MAY Progress Report - 2013
MAY Progress Report - 2013
SfP Project Number 983510 MAY Progress Report - 2013 Report prepared by: Dr. Raffaele De Amicis, Fondazione Graphitech, Trento, Italy (NPD) Project Co-Directors: Prof. Radovan Stojanovic, University of Montenegro, Podgorica, Montenegro (PPD) Mr. Doron Elhanani, EMESCO, Ha-Ayin, Israel Dr. Andrej Skraba, University of Maribor, Kranj, Slovenia Mr. Simon Berkowicz, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Jerusalem, Israel P a g e | 2 MAY Progress Report -‐ 2013 Work package WP7 – Project Coordination Status Final Contributor(s) (in alphabetical order) Simon Berkowicz, Jerusalem, Israel; Raffaele De Amicis NDP, Trento, Italy; Alberto Debiasi, Trento, Italy; Doron Elhanani,Ha-ayin, Israel; Irene Facchin, Trento, Italy; Andrej Skraba, Kranj, Slovenia; Radovan Stojanovic, Podgorica, Montenegro. Partner in charge(s) Fondazione Graphitech (FG) Deliverable Editor(s) Raffaele De Amicis NDP, Trento, Italy; Irene Facchin, Trento, Italy. Due date 20/04/2013 Delivery date 14/06/2013 P a g e | 3 MAY Progress Report -‐ 2013 TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS 3 LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS 5 1. PARTICIPANTS 6 2. OVERVIEW ON THE PROJECT: BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES 7 3. PROJECT MEETING IN KRANJ 9 1. Day 2 / Tuesday, 26th March 2013 9 2. Day 3 / Wednesday, 27th March 2013 10 3. Day 4 / Thursday, 28th March 2013 14 4. Day 5 / Friday, 29th March 2013 14 5. Day 6 / Saturday, 30th March 2013 14 4. PROJECT STRUCTURE AND ACTIVITIES 16 1. 18 Brief description of delays and obstacles found within the reporting period 5. TECHNICAL PROGRESS 19 5.1. 19 Accomplishments achieved as compared to the Project Plan 5.1.1. Overall introduction 19 5.1.2. Optimal model development (Task.2.2) 19 5.1.3. Model simulation (Task.2.3) 23 5.1.4. Deployment basic SDI (Task.4.1) 23 5.1.5. Deployment of WPS layer (Task.4.2) 23 5.1.6. Integration with modelling/simulation software components (Task.4.3) 23 5.1.7. Definition and evaluation methodology (Task.5.1) 24 5.1.8. Trials and evaluation of modelling/simulation components (Task.5.2) 24 5.1.9. Publications (Task.6.1) 25 P a g e | 4 MAY Progress Report -‐ 2013 5.1.10. Linkage with other initiatives (Task.6.2) 25 5.1.11. Project Coordination (WP7) 26 5.2. Actions to ensure the implementation of end-‐results 26 5.3. Milestones for the next six months 27 5.4. Involvement of young scientists in the project 28 5.5. Major Travel 28 5.6. Visit by experts/advisors and NATO consultant (topics covered and any impact on the work plans) 29 5.7. Visibility of SfP project 29 5.7.1. Scientific Publications 30 5.7.2. Non-‐scientific Publications 33 5.8. Technical and administrative difficulties encountered and actions taken to overcome them 36 5.9. Changes, if any, in project personnel in any of the participating organizations 37 5.10. Changes, if any, in project plan and their expected impact on budget and schedule 37 6. FINANCIAL STATUS 38 Annexes 4a: SfP NATO BUDGET TABLES 38 Annex 4B: SfP NATO BUDGET SUMMARY TABLE 43 7. CRITERIA FOR SUCCESS TABLE 45 8. SUMMARY REPORT 46 Abstract of research 46 Major Objectives 46 Overview of Achievements since the Start of the Project until 30 April 2013 47 Milestones for the Next Six Months 47 Implementation of Results 47 P a g e | 5 MAY Progress Report -‐ 2013 LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS Acronym Extended name ALOHA Areal Location of Hazardous atmosphere CIP Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme EC European Commission GIS Geographical Information System HW Hardware KAP Kombinat Aluminijuma Podgorica ICT Information and Communication Technologies LOC Level Of Concern MoD Ministry of Defence NGO Non-Governmental Organisation NPD NATO country Partner Director PPD Partner country Project Director SfP Science for Peace SW Software TPP Thermo power plant Pljevlja UNFPA United Nations Population Fund WP Work Package WPS Web Processing Service P a g e | 6 MAY Progress Report -‐ 2013 1. PARTICIPANTS (a) Project Director (NPD) SURNAME/First Job Title, Institute and Address name/Title Managing Director, Fondazione Raffaele De Amicis/Dr. Graphitech, Via alla Cascata 567E Povo – Trento, Italy Phone, Fax and E-mail Tel. +39 0461 283397 Fax. +39 0461 283398 (b) Partner country Project Director SURNAME/First name/Title Job Title, Institute and Address Phone, Fax and E-mail Radovan Stojanovic/Prof. Professor, University of Montenegro, Tel. +382 69 428 209 Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Fax. +382 20 245 873 Cetinjski 81000 Podgorica, Montenegro (c) Project Co-Director SURNAME/First name/Title Job Title, Institute and Address Phone, Fax and E-mail President and Chief Executive Officer, EMESCO, 11 Ha-avoda St. POB 1423 Rosh Ha-Ayin 48017, Israel Tel. +972-3-9015535 Fax. +972-3-9015537 Job Title, Institute and Address Phone, Fax and E-mail Doron Elhanani/Mr. (d) Project Co-Director SURNAME/First name/Title Simon Berkowicz/Mr. (e) Project Co-Director SURNAME/First name/Title Andrej Škraba /Dr. Researcher, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Institute for Earth Sciences, Edmond J. Safra Campus, Givat Ram, Jerusalem, Israel 91904 Job Title, Institute and Address Assistant Professor, University of Maribor, Faculty of Organizational Sciences, Kidričeva cesta 55a, SI-4000 Kranj, Slovenia Tel. +972-2-658-4353 Fax. + 972-2-566-2581 Phone, Fax and E-mail Tel. +386(0)4 2374248 Fax. +386(0)4 2374299 P a g e | 7 MAY Progress Report -‐ 2013 2. OVERVIEW ON THE PROJECT: BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES The United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) reported that since 2009 more than 3.3 billion people live in cities and towns. For the first time in human history, more than half of the planet‘s population resides in urban areas, with the negative effects particularly amplified in Africa and Asia. Predictions by UNFPA expect this number to rise to 5 billion, or 60%, by 2030. This population swells, together with increasing pollution caused by expanding industrialization, growing vehicle use, rising standards of living and other anthropomorphic activities. Within this scenario, pollution resulting from expanded use of fossil fuels, large fires, and also chemical substances released as a consequence of industrial accidents or terrorist attacks, will have profound effects at the urban scale with major consequences in terms of public health, social security, and economic costs. The main expectation of GEPSUS is to address the aforementioned scenario through the development of an integrated system for environmental pollution-related disasters management based on a fusion of geographical information processing, computer modelling and simulation, and credible decision-making system. Moreover, and since planning how to handle crisis at the urban scale is of key importance to deploy adequate response measures, the results of the project will be relevant to many areas, and will contribute to improve security. In particular, GEPSUS will be developed to for an emergency scenario in Montenegro and will be customised to support emergency services in Montenegro to help them better respond to different air pollution-related incidents. More specifically, the project’s technical objectives are: • • To model how urban layout influences aerial conditions; To develop methods to optimize urban planning to improve urban conditions and reduce pollution; • To develop algorithms to detect and predict the emerging of pollutant patterns and their effect; • To couple simulation with warning systems; • To integrate modelling and simulating function within a software infrastructure based on interoperable standards; • To develop a real time 3D GeoVisual Analytics client software to support crisis management; • To validate results with the Ministry of Defence (MoD) of Montenegro. P a g e | 8 MAY Progress Report -‐ 2013 During the project, and with regard to the last objective, the Consortium plans to carry out three case studies, all located in Podgorica, Montenegro. These case studies are related to exposure to high concentrations in atmosphere of chemical compounds in the context of: • Pollution caused by with the aluminium oxide (Al2O3) industry KAP, the main potentially polluting industry in the vicinity of Podgorica • Pollution from high traffic levels in Podgorica based on simulations of different traffic scenarios. • Pollution caused by exceptional forest fires in the area. In fact, in addition to industrial risks, high summer temperatures in Montenegro (especially in the southern and central regions), coupled with low precipitation or drought and insufficient forest-fire alerts, facilitate fire outbreaks. Indeed, since these security problems underscores the need for new IT technologies, the improvement of preparedness, the support on decision-makings, and an adequate management of disasters, the main goal of GEPSUS is to create a simulation system that can support operators during environmental emergencies connected with releases into the atmosphere of toxic chemical substances caused by either exceptional pollution levels or disasters. P a g e | 9 MAY Progress Report -‐ 2013 3. PROJECT MEETING IN KRANJ From the 25th to the 30th of March 2013, a training meeting has been held in Kranj, Slovenia, the third of a meeting series scheduled within the project plan, and that follows up the first training meeting in Montenegro in 2011, and the second one in Israel in 2012. 1. Day 2 / Tuesday, 26th March 2013 Academics discussions have been performed about the current state of the project. University of Montenegro provided an activity review and a presentation of the latest mathematical model of air pollution, while University of Maribor provided a description of the activities carried out within WP3. Moreover, Fondazione Graphitech presented the integration of the traffic simulation software component with the 2D air pollution dispersion component. Live demonstrations of the current state of GEPSUS system development have been performed. The main emphasis was on the lately developed traffic simulator as well as on 2D analytic dispersion model integration and 2D numerical dynamic dispersion model integration. P a g e | 10 MAY Progress Report -‐ 2013 2. Day 3 / Wednesday, 27th March 2013 On the third day, the members of GEPSUS consortium visited the Administration of the Republic of Slovenia for Civil Protection and Disaster Relief, where the ministry of Defence of the Republic of Slovenia, Ms. Milena Dobnik Jeraj, provided presentation of the system of protection against natural and other disasters in Slovenia. The Administration of the Republic of Slovenia for Civil Protection and Disaster Relief (ACPDR) is the competent national authority for disaster management, organized within the Ministry of Defence. It is a governmental and non-profit organization whose main task is to develop, organize and implement administrative, technical, and other professional duties related to the national disaster management system. The Administration consists of headquarters in Ljubljana, including a National Notification Centre, 13 regional offices with 13 regional emergency notification centres (responding to 112 number) covering designated geographical parts of Slovenia, and the Training Centre for Civil Protection and Disaster Relief. The Slovenian disaster management system merges all professional and voluntary protection and rescue units and services and Civil Protection into one system that the ACPDR provides with financial support for their equipment and education and training. ACPDR places special emphasis to international cooperation and on its active role in the European Union's civil protection activities, and participates in UN, NATO and other international organizations’ activities related to disaster management. A lot of efforts are put into an effective regional cooperation in the South Eastern Europe, and closer association of the Western Balkan countries with the EU civil protection activities. Through ACPDR, Slovenia also provides its share of international humanitarian assistance in cases of disasters in other countries. The Slovenian system of protection against disasters is an organisationally and functionally unified system intended to protect people, animals, cultural heritage and the environment. This system is based on the obligation of Municipalities, the State (Slovenian Government – Administration for Civil Protection and Disaster Relief - ACPDR), Commercial companies, institutions and other organizations (Directors), and Citizens. P a g e | 11 MAY Progress Report -‐ 2013 PREPARA DNESS PREVENTION PROTECTION RECONSTRUCTION RESCUE AND RELIEF PROVISION OF BASIC CONDITIONS FOR LIFE Figure 1. Main Functions of the Slovenian system of protection against natural and other disasters P a g e | 12 MAY Progress Report -‐ 2013 Then, the GEPSUS delegation visited the National Notification Centre and the Regional Emergency Notification Centre in Ljubljana, whose operations have been presented by Mr. Boštjan Tavčar and Ms. Jasna Pfeifer. Moreover, the GEPSUS delegation visited the Training Centre for Civil Protection and Disaster Relief. Herewith, Mr. Milan Dubravac, Head, presented the on-field training facilities at the Training Centre for Civil Protection and Disaster Relief at Ig, while Ms. Olga Andrejek presented the operations of the Centre. The training of protection and rescue units and services is of high priority for the Administration of the Republic of Slovenia for Civil Protection and Disaster Relief (ACPDR). It is carried out by the national Training Centre for Civil Protection and Disaster Relief, which was built in 1992 in the small town of Ig (10 km south of Ljubljana) as a main national facility for disaster management training. The basic activity of the Centre is education and training of protection and rescue units (fire brigades and other rescue services provided within the disaster management system). The Centre is actively involved in exchanging lessons learned and obtaining knowledge from similar centres abroad. It also gains much from cooperation with various foreign experts. P a g e | 13 MAY Progress Report -‐ 2013 The main aims of this Centre are to educate and train the national and local rescue forces. Indeed, the Centre: Directs, coordinates and implements education and training in the 4ield of protection against natural and other disasters Participates in the preparation of legislation relating to education and training needs for protection against natural and other disasters Performs organisational, advisory, 4inancial, administrative and technical support Training Centre for Civil Protection and Disaster Relief, with residential buildings, classrooms, and training sites, cover 7 hectares. Its auditorium with a capacity of 130 persons, thirteen regular classrooms seating 20 to 40 persons, specially equipped classrooms designed for specific target groups, and rooms for small group work, provide good working conditions. All classrooms are equipped with necessary technical systems (audio, DVD, Internet). The centre provides training for up to 21,000 people per year. In addition to national training, the centre has experience in conducting international activities. P a g e | 14 MAY Progress Report -‐ 2013 3. Day 4 / Thursday, 28th March 2013 The focus of this day activities has been on the presentation of user requirements. Moreover, GEPSUS consortium visited Water Science Institute on Hajdrihova 28, Ljubljana Dr. Primož Banovec presented the simulation/GIS solutions developed by the Water Science Institute. The application of the LIDAR data on the territory of Montenegro was demonstrated. 4. Day 5 / Friday, 29th March 2013 GEPSUS delegation visited the Military base of baron Andrej Čehovin, Ljubljanska c. 37, 6230 Postojna. Major Marko Seketin, CEO of Slovenian Army Research and Simulation Department presented the Department activities. The main tool that is in current usage is JCATS, which is NATO standard simulation. The system can simulate Gas/Flood/Earthquake emergencies. The centre consists of 16 laptops, 28 workstations 4x Dell Server and 4 Cisco ASA 5505U for VPN tunnelling. The wall projectors for display are used. Major Janez Smolej presents the SIMLAB – Military Operational Research. Importance of the after action review is emphasized. 5. Day 6 / Saturday, 30th March 2013 In the last day of the meeting, an overview on the Future steps of the project has been envisaged, as below: P a g e | 15 MAY Progress Report -‐ 2013 • The results of WP2 and WP3 will converge into the 4th work package, coordinated by Graphitech, to ensure that the mathematical models are integrated within an infrastructure, already developed by Graphitech, capable of ensuring interactive access to operators through interoperable communication channels. • University of Montenegro will purchase those GI data sets that are available in the market through companies specialised in surveying through airborne or satellite technologies and which cannot be collected by the University of Montenegro, including local and regional topographic information. Fondazione Graphitech will use GIS data sets that will be provided by the University of Montenegro. • Researcher and students from University of Montenegro and operators from the Montenegrin MoD will be able to access the functionalities offered by the SDI remotely and through a 3D client, that will be developed by Graphitech. The application is an interactive 3D environment capable to provide support to large scale monitoring and planning activities. • Geofoto has provided LIDAR data for entire Montenegro through the Norway financial mechanism (‐uspjesno-‐ zavrsen-‐projekt-‐u-‐crnoj-‐gori.html). Now, prof. Stojanovic should contact Real Estate Authority to provide LIDAR data. • The best period for the MoD training is envisaged at the middle of October 2013. The exercises must be realistic: the important thing to be considered is that large quantities of hazardous chemicals have prepared emergency rescue plans, as well as contingency plans for HAZMAT. P a g e | 16 MAY Progress Report -‐ 2013 4. PROJECT STRUCTURE AND ACTIVITIES Following the extension of 6 months granted to the project as from communication received by Mr Philippe Fougerolle, Associate Programme Director of Science for Peace Programme, dated 29/11/2012, the original Gantt chart has been updated as follows: Milestones, Deliverables and Schedule': SfP 983510 1st year 2011 Month (of the project activities): 1. User Requirement analysis 1.1 Definition of use cases 1.2 User requirements 1.3 Service, modelling and simulation requirements 1.4 Survey of existing data / services 1.5 Software architecture 1-2-3 4-5-6 7-8-9 Report Date: 20 April 2013 3rd year 2013 2nd year 2012 10-11-12 1-2-3 4-5-6 7-8-9 10-11-12 2. Modeling and modelling 2.1 Investigation of existing models 2.2 Optimal model development 2.3 Model simulation 2.4 Model upgrading 3. Decision Support modelling 3.1 rapid prototyping of models in Matlab 3.2 System dynamics modelling 4. Platform integration 4.1 Deployment basic SDI 4.2 Development of WPS layer 4.3 Integration with modelling/simulation software components 4.4 Service catalog 1-2-3 4-5-6 7-8-9 10-11-12 P a g e | 17 MAY Progress Report -‐ 2013 1st year 2011 Month (of the project activities): 1-2-3 4-5-6 7-8-9 2nd year 2012 10-11-12 1-2-3 4-5-6 7-8-9 3rd year 2013 10-11-12 1-2-3 4-5-6 7-8-9 10-11-12 5. Test and validation 5.1 Definition of evaluation methodology 5.2 Trials and evaluation of modelling / simulation components 5.3 First trials and evaluation of integrated services 5.4 Final trial or exercise 6. Dissemination, exploitation and awareness 6.1 Publications 6.2 Linkage with other initiatives 6.3 IPR& Licensing policy 6.4 Market and business plan 6.5 Service Level Agreement (SLA) 7. Project Coordination Completed Tasks: * Final Report * 5th Progress Report * 4th Progress Report * 3rd Progress Report * 2nd Progress Report * 1st Progress Report As planned within DoW: (This bar chart should be desinged to suit the Project's requirements; it should be as detailed as possible and self-understanding.) GEPSUS system; market and business plan ready; Service Level Agreement (SLA) ready SDI with base services & available data is deployed for the 2 scenarios (one for user); demonstrator of: a) Decision support funct. b) macro-level simul. c) WPS access Evaluation metodology (document); IPR and licensing policy defined Micro-level simulator available as prototype; sensor models (sofware components) SDI with base services and available data is deployed for the two scenarios (one for each user) Matlab prototypes are used to assess modelling functionalities Software architecture is finished (UML diagrams) Use cases identified (UML Modelling); survey of data/services complete; specific Operational Requirements (SOR) and Top Level Requirements (TLR) completed * EFFECTIVE DATE is the date when the first R&D activities of the project actually started. P a g e | 18 MAY Progress Report -‐ 2013 1. Brief description of delays and obstacles found within the reporting period Within the first and second progress reports, a critical situation had emerged, i.e. the lack of involvement and engagement of the Montenegrin Ministry of Defence. This has been partially amended through the signature of a Letter of Intent by the MoD, included in the 3rd progress report. This letter confirmed a renewed interest by the MoD to support the activities of the project with sustenance in terms of human resources, for all operation activities, and with allocation of specific facilities for the benefit of the project. Having signed this letter of interest should ensure the consortium that the Montenegrin MoD team will support the University of Montenegro expecially within the GI data collection. It is a matter of fact that GI data sets were not yet made avaible to the GEPSUS partners by the MoD neither the University of Montenegro have acquired those data using the dedicated budget, thus this item is as matter of fact still unsolved. Furthermore it seem that the Montenegrin MoD has access to the data for Montenegro, but unfortunately those data will be available only for the MoD and, probably, for the University of Montenegro staff because of the MoD data security policy that prevent them to get the relevant permission for delivering data over borders. This situation strongly undermine the objective of the project as well the principle of the cooperation under the NATO SfP framework. Moreover, it should be noted again that the 6 months extension granted to the project has allowed, as visible from the Gantt in the previous section, to re-scale the effort and the corresponding deadlines for both D.4.1 and D.5.1, thus ensuring adequate time for the consortium to address them properly. P a g e | 19 MAY Progress Report -‐ 2013 5. TECHNICAL PROGRESS 5.1. Accomplishments achieved as compared to the Project Plan 5.1.1. Overall introduction The main results achieved can be summed up as described in the sections below. WP1 User Requirement Analysis has been closed on M09. Within WP2 Modeling and Modelling, Task 2.1 Investigation of existing models has been closed on M15, while activities on Task 2.2 and 2.3 are still carried out by GEPSUS consortium. Moreover, activities have been carried out in the context of the forth work package Platform Integration, with the closure of Task 4.1 Deployment basic SDI on M15 and the start of Task 4.2 Development of WPS layer and 4.3 Integration with modelling/simulation software components. WP5 Test and validation started on M25 and is currently under development. In the context of the sixth work package Dissemination, Exploitation and awareness, the activities carried out have been a series of publications and the participation to some dissemination events. The following sections provide a detailed analysis of the activities carried out within the forth reporting period. 5.1.2. Optimal model development (Task.2.2) Within WP2, the Montenegrin team worked on task T2.2 Optimal model development in two directions: firstly, by testing operation of GEPSUS-W system in real conditions, and secondly by upgrading GEPSUS-W system in GEPSUZ-Z system, which takes in consideration complex terrain geometry. The real testing operation of GEPSUS-W has been implemented in Podgorica Airport Military base as shown in Figure 2. P a g e | 20 MAY Progress Report -‐ 2013 Figure 2: GEPSUS-‐W in operating. GEPSUS chemo-‐meteo station in running, left. Station in zone near critical object, petrol storage at airport, sends data by wireless link to receiver connected to the laptop. Right, the simulation of air pollution dispersion in real-‐time, for different wind speed and directions. Solder sees the possible scenario. The results have been acquired and analyzed by the University of Montenegro and the MoD teams. The GEPSUS-W system worked well. By the end of April 2013, the Montenegrin Team completed the first version of GEPSUS-Z software, which uses modified Gaussian model with embedded terrain attitude and building highs in urban areas. For each point, the coordinate Z is taken from real relief map as in Figure 3. The effective plume high is modified using complex terrain model from ISC3 based on terrain adjustment factor, which is stability dependent. For now the system is developed in MATLAB and will be translated in C++. P a g e | 21 MAY Progress Report -‐ 2013 elevated z z=0 y x flat Figure 3. Relief map of Podgorica, the coordinate z is taken from elevation file Figure 4 shows the results of complex terrain modeling. As seen the type, shape and area of threat zones depend of Z coordinate. Also concentration due downwind direction depends on Z coordinate. The effect of the hills and buildings (in urban areas) could be noted below, right. P a g e | 22 MAY Progress Report -‐ 2013 Figure 4. The threat zones (LOCs – levels of concern) in two cases, right, flat terrain is considered, left, elevated terrain is considered. P a g e | 23 MAY Progress Report -‐ 2013 5.1.3. Model simulation (Task.2.3) Within this task, the existing models and software for dispersion of air pollution have been analyzed and compared. Fondazione Graphitech has developed and implemented a fluid simulator and a traffic simulator, both already presented within last progress report. 5.1.4. Deployment basic SDI (Task.4.1) Graphitech has deployed the OCG-compliant web services necessary to run the SDI. These services are available to be run through infrastructures (servers, network devices etc.) provided by Graphitech at their facilities. The infrastructure however become operational using the data related the Procince of Trento, due to the shortage of data that need to be made available to the project (refer to section: “5.1 Brief description of delays and obstacles found within the reporting period”). 5.1.5. Deployment of WPS layer (Task.4.2) Within WP4, the Montenegrin team was involved in task T.4.2 Development of WPS layers. Two layers have been integrated. Both Graphitech and Montenegrin young researchers worked on integration of GEPSUS modeling software into Graphitech Web Geo System. By embedding GEPSUS simulator layer into Graphitech’s system, the powerful tool for simulation of accident over real geo data will be obtained. The actual job is embedding of GEPSUS-Z in Graphitech tool. 5.1.6. Integration with modelling/simulation software components (Task.4.3) The aim of the Urban Traffic Simulator is to conjugate the macro and the micro level simulation model, allowing the expert user to visually setup the traffic boundary conditions and to simulate the traffic of vehicles. The results of the simulation will be visualized in real time into a 3D globe using a geo-visualization approach. The system simulates the traffic flows from a microscopic point of view. This means that each vehicle is an atomic entity with its characteristics. In this way the system is more realistic. However, the microscopic approach affects the complexity of the system and thus the interaction with the user. One of the main issues of the simulation systems is related to the high ’learning curve’ and to the complex interface of analysis tools, in particular if the latter are composed by simulation models P a g e | 24 MAY Progress Report -‐ 2013 such as traffic simulators. Often these models are used to evaluate the phenomena and take appropriate decision. However, typical tools lack in usability and visualization paradigm adopted makes it difficult to extract useful information. To face this problem it is important to develop a visual-analytic tool with easily readable (or in general easily understandable) results for users with different backgrounds, in order to grasp important information in a short time. Figure 5: A screenshot of the tool with the output of the air pollution simulator that represents a danger area The system is in his first development stages and several improvements can be introduced. Future improvement includes the integration of the data layer from other databases. Traffic emitter will have to represent not only the buildings but also the toll highways in order to extend the viability also with information about traffic outside the urban area. 5.1.7. Definition and evaluation methodology (Task.5.1) The activities of this task are in progress and D.5.1 Evaluation methodology will have to be delivered at a later date according to the new Gantt. 5.1.8. Trials and evaluation of modelling/simulation components (Task.5.2) Graphitech is already testing the modelling tools developed. Later completion of this task is due according to the project extension granted and the new Gantt as described in the previous pages. P a g e | 25 MAY Progress Report -‐ 2013 5.1.9. Publications (Task.6.1) Main dissemination event during previous 6 months was INFORMATION DAY & PARTNERSHIP BUILDING that taken a place in Podgorica, 29 January 2013. NATO SfP office and Government of Montenegro (Ministry of Foregin Affairs and European Integration and Ministry of Science) organized this event. GEPSUS PPD Prof. Radovan Stojanovic with young scientists and representative of MOD team had in live presentation about GEPSUS activities. For more details please refer to NATO web page or at the presentation of Prof. Stojanovic at Figure 6: Details from Podgorica SfP Workshop, where GEPSUS project has been presented A detailed list is available in section 5.7 Visibility of SfP project. 5.1.10. Linkage with other initiatives (Task.6.2) During this 4th period, the emphasis has been given to the cooperation with similar EU projects and Non Governmental Organizations (NGOs) and Associations dealing with topics of environmental security, as well as with NATO police and activities in general. The cooperation with project BalkanGEONet, continued. Representative of GEPSUS participated in one event organized by BalkanGEONet, i.e. the National PNF Promotional Day – Montenegro, April 9th, 2013, A further collaboration is envisaged with GEO-PICTURES (GMES and Earth Observation with Position-based Image and sensor Communications Technology for Universal Rescue, Emergency and Surveillance management). GEO-PICTURES ( P a g e | 26 MAY Progress Report -‐ 2013 901) allows a large number of accurate field observations to be transferred via optimized protocols to a control center. Geo-observations include photos, video, audio and sensors that measure temperature, moisture, wind etc., helpful in emergency/disaster management and for improving interpretation of space based remote sensing data. GEO-PICTURES has also designed small lightweight equipment based on the latest mobile technology; in particular the open Linux based platform Android. This gives disaster management experts an all-in-one tool for rapid damage assessment, in addition to the dedicated camera/computer/communication unit solutions, while at the same time allowing for a modular integration of GEO-PICTURES components into existing systems. It has proven an excellent basis for crowdsourcing, where the public contributes in-situ observations. The consortium also worked with small Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) as a platform for observations. GEO-PICTURES can be used for disaster management worldwide, and the solution has already contributed a significant amount of missions. The novel emergency management platform has been developed in Oslo with several partners, and form a seamless solution hosted by UNITAR/UNOSAT on the CERN campus in Geneva. Lasting impact is secured via UN integration with Global Disaster Alert and Coordination System (GDACS) and integration into the EU Civil Protection equipment, as well as lasting CivPro partnerships and AnsuR-UN PPP. 5.1.11. Project Coordination (WP7) MT has been performed all measures to provide an efficient management according to the Work Plan. The cooperation between University of Montenegro and MOD was very intensive and fruitful. Each Friday the project briefing was organized behind daily communications by-email and phones. Care was taken to provide the financial savings wherever it was possible, as example in connecting the trainings with meetings, using existing equipment, booking chipper tickets and accommodation, expense co-financing and so on. Also, the co-directors were in daily communication by e-mail, phone or Skype. 5.2. Actions to ensure the implementation of end-results For purpose of ongoing and future implementation, the Montenegrin Team carried out the following activities: -‐ Daily communication between GEPSUS team members. -‐ Weekly meetings of MT with MOD (End User). -‐ Communication with stakeholders in Podgorica responsible for emergency. P a g e | 27 MAY Progress Report -‐ 2013 -‐ Monthly presentation of achieved results in front of the Montenegrin Team stakeholders and other interested. -‐ Cooperation with the Montenegrin Government and NATO structures in Montenegro. -‐ Establishment of a quality scheme for project progress monitoring. -‐ Producing written documents; notes and memos after meetings as well as partial reports. -‐ Checking all obtained results (experimental and theoretical). -‐ Following all rules and recommendations from SfP handbook. -‐ Including young scientists in all activities. -‐ Recruitment of young stipends and students to work in the project. Apart from various technical activities, Graphitech has been engaged in the management of the project, to ensure the correct development of the project’s goals in compliance with the work plans and ensuring the highest standards in terms of organization and technical development. Graphitech has performed the following tasks: -‐ Promoting regular discussions and sharing of experiences among the partners through regular teleconference and continuous cooperation. -‐ Technical supervision of technology functionalities as planned and quality Assurance and assessment/evaluation of technology results. -‐ Coordination of reporting activities and editing of periodic report. 5.3. Milestones for the next six months For the next reporting period, the foreseen milestones are to: 1. Providing LIDAR and ELEVATION data for test area. 2. Realization of the Tender for equipment and data purchasing. 3. Finalizing work on software development, integration and testing. 4. Installation of equipment and software and initial testing. 5. Provide advising of recognized experts from NATO countries. 6. Equipping of Simulation and Training Centre at Airport Base with infrastructure, furniture, power and computer network, optical connections etc. 7. Completing the teaching and learning material for training. 8. Dissemination of the project at the national and international level. 9. Publishing the results at the national and international level. 10. Continuing cooperation with similar projects. 11. Monthly quality control checking. P a g e | 28 MAY Progress Report -‐ 2013 5.4. Involvement of young scientists in the project The various partners have involved a large number of young scientists as detailed below. Partner Young scientist name and involvement type In the last six months, GEPSUS project involved the following young and senior scientists: -‐ Stefano Piffer, MSc in electrical engineering, has worked on the design of the system architecture and has supervised the deliverables due during the first reporting period. -‐ Alberto Debiasi, MSc in computer science, has contributed to the initial requirements and to the definition of the system architecture. Mr. Debiasi has Fondazione also started his PhD studies with the main focus on geovisualisation, which will Graphitech be of use in the project itself. -‐ Michele Andreolli, BSc in computer science, has supported dissemination activities through setup of the project website and social networks. -‐ Umberto di Staso, MSc in computer science, has contributed with the development of a device for displaying geographical information through a GameEngine optimized for being carried out on mobile devices (tablet…). The GEPSUS project continued with involving young scientists. Two young scientists were active during previous 6 months. University 1. Maja Vukovic, BSc in public relations. Worked on organizational, management and dissemination issues, organization of trainings and visits of Montenegro as well as daily communication between members. 2. Sasa Knezevic, Dipl. ing. in computer sciences. Worked on measurement systems and integration of portable mete-stations into simulation system. 5.5. Major Travel Partner Person data, reason of the travel and benefits for the project Fondazione Graphitech International travels: P a g e | 29 MAY Progress Report -‐ 2013 1. Alberto Debiasi, SIMUTools 2013, Cannes, France, 04-08.03.2013. 2. Raffaele De Amicis, Technical meeting, Kranj, Slovenia, 25-28.03.2013. 3. Alberto Debiasi, Technical meeting, Kranj, Slovenia, 25-28.03.2013. Travel by the Montenegrin side included the technical and working meetings, attendance of conferences, local travels and trainings. International travels: 1. Radovan Stojanović, PPD, training, coordination and technical visit to Slovenia, 25-31.03.2013. University of Montenegro 2. Nedjeljko Lekić, UoM team member, training, coordination and technical visit to Slovenia, 25-31.03.2013. 3. Maja Vuković, MOD team member, training, coordination and technical visit to Slovenia, 25-31.03.2013. 4. Želimir Pojužina, MOD team member, training, coordination and technical visit to Slovenia, 25-31.03.2013. Domestic travels: -‐ Local team had several travels in Montenegro in order to collect data and verify models. 5.6. Visit by experts/advisors and NATO consultant (topics covered and any impact on the work plans) No visits have been planned at this phase of the project. The visits will be more intense within the incoming 6 months. 5.7. Visibility of SfP project During previous six months the activities on providing visibility of the project was very intensive. P a g e | 30 MAY Progress Report -‐ 2013 5.7.1. Scientific Publications A number of publications have been edited in the context of the project, all clearly acknowledging the SfP programme. A detailed list is provided below. Peer-reviewed book chapters: -‐ R. De Amicis, G. Conti, F. Prandi, S. Piffer, A. Debiasi, M. Calderan, D. Taglioni, R. Stojanović, A. Škraba, D. Elhanani, S. Berkowicz. “GEOINT applications for homeland security”. In F. Flammini, R. Setola, G. Franceschetti (eds.), Effective Surveillance for Homeland Security: Balancing Technology and Social Issues. Chapman and Hall/CRC. 2012. ISBN 9781439883242. -‐ R. Stojanović, A. Škraba, S. Berkowitz, R. De Amicis, D. Elhanani, G. Conti, D. Kofjač, “GIS Based System for AirPollution Management”. In I. Djurovic (ed.), Importance of GEO Initiatives and Montenegrin Capacity in this Area. The Montenegrin Academy of Science and Arts, Section of Natural Sciences, Vol. 16, pp. 144-154. 2012. ISBN: 978-86-7215-308-8. -‐ R. De Amicis, G. Conti, F. Prandi, S. Piffer, D. Magliocchetti, A. Debiasi, D. Taglioni, A. Š kraba, R. Stojanović. “GEOINT applications for homeland security”. In F. Flammini, R. Setola, G. Franceschetti (eds.), Effective Surveillance for Homeland Security: Balancing Technology and Social Issues. Chapman and Hall/CRC. 2013. ISBN 9781439883242. Papers in peer-reviewed international journals: -‐ R. Stojanović, A. Škraba, S. Berkowicz, R. De Amicis, D. Elhanani, G. Conti, D. Kofjač, M. Dragović, N. Lekić and Gojko Nikolić, GEPSUS: Simulation-Based Decision Making System for Air Pollution Accidents, accepted for publication in “International Journal of Organisation Sciences – Organizacija”, ISSN 1581-1832, . P a g e | 31 MAY Progress Report -‐ 2013 Papers in peer-reviewed international monographs: -‐ R. Stojanović, A. Škraba, N. Lekić, R. DE Amicis, G. Conti, D. Elhanani and S. Berkowicz, Integration of system simulation and Geographical Information Processing for air-pollution emergency situations control and decision-making, In: “Advances in Simulation-Based Decision Support”, Vol. II, Edited by M. Kljajic and G. Lasker, Published by The International Institute for Advanced Studies in Systems Research and Cybernetics, Canada, pp. 31-35. Awarded Conference best paper. Papers in peer-reviewed international conferences -‐ R. Stojanovic, M. Dragovic, J. Kovacevic, A. Skraba, S. Berkowicz, R. De Amicis, M. Cerovic, Hardware-software system for simulation of hazardous gas releases, Proceedings of MECO 2012, pp. 62-65, awarded as the best young scientific paper, nce+Publications&sortType%3Dasc_p_Sequence%26filter%3DAND(p_IS_Number%3A62689 09)%26rowsPerPage%3D50 -‐ A. Š kraba, R. Stojanović, S. Berkowicz, R. De Amicis, G. Conti, D. Elhanani, D. Kofjac. Modeling of the Air-Pollution Emergency Situations Control and Geographical Information Processing for Rescue Decision Making, 2012 Conference: Proceedings of the 30th International Conference of the System Dynamics Society, St. Gallen, Switzerland, July 22-26, 2012. St. Gallen: University of St. Gallen, 2012, ISBN 978-1-935056-10-2, -‐ A. Škraba, R. Stojanović, R. De Amicis, S. Berkowicz, G. Conti, D. Elhanani, N. Lekić, M. Dragović, D. Kofjac. Integrating air-pollution dispersion simulation models and GIS for urban air-pollution emergency management: Electronic source. V: Felix Breirenecker (ur.), Trocjh, Inge (ur.). “7th Vienna Conference on Mathematical Modelling”, February 15-17, 2012, Vienna University of Technology, Austria. MATHMOD Vienna 2012: full paper preprint volume, (Argesim Report, no. S38). Vienna: Argesim, cop. 2012, 4 p. -‐ R. Stojanović, A. Škraba, M. Senegačnik, N. Lekić, Development of simulation system for crisis mitigation in the case of emergency situations – Air pollution dispersions, “Proceedings of the 30th Annual International Conference on Organizational Science Development Future Organization”, Portoroz, Slovenia, 2011. -‐ R. Stojanović, A. Škraba, N. Lekić, R. De Amicis, G. Conti, D. Elhanani, S. Berkowicz, M. Bren, Development of simulation system for air-pollution emergency management, “IEEE Conference CCSIE-2011”, London, July, 2011. Awarded best conference paper. P a g e | 32 MAY Progress Report -‐ 2013 -‐ R. Stojanović, A. Škraba, R. De Amicis, G. Conti, D. Elhanani, S. Berkowicz, J. Knežević, G. Nikolić, I. Vujačić, and P. Djurašković, Development of real-time response system for air pollution dispersion accidents in urban areas, “16th International Symposium on Environmental Pollution and its Impact on Life in the Mediterranean Region”, September 2427, 2011, Ioannina, Greece. -‐ R. Stojanović, A. Škraba, R. De Amicis, G. Conti, D. Elhanani, S. Berkowicz, G. Nikolić, D. Kofjač, M. Dragović, N. Lekić, M. Senegačnik, and B. Vavtar, Development of a Decision Support System for Air Pollution Accidents Management using Simulation Models, “31st annual International Conference on Organizational Science Development”, Portoroz, Slovenia, 21-23, March 2012. -‐ M. Dragovic, R. Stojanović, A. Škraba, D. Blečić, M. Cerović, and G. Nikolić, Simulation of air dispersion from industrial sources in Matlab, “IT-2012, International Symposium on Information Technologies”, Zabljak 2012, Montenegro, 26/02-03/03/2012. -‐ A. Debiasi, F. Prandi, R. de Amicis, and R. Stojanovic. Visual Analytics Tool for Urban Traffic Simulation. In “Proceeding of ACM SIMUTools2013 6th International ICST Conference on Simulation Tools and Techniques”, 2012. -‐ R. Stojanović, A. Škraba, S. Berkowicz, R. De Amicis, D. Elhanani, G. Conti, D. Kofjač, M. Dragović, G. Nikolić, N. Lekić, M. Senegačnik, and B. Vavtar, Systemic aspects of urban area emergency response information system development, BALANTIČ, Zvone (ur.), FERJAN, Marko (ur.), KLJAJIĆ BORŠTNAR, Mirjana (ur.), LESKOVAR, Robert (ur.), MARIČ, Miha (ur.), PUCIHAR, Andreja (ur.). “32 mednarodna konferenca o razvoju organizacijskih znanosti, 2022/03/2013, Portorož, Slovenija. Pametna organizacija : talenti, vitka organiziranost, internet stvari: zbornik 32. mednarodne konference o razvoju organizacijskih znanosti”, “high potentials, lean organization, internet of things: proceedings of the 32nd International Conference on Organizational Science Development”, Kranj, Moderna organizacija, str. 960968, 2013. -‐ Andrej Skraba et all. Development of Urban Area Emergency Response Decision support system based on simulation models. Paper accepted for EURO2013, Rome, Italy. Papers in peer-reviewed national conferences -‐ M. Lazarevic, N. Lazarevic, R. Stojanovic, A. Skraba, M. Senegacnik, The simulation of air pollution dispersion with example in MATLAB (in Serbian), “Proceedings of 16th International Symposium of IT”, Zabljak, Montenegro, Feb. 2011, pp. 134-138. P a g e | 33 MAY Progress Report -‐ 2013 Diploma thesis (M.Sc.): - Matic Luznar, Studend at the University of Maribor, Faculty of Organizational Sciences graduated with the thesis: Development of System for 3D Visualization of Evacuation Plane in Google Earth, Diploma Thesis University Studies, Kranj: [M. Luznar], 2012. 52 f., pril., ilustr. [COBISS.SI-ID 7068435In previous 6 months 2 MSc thesis are completed and defended raised from GEPSUS project. -‐ Marinela Lazarevic, young scientific in GEPSUS, Computer based modeling of air pollutant, MSc thesis defended on 10.02.2012 at University of Montenegro. -‐ Nikola Lazarevic, young scientific in GEPSUS, Computer based visualization of air pollutants, MSc thesis defended on 29.03.2012 at University of Montenegro. -‐ Jelena Knezevic, GEPSUS young scientific, CALPUFF model in estimation of air pollution caused by Pljevlja Thermo Power Plant, defended September, 2012. -‐ Marko Dragovic, University of Montenegro, An appendix to development and implementation of mathematical models for dispersion of gases pollutants. -‐ Vladimir Popovic, University of Montenegro, Hardware – software system for accident simulation caused by toxic gases. Two more thesis are under construction (J. Knezevic and J. Kovacevic). Papers in round table proceedings -‐ R. Stojanovic, R. De Amicis, D. Elhanani, Modeling and simulation of air pollutants in urban areas during accident situations, Proceedings of “Environment Protection and NATO”, pp. 6373, Agency for Environmental protection of Montenegro, 2012. Paper in monographs: -‐ R. Stojanović, A. Škraba, S. Berkowitz, R. De Amicis, D. Elhanani, G. Conti and D. Kofjač, GISbased System for Air-Pollution Management, Monograph of of Montenegrin Academy of Sciences and Arts (MASA), in print. 5.7.2. Non-scientific Publications -‐ Participation at “Importance of GEO initiatives and Montenegrin capacities in this area”, the Scientific meeting organized by the BalkanGEONet project in association of Montenegrin Academy of Sciences and Arts (MASA), 17/10/2011, MASA, Podgorica. The presentation given by PPD Prof. R. Stojanovic can be found within the following link: P a g e | 34 MAY Progress Report -‐ 2013 -‐ Participation at Conference NATO “Programme Science for Peace”, organized by Government of Montenegro and Faculty for State and European Studies, 07/11/2011, Conference opened by Ministry of Science of Montenegro and PPD Prof. Stojanovic was one of the panelists. Young scientist (stipend) Marko Dragovic had a presentation about GEPSUS system, that can be found within the following link: AJ& Frid%3D88087%26rType%3D2&ei=inpxT7rDB4LFswbN_ejpDQ&usg=AFQjCNEvkkayhwI9FP weRIslXlpVyBUtug&sig2=yUqls6A9R94TdEzmpaQ23w , -‐ GEPSUS project was co-organizator of training for BULCOD (NATO Codification software system). The training was organized within MOD and University of Montenegro, 11-14/12/2011. -‐ Journal of Montenegrin Army “Partner” in its number 43, December 2011, published special article “Towards better security through the simulation of catastrophic events”, pp. 13-14. OAo& px%3Frid%3D92275%26rType%3D2&ei=BoZxT6K6MsTCswaMxo32DQ&usg=AFQjCNFse58Z F6onQYmrjZawqGzYc7Q5Rw&sig2=7EIM7zUEX5gCEefIw-6QeQ -‐ The GEPSUS team lead by NPD Prof. Raffele De Amicis together with PPD Prof. Radovan Stojanovic and Mr Doron Elhanani, participated with thematic presentations in Round Table “Environment Protection and NATO” organized by Government of Montenegro and Agency for Environmental Protection. 01/12/2011. zavren-okrugli-sto-zatita-ivotna-sredine-i-nato. -‐ Representatives of the GEPSUS team, Prof. Gojko Nikolic and stipend Marko Dragovic participated at Round Table “The importance and possibilities of participation of civil sector in the process of Euro-Atlantic integrations”, organized by Government of Montenegro and Faculty for State and European Studies. 14/03/2012. Marko Dragovic had presentation about GEPSUS project. %20Okrugli%20sto%20-%20NATO%20-%2013.03.2012..pdf -‐ During GEPSUS Technical Meeting, 28/11/2011 - 02/12/2011 all Montenegrin and regional media broadcasted information about GEPSUS and its activities. Some of them are: P a g e | 35 MAY Progress Report -‐ 2013 o Government of Montenegro, launched information about GEPSUS meeting: o Ministry of Science launched information about visit of GEPSUS delegation to the Minister of Science of Montenegro, Prof. Sanja Vlahovic: o Ministry of defense intensively followed activities during GEPSUS meeting including visit of GEPSUS team to the Ministry of Defense Mr Boro Vucinic: , o Special exercise of Army of Montenegro organized for GEPSUS project was very intensively announced in the TV, radio and internet media. The exercise were lead by Mrs Mira Cerovic, deputy Minister of MOD. o The biggest daily newspapers like Vijest, Dan and Pobjeda gave special articles on GEPSUS meeting and GEPSUS project:,, o Independed Internet portals launched information on GEPSUS project., o MOD launched official information on its web site after training/visit to Israel: -‐ INFORMATION DAY & PARTNERSHIP BUILDING, Podgorica, 29/01/2013, NATO site, P a g e | 36 MAY Progress Report -‐ 2013 -‐ INFORMATION DAY & PARTNERSHIP BUILDING, Podgorica, 29/01/2013, Government of Montenegro, Nauka-za-mir-i-bezbjednost-SPS.html -‐ INFORMATION DAY & PARTNERSHIP BUILDING, Podgorica, 29/01/2013, newspaper Pobjeda, -‐ INFORMATION DAY & PARTNERSHIP BUILDING, Podgorica, 29/01/2013, Ministry of Defense of Montenegro, predstavljen-na-seminaru-NATO-Info-dan.html -‐ Meetings and trainings in Slovenia, 25-31/3/2013. 5.8. Technical and administrative difficulties encountered and actions taken to overcome them During the last six months, the so called Montenegrin team faced the following problems, hereafter quoted: -‐ The University of Montenegro is in delay with equipment and data purchasing, because of administrative problem with tender (bid). o The Montenegrin Agency for Public Purchasing rejected GEPSUS request to exclude GEPSUS purchase from national legislative. The condition to have national bid is the existence of completely money needed for equipment on account of national institution that is in misbalance with SfP rules given by Handbook. Thus, during Slovenia meeting consortium proposed to search for possibility to have a bid by NPD’s institution or by NATO. o The problem by purchasing small equipment remains, because no buying, even small equipment, without public bid. It requests a time and demotivating team members, especially designers of rapid prototypes. o The problem of paying travel expenses for the End User (MOD) team members remains, because it is very difficult to transfer money from one Montenegrin institution to another, even they are in same project, without taxation. o Problem with data remains. MOD officially requested the data from Agency for Real Estate Properties and procedure is ongoing. We expect positive answer, but response is too slow. The alternative solution is to buy a data that is considered within Consortium. P a g e | 37 MAY Progress Report -‐ 2013 o National contributions to the project remain were very-low. 5.9. Changes, if any, in project personnel in any of the participating organizations A change affected the personnel in Montenegrin Team; indeed Captain Igor Buric left the Montenegrin MoD. 5.10. Changes, if any, in project plan and their expected impact on budget and schedule The main change in project plan is postponing of equipment purchasing, installing software, implement training and associated activities for few months. P a g e | 38 MAY Progress Report -‐ 2013 6. FINANCIAL STATUS Annexes 4a: SfP NATO BUDGET TABLES A) FONDAZIONE GRAPHITECH Project number: SfP - 983510 Project short title: SfP - GEPSUS Report date: 20 April 2013 Duration of the Project: March 2011 - March 2014 Project Co-Director: Raffaele De Amicis, Trento, Italy FORECAST EXPENDITURES ACTUAL EXPENDITURES Detailed Budget Breakdown (to be completed in EUR3) (1) from start until 20.04. (current year) 2 (2) for the following six months (20.04 - 20.10.2013) (3) for the following period until project's end (20.10.2013 - 01.03.2014) Comments on changes, if any, in the financial planning compared to the approved Project Plan (a) Equipment Subtotal "Equipment" € - € - € - € - € - € - Subtotal "Training " € - € - (d1) Books and Journals (global figure) € - € - (d2) Publications (global figure) € - € - € 500,00 Subtotal "Books - Publications" € - € - € 1.500,00 Visit of NATO expert from field of interest to Montenegro in term of knowledge transfer and tasks definition, max 10 day. € - € 1.000,00 € 1.000,00 Subtotal "Experts - Advisors " € - € 1.000,00 € 1.000,00 (b) Computers - Software Subtotal "Computers - Software" (c) Training € € 1.000,00 (e) Experts - Advisors (f) Travel Travel abroad (within the region of NATO, Partner and Mediterranean Dialogue countries) for meetings, consultation, and attendance at conferences, seminars, dissemination and workshops. € 13.455,00 € 3.995,00 € 6.050,00 Subtotal "Travel" € 13.455,00 € 3.995,00 € 6.050,00 (g) Consumables - Spare parts: Subtotal "Consumables - Spare parts" € - € - € - € - € - € - (h) Other costs Miscellaneous or unexpected expenses Limited administrative expenses associated with the overall management of the project € - € - € - Subtotal "Other costs" € - € - € - (i) stipends Subtotal "Stipends" TOTAL (1), (2), (3) : CURRENT COST OUTLOOK =(1)+(2)+(3) € - € 13.455,00 € € € 4.995,00 € € 8.550,00 27.000,00 The amounts in the present budget have been obtained from the 1st and 2nd replenishment partner Fondazione Graphitech asked for, respectively, on the 10/01/2012 and on the 06/11/2012, for a total amount of € 13.454,00. P a g e | 39 MAY Progress Report -‐ 2013 B) UNIVERSITY OF MONTENEGRO Project number: SfP - 983510 Project short title: SfP - Report date: 20 April 2013 Duration of the Project months GEPSUS 1 : 30 March 2011 - October 2013 Project Co-Director: Radovan Stojanovic, Podgorica, Montenegro FORECAST EXPENDITURES ACTUAL EXPENDITURES Detailed Budget Breakdown (to be completed in EUR3) (1) from start until 20.04. (current year) 2 (2) for the following six months (20.04 - 20.10.2013) (3) for the following period until project's end (20.10.2013 - 01.03.2014) Comments on changes, if any, in the financial planning compared to the approved Project Plan (a) Equipment Portable meteorological stations € 176,00 Portable chemical parameters station € 5.824,00 € 4.000,00 Communication devices for sensors and station € 355,00 € 1.645,00 Subtotal "Equipment" € 531,00 € 11.469,00 € - (b) Computers - Software HW - Visualization Systems € - GI data set for Trentino and Podgorica Pilot € - € 35.000,00 € 35.000,00 Subtotal "Computers - Software" € - € 35.000,00 € 35.000,00 (c) Training Training of Montenegrin team members in Israel, Italy or Slovenia, 6 weeks in all. € 7.663,00 € 3.337,00 € 4.000,00 Subtotal "Training " € 7.663,00 € 3.337,00 € 4.000,00 € 500,00 € 300,00 (d1) Books and Journals (global figure) € - (d2) Publications (global figure) € 1.306,00 € 800,00 € 594,00 Subtotal "Books - Publications" € 1.306,00 € 1.300,00 € 894,00 (e) Experts - Advisors Visit of NATO expert from field of interest to Montenegro in term of knowledge transfer and tasks definition, max 10 day. € - € 5.000,00 € 2.500,00 Subtotal "Experts - Advisors " € - € 5.000,00 € 2.500,00 (f) Travel Travel abroad (within the region of NATO, Partner and Mediterranean Dialogue countries) for meetings, consultation, and attendance at conferences, seminars, dissemination and workshops. Domestic travel by train, aeroplane or bus and by car in order to carry out specific task. Subtotal "Travel" € 4.446,00 € 4.012,00 € 4.000,00 € 980,00 € 862,00 € 200,00 € 5.426,00 € 4.874,00 € 4.200,00 (g) Consumables - Spare parts: Project-specific consumables and spare parts € 321,00 € 2.633,00 € 2.200,00 Miscellaneous or unexpected expenses € 1.468,00 € 1.676,00 € 1.202,00 Transport costs (shipment of a procurement) € - € 300,00 € 200,00 Leasing line service for communication between project locations. € - € 200,00 € 300,00 Subtotal "Consumables - Spare parts" € 1.789,00 € 4.809,00 € 3.902,00 € 6.600,00 € 5.675,00 € 2.925,00 (h) Other costs and (i) stipends Stipends Subtotal "Other costs" € 6.600,00 € 5.675,00 € 2.925,00 TOTAL (1), (2), (3) : € 23.315,00 € 71.464,00 € 53.421,00 CURRENT COST OUTLOOK =(1)+(2)+(3) € 148.200,00 The amounts in the present budget have been obtained from the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd replenishment partner University of Montenegro asked for, respectively, on the 23/11/2011, 02/05/2012, and 06/11/2012, for a total amount of € 23.316,00. P a g e | 40 MAY Progress Report -‐ 2013 C) EMESCO Project number: SfP - 983510 Project short title: SfP - GEPSUS Report date: 20 April 2013 Duration of the Project: March 2011 - March 2014 Project Co-Director: Doron Elhanani,Ha-ayin, Israel FORECAST EXPENDITURES ACTUAL EXPENDITURES Detailed Budget Breakdown (to be completed in EUR3) (1) from start until 20.04. (current year) 2 (2) for the following six months (20.04 - 20.10.2013) (3) for the following period until project's end (20.10.2013 - 01.03.2014) Comments on changes, if any, in the financial planning compared to the approved Project Plan (a) Equipment 4 iPAD € 2.491,00 € 77,00 € - Projector € 888,00 € 125,00 € - Lcd Screen 50" € 2.061,00 € - Subtotal "Equipment" € 5.440,00 € 202,00 € - € 4.498,00 € 5.342,00 € - (b) Computers - Software Exercise software + licence: Specific exercise preparation management system 4-laptop computers Israel - dedicated to simulation trials € € - 5.182,00 € 5.512,00 Server € 1.755,00 € 251,00 € Subtotal "Computers - Software" € 11.765,00 € 5.593,00 € 5.182,00 Training of co-director in Montenegro Incl. Workshop € 4.739,00 € 3.000,00 € 4.503,00 Subtotal "Training " € 4.739,00 € 3.000,00 € 4.503,00 (d1) Books and Journals (global figure) € 1.500,00 € 1.500,00 (d2) Publications (global figure) € 1.500,00 € 4.500,00 € 3.000,00 € 6.000,00 € - (c) Training Subtotal "Books - Publications" € - € - (e) Experts - Advisors Visit of NATO expert from field of interest to Montenegro in term of knowledge transfer and tasks definition, max 10 day. Visit of NATO expert from field of interest to Israel in order to examine the trials preparations Visit of NATO expert from field of interest to Israel in order to check the evaluation tools Subtotal "Experts - Advisors " € - € 7.500,00 € 7.500,00 (f) Travel Travel abroad (within the region of NATO, Partner and Mediterranean Dialogue countries) for meetings, consultation, and attendance at conferences, seminars, dissemination and workshops. € 8.287,00 Domestic travel by train, aeroplane or bus and by car in order to carry out specific task. Subtotal "Travel" € 8.287,00 € 888,00 € 888,00 € 3.000,00 € 2.721,00 € 200,00 € 200,00 € 3.200,00 € 2.921,00 (g) Consumables - Spare parts: Project-specific consumables and spare parts Miscellaneous or unexpected expenses Transport costs (shipment of a procurement) Leasing line service for communication between project locations. Subtotal "Consumables - Spare parts" € - € - (h) Other costs and (i) stipends Stipends for young researchers ( 3 postgraduate students over project duration) Subtotal "Other costs" TOTAL (1), (2), (3) : CURRENT COST OUTLOOK =(1)+(2)+(3) € - € 31.119,00 € € 1.280,00 € 4.000,00 € 1.280,00 € 4.000,00 € 16.275,00 € 30.106,00 77.500,00 The amounts in the present budget have been obtained from the 1st and 2nd replenishment partner EMESCO asked for, respectively, on the 06/09/2011 and on the 24/05/2012, for a total amount of € 31.119,00. P a g e | 41 MAY Progress Report -‐ 2013 D) UNIVERSITY OF MARIBOR Project number: SfP - 983510 Project short title: SfP - GEPSUS Report date: 20 April 2013 Duration of the Project: March 2011 - March 2014 Project Co-Director: Andrej Skraba, Kranj, Slovenia FORECAST EXPENDITURES ACTUAL EXPENDITURES Detailed Budget Breakdown (to be completed in EUR3) (1) from start until 20.04. (current year) 2 (2) for the following six months (20.04 - 20.10.2013) (3) for the following period until project's end (20.10.2013 - 01.03.2014) Comments on changes, if any, in the financial planning compared to the approved Project Plan (a) Equipment Portable meteorological stations € - € - Portable chemical parameters station € - € - Communication devices for sensors and station € - € - Subtotal "Equipment" € - € - HW - Servers € - € - HW - Visualization Systems € - € - HW - Clients € - € - € - € - (b) Computers - Software !€!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#!!! HW - Mobile Devices € - HW - Support Infrastructures € - € - SW - Licenses € - € - IT - Support Services € - € - Subtotal "Computers - Software" € - € - (c) Training Training of Montenegrin team members in Israel, Italy or Slovenia, 6 weeks in all. € - € - € - Subtotal "Training " € - € - € - (d1) Books and Journals (global figure) € - € - € - (d2) Publications (global figure) € - € - € - Subtotal "Books - Publications" € - € - € - Visit of NATO expert from field of interest to Montenegro in term of knowledge transfer and tasks definition, max 10 day. € - € - € - Subtotal "Experts - Advisors " € - € - € - (e) Experts - Advisors (f) Travel Travel abroad (within the region of NATO, Partner and Mediterranean Dialogue countries) for meetings, consultation, and attendance at conferences, seminars, dissemination and workshops. Domestic travel by train, aeroplane or bus and by car in order to carry out specific task. Subtotal "Travel" € 6.384,00 € € - € 6.384,00 1.000,00 € € € 1.000,00 1.116,00 € € This amount has been declared by the partner on the 08/05/2013. So far, no replenishments have been requested. 1.116,00 (g) Consumables - Spare parts: Project-specific consumables and spare parts € - € Miscellaneous or unexpected expenses € - Transport costs (shipment of a procurement) € - € - € Leasing line service for communication between project locations. € - € - € Subtotal "Consumables - Spare parts" € - € € 500,00 500,00 € € 1.000,00 € So far, miscellaneous or unexpected expenses are less than forecasted 1.000,00 (h) Other costs and (i) stipends Stipends for young researchers ( 3 postgraduate students over project duration) € - € - € - Subtotal "Other costs" € - € - € - TOTAL (1), (2), (3) : € CURRENT COST OUTLOOK =(1)+(2)+(3) 6.384,00 € € 1.500,00 € 2.116,00 10.000,00 The amounts in the present budget have been declared by the partner on the 08/05/2013. So far, no replenishments have been requested. P a g e | 42 MAY Progress Report -‐ 2013 E) HEBREW UNIVERSITY OF JERUSALEM Project number: SfP - 983510 Project short title: SfP - GEPSUS Report date: 20 April 2013 Duration of the Project: March 2011 - March 2014 Project Co-Director: Simon Berkowicz, Jerusalem, Israel Detailed Budget Breakdown (to be completed in EUR3) ACTUAL EXPENDITURES FORECAST EXPENDITURES (1) from start until 20.04. (current year) 2 (2) for the following six months (20.04 - 20.10.2013) (3) for the following period until project's end (20.10.2013 - 01.03.2014) Comments on changes, if any, in the financial planning compared to the approved Project Plan (a) Equipment Subtotal "Equipment" € - € - € - Subtotal "Computers - Software" € - € - € - Subtotal "Training " € - € - (d1) Books and Journals (global figure) € - € - € - € 150,00 € - € - € 300,00 € - € - € - € - € - (c) Training (d2) Publications (global figure) Subtotal "Books - Publications" € € 150,00 (e) Experts - Advisors Subtotal "Experts - Advisors " € - (f) Travel Travel abroad (within the region of NATO, Partner and Mediterranean Dialogue countries) for meetings, consultation, and attendance at conferences, seminars, dissemination and workshops. Domestic travel by train, aeroplane or bus and by car in order to carry out specific task. Subtotal "Travel" € 1.002,00 € € 1.002,00 € 4.698,00 € € 4.698,00 (g) Consumables - Spare parts: Project-specific consumables and spare parts Miscellaneous or unexpected expenses € € 21,00 € € 150,00 € € Transport costs (shipment of a procurement) € - € - € Leasing line service for communication between project locations. € - € - € Subtotal "Consumables - Spare parts" € 21,00 € 150,00 € 129,00 129,00 (h) Other costs and (i) stipends Stipends for young researchers ( 3 postgraduate students over project duration) € - € - € - Subtotal "Other costs" € - € - € - TOTAL (1), (2), (3) : CURRENT COST OUTLOOK =(1)+(2)+(3) € € 1.023,0 € 150,00 € 5.127,00 6.300,00 The amounts in the present budget have been obtained from the 1st replenishment partner University of Jerusalem asked for on the 10/01/2012, for a total amount of € 1.022,96. P a g e | 43 OCTOBER Progress Report -‐ 2012 Annex 4B: SfP NATO BUDGET SUMMARY TABLE ACTUAL EXPENDITURES Breakdown per item (to be completed in EUR 3) APPROVED BUDGET: Total year 1-3 Item CURRENT COST OUTLOOK: Total year 1 - 3 FORECAST EXPENDITURES (1) from start until 20.04. (current year) 2 (2) for the following six months (20.04 20.10.2013) (3) for the following period until project's end (20.10.2013 01.03.2014) (a) Equipment € 12.000,00 € 17.642,00 € 5.971,00 € 11.671,00 € (b) Computers - Software € 118.000,00 € 92.540,00 € 11.765,00 € 40.593,00 € 40.182,00 (c) Training € 30.000,00 € 27.242,00 € 12.402,00 € 6.337,00 € 8.503,00 (d) Books - Publications € 16.800,00 € 14.300,00 € 1.306,00 € 4.300,00 € 8.694,00 (e) Experts - Advisors € 15.000,00 € 17.000,00 € € 6.000,00 € 11.000,00 (f) Travel € 53.200,00 € 66.608,00 € 34.554,00 € 13.069,00 € 18.985,00 (g) Consumables - Spare parts € 2.500,00 € 13.188,00 € 2.698,00 € 5.459,00 € 5.031,00 (h) Other costs € 19.300,00 € (i) stipends - - € - € - Comments on changes, if any, in financial planning compared to the approved Project Plan - € - € 2.200,00 € 20.480,00 € 6.600,00 € 6.955,00 € 6.925,00 TOTAL : € 269.000,00 € 269.000,00 € 75.296,00 € 94.384,00 € 99.320,00 P a g e | 44 OCTOBER Progress Report -‐ 2012 ACTUAL EXPENDITURES Breakdown per Project Co-Director (to be completed in EUR 3) FORECAST EXPENDITURES (1) from start until 20.04. (current year) 2 (2) for the following six months (20.04 20.10.2013) (3) for the following period until project's end (20.10.2013 01.03.2014) 27.000,00 € 13.455,00 € 4.995,00 € 8.550,00 € 148.200,00 € 23.315,00 € 71.464,00 € 53.421,00 77.500,00 € 77.500,00 € 31.119,00 € 16.275,00 € 30.106,00 € 10.000,00 € 10.000,00 € 6.384,00 € 1.500,00 € 2.116,00 € 6.300,00 € 6.300,00 € 1.023,00 € 150,00 € 5.127,00 TOTAL (must be identical with TOTALs given in 'Breakdown per € item'): 269.000,00 € 269.000,00 € 75.296,00 € 94.384,00 € 99.320,00 Project Co-Director's name, city, country APPROVED BUDGET: Total year 1-3 Dr. Raffaele De Amicis, Trento, Italy € 27.000,00 € € 148.200,00 € Dr. Andrej Skraba, Kranj, Slovenia Mr.. Simon Berkowicz, Jerusalem, Israel Prof. Radovan Stojanovic, Podgorica, Montenegro Mr. Doron Elhanani, Rosh Ha-ayin, Israel CURRENT COST OUTLOOK: Total year 1 - 3 Comments on changes, if any, in financial planning compared to the approved Project Plan P a g e | 45 OCTOBER Progress Report -‐ 2012 7. CRITERIA FOR SUCCESS TABLE Project number: SfP - 983510 Project short title: SfP – GEPSUS Report date: 20-04-2013 Duration of the Project : October 2012 – March 2013 1 The Project is in the year: 1 – 2 – 3 – 4 Criteria for Success as approved Criteria for Success: Achievements as at 20.04.2013 with the first Grant Letter on: (03-12-2010) % 1) Development of software components (as webprocessing services – WPS) capable to simulate macro-level and micro-level pollutant spread. 15% Development of system dynamics model capable to provide proactive feedback by learning from user’s previous decisions within similar contexts. 10% Interfacing the web-processing services (WPS) developed with existing SDI or OGC services available from the user. 25% 4) Interfacing of models with real-time data available through existing sensor networks available. 15% 5) Modeling of trigger alarm conditions following environmental pollution. 10% 6) Interactive graphic representation of pollution levels within a 3D environment. 0% 7) Definition of service level agreement for the webservices developed ensuring the parameters involved to determine the quality of services. 0% 8) Definition of training strategy and training of personnel at Montenegrin Ministry of Defense. 10% 9) Advertisement and awareness campaign within national and international media and scientific publication channels and Publications in peer reviewed journals. (changes should be reflected here) Development of software components (as webprocessing services – WPS) capable to simulate macro-level and micro-level pollutant spread. 5% Development of system dynamics model capable to provide proactive feedback by learning from user’s previous decisions within similar contexts. 5% Interfacing the web-processing services (WPS) developed with existing SDI or OGC services available from the trentino Geo data-set. 0% 4) Interfacing of models with real-time data available through existing sensor networks available. 10% 5) Modeling of trigger alarm conditions following environmental pollution. 10% 6) Interactive graphic representation of pollution levels within a 3D environment. 10% 7) Definition of service level agreement for the webservices developed ensuring the parameters involved to determine the quality of services. 5% 8) Definition of training strategy and training of personnel at Montenegrin Ministry of Defense. 15% 9) 5% Advertisement and awareness campaign within national and international media and scientific publication channels and Publications in peer reviewed journals. 5% 10) Definition of a business model for future use of results. 5% 10) Definition of a business model for future use of results. 5% 11) Organization of workshops and training sessions. 5% 11) Organization of workshops and training sessions. 30% 12) System use by Montenegrin MoD staff. 0% 12) System use by Montenegrin MoD staff. 0% 2) 3) TOTAL 1) % 2) 3) 100% TOTAL 100% P a g e | 46 OCTOBER Progress Report -‐ 2012 8. SUMMARY REPORT SfP 983510– GEPSUS Geographical information processing for Environmental Pollution-related Security within Urban Scale environments Project Co-Directors: Dr. Raffaele De Amicis, Fondazione Graphitech, Trento, Italy (NPD) Prof. Radovan Stojanovic, University of Montenegro, Podgorica, Montenegro (PPD) Mr. Doron Elhanani, EMESCO, Ha-Ayin, Israel Dr. Andrej Skraba, University of Maribor, Kranj, Slovenia Mr. Simon Berkowicz, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Jerusalem, Israel Approval Date: Duration: Extension: NATO Budget: rd rd 3 December 2010 Effective Date: 3 March 2011 th 30 months up until 20 of October 2013, with a further 6 months extension th further 6 months extension: new effective end date 4 March 2014 269,000 EUR (give the ‘estimated overall amount’ as mentioned in ‘FUNDING PROVISIONS AND TERMS AND CONDITIONS …’ of the most recent Grant Letter) Information about the SfP Project through Internet: Abstract of research The project aims at delivering a feasibility study on the influence of spatial parameters of buildings on aeration conditions. It also develops methods to evaluate aeration conditions and to optimize urban planning, in order to reduce effect of pollutant spread within urban environments. Indeed, planning how to handle acute crises at urban scale caused by exceptional pollution levels as well as by pollutants released during a terrorist attack within an urban environment is of key importance to deploy adequate countermeasures following terrorist attacks. Moreover, the impact of modelling and simulation tools is very high both in social and economic terms as the availability of simulation and training tools can potentially save lives and bring to huge costs saving. In such a context, GEPSUS will support crisis managers and decision makers to access a wide range of geographical information and simulation results in real time, so as to better deploy the most appropriate countermeasures by developing an integrated IT system to monitor and manage environmental information and to simulate the effects of the spread of pollutants at an urban scale. For this reason, GEPSUS will use and process 3D Geographic Information (GI) available on the territory on a vast scale through the use of early warning sensor technologies to create simulations used to predict consequences of pollutant agents according to factors such as aeration conditions, temperature and moisture conditions etc. Major Objectives Ø GEPSUS intends to develop a novel IT system capable of simulating the effects of the distribution of air pollutants within an urban environment. The following approach will be followed: o The lead partners from the University of Maribor and University of Montenegro will foster scientific research in the field of sensing and modelling of environmental factors at the urban scale. o Concurrently, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem partner will provide the aforementioned partners with guidelines related to local-climate and topo-climate controls of air movement/stability. o The results will be integrated within an existing web-based IT infrastructure for environmental control and management, already developed by Fondazione Graphitech, which is based on open interoperable standards as defined by the OGC and INSPIRE EU directive. o This will ensure that results of the simulation will be readily deployed and tested by the final P a g e | 47 OCTOBER Progress Report -‐ 2012 Ø Ø Ø users (Ministry of Defence of Montenegro) with the support of EMESCO. In order to study and improve aeration conditions of an urban area GEPSUS will: o Evaluate existing scientific and practical experience in the evaluation of pollutant spread according to aeration conditions, outlining significant effects on local climate and microclimate landscapes caused by urban settings. o Adapt the most suitable model for Podgorica to simulate the influence on dispersion of pollutants using factors such as building distribution and configuration, street layout, predominant weather conditions, energy balance, etc. Specific attention will be paid to modelling how the distribution of pollutants can be affected by urban layouts and by local to micro-level winds. To improve sensing technologies and an early warning system, GEPSUS will develop: o A mathematical model of sensor architecture and their outputs for various pollutants and explosives (University of Montenegro). o An algorithm to be developed by the University of Maribor for clustering self-learning examples based on the principle of similar events, results and users’ specifications. The Montenegrin Ministry of Defence will adopt GEPSUS as a training tool. Overview of Achievements since the Start of the Project until 30 April 2013 Ø Ø Ø Ø Ø WP1 has been completed, the user requirements have been defined in detail, and the technical specifications within comprehensive software architecture have been delivered. Several existing mathematical models for air pollution dispersion are improved and adapted to the need of the project. Those are developed as software as well as several others software for communication with existing models and displaying threat zones and other instruction on standard geobrowser. Developed software/routines are tested on real cases. The scheme and hardware requirements in order to issue the international bid for the procurement activities for Montenegro have been defined, as well as the code of conduct for issuing the international bid has been agreed upon. The publication and dissemination activities for GEPSUS have been very intense and many future opportunities for new collaboration have been realised in the scientific community. The modelling components are already being made available. Payments through NATO Funds: 98.911,96 EUR Milestones for the Next Six Months Training of MoD personnel of Montenegro to use the tools for monitoring. Modelling phase. Ø Defining the decision-support system. Ø Data collection. Ø Ø Implementation of Results The first implemented results include selection of a mathematical model to define threat zones, including exact concentration levels, threat classes and geo-location. The system will be installed and managed directly by trained personnel of the MoD of Montenegro, who will be able to work with specific monitoring software in the field of air pollution dispersion. The hardware architecture used will be based on parallel processing in order to provide timely results to the rescue crew, which is of vital importance. One must note that the developed system is a near-real-time system. Companies and other organisations interested in providing funds for commercialisation of project results can request further information from the Project Co-Directors or from the SfP Programme Director ( “How to contact us”). Release of information requires Co-Directors’ authorisation. _____________________________________________________________________________________ Abbreviations: (give full expression for all abbreviations which occur in this summary) MoD = Ministry of Defence