ONLINE AUCTION HUGE INTERNET ONLY AUCTION SALE LARGE STOCK OF SURPLUS AEROSPACE EQUIPMENT BIDS CLOSE: THURSDAY, OCTOBER 31st STARTING AT 9:00 A.M. CDT EQUIPMENT IS LOCATED IN 3 LOCATIONS: Fort Worth, Dallas & Cleburne, Texas INSPECTION LOCATIONS 1 & 2: Wednesday, October 30th 9:00 A.M.–3:30 P.M. INSPECTION LOCATION 3: By Appointment Only ONLINE BIDDING: YOU MUST REGISTER IN ADVANCE FOR ONLINE BIDDING AT THIS AUCTION TO INCLUDE: BRIDGEPORT #1 & #2 Vertical Mills CINCINNATI & MILWAUKEE #2– #5 Horizontal Mills Lathes 14"–20" Swing Drill Presses Vertical & Horizontal Saws Horizontal & Vertical Grinders Tool & Cutter Grinders Vertical Presses Saw Blade Grinders Drill Sharpeners EDM’s Sand Blasters Straightening Press Sanders Table Saws Shears Brakes Puckmaster Chip Compactor CNC Lathes 7-Axis CNC Tool & Cutter Grinder H-Frame Presses Air Frame Stringing Presses IPSEN Heat Treat Trent Ovens Complete Heat Treat Department Welders: Mig, Stick & Tig Material Handling Forklifts New Coolant Work Benches Aerospace Aluminum Materials Laser Levelers Large Quantity of: End Mill Cutters, Inserted Mill Cutters, Drills, Reamers & Ally Types of Tooling QC & Inspection Tools, All Types, Granite Tables Large Quantity of: Machine Control Parts, Plus Much More! For More Information, Catalog, Photos and Inventory Location Please Visit our Website: MENT R INVEST AU CTI ONE ERS ECOVERY SER VICES APPRAISERS I LIQU OR DAT S 18% BUYER’S PREMIUM WILL APPLY INVESTMENT RECOVERY SERVICES FOR THE MAXIMUM RETURN 1 800 583 1111 or 1 817 222 9848 ext. 25, 26 or 28 • Fax: 817 834 4075 Email:,, or Gregg Trenor, TX Lic. No. 11245 WWW.IRSAUCTION.COM LOCATION 1: Lots 1–210 3421 N Sylvania Ave., Fort Worth, Texas 76111 Location Contact: Trevor Trenor (817) 222-9848, ext. 40 or (817) 247-7336 Visit Website for Details, Photos & Complete Terms & Conditions • EQUIPMENT IS LOCATED IN 3 LOCATIONS: Fort Worth, Dallas & Cleburne, Texas LOCATION 2: Lots 211–480 2036 E Henderson, Cleburne, Texas 76031 Location Contact: Britton New (817) 222-9848, ext. 28 or (817) 706-0841 ONLINE BIDDING: YOU MUST REGISTER IN ADVANCE FOR ONLINE BIDDING AT THIS AUCTION NEW COOLANT TAYLOR 12,000-LB. Visit Website for Details, Photos & Complete Terms & Conditions • LOCATION 3: Lots 500–536 Dallas (Grand Prairie), TX 75211 CNC TOOL PRESETTER PUCK MASTER KOMO CNC LRG. CAP. ROUTER ONLINE BIDDING: YOU MUST REGISTER IN ADVANCE FOR ONLINE BIDDING AT THIS AUCTION INSPECTION LOCATION 3: By Appointment Only Location Contact: John Henry, (817) 222-9848, ext. 26 or (817) 992-3933 RECOVERY SERVI NT E M T CES S INVE AU CTI ONE ERS QU APPRAISERS LI S T OR IDA ONLINE ONLY AUCTION INVESTMENT RECOVERY SERVICES 3421 NORTH SYLVANIA AVENUE FORT WORTH, TX 76111 Presorted First Class Mail U.S. Postage PAID Eugene, Oregon Permit No. 17 ONLINE BIDDING: You must register in advance for online bidding at this auction INTERNET BIDDING ONLY! THURSDAY, OCTOBER 31st STARTING AT 9:00 A.M. CDT BIDS CLOSE: LARGE STOCK OF SURPLUS AEROSPACE EQUIPMENT EQUIPMENT IS LOCATED IN 3 LOCATIONS: Fort Worth, Dallas & Cleburne, Texas QS-0019121 FOR SALE BY PRIVATE NEGOTIATION ONLINE AUCTION EQUIPMENT IS LOCATED IN 3 LOCATIONS: LOCATION 1: Lots 1–210 Fort Worth, Dallas & Cleburne, Texas INTERNET BIDDING ONLY! DFW INT’L AIRPORT State-of-the-Art Aerospace Precision Aircraft Parts Mfg. LOCATION 1 LOCATION 3 Complete Facility Being Offered TO INCLUDE: 85,000 Sq. Ft. of Commercial Real Estate • Complete Intact Machine Shop Fabrication Shop • Chemical Plating • Heat Treat • Paint, Forming • Engineering, QC, Materials & Parts Inventory • Certified Commercial & Military Aircraft OEM For More Information: Gregg Trenor or (817)222-9848, ext. 25 3421 N Sylvania Ave. Fort Worth, TX 76111 Location Contact: Trevor Trenor (817) 222-9848, ext. 40 or (817) 247-7336 LOCATION 2: Lots 211–480 2036 E Henderson, Cleburne, TX 76031 Location Contact: Britton New (817) 222-9848, ext. 28 or (817) 706-0841 LOCATION 3: Lots 500–536 Dallas (Grand Prairie), TX 75211 LOCATION 2 Location Contact: John Henry, (817) 222-9848, ext. 26 or (817) 992-3933
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