link to document - El Dorado County Transportation Commission
link to document - El Dorado County Transportation Commission
2016 El DORADO COUNTY REGIONAL TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM (RTIP) December 15, 2015 Prepared by: El Dorado County Transportation Commission 2828 Easy Street, Suite 1 Placerville, CA 95667 (530) 642-5260 Regional Transportation Improvement Program Template - Page 1 EL DORADO COUNTY TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION COMMISSIONERS Wendy Thomas, Chair .............. Placerville City Council Brian Veerkamp, Vice Chair ...... El Dorado County Supervisor, District 3 Patti Borelli................................ Placerville City Council John Clerici ............................... Placerville City Council Shiva Frentzen .......................... El Dorado County Supervisor, District 2 Ron “Mik” Mikulaco ................... El Dorado County Supervisor, District 1 Mike Ranalli .............................. El Dorado County Supervisor, District 4 Nieves Castro (non-voting) ....... Caltrans District 3 Vacant (non-voting) ................... South Lake Tahoe City Council EDCTC STAFF Sharon Scherzinger .................. Executive Director Jerry Barton .............................. Senior Transportation Planner Dan Bolster ............................... Senior Transportation Planner Woodrow Deloria ...................... Senior Transportation Planner Karen Thompson ...................... Administrative Services Officer Joni Rice ................................... Executive Assistant/Secretary to the Commission POLICY ADVISORY TEAM El Dorado County Transit Authority El Dorado Air quality Management District El Dorado County Community Development Agency Placerville Development and Engineering El Dorado County Transportation Commission TECHNICAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE (TAC) Caltrans, District 3 City of Placerville El Dorado County Air Quality Management District El Dorado County Community Development Agency, Long-Range Planning Division El Dorado County Community Development Agency Transportation Division El Dorado County Transit Authority El Dorado County Transportation Commission Sacramento Area Council of Governments SOCIAL SERVICES TRANSPORTATION ADVISORY COUNCIL (SSTAC) Consolidated Transportation Service Agency El Dorado County Transit Authority El Dorado County Transportation Commission Potential Transit User – 60 years or Older Potential Transit User – Commuter Potential Transit User – Handicapped Social Service Provider – Limited Means Social Service Provider – Handicapped Social Service Provider – Seniors Regional Transportation Improvement Program Template - Page 2 Table of Contents A. Overview and Schedule Section 1. Executive Summary ........................................................................................ 4 Section 2. General Information ........................................................................................ 5 Section 3. Background of Regional Transportation Improvement Program ...................... 5 Section 4. Completion of Prior RTIP Projects .................................................................. 6 Section 5. RTIP Outreach and Participation .................................................................... 7 B. 2016 STIP Regional Funding Request Section 6. 2016 STIP Regional Share and Request for Programming ............................. 8 Section 7. Outside Funding Sources included in RTIP .................................................... 9 Section 8. Interregional Improvement Program Funding ............................................... 10 Section 9. Projects Planned Within the Corridor ............................................................ 10 C. Relationship of RTIP to RTP/SCS and Benefits of RTIP Section 10. Regional Level Performance Evaluation ..................................................... 10 Section 11. Regional and Statewide Benefits of RTIP ................................................... 15 D. Performance and Effectiveness of RTIP Section 12. Evaluation of the Cost Effectiveness of the RTIP ........................................ 15 Section 13. Project Specific Evaluation ......................................................................... 18 E. Detailed Project Information Section 14. Overview of Projects Programmed with Regional Funding ......................... 18 F. Appendices Appendix A: 2016 EDCTC RTIP PROJECT PROGRAMMING REQUEST FORMS Appendix B: EDCTC 2016 RTIP Resolution Appendix C: Location Map and Project Illustration Regional Transportation Improvement Program Template - Page 3 A. OVERVIEW AND SCHEDULE Section 1. Executive Summary Executive Summary For the 2016 RTIP, EDCTC supports maintaining the existing programming level for the Western Placerville Interchanges (WPI) Phase 2 project. In the 2014 RTIP, the CTC approved a total of $5,542,000 for the WPI and $500,000 State Route 49 Bridge, South Fork American River in Coloma: Construction of Bicycle Pedestrian Components. No additional funding is being requested, only funding previously programmed to ensure the projects remain on schedule for completion. The Western Placerville Interchanges Phase 2 project Right-of-Way Certification and full plans, specifications, and estimates will be completed to allow the City of Placerville to submit the Request for Authorization to Caltrans in June 2016 two months in advance of the August 2016 CTC meeting. The State Route 49 Bridge, South Fork American River in Coloma: Construction of Bicycle Pedestrian Components – $500,000, as part of the 2014 STIP, will come to the Commission for an allocation in the late spring of 2016. Maintaining the current programming schedule and funding level will ensure the bike and pedestrian elements are finished in conjunction with the completion of the bridge project. Critical Reasons for Retaining Current Programming The project proposed in this 2016 RTIP is consistent with the 2015 El Dorado County Regional Transportation Plan (RTP) and Sacramento Area Council of Governments (SACOG) Metropolitan Transportation Plan/Sustainable Communities Strategies (MTP/SCS). Western Placerville Interchanges Project is planned for construction in coordination with a parkand-ride lot and Class I bike/ped path all of which is dependent on construction beginning in September of 2016. The Western Placerville Interchanges Project will support the construction of the $80 million Placerville Superior Court and justice center adjacent to the project which will serve as a primary employment and activity center for this area of El Dorado County. The following outlines the EDCTC 2016 RTIP Proposal: Western Placerville Interchanges Phase 2 Construction – Eastbound US 50 Off Ramp to Ray Lawyer Drive and Associated Improvements to Forni Road and Ray Lawyer Drive and Bicycle, Pedestrian, and Transit Facilities– $5,542,000 Retain Existing Programming Level of $5,542,000 in FY 2016/17 Other State and Local Funding Allocated $11,603,240 EDCTC Planning, Programming and Monitoring – $350,000 Program $70,000 for FY 2016/17, $70,000 for FY 2017/18, and $70,000 for FY 2018/19, Regional Transportation Improvement Program Template - Page 4 $70,000 for FY 2019/20 and $70,000 for FY 2020/21 for EDCTC Planning, Programming, and Monitoring activities. Section 2. General Information Insert contact information in the text fields below. - Regional Agency Name El Dorado County Transportation Commission - Agency website links for Regional Transportation Improvement Program (RTIP) and Regional Transportation Plan (RTP). (insert links below) - - - Regional Agency Website Link: RTIP document link: RTP link: Executive Director Contact Information Name Sharon Scherzinger Title Executive Director Email Telephone 530-642-5260 RTIP Staff Contact Information Name Woodrow Deloria Title Senior Transportation Planner Address 2828 Easy Street Suite 1 City/State Placerville, CA Zip Code 95667 Email Telephone 530-642-5263 Fax Click here to enter text. California Transportation Commission (CTC) Staff Contact Information Name Laurel Janssen Title Deputy Director Address 1120 N Street City/State Sacramento, CA Zip Code 95814 Email Telephone 916-654-4245 Fax 916-653-2134 Section 3. Background of Regional Transportation Improvement Program (RTIP) A. What is the Regional Transportation Improvement Program? The Regional Transportation Improvement Program (RTIP) is a program of highway, local road, transit, and active transportation projects that a region plans to fund with State and Federal revenue programmed by the California Transportation Commission in the State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP). The RTIP is developed biennially by the regions and is due to the Commission by December 15 of every odd numbered year. The program of projects in the RTIP is a subset of projects in the Regional Transportation Plan (RTP), a federally mandated master transportation plan which guides a region’s transportation investments over a 20 to 25 Regional Transportation Improvement Program Template - Page 5 year period. The RTP is based on all reasonably anticipated funding, including federal, state and local sources. Updated every 4 to 5 years, the RTP is developed through an extensive public participation process in the region and reflects the unique mobility, sustainability, and air quality needs of each region and is consistent with the SACOG MTP/SCS. B. Regional Agency’s Historical and Current Approach to developing the RTIP Provide narrative on your historical and current approach to developing the RTIP in the text field below: The primary planning document which guides transportation planning, investment priorities, and ultimately delivery is the RTP, updated every five years. The RTP illustrates the regional transportation goals, objectives, policies, and performance measures within a fiscally constrained framework of short term and long term transportation projects and programs. EDCTC staff works very closely with the City of Placerville, El Dorado County, El Dorado Transit, Shingle Springs Band of Miwok Indians, Caltrans, Air District, Public Health, and SACOG in the development of the RTP. We also have a RTP Advisory Committee that includes representatives from the agritourism industry, transit advisory group, police and fire, building, youth, Chamber of Commerce, Cameron Park CSD, Tax Payers Association, education, Tahoe Transportation District, TMPO, El Dorado Hills CSD, airport, pedestrian and bicycle advocates, SAGE, elderly, El Dorado Community Foundation, County Parks and Trails, and trucking industry. In preparation for each RTIP cycle, EDCTC staff works with these partner agencies and groups to prioritize projects, included within the current RTP, for consideration in the RTIP. This efforts has included numerous public hearings held during RTP updates as well as public forum during Draft 2016 RTIP presentation to the EDCTC Board. Many of the projects submitted in a RTIP have been part of an ongoing planning process, as outlined, dating back over multiple RTP cycles. For example, the Western Placerville Interchanges Project dates back prior to the 2000 RTP process. Section 4. Completion of Prior RTIP Projects (Required per Section 68) Provide narrative on projects completed between the adoption of the 2016 RTIP and the adoption of the previous 2014 RTIP in text field below as is required per Section 68 of the STIP Guidelines. El Dorado Trail Class I Bike Path, City of Placerville: Forni Road/Lower Main Street to Ray Lawyer Drive – $250,000 Completed May 2015. EDCTC and partner agencies have been moving forward with engineering design and approval documents on time and within budget since approval of this programming during the 2014 RTIP. Insert project information for completed projects in table below. Project Name and Location El Dorado Trail Class I Bike Path, City of Description Class I Bike Path from Forni Road/Lower Main Street to Ray Lawyer Drive – $250,000 Summary of Improvements/Benefits Completion of approximately one mile of Class I Bike Path Regional Transportation Improvement Program Template - Page 6 Placerville connecting the commercial core and employment center reducing GHG and improving active transportation options. State Route 49 Bridge Replacement, South Fork American River in Coloma: Construction of Bicycle Pedestrian Components – $500,000 Allocation Spring 2016. This project is the bicycle and pedestrian component of a Caltrans SR 49 Bridge seismic retrofit project. SHOPP funding is $9,100,000 for the bridge replacement. Maintaining the current STIP programming level of $500,000 for this project in the Allocation Plan will ensure the bike and pedestrian elements are finished in conjunction with the completion of the bridge project. Project Name and Location State Route 49 Bridge Replacement, South Fork American River in Coloma: Construction of Bicycle and Pedestrian Components Description Construction of Bicycle and Pedestrian Components Summary of Improvements/Benefits The bike/ped project connects the commercial, recreation and residential areas of Coloma, Lotus and Marshall State Park. This project provides active transportation options, decreases GHG and increases safety. Section 5. RTIP Outreach and Participation Insert dates below – Regional agencies can add rows to the schedule – Rows included below should remain for consistency. A. RTIP Development and Approval Schedule Action EDCTC Adopts 2015 RTP (Including Public Hearings/EIR) CTC adopts Fund Estimate and Guidelines Caltrans identifies State Highway Needs EDCTC Technical Advisory Committee Meeting Review Draft 2016 RTIP EDCTC approves Draft 2016 RTIP EDCTC Technical Advisory Committee Meeting Review Final 2016 RTIP EDCTC adopts 2016 RTIP Caltrans submits draft ITIP CTC ITIP Hearing, North CTC ITIP Hearing, South Regions submit RTIP to CTC Caltrans submits ITIP to CTC CTC STIP Hearing Date – North Hearing CTC STIP Hearing Date – South Hearing CTC publishes staff recommendations CTC Adopts 2016 STIP Date September 3, 2015 August 27, 2015 September 15, 2015 October 26, 2015 November 5, 2015 November 23, 2015 December 3, 2015 October 15, 2015 October 28, 2015 November 4, 2015 December 15, 2015 December 15, 2015 January 21, 2016 January 26, 2016 February 19, 2016 March 16-17, 2016 Regional Transportation Improvement Program Template - Page 7 B. Public Participation/Project Selection Process Provide narrative on your agency’s public participation process and project selection process for your RTIP in the text field below. EDCTC has followed the same process as outlined in the historical RTIP process discussed in Section 3.B of this template. Projects included in the 2016 RTIP were vetted through a public and stakeholder process. Each project was prioritized and selected through the EDCTC Technical Advisory Committee as well as public and stakeholder input. The 2005, 2010, and 2015 RTPs involved the City of Placerville, El Dorado County, El Dorado Transit, Shingle Springs Band of Miwok Indians, Caltrans, Air District, Public Health, and SACOG in the ultimate development of the 2016 RTIP. We also have a RTP Advisory Committee that includes representatives from the agritourism industry, transit advisory group, police and fire, building, youth, Chamber of Commerce, Cameron Park CSD, Tax Payers Association, education, Tahoe Transportation District, TMPO, El Dorado Hills CSD, airport, pedestrian and bicycle advocates, SAGE, elderly, El Dorado Community Foundation, Parks and Trails, and trucking industry. In preparation for each RTIP cycle, EDCTC staff works with these partner agencies and groups to prioritize projects, included within the current 2015 RTP, for consideration in the 2016 RTIP. This efforts has included numerous public hearings held during RTP update as well as public forum during Draft 2016 RTIP presentation to the EDCTC Board. EDCTC staff worked very closely with Caltrans, the City of Placerville, and El Dorado County staff to prioritize and select the 2016 RTIP projects for consideration by the public and approval of the EDCTC Board. C. Consultation with Caltrans District (Required per Section 17) Insert the Caltrans District Number in the text field below. Caltrans District: 3 Provide narrative on consultation with Caltrans District staff in the text field below as is required per Section 17 of the STIP Guidelines. Caltrans serves as a partner member of the EDCTC Technical Advisory Committee and the RTP Advisory Committee each of which were heavily involved with the project. EDCTC has worked extensively with Caltrans District 3 staff on the Western Placerville Interchanges project. Caltrans serves as a member of the Project Development Team, as well as the approving entity for the Project Study Report and supplemental EIR. B. 2016 STIP Regional Funding Request Section 6. 2016 STIP Regional Share and Request for Programming Per the STIP Guidelines, the 2016 Fund Estimate indicates that the STIP is already fully programmed for the entire five years of the 2016 STIP. This is due primarily to the decrease in the price based excise tax. Projects currently programmed in the STIP will need to be reprogrammed into later years. The CTC will not be providing regional shares for the 2016 STIP. Regional Transportation Improvement Program Template - Page 8 A. 2016 Regional Fund Share Per 2016 STIP Fund Estimate Insert your agency’s target share per the STIP Fund Estimate in the text field below. Not applicable for the 2016 STIP Period due to the lack of funding available for programming. EDCTC is requesting to retain existing 2014 RTIP programming in order to be successful in the delivery of the proposed projects and leverage existing funding and partnerships. B. Summary of Requested Programming – Insert information in table below Project Name and Location Project Description Western Placerville Interchanges Phase 2 Eastbound US 50 Off Ramp to Ray Lawyer Drive and associated improvements to Forni Road, Ray Lawyer Drive and bicycle, pedestrian, and transit facilities Planning, Programming, and Monitoring Efforts EDCTC Planning, Programming and Monitoring Requested RIP Amount $5,542,000 Existing 2014 STIP Programming $350,000 ($70K/year) Section 7. Overview of other funding included with delivery of Regional Improvement Program (RIP) projects. Provide narrative on other funding included with the delivery of projects included in your RTIP. Insert information in the table below. Western Placerville Interchanges Project Phase 2 In December of 2013, EDCTC submitted the Regional Transportation Improvement Program (RTIP) to the California Transportation Commission, including $5,542,000 State Transportation Improvement Program funds for Phase 2 of the Western Placerville Interchanges Project. The funding is programmed in fiscal year 2016/17, and construction is anticipated to begin during that fiscal year. The project phases are currently being designed with SAFETEA-LU and Appropriations funds programmed to the Western Placerville Interchanges project. On March 6, 2014, EDCTC programmed $1,100,000 in CMAQ funds to this project to support the construction of bicycle and pedestrian elements including a Class I Bike Path from Ray Lawyer Drive to connect with the existing trail segment at Forni Road. Additionally Public Transportation Modernization, Improvement, and Service Enhancement funding in the amount of $1.3 million is being utilized to construct a Park-and-Ride Lot/Transit Center to support transit service. The Western Placerville Interchanges RTIP funded project also is necessary as access to a new courthouse that is funded with $80 million in Department of Justice funding (Please see attached site plan). Regional Transportation Improvement Program Template - Page 9 Section 8. Interregional Improvement Program (ITIP) Funding – OPTIONAL The purpose of the Interregional Transportation Improvement Program (ITIP) is to improve interregional mobility for people and goods in the State of California. As an interregional program the ITIP is focused on increasing the throughput for highway and rail corridors of strategic importance outside the urbanized areas of the state. A sound transportation network between and connecting urbanized areas ports and borders is vital to the state’s economic vitality. The ITIP is prepared in accordance with Government Code Section 14526, Streets and Highways Code Section 164 and the STIP Guidelines. The ITIP is a five-year program managed by Caltrans and funded with 25% of new STIP revenues in each cycle. Developed in cooperation with regional transportation planning agencies to ensure an integrated transportation program, the ITIP promotes the goal of improving interregional mobility and connectivity across California. If requesting ITIP funding, provide narrative on your request in the text field below. N/A Section 9. Projects Planned Within the Corridor (Required per Section 20) Provide a description of the project’s impact on other projects planned or underway within the corridor as required per Section 20 of the STIP Guidelines. N/A C. Relationship of RTIP to RTP/SCS/APS and Benefits of RTIP Section 10. Regional Level Performance Evaluation (per Section 19A of the guidelines) Provide an evaluation of system performance and how your RTIP furthers the goals of the region’s RTP, and if applicable, your Sustainable Communities Strategy as required per Section 19A of the STIP Guidelines. Each region that is a Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) or within an MPO shall include an evaluation of overall (RTP level) performance using, as a baseline, the region’s existing monitored data. To the extent relevant data and tools area available, the performance measures listed in Table B1 below may be reported. Regions outside a MPO shall include any of the measures listed in Table B1 (below) that the region currently monitors. A region outside a MPO (or a small MPO) may request, and Caltrans shall provide, data on these measures relative to the state transportation system in that region. As an alternative, a region outside a MPO (or a small MPO) may use the Performance Monitoring Indicators identified in the Rural Counties Task Force’s Rural and Small Urban Transportation Planning study dated June 3, 2015. These include: Total Accident Cost, Total Transit Operating Cost per Revenue Mile, Total Distressed Lane Miles, and Land Use Efficiency (total developed land in acres per population). The evaluation of overall performance shall include a qualitative or quantitative assessment of how effective the RTIP or the ITIP is in addressing or achieving the goals, objectives and Regional Transportation Improvement Program Template - Page 10 standards which correspond to the relevant horizon years within the region’s RTP or Caltrans ITSP that covers the five-year STIP period. Caltrans’ evaluation of the ITIP shall also address ITIP consistency with the RTPs. In addition, each region with an adopted sustainable communities strategy (SCS) or Alternate Planning Scenario (APS) shall include a discussion of how the RTIP relates to its SCS or APS. This will include a quantitative or qualitative assessment of how the RTIP will facilitate implementation of the SCS or APS and also identify any challenges the region is facing in implementing its SCS or APS. In a region served by a multi-county transportation planning organization, the report shall address the portion of the SCS or APS relevant to that region. As part of this discussion, each region shall identify any proposed or current STIP projects that are exempt from SB 375. Regional Level Performance Indicators and Measures (per Appendix B of the STIP Guidelines). Use the following table B1 to indicate quantitatively the overall regional level performance of your Regional Transportation Plan (RTP). For regions outside a MPO, a second table B1(a) may be used in addition or as a replacement to B1. Table B1(a) is included on the next page. Table B1 Evaluation – Regional Level Performance Indicators and Measures Goal Indicator/Measure Current System Projected System Performance Performance (Baseline) (indicate timeframe) Congestion Vehicle Miles Traveled 37.6 TBD Reduction (VMT) per capita. Percent of congested N/A N/A VMT (at or below 35 mph) Commute mode share 79% Single/Vehicle TBD (travel to work or school) 10% Carpool 2.05% Transit 8.95% Other Infrastructure Condition Percent of distressed state highway lane-miles Pavement Condition Index (local streets and roads) Percent of highway bridge lane-miles in need of replacement or rehabilitation (sufficiency rating of 80 or below) Percent of transit assets that have surpassed the FTA useful life period 27% (US Hwy 50) 65 TBD 71% N/A N/A N/A N/A Regional Transportation Improvement Program Template - Page 11 System Reliability Safety Economic Vitality Environmental Sustainability Highway Buffer Index (the extra time cushion that most travelers add to their average travel time when planning trips to ensure on-time arrival) Fatalities and serious injuries per capita Fatalities and serious injuries per VMT Percent of housing and jobs within 0.5 miles of transit stops with frequent transit service Mean commute travel time (to work or school) Change in acres of agricultural land CO2 emissions reduction per capita N/A N/A 0 0 0 0 No change No change 71.5 TBD 0 0 .34 lbs TBD Table B1(a) Evaluation Rural Specific Regional Level Performance Indicators and Measures Goal Indicator/Measure Current System Projected Performance System (Baseline) Performance (indicate timeframe) Congestion/ Vehicle Miles Traveled per capita, Delay/ area, by facility ownership, and/or VMT local vs tourist Peak Volume/Capacity Ratio or Thresholds (threshold volumes based on HCM 2010) Mode Share/Split Journey to Work, Work Trips/commute (drive alone, carpool, transit, bike/walk (A18) Safety Total Accident Cost per capita, per VMT Transit Total operating cost per revenue mile Infrastructure Distressed lane-miles, total and Condition percent, by jurisdiction Pavement Condition Index (local streets and roads) Land Use Land Use Efficiency (total developed land/population and rate of urbanization over time. Also, farmland conversion) Regional Transportation Improvement Program Template - Page 12 If Part A tables B1 and/or B1(a) are insufficient in indicating how progress towards attaining goals and objectives contained in each RTP is assessed and measured, include the following information: • List your performance measures. • Provide a quantitative and/or qualitative analysis (include baseline measurement and projected program or project impact). • State the reason(s) why selected performance measure or measures are accurate and useful in measuring performance. Please be specific. • Identify any and all deficiencies encountered in as much detail as possible For qualitative explanations, state how progress towards attaining goals and objectives contained in each RTP is assessed and measured. EDCTC is not subject to requirements for the development of an SCS as a member agency within the SACOG region. Consequently, EDCTC relies on the SACOG MTP/SCS to perform regional air quality conformity analysis and determination as required under SB 375. However, EDCTC has provided a matrix to illustrate how the 2016 RTIP will achieve the goals and objectives of the 2015-2035 El Dorado County Regional Transportation Plan. The matrix illustrates each goal/objective that will be addressed with those capital projects included in the 2016 RTIP in relation to the Performance Measures that will be utilized toward the achievement of those relevant goals/objectives. In order to provide a qualitative performance evaluation the following discussion provides an overview of how the capital projects included in the 2016 RTIP will be monitored with respect to each broad performance measure category. Each performance measure category has multiple detailed performance measures that will be reviewed in greater detail for performance evaluation analysis. Those detailed performance measures are also shown in the RTP performance measure matrix previously discussed and attached below. EDCTC has and will continue to work with SACOG and other regional partners to establish baseline data and monitor performance of the system as projects are delivered. Both projects are consistent with the SACOG MTP/SCS greenhouse gas emission reduction targets. The performance measures contained within the current RTP which are relevant to the 2016 RTIP projects are listed in the attached matrix below. El Dorado County Regional Transportation Plan 2015-2035 Qualitative Performance Indicators and Measures (PM) Utilized for Capital Projects within the 2016 RTIP PM: Congestion Reduction Baseline: Currently no transit or bike/pedestrian facilities are located within the limits of the 2016 RTIP project. Furthermore, all intersections in the vicinity of the Western Placerville Interchanges project operate with severe congestion during both the AM and PM peak hours, resulting in congestion on US 50 from backups at the off-ramp intersections. Post Project: The project will increase or create all together new access to transit and active transportation modes thusly reducing VMT per capita in the region. The Western Placerville Interchanges project includes a class I bike path and a park-and-ride lot to support El Dorado Transit commuter and other services. The project will also reduce Regional Transportation Improvement Program Template - Page 13 congestion, improve travel times, and decrease travel time variability. The project will support peak hour capacity and improve Level of Service (LOS) at each of the four intersections. PM: Reliability Baseline: All intersections in the vicinity of the Western Placerville Interchanges project operate with severe congestion during both the AM and PM peak hours, resulting in congestion on US 50 from backups at the off-ramp intersections. El Dorado Transit service currently operates in a park-and-ride lot which is subject to this congestion resulting in lessor levels of highway and transit reliability. Post Project: Relocating the park-and-ride lot in a more efficient area adjacent the interchange and the interchange improvements will increase highway and transit time reliability. PM: Economic Vitality Baseline: The Western Placerville Interchange project area is near a large employment center which has limited east-west access via US Hwy 50 and limited bicycle and pedestrian facilities supporting the employment center connectivity to Downtown Placerville. Post Project: The project, bicycle/ped, park-and-ride lot and transit facilities provide access to Placerville’s historic downtown and government center. The Western Placerville Interchanges project will improve mobility and efficiency of the transportation system through increased connectivity to planned development of employment and commercial centers. The project will create access to services and amenities for the approximately 500 employees of the existing El Dorado County Government Center as well as the anticipated 279 Justice Center Court staff and18 judicial positions. PM: Location Efficiency Baseline: The Western Placerville Interchange project area is near a large employment center which has limited east-west access via US Hwy 50. Post Project: The Western Placerville Interchanges project will improve multi-modal mobility and efficiency of the transportation system through increased connectivity to planned development of employment and commercial centers. The project will improve access to services and amenities for the approximately 500 employees of the existing El Dorado County Government Center as well as the anticipated 279 Justice Center Court staff and 18 judicial positions. Furthermore, the project will keep courthouse and government center activities near downtown Placerville and offer multi-modal connections between downtown and the employment centers. PM: Reliable Mobility Baseline: The existing Western Placerville Interchange does not have sufficient capacity to accommodate peak hour traffic volumes. Each of the four intersections associated with the Western Placerville Interchanges project will experience LOS F conditions during peak hours in the design year 2035. Post Project: The project will reduce congestion, improve travel times, and decrease travel time variability. The project will support peak hour capacity and improve Level of Regional Transportation Improvement Program Template - Page 14 Service (LOS) at each of the four intersections. Improved multi-modal transportation opportunities including better bike and pedestrian connections to transit will improve mobility of the local community. PM: Health and Safety Baseline: US 50 between the Placerville Drive/US 50 Overcrossing and the Ray Lawyer Drive Overcrossing experiences accident rates at or above the statewide average for westbound traffic and higher than average accident rates for eastbound traffic. Furthermore, limited bicycle and pedestrian access is located in the vicinity of Western Placerville Interchanges project. Post Project: The project will relieve congestion from the Western Placerville Interchanges and ultimately will improve congestion related traffic safety on mainline US 50 at and near the interchange with the construction of the Class I bike path. The Western Placerville Interchanges project will encourage transit with the development of the transit and parkand-ride facilities. PM: Environmental Stewardship Baseline: Congestion, high VMT, and limited multi-modal access and opportunity contribute to higher levels of vehicle emissions than are desired for the region. Post Project: The 2016 RTIP includes bike/pedestrian and transit facilities which will improve emissions and reduce greenhouse gasses. Furthermore, the improvements to the Western Placerville Interchange will improve operations on US Hwy 50 and surface streets in the area as well as improve transit service and throughput, all of which will reduce emissions. Section 11. Regional and Statewide Benefits of RTIP Provide qualitative narrative on the Regional and Statewide benefits of RTIP in text field below. The 2016 RTIP for El Dorado County will provide the following regional and interregional transportation benefits. - - Provide improved access to and from a primary employment center via US Hwy 50 Create a new park-and-ride and transit center facility to offer modal choices to employees and other residents Build upon a growing active transportation system by creating new Class I and II bicycle routes as well as sidewalks and pedestrian amenities connecting primary government, employment, and commercial centers Reduce congestion and potential for accidents and delay by constructing a US Hwy 50 ramp and improving access to active transportation and transit Improve system performance and reduce VMT to contribute to the emissions reductions targets desired for the region and the state D. Performance and Effectiveness of RTIP Regional Transportation Improvement Program Template - Page 15 Section 12. Evaluation of Cost Effectiveness of RTIP (Required per Section 19) Per Section 19B and Appendices B of the STIP Guidelines, regions shall, if appropriate and to the extent necessary data and tools are available, use the performance measures in Table B2 below to evaluate cost-effectiveness of projects proposed in the STIP on a regional level. EDCTC does not have the data or tools necessary to execute this effort at this time. However, the current RTP does include the development of performance measures that will, once baseline data is established, be applied to this analysis. Table B2 Evaluation Cost-Effectiveness Indicators and Measures Goal Indicator/Measure Current Projected Level of Performance Performance Improvement (Baseline) (indicate timeframe) Congestion Reduce Vehicle Reduction Miles Traveled Reduce Percent of congested VMT (at or below 35 mph) Change in commute mode share (travel to work or school) Infrastructure Reduce percent of Condition distressed state highway lane-miles Improve Pavement Condition Index (local streets and roads) Reduce percent of highway bridge lane-miles in need of replacement or rehabilitation (sufficiency rating of 80 or below) Reduce percent of transit assets that have surpassed the FTA useful life period System Reduce Highway Reliability Buffer Index (the time cushion added to the average commute Regional Transportation Improvement Program Template - Page 16 travel times to ensure on-time arrival). Safety Reduce fatalities and serious injuries per capita Reduce fatalities and serious injuries per VMT Economic Increase percent of Vitality housing and jobs within 0.5 miles of transit stops with frequent transit service Reduce mean commute travel time (to work or school) Environmental Change in acres of Sustainability agricultural land CO2 emissions reduction per capita Table B2(a) Evaluation Rural Specific Cost Effectiveness Indicators and Measures Goal Indicator/Measure Current System Projected Performance Performance (Baseline) (indicate timeframe) Congestion/ Change in VMT Delay/ Change in peak volumes VMT Change in delay Mode Share/Split Safety Transit Infrastructure Condition Land Use Change in Mode Share/Split Change in accident cost per capita and accident cost per VMT Change in cost per revenue mile Change percent of distressed lane-miles Change Pavement Condition Index (local streets and roads) Change in percentage of developed land/population. Reduction in farmland conversion. Regional Transportation Improvement Program Template - Page 17 Section 13. Project Specific Evaluation (Required per Section 19) Each RTIP shall include a project specific benefit evaluation for each new project proposed that addresses the changes to the built environment, including, but limited to the items listed on page 9 of the STIP Guidelines. A project level evaluation shall be submitted for projects for which construction is proposed if: - The total amount of existing and proposed STIP for right-of-way and/or construction of the project is $15 million or greater, or (N/A) The total project cost is $50 million or greater. (N/A) The project level benefit evaluation shall include a Caltrans generated benefit/cost estimate, including life cycle costs for projects proposed in the ITIP. For the RTIP, the regions may choose between the Caltrans estimate and their own estimate (explain why the Caltrans estimate was not used). The project level benefit evaluation must explain how the project is consistent with Executive Order B-30-15 (Climate Change). The STIP Guidelines state that this evaluation should be included in the PPRs (Section 15 of the RTIP Template). Detailed Project Information Section 14. Overview of projects programmed with RIP funding Provide summary of projects programmed with RIP funding including maps in the text field below as required per Section 19 of the STIP Guidelines. Western Placerville Interchanges Phase 2 Construction – Eastbound US 50 Off Ramp to Ray Lawyer Drive and Associated Improvements to Forni Road and Ray Lawyer Drive and Bike, Pedestrian, and Transit Facilities – $5,542,000 Retain Existing Programming Level of $5,542,000 in FY 2016/17. EDCTC Planning, Programming and Monitoring – $350,000 Program $70,000 for FY 2016/17, $70,000 for FY 2017/18, and $70,000 for FY 2018/19, $70,000 for FY 2019/20 and $70,000 for FY 2020/21 for EDCTC Planning, Programming, and Monitoring activities. A location map and phasing plans for the project included in the 2016 RTIP are in Appendix C. The EDCTC 2016 RTIP Project Totals table below illustrates the schedule requested for programming. Regional Transportation Improvement Program Template - Page 18 Proposed Projects Western Placerville Interchanges EDCTC TOTAL EDCTC 2016 RTIP Project Totals by Fiscal Year Programming Schedule 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 Eastbound US 50 off ramp to Ray Lawyer Drive and associated improvements to Forni Road, Ray Lawyer Drive and bike/ped facilities Planning, Programming, and Monitoring 2019/20 $5,542,000 Total $5,542,000 $70,000 $70,000 $70,000 $70,000 $70,000 $350,000 $70,000 $5,612,000 $70,000 $70,000 $70,000 $5,892,000 Regional Transportation Improvement Program Template - Page 19 APPENDIX A 2016 EDCTC RTIP PROJECT PROGRAMMING REQUEST FORMS 1) Western Placerville Interchanges; Construction – Eastbound US 50 off ramp to Ray Lawyer Drive and Associated Improvements to Forni Road, Ray Lawyer Drive and Bicycle and Pedestrian Facilities 2) El Dorado County Transportation Commission; Planning, Programming, and Monitoring Regional Transportation Improvement Program Template - Page 20 STATE OF CALIFORNIA ● DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION PROJECT PROGRAMMING REQUEST DTP-0001 (Revised September 2013) General Instructions Amendment (Existing Project) District EA 03 County Route/Corridor ED 50 Project Manager/Contact Date: Project ID PM Bk PM Ahd 16.5 16.5 Phone PPNO 1217A MPO ID 10/1/15 TCRP No. Project Sponsor/Lead Agency City of Placerville MPO Element SACOG CO E-mail Address Rebecca Neves (530)642-5529 Project Title Western Placerville Interchanges Phase 2 Location, Project Limits, Description, Scope of Work In the City of Placerville, on US 50 at Ray Lawer Drive. Upgrade Interchange. Construct Eastbound US 50 offramp and associated improvements to Forni Road and Ray Lawyer Drive. Includes ADA Improvements Includes Bike/Ped Improvements Implementing Agency Component City of Placerville PA&ED City of Placerville PS&E City of Placerville Right of Way City of Placerville Construction Purpose and Need The purpose of the project is to relieve congestion, improve traffic operations and accommodate projected 20year increases in traffic volumes at the Forni Road/Placerville Drive/US 50 Interchange through the provision of new on- and off-ramps at the existing Ray Lawyer Drive Overcrossing. Currently, all intersections in the vicinity of the Forni Road/Placerville Drive/US 50 interchange operate with severe congestion during both the AM and PM peak hours, resulting in congestion on US 50 from backups atthe off-ramp intersections. The project area's non-standard roadway geometrics and lack of alternative routes cause congestion and reduce traffic safety for vehicle, bicycle and pedestrian travel. Project Benefits Supports Sustainable Communities Strategy (SCS) Goals Reduces Greenhouse Gas Emissions Existing Proposed Project Milestone Project Study Report Approved Begin Environmental (PA&ED) Phase / / Circulate Draft Environmental Document / / Document Type EIR / / Draft Project Report End Environmental Phase (PA&ED Milestone) 11/01/05 Begin Design (PS&E) Phase 09/01/12 End Design Phase (Ready to List for Advertisement Milestone) 01/01/15 Begin Right of Way Phase 01/01/15 End Right of Way Phase (Right of Way Certification Milestone) 06/15/15 Begin Construction Phase (Contract Award Milestone) 07/15/16 End Construction Phase (Construction Contract Acceptance Milestone) 12/01/16 Begin Closeout Phase 01/15/16 End Closeout Phase (Closeout Report) 02/15/17 ADA Notice For individuals with sensory disabilities, this document is available in alternate formats. For information call (916) 654-6410 or TDD (916) 654-3880 or write Records and Forms Management, 1120 N Street, MS-89, Sacramento, CA 95814. STATE OF CALIFORNIA ● DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION PROJECT PROGRAMMING REQUEST DTP-0001 (Revised September 2013) Date: Additional Information ADA Notice For individuals with sensory disabilities, this document is available in alternate formats. For information call (916) 654-6410 or TDD (916) 654-3880 or write Records and Forms Management, 1120 N Street, MS-89, Sacramento, CA 95814. 10/1/15 STATE OF CALIFORNIA ● DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION PROJECT PROGRAMMING REQUEST DTP-0001 (Revised September 2013) District 03 Project Title: County ED , , Date: Route 50, , EA Project ID PPNO 1217A 10/1/15 TCRP No. Western Placerville Interchanges Phase 2 Existing Total Project Cost ($1,000s) Component E&P (PA&ED) PS&E Prior 16/17 17/18 18/19 19/20 20/21 21/22+ 123 1,840 Total Implementing Agency 123 City of Placerville 1,840 City of Placerville City of Placerville R/W SUP (CT) City of Placerville CON SUP (CT) R/W CON TOTAL 5,542 100 City of Placerville 5,542 City of Placerville 5,542 7,605 100 2,063 Proposed Total Project Cost ($1,000s) E&P (PA&ED) PS&E Notes 123 123 1,840 1,840 R/W SUP (CT) CON SUP (CT) R/W 100 CON TOTAL Fund No. 1: 2,063 100 5,542 5,542 5,542 7,605 RIP - National Hwy System (NH) Program Code 20.XX.075.600 Existing Funding ($1,000s) Component Prior 16/17 17/18 18/19 19/20 20/21 21/22+ Total Funding Agency El Dorado Local Transportation Com E&P (PA&ED) PS&E R/W SUP (CT) CON SUP (CT) R/W CON 5,542 TOTAL 5,542 5,542 5,542 Proposed Funding ($1,000s) Notes E&P (PA&ED) PS&E R/W SUP (CT) CON SUP (CT) R/W CON 5,542 5,542 TOTAL 5,542 5,542 Fund No. 2: Other State - State Cash (ST-CASH) Program Code 20.XX.800.200 Existing Funding ($1,000s) Component E&P (PA&ED) Prior 123 16/17 17/18 18/19 19/20 20/21 21/22+ Total 123 Funding Agency PS&E R/W SUP (CT) CON SUP (CT) R/W CON TOTAL 123 123 Proposed Funding ($1,000s) E&P (PA&ED) Notes 123 123 123 123 PS&E R/W SUP (CT) CON SUP (CT) R/W CON TOTAL STATE OF CALIFORNIA ● DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION PROJECT PROGRAMMING REQUEST DTP-0001 (Revised September 2013) District 03 Project Title: Fund No. 3: County ED , , Date: Route 50, , EA Project ID PPNO 1217A TCRP No. Western Placerville Interchanges Phase 2 Demo - Demonstration-State TEA21 (DEMOS21) Program Code Existing Funding ($1,000s) Component 10/1/15 Prior 16/17 17/18 18/19 19/20 20/21 21/22+ Total Funding Agency E&P (PA&ED) PS&E 1,840 1,840 100 100 R/W SUP (CT) CON SUP (CT) R/W CON TOTAL 1,940 1,940 Proposed Funding ($1,000s) Notes E&P (PA&ED) PS&E 1,840 1,840 100 100 1,940 1,940 R/W SUP (CT) CON SUP (CT) R/W CON TOTAL Program Code Fund No. 4: Existing Funding ($1,000s) Component Prior 16/17 17/18 18/19 19/20 20/21 21/22+ Total Funding Agency E&P (PA&ED) PS&E R/W SUP (CT) CON SUP (CT) R/W CON TOTAL Proposed Funding ($1,000s) Notes E&P (PA&ED) PS&E R/W SUP (CT) CON SUP (CT) R/W CON TOTAL Program Code Fund No. 5: Existing Funding ($1,000s) Component Prior 16/17 17/18 18/19 19/20 20/21 21/22+ Total Funding Agency E&P (PA&ED) PS&E R/W SUP (CT) CON SUP (CT) R/W CON TOTAL Proposed Funding ($1,000s) E&P (PA&ED) PS&E R/W SUP (CT) CON SUP (CT) R/W CON TOTAL Notes STATE OF CALIFORNIA ● DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION PROJECT PROGRAMMING REQUEST DTP-0001 (Revised September 2013) Complete this page for amendments only District 03 County ED Route 50 Date: EA Project ID PPNO 1217A 10/1/15 TCRP No. SECTION 1 - All Projects Project Background Programming Change Requested Reason for Proposed Change If proposed change will delay one or more components, clearly explain 1) reason the delay, 2) cost increase related to the delay, and 3) how cost increase will be funded Other Significant Information SECTION 2 - For TCRP Projects Only Alternative Project Request (Please follow Instructions at Letter of No Prejudice (LONP) (Please follow Guidelines at SECTION 3 - All Projects Approvals I hereby certify that the above information is complete and accurate and all approvals have been obtained for the processing of this amendment request.* Name (Print or Type) Signature Title Date Attachments 1) Concurrence from Implementing Agency and/or Regional Transportation Planning Agency 2) Project Location Map STATE OF CALIFORNIA ● DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION PROJECT PROGRAMMING REQUEST DTP-0001 (Revised September 2013) General Instructions Amendment (Existing Project) District EA Project ID 03 0312000299 County Route/Corridor PM Bk PM Ahd ED Project Manager/Contact 9/16/13 TCRP No. Date: PPNO 0L14 Phone (530)642-5260 Sharon Scherzinger Project Title Planning, Programming and Monitoring Location, Project Limits, Description, Scope of Work Planning, programming and monitoring MPO ID ELD15710 Project Sponsor/Lead Agency El Dorado Local Transportation Commission MPO Element SACOG LA E-mail Address Includes ADA Improvements Includes Bike/Ped Improvements Implementing Agency Component Caltrans PA&ED Caltrans PS&E Caltrans Right of Way El Dorado Local Transportation Commission Construction Purpose and Need Funding for eligible Planning, Programming, and Monitoring (PPM) activities. Project Benefits Supports Sustainable Communities Strategy (SCS) Goals Reduces Greenhouse Gas Emissions Project Milestone Existing Proposed Project Study Report Approved Begin Environmental (PA&ED) Phase Circulate Draft Environmental Document Document Type Draft Project Report End Environmental Phase (PA&ED Milestone) Begin Design (PS&E) Phase End Design Phase (Ready to List for Advertisement Milestone) Begin Right of Way Phase End Right of Way Phase (Right of Way Certification Milestone) Begin Construction Phase (Contract Award Milestone) End Construction Phase (Construction Contract Acceptance Milestone) Begin Closeout Phase End Closeout Phase (Closeout Report) ADA Notice For individuals with sensory disabilities, this document is available in alternate formats. For information call (916) 654-6410 or TDD (916) 654-3880 or write Records and Forms Management, 1120 N Street, MS-89, Sacramento, CA 95814. STATE OF CALIFORNIA ● DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION PROJECT PROGRAMMING REQUEST DTP-0001 (Revised September 2013) Date: Additional Information ADA Notice For individuals with sensory disabilities, this document is available in alternate formats. For information call (916) 654-6410 or TDD (916) 654-3880 or write Records and Forms Management, 1120 N Street, MS-89, Sacramento, CA 95814. 9/16/13 STATE OF CALIFORNIA ● DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION PROJECT PROGRAMMING REQUEST DTP-0001 (Revised September 2013) District 03 Project Title: Date: County ED , , Route , , EA Project ID 0312000299 PPNO 0L14 9/16/13 TCRP No. Planning, Programming and Monitoring Existing Total Project Cost ($1,000s) Component Prior 14/15 15/16 16/17 17/18 18/19 19/20+ Total E&P (PA&ED) Implementing Agency Caltrans PS&E Caltrans R/W SUP (CT) Caltrans CON SUP (CT) El Dorado Local Transportation Caltrans R/W CON 1,942 TOTAL 1,942 69 140 2,151 El Dorado Local Transportation 69 140 2,151 Proposed Total Project Cost ($1,000s) Notes Spread the total $350,000 over the five year 2016 STIP. E&P (PA&ED) PS&E R/W SUP (CT) CON SUP (CT) R/W CON 1,942 70 70 70 70 70 2,292 TOTAL 1,942 70 70 70 70 70 2,292 Fund No. 1: RIP - State Cash (ST-CASH) Program Code 20.30.600.670 Existing Funding ($1,000s) Component Prior 14/15 15/16 16/17 17/18 18/19 19/20+ PS&E R/W SUP (CT) CON SUP (CT) R/W CON 1,942 69 TOTAL 1,942 69 Total Funding Agency El Dorado Local Transportation Com $60 CON voted 01/21/99 $97 CON voted 08/26/99 $59 CON voted 07/01/00 $59 CON voted 07/01/01 $120 CON voted 10/03/02 2,151 $100 CON voted 02/26/04 2,151 $100 CON voted 03/03/05 $110 CON t Notes d 08/18/05 E&P (PA&ED) 140 140 Proposed Funding ($1,000s) E&P (PA&ED) PS&E R/W SUP (CT) CON SUP (CT) R/W CON 1,942 70 70 70 70 70 2,292 TOTAL 1,942 70 70 70 70 70 2,292 Program Code Fund No. 2: Existing Funding ($1,000s) Component Prior 14/15 15/16 16/17 17/18 18/19 19/20+ Total Funding Agency E&P (PA&ED) PS&E R/W SUP (CT) CON SUP (CT) R/W CON TOTAL Proposed Funding ($1,000s) E&P (PA&ED) PS&E R/W SUP (CT) CON SUP (CT) R/W CON TOTAL Notes STATE OF CALIFORNIA ● DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION PROJECT PROGRAMMING REQUEST DTP-0001 (Revised September 2013) Complete this page for amendments only District 03 County ED Route Date: EA Project ID 0312000299 PPNO 0L14 9/16/13 TCRP No. SECTION 1 - All Projects Project Background Programming Change Requested Reason for Proposed Change If proposed change will delay one or more components, clearly explain 1) reason the delay, 2) cost increase related to the delay, and 3) how cost increase will be funded Other Significant Information SECTION 2 - For TCRP Projects Only Alternative Project Request (Please follow Instructions at Letter of No Prejudice (LONP) (Please follow Guidelines at SECTION 3 - All Projects Approvals I hereby certify that the above information is complete and accurate and all approvals have been obtained for the processing of this amendment request.* Name (Print or Type) Signature Title Date Attachments 1) Concurrence from Implementing Agency and/or Regional Transportation Planning Agency 2) Project Location Map APPENDIX B EDCTC RESOLUTION 15/16.12 Regional Transportation Improvement Program Template - Page 21 2828 Easy Street, Suite 1, Placerville, CA 95667 530.642.5260 Councilmembers Representing City of Placerville: Patty Borelli, John Clerici, Wendy Thomas Supervisors Representing El Dorado County: Shiva Frentzen, Ron Mikulaco, Mike Ranalli, Brian Veerkamp RESOLUTION 15/16.12 RESOLUTION OF THE EL DORADO COUNTY TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION ADOPTING THE 2016 REGIONAL TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM WHEREAS, pursuant to California Government Code, Title 7.95, Section 67950, the El Dorado County Transportation Commission (EDCTC) was created as a local planning agency to provide regional transportation planning for the area of El Dorado County, exclusive of the Lake Tahoe Basin; and WHEREAS, California Government Code Section 29532.1(g) identifies EDCTC as the designated regional transportation planning agency for El Dorado County, exclusive of the Lake Tahoe Basin; and WHEREAS, EDCTC desires to improve the transportation system in El Dorado County; and WHEREAS, EDCTC has reviewed regional projects, considered comments from member jurisdictions and considered public comment and correspondence regarding transportation projects; and WHEREAS, State law requires the adoption of a Regional Transportation Improvement Program (RTIP) by each Regional Transportation Planning Agency every two years for consideration by the California Transportation Commission (CTC) as a component of the State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP). NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that EDCTC hereby certifies that the following project nominations and recommendations constitute the El Dorado County 2016 RTIP and that the Executive Director is authorized to submit the RTIP to the CTC: Planning, Programming, and Monitoring (PPM) $350,000 Fiscal Year 2015/16 $70,000 Fiscal Year 2016/17 $70,000 Fiscal Year 2017/18 $70,000 Fiscal Year 2018/19 $70,000 Fiscal Year 2019/20 $70,000 Transportation Alternatives Program (TE/TAP) 2014 State Route 49 Bridge: Construction of Bike/Ped Elements South Fork of the American River in Coloma $500,000 $500,000 APPENDIX C LOCATION MAP AND PROJECT ILLUSTRATION 1) Western Placerville Interchanges; Construction – Eastbound US 50 off ramp to Ray Lawyer Drive and Associated Improvements to Forni Road and Ray Lawyer Drive Regional Transportation Improvement Program Template - Page 22