdonshire District Council for the people of Huntingdon. If you would like to know more about this valuable and historic public asset, talk to your local Councillor. Mayor’s Community Shield Award 2008/09 T he Mayor’s Community Shield Award was introduced by Councillor Jeff Dutton when he was Mayor in 2003/4. The Award is presented to a resident of Huntingdon for outstanding voluntary work in the community. The Award is presented each year at the Annual Meeting of the Council (Mayor Making). The winner of the Shield for the 2008/09 was Vera Jackson. Vera has been an active volunteer in Huntingdon for over 25 years. In 1984 she was working at the local authority care home, Hunters Down, organising activities for the residents and even driving an ambulance to take them on outings. She has been a voice at numerous Committees, including the Huntingdon Primary Care Trust and Priory Surgery. Vera has been an active member of Carers UK since its inauguration and through its many changes of title over the past 20 years. She has been Chair for many years working closely with Social Services and other caring Charities. Despite ill health and often having to work from her bed, Vera continues to take up the cudgel on behalf of those who cannot speak for themselves. Vera should have been presented with the Shield at this year’s Mayor Making Ceremony on 14 May but was unable to attend. Her colleague, Elizabeth Cooper, accepted the Award on her behalf. However, the Mayor managed to catch up with Vera at the Carers UK Service of Thanksgiving where he was able to hand the award to her in person. Photo: Cambridge Newspapers Huntingdon Town Hall Pensioners’ Lunch C ouncillor Saeed Akthar, Mayor of Huntingdon, again welcomed over 100 guests to the Annual Pensioners’ Lunch held at the Commemoration Hall on 9th June. A two course lunch of chicken pie and vegetables followed by a mouthwatering raspberry cheesecake was provided by Caroline Catering of Hemingford, served by the Mayor, fellow Town Councillors and staff members who also helped decorate the hall with party balloons and flowers creating a wonderful party atmosphere. Entertainment was provided by the “Merrymakers” with great sing-alongs and stories. The afternoon continued with a bingo session called by Ann Beevor and ably assisted by caretaker Roy Chandler. The beautiful flower arrangements were then raffled with many other prizes and guests left the lunch with chocolates generously donated by Hotel Chocolat. The Mayor and Members of Huntingdon Town Council would like to thank everyone involved at the lunch for all their hard work in making this event a very special one in the communities’ calendar. If you missed out on the lunch this year, advance information for the 2010 lunch will be available in the March edition of About Town. About Town No 45. September 2009 Town Council News Cemetery extension consecrated H untingdon’s newly extended cemetery at Primrose Lane was formally consecrated by the Bishop of Huntingdon on Wednesday July 22nd. The brief ceremony was attended by local Team Rector, Rev’d Andrew Milton, Ely Diocese Registrar, Michael Fletcher, the Mayor and Deputy Mayor of Huntingdon, Councillors S Akthar and H Mallett, together with Huntingdon’s Town Clerk, other Councillors, representatives of the Huntingdon & Godmanchester Civic Society and several local undertakers. The purpose of the ceremony was to set aside the land for sacred use in perpetuity. The Right Rev’d David Thomson opened the ceremony by giving thanks for the land, previously cultivated as allotments. He was then presented with a Petition for the Consecration by the Mayor of Huntingdon, the content of which, known as the Sentence of Consecration, was then read aloud by the Registrar of the Ely Diocese before being signed by the Mayor and the Bishop and witnessed by the Registrar. Followed by the guests, the Bishop then processed to each of the four corners, blessing each and drawing a cross to mark the boundaries, before finishing with a prayer. Refreshments were served afterwards at the Priory Road Cemetery Chapel, Town Park Improvements O ur programme of improvements at the Town Park is now almost complete. Those of you who visit this leafy haven in the town centre will not have failed to see the new trim trail, picnic tables and litter bins. The benches have been given a new coat of paint and fencing salvaged from our cemetery extension project at Primrose Lane now graces the park’s border on Ambury Road. The Council now wants to improve play opportunities at the Park and has registered an expression of interest with Cambridgeshire County Council for Pathfinder Funding to this end. A consultation event was organised with the help of the Huntingdon Youth Town Council at the park on July 13th. Attended by around thirty children from Thongsley and Huntingdon Primary Schools, the event revealed real enthusiasm among the young people for water play. Should installation be feasible and funding forthcoming, interactive water play would certainly be in-keeping with the Park’s history of flooding. Are you a regular user of the Park? Please feel free to contact the Town Clerk’s Office, 1 Trinity Place, Hartford Road, Huntingdon, telephone 01480 388688 or e-mail town.council@ huntingdontown.gov.uk if you would like to comment on this aspect of our service. About Town No 45. September 2009 which is also owned and maintained by Huntingdon Town Council as the local burial authority. The new Primrose Lane Cemetery extension has taken just over four years to complete and will be planted with shrubs and trees in the autumn. It is estimated that its capacity will meet the Town’s needs for approximately ten years. The Huntingdon Area West Action Plan T he Huntingdon Area West Action Plan is a Huntingdonshire District Council planned re-generation of part of the town, with Highways and Cambridge County Council plans for the de-trunking of the A14 and planned demolition of the viaduct in 2015. Huntingdon Town Council broadly welcomes these plans as we will see regeneration in the town, increased leisure facilities with the doubling in size of Hinchingbrooke Park and improvement in traffic flow between Ermine and George Street. De-trunking of the A14; when the viaduct and embankments on the Commons are finally demolished, the sky line of Huntingdon will be greatly improved. However this could come at a cost, it is planned to terminate the old A14 with a roundabout approximately half way through Views Common. This road would cut across the Common through the Police sports field linking up the only road in to the Hospital and Hinchingbrooke residential area. On the Mill Common side, the plan allows for two roundabouts. One serving the station and George Street, the second located near the Mill Common Lane Bridge, serving the ring road. Both will be built on the old A14. The second roundabout is to have an embanked link road across Mill Common to link with Mill Common Lane. Your Town Council strongly Existing roads Existing roads objects to the proposed roads across To be removed New or improved Views and Mill Common. We have Proposed west of town centre link Stuk met with Cambridgeshire County e road Mea ly dow Railway s Council and Huntingdonshire District Council. Questions were asked about the engineering of the roads, what alternatives had been considered and why they had been rejected. We have Hinc also submitted our own alternative road h Hosp ingbroo ke ital proposals and are currently waiting for a Town response. Centre For further information - http:// Hinc Hinc hing hing broo broo Park S consult.huntsdc.gov.uk/portal/pp/hwaap/ ke chool ke hwaap-pa Huntingdon Town Councillor, Chris Doyle 7 (C) Crown HDC 10 Community News Huntingdon History Honoured by Salon de Provence I O Malcolm Lyons (Chairman) and Trish James of the Huntingdon & Godmanchester Twinning Association. n behalf of the Mayor of Salon de Provence, the Deputy Mayor, Bernard Frauden, presented Malcolm Lyons of Huntingdon & Godmanchester Twinning Association with the Salon Town Medal. The medal was awarded for Malcolm’s hard work and activity on behalf of twinning between our towns. The Deputy Mayor thanked Malcolm for all his past work and looked forward to future cooperation. Malcolm, responding in French, made a thank you speech which included the following; “I am overwhelmed to have been given this honour tonight, and thank the Mayor of Salon, Councillors and the town of Salon de Provence. I am a dedicated twinner with a great love for our twinned towns. Over my 15 years in our association, 8 years as Chair, I have met and made many good friends here. I hope, in the future, we can work together to welcome visitors, youth, and cultural groups from Salon de Provence to Huntingdon & Godmanchester.” After the presentation, Malcolm said, “Whilst he was the lucky recipient of the award, it also recognised the importance of the work many others have undertaken in building the friendship and cultural relationships between our twinned towns.” The presentation was made during a holiday visit by members of the Huntingdon & Godmanchester Twinning Association over the weekend of 23-26 April 2009. n preparation for the June 2010 Huntingdon Historical Weekend we introduce The Second Earl of Huntingdon who was was Simon de St. Liz, the Earl of Northampton (d.1111). He got the title by marrying Maud, Waltheof’s daughter, in 1090. Since 1080 he had been Earl of Northampton and his marriage now brought him Huntingdon. In Huntingdon he strengthened the castles’ defences and under his patronage, the secular canons of Huntingdon moved from St. Mary’s to a new site (now the cemetery). The first five years of marriage saw him frequently away defending the throne against Northern rebellion, Scottish invasion and usurpation in Normandy. In between times he fathered three children, Matilda, Simon and Waltheof. However, a man like Simon used to building, fighting and activity could hardly be satisfied with raising a family, endowing monks or building churches. So sometime in 1095/96 the Earl of Northampton and Huntingdon strapped on his mail and joined the 1st crusade which established the Christian Kingdom of Jerusalem. The Earl was soon one of the stars of the Crusade and returned a wealthy man in 1100. For the next few years he lived the life of a Norman Earl basking in King Henry 1st good books, when in about 1110, returning from the Holy Land he fell ill and died in France. He left a widow who was married off to King David of Scotland. Henry gave that prince the earldoms of Northampton and Huntingdon. Simon’s sons turned out to have received their father’s character in equal measure. Simon resented his not having the earldoms and in later years fought against his Scottish half-brothers. Waltheof entered the church and died Abbot of Melrose Abbey where he was declared a Saint. Richard Meredith, Chairman Huntingdon & Godmanchester Civic Society Musica Beata Visit A 50 strong choir from our twinned town of Szentendre in Hungary performed at St Mary’s Church, Godmanchester on Saturday 16 May. They were joined by the Aragon Singers from Buckden. The church was packed and the audience enjoyed a tremendous performance which raised £300 for the church. The choir performed for the children at Spring Common School, Huntingdon on Friday 15 May. Many of the children have learning difficulties, but they understood the sound of music and the performance was very moving, especially when the children sang to the choir. The choir also sang in Chequers Court on Saturday afternoon. The event was organised by the Huntingdon & Godmanchester Twinning Association and was part of an action packed weekend, which included a trip on the Sunday to Cambridge, where the choir undertook an impromptu performance in the chapel of St John’s College. The Mayor of Huntingdon and Mayor of Godmanchester both played a full part in the proceedings. The members of the choir were hosted by 23 local families and several social events were organised, including a Dinner and Dance on the Sunday night. Musica Beata made an impromptu performance in the chapel of St.John’s College, Cambridge. The guests left on Monday 18 May exhausted after a very busy weekend, but this did not stop them taking in a sight seeing tour of London, but fortunately from the comfort of the coach. David Brown, Huntingdon & Godmanchester Twinning Association About Town No 44. June 2009 Community News Huntingdon in Bloom: Sunshine for Anglia in Bloom! H untingdon was looking its best for the visit by Anglia in Bloom judges Brian Thornton and Mike Nichols on Tuesday 14 July. The first stop was at Cromwell Park School where the judges were shown the garden prepared at the ‘Dads in School’ day with space for planting and digging. The flower displays around the ring road looked particularly colourful and were admired by the judges. Best Front Garden Winner – Mr Andrew Willows, presented by Mr Peter Jackson, Chairman Huntingdon in Bloom A visit to the Primrose Lane allotments and the immaculate cemetery Common are brighter for their painting by the Payback Team from the Probation was on the itinerary, before a walk Service. through the High Street and a visit to Our thanks to Huntingdon Town the new Library to see a presentation and District Council for their hard board on Huntingdon in Bloom 2009. work in planting and keeping the We then called in at the Railway town clean. At the end of the tour, the Station which with the help of judges congratulated the town on its Grassroots Grants, local sponsors, has more containers in First Capital cleanliness, lack of litter and graffiti, Connect colours on show for visitors the community involvement and the and commuters both in front and on the stunning flower displays and said station platforms. A special thanks to “Huntingdon is a town to be proud of”. Teresa Slater, Station Assistant who has The result of the competition is to worked hard in watering the flowers. be announced at a presentation to Fifty years of Shakespeare at the all entrants at Great Yarmouth on 16 George was celebrated on the Sebastopol September. cannon site with an emblem and For further information please archway and the Edwardian railings contact: Ann Colbert email leading to the railway station along Mill huntingdoninbloom@btinternet.com Results of local competitions Best Front Garden Competition 1The Cup for the Best Front Garden, for the second year running awarded to Andrew Williams, 1 The Glades, Hinchingbrooke Park 2Mr & Mrs J Saunders, The Beeches, Ambury Road 3Mr M Durham, 9 Bushey Close Neighbourhood display 41-53 Dartmoor Drive Commercial Gathercole & Ward, Optometrists, High Street Best Pub/Hotel The Barley Mow, Hartford Care in the Community Ringshill Care Home, Sallowbush Road Schools’ Cup Hartford Junior School for their Sensory Garden in memory of children and staff who have recently died. Herbs, raised beds, a pergola and a water area all make this a beautiful place and a learning area. School Certificate Cromwell Park Pre-School 50 for 50 initiative T erry Downing, Chairman of Huntingdon Commemoration Hall Charity, continued his 50 for 50 challenges with a Help for Heroes Day Dinner held on 27th June at the Commemoration Hall. The Mayor, Deputy Mayor and their partners, the Leader and Deputy Leader of the District Council were all in attendance. The RAF was represented by Group Captain Ian Woods of RAF Brampton. Royal Signals Veteran, Terry wanted to contribute to the Help for Heroes Charity and as he was approaching his 50th birthday, he decided to lose up to 50 pounds, walk the 46 miles Pathfinder About Town No 45. September 2009 March around the disused air bases in Cambridgeshire, cycle over 360 miles from Portsmouth to Paris via the D-Day Landings and attend Huntingdonshire first Armed Forces Day Dinner Dance, taking his collection tin everywhere he went! Terry is now a volunteer, Help for Heroes Group Co-Ordinator with responsibility for our area. Terry is now planning a second Pathfinder walk (26 miles) on the 31st August, possible Three Peaks 24 hour challenge and has already registered for the 2010 Bike Ride! If anyone would like to join Terry or for further information e-mail info@h4h-operation-50for50.org.uk To date, and as About Town goes to press, the total amount raised for the whole project is in the region of £10,000 with £3,000 raised at the Help for Heroes Dinner. And Terry has lost 34 pounds! Schools & Young People News from Hartford School H artford Junior School have really hit the jackpot this year and are really delighted with their achievements. Kathryn Figg a year 4 class teacher and ICT (information, communication & technology) coordinator, was nominated for the Becta (British education, communication & technology) Award for Next Generation Learning in the National Teaching Awards and received a Distinction Award. Having shared the Hunts Schools Football Dickinson Knockout Trophy Cup in October our Football team won the cup outright in July. The school entered into the Eco Schools Scheme and achieved the Bronze Award at the beginning of the year. With a concerted effort – • Watching birds through the webcam installed by the BTO (British Trust for Ornithology) • Joined in the RHS (Royal Horticultural Society) Great Plant Hunt • Plant the Potato scheme • Checking meters to keep track of utility bills to save energy • Making houses for endangered animals • Captain Splosh from Anglian Water to encourage children to conserve water • Planting lots of fruit and vegetables around the school grounds to improve the environment We have now achieved the Silver St Peter’s School Prom Award and next year will be aiming to get our first green flag. Huntingdon in Bloom came to visit us and thought that our Memorial/Sensory Garden was just fantastic and awarded us the first prize in the schools section. Mim Piper, Headteacher What next for school and college leavers in Huntingdon? M Information from Connexions ost school and college leavers will be moving forward onto further courses, training, or a job. But what about those young people who have nothing to go on to? St Peter’s School annual prom is traditionally organised by Mrs. Di Gutteridge and this year Mrs. G excelled herself! On 25 June 2009, St Peter’s year 11 students enjoyed a beautiful Masquerade ball, complete with an indoor marquee decorated in black and gold. The school hall looked stunning, as did our students in a fabulous array of ball gowns and hand made creations and of course, the gentlemen in full evening dress. The whole evening was a roaring success and many staff attended to support the students and enjoy the wonderful atmosphere. Some students enjoyed the evening so much, they wrote to Mrs Gutteridge and Mrs Ford the very next day to thank them for this magnificent occasion. A truly great evening was had by all and Mrs Gutteridge has already started planning for next year. We wish our students every success for the future – whatever path they choose to follow; sixth form, college, university or employment. Good luck! Julia Robson – Press Officer 10 Option: Education Colleges will often accept students onto course places during September. Option: Finding a job or An initiative called the ‘September apprenticeship Guarantee’ pledges an offer of Finding a job or apprenticeship education or training, by the end of is harder for young people September, for all 16 and 17 year old at the moment due to the school leavers. This could be a college recession. course or an apprenticeship, Entry to Connexions can help Employment (E2E) or employment with job searches, covering 2. level with training to NVQ letters, applications and Some young people may also interview techniques. There on be eligible for an Educati is more information at the Maintenance Allowance (EMA) to Cambridgeshire Connexions on. help them remain in educati website www.youthoria.org . Information about courses can Young people can find out also be found on more about apprenticeships, www.cambscoursefinder.com and search for local vacancies, at www.apprenticeships.org.uk Option: Volunteering You may gain a lot from About Connexions volunteering, it looks great Part of Cambridgeshire County on a CV, can help build Council, the service for 13 to 19 confidence and widen skills. years old is delivered through It is also a good way to meet a network of personal advisers, new people. information advisers and youth workers. www.youthoria.org Contact The Connexions centre in Huntingdon is at 20 St Benedict’s Court, Huntingdon, 01480 376800 It is open Monday to Friday from 9am-5pm. There are drop in sessions from 1.30pm to 4.00pm. www.connexions-direct.com About Town No 45. September 2009 Schools & Young People St John’s School French Exchange 2009 T Hinchingbrooke Lower School A Diary of Events by Sadie Hodgson On Sunday 24 May, pupils from the lower school set off for a week in France. Everyone was very excited, even the teachers - Mr Clarke, Mrs Smith and Mrs Morgan! After arriving at Calais we started the next part of our journey which would take us to St Germain-en-Laye where we would met our French partners. When we arrived the heat hit us as we stepped off the coach; we got our bags and went home for the evening with our French partners to hopefully get to know them and their families. For the next five days we were in and around Paris, as St Germain was only twenty minutes from the capital. On Monday morning, we went into school to see what our French partners’ lessons were like. In the afternoon we visited the Eiffel Tower which was wonderful as it was such a clear day and we could see for miles. Tuesday, we had a full day in Paris and we went to Montmartre and the Louvre. We also looked around the Sacré Coeur with its marvellous high ceiling; the sense of calm you felt when you entered was amazing and so peaceful. We spent the rest of our time at Montmartre looking around the artist area and the little shops. As it was raining some of us took cover in cafés with hot chocolate and crêpes. Later we visited the Louvre which was much bigger than we expected. On Wednesday, we went to the Chateau de Versailles, an enormous house which belonged to the King and Marie Antoinette. The house was vast with hundreds of paintings and embroideries. Thursday we were off to Monet’s house and gardens in Giverny, where the famous Japanese bridge spans the lily ponds that he often painted. On Friday we went to Parc Astérix. The weather was lovely and the park was amazing! There was a big wooden roller-coaster and another that had several loops. There was also lots of water rides which helped us keep cool. The weekend was spent with our host families; everyone did different things such as going back to Paris to see it at night; shopping; or spending time in one of the many parks. There was a disco for the exchange students on Saturday night. We left for home on the Monday and some were quite sad to be leaving. Everyone was tired but we all had lots to tell our families when we got home. About Town No 45. September 2009 he children at St John’s have been busy working with Jack Waterfall to grow (and eat!) potatoes and strawberries in the food garden. Through Huntingdon Town Children’s Centre, the school is working hard to make sure that children understand how food gets from ‘seed to mouth.’ The reception class and their parents have also worked with Mrs Rice and Mrs Bonwick to transform the outdoor garden and it now has many wonderful areas in place for the children to play in. Classes 5 and 6 took place in the Cambridgeshire Roots Dance Festival in Soham and wowed the crowds with their amazing Molly Dancing and Polish Dancing. They loved sharing in dances from different cultures and also enjoyed the more modern dance tents! Classes 4 and 5 have had 2 trips each to Kettle’s Yard in Cambridge to experience the art that is there. This culminated in a day of work with an artist and an exhibition at school with some phenomenal results. Classes 1, 2 and 3 enjoyed their visit to Hamerton Wildlife Park and Year 2 pupils performed in the HuntSNet music festival - more trips in a very busy, happy and successful term! Helen Curtis – Headteacher St Peter’s School Big Day Out O n 27 June, along came the rain, but so did the crowds to enjoy St Peter’s School Big Day Out. Despite the weather doing its best to dampen our enthusiasm, this did not happen and it was a real community event. Members of the public of all ages came along and enjoyed the attractions, which included barbeque, ice cream, archery, bouncy castles, a lorry pull, a football tournament, displays in the arena, candy floss and popcorn, live music, traditional games and tombolas, cakes, hair braiding and so much more! Art teacher Mr Cartwright, did a magnificent job as compere and even joined in with the Belly Dancing Display! Not to be outdone, Mr Horn, our Deputy Head, volunteered to help out in the Tang Soo Do display. The whole event was organised by St Peter’s School Parent Teacher Association, and all of the staff and students at St Peter’s are extremely grateful for the support and work they have given to our school. The PTA intends to make the Big Day Out an annual event and have already started planning next year and say this will be even bigger and better! Don’t miss out, note in your calendar for 17 July 2010. We must say a big thank you to all those who helped out, both on the day and in the organisation, and also thanks go to Brampton Golf Club and the Three Horse Shoes at Gt Stukeley for sponsoring the Golf Putting Game, the Lorry Pull and donating the prizes for these. We can’t wait for next year! Julia Robson – Press Officer 11 Community News Huntingdonshire Community Group Community Achievements July 2009 The Huntingdonshire Community Group (HCG) management committee would like to express its sincere gratitude to the people and organisations that assisted its ESOL (English for Speakers of Other Languages) to become a successful event. Diane Lane Neighbourhood ESOL Students at the Medway Centre. Manager (CCC), Geoffrey Stalker ESOL Huntingdonshire Regional College, Jaki Bradley Funding Coordinator (CCC), Julie Swallow St. Barnabas Learning Centre Manager, Bev Parker Tutor, Gavin Walsh Medway Centre Manager (HTC) the CREDS (Cambridgeshire Race Equality & Diversity Service) and all the volunteer supporting Tutors: - Anna Drzazga, Inga Bumiesterie, Elizabeth Lando Tembo and Patrick Kadewere. We offered the above ESOL classes for ten weeks to Latvians, Polish, French, Russians, Portuguese, Mandarin and Creole speakers. The learning was fun and interesting. The certificates were presented on the 7th July 2009 to 27 learners. Patrick Kadewere – HCG Unity in the Community The event is taking place on 12th September, to ensure its success we have set up a steering management committee, which is monitoring the preparation. The committee receives monthly reports from all six officers, Project Co-ordinators, Activities Co-ordinators, Funding and Resource Officer, Marketing and Communications Officers, Catering Coordinators and Volunteer Co-ordinator. Most organisations have now registered for their stalls and performers for some activities. There is a lot to look forward to, including hair braiding, dancing, food from all over the world and a lot more – Admission is Free. This year residents are encouraged to come and show off their talents, whether it is singing, music or dancing as long as it promotes unity and diversity in our community. Come along and have some fun on the 12th September 2009, at The Medway Centre and St.Barnabas Learning Centre, Medway Road, Huntingdon, PE29 1SF. From 11.00am to 3.00pm For more information contact huntingdoncommunitygroup@yahoo.co.uk or telephone the Project Co-ordinator 07546432183 Patrick Kadewere - HCG Voice Your Choice Success T he “Voice your Choice” event was based upon the TV programme ‘Dragons Den where various groups / committees put forward their business plan to request funding for their project. On 4th July at Decision Day, 28 projects were chosen by Huntingdon North residents to have a share of £55,000 from Cambridgeshire County Council. 12 The successful Voice Your Choice projects include two breakfast clubs, Moor News, outdoor gym equipment at the youth centre, a multi-use games area, Moor Play, a street sports project, Home-start recruiting and training volunteers to work with young parents, a new netball club run by parents, Kanazawa Budo classes for victims of bullying, equipment for Cambridgeshire Police Amateur Boxing Club, a boat for the sea cadets and a toy library for children with special needs. The projects will tackle the issues that matter most to people, such as antisocial behaviour, parks and open space, community involvement and jobs, skills and training. Voice Your Choice is a new way of giving people a direct say on how money is spent in their area. 94% of participants thought that it gave them more influence over decisions in their area and 88% thought it should happen again in the future. This project was delivered by Cambridgeshire County Council, Huntingdonshire District Council and Luminus Group as part of Neighbourhood Management. To see the DVD of the day, along with full details of the winners, please see www.cambridgeshire.gov.uk/oxmoor Diane Lane, Neighbourhood Manager. About Town No 45. September 2009 Community News About Town with the Civic Society T he Huntingdon and Godmanchester Civic Society dates from the time when the two boroughs were united. Today we support, inform and work with both Town Councils on matters that affect our conservation areas, historic buildings and the quality of the built environment in the towns. We are a not a mass pressure group but work through representation to both the Town Council and District Council and bring our members concerns to Councillors and Departments when asked. This year we are concentrating on three issues which directly affect the town: the plans for Huntingdon West Sunshine ensures Riverside gala success A fter a less than promising start the clouds cleared and the crowds turned out for our most successful Riverside Gala to date. When questioned, over 95% of the stall holders said they would be back in 2010. Wood Green Animal Shelters felt it was a great success, raising over £300 and are happy to repeat the Fun Dog Show next year. Participants hoola-hooped till they were dizzy, the barbecue sold out and the RAF Hurricane fly-by wowed visitors and stallholders alike. Arrangements are already in hand to construct rafts for a raft race next year and invitations will be issued through the press for entrants. The Riverside Gala is now an established calendar event and next year’s will be on Saturday 5th June from 12 noon. The organising committee is supported by The Huntingdon Boat Club, Hinchingbrooke Rotary and The Town Council. Rather than make a profit for the organisers, it serves as a valuable opportunity for local organisations to promote themselves and make some money along the way. For further details please contact Rhiannon Rainbird on huntingdonriversidegala@yahoo.co.uk About Town No 45. September 2009 (and the ramifications for the A14 and Hinchingbrooke); the continual wear and tear on Huntingdon’s medieval bridge and Huntingdon Town Hall. The Civic Society is determined to help the HTC and the HDC restore and make full use of the Town Hall as soon as possible. We are prepared to commit some of our funds to run a campaign to get a business plan in place so that the two Councils can press ahead with locating heritage funding to restore this splendid example of municipal architecture and bring it back into public use. Richard Meredith, Chairman Huntingdon & Godmanchester Civic Society We are always looking for new members. For further information about our ‘projects’ and the rest of our work contact: The Secretary, Barbara Brett on 453406 or barbara.brett1@ntlworld.com The Chairman Richard Meredith on 380505 or richard.meredith27@ntlworld.com. Huntingdon Community Radio The countdown has well and truly started to when Huntingdon Community Radio (HCRFM) will launch on-air and online 7 days a week, all year round. Literally months away from spring 2010, HCRFM will broadcast from purpose built studios in Saxongate on the High Street. The Management Committee of HCRFM, a totally Not For Profit organisation is now raising the necessary funds, half of which will come from sponsorship and advertising, the other half through fundraising, donations and grants from various trusts. “There is a huge amount of preparation to be done before HCRFM takes to the airwaves, “explained Nicola Rule Administration Director. “ We have set up a Friends of HCRFM which local people are joining for a small annual fee, with special “corporate” membership for larger organisations or small businesses, full details and forms on our website at www.hcrfm.co.uk”. It is actively building the studio premises, and organising a programme schedule that will offer 16 plus hours a day of live quality familiar music, news and features. “The turnaround from what effectively was a two week a year temporary RSL (Restricted Service Licence) into a full-time station bringing news and entertainment to Huntingdon all year round is enormous. We have recruited several extra volunteers, and more are needed, to work behind the scenes in production. Information packs for volunteers can be obtained from the reception here at Huntingdon Town Council, and people who simply want to listen and support HCRFM by being a Friend, singly or as a family, and corporate members, can download an application form at www.hcrfm.co.uk and see details about an open launch meeting on 7th September 2009, or call 07947 430955 for a chat with HCRFM management team member. How Your Town Works Have you ever thought it might be good to get a real insight into what makes your town tick? Find out who makes the decisions, how they make the decisions, and most importantly, how you can influence them? Now’s your chance! Later this year, we are planning to run a short series of informal free workshops. You can find out exactly how Huntingdon works, and how you can make it work for you! If you would like more information, contact Jacquline on 01480 420626 or email Jacquline.verduzco@cambridgeshire.gov.uk Neighbourhood Management HUNTINGDON NORTH COMMUNITIES IN CONTROL 13 Community News Presentation of the Armed Forces Flag A t a meeting of Huntingdon Town Council at Commemoration Hall on the 2nd July, the Mayor of Huntingdon, Councillor Saeed Akthar presented the Armed Forces Flag to Mr Douglas Smith OBE. The flag had been flown from the top of the Town Hall during Armed Forces week which honoured Britain’s Armed Forces, past, present and future. Mr Smith, a World War II veteran who had served in the Royal Air Force, and until recently had served as the President of the Huntingdonshire Royal British Legion for twenty two years, said that it was “a great honour” to the be the first recipient of the flag, and thanked the Council for their continued support of the Armed Forces and The Royal British Legion. When presenting the award Councillor Akthar told Mr Smith that it was an honour to present the flag on behalf of people of Huntingdon, and it conveyed the Nation’s appreciation and thanks for the contribution made by all those, who serve or have served in Her Majesty’s Armed Forces to ensure that we live in a free society. Honey Show at Home-Start Hinchingbrooke presentation Country Park O ver the past few years there has been a lot of press about the decline of the honey bee. Hinchingbrooke Country Park has two hives, managed by Huntingdonshire Beekeepers Association (HBKA) and used extensively with the public and visiting schools for education purposes. The mite “Varroa” has caused devastation generally, although it is treatable and a good beekeeper can spot the signs and act quickly. The cold wet summer weather in 2007 and 2008 hampered the work of the female worker bees and resulted in a shortage of honey. As the workers fly to collect nectar, they transfer pollen, which is essential for humans as we rely on bees to pollinate just about everything. To help keep the Honey Bee alive, you can take it outside if they inadvertently come indoors. Bees can only sting once (they die afterwards) and only do so if they feel threatened, so gently brush a bee away. Every Sunday afternoon between 2pm and 3pm, beekeepers are on site and open the hives for people to learn more. Sunday 6th September, 12.00pm to 4.30pm there will be an afternoon dedicated to the Honey Bee. There will be competitions, standard exhibits including candles, cakes and honey, demonstrations of candle dipping, a family quiz, honey tasting and and activities for the younger visitors will include candle rolling, whilst the adults can take the opportunity to stock up on plants to attract bees to the garden. Rumour has it there may even be a visit from Winnie the Pooh! Entry to the Honey Show is free! Further information from 01480 451568. 14 Front row left to right – Chloe Wilson, Joan Walsh (Chairperson Home-West Cambridgeshire), Helen Northrop. Back row – Julie Nicholson (Scheme Co-ordinator), Marney Connor, Linda McClenaghan, The Mayor of Huntingdon, Cllr Saeed Akthar, Davinder Chand, Kelly Munday. H ome-Start West Cambridgeshire has just completed another training programme for 7 home-visiting volunteers and were greatly honoured to have the Mayor of Huntingdon, Councillor Saeed Akthar to present the certificates to the new volunteers. Home-Start is the UK’s leading family support charity, training volunteers to visit families in their own homes for a number of reasons. These include isolation, multiple births, post natal depression, illness and disability. Some families access Home-Start support simply because they are struggling to cope. The Chairperson of Home-Start West Cambridgeshire, Joan Walsh said, “A Home-Start volunteer embodies the principle of empathy, compassion, support, strength and perhaps most importantly friendship. I commend all Home-Start volunteers for their work in the local community and wish each and everyone success in the future and encourage them to keep up the good work and important role they fulfil.” Please sign up now for our next free training course and make a real difference in your local community. Please contact us for further information about becoming a volunteer, helping with fundraising or to have an informal chat. Contact Julie Nicholson on 01480 436300 or at office@ homestartwestcambs.co.uk. Louse Dunn – Home Start Trustee About Town No 45. September 2009 Community News Best Kept Allotments Competition This year’s awards were presented at the Annual Allotment Holders’ forum at the Commemoration Hall, on Tuesday 4th August 2009 by the Mayor of Huntingdon. Judges Gavin Smith, Head Gardener at Abbots Ripton Hall and Peter Haynes of the District Council’s Operations Team visited sites at Sallowbush Road, Hartford Road, Primrose Lane and North Street on 16th July. The Winner for the second year in a row was Mr P Dobson, who lives in Tennyson Close and who was awarded with £50 National Garden Gift Vouchers, a year’s free plot rental and the Hodson Challenge Cup. Runners up, who also received garden vouchers and a year’s free plot rental, were N Hindle of Eagle Way, L Rugg of Ambury Hill and P Foley of Maple Drive. Best Newcomer award was presented to T Weekes of Ouse Walk and the Council’s first ever award for best young allotment gardener was received by David Williams of Milton Close. Huntingdon Town Council provides 170 fullsized allotment plots on 5 sites in the town and has seen increasing demand for these in recent years as more people are attracted to the benefits of a healthy outdoor pursuit which results in value for money, healthy produce. Sea Cadets O n 25th July, Huntingdon & District Sea Cadets “T.S. Cromwell” travelled to Milford Haven to board the Sea Cadets flagship T.S Royalist, where despite gale force 8 storms they set sail for Swansea. T.S.Royalist is a square rigger sailing ship in which the Cadets undertake training and learn the skills of sailing, seamanship and teamwork. After a long week of training and sailing the Cadets set sail for Bristol, and as the Royalist sailed into Bristol Harbour they were cheered on by crowds aligned along the harbour walls. Ordinary Critcher passed her off shore training level 1, Leading Cadet Rayner achieved level 2, and Able Cadet Beiderman achieved levels 1&2. This voyage would not have been possible without the support from Huntingdon Town Council, and The High Sheriff’s Award Scheme, who have kindly provided financial assistance. Huntingdon & District Sea Cadets is a charitable youth organisation, our aims and objectives are to encourage young people to participate in activities, learn new skills, teamwork, develop life skills, self respect and social responsibility. If you are between the age of 10 - 16 years and would like to find out more about the Sea Cadets please contact 1st Lt Rayner on 07956 113 845. Huntingdon & District Sea Cadets wish to thank the following contributors and supporters for their assistance throughout the year. The Mayor of Huntingdon Councillor Saeed Akthar, Huntingdon Town Council, Gabriel Newton Foundation, Huntingdon’s Freemen’s Charity, High Sheriffs Award Scheme, Base Commander R.A.F. Wyton, Fleet Air Arms Officers Association, Paxton Lakes Sailing Club. Zelda Barter, Huntingdon & District Sea Cadets. Cromwell House Care Home – All the fun at the Festival! D espite the clouds, the sun shone down on Cromwell House Care Home’s Summer Festival, which proved to be a popular day with residents, families and members of the public alike. It was the first time the established gardens shared by the Linia Cromwell Hospital and the Care Home were opened up to the public. There were a variety of stalls to peruse, including a cake stall generously stocked with donations and some delicious creations from Cromwell House’s very own chef of 25 years, Michael Cozen. Cream Teas were provided by Huntingdon Town Twinning Association, which went down a treat. A bouncy castle added to the fun, along with a visit from a 17th century About Town No 45. September 2009 soldier, re-enacted to demonstrate his equipment from the Call to Arms Day at the Cromwell Museum. The Mayor of Huntingdon, Councillor Saeed Akthar, along with Councillor John Davies, Chairman of Huntingdonshire District Council attended the event and enjoyed a guided tour of the facilities Cromwell House Care Home provides for it’s residents. Heather Mack, Activities Co-ordinator for Cromwell House, who organised the festival, would like to extend her thanks to all of the staff and stall holders who came along to help make the day such a success. Established since 1981, Cromwell House Care Home leads in the provision Pictured is Mr Aslam, owner of Cromwell House Care Home, with Mayor of Huntingdon, Cllr Saeed Akthar and Chairman of HDC, Cllr John Davies. of local care for the elderly within a traditional and homely environment. For more information, or to book an assessment, please call 01480 411411 to speak to the Care Home Manager. Jenny Thackray, Cromwell House Care Home 15 Performing Arts The PaTCH experience (Performing Arts at Commemoration Hall) F or the past 4 years Laura and I have been helping out at Commemoration Hall with the Arts programme. We assist professional touring theatre companies with numerous tasks to help with the running of their shows. When we are not helping with the show we have been helping with the running of front of house. Just lately there has been a time where Laura and I have been responsible for the running of the evening’s entertainment. Laura and I are both studying theatre production at Peterborough Regional College, which we are finding to be most helpful while assisting with productions. We have gained experience of stage management, light, and sound operation. We would like to do workshops for local children who are interested in doing backstage work such as make-up and wardrobe. Currently we are involved in two local youth theatre groups in Huntingdon and St. Ives. By helping young people take part in some creative and constructive work, we believe benefits the community. We hope one day to be employed as in house technicians at the Commemoration Hall and have put together a business plan for the expansion of the technical production at the Hall. If there is anyone who could support us in further development of our plan please leave your details at Commemoration Hall. Laura Harling & Edward Welsh. Huntingdon Drama Club – Murdered, one by one A group of people are marooned on an island… Their hosts don’t appear… One by one, they are murdered. And then there were none, a classic whodunnit by Agatha Christie, comes to the Commemoration Hall on 12-14 November, produced by Huntingdon Drama Club. The Club’s most recent production was of Alan Ayckbourn’s dark comedy Absent Friends. Here’s part of a review of the first night by Michael Williamson, Regional Representative of the National Operatic and Dramatic Association: “The cast succeeded in extracting every ounce of humour out of the script while, at the same time, not losing sight of the more serious, underlying issues contained within it. Quite a notable achievement.” Huntingdon Drama Club has been bringing drama to Huntingdon since 1944, and we now put on three fulllength plays a year. After And then there were none in November, our spring 2010 production will be Oscar Wilde’s The Importance of being Earnest. To get involved, or for further information, visit our website, www. huntingdondramaclub.org.uk, or phone Michael Black and John Morgan on 454486. Michael Black, Chairman Battle of the Bands H untingdon Youth Town Council have once again hosted an event for the youth, following the success of last year’s film festival. This year, they decided to host a ‘Battle of the Bands’ which took place on Thursday 25th June 2009, in the commemoration hall in Huntingdon. In total, six bands competed for the cash prizes of £200, £100 and £50. The winning band was Alice Band, second place went to Satellite to Nowhere and third place was awarded to State of 16 Mind. The winners were decided by the biggest cheer of the evening, judged by members of the Youth Town Council. 200 people came to the evening which was organised entirely by the Youth Council. The event was a great success with many young people being able to display their musical talents and others being able to enjoy it. The Youth Town Council would also like to express their thanks to PaTCH and their volunteers who provided refreshments for the evening, and also to all the adult helpers whose help was greatly appreciated throughout the evening. The Youth Town Council are all looking forward to expanding on this success for next year and are attempting to plan another film festival also, for early 2010. Natalie Kelsey (Chairman) About Town No 45. September 2009 Performing Arts Huntingdon Youth Theatre (HYT)– Forthcoming Production Shakespeare at the George “T T his December, HYT will present an exciting and outrageous version of the classic tale of ‘Alice in Wonderland’. Local author Bryan Williams gifted his script to HYT to perform in what was his home town. We will be creating what we believe to be unforgettable incarnations of the White Rabbit, the Cheshire Cat and Dame Ducky who is guaranteed to amuse and involve all ages in the audience. Using a wide range of musical traditions to assist us, we will transport the audience to worlds both large and small as Alice innocently follows the instructions “Eat me” and “Drink me”. Ambitious set designs, flamboyant costumes, fast music and a cast of over 40 young people will all combine to give this seasonal audience a memorable evening. Tickets cost £6.50 (£4.50 conc) and available from the Card Gallery in the High Street or box office 01480 381734. Pantomime auditions H untingdon’s very own pantomime group ‘Pantomime 89’ are holding auditions for this year production of Aladdin. The auditions are being held on Sunday 6th September at Huntingdon Junior School, Ambury Road, Huntingdon (main hall) with children at 2–4 pm and adults at 5–7 pm. Participants must be aged 8 and above. There is also a live band, dancers and lots of great ideas for set design, costumes and songs. Go along and meet the group and find out about the show and how you can get involved. The Panto, directed by Roger Sale, who has a great deal of experience in directing as well as performing, will be staged at the Commemoration Hall in Huntingdon, with the first performance on December 27th and finishing on January 3rd. Feel free to come along, if you want more information on the group or the auditions call chairman Christine Hunnam on 07837 635165 or email pantomime89.co.uk Angela Makey, Pantomine 89 About Town No 45. September 2009 his year celebrated 50 years of Shakespeare at The George and what a memorable year it was! Excellent weather, a brilliant production and an enthusiastic audience all combined to make it one of the most successful productions. Not once during the performances did we have to use the All Saints Church due to bad weather. Most evenings there was a capacity audience to enjoy Richard Brown’s production of “The Taming of the Shrew”. Without exception the Cast were fantastic. Guy Holmes as Petruchio and Caroline Harbord as Katharina combined together to give excellent lead performances, although Guy’s antics prior to the performance pretending to be an inebriated interloper caused some consternation amongst the audience for a short while! Elsewhere there were superb performances from Chris Turner as Hortensio and Phil Cox as Gremio. Altogether the cast were fantastic and we thank them all for providing us with superb acting and entertainment. Throughout the 12 days there was nearly always a full capacity audience. Dame Norma Major, Patron of Shakespeare at The George, commented, “it was the most fantastic production. I am always in awe of the talent and commitment of those who perform and those who make up the all-important back-stage team. It is a huge tribute to all who make the productions possible that each year the play is eagerly looked forward to. I am grateful to Anglian Water for sponsoring the event and to the programme advertisers for their generous support. Thanks also to the management and staff at The George Hotel for their support.” This year’s production was enjoyed by hundreds of local people including Dame Norma and her husband, Sir John Major, Huntingdon’s Member of Parliament, Jonathan Djanogly and his wife, Rebecca and a host of civic guests including the Mayor and Mayoress of Huntingdon. Thank you once again to Richard for his hugely creative production and to all those involved. Already plans are in hand for next year’s performance ‘Cymbeline’ under the direction Michael G Williamson which will run from 22nd June to 3rd July.” Sir Peter Brown 17 Health Matters Acorn Surgery going from strength to strength! T hings are moving on a pace at the Acorn Surgery based in the Oak Tree Health Centre in Huntingdon. The surgery’s Patient Participation Group has recently formed a Committee which will support the surgery team in further improving and developing services for patients. What the patients say Left to right – Mrs Trish Hawitt-Palmer, Manager; Dr Brendan Boyle, The results of the annual Senior GP Partner; Dr Mary Simpson, GP Partner. Patient Survey show that patients value Acorn Surgery Nomination for a Prestigious very highly. 91% of patients gave good, National Award very good or excellent ratings for the The surgery was recently nominated way they are treated by Receptionists. for a National Health & Social Care The results for care by doctors and award for supporting patients with nurses were also very high with 98% chronic disease and long term good, very good or excellent ratings conditions. for all areas of care. Patients said access Improving communication for to doctor was very good, with 88% patients of patients saying they could always The Surgery has a new web site or almost always see the doctor they that offers a range of health-related wished to see. Patients highly rated the information, the ability to order repeat ability to access the surgery by phone medication, register with the surgery, and to get telephone advice with good, update medical records and much more! very good and excellent ratings - well It is planned that patients will soon above the average for other GP practices. have the facility to book appointments The ratings for the length of time on-line via the website. The Practice patients wait for their appointments Manager is keen to have feedback on the to begin were also above the average. website, good or bad, so that changes There were very few negative comments can be made www.acornsurgery.com compared with other practices. Trish Hawitt-Palmer – Practice Manager Volunteer appeal – antiviral collection centres Swine Flu – What can you C do to prevent infection? ambridgeshire County Council and the Health Service have made arrangements for sixteen Antiviral Collection Centres across the County to be set up, if necessary, to assist with the key priority of distribution of medicines to those who need them. The idea is that antivirals could be collected from the Centres by “flu-friends” – patients with swine flu would not attend the centres themselves. Volunteers are needed to support the running of these centres alongside County Council and Health Services staff. Please contact the County Council by telephoning 01223 718627 or e-mail sarah.smart@cambridgeshire.gov.uk if you wish to volunteer. 18 • avoid close contact with people who appear unwell and who have fever and cough • cover your nose and mouth when coughing or sneezing • use a tissue when possible and dispose of it promptly • wash your hands frequently with soap and water to reduce the spread of the virus • clean hard surfaces like door handles frequently using a normal cleaning product. For further information please view the following website www.direct.gov.uk/pandemicflu Maternity choices at Hinchingbrooke Health Care NHS Trust, Huntingdon The Primrose Suite Hinchingbrooke’s new Midwifery Led Birthing Unit T he Primrose Suite is available for use by women who choose to birth in a low risk birthing environment and who, are suitable for birth in a low risk environment. This purpose designed area consists of a reception and waiting area with two birthing rooms and a two bedded rest area. The rest area and both birthing rooms are ensuite, with direct access to a new pool room from one of the birthing rooms. The rooms are equipped with modern birthing aids to support women in exploring positions for birth, while medical equipment is hidden away in keeping with the non clinical theme of the area. A kitchenette is available for light refreshments so that the new family leaves for home refreshed and ready to enjoy their new arrival. For women who are low risk, but not suitable for the Primrose Suite, or for women who choose to give birth on the labour ward, there will be continued access to the birthing pool and to a low risk birthing room within the main labour ward environment. For more information please contact your community midwife or the labour ward co-ordinator at Hinchingbrooke Health Care NHS Trust. Neonatal Examination Clinic From May 2009, women who request early discharge home after a birth in the hospital will be given the choice of either: waiting to see a paediatrician to undertake the newborn examination prior to discharge, or going home with an appointment to return within 72 hours of the baby’s birth for the newborn examination. An appointment for the baby to have its newborn hearing test will be offered alongside the newborn examination appointment; women who have a home birth will also be offered this service. www.hinchingbrooke.nhs.uk About Town No 45. September 2009 Sports Stukeley Meadows Skate Facility Officially Opened unts Skaters were thrilled to finally celebrate the official opening of the long awaited Stukeley Meadows Street Style Skate Facility on Saturday 11th July 2009. The event was very well attended by young people who have an interest in skate boarding, inline skating, BMX riding and scooter riding. The Skate Facility was officially opened by Cllr. John Davies, Chairman, Huntingdonshire District Council and the Mayor of Huntingdon, Cllr Saeed Akthar. Skate demonstrations and a skate competition then followed with people aged between 7 – 30 years of age demonstrating their skills on the new ramps. Hunts Skaters have been working with local residents and partner agencies for over six years to try and secure a suitable location and identify funding to enable them to build the largest and one of very few street style skate facilities in the country. The young people successfully secured funding of over £180,000 from contributions from BIG Lottery, Huntingdon Youth Bank, Huntingdon Freemans Charity, Huntingdonshire Community Safety Partnership, Huntingdonshire District Council and Huntingdon Sainsburys, the daily monitoring and management of the Photo: Tim George H facility will be carried out by Huntingdon Town Council. This facility is an asset to Huntingdonshire and I am sure that it will be well used for years to come offering an excellent diversionary activity for young people. Hunts Skaters would like to thank everyone that has been involved in the project for their determination and hard work that has resulted in Huntingdon having an absolutely amazing skate facility. If you would like further information about the skate facility, Hunts Skaters or the Skate Facility management Committee, please contact the Community Safety Team at Huntingdonshire District Council on 01480 388388 Claudia Waters, Team Leader Community Safety Multiple Sclerosis Society – Wheel and Walk T he Mayor of Huntingdon, Councillor Saeed Akthar attended the Multiple Sclerosis Society Wheel & Walk charity event on 28th June at Hinchingbrooke Country Park together with local MP Jonathan Djanogly. The Mayor welcomed everyone and formally opened the inaugural event that attracted local support from Norwich and Peterborough Building Society, the Luminus Group, Vindis Volkswagon Group, Leadership International and the Rotary Club of Huntingdon. The sponsored walk had a special route for wheelchair users and was started by Beijing Olympic bronze medallist Louis Smith. One hundred and sixty one people registered to take part and are expected to raise thousands of pounds between them for MS research at Addenbrookes Hospital and seven local MS branches. There was a barbecue and entertainment provided by HuMS (Huntingdon Music School) Big Band and the Blue Vision Twirling team. A big thank you to the rangers who helped make the day the success that it was and all the entrants and their supporters. Tony Collett - Organiser Kanazawa Budo Club K anazawa Budo Club has had a great start to 2009. The local club runs 7 Judo clubs in the Cambridgeshire area has last month seen promotion for its 2 senior instructors, Kyosh Paddy Swallow and Sensei Scott Thurston. Kyoshi Paddy Swallow was promoted to 7th Dan About Town No 45. September 2009 (Shichidan) coinciding with his 40th year in Judo while Sensei Scott gained his 3rd Dan (Sandan) in his 20th year in the martial art. The club’s instructors have been invited to teach at several other locations before the end of 2009. These include Croatia, France, Russia, Norway and America giving the club worldwide recognition under the umbrella of Ishin Ryu JuJitsu. The Kanazawa Budo Club runs all Judo within Ishin Ryu Ju-Jitsu and in March this year held the 2nd Ishin Ryu Judo Championships in Huntingdon. The Championship saw some 150 competitors take part ranging in age, from 5 year olds to those in their 40s. A great day was had by all and the club is hoping to see a regular increase in numbers, as the championships reputation grows. More information on Kanazawa Budo Club can be found at www.kanazawabudo.com or by calling Kyoshi Paddy Swallow: 07764861455 or Sensei Scott Thurston: 07787820512. 19 Community News About Town Christmas Cover Competition What Does Christmas Mean to You? 0RODUCEDBY,'3 3ARABIA %DITORIAL#HAIRMANn#LLR* RANSFIELD #LLRS3!KTHAR-AYOR$$ --ULCAHY WRENCE3 ENDER,A !*-ACK INSON #*/SBORNWITH3ALLY(UTCH AMBROOK ,AYOUTANDDESIGN!USTIN" !DVERTISING3ALES (UNTINGDON4OWN#OUNCIL OAD 4RINITY0LACE(ARTFORD2 (5.4).'$/.0%1! 4EL &AX HUNTINGDONTOWNGOVUK CIL WNCOUN EMAILTO GOVUK WWWHUNTINGDONTOWN !BOUT 4 7. ECEMBER NCIL.EWS)SSUE$ (UNTINGDON4OWN#OU )NTHISISSUE 0AGE 9OUTHTRIPTO(UNGARY 0AGES (UNTINGDONIN"LOOM ,AYOUTANDDESIGN!USTIN"AMBROOK !DVERTISING3ALES (UNTINGDON4OWN#OUNCIL 4RINITY0LACE(ARTFORD2OAD (5.4).'$/.0%1! 4EL &AX EMAILTOWNCOUNCIL HUNTINGDONTOWNGOVUK WWWHUNTINGDONTOWNGOVUK 1 (UNTINGDON4OWN#OUNCIL. EWS)SSUE 0AGE PARADE ,OLASTHANNIVERSARY UNCIL 7HOSWHOATTHE#O &ORTHCOMINGEVENTS 4OWN#LERKgS#HAT S ,AST.IGHTOFTHE0ROM D 4OP#OMMUNITYAWAR &USION '#3%3UCCESS #ONEYGEAR0ARK .EWCHURCHWALL /XMOORIN"LOOM 'REEN3ANTA ES 2ECYCLINGCENTRECLOS #ONTINENTAL-ARKET %NERGY$OCTOR AL &OODAND$RIN+FESTIV 0ANTOMIMETIMEAGAIN 9OUTH&ILM&ESTIVAL /LYMPIC3UCCESS #HRISTMASSERVICES T4OWNS NNnWINNEROF!BOU )MAGE-RS#LAIRE&LY ETITIONv SMEANTOYOU#OMP h7HATDOES#HRISTMA about town 42 Master.indd !BOUT 4 7. -ERRY#HRIS !BOUT4OWNISPUBLISHEDBY (UNTINGDON4OWN#OUNCIL 0RODUCEDBY,'3(UNTINGDON %DITORIAL#HAIRMANn#LLR**$UTTON #LLRS!"EEVOR"#$UTTON-'-ALLETT 3--ULCAHY*%7ATKIN4AVENER WITH+#AMERON "ROUGHTTOYOUINYOURHOMEBYYOUR4OW N#OUNCIL )NTHISISSUE 0AGE "EST6ALUE !WARD "EST6ALUE!WARD 4OWN#LERKS#HAT 7ELCOMETONEWBUSINESSES 6ISITBY,ITHUANIAN!MBASSADOR 3ZENTENDREREMEMBERS 10/11/08 10:31:08 $ECEMBER TMAS LGS, 01480 436651 !BOUT4OWNISPUBLISHEDBY Photograph by Jade Bambrook, The About Town Editorial Team are looking NCIL (UNTINGDON4OWN#OU for a cover picture for the December issue to suit the festive season. To enter the competition, send your image of “What does Christmas mean to you?” to Huntingdon Town Council, 1 Trinity Place, Hartford Road, Huntingdon PE29 3QA, stating your name and your contact address by the closing date which is 17th October 2009. Photos, drawings and paintings are suitable for our use. Vouchers to the value of £30, £20 and £10 will be awarded to the 1st, 2nd and 3rd placed contributors respectively chosen by the Newsletter Sub-Committee. The winner and runners up in the competition will feature in the December issue of About Town. Competition Rules Staff, members and relatives of members of the Huntingdon Town Council will not be eligible to participate. Personal details must be clearly stated. Illegible entries will be disqualified. Entries must be received by the closing date. Only one entry per entrant is permitted. Proof of submission will not constitute proof of delivery and no responsibility will be accepted for lost, delayed or mislaid entries. In the event that the judges cannot agree on a winner, the Chairman will exercise a casting vote. No correspondence will be entered into. The decision of the judges shall be final and unchallengeable. Huntingdon Town Council reserves the right to publish or issue to the press the name of the winner and the winning entry. All entries shall be the property of Huntingdon Town Council and will not be returned. By entering the competition entrants are agreeing to abide by these rules and any conditions set out in the competition instructions. Winners will be notified by 2nd November 2009 0AGE $UCHESSOPENS 3AXONGATE 'OODBYE%MMA 0ERFORMING!RTS -AYORgS#HARITIES #HRISTMAS-ESSAGES -ALAWI%DUCATION,INK 0AGE ,OCKINGUP THE-AYOR (5-3ISYEARSOLD .EW(EADTEACHERAT3T0ETERgS (UNTINGDON/LYMPIC'YM 2IVERSIDE5SERS'ROUP &ORTHCOMINGEVENTS 10/11/06 23:19:09 ge won Mrs Claire Flynn’s ima s Christmas About Town’s “What doe ition” in 2008. mean to you Compet About Town Christmas covers from 2007 (top) and 2006. Fireworks 2009 What does Christmas mean to you Competition Please complete details in block capitals and return, with your artwork, by 17th October 2009 to Huntingdon Town Council Office, 1 Trinity Place, Huntingdon, Cambs PE29 3QA Title and full name: Full Address: Postcode: Telephone Number: Signatures: Additional Details: 20 about town 34 Master.indd 1 Oxmoor Community Action Group (OCAG) is preparing for this year’s Firework Display which will be held on Friday 6th November at Coneygear Park, the plans for this year started in January to raise funds for a display that complements the 15 years of Oxmoor Community Action Group. By popular demand we have brought back the colouring competition, which will be given out by the local schools, linking Fireworks and Apollo space mission 40th anniversary. There will be winners in three age groups, with runner-ups. Entry is free to the display but we would like your support so watch for the Firework Fund raisers and make this fun for everyone. Jill Tavener, Oxmoor Community Action Group About Town No 45. September 2009 Notes: Choir Picture low res Mayor's Charities young carer logo too small Huntingdonshire Community Group picture of awards poor 2nd earl of Huntingdon Pic very poor 50 for 50 initiative pics very poor Fireworks pic very poor