brochure - Investment Recovery Services
brochure - Investment Recovery Services
PUBLIC AUCTION LIVE ON-SITE WITH WEBCAST Tuesday, March 22, 2016 at 10:00 A.M. INSPECTION: Monday, March 21 from 8:00 A.M. – 3:30 P.M. COMPLETE STRUCTURAL ROLL FORM TRUSS, CORD & WEB FACILITY 3570 Shelby Road Denton, Texas 76207 REPLACEMENT VALUE $260,000 2005 SAMCO 17 PASS ROLL FORMER ROLL FORM ROLL FORM MILL MILL ROLL FORMERS ROLL FORMERS FAB. EQUIP. FABRICATION EQUIP.PLASMA & PLASMA WELDERS & WELDERS TELEHANDLER TELEHANDLER FORKLIFT FORKLIFT COIL & SHEET COIL & SHEET METAL METAL INVENTORY INVENTORY MISC. SHOP MISC. SHOP EQUIP. EQUIP. & MORE! & MORE! 2013 C37 ROLL FORM MILL CINCINNATI 135-TON 10' PRESS BRAKE ECOVERY SER VICES MENT R INVEST AU CTIO NEE RS U APPRAISERS LIQ ID RS ATO ONLINE BIDDING: YOU MUST REGISTER IN ADVANCE FOR ONLINE BIDDING AT THIS AUCTION In conjunction with: 15% ON-SITE BUYER’S PREMIUM • 18% ONLINE BUYER’S PREMIUM INVESTMENT RECOVERY SERVICES 3421 North Sylvania Avenue, Fort Worth, TX 76111 tel: 800.583.1111 • 817.222.9848 • fax: 817.834.4075 Email Britton: or Greg at WWW.IRSAUCTION.COM TX Lic. No. 11245 818.508.7034 Industries (1991) Inc. AUCTIONEERS | LIQUIDATORS | APPRAISERS Maynards ph 248-569-9781 • fax 248-569-9793 NUTRUSS 3.0 ROLL FORMER W.F. WELLS BANDSAW KINGSLAND 95XS IRON WORKER WYSONG 12' SHEAR ROLL FORMERS 2013 C37 Roll Form Mill, 14-stand. 2005 17-Pass Roll Machine, Samco STSD 2-6 roll former, 6-pass, 2.5" shaft size, .375 keyway, max. width 24", max. gauge 16, Samco Sub 2-10 roll former, 11-pass, 2.5" shaft size, .500 keyway, max. width 24", max. gauge 16. 2002 SAMCO SG210 Roll Form, 10-stand, 2" shaft size, 3/8 keyway. NUTRUSS 2.0 Roll Former. NUTRUSS 3.0 Roll Former. Auto Web Roll Former. CLINTON Web Machine. CHICAGO MDL. 285 25-TON PRESS BRAKE WELDING FABRICATION MILLERMATIC 300 Welder. WYSONG 12' Shear. MILLER Deltaweld 452 Welder. CINCINNATI 135 CB II 10' Press Brake, 8" stroke, w/CNC backgauge. LINCOLN DC 400 Welder. KINGSLAND 95XS Iron Worker. CHICAGO Mdl. 285 25-Ton Press Brake. WYSONG Mdl. 1052 Shear, 10' gauge. SHARP Mdl. 1340 Lathe. Vertical and Horizontal Bandsaws. BRIDGEPORT Mill. WYSON MDL. 1052 10-GAUGE SHEAR HYPERTHERM Hand Plasma. ONLINE BIDDING: YOU MUST REGISTER IN ADVANCE FOR ONLINE BIDDING AT THIS AUCTION VIEW OF WELDERS FIGURE 1—25TC FIGURE 4—55TC FIGURE 1—25TC FIGURE 4—55TC FIGURE 2—35TC FIGURE 5—25TCG FIGURE 3—15TC FIGURE 2—35TC FIGURE 5—25TCG FIGURE 6—35TCG MACHINE PROFILES Chord members consist of channelshaped sections having a nominal web width of 1.5 inches and flange lengths of 2.5, 3.5, 4.5, and 5.5 inches (63.5, 88.9, 114.3 and 139.7 mm). Web members consist of channelshaped sections having a nominal web width of 1.48 inches and flange lengths of 1.5 and 3.0 inches (38.1 and 76.2 mm). Steel used to form 33- and 43-mil-thick FIGURE 7—45TCG chord and web members comply with ASTM A653 SS Grade 50 or ASTM A1003-13a Structural Grade 50, Type H (ST33H). FIGURE 8—55TCG FIGURE 7—45TCG CHORDS FIGURE 8—55TCG CHORDS CHORDS Steel used to form 54-mil-thick chord and web members comply with ASTM A653 SS Grade 50 or ASTM A100313a Structural Grade 50, Type H (ST50H). All chord and web members have a minimum G60 galvanized coating complying with ASTM A1003-13a or ASTM A653. See Figures 1 through 8 for dimensions of web members, Figures 9 and 10 for dimensions of chord members. FIGURE 9—15C FIGURE 10—30C FIGURE 9—15C WEBS WEBS WEBS FIGURE 10—30C FIGURE 3— FIGURE 6—3 COVERY E S RVICE ENT RE M T S E S INV AU CTI ONE ERS APPRAISERS I LIQU DAT OR S PUBLIC AUCTION Presorted First Class Mail U.S. Postage PAID Eugene, Oregon Permit No. 17 Sale Conducted by: INVESTMENT RECOVERY SERVICES 3421 NORTH SYLVANIA AVENUE, FORT WORTH, TX 76111 LIVE ON-SITE WITH WEBCAST ONLINE BIDDING: You must register in advance for online bidding at this auction COMPLETE STRUCTURAL ROLL FORM TRUSS, CORD & WEB FACILITY Denton, Texas Tuesday, March 22 at 10:00 A.M. INSPECTION: Monday, March 21 from 8:00 A.M. – 3:30 P.M. ROLL FORM MILL • ROLL FORMERS • FABRICATION EQUIPMENT • PLASMA & WELDERS • TELEHANDLER • FORKLIFT • COIL & SHEET METAL INVENTORY • MISC. SHOP EQUIPMENT • & MORE! COMPLETE STRUCTURAL ROLL FORM TRUSS, CORD & WEB FACILITY DOUBLE UNCOILER UNCOILER MISCELLANEOUS TEREX HANDLER TEREX TH 0605A Handler, 6,000-lb. capacity. Large Quantity of Coil Stock and Sheet Metal. CLARK Forklift, 48,000-lb. capacity. Hand Tools, A-Frame Hoists, Carts, Air Compressors, Tooling. LARGE QUANTITY OF COIL STOCK AND SHEET METAL Visit Website for Details, Photos & Complete Terms & Conditions • QS-0031059
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