IFMAFoundation 2014 Annual Progress Report


IFMAFoundation 2014 Annual Progress Report
Annual Progress Report
IF M A F o u ndation Chair 2 0 1 4 -2 0 1 5
Theresa Taylor, an 18 year old high school student, excelled in
mathematics and had an interest in science. But with graduation
around the corner, she didn’t know what field of study to pursue
or what college to attend. She couldn’t envision herself in a career.
She had never “always wanted to be” something. Her math teacher
encouraged her to enroll in an FM training program at her local
community college. Facility management was as foreign to Theresa
as “Ozzie and Harriet.” But after learning the principles of FM, she
realized that this profession was the perfect fit for her interests and
skills. Experiencing a “Day in the Life of an FM” at the Walt Disney Concert Hall in Los Angeles
sealed the deal. Next year, Theresa will enter the FM program at New York’s Pratt Institute.
Sound too good to be true? While this is a dream today, the IFMA Foundation is working to
make Theresa’s story a reality. The Foundation’s mission is to make FM a career of choice.
As a charitable, non-profit organization, our work includes accrediting FM degree programs;
awarding scholarships to FM college students; conducting research; and supporting programs
to foster the workforce of the future.
Through our new Global Workplace Workforce Initiative, the Foundation will unite businesses,
high schools, colleges, and the IFMA community in an effort to ensure the viability of our field.
With the goal of engaging and educating the next generation of FMs, the initiative’s Pilot Program
begins this year in high schools in San Bernardino, California. Students will be offered IFMA’s FM
Essentials course, along with the opportunity to earn FMP and SFP credentials, and participate
in real-world FM experiences.
Next year, the story of an 18-year-old girl named Theresa Taylor will be a factual account of one
of the many young people benefitting from the Global Workplace Workforce Initiative. It’s my
hope that you will play a central role in this narrative. I’m only one voice. The Foundation needs
a choir.
Workforce development is the key to the future of FM. Help us educate communities, schools,
and businesses about what FM is; and the importance of inspiring and preparing young people
to pursue an FM career. Consider ways in which you can spread the word of FM as a career
of choice. Whether you speak to one person or 100; whether you invest one dollar or onethousand; whether you volunteer one hour or one year of your time, you can make a difference;
and I look forward to hearing from you soon!
Yours in FM,
Diane Coles Levine
IFMA Foundation Chair 2014-2015
E x e c utive Director
In the last 12 months, the IFMA Foundation Board, staff and volunteers have continued to define, refine,
communicate and implement our mission of making FM a Career of Choice. While the Foundation
continues our programs around FM academics, students and research, our focus has been to align
these programs with our overarching Global Workplace Workforce Initiative (GWWI). This initiative
encompasses the much of the existing work of the Foundation while addressing the pressing need of
the FM profession to find educated individuals to fill the vacancies left behind when more than half of
todays FM professionals retire over the next decade. This initiative is large – and undoubtedly the most
critical work the IFMA Foundation has ever undertaken.
You will hear more about the GWWI in the year ahead. In the meantime, here are highlights.
FM Accredited Degree Program (FM ADP):
The ADP is the single largest investment in human and financial resources of the IFMA Foundation.
Financial investment in the ADP exceeds $200,000 annually, and is where the vast majority of unrestricted
donations and contributions are allocated. The FM ADP is overseen by the Facility Management
Accreditation Commission (FMAC), sponsored by the IFMA Foundation. The FMAC has recently
updated the FM ADP Standard (available under ‘academics’ on the Foundation’s website), which sets
the standard for FM higher education around the world. Colleges and Universities which undergo
the volunteer process, demonstrate their commitment to the profession, students, parents, employers
and others to ensure graduates in two-year, four-year and graduate degrees are equipped with the
knowledge in the core competencies of the profession to meet the demands of todays increasingly
complex and technology-rich FM careers.
We’re pleased to have 28 institutions worldwide offering 31 accredited FM degrees with dozens more
working towards accreditation in the coming years. More than 2,000 students are enrolled in these
accredited FM programs, but this number falls far short of the graduates needed by the profession in
the years to come. A complete list of accredited programs and links to the degree program details is
constantly updated on the Foundation’s website under ‘academics’ and in this report.
We hear from our accredited programs there are just enough students coming into many to remain
viable. With a nearly 100% placement rate, many students typically receiving multiple job offers and
high starting salaries, the problem is clear: there are not enough students and individuals in the career
decision phase of their life that know Facility Management is an excellent and exciting option for a job
that can’t be sent overseas, and has a positive impact on the triple bottom line of any organization.
This is where the Foundation’s GWWI aims to fill this void – taking the word about FM as a career of
choice to high school students and training programs for individuals looking for new career opportunities.
FM Student Programs
FM Student Scholarships: The Foundation’s scholarship program continues to recognize and award
some of the best and brightest studying FM in college today. This year, with the incredible ongoing
support of our scholarship partners, 35 students will be awarded $140,000 USD to further their FM
education and attend World Workplace in New Orleans. You can find a complete list of the 2014
winners in this report.
A robust scholarship program is another element of the GWWI – showing prospective students there
are organizations willing to help offset the increasing costs of obtaining a degree and that graduates are
in high demand.
International Student of the Year Award: The Foundation’s International Student of the Year (ISY)
competition program was updated to improve the criteria and selection process for students, sponsors
and judges. Mr. Samuel Bent, a recent winner of Foundation scholarships, is an excellent example of
the quality students the FM profession is attracting and the increasingly important worldwide perspective
of the profession. ISS proudly sponsors the competition this year with a $2000 cash scholarship award
and travel stipend to attend World Workplace.
ePoster Competition: The Foundation continues to support the annual ePoster competition at World
Workplace. This student program also saw improvements with the help of Foundation volunteers to
make it easier for students from around the world to participate via virtual presentations in the precompetition initial submissions (new this year) and during World Workplace in New Orleans. The Utah
Chapter of IFMA is sponsoring the 2014 ePoster program.
FM Research:
The Foundation’s Research and Knowledge Management Committee key areas of work:
Publishing the “Benchmarking for Facility Management Professionals” – which is a 2014 Awards of
Excellence winner – a ‘How-to’ Guide for FM professionals designed to aid in making informed decisions
about how to benchmark and achieve benchmarking goals and is available for download free from the
Foundation’s website.
With IFMA, the Foundation presented the second Workplace Strategy Summit at Wokefield Park
outside of London with the support of the University College London. Building on the success of the
first Summit held at Cornell University, the 2014 Summit featured leading academics and experts in the
fields of facility management and real estate speaking about the most innovative concepts to emerge in
workplace strategy. These global innovators engaged with the presenters and attendees from all over
the globe in round-table discussions on a range of issues related to work and workplace in the 21st
century. The Foundation invested significant funds to video the 2014 sessions and will make them
available to the profession in September. Please see the summary of the 2014 in this report.
Research agenda item: size and demographics of the FM profession worldwide. A comprehensive view
of the profession is essential when presenting the GWWI, and enlightening others on the importance of
increasing the visibility, awareness and number of individuals making FM a career of choice.
The Foundation played a key role in the associations work in submitting Facility Management in the
US Bureau of Labor Statistics 2018 Standard Occupational Code (SOC)update. The SOC classifies
all occupations in the economy, including private, public, and military occupations and provide data employment levels, trends, pay and benefits, demographic characteristics, skills required, and other
items – and is widely used by individuals, businesses, researchers, educators, and public policy-makers.
FM is included in ‘Administrative Services’, and this classification falls far short of the recognition and
data the profession needs to make FM a Career of Choice. Colleges and Universities, career counselors,
students, parents, employers and government agencies rely in this data in countless ways, making it
imperative that IFMA and the IFMA Foundation do everything necessary to make this happen.
Since the US SOC work only applies to the USA and if successful, data from the updated SOC won’t
be available until 2018-19, in the meantime it is important that the Foundation look at a larger program
to not only fill the void until the US BLS SOC is updated, but to provide a worldwide perspective on the
Additional Foundation focus areas over the last 12-18 months:
Tools and resources for the Global Workplace Workforce Initiative will be put in place over the coming
months and years. Our first significant investment was to award a grant of nearly $10,000 from the
David Beverly Memorial Fund to a collaborative project between NASA, the Total Learning Resource
Institute, the National Institute for Building Science and the IFMA Foundation called “Mars City”. The
grant allowed the final phases of production to conclude while the IFMA Foundation connected the
project is FM professionals to bring this team-based educational FM simulation into existence. Mars
City will be a resource for high school and community college students to learn more about the daily
operations of a facility. Students will be presented with a BIM model of real NASA plans for a station
on Mars and scenarios that would likely present themselves to the facility manager of such a facility.
Student teams will be challenged to find solutions to the scenarios, and will be able to compare their
results to those of other teams and FM experts. A pilot project of Mars City is expected to take place in
Southern California high schools this fall.
Taking on an initiative the size of the GWWI requires additional resources, human and financial. In the
last year, the Foundation has introduced the 15-500 club. Less than two and a half years ago, the
Foundation only had a volunteer roster of about 15. The GWWI calls for over 500 volunteers to be
engaged the next year for the program to begin. Our initial focus was finding volunteers to work with
the Foundation’s accreditation program and the update to the standard and preparing for accreditation
by the Council on Higher Education Accreditation. Now, there are more than 60 volunteers engaged
with the Foundation and the FMAC. Now, we are looking for hundreds of new volunteers to help with
the GWWI and our ongoing programs.
Fundraising is obviously just as critical to the success of the GWWI as having enough volunteers
to do the work. Traditionally, the Foundation raised funds much as a typical chapter or
council – looking for sponsors for various programs, projects and events.
As the Foundation’s GWWI seeks to find and educate tomorrow’s FM workforce, the
Foundation will look for the organizations, industries and companies who will directly
benefit from this work. Going beyond the traditional marketing department, the Foundation
is looking to build relationships with corporate partners to not only financially support the
GWWI, but to be a partner and ensure that future FM professionals enter the workforce equipped
to meet the needs of employers.
We’ve updated our Cause For Giving, a two-page summary of the work of the FM. Members are
encouraged to include a donation to the Foundation when they join or renew their membership. Our
Annual Fund is increasingly supported by Chapters and Councils who understand the importance of the
work of the Foundation and are committed to dedicating one fundraising event per year to support the
Foundation. Just this past July, the New York City Chapter of IFMA hosted a wine tasting event with
a silent auction, art sales and raffle that raised $15,000 in one evening for the Foundation. While many
chapters may not raise impressive amounts like this, every contribution counts and makes a difference.
Other chapters are dedicating events like the East Bay Chapter Golf Tournament which nearly sold out
two courses and raised $50,000 and introduced more than 250 golfers to the work of the Foundation.
Other chapters have added the Foundation “Gorilla Hole” to their golf tournament where Foundation
Trustee John Carrillo – a semi-pro long-ball hitter
Operationally, the Foundation is building the infrastructure and resources needed to effectively and
efficiently execute the work of the Foundation. Recent enhancements include:
Launch of a new CMS-based website at
Added an additional full time staff person to assist with administration, marketing and communications,
and event support.
Implementation of a new state-of-the-art Donor Management System allowing the Foundation to better
communicate with constituents, assist in volunteer efforts, provide for real-time on-line donations,
automatic recurring contributions and follow student contacts from scholarship to employment and
While dues do not directly fund the work of the Foundation, the association provides various services
to the Foundation at no charge such as office space, equipment, technology, network access,
website hosting, server resources, accounting services, advertising, press releases, editorial services,
copywriting, graphic design, event logistical support, fundraising support, and access to other staff
expertise. This in-kind support is valued at more than $100,000 USD annually.
On behalf of the Foundation Board, our nearly 200 volunteers, staff and constituents, we thank you for
your support and helping the Foundation make FM a career of choice around the world.
Jeffrey J. Tafel, CAE
Executive Director, IFMA Foundation
Current FM Accredited Degree Programs
Number of
Undergraduate (4-year)
Undergraduate (4-year)
FHS Kufstein Tirol Bildungs gmbH
The University of Sydney
Conestoga College
Hanzehogeschool groningen
The Netherlands
nHTv Breda University of Applied Science
The Netherlands
Saxion Universities of Applied Sciences
The Netherlands
Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Hong Kong, PRC
Undergraduate (4-year)
2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014
Undergraduate (4-year)
Associate (2-year)
2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014
Temasek Polytechnic
2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014
Undergraduate (4-year)
UniSIM Singapore
Undergraduate (4-year)
ZHAW (Zurich University of Applied Sciences)
Graduate (MAS)
ZHAW (Zurich University of Applied Sciences)
Graduate (MSc)
ZHAW (Zurich University of Applied Sciences)
Undergraduate (4-year)
Leeds Metropolitan University
United Kingdom
Leeds Metropolitan University
United Kingdom
University College London
United Kingdom
Arizona State University
Undergraduate (4-year)
Brigham Young University
Associate (2-year)
Community College of Philadelphia
Undergraduate (4-year)
Cornell University
Undergraduate (4-year)
Ferris State University
Undergraduate (4-year)
Florida A&M University
Georgia Institute of Technology (Georgia Tech)
Undergraduate (4-year)
Missouri State University
Pratt Institute
Rochester Institute of Technology
Undergraduate (4-year)
Southern Polytechnic State University
Associate (2-year)
TCI - College of Technology
Undergraduate (4-year)
Temple University
Texas A&M University
Undergraduate (4-year)
University of Minnesota
Undergraduate (4-year)
Wentworth Institute of Technology
A detailed listing of accredited schools can be found at
2 2013 2014
IFMA Foundation FM Student Scholarship Program
Number of
The IFMA Foundation scholarship program has awarded more than $1.2 million dollars since the
program started in the early 1990’s. We are proud to announce another strong year in 2014, with
$140,000 in scholarships and fully subsidized World Workplace travel and participation for 35 deserving
FM students. Since its inception, the Foundation has awarded more than 450 FM student scholarships.
It is all made possible in partnership with our scholarship sponsors.
The individual scholarships range in value from $1,500 to $5,000 and are awarded undergraduate (2and 4-year) and graduate students enrolled in facility management or FM related programs (related
programs include, but are not limited to, construction management, architecture, interior design and
some engineering disciplines). The Foundation supports aspiring and practicing FMs in their efforts to
50000reach higher, go farther and make a difference. These scholarships change lives and are a principal
strategy and creating the next generation of FM professionals.
2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014
If you have never attended the Academic Awards Ceremony held each year during World Workplace,
to 2013
our next generation of Facility Managers. We think you will be very impressed.
2009 the
2010 time
2011 2012
These students will amaze you – the future of FM is in good hands indeed.
Scholarship Program Participation
Amount of
The FM Scholarship Program is a great offering to deserving FM students that demonstrate exceptional
educational work and activities. The FM Scholarship Program is not only a great way to support the FM
profession and the IFMA Foundation, but can also:
• Bring an added level of exposure to your chapter, council, company or FM organization
• Offer a way to pay tribute to those who have gone above and beyond in service by naming the
scholarship in their honor
Your chapter, council, company or organization can offer a scholarship through the IFMA Foundation
in several ways:
• A one-time scholarship donation
• An annual scholarship with funds provided by your organization through fundraisers, locally
managed investments, etc
• Establishment of a scholarship fund within the IFMA Foundation
12 2013 2014
2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014
* In USD
• Smaller chapters with limited funds may join together to co-sponsor scholarships (for example:
if 4 chapters want to sponsor a student, each chapter may donate a minimum of $750 towards
a scholarship); which will be pooled into the “IFMA Foundation Scholarship Fund” account and
each chapter will be recognized
All Foundation scholarships must be a minimum of US $1,500, plus US $1,500 to allow the student to
attend IFMA’s World Workplace and for travel, meals, accommodations and other related expenses.
Students and scholarship sponsors are recognized at the Foundation’s annual academic awards
reception at World Workplace, and are published in the award-winning Facility Management Journal,
Foundation newsletter, Foundation Celebration program, press releases, Foundation website and other
If you would like to offer a scholarship, please contact Jeffrey J. Tafel, CAE, Executive Director,
IFMA Foundation at or 281-974-5620.
If you have questions, please contact Steve Lockwood, Director Accreditation and Academic Affairs,
IFMA Foundation at or 281-974-5601; or Cara Johnson, IFMA Foundation
Administrator at or 281-306-2742
2014 Workplace Strategy Summit
Nancy Johnson Sanquist
Manhattan Software, a Trimble Company IFMA Fellow and Board of Trustees,
IFMA Foundation
The IFMA Foundation and IFMA along with our event partners, FM:Systems, Planon, Manhattan, and others presented the
second Workplace Summit at Wokefield Park outside of London. The event brought together workplace strategy thought
leaders, practitioners, academics, students, researchers and solutions providers leading to discussions that engaged the
attendees in ‘cracking the code’ that releases new workplace concepts into the world through a collaboration of ideas,
designs and experiences from the various disciplines concerned.
The Foundation also released an edition of Work and Place, published by Occupiers Journal and made possible by Paul
Carder and the Summit’s platinum sponsors. The Summit proved to be a “content rich” event as one publication was not
large enough to hold all of the articles contributed by speakers and a second volume was published in September. Both
are available for free download from the Foundation’s website.
The planning committee identified academics and practitioners, with special emphasis in drawing from the pool of
professionals from the European community, and succeeded in gathering leaders from all over the world: half were from
Europe, one third from North America and the rest from Southeast Asia, South Africa and other countries.
Notable Presentations:
The keynote speaker, Dr. Frank Becker of Cornell University in Ithaca, New York, USA,
drew from his years of work in the area making a clear difference between academic and
practitioner research. The former takes a great deal of time and investment, and the latter
perhaps more useful in its shorter duration and more practical knowledge for the field.
Frank van Massenhove spoke from the management perspective on how new ways
of working are critical to the success of an organization. The session entitled “Shift or
Shrink: Transformation at the Belgium Social Security Ministry” covered how he set about
answering what the biggest problem his organization had which was not cutting costs. It was a problem they had in
attracting young people to work for his government organization. The Ministry found 92% of the work could be done
outside the office, 8% had to be on location and 23% wanted to work on-site. The Ministry did not set out to save money
by implementing new workplace strategies, but did actually reduce costs by $10m euros by needing 55% less space in this
new work environment. The process also resulted in happier employees who were respected and trusted to get work done
in six hours giving them back one of the most crucial components of life, time to do what they want to do with their families
instead of being tethered to a location. This reinvention of work for the Ministry is about culture, agility, and understanding
that giving back TIME is more valuable than money.
The Foundation invested a significant portion of the proceeds from the event in video production of the sessions and will
make the recordings available to the profession worldwide in September of 2014.
Plans are being considered for the next Workplace Strategy Summit to include other professionals in the event: HR, IT and more
executives. A 2015 Summit in Asia is being considered. For more information, please contact Jeff Tafel, CAE at
Thanks to our 2014 Summit Sponsors:
2014 Scholarship
IFMA 2014-15 Foundation Board of Trustees & Staff
Academic Council of IFMA –
Steve Strickland Showers Memorial
Immediate Past Chair
Foundation Chair
Foundation First Vice Chair
Airport Facilities Council of IFMA
Jennifer A. Corbett-Shramo,
CEO – Innovative Cleaning
Services Inc. & Principal –
Clean Solutions Inc.
1340 Reynolds Avenue,
Suite 111
Irvine, CA 92614 USA
Phone: +1 949-702-0009
Diane Coles-Levine
Workplace Management Solutions
6475 E. Pacific Coast Hwy. Ste. 295
Long Beach, CA 90803
Phone: +1-(562) 449-8998
John Carrillo, CFM, IFMA Fellow
AT&T Corporate Real Estate
2600 Camino Ramon, Rm. 3E451
San Ramon, CA 94583 USA
Phone: +1 925-759-8528
IFMA President, CEO
Foundation Secretary/Treasurer
Tony Keane, CAE
800 Gessner Rd., Suite 900
Houston, Texas 77024-4257 USA
Phone: +1 713-623-4362
Kenton D. Miller, FMP
Conestoga-Rovers & Associates
Las Vegas, NV USA
Phone: +1-520-465-5334
Fundraising Committee
6537 TL Nijmegen
Phone: +31 24 641 3135
Email: Atlanta Chapter of IFMA
Calgary Chapter of IFMA
Canadian Chapters of IFMA
Capital Chapter of IFMA –
Barbara Pryor Memorial Endowment
Central Illinois Chapter of IFMA
Central Pennsylvania Chapter of IFMA –
Charles N. Claar Memorial Scholarship
Corporate Facilities Council
Scholarship (3)
Dallas/Fort Worth Chapter of IFMA
Denver Chapter of IFMA –
Pat Harris Scholarship
East Bay Chapter of IFMA –
Karen Marciel Scholarship
FMN – Facility Management Netherlands
Greater Louisville Chapter of IFMA
Greater Philadelphia Chapter of IFMA
Greater Triangle Chapter of IFMA –
Buck Fisher Scholarship
Houston Chapter of IFMA –
Doug Underwood Memorial
Houston Chapter of IFMA –
George Graves Endowment (2)
ISS (2)
Kansas City Chapter of IFMA
North Alabama Chapter of IFMA
Public Sector Council
Redwood Empire Chapter of IFMA
Sacramento Chapter of IFMA –
Kit Tuveson Scholarship
San Diego Chapter of IFMA
Seattle Chapter of IFMA
Sodexo Scholarship
Southeast Wisconsin Chapter of IFMA –
Ken Laga Endowment
Southeast Michigan Chapter of IFMA
Staples Scholarship
Suncoast Chapter of IFMA
Utilities Council of IFMA –
Doug Underwood Memorial Fund (2)
West Michigan Chapter of IFMA – Jim
Hickey Memorial Endowment
IFMA Second Vice Chair
IFMA Board of Directors
Maureen Ehrenberg,
Executive Managing Director,
Global Facilities Management
CBRE, Inc.
311 S. Wacker Drive
Suite 400
Chicago, Illinois, USA 60606
Phone: +1-312-935-1978
Fax: +1-312-861-7580
Academics/Student Programs
James P. Corby, CFM,CFMJ
Steelcase Workplace Services
7680 Whitburn Drive, SE
Ada, MI 49301 USA
Phone: +1 616-246-9748
Volunteer Lead / Events
Christy Jellets
Camp Property Manager
Girl Scouts of Greater Atlanta
5601 N. Allen Rd
Mableton, GA 30126
Phone: +1 770-702-9138
European Activities /
Internship Programs
Adrian Anderson
Hein Consulting
27 Gourock Road
London, SE9 1JA
United Kingdom Phone: +44 7793660748
Frank J. Boettcher, CFM
Director - Corporate Services
Nashville, TN
Phone: +1-(615) 473-3732
Email: Research/Knowledge Management
& Finance Committees
Nancy J. Sanquist, IFMA Fellow
Vice President
Manhattan Software
428 9th St
Del Mar, CA 92014
Phone: +1 858-699-0827
Judy Leyshon, CFM
Sr. Facilities Manager
CBRE, Inc. : DaVita Healthcare
Phone: +1 303-876-7349
Julie O’Loughlin
Mountain View, CA USA
Finance & Research/ Knowledge
Management Committees
Erik Jaspers
Product strategy & innovation
Planon International B.V.
P.O. Box 38074
6503 AB Nijmegen
The Netherlands
Wijchenseweg 8
Internship Programs /
European Activities
Richard Keane CBU Facilities Director
Cummins Turbo Technologies Limited
St Andrew’s Road
Phone: +44 (0) 1484 832879
Corporate Advisor to the IFMA
Foundation Board of Trustees
J. Patrick McKee
VP, Global Corporate Services
22377 North 4032 Dr.
Bartlesville, OK USA
Phone: +1 602-908-3442
IFMA Foundation Staff
Executive Director of IFMA
Jeffrey J. Tafel, CAE
800 Gessner Rd., Suite 900
Houston, Texas 77024-4257 USA
Phone: +1 281-974-5620
Director, Accreditation and
Academic Affairs
Steve Lockwood, CFM
800 Gessner Rd, Suite 900
Houston, Texas 77024-4257 USA Phone: +1 281-974-5601
Cara Johnson, CMP
800 Gessner Rd., Suite 900
Houston, Texas 77024-4257 USA
Phone: +1 281-306-2742
IFMA Foundation – 2014 Fiscal Year End Summary
The IFMA Foundation is pleased to report another successful year of investing in the future of the Facility Management
profession through support of FM higher education, today’s FM students, research, and putting plans in place to make
FM a career of choice of students tomorrow.
The Foundation’s revenues were strong at nearly $650,000 – the second straight year for the Foundation to be near the
organization’s high water mark in revenue. The Accredited Degree Program (ADP) generated above average revenues from
a higher than normal number of programs up for re-accreditation. A newly revised ADP standard released during the fiscal
year led many potential new programs to postpone their application to fall under the new standard. These institutions are
expected to apply in the new fiscal year. Revenues from events were lower due to the spring golf tournament being held
in July, 2014 – the beginning of the Foundation’s next fiscal year. Unlike the previous fiscal year, there was no European
golf event in 2013-14. Research and publication revenues were higher than the previous year from the successful 2014
Workplace Strategy Summit held near London. Student program revenues were down due to a reduced number of
participating sponsors.
Event and student program expenses were down in correlation with revenues as mentioned above. Research and
publication expense increases resulted from higher costs associated with the Summit being held in the United Kingdom.
The Foundation was able to put the Fixtures Furniture Endowment to work in accordance with the donor’s wishes in
establishing and training Foundation staff and leaders in fundraising development. In addition, the Foundation provided a
grant worth nearly $10,000 toward the Mars City Project – a simulation program for high school and community college
student teams to manage FM scenarios in a virtual NASA facility on Mars. Administrative expenses increased with additional
staffing, higher bank fees due to more donations and sponsorships being paid via credit card and bank wires and increases
related to cultivating further donor development.
The Foundation’s Investment Policy continues to serve the organization well generating more than $95,000 and increasing
the funds available for 2014 FM student scholarships. The Foundation’s change in assets for the year was an increase of
more than $4,000.
Accredited Degree Program
FY 2012- 13
FY 2013- 14
Annual Fund Contributions
Research & Publications
Student Programs
Accredited Degree Program
Research & Publications
Student Programs
Program Investments & Grants Awarded
Other Expenses incl Administrative
2013 IFMA Foundation Donors
“The IFMA Foundation is most grateful to the many individuals and organizations who demonstrate their belief in its mission through
their generous financial support. Their support helps us position facility management as a career of choice by providing educational
opportunities, related scholarships and industry research initiatives worldwide.
We are pleased to recognize them below, and thank them again for their donations.”
Annual Fund Donors
Foundation Trustees, IFMA Board of Directors and staff donors
Adrian Anderson
Brian B. Ostrowe
Christy Jellets
Cindy K. Heller
Collins Osayamwen
David Martinez
Dean Stanberry
Dean Stanberry
Diane Coles-Levine
James P. Corby
James P. Whittaker
Jeffrey J. Tafel
Jennifer A. Corbett-Shramo
Jim Whittaker
John M. Carrillo
Judy Leyson
Julie O’Loughlin
Kenton D. Miller
Marc S. Liciardello
Michael D. Feldman
Nancy J. Sanquist
Roger Peterson
Tony Keane
Annual Fund Donors
Alice Hogueisson
Atlanta Chapter of IFMA
Barbara Ross
Capital Chapter of IFMA
Central Ohio Chapter of IFMA
Chicago Chapter of IFMA
Denver Chapter of IFMA
Denver Chapter of IFMA
East Bay Chapter of IFMA
Greater Louisville Chapter of
Houston Chapter of IFMA
John Lucien Grillo
Jones Lang LaSalle Americas
Los Angeles Chapter of IFMA
New Mexico Chapter of IFMA
New York City Chapter
Pat W. Turnbull / Kayhan
Peter Ankerstjerne
Phoenix Chapter of IFMA
Rodney M. Stevens
Sacramento Valley Chapter of
San Fernando Valley Chapter of
Steven Sonsino
Thomas L. Schulte
Wendy Shapiro, CFM
William E. Hoffman Jr
2013 Foundation Event Donors at World Workplace Philadelphia
Foundation Celebration Sponsor
A&A Maintenance / Armando
Rodriguez, Jr.
East Bay Chapter of IFMA
Capital Chapter of IFMA
EMCOR Facilities Services – C/O
Shannon Terry
Herman Miller
New York City Chapter of IFMA
Atlanta Chapter of IFMA
Boston Chapter of IFMA
San Diego Chapter of IFMA
San Francisco Chapter of IFMA
Denver Chapter of IFMA
Corporate Real Estate Council
Orange County Chapter of
Chesapeake Chapter of IFMA
Athens Services
HSG Window Cleaning Service –
Hector S Garcia
Nashville Chapter of IFMA
Panasonic Hollywood Laboratory
Rocky Mountain Chapter of IFMA
Waxie Sanitary Supply
Chicago Chapter of IFMA
DFW - Dallas / Fort Worth Chapter
Annual 2013 Scholarship Sponsors
Annual Chapter
Barbara Pryor Memorial
Endowment Scholarship
Atlanta Chapter of IFMA
Central Illinois Chapter of IFMA
Corporate Facilities Council of
Denver Chapter of IFMA
DFW - Dallas / Fort Worth
Chapter of IFMA
East Bay Chapter of IFMA
Greater Triangle Chapter of IFMA
FMN-Facility Management
Philadelphia Chapter of IFMA
Seattle Chapter of IFMA
Southeastern Michigan Chapter
Western New York Chapter of
Kansas City Chapter of IFMA
Staples Advantage
Suncoast Chapter of IFMA
Capital Chapter of IFMA
Charles N Claar Annual
Chapter Scholarship
Central PA Chapter of IFMA
Canadian Chapters of IFMA
Scholarship Fund
Canadian Chapters of IFMA
George Graves Honorary and
Doug Underwood Memorial
Endowed Scholarships
Doug Underwood Memorial Golf Tournament Sponsors
Intex Solutions
New York Tech Valley Chapter
Orlando Chapter of IFMA
RPM Business Solutions Inc.–
Gilbert Romoff
Sacramento Valley Chapter
UNISERVE Facilities Services
Central Iowa Chapter of IFMA
Kentucky Bluegrass (Lexington)
Chapter of IFMA
Silicon Valley Chapter of IFMA
Jim Hickey Memorial Endowment
West Michigan Chapter of IFMA
Annual Scholarship Program
Redwood Empire Chapter of
San Fernando Valley
Chapter of IFMA
Academic Awards Reception Sponsor
ARAMARK Facility Services
Madrid Golf Tournament / International FM Profile Definitions Student Study Project Sponsor
Altosa S.L.
ARCHIBUS Solution Center Spain S.A.
Bilfinger Hsg Facility Management S.A.
Dalkia Energia Y Servicios, S.A.
Garnica Facility Services S.L
IC-10 Proyectos Tecnicos Y Construcciones, S.L.
IFMA Espania
INTECONS S.A.(Grupo Claro Sol)
INTERACTIVA ( Grupo Ibergest)
Johnson Controls GWS, S.L.
Planinter, SA
Unifica Servicios Integrales, S. L.
UPM Universidad Politécnica De Madrid
Valoriza Facilities
Vitalis, Vida en el Trabajo, S.L.
Vitra Hispania,
1st Annual IFMA Foundation Golf Tournament Sponsors - Pasadena, CA
American Technologies, INC.
Athens Services
Conestoga Rovers and
Cor-O-Van Moving & Storage
DPPM Project Management
East Bay Chapter of IFMA
Fielding Electric
First Class Vending
Shari Epstein Memorial Fund
Mary Day Gauer
Tozour Energy Systems – Trane
Steven Cojei
Chairman’s Reception Sponsor at World Workplace
Actiu Berbegal y Formas, S.A
Houston Chapter of IFMA
Linda Beverly Annual Chapter
DTZ a UGL Company
FBG Service Corporation
KBM Facility Services
FRG Waste Resources
H. C. Olsen Construction
Home 2 Office
HSG Professional Window
Innovative Cleaning Services,
Intex Solutions
Johnson Controls
Manhattan Software
Mitsubishi Elevator / Escalator
Other Fund Contributors
Jim Hickey Memorial Endowment
Kimberly Minko
PRIDE Industries
R.J. Daum Construction
Ram Air Engineering, Inc.
San Francisco Engineering
Services (SFE)
San Joaquin Chemical
Shaw Contract Group
The Trane Company
Unisource Solutions
2013 Dues Check-off Contribution Participants
Aaron A. Francis
Aaron A. Jacobs
Aaron C. Aceves
Aaron J. Craft
Aaron J. Hill
Aaron K. Mcelhoe
Aaron M. Lacy
Aaron T. Mobry
Abel Gankon Dawah
Abu Sule
Adam Benes
Adam J. Hoy
Adam Kowalski
Adam P. Gallant
Adam R. Coons
Adam Ryan Eggehorn
Adebowale A. Onabanjo
Adediran A. Adetunji
Adele M. Boudreau
Adesola Mosuro
Adony J. Beniares
Adrian Dominguez
Adrian U. Ukpabi
Ah Kuah Koh
Ahmed N. Ewuzie
Ai Leng Tan
Aimee M. Hallgrimson
Aishat Emeka-Iwenofu
Ajibola S. Olagoke
Akindele O. Popoola
Al Artus
Al Q. Kinisky
Alan D. Cousino
Alan G. Fickett
Alan G. Wood
Alan H. Mechanic
Alan J. Peturson
Alan J. Wight
Alan McPhee
Alan P. Cranfill
Alan R. Hagan
Alan Smith
Alan Swain
Alan Wagemester
Alana F. Dunoff
Albert J. Cajilig
Albert J. Fitzgerald
Albert R. Franco
Albert Santos
Albert T. Mccoy
Alex Alaniz
Alex Dabelstein
Alex E. Buehler
Alex Flores
Alex Saxon
Alex Sharrock
Alex Williamson
Alexander Lofft
Alexander R. Mehran Jr
Alfonso Chavez
Alfred Ayotte
Alfred J. Dussi
Alfred L. Gorsuch
Alfred R. Ernst
Alice Hogueisson
Alice Turner
Alicia Z. Deitz
Alisha Stanfield
Alison E. Faecher
Aliyu S. Kunde
Allan Lee
Allan R. Bueno
Allen Bernard
Allen G. Fonken
Allen G. Kinn
Allen J. Henry
Allen L. Burns
Allen L. Van Boven
Allen R. Tuck
Allen W. Litts
Alonza Smalls
Alonzo Griffin
Amanda Beck
Amanda Groleau
Amanda Tyson
Ambrose Brisco
Amie K. Carter
Amit Gupta
Ammar Al Saade
Amy Frimodig
Amy Gardner
Amy K. Sparks
Amy M. Chrest
Amy Mackrell
Amy Patterson
Amy S. Dudash
Amy Turner
Ana Goncalves
Ana M. F. Crispim
Ana M. Marques
Anderson E. Lyiscott
Andie L. Gottschalck
Andre C. Whisenton
Andre D. Johnson
Andre L. Jones
Andrea Bradshaw
Andrea C. Niedhammer
Andrea Kania
Andrea M. Maki
Andrea Wolf-Strike
Andrew Bade
Andrew Bybee
Andrew C. Stepic
Andrew E. David
Andrew J. Mitchell
Andrew J. Wagner
Andrew Kotman
Andrew M. Laing
Andrew M. Staicer
Andrew Mccready
Andrew P. Moon
Andrew R. Arambula
Andy Allen
Andy Dillon
Andy Gabehart
Angel R. Devarez
Angela Connaughton
Angela Fruits
Angela G. Chatham
Angela Giesbrecht
Angela L. Lavelle
Angela R. Buckner
Angela Vreeland
Angelo Taccariello
Angie C. Earlywine
Angie Huffman
Ann Donnelly
Ann G. Kayman
Ann Olberding
Anna Mirjanovic-Ross
Anna Piacitelli
Anne Buffi
Anne M. Thompson
Anne Marie Rossi
Anne McGregor
Anne Merrill
Anne R. Oller
Anne S. Shrock
Anne Schaefer
Annette G. Gorelick
Annie Mccall
Anthony Dowd
Anthony F. Leonard
Anthony F. Medina
Anthony G. Sciarrone
Anthony J. Beck
Anthony J. Fox
Anthony J. Kopacz
Anthony J. Maddox
Anthony J. Scovazzo
Anthony J. Travia
Anthony M. Santana
Anthony Marinaro
Anthony P. Sawyer
Anthony Piazza
Anthony Pizzitola
Anthony R. Davis
Anthony R. James
Anthony R. Spagnolo
Anton J. Schleinz
Antonio Willars
April Davis
April F. Heinze
April L. Schubert-Zumach
April Pigott
April R. Mclean
Aric Budden
Arlene G. Povroznik
Arlin D. Hope
Aron R. Fleck
Arshad Ahmed Peshimam
Art B. Crow
Arthur D. Zermeno
Arthur J. Miranda
Arthur Siller
Arthur Williams
Arvind K. Sinha
Ashley E. Dreslinski
Astrid Apopa
Atanas S. Atanasov
Attila G. Relenyi
Audley A. Brown
Audrey E. Moore
Ayodele C. Olaleye
Ayoola I. Ogundare
Bahadir Adiyaman
Barbara A. Carpenter
Barbara A. Casey
Barbara A. Cochran
Barbara De Nijs Bik
Barbara Donaldson
Barbara Halcomb
Barbara J. Saville
Barbara K. Fulmer
Barbara Knehans
Barbara M. Blair
Barbara Morrison
Barbara R. Miller
Barbara Ross
Barbara U. Moncrief
Barrington Abrahams
Barry Alan Laughlin
Barry Brantley
Barry D. Wiebe
Barry L. Shetter
Bart Stewart
Bassem Elosman
Beatriz Esquivel-Bockman
Becky A. Getkin
Becky A. Shoulders
Becky Hardy
Behrooz Emam
Belva J. Lee
Ben Earle
Ben Kuehne
Bena Dookie-Shah
Benjamin Lotter
Benjamin N. Goudy
Benjamin Paredes
Benjamin R. Bertram
Benlawrence J. Begaye
Bernard A. Johnson
Bernard Spriggs
Bernardo Z. Ngui
Bernice T. Mccann
Bernt Von Glasenapp
Bert C. Burke
Bertha Neal-Eley
Beth A. Peiffer
Beth Bory
Beth Stafford
Beth Trey
Beth Winters
Bethanie Calvanese
Bethany L. McGlaughlin
Bethany R. Gones
Betty Wagner
Betty Y.m. Poon
Beverly Cox
Bhumesh Gaur
Bibi Anna Mesmer
Bill Adams
Bill E. Beck
Bill Gessert
Bill Guest
Bill Kennedy
Bill Lewinski
Bill Olechnowicz
Bill Powell
Bill Tharp
Bill Zei
Blaine I. Peterson
Blaine Udell
Blair Bego
Blair H. Baker
Blair Radney
Blake Smith
Bob C. Barham
Bob Crawmer
Bob Diamond
Bob Scott
Bobby Friant
Bonnie E. Frailicks
Bonnie J. Britt
Bonnie Wedel
Boris S. Letuchy
Boyd Carter
Brad A. Ghaster
Brad Call
Brad G. Kaun
Brad J. Knight
Brad Mcavoy
Bradford A. Femmer
Bradford J. Evans
Bradley A. Markley
Bradley Anderson
Bradley B. Mead
Bradley B. Trew
Bradley P. Bauserman
Brady Mick
Brandi M. Floyd
Brandon Bowles
Brandon C. Bush
Brandon D. Parham
Brandon Halpin
Brandon L. Dunham
Brenda D. Booth
Brenda Davis
Brenda L. Chinadle
Brenda L. Maier
Brendan J. Lally
Brent A. Mencke
Brent A. Reifsnyder
Brent Hockins
Brent T. Blanchard
Brett C. Gaither
Brett Frasier
Brett L. Stinson
Brett Leslie
Brett R. Pletzke
Brett Tyrrell
Brett W. Fuehring
Brett Wedekind
Brian A. Lange
Brian A. Tippens
Brian Ashford
Brian B. Ostrowe
Brian Berg
Brian C. Kenestrick
Brian D. Wood
Brian Denny
Brian G. Schwagerl
Brian Hopper
Brian Iacofano
Brian J. Hamill
Brian J. Kane
Brian K. Carpenter
Brian K. Cescolini
Brian K. Ditmore
Brian L. Jones
Brian Lawhead
Brian Long
Brian O. Salazar
Brian O’kane
Brian Phillips
Brian Riley
Brian Rogers
Brian S. Williams
Brian Vago
Brian Wright
Bridget Shuel-Walker
Bridgett N. Johnson
Brien Neill
Britney M. Hyde
Brock A. Flowers
Brock T. Martinson
Brooke Petersmeyer
Bruce A. Watson
Bruce Adams
Bruce B. Knutsen
Bruce George
Bruce J. Wright
Bruce Lapham
Bruce Robertson
Bruce Sweeris
Bruce T. Causey
Bruce W. Strandberg
Bruce W. Yale
Bruce Wiuff
Bruer C. Kershner
Bryan Anderson
Bryan Goldberg
Bryan Helford
Bryan Hurtado
Bryan K. Houser
Bryan Neuhaus
Bryce T. Reynolds
Buckley Condie
Bud W. Haffner
Byron A. Smith
Byron E. Beamer
C. Jaye Berger
C. Michael Meyer
Caitlin Armstrong
Cale J. Prokopf
Calvin D. Gilley
Calvin D. Ross
Camala Jones
Cameron D. Walsh
Camille D. Venezia
Candice D. Hamilton
Candice M. Goldsmith
Candy Bays
Cara J. Smith
Caren A. Burns
Carinne Demaio
Carl Gioia
Carl Hulme
Carl J. Eriksen
Carl J. Turek
Carl S. Godwin
Carl T. Howard
Carl W. Braun
Carla D. Ingram
Carlo J. Thompson
Carlos A. Ballesteros
Carlos A. Roldan
Carlos Dur
Carlos M. Lopez
Carlton W. Jordan
Carmen G. Sanchez
Carmen M. Jiron
Carol A. James
Carol Bain
Carol Beausay
Carol Carter, Cfm
Carol L. Michael
Carol M. Smith
Carole J. Roach
Carolina Monzon
Carolina Rock
Caroline A. Seward
Caroline C. Kelley
Carolyn R. Visalli
Carolyn Silence
Carolyn Skahen
Carolyn Whitelaw
Carrie L. Ellis
Carroll Mclaurin
Carson R. Pilcher
Caryl T. Mason
Caryn C. Jakucki
Casey Denton
Catherine A. Powell
Catherine Cullen
Catherine D. Lee
Catherine Hallett
Cathleen L. Sessions
Cathlene E. Bilak
Cathy C. Hiett
Cathy H. Pacifico
2013 Dues Check-off Contribution Participants
Cathy Hay
Cathy L. Campfield
Cathy L. Hogins
Cecil L. Wilson
Cecilia E. Smith
Cecilia W. Sebatindira
Cesar N. Garza
Cesar Prado
Chad A. Stout
Chad A. Till
Chad Conoryea
Chad D. Hendley
Chad Ferguson
Chad Luning
Chad Ridenour
Chad W. Weston
Chad Westrum
Charlee Storner
Charlene Brown
Charlene S. Rhine
Charles A. Cox
Charles A. Evans
Charles A. Klein
Charles Brown
Charles Crawford Deware
Charles D. Carpenter
Charles D. Manson
Charles D. Watson
Charles Davidson
Charles E. Haas, Jr.
Charles E. Jones
Charles E. Ostendorf
Charles F. Autry
Charles F. Jones
Charles H. Weidner
Charles J. Henselder
Charles L. Williams
Charles Lovelace
Charles Nieves
Charles P. Lafferty
Charles R. Baum
Charles R. Cubelic
Charles R. Mooney
Charles Shuler
Charles T. Dolor
Charles W. Brown
Charles W. Murphy
Charley R. Carroll
Charlie Castro
Charlie Hall
Charlie West
Charlotte Goeddel
Charmaine D. Moar
Chase Brackett
Chase H. Passey
Chelsea M. Ritchie
Cheng Chuen On
Cheri Mccormick
Cherie B. Johnson
Cherie Mcnabb
Cheron Holloman
Cheryl A. Gapinski
Cheryl Bodnar
Cheryl Davidson
Cheryl Gajadhar
Cheryl Lobsinger
Cheryl Wencl
Cheryle A. Buxton
Chi Chon Chan
Chiloh C. Baty
Ching Liu Fava
Chiu Cheong Lai
Chris Arbuckle
Chris Carpenter
Chris Claessens
Chris Eno
Chris Feist
Chris Galgano
Chris Givner
Chris Hood
Chris J. Gilliland
Chris Kelly
Chris Kuhn
Chris Kujawa
Chris M. Brodnicki
Chris M. Eckl
Chris O. Chukwuma
Chris Ogden
Chris Ohman
Chris Ramos
Chris Rankin
Chris Rohrer
Chris Salazar
Chris Stout
Chris Sword
Chris T. Laughman
Chris Waldheim
Christa Dodoo
Christian A. Flanders Fmp
Christian D. Pellecchia
Christian Kasper
Christie Topping
Christina G. De Bono
Christina M. Mulholland
Christina Shoop
Christine A. Corcoran
Christine A. Pagliaro
Christine E. Salvaggio
Christine K. Williams
Christine Lang
Christine M. Elpers
Christine Van Dyke
Christopher A. Ellis
Christopher A. Fawcett
Christopher Beeson
Christopher Berry
Christopher Costeines
Christopher Herringer
Christopher J. Adamo
Christopher J. Burke
Christopher J. Nortz
Christopher J. Tierney
Christopher J. Werder
Christopher L. Carter
Christopher M. Jeffries
Christopher M. Massaro
Christopher Macdonald
Christopher Marzo
Christopher N. Heisterberg
Christopher N. Lambert
Christopher Nesman
Christopher O’keefe
Christopher Parra
Christopher R. Legler
Christopher Redman
Christopher Rozek
Christopher S. Gibson
Christopher S. Ladd
Christopher T. Adkins
Christopher T. Shields
Christopher T. Takai
Christopher W. Casson
Christopher W. Query
Christopher White
Christy Jellets
Christy M. Lewis
Christy Maraone
Chuck W. Brown
Chuck Wilhelm
Cina M. Brady
Cindy A. Hardin
Cindy Nicholls
Cindy Soro
Claire B. Mood
Claire Lavoie
Claire Varney
Clara L. Sanchez
Clara M. Smith
Clark E. Verchick
Clark Johnson
Clark Miller
Claudia M. Sciarretta
Clay B. Major
Clay Dunning
Cleto A. Sanjur
Cliff Ks Wong
Clifford E. Berek
Clifford J. Folkert
Clifton Mc Manus
Clifton S. Shubert
Clorese Jones
Cody J. Pace
Colette D. Bettencourt
Colin Aldworth
Colleen Defilippo
Colleen E. Erickson
Colleen F. Anderson
Colleen Slifkas
Colum J. Crilly
Connie M. Lilley
Connie Miller
Connie Silva
Conrad C. Heer
Conrad Schellenberg
Constance M. Arrington
Consuelo T. Lowery
Corey K. Wiles
Corinne A. GarciaMatthews (Herman)
Corrina M. Knight
Corrine Thomas
Corwin Will
Cory Hunnicut
Cory Lewis
Cory Loder
Courtney Coe
Courtney T. Davis
Craig A. Ballard
Craig A. Mcquilken
Craig A. Oakman
Craig Dallas
Craig Dunn
Craig E. Hale
Craig L. Robinson
Craig Lustig
Craig M. Ferguson
Craig Manske
Craig O’neal
Craig Petersen
Craig S. Kent
Crystal A. Ozmar
Crystal D. Parry
Crystal L. Kline
Crystal M. Alley
Crystal M. Barrett
Curt Futvoye
Curtis D. Jones
Curtis Jolly
Curtis Slife
Cynthia M. Buckley
Cynthia M. Harman
Cynthia Putnam
Cynthia T. Cole
Dale E. Crandell
Dale E. Wenger
Dale Henning
Dale Newland
Dale P. Keeney
Dale R. Raun
Dale R. Schuss
Dale Temple
Dan Kasdorf
Dan Kelley
Dan L. Bess
Dan M. Mcfadden
Dan Stegall
Dana A. Holladay
Dana Blakeman
Dana J. Marro
Dana M. Gee
Danell M. Cassetta
Daniel A. Marks
Daniel A. Stein
Daniel B. Gabie
Daniel B. Hardgrove
Daniel C. Rosetta
Daniel Ellis
Daniel F. Hill
Daniel F. O’halloran
Daniel G. Hahn
Daniel G. Jay
Daniel H. Montes
Daniel H. Tarkington
Daniel J. Brennan
Daniel J. Chartier
Daniel J. Grayson
Daniel J. Kelly
Daniel J. Krauss
Daniel Johnson
Daniel K. Lyle
Daniel L. Wicht
Daniel M. Bowers
Daniel M. Nichols
Daniel Martell
Daniel Mundle
Daniel Novin
Daniel P. Greguska
Daniel P. Mohrman
Daniel Phister
Daniel R. Cancelleri
Daniel R. Germond
Daniel R. Lawson
Daniel R. Moody
Daniel Riehle
Daniel S. Swerhone
Daniel T. Baldecchi
Daniel T. Lamb
Danielle Dupuis
Danielle S. Berthelot
Danny E. Havens
Danny J. Moran
Danny J. Stuber
Danny N. Garcia
Darby F. Poole
Darcy C. Veneziale
Darel Mason
Darin Gilchriese
Darlene J. King
Darlene Mourao
Darlene Saunders
Darold Windorski
Darrah Courter
Darrell A. Doramus
Darrell Bast
Darrell J. Toth
Darrell K. Huggins
Darren K. Desrosiers
Darren L. Seefeldt
Darryl Sherrod
Darryl Stanley
Darwin L. Ward
Daryl D. Blanco
Daryl Zbrzezny
Dave D. Menz
Dave Hanley
Dave J. Bustillos
Dave J. Roberts
Dave Kimble
Dave R. Murray
Dave Rekevics
Dave S. Lamaster
Dave Simpson
Dave Tomber
David A. Boland
David A. Buell
David A. Conover
David A. Dunham
David A. Elgin
David A. Gardner
David A. Gray
David A. Reader
David A. Reid
David A. Scott
David A. Stricker
David A. Watson
David A. Wolk
David A. Yentzer
David B. Irvin
David B. Spangler
David Boomer
David Brite
David C. Nelson
David Cohen
David Cormell
David D. Foltz
David D. Hill
David Dalo
David Drach
David Dumler
David E. Clapper
David E. Mccoy
David E. Mott
David F. Grubbs
David G. Richter
David Gluth
David Goudelock
David H. Pattishall
David Hader
David Haynes
David J. Brown
David J. Friendman
David J. Kinney
David J. Kuiper
David J. Moore
David J. Reitz
David J. Silva
David K. Ayers
David K. Best
David Ketcham
David L. Edwards
David L. King
David L. Kruse
David L. Mcconnell
David L. Mcgee
David L. Shaffer
David L. Spencer
David L. Wade
David L. Yang
David Lausch
David Lawrence Dunn
David Lee Sincere
David Lies
David M. Kinzler
David M. Sielaty
David Maroni
David Mojica
David Montross
David Orner
David Osborne
David P. Hallam
David P. Mayfield
David P. Osterlund
David P. Ramirez
David P. Thomas
David Patterson
David Penn
David R. Bertolette
David R. Cooper
David R. Cosby
David R. Mcmahon
David Ricke
David S. Mummert
David Scolari
David Smith
David Stephenson
David Sylvester
David T. Hodge
David W. Fornieri
David W. Ince
David W. Mcfarland
David W. Powers
David W. Von Mosch
David Weger
David Wray
Dawn Biggins-Felix
Dawn M. Greseth
Dawn M. Zancan
Dawn Ovokaitys
Dawna Fry
Dean A. Baker
Dean A. Larson
Dean Custer
Dean G. Mackinnon
Dean Jones
Dean Stanberry
Dean Theo
Deanna L. Cistone
Deanna Pabich
Debbie Bender
Debbie Jaslow Shatz
Debbie L. Sullivan
Deborah A. Salcido
Deborah C. Hunt
Deborah J. Jones
Deborah L. Moore
Deborah R. Zeitler Radek
Deborah S. Benjamin
Deborah Stonehouse
Debra A. Macke
Debra K. Altenbernd
Debra Kay Ertel-Hernandez
Deeanna Wohlgamuth
Delight Sunday-Anicho
Delmus L. Peschel
Delwin E. Leiva
Delwyn J. Lankheet
Denay M. Love
Denise Bernardo
Denise L. Rippinger
Denise L. Strong
Denise M. Kroll
Denise Martin
Denise Rodriguez
Denise S. Skougard
Dennis Driscoll
Dennis E. Finch
Dennis E. Lord
Dennis Emsley
Dennis J. Foley
Dennis J. Kowal Aia Leed Ap
Dennis Knight
Dennis L. Johnson
Dennis L. Redfield
Dennis Lombardi
Dennis M. Garegnani
Dennis M. Sawyer
Dennis McCord Moody
Dennis Rusk
Dennis W. Preston
Denny Wadsworth
Derek Jayson Rusch
Derek N. Gooch
Derek Olin
Derek S. Ramsey
Derek W. Balfour
Derrick L. Millard
Devin J. Hugie
Devin M. Gleeson
Devon A. Williams
Diane L. Newman
Diane Lara
Diane Liggett
Diane M. Anaquod
Diane M. Vandyne
Diane Mackay
Diane R. Nyffler
Dianna L. Stephens
Dianna Sexton
Dianne Dannhaus
Dianne Ruscoe
Dick Zucker
Diedra A. White
Dieter M. Scheel
Dion T. Brain
Diona B. Heim
Dolores A. Ligibel
Dolores F. Nelson
Domenico F. Caramagno
Dominic A. Venuto
Dominic Magisano
Dominic McGraw
Don Barksdale
Don Hirose
Don J. Silva
Don Kuhrt
Don M. Rogers
Don W. Moore
Donald A. Harvill
Donald A. Simon
Donald Allen
Donald D. Eagle
Donald Desrosiers
Donald Dipanfilo
Donald E. Merriam
Donald F. Sheneman Iii
Donald H. Lockwood
Donald J. Brown
Donald J. Mahannah
Donald J. Wiltshire
Donald Lecuyer
Donald R. Cuming
Donald R. Peoples
Donald Shaw
Donald Stenson
Donald Will
Donna A. Lescosky
Donna Baird
Donna K. Gruninger
Donna L. Janowiak
Donna L. Shirley
Donna Lewis
Donna M. Bruno
Donna S. Anderson
Donna Tardy
Donna Taylor
Donny G. Arseneaux
Donovan W. Wolf
Dori Chapman
Dorie K. Roth
Doris J. Wasson
Dorothy A. Zarnik
Doug D. Higgins
Doug Elser
Doug J. Bertrand
Doug Mintz
Douglas A. Brummett
Douglas A. Grega
Douglas H. Caves
Douglas Heurich
Douglas J. Colley
Douglas J. Haselwander
Douglas L. Schleich
Douglas S. Mazur
Douglas S. Plotke
Douglas T. Helstrom
Douglas W. Hinkle
Douglas W. Smith
Doyle R. Graham
Drew A. Friedman
Duane L. Short
Duane Squire
Dwayne Newman
Earl G. Geertgens
Earl W. Canfield
Ed Hopkins
Ed R. Orozco
Eddie Clayson
Edgar Espino
Edgard Niebles
Edmond P. Rondeau
Edna E. Simpson-Kocurek
Edward A. Brown
Edward A. Lynch
Edward A. Vizoskie
Edward Allcock
Edward E. Stevenson
Edward Esposito
Edward Fay
Edward G. Lowes
Edward J. Faranda
Edward J. Hamer
Edward J. Klosowski
Edward James Wenner
Edward L. Arntson
Edward L. Booth
Edward L. Clousher
Edward L. Melton
Edward Li
Edward M. Lyum
Edward M. Novak
Edward R. Leinweaver
Edward S. Peck
Edward Valverde
Edwin Huggins
Edwin Ortiz
Edwin Polanco
Elaine B. Yadlon
Elaine F. Kenny
Elaine Hopkins
Elaine Hundrieser
Elaine K. Dumais
Elaine K. Fong
Elijah K. Jones
Elisa A. Soriano
Elisio P. Sapata
Elizabeth A. Russo
Elizabeth A. Seidel
Elizabeth Butler
Elizabeth H. Stulz
Elizabeth I. Lofton
Elizabeth L. Grimes
Elizabeth Ross
Elizabeth Vonesh
Ellen J. Demmery
Ellen L. Chess
Ellen M. McGaghey
Ellis G. Kirby
Elmore W. Tregre
Elton D. Skinner
Elvira Barton
Emily Brown
Emily Dunham
Emily M. Burns
Emmet J. Yukon
Emmett J. Urban
Enzo Unfer
Eric A. Smothers
Eric A. Vavere
Eric Connery
Eric Cross
Eric D. Marvin
Eric D. Newton
Eric Dickinson
Eric E. Manion
Eric Gradyan
Eric H. Johnson
Eric Hassen
Eric J. Polito
Eric J. White
Eric Johnson
Eric M. Swanson
Eric Mclean
Eric N. Bowles
Eric P. Dieter
Eric P. Olden
Eric Patro
Eric Pethtel
Eric R. Marchessault
Eric R. Riehl
Eric Robb
Eric S. Johnson
Eric T. Korsvall
Eric Teicholz
Eric V. Halverson
Eric V. Scarlett
Eric West
Eric Yurko
Erik Brown
Erik L. Lind
Erik Schmitt
Erika S. Liao
Erin A. Bowdell
Erin Mckenzie
Ernest F. Kish
Ernest P. Pierz
Ernesto Casas
Eugene Fall
Eugene Gibson
Eugene J. Herr
Eugene J. Pinto
Eugene Smith
Evan Cottingham
Evan W. Pate
Evan Yount
Eve E. Stevenson
Everett S. Smith
Ewan J. Fraser
Facundo M. Cepeda
Faith M. Snyder
Fayetta D. Smith
Federica Dussi
Felicia A. Wyms
Felix A. Ontiveros
Fernando P. Pineda
Fletcher S. Johnston
Floyd J. Primavera
Forrest Blake
Frances L. Pringle
Francis J. Kuhn
Francis X. Flaherty
Francis X. Hackett
Francisco Antonio S.
Francois Parent
Frank Bartolone
Frank C. Macchio
Frank Carciappolo
Frank Ferrante
Frank G. Zimmer
Frank H. Ball
Frank J. Boettcher
Frank J. Erickson
Frank J. Fricker
Frank L. Henry
Frank M. Harsche
Frank Moton
Frank P. Randall
Frank R. Horak
Frank R. Joy
Frank Tortorigi
Frankie Mcdonald
Fransisca Strampher
Fred Baxter
Fred Errigo
Fred Leone
Fred R. Polansky
Fred S. Minick
Fred Schroeder
Frederic Howland
Frederick J. Argenziano
Frederick Peterson
Fredrick Evans
G. Philip Booker
Gabriel Ramirez
Gail Cole
Gail E. Curran
Gail Hesselbrock
Gail J. Fackler
Gail L. Edmiston
Gail Perry
Gail Taylor
Garrett E. Baxley
Garrett Friskie
Garth Johnson
Garth L. Sellers
Gary A. Gustafson
Gary A. Lamonte
Gary A. Sharp
Gary A. Wood
Gary Austin
Gary Campanella
Gary E. Terbush
Gary Erickson
Gary G. Reimer
Gary Hinton
Gary Hutchins
Gary J. Alexander
Gary J. Aquilina
Gary J. Hinchee
Gary Mckelvey Jr
Gary Michaelson
Gary N. Loop
Gary Osborne
Gary P. O’neill
Gary Pfeifer
Gary R. Bertosh
Gary Schutz
Gary W. Grubb
Gary Williams
Gary Woo
Gavin M. D’eri
Gayla Johnson
Gbadamosi S. Yakubu
Gbolahan O. Odutayo
Gene Gattis
Gene H. Darnell
Gene McCoskey
Gene S. Hudelson
Genna Philpott
Geoffrey T. De Lucca
George C. Rugen
George Denise
George E. Robinson
George F. Smith
George G. Smith
George Halpin
George Harwood
George J. Topic
George M. Estephan
George Navarro
George O. James
George W. Morche
Georgianna Skarlatos
Gerald A. Laforge
Gerald Chase Gehm
Gerald Cheung
Gerald G. Burns
Gerald H. Kinney
Gerald Knowes
Gerald L. Tyler
Gerald Morgan
Gerald S. Kundla
Geraldine M. Graham
Gerard J. Nesel
Gerard Winters
Gerardo Almazan
Geron A. Smith
Gerry D. Cellucci
Gesse Campos Camargo
Ghislain Tanguay
Ghislain Vanfraechem
Gigi L. Nam
Gina B. Thomas
Gina Naccarato-Reed
Glen Barnstable
Glen Blohm
Glen Hanlan
Glen M. Kuszewski
Glenda H. Gilbert
Glenn D. Larson
Glenn D. Lester
Glenn E. Hamilton
Glenn E. Weed
Glenn Laporte
Glenn Pifer
Glenn R. Dirks
Glenn S. Ito
Gloria M. Hsiao
Godwin A. Sunmola
Godwin Obekpa Okpe
Grace N. Scholz
Graham H Emery
Graham John Tier
Graham M. Headey
Grant D. Sommerfeld
Grant P. King
Greg A. Deming
Greg Allen
Greg Block
Greg Bush
Greg E. Brown
Greg F. Flippin
Greg Forbes-King
Greg Goeke
Greg Hoch
Greg J. Hardin
Greg L. Smith
Greg M. Gentsch
Greg Orser
Greg Stiles
Gregg Burks
Gregg James
Gregor D. Smith
Gregory A. Leach
Gregory B. Hilbrecht
Gregory C. Mills
Gregory D. Mcdonnell
Gregory Dill
Gregory G. Ferrick
Gregory G. Smith
Gregory J. Fleissner
Gregory L. Hunscher
Gregory Luberecki
Gregory M. Wood
Gregory P. Campbell
Gregory P. Klug
Gregory S. Bauer
Guy Compagnone
Guy E. Descloux
Guy Miner
Guy P. Taerwe
Guy Wallace
Gwen N. Rice
H. Peter Maerz
Hackman Hon Yin Lee
Hafeez Mohammed
Haiba Bakar
Hal Bacharach
Hamid O. Abdulkareem
Hamoudeh Qawasmy
Hamza Mai
Hank Halbach
Hans Anders Nilsson
Harley A. Skjervem
Harley Jeanise
Harold Ippich
Harold L. Miner
Harold R. Hicks
Harriet Markis
Harriet T. Whelihan
Harris M. Ginyard
Harry B. Neumayer
Harry L. Ludwig
Harvey, Ho Yan Chan
Haydn W. Fusia
Heather A. Collins
2013 Dues Check-off Contribution Participants
Heather B. Page
Heather G. Allen
Heather H. Paradice
Heather Rainone
Hector I. Talavera
Heidi Dunn
Heidi J. Petty
Heidi M. Peterson
Heith Rogers
Helen A. Christensen
Helen M. Banks
Helen McDonald
Helen T. Vu
Helena Ohlsson
Henning Gade
Henry A. Passerini
Henry E. Alcon
Henry J. Merrill
Henry J. Wroblewski
Henry Moreno
Henry Zwiers
Herbert B. Busch
Hidetoshi Dote
Hilary A. Phillips
Hilary Castillo
Hilary Lorage
Hilary M. O’leary
Hitesh Tailor
Holly Y. Olson
Hon San Cheng
Horace Hy Yiu
Howard (Buck) K. Fisher
Howard A. Korn
Howard F. Beittenmiller
Howard F. Rowlison
Howard J. Low
Howard Rose
Howard S. Eck
Hubert F. Hendren
Hugh F. Warren
Hugo Arambarri
Ian R. Fuller
Ibi Guevara
Ibrahim Yahaya-Joe
Ikechukwu F. Amadike
Ilya Brezhnev
Inna Tuler
Ira Warshauer
Irving Ramos
Isabelle C. Davis
Ismael Gonzalez
Israel Rodriguez
Ivan D. Pauline
Ivolyn Mcfarlane
J S. Glasgow
J. Scott Mccauley
Jack Ball
Jack Elizondo
Jack Ellinghaus
Jack Murphy
Jack R. Podlesh
Jack W. Evans
Jackalynn D. Rowe
Jackie G. Heyen
Jackie Wright
Jacob R. White
Jacob Sertich
Jacob Sheedlo
Jacqueline A. Earley
Jacqueline Anderson
Jacqueline D. Agel
Jacqueline L. Mattingly
Jacqueline Logan
Jacqueline M. Vasquez
Fmp Asid
Jacqueline Sue Bottrell
Jacquelyn S. Carter
Jacqui A. Ridout
Jaime Flores
Jaime Wu
Jake A. Gunnoe
Jake Moreno
James A. Howard
James A. San Filippo
James A. Young
James B. Preuss
James B. Schweppe
James Bencie
James C. Elledge
James C. Hilf
James C. Wilkinson
James Cunningham
James D. Allen
James D. Garza
James D. Hunley
James D. Welch
James Daniel
James Demarest
James E. Davis
James E. Donahue
James E. Hooper
James E. Horan
James E. Horne
James F. Lisowski
James F. Solomon
James G. Broeker
James G. Brown
James G. Osbourne
James G. Taylor
James H. Durfee
James H. Goodman
James Harris
James J. McAloon
James L. Manganello
James L. Winskill
James L. Young
James Lambert
James M. Connolly
James M. Daymut
James M. Fochs
James M. Ford
James M. Ivey
James M. Walters
James M. Williams
James Meeker
James Mok
James N. Judd
James N. McCullough
James P. Gonsalves
James P. Gregory
James P. Keenan
James P. Overbaugh
James P. Ware
James P. Williams
James R. Brunette
James R. Dimestico
James R. Habig
James R. Haeberle
James R. Lyman
James R. McElwee
James R. Spurr
James R. Van De Voorde
James Roy
James S. Egan
James S. Jackson
James S. Weeks
James Sandoval
James T. Balsitis
James T. Graczyk
James Terry
James Tolleson
James V. Tennessen
James W. Leblanc
James W. Sheets
James W. Whatley
James Wong
James Wyper
Jamie Budy
Jamie C. Batsell
Jamie Newell
Jan E. Cunningham
Jan Taylor
Jana E. Dengler
Jana P. Galvan
Jana T. O’Keefe
Jane Betsekas Mele
Jane Dedering
Jane Strillchuk
Janell D. Schwartz
Janet E. Eyring
Janet L. Cannon
Janet L. Lindsey
Janet L. Smith
Janet M. Hall
Janet M. Hoover
Janet N. Rogers
Janet Richardson-Whitson
Janice A. Lee
Janice H. Taniyama
Janice Johnson
Janice L. Young
Janice Nath
Jared P. Geary
Jari Appelroth
Jasmine Gin
Jason A. Payne
Jason Anderson
Jason B. Van Beever
Jason C. Munro
Jason Cheong
Jason E. Jones
Jason Gourieux
Jason Hahn
Jason J. Churchill
Jason J. Fee
Jason M. Duhl
Jason M. Peskey
Jason Pollock
Jason R. Adams
Jason Sorenson
Jason Van Buren
Jason W. Barlup
Jay Bainton
Jay Buffkin
Jay Cozby
Jay Harmeyer
Jay Labarre
Jay M. Hamilton
Jay Mandelstam
Jay Momet
Jay R. Laplante
Jaye T. Alford
Jayla T. McDonald
Jayne Greybar
Jean H. Sayles-Jacobson
Jean M. Anderson
Jean M. Cavanagh
Jean Whelan
Jeanne L. Kopacz
Jeanne M. Croft
Jeannie Davis
Jeff A. French
Jeff B. Otoupalik
Jeff Butterfield
Jeff E. Shute
Jeff Froboese
Jeff Hobbs
Jeff L. Thomason
Jeff Martin
Jeff Milligan
Jeff R. Deming
Jeff Regner
Jeff Robertson
Jeff Rountree
Jeff Sechrest
Jeff Steenis
Jeff T. Ryan
Jeff W. Benning
Jeff Windle
Jeff Winter
Jefferson B. Smith
Jefferson Willets
Jeffery B. Tyburski
Jeffery J. Quick
Jeffery L. Campbell
Jeffery S. Tappen
Jeffery Smith
Jeffrey A. Cook
Jeffrey A. Ragle
Jeffrey A. Walsh
Jeffrey B. Turov
Jeffrey D. Baumgard
Jeffrey D. Bonk
Jeffrey D. Cantrell
Jeffrey D. Hower
Jeffrey E. Tomlinson
Jeffrey G. Engle
Jeffrey Houle
Jeffrey J. Anderson
Jeffrey J. Canarelli
Jeffrey J. Plaskon
Jeffrey Kunak
Jeffrey L. Eichenfield
Jeffrey L. Lafavre
Jeffrey L. Sixta
Jeffrey L. Ward
Jeffrey Mcdonnell
Jeffrey Moore
Jeffrey O. Maddux
Jeffrey R. Lloyd
Jeffrey S. Camp
Jeffrey S. Kent
Jeffrey S. Parlet
Jeffrey S. Socol
Jeffrey St. George
Jeffrey W. Cooper
Jeffrey W. Heber
Jeffrey W. Jones
Jeffry A. Pohl
Jeffry A. Schelinski
Jenifer Lloyd
Jenna M. Lavery
Jennifer A. Corbett-Shramo
Jennifer A. Diakiw Labuick
Jennifer A. Stryer
Jennifer Bentley
Jennifer Bode Walker
Jennifer E. Adame
Jennifer Hatton
Jennifer Hawkins
Jennifer Krewalk
Jennifer L. Jensen-Sullivan
Jennifer L. Olsen
Jennifer M. Voorhees Iida
Jennifer M. Wickwire
Jennifer Mcdonnell
Jeremy D. Breeding
Jeremy Lowe
Jeremy R. Trigg
Jerilyn Wright
Jerold L. Marlow
Jerome Ingrande
Jerrica J. Castagno
Jerry Aversano
Jerry Corlies
Jerry Coy
Jerry D. Lewis
Jerry Glatt
Jerry Gorman
Jerry Hinchman
Jerry I. Spevakow
Jerry J. Babicz
Jerry J. Kemperman
Jerry M. Eldridge
Jerry P. Ranson
Jerry R. St. John
Jerry Ross
Jerry Rutledge
Jerry Shipe
Jerry W. Slabaugh
Jess Garcia
Jess S. Parayno
Jesse McDonald
Jessica A. Kalloch
Jessica Bickel
Jessica C. Leibold
Jessica Cunningham
Jessica L. Davis
Jessica Mccarty
Jessica N. Terranova
Jessica R. Robinson
Jessica Schroeck
Jessie Taylor
Jesus H. Espinal
Jill Bohannon Hollis
Jill Hohmeier
Jill Rasmussen
Jim Amidon
Jim Brown
Jim Doles
Jim F. Harris
Jim H. Williamson
Jim Idstein
Jim Kennedy
Jim Kirchoff
Jim Lacy
Jim Lampkin
Jim May
Jim Mcleod
Jim Meyer
Jim Quinn
Jim Roll
Jim Zuiderhoek
Jimmie S. Valentine
Joan M. Reynolds
Joan M. Sammon
Joan V. Campbell
Joann Blitz
Joann M. Gregory
Joann Mckillop
Joanna K. Brosnan
Joanne Louie
Joanne Sun
Joanne T. Edwards
Jocelyn Thomas
Jodi Hoffman
Jodi Parrott
Jody A. Dorrell
Jody Hawkins
Jody K. Leak
Jody Kimrey
Jody S. Saka
Joe Anthuis
Joe Cazeault
Joe F. Denton
Joe Fagan
Joe Henley
Joe Mollner
Joe Robertson
Joe Shea
Joe Stover
Joe Valente
Joe W. Ferguson
Joe Winkler
Joel A. Stuckey
Joel Egelman
Joel Engelmeier
Joel K. Marzian
Joel Koopman
Joel M. Graff
Joel Pagliarello
John A. Aleshire
John A. Curry
John A. Sorich
John A. Sperlazza
John Ashton Page
John Beltrami
John Bernatz
John Bruno
John Byrne
John C. Fitzpatrick
John C. Kennedy
John C. Pieske
John C. Sweeney
John Cockerill
John D. Bednar
John D. Gubista
John D. Phillips
John D. Robinson
John D. Scheibelhut
John D. Tremblay
John Davis
John De Benedictis
John Desrosiers
John Diviesti
John Dubil
John E. Gordon
John E. Wulf
John Esposito
John Estrada
John F. Hemrick
John F. Irving
John Fenstermaker
John Fernandez
John Foster
John Furman
John G. McGlynn
John G. Nugent
John H. Lucas
John H. Oosterwal
John H. Regian
John H. Sheldon
John H. Velardi
John Hilliard
John Huffman
John J. Giovengo, Jr
John J. Hearne
John J. McGee
John J. Pisano
John J. Skraba
John J. Strong
John K. Maxwell
John K. McCallie
John Kubasek
John L. Fennelly
John L. Soares
John L. Speed
John L. Wood
John Leahy
John Leifester
John Lucien Grillo
John M. Carey
John M. Carrillo
John M. Dart
John M. Milbourne
John M. Scheck
John M. Stelletell
John Mantzouranis
John Marhong
John Merritt Sellery
John Meyers
John Morris
John Murphy
John Onnen
John P. Kuxhausen
John P. Stollmeyer
John P. Tierney
John Paul P. Coconis
John Payne
John Perez
John R. Adkins
John R. Beberman
John R. Benny
John R. Brociek
John R. Garcia
John R. Hammer
John R. Kozlowski
John Riccardelli
John Ringness
John Robbins
John S. Mackay Cfm
John S. Peiffer
John Sarkisian
John Snoddy
John T. Coyle
John T. Kaub
John V. Standish
John Vogelsang
John W. Reffel
John W. Stewart
John Wisor
John Woodhull
Johnny Rivera
Jolivette J. Powers
Jon A. Reiswig
Jon Durand
Jon Isaacson
Jon Plattner
Jon R. Rymsza
Jon Reed
Jon W. Miller
Jonathan Aunet
Jonathan H. Siegel
Jonathan Jones
Jonathan L. Smith
Jonl Steele
Jonna C. Upson
Joon Cho
Jordan D. Edwards
Jordann Rawls
Jorge G. Goti
Jos Duchamps
Jose S. Diaz
Joseluis H. Mora
Joseph A. Bertelsen
Joseph A. Boni
Joseph A. Gilmartin
Joseph A. Luciano
Joseph A. Perkins
Joseph B. Blough
Joseph Barsuli
Joseph C. Eobstel
Joseph C. Lyons
Joseph C. Patti
Joseph C. Steffens
Joseph Cabrera
Joseph Carl Noble
Joseph D. Brady
Joseph D. Incognito
Joseph E. Brown
Joseph E. Roberts
Joseph E. Wysowski
Joseph Eugenio
Joseph Ferrera
Joseph Fletcher
Joseph G. Fountaine
Joseph K. Carroll
Joseph K. Shelton
Joseph Kaye
Joseph Kwan
Joseph L. Morgan
Joseph Lim
Joseph M. Anzelone
Joseph M. Maniace
Joseph M. McCoy
Joseph M. Valenti
Joseph Minoski
Joseph N. Latteo
Joseph N. Spiegl
Joseph P. Winter
Joseph R. Murray
Joseph R. Stallings
Joseph Realejo
Joseph S. Barber
Joseph S. Pyryt
Joseph Smisek
Joseph T. Wyatt
Joseph W. Soileau
Josephine D’ippolito
Josh Bailey
Josh R. Eike
Joshua E. Troyer
Joshua Murrow
Joshua N. Foltz
Joy Grant
Joyce Roper
Jozef Urban
Juan L. Hernandez
Juan Ricardo
Juanita G. Thomas
Juanita Tackett
Judie M. Dorak
Judith A. Henry
Judith G. Hollander
Judith G. Mewborn
Judith Sayler, Cpsm,
Judy A. Pearson
Julia B. Rayfield
Julia C. Deruwe
Julia Gomes
Julian N. Fernander
Julie Black
Julie Bunker
Julie Caron
Julie D. McDaniel
Julie Delimont
Julie Franco
Julie K. Rotter
Julie M. Shaw
Julie O’Loughlin
Julie Weber-Riley
Julien Kindred
Julio A. Fesser
Julio Hernandez
Julio Pacheco
Julius F. Morvay
Julius Okot-Chono
June M. Evans
Jung Y. Park
Justin C. Campbell
Justin Herter
Justin J. Mahon
Justin M. Bauch
Justin Marshall
Justin R. Piccillo
Jyrki J. Keinänen
K. Bain Black
Ka Leung Lok
Kaitlyn P. Penfold
Kam Chuen Lo
Kam Wa Chan
Kamarica Humphrey
Kandy Ferguson
Kane Webb
Kang Lai Seah
Karen A. Crnkovich
Karen A. Langford
Karen Bahadur
Karen D. Gutierrez
Karen Heintz
Karen Howard
Karen L. Cheney
Karen L. Miller
Karen M. Smith
Karen M. Tucker
Karen Mooney
Karen O. Prinke
Karen Plogsted
Karen Vanderheyden
Karl Bauer
Karl Schmidt
Kath Simmering
Katherine Browne
Katherine L. Martinelli
Katherine M. Diaz
Katherine McClellan
Katherine Miller
Kathleen A. Harvey
Kathleen A. Hite
Kathleen Bicksler
Kathleen E. Grenz
Kathleen J. Armstrong
Kathleen L. Wozniak
Kathleen Moorman
Kathleen P. Leonard
Kathleen S. Mccray
Kathleen Sweeney
Kathryn Demeter
Kathryn L. Lopez
Kathryn Mumm
Kathryn P. Funk
Kathryn P. Thibeault
Kathryn Tatman
Kathryn Troll
Kathy A. Fitzgerald
Kathy Baba
Kathy Cleveland
Kathy Earl
Kathy H. Baker
Kathy L. Cain
Kathy Sullivan
Kay Jackson
Keara C. Kazanjian
Kecia M. Pollard
Kehau Mendes
Keijo Kaivanto
Keith C. Mitchell
Keith Chrapczynski
Keith D. Tobin
Keith J. McClanahan
Keith L. Jones
Keith M. Johnson
Keith Manley
Keith N. Spencer
Keith R. Good
Keith Stahley
Keith T. Strutz
Kelby Pontes
Kelechi K. Disi
Kelli A. Bilicki
Kelli K. Costa
Kelly A. Gantverg
Kelly A. Quinney
Kelly A. Ries
Kelly C. Foreman
Kelly Collins
Kelly D. Allem
Kelly D. Hutton
Kelly D. Stobbe
Kelly K. Dillon
Kelly L. Hecksel
Kelly Nelson
Kelly Overlander
Kelly R. Rice
Kelly Raynor
Kelly W. Ennis
Kelvin Hamman
Ken A. Matthews
Ken Burnett
Ken Clower
Ken Eckert
Ken Gennett
Ken Hales
Ken Hughen
Ken P. Rudderham
Ken R. Elder
Ken R. Lutgen
Ken Sullivan
Ken Waite
Kendrick D. Jacobs
Kenneth A. Dixon
Kenneth A. Duran
Kenneth A. Loveland
Kenneth A. Stephenson
Kenneth Allen
Kenneth E. Mathers
Kenneth F. Murray
Kenneth G. Glennester
Kenneth H. Gries
Kenneth H. Schoenfelder
Kenneth J. Allen
Kenneth J. Martynus
Kenneth J. Potocki
Kenneth J. Poynter
Kenneth L. Mitchell
Kenneth L. Page
Kenneth L. Shoemaker
Kenneth M. Stewart
Kenneth Marentette
Kenneth Mitchell
Kenneth P. Devars
Kenneth P. McKeown
Kenneth R. Hendrix
Kenneth W. Fortenbery
Kenneth W. Riesterer
Kenneth Y H Foo
Kent Hoffman
Kent R. Turner
Kenton D. Miller
Keri M. Roid
Kerriann Macneill
Kerry Farnham
Kerry M. Knight
Kes Masalaitis
Kevin B. Arthur
Kevin B. O’toole
Kevin Barbary
Kevin Bielanski
Kevin C. Doepp
Kevin C. Murray
Kevin Chocko
Kevin Copeland
Kevin Corrigan
Kevin D. Cullens
Kevin D. Valentine
Kevin F. George
Kevin Fish
Kevin Fitzgerald
Kevin Harvey
Kevin J. Boyd
Kevin J. Fachetti
Kevin J. Fischer
Kevin J. Snitchler
Kevin L. Christensen
Kevin L. Uilkie
Kevin M. Jeffries
Kevin M. Lewis
Kevin M. McLaughlin
Kevin Mangin
Kevin Mattavous
Kevin Mccraw
Kevin N. Phoenix
Kevin O’dell
Kevin Olson
Kevin P. Clark
Kevin P. Daugherty
Kevin P. Emery
Kevin P. Larue
Kevin Pasma
Kevin Picha
Kevin R. Bauman
Kevin R. Clark
Kevin R. Edwards
Kevin Richardson
Kevin Rose
Kevin S. Davis
Kevin S. Ireland
Kevin S. Linhares
Kevin Tiernan
Kevin V. Placella
Kevin W. Datema
Ki Lok Cheuk
Kim Johnson-Lackey
Kim L. Carron
Kim L. Davidson
Kim R. Williamson
Kim Sang Siu
Kimber J. Riggs
Kimberley Yantha
Kimberley Zellers
Kimberly A. Brannan
Kimberly A. Bruce
Kimberly A. Friend
Kimberly A. Hunter
Kimberly A. Kruse
Kimberly A. Scholten
Kimberly Dominguez
Kimberly Dubose
Kimberly I. Felix
Kimberly Sudy
Kin Ping Wong
Kira L. Diamandas
Kirk Adkisson
Kirk Bolduc
Kirk J. Robertson
Kirk Salonikidis
Kirk Smith
Kirk Thompson
Kit A. Tuveson
Kris K. Anderson
Krista Becker
Krista Ridder
Kristen Mack
Kristi Noyes
Kristin A. Powell
Kristin S. Poulin
Kristin Wormsley
Kristy Dutton
Kurt D. Scepaniak
Kurt Wm Hoppe
Kurtis D. Potgeter
Kuruvilla Jacob
Kwame Nsiah-Wiafe
Kyle J. Anderson
Kyle K. Woodward
Kyle P. Wuchterl
Kyle Teune
Kyrus Caldwell
L. Keith Fry
Lacie C. Good
Lainie F. Sitko
Lance K. Henderson
Lance Nordling
Lance Siever
Landon P. Lundberg
Lane Carlson
Lane French
Lane Ledohowski
Lane R. Stump
Lanny Felder
Lara N. Moon
Laronda White
Larry Degale
Larry E. Saylor
Larry Emerson
Larry H. Crossley
Larry J. Falkenbach
Larry L. Josie
Larry P. Hollis
Larry P. Jacobson
Larry S. Horn
Larry Wright
Larry Yaffa
Laura J. Ingram
Laura L. Aaron
Laura M. Potter
Laura Magyar
Laura R. Hillaby
Laura S. Caswell
Laura W. Borda
Laurel A. Bane
Laurel A. Sopher
Lauren Rippee
Laurie A. Gilmer
2013 Dues Check-off Contribution Participants
Laurie A. Rohen
Laurie L. Swift
Laurinda Steele
Lawrence C. Wooten
Lawrence D. Green
Lawrence E. Spears
Lawrence G. Kownacki
Lawrence J. Truss
Lawrence R. Knapp
Leah A. Samson-Samuel
Leah Moore
Lee A. Kortemeyer
Lee A. Pickett
Lee C. Mortensen
Lee Edwards
Lee Mayer
Lee Richardson
Lee T. Weidle
Lee Wright
Lei Chen
Leigh Anne Connett
Leigh Ivy
Leila W. Adamoski
Leilani A. Gagnaire
Lenny Sunaryo
Lenny Thomas
Leon Alexander
Leon H. Joyce
Leonard J. Dipasquale
Leonard Mark Mills
Leonel Paixao
Leroy Richins
Lesley Sereno
Leslie A. Groesbeck
Leslie C. O’Rourke-Garrett
Leslie Malloy
Leslie T. Taniyama
Lester H. Fears
Leszek Boczek
Leticia Ward
Liane C. Phillips
Lianne K. Cruikshank
Lillian Lugo-Harvin
Lillian Zalta
Lincoln Thompson
Linda K. Boring
Linda Keefe
Linda L. Corsbie
Linda L. Wilson
Linda M. Andersson
Linda Punda
Linda S. Schroeder
Lindsay B. Farr
Lindsay Jones
Lindsey Lucas
Lindsey M. Smith
Linesh Kumar Chalamala
Link Howard
Lisa A. Baglivio
Lisa A. Fentress
Lisa A. Mosser
Lisa Donker
Lisa K. Stumm
Lisa Kerr
Lisa L. Blevins
Lisa M. Farmer
Lisa M. Mcintire
Lisa M. Nolan
Lisa M. Profeta
Lisa M. Skiera
Lisa Scanapico
Lisa W. Hall
Lisa Weickert
Lisanne Schloss
Lisle Hannah
Lloyd D. Ward
Loren R. Dotts
Loren Wayde Arms
Loretta O. Aina
Lori Goncalves
Lori J. Pescherine
Lori L. Palmer
Lori Moore
Lori Weir
Lorina Keery
Lorina Pulanco
Lou Cavagnaro
Louie M. Baber
Louis Basantes
Louis M. Hamel
Louise Sabol
Luanne F. Perkins
Luc Stroobants
Lucas M. Zastrow
Lucy G. Shanahan
Luddy Arias
Luis C. Soto
Luis Daniel L. Alvarez
Luis F. Prado
Luis Medina
Luke M. Koenigsknecht
Lulu Hicks
Luz Labarbera
Lydia L. Reyes
Lyle D. Gladney
Lynda G. Dimity
Lynda L. Schroer
Lyndon C. Myler
Lyndon M. Berkeley
Lynn A. Emerson
Lynn Ana Stullick
Lynn D. Desantis
Lynn M. Blanchard
Lynn W. House
Lynne Sheridan
M. Elaine Harkins
M. William Deras
Machelle Pellegrini
Maggie Utsey
Magnus Kristiansson
Malcolm B. Weiss
Malcolm G. Beal
Mandy Manalli
Manuel E. Renteria
Marc A. Albanese
Marc H. Lapointe
Marc H. Tessier
Marc K. Adelman
Marc Margulies
Marc R. Avery
Marc R. Parette
Marc S. Liciardello
Marc Van Damme
Marcel J. Poirier
Marcella C. Garwood
Marcia A. Stewart
Marcia H. Droege
Marcus E. Lohela
Marcus Walker
Margaret C. Coughlin
Margaret G. Smith
Margaret S. Fisher
Mari Pereira
Maria A. O’Callaghan
Maria B. Manansala
Maria Cristallo
Maria Helena Warner
Maria M. Melrose
Marianne Droste
Marianne T. Scott
Mariano Bonilla
Marie A. Coffee
Marie C. Puybaraud
Marie Hurst
Marilyn N. Decker
Marina I. Velikoretskaya
Marj Sparks
Mark A. Breeden
Mark A. Kischner
Mark A. Mckinstry
Mark A. Middleton
Mark Allen Pierce
Mark Asbach
Mark Ball
Mark Beacon
Mark Bergslien
Mark Bishop
Mark Brueche
Mark Chambers
Mark Chastain
Mark Cimerro
Mark Cyganiak
Mark D. Watson
Mark Duckett
Mark E. Glasser
Mark E. Ross
Mark E. Terrenzi
Mark Eshbaugh
Mark F. Paulsen
Mark Freda
Mark G. Miller
Mark G. Pollock
Mark G. Vogt
Mark Gaboury
Mark Guzzino
Mark Hancock
Mark J. Asselin
Mark J. Hennessy
Mark Johnsson
Mark K. Mueller
Mark L. Raines
Mark Lee
Mark M. Wasser
Mark Macinski
Mark Macmillan
Mark Moore
Mark N. Lucas
Mark Orr
Mark P. Roman
Mark Pettke
Mark R. Lasslett
Mark R. Molaison
Mark R. Ritchie
Mark R. Sekula
Mark Regester
Mark Rizzo
Mark Robertson
Mark S. Fulwiler
Mark S. Galloway
Mark S. Jones
Mark S. Tucker
Mark S. Zacharias
Mark Schlossberg
Mark Skaggs
Mark T. Clinch
Mark W. Hardin
Mark W. Myers
Mark W. Rhodes
Mark Willey
Mark Williams
Mark Young
Marla Hrychuk
Marlene K. Makie-Farrar
Marlon S. Allsop
Marshall Scott
Marten Stenfors
Martha S. Hutchinson
Martha Salomon
Martin D. Sillen
Martin G. Towey
Martine Lackey
Marty J. Anderson
Marvin Rogers
Mary B. Shaffer
Mary Beaque
Mary Beth Cagle
Mary Bliss
Mary C. Cole
Mary Choy
Mary Cuccurullo
Mary E. Alexander
Mary E. Augustine
Mary E. Brooks
Mary E. Oyler
Mary E. Raley
Mary Ellen O’Dowd
Mary Ellen Quinn
Mary K. Westphal
Mary Kay Buescher
Mary Kay Iellimo
Mary Lee Shipp
Mary M. Chant
Mary Ning
Mary Renwick
Mary Rosenvinge
Mary S. Okoko
Mary Segriff
Maryanne Michaelis
Mathew Rapp
Matt Allan Boutelle
Matt Arnold
Matt Carey
Matt Gardner
Matt H. Cowan
Matt M. Davoren
Matt Monicatti
Matt Poveromo
Matt Serviss
Matt Spindler
Matt Taft
Matt W. Jacobs
Matthew Chun
Matthew D. Chance
Matthew E. Darga
Matthew Forshey
Matthew H. Stiene
Matthew J. Reed
Matthew J. Zastrow
Matthew Kozma
Matthew Liezen
Matthew Migalla
Matthew Mundok
Matthew N. Hawley
Matthew P. Sherman
Matthew S. Burkey
Matthew Sobel
Matthew W. Larsen
Matthew W. Russell
Matthew W. Ward
Matthew Wilson
Maureen Finken
Maureen McNertney
Maurice Johnson
Max D. Watkins
Max H. Nall
Maximo Chanlatte
Mckenzie Edgar
Meagan Ohara
Megan Ernst
Megan Lovelace
Meghan Petricka
Mehmet S. Turkel
Melanie D. Yearta
Melanie Fitzpatrick
Melany E. Thompson-Zaro
Melinda A. St. John
Melissa A. Davis
Melissa C. Sturgeon
Melissa Dolesh
Melissa Garman
Melissa Miller
Melissa R. Rouse
Melissa Van Hagan
Melody A. Spradlin
Meri Sue Hamilton
Merrill Crawford
Michael A. Cipriano
Michael A. Condran
Michael A. Gardener
Michael A. Jasklski
Michael A. Miller
Michael A. Roche
Michael A. Ross
Michael A. Smith
Michael A. Vazquez
Michael A. Wolfe
Michael Annatone
Michael Arnold
Michael B. Mitchell
Michael Bastien
Michael C. Dobyns
Michael Carter
Michael Cesaro
Michael Cook
Michael Cornale
Michael D. Baldock
Michael D. Berg
Michael D. Buller
Michael D. Graham
Michael D. Kulyk
Michael D. Loving
Michael D. Mainini
Michael D. Marlin
Michael D. Messinger
Michael D. Pendergast
Michael D. Redwine
Michael Darger
Michael Davis
Michael Dillon
Michael E. Condon
Michael E. Oster
Michael E. Shepherd
Michael Edwards
Michael F. Cain
Michael F. Gelinske
Michael Flowers Jr
Michael G. Calkins
Michael G. Clayton
Michael G. Harrell
Michael G. Nelson
Michael G. Tyler
Michael Gonzales
Michael Halvorson
Michael Iadanza
Michael J. Beattie
Michael J. Bencivenga
Michael J. Brogan
Michael J. Cornett
Michael J. Covert
Michael J. Dougherty
Michael J. Flanagan
Michael J. Freitag
Michael J. Hebberger
Michael J. Holtz
Michael J. Lawler
Michael J. McLeod
Michael J. Sconsoni
Michael J. Spalinger
Michael J. Zucchero
Michael Jaramillo
Michael Johnson
Michael K. Davis
Michael K. Dreyer
Michael K. Redding
Michael Kenny
Michael Kleinberg
Michael Kuhler
Michael L. Cain
Michael L. Cooley
Michael L. Decaluwe
Michael L. Edgar
Michael L. Hannum
Michael L. Hebert
Michael L. Modica
Michael L. Ruder
Michael L. Wheeler
Michael Milenovic
Michael Mire
Michael Newman
Michael Noel Okpo
Michael O. Green
Michael Orlando
Michael P. Fisher
Michael P. SchusslerWilliams
Michael Pergola
Michael R. Durham
Michael R. Galliani
Michael R. Lyner
Michael R. Maier
Michael R. Riseborough
Michael R. Taylor
Michael R. Westhoff
Michael Rieger
Michael Rosone
Michael Ruiz
Michael S. Brand
Michael S. Bridges
Michael S. Degroat
Michael S. Rice
Michael Smith
Michael T. Cameron
Michael T. Kiwal
Michael W. Biesiadecki
Michael W. Buist
Michael W. Davirro
Michael W. Fitzwater
Michael W. Hassman
Michael W. Holmes
Michael W. Hunston
Michael W. Newman
Michael W. Walton
Michael Walker
Michael Wallace
Michael Weed
Michael Winkles
Michaela Adamcova
Michel Theriault
Michele A. Hurtubise
Michele H. Mosher
Michele L. Kelly
Michele M. Gregg
Michele Spangler Hodge
Michelle A. Holmquist
Michelle C. Zitello
Michelle Fritsche
Michelle L. Shetrom
Michelle Lechuga
Michelle M. Martino
Michelle M. Roth
Michelle Parrish
Michelle R. Murphy
Michelle Ray
Michelle Scott
Mick M. Drummond
Mick Reilly
Mickey A. Lakatos
Micky L. Storie
Miguel A. Tejeda
Mike A. Hawkins
Mike B. Rogers
Mike Bolsinger
Mike Cregan
Mike D. Flanagan
Mike E. Farrell
Mike G. Bonner
Mike Garcia
Mike Hearn
Mike Michener
Mike Powell
Mike Ritchie
Mike Spann
Mike T. De Leon
Mike Wetzel
Mindy Gibson
Mindy N. Reed
Missy Laub
Misty D. Mccubbin
Mitch Blessing
Mitch Cornwall
Mitch Denton
Mitchell A. Avis
Mitchell A. Pendergrass
Mitchell D. Biggs
Mitchell D. Holman
Mitchell R. Miller
Mohamed Adil Haneef
Mohamed Fareedh
Mohammed Al Mamari
Mok Dick Hei
Monica E. Thomas
Monica M. Cruz
Monica Meyers
Monica P. Gould
Monica Pittman
Monica Quinn
Monique Aguilar
Monique Taitt
Monty E. Brock
Morgan L. Smith
Ms. Antoinette Aguilar Fmp
Muhammad Lawal Yusuf
Murray L. Levi
Muse Sheta
Mustafa S. Al Hawari
Myrna Durazo
Myron Felix
Nagendra K. Parida
Nagesh N. Basarkar
Nahum Ayestas
Naida E. Chilcott
Nancy A. Cripe
Nancy A. Kreft
Nancy Atchison
Nancy D. Wheeler
Nancy J. Cartledge
Nancy Miller
Nancy P. Tillery
Nancy R. Mcmillan
Naomi Meyer
Natalie Jones
Nate Mccarty
Neal O. Gallaher
Neil M. Mac Ewen
Neil Taft
Neil W. Bucy
Nelleke Herndon
Nellie Samuel
Nelson J. Roque
Neville M. Devlaliwalla
Nicholas A. Mangini
Nicholas Desport
Nicholas J. Lehnert
Nicholas Middleton
Nicholas R. McGowan
Nicholas Rotonda
Nicholas Stalter
Nichole Stephenson
Nick Beys
Nick G. Hayden
Nick Rasmussen
Nicole Nantais
Nicole Smith
Nicoletta Harrington
Nicolette Wojtalewicz
Nigel A. Kelly
Nina Leon
Nina T. Downs
Nino A. Antonacci
Niraj R. Nath
Nitim Mohan
Nixon A. Morales
Nixon Exantus
Norine A. Bevan
Norm Maia
Norma Hernandez
Norma Jean Dove-Carr
Norman J. Purdy
Norman L. Erlandson
Normand P. Deneault
Obukohwo A. Esiri
Oi Lin Connie Wong
Oladipo B. Joseph
Olalekan O. Shobayo
Olandreia J. Walton
Oleh Turczak
Olen D. Holcomb
Olga H. White
Olukemi M. Odusanya
Olurotimi A. Bajomo
Omar Lopez
Ondrej Strup
Oren J. Snell
Orlando G. Davis
Orlando Ojeda
Orren Gaspard
Oscar J. Gomez-Sacasa
Oscar M. Butts
Oscar Rangel
Osie Harrell
Owen T. Clement
Page D. Engle
Pam McQuillen
Pam Reynolds
Pamela D. Echsner
Pamela Hamada
Pamela J. Baker
Pamela Kalmus
Pamela M. Lassen
Pamela Nielsen
Pamela S. Matula
Parminder K. Juneja
Pat W. Turnbull
Patience O. Kitoye- Rufus
Patricia A. Craven
Patricia A. Duffy
Patricia A. Fenner
Patricia A. Flynn
Patricia A. Reed
Patricia A. Weldon
Patricia Cocca
Patricia DoehrmanGiansiracusa
Patricia E. Loya
Patricia K. Lee
Patricia K. Schuchardt
Patricia L. May
Patricia M. Knoll
Patricia M. Larussa
Patricia Moore
Patrick B. Brady
Patrick B. Hally
Patrick Boyd
Patrick C. Crowley
Patrick Cassidy
Patrick D. Daniel
Patrick D. Goodnow
Patrick D. Shaw
Patrick Ebomwonyi
Patrick Gillen
Patrick H. Moore
Patrick M. Barnes
Patrick M. Dubus
Patrick McCurdy
Patrick N. Patterson
Patrick O. Anderson
Patrick P. Burns
Patrick Rhea
Patrick T. Connor
Patrick T. Jennings
Patrick Van Den Bogaert
Patti Ghuman
Paul A. Dinino
Paul A. Dinkel
Paul A. Teterenko
Paul A. Theisen
Paul B. Brown
Paul B. Head
Paul B. Wilson
Paul Baker
Paul Carmack
Paul Czajkowski
Paul D. Ring
Paul E. Chambers
Paul E. Gagel
Paul E. Gervais
Paul E. Holland
Paul E. Velasquez
Paul F. Magrino
Paul G. Amorese
Paul G. Edwards
Paul Gillaspy
Paul Gillick
Paul Gould
Paul J. Cox
Paul J. Dorsch
Paul J. Maloney
Paul J. Murphy
Paul Johnson
Paul Millar
Paul Morbee
Paul Moschetti
Paul O. Obameso
Paul Perry
Paul S. Deadman
Paul S. Goncalves
Paul S. Riedstra
Paul Sossaman
Paul T. Gloudemans
Paul Thomas
Paul W. Young
Paul Zensky
Paula Correia
Paula F. Fitzgerald
Paula Forbing
Paula Stone
Pauline T. Taufa
Peg Younghans
Peggy A. McCarthy
Peggy A. Zweifel
Peggy Baca
Penny C. Whitlock
Perry Cirigliano
Perry Fine
Perry Jean-Francois
Pete E. Mahan
Pete S. Zimbaldi
Peter A. Chaput
Peter A. Muto
Peter Aguirre
Peter C. Willey
Peter Chee
Peter Costanzo
Peter Dineen
Peter E. Hicks
Peter Foley
Peter J. Amato
Peter J. Stroup
Peter J. Tredennick
Peter Kautza
Peter M. Morris
Peter M. Murray
Peter Masalsky
Peter Notari
Peter Rapini
Peter Roll
Peter W. Stein
Peter W. Van Cleave
Phala N. Rembert
Phil Dunlap
Philip A. Heaver, Jr.
Philip Giwn
Philip Goh
Philip Griesch
Philip Lo
Philip P. Rees
Philip Wales
Phillip A. Finklea
Phillip G. Gettings
Phillip Myall
Phyllis Harris
Phyllis Merriman
Pok Chi Chong
Prakash Sriramulu
Priscilla St. Jacques
Prof Kenneth L. Klika
Quadisha Muhammad
Quentin Ellis
Quincy D. Purvis
Quinten J. Washington
Rã©Gis Alexandre
Rachael L. Petersen
Rachel H. Needle
Rachelle C. Otis
Rachelle M. Morken
Rajesh Sankaran
Ralph Adamson
Ralph C. Lewis Iii
Ralph Dagostino
Ralph E. Dinneen
Ralph Grove
Ralph Solorio
Randal J. Goller
Randall J. Clark
Randall L. Hill
Randall Olsen
Randall P. Hagerty
Randall Scott Clark
Randolph N. Reynolds
Randy Copenharve
Randy G. Bender
Randy Jackson
Randy L. Fitzgerald
Randy L. Groff
Randy L. Sparks
Randy M. Saville
Randy M. Serafin
Randy Odinet
Randy Storrs
Randy W. Mikula
Randy Waugaman
Raul Godoy Vila
Raurie Robinson
Rav Saini
Ray C. Hutscal
Ray Cooley
Ray P. Greenwood
Raymond A. Clunie
Raymond A. Lucas
Raymond E. Janiak
Raymond Lee
Raymond P. Mcintyre
Raymond Pezzuti
Raymond Soto
Raymond Vigil
Raymond Wong
Rebecca Case
Rebecca D. Richardson
Rebecca G. Booth
Rebecca L. Rhodes
Regina A. Quiñones
Regina Brandão-Haynes
Regina Ford-Cahill
Reginald B. Hinz
Regis W. Walsh
Renee A. Sloan
Renee J. Azerbegi
Renee M. Brown
Renee M. Primeau
Renee Ralston
Rex A. Wilson
Rex S. Bunning
Rex W. Moore
Rhonda K. Patrick
Ric Schulte
Rich Hansen
Rich Howard
Rich Lutostanski
Rich Velasquez
Richard A. Cabral
Richard A. Dassow
Richard A. Fida
Richard A. Harpenau
Richard A. Lay
Richard A. Starr
Richard A. Wager
Richard A. Watkins
Richard B. Cooper
Richard B. Cross
Richard B. Medlen
Richard Blickley
Richard Brown
Richard Cooper
Richard D. Egan
Richard D. Pope
Richard E. Hatzenbuhler
Richard Fanelli
Richard G. Ellig
Richard Gunpat
Richard Gunter
Richard H. Sebour
Richard J. Connolly
Richard J. Kalinger
Richard J. Mcguire
Richard J. Murphy
Richard K. Mackinnon
Richard Klinedinst
Richard Kramer
Richard M. Echevarria
Richard M. Kaczkowski
Richard M. Robbs
Richard M. Rothrock
Richard M. Tinsley
Richard N. Vincent
Richard O’donnell
Richard P. Eve
Richard P. Turner
Richard Pina
Richard Richter
Richard S. Gurtner
Richard S. Rosenblatt
Richard T. Borg
Richard T. Johnson
Richard T. Wishnowski
Richard Taddeo
Richard V. Fisher
Richard W. Hodges
Richard W. Sievert
Richard W. Zajac
Richard Waterhouse
Richard Yoder
Rick Dyer
Rick F. Martin
Rick Farrell
Rick G. Van Dyke
Rick Hill
Rick Kozlowski
Rick L. Murphey
Rick Lyman
Rick Neville
Rick P. Reynolds
Rick R. Roehrenbeck
Rick S. Philpott
Rick W. Howat
Rick W. Lopez
Rita L. Johnson
Rob Griffin
Rob Ragan
Robby C. Vann
Robby Organ
Robert A. Baird
Robert A. Fisher
Robert A. Gordon
2013 Dues Check-off Contribution Participants
Robert A. Lambert
Robert Blondet
Robert Carter
Robert Casarez
Robert Catalano
Robert D. Devries
Robert D. Fairley
Robert D. Misel
Robert D. Moye
Robert D. Murdock
Robert D. Richmond
Robert D. Wiley
Robert Dills
Robert E. Nelson
Robert Ehrsam
Robert F. Pitcher
Robert Freeman
Robert G. Dengel
Robert G. Howat
Robert G. Rives
Robert G. Shuck
Robert Garcia
Robert Gregoire
Robert Hall
Robert I. Herman
Robert J. Collins
Robert J. Faloni
Robert J. Fitzpatrick
Robert J. Maceachern
Robert J. Mosher
Robert J. Ostrander
Robert J. Rodriguez
Robert J. Rush
Robert J. Siemerling
Robert J. Stedham
Robert Juidici
Robert K. Kalmer
Robert K. Shrode
Robert Keith
Robert Koran
Robert L. Balsam
Robert L. Bowslaugh
Robert L. Covey
Robert L. Ule
Robert L. Vogel
Robert L. Woods
Robert Lahart
Robert M. Balli
Robert M. Dubinsky
Robert M. Frye
Robert M. Gann
Robert M. Harris
Robert M. Kroencke
Robert M. Rowan
Robert M. Stillings
Robert Malone
Robert Mayhew
Robert Myers
Robert Ptacek
Robert Reid
Robert Roby
Robert S. Dragony
Robert Scott
Robert Simmons
Robert T. Hughes
Robert T. Lowy
Robert T. White
Robert Tefft
Robert Templeton
Robert Troxler
Robert V. Teed
Robert W. Cooney
Robert W. Guthy
Robert Warchuk
Robert William Stansberry
Robert Yannie
Roberta J. Scoblick
Roberta R. Curnew
Robin Bleeker
Robin D. Forrest
Robin L. Klein, Leed Ga
Robin R. Bellefuil
Robyn Dowhaluk
Robyn F. Elkin
Robyn Gibb
Rod L. Hendrickson
Rod M. Mcdowell
Rodger F. Whitney
Rodger G. Loughlin
Rodney M. Stevens
Rodney N. Brisco
Rodney Stone
Rodney Williams
Rodolfo Kunz
Rodrigo Yusta
Roger A. Salloum
Roger Cole
Roger G. Blackwell
Roger H. Beck
Roger L. Derr
Roger P. Modeste
Roger S. Fudge
Roland E. Jenkins
Roland Hindsman
Roland W. Ribblet
Rolanda D. Mitchell
Rolly Catapia
Roma Malik
Roman Smid
Romeo V. Aurellano
Ron E. Seifert
Ron L. Rowe
Ron P. McWilliams
Ron Saxe
Ron Shory
Ron Williams
Ronald A. Lanzo
Ronald D. Clifford
Ronald D. Rector Fmp
Ronald D. Vanblijenburgh
Ronald E. Langlois
Ronald H. Kalley
Ronald J. Doherty
Ronald J. Fischer
Ronald J. Ording
Ronald J. Ortego
Ronald J. Retterer
Ronald J. Taylor
Ronald J. Unterreiner
Ronald K. Zardus
Ronald L. Osborn
Ronald L. Scadina
Ronald O’neil
Ronald Reese
Ronald S. Kulczycki
Ronald Swail
Ronald V. Cosentino
Ronald V. Sachse
Ronald W. Thorne
Ronald Walker
Ronald Young
Ronda Bailey
Ronnie Hall
Rooma Luthra
Rosa M. Ortega
Rosa R. Hill
Rosa R. Kuntz
Rosalyn M. Kinchelow
Rosanna L. Baker
Rose M. Prall-D’argis
Rosemarie Smith
Rosemary Peterson
Ross A. Cole
Ross A. Hobler
Ross David Weiner
Ross M. Nelson
Ross Mcpherson
Ross S. Wheatley
Ross Walker Blondell
Roxann Harr
Roxann L. Quarnstrom
Roy L. Bass
Roy Nugent
Rozlin Guthrie
Ruben E. Valverde
Ruben S. Lozano
Rudy Melendez
Rumi Walsh
Russ A. Boles
Russ Dent
Russ Williams
Russell J. Mckee
Russell J. Scheibley
Russell M. Estey
Russell Olson
Russell Walsh
Ruthi Lee
Ruy Carreiro
Ryan A. Meier
Ryan Bates
Ryan Dodington
Ryan Elleson
Ryan French
Ryan Ioerger
Ryan R. Robarge
Ryan T. Stansbury
Ryan Wolford
Ryon Hayward
S. James Foertsch
S. Robert Cugno
Sabrina S. Wagner
Saed Oqal
Sal G. Cammarata
Sal S. Destefano
Sally A. Aversano
Sally Tinberg
Salvatore Azzaro
Sam D. Bryie
Sam Dahabieh
Sam R. Shelton
Sam Walker
Samir Patel
Samson P.w. Lee
Samuel C. Knisley
Samuel Elsener
Samuel J. Russell
Samuel Kovachy
Samuel P. Deal
Samuel T. Milroy
Samuel W. Talbert
Samuel William Davidson
Sandi M. Redmond
Sandra Borg
Sandra Burke
Sandra Eddington
Sandra Hall
Sandra J. Kotanko
Sandra M. Johnston
Sandra Nichols
Sandy Chestnas
Sandy Kull
Sara Ann Catron-Cox
Sara B. Gilbert
Sara Cook
Sara Q. Japhet
Sara Taylor Eggleston
Sarah A. Cole
Sarah E. Isburgh
Satoshi Matsushita
Scot D. Loiselle Aia Leed
Scott A. Austin
Scott A. Herron
Scott A. Mitchell
Scott A. Wollenzien
Scott Altic
Scott B. Leister
Scott Belding
Scott Blalock
Scott Boling
Scott C. Aldrich
Scott C. Benner
Scott Cornblatt
Scott D. Burr
Scott D. Horst
Scott D. Lutocka
Scott D. Olsen
Scott D. Rohlf
Scott E. Conkling
Scott E. Finlayson
Scott Ewing
Scott Higgins
Scott Hiller
Scott K. Brown
Scott Kennerly
Scott L. Swindler
Scott L. Turpen
Scott L. Winger
Scott Lee
Scott Lokey
Scott M. Mcwherter
Scott M. Slipp
Scott Milligan
Scott R. Burnell
Scott R. Lemay
Scott R. Theobald
Scott S. Tibbo
Scott Shelley
Scott Slaughter
Scott Solem
Scott T. Foster
Scott Tyner
Scott W. Rains
Sean A. Campbell
Sean C. Welch
Sean Hogan
Sean J. Verran
Sean M. Burns
Sean M. Smith
Sean Murphy
Sean N. Bondar
Sean Oliver
Sean T. Dugan
Sebnem Kefeli
Septima Sensenig
Serena L. Pancoast
Sergei H. Gochar
Sergio Vargas
Shafer Gabrel
Shamsuddin Mamat
Shane T. Lomax
Shannan Berkbuegler
Shannon Karasiewicz
Shannon Mckenna
Shannon S. Perez
Shannon Silva
Shantel Woods
Sharon B. Harrington
Sharon C. Lauzon
Sharon C. Walker
Sharon E. Spaulding
Sharon Henson
Sharon J. Duffy
Sharon Kinsman
Sharon M. Lorince
Sharon Moses Buchs
Sharon Perera
Sharon R. El-Amin
Sharon Ross
Shaun Grinde
Shaun Harcus
Shaun M. Johnson
Shaun R. Brady
Shawn A. Lavin
Shawn C. Gangaware
Shawn Courtemanche
Shawn M. Monroe
Shawna Belardi
Shea A. Eccleston-Banwer
Sheila Ramdhanie
Sheila Schaffzin
Shelby L. Skubic
Sheldon F. Boyd
Shelley A. Hendricks
Shelley Sutton
Shelly D. Beckemeier
Sheri K. Autry
Sheri L. Hering
Sherrika Fuller
Sherry L. Metcalf
Sheryl Yetsko
Shih Swee
Shireka Garrett
Sigrid Feder
Silva Lusk
Sima Parsa
Simon J. Elliot
Simon Y.k. Tsui
Siobhan C. Tolan
Skip Mancini
Sonia G. Nelson
Sonny Unverzagt
Sonya Verny
Spike G. Samuels
Spiro Varas
Sreedhar Saraswathi
Stacey Austin
Stacy D. Witte
Stacy L. Sanders
Stacy W. Colvin
Stan Bennett
Stan D. Wilson
Stan M. Szafirowski
Stanley Guy Oakes
Stefanie Ewen
Stephan A. Capps
Stephanie Eick
Stephany L. Cull
Stephen C. Okosisi
Stephen Cadieux
Stephen D. Smith
Stephen E. Bernish
Stephen Ebanks
Stephen H. Christopher
Stephen Hoover
Stephen J. Elison
Stephen J. Rulis
Stephen J. Wessling
Stephen K. Gminski
Stephen L. Milam
Stephen M. Lesko
Stephen M. Olmo
Stephen M. Smiley
Stephen M. Wilkins
Stephen Mosca
Stephen O. Dahl
Stephen P. Gibson
Stephen P. Rees
Stephen P. Sakach
Stephen P. Sholler
Stephen P. Weeks
Stephen Rabin
Stephen Shearson
Stephen Todd
Stephen W. Leesman
Stephen W. Prins
Stephen Warble
Steve Bajkowski
Steve Bilyeu
Steve C. Gunter
Steve Callahan
Steve Di Lalla
Steve Doherty
Steve Ford
Steve Fugarazzo
Steve G. Goodman
Steve Gorman
Steve Harms
Steve Hill
Steve J. Zuwala
Steve Joesten
Steve M. Mankins
Steve Milinkevich
Steve Scorzelli
Steve Scott
Steve Shifflett
Steve Yastrub
Steven A. Hall
Steven A. Myli
Steven A. Wassersug
Steven B. Cross
Steven C. Spencer
Steven Cojei
Steven D. Wilder
Steven E. Bonniville
Steven E. Lyons
Steven E. Wilson
Steven Early
Steven Eggers
Steven G. Ballard
Steven G. Skram
Steven Heal
Steven J. Baker
Steven J. Filipiak
Steven J. Marback
Steven J. Norris
Steven J. Salowe
Steven J. Wehner
Steven K. Bulman
Steven L. Balderson
Steven M. Evans
Steven Martin
Steven Meakin
Steven Morlino
Steven P. Gladson
Steven P. Paxton
Steven Peart
Steven R. Madson
Steven R. McPherson
Steven R. Mortensen
Steven R. Nicholas
Steven Rosenthal
Steven S. Mumma
Steven S. Nicholson
Steven T. Ford
Steven Thomas Brumley
Steven W. Shelton
Steven Wharton
Stormy Friday
Stuart A. Nelson
Stuart D. Walker
Styve Laplante
Subramaniam R Jayaram
Sue A. Gorman
Sue A. Ugenti
Sue Gundermann
Sumner H. Waters
Sunil Dubey
Sunny Rittenberg
Susan A. Eccleston
Susan Barbarite
Susan E. Moury
Susan E. Veres
Susan Gries
Susan L. Casper
Susan Lepping
Susan M. Olsen
Susan Milleville
Susan Permenter
Susan S. Karageorges
Susan Sawyer
Susan Stafford
Susan Zimmer
Suzanne E. Lebeau Moffitt
Suzie Gilliam
Suzin Chiola
Sydney L. Senhouse
Sylvia Penrod
Sylvia Zeigler
Tak On Yeung
Talman G. Bigelow
Tamar Draper
Tamara Dukes
Tamara Knox
Tamara Smith
Tami J. Masters
Tammie Brings
Tammy Kahm
Tammy Larson
Tana Mitchell
Tara E. Clifford
Tara M. Fogle
Tara M. Moore
Tara M. Porto
Taryn C. Orama
Tasha I. Zeo
Taylor W. McNeely
Ted Bull
Ted Eedson
Ted F. Kubek
Ted Helm
Ted J. Cohen
Ted O. Nielsen
Tedd Doucette
Teddy Gorman
Teena G. Shouse
Temitope A. Adegbonmire
Tera Prodaniuk
Terence M. Garvey
Terence S. Glynn
Teresa A. Nelson
Teresa D. Rodgers
Teresa Reicherter
Teri A. Antonio
Teri Lilley
Teri Mccarthy
Terrance Session
Terrence G. White
Terrence Roselle
Terri L. Rosenhamer
Terri M. Frierson
Terry Burns
Terry D. Swets
Terry Karsten
Terry L. Abbey
Terry L. Caskey
Terry L. Kershaw
Terry L. Spain
Terry M. Creel
Terry M. Mayhall
Terry Romin
Terry Shields
Terry W. Napp
Tharin C. Robertson
Theng Theng Chan
Theodore F. Schwartz
Theodore J. Rademacher
Theodore Ross
Theresa Chapel
Theresa K. Simos
Theresa Lorenzi
Thomas (Tj) J. Laflam
Thomas A. Baldridge
Thomas A. Nettle
Thomas A. Riffle
Thomas C. Doucette
Thomas C. Laietta
Thomas C. Plauche
Thomas Cerone
Thomas D. Delle Donne
Thomas D. Newcomb
Thomas E. Hales
Thomas E. Paras,
Thomas F. Doherty
Thomas F. Trabert
Thomas Flores
Thomas Fox
Thomas G. Crylen
Thomas G. Lighthouse,
Thomas G. Stokes
Thomas H. Edwards
Thomas H. Wilson
Thomas J. Gaipa
Thomas J. Kazemier
Thomas J. Maher
Thomas Jordan
Thomas Kaley
Thomas Kane
Thomas L. Mitchell
Thomas L. Schulte
Thomas M. O’hara
Thomas Moore
Thomas Neukam
Thomas P. Ward
Thomas Palange
Thomas Palermo
Thomas R. Mcgrew, Sr.
Thomas Riegelman
Thomas S. Ragolia
Thomas S. Woodward
Thomas Vaughns
Thomas W. Blythe
Thomas W. Hackney
Thomas W. Mac Dermott
Thomas Weickert
Thomas Yanks
Tiffani S. Page
Tiffany B. Rivers
Tiffany S. Sodl
Tim Alford
Tim Corbett
Tim D. Stetson
Tim Jones
Tim Kennedy
Tim Linders
Tim Lucero
Tim Mccoy
Tim Mcdonald
Tim Mcfarland
Tim P. Magnuson
Tim Pugh
Tim R. Cline
Tim R. Hudson
Tim Sanders
Tim Strong
Timonty Commers
Timothy A. Carr
Timothy Boyd Blankenship
Timothy C. Gray
Timothy C. Mcneany
Timothy D. Hendricks
Timothy E. Miller
Timothy E. Sheehan
Timothy F. Glackin
Timothy Gaghan
Timothy J. Jeffrey
Timothy J. Kenney
Timothy J. Mangum
Timothy J. Odle
Timothy J. O’malley
Timothy M. Richardson
Timothy M. Whalen
Timothy N. Cameron
Timothy P. Grady
Timothy P. Keogh
Timothy Pladson
Timothy Roesler
Timothy Starks
Timothy W. Dubray
Timothy, Chun Wai Tam
Tina M. Rhudy
Tina R. Sherrill
Tina Ritsco
Toby Taylor
Todd `. Shimizu
Todd A. Bickel
Todd Ashby
Todd E. Stone
Todd E. Yost
Todd Eppenbach
Todd Humphrey
Todd Isherwood
Todd J. Wilkening
Todd L. Coleman
Todd M. Miller
Todd M. Reynolds
Todd Simms
Todd Squellati
Tom A. Suro
Tom C. Williams
Tom Dickenson
Tom Fusciello
Tom J. Campbell
Tom Koontz
Tom L. Thomas
Tom M. Skraba
Tom Van Huss
Tommy Silva
Toni King
Toni M. Bourgoin
Toni Merrick
Toni R. Mcmahon
Toni S. Belding
Tony Garland
Tony Guinn
Tony Santucci
Tony V. Miele
Tony Villa
Toy -. Tachayapong
Tracey Conn
Traci M. Hamilton
Traci Saunders
Tracy J. Ochsner
Tracy Krakowski
Tracy P. Wilson
Travis D. Eiermann
Travis Davis
Trevor M. Spaidal
Trey Adams
Tria E. Day
Tricia B. Reynolds
Trina Ryan
Trisha Ottenbreit
Troy A. Jones
Troy F. Hopkins
Troy Franey
Troy Griffin
Troy J. Donahue
Troy Tobin
Trudy M. O’hearn
Tsang Chin Wing
Tushar R. Patel
Ty Bemis
Tyler Merritt
Ulises Aguirre
Valerie Bates
Valerie C. Hall
Valerie M. Freier
Valerie Parham
Van Dyke A. Walker
Van Dyke Bean
Vanesah A. Noechel
Vanessa Hyre
Vannesa Vasquez
Vashti Austin
Veronica C. Calle Goldman
Veronica Foote
Vesna Nikolich
Vic Reece
Vicki Langley
Vickie L. Dalton
Vickie L. Quinones
Vicky A. Mcroberts
Vicky Jankowski
Vicky L. Statz
Vicky N. Hortman
Vicky Starkey
Victor C. Stewart
Victor Weatherford
Victoria Gardner
Victoria L. Vigil
Victoria R. Schedel
Vida W. Cross
Vijendra Joseph
Vince F. Plummer
Vincent Elliott
Vincent Grujic
Vincent Petrillo
Vincent Tenaglia
Vincent Usuriello
Virgil J. Moore
Virginia E. Andersen
Vivian Medina
W Gaines Bagby
W.dee Ette Raya
Wade Bowman
Wai Shan Angel Kwok
Wallace J. Carey
Wally Shand
Walt Begley
Walt Zacharias
Walter B. Moran
Walter C. Miller
Walter D. Hayes
Wanda Riemer
Ward P. Komorowski
Warren Lombardy
Wayne A. Dobbs
Wayne A. Schulz
Wayne Collins
Wayne E. Hart
Wayne E. Henriquez
Wayne E. Sanders
Wayne Esposito
Wayne Gray
Wayne H. Schroeder
Wayne Ivins
Wayne Leslie Reid
Wayne M. King
Wayne Marion
Wayne P. Ryan
Wayne Pledger
Wayne Tardif
Wayne Teig
Wayne Tulloss
Wayne Wyman
Weldon R. Edwards
Wendell A. Trivette
Wendell Orr
Wendi C. Stogner
Wendi S. Blanton
Wendy K. Tenley
Wendy Lapp
Wendy R. Fryefield
Weng Leong Chan
Wieland Lee Harris
Wiley G. Tant
Will Martin
Willard Barnett
William A. Everard
William A. Rodgers
William A. Wright
William A. Zoeller
William Archer
William B. Golightly
William B. Goodrich
William C. Bailey
William C. Fair
William C. Howell
William C. Lorenz
William Castro
William Clark
William Collins
William Dougherty
William E. Davies
William E. Harrington
William E. Highfield
William E. Hoffman Jr
William E. Patterson
William F. Butler
William F. Grubb
William G. Boglitsch
William G. Stephens
William H Swarbrick
William H. Brown Jr.
William H. Iles
William H. Miller
William J. Aldrich
William J. Ervin
William J. Martinez
William J. Orlowski
William J. Post
William L. Franks
William L. Howden
William L. Kreitzer
William L. Sullivan
William Lowery
William M. Allen
William M. Corbett
William M. Havens
William M. Hudgins
William M. Parker
William Martin
William O. Parten
William Peden
William R. Hammond
William R. Patton
William R. Smith
William R. Stockton
William Reichard
William T. Conley
William T. Seely
William V. Sotomayor
William W. Ash
William W. Gruffi
William W. Hausman
William W. Lewis
William W. Turner
William Wong
William Wysoski
Willliam Gray
Winfred Evans
Wong Fung Fung
Yolande M. Jacobs
Yvette M. Couty
Yvone E. Hobbs
Yvonne G. Carmona
Yvonne Holland
Yvonne Moreno
Zach Ballew
Zadasha White
Zanya Bugri
Zoran Jadanec
Participants By Chapter
New York Tech Valley
San Fernando Valley
London (Ontario)
East Bay (Oakland, San Leandro)
Midlands (Omaha)
Trinidad & Tobago
Southern Arizona (Tucson)
Central Illinois
British Columbia (Vancouver)
Silicon Valley
Northern Ohio (Cleveland)
Nevada-Los Vegas
New York City
Lehigh Valley (Northeastern Pennsylvania)
Kansas City
St Louis
Westchester County-Hudson Valley
Greater Triangle
Redwood Empire
Chesapeake (Baltimore)
Northern Alberta
West Michigan (Grand Rapids)
Orange County
New Jersey
New Orleans
Los Angeles
Central Pennsylvania
Minneapolis/St Paul
North Indiana
Long Island
San Francisco
East Tennessee (Knoxville)
Dallas/Ft Worth
San Antonio
Greater Philadelphia
Northern Illinois
Sacramento Valley
San Diego
Suncoast (Tampa/St Petersburg)
South Puget Sound (Olympia)
Southeastern Michigan (Detroit)
South Florida (Ft Lauderdale)
Piedmont Triad
Greater Phoenix
Central Valley
Southwestern Indiana
Upstate South Carolina
Northwest Ohio
Oklahoma City
Oregon & SW Washington (Portland)
Utah-Salt Lake City
Central Ohio
Southeast Wisconsin (Milwaukee)
California Central Coast
Central Iowa
North Alabama (Huntsville)
Western New York
Rocky Mountain (Fort Collins)
New Mexico-Albuquerque
Cayman Islands
Eastern Iowa (Cedar Rapids)
Capital (Washington, DC)
Baton Rouge
Pikes Pike (Colorado Springs)
Northern Rockies
Hampton Roads
Fargo/N Plains
Bluegrass (Lexington)
Columbia (South Carolina)
Hong Kong
Greater Accra
Northeast Wisconsin (Green Bay)
Conestoga College
Czech Republic
IFMA Italia
University of North Carolina Charlotte (Student)
Ferris State University (Student)
Oklahoma State (Student)
Texas A&M (Student)
Greater Phoenix (Student)
Brigham Young (Student)
Inland Empire
FMAC 2014 Annual Report
Facility Management
Accreditation Commission (FMAC)
Steve Lockwood, CFM
Director of Accreditation and Academic Affairs
Letter From the Director
Over the past year, the Facility Management Accreditation Commission (FMAC) has been very busy restructuring,
reorganizing, and redeveloping the Accredition Commission. This has been a major undertaking by the FMAC’s 19
volunteers. These changes reflect the dynamic nature of the global facility management academic enviroment with the
continued industry demand for increasing the number of facility management graduates from FMAC accredited institutions.
As the result, it is the desire of the FMAC to begin the application proecess to become recognized by the Council on Higher
Education Accreditation (CHEA).
In addition, over the past year the FMAC has accredited 9 instituitions and reaccredited 2 with continued efforts to bring
additonal FM programs into the FMAC Accredited Degree Programs (ADP) status. There are currently 31 FMAC Accredited
Degree Programs.
Accredited Degree Program (ADP & FMAC) Historical Background
1996: The Accredited Degree Program (ADP) was developed as the Recognized Degree Program by the International
Facility Management Association (IFMA) Committee on Recognized Programs.
July 2007: IFMA and the IFMA Foundation agreed that the IFMA Foundation should assume responsibility for the
Recognized Degree Programs.
April 2009: the IFMA Foundation Board of Trustees approved the Commission on Academic Affairs (CoAA) as the
organization leading the accreditation process and changing the Recognized Degree Program to the Accredited Degree
Program (ADP).
December 2012: the Commission on Academic Affairs (CoAA) name was changed to the Facility Management Accreditation
Commission (FMAC) with revisions to the ADP accreditation standard to reflect current practices and requirements desired
by the Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA). The ADP accreditation standard was revised for several major
reasons; the re-organization of the standard’s administrative functions, adding provisional accreditation, annual fees
adjustments and adding FM program visitation requirements.
During the 2013/2014 Year: the ADP Accreditation Standard was revised to reflect several major updates:
1. Integrated, added and updated the eleven Core Competencies and converted these to an “outcomes
based assessment” model;
2. Updates the ADP application process, outlines the fees, site visit fees and annual fees;
3.Adjusted the minimum academic requirements for each of the ADP program level: associate,
bachelor, and graduate programs;
4. Introduced the planned changes required for the FMAC to become recognized by the Council for
Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA) as an Accrediting Organization;
5. Commenced the transition of the FMAC to an independent organization, within the IFMA Foundation
FMAC Organization Bylaws; and
6. Updated the FMAC Accredited Degree Programs “FM Self-Study Application” to represent the
FMAC and meet their ADP Standard requirements. FMAC ADP Standard Guideline.
February 2014: The IFMA Foundation revised website was launched and the FMAC “Accreditation” is identified as a
separate entity within the IFMA Foundation
March 2014: The FMAC ADP revised standard completed the internal and public reviews and all necessary editing is
complete and the new standard was launched for FMAC activity.
A Word about Accreditation:
Accreditation is a voluntary process of quality assurance used by universities and institutions designed primarily to
distinguish schools adhering to a defined set of educational/academic standards. The accreditation process is also known
in terms of its ability to effectively drive student performance and continuous improvement in education. While accreditation
is a set of rigorous protocols and research-based processes for evaluating an institution’s organizational effectiveness, it
also considers the program, cultural context and the community of stakeholders to determine how well the parts work
together to meet the needs of students and the public.
The purpose of the FMAC Accredited Degree Program (ADP) process is to promote excellence in undergraduate and
graduate degree programs in facility management. The International Facility Management Association (IFMA) and the IFMA
Foundation have sponsored the development of the FMAC and the ADP programs, along with vigorously supporting the
educational needs of current and future IFMA members and non-member FM professionals.
The goals of the “Standard for FMAC Accredited Degree Programs” are to:
1. Offer a means to strengthen existing facility management degree programs;
2. Serve as a guide for developing new facility management degree programs;
3. Provide standards for accrediting new programs and reaccrediting existing programs; and
4.Establish a minimum academic outcome that graduates of ADP FM programs are
expected to achieve.
The FMAC ADP Purpose:
The purpose of FMAC’s ADP accrediting process is:
a) to formulate a process consistent for all institutions seeking FM accreditation;
b) to develop and implement accreditation criteria and standards;
c) to carry-out the accreditation process; and
d) publicly identify its accredited FM programs for the benefit of all concerned.
Accreditation serves the following purposes:
a) Assuring quality: accreditation is the primary means by which FM institutions and programs assure
quality to students and the public. Accredited status is a signal to students and the public that a
program meets certain standards for its faculty, curriculum, student services, key stake holders, etc.
b) Developing and maintaining employer/institution confidence: accredited status of a program is
important to employers and other institutions when evaluating skills and competencies of an applicant.
c) Enabling more consistent transfer of credits: Accreditation is important to students for a smooth
transition of courses and credits among colleges, universities and programs. The ADP Standard
encourages ADP institutions to develop articulation agreements with other ADP programs.
The IFMA 2009 Global Job Analysis Study (GJAS) was a guideline to develop the ADP core competencies and outcome
based assessment expectations outlined in this standard. The eleven core competencies are :
1. Leadership and Strategy;
2. Operations and Maintenance;
3. Project Management;
5. Finance and Business;
6. Human Factors;
8. Real Estate and Property Management;
10.Emergency Preparedness & Business Continuity;
11.Environmental Stewardship & Sustainability
FMAC 2014 Annual Report
Facility Management Accreditation Commission (FMAC)
The standard describes both scholarly and real-world facility management applications and practices and provides a
comprehensive model for an ideal facility management program. The Facility Management Accreditation Commission
establishes standards for accreditation so a facilities management program’s outcomes can be measured by how well core
competencies are being demonstrated. Each program is encouraged to retain its uniqueness while providing the basic
curricular structure needed to assure that graduates are prepared for real-world careers in facility management.
This standard recognizes the importance of variation and diversity in program offerings. By applying for accreditation, an
institution acknowledges that facility management has come of age and has definable professional competencies which
translate into academic program outcomes. There remains a great deal of latitude and specialization within the field.
Facility Management Accreditation Commission Commission Members
The FMAC Commission members have been carefully selected to meet the following requirements:
previous academic accreditation experience;
previous experience in an academic setting (faculty, staff, advisory committee, etc.);
practical FM experience;
preferably a Ph.D. degree level or terminal degree in their field; and
a desire to build the FMAC into a world class accrediting commission.
Besides the FMAC commission members, there are over 35 volunteers trained to conduct accreditation self-study reviews
and accreditation site visits. This number will increase in size to about 70 in the next 12 months. It is the FMAC’s desire
to have accreditation teams in North America, Europe and the Asia/Oceanic regions.
University of Minnesota
Bemidji State University
Rochester Institute of Technology
Wentworth Institute of Technology
American Institutes for Research (AIR)
Professional / Academic
Ernst & Young
Van Hagen
Technical Career Institute, New York
University of Minnesota
Cornell University
University College of London
Florida A & M
Ferris State University
Professional / Academic
Consultant, Ph.D., CFM
Rider Levett Bucknall
FM Solutions
IFMA Foundation / Prof.
IFMA Foundation BOT Member (Steelcase)
Accredited Degree Programs
The accredited degree program (ADP) has seen considerable growth, especially over the past three years, and continues
to experience high levels of interest from institutions all over the world. The current 31 Accredited Degree Programs
account for over 2000 students. The current demand, for students graduating from an accredited FMAC institution, far
exceeds number of graduates. The FM industry acknowledges the knowledge, skill, competencies and experience level
students with a degree from an FMAC accredited institutions demonstrate and are requesting the FMAC to work with
institutions to increase the number of FM graduates. Over the next 10 years it is estimated that the demand for entry level
FM graduates will reach well over 10,000 job openings.
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