New Orleans
New Orleans
PBIRG 5 201 AGM New Orleans May 17-20 PBIRG 2015 ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING AGENDA May 17-20 SATURDAY – MAY 16 MONDAY – MAY 18 7a PBIRG Registration (7a–5p) 7a Delegate Welcome Station (7–8.30a) 7a PBIRG Delegate Charging Stations Open (7a–5p) 9a PBIRG Office opens SUNDAY – MAY 17* 8a PBIRG Registration (8a–5p) 8aPBIRG Delegate Charging Stations Open (8a–5p) 12n Poster Showcase setup (12n–4p) 12n Pre-Conference Luncheon (12n–2p) 1pPre-Conference Series Session (1–2.30p) Session 1: The Future Of Patient-Centered Care – CarbonSix and PNC Healthcare 7a Delegate Kickoff Breakfast (7–8.30a) 8.30a Opening Remarks and Session (8.30–10.15a) 8.40a Lifetime Achievement Award Monday and 8.45a Keynote Speaker – The Medical Thriller As It Connects To The Future Of Healthcare – Dr. Robin Cook Q&A 11aDelegate Welcome Station (11a–2p and 4–6p) Dr. Robin Co ok Monday Keynote Sp eaker 10.15aCoffee Break 10.30aUniversity Series – Session 1 (10.30–11.45p) Tuesday Sessions 4 Workshop Topics in each Session ▶ Healthcare 2020 ▶ Consumer Packaged Goods – Device Influence ▶ Cutting Edge Technology ▶ Increasing Our Value 1.30pUniversity Series – Session 2 (1.30–2.45p) ▶ Healthcare 2020 ◀ ▶ Healthcare 2020 ◀ Workshop 1: E xploring A New Collaborative Technology To Create A More Engaging Research Experience – Merck & Co., Inc. and Schlesinger Associates Workshop 1: A round The New World Of MR In <80 Minutes A guide to increasing your value – GfK ▶ Consumer Packaged Goods – Device Influence ◀ 2.30pBreak ▶ Consumer Packaged Goods – Device Influence ◀ Workshop 2: Understanding Brand Bonds – CarbonSix 2.45pPre-Conference Series Session (2.45–4.15p) Workshop 2: Innovations In Gathering Patient Insights – Kantar Health ▶ Cutting Edge Technology ◀ Session 2: Gelotology and Medical Marketing Research – A Truly Laughable Concept – Perleberg Pharma Partner Health Research International ▶ Cutting Edge Technology ◀ Workshop 3: H ow The Style Of Demand Measurement And Product Presentation Influences Estimation Of New Product Use – Biovid 4.15pManned Poster Showcase I (4.15–5.30p) ▶ Increasing Our Value ◀ 6.15pIndustry Welcome Reception (By invitation only) Workshop 4: F our Practical Ways To Maximize ROI Of Your Ethnographic Research – Verilogue, Inc. 7p Opening Reception (7–8.30p) 8.30p Evening FREE Workshop 3: D eeper Connections Through Online Communities A case study – Novo Nordisk and MarketVision ▶ Increasing Our Value ◀ Workshop 4: Increasing Our Value As Medical Marketing Research Professionals – Double Helix Discovery and Double Helix Consulting 2.45p Exhibitor set-up (2.45– 5.15p) 5.45pManned Poster Showcase and Agency Fair Cocktail Reception (5.45–7.30p) 7.30p Evening FREE 11.45a Luncheon (11.45a–1.30p) 12n Dr. Robin Cook will be signing copies of his book “Cell” 12n Advanced Exhibitor Access (12n–1.15p) *A Sunday Pre-Conference Golf Outing is scheduled for those interested at 8.15a and the Mysteries of the Louisiana Swamplands outing will begin at 8.45a. PBIRG 2015 AGM PRO GR A M AND REGISTR ATION INFORMATION - 2 PBIRG 2015 ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING AGENDA May 17-20 TUESDAY – MAY 19 7a PBIRG Registration (7a–5p) 7a PBIRG Delegate Charging Stations Open (7a–5p) Luncheon provided for affiliate members in exhibit hall 12n Affiliates Business to Business Session (12n–2p) 7.15a PBIRG Breakfast (7.15–8.45a) 8.30a General Sessions Luncheon provided for Industry in sessions 8.40a PBIRG Presidents Award Industry only – ID required for access 8.45a Panel Discussion – Town Hall Forum — Global Market Research 2020 (8.45–10.15a) 2p Agency Fair Exhibits (2–5p) 5p Exhibit Breakdown 7p Mardi Gras Parade to Club XLIV Panelists: David Berman, Merck & Co., Inc. Uwe Hohgrawe, PhD, EMD Serono Rafaat Rahmani, LifeScience Dynamics Jean Patrick Tsang, PhD and MBA (INSEAD), Bayser Moderator: Stephen Murdock 10.15a Coffee Break 10.30aUniversity Series – Session 3 (10.30–11.45a) ▶ Healthcare 2020 ◀ Workshop 1: Th e Rep Of The Future What institutional providers are looking for and how to evaluate your effectiveness – HRA 12n Industry Issues Forum (12n–2p) Cocktails and Buffet Dinner 9p Hospitality Suite Club XLIV WEDNESDAY – MAY 20 7.30a PBIRG Delegate Charging Stations Open (7.30a–12n) 8a General Breakfast (8–9.15a) ▶ Consumer Packaged Goods – Device Influence ◀ 9.15a Awards and Presentation Introduction Workshop 2: Th e Pepsi Challenge For Breast Implants Using market research to develop promotional claims related to device preferences – Allergan, Inc. and DeNovo Research Solutions, LLC 9.30a Panel Discussion – The Future Of Healthcare (9.30–11a) ▶ Cutting Edge Technology ◀ Workshop 3: D oing Things Differently Taking the opposition out of positioning – EMD Serono and THE PLANNING SHOP international ▶ Increasing Our Value ◀ Panelists: Michael Kaplan, Altos Health Management Brian Machinist, Norbridge Richard Tinsley, RxC International Moderator: Kai Bode, Merck & Co., Inc. 11a Conclusions and Departures 11a Coffee Break Outside General Sessions Workshop 4: R eady To Wear? An overview of the effective use of wearable tech for insights gathering – HRW PBIRG 2015 AGM PRO GR A M AND REGISTR ATION INFORMATION - 3 PBIRG 2015 ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING KEYNOTE SPEAKER May 18 MONDAY – MAY 18 Keynote Speaker Dr. Robin Co ok Doctor and author Robin Cook is widely credited with introducing the word “medical” to the thriller genre, and thirty-four years after the publication of his breakthrough novel, Coma, he continues to dominate the category he created. Cook has successfully combined medical fact with fantasy to produce a succession of twenty-eight New York Times best sellers that have been translated into forty some languages. To date, they include Outbreak (1987), Mindbend (1988), Mutation (1989), Harmful Intent (1990), Vital Signs (1991), Blindsight (1992), Terminal (1993), Fatal Cure (1994), Acceptable Risk (1995), Contagion (1996), Chromosome 6 (1997), Toxin (1998), Vector (1999), Shock (2001), Seizure (2003), Marker (2005), Crisis (2006), Critical (2007), Foreign Body (2008), Intervention (2009), Cure (2010), Death Benefit (2011), Nano (2013) and Cell (2014). Putnam is publishing Cook’s most recent novel, Host, scheduled for release 2015. In each of his novels, Robin Cook strives to elucidate various medical/biotech ethical issues. Dr. Cook says he chose to write thrillers as a way to use entertainment as a method of exposing the public to public policy conundrums such as genetic engineering, medical economics, in vitro fertilization, research funding, managed care, drug research, organ transplantation, stem cell research, concierge medicine, and M.D.-owned specialty hospitals. There have been numerous theatrical movies, television movies, and mini-series made from Robin Cook’s work. In addition to the successful feature film Coma, in December 1993, CBS-TV aired “Robin Cook’s Harmful Intent”; in November 1994 NBC-TV aired “Robin Cook’s Mortal Fear”; in May 1995, NBC-TV aired “Robin Cook’s Virus,” based on Outbreak; in February 1996 NBC-TV aired “Robin Cook’s Terminal”; in 1997 NBC-TV aired “Robin Cook’s Invasion”; and in October 2001 TNT-TV aired “Robin Cook’s Acceptable Risk”. Robin Cook was born on May 4, 1940 in Brooklyn, New York, and spent his early years in Woodside, Queens before moving to Leonia, New Jersey. After graduating as valedictorian of his high school class, his interests switched from archaeology to medicine when he realized, as he humorously puts it, all the major buried cities had been discovered. Putting himself through college, he graduated from Wesleyan University summa cum laude with a major in chemistry and a distinction in government. He then attended Columbia University Medical School and spent his medical school summer electives setting up a blood/gas lab for the Jacques Cousteau Oceanographic Institute in Monaco. Following residency training in general surgery, Dr. Cook was then drafted into the Navy and spent a tour of duty in the South Pacific on the submarine USS Kamehameha before being transferred to the Deep Submarine Systems Project. After his completion of military service, he was discharged from the Navy as a Lieutenant Commander. He then undertook a second residency in ophthalmology at Harvard. After completion of his second residency, he opened a small private practice of medicine and matriculated at Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government in public policy. He also accepted a clinical position at Harvard Medical School to teach residents and to see patients at the Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary. In 2002, he was awarded the “Author of Vision” distinction from the RP International organization, and in 2004, President George W. Bush appointed him to the Woodrow Wilson Board of Trustees. Wesleyan University honored him with a Distinguished Alumni Award in 1982 and the McConaughy Award in 2012 for his writing. He is currently on leave from the Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary and divides his time between Florida, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts. In the business arena, Dr. Cook is a cofounder of an Internet software company, a partner of a New Hampshire sports complex, and has significant real estate holdings. In the past he has owned a restaurant and a construction company. Dr. Cook’s hobbies mainly involve interior and architectural design, period renovation, and athletics including basketball, tennis, skiing, and when waves are accessible, surfing. PBIRG 2015 AGM PRO GR A M AND REGISTR ATION INFORMATION - 4 PANEL DISCUSSION TOWN HALL FORUM — GLOBAL MARKET RESEARCH 2020 TUESDAY May 19 Panelists: David Berman, Merck & Co., Inc. Uwe Hohgrawe, PhD, EMD Serono Rafaat Rahmani, LifeScience Dynamics Jean Patrick Tsang, PhD and MBA (INSEAD), Bayser Moderator: Stephen Murdock Stephen Murdock Moderator Steve was the Senior Director, Global Strategic Market insights for Takeda Oncology and the 2014 President of PBIRG. While pursuing a BSc degree in Chemistry, he worked in the laboratory of Nobel Laureate Dr. Richard Heck. Afterwards, Steve obtained an M.B.A. degree with concentration in Market Research and Operations Management from Drexel’s LeBow College. Steve previously held progressive positions in Market Research, Business Planning, Contract Management, and R&D Planning with Novartis, Warner-Lambert, and Ipsen Pharmaceuticals. As part of his most recent role, he worked to evolve Takeda Oncology’s market research and forecasting focus from a US-only to a global one. Steve enjoys music, sings with local choruses, and lives in Hopkinton with his wife and two children. David Berman Uwe Hohgrawe, PhD Rafaat Rahmani Jean-Patrick Tsang, PhD and MBA (INSEAD) Merck & Co., Inc. EMD Serono LifeScience Dynamics Bayser Rafaat Rahmani is the president and founder of Lifescience Dynamics Ltd., with 24 years’ experience of working with the world’s leading life science companies in the USA, Europe, and Asia. His area of specialist knowledge includes strategic market research, competitive intelligence, market access, pricing & reimbursements, marketing, and strategy. Jean-Patrick Tsang is the Founder and President of Bayser, a Chicago-based consulting firm dedicated to sales and marketing for pharmaceuticals, diagnostics, and medical devices. JP’s specialty is data and data modeling, and has worked with virtually all the data sources out there. He has been involved with virtually all aspects of sales, marketing, and market research. In a prior life, JP was a researcher and worked on the design of satellites, cargo ships and cruise liners. JP advised 2 PhD students and was an examiner for 4 doctoral dissertations. JP holds a Ph.D. in Artificial Intelligence from Grenoble University and an MBA from INSEAD in Fontainebleau, France. He can be reached at (847) 920-1000 or David Berman has wealth of expeUwe worked in leading roles on the indusrience in healthcare with over 25 try (Novartis and Johnson & Johnson) and years’ experience in the pharmaceutivendor side (GfK and The Willow Group) in cal industry. He joined Merck over Germany, Belgium and the US. Right now 5 years ago leading the Infectious he is VP of Global Business Intelligence at Disease and Merck Bioventures Merck Serono, located in Boston MA. His Global Market Research teams. He experience ranges from Health Economics, expanded his responsibilities leadand Market Excess, via Marketing ing the Global Market Research and Excellence to Business Intelligence. The Analytics Team for the Hospital and focus of his activities is to deliver analytics Specialty Division. David now leads and insight that guide business decisions the Global Customer and Brand to increase opportunities for customer’s to Insights, Global Customer Data and benefit from products and solutions and Analytics, Global Promotions and ultimately help grow the business of the Global Marketing Operations teams. company. Prior to joining Merck, David spent Uwe holds a PhD in Social Science, is 3 years at J&J as Director of Market former president of EphMRA, a single Research for Virology products. For father of a 22 year old daughter, and a car 10 years before this David owned and aficionado that loves to travel. operated The Mercury Group, a qualitative market research company focusing on the pharmaceutical industry. David has also worked at Sanofi as well as Bristol Myers Squibb. His experiences span across a range of disciplines, including R&D, Clinical Research, Marketing, Market Research, Business Development as well as International Management. David received a BA degree in Microbiology and an MBA in Pharmaceutical Management. He has experience in both industry and consulting such as various marketing roles in industry and with professional services, leading and delivering global, regional and USA specific, consulting assignments for the top 20 pharmaceutical companies. He has helped organisations with a variety of strategic issues. Prior to starting Lifescience Dynamics he was working with a specialist healthcare consultancy leading their consulting practice where he worked on many varied life science and healthcare consultancy assignments over a seven year period. Previously he worked for Eli Lilly in Finance, MR CI, Portfolio, Marketing, CNS Business Unit and Strategy roles. In addition, he has a strong background in FMCG marketing with Pepsi-Cola, McDonalds and general management. He has an MBA from Manchester Business School, UK, and a BBA from the University of Houston, USA. PBIRG 2015 AGM PRO GR A M AND REGISTR ATION INFORMATION - 5 PANEL DISCUSSION THE FUTURE OF HEALTHCARE WEDNESDAY May 20 Panelists: Michael Kaplan, Altos Health Management Brian Machinist, Norbridge Richard Tinsley, RxC International Moderator: Kai Bode, Merck & Co., Inc. Kai Bode Merck & Co., Inc. Moderator Kai Bode, Director Customer Strategy and Insights for Public Payers & Policymaker Segment Kai leads strategy and insights work for Merck’s top customers in the Public Payer and Policy Maker segment and works to quantify and better convey Merck’s value proposition to Government officials. Kai began his career at Merck in 2009 in a global position supporting Arcoxia and New Products market research. Following this role, he worked in Immunology, where he supported Simponi, Remicade and New Products. Specifically, he helped affiliates leverage market research for customer solutions. Kai helped create the market research function for parts of the company’s business in the Middle East and Africa – and shared how market research can contribute to corporate and brand strategy. Kai was the Director of adolescent/adult vaccines market research. During this time Kai and his team executed strategic plans to ensure successful launches and re-launches of several key products, developed transition and defense strategies and helped prioritize the launch markets for adult vaccines. Previously, Kai worked at The Clorox Company in San Francisco, CA, The American Enterprise Institute and Brookings Institution’s Joint Center for Regulatory Studies in Washington D.C. He graduated from the Thunderbird School of International Management. Kai has lived in Australia, China, Belgium and Germany. Michael Kaplan Brian Machinist Richard Tinsley Altos Health Management Norbridge RxC International Michael Kaplan is the Managing Director of Altos Health Management, a venture capital firm he founded in 2009. Altos Health has invested in 11 healthcare service, medical device, and healthcare IT companies. Mike is also the co-founder and Managing Director of MMC Health Services, a private equity firm. Brian Machinist is a partner at the management consulting firm Norbridge where he specializes in strategic planning, corporate development and marketing for the pharmaceutical, biotechnology and medical device industries. Prior to Norbridge, Mr. Machinist worked in corporate development at Aveo Pharmaceuticals where he helped develop the strategy to transform the company from a start-up into a fully integrated pharmaceutical company. Mr. Machinist received his BSE from Cornell University and MBA with distinction from The Johnson School of Management at Cornell University. With more than twenty years of healthcare strategy experience, Richard Tinsley has established a solid reputation for challenging conventional thinking with thoughtful and rigorous data analysis that empowers leaders and organizations to move forward with conviction. Prior to founding Altos Health, Mike was a Partner at Three Arch Partners, a venture capital firm focused on life sciences and healthcare services. At the time, Three Arch managed approximately $1.1 billion in a series of five funds, and investments ranged from seed capital to late-stage growth equity and buyouts. Mike led the investment in and/or served on the boards of 18 portfolio companies during nearly a decade at Three Arch. Healthcare service companies included Free & Clear (acquired by Alere), Ascend Health (acquired by Universal Health Services) and Habit Holdings (acquired by CRC Health). Medical device companies included Novacept (acquired by Hologic), Vascular Control Systems (acquired by Johnson & Johnson), and eValve (acquired by Abbott). He also served on the boards of two pharmaceutical companies which later went public, Threshold (THLD) and AcelRx (ACRX). Currently a Senior Partner with RxC International, Richard’s previous consulting experience included being a partner at Putnam Associates for 15+ years and being with Bain & Company prior to that. Richard is currently the CFO of a dental technology company and was COO of a financial services company overseeing $3.6 billion in client assets. In his operating positions, Mr. Tinsley was responsible for managing the finance functions, developing the firm’s marketing strategy, overseeing its sales force, as well as managing the firm’s intellectual capital. Richard operations experience also includes managing an internal medicine physician group and consulting to the leadership team of a successful ACO in Massachusetts. Richard’s combination of operational and consulting experiences provides a valuable perspective with which to understand the needs and pressures driving today’s healthcare market. Before joining Three Arch Partners, Mike was an operating executive at Blue Shield of California. At the time, Blue Shield was a $3 billion health insurer offering HMO, PPO and ASO products. Mike had a variety of roles over time at Blue Shield, including Vice President of Corporate Development and Strategic Planning, Regional Chief Executive for Northern California, and Vice President of Business Transformation. Richard holds an MBA from Stanford University’s Graduate School of Business. He also has Masters of Arts degree in Education from Stanford University and Bachelors of Science degree in Finance from the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania. Earlier in his career, Mike was a Senior Manager in consulting for APM Incorporated/CSC Healthcare and a Financial Analyst at Kidder, Peabody & Co. Incorporated. Outside of work, Richard spends time with his family, holds a leadership position on the Massachusetts Board of Pharmacy, and co-leads a youth group in his local church. Mike received a BS in Business Administration with High Honors from Washington University in St. Louis and an MBA from the Stanford Graduate School of Business where he was an Arjay Miller Scholar. PBIRG 2015 AGM PRO GR A M AND REGISTR ATION INFORMATION - 6 PBIRG PRE-CONFERENCE SERIES SESSIONS SUNDAY MAY 17, 2015 The Future Of Patient-Centered Care Gelotology And Medical Marketing Research Pres ented by Jean Hipp er t , SVP Strateg y and Business Pres enter by Christiane Perleb erg , CEO, Development , PNC Healthcare and S ara Parikh, Ph.D., Perleb erg Pharma Par tner Health Res earch International GmbH A truly laughable concept Managing Director, Shapiro+R aj With the passage of the Affordable Care Act and other recent trends in the American healthcare system, we are experiencing a paradigm shift toward patient-centered care. In 2014, PNC Healthcare, a division of PNC Bank, commissioned Shapiro+Raj to explore the shift towards patient-centered care and what it means for healthcare delivery. Patient satisfaction is not solely driven by clinical outcomes. Like any consumer experience with a service provider, patient satisfaction is also influenced by the patient experience with the administrative and financial aspects of their journey. Our research examines the non-clinical side of the American healthcare system from the perspective of its consumers. Information comes from a large-scale quantitative survey conducted in January 2015 with a nationally representative sample of 5,000 American consumers. The presentation will discuss the key findings from this research and what it means for the future of patient-centered care: uu How do patients really feel about navigating the healthcare system today? uu How well are healthcare providers serving their customers today? uu What are the pain points and unmet needs along the healthcare journey? uu How well do they understand their coverage and financial responsibilities? uu How well are consumers adapting to recent changes in healthcare? uu What patient-centered initiatives are likely to have the greatest impact? uu What does the near future of healthcare delivery look like? Jean Hippert As SVP of Strategy and Business Development for PNC Bank’s healthcare business, Jean is responsible for increasing the presence and awareness of PNC Healthcare nationally, especially as a thought leader in subjects integral to the healthcare revenue cycle. She holds a Bachelor of Arts degree from Mary Washington University and is a participating member of Health Care Financial Management Association and Women Business Leaders of Healthcare Foundation. Sara Parikh As Managing Director of Shapiro+Raj, Sara leads a team of research professionals and works with clients to clarify their business issues and design and implement research to inform business decisions. Sara is versed in the full complement of quantitative and qualitative methodologies and testifies as a survey expert in commercial litigation. Sara has a Ph.D. and M.A in Sociology from the University of Illinois at Chicago and a B.A. in Political Science from the University of Wisconsin-Madison Gelotology is the study of laughter. Yes, there is an entire pocket of scientific research dedicated to studying not just why we laugh, but what effect laughter has on every facet of life, and that includes every successful business. In other words, business isn’t always, nor should it ever be, strictly business. Laughter, humor, a little bit of levity– all of these things are vital for any business that wants to be successful. Why? There are irrefutable physiological and psychological benefits to laughter and humor, and these benefits have been proven over and over in various areas of scientific research. They help enhance our interactions with other people, provide an air of positivity to all our communications, and keep the creative juices flowing. “You’re joking!” No, we’re really not. There is much more to the science of laughter than aimless fun and joke telling. The science and psychology of laughter go far deeper. Learn about the bridge between the medical benefits of having fun and how it relates to your businesses or organizations focusing on global medical marketing research. We will share practical day-to-day examples on how and why our business and gelotology are a perfect match to: uu Building teams uu Reaching more meaningful insights uu Successful moderating uu Working with seniors and people with disabilities Come with us as we explore the impact of humor and laughter in the areas of: uu Becoming methodologically sharper and more specific uu Leadership It is our strong belief that developing relationships and working together as “uppers” instead of “downers” will only serve our business in times of huge market changes. Let us show you why in not just theory, but also practice! uu Organizational culture uu Group cohesion uu Stress reduction Christiane Perleberg With 30+ years of experience in both the manufacturer and supplier side, Christiane has a strong reputation in assisting global marketing and branding pharmaceutical and life-science teams reach commercial success with new and existing health-related products and services. Her expertise in insight-driven qualitative market research and strategic planning is the driving force behind her success. Christiane is a very enthusiastic consultant with a passion for creating value for her clients ranging from large established multi-nationals to small young start-ups within the life-science industry. Closing the information gap between marketing/ R&D and the true market needs with critical marketing insights and strategic recommendation is her mission. Christiane believes that every avenue of understanding is relevant and necessary for transforming knowledge into effective strategy. She and her team enjoy utilizing consecutive research approaches to build insight. They embrace both the classical qualitative research model, but also digital technologies to provide brand managers with rapid, high-quality insights at their key decision points. As the founder of several companies located in San Diego, Barcelona, and Hamburg, Christiane views her independent marketing research consultancy as an effective partnership with her clients. She and her team pay close attention to the details and respect the investment of both money and trust that go into that relationship. Contact Christiane at to learn more about how she or her team can assist you. PBIRG 2015 AGM PRO GR A M AND REGISTR ATION INFORMATION - 7 PBIRG UNIVERSITY EDUCATION SESSION – 1 MONDAY MAY 18, 2015 Healthcare 2020 WORKSHOP 1 Exploring A New Collaborative Technology To Create A More Engaging Qualitative Research Experience Pres ented by Rob R amirez , S enior Vice President , Strategic Development , S chlesinger A ss o ciates - S chlesinger Interactive and Marjorie Reedy, Merck & Co., Inc. Rob and Marjorie will highlight the research applications of an innovative technological platform that supports multi-dimensional interaction with research stimuli. New to marketing research, the technology delivers an easy to use interface that enables multiple participants to simultaneously interact with a wide array of options. Marjorie and Rob will share how, for a recent focus group study with Merck, the platform allowed for a collaborative experience for respondents, moderator and clients and overcame barriers common to traditional qualitative. Join them as they share their project outcomes… uu for engagement, uu interaction, uu ‘storytelling’ and uu better insights… and seize the opportunity to get ‘hands-on’. Consumer Packaged Goods – Device Influence WORKSHOP 2 Innovations In Gathering Patient Insights Presented by Brian Mondr y, primary market research. Market research methodologies Topics discussed include: Global Head of Digital Innovation that are mainstream for other industries are still not being uu Benefits of mobile-enabled market research Kantar Health Historically, the pharmaceutical sector trails other industries, most notably consumer packaged goods, in terms of innovation. This is true in online marketing, including social media engagement, and equally true in the area of deployed to their full potential in the pharmaceutical space. This presentation will cover some of the current and future innovations that can be especially relevant in terms of gathering insights from the physician and patient perspective. Attendees will see ideas on how these might uu Achieving higher completion rates and better quality data with survey gamification uu Understanding quantified self and applications for pharma business insights 1 Rob Ramirez Rob leads healthcare client relationships and strategic development initiatives for Schlesinger Associates. Rob joined Schlesinger in 2013 and has over twenty five years’ experience developing and managing healthcare industry market research strategies. Rob provides a unique view of the healthcare landscape having previously worked for Ipsos Healthcare (FullService Consulting), where he served as Senior Vice President. Prior to that, Rob was Vice President, Healthcare Research at Ipsos Understanding Unlimited where he ran the qualitative health division for Ipsos. Rob has also held senior positions at Oxford Health Plans (MCO), Merck Medco (PBM), Observant LLC and Pfizer, Inc. Rob brings strategic insights and creative problem solving to his clients’ business questions. Rob has a MBA in Health Care Administration from Sacred Heart University and a Bachelor of Arts degree in Marketing and Advertising from Flagler College. In 2013, Rob received the President’s Award from PBIRG for his outstanding contributions to market research. Marjorie Reedy Marjorie is a seasoned market research professional with expertise in the pharmaceutical, over the counter and consumer packaged goods sectors. Currently, as Director of “Digital and Consumer” in the Market Research Center of Excellence at Merck, Marjorie specializes in identifying innovative market research solutions to bring the voice of the patient and the customer to life. She also leverages cutting edge technologies, to maximize investment across multichannel platforms. Since assuming this role 3 years ago, Marjorie has developed and socialized within Merck a range of “Best Practices” for using Market Research to optimize the usage of digital assets as promotional tools as well as research platforms. Prior to holding this position, Marjorie, served as Director of Consumer Research on Merck’s Respiratory Team, receiving a Silver David Ogilvy award for market research efforts in support of the DTC launch of Dulera. Recognizing the role of the internet in shaping the patient journey, Marjorie has been a featured speaker regarding the “Digitally Empowered Patient” at several recent pharmaceutical conferences including: ePatient Summit, (October 2014) Point of Care Congress (May 2014) and ePharma (February 2014). Marjorie is also active an active member of The Advertising Research Foundation (ARF), serving on its Health and Wellness Committee and as Merck Ambassador. Brian Mondry Brian is an integrated marketing expert with a primary focus on the digital space. He has been advising clients on how to use digital channels for marketing and insight purposes since the mid-1990’s, back when the Internet was just starting to become a viable marketing medium. Brian works out of Kantar Health’s NY office where he has global responsibility for digital strategy around areas such as Mobile, Social Media, Online Research Communities and Quantified Self technology. be applied to address critical business decision making. PBIRG 2015 AGM PRO GR A M AND REGISTR ATION INFORMATION - 8 PBIRG UNIVERSITY EDUCATION SESSION – 1 MONDAY MAY 18, 2015 Cutting Edge Technology WORKSHOP 3 How The Style Of Demand Measurement And Product Presentation Influences Estimation Of New Product Use This Q&A-style session will present meta-analytic data addressing a number of hypotheses on alternate demand techniques. Presented by Car ter L . Smith, Ph.D., Principal; Kai Tuomi, Senior Engagement Manager and Satwik Harisenani, Project Coordinator, BioVid Our ability to obtain high quality estimates of new product utilization has improved considerably through use of new types of dependent measures and better ways of engaging respondents with product stimuli. As we expand use of these techniques, rigorous evaluation of their behavior vis-à-vis traditional approaches must be undertaken. Part 1: Choose Your DV Carefully. This section explores how selection of different dependent variables influences the nature of the outputs one can expect in demand studies. We will compare traditional practice-level allocation (PLA) (e.g., “For what percent of your patients will you use X?”) against the use of individual patient candidates (e.g., “Would you use X for this patient?”) as the primary dependent measure of demand. It is hypothesized that PLAs are too sensitive – allowing respondents to “reward/punish” profiles based on a reading exercise rather than changing legitimate clinical intent. We expect the concrete clinical context of a patient-case necessitates greater change in product performance to impact intended use, which may translate to greater stability in the face of modest changes in TPPs. It is also possible that attribute sensitivity distributions may be different depending upon the style of DV. For example, we hypothesize that a smaller number of attributes (e.g., 2-3) will capture a greater proportion of model variance in a patient-level demand study, compared with a PLA study. Part 2: Does Stimulus Style Impact Demand? The second section will consider how demand measurement differs in response to the style of product profile, including the scope of product-specific information and the length/ word density of TPPs, may influence the quality of our demand study outcomes. Participants can expect to come away with evidence-based perspective they can apply to their own research designs. Increasing Our Value WORKSHOP 4 Four Practical Ways To Maximize ROI Of Your Ethnographic Research Presented by Kathr yn Ticknor, Senior Analyst , Linguistic Insights and Analy tics, Verilogue, Inc and Patricia Phillips, Senior Manager Edoxaban Global Brand Strateg y, Daiichi Sankyo, Inc. Market research departments are increasingly asked to demonstrate the return on investment (ROI) of research dollars. Measuring market research ROI is a challenging exercise, in that we must differentiate the contribution of individual research projects from the overall effort of the business and market forces. The exercise becomes more complex given a particular brand’s point in their life cycle, the regional scope of a project, and the type of research conducted. One type of research that often alludes the simplistic calculation of ROI is ethnography. Without a simplistic equation for calculating the ROI of an ethnographic study, researchers must adopt strategies to ensure maximum utilization of insights and findings. During this interactive session a client case study will demonstrate four practical ways to ensure maximum application of global ethnographic results. During this session you’ll learn how to: 1) P lan for success: What four simple questions should you ask prior to starting your research to maximize return? 2) E mpathy for Action: How can you present results in an empathetic manner to maximize organizational problem solving? 3) Identify Multiple Positives: How can you socialize key findings outside the confines of the market research department and infuse them into all aspects of the brand’s operations? 4) U tilize the Power of Compounding: How can you earn interest on your research investment years after the initial study period? 1 Carter L. Smith, Ph.D. As a Principal for BioVid, Carter’s consultative engagements in pharmaceutical business are wide-ranging, encompassing needs as diverse as franchiselevel global segmentations, clinical trial design/recruitment, data-based evaluations of patient non-adherence and complex modeling of future market events. Carter’s work in new product demand assessments have been showcased in a wide range of industry events including several prior presentations for PBIRG, as well as PMRG, PMRC and invited training presentations for business analytics staff at manufacturing organizations. He continues to explore new pathways in survey design and analysis to improve the fidelity and predictive accuracy of demand research, and remains committed to sharing BioVid’s evolving understanding of this critical business need with the broader industry. Kai Tuomi With a strong background in mathematics and business management, Kai’s role includes a highly valued mix of advanced statistical capabilities with an ability to drive and communicate the underlying strategic value of analytic outcomes. Kai has been involved in a wide range of analytics for BioVid including latent class segmentation and Bayesian analysis for deriving individual demand estimates and attribute utilities. In addition to these analytics, Kai is also driving many innovations for BioVid and finding new ways to maximize the commercial value of various analytic approaches. Last year, Kai led a team that developed a proprietary approach for correcting market level response style bias that exist in global demand estimations and presented this at the 2014 PBIRG meeting. Satwik Harisenani Shortly after graduating with a Master’s degree in Social and Organizational Psychology, Satwik started his market research career with BioVid. During his time within the Research Operations group, he has worked on a wide range of research methodologies, including: segmentations, market sizing, and demand assessment. Satwik was seamlessly able to transfer fresh insights from academia into actionable findings. He previously worked with BioVid’s demand committee to study the impact of cross-cultural response style biases when using Likert rating scales, a project that earned a PBIRG publication in 2014. Satwik is also exploring new applications of behavioral economics to improve upon methods for assessing demand and commitment scores in market research. Kathryn Ticknor As an applied sociolinguist, Kathryn employs qualitative research methodologies to illuminate linguistic, social, and behavioral patterns based on observable moments of interaction. Prior to joining Verilogue, Kathryn’s work at Georgetown University focused on the application of analytical models and field methods (including discourse analysis, ethnography of communication, and social network analysis) in the context of education, human resources, international communication, diversity training, and media/public opinion research. In addition to delivering actionable insights for high-profile organizations such as Georgetown Law, the World Bank, the Department of Transportation, and AOL, Kathryn has presented research internationally at conferences hosted by the International Management Institution, the American Anthropological Association, and the Centre for Interdisciplinary Research on Narrative. Since joining Verilogue, she has conducted research in a variety of disease states including Type II Diabetes, Non-small Lung Cancer, Multiple Sclerosis, and Glaucoma. Patricia Phillips Patricia is Senior Manager, Edoxaban Global Brand Strategy for Daiichi Sankyo’s Global Launch Team. She received her B.A. in Biology from Rutgers University and spent a number of years as a bench Chemist at a variety of consumer houses. After receiving her MBA in Marketing, also at Rutgers University, she settled on a varied career in Pharmaceuticals – working with Novo Nordisk, Aventis Pasteur, and Cordis. As part of her current role, Patricia is working to establish meaningful relationships with remote Daiichi Sankyo affiliate partners and Tokyo corporate office colleagues. PBIRG 2015 AGM PRO GR A M AND REGISTR ATION INFORMATION - 9 2 PBIRG UNIVERSITY EDUCATION SESSION – 2 MONDAY MAY 18, 2015 Healthcare 2020 WORKSHOP 1 Around The World Of MR In <80 Mins A guide to increasing your value Pres ented by Justin Edge, Managing Director, Health, GfK There has been a lot of hand wringing about the changing world of MR. This presentation won’t add to the navel gazing angst. Instead, it will illustrate how to win out in this age of MR Darwinism. We will use examples from inside and outside our industry to illustrate how to successfully adapt to and capitalize on the change in the Health MR business. The What: Changes in the bio-pharma industry and societal changes have shifted the business and marketing models. We will explore how new priorities have to be central to the role of MR, including pricing/market access, real world evidence and outcomes, digital behavior, and more democratic brand strategies. The How: Methodologies, frameworks and client engagement models have changed. Have you? Upgrades like storylining and activation are the new norm. Data mining, passive metering, facial recognition and social media intelligence are examples of fresh approaches that should be at the heart of your day today work, not on the periphery. The Who: Traditional “buying centers” for our services have changed. In some industries, the CIO has the largest buyer of research and data services, while the CMO is now the largest buyer of IT. What does this mean for your skills set as a client-side MR professional or an agencyside professional? Have you shifted emphasis from a data reporter to a synthesizer and advisor? Do you still come across as a “research nerd” who doesn’t get competitive strategy? This session is ideal for mid-to-senior level professionals who wish to influence the direction of their organization or department’s strategy. If you feel the need to re-invent yourself or simply want some fresh ideas on how to add value to your role, this session is for you. Consumer Packaged Goods – Device Influence WORKSHOP 2 Understanding Brand Bonds brand, by breaking down Maslow’s Social and Esteem elements of the brand relationship into a cogent hierarchy. This breakdown allows marketers to see where they currently stand in their relationship with their customers, and where are they are likely to enjoy the highest amount of value when cultivating a deeper relationship. How do Brand Bonds work to build meaningful affinity between pharma brands and their customers? This tool provides insights into how effectively brands engage their customers, and considers how well brands bring customers into the process of promoting and communicating about the brand. It also provides a nuanced gradation of potential relationships that consumers might have with brands. The BrandBond (developed by Shapiro+Raj/CarbonSix) labels the strength of a customer’s relationship with a During this session, CarbonSix will discuss the building of effective brand relationships in pharma by presenting fresh Pres ented by Matthew Smith, Vice Chairman, Carb onSix and Elb er t Singleton, S enior Strategist , Shapiro+R aj findings from the Brand Ritual conducted with physicians and consumers. Additionally, CarbonSix breaks down the development of the tool to show how it is used to analyze brand/customer relationships as never before. The findings are analyzed to provide a multi-dimensional view of a brand’s interaction with its customers, and includes the following. Justin Edge Justin is responsible for GfK’s North American Health business. He has championed the re-orientation of GfK’s Health business to new segments and solutions such as market access, user experience, digital and mobile solutions. Justin joined GfK as part of the Knowledge Networks’ acquisition in 2012, where he founded and led KN’s Pharmaceutical/Healthcare business. Previously, Justin held a variety of positions with Opinion Research Corporation leading its brand and healthcare practices. Before settling in the US, Justin worked with HSBC in the UK and with the Irish Trade Board in Sweden. He started out his career as a teacher in Ireland. Expertise and Experience Justin’s 20+ year research and consulting career has spanned healthcare, B2B, CPG/fmcg, retail and media industries. Much of his focus has been advising companies on new product introductions, brand health and positioning strategies, customer loyalty, and global marketing/growth strategies. In addition to his client advisory work, he has a track record of developing profitable research/consulting businesses via turnaround strategies, organic growth and acquisitions. Justin has been a featured presenter at numerous conferences and client seminars such as PBIRG, PMRG, ARF, AMA, The Conference Board, WWRS, NGP, DTC National, etc. He has worked in many countries and cultures, including the US, UK, Sweden and Ireland (where he grew up). Academic Background Justin holds a Masters in Business degree from The Smurfit School of Business, University College Dublin (UCD); a Graduate Diploma in Marketing Management from the Dublin Institute of Technology (DIT); and a Bachelor of Education from the National University of Ireland. Matthew Smith Matthew Smith, Vice-Chairman of CarbonSix, is a specialist in brand development, product positioning and communications research. He led the refinement and expansion of Survey Center Focus, LLC, the company’s data collection and qualitative research division and was instrumental in developing the AmeriTest® diagnostic system for advertising and marketing communications. Possessing extensive experience conducting global research, Matthew also leads the international research teams at CarbonSix. Matthew holds a B.A. in the history of Architecture and Art from the University of Illinois at Chicago. Elbert Singleton Elberton Singleton is an expert in researching new product development, brand positioning, and competitive analysis. Much of Elbert’s work has been for retail, advertising, and financial clients, many of which are longstanding relationships. In understanding his clients’ needs, Elbert has helped to develop and implement research programs and systems to address those unique needs. Elbert holds a BS in Commerce with concentrations in marketing and management from the University of Virginia. uu The type and strength of relationships, which are grouped into eight distinct types, ranging from least to most engaged with the brand. uu The quality and potential value of a customer’s loyal behavior. uu The drivers of the brand relationships. PBIRG 2015 AGM PRO GR A M AND REGISTR ATION INFORMATION - 10 2 PBIRG UNIVERSITY EDUCATION SESSION – 2 MONDAY MAY 18, 2015 Cutting Edge Technology WORKSHOP 3 Deeper Connections Through Online Communities A case study suffering from this disease continues to climb. But it’s not always something people are comfortable speaking about as a patient’s weight can be a sensitive topic. Novo Nordisk has spent over 90 years providing innovation and leadership in diabetes care, and understands the challenges that exist with opening up a productive dialogue about the disease. Pres ented by Maria Cristina Antonio, Novo Nordisk , Ed Maro on, MarketVision Res earch and Colleen Harris , MarketVision Res earch One of the many barriers that healthcare professionals have to battle in treating a patient is the inability or unwillingness of patients to speak openly about how their ailment influences their daily routine, especially when the topic is somewhat sensitive in nature. Obesity is a disease that is getting more attention as the number of people globally As researchers we work to achieve greater understanding and meaning through methodologically sound research practices, with the results accurately reflecting the scenario in which we’re involved. To accomplish this, it’s imperative we gain a deeper understanding of topics that tend to be sensitive in nature. So, when Novo Nordisk commissioned research focused on pre-diabetic obesity, in addition to conducting a traditional quantitative study focused on habits and practices, a complementary online community was included to help foster an on-going conversation with patients. By including the MROC (Market Research Online Community), the research team was able to identify needs, media habits, and a glimpse into how patients dialogue with their physician. In addition, the research team was able to work iteratively with the community members to understand what they want in a support system. Our presentation examines how Novo Nordisk utilized an online community approach to bring about richer insights about obesity, and how this step led to greater understanding of the patient journey from those impacted by the disease. Specifically, the presentation will: 4 uu Explore the emotional connection that helps create an open dialogue uu Share the findings that support development of therapeutic treatment The Future Of Value In Healthcare From paradox to parallax Pres ented by Jim G oldenb erg , President , Double Helix Dis cover y US and Thom S cho enwaelder, E xecutive Vice President and GM, Americas , Double Helix Consulting Traditionally, the realms of market research and market access were very distinct, managed by different teams on both the end client and vendor sides. Increasingly, pharma companies are taking a big picture view, recognizing the importance of interrelated factors which impact payers, physicians and patients. Research which seamlessly integrates these perspectives allows for an efficient, effective and comprehensive view of the marketplace when exploring a variety of issues from TPP evaluation and trial design to pricing and positioning. Conventional wisdom in pharma has said a successful manufacturer must meet the expectations of three key constituencies—physician, payer and patient. Within each constituency, expectations vary with individual beliefs, needs and experiences. Today, however, we are engaged in a social re-negotiation of value. “Value” today is a multifaceted, dynamic matrix spanning from the macro level of state and national health policy to the micro level Colleen Hennegan Harris As leader of the online community practice for MarketVision, Colleen combines her qualitative experience and innovation expertise to create research designs and techniques that deliver rich insights. She has over 25 years of experience in marketing, marketing research, and ideation with leadership positions at Ipsos, CET (Greater Cincinnati’s Public Media Organization), Eureka Ranch, and The HoneyBaked Ham Company. Ed Maroon Ed has over 15 years’ experience in the pharmaceutical industry. He began his career at Schering-Plough where he worked on brands such as Proventil HFA, Vanceril/Vanceril DS and Claritin. He later held positions of increasing responsibility at NTM Consulting, At Risk, TargetRX, PSL, and DHD. uu Highlight an innovative approach to engaging patients Increasing Our Value WORKSHOP Maria Cristina Antonio Maria Cristina Antonio (MAAO), is a member of the Marketing Effectiveness team and Senior Manager in Market Research. Current role is supporting the launch of Liraglutide 3 mg for Obesity by supporting the Obesity Launch team and driving the market research and insights development efforts including campaign development (branded and unbranded), patient initiatives and generating further insight of key patient targets, evaluation of promotional materials and tools, as well as supporting the research for development of the website, managed markets and forecasting initiatives. of choices made daily by individual patients and their physicians. How can Market Researchers help our clients to resolve the paradox of value? We will discuss the benefits of Value Based Parallax: integrating insights about “value” from Market Research and Market Access. Led by senior members of the DH Market Research and Market Access teams, we will show how Value Based Parallax can: uu Identify key leverage points earlier in the development process uu Improve cost-effectiveness of research uu Provide continuity of strategy across constituencies and developmental phases Jim Goldenberg Jim brings a unique perspective to pharmaceutical market research, having over 15 years of consumer packaged goods experience on the client side and over 20 years of market research experience at agencies. Jim’s custom research experience includes both quantitative and qualitative methodologies for both domestic and international studies. He has a broad range of therapeutic experience in such areas as pain management, eye care, female health, CNS, diabetes, oncology, respiratory, urinary incontinence, and medical devices. Additionally, Jim has worked on leading OTC products providing insights to clients utilizing secondary data. Jim was responsible for leading marketing brand management on wellknown brands such as Lysol, Chef-Boyardee, Jiffy Pop, Brownberry, Old London, and many others. His OTC experience as VP for IRI the leader in Syndicated Secondary Data includes Tylenol, Advil, and Maalox. Jim then went on to hold leadership positions at TNS, V2 (GfK), and Migliara Kaplan / NFO before joining Double Helix. Thom Schoenwaelder Thom’s career of 30+ years in and around Healthcare and the Pharmaceutical and Biotech industry speaks to his experience. Following his clinical experience as a Physician Assistant specialized in surgery and internal medicine, Thom has held multiple senior level positions in Pharma, Biotech and Consulting in Market Access, Pricing and Contracting Strategy, Operations, Payer Marketing, Reimbursement, Policy, Managed Markets and Sales Management in organizations such as TAP Pharmaceuticals, BMS, Novo Nordisk and Sanofi Aventis. He draws additional strategic insights from his roles in life sciences consulting, holding management positions as National Sales Director with The Zitter Group, Practice Leader for IMS Managed Markets Consulting and most recently, Vice President, Global Evidence, Pricing and Access with Heron Evidence Development, LLC. (full bios available on PBIRG 2015 AGM PRO GR A M AND REGISTR ATION INFORMATION - 11 3 PBIRG UNIVERSITY EDUCATION SESSION – 3 TUESDAY MAY 19, 2015 Healthcare 2020 WORKSHOP 1 Chris Rife Chris Rife, M.B.A., is Vice President of Research Strategy at Healthcare Research & Analytics (HRA). She has an accomplished 20 year career in Global Market Research on both the vendor and client side holding leadership positions at Merck, Schering and Sanofi-Aventis. The Rep Of The Future™ What institutional providers are looking for and how to evaluate your effectiveness Pres ented by Chris Rife, VP, Res earch Strateg y and Rob er t Harris on, National Account Director, HR A – Healthcare Res earch & Analy tics Today, the job of the sales professional has increased in complexity, expanding beyond product alone to include stringent regulatory guidelines, the involvement of insurance providers, increased competition from generic drug manufacturers, as well as better informed patients who obtain healthcare news and information online. As the role of the sales rep is changing over time, so do the skills and qualifications that are required in this new environment. In order to maintain a positive relationship with corporatized providers and to ensure continued market access, manufacturers must adapt to this changing customer engagement landscape. Using findings from HRA’s recent primary market research study, “Rep of the Future: Moving beyond Traditional Account Management Models”, this presentation will highlight the key competencies sought by health system executives and physicians in their interactions with manufacturers. We will also review commonly used methods of measuring field force effectiveness, and discuss recommendations on adapting traditional approaches to better assess your field presence in light of new provider demands. Attendees of this presentation will come away with: uu Key attributes of the Rep of the Future™, based on research with health system executives and physicians uu An understanding of attributes no longer considered important by this customer segment uu Recommendations on changes to field force skills and training to adapt to the changing landscape uu Guidelines on improving field force assessment tools to accommodate new expectations of providers and executives in provider organizations Consumer Packaged Goods – Device Influence WORKSHOP 2 Ed Podraza Ed has 22 years of experience, working at a variety of pharmaceutical, device, and biotech companies. The Pepsi Challenge For Breast Implants Randall Long Randall has 17 years of experience, specializing in the design, execution, and analysis of customized qualitative and quantitative market research for pharmaceutical, device, and biotech companies. Using market research to develop promotional claims related to device preferences to subjective aesthetic appearance-oriented attributes, while providing a greater understanding of who the augmentation consumers are and what drove their implant preference. The presentation will cover: Pres ented by Ed Po dra z a , Business Analy tics and Customer Engagement , Allergan, Inc. and R andall Long , Vice President DeNovo Res earch Learn how an old product assessment technique (Pepsi vs. Coke Challenge) was modified to support promotional claims for a new device in a commoditized market. The research allowed for the marriage of quantifiable results uu Business Issue: challenge with launching a new device (breast implant) into a commoditized market uu Research Objective: support the development of promotional claims to motivate use of the new implant, and understand rational for preference uu Methodology: the research design with over 100 consumers (prospective and existing augmentation patients) allowed us to address many business Robert Harrison Robert Harrison is the National Account Director of Healthcare Research & Analytics (HRA). Rob is a seasoned healthcare professional with over 10 years of experience on both the client and vendor side. Prior to joining HRA, he worked at Auxilium, Boehringer/Inventiv Health, and Shionogi Pharmaceuticals. During his career he has had experience across the product life cycle – pre-launch to patent expiry. Rob brings a wealth of experience from a salesforce effectiveness and sales training perspective as he was a sales trainer and also “carried the bag”. He also boasts experience in managed care, brand awareness and biometric research. He has therapeutic expertise is in Cardiovascular, Respiratory, Urology, Pain, Endocrinology, Diabetes and Women’s Health. Rob’s participation in a pilot study regarding “Is Biometrics Sensitive Enough for ‘Real-World’ Testing?” is being presented at the 2015 PMRG CONNECT meeting. Robert holds a BA in Business Administration with a focus in Marketing from Kutztown University. issues that could not be met with a typical online quantitative study uu Quant - Phase 1 - Questionnaire was completed assessing various implants on preferred feel and look uu Qual - Phase 2 - Immediately following completion of the survey, participants completed an in-depth interview to understand their rationale for their implant preferences (given survey results). uu Implications of Research: Review how the research results were used to develop promotional claims, as well as help the manufacturer determine the positioning of their implant portfolio to the breast augmentation consumer. PBIRG 2015 AGM PRO GR A M AND REGISTR ATION INFORMATION - 12 3 PBIRG UNIVERSITY EDUCATION SESSION – 3 TUESDAY MAY 19, 2015 Cutting Edge Technology WORKSHOP 3 Doing Things Differently Taking the opposition out of positioning Pres ented by Catherine K . Magia , A ss o ciate Director, Global Business Intelligence, E MD S erono and Kelly Pric, S enior Vice President/Head of the Oncolog y Res earch Practice, THE PL ANNING SHOP international Positioning pharmaceutical products is challenging enough, given regulatory restrictions on what can and cannot be said. Actually testing these carefully crafted positionings is even more fraught with difficulty – positioning statements are inherently ‘aspirational’ documents meant for internal consumption and team alignment. On top of this, physicians seem to have an allergy to any language that they deem to be ‘marketing-speak’. Often if you place statements in front of physicians, they pick the document apart, telling you all the things that are wrong with the wording, without ever getting to the point where they actually evaluate the idea behind the statement. In this way, perfectly good positioning ideas can often be shot down in a plume of linguistic smoke. In a recent study, we faced an added level of complexity – the product we were seeking to position is a first-in-class novel MoA that was readily misunderstood by physicians. First, we had to get them to understand what it is, then what it could do, before we could get them to help us position it. In this case study, we will walk the audience through ways to ensure that physicians are truly grasping the nature of the product – what it is, what it can do – to get them in the right positioning mindset. Then we will explain how to get physicians in a truly receptive, non-critical mindset such that they can evaluate the aspirational ideas behind the positionings. 4 uu Problems with traditional positioning testing approaches uu Ways to get beyond physician opposition to test the ideas behind the positioning uu How to action the findings Ready to Wear? An overview of the effective use of wearable tech for insight gathering Presented by Christine W. Dalzell, Ph.D. EVP of US Research HRW, Inc. There is a lot of hype around wearable technology, but what does it really deliver for healthcare market research? In this presentation, Christine Dalzell of HRW will showcase self-funded research for three different types of wearables; Heads-up displays (HUDs) including Google Glass, watch devices, and life-logging cameras (like autographer). Showcasing the multimedia outputs from these projects with HCPs and patients as case studies, we will look at how these wearable technologies have provided a window in to participants’ world and shed a unique light around adherence, device operation, media use, impact of condition, relationships, and decisionmaking. Kelly Price Kelly is currently Senior Vice President / Head of the Oncology Research Practice at THE PLANNING SHOP international. With an oncology research career spanning 13 years and three continents, she has made oncology her life. Her previous roles include head of the Asia Pacific Oncology Monitor at Synovate (now IPSOS) in Shanghai, and Strategy Consultant with PricewaterhouseCoopers Japan. Fluent in Japanese and Mandarin Chinese, she loves studying foreign languages, traveling, and reading great books. This paper will address: Increasing Our Value WORKSHOP Catherine K. Magia Catherine is currently Associate Director, Global Business Intelligence at EMD Serono, Inc. She is the insights lead for the launch of a Phase III oncology asset, and heads up Operational Excellence, primary market research center of excellence. Her previous roles include UCB, BristolMyers Squibb, Johnson & Johnson, and Nielsen. Her experience spans oncology, neurology, cardiovascular, gastro-intestinal, and anti-infective therapeutic categories across 15 years. Outside of pharmaceuticals, she is a published writer and enjoys independent film, traveling, and myriad varieties of cuisine. You are invited to an honest discussion about the benefits and limitations of each method to build a picture of what wearables offer for your research and where they fit relative to one another as well as other approaches (both “traditional” and digital) to answer the question “which wearable method is right for which moment?” Christine Dalzell After receiving her Ph.D. in Social Psychology, Christine found market research an ideal outlet for her research passion and desire to have an impact on how companies do business. With over 15 years of experience, she enjoys the unique and varied needs of clients from both a methodological and insights perspective. Although spending most of her career primarily focused on quantitative research, Christine appreciates the deeper, “behind the scenes” perspective that qualitative research brings and particularly enjoys marrying the two. Christine’s experience covers over the counter and pharmaceutical products to medical devices and diagnostics across an array of therapeutic categories ranging from cardiovascular health to pain management. PBIRG 2015 AGM PRO GR A M AND REGISTR ATION INFORMATION - 13 PBIRG 2015 ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING REGISTRATION Open Full registration Industry members . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 1,050 Industry member one day . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 250 Industry member incentive Send 3 delegates at full rate – 4th delegate attends FREE Full registration Affiliate members: Early Birdounts ON disc REGISTRATI s for Affiliate before March 24, 2015 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 1,645 from March 25 to April 24, 2015 . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 1,745 after April 24, 2015 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 1,945 Affiliate member incentive (one per company) Send 3 delegates at full rate – 4th delegate attends FREE Affiliate member one day . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 645 Non-member full registration (upon approval) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 2,500 Non-member one day (upon approval) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 1,300 Guest registration (does not include attendance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 450 at sessions or Agency Fair) PBIRG 5 201 AGM New Orleans May 17-20 REGISTER FOR THE AGM ON-LINE AT WWW.PBIRG.COM OR USING THIS DIRECT LINK TO THE PBIRG CVENT.COM REGISTRATION PAGE Hotel reservations can be made on-line thru the Hyatt Regency New Orleans Produced for PBIRG by Graphics House llc. © 2015 Graphics House llc. PBIRG 2015 AGM PRO GR A M AND REGISTR ATION INFORMATION - 14